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Kevan Butterworth
Watson Steel, UK
David Carr
Watson Steel, UK
Paul Kassabian
Flint & Neill Partnership, UK

Originally published in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, 2003, 156, No. 1, 11–19

Translation: Zhi-Chu FANG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Gateshead Millennium Bridge,

UK: fabrication, assembly and
On 20 November 2000 the Gateshead Millennium 2000年11月20日,Gateshead千年桥安装就位,成为
Bridge was lifted into place, in one, over the UK’s River 一体,跨过了英国的泰恩河。桥梁设计的壮观奇
Tyne. The spectacular nature of the bridge design—the 特,垂直布置的大胆新奇(世界上首例竖直旋转开
world’s first vertically rotating bridge—and the audacity 启的桥梁)吸引了大量的路人驻足观看和公众显著
of the erection scheme attracted large crowds and 关注。现在这座桥已成为Gateshead市码头区新生的
significant publicity. The bridge currently takes its place as 一部分。本文描述了Watson Steel公司对该桥的加工
part of the regeneration of the Gateshead Quayside. This 制作与竖立安装。
paper describes the fabrication and erection of the
bridge structure by Watson Steel.

In February 1997 Gifford & Partners and Wilkinson Eyre Architects
(formerly Chris Wilkinson Architects) won a design competition for 1997年2月,Gifford & Partners and Wilkinson Eyre建筑事务所
a new footbridge and cycleway crossing between Newcastle and (原Chris Wilkinson建筑事务所)中标,设计一座跨越Newcastle
Gateshead. The client was Gateshead Metropolitan Borough 和Gateshead两地的新步行桥和自行车道。委托人是Gateshead大
Council, and the bridge would be part of the redevelopment of the 都市自治议会,这座桥将成为Gateshead 市码头区新发展的一
Gateshead Quayside.1 部分。

Harbour & General在与它的姐妹公司Volker Wessels Stevin的共同

Harbour & General was appointed as main contractor in a joint 冒险中被指定为主要承包商。该项目主要内容是该桥梁超级结
venture with its sister company Volker Wessels Stevin. The main 构的加工制作、组合拼装和竖立安装。1998年春季,当细节设
package for the project was the fabrication, assembly and erection of 计正在进展时,Watson Steel公司被选定为最佳承包商以贡献其
the bridge superstructure. In the spring of 1998 Watson Steel was 加工制作与竖立安装的知识于该桥方案。该阶段的设计允许一
appointed as preferred contractor to contribute its knowledge of 些与建造可行性相关的实际细节被采纳到整个结构中。例子
fabrication and erection to the scheme while the detailed design 包括:一个被切开的诱导成曲形的钢管以形成拱部件的外圆
progressed. This period of development allowed practical details 角,一个实心杆以形成拱部件的轮廓清晰的边缘,和多种焊接
related to buildability to be adopted throughout the structure. 预备的细节。这些改进使得成本节约一一被列出,并建立起目
Examples included a sliced, induction-curved tube to form the 标成本。
bullnose of the arch section, a solid bar to form the sharp edge of the
arch section, and various weld-preparation details. These improve-
ments allowed cost savings to be identified and a target cost to be

Civil Engineering Innovation 2008.2:63-70. ॴদѣȩ೴᳽Ꮊ⿠Ꮭतӯᄻ᡺ͼḺṖᎺ⿠Ȫͼ2003ᑉͼ156ͼNo. 1ͼ11–19 63


After competitive bidding, Watson Steel secured the project under

the New Engineering Contract in spring 1999. Kvaerner Markham
was subcontracted under Watson Steel for the design and installation
of the mechanical and hydraulic system.

Subsequent delays to the project, related to the ship impact

protection system and planning permission, resulted in work
proceeding in the summer of 1999.

