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Sec: SR.

IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A,B&C) Date:06-01-24
Time: 3HRS Max. Marks: 300

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:








Narayana IIT Academy
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.

1 For full scale deflection of total 50 divisions, 50 mV voltage is required in galvanometer. The resistance
of galvanometer if its current sensitivity is 2div / mA will be :
(A) 1Ω (B) 5Ω (C) 4Ω (D) 2Ω
2 A monochromatic neon lamp with wavelength of 670.5 nm illuminates a photo-sensitive material which
has a stopping voltage of 0.48 V . What will be the stopping voltage if the source light is changed with
another source of wavelength of 474.6 nm ?
(A) 0.96 V (B) 1.25 V (C) 0.24 V (D) 1.5 V
3 If force (F), length (L) and time (T) are taken as the fundamental quantities. Then what will be the
dimension of density :
(A)  FL4 T 2  (B)  FL3 T 2  (C)  FL5 T 2  (D)  FL3 T 3 

4 A coaxial cable consists of an inner wire of radius ' a ' surrounded by an outer shell of inner and outer
radii ' b ' and 'c' respectively. The inner wire carries an electric current i 0 , which is distributed uniformly
across cross-sectional area. The outer shell carries an equal current in opposite direction and distributed
uniformly. What will be the ratio of the magnetic field at a distance x from the axis when (i) x  a and
(ii) a  x  b ?
x2 a2 x2 b2  a 2
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 2 (D)
a x b a x2
5 The height of victoria falls is 63 m . What is the difference in temperature of water at the top and at the
bottom of fall ?
[Given 1cal  4.2 J and specific heat of water  1 calg 1  C1 
(A) 0.15 C (B) 14.76 C (C) 1.476 C (D) 0.014 C
6 A player kicks a football with an initial speed of 25 ms 1 at an angle of 45 from the ground. What are
the maximum height and the time taken by the football to reach at the highest point during motion ?
(Take g  10 ms 2 
(A) h max  10 m, T  2.5 s
(B) h max  15.625 m, T  3.54 s
(C) h max  15.625 m, T  1.77 s
(D) h max  3.54 m, T  0.125 s

7 Figure shows a rod AB , which is bent in a 120  circular arc of radius R . A charge  Q  is uniformly

distributed over rod AB . What is the electric field E at the centre of curvature O ?

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3 3Q  ˆ  3 3Q  ˆ 
(A) i (B) i
8πε 0 R 2   8π 2ε 0 R 2  
3 3Q 3 3Q  ˆ 
(C) i  (D) i
16π 2ε 0 R 2 8π 2ε 0 R 2  

8 The temperature of equal masses of three different liquids x, y and z are 10 C, 20 C and 30 C
respectively. The temperature of mixture when x is mixed with y is 16  C and that when y is mixed
with z is 26 C . The temperature of mixture when x and z are mixed will be:
(A) 28.32  C (B) 25.62  C (C) 23.84  C (D) 20.28 C
9 A particle of mass m is suspended from a ceiling through a string of length L . The particle moves in a
horizontal circle of radius r such that r  . The speed of particle will be:
(A) rg (B) 2rg (C) 2 rg (D)
10 A cylindrical container of volume 4.0 10 3 m 3 contains one mole of hydrogen and two moles of carbon
dioxide. Assume the temperature of the mixture is 400 K . The pressure of the mixture of gases is:
[Take gas constant as 8.3 J mol 1 K 1 ]
(A) 249  101 Pa (B) 24.9  10 3 Pa
(C) 24.9  10 5 Pa (D) 24.9 Pa
  
11  
The angle between vector A and A  B is:  

 B 
    A 
(A) tan 1  2  (B) tan 1  
 3   0.7 B 
AB 
 2 
 3B   Bcosθ 
(C) tan 1   (D) tan 1  
2 AB  A  Bsinθ 

