48. Tuyển Tập Đề Chuyên & HSG Thanh Hóa - Otto Channel

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HSG LỚP 12 2022-2023

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D
11.C 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D
21.A 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.C
31.B 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.A 36.A 37.C 38.C 39.A 40.B
41.C 42.B 43.A 44.D 45.A 46.D 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.D
51.C 52.A 53.A 54.B 55.C 56.A 57.A 58.B 59.A 60.D
61.C 62.C 63.D 64.B 65.A 66.B 67.A 68.D 69.A 70.D


Interviewer: Good afternoon. Today, we’re looking at ways of getting on well with work colleagues.
With me I have Stella Burrows and Simon Peres, both psychologists, who have recently
published an article on the importance of workplace personalities in the office
environment. Stella and Simon, welcome to the programme.
Simon: Hello
Stella: Hi
Interviewer: So, what do you mean by workplace personalities?
Well, we all know the classic office characters, don’t we? I’m talking about the smooth
talker with a suit that’s a bit too shiny, the terribly efficient but nervous office manager,
the person who can be seen dashing around everywhere and gets paid a lot, but no one is
quite sure what they actually do. Every person has their own office persona.
Interviewer: Are you saying that people behave differently at their place of work from how they do at
other times?
Simon: Yes, that’s exactly what we’re saying – your office persona will be slightly, or indeed
very, different from your home-life character. If you’re a live-towork type, it’s a good
idea to think about how your character comes across to your colleagues – perhaps other
people are inspired by your efforts, or on the other hand, they may see you as a goody-
goody. Your boss is likely to value the fact that you put so much effort into your work,
although they may have started taking it for granted that you arrive early, stay late and
never put a foot wrong. In other words, you may seem too good to be true.
Interviewer: That’s a live-to-work type. What about the work-to-live type?
Stella: Obviously they’re very different – in fact they’re quite literally opposite in every way. If
you are a work-to-live type, your colleagues may be frustrated that you don’t seem to be
pulling your weight, or they may be fed up of making excuses for your being late. Your
boss may secretly be impressed at your lack of interest in joining the rat race, but still be
irritated by your lack of commitment and effort.
Interviewer: But surely these are extreme examples!
Simon: Well, sure, most people are not at either of the two extremes we’ve described – they’re
probably somewhere in the middle. So we’ve come up with a number of tips which will
help everyone to have a healthier work-life balance and so be a good work colleague.
Interviewer: OK, let’s have some concrete ideas for our listeners.
Stella: Well whatever you do, don’t take the credit for someone else’s work – especially to try
and impress your manager in meetings. Be prepared – make sure you are up-to-date with
new projects and have plenty of your own ideas. If you’re working on a team project,
make sure you pull your weight – don’t hide in the group and expect them to carry you.
Take your job seriously – regardless of what you do, and other people in your workplace
will respect and value their jobs. If you undermine what you do, you are undermining
their job too. This is a surefire way to drive your colleagues mad.
Interviewer: How about on the more personal front? Do you have any advice there?
Simon: Well, yes, there are some very simple do’s and don’ts that are just common sense, for
example, don’t gossip about your colleagues behind their backs. And, if you can see that
one of your colleagues is upset about something, ask if there’s anything you can do to
help. Also, be very careful about telling other people what you think they should do,
unless, of course they actually ask you for your opinion. You could easily lose colleagues’
respect if you appear to be superior.
Interviewer: Stella and Simon, thank you so much for your time today. Everything you’ve said makes
perfect sense. Let’s hope that some people’s office relationships improve as a result.


Interviewer: Last week, Steve came into the studio to prove to us that life still has some happy
endings. Here's his story . . . So, Steve, your relationship with Abby has been through some ups and
downs but is definitely on a high now?
Steve: That's right, and we're finally tying the knot next month. Just over five years ago, I met this
bubbly little lady - Abby. We went out, shared some laughs, and pretty soon, I knew she was the one
for me.
Interviewer: And was it love at first sight for her too? Steve: She was happy enough to spend lots
oftime with me, but treated me more like a big brother, if anything - she even told me about another
guy she was hoping to get together with. At which point, realising I would get nowhere romantically,
I decided I'd better cast my net elsewhere. I met a nice girl called Samantha, very down-to-earth - the
opposite ofAbby - and we started seeing each other once in a while. We had well- paid j obs and
money to burn. After a good holiday in Spain, we decided to move in together. I think we both
understood that it wasn't true love, but we rubbed along fairly well. Unfortunately, quite soon after
that, Abby made up her mind that I was Mr Right after all, and made this very plain to me, though not
to Samantha.
Interviewer: How did you take this bolt from the blue? Steve: It was
baffling. I actually wondered whether she was joking, she used to do that, but I knew deep down she
wouldn't pull that trick any more. I rationalised it as her whipping up a fleeting fantasy - she had
time on her hands, as she'd been fired from herjob and was on her own a lot - her then current
boyfriend worked long hours.
Interviewer: And there were displays of obvious jealousy, weren't there?
Steve: Yeah, we'd be at the same pubs and there would be anguished looks from Abby across the
room, deep sighs if she was ever standing next to me at the bar, that sort of thing - I misread the
situation for ages - she's always had a streak of theatricality.
Interviewer: What was your reaction once you realised it was genuine?
Steve: Well, it dawned on me that I was calling the tune now; if I wanted it, Abby and I would have a
life together - otherwise, things would stay the same. It wasn't straightforward, there was Samantha to
consider. She'd always been very supportive and loyal. For a while, I couldn't decide what to do. To
fend off the problem, I threw myself into my job.
Interviewer: And did colleagues at work pick up on anything different about you?
Steve: Very much so - I'd never been that keen and efficient before! Although my daily routine was
much the same, I was glad to get to work, because it distracted me - but I made sure I kept my
private life out of our usual conversations. As time went on, there was growing pressure on me to
do something - for all I knew, Abby might give up in disgust.
Interviewer: Then, one summer's day . . .
Steve: Yes, one beautiful morning last June, I couldn't
keep up the pretence any longer. I sat Samantha down at the kitchen table and blurted everything out.
She was terrific, far from holding back tears, she didn't even seem mildly phased by the revelation
that I'd been carrying a torch for someone else and it was over. Just rolled up her sleeves and started
sorting out my life for me: phoned my office to say that I was at death's door and wouldn't be
coming in, then told me to get round to Abby's place pronto, preferably with a big bunch of flowers -
she let me buy those myself.
Interviewer: And so Samantha walked out of your life and Abby walked in.

Steve: Yeah. Abby and I rented a cottage out in the country. Last summer was idyllic, and, well, it
matched our mood. We got to know each other properly, spent every evening gazing into each other's
eyes at sunset and . . . well, I'm sure you can picture the rest.
Interviewer: Absolute rapture, straight out of True Romance . . . how wonderfully slushy! So when
did you finally pop the question, Steve?
Steve: I was at a big family wedding, one of my cousins, and Abby hadn't come, I think she had flu.
Anyway everything seemed to fall into place at that event. I managed to sit down with my mother
and talk about Abby - Mum'd been giving me the cold shoulder, as she'd really liked Samantha
and, social norms being what they are, had seen her as a prospective daughter- in-law. Anyway,
she came round after our heart-to- heart and I went off to offer a lift to my cousin's old schoolfriend,
who lives in the States - I hadn't seen him for five years. Well, he looked me between the eyes and
said, 'You've always loved Abby, so how come you're not married yet - get a grip, Steve: So I did,
leapt in the car without him, drove back and proposed. It's funny though, it had taken someone at
one stage removed from my life to state the obvious.
Interviewer: Well, Steve, I wish you and Abby every happiness - you certainly deserve it.
Steve: Thank you.

