Domande Concorso Docenti 2019 - Inglese

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©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9


- A _____________ the wedding guests ___________ sitting and playing cards. Few of
/ were.
- A boy of sixteen is often ... his father as tall as
- A boy of sixteen is often __________ his father as tall as
- A flashlight is a battery-powered light .... you can carry around with you. That.
- A friend of ____ lives in London mine
- A long time ago, there ... many forests, but now there are only a ... . were/few
- A long time ago, there ______ many forests, but now there are only a _________ .
- A new wall is .... built. Being.
- A pacifist is a person ... believes that all the wars are wrong who
- A pacifist is a person _____ believes that all the wars are wrong who
- A person is requested .... a good knowledge of Italian. To have
- A person is requested......a good knowledge of Italian. To have
- A television ... went up with the pilot and filmed the UFOs. cameraman
- A: What are ... in English? B: They're headphones. these
- A: Would you like to drive a Ferrari? B: Yes, I ... . would
- After being sick in bed for months, she_____ now. She needs physiotherapy. Can't
- After the accident my friend needed ... . surgery
- After the children had ... doing their homework, the whole family watched television.
- After the odd outburst, the group of long time friends agreed that Carmela's behaviour
on the weekend trip was ........ bizarre
- After they had shouted at each other, they decided to ....... it up. make
- Alfred is now hanging around only well-to-do people! Alfred frequenta solamente gente
- Alice is sincere through and through. Alice è completamente sincera.
- All boarding passes .... to the flight attendant before boarding. Must be given.
- All of the following words refer to family except for one. Find the odd one out: toddler,
niece, veal. Veal
- All of the following words refer to musical instruments except for one. Find the odd
one out: cello, jug, harp. Jug
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- All the hydrochloric acid .... in this tank. Is stored.

- Although our opinions on many things ... , we're good friends. differ
- An article ____ ____ the newspaper. published / in
- An orphan is a child ... parents are dead whose
- And by early evening the ....... country will see the rain. whole
- And by early evening the ________ country will see the rain. whole
- Andrew's attempts to get into the swimming team have not ... with much success.
- Andrew's attempts to get into the swimming team have not _______ with much
success. met
- Ann ___ she didn't like Peter. said
- Ann can't cook and ___ Thomas. neither can
- Are ____ your glasses? these
- Are _____ teachers nice? your
- Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? No, _____ there aren't
- Are there four people in the picture? Yes, _____ there are
- Are you ____ of dogs? afraid
- Are you ____ you don't want any ice-cream? Sure
- Are you Canadian? Yes, _____ I am
- Are you going ... Linda's party next week? to
- Are you going ....... for your holidays this year? abroad
- Are you going _____ Linda's party next week? to
- Are you going ________ for your holidays this year? abroad
- As always his latest play has been a huge success and all the tickets are ....... until
August. sold out
- As far as I know she hasn't left yet, she told me she would move in January. Per
quanto ne so non è ancora partita, mi ha detto che si sarebbe trasferita a gennaio
- As I feared she would get angry, I had to _____the bush for a while. Beat around.
- As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ... the homework with me. over
- As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ___________ the homework with
me. over
- As it was getting late, we .... to go. Decided.
- As I've worked in Spain for many years, I've got used to the Spanish _____ of life.
- As soon as he was arrested, the man gave some .... to the police. Information.
- As they always tell you the value of shares can go ....... as well as up. down
- At ....... I think she's very pretty. least
- At 5:00 am he was making .... the airport. For.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- At first, my friend didn't want to hire Wendy. But, because I had previously worked
with Wendy, I told my friend that she _____________ take another look at her C.V.
and reconsider _______ for the job. Ought to / her.
- At the moment we are trying to ....... for the town centre. make
- Because you're in that road ....... now. right
- Before .... switch off the lights. Leaving.
- Before .... the letter we ought to contact the client. Writing.
- Before starting to draw, take an extra marker ____ yours runs out. In case.
- Bromley Limited (1) ________________ in 1908. The founder of the company, Alec
Bromley was a steeplejack. In the early years, Alec ran the business with his son,
George. The pair owned a horse and cart, some essential tools and equipment and
operated from a rented yard in Liverpool, England. Today there are very few
steeplejacks left, as the trade has declined over the years. In the past, (2)
_____________ , they were very much in demand. Steeplejacks were tradesmen (3)
_______________ worked on tall structures, such as church steeples. As buildings
became higher during the industrial revolution, steeplejacks were often employed to
climb tall chimneys and work (4) ________________ tall buildings in order to carry
out maintenance work. Instead of repairing buildings, many steeplejacks were also
hired to knock them down. Demolishing chimneys and industrial structures was often
part of the trade. At the time, (5) ____________ the management of George Bromley,
the firm was expanding into a regional company. Flyers were delivered by hand to mill
owners and architects throughout the north-west of England. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (3)? Who.
- Bromley Limited (1) ________________ in 1908. The founder of the company, Alec
Bromley was a steeplejack. In the early years, Alec ran the business with his son,
George. The pair owned a horse and cart, some essential tools and equipment and
operated from a rented yard in Liverpool, England. Today there are very few
steeplejacks left, as the trade has declined over the years. In the past, (2)
_____________ , they were very much in demand. Steeplejacks were tradesmen (3)
_______________ worked on tall structures, such as church steeples. As buildings
became higher during the industrial revolution, steeplejacks were often employed to
climb tall chimneys and work (4) ________________ tall buildings in order to carry
out maintenance work. Instead of repairing buildings, many steeplejacks were also
hired to knock them down. Demolishing chimneys and industrial structures was often
part of the trade. At the time, (5) ____________ the management of George Bromley,
the firm was expanding into a regional company. Flyers were delivered by hand to mill
owners and architects throughout the north-west of England. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (4)? On top of.
- Bromley Limited (1) ________________ in 1908. The founder of the company, Alec
Bromley was a steeplejack. In the early years, Alec ran the business with his son,
George. The pair owned a horse and cart, some essential tools and equipment and
operated from a rented yard in Liverpool, England. Today there are very few
steeplejacks left, as the trade has declined over the years. In the past, (2)
_____________ , they were very much in demand. Steeplejacks were tradesmen (3)
_______________ worked on tall structures, such as church steeples. As buildings
became higher during the industrial revolution, steeplejacks were often employed to
climb tall chimneys and work (4) ________________ tall buildings in order to carry
out maintenance work. Instead of repairing buildings, many steeplejacks were also
hired to knock them down. Demolishing chimneys and industrial structures was often
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

part of the trade. At the time, (5) ____________ the management of George Bromley,
the firm was expanding into a regional company. Flyers were delivered by hand to mill
owners and architects throughout the north-west of England. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (5)? Under.
- Bromley Limited (1) ________________ in 1908. The founder of the company, Alec
Bromley was a steeplejack. In the early years, Alec ran the business with his son,
George. The pair owned a horse and cart, some essential tools and equipment and
operated from a rented yard in Liverpool, England. Today there are very few
steeplejacks left, as the trade has declined over the years. In the past, (2)
_____________ , they were very much in demand. Steeplejacks were tradesmen (3)
_______________ worked on tall structures, such as church steeples. As buildings
became higher during the industrial revolution, steeplejacks were often employed to
climb tall chimneys and work (4) ________________ tall buildings in order to carry
out maintenance work. Instead of repairing buildings, many steeplejacks were also
hired to knock them down. Demolishing chimneys and industrial structures was often
part of the trade. At the time, (5) ____________ the management of George Bromley,
the firm was expanding into a regional company. Flyers were delivered by hand to mill
owners and architects throughout the north-west of England. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (2)? However.
- Bromley Limited (1) ________________ in 1908. The founder of the company, Alec
Bromley was a steeplejack. In the early years, Alec ran the business with his son,
George. The pair owned a horse and cart, some essential tools and equipment and
operated from a rented yard in Liverpool, England. Today there are very few
steeplejacks left, as the trade has declined over the years. In the past, (2)
_____________ , they were very much in demand. Steeplejacks were tradesmen (3)
_______________ worked on tall structures, such as church steeples. As buildings
became higher during the industrial revolution, steeplejacks were often employed to
climb tall chimneys and work (4) ________________ tall buildings in order to carry
out maintenance work. Instead of repairing buildings, many steeplejacks were also
hired to knock them down. Demolishing chimneys and industrial structures was often
part of the trade. At the time, (5) ____________ the management of George Bromley,
the firm was expanding into a regional company. Flyers were delivered by hand to mill
owners and architects throughout the north-west of England. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (1)? Was established.
- But things will ....... tomorrow. improve
- Call me at 10 p.m. By that time my parents ________________________. Will have
- Can I give you advice? Some
- Can I speak _____ Anne please? to
- Can you drive me _____ the station? to
- Can you drive? No _____ I can't
- Can you give me _____ water? some
- Can you hear what he is .......? saying
- Can you lend your camera ____ Tom? to
- Can you pass me those ..., please? brushes
- Can you show me on the map where I am? Può mostrarmi sulla pianta dove mi trovo?
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Can you tell me what she has ______ with that project? done
- Careful, you are going ____ the glasses. to drop
- Children ... to go to bed late at night. are not supposed
- China's National Space Administration has released _________ recorded by the
country's Mars probe. footage
- Choose a word to complete this sentence. Ben is a chef_________ than Michael better
- Choose the alternative which means the same as the word in square brackets. Mary is
[nearly] sure she turned the stove off. almost
- Choose the answer that best completes this sentence: "Daniel comes from Finland, he
is _____ ". Finnish.
- Choose the answer that best completes this sentence: "Sheila and Lauren are funny
and kind, it's nice to spend some time with _____ ". Them.
- Choose the best answer for this question:Are you ready? Yes, I am
- Choose the best answer for this question:Can I speak to the director, please?
Certainly, sir. Just a moment
- Choose the best answer for this question:When do you play squash? On Wednesday
- Choose the best answer to this question: "How was your trip?". We had a good flight,
thank you
- Choose the best answer. As I told you, there's nothing _______ . To worry about.
- Choose the best answer. Goodness gracious! I told you ______ that door! Why did you
do that? Not to open.
- Choose the best answer. Kristine has an amazing voice, she really _____ the singing
competition. Might win.
- Choose the best answer. Mary? She arrived when the competetion had already
started. She _______ . Was late as usual.
- Choose the best answer. My car is too dirty: it really ________ . Needs washing.
- Choose the best answer. When ______, I will call you. Greg arrives.
- Choose the best answer. When I first ______ a cigarette, I felt sick. Tried to smoke.
- Choose the best answer. You should rest more: __________ . The more you sleep, the
less tired you are.
- Choose the best phrase to complete the following:Hello, reception? ____ an external
line please? Can I have
- Choose the best phrase to complete the following:If you are going to be interviewed
for a new job, you ____ as much as possible about what the interview will be like.
Who'll be interviewing you? Does the interview include any tests or exercises? should
find out
- Choose the best phrase to complete the following:Why don't you buy yourself some
new clothes? If you know you look good, you ____ more confident. will definitely feel
- Choose the best phrase to complete the following:You ____ the meeting yesterday. It
was very important. shouldn't have missed
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the best phrase to complete this question. ____ money did the government
ask them for? "How much"
- Choose the best phrase to complete this question. _____ to do the training program
face-to-face or online? Is it cheaper
- Choose the best phrase to complete this question:____ to drive if you have had more
than two alcoholic drinks? Are you allowed
- Choose the best phrase to complete this question:Could you ____ date of birth
please? tell me your
- Choose the best phrase to complete this question:Does anyone know how much ____
on staff per year? the department spends
- Choose the best phrase to complete this question:How many questions ____ in this
test? are there
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence :I am going to London to do a
summer course to ____. get to know the language better
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: The office ____ open on
Saturdays. is not
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:<br />
The Prime Minister returned to Scotland ____. last night
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:<br />
Tomorrow morning I ____ the 6.30 train to Rome to attend a European conference on
world poverty. am getting
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
____ I listened to a football match on the radio. Yesterday evening
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
Eritrea is the most exciting country ____. I have ever visited
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
Everyone ____ pay taxes. has to
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
Her sister is expecting a baby in June, so they ____ a holiday this year. won't be having
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
He's worked in this department ____. for a long time
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
I am not familiar with this technology yet so I am going to ____ research on it. do
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
I have ___ admiration for working mothers. nothing but
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
I work ____ Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. at the
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
I've been trying ____ with him all week, but he's never in the office and his mobile
always seems to be busy. to get in touch
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
On Sept. 11, 2001, al-Qaeda ____ to bypass the U.S. counterterrorism structure. was
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:

Rome is ____ . a very beautiful city
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
She asked me what ____. the new supervisor was like
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
The company ____ in the red for some years when it was forced to close down. had
already been operating
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
To improve our balance of payments, we must increase productivity and ____
expenditure. cut down on
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
Visiting the Czech Republic ____ a visa, but now it's no longer necessary. used to
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
When she lived in the centre, she ____ the bus to work. would often take
- Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence:
Working in the office ____ dealing with the public. isn't as tiring as
- Choose the best phrase to start this sentence:
____ Inverness is in Scotland. I think
- Choose the best question for this answer: I'm fine thanks. How are you?
- Choose the best verb form to complete this question:Where did they all ____ after the
party? go
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
By this time next week we ____ the new computer system. will have installed
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
I ____ so many people at the Live8 concert last month. met
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
If I ____ a cake, will you bring some wine? make
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
Last Monday the House unanimously ____ the new legislation. passed
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
The chancellor said that every child born after September 2002 ___ a gift of £250 at
birth. would receive
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
The notebook ___ in the office yesterday evening, but now it's gone! was
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
Would you like a coffee before ____ back to work? you go
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
You ____ send the original documents, a photocopy will do. don't have to
- Choose the best verb form to complete this sentence:
You will feel more confident about your new job when you ____ in it for another
month. have been
- Choose the best verb to complete this sentence:
By midnight yesterday all the forms ____ to the Commission. had been sent
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the best way to begin this sentence:

