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POS 2211

Familial, Social and Economical Factors of Violence Against Women in

the Philippines: Recommendations for Creating a Safe Space for Women
Abellare, Sir Henrik M., Flowers, Rayn H., Pardillo, Belle Reese D., Pormida, Andrie N.

Photosource: International Women's Day: Women take to the streets to protest- The New Indian Express

The insights and points of view in this
policy brief are a means of resources The Philippines as any other
offered voluntarily by the authors for country in the world is no stranger to
policy stakeholders to take into violence and abuse suffered by women. It
consideration. This does not reflect the is one of the most evident issues on
views of the institution crimes against women so much so that
there have been policies, institutions and
other bodies of authority governmental or
nongovernmental that have taken the

Page 1
necessary measures in order to combat life, such as social, economic, and political,
this issue and to provide for the safety, cultural and political rights manifest
security and well-being of women. One of themselves in the limited freedom women
the laws that seeks to uphold human have.
rights for women is the Republic Act 9710,
also known as the Magna Carta of In this policy brief we are going to
Women. It seeks to eliminate be discussing the familial, social and
discrimination by recognizing, protecting, economic aspect of this issue and going
fulfilling, and promoting the rights of deeper into the dynamics between men
Filipino women, particularly those from and women, where women are placed in
marginalized social groups. It conveys a a more vulnerable position. We must focus
framework of women's rights that is on recognizing the severity of the
directly based on international law. The problem, albeit the already implemented
Philippine Government has built laws and policies that alleviate the burden
campaigns and programs in order to of abused women all over the Philippines,
strengthen the call for action on this issue. with the acknowledgement application of
But despite these efforts, the Philippines is analyzation of societal dynamics it will
one of the countries with the highest shed light into the issue and it will make us
number of cases According to Michelle J. better understand on creating or
Hiden, violence against womenin the year upgrading policies that are catered to
2002 Violence against women is on the violence against women.
rise. This has a significant impact not only
on women but also on men, not only to BACKGROUND
her family and household, but also to the
economy and the region's and society's Gender-based violence is prevalent in
productivity. many countries around the world. The
struggles that women go through, the
This policy brief intends to call for abuse they experience have had
strengthening and tightening our laws and detrimental effects not only on the
regulations and other measures taken that physical aspects but it will have an effect
seeks to address the issue of violence on their mental and emotional being as
against women. There are many reasons well. This is considered as widespread
for the occurrence of violence against. human rights violation and influences the
Philippine society is very patriarchal and social, economic, health, and familial
views men superior over women. consequences that victims and their
According to data from the Philippine families have to deal with. Violence
National Police (PNP) the most culprits against women (VAW) appears to be one
that commit violence against women are of the country's most widespread social
men, commonly found in intimate issues. According to the Philippine
partners. Male control and domination is a Statistics Authority's 2017 National
main factor into the severity of this issue. Demographic and Health Survey, one in
Inequalities between men and women are every four Filipino women aged 15 to 49
prevalent in society and private aspects of has experienced physical, emotional, or

