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A n a t o m y an d P a t h o l o g y o f

t h e Ca rd i a c C o n d u c t i o n
Roshan Karki, MBBSa, Anvi Raina, MDa, Fatima M. Ezzeddine, MDa,
Melanie C. Bois, MDb, Samuel J. Asirvatham, MDa,*

 Sinus node  Atrioventricular node  His bundle  Left bundle  Right bundle  Purkinje fibers

 The Human cardiac conduction system has unique anatomic features.
 Understanding the normal and variant anatomy of the cardiac conduction system is vital to an in-
terventional electrophysiologist.

INTRODUCTION and proximal body of the sinus node (Fig. 1) are

usually subepicardial in location at the junction of
Although atrioventricular (AV) conduction was first the superior vena cava and the right atrial
described independently by Kent and His in 1893, appendage. The distal body and tail penetrate
the landmark work of Sunao Tawara,1 published in inferiorly and obliquely into the musculature of
1906, formed the basis of what we know about the the crista terminalis and toward the eustachian
human conduction system. In this review, we have ridge.3,5
sought to describe the normal and developmental The blood supply of the SAN comes from its
anatomy of the conduction system and its varia- namesake artery, which branches off the right cor-
tion in normal and congenitally abnormal hearts, onary artery in roughly 60% of patients (Fig. 2). In
the understanding of which is critical to an inter- the other 40%, the sinoatrial (SA) nodal artery orig-
ventional electrophysiologist. inates from the left circumflex artery as a branch of
the left anterior or left lateral atrial artery.5 A few in-
THE SINUS NODE stances of dual origins from both arteries have also
Normal and Developmental Anatomy been reported.6 When branching from the right
The sinus or sinoatrial node (SAN), the principal system, the right anterior atrial artery climbs the
cardiac pacemaker, was first described in 1907 anterior interatrial groove to give rise to the SA
by Keith and Flack.2 Sinus node embryogenesis nodal artery. Rarely, the SA nodal artery can orig-
begins in the sinus venosus of the early heart inate from the distal right lateral atrial artery, which
tube as mesodermal cells differentiate into cardio- takes a more inferior course to reach the SAN. The
myocytes with automaticity and fast conduction SA nodal artery can take variable courses to reach
properties.3 Key gene transcription factors differ- the SAN; it can enter via the cavoatrial junction in a
entiate these pacemaker cells from the surround- precaval or postcaval fashion or divide and form
ing myocardium with specialized ion channels.3 an arterial circle as it approaches the node at the
In adults, this tadpole-like structure has nodal ex- cavoatrial junction.5 The SA nodal artery, when
tensions in multiple directions and measures 10 to branching from the left system, courses over the
22 mm in length and 2 to 3 mm in width.4 The head roof of the left atrium. Regardless of its origin

This article originally appeared in Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics, Volume 13 Issue 4, December 2021.
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN 55905, USA;
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
* Corresponding author. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 200 First Street Southwest, Rochester, MN 55905.
E-mail address:

Cardiol Clin 41 (2023) 277–292
0733-8651/23/Ó 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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278 Karki et al

Fig. 1. Anatomy of the human sinus node (C, D) as seen on histology (A, B) and on microcomputed tomographic
sections with 3D volume rendering (E). CT, crista terminalis; ICV, inferior caval vein; SCV, superior caval vein; PcM,
pectinate muscles; SN, sinus node. *Epicardial fat pad. (From Stephenson RS, Boyett MR, Hart G, Nikolaidou T, Cai
X, Corno AF, et al. (2012) Contrast Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography Resolves the 3-Dimensional
Morphology of the Cardiac Conduction System in Mammalian Hearts. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35299.

Fig. 2. The variable blood supply of the conduction system. The sinus node is supplied by the SA nodal artery, a
branch of the right coronary artery in 60% of patients (A) and the left circumflex artery in 40% of patients (B).
The AV node is supplied by the AV nodal artery, which branches from the right coronary artery. Note the dual
supply of the left and right bundle branches (RBB). See text for further explanations. RCA, right coronary artery;
LAD, left anterior descending artery; LAF, left anterior fascicle; LCx, left circumflex artery; LM, left main artery;
LPF, left posterior fascicle.

