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Table of Contents
1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement Problem.............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives of the study......................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General Objective of the Study.......................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objective...........................................................................................................................4
1.4 Research Question.............................................................................................................................4
1.5 Delimitation of the study...................................................................................................................4
1.6 Significance of the Study...................................................................................................................4
1.7 Limitation of the Study......................................................................................................................4
1.8 Organization of the study...................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................6
2. REVIEW LITERATURE........................................................................................................................6
2.1 Concept and Meaning of Urbanization..............................................................................................6
2.2 General Back ground of urbanization in Ethiopia..............................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................9
3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY....................................................................................9
3.1 Areas of the Study.............................................................................................................................9
3.2 Research Design................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Source of Data and Its Collection tools..............................................................................................9
3.4 Methods of Data Analysis..................................................................................................................9
3.5 Time Schedule and Research Budget...............................................................................................10
3.5.1 Time Schedule..............................................................................................................................10
3.5.2 Budget Breakdown.......................................................................................................................10



1.1 Background of the Study

The process of urbanization in Ethiopia has long history which made its root in the Aksumite
period. Aksumite was served as a political center of Aksumite kings and the capital of the
country from first to the eight century AD. 1 Even though, Ethiopia has a long history of
urbanization, it is one of the least urbanized in Africa. As the country largely depends on
agricultural economic activity, its urbanization process was slow. Development of external
influences and the constant shift of capital towns were the other interrelated factors for the slow
process of urbanization.2

During ancient periods, there were three main capitals; such as Aksum, Lalibela and Gondar.
However, in the period Harar also become a trading center. Aksum was the center of the earliest
and renewed civilized center which existed in the northern part of Ethiopia. It was said to have
been originated in the first century AD as the political and commercial center of the state. Beside
this, the town had significant contribution in the history of Ethiopia which is characterized by
marked temples, churches, obelisks and other monuments.3

In the middle of 12century AD the capital to the south becomes inevitable as a result of the
decline and the fall of Aksum because of internal and external factors. After the collapse of the
Aksumite kingdom, Lalibela become the second capital of Ethiopia next to Aksum. It is located
in the northern part of Ethiopia particularly in the northern Wollo Zone of Amhara regional state.
Historically, the town symbolizes remarkable developments in the field of architecture like
buildings of churches. It also served as a political and commercial center.4

Following to the collapse of Zagwe Dynasty in 1270, the condition of the state is characterized
by roving capitals until the rise of Gondar as the third permanent capital in the first half of the
17th century. It was in 1636 Gondar become the third permanent capital of the country. It was
located in the northern part of Ethiopia particularly northern Gondar zone of Amhara regional

Bahiru Zewede, “The City centers a shifting concept in the History of Addis Ababa”. 2008, P.486

state. The town was founded by king Fasiladas in 1636 as a new political, religious and
commercial center.5

During the 19th and 20th centuries different political, economic and military factors led to the
birth and the growth of towns in Ethiopia. The first factor was consolidation of imperial power
by Emperor MenelikII.6 In modern Ethiopian history, urbanization and emergence of towns were
the result of political revolts and military camps were devolved in to towns. This was following
Emperor Menelik II's expansion to south, south east and South west of the country. Subsequently
Menelike II's generals established garrison centers in convenient locations in order to control of
the conquered provinces. At the end many of southern garrisons took a permanent character
include Bonga, Wolayta Sodo, and Butajra.7

The second factor was the construction of Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway in the early 20 th
century. The construction of this railway which completed in1917 has contributed for the
emergence and growth of some urban centers.8

In the eastern part of the railway like Dire Dawa which was founded in 1921, became the most
important trade and industrial centers of the country. In the Western parts of the town of Addis
Ababa other towns like Akaki, Bishoftu, Mojjo and Adama were formed in first half of the
century and form important urban as well as industrial centers joined with Addis Ababa which
contains most of the modern economic activities.9

The third factor was rural- urban migration. 1960s and 1970s were seen as causes for the rapid
growth of new urban centers. During this time, Addis Ababa began its rise to mega city status.
This grew up of cities set the social balances of the city as more people competed in all job

The fourth reason was the establishment of different economic activities. Some of the major
towns of Ethiopia were expanding primarily because they have been able to enjoy from revivals

Bahiru Zewede, P.496
Bahiru Zewde. A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991 (Cairo, 2002), P. 6

of trade. The major towns were linked with the construction of roads, air transportation
administrative centers like offering secondary technical and professional education. These
attracts a large numbers of students and teachers in to town and other social services such as
electricity, health centers and bank services; which in turn leads to the development of urban
center .11 Many things will be contributed for the development of the Fiche town; therefore, this
study will be attempted to assess historical survey of fiche town from its foundation to the

1.2 Statement Problem

There are some reasons which motivated the researcher to engage in this study. The history
understudy will be enriched with plenty of discussable issues; it is deemed by many as one of the
not studied history. The town was characterized by the plain. The plain is swampy with some
quite large areas of open water in the rainy season, but it reverts to grazing land during the dry
months. The historical survey of Fiche town has been studied no other researchers. There have
been economic aspects, social and development of infrastructural history of Fiche town will be
undisclosed. This study will be a contribution to fill the gap of the town by giving priority on
religion, economic, social and infrastructural aspect of the town from its foundation to the
present. Other problems of the Fiche town will be challenge of the political, Economic and
cultural problem. Therefore, it’s this problem that will be Initiated me to conduct a research on
the Topic under Discussion. so, this study will be attempts to fill this gap.