Page 2
sexual violence from their husband or
partner. VAWC is closely linked to the Existing Policies
unequal power between men and women.
Hence why this is considered gender The Philippines has a number of laws that
based violence. Societal norms and address violence against women. Included
traditions dictate the people to think that in the 1987 Constitution are several
men are superior over women, they are provisions on women, which serves as the
the pursuers, leaders and providers while basis for protecting their rights and
the women are the nurturers. The way acknowledging their value. It is also worth
that the societal system functions makes mentioning that the Philippines is a
women more vulnerable and prone to signatory to international human rights
violence and abuse. treaties such as the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Women are regarded as a marginalized on Women (CEDAW), and its optional
group of people who adapt to and accept protocol, including the Convention on the
perceptions of powerful groups that bring rights of the child. In showing its
about change in their point of view. commitment to CEDAW the Philippine
Individual perspectives, on the other hand, Government passed on Republic Act 9710
differ. However, they can be similar if they the “Magna Carta of Women”. Its goal is
have similar interests and environments to address and eliminate violence against
shared with others. In 2020, as lockdowns women, and recognizes, protects, fulfills,
were started to be implemented due to promotes, the human rights of women.
COVID-19 the Philippine National Police
documented 4,260 cases of violence There are only a few existing policies at
against women and children in just three the national level that addresses violence
months. At least 2,138 cases were against women. These are as follows in
committed against women. Also chronological order: Republic Act No.
according to the Philippine National 7877, Republic Act No. 8353, Republic Act
Police, from March 23 to May 27, 2020, at No. 8505, Republic Act No. 9622.
least 602 individuals were sexually
violated. This meant that there was an Other laws that promote the welfare of
average 8 cases of rape that were women but aren’t specifically targeted
happening daily. towards VAWC are Republic Act No. 7192
and Republic Act No. 10354.
The country ranks high in gender based
violence even up to the times of the ● Republic Act No. 7877 or the
pandemic which have perpetrated it even Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
more. Even though there is a good array is one of he earliest known policies
of national and local policies that address addressing the issue of sexual
the issue, the persistence and prevalence harrassment occurring both in
of Gender Based Violence tend to schools and workplaces. Unwanted
undermine the policy responses in order sexual advances or granting sexual
to protect women. favors in exchange for whatever

Page 3
beneficial conditions is strictly integration of women as complete
prhobited by this law. and equal partners of men in public
● Republic Act No. 8353 or the life, specifically in the development
Anti-Rape Law of 1997 is a Revised and nation building, etc.
Penal Code of Title 8 of Act No. ● Republic Act No. 10354 or The
3815, which classifies rape as a Responsible Parenthood and
Crime Against Persons. It Reproductive Health Act of 2012 is a
determines an act as rape if there is law that guarantees the general
a use of force, threat, or opportunity and free access to use
intimidation; when the victim is methods of contraception, sex
deprived of reason or unconscious, education, fertility control, and
or if the victim is under the age of maternal care for all Filipino
12. citizens, including those in
● Republic Act No. 8505 or the Rape poverty-stricken communities, at
Victim Assistance and Protection Act government health centers or
of 1998 protects rape victims clinics.
through the establishment of a
rape crisis center, to be present in While these laws have a progressive view
every province and city. Its purpose of women’s rights. Unfortunately there
is to assist the victims in the has been limited progress in terms of the
litigation process by providing free violence that women have experienced.
legal, medical, and mental health According to the data obtained from the
services. Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) from
● Republic Act No. 9262 or The the Philippine National Police (PNP) and
Anti-Violence against Women and the Department of Social Welfare and
their Children Act of 2004 penalizes Development (DSWD). Around 420
any individual commiting any act or women were victims of trafficking in 2019.
a sequences of acts—including A 66.8% increase from 252 women in 2018.
physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, DSWD also showed, PSA said, that 222
and cyber attacks—against a women were sexually exploited in 2019.
woman, whether it is his spouse, Which is 30.6% higher than the 1,656 cases
former spouse, or against any reported in 2018. As of February 2020,
woman he has indulged in a data obtained from PSA states that there
romantic or sexual relationship were 16, 251 physical injury cases reported
with, or even with someone he has to the PNP in 2019.
had a child with, or against the
child of the said woman, regardless According to the Annual Responsible
if illegitimate or legitimate, within Parenthood and Reproductive Health
or without the family’s abode. (RPRH) report conducted by the Philippine
● Republic Act No. 7192 of the National Army (PNP) in 2019, there were
Women in Development and Nation 15, 160 cases of VAWC experienced in an
Building Act is an act that further intimate-partner relationship. This can be
promotes and supports the broken down into various types of

