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Community Vegetable Garden Sustainability Plan

By implementing the following practices, our community vegetable garden can become
a thriving and inclusive space that not only provides fresh and nutritious food but also fosters
social connections and environmental stewardship within the community.

Community Engagement: Engage with the local community to identify their needs and interests
in the vegetable garden. Invite stakeholders and conduct meetings or workshops to gather input
and involve community members in sustaining the community vegetable garden.

Site Selection: Collaborate with the local authorities to find an appropriate location for the
community garden, considering factors such as accessibility, sunlight, and water availability.

Water Conservation: Implement water-saving measure considering collecting rainwater in

barrels to use for watering during dry periods. Educate community members about responsible
water usage.

Composting: Establish a community-wide composting program to recycle organic waste from

the garden and nearby households. Use the compost to enrich the soil and reduce the need for
external fertilizers.

Crop Rotation: Practice crop rotation each season to prevent soil depletion and control pests
naturally. Rotate crops from different plant families to maintain soil health and fertility.

Mulching: Apply organic mulch, such as animal manure, bark or wood chips, around plants to
retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

Avoid Chemicals: Embrace organic gardening practices and refrain from using synthetic
pesticides and herbicides. Opt for natural pest control method like planting oregano and
marigolds in the surroundings of the garden.

Seed Saving: Save seeds from the healthiest and most successful plants to replant in the
following seasons, and utilize the nursery for propagation and growing new seedlings.

Seed Library: Set up a seed library where community members can borrow and exchange seeds,
encouraging seed saving and preserving local plant varieties.

Volunteer and Sharing System: Establish a system where community members can volunteer
their time in the garden in exchange for a share of the harvest. This promotes a sense of
ownership and responsibility.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate the garden's performance and seek feedback
from community members. Adapt and improve the sustainability plan based on the experiences
and needs of the community.

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