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Cardiac Conduction System 279

and course, the SA nodal artery has an extensive Atrial septal defects (ASD) of secundum and si-
collateral network that preserves SA nodal func- nus venosus types (Fig. 3) are most frequently
tion in the event of proximal atherosclerotic associated with sinus node dysfunction (SND),
lesions.5 particularly with late age of repair and large shunt
Histologically, the SAN comprises weakly size.10 Although the defect in secundum ASDs
coupled, densely packed specialized myocytes are remote from the sinus node, SND has also
called pacemaker (P) cells and nonpacemaker been reported preprocedurally in a small subset
cells embedded in a dense supporting connective of patients. Two possible mechanisms have been
tissue. The pacemaker activity is not confined to a suggested. ASDs with chronic left-to-right shunts
single cell in the SAN. Instead, P cells are electri- can lead to structural and electrical remodeling
cally coupled and discharge synchronously owing of atrial myocytes and interstitial fibrosis by pres-
to mutual entrainment.4 The concept of a “pace- sure and volume overload, resulting in SA exit
maker hierarchy” is used to explain heart rate vari- block.10 Remarkably, these changes may be
ability of the SAN with cells that depolarize at a reversible with early surgical intervention.11
higher frequency and generate faster heart rates Another possibility for preprocedural SND in this
being located superiorly in the SAN. In contrast, population is the simultaneous development of
slower firing cells that generate slower heart rates the atrial septum and nodal tissue. The SAN and
are situated inferiorly in the tail of the node.3,4 AV node develop from rings of specialized tissue
The sinus node is the most richly innervated that lie between the primordial chambers of the
component of the conduction system.7 The dense early heart tube. The sinus ring lies in a loop be-
distribution of parasympathetic and sympathetic tween the superior and inferior vena cava,
nerves and ganglia allow for the regulation and sen- touching the AV ring tissue.12 A defect in atrial
sitive responsiveness of the SAN by paired yet septal development at this time could influence
opposite autonomic influences.3 Parasympathetic SAN and AV node development and result in
fibers innervate the SAN via the vagus nerve, and altered morphogenesis, which may present as
the sympathetic innervation occurs via the T1 to SND in this cohort.12 Superior sinus venosus
T4 spinal nerves. At rest, the parasympathetic sys- ASDs involve the posterior and superior portion
tem governs the SAN and slows the heart rate of the atrial septum and often override the superior
through acetylcholine and nitric oxide release. In vena cava.10 The proximity of the septal defect to
contrast, the sympathetic system increases the the sinus node presents a higher risk of developing
heart rate generated by the SAN during exercise
or stress through adrenergic stimulation of b-recep-
tors.3 This autonomic interplay between the sympa-
thetic and parasympathetic systems determines
the leading pacemaker site within the SAN;
increasing sympathetic stimulation shifts the lead-
ing site of activation cranially, whereas an increase
in vagal input migrates the site inferiorly.3

Normal Variation of the Sinus Node

A common SAN variant, present in 10% of individ-
uals, is situated anteriorly and extends over the
crest of the right atrial appendage into the intera-
trial groove in a horseshoe-like pattern.8 The vari-
ation of origin and course of the SA nodal artery
has been discussed elsewhere in this article.

Congenital Anomalies of the Sinus Node

The sinus node may be absent, double, or dis-
placed in patients with some forms of congenital
heart defects. In left juxtaposed atrial append-
ages, the sinus node is displaced inferior and Fig. 3. Cardiac conduction defects in ASD. ASD of si-
more anterior to the crista terminalis leading nus venosus type is associated with SND. ASD of pri-
to increased risk of trauma and dysfunction mum type is associated with AV block. ASD of
following cardiac surgery or an electrophysiologic secundum type is physically remote from both sinus
procedure.9 and AV nodes, making their dysfunction less common.

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280 Karki et al

SND as a complication of surgical intervention, leading to variable presentation, including sinus

