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477th Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 16 2023

第 477 次求知者研讨会 2023 年 3 月 16 日

(Transcription, Proofing done)
(Auto transcription by Elias)

(: 08).

K- Yes, good morning good day to you as usual wherever and whenever you listen to
these series of Knowledge Seekers Workshops (KSW) of the Keshe Foundation SSI, we
welcome you back. As Rick said, to share knowledge and that's the whole purpose of
these teachings.
是的,早上好,像往常一样祝你一天好,无论何时何地,你都可以收听 KESHE 基金会 SSI 的

We're the ones who know, and they share, and the ones who listen might add their
knowledge to it, to share with the others the more. In today's teaching we go back to
some of our old tradition, (:10). making a few announcements in the beginning and then
going back into teaching. First of all I would like to give the best regards for the Iranian
New Year on Tuesday, as we'll not meet until after the New Year. It's the beginning of
Spring and a new beginning. I give my best wishes to all the Iranians and those who
believe in the path of Mitra.

We made some announcements last week because of shortage of time, in the short
teaching session. Some "bundles for Easter" which have been made available. And we
have made announcements regarding the meeting with the world leaders on the 24th next
Friday. Join with us in that, that we can bring the change. We have some ambassadors,
and a couple of presidents will be on line of us, if they want to join themselves, or they
stay on the VPN on the background in different channels, unless they send a message
they want to come in, we keep the same.
套餐”。我们已经就下周五 24 日与世界领导人的会晤发表了声明。加入我们,我们可以带
同的频道上留在后台的 VPN 上,除非他们发出他们想加入的信息,我们保持不变。

We have done a session 2 Sundays ago regarding eating, dining with the Creator. And
one of the last week, and the week before we provided the food, our Knowledge Seekers
(KS), then they brought their food. We would like to meet with you on Sunday at 12
o'clock, those of you who participated in this. And understand why and how this
happened, what emotions, what feelings, what has brought you, and that process, how we
can bring, (:12). for you to learn to eat from the table of the Universe (U).
前一周,我们的知识寻求者(KS),然后他们带来了他们的食物。我们想在周日 12 点与你

When you go to space you do not have "chicken and chips" or Sushi or the rest of it. But
somewhere down the line we need energies. What did you learn? How do you gather
energies from the U? How do you feed yourself? Part of this will be given to you through
the Soul this Sunday, and part of it you will learn to do.

Some of you have already had a profound understanding of the process, and become wise
to look beyond. And you understand one thing very simple, when you are on a condition
of the physicality (P) to be connected to that physical condition, you need to have a
connection. Which means to give and take. It does not mean to kill another object, or
destroy it for it to take, but live in harmony with the fields of that environment. In a way,
we learn to live with the energies of the environment, and not to destroy to gain energies
of the environment.

In that process we learned a lot more. We learned that the life is without pain, without
illness, because the body balances itself. In that process we become much more wiser in
every aspects of knowledge of Creation.

Then on April, we have put addiction (Session). It will be good to have every KS to come
into that session, (:14). because it's on the back of what we did 2 weeks ago. Food is an
addiction. Killing to survive in the name of wheat, rice, lamb, chicken is an addiction. How can we
get rid of this addiction, and tap into the Universal Energy?
然后在四月,我们把上瘾(会议)。如果每个 KS 都能参加会议,那就太好了,(:14)。

The addiction is not as most of you think, even though some of you will see that, with
alcohol and drugs. Killing is an addiction. What you love is an addiction. And how do we
handle it? We call it hunger and we kill for it. We go hunting for it? When we talk about
addiction it's beyond understanding of physicality. Abuse is addiction, when you go from
one condition one situation to another, and meet the same condition, there is an addiction,
because that condition gives you certain energies, certain impact, certain emotions.

Then you understand how through the addiction, we can even stop what we call bullying. How our
children are addicted to it. Power, possessing power. After meeting the world
leaders next week, is an addiction. And this is the purpose of the addiction session on, in
April. We are not going to give you a solution for cocaine or alcohol, we're going to
elevate the Soul of the Man (STM) to understand not to be shackled, with the repetition,
to a need to be connected. (:16).
不要被束缚,通过重复,需要被连接。(: 16).

Because what is the biggest frame of the addiction, which many of you have not even
come to understand, is a flight becomes an addiction. Separation of the Soul from the
physicality is a worst addiction, that actually touches many, many creatures of the
Creator. If you get in the habit of going, traveling. As we say, you get an "itchy foot." What
happens when you get an "itchy" Soul? And then what's the next step?

The addiction is how we develop this process. All our teachings is to bring man to be part
of the Universal Community. All our teachings is targeted for man to ?? leave the village
of Earth. And so when we talk about these things, we make it two ways one for the
physicality, and one for the energy pack we call the STM. What is next?
两种方式,一种是肉体,另一种是我们称之为 STM 的能量包。接下来是什么?

We see how energies coming together in combination of the carbon (C), hydrogen (H),
nitrogen (N), or oxygen (O), which is part of the "Mr. COHN," in a stronger fields
become addiction to cocaine. Just go and look at the chemical, chemistry binding of
addiction materials. Even sex has an addiction chain. You can see it. How many carbons
it carries. How many H it carries. Then now, change the same C and H into the dimension
of the carbon 14 (C14), and Deuterium. (:18).
学结合。即使是性也有成瘾链。你可以看到它。它携带了多少碳。它携带了多少个 H.然后
现在,将相同的 C 和 H 改变为碳 14(C14)和氘的尺寸。(: 18).
In the last week's teaching, we touched on the balances, on the equality, on similarity
between these. But I'm sure many of you did not come to comprehend what's the next
step. You have the combination of what we call, C, H, O, and N. If we do it properly and
understand it, it's actually the H is the back, you have the C, which links created out of it,
you have the O, which is the interaction of the two, depending on the dimension, and N is
your energy collector. But you talk about C12 in the dimension of the physicality. You
have a H in that dimension (D). These two (O & N) are dictated by position.
多人并没有理解下一步是什么。你有我们所说的 C,H,O 和 N 的组合,如果我们正确地理
解它,它实际上是 H 是背面,你有 C,它是由它产生的链接,你有 O,它是两者的相互作
用,取决于维度,N 是你的能量收集器。但是你在肉体的维度上谈论 C12。你在那个维度
(D)上有一个 H.这两个(O&N)由位置决定。

But go back to understanding the process of the Creation in the dimension of the
Universe. You have now very simply, a parallel, you have deuterium (H2) you have C14. What
are the other two (for the O & N)?
C14。另外两个是什么(对于 O&N)?

When we speak about Universal magnetic fields common denominator we always speak
about the Deuterium (:20). not the H. In an energetic plasmatic condition of what you
call, the H with a combination of the C on planet Earth creates H2O. From plasmatic
point of view, which man has never considered, this is an odor (the H2O), that's why it
can become a vapor, it can stay in liquid condition. Because when we speak about water,
as man does, we have one thing, you have a central gravitational point of the Earth,
which creates the gravity. This creates a field call it, atmosphere. In this atmosphere, the
combination of the H & O creates liquid. Without this central gravity and containment of
the magnetic fields. This will not happen (creation of water). Otherwise we would have
had water all over the Universe.
当我们谈论宇宙磁场的公分母时,我们总是谈论氘(:20)。不是 H.在你所说的高能等离
子体条件下,地球上的 H 和 C 的结合产生了 H2O.从等离子体的角度来看,人类从来没有考
它产生了重力。这创造了一个叫做“大气”的领域。在这种气氛中,H&O 的结合产生了液

It's the same thing as we always taught you, the minute you put something in your mouth,
this is the matter state in the dimension of here (Earth's atmosphere). Once it enters the
mouth of the man, and the intestine, this is another gravitational magnetic field. (:22). The water
does not behave as water, as outside. Now behaves as a plasma. So, the body
of the man creates his own magnetic gravitational field and uses the same fields of the
water. Where in the dimensional gravitational magnetic fields of the Earth, the condition
creates liquidity, you're liquid, you're water.
度中的物质状态。一旦它进入人类的口腔和肠道,这就是另一个重力磁场。(: 22).水的

So, when we look in the dimension of the Creation, we have to see what combination,
what state of matter manifestation comes into. How come the combination of COHN
gives us life, gives us amino acid (AA), but when we mix other 4 chemicals, we have no
life. It's a solid. You make alloys you put Zinc, nickel, copper, everything else in it. Dimension of
intelligence, how this combination leads to intelligence and life is what will
be concerned of your Soul in the dimension of physicality of the Man in the Space.
科恩的组合给了我们生命,给了我们氨基酸(AA),但当我们混合其他 4 种化学物质时,

This is why we explain once the man understands the principle of Creation, he has to
understand where his dynamism (is), that Creation can leads to intelligence, creation of
emotion, creation of life.

What we call AA, is the fundamental base for Creation of life intelligence, not just
protein as meat, or protein as life. (:24). AA on its own has no intelligence. It's the liquid
dynamic structure in interaction with calcium, in interaction with other elements, in
interaction with Zinc, creates physicality, creates emotion, it creates brain cells.
我们所说的 AA,是创造生命智慧的根本基础,而不仅仅是作为肉类的蛋白质,或者作为生
命的蛋白质。(: 24).AA 本身没有智能。它是液体的动态结构,与钙相互作用,与其他元
Now, we come to understand how man has to understand his position in the Universe. It
all depends how we enter this magnetic field (of Earth's atmosphere). Be the Earth, be it
the dimension in the Universe, or be it across within the satellites of planetary galaxies,
or universes. Not all the stars, not all the planetary systems are within galaxies. In the
Universe, what we see, where galaxies are, in between we see matter state, we see stars
which don't belong to any galaxies. But are created from the interaction of the fields of
the galaxies, or Universal fields.

The same is you change the galaxy to universes. In the Unicose amongst and between the
universes, are life, existences. This is MaGrav positioning. (:26). This is where the two
universes space each other to live. And in that position, there is life. As there is life
between the galaxies. As there is life, on Earth in different structures, we have the fish,
we have the man who lives on it, and we have the creatures above us, which now we have
observed. That we have videoed them. We have recorded them through the flights we
have, we see live above us.
马格拉夫的定位。(: 26).这是两个宇宙相互间隔的地方。在那个位置上,有生命。因为

So, there is a life beyond that. There is a life between the Earth and the Moon. There is a
life structure between the Earth and the Sun. As there is life between our Solar System
and a neighboring ?? solar system. It comes in natural process of interaction of the fields.

The way deuterium as a H travels, and is a structure becomes C creates this dimension of
magnetic fields. It creates that what we call, "luminous night" (how we see start at night)
we see through. Then we understand there is nowhere in the Universe, that there is no
life, there is no energy. What we call energy to be magnetic fields in motion. Life is not
exclusivity of this planet, never been, never shall be, and anyone who claims it, is fooling

So we have to learn that we had the cat, the dog, the sheep, ?? the tree here, we learned
how to live with them, how are we going to live with the life beyond the surface of Earth,
beyond the atmospheric condition of the Earth. Or within the atmospheric condition of
the Earth? (:28).
条件下?(: 28).

We always look down because we thought we are on the top, we are superior. We are a
bottom eaters. As I always said, as NASA has shown us we are living on this surface, and
they have shown us there is a life above us, but falls down we eat, and we call it energy
packs. We see them moving. We have recorded them. They have intelligence, they decide
to repeat the same cycle of motion in the same area.

In a way we are all "cuts," if you know what "cut" means. The cut in English language,
the fish, is a bottom eater eats anything. And man in effect is a cut, from what comes up
from the above in the gaseous level to the solid level. It's like when you throw food
overboard in an ocean, some is eaten by the fish on the top, the rest goes to the bottom,
and the bottom eaters eat it. It could be 10 meters, could be 10,000 meters to the bottom. And we
are at the bottom of the gaseous level.
可能是 10 米,也可能是 10000 米。我们在气体水平的底部。
We have never considered life above us because we always looked down, because this
gave us a confidence of superiority. We only look up when we ask for the Creator,
whether the point of weakness, or we demand something. But if you look deep enough, if
man creates "night vision glasses" as "energy vision glasses," we'll see life above us. We
are amongst other fishes. Are they more intelligent then us, who have taken no shape of
physicality (P), (:30). but the interaction of the plasma fields show us. Or do they have
intelligence that does not match us. It is very much like we see the fish and others in the

What is the outcome? What is, and how is it going to be? Can we even get to that point to
live in an atmosphere of our own environment? Can we become one of them? Can we
lose the physicality as a bone structure and become a plasma to be free floating around
this planet, which we haven't even mastered of it? We always ignored it, because it shows
the lack of our understanding of our own environment.

Becoming a Man of Universe is not an easy job. It's like a boy wanting to become a man. My
grandfather used to tell me, going to Europe is not learning to urinate against a wall
standing up. Because in Islamic world, you cannot urinate, when you stand, you have to
sit that you don't splash it. And standing to do it, is a sign of becoming Westernized. By
learning from the West does not, that you become more human. You lose your humanity.

Now you understand, but becoming a man of space does not become, gives us the right. And to
think, that now become a space and the others are looking at us, because we found
out how to do it with the Soul, (:32). than before they did. Then from there they learned
from us. Then become arrogant, and we fall in the same fallacy of you're the king of the
Creation, God forbids. We killed two animals, we've called ourselves the king of, the
king of the land. Now if we learn and we've been given the gift of the knowledge of the,
what we call, transmutation energy transfers of the Universe, would man in the future call
himself the king of the Universe?

Man is fallible, man will destroy his physicality, but cannot destroy his Soul. Then, in the
process of the Creation, all we look for, all we sit for, is how and where this combination
of interaction of the fields come from. What can we do with it? And what gives us
energies, that puts us outside the frame of the physical boundaries? We call it, cocaine
addiction, they're in a different world.

But just go on the Internet and look at the chain of the existence of cocaine. How much,
into what strength, connect to these two. We are addicts created out of the absorption of
the energy of the Universe from the minute we were created when Mr. COHN connected
with CH3, the original sugar. All our energies, we call it sugars. Interaction of expansion
of movement we call it, sugars, (:34). comes from the interaction of the two key field
forces of the Universe, "piggyback" and housing of it. When you look at it, in this
atmosphere, we created the H and O in the dimension of ?? physicality.
子,从我们被创造出来的那一刻起,我们就吸收了宇宙的能量,当科恩先生与 CH3(最初的
候,在这个大气中,我们创造了 H 和 O 的维度。?物质性。

In the dimension of the Universe we have the same position. C14 creates the environment
for hydrogen and deuterium to live, to expand and to be able to move across. The way we
在宇宙的维度中,我们有相同的位置。C14 为氢和氘创造了生存、膨胀和移动的环境。我们
talk about the rays and the fields when it comes to light, or to photons, we have the same
proposition with C14 and deuterium. When you see in the dimension of a star, you are on
the rays of the Universe. When you manifest it, when they come to the point of
interaction of manifestation, then they become fields. How many rays you have to put
together to make that field?
谈到光线和场,当涉及到光或光子时,我们对 C14 和氘也有同样的看法。当你看到一颗恒

As I always teach to the children, when I teach them. I say, look at this, this is a farming
land, this is a land. You put the road in it (down the middle of the land), this is a ray. When you
put so many of the rays next to each other, they need the space. They become
fields. Field of rice, where the road goes through, or where the line of rice goes. Then it's
not a field, it's just a road. It's just a ray. (:36). When you put too many rows of rice
together, you have a field of rice.
方。那它就不是一块地,只是一条路。只是一条射线。(: 36).当你把太多行水稻放在一

But in the Universe is simple, the interaction of these rays creates a field, we call it C14,
where the hydrogen ?? is a deuterium, it's the road, the pathway. If our scientists
understand this, then they can decide even at any point in the Universe, to create a new
star. Because the interaction of the plasma with these two, will bring the dimension of the
fields to interact, to live, and to become a part of the structure of the Totality.
但在宇宙中很简单,这些射线的相互作用产生了一个场,我们称之为 C14,其中氢??是

Then you understand, when I tell you, your Soul of the Man (STM), Earth is what we
call, a greenhouse. Earth is the nursery of these points, that when they find the
gravitational magnetic field strength, MaGrav of themselves in a given point in the
interaction with the rest of the fields, create a new cycle, we call it, a planetary system, a
star system, or whatever, or a dust in the space.

Our Soul is taken, travels through the fields and through the rays to the point where it
finds its balance, in respect to itself, to its environment ?? and to the field of the Universe,
and the stars, the seed of a new life. Does not need to be physical, as life lives in the
dimension of plasma transfer.