Watson Steel has been involved in a number of complex steel
fabrication and erection projects, and was aware of the development
effort that this project would require. At tender stage a full-scale
section of the arch apex, 2 m long, was fabricated; this proved a
useful learning tool, not only for the method of fabrication drawing Fig. 2. Ensuring fit-up of the arch sections (photograph by Paul Kassabian)
production, but also for assembly and welding techniques.
保证诸拱段相互贴合(Paul Kassabian摄)
Three-dimensional computer models of the arch and deck were
produced in a program called XSteel. This enabled the complex
shapes of the arch and deck to be translated into CNC (computer
numerical control) data for cutting the individual shapes of each
steel plate. The sections were imported into Microstation to control
the presentation of the drawings and to provide the exact informa-
tion required for the fabrication process. The 3D models were later
used during assembly to provide coordinates for the arch and deck
jigs as well as for final checks on the completed bridge geometry.

Fabrication of a complex form such as the arch required a repeatable

process for ease of welding and consistency of quality (Figs 1 and
2). Jigs were designed and fabricated providing the constant sharp
angle of the cross-section. These were surveyed into position at
close intervals to provide the required curve. The solid round bar Fig. 3. Fabrication of a deck section (photograph by Paul Kassabian)
and main plates were placed in the jig first, followed by the cross- 一个桥面部件的加工制作(Paul Kassabian摄)
frames and longitudinal stiffeners. After the initial welds had been
laid by manual metal arc, the arch sections were removed from the
jigs to allow full submerged-arc welding of the six main butt welds. 1999年春,经过激烈的投标竞争后,Watson Steel在新的工程合
The submerged-arc welding process produces a fast, yet high 同下把这个项目拿到手。Kvaerner Markham承揽了设计和安装
quality, deposition of weld. Each butt weld consisted of approxi- 机械与液压系统的分包合同。
mately 20 runs, so to prevent any distortion the arch sections were
regularly turned over to balance the heat input into the section. Once
welding was complete, the main butt welds were manually ground,
using flapper discs, to an architectural standard to ensure that the 2.加工制作
appearance matched the original brief for a seamless fabricated
element. The importance of a smooth continuous surface was Watson Steel曾参与过很多复杂钢结构的加工制作与安装的项
heightened because of the planned architectural lighting scheme. 目,了解该项目所需的研制步骤。在招标阶段,一个2m长的
The arch sections were then surveyed into position with their 拱顶全尺寸部件被制作出来;这竟是一个非常有用的学习工
neighbour so that final correct fit-up could be achieved before 具,不仅有助于学会制作放样生产,而且有助于掌握组装和焊
delivery to site for assembly. 接的技术。

The deck sections were more complex as all dimensions, including
the cross-fall, varied. The resulting design for the jigs allowed the
deck sections to be built upside down (Fig. 3). This solved various
issues of dimensional control and placement of elements such as the
curved underbelly plate. Submerged arc welding was again used for
the main external butt welds, and, for the relevant sections, the
internal cable anchorages required close attention to detail (Fig. 4). 加工制作像拱这样复杂的形状需要一个可重复的工艺规程以便
Fig. 1. Welding of the arch sections at Watson Steel (photograph by Paul
对拱段部件的焊接,Watson Steel公司(Paul Kassabian摄) 前取得最后的准确贴合。

Civil64Engineering Innovation
Originally published2008.2:63-70.
in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, 2003, 156, No. 1, 11–19

The torsion boxes act as the link piece between the end deck
sections and the bases of the arch. The sweeping double curvature of
these two items required a basic approach to fabrication involving
one-off support jigs based on point coordinates. The accuracy of
these elements was critical as, owing to space limitations on the
shop floor, no trial assembly was possible. As insurance, the torsion
box plates at the interface with the deck were purposely left long for
final trimming at site.


The original erection scheme involved assembling the complete arch
with the deck in three separate lengths at a riverside area 1·5 km
down from the final site of the bridge. Four separate lift operations
were to take place, with the main deck welds and tensioning of the
cables being done over water.

