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Lectune5 \4 o/o/xo?2 | BEAM DEFLECTIONS DELE rete inpepration\ Method lah Relation baP Radios of Camel and Bexctng. Mame ay Elastic. Conve? The ore view of the ed oes of RE de ic cli ee ee the beam: © Gmadep a bom obich wos Straight ahi pf wos unlacdel, “AB” & @ showt port of the elastic Curve id He heom which has been bent le loods. Planes roth A ond B which “ere criznal) collet Vertical now mect ob O° Th a zi Fite Fi Lending toments at A-and 8 ave eqal and pak Of — corvatuy nel : < fF cupvture GA ord OB arc equal if A and RB ape veg close 4 big nfniesimol . The enrb deforroban of the extreme ith nr Pen Gite” Hepes a Gee ee! B08 ©) le AB es i / g m \ re — at ee vay el and C lag? prangls compared #0 ¢ . Hence, Ge " AP ow. C = 27 $2 (B)KE 5 Bet. 527% 50, See qs zal 7 ae i ataeaee Hens , = Ey Assumption 5 af Beom Deflectdin : =7 Assumptions : following assumptions Nvde in caleola ting deflection s 7 abe (1) Stresses caused ah the. Lending belots — prfortiong! Iimit . 4 hboke’s holds, ) Plone section remain phne off 4 h Bear. ben} ‘ 1 Ore low me as tit — & tS af te elostfe cue is the Same as the hart zovtal prajec tion : fg shear are neplgthte. G) Length length of its C4) Defleations due => General &" OF the Aosialicaine eh 9e Peete! Ben 6 / pods Ps oe e? » © 0D i the port of the elastre Curve of. , beam oveiginaly straight and horlaintel - Considon * tuo pitts A ond By fe distenee bel them algn He cue berg ds and the horrbanteldicterneg bet” then being du. Let G the argle bel” Ayah " cal line and the hove} td th ee i ee a: © THe are 4p Subtehded is small’ 17 honizontal projection substituled — 101° as ta mor be eae uy | ee ee : i The slope of the curve fs At a Apin tytn =f in rodins EB Ie a gmall angle. Since , p= oe > follows that - é i dp . d dy ) = MF $0, idan me 3 Pees , im a td CK El (yg A h » “ atic co He WeSOmrely cold genet a Uhich 75 on me os of a deflected Bh, o ele shpc pe ra feoblem-4: Compute (-_4 ' nae . @. ep [@ du sto? ee ee the Moximum pefleetion -Dovble Inf eqration methd id lo: Pab tte at I distorce fon ab lastic Cusye. Moments Leff aide [Antelauite eo)] a ao ffi rs ie nae From i), dt deel “if aD) supe fc *4 Com @, If nel i Fo from (nn) » 2 oxipeeth rab +% 3 > gute Fre a es e. ev Sie faa. Tram (fi, : a Eng a-- Ae pei ee G ae Ak yoq 1 Jz door A © Mi roan = cae eae 4 The minus 3 indieot®s Ah ‘ ot . deflection ame crcheig the Moxrmune VD Propet ee { cares Moximurn peflectian, ‘ | fection at A, Right $0 ™ Gn sider Lelie paetint of | ibe ft it | Fhe beomn, ( mega? | ah Mewent, pea Pet PC | tb ‘art | t | => Ef. ce 2 - PLEPK “a p Compule ce ee, et \ Clastic Cupve > Oy “In 2° (ee ome Ae menerin Left side sr