Then you understand how man's Soul is important. (:38). When you put a dirty clothing
outside you don't expect it to clean itself. You wash it clean, and let the environment to
dry it for you, to have it ready for you to be used in a perfect condition. So is the STM.
So man has to carry no what I call, dirt within their Soul of Physicality (STP), that when
it's left in space in the Universe creates another mayhem of killing, because the
physicality remembered how to kill to live for his own satisfaction. As I always say, don't
wash your dirty clothes in public. Do not carry the essence of the killing and injustice
across the Universe.
那你就明白人的灵魂有多重要了。(: 38).当你把一件脏衣服放在外面时,你不会指望它

Because if you go back to all the teaching, we always said, the STM and the STP is
within it. If this little chap still remembers how to kill, when he takes over, what is he
going to do? Do the same as it's done here. This is why we say that killing, destruction of
other type of lives and living, has to become washed away from the nature of the man's
energy pattern of STP, has a reason. Addiction to kill has to move out of the STP of the
man. Otherwise man will never become part of Universal Community. This is why in so
many ways, we have come to correct this. As the Souls who left this structure as a
因为如果你回到所有的教学中,我们总是说,STM 和 STP 就在其中。如果这个小家伙还记
破坏其他类型的生命和生活,必须从 STP 的人类能量模式的本质中洗去,是有原因的。杀
人成瘾必须走出男人的 STP.否则,人类将永远不会成为宇宙共同体的一部分。这就是为
nursery of the new Souls, (:40). some carry that essence of killing. And the same
mayhem shows itself in other parts of the Universe.

Instead of going correcting them one by one, we correct the seed at the center, which is
the Earth, the nursery of the Souls. When they carry the STP, destruction of other
collection of fields become erased from the structure of his patterns of energy. Now, if
you understood this, this is why we say, the "children of Mitra" will be created out of
fields, because in the dimension of physicality, the STP will clean that dimension of the
killing. Where when it's created in the dimension of the Soul, has no attachment to
physicality, even though manifests itself in the shape of a child.
们携带 STP 时,其他能量场集合的破坏将从他的能量模式结构中抹去。现在,如果你理解了
的维度中,STP 将清除杀戮的维度。当它在灵魂的维度中被创造时,它对肉体没有任何依

Last week, I said, we come amongst man to find the weakness of man, to find how to find
a solution for it. We come amongst man to eat and live like man, to see how this process
can be stopped. And how man will accept it. Otherwise, it would have been easy, just to
erase the dimension of the Creation of the system.

As I said, in the first structure, as we saw the Creation of the environment gave life, or
gave the condition of the water. What does the condition of environment of your Soul
creates? (:42). Many of you have started feeling, have started going through this process
of expansion of the Soul to bring in the dimension of the physicality. And at the moment,
you're in dilemma. Many of the Knowledge Seekers who went through the "dinning with
the Creator" are ?? battling this. The reality and imagination, which is reality, but they
imagine to be imagination. I feel things before it happens. Because now I do things
without knowing. But it happens. Because now the part you don't remember, but it
happens, is the part which is done by your Soul.
水的条件。你灵魂的环境条件是什么造成的?(: 42).你们中的许多人已经开始感受,已经

I was explaining yesterday to one of the Knowledge Seekers, why we sleep the 4 hour
cycle. And what happens in that switch over. As I've taught in other parts of the teaching
in the what we call, the medical side, is that man has left brain and the right brain. Left
side of the physicality, and the right side of the physicality. But in the herd of animals we
live one cow to stand up when we have other animals. There is one or two always
standing up while the others are resting, they become the observer. If anything happens,
they can call the rest, that there's a danger, (:44). there is a change. It's time for the whole
herd to stand up.
昨天我向一位知识寻求者解释,为什么我们以 4 小时为周期睡觉。在转换过程中会发生什

In the life of the Man, Man has solved this problem. He has put, and he puts something
very simple. He puts the left side of the brain in charge of the right (side of body) and
goes to sleep for 4 hours, or goes into repair condition, or he goes into dimension. But the
Soul is always awake. The 4 hour for a cycle, the right side of the brain to re-energize,
and the left side of the body going to repair. The cow which was a standing up to watch if
anything happens is the left side of the brain. That's why we always suddenly wake up if
there is a noise, because this guy is on duty. We don't need one man to stand up for the
rest of us to sleep, when we are alone.
脑(身体的一侧),然后睡上 4 个小时,或者进入修复状态,或者进入维度。但灵魂永远是
清醒的。4 个小时为一个周期,大脑的右侧重新充满活力,身体的左侧去修复。如果有什么

Man built this in his habit. Because he became a nomad, he separated, and he had to
watch others, nothing happened to him while he's asleep. Then 4 hours later, we switch.
在他睡觉的时候什么都没有发生。4 小时后,我们换了。
This guy goes to sleep, rest, recovery, and this guy becomes awake. That's why we have
4 hour cycles.
这个人睡着了,休息,恢复,然后这个人醒了。这就是为什么我们有 4 个小时的周期。

And somewhere in between the switching you can always take that dimension of the
Soul. We do most of our dreaming in this condition, (:46). at the end of the cycle, first
full cycle. And when we switch, when the Soul still handing over one to the other,
because it's in control, this is what we remember. This is why most of the accidents
happens between four and five o'clock in the morning. From 3:30 to 4:30 to 5:00 is the
highest rate of car accidents. Because people fall asleep, because it's a hand over time,
nobody is in charge.

This is why you sit in the car, you drive from A to B and you don't know how you arrived
to A. Yes. This cycle repeats itself every hour during your awaken time. And if you drive
in the time of the first cycle, which is physically asleep, the other one takes you home. And you
don't know how you arrived. Many of you have done this. I don't know how I
got here. Because you drove at the time of the physicality asleep time of the cycle. Where
the other side was in charge, and stayed in charge and brought you home.
这就是为什么你坐在车里,你从 A 地开到 B 地,你不知道你是如何到达 A 地的。是的。在

Now the mystery of not knowing and arriving is solved. You understand. But the Soul is
all time in charge nothing happens to any of it. I am protecting. (:48). At the time of the
weakness of the physical dimension the Soul is in charge of it. Interaction with other
Souls, keep away, we are coming. What happens when you crash, when you fall asleep? It's the
time of the switch, nobody's in charge.
情。我在保护。(: 48).在物质维度虚弱的时候,灵魂掌管着它。与其他灵魂的互动,远

When you push the two limits of 4 hourly, and hourly resolution back to each other you
get mayhem. This is why when you don't sleep you have a problem during the day. Or
you're a night shifter, if you don't sleep your daytime, you run into problem at night. We
trained our body to switch, and when to switch, and when will be the beginning of the
first cycle. When I close my eyes, when I sit, it's the cycle ?? started, time ticking.
当你把 4 小时和每小时的分辨率这两个限制推给对方时,你就会陷入混乱。这就是为什么

Then this is why some of us just needs a few seconds to rest physically to be fully
charged. Because we have learned to tap into Universal fields for that short time. Just a
few minutes is just sleeping 4 hours. We can even do it with our eyes open. Because the
Soul is watching. Now both the physical and the Soul strength are on duty. (:50). Both
C14 and C12 simultaneously are scanning, are working, are changing and giving
information and delivering.
的时间内进入宇宙领域。仅仅几分钟就是睡了 4 个小时。我们甚至可以睁着眼睛做。因为
灵魂在看着。现在身体和灵魂的力量都在发挥作用。(: 50).C14 和 C12 同时扫描、工

Now, man should understand how he has become a passenger of Universe, how he is part
of that Universe. There is something fundamental, which I explained in the teachings
before. This is the center. In this center, there's certain fields, there is certain types of life
existence. But this center due to the fields and the rays interaction creates this
atmosphere, which again through interactions of fields, life exist here. And the interaction
of the two creates a new dimension. And this goes on and on. And it happens in all
positions of it.
Man is somewhere down the line here in the world of Creation. The interaction, the fields
of the fields, of the fields, in creating new atmosphere, creates a condition where man can
live. But in a way, we are still in that embodiment. That embodiment fields gives us the
right to exist. Now we are that mouth, with new magnetic field inside it as a body of the
man. So the process is the same along the whole cycle of Creation. (:52).
整个创造周期中,这个过程是相同的。(: 52).

With our body, we create a condition that organs, cells can exist. So, in the dimension of
Soul of the Creator, we are the same. We are in the embodiment of the field of the
Totality within. Are we part of the cell of the liver of the Creator? Or are we part of the
cell of His skin? Because we are too far to be His brain. But we are connected, because
His fields has created ?? us, created the condition for the amino acid of the Man to exist
in this time, place and position.

Now you understand the connection between the Man and the Creator. Then the question
comes. We have seen Universes. And within it we have seen galaxies. But for this
Creator, which we call the God, the Creator, for it to exist has to be in another
environment of the same (draws a circle outside the creation). Who is the Mother of the
Creation? How did it started? And how does it become so, that it's so big? Or is in reality
the whole of the Universe we see is a speck of dust, and because we are so tiny in it, we
see it so big?

Are we that single H in the atmosphere of the Creation of this Universe and Unicose, and
that's why we see it so big? (:54). What happens when we become a cell in this
structure? What will be our understanding of the Creation? And what happens when we
become the kidney as a Soul? And then we'll see how we control without us, that guy up
there cannot work.
我们是创造这个宇宙的大气中唯一的 H 吗?这就是为什么我们看到它如此之大?(: 54).当

Then the question of the Creation comes, why are we here? Or the life on this planet and
the life of the Man is just a coincidence. A collection of the accidents of the Universe,
interaction of the fields of the Creator and the Creation. Where are we coming from, and
where are we going to? In the transition the time of 50, or 80, or 100 years in the
manifestation of the plasma of the field of the skin of the Man's containment. What are
we fighting for?
去?在过渡的 50 年,或 80 年,或 100 年的时间里,在等离子体领域的显化中,皮肤对人的

As the rays of the Creator led to the Creation of the Man, and never stops, so is the life of
the Man, life cannot stop. But what do we do with it counts, how we change it counts. To
what we'll end up with, which counts. And this is the process of the teaching, which is
coming up. Our interaction with our Universe. Man has done all the interaction in
dimension of physicality.

Now, as teachers of the Universe we have to teach you how to behave. You've been
taught at home in a little village house. Now you're going into school, how to behave
with the other children in the school of Universe. Don't kick, don't shout, share, (:56). sit
next to each other, don't bite each other, don't eat each others food. Isn't this, what you're
taught when you go in the first day to school and the first years. You only take what's in
your basket, don't touch somebody else's. Take your own pen and not the others. Now
Man has to go through that nursery of the learning to live in the Universe. Don't steal
from the energy of the others. The message hasn't changed, is the same. But now man
from being home, and pinching from the brothers and sisters, other humans, now he has
to learn not to do it in the school of the Universe.

We take you to the nursery first, to see that others are still wearing pampers, and they still
wet their pants. Because they haven't learned how to control and behave. And then maybe
we'll take you into school the first year. Don't be shy, don't be afraid of making mistakes. But
understand the mistakes has to be contained within the structure of the man, not to
harm the others.

Life has to be correct in all its dimensions, be the Man on Earth, be it of the life in the
Universe. And that's all these teachings are. Now we are taking you into the nursery of
the Creation. Please don't bite the other child, and his food is not yours. (:58). Then Man
become educated to live within the Universe. But we have to give you the package of
food that you have, that you learn not to steal from the others. Don't carry the killing on
outside the Earth. Because you learn first of all, there is food for everyone.
(: 58).然后,人类开始接受生活在宇宙中的教育。但我们必须给你一包你拥有的食物,

But the point is when you go to the Universal Community, and you come back to Earth,
would you start killing again on this planet? Oh, I've being away from home, I miss
chelae Kebab, let's go and eat this animal. And let's go and eat the other animal. You're a
Chinese you go back home. I haven't had any whatever, roast duck, and the rest of it. We
behave as part of the Universal Community outside, then we come home and we become
animals. This is the whole burden the Man has to stop living that schizophrenic life.

We don't go home, to start eating. We go home to share love and the love of the Creator
with those who understand this ?? ?? from us. If Man could understand the full, if Man
could feel the full love of the Creator, he would have melted long time. We have a little
bit of it, and we think we are the Creator of the lovers. We do it the French way, the
German way, the Arab way, and every other way. But this is just the physicality of the
Man's love.

What happen when you get touched through the true love of the Creator? And then what
you do? We learn to live to be the same outside, as the inside. (1:00). We don't leave the
Korean way. The domestic violence in Korean household is beyond imagination. They
beat their wives as a national sport. Outside, we see them as the most perfect people. As I
said to a Knowledge Seeker, do you know the French created the perfume, because they
don't wash themselves, and the Koreans are the best in makeup's for women, because
they cannot show how they got beaten the night before by the husband, and they cover it
under the makeup. And they produce the best.
样,外在也一样。( 1: 00).我们不离开韩国的方式。韩国家庭中的家庭暴力超乎想象。

Man should be the same makeup outside than inside the house, without getting beaten by
its own Soul. Killing should not be a national sport in the village of the Man. Being
obedient should not become the national sport of the man. Man should stay obedient only
to the action of the peaceful direction of emotion of this fields of his Creation in the
Universe, does not matter in which dimension. Beating the wife at home and walking out
in the smiling with a beautiful makeup, because covers the beating up, should not be the
feature of existence of the Man. And is the habit of the Koreans.

We hide civilization behind our animal behave. (1:02). We are civilized to hide, we are
civilized to cheat, and to cover. The best makeup's comes from Korea if you are in that
game. Because they found the best way to cover the beating.
我们把文明隐藏在我们动物行为背后。( 1: 02).我们文明地隐藏,我们文明地欺骗和掩

Now you understand how man needs to become, to be part of a society, which is the same
outside, than inside. We don't go home to Earth to kill, we go home to create the love of
Creation. To bring back what more we learned, different ways of loving, to give. Let's see
what will be the national sport of the village of the Man in the U. The killing side and
outside we are "energy absorbers." Or we ate on the diner of the Creator, and we learn it's
all the same. We go for a break and come back and try to share more knowledge.

<< BREAK >> 477 KSW March 16, 2023 (1:09).

<<休息>>477 KSW 2023 年 3 月 16 日(1:09)。

K- No we are open to share knowledge. Somebody asked in the background a question to

explain more about the Korea. In Korea according to the national statistics of United
Nations, officially announced not, and they said only 50% of .. domestic violence is
reported. Everyday 1 individual is killed in Korea through domestic violence. The highest
rate in the world, in South Korea. (1:10). Official statistics are 1.5 to 1.8 a day between
each murder. But unofficially it's about more than one a day. And then we consider is
such a civilization, very civilized people. Domestic violence is considered as a family
affair, and not to go outside the frame of door of the house. So they beat each other out,
they make up, and they "made up" when they come out of the house, and you see some of
the most beautiful women around the world is Koreans. Because it's all covering up the
violence underneath.
据联合国的国家统计,官方没有公布,他们说只有 50%的..据报道,有家庭暴力。在韩国,
每天都有 1 人死于家庭暴力。世界上最高的比率,在韩国。( 1: 10).据官方统计,每起谋
杀案之间的间隔是 1.5 到 1.8 天。但非官方的说法是一天不止一次。然后我们认为是这样的

This is not, this should not be the habit of Man. And it's not just Koreans. Physical abuse
of women has been the habit of the Man. When you lead to physical violence, it means
you have already lost. You lose the humanity and you lose the Soul. If you allow this to
happen in the space, then become home in the village of the Man to carry out the
violence, and when we go out we are as good makeup artists, makeup producers as are
the Koreans. If you're in the world of fashion you know the best makeup's, and best of
any kind of makeup comes from South Korea, people don't understand. Now, you know
why. Because you have to cover the domestic violence. (1:12).
的化妆品来自韩国,人们不理解。现在你知道为什么了。因为你必须掩盖家庭暴力。( 1:
And this should not become the habitat of the Man in the space. It has to be uprooted at
home, in its base, where it comes. Goes back to the Ethos of Mitra, do good, act good,
think good so all is in the correct way. As you will say in Christianity, the "three gifts
from Persia" which was brought to Christ. It wasn't three kings, it's the three kings of the
life in the Universe by conduct.

Any other question?


Q: .. Hi, Mr. Keshe. Will the Foundation be interested in collaboration with "tech

K- We are interested to collaborate with any companies. The problem, you'll understand
and this is one of the things that now we are discussing on national levels. I'm traveling in
the next few hours for another dimension of this with major organizations. We have a
habit of we only respect if we are caught. And if I can keep it in dilemma, we abuse it
what we call, patents. (1:14). As we have opened our patents, when we sit and share
knowledge and technology with companies, and governments, and nations. They ask you,
where is your patent? And we tell them, we opened our patent on it. (Then they say,) so
we don't need to negotiate with you, your knowledge is ours. Why should we? And then
they take our knowledge and they patent it, try to patent it to benefit by it. This is one of
the biggest problem with the commercial organizations.
用它,我们称之为专利。( 1: 14).当我们开放我们的专利时,当我们坐下来与公司、政

And in my negotiations with two or three governments we are changing this mentality. What we
are talking to them is that, we give you the knowledge, maybe a thousand
people, maybe a percentage of your nation will use our technology. Because we are
teaching on the screen, on television, radios, whatever. We want the respect that the
knowledge is ours, and commercial benefits of it goes to the Foundation, that we can
spend on the others.

