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The emergence of groundbreaking technologies has brought about a revolutionary

transformation to the world. People have widely adopted and utilized technology to bring
convenience to their lives. However, it is undeniable that in recent years, people have not
simply been using technology but rather relying on it. So, will humans truly be replaced? I
don't know, but... welcome to the AI era.

Throughout history, humans have always been at the pinnacle of the biological world,
representing intelligence and emotions. Even today, humans have created AI that is
"human-like," possessing superhuman learning abilities, a vast memory capacity, powerful
databases, and efficiency far surpassing that of humans. This AI, resembling Superman,
poses a direct threat to the wise emperor's reign. Can humans resist AI's plan to replace
them with their imagination and creativity? Absolutely! No matter how many AIs there are,
they will always remain just programs. Even if AI is incredibly efficient, it is simply executing
human commands. Despite AI's strong learning capabilities, it is built upon human
knowledge. Humans will never be replaced because each individual's thoughts are unique,
unlike AI, which originates from the same code. Human autonomy of thought prevents AI
from surpassing us. Our creativity and curiosity make us far more valuable than artificial

In conclusion, imitation will always be imitation. What we possess belongs to our own
experiences and creations, while AI consists only of countless lines of code. So, no matter
how powerful this "superhuman" may be, they do not belong to our planet and will never be
considered Earthlings.

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