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tion; ammonia from nitrides like Mg,N, and AIN and. nia (Fountain experiment), aqueous solution of ei : jrom ammonium salts using alkalies. eos. cractare by Haber's Process. ep and solubility of ammonia fountain experiment) 0B re burning of ammonia in oxygen. uealar formula : NH, ‘sive molecular mass : 17 LONE PAIR A CBR) ey) Covalent bonding in ammonia LONE PAIR, Lewis diagram or dot diagram * OCCURRENCE alte state : Ammonia is present in small “in ait and in traces in natural water. _ Lombined state + In nature, ammonia Occ comited form in many compounds such as \j ium chloride (Hindi : Nausadar), ammoniors hoc, 4nd collection (th te preparation to be studied in ‘collection and identifcen tudied in terms of setting of the rom nitrides like Mg,N and AIN usir a es: “ection 10 Be studied in terms of reactants, - id ’ products, conditions and equations. recustic oxidation of ammonia (with conditions and reaction). «sections with hydrogen chloride and with hot copper (Il) oxide and chlorine (both chlorine in excess and ammonia i Uutese reactions may be studied in terms of reactants, products, conditions, equations and observations. «gems solution of ammonia — reaction with sulphur acd, nitric acd, hydrochloric acid and solutions of ton horde iron (Il) sulphate. lead nitrate, zinc nitrate and copper sulphate. - Si omss aot . tes ofanmonia - manufacture of fertilizers, explosives, nitric acid, refrigerant gas (Chloroflur carbon —and its suitable 2ematives which are non-ozone depleting) and cleansing agents. oxide and chlorine; the burning of ammonia in oxygen: Ammonia and ammonium compounds being highly soluble in water, do not occur as minerals. ‘Note : The pungent smell which one encounters near a decaying heap of organic matter or a toilet is due to ammonia. It is produced due to bacterial decomposition of urea (NHCONH3), present in the urine. CO (NH,), + 2H,0 > 2NH,+H,0 + CO, Forms of ammonia ‘Ammonia is used commonly in the following, forms : () Gaseous ammonia (dry ammonia gas) Gi) Liquid ammonia. When dry ammonia is Tiquefied by applying high pressure itis called liquid ammonia. (si (iii) Liquor ammonia fortis is a saturated solution cof ammonia in water. It is called 880 ammonia Ithas a relative density of 0-880. It is stored in tightly stoppered bottles in a cold place, (iv) Laboratory bench reagent : Dilute solution of liquor ammonia is used as a laboratory reagent. 9.2 PREPARATION OF AMMONIA GAS 9.2.1 General methods of preparation Ammonia gas can be prepared by warming an ammonium salt with caustic alkali, such as slaked, ime or caustic soda or caustic potash. Ammonium) Alkali AS sat + | Water +/Ammonia ieee ana + | cxors) S | cays +] 21,0 + | 2Niit Sled lime extiy;s0,+ | cao, 4 | caso, + | 21,0 + | antit exy,s0,+ | 2x 4 | na,50,+ | 24,0 + | 2NH,t ‘Caustic soda exny,so,+ | 2KoH 4+ | x,80, + | 2104 | ange Caustic potash 9.2.2 Laboratory preparation (1) From ammonium chloride Reactants : Ammonium chloride (NH,Cl) and calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH),]. (Excess of calcium hydroxide is mixed well with ammonium chloride). Reaction : 2NH,CI + Ca(OH), — CaCl, + 2H,0 + 2NH; 1 aumonia —] CALCIUM. HYDROXIDE ‘AND_ AMMONIUM ‘CHLORIDE Figs 9.1 Lab. preparation of dry ammonia Procedure : Reactants (ammonium chloride hydroxide in excess) are finely grinded Alias OreiO21I > cottom flask fitted in @ nth downwards a6 shown in oe Poston the mixture, ammonia BAS iS vole Precautions : The flask 18 sited SUC gy, that the water formed in the reaction does nore i ne heated flask and thus break i ammonia gas : In order to ge gs gas is passed through a drying jy? of quicklime (CaO). and taken in a round: Drying 0 ammonia, the containing lum ~Gnsuitability of other drying agents : drying agents like conc. sulphuric a phosphorous pentoxide and anhydrous ’ chloride are not used, as ammonia being basic, reacts with them. a 2NH, + H,S0, > (NH,);S0, GNH, + P05 + 3H,0 > 2 (NH,),PO, ‘ammonium phosphae Collection : Ammonia gas is collected in inverted gas jax by the downward displacement of air because it (@® lighter than air (V-D. of NH, 8-5; that of ac 14-4), (i) highly soluble in water and therefore, it canna be collected over water. Note : 1. Higher ratio by weight of the alkali is usd it may counteract the loss by sublimtia of NH,Cl. 2. Caleium hydroxide is used, as it is che and not deliquescent like other alkalies. 