Understanding Culture Society and Politics Examnination

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Dais St., Pontevedra Capiz

S.Y 2023-2024
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics- 11
Final Examination

Name: _________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________Score: _______

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A violence encompasses not only violence between female and male partners or same sex
partners but also child abuse and elder abuse.
a. family violence b. domestic violence c. violence d. child abuse
2. Refers to the abuse by one person of another in an intimate relationship.
a. family violence b. domestic violence c. violence d. child abuse
3. The _____ may take the form physical violence, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and even
a. violence b. relationships c. abuse d. war
4. In the Philippines, Republic Act No._____ or an act Defining Violence against Women and
Their Children, providing for Protective Measure for Victims, Prescribing Penalties Therefore,
and for Other Purposes, offers a more comprehensive definition.
a. 9262 b. 9362 c. 6292 d. 9292
5. Refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his wife,
former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating
a. VAWC b. child abuse c. family violence d. domestic violence
6. Is a court order saying that a man and woman are NO LONGER a husband and a wife.
a. annulment b. divorce c. legal separation d. separation
7. Is a judicial statement that THERE NEVER WAS A MARRIAGE between the man and the
woman. It is the cancelation of marriage as if it never happened.
a. annulment b. divorce c. legal separation d. separation
8. Is a decree that gives the husband and wife the right to live separately from each other,
although they are not allowed by the law to remarry.
a. annulment b. divorce c. legal separation d. separation
9. A social condition when people are aware and knowledgeable about the risks they face—
people no longer require the “forever” clause in romantic love relationship.
a. self-actualizing b. separation c. reflexive modernity d. legal
10. Families that are very different from traditional and modern families and marriages. It
includes same-sex marriages, single-mothers, a lone individual with adopted child, and open
a. self-actualizing b. post-modern families c. legal d. happy family
11. It is often defined as a social condition that accompanies globalization.
a. post-modern families b. self-actualizing c. post-modernism d. family
12. A contemporary Polish sociologist, prefers the term “liquid love” to characterize this
a. Giddens b. Piaget c. Bauman d. Vygotsky
13. Is the intimate relationships generated through online dating sites.
a. speed dating b. liquid love c. online dating d. matchmaking
14. Is a formalized matchmaking process or dating system that encourages people to meet a large
number of new people.
a. speed dating b. liquid love c. online dating d. matchmaking
15. Is an invented word for a different kind of relationship.
a. love b. dating c. polyamory d. relationship
16. It comes from Greek word means “many”.
a. poly b. amory c. zell d. mory
17. It comes from Latin and means “love”.
a. poly b. amory c. zell d. mory
18. It usually called haligi ng tahanan. Haligi or pillar refers to the foundations of the house.
a. mother b. daughter c. sister d. father
19. It is sometimes referred to as multi-local or multi-sited families, or families living in spatial
separation, are certainly not creations of recent globalizing trends but have played an integral
part in European colonial settler history.
a. transnational family b. Afam c. national family d. families
20. Beliefs and rituals are usually shared by people belonging to a definite religious community.
a. believers b. church c. catholic d. religion
21. Is a religious organization that claims to possess the truth about salvation exclusively. A
classic example is the Roman Catholic Church.
a. believers b. church c. catholic d. religion
22. A Philippines-based Catholic Charismatic religious group, was founded by Mariano “Mike”
Zuniega Velarde.
a. El Shaddai b. Solar Temple c. Pyramid of Giza d. church
23. Also perceives itself as a unique owner of the truth.
a. denomination b. sect c. cult d. church
24. It is oriented toward cooperation, at least as it relates to other similar denomination.
a. denomination b. sect c. cult d. church
25. A non-traditional form of religion. It is often considered as deviant groups within society.
The members were considered as cultists.
a. denomination b. sect c. cult d. church
26. It is sometimes used to designate the fusion of pagan religions.
a. syncretism b. ilaga c. cults d. sect
27. Is an important dimension of social stratification.
a. gender b. bias c. sex d. inequality
28. Is a social division that is based on physical attributes.
a. gender b. race c. ethnicity d. prejudice
29. Is a rigid and unfair generalization about a category of people.
a. race b. ethnicity c. prejudice d. gender
30. Is the unequal treatment of various categories of people.
a. prejudice b. ethnicity c. discrimination d. race
II. Enumeration
Direction: List down what are being asked on each of the following item.

What is L, G, B, and T in LGBT families.

Give three of five Emerging Issues on Families
Give three of four types of Religious Organization

III. Essay
Direction: Answer the question to the best of your knowledge. Write your answer in a one
whole sheet of paper. (5 pts)

41-45. What is family?

46-50. Why is education important for social development?

51-55. Why is basic education a basic right?

56-60. Do you agree in gender quality? Why or why not?

“You Can Succeed Even if Exams Are Not Your Strong Point.”

Prepared by:
Ms. Jessa Mae D. Balcena

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