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12 The two thin coaxial rings, each of radius ' a ' and having charges Q and Q respectively are
separated by a distance of 's'. The potential difference between the centres of the two rings is:
Q 1 1  Q 1 1 
(A)   2  (B)   
2πε 0  a s  a2  4πε 0  a s2  a 2 
Q 1 1  Q 1 1 
(C)   2  (D)   2 
4πε 0  a s  a2  2πε 0  a s  a2 
13 If you are provided a set of resistances 2Ω, 4Ω , 6Ω and 8Ω . Connect these resistances so as to obtain an
equivalent resistance of Ω.
(A) 4Ω and 6Ω are in parallel with 2Ω and 8Ω in series
(B) 6Ω and 8Ω are in parallel with 2Ω and 4Ω in series
(C) 2Ω and 6Ω are in parallel with 4Ω and 8Ω in series
(D) 2Ω and 4Ω are in parallel with 6Ω and 8Ω in series
14 The solid cylinder of length 80 cm and mass M has a radius of 20 cm . Calculate the density of the
material used if the moment of inertia of the cylinder about an axis CD parallel to AB as shown in
figure is 2.7 kg m 2 .

(A) 14.9 kg / m 3 (B) 7.5  101 kg / m 3

(C) 7.5  10 2 kg / m 3 (D) 1.49  102 kg / m 3

15 A parallel - plate capacitor with plate area A has separation d between the plates. Two dielectric slabs of
dielectric constant K1 and K 2 of same area A / 2 and thickness d / 2 are inserted in the space between
the plates. The capacitance of the capacitor will be given by:

ε0 A  1 K1 K 2  ε0 A  1 K1 K 2 
(A)    (B)   
d  2 K1  K 2  d  2 2  K1  K 2  
ε 0 A  1 K1  K 2  ε 0 A  1 2  K1  K 2  
(C)    (D)   
d  2 K1 K 2  d 2 K1 K 2 

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16 A bomb is dropped by fighter plane flying horizontally. To an observer sitting in the plane, the trajectory
of the bomb is a :
(A) hyperbola
(B) parabola in the direction of motion of plane
(C) straight line vertically down the plane
(D) parabola in a direction opposite to the motion of plane
17 At time t  0 , a material is composed of two radioactive atoms A and B , where N A  0   2 N B  0  .
The decay constant of both kind of radioactive atoms is λ . However, A disintegrates to B and B
disintegrates to C . Which of the following figures represents the evolution of N B  t  / N B  0  with
respect to time t ?
 N A  0   No. of A atoms at t  0 
 
 N B  0   No. of B atoms at t  0 




18 A car goes on a circular horizontal road of radius 100 m . What should be the minimum coefficient of
friction between the tyres and the road so that it completes the circle with velocity 10 m / s without
slipping ? (Take  10 m / s 2 
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.15 (D) 1

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19 A rod of mass m and length L is hinged at its top end. If the rod is in equilibrium making an angle of
30 with the vertical when a horizontal force F is applied as shown in figure, then the value of F is:

(A) mg / 2 (B) 2mg (C) mg / 2 3 (D) 3mg

20 Two trains are approaching each other on the same track with velocity 100 km / h and 50 km / h . When
they are at a distance of 300 km from each other, a bird starts flying from train 1 towards train 2. When
the bird reaches train 2 , it instantly reverses its direction and flies again towards train 1. This process
continues till the bird is trapped between the trains when they collide. If the bird always travels at a
constant speed 200 km / h . the total distance the bird flies is:
(A) 200 km (B) 400 km (C) 300 km (D) 600 km

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals , Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Answer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be
evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
21 If the maximum value of accelerating potential provided by a ratio frequency oscillator is 12kV . The
number of revolution made by a proton in a cyclotron to achieve one sixth of the speed of light is
 m p  1.67  1027 kg, e  1.6 10 19 C , Speed of light  3  108 m / s ]

22 The acceleration due to gravity is found upto an accuracy of 4% on a planet. The energy supplied to a
simple pendulum to known mass ' m ' to undertake oscillations of time period T is being estimated. If
time period is measured to an accuracy of 3% , the accuracy to which E is known as . %
23 For the given circuit, the power across zener diode is mW .