Câu Đáp án Giải thích chi tiết

1 D
2 B
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 B
7 B
8 D
9 C
10 D
11 C A. chronic /k/ B. chorus /k/
C. orchard /tʃ / D. orchid /k/
12 D A. wreaths /z/ B. paths /z/
C. sheaths /z/ D. months/s/
13 D A. brood /uː/ B. broomstick /uː/
C. foolscap /uː/ D. brooch/əʊ/

14 A A. /kəʊ’hɪərənt/ B. /’pɜ:mənənt/
C. /’kɒntɪnənt/ D. /’sentəmənt/

15 B Telecommuting /ˌtelɪkəˈmjuːtɪŋ/
Geophysical /ˌdʒiːəˈfɪzɪkəl/
Hydroelectric /ˌhaɪdrəʊɪˈlektrɪk/
Humanitarian /hjuːˌmænɪˈteəriən/

16 A Thì TLHTTD – dấu hiệu “by the end of this month” + ngữ cảnh

17 B Rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, nhấn mạnh tính hoàn tất của hành

18 A Câu hỏi đuôi cho cấu trúc: must have VpII

19 C Đảo ngữ đặc biệt của trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn + hiện tại phân từ
Ving + Adv + be + S

20 D come by : to obtain something ususally by effort

21 A Đảo ngữ câu đk loại 2

22 B Mệnh đề danh từ làm chủ ngữ

23 A Bị động đặc biệt với động từ tường thuật

24 D Kiến thức mạo từ: the + N1 + of + the + N2

25 C Considering (prep/conj) : taking smth into consideration : xét đến

Including (prep) having smth/sb as a part
Regarding (prep)= Concerning (prep) : with reference to sb/smth

26 A Train of thought: Chuỗi, mạch suy nghĩ

Dịch nghĩa: Điện thoại reo và làm gián đoạn mạch suy nghĩ của tôi

27 A kiến thức cụm động từ: wind up: to find yourself in a particular place or

28 B Thành ngữ : ahead of the curve: dẫn đầu xu thế

29 B Be authority on: chuyên gia về lĩnh vực nào

30 C C. Run – through (n) = sự tập luyện cho một buổi biểu diễn của vở kịch,
show diễn, bài phát biểu
Dịch nghĩa: Bạn có cần tập dượt lại bài phát biểu của mình một lần nữa
không, hay là bạn đã thuộc lòng nó rồi ?
A. break-down (n) = sự hỏng hóc, sự phá sập, sự suy nhược, sự
thất bại
B. check-up (n) = cuộc kiểm tra sức khỏe, sự khám nghiệm, sự
kiểm soát
D. mix-up (n) = sự hỗn loạn, cuộc ẩu đả, tình trạng lộn xộn

31 B A. organizations (n): tổ chức

B. organized (adj): có tổ chức
C. organizational (adj): (thuộc) tổ chức, cơ quan
D. organizers (n): người tổ chức. Để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ “army
nursing systems”, chỗ trống phải là 1 tính từ. Và đáp án B có nghĩa phù
hợp với ngữ cảnh trong câu nhất.

32 A A. briskly = quickly B. heartily (vui vẻ, nồng nhiệt)

C. sharply(đột ngột) D. crisply(sinh động, quả quyết)

33 D Lead sb a (merry) dance: to cause sb a lot of trouble or worry

Strike a chord (with) sb: to say or do smth that makes people feel
sympathy or enthusiasm
Bang the drum: to speak with enthusiasm in support of sb
play second fiddle : to be treated as less important

34 B A month of Sundays: rất lâu rồi

35 A Compendious: short but complete, including everything that is

important: súc tích
Compact : small and neat; closely packed together
Complecent : showing calm satisfaction with oneself
Competible : = hamonious : hòa hợp

36 A a different kettle of fish: a completely different situation or person

from the one previously mentioned
37 C Kiến thức từ vựng:
Inadvertently: tình cờ, không cố ý
Incongruously: không thích hợp, vô lý
Vehemently: một cách mãnh liệt, dữ dội, say đắm
Graciously: một cách hòa nhã, ân cần, tử tế

38 C Thành ngữ
Keep sth under sb’s hat = kept it to himself :giữ bí mật
Dịch nghĩa: Ông Jones đã biết ai đã chiến thắng cuộc thi, nhưng ông giữ
bí mật cho đến khi nó được chính thức tuyên bố.

39 A Compromise: Dàn xếp, thoả hiệp

A. dissent: (FROM ST): có/ biểu lộ những ý kiến đối lập với quan điểm
chính thống/ giáo lí
Dịch nghĩa: Thượng nghị sĩ chọn cách chịu đựng sự không thích thay vì
thỏa hiệp các nguyên tắc của mình để giành được sự ưu ái của công

40 B Precise (adj): chính xác >< fallacious (adj)= misleading: gây hiểu sai,
hiểu nhầm

41 C Honestly, I’m not the adventurous type có nghĩa là: Thành thực mà nói
thì mình không phải kiểu người ưa phiêu lưu mạo hiểm.
42 B Well, so be it: đành chịu thôi, thôi đành vậy
43 A Rút gọn hai mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ (altheles) mang nghĩa chủ động dùng
suffer from (nội động từ): chịu đựng, đau đớn
suffered => suffering
44 D Thay themselves thành them vì theo nghĩa của câu
45 A Elicit (v) smth from sb : draw facts, a response, ect from sb, sometimes
with difficulties
Ilicit (a) = illegal (a) : not allowed by law : bất hợp pháp

46 D Cụm từ “born out of st ” happening as the result of something (là kết

quả của)
47 C Kiến thức về sử dụng động từ: make sb/smth + adj
“Cheap labour and a relatively highly-skilled workforce make these
countries highly competitive”
48 B Cấu trúc nhấn mạnh : It be…. that + …….

49 D Similarly (adv) : tương tự như thế
50 D A. get hold of : biết cách làm gì B. make use of : dùng, sử dụng
C. take notice of : chú ý D. lose sight of:che mất tầm
nhìn, không nhận thức được
It is understandable that countries that are the focus of this sort of
attention can lose sight of the environmental implications of large-scale
industrial development, and this can have devastating consequences for
the natural world.
Có thể hiểu được rằng các quốc gia là tâm điểm của sự chú ý này có thể
không nhận thức được tác động môi trường của việc phát triển công
nghiệp quy mô lớn và điều này có thể gây ra hậu quả tàn khốc cho thế
giới tự nhiên.

51 C Kiến thức so sánh kép

52 A Thể hiện sự đối lập giữa hai thông tin “For some, the environmental
issues, though they can hardly be ignored , are viewed as a peripheral
53 A A.plantations: đồn điền, khu đất trồng cây B. homesteads: nhà
cấp cho người di cư
C..:ranches: trại nuôi gia súc, trang trại D. holdings: ruộng
đất, tài sản
Indeed, having an environmental conscience or taking environmental
matters into consideration when it comes to decisions on whether or not
to build rubber-tree plantations…
Quả thực, có quan tâm về môi trường hoặc cân nhắc các vấn đề môi
trường khi đưa ra quyết định có nên xây dựng đồn điền trồng cây cao su
hay không…..

54 B A. proscriptive= trục xuất, bài trừ

B. prohibitive= ngăn cấm(đáp án của ngữ cảnh này), đắt đỏ
C. prospective= thuộc về tương lai, có triển vọng
D. imperative= bắt buộc, khẩn thiết
….or grow biofuel crops would be quite prohibitive indeed
….hoặc trồng cây nhiên liệu sinh học thực sự sẽ bị cấm

55 C Cụm từ Tracts of land= dải đất

56 A Ý chính thuộc đoạn 1
57 A Since the Industrial Revolution, people have assumed that new labor-
saving devices would free them from the burdens of the workplace
58 B In today's highly competitive job market, employers demand increased
productivity, expecting workers to put in longer hours and to keep in
touch almost constantly via fax, cell phones, e-mail, or other
communication devices
59 A Staggering (adj) = incredible (adj) : difficult to believe
60 A Thông tin ở câu trong đoạn 3: It would seem that technology almost
never does what we expect.

61 C And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of

e-mail, voice mail, cell phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of
privacy and leisure.
62 C As a result, employees feel the need to check in on what is going on at
the office, even on days off. They feel pressured to work after hours just
to catch up on everything they have to do.
Workers work harder and longer, change their work tasks more
frequently, and have more and more reasons to worry about job security.

