TTD Calander 2024

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: SGiaarios EocgS mm So sage AOE |||! boogie § Hes mUGOW wy Fees S oes so 4 a8 eid HOES DNEERIO SOO 94 =u eee | ‘ 9&0 11 aoriionioo 11 sos | ee ie A QA" 9@ Ile esferatio 1 | & al 40 ‘oxuEO0 858 0.9-14 | SoanH.12-18 |55%58.02.9-20| soads.4-07 &.4-30-6-00 Dep 07-19 gags251 | Sirdass | sp 52-36 ct "| orastd-24 © 1-02 | 05,9533 © 11-02| 5.9-43 © 11-19 | .5.1-28 0 1-14 at gg Spl wis ae >| i 9 wsmanto, 1 3 8 15 » 29 cues | Seyssosut | musmo10 | seo-58 |uysso.e52| soescte 67-30-9800 | ee a7-I7 | SSPOS H.7-52 | IHR S112 86 B.6-01 | Yay 5-12 3.09 6 5-55 | 75.1-2963-05 | 057-08 08-37 |a.511-21 6 12-59| WSA1-10 6 2-56 >. 7 12) De Ag =p jie 10 amoneseno)| = 2 9 16 23 30 Bt oswmeo | a 02-20 | gainsso8.8 | PORN S7 9! | sanns 098-57 / woeim aro $.3:00-4:30 | uy 4.9-55 Sgo7s7 | goteesis| | oes B80 07-4 355:53.07-99 | 353-905-24 | mabey 257 | 352400419 | 355-000 5 13) * 47 7 24 * 31° anpanto| DS 10 waemes | Hm av.4-35 | HOY? 0°.7°98| ogmas-o9 |. 02.9-32 | Bosse &.8-22 12-00-7190] 456'5.12-29 | a s6-000 7-35 | AONE 6.9-55 66-46 33. .10-08 59-42 © 11-28 | 3.5.4-52 © 6-25 | O.0.9-11 © 10-41 | 05.7-26.09-07 | 5 ie 14) td 25] 5 — 4 ——— 4 14 8} 25 waswmes | eigen do.6-23 |e wrimanis 6-10 oe.142 |09»9%09.10-37 %1-30-3-00 | “yvs 3.2-48 j Sho a8-28 | xvi 48-07 |: or.11-27 © 1410 B.5.3-26 0 4-57 | 3.5.4-43 0 6-26 20 ~_ 1527 ls 2)i2 -auiSaretio 5 1 2 ee _ag | Dex zorg doctgn | 5S 02.11-39 cusomos | sonst 00.7-40 pec caper 10-30-12-00) 2 4-45 | sesersnes 3r.5-44 | BONT.6-22 | 9H |ovs10-a2 0 12-24 SMG oan | 5.de29 0 6-01 | oat J a es A yO 30/13 enanso| = 6& 13 20 27 |: crsumes | osHan o».8-47 | MOD #.2-29 | WH 0210-13 | BOD o».2-01 49-00-1030] no m617 | wsmotd23 | navass0 | vdas.2-08 | o-512-07 © 1-47 | 28,8-07 © 9-37 | 3.5.6-06 © 7-39 | OWw.1-22 0 3-07 2280 69, ies 00 Stile Dba, Sonim aco GEO - OF BRIT (GEEP WENG He BEDE IPEGD) C0 BOTS 200 TeluguiTach Sogo: & 6oBore Sov nya’ ozo8, 80 afys bepod. dito: SU, NG,SomMHs0, HHO BHI Bsanianen dogo: 8.8.4. aGmodho, 842. OR ORES OBOE HOLCROR HORTRC Bos, 30-00 E/Ay prey crt) Co sto) Se 4 a ey ee eee TE Extereorreeprrrereirrey 7 serenenrwtrrel erry j : : TaagSmasagaoe (0 Te feobite 1080 | he ‘ost 1045, ss ‘Gmsvo 12 Bw Sreymo 10 BS ti 5)28 22|5 29/12 4 | B00 02.1-03 ee 12-24 | sma oom WYS0 .9-21 SotsgM 02.7-15 685.7125 . ee cs [Se seLateAZ . 