Page 4
gender-based violence, with rape Physical and Sexual Abuse
constituting 2, 341 cases, acts of
lasciviousness with 1, 953 cases, Physical violence is the most recognized
concubinage with 204 cases, and sexual form of abuse. Among many pressing
harassment with 85 cases. Between problems women face in their lives are
October 2019 and September 2020, online physical and sexual abuse. Physical
searches that relate to domestic abuse violence is exercised through physically
have risen significantly in the Philippines, aggressive acts such as kicking, biting,
according to the United Nations women. slapping, beating, or even strangling.
This was done in partnership with the Physical violent behavior is exercised
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) through hitting, slapping, punching,
and analytics company Quilt A.I. These kicking, burning, strangulation, damaging
searches surged 63% in the Philippines. the personal property of their partner,
These online searches include specific refusing medical care and/or controlling
references such as “men hitting women”, partner’s medication, coercing partner
“spouse abuse”, “controlling men”, and into substance abuse, and the use of
“controlling husband”. weapons. In the case of sexual abuse,
The data showed searches per 100,000 sexual violence is not necessarily about
people for violence against women and sex. Sexual violent acts are about power,
girls. In the Philippines this reached 1,048 control, and all sexual behavior performed
the third highest among the countries without the consent of their partner.
which were included in this study. In the Forcing a partner into having intercourse
Philippines, social media posts mentioning or perform sexual acts with other people,
justice, law, and regulations accounted for human trafficking, pursuing sexual activity
38%, while NGO and community support when the victim is either unconsious or
accounted for 22% and 12%, respectively. not fully conscious or is fearful to reject
the advancements made by the other
There are more causative factors to party, hurting partner physically during
violence against women. Age, intercourse, and coercing partner to have
relationship, separation, income and intercourse without any form of
foregoing oppression are a few to name. protection, i.e condom, or deliberality
Other factors would be wealth, education destroying partner’s contraceptives, i.e
and religion that would also be other birth control pills, are classified as sexual
factors. To fully understand and assess abuse. Despite the enactment of
violence against women, it is best to legislations such as Republic Act No. 9262,
identify and understand it’s elements. or also known as the Anti-Violence Against
There are many forms of abuse done to Women and Their Children Law, and
women such as physical violence, sexual Republic Act No. 7877, a survey carried out
assault, emotional and verbal abuse, and by the Commission on Population and
cyber crime. These can be experienced by Development during the early months of
any woman, any age,anywhere. the COVID19 pandemic, 1 out of 4, or 25%
of Filipino adults across the country cited
Forms of Abuse: harmful acts as the leading problems of

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women during the present health crisis. recognizes that abuse comes in numerous
Specifically 11% of women stated physical forms, and that it is not also limited to just
violence as a concerning issue for Filipinas, physical and sexual violence.
while 14% mentioned sexual abuse.

Emotional and Verbal
The rapid devepment of Information and
Writer and counselor, Aisha Mirza states Communication Technology (ICT) in the
that “It is not the bruise on the body that past decade has led to the rise of
hurts. It is the wounds of the scars on the blackmailing, revenge porn, cyber
mind.” Emotional and Verbal abuse are prostitution, and other cyber related
both classified as forms of Psychological abuse. Cybercrime is defined by the
abuse. Abuse is not limited to physical Department of Justice as “...a crime
violent acts, but rather words with committed with or through the use of
humiliating, hurtful, violent, and negative information and communication
undertones are considered abusive. Much technologies such as radio, television,
like physical and sexual violence, cellular phone, computer and network,
emotioonal and verbal abuse can have and other communication devices or
short-term and long-lasting consequences applications” (DOJ, 2012). The exploitation
that are just as serious and damaging to of young girls, usually 13 years old and
one’s psyche. Section 3 of Republic Act below, is especially prevelant as the
No. 6262, or otherwise known as the Anti- perpetrators are usually their parents or
Violence Against Women and their legal guardians who force them to
Children, state that " 'Psychological perform sexual acts with foreign
violence' refers to acts or omissions customers online. They use their children
causing or likely to cause mental or for their own gain, without thinking about
emotional suffering of the victim such as the implications it will have for the
but not limited to intimidation, children. Moreover, it sometimes turns
harassment, stalking, damage to property, into a blackmarket business wherein they
public ridicule or humiliation, repeated lure other girls into this line of work with
verbal abuse and mental infidelity…” and almost no way out for them. Despite the
in Section 5 of the same article, declares passage of RA 9775 or the AntiChild
that “the crime of violence against women Pornography Act and RA 9995 or the
and their children is committed through Anti-Photo and Voyeurism Act of 2009,
any of the following acts: (i) Causing child pornography and cybersex is still a
mental or emotional anguish, public prevelent issue plaguing the country.
ridicule or humiliation to the woman or Another form of cybercrime is the
her child, including, but not limited to, proliferation of “video sex scandals” that
repeated verbal and emotional abuse, and are posted without the consent of the
denial of financial support or custody of women in the videos. Most of the time,
minor children or access to the woman's they are used as material to blackmail the
child/children." This piece of legislation victim into doing more lascivious acts for