with SND rates as high as 10% to 15%.10 More bradycardia, SA exit block, sinus arrest, chrono-
recent surgical techniques such as the Warden tropic incompetence, or tachycardia-bradycardia
procedure or modified double patch technique, syndrome. The SND is often degenerative, and
avoid an incision across the cavoatrial junction there are many other etiologies that have been
and thus trauma to the SA nodal artery, resulting listed in Table 1.
in a much lower incidence of SND (1%–2%).10
Heterotaxy syndromes are rare congenital de- Key Points for the Proceduralist
fects characterized by bilateral mirror-image sym-
Although rare, acute nonreversible SND requiring
metry (or isomerism) of the atria. Typically, much of
pacemaker implantation can result from ablation
the atrial septum is absent and atrial symmetry is
of atrial arrhythmias.14 The patients who undergo
defined by the anatomic landmarks of the atrial
perisuperior vena cava ablation are more likely to
free walls.13 For example, the morphologic right
develop SND. The mechanism for sinus arrest
atrium consists of crista terminalis and pectinate
can be the isolation of the SAN owing to extensive
muscles, compared with the smooth-walled vesti-
ablation in the context of prior atrial surgery. It can
bule of the left atrium. Patients with right atrial
also result from the injury of the SA nodal artery
isomerism have a mirror image right atrium, may
(with an origin from the left circumflex artery) dur-
have twin SA nodes, AV nodes, or infranodal sys-
ing the left atrial roof ablation.14 Preablation plan-
tems, and often present with 2 distinct atrial or
ning with a careful review of surgical history and
ventricular rhythms (Figs. 4 and 5).9 Furthermore,
review of the computed tomography angiogram
this can be exacerbated by reentrant arrhythmias
can help to avoid such complications.
if a concomitant swing bundle is present
Sinus node modification or ablation as the treat-
(Fig. 5).9 In patients with left atrial isomerism,
ment for inappropriate sinus tachycardia has been
SND is common (16%–50%); the usual right-
out of favor owing to the risk for pacemaker im-
sided sinus node may be absent or hypoplastic
plantation and limited efficacy.15 Therefore, it
(see Fig. 4). About 79% of these patients have
should be reserved only for highly symptomatic,
the tachycardia–bradycardia syndrome from
refractory patients.16 It behooves the proceduralist
concomitant supraventricular tachycardia and
to appreciate the variability in SAN and SA nodal
artery location when preparing for this ablation
and treat the entire cavoatrial junction with the
Pathology of the Sinus Node
utmost respect. In most hearts, the nodal body is
SND refers to a spectrum of abnormalities involving relatively shallow with a distance of 0.1 to
the sinus node and its neighboring architecture 1.0 mm, and the distance of SAN from the

Fig. 4. Sinus and AV nodes in heterotaxy syndromes. (A) Right atrial isomerism (mirror-imaged right atria with
pectinate muscles) with twin sinus nodes. (B) Left atrial isomerism (the mirror-imaged left atria with smooth ves-
tibule) with an absent SA node. FO, fossa ovalis; MV, mitral valve; PV, pulmonary valve; TV, tricuspid valve.

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Cardiac Conduction System 281

Table 1
Causes of sinus node dysfunction

Pathogenesis Examples
Ischemic Acute myocardial infarction
Degenerative Idiopathic or age related,
atrial arrhythmias,
Congenital Heterotaxy syndrome, atrial
septal defects,
juxtaposition of atrial
Infiltrative Sarcoidosis, amyloidosis,
hemochromatosis, tumors
Familial causes SCN5A, HCN4, CASQ2, RYR2,
EMD, ANK2, GJA5 gene
Fig. 5. Twin AV nodes and swing His bundle in right Infectious Myocarditis/pericarditis,
atrial isomerism. CS, coronary sinus. rheumatic fever, Lyme’s
disease, legionella, Chagas
disease, typhoid fever,
endocardium ranges from 2.3 to 4.6 mm.17 In dengue, leptospirosis
roughly 30% of patients, the distance from the Neuromuscular Friedreich’s ataxia, myotonic
endocardium was 7 mm thick, and the nodal tail disorders dystrophy, Emery–Dreifuss
was 3.3 to 5.8 mm distant from the endocardial muscular dystrophy
surface.17 This variability in depths from endocar- Endocrine Hypothyroidism
dial and epicardial surfaces and a heat sink effect Metabolic Hyperkalemia, hypothermia,
from the SA nodal artery may cause difficulties in Cushing response
targeting lesions with higher energy and longer (increased intracranial
application times required to achieve success.15 pressure), hypoxia,
It is also prudent to note that the location of the hypercapnia
SAN in the lateral and anterolateral quadrants of Drug induced Beta-blockers, calcium
the cavoatrial junction may coincide with the channel blocking agents,
course of descent of the right phrenic nerve in ivabradine, digoxin,
some patients, making phrenic nerve injury a pos- clonidine, antiarrhythmics,
lithium, methyldopa,
sibility during this procedure.
Iatrogenic Mustard, Senning, Glenn,
CONDUCTION ASD closure, cardiac
transplant (especially
The SAN is separated from its surrounding
atrial–atrial anastomosis)
myocardium by an indistinct and irregular border
called the transition zone of loosely packed cells
with histologic and electrophysiologic characteris- right atrium, slightly below the AV node and ante-
tics intermediate between sinus node cells and rior to the coronary sinus ostium.19
atrial myocytes.3 However, no specialized con- For synchronized contraction between 2 atria, 3
duction tissue connections between the nodes distinct muscular bundles (Fig. 6) have been
(internodal tracts) have been uncovered to described.18 The most prominent of these is the
date.18 Instead, the internodal conduction occurs interatrial or Bachmann’s bundle that cross the
by depolarizing atrial myocardial bundles formed anterior septal raphe between the atria and have
by continuous longitudinal fibers of similarly orien- bifurcating branches that encircle the respective
tated myocytes.18 Electroanatomic analysis has atrial appendages.18 The septopulmonary bundle
shown reproducible craniocaudal right atrial acti- arises underneath Bachmann’s bundle from the
vation, which starts at the SAN and splits into 2 interatrial groove and fans out superiorly over the
wave fronts running simultaneously along the dome to the posterior wall of the left atrium and
interatrial septum and the lateral wall of the right then around the left and right pulmonary veins.
atrium.19 The 2 wave fronts fuse at the inferoseptal The septoatrial bundle is the deepest