24 A body of mass ( 2M) splits into four masses {m , M  m, m, M  m} , which are rearranged to form a
square as shown in the figure. The ratio of for which, the gravitational potential energy of the system
becomes maximum is x :1 . The value of x is

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  2π  
25 The alternating current is given by i   42sin  t   10  A The r.m.s. value of this current is A.
  T  
26 When monochromatic light of wavelength 620 nm is used to illuminate a metallic surface, the maximum
kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted is 1eV . Find the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron
emitted (in eV) if a wavelength of 155 nm is used on the same metallic surface. ( hc  1240eV  nm )
27 Two capacities are fully charged by a battery as shown in the figure.

If the capacitors are disconnected from battery and plate 1 is connected to plate 4 & plate 2 to plate 3, If
the potential difference (in volts) across capacitors finally is , find x .
28 The fundamental frequency of an organ pipe open at one end is 300 Hz . The frequency of 3rd overtone
of this organ pipe is 100  nHz . Find n .
29 The instantaneous values of current and voltage in an A.C. circuit are I  4sinωt and
 π xπ
E  100cos  ωt   respectively. The phase difference between voltage and current is , then  x  y 
 3 y
is :
30. A hydrogen-like atom has one electron revolving around a stationary nucleus. The energy required to
excite the electron from the second orbit to the third orbit is 47.2 eV. The atomic number of the atom is

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This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
31 For the non stoichiometric reaction, 2 A  B  C  D the following kinetic data were obtained in three
separate experiments, all at 298 K .

Initial Initial rate of formation

concentration of C (in mol L1 s 1 
concentration of B
of A
I. 0.1M 0.1M 1.2  10 3

II. 0.1M 0.2M 1.2  10 3

III. 0.2M 0.1M 2.4  10 3

The rate law for the formation of C is
(A)  k A 
(B)  k  A  B
(C)  k[A]2  B
(D)  k  A [B]2

32. An aqueous solution contains 10% ammonia by mass and has a density 0.99 g cm 3 . If K a for NH 4 is
5.0  10 10 M , the value of hydrogen ion concentration will be
(A) 9.28  10 13 M
(B) 9.28  10 11 M
(C) 9.28  10 10 M
(D) 9.28  10 6 M

33 Which of the following is an outer orbital complex?

(A)  Fe(CN) 6 
(B)  Mn(CN) 6 
(C)  Cr  NH3 6 
(D)  Ni  NH 3 6 

34 The conductivity of a saturated solution of Ag 3 PO 4 is 9  10 6 S m 1 and its equivalent conductivity is

1.50  10 4 Sm 2 equivalent 1
. The K sp of Ag 3 PO 4 is
(A) 4.32  10 18
(B) 1.8  10 9
(C) 8.64  10 13
(D) 4.0  10 10

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of the above reaction is:





36. Clemmensen reduction cannot be used to reduce only carbonyl group which of the following?





37. If the lanthanoid element with xf -electrons has a pink colour, then the lanthanoid with 14  x  f
electrons will have which of the following colour?
(A) Blue (B) Red (C) Green (D) Pink
38. Which of the following metal cation is reduced from its higher oxidation state  2  to  1 by both KI
solution and excess of KCN solution?
(A) Zn 2 (B) Hg 2  (C) Cu 2  (D) Cd 2 

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39. Read the following statements carefully and select the correct option.
Statement-1: Aryl halides undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions with ease.
Statement-2: The carbon-halogen bond in aryl halides has partial double bond character.
(A) Statements-1 and 2 are true and Statements-2 is the correct explanation for Statements-1.
(B) 1 and 2 are true but 2 is not the correct explanation for Statements-1
(C) Statements-1 is true, Statements-2 is false.
(D) Statements-1 is false, Statements-2 is true.
40 The major product formed in the following reaction is:

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
41. Intermediate of above reaction is:





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42 A white sodium salt dissolves in water to give a solution which is neutral to litmus. When silver nitrate
solution is added to the solution, a white ppt. is obtained which does not dissolve in dil. HNO3 . The
anion is
(A) CO3 2 (B) Cl  (C) SO3 2 (D) s 2
43 Two compounds A and B have molecular formula C8 H10 . Oxidation of (A) gives benzoic acid, while
oxidation of (B) gives phthalic acid which forms an anhydride on heating. The structures of (A) and (B)
respectively are



(D) None of these
44 Which of the following disaccharides fulfills the two requirements stated below?
(i) α  1, 2  glycosidic linkage
(ii) Not a reducing sugar



