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473rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop; February 16,

第 473 届知识探索者研讨会;2023 年 2 月 16 日
(Transcription, Proofing done)
(Auto transcription by Elias)
(伊莱亚斯自动转录) 木头人非常道 讯飞机器翻译

(: 15).
K- Yes, good morning , good day to you, as usual wherever and whenever you listen
these series of Knowledge Seekers of the Keshe Foundation, Spaceship Institute. We
welcome you back after a very interesting Monday Blueprint presentation. And hopefully
we can repeat another one in the next couple of weeks to show you more new
technologies and understanding.

As we have seen in the Intro, (:16). when you speak about the Cosmic Rays (CR), when
you speak about Creation of magnetic field, when we speak about radiation what is it
exactly is? What does it exactly mean? And how can we use it? We spoke about the
packs of energy of plasmas, as we call them, hydrogen (H), we call it the same pack of
energy, the center of the Earth, the Center of a Sun. The same pack of energy is a center
of the Universe (U). And the center of the pack of the larger one, we call it, the Creator. We have
chosen and name, different names for the same thing, for the same effect.
Where we spoke about the interaction of the fields of the H to create a Moon.
在那里我们谈到了 H 场的相互作用创造了一个月亮。

The interaction of the Soul of the Man (STM) with the soul of the Creator, creates the
man. You are another Moon. You are another dimension (D), interaction of the fields of
the Universe. It's how we twist it, how we turn it, it turns up to be the STM, the Soul of a
woman, an anima. What you call, an alien, a planet, a Sun. So, if we understand the
Totality, we cannot be prejudiced, we cannot separate it, just to fit us when it fits, and suit
us, and dismiss the other points.
度(D),宇宙场的相互作用。这是我们如何扭曲它,我们如何转动它,它变成了 STM,一

This is what Einstein did to write the equation of: Energy equals MC squared. He
dismissed everything, assumptions to the limitation of foolishness. Just because he
wanted to prove something. We cannot do that with the new present science. This is why
sciences like Einstein will be dismissed, (:18). when it comes to the Totality. What most
of the work he has done, is nonsense.
这就是爱因斯坦所写的方程:能量等于 MC 的平方。他对一切都不屑一顾,对愚蠢的局限

Because we cannot dismiss, we cannot make assumptions just to fit. We have to

understand the Totality. We have to understand the principle. And we don't make
assumptions, because one wrong assumption, and one dismissing a point can be your life
in the space, end of the presence of your Soul, in Totality. Assumptions cannot be made
in the real physics, in the real world of Creation. Because what it is, it is. What you have
is on the table. You have to deal with it. You have to understand it.

Last week we spoke about the tree and how a seed becomes a soul. How it becomes a
Twinity. How it becomes the Creation of what we understood, and we never understood.
上周我们谈到了树以及种子如何成为灵魂。它是如何变成 Twinity 的。它如何成为我们所
And we made a lot of assumptions. We spoke about the seed, which comes in and
becomes. Brought in from another tree, brought in from another planet, brought in from
another position. A seed of a flower we planted, and from it we set the seed of the
creation of a tree and its roots. A twin system, as we discussed last week. So is the STM.
The STM will become that seed, and then from it, as we said, will create that life. And
with it, to sustain it, (:20). needs to carry the same principle as what we've seen in the
world of Creation of the Creator. There is no difference between the seed sown in the
ground, that it become a root and a tree, the STM, and its existence, when departs from
the physicality of this world.
的根的种子。一个孪生系统,正如我们上周所讨论的。STM 也是。STM 将成为种子,然
子,它变成了根和树,STM 和它的存在之间没有区别。
In the physical side, we call the other one, Spirits, or what we call Soul of Physicality
(STP), where the STM ?? it It's the same when your body leaves itself behind, and the
STM travels the span of the Universe, to become that seed, to become that point.
在物质方面,我们称另一个为精神,或者我们所说的物质灵魂(STP),其中 STM??这是
一样的,当你的身体离开自己的时候,STM 在宇宙中旅行,成为那个种子,成为那个点。

But now, what we need to understand is simple. What is inside this seed, that in
interaction with the other fields of the Universe, it becomes, it becomes the start of a Sun,
a galaxy, a Universe, a planet. A dust speck in the Universe.

What is in this STM, there is no difference with what it is in an electron, in a neutron.

Combination of M fields, order of existence, order of interactions. So, the STM becomes
that seed of the hydrogen (H), that will try to create what we call, its existence, or what
the call its electron. That again, will become that process of the H.
这个 STM 中的东西,与电子和中子中的东西没有区别。m 场的组合,存在的顺序,相互作
用的顺序。所以,STM 变成了氢(H)的种子,它将试图创造我们所说的,它的存在,或者
它所说的电子。这将再次成为 H 的过程。

If you're not prejudiced about your own existence, you will understand the truth about the
Creation. Then you can explore, you can go deeper in the positions of the space to see
where you are, how you're interacting. How do you want to interact? What radiation you
want to create, that you need in your body to absorb. Because the radiation you absorb,
the food you absorb in your body is the interaction of your Soul with its environment. That
Gamma ray that Alpha ray, that Beta ray ??that does not even got a clue about the
strength in the world of the Creation. We referred back to this three, four or five years
ago, when we had the Indian guru sitting in front of us and they were proud, he hasn't
eaten for 20 days. And I explained to him by moving your lung and breathing system,
you absorb different energies. Now we understand the principle behind it.
顾了三年、四年或五年前,当印度大师坐在我们面前时,他们很自豪,他已经 20 天没有

Now you understand when you come in the Enhancement Unit (EU), how we interact
with you. Now you understand why this Sunday, when we sit to dine with the Creator,
how you absorb the food. You might not need anything, because the Soul takes what it
needs. Maybe you come full, your stomach is full of food, energy it needs your body,
your Soul doesn't accept. I felt nothing, because I ate from the sources of humanity.

We come to the point that we need to understand the principle of Creation. If man is
becoming the passenger of the Universe, if man is becoming correct to understanding his
own creation. Now we understand. (:24). Now we see. Now we expand the knowledge
beyond the limitation. Now, the point for us is, how do we communicate? How this ball
of energy we call, the STM, with the fields inside it. We call it a proton with the fields
inside it. We call it electron with the fields inside it. We call it a star with the fields inside
it, what is its essence? How does it communicate in World of Creation? How does it
connect with others? How does they find the ?? rays, which is part of it? It needs, it can
give to?
的创造物。现在我们明白了。(: 24).现在我们看到了。现在我们把知识扩展到极限之
外。现在,我们的重点是,我们如何沟通?这个我们称之为 STM 的能量球,里面有场。我

In a world of matter state we force the release of the energy. We chew it, we swallow it,
we bring it in and we force it, with the enzymes and acidity in the stomach and whatever
else, to release its energy. We kill another object, another entity for us to be able to take
in. To be able to crunch it, to be able to reduce it in the strength that we can handle it as
an energy in our stomach, that it becomes a cell of our heart, a cell of our brain and

What will be interesting is that, man in the near future will find out the production of the
cells in the brain of the Man has nothing to do with the rest of the body. It's decided by
the Soul, in interaction with the physicality (P), which he has created, (:26). which
interacts with the environment, which is living in. That is why you get Alzheimer's,
because the Soul decides, I'm not producing this part anymore. Or I'm blocking
production. It's not done by your stomach. It's not done by the process where the cells of
your lung and heart is created.

The Creation of the cell of the brain of the man, is decided by the Soul, in collection of
the fields within it, in interaction of the "Soul of the Mother," the Soul of the Creator, and
the Soul of the Planet plays in the position in the Universe.

Then the point it comes even in a womb of the mother, how does this Soul interacts with
the Soul of the mother? Why do we get diabetic one when you're born? Because the
emotion interaction with the field of the mother and the child, the torture which the
mother goes through the pregnancy, abusive husband, condition of life, will create the
demand for insulin, you call it. The creation, the need for sugar, that's what you call the
basic corner of the lifestyle, CH3.

In that respect then, the emotion within the Soul of the child, besides the condition of
absorption, creation and control of "sugar communication line." Why do we call it a
sugar? Why we have got this knowledge in our hand, even as Knowledge Seekers (KS)
and we never understood it. From day one, when we introduced CH3 to you, we called
this the initial energy source, "sugar of life." (:28). This is why you as Knowledge
Seekers when you have diabetic you look into CH3 and find a solution with it, if you
understand it, otherwise it's dismissed.
解它。从第一天开始,当我们向你们介绍 CH3 时,我们称它为最初的能量源,“生命之
糖”。(: 28).这就是为什么你作为知识寻求者,当你患有糖尿病时,你会研究 CH3 并找到

But again comes why hydrogen again? The essence of the center, and why carbon again? Because
the H is the material, that all the plasmas are made off. And in the world of
Creation, the carbon (C) is a communicator. Depending now you understand, on what
you want. You want to matter state energy, you link up to the C12, in absorbing energy
from the cosmos, which is 80% of the energy you use, you took, go to C14.
但是又来了,为什么又是氢气?中心的本质,为什么又是碳?因为 H 是物质,所有的等离
什么。你想要物质状态能量,你连接到 C12,从宇宙中吸收能量,这是你使用的能量的
80%,你把它带到 C14。

Again, as we heard in the Intro, look at the energy, not how many electrons and protons
and all that rubbish man has created to in a way, mislead himself, to fool itself away from
reality. In that process, now we understand. Now we see why and how the Universe
communicates. The Universe, it doesn't matter if it's in the cell of the man, on the Moon,
Moon and Earth. On the Sun, Sun and Earth, the galaxy and the Universe, and the
universes in the Unicose. There all energy packs with different interactions, creating
galaxies, suns, the moons, and the planet. (:30). We call it "Up Quark, and Down
Quark", and the rest of the rubbish, which the world of physics has accepted.
包都有不同的相互作用,创造了星系、太阳、卫星和行星。(: 30).我们称之为“上夸克

Then we have to understand, we have no choice, but to grasp the Totality of the Creation,
where you have one source of energy you call the Soul, and one line of communication,
you call, C14. In the matter states use the energy of a C. In the universal condition in
deep space and absorption of the energy, you use it as C14.
的能量源,和一条你称之为 C14 的通讯线。在物质状态中使用 C 的能量。在深空和能量吸
收的宇宙条件中,你使用它作为 C14。

Why CH3 is the essence of the creation of life on this planet is, because this little funny
chap called, hydrogen. Through its D, through his interaction, through you eat starch,
sugar, whatever you call it, has the capability to behave as C14, ?? as CH3, or C14 as ??
为什么 CH3 是这个星球上生命创造的本质,因为这个有趣的小家伙叫做氢。通过它的 D,
通过他的相互作用,通过你吃淀粉,糖,不管你怎么称呼它,都有能力表现为 C14,??
作为 CH3,或 C14 作为??H.

Now, if you understand the game, that CH3 plays in the life of the man in the Universe,
now, you will have unraveled the secret of Creation and communication anywhere in the
Universe. Where in the physical condition of the man, you rely on the CH3 as a C12 and
additional hydrogen's, that their interactions creates absorption and releases the energy of
one H, (:32). or it behaves very much like it a CH3, as C14 and extra H. That H it
depends of the soul. It's the connection to the two Souls. And C14 in the body of the man
in the dimension of the existence. In a world of the communication. The light you see
from another star in your eye, is the line of communication in the Cosmic Ray level, and
C12 is in matter of state condition of the plasma of the body of the (man).
现在,如果你理解了 CH3 在宇宙中人的生活中所玩的游戏,现在,你将揭开宇宙中任何地
方创造和交流的秘密。在人的身体条件下,你依赖于 CH3 作为 C12 和额外的氢,它们的相
互作用产生吸收并释放一个 H 的能量,(:32)。或者它的行为非常像 CH3,因为 C14 和
额外的 H.它依赖于灵魂。这是两个灵魂之间的联系。在存在的维度中,人的身体中的
线路,而 C12 是(人)身体等离子体的状态条件。
{ break in audio ....}
You are forever connected to the Universe, day or night, asleep or alive, or as a Soul, or
as an entity in the Universe. You are connected. You're continuously absorbing,
interacting, giving and taking from the energy fields of the Universe radiation. But you
go for that 20% of C14, as a C12, which leads you to kill, to crunch, to swallow, to
digest. To do what? To bring it back again to C14. To create a link between cells of the
body of the man. ?? How you test this ?? test this. (:34). Burn it and twist it and angle it. You
call it, Vitamin B, you call it Vitamin C, you call it calcium, you call it whatever you
like in your body.
那 20%的 C14,作为 C12,这会导致你杀死,咀嚼,吞咽,消化。去做什么?将其再次带回
C14。在人体细胞之间建立联系。??你怎么测试这个??测试这个。(: 34).烧掉它,扭曲
它,调整它的角度。你叫它维生素 B,你叫它维生素 C,你叫它钙,你管它叫你身体里的

There then you understand for the first time when I tell you, you eat three meals a day. You take
2,000 calories you eat 24 hours a day, from the energy of the Universe. You
take 80% of your energy. Then you understand why even emotion makes you fat. Why
even emotion gives you cancer. It's that line of communication. That line of Carbon 14,
which interacts with the Soul. Now, you see, what and how the teaching in past years
brings you to the essence of your own creation, communicating within you. What you
eat, would you will take in the Universe, in the space, and what you can create in space.
当我告诉你的时候,你第一次明白了,你一天吃三顿饭。你一天 24 小时从宇宙的能量中
摄取 2000 卡路里。你消耗了 80%的能量。然后你就明白了为什么连情绪都会让你变胖。为
什么连情绪都会让你得癌症。是那条通讯线路。与灵魂相互作用的碳 14 线。现在,你
If you understood the position of the Hydrogen and Deuterium, and Tritium, then you
understand why even man has the characteristics of intelligence. A sheep brain walks
99% of the time in parallel with the Earth's magnetic field, it creates only Hydrogen. (:36). Man has
a habit of lying down, and standing up, as an spectrum of radiation. If you
look at the humanity, if you look at the world of Creation on this planet, why we see
animals which can go where to go and horizontal, have a different intelligence, than
animals which are mostly horizontal?
99%的时间都在与地球磁场平行行走,它只产生氢气。(: 36).人类有躺下和站起来的习惯,

Why birds have a different intelligence. Because continuously the interaction of the fields
of their Soul with the environment, and with the standard understanding of the science of
Creation, creates a spectrum of radiations, which part of it, in interaction with the
physicality of the brain created, creates intelligence, diversity of fields interactions.
It's literally, you give one thing to a koala, because the way it sits and structures his live
to be upright all the time. That to a man which sits, bends, tastes different kinds of matter
state energies, creating variation, combination of fields, which in interaction with each
other creates intelligence.