Gi) (Andictelutse (en) | ») cl fe fe ee Tash yt Gu * Ni fa es om (ii), Ip N20) See. fe 6 AG =@ fom @ Teneo: J2a an Gad froma), Tea | de ane oe pl aa ie thon = Lea o) lel fy 8 ye os dae. Sg SAltconadie. Metta: Conikenty Rak Ann | Left | Right | of fre bearn, Sechinat M&S Mement > 1 cute fom) C- W Ms PCL-W) | ate | ——— = =>m=-P(L- wn) *; = x he Elaghie ewove Spf Monn = Bigot Sik Cnbicheso i: ‘or POY) og , Dep ie Pad BE -@) Ge yw Be Bs Pi” F bo Bk tt Y nad) Se E> y 9 q24 From di), gf eV gro ard G29 foam i), Hf yobs 70 3 ae bs He Pe eT dren pe hea = - ee nae a may = - cS ‘FF G ‘Ans) fiosiened Compute a Maino. peflee tian - pao i 4 i pi Meon- (HOCH -9 ) hp no vet 4g eT Ss - 4 Ere > vege) > - ©! YE — i a = Oro) Fa = aan Dele este d = SCH 5)? £OnrG Oe > Gs ne A F ie PU=40; f= O and (ae ‘— ai), puns; gay 2 ee 4 i map x age, 5 Oo +02 ~2083 ~ mag = ee 33 (Any from Ai, and Locotian of Maximus f le inbgreatin method (cy-anstvt)) aS Covnpute Me meanitvde eflecton af the beom lg clubl ef the close curve Sf the obfetin I A first, clrovs 4 W Then, write the mere Ze Peay gar | (Gk > _ie/p \ il eee 4 oe Jose Cunve Meby— 28 4p 25 I~ a sf L oe +9( Je), - ©) =a ~ & olBety jn) Ces Bh Joma) 4) = fea. 5 = fhm a ye TF 2045) es adéj.d ue a Gn p ACY we 190 y sf 24 a ole C) av @) Dt ; Deh |e ae 4% yt Elie GHG an) From Dae ned, yoo.) Oe Freo mr @) , Awl; 2g end G2 aba AF mosiirum defect 0, Slaps f dy fe from <7"@, ~ We pet Gj Ee ee és 0 > TS (4) F4FCN1O) tapes > CHIEU 190-095 = SNE35t" on ne B96" Masioun deftetian = Sougt Grae = Some ay So, ; c FL; Shae * ay). Caw" ae ot fen Fe TLS FGI EF pa dee? _—_—_——se 4 ’ 2 (399 er = UTS 06 ED dpe = (89%)- Ta” a 2 +h#t a 416-152 Ans) fence, Merimum defletil, Aen? 54. oe [ fe 5 anon 4 berm sr) Le Vox itt - Grn pile, fhe magnitue £ focedfar gp mon ane ereattin OT TE bean by duuble intgrafin rothe o. Jefe eS Lr B= concter4] foe i a ze, wd an gl” WS fe a Toe Hh Aas se er “Fe eet : 2 a ie t ya). ae PE, ‘ ble Fears) pS ¥ t s Ey: a 25-5 FUP” beetg Le Ente by. =e =P oa “ae ee OFS 4 1 flee eae EL ge Fe 25 Oe IE cry! PEGI GHG, fe eit fom (i) Ab wedi ded DG =0 fear @) Ad pelo i F 20 and G4 $251 At mood -derlecti@l, oF =i Sar fom a’ @, ai oF 2 PF vo ped oe 5) Oe (ue Pe Bort ay ie pares An 2B7gnry Sear ace Max. cleffection, Trvex Tet Dai yin: 2 G4 FS > Bede n Guys ERO 2: ~SDSI1XC44 a ae Sa” dence, mor tefleebioh. / Me = @ a» de sae E pres ug) = feobss a ¢ aga op 7 «dEHe Deas dre spd 6 600 of He polwleg ae 0 Ai Shag, drow the elestic curve gf the doles Irom. The beam can be anole inte tat parts, wha , Batis lee ao 24thaot | ian te ae ae ae | OS % Ad eal Ait dy aC) fon st pm ad ere. fy oi Mecann-Ae yY SDE. ie es $7: ~ OF ka 1 oa FUKHL Gq fron GY, Afenadr G24 Sie fron Qs Ak Rett de <9 6 = HB fen defletin ab Ht2 / 5 fram FQ) D-ricros- YE KCuy Rh ae =) ~ 21090 = iH bp 4 432RR “Raa 6 = Fee 87 nae TOO Send: ~ FL ewe _ 18 3R, a” nc Oe i. dhe geamaing of defrmatiah , dt PLA) fo, % ~ 1600. 