Page 6
the pleasure of the blackmailer. Standard Employment Contract, the
Unfortunately, these videos are in high Filipino seafarer is officially compulsory to
demand, with a growing number of make a monthly allotment of at least 80%
interest in this subgenre. Moreover, the percent of his monthly basic salary which
public usually places the blame on the shall be payable to his designated allottee
victim, shaming her for even engaging in in the Philippines. Under VAWC, which
sexual acts. was promulgated March 08, 2004,
“economic abuse” can be committed
Economic Abuse against a woman who is his wife, former
wife, or against a woman with whom the
Economic Abuse is essentially Financial person has or had a sexual or dating
abuse, in which the abuser deprives their relationship, or with whom he has a
partner from financial support for their common child, or against her child
shared child/children, is controlling over whether legitimate or illegitimate, within
financial resources , withholding access to or without the family abode.”
money, or attempting to prevent their
partner from working and/or attending
school in an attempt to create financial
dependence as a means of control.
Domestic abuse is more than just physical
harm. In many cases, it also quietly hurts
victims by stripping away their control
over their own finances and destroying
their financial health. Under the POEA


Page 7
to make a woman financially dependent”.
Data from the National Demographic
FACTORS THAT LEAD TO VAW Health Survey, states the women who are
in lower income brackets are vulnerable to
Family Factors: abuse. The Philippine Commission on
women supported that not only women
This refers to violence that is done in the who live in a lower income bracket are
family. There can be many reasons as to vulnerable to violence. Some victims are
why violence is occurs at home; mostly from well-off social status but do not
familial instability, marital instability, and report as to not to put shame in their
marital conflict. The implementation of name. Hence why, though the possibility
RA 9262 also known as the “The Anti of violence is due to economic disparity,
Violence against Women and Children no woman is safe from this and every
Act”, this is due to presence of violence in woman is vulnerable.
the familial community. On the other
hand, an agent of the Philippine Social Factors:
Commission on Women, a government
agency that serves to protect the rights of A representative from Gabriela also stated
Women, claimed that family factors are that violence against women occurs when
present considering the social status of there is gender and social discrimination.
women. According to the study of A facet of this is found in society where
Racisdon et. al (2016), “It triggers women who have higher educational
violence against women because of the attainment are offered better
patriarchal society that makes the man opportunities. To add to this the portrayal
powerful and head of the family”. As of women in the media is a factor. Women
stated in RA. 9710 “equal rights in all who appear in the media wearing bikinis
manner relating to marriage and family and doing suggestive dances are seen as
relations, a woman who is denied equal an object which is degrading to women, a
rights in the family is disregarded, hence claim made by a barangay chairwoman in
why it is a form of violence against Manila. Discrimination of women in the
women”. Another trigger would also be educational setting is also present, where
the instability in the marriage of partners children are taught about the limitations
that can lead to abuse. of women, which women should focus on
doing domestic jobs and the men have
Economic Factors: other responsibilities that will have more
impact on their lives.
This is one of the most common factors
violence against women. It is the financial The preceding statement is a violation of
aspect of women, including her family and women's rights. The Magna Carta on
financial support of the head of the family. Women guarantees women's rights. The
According to the RA. 9262, “Economic, is law refers to the portrayal of women in
defined as the acts that make or attempt media and film that is non-discriminatory