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282 Karki et al

Fig. 6. The interatrial fibers of the heart. (A) Bachmann’s interatrial bundle: The largest and most superficial in-
teratrial bundles. (B) Septopulmonary bundle: Just superficial to Bachmann’s bundle, this bundle runs from the
interatrial groove and fans out posteriorly to the pulmonary veins. (C) Septoatrial bundle: It is the deepest of
the interatrial bundles and runs anterior to posterior and further divides into 3 fascicles which run toward the
pulmonary veins and the left atrial appendage. LAA, left atrial appendage; LL, left lower; LU, left upper; RL, right
lower; RU, right upper; RAA, right atrial appendage; SVC, superior vena cava.

(subendocardial) layer with fibers that ascend from atrial rhythms to the ventricles. It also provides
the anterior septal raphe and divide into 3 fasci- delay of conduction for optimum hemodynamics.
cles, 2 of which continue over the dome to The subsidiary pacemaker cells in the AV node
combine with the septopulmonary bundle and can fire at a rate lower than the SAN rate providing
insert around the pulmonary veins on either a backup rhythm in case of SND. Tawara1 first
side.18 The third fascicle is circumferential, pass- described the AV node in 1906 as a compact
ing leftward to surround the mouth of the left atrial spindle-shaped structure connected to the His
appendage and then combining with the subepi- bundle. In adults, it measures approximately
cardial circular fibers in the inferior wall.18 These 5.0 mm in length, 5.0 mm in width, and 0.8 mm
bundles, mainly Bachmann’s and the septoatrial in thickness.4 It is a right atrial structure located
bundle, induce early contraction of the left atrial variably within the triangle of Koch (Fig. 7) that is
appendage relative to the left atrium and therefore defined by the tendon of Todaro, the septal leaflet
improve left atrial emptying and hemodynamics.5 of the tricuspid valve, and the floor of the coronary
In addition, several smaller interatrial fibers run sinus ostium.20 The AV node has rightward and
alongside these bundles and play a supplemen- leftward posterior extensions, initially described
tary role in interatrial conduction. by Inoue and Becker and recently reevaluated by
Anderson and colleagues.21,22 These extensions
provide the anatomic basis of the slow pathway
limb of the reentrant circuit in AV nodal reentrant
tachycardia.21 Histologically, these extensions
Normal and Developmental Anatomy
have been identified by examining the distribution
The AV node receives atrial impulses and acts as a of connexin gap channels. The right nodal exten-
gatekeeper to reduce the transmission of rapid sion is connexin-43 positive, whereas the left

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Cardiac Conduction System 283

Several transcription factors, including T-box tran-

scription factors (Tbx2 and Tbx5), are essential for
AV canal and AV node formation, as well as AV
insulation.33 The mutations involving BMP-Tbx
pathway can lead to AV conduction disorders
and AV septal defects (eg, Holt Oram syndrome).34