The interaction with the Soul, and the Soul of the environment and the STP in different
angles, creates different field radiation, that man even haven't measured, or understood in
the world of Creation.
与灵魂的互动,以及环境的灵魂和不同角度的 STP,创造了不同的场辐射,人类甚至还没有

Now you understand why we went into teaching of Cosmic Ray, because it's the only
way. (:38). Now you understand what you call this, field interaction with other Souls,
field interaction between Earth and the Moon, we call it, the Cosmic Ray. Because it
comes from Cosmos, it comes from interaction of Carbon 14, in transferring, transmitting
from one point to another.
现在你明白我们为什么要教宇宙射线了,因为这是唯一的方法。(: 38).现在你明白了你所
为它来自宇宙,它来自碳 14 的相互作用,从一个点转移到另一个点。

And what happen when you learn how to jump on this bandwagon of fields, it gives you
instant "zero-time" communication and transportation. If you go towards the center of it,
or you go away from it, it will give you a transmutation in that direction, and
transportation when you go deeper in the matter state.

But with the knowledge, with the systems which we have created now, we can move you,
we can shift the angle of the interaction of your brain with us. This is why when we all
together on the 16th, on the 19th, on the 20th, we all feel the same, we go in the same
direction, we interact with the same fields. Because now your Soul cannot move. I
trapped it between the two headphones. It doesn't matter you lie down, you get up,
whatever. ?? Some feel interaction with the environment, ?? you interact with the line of
the fields we transferred to your Soul, we interact with your Soul.
互动的角度。这就是为什么当我们在 16 号,19 号,20 号聚在一起时,我们都有同样的感

In a way, we give you in that position, as your Soul sits in the middle and the two
headphones, direction to the rest of the Universe. But we tell you, the sweetie is here, and
all of you, doesn't matter how many with your headphones, will come to that sweetie. (:40). This is
how in the Head units and your headphones, and the new systems we make,
we tell you, we go to see the Soul of Muhammad, bless his name, or Christ, the beautiful
甜心。(: 40).这就是如何在头部单元和你的耳机中,以及我们制造的新系统中,我们告诉

Because I have already shown you the strength field of the Soul. And you will come in,
and the interaction will create you that beautiful light. Now you see, nothing is magic,
and you understand it. And I promise, I will never bring a magic up. But I'll show you the
magic. It's you who can fool yourself, not fooled by us.

Now you understand how the systems we have put in, and you come in or you join in,
brings radiation and the new dimension to your understanding. Mr. Keshe, I came in, but
I felt nothing, I didn't have a banana. And I didn't enjoy the kebab. The Chinese brought
in the sushi's, the Japanese brought in, and they said that they didn't feel any sushi. Because you
came in with the full stomach of expectation.

How many of you, this Sunday will taste the essence of the Creation of the Creator? How
many of you will smell the Soul of it? You thought the body of the man only carries
odor? Let till one have you smell the odor of the Creator. (:42). You'll give your life for
it. Let alone seeing it, or feel it.
魂?你以为那个人的尸体只有气味?直到你闻到造物主的气味。(: 42).你会为此付出生

Now you understand, the technology we submit and we have brought in, it's to take man
the correct way, that he cannot be fooled by no magician anywhere, in the name of
prophets on this planet and beyond. The only magic is understanding of the process of the
Creation of the condition at the time and the place where it interacts. Now you understand
why we put Hydrogen, and why we put another thing, and why we create Cosmic Rays.

The first time I created the Cosmic Rays in the nuclear contained reactors in Tehran, was
magic. Because Iranian scientists sitting on the table with me said, nobody understands
these things. But now every one of you understands it. The intelligence, the knowledge of
you as Knowledge Seekers has reached the level of the professors and the prophets of the
past. Because now there is no magic, you understand how Christ rose the dead, you
understand how the other guy cut something else, and you understand how the other guy
did not bring the rest of the messages from the mountain. It's what it suit them in the
dimension of the interaction of their Souls with their environment and the people who
were there to do. (:44).
的。(: 44).

If you understand the simple principle of the Creation, which I showed you today, you
cannot be fooled, unless you want to be fooled. Anywhere in the Universe, you need to
understand the position, the interaction, and the understanding, and the totality of the total
knowledge we have dispersed.

We have to see, we have to understand, we have to be part of. How our world has come
to be created? How the initial essence of the main plasma, the main energy fields, we
call, the Creator has led to the creation of us, as a moon. Every Soul of every created
thing is that another moon, as we see with Saturn, and Jupiter, with Earth, and other
entities in the Universe. (:46).
木星、地球和宇宙中的其他实体一样。(: 46).
Now, we need to comprehend. Now, we have come to the point, the final points of
Creation. In the future, when the time comes, when man intelligence reaches
understanding of part of the Totality, then I will explain to you how the fields in the
Hydrogen gathered. By what principle, one plasma decides to be the size of the electron,
and one decides to be the size of the Soul of the Creator. There is no difference between
the two in the process of their Creation.

Then the question for humanity will come, where did the fields of the Soul of the Creator
came from? Then at that point, you will understand, you need to understand about the
Universal Fields, and not just only Cosmic Rays. Where the Universal Fields come from
a different dimension of interaction, and is the creator of the Totality.
The Prophets of the past, being given the knowledge, they came out with different levels. In the
dimension of the writing of Bahaullah, bless his name, he refers to seven valleys. Mohammed wrote
in a different name, so did Jesus, so did Moses, so did Buddha. But in
essence, the valley is the levels of the life of the Soul, (:48). in the dimension of their
existence, and no more. Very much the way you call it, chakras. When you understand
one leads to creation of the other, when you understand one you understand how one was
created out of the others.

Now, for humanity, there is one question, what man, .. what the world the knowledge of
the man will take man to, with this new knowledge, and this new understanding? In what
point in the world of Creation, you decide to become, to live in the dimension of the
physicality (P), or in the dimension of the Soul in connection with the Universe?

So, as we say, in Farsi, you've been eating from two pots, when you got two wives. One
from the pot of P and one from the pot of the Soul. As it's the habit of the man, it only
shows what hw has stolen, which is the energy packs of the others in the dimension of
所以,正如我们所说,在波斯语中,当你有两个妻子时,你会从两个锅里吃饭。一个来自 P
的罐子,一个来自灵魂的罐子。因为这是男人的习惯,它只显示了 HW 偷了什么,那就是其

Now you understand, why all the time in the teachings I referred to, 80% of what do you
take, you do not see, it's from the Universe. Because in a way, your body continuously
creates a condition within it, as you call it, the cells, and you call it, plasma energy packs,
(:50). how to tap into (C)14, and tap to 12. If you understood this, now you understand
why you die by age. Because your Soul learns more to tap to this (C14). It doesn't need
this (C12) anymore. The Soul has learned to become the user of the line of
communication of the Universal Fields, Cosmic Rays, than being satisfied with killing
现在你明白了,为什么在我提到的所有教义中,你所采取的 80%的东西,你没有看到,它来
胞,你所说的,等离子能量包,(:50)。如何接入(C)14,然后接入 12。如果你明白了

Have you ever asked yourself, why you get older you eat less? I don't want to eat this, I
can't eat this. Because the body is getting ready for transformation from Carbon 12
energy transfer, to Carbon 14. You're taking more and more, the Soul is getting mature,
the Soul is finding connection with the other points. Then you say, I have no fear of
death, because your Soul has prepared the physicality for leave the mess behind, what I
used to mature myself, be it the physicality of the man.
正准备从碳 12 能量转移到碳 14。你吸收的越来越多,灵魂变得越来越成熟,灵魂找到了与
Now, even you should understand the purpose of life, the purpose of old age, the purpose
of what you get to that point. But if the man is mature enough, if the man become wise
enough, he can create a balance between the two and live the life of ever eternity. You've
been searching for the "Fountain of Youth," you have dismissed the process of Creation. (:52).
Because the Soul has no age, you're always young as the day you were born. Age,
time, is the trap for the dimension of physicality.
活。你一直在寻找“青春之泉”,你忽略了创造的过程。(: 52).因为灵魂没有年龄,你永

Now, in all these teachings, you come to understand, and you have to answer this
question to yourself, am I the Creator? Or am I the created? Did I come from that seed
with in interaction led to the creation of the tree, with the roots, and the branch? Is my
created, that Soul, which creates that dimension?

This is how now you understand. We transmute you from matter state, in New York. We
take you to Carbon 14 transmission energy, and we land you in London back in Carbon
12 connection. Now you understand the magic and the connection between transmutation
and transportation. When we transmute you, we use the line of communication of energy
transfer of Carbon 14. And when we transfer you we give you a donkey and a Carbon 12.
这就是你现在所理解的。我们在纽约将你从物质状态转化。我们把你带到碳 14 传输能源,
我们把你送到伦敦,回到碳 12 连接。现在你明白了转化和运输之间的魔力和联系。当我们
转化你的时候,我们使用碳 14 能量转移的通讯线路。当我们转移你的时候,我们给你一头
驴和一个碳 12。

Then it comes, it has to come in a upcoming time for many of you, (:54). why then I'm
not hungry anymore when I arrive in London, where I was starving in New York? Why
in a condition of the earthquake in Turkey so many people are starving, heating and no
medicine. Where the diversion and conversion of the Soul in understanding, every one of
them should be able to transport. Broken legs out of the rubble in the dimension of
physicality, walking with none. That in the dimension of physicality on the rubble, the
Soul will bring out and walk alive. Exactly what the Christ did. But this time you
understand the knowledge, you allow the truth about your own Soul, and you do it
yourself. Or, the Creator of your Soul does it to create a new manifestation.

And if on that level, you were brown eyes, and black hair, and all your life you've wanted
to be blond and blue eyes, you manifest yourself next to the physicality you left behind as
blue eyed, blond hair. And you become the "resurrection" of Christ. Now, you understand
there is no magic.

This is why you have the purpose of all these transmutation systems, UBESUS,
Enhancement Unit is to tell you, you fooled yourself long enough, the Soul is here. Man
has fooled himself for billions of years, denying the existence of his Creator, and has
become the created in the dimension of physicality. Imprisoning the Creator within it,
call it the STM.
在,并成为物质性维度中的被造者。把造物主囚禁在其中,称之为 STM.

Now, are you the Creator or created? (:56). Or is it all within? "I am the beginning and I
am the end." Now, it should be very easy for you Knowledge Seekers, who understand
this, to move to the next level, to next understanding. And once you become mature to it,
you will start asking question not about Cosmic Rays, but about Universal Rays. Which
led to creation of the Creator, which created the Cosmic Rays, that you understand. That
needs absolute purity and sincerity, in understanding the knowledge of the Creator of the
Creators. That you, yourself is one of.
现在,你是创造者还是被造者?(: 56).还是都在里面?“我是起点,也是终点。”现在,
When you create a child, and its infant, always looks up to you, because you're very big,
and you're the Creator of it. And then you yourself, look up to the skies to see the
Creator, which created you. But in essence, the Soul of that created child, and the essence
of the Soul of the Creator, which created you, is all the same. Comes from the same
source, comes from understanding of the knowledge of the Creation in interaction of the
fields of the Universe.
As Mohammed, bless his name, said, ?? Salam ??. This is the totality of the gift of the
Creator. (:58). This is the beginning to the end. And no one understood the message of
Mohammed. Bless it peace on those who understand the process of the Creation, from the
beginning to the end, and for all the beauties which has given you. It's you who have
ignored it.
正如穆罕默德,祝福他的名字,说:?萨拉姆??.这是造物主礼物的全部。(: 58).这是从

Now, you understand, how a simple CH3 you created in the bottles for years has been the
essence of your own creation, in the dimension of the physicality, or in the dimension of
the Soul. You want to keep it trapped, or you want to let it be free in a bigger dimension? Man
living the life of a schizophrenic is over. Now it's in the hands of a foolish person to
play, and now that foolish person is you. You can fool yourself to deny one or the other,
or learn to live with both at the same time.
现在,你明白了,你多年来在瓶子里创造的一个简单的 CH3 是如何成为你自己创造的本

Now you understand, how you can change the dimension. How on the Sunday the 19th of
February, in two days time, we take you to eat with the Creator, which is you, you have
created it. And if you look up, you get a better fields, higher strength fields that comes
from the Universe and Unicose. (1:00). Look at the lower energies and become
dimension of your physicality, the banana, the grapes and the rest.
现在你明白了,如何改变维度。在 2 月 19 日的星期天,两天后,我们带你去和造物主一
的场,来自宇宙和 Unicose.( 1: 00).看着较低的能量,成为你身体的维度,香蕉,葡萄

So, who would you like to dine with on Sunday? Or who do you dine with on Sunday? Your
Spirit or your Soul? The dimension physicality or the dimension of the Creation and
the Creator? "Mr. Keshe, I didn't feel anything." Yes, because you attached yourself to
physicality. Feel how you feel emotionally the next days, the next month. Because now
you have enlightened the Soul. It took on the table of the food, from the hunger of the
love of the others on the table. Maybe now you understand.

What and how you can angle, change the speed of interaction, the distance and the
connection of the Carbon 12 and the Carbon 14, and change the color of your eyes from
yellow to blue, to green, to red, to whatever you call it. Those who understood partially
this, you call them "something shifters." It's your ignorance of the knowledge. They're
not the shifters, they just know how to move the energy within the condition of what you
call, the eyeball in respect to the Soul. (1:02). Then you see different color of the eye. The shifter
is you who had not understood the process of Creation.
你可以改变什么以及如何改变角度,改变相互作用的速度,距离以及碳 12 和碳 14 的连
只是知道如何在你所谓的眼球相对于灵魂的条件下移动能量。( 1: 02).然后你会看到眼

This is how most of you at the point of death, you get the blueish, greenish color eye. Because
there is no lies to the Soul. The every everything is ready, and it's the same for
all, to move to the ?? transaction, and transfer and transmutation of the Soul from the
body of the man. It creates that light.
Time of departure, the Soul, and the STP have the same understanding in the body of the
man, in the body of the president, the king, the dog, the cat and the rest. Interaction of the
fields at certain angles gives the red light in the time of sunset. And man has not
understood, he can do the same with the strength of the field of his physicality and his
Soul, and have the blue eye in the morning, grey eyes at night, and my lover likes honey
green eyes, I create it for it.
离开的时间,灵魂和 STP 在人的身体里,在总统、国王、狗、猫和其他人的身体里都有同样

There is no shifting. The only thing is you've been shifty to yourself to understand the
reality about the process of the Creation. Any of you understanding the interaction of the
STM, the interaction of the STP of the man, the interaction of the Soul of the planet at
any point, you will become shifters as fast as the others. (1:04). You don't need to buy a
plastic lens to change the color of your eye. You use the angle of the interaction of the
STP with the STM, and you'll have different color of the skin, the eye, sexuality, and
everything else. Now man has a new knowledge in his hand. How he will evaluate it,
how he will use it, come to be understood.
一个人理解了 STM 的互动,理解了人类 STP 的互动,理解了地球灵魂在任何一点上的互动,
你们都会像其他人一样快速地成为变形者。( 1: 04).你不需要买塑料镜片来改变你眼睛的
颜色。你使用 STP 与 STM 互动的角度,你会有不同的肤色,眼睛,性取向和其他一切。现在

And all these sessions we are putting for 20th, the 19th and others to come, is that process
for you to become mature in that process. I wonder how many of you will start shifting. The process
of the Sunday, "Dining with the Creator," for the first time we'll be using a
condition system,which creates within its center the Soul of the Creation. It's taking our
team years of understanding, and months and weeks of preparation. When you eat with
the Creator, you'll eat from the Soul of the Creation.
我们为第 20 届、第 19 届和其他会议安排的所有会议,都是让你在这个过程中变得成熟的过

When I saw it, last few days,I said,now man might understand what gift they're given. If
knowledgeable Knowledge Seekers know how to manipulate the fields of this system, the
way it's created,from the STM to the Soul of the planet,to the Soul of the Creator,man
shall see the Soul of the creator of himself, which is his own Soul. (1:06).
的知识寻求者知道如何操纵这个系统的领域,它被创造的方式,从 STM 到行星的灵魂,到造
物主的灵魂,人类将看到自己的造物主的灵魂,也就是他自己的灵魂。( 1: 06).

