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2023, Vol. 4, No. 1, 48 – 56

Research Article

Project DESMOS: Development and Evaluation of Self-directed Module in

Statistics and Probability

Roberto G. Sagge, Jr., Evarose E. Espiritu

West Visayas State University

Article history: ABSTRACT

Submission October 2022
Revised January 2023 Learning is weak not because learning is weak. Learning becomes weak
Accepted January 2023 because the modules were not prepared to become self-directed. The
goal of this design and development project was to create a self-di-
*Corresponding author: rected statistics and probability instructional module. Data were gath-
E-mail: ered from teachers, learners, and experts. The data-gathering instru- ments were Competency Checklist, Students’ and Experts’ Evaluation
Checklist, and Reflection Guide. According on teacher perceptions, a
survey of the learners' five least-mastered competencies served as the
foundation for the development of the module. This module was pilot
tested on a group of Grade 11 learners. Learners utilized the module at
home and were asked to answer the exercises. Learners took pictures
and short videos while they were answering the module. Afterward,
learners evaluated the module. In order to assess the module's level of
acceptability, experts were requested to complete the Expert's Evalua-
tion Checklist. Thematic analysis, rank, the mean, and standard devia-
tion were all used as data analysis tools. The results show that the fol-
lowing were the five least-mastered competencies: solving problems
involving confidence interval of the population mean, solving problems
involving regression analysis, solving problems involving sample size
determination, solving problems that require population proportion
test of hypothesis, and solving problems involving correlation analysis.
Additionally, the experts rated the produced module's acceptability as
"highly acceptable." While the learners gave the module a "highly ac-
ceptable" rating. As a result, the developed module is appropriate for
assisting learners in performing the competencies in the area of Statis-
tics and Probability. It is recommended that teachers should use the
Self-directed instructional module for whatever mode of learning their
school will have.

Keywords: Development and evaluation, Self-directed module, Statistics

and Probability

How to cite:
Sagge, Jr., R. G. & Espiritu, E. E. (2023). Project DESMOS: Development and Evaluation of Self-directed Module in Statis-
tics and Probability. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research. 4(1), 48 – 56.
doi: 10.11594/ijmaber.04.01.06
Sagge, Jr. & Espiritu, 2023 / Project DESMOS: Development and Evaluation of Self-directed Module in Statistics and Probability

Introduction and the syllabus for teaching statistical princi-

The current COVID-19 pandemic, ples is typically set during the last grading pe-
which spread to every country in the world, is riod. As a result, due to time constraints, the
one of the most recent public health crises of majority of teachers are unable to impart a
international significance. The fight against the thorough understanding of the subject. Face-
COVID-19 pandemic threats had a significant to-face math sessions are always challenging,
influence on nearly all sectors, particularly the let alone during this pandemic. The student
educational sector. To stop the COVID-19 pan- must have access to an unhindered Internet
demic from spreading and to cut down on in- connection in order to participate in online
fections, the majority of nations have tempo- learning. Online students might be unable to
rarily closed their educational institutions communicate, turn in assignments, or access
(UNESCO, 2020). But education shouldn't stop. resources if technical issues arise. This issue
Students and teachers have been forced to may, in turn, aggravate the student, hamper
study and work from home as a result of na- performance, and inhibit learning (Salcedo,
tional responses like community lockdown and 2010).
community quarantine, which has led to the de- To support the rollout of the new curricu-
livery of online learning platforms like Google, lum, the DepEd provided some textbooks.
TV broadcasts, guidelines, resources, video lec- Some of them include Probability, Statistics,
tures, and online channels (Crawford et al., and Applications for Senior High School by
2020). Different risks, issues, and difficulties Bagano, et al. (2016), Statistics and Probability
were presented by the deployment of online for Senior High School by Bagano, et al
learning for both teachers and students (Bao, (Ocampo and Tresvalles, 2016). The contents
2020). follow and are congruent with the learning ob-
The Basic Education-Learning Continuity jectives, competency standards, and needs of
Plan (BE-LCP) has been implemented by the this group of students as stated in the Statistics
Department of Education (DepEd) in School and Probability curriculum. It includes exam-
Year 2020–2021 to meet the needs of the stu- ples from everyday life, a concept map for how
dents (DepEd, 2020). The K–12 Curriculum will various statistical ideas relate to one another,
be condensed into the Most Essential Learning learning objectives, statistical investigations to
Competencies (MELCs) under this strategy, encourage active and cooperative learning, and
which also allows for a variety of learning de- conceptual knowledge of statistical ideas and
livery methods. Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) practices.
must be made available in print and of- A teaching manual for SHS Statistics and
fline/online digital formats in order to assist Probability by Albert et al. (2016) is also avail-
students, parents, and teachers in using various able has chapters on data exploration as well as
learning delivery modalities (DepEd, 2020). the K–12 SHS Statistics and Probability Curric-
For students with poor internet connectivity, ulum elements, content and performance crite-
no gadgets, or a lack of self-learning modules, ria, and learning skills. The books indicated,
adapting a variety of learning delivery choices nevertheless, are guidelines and resources that
would be problematic. Therefore, this study of- can be used by both teachers and students; they
fers chances for responding to issues in the ed- are not intended for self-directed learning. Due
ucation sector and for supporting the DepEd to this situation, the students must study effi-
Learning Community Plan in order to maintain ciently and with greater self-direction (Win-
the delivery of high-quality instruction to every ters, Greene & Costich, 2008).
school. The rich and challenging environment of
The majority of students do not fully ac- online learning poses a greater risk of failure
quire particular learning from the subject mat- for students who are not self-directed learners
ter, especially in Statistics and Probability, de- (Abar & Loken, 2010). Results of a study on sec-
spite the fact that teaching mathematics in high ondary online students' self-directed learning
school is integrative for all levels. The high show that schools can identify students who
school curriculum has four grading periods, are more independent, enabling them to enroll
IJMABER 49 Volume 4 | Number 1 | January | 2023
Sagge, Jr. & Espiritu, 2023 / Project DESMOS: Development and Evaluation of Self-directed Module in Statistics and Probability