3. Though all ammonium salts, on heat with alkalies give NH,, yet NH,N0 (explosive in nature) and NH,NO) warming with alkalies do not prod ammonia because they decompose ° heating, : NENG} TNO Yao" AHANO, "Sa8) PaO 2) Prom metal nitrides ihe biolds m0iome Ammonia can also be obtained by the a! 3 wrater ‘00 oltid64 of tals i «Aluminum. CThis metho dog KS ction He MeN £H0. > IMBOH), + 2N,¢ AIN + 3H,0 - AION), + NHyt procedure : Magnesium nitride or Atumi aide kePt in a round bottomed flask fitted aifale funnel and a. delivery tube, 4,02. Warm water shown in added very slowly, AMMONIA Gas DRYING "AGENT ca0, MAGNESIUM fig, 92 Preparation of ammonia from magnesium nitride ‘Ammonia gas is liberated and magnesium hydroxide or aluminium hydroxide is also formed, tut it remains in the flask and the liberated ammonia cas escapes through the delivery tube. The ammonia gas formed is collected by folding the jar with its mouth downwards over the delivery tube. ‘The gas can be dried by passing it through quicklime packed in a drying tower. 9.3 PREPARATION OF AQUEOUS AMMONIA An aqueous solution of ammonia is prepared by dissolving ammonia in water. The rate of disolution of ammonia in water is very high, tirefore, back suction of water is possible. a ‘vid this, a funnel is attached 10 the outer end of the delivery tube with rubber tubing (the ee A Snitar to the method used to change HC! gs hydrochloric acid). i of area for dissolution of ‘back suction of water into —_ * The funnel provides a larger surface ‘nmonia in water and prevents the hot flask. AMIONIUM CHLORIDE AND ‘CALCIUM HYBROKIDE Fig, 9.1 Aqueous solution of ammonia Procedure : Water is taken in a container and only a small portion of the mouth of the funnel is dipped in water, As ammonia dissolves in water at a higher rate than its production in the flask, the pressure in the funnel above water level decreases for a moment, and water rushes into the funnel. As a result, the rim of the funnel loses its contact with water. Since, ammonia produced pushes the water down, the funnel comes in contact with water again. In this way, ammonia dissolves in water without back suction of water. 9.4 MANUFACTURE OF AMMONIA (HABER’S PROCESS) ypsocen my soso eTROGEN wo UaU As voL_ Process) sa Fig. 94 Manufacture of ammonia by Haber's process Reactants : Nitrogen and n in the ratio of 1:3. by volume. sources of reactants = Nitrogen gas is obt distillation of liquid air. + Optimum temperature is 450-500 + Above 200 atm. Catalyst + Finely divic Promoter: Traces of molybdenum or Al,O;. Rate of conversion : About 15% of the reacting, gases get converted to ammonia. Recovery of ammonia : Ammonia is separated from the unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen by : 1. Liquefaction — Ammonia is liquified easily as ‘compared to nitrogen and hydrogen. 2. Absorbing in water because NH, is highly soluble in water, while N, and H, are very slightly soluble. Process : Nitrogen and hydrogen are dried, purified and then mixed in the ratio of 1 : 3 respectively, at a relatively high pressure. This mixture is passed in an electrically heated catalytic chamber containing finely divided iron with aluminium oxide or a little amount of molybdenum at a temperature of 500°C. Mixture of ammonia formed along with residual nitrogen and hydrogen led iron*, v etchanges their heat with the incoming un if pitrogen and hydrogen mt nem yt mixture of the outg¢ = fe a The mite Psd the cooling pipes (condenser). ‘Ammonia liquefies first, whereas nitrogen hydrogen do not liquefy easly. The unchanged nitrogen and hydrogen 4, recirculated through the plant £0 get MOre ammo. fy re-creulating in this way, an eventual yg Saet can be achieved. The ammonia produce stored as liquid under pressure. iy “e Note : () The reaction is exothermic, hence |g, temperature will favour the synthesi, However, at low temperature, the reactio, proceeds slowly. In