A lift-in-one scheme had been considered at the time of tender by

Fig. 4. Internal cable anchorage (photograph by Paul Kassabian)
Watson Steel but was ruled out for lack of both sufficient land and a
large enough floating crane. Both of these limitations were removed 内钢缆的锚固(Paul Kassabian摄)
soon after the start of fabrication. AMEC’s expansive Hadrian’s Yard
on the Tyne became available, and SMIT leased the impressive 桥面各部件更为复杂因其所有各维包括横坡度都是变化
Asian Hercules II for projects in Europe. This crane is, currently, the 的。对夹具的最终设计允许桥面部件可倒置过来进行加工(见
largest inshore floating crane in the world, with a lift capacity of 图3)。这解决了构件尺寸控制和诸元件例如下腹曲线形状板等
3200 t. 定位的多种问题。主要的外对头焊缝仍采用埋弧焊,相关部件
With this revised scenario in November 1999, approximately four
months before delivery of the first fabricated sections was due, 诸扭力箱作用为桥面各部件的末端和拱的诸基础之间的连接
Watson Steel undertook a thorough investigation of the lift-in-one 件。拱和桥面两者大范围的双曲率需要一个基本的加工制作
scheme including feasibility, safety, programme and cost. A decision 方法涉及基于点坐标的一次性多支撑夹具。拱和桥面诸部件的
to proceed was critical, not only for developing a revised erection 精确度极为关键,因车间地面的空间有限性,不可能作试组
scheme in full detail, but also for placing the various related 装。为保险起见,扭力箱板在与桥面的界面处有目的地留长到
subcontracts required on the site. 现场最终修剪。

Naturally, there was no need for such a spectacular bridge to be 3. 竖立安装方案的确定

delivered in such an audacious manner, but Watson Steel decided
that the lift-in-one scheme was preferable for two fundamental
reasons: safety (no major operations would now be carried out over
water) and programme (providing a drastically reduced time for
closure of the navigational channel). 招标时Watson Steel公司曾考虑过整体吊装方案,但因缺少足
After widening the discussion to include the engineer, main 久,这两个限制都被去掉。AMEC公司在泰恩河上宽阔的Hadrian
contractor and harbourmaster, Watson Steel formally chose the lift- 工作场地可使用,SMIT公司为欧洲的工程项目租了令人印象深
in-one scheme in early February 2000. Development of the erection 刻的亚洲Hercules II浮吊。这个浮吊是世界上目前近海作业浮吊
scheme began in detail while, concurrently, painting and assembly 中最大的,其提升能力可达3200t。
of the bridge began at Hadrian’s Yard.
好的部件发运的时候前四个月,Waston Steel对整体吊装方案进
Full shotblast and painting of all the fabricated steel sections took
place on Hadrian’s Yard. The full paint system, minus the topcoat,
was applied to the sections in temperature- and humiditycontrolled
paint pens located on the Yard. The sections were moved in and out
of the pens using low-loaders and placed in position using the 800 t 当然,无需用如此大胆的方式来吊运这座壮观的大桥,但
CC4000 crawler crane leased for the duration of the job. Watson Stell决定整体吊装方案更为可取,基于以下两个基本原


4. 组合拼装

运进出喷漆头架,并用租来的800t CC4000履带起重机来放置定

Civil Engineering Innovation 2008.2:63-70. ॴদѣȩ೴᳽Ꮊ⿠Ꮭतӯᄻ᡺ͼḺṖᎺ⿠Ȫͼ2003ᑉͼ156ͼNo. 1ͼ11–19 65


The arch was assembled at ground level (in a ‘laid flat’ position). At
each arch base a paddle section provides the lever arm for the
hydraulic jacks at the final site. In early 2000 a decision was made
to separate the lower portion of each paddle. Advantages included
lowering the overall height of the assembly at ground level, greater
ease of landing on the day of the lift, and greater assurance of
alignment accuracy to the hydraulic jacks when welded on site.

