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Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries

(301 through 310 )

301st Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, November 7

( , , , There is no reincarnation man has access to the totality of the knowledge, )

.. mic problem..

(:42)The Keshe Foundation stays to serve the nation. This is important for those who
come to listen as shareholders of other companies, we are very strong and we show
our power in what we do. We know where to go and we how to do business.

.. In going back to the teachings, we don't need a few, we need a lot to change a lot.


(1:00).. I released some videos 4 years ago in the south of Italy when we spoke about
the spaceships covering the sites on the line of horizon and the Italian military were
trying to find and we posted a video of the blocking of the sun, if you remember this
picture (it was a rainbow ring around the sun). When we arrived in Brasília, Brazil
this immediately appeared in the skies of Brasília, welcoming home. There are a
number of pictures and videos taken by us and the Knowledge Seekers. (1:02)(Picture
is on screen). This is when we landed and it moved with us to the hotel and was in the
air for some time. It was videoed by Knowledge Seekers and people who seen it. We
are home. This is the second time, if you remember we showed it in Italy, and this is
in the skies of Brasilia this week. You see the brightness and the full structure what is
in the sky. ... It is interesting to see where it follows us to. Plays the video. This is the
daytime, at lunch this week. Plays the Body Enhancement Unit ..

(1:16)We have signed the first agreements this morning, in the coming weeks we'll
announce that you can join the clinical trials, not only we bring the centers around the
world, now we bring the structure to it. Then the systems will develop further as we
go deeper into it. The new systems , as we'll unveil in Brasilia essentially will go for
the governments, through its own structural system in the coming months .. .

(1:36)end of Parkinson's video.

Q: Once you have the machines, what are going to be the protocols, depending on
each of cases of the patients being treated, how do you manage that, and do you need
to maintain the treatment Saturdays and Sundays?

Keshe: The protocols will be set through the doctors. The opening hours will be set by
the people who bought the machine and the protocol on how to use it and what it
needs will be set by operating manual. The charges and the operating hours will
depend on the people who bought the systems. (1:38).. On an 8 hour shift the
maximum number of patients that can use this machine is 12. ... In the coming time
these machines and the illnesses that mankind suffers from will change a lot. A lot of
people will use these machines not just because they're sick, they'll use them for, as
we say, to tune their physicality. This is one of the things that will come very
advanced, we'll use the machine for feeding, creating materials, for all sorts of
applications. The protocols for each one will be set up and everything else is in the
hand of the operators. What they have to set up is a team of medical people available
24 hours a day, specializing in, more and more as they learn through cases, sitting in
the background supporting the doctors case by case. Even now as I am talking to you
the progress in China is ongoing and I see notes and videos coming up. .. (1:40)..
Nobody can just buy the machine and go in it. It'll have a fingerprint, and another unit
added to it, only can be used for the patient set. This is just not something we put out,
everything is controlled, every data, and every patient worldwide will go into a
database, that what we see needs then we add to it, then we set up patients for it. We
estimate something like 2,000 machines will be delivered next year. ...
... We'll show you the specific condition for the creation of the human life. Not every
type of life can exist within the spacecraft. ... (1:46)They were so enthusiastic at that
time they flew a rat into space. ... I said to myself sitting in the back of the car, if I tell
you what I know you won't be so happy, because Iran managed to put a rat or animals
into space to see how they behave, as most of the space agencies do for the first tests.
The reality is we go into the next step, the reality of do we need even to go into the
understanding of the structure of the field of the strength of the Soul of the man, this
is, as I said, very difficult, if the Soul exists, what we know is the son of the man, is
the sun center, life, creation, so we can interact with it. If we can elevate the strength
of the Soul of the physicality, which is the connection of the fields of the body of the
man, to be the same as the Soul of the man, then you understand the physicality
becomes part of the Soul, and what we call inter-atomic fusion, I call it ... we become
part of. Do I want to live in the physical dimension with all its pitfalls, or I stay in the
dimension of the fields and in time I decide. Or do we chicken out and leave the
physical life the minute we have a cancer we jump into the machine, I go into the Soul
strength of, the same that my physicality doesn't get touched and come back out when
it's all sorted. This is part of understanding of the whole creation.

(1:48)Rick: Can you give us an example of how you see the conditions inside this egg
shaped chamber, like for example, normally as humans we see with our eye and hear
with our ears, would sound be cut off from the outside, would it be totally sound proof
inside, first of all, and second would there be sound or music or some sort of tone or

Keshe: We see interaction of the fields, where you have a rubbing of a surface, where
you have a hand on it you call it a brake on the street. There is interaction of the
matter state magnetical fields up to different strengths one stationary and one
moving** The same shall be in the space in respect to interaction of the fields of the
Universe of the craft. The strangest part is that we already hear what ears have
adjusted, what our Soul has adjusted to hear. You have seen the old movie, the guy
blows a whistle but nobody hears, but the dog reacts because it's tuned to the strength
of the ear of the dog. It's the same when you go to the level of Soul, it's what strength
your Soul has been tuned to, to receive from it. There is no difference then the body
otherwise the Soul would be ever busy with all the noises going across the whole
Universe. (1:50)
... You warned the shareholders that you might be connecting with your Soul. .. That
was a very big shock to stock exchange market people, for them, now we have a
religious company, Soul services.

Rick: You said right after that, it's not religious, this is a scientific connection. I
understand because I had one of my guys pulling his head off, you know what they
are saying, the wrong thing. They've got to learn everything in this place is the right
thing, it's you who is wrong you have to adapt your way. We see a lot of ways, they're
not used to it. They can't come and say oh they come on about the machine, they
signed a contract with this company.

Keshe: (1:52)Yes, but it belongs to Keshe Foundation Manufacturing Austria. I'll

make it one of the most powerful companies in the world, owned by the Keshe
Foundation. In the hands of the Keshe Foundation, ** members of the Keshe
Foundation. As I said to the head of the Keshe Foundation we'll be in Brazil, I am
handing over and she has to learn to be just and correct, a mother to the Keshe
Foundation, even as a young girl, and to understand that the Keshe Foundation is here
to serve humanity, not profits ** The Keshe Foundation is in the hands of a very
beautiful girl. She is well grounded and has all the talents of being and heading the
Keshe Foundation at a young age. We have to understand this, that we are responsible
for the Keshe Foundation and its development. Look at the refunds which were sitting
around because of the misconduct of those in Italy, and I said to Carolina these guys
sat two years supporting us, even some of them pulled their hair off when they got
angry, you are doing this or that wrong, they understood the problem, the problem
doesn't come from Mr. Keshe it comes from the structure.

We are very big and we respond. I'll leave nothing to be cleaned up. (2:00)They'll
clean it up themselves. And then we'll send them to the machines. This is what our
distributors and those who work around the Keshe Foundation have to do. You work
with us and I explain everything as it happens. ** Italian. I think the stock market has
to change a lot. Coming here and then going there between two hours and five you
said such a thing, that can (cause) a stock share change. This is Keshe Foundation, we
can talk it's our investment and we invested. the stock, what you call Keshe
Foundation global where it pays .. it's ours we can speak at home between husband
and wife, between the children, we are all children of the same family. They can come
here and go gossip behind, yes we can talk at home. This is our home, Knowledge
Seekers know that, it's our home we can talk to each other, tell what's happening, they
can't come and listen, I heard a whisper on the wall.

They have to learn, they come here, not to effect them, they come here because we are
open, they become part of it. And as I say, when they learn they understand always.
Now you understand when I said we'll change the whole structure of mankind and
now you understand bit by bit. Now we have stock market people coming here to
listen to Knowledge Seekers. I'll give you a very clear evidence of it, they write and
give us messages. Yes we can, it's you who put your ear to the phone. It's not the
White house that you can go and gossip afterward, say you might change the
president. The president of this organization is all of us. (2:02)Sorry about the stock
market holders. You have to understand that you don't come to a house to go and
gossip and do something with it. This is our home and you intrude. We can talk. I can
tell what my son inherits because we are all sons of the same family in this place, not
to come and listen and then go and sue us and take us to the courts in the US. You **
offend, you came into our home, we didn't come to yours.

Next question.

Q: Victor has been trying to get a hold of a person about the Unit and has been unable
to do it can you explain what is the best way to do it?

Keshe: What do you mean there are 2 lines. ...



(2:18) ... The childish and teenage stages are over, we are dealing with governments
and we need you to be there to carry on, Keshe Foundation cannot be anywhere else.
We expected 30 people in conferences that we need to face their knowledge Seekers,
not just to face the governments and politicians and diplomats. In Brazil it has grown
beyond what we expected. I thank the Brazilian Keshe Foundation supporters for
their conference and the efforts they put into it, Claudia and Rafael and people
who are there to do it. We'll go to Morocco next month and we go some other places.
We come with the support teams to do everything else. ** It brings the governments
in they see the reality. It's not just one man or 2 or 3 people who come in. It's ?** **
trust of a nation. In all these conferences being setup, Universe Council members
responsible for the language has to be present. This is interaction between the Keshe
Foundation and the Soul of a nation, the government we serve, they are there to serve.
We all learn. It's nobody's fault, we all learn, we'll all mature in time.

Any other question?

(2:20)Q: So will there be clinical trials for people in the USA as well that can't travel
to China?

Keshe: ... Once I show the spacecraft and put it 20 meters above the earth, then there
is no government that can control it. It belongs to space. So we can pick up anyone
and put them back down again. But we'll try to sort out everything in a proper way
between that it goes through. We collect data for more people to understand, to see,
observe and for doctors to learn. There is something very important I keep repeating.
Our Technology is not the only Technology that we can say we do fro everything. We
do everything which mankind needs in the space. (2:22)

... I wonder how many of you have managed to breakthrough the MaGrav energy
systems. I know many of you (ask), is this the wire we have to connect to, or is it that
we have to position. If you are asking me then you already tested it and it doesn't
work, why do you do it. You are asking me to see what is the next step. If any of you
understand the properties of the MaGrav system which you have, and you claimed
everything on it. You have one of the biggest power, flying machine resources in the
Universe. But as you know i am a patient man. You have to learn and if you haven't
learned it means that mankind isn't ready for it.

Next question.

At the moment you can book into China, the hospitals will be there, you can stay a
maximum of 16 weeks because it has to be a position, we have to see full
development. You'll see the changes in the first few days. We go back step by step to
see all the diseases. (2:24)The machines will have to be ** to the diseases. You'll see
big changes coming up. I think medical software will become bigger then medical
hospitals. As you build the prescription, it's in the patients that I have spoken of
before. From now on you'll see it as reality. The machine is tuned by the doctors, the
diagnosis, setting in the machine, you open it up and you get it. .. Can this be used as
a ** I said ?** What do you want, what do you expect from the machine.
Any other questions? ... I lost both of my legs, can I come out with both my legs? A
guy sent me a question like this. Magic box.

Rick: Maybe one day Mr. Keshe. Maybe you have to go in but you come out 2 years
later. ... (2:26)It is a sealed unit after all. ...

Q: ..Quantum physicists say that an observer, observing seems to have an effect on

the matter state, would it be correct to see the observer as a projector, projecting
intention into the matter state?

Keshe: Of course, because that is what we want to see so we create the intention of
seeing what you intend.

(2:28)Q: And why do humans use liquids historically to capture intention, like for
example, holy water and ice crystals geometry, is it the space between water
molecules that holds intention, like the space between Cu molecules during Nano

Keshe: It's actually inside the cell itself, it doesn't need to be between it. It's the
structure, now that we understand that the creation is made of ** and fields, so in
every plasma there is a space gap between 2 fields moving opposite to each other, that
creates the gravity and then the magnetic. So your intention depends where you want
it to be and what it is ** for. There is something interesting, you talk about intention,
try to test something, doesn't matter what. If you are close with your partner, (it's
different with children because they carry part of your fields). If you are close to your
partner in bed especially when they are asleep, try to get them or think with the loving
care, I want your to move your left leg, and then you see they move it. Say yes. That's
not a control. That shows the clarity of the Soul, then it shows that you don't need the
physical dimension, (2:30)to be in touch with our lovers. This doesn't need a physical

If we understand this ** in comprehension of the existence then you'll understand

more and more. I don't need to be next to you to love you, I can be across the
Universe and you'll feel my love. That love feeling is what I want to give, as you give
to me it's a pleasure to confirm, it's mutual. Then you understand that you have started
to understand about the work of the Soul of the man. But man is physical so he needs
that movement of the leg to say yes, I can feel my love. She listens to me, feels me,
she hears my Soul. She ** my intention in physicality. Then you extend more. Try say
I love you and you get ** towards ?** ?** There's a book called, the cornerstone of
Jewish religion, it doesn't matter what happened with the husband and the wife during
the week you have to confirm your marriage every Friday night, that is part of the **
it's sacrosanct, you don't break. Now do you need the ?** ?** confirmation, even if it
is regrettable, or by thoughts you can tell your partner ** And then you see the
reaction, she comes and cuddles you deep in the sleep, or you feel the touch and kiss
from thousands of miles away.

(2:32)Then you know and understand, this is part of the teachings we try to get for
you to understand the operation of the Soul. Because you always have to have that
movement of the leg to say yes, I am in touch with her Soul. You don't have trust in
that you have already touched ** This is what you'll understand more and more, you
have to because you have to gain in confidence in your ** that I am there. Then you
can understand, do I need the physical condition to bring the physical body to be able
to touch the field, and love to enjoy their existence. Loving a woman or a man doesn't
go in the dimension of physicality. It has to be the love of the Soul of the man,
physicality will sort itself out. Have you seen 2 old people in their 90's still enjoy
being with each other, even though they can't move, 2 handicapped sitting next to
each other in a wheelchair. I have seen many of it.

We had the good times, but now we are there (old) we still have the good times
because there is no need to touch, you feel my love sitting next to you in the
wheelchair. Man has got to start gaining trust in his own existence, true existence, not
the physical dimension. You see, you feel, you know they betray, you see and feel it
and you know the love. And you see both. As a humanity you have to come to
understand, (2:34)that you have 2 levels, you got such a beauty that you have 2 levels,
you have to understand the dimension of physicality and the dimension of what is
called the non-dimensional part of you who has lead to the creation of you and of the
Soul, without it you don't exist. You lost the track how to be in touch with it and now
you learn more and more. But you always looked for the physical eye to get a
confirmation. Many people abuse that because they don't understand it.

Q: .. In a couple of your teachings you show that every emotion has a specific position
within the structure of the brain related to the central field or the Soul and what we
know form plasma is that the closer we are to the Principle Field or Soul the higher
level field strength we have, so if this is correct I guess the low level emotions like
hatred, (2:36)and anger would be somewhere within the boundaries of the structure of
the brain, and the higher level emotions would be closer to the center, the Soul?

Keshe: Yeah.

Q: Is there a way for us to restructure our brain in such a way that we push out those
low level emotions outside of the structure of the brain so they don't manifest
themselves and on their place we have, what we now have and love and strong
emotions, and we somehow open up the Soul and we get higher field emotions
without having to manifest the low level emotions?

Keshe: There are 2 ways to do it, why don't you do it the easier way, elevate the Soul
so that it super passes the boundary of the brain physical dimension. It's much easier.
Trying to go from outside in is very difficult when you are inside and you want to go
out. The capability and the power of the Soul of the man is huge. We have imprisoned
ourselves, our true talents, true strength. Maybe it's the fear of the dimension of
showing how, what I call fallible and weak our physical dimension is, that we are
hiding it inside the true strength of it. Why have we chosen this dimension. This is
part of the problem. Don't try to solve it trying to go from outside to go in, go inside,
it's very easy to get out and come out, ** because once confirmation comes to matter
state, (2:38)it's so weak. Deal with the boss why do you want to work with the

When you go somewhere and they don't get your job done, you say, I want to see the
boss or the manager. If in the physical life when it comes to a problem you want to
see the manager, why don't you go to the manager of your Soul and say, I want to deal
with the soldiers, .. you do it in physical life, but when it comes to yourself, you get
lost. Learn how to tune to your Soul, when it comes to your Soul this is not a mistake,
it's just understanding it's there. We found the heart and the liver and we know where
it is. Why is it so hard to find something which we created. Then Keshe Foundation
doesn't become just another cult or religion, because you come to understand the
truth. ** of the life, what is it, how we are and what we are made of. Because up to
now those who said, it's somewhere in the sky they're the ones who are playing magic
box in the name of religion. Someone wrote to me, Mr. Keshe don't come to Iran, you
said your coming, they're going to kill you. I said, let them try. I don't go there to end
up this and that, I go in order to raise to the love of the nation for its own sake.
Nobody can stop, no nation, no religious leaders, no government.

(2:40)Q: You said in one of your teaching interaction means taking and giving from
both levels magnetical and gravitational, would that mean we actually have 4 levels of
interaction, taking and giving from magnetical and taking and giving from

Keshe: Of course. We have the earth and the sun to create something, 2 forces have to
interact from both so you always have 4.

Q: Is it possible to turn this into a mobile unit by housing it in a beautiful coach motor
home or RV trailer, for communities that may not be able to get to a center?

Keshe: Of course. Do you want to become an ice cream man. ...

Rick: It's almost realistic but you'd have to have a doctor and a therapist that are a part
of this unit or how would look like, or maybe you'd show up in a school and then a
doctor and therapist from is there?
Keshe: Why do you look at it as a machine for health, why don't you look at it as an
ice cream man, I have come here to give you the pleasure of ice cream, (2:42)you go
in and you get the taste of any ice cream you like.

Rick: Right, instead of regulations that way you don't actually have that ice cream in
your ice cream truck. That's where regulations come in.

Keshe: I am sure governments will come up with rules and regulations that you can
only have ice cream and the other one will be only orange ...
... There is something very strange, we are here to bless the leaders who are the world
peace leaders. In the hotel where we are and in the coming days the world leaders
gather in this city, not very far from me. The 5 nations which set up the basis for
world economical peace, BRICS are here with us. Not many floors above me is one of
the world leaders of BRICS is ** in the coming days. We give them our blessing and
you'll see the emergence of BRICS in the coming months. The Soul ** not the
physicality. The understanding of the time will tell. The whole structure of the world
leadership will change, (2:44)in a way that they'll understand more about the man. I
always supported Chinese and Russian leadership in their correctness in promoting
economical growth against war growth to gain the economy. They all have our
blessing while they are here. It's the destiny for the time. The time has changed and in
time you have to work on all levels to bring the change. In this process the Soul brings
you to the position, even the physicality is unaware, even though you know the acts of
the Soul of the man. The emergence of BRICS is the cornerstone of the peace and
we'll see this because we want that peace because it has to come through economical
growth and stability, not through economical war and instability. This will build up
more and more. I hope all the Knowledge Seekers will(2:46)elevate the Soul of these
world leaders of BRICS in the next few days. In that a new peace solution for world
order with a new strength will emerge. President Zhi of China and Putin are here and
these 2 men have done a lot for the world peace and their souls need a lot of support.

Rick: Putin made an announcement today that Russia has weapons that have no
foreign equivalence, but he insists the country will not use them to threaten anyone.
He said, the new weapons systems are designed exclusively " to insure our security to
deal with the growing threats." He vowed to pursue arms control efforts. When I read
that I thought that he seems to be alluding to a whole new kind of system and perhaps,
(2:48)they are talking about some kind of plasma based systems that are not currently
talked about amongst the countries. You have to understand that Keshe Foundation
Technology does not just come with us, it's the blessing of the Soul of the scientists or
?** . President Putin is fully aware of the Keshe Foundation work, the contact and
development of the connection between the Duma and the Russian government was
left in the hands of Armand when we were in Trany, Italy. Because Putin passed on
the world peace treaty and ** impression of it to the Duma to pass, and it was left on
that table. Wealthy nations do not need to bark like a poor nations with empty
pockets. Russia is a wealthy nation, people don't know how wealthy it is. ....
America is that little dog, it barks but it has nothing. The big dog knows what it is and
knows its grace. Russia and China are very powerful even financially, they have
always been.
.. Russia embraces all new Technology with nations it is in touch with ... I worked
with Russian scientists for a long time. ..
President Xi is trying to this but the Chinese don't have that mindset. It's a mindset.
They are very good and very powerful, Putin works very closely with Iranian
scientists, (2:54)in space and plasma Technology, and all of it, and nuclear side. They
share, it's not closed doors. At the governmental level the Russians are very good at
sharing, because they get benefit back by it too. The only problem is at the moment I
have to be in the ** ** dogs bark too much.

Any other questions?.. You know Keshe Foundation Russia is a very powerful group
and they are in the scientific world. .. Russian Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
are extremely good. We have a very deep support in the scientific groups of Russia.

Q: Why does the Soul not remember its previous life?


Keshe: Good morning, who says? Have you seen your Soul, have you talked to him?
It doesn't remember previous lives because it's an amalgamation of the
memories of the life of your fathers and your grandfathers. (2:56)It is not that it
lived before, it's the collection of the 2 lines of your mother and your fathers,
whatever the ancestors have gathered in the bank of their information. And
secondly, mankind has access to the totality of the knowledge and he doesn't need to
be there in the physical dimension.
你父亲的 2 条线的集合,无论祖先们在他们的信息库中收集了什么。第二,人

Rick: So you could be anyone of the past in a way if you were able to access the
knowledge, or all of them.

Keshe: No, no, you are not ... no. You have access to the knowledge of totality. When
mankind becomes stronger to understand further more in the essence of the Soul of
the man, you have access to the whole knowledge of the Universe through the
strength of the Universe Community.

Rick: Does that include details down to the knowledge of individual lives ..

Keshe: Yeah, if it has happened, in field connection, then you are always connected.
It's just like if you live in a house and it's you, your children and wife, there is a lot of
noise going on outside, there is a car accident, the ambulance goes, the neighbors
shout outside, but the husband and wife are talking to each other all the while all those
noises go on. You may hear it but you learned to black it out, because the wife and the
children are what you are concerned with. It's the same with the work of the Soul of
the man. The Soul of the man at this moment is only concerned with the physicality of
the life of the man, but he still hears all the noises and records it. Because you go to
see your friend tomorrow and he says, “do you know there was an accident there and
there were many ambulances.” (2:58)You say, “oh, I heard it.” But you didn't mind
because it was an ambulance, but it was registered in your ear, you were home and
you heard it.

It's the same process with the Soul of the man, he hears everything all the time. There
is no man, reincarnation of the Soul, it's the man's access to the information of
the past through the Soul of the Creator of the man. In a way we are present in all
directions all the time.

You see I said something a few minutes ago, and how many of you connected to the
wish of the emotion of supporting the Souls of president Xi and Putin. You think, that
just I give, they have access and they take. So how much of it would be used for
what? It's their discretion to create more peace condition. If you have a peaceful Soul.
Then in time if somebody has the strength of Soul, says, oh, he gave from his Soul the
time he was talking that they need the support, and they receive it. But with the
elevation of the Soul of the leaders we don't make them stronger, we make them
to see more of the reality of the peaceful life of the Universe. That's where the
elevation comes from. The beauty of the man is that, (3:00)he likes to be blind to the
truth of existence and the life of his own Soul. And that blindness has been used as a
weakness by the Church and the Mosque and the rabbi's and priest's of Baghdad,
they're all in the same pocket. One steals from the pocket and the other from the Soul
of the man true existence.

Any other question? I open your eyes to a lot of truth that it's hard to imagine that
anybody could speak about. Now you have to understand the financiers and bankers
are all sitting on the same line as you lot. Share prices crashed because Mr. Keshe
said. Please think about the new structure of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute
Knowledge Seekers and how you would like to be part of to set up new research and
new development in what you would like to see. If you don't have the knowledge
there are other people in the Keshe Foundation that have the knowledge can help you
to build it up. (3:02)The true game of science is space Technology development, but
don't just stick to the 4 Gans's.

Rick: How will people connect with this group, will it be a Zoom group to start out?

Keshe: The way we would it to happen is to sign as Knowledge Seekers and attend
the first couple of weeks of next season, semester, the first of the beginning of the
year. ... In the first couple of weeks talk to each other and set up your own groups....
We extend the teaching of today with what R has been doing with the workshops
(Plasma Group). It becomes the place now that you decide as a student, it's like when
you do a Masters or PhD or a research. The only problem is, sorry we haven't found
any pen and paper (in the Universe) yet to give you for your research ** the Soul of
the man. The PhD from Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute is written on the
Soul. ..
.. build a machine, (3:04)or develop an intellect, it doesn't need to be a machine, more
the development of the understanding of the, whatever you want. ...
.. housewife .. if you want to boil an egg that you can do it by thinking, and how it can
be done. In the coming months and weeks I'll release the control through the emotion
of the Soul of the man system. I showed it to a Knowledge Seekers very recently and I
saw the shock on his face. He ** understand how it ?** We'll release new
technologies. Most probably we'll release in the next few weeks, that it will work
through the thought control, because computers are too slow.
... (3:06) ... From next week we'll start going in-depth of the universal language, in
understanding of it. Keshe Foundation as we are going into a new direction. We are
looking for professional developers. ..


(3:16)We are committed to the peace in Syria and support the nation. In India we have
to see what we can do. India has been an enigma for the Keshe Foundation for years
and we have looked everywhere for a solution, maybe a solution will come in its own
way with the help of Bangladesh, we are there. ...

Q: about agriculture ... We are developing the agriculture with the new Technology. ...

(3:20)we are going beyond the Gans's ...

.. The structure is that, what we call being kept out of society by those who thought
they can keep us out. But in the coming time we are changing. ... I would like to ask
you one request, support the world leaders in Brasilia, you'll understand why soon.
We are heading for peace and it needs a lot of support and a lot of men who are men
of peace. (3:30)Thank you very much.
.. Those who came from the Stock Market to learn if they can do something more with
it, there is not much here. All the benefits of the Keshe Foundation as an organization
stays the intellectual rights and property of the Keshe Foundation worldwide as the
Knowledge Seekers.


302nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 14, 2019

( , )

(:10)Rick reads Q: I keep hearing about new Technology in discussions about forming
private groups to work on different aspects, how can we possibly do this if nobody
knows what this new Technology means, nothing new has been taught in months and
I want to learn more so I can move forward, we are missing the key, as it is called and
I think without that nothing is going to change?
(:12)Keshe: The key is you haven't understood that you have to do some of the work
yourself, you have to start understanding and connecting things. For the first time we
showed you the MaGrav systems and you went and did and those benefited by it, and
those who couldn't get it right and many other things, now it's time to learn how to
connect the old system to the new system and understand much, much more. This is
part of the teaching, of understanding the totality, it's not so much to do things, but to
understand to be able to do more. ..


(:20)... (connection lost .. 50 )

(:22)We are still in Brasilia and BRICS are here so the internet is trouble .. It is good
to see peaceful heads of state working ..
We have offered the new Technology to the BRICS ...
(:24) ... We'll move into a larger disclosure of the Technology.
.. We have taught a lot of new knowledge about the Soul, how many of you have
managed to create a system that carries a Soul? Arizona took little steps and they have
gone on hold. ... It's the job of the rest of the Keshe Foundation to go back on the Soul
teaching and find out how you can replicate it. The Soul is the same as the body of the
man, the physicality of the man, it's the same as the energy unit, same as the Pen.
How come when it came to the truth about the existence of your life, you all had a
heart attack, because you had to face the truth that your Soul is within you and you
did not search for you, or is it a taboo to speak about the fact and part of the workings
of the Universe. This is what has puzzled me in the past few months, the Soul
teaching man has tried to ignore for thousands of years, understanding the work of his
Soul, the sun of his life, the cause of his creation.

(:28)and now you all have a problem with it. If you have a problem to create the
replication of the higher level of energy packs, you call it a Soul, we call it a sun, we
call it the center of the galaxy, black hole, center of Universe, you call it a creator, has
a problem. It's a mental lock which Knowledge Seekers have to open up. They have to
understand what is the connection between the Soul of the man and the physicality of
the man. How come for our Knowledge Seekers it's easy to understand the interaction
of the fields of the sun with the other fields in what we call its eggshell of the solar
system leads to creation of meteorites and asteroids, planets and moons and
everything else. But when it comes that we change the name from sun to the Soul, and
planets to kidneys and liver, you always say in English ?** you just stop, you cannot
go any further. How come you made the systems to create energy but creating energy
at the level of the Soul of the man is a problem for us. Until we don't cross this line,
man cannot take into space. Unless you want to be on a bicycle or maybe on a
donkey. You like to spend, what is it, it took the Chinese 20 days to get to the moon
or do you want to get there in 20 seconds. Because in understanding the truth about
how the solar system works, your Soul works and how everything else is made, it
brings you to the point of understanding the reality.

(:30)If you look at it, the Soul of the man is the sun, the Soul of the physicality which
sits with the heart is the earth, and everything else which is within the system is the
satellites of it. How come one of the planets has 10, 12 or maybe 20 moons, but the
body of the man having 4 or 5 moons called the kidneys and liver, is such a
complicated things for the humanity. What else more can we teach. When you say
there is nothing new it means most of you haven't understood what you have been
taught. How come it was easy to make the Gans's but putting them in a certain way to
give you some other effects, it's so complicated. From now on we go in the
understanding of the Universe Community, how to interact, but I would like to ask
you 1 question. If you come across a man from planet Zeus would you ask him if he
has a kidney or liver? Would he carry a kidney or a liver or has he stepped further by
creating higher energy through the physicality, not to need to clean up in the physical
system with what you call kidney and liver. When you understand how to increase the
level of the Soul of the man and then increase the level of the strength of the Soul of
the physicality, the way the earth and the sun create materials and they share energy.
Now you need to share energy, then do you need the kidney? Is there a need for the
digestion system, or does the physicality when you manifest it, it's just a new
dimension of presentation at the point of the fields interaction.

(:32)It's not to teach new, we have already taught, it's for you to understand the
totality. If you take the work of the kidney in respect to sun and earth and call kidney
a moon, and the heart of the man the Soul of the physicality. The earth and the sun,
the Soul of the man, you can see what it does, how it tranStar Formationers energy.
How come we accept the phenomenon of the pull of the moon, fields of the moon
from millions of kilometers away, and everything else to pull the seas up, low and
high tide, but we don't want to understand that the same principle applies between the
kidney and the heart and in conjunction with the Soul of the man. What is new is for
us to understand that every cell in the kidney and in the body has the same structure
and ** structure as the moon, and the moons and planets, galaxies and stars. Unless
you want to create another fancy word in creation as we have seen done in science up
to now, up quarks and down quarks, and everything else and live in that fancy world,
you can carry on. Knowledge Seekers have to step up, and as we discussed with
officials in Brazil in the past few days with the governmental representatives,
(:34)Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in Brazil is big enough that now with
what e have taught with Knowledge Seekers we don't need to send somebody to
Brazil. It's the merger of the two, Keshe Foundation scientists, doctors, and
Knowledge Seekers merging into the government structure.

This is what you have developed to, now you have to be ready, now that we start
merging with governments, the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers that they can
step up, they can support. You have to start teaching yourselves, the negotiations with
new governments who understand about Technology, it's not anymore how we are
going to teach our scientists who have understood the basis, called Knowledge
Seekers and governments just haul in it. Bring them in, teach us. Bring them in and let
us merge. Knowledge Seekers don't understand what I did and how I planned this for
years merging the Keshe Foundation, teaching you for years has made the ground
ready for us to merge as an internal system. In Brazil if you are Brazilian go in the
Chatroom, we opened it 2 days ago it has passed 300 and odd in the past days and it
will grow to thousands. These people in these channels will be invited to come in and
start working internally. We have many scientists in Brazil and many in America once
Arizona opens up we'll ask US citizens and Knowledge Seekers to join in the space
program. It's Keshe Foundation. It's not me anymore. It's you to upgrade, to
understand the Technology that now we have started merging Keshe Foundation into
the scientific world.