practice, the optimuy temperature has been found to be in the rang of 450°C to 500°C. (ii) Four volumes of reactants produce tWo volun, of product, hence high pressure favours thy formation of ammonia. The optimum pressure is found to be 200 900 atm, Practically, a pressure of about 25) atm. is used. (iii) Catalyst and promoter : The speed of th reaction can be improved by using a cataly, which is finely divided iron, obtained by the reduction of iron oxide. A promoter molybdenum or ALO, is used increase the efficiency of the catalyst. By niogen Flow chart of Haber’s Process COMPRESSION Elecraly, sae us ‘Gondenser with 7 heated catayc [> irs tee Dry hycrogen =< 2val E Uncombined Ny nd eles bask Fe and Mo fineeto gd $e N,+3H, <= 2NH,+heat . 430 °¢—s00°¢ above 200 atm. Finely divided catalyst has more surface area, this increases the efficiency of the ie toa ince the reaction j R 8 exothermic, evolved further maintaing the wey tte heat External heating is, therefore, neq on eeratuee. the reactants are initially heated Mer Note + The purification of nix hydrogen is necessary as imputities Ite ent diaside, carbon monoxide and traces sree compounds (HS) poison the ean auenur removal of these catalyti ala bet. The Smee nitrogen and hydrogen is very eeennen oo wo “@) What s the formula of tqud ammonia 2 Account for the basic nature of 34 Sees (b) Howis am er {@ Ammonia cannot be collected over water. Give reason. Pewee 2. (e) Explain with a diagram the preparation of aqueous ammonia. {b) Why drying agents such as, P.O, and CaCl, are not used to dry NH? ‘4. Asubstance ‘A’ was heated with slaked lime and a gas’ with a pungent smell was obtained. Name the substances ‘and B and give a balanced equation. 5, Ammonia is manufactured by Haber Process. (a) Under what conditions do the reactants combine to form ammonia ? Give a balanced equation for the reaction. (b) in what ratio by volume, are the above gases used ? {@) State one possible source of each reactant used In Haber Process. (a) State whether the mation of ammonia is promoted by the use of high pressure or !ow prossuist (e) Mention two possible ways by Whe? ammonia produced is removed from unchanged gases: (0) What is the function of ¢ (i) finely divided iron, (i) molybdenum in the at (g) What is the percentage (bh) How can this percentage Amo rate 6 not usd in te proparato ‘of ammonia, eA Oe ae ae... (8) In the lab, preparation of ammonia | | () calcium hydroxide 18 used in excess | \ se (i) Flask is fitted In slanting position. | : Stl th eng cone eared in te Haver) Ps are eer cats eesti ‘equations for the same. Se (a) Ammonium chloride is a soluble salt prepared by | eae aoe (0) Wen ammonium 8. ‘non-metal of atomic number 7. The compound formed reacts with warm water and produces a basic gas. ‘dntty the elements and write the balanced chemical reactions. 10. The folowing reactions are carted out: ‘A: Nitrogen + metal > compound X “+ water -> ammonia + another compound. ©: Ammonia + metal oxide — metal + water+No ‘One metal that can be used for reaction Ais magnesium. (a) Wiite the formula ofthe compound X formed. {&) Write the correctly balanced equation for reaction where X is the compound formed. (e) What property of ammonia is demonstrated By} reaction C ? 41. Correct the folowing = {@) A reddish brown precipitate is obtained when] ammonium hydroxide is added fo ferous subhate {b) Liquid ammonia is a solution of Ni. | ©) Finely dived patnum is used in Haber Proce. (¢) Conc. HSOx is a drying agent for NH. 0 con heating, decompo 12, Goose the correct rom the folowing = ‘Ammonia can be obtained by adding water 10 ‘A: Ammonium chloride, B: Ammonium nitrite, ©: Magnesium nitride, D: Magnesium nitrate. Give reasons : at occur 25 mina (a) Anwanium compounds 4° J gent choking smell, bitter (alkaline) taste, IF inhaled, affects the respiratory system Ibrings tears to eyes. ~ when inhaled in large quantities. Vapour density = 8:5 (Lighter than air] ‘Alkaline nature “iv at 6 atm, pressure. int ; Liquid ammonia boils at -33-5°C. 9, Freezing point : Solid NH melts at-77-7°C, 10. Solubility: Highly soluble in water 1 vol. of water Aissolves about 702 vols. of ammonia at 20°C and 1 atm. pressure. FOUNTAIN EXPERIMENT To demonstrate the high solubility of ammonia gas in water. Apparatus : 1. A round bottomed flask filled with ammonia gas. 2. Mouth of the flask is fitted with a rubber stopper with two holes, one for jet tube and the other for a dropper containing water. 