63 D Ý chính suy ra từ cả bài và chủ yếu đoạn cuối

64 B The energy company, together with a Swedish start-up, is testing the use
of salt to store heat, which accounts for more than half the power
consumed in Germany
65 A oversees = supervises : giám sát, quản lý
66 B If it works well, the system could help solve a problem posed by
renewable energy sources like wind and solar: unreliability, meaning
they sometimes generate too much, and sometimes too little power.
67 A scaled up = expanded : mở rộng (quy mô, số lượng)

68 D when quicklime becomes wet: the salt-like grains soak up the water,
becoming calcium hydroxide and releasing large amounts of heat in the
69 A SaltX also notes that the calcium oxide currently mined in Finland could
be safely recycled, giving it an edge over some battery technologies that
use rare or toxic materials.
70 D The pilot project in Berlin can currently store enough energy to heat
about 100 large houses.

SECTION B: WRITING (30 points)

Question I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (5 points)
71. This shirt shouldn’t/ought not to have been put in the washing machine.
72. Such was his enthusiasm that he apparently ignored any warning signs.
73. He exclaimed with joy that he had passed the exam with flying colours.
74. As soon as the gun went off, everyone started to panic.
75. This conservation programme derives its income from advertising revenue.
Derive smth from smth: get/obtain smth from smth

Question II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it by using the given word. Do not change the form of the
given word. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (5 points)
76. Could/Can you put me up in Chicago for a few days, Mike?
77. When I grow up, I want to be a fat cat.
Fat cat: a person who earns, or has, a lot of money and power
78. I suggested he phone his mother and he did it there and then/ then and there.
Immediately = there and then/ then and there
79.The military parade was just the government flexing its muscles before the elections.
Flex one’s muscles : show one’s power or strength
80. Much to my relief, my car was not damaged.

Question III: Essay writing (20 points)

The mark given to part 3 is based on the following criteria:

1. Task achievement/ fulfillment
a. All requirements of the task are sufficiently addressed.
b. Ideas are adequately supported and elaborated with relevant and reliable explanations,
examples, evidence, personal experience, etc.
2. Organization
a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and unity.
b. The essay is well-structured:
• Introduction is presented with a clear thesis statement introducing the points to be
• Body paragraphs develop the points introduced with unity, coherence, and cohesion.
Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence and supporting details and examples
when necessary.
• Conclusion summarises the main points and states personal opinions (prediction,
recommendation, consideration,…) on the issue.
3. Language use
a. Demonstration of a variety of topic-related vocabulary
b. Excellent use and control of grammatical structures
4. Punctuation, spelling, and handwriting
a. Correct punctuation and no spelling mistakes
b. Legible handwriting

Suggested ideas:
Students can totally agree/disagree or partly agree with the statement.
1. Impact of AI on education
- AI facilitates students’ learning process
+ language learners can use AI as an online dictionary with full access to meaning, usage and examples of
words, phrases and structures.
+ AI provides ideas and sample answers for writing exercises such as paragraph and esssay.
+ AI provides answer key and explanation to almost any subjects.

- AI assists teachers.
+ Applications such as Chatgpt or Gemini can design lesson plans that meet all the lesson objectives and
particular requirements of the teacher.
+ AI offers various ideas for in-class activities.
+ AI offers personalized learning experience/activities for students.

2. The reasons why AI cannot replace human teachers.

- AI can not foster students’ autonomy.
- AI can not instill a love of learning and inspire students to become lifelong learners.
- Students are likely to be heavily reliant on AI → students’ creativity and critical thinking be eroded.

Shared by Angels of Otto Channel

THANH HOA . · NAM HQC 2020 - 2021
S6 bao danh: Ngay thi: 16/12/2020
Thiri gian: 150 p~ut ,(khong ke thoi gian giao d8)
(De gom c6 6 trang)
Otto Channel
* Ba~ nghe g6!n 3 JJ..hcin, m6i phdn GU'(JC nghe 2 !dn, m6i Ian each nhau khoang 15 giay, ma tldu
va ket thuc moi phan nghe c6 tin hiiu. .
* M9i hu:bng ddn cho thi sinh (bdng tiing Anh) dii c6 trong bai nghe.
Part I. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A
NUMBER for each answer. (5 points)
Pick-up: Wed 6 th
July ✓
Time: (1) ·1 : M :!>: ~O
Name of passenger: Sam William /
Pick-up point
No.&street: (2) 60 Willowside bank
Town: (3) A'21' i\l c, Po M Y2 AtJ>i NlrDoN
Postcode: (4) of1io~AD ,) o;x 1. Lt i Hrz )e
Mobile contact: (5) 0-H Ji 53 b ~...i~ V
Part 2. You will hear a married couple, Barbara and Guy, talking about a weekend
break, they are going on. Answer T for true or F for false for each of the following
statements~ (5 points)
6. Barbara regrets booking a low-cost flight. ~y
7. Guy is sure that the weather will be fine. wr
8. Barbara suggests that they share one suitcase. . T,® V
9. Guy and Barbara agree to buy only one souv~mr each. . ©F -I
10. Barbara and Guy both think a packed lunch is a good idea. ©F V
Part 3: You will hear a radio talk about gorillas. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
fits best according to what you hear. (5 points)
11. Which of the following can be a group lead~r?
½)The biggest and strongest adult male gorilla. B. A female gorilla.
C The biggest adult female gorilla. ~A grown-up gorilla.
12. With whom do baby gorillas sleep at nig ·
· ht?

'a>Their mothers.
A. Their sisters.
D. Their mothers and sisters.
C. Their fathers. . . ?
13. Why do hunters kill mountam
A. For their skin.
j B. For their nests.
@For food.
C. For the trees they live in. . NOT true?
14. Which of the following stateme~ts is
A. Mountain gorillas live in Africa. differ9nt picture of mountain gorillas.
B. Scientists study gorillas and show~ 1 ✓
E.Life for mountain gorillas is peace 11 ·
if.A gorilla sometimes eats worms. ·
Luyện thi chuyên Anh và Học sinh giỏi
15. Why are mou -~ . .
A. civil war. n am gorillas endangerd?
C. forest rangers. ✓B. forest being cut down.
®A B
and are correct.
QUeStlon I. Choo se th
rest in the sam . ( e w~i·d whose underlined part is pronounced differently
e 1me. 3 pomts) from the }.
'tv. 16. A. tooth
,.17 A tlu· -
rn, \i ,
eaten '2J smooth C. math \bJ. breat- h
JJ • • B 111st
• - ~ ".
18. A. ass~ iate
. -
· ~ad
B. SO.£table
w;br ead ✓ ~ cl~n
. n.£,ient D. anfes tor
Ques tion II. Find the wo d · h
word s in each t' (r w~t
ques 10n. 2 pomts)the stress pattern dijfe ent from that of the other three
'Fl 19. A. huma ne
20 A 1·m' •
B1 •
.· umte V r;,, _
~oll eagu e
• . press1on rti"'lch ~
cante en
v aracter 1
C. technology
D. attention
(30 points)
Ques tion I. Choo se the most ·t bl
sm a e word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 .
21. Neith er they nor Mark to the party t
Ah -- \ /
'/. ye. V
· ,ave _come . B. have not come gta s come D. come
22. Ij~n tthm k ;you said she w~s ~isiting Ha Long bay,
Yf:?w_as she . B. d1dn _t you @)di d you D. wasn 't she
23. My fnen d Jame s 1s alwa ys readmg. He will read anyth
ing. He is a real __;
A. reade r B. bookmar_ker ... C. book @bo okw orm V
24. The ba~ obb ers escap ed _ _ a stolen car.
@in B. on
r C. by
25. The child is so full of _ _ that it's tiring ~o be with
D. for
A. nuts B. peas ~ berries (D':) beans
~ 26. Don 't be _ _ by false advertisements. If something loo
~o good to be true, it
prob ably is. '.
A. put off t "'given up @ta ken in D. put down
27. Up _ _ when it saw· s ma1ter. ~Tl\
~jum ped the dog
C. the dog jump ed
fr: did the dog jump
D. did jump the dog
f 28. Tom does n't know mu9h\about computing, __ his
brother i~ an expert at it.
' ·@ , howe ver ~ whereas C. therefore D. m contrast
29. Up to now _ _ space exploring still remains __very risky
, comp lex and expensiv~
ende avor.
A. the/t he B. a/the