(:36)We have done the same thing now in China, where you'll see massive Keshe
Foundation work, scientists who will be brought to work in Research and
development. We are already doing it. But the thing is we have to understand
geopolitics of a nation and how we can operate these things. You Knowledge Seekers
have to start move away from just making Gans's you have to understand about the
fields of the Gans's. Gans is a connection between the matter state, the energies and
the universal system. You have to step up and understand the work of the energy,
movement of the fields from the Gans, and what strength of the Gans you need. All
doesn't have to come from the research centers and very few Knowledge Seekers.
Keshe Foundation is not set around one person, as we saw it how it was strangle held
by the Universe Council member from Portugal. We were told that there were no
Knowledge Seekers, they don't have any knowledge, they don't understand anything.
We came here and they are all doctors, professors and scientists. Keshe Foundation is
not one person anymore, it is all of us, but it has to move up. The question was that,
'you haven't taught anything,' it means that you haven't understood. You would like to
hold onto the past, make a few MaGrav's and a few things, now move into the
agriculture and see how the fields of the plasma works. Forget about the Gans, about
the nano coating, what you call, production of this and that.

(:38)Look at the energies they create, at the interaction of the energies, look how these
energies interact with the fields of the environment. This is where it comes to. It
doesn't stop. What happens if you look at the universal condition, you have the Soul,
you travel into the space, you know the Soul of physicality, where and what distance
you have to make it between the two to confirm your manifestation, and how you are
going to be manifested. Mankind up to now has only looked, now in the past few
years we've become very familiar with you lot, because you see it done, now the
Knowledge Seekers have to take it to the next step. We used to say that if we see a
man by his face we know, then we went to the fingerprints, now we said the
fingerprints are unique if you see them. Now we went to the iris to see how the
position and shape of the eyes. The Chinese have gone further to the face recognition
in public. In the space why we'll have the Soul recognition. How the Soul of the man
of the and the Soul of the physicality manifest itself according to its strength, and then
we know this is this person, and that person, because you can never show yourself in a
physical dimension, because of the different strength. Where are the Knowledge
Seekers to develop this question. We taught it but you have to develop it. It's another
way you test it with the agriculture, now Keshe Foundation has been taught, the
Knowledge Seekers in certain ways to create the first zero time communication
through the thought and the Soul of the man.

(:40)The unit has been made. It's not theoretical anymore. It's getting tested. Why
doesn't it come from Knowledge Seekers why does it have to come from Keshe
Foundation and what I teach and what we put in different research groups. The
problem is extend the knowledge, move away from physicality, Gans's. See what the
fields of these Gans's do, because in space you have the fields of the sun of the
destination you are in and according to its position to the strength your Soul decides
to manifestation of it, another moon, another star within a star. The problem of
teaching now is how to get you as Knowledge Seekers to move into the universal
teachings of universal understanding. The universal knowledge as I said last week
starts from this week. And it's okay, we know we need energy to live, to sustain life of
the Soul of the man. There is something out of line I have to explain to you. Sorry
about this I forgot to make an announcement. We have been asked by national
securities of 2 nations, this is very important for all of us, as you remember we had
the red circle, we don't want to mention his name, as facts about him published, the
officials want us to start with the Keshe Foundation supporters, (:42)whatever, the
same way, 'victims of Red Circle' They want us to start looking for the children which
has gone missing. This comes on the back of what happened in England finding the
32 bodies in the container and they are trafficking children the same way. We want to
alert worldwide how many children this man and the group around him are involved
in. We are looking for children that have gone missing and used and abused by these
groups. This is important as you know, 120,000 pedophile people have been found
due to the Sterling case and Red Circle and his team ..

.. We are looking for missing children connected to Red Circle ...

(:48)Going back to the teaching. The understanding of the Soul of the man is very
important. You have to move away from the matter state. (we are asked by securities
to get the ... )

When it comes to understanding the problem of the Soul and the energy, now when
we speak about the Soul we have to work with the energy of the Universe. We have to
work with the understanding of the work of the Universe. In the Universe we interact
with, (:50)energy packs. Now that we have developed and stepped up to the next level
is that we understood the interaction of the fields of the Universe at the strength of our
solar system, in a given strength interaction leads to the creation of the manifestation
of the conditions. In interaction of that condition with its own environment which
created it leads to manifestation of physicality. If you read Book #1 it's very much in
line, if you never understood it, how the mass and weight are created. Why the mass
of a person is the same across the solar system, but our weight is according to
interaction according to central gravitational point of the manifestation changes. If
you understand that the weight and the mass is the same, the same energy, but the
same interactions, but in respect to interface between 2 different fields of interaction,
one is constantly be with the universal fields at a higher strength, and one with the
Inertia matter of it. then you understand that you can do the same thing with your
energy systems to lead to creation of different dimensions.

This is what, when you go to Book #1 and read about the weight and the mass, it's
about the interaction of the fields of the source, (:52) with the Inertia strength, creates
the weight in that point, but it doesn't change the field strength of the center, where it's
the difference between the mass and the weight. Change the name, the mass is the
Soul of the man, the strength of the Soul of the man, and the weight is the
manifestation of the physicality of that Soul in respect to its environment. If you
understand this you can survive anywhere in the Universe. Your Soul, the physicality,
the mass of your body stays the same if you are on this planet or on moon or Mars. It's
the same, the Soul of the man is the mass, then the interaction of the fields of your
Soul with the environmental field, the Inertia of the position gives you different
weight, different manifestation of the strength, on the moon or on the earth as they
have different Inertia field strength. If man understands this, he'll become man of
space, he'll become a universal dimension, he becomes to the position that the
physicality has no matter. This is the time when you tap into universal energy and the
Universe Community, because the man moves up 1 step higher. It's us who decides
the position and the time of the manifestation. Many men in the past have achieved

(:54)Mankind has to understand the next step in the evolution of energy and stepping
up to Universe Community. We'll start teaching this. For you to understand these
teachings you have to understand the fundamental, what we call the principle of
creation, manifestation. We have to understand these little basic fundamental
cornerstones of converting physicality to energy that you can tranStar Formationer the
energy to any physicality will happen to the man itself. If you have listened to the
teachings in the past years I always told you the, especially in the recent teachings we
have emphasized on it that you understand. You started with the matter, when we got
more understanding we called it alloys when the man understood that he can mix the
metals together he different new ** models. Then in the recent past we became Nano,
we tried to separate, but with the Keshe Foundation Technology, being 40, 50 or 100
years according to some people who understand, ahead we managed to separate the
atom into a Gans, which is the energy, and then we used these energies to create any
matter, by presence of Inertia strength. If you interact with a higher strength you lead
to creation of new souls, this is the difference in the understanding of the man. If you
interacted with lower strength, (:56)what we call, Inertia it leads to manifestation of
physicality. If you interact the same fields of the higher order interaction, it leads to
creation interaction with a higher level condition of universal dimension.

This is where from now on mankind has to understand the totality of the process.
(White board) This is where a lot of governments will come to understand that the
Keshe Foundation has started making the difference. In the present science we started
with the matter, in recent past we came to the Nano, and now we come to energy,
what we call Gans in the matter state. This energy created in interaction with the
different strength fields gave us the matter state, the Cu and whatever we saw that
Peter made. Now we went to the lower Inertial matter, now what you as Knowledge
Seekers have come to understand. Now we have come to the crossroads of man's
development. We go the matter way or we choose and we go the way of the Soul of
the Universe. (:58) Here (matter side) you created the strength of the matter state and
you got Cu and Zn.

If mankind understands this (universal) interaction and created a higher order we will
become man of Universe. Then in this process we understand and in interaction, in
conjunction with the energies of the Universe, where and how we will manifest
ourselves. The problem with mankind and some of the Knowledge Seekers is they
still want to live in this world (matter state), but understand about this world
(universal). It can't be done ... You can use this (universal) to reach to this, but for this
to (matter state) come you have to go through this process (matter to Gans >>) again.
Most of the times. Now you understand from today how we'll take you into the
Universe Community. The way you made systems for production of materials, now
mankind has to understand that there is a higher level system that in its interaction
will become, instead of matter state, it will become in interaction with what we call
higher order, Universe community, universal understanding of tranStar
Formationormation of higher order energies into confirmation of the existence at the
higher level. In some languages you call it different dimensions.

The game of space Technology, (1:00)in the condition of space travel, in

understanding of it, from today has taken a new shape. This one (matter state) still
needs fueling, and this one (universal) needs fueling of the Universe. We are, we have
achieved as Knowledge Seekers the point of maturity that now we can see both sides.
One road leads us to creation of matter state, and one road leads us to understanding
of higher order that in that order we still can create and manifest ourselves, but in that
strength. There is nothing wrong with either side. But in that state (universal) when
you want to confirm your manifestation then you have to understand the field strength
of the environment. This is how the dimension of the Soul of physicality ahs decided.
Again it's like before we got so much involved in physicality that we saw the birth of
child as the manifestation of the totality of physicality, but does it come with that
child, what does it come with that ** , with the birth of a man's child or a fish, it's the
creation of new energy packs which can live in the dimension of the universal level.

(1:02)It's very much like for those of you who are a cook, it's making the sauce. As
the French say, the bouillon, the base that now that you have made it, do you want to
make it into a soup, or to a dish. Now you have that base, it's the energy of the Soul of
the man, energy within the ** sphere of ** ** energies of the matter state of the
higher order which has no confirmation in the physical level. If you understood this,
now you understand ** what the new enhancement Technology we put out means. In
these enhancement systems mankind has and will receive a choice, in the presence of
his Soul will make a decision. ** Do I want to get rid of my pains in physicality or I
use the system knowing how to interact with it, I become man of Universe. Many,
many people when they go into these machines will never come back. Once they **
see their Soul ** it will become a traveler of the Universe. These systems have a Soul,
(1:04)which is connected with the Soul of the Universe. You were waiting for UFOs
to get ** rid of your physicality, but I have given you a system which will take your
Soul to the dimension of the Universe. As I told you I will open more doors with this
enhancement unit. It's not to enhance your physicality, it's to enhance your Soul to
understand the dimension of the Universe.

( .. break in connection .. ) (1:06)(1:08)

We are in the building with world leaders and the whole hotel is covered with the
nationalities of governments, we were told yesterday that we are the only
nongovernmental organization which is not connected to one of the 5 nations of
BRICS that has been allowed to stay in the hotel. This shows how much the 5 nations
of BRICS trusts Keshe Foundation work .. this gives you a lot of confidence how
world leaders being in a distance from us trust the Keshe Foundation. Those of you
who understand the gravity of such a position it gives us a lot of joy. We are not
somebody they put out, we are kept in, they trust. ... Now you understand why we are
in Brazil and the time that was chosen to be here at this time. It is the souls that decide
not the man. It has given the Keshe Foundation a huge step up to be able to meet in
different ways and conditions with different officials.

What is important in these teachings which we try to bring, (1:10)from now on, is to
start showing the man the strength of his knowledge of his Soul, what was hidden
from him, by himself, by the choice of the Soul of the physicality and not by the
choice of the Soul of the man. For the maturity of the physicality to become
independent takes 9 months in the womb of the mother. The maturity of the Soul of
the man to understand the totality of the work of the Universe Community takes a
little bit longer. Then comes the reality of, do we really need to understand all (this) or
do we know it and we decided to ignore it all. How much have we ... What is the
reality of which one we want to choose. From today a new gate, new door, a new
understanding of the creation starts. Those of you who wrote, Mr. Keshe has not
wrote anything new, my god, from now on is so new that I hope you won't break your
leg trying to catch up.

(1:12)We saw with the Arizona team they did everything to understand how to create
the Soul and many of you have tried it. Now you have to understand how you take the
other avenue, the other road, now you have a choice, mankind has a choice to live in
the dimension of the physicality or in the dimension of the Soul of the man in the
freedom of the Universe. As you enter, as you develop, as the interaction of the fields
of the egg and sperm of the mother and father in the womb of the mother, or in a test
tube as in nowadays, we have changed the test-tube for the development of the Soul
of the man with the enhancement unit. Now you understand what is on the table,
mankind for thousands of years could not do that, with the new enhancement units
this becomes the womb, interaction with the man can release and become part of the
Universe Community by carrying and understanding, can carry his Soul with his
physicality in the dimension of manifestation. Do you remember the movie where the
guy said, beam me up Scotty? There is no Scotty and no beaming up. Now it's the
elevation of the Soul of the man within these systems.

(1:14)Those of you who run into pains, and are tired of the suffering and pain of
physicality, you are given a choice, to take the dimension of the Soul but still exist
and be within the realms of the creation in the dimension of understanding of your
own physicality in any dimension on the Universe. As I said, the new enhancement
unit is the womb for mankind to have a taste and understanding how easy he can work
within the dimension of his Soul without the existence of physicality. In the coming
time in some of the units in Arizona and some in Mexico, China and Iran, man will
enter the system with no chairs or beds, it's not the healing station, it's the elevation of
the Soul of the man station. Now you understand. Prepare to be born in the dimension
of the new era. But still the choice of returning to live in the dimension of the
physicality of the man. The new enhancement system is not a known system, I said
this to John when I talked about the creation of the Soul. Many times I gave

(1:16)With these systems in the direction, in a way we have created a new

transportation system which ** you have. These are portals or whatever you dreamed
about, these are the facts that you can elevate your Soul, even to elevate your
understanding of your physicality, not necessarily entering another dimension of life
in the Universe. Mankind from today has been given a new choice, come with us, or
suffer with yourselves. There is a reason we are in Brazil, sitting right in the center
amongst the world leaders. We are not here to interact with them in the dimension of
physicality, we are here to change the Soul of the man as they are. You will see the
new era has begun, even with the world leaders. Everything looks accidental but in
fact it's well planned. We did not know, the Keshe Foundation team didn't know that
when we arrived in Brazil that there would be a BRICS meeting and we moved from
one hotel to another to be amongst them, because the Soul had planned for the Keshe
Foundation and world leaders, and the understanding of the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers, (1:18)to enter a new era.

Now mankind has a choice, we have developed a system, and this is what I said
before in the past couple of weeks, the universal systems which are produced by
Keshe Foundation, are set to take man into a new dimension in the Universe, you'll
feel it, you'll be part of it. Then you'll understand. Now you say I have not taught
anything (new), now you understand that you haven't listened to me. We inform you
as much as we inform the world leaders, the ministers, and you look for the face and
we look for the Soul. You look for the lower level and we show you the higher level
from now on. Try to be part of the totality. Try to understand that there is a higher
level energy, but to get to it you have to create it, that the beauty of the Soul of the
man in the presence of the higher energy, it shows itself. It melts that strength of the
physicality and shows the beauty of the Soul of the man.

(1:20)That's what the new enhancement units are made for. I can solve your problem
with your cancer in no time. We don't need many things, but with the new system
when they are set will need ** ** around the world will give every nation the
opportunity to become the man of Universe. It will not be the exclusivity of 1 or 2, or
1 nation. When you put a lot of heat into something and it boils up it shows its more,
new dimension, it's new features of higher strength. it's very much when you put the
sugar into the water, you heat it up, it melts into it. Now that fire is the increase in the
dimension of the strength of the environmental fields which can interact with the
physicality of the sugar and the atmosphere of the system to heat the water for it to
melt in to it. When you open the door you get a new product, a new dimension. These
systems are set to do this. As you know I am a very good magician, which one do you
want me to have. Now there is no more hiding.

(1:22)The new enhancement units are the opportunity for mankind to choose, if I want
to repair the physicality or I want the ?** the physicality in the new dimension of the
strength because the fields created within these systems allows you to see the beauty
of the Universe. It gives you the chance to choose with the full consciousness of the
Soul of the man, if I want to stay in the dimension of physicality. All you need to do
is to create a higher level just as you say, heat it up. See if the physicality of man will
stay with the Soul of the man because the Soul of the man ?** ** the sun ** will stay
there. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean that you can't taste the sweetness.
Man and the Soul of the man will understand the new operation of what has been
done. The beauty of it is that there are many, many things that have to be brought
together, man have the opportunity to become part of the Universe Community, but
the man has the responsibility through his collective Soul to raise the Soul of the
planet that with it, it helps the other creatures of this planet.

Now you understand, (1:24)there are no world leaders to lead us, we'll lead the
mankind to freedom, but our way. When more and more of mankind understands the
new totality. One of the reasons we delayed and we put this so far and now we start
releasing it, even the next 2 or 3 months we are preparing the humanity and world
leaders for what is to come. It's very simple. We start preparing the souls of mankind
and the world leaders in trying to set up the nations all to be in the same direction.
The momentum for taking mankind into the Universe Community has started, has
taken shape by you Knowledge Seekers and nobody else. Understanding different
levels of it, not, some of you never made a Gans but you understand, the knowledge
has touched you and that has already matured the Soul. That was the purpose and not
just to make Gans's. Now you understand what these new systems will bring. >>

(1:26)10 What is interesting is, how much we choose to accept and how much we
choose to deny. What would be the outcome of the new condition. What would be the
new dimension for mankind. Do we choose to be part of this change, or do we decide
to be part of this totality. Do we choose to be both in the physical dimension or to
choose the elevation of our Soul in any dimension. Do we choose to stay and travel in
the dimension of physicality of the man, spaceship of the man, or do we choose to go
to the higher level and travel with the other souls of the Universe in their dimension,
in their spaceship, in their dimension of traveling the spans of the Universe. Does the
physicality of the man now become a burden for man (1:28)to become part of the
Universe Community because this physical status as we have chosen on this planet
cannot on the physical dimension live in a higher order. Do we trust our physicality to
be given to the Soul, that, that Soul in the coming place in space uses the Soul of
physicality to manifest itself in the dimension of the new strength.

Now you understand what we are preparing the mankind for. The new systems are not
just a system that you can get rid of a cancer or whatever. Many of you will leave the
Keshe Foundation because to face the reality, to be able to take into the new levels of
understanding will be very harsh. In reality all of you have the systems with you.
Many of you look as you have to have a dynamic system like the earth and sun
rotating in a dynamic system, then it does what you like. If you look there is no
rotation in the physicality, body of the man, as I explained in the teachings in the past
few weeks, but your physicality exists because you have created it instead of what I
call dynamic rotational, you have chosen the circulation of the blood in a vertical
condition. The blood of the man has replaced the rotation of the system.

(1:30)If you understand this, in the new system, in understanding the freedom of
choice of the body of the man, ?** it will be all the same way. We don't ** need, or
** the heart of the man to rotate so much ** speed, in interaction with the fields it
tries to show ?** is the heartbeat the position ** with the creation, separation between
the physicality and what we call the non-physical dimensions as it changes from one
to another. Would, is mankind ready for January to walk into the system and know he
has a choice. Or would we choose a new dimension. How many of us would dare to
take that step and know that you still can come ** (back).
You have to realize how to create these conditions that's what I said in other
teachings, (1:32)we will not teach this to man. When you reach the point of elevation
of the new dimension of the universal level, you'll understand the system. It will not
be easy for many of mankind, the human race to go through this transition. We would
love to extend the life to be with our loved ones, but we don't want to understand that
with this new ** wave ** ** the Soul of the loved ones in the dimension ?**
physicality, the real truth of their existence, not the ** ** in the dimension of
physicality of tangibility, within the structure, within the fields of their lives mankind
will live. There is no fear of an end. It's the beauty of the beginning. A new
understanding in being able to deal with the higher strength Soul of the man, then the
lower strength of the physicality. This is the choice mankind has from now on. This is
the choice you're given. (1:34)It's not the right, it's the choice.

Now you have to understand how to create this massive space energy conditions. It's
time to move on and to enter this new dimension. The guy said you haven't taught
anything new, I hope this is new enough for you to take you a lifetime of the Universe
to understand what you have been taught. What it comes to is how do you interact
with this new condition, how do you come into the point when you leave this Soul of
the physicality in amalgamation with the Soul of the man you see your children, loved
ones, or do they live the same as what you call the dreams. They talk to you and are in
communication with you, and you are in communication with them, but they don't see
the level of physicality. You become free of the shackles of the physical life of the

Now you understand what I said, if I tell you how beautiful the other side is without
the shackles of the pain of physicality, you all would commit suicide to there.
(1:36)We give you a tool, not to commit suicide but to understand the point of
transition into the Universe Community. It's man's decision from now on to choose in
which dimension and which order you want to live. Would you like to live with the
physicality or with the Soul with no dimension, and then if you understand this in the
next level of the maturity of the Soul of the man in the new dimension, man will come
to understand that there is another level which is closer and higher and with that
process, as we have shown in many of the teachings the plasma of the Universe
doesn't work expansion outwards, it works on the expansion or contraction inwards.
In the dimension of physicality you gain power and become a world leader and reach
this way (upwards) as you move away. In the dimension of the Soul of the man in the
universal dimension you go this way (spiral inwards), that's why the plasma is made
that way, by gaining more in the dimension of the strength field the power is gathered
inside. (1:38)Where with the dimension of physicality it runs away from the man and
becomes his death. That's why in the world of the dimension of the plasma man
always exists. In the dimension of physicality it has a time and death. We start from
here in the dimension of physicality as the Soul is gathered and made, it moves this
way. In the dimension of the physicality the more we go further from the point of the
birth the demise becomes more certain. As we say we are born to die in the dimension
of physicality, but in the dimension of the Soul of the man we are born to strengthen.

Then you understand why in the dimension of physicality we release the Soul because
now it's time for it to take the flight of fancy to see and reach in step by step to the
point of the strength of his creator. Now we move to a higher level of understanding
of the totality and collectively mankind is ready for this, it's just showing the path.
Through the new systems and technologies being released, then we choose if we want
to be a farmer on this planet or travelers in the dimension of the Universe, (1:40)and
this is what I said, mankind has reached the critical mass that so many can leave and
there are enough here to keep the structure of present society open and running the it
has done. Many of you who take into the dimension of the Soul would try to come
back and encourage your loved ones to take the same path and some of them will do.
Some of you will decide to come back and stay in the dimension of physicality for the
time of the separation chosen by the ** ** Which way the man will take this journey
from now on ** that he knows, it's his choice. ** That you can free the man from this
dimension of physicality ** ** dimension of Soul .. Then you'll understand part of the
work of the Universe what is hidden in the knowledge of Tesla. But man **
dimension of ** physicality of the knowledge and understanding that this is the path
to the Universe Community.

(1:42)The process of interaction of the fields in the dimension of social structure of

the Soul of the man in the Universe will become part of the teachings in the future,
that when you enter the dimension of what we call, non-physicality, how do you react.
As we say, to learn in which hand you hold the fork and which one the spoon .. and
where you put your physicality and in what position if you need to, and everything
else which goes with the new life and the universal condition in the space. The choice
is for mankind, now we have shown you the way. Mankind has to decide, I go
through the Soul and through it I educate the other souls that I stop the criminality and
hunger in the dimension of physicality, that those who stay behind and would like to
carry on with the same existence will enjoy it. But don't forget every dimension has
its own story and if you get it wrong it's not all milk and honey.

(1:44)To the new understanding and development of these new technologies we open
the door for mankind, another system of traveling the spans of the Universe. Now you
understand going back to the very first teachings that I repeated many times about you
are the last man standing. It's you in that system and it's you ...
... ( break in connection ... 1:46:25) I said you in the system will decide in which path
you want to take, do you want to take path of physicality or the path of the Universe
Community. You're the last man standing. You stand on your own in the systems and
in the system of the Universe, then you have to decide which way you are going to go,
do I rely on the physicality in the dimension of seeing, or do I rely on the vision and
understanding of seeing the universe. With these systems and the new technologies
we release more and more you understand that you are the last man standing, and you
are totally on your own in the system. In the future we'll develop technologies and
systems that families can take the trip together when they are in totality, uniform.
They'll take that trip together to become part of the passengers of the Universe. (1:48)

Any questions. .. How are they going to put the hands of the Soul up.

Q: Why when we die the physicality doesn't melt as we get elevated like the sugar in
the hot water?

When we die the physicality doesn't melt because it's at the strength of the planet
where we are. The physical body is created by the interaction of the fields, (1:50)the
Soul has connection with the same field. >> Now I wonder how many of you will
understand the point of transition, how many of you will ** for the spaceship now that
you understand that the Spaceship is here, it's you who decide ** where I am going to
captain the Soul. How far would mankind trust his own Soul to take the next step.
Any other question?

Q: Is it not one of the functions of the physical world to understand the physicality,
meaning that the present limitations are a wonderful teacher, which no longer exists

(1:52)That has been the dilemma of the man since the beginning of the time. It's for
you to decide and to understand your own dimension. You can't teach it to somebody
else. I was teaching to somebody recently you can't pilot a plane, but you let others
build a plane and put a pilot in it and take ** ** Mankind could not find a pilot, a
system to get itself off of the shackles of this planet. Keshe Foundation has built that
** , but this time the pilot of your Soul is you. We create a runway, and create (it)
and make it available the system for your Soul. It's understanding what the
Technology is and that no man has the power or priority over the other one.

Q: ... from Keshe Foundation Bulgaria ...

(1:54)Q: Keshe Foundation Bulgaria had been dealing with Giovanni (Italy), how to
go forward?
(1:56)(break in connection ... ) (1:57)repeats question. Bulgarian community doesn't
know what to do, we want to grow up with the knowledge .. and evolve more people,
we'd be happy to have help form the Keshe Foundation.

Keshe:..(1:58)If you have anything with these kind of things you have to send it to
Keshe Foundation webmaster, it has nothing to do with Giovanni. ... Keshe
Foundation ** is shut down it's finished. Send your request to Keshe Foundation and
we'll look into it. We are setting up a lot of national teaching point, Zoom's . I thought
we have a Bulgarian teaching room. ...
(2:00).. Any of you who want to set up national teachings or organizations that works
write to education at Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute.ORG ..
(2:02)There are people who come looking for fame and fortune to the Keshe
Foundation and when they don't get it they go and destroy it. We just seen one of the
Universe Council members make a mistake and walked away and all the problems
were Keshe Foundation. ...

.. Q: I will meet with investors about new health units, what diseases it can cure and
how many doctors do we need and what kind of set up? .. (2:22)repeats question ...

Keshe:It's a very simple way, you find an investor, you need doctor, nurses ..
everything is calculated but we don't put these things out. .. the units are 150,000 until
January then it goes to 500,000. (2:24)...
... an operational center with 100 units is in discussion. (2:28)The government and
investors are seeing what is coming. ( break ..).
We are running out of production, we have to push it back to March until we can
increase the production to 1 or 2000 per month. This machine has touched many, I
don't even disclose to people what we are negotiating and where, because the
contractual agreements and payments have started moving up. It took a few weeks, a
lot of people would like to have the system but they are looking how to do it.
(2:32)... We are there to help just go on the website ...
(2:34) ... plays new video, he will go for an MRI ...
(2:38).. This is one of the most severe Parkinson's case I have seen, when you look at
the MRI part of the brain is not there. ... damages were extensive. worse case I have
seen in maybe 10 years and still we have managed to change it.

(2:40).. Starts video of UBES unit ... (2:44)Case study ... (2:56) Day 40+
exercising ..
(3:02) playing checkers still has some shake.
As you see the progress is quite astonishing .. This week he has come to zero
medication. (3:04)We'll see some adjustments, some ups and downs in the next
couple of weeks .. and gradually over the next two years the brain will start building
up to totality. This is the beauty when such a Technology gives the life of a man back
to himself.
.. We have more volunteers we can show. A young boy of 27 years who was on 47
tablets a day will be totally zero like him in the next 14 days. This Technology has
been proven for the past 10 to 15 years to work. It's a Technology, it's not a medical
system. It's the process where the body accepts. When you don't fight with illness but
you work with it, within it you'll see the success from the collaboration. the body
responses ...

(3:06).. When now if you would have seen him before, when he uses a tissue now he
asks to put it in the bin. Before he let his tissue go anywhere. These are the slow
progresses we see. It's building the brain to recognize these things. When I see I give
a life back to a man like him and he gets his integrity and dignity back, he lives the
life, it doesn't matter how long that life is going to be, everything we went through
was worth it, the exiles, the attempted murders, all the slanders we stood from Red
Circle. It was worth it to save the life of a man in China whom I never met. This is
part of our ethos. We are here to serve. I live by my ethos and those who abuse it
and then blame it, are those who came to abuse the ethos under cover. ...

... There is no structure as to who is going to be the leader, even on my passing.

(3:16).. I taught for about a half hour, if you understood the drawings stop talking
about the Gans's. Do you want to use the energy of universal passage or production of
energy, to run a machine, to find a food. ...

(3:18).. the end of man doesn't have to come by death. Now for the first time the
Technology has given that option to man. ..

.. It can't be a point of escape, it has to be the point of elevation of the Soul of the
man. It's not playing hide and seek, it's understanding that it's a point of one man
standing and understanding now I have become a better man, better being to serve the
Universe. There is no money, banks, man or woman to enjoy, no alcohol or drugs. It's
the point of understanding this is my ** my point. (3:22)

.. Any other questions?

Q: Does the UBES Unit put people to sleep or are they fully conscious or does one
even know? (3:24)Q: Does one have to decide then and there to join the Universe

Keshe: Your Soul will know. It's not like university if I am going to pass or fail the
exam, would I do would I not. This is not an escape route or another holiday
excursion, I'll go and see. It will make a lot of men think and make them wise to their
way of living, it doesn't matter in dimension of physicality or the dimension of the
Soul of the man.
Q: ... What could people expect, those who have no experience with the knowledge
and don't know anything about it and choose to go through this unit because of health
issues, how do you see the way they could be prepared .. what they can expect to
experience in regards to the Soul and everything?

Keshe: (3:26)You go in for a physical repair through what you think, or you go for a
physical processing through the elevation of the Soul. It's the Soul which makes the
physicality. The process starts the transition to be part of. It's something you set
yourself for, the system responds. And in that process you can develop many angles
into the whole structure. It's not that I go in and I don't know what happened, I come
back without a cancer or do I go to another, get the elevation of my Soul. It doesn't
work that way. You'll understand, people will understand, thy shall not steal. The
system is not there to steal life. Thy shall give, it's there to give peace of mind, peace
of Soul. So this doesn't exist. I got a communiqué from Denmark, that I am selling my
house to buy a unit. Go back through the same channel, we'll respond to you. and see
how the Keshe Foundation can help. Many people are sending these, we are putting
everything in to serve humanity. People in that level have already reached the
elevation of their Soul. They put the physical dimension beyond and move into a
dimension that they can serve the others for them to elevate, it doesn't matter about
their physical condition. This is how Keshe Foundation is set up.

(3:28)Q: Can I understand it's like a natural process and if the Soul is ready then it
will go, if not it will happen at the right time?

Keshe: I'll put it to you this way, just because you go to the airport for an ice-cream it
doesn't mean you're going to take the flight. .. You have to be prepared for that. This
is not an escape route. When you decide to take that trip, the Soul of your loved ones
all have to understand and agree with it.

Q: If I understand you, it's like they can come back and travel if they are ready, so
they can come back to the physicality? ... (3:30)repeats
Q: As I understood you if you would be ready to travel with the Soul .. can you come

Keshe: It's the option you have, there is a way to do it and that is open. I mentioned
this in one of the teachings about a year ago. .. I am not telling you something new,
it's already, but at that time you couldn't understand, but maybe now you can. the
point is when you enter these environments, it's not a 'beam me up Scotty', job. You
have to be clear in the position you create for your Soul. It says, thy shall not steal.
You can't ** from the Soul of the physicality if the physicality is attached to here, or
you become another thief by the Soul and the Soul will not do that. Many people will
come to understand this, this is not an escape route, not going for a sightseeing to try
to escape the time, it's for elevation of Soul of the man, understanding of the more,
you can use this system to educate yourself to the totality of the knowledge of the
Soul, because when you have that elevation you stand outside the physicality and you
look at the physicality in a different way then when you are inside it. The house looks
different from inside then it does from outside. When you are inside you don't see the
house standing crooked, when you go outside you see it, and how you can jack it up
and support it to stand up straight.

(3:32)There'll be a lot of questions how to do it. You'll see the first processes, the
system is so powerful and amazing once it's set in the mindset of the man that it is
there to elevate his Soul. It's the Soul that processes the weaknesses in the physicality,
but how did those weaknesses come, because of whatever you call in the physical
dimension, and if the Soul agrees with that position, because it will not change the
other Soul. Would it confirm to elevate the other Soul, that both souls can live. Let me
explain what it means. If a father is not happy with the son, and if he decides to go in
the machine, but he has a prostate cancer. In elevating his Soul, in trying to process
the cancer, it would be a half job done. Would he in that position be able to elevate his
Soul that he can see the position that he has taken in respect to the son, or to elevate
his son to see his position, that would bring peace between the father and son, the
Soul, that the physicality takes any of your system works, then it's applicable. It's not
that I just go in there and that's it, I got rid of the prostate cancer, it will not happen. It
will be another chemotherapy waiting for it to come up (again) in a worse condition.
This is what (why) this nation of man will become a peaceful nation, through this
process of understanding. (3:34)You can't steal and go in there and let's say, elevate
your Soul, and then leave your children in the suffering of the souls of loss of a father
or whatever. This is not an escape route. This is balancing everything that it brings
peace to the Soul of the man and the souls that are connected to it.

