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TikTok has quickly become a major player in the dynamic fields of social media and popular

culture. ByteDance, a massive corporation in China's computer industry, created the short-

form video-sharing platform TikTok, which debuted in September 2016. TikTok was

originally designed to be a place where people could make and share 15-second movies, but it

has now expanded to include videos up to 60 seconds in length. This broader scope gives

users a lot of room to experiment, which, when paired with the option to add music, special

effects, and filters, results in material that is not just brief but also interesting and varied.

TikTok's stratospheric development has been nothing short of incredible to see. With over

500 million monthly active users as of early 2019, the platform has established itself as one

of the most extensively used social networking programmes worldwide. In addition, TikTok

has established itself as a worldwide sensation by effectively expanding into a wide variety of

new markets. Several important aspects have contributed to the platform's remarkable


First of all, TikTok has a simple and straightforward interface that everyone can pick up and

utilise. Because of this emphasis on the user, the site has attracted people of all ages, but

especially the young. TikTok has become a popular platform for content producers and

would-be influencers because to its user-friendly video creation, editing, and distribution


Moreover, TikTok's recommendation algorithm is a force to be reckoned with. Powered by

artificial intelligence, the algorithm delivers highly personalized content recommendations

based on users' interests, preferences, and interactions within the platform. This ensures that

users are consistently exposed to the most relevant and engaging content, elevating the

overall user experience and satisfaction.

TikTok's short video format is highly interactive, encouraging user participation via likes,

comments, shares, and more. The "challenge" function, where users may take part in already

existing challenges or create their own, was also launched by TikTok. This contributes to the

platform's lively and interesting atmosphere by encouraging users' innovation, engagement,

and healthy rivalry with one another.

TikTok's innovative design allows for speedy content distribution. Users may rapidly

disseminate their preferred films to their followers and friends using the app's

recommendation system and social sharing features. With the assistance of this lightning-fast

dissemination, users may gain a larger fan base and greater clout in their own social circles.

In conclusion, TikTok has established itself as a critical medium in today's young culture,

serving as a meeting point for artistic expression, sociability, and amusement. Its

predecessors and contemporaries can't compare to its wide variety of content options,

interactive features, and individualised suggestions. However, the platform is not without its

problems. It still faces challenges in addressing problems like false information and user

privacy. TikTok's influence on modern social media and entertainment is evident, and it is

here to stay as the mobile internet environment continues to develop.

Impact of TikTok on Different Generations

1. Newer Generation (Generation Z and Millennials)

1. Personalization and Content Consumption: The popularity of TikTok has skyrocketed

because of its attraction to the millennial and Gen Z youth of today. Content

consumption is heavily influenced by the platform's recommendation algorithm,

which is based on user activities including liking, following, and watching videos for

longer periods of time. According to Boeker and Urman's (2022) study, the language,

location, and tastes of TikTok users considerably affect the kind of material those

users are exposed to.

2. Privacy and Digital Identity: Adolescents and younger users are becoming more

protective of their TikTok profiles and personal information. In order to control their

audience and preserve their anonymity, they use tactics like distributing material via

hidden channels or using many identities. The ability to creatively manage one's

online presence in light of privacy concerns is a hallmark of the digitally savvy

generation, as Ebert et al. (2023) demonstrate.

3. Political Engagement: Among today's youth, TikTok has become a hub for political

discussion. They use it to talk politics across party lines and rally support for various

causes. Interactivity and the use of numerous data streams in political TikTok videos

are highlighted by Medina Serrano et al. (2020).

4. Mental Health and Well-being: TikTok may be a fun way for young people to express

themselves creatively, but it has also been linked to negative psychological effects.

Young people's sentiments of inadequacy and anxiety may be exacerbated by the

platform's addictive quality and the frequent comparison with idealised material, as

emphasised by Albury et al. (2021). Pressure to meet aesthetic standards and take part

in viral challenges may have a mixed impact on a person's sense of worth.

2. Older Generation (Generation X and Baby Boomers)

While most studies have focused on how teens and young adults use TikTok, recent surveys

and observations reveal that even the elderly can't resist the app's charms.

1. Digital Exploration: Many senior citizens, typically introduced to the app by their

younger relatives, are curiously checking out TikTok. They participate in the platform

to learn about the phenomena it drives in popular culture and to bond with their

younger relatives.

