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Sample Questions for the Final Exam

1) Is the cloud a safer and more secure computing environment than an in-house network?
Why or why not?

2) Explain how an SQL injection attack works and what types of systems are vulnerable to this
type of attack.

3) Briefly describe each type of organizational change enabled by information technology. Give
an example of each type of change, as it might be illustrated through the operations of a

4) You are consulting for the information technology division of a state university to guide and
facilitate the design of a new system for handling college applications, which has previously
been handled entirely with a paper-based process. They would like to set up a system by
which prospective students can apply online. Describe in detail their first steps and any
studies they should perform before designing the new information system.

5) Briefly describe the four main conversion strategies for changing from an old system to a
new system.

6) What qualities of object-oriented development enable a reduction of time and cost in

software development?

7) Briefly outline the information system and management and organizational activities in a
knowledge management value chain as it might apply to the online catalog system of a public

8) Identify the three major types of knowledge management systems. Provide two examples of

9) What are the four dimensions of knowledge?

10) What is a chatbot and how are they used in business?

11) How do machine learning systems like neural networks actually "learn"?

12) Describe three technology trends that pose ethical issues, giving an example for each of its
ethical or moral impact.

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