Congenital Anomalies of the Atrioventricular

In certain congenital heart diseases, the AV node
may be absent, double, or displaced. In hetero-
taxy, patients with right atrial isomerism may
have twin AV nodes (see Fig. 5), whereas those
with left atrial isomerism have an absent or defec-
tive AV node.35 Twin AV nodes may also be asso-
ciated with congenitally corrected transposition of
great arteries and double inlet left ventricle.
Displacement of the AV node is noted mostly in
septal defects. Generally, the location of the AV
node is determined by the morphology of AV junc-
tion and its alignment with trabecular interventric-
Fig. 7. Illustration of the triangle of Koch housing the ular septum. In AV septal defects, the AV node is
AV node. CT, crista terminalis; EV, eustachian valve; posteroinferiorly displaced (Fig. 8).36 The triangle
FO, fossa ovalis; IVC, inferior vena cava; TCV, tricuspid of Koch is well formed but does not house the
valve. AV node. Another triangle is used as an anatomic
landmark to locate the AV node in these patients.
This triangle is defined by the lower rim of the atrial
nodal extension is connexin-43 negative.23 In
septum, the posterior attachment of the AV valve,
contrast with the slow pathway, the anatomic sub-
and the coronary sinus.37 The AV node forms the
strate of the fast pathway is not well-defined. It is
penetrating His bundle at the apex of this triangle.
thought to be made of transitional cells located
In patients with AV septal defect and ventricular
on the anterior interatrial septum and directed su-
shunt alone, the AV node is closer to the apex of
periorly toward the tendon of Todaro and foramen
the triangle of Koch compared with patients with
atrial or AV involvement.36 Other congenital anom-
The AV node blood supply is provided by the AV
alies in which the AV node is abnormally located
nodal artery, which runs between the 2 posterior
include congenitally corrected transposition (ante-
extensions of the AV node. The AV nodal artery
rior node), univentricular connection to left
is most commonly (in 80%–90% of the cases)
ventricle (anterior node), ambiguous AV connec-
derived from the right coronary artery (see
tion with left-hand architecture (anterior node),
Fig. 2).25 In the rest of the cases, it originates
and straddling tricuspid valve (lateral node).37 In
from the left coronary artery.25 The AV node is
patients with perimembranous ventricular septal
richly innervated with sympathetic and parasym-
defects, the conduction axis is close to part of
pathetic nerves. It is more affected by the left sym-
the septal defect borders and is at risk for damage
pathetic and vagus nerves than the right
during surgical repair (see Fig. 8). To avoid
sympathetic and vagus nerves.26 In addition to
damaging the conduction system, it is recommen-
vagal innervation, the AV node receives parasym-
ded to place the sutures through the tricuspid
pathetic nerves from an epicardial fat pad located
valve leaflet tissue rather than through its
at the junction of the right inferior pulmonary vein
and inferior left atrium.27 During embryogenesis,
the AV node and AV junction are derived from
Pathology of the Atrioventricular Node
the AV canal myocardium.28,29 The left inferior
extension is also derived from the AV canal The AV node can be affected by several disease
myocardium. The right inferior extension is derived processes resulting in AV conduction abnormal-
from the primary ring of specialized cardiomyo- ities. A list of common AV node pathologies is
cytes surrounding the interventricular foramen.30 summarized in Table 2. The most common cause
BMP2 protein is involved in the early stages of of acquired AV block is fibrous degeneration of the
the AV canal myocardium differentiation.31,32 conduction system.38 Another common cause of

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284 Karki et al

Fig. 8. Displacement of the AV node in AV septal defects. (A) Illustration of the normal ventricular septum. Note
the proximity of the conduction axis to the lower rim of the septal defect in central perimembranous defects (B)
and outlet perimembranous defects (C).

AV block is ischemia, which accounts for around patients should raise concern for cardiac sarcoid-
40% of AV blocks.38 Complete AV block after an osis. In cardiac sarcoidosis, conduction distur-
inferior myocardial infarction tends to be AV nodal bances are mainly due to noncaseating
owing to either the Bezold-Jarisch reflex or granulomatous infiltration of the conduction
ischemia involving the AV nodal artery. The AV system.
block usually resolves within few days and rarely
requires permanent pacing. In contrast, complete Key Points for the Proceduralist
AV block after anterior infarction is infranodal and Damage to the AV node and/or its blood supply
often warrants permanent pacing.39 AV block can occur in electrophysiologic procedures such
associated with ventricular arrhythmias in young as ablation of AV nodal reentrant tachycardia,

Table 2
Causes of acquired AV block

Pathogenesis Examples
Ischemic Acute myocardial infarction
Fibrodegenerative Lev’s disease, Lenegre’s disease
Infectious Bacterial endocarditis (owing to perivalvular extension of an aortic
abscess), myocarditis, Lyme’s disease, syphilis, rheumatic fever
Infiltrative Sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, carcinoid, malignancy
Connective tissue diseases Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic
scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis
Neuromuscular disorders Myotonic dystrophy, Kearns–Sayre syndrome, Friedreich’s ataxia
Endocrine Hypothyroidism
Metabolic Hyperkalemia
Drug induced AV nodal blocking agents (beta blockers, calcium channel blocking
agents, digoxin), lithium, clonidine
Iatrogenic Radiation, cardiac surgeries (coronary artery bypass grafting, aortic valve
replacement and/or aortic root replacement, surgical repair of AV
defects, septal myectomy or alcohol ablation of the interventricular

