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Department of Electronics and communication

Microwave Techniques

(Theory subject)

B. Tech ECE, 6th Semester
(Session 2018-19)

Faculty Name: Mr. Ravi Kumar

Faculty Signature……………………
Course File: Check List
Sl. Particulars Status Remarks
Front Page
Checklist/Contents of the course file

1 Vision & Mission of the Institute and PEOs

2 Vision & Mission of the Department and PSOs

3 Institute Academic Calendar

4 Departmental Calendar

5 Course allotment letter

6 Master Time table

7 Individual Time table

8 List of Allotted Students

9 List and action plan of Advanced and Slow learners

10 Syllabus copies of allotted courses with list of text and reference books

11 COs, mapping of COs-POs and Cos-PSOs

12 Lesson Plan (Module wise Plan with dates planned and date of actually conducted)

13 Tutorial Plan (Module wise Plan with dates planned and date of actually conducted)

14 Details of Student centric methods used such as Experiential Learning, Participative

Learning are used for enhancing learning experience using ICT Tools
15 Tutorial Question (CO wise)

16 Assignment (CO wise) and Assignment for Fast Learners (if required as per plan)

17 Evaluation Scheme for CO with Target CO Attainment

18 Class test and ESE question paper

19 Course End Survey (Questionnaire)

(The duly filled form by all students is available in the Department File)

20 Evidence of CO attainment (Graph) and Comment on Target Achieved

(The Detailed Sheet of Attainment is available in the Department File)

Faculty Name & Signature HOD Signature

Microwave Engineering
Unit-I Elements of Microwave / Millimeter wave integrated circuit: Classification of
Transmission Lines; Planar quasi- planar and 3D structure and their properties Field
distribution and range of application. Transverse transmission the techniques for multi-
dielectric planar structure Analysis of discontinuities in planar and non-planar transition line .
Unit-II Propagation through waveguides: Rectangular and circular waveguides solution of
wave equation for TE &TM modes, degenerate and dominant modes, power transmission
power loss, Excitation of wave guides, Non existence of TEM mode in waveguide.
Introduction to strip line and Micro strip line.
Unit-III Microwave cavity resonators: Rectangular and cylindrical cavities Quality factor
and Excitation of cavities>Microwave components Waveguide couplings beds and tourists
Design and circuit realization of filters couplers phase shifters Eplane Hplane and hybrid tees
Hybrid ring wave meters Isolators and circulators tunable detectors slotted line carriage
VSWR meter.
Unit-IV Microwave measurements: Measurement of frequency wave length VSWR
impedance Attenuation low and high power radiation patterns limitation of conventional
active devices at microwave frequency.
Unit-V Microwave tubes : Klystron Reflex klystron magnetron TWT BWO principle of
operation and its performance characteristic and application.
Course Outcomes (COs)
Program: B. Tech. Semester: VIth
Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19

Course Outcomes

CO-1 2

CO-2 2

CO-3 2

CO-4 2

CO-5 2

Bloom’s Taxonomy and Bloom’s Level

(BL-1: Remember, BL-2: Understand, BL-3: Apply, BL-4: Analyze, BL-5: Evaluate, BL-6: Create)

Course Articulation Matrix

CO’s/PO’s PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3 -- --
CO2 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO3 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO4 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO5 3 -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- --

Mapping of Course Outcome to PSOs

CO’s/PSO’s PSO-1 PSO-2

CO1 3 1

CO2 3 2

CO3 3 -

CO4 3 -

CO5 3 2

(Highly Mapped- 3, Moderate- 2, Low-1)

Lesson Plan

Program: B. Tech. Semester: VI

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19

Total No. of Lectures Required: 34

Unit Lect Book/ Actual
Taxono Method of
No/ ure Topics to be Covered CO Material Dates of
my & Teaching
Title No. T (Text Delivery
UNIT I Elements of Microwave / Millimeter CO-1 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
1 discussion
wave integrated circuit

2 CO-1 BL-2 T1 Chalk and Talk

Classification of Transmission Lines

Planar quasi- planar and 3D CO-1 BL-2 T1 PPT

structure and their properties

Field distribution and range of CO-1 BL-2 T1 PPT


Transverse transmission the CO-1 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

