Mathematics: National Test in Course A Spring 1999

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Skolverket: NpMaA VT99

NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet

(National Agency for Education)

National Test in

Course A Spring 1999

Stockholm Institute of Education Skolverket 1999 Free to use for free educational purposes. Not for sale! page 1 of 6

Skolverket: NpMaA VT99 Part II

NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet

The National Agency for Education, referring to 4 kap 3 Sekretesslagen, emphasises that this material is to be kept confidential. This material is confidential until the end of November 1999

National Test in MATHEMATICS COURSE A Spring 1999

Instructions Test time Resources Test material The test 120 minutes for part I and II without a break. Calculator and formula sheet. The formula sheet is attached to the test. The test material should be handed in with your solutions. The test is made up of 11 problems. There are different versions of problem 9. Your teacher is going to inform you which one of those you are going to solve. You are going to solve just the one your teacher has chosen and none of the other version of problem 9. Most of the problems are long-answer problems, where a short answer is not sufficient, but it is required that you write down what you do that you explain your train of thought that you draw figures when necessary. Some of the problems (where it is stated Answer required only) need only an answer. After each question the maximum number of points possible is shown. For example (2/3) indicates that the question can give 2 g-points and 3 vg-points. Try all of the problems. It can be relatively easy, even at the end of the test, to earn some points for a partial solution or presentation. It is possible to earn a maximum of 61 points in the test. Name: ________________________ School: ________________________________

Adult education/secondary school program: ____________________________________ Free to use for free educational purposes. Not for sale! page 2 of 6

Skolverket: NpMaA VT99 Part II

NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet


An admission to the Malins Gym costs 80 SKr . On the other hand, a season card costs 900 SKr . Calculate minimum number of times attending the Gym such that buying the season-card is financially sound. (2/0)


Rain water is collected in a cylindrical barrel. The height of the barrel is 1.1 m and its diameter is 60 cm . All measurements are inner-measure. How many litter water may a completely full barrel hold.


En film varar lngre p bio n p TV. P bio visas film med hastigheten 24 bilder per sekund och p TV med 25 bilder per sekund. Filmen Titanic r 175 minuter lng p bio. How many minutes is Titanic shorter on TV? (2/1)


The length of a rectangle increases by 10%, simultaneously its width decreases by 10%. Only one of the following alternatives true! Which one? Motivate your choice by calculations and figures. Its area does not change. Depending on the original size of the width and length of the rectangle, its area may increase or decrease. Its area decreases. Its area always gets larger. (2/2) Free to use for free educational purposes. Not for sale! page 3 of 6

Skolverket: NpMaA VT99 Part II

NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet


n where S is the 2 number of sleeping hours in 24-hours and n is the age of the child in years. a. Anton is four years old. How many hours per day, according to the formula, does he need to sleep? b. Using the formula plot a graph that may be used to find a childs sleeping need as a function of his/her age. c. In what age-interval may the formula be valid? Motivate your choice. d. Describe in everyday language the meaning of the formula. (3/4)
A childs sleeping need may be approximated by the formula S = 15


The weight of a newborn baby, from the moment of being born up to his/her tenth week, changes according to the figure below. a. What was the babys minimum weight? Only an answer is required b. How large was the babys average increase in weight from the point she/he was two weeks old, to the point she/he is 10 weeks old. c. Write a formula that expresses the weight of the baby in the interval 2-10 weeks as a function of time. (3/3)

6100 5900 5700 5500 5300 5100 4900 4700 4500 4300 4100 3900 3700 3500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Age (weeks) Free to use for free educational purposes. Not for sale! page 4 of 6

Weight (g)

Skolverket: NpMaA VT99 Part II

NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet


The average salary of the 15 employees of a company is 15 800 kr / month , and their median salary is 16 000 kr / month . After two new people were hired the average monthly salary of the companys workers increased to 16 000 kr / month even though the salary of one of the new hired worker was less than 15 800 kr / month . a. Suggest reasonable monthly salaries of the newly hired employees. b. The median monthly salary of the employees of the company did not change after the two newly hired workers joined the company. Explain why. (2/3)


a. b.


Every day under September 1998 the amount of rain in a region in North Jmtland is measured. In the diagram below the results of the measurements are presented Under how many days rained more than 10 mm ? Only an answer is required Somebody mistakenly claims that The diagram illustrates that under the first few days most of rain rained. Describe what type of error is made in this statement. How much did rain in September 1998 in the of the interest in North Jmtland? (2/3)

9. A

The first episode of the new TV-soap-opera Scum was watched by 80 000 people. It has become a successful program and the number of its watchers increases at the rate of 6% per week. a. How many people watch the program after two weeks? b. With how many percent has the number of people who watch the soap-opera increased after five weeks? c. After how many weeks has the number of people who watch the soap-opera doubled? (4/3)


Jonny bought a second-hand Harley Davidson for 60 000 kr . The salesman claimed that the of value of the motorcycle increases in value at the rate 4% per year. a. How much is it value after two years? b. c. With how many percent does its value increase after five years? After how many weeks has its value doubled? (4/3) Free to use for free educational purposes. Not for sale! page 5 of 6

Skolverket: NpMaA VT99 Part II

NV-College - Sjdalsgymnasiet


Maria borrows 30 000 kr to starts her own business. She is not going to pay back any part of her loan for 20 years when it is expected that the business is fully established and profitable. The annual interest on her loan is 6% . a. How much is Marias loan after two years? b. c. With how many percent has her loan increased after five years? How long does it take for her to owe double as much? (4/3) Free to use for free educational purposes. Not for sale! page 6 of 6

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