There will be conductive environment and huge potential to sustain many historical places in the
town. Therefore, this study will be intended to historical survey of fiche town from its foundation
to the present. That will be expected to play an important role in designing and implementing
sound strategic plans for the smaller towns like as Fiche town.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The study will be focused on two types of objectives of the study.

1.4.1 General Objective of the Study

The general objectives of the study will be historical survey of fiche town from its foundation to
the present.


1.4.2 Specific Objective
The specific objectives of this study are:

 To explain factors, help for the Survey foundation of Fiche town.

 To investigate economic sources of the Fiche town its foundation to the present.

 To assess the role of social institution for the development of Fiche town

1.4 Research Question

The research address on study questions will be answered after the end of the study.

 What factors helped for the foundation of Fiche town?

 What were economic sources of the Fiche town its foundation to the present?
 What were the roles of social institution for the development of Fiche town?

1.5 Delimitation of the study

This study will be delimited its scope to historical survey of fiche town from its foundation to the
present which found in North Shewa zone of the Oromo regional state.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will have the following merits the finding of this research will have relevance in
producing information to the government and policy makers relating to urbanization. It will be
helped who want to know about history of town. Finally, it uses as a spring board for students,
researchers and policy makers for further studies on the historical survey of Fiche town.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

It is obvious that research work cannot be totally free from Limitation. In the course of
conducting this research the researcher will be faced the following the absence of adequate
historical sources is the main challenges for conducting comprehensive history of the town. Lack
of time and financial problem are also the other constraint of the researcher. Apart from this, due
to the destructive wars of different regime which destroyed many archive source in the town will
be the main challenges of the study.

1.8 Organization of the study
The study will be organized in three chapters. The first chapter will be focused on Introduction:
background of the study, statement problem, and objectives of the study, research question, and
significance of the study, scope of the study and organization of the study. The second chapter
include: review related literature. The third chapter will be focused on research design and


2.1 Concept and Meaning of Urbanization
Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural areas to urban areas. The decrease the
population of people living in rural area and the ways in which each society adapts to this
change. It is pre dominants the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger
as more people begin living and working in central areas. (

Urbanization is process of population concentration. The physical growth of urban areas can be
explained demographically and functionally. Urbanization was started during the time of ancient
Mesopotamia civilization will the beginning of agriculture which the domestication of animal
and plant during the Neolithic resolution. According to different sources, there were many large
tow found along the banks of Tigirs and Euphrates river in Mesopotamia. Among them the most
Known towns was Uruk. It was followed by the emergence of other town in China, India, the
Nile valley and south west Nigeria.(J. John Palan, 1991 and D. Javer James, 1994:4)

2.2 General Back ground of urbanization in Ethiopia

The process of urbanization in Ethiopia has long history which made its root in the Aksumite
period. Aksumite was served as a political center of Aksumite kings and the capital of the
country from first to the eight century AD. 12 Even though, Ethiopia has a long history of
urbanization, it is one of the least urbanized in Africa. As the country largely depends on
agricultural economic activity, its urbanization process was slow. Development of external
influences and the constant shift of capital towns were the other interrelated factors for the slow
process of urbanization.13

During ancient periods, there were three main capitals; such as Aksum, Lalibela and Gondar.
However, in the period Harar also become a trading center. Aksum was the center of the earliest
and renewed civilized center which existed in the northern part of Ethiopia. It was said to have
been originated in the first century AD as the political and commercial center of the state. Beside

Bahiru Zewede, “The City centers a shifting concept in the History of Addis Ababa”. 2008, P.486

this, the town had significant contribution in the history of Ethiopia which is characterized by
marked temples, churches, obelisks and other monuments.14

In the middle of 12century AD the capital to the south becomes inevitable as a result of the
decline and the fall of Aksum because of internal and external factors. After the collapse of the
Aksumite kingdom, Lalibela become the second capital of Ethiopia next to Aksum. It is located
in the northern part of Ethiopia particularly in the northern Wollo Zone of Amhara regional state.
Historically, the town symbolizes remarkable developments in the field of architecture like
buildings of churches. It also served as a political and commercial center.15

Following to the collapse of Zagwe Dynasty in 1270, the condition of the state is characterized
by roving capitals until the rise of Gondar as the third permanent capital in the first half of the
17th century. It was in 1636 Gondar become the third permanent capital of the country. It was
located in the northern part of Ethiopia particularly northern Gondar zone of Amhara regional
state. The town was founded by king Fasiladas in 1636 as a new political, religious and
commercial center.16