____ our expectations, we found that the bank was quite willing to give us a loan to
cover our debts. Contrary to
- Choose the best way to complete the following: Please ____ need any further
information. I will be very pleased to provide it. let me know if you
- Choose the best word or phrase to begin this sentence:
____ I manage to get through all the letters I have to write this morning, I'll be able
to start working on the new project this afternoon. As long as
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following:Ian McEwan is a British
writer. ____ from Hampshire. He's
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following:That isn't your desk. It's
____. hers
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following:Their children don't get any
exercise. They just watch television ____ . all day
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following:This is our area manager.
He ____ all the day-to-day business at the company. is in charge of
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following:Your purse? ___ in your
office? Isn't it
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this question:____ the head of your
department? Who's
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence. ____ left after the tourist
office and you will see the Marine Hotel on the right. Turn
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence. James Chan doesn't live in
Hong Kong any ____ . more
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:<br />
I like ____ news on the radio in the morning. listening to the
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:<br />
I think the company's ____ a busy year next year. going to have
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
Angela told me ____ was said at the meeting. "what"
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
At the time of my visit last April, Kembruck Inc. ____ a successful, £340 million
advertising campaign. was just finishing
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
Don't buy that jacket - it's ____ for you. too big
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
I do ____ work at home. a lot of
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
I wish I ____ the small print before I signed the contract. had read
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
I'll pay you back the money ____ I can get to the bank. as soon as
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
John Baxter sent a report this afternoon from ____ the disaster scene. close to
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:

My husband doesn't ____ to help plan our holidays! do much
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
My sister's husband ____ thirty-five. is
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
Our customers usually pay ____ bills promptly. their
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
Pedro Almodòvar is a film director from ____ . Spain
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
Several people ___ his suggestion and some emails were exchanged about this.
responded to
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
The busy terminal is now returning ___. to normal
- Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence:
The manager thinks we should accept the contract and I ____ . agree
- Choose the best word or words to complete the following:I love Berlin. It's a really
lively and exciting place, and the people ____ friendly. are very
- Choose the best word or words to complete the following:I'm quite an ambitious
person. I want ____ general manager in a few years' time. to become
- Choose the best word or words to complete the question:Who ____ this afternoon? I
heard that someone was looking for me. rang
- Choose the best word or words to complete this sentence:<br />
It rained all last weekend ____ we didn't go to the seaside. so
- Choose the best word or words to complete this sentence:
I want to become a judge so I am studying ____ . law
- Choose the best word or words to complete this sentence:
There's ____ speculation about who will become the new leader of the Labour Party
when the Prime Minister retires. too much
- Choose the best word to complete the following:He never knows where things are and
his desk is always in such a mess! He leaves papers everywhere and is always losing
his keys. He's just so ____. untidy
- Choose the best word to complete the following:He never turns up on time. He's
totally ____. unreliable
- Choose the best word to complete the following:He said I was overweight and should
go on a diet. After all the problems I've had this year I think that is so ____ ! rude
- Choose the best word to complete the following:I have a lot of responsibility. I also
have to deal ____ all customer complaints at the department store. with
- Choose the best word to complete the following:I'm always exhausted because my job
is so demanding. I'm ____ a coffee bar in the centre of town at the moment, so I'm
busy every day except Sundays. running
- Choose the best word to complete the following:My boss ____ to Florence for a
meeting last week. He came back on Friday. went
- Choose the best word to complete the following:My friend Catherine is a journalist.
____ job is very interesting. Her
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the best word to complete the following:She knows how to get on with people
and does all the right things. She really is terribly ____ . sensible
- Choose the best word to complete this question. Where ____ you like to go this
evening? would
- Choose the best word to complete this question: _____ do you like your job? Why
- Choose the best word to complete this question:____ you like to come to Germany
with me next month? Would
- Choose the best word to complete this question:I'm sorry. I didn't understand your
name. Can you ____ your surname please? spell
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence. Veronica has three ___, Barbara,
Helen and Peter. children
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:<br />
Did you see the____ for a Sports Journalist in yesterday's newspaper? advertisement
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
____ I like Caroline personally, I don't think she is the person best qualified for the
job. Although
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
Do you prefer to ____ the air conditioning on while you are working? keep
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
Do you think that the government will ever ____ back capital punishment? bring
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
Door-to-door ____ will involve a 10% surcharge on the price of the purchased goods.
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
I ____ haven't seen the film that won the Cannes Film Festival this year. still
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
I am no longer satisfied with my job, and I would really like to find something more
____. challenging
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
I really like ____ to foreign countries. going
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
I'd like to take six months off work and go on a ____ round the world. journey
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
Mark writes for a ____ newspaper. Dutch
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
My boss ____ me that the report was due in by Friday. reminded
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
On my first trip abroad, I lived for a month ____ a German family. with
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
The budget for next year hasn't been finalised ____ . yet
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
The department ____ he works for will soon be closed. that
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:

The first thing we need to do is to find ____ location. a suitable
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
The passing of this law marks the first step on a road that we hope will ____ to greater
prosperity for all. lead
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
There is an excellent ____ of Vermeer's paintings on at the Royal Academy at the
moment. exhibition
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
There will soon be wireless computers in ____ office. every
- Choose the best word to complete this sentence:
You can invest your money in stocks and ____. shares
- Choose the best words to complete this sentence:
Sorry. Sandra isn't here at the moment. She's____ . gone out
- Choose the correct answer for this question:Did you get the job? Yes, I did
- Choose the correct form. The window of his room is open
- Choose the correct form. _____ information _____ our company is now possible on
line Obtaining / about
- Choose the correct form. Can I give you _____ advice? some
- Choose the correct form. I thought it was a waste of time _____ that film seeing
- Choose the correct form. I'm really worried _____ you. You don't seem to care _____
anything anymore about / about
- Choose the correct form. I'm working on two jobs to _____ some _____ money earn /
- Choose the correct form. Italian people differ _____ other nationalities I know from
- Choose the correct form. Mr. Smith doesn't work _____ Fridays or _____ weekends
on / at
- Choose the correct form. The old cinema has taken _____ a new lease of life since its
renovation on
- Choose the correct form. There was a man _____ was looking for you who
- Choose the correct form. We have _____ time but not _____ some / much
- Choose the correct form. We were speaking on the phone and then all of a sudden I
got cut _____ off
- Choose the correct form. When I see James, _____ him _____ you said I'll tell / what
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence When I was a child, I
_______ the whole summer in the mountains. Used to spend
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Alexandra is so
beautiful, she's _____ . Breathtaking
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Don't ask me to help
you with your literature essay, it's not my cup of ___ . Tea
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I ____ your plan. I
think we should do it my way. Don't agree with
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I am ____ to leave, I
can't help you now. About
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: If you just told me , I
wouldn't worry that much! Where you are
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Jane, you ought ____
for help. To ask
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Please Renée look
_____ the children, I have to go to the post office. After
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Ronny and I are really
on the same ____ , we get along pretty well! Page
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: When I was a child, I
the whole summer in the mountain. Used to spend
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: When I was a kid, I
loved going to the beach: I _____ all day playing in the ocean with my sister. Would
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: While I my homework I
heard a strange noise from the garden. Was doing
- Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: You can go out and play
as soon as ______ your homework. You finish
- Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. My mum and my dad are always arguing,
they can't stand each other anymore. I wish they ____ . Divorced.
- Choose the correct option. "Look at those clouds. I think it ......... rain". might
- Choose the correct option. You should go home. It's late and your parents____. Will
be worrying
- Choose the correct option: _____ is my father. He
- Choose the correct option: Sandra ______ when the telephone suddenly rang. Was
reading a book
- Choose the correct phrase to complete the following: You ____ in an election, but I
think you should. If you have the right to vote, you should take advantage of it. don't
have to vote
- Choose the correct phrase to complete this sentence.The manager said that all
personal telephone calls ____. had to be paid for
- Choose the correct preposition. "I love thinking _____ the future". About
- Choose the correct preposition. "Why don't you tell me _____ your day?". About
- Choose the correct preposition. "Why don't you tell me _____ your problems with your
sister?". About
- Choose the correct preposition. "You should go out _____ your friends". With
- Choose the correct question for this answer: "He is fifteen". How old is your son?
- Choose the correct question for this answer:She's a film director. What does your sister
- Choose the correct sentence. Mary and Sue always help each other
- Choose the correct sentence. Do you often go out in the evening?
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Choose the correct sentence. Allison's shyness makes her blush all the time
- Choose the correct sentence. Tim watches television all the time
- Choose the correct sentence. What is the date?
- Choose the correct sentence. On my way home I met a friend of mine
- Choose the correct sentence: What a lovely girl!
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "... you have
a lovely holiday last year in Greece?". Did
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "He ... that
picture in 1970". Took
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "I don't have
much money but I'm not...". Worried
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "My brother
told us about his ... to join that team". Decision
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "Please sit
down, ... stand up". Don't
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "Sorry I can't
come, I have to meet an old friend of...". Mine
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "This is a
photo of my He bought it last year". Brother's
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "This is Tom,
he is ...for the design". Responsible
- Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "What he has
to do is to make all the plans and...". Decisions
- Choose the most appropriate adjective. A moody person is ____________.
- Choose the right alternative. "Jane met a friend of ......... in the street". hers
- Choose the right option. "I ......... my new job". like
- Choose the right option. "Peter's ......... a dog which likes cats". got
- Choose the right relative pronoun. "An old man, ......... was carrying a suitcase,
knocked at the door". who
- Choose the right translation: They are around 35 years old. Hanno circa 35 anni
- Choose the right translation: Vorrei comprare un computer nuovo. I'd like to buy a new
- Chose the correct noun form for the verb 'to advise'? Advice.
- Class 2B _____________ to the museum this morning is being taken
- Come back in the morning, .......? will you
- Completa la frase scegliendo l'opzione corretta: "Remember, ... your teeth after
breakfast". Brush
- Completare la seguente conversazione, scegliendo la risposta giusta. A: Is there any
coffee left? B: Just ... . a little
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Completare la seguente frase, scegliendo la risposta giusta."I'm getting worried. She