Q: This is very nice to hear, thank you.

Keshe: This is not a hearing, you shall see very soon. Any other question?

Q: This is John from Argentina.

Keshe: Did you get home safe.
Q: Yes, very well.
Keshe: It was nice seeing you. ..
Q: We hope to have this Technology in Argentina.

Keshe: We shall see it depends on the Knowledge Seekers of the Keshe Foundation in
Argentina. John took a nearly 30 or 40 hour bus trip to come from Argentina to the
conference. He arrived in a way that he couldn't get in touch with any one and was in
the bus station for nearly 12 hours trying to find which way to go, because our
people ... .

(3:36)Q: Very worth it.

(3:38) Q: What is the difference between giving and emitting?

Keshe: What is the difference between gravitational and magnetical it's the same.
Emission comes from the light of man, giving comes from the physicality.

(3:40)Q: is it conditioned, which one is more conditioned? Giving is more

conditioned because you decide. Emission is like the sun you have already done your
released in all dimensions. In giving man has a hand, he has to.

Q: Can I work with both of them at the same time?

Keshe: You already do. Do you stop loving your children, or do you sometimes touch
your children and say, I love you.

Q: Can I channel this giving?

Keshe: Of course you can. Ah, you are going another way, I understand. As you
understand that members of Universe Council work on both ways. They give
continuously, but they can channel it to people the way they want. ..

(3:42)Q: .. When we die at the point of death our 5 senses disappears?

Keshe: No it doesn't, not with your Soul. Body of the man is a replication of the Soul,
so it has more senses, it just fits its environment, ** 5 **

Q: .. The physicality uses the senses but the question is, at the time of departure there
are 11 gates in the body that the Soul can leave, depending on which gate it leaves
will depend where the Soul ends up. ** Which gate can the Soul come out?

Keshe: Can you repeat that ... (She goes over the gates .. so the Soul can go out any
of these gates?

Keshe: No, no way. Who says so?

Q: Because I read someplace this is what happens at the time of death ..?
Keshe: Who wrote it, did the god write or did you write?
Q: No I read it.

Keshe: You read God has 2 holes and 20 legs, do you believe it? I (you) can write
anything you like. (3:44)But you have to understand, that now the Soul of the man is
free, it doesn't need a door to get though. Secondly if you listen to the past teaching
the Soul already has access to get out without these holes.

Q: Because at night I sometimes feel the Soul comes out and expands and at that
moment something wonderful happens. You are not the physicality, you don't have
those senses, you have better senses. I was wondering how does this come out at night
and how can you do ** during the day?

Keshe: We do it all the time, it's not just time bound, the Soul of the man is not just
confined to the physicality by the light of the day. The Soul of the man is free it
chooses to use the physicality for its presence on this planet. It's a very strange way.
Let me explain something else, Alzar, the astronaut uniform, what they wore to go to
the bottom of the sea, ... The American way of wearing clothes and going to space is
over. That was their way because they couldn't understand. It doesn't mean that's the
way it's going to be for the rest of mankind. We have progressed and developed in the
knowledge and sciences. (3:46)In that process do we need the shackle of the
physicality for the dressing of the Soul of the man, be it at the time of departure or at
the time of choice.

Q: If I still have desire it means I have attachment?

Keshe: No.
Q: But if I have a desire to do something it means I have an attachment to it, don't I?
Keshe: But you still have a desire when you are in the state of the Soul.

Q: So what is the difference between attachment to physicality and desire. Say I have
a desire to have a pair of shoes. ... That was the old me, I am not attached to shoes
anymore. ... Then I decided to not have any desire, then I feel I am dead. (3:48)So I
was confused then?

Keshe: A man who has no desire, in a way is a dead man. .. (cut off) ...





(4:10)We'll call it a day because the noise of the helicopters getting more. Thank you
for being with us.


303rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop November 21, 2019
( The Keshe Foundation teaching is not that you make the system to fly, it's the way
you think, you live, it's the ethos of becoming part of the totality, )

(:07)We are traveling around the world, last week we were in Brazil. We discovered
that there were many Brazilians which for a long time have been cut off from the
Keshe Foundation structure ** Some other peoples work, they have done good work,
but somehow there was some misaligning and it has been corrected. Now we see the
massive Keshe Foundation Brazil which is being set up. We are very thankful to all
the Knowledge Seekers in Brazil and the new present structure that is getting set up.
Hopefully in the coming time we'll learn more to share more. Keshe Foundation is a
big family and as we learned we are in the same process as many organizations like
us. We have to learn about each others culture and understand what beauty ** ** and
don't view as a weakness, as they do this or do that, use it as a strength, that totally we
have more to do. I have seen some of the communications with Brazilian ** talking
about the majority of the Brazilians speak Portuguese and there are indigenous
people. Let me explain now. Every language has a right and a Soul and we have to
respect it. This is the beauty with the Keshe Foundation we are part of the same
family. I have seen many Brazilians using the first or the surname as Keshe to show
they are part of the family. It was very nice to see this way. So they have totally
become part of us. (:10)We are part of the same structure and the same family and
this gives us a strength. We should look in what brings us more joy and those things
which divide or try to divide we put aside, but be aware of it, warn each other.

Now we have seen in the past 2 or 3 weeks Red Circle writing to everybody trying to
put ** (himself) as a victim, it's not because it's coming out. Be aware of it, he and his
teams are fighting for their lives. The ** came up last week which I explained that we
want to the Keshe Foundation team to set up with himself, Red Circle, and they said,
why doesn't the police go and get him. These people, if they go and get him, what
happened with Sterling, it takes years in court and that is why the FBI called in and
said, Mr. Keshe, if we go and chase him, it takes years in court, but if he comes in we
can conclude it rapidly. Then I went on Carry Cassidy's program (Camelot) and I
explained how we know he has abused his children and 24 hours later he went to the
police station and he surrendered himself and now 120,000 pedophiles around the
world have been tracked. tens of thousands in the past weeks, we see another 21 child
traffickers have been arrested. This is a huge gain. He will not come and confess
because he knows he's ** So we have to put enough so that they walk in. Red Circle
is deeply involved ** we saw many ** ** He's done the same thing. Alan Sterling
abused his children and when we said we know he went and submitted himself to the
police and the whole story started. It's not that the police can't get .. we have enough
evidence but if these people walk in (:12)and submit themselves it makes it easier for
the whole police structure.

You have to understand that these people have 2 choices long prison sentences or be
killed by the people who have supported them and given them children. They are
cornered, and this corner came to Alan, we saw it, where he was put in (prison) and
after a few days he gave the code to all the pedophile rings he had access to. And
rapidly we saw a judge getting killed, we saw another top guy in prison, in New York
a few weeks ago. This is all part of it. They just kill them, they have no choice. They
have to become much, much more what we call, allegation ** they have to put out,
because on the other end we see, the highest judge in America, he was killed a few
hours after his meeting with president Obama. Then we saw the other one in prison
after a couple of weeks entering (prison), he was hung (Epstein ?) These rings are so
powerfully controlled that Red Circle has 2 choices, to be handled by them or to walk
in and get protection by what we call, a 2 by 4 foot prison sentence for the rest of his
life. This is not that why don't the police go after them. They have all the files there,
and he battling, they have no choice, we have seen it, when I told you that this was
going to happen.

You think it's something not realistic, but it is. We have seen 2, the highest judge and
the tough guy who was with all the people, loosing his job. So we ask you to put these
up and let us know the website you set up, then we'll put all the names in it and then
we'll gather enough. The first three names that have to go on it are his children,
(:14)his first 2 daughters, exactly like Sterling, and the grandchild. Then you add it
up. They have no choice. These people have done so much over years and you got **
that now this is .. they have no alternative. He can walk into the police station and
hand himself over, don't forget he is already with the police in the court, inside them,
they don't give them a choice to live. Accidentally he'll have a heart attack too. People
like Red Circle are cornered and we say in English, between 2 stones and a hard wall.
This is why we ask. We need to do this that we bring up many other cases. A lot of
people have found a lot of connections, they informed us, we have seen it but ** have
to set up, "Victims Of" and then put all the names in and then all the Federal Police
and everybody gathers information on it. This is to save many children. One hundred
and twenty thousand pedophiles, if they each touch 1 child, that's 120,000 children we
have saved. These are huge gangs, rings.

So this is how the Keshe Foundation works, we become part of the universal
structure. We saw it last week when we were the only one, literally the Keshe
Foundation was the only group which was allowed to stay within the structure of
BRICS everyone else was removed from the hotel. If you are allowed to stay it means
that world governments have accepted the securities that we are safe. We are accepted
as part of the international organizations and gradually we become part of the
structure, (:16)as we deliver more and more. It's not me anymore, it's us, and the
sooner Keshe Foundation people realize this the faster we move on, the faster we can
deliver not only technologies but every other thing. At the moment the new
Enhancement unit has created a lot of problems for a lot of big pharmaceuticals, we
see it, we watch the communications, and we see what they are setting up. A lot of
governments. A lot of governments are looking at it as this is an alternative to what
they couldn't have. You walk people through a tunnel and you get rid of diseases. We
can't hide anything.

If you are in the world of pharmaceuticals, you understand that out of every 100
medicines submitted to FDA to be approved for consumption, only 3 to 5 get
approved for consumption. It take 10 to 15 years. It costs 3 to 500 million dollars per
case. This is the problem. we see ** we are not entering the world of medicine we are
entering, enhancing the body of the man. ** the body ** we don't go into medical
applications, we change the environment the same as we do with the plants and trees.
You saw the tree in Austria, we didn't give it anything, we just changed the
environment and it grew like a weed. You see recently the governments have opened
their eyes to the level of the new knowledge. The old has to be replaced. We were
asked to interfere in the Iranian government situation, as a Keshe Foundation **
supporting Iran. (:18)Keshe Foundation is a scientific organization and I will never
take part in any political action for or against any political regime in any part of the
world, even the Iranians. The present Iranian situation is a religious fight between 2
factions of religious leaders and this will divide Iran deeply in one way or another.
Those who have done so wrong they don't want to loose because they know the
revenge (by) those who want the change. The Iranians have to learn one thing, go
back to your souls.

Do not take actions that harm another Soul. Do not burn your structures, these are
national assets, do not destroy anything. Raise the Soul of your leaders. It doesn't
matter in what nation you are. This is the work that we have learned. Revolutions
have brought nothing but pain, those who have been on the right side or the wrong
side. We have seen many refugees across this planet. The change, the point of
revolution has to come through the Soul of the man not the power of the gun and
burning national assets. Getting killed for it is not worth it. Maybe in trying to raise
the Soul of our leaders we are aware of more ** My appeal to Iranian Keshe
Foundation Supporters which are many is, pray, give from your Soul to your leaders
that a peaceful solution through the leaders comes up, and not by burning and riots.
The same we see in Hong Kong, Baghdad, and other countries in South America. The
position brings another bunch of rulers who will become abusers. The only solution,
now that we understand the position of man, (:20)is to raise the Soul of our leaders,
that it can and it will bring in the position that us as totality can become part of it.
Guns, fires and destroying national assets has never brought prosperity. When you go
and burn a building that belongs to the nation, it's you who burns your own home.
You have paid with your taxes and hard work to build and in building the structure of
a country. This type of behavior has to become a past, something mankind used to do.
This is what we have to learn.
I have been asked to take part in taking leadership in Iran into entering into politics. I
am not a politician, I am a scientist. they see in my, what I call, freedom of talk, and
what I brought into the scientific world through the influence of Technology, I can
take a leadership. This is not my job. I will never take part in politics, but I pray for
the Soul of the politicians that their Soul and their nations rises so that they'll find a
peaceful solution. The same thing goes for those in Iraq and South America. If you
are a Keshe Foundation supporter then do not take part in riots. Take to raising the
Soul of your leaders and maybe your self, maybe you'll see more. The situation in Iran
will get worse if people don't understand this. We had a revolution, we burned many
as Syrians and Palestinians came and killed many of us. They got paid to kill. (:22)No
Iranian ever killed another Iranian during the time of the Iranian revolution. The same
thing in other places. They get paid to have a better life for their families by killing
others. And you see what happened, Syrians got paid for what they did in Iran, in
killing so many, and you see what happened, they lost their nation. We think what
happened in Syria was accidental? No, you have to understand the history of how they
got involved in killing Iranians. The same thing happened with Palestinians, you see
why they have suffered so much. They got involved in killing thousands of Iranians. It
happened at the beginning of the Iranian revolution there were Palestinians who
murdered Iranians left, right and center because ** ** paid more then what he could
export ** Palestinian. But in a way he sold the prison sentence ** for years more. It's
the time to bring the balance.

We teach the politics for you to understand the consequences of it and what happens.
Forty years on, in Syria with all the killings done in Iran, being brought in every time
there was an uprising to kill. What did they do (what happened to them)? Now they
got killed themselves. This should not happen. We learn. We saw what happened to
the Palestinians. If you look at what happened during the revolution in Iran within
days after Ayatollah Khomeini entered Iran, the Palestinians were in Iran massacring
because they got paid to do so. And you see what has happened to Palestinians today.
They're still on exile, they still don't have a home to live. We saw this with Syrians
killing so many Iranians, what happened to their country? They lost it. So much got
devastated. These things should not happen. Mankind should learn to go to the next
step of rising. (:24)I don't support governments, I inform governments. Nothing is
hidden from us, even the private visits or talks. Many, many people in the world
leadership are close friends with the Keshe Foundation. We understand it. The same
thing happened in China. In China we saw 3 years ago the revolution was financed by
Vatican. They paid fully for it. The division of China brings many states, as we saw
when the Vatican paid and brought John Paul and divided the Russia and the Eastern
Bloc. They were going the same path, but this time the Chinese leadership is aware
and China will ?** The same thing is planned for Iran. The whole interest is in the oil
industry and nothing else, but the worse thing for it is in the coming weeks, we will
show you the power generator. But we don't teach it this time, it goes the path of
governments to create the stability, but the same as the Universal system, it will have
its own structure.

As I said to a Knowledge Seeker very recently who has gone into the process of the
Universal Units, the Universal Systems will be free standing for years, no power
supply. This will be passed on. The Technology is complete and is getting taught to 3
groups that if one group fails the other can carry on. (:26)We enter the world of
diplomacy through Technology, as those who were present in negotiation with me last
week, I said clearly to those who were presented from the connection of the
governments and the ministers, knowledge in exchange for peace. Our position as
Keshe Foundation is very clear, we give knowledge openly, teach it, in exchange for
peace. Those of you who are going on the path of whatever in Iran and Iraq, call
people down, take home, don't destroy, raise the Soul of the man it's more powerful
then the physicality of the man. With the collective Soul we can change everything.
Even raise the Soul of those who have planned to do so many wrong things.
Sometimes these things are for the benefit of humanity, sometimes it brings the
condition of understanding that the Soul of the man through the new understanding of
the structure of the creation of the Universe which has become knowledge to man is
more powerful then the physicality.

This is what we are aiming at and what we want for Keshe Foundation supporters,
which is running into millions and millions and growing day by day, is to learn. Add
to the knowledge and always look at the positive, if you create enough positive,
whatever is set to be negative doesn't even count. Even if you look at the flow of the
(electric) current, you put in, and what goes in, which gives you the light, the surplus
goes back on the other wire, back to. You call it positive and negative. (:28)Without
negativity there is no positive, without gravity to pull in there is no line to become
magnetical. Never look at (one). Look at the beauty of both sides. Leave the bad side
out, but be aware of it. Live your life the correct way. It doesn't matter what happens,
don't go out to harm. But plan, change your life, that you live and you don't get
harmed by it. This is how every structure in the world exists. Every structure if you
look when you put a magnet, the other one moves slightly to accommodate itself, not
what has come in. Mankind should learn this and add to this knowledge. This is part
of what we have to learn, as part of universal teaching. It's not just that we are going
to learn how to speak the universal language, we have to learn the universal behavior.
Behavior does not need the language, it's the intellect of the Soul of the man. This is
what we try to expand, today's teaching about the Universe Community, is not how to
make it, it's how to behave it, how to understand it, how to position it. But you create,
you bring the beauty of. Mainly yourself, not the others because they have shown
their beauty and in reaction to their beauty, is their strength, you show yours. Work in
the positive way.

Try to understand that the Keshe Foundation teaching is not that you make the system
to fly, it's the way you think, you live, it's the ethos of becoming part of the totality.
Totality from now on is not the mankind, it's the Universe Community which you are
part of. (:30)We always thought that we are alone and there is nobody but us, and we
are the center of the Universe, everything goes around the earth and it is. And you see
what they did, they hung the guy who for the first time said the earth is not the center.
The same thing is with all of us, we have to understand that in the process of life
mankind will learn many new things in the dimension of the space development. It's
for us to be able to understand and distinguish between both sides. Mankind has to
mature to the new dimensions in the world of knowledge, of understanding the world
of totality, how we can change things, and how we have to understand the totality to
be changed. Does the mankind need the mankind to be in possession of totality, in
understanding oneness of mankind. This is what we have a problem with, what we do
not understand.

This is what mankind will come to comprehend, that there is a new way. Actually it is
an easy way, where you can go inside, you can walk within, and that inside is your
own Soul. (:32)It is what you thought you don't have. This is the biggest problem for
mankind. What do we do? Where do we go to understand more? Does mankind need,
kindness of man. Or will the mankind become part of the totality of the structure of
the Universe. Would we become, would we be able to understand this that in the
future we can develop a new full comprehensive work within the Universe
Community. This is what we are heading for and the teaching of today is part of it. It
is not anymore learning how to structure different things that is suits us, it's what has
been established that we can follow the Universe Community, that we can learn from
it, apply it, we can bring it in to be a part of our next tool in the arsenal of life for
man. Would mankind be kind enough to understand his own position in space,
(:34)and would he be strong enough to be able to work within the structure of the
Universe Community. Would we and would mankind progress enough that we can
develop this part of our mentality that now we have to work with a deeper insight and
insight into the life of the Universe, to be able to move on, to join the Universe
Community not just by systems, not just by Soul, but by understanding the emotion,
the reality of the facts of existence.

Don't forget we always said, “I made man in the image of myself.” So in fact, the
image means even the Soul of the man has emotion, and a school of thoughts and
reactions. It's not just that, just become, as you understood, more about the Soul, now
everything is over, now we have entered.... we have entered nowhere, (:36)we just
understood that we have left a lot behind. In a way we have created it, we have
become to understand part of it. The problem and dilemma for mankind has just
begun. It's not resolved. It's not just because you understood how to run a spaceship or
how to address your Soul, how you can interact, understanding you have both control
of the Soul of the man and the physicality, the game is over, you got all of it. In fact
you have just opened the Pandora's box, which now you have to learn the new
language, the language of the Soul, the language of the life of the Soul in the
Universe, the language of the existence within the bigger family. It's very much now
you are like a cell in the organ of the liver. Now you just found out you are just part of
the liver. Now there is a bigger being that you are part of.

Now you understand how the game has changed, without the other parts the existence
of the liver is useless, it has no confirmation, has no existence. Now you understand
the scale of the job. Now we have just learned by knowing the existence of the Soul,
that now we have even to understand how to operate within the system, that when we
become part of the bigger structure what's going to happen, how are we going to
interact, how through this organ that we are a small part of. Now we have to learn the
operation of the others that exist and we are part of the operation, (:38)and each organ
has its own language and system, that's why it's separated, and that's why it functions
in such a position.

The truth about the facts of life for mankind has just opened up. It's very much like
taking a man out of the village of the earth into a small town, it's a big difference, and
now you think the town is big, let's show you the cities and capitals. You'll be lost.
Mankind through the teachings within the structure of the Soul of the man, has to
learn how to interact with the rest. This is the society and the position of the man for
man to be, to develop, to understand, to become, and one day each Soul will find its
position within the structure of what we call, life of the Universe. The uniqueness of
his existence where the Soul of the Creator sits within the Soul of the structure.

If you remember we always said, every Soul, every cell, which means when a Soul
within a cell exists within the body of the man, within an organ, then you have to
understand the collective Soul makes that man, which in interaction with the Soul of
his creator, becomes the man. (:40)Now each man, each being in this Universe with a
Soul becomes that cell with a Soul, which is part of the Soul in interaction with the
Soul of the Creator. We reflect His beauties, we manifest His manifestation but in the
same way as the stronger feeds the weaker in the structure of the plasma, we receive
the attributes of the Creator within our Soul, then I made man in the image of Myself,
is because then man has the power to understand that mankind has the power to be
that Power, has the strength to be in touch and be connected to his Creator. Then
mankind has a lot to learn, then not to be proud of being just a cell that he can be, but
be proud to part of the totality of the cell which confirms the existence of itself, in
conjunction and in connection with the totality that in total it becomes the creator of
the destiny, a point of reference for others in the structure of the man.

Then you understand we have a lot to learn to be true man of space. To be in truth
connected to the Universe Community, it's not just learning a language and having a
MaGrav system, it's in reality to become part of totality. (:42)Part of the reality of life,
part of the existence of the creation and the Creator. Then you might say we need to
learn about space Technology and the understanding of it, and about the truth about
ourselves, then at that point we might be able to understand, just the essence of
creation, the essence of totality. As I said, you don't come here to learn about how to
make MaGrav systems. A lot of you are still stuck with MaGrav systems. Maybe
through the structure of the MaGrav systems if you could manage to understand it,
you will understand that you can use the strength of the field of the MaGrav to raise
the Soul of the man collectively. Even though you are running a MaGrav system and
think that you are saving some energy, in connection and conjunction with all the
MaGrav systems which Keshe Foundation has sold through the operation, we have
connected the 4 corners of this planet today, for our next act. You'll understand very
soon why we put these MaGrav systems across this planet in this way. You are the
point of connection. Those MaGrav systems which you made yourself, and the
strength of what you made it with you have a common denominator with us. We shall
rule through the line of understanding the structure of the physicality of the man.

(:44)Let me explain to you how we have brought you into the Universe Community
without your knowing it. All of you created Nano coated Cu, many of you created
Nano Zn. Zn is connection to production of the cells of the brain of the man which is
controller of the Soul of the man, containment of the Soul of the man. The Cu is the
path through the physicality of the man. Now you understand I have got you from
both ends. In due course as all the Nano Technology produced through these systems
by all the Keshe Foundations in every island and nation on this planet, we will reach.
You will feel our presence and we will follow the path of the Universe Community
which both controls to ** enlargement and nourish the Soul and physicality. I am a
very clever teacher and I know the weakness of my students. Many of you who
created that Nano materials or MaGrav systems, all those Zn plates you created to
create ZnO and the rest, did you ever notice that you made the first lines for us to
create the line of connection to you. You put a Zn plate and a Cu plate, physicality of
the man and control of the Soul of the man in the same thing and you called it CO2. I
call it the line of communication, you have established, (:46)and in due course you'll
see the line of connection. It's not the CO2 which is inside the box, it's the fields of
the Soul of the physicality and the Soul of the man which has created it, and expand
and extend its fields.

Rick: Excuse me Mr. Keshe there is something rubbing on the microphone.

Keshe: It's my shirt, it's the old age of the vibration of the heart.
Rick: Maybe we should leave it then.

Keshe: No problem, thank you very much. So what you understand is very simple, we
travel the spans of this planet to change the condition and set up connections. In past
months and in coming weeks every teaching will come from a different part of this
planet to establish the full connection the way we want it. This will carry on. Not a
single teaching in the coming months will come from one nation consecutively, at
least if we can try it. The past few months, most of the teachings have come from
different positions on this planet. We don't disclose unless we have to, but at the same
time we don't go through the structure, but we go through the Soul of the man, in that
position and that time and the place. This is how we have brought you into the
Universe Community. (:48)You looked for CO2 in the container, we looked for
connection between physicality and the Soul of the man in that container. We know
that we have to elevate the Soul of the physicality that with it, it elevates the Soul of
the man and what could be done better then the MaGrav system.

Now we understand, You claim that the MaGrav system doesn't work. I tell you every
single one of them works because we have managed to reach the Soul of the
physicality of the man through the greed of the man to save, that we can elevate the
physicality of the man. If you have a MaGrav at home, if you made or bought it, and
if it doesn't work, to you, or did. Do one thing, sit back, and write down how you and
your family, loved ones, dog behaved a year before you ever saw a MaGrav system.
And then write down how you, your family and dog behaves today. You looked for
the power within the wire, I looked for the power within the physicality and the Soul
of the man. Now you understand who received the beauty and the real saving. We
saved the Soul of the man through the conduct of the physicality of, what to you was a
MaGrav system. Those of you who made systems and used MaGravs for different
applications you have seen different results in the presence of the MaGrav system.
(:50)Those of you who put 2 or 3 MaGravs around, it doesn't matter if they are in the
shape of the Alex Beads or the coils, just write down. Have noticed more diseases,
more comfort, have you come to elevate more to understand it. Or did it need to be a
MaGrav or just a Zn and Cu has done its job. I needed the CO2 to connect the Soul
and the physicality together that it creates the right connection for us to be able to
reach. And what do you have in your box.

Now do you understand, I am a very clever teacher. The reason is we have taught
many times across this Universe and we know the ways to enter the society. Now you
understand. Even the time we choose, the way it's chosen is very clear, but people
don't understand. Look at when we'll show the space Technology, the evolution,
completion of the Soul of the man, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd of April, 2020. Those of
you who are Chinese love double figures. (:52)And you see beauty in it, 2020. Those
of you understand and are followers of the path of Mohammad, you read the 19th is
the return of Methi (Messiah), celebrate, that's why we returned. It is time for
mankind to understand the totality, .. the Soul of the man to the dimension of
physicality. You made MaGrav systems and you claim it doesn't work, now I said,
what happened to you since you had the MaGrav system in the house. What happened
when you created the Zinc? Now you understand how easily through the greed of the
man we have reached the man, now all we need to do ..
(53:11 break in connection ...)

(:54)..In so many ways you'll understand how we set up the whole structure. You
thought you got away with your MaGrav system and claimed that thing doesn't work,
but I don't see. In a way you have found out we have entered your home, your
physicality, we have entered your Soul. It's very interesting when we gave the world
peace treaty to South Americans several years ago, one or two of them wrote back to
the Keshe Foundation and said, Mr. Keshe you are asking to give our Soul, we have
given our Soul to Christ, you can have our physicality, because it was very important
for them.

Now you understand that we have taken the lot. We have developed in a way. .. we
need to create the conditions for creation of peace on this planet. (:56)We need two
things to be completed, 2 phases more or less, end of the establishment of the religion
and second is the completion of the wars, that there will be no more war. We need a
few bits left to achieve world peace as the way we want it. The end of religions will
come in due time when they all agree that they are all one, and we'll come to one
point, to accept the level of the Universe Community as the ultimate goal of peace for
mankind in the Universe. Peace does not mean religion. We have seen how even
Christians have fought together, against each other, and how the Moslems are doing it
on a daily basis, and those who are so weak, they use this weakness to benefit by it.
Shiites against Sunnis, and the same with Christianity, Vatican fighting to rule all of
them. When in fact the Christianity of Vatican is the religion of Iran, Zoroastrian,
It all comes back to the acceptance of peace through one point, mankind is all one
Soul and there shall be no conflict between its intellect and its path of belief. When
mankind unifies these two then he'll enter the Universe Community. (:58)The past
half an hour you should have learned a lot about the Universe Community and the
behavior of the man in a condition of existence. Many Keshe Foundation supporters
in German, English, French, Portuguese or Spanish, thought they have to have this
and that to be part of it. In fact, those who betrayed ** ** enemy, it means they
haven't even qualified to be part of the universal Soul. These are the souls which still
need elevating, they still need to go through the process of understanding. In the
structure of the Soul there is the structure of the physicality of the Soul itself, but not
in the function and manner that man sees arms and legs, but in the manner of the
interaction of the fields create the condition of give and take. A hand to take, a hand
to give, in the physical dimension we use hands to collect, we use hands to give. In a
plasma structure we use magnetical to give, gravitational to take, it's the same hand.
Now you understand how it says, I made man in the image of myself.

(1:00)Now you understand the basic fundamental similarity in the structure of the
Soul of the man and the physicality, in the dimension of the physicality of the man the
creation in respect with the interaction of the fields of this planet has created the legs
to walk, to create position, motion. In the dimension of the Soul of the man in the
plasmatic field the interaction of the fields of the Soul with other souls creates its
positioning, what we call MaGrav positioning or walking or moving.

Now you understand the similarity the man needs all to collect to receive, to give.
Man needs leg to be able to find position in the dimension of physicality in interaction
of its fields with another field, which has created Inertia with itself to manifest the
physicality. In the dimension of the Soul of the man the same fields are used to take
and give and the interaction of that field with the others creates its positioning and its
movement. Now mankind understands, I made man in the image of myself. Soul on
its own, but the interaction of the Soul with the dimension of the physicality of the
planet then decides how that physicality ** and what it needs to. If you understood
this then how your hand in giving and how it's received shows its emotion. If you give
a hand to a friend, to a lover you feel the emotion of the lover, so it's the same with
the Soul of the man in the strength it receives from another Soul, another plasma it
know s the emotion of it. The strength of it, it dictates and informs the Soul of the

Now you understand how the emotion works in the Soul of the man. Then you have to
choose, would you like to join the Soul dimension or the dimension of physicality,
and then in which physical condition do you want to be manifested in respect to that
position, to be free as a bird or be free like a fish in the liquid of the ocean, or in the
dimension of the physicality of the man in 2 legs or an animal with 4. Then you
understand how the Soul of the Creator manifests Himself in different shapes and
physicality's and in different dimension of the strength in respect to its environment in
different positioning **

Then you understand the universal teacher, then it's for man to decide which side,
part, strength and which interaction he wants to respond to. The interaction of the
field of the emotion of love, (1:04)where the Soul is at the higher order then the
affection and love in the physical dimension, but in essence both create the same
emotion within the Soul or within the structure of the physicality.

Now you understand how we say, I made man in the image of myself. The reflection
of the Soul of the man in interaction of the physicality of the dimension of the fields
of the presence create the manifestation of physicality. I am the creator of my own
physicality in the dimension of the strength of my Soul in interaction with this planet.
My love for this planet dictates my presence and manifestation in every position in the
Universe, unless I change my position in respect to manifest myself in the dimension
and strength of the Creator, which then it has a totally different dimension in the
Universe. But here we come, you are what we call, part of the Creator. We are the
Universal Messengers because we are part of the Creator in essence of the Soul of the
man and the created Soul in the direct and in line of the presence.

Then you understand with the flick of a finger there shall be no Vatican, Mecca, or
Jerusalem. (1:06)In physicality they'll be there, but there'll be no physical body to
worship the place, as the Soul of the man will ** break these and become a historical
building with no emotion. Many of us travel the span of the Universe to look at the
historical building and very soon these places will become with no emotion, just
bricks on the wall, as the Soul of the man will see beyond all the trickery and games
that were played when the man did not understand the strength of the Soul of the man.
Man stopped worshipping stones and statues. Now man has to stop worshipping the
fake souls which control, then man reaches his own independence of the investigation
of the truth.

To understand the truth, is him, and him only, and nothing else, in line with his own
creator. then man will not make any temples in the span of the Universe, as his Soul
has a temple within the Soul of the Creator. This is why at the beginning I explained
to you to elevate the Soul of your leaders that there will be no ** more. Raise the Soul
of those who call themselves religious leaders that they walk out of these bigger
statues called, the churches and mosques and when there is nowhere, no one inside
these place to, (1:08)lie to man, there shall be no one to lie to. Then they become
empty structures. In a way they have to stay as a relic for man to understand how hw
was abused by the man when he didn't have the knowledge, iin the span of the
Universe he shall not be abused again. There are many ** degrees in the span of the
Universe that they can make different mosques and churches and temples and every
other one. As I said, the temple of the Creator has to be in the Soul of the man. To
make himself a ** laugh. Many of you might not understand what has been said, but
in time man will mature to the teaching of today as it is a path to grow in the
dimension of the universe ** mankind to become independent to be able to live in the
span of the Universe. It's no use me taking you to space in a craft when it has no fuel
and no food.

