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Characteristic and Distribution of Congenital Heart Diseases

In outpatient clinic and pediatric ward of dr. Soedono Madiun Hospital 2015
Finariawan1, Syifa Mahmud S.A2
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, RSUD dr. Soedono Madiun-Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Indonesia
Staf pada Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Indonesia


Congenital heart disease is a heart abnormality that present at birth and

most commonly caused death among other congenital defect. Congenital
heart disease affecting up to 8-10 in every 1000 newborn. With number of
birth around 4,5 billion per year, there are approximately 40.000 babies
born with congenital heart disease in Indonesia .


No. Characteristic of Sample Total Percentage (%)
This was a descriptive research about the characteristic 1. Sex Men 26 53.06

and distribution of congenital heart disease at ward and 2. Age

0 – 28 days
clinic of RSUD dr. Soedono Madiun, East Java for a year, 29 days– 1 year
> 1 year
by investigating medical record from 1 January 2015 – 31 3. Type of congenital heart Cyanotic 12 24.49
December 2015. The patient grouped by age, gender, type Acyanotic 37 75.51
4. Nutritional Status Gizi Buruk 18 36.73
of congenital heart disease, aged when first diagnosed, Gizi Kurang 7 14.29
Gizi Cukup 18 36.73
nutritional status, other diseases coming with congenital Gizi Lebih 1 2.04
No Data 5 10.20
heart disease, medical intervention to treat the condition, 5. Management Surgery 1 2.04
Non-surgery 48 97.96
and the payment method. The data analyzed to know the 6. Payment Private 24 48.98
BPJS Non-PBI 22 44.90
number from each aspect. BPJS PBI 3 6.12

Congenital heart disesase mostly found at the first year of life. Number of Acyanotic congenital heart disease
more than cyanotic congenital heart disease. More than half of the sample considered malnutrition. Non
surgical intervention is the most management chosen to treat the condition. National Health insurance by
BPJS only cover up to 51,02% of the sample.
Keyword : congenital heart disease, characteristic distribution, children

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