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• the diversity in appearance is mostly
superficial Sponges are:
• size and complexity of animals is limited by • Sessile (not freely moving), benthic
their body plan (underwater)
• symmetry, number and relative development • Filter feeders
of tissue layers, presence and nature of body
• Competitors for space
cavities, and several aspects of early
development define the fundamental modes of • Fed upon by specialist predators
• Grow in many forms, solitary, colonial,
branching, as thin sheets over substrates
• From few cm to over 1 m in size
• Estimated in some cases to be several
hundred years old


• lack clearly defined tissues and organs
• Epithelial cells – protect and enclose the
• specialized cells that integrate their activities sponge; contract and shorten moving the
sponge body lightly

PHYLUM PORIFERA • Their pores are actually the hollow insides of

phorocyte cells
- comprise the sponges
- 5000 -10000 spp.
- mostly marine, some freshwater, none
- classes are distinguished by skeletal
•Pores aka ostia, provide openings for water,
which carries planktonic food and oxygen, to
enter the sponge body



• The inner surface of the sponge is lined with

collar cells aka choanocytes which surrounds a
• Flagella in the collar cells create a current of
water that moves into the ostia and out the
• Water circulates through a sponge bringing in
tiny food particles.
• The fine tubes of the collar cells filter out the
food particles and take them into the cells for
digestion - filter feeders.
•Between the endo- and ecto- derm is a jellylike
•There are also free-moving cells in this layer
called amoebocytes.
•During feeding, some of the particles taken in
by the collar cells are passed on to
amoebocytes, which carry them to other cells of
the sponge.
•Several kinds of amoebocytes serve special
functions, like producing the sponge skeleton,
digesting and transferring nutrients, or
reproducing themselves.
II. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF THE gametes (sex cells; either sperm or egg) from
PORIFERAN BODY PLAN the same species meet, they form a larval
• No true muscular system
Unique but complex embryonic development,
• Lacking sensory organs, nervous system
with a hollow blastula stage but does not form a
• Often amorphous and asymmetrical, no gastrula
anterior, posterior, oral surfaces
C. Other sponge metazoan homologies:
• No true tissues Epithelium

• All physiological functions carried out at the - pinacoderm: epithelial-like layer homologous
cellular level to animal epithelia with collagenous sublayer

• Freshwater sponges can produce a “resting” - septate junctions (desmosomes) albeit

stage called a gemmule. primitive and small (only Calcarea has full
“animal-like” desmosomes)
SPONGES - extracellular matrix

A. 5 different principal cell types (20 total) - spongin is collagen-like molecule

B. Complex reproduction - ubiquitin protein similarity

D. Other sponge metazoan homologies:
Regulation of Development
- True Hox genes are not found, but many
developmental transcription factors are
- Most of the developmental signaling pathways
(Wnt, Notch) and they are expressed along the
same embryonic “axis” in sponges (and
Cnidaria). Many of these signaling pathways
and transcription factors have not been found in
E. Non-self-recognition
- Sponges can reproduce either asexually or
- Asexual reproduction (without eggs and
sperm) often occurs by budding.
- Sponges also reproduce sexually when
specialized gametocyte cells produce sperm
and eggs.
- Sponges undergo synchronous spawning and
eject sperm and egg cells into the water. If
- Feed ventrally by absorption of digested
- Lack organs but tissue-like outer walls (no
basement membrane)
- A bit more than 2000 cells
- Only 4 different cell types
- Smallest genome of all animals

- Sponges lack complexity, but their body plan
is ecologically and evolutionarily successful
- They should be considered metazoans since
they have fundamental characteristics of
multicellular animals;
- They are derived from flagellated protists but
• includes soft-bodied stinging animals such as
may be an early and now distant branch of the
corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish
• found in many aquatic environments:
Sea anemones – cold arctic waters to
- 2-3 mm, 25 um- thick, resembling a large
the equator, from shallow tide pools to
amoeba the bottom of the deep ocean