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45 Consider the following reaction:
I  ClO3  H 2SO4  Cl   HSO 4  I 2
The correct statements for the given balanced equation are
I. Stoichiometric coefficient of HSO 4 is 2.
II. Iodide is oxidised.
III. Chlorine is reduced.
IV. H 2 O is one of the products.
(A) I and II only
(B) II,III and IV only
(C) I,II and IV only
(D) III and IV only
46. Ferric sulphate on heating gives:
(A) SO 2 and SO3
(B) SO 2 only
(C) SO3 only
(D) S

47. Which of the given statement(s) is not correct about the following reaction

(A) Major product is hoffmann's alkene

(B) Major product is decided by more stable β anion
(C) Mechanism of major product formation is E1CB .
(D) Reaction is known as 'Pyrolysis of quaternary ammonium hydroxide'.

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Narayana IIT Academy
48 What reagents (conditions) are needed for the following reaction?

(A) reagent A : CH 3COCl / AlCl3 ; reagent B :Sn , HCl , heat

(B) reagent A : CH 3CH 2 Cl / AlCl3 ; reagent B : KMnO 4 , heat
(C) reagent A : CH 3COCl / AlCl3 ; reagent B : H 2 NNH 2 , KOH, H 2O , heat
(D) reagent A : HNO 3 , H 2SO 4 ; reagent B :Sn , HCl , heat

49 Identify compound which readily librate CO 2 gas on heating?





50 Which of the following can not be used to distinguish aldehyde & ketones -
(A) Tollen's reagent
(B) Fehling's test
(C) 2,4-DNP
(D) Benedicts test

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals , Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Answer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be
evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
51 How many of the following compounds will give isocyanide (carbylamine) test positive:
(a) CH 3  CH 2  NH 2
(b) CH 2  CH  NH 2

(d) Ph  NH 2


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(g) CH 3  CH 2  NH  CH3


52. Identify reactions which are correctly match with their product?






53 The van't Hoff factor for 0.1MBa  NO3  2 solution is 2.74. The degree of dissociation is

54 The hydrolysis constant for the reaction, H 2 PO 4  H 2O  H 3PO 4  OH  is 1.4  10 12 . The ionisation
constant for H3 PO 4  H 2 O  H 2 PO4  H 3O  is x  10 3 . Here, x is
55 If 0.01% of a substance undergoing decomposition is consumed in 1 millisecond when the concentration
is 0.02M and in 0.25 millisecond when the concentration is 0.04M , what is the order of the reaction?
56 If E I   0.50 V and E I2 /I3  0.20 V , then E I  I is x  10 2 volt, the value of x is :
2 /I 3

57 Find out the number of electrons present in nonaxial set of d-orbital in  CoF6 
58 Count the number of possible stereoisomer for  Zn(gly) 2 

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59 Find the difference in E.A.N. value of following two compounds
2 
 Fe(CO)4  and  Ti  σ  C5 H 5 2  π  C5 H 5 2 
60 Among the following, the number of underlined elements having +6 oxidation state is .......
PO 34 , H 2 S2 O8 , H 2 SO 5 , OF2 , Cr2O 72  , Cr2 O 5


This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.

61 If a complex number z satisfies 2z  10  10i 5 3  5 , then the maximum principal argument is

62 The exponent of 2 in ..... 1000 is
(A) 994
(B) 996
(C) 1000
(D) 500
63 If f  x  and g  x  are continuous functions, then
(A) depend on λ
(B) a non-zero constant
(C) zero
(D) None of these
64 A rod of length  moves such that its end A and B always lie on the lines 3x  y  5  0 and y  5  0 ,
then locus of the point P which divide AB internally in the ratio of 2 :1 .
(A)  2  (3x  3y  5) 2  (3y  5) 2
(B)  2  (3x  3y  5) 2  (3y  5) 2
(C)  2  (3x  3y  5) 2  (3y  5) 2
(D) None of the above

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65 Let A be a matrix of order 3  3 and matrices B, C and D are related such that B  adj  A  , C  adj
 adjA  , D   adj  adj adjA    . If ∣adj(adj(adj(adj ABCD))) ∣ is | A |k , then k
(A) is less than 256
(B) has 21 divisors
(C) is perfect square of a natural number
(D) is an odd number
x  4 y  3 z 1 x  1 y  1 z  10
66 The distance of point of intersection of lines   and   from
1 4 7 2 3 8
1, 4, 7  , is
(A) 15
(B) 27
(C) 26
(D) 14
67 The number of integral solution of x 2  9  (x  3) 2  8x  25 , is
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 7
         1
68 Let a and c are unit vectors and b  4 with a  b  2a  c . . The angle between a and c is cos1   .
  