Now you understand, as I said in the 300 series of teachings we'll open the reality
about the Universe Community and man's position and how to attain and to be able to
maintain his existence in the Universe. (1:10)It's not anymore spaceships, is it. Or is it
the spaceship of the Soul of the man. Is your love for the Creator so big that you can
become a spaceship of many other souls who have not achieved ** and that is the
point of the Universe Community. What we call the establishment of the Universe
Council is the beginning of this process and those who are weak have left and will
leave. Those who understand become the spaceship ** those who understand the
language of understanding that through your Soul as a Universe Council members you
elevate the souls of your passengers. The language, the love, the care, the mother
language through the Soul of the man carries. As a Universe Community we carry
those loves for those members who Universe Council ** got through it they can give
support ** Now you understand a little bit more about why you become Universe
Council. The message we gave today is what mankind has been waiting for, for
millenniums. Those of you who understand will elevate and those who don't ...
break ...

(1:12) ( break in connection . .. 45.) .. I'll send you a photo of a Brazilian indigenous
man with a Gans bracelet. Now you understand that we have reached everyman on
this planet even the indigenousness people in Amazon .. the knowledge in elevating
the Soul of the man, (1:14)has reached in every point and direction and I have done
the job to create a condition, to create peace, and elevation of the Soul of the man.
Shows picture. The teaching to elevate the Soul of the man has reached every corner
of this planet from Amazon to presidents. ...

Now you understand, when I say in English we got you by short and ** (1:16)To
those in the North Pole and Aborigines in Australia. I have reached as no Messengers
in the past could ever reach. But this time we give the truth and for the elevation of
the Soul of the man to **

Now you understand there is a trick in the whole of that bracelet, for that CO2 and
ZnO to be created had to carry the strength of the field of the ** physicality of the
man, in comparison to the Zn which is conditioned to the Soul of the man for that
woman to wear and with the CO2 to connect the two together. Rick: perhaps you can
adjust the microphone .. see even the Creator has a controller. Rick is always telling
us this is this ... Let switch back to the other .. It seems you like Apple better then the
(1:18)In so many ways, we have to understand that we have entered the operation of
the life of the man on this planet in such a deep way that you cannot separate us
anymore. Listen to the teachings of today many, many times, that hopefully we'll
understand a small part of it. And listen to it in a years time and then 10 years time
and then you'll understand what you missed today, or thought you missed. Because
we'll teach through the Soul of the man and through the physicality the connection
between the Soul of the man and the man himself.

Try to understand the beauty of it, the collectiveness of it, the color of the man is only
skin deep. Try to comprehend you don't need to suffer to find your Soul, you have to
rejoice in the existence of it, and then you link and you understand. (1:20)When you
travel the span of this planet, every city looks the same, you see similar buildings in
every city. The same architects were copied and built, the same theme. I have traveled
many cities, over 75 nations in my lifetime and when you look from Africa to Asia to
Europe they are all building the same to show that they have reached the financial
strength and intellectuals to be able to stack it up in the physicality, but none of them
have built a structure that it just shines without a structure of physicality, that reaches
the Soul of its citizens in the presence of the Creator. Those who fooled the man
converted it into mosque's and churches, temples, and synogues. We will demolish
these physicality's, not by us, but making them into empty buildings that no one will
ever enter. They will see it as a museum when man wasn't ** aware of himself **
walk into these buildings. As they'll see it very much as a point of abuse, the way you
go to Auschwitz to see the camps where ** was burnt, ** no one wants to walk in it.
Just out of curiosity. No one enters into these buildings anymore as man knows it was
a point of abuse of man for centuries.

Try to understand the operation of the Soul, as I explained last week, now we reach
through the new Universal (Enhancement) Systems, (1:22)to give the man the option.
the physical life or the dimension of strengthening the Soul of the man. No
government and no forces will touch us, because we know we see, and in the coming
time you'll see world leaders will be the first to line up to elevate the Soul of their
nations, not the finances of their nations.

In the coming weeks you'll see the world leaders and those who become the world
leaders to stand shoulder to shoulder with Keshe Foundation to bring the
establishment of such change, because they understand through the physical
dimension they have not managed to bring peace to their nationals. The position of
the world leaders will change who will serve to enlighten the man and not in the color
of the church and mosque, but in the strength of the Soul of the man. This is what we
have chosen and that's what you'll see in the coming time. This is how the initial steps
in BRICS was taken. they have no choose because the scene is set for mankind to start
the process of elevation of the Soul of humanity and with it elevate the Soul of this
planet that even eating another animal by animals will become the truth about the
"Lamb and Lion" will sleep in the same nest that none is hungry to eat but enjoy the
beauty and presence of the other.

I am the Messiah. (1:24)Those who had a doubt will understand more and more that
each one of us is the Messiah for saving our own Soul, elevating our own Soul for
entering the Universe Community and through in the passage of time to become part
of the Soul of the Creator. Some of us teach ** others and some of teach our own
Soul but in essence there is no difference. Try not to choose the path of hardship
brings me closer, try to ... to see more that in the process of giving, I might, I might
stand a chance in the randomness of the beauty of the Creator to be elevated, to be and
to be structured to be part of the Creator. Betray and you betray yourself. Betray those
who trust you and you'll find ** will come back to you to ** We put anything and
many things together for you to learn... ** are Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
and followers ?** they call us and say these people ?** you know how in English
they betrayed and (1:26)made money out of the Keshe Foundation by saying, they
have literally turned us over, and they are very happy with it, and they make this and
that. We pray for them, we elevate their souls. This was the short term, in the long
term they join Alan Sterling and the rest of the people. ... We will see that many
people that betrayed their own souls stand by their own souls. We received
communications from the Keshe Foundation people who went and joined without
knowing that these people in Italy set everything up. That in the teachings we said that
these people have cheated them, now they have withdrawn working for them. The
distributors of the Keshe Foundation have ** dropped their own accounts and come
back. As one said to us, I am a Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seeker and I never
betrayed the Keshe Foundation and we were told lies that now everything has
changed we stopped buying because this is not the ethos we entered. We entered the
ethos of the Keshe Foundation and the lies worked for a few weeks, and the
distributors canceled their orders, and this will carry on.

Now the biggest thing is the Italian government has moved and will move on this,
because these people did not come in with the Soul of the Keshe Foundation, they
came to betray the Keshe Foundation and we see it. (1:28)The process will carry on.
We have seen this with many Knowledge Seekers who come to these teachings and
over years and suddenly getting a few peoples attention they think they are
everything. ?** never think ** you are bigger then what is the totality. Your purpose
is just to serve. You'll see expansion and extension in the Keshe Foundation in every
dimension because we give it freely and in so many ways you bring it back to us
freely to ** all of us to the elevation of the Soul you have found out. If you
understand the teaching of today, it's very simple, I have taught you a lot in what
mankind has been trying to find out for centuries in today's teaching. Today for the
first time you understand the connection between the physicality and the Soul of the
Last week I taught you the understanding of the ** religion and the Soul of the
physicality and the strength of your systems. We start to train you in the universal
systems. The Universal Enhancement System is for enhancing your Soul and not so
much your physicality. ** better performance of your physicality, your Parkinson's is
just a mirage to bring you to us, for us to elevate the Soul of the man. (1:30)It's not the
crippled body you bring to the Enhancement Unit, it's the crippled Soul which walks
in it to be enhanced. I wonder if on the application of the tax entry you put, Soul
enhancement system, would any government ever understand it. This is the beauty of
this system. I am a clever master in my teaching. When I accepted the mission for **
earth the Universal Council has told me that the Creator has created ** to bring Islam
back, then you understand how quick I am the Creator. I walk you into peace, in
understanding the work of the Universe Council through the operation of the Universe
and its Council, not the earth's Universe Council. In the coming time one of the
members of the Universe Council through the structure of the Soul of itself will
become a member of the Universal Council in the Council of the Universe, then
mankind will understand how we'll spread the knowledge ** to the rest of the
Universe Council members. Then you'll understand how we enhance the Soul of the

Try to understand how these Universal work and I told you these are one of the only
systems in mankind's history (1:32)that no one can copy it, because those who do **
create the Soul of the Universe. The copies will not have that effect, then soon you'll
find out nobody can do the job of ** ** fake and ** the Keshe Foundation this is this.
You have to understand in the process of development we have to develop the Soul of
the man, we are not interested in the physicality. As I said to Carolina when I met her
the first time, we come here to enjoy the physicality of the beauty of the woman to
understand what makes man so crazy to be in love in the dimension of physicality, but
they do not see how to fall in love with the Soul of the Universe. This has been a
puzzle but it is not a puzzle, man is too physical. Worshipping the wrong thing has
been the habit of the man because he always sees things, himself as lower then the
others. Man and Soul has to rise to the level of the Soul of the Creator to understand
the totality of the creation in the Universe, not ** ** water on this planet. Life of the
Soul is more then being entrapped in the box of a room and a clothes.

Now you understand the message. My message to the world leaders and those who
think they are the leaders of the Soul of the man in the name of religion is to take your
frocks off and be equal to the others and close the house of lies. We can do it for you,
but it is better for you to do it then us, (1:34)because that way people see the totality
of the failure and the lies and then it allows the Soul of the man to rise to the level of
the Creator. In fact if you look those who call themselves ** are the cause of the
totality of many of the people who follow the path of their lies to be elevated to the
level of the Soul of the Creator. Is there a single priest, a mullah, rabbi, a high priest
in any shape who can accept that he is responsible for depriving man to be elevated to
the Soul and to understand the Soul of the Creator. And if you think you are then
you'll find out there is a lot to come when you have to take the frocks off and move in
the direction of the totality. Jews, Christians, Bahais, Buddhists, every shape or form
of religion you can put ** your time is over.

The whole process is for you to understand the structure of the Soul that you
understand that it time to elevate the Soul of the man that you become passengers of
the Universe that you become free from the shackles of lies and control. We
controlled the physicality of the man in the past years with the kings and emperors
and now we have brought the man to democracy that the man can choose. Now it is
the time for those who did the same to shackle and control in the name of religion.
Open the doors of the churches and tell the truth to the mankind and we'll let you free.
Carry on with your lies and (1:36)we'll bring the wrath of God on you in a way that
we elevate the Soul of the man for them to walk away and this is for you a big lesson
because you can't ** and abuse anymore. So we'll do it either way, it is better if you
do it then we do it, because if you do it, you understand as the beauty, if we do it,
you'll have no room and no place to hide. You know and we see what they did to them
in Austria when they found out that the churches were the places of abuse of the

Now you can imagine what they'll do with you when they find out the churches were
places of abusing the Soul of the man and not allowing the man to elevate. Then the
choice sits with Vatican and Rabbis in Jerusalem ... We don't say become a member
of the church of the Keshe Foundation, we tell you to elevate the Soul of yourself
when you understand the totality of the freedom, the man in the space of the Universe,
when the man goes and the intellect now has reached to that point. There shall be no
churches and no mosques, no temples in the Universe. But now it's time for those who
have abused man to put this right and we give you a few weeks, not months. Then
we'll bring the house of cards down because we have enough to do for elevating the
Soul of the man, they walk away and they understand the strength of their souls. They
tell me to fight, but fighting takes too long, (1:38)when we elevate they have already
lost the fight. Collectively mankind is ready for elevation of his Soul, stopping the
wars. Elevation of the Soul of the man to create a peaceful planet, to new
understanding of the Soul of the man which we did, brings new technologies and new
understanding of the structure of the Universe, and Technology is just physicality of
keeping the man in the physical dimension busy. We don't have factories in the
dimension of the Soul. Unfortunately we have seen none and we have built none. But
in the physical dimension you have to be busy in the presence of the time and space.
That is all it is.

I hope you learned a lot from today's teaching and I wish and I hope we do not need to
interfere with any processes of governments and religious leaders as they themselves
will bring the conversion. Then mankind will follow in the path of evolution to
enhance man's Soul and to increase man's Soul, what we call strength that the race
becomes who and how we can develop technologies that elevates the Soul of the man
faster to be able to work within higher levels of Universe Community as the Universal
Council has the same structure as ** man, different level of understanding, different
structure , (1:40)of the operation to the level of the Creator. Maybe those of you who
are familiar with the work of the "Seven Valleys" (Bahaula) and 7 levels of the
creation, now you understand in which level mankind will enter depends on how the
leaders and the Soul of the man itself will decide in the structure of the strength of the
Soul of the man in the dimension of the Universe Community. Seven heaven is the **
simple understanding of the man to be 7 senses of the man in the dimension of the
Universe. Mankind has found 5 of them, you need to find 2 more, then you'll
understand the totality.

Today's teaching ... and if mankind can understand the 332 mankind has entered the
true understanding of the work of the Universe, how to ** leave, and how to become
part of ** , how not to allow others to in any shape or form in the future block man to
be and to live higher levels of strength in the operation of the Soul of the man **
effective of how and where man (break in connection... )

(1:42).. We just need to teach a few more Knowledge Seekers how we have done the
job. You have to understand... How and when man can enter the dimension of the
creation in different levels. As I told you we are traveling in different parts of the
planet to spread and strengthen the Soul of the teaching and today we are in a
different part then last week. I am in the beautiful city of Istanbul, we are here for a
few days, for what we are here for, then next week we move to the dimension of UAE
and then next we'll be back in ** nation. We are here to elevate the Soul of the leaders
and the people and this process will carry on. Last week we were in Brazil, before a
European nation, and before that in other places. My work to elevate the Soul of the
** will carry on. In that process we elevate the Soul of the man, the Soul of the
citizens of the nations, through their language and the support of the Universe Council
members. In this process we'll teach and spread the knowledge, in the process of the
teaching, (1:44)through the Universal Enhancement Unit that the light of the
knowledge will become the light of the understanding of the knowledge, not the
systems ** knowledge. ...

Rick Crammon, we don't like you to say, I am leaving, this time it's done, we try to
keep you there. The teachings of this week was a breakthrough if the man
understands. ** physicality and what you already know in the dimension of ** We
teach you more next week to understand more, but it depends how many of the
Knowledge Seekers can connect with. A lot of you are searching to find your Soul,
but you ** can't. (1:46)A lot of you have to understand what have you missed in
totality of the knowledge that it should be achievable through the strength of the
physicality, not by taking different things and going to different shamans, and
different god knows what to, understand you ** in elevation of the Soul of the man ?
** ** to increase your strength. It's the clarity of seeing the truth.
Any questions?

Rick wants to show something about the shipping in Italy .. testimonial put into the
Golden Age of Gans, a man received his Pain Pen ..

Keshe: Most of the orders which were given to Italy that were not deliberately
shipped to discredit the Keshe Foundation by taking the orders to the other company,
more or less is getting fulfilled. The Austria Keshe Foundation was taking
responsibility for this, (1:48)back orders were getting shipped. Actually the claim
was that we can't pay for the shipping while they were taking the orders to the other
company ... it was very cleverly, they said they can't do so we set another company
up. This will be handled by the Italian securities and government. .. they made threat
against us to take us to Italian Finance ...
... Keshe Foundation cleaning up the mess in the waters of Italy. (1:50)...
.. What I said to a couple of world leaders recently is that colonization through
Technology have become the new tricks of the European and American nations.
Which means they colonized nations in the past by taking the slaves and the economy,
now they have come one step further, now by taking the scientists and Technology
and controlling them they are trying to colonize most of the nations of the world and
Keshe Foundation Technology is one of those technologies, that by controlling it they
could keep hold on other nations and other technologies. Colonization through
Technology has become a big game for white skinned nations, what we call the
Europeans and Americans. This will be laid out in a plain language to the world
ambassadors and leaders as we have already explained, you'll see huge sanctions
against the state of Belgium very soon and other nations, like Canadians who sat in-
between and capturing scientists and imprisoning them. (1:52)We have seen that the
daughter of Huawei is part of this structure. Many scientists who go through Canada
get captured ** ** and then raised with a threat that they'll kill the rest of the family.
Canadian operation in this ** is very clear. .. We don't make accusations because we
were part of it. ...
.. Listening to "Azahan" brings a lot of truth about man. (1:54)I hope you can hear it
in a distance (he tries to let us hear it, but can't )

Rick: Reads that Pain Pen has started to get received ...
Keshe: I have to tell you something very simple, these Pens were made 5 years ago,
thousands of them. It was not that we didn't have it. If you look at the Italian structure
they came up with their own P Pen. We only took over in July this year ...
the Pen has a different tip, we found out the energy of the plasma was so strong that it
was melting the tip, so we had to pay 17,000 Euro 5 years ago to change the tip so
that it is strong enough to withstand the energy. This person who received the Pen ...
... The Italian needs Keshe Foundation to be able to export 1 liter of wine and (olive)
oil. We decide in conjunction with Italian government. ..
(2:00)We use our power to support Keshe Foundation and humanity. ... The Keshe
Foundation website in the coming weeks will be flooded with products ..

(2:02).. Markray going into operation in US and people understanding what Keshe
Foundation is, many investors are coming in here to listen what is happening. As I
explained last week, Markray announcements is with Markray (not here). What we
make here is about the Keshe Foundation and Markray is one of our subsidiaries. The
companies like Keshe Foundation Austria and Arizona Space Technology, and Keshe
Foundation Italy and others are not part of Markray just because they carry the Keshe
Foundation logo. This important for you investors who have spent thousands and
coming here to listen how your shares will be valued. Markray can only be effected
by what is happening in Mexican Keshe Foundation, and in that Mexican Keshe
Foundation, and Arizona Keshe Foundation, not Arizona Keshe Foundation Space
Technology Health Center. You have to understand that we run many organizations
and our knowledge shared here has nothing to do with one or the other. Keshe
Foundation Italy is with the Keshe Foundation and nothing to do with Markray. It
doesn't effect, so when they come here and think now we announce massive
developments in Brazil and other countries, these are part of the Keshe Foundation
development. Until we don't sort our position with officials in America we keep the
assets of the Keshe Foundation , (2:04)to the Keshe Foundation. .. As we talk about
Keshe Foundation Italy it is the assets of the Keshe Foundation and not Markray so it
doesn't effect them. The same shall be until the position is cleared with the Americans
in respect to a lot of other work we have in the US. This sits on the table of the
President of US ** Keshe Foundation and until he decides we sit back and watch. The
situation with Keshe Foundation as a global operation is, many people work around
the Keshe Foundation, develop it, many use the Keshe Foundation logo to spread the
knowledge of the Keshe Foundation and they benefit by it financially and we have no
objection. We spread the knowledge and through you spreading the knowledge has
brought a lot of awareness. By you spreading the knowledge, teaching and selling
your goods you have become a flagship for us, that's why I said you can use our
logos. But you have to put back in what you have taken that you can put more in to be
able to develop. It's beautiful when we hear a minister or president knows the Keshe
Foundation Technology or they know a Pen Pain or Pad and the trust is built. It
doesn't only come with us it (also) comes with you delivering these things in your
countries. Some of us makes mistakes. A lot of you come to us and say I made a CO2
but it is green. Yes, because you missed the teaching. (2:06)Change the polarity of
your plate and it won't be green. ...

(2:08)Your Pen making .. has reached many people and this is the beauty of it. If you
understand the history of Christianity in Europe the emperors had a religion that had
no statues and it was Mithraism. The Romans wanted to have that belief but the had to
worship the statues and they found Christianity which Christ spoke about God and
Son of God, and they found a match as the emperors had through the contact with Iran
and Mithraism. Somewhere the two had to collide and negotiate and the emperors
made the religion of Christianity as we call today's Christianity, an amalgamation of
the belief of Mithraism and some of the things people wanted to believe in the path of
Christ and they made a new one called Catholicism. Is it catholic between the belief
of Zoroastrian and Mithraism and the Christianity .. that's what catholic means. That
it was between the two that the emperors could have their belief and the common man
could have his belief of the new god without the statue. Now your teaching and the
spread of the knowledge and sharing of the knowledge with the common man has
done the same thing (as the Catholics), it has brought the leaders to be, the life of the
Son, the life of the Father. Now you understand where even the word of Catholicism
comes from. ** mixing of the two, that the kings and the common man could have.
But this time we shared the key with the world leaders, (2:10)they knew about it, but
we gave it to the common man and it became the path of the common man and the
same cycle will repeat this time. This is why years ago I told you to use my logo of
Keshe Foundation but don't forget the ethos of the Keshe Foundation. In that way
many of you made and sold thing, did conferences, some mistakes but you did a lot of
good things, this is a process of learning, of trust, of trust in ones belief's. You have
brought the knowledge to the king and it's the same process. Now the kings knowing
the knowledge, seeing the key in the past years, now they have to acknowledge you.
We'll see the emergence of Keshe Foundation in the coming weeks and months. ....
we'll see one by one how the world leaders want to stand next to ** We are not a
religion or cult, we are a path to the Creator and that has no temples. It's beautiful to
see this that people say now they have received it, because we had it. I have made a
number of new Pain Pens which only available with us when we attend conferences.
As I told the people in the conference in Brazil, these Pens are unique and have never
been produced by Keshe Foundation. (2:12)These Pens will give you access to many
things that you'll understand in the coming time. We bring a very limited number to
the conferences. This in due time I'll tell you why and how it will be used and it will
be effected by many other things.



(2:24)Q: Is the time of leaving the physicality similar to entering the Universal
System and is there a difference between the 2 means of elevation?

Keshe: Yes. What happens when you have no energy and you are hungry? You eat,
you take some food to elevate your physicality that it can do. Now mankind has
become aware of his other dimension which is his Soul. The elevation of the Soul
comes partially with what you eat but that is a meager existence or control of it, but
now you can elevate the Soul of the man beyond the strength which the physicality
takes. It's a very interesting position if I explain to you something very detailed. If you
see the vegetarians and the man eats meat, what we call carnivores. We always said
that when you take a plate of rice there are so many souls in it, but when you take
meat you already committed the Soul of that animal, but at the same time every cell in
that meat has a cell too. So the man commits crime on both plates. It takes another
Soul. So those of you who are vegetarians and think you are not killing, you are
killing. And those of you who think you are the meat eater that you only killed one
animal you have to understand that every cell of that animal has a Soul. (2:26)

... Any other question?

Q: What is the way of elevating the Soul by knowledge or high order level energy
receiving or by both ways?

Keshe: If you receive something and you have no knowledge how to use it what is the
use of it. I teach you so much about the knowledge of the Universe but you don't
understand it, but those of you who understand it, and those who will understand in
the future will use it. Having the energy, (2:32)and the knowledge how to elevate the
Soul of the man is the purpose of these Knowledge Seekers Workshop ..
.. .. You have to always be humble to receive, to be able give.

(2:34)Now you can understand something that most probably you haven't understood.
This is a Soul, a planet, a field of plasma, whatever you want to call it. This is
another, smaller. (He draws a larger blue circle and a smaller red circle next to each
other). Call it a proton, a physicality Soul, call it earth compared to the sun.
Something very interesting and one day I thought f the man is ready to hear, is this.
The bigger plasma gives it fields to the weaker. Then this little one consumes
whatever, but in the process of interaction of the fields, this chap, by understanding
the totality of world of creation of interaction of the fields, (2:36)you create both
dimensions and strength. This (inside little red Plasma) has created other fields which
in collective are strong enough that this needs (gives back to the larger Plasma).

What I think is missing in the knowledge of the man which has not understood, the
weakest in the dimension of the interaction of the fields inside it, in collective
understanding of the knowledge, creates a new dimension of higher order which is in
the strength, parallel with what the bigger needs. So in fact the weaker is received in
interaction of the fields internal releases higher order strength to the higher level, and
if as Knowledge Seekers you understand this, which has never been understood, it
shows how one needs the other. I give you what you need at the strength you need,
but by the interaction of the fields within you, what you create that you do not need,
that it could be some stronger, then that is equal to mine, I take, you become my
feeder, my source. Then the question is, who is the stronger and who is the weaker, or
is the stronger uses the weaker in totality of the strength to continue with his own
existence. (2:38)Then you understand in the knowledge of the Creator we say, "we
pray to God", because through the higher strength of our Soul it confirms the
existence and through it He can give to cover the weaker of us. Then the question
comes, is the totality of the creation, created by understanding of the totality of the
work of the fields of the Universe, that even the Creator is there. As it says in the
writings of Bahaula, it says I made man to create children that they may love me,
which means they give to me of the higher strength, ** fresh light fresh ** order.
Now you understand why we have the Soul of physicality, why the Creator needs to
create that in the confirmation of the creation by existence of the confirmation of the
love or giving, confirms and ** continues His own existence. He is clever isn't He.

Q: Can you show the humbleness here?

The humbleness is the understanding of the emotion. When you become a giver it
means you have to see ** of the lower order to be able to give of the higher order.
(2:40)Keshe: This picture explains the whole cycle of life in the Universe. It doesn't
matter if it's a human being, solar system, or the Creator and His creation. I can't put it
in any simpler shape. I have explained to you in a simple picture the totality of the
essence of the creation in all dimensions of creation. It's very interesting, with the
Universal System many people say we have buyers, we would like to buy, but we
would like to sit in it and feel it first. If you are not sick what do you want to feel? It's
the balance isn't it. Or are you coming there to steal. Do you understand. We see this
with a lot of people now coming, we have to sit in the system before we buy. If you
don't have anything wrong with you, you don't feel any difference, what it's just
sitting and think that I sat on it or is it another thief of Baghdad. A show to come and
see. Bring me your cripples and sick and you'll believe in the Creator, if that is the
only way you believe in it, you'd better not to come because you have not grown

(2:42)Q: ** This is the same if I work with someone healthy they'll not see much

Keshe: Of course, how can you eat when you are not hungry. How can you taste the
food when you haven't eaten. This is part of the trust of the man in himself, but in
time this will change. If you listened to the first 45 minutes of the teaching today,
you'll understand a lot has been explained. As I said, I will bring man to his knees if I
have to force feed him this. ..

Rick: we have a problem with the African Swine Flu in Denmark ..?

Keshe: Yes, let me explain this is not only Denmark, Romania, Bulgaria, most of
European countries Italy ...
(2:46).. the bribery in Enhancement Unit for Swine Fever is huge ..
(2:50).. We don't have the factories to produce. And the briberies ..
.. There is a huge ** against Belgium. They found out how they created this fake
court case, (2:54)to discredit, to colonize. You'll see huge backlash against Belgium
they'll even bypass Enhancement Unit. We see sanctions getting discussed against the
state of Belgium by governments in the background.
(2:58)... We'll see a massive increase in Keshe Foundation followers because people
will stand and see as we have brought a lot of investors through, thinking that they
can benefit by it, we see the shares. We will have nothing to do with it. We hear and
discuss what is with the Keshe Foundation. Markray is a very small subsidiary of the
Keshe Foundation, which is for a number of ** factories we put in, and that has to be
decided in the coming time what we are going to do. Your nation needs to speak to us
and then we deliver a specific recipe for the swine and we follow it and show how it
(3:00) .. Some of the world leaders will start appearing on this Thursday program. ..
... My biggest fear is if Trump asks to come in, then what are we going to do. (3:02)
.. about what the cross and Roman Emperors broken up..
(3:06).. Nobody ever understood what the cross means and the picture of Christ on it.
.. ..
Let me explain what has happened, when we were in Brazil and we found out that 2
or 3 people had taken the whole Keshe Foundation and people of Brazil to ransom
with threats and a lot of other things. We opened a channel that Brazil could be in
direct contact with us and Keshe Foundation. (3:08)

Rick Reads email from Brazil ... the Technology used to be free and now forming an
industrial park.
.. Keshe: Let me explain something, first of all there are many aspects to Keshe
Foundation. Keshe Foundation with millions of followers, how much do we receive in
a year? 10,000. The operation of Keshe Foundation runs into millions. Up to now we
have supported it. Up to now the man sick on the street can't make his Gans's, we
have to deliver the Technology that the man who ** hasn't got the Technology can
benefit by it. We have commercialized it. It stopped being done by the others, it's
being by the Keshe Foundation which spends on the Keshe Foundation. Everybody
wants everything free. I released the data on Keshe Foundation donations. You'll be
ashamed, all of you. Last month we received about 800 Euro. Don't claim what you
don't put back in, we gave it away free and still with the new Technology those who
need it get it free .. (3:14)
We are a NGO, a non-profit and the profits go back ....

We left it to you and we don't receive enough donation to even pay for the network.
This network you see here for the Knowledge Seekers, Zoom teaching, (3:16)and
everything else costs thousands and thousands of euros a month. An 800 donation gets
us nowhere. So be thankful that we can industrialize that we can teach more and
spread more, and it's spent back on (the Keshe Foundation). Leaving it to you it nearly
went to its knees. I left it to you for 2 years and you got robbed, stolen from, and
cheated ...
. It means the children of the Keshe Foundation family have not yet become adults.
We invest and industrialize to bring the Technology to those who can't afford it. A
man who served his nation for 40 years then he goes (retires) and gets sick and gets
(stabbed) in back as what we saw happen to Sandor. It was criminal the way things
happen. ... we stand by a lot of things but mankind has to mature. Apparently the only
thing you know is how to get it, but you don't want to give it. How many people who
sold so much on the Keshe Foundation have put money back in? As we said, 19%.
And how many of you run into problems because you take and don't put in. So we put
in, we take, we industrialize and we put back into humanity. (3:18)This way there will
be no churches to abuse you, no governmental ** light. And we don't become a
"Robin hood" rob from one and put in the hood. It's there, everybody shares and
everybody pays and from it everybody benefits from it. It's a beautiful system what I
set up if you understand it. My children will not inherit any of it, all the Keshe
Foundation goes back to the Keshe Foundation. My children have been given their
inheritance for what they sacrificed, being poisoned, being homeless by the Belgium
government and other nations following them. No body has paid as much as my
family for developing the Keshe Foundation. 6 year child was poisoned by Red Circle
and his team, criminals, on the teachings of the Keshe Foundation Children's
Program, that's the hard bit of it. That's the nation of Belgium, it's citizens, **
borders . You do not know what we are giving you, you just look at what you can
steal. I paid with my life and my family for you lot to ?** and we're still giving to

... (break in connection ..)
Keshe:..Now you see how they are sitting on the line. Because the truth is spoken.
(3:22)When I tell you the world leaders are sitting on the line, every time I speak
about something sensitive. We are here, you are controlling nothing with me and my
Technology and what I bring.
(3:26).. You touch me and I'll bring your nation to cry ...
.. Any other question? (3:28)

(3:36)Gans Technology farming you'll see it supermarkets. ...
(3:56)The China rice experiment .... birds ate ...
(4:06) .. ( Break Connection ... 07 )
(4:10).. Our place in Arizona is solid, Mexico is secure, .. What's happening in Iran is
not part of our work, Technology will be tranStar Formationerred to the nation. We'll
announce new positions in Europe in Africa. We are using the data from all the
different parts. (4:12).. We'll bring all the data in to get one certification, Keshe
Foundation certification.
.. Do you know why the Vatican has said in recent communication that the Christ is
never coming back? Because now they know the Enhancement Unit and the
Technology is available for the true Christ to speak. Then they will come, do you
believe a voice or us. Then they have to see truth ** Christ and his disciples. Very
interesting how we'll bring the pack of lies down. (4:14)
.. I hope I have taught you a little more about the path to your creator which is your
(4:16)We'll add to the video next week, our patient is totally off the medication. The
young boy went from 47 tablets down to zero.
(4:18) UBESU video .


