Various Biomedical Applications of AR VR For Oral Cancer

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Various biomedical applications of AR/VR for oral cancer

1. Early Detection and Screening

Outcomes: oral cancer screenings, enhance visual inspection of the oral
cavity during routine check-ups.
2. Surgical Planning and Visualization
Outcomes: It can allow surgeons to practice and plan their approach for
complex oral cancer surgeries.
3. Telemedicine and Remote Consultations:
Outcomes: where dentists and oncologists can examine patients' oral
conditions and discuss treatment options in real-time
4. Pain Management and Distraction:
Outcomes: Customize virtual environments to patients' preferences to
make the experience more comforting.
5. Rehabilitation:
Outcomes: rehabilitation programs to help patients regain speech,
swallowing, and facial muscle control, by making it easier for patients to
perform rehabilitation tasks correctly.
6. Tumor Visualization:
Outcomes: to help surgeons visualize tumor margins, blood vessels, and
critical structures during surgery, enhancing precision.
7. Reconstructive Surgery Visualization:
Outcomes: Create AR/VR models to visualize the proposed outcomes of
reconstructive surgeries, allowing patients to make informed decisions.
8. Data Analysis and Research:
Out comes: collecting data set with AI and machine learning for advanced
data analysis within AR/VR environments.

Work Done:
1. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco are developing
an AR-powered headset that can be used to detect oral cancer lesions
at an earlier stage than is currently possible.
2. Surgeons at the University of Michigan are using VR to plan and perform
complex oral cancer surgeries.
3. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is using VR to provide
patients with pain relief and distraction during oral cancer surgery.
4. The University of California, Los Angeles is developing a VR-based
training program for dentists on how to identify and treat oral cancer.
5. The National Institutes of Health is funding a study to evaluate the use of
VR to help patients cope with anxiety and depression related to their
oral cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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