O.C Answer Paper

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); )\t11~~t4r-tf\::tg> t;_,j {::i;;;~i~HJ~~i1;rJ!l
Q. 1 Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentences.
(1) Flexible (2) intengible (3) More (4) Lok Adalat
Q.2 Complete the sentences
(1) Banco (2) Mahatma gandhi (3) Staffing (4) Supreme court
Q.3 Fined the odd ,one out.
(1) Indoor games
(2) Creating goodwill (3) People
organisation of Commerce & Management- XII
Q .4. Case s_tudy
35 •

(l) (i) A child insurance policy is a saving cum investment plan that is designed to meet child furu~e
financial needs. ~o this policy is suitable for Mr. Jayan
(ii) Mr. Jayan,s Children are the beneficiaries
(iii) Principle of insurable interest.

(2) (i) The organisation manufacturin g paints has neglected "Responsibilit y towar~s society/ commun~tyI
public in General,,. This is because it has been dumping untreated poisonous waste on the nver
bank. This has created many health problems for the nearby villages.
(ii) By dumping untre!lted poisonous waste on the river bank they are creating ~ater pollution., •
' . ,

(iii) The manufacturin g organisation must use effective pollution control measures. They should follow
proper waste management techniques and not dump the waste on the riv~r bank. •
(3) (i) P\}rchasing watch from titan shop by Satvik is traditional business. because he 1s purchasing
from a physical store. , . . . . . • . - -•
(ii) Purchasing watch from online business is e-business ·because the purchase is made through,
online store through Internet
. .
(iii) E-business involves high business risk. This is because chances of fraud is more and it is not easy
to take legal action. '
(4) (i) Mr. X. purchases goods from the local market' A local market is the_ m~ket for the·commodities
which are sold within the geographical limits ·of a region. •
(ii) Mr. Y. deals in' I~ternational market.' The market for the coIIUI19dities which .are pr~uced in one
country and sold in other counties is called as international market. ' •
.(iii) Mr. Z. purchases from ''National Market' The market for the commodities which are sold within the··
country is ~own as national market. • •

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