hasn't come back ...". yet
- Complete each sentence with the correct option. I bought a new car last month but
today I noticed that Jonathan has come to work with a new motorbike and I'm a little
jealous. ...... The grass is always greener on the other side
- Complete each sentence with the correct option. I have to be back home by midnight
and the bus drivers are on strike. ...... ? Can you give me a lift
- Complete the dialogue: Simon: Would you prefer coffee or milk? Rita: Have you got
anything else?
- Complete the following conversation with the most suitable answer.A: What time is it?
B: ... It's twenty to two
- Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "Experience is the name
everyone gives to ____ mistakes.". Their
- Complete the following sentence with the correct option. He ____ since he was one
year old. 's been talking
- Complete the following sentence with the correct option. I ____ a cup of coffee when
the telephone suddenly ____. Was having - rang
- Complete the following sentence with the correct option. I ____ my parents next
month, I ____ the train ticket. 'm going to visit - 've already bought
- Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Unless you ____ harder, you
____ into that college. Study - 'll never get
- Complete the following sentence with the correct option: I don't want _____, please
stay! You to leave
- Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Guess what? I'm
coming and visit you next Sunday! I'm really looking forward__ spending some time
together! To
- Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Janet is standing ____
the car. Beside
- Complete the following sentence with the most suitable option. "We sent a present to
the children ......... living next door". --
- Complete the question. "Could you tell me ____________________" How long it takes
to get to Seattle?.
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: " Enjoy this journey through
time and see the Georgian architecture". Beautiful
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "It can be for young people
to travel around the world alone". Dangerous
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "London offers theaters,
clubs and a wide of restaurants and shops". Choice
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "Most people
_____________ straight to work every morning and into their garage at night. ". Get
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "My first holiday in France
was very . I had never been abroad". Exciting
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "Situated in the county of
Somerset southwest of London with a temperate climate, Bath is an destination both
for Britons and foreigners". Attractive
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "Subjects we are taught at
university will become obsolete much more than in the past". Quickly
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "The 5-star hotel in the
Bahamas was very expensive and ". Impressive
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "The two parties arrived at
an agreement after a two-hour _____________". Discussion
- Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "There was a lot of in
preparation for the American President's visit". Activity
- Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I'll give you more details
about the reservation when the receptionist of the hotel (......) me back. Phones
- Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Our planet (......) so polluted
if we took care of it in a more suitable way. Wouldn't be.
- Complete the sentence with one of the following options. She told me she (. ) that
dress for the party if she could have borrowed mine. Wouldn't have bought
- Complete the sentence with one of the following options: Italian food is appreciated
all over the world. It's....... cuisine. One of the best
- Complete the sentence with the correct option. "Lara doesn't like chocolate, ......... ?"
does she
- Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). As it
was very late we changed our minds and made (....) home instead of going to the
party. For
- Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Come
on guys, we've lost loads of time chatting. Now we have to make (....) lost time. Up for
- Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). He
didn't agree with me at first, but soon he came (....) and followed my advice. Round
- Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Hurry
up, all tests must be handed (....) by 12 o'clock. In
- Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). No one
helps her: she has to live (....) her salary, which is not easy. On
- Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Tonight
there's a good thriller (. ..) TV. On
- Complete the sentence with the correct tense. "I wouldn't drink that beer if I .............
you". Were
- Complete the sentence with the correct tense. If the French lessons had been more
interesting, Mary ____________________ a different school. Wouldn't have attended
- Complete the sentence with the most correct and proper option. "The teacher was
very ... towards us when we returned late". Icy
- Complete the sentence with the most correct and proper option. "Tom is not very good
at ... responsibility". Taking
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Complete the sentence with the most suitable article. "......... Spanish are well- known
for being very friendly". The
- Complete the sentence with the right option. "Many dogs every year". are lost
- Complete the sentence. Barbara and Mary can't go to the beach
because_____________ It's raining
- Complete with the correct option: You should read the book that you find on the
library's free cart whose ____ makes you laugh. Cover
- Complete with the good option: A fully albino giant panda ______ roaming bamboo
forests in China. Has been filmed.
- Complete with the good option: You know what? I find your idea __ contradictory and
__ utterly wrong. So - so.
- Complete with the most suitable option. During a ... you should stay hydrated and
avoid being outside between 12 and 4pm. Heat wave
- Complete with the most suitable option. The best way to ... Venice is by boat or on
foot! Get around
- Considering the urgency of this issue, let's schedule a meeting for this
afternoon, ..............................? shall we
- Could you give me a ____ to the airport? lift
- Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please? Mi potrebbe dire dov'è la banca più
vicina, per favore?
- Current NHS guidelines say there is no "safe" level of drinking and that men and
women ________ not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week on a regular basis -
around six pints of beer. should
- Did you ... television last night? watch
- Did you agree to take .... the job? On.
- Did you know that Tom has been hanging out with Steve? Sapevi che Tom frequenta
- Do you ....... time to go to the store for me? have
- Do you drink a ....... of tea with sugar? lot
- Do you like French? Yes, I ____ do
- Do you really enjoy .... that sort of music? Listening to.
- Do you want me to ... it easier for you? make
- Does anyone honestly ... what a politician says nowadays? believe
- Does anyone honestly _________ what a politician says nowadays? believe
- Does she play the piano? Yes, she .... Does.
- Does your brother really believe ____ flying saucers? in
- Does your brother really believe ____ flying saucers? In
- Don't try to use that lamp. It ____. doesn't work
- Don't you ....... those bells..? think
- Downsizing is certainly .... cruel. Rather.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- During the fourteen days cruise, seven days will be spent ... sea, and seven in port at
- During the fourteen days cruise, seven days will be spent ____ sea, and seven in port.
- Elias has recently started to take a more positive _____to his job and he is doing it
quite well. Attitude
- European cuisine always ....... a sense of nostalgia and romance, like running into an
old flame. evokes
- European cuisine always ________ a sense of nostalgia and romance, like running
into an old flame. evokes
- Even people experienced at watching the sky, ... as pilots, report seeing UFOs. such
- Even people experienced at watching the sky, _____ as pilots, report seeing UFOs.
- Everybody .... her for saving the old man from drowning. Praised.
- Everyone was surprised when he turned down the offer. Tutti erano sorpresi quando ha
rifiutato l'offerta
- Everything is going well. We ... ... any problems so far haven't had
- Everything is going well. We _________ any problems so far. haven't had
- Excuse me I ... if you can help me. wonder
- Excuse me, I have an appointment with Miss Rossi. Mi scusi ho un appuntamento con la
signorina Rossi
- Excuse me, that seat _____ _____. is / mine
- Excuse me. ____ Can you give me a light?
- Fili in the blank. "... are these boots? Are they Christina's?" Whose
- Fili in the blank. "I go to the gym every day ... 5pm ... 7pm': from, to
- Fill in the blank using the most appropriate answer. " this car!" look
- Fill in the blank using the most appropriate answer. "It is ........ outside. Did you hear
the thunder?" stormy
- Fill in the blank using the most appropriate answer. "They asked me if I ... speak
Russian". could
- Fill in the blank with the correct option: "It's not the job of a politician to do only
those things _____ will be popular.". Which you think
- Fill in the blank with the correct option: Somehow, people began to look to the state
for their standard of living, to the state to solve their problems, rather than solving
______. Them themselves
- Fill in the blank. " I ... in a small town. Now I live in Paris". used to live
- Fill in the blank. "... hat is this? Is it John's?". Whose
- Fill in the blank. "... suitcase is the green one?" Whose
- Fill in the blank. "Alex is probably ... of all the guys I have ever seen". the most
- Fill in the blank. "Aunt Daisy helped ... with our homework". us
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Fill in the blank. "Clara wants to become a lawyer, so she is studying ...". law
- Fill in the blank. "Do you usually go to school ... bus?". by
- Fill in the blank. "Don't buy that dress - it's ... for you". too big
- Fill in the blank. "Have you got ... idea of how much the project is going to cost?". any
- Fill in the blank. "Have you met Carol?". "..., she is really lovely". Yes, I have
- Fill in the blank. "He ... to Paris 5 times last year". went
- Fill in the blank. "He is ... teacher in the school". the best
- Fill in the blank. "I have completed 25 puzzles ...". so far
- Fill in the blank. "I haven't had so much fun ... I was a young boy!". since
- Fill in the blank. "If he had known we were coming, I am sure he ... left the door
unlocked". would have
- Fill in the blank. "If I ... a cake, will you bring some drinks for us?". make
- Fill in the blank. "If I'd read the letter properly, I ... such a stupid mistake". wouldn't
have made
- Fill in the blank. "If it ... tomorrow, I'll stay at home". rains
- Fill in the blank. "If the Board of Directors ... their approval, there will be a merger
with Smith Ltd.". gives
- Fill in the blank. "If you invite ..., we will certainly come". us
- Fill in the blank. "James opened the door and ... a man in the room". saw
- Fill in the blank. "James works ... the Ministry of Defence". at
- Fill in the blank. "Last night we ... out and had dinner with Alice". went
- Fill in the blank. "My mother speaks French ... than my teacher". more fluently
- Fill in the blank. "My office is ... the 2nd floor and the canteen is ... the ground floor".
on, on
- Fill in the blank. "Peter and Tom are tired because ... work too much". they
- Fill in the blank. "Sean Penn came in ... hotel last year!". our
- Fill in the blank. "She asked me where ... last night". I went
- Fill in the blank. "She considered several options, but in the end she ... the one that I
had suggested". chose
- Fill in the blank. "She is ... her brother". as nice as
- Fill in the blank. "They ... us not to touch the animals". told
- Fill in the blank. "They'll explain ... you need to know". what
- Fill in the blank. "We have bought a new house". "Oh, have you? When are you ...?".
moving in
- Fill in the blank. "We looked ... you at the cafeteria, but we could not find you!". for
- Fill in the blank. "When we arrived at the cinema, the movie had ... started". already
- Fill in the blank. "Where ... you born?". "In Birmingham". were
- Fill in the blank. Charlotte admitted _________ a mistake. making
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Fill in the blank. Excuse me, ____ can we reach the station? how
- Fill in the blank. If I _____ harder, I would have passed the exam. had studied
- Fill in the blank. If I were in your _____, I would tell him the truth. shoes
- Fill in the blank. I'm leaving ____London at 7.30 tomorrow morning. for
- Fill in the blank. I've been trying to get _____ with him all day, but his mobile is
always off. in touch
- Fill in the blank. My friends might come to the party tonight. It will depend _____ how
they feel. on
- Fill in the blank. She's been out three days in a row, she ______ here today. had better
- Fill in the blank. We _____ respect the rules, laws and sovereignty of the State! must
- Fill in the blank.Customer: "Is this phone number right? I have been trying to book a
taxi but I couldn't reach the operator".Taxi driver: "...".Customer: "Thank you very
much". No, it has changed, here is the new number
- Fill in the blank: "Would you like ......... orange juice?" some
- Fill in the blanks with the right combination. "... books are mine, ... are John's". These;
- Fill in the blanks. I'm really quite lost. ______ you ______ helping me get out of
here? Would / mind
- Fill in the blanks. Once you ______ you ______ to cancel the contract. have signed /
won't be able
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. Five years ago Daniel _____ a boat. Bought
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. Four weeks ago Zoe _____ to Maria. Talked
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. In 1987 I _____ to Miami. Went
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. In 2009 my parents _____ to London. Moved
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. Last summer we ____ Los Angeles. Visited
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. Last winter Tanya ______ married. Got
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. Six days ago Paula ____ a little cat in her
garden. Found
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. Ten years ago I ____ John. Met
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. Two years ago Sabrina ____ her job. Lost
- Fill in the gap with the correct option. When I was 17 years old I ____ to France.
- Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I am ___ holiday until next Friday. On
- Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option. "If I __________ in Rome, I'd go
sightseeing every day". Lived
- Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option. "If I had enough money,
I___________ this wonderful car". Would buy
- Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option. "If the phone _____________ she
wouldn't have got up from the sofa". Hadn't rung
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option. "What would you do if you
__________ rich?". Were
- Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option. "What would you do if you
_________________ decide?". Could
- Fill in the gap. " .. don t you agree with me?" Why
- Fill in the gap. " .. people live in Rome?" How many
- Fill in the gap. "When . the road, make sure to look in both directions." crossing
- Fill in the gap... "Do you agree with ...?" me
- Fill in the gap... "I ... volleyball yesterday." played
- Fill in the gap... "More people live in Rome ..." than in Milan
- Fill in the gap... "Paul has a car, but he ... use it very often." doesn't
- Fill in the gap... "We have a meeting ... friday." on
- Fill in the gap: "_____ are you doing tomorrow?". What
- Fill in the gap: "_____ are you eating tonight?". What
- Fill in the gap: "_____ are you going tonight?". Where
- Fill in the gap: "_____ she visit her granny every day?". Does
- Fill in the gap: "_____ she visit her granny every day?". Does
- Fill in the gap: "_____ you go shopping yesterday?". Did
- Fill in the gap: "_____ you meet your brother last month?". Did
- Fill in the gap: "_____ you meet your friends yesterday?". Did
- Fill in the gap: "_____ you play football yesterday?". Did
- Fill in the gap: "_____ you usually drink a cup of milk?". Do
- Fill in the gap: "_____ you usually drink black coffee?". Do
- Fill in the gap: "_____ you usually eat french fries?". Do
- Fill in the gap: "I come _____ Genoa". From
- Fill in the gap: "I_____a tasty cake". Am making
- Fill in the gap: "I've just arrived in Florence _____ Berlin". From
- Fill in the gap: "I've just arrived in Milan _____ New York". From
- Fill in the gap: "I've just arrived in Rome _____ Naples". From
- Fill in the gap: "Mum_____an amazing dinner". Is making
- Fill in the gap: "There are _____ eggs in the fridge". Some
- Fill in the gap: "There are _____ tomatoes in the fridge". Some
- Fill in the gap: "We haven't got _____ juice left". Any
- Fill in the gap: "We haven't got _____ milk left". Any
- Fill in the gap: "We haven't got _____ sugar left". Any
- Fill in the gap: "We_____TV". Are watching
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate options. "If they ______________ to bed
early, they ______________ up late". Had gone / wouldn't have woken
- Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate options. "If we ______________ to the
party, we ______________ them". Hadn't gone / wouldn't have met
- Find the most opposite of "hate". Love
- Find the sentence that contains a mistake: Don't tell to him my secret!
- Find the sentence that contains a mistake: Sandra is a close friend of me
- Find the sentence that contains a mistake: I go to work with bus
- Finding a good job is getting ... . harder and harder
- Firms can avoid .... middle managers. Paying.
- First I'm going to China and ____ I'm going to India. then
- First of all, you'll have to .... that the signature on these documents is genuine. Make
- Fleetingly means __________ Quickly.
- Frank, you look messy! Why don't you go to the barber's ____ ? To have your hair cut?
- Gina is ______ person I know. The sweetest.
- Good evening. Let me tell you what's in ... for you on television tonight store
- Have you ....... made a snowman? ever
- Have you considered ... a job abroad? getting
- Have you considered ... to London? moving
- Have you considered ____________ to London? moving
- Have you ever been to the UK? Yes I have.
- Have you finished your homework ...? yet
- Have you finished your homework ________ ? yet
- Have you got ... tissues? any
- Have you got ___ idea of how much the tickets are going to cost? any
- Have you got many relatives? No, not _____ many
- Have you... a sports car? ever driven
- He ... be silent! must
- He ... me he ... in love with Susan told - had fallen
- He ... me several questions asked
- He ... speak English very well can
- He ____ his car ____ year. bought / last
- He ____ to know your telephone ____. wanted / number
- He ____ to know your telephone ____. wanted / number
- He _____ a very _____ person. is / important
- He _____ speak English very well. can
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- He ______ be silent! must