The word patent should not exist. God never patented the Sun, never patented the amino
acid. So it's coming to the point of respecting the knowledge and technologies, which do
that always benefit by it. We have this one now, with one of the major car manufacturers
and their organization, Musk ?? runs. A lot of technology of the Keshe Foundation is
copied by them, and is coming out of their system as part of theirs. But in fact, the
American government has bought Musk ?? our patent, to see what they can copy from the
Keshe Foundation. If you go into their car industry and others, it's all replication of the
Keshe Foundation technologies. (1:16). Don't forget, when Musk went with Americans
to Moscow the first time, and the Chinese some 20 years ago, nobody accepted it.
汽车制造商之一和他们的组织,马斯克。?跑步。Keshe 基金会的很多技术都被他们复制
克?我们的专利,看看他们能从 Keshe 基金会复制什么。如果你进入他们的汽车行业和其
他行业,这都是对 Keshe 基金会技术的复制。( 1: 16).别忘了,大约 20 年前,当马斯克

He openly steals technology. But he has the backing of a government who is used to
stealing. We still talk to them, because our technologies, which they can't even dream. They're
just like Japanese, what do you call, Chinese, just copy. We work with
industries. At the moment we are talking, Knowledge Seekers in the background know. We are
introducing technologies to some governments in different aspects. And without
signing patents. We ask for the national growth income, what's the GDP, what is going to
be the effect of this technology on your GDP, what percentage of GDP is transferable to
Keshe Foundation of that country to be spent on the nation.
的技术。而且没有签署专利。我们要求国家收入增长,GDP 是多少,这项技术对你的 GDP
有什么影响,有多少百分比的 GDP 可以转移到那个国家的 Keshe 基金会,用于国家。

We talking to industries, we are open of course. It's our obligation to share the
knowledge. But it's not our stupidity or weakness. It's us setting out the seed for the new
generation, that intellect has to be respected, not registering it and then stealing it. You
know, the story of the (car windshield) wiper. The guy who invented a new type of
wipers, till Mitsubishi came out with a new type of wipers some years ago. Over 25 years
ago when he came up with it. He put a patent and he was refused. (1:18). All the car
manufacturers around the world use his patent till it's run out of time and date. For 20
years he fought in every courts,. confirms, this is my patent. He wasted all his life. And
all of us enjoyed not crashing our cars. We never understood his suffering.
一种新型雨刷。25 年前他想出来的时候。他申请了专利,但被拒绝了。( 1: 18).世界上

This is what it has to go. The national data for who delivers what, and then respecting it. We do it
with our artists. If you live in Europe, you pay, it doesn't matter you have a
television or radio, you pay a fee for the media as a part of annual payment. And then
from that, they pay to the register artists depends how much their music was played on. We
respect our musician, but we don't respect our scientists. We have a problem in the
Keshe Foundation. We do a lot of tunes ?? chip and Knowledge Seekers, in the beginning
10 years ago, they used. They have no problem with their tunes being in our teachings. But if we
go public, those people who used the tunes of, (because) they didn't know they
have to use a registered music. We'll get all of them on top of us. You used this music for
10 seconds in such a such a teaching. We want to be paid. What happen with all the
teaching the past 10 years we put in public? Who's paying us for the Chinese going to
space, or Musk to create a condition, new Nano materials for rechargeable batteries and
everything else.
我们尊重我们的音乐家,却不尊重我们的科学家。我们在 Keshe 基金会有一个问题。我们
唱了很多曲子。?芯片和知识的追求者,在 10 年前开始,他们使用。他们的曲调在我们的
须使用注册音乐。我们会把他们都压在我们身上。你在这样一个教学中用了 10 秒钟的音
乐。我们想要报酬。在过去的 10 年里,我们公开的所有教学都发生了什么?谁付钱给我
We are not blind and we are not a fool. But we know we are setting the trend as a major
basic change in the technology will bring that position too. Musk cannot patent anything
which is connected through the structure of the Nano technology. (1:20). Because it's an
open patent, it doesn't matter how you twitch it. But we still work with them, we still go
to them, this is what it is.
1: 20).因为这是一个开放的专利,你怎么抽都无所谓。但我们仍然和他们一起工作,我

You will see major changes coming out of China through Keshe Foundation technology
in the next two to three months. They respect us, they respect the technology we're
bringing in. In my trip into China in next few weeks, the most evolutionary technologies
will be handed to the Chinese government. Man cannot even dream these things can
exist. Even our own scientists who are creating don't understand what's behind it.

The gun policy of United States to create arms to keep peace has changed to create
science, with it to bring peace. The Ethos of the Keshe Foundation, technology in
exchange for peace. And resonates with the work of president Xi of China and the new
CPC leadership. And usually people who think and work the same, they work together.

We've seen how, by division between the Arabs and Israelis and different sects of Islam
and Christianity, West has kept the wars going. And we see in past few months, the new
leadership in China, using its power of economy and technology has brought Saudi
Arabia and Iran on the table of peace. Power to create peace. And with it we see the new
changes around Middle East, the Americans have lost base. We see the new cycle of
peace going on, (1:22). all backed by the nation who can support peace, development,
bring in Chinese companies into operation in other places of the world, doesn't matter on
Silk Road Map or anything else. This is why we move in that base.

We don't need patent with the Chinese. They accept and respect for the new technology. And we
walk through that through our people in China, the same. The Enhancement
Units you see, the first series of it was manufactured in Austria and tested in China. Our
Knowledge Seekers in the background can tell you. We learned from it, and they
respected it, and we saw the pitfalls, what is right what is wrong, and it's there.

Even though some part of the technology and knowledge was abused by some of the
medical people in China ?? . I learned this when I was in China three, four years ago. One
of the Knowledge Seekers who was very close to Keshe Foundation was working with a
group of people in the background who he could translate the teaching of the Keshe
Foundation to them. And they changed the name of the plasma technology to "Quantum." And the
Chinese government went after them, because they knew they're stilling. As far
as I know, he was arrested at a traffic light somewhere in China two or three years ago. Because
they know where the technology comes from, and they respect it and keep it the
same way. So, we are open to discuss, to sit, (1:24). to bring anything on the table which
brings a better life for the others. It doesn't matter what industry.
其中一位与 Keshe 基金会关系非常密切的知识寻求者正在与一群幕后人员合作,他可以将
Keshe 基金会的教学内容翻译给他们。他们把等离子技术改名为“量子”。中国政府对他们

Any other question?


You know, talking about the industry in 2008-9, 2007-8. We negotiated with Microsoft
for three months. With the lawyers of Bill Gates. Face to face in different hotels in
Holland. Everything was understood to come out till the day I decided to take the "Red
Circle" with me to a meeting, and that day everything fell apart. And I could not
understand why. Later on we understood why. He destroyed negotiation. But even that
time, Bill Gates wanted the totality of the Keshe Foundation to shelve it, or use it the way
he wanted to do.
你知道,谈论 2008-9,2007-8 的行业。我们和微软谈判了三个月。比尔·盖茨的律师。在

They can see the benefit of the, many of you have not understood, Nano layers,
superconductor along, super resistor across. This is a huge change in the game of the
Nano technology. He understood that at that time, for production of microchips. And they
haven't managed to fully develop it. One Korean company does that, which we
collaborate with, and they're creating new superconductors out of gold. The industries at
a high level understand what Keshe Foundation was even at that time going to bring.
Keshe 基金会在当时会带来什么。

When we couldn't complete we, (1:26). the whole thing fell apart with Microsoft. Immediately
within few days his prodigy, or his what I call "uncle," appeared to be
interested in Keshe Foundation technology. We could not come to any conclusion,
because we found out it's going to be shelved, and be controlled by the patent. The two
我所说的“叔叔”,似乎对 Keshe 基金会的技术很感兴趣。我们无法得出任何结论,因为我
richest man in the world that I call, one "uncle" of the other, knew, understood the Keshe
technology in 2006-7, what it's going to do.
我称之为世界上最富有的人,一个是另一个的“叔叔”,他在 2006-7 年知道并理解了
Keshe 技术,它将做什么。

But it wasn't for sale. Because it's a knowledge of Creation, and knowledge of Creator,
you cannot patent it. When what I put in patent to be patented, if ?? not applicable, then
we have to patent the rays of the Sun, and the love of the Creator. And they're not
patentable, the same as ?? my knowledge.

I used the patent, I realized in 2005, when I sat with the bastard child of the King of
Belgium (?? Grama). And I understood, I wanted to share my knowledge with everyone,
but the who's going to listen to me? And ?? Wim explained to me, that with Red Circle,
because ?? Wim, the son of the, bastard son of the king of Belgium, brought Red Circle
into operation with us, we didn't know him (before that). And he said, this way, we can
control everything. And nobody in the world can do. And that word stuck to me. No one
in the world? So, this can reach the whole world. So we put the patent in.
我在 2005 年意识到,我使用了这项专利,当时我和比利时国王的私生子坐在一起(?格

And we did, we waited, we went through the European patent, then we went through the
International patent, and then we opened it. (1:28). I used the patent structure for
distribution of the knowledge. I told you, we come to Earth to learn man's way. And what
man does, we use the best way. That's why we even put that patent application, because
Wim said, that word in that meeting, "nobody in the world can copy, we control
everything." And that was my aim, to reach the world. So that was it.
它。( 1: 28).我使用专利结构来分发知识。我告诉过你,我们来到地球是为了学习人类

So if we come to the point, what the Saudis say, anything man created belongs to God,
we don't obey no patents. Americans have a big hard job to get the Saudis to accept
intellectual rights. Intellect is a gift from the Creator, not a possession of man. And when
we get a government to understand and use and the creator of the what we call,
knowledge, and technologies to respect, the same the way they cover the musicians, they
cover the scientists, then we make the right step for expansion of the technology. Because
man, everyone will do it openly.

This is what we say to a lot of you, and I know a lot of you haven't understood, a lot of
you suffer with it. And then you understand why not. Maybe you understand. We give the
technology to you free. Many of you give talks, make MaGravs, make all sorts of things
and you sell. How many of you have put anything back into the Foundation? None. You
haven't even given a single MaGrav free to anyone. So you suffer, because you haven't
understood. You need, as the English say, the wheel, or oil on the wheel. (1:30). When
you don't put oil on it, it comes to a ground.
还不明白。正如英国人所说,你需要轮子,或者轮子上的油。( 1: 30).当你不给它上油

We didn't tell you come and pay us. If you make a donation from what you earned in past
years from the Keshe Foundation to the Foundation. It helps us to do something else. If
you gave MaGrav units, did free teachings and everybody else to benefit by it, that's a
payment, that's balancing. Then any technology can do. That's why we don't patent any of
our products, and people take it, "oh, we copied it, we go."
我们没有告诉你来付我们钱。如果你把你过去几年从 Keshe 基金会赚到的钱捐给基金会。
I go to China, Musk will cry for selling one electric cars anywhere in the world. We hand
over 2 to 3,000 kilometers non-rechargeable system to the Chinese for electric cars in
China. Musk is happy with 600 kilometers a ?? month, and who wants to pay that?
如果我去中国,马斯克会为在世界任何地方销售一辆电动汽车而哭泣。我们把 2 到 3000 公
里的非充电系统交给中国人,用于中国的电动汽车。马斯克对 600 公里的速度很满意。?

You've got to understand when humanity works as one, we'll go much faster. When
humanity cheat each other one, man goes to a ground. And we've seen it with us. We got
cheated past few months and it didn't bring us to a ground, but slowed us down, but made
us wise. And we'll see the next step, what comes from it.

Anybody has ever stopped the progress of the man, has paid himself, not the man.
Because somewhere mankind has taken the knowledge and moved on with it.

Any other questions?


Q: .. When traveling in the Universe, (1:32). do you intervene if there is an accident? Or

is it a natural cycle, that you should just observe? How do you justify it?

K- Your Soul will decide. Your Soul will decide. First of all ask yourself a question, why
am I there to witness this? Has my physicality brought here me, to learn something
through my Soul? Or has my Soul brought me here to learn something from my
physicality? And what is my part in it? When do I go through the change?

I was explaining this to one of our dearest Knowledge Seekers yesterday, because he
started going through the phase he couldn't understand, so I had to give him the example. I think
he's on the line, he knows who he is. We're talking about this, he is very close to
me, and very dear to me. I don't know when I sleep and I don't know when I'm awake. People tell
me, you snore, you do this. But I say, I can't, because I've been working. It's
the physicality taking charge, while the Soul is running its course.

But the funny thing is, when I get out of the bed and I put clothes on every morning, I
have a shiver on my body. It's just like jumping into the ice bucket. And this has become
more and more. And this is where the Soul has to hand over to physicality, and the
interaction of the two fields brings, that when you put your clothes on, now you touched
the Soul as well, which is taken over, working. And you feel that interaction like a
daylight, (1:34). you feel that chill, because one is higher than the other, and it's like
electric shock. People who've been near me they know, I talk about it quite often.

I always covered it under, "oh it's the air conditioner, or whatever." But that's what it is. (It's) not
the air conditioner. Wherever I sleep, in the morning when I wake up, even day
time, I put any clothes on, the interaction of handover from the Soul to physicality brings
that chill, that freezing feeling. Doesn't matter it's the middle of winter or height of the
summer. When you learn to live with this, then you come to understand the cycle of life.

How much time of my Soul, spends in other dimensions, that I remember part of which
has to do with the physicality of the Man. And then I have to bring all in the dimension of
the physicality. Then you ask yourself, why do I have to go through this every day? If I
sleep a siesta, I have the same feeling when I wake up. As in the morning. Life is one
continuous going, irrespective of what happens to physicality.

So, you ask yourself, why am I here? Why am I supposed to witness from what I see,
what I am? And what is the purpose? Or have I been brought here to bring that change,
that difference, that unconditional love and giving. (1:36). Not to jump out every time
that, "oh, I'm the hero." It's to be there that you're there to make a change at that point.
么?或者我被带到这里是为了带来那种改变,那种差异,那种无条件的爱和给予。( 1:

I was on board of a plane years ago. And the captain, or the air hostess asked, are there
any medical doctors on board? And turned around, and there was a body on the floor in
the center. And there was a guy actually doing whatever he was doing, to get life back in. And
the hostess said to the man, can you please get up? We need a doctor. He said,
Madam I'm the doctor. I don't need to shout. Let me do my job. We don't need to shout
and howl.

But the reason is, why is that man on board for that purpose? Why we are on board of the
cycle of life at this time and point? Why our Soul wasn't created 100 years ago? And not
100 years to come? Why us as a Soul of the human race are here, at this time when the
change is coming? What have the Soul of our forefathers have done, to be here to witness
the change this time? And what do we do? How do we react to this accident, that we are
brought here to the Soul of our Creator and forefathers to witness the change?
生命周期?为什么我们的灵魂不是 100 年前创造的?而不是未来的 100 年?为什么我们作

How much of what we do will bring benefit? And how much we do will bring hinder? And then
you ask yourself, (1:38). why do you need to go to space to see and witness. You're now
witnessing the biggest change ever in humanity and the rest of the Creation
for the Universe, as the Earth is the seed, is the nursery of the Soul of the Creation. And
unfortunately, it's not the only nursery, sad to say.

The evidence of it is, we don't see the stars and galaxies fighting each other. Except
where the man has been, by mistake brought the STP into creation of physicality of the
planet, like Earth.
STP 带入了行星的物质性创造,就像地球一样。

The "Soul creator" of this planet had the streak of wrong (doing) in it when he arrived to
be created. And he created the ?? STM, with the same behavior as his. If you give it
short, then it is attached to you. Then you can do what you like. "I kept the man short
from knowledge of the receiving energy of the Universe to live. So he's always attached
to me, to the physicality of my Earth. I feed him with little life of the cat, the dog and the
sheep. And he's depending on me, so I could ??."

Now you understand why we put CO2 and Gans's into the rivers in the air, and the seas,
to change that essence of the wrong from ?? most of the generation of his essence of
creation. He made you to depend on it for you to be part of it. (1:40). Now we give
enough that man does not ?? have dependency, and become free from the shackles of
killing. It became one rose with a lot of thorns on it, and it was spreading in too many
places, the seed of it. Now we correct the baits, the first rose, and then you won't see the
质了吗??他创作的精华大多是代。他让你依赖它,让你成为它的一部分。( 1: 40).现
rest to do the same. You'll enjoy the beauty of the rose without its thorns. The STM
created in the dimension of the Creation, without the killing.

Any other question?


Q: .. The Sun is releasing plasma at an intensity never seen before. Could you guide us
better about this knowledge? We thank you for your attention.

K- This is part of the cycle of the Sun, it happens on a regular basis. In some parts of its
cycle it's much intenser, because of its structure. And because of, is, what I call, mono
matter energetic condition, we see this. The center of the Sun, if you've seen your Gans's
and the amount of energy used, should be freezing. Should be normal temperature as
what we call, (1:42). balance between the hot and cold.