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Cardiac Conduction System 285

septal accessory pathways, and septal mitral

annular ventricular tachycardia. Knowledge of
the exact AV node location is crucial to avoid the
risk of causing AV block during these procedures
especially given the inability to record electro-
grams from the AV node. Although the risk of AV
block with a slow pathway has been variably re-
ported to be about 1% to 2.3%,40 an electrophys-
iologist is expected to keep the risk at less than
1%. During slow pathway ablation, the triangle of
Koch is delineated using the His bundle as the
apex of the triangle and the coronary sinus as its
base. The AV node should be visualized as mid-
septal within the triangle of Koch. Ablation is
then performed inferior to this approximated loca-
tion of the AV node while maintaining good contact
against the septum.41 AV nodal block can occur
anywhere in the septum, even near the coronary
sinus ostium, especially near the roof. A safe
approach would be to perform a linear ablation
from the septal tricuspid annulus to the anterior
lip of the coronary sinus at the level of the floor
and move up gradually if needed. In septal acces-
sory pathway ablations, ablation of midseptal
accessory pathways is associated with a higher
risk of AV block (10.4%) as compared with ablation
of the anteroseptal (2.7%) and posteroseptal
accessory pathways (1%).42 Owing to the higher
risk of AV block in the mid-septal area, cryoabla-
tion should be favored over radiofrequency abla-
tion.43 When radiofrequency ablation is
considered in that location, more ventricular abla-
tion would have a theoretically lower risk of AV
block.43 Fig. 9. Penetrating His bundle in the membranous
septum giving rise to the left and right bundle
branches at the interventricular crest. CFB, central
THE HIS BUNDLE AND BUNDLE BRANCHES fibrous body; LBBB, left bundle branch; RBB, right
Normal and Developmental Anatomy bundle branch; TV, tricuspid valve.

The His bundle is a 20-mm long, cord-like ventric-

ular structure, about 4 mm in diameter, extending
(Fig. 10).44 The left bundle is a direct continuation
from the AV node and penetrating the membra-
of the His bundle, carrying most of its fibers. It is
nous interventricular septum.44 The collagenous
initially superficial before it becomes slightly
tissue in the membranous septum that forms the
deeper in the subendocardial myocardium.
central fibrous body encapsulates the His bundle
The His bundle has a dual arterial supply from
and renders electrical insulation. The His bundle
the AV nodal artery and septal perforator of the
mostly runs on the left of the membranous septum
left anterior descending artery (see Fig. 2). The
and bifurcates into the left and the right bundle
left bundle has a dual blood supply from the right
branches at the interventricular crest (Fig. 9).
coronary and left anterior descending arteries,
The right bundle branches off at an obtuse angle
and the right bundle is perfused by the septal per-
with an initial intramyocardial course before it be-
forators alone (see Fig. 2).
comes more superficial in its distal third in the sep-
tomarginal trabecula. It then crosses the right
Variations in the Normal Heart
ventricular septum in the moderator band and at-
taches to the anterior papillary muscle on the right Although the His bundle resides in the lower
ventricular parietal wall. The left bundle emerges border of the membranous septum (type 1 anat-
from the base of the interleaflet triangle between omy), an autopsy study describes other varia-
the noncoronary and the right sinuses of Valsalva tions.45 In about one-third of cases, the His

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286 Karki et al

Fig. 10. (A) Tawara’s monograph showing left bundle, fascicles, and distal Purkinje system. (B) Schematic diagram
of fan-like fascicular branches of the left bundle. (C) False tendons that may house Purkinje fibers. (D) Computed
tomography micrograph of the conduction system. IVS, interventricular septum; PN, purkinjie network. (From
Stephenson RS, Boyett MR, Hart G, Nikolaidou T, Cai X, Corno AF, et al. (2012) Contrast Enhanced Micro-
Computed Tomography Resolves the 3-Dimensional Morphology of the Cardiac Conduction System in Mamma-
lian Hearts. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35299.

bundle runs intramyocardially in the interventric- the lower rim of the atrial septum, posterior attach-
ular septum (type 2 anatomy). The His bundle ment of the AV valve, and the coronary sinus.37
has a subendocardial course away from the Like AV nodes, a twin His bundle (see Fig. 5)
muscular interventricular septum (type 3 anatomy, may be present in patients with congenitally cor-
also called a naked AV bundle) in about one-fourth rected transposition of great arteries and right
of cases.45 Dandamudi and colleagues46 propose atrial isomerism.
these anatomic variations as an explanation to
why some patients have selective or nonselective Pathology of the His Bundle and Bundle
His bundle capture only irrespective of high or Branches
low pacing outputs.
The causes of AV block have been summarized in
Table 2. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Congenital Anomalies of the His Bundle
has been associated with AV block requiring pace-
In isolated ventricular septal defects, the AV node maker implantation. However, gross anatomic
and the His bundle are located in usual locations variation of the aortic root and membranous
with reference to Koch’s triangle.37 However, pa- septum is not predictive of pacemaker implanta-
tients with a perimembranous ventricular septal tion or new left bundle branch block.47 Among
defect are at high risk of injury to His bundle if the familial cardiomyopathies, lamin A/C–related
the ventricular septal defect is sutured at the cardiomyopathy is associated with a very high
attachment of the tricuspid valve leaflet.37 In an risk for the early development of conduction disor-
AV septal defect, the AV node is displaced poste- ders and sudden cardiac death. Conduction sys-
riorly and not in Koch’s triangle. The His bundle is tem pacing (Fig. 11) is being used increasingly to
located at the apex of a nodal triangle formed by prevent or treat dyssynchrony from right