Those of you who go through the experience with us on Sunday, you will come out a
totally different person in the dimension of the Soul. How that knowledge will be
transferred in the energy fields of the "food of the knowledge," and not food of the
physicality,then we'll see who shall be enlightened.

One of the most sophisticated systems ever created by man, to create the condition of the
interaction of the Soul, will be on display and work on Sunday. I wonder how many of
you will come with the satisfaction of dining with the Soul of the Creator. And how many
of you will come still expecting to taste the banana, which we put in there to see how you
pass the test, for your own Soul, but not for us. You're dining with your Creator, with
your Soul in the dimension of the fields of the Universe. And if you're sincere enough,
you don't need to look up to see the Creator, but you'll see the Creator within you.

Then we shall see, then we understand the next process in the dimension of the Creation. Then we
come to see how us as being part, are part of the Totality, which we have
ignored about our own creation. As Muhammad said, ?? Salam ??. (1:08). Peace on
those who understand the beauty of the gifts of the Creator, and no more. Because there is
萨拉姆??.( 1: 08).和平属于那些理解造物主礼物之美的人,仅此而已。因为有
nothing more than that. You bend to the Wall, you bang your head against it, you're
bending and bang it against the ground 17 times a day. But you never understood the
truth of it. Be it on the wall of the Great Wall in Jerusalem, or be it on the floor on a piece
of a stone in Mecca.
仅此而已。你弯下腰,用头撞墙,你每天弯下腰,用头撞地 17 次。但你永远不会明白其

Maybe those who bend 17 times down, and bending and bashing their head on the floor,
will, might get more intelligence than the one who stands against the Wall in one position
and bang it against the wall. Because as you learned, the swing between the angles and
interaction of the fields creates different intelligence. But how that bending and banging
has created the emotion, then it brings devotion. Then you understand why we get so
much radicalism in certain sects of the belief of the Creator. Be it banging the wall, or
banging the ground. It's man who has chosen to be a banger himself. How to do it, and
how ignored the others, because you create mono energetic fields that interacts with
mono energetic rays within the brain of the man. And brings what we call, stupidity of
belief. (1:10). Now you understand now you should be able to push the limitation of the
knowledge beyond this. We have shown you the first step, it's for you to go up the ladder. The
ladder of the knowledge.
也许那些弯下 17 次腰,弯下腰,把头撞在地板上的人,会比那些靠墙站着,把头撞在墙
人类大脑中的单一能量射线相互作用。带来了我们所说的,信仰的愚蠢。( 1: 10).现在

We go for a small break, then we come back, and then maybe we can have some mature
discussions about the Creation, and not about the fantasies of man in the dimension of P.
Rick if you'd like to take a break a few minutes the usual transmutation system, which
you'll come up with. We should be for the STM, but we still look at it physicality to take
us into space.
是关于 P.Rick 维度的人的幻想,如果你想休息几分钟,通常的嬗变系统,你会想出来
的。我们应该支持 STM,但我们仍然关注它的物理特性,以便将我们带入太空。

R; And would you like me to play this second part of the isotopes video? (The angle is
everything isotopes and radiation.)
K- Yes, please it would be nice.

<< BREAK >>> 473 KSW Feb 16, 2023 (1:22).

<<休息>>>473 KSW 2023 年 2 月 16 日(1:22)。
K- There is no condition. It's just that we need to mature the discussion. And to
understand more that we are. As we are developing the technology, as we extend the
knowledge. There is no time for what I call, nonsense, chitchat. And developing,
understanding. We have short space of time, and these times are precious. And we get a
lot of what I call, irrelevant self-centered questions and discussions we had in the past. These
have to finish, we have to come to a point of maturity.
Our presence in this time of physicality is very short. And the knowledge transfer is
shorter. And as they say, every second counts. How we enjoy. How we, the share of
knowledge. How we evaluate it. How we understand it.

Are there any questions?


Q: .. (1:24). Hello dear Rick and Mr. Keshe, thank you for your time and your answers. Number
one, a few months ago, you said that with the introduction of the new Cosmic
Ray Generators, the efficiency of the medical procedures performed only by the doctors
will increase dramatically, that what is now achievable in one month with the new
systems will be achieved in just one session. So, is it reasonable to say that in the
following months, the fees for the medical procedures performed by the doctors will be
cut to at least half?
问:..( 1: 24).您好,亲爱的 Rick 和 Keshe 先生,感谢您的时间和您的回答。第一,几

K- That answer twist, is how greedy is your doctor. Maybe because he reduces the time,
he will double the fees. It's like going to the French restaurant. You get a couple of small
pieces and you pay hundreds of dollars for it. You go to a Chinese restaurant, you pay 2
dollars, you get a big plate ...
样。你得到了几个小块,你为它支付了数百美元。你去一家中国餐馆,你付 2 美元,你

R: Gourmet is half the food for twice the price.


K- Yeah. As we say, if you understand it, we say gourmet is for "gorbey." "Gorbey" in
Farsi means cat. It's so little, it just feeds a cat.
The reality is, now the way the technology, understand of technology evolves. I was
thinking about this actually yesterday. If we mature enough, our system, technology
develops enough rapidly. This is what we see. And we are faced with it on a daily basis in
Keshe Foundation. A lot of things which are not there, (1:26). at the moment is a dream
to achieve, become reality.

Yesterday afternoon, I had the greatest pleasure to meet the two brothers for the first
time, second time, or for the first time, since they start the process with our doctors. I had
the two brothers in Linz Center with the parents. The mother was so touched, so moved,
that before January, before our doctors start the process with them, both boys were
sentenced to death. As we all know, genetic defect. There is examples of it. And she knelt
on the ground in the offices of Linz, and she asked her son, can you move your legs? We
saw the boy in a wheelchair. And the boy started putting one leg forward, out of the hand
back on the chair, one leg up, one leg down. She said, before Christmas, she could not do
anything. Where she kneeled on the ground, back packing him on her back. And I was
wondering, why she's doing that. She said, look, now he can bring his legs and lock in
front. Before Christmas his legs were dangling like 2 pieces of meat. This is the
knowledge. This is how the new technologies interacted. She says, since Christmas we
have seen reversal of what we saw that the boys will die. Now we are getting our children
back. (1:28).
子。( 1: 28).
We didn't do anything. We just released the energy of the plasma for the Soul to ?? be fit
the pain of the grandfather. That's all we did. When I saw the boy, being cuddled by the
mother, wants to show that he can take steps again. It touches you. When you see the
mother can hold the child again with the hope that, I'm not going to lose it. It brings a lot
of knowledge, and a lot of emotion. Then, how much, how much we can give back to
many parents like this? People living in pain for years and years. And now they can live
without it.
We see this now every day with the work of our doctors. We can't put a price on it. How
much would you pay, how much the doctor would ask. Our doctors, the only thing they
give is the love and care. You should see the doctors we deal with in Keshe Foundation. They're
devoted to serve. That they .. see that change. And would they charge a million
for giving a child back? Or would they do it that it will come in time to cover everything
which needs it. We received the blessing of the Soul, in different ways. (1:30). When it
comes to the people who receive it and the people who give it. You can't price it, it's
impossible. Absolutely impossible. And depends on what the doctors will do.
问多少钱。我们的医生,他们唯一给予的就是爱和关怀。你应该去看看我们在 Keshe 基金
接受了灵魂的祝福。( 1: 30).当涉及到接受它的人和给予它的人时。你不能给它定价,

What I see in the near future when we can extend the totality of the knowledge, it should
be a standard fee accepted by like, insurance companies and the government's, as part of
the feeding program. Now you go to supermarket you buy a banana, and food and
whatever for the whole week. And you go to the government, they give you a coupon,
because you have no income, that what you can shop. The government's or like you
yourself can buy coupons for your energy and your whatever else. Given by the structure
of the governing of this planet. It does not matter if you're black, white, you're in Africa,
you're in a disaster zone or you live in palaces.

Very soon in upcoming years, nowadays, those who are vegetarians, they look at those
who eat meat and they frown at them, oh you are killing an animal, even though they're
killing themselves more. Will come the plasmatic food, what we call, plasmatic energy,
that man will frown on those who kill to eat.

Energy has become the commodity, be is as oil, as food, as medicine. What we see now
in the process of the development, (1:32). one single system used in the appropriate way
for different application, can give you everything. This planet needs one central system of
feeding, what the planet itself and in its Soul missed, and led man to creation.

We can create a secondary system, which the basis of it now are in Austria. The
beginning of that system has already taken shape, the seed has been sown. That one
system will feed all of us. Feed our emotion, that we don't commit suicide, we don't do
crime. Feed our physical need on daily basis. This is not anymore dream, it's already
there. We use the same system in a different way for you, and you touched the Soul of
your Prophet. We used the same system last time for another purpose for you to
understand your travel capabilities. And we'll use the same system on Sunday in a
different strength for you to feed your Soul. This will bring a new game into play.
Would the systems which we'll create, be it robots, will have emotion from now on? True
emotion, true Soul. And would they become humane? Then in a near future, as we see the
robotic growing in far East in Japan, and in Korea, and the rest. Would our robots will be
given a brain cell, the same as all of us, that they carry emotion? It's not just, "how can I
serve you? Would you like water?" It would be, how can I serve you? Would you like
water? With emotion. Where that emotion brings peace to the man to receives it. (1:34). We're
not very far, because we have created a system which has a Soul.
情。在那里,这种情感给接受它的人带来了平静。( 1: 34).我们不是很远,因为我们创

All these Headphones your buy, all these energy systems, which is now coming out of the
Keshe Foundation, carry a Soul with them. You will understand how we reach you. Yesterday
for the first time we tested the effect of the Headphones, which you've seen
displayed on Monday. It has an amazing, amazing result. Visuality of presence that you
have to decide to open the eye where you are. Dimension of the field of opening of the
body from shackles of pain. Now you understand.
你买的所有这些耳机,所有这些能量系统,现在都来自 Keshe 基金会,它们携带着一个灵

We don't need to be in the world of medicine. We are in the world of plasma technology,
creation and created. And if the knowledge of plasma becomes a criminal offence for
those who touch the Creator and the creation, which is yourself, then we have a problem. Then
we have created Mullahs, Ayatollahs, intermediaries of the crimes for man to
understand its own Soul.
A crime against God, where you don't even know what God is, and you kill people for it. You
are godless. And you're full of what I call, nonsense. Using our name to destroy
others. This is what you have to understand, man has no choice. (1:36). You put a price
on it, we put a price on it. And very soon, very soon, these technologies will be freely
available to all citizens of this planet, and to our guest from other parts of the Universe. Then
you don't cost it. It won't be half, it will be free.
1: 36).你给它定价,我们给它定价。很快,很快,这些技术将免费提供给这个星球上的

Any other question?


Q: .. You said that for 1 kilowatts of energy drawn from the grid, the new systems will
feed back into the grid 3 kilowatts. Now, the normal 220 volt power meters measure only
the energy you draw from the grid, which is called "active" energy, and not the one you
feed back in, which is called "reactive" energy. So, you can feed back as much as you
like. The new power meters for photo voltaic on grid systems measure both the act of
energy that you pay and the energy you feedback in and you get paid for it. So this setup
is perfect for your Cosmic Rays systems.
问:..你说过,从电网获取 1 千瓦的能量,新系统将向电网反馈 3 千瓦的能量。现在,普
通的 220 伏电表只测量你从电网中提取的能量,称为“有功”能量,而不是你反馈的能

The normal 380 volts power meters that I have, however, measure both the active and
reactive energy with the clarification that, if I feed back into the grid, more than half a
kilowatt for every kilowatt, I draw from the grid, (1:38). then I pay a lot. So, if I were to
feed back into the grid, three kilowatts, for every kilowatt I draw, I will end up bankrupt.
Therefore, how can I not feed back into the grid those three kilowatts and instead loop
them back into the system or install an additional sink?
然而,我拥有的普通 380 伏电表测量有功和无功电能,并说明,如果我反馈到电网中,每
K- This what you put on the table, got to be known by the Swiss Electricity Board very
earlier on, in early time when the Swiss Knowledge Seekers started putting MaGravs in
their houses. The Swiss power supplies realized the transformers are getting blown up,
but nothing coming as a high energy from the power station side. They tracked it down,
they saw, in a way, they're putting less energy in, but they're getting more back. And they
drew it down to the houses where Knowledge Seekers were using the MaGrav system. This is
where they change the capacity of the transformers. And it brought some
reduction in power supply in Switzerland.

The Americans do this, they penalize you if you supply, because then they cannot charge
you for the electricity, which they are charging you for the fuel. The what you call, active
and reactive is known to us for a long time. We don't bring it into public, this is the first
time you brought into public.

We put, if you saw the presentation from Tehran, where we were showing the setup of
the energies. We set up the active and reactive. (1:40). We were measuring both. Our
team couldn't understand it. But we had tests beforehand where we looked at the reactive
and interactive (active) of it.
被动。( 1: 40).我们两个都在测量。我们的团队无法理解。但我们事先进行了测试,我们

If you give this technology of interactive (active) and reactive situation to the African
nations, they'll kiss your hand for it. This allows reduction in building power stations. In
a way, I take one kilowatt, I give it three kilowatt back. So, they will choose how many
people will have these systems. Would they install it in governmental offices? Or would
they let certain number of people to have, that it cannot produce over? Then nations
become self sufficient.

