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ID :- 2100031641




Access Your Object Storage Service:

Open the web console or management interface

for your chosen object storage service. You'll
typically need an account and login credentials.

2. Navigate to Bucket Creation:

Look for options related to "buckets,"
"storage," or "object storage." Different
services might offer slightly different menus
and layouts.

3. Choose a Compartment/Namespace
Some services, like Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure, organize buckets within
compartments/namespaces. If applicable, select
the desired compartment where you want your
bucket to reside.
4. Create the Bucket:
Look for a "Create Bucket" button, menu
option, or action. This will open a form for
configuring your bucket properties.

5. Define Bucket Name:

Provide a unique and descriptive name for your
bucket. Follow the naming conventions of your
chosen service.
6. Set Access Permissions (Optional):
Configure the visibility and access control
mechanisms for your bucket. Choose between
public, private, or fine-grained access control
lists (ACLs) based on your desired level of
security and accessibility.

7. Select Storage Tier (Optional):

Some services offer different storage tiers with
varying performance and cost considerations.
Choose the tier that best fits your needs and
8. Configure Versioning (Optional):
Enable versioning if you want to retain
historical versions of objects stored in the
bucket. This can be helpful for disaster
recovery or auditing purposes.

9. Add Tags (Optional):

Attach relevant tags to your bucket for easier
organization and identification within your
object storage environment.
10. Create the Bucket:
Review your configuration and confirm the
creation of the bucket. This might involve
clicking a "Create" button or confirming a final
11. Verify Bucket Creation:

Once created, your new bucket should appear

in the list of buckets within your chosen

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