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The process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals,

and correcting any significant deviations is known as
a. planning.
b. organizing.
c. leading.
d. controlling.
2. ----- power comes from personality characteristics that
command subordinates’ respect, and admiration so they wish to
emulate the leader.
a) Legitimate
b) Expert
c) Coercive
d) Referent
3. Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish
organizational goals is the process of

a. Directing

b. Planning
c. Leadership
d. Management
4. .............. can be defined as the process of establishing the order use
of resources by assigning and coordinating tasks .
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. All of the above
5. Management functions include ________
a. planning & organizing
b. directing
c. controlling
d. All of the above
6. The ability to influence others based on expertise, knowledge, or
information is referred to as:
a) Referent power
b) Legitimate power
c) Coercive power
d) Expert power
7. Power that is derived from a person'
s position or status within an
organization is called:
a) Referent power
b) Expert power
c) Coercive power
d) Legitimate power
8. The use of influence to motivate employees to achieve the
organization's goals refers to -------
a. controlling.
b. planning
c. leading
d. organizing
9. .............. can be defined as the process of monitoring activities
and making correction.
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
10. ------- refers to a group of individuals who work together
toward common goals.
a. Organization
b. Development
c. Work
d. None of the above
11. W hich are not non-profit seeking organization?
a. Government
b. Religious
c. Social
d. Private Company
12. Power based on the ability to control and administer
punishments or negative outcomes is known as:
a) Referent power
b) Expert power
c) Coercive power
d) Legitimate power
13. The ability to influence others through attraction and
admiration is known as:
a) Coercive power
b) Referent power
c) Expert power
d) Legitimate power
14. Reward power"is derived from the ability to:
a) Administer punishments and negative consequences
b) Influence others through expertise and knowledge
c) Provide rewards and incentives to influence behaviour
d) Inspire and motivate through personal qualities and vision
15. In what order do managers typically perform the managerial
a. organising, planning, controlling, leading
b. organising, leading, planning, controlling
c. planning, organising, leading, controlling
d. planning, organising, controlling, leading
16. A leader who uses punishment, threats, or negative
consequences to influence behaviour is employing:
a) Coercive power
b) Referent power
c) Expert power
d) Legitimate power
17. W hich of the following is not a function of management?
a) Planning
b) Co-operation
c) Controlling
d) Organizing
18. .............. is defined as the functions of getting things done
through people.
(a) management
(b) science
(d) both a & b
19. The first and foremost function of management is
a. planning.
b. organizing.
c. controlling.
d. coordination.
20. An identified group of people contributing their efforts
towards the attainment of goals is called an _____________.
a. organization.
b. business.
c. management.
d. department.
21. Leadership can — –subordinates to help the organization
achieve its goals.
a) M otivate
b) Communicate
c) Direct
d) All of the above
22. The last function in the sequence, which culminates in the
attainment of organization objectives is:
a) Organizing
b) Coordinating
c) Controlling
d) Planning
23. M anagement is a ___directed process as it aims at achieving
specified goals.
a) Continuously
b) Future
c) Goal
d) Deliberately
24. Control function of management cannot be performed
a) planning
b) organizing
c) staffing
d) motivation
25. W hich one of the following statements is not correct?
• a) M anagement is a goal-oriented process.
• b) M anagement is a continuous process.
• c) M anagement is a dynamic process.
• d) M anagement is a rigid process.
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