- He _______ me he ______ in love with Susan. told - had fallen
- He _______ me several questions asked
- He can't come to the phone. He ____ a shower. is having
- He drove off without saying a word. Se ne andò in macchina senza dire una parola.
- He had been waiting for ten minutes when he came to the .... that he was in the wrong
shop. Conclusion.
- He has ____ books ____ read. a lot of / to
- He has ____ lived ____. always / in Paris
- He has ____ lived ____. always / in Paris
- He has got a _____ of friends lot
- He hit the target with great .... every time he shot. Strength.
- He is _____ Manchester from
- He is _____ than me taller
- He is very good _____ maths at
- He is very lucky to have got himself a ....... job. plum
- He must ______ worked hard to get such a good job have
- He passed the exam because he made very few ____. mistakes
- He searched ........ for Tom's keys but couldn't find them. Everywhere
- He speaks English .... Fluently.
- He threw away a chance to go to China. Ha sprecato l'occasione di andare in Cina.
- He turned up just as the meeting was ending. Lui è arrivato proprio quando la riunione
stava per concludersi
- He was a successful business manager ... he had very little experience as a CEO. even
- He was sorry to ______________ your birthday. Forget.
- He was the first to use many new inventions, ... sound and colour. including
- He was the first to use many new inventions, _______ sound and colour. including
- He went away instead ... waiting of
- He won't be here, .... Will he?.
- He works _____ and _____. quickly / well
- He works very, very .... Carefully.
- Her husband ____ politics. isn't interested in
- Her room is not very ____. There are things everywhere. tidy
- Her son _____ three years old is
- He's a good man. They all .... him. Look up to.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- He's been out three days in a row. He _______________ be here today or the boss
will have his head. Had better.
- He's not reserved at all. In fact, he's ... . outgoing
- He's really ____ meeting your sister. looking forward to
- He's still getting ... the shock of losing his job. over
- He's still getting ______ the shock of losing his job. over
- He's terribly .... . He doesn't remember anything you tell him. Forgetful.
- He's very good .... languages! At.
- He's very good at taking people .... ! Off.
- Hong Kong has to be one of the few places on the planet where you can enjoy .......
cuisine and service at relatively reasonable prices. exquisite
- How .... did it cost? Much.
- How .... you are here? Come.
- How _____ is it? much
- How _____ times can you bounce a ball without missing? many
- How come Lisa's putting you up this week? Perché Lisa ti ospita questa settimana?
- How did you get there? Did you go ... train? by
- How do you do? _____ Very well
- How does he usually _____ to Italy? travel
- How lazy our boy is! He only goes and visits his grandparents ... . once in a while
- How long ____ your car? have you had
- How many _____ are there in your class? children
- How many students _____ in your class? are there
- How much do you think ....? It is.
- How much money do you spend ... food each week? on
- How much money do you spend ____ food each week? on
- How much progress .... you made so far? Have.
- How old is she ? She _____ 24 is
- I ... buy a new car. am going to
- I ... him since 1990 have known
- I ... sing, but I can play the guitar. can't
- I ... to the USA in my life. have never been
- I ....... come to the conclusion that nowadays nobody cares about anything. have
- I ____ an apple yesterday night ate
- I ____ living here ____ 15 years. have been / for
- I ____ your plan. I think we should do it my way. Don't agree with
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- I _____ a single room for three _____. would like / nights

- I _____ been to that place _____ at least three years. haven't / for
- I ______ chatting too much so I didn't notice the time was
- I ______ working in this office ______ two years. have been / for
- I _________ studied physics if the teacher __________ interesting. Wouldn't have /
hadn't been.
- I _____________ not to mention it. Was told.
- I always do my .... Best.
- I am accustomed ... hot water to
- I am accustomed ____ hot water. to
- I am going ____ my ____. to / parents'
- I am no _____ working for that company longer
- I asked the hotel receptionist for some ____ about the city. Information
- I asked the hotel receptionist for some ____ about the city. information
- I can't find my keys. I've looked ____ for them. Everywhere
- I couldn't make it to work yesterday. Non sono riuscito ad andare al lavoro ieri.
- I didn't expect the project to be a ...................... , but I never imagined this level of
complexity. piece of cake
- I didn't need help. I did it ........ my own. On
- I do hope she's .... time! On.
- I don't drink _____ you do as much as
- I don't like borrowing money, I hate being in ____. debt
- I don't live with ... parents anymore my
- I don't live with _____ parents anymore. my
- I don't mind .... to the cinema. Going.
- I don't remember ... the front door when I left home this morning. locking
- I don't suppose I could have a glass of water, ....? Could I.
- I don't think that's going to be ....... . hard
- I don't work in this sector and .... does she! Neither.
- I enjoy reading in my ____ time. spare
- I expect you think I'm ... because I don't understand that. stupid
- I feel much better today. Yesterday I ____ terrible. felt
- I forgot my keys, so I __________ break the window and climb _____________ .
Had to / through it.
- I go to the gym _____ Mondays on
- I got up late and I ... the train missed
- I got up late and I ______ the train. missed
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- I had a cup of tea and went straight ____ bed. to

- I had been _____________ what to cook for dinner when the telephone
_______________. Wondering / rang.
- I had to deny ________ ________ request. Him / his.
- I have ____ ____ tell you. something / to
- I have ____ received the catalogue I ____. finally / ordered
- I have been .... tennis since 10 o'clock! Playing.
- I have been gaining weight lately and I am unhappy about it. It's high time I
__________ on a diet! went
- I have been looking for those documents, but I haven't found them ____ yet
- I have lived in Frankfurt ... I left Italy three years ago. since
- I have lived in Frankfurt ______ I left Italy three years ago. since
- I have lived in Worcester .... ten years. For.
- I have never ... her before. seen
- I have never.... the Andes. Visited.
- I have worked here .... 1990. Since.
- I haven't eaten paella___I was in Barcelona four years ago Since
- I haven't got _____ time much
- I haven't had time to speak to Nick .... Today.
- I haven't heard the news .... . Today.
- I haven't seen him ....1989. Since.
- I honestly think that the time ....... come when we should celebrate our success. has
- I honestly think that the time _________ come when we should celebrate our
success. has
- I knew you .... show up! Wouldn't.
- I know I made a mistake, but you don't have to rub it in. Lo so che ho sbagliato, ma tu
non farla lunga.
- I know where my bag is, but I don't know where _____ . Yours is.
- I love classical music and ........ does she. So
- I love playing tennis, but I also play basketball quite ... . well
- I managed to put the fire out ... a fire extinguisher with
- I managed to put the fire out ______ a fire extinguisher. with
- I managed to put the fire out ______ a fire extinguisher. with
- I met her ____ the stairs as I was going down to lunch. on
- I must admit that whenever I've eaten at that restaurant, I've always come away
feeling ....... satisfied. completely
- I need ... some emails. to send
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- I need to ... my clothes before going out. They're all wet! dry
- I never expected him to let us down that way. Non mi sarei mai aspettato che ci deludesse
- I never have ... in the morning breakfast
- I never have _____ in the morning breakfast
- I never work .... Sundays. On.
- I only ... in London for three months lived
- I only _______ in London for three months lived
- I promised my mum I would ... the grass in the garden before going out. cut
- I really appreciate your ....... me at this difficult time. helping
- I really regretted my mistake. It was one that I ___ . Ought not to have made
- I regret .... my job. Leaving
- I regret job. Leaving
- I saw him ... the road and ... the shop cross - enter
- I saw him _____ the road and _____ the shop cross - enter
- I spoke slowly .... she could understand me. So that.
- I telephoned my husband before ____ the hotel. leaving
- I think it _____ rain _____. will / tomorrow
- I thought it was a waste of time ________________ that film. Seeing.
- I thought there was a ... of jealousy in his reaction to my good fortune. touch
- I told the children......... go to bed too late. Not to
- I tried to come, but I couldn't make it. Ho provato a venire, ma non ce l'lo fatta
- I urge a reply so they promise they ... back to me soon. will write
- I usually enjoy .... to training courses. Going.
- I want .... to the store. You to go.
- I was coming out of the room I collided ... somebody who was coming in with
- I was coming out of the room I collided ______ somebody who was coming in with
- I was leaving the house when Tom .... Showed up.
- I went to the library to _________ a book. Borrow.
- I went to the meeting _________ foot. On
- I wish I .... her before! Had met.
- I wish it .... rain so much in this place! Didn't.
- I wish it .... rain! Would.
- I wish it .... rain! Would.
- I wish it .... snow! Would.
- I wish she .... married me then. Had.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- I wish she .... speak so much! Didn't.

- I wonder if you ........ Tom for a moment, please. Could help
- I wonder if you .........Tom for a moment, please. Could help
- I won't wait ... him a minute more for
- I would like to see Lucy again. It is a long time ... ... ... since I saw her
- I would never follow a vegan diet, ... it may be. however tasty
- I__________________ changed job, if my wage__________________ low. Wouldn't
have / hadn't been
- I___my cousin three weeks ago saw
- Ian speaks much .... than Roger. Better.
- I'd go if I .... you! Were.
- I'd rather you_____call me at night, please. Didn't.
- If .... , I would understand you much better. You spoke up.
- If he knows the answer, he ____________ it. Will repeat.
- If I ..... I'd tell you right now. Knew.
- If I ........ French, I'd look for a job in Paris. Spoke
- If I ______ a phone , I could phone for help had
- If I ______________ to university, I ___________ the possibility to work in this
field. Hadn't gone / wouldn't have had.
- If it rains tomorrow, we to play tennis. Won't be able
- If only I ______ taller, life would be __________ easier. Were / so much.
- If she caught the 7:30 flight, she .... Would arrive on time.
- If the plane ____ late, we will ____ wait at the airport. is / have to
- If the weather _____________ better I'd play tennis. Were
- If this rain .... soon, we'll run around and go back home. Doesn't stop.
- If we _____ hard our boss _____ very happy. work / will be
- If you are not in the sun, you are .... In the shade.
- If you are worried about your ____, you should see a doctor. health
- If you buy shares you become .... A stockholder.
- If you don't hurry, we'll never ____ the bus. catch
- If you don't write down the date and time of the message, .... Tom will never know.
- If you had been there, we_____________ a good time. Would have had.
- If you have a sedentary job, experts advise that you __________ stand, move and
take breaks for at least two out of every eight hours. should
- If you like meeting people, what kind of a person are you? out-going
- If you make a mistake when you are writing, just ... it out with your pen. cross
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- If you're not careful you'll find that because of your generous nature, she'll start
taking ....... of you. advantage
- Il termine "learn" significa: imparare
- I'll .... have to go to Madrid next month for a meeting. Probably.
- I'll finish now and I look forward to ....... you again soon. seeing
- I'll finish now and I look forward to _______ you again soon. seeing
- I'll have one more ....... and then.. go
- I'm afraid we can't comment ____________ the court's decision at this time. On
- I'm checking the translation. I've found three spelling mistakes .... So far.
- I'm going to have to ... different plans for tomorrow. make
- I'm really ____ on holiday this year. looking forward to going
- I'm really quite lost. __________ you __________ showing me how to get out of
here? Would / mind.
- I'm really worried ___________ you. You don't seem to care __________ anything
anymore. About / about
- I'm responsible .... with complaints. For dealing.
- I'm sick and tired of this affair. Sono stufo di questo affare.
- I'm sorry but Mr Bern ____ away ____. went / a minute ago
- I'm sorry, I _______________________ . I _______________________ about Jim.
Wasn't concentrating / was thinking.
- I'm starting a ....... of swimming lessons. course
- I'm starting a ________ of swimming lessons. course
- I'm tired mum. I just want bed right now. To go to
- I'm very sorry. I must have .... I'll add it up again. Made a mistake.
- I'm working on two jobs to ___________ some ___________ money. Earn / extra
- Imparare a guidare è tanto difficile quanto imparare ad andare in bicicletta. Learning
to drive is as hard as learning to ride a bike
- In 1907 Alice ... to New York where she started her own film company. moved
- In 1989 the Berlin wall ____ down. came
- In 1999 Jack Straw, then Britain's home secretary, was attacked for being rude about
an ethnic minority. There were demands for criminal investigations, appeals to various
commissions and public agencies, a fevered debate over whether Mr Straw was racist.
On that occasion, he was accused of demeaning gypsies by saying that people who
masqueraded as travellers seemed to think they had a right to commit crimes. In the
past few weeks Mr. Straw, now leader of the House of Commons, has triggered a
similar response by arguing that the Muslim veil (i.e., the full, face-covering niqab) is
an unhelpful symbol of separateness. This week he won the backing of his boss, Tony
Blair. These episodes are reminders not that Mr. Straw is hostile to minorities (he isn't)
but that any debate in Europe about minority rights soon degenerates into a fight
between self-proclaimed community leaders, public agencies, the police, courts and
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