In Africa, now we'll reach, according to the United Nations, the maximum natural
production of electricity. Which is a higher, what you call it, a higher power than the rest
of it, what we can get. This is why Africa has run into economical development
stagnation. Because they cannot produce any more electricity from natural resources.

With this, we feedback, using the natural resources we can put four times, five times
more. In the West, we have this problem. As you said, we are fully aware of this for
nearly six, seven years. When we received communication from the Swiss, part of our
work, that the transformers in certain substations are getting changed, because
Knowledge Seekers are using MaGravs. They traced it down to which house is putting
energy back in. They checked it, it was nothing, it's just they cannot find the source. (1:42). They
could see the MaGravs.
到源头。( 1: 42).他们可以看到马格拉夫。

This is why some of you say, I don't see any benefits from my MaGrav. Yes, because you
have not managed to sink it, as our questioner put it. There are different ways to sink this
energy before the meter, not after the meter. This was discussed with Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers team, matter of two or three weeks ago. We actually built it and
watched it. Our team in Iran back in, we release the communication said, Mr. Keshe, we
are consuming more. We are putting more out in the meter, than we actually are
consuming. We got to pay. We use 1 kilowatt, but we receive 2 kilowatts on the meter. We know
this, but it's the way of approach.
能量。这是两三周前与 Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers 团队讨论的问题。我们实际
上建造了它并观看了它。我们在伊朗的团队回来后,我们发布了通讯说,Keshe 先生,我们
1 千瓦,但我们在电表上收到 2 千瓦。我们知道这一点,但这是接近的方式。

In a very short time, I'll be traveling to China and this will resolve the energy crisis in
Chinese structure. Chinese for a long time built one coal power station every week to
meet the demand of their growth in industry. And with the coal crisis, and the energy
crisis, and Covid, and the rest of it, has created mayhem for them. I had communication
with our Chinese team even yesterday regarding this energy situation. I'll be traveling in
March, April to China. To even sort this, where even a few Knowledge Seekers
supplying in each district can bring reduction in use of coal in China, and substitute
energy usages. We are fully aware of this technology. But in the West you get penalized,
(1:44). because they're looking for the profit of the oil companies and electricity
companies. In other nations to look for, actually bringing life, allowing technologies and
industry to grow.

The MaGrav systems which you have created and you say it doesn't work, you have paid,
you have done a lot, but your electricity board in your government, in your countries
have benefited by it. And you don't see the benefit of it, because you don't know how to
transfer it.
你创造的 Magrav 系统,你说它不起作用,你付了钱,你做了很多,但你的政府和国家的电

If you even wind the system backwards, you can take one kilowatt and put up to a
hundred kilowatt back in. A few houses in each area will feed the whole nation. But we're
living in a "money" world. And they don't let you, they penalize you. I know that
Americans have this system, they measure it. But if you go back…And you can't create a
farmhouse for these things, like solar farms and everything else, and the wind farms. This
comes to individuality, how much more you use, how much you will give, and how much
you take.

Sinking it is very easy, if you understand how to feed back into your own system, before
the meter. What you shown in the meter is already generated, you have to sink it there. Or
make it by ?? order of transformers, back into the level unit in the house. So in a way
your circuit becomes free.

Then as I said to, in the teaching, presentation of last Monday, (1:46). the electricity
Board will come and take your meter away, because how can you run a house with a
fridge, freezers, air conditioner, with zero energy. We know this from the beginning,
before we launched the MaGravs.

But with this new system, we have managed to bury it, with the plasma power production
units. The majority of this is actually buried in. Even though is amplified in another way
through the structure, we have managed to bury most of it.

Each MaGrav system is a massive power generator, it's just you don't know how to use it. Go
beyond your meter, take the electricity which is going to your substations and feed it
back into your house. Then you'll understand. Or divert it back in through the
understanding of the plasma technology. You have to find a balance.
每个 MAGRAV 系统都是一个巨大的发电机,只是你不知道如何使用它。走出你的电表,把电
As I explained this before, we are happy with 70 - 80% reduction, because you still pay a
bill and government is happy is earning something. If you go to 100% you get
disconnected, and has happened before. But Knowledge Seekers don't understand why.
正如我之前解释的那样,我们对 70-80%的削减感到高兴,因为你仍然要支付账单,政府也
很高兴能赚到钱。如果你达到 100%,你就会断开连接,这种情况以前也发生过。但知识追

If you become self-sufficient, what we are putting out very soon as Gas Electric
Generators, that you are not on the grid, they can disconnect you, no problem, because
you create yourself. Then you will be again taxed for living, and having energy of your

This is what we are using in the lab already, it's not something that it might happen. (1:48). Our
Knowledge Seekers have to extend the knowledge to go to the next phase of
it. Hopefully, within next, in the second, third phase, what you call it, quarter of this year,
you'll get your generators, Gas Electric Generators, that's what we'll do. No Shak ?? can
bury your ?? wires on the back expenses of people in Europe, by increasing the gas
prices and playing the game. Because you're producing yourself as you need it.
这是我们已经在实验室中使用的,这不是可能发生的事情。( 1: 48).我们的知识寻求者必

Conversion of the gas into Gans energy, Cosmic Ray has been the key. And our scientists
have developed it and we are using it. Most of you who will join us on Sunday, for
Dining with the Creator, you're using that new system. We're using the generator inside
the systems, self-sufficient, self-sustained system energy through the Gans, production of
Gans Gas and electric. Energy which we, plasmatic energy which we create ourselves in
the system. It's a freestanding system.
我们使用系统内部的发电机,通过 Gans 自给自足,自我维持系统能源,生产 Gans 天然气和

We told you this a long time, the present Enhancement Unit (EU) in UNO still needs a
backup for certain part of it. The new system which for the first time comes into
operation on Sunday, is on that scale. The Gans Gas generator, power generator is inside
the system built in. It's free standing. The only connection we have to it is the
measurement tools, which we use to confirm the energy transfer, and the rest of it, and
what happens to you.
我们已经告诉你很长时间了,目前 UNO 的增强单元(EU)仍然需要对它的某些部分进行备
份。周日首次投入使用的新系统就是这种规模的。Gans 气体发生器,发电机是系统内置

When you get to that point, then you add the new plasma Enhancement Unit, which we
showed on Monday. Then you become self-sufficient. (1:50). Even the plasma
Enhancement Unit needs to go to the next level of it before its completion. But that will
take a few weeks or months, or when our team understand and see the difference.
变得自给自足。( 1: 50).即使是等离子增强单元也需要在完成之前进入下一个级别。但这

We already, I can show you pictures where we create light, even in a small amount,
without any connection, through plasma transfer. As I said before in teaching, you take a
fluorescent light tube into a magnetic field to show, that you created and the light comes
on. We do that with LED. It's a jump in the knowledge and technology, by a huge leap. Which
means we can feed LEDs without connection.
然后光就亮了。我们用 LED 做到这一点。这是知识和技术的一次飞跃,是一次巨大的飞跃。
这意味着我们可以在没有连接的情况下为 LED 供电。

And this knowledge is already in the patent released 14 - 15 years ago, or more, 18 years
ago. Where we speak about the lights, without any wire. We have already produced it. Now, our
team needs to strengthen it, understand it, and what you call it, take it to the
next step.
而这些知识已经在 14-15 年前,或者更早,18 年前发布的专利中。在那里我们谈论灯光,
It's what we call, when you can produce energy in this level, at this level of knowledge in
the matter state, then the whole thing changes. Where you can hold the light, where by
law of physics and by manufacturing they say, it cannot be lit. And you see the light, the
LED, which is a matter state, not a gas state, comes on. (1:52). And now our Knowledge
Seekers have to learn a little bit more, we produce a little bit more energy, then your
problem is how to keep the light out. You need a cover for your lights. Because it will
stay all the time on, you can't switch it off. And it's in the patent. Now it's achievable.
点燃。你可以看到发光二极管,它是一种物质状态,而不是气体状态,它亮了。( 1:

If you can hold the LED light and it comes on, then without any connection, then you
understand the, what you call it, the leap and bound in energy technology. And it's all in
the patent. This is where we'll see it. It's a pleasure to see we are reaching that point. You
were happy that you will, what you call it, light up a fluorescent tube, as we saw with Jon
in Arizona. Now the technology has moved on. We can create a light in a matter energy
system, which is the LEDs. Now we extend it, now we evolve it. We see what it is.
如果你能拿着 LED 灯,它就会亮起来,没有任何连接,那么你就会明白,你所说的,能源
一样。现在技术已经进步了。我们可以在物质能量系统中创造一种光,那就是 LED.现在

This is what it is, you can see it on the screen. The LED light lit by just holding in hand. It's a
huge jump in the world of science. Where we convert the plasma energy into what
we call, electric current, wireless transmission of energy. In a way, (1:54). what Tesla
did, if you understand it in a deeper way. But Tesla created electric power generator, used
the magnetic fields to transfer from Russia to New York. Now you can do this at any
time. Then you see if this LED light according to its standard, has to be what you call it,
has certain currents in it, has been lit by many, many time less energy, but through
interaction with plasma.
这是什么,你可以在屏幕上看到。只要拿在手里,LED 灯就会亮起来。这是科学界的一大
用磁场从俄罗斯转移到纽约。现在,您可以随时执行此操作。然后你看看这个 LED 灯,根

Then you can see how your computers will run. The next generation of these systems,
wireless systems, as an energy transfer, is on the card. And you put it in the house and
you have it. It may surprise you, the energy from the house, the food you need to live,
interaction with your Soul for all your emotional conditions, transmutation,
transportation. It's matter of months and years, for these to become common use in a
household. And all has been in the patent. We are not saying something out of the pocket. Read
the patents, you see this explained in the patents released in 2006 - 2005.
里掏出的东西。阅读专利,你可以在 2006-2005 年发布的专利中看到这一解释。

What you see is a magic in the world of science, if you understand it. What it says, "a
small step for man, and huge step for the mankind." For the first time we can create
energy in matter state, in a solid state from interaction of the fields of the plasma. (1:56). It's a
reality and it's upon us. And as the Knowledge Seekers develop this further and
further, then you become independent in energy, food and everything else. Extend it to a
room, you walk in the room you get everything you need, and you walk out of the room.
互作用。( 1: 56).这是一个现实,它就在我们身边。随着知识寻求者在这方面的发展越

You have a kitchen nowadays to go and cook, we'll have a kitchen boxes we just walk in
through. As I said to a Knowledge Seeker some times ago, in the new world of plasma
technology kitchens will not exist. You will not have a fridge to put a piece of meat in it,
and a drawer for, apple, and oranges, and another creature. You'll receive the energy like
this light bulb, your Soul, your cells will receive the same energy as it needs, and release
it. And somebody says, oh, you came out of the box, you are all lit up. Did you enjoy
your food? Then when energy goes down your aura is different. Oh, you better go in the
box, you're hungry. This is the reality and it's right in front of you. It's in the hand of a

The energy you saw with what do you call, the fluorescent tubes is a different knowledge
than this. Then they can't charge you, and they can't do anything, you become self
sufficient in your own homes. (1:58). In your own places. One of my biggest fear is,
how much they'll jump to stop the commercialization of the Gans Gas unit. The Gans
electric with plasma will come self-sufficiency, because with it will come the Head Units,
with it will come the Compact Unit, with it will come the Enhancement Units, and then
the Flight Units, and everything else. Sooner or later and in coming years, it will be one
Compact System.
不能做任何事情,你在自己的家里变得自给自足。( 1: 58).在你们自己的地方。我最大
的担心之一是,他们会跳多大来阻止甘斯天然气公司的商业化。拥有等离子的 Gans
Electric 将会自给自足,因为随之而来的是头部单元,紧凑型单元,增强单元,然后是

We go to the field to enjoy, and not to kill and to destroy. But we still have to go through
that process of maturity. This new kind of energy brings new intelligence. You'll find out
children born in this kind of environment. People living in this have a total different
mentality, will look at life in a totally different, they'll become peaceful. Because they
don't have to worry to kill, they don't have to fight to exist.

I see that now with the doctors, when they go, their volunteers, they go through the
process of their work. This is the knowledge. I wonder how many of you will see these
kinds of lights in different parts of your body on Sunday?

Any other questions?


Q: Dean (2:00). Mr. Keshe, you've opened such a lot this morning, you really have
opened up Creation. So, does this mean on one level that theology really is going to
struggle with this now, that there is no position anymore for this theology?
问:院长(2:00)。Keshe 先生,你今天早上打开了这么多,你真的打开了创造。

K- Do we care? That's the only question. Instead of fighting and discussing, we've got to
step up and develop. This is the only thing because they say, if you don't want to be a
tomato, you better "catch up." So, let them to be. We don't wait, we don't wait to see their
reaction. We wait to see how they interact, to evolve.

Q: .. So, you also mentioned that this was going to be opened up to every man on the
planet. Is this a gradual process? Or is this going to be dependent upon the interactions
that happen?
K- Which part? What?
Q: So, I've noticed that many things are happening around the environments and planet,
and then you come and say something that, obviously has been discussed on a higher
level. And then we as Knowledge Seekers get to experience it, like as you speak it now. So, by
bringing this forward, are you, is it a game between yourself and others? Or is it
something you're just going to bring forward as yourself?
K- What do you mean by that?
Q: Are you going to take a position to bring the technology into place, regardless? Is it
something you're going to bring forward?
K- We are doing that, regardless. (2:02). I was discussing this with our team. If you go
into what you call it, the Internet world with YouTube, and number of viewers. They say
if you have 4,000 hours of viewing in the past month or a year, you can be benefited by
whatever it comes. We already have tens of thousands of hours of viewing, hundreds of
thousands, millions of hours of viewing around the world, all the teaching. So, it's there. The only
problem for us is that. In a way the lock is that the technology is getting mature
so fast that once it opens up, it's already mature. Then we have to see the next step.
无论如何,我们都要这么做。( 2: 02).我正在和我们的团队讨论这个问题。如果你进入你
所谓的互联网世界,有 YouTube 和观众数量。他们说,如果你在过去的一个月或一年里有
4000 小时的观看时间,你可以从任何事情中受益。我们已经有几万个小时的观看,几十万,

I remember when we went to Belgium as I said before, they said, why Belgium? Why
have you brought this technology, it's so advanced? Why, why, why Belgium? We come
to Austria, the whole government of Austrian government is to silence this technology. It's a policy,
this has become a national policy with Austrian government to, don't let this
technology to open up. We know it for fact. We ran from one, what it is, and to now to
silence it, try to keep it under control. We don't tell you the problems we face in Austria. And it's
the same with the other nations.