As the rays go further, and they become fields, and in interaction with the fields of the
Sun itself on the surface, and compression of the galaxy fields on the Solar System, the
intensity of the light from it changes. Let me explain to you in a very simple way. It's not
all dependent on what's inside the Sun, it a lot depends on the position of our galaxy too. You
have a hydrogen as H, actually it starts as a single plasma, then become a single
plasma of H, with interaction to stability becomes Deuterium. Interaction of the
Deuterium (H2) with the H itself again leads to Tritium (H3). Then, these still interact in
different levels. And at the end, you will have all plasma fields.

In the center is more or less, if you go in the center. If you ever look inside the dynamic
reactors. Rick used to do a lot of it years ago, we could see empty space (a bubble in
center of rotating ball) and we saw Gans's. That is the balance of the fields, it's the same
as here. So the center of the high speed or balance speed plasmas like Earth, is hollow. By nature
the Sun is hollow. By nature, we see it in dynamic reactors. If Rick digs into
historical videos we have, we always seen it. If he puts it on the screen later on. So there's
no difference.

It's the field forces of the Gans's, (1:44). and the water of Gans's, which is the H base. So it
creates that central cavity (bubble) what we call, full of plasma of high intensity. So,
in this position, as the what we call, as the fields grow deeper in, outside, in interaction
with the fields of the Solar System, and compression of what we call, the galaxial fields
on Earth, on the Solar System, the intensity of the fields changes.
这是甘斯的野战部队,(1:44)。还有甘斯的水,也就是 H 基。所以它产生了我们所说

So, here somewhere, we create helium, but in fact the helium is combination of
deuterium. It's the 2 Deuterium in plasma condition behave like ??. So in essence, they
become a bit heavier, slower, with the higher intensity of the fields coming, the
interaction of the surface fields with the fields coming creates the light.
所以,在这里的某个地方,我们创造了氦,但实际上氦是氘的组合。这是 2 氘在等离子体

Now, we only look at the surface of the Sun. If the scientists understand this, and start
looking on the pressures of the galaxy, on the whole Solar System, then we see why
sometimes the Sun is more radiant, releases more radiation, and sometimes less. Very
little has to do. The spots on the Sun has a lot to do with the rotation of this matter state
liquid plasma, which is again, here on Earth, we call it, a water. But on the Sun it's
helium particles, in a way, with the deuterium, and whatever is on the top. And creates
that light.

This blackest dark spots on the Sun is to do with the internal structure. (1:46). But the
field radiation, massive field radiations, which you see in cycles, is on the galaxial
pressure on the Solar System. And the scientists always looking, because they don't
understand it, what happens inside, that it increases. We have to look what our galaxy is
putting pressure on the shell. It's like a balloon. You have a balloon hanging perfectly,
you get it and you push it. So it takes different shapes. In that push, if you put a ball
inside another, you see it moves different places. If you have another balloon inside this
balloon. So our Sun is a balloon in its own atmosphere. And the amount of radiation we
see, is the pressures of the galaxy, in part. When the pressure reduces, opens up, we see
higher fields. And sometimes when the compression comes, we see again, different
fields. Man has not observed yet.
太阳上最黑的黑点与内部结构有关。( 1: 46).但是场辐射,大量的场辐射,你在周期中

This create rays above and in the dimension of C14 ?? odor. With this compression
usually happens during the time when Sun comes across his twin. Near each other. They
create that compression on each other, which releases a lot of fields, we see a lot of
inward motion.
这将在 C14 的上方和维度中创建光线。?气味。这种压缩通常发生在太阳遇到他的双胞胎

If you look at the motion of Cosmic dust in our Solar System, you can say which way the
pressure is coming. Is it coming from inside out? Or is it created from outside in? Or is it
the combination of the transition between one to the other? Our scientists look at the
flares, but they don't understand this principle.

When we travel beyond the Solar System, we see it we understand. (1:48). Oh, this is a
time when Earth, or what you call it, the Sun releasing a lot of fields. Because now it
opens up that magnetic field pressure on the Solar System is less. When he expands it
allows more fields to come out? Or does it come out of the compression, that we see
mainly out of this compression, deuterium coming out. Where in the other condition of
the what you call it, reduction in pressure, we see more particles than actual fields. ??
That's what ?? we call rays.
当我们在太阳系之外旅行时,我们看到它,我们理解它。( 1: 48).哦,这是地球,或者

It's all, we talk about this, why it's happening. Because we are looking in a small part of
the equation, we have to look at the full equation. And even our galaxy is subject to this. And
sometimes when this compression of the space comes from outside, leads to
destruction of the full galaxies. Out of nowhere galaxies just explode. Because the field
release is so high compared to the compression, and then inside pushes outside and just
expands, explodes in pieces.

We see this as .. what we call, "travelers of the Universe." And we usually empty these
places. You see a rush of. It's like a "SOS" you call it. I've explained this before. You see
an accident, earthquake and what you call it, in Turkey, we all go there to help. We have
the same kind of principles but in a different scale, different way, in the Universe. We see
the time when the explosion happens, and like a GPS, and the Universe, the map is
drawn. And civilizations are aware of other civilizations, and they just go and extract.
就像你所说的“ SOS ”。我以前解释过这个。你看到一场事故,地震和你所说的,在土

We have many refugees in the Universe when the Man opens his eyes, and some of them
are amongst us. (1:50). They lost their home in Turkey, and they move out, they end up
in England, they end up in Australia. The same earthquake happens in the structure of the
galaxies and Universes. A few times in the past, Universes have come under this
condition, and what I call, the citizens had to be emptied, removed, what you call, to
safety of other Universes. And we see different intelligence amongst them. This is
something you learn.
当人睁开眼睛时,我们在宇宙中有许多难民,其中一些就在我们中间。( 1: 50).他们失

It's the same, life exists within the Sun. If you understand, that the combination of the
rays interaction leads to creation of C14, and their internal interaction leads to O and the
H, cycle of 4 lives. And then with their environmental characteristics, then you
understand there is a life within the center of the Sun from interaction of the fields of
这是一样的,生命存在于太阳内部。如果你明白,射线相互作用的组合导致了 C14 的产
生,它们的内部相互作用导致了 O 和 H,4 个生命的循环。然后根据它们的环境特征,你

If he (Sun) can manage to create life on Earth and other dimensions, so it has the same
capability to do within himself. But the life in that level is of a different intelligence,
different understanding, less dependent and more reliable. It's not exclusivity, it's more
inclusively, all are included.

Any other question? (1:52).

还有其他问题吗?( 1: 52).

Q: .. Good morning, Mr. Keshe. In the 475 Knowledge Seekers Workshop (KSW), you
said that, quote, the energy released by the conversion of calcium (Ca) from the Cosmic
rays and C14 can be used to create other necessary elements such as potassium, iron, zinc
and copper. So, the question is, then why are we deficient in these elements in the body?
问:..早上好,凯什先生。在 475 知识探索者研讨会(KSW)上,你说,宇宙射线中的钙
(Ca)和 C14 转化释放的能量可以用来创造其他必要的元素,如钾、铁、锌和铜。那么,

K- We are not deficient. Our body uses these very efficiently, but sometimes due to miss
functioning in part they become inefficient. And there are stations to create these, and
there are facilities to do this. To give fields, to increase. When you get pregnant doctors
always say, I give you B9, have a folic acid. This folic acid and B12 for a rapid change, is
done in a few places in the body of the Man. Lymph nodes, that's why you get cancer.
你怀孕的时候,医生总是说,我给你 B9,吃叶酸。这种叶酸和维生素 B12 的快速变化,

Where the change, efficiency change, absorption, conversion, is not effective. Instead of
releasing a plasma in the strength of the copper, (1:54). that can be used to become a
structure, is suddenly comes to become solidified, it becomes a cancer cell, or becomes a
seed for a solid structure we call, cancer. If you correct the conversion of the lymph
conversion, and in thalamus and thymus at the same time, it will never happen. Everything works

If you can understand this, you go to the position of everlasting life. Because you convert
what you need at a point to equal amount, what you need in dimension of physicality. You can
change the strength of it to increase the what we call, conversion from STP to
STM that it feeds the STM much faster, and live in the dimension of the Soul.
量,你在物质维度上所需要的。你可以改变它的强度来增加我们所说的,从 STP 到 STM 的
转换,它更快地喂养 STM,并生活在灵魂的维度中。
We do that in the time of fear. In the time of high temperature, when the cell of the brain
become loose, we allow the Soul, we call it, hallucination. It's actually Man never
understood. This is the time the shackle of the physical calcium in every cell of the brain
loosens up, the Soul travels. But because man doesn't understand, oh, it's high
temperatures, he is hallucinating. It's actually the Soul. It's like going to sleep. It's like
when they take drugs.

We call it, hallucination, but in fact the structure opens up, it cannot hold on to confining
the Soul. So whole Soul goes out and in that dimension does everything. It's like when
we call, schizophrenic, what I call, the "beautiful people." We create a condition for two
to appear. (1:56).
丽的人”。我们创造了两个出现的条件。( 1: 56).

So, it's a habit of Man not understanding the process of Creation. This is why we keep on
telling you, we teach you everything, that nobody outside becomes a magician for Man. It's only
time when man would like a magic to be played on him, and he tries to
understand, "ok, I like to see it, but I understand it." We ignore it, or we don't understand

Have you ever played a game with your children, where they stand next to you and you
shout, "where are you?" And he's (your child) is standing next to you and says, "I'm here,
I'm here." (And you say, "I can't see you. But I can hear you." And the poor little boy is
jumping his leg off and his lung out. Papa, I'm here. But I can't see you, but I can hear
you. We play the ignorant, or out of the ignorance we're trying to prove something. Our
own ignorance.

Any other question?


Q: Okay, there's a second part of Alexander's question. And you may have answered it. But I'll
go through with it. It says, also in the 475 Knowledge Seekers Workshop, you
said that, quote, the body cells are constantly being replaced. And you need this calcium
like the seed to make new cells. So the question is, so if the cells are being replaced, why
do we age?
说,也是在 475 知识探索者研讨会上,你说,引用,身体细胞不断被替换。你需要像种子

K- Because we don't produce the same strength fields. And our body due to the rustiness
of the channels in the bone, (1:58). don't create the, or the perfect one. It's like a car you
use too much. You get the exhaust cluttered with all sorts of things, it doesn't make the
same noise and you creates a back pressure into the engine. And it's the same.

We do not produce over the length of time, as the bone channels closes, or change, or get
used too much, release the same strength calcium that it becomes the seed. And this is
one of the reasons you call it, "my immune system doesn't work properly." Because
you're not releasing the right calcium strength, because you have to release the right
calcium strength to create, to gather around it the right plasmatic fields for certain jobs.
This is why when it comes to certain conditions, when you use Gans's, you see, "oh, it
changed, I used ..." No, all you did, you introduced the plasma to what was missing in the
bone marrow. That's all it is.

You can stay young for thousands of years. You can live for thousands of years, just
move from one physicality to another. I've done that for a long time. I was explaining this
one to one of our Knowledge Seekers past couple of days ago. I went to my aunt, the last
time I was in Iran. And I said to my aunt, you're the only one who can answer me. You
are the last one standing of the family, tells me the truth. I said to her, who's my father,
and who's my mother? She said, you're asking a stupid question. I said, I know. I don't
come from this family, I have all the evidence of it.

But are we? (2:00). Or we just take position on the dimension of physicality and turn it
that in the future operates on the Soul which is host.
但我们是吗?( 2: 00).或者我们只是在物质层的维度上采取立场,并在未来将其转变为对

And when I gave her the evidence she said, Mehran I have no answer. So you can always
live and move from one dimension of physicality to another. But you have to share. You
can't just take over because you can. You always ask. And if you're allowed and you're
given, you live in the new dimension.

Any other question?


Q: .. I have a question to the feeding. When we had the daily meetings in feeding, I
decided to, not to eat anymore, or at least to try it out. And then I started two days not
eating, three days not eating, four days not eating, and till now, and it feels very good. I
do it the first time in my life and it's a great experience. And also I lose my weight and
then the next days or a week, (2:02). the point will come where I should reach the normal
weight of the body, so no fat anymore. Then the question comes for me, I don't know if I
got fed through fields, or if it's just a fasting thing and because…

K- For how long haven't you eaten?

Q: 16 days.
问:16 天。
K- Are you still taking water?
Q: Yes, I try to drink as much as possible, but I forget a lot of times.

K- People who go in this direction lose up to 20 percent of body weight. We've seen this,
we've seen this amongst Chinese too. But you have to understand. I always said, people
who've been eating meat and whatever, suddenly decided to become vegetarian. Overnight, I'm not
going to eat anymore meat from today. And then it feels good in the
first few weeks, but five or ten years down the line they run into problem. You cannot
drive a car at 150 kilometers an hour and then put the brake on and expect to come out of
it alive, or at least don't damage something. You have to slow down, you have to speed to
the point that is manageable for both, physicality and the Soul.
朝这个方向走的人最多可以减掉 20%的体重。我们已经看到了这一点,我们在中国人中也看
题。你不能以每小时 150 公里的速度开车,然后踩下刹车,期望活着出来,或者至少不损坏

If you don't eat physically, have you learned how to absorb energy through the Soul? (2:04). A lot
of people politicians who go into prison they do fasting, they last for 40
days, 50 days, and then they run into all sort of problems. Or is the water your drink
contains enough minerals that replaces, replenishes the body need. Up to a limit this can
be done.
如果你不吃身体,你有没有学会如何通过灵魂来吸收能量?( 2: 04).很多进监狱的政客都
会绝食,持续 40 天,50 天,然后他们会遇到各种各样的问题。或者你喝的水含有足够的矿

But you have to learn, if you go through this process what you're going. Can you learn,
have you learned how to expand your Soul? It's not just eating. So you have to teach. Don't go from
eating steak every day to no meat tomorrow and become a vegetarian, you
create a mayhem. But you have to find other things, other energies which can replace the
meat you used to eat. And as part of human body, you can feed yourself internally, that
you don't cause any damage. And that's what, have you learned to tap into Universal
energies, that internally and externally you absorbed what you need.

This is what you're going to do in the space. Fasting and the starvation and all sorts of
things is not the answer, unless you have learned how to convert energies to what your
body needs. We have Chinese who make Gans's of vegetables, and meat, and whatever,
and they put it .. around the glass and they drink the water from glass.

But in a way, with the right salinity in the glass, that it absorbs the right energies for their
body. 0.9% or 0.09%, depends on how you measure it. (2:06). Salinity gives the energy
absorption to the blood of the Man, because that's the salinity of your body, what you call
it, blood. That saltiness you taste.
0.09%,取决于你如何衡量它。( 2: 06).盐度让人的血液吸收能量,因为这是你身体的盐

And you have to be able to connect the two together, to feel the Soul inside you. And to
feel the Soul outside you. I was explaining to one of our Knowledge Seekers yesterday,
how you can do this. And we all have it, it's given to us by birth, we all have it as part of
constitution of our life. And we don't know it, but it's one of the tools that you can
expand, move, and then move out your Soul. I've explained this in one of the teachings.

This is your physicality, and let's do it the other way, because it's better. This is your
physicality, this is your head, this is your arm and leg, and this is your body. This is your
Soul. But you remember that story about the H having a proton and electron. Man has the
same. In fact, if I put the electron here you understand more. You have a Soul here. (2:08). And the
life in all animal creatures, even the plants and trees has created what you
call, your ovaries or testicles. Where you have the seed in conjunction for the next Soul,
you call it, your child to be created.
手臂和腿,这是你们的身体。这是你的灵魂。但你还记得那个关于 H 有一个质子和一个电子
魂。( 2: 08).所有动物的生命,甚至植物和树木都创造了你所谓的卵巢或睾丸。在那里你

So in fact, if you look, Man has a power to create the expansion of his Soul. If you
understand this, it's the same as the electron. The biggest Soul sits within, ?? the small
Souls, and we create it every month. To make sure it's the right balance, each testicle is
responsible to create a Soul.

Something which I explained recently is, if you understand the physiology of the Man. We produce
eggs or a sperm from one of our ovaries or testicles and the other one goes
for rest. It's the same when we breathe every hour. One of the nostril closes and the other
lung goes under efficiency to repair. So you have that process of the Creation
continuously with you.
And if you can expand this and do what we do with you, you can expand the body. Then
you can tap into the universal energy. We do the same with you when we give you the
headphones. You have then to understand. (2:10). Then you understand how Man in the
future learns to create the "children of the Soul," and not children of the physicality.
量。当我们给你耳机的时候,我们对你做同样的事情。然后你必须明白。( 2: 10).那么
That's how the child of Mitra was born. Man in those positions carries no eggs and no

And if you understand this process, you learn how to expand to tap in Universe energies,
and you still feed. You don't say, I haven't eaten for 16 days. Because now you run into
trouble, because you're relying on the physicality. But if you can learn this that you can
expand this, then you say, I'm in what you call it, "hybrid." I use the physicality of the
Man to tap into the energy of the Universe. Then that will feed what the physicality
needs. And we all have the mechanism to this.
说,我已经 16 天没吃东西了。因为现在你遇到了麻烦,因为你依赖于身体。但如果你能

In another way, every cell of our body has that mechanism. Depends where it's short you
can feed it. Don't we do this with (Gans) patches with you? We connect your Soul to
where the damage is, through the field strength of the patches.

