LP9 With Attached Worksheets - Elements and Compounds That Are Useful To Humans

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GRADE 1 School Mariano Marcos Memorial Grade Level

TO 12 Grade 7
DAILY High School
LESSON Date Learning Area Science
Day Quarter First
LP No. 9
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of classifying substances as elements or compounds
B. Performance The learners shall be able to: make a chart, poster, or multimedia presentation of common elements
Standards showing their names, symbols, and uses
C. Learning The learners should be able to: Recognize important elements and compounds that are useful to humans.
Competencies/ S7MT-Ig-h-5.3
Objectives. Write
the LC code for
II. CONTENT “Elements and Compounds that are useful to humans”

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages Science Links (Worktext in Science and Technology 7) by Meliza Valdoz, Jonna M. Abistado and Jan
Jason M. Mariano, Rex bookstore
Science Proficiency Workbook (Integrated Science I) by Antonio Coloma, DIWA Learning Systems, Inc.
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
5. Other Learning
ELICIT (5 mins)
A. Reviewing previous Recall
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

Sample food label

Identify the compounds in the product label and the

B. Establishing constituent elements.
a purpose for the lesson
ENGAGE (5 mins)
1. Identify at least 12 elements found in human body.
2. State the importance of these elements in maintaining a
healthy body.
3. Describe the effect on one’s health when the body is
deficient in these elements.
2. Give suggestions on how to correct deficiencies in these
C. Presenting examples/ elements.
instances of new lesson
Think Aloud Chart
Look at the picture below and complete the statement in the

Unlocking of Word Difficulty

resources, elements, compounds
EXPLORE (15 mins)
D. Discussing new
concepts and Activity 1: Element Story
practicing new Read a story about a chemist castle
skills #1 Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a famous
scientist called Mendeleev. He lived in a huge castle that had
walls made of gold. Mendeleev loved to have parties where
he could invite all his friends to tea that he made in his giant
copper teapot. He would blow up balloons with helium gas
and hang them from the castle walls. He would give his
guests beautiful cups and plates made from silver and they
would eat fish finger sandwiches with lots of salt and activity worksheets
vinegar. The guests loved Mendeleev’s parties because they
always finished with fireworks, made from iron and
magnesium, which filled the sky with beautiful colors.
One day Mendeleev made a mistake. When he was filling his
party balloons, he used hydrogen instead of helium gas. At
the end of the party when the fireworks went off, the balloons
caught fire with a “BANG”, and everyone was very scared.
Luckily, the castle had carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to
put the fire out. From this day forward Mendeleev always
labels his gas jars carefully, using the name and symbol for
the gas.

Guide Question:
1. Underline all the different elements in this story.
2. Find the symbols for these elements in your periodic table.
What group and period are each element in?
3. Find two compounds in this story. Write their names and
chemical formulas.
4. Why is it wrong to say that carbon dioxide is an element?
Explain your answer.
5. Why is it wrong to say that bread is a compound? Explain
your answer.

Activity 2: Living It Up
Directions: Read and analyze the situation. Follow what is
being asked to do.
You are newly hired writer in a publishing company that
wants to develop a nontraditional approach in teaching
science. You have suggested creating comic book characters
based on elements found in the human body so that chemistry
students will realize the importance of these elements in
E. Discussing new maintaining a healthy body. Draw a sample comic strip
concepts and practicing containing 3-6 panels and featuring 5-7 essential elements
new skills #2 and how they work in the body. Represent each element as a
character and include villains in your storyline. Include the
problems the body might experience if there are deficiency in
these elements. Suggest ways on how these conditions can be
The editor will check your work based on:
a. its visual and character appeal;
b. the appropriateness of the words to the Activity Worksheets
targeted level; and
c. the clarity of the lesson it tries to convey.

Guide Question:
1. Elements are classified as nonliving things. How do you
think were they able to start life?
2. Is an element not needed by living things a useless
substance? Justify your answer.

