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ALM-1 & ALM-2(CSC)

1) protect data s3 aganist accidental delection

Step 1: Enable S3 Versioning

1) Log in to AWS Console:

2. Navigate to the S3 Management Console:

Open the Amazon S3 console.

3. Select the Bucket:

Choose the bucket for which you want to enable versioning
4) Enable Versioning:
Click on the "Properties" tab. Under the "Advanced settings," find
the "Versioning" card.
Click on "Enable versioning."

Step 2: Set Up MFA Delete (Optional but recommended):

1. Enable MFA Delete:

In the "Versioning" card, click on "Edit."
Enable MFA Delete and follow the prompts to associate an MFA
Step 3: Implement Object Lock:
1. Navigate to the S3 Management Console:
2. Open the Amazon S3 console.

3. Select the Bucket:

Choose the bucket for which you want to enable Object Lock.
Enable Object Lock:
Click on the "Properties" tab.
Under the "Advanced settings," find the "Object Lock" card.
Click on "Edit" and enable Object Lock.

STEP 4:- Set Up Proper IAM Policies:

Ensure that Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies
are configured correctly to control who has the permission
to delete objects and modify bucket settings.

1. Navigate to the IAM Console:

Open the IAM console.
2. Create or Update Policies:

Create or update policies to grant the minimum necessary

permissions for managing S3 objects and buckets.

STEP 5:- Regularly Monitor S3 Events:

Set up CloudWatch alarms and S3 event notifications to receive
alerts on actions that modify or delete objects. This will help you
quickly respond to any unexpected changes.
1. Configure Event Notifications:
In the S3 Management Console, go to the "Properties" tab.
Under "Events," configure event notifications for relevant actions.

STEP 6:- Regularly Backup Data:

Perform regular backups of your data to an offsite location or
another AWS region to further safeguard against accidental
deletions or data corruption. By following these steps, you can
significantly enhance the security of your data in Amazon S3 and
reduce the risk of accidental deletions.

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