the law. It may be hard to reconcile militant Islam with secular Europe. To "trigger a
response" is to.... Initiate a response.
- In 1999 Jack Straw, then Britain's home secretary, was attacked for being rude about
an ethnic minority. There were demands for criminal investigations, appeals to various
commissions and public agencies, a fevered debate over whether Mr Straw was racist.
On that occasion, he was accused of demeaning gypsies by saying that people who
masqueraded as travellers seemed to think they had a right to commit crimes. In the
past few weeks Mr. Straw, now leader of the House of Commons, has triggered a
similar response by arguing that the Muslim veil (i.e., the full, face-covering niqab) is
an unhelpful symbol of separateness. This week he won the backing of his boss, Tony
Blair. These episodes are reminders not that Mr. Straw is hostile to minorities (he isn't)
but that any debate in Europe about minority rights soon degenerates into a fight
between self-proclaimed community leaders, public agencies, the police, courts and
the law. It may be hard to reconcile militant Islam with secular Europe. If you
"masquerade" you .... Assume a false appearance.
- In 1999 Jack Straw, then Britain's home secretary, was attacked for being rude about
an ethnic minority. There were demands for criminal investigations, appeals to various
commissions and public agencies, a fevered debate over whether Mr Straw was racist.
On that occasion, he was accused of demeaning gypsies by saying that people who
masqueraded as travellers seemed to think they had a right to commit crimes. In the
past few weeks Mr. Straw, now leader of the House of Commons, has triggered a
similar response by arguing that the Muslim veil (i.e., the full, face-covering niqab) is
an unhelpful symbol of separateness. This week he won the backing of his boss, Tony
Blair. These episodes are reminders not that Mr. Straw is hostile to minorities (he isn't)
but that any debate in Europe about minority rights soon degenerates into a fight
between self-proclaimed community leaders, public agencies, the police, courts and
the law. It may be hard to reconcile militant Islam with secular Europe. It is
understood that ........ Debates in Europe about minority rights turn into free-for-alls.
- In 1999 Jack Straw, then Britain's home secretary, was attacked for being rude about
an ethnic minority. There were demands for criminal investigations, appeals to various
commissions and public agencies, a fevered debate over whether Mr Straw was racist.
On that occasion, he was accused of demeaning gypsies by saying that people who
masqueraded as travellers seemed to think they had a right to commit crimes. In the
past few weeks Mr. Straw, now leader of the House of Commons, has triggered a
similar response by arguing that the Muslim veil (i.e., the full, face-covering niqab) is
an unhelpful symbol of separateness. This week he won the backing of his boss, Tony
Blair. These episodes are reminders not that Mr. Straw is hostile to minorities (he isn't)
but that any debate in Europe about minority rights soon degenerates into a fight
between self-proclaimed community leaders, public agencies, the police, courts and
the law. It may be hard to reconcile militant Islam with secular Europe. The word
"demeaning" means .... Lowering the dignity.
- In 1999 Jack Straw, then Britain's home secretary, was attacked for being rude about
an ethnic minority. There were demands for criminal investigations, appeals to various
commissions and public agencies, a fevered debate over whether Mr Straw was racist.
On that occasion, he was accused of demeaning gypsies by saying that people who
masqueraded as travellers seemed to think they had a right to commit crimes. In the
past few weeks Mr. Straw, now leader of the House of Commons, has triggered a
similar response by arguing that the Muslim veil (i.e., the full, face-covering niqab) is
an unhelpful symbol of separateness. This week he won the backing of his boss, Tony
Blair. These episodes are reminders not that Mr. Straw is hostile to minorities (he isn't)
but that any debate in Europe about minority rights soon degenerates into a fight
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

between self-proclaimed community leaders, public agencies, the police, courts and
the law. It may be hard to reconcile militant Islam with secular Europe. If you "back
someone" you..... Support them.
- In the US, shares are also known as .... Stocks.
- In today's global market place few firms are sheltered from international competition.
Most markets are very competitive. Some are extremely competitive. In a number of
industries supply has grown faster than demand and, as too many firms compete for
too few customers, some markets have become hyper-competitive. Hyper-competition
can be fairly short-lived, but in some sectors it has become the norm. The automobile
industry is a classic example. How do you cut costs by 20%, improve quality and
increase output all at once? It's a pretty tough question, but one that carmakers and
their suppliers have had to answer regularly. In view of market conditions, it is hardly
surprising that the automotive sector has become so competitive. In recent years,
productivity has increased very quickly, but demand has grown quite slowly. This has
resulted in over-capacity. The problem has been worsened by slow growth in markets.
Several car manufacturers have invested in new plants to meet growing demand
abroad. But many vehicle markets have proved rather slow in developing. Early
forecasts, it appears, were a little optimistic. Several new plants have been set up.....
To respond to demand overseas.
- In today's global market place few firms are sheltered from international competition.
Most markets are very competitive. Some are extremely competitive. In a number of
industries supply has grown faster than demand and, as too many firms compete for
too few customers, some markets have become hyper-competitive. Hyper-competition
can be fairly short-lived, but in some sectors it has become the norm. The automobile
industry is a classic example. How do you cut costs by 20%, improve quality and
increase output all at once? It's a pretty tough question, but one that carmakers and
their suppliers have had to answer regularly. In view of market conditions, it is hardly
surprising that the automotive sector has become so competitive. In recent years,
productivity has increased very quickly, but demand has grown quite slowly. This has
resulted in over-capacity. The problem has been worsened by slow growth in markets.
Several car manufacturers have invested in new plants to meet growing demand
abroad. But many vehicle markets have proved rather slow in developing. Early
forecasts, it appears, were a little optimistic. The phrase "few firms are sheltered"
means...... Not many companies are protected.
- In today's global market place few firms are sheltered from international competition.
Most markets are very competitive. Some are extremely competitive. In a number of
industries supply has grown faster than demand and, as too many firms compete for
too few customers, some markets have become hyper-competitive. Hyper-competition
can be fairly short-lived, but in some sectors it has become the norm. The automobile
industry is a classic example. How do you cut costs by 20%, improve quality and
increase output all at once? It's a pretty tough question, but one that carmakers and
their suppliers have had to answer regularly. In view of market conditions, it is hardly
surprising that the automotive sector has become so competitive. In recent years,
productivity has increased very quickly, but demand has grown quite slowly. This has
resulted in over-capacity. The problem has been worsened by slow growth in markets.
Several car manufacturers have invested in new plants to meet growing demand
abroad. But many vehicle markets have proved rather slow in developing. Early
forecasts, it appears, were a little optimistic. Productivity has recently.... Soared.
- In today's global market place few firms are sheltered from international competition.
Most markets are very competitive. Some are extremely competitive. In a number of
industries supply has grown faster than demand and, as too many firms compete for
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

too few customers, some markets have become hyper-competitive. Hyper-competition

can be fairly short-lived, but in some sectors it has become the norm. The automobile
industry is a classic example. How do you cut costs by 20%, improve quality and
increase output all at once? It's a pretty tough question, but one that carmakers and
their suppliers have had to answer regularly. In view of market conditions, it is hardly
surprising that the automotive sector has become so competitive. In recent years,
productivity has increased very quickly, but demand has grown quite slowly. This has
resulted in over-capacity. The problem has been worsened by slow growth in markets.
Several car manufacturers have invested in new plants to meet growing demand
abroad. But many vehicle markets have proved rather slow in developing. Early
forecasts, it appears, were a little optimistic. A 'tough question' is a....... Difficult one.
- In today's global market place few firms are sheltered from international competition.
Most markets are very competitive. Some are extremely competitive. In a number of
industries supply has grown faster than demand and, as too many firms compete for
too few customers, some markets have become hyper-competitive. Hyper-competition
can be fairly short-lived, but in some sectors it has become the norm. The automobile
industry is a classic example. How do you cut costs by 20%, improve quality and
increase output all at once? It's a pretty tough question, but one that carmakers and
their suppliers have had to answer regularly. In view of market conditions, it is hardly
surprising that the automotive sector has become so competitive. In recent years,
productivity has increased very quickly, but demand has grown quite slowly. This has
resulted in over-capacity. The problem has been worsened by slow growth in markets.
Several car manufacturers have invested in new plants to meet growing demand
abroad. But many vehicle markets have proved rather slow in developing. Early
forecasts, it appears, were a little optimistic. Hyper-competition can sometimes be....
- In which case the use of "to be due" isn't correct? What job are your parents due?
- In which of the following sentences we can't remove "that" without changing the
meaning or making a mistake? That man over there is my English teacher
- In which sentence, among the given options, must you replace the ellipsis with "to"?
We ought .... water the plants.
- Indicare la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, del seguente dialogo. A:
"Excuse me, sir, where is the Cinema?" B: "It is on the right side of the street, after the
bridge" A: "Mi scusi, signore, dov'è il cinema?" B: "È sul lato destro della strada, dopo il ponte"
- Indicare la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, del seguente dialogo. A:
"Excuse me, sir, where is the subway station?" B: "Turn to the left at the crossroads
and you will find it" A: "Mi scusi, signore, dov'è la stazione della metropolitana?" B: "Giri a
sinistra all'incrocio e la troverà"
- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase tratta
dal sito della Commissione europea. "The European Commission is divided into
departments that develop policies for specific areas. Each department is headed by
Commissioners." La Commissione europea è divisa in dipartimenti che sviluppano politiche
relative a specifiche aree. Ogni dipartimento è guidato dai commissari
- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase tratta
dal sito della FAO. "The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat
hunger and improve nutrition and food security." L'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per
l'alimentazione e l'agricoltura è un'agenzia specializzata delle Nazioni Unite che guida gli sforzi
internazionali per sconfiggere la fame e migliorare la nutrizione e la sicurezza alimentare
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase tratta
dal sito dell'UNHCR. "UNHCR is a global organization dedicated to saving lives,
protecting rights and building a better future for refugees." L'UNHCR è un'organizzazione
internazionale impegnata nel soccorso, nella difesa dei diritti e nella costruzione di un futuro
migliore per i rifugiati
- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "A
bicycle-sharing system, is a transport service in which bicycles are made available for
shared use to individuals on a short term basis for a price or free." Un sistema di bike-
sharing è un servizio di trasporto in cui le biciclette sono messe a disposizione delle singole
persone per l'uso condiviso, per un tempo limitato, a pagamento o gratuitamente
- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "A
carpool is an arrangement where a group of people take turns driving each other to
work, or driving each other's children to school." Il carpooling è una soluzione in cui, in un
gruppo di persone, a turno, ognuno accompagna gli altri a lavoro, o i figli degli altri a scuola
- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase.
"Teleworking is the activity of working at home, while communicating with the office
by phone or email, or using the internet." Il telelavoro è l'attività lavorativa che si svolge a
casa, comunicando con l'ufficio attraverso il telefono o l'e-mail, o utilizzando internet
- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "The
infrastructure of a country consists of the basic facilities such as transport,
communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function." Le
infrastrutture di una nazione consistono nei servizi essenziali come i trasporti, le comunicazioni, le
forniture di elettricità e gli edifici che ne permettono il funzionamento
- Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "The
sharing economy is an economic system based on people sharing possessions and
services, either for free or for payment, usually using the internet to organize this."
L'economia della condivisione è un sistema economico che si basa su persone che condividono
beni o servizi, gratuitamente o a pagamento, di solito utilizzando internet per l'organizzazione
- Individuare la corretta traduzione della frase: "We set up the tent where the ground
looked flat". Abbiamo sistemato la tenda dove il terreno sembrava piano
- Insert the right preposition. "Fiona is very different her sister". from
- Is there _____ I can do to help? anything
- Is there _____ milk left? any
- Is there a car park _____ here? near
- Is there a car park near here? Yes, _____ opposite that shop there is one
- Is there a swimming pool near here? Yes, _____ there is
- Is this Tom's car? _____ No, it isn't
- Is this your pencil? No, it's ______ , not mine hers
- It can be a good idea for people who lead an active life to increase their ... of
vitamins. intake
- It can be dangerous when the children play ... the street in
- It can be dangerous when the children play _____ the street. in
- It didn't take long for the children to ... off the cakes and pastries that had not been
eaten at the party. finish
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- It didn't take long for the children to _______ off the cakes and pastries that had not
been eaten at the party. finish
- It doesn't really ....... now. I just wanted to say how beautiful the bells sounded.
- It has been 5 years .......... Philippe left for Africa. Since
- It has been 5 years ...........Philippe left for Africa. Since
- It is important _____ to study
- It is very late, I am afraid we _____ now must go
- It isn't ______! It's ______. hers / mine
- It took me twenty minutes to realise I _______________ in the wrong file. Had been
- It usually ____ a lot in winter. rains
- It was a great party last night. You ... ... come. Why didn't you? should have
- It was a great party last night. You ________ come. Why didn't you? should have
- It was the ______ book I have ______ read. worst / ever
- It wasn't too bad. I was able to answer most of the questions .... Easily.
- It won't hurt ....... will it?
- It would have taken a .... to solve that particular problem. Long time.
- Italian people differ _______ other nationalities I know. From
- It's .... since I last .... him! Years / saw.
- It's _______ ________ I told the news. He / whom.
- It's 1 pm. I'd rather have lunch now ... a new presentation. I'm exhausted. than giving
- It's about time she .... Left.
- It's about time you .... some work! Did.
- It's about time you made .... your mind! Up.
- It's dark without the lights. Let's ____. turn them on
- It's high time you .... a better job! Found.
- It's late. It's time ... ... ... home we go
- It's late. It's time _______ home. we go
- It's no use .... over spilt milk! Crying.
- I've asked the waiter for the bill but he hasn't brought it .... Yet.
- I've never .... a design like this before. Seen.
- I've never .... anything like it before. Seen.
- I've seen the restaurant but I haven't ... there. eaten
- I----------------------you that the goods you ordered are now ready for dispatch. Am
writing to inform
- Jack ... me that you were ill. told
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- James ... ... in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London lived
- James _______ in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London. lived
- James asked me out ... a date on
- James was not sure exactly where his best interests ... . lay
- Jane is ... hospital now because her son had an accident at
- Jane is _____ hospital now because her son had an accident. At
- Kate speaks German ___ well. Very
- Large factories are .... to produce several models. Able.
- Large factories are _____________ to produce several models. Able
- Last month we ____ ____ Milan for the annual meeting. went / to
- Last night Ted ____ to the cinema. went
- Last week I _____ my car to _____ friend. sold / a
- Leave everything as it ..... Is.
- Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda.
"Oh Lyn, you can't be serious." Bridget Cooper flicked her auburn hair back in a
careless gesture that distracted every man within a two-table radius, and glanced at
me reprovingly. "You look like death warmed up, you know. The last thing you should
do is take another transatlantic flight." With anybody else, I might have argued that
I'd slept straight through the New York flight two days ago, and that my next business
flight wouldn't be until the twenty-first of January...but with Bridget, I knew, I'd be
wasting my breath. Besides, I'd known her long enough to realise this was simply
preamble. Bridget never worried about anybody's health except her own. And she
never rang me at nine on Monday, suggesting we meet and have lunch, unless she had
a reason. Bridget was a one-off, an exceptionally talented writer with a wild
imagination that made her books for children instant classic, and a wild nature that
drove the poor directors of my literary agency to distraction. In the four years since I'd
signed her as a client, Bridget's books had earned a fortune for the Simon Holland
Agency, but her unpredictability had caused much tearing of hair among my
colleagues. My favourite of her escapades- the day she'd kicked the BBC presenter-
was now a Simon Holland legend. And I, who had survived four years, and one week's
holiday in France with Bridget, had risen to the status of a martyr. Lyn is one of the few
people who can stand Bridget and cope with her
- Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda.
I really get a lot out of work. We have such a____(1) range of products - from beauty
and hair care through to____(2) and household cleaners - that no two calls are ever
the same. With laundry products, for example, we get lots of specific queries, people
want to know what to use with certain types of material. We can't always go into
details of all the settings of different brands of machine,____(3). We also get a lot of
calls about skincare from people who want to know about specific ingredients in our
products. You also get fascinating insight into the country's lifestyles. For instance, we
tend to get lots of calls about cleaning products on Mondays, presumably because
people buy them over the weekend. I also long for one-off problems I can really get
my____(4) into, the ones that come out of blue. We once had a call from a woman
who had seen a wedding dress on one of our TV adverts and wanted one identical to it
for her big day. We found that it was still at the TV studio and was available for her
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