304th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thurs, November 28,

(Many Knowledge Seekers have been touched in their Soul and are seeking a deeper
truth about themselves, The purpose of these teachings are for man to find his Soul
within himself and not somewhere else, Will the new Universal body Enhancement
Units enlighten the man to his Soul, This is the first time this technology has been
released on the surface of this planet and will bring rapid change to humanity in 2020,
The new technology is connected directly to the Soul of the Creator and mankind is
not yet ready to understand it, We can go through the totality to reach every Soul on
this planet, The infants Soul is at the same strength as the adult Soul,

The totality of understanding of the creation comes from the weaker plasma and not
from the stronger plasma, To get closer to the Creator you have to be weaker and a
giver, IMPORTANT discussion on the weaker plasma rotations such as solar system
and the physicality of the man which uses the blood circulation and that of the souls
of the cells to contain the plasma of the Soul of the man, The stronger plasmas like
our sun shows violent volcanic eruptions on the surface,

Why the Jewish people rock and Sufis rotate to find the point of interaction with the
Soul and to get enlightened, Is the Soul of the man the possessor of the totality of the
knowledge of the universe,No one will be immune to the truth when they enter these
systems and is mankind ready for it, Example of Obama ordering assassination, Many
will leave the foundation rather then enter the new systems and face the truth of
themselves, Would we bring mankind to the point of submission to his own Soul,
Religious people start to listen to the teaching and teach about the Soul, The
Enhancement Unit can be used to communicate to other souls , )

(:11).. We'll try to understand more about the work and the science of the Soul of the
man. The Soul teaching has taken a very in depth touch to many of the Knowledge
Seekers, it has literally touched many of them in their souls because it has brought
them an understanding of what to them was a mystery, what wasn't understood and
claimed to be somewhere and now many Knowledge S as we speak to them and see
lines of communication, they are more interested. As one says, now they cannot tell
us, they can't cheat us or tell us it is not there, there is something somewhere. Now we
know it is within us, it's part of us. It's our existence. What we call the enlightenment,
is an understanding of the position of the Soul of the man has empowered many
people to search for a deeper understanding of the truth about themselves. By finding
the Soul of the man to be within the man has brought a lot of Soul searching.

A lot of Knowledge Seekers now come to understand and comprehend that it's them,
by them, for them and they are responsible for everything. This is what the purpose of
these teaching is. For man to find the truth about himself and to find out how and
what was imagined to be somewhere, now is in, and within, and within the power of
the man. (:14)The interesting point up to now has been to find it. Then we have to
find how we connect the Soul to every Soul of every cell, and then the next step for us
in trying to ** process this. Okay, I am the last man standing, but how do I know who
is there and how can I communicate with it. How would I know, how can I extend it
to become part of, to be with, to be able to communicate, to reach , to touch. Can my
Soul touch the physicality of another being or it just touches the Soul of another
being. Can I create that dimension of the emotion, that converts the feeling and the
emotion and thoughts of the Soul to reality of understanding and in essence being in
touch with. This is part of where we gradually try to take, and try to understand.

Many, many people will walk away from this Keshe Foundation very soon as they
have to face the truth about their Soul. We know in the coming time when the new
Universal Enhancement Units are released, many will run out of these machines
because they have to face the reality of their own existence. Because many will not
walk into it as they know they have to face the truth. As I said recently to one of the
Knowledge Seekers, maybe the "Day of Judgment" for us to know our Soul is when
we walk into these units ** Then we understand what the truth is and what is hidden,
what would be hidden. The most interesting part would be when for example, when
we ask the "beautiful people", (:16)would we see the 3 souls of man to be confirmed
how miss guided he has been in the present ** in the life of the man.

Then we come to understand more, that would this new understanding of the Soul of
the man would allow man to build, to establish the communicate within the man.
Would we go deeper, in understanding more of, would we go in the path to become
more observant of our own ways. Thy shall not steal. We do not let ourselves steal
from ourselves, let alone allow others to steal from us. What can be done. What can
we do and to what extent do we come to understand the truth about the existence.
Maybe through the Soul, through understanding of the essence of the creation of the

Through the understanding of the man to be alone as the last man standing, within the
Soul of physicality of himself. Would we create a new dimension. Would we come to
understand how to communicate in the physicality and the Soul. Would we be able to
progress to the next step that then we can change the Soul of the man in the strength
that we can go through different dimensions of the existence, that we can exist ... what
we are existing. Can we go to the limit, can we go to understand all. (:18)Can we
come to the point that in understanding the totality we understand, that WE KNOW
NOTHING. And to become humble and to become one of those that in the coming
time will become the "Man To Come." Would we understand the connection between
the Soul of the man and the physicality of the man. Would many of us walk away
from these systems.

As I said, mankind has been looking for this but he doesn't know how to operate
within it. Mankind has gone through a system of understanding the existence of the
Soul in the past times, but now what are we going to do with it. Do we need to go
further to understand more, or know that we know we stop, we contemplate that what
we have been taught for centuries and thousands of years by those who abused us.
Now we have to be able to show to what level they are. One of our Knowledge
Seekers pointed to the point that, what about, we get to know, how would we handle
it. How can we handle the truth now that we understand the existence of the Soul of
the man.

Now that we achieved systems that create a condition of life without the physical
dimension. Would it be the time that we entered these ** ** machines, that what we
call, the strength of the Soul of the man goes to a point that allows the Soul of the man
to manifest itself. Would we be able (:20)to record the presence of the Soul as a light
in these systems. Then would the Soul speak the truth in the dimension of the Soul
that we understand. This is one of the points, in a way we say, the clock is ticking, and
it's ticking more and more as we understand more, as we go through the phases, and
phases change to another phase, we come to see the truth about ourselves, our
conduct, what we have done, what we have not done, what we did.

In so many ways, would we accept the position of transition. If I create a higher

dimension strength within the structure of these Enhancement Units where it enhances
the Soul of the man, would the mankind come to the point of seeing a new dimension
of his own life. If we go further in the strength would we come to see the other
dimensions of the life in the strength of the Creator. Then how would we react, would
we see the light of the Creator. Then would we like to come back to the dimension of
the physicality of the man while we are in this system. Many people will go and will
find themselves lost in the maze of the truth of the Universe. Do we need what we call
the spaceships when we have found the ship which can take the Soul of the man in the
dimension of the Universal Condition to the Creator. The fields of the strength at the
strength level of the Creator.

With this new understanding there is no limit and, (:22)we will have to come to
realize that the Soul of the man is nothing but the transition of fields in the dimension
of the matter state of this planet. Then mankind will step forward and when mankind
sits on the seat of what we call, the kingship of his Soul, or will he come to
understand that he is the last man standing. As we have the physical children, would
we see our children's Soul as belonging to us, or connected to us, or do we still care as
parents for our own children in the dimension of the Soul. Or we know in the strength
even in the child and even in the infancy, they're the same strength as us. The life of
the man takes a new course in understanding the truth about himself. Would we be
able to transit, to be able to go through the dimension of the Soul of the totality to the
Soul of a cell, and if we understand that would we be able to do to reach the Soul of
every being on this planet, as each one is nothing but a cell in the light of totality. In
the coming time we'll see huge changes.

In the next, most probably 60 to 90 days the course of mankind will change, be it **
in days, not months. Before these systems are launched on the surface of this planet.
(:24)Which one of you dares to go in, which one will sit to be able to see the
dimension of the Soul of itself. Let me explain something which I was explaining to
some Knowledge Seekers and friends recently, because I think it might enlighten
them. In the solar system in the dimension of what we call the dynamic motions of the
light, or what we call the magnetical fields of the Universe. A dynamic field was
created by motion of the creation of the, what we call, the star, our sun, and in the
weaker dimension we have broken into understanding of what we call, the weaker
strength of the magnetical field of the Universe, which up to now, before Gans's was
not in the reach of man.

Those of the Knowledge Seekers which come to understand, and have understood,
realized, that the totality of understanding of the creation comes from the weaker
plasma, not from the stronger plasma. In the dimension of the stronger plasma we see
violent, very violent situations like the sun, and what we see on the surface of it, as
volcanic eruptions. When the rest of the creation lingers it doesn't show such a sun. It
shows the weaker ** part (or path ?) in transition, which is why we brought in the
knowledge of what we call, the Gans. Then in the future would mankind understand
more about this, (:26)that he understands that the closer he wants to get to the Creator,
the weaker, the more giver he has to be.

Would mankind come to understand that the Soul of the creation is the Soul of the
man and within the Soul of the man. As we said, the weaker plasma transition, creates
the dimension of the existence of our solar system, the rotation, the spin, but as I said
to our Knowledge Seekers before, man in the physical dimension of his body cannot
do that. Our bodies would be rotating like crazy, rotating so fast, trying to maintain
and hold the plasma of the Soul of the man within the body of the man. So we have
found a replacement as I said before, with the circulation of the blood. There is no
difference between the circulation of the blood within the body of the man. The
movement and motion of what we call, the emotional currents within the body, which
has contained the Soul of it. It has contained what we call, the plasma of the Soul. It
doesn't matter how little that plasma is. Little plasmas sometimes are more stronger
then bigger plasmas.

Then you understand the totality of the existence in the condition of the electron and
the proton, then you understand why the body of the man uses the Soul of the man to
confirm its existence. It shows its dimension, its limitation, its restriction, the same as
when you have (:28)a plasma of H, we only see the atom of a H when the electrons
and the protons move while they are rotating around themselves, rotating in respect to
each other, and that creates the boundary of the atom itself. So in fact the rotation of
the fields of the plasma of the blood, and the rotation of the fields of the Soul of the
cells of the man in respect to the totality of the Soul of the man, dictates the
dimension of the physicality of the man. Now we see more and more, now we
understand more and how by weakening or strengthening the plasma of the
physicality we can increase or reduce the position of the Soul of the man in respect to
the Soul of the planet.

Maybe now mankind understands more, why, how, the way its height, its shape is
created. In the past in the world of the man who understood this process of creation,
understood what we call the gyration as we see in many ways, as I said in the teaching
of many years ago, maybe 2 or 3 years ago, why do the Jewish people shake their
heads back and forth when they pray, because they try to find a point of direct
reference between the Soul of the physicality and the Soul of the man that in that
point they could be elevated. They could find what we call, solitude, what we call
elevation of the Soul of the man, to be enlightened. This is why we see many Jewish
(:30)boys, the bending of the religious people rock trying to find that pitch, that point
where the line of the force of the enforcement of the Soul and the physicality come in
line, within the sparks, within the sparks trying to get .
多方面看到的,正如我在许多年前,也许是 2 或 3 年前的教导中所说的,为什

As we said to our friends very recently, I have explained this years ago in some of the
teachings that now we understand how Sufis have come to understand this process.
Why do Sufis dance and rotate, in so many ways, that gyration, reduction in the blood
circulation to a lower part of the physical body of the man allows the Soul of the man
to expand beyond the boundary of what we call, the physical brain. This is why Sufis
rotate at given a speed, it's that centrifuge, that core which we create and that
increases and enlightens the life. Many of you say, how do you know, I wanted this
Gans, how did you create the Gans. Gans's don't freeze, that's how we can identify.
It's very simple. You try to get a natural water in a ball and rotate it and see what a
space gap you see in between, then put a Gans water or Gans in the same ball and
rotate it, you will see a hollow center. You'll see the center of energy, that hollow, that
bubble is not empty, it's the center of the most powerful strength which that liquid can
manifest, that liquid can bring about to exist. Then you understand more. (:32).. When
a Sufi turns and turns and he can keep and maintain the momentum, in conjunction
and the ratio to the speed of rotation of this planet, then the Sufi reaches
怎么知道,我想要这个 Gans,你是怎么创造出 Gans 的。甘斯不要冻结,这就

If you understood why the Sufis wear the white clothes, those Sufis who have reached
the point of elevation they'll shine, they become the light. This is the reason the
original Sufis got to wear everything white, because of that point, the physicality and
the Soul of the man will be nothing but white. It will be an enlightened Soul and an
enlightened physicality. In the process when a Sufi turns he becomes that centrifuge
element, where in fact the totality of the energy of the physical Soul plus and
including the Soul of the man itself creates the hollow center in the dimension of the
strength of the field and that, it just shines, it breaks through all barriers. It becomes
so gravitational that it becomes magnetical and then the Sufi is enlightened. Those
true Sufis, many never return, because the strength of the Soul of the Sufi, the strength
of the true Soul of the man, then takes over.

Mankind looks in the dimension of the reality to the understanding of his own, what
we call, stupidity and he hides his intelligence, (:34)behind so many games that man
himself becomes fooled by his own foolishness. But the reality is and the facts which
will shine on all of us, is mankind ready to go through the transition? Is mankind
ready to take that leap, that bridge, that step, that weakness in the strength of his Soul,
to find that balance. Would we bring mankind to the point of submission to his own
Soul that, in that process will change the mankind.

Nowadays we tell you, if you want to have this, you have a health certificate and then
you can do this or that. Would in the coming time, people will ask, do we have to
have a Soul certificate, that we have been through the Machine, the system for
enhancement, that we can see what it is. Are you enlightened? Have you seen the
truth about yourself, and that truth, has it changed you? Has it brought you to face the
reality? (:36)Many of us will start understanding why at this stage we have introduced
the Enhancement System. .. Would we allow those who call themselves our leaders
that they have to have certification that what they commit themselves to, to bring for
the nation, or from the race they represent, shall be the truth. And would we ask. This
is not the truth machine for others to know, but it's for you to understand to become
humble enough to serve the humanity. Then would we get wrong presidents, would
we get those who have a black skin and by killing stay in power for years. Then
would there be any man who would stand to be a leader. Would any man take the seat
of leadership as the man finds out about his own weaknesses. Mankind is going
through a massive transition in 2020.
时,他还会坐在领导的位子上吗?人类将在 2020 年经历巨大的转变。

As we see the new developments, as we are developing more and more and are
adding, as our Knowledge Seekers who are involved in these system understand more
themselves. (:38)How much is it, and how much will be, the influence (of these
systems)? Would we be enlightened with the knowledge of the Universe
instantaneously once we are in these systems. Would we allow a filtering system that
mankind can understand up to a point when he goes into these systems. There is a
very interesting point, as we come to the use of these systems and as we bring it to the
point of perfection that it does everything we need.

Then it comes to understand, is the Soul of the man the possessor of the totality of the
knowledge of the Universe? Or as I said before, like a child in a classroom while
listening to the teacher he has got his ear outside listening to who is playing football,
to go and play. When you see that our Soul while it is listening to the physicality of
the man what to do, he has the other ear to the Universe Community and the Soul of
the Creator, what is going on. What is there that I need to know to elevate and to
change. Then a very interesting point arises, and that is, would mankind use the new
science and Technology of the Soul of the man, (:40)to elevate himself and the Soul
of others, to become to be. (.. Break in connection .. 41:17 ) we take the flight in the
physical dimension, but very soon we'll take flight in the Soul of the man.

For those of you who understand or may question, why do we still take a flight in
these fancy metal birds where (when) we have the knowledge. In our position, there is
a knowledge to fly, the way we came on this planet to enlighten the man, we can
leave the same way. But the only thing is that as they say, (:42)when you're in Rome
do as Romans do. .. Mankind will soon understand the way we take the flight of
fancy, our flights will be in the dimension of the Soul of the man and then there is a
big question, would there be a Rome (? room) for airports, or do we say I will sit 18
hours waiting for the flight or (break .. ) (:44)... 44:30) I am back sorry about that
it's just the announcement goes in 3 languages, we have to wait. The beauty of it is
when you travel with the Soul of the man there is only 1 language and that is the
language of the Soul of the man. It will be very interesting on how we adapt to these
changes, and how we'll face these changes. One of the most important parts of the
new teachings is, we take pause, we stop, we go slow for so many of the man to
understand the point of elevation, the point of understanding their own Soul. Man has
ignored it for thousands of years, now how can man so fast try to change. Every
person we meet, 9 our of 10 in the past months or weeks, after talking awhile, they
always say, you know you stopped talking or teaching about the Soul, can you tell us
more. We want to know. It seems the point with the Gans's and flight systems,
(:46)with the MaGrav systems and everything else, took one or some people
interested, but when it comes to the point of the Soul of the man, everyone is
interested, because now we understand. A very interesting point that was raised for us
was that in the recent past, many, many religious leaders who are listening to these
teachings have started teaching but converting it into their own language and as if it is
the finding of their own religion. How long more the Churches, Mosques, and
Synagogues are going to lie to the people. Now that they have developed
understanding as people from different religious groups listen to these teachings, now
they are trying to catch up, trying to build something new, trying to speak about the
truth of the Soul of the man. In so many ways as it has already been in the books of
the past and now they are explaining it more. It's not important, as long as you can
enlighten the flock, it can take to the new understanding of the flight of the Soul of the
man. This is our purpose. We can't put the teaching and the progress of the Soul of the
man on a USB stick and give it to those fake men of God in different robes, as we did
with the knowledge of physicality to the presidents and the leaders of this planet and
then to the mankind. Now we see more and more people of religion listening to these
teachings are teaching .. (break .. ) (:48)...55 .. (:49)What is important and what we
see is that not only the Knowledge Seekers are woken up to the new knowledge, but
so are the religious people. At the beginning Knowledge Seekers were interested in
the Gans's, then we saw the governments being interested in the UFO's, spaceships,
and how they can capture each others plane, and in the past few weeks we see a surge
by clergy who listen and now want to tranStar Formationer the knowledge as the
progress of their religion, as the man matures. This is all good, this all the same as we
taught you how to make Pain Pens and Gans's and now the clergy teach how to reach
the Soul, how to understand this. (:50)Now we have brought the physicality of the
man and the abuses of the Soul of the man together on the same line. But there is one
point for those clergy who listen, do you have a physical life, do you have the
dimension of the existence in the dimension of the Soul of the man. How many of the
clergy will walk into these Enhancement Units. As I said, we cannot certify the
systems for enlightenment and enhancement of the Soul of the man. There is no "C"
certificate for the enhancement of the Soul and no Vatican has come up with
certification from the Church. Maybe the Soul of what we call, Padre as he said,
would be the last Pope. It's true, as the Soul knows its time has come. Maybe we
enlighten enough that the truth shall be shown that the last man standing is the man
himself, in the presence of his Soul. Now how do we do this. The new Technology
which is delivered and which will not be replicated by the man in totality, as the man
will not understand, carries one thing, and that is, the essence in connection with the
Soul of the Creator, with the Soul of the system in the dimension of physicality, as is
with the man and its creator. In electronic games we call it, (:52)a booster, a
replicator, we call it a tracer, in every shape or form, we might ** to you, would it
boost the dimension of the physicality that the Soul of the physicality that it reaches
the level of the Soul of the man and it goes there to show itself. One of the most
interesting things with this new Technology and understanding of the Soul, is one
fact, and that is, no one is immune from the truth. No one will be immune from the
truth. As we recall what one of the world leaders said, "would I have to face the fact,"
and only to my Soul and only to myself. .. Many people have notice one thing, when
they have to understand the judgment, to understand the position of our own Soul. As
I was explaining with one of the world leaders and what we call, **leader world
leaders, was, did you ever notice, did you ever trace, that ** statue of ** Obama two
weeks, three weeks before when he was proud to announce the killing of another. As I
said before in the teachings, (:54)now do we hear from the man as such. We hear
from a lot of past presidents after they leave office, but in so many ways, Obama has
disappeared. It's the spirit ** that he's there but he (only) appears in very small
presentations. But if you look at the future of the man, weeks after, what he allowed,
he had to make a decision, he sat there with very much the ear corner of the sharp
shooter, in his ear, "sir I am waiting for instruction", he had to give instruction, he had
to accept the responsibility, because all the ones in the room were Christians, and the
implications of it were huge. He was the only man who could say, yes, shoot, take the
life. I wonder if you put Obama in the system what you would hear from him? He
came, in so many ways, after that point ** ** the real ** business of the behavior of
the Soul of the man ** appeared .. ( break .. ) (:56) ... :39 ; As we said, maybe these
gaps today are good, many of us can think, contemplate and understand where we go.
What we do and where we would like to be. One of the biggest questions for me is
very simple, these systems when we launch them I wonder how many of you will
come in, if you want to enhance your condition from anything which you might have,
eczema, or you might think you want to have. Or you might think you have
Parkinson's or something else you want to work and find out. How many of you will
actually come and pay to say I want to know my Soul. I want to know the position of
myself before I leave. I want to know where I stand. I can't do it on my own, I have
tried everything. Would I be able to go in, to stand the position and condition of
knowing, (:58)where my Soul goes. How many of you the way you go the world of
dreams and speak to your uncles and mothers and fathers of the past times, will come
to see these machines as a way to communicate, to enhance your Soul that in the
dimension of physicality, the way you go to a (phone) Kiosk and you call mom at
home when you are in France or US, now you find a new way to reach Soul to Soul,
to the dimension of physicality of meeting. What you could not say to the father or
mother before they left. This is one of the biggest point that we have come to
understand, we come to be, we want to be, to sit and to understand. I want to see,
who, what did I say, how can I mend faces, mend fences with my family. How could I
see and understand. How far can I push the dimension of the life. How much to what
extent can I face the truth to myself. What have I done wrong and what can I change
that will not do harm to me and to others. How can I clear the condition that when I
come to depart or decide to depart from the dimension of the physicality, I have put
my life right, I have corrected, I have not mismanaged and I have brought a
dimension of the reality to the dimension of physicality. (1:00)Many of you will use
these technologies in new ways and in new dimensions. This is to enhance the
connection, to align the dimension to what we call the past. Would the mankind come
to understand more and more. Now you understand what is hidden within the
structure of the enhancement. In reality, as what one of the rich guys says, can I buy
one to be private at home that no one knows the truth about me and I can change
things in my own dimension, position and my own strength, that there are no
witnesses to my doing. In talking to those who decide the future, we'll come to
understand that the future is within the man, within the grasp of the man, not in the
dimension of the physicality, but in the dimension of the Soul of the man. Step by
step in the coming time we will release more and more knowledge about the
ancestors. Would you like to create and face, to see what is set for the future of your
Soul for the understanding of the dimension of the physicality. I repeat, mankind will
come to this Technology not out of the love of it, but out of the fear of his own demise
and many thought it would be used for weapon Technology, (1:02)and for different
things, and many thought for man to take himself to the depth of space to find new
dimensions, but now you understand the truth. This systems are there to allow the
man to find himself, to find the dimension of physicality of himself, to find in a way,
the dimension of the past and the future. One of the Knowledge Seekers asked me, if I
bring a hair of anyone can you bring me or take me, allow me, can the system bring
me to the point to be able to be in touch with the Soul of the possessor. In so many
ways, it's not impossible if you understood the totality of the process of using the
Technology. I open these doors very slowly and to the point that the totality can be
understood by many, but many becomes too many, it becomes all of us. Or when we
leave these systems would we go to our loved ones and say, "do you know this or
that", "did you know what happened." because you made yourself a telephone call
through the Soul call to the dimension of the new strength. Do you remember when
you used to go to telephone Kiosks and you made the call, and now we have a new
dimension in what we call the new mobile phone, within the future as we see it,
(1:04)will create the new dimensions in that process with the Soul of the man with the
mobile system that we can go through the transition much faster and no need to be
locked up in position. These systems are already in hand but mankind is not ready for
it. We decide where, when, and how to be part of this process. Mankind needs to
understand, to grow up, to elevate his own Soul that he is not the last man standing.
Maybe, maybe we'll reach the point of break, break from the past and start of the new
future. Maybe the enhancement unit will enhance us. Maybe in the time to come we
find, not a new confessional box as is tradition in the Catholic Church, but we'll find a
way to find and confess to ourselves in the dimension of our own souls and
physicality that what it needs to be put right. We take command of our physical life
for understanding through our Soul what we have done wrong, or what we need to do,
which we have denied ourselves. Is mankind ready for this transition. This is our
biggest question. One of the biggest questions to come. We are aiming and targeting
the system to be operational on the 30th of January, 2020. Then you'll understand, 60
days for mankind to start, to look forward, to be able to do. (1:06)... Would a new
way be shown that the mankind will take the highway to understand his own totality,
to the path of the Creator. Today we take flights from airports and runways, would we
in a few months time take flight in the dimension to different positions of the
Universe through understanding of new Technology. How far would we be real to
ourselves. Would we be able to bring a nail or hair cutting of a man and bring it to the
condition of the Soul of the man and then we allow it to confess, not to confess but to
let us know what it has done. As a mother said to me very recently, if I bring a hair of
the Red Circle, would his Soul tell me the truth about where my child is. I said, that is
possible. If I lost a child would I be able to find out where the child is, as I have hair
lock and a scent of it, and I say yes it is possible. This is what we see and what is to
come. Nothing will be hidden. But don't forget one thing, those who took the pictures
in the home of ** trust have left a lot of fingerprints in the home of ** trust too.
(1:08)Those can be. We are ready to elevate the Soul of the man but would the
mankind be able to understand that elevation. I gave you a hint very recently, I said if
you give me the skull of the man I will make the man. Those who claim they have the
relics of the Christ very soon we'll show if it is the truth or not. Those who believe in
the path of Mohammad when we touch the clothes of the Mohammad (BHN), that is
in the possession of the Saudi royal family would we find the of the beauty of the
Mohammad in the presence of his Soul. We'll shape the mankind through the
structure of his life through his Soul. He is born to his structure that in time mankind
understands there is no where to hide and there is no Rome to go back to. We don't
need blood tests to be given by the courts and be hidden. One hair and the Soul will
speak. There is no ruler which hides from me. Now you understand how powerful
mankind has become. He has become powerful enough to understand the work of his
own Soul, the work of his own physicality, that the time of the truth with the
enhancement of the Soul of the man will bring many realities. Would the future holds
different ... (1:10)(1:11:20) .. As I said we will not be able to ** these systems, not
for what we call the physical enhancement of the man through his Soul, but through
the dimension of the creation ** of understanding of the Soul of the man. Would it be
interesting for many of you would be a simple point, when you go into these systems
if you are ?** Rick: Mr. Keshe we couldn't hear that last sentence. (1:12)I said, if
you are a father and you go into the system with a prostate cancer and you are hoping
through the enhancement of the Soul of the man to find what we call a solution for
your physical demise, would your Soul bring you to see the reason. Would you come
to understand to hear the voice of your child, what you have done wrong to him and
you blame him for your own destiny, and would your feeling to be correct, raise the
Soul of your son, to elevate him. ** You do not need to go ** you do not need to go
to chemotherapy to sort out the cancer, but in a way you elevate the Soul of your son
through the inner connection of ** ** that the physicality takes a new course. You
were looking for the physicality while we were looking at the elevation of the Soul of
the man. Will the mankind take a new course. Now without a doubt he shall. Would
the mankind go through the next step of the elevation. Do we need ** things to hide
it. Or do we need a new dimension of critics of our own Soul to be enlightened. This
is what we are looking for. This is what we think the time has come. Today's teaching
is for mankind to understand one thing, (1:14)the "Day of Judgment" is the day what
we decide or would it be ** ... break .. 1:15:16. As you'll come to understand would
the Soul of the man, will see the point of, would we choose the point of our departure.
Would we use this new understanding of the Soul of the man to create a new
dimension, a new understanding, make and amend our ways and our lives. Would we
create a condition that knowing the truth about the condition of our own Soul will
create a new condition for the dimension of physicality. (1:16)Many, many
Knowledge Seekers as I said, will walk away and deny everything because they have
to enter these systems due to illness or challenges of life and then what would be the
answer. Would there be a kingship? Would there be anyone who would like to be on
the seat of kingdom and of kingship .. ( Break ..then it comes the question of all of
us .. passengers or do we... (1:18)14 ) would we understand more about ourselves
and would this enlightenment about ourselves bring in the new dimension in our
behavior **, in our national behavior, and in our leaders and in so many ways, would
we challenge our leaders ** ** before becoming leaders ** then would we ...

As I said we are an airport to depart for and I hope I brought you a new knowledge, a
new way to think and a new way to see and I hope in time to come mankind will learn
new ways. Mankind will come to understand and in so many ways the time has come
to change ** ** which man thought he had .. and in so many ways was the thought of
many leaders ** ** .. and the prophets of the past and do not stop until the man can
understand his own weakness. I have to leave because I have got a flight. ..
(1:20)the short teaching of today was a very powerful teaching for those who
understood and what we brought, the 5 times in between , the time of ** Thank you
very much for today and we say good-bye to this beautiful city of Dubai. ** ? ? and
in time, ** will come the time we'll return to many places we have been in, as we left
this city some 3 years ago ** by invitation ** in the short time we stayed here in the
city we learned a lot of new changes in time for the nation ** ** people, a new
dimension of understanding is the hope ** ** ** thank you very much for today and
we'll see you next week. Rick: Thank you Mr. Keshe, Just so people know we'll have
a short workshop this week because of Mr. Keshe being in transit as we discovered
today and sorry for some of the problems with the audio, we'll try to get a transcript of
the workshop out as soon as we can.
Thank you for attending 304 workshop November 28, 2019.