If b  2c  λa , then λ is equal to
(A) 1 / 3,1/ 2
(B) 2 / 3,1 / 3
(C) 3, 4
(D) 2,3
69 A car is parked by an owner amongst 25 cars in a row not at the two extremes. On his return, he find that
exactly 15 places are still occupied. The probability that both the neighbouring places are vacant is
 p1/s  q1/ x  r1/s  s1/s 
70 lim  where p, q, r,s  0 is equal to
x 
 4 
(A) pqrs
(B) ( pqrs )3
(C) ( pqrs )3/ 4
(D) ( pqrs )3/ 2

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71 If the line x  1  0 is the directrix of the parabola y 2  kx  8  0 . Then, one of the value of k is.
(B) 8
(C) 4
72 On the interval  0,1 , the function f  x   x 25 (1  x)75 takes its maximum value at the point
(A) 0
73 The solution of the differential equation (x  y) 2  a 2 is
(A) y  atan 1  x  y   C
(B) y  atan 1  C
 a 
(C) y  tan 1  C
 a 
(D) y   tan 1  c
 a 
74 If acos2θ  bsin2θ  c has α and β as its solution, then tanα  tanβ is equal to
75 The range of the function f  x    4x  2x 1  1 is where [.] denotes greatest integer function.
(A) positive integers
(B) whole numbers
(C) prime numbers
(D) All integers
76 The mean and variance of 7 observations are 8 and 16 respectively. If 5 of the observations are 2, 4,10 ,
12,14 , then the remaining two observations are
(A) 6,8
(B) 5,6
(C) 9,10
(D) 5,9

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77 The function f  x   [x]2   x 2  is discontinuous at

(A) all integers

(B) all integers except 1
(C) all integers except 0
(D) all positive integers
1  cosx
78  π/2
π/3 dx is equal to
(1  cosx)5/2
(B) 
79 The system of equations 3x  2y  z  0, λx  14y  15z  0, x  2y  3z  0 has a solution other than
x  y  z  0 , then λ is equal to

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) all integers except 1

80. If f  x   cosxcos2xcos4xcos8xcos16x then f    is :
(A) 2

This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the Answer in the
decimals , Mark nearest Integer only. Have to Answer any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be
evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, -1 in all other cases.
81 If the area above x -axis bounded by the curves y  2 kx , x  0 and x  2 is , then the value of k is
882 The angle between a line whose direction ratios are in the ratio 2 : 2 :1 and a line joining  3,1, 4  to
 7, 2,12  is cos 1 then A  B is (where A & B are co-prime)
83 Let  t  denote the greatest integer less than or equal to t , then the value of 12 2x  3x  dx is -

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Narayana IIT Academy
84 The coefficient of a 8 b 4 c9 d 9 in (abc  abd  acd  bcd)10 is
99 99
85 Let a n be the nth term of an AP if 10
r 1 a 2r  10
and 10 99
r 1 a 2r 1  10 , then the common difference of

the AP is
x 1 π
86 Find the number of real solutions of 2cos2   sin 2 x  x 2  2 , 0x
2 x 2
87 The sum of integers from 1 to 100 that are divisible by 2 or 5 is K then is.....
x 2  3x x  1 x  3
88 If px 4  qx 3  rx 2  sx  t  x  1 2  x x  4 then find the value of t .
x  3 x  4 3x
ˆ  
 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ  ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
1    
89 a  2i  3 j k, b   i  2 j 4 k c  i j k and d  3i 2 j k then find the value of 
a b  cd 
90 A die is rolled three times. The probability that sum of three numbers obtained is 15 , is equal to
27 K
then K is equal to

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 19

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