in online classes made for self-directed stu- design, development, and evaluation pro-
dents who can take personal responsibility for cesses. Based on the student's considered least-
their learning and move at a pace independent mastered abilities by the teachers, the re-
of the rest of the class (Cavanaugh, Barbour, & searcher analyzed, created, and developed a
Clark, 2009). self-directed instructional module in Statistics
For the purposes of this study, creating a and Probability for Grade 11 senior high school
self-directed instructional module is one way learners.
to keep students' attention by giving them Additionally, this research design comes in
tasks that they can complete on their own after two forms: (1) product and tool research, and
receiving the necessary direction and training (2) model research. Type 1, which created tools
in using teaching resources like workbooks or and products, was used in this investigation.
modules that can make learning engaging and
advance students' knowledge, skills, and abili- Research Participants
ties. Based on information gathered from 65
Grade 11 STEM students, 10 experts, and 47
Description of the Issue Grade 11 Statistics and Probability teachers,
Based on the five least mastered compe- the self-directed instructional module in Statis-
tences of the learners as assessed by the teach- tics and Probability was created.
ers, this study intends to construct and evalu- Teachers. In the second semester of the
ate a self-directed instructional module in Sta- school year 2021–2022, 47 instructors of
tistics and Probability. In particular, it seeks for Grade 11 Statistics and Probability from 37 dif-
answers to the following questions.: ferent schools in the Province of Capiz were
1. What competencies in Statistics and Proba- used to identify the least-mastered competen-
bility do teachers perceived to be the least cies of the students in these subjects.
mastered of the learners? Learners. During the module's try-out, 65
2. What educational resources, including their Grade 11 students from a National High School
component parts, may be created to address in Capiz who were enrolled in Statistics and
the learners' least-mastered Statistics and Probability during the second semester of SY
Probability competencies? 2021–2022 took part. The students were STEM
3. In terms of a) learning objectives, b) content, (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
c) organization and presentation, d) format strand learners. The learners used the self-di-
and design, e) learning activities, f) assess- rected module during its implementation; they
ments, and g) self-directedness, how ac- were required to study the module and re-
ceptable is the prepared instructional mod- spond to its Self-Pretest, Self-Check, Self-As-
ule according to experts, teachers, and the sessment, and Additional Self-Task sections.
learners as a whole? Experts. Ten experts used the Expert's
Evaluation Checklist to assess the Self-directed
Methods Instructional Module in Statistics and Probabil-
In this study, design and development re- ity's level of acceptability following the mod-
search was used. It aims to produce knowledge ule's tryout.
that is based on evidence that is consistently
acquired from practice (Richey, Klein, & Nel- Data Gathering Instruments
son, 2004). Moreover, the ADDIE (Analysis, De- For this study, the researcher utilized the
sign, Develop, Implement, and Evaluation) Competency Checklist for teachers and Learn-
methodology served as a guide throughout the ers and the Experts’ Evaluation Checklist for
entire research process for this study, which is learners and experts.
based on design and development research. In Competency Checklist. The researcher-
order to provide new or improved models that made Competency Checklist consisted of 70
guide the development of instructional and learning competencies from Grade 11 Curricu-
non-instructional products and technologies, lum Guide under Statistics and Probability. Five
this research design systematically examines distinct subject-matter specialists validated the
IJMABER 50 Volume 4 | Number 1 | January | 2023
Sagge, Jr. & Espiritu, 2023 / Project DESMOS: Development and Evaluation of Self-directed Module in Statistics and Probability