305th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thurs, December 5, 2019

( , )

(:06) We have some new teachings and some new ideas as usual we share on
Thursdays. We welcome many of the people in the background who come from
different establishments and government organizations to the teachings. We know
many of the national and international organizations and government officials have
started listening especially on the financial side especially since we went into the
American (stock) market, listening to these teachings and it has made a lot of
difference, particularly diplomatically and financially for the governments and the
nations. It has brought Keshe Foundation a new dimension. One of the important
things which the new work has started is the Keshe Foundation has changed its
approach in the past few months in respect to work with interfacing with
governments. (:08)In the past whenever we announced that we were going, for
example to such and such a country, the team of what we call ** team in different
parts of the world, especially Belgium start calling the hotels and governments and
sending documents that he is a fraud, and bla, bla. We give these documents in
advance of any communication with governments, and we give them a choice, you go
with this, which is going to European court of justice or you go with the Technology
which can change your government. And we have seen the change of governments,
two of the governments, especially now, especially security have monitored calls
which have come in, that they can trace who and what it is, and further on we'll tell
you what we are going to do with them. These are all telephone numbers of people
will be as part of our evidence to the European Court of Justice. The two nations we
warned in advance that we are going to, they already advanced their documents to us,
all the calls, who made them and they thought they were very clever, ** the way
governments ** other governments. They thought they called the Brazilian
government, and then they called this and that. We have collected all these data's,
that's why we give you advanced warning so that you'll start making your calls. This
is adding to our file to the European C of J, for large damages that are setting to come
up. We know as we said before, this is how Keshe Foundation is working from now
on. We head on, we are an internationally supported organization and since last time
we were in Brazil, the international officials came to an agreement with us in the
background that this is what we are going to do. Because they realized how much
damage has been done deliberately to steal the Technology from benefiting other
nations. So please make calls as much as you can, (:10)to all the hotels and
government officials, like what you made to everywhere. Now you are making us
more solid in making the claim against the state of Belgium. It's very straight forward,
and you didn't realize how we set you up, but this the way the Keshe Foundation
works from now on. Our initial contacts with officials and governments ** **
organize ourselves, we give the case of fraud which is set up by Belgium. We give
them our appeal and they can read immediately ** this is criminal. We couldn't
believe this is happening. This has lead the court case of Belgium with the Keshe
Foundation and what is happening with the human trafficking, we hear the abdication
in the structure of the Belgium government. We hear that there is a possibility that
now ** human trafficking can't happen without the knowledge of people on top. Now
there is indication of the whole structure of the human trafficking of Belgium and
what has happened to Keshe Foundation, stealing Technology together. It will come
up in the European C of J in our appeal. We hear a lot of people are traveling to
different countries trying to arrange how they can escape once this hits out. It's a
matter of time before it comes out. ** we are in Brazil at the moment. We arrived in
the beautiful nation of Brazil for the second time in the past 24 hours, call the
government we are collecting data. Please do, we'll give the name of the hotel and
everywhere else. We set you up and you fell in it and now we have a full evidence.
This is what we were looking for to go the European C of J. Systematically
governments are harassing scientists and everybody else. (:12)Then you understand
how big Keshe Foundation has become. When we informed you that last time we
were in Brazil 2 weeks ago, the nations of BRICS allowed us to stay within their
structure of security, you should have seen how the time ** ** To bring the physical
dimension and actually connecting the killing of scientists to human trafficking and
the rest of it. Thank you very much for the Belgium's giving the ** you have done us
a huge favor, you just walked into what we wanted, now we have an uphill, names
telephone numbers and everything and everybody which is done, we tell you where
we are. We are in the Country of Malta on the 16, 17 ,18 of January, please call, you
give us more data. And the same is ** ?** We are becoming very wise and so are
governments because they ** coming up. There is one thing most of you don't know
** work around this way. Most of the world leaders and their families are sick and
they are turning to Keshe Foundation because there is ** now you understand how
we change. We support the world leaders, their families, the ** governments with
their health and they can see how many lies have been told and how much has been
kept from humanity. Now please make more calls, the more you make the easier it
makes for us to do our work for what has come to the European C of J and other cases
which are running around. We are aware of one abdication of one of the world
leaders, one of the monarchies has asked and is making ** to abdicate, ** the name
and the details. This has been received through our securities. (:14)We never speak
out unless it is there and you'll understand one of the world leading monarchs, or one
of the biggest ** monarchs will soon abdicate and it will be the end of the kingship
we promised. Because the structure is really dangerous for this nation and we have to
see how much the other nations are pumping it up too, how far it'll go. But as we
know the king has made a trip requesting for him and his ** to be saved. We'll go into
this in full detail. You might hear it from us or it might come into public domain in
the coming time. The beauty of it is that we'll all become equal. Nobody is ** lower
and there is no kingship or what we call structures to damage other. On the other hand
as you may be aware we launched the development of the Enhancement Unit. It has
been a big success and it is picking up and a lot of people are waiting for its physical
appearance. It will be most probably presented in Dubai, what we call 2020 edition.
Predominately it will be displayed ** ** in January, and will lead into deliveries
worldwide. The Enhancement Unit is to correct what has gone wrong with the human
body. As you know there is a conference going on today in ** Madrid in respect to
environmental cleanup of the mess we made and the governments have no answer for
it. (:16)All what was agreed in the Paris conference and the other one and the other
one, cannot be met because the need for energy and the new style of life put demand
on. The stopping of the coal generators or power generator station will start in 2020,
but no government has that. The Chinese government will collapse the economy if
they do, and to sustain many other nations, like nations who have coal, where the
natural resources have reached the maximum cannot ** ?** .. cannot be supplied
with nuclear Technology, but then they have to go in to the coal, and this creates a
new dimension for addition and extra CO2 and climate warming and whatever they
want to call it. Today we announce the following. ** the Keshe Foundation **
(break ..) .. we make an announcement that in the Mexico conference the Keshe
Foundation will release a new system for the health of this planet. We have developed
and the same once we showed, what we call the Enhancement Unit (:18)for the body
of the man, we will deliver the new Technology, mass production for absorption of
the CO2 in large quantities, especially in the cities. There is an option for us to make
this system to be individually tailored or nationally tailored. We have the Technology
that we can extract large amounts of CO2 from the environment and convert this into
a useful product. This is our response to the conference in Spain that the world
governments and leaders in the next few days will make a lot of speeches and
hullabaloo, but there is no solution for them. Keshe Foundation will submit such a
solution. We have a big dilemma with this development. This extraction of CO2, or
what we call ** close of global warming, ** our approach ** will not change ** On
the other hand, this increase in levels of whatever we have in the environment has
come to us over 50 years as we became more industrial nations. Most of our
generation has received and most of plants and even the human bodies have adapted
to these new changes, that's why we see so much cancer too. Increase of materials
through the exhaust pipe and whatever, has created a new condition. A new evolution
in the environment that the body has had to evolve with it, (:20)and as we can't
evolve so fast, we end up with cancers. Part of the evolutionary cause of cancer is part
of what we see. It's not just global warming, it's going to get higher, the cancer rates,
partially it's due to this. They are putting too many metals into the space that we are
breathing. The new Technology which will be delivered and be mass produced is to
return and to change this position. Again the systems are for governmental level will
stay at values that we consider to be correct, if the government wants to, or in what
we call a portable version for individuals who want to do. The governments have to
decide what percentage and at what rate we are going to clean up. It's not that it is
going to be done. Now that it is in our hand and we can extract it, is how much
governments allow us to extract, because if we increase the level of oxygen in respect
to CO2 we'll create a different dangerous climate condition. This is part of what we
do. We are not coming to sort the problem we are coming to stop another problem
too. If you understand, in a way we have created a tree that releases Oxygen, but how
much O can we put in. The game the Dutch people play that you could buy a tree in
Amazon, (:22)that it creates more O, now this tree can be made in your home. You
have full control over how much you convert. But then if millions of us convert at the
same time, what damage are we going to create for ourselves. The problem is not that
mankind doesn't have the knowledge to stop anymore. But if we return too fast what
damages are going to be caused on the planet again, then if the damages are going to
be more then the CO2 created by controlling it to a lower level. Now that we have
developed the Technology for enhancement of the human body, we have developed a
Technology for the enhancement of the planet. We are healing the body of the man
with the new Technology, now we are healing the body of the planet. But this process
will have direct effect on every single being on this planet who in the past 50 or 100
years due to man's industrialization have started evolving. The pollution due to
industrialization creates cancer, creates new positions we call cancer. Now that we
have the knowledge to convert, we understand the life of the "vertical people" , how
to convert CO2 into O, now we have the knowledge to do this conversion, what is
going to be the consequences on us and our children. (:24)What does this new
Technology in conversion and extraction of CO2 brings us. Are we going to cry in 20
years that we have converted too much. As you know the life on this planet came
through the availability of CO2 and O. Now we brought it from underground to over-
ground and now we are converting it to over-ground. We are converting it from one
condition to another. The Technology, as we said, now we have understood the
promise of man in being able to imitate materials. This new Technology which is
going to be released and will be shown in Mexico, coincides with my arrest when I
went from Europe to go to Brazil to have the Brazil Gulf oil disaster. It's an
appropriate time and an appropriate place for it to be shown. We go back to Mexico to
complete what I started 10 years ago. Following that, once we can come to that point,
Keshe Foundation in the coming months will release new technologies which will be
added to the ** We can convert. (:26)We have the Technology to convert most of
the plastics in the ocean into Gans. Again we add the C and the H level, how are we
going to convert those. We have the Technology to convert what are we going to
do, convert ?** into ** element, but what damage is that going to bring. From now
on, now that we have the Technology and knowledge of the plasma, and the Gans
Technology every step we take, we have to consider what are the consequences and
sequences of the change. We cannot anymore just do things and hope somebody will
clean it up. If you are extracting CO2, what we call global warming, which is not, it is
due mainly of the moment of the earth towards the sun, if you are cleaning up the
plastics, what are we going to do with the materials which we have changed to plastic,
what is going to be the next sequence of it. Conversion of the plastic at this level, as
we see in the oceans, will release huge amounts of gas of C, huge amounts of H will
be released, which will bring new conditions. The conditions of the C in the proximity
of the oceans as we see them floating, will create a new cycle of CO2. Then what are
we going to do with it. How are we going to store these gases, these new materials.
(:28)How are we going to convert them. One of my propositions to the governments
and world leaders in the meetings we have had with different organizations is are we
going to create what we call, tank farms holding Gans's. In a long term, as I was
present with one of the future world leaders in the past few days, I explained to him.
He showed me the tank farms, and I said, we can do this with the Gans. He said, this
is the land available, let's do it. But I said, how are we going to hold and convert
Gans's in tanks in such a massive quantity. What will be the consequences for the
human race? Because they are huge energy sources, they are not anymore sitting there
doing nothing. They are not oil anymore. These are what we have to plan now that we
understand the Technology of the ?** ** It's not anymore if and when things might
go wrong that we would have to interfere. The new Technology and new science
which is developed by the Keshe Foundation around the world with different
scientists allows this to happen. Extraction of materials at will is in our command.
Extraction of any material in space is in our command. We have gathered the
knowledge and we have access to the Technology and now as we gather different
fields in travel in ** for whatever we need, now we have translated that Technology
to be used on this planet. (:30)In the coming time as I explained to some of the world
leaders and governments, the mining the way we do, is finished, open cast mining,
depth mining is over. The Technology in the coming months will be released
internationally. Keshe Foundation has entered in saving the planet through the new
Technology and we will be ruthless in delivering it. The human body enhancement
unit will be one of the smallest things the Keshe Foundation will ever do. As we build
up for the space developments to be shown in Tehran in April we'll release more
radical space technologies physically that it will be developed and distributed by the
Keshe Foundation manufacturing divisions based around the world. Today's
announcement is very simple, we are releasing a new Technology, a new system
that'll collect all the CO2, as much as you like, but we are not creating another
problem, trying to create to solve another one. What are we going to do with the
extractions from cleaning the cities. How are we preparing our people to go through
what we call the reverse evolution, which has caused so many deaths, so many
cancers, and now has to go through another process, and what would we create. In the
coming time the Keshe Foundation research centers will go through this evolution to
develop these technologies. (:32)We start from January in bringing Keshe Foundation
experts from all over the world in 2 or 3 centers. Scientists from Iran, China from all
over the world, Brazil, America, Canada will be brought into 1 or 2 centers that the
development becomes rapid. We have acquired properties and positions that allows us
as the Keshe Foundation to move in this position. In due course the Keshe Foundation
will make announcements as we said, by setting up these industries we have become
an industrial power. This will give us position and new opportunities for
environmental cleanup and everything else. In the past 48 hours we have submitted a
full dossier to one of the world leading governments in respect to cleanup of one of
the most radical pollutions involved in the nations and in due course we'll announce.
We have entered a new phase. In as much as we teach about the Soul we have to
prepare the physicality, and this planet has a Soul and it needs to be corrected that **
a life. We have developed and are now delivering what we call the body enhancement
which we'll change its name to the Soul Enhancement technology, where it's easier to
enter and interact with the Soul of the elements and the physicality of as we entered
the space Technology. Many people from ** different aspects (:34).. ask all the time
how do we do this, how can it be done, what has happened, what can I do, or how can
I make this and that. To this effect we respond the following, from the beginning of
the next term of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute in January, every Friday,
possibly a half day and if it picks up to a full day, 9 to 5 it can cover all the continents
with Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers have questions and answers sessions,
which means if you have a problem that you don't understand, Knowledge Seekers
collectively or through our experts in different fields will try to answer and solve the
problems. There is one point which I have mentioned and brought to the attention of
the Keshe Foundation team, is very simple, we are not allowing people to come in an
claim they are professors at Keshe Foundation, they do this or that. These platforms
will run that collectively everybody shares knowledge, answering questions, and not
one person is correct. We allow different views, different Knowledge Seekers with
different expertise to come in and show what they can do. What did the bring, how
did they do it, and what is their new insight. This goes with what the Keshe
Foundation Spaceship Institute education from January will come into. We do not go
into teaching Gans's and whatever. We go through collective teams to develop new
systems, new insights into all aspects. So it goes in a way that Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute goes into a research team, and while you are developing the team
to achieve something collectively as different groups, you learn what you didn't know
from other parts, it's easier this way, (:36)then people coming in and talking about the
Gans. For example if you come up with a new system for cleaning water and then you
set up to do it, the Keshe Foundation research centers will connect to you, and so the
Knowledge Seekers online, Zoom, or they can come to the research centers for awhile
to develop what they were discussing. We are tranStar Formationerring the research
and development from Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute directly to all of you. **
as I said we are not allowed to peer review. We are allowed to encourage and develop.
The only thing is if there are too many crazy ideas, we need too many crazy people to
prove that it works. Try to collectively as students and Knowledge Seekers to come
together at the next term, enroll yourself in and start enhancing your interests. You
don't come in and telling to the others, why don't we make Gans's, we want you to
collectively come together and start putting ideas on how this Technology can evolve
into anything that 2,3, 5 or 10 people want to work together to develop it. You'll be
given opportunity to use the labs which are getting developed, and then you'll have
the opportunity to take it into ** for other people to benefit ** . This is substantially
different then what we did before, because it had become, oh .. your Gans's .. you do
this and you do that, you do Nano coating, you do backwards. We have done enough
of that, there is enough literature on what we... (:38)** Now we are going into part of
converting the knowledge into practicality and as we said, we don't give any degrees
in Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute but ** energy to change things for humanity
** for one man who ** can't make, that makes ** and that will be part of our work.
On the other hand, we had to shrink the Keshe Foundation store because of the
situation in Italy. The Knowledge Seekers from next week, will be a new opportunity
with the new products which will come to the Keshe Foundation Shop hopefully by
next Thursday. This brings in all the items which we had before and the prices as we
promised will be kept at about 9.99 or 19.99 Euro. You don't need to pay a hundred
and odd Euros or 50 Euros to different people ** , you buy everything at 9.99,
delivery, everything, it will have American and European certification. We have
secured the Technology systems that all our products from next week will carry both
American and European certification that can be shipped to anywhere around the
world. The American Store, US will join, will be merged in the total Keshe
Foundation website, so we don't have the separation. As the Keshe Foundation has
separated with Global, it has nothing to do with the Keshe Foundation products, and
as we bring, we close what we call Keshe Foundation US down to become, and we
take over as the Keshe Foundation, (:40)We bring everything back in order through
the Keshe Foundation as Keshe Foundation USA, or what do you call, Global has to
do its own operation. And Keshe Foundation is the owner of the website, it's been for
years, so we offer the products through the Keshe Foundation website as of next
week. We hope to release 30 plus items and the following months we increase this to
300 units. So you see all the Pain, Pads, ankle patches and everything else, will be
around about 9.99, or 19.99. You'll see the return of many things which were and it
was taken off the Keshe Foundation through the operation of the Italian, what we call,
deception. Now it will come in a bigger way with a range of colors and everything
else. We can reduce the prices to half of that if need be. This goes back to our
distributors who were cheated and moved on to the Italian operation. In the next few
days the Keshe Foundation will call all the distributors into a meeting. You have to
make it very clear to us, do you work with the Keshe Foundation as you were the
Keshe Foundation and you were taken out, or you stick with the people you went to
and we close your account. This is straight forward, until the situation with the Italian
organization is sorted with the central government of Italy, how they are going to
handle such a work. We have to be very correct, we thought we would disconnect and
literally close all of the distributors accounts who went to ** , but we found out they
were cheated, they were lied and many of them have come back to us and we
understand this position, we have to be correct. (:42)At the same time, in setting up
of these new parameters we encourage our distributors to become in a very large scale
much more bigger operatives. If you think you can do, sell the Keshe Foundation
products, we'll encourage you and set you up in different ways, and we allow you, and
we would like to extend to you the sale of these bigger units to different public
groups, hospitals and we allow and train the new distributors, all the distributors to
make a new management distribution. We are not going out to find sales groups, we
are using the existing Keshe Foundation people who stay loyal to the Keshe
Foundation to work and build their own sales team group internationally. Keshe
Foundation has to grow within, and many people have made a lot of efforts to do this
over the years and one broke affair doesn't mean everything is lost ** We'll allow the
distributors to meet, you'll receive a call from the Keshe Foundation in the next few
days to come into this meeting. The plan is very clear, those who work and follow the
ethos of the Keshe Foundation will be supported by the Keshe Foundation, and we
want to increase and develop the culture of the Keshe Foundation Gans and other
products, internationally through our distributors. We are now setting up another
parallel for those who work locally. We'll announce this in the due course when it is
settled. We are looking for those who are distributors for the Keshe Foundation to set
up a management (:44)of distribution and a sales team for the Keshe Foundation
worldwide, otherwise we have to go outside and bring people in and we see cheating
and lying as we have seen in Italy. They were not Knowledge Seekers, they were
brought in and they thought they took opportunity but apparently the Italian officials
look at it totally different. They got a way with it, but criminality is shining all over it
and the Italian government has taken a very serious view in this matter because they
need the Keshe Foundation for something else in the structure which can effect Italian
position internationally. We are not taking the nation to any point, but of the nation to
be profitable and comfortable for both. We are bringing and centralizing everything in
the Keshe Foundation and not the Global. Global operation has to go through its own
way and the structure that it has. As I said, ** ** the stock will increase rapidly form
next week, they are doing a catalog and translation of it in different languages,
certification in Europe and America will come with all the products. Delivery of the
items will be very rapid as we are holding a massive stock that is available for
dispatch. At the same time we centralize everything to ** China has become a center
point of the work of the Keshe Foundation and where we hold our storage depots in
China. And we'll distribute from China which is easy for us to do. (:46)The
Knowledge Seekers in China have supported us to achieve this point and we'll carry
on with the same process. As you saw before there was a delay in deliveries for a
specific reason that was to discredit the Keshe Foundation, that has already been
sorted. We have structured everything back into order and we bring everything under
the banner of totally being controlled by the Keshe Foundation Austria, which has
become the center point, and the work of Keshe Foundation worldwide, but the
operation will move into Malta in 2020 ** These are the announcements we had to
make because I think the conference on global warming ** the new machines will be
seen in Mexico. As our teams are working in different angles. We'll announce a new
research center which will be opened very soon. We are in negotiation ** should
know by the end of this month, we'll complete it and it will become part of ** ** our
people will be requesting 3 maybe 5 top Iranian scientists to join us in this research
center. The same from the American side, we are not looking for Knowledge Seekers
who are enthusiasts, these are scientists ** literally who work with the Keshe
Foundation Technology in universities and other parts. We are bringing, ** no
knowledge is ** every knowledge is ** we just have to see how we can amalgamate
it, bring it ** (:48) giving the scientists ground work that they can enhance it. I met
with a beautiful scientist from Iran in my visit in Dubai last week. They have
developed new Technology fire extinguisher, we have seen this in other parts, but
they are trying to merge it with the Gans Technology and we support it, and as I said
to them, we'll enhance this program. If it is what it shows to be the Keshe Foundation
research ** and ** is available to them. We have other scientists around the world
who ** ** .. how it can be done. Many scientists are doing the same. We'll start
supporting this. Rick: We missed part of the sentence just before you mentioned the
Chinese. How the scientists are going to do something. The scientists will develop
different technologies we'll give them room to see how we can merge it with the
plasma and Gans Technology. As I said at the beginning when we started the Keshe
Foundation, the present knowledge is built on the past achievements of the human
race. We are not something off the ground, just ourselves. We have built knowledge
on the knowledge of our own fathers and forefathers. (:50)So we have to respect and
develop this in the correct way. We build on the knowledge which you have gained in
the universities in your work and if it is practical, and can be done, and if we can
support it we'll bring it out and we support you to extend the knowledge, to be able to
bring new technologies out. This Technology is not just the Gans of CO2 and the
others. The scientists in Iran are working heavily in agriculture part and those who
don't understand it they claim there is something wrong, because when I actually look
at some of the scientists, in Iran do their job, it is laughable, because they haven't
understood and they claim a lot. If they would have understood it and have done it
properly they'll see how correct it is. They have to learn to not spoon-feed more,
blueprinting and people copying and then see, keep quiet and then those who do not
understand then they blame for their own lack of understanding. These kind of
processes with us have come to an end. As I said we have moved in different ways
and we'll develop new ways. You'll hear some new announcements that might
surprise you, that the Keshe Foundation will release the Book #4 in a very short time
in 2020. Book #8 in conjunction with the new patent will be released. As you know
we released the patent to be published, the world patent, freely so that everybody can
get access to it. We are not patenting it to lock. (:52)We are returning back to
Belgium very soon and for that reason we are releasing the books. Keshe Foundation
the Book #4, "The Creation of The Solar System" will be released in 2020 and all the
diagrams, what we call the book will be more then what was done originally, we
added more chapters to it. The patent for the creation of magnetical field, the origin of
magnetical field, the Book #8 will be published. As you know the Book #9, "The
Soul", was collected in all the teachings in part by Sandor during his lifetime, we
thank him, we are now in possession of all the documents and these will change, as
part of the teachings ** Sandor and family was collecting and other Knowledge
Seekers and the Book #9. The only problem is how are we going to demonstrate the
Soul of the man. ** The Book #4 we ** will be published in 2020, "The Creation of
the Solar System", in much more depth, you'll understand more. Book #8 will be
done, this is one of the reasons I will be withdrawing from public life and concentrate
to be able to do more research and development. ** The Keshe Foundation to Ella and
the others will take over that it allows us to continue with as much as possible while
we are on this planet that we can enhance the knowledge of man. We invite Red
Circle if he likes to come and complete the pictures on the platform for Book #4, we
welcome him for the way he has done .. that's what we do with him outside ** He has
been a good illustrator for it. (:54)He is invited back to work with us to finish Book
#4 because he understands the way. The same way he has the intellect to write the
patent for the creation of what we call, magnetical fields. We invite you back if you
want to write the patent to collaboration, the same as before. In Keshe Foundation we
don't keep enemies, we keep those to understand what the enemy themselves for (that
the enemy is in themselves). In this process a number of books will be releasing in
what we call, Book #5 and 6. We don't work in the background, we work directly, so
in a way, whatever, those who want to be involved in the graphics of Book #4 and
those who want to be involved in the patent of the "creation of magnetical Fields" ,
which goes back to the essence of creation of the Creator. We are opening that door in
2020, I'll take more time in that as now the technologies are getting developed and
marketed by the Keshe Foundation team. In a very simple way, Def Florescence if
you want to do the illustration for Book #4, we can do, you don't need to go back onto
anything else, and at the same time you are a good patent writer, and creation of
magnetical fields, would be a good place to complete what we started years ago. This
is part of working the way people ** .. .. It's time to complete the cycle as I said, by
March 20 or 21 I will leave the Keshe Foundation, (:56)operation totally and all these
things have to be completed in the next 18 months. ** ** work to complete the full
knowledge and technologies that mankind has enough to build on that he will not fall
in the traps of the past and be controlled by those who call themselves the religious
leaders, or hold the key to the door of a Mosque, Church or a Synagogue. We open all
the doors to complete the knowledge and those who have contributed to us more will
appreciate to us how this Technology will take shape in a much, much deeper shape
and form, now that we have understood and completed most part of the research. This
is a part work that has to be completed for mankind to become knowledgeable to enter
the final phase of the distribution and understanding of the knowledge that in the
space we don't become slaves. Slaves to no one except to our own ignorance. And if
we don't understand it, it has to have a meeting in what we call a way, as a process
that it reaches that point and is not magic, and is not that we have to show. As I said
many times, I will not show any magic. Because the time of magicians in the name of
religion is there to make blind men see, is all over. Because now we have raised the
Soul of the man to understand the totality that the physicality is part of its operation.
(:58)This is the changes that will come. This is the process that will add to all of our
knowledge. In the process of the teaching, we have to understand, the teaching will
never end. The man who says he knows all of it, is the man who knows none of it.
Because if you really knows none he will not claim. We just share knowledge, that is
why we are called Knowledge Seekers and we invite everyone to come and join and
share. We are making it possible for all nations and governments to be involved as
part of our work and what we call our process. We'll announce in the coming time
clinical trials which have started with universities for diseases like Parkinson's or all
the brain diseases. We have signed ** an agreement in the past few days and
hopefully in the next few days as it gets its final shape we'll announce one of the
largest clinical trials for properly evaluating and developing a patent understanding of
the whole process. In the coming time in the space as we can't take doctors we have to
develop technologies which can diagnose the disease or we go through the balance of
the Soul through the Universal Enhancement system that once you go through the
system the body enhances to what it has to be to be perfect. (1:00)One of the
important points about the Enhancement Unit is that it is a space unit. In the space we
suffer from viruses, from the energy packs and this system is set to extract and
additional or depleting virus system. The Enhancement Unit is a space Technology
unit and this is what many of you will come to realize. This is why the system works
so beautifully more with the Soul of the man then with the physicality. The Soul of
the man is an energy pack independent of amino acid strength in the physical
dimension. Step by step in different teachings I'll open up the truth about the
Universal Systems the Enhancement unit. This is why the Enhancement Unit
(Enhancement Unit) the new system is so vital to be utilized internationally, because
in the dimension of this system we don't interfere so much with the physicality, but as
it is a plasma and is set to the amino acid strength of the man it keeps a steady
continuous same strength so any addition as it is stronger in feeding gets, depletes
itself. At the same time if there is any reduction it gets elevated by the system. The
Enhancement Unit is not as you thought in the beginning, that you go in there and you
get Parkinson's corrected and then you don't have. The Parkinson's, (1:02)comes from
the space gap in the energy of what we call the emotion of physicality and the system
balances it and then you see it. You should have understood this when you saw the
man standing up after 2 or 3 days using the Enhancement Unit in China, without any
physiotherapy or anything else, without actually doing anything by just enhancing the
Soul in the system and the physicality just followed. In the new space Technology this
is what we'll do, if you go into with a cancer and come out of a system without the
cancer, it's emotional and you'll find out that it's the Soul of the man which sorts it
out. But if you go through the evolution (type) cancer you are talking about the Soul
of the man in interaction of the physicality with the Soul of the planet to adjust each
other that they can accommodate each other that one can live with the physical
changes in the dimension of the planet. In the new system, the Enhancement Unit we
consider the Soul of the planet in respect to the Soul of the man. In that process **
** ? ? will find a position to accommodate each other that does not lead to the demise
of the man.

Now you understand more what are the Universal Systems set to do. The whole
process is not just to make you better or without a cancer, the US in the position of
that use, will be used, (1:04)for different aspect of the health of the body and for
feeding the man and the rest. What we see in the coming years, as we say in English,
Why have the Pakistanis never won the world cup, is because every corner they find
they open a shop. Soon in every corner on this planet you'll find an Enhancement
Unit. People going in to feed, to ** , people want something and it will become as
normal as anything else and this will take a lot of changes to the human race. This will
bring a lot of changes to the human race, that we don't have to worry where the food,
materials, shelter comes from. This is part of the same process and we need to go
through this phase to become what we call, a true human race.

People who understand it and not only look after their own physicality and Soul,
they'll also look after the Soul of the planet and in turn collectively we'll change the
planet. As more and more of these systems are launched in the space Technology, by
cleaning up the body of the man, by Mexico (conference) cleaning up the damage we
have done to this planet, by ourselves. Then we'll explain to you what mankind has
done in the book, that you don't even know, that we extend the process of what we
call, re-habitation. (1:06)The new Enhancement Unit in reality is a total system that
mankind has to gradually learn to live and be with. .. If you look at the internal shape
of the Enhancement Unit, it has the shape of the Universe. It's not a sphere inside, it is
oval inside and when you take it by ratio, it's a copy of our Universe.

If you look at the Soul of the man and the physicality ** ** it's the central line of the
Universe and creates balance of the energies. When you put man in the upright
position we create the same condition through the Soul of the man. We call it the
womb of the Universe, and not the womb of the mother. The Universe is the womb
where all and everything has been created. And when you look at the systems that are
** planted around it, these are like other universes ** effecting its ** internally. When
you look at the shell of the system, it's a Unicose, a collection of different universes
created in interacting fields inside. Inside in ** response, balance is the body and the
Soul of the man. (1:08)The new Enhancement Unit are replication of the Creator,
that's why we released the patent, the book on the creation of the magnetical fields
and the creation of life in the Universe by the Creator.

This process had to be brought to mankind this way that it was in gradual steps. When
you enter the Enhancement Unit you will see satellites and at the same time you
become part of the whole structure. Your Soul has to find balance with itself and with
the dimension of the Universe. Soon mankind will understand. When we call it a
universal system it doesn't mean that it applies to everything, (rather) it is a copy of
the Universe itself. In that process the body finds balance in every aspect. When
mankind becomes wise enough and understands looking at it, when you seat a man
inside it will be like a solar system in the galaxy of the Universe. It will shine on its
own as a star. The new Enhancement Unit is not what you thought, it's a copy, a
replication of the true life, (1:10)** admission and start of the life as what we call,
the God, the Creator.

Rick: Sorry we missed that line.


The Enhancement Unit will be a copy an exact replica of the Universe. It's exactly
what we expect from life in the Universe. It's a copy of the replication of the creation,
where the Creator started the whole process of the life. We call Him God or whatever.
In the patent to be released and in the book to be released, in conjunction with the
universal system, mankind will come to understand what I have given. We use the
ways of the Universe to interact with the ways of the physicality of the man and in
this process we create many new conditions, new lives, many new understandings for
the man himself. Thy shall not steal.

You will understand very soon in these systems, no one can steal, not even from the
Universe. The understanding of the motion of magnetical fields in the space of the
Universe leads to creation of new lives. We do not have a GPS, (1:12)to know where
the position is where we want to go, but with the new Enhancement Unit the
Technology which is developed, mankind will be able to position himself anywhere in
the Universe. We don't need to put satellites everywhere to find where we are. We use
the knowledge and the connections of what we have developed to position ourselves
to anywhere in the Universe. Creation of the motion and life and understanding how
life will look in that position will become part of the work of the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers and research centers in the coming months and days.
Keshe 基金会知识寻求者和研究中心的工作的一部分。

We have to understand how did the magnetical fields get started. What is its origin.
What lead to the creation of fields, even if there is a Creator we call the God, even if
we learned ourselves to that path of belief, it has to have a position and a field
direction. The question now becomes the ** between the egg and sperm. Did the egg
and sperm come first or did the Soul of the man, or the interaction of the fields of the
egg and the sperm lead to the creation of the Soul, (1:14)which lead to the creation of
man. This question sits the same with the Creator. Did the Soul of the Creator which
lead to the creation of the Unicose come from the interaction of the fields. That
through those fundamental structure of the fields lead to the creation of the Creator,
the Soul of the Creator, that itself lead to the creation of the physicality of the Creator,
what we call God, which is the Universe we see.

In the coming time, in the books to be released and to what we call, the way to release
it around the world, as patented, which is the easiest way to share knowledge for the
human race, we bring this question to an end. It’s not a matter of did the chicken or
the egg come first, it's a matter of what lead to the creation of the egg before it
became a chicken. This is what we have to understand and as you know many
followers have a problem with the kitchen and the chicken.

Now we have to understand did we create a kitchen that it allowed and created a
condition for the chicken to be born. Did the fields lead to the creation of the Creator.
But the question comes, where did the fields come from. Or is the life of the man not
** ** a mirage, a fantasy. (1:16)These questions if mankind answers before he steps
into the universal, what we call, arena, will come to understand that he is equal to all
other creatures of the Universe, there are no higher but they understood more.

Now he understands more that he cannot imagine. There is a huge problem in many
cultures, in African and Middle Eastern, in part of South America and Asia, people
will not even give a cut of the hair to you because they say that you can use it to
control us. They believe in black magic because they can control and do this and that.
Would this have a position in a way that those who understood the access to the Soul
of the man, or do they control the imagination of the man that they control what the
man wants to see.

As I was talking to a friend of ours, he said they control people through black magic,
but the darkness or blackness of the magic is the man's lack of understanding of the
totality of his own Soul. Would and can we enhance the Soul of the man that he can't
be abused this way. Who is going to do to you the black or the white magic or
rainbow magic in the Universe and you believe in it. (1:18)Because he can do
something, but he has learned a trick. These are the fundamental questions that we
have to answer with the present knowledge and with it take mankind into the
dimension of the new space Technology. Where does the essence of the Soul of the
man come from? And how can some of us have or get access or some develop access
to a higher order that we can make it (appear as) magic for those who are in the lower
order. How can we set up systems that uses the higher level of the whole structure of
the universal magnetical and gravitational fields. Where does mankind lead himself
through his Soul, not through his physicality.

We had a very interesting encounter in our meeting or visit to Istanbul a couple of

weeks ago. As you know you can join different kind of shows on ** the river (through
Istanbul). We were joined with hundreds of other people. (1:20)On this venture each
nationality has a flag on the table. There were Jewish people, Bulgarians, Chinese,
Iranians, Saudis, from every culture. There were flags on the table from every culture
to show from where you come from. All hundreds of them were concentrated on what
was to be a joyful night. It was very interesting what happened, it was part that I sat as
an outside observer and looked at the conduct of the man. At the table I was sitting I
was the Iranian with the flag of Iran, behind me were a table of Iranians. At the edge
of our table there was a Saudi couple and then joined another Saudi couple with the
flags of Saudi Arabia on the table with a space gap of 2 chairs. Then on the other side
were mainly 6 or 7 rows of Jewish people.

When the program started, you have to understand that there is a subconscious
mentality that you can't put the Saudis, Iranians and the Jews together because there
will be a mayhem. When the function started going, and these people are expert they
know this is the function and they emphasized that every nationality comes out and
dances to their own music that it brings a unification. All the people understand a little
bit and try to calm the situation. The strangest thing happened, the Saudis (1:22)felt
like outcastes and they asked to be removed from the room. So the 4 Saudis moved
out because they couldn't sit at the table with an Iranian and then there were Jews on
the other side. This is the mental lock.

