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Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Hey everyone!! Today im gonna tell you how dangerous is promiscuity

Promiscuity is a form of behavior where the word “free” means crossing the boundaries of norms
established by law or invisible norms created by society. In the era of globalization with the rapid
development technology, many teenagers were trapped in promiscuity like alcoholics, free sex,
comsumption of illegal drugs. In the current era of modernization, it is very easy for teenagers to
access information related to promiscuity. As we know, adultescence is a transition period from
childhood to adulthood, where is curiosity is very high.

There are several causes of promiscuity in teenagers:

1. Low level of family education

2. Broken home family
3. Environmental factor
4. Economy factor
5. Lifestyle and,
6. Lack of religious insight
As a result of free sex and pregnancy out of wedlock, a teenager can do things that are not
commendable, such an abortion, apart from that, free sex practionery can also contract
sexually transmitted diseases such as hiv/aids and syphilis.

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