So when you go on this, what you call, not eating, are you on the, what we call, track to
crash the physicality? (2:12). Or have you learned how to feed it from the Soul? Then
you become a Man of space. I don't even need to breathe because I take from the energy
of the Universe, for what it gives me, the air of the Earth. This is why in a few teachings
before I said, if you all jump ?? in the space from the Space Lab you all die, because you
haven't learned the conversion. How to tap into Universal fields.
吗?( 2: 12).还是你已经学会了如何从灵魂中喂养它?然后你就变成了一个太空人。我

In the past few weeks I start explaining a lot of things on my private life, physical life
with you, there is a reason for it. You gradually understand, because you live by the
example. When you see it, you recognize it. When I tell you, when I wear the clothes I
feel the chill, then when you feel ?? ice cold, it's not there, my Soul has expanded. How
can I use it to feed myself?

I was explaining to one of the Knowledge Seekers in the past few days that I saw, I stood
as I explained last time, I saw the blueness of the eye of the Christ. Why? Because the
Soul moves out, and looks at the dimension of the physicality. This is what you have to
understand. And you can do the same with yourself.

When we send you to the Moon, as I've explained before, we package you in an
envelope. But this envelope needs a position of destiny, where to go to. (2:14). It has to
have his neutron somewhere. We send energy level of part of your Soul to the Moon,
does not matter where you find this balance. That's where you're going to end up.
需要一个命运的定位,去哪里。( 2: 14).它一定有他的中子。我们把你灵魂的一部分能
In the physical life, you go to go to cinema, you come out of the house, you get in the car,
you drive around the city in all roads till you get to the cinema. Now in the dimension of
the Soul, and the physicality of the Creation, we can do the same. Cinema has a energy
level balance. And that's where I tune myself to be (immediately go there). So if you go
on a diet, first learn how to feed yourself before you go on these excursions. Because
you'll find out that you arrived with the empty bag. And then they have to go all the way
back to fill it up.

You know, it's very interesting. If you do it by will, we do it beautifully. If you do it by

pleasure, we still enjoy doing it. If you do it because we have to do it, when we come out
of it, we go amazingly greedy to do. You see this with Jewish fasting in Yom Kippur, and
you see this with Islamic world in the summertime, when the fasting falls in the summer. You
have only four or five hours of the sunset to the first sunrise, you have fasted for 19
hours. In that five times, it's the feast, time you eat as much as you can. But what about if
you learn when that time, 5 hours comes, I already learned to take from the energy of the
Universe, it doesn't matter if it's five hours or 15 hours in the winter. (2:16). This is what
you got to learn.
界的夏季禁食中看到这一点。从日落到第一次日出,你只有四五个小时,你已经禁食了 19
个小时。在这五个时间里,这是盛宴,你可以吃得越多越好。但如果你学会了,当 5 个小
时到来的时候,我已经学会了从宇宙中获取能量,不管是 5 个小时还是 15 个小时,在冬
天。( 2: 16).这就是你要学的。

And then you haven't eaten for 16 days, have you learned how to feed yourself through
the energies of the Universe? Or have you learned the way the Chinese done it? You
deliver the energy in the (Gans) water. If you eat distilled water, or drink water from the
well near you, which carries all combination within this, without being whatever, put in
the bottles. In our factory, there's a water well, the water we use there comes from our
own site. And water is so delicious, it's different than the water we buy in the tap. But is
the water contaminated? But because we are on top of the hill only can be from our land
more or less, what gathers on the hill and no chemicals are used. So it gives a pure.
然后你已经 16 天没吃东西了,你学会如何通过宇宙的能量来养活自己了吗?还是你学到

But is the mineral within the water of the mountain enough for what the body of the Man
needs? We need to tap into the reserves of the Universe and not into the reserves of this
planet. Or at least the energies of this planet, which are not needed and reserved. Then
you can go lifetime without eating.

As I said, many Knowledge Seekers, since "dining with the Creator" have gone through a
lot of experiences and live different lives. And this is an example of it. (2:18). When we
invite you to a meeting, there is a purpose for it. It's for you to understand the ways, and
for you to comprehend what needs to be done, to be ready for the change. Many of you
who are attending all these meetings one after another. When we come to the end of it,
you will become the traveler of the Universe. You understand how to react, how to be. We are
getting out of 160 people around, attended dining with the Creator, a lot of
different emotions are feeling and ways of living.
同的生活。这就是一个例子。( 2: 18).当我们邀请你参加会议时,它是有目的的。这是
应,如何存在。我们走出 160 人左右,与造物主共进晚餐,有很多不同的情感感受和生活

But what happened when you come on the table of the sitting with the world leaders? Some of
you are going to have the shock of your life in that meeting. And that is why we
do this? Why we invite you to sit with the world leaders? Because you come to
understand there is no leader. It's me who leads my life. But you have to learn it. It's me
who can tell the others, you're the same as me. Maybe you need me, for you to be a
leader. And then I'm the true leader, because I lead through justice, correctness.

And then what we did with the dinning with the what we call, Creator. You should have
realized by now that you are the Creator, because you created the condition. And the
process of all these meetings every month is to gradually, a large number of you, (2:20).
become the first "passengers of the Universe." Because you're going through the what we
call, learning process. But learn what you see compared to what it was before you go in,
it's what you've learned. Not accident, not coincident.

Why did we ask you to come in for five days? It's for you every time to learn something
new in the dimension of the strength of your Soul. You came and took, what did you do
in the week when you came to give? What did you bring? What you enjoyed or what was
available but other ones to enjoy? I ?? don't like Chinese food, your Chinese ?? friends
should have brought pizza, because I only like pizza, the Italians didn't turn up today. When you
came on the table the second week you brought food and did you say, I
brought food, and what have you brought for me, that I enjoy? But you just brought in
because we said ?? to bring it in, and sit there.

A few times, in past couple of weeks you realized you're not connected. The channel is
not open. It was interesting to know how many of you tuned without the channel being
opened. Were you still there, are you were there to come in and show your ?? frock, what
I brought to everybody to eat? Or you learn to connect without? Would you share your
sweets, or whatever you brought to go to a party, if the party is not started, you're sitting
in the car with a friend, no, no, you can't have it till we go in? Or let's eat here, it's the
same as what we eat inside? (2:22). What about if you went to the wrong party? Do you
still sit in the car and starve and eat the sweetie in the box?
之前你不能吃?或者我们在这里吃,和我们在里面吃的一样。( 2: 22).如果你去错了派对

These are process, this is why we ask as many of you to turn up on the 24th. There is a
purpose for it. We don't put it in advance because then you come with the wrong image. You will
learn when you come through it. Like the way we've done with the dinning with
the Leaders or the Creator. I wonder how many more days you will last before you start
eating. Or have you learned to take from the Soul to feed, that you don't need, or you
have to learn the ?? type of conversion. But a lot of Chinese did but they didn't go to the
second phase of it. They moved from physical eating to the dimension of transferring
energy into the water and they drank the water, and they received the balance energy
what they need. Now what about changing those bottles you put outside to fill up the
energy in the cup that you drink the water, let those be the energy of the Universe. And
your body is 95% water. Come to conversion with it, without drinking it. Man has not
used to see the beauty within his own physical structure. Then, do you need to eat?
这些都是过程,这就是为什么我们要求你们尽可能多的人在 24 日出现。这是有目的的。我
子换掉,把你喝水的杯子里的能量装满,让它们成为宇宙的能量。你的身体 95%都是水。用

Any other question?


Q: Mr. Keshe, (2:24). some people in the flight events have mentioned they felt sort of
bloated or having other health effects, let's say. And I want to use Jefferson's (Modesto)
question as a as an example of this. So he says, good morning Mr. Keshe. I participated
in the three plasma flight events and the two weeks of plasma feeding. But I have had a
very complicated health situation since then. I don't know if this situation is related to the
effects of these experiences.
In the last two weeks my blood pressure has risen a lot. It has reached 20 by 13. I have
had great difficulty breathing. I have not been able to sleep well. I feel my abdomen is
very bloated as if the food is just sitting there and digestion was not taking place. My feet
swelled up a lot. I was forced to go to the doctor and they prescribed me medication for
the heart. I followed up with the cardiologist. I never had problems like that. I do the
protocols with the Cup of Life daily.
在过去的两周里,我的血压升高了很多。到 13 岁时已经达到 20 岁。我呼吸非常困难。我一

My question is, could these effects indicate that something is changing in my physicality,
as a result of what my Soul is experiencing? Now, after the plasma flight events, how
could this evolve? Thank you very much, Mr. Keshe.
现在,在等离子体飞行事件之后,这是如何演变的?非常感谢 Keshe 先生。

K- This is expectation. This is when you feel you're generous, you give. And in fact, you
came to take, and the body has taken too much. And is a conflict between the energy field
of the Soul and STP. This is not the first time we see this, (2:26). and does not get solved
by medication. Get solved by understanding the structure of the emotion.
太多了。是灵魂能量场和 STP 之间的冲突。这不是我们第一次看到这种情况( 2:26)。不

When we have a father whose, the son is in conflict with, the son bloats up to show I'm
big, so I can, I exist, that I can stand the father's bullying. And we do the same thing, we
can do it overnight. We put weight on like nothing in matter of days. Because we go
through the point we can't understand. We expect to be the giver, and we actually are
takers. And we store it for the time, that we want to ?? give. We see this quite a lot with
those who feel they came to give, but they actually took. Body goes on imbalance. Try to
understand how and why. It's expectation.

Can I ask one question, if he is on the line he can write to you. Did he come to Linz, but
never attended to come inside? If he can answer that on the line. Then we understand

People came in as I said, you'll see a variety of interactions and responses from the
people who came to the what we call, "dining with the Creator." And the Creation and the
Creator is you. What have you created? Or is the physicality different than the emotion,
that cannot accept it? (2:28).
它?( 2: 28).

This is why we invite you on, what you call it, on Sunday, twelve o'clock, to join us. To
understand. And a lot of you will understand this change. What you went through. And I
receive a lot of communications from the people who've been through different sessions.

How many of you will feel you are the leader when you come out of 24th? How many of
you will feel you need to be a ?? vet, because you do not really know what it means to
lead yourself to the destination? Because then you have to lead yourself to planet Zeus, or
somewhere else.
你们中有多少人在第 24 届毕业时会觉得自己是领导者?你们中有多少人会觉得自己需要成

There's a reason we put these sessions on, for Man to understand his work. We hear one
is not eating for 16 days. And one has a blood pressure and the rest of it. And I ask one
question, if he can answer it, did he ever come to Linz? But never came in. Then I give
you the answer why.
我们举行这些会议是有原因的,是为了让人类理解自己的工作。我们听说一个人 16 天不吃
The Keshe Foundation doctors are looking for a lot of medical conditions. Because we
would like to know what will happen to the physicality to set our system, (2:30). when
you travel from New York to Linz. Are we getting the same and the same emotion? Or
are we getting animal behavior in New York and the gentle man by change of the fields
in Linz?
Keshe 基金会的医生正在寻找大量的医疗条件。因为我们想知道要设定我们的系统,肉体
They are looking for cancer patients, they are looking for all the mysterious ways the man
has abused, or emotionally abuses his physicality. Because these all will be registered in
the what we call, the encyclopedia of the travel. How do you change cancers? Or do you
teach the Soul, that the cancer is created by its not balanced with the energies of

If you have any kind of diseases go to the Keshe Foundation website, because all these
conditions you're talking about is something for them to learn. Because then it becomes
available to the man in the Universe in the space. They're looking for all sorts of
conditions. Go through the normal channel, where we have your, or and through doctors of the Keshe
Foundation, they'll get in touch with you and try to understand.
如果你有任何疾病,请访问 Keshe 基金会的网站,因为你所说的所有这些情况都是他们可
KESHE 基金会的医生,他们会与你取得联系并试图了解情况。

Some of you Knowledge Seekers have brought a big question mark to us and say, you
ask us to come in and you want us to pay. (2:32). You want us to massage the figures
and the technology like the others do? Because that does pay for it, we have to give them
what they need? Or do you pay for it, that it can be done the correct way, we learn from it
that everybody gets direct data? In this process, we're all researchers, and we pay for our
research. It's not just because it's the Foundation you asked, and I don't have to. And this
is part of the process.
付钱。( 2: 32).你想让我们像其他人一样处理数字和技术?因为这确实值得,我们必须给

As I explained very recently to one of the Knowledge Seekers, they brought the
vaccination, and because they were paid they massaged it. The biggest crime to humanity
was done in past three years, by those who paid for those to confirm, cheated documents
and figures. This will not happen in Keshe Foundation. We don't have to report to no one,
and we don't have to massage nothing. And you pay for all our researchers, your work. Buying
products paying for research, paying for the others to help with research, it's all
part of the same system.

Any other question?


R: Okay, question from…

K- Are you in the background? Did you come to Linz or not?
R: Mark says in the last comment, you're correct. I don't know if that's specifically related
to that or not.
K- Mr. Rodrigues, am I correct? Is it the right one?
R: Mark says yes, it is. (2:34). And Jeferson Modesto.
R:马克说,是的,它是。( 2: 34).还有杰弗森·莫德斯托。
K- He came, but he never came in. Jefferson never came inside.
R: .. Oh, he says he was present by phone, but I have never gone to Linz, he says.
(Note: The question was from Jefferson Modesto, not Jefferson Rodrigues who went to
Linz but did not go inside the building).
K- Yes. But he never came inside.

We bring all of you to Linz. And some of you never come in. We ask you to go to places,
but you decide where to go. As I said, a few weeks ago, we had Knowledge Seekers in
the flight system. I said, you can go to Moon. She said, no, I want .. to see my husband
who died. I don't want to fly. We've had this a few times. We open it, but you're not there
to come in.

We're doing a lot of flight tests. And in this test, I test a lot of people in what I call, to
come in, or to go out. A lot have a problem to come in, because they are not sure what
will happen when they come in. (2:36). And the fear of not sure is, can I go back to
where I came from. But if you ask them, to ask somebody else to come in, they always,
most of the time, bring them in. Can you bring your ex-husband, can you bring your cat
they'll bring it? But if you ask them, can you bring yourself in? It's always a problem of
uncertainty. I've been there, but I'm not there.
多人进来都有问题,因为他们不确定进来后会发生什么。( 2: 36).不确定的恐惧是,我能
A huge amount of research is going in the background. And in the next maybe a couple
of weeks, next few weeks, you will see totally a new generation of EU, never seen in
public. Never seen at all, never been created. And these are as close as we get to
production, or replication of the fields of the Universe, with the present knowledge of the
Man. Till we move from the matter state into the field state. Because we came from one,
we went to the other, and we're going back to the other one we came from originally, but
in different dimensions. Because it had to be understood. Fields and the interaction of the
fields were not understood fully by our team. Now, most probably has been partially.

We had to go into rays to understand it, to come back into the fields to understand the
plasma. (2:38). And when the new plasma systems comes into operation, we are ready to
transmute you. And transportation becomes extremely easy for us, should be ready in
next 2 - 3 - 4 weeks, because the production has started.
我们必须进入射线才能理解它,回到磁场中才能理解等离子体。( 2: 38).当新的等离子系
统开始运作时,我们已经准备好转化你了。运输对我们来说变得非常容易,应该在未来 2-
3-4 周内准备就绪,因为生产已经开始。

And it's controlled by you and your thoughts, then by us. It follows into the Head Units
and the Power Generation Units the same. The new spherical Power Generator Units are
an amazing things once you see them. We move the technology to a much different
ballgame, than up to now. The first basis of transmutation through thoughts. The first
backup system, the basis of it has arrived from our factory in Iran in our hands in Linz. And you
will see it, where the new generation of the, what we call, the Head Units and
Power Unit comes into operation. It's a different world, (2:40). and different ways to eat,
different ways to communicate, and they are just about to come in to production in the
second quarter.

You understand the interaction. The fear of coming to Linz will go away, because you're
in Linz before you have the fear. Those of you who bought the Plasma Compact Units
with the Head Units will experience a new dimension in life, once you receive them. And
once you understand what the position is in respect to your Soul, nothing else. Your Soul
will think good, will act good, and will deliver the good things.

And you will see the line of communication will change. A lot of you will communicate
totally in a different way when you receive the Head Units with the Power Generation. Because the
power is generated in dimension of the plasma, not in dimension of the
electric power. Your brain, your Soul is made of a plasma. So it's of the same, that's why
the change will come in that way. (2:42). In the upcoming meeting with world leaders
for the first time these Head Units will be used in a very specific way. Then you'll
种方式出现。( 2: 42).在即将到来的与世界领导人的首次会议上,这些头单元将以一种非

Any other question?