30. Jane: "Hav e you go t th e t 1me,
A. No, I have n't. I'm busy
i• al 0
p1ease.? 11 - pe r: II __ .II
~0/ a

(B.)o rry. I don't have a watch now

C. Td rathe r not if.Sure. I have plent y of time
Question II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate
~·orm and te,1$t.(8 points)
31. Don 't call Mr. Math ew betw een 9 and 11 a.m. He (bave \(\I\\\ QC. t\c.w(l":1,. V
) __ a meetty.g with the staff.
32. It is impe rativ e that this letter (send) _ immediately· ~\\~&c:\ \i~ ~""W
33. No
1 wond er he was sacke d! He seems (fiddle) _ the accounts for Y'8 · 1u ~~\I Q, ic\~~q
34. That can't be a true story . He (make) it up. t\'\Us-\ ~\WQ. l'Y'a<k 1
i35. I (see) __ an aunt in Chic ago a couple of months ago, but ()
I cancelled the trip becau se
she got ill. '-N ~cl hx" Q .C.ilV\
Otto Channel - Luyện thi chuyên Anh và học sinh giỏi
was ?l'I~ b -~
s~ \_ .
i36. There .(b~) b. . ~o Mther b~siness, ~ declare the meeting closed. . .
"'f;_37. He mentioned (mJure) man accident as a child but h . ld . 1@\w\,',,d ..
'38 It' . J hn d'd , - - h rty H (l' , e never to me the details ~.t
" . s a pity o 1 n t come tot e pa · e tke) it VV(Ml)e:I ~w._,Q \i \r<L d ·k · \
~ Le '(\ 1·Y\_\\\ll9C
Question III. Put each word in brackets into an appropfiate form. (7 points) hcw,n bh
~39. He shook hands _ _ with each of his supporters as they arrived. CEREMONY © dinjtiiW-
40. He wanted a ~ivorce because his wife had b_een ~~,·~ ~ V FAITH
~41. The puppets are controlled by the _ _ be?tnd a screen. ~ PUPPETD h<rf\ ~
?,42. Her child was born with ten-ible - . - of his legs and hands. oAVY\ ') FORM
1 43. We should make young people realize that drug~taking is .
1 DESTROY ~ cktl,u,c~
44.The attack in the city center last nig~t _ _ the kind of
.b ehavior
amongs young people that many obJect to. ,.QXOJrnf '.x\\k'.,<l iJ- EXAMPLE
~ 45. Hundreds of mature trees were _ _ in the storm. ROOT~+- ~
Question IV. There are FIVE mistakes in the text (from 46 to 50). Identify each mistake,
write it down and give your correction. (5 points)
Example: Line 0: make ➔ makes oclv.2J\.+[SQ,~\i rfv-,n
S'.52; V
A newspaper make its money from the price people pay for it and also from the 0
~dvertising it carries. A popular newspaper with a circulation of over five million 1
daily makes a lot of money. Less seriousl newspapers are probably read just·W 2
editorials. They have big headline up he new stories, funny cartoons to look at and 3
(~ oh otos of violence. The gossip columns are full of stories _of the private lives 4
~people.No one takes the political views of such papers very seriously. On 5
the other hand, in a free country where there is no censorship, serious newspapers are 6
read principally for their news, sent t the.mselves by their C,Q!J:,espondents round t1ie 7
world and by the big news. People also rea these ne~wapers for their reviews of 8
new books, films and plays and for their entertainment what epresent the opinion of 9
the news a er itself about the im ortant events and issues o the moment. 10


Question I. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE word in each space (10 points)
Over the last few years, the use of the Internet has increased dramatically in French
schools, offices, and homes and this trend continues to grow. Who could have imagined, even
in the last decade, that we would be able to (51f cai1ud our friends, colleagues and clients
around the world simply through the (52) ~ bf a mouse and a modem? There is no doubt,
like any invention, that the Internet can be used for good or bad but it is here to stay and has
modified the way we co~municate. .w dt ~'?. .\ ~
In the world of busmess, no corporation can be competitive unless it (53).~ccess to
the Internet. It has become essential to (54)~your product and service in this way and an
increasing number of companies are using this opportunity to reach a greater nwnber of (55)
~ -consumers. Indeed, the bigger the website is, the more professional the company seems
to be.
Similarly in education, the opportunities that the Internet can (56) JlL
are vast. More a~d
more students are working on the Internet fo~ their research~ for instance, (57) ~ ~hysics
undergraduate in Paris can download information fro111 a university library in the lJrtltJI Stat~s
in minutes. From the latest research in scien~ific and linguistic fi elds (58) __J,J_L new theories in
psychology andhistory, all this may be publtshed_on the World-Wide Web._ t % of
(59) ~ ~ill be the future for the Internet 111 France? It has been estunat~d th a 60 rudents
homes and 50% business will have access to the Internet within five years. Children, 5
before. · ~ v u ....... --

QueStion II. Read the following passag and then choose the most suitable word
phrase for each space. (10 points) e
If you haven't heard of BTS yet, it's a prime time to get (61) _ _ because the sevc
member South Korean boy band has skyrocketed to the top of the music world since their ('
in 2013. ·
In the seven years since they (63) the music scene, BTS's list of accomplishme
is ever-growing. They are the first K-pop band to top the U.S. album charts, according
the BBC, and their star power doesn't stop there. The group has already won major (64) __
the American Music Awards, MTV Video Music Awards, Billboard Music A wards, and So
Korea's Melon Music Awards. (65) _ , the group became the first Korean act to pe~o1:11
the Grrunmys when they (66) _ their star power to the awards show in January 2020, Jorn
LiL Nas X for a performance (67) _ _ "Old Town Road".
Each year, the band finds more and more success, with 2020 shaping up to be one :
of accomplishments for the group. Following their Grammys performance, the band relea
their fourth Korean-language studio album, Map of the Soul: 7, in February 2020. The alb
was a critical success, giving the group its fourth number one album on the Billboard :
charts. Jn August, the group released their first all English-language song, "Dynamite," (
_ gave BTS their first number one song on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. In addition,
music video for "Dynamite" became the most viewed YouTube video in 24 hours since it ( 1

_ . Not to mention, BTS is also poised to release their newest album, their fifth Kore
language studio album, Be, on November 20, 2020.
So if you've heard "Dynamite" or (70) _ one of their hit songs and you're wonder
"who is BTS?! here's everything you need to.know about the
. /

'Yl61. A. similar B. acquainted (eJ in!ormed W~amiliar

62. A. teaser B. trailer J cf.::<iebut D. issue
63. A. showed u~ (BJ came ?n C. took down D. stood on
\Q 64. ~ accolades· 'B. attentions C. censure emarks V
D. obtam
Xl 66. A. gained
1' 67. A. with ✓
68. 0which
f V
B. that
't(. on
C. where
D. upon
D. what
't, 69. ~ premiered B. commenced . / C. broadcast ~ppeared
)<. 70~ther ~ another (l;) V ~others D. the other
Question III. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions below.(
points) ·
Artificial Intelligence
The aviation industry, especially the commercial aviation sector, is constantly striving
improve both the way it works and its customer satisfaction. It has begun using artific
intellig.ence. Though AI in _the av~ation industry is still in the nascent stage, some progress :t
been made already ~s ~ert~m leading carriers invest in AI. To make a long story short, AI c
redefine how the av~at10n I?~ustry goes about its works. .
. In 2017, Amen can A1rlmes conducted an app developed for makmg baggage screeni:
easier for passengers. The compctitio rned Hackwars, was themed upon artific:

developed an a~p that would not only

arriving at the atrport, but also prepay a
intelligence, drones and augmented and ~, n~ reality. The winner, known as "Team Avatm
assengers determine their baggage size befo
P . baggage-related expenses
ny potentta1 ·
Otto Channel - Luyện thi chuyên Anh và học sinh giỏi
on's Alexa to have certa·1n comm on customer quene ·
United Airlin es is using Amaz . d s
d In a collab oratio n with Alexa th featiif e is
answere . Septe mber 2017' umted annou nce
known as the Unite d skill. To get started, aHst10~assengers need to do is to add th~ Un~ted skill to
their Alexa app and th~n start asking que ?8 • Alexa answers common queries correctly,
bility of Wi-Fi on a flight.
such as ~e status of a fhght by number,. check_-in requests and availa
is a learning curve, and
!~e r~v1ew so far have been mixed, which pomts to the fact that there
1t 1s still a long way to go befor e AI can fully handle customer assist
The first thing they
Track in~ progr ess is an enonn ous cha~lenge that airlines will face.
and process accurate data.
need to do 1s to devel op analytics that will help them develop
Fox example, customer
Howe ver, that in itself is a challenge. What kind of analytics will help?
ss. What kind of analytics
satisf action is going to be one of the most ~ t factors in succe
ction param eters?
will determ ine that airlines have been improving on customer satisfa
is smaller, especially
AI needs huge invest ments , and proba bly the biggest risk in this
fully. Does that mean that
budge t airlines are going to miss out on reaping the benefits of AI
not be the case, becau se
the perfo rmanc e of the small er carriers will be impacted? That might
r airlines_ will have a
we might be movin g towar d more acquisitions and mergers. Bigge
market. It is not all gloom
massi ve appetite for acqui ring smaller airlines with an eye on the
y shown some initiative
and doom thoug h, becau se smaller arrlinerliKe Southwest have alread
towar d embra cing AI.
to AI so late. As AI in
It is surpri sing that a sector as important as aviation has woke n up
sitions or even closure
aviation picks up its pace, there could probably be a few mergers, acqui
. Now, AI seems the best
of small airlines which will not be able to afford the investments
option to take aviation to the next level.
71. What is autho r's main idea in the passage?

. A. How artificial intelligence helps baggage screening.

United Airlines and its Amaz on's Alexa .
J . Challenges for small carriers without artificial intelligence.
{g)Th e role of artificial intelligence in the aviation industry.
72. Acco rding to parag raph 1, artificial intelligence __ .
A. can determine the efficiency of the aviation industry
B. has made some progr ess since the aviation industry inves ted in it
j @ has been used to ameliorate the way of working and custo mer satisfaction by the
aviation industry
D. is constantly impro ving not only the ways. it works but also its
custo mer satisf action
); 73. iwo rd "carriers" in parag raph 1 probably means _ _ .
B. aircrafts C. AI . custo mers
A. irlines
;.. 74. at does the autho r want to ~nve y in paragraph 2?
i.)Dev elopm ent of AI @ Baggage screening with help of Al
k?.7 All app competition D. How AI helps paying bagga ge-rel ated expen ses
75. The word "queries" in parag raph 3 can best be replaced by
A. sentences B.·utterances, ~que stion s V D. songs
~ 76. According to parag raph 3, Amaz on s A~exa 1s _ .
ons relate to flight
€)in app that The Unite d Airlines is usmg to answer passe ngers ' questi
online autom atical ly
~soft ware to give information about Amazon and its produ cts sold
C. an app directing Unite d Airlines emplo~ees how to have skill in
serving custo mers
D. a program to help passe ngers checking in quickly
77. According to paragraph 4 how is the task~oftrack ing progr ess?
A It' ' I · .
· , s ~nonnous · t has accur ate data
C. It s important If\ 'Tt' •
78 Th ··· b ~ s comp hcate d and difficult
. e word "reaping" in parag raph 5 can est be replac ed by - - ·
Otto Channel - Luyện thi chuyên Anh và học sinh giỏi _j
I' hlmow ~ain c. garner D. glean ··~ ~ ·. ·1
79. ¼iicii
of the following aoes the word "thni~lr paragraph 5 refer to?
A. Biggest risk . \TQVMissing out on reaping the benefits of AI
C. Performance of the smaller carriers D. Huge investment
~80. ~!~h
of the following is NOl TRUE according to the passage? ·
~ackwars is the competition of developing an app to make baggage screening easier for
B. Alexa can answer exactly flight information.
~)Trackin~ ~rogress help having custo~er sati~faction.
b. Small airlines also want to apply AI into their work.
SECTION E: WRITING (20 points)
Question I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the
same as the sentence printed above it. (5 points)
81. The only reason that we won the contract was Denny's fantastic presentation. ✓
-+ Had i\ \t\D\ ~QQ\'\ ~ " o ~b;\I'\~ ( . \ I\/ 9 \NQ\ &,k+ 11\(j\,Y D Y\16\') ~ ✓- -

-+ Nobody was to b2oim9- : i\ - --

)j82. It's nobody's faul that the c cert was can~elled.

~ 83. My brother-in-~w is theost exasperating person I'~e ever met.

-+ I have ~et ~ _ Ynd . <rus.\o ~ ~R np~ C'»P R..~ cPp 21\Clhhj · .\t\OJ\r\ ~ bAo~ _ , - l
~ 84. Your silly questions distracted . _ "'''~ ~ \11 °""'
;_ ~:::~ a"f:,4/i b~~,tl,~~\ve ~m::i r"" <i\\,<l rrb«n~
-> b
It was so I rr\) C) o 0 ,, .\-Vi o \ ~ -IL-A i 11 ., , [krl .
Question II. Finish each·of ~ e foiiowing•":!ientf.~ ces so that it has a similar meaning to the
sentences printed before it, using the word given. DON'T CHANGE THE WORD
GIVEN. (5 points)
86. We would try reaily hard, but my older sister and I never got on. \ / HOW
-+ No mo~21 "'°'"' hew:\ ~ l 1J:'/15li-~w«llder sister and l never got on.
X87. He lost his job because lf was inefficient. · , GROUNDS
-+He_ _ _ _ · /
88. There' s no way we can agree to this solution. QUESTION
-+ This SD\ ~>. \icsn IS Q\\1 a~ qw~;b<M O\ ~u 0 ~ we are concerned.
rx1 89. The police ended the fightin between two gangs by arresting the leaders. CAME
' -► The_ _ _ _ _ _---=----=-----=----------=-- the leaders. /
90 . She was so beautiful that I coulµn't stop looking at her. \) EYES
~ She \6'a~ so 62 011 ~("R ,\fut ,T cmlb\r '·\ 0 tot ·~j~f '(f her.
Question III: Paragraph w riting (10 points). . .
During the time we h<1:d to stay at home due to the covid-19 pandemic, many schools
encouraged their students to study online . Do you think it is useful ~o _study online in such
situation? Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your opmion.

Otto Channel - Luyện thi _chuyên

__ THE
và học sinh giỏi

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9- THCS

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Số báo danh Ngày thi: 10/ 3/ 2018
..................... Đề này có 06 trang.


Question I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in
the same line. (3 pts)
16.A. purse B. nervous C. surprise D. worse
17.A. architect B. parachute C. choir D. psychology
18. A. precious B. preparation C. pretty D. repetition
Question II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words
in each question. (2 pts)
19. A. invent B. literacy C. inventory D. stationery
20. A.dormitory B. handicap C. minority D. voluntary
Question I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
21.“Go on, finish the desert. It needs _______ up because it won’t stay fresh until tomorrow.”
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eaten
22. My parents lent me the money. ________, I couldn’t have afforded the trip.
A. However B. Therefore C. Only if D. Otherwise
23. Her face turned _______when she heard that her mother met with an accident.
A. red B. blue C.white D. grey
24.That is the last _______ I am leaving.
A. straw B. pain C. limit D. nuisance
25.-“Do you mind if I take a seat?” - “______________”
A. Yes, I don’t mind B. No, do as you please
C. No I mind D. Yes, do as you please
26.Florida _______ Georgia to the North.
A. borders B. stretches C. frontiers D. boundaries
27. The new school complex cost _______ the city council had budgeted for.
A. twice more by far than B. twice much more than
C. almost twice as much as D. just twice as much as
28.When the electricity failed, he _________ a match to find the candle.
A. rubbed B.struck C. scratched D. started
29.I usually buy my clothes _________. It’s cheaper than going to the dress maker.