2982p & a e > Pg= 75K CL) Oe B= B= u5K(t) Theorems of Area- Moment Methad 6 in the Figure Ca) The edge view of the newhral gunface of 2 deflecte! beom js called the elostic conve of the beam ane =i shoun with rey eraggerotal deflections in 4 Figueee ). The moment diagram ic assume! fa the a jy the figure cc). fara thke enlowged dedail of section ep, The ave distance fs meaauyed along the ebstis cuwve beluicen the ov Kets equals the close cyyve. te Rap 7 whepe p is the Padus of curvatuye Taha clastic curve of the given postin. figures a 7et Paz A tae 0 ‘ b [ fey SiO | a ie be —| ~~ tf WE | \erles Cu | Ea Enlargenen of SSprenis Qo) phe Bro; el : ty and gee dos ClO; we fay site, M de ae vg. as do the elartic cupve ZG and Dd wake 4g) Ch). ane — separvaked by angle do hich all reece nee Ol) porate relative to Bah slope between tangents ¢ drawn otter. Hence, the change in drown 10 elastre cunve at any poitict-s A and § gill et dy the Sum 4% such, en one: les. aad " ha c a Giypol, ey (o= a Ai 4 dy ‘a i @) ies WeG:, Re distance ae ~’ on the elastic curve Cmensured perpendicular te tke otha, position gf Ake beam ) Fek il intersecl a tonpeng. (eee usar ch 8 ather Paint 3g the sum of the intereects dy created by tangents te The curve at ad Jacen Fork of these Intereephs may Pe eae the are of a cinele of radians 4¢ bs SU. rettel by fle ong angle <6, dl oud 0 wags ft = fro [Ang 2 Ep if nese - | | = acing doy ve dbtoih ~ feplocing LMG seh Te length tun ts brown ars the viel oR B from Fangent deaun at A of as the Fangentiq! dewiodion af 2 wlth repect Ly ye Th from the moment diagram th fice) rh See thot mdu ts the area ot the -¢ Clanent> heated a difence y irom Noted } Oredi ned theagh B gince Maw means Samra fin of Such elements 5 $4, e@ may be erpnessed q . G This * the algebwie erpressen Of tegey-s ay There -1 r okok® Ahas - | «The charge tn slope pewgen pens el “4 clastic. curve ay any toro points A and 8 Is egual to “the product Ye mulfipled by #he hae of the moment dtqpram peberen these M0 polyatg " Gi Arai foam fig, the epresson 1 (Main) tic apres ander intcgral sign m a @ the moment of the ones of the Shaded element atout the grinode “B’ tHence the geamerrare aepn ffleane ofthe integral fic(mdy) As that the inlegre! efaNvalent do the moment Jf aren about ei ordinate p of tat park of the moment diogream between A and 8. Thus, WS obtai py the abgebuie fram the fheanem 7) - Tl ee 4 Es te YA = Fr (Area Ye toy Pu > Thegreem- e ce a Tana dango fi 1 Tre deviation of tee At: ae othen zi) Si fo the