Because we touch every aspect of life. Every aspects of life we touch. Agriculture,
medicine, energy, health, space, travel. (2:04). You call it, we are in it. Because it's you
in it, not us. You use it, you will have the advantage of being there to use.
空间,旅游。( 2: 04).你叫它,我们就在里面。因为是你在里面,不是我们。当你使用它

Yesterday, if you remember in the teaching of the past few days, I explained about the
pig farm. We actually received the data yesterday and it's amazing. The ratio of the death
and loss is 8 to 1. It's profitability and bankruptcy. In the first time, I'm sure in the next
session, because the environment will change in the pig farm and everything else. With
our technology, average loss is just about one in a 100. Where is not used is 8, in some
places 10 to a 100. That brings what's going to happen to the pharmaceuticals, which they
inject these animals. Do these animals need any more antibiotics and the rest of it? So,
you see, we touch that. We touch the farming. The farmer produces more, more profitable
for it. Then we go into every other direction.
太棒了。死亡与损失之比为 8:1。是盈利和破产。在第一次,我相信在下一届,因为环境会
8,在某些地方是 10 到 100。这就带来了药物的变化,他们给这些动物注射药物。这些动物

Yesterday as I said, we had the pleasure to see these two boys, and the mother said, do
you know how many calls I get all the time from pharmaceuticals and the government
knowing my two children have this condition, that they want to give us new chemicals
and I say no. Because if they find it, they charge it, and then it cost them millions, (2:06).
and the insurance company pays.

The more Knowledge Seekers uses these technologies and the more it becomes prevalent,
the harder it becomes for it to be covered. We don't need to do much. The support we
have amongst the Knowledge Seekers in the fundamental way is carrying us through. And we will
succeed. Because we is all of us. We produced the Gans, we just.
You have to understand, I had the pleasure of meeting couple of very young Knowledge
Seekers 14, 15, 16, in past few months, and they all come through it through their
parents. And they say, I want to work in this, I want to be in the plasma, I want to work
for Keshe Foundation, I want to be a KS. Why do these new generation will bring for us?
你必须明白,在过去的几个月里,我有幸遇到了几个非常年轻的求知者,他们分别是 14
岁、15 岁、16 岁,他们都是通过父母来的。他们说,我想在这个领域工作,我想在等离子
领域工作,我想为 KESHE 基金会工作,想成为 KS.为什么这些新一代会为我们带来?
You know, you always talked about the Gans, you ??,this and that. Me at age of eight,
coming in touch with x rays, and Gamma rays, you see what happened. These children's
been born in the world of plasma and Gans's, can you imagine what they will come up
with? It's a cooking pot to explode.
你知道,你总是谈论甘斯,你?,这个和那个。我八岁的时候,接触到了 X 射线和伽马射

Q: I've met some of these guys, and I know how beautiful they are. So, Mr. Keshe
another thing would be, so all of this depends on the twist. So, you can create a condition
just by a twist. So that takes me to the people that are going to be present on this Sunday. How
can I use this information today to reach to the level that the Soul would require?

K- Your Soul has already reached, you to reach your physicality to understand. (2:08).
你的灵魂已经到达,你到达你的肉体去理解。( 2: 08).

Q: As always, Mr. Keshe.


K- The system we use on Sunday, it'll be the first time ever. I discussed this months and
months ago. And now our team has managed to put it together, it's actually physically
operating. We never been in it. It'll be very interesting in how you people will respond. In
a way how you respond, what you get from it, what feedback we get from it. What we'll
see in our monitoring system during the process will give us a huge insight into the next
step of development.

We have two units, one is going through test and development, and another unit, just
about a meter away, is stayed in its carcass, just a frame made. And I'm looking at it,
when it is going to be done? It's not going to be done, till they finish complete maturity
of this one, that they can replicate it in the next one, next door. Then we'll see a giant
move. You have that two Souls interacting with each other.

Then it comes what happened when we had these two systems in a very advanced
Cosmic level interacting. It'll be an amazing time on its way. How you people feel on
Sunday, it will be amazing. And what you don't feel, is just that you haven't understood
the connection. And we know the system works because we monitor it, we see it.

Q: So come in with no expectation Mr. Keshe, and just allow. Yeah, just be present. (2:10).
问:所以进来的时候不要抱任何期望,凯什先生,只是允许。是啊,只要在场。( 2:

K- No, it's not the expectation. Coming with the knowledge, it's different than coming
with no expectation. That was a game of the past, then you get surprised, and I become a
magician. Come in understanding what you're in, and what you can see, what you can
say. We don't tell you anything, there are a lot of things.

There's one thing which we will go to this, hopefully, if we can't do this time we will do it
in the coming time. Those of you who come in for Sunday dinner or lunch with the
Creator, you will be given a special access in a very short time, that you can come in all
the time to eat what you want. Those of you who come for Sunday lunch, you will be
invited for many lunches. We'll explain this very soon. This is part of that test we did on
the 19th of December. Those of you who came for the food section.
们很快就会解释这一点。这是我们在 12 月 19 日做的测试的一部分。那些来食品区的人。
Now we leave this table of food open for those who come in. We explain to you how, and
where, and the way, that we allow you certain hours, certain times to come in and to eat
once a day. To see how many of you will change social behavior, how many of you will
change your physical behavior, how many of you will eat again. This 19th session is not
just as before, as I said, we will explain this in more detail on the 19th. But the
framework is, those of you who come on the 19th. Then you will be asked if you want to
come in for maybe a month, a week, a few days to eat on the table when you want.
有多少人会改变身体行为,有多少人又会吃东西。这次 19 届不是像以前一样,就像我说
的,19 号我们会更详细地解释这一点。但框架是,你们中那些 19 号来的人。然后你会被
( 2: 12).

We monitor, we know who comes in because we connect the system. Or we tell you, the
way nowadays on a Sunday at 6 and 12 you spray Gans around the world, you come
every Sunday for a few weeks to have lunch with the Creator, which is yourself.
我们监控,我们知道谁进来,因为我们连接了系统。或者我们告诉你,现在在星期天 6 点
和 12 点,你在世界各地喷洒甘斯,你在几个星期里每个星期天都来与造物主共进午餐,

Then see how your behavior changed to stop eating physically. Do you see social,
physical interaction differences? Would you see you have diseases that you don't have
anymore after a few weeks? It's part of the understanding. This is not just…We covered
with the sugar coating of having lunch with the Creator. But there's other things hiding
and sitting behind it.

Q: Mr. Keshe, you said about the emotion of eating, that can still cause you to have a
certain body change. So even by let's say, you reduce your intake a lot of the matter state
food, you can still have a certain body change through that through an emotion.
问:Keshe 先生,你说吃东西的情绪,仍然会导致你的身体发生一定的变化。所以即使你

K- Yes, as your Soul wants you to be there to create that persona. You're a young boy,
you are head on conflict with your dad. He knows all his, everything is blah, blah. You
have no connection with him, and the rest of the caboodle, as we call it. You become fat,
you become big. Why? Because it's a cockfight, isn't it? I was small, but I can blow
myself up. When you walk on street and you watch father and sons, the way they are, the
way physically shape, (2:14). you can tell a lot about the relationship. Physical
domination or psychological what you call it, superiority. And very few you see balance. With
both parents, not just one. Then you see in the boys and you see that in the girls. When I walk on
in a supermarket and shopping centers, for me it's a field day, of
understanding relationship, Soul interaction. This is what you see in the process of
emotion and physicality.

Q: Thank you Mr. Keshe. That's very interesting. So, another question, sorry to.
问:谢谢 Keshe 先生。那非常有趣。所以,另一个问题,抱歉。
K- You become worse than Jalal. One was enough.

Q: I know, I'm sorry. So, you touched on the smell of Creator and how that you will give
your life for this. The reason I ask about this is because I had an experience with, I'm not
saying that I smelled the Creator, but I smelled something when I met a particular person
and I have a feeling it was connected to this.
K- It's what I told you, that depends on your perception. You know, it's like when you
pass somebody and you say, oh, smell of church. You know, what they burn in the
church, that smell to cleanse, it's actually to put a stink on you, that when you go out, the
other say, "oh, I forgot to go to the church." It's not for the church to be cleansed. It's for
you to be called back. (2:16).
这是为了让你被召回。( 2: 16).

It's not the smell of the Creator? It's sweet, sweet with love and nothing else.
Q: Yeah, this has nothing to do with the church, this has nothing to do with the church.

K- I know, but what I'm saying is that the smell of the Creator is sweet, sweet with love. You feel
it ??.

Q: Yeah, I sense that Mr. Keshe.

K- Your 3 questions are over.
Q: Thank you Mr. Keshe.
问:谢谢 Keshe 先生。

K- Any other questions?


Q: .. I've been thinking over the last week. The function now and you said we wanted to
talk about the Creation, yeah. The function of the black hole within the Universe, it seems
to me that they are also a source of the Cosmic waves. So, we have the central Sun and
we have the black holes. Is this the other dimension that you were talking about earlier? Is it that
as the fields come from the central Sun, and interact with the black holes,
(2:18). and the fields rub against each other in certain places on their way to us, that they
perform a vital function within the Cosmic waves, or Cosmic fields?

K- I think if you read the paper "the Creation of Black Hole," where it started all my
problems in the world of present science. Where Stephen Hawkins's stole the paper. This
what you asked is explained in there very, very easily. Stephen Hawkins always came up
with what I call, the false basis, that the black holes are an eating machine. And on 8th of
July he changed his mind. When they published the paperwork of the Keshe Foundation
in his name.
出我所说的,错误的基础,即黑洞是一个吃人的机器。7 月 8 日他改变了主意。当他们以

Where the black holes are the source of life. This is where the interaction of the Sun, I
think if you read the paper in original text, is that when a Sun hits a black hole, it radiates
fields, which comes back, and new fields are created. So, black holes, we call it black,
because they absorb everything. But they're one of the emitters of fields, of a different
strength. It's not what Stephen Hawkins promoted with his foolishness. It's what it is, it's
another interaction.

Most of you made the Nano coating, you created a black hole. That's what it is. And
what's the purpose of, (2:20). What you call it, the black hole? It depends how you
interact with it. Your Nano black layer is one of the highest resistance, you cannot enter
it. But if you can enter it, you find inside it superconductivity, zero time frame. With
massive amount of energies.
We always think to enter the fields inside, outside to inside. What happen if we use this
inside, then that was going to be the future of the communication lines, and a lot of
microchips, is to give the information inside the black hole. That it travels super-speed
inside itself, and uses the outer layer as a shield for it not to lose. So, you create new
fields inside.
It's a different understanding it's a natural process. And it's a black hole. Because at
certain point, if you change the field strength absorption or ?? inside the Nano coated
wires you have, you start interacting, absorbing from outside in, and releasing energy
inside out. We know this because in the test we did, as I've said many times before in
Ghent University, bringing all the electrical systems on the table, all whatever we could. We saw
people put Nano wire coated, with copper wire on the table. And the professors
and the scientists with us put all the currents they could put through it. They said, we
don't have any more we can put.

What we saw, the wire held, it didn't break, it didn't melt. (2:22). But through Nano gaps
in certain positions, we could see liquid copper, like water swinging inside. And the
professors said, this is impossible, it's liquid inside, we can see it. But it doesn't leak,
because it's held by magnetic field of the outer layer of Nano layer. But Nano layer is
being in position, they create a position that he can see through. So, if he can see through,
they can leak the light we saw out as well.
我们看到的是,电线没有断,也没有融化。( 2: 22).但透过某些位置的纳米间隙,我们

So, Nano layers, black holes are not that eating machine. Now we have, scientifically we
can show it. You all Knowledge Seekers, if you can get your hands on, put a wire in
between the clamp, and give it as much energy. You will see outside you're holding the
wire inside it's melting material. But you see the light, you see the liquid copper. Just
don't look at it, look at it, why do you see it. So if you can see it, and it's absorbing
energy. On other sides blacks in these holes is emitting light out.

And in the future, if you can manage to do this and sit inside, and look from inside to
outside the tube, through the same holes, you'll see the fields which come in. And it can
decide the space gap of these that only absorbs Gamma rays, only absorbs vitamin C.
These are the future filters of the technology in Nano space.
会看到进来的领域。它可以决定这些只吸收伽马射线,只吸收维生素 C 的空间间隙。这些
The space gap, you see the liquid copper, if you extend it to understand it, by
reorganizing in a specific configuration, can give you certain specific strength fields to
come through it. We use this now in certain part of the technology development. (2:24). We use
it clearly, and we see the benefit of it.
你特定的强度场来通过它。我们现在在技术开发的某些部分使用这个。( 2: 24).我们清

There's a lot of knowledge we cannot explain. It's getting developed and then we can
explain to one or two Knowledge Seekers, then becomes the knowledge which stays
behind. But space wise technology, you don't consider black holes, it's what I call,
ridiculous point Hawkins made.

Q: I understand what you're saying. They're not eating machines.

K- But the interaction with them, it has the same benefits of reflection. So in some points
you get absorbed, in some strength you go through, in some strengths you get blocked,
which you reflect back out. And this is the basis of the paper, which I told you to read. This is
explained, this is the first paper we ever published in 2004.
础。这是我们在 2004 年发表的第一篇论文。

Q: It's actually an amazing understanding Mr. Keshe. Because the interaction of the
central Sun, and the black holes. I don't know how, but they somehow interact with each
other on another level. But it's just like, the pictures on your books where you've got the
two balls and the two sides, it's the same thing. It's the interaction between two different
fields, (2:26). that allows the existence of a single entity which comes to us, but it's not
in one sided, it's in both sided. And when we learn to be able to decode this, and allow us
to create fields that interact with both sides of that. We will understand much, much
more. And I thank you very much. It's been a wonderful week in my learning, thank you.

K- Thank you very much. This situation with existing life, or material, or systems within
a black hole. If you ever can get, I'm sure Knowledge Seekers, some of you have access
to it, you can find it. You see it as something, but as developers of these kinds of
technologies, we look at different aspects of application and the implication.

In the January, what I call, mayhem a few years ago, when the Iranian defense literally
wiped out the most advanced bases in Iraq of Americans. The Americans won't show you
this video, but the Russians took it through their satellite, you can find it on the Internet. Usually
when you see missiles or rockets going to a position, you see the rocket, you see
the missile. The Russian satellites which have videoed, recorded the onslaught wiping of
one of the most advanced bases in Iraq of the Americans allies center, (2:28). which they
said they had some people having earache, because those who had an earache, they were
11, god knows, 12 meters below the ground, the ones on the side didn't even had a
chance to hear it, because they're not there to tell us. When you watch this missiles,
they're black, black, black. You only see a black bracket moving. So, the technology with
it, is absorbing all the fields, that's why they can't hit it with a rocket. Because the rocket,
an anti-missile has to receive to feed back. They don't trigger, because they absorb all the
毁的情况(2:28)。他们说有些人耳朵疼,因为那些耳朵疼的人,他们 11 岁,天知道,
在地下 12 米处,在旁边的人甚至没有机会听到它,因为他们不在那里告诉我们。当你看

So we see this black, it's not on the body of it, it's the field around it. But the interesting
thing is what I told you, we give the energy from inside what will happen. But the system
inside are still working, that missile is targeted, it doesn't miss with a meter, with a
pinpoint accuracy. You hear a news, we analyze the use of technology in that news. So,
when you create this, what you call, black shields, magnetic fields, inside doesn't matter. Because
you preset the condition for the use.