The nine arch sections were butt-welded together, starting from the
apex section and working towards the bases (Fig. 5). This allowed
constant dimensional checks to be made to ensure that the profile of
the arch was correct and that the final 105 m base-to-base dimension
was achieved. Equally, as a health and safety issue, building from
the centre outwards limited the distance from the welding work-
front inside the arch to the open end used for access. The enclosed
space for many of the welding operations required rigid implemen- Fig. 5. Assembly of the arch at Hadrian’s Yard (photograph by Paul
tation of method statements and specialised training for rescue Kassabian)
scenarios. 拱组合拼装在Hadrian场地(Paul Kassabian摄)

The deck sections were aligned in jigs and welded into three
separate lengths. This mimicked the intended original erection
scheme and thus allowed the in-built precambers to be correct. At 拱在地面上以平躺位置进行组合拼装。每个拱基座处一个踏板
this stage the cantilevers and nosings were also welded on. Continu- 部件可为建桥现场的液压千斤顶提供杠杆臂。2000年初决定将
ous 3D surveying at each main cross-section along the bridge 每个踏板部件的较低部位分离掉,其好处包括降低了拱在地面
ensured correct fit-up. 上组装的整个高度,在起吊那天更易着陆,更能保证现场焊接
Raising the arch to its near-upright position (‘rearing’ the arch),
although secondary to the main lift, became a major event in itself.
It was imperative to ensure control during the arch rear and to
provide sufficient reaction at the arch bases. Maintaining the angle
of the crane slings (attached to the lifting lug at the apex) to the
vertical to a maximum of 58, and ensuring that the crane always led
the arch, allowed the base reaction forces to be limited in magnitude
and maintained outward at all times. The vertical force required for 桥面部件在夹具里对中并被焊接为分开长度的三段。这样做与
the lift was 200 t. A significant amount of temporary works were 被打算的原始竖立安装方案很相似,因而使得预拱高正确。这
engineered at the rotation points to provide restraint for the forces in 个阶段,桥面的诸支架和突缘也被焊接上了。沿着桥对每个主
all directions while still allowing rotation. 截面的连续三维检测保证各段的准确贴合。

To prevent costly and unsafe access at height, it was preferable to 把拱提升到接近直立的位置,尽管仅次于主起吊,对自身而言

have the final coat of paint on the entire arch before the main rear. It 这仍不失为一个大事件。拱直立起来时必不可少的是保证控制
was not possible to remove the arch supports one at a time, as the 和在拱基座处提供足够的反力。保持浮吊吊绳(吊钩与拱顶挂
subsequent shedding of load would buckle the arch at other support 耳相连)与垂线间最大角度在5o以内,并保证吊车始终引导着
locations. The idea for a ‘mini-rear’, where the arch would be lifted 拱,使基座反力的量值局限在一定范围内并总是保持向外的方
by only 1 m and then sit on a ‘mini-prop’ located beneath the arch 向。起吊需要的竖直力为200t。一定量的临时结构被巧妙地加
apex, provided a solution and allowed final painting for most of the 于转动点以对各方向上的力提供约束但仍允许转动。
arch. The only inaccessible area was the arch apex, where removal
of the lifting lug after the main rear already required remedial work.
The mini-prop would also provide a method of support if it became
necessary to lower the arch for a second attempt.
The requirement for a 45 m high vertical prop for the arch, capable
of carrying 200 t, was solved by using the central section of the hori-
zontal lifting beam intended for the main lift. The middle sections of
the lifting beam, 4x4 m braced tubular sections designed by
Watson Steel and fabricated in Horwich, were delivered early and 拱需要一个45m高并可承载200t的垂直支撑,通过使用原打
placed in position. The top of the prop was guyed down to three 20 t 算用于主起吊的水平起重臂梁的中央部分来解决。起重臂梁
concrete blocks via turnbuckles. These guys were used to stabilise 的中央部分是4x4 m钢管斜支撑截面由Watson Steel设计并由
the prop and to precamber it forward. This precamber was necessary Horwich公司制作,早已被运抵现场并就位。支撑的顶部以松紧
as the resulting load from the arch would axially compress and 螺套被钢缆牵拉在3个20t的混凝土块上。这些钢缆被用来稳定
shorten the prop, thus causing the arch to rotate backwards and out 支撑并使其向前预起拱。这个向前预起拱是必要的因为拱产生
of its intended position (Fig. 6). 的荷载会轴向压支撑并缩短它引起拱向后转动偏离它的原定位
The design of the temporary works to land the arch was based
around a circular cut made in 75 mm thick steel plate. The top 使拱接地的临时结构之设计是基于围绕一个75mm厚钢板制成
section was strapped to the arch, and the base section was welded to 的圆形穴。该设施的顶部套接在拱上,基座部焊接在钢结构
steelwork positioned on jacks at the top of the prop. This system 上,该结构位于支座顶的千斤顶上。这个系统允许拱接地时竖
allowed for vertical and rotational alignment when landing the arch. 向和转动的对中。

