IT Sample Paper 2023

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Sample Question Paper 2023 – (80 Marks)

Information Technology (IT) Subject – (Science)97


1. Fill in the Blanks Marks – 10

2. State True or False Marks – 10
3. MCQ’s (One Correct Answer) Marks – 10
4. MCQ’s (Two Correct Answer) Marks – 20
5. MCQ’s (Three Correct Answer) Marks – 06
6. Match the following pairs Marks – 04
7. Answer the following in brief (Any 5) Marks – 10
8. (a)Write the HTML Code Marks – 05

8. (b)Write the JavaScript Code Marks – 05

Fill in the Blanks Marks – 10

1. ________tag is used to specify video on an HTML document.

2. EDI is ___________ exchange of information.
3. White hat strategies include __________ content.
4. _____________ statement is used to jump out of loop.
5. IOT is referred as ______________
6. In PHP, _________ keyword is used to display text on webpage.
7. The ___________ attribute specifies video controls should be displayed.
8. SEO is useful in increasing number of ___________ to a website.
9. DOM stands for ____________
10.________extension is used to save a php file
State True or False Marks – 10

1. In PHP, array() function is used to create array.

2. Number Object helps to work with numbers.
3. Clickable regions in ImageMap are called as hotspots.
4. Black Hat strategies include irrelevant content.
5. M-Commerce can be used through desktop computers
6. 4G is the next generation of wireless communication.
7. In JavaScript, OnKeyPress is a mouse event.
8. Class selector is used with # character.
9. Variable name should always start with a number.
10. Traditional commerce 24*7.

MCQ’s (One Correct Answer) Marks – 10

1. A class selector is used with ____________ character followed by the class

a) Period b) asterisk c) hash d) Copyright
2. __________ Commerce provides face to face interaction
a. Electronic b. Traditional c. Digital d. Marketing
3. _________ is an online program or software that helps users to search for
information on World Wide Web.
a. Search Engine b. Website c. Application d.API
4. _________event occurs when an element gets focus.
a. OnChange b. OnLoad c. OnFocus c. OnBlur
5. SaaS stands for ___________.
a. Software as a Service b. Software as a Secure
b. Software as a Section d. Software as a Self
6. __________is a script executed on server which generates dynamic HTML
a. PHP b. MS Word c. MSExcel d. MsPaint
7. Creating an Order is under ___________ phase of Trade Cycle.
a. Pre-Sale b. Execution
b. Settlement d. After-Sales
8. A variable declared ___________ a function has local scope.
a. Inside b outside c. anywhere d. none

9. The _____________ keyword is used to create new object in JavaScript.

a. New b. Loop c. Wend d. Next.
10. Internal CSS is also called as ___________ CSS.
a. External b. Inline c. Embedded d. Inbuilt

MCQ’s (Two Correct Answer) Marks – 20

1. JavaScript supports following types of objects ______

a. Built-in objects c. Variable objects
b. User-defined objects d. Loop objects
e. none
2. Encryption consists of two processes and _________
a. Encryption b. Decryption
C. Signature d. Digitization
e. local
3. An Ordered list can be ____________or ____________
a. Alphabetical c. Constant
b. Numerical d. Static e. syntactical
4. SEO Audit Tool are _________ and ___________
a. SEOptimer c. SEOMator
b. SEOAuditor d. SEOptimizer e. SEOmatrix
5. Form data can be submitted by ____________ and ________ method in
a. GET b. POST c. Return d. function e. none
6. Primary service models of cloud computing are _______
a. Saas b. Paas c. Daas d. Caas d. Eaas
7. Following are the events handlers of JavaScript _______
a. OnSubmit b. OnChange c. write()
d. Writeln() e. Date()
8. Common audio formats are ________ and _______
a. .ccc b. .acc c. .mp3 d. .webm e. .mp4
9. PHP runs on following platforms.
a. Linux b. Excel c. Paint d. Windows e. Word
10. E-Wallets are considered to be a platform for purchase are channels
through ________ & ________
a. NEFT b. Vouchers c. Paytm Wallet d. Statebank Buddy
e. EDI

MCQ’s (Three Correct Answer) Marks – 06

1. PHP runs on ________,_______ and _____ server environments.

a. WAMP c. XAMPP e. Excel
b. Apache d. Unix f. Word
2. Following are the attributes of <iframe> tag
a. Src b. Name c. Srcdoc d. loop
e. href f. width

Match the following pairs Marks – 04

1. CipherText a. Area of Computer Science

2. Artificial Intelligence b. Coded form of data
3. Backlinks c. after click takes user to another website
4. Font-weight d. Used to bold text

Answer the following in brief (Any 5) Marks – 10

1. What are the different SEO Techniques?

2. Explain how could you Optimize images?

3. Difference between client-side scripting and server-side scripting?

4. Write any 4 rules for declaring PHP variables?

5. Write any 4 applications of IOT?

6. Explain phases of trade cycle?

7. Explain the concept of 5G technology?

8. Write any four advantages of E-Governance?

(a)Write the HTML Code Marks – 05

Write a program using HTML with following CSS Specifications

1. To Create a form that should accept name, age, date, time, std from

2. A heading on top of the form with Violet as background color with a

different font-style

3. Create an Ordered list of Subject in Class 12

4. Write a paragraph with red text color and 15px font-size with right

5. Create a Submit button to send data


Write a program using HTML with following CSS Specifications

1. To Create a form that should accept empid, empname, age,

department from user

2. Create an UnOrdered list of Departments

3. Write a paragraph with red text color and 13px font-size with right
alignment about the company.

4. A heading on top of the form with Blue as background color with a

different font-style.

5. Create a Submit button to send data

8. (b)Write the JavaScript Code Marks – 05

Write a JavaScript program to check given number is Prime Number or



Write a JavaScript Program to find a factorial of a given Number?

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