R: Okay, I'd like to clarify with the Jefferson thing. As Rafael mentioned in the chat here
it's Jefferson Modesto, and not Jefferson Rodriguez. As Jefferson Modesto says, he never
went to Linz. Now we have Jefferson Rodriguez with a hand up here. So, perhaps he
would like to say something to clarify his position. Hello, Jefferson, would you like to go

Q: .. Hello, everyone, it's always an honor to talk to you Mr. Keshe personally. And I was
just going to say that it feels really good. I have been through this experience, flight
experience as many as I can. And I really feel good. And I say thank you very much for
the opportunity that we be having to help and to join in this effort to enhance our
knowledge. Thanks to you.
问:..大家好,很荣幸能与您交谈,Keshe 先生。我只是想说这感觉真的很好。我有过这样

And yes, I'd like to say, I've been to Europe last year. And I dropped by Linz, but it was a
weekend when I arrived. And I've been to the Uno Center to know the place, to know
where the institute is, to feel the environment, to feel the air around, to feel the structure,
and to understand the energy that was around, in my humble knowledge. And I've been
through the city to spray Gans's in the river, the Danube river and some churches,
everywhere that I could. To try to bring my wish that everything could be good, could go
in the direction that should be.
是的,我想说,我去年去过欧洲。我顺便去了林茨,但我到的时候是周末。我去过 UNO 中

K- Did you let us know you were in Linz?

Q: Yes.
K- Did you ever let anyone in Linz Center know that you are in Linz?
Q: Well, in fact, I just, I put a message out to a friend, but it would be any possibility to
make a visit. But I did not specify who and when.
K- Now, when you came to Linz, did you tell anyone that you're in Linz, of the Keshe
Q: No, I didn't. I was by myself.

K- You were there. But I knew you were there.


Q: Yes, you know. But I was…

K- You came with another Brazilian Knowledge Seeker, a lady, am I correct? (2:46).
你和另一位巴西求知者一起来的,一位女士,我说的对吗?( 2: 46).
Q: Yes. It was a kind of coincidence. Because she was going to take the flight experience
and she was alone. And I was in that time, I was in the city. And I met her to bring her a
kind of emotional support, because I got in connection with her. And I felt that she was
not in balance. So I met her. And we talk a lot about…

K- Why didn't you come into the center?

Q: Because in that day, I was leaving. I had my ticket to…
K- You could have told. I was never told by no one that you're in Linz, but I knew you're
in Linz.
Q: I believe ….
K- What occurred to me was, why you didn't inform the Keshe Foundation, that you're in
Linz? Because we can always open the door on the weekend, if you're there for a day.

Q: Yes, I didn't say to anybody. I was just like, kind of knowing the place. And I didn't
want to bother the experience that was coming on, that I had no appointment made. So I
didn't want to enter…

K- You know, we had these kind of things in Nino, in Belgium. And then in the center in
Italy. Where people come a long, long distance from all over the world, and they just sit
outside and never come in. And we usually feel them. (2:48). That's what I said, I knew
you were there. And you did not come in.
而来,他们只是坐在外面,从不进来。我们通常能感觉到它们。( 2: 48).我就是这么说

In Nino I walked a few times, and I could see Japanese and Koreans sitting outside on the
edge of the car park on the road. And I walked to them and said, this is the Keshe
Foundation Center. Yes, we just came to be near. And I said, why you behaved like this,
it's your home, come in. We just don't want to be disrespectful. We just came to be near. And this
followed, even in Italy.

And this is what I don't understand. If you travel halfway around the world. We haven't
made a temple, it's your home. And we see this kind of behavior quite a lot. When you
come to Linz or anywhere else. And you're not the only person who's done this. I'm
aware about maybe 10 - 20 people have done this in the past year.
知,在过去的一年里,大概有 10-20 个人这样做了。

The center is your home. It's not just to come and go. And somehow the Keshe
Foundation team, if you're there for a day, they can always allow you to come in, they
make a time. I was very surprised. I knew you're in Linz and you will not come in. And I
felt it. In the later time, (2:50). I always ask, especially the Koreans and the Japanese
who used to come to Nino outside. And the strange thing is, was they used to come the
two days I used to be in the center, because I asked, the people around, have you seen
them? They usually come to days they know you are here.
中心就是你的家。不仅仅是来来去去。不知何故,Keshe 基金会团队,如果你在那里呆一

We don't create a cult. We are not a religion. We are a scientific organization and the love
of the science brings you home, it's your science. And as I said in a meeting in Belgium
years ago, .. we had a public meeting in the Nino Center. And a gentleman came to me
and said, Mr. Keshe, do I have a permission to speak with you. I said, do I have a
permission to speak to you. Why you asked this question? He says, that gentleman there
said, that I cannot speak to you without going through that gentleman. I said, I met that
guy only once, I don't know who he is. People give themselves importance by

In Keshe Foundation we don't have this. And when you go to any of the Keshe
Foundations if not because of the security, it's your home. It's a home of knowledge. You
should never be ashamed of it. I was talking to my bodyguard yesterday. I said, do you
know why you and your team is around me all the time, the people when we go around
they are there? He said, no. I said, 99% for people to be deterred to anything. The other
1% if they need to be. (2:52).
在 Keshe 基金会,我们没有这个。当你去任何一个 Keshe 基金会时,如果不是因为安全问
人对任何事情都会望而却步。剩下的 1%,如果需要的话。( 2: 52).

We made "the home of knowledge" to be for all of us. We haven't made the home of
knowledge to be exclusivity of some. If you traveled halfway around the world, you don't
pass by, you come in. And this situation with you I knew, because I've seen this before,
and in a way it's a pleasure to see, for you even to be there, and for us to see. Next time
you come to Linz, walk in, let us know. If it's possible we make an arrangements.

Q: Thank you very much, Mr. Keshe. It'll be a pleasure and…

问:非常感谢 Keshe 先生。这将是一个愉快的…
K- It's a long way from Brazil to come in and not just cross a glass door.

Q: Yes, but I will get in contact first, but I feel so much happy that…It's just like you
said, it's just like a home. And I feel like that. I feel when I was in front door feeling the
energy of the Keshe Foundation and all that can and is bringing to humanity in the
connection with the whole. It was so strong, so powerful, that I didn't felt that my person
in physicality could have this strength that I was feeling, the exchange of energy that I
felt. (2:54). Thank you very much for your invitation. I know that's always open and the
next time the time that I have the opportunity will be more than a pleasure and honor to
meet you all there in physicality. But in the Soul level, I'm sure that was incredible,
amazing experience, because I could take this energy to spread the water and Gans's
through the city, to everywhere, to feel the energy, to connect with the churches and the
bell rings everywhere. And understand the environment of the place. So it's easier for me
to get in contact when we are in this experience. Although I didn't came in. But I feel
that's amazing experience. And I just say thank you for everything. And I will be very
happy. I will be there one day. And I will come in happily.
受到的这种力量,我所感受到的能量交换。( 2: 54).非常感谢你的邀请。我知道这永远

K- You're welcome. We had the experience, I don't know if it is still going on. But we
stayed for about three weeks in a small hotel, in a suite in Italy, before we moved into a
permanent residence. And we had a few conferences in that hotel afterwards while we
were in Italy. The management of the hotel told us one day that, Mr. Keshe, we don't
know why, (2:56). but a lot of people are booking the room that you stayed in. They ask
only the room. They come into the hotel for one night or whatever. And they want to stay
in that room only. And I said, what do you mean? He said, these are the people, your
Knowledge Seekers, they want to sleep in the same bed as you slept. To feel the energy.
利的时候,我们在那家酒店开了几次会议。有一天,酒店的管理人员告诉我们,Keshe 先
We have not created a cult. And the guy said, we have more booking for that room than
anything else. We've got to understand that, we have to understand the essence of fields
of it. And I respect that, in the teaching of Muhammad, bless his name. In the West, you
don't understand. I spoke about this before. When the…they had to become a consent
between those who brought Christianity to Italy, through the Roman soldiers who went to
Palestine, and some witnessed the putting of the Christ on the cross. And the ones of the
leaders of the Italy, the Emperor went to Iran and became the followers of Mitra to find a
religion without a statue. And when they two came together, the Romans could not tell
the citizen of Italy, that now we worship something in the sky the way the Emperor's do
in the name of Mitra. So they made another statue, call it, the cross on the Christ.
解这一点,我们必须理解 IT 领域的本质。我尊重这一点,在穆罕默德的教导中,祝福他的

So in a way they moved from these big statues in different locations and temples, that
you could carry now the cross on you, (2:58). with a cross on it, with a Christ on it. So,
they changed one statue with another. Muhammad saw this. And for it not to be repeated
he forbid the Muslims to ever draw his face, that he doesn't become another statue on the

This is why in the Western world, you hear they put all sort of death sentences by the
Islamic leaders on those who draw the picture of Muhammad. That was a logical
Muhammad. When I did it was to protect myself, not to bring wars to the humanity. Another statue.
Because Muhammad and his time of life lived in the places where they
worshipped statues. When he went back, when he realized the message of the Creator, he
demolished all these statues. The only statue he couldn't demolish was the black stone,
which wasn't cut yet, it was nothing to worship. The only uncut stone. And because it was
black it brought the fear. From outside it's square. It was brought in to become another
frightening statue.

And Muhammad didn't want this to happen to him and the path of the ?? he brought. So
he forbid even his pictures to be drawn. Where in Christianity you just walk from one
statue worshiping a round ?? room, to another with a cross. Now you have become
better, you could carry it (wearing the crucifix as necklace). And the Emperor's act on the
behavior of the Catholic Church. (3:00). We just gave them something else, another
statue to worship. If you're a true Christian you should never carry anything with you
(wear a crucifix), because the love of Christ has to be in your heart, not around your neck.
行为。( 3: 00).我们只是给了他们别的东西,另一座供他们膜拜的雕像。如果你是一个真

And it has to be the same with the Keshe Foundation. The knowledge has to be respected,
not the man. The understanding of the line of connection to the Creator by the man
himself has to be respected, not anything else. And when you go to knowledge centers of
the Keshe Foundation around the world, respect the knowledge and be part of it, and not
be arrogant that you understood more, or think I'm not worthy to be there, because we are
all equal. Thank you very much. I knew you were in Linz. And nobody ever told me.
Keshe 基金会也是如此。知识必须得到尊重,而不是人。人自己对与造物主的连线的理解必
须得到尊重,而不是其他任何东西。当你去世界各地的 Keshe 基金会的知识中心时,尊重知

Q: .. In the last teaching, we were given discussing it in Brazil. About the elevation of
the Soul of the leaders, the "5plus1", plus Iran negotiators. And we've been through this
connection (Intention) every day. And you pointed out that we should change something. And we
were just wondering…
问:..在上一次教学中,我们在巴西讨论了这个问题。关于领导人灵魂的提升,“ 5+1
K- The 5plus1 has become successful, it's just matter of the last legs of it. There is a
prison exchange in next few days should be complete hopefully. (3:02). And the backing
of Chinese in the negotiation, as part of the main negotiations of the peace talks, 5plus1. It's the
last bits for Americans to clean up.
K-5plus1 已经取得了成功,这只是它的最后一步。在接下来的几天里有一个监狱交换,
希望能完成。( 3: 02).中国在谈判中的支持,作为和平谈判主要谈判的一部分,5+1。

Your work should not stop till this concludes, as part of what you do. But then it comes
the next step. You gathered so much energy to bring that and you're holding it, move it on
to the next step. What are you going to do when the 5plus1 to finish. Your elevation of
the Soul of the World leaders to reach consensus as a World Peace has to become the
work of your team, which you set up in Brazil. And I watch every day when Rafael post
things around all the Keshe Foundation 30 odd, what you call it, groups.
步。你聚集了如此多的能量来实现这一点,你正在保持它,把它移到下一步。当 5+1 完成
你在巴西建立的团队的工作。我每天都在看拉斐尔在凯舍基金会 30 多个团体周围发布的

The 5plus1 has taken its course in a way, through the wisdom of His Excellency
President Xi of China, it will meet his target, we'll achieve it, it's matter of weeks or
months. Depends how the new situation with the Saudis and the peace talks are opening
up the embassies in Iran has changed their position. And this will give certain arrogance
to the Iranian leaders, but this should bring them humbleness that they become part of the
通过中国国家主席习近平阁下的智慧,“ 5+1 ”已经走上了正轨,它将实现他的目标,

It's do not stop, because that process you started, your as a Brazilian team who meets
every night is still keeping everything as it is. As part of the course to be. And once
accomplished….(3:04). It's in the process. We always said, we are 98 - 99% done, it's
just a lot of things which needs to be agreed. It's mainly financial side than anything else. And
the Iranian leadership wants, a lot of the Iranians asked to be returned back to Iran,
or freed to Iran, as long as these assets are used for the nation, not the private accounts.
成了 98-99%,只是还有很多事情需要达成一致。主要是财务方面,而不是其他方面。伊

There was a huge problem with the ex-president of Iran with the Chinese. With the new
president all these have been sorted, and a lot of things, which the last President created
the mayhem between Iran and China is over. And in China, the Iranian new leadership
have taken a new course in the work of the peace. It will not be surprised to see the
opening of the what I call, dialogue between Israel and Iran in the coming time. The new
delegations, which we see in Emirates with the bankers and the religious leaders in the
background, and the, what we call…There's a little problem left with Israelis to be sorted
out with the new leadership.

The talk between Iran and Israel to come into the face of peace is already taking shape in
the background. And that needs the next support of the Brazilian group. We expect some
skirmishes by Israel towards Iran, but in general, everything is sorted to be there. The
Americans are influencing the air bases in Azerbaijan, to create a diversion, attack on
Iran by Israel, but we are fully aware of it, we know what's happening. (3:06). Decision
was done ?? 7 - 8 years. This needs the next step of attention by the what we call, nightly
meeting in Brazil. 5plus1, and then the establishment of peace across most of the places,
which is to come. With the technology we take to China, in the next few weeks will bring
an evolution in science and technology of China. And we hope that the Chinese will pass
it on to the rest of the world.
们知道发生了什么。( 3: 06).决定做好了吗??7-8 岁。这需要我们在巴西举行的夜间会
议的下一步关注。5 加上 1,然后在大多数地方建立和平,这是即将到来的。随着我们带
Thank you very much for being here.

Q: Thank you, thank you Mr. Keshe. I wish you a happy new, "norus". And we keep on,
we keep on. I just thought that maybe we were doing something not wrong, but not
enforcing, or that was just a feeling that I had about this meeting.
问:谢谢你,谢谢你,Keshe 先生。祝你有一个快乐的新“诺鲁斯”。我们继续,我们继
K- It is part of. There is a lot of bits staying around. Just one second please.
(interruption ) Sorry about that. Somehow, it rings at the same time during the teaching.

But in general, we're on the target. And this meeting of the 24th will be very important
for the work of the Foundation. (3:08). a lot of the, and what you call it, expansion of
peace. Try to join as many as you can. And many of you will learn a lot about yourselves
by the time we finish with the, what we call, meeting with the world leaders. The feeding
time was for 24 hours, or what we call it, the first two weeks. Meeting with the world
leaders will be a long commitment. A long haul and a lot of work. And members of
Universal Council, not the supporters of Universal Council, are obliged to be in this
meeting. You use your own what you call it, Universal Council emails and you enter, you
don't need an invitation. With this, we'll bring the change. Because there's a lot of things
in the background getting developed and put in position for that to be achieved.
但总的来说,我们在目标上。24 日的会议对基金会的工作非常重要。(3:08).很多,你们
人将对自己有更多的了解。喂食时间为 24 小时,或者我们所说的前两周。与世界领导人

And this time peace supported by the Chinese will bring a lot of good things. And they
need the collection, continuous support, which will join the 24th meeting with the world
leaders to the Brazilian group. In a way in the coming time.
巴西集团与世界领导人的第 24 次会议。在某种程度上,在未来的时间。

And we'll see how the thing turn up for you to understand, that you are the world leaders. (3:10).
You don't need nobody to lead you. But to be correct leaders. Because when it
comes to the Man to be in the space as a leader, as your Soul, will create his own planet
or a star, you have to lead. But you have to learn from now how that Soul will lead. That
doesn't bring, they create, the mayhem we've seen with the Soul, which created the planet
Earth. And this is part of the teaching, it's part of the understanding the process of the
Creation. Thank you very much.
我们会看到事情如何发生,让你们明白,你们是世界领袖。( 3: 10).你不需要任何人来

Q: .. Hello, Mr. Keshe. How are you? And my question is, I was listening oldest
teachings, the number 21. And you said about the numbers of the Souls of animals and
Vertical beings is much greater than the human beings. And I was thinking about it. And
my question is, if you put the plasma technology available today, in two satellites around
the Earth, in opposite sides, would not raise the Souls of this planet very quickly? Or I
could call in a number of Keshe Foundation and ask what I need. It's what I was
问:..你好,凯什先生。你好吗?我的问题是,我听的是最古老的教义,数字 21。你说动
魂吗?或者我可以打电话给一些 KESHE 基金会,询问我需要什么。我也是这么想的。

K- If we do it, we'll become magicians. (3:12). If you collectively do it, collectively you
bring the change, it becomes ingrained and becomes a habit. It's a big difference. And we
always stick to the side of not to be magicians.
如果我们做到了,我们就会成为魔术师。( 3: 12).如果你集体行动,集体带来改变,它
Q: But the Vertical beings are not so much more, than fishes, and insects, more than the
human beings?