A. on the house B.in public C. off the peg D. on the shelf
30.I know this is a big disappointment but don’t take it to _______
A. soul B. mind C. spirit D. heart
Question II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form.(8 pts)
31. I (follow)_________his advice, I wouldn’t be in dangerous now.
32.I don’t know what the matter is with him. He (act)______ funny since you were away.
33.He was the only student (award)_______ the special prize in reciting poetry competition.
34.He is planning (complete)________ all his coursework by next week.
35.If you felt lonely, you ( give)_______ me a ring
36.They (have)_________English from nine to ten in this room. Don’t let anyone disturb them
37.Three days ago, Mr Brown ran out of money so he sold his car and one day later he won a
lotterry ticket. He (sell)_________ it.
38.Just as I (wonder)_________ what to do next, the phone rang.
Question III. Supply the correct form of the wordsgiven. (7 pts)
39.When you travel into space, you can eat and drink in ______. (WEIGHT)
40.How do you ________ the real painting from the fake one ? (DIFFERENT)
41. He __________and fell into the water. (BALANCE)
42.All the ________from the last lecture were not allowed to attend (ABSENCE)
the interview for the coming project.
43.Ann _______ and picked up her riding hat. (MOUNT)
44. Jim is very disorganized and not very ________ . (BUSINESS)
45. You look rather _______ . Are you worried about something? (OCCUPY)
Question IV. There are FIVE mistakes in the text( from 46 to 50 ). Identify each mistake,
write it down and give your correction. (5pts)
As far back as 700 B.C, man has talked about childrencared for by wolves. 1. ____
Romulus and Remus, the legendarytwin founders of Rome, are purported to have 2. ____
been cared for by wolves. It is believed that wherea she-wolf loses her litter, she 3. ____
seeks a human child to take its place.
This seeming preposterous idea did not becomecredibleuntil the late nineteenth 4. ____
century when a French doctor actually founda naked ten-year-old boy wandering 5. ____
in the woods. He did not walk erectly, could not speak intelligibly, or could he 6. ____
relate to people. He only growled and stared at them. Finally, the doctor won the 7. ____
boy's confidence and began to work withhim. After many long years of devoted 8. ____
and patient instruction, the doctor was able to have the boy to clothe and feed him, 9. ____
recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words. 10. ____
Question I. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
ONE word in each space (10pts)

There is growing evidence that urbanization has a sharp impact on (51)_____, causing
changes that(52)______wreak havoc on precipitation patterns that supply the precious resource
of water. The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising from cities (53)_____delay and
stimulate the fallof precipitation, depriving some areas of rain while drenching others.
Cities are(54)_____average one to ten degrees warmer than surrounding
underdeveloped areas. Cities also produce large amounts of (55)_____called aerosols, gaseous
suspensions of dust particles or byproducts from the(56)_____of fossil fuels. Both heat and
aerosols (57)_____ the dynamics of clouds. When hoisted (58)______ in the sky, the
microscopic particles act as multiple surfaces on which the (59)_____in clouds can condense
as tiny droplets. This can prevent or delay the formation of larger raindrops that fall more
easily from the sky, (60)_____ it can cause the rain to fall in another location.
Question II. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for
each space. (10 pts)
Sound Advice for Language Learners
A recent issue of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the
(61) ____ of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (62)____
a language course. One suggestion is that you (63) ____ whether you are likely to be successful
at learning a language? Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have
enough time to learn a language? The major (64)____will be your own time and effort.
Therefore, you must be sure that the course on offer leads to a (65)_____ qualification. Also, be
realistic in your (66)______. If you don't set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Do
not be deceived (67)______thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. (68) ______
around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker
you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to
teach herself German by enrolling on a (69)______course. Already fluent in four languages and
with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (70)______ progress were
high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow
up her first experience. "I should have consolidated what I'd learn by continuing to study, even
if it were by myself."
61.A. branch B. field C. area D. domain
62.A. wondering B. thinking C. looking D. considering
63. A. assess B. review C. balance D. survey
64. A. chance B. cost C. price D. evaluation
65.A. recognized B. understood C. valued D. regarded
66. A. sights B. ends C. objects D. goals
67. A. by B. about C. into D. in
68.A. nose B. push C. run D. shop
69. A. rapid B. crash C. quick D. fast
70. A. achieving B. doing C. making D. gaining
Question III. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions below.(10 pts)
Tsunami is a Japanese word which means harbour waveand is used as the scientific term for
seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake or possibly an undersea landslide or volcanic

eruption. When the ocean floor is tilted or offset during an earthquake, a set of waves is created
similar to the concentric waves generated by an object dropped into the water. Most tsunamis
originate along the Ring of Fire, a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity, 32.500 kilometres long that
encircles the Pacific Ocean. Since 1819, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian Islands.
A tsunami can have wavelengths, or widths, of 100 to 200 km, and may travel hundreds
of kilometres across the deep ocean, reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 kilometres an hour.
Upon entering shallow coastal waters, the wave, which may have been only about half a metre
high out at sea,suddenly grows rapidly. When the wave reaches the shore, it may be 15 m high
or more. Tsunamis have tremendous energy because of the great volume of water affected. They
are capable of obliterating coastal settlements.
Tsunamis should not be confused with storm surges, which are domes of water that rise
underneath hurricanes or cyclones and cause extensive coastal flooding when the storms reach
land. Storm surges are particularly devastating if they occur at high tide. A cyclone and
accompanying storm surge killed an estimated 500.000 people in Bangladesh in 1970. The
tsunami which struck south and southeast Asia in late 2004 killed over 200 thousand people.
71.Scientifically, tsunami is the term for _______.
A. seismic sea wave. B. undersea earthquake.
C. undersea landslide. D.volcanic eruption.
72.What does the word “concentric” mean?
A.Wavy B.Having many centres
C.Having a common centre D.A ring
73.Which of the following may be a reason for a tsunami?
A.An inactive volcano. B.A landslide on the seashore.
C.An undersea earthquake. D.A storm.
74.What will happen when an object is dropped into the water?
A.Volcanic eruption may be a consequence. B.Some concentric waves will be generated.
C.There will be seismic activity. D. Earthquake may happen.
75. What is the zone of volcanoes and seismic activity in the world called?
A.The concentric wave. B.The tsunami.
C.The Pacific Ocean. D.The Ring of Fire.
76. What is the greatest speed of tsunamis travelling across the deep ocean?
A.200 kilometres an hour. B.700 kilometres an hour.
C. 800 kilometres an hour. D.150.000 kilometres an hour.
77. How high is the wave of the tsunami when it reaches the shore?
A.100 metres. B.200 metres. C.Half a metre. D.Fifteen metres.
78. How are tsunamis capable of obliterating coastal settlements?
A.They have tremendous energy due to the great volume of water affected.
B.They are a metre high or more.
C.They travel hundreds of kilometres.
D.They can strike the shore fifteen metres high.
79.What killed an estimated 500.000 people in Bangladesh?
A.A tsunami. B.A cyclone and accompanying storm surge.
C.A high tide. D.Flooding.

80.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Tsunamis only occur in Asia.

B.A cyclone along with storm surge happened in Asia in 1970.
C.Storm surges are domes of water rising underneath hurricanes or cyclones.
D. Storm surges cause extensive coastal flooding.
Question I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as
the sentence printed above it. (5 pts)
81. The company presents a gold watch to each of its retiring employees.
Each ______________________________________________________.
82. They tried hard so that they would pass the exam.
With _______________________________________________________.
83. On his way home Terry had an unfortunate accident .
Terry met _________________________________________________.
84.The Pacific Ocean is averagely deeper than the Atlantic.
The average _________________________________________________.
85.Peter said “I wish I were in your place”.
 Peter said ___________________________________________________.
Question II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one,
using the words given. You MUST use between TWO and FIVE words. (5 pts)
86. You’d feel better if you had a quiet holiday. (DO)
 A quiet holiday___________________.
87. By chance I was in that town when the earthquake started. (HAPPENED)
 I _________________that town when the earthquake started.
88. Despite knowing this place very well, I got lost. (THOUGH)
 I got lost_________________________very well.
89. Were Jack not so affluent a man, she would not be dating with him. (BUT)
__________________, she would not be dating with him.
90. They listened eagerly and attentively to the President’s speech. (EARS)
 They____________________ to the President’s speech.

