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Allow me to briefly discuss with you the meaning of “MEDIA CONVERGENCE”

(At the present generation, we are not only dealing with printed materials or publication, but we are also considering

(This is very important for us to understand specially to those schools who have school papers. It is a must for us to
understand the integration of all media)

AS PER THE PAESPA, NSSPA & DEPED, we have to consider “CONVERGENCE JOURNALISM” as the newest trend in
journalism. It may be new to our ears and not as familiar as it should be.

CONVERGENCE means – meeting, junction, union, fusion, collaboration

For example: this current press conference is considered MEDIA CONVVERGENCE since we are MEETING with
journalists, etc.

In the past, we called these meetings PRESS CONFERENCE but as our generation progress, it has been renamed as
MEDIA CONVERGENCE. But in DepEd, it remains as Press Conference.

MEDIA CONVERGENCE – can be broadcast media (TV or radio)/ online services (specially nowadays, the publication is
mostly shared through online)

MEDIA CONVERGENCE – simply means FUSION OF ALL FORMS OF MEDIA (TV, radio, print, internet)


- Effort to add consumer service

- Allow media outlets
- Advertising (increase visibility)
- Give more credibility to all companies involved


(Pampaaralang Pamamahayag/ Pamahayagang pang-Campus)

Only 30% of news are outside the school. 70% is from school

How to call the paper? They are all the same

School Paper – public school

Campus Paper – college

School Organ – private school

Student Publication vs. School Publication


1. News page
2. Editorial/opinion
3. Feature-literary
4. Sports
5. Science and technology

School Paper needs to be complete to be called a school paper


1. Front page (15:40) (31:50) (39:40)

a. Nameplate – name and primary identity of the school publication
b. Ears – little boxes on the side of the paper
c. News stories – balita
d. Byline – signature of the reporter
e. Box – news matter enclosed by line rules (story inside a box for emphasis)
f. Cut – journalistic term of picture; a plate bearing newspaper’s illustration
g. Cutline – caption; text accompanying photos and other artworks
h. Kicker – tagline placed above the headline/ deck headline/ gist of main headline
i. Credit line – line giving the source of the story or the illustration
j. Index – any forms of line and pictures indicating important articles inside the paper
2. Editorial page
a. Folio – consist of the page number, date of publication, miniature template usually written on top of
the newspaper/
b. Masthead – editorial box containing logo, name of staff, position, the publisher and other pertinent
data about the newspaper
c. Editorial proper – a commentary written by any editors regarding the focal issue of the newspaper
d. Editorial column – a personal opinion of the columnist himself
e. Editorial cartoon – a caricature emphasizing a simple point
f. Editorial liner – a short statement or quotation placed at the end of editorial column/ special
g. Letter to the editor – a letter sent by the reader giving his personal views on certain aspects
3. Feature-literary page
a. Poems – only one (feature type)
b. Short story
c. Television review
d. Book review
e. Movie review
f. Travelogue
g. Biography
h. Oratorical and declamation piece
i. essay
4. Sports page
5. Science and technology
a. Science breakthrough
b. Health and wellness
c. News
d. Editorial
e. Tips
f. Cartoon
g. Column
h. Human convenience
i. Earth and universe
j. Transportation and communication

4 pages per section with a total of at least 20 pages

PAGE LAYOUT OF A NEWSPAPER – is the arrangement of illustrations and types on a page or spreadsheet which is to
be reproduced graphically

Effective layout may be planned using two procedures:

1. Headline and text arrangement

2. By way of text and photo combinations


1. News
2. Feature
3. Editorial
4. Photojournalism
5. Cartooning
6. Layout

Things to Consider:

1. Consistent Appeal
2. Color Scheme
3. Balance & Visual Orientation


1. Address time
2. Improve article quality
3. Enhance page readability


1. Master the contest rules

2. Proper task distribution
3. Read newspaper daily


1. Everything is done on-the-spot

a. Front page (name plate, page content tab, survey, 3 news articles)
b. Editorial page (editorial board, letter to the editor, 1 cartooning, 2 editorial news articles)
c. Feature news page (1 trivia, 3 feature news articles, related images)
d. Sports page (sports banner, 3 sports news articles, related images)
e. Sci Tech Page
I. GUIDELINES (rules, mechanics, members, etc.)
II. PRESSCON (where the news will be gathered)
III. OUTPUT/LAYOUT (presentation of output)
IV. CONTENT (news)

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