elastic ig a dnection eRe date ari position Of Ihe ah eft ie obec. of t/ putt! Pf ke erent .” i. 0 4 ee port of the me eer About af Aha , 4 bebween poi A ond B | CANTILEVER LOADING | Hak | eaplgyer | Pant ges 3p row dpm | Anca eee | EZ [fn lanah A ¥ Me Pp =) re ee faint sur MP} ok +b B Vet ah 2 3 rt aot wih ond “ps 4) bi, a cae A . a Ww ALL mo Del : ; a Zi. | gan | 2 = hh 4 L [IF cpus oF 59M \ a eet yp change? in slop a T] signs % Mas 9 On9 h } y in eo cn Gendive chanyaof Slee, -" oy ages changes OF AY o FT Ee fom OG I * Oyo is © = cqunbrcleceuise fron 4 oe lef Focgent Ie | tod-ton- Po ee 4 ‘a : 3 -. a ao, ot ye en aa Daa (bh) Negative cleviecian, B Located be low z Kefeverce ony a IG) fosjre enctfon, 6 located above pe ference fengent | ont OFS of the eo frebe! > donk + er diagram about ae “el ete. ft 4 F baat ane om t ha dagen monent > dee Me ED here, \ avers shpe | Ti Mp 20 Va | we y a RF LE CAT ee Je Orie 2 Pp Lob Cpa7q Jb DSW tt bee Eeferenee axts ever” lod: ing Gui valent cant fo ARAEIINO 944 f ‘ : ae sewent® ads 44 Fea [eee PF - Ls i” ue oR food gem Ei \ equ el cantilever heching «ay 92629 dy-fA fa ACO HAR aA! Me 7 F GAk ve weout Hh eED =130 fb aan, € ‘ pan fe fier) Men t8ex pe 38 FA | : Heal eth Left J anticect ©) point Si ee 3 one fro 2a | Ngee yarhing [oad preveresing tae bith ra | Eth 24 oR cole a a ont 248 Lb Rept / ArvbicloeRECINS) Mes tLopd= 330 dbf (Ae. % G16) G9) Re ( Kee teP row J £Ot BAY) ($k £300) x4 HE ah ) 2 190 Ib-pf? Ans) fiasbe2* —— Grout the moment Of apeo Of the moment {irgrom befiicen the Penetions obtef ‘both fel ant ripht peaction , 400 Lb y Here, LMy =y " 35 toi a I) MOORE 304° 1g well 3fe 34k + Oy odd { ag By e4g0th Hg: te Ge Heart 4 (4 73¥900)4 (corn?) ‘ 03% 900 )¢(ater3) 10700 UH? “/Aes) Paib-2° Compucle (Arey Me fd Bebe Ut pg 5 eaMe f ot 4206043) f : 3a0d¥ = Ry fI0 TRy23@ Ab Rredeody fr 1 road HY 1 @ os24e REAP (ae ie = 3760 [bf é Arc) prac pe Compl? the value af b Sf at a8) ee ee colb A D EG (Aa) : i Ube 2 a See) |? EI 4g @ 160° _(180 st ee to en ae: a y poor aay % ae | rte bas agit a5 ‘a or 243 yen « u- ss ca 90] = Sao 0. poe f43. en sa ls ie CE MD feo AE ae Ihe easidbn OF mouelirnnn defetio Fhe, filles" ; of He le \ mM Assume at point Oi (ds ese iN kfe SP tart) o aes re fay ot Sep ety Vo AABO is similar to DACE. Sy, ' a ee Ef prep, =< 2b0% — s90 d60-y ET “3 * EIE= apo 19 43 She of this pred. de = ho 4ayl? m7 240- cde oe XO RA mogstmam slope feemine dhe value biG Det nee Are beam shown od rit 9 af Lye Gort Me AE DF 18 pena fe ono FS a) -48 ie Ance gimlar #0 sock Yay DFefannk= ia” er “tem tor =p (Aveo) My = + G wantartst > & Hence, oe (Bd o & 7 [1#60- Guo]. a wnt ph gp? CArs i A Ah (Pree )fe « (si “ (40) 7680 [ey ml dak )- Cee)” 3 ae i at [a xvod iil bs Ure. ane ayy ety Crorbn ees) oes Cri ate} (area? ? 