- lacks anterior posterior polarity Jellyfish – surface of open oceans,

tropical fresh water lakes
- asexual reproduction is prevalent
Corals – shallow tropical waters, few
- the most primitive animal grow in deep cold ocean waters
Hydra spp – sea anemone-like
cnidarians, fresh water lakes and
• size range from tiny, pinhead sized animals to
graceful giants with trailing tentacles several
meters long
• Cnidarians have a slightly more organized
body plan, and have tissues, but lack organs.
• Most cnidarians have two tissue layers.:
- ectoderm, has cells that aid in - attach to hard surfaces with their mouths up.
capturing food and cells that secrete
- they are sessile - can only capture food that
touches their tentacles.
- endoderm, has cells that produce
- mesoglea layer is very thin
digestive enzymes and break up food
particles - corals and sea anemones are polyps.
- jellylike material between the two
layers - mesoglea.
- these body layers surround a central
cavity called the gastrovascular cavity,
which extends into the hollow tentacles.

- Medusa bodies are shaped like an umbrella
with the mouth and tentacles hanging down in
the water.
- The mouth leads upward into the
gastrovascular cavity.
- Medusae (plural) are motile - they swim freely
in the ocean
- Their mesoglea is thick and makes up most of
their bulk.
- Jellyfish are medusae.
Cnidarians generally have radial symmetry. - Medusae come in many sizes - from 2.5-cm-
Radial means arranged around a central axis. long box jellies to the lion’s mane jellyfish –
umbrella is over 2m across
• Because the tentacles of corals, jellyfish, and
sea anemones have this radial structure, they
can sting and capture food coming from any
CNIDARIANS • stinging cells called cnidocytes are unique to
1. POLYP cnidarians

- has a body shaped like a hollow cylinder or a • each cnidocyte cell has a long, coiled, tubular
bag that opens and closes at the top harpoonlike structure, called a nematocyst

- tentacles form a ring around a small mouth at • When the nematocyst senses food either
the top of the bag. The mouth leads to a central through touch or chemoreception, it fires
body cavity, the gastrovascular cavity
outward, injecting venom through its tube into • Sea anemones and jellyfish have no skeletal
the prey. structure to support their soft tissues
• each nematocyst can fire only once, but • They fill the gastrovascular cavity with water
cnidocytes grow new ones. and close the mouth tight
• cnidocyte structure is specific to different • The water pressure supports the soft tissues.
species This feature is called a hydrostatic skeleton.
• If the sea anemone opens its mouth or
contracts its body wall hard, the water flows out
and the body collapses.
• Coral polyps also have a hydrostatic
skeleton, but they are frequently sitting in a hard
skeleton made of the mineral limestone
(calcium carbonate or CaCO3). Coral reefs are
the aggregated limestone skeletons of many
coral polyps.

• All cnidarians are carnivorous predators.
• Jellyfish capture small drifting animals with
their stinging cnidocyte-filled tentacles.
• Even the sessile coral polyps and sea
anemones are predators ready to sting prey, • Cnidarians lack organs, they do not have
grasp it in their tentacles, and push it into their respiratory or circulatory systems
• Like the cells in sponges, the cells in
• The potency of the stinging venom varies cnidarians get oxygen directly from the water
among species. Some cnidarian venoms have surrounding them.
little effect on humans. Others are extremely
toxic. • Nutrients from digested food pass through the
liquid between the cells to nourish all parts of
• The venom of the Portuguese man-of-war the body, and wastes pass out by the same
(Physalia physalis) is potent enough to inflict a route.
painful sting, even after it is washed up on the
beach. • They have a very simple nervous system
consisting of cells with long, thin fibers that
CNIDARIAN: SKELETAL respond to mechanical or chemical stimuli. The
fibers connect, forming a network called a CNIDARIAN: MOVEMENT
nerve net.
• To respond to stimuli, cnidarians use a
• The nerves send impulses to muscle cells, rudimentary muscular system consisting of
which respond by contracting. muscle cells lying in bands up and down the
body wall and in a circle around the mouth
• The body shortens when the vertical bands
contract. If muscles on only one side contract,
the body bends in that direction. The mouth
closes when the circular muscle contracts.