This is how the future space technology will be. Those of you who want to travel with
UFOs or flying objects, than through the Soul. You can create a black energy fields
strong enough to allow you vertical take-off through the atmosphere, through the
boundaries of this planet. But inside nothing happens. We saw this when I saw, when I
was provided a video by the Russian intelligence. (2:30). I just said, this is amazing
space technology. I don't look at it as a defense, I look at it, how we can use this
时,我们看到了这一点。( 2: 30).我只是说,这是惊人的太空技术。我不认为这是一
technology in the space travel, in the matter state. Black outside. Go on the Internet,
you'll see it. You see black dots just come in, and black dots one after another. The new
satellites see it as a black hole in movement, but inside it's fully computerized, knows the
target, goes exactly where it's got to go.

This is what the next generation of the space technology in the matter state will be. We
have not abandoned travel with systems. We have moved with the option of through
energy fields, through the Soul. Those of you who want to travel with the energy systems
you have enough. I've given you enough technology to do. To travel with your UFO's
you have all the magnetic shields, the creation of black holes around your system, full
intelligence life inside.

Then we don't see, we don't hear any noise when these things travel. We don't see any
light. There is no sound barrier, even though they travel faster than the speed of sound. When
President Trump said, we are not going to do nothing with Iran for what they did in
Iraq. Because he can't do anything. You don't even have the knowledge, you don't even
understand that knowledge. (2:32). Ignorance is a bliss And this bliss says, to the world
leaders. The reality hasn't changed.
动于衷。因为他什么都做不了。你甚至没有知识,你甚至不理解那些知识。( 2: 32).无

Any other question?


Q: .. Good morning Mr. Keshe. I understand a few months ago the United States has been
testing those very strong laser beams, and they managed to shoot at an extraterrestrial
ship with multiple beams. And they affected it, but they didn't manage to go through the
shield those ships have. They're trying to catch up with a bit of this technology,

K- Depends where the ships came from. Was it another air balloon with…
Q: No. Those ships are the ones that are watching out for us from outside. They were 480
kilometers up above, and they had to retire to 490,000 kilometers away to repair the
damages. (2:34).
问:不。那些船是在外面监视我们的。他们在 480 公里以上,他们不得不撤退到 49 万公
里以外的地方去修复损坏。( 2: 34).

K- I'm not a passenger in it, I don't know about these things. But I hope it's not like what
we hear with the air balloons over United States.

Q: Yeah, that's a smoke screen, hot air balloons. Why don't they mention when Iran
brought down the drone. They've forgotten about that.

K- No, they haven't forgotten, they're trying to learn. The process is…You know, when
you speak about these things. The Americans would like to hype up a lot of things, yeah. You
know, they say, what they say about the man with an expensive sports car. Compensating one for
the other. This is what the Americans would like to make it to be.

The process, the understanding, the intelligence is not there. There's a lot of intelligence
in the Russian Space people. The Americans are just, what I call, "fur coats and no
knickers," as we call it. They make a lot of it but they don't. I mean, when you allow an
object to appear in the middle of your country, and then you get to know it. I wonder
what the Chinese did. Why they manifested. Or, it's just to tell them, we can come
wherever we like. We see them in two or three different places, in Central America,
apparently, and in the central US. There's more into it than an air balloon game.

The situation is very, very different, (2:36). in reality, what it is and what's behind it. When I
heard about this trying to shoot, or they shutdown something on there in the
United States, and everything else. It brought back the memory of the nineteen fifties
when the Americans sent the wire to the Russians in a matchbox, as you know. And after
a few months they received it. And they wrote to the Russians, oh, there was a wire
inside, you didn't see it. Because they could create such a fine wire. The Russians they
said, look inside, we made a hole in your wire. So we are more advanced than you are. It's
understanding. That was the beginning of the laser war, when they started to create
more finer laser beams.
时,我试图拍摄,或者他们在美国关闭了一些东西,以及其他一切。它带回了 20 世纪 50

Q: Before they went into the war, I think it was in Los Angeles, when all those lights
appeared and they started shooting at those lights.

K- Yeah, but it depends who created the light. .. Ourselves to show we have something,
but we say, we don't know where it comes from. It's very interesting. I'm watching this
balloon game with the Russians and Chinese, it's very, very interesting. What I call it,
with the Chinese and the Americans. Very, very interesting.

Q: The Chinese sent those balloons?


K- The point is to ask, how did you manage to get it before they detected?

Q: Exactly, yeah.


K- That's the game, that's the name of the game.


Q: What are all those satellites were doing up there? Watching whom and what? K- A black hole,

isn't it?

But how can you allow such a thing appear over your nation. What about if it was
carrying a dirty bomb, what about if it was carrying a nuclear bomb? You're going to
explode it, you don't know what's inside it? (2:38). And what was one yesterday or the
day before. One of them was ?? supposed to ?? happened to be a private plane.
弹呢?你要引爆它,你不知道里面是什么?( 2: 38).昨天或前天是什么。其中一个是??

It's understanding and application. As we boost our systems, and edges, and
transmutation. It is very interesting, as I said, now we are testing step by step. Improving,
testing, developing step by step, week by week. Yesterday flight test was very interesting
The Knowledge Seekers were going through it, they're on the line listening to this. You
have to open your eyes to see exactly why you're still in one place or the other. Because
in reality you are there. You're so visual. Then you try to see, ?? the next time through
your eye or through your Soul. Then you don't need to ?? find out, if you're in one place
or the other, because you arrive through the Soul. It needs education, it needs
understanding, it needs realization of the position, time, and space and energy. We're
getting there.

Q: Yeah. Slowly but surely.


K- As long as we are off CNN we are very good. When we come to CNN, comes, what
you call it, a show on the road, which we (don't want)...
只要我们离开 CNN,我们就很好。当我们来到 CNN 的时候,就像你所说的那样,这是一场

Q: They've closed their main office already, CNN.


K- What happened?

Q: Or they're going bankrupt, or something or other. But they've closed their main office. (2:40).
问:或者他们要破产了,或者别的什么。但他们已经关闭了他们的主要办公室。( 2:

K- Oh, bad for some of those people who were around Keshe Foundation. They said,
when it comes on CNN then we believe it. So CNN is not. So they will never believe in
anything, soon.
哦,对 Keshe 基金会周围的一些人来说很糟糕。他们说,当它出现在 CNN 上时,我们就会
相信它。所以 CNN 不是。所以他们永远不会相信任何东西,很快。

Q: It'll have to be Fox.


K- They're already foxed, anyway.


Any other question?


Q: .. Can one use graphite rod to make a quality CH3 Gans?

问:..是否可以使用石墨棒来制作高质量的 CH3GANS?

K- It depends. Many Knowledge Seekers have tried different approaches to it.

Q: .. Plasma reactors made of ping pong balls containing CH3, CO2 and amino acid,
what is their health benefits? I would like to make it for sick people in Nigeria, I am a
medical physicist.

K- You have to understand what part of the health, what you call it, you want to apply it
for. As I said, the knowledge, you have to understand it. If you put such a thing near a
cancer patient, you might most probably speed up the growth of cancer. If you put it next
to somebody else with another condition you create different dimensions. (2:42). It's you
have to understand what it's for, and what are you doing and the way you do it.
长。如果你把它放在另一个条件下的人旁边,你就创造了不同的维度。( 2: 42).你必须

R: And that's probably not something that we can transfer over on YouTube. Or in a
workshop like this.
R:这可能不是我们可以在 YouTube 上传输的东西。或者在这样的车间里。
K- No, it's just .…
R: It's a medical teaching .. .
K- They are medical doctors asking the question. So, they have to understand how to
apply these technologies accordingly.

Keshe Foundation in the past couple of weeks has sent hundreds of emails to the doctors
who wanted to join the Keshe Foundation or be part of it. If you applied for becoming or
getting involved with Keshe Foundation work, for past 2 - 3 years. Look into your junk
box, and see what's in your junk (Spam) box. If you don't see an email from Keshe
Foundation reply. We are setting up, I think it's about two or two weeks for these ??.
在过去的几周里,Keshe 基金会已经向希望加入 Keshe 基金会或成为其中一员的医生发送
了数百封电子邮件。如果你申请成为或参与 KESHE 基金会的工作,在过去的 2-3 年。看看
你的垃圾盒,看看你的垃圾(垃圾邮件)盒里有什么。如果您没有看到来自 Keshe 基金会
After two or three years, we responded to all the doctors, medical people who wanted to
join the Keshe Foundation, what you call it, in the wellness. And to be trained or to be
told what it is, that they learn on the job.
两三年后,我们回应了所有想要加入 Keshe 基金会的医生和医务人员,你们称之为健康。

We are in envisaging, and we are working on training new doctors, fresh doctors out of
the medical schools, to offer courses, and train them in the use of the plasma technology. As,
what you call it, (2:44). as an alternative system, as we have the license for, to be, we
show them, they can use the facilities, the knowledge and new systems.

You can't teach it to a present doctors, some of them, it's impossible. So, the best thing is
to train. Because at the moment, the way we see it, you don't need that many medical
doctors to run the Wellness Centers. It's becoming a systematic allocation, understanding
and reversal of the old knowledge to the new. This will come, in a very short time. We
already have started training medical doctors, medical people in this way. It comes by
being on it, seeing the result, then understanding it, and moving to the next step.

Any other question?


Q: .. My house has two power panels, one for the house and the other for the geothermal
heating unit. Is it possible to get a PDF (file) showing the hookup for the Compact
Plasma Enhancement Unit before I buy it, to make sure it's going to be able to be hooked
up? Thank you. (2:46).
型等离子增强单元之前,是否可以获得显示其连接的 PDF(文件),以确保它能够连接?
谢谢。( 2: 46).

K- We have tested solar power plants in a large scale in Italy with the original MaGravs. You
have to understand, as we talked earlier on, that you feed back as much as you feed
in. How your system is going to interact with the plasma fields. And how you can divert
these plasma fields in reaching what you call it, solar cells. It goes through your
converters, your inverters, it starts producing more energy than actually comes from your
solar cells. Then your inverters become converter. We've seen all this.

So, you have to devise a way from the fields to get into your inverters, and you can use it
successfully. We have developed this technology, but we don't disperse it, we don't go
with it. Because we use it extensively ourselves in our system connections. As part of the
technology which we've developed. By time, by understanding the problem, and the
problem which a lot of people don't understand.
In 2005 - 6 - 7, when I used to do all the research in the lab, many of these power
generators, oscilloscopes were failing after a few days, a few weeks. And I used to take
them back to the shop where I bought them, it doesn't work. Then they take it, they don't
understand what happened. And after two or three times they wanted to know, why you
keep on taking it back? (2:48). And I realized that I'm producing too much plasma
power, which goes into the system. Then I developed the technology for it. I saved my
systems from ever burning out or getting damaged with the plasma fields.
在 2005-6-7,当我在实验室里做所有的研究时,许多这样的发电机,示波器在几天,几周后
白发生了什么。两三次之后,他们想知道,你为什么一直把它拿回去?( 2: 48).我意识到

Many of you, you work with plasma Cosmic Rays, or whatever. You will find out many
of your credit cards run into problems. It was magnetic fields, now plasma fields are
worse. When you work very close with some strength field of plasma your credit cards all
get jammed up. It's very much like a mobile phone next to your card sometimes, if the
fields are of the strength, you find out they connect different, and then you go to an ATM
and you put the card in, you reset it, you pick it up. But with the plasma the resetting
doesn't work. This is how I know. ?? somewhere is plasma fields (involved). So in the
future, even in a chips we use for the credit cards, they have to build this protection.

Any other question?


Q: .. Who or what created the Creator?


K- Partially we answered that in the teaching of today, (2:50). and the rest of it we prefer
not to get involved in. Because then you have a problem with clergies, and the Vatican's,
and the Mullahs. You will see, the biggest problem as I said before, the opposition to the
Keshe Foundation will come from the clergy. Because they have to close shop, there shop
does not sell any more interest.

I had a beautiful experience very recently with an Orthodox Christian where, he used the
Gans technology when he needed it, because of Corona. Then he works in the church,
and then when it came to understanding of the philosophy, understanding of the Soul and
everything else, he said, this is antichrist, they said when the Antichrist comes he'll bring
these things with him. Unfortunately, he eats on the same table as me sometimes. And I
tease him, I said, be careful with crossing the church, you're eating with the Antichrist
according to you.

Because we enlighten. People understand, you cannot fool them anymore. So, the
philosophy and theology is through the window, because you can access it yourself.
When they see the problem, then you become Antichrist, because the problem is not you,
it's them, they cannot fool you anymore. (2:52). The biggest resistance will come from
Ayatollahs, and Pope, and the rest of it to rise, what you call, popular opposition. But in a
way, it won't work. Did it work putting Jesus on the cross? It gets worse, because this one
has no place, no dimension except inside your own Soul, inside you. You've got to
question it?
弄你了。( 2: 52).最大的阻力将来自阿亚图拉和教皇,以及其他人的崛起,你所说的,民

Any other question?

Q: .. If flowing water is present in the close proximity to the process of Nano coating
plates, will they mean flow direction of the energy paths, align with the ?? flow direction
of the water in the Nano?

K- Yes, it does. Because the water itself is made of plasma of different sorts and different
mixture of materials in it. Even distilled water will do that. You try to make, not only the
flow, you try to make Nano coating with the distilled water, and try to make Nano
coating with the tap water. You see the difference. You feel the energy difference.

Your distilled water is layers very mono energetic, (2:54). they totally develop in a
different way, than with the tap water. And the water in your Gans and Nano production
is dynamic. So it creates its own flow, as we've seen it. It doesn't need to be a running
water next to it. Inside it is dynamic, and it does that, and it makes a lot of difference.

When you're make a Nano layer using a tap water in England, and you make a Nano layer
in Australia, and somewhere in the remote places, with no contamination, it's totally
different effects. And your Gans's will be different energy position as well. Make your
CO2 with distilled water and make CO2 with the tap water, and look at the colors. In the
tap water all the fluoride, god knows, calcium, whatever they put in it is in there. But that
has an effect on the CO2 you make, in the energy absorption and emission.

Any other question?


Q: .. How can my university in Nigeria partner with the Keshe Foundation to train and
use plasma in processing diseases?
问:..我在尼日利亚的大学如何与 Keshe 基金会合作,培训和使用血浆处理疾病?
K- Can you repeat that again?
Q: How can my university in Nigeria partner with the Keshe Foundation to train and use
plasma in processing diseases?
问:我在尼日利亚的大学如何与 Keshe 基金会合作,培训和使用血浆处理疾病?