2 a CL a2) GD 42760 ~" aaere Agee bs smmilar +0 ADF) Jobe Keeanay Ty? 7 0, pp = Ay Hence dftectitts f= DF, yak | Si een 220) 3 dg a [40 ¢49 - 41960 J=- Mee Itt Any [x9 Here c-ve ) sign indiwt=s thot tre deflector ot pe is opposite te He divechin anne! / fp st pepe LAST (8188, Ny hog aM (3) Mowimtem def ectfer dog Se _ A (area), Wo = PF ‘ : eee 2) = Boyt “yg oe a S Ab a i - — (2 PH XG | 1402 “EL 4 top “y ( Pret)ay Ye | ) a Crpar 08s A pad = 7 i asst <4) freon simar 4p0jangles be a 7 Shs rol Spy Meo 7 Leg fee Pap ole ~ Hence |. peflect!*? . Apagh - aie a [087-44 18 | | = ae We as) “Age fang, = oe ees Bop > OFF ig oN Maw Hee toy = 0» l (beea gg =U DAI OKO hop nty — Lege Ss wo Pye pyapk gto « Sr oxbaa (GFE) SS Ak *% glare, Nerimum Lectin folees plac - Assuinitg wt fA fom ngt apport rein deflertion deeurs. , 4 (pod esesn: 2°10 x¢m-g] : q af “ 4 CY He GWU-D FAQ Ne TS ele ee . Hence. def plecktn of 3297 eg ! a aa 2A spe ater4 A1g72 asf = 4 aa (An ) Fishsat Se Ying Aver: roma metal find mitsean EL, / Od (fF « (f As i! D wip ott WT DEMy = gogerrerel(' Je d20 Pd ) 273-337 Sieg Dee ERIN Pe? pipmats Gy Lb/f s+ 3a : > A 1 Cres pp r.... a ae ae GeMOr> Lhey st nl ~ 4 4 (tocahy 4 2 Crier Sete foom sim) Jar +triany le me = oo an ae 25 >b6 =1 =} spf ay pp Mee A ~) BE = ey fence, feflectin, Ap= bE- boyy = as [Srsantceoy BEL Ia tm) LS Torsion of. Soft = ae . ae js of the postisn an the shh le of tuist depet : ’ oe ' " ge are Stee i _@ Morin! 2 af vedins © is subjerted a a ‘ yd she an af T thot Is reesisted tt Tre othe SS te eo. guier are gf the shold fos emi ie oe ie af (2 and auder ne r + @. qePxFW “Foose dT an ving at palhl distaee @ de (aixe) #04 QRx0). - (lle? conautaTe BEAM METHOD LY Heoportions of Candugoreh keom =>Span of the condigele beam 1s equal ta the spar df dhe Real beam. The bad of the conityete beam js the Mm yp 7 diogeam of the yest Dean. Sle shear ak ang Secthon df the conJugete Beam is equal ta the shpe of the carey nel} . oft te teal hom fing section \Th ao Jf >lhe momant o Y seeton tt the f “js eval 48 the deflection convugacke beam of , / tecton of the Peak beam. the TS a Rest Bow 24 UNiigate | Bex iy () WW eee ea, ae WW Ao/ft 0) pobaaaae —?> Laat P ; a = MyGe/ VE pt — >» - Mace) faa) Bes orig 0) @ Lo Can suger th cnversion oF Rel Berm J ff # De f ? ee Sire 774 a. Bea See thay ey fea I Bean: P tae apt a ad 7 lig <0 ep Id Veh x Map L0G 16 HL Ki 60 (@ qd oh Bea Ne = 499 R-fF fron the peal beam, TMy srg ¢ >) Say= 4d-faxtg ~ Re eS Loy Kh Ar 380 AOL A Ter. ‘cite cae oOo ane mxH- 4 bea pe St <6 PE pe Ww fi 53 ut +g it, Eff .