Page 8
and non-derogatory. Promoting public recommendation route to resources, and
awareness of the importance of capacity building are among them.
identifying women's dignity, as well as
their function and contribution in the
home, community, and society using mass
media in a strategic way. Create an environment with awareness of
the issue Violence against Women
Raising awareness about Violence
against Women in every environment will
Provide support services to the victims help the society fight against the
misconceptions and norms of the rights of
According to the 2017 National Women. With an environment aware of
Demographic and Health Survey, 1 out of this issue, it will shape the idea into a
20 women and girls age 15-49 have positive change where it will be
experienced sexual violence in their considered as a shared responsibility of all
lifetime. Some realities in the Philippines community members. A similar idea to this
contribute to Filipino women's is the Council of Europe Recommendation
vulnerability to VAW, such as being (2002) of the Committee of Ministers to
blamed of being "naggers" or inattentive member States on the protection of
of their duties as wives, which leads to women against violence, where their
them being assaulted by their husbands or efforts have had impact in the Europe
being raped owing to her "flirtatious" member states and provided pressure on
behaviors. In normal situations and in the the primary authorities to create an action
aftermath of an emergency, the to the issue. The recommendation to
Department of Social Welfare and create awareness will help the
Development (DSWD) and United Nations government in relation to adoption of
Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) in laws and national action plans to the
the Philippines should work existing provisions.
collaboratively to enhance and prioritize
strengthening policies and protection Create a safe environment for the women
mechanisms to prevent and respond to
Despite domestic abuse is now
gender-based violence. During these
generally understood as a human rights
situations, UNFPA works together with
violation, violence against women and
the Department of Social Welfare and
girls in public areas, especially sexual
Development (DSWD) and the
molestation, continues to be a major
Department of
ignored issue, with few laws or policies in
Health to organize the delivery of
effort to avoid and address it.
humanitarian aid to meet the unique
Strengthening existing laws and adding
needs of
more specifics to it is better than Ignoring
women and girls, as well as to help
the abuses to women in society. Its scope
survivors of gender-based violence.
must not only be implemented in urban
Women-Friendly Spaces, clinical and
areas, the intensity of the security to the
psychological assistance, a

Page 9
women must also be felt to the rural areas harmful traditional practices such as
where women in small rural and isolated leaving them pregnant and not financially
areas reported to be the highest supporting the child and woman. To
prevalence of IPV (22.5% and 17.9%, address these urgent problems, the
respectively) compared to 15.5% for urban government and humanitarian community
women (Peek-Asa, 2011). needs to prioritize in designing and
funding of provisions or programs that will
Develop data collection and monitoring help those women who got abandoned by
systems for violence against women, as their husband and ensure to punish those
well as the mindsets and ideals that men who did not financially support their
support it. families. The humanitarian community, if
possible, needs to coordinate with the
In 2004, the Philippines passed the Single Moms community Program where
Anti-Violence Against Women and Children there is a 10-week program designed to
Act. However, no follow-up data on assist mothers on their journey to
implementation is available, which could self-sufficiency and the government
guide the next steps of action. Active provides benefits such as Income Support,
surveillance and additional research are income-based Jobseeker's Allowance,
required to build a reliable data income-related Employment and Support
infrastructure on violence against women Allowance, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax
in the Philippines. To provide adequate Credit, Housing Benefit.
and timely medical, psychological, legal,
financial, and housing aid to victims, CONCLUSION
cross-sectoral coordination between
policymakers, non-governmental Familial, Social and Economic Factors of
organizations, community leaders, Violence Against Women poses an
women's advocates, and the health sector obstacle to peace and security in the
must be strengthened. Data must be Philippines. It prevents women from
gathered in administrative and survey engaging in civil and democratic
formats. When victims of violence seek processes, as well as rebuilding and
assistance, administrative data is typically rehabilitation after a conflict. This issue
collected during the normal operation of has been existing for too long and it needs
public services. a solution from the government. There are
only few existing policies that strengthen
the security of the women in the
Philippines and with the recommendation
Prioritize funding for the programs that that emphasizes on the factors of the
support and respond to the victims in the Violence against Women, the Familial,
home and the community from the time Social, Economic factors, will help in
conflict begins. fighting against the war on violence
against women. Many misconceptions
Some Women are experiencing
were made and old traditions in the
non-partner sexual violence and intimate
society that need to be corrected but with
partner violence and are affected by
the help of creating awareness in the

Page 10
society, this issue might come to an end. David (2017) Rising to the challenge
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