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Cardiac Conduction System 287

Fig. 11. Conduction system pacing. (A) His bundle pacing and (B–D) the relative positions of the tip of the lead
from the right septum, through deep septum to left bundle area. CFB, central fibrous body.

ventricular pacing or left bundle branch block. It These structures serve as landmarks for an elec-
has been demonstrated that pacing at the level trophysiologist during mapping and ablation at or
of His bundle or proximal left bundle can lead to near the His bundle and help to avoid inadvertent
activation of the conduction system past the pre- His bundle injury and AV block. The right sinus of
sumed level of the block in the distal left bundle. Valsalva can serve as a vantage point for ablation
This phenomenon has been attributed to longitudi- of para-Hisian premature ventricular contractions
nally dissociated predestined fibers, an idea that and noncoronary sinus of Valsalva for para-
was initially proposed by Kaufmann and Roth- Hisian accessory pathways and atrial tachycardia.
berger48 and demonstrated histologically by Because of the insulation around the His bundle
James and Sherf.49 However, the presence of lon- extending into the bundle branches and the fasci-
gitudinal dissociation has been challenged. Alter- cles, para-Hisian pacing causes a differential ven-
native explanations for recruitment of distal fibers triculoatrial conduction time, depending on
with conduction system pacing include (1) modu- whether the His bundle is captured or not. Para-
lation of the source-sink relationship and (2) virtual Hisian pacing cannot be interpreted in the pres-
electrode polarization effect.50 The location of His ence of a fasciculoventricular pathway in which
bundle in the membranous septum in the commis- the insulation is breached.
sure between septal and anterior tricuspid leaflets During ablation of bundle branch reentry ventric-
allows for selective His bundle pacing and ular tachycardia, the right bundle is preferred as a
decreased risk of tricuspid regurgitation.51 How- target because the left bundle is broader and has
ever, there is a potential risk conduction system variable branching pattern and interconnections.52
injury during the procedure and a Gerbode-type
right atrial–left ventricular defect from membra- FASCICLES AND THE DISTAL PURKINJE
nous septal perforation during implantation or SYSTEM
extraction. Although the risk of perforation would Normal and Developmental Anatomy
be expected to be lower with left bundle area pac-
ing, an attempt to selectively engage the proximal The left bundle gives rise to anterior and posterior
left bundle, which is relatively superficial, may fascicles that head toward anterior and posterior
pose such risk as well. papillary muscles (see Fig. 10). The posterior
fascicle is thicker and shorter compared with the
anterior fascicle. There can be a septal or median
Key Points for the Proceduralist
fascicle that usually arises from the posterior
The membranous septum where the His bundle re- fascicle. The fibers in the fascicles may have intra-
sides is a confluence of the commissures between ventricular connections via false tendons (see
the anterior and septal leaflets of the tricuspid Fig. 10). The fascicular system finally terminates
valve on the right and between the noncoronary in a mesh-like subendocardial network of noninsu-
and right coronary sinus of Valsalva on the left. lated Purkinje fibers that penetrate about a third of

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288 Karki et al

the myocardial thickness.1 The Purkinje fibers are

nonuniformly distributed with a predilection for
papillary muscle and midventricle compared with
the ventricle base.1

Variations in the Normal Heart

As demonstrated by Demoulin and Kulbertus,53
the left bundle has a variable branching pattern.
The branching of the left bundle into discrete ante-
rior and posterior fascicles in human has also been