This is what is going to happen to the mankind in the space if you understand the
logic behind it. When the music and dancing started the Iranians and Jews came
dancing on the floor with the flag of Israel because there were a lot of them. What I
did is I took the Iranian flag and I joined them and I gave the flag of Iran in exchange
for their flag. They hesitated, then they took the flag and they gave a flag and we both
kissed each others flag. And then the Iranians and the Jews you didn't know (the
difference) anymore. Accidentally one of the Iranians was a beautiful perfect dancer
and the Jews would not let him go. What we saw was, mankind loving each other, the
color of the flag, and the beauty of it was that they were all eating non-kosher food
and the ** had our food. And none of them cared because they started eating from
each other. (1:24)They started dancing with each other.

In the space we'll have the same position, we need to dance with citizens of the
Universe. As long as they don't care (feel) fear in us. If they create that fear, mankind
will go into space the same way. Those who choose to be outcastes will create a
problem for themselves. In space, in the dimension of the Universe the Soul of the
man should shine as an example of his planet and the Soul of his creatures,
irrespective of color, race, and path of belief. What we learned is very simple, would
mankind mature so fast as to get to that point, or would he still be tormented by those
who want to abuse him for his development of his Soul. Or would mankind have a
fear to go into the system that he becomes equal to the others. (1:26)It will be very
interesting that what happens when we put these systems for the world leaders and the
common man to go in together. Would the Soul bow to the other that you are the Soul
of a king or would a king bow to the Soul of a farmer that you feed me, and my
existence is because of you.

Then you understand how we have to behave in the space Technology of today and
what is coming up. My words will be understood by mankind very soon. .. I am
sending a Enhancement Unit to the city of Brussels for the kings to walk in first to
lead their nation. I wonder what excuses they'll find not to enter it. One will be gifted
to Vatican and we'll see if the Holy Father will let his flock in, and will they come out
as they went in. Do you remember when we gave the key to the nations, the
governments we announced it. As we send these Enhancement Unit to the
governments, (1:28)and the world's religious leaders we'll announce it. It's for public
to see how they come out. Would they go in for their illnesses and come out a new
man? I wonder who would refuse the gift of the elevation of his Soul, the priest or the
prisoner. The one whose Soul was imprisoned by the priest for centuries. I wonder if
the Islamic leaders will refuse to enter, and what excuses they find not to enter.

As I said, I am a good teacher and I know how to work and how to teach. When we
give these systems to the world leaders, to the nations, the leaders have to walk in
first. The days are numbered. Around about 20 - 25th of January we'll show the first
units. And ** we'll get the world leaders to walk in. (1:30)And that's it. Now you
understand why some world leaders are planning their abdication.
1 月 20-25 日,我们将展示第一批产品。然后呢。?我们会让世界领导人走进

Any questions?
Q: The Romanian governments has no solution for water contamination from sea
vessels such as dead ships, how can we help?

This problem exists for many nations. This problem of sea contamination, especially
oil contamination, when they wash their tankers in the open spans of the seas and it
gets washed into different areas form different countries and ship wrecks. This is
something that we have created and there is a solution for it. It's not just the
Romanians. You have it heavily in the Gulf of Mexico, (1:32)and in the Persian Gulf,
you have it anywhere there is an oil export. Because if you have been in the oil
industry then you know what they have to do. they have to wash their tankers from
anything else or they create gases inside which can lead to explosion. they put a
mixture of the oil and it has to be cleaned out and they dump it in the ocean and it just
washes in the ** ocean and we have seen some accidents before. This with the new
Technology is recoverable but as I said, from now on when we go into the recovery
mode we have to consider something else, what and how long has that damage been
there and what has been created as a new life style. Romanian officials don't like to
work with what we call pig flow because part of the officials income form
Enhancement Unit is so good why should they. A lot of people have to understand the
position of world leaders, their bank account is more important than their nations. The
position of power is more than what their nations have. In the moment, why the
European Community governments who are facing this ** are not doing anything
because the subsidies are very good and a few decision makers are making good
money from it. (1:34)At least some of it is deliberately introduced. We saw people
who go because then they can get what they want from it and they create uprisings
and all sorts to be done. We have seen the announcements of the change of
governments in Iraq in the past few days, the announcement or resignations, the same
in Malta. The same in other countries. We saw the deliberate set up of a revolution, a
secondary revolution in Iran two weeks ago where they burned the banks and
everybody thought it was going to be there, but it was the cleverness of the
government understanding that it was a set up revolution to come up later on, and they
created a false uprising and those who were really the creators were waiting to create
the biggest revolution in Iran, ** they thought they would do it and come in and
capture the whole lot of them. People didn't understand two weeks ago when there
was announcement in Iran of burning the banks. As I said, we are very clever people
we said there would be a ** and they made all the ** and now we know who they are.
We used their ** and their evidence to the European Court of Justice. The same thing
happened in Iran. The officials became aware of a massive finance outside mainly by
Vatican to start the revolution in Iran and tranStar Formationer huge amounts of
money into Tehran and all the cities. They paid the rogues, what we call the thieves,
the bandits to create that ** The central government became aware of it. And they set
out, the ** burning of the banks, then the others thought they had started the chaos
and they came out and they captured the whole lot. That's why you heard about the
end of it ** All the Internets were closed from where they were supposed to receive
instructions from Vatican and America. (1:36)People have to become clever in
understanding the work of the nations and governments and how they don't allow
manipulations anymore. This is why 2 weeks ago I announced clearly my solidarity
with the nation of Iran that we don't enter politics. Because they wanted to pull the
Keshe Foundation into it and we were fully aware of what was going on. I don't talk
out of place. I talk because it is the place for it. We are loyal to the nation of Iran and
As I said, we always work with those who are elected to be the rulers. We don't work
with the opposition, we work with those who are in power to rule for the benefit of the
nations and through elevating of their souls they elevate themselves to bring a good
nation up. I support Iranian Technology across in all my negotiations where Iran can
export a Technology, I support it, I am there to do with not only with Iran, with the
Chinese, I do the same with the Austrians. To me all the nations are one, and in a way
we see, because we negotiated with the government. The Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers and members of the Universal Council know how we talk to your
government. We were told internally through our securities there is too much money
in the background, just they don't want to do it, because somebody is likely getting
very well paid. In Romania we know exactly what is going on because our team in
Romania they set up meetings at the highest level. (1:38)We spoke to secretaries of
state. Collectively even if we try to do cleanup it's not ** ** Wherever the resistance
comes is because somebody's pocket is getting a little less lubricated.

Q: What kind of device can measure the fields of a plasma, the type and their

I learnt the plasma we make there is no measurement tools for it, unless you create the
system which we developed years ago. You need a system that can more or less take 6
axis, fields of magnetical fields that it gives you a spherical image. (1:40)Then you
have to work on a high level, what we call, frequency, a very high level frequency and
a very low level frequency that you get a full spectrum of the ball of the plasma and
you get guidelines. There are people who say they can measure the plasma



(2:00)and this spectrum of red means to me joy, but to another it could mean danger.
The same color. If you look at the, what we say, the beautiful Spanish red, you've
seen the most gorgeous warming red color. We have a slight different shade of it, we
see in the Chinese flag and what the Chinese wear for the wedding. It's a very slight
difference, it's not the same and it brings the condition of ruling. That color ** it. If
you go to Africa and people wear a slightly different color of red, and it means
morning. If you put the three next to each other you see a very slight difference with

(2:04)Any other question.

Q: So one fields for example the CO2 Gans can be 2 or 3 more fields in different
directions, 1 by another?

Q: so would the detector be the resultant of all the other at one particular point?
Yes. it measures at that point.

Q: Is that why you have to do 3 dimensional in order to see where the fields might be
coming from or developing stronger, it's hard to do from one particular point?

You can do an average of what it comes to and see what it is taking and what it is
giving, and you can visualize. You can answer people. It would be nice if the new ..
what you call it, Knowledge Seekers they would create something like what we call a
lie detector and see how the change of the fields shows the truth about the man, not as
this temperature or whatever. It ** checks the environment of the room. What they do
with the plants. Now on the strength of the ** man. It would be very interesting how
they would develop it. But at the same time the new ** should be how do we create ,
(2:06)what we call, resistors or capacitors and ..

(2:10) Staff in the background is jetlagged ..

use ?**
(2:12) We prefer 3 system unit centers.
In Brazil the center for 10 units, our target is to raise it to 200 to 400 units in the next
year to make it one of the largest centers in South America. Then we are looking at in
the UA Emirates establishment of the new center. We'll announce that very shortly.
We have just to complete a couple of things and we'll announce it.
.. By January at least 10 to 20 centers around the world will be operational in January
or February or March. (2:14)

(2:20)Q: Will the conference in Brazil be Live streamed?

No, we will not live stream any of the conferences. We do not even record them. You
haven't seen any pictures from us.

Q: You said it's free and anyone can join?

Yes. No, you are not pushing us there. No way. You see when we started these
conferences, we knew and we set it for Knowledge Seekers of that country and to stop
the mayhem of people traveling half way around the world to be. A few people travel
to be present in some conferences, from different countries, but it's primarily it's for
those nationals, to strengthen their work. What we saw 3 weeks ago, that there was a
need for developing and strengthening the structure in this country because we were
not aware of the facts here. Now that we got here we see there is a lot of misconduct
** ** and to jumpstart and to bring them back together in balance. I see ** between
different Knowledge Seekers just trying ** for who has done wrong. (2:22).. ** like
children, he did this or that to me. We are here to support and enhance the Technology
in this part of the world. Then we go to Malta. The conference date has been brought
1 week forward, the 17th and 18th ** Then we are in to Mexico, they don't **
organize these ** conferences ** It's ** we can interact with the governments and
diplomats. This conference next week is mainly government officials who heard about
the Technology and they want to take it to the next step and Keshe Foundation
supporters to come in and understand the work of their governments, their nations.
This is what we try to do. If you want to come to Malta we are in Malta, and if you
want to come to Mexico. The Indian one has been put back. Another announcement
will be there. The ** Malta has been put to May. We are moving these conferences
that we can have maximum effect and nourish to every being to help the Keshe
Foundation supporters in this area. Then it goes back in the hands of the local Keshe
Foundation supporters, they have to announce it. (2:24)

Q: Yesterday we had a teaching which we discussed systems which are embedded in

the body which convert matter to fields and then fields to matter, and this is the lungs
and digestive system, and there is one system which converts fields to matter and this
system I can't pronounce the name of it correctly, which makes the egg and sperm. Is
that correct?
Try to pronounce it.

Q: Which system makes the egg in the woman and which the sperm in men?
Rick: the reproductive system is that what you mean? ovaries.** (2:26)There is
something you need to extend your knowledge to. I have to leave in 28 minutes ..
You have got to remember the understanding of your knowledge of today.

If you look at the reproduction organs of the creatures they are at opposite ends of
the .. sperm is released, egg is released, (2:30)whatever has happened in the
dimension of the physical life which through the circulation of the blood tranStar
Formationers the information to the DNA, RNA, and the true Soul of the man, it is
tranStar Formationerred to the egg or the sperm ** ** we call the software of it, and
the sperm is just a physical matter taking that software to where it's going to be used




It's 8 O'clock sharp. (2:54)


306th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - December 12, 2019

(Using the UBESU or Enhancement Unit to elevate our souls we need to become
humble and help the others to elevate, When you achieve elevation of the Soul you
become a light and those who claim to achieve but cannot make a light of your Soul
are false claims, If you managed to create a hollow center in your Gans and the next
step to create a light then you have created a Soul of that material, The center hollow
is like an electron to the proton of your Soul, This is one of the ways to elevate the
Soul of the Man, , )

(:05). .. We'll try to dig deeper into the knowledge this time and see how far we can
go and how deep we can go in gaining of the new knowledge. We've seen in the past
few weeks and months that many Knowledge Seekers are trying to find their Soul or
part of it and trying to understand that position and understanding the strength of what
is hidden within the gem of the creation of the what we call, ** body. And some think
they have reached this point and they start making claims of, they have achieved this,
and they don't need to be here, I want to be there. If you managed to guide you to, and
reach to what we call, finding the strength of your Soul and you don't need to be, or
do things around the Keshe Foundation. That was our sole purpose to be independent,
that was our purpose. So we see more people elevating themselves. Finding out the
new ways, but try to be humble enough to understand that most ** human, these kind
of, what we call steps, is the time when you have lost the whole totality of it. Because
these were tests for us and as human beings ** ** as created things that we find our
position in respect and the whole structure goes on this basis. We are here not just to
elevate our (own) souls, but we are here to elevate the souls of the others who need
elevation. (:08). It will be interesting to see how many of the people who come close
and start learning, or going into these, what we call Universal Systems and by being
elevated start making a lot of claims and positions. The beauty of it is we let the
mankind make these claims and what we call mistakes while they are here. Because
once you enter the Universe Community and then making the claims you'll make a
fool of yourselves. This is one thing that needs to be understood by many of you who
have taken this path and become elevated. We see to become and to understand the
power of your Soul. Be humble enough otherwise you'll be humbled. It is a very fine
line, and we have seen this happening in the past few weeks, there are people, some
who become humble enough to understand more and some claim to be the totality and
does not need (the Keshe Foundation), but in total we have done everything that what
we call the balance is created. The totality is created. It will be interesting to see how
these new souls who understand and become part of the totality of the understanding
of the elevation of the Soul, actually achieve it. Some think, those who reach the
point of what we call salvation, (:10). the point of understanding of how to
elevate the Soul of themselves, they become a light. If anyone claims that they
have reached the point and cannot become the light, is a false claim. ** This is
one of the keys to understanding the position of the Soul of the man, because those
who say I can achieve everything, (should) sit and be watched to see if they can
become the light. Then you understand that you become the giver, to become the
center to be elevated, to elevate and if anyone claims I have reached and I do not need
the Keshe Foundation and you cannot make a light of your Soul it means you have **
nothing ** balancing. And you can see a lot of these. These are the claims that come
from the same as clergy. These are what we call the new Soul clergy who talk through
the false understanding of their own position. We will see a lot of this. Do you
remember what we said at the very beginning, everybody wanted to know if
something is a Gans, if you have a Gans. We explained with some Gans's if you put
them in the freezer they don't freeze because they create a condition. But many of you
who created the Gans's, you took in the process of production, some material stayed
open conversion of matter so you ** saw it freezing. And then you got lost, some of
you put vinegar and acid in it and it got dissolved because everything was on the
matter state. The way you created the Gans, (:12). was not of a higher quality to get
the higher order. Then we explained more or less the only way we can see a Gans to
be a Gans, or a water that appears to be a Gans, is to place it in a full ball and ?**
rotate it at 2700 RPM and you'll see a hole in the center. If you do that with a water
you'll never achieve it. But if you managed to create a right combination of materials,
of Gans's in that ball it will cause the light. Not many of the Keshe Foundation
researchers have managed to do that. This is something which will become part of the
understanding of the totality. It's the same with the Soul of the man, when you achieve
to reach the position of understanding the Soul, that becomes a giver, you become a
light. The funniest thing is, that those who claim to be, and we allow them to come
into the teaching and ** they thought they ** could use the Keshe Foundation, never
made anything themselves. And what do you call it, without actually ** leaving **
anything ** , and if you have, if you manage to understand the process of what is the
difference between the matter and a Gans by rotation of the ball. Then you manage to
achieve what we call, the hollow center, which is the center of the totality of the
energy, then you have created a Gans. (:14). Then if you can reach the next step
to make this center ball into a light, then you have created a Soul, the Soul of the
material. Rick: I lost the last sentence .. If you manage to create a hole in the center
of the ball, Rick Crammon was one of the first ones to achieve this, then they started
putting Gans's in and rotating more and we saw the center ball. Then you understand
that you have understood the totality of the work. In so many ways, you see the
light because you are creator of the light. That center ball is like an electron to
the proton of your Soul, that creates a condition of the creation of the light. In the
future, mankind will understand what this means. In the future this is one of the ways
to elevate the Soul of the man. The confirmation of the existence of the proton
comes by the rotation and motion of the electron. In its rotation of high speed
confirms the existence of a higher order field, that the interaction and the light, on
earth, it creates that light. When as a nuclear physicist you go through the first steps of
the teaching, of becoming to understand nuclear Technology, they should give you
this. At that time when we used to study, (:16). it was impossible to confirm the
existence of the proton but we could see the white motion of the electron around it. It
is the same. In a way, in the new Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) we reach
that point. We saturate the environment of the system, in a position that the Soul will
shine. In the upcoming technologies which will be released it will be the same. Many
of the materials, many of even water contaminations which man considers to be as
hazardous, are sources of energies for the travels of the Universe. It's us who has to
understand, in the future, in the depth of the space, what condition creates that
position for the Soul that not only of the man, but the passengers of the Universe
exists. Not just I am happy it's good for me, I don't care about the rest. Mankind in the
coming time will realize this not only on the planet earth but throughout the space.
Just because something is not any use to you, does not mean that it is no use to
anyone else (to no one). This is part of understanding the work of the Universe but at
the same time understanding the work of the Soul of the ** In the coming time man
will become, and matures enough to be able to understand. (:18). Man will mature
enough to be able to find out what his Soul is made of. As I said, the time is ticking
and everyday we get closer to be able to bring that point for man to receive the
confirmation of his own Soul, existence of it, the brightness of it, the strength that he
can shine on the others. If the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers, which are
increasing by hundreds of thousands everyday, especially since we launched the
Enhancement Unit. Everyone is looking for salvation in the physical dimension by
using these systems, but in fact, they have to look to see what it brings for the
elevation of our Soul. Mankind with this new understanding should not look for the
physical elevation of his physicality, but to look and see how the Soul of the man will
elevate that it might lead to salvation from the pain of physicality. This is the process
which we are going through and we will complete in the coming weeks. Many of you
will use the system and many of you would not like to be back in the dimension of
physicality. (:20). It's in the writings of the profits of the past, it says, if I show you
the beauty of the other side you all will commit suicide to be on the other side. But
with this new Technology you don't need to commit suicide to be on the other side,
you are given the golden key on how to achieve it without the termination of the
physical life. Then we'll see how the behavior of the mankind will change. Then we'll
see how mankind will elevate himself, and then this will become like a virus across
this planet. We will choose in that dimension, in that position, that even if we stay in
the physical life the position of it, the work of it, the contribution of it to the society
that elevates the other souls and maintains the existence of the other souls. With this
new Technology it doesn't mean that everything on this planet is finished. It actually
starts, but a new cycle we'll find out, exists for the mankind and then this becomes
part of the process of being able to travel the spans of the Universe. In the coming
time, in ** of times, in weeks and days mankind will see this. You'll still go to school
and to work, (:22). but the work will have a different meaning. The knowledge will
have a different meaning. The leaders of the nations will change the process of
teaching, because it has to be changed that man understands the position of his Soul
first from infancy. Not to be lied to when he becomes at a point of fear that if you
don't do this, this will be the punishment and the rest. There is no punishment in the
process, but understanding the position of receiving. It is part of what mankind needs
to go though (and ** through) for us to reach that point. We hear many people say
that we have to get into the system then we'll tell you if it works. No problem, but you
try to get into the system, which is yourself, then you'll know if it works. The process
of the teaching, the work of the Soul of the man will appear very soon. Would we
have the solar schools or would we have the Soul schools which have elevated the
school of Soul to become the new generation of beings in the Universe. The
expectation will be high, but he delivery of the truth will come from the action of the
man himself. (:24). As we open the doors with governments as we open the path
through different channels we'll see more and more. How the position and the
condition will change. In step by step world leaders will change and bring that change
and step by step we'll see the changes which come to accommodate the new
understanding and then we'll see the new passengers of the Universe. Try to
understand, to comprehend the reality behind these systems which we deliver. As I
said the last time the next step for us is not just to do the helping of the man with his
Soul but the planet and what we have done to it and the other animals, to others in a
way that mankind was left loose to do what he liked for thousands of years. We'll see
the order will take place, we'll see the change of the rules of engagement will take
place. As I said, the Universe Community has been waiting for this little child to
mature and it's just getting to the point of maturity they celebrated with us and they
are with us, and they'll stay around until it's completed. I remember the last time we
were in Brazil they said, would we see the same rings and position in the sky (:26). as
when we came. They came and we saw. They were with us last night and members of
our team we both have videoed it. The position for mankind to reach the next step, but
is mankind prepared to understand, do you need to build a spaceship or are you
enlightened enough to tranStar Formationer your Soul to the spaceship available
above. This is the secret. If you remember I explained to you, when we met with the
heads of NASA in the ** Slagsburg Spaceship University years ago, when I explained
to them how the new space Technology will come that by creating the right fields you
get attracted by the gravitational fields of the moon so you don't need to burn any fuel.
The head of the NASA team said, the game of the spaceship has started, the game of
the space Technology what we were doing is over, the rocket propulsion. Which
meant when the system as we showed, by creating the right fields the system will fly
to its destination. Now that we understand, as I said, we videoed them when we
arrived, and we videoed them last night again in the beautiful city of Brasilia. Those
who have claimed they have reached the point of maturity and understanding of
totality, let's see if you can tranStar Formationer yourself to the spaceship and become
the true passengers of the Universe. The new spaceship Technology, (:28). is to join
the spaceship of the Universe Community which is above and that has a criteria of the
peace, understanding the peacefulness of the Soul, then you'll be tranStar
Formationerred, if this is the wish of the Soul of the man. In a way, mankind doesn't
need to go through the process of developing a spaceship Technology, where the
spaceships of the life, where the Universe has been waiting for, is above you. Tune to
it and you finally become the passengers of you'll reach the ultimate goal of the
freedom of the physicality, but that doesn't mean the end of understanding of the
totality, but in fact, it becomes the beginning of understanding of a bigger scale of
knowledge of the Universe. If you are privileged and lucky to see these spaceships, as
what we have shown before in Southern Italy, in Brasilia last night we saw it in
interaction with the moon and not with the sun. See if you can elevate your Soul to the
level that you become passengers of these spaceships, exactly as I explained to the
heads of NASA, that by tuning into the magnetical and gravitational field of the
moon, it pulls it to itself. You don't need to burn to reach it. Then the mention of the
speed of light and everything else becomes the nonsense of manmade bookkeeper.
(:30). Then you'll understand that the process has started. Then you understand that
many of the government scientists at the highest level have been waiting for, or
they've been, they are aware but they did not know how. As I said very recently we
have started the spark. From that spark the fire of the conversion of the man's Soul to
the level of the Soul of the Universe Community will start one by one and then it will
become uncontrollable, because it will tranStar Formationer and elevate the Soul of
the others to reach that level. But it doesn’t mean that we'll leave the dimension of
physicality. This is the next step and what we see from where we stand, a beautiful
cycle has started. And in so many ways, if you claim you have reached a point of
elevating yourself to any. Let's see if you get picked up by the passengers of the
Universe. Then let's see if you shine. Then mankind is ready to become part of the
peaceful Universe Community. I do apologize I have a bit of a cold today. Try to
expand to understand, (:32). the truth and not the arrogance. And if you understand
that you have reached the position of elevation of your Soul and you can reach it, let's
see first if you become a light. It means you become a giver to enlighten the others to
reach your level. And if you cannot do then you are exactly like those who make a lot
of claims. As I said to one of the Knowledge Seekers, he asked me a question, Do you
know when you (are going to) die? I said, yes, I know the place, the time, and the **
where of it and at that point there will be no dimension of physicality, as we become
the light. This is what the man should be, then you'll understand that the next position
in your life, what to expect. We have done enough Gans and coil making and
everything else, but now as I said to a very good friend, we have made the elevator for
the Soul of the man through the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit). Mankind
gets in an elevator to go from floor 1 to floor 10, now these Enhancement Unit are the
elevators in the physical dimension to elevate the Soul of the man to the higher level.
Then you understand, (:34). why you don't have a cancer or a Parkinson's, or why
you go into the system and you still have the Parkinson's, which means you haven't
understood, you have not cleaned up the path of past. If you have cleaned up the path
of the past with your own Soul, you'll receive the dimension of elevation. You have to
understand that it is the Soul which has to accept the change and not the
physicality. What you see with these new systems is that a man who is paralyzed
starts walking because the Soul has elevated. He was paralyzed for months and years
in a wheelchair, through the present medical technology you can not do, you need
physiotherapy, you need this and that to be able to move the muscles slowly. But with
this Technology within days you walk without any physiotherapy, which means the
Soul has received elevation and that elevation of the Soul has been received by the
Soul of physicality. So the condition of what we call paralysis or damage doesn't
exist. This is what they said, "resurrection", this is what Christ did, raising the dead.
He raised, he elevated the Soul of the dead body that with it he raised the Soul of
every cell that the dead body woke up. But now the wake-ness comes from
consciousness of the man not in the dimension of physicality. Many will go to these
machines to get salvation from the pain of physicality but they don't understand, that
they have to understand what they have done to their Soul. (:36). In understanding
they'll receive the salvation in understanding the release from the dimension of
physicality. Soon you will understand. As I said to someone very recently, these
systems are being launched the best time ever, at the beginning of the spring, not only
for this planet but for the Soul of the man and humanity. Try to understand more
about the fields of the plasma and not the physicality of the Gans. Try to understand
what it means to exist within the fields and then what it means to live within the
dimension of the fields but in the dimension of the physicality by the choice of the
Soul and not by the confirmation of the existence. We are not teaching anymore, as
I said, how to make Gans's. We are trying to teach how you create the fields that
lead to the freedom of the Soul of the man in the dimension of the physicality,
but at the same time to have access to it. As I said, it’s not, "beam me up Scotty"
anymore, but it's let me beam to become the sun, (:38). for the others to enlighten,
then you'll find out that you become the passengers of the Universe. Today in the
afternoon in the city of Brasilia we have a meeting with many Keshe Foundation
followers who will come especially for this meeting. A small conference was
organized in a few days and many trying to be here but because of the lack of time
could not get tickets to be here. Your Soul is with us and that's all that counts. The
first true flights will come from South America and soon you'll understand why and
how. Those whose understanding of the elevation of the Soul of the man will come
through the path which was chosen a long time ago. For us to be in South America
there is a reason to fulfill part of the promise of the past. It's not coincidental. We are
taking the Technology into every continent on this planet and now it's time to unify
the totality, (:40). and South America was one of the last parts to be delivered. What
is important in what we carry on in the next few weeks until we start the actual
delivery of these new systems that elevates the Soul of the man is to keep you on the
position to understand gradually what is to come, for you to understand what is the
next step and for those govern to understand the governing by injustice has come to
an end. There are many people who want to get into these systems to test. We'll test
and elevate those who are sick first, before those who pretend to be sick.
Are there any questions?
Q: I built this reactor with the 4 Gans's inside. I am a life long meditator. Rick: He
says he has not reached the Tibetan "Rainbow Body" yet, ha , ha. (:42). Today I am
64 years old and my bones and body are not like a 24 year old, the last years I have
spent just practicing in my bed. When I sit in my reactor I don't feel any tension in my
body, my focus and concentration has increased dramatically and effortless. I sit for 1
hour and it feels like only 10 minutes have passed. My question is it possible that the
plasma fields have a levitation effect on the physicality, that's what I feel, and is it
possible the plasma fields are bending time? Keshe: As they say when you have
fun you loose the track of time. When we tend to be in the dimension to enjoy or try
to enjoy we don't realize what the time is. Time is a manmade dimension, it doesn't
exist anywhere in the Universe except for man and is based on the rotation of his own
planet in respect to what is called the vision of physicality. When you build these
reactor, try to understand, you have to understand what we call, "the last dimension"
which mankind has not realized, and is built in the structure of the new systems. This
is what I explained before no one will be able to replicate the work of the plasma units
which we make. (:44). As I saw somebody said, we are going to buy one and strip it
and show everyone exactly what to do. You know the story of the man who worked
for a potter and worked for years and never understood why when he brought the pots
out of the oven at night were black and in the morning when he came back to work
they were all white. For years he couldn't understand the secret of the change of the
color. Until when the master was dying then he asked the master can you tell what the
secret is to when overnight you changed the black ones to white. He said, it's just a
blow, I blow the dust away and you see the beauty of the pot. I blow the ashes away
and you see the dust gone and the beauty of what I made. This is the same. Just
because you might get hold of one or whatever and you think you might copy, the
Soul of the Universe has no blueprint. That's what you'll not achieve. If you see
anyone claims to make the systems that can do what the system made by the
procedure that we set up you'll find that you have gone the wrong way. Try to
understand that, (:46). just by making the fields and not achieving, it means you have
not made the totality of the spectrum of the fields needed to create that effect. And if
you think you have reached the point of levitating, you have to understand how you
created the condition of the fields that brings certain type of balance between the
fields of this planet and you. And you can do that by breathing, you don't need the
system. Many people over the centuries have managed to levitate. Levitation is the
position on the matter state of the Inertia of the body of the man and not in the
dimension of the Soul of the man. When you understand that strength, then you can
tune into it very easily. It can be done and it's been done by many people. You change
your breathing and then change the position of your Soul in respect to your heart,
which (is the) creation of the Soul of the physicality and then you'll find out that you
create a magnetical and gravitational field which elevates you, but because it's based
on the field strength of this planet, you levitate, you cannot fly into another dimension
in the space. Rick: In regards to showing powers like that, (:48). whether it's
considered not ethical exactly, but okay with the Universe, to show such things, or
does the ego get involved with that and we have this thing where it's not good for your
spiritual growth to be showing such powers, let's say? No why not. If you can use it
for the benefit of your own Soul and not damaging other souls, why not. It should not
become the point of arrogance, it should become the point of humbleness. Rick: And
perhaps only through humbleness it can be achieved anyways, is that somewhat true?
In so many ways. The humbleness becomes the point of a giver not a taker.
Humbleness comes through understanding that I possess nothing, I am just what I
call, a medium, a point of tranStar Formationerring. Claiming possession is the end of
the possession. Rick: repeats .. When you think you possess is exactly the time when
you don't possess anything and that is the time when mankind, so many times fails.
You'll see a lot of world leaders, that when they get to the point of leadership they
don't want to leave, and that is exactly the time when they lost their power. (:50).
They come in with the love of the nation and when they think they have the power,
they want to stick to it and that's the time when the nation turns back on them. We
have seen this in many world leaders. One by one. It's very much in understanding the
totality of the operation of the Soul of the man. When we understand it and become
humble enough to be able to interact with it, it's the time when we become humble,
when we don't need to, when we know it's there if we want, but it's not for us to
abuse. Then you can do anything. In the setup of the new systems, as I was talking to
John in respect to the Arizona new health center, in which the property has been
purchased and now it's going through its phases for the machine to arrive. The setting
will be in a way, that if we can structure a center point. If we manage to structure in
what we call centers with these systems, not only by entering into the system but by
structuring the position of the systems, many people do not need to enter the system.
The environment of the system will create the same condition of the elevation. (:52).
The understanding, and this is one of the reasons we don't let individual units to be
sold. It is because of the structure, which will bring the position of the environment
for the condition of the elevation of the totality. Then if we setup enough of these in
points around this planet, in linking up the elevation of the Soul of the planet and of
the mankind will appear at the same time. Because the Soul of the man has not
reached the critical mass as I have said many times before, and these systems are
developed to achieve that and then we can position them in the right positions around
this planet, which we have chosen in a very hidden way and a lot of you don't
understand. That helping hand for the elevation of the Soul of the man and the Soul of
the planet, will come sequentially and simultaneously. You could not do it, we gave
you the helping hand. This is the reason we insist on a minimum of 3 units, because it
creates, if you remember the Star Formation (Star Formation) with a 3 base, the upper
base (reactor) becomes connection between all the systems across this planet, zero
time communication, zero time, loving mankind and if we please the base the more
powerful the system will become. (:54). Now maybe for those who would like to buy
only 1 unit, why we tell you, you need 3. The forth is connection with the other
systems to create what we call the Star Formation to bring the change on this planet.
As I said before, I am a very clever teacher and I know how to get you lot going that
collectively we change everything together. It's no use just elevating the Soul of the
man when the planet suffers and the rest of the creatures of this planet. It's exactly the
same, you don't understand, but we know the pattern. We set it up and you not
knowing it, you entered the cycle. You create that cycle that it leads to the next step.
You'll find out that many of those who have entered in the first cycle of buying these
systems, they don't want any financial returns. They are just happy that the system
will free some people from pain, and it brings the condition that we bring peace. But
we set it up this way. The forth is the connection with other systems and at the same
time the 3 create the environment of the base of the Star Formation as you understand.
(:56). This is why when people come to us and say, I can afford 2 we say the Keshe
Foundation will support the third one, because we know why we are doing it. We are
making a starship out of this planet then we change the Soul of the planet that we
achieve our goal. Then you'll see all the souls will shine, be it the ants, the lion, the
fish, or the man. And even the Soul of this planet will shine. The light on this planet
will look different from outside and even for mankind once it reaches that point. Any
other question? Now you understand more of where I am taking you, huh. I am a
Shepard with a sharp stick and I know where to hurt mankind, exactly like what we
say, fun to be in. Any other question. Or has mankind ran out of questions. (:58). Q:
John Arizona. Because the Units are all made from the same source is it true that in
Arizona I'll have a connection in China? Of course, how do you think I am setting you
up. Q: Is it also true that I will be able to ravel to China, for example, from one
machine to another? Silence. You got realize that John is our partners in Arizona with
10 units which is going to Arizona for the development of the Technology and it will
be the beginning of the collaboration of the Chinese, what we call the development of
the space Technology and as the Arizona is the operation between the Keshe
Foundation and the American authorities it will be the beginning of the peace. You'll
understand very soon why we allow and go this way. Arizona is the center for the
next step in the space development with the American government, (1:00). and the
Iranian spaceship program. We are bringing it in a very tentative way but the Arizona
center as John knows it's the beginning of the ** space Technology which will bring
the collaboration between the Iranians, Chinese, and the Americans. We need these
kind of collaborations, not through the government, but through different arms of the
Keshe Foundation. In a way, as we said, we start governing but people don't
understand how we start governing. Thanks to John you'll the next, the rest steps, as
John was trying to say, he wants to, "beam me up Scotty" to China. We have to watch
where in China you are going to land. And if you land in China would you look like a
John in the US or like a John as a Chinese in China. That's one thing mankind have to
understand soon. And then it comes the position when you arrive in China, as you
travel through the spaceship of the Soul of the man do you need to learn Chinese or
do you speak fluent Chinese when you arrive, because the school of thought with the
dimension of the position. Then you understand why we created Universe Council
members. The travel through the dimension of the new system is exactly as I said
before, when you arrive in planet Zeus you will not look like a man, you'll carry the
Soul of the man and understanding of the current line of communication, (1:02). but
you'll manifest in the dimension to a physicality, to a time and a place. Do you need to
learn Chinese when you arrive or Chinese is part of the language of transmission of
understanding the line of communication of the Soul of the man. Traveling becomes
very interesting now, huh, John? J- I will pack a light suitcase. That depends, do you
want Chinese clothing or American? ** You'll be in China with American clothing,
huh? You'll need the Chinese suit the way I have. I have developed a new Chinese
suit and I got the tailor to make it. This doesn't work, (he said). When I made it, it was
very nice. One day you'll see it I will wear it. ** Chinese suit. You can still wear a tie
but still you have a Chinese outfit. Any other question. Alzar- Morning Mr. Keshe.
(1:04). Have you got your wings back Alzar? Not yet. Are you still grounded? Ask
the reason why. Should ask you? No, ask your Soul. You are trying very hard to reach
it. A- I think I already got it, I think I am going now, so it's not a problem. Q: In 303
(Knowledge Seekers Workshop) you talked a couple of times about plasma and you
use your famous drawing where you make a bigger plasma and smaller plasma and
the bigger gives to the smaller, you drew 2 circles, do you remember. You drew the
bigger giving to the smaller, the smaller plasma, so what is given, because it has
something in it, because with that it has enough, or it has something the bigger one
needs. I was trying to figure out the analogy, say I want to make. Say you are the
bigger plasma and I am the smaller one, and then I want to make "Iranian dish" so you
have the lamb and I have all the other ingredients, vegetables and beans and salt and
pepper, turmeric, yah. So if I don't get the lamb I cannot make it. But if you give me
the lamb I have the other essentials so I can make it, then I can feed you. Does my
analogy fit the picture? Keshe: Two things first you have to explain to everyone what
"Iranian dish" is. And secondly you can make it with ** ** substitute too, but it
depends what gives you the pleasure. (1:06). But you have to understand the only
way man ever elevates, or any being in the universe elevates, is that he is humble
enough to accept that he is always the smaller plasma even though he might be the
bigger. This is the point of maturity, then you always have a position to find a position
in respect to other souls. It doesn't come out of the arrogance of being a bigger. It
comes out of the humbleness of being always weaker that I can elevate (the other), to
the position of the bigger. It's a very tricky job. It's like being a professor in
mathematics and trying to teach a 6 years old boy about 1 plus 1 and trying to
understand why he makes 2. I see myself a lot of times in that position where I can
teach you everything, but you have not learned the facets of being 2 and how 1 plus 1
makes 2. There was a time when the Soul of the Messengers met. (1:08). In that
process every Soul of every Messenger was trying to show his humbleness. Sometime
very interesting happens when the meeting of what we call the prophets of the past,
they realized they only shine when they are in the presence of the Creator, and then
they realized that they all shined the same. From that point a decision was made, that
to shine on the humanity, the Soul of the man on this planet the same. One day
mankind will understand this. Then one day mankind through the light of the path will
come to shine as one. That becomes the humbleness of the Soul of the totality. Then if
mankind is looking to elevate and as John said, is looking to travel to China, and then
in the time of trouble which is pending for this planet, the planet will find the totality
of the new position and the position in the Universe. There is a lot of
misunderstanding about how man needs to live. When I explain to you on how you
tranStar Formationer yourselves, (1:10). into the spaceships of the Universe
Community, when they have been here with what we call the spaceship, should come
from the humbleness of the man wanting to be elevated and not getting strong enough
to be pulled. It's a misunderstanding of the human race. As I said many tomes to
Caroline I have come here to taste the love in the dimension of physicality. The
beauty of loving and the beauty of those who possess that love to be able to share
with. If mankind understands this, the Soul of the man is already elevated to be a
passenger of the Universe. To many of you these talks look like a talk, but very soon
you'll go through every word of it, what you missed, because you see part of it, you'll
be hungry to understand the rest of it. Don’t look for the translation of physicality,
understand the position it brings for the elevation for the Soul of the man then you'll
become what we call the travelers of the Universe. Then you'll understand what it is
and how it is. It's understanding the position how you elevate the Soul, (1:12). and
you allow that Soul to understand its own weaknesses. As you heard last week, I
invited Def Florescence to join us to finish the book on the patent, (one of the) Keshe
Foundation what we call Knowledge Seekers wrote to me, Mr. Keshe how can you do
this, he has done so much damage. I explained to one of them, he was born to do that,
that was the destiny, by elevating you, the position of it. It was a test for those who
are going to fail not for those who already succeeded. In so many ways, Def
Florescence always used to say, I am here to protect you, that's my job. By setting up
all these things he protected the Keshe Foundation and the work of the Keshe
Foundation from those who could harm, without him knowing. Because those who
were true Knowledge Seekers ignored the ** false calls, those who ** the Knowledge
Seekers to gain something for themselves without contributing to humanity fell in the
path. In a way he has served a purpose and now it's time to finish the job. It's
understanding the position which counts, not the ** possession. We haven't come here
to gather the souls, but to elevate them that they find the path themselves. Otherwise
we'll be another religion, (1:14). or what I call building and temple. We made the
knowledge for the temple of the Soul of the man to be within the man and not within
the block, a house that ** steals the energy, Church and the Mosque. If you go to the
city of Seoul in South Korea you see something very funny. The first time (I saw it) I
could not understand, but after it was explained to me, it made me laugh. If you walk
around Seoul, or when I was there a few years ago, you see a lot of red crosses like a
church cross on different high-rise buildings and I asked the guy, what are these. he
said, these are churches. I said, what do you mean these are churches? These are **
rooms in the high-rise blocks that the Christians use as a church, because they can't
build anymore churches the way we have it in the West. Now God is on different
elevations in different floors, distance from the earth itself. Some of them are on the
50th floor and some are on the 10th floor. Now the Church and the path of belief has
already found its way into space Technology on different floors and doesn't need to be
attached to the ground. Mankind has already taken the first step to become the
Christians of the space dimension, but they are attaching it to what floor, what we call
high-rise flights or the blocks. (1:16). I wonder if those who are on the 50th floor or
churches on the 30th floor have achieved that higher elevation of the Soul or is it only
in the dimension of the physicality of a red light, as it is in Holland on the red light
district. Prostitution of the faith of the god in the name of the cross. This is what we'll
come to understand, mankind has to be enlightened to the truth itself, not by putting
God in different dimensions as it suits him. And I wonder how many crimes have
been committed in each elevation? Soon mankind will understand. Any other
questions. Q: Mr. Keshe can you hear me now? We always hear you, but sometimes
we try to ignore you because you go to far, one way or the other. Q: Mr. Keshe I
haven't asked questions for so long so I want to ask you. Yes, because they cut your
wings off. Q: SO the way I see it, when you say there are a couple of when you
say somebody's Soul is a beautiful Soul does it mean we have ugly souls? No, but
you have the Soul which doesn't understand the level of giving. (1:18). Q: because if
I am correct the way I see it is like this, like right now. Keshe: Let me explain the
psychology behind let me explain what Alzar relates about the Iranian food.
Actually this food to her analysis of the understanding. In the Iranian culture when we
make this it's call "gorbasabzi ** " it means when you fry everything that it can last
and you only make these when you have a special guest. This is the cram lacrim of the
Persian cooking when you invite the host. This is the time when you give everything.
This food has a special psychological what you call, lock in the Iranian mind. So that's
why Alzar analyses with this thing because she wants to give everything. The mind
only works because it works in that way, that I want to give everything and I want it
to be the best. You'll find out, we went to housekeeper who used to work for days to
make the best gorbasabzi when their guest comes. And you can smell it for miles.
And when it's cooked in the apartment at the bottom, the one on the 50th floor can
smell it because it carries a wild herb, that goes everywhere, and it stays on your
clothes if you come from a house which had that, they say, oh you had a gorbasabzi.
We carry the essence of the pleasure of the food. So now you understand why Alzar
keeps on connecting to this. Carry on Alzar. Mr. Keshe I smell it here in Sweden.
(1:20). I'll give my address to Alzar to send me some. Carry on Alzarjan. .. Q: When I
look at the physicality of the human, imagine in there is a concrete block, everybody
is in a concrete block, the Soul is inside of it, so it can shine, but if you make that
physicality Soul like a glass, then you see the shine of the Soul, because the Soul still
shining but it's in a concrete block. It reminds me that everybody is looking through
a window. If you see a warehouse of a thousand kilometers in diameter and in this
warehouse everything is available to all of us, but each of us sitting in this wall,
concrete block. And each one sees according to what we think and what we think and
feel, have only 2 maybe bricks removed. If you look at Trump the block from his wall
the only 2 bricks that are removed are power and money, so he sees through that
window, but he knows of he understands that he sheds that wall, everything, money
and power, more then beyond the power and money available to him, but he doesn't
have understanding and each of us .. No, let me explain, you chose the wrong person
for analogy. A lot of people don't understand why Trump behaves this way. (1:22). If
you understand or try to understand the behavior of this individual, it's very simple, he
had a very succesStar Formationul father and his success came through the dominance
of understanding the totality. He has forever from the time he received the inheritance
and before, tried to say that he is better then his father. This is what most of the people
don't understand about this man. He's a failure in understanding his own failure. This
is a pattern with succesStar Formationul fathers and we see the same pattern with the
failed sons. You have to understand why this man behaves this way. He saw himself
from childhood as a failure in comparison to the father and everything he does he is
trying to prove to himself that he has more power then his father did and he can prove
to himself he achieved more. This is what people don’t understand about this man. I
always say a father who made the business because he had to make it, he knows all
the tricks, all the ways, he has mended his ways to become succesStar Formationul.
Eliminating the failures or being able to hide them. A son who has just seen the
successes never understands how to mend it. (1:24). That's why this guy, no matter
what business he does he fails. They say, how to you make a millionaire out of the
farmer? You start with a billionaire farmer. And this is that farmer. This man has no
understanding of the truth that he is a failure. His battle is not with humanity, it's
subconscious to prove to his father that, I am better then you I became a president,
now I can show. But in fact, his presidency was in totality the failure of his work.
Before, if you see he has brought his nation to the same point of failure, as its
businesses. All the big businesses flourish with the first generation and 80% die with
the second generation, because they don't know, they have (only) seen it, but never
ran it. And 95 to 98% of the businesses die by the third generation because they are
just interested in spending the money and not how it was made. This man is a test for
the Americans to find out how what you call, a failure their nation is to the nation and
they made a failure out their nation. It's the same way, we'll see this in China in the
next two generations. The families, the son's of these 30 millionaires a day that's built
up, most of them will loose everything and the nation will take a dive. Because the
Soul of the ** working is not there. Don't ever use Trump in your analogy because,
(1:26). this guy is just proving he is a failure by trying to prove that he is better then
his father. He has done nothing else. If you look at the whole of his career, he hasn't
achieved anything. A battling inside to show I am better then the man who made me
and this is the point of his failure and he hasn't understood this. The rest of it is
monkey business. ** They cover his failure after failure. His battle is not with
humanity it's with the Soul of his father who created him, who was a very correct and
succesStar Formationul businessman. The rest of humanity is paying for a failed man.
He's battling with the Soul of the father, but in fact he has destroyed the Soul of a
nation for his own misconduct and if you put him in a concrete block, open it and
make with glass, you can't change it, that Soul is what we call entangled to the point
of trying to show he is better then his father ** his own nation and has reached the
point of failing the human race. People don't understand how much this pulling to his
father has done to him ?** He brought us to the verge of a world war. He will not be
the president next time unless ** goes with the polls. (1:28). We look into the next
president of the US if this time goes right to be a woman. She'll emerge in the next
election or she'll come in as the vice-president and then move into the president's
position. Q: Say my physicality is 100 and my Soul because I put it in this block is
20, but if I let go of my physicality and let it be 20 but my Soul becomes 100 then I
can shine? Oh, you are so wrong, that is exactly where your Soul. If your physicality
is 20 then your Soul is a million.