36 © 8-23 23/6 30] oe aaanaratio 12° 19 26 REI, oad ve.10-41 | 8H 1-58 | Hoa 0».9-22 || 4.7-30-9-00 Wong w.7-39| sys s1-98 | agye2-s4 3.514-38 © 6-08 |o..10-17 © 11-56| 4.5.8-16 © 10-03 |} 13°) 20°|" 27 ° Soro 3.3-32 BO®8 02.8-27 | O5%58 H.12-04 | Soa va.11-22 ens] SEL1MD 1-417 [AMS H6-07 | wy S.2-22 35,.5.5-20 d-57 © 3~ B.S5-23 0 | 015.3-58 0 4-38 | $.5.12-08 © 1-54 Y 7. 424 28 i GASB 6.11-03 | Doxsm a.6-17 | HaLsB H.12-39 sppOrgeNG 07.2-52 aco | WSO 6.3-34 pati 3.5.12-52 © | 4.56-53 | os.12-0801-51 ie 1 mg 22 poet ify 60-07 | SOIPGS 6.9-35| a} we.4-18 hacer cet “Baioranes or1-49 oho eas Boop | SAReee bse 6 [6.85.10-31 © 12-02 "33.6 1-03 | Shh H5-16 3.5.5-36 © GE 9 04 Sgyeee Seo 23 7 20/8 2] OHM 0.2-38 8.318 U8 2-20 | egdow7-21 5,2-00 © 3-93 | 6.85,7-10 0 8-54 emuantio EA ice ee gm 012-25 | smn s.dot40 | gg) 49-00-1000| “er Riek ay re asraream | GSPHS | Basave anor réraretio |. cswE00, . %.3-00-4-30 |< TOE SOR Somnorg & sofhove So} jr Bot, aon Sito: G8,O0,crmH HD, BOS BIB aaainen oo Sor Sa 017 Sorb030 18:86 "OBio 1945 epeo 11am 1946 B01 6% MARCH Eg 20] @ waranty 8.3-34 Mogens 3.3-45 21] @Ym ve.2-23 SNES 79-16 1 Boys 69-28 39m 67-21 4541-23 012-53 | 355-520 | 453-20 © 5-07 5 aye 3 aasnaratsa 11 18 25 omOo 8M W.2-45 OG , | sm o.2-28 |oapgs a.1-3a 6.7-30-9-00 pg. 6.11-35 | SAO LO | ey 09-51 EOD 69-59 05,7-31 © 9-07 | $5.12-41 0 2-11 | 5 DS.7-15 © 9-01 Ze his a ae 12; 19 7 26. oe peas d;0-49 | ssmaaos | See ams %.3-00-4.20 |, 850.0.12-38 | gseys 0-57 | “Sagaz-27 85-23 0 2-53 |6.5.10-25 © 12-03] .5.9-10 © 10-55 ‘ zal 7 antfartia 13 20 27 seme |i: 5958 o9.12-07| sma 68-37 | 290588.4-07 | Daan w.3-10 BOI200 18 ry teanerend| PORE 610-48| eG OoII18 | SadoI2-s1 | 9852-39 i SBo0 08-01 | o7-s109-02 | asy-27 60-09 |mssanet0-24 Fa 17 ale Weis rorhartio 7 21 28 casesr00 93058 02:10-17 | SOP SC28 | oncs83.5-36 | snad d.4-26 Hoess d.5-02 | PX %41-30-3-00 darks e950 |*8eSaioas | egso20 | ao >a29 8.5.1-37 © 3-08 8.5.2-22 © 4-06 |ov.5.i0-24 © 12-06, 7 aa Taz B als 9 éntSaratia 22 29 oxom00 $cim58 o.8-12 6cd3 ane | Soe a.5-14 