• Many jellyfish are supported by an umbrella

shaped structure that is composed of a modified
layer of mesoglea.
• The ability to respond to a stimulus of touch or
• When a ring of muscles contracts, a jet of
pressure is called mechanoreception. When
water is forced out from under the umbrella,
something touches the surface of the sea
moving the jellyfish forward.
anemone, the nerve cells send impulses to the
muscle cells in the body wall, the muscle cells • When the muscles relax, the stiff mesoglea
contract, and the anemone moves. springs back to its original shape, and the
umbrella opens again.
• Chemoreception is the ability to respond to
chemical stimuli. Chemoreception includes • Alternating muscle contraction and relaxation
taste and smell. Chemoreception is crucial to creates pulsating movements that propel the
finding and testing foods, detecting harmful jellyfish through the water.
substances, and, in some organisms, selecting
and attracting mates and finding suitable places REPRODUCTION
to live. • Cnidarians reproduce both sexually and
• The ability to respond to changes in light asexually.
intensity is called photoreception. Most • Some species can produce both eggs and
cnidarians have the ability to sense changes in sperm in the same organism – simultaneous
light and dark. Box jellies have eyes that are hermaphrodites and release gametes into the
able to form images. ocean in egg-sperm bundles.
• Finally, most jellyfish also have a sensory • Some species are also either male or female
structure called a statocyst that is denser than and produce either eggs or sperm.
water. The gravitational pull on the statocyst
helps jellies tell which way is down.
• Fertilization can happen externally in the water attach to a hard surface, and grow into a sessile
column, but can also happen internally. adult.
• Cnidarians can also reproduce asexually, by
budding or fragmentation.
• If many attached buds are produced, they can
form a large colony. This is the mode of
reproduction for which reef-building corals are
• Cnidarians can also replace lost or damaged
parts by regeneration. Damaged or lost
tentacles can often grow back. A small chunk of
detached tissue may even regenerate into an
entire new organism, as in the freshwater
• Many coral species reproduce externally in a anemone Hydra sp. Sea anemones can also
process called broadcast spawning. These regenerate lost parts.
species tend to have synchronous spawning
events - all individuals in the colony or area
release their gametes at the same time. This is • look similar to cnidarians but are actually not
often triggered by environmental cues like full part of the same phylum
moons, temperature, or chemical signals from
other individuals. • both ctenophores and cnidarians have similar
bodies with thin tissue layers enclosing a middle
• In other cnidarians the male releases sperm layer of jellylike material
into the water, but fertilization happens inside
the body when sperm from a male colony • these comb rows, called ctenes (ctene
enters the female and fertilizes eggs internally. meaning comb) is how the ctenophores get
This type of sexual reproduction is called their common name of comb jellies.
brooding, resulting in the release of a fully • consists of comb jellies
formed larva.
• exclusively marine
• Following fertilization in broadcast spawning
cnidarians, the new organism grows into a larva • Ctenophores have their mouth that occurs in
that swims by means of cilia. the oral pole of the body while the sensory
organ called statocyte is found in the aboral
• Because larvae cannot easily swim against pole. Statocyte identifies the gravity.
currents, they are classified as plankton,
organisms that drift. • Their excretion occurs through minute
apparatus called excretory pores.
• The larval stage is important in dispersing
sessile species like coral.
• Larvae can stay afloat for a long time, drifting
hundreds of miles from the parent, or they can
settle within hours after fertilization.
• An anemone or coral larva remains in the
water column until it can find a suitable habitat,
• They have two tentacles for capturing prey.
• Their body surface contains eight bands
(ctenes) in equal distances. These are called
swimming plates.
• Each plate consists of transversely arranged
comb-like structures in rows.
• The comb-like structures consist of narrow
plates, fraying from the outer ends. The
constant movement of the frayed plates propels
the animal through the water.
• Ctenophores are hermaphrodites.
• The mature eggs and sperms are released to
the external environment through the mouth for
the fertilization.
• carnivorous, feeding on rotifers and small

