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Answer the following with short and simple 1 to 2 sentence.

1. How can global health initiatives affect or improve lives of people worldwide?

2. How important it is for a student like you to know the different health initiatives?

3. Why does a student like to know and engage yourself in the implementation of the health


4. As a student, how will you impart or share to other people, especially in your community, the
importance of what you have learned?

Global health initiatives can improve lives worldwide by providing access to healthcare,
preventing diseases, and promoting health education.

Knowing different health initiatives is crucial for students to understand and contribute to efforts
that enhance public health and well-being.

Students engage in health initiatives to contribute to community well-being, promote awareness,

and actively participate in creating a healthier society.

As a student, I will share the importance of health initiatives through community outreach,
educational programs, and by being an advocate for healthy living in my local area.

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