to____(5) for free, which she did. It just goes to show that it's always worth asking.
Fill the following gaps with the correct option. (Gap 4). Teeth
- Let's go out, .... Shall we?.
- Let's go out, ....? Shall we.
- Let's go to the airport ____ car by
- Let's meet at that shop _____ the station close to
- Life would be much simpler if you _______________ worrying so much. Stopped.
- Many people are ... prison for ... crimes they have not committed in/the
- Many people are _____ prison for _____ crimes they have not committed in/the
- Many people want to ....... from their native countries to other nations. However,
nowadays, it's much more difficult than it was in the past. emigrate
- Many people want to _________ from their native countries to other nations.
However, nowadays, it's much more difficult than it was in the past. emigrate
- Marcel is French. He has just returned ... France after two years abroad to
- Marcel is French. He has just returned ___ France after two years abroad. to
- Marconi will soon ....JTC Ltd. Take over.
- Margaret ... ... to work yesterday. She wasn't feeling well didn't go
- Maria is ____ student in the class. The most intelligent
- Maria's coffee bar was ____________ she decided to franchise it. So successful that.
- Mario always tries to sneak out when things get difficult, he's _____. A coward.
- Mark ____ born in London was
- Mark decided to give up sports so that he could concentrate ... his studies on
- Mark decided to give up sports so that he could concentrate ______ his studies. on
- May I introduce you to my sister Isabel? Isabel, ____. this is Jasper
- Mike: I wonder if you could help me with this problem. Jane: ....... Try me
- Mike: It's getting very late, we must hurry up. Jane: ___________. Point taken
- Millions of people in the world live in dreadful .... Conditions.
- Models have been specifically re-designed ______high-tech security. To be able to
- Most carmakers have .... It hard to increase profit. Found.
- Mr Brown ____ the manager of the ____ site. is / building
- Mr Smith ____ very early ____. will leave / tomorrow
- Mr. Milton phoned me early this morning while I was ____ sleeping. still
- Mr. Smith doesn't work ______ Fridays or ________ weekends. On / at
- Mr. Smith doesn't work __________________ Fridays. On.
- My ____ girlfriend speaks ____. brother's / Japanese
- My _____ school is _____ near our house. daughter's / quite
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- My apartment is a mess after last week's party. I'm going to have to call a ... cleaner
- My brother Peter studies ____ . He's so lazy! very little
- My children like ____ school very much. their
- My city is ... more international with each passing day. becoming
- My company _____ sends me _____ Paris. frequently / to
- My English teacher is said to be the best in town, his courses are the most professional
ones. Si dice che il mio professore di inglese sia il migliore della città, i suoi corsi sono i più
- My father is exhausted! He wishes ... a day off! he could take
- My father is wearing a striped ____. tie
- My friends were ... for me when I arrived. waiting
- My grandmother remembers ... in the field when she was a child. working
- My house is ____ from the park than his house is. further
- My sister is a litigator, which means she argues cases in __________________. Court
- My sister is growing ... taller and taller
- My sister is growing ______ taller and taller
- My son was very ____ when the school trip was cancelled. disappointed
- My son works_____a teacher in Clayton Middle School. As.
- My wife ____ me to buy some milk. reminded
- Neither John ____ Mary ____ available. nor / is
- Neither you .... Tom should use that knife! Nor.
- Never .... such a beautiful church! Have I seen.
- New York has perhaps the ... skyscraper of the world, the Empire State Building. best-
- Next time you drink tea with sugar, don't forget to ....... the spoon. remove
- Next time you drink tea with sugar, don't forget to ________ the spoon. remove
- No names have yet .... made. Been.
- Not only did my husband make me dinner, he __________________did the washing
up! Even.
- Of all my friends, Tom is the one I like the .... . Most.
- Oh! That's great! We've got the club all to_____! Ourselves.
- Oh, come on it's ... not that difficult. surely
- Oh, it was a complete .......! disaster
- On second thought, your solution seems the best. Ripensandoci bene, la tua soluzione
sembra la migliore
- Once a list of suitable candidates ___________________ we can contact __________
to arrange interviews. Has been drawn up / them.
- One of that child's teeth is very ....... and will soon fall out. loose
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- One way to describe dishonest accountancy is 'creative accountancy'. Which of these

idiomatic phrases means the same? to cook the books
- Only one of the following sentences is correct. Which one? I'm watching my favourite
show on television
- Only one of these sentences is correct. Which one? I would never do anything like that
- Our clients ... to be invited to our conference. would be delighted
- Our clients ____________ to be invited to our conference. would be delighted
- Perhaps we .... check the figures again to make sure we haven't made any mistakes.
- Phoebe has ... her leg. broken
- Planes travel .... than trains, but getting on and off planes at airports is very slow.
More quickly.
- Please _____ everything _____ your bag. put / into
- Please answer ... my question to
- Please answer ____ my question. to
- Please come back soon and ....... the work you started two weeks ago. finish
- Please don't ... Jim what happened. tell
- Please look ________ me. at
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: ... to school
yesterday? Did you walk
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: He told me that he ...
in Spain the previous year. had been working
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: How long ... English?
have you been learning
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: How long
___________ English? have you been learning
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: She ... me to go to
school. told
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: She has been ... of
murdering her husband. accused
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: The doctor gave me
a ... for some medicine yesterday. prescription
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: The tree ... by
lightning. was struck
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: You ... better see a
doctor. had
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: You aren't allowed to
use your mobile so ... . there's no point in leaving it on
- Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: You aren't allowed to
use your mobile so ______________ . there's no point in leaving it on
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Popular purchases among the super-rich are buying their own private island and their
own private jet. A recent National Lottery survey found just under one in five people
would choose to buy a private island if they __________scoop the cash. were to
- Possible side effects of the flu vaccine ___________ to be few. are reported
- Qual è la corretta traduzione della parola "Dirty"? Sporco
- Qual è la corretta traduzione della parola "moglie"? Wife
- Qual è la corretta traduzione della parola "Rainbow"? Arcobaleno
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, del termine "meeting"
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, della frase: "All the students
must stand up when the teacher enters the classroom"? Tutti gli studenti devono alzarsi
in piedi quando l'insegnante entra in classe
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, della frase: "Can you give me
something to eat? I am really hungry"? Mi daresti qualcosa da mangiare? Ho davvero fame
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, della frase: "Don't forget to
switch off the lights before you leave the office"? Non dimenticarti di spegnere le luci
prima di lasciare l'ufficio
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, della frase: "I love this song.
Please turn up the radio"? Adoro questa canzone. Per favore, alza il volume della radio
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, della frase: "We arrived too
late. The film was over"? Siamo arrivati troppo tardi. Il film era finito
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, della frase: "What time is it?
It's five past ten"? Che ore sono? Sono le dieci e cinque
- Qual è la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, della frase: "What time is it?
It's twenty to two"? Che ore sono? Sono le due meno venti
- Quanta frutta è rimasta? Nessuna, mi spiace. How much fruit do we have left? None, sorry
- Rachel often goes ____ in her job, sometimes to Tokyo, sometimes to New York.
- Red wine _________________ to benefit circulation. Has been found.
- Replace the words in square brackets with the correct ones. "What about [talk with
you mother the problem?]". talking with your mother about the problem?
- Richard gave Silvia a nice ____ for her birthday. present
- Robert and Joan have got three ____, a boy and two girls. Children
- Sandra and I decided _____ to Vida Loca's because we wanted to have fun. To go.
- Scrabble is the world's most popular word game. Alfred Butts, an architect, invented it
... found himself out of ... . when/work
- Scrabble is the world's most popular word game. Alfred Butts, an architect, invented it
______ found himself out of ________ . when/work
- See you _____ Bill's house at
- Select the different meaning sentence Hallo
- Select the different meaning sentence I'm annoyed by it
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Select the wrong sentence: I have any bread

- Select the wrong sentence: It is miday
- Select the wrong sentence: She will be there tomorrow morning. So do I
- Shakespeare ____ in 1616. died
- Shall we meet ____ lunchtime? at
- She ... her neighbour's children for the broken window. blamed
- She .... here since 1988. And she's still with us. Has worked.
- She ____ in Cairo since she got married. has been living
- She ____ very ____. is / tired
- She ____ very much ____ her father. looks / like
- She _________ her neighbour's children for the broken window. blamed
- She admitted to .... the handbag. Stealing.
- She ate _______________ cookies as her sister did. Twice as many
- She can't play the piano! In fact, she's .... Hopeless.
- She can't stand .... by herself! Working.
- She fainted, but came to shortly afterward. E' svenuta, ma ha ripreso conoscenza poco
- She felt ______________ when she first arrived because she had __________ to talk
to. Lonely / nobody
- She flies _____ London every summer to
- She is ______ speak ______ the meeting. going to / at
- She is not ____ he is. as tall as
- She never spoke about herself and was always very ....... about the good things she
had done. modest
- She never spoke about herself and was always very ______________ about the good
things she had done. modest
- She regards ____________ as a failure for having dropped out ______ university.
Herself / of.
- She started ____ the piano when she was only four years old. playing
- She stopped .... last year. Smoking.
- She suggested I .... you. Call.
- She was ... successful, but, when Hollywood became famous, the best days of the
independent New York film companies were ... . immediately/over
- She was ........ beautiful girl that she became a model. Such a
- She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ... being lazy of
- She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ______ being lazy. of
- She would like you to visit her more often. Le piacerebbe che tu andassi a trovarla più
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Sheila is wearing her best ____. She is going to have a job interview. clothes
- She's ____ tennis with her ____. playing / brother
- She's ____ tennis with her ____. playing / brother
- She's a .... nicer person than I thought she was. Much.
- She's always late ....... isn't she?
- She's always late _________ isn't she?
- She's not very keen _____________ basketball. On.
- She's the .... intelligent of the girls. Least.
- Shirley enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to ... wrong. go
- Shut the door on your way out, ....? Will you.
- Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "...
don't like going to school". Children
- Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "...
like chocolate". Children
- Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "...
like going shopping". Women
- Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "...
like playing padel". Men
- Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto
"......... you like rock music?". Do
- Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto
"Sue...studying French". Hates
- Si indichi il contrario dell'aggettivo inglese "Slim". Fat
- Si indichi il contrario dell'aggettivo inglese "Tall". Short
- Si indichi il corretto participio passato del verbo "to be". Been
- Si indichi il corretto participio passato del verbo "to have". Had
- Si indichi la corretta traduzione del verbo "to develop". Sviluppare
- Si indichi la corretta traduzione in italiano della frase inglese "Do you like speaking in
front of other people?". Ti piace parlare davanti ad altre persone?
- Si indichi la corretta traduzione in italiano della frase inglese "Do you like your job?".
Ti piace il tuo lavoro?
- Si indichi quale tra queste parole non è attinente al concetto di cucina. Pencils
- Si indichi quale tra queste parole non è attinente al concetto di giardino. Roof
- Si indichi quale tra queste parole non è attinente al concetto di ufficio. Sand
- Sociologists maintain that some of the films on show today have created a generation
of very ....... children. frightened
- Some new shares have just been .... Issued.
- Some people ... Scotland speak a different language called Gaelic. in
- Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper. head
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Some people only read the ______ lines in a newspaper. head

- Somebody once used her advice and made a ....... out of buying shares in a small
company that did well. fortune
- Somebody once used her advice and made a __________ out of buying shares in a
small company that did well. fortune
- Sonya helps everybody, she's so ____ . Unselfish.
- Sorry, I don't ____ , ____ you speak slowly? understand / could
- Spain and Portugal ____ the European Union ____ 1986. entered / in
- Tell _____ about the holiday me
- Telling lies never.... Pays.
- Thank you for flying with us. We hope you had a pleasant ______ . We wish you a nice
stay in Rome. Journey
- That flat is less expensive _____ this house than
- That is the train ... I am going to be on when I go to Paris. which
- That stupid dog ....... all day long. is always barking
- That theory will never hold water. Quella teoria non reggerà mai.
- That's a good question but I need ... to think about it. time
- That's a good question but I need ________ to think about it. time
- That's better I've got a clearer ........ view now
- The "Mayor of London" is a .... Person.
- The ... "flying saucers" were seen in 1947 by an American pilot. first
- The ____ you are wearing ____ dirty. clothes / are
- The accident at 9 p.m. and the ambulance arrived within 10 minutes. Was reported
- The article I was reading was about a man who ... his wife two years before. had
- The bank _____ _____ 9 a.m. every day. opens / at
- The bank wouldn't change any money for me. I had no means of .... Identification.
- The best thing to do is to book in advance. La cosa migliore da fare è prenotare in anticipo
- The book is ______ more interesting than I ______. much / thought
- The boss was good enough to ....... my mistake. overlook
- The boy admitted _____________ the toy. Breaking.
- The brothers will ... school both together at the end of this year finish
- The coffee ____ ____ good. is / very
- The company found this proposal particularly -----------------. Interesting
- The company is thinking about .... some managers. Removing.
- The company spent over six million dollars on improving safety. The scheme was a big
success. Now, the firm has .... accidents. Fewer.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- The company took .... shortly after the deal. Over.