- EBM +g —{i) ff J= - a FOUEG —{7) j Bora = 0 and Gs 2709 Me 0.0 onl (y= 12.90 7p 8 ee — ——_— i ey in a - 4 ( 70) dhe OE CTE™ ‘ dy 300 Po Ge se! ae us rie we. ae {4 eAmgrns 9, 9 50-0641 Pod: Ons) yaen t > pce mer N We dF Ker ner yy Bic! | M = 90 dxQ Pn 21DOM, oO a IAEA bee “ee Tce = = 40 Ee a OCH pry 299 x1 Gtr f , Are en tg, 2 2OKAG) KE Ey er an seacg RS a Ag e SS 5 ae lnc 4 3-Farcagys CAns) elhad Aint - ener larg He oon isgat® " , ee Us x cms cent ot pit © ee. mg ci - we ae t 249 3 pcol BER 5 er aT 7 53/1 oe - a \2 aeeeags bs Algx [ht i} eX wh ET (ats > yr Sa, spe at AA 4 ee ae Pod. 34) OF KLOS 2 Deflection ab Cs “ Lye aap kd ~ Lx 19 xe a J ne ‘ ee ae 5 4, oss i 500001784 «Ae 20-16 Inch fectian— (3) the section 6 hmm deft f yer a aeeacn Shea 1nd » 33.93 Us eh “5 Ie fA Movarnum " fet rox 4 33 Lis) cara ie art Se wet Steet BD 4 ee <5 al ny ine neh. CAins j d then calec bbe edd Dpow the con ivgal® beam an SF Teflecin at B and re 30000 Kits Se 700 int me re Pa ctor | L “hie Tall ot “eon: be (abe nwa oh SO") | Hing will Ora moment ard stouctune \c ) dn jer. will be aon Finuaus Ho Yaa Oo | will gh by: aa My= ab 8 = et BI eam’ from te feal ad Ma Pax 02 4°09 ~ 40 Eft y= EFA Mp= Ro B= 4h Deflectim at cu of ile BSE Ewe e p : DIG APE. 9.999 On, by 300007450) beflection ot °B’ 133363 3x1 993 = £, 40 10 = {j= ———_ Dg MM ve 30000 xt ds = O- 1h m CAny/ froblen# “Using He coniupte bem netted ; cabulte- CMa ond Me (2) pisterce frm C tarthe PAE Of mardbmin deflectian In 8c. C3) Momito of mortinum deffectim in span fea (dite slope at w Cea 30,009 KMS J a) iq Cs Jaw = 0 Cnadeotng (old portion of 73) =) £6930" tFxsot A par Max AS a =) BAM, ttt My =0 = My=—-0°9 MB Ne 6) Te 20 CGnsifening feft portian ie SA hoon Mp Got nrg) th caye Me x (3p 22 - 30KMg Rigs 4 x linker ADT (IT i) i BPE Me = 1275 — Ci) ee fom OD Mp2 3% ye fa My =~ 19-79 fA OC) sry = 0 [Peansiving fay Adal of 6) =) Oe RIE ppt ome! aureppesen shes “ 0) Re = 379K Pant af 2ers Shear in sectian 6e7 : bi r, PG tA MK ven ~Laemn2@n 2 Me IAEA CD precimum defletin in gon Be- 2. ET Spee 270% tert VI WR tot n | 7 f hae) DE Pnae = HEMI PES AE yb {-O( 49, aS ay, Spits Bees a5 RNIKM FEA OLD n12) = 93000 K 40 a Omar AL inch, (ars) wo Sive ) [eonstesing fight Projen of ge’ 2 Ap FD" L pxpgrd 975° Pp > bye J¢5F * Sa: SRA RINE 2 q.00l8 pod Jago x00 CAns) Using the conduget= fean mvethad » wxlcaled © ~ b Ma GM and fig Shows The cet / ; nberline oy ; l under the action af its ci at “ie =) fhe column pesiratned agit eas a et ye | =) The Maximum deflection '£" Is ebro ae es en fate feng’ df fhe eolurm and 4 per blo plane, BS => yer these cond) Hans, the spe dy/dv’ hs gy small that 8 may apply the afproni mode $ frun dF he ebshte conve df a bem differnt! ey fe = N= ACOH Fy s(t ——O Malieying this by Ady ty obbein perfect liffeontels, | we get by integra