Civil66Engineering Innovation
Originally published2008.2:63-70.
in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, 2003, 156, No. 1, 11–19

Fig. 6. Rearing of the arch (photograph by David Carr) Fig. 7. Close-up of the top of the main prop during arch landing
拱的直立(David Carr摄) (photograph by David Carr)
拱接地时主支撑的靠近(David Carr摄)

The 18 steel spiral strand cables, 45 mm in diameter, were attached

to the arch and laid out on the ground on wooden sleepers to allow
for movement and to prevent damage during the rear.

On 17 August 2000 the arch was raised into position at the first
attempt (Figs 6 and 7). The subsequent survey showed the arch
bases had closed by 6 mm. This was later corrected using a
temporary tie cable made from 60 mm diameter spiral strand fixed
between the arch trunnions with four 55 t Enerpac rams.

While the deck sections were being welded on the ground, other
subcontracts such as parapets, aluminium cycle decking (with ‘invis-
ible’ fixings) and lighting were also installed. The three separate
lengths of deck were lifted into place and supported on temporary
trestles up to 10 m above the ground. Once the final geometry
coordinates had been checked, these lengths were welded to each Fig. 8. Stressing of the cables from under the deck (photograph by Paul
other and to the arch via the torsion box. Kassabian)
桥面下对钢缆施加拉应力(David Carr摄)
The 18 stay cables were then pulled into position and stressed, thus
releasing the arch from the vertical prop (Fig. 8). The resulting
outward thrust of the stay stressing was controlled with the 18条直径45mm的钢螺旋多股绞线缆绳上部与拱连接,下部在
temporary tie cable. 地面的枕木上陈列开允许运动以防止拱竖起过程中损坏。

2000年 8月 17日 , 该 拱 第 一 次 尝 试 被 吊 装 就 位 ( 见 图 6、 图
In preparation for the main lift, the end hangar connections were
installed either side of the main bearings and the full lifting beam
was assembled and installed spanning the 105 m of the bridge
(Fig. 9). This lifting beam was positioned 9 m above the arch base
trunnions to provide sufficient clearance to the arch, and the inner
hangers were cranked to avoid the arch. The hanger system 当桥面部件在地面上被焊接时,其他的子合同如扶手、铝制自
prevented the change in length of the lifting beam affecting the 行车道板(采用隐形固定)和灯也安装上。这三段桥面部件被
trunnions during the landing operation. 吊装就位,并用诸临时性支架支撑距地面高10m。在对几何坐
5. ERECTION SCHEME 力箱与拱连接起来。
Development of the erection scheme took place throughout the
fabrication and assembly stages. As with all complex projects,
various defining decisions had to be made at early stages. These
included placing the contract for the Asian Hercules, which
specified dates for the lift, as well as all manner of details to 在为起吊的准备中,主要轴承的任一侧安装有端部悬挂连接
incorporate into the fabrication, such as lifting lugs and their 装置,整个起吊臂被装配和安装其长度为全桥的跨度105m(见
associated stiffening diaphragms. 图9)。起吊臂位置比拱基座耳轴高9m,对拱提供足够间隙,而

