Health Contract Agreement

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Guidelines on the implementation of the Health

Contract Agreement between Jabez Angelo P.

Tuñacao and Jireh Isabel P. Tuñacao

Whereas, on January 4 2024, the two parties, Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao and Jireh Isabel P.
Tuñacao have discussed the terms and conditions that will be stated in this document as well as
the possible ramifications if one of the parties were to fail in the compliance of this agreement.

Whereas, on January 4 2024, the two parties have agreed to name Noel Jehoshaphat P. Tuñacao
as the creator and overseer of the contract that is being agreed upon.

Whereas, in accordance with the wishes of both parties, the general provisions, definition of
terms, scope and limitations, specific details regarding the contract, and possible addendums will
be under the jurisdiction of the overseer.

Whereas, in accordance with the rules on obligations and contracts, if a party is suspected to
have breached the contract, the party has the right to defend his/herself and unless the party has
been found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, the party will have the privilege of being innocent
until proven guilty.

NOW THEREFORE, the parties and the overseer resolves to approve the following guidelines
on the implementation of the Health Contract Agreement for the parties Jabez Angelo P.
Tuñacao and Jireh Isabel P. Tuñacao.

General Provisions

1. Scope —— These guidelines shall govern the operation and implementation of the
Health Contract Agreement between the parties of Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao and Jireh
Isabel P. Tuñacao, until the date of the wedding of Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao and Krystle
T. Tuñacao
2. Application of the Health Contract Agreement —— The Health Contract Agreement
shall be binding to one Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao and one Jireh Isabel P. Tuñacao,
provided that the following conditions are present

a. Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao and Jireh Isabel P. Tuñacao must affix their signatures
as proof of informed consent regarding the responsibilities they willingly hold
upon themselves with regards to the provisions of this contract.
b. The current day has not exceeded the date of when the wedding of Jabez Angelo
P. Tuñacao and Krystle T. Tuñacao will have occurred
c. The overseer has full jurisdiction over the parties with regards to this contract
d. There has been a reading to discuss the provisions stated within this agreement
prior to the affixation of signatures/

3. Objectives of the Heath Contract Agreement ——

a. To establish a system which, to the extent possible, allows for effective
monitoring over the health of the two parties involved
b. To give the best possible situation for the two parties to be as healthy as possible
on the date of the wedding of Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao and Krystle T. Tuñacao.
c. If a party fails to comply, to give monetary compensation to one Jocelyn Emma P.

4. Definition of Terms ——
a. “Exercise” refers to regular physical activities which last at least 10 mins with the
intent to take care and improve physical health and appearance.

b. “Diet” refers to the intake of healthy food and drinks that will help with the goal
of creating a fit and healthy body. It also includes the avoidance of any other food
or drinks that would hinder the progress of the parties goal.

c. “Portion” refers to a part of a whole of a food or drink which would only

constitute 2-3 normal bites or swallows.

d. “Holidays” refers to non-working holidays and days wherein the government

issues orders of seizure of work for that specific date. This may also include
special occasions such as “anniversary” or “birthday” however these situations
must first be mentioned to the opposing party as well as the overseer and they
must give their informed consent before the holiday shall be considered valid.

e. “Cheat days” refers to every second and fourth Sunday of the month where this
agreement becomes null and void for 24 hours. This also includes casual hangouts
with friends and/or colleagues but must come with proof that said hangout is

f. “Emergencies” refers to a serious, unexpected situation whereby for any reason,

the contract must be voided, with the informed consent of the overseer and the
parties, until such emergency has been handled and dealt with.

5. Interpretation of the Agreement —— The agreement shall be interpreted by “Verba

Legis.” No other interpretation shall be used.

Health Contract Agreement Proper

1. For Both Parties —— Both Parties shall ensure that they have their diet as well as do the
exercise that is agreed upon by the parties as well as the overseer. Within their diet, they
are allowed to have a portion of food/drink that is considered by the parties and the
overseers as unhealthy. They cannot have more than one portion of the same food/drink
per day and they can only partake of a maximum of three portions of different unhealthy
food/drink per day. The parties shall strictly adhere to the provisions stated and agreed
upon by the parties until the limitation of the contract has been reached. In case of
emergencies by any of the parties, the party must first inform the overseer and the
opposing party of such emergency before the contract shall be temporarily voided.

2. For Jireh Isabel P. Tuñacao —— She shall have an allowance of two weeks starting the
day after the contract has been affixed by her signature ( ) until fourteen
calendar days later ( ) to have a cup of rice per meal. After the two weeks
are done, she shall have another two weeks starting ( ) until fourteen
calendar days later ( ) to have a half a cup of rice per meal. After those two
weeks, she may only partake of rice when there is a holiday or cheat day. She shall be
released from her obligations when the limitation of the contract has arrived.

3. For Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao —— The full effect of the contract shall begin the day
after the contract has been affixed by his signature ( ). He may only partake
of rice when there is a holiday or cheat day. He shall be released from her obligations
when the limitation of the contract has arrived.

4. Failure to comply with the provisions within this contract —— Should the contract be
breached and the party has been found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, the consequence
of the first offense shall be a PHP 20,000.00 fine given to one Jocelyn Emma P. Tuñacao.
Every succeeding offense shall incur an additional PHP 2000.00 fine from the starting
penalty of 20,000.00 which will then be given to one Jocelyn Emma P. Tuñacao.
5. As soon as the date of the wedding of Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao and Krystle T. Tuñacao
has occurred, this agreement shall immediately become null and void.

6. Any further changes to this contract shall be made via addendum with the informed
consent of both parties and shall be written in an updated document by the overseer and
shall be subject to a reading before the affixation of signatures by the parties and the


This Contract Agreement and the provisions within shall take effect on ( ),
following the affixation of signatures by one Jabez Angelo P. Tuñacao. One Jireh Isabel P.
Tuñacao, and one Noel Jehoshaphat P. Tuñacao.


___________________________ _________________________
Party Party

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