nn . oer (Tt Gh y ]ay= =) Pitty >6-(4) = PYFG o> Accavsiog to the S§., oF got) & 3; fom ef @, d= PSIG 3 guppy d rf d: ie from eg” @, Er (# J p oa) 4. /Eeey Plated Bee Ss a7 te) pe Ve ln —— | | ered ¢ =| YET di WF =) Sint b= VUE Tee Keewding fo the (9, af eds God fiance G>d JS switeny (er « ]aaem (wl? J] Frecavelng to He Apure, at Ys, fea) Le Sef O~S sn (LVF) DLV VF =n7 Cn=0,1,2, te fra whieh, p= py_bhae pi ————t oT hinged ended eglumn is The nj! lod for 2 Phe fe al c re ae | | | } f)y-1 ter; One} ynidponh us pont bp ally Se => Te effec: of end conditin a the cnitieal loo * To | te tinler of tes Grd conti | shyt of Witaas| "Fixe ens 4 one end fired, the thee Wied des Bah end hinged ni one end F7FeU, | the ather free t VY, Curve: => Beet ie Ty) and BVA Gendemness posid= (7E/ ) a + For We 4190) gules finrvia P fae Of ge cooshity for lure 2000 7 ae Y | (BD A= al ! : Vie 2 ee hk ee Buckling > fFallure 400 Ye Kar A Abrnirivon chef 6 4 ceclan 9/4 Inch by 2ireh - om awe b “eu and seeares the shart Osa thet na cs a hinged column hay” an at ‘ees to the 9 Wneh clmensjan ard @ green column abaut a axjs ee Lina -ev' dimension . Deferrmine re es i h s Ins the cofe looel , asp ‘s - facker of soe = % if 2 and FW 3x 196 Psy aa ; Hy fn) The crifical bod for 2 ye 4038105 a ae AS a8 OF 57 Ae gO KIL safely <1. p-9.504 874. =4902-43 tb locd far a fired ae calamn (5, Using forse of (2) The anitical prt - Ap I9SEIG YA) 7 AN E gy fo. | Ps h 515.14 Wes ; Osivg foctar of sofed f =2; : pf yates (Aas) Vw Ff terete Cann enginical 7arrnula: 2) ecard fa ATSC (pmentean fnsti "Nh Tes 6485 HE) 2 Acesnting ta Ran kite - Gordon forme, | p 45080 Liga. = SO [Oe Trac Wc ‘a tfpettono D0" eo oe at fulens Cur te, P= En CHB Py in Psi SS) 3 8 / Mute of Stee! Conch q \ (¢ _ . ie Ps flange n eee i : AS re cusles caber aa ft long gtr Ayuil =n erds (a) Using ASC -(pmul ampibe the cafe [ea phat (of he opflicd mn fhe effect len#h jn thee quake af He hen (eng (0) What He safe bel Uf the calmn, b abe at is mid < eh? ~ ppaced Nie ee ohm fable 8 », appendix Bo panger| Avex 2926 10° & (BE, 3.7 a(feost) Saami waren a0 > Effed ve length , Le= fx Mya 36 . uo- 360 Meh So (Le } Hage 2.707 97.299 7 Applying Ake ATSC ples The Hood 0 HTK (19%) BS Si fa 2 ah A24s5-61 4 pS) Hen te, ps 1 p> dogay. ey LEEK n THl= 347, 14. .34 03 Ld Cas, 5 voed ot melprint, He dling 15 equlyaket-, i havi ing @ tength a 46 fA fence , the effectte leoth, Le =20 12:34 Ipoh $0) (Lie Je2b0% P70" L456 Pele rg the A Ais farteula, Vpp> £70 8-0-4850 64.56 SS Ny FLY ID ps [eres - px 14959: 33 25-46 38237-91 Mh Co Shack coluran — orashing failure Lang ealecran —¥ bucking y 2 UE roltth £30 9 ereghi, aA Vz » S 1003 bude

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