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Name: _______________________________________ Subject: Gender and Society
Course: _________________________ Teacher: John Michael L. Montillano, LPT

Test I. Closed test. Select your answers inside the box and write your answer
on the space provided.
Gender masculinity cultures feminist gender
sex femininity myriad oppressive
biological male female coined
actual individuals groups John Money

Gender Role

A ________ role is a set of societal norms dictating what types of

behaviors are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable
for a person based on their _________ or perceived ______. These are
usually centered on opposing conceptions of _____________ and
______________, although there are ____________ exceptions and
variations. The specifics regarding these gendered expectations may vary
substantially among cultures, while other characteristics may be
common throughout a range of _______________.

Various _________ have led efforts to change aspects of prevailing gender

roles that they believe are _____________ or inaccurate, most notably the
_____________ movement.

The term ‘’_____________‟ was first _________ by ______________ in 1955

during the course of his study of intersex individuals to describe the
manners in which these _____________ express their status as a ______ or
________, in a situation where no clear _______________ assignment exists.

Test II. Discuss the following. 20pts each category.

a. Masculinity and Femininity

b. LGBTQ and Intersexuality

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