K- I think some colonies of certain animals put together will be by number, much more
than Man. And the more. But we have to go through the process of the change. It's not
only Man who kills, the fish do, the lions do. It's elevating the Soul of Totality, because
their Souls still creates another star, It's not just the privilege of Man's Souls.

On average you put, how many, half a billion Souls a year into the galaxy. Around a
billion Souls we put out in the Universe, or in the Unicose from this planet, on the human
side, and that's not enough. (3:14). One day I'll explain to you why we need so many
Souls in the Universe and on the Unicose. There is a need for it, there is a structure for it. Some
of it are replenishing, some of it are structuring, some of them become the
backbone of the structure.
星球上放出了十亿个灵魂,在人类方面,这是不够的。( 3: 14).总有一天我会向你解释

We ?? can do it with satellites. Chinese are going to launch 500 low level satellites, or
they already started part of it. And I always said, with these, we can feed the whole
Universe. Part of my discussion with the Chinese government in the upcoming time and
military is this. Placing Keshe Foundation feeding stations on each satellite.
我们??可以用卫星来做。中国将发射 500 颗低级别卫星,或者他们已经开始发射其中的
与中国政府的部分讨论是这样的。在每个卫星上放置 Keshe 基础供给站。

Q: Great, great, great.


K- But we'll see what happens. Those who are close to us they know. We talk to the
people and places where it matters in different countries. We will see.

Q: I have another, only a doubt. Which parameters do you use to release the knowledge
about this plasma science? We are in the…
K- Am I correct, you're a medical doctor?
Q: Yes.
K- Ok, ask me.

Q: .. Because you're in the 475 classes teachings, which parameter to use to go further, to
go profound? Do you see the behavior? (3:16). Do you see the energy of the planet, the
问:..因为你在 475 课的教学中,用哪个参数走得更远,走得更深?你看到行为了吗?
( 3: 16).你看到地球的能量了吗,灵魂?

K- It is a combination. Man is a complex unit. We cannot do it. It's just what we stand
what we do. And each one of us brings our own facets and what we understand from it. You're a
medical doctor. I could never become a medical doctor. It was impossibilities. I
can't stand blood. Actually, I had a chance to become a medical doctor. In Manchester I
was given a place in Manchester medical school in 1979. Even I came from the
engineering background. Manchester medical school gave me pre-med, one year course,
because I was so, with such a high marks. They said, if you can do so good in
engineering you can become a doctor. I was given a place to do a pre-med one year to
join the medical school. And I refused. I said, I can't stand blood, how can…
I created technology with medicine that needs no blood, works through the energies. That's
where we are with the Keshe Foundation wellness units. You are a special
characters when you become doctors. I see blood I run.
我用药物创造了技术,不需要血液,通过能量起作用。这就是我们与 Keshe 基金会健

Q: That's a point that I am fascinated with your knowledge. Thank you.


K- Thank you very much. But it needs a collection of it. It's a combination of the
emotion, combination of understanding, (3:18). combination of comprehending the
process of the Creation. It's when you put them in what measure with each other, that
brings the best in the human Soul. And that's all the purpose of the teaching is. It depends
on which part you want to emphasis and which part you want, what you call, develop. And which
part you want to strengthen it. There is no set rules.

K- Thank you very much. Shall we call it a day?


Q: .. It is my first workshop. Could you tell us something about trauma and how it affects
the brain, and something about addiction or eating disorders? Thank you very much.

K- Trauma .. is created between the condition of the emotion and physicality. (3:20). You do not
know which one and how they interact. We see when we clarify one, or we
strengthen one, we finish with it. Depression, eating disorder, bulimia, and all this comes
from one source of, or another, of self-abuse, or emotional abuse in respect to conditions. And that
things brings certain kind of addiction with it as well, that I stay in my world. And I don't need to
be anyone else. So what brings into that world for me to be on certain
materials be it alcohol, be it drugs, be it love, be it whatever.
K-创伤..是在情感和肉体的条件之间创造的。( 3: 20).你不知道是哪一个,也不知道它们

And this comes from…It actually needs a strengthening of the Soul, with interaction
with the STP. And we've seen that recently with the work of our doctors. How people
with depression, eating disorders, all sorts of conditions, gradually come to understand,
elevate their own Souls and walk away, or gradually start to understand how they've done
it to themselves. And because they understand it, it's self-healing, you don't need to do it
again. You don't need to do anything, because you sort the problem from the base.
这来自..它实际上需要加强灵魂,与 STP 互动。我们最近在医生的工作中看到了这一点。患

So when you have a trauma is where you're what I call, Spirit, or STP, cannot understand
the work of emotion. And that brings that conflict. (3:22). Once you elevate the Soul and
STP, the trauma is not there. You have to understand what causes it, what is the reason of
it. Or what has led to it.
所以当你有创伤的时候,你就是我所说的精神,或者 STP,不能理解情感的作用。这就带来
了冲突。( 3: 22).一旦你提升了灵魂和 STP,创伤就不存在了。你必须了解它是由什么引

We came across something very interesting. We always deny the emotion. And when we
deny the emotion and expectation of the life in the physical dimension, we call it, reward,
brings these traumas in. And some of these traumas we call, ILS (means ALS). Which
ends up with the death of the Man himself, because he cannot handle the traumas of the
emotion in the dimension of physicality.
的期望时,我们称之为“奖励”,就会带来这些创伤。其中一些创伤我们称之为 ILS(意思
是 ALS)。这最终导致了他自己的死亡,因为他无法处理肉体维度中的情感创伤。

Emotionally, I want, I have to have it because I think I deserve it. But if I don't get it
physically. Demise, I bring the end of physicality because I think…It's just like a child
having a tantrum, if you don't give me this. I'm going sit down and bang my feet and leg
on the ground till I get it. We call it, temper.

And in adult life expectation and emotional condition not befitting to understand the STP
or physicality, creates ALS. If it's directed to one, to a person as life, we get MS. And
when its self-inflicting, the same emotion to the STP and physicality, we call it
Parkinson. But in fact, we have to understand what trauma we created in the dimension of
emotion that led to the physical condition, psychosomatic. (3:24).
在成人生活预期和情绪状况不适合理解 STP 或身体状况时,会产生 ALS.如果它指向一个
人,指向一个人的生命,我们就会得到 MS.当它自我施加时,同样的情绪到 STP 和身体
致了身体状况,心身问题。( 3: 24).

So, traumas comes when the two don't fit. The expectation of emotion with the physical
interaction of the STP with physical life. And this is where it comes in. One is the
interaction between the fields of the STP and the dimension of physical life. I'll explain
this once in the future.
所以,当两者不匹配时,创伤就来了。情感的期待与身体的互动 STP 与身体的生活。
这就是它的来源。一个是 STP 的领域和物理生命维度之间的相互作用。我以后再解释

We have through our structure of our body two structures working at the same time, in
parallel and in conjunction with each other. One is our Soul interacting with our STP,
which ?? leads stepped down to the physicality. But there is one through our neural
system which bypasses the Soul. So that creates its own physical emotion, which
interacts with the STP. And we see it when it does imbalance as trauma. It's a different…
灵魂与我们的 STP 互动,领导们退到了肉体上。但有一个通过我们的神经系统绕过了灵
魂。所以这创造了它自己的身体情感,与 STP 相互作用。当它不平衡时,我们将其视为创

We don't have traumas between the STP and the STM, but we have traumas between the
STP and what we call, we created as emotion with the physicality of the Man. And that's
the path, which we create our own demise, and we create ALS. And the world of
medicine have not understood this.
我们在 STP 和 STM 之间没有创伤,但我们在 STP 和我们所说的,我们用人的身体创造的情
感之间有创伤。这就是我们创造自己死亡的道路,我们创造了 ALS.医学界还不明白这一

Once we understand this, we can solve 90% of the what we call, diseases of the Man,
psychosomatic. (3:26). In a way, it's an internal work. Where with the STM and the STP
is a universal work. It's like a family, inside a family you do whatever you like, but the
family has an interaction with the society. This is how they see this family.
一旦我们理解了这一点,我们就能解决 90%的所谓人类心身疾病。( 3: 26).在某种程度
上,这是一项内部工作。其中 STM 和 STP 是一项通用的工作。这就像一个家庭,在一个家

And this is what we call, traumas. It's the interaction with an emotion created through the
physicality and STP. This is where it creates psychosomatic, the emotions you create
within the Soul and the STP is a different emotion, even itself can lead to psychosomatic
这就是我们所说的创伤。这是通过身体和 STP 产生的情感互动。这就是它创造心身的地
方,你在灵魂中创造的情绪,而 STP 是一种不同的情绪,甚至它本身也会导致心身疾病。

So, when you have traumas, you have to understand why, how. And when you have an
eating disorder, what this psychosomatic condition have brought these kinds of allergies,
these kinds of things. I was talking to a very highly educated woman in past couple of
days. She has a specific disease condition, and I was talking to her a few weeks ago, and
in the past couple of days, we're talking about it. She said, Mr. Keshe you're right, I
started reading the books. She's a doctor. And she said, you were right, I created my own
problem through my own the emotion. I read other scientists, and it's what you told me. It's
exactly right. And I know how I created this. Now I understand it. I said, now it's time
you're going to bring the change, because you understood. (3:28).
创造这个的。现在我明白了。我说,现在是你做出改变的时候了,因为你明白。( 3:
She is a highly educated PhD. But she did not realize getting that PhD has brought
demise of her own physicality. And that's where the trauma comes. And we see it the
same. We set it that way, then we eat the foods, which actually creates that condition,
feeds that condition. If we change our food habits, we can change the condition, because
we create different strengths of emotion. We don't have the allergies, we don't have the
other things.

There's a school of thoughts in the world of medicine that they say when you're allergic
to a food, don't avoid it, start eating bits of it, in micro feeding. Then you find out your
body gets used to it. And you overcome what was in the brain psychosomatically that
became, it shows us as allergy. And it works in many cases. If you're allergic to peanuts,
they say, don't touch peanuts. But if you actually do micro dosage, that you build up that
strength, one day you end up being able to eat a sack of peanuts with nothing.

But you have to understand the process by it. What brought that allergy. Is it chemically
or psychologically? And then disorders are the same. Why do people have disorder? It's
part of the attention seeking. I don't eat this. So every time the food comes on the table,
I'm the center of attention. (3:30). She doesn't like this, she doesn't like this. And when
you elevate the Soul, that's not there.
是众人关注的焦点。( 3: 30).她不喜欢这样,她不喜欢这样。当你提升灵魂时,它就不

We saw this actually recently with a child. She wouldn't touch vegetables nothing, and
overnight by elevating the Soul, the mother says, she suddenly eats everything. Vegetables are no
problem anymore. Because you elevate it, there is no need to push,
kick, or shouts or crying on the table. You elevate the Soul of the child, because she gets
the attention she's looking. Then you don't have disorders. And sometimes happens in
dimension of physicality, you have to find out why and how.

Any other question?


Q: .. I want to know if the gas unit can be sold individually. And to fertilize the land of 50
hectares, is it enough to use a single unit for this?
问:..我想知道气体装置是否可以单独出售。给 50 公顷的土地施肥,用一个单位就够了

K- The gas unit? What you want to do? You want to burn the place?
R: Perhaps, well, I'm not sure. But then I'm thinking like in greenhouses, they burn the
methane or propane in order to make CO2, in order to fertilize the plants?
K- The greenhouse indoor.
R: Yeah, indoor. So I know 50 hectares is not an indoor greenhouse.
R:是啊,室内。所以我知道 50 公顷不是室内温室。

K- No. (3:32).
K-不。( 3: 32).
R: So, perhaps is there any connection there between the gas unit, and…

K- The new technology we are developing doesn't need the gas unit for farming. It's
much more sophisticated. I was talking yesterday to our people that this year maybe the
last time we use these kind of even advanced technologies as Gans's, which we
developed. We move into the next phase, environmental fields for a specific condition.
年可能是我们最后一次使用我们开发的 Gans 这种先进技术。我们进入下一阶段,特定条
Where for example, you can grow rice, and maize, and wheat on the same land at the
same time and all grow the best. They're going through a test phase now.

For the first time I released to our team, the real way to make the farming Gans's. When I
make things I disguise a lot of things, (under) a lot of things. And then they say, oh, it
does that, but how come when we do it, it doesn't work. For the first time I released what
we call, the touch, which brings the harvest to 3 to 10 times more than average. And we'll
see the results of it in the coming months. As the harvest comes in. As now it's the time to
sow the seeds, as we say, and we'll see what comes next.
候,它不起作用。我第一次发布了我们所说的“触摸”,它带来的收获是平均水平的 3 到
10 倍。我们将在接下来的几个月里看到它的结果。随着收获的到来。正如我们所说,现在

You don't need to deliver Gans's, you just need to deliver the energy in the right way.

Q: .. . Hello, Mr. Keshe. After applying the pads with Knee Gans, my husband got pain in
his hip. Is it not suitable for him then? Or is there anything that can be done? There are
four milliliters in the front pad and eight milliliters of Gans in the back pad.

K- There's a very old English song, it says, the knee joints connected to hip bone, and hip
bone connected, you remember that one?
R: Yes, very well.
K- Would you like to sing it?
R: No.

K- You fix the knee, and now knee is in the right position, or get into the right position. And when
the knee was in the wrong position, has moved the hip in the wrong position to
be. So you got used to two mistakes together, but one was showing the pain. Now you put
the knee right, the hip has moved to the right position, or is trying to move in the right
position. And this shows itself as a pain. It's not that it's moved, you have corrected a
block. And now, the top which was moved to keep the balance has moved, or trying to
move to be correct.

Most of you, when you get this problem with the knee, when you do this, you will see it,
the knee moves in strengthening. And now the hip has to correct for the changes done. A
lot of you, especially women. I've talked about this many times before. You love to wear
these beautiful, open, high heeled shoes, or sandals. (3:36). And in that process, a lot of
you accidentally or whatever, get your little toe, getting hit by the furniture, or by the
wall, and you get the pain in it. Just the little toe bends, or your big toe bends. Because
it's open. When you wear a close shoes, you don't have this when you have open shoes.
你喜欢穿这些美丽的,开放的,高跟鞋,或凉鞋。( 3: 36).在这个过程中,你们中的很多

When these toes move in the center of your foot, there is a nerve, which creates a balance
of the lower part of the body. We have two balancers, one is in our ear and one in our
foot. This goes right in the middle center. And when these toes move, this thing moves. So when
that nerve moves, the ankle has moved to adjust for it. Then the ankle moves to
adjust for that little kick you had on the corner of the table six months ago, comes to your
knee a few months later, then from your knee goes to your hip. And then they call it, you
have sciatic. And then the spine has to adjust for that little change in the toe, which you
kicked two years ago. So now you get the back pain. And then it moves on to the
shoulder pain, because it's going up, everything's adjusting for that little kick you had. And some
of these, if it's repeated, ends up with you, movement of this, what we call, the
spine. And then vertebra has to move and you get disc problems and you have sciatic

But in fact, your whole problem came two years ago, three years ago, you kick the toe,
you don't remember, it was just something very small. And most of the chiropractors
don't allow us to do anything about it, because you keep on going back, they make money
out of it. If you put your toes right, gradually, all this correction, the knee pain, the hip
pain, the back pain all goes away.

And I released a video for this using the foot of one of Knowledge Seekers, (3:38). how
to do it. And you get somebody to put your toes right, the foot right, the ankle right. And
then over next, you do 3 times a week, and after a month or two, you feel, oh the pain in
the knee is there, and then the pain in the joint moves up to the hip. And then gradually
all the pains goes, because the body now is going back the way it was born with the
correct lining.
好,脚放好,脚踝放好。接下来,你每周做 3 次,一两个月后,你会感觉到,哦,膝盖疼

You have two choices, stop wearing these funny shows with the open front, or regularly,
every few months, get somebody to put your toes in line. And I released the video for
how to do it, two or three years ago. We did it, or teaching wise for somebody, and then it
came out to be passed on.

