Industrial Plants

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TCE-M6-EL-207-005R0 : Guidelines for design of Substations in Industrial plants

1.0 As per IE rules, the following supply voltage systems are defined.

a) LV  250V

b) MV  650V

c) HV  33000V

d) EHV > 33000V

2.0 It may be preferable to procure CTs, PTs & trivector meters with higher accuracy class better
than or equal to CL 0.5.

3.0 As per IE rules, consumer installation shall comprise fused disconnector for supply voltages of
11kV with transformer ratings upto 1000kVA and for supply voltages of 22kV or 33kV with
transformer rating upto 2500kVA. However, in some states, it becomes necessary to provide a
breaker inn case the transformer rating is 500kVA & above at 11kV and 1000kVA & above at
22kV or 33kV.

4.0 Outdoor substations :

a) Higher creepage of 25mm/kV for all insulators including those of equipment to minimise
effects of pollution.

b) Provision of SF6 or VCB to minimise maintenance.

c) Provision of 110V battery: Normally, low maintenance, high discharge, lead acid,
tubular cell battery can be used. Plante type, sealed or NiCd types which require
negligible maintenance but are higher(2 to 3 times) in cost shall be discussed with client.

d) CTs with 1A secondary current to minimise burden.

e) Top of all equipment foundations shall be 300mm above ground.

f) Provide 4mm2 CU conductor cables for CTs & PTs associated with tariff metering

5.0 Indoor substations :

a) Transformers with rating of 1000kVA & higher shall be connected to 415V PCC through
direct busduct connections for reasons of higher reliability and good asthetics.

b) SF6 or VCB type breakers with following short circuit capacities shall be provided.

i) 3.3kV - 150MVA (26.24kA)

ii) 6.6kV - 350MVA (30.60kA)

iii) 11kV - 750MVA (40kA)

iv) 22kV - 1000MVA (26.24kA)

v) 33kV - 1500MVA (26.24kA)

c) 30V or 110V battery.

d) CTs with 5A secondary.

e) Substation building height shall have a clear space of 3.5M.

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