EXPLAIN (5 mins)
F. Developing mastery The teacher will let the students explain what they
(leads to Formative learned from the activity.
Assessment Three Ws:
-Let the students to give the summary of what they learned Science notebook
for the day. Then, state the importance of the things they
learned and how they would apply the things they learned.
ELABORATE (10 mins)
Valuing/ Application
What are the most common periodic table elements used in
everyday life? You, and every living thing on Earth, are a
G. Finding applicants of mix of mostly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, with smaller Science notebook
concepts and skills in amounts of things like sulfur, chlorine, calcium, iron,
daily living phosphorous, nitrogen, sodium, and potassium.

Chemical compound-substance composed of identical

molecules, these compounds consisting of atoms of two or
more chemical elements. Compounds are classified in two,
that are organic and inorganic. Organic compounds were
originally isolated from living organisms. The compounds
that are not considered to be organic are called inorganic
compounds. Chemical compounds are used for our daily
uses, such as Baking powder used in cooking, table salt
(NaCl) used in cooking, mouthwash personal hygiene,
washing soda(Na2CO3.10H2O) used in cleaning.

Key Ideas:
1. Elements are essential in everyday processes.
H. Making 2. Elements lose their original properties when they react
generalizations and with other elements.
abstractions about the 3. The human body contains several essential elements
lesson needed to sustain life.

I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE (5 mins)

The activity worksheets served as the assessment for the day.

J. Additional activities EXTEND (5 mins)

for application or Assignment
remediation Research for products label other than food such as medicine,
household cleaning products, cosmetics. Identify the
elements and compound listed on those labels. Place it in
their notebook.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Ms. Abigail R. Jasmin ________________ Ms. Dulce S. Ortega
Science Teacher MT in charge (Gr.7) Head Teacher VI, Science


WORKSHEET 1: Element Story

Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score_________________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date_____________

Objective: State some elements and compounds found in the environment and their importance to
living things.

Big Ideas:
1. Elements are essential in everyday processes.
2. Elements lose their original properties when they react with other elements.

Directions: Read a story about a chemist castle.

Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a famous scientist called Mendeleev. He lived in a huge castle that had
walls made of gold. Mendeleev loved to have parties where he could invite all his friends to tea that he made in his giant
copper teapot. He would blow up balloons with helium gas and hang them from the castle walls. He would give his guests
beautiful cups and plates made from silver and they would eat fish finger sandwiches with lots of salt and vinegar. The
guests loved Mendeleev’s parties because they always finished with fireworks, made from iron and magnesium, which
filled the sky with beautiful colors.
One day Mendeleev made a mistake. When he was filling his party balloons, he used hydrogen instead of helium gas. At
the end of the party when the fireworks went off, the balloons caught fire with a “BANG”, and everyone was very scared.
Luckily, the castle had carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to put the fire out. From this day forward Mendeleev always
labels his gas jars carefully, using the name and symbol for the gas.

Guide Question:

1. Underline all the different elements in this story.

2. Find the symbols for these elements in your periodic table and write them. What group and period are each element in?

3. Find two compounds in this story. Write their names and chemical formulas.

4. Why is it wrong to say that carbon dioxide is an element? Explain your answer.

5. Why is it wrong to say that bread is a compound? Explain your answer.



WORKSHEET 2: Living It Up
Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score_________________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date_____________

Objectives: Identify at least 12 elements found in human body.
State the importance of these elements in maintaining a healthy body.
Describe the effect on one’s health when the body is deficient in these elements.
Give suggestions on how to correct deficiencies in these elements.

Big Ideas:
1. Elements are essential in everyday processes.
2. Elements lose their original properties when they react with other elements.
3. The human body contains several essential elements needed to sustain life.

Read and analyze the situation. Follow what is being asked to do.
You are newly hired writer in a publishing company that wants to develop a nontraditional approach in teaching science.
You have suggested creating comic book characters based on elements found in the human body so that chemistry
students will realize the importance of these elements in maintaining a healthy body. Draw a sample comic strip
containing 3-6 panels and featuring 5-7 essential elements and how they work in the body. Represent each element as a
character and include villains in your storyline. Include the problems the body might experience if there are deficiency in
these elements. Suggest ways on how these conditions can be corrected.
The editor will check your work based on:
a. its visual and character appeal;
b. the appropriateness of the words to the targeted level; and
c. the clarity of the lesson it tries to convey.


Guide Questions:
1. Elements are classified as nonliving things. How do you think were they able to start life?

2. Is an element not needed by living things a useless substance? Justify your answer.

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