- The convention ... next month will start
- The convention ______ next month. will start
- The cookies taste ___ . good
- The cottage is .... fire. On.
- The course starts _____ two weeks in
- The decorated roof of the ancient palace was ... up by four thin columns. held
- The director _____ the employees _____ extra hours. wants / to work
- The Director's office is ____ than ____. larger / yours
- The dish is normally .... at Christmas. Eaten.
- The door of the plane is open. Is everybody ready? Ok .... jump! Let's.
- The engine is still working; so far so good. Il motore funziona ancora; fino ad ora è andata
- The examination was ______ difficult ______ I expected. less / than
- The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody ... ... ... was able to escape
- The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody __________ . was able to
- The firm has expanded and they want to ....... on extra staff. take
- The first atomic bombs ____ dropped ____ Hiroshima and Nagasaki. were / on
- The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative.
"I have used to meet with her every day". I used to meet her every day
- The football coach wanted to improve the ______________ fitness. Players'.
- The garden is nice , but it isn't ____ big enough
- The girl is afraid ... the dog of
- The girl is afraid ____ the dog of
- The goods ____ delivered on time, ____ worry. will be / don't
- The government has announced that the best way to reduce the high
unemployment ................................. is to invest more on internships for young people
- The higher the discount, .... The more you save.
- The hotel ______ ______ January. will close / in
- The house ______ a lovely garden with trees and bushes at the back has
- The house is .... painted at the moment. Being.
- The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030), _______ by the World Health Assembly, is
a framework to save millions of lives through more equitable access to existing
vaccines for people in all communities. endorsed
- The jump was such a daunting prospect that he decided _______________doing it.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- The last train ______ ______ 11p.m.. leaves / at

- The man was .... for questioning. Detained.
- The market demand is now .... due to a major slowdown. Stagnating.
- The market demand is now _____________ due to a major slowdown. Stagnating
- The meeting was .... to another day. Put off.
- The milk has gone off. Il latte non è più buono.
- The milk has gone off. It is: Sour.
- The moment the lights went out, there were scenes of ______ . panic
- The more the .... Better.
- The murder was arrested ... the police. by
- The murder was arrested ______ the police. by
- The newspaper report contained ... important information. a lot of
- The office ____ every day ____ 17:00. closes / at
- The office ____ every day ____ 17:00. closes / at
- The old cinema has taken____________ a new lease of life since its renovation. On
- The opposite of dirty is: clean
- The opposite of empty is: full
- The opposite of safe is: dangerous
- The opposite of to whisper is: To shout.
- The places ... we spent our holidays were really beautiful where
- The places _____ we spent our holidays were really beautiful. where
- The police _____________ issued a warrant for Adamson's arrent. Have.
- The poor grasshopper ....... he had spent the whole summer enjoying himself singing
and dancing. confessed
- The President has just announced his .... Resignation.
- The problem is becoming serious. We have to discuss ... it on
- The problem is becoming serious. We have to discuss _______ it. on
- The race was ....due to the bad weather. Called off.
- The results of the opinion ____ ____ unexpected. poll / were
- The results of the test were doctored up. I risultati dell'esame sono stati falsificati.
- The river Rhine flows ... the North Sea into
- The river Rhine flows _____ the North Sea into
- The roads in the Alps can be quite ____ in winter. icy
- The sales clerk forgot to give me the ____ when I paid for the radio. receipt
- The ship was living the docks when I arrived the port. Il battello lasciava la banchina,
quando sono arrivato al porto
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- The shop I was telling you about is just ... the corner. around
- The shutters were closed and the lights were switched off at my neighbours house.
They _________________ on holiday. Must have been.
- The success of a really good meal is that not only must it taste good but it should also
look good and thus ....... to your eye. appeal
- The teacher encouraged her students ... to an English pen friend. to write
- The teacher encouraged her students ______ to an English pen friend. to write
- the time the Fire Brigade arrived, the house had burnt down. By
- The two presidents hugged ................................. and declared eternal friendship
between their two nations. each other
- The view from the top of the mountain is .... Breathtaking.
- There .... a considerable amount of consolidation among suppliers. Has been.
- There are ... five million people in Scotland, and Edinburgh is ... most famous city.
- There are ____ eggs in the fridge. some
- There are _____ extra pens _____ the table. some / on
- There are _______ five million people in Scotland, and Edinburgh is _______ most
famous city. about/its
- There are four________ in this photo men
- There is no .... for paying women less than men if they do the same job. Reason.
- There is somebody walking behind us, I think ... ... ... we are being followed
- There is somebody walking behind us, I think _______________ . we are being
- There is too _____ sugar in this coffee much
- There is very little .... if you share a small flat with six others! Room.
- There was a ______________ between two aircrafts last week. Collision.
- There was a great discussion about which particular type of cuisine the guests would
choose and finally they reached a ....... and settled on the set menu. compromise
- There was a man ______________ was looking for you. Who
- There's a certain .... between them, but I wouldn't really have guessed that they were
brother and sister. Similarity.
- There's a choice of two colours. You can buy them in .... red or green. Either.
- There's a good programme ____. on TV tonight
- There's no point .... going back now. In.
- These are my friends, can you please help _____ with their suitcases? them
- These muffins are delicious! May I have ..., please? one more
- These muffins are delicious! May I have __________ , please? one more
- These potatoes are very.... Good
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- They ....... him for his brave actions. praised

- They ____ Madrid. haven't ever visited
- They ________ him for his brave actions. praised
- They have put _________ the meeting ___________ next week. Off / until.
- They kissed ____ good-bye. each other
- They made _____ mistakes than you more
- They often ____ to the cinema. go
- They say that ".... killed the cat ", so don't be nosy! Curiosity.
- They set off before daybreak. Sono partiti prima dell'alba.
- They shouldn't be held responsible. The blame for this shameful situation lies ... .
- They sold their house .... they could buy a boat. So that.
- They spent a lot of time ... at the pictures in the museum. looking
- They spent a lot of time _________ at the pictures in the museum. looking
- They want to sell the house for _____ money big
- They went over my work with a fine-toothed comb. Hanno passato al vaglio il mio lavoro.
- They were ____ sleepy to stay awake. too
- They were doing 150 Km/h on A2-Motorway when they_____by a police officer. Were
- They____ a TV last year bought
- They're selling their house ....... aren't they?
- Think of the City of London and you think of Sir Terence Conran; he already has 11
restaurants in or near the area but there's always (1) __________ for one more when
it's as good as Sauterelle. Combining the perfect location and clever design has always
been Conran's forte, and his latest wins on both scores. Inside the historic Royal
Exchange building, Sauterelle's dining room (2) ________________ the huge central
hall from the mezzanine, but this isn't (3) _____________ a "view" restaurant. The
menu is full of excellently prepared French classics like rabbit stew and chocolate
tarts. While the City area may be hopping, the real action is in London's West End,
specifically Mayfair. Not content with one hugely successful branch in the
neighbourhood, the Nobu Group recently opened a second on Berkeley Square. But
unlike its older sister, Nobu Berkely has taken a beating from many critics. It's not that
the food (4) __________ good. What irked these critics (and many diners) when it
opened was the strict no-reservation policy that left you waiting in an overpriced bar
for an hour or two. Management has wisely changed the policy, but whether the rather
ungraceful service has improved remains (5) ______________. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (3)? Just.
- Think of the City of London and you think of Sir Terence Conran; he already has 11
restaurants in or near the area but there's always (1) __________ for one more when
it's as good as Sauterelle. Combining the perfect location and clever design has always
been Conran's forte, and his latest wins on both scores. Inside the historic Royal
Exchange building, Sauterelle's dining room (2) ________________ the huge central
hall from the mezzanine, but this isn't (3) _____________ a "view" restaurant. The
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

menu is full of excellently prepared French classics like rabbit stew and chocolate
tarts. While the City area may be hopping, the real action is in London's West End,
specifically Mayfair. Not content with one hugely successful branch in the
neighbourhood, the Nobu Group recently opened a second on Berkeley Square. But
unlike its older sister, Nobu Berkely has taken a beating from many critics. It's not that
the food (4) __________ good. What irked these critics (and many diners) when it
opened was the strict no-reservation policy that left you waiting in an overpriced bar
for an hour or two. Management has wisely changed the policy, but whether the rather
ungraceful service has improved remains (5) ______________. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (4)? Isn't.
- Think of the City of London and you think of Sir Terence Conran; he already has 11
restaurants in or near the area but there's always (1) __________ for one more when
it's as good as Sauterelle. Combining the perfect location and clever design has always
been Conran's forte, and his latest wins on both scores. Inside the historic Royal
Exchange building, Sauterelle's dining room (2) ________________ the huge central
hall from the mezzanine, but this isn't (3) _____________ a "view" restaurant. The
menu is full of excellently prepared French classics like rabbit stew and chocolate
tarts. While the City area may be hopping, the real action is in London's West End,
specifically Mayfair. Not content with one hugely successful branch in the
neighbourhood, the Nobu Group recently opened a second on Berkeley Square. But
unlike its older sister, Nobu Berkely has taken a beating from many critics. It's not that
the food (4) __________ good. What irked these critics (and many diners) when it
opened was the strict no-reservation policy that left you waiting in an overpriced bar
for an hour or two. Management has wisely changed the policy, but whether the rather
ungraceful service has improved remains (5) ______________. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (5)? To be seen.
- Think of the City of London and you think of Sir Terence Conran; he already has 11
restaurants in or near the area but there's always (1) __________ for one more when
it's as good as Sauterelle. Combining the perfect location and clever design has always
been Conran's forte, and his latest wins on both scores. Inside the historic Royal
Exchange building, Sauterelle's dining room (2) ________________ the huge central
hall from the mezzanine, but this isn't (3) _____________ a "view" restaurant. The
menu is full of excellently prepared French classics like rabbit stew and chocolate
tarts. While the City area may be hopping, the real action is in London's West End,
specifically Mayfair. Not content with one hugely successful branch in the
neighbourhood, the Nobu Group recently opened a second on Berkeley Square. But
unlike its older sister, Nobu Berkely has taken a beating from many critics. It's not that
the food (4) __________ good. What irked these critics (and many diners) when it
opened was the strict no-reservation policy that left you waiting in an overpriced bar
for an hour or two. Management has wisely changed the policy, but whether the rather
ungraceful service has improved remains (5) ______________. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (2)? Overlooks.
- Think of the City of London and you think of Sir Terence Conran; he already has 11
restaurants in or near the area but there's always (1) __________ for one more when
it's as good as Sauterelle. Combining the perfect location and clever design has always
been Conran's forte, and his latest wins on both scores. Inside the historic Royal
Exchange building, Sauterelle's dining room (2) ________________ the huge central
hall from the mezzanine, but this isn't (3) _____________ a "view" restaurant. The
menu is full of excellently prepared French classics like rabbit stew and chocolate
tarts. While the City area may be hopping, the real action is in London's West End,
specifically Mayfair. Not content with one hugely successful branch in the
neighbourhood, the Nobu Group recently opened a second on Berkeley Square. But
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

unlike its older sister, Nobu Berkely has taken a beating from many critics. It's not that
the food (4) __________ good. What irked these critics (and many diners) when it
opened was the strict no-reservation policy that left you waiting in an overpriced bar
for an hour or two. Management has wisely changed the policy, but whether the rather
ungraceful service has improved remains (5) ______________. Which of the given
alternatives correctly fills in the gap (1)? Room.
- This book is very ____. Boring
- This company _____ formed _____ 1991. was / in
- This disease has spread .... in the past few years. Out.
- This dress is _____ big for me too
- This form ... be handed in until the end of the week. needn't
- This is ... room in the hotel. the worst
- This is a very ____ armchair. Comfortable
- This is absolutely the ____ book I've ever read. worst
- This is Mark, and this is _____ wife, Anne his
- This is the information I asked ... . for
- This magazine only comes out .... Quarterly.
- This morning I .... into Tom Brown! Ran.
- This postcard is for Paul and _____ me
- This product must be eaten ... two days of purchase. within
- This product must be eaten _________ two days of purchase. within
- This time next year I'll .... to Australia! Be flying.
- This watch is not expensive. It's quite ____. cheap
- This will be read by the very pretty ....... Penny Lane. newscaster
- Thousands of people have been left _____ . Homeless.
- Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the
foot of the orchard. This was early (1) _________ March. During the next three
months there was much secret activity. Major's speech had given to the more
intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know
when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for (2)
__________ that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was
their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell
naturally (3) __________ the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the
cleverest of the animals. Pre-eminent among the pigs were two young boars named
Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr Jones (4) ________________ up for sale. Napoleon
was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not
much of a talker but with a reputation for (5) _______________ his own way.
Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more
inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. All the other
make pigs on the farm were porkers. ('Animal Farm' by George Orwell, 1945). Which of
the given alternatives correctly fills in the gap (2)? Thinking.
- Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the
foot of the orchard. This was early (1) _________ March. During the next three
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