K- You have the most beautiful Knowledge Seeker, (2:56). one of the top guys in Keshe
Foundation in Nigeria. Talk to him, Alekz is sitting there. He is the most beautiful Soul
and knowledgeable, what you call it, Keshe Foundation members in your country.
你有最美丽的求知者,(2:56)。尼日利亚 Keshe 基金会的顶尖人物之一。和他说话,阿
列克兹坐在那里。他是你们国家最美丽的灵魂和最博学的人,也就是你们所说的 Keshe 基
Contact him or get in touch with us we'll put you in touch with him, and arrange for him
to teach in the University and develop. He will show magics. He will baffle your, what
you call it, your professors. If you don't know him, if you don't have access to him, get in
touch with the Keshe Foundation and we give you access to him. He's sitting with you,
he built a center, he built a swimming pool and everything else.
Keshe 基金会联系,我们会让你接触到他。他和你坐在一起,他建了一个中心,他建了一

He is one of the best we have and a beautiful Soul. And he is sitting in Nigeria.

R: Could they use the to get in touch

R:他们可以使用 吗?取得联系

K- Yes. The knowledge Alekz carry is unbelievable. And he's a member of the Universal
Council for Africa, sorry, Earth Council for Africa.
Q: .. Can I get a curriculum in plasma science from the Keshe Foundation. My University
in Nigeria is interested in introducing a degree program in new plasma science. I have
been asked to develop a curriculum. (2:58).
问:..我能从 Keshe 基金会获得等离子体科学课程吗?我在尼日利亚的大学有兴趣引进一个
新的等离子体科学的学位课程。我被要求开发一个课程。( 2: 58).

K- You need to speak to Emanuel in the education, and Dr. Gatwa in Kenya, and Jim and
Lisa in Australia. There is a lot of documents. I know Dr. Gatwa has a lot of work, and
Emmanuel used to teach in college the technology. There's a curriculum. It was set up,
started going with the lady from Greece educational groups. Yes, there is ?? plenty. Get
in touch with info, we support you, we have a way to do. You have one of the…If you
give a degree as a professor to Alekz in your University he will be there, he will baffle
the whole thing. He will do everything for you. If you can do that he is there. He can do
things that they will see him as magician.
成立了,开始与来自希腊教育团体的女士合作。是的,有。?很多。与 INFO 取得联系,我们

Any other question?


If you send something for, just put on it Alekz I'll ask it to be
monitored when it comes in. We can pick it up and then we'll put you in touch with
Emanuel and the rest to do a proper programming in Nigeria. (3:00).
如果你要 的东西,就把它放上去,阿列克兹,我会要求在它进来的
一个适当的节目。( 3: 00).
Q: .. Mr. Keshe, I do have a question which is general. I'm sure you have heard from this
terrible accident in the United States, chemical accident. Is there anything we the
Knowledge Seekers or Keshe Foundation America can do, because as I've heard, this will
touch more than 30 million people presently. And later on even more, because it goes
into the water, and the water will be contaminated, which will affect the whole
Mississippi river and surroundings.
问:..Keshe 先生,我确实有一个一般性的问题。我相信你已经听说了发生在美国的这起可
怕的化学事故。我们这些知识追求者或美国 Keshe 基金会能做些什么吗?因为我听说,目前
这将影响到 3000 多万人。后来甚至更多,因为它进入水中,水将被污染,这将影响整个密

K- Am I correct? You're talking about this tanker which turned over, are we talking about
that one?

Q: A train, which derailed.


K- I haven't heard about that, I can't make any comment.


Q: Maybe your could inform yourself. And next time you are with us, tell us if there is
anything we the Knowledge Seekers can do. Because it's going to affect millions of
Americans. And already there lots of deer, and fish and birds dying and people are
turning to sicknesses, which they never had before. And all of that, in only 10 days.
这是以前从未有过的。所有这一切,在短短 10 天内。

K- When does this happened?


Q: I think it happened on this about 10 days ago, (3:02). because there was no
information through the media. And it only came really to the knowledge of also the
American people over the last weekend. Because ...
问:我想这件事发生在大约 10 天前(3:02)。因为没有通过媒体的信息。直到上周末,美

K- I haven't heard of it.

Q: Maybe Rick could forward to you some of the information of this cloud, which
formed and the water contamination, which is sort of now general knowledge in America
since Monday. Because it is going to be an absolute devastating thing for America. And
government, Mr. Biden and Mr. ?? have done absolutely nothing. They've told the
people, it's all okay, you can go back to your houses. And this is absolutely not the case. Because
if you listen to chemical engineers, they are saying this is the biggest, it's like a
nuclear attack.

K- I know nothing, I can't make a comment. I am not aware of it.


Q: I understand Mr. Keshe, because I also only learned about it over the weekend. But
I'm sure that Rick knows something about it, or could find out what he can forward to
you. Because there is there is an urgent need for help.
问:我理解 Keshe 先生,因为我也是在周末才知道的。但我肯定里克知道一些事情,

K- Thank you very much.


R: We can look into it. It may be one of the biggest spills, it's possible. But you also have
to consider they have spills every single day in the US in all of their water supplies, and
the Mississippi is one of the most contaminated rivers in the world, probably.

K- It's like swimming in Ganges, huh. (3:04). .. it's contaminated with all the chemicals
coming from the top.
就像在恒河里游泳一样。( 3: 04)...它被所有来自顶部的化学物质污染了。

R: The Gulf is contaminated from all the drilling that they've done there, and that's
contaminated the mouth of the Mississippi, and so on and so forth. And this is a big

Q: It is not just the rivers. It is the groundwater which gets infected, and that is enormous
thing about it. So, I would really ask you kindly, go and have a look at it. Because this
spill is a spill, which has never happened before. Never.

K- I'm sure people who are in touch with us, will fill us in within the next day or two. And you
have to understand, whenever we offer any help it gets just put aside, because
it's from the Keshe Foundation. So, we have to look at it.

R: The US is not in a position to accept help from an Iranian based sources, especially
right now. They negate anything that's associated with Iran, and they put sanctions on it
as soon as they hear about it even. So, it might have an opposite effect to try to…

K- Let's see what happen, we can still teach the Americans Knowledge Seekers to use it. Let's
see. I don't know nothing about it, I can't make a comment.

R: As Carolyn has put into the chat here. She said, a vinyl chloride is the main chemical
that's been spilled, there's many cars, I think there's a hundred cars all together in the train
that overturned and spilled. And there's, you know, (3:06). a huge mushroom cloud of
black smoke from it all. And it's gotten into the woods.
K- Which state is it?

R: In Ohio. It's called, strangely enough, the location is called East Palestine, in Ohio.

K- I saw something. It's like a big black cloud, it's like a chimney going up.

R: Yes, we didn't hear about it for three days, because it was censored in mass media,
basically. They decided to host the stories about the balloons, the weather balloons,
instead of shooting down balloons, to distract perhaps from the mushroom cloud that was
actually going up in Ohio.

Q: That's it. Because what they did, is instead of evacuating the few carriages, which had
this poison, they ignited it. And that is…

R: A controlled burn, they call it. Yes, which is what firefighters do. And they're totally
desperate and don't know how to clean up ??.

Q: And nobody knows who gave the instructions. Because it is clear that the moment it
becomes in touch with anything, which is humidity. It turns into this enormous, enormous
poison, which goes now into the subterranean waterways. And that's where the problems
could come from over the next years. Because this is cancer again, cancer again, and
that's the problem. Anyway, I understand Mr. Keshe, if you don't know of anything, you
cannot have an answer to my question. (3:08). Eventually, this will be possible that
really Rick gives you whatever he can, so that you can make your own mind up, and tell
us the Knowledge Seekers by I know we cannot do much. But maybe there is something
we can do and they can do in America. Thank you very much.
不知道,你就不能回答我的问题。( 3: 08).最终,这将是可能的,里克给你他所能给的

K- Thank you very much. We usually, we had such as things done before, for like in
Italy. For the 9 most cancerous waters, we gave 100 - 200 pages report to the Italian
Ambassador in Austria, after a lot of tests done, actually by the Italian laboratories,
financed by the regional and central government, this research. I still have the research.
非常感谢。我们通常,我们以前做过这样的事情,比如在意大利。对于 9 种癌症最严重的
水,我们给了意大利驻奥地利大使 100-200 页的报告,经过大量的测试,实际上是由意大

And they just say, cost too much. They just put it on the shelf. So it took three years, four
years to do the research. The laboratories in Italy did all the work and it's just sitting on
the shelf. And it's all to do with Teflon. We have the knowledge. I'm sure if there's a
chemical Knowledge Seekers will find the solution around it, but getting it to be done,
getting it to be accept, and getting it to implement will take years. I'm sure somebody in
the Keshe Foundation team will send us a dossier on this, what it is, what happened, how
it's made, what effect it has. It's just matter of time to receive it.
被接受,并让它实施将需要几年的时间。我相信 Keshe 基金会团队中的某个人会给我们一

Q: Right. I just took the liberty of asking you this question, because it is really millions,
(3:10). tens of millions of Americans who will be affected, and this is part of this
unbelievable trial, which they are starting to reduce world population. And I know that if
all the Keshe things will come active that they will not succeed.
知道,如果所有的 KESHE 事情都变得活跃起来,他们就不会成功。
K- We have to look at the chemical composition of it. And we have to look at the
interaction with the plasma. It has a different interaction in the physical condition, it has a
different action plasma, and what would that create in the plasma condition in the matter
So, it's, first of all, getting to these things, it's very difficult for them to provide the
material to be tested. And secondly, if there is such a big scale damage, they are running
like, there's chickens running around, just trying to limit the damage. And there is no
answer to it. We tried, we used to get excited, and get involved and then Knowledge
Seekers do a lot of work. And then it was totally, no, sorry, we don't have the expertise to
evaluate your technology. That's usually the terminology for it.

Q: But you know, everything is most probably and hopefully going to change by
tomorrow night in America, because the Supreme Court will hear again, the things which
were docketed by the three brothers about the validity of the 1920 elections, and then we
will see. (3:12). Because America is really presently nothing more, but a bunch of
gangsters, I cannot say it, otherwise.
再次审理三兄弟关于 1920 年选举有效性的诉讼,然后我们将拭目以待。( 3: 12).因为美国

K- I prefer, I have enough battles with them at the moment. So, I prefer to stay very quiet. We have
enough battles on our hand with the American structure. But we still work, we
try to be around them. And we try to be part of the structures as Knowledge Seekers, but
arrogance has led to stupidity, and stupidity leads to a lot of misconducts. So we have to
see. Thank you very much.

Any other question? Jalal is there.


Q: Jalal .. Actually, it's not a question. It's a comparison about what you taught today. Although I
didn't really, this was a very bad day for me, because I didn't hear a lot from
your teaching. But from what I heard, it's about the MaGrav and the transformer. Is the
relationship between the MaGrav to the transformer is the same relationship between a
man and the Earth?

K- Explain. (3:14).

K-解释。( 3: 14).
Q: Shall I teach here?


K- Yes, please. We are a student, we are all Knowledge Seekers.

Q: Okay. If the MaGrav take 1 kilowatt, he will give back 3, 4, 5 kilowatts back to the
source. And where this energy will be deposited it's in the transformers...
问:好的。如果马格拉夫拿走 1 千瓦,他会把 3,4,5 千瓦归还给源头。这些能量将被储存

K- No ... Let me explain something very, very simple. If you heard in Monday, and
recently, we don't talk, because it has, it brings different understanding. It brings different
realization, different comprehension. When you say, saving unit, energy saving units,
they look at something else.
When the correct way for it is a hybrid plasma power generator. Because population now
understand the term hybrid. We always, in presenting the technology, the wrong way we
speak about saving. In fact, if you speak about the hybrid, that we produce some and the
electricity board produces the other, you get more collaboration, you get more
understanding. You understand? And then it kills a lot of enigmas and a lot of opposition.

In fact, this is what you do. (3:16). You absorb the plasma energy in the environment,
which we didn't have a knowledge of, and convert it with the help of the electric current
into a useful energy. So, you're "hybriding." When you speak about this, transformers
don't come into it. Because then you understand the true essence of technology.
事实上,这就是你所做的。( 3: 16).你吸收环境中的等离子体能量,这是我们所不知道

Why do you call it, magnetical, and why do you call it gravitation. Magnetical is the one
you don't need in your body, is magnetical. And gravitational is the food you put in your
mouth. The human body is a hybrid, is a converter. So, if you speak about, is it the coils,
is it the transformer. No. It's creating more surface area to convert the plasma energy in
the environment, into a useful energy, than what is sitting as useless energy. That's all it

The comprehension about what we call, the Enhancement Unit, we call it an

Enhancement Plasma Unit, because it's a hybrid. The hybrid you have a fuel and electric,
you produce electric current, or you fuel it when it's needed. This, the beauty of this
works within the structure of electricity. This is what I said to you before and you to the
Knowledge Seekers. (3:18).
美在电的结构中起作用。这是我以前对你说的,也是你对知识追求者说的。( 3: 18).

We can show you with one second, with one wire, actually, with one wire, how you can
have zero energy. But you will really, truly have zero energy, you will pay no electricity
bill. Because the Electric Board will come and take your meter away, you have no
electricity. Because you're using this system to absorb more energy from environment,
than you're paying for it. You need Nano micro watts to do it. Once you set up your Nano
coating, your environment correctly.

If you look, scientifically or visually about the MaGrav system, the range you have. It's
like you sit in the…you sit in the bathroom, pull the plug. You see the water going down
the hole in a vortex. That's your magnetic field. Now go and sit on the other side of the
plug and see how the water comes out. One is gravitational pulling in, and one
magnetically releasing it. That's all you do.
如果你科学地或直观地观察 Magrav 系统,你所拥有的范围。就像你坐在…你坐在浴室里,

But, I'm sure in the future scientists will develop the technology to show us how Nano
materials are absorbing these energies in the rings. I've given you a what you call it, a
funnel of energies. Both letting in and letting out in the same platform. That's all it is.

So it's not a transformer. Maybe you want to call it a transformer, because it suits you. But it's a
hybrid system. And the engine of the hybrid is that Nano layer. That's all it is. I
can create you the same energy from a straight line Nano coated, (3:20). as you twist it a
thousand times. It's understanding the technology.
I was yesterday with our Knowledge Seekers developing. You saw the old ones, and then
you saw the new reactors for space technology. Now, we have gone into universal system
technology, developing it. Which in fact will work like a star, a satellite on its own
without rotation. We have started creating a real life scale systems as a planet, without
rotation, of matter state. It will be on the table tested within the next week or two. And
then this gives us a totally different ballgame.