checklist. The Competency Checklist tested its tions for learning objectives, content, organiza-
reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha (𝛼 = 0.953). tion and presentation, format and design,
Thus, all competencies are reliable. learning activities, assessments, and the mod-
The teachers were asked to put a check on ule's degree of self-direction. The Cronbach's
the appropriate column for their response. The Alpha (=0.945) reliability test was also per-
following five-point scale was used: 5 - Highly formed on this instrument. Therefore, all com-
Mastered, 4 – Mastered, 3 – Moderately Mas- petencies are reliable.
tered, 2 – Less Mastered, 1- Least Mastered. The levels of agreement between learners
This instrument was used to find out the level and experts were 5 - Strongly Agree (SA), 4 -
of competency of the learners in Statistics and Agree (A), 3 - Moderately Agree (MA), 2 - Disa-
Probability as perceived by the teachers. gree (D), and 1 - Strongly Disagree (SD).
Learners’ and Experts’ Evaluation To interpret and determine the acceptabil-
Checklist. 35 questions were included in a Lik- ity of the self-directed instructional module,
ert-style checklist that was divided into sec- the following scales were utilized.

Score Description Interpretation

No revisions were required because the developed self-di-
4.51- 5.00 Highly Acceptable
rected educational module evenly suited the standards.
Very few adjustments are required because the self-di-
3.51 - 4.50 Acceptable rected educational module generated very satisfactorily
met the standards.
Few adjustments are required because the produced self-
2.51 - 3.50 directed educational module satisfactorily satisfied the
The developed self-directed learning module only just met
1.51 - 2.50 Fairly Acceptable
the requirements and requires changes.
The created self-directed educational module needs exten-
1.00 - 1.50 Not Acceptable
sive changes because it did not meet the standards.

Research Procedure The outcome of the checklist identified the

Before beginning the investigation, the re- five least-mastered statistical and probabil-
searcher requested approval from the Superin- ity competencies by the students, based on the
tendent of the Division of Capiz by letter. An- perception of the teachers. This process also in-
other letter was written to request approval volved selecting an instructional module, de-
from the school's principal, assistant principal, termining the price, and allocating funds for the
and division superintendent of Capiz to test the module printout.
module. Design. After determining the least mas-
In particular, the researcher utilized the tered competencies, the outline, format, and
ADDIE Model in developing the self-directed in- distinct features of the module were created.
structional module in Statistics and Probability. Each topic in the module has the following com-
Analysis. The researcher conducted a sur- ponents: Topic, Least Mastered Competency
vey during the second semester of the school Addressed, Self-Pretest, Read Me First, Self-
year. Their responses were gathered by the re- Goals, Words I Need to Know, Self-Study, Self-
searcher personally. However, some teachers Check, Self-Assessment, Additional Self-Task,
were not available, during the survey, they Reflection Guide, Answer Key, References, Ap-
were asked to answer the Google form of the in- pendices, Progress Bar, Learner’s Information,
strument or send the picture through the mes- Learner’s Progress Record, Self-directed In-
senger to the researcher. struction Textbox.

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Sagge, Jr. & Espiritu, 2023 / Project DESMOS: Development and Evaluation of Self-directed Module in Statistics and Probability