2. Content Creation and Consumption: Hobbies, health advice, and historical material

are popular among older users. The generational content gap may be bridged when

people from different generations share their own experiences, insights, and abilities

via content production.

3. Learning and Adaptation: TikTok has become a popular resource for people of all

ages to acquire new skills and hobbies, from cooking to makeup to electronics. Their

pattern of participation is more passive than that of younger users, but it is gradually

changing as they grow more familiar with the site.

4. Mental Health and Social Isolation Some elderly TikTok users have found that the app

has helped them connect with others, which is particularly important in light of the

recent COVID-19 outbreak. it allows people to make friends, talk about their lives,

and feel like they belong somewhere. (Lee, Jeon & Kang, 2022) However, digital

exhaustion and a possible disconnection from real-world interactions may result from

excessive usage.

Relationship Between the Generations on TikTok

1. Bridging the Generational Gap: TikTok is a great way for people of different ages to

connect with one other, share their knowledge, and help close the generation gap. In

many families, younger users serve as the bridge between generations by teaching

their elders about the latest trends, issues, and even computer tricks.

2. Shared Content and Collaborations: Videos involving viewers of varying ages are

widespread, and they may range from dancing challenges to stories to imparting life

lessons. This platform's ability to promote intergenerational understanding and

appreciation is highlighted by such efforts.

3. Cultural Exchange: TikTok allows for communication across different cultures. Older

generations bring a lot of knowledge, wisdom, and perhaps a touch of nostalgia to the

table, while newer generations bring new trends and difficulties.

4. Addressing Social Issues: TikTok is now being used to bring attention to important

societal concerns like mental health. Users of both generations provide one other with

insights, advice, and encouragement as they deal with mental health issues. This

candour can lessen the shame associated with talking about mental health (Kari Paul,

Conclusion: Impact of TikTok on Different Generations

TikTok has become a defining platform in the ever-changing social media world, with

significant sway across several demographics. This has complex repercussions for both

younger and older generations.

TikTok's personalised content distribution method has facilitated interaction and connection

among the younger generation, particularly Generation Z and Millennials. Its system for

content recommendations makes it easy to find something of interest to each user, increasing

their feeling of community. Hyper-personalization has its benefits, but it also has the potential

to amplify mental health worries. Young users, in particular, may develop emotions of

inadequacy and anxiety as a result of their continual exposure to well controlled material.

However, TikTok has moved beyond the realm of mere amusement to become a forum for

political debate, providing a new venue for activism and civic participation.

TikTok has also caught the attention of elder generations like Gen X and the Boomers. Many

people have dabbled with the site out of simple curiosity, while others have had their first

exposure to it through younger relatives. TikTok is a platform where they may see and, to a

lesser degree, contribute to communities centred on shared interests. TikTok has provided a

venue for this generation to acquire and hone new competencies and expand their horizons in

the realms of knowledge and understanding. However, balance is required, since too much

time spent online may cause digital tiredness and a loss of interest in interacting with actual


TikTok is important because it has an effect on people of all ages. It facilitates a lively

interaction across generations via the sharing of ideas, information, and experiences. The

younger generation may help bridge the generation gap by teaching their elders about the

latest trends. The platform's ability to promote mutual respect and genuine relationships is
best shown through collaborative efforts involving users of varying ages. TikTok has also

become an important forum for discussing broader societal concerns, such as those related to

mental health. Users of all ages are able to speak freely about their own experiences, methods

of coping, and sources of assistance, which in turn helps to decrease the stigma associated

with such conversations.

In conclusion, TikTok is more than simply a service; it exemplifies how the generations of

today are more connected than ever before because to the internet. It's a fun way to spend

time and a platform to advocate for positive social change. The ever-changing nature of

TikTok emphasises the need of weighing its benefits against its risks, particularly in the areas

of mental health and personal privacy. Despite this, it is still an effective means of

communicating across generations, increasing mutual awareness, and tackling critical societal

The use of TikTok in China and Malaysia

1. TikTok's outstanding position and wide user appeal in the field of short video

Traffic in the short video industry is mainly concentrated in the head platform, of which

TikTok occupies the first place. According to the latest data from QuestMobile, as of May

2023, the monthly active user scale of TikTok reached more than 700 million, while the

monthly per capita use time reached 36.6 hours, which indicates that TikTok still maintains a

continuous growth trend. It also reflects TikTok's preeminent position in the short video field

and its broad user appeal.