During the 19th and 20th centuries different political, economic and military factors led to the
birth and the growth of towns in Ethiopia. The first factor was consolidation of imperial power
by Emperor MenelikII.17 In modern Ethiopian history, urbanization and emergence of towns were
the result of political revolts and military camps were devolved in to towns. This was following
Emperor Menelik II's expansion to south, south east and South west of the country. Subsequently
Menelike II's generals established garrison centers in convenient locations in order to control of
the conquered provinces. At the end many of southern garrisons took a permanent character
include Bonga, Wolayta Sodo, and Butajra.18

The second factor was the construction of Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway in the early 20 th
century. The construction of this railway which completed in1917 has contributed for the
emergence and growth of some urban centers.19

Bahiru Zewede, P.496

In the eastern part of the railway like Dire Dawa which was founded in 1921, became the most
important trade and industrial centers of the country. In the Western parts of the town of Addis
Ababa other towns like Akaki, Bishoftu, Mojjo and Adama were formed in first half of the
century and form an important urban as well as industrial centers joined with Addis Ababa which
contains most of the modern economic activities.20

The third factor was rural- urban migration. 1960s and 1970s were seen as causes for the rapid
growth of new urban centers. During this time, Addis Ababa began its rise to mega city status.
This grew up of cities set the social balances of the city as more people competed in all job

The fourth reason was the establishment of different economic activities. Some of the major
towns of Ethiopia were expanding primarily because they have been able to enjoy from revivals
of trade. The major towns were linked with the construction of roads, air transportation
administrative centers like offering secondary technical and professional education. These
attracts a large numbers of students and teachers in to town and other social services such as
electricity, health centers and bank services; which in turn leads to the development of urban
center .22

Bahir Dar was one of a new generation town on the shore of Lake Tana which was founded in
1960s. The town has grown with the establishment of textile factory and the opening of poly
technical schools.23

Bahiru Zewde. A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991 (Cairo, 2002), P. 6



3.1 Areas of the Study
Fiche is a town in central Ethiopia. It is the administrative centre of north Shewa zone of Oromia
and separate District. It is located about three km from the main Addis Ababa Debre marqos
road, Fiche has a latitude and longitude of 9 o 48'N 38o 44'E and an elevation between 2,738 and
2,782 meters above sea level and also fiche is the capital of North Shewa zone at a distance of
115km from Addis Ababa.

3.2 Research Design

This study will be guided by historical research methodology. Descriptive research design which
is qualitative approach will be used in this study Descriptive research design involves
Description recording to analyzing and Interpreting of data this study mainly based on the
primary which is categorized under Descriptive research design. This research design is used
when the objective is systematic description of facts and characteristics of a given population or
area of interest factually and accurately.

3.3 Source of Data and Its Collection tools

The data will be gathered from published, unpublished and oral source by interviewing the
people who know deeply about history of town. The researcher will used both primary and
secondary source. Secondary source will be collected from published and unpublished literature.
Primary source will be gathered from personal, Interview, Archival documents, letters,
Photographs and the like.

3.4 Methods of Data Analysis

For the reason of the study will be descriptive characters, the researcher will be used descriptive
method of data analysis to assess historical survey of fiche town from its foundation to the
present. The collect data or row data will be gathered from the questionnaires and interview will
be analyzed by quantitative and qualitative method.

3.5 Time Schedule and Research Budget

3.5.1 Time Schedule


No Description Activities January February March April

1 Design and preparation proposal 

2 Reviewing relative literature  X

3 Outline schedule for study 

4 Start data collection  

5 Analyze and interpret of data  

6 Editing and writing final research

7 Submission of research for department 

8 Presentation and defense 

3.5.2 Budget Breakdown
NO Item Unit Quantity Cost

1 Paper Packet 1 150

2 Pen Single 1 10

3 Ruler Single 1 15

4 Scan disk (flash) 16GB 1 270

5 Photo copy and print 50

6 Binding 30

7 Transport 600

8 Coffee with informants 250

9 Food and water 500

10 Related cost 150

11 Total =2,025

Akalu Wolde Michael. “Urban development in Ethiopia (1889-1925)”. Journal of Ethiopian
Studies vol. x, No,1.

Bahru Zewde. 1998. A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1974. London

______. 2002. A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991. Second Edition. London,

Athens, Addis Ababa.

______2008. “The City Centers a Shifting Concept in the History of Addis Ababa”.
Addis Ababa.

Pankhurst, Richard. 1960. An Economic History of Ethiopia from 1800-1935. Addis Ababa.

James D. Tarver. Urbanization in Africa.west port Green wood press. 1994.

Kinfe Abraham. Ethiopia from Empire to Federation. Addis Ababa, 2008.

Mesfin W/Mariam. Some aspects of urbanization in pre twentieth century Ethiopia. AAU, 1976.

Palen J. John. The urban world.Virginia, common wealth University, 1991.

Wikipedia, 2021

historical survey of fiche town from its foundation to the present.


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