4:10-30-12-00 (Gro 6.8-35 Tio T4-50 | dep 35-52 si2-20 «1-80 [osi9s2ot1ea6| $3409 5:25 [o.S10-00 9 Tet apes TI 5) afi “6Miaratio ) 16 23) 30 cisco | wnma.s-aa |SUES 025-56) a esa on | Sends 8.7.24 | wow m.5-30 69:00-10:90| “perp 410-32 Be SRP | oT | exes ans at 5552-39 © 4-19 Eocene lee anteeoel| oninas eis angn: 8.8.4, SwHwrodho, asa. a0: Sen eT Tea a Sseakiee> % La &) Pan: ae $86 wis 08859 28 2017 80 bao isas Quo 12d Some 10500 Ar> ae || | Ede 5 mts Sor S99 80 19 008 SYS 09.2-47 630058 012-46 | soem #.4-30-6-00 =| SPOS 611-50 ego 5-02, |, Sore 2-49 58-46 © 10-15 12-19 04-05 | “orS.1-12 6 2-49 eg oe 99 * 29 ° we2-42| ays.a-24 73] @dcnarao 8 ‘DaS00) .gman.a-35 - 8305-95 | @ waspani 0912-26 $.7-30=9-00)| or I iyg [ASTON 4.10-09| ssyso 4rd, Pores 72-24 35. 4-27 © 6-01 | O.5.9-22 © Eas 852-14 0 1-49 20 a 7] air 1 auoriececo| 2 16 30 oswmcs | wgm 0.9-26 ae.4-24 iM W.2-49 1 3-00-4-30 | sponinc: 36-33 | P23: Bp eistes 10k ee ere stats Surtees 0512-16 © .5.2-40 © 4-22 | 3.5:3-54 0 5-38 aan 1 auganoo| 3 24 | owes | im 01-54 Saud |S 1200-190) es cordees 5-41 yO wii-a7 le 25.9-29 0 11-00 a Fe 4 * 15368 12-02 : (gSei0 34-30 5.815 © 9-16 So > i De0t58 6.9-55 2 aw 53-04 2.5,9°47 © 11-17 I" 6.) 2 ayi8 6.7-37 SDB B.5-12 ace ee ipo $.1-29 syg.0.2-47 57-26 © 8-56 8.5759 0 9-37 2000 09, Higtna i Sexist Boao. GaciMsao po BNGKN a - km ByHON (OOTP HAGA He GwBhaRENG! DHE eO VOD B98 | sir Bowrot 8G: & Sovhore JOsO¥H Iyer Hoz08, 0.0.3. ato rqgoa. sop Sia: $0,O0,rargED, BIO BNIB Bays ngferadvo, 8058. t bs he Coord Peer eae Acura E80 Sor 09 30 18 M08 Su ei SEBO SO e sagt ae re oS ems mimo od yy nee ? 2 Bmpo 11 amr Bio 1086 : 2 i> Mey 25 2. ag $89.5:36 | sony alae , oad &.5-53 dogne Sents | 08M S.4-20 | SGSR109 |” She a.10-44 esi | syo248 | aSonrotia orSA-18.0 2-58 | 6.5,9-92 0 11-18 | 015.8-52 0 9-47 13 *% 20° 27 ° a9 34-56 | oy80.3-00 | sme ao.a-a2 HOpSo 81-44 | 9G T.5-09 | gpordees 6-10-25 510-11 © 11-53 | 4.5.11-35 © 1-20 | 2.5.6-11 © 7-44 Bec ey ol) al: ||| 47-30-9-00 ‘snorGaretio ‘esumeo || “Ga senge o.10-50 §d30058 a.4-38 | woxss.3-09 oe Jaitley os-s9| 85 Boma | came do-ss OS. 12-21 © 1-52 [.5.11-13 © 12-58 $.5.1-32 © 3-04 Ell saarscrarso 41 3 26 8 18] - is 22* a5 29 _OsEDO @wsimamiy 6.8-56 | | eOYS de.5 ayorie |s.12-00-1-60) imo ci2-29 | geebs.2-02 | s (Gime 68-40 e35056 5, 1-56 | 8.5:12-26 0 1-57 r_30 19 ‘6:5 0010-47 0 m 11-07 $08 0-11-07 $5950 9.5-49 355-510 SE2000 3-34 3 eae "24 gad 58m 02.8-28 ’ Boro ovo aan $EQK0 09-34 ang .6-52 | 29 GA5,7-21 5, i GSFOG 6.9-58 BH3-31 © 5-01 853-42 5-21 "4 7 41) 18 7 25 pene Bois 3 3 | Mmad de.6-37 Hyg. a.10-35 aabsbost 80 66, Near eh tena aa Picea ais oats Doel es ba Oe ino tei ce eee chy serie 8 wothore oveotip Hy anb b ra efine 16800 “0380 1986 go 1130. o&rG0 9861 Day DS ey ap r y t semo118 | O5058001-29 58m o.2-4a | oan s.4-30 50.4910 | é89 042-54 DouG .6-22 353-520 5-22 | E1420 : 325.6-57 6 8-43 | 752-10 0 3-44 E) Pez BASS 02.11-13 30058 B.4-23 way 11-26 | Qagnms0-41 | O86 :12-35 ©.5.7-40 © 9-10 | &.5.5-50 © 7-31 | 3°.5.6-40 © 8-24 | 0.5.9-38 © 11-10 [21 4 14/28 11 ala 18 ‘28)i1 25 allt 208 09-09 | 908m 5-20 | ays a.5-a3 | snecet17 || BU 10-10 | w@aort2-24 58 8.2-41 (Gre H.4-53 45.8-31 © 10-02 | §.5.412-24 © 2-06 | o.5.8-40 © 10-23 | o5.8-42 0 10-14 nS a ae 19 7 26 3 SOYB 02.7-24| syor.7-12 | Scaws8 wPE | woes w.11-08 gesosa | seo232 | depiars | gngsa-so 59-41 © 11-13 | $.5.1-28 © 3-12 | 0.5.8-35 © 10-16 |0.5.10-31 © 12-00} 3 16 1B 4 einai 5-58 27 Ohare} 08-35 nS SOM 1 o2.8-S8 512-46 © 2-19 “ c | #8K0 52-06 05.208 03-43, 2 1-03 | o7.3.8-04 © 9-33, z Hy 28 | : a NW Ae.6-11 goes esbealo 1083 99 | O.3-44 Soo S 610-48 5.9- =x SSD OGD BD. ition Cort Seiciotines Boat dasi QxaSrcedbo oo GEMaGn B - etme Bysw0d (OBm BHO Ow ARBYEADNGD Ira) 00 BOI Somonisy:& Shore Sovbe sj spssianss HELO, 85 ows degoe, ERIE fo.) Tol _5:Si0; SPULDU,SPImH ID, Bo BOB disaanen nga: 8.8.0. dmpmraddo, 802. CEE ‘B80 mis bo. 083017 od eB Se 15868 0880 1946 cargo 10 3 sr500 9 56 2 2315 A 3 an ae.4-12 | 84h 0210-47 egoaan [Quan me eR: Rear 6.5.10-14 © 11-47 | $.5.42-09 © 1-39 y 15 y 22 ‘" 29 ®2.4-30-6-00 Wdevarotio ‘OsSS00. 8.7-30-9-00 leap o.acyin's 2-41 Gero ceiz-s6 | SOM 02.8-41 6357-15 5 B08 2-31 Bsd-sGo | THA-58 © 3-29 23" Oo 812-51 GOS O11-46 645.6-175 r 24 7 SOID @.10-42 FONBO 7 .10-19 75.8-52 © 9-25 a5 a rbtbsratio 4 crromeo | eseors8 34-40 Bye 3.4-21 6.5'10-10 © 11-45 | Beato 740 "36° iy B.3-29 ASO O7-05 Syssss Seo 27 2M 0».1-04, G50 5-27 | 6.5.6-15 © 7-45 4.10-30- 12-00| 6nento vase. On rS5a"5 DUROB, 088. 