months there was much secret activity. Major's speech had given to the more
intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know
when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for (2)
__________ that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was
their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell
naturally (3) __________ the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the
cleverest of the animals. Pre-eminent among the pigs were two young boars named
Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr Jones (4) ________________ up for sale. Napoleon
was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not
much of a talker but with a reputation for (5) _______________ his own way.
Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more
inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. All the other
make pigs on the farm were porkers. ('Animal Farm' by George Orwell, 1945). Which of
the given alternatives correctly fills in the gap (4)? Was breeding.
- Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the
foot of the orchard. This was early (1) _________ March. During the next three
months there was much secret activity. Major's speech had given to the more
intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know
when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for (2)
__________ that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was
their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell
naturally (3) __________ the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the
cleverest of the animals. Pre-eminent among the pigs were two young boars named
Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr Jones (4) ________________ up for sale. Napoleon
was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not
much of a talker but with a reputation for (5) _______________ his own way.
Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more
inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. All the other
make pigs on the farm were porkers. ('Animal Farm' by George Orwell, 1945). Which of
the given alternatives correctly fills in the gap (1)? In.
- Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the
foot of the orchard. This was early (1) _________ March. During the next three
months there was much secret activity. Major's speech had given to the more
intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know
when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for (2)
__________ that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was
their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell
naturally (3) __________ the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the
cleverest of the animals. Pre-eminent among the pigs were two young boars named
Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr Jones (4) ________________ up for sale. Napoleon
was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not
much of a talker but with a reputation for (5) _______________ his own way.
Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more
inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. All the other
make pigs on the farm were porkers. ('Animal Farm' by George Orwell, 1945). Which of
the given alternatives correctly fills in the gap (3)? To.
- Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at the
foot of the orchard. This was early (1) _________ March. During the next three
months there was much secret activity. Major's speech had given to the more
intelligent animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know
when the Rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for (2)
__________ that it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

their duty to prepare for it. The work of teaching and organising the others fell
naturally (3) __________ the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the
cleverest of the animals. Pre-eminent among the pigs were two young boars named
Snowball and Napoleon, whom Mr Jones (4) ________________ up for sale. Napoleon
was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not
much of a talker but with a reputation for (5) _______________ his own way.
Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more
inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. All the other
make pigs on the farm were porkers. ('Animal Farm' by George Orwell, 1945). Which of
the given alternatives correctly fills in the gap (5)? Getting.
- Tim denied .... the boy. Beating.
- To ___________ it may concern, I hereby designate Mathilda Jones ________ my
attorney. Whom / as
- To start ....... we have comedy. with
- To start ______ we have comedy. with
- Tom .... tennis since 10 o'clock. Has been playing.
- Tom has just left the office. In other words he's .... Out.
- Tom is a ____ swimmer than Paul. Better
- Tom is Canadian and his wife is _____ New Zealand from
- Tom is the boy .... lives in Nashville. That.
- Tomorrow I have an appointment ________________. To have my hair cut
- Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. We ____________________ for 35 years. Will
have been married.
- Tonight I will probably .... Take you out.
- Tradurre la seguente frase: "Can you play Padel?" Sai giocare a Padel?
- Tradurre la seguente frase: "Can you play tennis?" Sai giocare a tennis?
- Translate into English the following comparative form: Meno errori fai, migliore è il tuo
voto. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your mark is
- Translate into English the following comparative form: Meno insisti, più ottieni. The
less you insist, the more you obtain.
- Translate into English the following comparative form: Più informazioni mi dai, meglio
posso aiutarti. The more information you give me the better I can help you
- Translate the following sentence: "He proposed to her finally!". Le ha finalmente chiesto
di sposarla.
- Translate the following sentence: I was never told the truth about my foster sister.
Non mi fu mai detta la verità a riguardo della mia sorella adottiva.
- Turn .... the lights when you come in, will you? Out.
- Two _____ people live in _____ city. million / that
- UFOs are popularly known as flying saucers, ... that is often the ... they are reported to
be. because/shape
- Un contrario di "joyful" è: unhappy
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- We ... British, we are American. aren't

- We ... have a holiday this summer. aren't going to
- We ... to the gym. don't often go
- We ____ for mushrooms ____ the wood. are looking / in
- We ____ the bus and had to walk. missed
- We _____ to inform you that your application _____ successful. regret / was not
- We _____ to the gym. don't often go
- We are having a special dinner to ____ his promotion. celebrate
- We are late. The film ... ... ... by the time we get to the cinema will already have started
- We fully rely on our new marketing campaign and we are sure we ... new market
shares. will succeed in gaining
- We have __________ time but not ___________. Some / much
- We have got some potatoes , but we haven't got _____ tomatoes any
- We leave York .... London at 7.30 tomorrow morning. For.
- We look _________ to __________ from you. Forward / hearing.
- We must be very precise: any carelessness ____ may have irrevocable consequences.
On our part.
- We seem to be .... for bankruptcy! Heading.
- We shall make the payment in due .... Course.
- We should consider ... their offer. accepting
- We simply didn't know what to choose for our main dish so in the end we made a .......
choice. random
- We want to throw a party before summer vacation. Vogliamo dare una festa prima delle
vacanze estive.
- We went fishing last week and my cousin _____ three big fish. Caught
- We were speaking on the phone and then all of a sudden I got cut
__________________. Off
- Well, I think it is and I ... it's an impossible question to answer. reckon
- Well, I think it is and I ___________ it's an impossible question to answer. reckon
- Well, I'd rather you ____________ invite the CEO, if you don't ____________.
Didn't / mind.
- We've delivered it, but we haven't installed it .... Yet.
- What ... do at the weekend? do you usually
- What ... this summer? are you doing
- What .... going out tonight? About.
- What ____ when you saw her? was she wearing
- What _____ doing? I _____ the newspaper. are you / 'm reading
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- What a year! If it weren't ____________ you, I would never have got _____________
it! For / through.
- What about .... out? Going.
- What are you .......this evening? Doing
- What are you good ....? At.
- What are you....... this evening? Doing
- What did she ... you? tell
- What do these initials stand for? Che cosa significano queste iniziali?
- What do you like .... in your spare time? Doing.
- What does "wind" means? Vento
- What is the correct spelling of the following word? Accommodation.
- What is the difference _____ a market and a shop? between
- What is the Italian for "play truant"? Marinare la scuola
- What time .... we start work? Let's start at about nine o'clock. Shall.
- What's a synonym of the adjective "available"? Accessible
- What's a synonym of the adjective "honest"? truthfull
- What's a synonym of the adjective "real"? Certain
- What's the opposite of the adjective "wide"? Narrow
- When ____ to the theatre? did you last go
- When a dog is happy to see you it will probably __________________its tail. Wag
- When did you arrive? I... ...arrived yesterday
- When he died in 1968, hardly anybody ... her name. remembered
- When I ... a child I ... two cats was - had
- When I ... to school I ... very hard went - studied
- When I ____ a child I ____ two cats. was - had
- When I _____ to school I _______ very hard. went - studied
- When I see James, ____________ him ___________ you said. I'll tell / what.
- When I was running in the park, I my wallet. Lost
- When it ____ I stay ____. rains / at home
- When my sister goes on holiday, she asks me to look ... her pets after
- When my sister goes on holiday, she asks me to look ______ her pets. after
- When she got to the station, the train .... already left! Had.
- When Sue heard the news she ......... very pleased wasn't
- When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ........ off
- When you cook octopus, you must pay attention or it will ____ like rubber. Taste.
- When you first arrived, what was the company ....? Like.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- When you get to the traffic lights, turn left and then go ____ for about two hundred
metres. straight on
- When you left for the North Pole, we trusted that you ... soon. would return
- When you travel abroad, do you ____ with your family? keep in touch
- Where are ... from? We're from Australia you
- Where____________on your last holidays? did you go
- Whether she's a good actress or not is a ... of opinion. matter
- Which adverb CANNOT be used complete this sentence:
This illness is thought to be ___ genetic in origin. organically
- Which is the correct plural? Congresswomen.
- Which month comes before July? June
- Which number is written correctly? Three thousand two hundred and forty two.
- Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence?James isn't at work
today so I think he ____ be ill. can
- Which of the following connectives is a causal connective? Due to.
- Which of the following couples singular-plural isn't correct? Foot-feets
- Which of the following is NOT a member of the family? cushion
- Which of the following is not a part of the human body? Heal.
- Which of the following is NOT a place in a house? chicken
- Which of the following is NOT a school subject? story
- Which of the following is the correct word-order? Last year Jane went to Canada with
- Which of the following is the correct word-order? What about going to the cinema?
- Which of the following nouns isn't uncountable? Wall
- Which of the following sentences contains a mistake? It takes several days for our
suppliers for prepare the order
- Which of the following sentences is NOT correct? He was redundant because he argued
with the boss
- Which of the following sentences isn't correct? There isn't nothing to eat
- Which of the following sentences isn't correct? The police ordered to the man to raise his
hands and not to move
- Which of the following would be an appropriate way to begin a formal letter to a
person you don't know? Dear Sir
- Which of these is a noun? It is... thing
- Which of these is a personal pronoun? It is ... they
- Which of these is a personal pronoun? It is ________ they
- Which of these is an adjective? It is ________. hard
- Which of these is an adverb? It is ... quickly
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Which of these tenses is Past Perfect Simple? It is ________. She had laughed
- Which one is wrong? break/breaked
- Which one is wrong? fly/flyed
- Which question is correct? What's the weather like in Rome?
- Which question is grammatically correct? Were you eating an ice cream when the bus
- Which sentence is correct? I like my job very much
- Which sentence is correct? I haven't seen him for a long time
- Which sentence is grammatically correct? When she arrived, they had been cleaning for
- Which sentence is grammatically correct? The army needs to change its image if more
women are to be recruited
- Which sentence is grammatically correct? I regret not going to university
- Which sentence means the same as this one?The train leaves at 8.35. The train leaves
at twenty five to nine.
- Which team do you think plays the ... ? best
- Which verb CANNOT be used to complete this sentence?I've ____ an appointment
with the dentist next week, because I'm really worried about the state of my teeth.
- Which word CANNOT be used as a synonym for prevents in the following newspaper
headline?Russia prevents plan to sell arms to African states. helps
- Which word CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Why is the USA ____ in
Africa? intending
- Which word or phrase CANNOT be used complete this sentence?The Prime Minister
had to ___ his talks with world leaders to return to the capital. back out
- Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? <br />
Omega Systems announced that it did not support the criminal prosecution of a
Russian hacker ___ last week. kept
- Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Professor Firth's
plane _____ at 23.00 tomorrow evening. is arrived
- Which word or phrase is missing from the following sentence?I graduated ____
'Industrial Management Engineer' three months ago. as an
- While I ____ a bath, the phone rang. was having
- Who .... you tell? Did.
- Who are _____ people over there? those
- Who is that man? _____ John it's
- Why are you crying? What's ____? the matter
- Why didn't you ... that you were feeling ill? mention
- Why do you ....... that? say
- Why do you ____ that? say
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- Why don't we go to the park instead of _____ TV? watching

- Why, what .......? happened
- Why, what ___________? happened
- Will you _______________ about the job next week? Let me know
- With ---------------- were you talking so long on the telephone? Whom
- Would it ... you if we came on Thursday? suit
- Would you like a drink? Yes, .... Please.
- Write in letters the following number: 8402. Eight thousand four hundred two
- Yes, I'd very much ... that. appreciate
- Yesterday ....... was very sunny outside. it
- Yesterday ______________ was very sunny outside. it
- Yesterday I_____to the shopping mall to get a present for my mother. Went.
- Yesterday, Jane had a very ____ day. She worked until 6 PM, then she went to the
gym, the supermarket and the chemist's. busy
- You .... have a driver's license to ride a bike. Don't need to.
- You are answering the phone and need to ask the caller to wait for a moment. What
do you say? Please hold the line
- You are at an office party with your husband and encounter a senior colleague who
hasn't met your husband before. What do you say? May I introduce you to my husband?
- You are telephoning Dr Paton. What do you say when her secretary answers the
phone? Good morning, may I speak to Dr Paton please?
- you be so kind as the window? Would / to open
- You can stay out late .... that you go with Tom. Provided.
- You cannot rely ... that person. He is not trustworthy on
- You cannot rely ______ that person. He is not trustworthy. on
- You can't always ____ a book by its cover. Tell.
- You drink too _____ coffee much
- You have your T-shirt on ____. Turn it around the right way. backwards
- You like milk in your tea, .......? don't you
- You look puzzled. Sembri confusa.
- You must follow a specific training if you want ______creativity in Photography. To
be capable of expressing.
- You must go ....... mustn't you?
- You must go _____________ mustn't you?
- You must not drink and then ... a car. drive
- You read the following newspaper headline:Get away for less. The article will be
about? a low-cost travel offer
- You really_____cheated on Laura! That was very bad! Shouldn't have.
©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9 ©Copyright ISBN 978-88-3358-958-9

- You said you want this job, so tell me: how_____experience have you had in this
field? Much.
- You said you would ....... didn't you?
- You shouldn't eat ......... meals. Between
- You shouldn't have done that, .......? should you
- You shouldn't have done that, ______________? should you
- You'd rather I kept quiet about it, .......? wouldn't you
- You'll notice that as soon as the children come home from school, the dog will jump up
and show its great ....... for them. affection
- You'll notice that as soon as the children come home from school, the dog will jump up
and show its great _________ for them. affection
- Young men ... ... glory and riches dream/of
- Your car is the same colour _____ mine as

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