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N-TOP 1 – 24/08/2023




Q.1) Plants that have lots of branches grow in ______________.

a)Coastal. b)Plains. c) Mountains. d) Mangrooves

Q.2) In which of the following plants are stoma present on the upper surface of the leaf?

a) Desert plants. b) Floating plants. c)Land plants. d) Aerial plants

Q.3) A lotus plant has

a) needle like leaves. b) Very thin leaves. c)long leaves. d) Broad leaves

Q.4) In which of the following processes do birds travel long distances to avoid the hardship

Of writer?

a) Migration. b) Hibernation. c) Adaptation. d) Aestivation

Q.5) The animal given below is an example of

a) Saprophyte. b)Omnivore. c) Parasite. d) Herbivore

Q.6) Study carefully the diagram given below

Which of the following statements about the two living things above is true?

a)They are parasites. b)They grow well in dry places.

c)They are both non-green plants. d)They need sunlight to grow.

Q.7) Which of the following is a feature of Conifers?

a)They have broad leaves. b)They do not produce flowers

c)They eat insects. d)They shed their leaves in winter.

Q.8) Native place where animals live is called

a) Habitat. b)Forest. c)Home. d)None of these.

Q.9) _______________ is a mammal but can fly.

a)Bat. b)Lion. c) Bird. d) all of these

Q.10) The given animal protects itself from its enemies by using _____________.

a) Poison glands. b) Camouflage. c) Fangs. d) Sting

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