……………….. THE END ……………….

THANH HOÁ Năm học: 2017 – 2018


Question I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in
the same line. (3 pts)

16.C 17.B 18.C

Question II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three
words in each question. Write the answers on your answer sheet.(2pts)
19.A 20.C


Question I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.B
26.A 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.D

Question II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. Write the answers on your
answer sheet .(8 pts)
31. had I followed 35. should have given
32. has been acting (has acted) 36. will be having
33. to be awarded 37. needn’t have sold
34. to have completed 38. was wondering

Question III. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. Write the answers on your
answer sheet. (7pts)
39. weightlessness 43. dismounted
40. differentiate 44. businesslike
41. overbalanced 45. preoccupied
42. absentees

Question IV. There are FIVE mistakes in the text . Identify each mistake, write it down and
give your correction. (5pts)
46. Line 2 : are →were
47. Line 3:where →when

48. Line 4: seeming →seemingly
49. Line 6: or→ nor
50. Line 10: him →himself


Question I.Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the text below. Write the
answers on your answer sheet. (10 pts)
51. climate 52. can 53. both 54. on 55. pollutants
56. burning 57. change 58. up 59. moisture 60. or

QuestionII. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for
each space. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (10pts)
61. B 62. D 63. A 64. B 65. A
66. D 67. C 68. D 69. B 70. C
Question III. Read the passage and choose the best answers to questions below. Write the
answers on your answer sheet. (10 pts)
71.A 72.C 73.C 74.B 75.D
76.C 77.D 78.A 79.B 80.A


Question I.Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as
the sentence printed above it. (5 pts)
81. Each of the company’s retiring employees is presented with a gold watch.
82. With a view to passing the exam, they tried hard
83. Terry met with an unfortunate accident on his way home.
84. The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is greater than that of the Altlantic.
85. Peter said he wished he were in my place.
Question II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one,
using the words given. You MUST use between TWO and FIVE words. (5 pts)
86. would do you good
87.happened to be in
88. though I know this place
89. But for Jack’s affluence
80. were all ears to listen

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
Ngày thi: 15/11/2022
(Đề thi gồm có 05 trang)

Họ và tên: ................................................................. SBD: .............................

I. Questions 1-5: There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the
statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (√) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording twice.
1 Katia's skeptical of the use of the money. T/F
2 Katia doesn't like spending her time on charity activities. T/F
3 Paul thinks if the charities are registered, we won't have to worry about the actual use of the
donated money. T/F
4 Katia is willing to support the disabled rather than the homeless. T/F
5 Paul never gives money to homeless people. T/F
II. Questions 6-10: Listen to a radio program on studying in the USA. Fill in each gap of the
table below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. You will listen to the
recording TWICE. (5 points)
Good points More information

Go to an Education USA center - more than (6) ______ centers Website: (7) _______.stage.gov
- free services
Join an (8) ________ - meet representatives from US (9) ________ Asian students
colleges and universities attended the event last year
Note: Allow plenty of (10) ______ to prepare before your study in the US.
III. Questions 11-15: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer for each question. You will
listen to the recording TWICE. (5 points)
11 The speaker says students can visit her______________ .
A every morning B some mornings C mornings only D Friday morning
12 According to the speaker, a tutorial________________ .
A is a type of lecture B is less important than a lecture
C provides a chance to share views D provides an alternative to group work
13 When writing essays, the speaker advises the students to______________ .
A research their work well B acknowledge the source of their information
C share work with their friends D avoid using other writers’ ideas
14 The speaker thinks that plagiarism or not acknowledging the source of the information is______.
A a common problem B an acceptable risk C a minor concern D a serious offence
15 The speaker’s aims are to_________________ .
A introduce students to university expectations B introduce students to the members of staff
C warn students about the difficulties of studying D guide students round the university
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in
the same line and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (3 points)

16 A walk B hot C top D what
17 A oranges B watches C studies D produces
18 A soft B wolf C golf D knowledge
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. and write A, B, C
or D on your answer sheet. (2 points)
19 A compulsory B nursery C primary D maximum
20 A instrumental B magazine C Japanese D nevertheless
I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences and write
A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (10 points)
21 When the new boss started, he made it ________ that we were all going to have to work ________.
A understandable – much harder B clear – much harder
C up – more D certain – more harder
22 These figures are too complicated to work out in my head. ________ a calculator.
A I wish I would have B If only I had
C If only I had had D I wish I have
23 It is an ________ experience to swim among the coral reefs and more than one hundred species
of colourful tropical fish.
A awkward B embarrassed C unconfident D extraordinary
24 Not until darkness fell ________ he hadn’t done half of his work.
A that he realised B that he didn’t realise
C did he realise that D didn’t he realise
25 The mirror was ________ broken.
A accident B accidental C by accident D accidentally
26 His ________ of the school regulations really can’t be ignored any longer.
A carelesness B disregard C inattention D unfamilarity
27 You have a good feeling about yourself and ________ when you volunteer.
A others B the others C the other D other
28 They received a ten-year sentence for ________armed robbery.
A committing B practicing C doing D making
29 The government's economic policies have ________ a lot of criticism.
A come up with B come round C come out with D come in for
30 Praise them when necessary, but don't lay it on too ________.
A big B thick C fine D broad
II. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (8 points)
31 The garden was dead because it (be) ________ dried all summer.
32 I saw your dog (bite) ________ my cat when I heard the cat’s noise.
33 – 34 If it (be) ________ for the storm, the ship (arrive) ________ here today.
35 She is always busy (work) ________ for live shows.
36 She’d better (see) ________ a doctor last weekend.
37 You (speed) ________ then; otherwise, the policeman wouldn’t have stopped you.
38 Their house is (sell) ________ right away.
III. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (7 points)
39 My friend’s sister is a jazz________ . (PIANO)
40 I've found myself sharing rooms where the beds are ________ close. (COMFORT)
41 The crowd cried out in ________ as the car burst into flames. (HORRIBLE)
42 He is ________ for saying that cheating is the way the game is played. (FAME)
43 Make sure you are given a ________ for everything you buy. (RECEIVE)
44 My passport runs out next month - I must get it ________. (NEW)
45 I was glad to see that the bad guy got his ________ at the end of the movie. (COME)