62Rs Repo. OD sgn: 8.8.6, sngieP@do, 8058, feo 0. ots og cas sas Recnoste Poe sat 8 os dd Gr By yoni RGN OO FOND bs ¥ ay ye : po Mie er ae CO MOT TN TNC £80 mE so. 58016 108 O58 0 15 66 ‘m0860 1946 620 10 By PESEO 9 KH mi esiaratio ASOBHOO evsmny03-59| mgm a.s-26 | smysm2-a3| ay 10-46 Be g3s0.26.00) Spo 81-50 eering 69-54 | g0e4 10-38 3.5.3-27 © 5-09 | 6.5.9-24 © 11-09 | S545 © 3-18 | 6.5.9-05 © 10~ P 5 1 427 19 26 | ond Sa 9m 3.4-24 | Oxppsm.12-43 | wamd.8-39 OS 83-22 dra wg, Gime d9-04 | HOx 79-28 BEA-200 | 6.5.11-36 61-19 | 5512-52 6 2-24 Gee Ase 20 * 2) || @asnaratio Bllmeeeeeze §i|||_@7-20-9-00 6.5110-03 © 11-34 wsev0 nogd 8.6-12 | osm a.5-a5 | PSO 2. %.3-00- 4-30 ae 239 9 2s pose 92.10-38° 6356-03 5, ee 67520 GD 6.7-55 0.5.2-05 © 3-50 | 9.5.11-44 © 1-26 | 3.5.2541 © 4-12 : az Tap Zale 7 ||| emparaso 7 14 21 20 0G) 07.8-21 = pao Soad 02.7-54 | SH OPQ One ea 99) 07-38 | vsroy 8-58 | gous aaso 3.5.3-35 © 5-21 | 8.5.2-47 © 4-26 | 5.5.12-29 © 1-59 | 354-27 © 6-03, 2s 7” A ele aifis 7| Matharatio 8 As ) 22 29 (WHO O8 02.9-51 S88 B.6-04 | s035) 330.5-57 O58 B.3-44 #0,1-30-3-00 ago o10-10 | 9388 85°56 SNe 612-13, Bis 6.9.54. | GIT 5.3-16 | oF o.8-02 csssso1| S88 | sseoso740 | ssiszo 3-21 | sgn des iT [a Te 25 esi) -éSaratio 2 9 Ae) 23 30 cxsemoo | sams .3-42 | wowsm ve.t-50 | "5E35-09 | smo w.s-20 | EES9-99 1000-92-02 5612-0 | mods |aveuotim| 807196 | os tuaosst 512-32 © 2-10 | 6.5.7-28 09-15 | O.7-57 09-93 | 8.9.2-2603-55 | TAddLO camo! 3 40 {°17 7) 24 7 31 ° _ cawmeo | e386 0.3-35 | wy o.t-46 | Foints8 B.4-04| HowsmMH.1-04 | Fcwss 39-58 fF OO ADER 12-48 | 98 33-17 | ypoySret G.10-21| wd 0-12-20 PATS) ©°.5.9-08 © 10-48 | 4.0.9-36 © 11-22 | 086-128 7-46 | WH8-17 09-47 | _ANS6-235 __| (202009, sign 204, Sbabiino aoakdcints SocinSoain md Ginain deci Bnod (oor HOGG Oe KedhsGhEnae GG) ADSI 002, JTeci domo uy: G, SoHvra Dowty) SmI HoOB, BOE oS drwOB. || Siien: 901,00, comps90, Bdraro BIB Gaiawanen sho: 8.8.4, SBModho, Bsa. mente 4 ws i Cee en Lo cee er ‘3B wid Sor 058 30 16 Wood bots So 14658) ; ‘0850 1946 eice 0am oe 9 Soe foes ag oercal0 q 0 ; & 1 1 . 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