3. A trough containing red litmus solution. 4. Arretort stand is used to fix the round bottomed flask in inverted position as shown in Fig, 9.5. ANIMONIA GAS BLUE eT Tuse—t}. FOUNTAIN. DROPPER: RED LITMUS} ‘SOLUTION, 1. The dropper containing water is squeezeg 2, As few drops of water enter the flask, amr ‘gas present in the flask gets dissolved in way due to its high solubility. This creates a par vacuum in the flask. Since, outside pressure is higher, the red lim, solution rushes up through the jet tube we emerges as a blue fountain. (Ammo, being basic, changes red litmus solution ast bottle of liquor ammonia should be opened | very carefully, only after cooling it in ice or col | water: There is high pressure inside the bottle of | ammonia and on cooling, the pressure drops. This | prevents sudden flushing out of the gas. 9.6 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF AMMONIA, 1. Thermal dissociation : Ammonia gas dissociates into nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperatye or by electric sparks. 2NH, = N,+3H, . Basic properties : Dry ammonia is a covalest molecule. So, it is neutral even in liquefied form. Its aqueous solution is a weak base, the basicity is due to a lone pair of electrons on its nitrogen atom, H I Lone pair > :N — H | H solution of ammonia [NH,OH] is Kk base. It dissociates partially to give ions. nar @f ammonia in oxy mmo men = Ammonia is a supporter of combustion. I extingnet arming splint and does not burn 4 ea ‘ n air. 1t burns in oxygen with greenish yellow flame” '— OXYGEN Fig. 26 Burning of ammonia in oxygen _ Reaction: 4NH; +30, > 2N,+6H,0 ‘Procedure : A wide glass tube is fitted with a xk carrying two tubes, one of which reaches just the top and the other remains lower. Ammonia ssed through the longer tube, and oxygen through he shorter tube and a lighted match is applied. | Observation : Ammonia burns with a greenish low flame and produces water vapours and a. It shows that ammonia contains nitrogen ic oxidati ia : In the Catalytic oxidation of ammonia : ee of platinum at 800°C, ammonia reacts with oxygen to give nitric oxide and water vapour the combustion tube, which in the heated state emits @ reddish glow. Reaction : ANH, +50, —PE800°C H<, 64,0 + 4NOt + Heat 2NO+ > _.2NO, (brown gas) Obseryations : (@ Reddish brown vapours of nitrogen dioxide {NO,} are seen in the flask due to the oxidation of nitric oxide [NO]. 2NO +0, > 2NO, ‘The platinum [catalyst] continues to glow even after the heating is discontinued since the catalytic oxidation of ammonia is an exothermic reaction. S. Ammonia as a reducing agent : (@_ Reduction of metallic oxides Ammonia reduces heated metallic oxides to give metals, water vapour and nitrogen. Procedure : Pass ammonia gas over heated ‘copper oxide in a hard glass tube. Reaction = 2NH, +310 > —3Cu+3H,0 + N,t black reddish ss solid brown solid Observation : The black copper oxide is reduced to reddish brown copper. Similarly, Ammonia reduces heated yellow lead monoxide to greyish metallic lead. 3PbO +2NH, > 3Pb+3H,0 +N,t (yellow) (greyish) is collected in the U-tube W copper sulphate which ogen and hydrogen ey n hydride. NH, (gas) +] HICH (gas) NH, (gas) +) HNO, 7 ANH, (p38) + (ii) Reduction of chlorine to hydrogen chloride : | chlorine reacts with ammonia, it is reduced to HCl, which further combines with excess ‘of ammonia and forms NH,CI. (@) When ammonia is in excess, INH, + 31, > Ny + OHCI ___6NH, + 6HCI > 6NH,CI 8NH, + 3Cl, > N,+6NH,CL (exces) Observation : The yellowish-green colour of chlorine disappears and white fumes of ammonium chloride are formed. (6) When chlorine is in excess, then the products , are hydrogen chloride and yellow coloured highly explosive liquid nitrogen trichloride, NH, + 3Cl, > 3HC1 + NCI, These reactions show that : + Chlorine has a great affinity for hydrogen, * Ammonia is a reducing agent, 6 Reaction