5 techniques for multi-dielectric discussion
planar structure

Analysis of discontinuities in planar CO-1 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

6 discussion
and non planar transition line

UNIT CO-2 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

7 Propagation through waveguides
II discussion

Rectangular and circular waveguides CO-2 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

8 solution of wave equation for TE discussion
&TM modes
CO-2 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
9 power transmission power loss

CO-2 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

10 Degenerate and dominant modes,

CO-2 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

11 Excitation of wave guides

Non existence of TEM mode in CO-2 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

12 discussion
CO-2 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
13 Introduction to strip line discussion
CO-3 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
16 Micro strip line

UNIT 17 Microwave cavity resonators CO-3 BL-2 T1 PPT

CO-3 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
18 Rectangular and cylindrical cavities

19 Quality factor and Excitation of CO-3 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

cavities>Microwave components
Waveguide couplings beds and CO-3 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
20 discussion

21 Design and circuit realization of CO-3 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

filters couplers phase shifters
CO-3 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
22 Eplane Hplane and hybrid tees

CO-3 BL-2 Lecture with

23 Hybrid ring wave meters Isolators

circulators tunable detectors slotted CO-4 BL-2 T1 PPT

line carriage VSWR meter.

UNIT 25 Microwave measurements

CO-4 BL-2 T1 PPT
Measurement of frequency wave CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
26 discussion
CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
27 VSWR impedance

CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

28 Attenuation low

High power radiation patterns CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

29 discussion
limitation of conventional

30 Active devices at microwave CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with
V Microwave tubes discussion

CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

32 Klystron Reflex klystron magnetron discussion

CO-4 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

33 TWT BWO principle of operation discussion

CO-5 BL-2 T1 Lecture with

Its performance characteristic and discussion

Reference/ Text book

1.VLSI Design and Technology– D.V. Hall, McGraw Hill..:- T1

2. Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Simon. M. Sze, Kwok K.Ng. 3rd Edition :T2
Tutorial Plan

Program: B. Tech. Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19

S.No. Topic Discussed Date of

1. Tutorial Sheet 1
2. Tutorial Sheet 2

3. Tutorial Sheet 3

4. Tutorial Sheet 4

5. Tutorial Sheet 5
Tutorial sheet-1

Program: B. Tech. Semester: VI

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks: 10

1. Write note Classification of Transmission Lines. CO-1

2. Draw schematic of planar and 3D structure. CO-1
3. Write note on Transverse transmission the techniques. CO-1
4 Write note on analysis of discontinuities in planar. CO-1
5 What is non planar transition line? CO-1
Tutorial sheet-2

Program: B. Tech. Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks : 10

1. Write note on rectangular and circular waveguides solution of wave equation for CO-2
TE &TM modes
2. Give brief degenerate and dominant modes CO-2
3. Write note on power transmission power loss CO-2
4. Explain about Excitation of wave guides CO-2
5. Write note on Introduction to strip line and Micro strip line CO-2
Tutorial sheet -3

Program: B. Tech. Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks: 10

1. Write notes on rectangular and cylindrical cavities CO-3

2. Write note on quality factor and Excitation of cavities>Microwave components CO-3
3. Give waveguide couplings beds and tourists CO-3
4. Write notes on Design and circuit realization of filters couplers phase shifters CO-3
Eplane Hplane and hybrid tees
5. Write note on circulators tunable detectors slotted line carriage VSWR meter CO-3
Tutorial sheet-4

Program: B. Tech. Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks: 10

1. Describe Microwave measurements CO-4

2. Write note on Measurement of frequency wave length VSWR impedance CO-4

3. Explain Microwave tubes CO-4

4. Write note on BWO principle of operation CO-4

5. Write note on Attenuation low and high-power radiation patterns. CO-4

Tutorial sheet-5

Program: B. Tech. Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks : 10

1. Write note Klystron Reflex klystron magnetron. CO-4

2. Describe BWO principle of operation CO-4
3. Write note on static and dynamic MOS CO-4
4. Write note on its performance characteristic CO-4
5. Write note on application. CO-4
Assignment -1

Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks : 10
Date of Issue…………. Date of Submission………..