TikTok's AD reach in Malaysia equated to 58.4% of the local Internet user base at the beginning of the year,

regardless of age. In early 2023, TikTok's AD audience in Malaysia was 56.4% female and 43.6% male. A

large proportion of Malaysians are attracted to the app. TikTok has a young user base that resonates with their

ambition, creativity, and desire for authentic connection. The content is short and immersive, making it not

only a time-killing app, but a preferred hub for inspiration, entertainment, and information.
1.1 Gender, age, and geographical characteristics of TikTok users

According to the latest data report from Mob Research Institute, the gender distribution of

TikTok users shows that 56.3% are male, while 43.3% are female. Additionally, the majority

of users are aged 25 and above, and a significant proportion holds a bachelor's degree. In

terms of geographical distribution, about 55.4% of users reside in cities classified as third-tier

or higher, while approximately 29.2% of users are in fourth-tier and fifth-tier cities.
2. The function and usage of TikTok

2.1Create and share videos

Users can record, edit, and beautify their short videos using the TikTok app's built-in camera

and editing tools. These videos are usually 15 seconds to 1 minute in length, in which users

can showcase their talents, share anecdotes about their lives, or create a variety of content.

2.2 Music and sound effects

TikTok offers an extensive music library that allows users to add music to their videos, thus

adding music and sound effects. In addition, users can also use various sound effects and

sound clips such as dialog, laughter, sound effects, etc.

2.3 Filters and effects

TikTok offers a wide range of beauty filters to smooth the skin, whiten the skin tone,

adjust the contours of your features, etc. to provide a more refined and attractive look.

These filters are very popular, especially in the selfie and beauty field. users can interact

with other users, including liking, commenting, sharing, and following other users'

content. In addition, users can participate in challenges and various trends to interact

with the TikTok community.

2.5 Live Streaming

TikTok,also supports a real-time live streaming feature, which allows users to interact with

viewers by sharing their lives, performances or discussing various topics. Viewers can

interact with the host through comments, likes and gifts during the broadcast, and this

interaction helps to build social connections and increase the closeness between users.

2.6 Search and Discovery

There is a search function within the app that allows users to find content of interest based on

keywords, topics or users. There is also a personalized recommendation feature that suggests

short videos for users based on their interests.

2.7 Education and knowledge transfer

some users utilize TikTok to share educational content such as scientific explanations, food

preparation tutorials, and handicraft projects. This makes Jitterbug not just an entertainment

platform, but also a channel for learning and knowledge sharing.

2.8 Geolocation tags

Users can choose whether or not they want to add geo-location tags when posting a video.

They can choose their current geolocation or manually search and select specific locations

such as restaurants, attractions, stores, etc. These geotags are usually displayed in the title or

description of the video.

2.9 Private Messaging and Chat

Users have the option to create one-on-one chat conversations with other users. This allows

them to communicate privately with friends, followers, or other Jitterbug users to share

messages, links, videos, and pictures. Jitterbug also supports multiplayer chat, which allows

users to create multiplayer chat rooms and invite multiple friends or fans to join them

together. This is useful for small group interactions or discussing specific topics. Users can

send text messages, emoticons, stickers and animated emoticons to make the chat more

interesting and livelier. This allows users to express emotions, share jokes and more in chat.
Intention of purchase

Purchase intention refers to a user's likelihood to buy a product or service. On platforms

like TikTok, this can be gauged through engagement metrics such as likes, comments,

shares, and more subtly, through time spent on videos or content related to products and


a. Factors Affecting Purchase Intention on TikTok:

- Content Quality and Relevance: High-quality content that resonates with

viewers is more likely to drive purchase intentions. This includes video clarity,

sound quality, and the relevance of the content to the viewer's interests.

- Influencer Credibility: Users tend to rely on influencers they deem trustworthy.

The authenticity and expertise of an influencer play a significant role in affecting

purchase intention.

- Product Presentation: How a product is presented, demonstrated, or reviewed

affects purchase intentions. Products that are shown to be effective or desirable

have higher conversion rates.

- Peer Reviews and Recommendations: TikTok videos that showcase real users

vouching for a product or sharing positive experiences influence viewers to

consider purchasing.

- Perceived Value: If viewers perceive the product to be of value for the price,

they are more likely to have an intention to purchase.

- FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): TikTok trends can lead users to buy products out

of fear of missing out on a popular trend.

- Engagement: Videos that have high engagement in terms of likes, shares, and

comments often appear more credible, thereby increasing the likelihood of


- Easy Access to Purchase: If links to products or services are easily accessible,

and the purchase process is straightforward, users are more likely to convert.

- Personalization: TikTok's algorithm which shows personalized content to users

based on their preferences and behaviors can lead to higher purchase intention if

the products shown align with the user’s preferences.

- Social Proof: Seeing other users or influencers using and endorsing a product

provides reassurance and can boost purchase intention(Changhan,2021).

b. Strategies Employed to Boost Purchase Intention:

- Collaborate with Relevant Influencers: Brands can partner with influencers

whose audience aligns with their target demographic.

- User-generated Content (UGC): Encouraging users to create content around a

product can act as organic testimonials and boost credibility.

- Exclusive Deals and Discounts: Offering special promotions exclusive to

TikTok viewers can incentivize them to purchase.

- Engage with Audiences: Regularly interacting with viewers through comments,

polls, or Q&A sessions can build brand trust and loyalty.

- Leverage TikTok's Shopping Features: Utilizing features like TikTok

Shopping Tab or shoppable video links can make the purchasing process


- Create Tutorial or How-to Videos: Demonstrating how a product works or its

benefits can remove doubts and barriers to purchase.

- Stay Updated with Trends: Being part of trending challenges or hashtags can

increase brand visibility and interest.

- Showcase Real-life Applications: By showing how a product fits into everyday

life, brands can make it more relatable and desirable.

- Leverage Augmented Reality (AR) Features: TikTok offers AR tools that can

be used to create interactive shopping experiences, like virtual try-ons.

- Continuous Feedback Loop: Analyzing which content drives the most sales and

refining strategies based on data ensures a brand stays relevant and effective in

driving purchase intention.

c. Comparing TikTok with Other Platforms:

While platforms like Instagram and Facebook also influence purchase intentions,

TikTok's unique content format, and demographic might lead to quicker conversion

cycles. The emphasis on short, impactful videos makes the platform a powerful tool

for impulse purchases(2021).

d. Challenges and Concerns:

- Ephemeral Nature of Content: The short-lived nature of TikTok videos may not

always allow for in-depth product exploration, potentially affecting long-term

purchase decisions.

- Privacy Concerns: There have been instances of data privacy issues on TikTok,

which may influence user trust and, by extension, purchase intention.

6 Social Influence & Purchase Intention

Social Influence are methods in which people modify their behaviour to conform to

the expectations of a social setting. It manifests itself in a variety of ways, including

socialisation, leadership, persuasion, obedience, peer pressure, and marketing. And with the

advent of social media, billions of individuals may now share their material, influencing

others and being impacted by it as well Snijders, R., & Helms, R. (2014).

In terms of social impact and influence, not many other apps available manage to compare to

TikTok’s meteoric rise. Of the 4.48 billion active users on social media, 22.32% are frequent

users of TikTok. In addition to growing its first-time installations by almost 400% year over

year, TikTok also consolidated its user base worldwide. With one billion active users per

month, it has grown to be one of the most popular social media apps available today

Wuttaphan, N. (2022).

6.1 TikTok & Purchase Intention

The more one uses TikTok with all the ways the application works and the features it

includes, the more likely they are influenced. Especially in terms of purchase intention;

particularly after the introduction of TikTok Shop. Initially, the primary driver of Tiktok use

was entertainment satisfaction. However, people with socialisation gratification goals also

showed greater purchase intents for the suggested items, strong parasocial ties with the

influencer, and high persuasion knowledge Yang, Y., & Ha, L. (2021)

The convenience in which one is able to purchase items online simply by a few taps of the

screen was a big game changer that helped push e-commerce. Popularizing Mobile Short-

form Video shopping, which presents users with short clips and animation so they can see
product details in a clear and vibrant manner Yang, Q., & Lee, Y. C. (2022). Along with

simultaneous effects of digital marketing, sales promotion, and electronic word-of-mouth are

all considerable effects of purchase intention on Tiktok Shop Ratu, E. P., Tulung, J. E., &

Rumokoy, L. J. (2022). This shows that the more one uses the app, the more likely their

purchase intentions are affected.


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