with acids : Ammonia being a weak base accepts protons {hydrogen ions] to form ammonium ions. It reacts with acids to form ammonium salts, a 7. * The pale blue precipitate of copper hydroxide dissolves in excess “ichate an azure blue (deep blue) soluble complex sal. CuOHy ass] ‘Ammonium chloride is a good example, two colourless gases react to form a white sola, | directly, Note : Ammonium nitrate and ammoniyy chloride both show thermal dissociation reaction, NH, NH, + HCI NH,NO, = N,O + 24,0 AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF AMMONIA Ammonia is dissolved in water to form its aqueons solution (ammonium hydroxide). NH,+H,0 > NH,OH Ammonium hydroxide reacts with acids to form salt and water. NH,OH NHOH + 2NHOH + Reaction of aqueous solution of ammonia with Soluble metal salts : Ammonium. hydroxide Feaets with soluble salts of metals to give insoluble precipitates of their re spective metallic hydroxides. (except. sodium and potas similar to NaOH solution and sharp characteristic odour, Teams + moist red litmus blue, «+ moist turmeric paper brown + phenolphthalein solution pink. 3) It gives dense white fumes with conc hydrochloric acid. NH, + HCI > NH,Cl. ‘(When NH, gas is passed through copper sulphate solution blue precipitate is formed which changes to deep blue solution on passing, the gas in excess. 5) All ammonium salts generally produce ammonia gas when warmed with alkali like sodium hydroxide. 6) Ammonium salt gives brown colour or precipitates with Nessler’s solution K,Hgl, (a slightly alkaline solution of potassium mercuric iodide made by adding KOH). 28 USES OF AMMONIA 1. Liquid ammonia is used as a refrigerant in ice plants. Liquid ammonia takes a lot of energy to vaporize (5700 calories per mole at -33 °C). This heat is taken from the surrounding bodies which are consequently cooled down. ‘Anhydrous ammonia is a clear, colourless liquid under pressure. It evaporates rapidly and produces cooling effect. This makes ammonia a good refrigerant. The main refrigerants used are freon chiorofluoro carbon (CFC). They deplete ozone - layer and also contribute to. global. warming. Thus these refrigerants are harmful to life. The chlorofluoro carbons are decomposed DY the traviolet rays to highly reactive chlorine , CFC) + Cle) (fice radical) The free radical {Cl} reacts with ozone and chlorine monoxide is formed. Clig) + Ox(g) > C1O(e) + OX) ‘This causes depletion of ozone. Chlorine monoxide further reacts with atomic oxygen and produces more free chlorine radicals. C1O(g) + O(g) > Cig) + O78) al [Cl] destroys ozone and giving rise to Again this free radi the process continues thereby ozone depletion. Ozone layer acts as a blanket in the atmosphere | above 16 km height from the earths surface. It absorbs the harmful ultraviolet rays coming from | the Sun and thus protects life on earth. Advantages of Ammonia as refrigerant (® Ammonia is environmentally compatible. It does not deplete ozone layer and does not contribute towards the global warming. It has superior thermodynamic qualities as a result ammonia refrigeration systems use less electricity. Ammonia has a recognizable odour and so leaks are not likely to escape. It being lighter than air goes up in the atmosphere not affecting the life too much on earth. Gi) Gi) (mmonia has some disadvantages. {is not compatible with copper, so it cannot be “used in any system with copper pipes. Ammonia is poisonous in high concentration, site 2, Ammonia solution is used as an important laboratory reagent in qualitative analysis as it gives characteristic coloured metallic hydroxide precipitates. 