1. Explain about Elements of Microwave. CO-1

2. Write note on Classification of Transmission Lines CO-1
3. Write note Planar quasi- planar and 3D structure CO-1
4. Write note Field distribution and range of application CO-1
5. Define Analysis of discontinuities in planar and non-planar transition line CO-1
Assignment -2
Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth
Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks : 10

Date of Issue…………. Date of Submission………..

1. Explain the Propagation through waveguides CO-2

2. Write short on Rectangular and circular waveguides solution of wave equation for CO-2
TE &TM modes
3. Explain Xray lithography. CO-2
4. Discuss degenerate and dominant modes. CO-2
5. Explain Introduction to strip line and Micro strip line. CO-2
Assignment -3

Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks : 10
Date of Issue…………. Date of Submission……….

1. What do you Microwave cavity resonators? CO-3

2. Explain Rectangular and cylindrical cavities Quality factor. CO-3
3. Write the Waveguide couplings beds and tourists. CO-3
4. Write the Design and circuit realization of filters couplers phase shifter. CO-3
5. Explain Hybrid ring wave meters Isolators. CO-3
Assignment -4

Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks : 10
Date of Issue…………. Date of Submission………..

1. Write the Microwave measurements. CO-4

2. What do you Measurement of frequency wave length VSWR impedance. CO-4

3. Explain power dissipation. CO-4

4. Write a note on Attenuation low and high-power radiation patterns CO-4

5. limitation of conventional active devices at microwave frequency. CO-4

6. What is high power radiation patterns limitation of conventional active. CO-4

Assignment -5

Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max. Marks : 10
Date of Issue…………. Date of Submission………..

1. Write a short note on Microwave tubes CO-5

2. Write a short note on Klystron Reflex klystron magnetron. CO-5
3. What do you TWT BWO principle of operation? CO-5
4. Its performance characteristic and application CO-5
Assignment for Slow learners
Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth
Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19

Date of Issue…………. Date of Submission………..













1st Internal Examination

Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Duration: 2 hours

S. No Question Marks RBT

Q. 1 Attempt any two questions

a What is Elements of Microwave / Millimetres wave integrated circuit , 5 2

b What is the Field distribution and its range of application 5 4

c Transverse transmission the techniques for multi-dielectric planar 5 1

transmission line

Q. 2 Attempt any two questions

a Analysis of discontinuities in planar and non planar transition line 5 2

b Explain Rectangular and circular waveguides solution of wave equation 5 3

for TE &TM modes

c Explain degenerate and dominant modes 5 4

Q. 3 Attempt any two questions

a Explain Excitation of wave guides Non-existence of TEM mode in 7.5 1


b Explain Rectangular and cylindrical cavities Quality factor and 7.5 3

Excitation of cavities

c Explain Microwave components Waveguide couplings beds and 7.5 1


Q. 4 Attempt any two questions

a Design and circuit realization of filters 7.5 2

b Explain Hybrid ring wave meters Isolators and circulators tunable 7.5 3

c What is slotted line carriage VSWR meter 7.5 1

2nd Internal Examination

Program: B. Tech. ECE Semester: VIth

Course Title: Microwave Techniques Course Code: TEC-601
Name of Faculty: Mr. Ravi Kumar Session: 2018-19
Max Max: 30 Duration: 2 hours

Q.No. Question Marks CO RBT

Attempt any two parts
1.A VSWR impedance and its frequency wave length 5 CO3 1

1.B Explain the Attenuation low and high power radiation patterns 5 CO3 1
limitation of conventional

1.C Explain the Klystron Reflex klystron magnetron 5 CO3 2

Attempt any two parts

2.A What is TWT BWO principle of operation and its performance 5 CO4 2

2.B For a two cavity Klystron the volt applied to 5 CO4 2

cathode is 900v.
2.C Areflex Klystron operates at 8GHz at the peak of n=2 mode with 5 CO4 1
V0 =300V Rsh +20koham If the gap transit time and beam
loading are neglected find the
1-Repeller volage
2-Beam current necessary to obtain an RF gap volage of 200V.
Attempt any two parts

3A A cavity resonator with dimension a = 2cm, b = 1 cm is excited by 5 CO5 1

TE101 mode of 20 Ghz calculate the length of the cavity.

3.B VSWR impedance and its frequency wave length 5 CO5 2

3.C Explain Rectangular and cylindrical cavities Quality factor? 5 CO5 1

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