▸ Typically long, thin creatures that get around
efficiently without legs
▸ The different phyla of worms display a great
range in size, complexity, and body structure
▸ Flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) are • consists of simple worm-like animals called
simple animals that are slightly more complex flat worms
than a cnidarian.
• live on land, in fresh water, in the ocean, and
▸ Roundworms (phylum Nematoda) have a in or on other animals as parasites
slightly more complex body plan.
• parasitic/ free-living non-parasitic
▸ Segmented worms (phylum Annelida) are
the most complex animals with worm-like body
▸ invertebrate • more complex than cnidarians
▸ bilateral symmetry • have a middle layer of cells called mesoderm
– specializes into a muscular system
▸ definite anterior and posterior ends
• cells of the ecto- and endo-derm are also
▸ ventral surface – often closest to the ground
more organized than similar cells of cnidarians
▸ dorsal surface – facing the sky
▸ organs for sensing light, touch and smell are
concentrated in the heads
▸ a mesoderm, an intermediate body layer
between the inner (endoderm) and outer
(ectoderm) tissue layers that forms muscle

▸ a central nervous system guided by a “brain” • have a digestive system with only a single
opening into the digestive cavity
▸ an excretory system to eliminate some kinds
of waste products • these flatworms feed through a pharynx - a
long, tubular mouthpart that extends from the
▸ a complete digestive system, from an body, surrounds the food, and tears it into very
anterior mouth to a posterior anus fine pieces
▸ a coelom, a body cavity between the • cells lining the digestive cavity finish digesting
digestive tube and the external body wall that is the food. Then the dissolved nutrients move to
lined with tissue other cells of the body. Undigested food passes
▸ a circulatory system consisting of a series of back out through the mouth
tubes (vessels) filled with fluid (blood) to
transport dissolved nutrients, oxygen, and
waste products around the body rapidly and
• A central nervous system consists of a mass
of nerve cells, called a ganglion in the anterior
part of the body, and a nerve cord extending
from the brain toward the posterior end of the FLATWORMS: CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
• Oxygen and nutrients are distributed to parts
• Sensory cells in the head detect changes in of the body by diffusion.
the environment. Sensory cells that respond to
light are clustered in eyespots in the head. • Flatworms get oxygen and nutrients to their
Sensory cells that detect water currents, solid body cells easily because all their cells are
objects, and chemicals are in two flap-like close to either their outer surface or their
projections on the head called auricles. digestive cavity.