5. 竖立安装方案

定。这些包括与Asian Hercules确定合同,合同中规定起吊的日

Civil Engineering Innovation 2008.2:63-70. ॴদѣȩ೴᳽Ꮊ⿠Ꮭतӯᄻ᡺ͼḺṖᎺ⿠Ȫͼ2003ᑉͼ156ͼNo. 1ͼ11–19 67


Fig. 9. End of the lifting beam (on a temporary trestle) with hanger con-
nections to the yellow trunnion. Note the tie cable between the trunnions
(photograph by Paul Kassabian)
连。注意耳轴间的牵缆(Paul Kassabian摄)

The key issues driving the concept for the main lift were safety and Fig. 10. (a) Model hung from a single point; (b) model landing on
controllability, and the success of the lift would be determined by ‘trunnions’ while being supported from the ‘main jib’ (photographs
how well these issues were resolved. Crucially, once the bridge left by Paul Kassabian)
its supports at Hadrian’s Yard, it could not be placed back down as (a)模型从一点被吊起;(b)模型着地到支轴上(Paul Kassabian摄)
the temporary supports were designed to fall away for safety

The scheme for the lift focused on mimicking the support conditions 驱动主起吊概念的关键问题是安全性和可控性。起吊的成功与
at the assembly yard as far as possible— in other words, not to let 否取决于这些关键问题如何解决好。至关重要的是,一旦该桥
the bridge ‘know’ it was being lifted. The bridge also had to be 离开了Hardrian场地的支座,它就不能再被重新放回,因为出
carried in a rotated-back position so that it could be lowered down at 于安全原因临时性支撑被设计卸去。
the final site and rotated forward onto its elastomeric bearings 吊起方案集中于尽量模仿组装场地的支承条件。换言之,不让
(located under the torsion box). 这座桥“知道”它正在被起吊。桥也必须以被转动回去的位置
Development of the lift scheme and the planned sequence of events
went through many iterations. To aid discussions, a simple model
was built consisting of a ruler and rubber bands. This was used to try 起吊方案的设计以及各事件被计划的顺序被反复讨论了很多
out various ideas and ensure that overall behaviour of the bridge 次。为了帮助讨论,制作了一个由一把尺子和橡胶带子组成的
could be controlled (Fig. 10). The model proved so useful that it was 模型。用这个模型试验了各种各样的设想,以确保能控制该桥
subsequently taken to meetings with the engineer and client to 的整体行为(见图10)。这模型证实如此有用以致它随后被带
explain the scheme. 去参加会议,以给工程师和客户解释这种方案。

The final sequence was as follows. 最终的顺序如下:

(a) 起由起吊臂两端和起由桥面的第三点耳轴的吊索将被连接
(a) Slings from the two ends of the lifting beam and from the lugs
at the third points of the deck would be connected to a single
(b) 这些吊索的长度被计算使得提升开始时桥面首先升起而整
traverse (rotating pin) on the crane’s fly-jib.
(b) The length of these slings was calculated such that, at the start
of the lift, the deck would rise up first, tipping the bridge back

Civil68Engineering Innovation
Originally published2008.2:63-70.
in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, 2003, 156, No. 1, 11–19