Now you use the knee what you call it, Gans, you might have a problem with the ankle or
the hip, because they moved because of the pain and the position of the knee. Now the
knee has gone the right position. They want to go back to normal, so they create their
own pain. You still can use the same position with the hip. But then the other thing is,
now you've corrected the knee, you corrected to the hip. Now the spine start moving, you
get the problems in your hand, and your arms. So you have to get it all lined. Can I use
the thing from my neck for my leg? All depends on you.

But when we released this we see a lot of positive response with the people who use the
Knee Gans. And it works because in a way, strengthens. Put everything right in the
position of the Creation, the way you were created. So, the others tried to move to go
back to how they used to be, (3:40). and you see the correction brings the pain in other
ends of the knee, on the ankle or on the hip. And if you use the same, you will get that

It has been one of the most effective Gans's Keshe Foundation has ever released as a
field package. And it works, extremely effective. But there is a way if you use it. We
don't release that way of application, because it goes to another dimension. If you use it
in a certain way, for years immediately corrects itself if anything happens. It creates that
这是 Gans 的 KESHE 基金会发布的最有效的现场包之一。它很有效,非常有效。但如果你

One of the richest man in United States, family of the richest man in the United States,
suffered with a cancer on the hip. Being a Mormon, he could not use any medicine. The
wife becomes a Knowledge Seeker, and comes to understand about the Knowledge
Seekers at the time when we got involved with the rest of Alan Sterling, got in the same
area. She got to know how he was using Keshe Foundation, and the rest. And she makes
a patch without him knowing being a Mormon, and puts it under the mattress, under the
sheet of the husband with the cancer of the hip bone, on the hip. And she's not touching
medicine, she learns how to make certain Gans's talking with some Knowledge Seekers. She makes
her own concoction, as I call it. And the guy was huge, because he was in bed,
very active, waiting more or less to die with four daughters. He's a Knowledge Seekers,
he is on the line, he will call me back says, you should not tell people what happened to
me. (3:42).
一领域合作时。她知道了他是如何使用 KESHE 粉底的,还有其他的。她在他不知道自己是摩
个知识追求者,他在线上,他会给我回电话说,你不应该告诉别人我发生了什么事。( 3:
But using the Gans's the right way, the cancer has disappeared. He's back to life. He is
very active, we still talk with him. And we didn't know this, he told us. And when he
came in touch as one of the rich mans of the United States, how the technology through
his wife making patches, has helped him with a cancer of the (hip bone) . And this pain in
the hip will not allow him to walk, or do anything else. And the last time I was talking to
him, he was on the truck two o'clock in the morning going somewhere. .. He says, now
I'm living Mr. Keshe, I'm driving 8 hours, 10 hours at night, with the new satellite system
coming into operation, making sure everything is on, what you call it, GPS location,
correct for what is to come. But the change in the hip, he started changing in whole body. And the
cancer is not there. He said, I was lying in bed waiting for the death. Now I'm
running like a rabbit.
我开了 8 个小时的车,晚上开了 10 个小时,新的卫星系统开始运行,确保一切正常,你所
说的 GPS 定位,对即将发生的事情是正确的。但是臀部的变化,他开始改变整个身体。癌症

R: Mr. Keshe, for someone that's like in the case of Ute who the pain went from the knee
to the hip, would they then since there's no longer pain in the knee, there's no need for the
Knee Gans, in a way. Would they apply that Gans to the hip in that case, and chase the
pain around the body if necessary?

K- In a way, you can do, but you can't use it on the spine. You can't use on the spine.

You see what happen, these are Gans's experimental trials. (3:44). And we're talking
about the fields, you are not touching it, you just cover it and use the field of it. And don't
going to touch the body. So now you have to understand, if it's been that much correction,
that the knee is corrected with the fields itself. Now the hip corrects itself. So what has
been the rest? How did the vertebra has moved to accommodate the pain in the knee? You
understand? So, it's not chasing it, you corrected up to the sixth floor, you still got
another ten floors above that are tilted, you understand? But the zero to six, or floor two
to four has been corrected. You haven't corrected the ankle yet. You understand? Once
you put the knee in position, sometimes accidentally we do damage without anything
else, but the rest most accommodate it.
你看到发生了什么,这些是甘斯的实验测试。( 3: 44).我们谈论的是场,你不能碰它,你
I spent years with this disease, with this problem. I even went back into disc operation in
2,000. I did a micro surgery to get the disc, and then I found out, that it's actually how the
system works. And since I put the system in order there is no problem.
我和这个病,和这个问题一起度过了很多年。我甚至在 2000 年回到了椎间盘手术。我做了
This Knee Gans is done for a specific purpose. For you has been the pain in the knee. But
what happened with the cartilage? What happened with the ligaments? Have they been
reproduced? Have you taken an MRI, before they tell you, you need a cartilage
replacement or whatever? Have your cartilage, have the ligaments have been
strengthened? It taken me 20 years to develop this Knee Gans. (3:46). It's not something
accidental. And because I've been through it, I know how it has to be done. (Mehrenez,
last years said, I had a dream you have a problem with the knee, .. I said, yes. Took me a
week, seven days to correct the knee, and it's gone. And every time ?? (goes out), it
corrects itself, I don't need to do anything with it.
其他什么之前?你的软骨,韧带有没有得到加强?我花了 20 年的时间来开发这个膝盖。(
3: 46).这不是偶然的。因为我经历过,所以我知道该怎么做。(Mehrenez,去年说,我

This is what we shared with you as a, what you call it, as a knowledge sharing. It's one of
the most effective fields. If you look at it, it's like the cups we sell with the fields
replicators we call it. This Gans is the same, it's a field replicator. But instead of the Gans
water, it's your body. It's not a medicine, it's a plasma field ??.

R: Mr. Keshe, excuse me, if somebody have their knee surgery and replacement of the
knee actually with some sort of titanium or other metal. Would the Knee Gans not be
recommended in that case? Or is it okay?

K- No, do not use it. We prefer not to. If you have a hip replacement or a knee
replacement, do not go near it. It's actually is, I think it's on the back of the bottle. We
always said.

This is a field application system, it's not a medicine. It's just create energies that works
in this way and this is a trial, so we get the feedback. (3:48). It's nice to know it got rid of
the pain, or what you got it, but this is the side effect of the injury, which was created and
now the hip is putting itself right, so it moves up to the hip.
验,所以我们得到了反馈。( 3: 48).很高兴知道它消除了疼痛,或者你得到了什么,但

And yesterday we were told, we can produce more of it. It is a very time consuming
production to do. Limited numbers for us is made. We might repeat it again. But it's
something you can keep for years, if ever comes, whatever is there. Be it for the wrist, be
it for the fingers, joints. It's always, then feedback to us. These feedbacks you give to us
like this confirms the correctness of the…Because we're going to use this in the systems
for the, what you call it, wellness centers. And we already, because of the results, we
already tested with other conditions, and it's correct.

But you get to turn this is…It's like the way when we put the glasses out. We put there
for you to test it and the feedback gave us a lot in setting up of other systems which we
developed. We produced a limited number of these, and we might produce a second
cycle. But that'll be it. It's not something…It's like these discs you take, it takes two to
three months to produce this black disks. But it's nice to know is effective, it does what it
says. (3:50).
产出这种黑色的光盘。但很高兴知道它是有效的,它说到做到。( 3: 50).

Any other question? Or shall we call it the day. We are nearly to one o'clock.
R: Yes, if you could just answer, maybe a quick answer to one or two more questions that
would be great we'll have that wrapped up. Seven star in the YouTube ask, is carbon a
difference between Mag and Grav of the same plasmas packages? Is that the reason Nano
is always graphite structured?
来。七星在 YouTube 上问,碳是相同等离子体包的 MAG 和 GRAV 之间的区别吗?这就是纳米

K- Can you repeat?


R: Is carbon a difference between magnetic and gravitational, as the same plasma


K- Yes.
R: Is that the reason Nano is always graphite structured?

K- Graphite structure because is the…When we call it Nano graphite structured, it's not
actually carbon. It's the fields which they create, give that effect.

When we speak about C14 it's the effect of the fields created by Deuterium, which creates
that condition. You have to understand how C14, we call C14 as an energy works. How
much packages is in it. It's like a bag with some little loafs of bread in it, or so many
slices of bread. It cannot be any, you cannot bring more slices out of what you already
sliced. But how it shows itself, does it gives one slice, or it gives you ten slices out to be
consumed or to be used ?? not to be ?? interacted.
当我们谈论 C14 时,它是由氘产生的场的影响,它创造了这种条件。你必须了解 C14,我们
称之为 C14 作为一种能量是如何工作的。里面有多少包裹?它就像一个袋子,里面装着一些

The H originally when it starts as a plasma, and then in the splitting and interaction
becomes Deuterium. Then the deuterium itself goes through the same process. (3:52). By
interaction with the fields around it, it allows it to maintain, create speed of motion,
which in that speed of motion interacts with the other fields which leads to interaction,
absorption, or creation of more fields of same strength. This is what happens in Plasma
Technology, which in balance with the rest of the fields of the Universe is about the field
of strength of the seven neutron you call it, what we call, the plasma energy.
H 最初是作为等离子体开始的,然后在分裂和相互作用中变成了氘。然后氘本身也经历了同
样的过程。( 3: 52).通过与它周围的场相互作用,它允许它保持、产生运动速度,在该运

Not with the atomic number. We look at the field force factor. And that creates a
condition of C14, and the connection of the carbons. Because C14 itself comes from the
production of C12. In stepping down it becomes C12. And step backs up to C14, when it
comes to the space.
不是用原子序数。我们来看看场力因素。这创造了 C14 的条件,以及碳的连接。因为 C14 本
身来自于 C12 的生产。在退步时,它变成 C12。当涉及到空间时,退到 C14。

And this is part of the process of the Creation, creating of itself and then using itself to
create the next condition. We call it, the weight and the mass on Earth. Read the book
number one, I explained this in very detail, how we create mass, and how we create the
weight. And how come the mass is the same, but the weight is different? The weight is
interaction at the mass, which itself created from the fields of the Inertia of the Earth with
the gravitational field of the Earth. It's the third effect of interaction of the first origin. (3:54). We
call it, the weight.
地球的惯性场和地球的引力场产生的。这是第一个起源的相互作用的第三个效应。( 3:
And now, the first effect which is based on the interaction of field of the Solar System,
which is base common denominator with the field of the gravity of the Moon, makes it
lighter. Because it has a different dimension of interaction, MaGrav strength interaction. Otherwise
it's the same. It's interaction of the interaction, and interaction of the original
field with the interaction of the interaction. We call it, weight.
更轻。因为它有不同维度的相互作用,MAGRAV 强度相互作用。否则是一样的。它是相互作

I showed in the first pictures of today when I draw you the circles with the H, tritium,
helium, what you call it, and there on. Once you understand this, the world of plasma
become your oyster.
我在今天的第一张图片中展示了,当我给你们画 H,氚,氦的圆圈时,你们叫它什么,

Q: .. Mr. Keshe. It's mentioned somewhere on the Internet that MaGravs plasma energy
can charge a conventional mobile phone by requiring no conversion. Is this true?

K- In some MaGrav condition fields if you can match it. But you have to understand how
to match it. And in the very near future, we release this. You can charge your phone
anywhere in the world, by your main system, which sits at home. The, what we call, the
new spherical Plasma Power Units, which now delivered to Europe from our factory from
Iran, are set to do this.
K-在某些 MAGRAV 条件字段中,如果您可以匹配它。但你必须明白如何搭配它。在不久的将

You can charge your car, driving anywhere in ? ? earth. It's what Tesla did. (3:56). But
now you have to have the right connection at the other end. You have to have the right
tool to convert it back to use. I was talking to our guys this week, yesterday, day before
that…You saw the headphone in the demonstration standing on the stand, it's actually
just a stand. The headphone gets its energy from the generator on the other table. And I
said, why don't we put them, the headphone directly on the unit? Why do we need the
stand? It just bought when we bought the Head Units, they came that way. We use the
same stand, but the transmission is taken out of it. The electrical transmission. Because
we don't use it, we don't need it.
你可以给你的车充电,开到任何地方。?地球。特斯拉就是这么做的。( 3: 56).但现在

And I'm sure in next few months and whatever, we'll start introducing the magnetic fields
producers as an energy transfer. It'll be done. This is the gift we'll take with us to China. If you can
change the energy consumption production of China, don't forget they produce
one coal power generation a week, into operation for years. If you can, with the new
technology close two thirds of them. With physically, correctly, replacing them back with
plasma technology, we have brought China to meet its own commitment to what we call,
the carbon (foot) print.

As I said to one of the world politicians in past few days, (3:58). if you give me the
material in the power lines, once you don't need the power station, because you're not
putting any more (power) grids in, I can feed the whole nation of yours. You understand? So, the
power transmission the way we have got used to it, the way Tesla brought it back
and come to where it is, now with the new technologies it's not needed.

We need one central station power generation, which is in the center of the Earth to feed
the whole of the Earth. We have not gained the knowledge. I have the knowledge, but
then I become a magician. We see this energy in the form of lightning and thunder. We
need to know how to tap into it. We tapped into thermal energy, we tapped into the water
energy, we tapped in solar energy. But we haven't tapped to the essence of our own
Creation on this planet, which comes from the center of the Earth. The magnetic fields,
which we call it, gravitational magnetic field. If you can tap into it, you don't need any
power stations. Every unit is a station of power for itself, be it the light, the television, the
fridge, your mobile phone.

Geomagnetic electric power has not been tapped into by Man, and our new systems are,
they're stepped towards that way. Maybe if I get the right communication with the
Chinese authorities in the next few weeks, we'll release that technology to China. (4:00). In
respect to the GDP transfer to the Foundation for development. Which means China
does not need to import any more coal from Australia and the rest of it. We don't need to
burn a fuel to transmit cars, transportation.
来几周内与中国当局进行正确的沟通,我们将向中国发布该技术。( 4: 00).关于国内生

Now with electric cars, what are we doing? We are putting the power production in the
background on the hills in nuclear power stations and the rest. We haven't solved the
problem. We were creating more rubbish, carbon fingerprint, than when we were running
the cars. So the only solution is to come through China, as one of the major industrial
nations. Implication, application of it will go through the International, what you call it,

Then we don't need these, what you call, nuclear power stations and this new mayhem
and building power stations, coal power stations and the rest. If you understand, if you
ever understood by Man, what I'm doing to the Man, Man would run like a rabbit. With
this technology and the advancement it brings to humanity, transportation, transmutation,
and easiness to access to the knowledge of the Creation, I'm creating a lot of
unemployment. Which very knowledgeable unemployment, (4:02). because people all
get to know how to use, or how it is to travel ?? Soul. So this allows a massive excursion
of humans Soul into space, with the correct conduct.

When you have everything you have, as our friend said, 16 days hasn't eaten anything. And you
have to understand these 16 days he hasn't eaten anything, the supermarket
hasn't had money from his pocket into theirs. So if 1,000 people in his area do the same,
the supermarket has no customers going in. It goes down the line to the distribution, to
the farmer, and the rest of it. So, it'll create a huge unemployment.
当你拥有你所拥有的一切,就像我们的朋友说的,16 天没有吃任何东西。你必须明白,
这 16 天他没有吃任何东西,超市没有从他的口袋里拿钱到他们的口袋里。因此,如果他
所在地区的 1000 人也这样做,超市就没有顾客了。它沿着这条线一直到分配,到农民,

But when unemployment understood why, because the transport guy is himself one of
those who is not eating, and down the line, and down the line. Then it creates a Man of
peace, because we have what we need, why should we fight for it? And then allows the
Man to become "Man of the Universe" in a peaceful condition. I don't kill on Earth, why
should I.

Man has not understood what we planned for the Man. In a very nice way, my
grandmother used to say, you cut the neck with a fine silk line, you don't even feel it it's
going through you. You don't need the knife to cut man from the habit of killing. With
the silk of the knowledge we change the habit of the Man. This is what is on the card. And I
always achieve what I came to do. (4:04).
4: 04).

The next step is for us to deliver the energy technology, wellness technology, space
technology to the nation like China. And then the next will follow. Another Chinese from
import, as Trump said, China, China, China. Because China allows the right process of
the growth for any intellectual rights.

See you next week. Hopefully join us on (this) Sunday at 12 o'clock, dining with the
Creator. And join us on the 24th of March, sitting with the world leaders. It's an
obligation to be there, if you want to lead. Thank you very much for today, and hopefully
we meet soon.
下周见。希望在(本)周日 12 点加入我们,与造物主共进晚餐。并在 3 月 24 日加入我

R: Excellent Mr. Keshe, you made a SASI1650 cry today. They say, thank you very, the
big heart, and I cried because it touched me a lot. It is so interesting. So, thank you. That
was the newcomer to the workshops. This happens from time to time. Thank you, Mr.
R:太棒了,Keshe 先生,你今天把 SASI1650 弄哭了。他们说,非常感谢你,大心脏,我

K- Thank you very much.


477 KSW March 16, 2023


477 KSW 2023 年 3 月 16 日结束

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