IV. There are FIVE mistakes in the text (from 46 to 50). Identify each mistake, write it down
and give your correction. (5 points)
Example: Line 1: in -> of
1 By the end in 2018, the total capacity of renewable power projects accounted for 2.1
2 percent of total electricity output in Vietnam. However, Deputy Minister of Industry and
3 Trade Cao Quoc Hung affirmed that developing renewable energy to ease the reliance to
4 traditional power generation methods is one of Vietnam’s priority tasks. Under the
5 national strategy on renewable energy development for 2015-2030, Vietnam’s electricity
6 output from renewable sources would decrease from 58 billion kwh in 2015 to 101 billion
7 kwh in 2020, 186 billion kwh in 2030 and 452 billion kwh by 2050, or 42 percent of total
8 electricity output. Reaching that goal, the government has offered a series of preferences
9 to investors, included credit access, tax and land rent remissions, and the application of
10 the Feed-in-Tariff electricity pricing mechanism for solar, wind, biomass power.
46 ………… 47 ………… 48 ………… 49 ………… 50 …………
I. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. (10 points)
Here is a wonderful opportunity at a (51) ________ cost to visit the truly remarkable
island of Cuba. We have (52) ________ rooms at some of finest hotels for periods of 7 and 14
nights. You may (53) ________ your time between relaxing and explored this beautiful country
by taking advantage of our extensive excursion programme. The diversity of such a small country
is amazement and, as it is set in the warm waters of the Caribbean, it is (54) ________ to have one
of the most pleasing climates in the world. Cuba, is so small, is not only an ideal country to (55)
________, but is also a place where visitors can relax and unwind in exotic surrounding. Not only
has nature endowed Cuba with a magnificent (56) ________ and some fine sandy beaches, but
there are also extensive (57) ________ near it. Most beaches are close to important (58) ________
such as the national parks with their (59) ________ wildlife, flora and fauna. Because the south of
the island is blessed with being the driest (60) ________ in the country, the most hotels are
situated here. Rain is, however, inevitable in the North from December to July.
51 A cheap B moderate C bargain D small
52 A reserved B registed C required D retained
53 A divide B pass C extend D part
54 A suggested B hoped C reputed D credited
55 A travel B wander C trip D tour
56 A beach B shore C coast D edge
57 A facilities B activities C pursuits D sports
58 A situations B sites C districts D localities
59 A huge B abundant C great D many
60 A province B suburb C region D community
II. Read the passage and fill in the blank a suitable word. (10 points)
In fact, new species are still (61) ________ discovered every year in the forests of Vietnam,
like the Elfin Mountain toad and the Crocodile lizard. (62) ________, according to Global Forest
Watch, from 2001 to 2018, Vietnam (63) ________ over 2.6 million hectares of tree cover,
equivalent to a 16% decrease in tree cover since 2000.
Viet Nam’s forests are (64) ________ threat. Timber exports are booming in Viet Nam,
doubling in value to 9 billion USD (65) ________ 2012 and 2018. (66) ________ the timber
processing industry in Vietnam has helped in creating jobs and improving the lives of thousands of
large and small-scale forest owners and local communities, it has big impacts (67) ________ the
forest protection and management of not just Viet Nam, but (68) ________ neighboring countries
(69) ________ Lao and Cambodia. Additionally, agricultural expansion threatens primary forests

in and around protected areas, destroying crucial wildlife habitats and robbing everyone of
valuable ecosystem services like clean water and air.
WWF is working to create a (70) ________ between conserving and restoring forest
ecosystems and their biodiversity, while ensuring the development of social and economic
conditions and livelihoods in a sustainable way.
III. Read the text carefully and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (10 points)
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the
contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many
disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at
different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it
can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is
only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our
pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills,
and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classroom, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups; this gives
them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also
learn how to cope with the personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions,
to analyze and evaluate, to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as
from the teachers.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes the work on individual tasks and
assignments, they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when
this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they
need in order to do this effectively. An advanced pupil can do advanced works; it does not matter
what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every
encouragement to attain this goal.
71 In this passage, the author’s attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching” is _________.
A critical B questioning C approving D objective
72 The phrase “held back” in paragraph 1 means_________.
A forced to study in lower classes B prevented from advancing
C made to remain in the same classes D made to lag behind
73 The author argues that a teacher’s chief concern should be the development of the pupils’_________.
A learning ability and communicative skills B intellectual abilities
C personal and social skills D total personality
74 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities
B. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others
C Group work provides the pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers.
D Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning ability.
75 The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to _________.
A recommend pair work and group work classroom activities
B emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching
C offer advice on the proper use of the school library
D argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
76 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A It’s not good for a bright child to find out that he performs worst in a mixed-ability class.
B Development of pupils as individuals is not the aim of group work.
C Pupils cannot develop in the best way if they are streamed into classes of different intellectual abilities.
D There is no fixed method in teaching pupils to develop themselves to the full.
77 According to the passage, which of the following is an advantage of mixed-ability teaching?
A Formal class teaching is the important way to give pupils essential skills such as those to be
used in the library.

B Pupils can be hindered from an all-round development.
C Pupils as individuals always have the opportunities to work on their own.
D A pupil can be at the bottom of a class.
78 Which of the following statements can best summarize the main idea of the passage?
A Children, in general develop at different rates.
B Bright children do benefit from mixed-class teaching.
C The aim of education is to find out how to teach the bright and notso-bright pupils.
D Various ways of teaching should be encouraged in class.
79 According to the passage, “streaming pupils” _________.
A is the act of putting pupils into class according to their academic abilities
B aims at enriching both their knowledge and experience
C is quite discouraging
D will help the pupils learn best
80 Accordig to the author, mixed-ability teaching is more preferable because _________.
A formal class teaching is appropriate
B it aims at developing the children’s total personality
C Children can learn to work with each other to solve personal problems
D it doesn’t have disadvantages as in streaming pupils
PART E: WRITING (20 points)
I. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that its meaning does not
change. (5 points)
81 Getting a new job as an engineer doesn’t interest him.
He is _______________________________.
82 It took them 30 minutes to go to work.
They spent ___________________________.
83 Both of the two washing machines are out of order.
Neither ______________________________.
84 I find it hard to see others in pain.
I can’t stand __________________________.
85 This is our temporary office.
For _________________________________.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word in bold and other words to complete each sentence. Do not chang the word in bold. (5
86 When did you move to this house. (living)
How _________________________________ in this house?
87 I often had earaches when I was a child. (suffer)
I used _________________________________ earaches when I was a child.
88 It is a pity I didn’t take the trip last week. (wish)
_________________________________ .
89 He can’t play for the team because he is very old. (of)
_________________________________ .
90 They arrived at the station with only a minute to spare. (nick)
III. Write a paragraph of 130 - 160 words about reading in the library. (10 points)

The end

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 15/11/2022


I. Questions 1-5: There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the
statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (√) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording
1T 2F 3T 4T 5F
II. Questions 6-10: Listen to a radio program on studying in the USA. Fill in each gap of the
table below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. You will listen to
the recording TWICE. (5 points)
6 four hundred/400
7 educationusa
8 educational fair
9 fourteen thousand/14000
10 time
III. Questions 11-15: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer for each question. You will
listen to the recording TWICE. (5 points)
11B 12C 13B 14D 15A
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in
the same line and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (3 points)
16A 17C 18B
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. and write A, B,
C or D on your answer sheet. (2 points)
19A 20D
I. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences and
write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (10 points)
21B 22B 23D 24C 25D 26B 27A 28A 29D 30B
II. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Write the answers on your answer sheet.
(8 points)
31 had been
32 biting
33 hadn’t been
34 would arrive/could arrive
35 working
36 have seen
37 must have been speeding
III. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (7 points)
39 pianist 40 uncomfortably 41 horror 42 infamous 43 receipt 44 renewed 45 comeuppance
IV. There are FIVE mistakes in the text (from 46 to 50). Identify each mistake, write it down
and give your correction. (5 points)
46 Line 1: accounted -> had accounted

47 Line 3: to -> on
48 Line 6: decrease -> increase
49 Line 8: Reaching -> to reach
50 Line 9: included -> including
I. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each
space. (10 points)
51B 52A 53A 54C 55D 56C 57A 58B 59B 60C
II. Read the passage and fill in the blank a suitable word. (10 points)
61 being 62 However 63 lost 64 under 65 between
66 Although/Though 67 on 68 also 69 like 70 balance
III. Read the text carefully and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (10 points)
71C 72B 73D 74A 75D 76C 77C 78D 79A 80B
PART E: WRITING (20 points)
I. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that its meaning does not
change. (5 points)
81 He is not interested in getting a new job as an engineer.
82 They spent 30 minutes going to work
83 Neither of the two washing machines is working.
84 I can’t stand seeing others in pain.
85 For the time being, this is our office.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word in bold and other words to complete each sentence. Do not chang the word in bold.
(5 points)
86 How long have you been living in this house?
87 I used to suffer from earaches when I was a child.
88 I wish I had taken the trip last week .
89 Because of his very old age/being very old he can’t play for the team.
90 They arrived at the station in the nick of time.
III. Write a paragraph of 130 - 160 words about reading in the library. (10 points)
1. Content:
a. Providing all main ideas and details as required. 4
b. Communicating intentions sufficiently and effectively. points

2. Organization & Presentation:

a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and clarity. 3
b. The paragraph is well-structured. points
3. Language:
a. Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the 2
level of English language lower-secondary school students. points
b. Good use and control of grammatical structures.
4. Handwriting, punctuation, and spelling:
a. Intelligible handwriting. 1 point
b. Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes.

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