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ROLL NO.*********


The purpose of the study of HR Practices in Hotel VITS is to
experience the quality & quantity required by the company. It
explains the HR practices & its influences on the
performances of the individual employee. It also provides
insight to the degree to which the HR practices are affecting
the behaviour of an employee at work place.

Human Resource Practices have great influence on the

organisational performance, every organisation depends on its
workforce for fulfilling its operational requirements, human
resource not only subject for the professional handling the
human resource of the organisation, in wider perspective it
deals with all the key function of all the department in an
organisation, it is a liason between the organisation and the
employees of the organisation, it is studied by the economists
to relate the efficiency in the productivity of the organisation.
Earlier when there was no Human Resource Department in
any organisation, they still used to perform very well because
there were operations of the human resources underlying with
in some other department responsibilities, after the importance
of this operation has gained importance, they have set up this
department with distinguished functions of taking care of the
As described in the previous chapter, there are five key HR
practices: recruiting and selection, training and development,
appraisal and performance management, compensation, and
employee participation. HR practices can be described as
personnel interventions or actions that contribute to shaping
the employment relationship in a firm (Boselie, 2014).
Furthermore, they help to ensure the survival of a firm as they
can positively affect financial outcomes. Financial outcomes
are dependent on how employees perform in terms of
productivity, innovation, or turnover. Employee performance
is the result of employee behaviors, such as employee
commitment, quality, and flexibility which is highly impacted
by HR practices like hiring, training, appraising, and
compensating employees. HR practices may cause a wave of
consequences and therefore, it is not always possible to
measure the direct impact and added value of them (Andresen
& Nowak, 2015).
As this thesis cannot consider all of the HR practices
mentioned above in detail, the focus will be on the following
three: recruitment and selection, training and development,
and appraisal and performance. Those HR practices are
chosen because they are crucial elements to run a firm,
irrespective of its size, structure, or activity, and no firm can
operate without hiring staff, training the new staff and
ensuring their performance.
Recruitment and selection practices are often the starting point
for organizational success through HRM that can lead to
increased firm performance. While recruitment can be defined
as “the different activities of attracting applicants to an
organization” (Boselie, 2014,
p. 149), selection “consists of sifting through the pool of
applicants and making decisions about their appropriateness”
(Boselie, 2014, p. 149). Recruitment and selection are crucial
because if firms do not hire people with proper skills, they are
not able to develop products and services for the market, or to
deliver them reliably (Boxall & Purcell, 2016). Since
employees are continually resigning, retiring, being promoted,
or sometimes even dismissed, recruitment is a dynamic
process. During this process firms do not only aim to find and
retain suitable candidates, they also seek to portray a positive
image to applicants because selection goes two ways and both
employers and applicants can turn down a job (Nickson,
Although no universal solution has been identified as the best
method to select the right person for a vacancy, there is often
a ‘classic trio’ which consists of evaluating the CV, the
references, and the job interview (Nickson, 2007). In any
case, firms are advised to include a combination of selection
methods in the recruitment process to increase the chance of
hiring dedicated employees who can help the firm to achieve
organizational goals (Albrecht et al., 2015). Looking at
empirical evidence, recruitment and selection is positively
related to labor productivity and negatively associated with
employee turnover (Boselie, 2014). Furthermore, recruitment
and selection practices are linked to achieving organizational
success and a competitive advantage (Gautier, 2015).
• To know the influences of Human Resource Practices on the
employee’s actual performance in hotel industry.

• To know about the concept of recruitment.

• To know about the concept of selection.

• To know about employee’s performance appraisal.

• To know Training and Development in the organization.

• To know about employee’s orientation, placement & employee


Definition Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual

application in the investigation of matter. The primary purpose of
applied research is discovering, interpretation and the development of
methods and system for the advancement of human knowledge on a
wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe.

According to Clifford Woody “Research comprises of defining and

redefining problems formulating hypothesis or suggested solution,
collecting, organizing and evaluating data making deductions and
reaching conclusions to determine whether they fit for the
formulating policies.”

Sampling Technique Used

Stratified Random Sampling - Definition A stratified random sample is

obtained by separating the population units into non – overlapping
groups called strata, and then selecting a random sample from each
stratum. In stratified random sampling, the population is first
classified into different segments (stratums) based on common
characteristics. The sample selection under this method can be also of
two types; proportionate sampling and non-proportionate sampling.
In proportionate sampling, proportionate representation is given to
the stratums in the total sample size. In the other nonproportionate
sampling, equal representation is given to each stratum in the total
sample size. In this study respondents are selected using stratified
sampling by diving them into stratum based on their designation. The
respondents are stratified into 4 categories; managerial level,
administrative level, supervisory level and trainees. Respondents are
selected using nonproportionate sampling.
Sample Size

This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to

constitute a sample. This a major problem before a researcher. The
size of sample should neither be excessively large, nor too small. It
should be optimum. An optimum sample is one which fulfills the
requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability and
flexibility. While deciding the size of sample, researcher must
determine the desired precision as also an acceptable confidence level
for the estimate. The size of population variance needs to be
considered as in case of larger variance usually a bigger sample is
needed. The size of population must be kept in view for this also limits
the sample size. The parameters of interest in a research study must
be kept in view, while deciding the size of the sample.

Costs too dictate the size of sample that we can draw. As such,
budgetary constraint must invariably be taken into consideration
when we decide the sample size.

Statistical Tools Used For Analysis

For the purpose of analysis different statistical tools are used, they are

 Graphs and Chart

 Percentage Analysis

Test Limitations of the Study

 The main limitation of the study was the lack of time end of the

 The employees hesitate to give some information due to the fear

that losing the relationship with the company.

 Since the respondents were employees and the study was

conducted mainly during the working hours, employees could not
respond properly.

 Strategic human resource management: A Balanced


 Human Resource Management Practices

 Employee engagement, human resource management

practices and competitive advantage: An integrated
approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People
and Performance.

 Strategic HRM and sustained competitive advantage
 Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism


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