This self-directed module can be used with- were also gathered. Safety Protocols and ethi-
out the presence of the teacher, therefore, z-ta- cal considerations were observed throughout
bles, and t-table are provided in the last part of the implementation.
the module. Following the module's tryout, it under-
Develop. The researcher researched and went revision based on the insightful remarks
produced a quality instructional module con- and recommendations made by students dur-
taining the various components mentioned in ing the implementation.
the design stage after structuring the module. Evaluation. After the implementation, the
The five least-mastered competencies from the revised module was evaluated by the learners
analysis phase served as the basis for the mod- and ten experts. Their suggestions and com-
ule's content. ments were considered by the researcher upon
The researcher created a preliminary page the revisions of the module.
that comprises a table of contents, tips for uti- Strict adherence to health norms and ethi-
lizing the modules, a collection of tables and fig- cal considerations were observed throughout
ures, the learner's details, and a record of their these activities. The mean, standard deviation,
progress. The module's content was based on and rank were used to analyze and interpret
the five skills that the professors believed the the data that had been collected.
students had not yet mastered. The researcher-
developer included eye-catching presenting Results and Discussion
formats in the module, such as graphics and fig- Competencies in Statistics and Probability
ures. In order to enhance the instructional that Learners have the Least Mastery
module, the researcher also asks professionals Table 2 shows the least mastered compe-
for their opinions and recommendations. Five tencies of Grade 11 learners as perceived by the
specialists in the field of statistics and probabil- teacher for the whole topics in Statistics and
ity examined the module's initial face evalua- Probability. The five least mastered competen-
tion. cies were the following: “solves problems in-
Implementation. In this phase, orientation volving confidence interval of the population
for the teachers and the learners was con- mean” (M = 2.19, SD = 0.537) and “solves prob-
ducted before the day of the distribution. Fol- lems involving regression analysis” (M = 2.19,
low-up instructions were done on the day of SD = 0.9). Both tied in the first rank; “solves
the distribution of the module to assure that problems involving sample size determination”
they understand how to utilize the module that (M = 2.34, SD = 0.841) and “solves problems in-
includes the date of distribution and retrieval. volving test of hypothesis on the population
Parental consent was also gathered. proportion” (M = 2.34, SD = 0.841). Both also
The developed module together with the tied for the second rank. In rank 5 was “solves
Parental consent form and Learners’ Evalua- problems involving correlation analysis” (M =
tion Checklist was distributed to 65 Grade 11 2.40, SD = 1.014). The result shows that the
learners. Both the researcher and the adviser learners have a low mastery of the topics as
facilitated the distribution of the module on perceived by the teachers. With this, the re-
May 17, 2022. Learners utilized the Self-di- searcher developed a module to address the
rected Instructional Module in Statistics and least mastered competencies as supported by
Probability at their homes. Learners were also the study of Cabiles (2022) that to address the
asked to take pictures or short videos while learners’ least mastered competencies, teach-
they are answering the learning task in the ers should develop contextualize instructional
module. The modules were retrieved on May materials. Moreover, the module is self-di-
31, 2022, two weeks after they received the rected so that the learners to use it without the
module. Pictures/Short videos, learners’ Evalu- help of the teachers, especially in the new mode
ation Checklist, and Parental Consent Forms of learning.

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Table 2. Least Mastered Competencies in Statistics and Probability as perceived by Teachers

Learning Competency SD M Rank
solves problems involving confidence interval of the population
0.537 2.19 1.5
solves problems involving regression analysis 0.90 2.19 1.5
solves problems involving sample size determination 0.841 2.34 3.5
solves problems involving hypothesis testing of the population
0.841 2.34 3.5
solves problems involving correlation analysis 1.01 2.40 5

The study of Sadiq (2014) provided evi- Learners’ and Experts’ Acceptability Evalua-
dence to corroborate the results above. He tion of the Module
came to the conclusion that the modular teach- This study assessed the created Module's
ing strategy improved the learners' test scores. general acceptability in terms of its learning
Therefore, it is advised that the modular objectives, content, structure, presentation,
method be widely adopted at all educational format, and design, as well as its learning activ-
levels. Additionally, according to Bacio and ities, evaluation, and self-direction. The mate-
Sagge's (2019a & b) research, printed materials rial has been reviewed and rated by 65 stu-
are the ideal tool for enhancing learning trans- dents and ten experts.
fer since they may mimic the efficient and suc- Overall Acceptability. The self-directed ed-
cessful teaching methods of a human facilitator. ucational module received an overall evalua-
Additionally, not all students are proficient in tion of "Acceptable" (M = 4.41, SD = 1.11) for
using statistics in research. To adapt to the new acceptability. This shown that there aren't
instructional format, it is also advised that many adjustments required because the mod-
teachers complete distance learning, blended ule has satisfactorily met the specifications. Ad-
learning, and online instruction training ditionally, the experts found a similar overall
(Toquero, 2020). rating of "Highly Acceptable" (M = 4.67, SD =
0.56) and the learners' overall acceptance rat-
Developed Self-directed Instructional Mod- ing was "Acceptable" (M = 4.37, SD = 1.16) for
ule in Statistics and Probability both groups.
Based on the results of the Competency With a mean of 4.44 and SD of 0.39, the
Checklist, which identified the five least mas- learning activities section in particular has re-
tered competencies in Statistics and Probabil- ceived the highest ratings from the students.
ity, the researcher chose the topics to be cov- The learning objectives also received the high-
ered in the module. The researcher created a est rating from the experts (M = 4.74, SD =
quality teaching module with several compo- 0.48). In terms of the average mean, the learn-
nents and a unique feature. The experts ap- ing objectives received the greatest rating (M =
proved of the module's initial appearance. 4.74, SD = 0.40), although self-directedness re-
Based on expert input and ideas, the researcher ceived the lowest rating (M = 4.38, SD = 0.79),
revised the educational program. but it still received the grade "Acceptable"
The title, overview, objectives, discussion of Based on the findings, the participants
the topic, self-assessment test, evaluation activ- agreed that the module's learning objectives,
ities, and references should be included in the content, organization, and presentation, format
instructional module (CLSU-ILO, 2000). Addi- and design, learning activities, assessment, and
tionally, it follows from the list of Bacio and self-direction overall rating are acceptable.
Sagge's (2022a) components for a typical mod- This suggests that the printed module is valua-
ule. ble because it was created to fit the learners'
level. Additionally, the module can be used as a
teaching tool for students to learn Probability