(c) The slings to the lifting beam would then become taut, and the (c) 连接起吊臂的吊索将被拉紧,整桥将以被转动回去的位置
bridge would be lifted in its rotated-back position (Fig. 10(a)). 被升起来(见图10a)。
(d) Control cables from the bridge bearings back to the crane would (d) 由桥轴承返回到浮吊的控制缆将使浮吊绕转动销转动以便
rotate the crane about the traverse for the passage up river. This 桥从河的上方通过,这是必要的,因为该桥对于泰恩河急
was necessary as the bridge was too wide for the tight curves of 弯河道显得太宽。
the Tyne. (e) 逆流向上的6.5公里,桥的前端将被拖船控制着,浮吊和桥
(e) For the 6·5 km journey up the Tyne, the front edge of the bridge 梁组合为200m长50m宽。
would be controlled by a tugboat, the combined crane and (f) 到达安装场地后,浮吊将锚定在它的四个锚上,使用拖船
bridge set-up being 200 m long by 50 m wide. 和控制缆转动桥返回到合适的定位。
(f) On arrival at the site the crane would moor its four anchors and, (g) 在桥接触落在主轴承上之前,吊索应由浮吊的主夹紧装置
using the tugboat and control cables, rotate the bridge back to its 连接到桥面的耳轴;
proper alignment. (h) 当桥被放下后,起吊臂吊索中的拉力减少,来自浮吊主臂
(g) Just prior to touchdown on the main bearings, slings would be 的新吊索将只用竖向力保持桥面的位置,故落地时阻止水
connected from the crane’s main jig to the deck lugs. 平方向的不平衡。
(h) As the bridge was placed down, and the force in the lifting beam (i) 螺栓将被加上预应力,桥面落向它前面的弹性轴承上(见
slings reduced, the new slings from the main jib would maintain 图10b)。
the position of the deck with a vertical force only, thus prevent- (j) 浮吊将重新起吊允许桥体转动并移去稳定钢缆间的起吊
ing horizontal imbalance during landing (Fig. 10(b)). 臂。
(i) The bolts would be prestressed and the deck lowered onto its
forward elastomeric bearings. 对于真实的着地,考虑了很多“如果这样”的情况,以确保精
(j) The crane would then be reslung to allow rotation and removal 确的定位和预加应力于螺栓。这样做的一个结果是提供液压千
of the lifting beam between the stay cables. 斤顶和钢板,它们被设计连接在桥诸耳轴任一端,转动它们到
For the actual landing many ‘what if’ scenarios were considered to 偏差1mm,为保证结构安全服务的微转动这规定须严格遵守。
ensure accurate placing and to allow prestressing of the bolts. One
result of this was the provision of hydraulic jacks and plates that 6. 竖立安装的那天
were designed to connect either side of the bridge trunnions and 主起吊的时间原定在2000年11月6日。但在11月初,英国遭受了
rotate them into the correct alignment. A tight tolerance of 1 mm for 据记载为百年一遇暴风雨的坏天气。这推迟了起吊,因为合同
the line between both trunnion bearings (105 m apart) was set, and 上明确规定,为操作的安全控制,风速是10m/s。并且需要三天
was to be adhered to for safe in-service rotation of the structure. 连续的晴朗天气,以容许着地操作时可能的推迟。即使风平静
The programme for the main lift was set for 6 November 2000, but
in early November Britain suffered a period of bad weather, since 在延期中,Asian Hercules浮吊本身有点成了吸引观光游客的景
registered as 100-year storms. This delayed the lift, as safe control 物。SMIT公司举行了一系列的参观这个壮观机器的观光活动。
for the operation was contractually set to a wind speed of 10 m/s. 在2000年11月的18~19日(周末),数小时研究了来自英国气象
Also, a clear weather window of three days was required to allow 局的地区天气预报后,Watson Steel公司,SMIT公司和港口主
for possible delays during the landing operation. Even after the wind 管作出联合决定,决定进行吊装作业。
had calmed down the tidal range of the River Tyne was too large,
and the lift was postponed for the next neap tide two weeks later. 周日晚上这座桥被小心翼翼地提升起来。起吊量以100吨为增
During this delay the sight of the Asian Hercules crane itself became 后再加100t直至满载荷1200t。这座桥缓慢地向后转动,有趣的
somewhat of an attraction for sightseers, and SMIT set up a series of 是,桥的北端首先被吊升离开了临时支座。桥的南端一吊起
tours of the impressive machine. 来,这座桥优美地吊在空中(见图11)。随后这座桥被转动
90o。Asian Hercules调过头来,开到它停泊的位置过夜。
On the weekend of 18–19 November 2000, working on hourly
regional forecasts from the UK Meteorological Office, a joint 第二天,2000年11月20日,天气非常的平静和晴朗。条件是如
decision by Watson Steel, SMIT and the harbour master gave the 此的理想,SMIT提前一个小时载着这座桥逆流而上,上午11点
go-ahead for the lift. 时该桥到位(见图12)。这时很多人聚集在码头,他们整天都
The bridge was gently lifted on the Sunday evening. Hold points at
100 t increments (up to the full 1200 t) allowed crosschecks and
monitoring of the structure to take place. The bridge slowly rotated
backwards and, interestingly, the ‘north’ (Newcastle) end of the
bridge lifted first from its temporary supports. Once the ‘south’ end
had lifted up the bridge hung delicately in space (Fig. 11). It was
rotated round by 908, and the Asian Hercules reversed into its berth
position for the night.