Pathology of the Fascicular and Distal His–

Purkinje System
The distal Purkinje system has been implicated in
the genesis of ventricular arrhythmias owing to
its unique properties.54,55 The redundancy within Fig. 12. The retroaortic node (RAN) is formed by the
combination of left and right AV rings in the atrial tis-
the Purkinje system allows for reentry even in
sue behind the nonsinus of Valsalva. The blind end
structurally normal hearts causing fascicular ven- tract is an extension of the AV conduction axis and
tricular tachycardia.56 The Purkinje fibers are rela- fades into the superior intermuscular septum be-
tively resistant to ischemia and may predispose to tween the aortic and pulmonic valve. (From Yanni J,
both automatic and reentrant postinfarction ven- Boyett MR, Anderson RH, Dobrzynski H. The extent
tricular tachycardia.57,58 The ventricular ectopy of the specialized atrioventricular ring tissues. Heart
arising from the Purkinje system can trigger Rhythm. 2009;6(5):672-680.
idiopathic or long QT-related ventricular hrthm.2009.01.021, with permission)

Key Points for the Proceduralist to be sequestered in discrete fashion and cause
The site of earliest ventricular activation in fascic- Apart from bundle branches, the AV conduction
ular ventricular tachycardia may not be a success- axis is described, in neonates, to have a third
ful site of ablation because it may represent the extension that forms an aortic ring and fades into
exit site and true origin may be at a distant site. the summit of the interventricular septum called
If the earliest activation is mapped to multiple the blind-end tract (see Fig. 12).62 These tracts
disparate sites, upstream Purkinje or fascicular are believed to be remnants of specialized
signals should be sought during mapping to embryologic conduction tissue, and have been
localize the origin of a fascicular arrhythmia.52 implicated in idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias
Similar considerations apply to mapping and abla- and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia.
tion of ventricular arrhythmias arising from the
endocavitary structures such as the papillary mus- INTRAVENTRICULAR CONDUCTION
cles, moderator band, and false tendons. The use
of intracardiac echocardiography is of immense The conduction of electrical impulses in the ven-
importance to allow real-time visualization of these tricular myocardium is based on its complex fiber
structures. orientation described elegantly by Torrent-
Gausp.63 In his model, the ventricular myocardium
RETROAORTIC NODE AND BLIND-END TRACT is formed by the folding of a single muscular band
from pulmonary artery to aorta in a double-loop
The AV node in animals has been demonstrated to helical orientation (Fig. 13). Such fiber orientation
have right and left inferior extensions with histolog- is responsible for isotropic conduction leading to
ic and immunohistochemical characteristics (con- helical twist during left ventricular contraction.63
nexin-43 negative and HCN4 positive) of cardiac This may have implication in why patients have
conduction tissue.61 These extensions traverse different responses to cardiac resynchronization
around the vestibule of the tricuspid valve and therapy, depending on the location of the left ven-
the mitral annulus, and unite superiorly in the atrial tricular lead. An immediate postimplantation
myocardium behind the aortic root to form the ret- improvement of the left ventricular twist has been
roaortic node (Fig. 12).61 These specialized cells, shown to predict reverse remodeling with cardiac
derived from embryologic AV ring, are believed resynchronization therapy.64

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Cardiac Conduction System 289

Fig. 13. Torrent–Gausp’s model of the helical ventricular myocardial band in bovine hearts. (Courtesy of Francisco
Torrent-Gausp, MD, Denia, Spain via; with permission.)

SUMMARY the floor of the coronary sinus ostium. Knowl-

The human conduction system is complex and un- edge of the AV node location is crucial to
avoid the risk of causing AV block during
derstanding its normal anatomy and variations
ablation of AV nodal reentry, septal accessory
both in normal and abnormal hearts is critical to pathways, and septal mitral annular ventricu-
treat patients with arrhythmias related to the con- lar tachycardia.
duction system.
 The His bundle resides in the membranous
septum between the anterior and septal leaf-
CLINICS CARE POINTS lets of the tricuspid valve on the right and be-
tween the noncoronary and right coronary
sinus of Valsalva on the left. Knowledge of
these anatomic landmarks help to avoid inad-
vertent His bundle injury when mapping and
 Ablation of atrial arrhythmias can result in ablating at or near the His bundle.
SND. Therefore, preablation planning with a
careful review of surgical history and review  The earliest activation site may or may not
of computed tomography angiogram can represent the true origin of fascicular ventric-
help avoid such complication. ular tachycardia. If the earliest activation is
mapped to multiple sites, upstream Purkinje
 The sinus and AV nodes can be displaced, or fascicular signals should be mapped to
duplicate or absent in the presence of localize the origin of a fascicular arrhythmia.
congenital anomalies such as septal defects,
heterotaxy syndromes and congenitally cor-
rected transposition of great arteries.
 The AV node is located in the triangle Koch, DISCLOSURE
which is defined by the tendon of Todaro, S.J. Asirvatham receives honoraria or speaker fees
the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve and
from Abiomed, Atricure, Biotronik, Blackwell

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290 Karki et al

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