3. Aqueous NH, emulsifies or dissolves fats, grease, etc. so it is used : (@) to remove grease and perspiratic " from clothes, a ; a 4, Ammonia is used in the manufacture of : ers like ammonium fa) nitrogenous fertilisers : sulphate, diammonium hydrogen phosphate, ‘ammonium nitrate and urea. ‘Ammonia reacts with carbon dioxide at 150°C and 150 atm, pressure to give urea NaNO, (aq) + NH,Cl(aq) > NaC\(aq) +NH,NO\(aq Sodium nitrite NH,NO,(aq) —*-> N,(g) + 2H,0(g) ‘Ammonium nitrite (d) nylon and rayon, and sodium cyanamide, plastics, dyes, organic chemicals, explosives and wood pulp. which is a valuable nitrogenous fertiliser (ec) sodium carbonate by Solvay process, This _150°C_, NH,CONH, + H,0 process involves the interaction of MUSA ECT Taman ammonia, carbon dioxide, and sodium urea chloride in water solution resulting in the precipitation of sodium hydrogen carbonate. NaCl + NH, + CO, + H,0 > NaHCO,4 + NHC The sodium hydrogen carbonate is separated and ignited to obtain sodium (b) explosives like ammonium nitrate. ‘Ammonium nitrate decomposes explosively leaving no residue behind NH,NO, —1-5 N,O(g) + 2H,O(vap.) (©) other ammonium salts such as ammonium, carbonate (used as smelling salt for pee reviving a fainted person), ammonium ‘A chloride — used in dry cells and in the SNGHCO3 2p Ne ais Ore preparation of nitrogen gas. (f) nitric acid by Ostwald process, where ammonia is the starting material (Refer chapter 10C). A, (@) Is ammonia is a e em or less dense than air? precipitate further dissolves in excess of ammonia What property smo is demons by the gu to give an azure blue solution. Explain with ‘Write the balanced i y ‘equation forthe reaction betwe ammonia and sulphuric acid, se Ek the odd member from the list giving reasons: ) Ammonia, sulph oe daca, Pt dioxide, hydrogen chloride, 6. Give chemical equation(s) to prove that NH, contains nitrogen and hydrogen ? bi pe a 7. Copy and complete the following equations. (@) AIN+H,0 pet oxide, aluminium oxi (©) NH, + “ lurninium oxide, b+3Ch—> (@) NH +C0,. i Sodium oxide, @ Which pro, of ammonia is illu equation ©? a Gi) What important fertiliser is pre equation (@) 2 State i 8. @ Whatdo added to ; SHOT ON MI-10! wonia to nitrogen using an a ‘gas, {@) Ammonia t0 brown gas, (©) Ammonia to nitrogen trichloride, {@)_ Ammonia solution to an amphoteric hydroxide, |) Anitride of a trivalent metal to ammonia, (0) Lead oxide to lead, . Name : (a) the gas which is prepared by Haber’s Process, {b) two gases which give dense white fumes with ammonia, {@) one salt of ammonia in each {i dry cell (i) explosives. ( se Which is used in ) medicine, (@) anacidic gas which reacts with a basic gas liberating ancutral gas, {e) a metallic chloride soluble in ammonium hydroxide, (the gas obtained when ammonia burns in an atmosphere of oxygen without any catalyst, | (g) anitride of a divalent metal which reacts with warm water liberating ammonia, | (h) an amphoteric oxide reduced by the basic gas, (i) white salt produced by an acidic gas and a basic gas. ‘When ammonium hydroxide is added to solution B, a pale | blue precipitate is formed. This pale blue precipitate dissolves in excess ammonium hydroxide giving an inky blue solution. What is the cation [positive ion] present in ‘solution B? What is the probable colour of solution B. When an ammonium salt is warmed with sodium hydroxide solution, a gas is evolved. State three ways in which you could identify this gas. ‘A gas ‘A’ reacts with another gas “B’ in the presence of a “catalyst to give a colourless gas ‘C’. The gas ‘C’ when comes in contact with air produces a brown gas ‘D’. The olution of ‘A’ in water turns red litmus blue, Explain the ‘ozone layer ? (b) What is the alternative of chlorofluoro carbon ? "State the advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia as refrigerent? (a) Ammonium ehloride, (0) Ammon i i State ae whether euch renetion is an example of thermad decomposition or thermal dissociation, 18. (a) Which feature of ammonia molecule leads to the formation of the ammonium ion when ammonia dissolves in water ? (b) Name the other ion formed when ammonia dissolves in water, (©) Give one test that can be used to detect the presence Of the ion produced in (b). 19. (a) Of the two gases, ammonia and hydrogen chloride, Which is more dense ? Name the method of collection of this gas (b) Give one example of a reaction between the above ‘two gases which produces a solid compound. (c) Write @ balanced equation for a reaction in which ammonia is oxidized by : (i) a metal oxide, ii) a gas which is not oxygen. 20. Study the flow chart given and give balanced equations to represent the reactions A, B and C. x B MeN, —A4 NH,

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