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and Statistics on their own, free from the guid- concepts to a whole class, freeing up lecture-
ance of a teacher. discussion time for more "discussions" and less
This result is confirmed by the research of "lecture," an enrichment activity for gifted
Bacio and Sagge (2022b), which found that in- learners, a strategy to make up for an absent
structional material can be appropriate for in- student, and a strategy for a student who needs
tended users if its objectives, substance, activi- remedial lectures.
ties, and evaluation were sufficient. According to Ritchey, Klein, and Tracey's
The analysis of Roman (2016) sources pro- (2011) study, self-directed learning has many
vided evidence to support the aforementioned advantages, such as independence, profes-
conclusions. According to his research, the pro- sional autonomy, improved choice, and motiva-
duced Statistics module has an extremely high tion.
degree of validity in terms of its specific aims, The experts' and students' assessments of
content, language, and evaluation procedures. the module's general acceptability are shown
Self-instructional materials are especially help- in Table 11.
ful as a strategy for teaching fundamental

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Sagge, Jr. & Espiritu, 2023 / Project DESMOS: Development and Evaluation of Self-directed Module in Statistics and Probability

Table 11. Overall Acceptability of the Module

Learners Experts
Description Description
Learning Objectives 0.76 4.35 Acceptable 0.48 4.74 Highly Acceptable
Content 0.81 4.39 Acceptable 0.45 4.70 Highly Acceptable
Organization and Presen-
0.80 4.35 Acceptable 0.49 4.72 Highly Acceptable
Format and Design 0.77 4.36 Acceptable 0.66 4.62 Highly Acceptable
Learning Activities 2.39 4.44 Acceptable 0.63 4.62 Highly Acceptable
Assessments 0.77 4.36 Acceptable 0.64 4.56 Highly Acceptable
Self-directedness 0.92 4.33 Acceptable 0.54 4.70 Highly Acceptable
Overall Rating 1.16 4.37 Acceptable 0.56 4.67 Highly Acceptable

Conclusion this research's outcome to test its efficacy fur-

The existence of the least mastered compe- ther.
tence suggests that, despite the fact that the Curriculum designers may conduct training
learners have completed statistics and proba- and seminars about developing an output in
bility courses, there are competencies that they teaching Mathematics aligned to specific learn-
have not yet mastered. This could be because of ing competencies of the core subject. The re-
the pandemic-induced learning mode and indi- sults could also be used as a basis to make cur-
vidual differences. Teachers must recognize riculum and instructional materials design flex-
the unique characteristics of each student, ible enough to address the demands of the 21st-
which necessitates preparing for the adoption century learners.
of the best teaching strategies to support each Textbook Writers may write an instruc-
person's growth and development at their own tional module and integrate it into their text-
rate. Thus, there is a need to address this by books through activities and problem-solving
providing materials so that learners can be tasks, making lessons more interactive and in-
helped to master the competencies expected teresting for learners and providing meaning-
from them. The module also needs to be self-di- ful and relevant knowledge for independent
rected so that even without the teacher, the and self-directed learning.
learners can still work with it. They can even
work at their own pace since several studies References
have already proven that learners learn more if Abar, B., & Loken, E. (2010). Self-regulated learning and
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IJMABER 56 Volume 4 | Number 1 | January | 2023

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