The following day, Monday 20 November 2000, was perfectly still

and clear. Conditions were so ideal that SMIT opted to carry the
bridge up river one hour earlier than planned, and were in position
by 11 a.m. (Fig. 12). By this time a large crowd had gathered on the
quayside, and they remained with the bridge throughout the day
(Fig. 13).

Fig. 11. Bridge released from the ground (photograph by Paul Kassabian)
升离地面的拱桥(Paul Kassabian摄)

Civil Engineering Innovation 2008.2:63-70. ॴদѣȩ೴᳽Ꮊ⿠Ꮭतӯᄻ᡺ͼḺṖᎺ⿠Ȫͼ2003ᑉͼ156ͼNo. 1ͼ11–19 69


Fig. 12. Asian Hercules and bridge approaching the final site (photograph
by Paul Kassabian)
Asian Hercules和桥梁在安装现场的途中
Fig. 13. Delivering the bridge (photograph by Airfotos, courtesy of
Gateshead Council)
Lowering and positioning of the bridge on the bearings was done 桥梁的安装就位(Paul Kassabian摄)
with impressive control by SMIT, with motion of the order of
millimetres being achieved. On landing, the alignment survey results
showed that none of the reserve equipment was needed, and
tightening of the bolts could proceed. It was only at this last stage
that an unexpected delay occurred: difficulties in prestressing the SMIT用极具技巧的控制下降这座桥落在支座轴承上,实现毫米
72 mm diameter bolts (each up to 2250 kN) required last-minute 级的移动。着地中,对中测量结果显示,备用的设备无须使
alterations at the supplier’s works. This rectified the situation, and 用,可着手拧紧螺栓。就在这最后阶段,意想不到的延迟
work finally ended on the bridge at midnight. The following day the 出现:对72mm螺栓施加预应力(每个要达到2250kN)的困
lifting beam was removed and the Asian Hercules departed. 难,需要供应商工作最后一分钟的变更。这改变了形势,到
7. CONCLUSION Hercules离开了。
Over the following few weeks the bases of the paddles were welded
on site and the deck surfacing, handrails, stair nosings and seating 7. 结论
were completed. Installation of the mechanical and hydraulic 在随后的几周,在现场焊接上了基座的踏板,桥面板、扶
equipment could then proceed. 手、楼梯线和座位都被完成。机械和液压系统的安装可进行
Rotation tests followed that highlighted the dramatic nature of the
structure. The bridge was opened to the public on 17 September 随后的转动测试显示了这个结构的戏剧性本质。在2001年9月
2001, providing the link between the cultural developments on 17日这座桥对公众开放使用,为Gateshead码头区和南岸的
Gateshead Quays and the south bank of Newcastle. Newcastle的文化发展提供了纽带。
Thanks go to John Evans and the current partners of Flint & Neill 为获得Kassabian先生的支持感谢John Evans和现在的合伙人Flint
Partnership for securing Mr Kassabian’s secondment. & Neill Partnership。

1. JOHNSON J. and CURRAN P. Gateshead Millennium Bridge. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering, 2003, 156, No. 1, 16–24.

Civil70Engineering Innovation
Originally published2008.2:63-70.
in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, 2003, 156, No. 1, 11–19

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