• Flatworms have a surprisingly elaborate ROUNDWORMS: PHYLUM NEMATODA
system to rid the body of wastes.
• about 25,000 species described by scientists
• This network runs the length of the animal on
• found in almost every habitat on Earth
each side and opens to the outside through
small pores in the posterior region of the body.
• Connected to the tubes are tiny cells that
move wastes and water from the tissues into
the tubes.
• similarly abundant in marine and freshwater
sediments where they serve as important
predators, decomposers, and prey for other
species like crabs and snails
• free-living or a parasitic
• some are cryptobiotic - remain dormant for
decades until environmental conditions become
• bilaterally symmetrical
• round cross-sectional body
• complete digestive system – has a mouth at
one end, a long tube with specialized parts in
the middle, and an anus at the other end
• as food moves along, it is broken into
molecules and absorbed by the cells lining the
• muscles surrounding the tube push the food • Most worms have two bands of muscles:
along – peristalsis longitudinal muscles that run the length of the
body and circular muscles that form circular
bands around the body.
• nematodes only have longitudinal muscles
- can move only by contracting the long
ROUNDWORMS: BODY PLAN; muscles on either side of their body and
RESPIRATION wriggling forward
• nematodes are slender, and they are covered ROUNDWORMS: NERVOUS SYSTEM
by a protective cuticle - a waxy covering
secreted by the epidermis, or outermost cellular • their nervous system consists of a set of
tissue nerves that run the length of the body and
connect to anterior ganglia.
• gas exchange and waste excretion in
nematodes occurs by diffusion across the wall • Free-living nematodes are capable of sensing
of the gut light with ocelli, and most nematodes have fairly
complex chemosensory abilities.
• Although nematodes do have a space in the
body between the digestive tract and the body ROUNDWORMS: REPRODUCTION
wall, it is not lined with tissue and is not • Most nematodes are not hermaphrodites, but
considered to be a true coelom – are known as dioecious—having individuals of
pseudocoelomates separate sexes.
• Their chemosensory abilities are very helpful, • With their active lifestyle and good defenses,
as they rely on pheromones to locate potential free-moving polychaetes can make their living
mates. in a variety of habitats such as mud, sand,
sponges, live corals, and algae.
• body is divided into repeating sections called
• annelids have a mesoderm with muscle, a
segments with many internal organs repeated in
central nervous system, and an excretory
each segment
system more complex than in flatworms or
• Earthworms are familiar terrestrial members of nematodes
this phylum and leeches are well-known
• also evolved body features similar in larger,
parasitic members of the phylum, most
more complex animals:
commonly found in freshwater.
1. a coelom, a body cavity between the
digestive tube and the external body
• Polychaete annelid worms are so named wall that is lined with tissue
because most of their segments have bristles
• coelom - a fluid-filled cavity lying
called chatae or setae.
between the digestive tube and the
• The free-moving polychaetes have muscular outer body tube and surrounded by
flaps called parapodia on their sides, and the mesodermal tissue
setae on these parapodia dig into the sand for
2. a circulatory system consisting of a
series of tubes (vessels) filled with fluid
• Fireworms are a type of polychaete that have (blood) to transport dissolved nutrients,
earned their name from stinging bristles on oxygen, and waste products rapidly and
each parapodium. efficiently

• Tubeworms - sessile polychaetes

• live in tubes that they build by secreting the
tube material.
• The tubes, attached to rocks or embedded in
sand or mud, may be leathery, calcareous, or
sand-covered depending on the worm species • In the body wall of the annelids are two types
of muscles: circular and longitudinal.
• feed by extending tentacles from the tube
• use their parapodia to create currents of water
that flow through the tubes to aid in respiration
and help clean the tubes
• free-living or mobile polychaete worms have a
proboscis that can extend from their mouths to
catch prey
• this is a feeding organ that is often armed with
small teeth or jaws on its tip.
• When the circular muscles contract, the • Nerves also extend from the brain around the
segment gets longer and narrower. digestive tube and along the ventral surface.
• When the longitudinal muscles contract, the • A ganglion or cluster of nerve cells operates
segment gets shorter and fatter the organs in each segment.
SYSTEM • Their excretory system consists of a pair of
small tubes in each segment called nephridia
• have a closed circulatory system in which
and are open at both ends.
blood is pumped along by muscles in blood
vessels • They filter coelomic fluid, which contains
useful nutrient molecules along with waste
• Blood flows through capillaries, picking up
food molecules from the digestive tract and
oxygen from the skin and transporting them to • useful molecules return to the coelom, and
the cells of the body waste molecules pass into the water
• The parapodia increase the surface area of
the skin for respiration.


• have a simple brain consisting of a pair of
nerve clusters in the head
• Nerves link the brain to sensory organs in the
head that detect the environment in front of the
• Earthworms are eyeless, but polychaete
annelids have eyes that can distinguish
between light and dark.

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