This is the beginning of the what I call, new satellite system. Where we can hang one of
these over a city and connect it to every point in this planet. It's part of the development
now, it's gone into a process of development, both in our laboratories in Tehran and in
Austria. Both simultaneously are running into tests.

It's the beginning of the universal transport or what we call, Enhancement Systems. As a,
not a hybrid, as a single plasma system. (3:22). Where when we places these in specific
ways, you have the wireless lights on the streets, you have the light at the point you need
it, you create a light at the point of interaction, you create food at the point of interaction. It doesn't
matter if you are 10 meters on the ground, or you live in a skyscraper, you still
receive the same kind of energy for food and the rest of it. The new generation of
Universal plasma units, what you call, as a whole, now it's under construction.
单一的等离子系统。( 3: 22).当我们以特定的方式放置这些东西时,你在街道上有无线
面上 10 米高的地方,还是住在摩天大楼里,你仍然可以获得同样的能量来获取食物和其他

And I know the outcome, because I built it years ago. When I was trying to understand
winding and transfer of the fields. It took me about a year to explain to a guy who in one
of the big companies making winding for electric motors. He went back to college for six
months a year. He said, because I have to understand things you're telling me, I'd never
understood, even I make them. It took him about six months to make one for me. The full
process took more than two years. And it shows, it's like a hat, it's heavy, god knows, 4
or 5 kilos, I don't know. But it's a half space generator plasma system, but in matter state. It's in the
lab. It's yellowish gold color, it's got the coating on it.
子,它很重,上帝知道,4 或 5 公斤,我不知道。但它是一个半空间发生器等离子体系统,
Now that knowledge from what I learned on a three phase or the three dimensional
matter, you call it a phase, I call it, what you call it, the matter, the Soul and the Spirit, or
whatever you call it, (3:24). liquid, solid and gas state energy. You just give it a different
name. It has become the basis of the unit which we use on Sunday for the first time.

We have created a full half sphere dynamic plasma containers. And now from 12 - 14
years ago in matter state, now the plasma state version of it has been created, which goes
on the test. Then the true sphere plasma will be tested in next few weeks. It's not a
transformer. It's a system which absorbs energy. When you put it that way, people don't
understand. Then when they test it doesn't show the same results, because the results are
very much different, than what you see in a common transformer. Then you create
confusion and problems for yourself.
我们创造了一个完整的半球动态等离子体容器。现在从 12-14 年前的物质状态,现在它的等

This is a hybrid. A hybrid you have an electric engine, and a mechanical motor. In here,
you have a matter state and Nano coating. Two systems, in conjunction one supports the
other. But ones allows the other one to accommodate and work together.
That's why you use that 20% energy and 80% comes from the environment, then we say
you get 80% reduction. It's exactly, if you look at it, it's what I told you as humans do. You eat 20%,
you get 80% from environment. Now you see physically working in your
plasma MaGrav systems. You take 20% from the main coming in, and 80% we give you
??. We made you a human what you call, plasma converter. (3:26). You see the same.
这就是为什么你使用了 20%的能源,而 80%来自环境,那么我们说你减少了 80%。确切地说,
如果你仔细看,这就是我告诉你的人类所做的。你吃了 20%,你从环境中得到了 80%。现在
你可以看到在你的等离子 MAGRAV 系统中的物理工作。你从主要收入中拿 20%,我们给你
80%。?.我们把你变成了你所谓的人类,等离子转换器。( 3: 26).你看到的一样。

When you run these new plasma energy units, you will go up to 80 - 90%. It's like you
taking 80% - 90% food, it becomes current, electric current and 80% comes from the
Cosmos, CR. That's what you do with your plasmas. You have to change the language,
now that you become knowledgeable, into the reality of what it is, and you can explain it.
当你运行这些新的等离子能量单位,你将上升到 80-90%。这就像你拿了 80%-90%的食物,它

Q: So, we have in this case, to create the sink to take the surplus energy?
K- There's no surplus. You have to create a sink the way, the amount you want to take
from it. The whole process is, we have a number of obstacles with the present electrical
systems. One is you have a 16 amp fuses, then you have the backup fuses in the power
station, substations and the rest of it. When we have a huge surge, and electric cables get
hit with transmission lines between the substation and the power station, we don't see
power station blowing up. We have made facilities for it to stop, to block. You have to
的电力系统中遇到了许多障碍。一个是你有一个 16 安培的保险丝,然后你在发电站,变电

Q: The question Mr. Keshe here, why is the power station is the sink in respect to the
MaGrav let's say?
问:Keshe 先生的问题是,为什么发电站是 Magrav 的水槽?

K- Because it's weaker than your MaGrav system.


Q: They are using the nuclear stations?


K- It doesn't matter. They go conversion back into electric power. (3:28). .. Yes, that's
where it does.
这不重要。它们重新转换成电力。( 3: 28)...是的,就是这样。

This is something which I realized very early on in my education. In the third year in
Queen Mary College, we had to take it, because we were reactor specialists in power
producing powers. We had to do a course which I hated to do it. And it was, the interface
between the nuclear power station and the grid. We had to understand the whole process
of the grid, how much it costs, how it works, transformers, transmission lines. This is
something to me was useless, because I don't need it.

Tesla brought in AC current and put in one power station. Edison came out with the DC
and multiple power stations. With the plasma technology you need one power station and
no transmission. With the new technology …If you understood the teaching of today, and
even on Monday the demonstration, and the picture of the light I showed you, we're done
with transmission. We don't need. All these copper lines we use for transmission lines
laying on the street, give them back to me, I give them more energy with no cost,
changing them, Nano coating them to the position and the way we do.
You have no power cuts, you have no, oh, lightening stroke and the power station is
down. Sorry, the water supply has cut, because if you have the understanding, you just
put the machine there which converts energy into water the way your body does. The
knowledge is there. Now, how do we do it? I always…It's one of my pitfalls in my
education, I never believed in electrical part of the education, because to me it's useless. And now
today we showed you the picture. ?? You don't need to understand
transmission, everything, when you can transfer the plasma. My body does it, (3:30).
why can't I develop the technology to do it?

If you remember, go back four or five years ago, we showed for the first time the light of
the plasma from Austria Research Center, if you remember those light bulbs. Now we
become to show LED light, which is a total matter state. We can actually, not actually,
you know, when we had the headset, we showed the new headset? Our people from the
research center said, oh, we can put a light in there to show when it's working. And I said,
it's that much, because we don't need to draw a line to it, or put a battery in it. Your
Compact generator produces that light, that lights up your system while it's remote. And
at no cost.
你还记得那些灯泡。现在我们变成了显示 LED 灯,这是一个总的物质状态。我们实际上可

I remember a few years ago, when I was invited to Germany to see professor Miles, and
he took me to his house, and then to his lab when he was a students. He said, you see, he
had a little boat swimming in a little plastic pond. And he said, the energy unit for it is
there, and we run the boat from here. But I use a scalar wave, what you call, the sink. It
can go through, where Tesla use what we call, the other side of it. A sink and a
distributor, whatever you want to call it, magnetical gravitation, it's all the same

One part you receive, and one part you give. (3:32). And that is the beauty of it. When
you understand it, just change the language. But understand when you speak about, oh,
we have transformers, we can save you energy. Some. But put a new knowledge in their
head, it's a hybrid. We use energy from your clothes, from your body, from the dog, from
the cats, from the bird, from the light in the house, which you don't have any need for it,
they're emitting it, to give you back electricity for the house.
一部分是你得到的,一部分是你给予的。( 3: 32).这就是它的美妙之处。当你理解它

If you think of it, in reality... it's a dehumidifier. Have you seen these big dehumidifier
systems? You get it run and you keep on collecting water in gallons. That's your
magnetical system and gravitational system. You're sucking air, converting into water in
the dehumidifier. Our Nano layers absorbs energy fields and does that, and it's a water
and it gives you electricity. That's all it is.

You have electric dehumidifier, or plasma dehumidifier? Or is it plasma, de-plasma air,

whatever you want to call it. That's all it is. When you speak about the transformer, you
go way out of the reality.

Anything else, Jalal?

Q: No, it's ok, Mr. Keshe. It's only what you said, what we take and what we give in
respect, and what is the line of connection. We can transfer this energy as you said, that's
?? clear. (3:34).
什么是连接线。我们可以像你说的那样转移能量,那是??清除。( 3: 34).

K- You see, if you go back, the technology and knowledge is consistent, it's just that you
couldn't understand at that time. Maybe today you understand part of it and some of you
have already understood part of it, or most of it. If you look at the MaGrav system, it
always gave you that mixture in the center ball. And we asked you to, when you Nano
coated it, to the put some Gans on it. Do you remember, you still do it. That ball is a sink. And
that ball is the provider at the same time.

When we tell you, when you make.. Some people say, oh, I made a MaGrav unit, it didn't
work, a little bit, blah, blah. But none of you ever listened to the whole process we tell
you. What to put in the ball? What to put on the Nano coating? How you Nano coat. When we
tell you has a procedure, has a reason. You follow, you get the cake. You don't
follow, you have dough.

How come we transfer the same knowledge to the labs in Tehran, they get the same
results as we get from the lab in Austria. And we show you on Monday 50% plug and
play, the minute you plug in you get your 50%, and then you build up. If you plug it in
the first time, a few hours it build up to get to the point and builds up, it goes up, it goes
室得到的结果一样。我们在周一向你展示了 50%的即插即用,当你插上电源的那一刻,你
就得到了 50%,然后你就积累起来了。如果你第一次插上电源,几个小时后,它就会积累

But again there is a…You have to understand between the matter state, and Gans state,
(3:36). and the Nano layer state, and how to play it. Then you get a huge conversion. In
our system, we reach that point of conversion, we don't need to, because we don't need to
put something back into the grid. We feed everything back into our system. And then we
evolve it.

I know where you're going, and I know what you are talking. Your team in the
background you're working with, I get a lot of insight in what they're doing and how
they're doing things. You have to get together and redefine your work. Your guy
Philippine is nearly there, your guy in Thailand is on it. But he's not as what you call it,
scientific, electric minded. Then your other guys…Your group is hovering around like a
moths around the light. But you don't want to understand the light is you, you don't need
to be the moth. That's the problem. I watch what your team is doing. It's beautiful. And
how they, you're different people in different parts of the world, working together, come
to something and they leave it, because they don't understand it they come back. And I
say, they don't listen to the teaching do they. As you know I don't interfere. When I
interfere, when I go in directly like in the research centers, we develop things and we
change things ??. (3:38).

Q: Maybe we need to invite the Creator to a lunch.


K- Have the one on Sunday when you meet him. Have a quick chat.
Q: Yes, as you said Mr. Keshe, we have to, in a way, to be humble.

K- No, it's to understand. Because when you're humble, you are not arrogant, you see
everything. When you become arrogant you become one sided point of view. That's the

Q: Yes, thank you Mr. Keshe. By the way, the Knowledge Seekers they will not invite
any more Dean to the workshops.
K- What do you mean?
Q: He is not benefit to the Knowledge Seekers, he didn't give any tips, nothing.
K- What do you mean? You want to spy on us?
Q: Mr. Keshe, nothing, nothing. We get nothing from him of what you've done.

K- The whole structure of the Keshe Foundation work is very, what you call it, compact. And
you see the beauty of it when you go to the Research Centers, and you see their
work. What we show in public is dinosaur time, to compare to what is developed and
what's inside. And part of the technology you see, it's not even in the realm of
imagination, you let alone reality, which is sitting in these systems.
KESHE 地基工程的整体结构非常紧凑。当你去研究中心时,你会看到它的美妙之处,你会

We have the technology to create the matter state, we have the technology to create fields
of what you call, the Soul. We have the technology to understand the interaction between
them. We have created a system which has a Soul. We measure it. (3:40). You see that
blue line in the graph? That's the Soul of the system. And you see how it follows the
STM. When I tell you, you have robots with emotion, it's already on the table. You've
seen, but you don't understand what it is, to you it's just a blue line. But that's the Soul of
the system, that's the behavior of the field of the energy of the system in respect to what
they have with them. That's why I say, nobody will ever be able to copy what the Keshe
Foundation puts out in its structure, in what you call systems. Impossibility.
它们之间的相互作用。我们创造了一个有灵魂的系统。我们测量它。( 3: 40).你看到图
表中的蓝线了吗?这是系统的灵魂。你可以看到它是如何跟随 STM 的。当我告诉你,你有
是为什么我说,没有人能够复制 Keshe 基金会在其结构中提出的东西,在你们所谓的系统

It's not, you know when you go to China, they take you to a telephone shop, the
shopkeeper first gives you a Chinese version and then he puts an Apple version original
on the table. Then even when you buy the Apple original version, it's actually a copy
themselves. When you use it, you understand, uh, this cannot be Apple, even if I bought
it in the original box of the Apple. I have a Chinese Apple, it's interesting when I put it
next to the Apple I bought in Europe. It looks the same, exactly functions, but when you
ask certain things from it, it doesn't do. Because it's not Apple. As I said, be careful when
you buy something with a fake things, the same as Keshe Foundation. Don't leave half of
your leg in the Atlantic on transmutation.
我说的,当你买到假货的时候要小心,就像 KESHE 粉底一样。不要把你的半条腿留在大西

Shall we call it the day?


Q: Very well. Thank you Mr. Keshe. I hope this information can help someone.

问:非常好。谢谢 Keshe 先生。我希望这些信息可以帮助一些人。

K- Oh, it will help someone. Thank you very much. (3:42).

哦,它会帮助别人的。非常感谢。( 3: 42).
Anything else, Rick?
R: Well, there's always a few more questions, Mr. Keshe. But we will never totally catch
up. So, just remind people that if you didn't get your answer today, then just copy down
your question and try it earlier next week.

K- Thank you very much. We must probably see some of you on the Sunday lunch. And
we'll tell you what might happen with you after the Sunday lunch. As usually we don't
tell you anything until it happens. The ones who are in there, they get to know what it is,
and access is limited to that limitation.

As you've seen on Monday, some of you on the Blueprint Day, we have released the new
Power Plasma Generators, which now they're mass produced and they're available. And
the Compact Plasma Unit with the Head Unit for the what we call, all sort of applications,
as the console, and the what we call, the new Knee Gans was shown for the first time on
Monday. These are all available and going through the production system in, as we start
now showing this physically. We're inviting people to come and see it in Linz Center, as
the orders come in, we'll backlog to. It's like waiting for the systems to be, in your turn to
receive it. We have started inviting and meeting with industrialists who can use and
benefit by this system in their factories and their operation.

As it grows, this is how it is and I'll bring the change. Thank you very much for today
Rick. (3:44). And hopefully, we'll have some lunch with each other on Sunday. Thank
you very much.
随着它的成长,这就是它的样子,我会带来改变。今天非常感谢你,瑞克。( 3: 44).

473 KSW February 16, 2023

473 KSW 2023 年 2 月 16 日


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