Q: if my Soul is 20 it's going to suffer?

It cannot be, your Soul is the creator of you, it cannot be weaker than you.

Q: No it's not weaker but I put it in a way that it is not shining like in a cage?

No, you can't look at it that way. if you are looking at it that way. When you have a
sun that shines with all its might, it radiates all its field, (1:30). when it comes in
touch with a weaker earth it shows the beauty of its light. Do you understand. It's the
presence of the weaker which shows the beauty of the stronger. If you look at it, the
earth is the size of a speck of dust in respect to the size of the sun, but how does it
come and shine so beautifully when you get the daylight. The sun needs the earth to
confirm its existence and through that point the weaker shows its beauty. I hope you
understand Alzar. those of you who don't understand, ** means my life. It's the
gratitude towards existence in ** language. ** means life, someone I share my
thoughts and my life with. It's a time of communication.
next question.

Q: .. Can you tell us a little more about Marianne Williamson who, (1:32). who runs
for the presidency of the USA on a politics of love. It looks like she prepares for a
healing of the American Soul? You have to understand the most wounded nation on
this planet is the American nation at the moment. We say in French, the French
women in the last century didn't have the money to buy the rogue to make their
cheeks red that they would look healthy, because red cheeks was a sign of healthiness,
they used to pinch their cheeks to go red because they have used the makeup. This is
how the American state of economy and life is at the moment. By pinching
themselves trying to show they are healthy but are not. The nation needs to look
inward to find out what it has done wrong to the other nations and in that process **
study of itself for the sake of to be loved by the others. If you speak around the world,
and there were some statistics done, the most hated nation on this planet is the US at
this moment. But the Americans don't want to understand it. A survey was done by
what you call, those who understand this that no nation ever has been hated and
despised as the American nation ever on this planet. The amount of war they have
created, mayhem, and abuse. (1:34). Maybe there is a need for such a person to bring
the nation to understand. It needs to be allowed to heal itself. Not out of arrogance but
by loving other nations that they love ** come back to them. Look at across this
planet how South America, go across East Asia, Middle East, through Europe,
Ukraine and the rest of it, Yugoslavia, we have seen in the past century a trail of
murder and killing by one nation. As I said very recently, high level bombing has
become a pattern of high level bombing of killing themselves and maybe there is a
need for this platform for people to be conscious of. If Americans get to know what
and how people think of them, how they live with them, Americans will not do what
they are doing if they are conscious that it is important for them to be loved. Look at
many how many orphans sit ** nation after nation, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, most of
the South American and African and far East nations, there are more or less no nation
that America has not carried out murder, (1:36). and how do you expect this nation to
move ** to reach it. Maybe there is a need for it. On the other hand ** nation
understands or very few trying to carry the rest of the nation, which is heartless, to
love. It is estimated that 80% of refugees, orphans in the past 60 to 80 years is directly
caused by the Americans. But the governments do not tell that to their people. Then
you understand what is about to come to this part of this Soul of this nation. Maybe
they would like to open a platform to try to raise ** ** together but (sorry about this I
have a very bad flu). Understanding why and where this nation is going. You have to
understand they are 3 or 4% of the total population on this planet. They are the most
bankrupt nation and by fear and tyranny they have caused a lot of mayhem trying to
show they are a superpower. The whole thing is that sooner or later it will collapse. It
cannot hold. (1:38). This is what I was explaining, if most of the people understand
what is about to come in the next few years, we see the beginning of it.
Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency if you look is how much I can mine and how much I
value that mining. But the next step for Cryptocurrency is how much am I worth for
the time I put and who is prepared to pay my currency. In a way without the banking
system realizing, individual evaluation of the cost is coming into play. I value myself,
I am a street cleaner and without me you have nowhere to go. I am the office cleaner
and with the cleaner you work in a pile of god knows what. So what is important for
me is how do I work, and this is my bank, my Cryptocurrency. I like to live a
comfortable life, I like to have a house and car, then I start valuing myself, maybe a
million dollars because without me you can't have it. This Cryptocurrency which is
taking place by imaginary mining will change into the reality into the world of ** of
himself and what we are prepared to pay for it. More and more we'll see this. Then
you'll understand why we brought in the Keshe Coin. (1:40). A point of reference,
equal everywhere you balance it off. This is why we don't allow Knowledge Coin to
be speculated on. We could see this, when I set this up I could see this coming up.
then would we be prepared to buy any American Cryptocurrency, individuals,
because they are the cause of so much mayhem. What we call individual
Cryptocurrency according to our worth in contributing to humanity. It's inevitable,
because what we call the actor, President of the US took the backing of the greenback
from the gold. You can do whatever you like. Now we saw because of that, years
down the line, Cryptocurrency came that we value who digging, what we are digging.
Why should I rely on somebody else to value what I can buy from. I what I
contribute, what is my value, how I value myself and others will value me. We see a
change, soon in the next 20 years we'll see this change. Now there is nothing ** back,
this is why I was saying that BRICS is taking so much hold, it's trying to bring into
realistic value of the nation according to what the nation contributes to humanity
towards its structure. (1:42). We'll see this, it's the evolution, this is the time when,
what, how you give to me through your Soul that I can exist, that I can give to the
others, then the Cryptocurrency becomes nonsense. But we that phase coming in.
Individual Crypto currencies. Surgeons valuing themselves, this is my value do you
want, this is what I want. In a way it becomes valuation by bartering the essence of
existence, then everybody will live a normal life. You have the food to eat and
everything else, because then through your own Crypto currencies you can give
yourself loans, credit buying. This was tested in a very wild way in Iran and we saw
the results of it and it created a mayhem for awhile but they got hold of it. After the
Iranian revolution anyone could open a bank, anyone with power, any Ayatollah,
Mullahs, anyone could open their own banks and have their own printing machines.
And they printed, if you wanted to buy a house for a million you opened with me and
I printed and gave you the million, so you have the reference of the bank to do it. The
government finally realized after years that all these different sections have their own
bank and they print what they like and it added to the speculation of the prices in Iran.
So if I wanted to buy a land for 10 million my bank just put a paper in there and
signed for it. (1:44). This is what will come, how we value it, can we accept this
bank, or this Cryptocurrency from a bunch of people working on a computer chain, or
working on ** effort this is how we set up Keshe Coin. Now you understand how far
advanced we are in this ** That's why we said in the Keshe Foundation in time,
everybody will be paid according to the Knowledge Coin, what do you want to
exchange it. Your worth of the money never drops it's always the same value
anywhere you go, and do we need to pay, or we balance exchange. You work so much
in a factory, you value yourself, I can't go bankrupt because your valuation dictates
what you can get for other efforts from the others. You watch the valuation of the
imaginary mining of Cryptocurrency to the reality of the effort of the man encrypting
and developing in his own way to serve people and how he evaluates himself. Then
you'll find out that a lot of street cleaners will give themselves the same wages as **
because they want the same comfort as we expect to give them, without them we can't
drive down the street. When I used to be in the world of business I used to give annual
bonuses and my rule was very simple, the bonus gets cut right across all the workers
the same with the management, ** Because they thought they were the cause of all
the success. But I always told them that if that lady wasn't there to clean your office
you couldn't even ** somebody to tell them you are succesStar Formationul. Her
cleaning your room or office or your toilet so that people coming in ?** (1:46). is
hers not yours. If mankind realizes this we'll enter a new dimension. This
Cryptocurrency is the beginning of why do I have to buy something when I don't even
know ** encrypted. Encrypt my value. If I do a surgery this is my value because it
gives me the life that I want and then you find out it's to the point where everybody
has what they want, gradually you have a mayhem ** then they reach a point that
everybody respects and deserves life. Then with the new Technology we offer, then
you understand do we need the dimension of physicality and the maturity of the man
will come. Any other question. .. There is a point which we want to bring into the
discussion of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers. As you know the Keshe
Foundation Spaceship Institute, the teaching section of the Keshe Foundation, finishes
tomorrow for this year. Next semester as we go from January to January we will
change the pattern of teaching. We are looking for participation of Knowledge
Seekers in research and development and in the process of learning more from each
other. We participate in different ** in different projects which is your interest. We
would like to start with 5 or 10 topics. (1:48). How many people would like to be part
of it. We'll set up a structure for you to be participating inside it, which means as
Knowledge Seekers you have been what we call undergraduates, now you have
become the graduates, now you become the post-graduates of doing research. Some of
you like to do the theoretical background and some the studies in the Keshe
Foundation in respect to what the topic could be, or some are the practical ones want
to make something to show it can be done. There is room for everyone. We'll post the
link are topics of what you would like to research in, what you would like to do with
that research, what you bring in, and we'll put it on the Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute page that groups of you who would like to meet join in the research and
development. In that process we'll go into the higher level than just making Gans's
and MaGravs and maybe in that process if the team decides they can go and do
whatever they like to do with the Keshe Foundation with their work. We have to go
this way, that we encourage new enlightenment in knowledge and a new
understanding for the Knowledge Seekers. the group can come and report in the
teachings and take steps in what they want to do. With this process ** take over ,
Keshe Foundation research and development. If you want to do theoretical work on
what the Keshe Foundation does a group of you get together and integrate it or make
systems, (1:50). for application, you are quite welcome to join in. The next sessions
** finishes tomorrow for this year, is research and development. It doesn’t have to be
a physical system, it can be an understanding of a process in trying to achieve
something, which has been something that could not be done before, and
understanding the totality. It's like if you ask Alzar, she wants to know how to make a
tooth that you don't need to drill it and whatever. Make a team of people who would
like to understand how to grow a tooth. **Go through the teaching for understanding
what ** Dentist understanding and make a project of it and we'll see at the end of the
year what it is and how it is, and may be you'll want to develop a Technology of
systems or pieces that you can prove it and then we make it and can send it to Alzar
and she can test it on her patients, or other dentists. Or you want to develop a new
communications systems. We have to go into this phase. What we'll see in the coming
time is that many governments will start teaching the new plasma Technology from
the first years in the school because they are realizing that this Technology taught and
changing the minds of those who were taught (the old way) from the beginning and
it's getting hard. We'll want to look at how we setup the education pattern of the future
in the schools, for those of you who are education minded. How should the books be
and the education side, if that is a project for some of you. How do we develop the
first systems, (1:52). and tools that they understand the position of the Soul from the
beginning. We don't need to let them go to the Church and the Mosque and they lie to
them. ** ** Anything which could be ** If you are a Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute Knowledge Seeker and you have a common chat room put it on the Chat **
Then see who joins, you can be part of 2 or 3 different groups and bring the
knowledge from one to another. It's more or less hands on research and development.
If you make one group it doesn't ** if you make no groups it doesn’t make any
difference. If you see it that you want to develop these things go back into Keshe
Foundation Spaceship Institute and put your idea and see who is prepared to
collaborate and how you want to do it. It goes the same way, you can come 9 to 5 to
discuss it with want you to do and see how many people join, and setup. If it needs
we'll make different classrooms at the same time, 9 to 5. The energy group, scientific
group, the ones who want to make a dental equipment, and we allow it to grow in that
platform and you can go to any of the platforms to see what is going on. Maybe you
can bring the knowledge from one to another and we'll see it. If you are a Knowledge
Seekers or want to be one in Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute join the research
and development. It could even be utensils in the kitchen or something you can
imagine that can be done in the house and you can make such a tool, or we have such
a ** Then at the same time in the process you might learn something about Gans
making and the rest of it. (1:54). If you need to understand and progress it, please go
to Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and try to put your ideas and see who is
joining different idea groups. and if one or two people you can keep on doing the
research and keep putting in there ** maybe somebody finds it. In the Thursday
teaching we'll try to elevate these topics that other people might not know and want to
join. They'll join the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and add to their
knowledge or they'll bring part of their contribution or they’ve done something and
they want to increase it. One thing we are trying not to do is to make people who
become dominant and they try become the heads. This will not work. We'll block
these things from now on. As you've seen very recently, they come in and nobody
ever listened to them in their life and being heard, Keshe Foundation gives them the
bold sense, now I am the Keshe Foundation, I do everything ** if I am not there the
whole thing collapses. They find out after 3 or 4 weeks there is nothing to collapse it
but themselves. We've seen this quite a number of times, people who misplaced their
own position. They come into the teachings and then we give them room to become a
teacher. Then something, and they think without them everything falls. The Keshe
Foundation will go for the life of the man. It doesn't make any difference. I don't think
any one has done more damage then Red Circle and with he brought more ** People
don't understand how they were served by this. How governments started looking at
(Keshe Foundation). Anyway the harm that was planned to be done has done more
and brought more success and people. It's a point of judgment, people judging
themselves. We need these points. But some of you who think you ** just because
you have been moderator in a couple of classes, now you can do whatever you like,
now you are the god. It's in your imagination. I have always said to my children, a
man with the knowledge ** ** with his life. A man with a title is a placard on the
door, but once he leaves that door he doesn’t exist. If Knowledge Seekers understand
this we'll progress very, very far. You're a Minster as ling as you are with that placard
on the door, but on the street nobody knows who you are. Except for the knowledge
you learn to serve humanity and be there to help someone. You don't carry the placard
in front and ** ** and say I am a doctor. The strangest thing is, have you ever been on
a flight with 2 or 300 people and somebody nearly has a heart attack. What does the
airhostess do? Are there any doctors on board? Nobody knows who you are unless
you stand up and say I am a doctor I can help. (1:58). It's the same with the society of
man. Unless you are a doctor and have the heart attack yourself. That happens with a
lot of people who miss positioning themselves and they come and position ** ** they
need the freedom to go and show their beauty. And you find their beauty becomes
their demise because they were false ** If you are Knowledge Seekers and you want
to enter the world of research and development and meet internationally with all the
Keshe Foundation ** and if it goes further in the physical research and development
at the site ** ** Put your name in the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and what
you want to do, try to explain that these are the things that need to be done in this part
of the first year. You can extend it to the 2nd or 3rd years it doesn’t need to finish, but
unfortunately we have a very bad problem with Keshe Foundation is that we have no
papers that we can produce, we can't afford any papers to write that you have a PhD
or Masters from Keshe Foundation. Any other questions. There is something I have
to tell you, hopefully we'll launch it today, but the Keshe Foundation team is stretched
to the maximum. They have been working around the clock. Next week we'll open the
store of the Keshe Foundation, the products are ready and we hope to go to day but
there are some points left new products with a catalog. (2:00). All the products will
have CE and American certification **
Please try to understand we are trying to convert new Technology to new products
that you have never seen before or you have seen and we elevate to new dimensions.
As I said, we'll keep our prices to 9.99 to 19.99 for the new first range and if you go
back on top for the other products. Everything in the first batch has been kept to that
price. The only thing we have is the shipping which is sometimes more then the cost
of the product and this is what we are trying to fine tune to be, at least we find the
priority, it's the same with everybody else who ships but now that we have ** ** you
can buy a new pad for 9.99 or 19.99. All of our patches which used to be crazy prices,
now we have going on we have allocated a new product. They are all brought to the
reach of every man, unless we go to direct distribution, that will happen. I have made
a distribution where ** Italy and we put the products at 9.99 in all the chemists shops.
This I will explain to you ** come. We make sure that across Germany, Spain, France
northern Europe we can keep these distribution to pharmaceuticals. I have a long
standing relationship with one of the biggest pharmaceutical chains in the world,
Europe and we are speaking to the Board of Directors manager and they are prepared
(2:02). to look at the new products of the Keshe Foundation to be in over more or less
50,000 pharmaceuticals across western Europe. These are old friends. Now that we
have taken over we'll make sure that everything will be at the margin they and we can
run and gradually we'll bring it in. It's the product range of the Pharmacies.
Everything will be that price ..
there will be a section for cottage industry.

We want to build it up like an "Alibaba" of our products

.. We'll start building the platform and it will take years and cost a lot of money, but
this way if you want a patch or something locally We put this on and we saw one of
the Brazilian groups said, oh he came here to steal the Technology. How can I steal
the Technology when I gave it to you? You are stealing, and then .. (2:08). We don't
need to steal we gave it to you free. It's your responsibility to what you added to the
knowledge, then to put it back in and others can enjoy it. You don't have a platform,
you might sell a few pieces, but the Keshe Foundation website is international,
millions of people come and go. The more we put them up the more it grows. It gives
us the people to live off. We came to a misunderstanding by doing this a long time,
but when I spoke with the Portuguese group some weeks ago, then we realized that
many Portuguese were giving the certificate by Kevin Blunder, that by agents, and
they used this. When we got it analyzed it by Rui, what do you call it, the then
Universal Council member, it was their only way of living. If ** the knowledge of the
Keshe Foundation has become part of your living to feed your family, let us help you
to have a more comfortable life that you get a bigger exposure, maybe more orders. If
you were selling 10 pieces a year and were getting something off it, now you'll be
selling a hundred pieces. We are not jealous, we want to support you that by you
putting more materials in the market it becomes known and part of the culture. I have
has the pleasure of coming across people who have used it. (2:10). Because they have
seen the benefit of it. We had the pleasure to be with government officials very
recently and as a man of medicine in the position of government, he said I don't need
you to explain it, I already use your Pain Pens. It's that level, your talking the highest
level in government. We don’t need explanation because we already use your
Technology. It's not my work, it is your work. As Knowledge Seekers ** let's do it
together that we can support you. If you have your own website then link it to Keshe
Foundation ** Make sure your products are legal they are correct. I am sure in the
future you'll make ** ..
(2:12). .. This allows a new cycle and it shows in every country. People come in and
they want Gans .. Make sure you deliver and give the benefit to the people so that
they can come back. We have seen a lot of misconduct in Brazil and I sure there is in
other places. One person who thought she was the center of everything, now we hear
talking about everybody that she becomes the only one. This shouldn't be, we are all
loved and looked after the same. This process has to stop. If somebody buys from
somebody else in your country, encourage them. ** Because Don't work to destroy
the others which has been the habit of the man. Build on it and then you'll find that
you develop more. ?** .. I know there are thousands of people in China that sell
Gans's. Then you see the prices then nobody can go and do crazy things, but it has to
be correct and in a standard position that we all can benefit by it. We'll try to .. if
something delivered is not to expectations be prepared to get it back. ** and build the
relationship across ** (2:14). . We'll expand it, this will take a year or two to get it
.. We'll provide data for those who work with the governments.
.. we need a lot of doctors for the Enhancement Unit.

.. Some people were asking about the jobs. This will be announced in Austria in
January what we need All the pieces for the Enhancement Unit will be completed in
Austria and shipped across the world. (2:18). We need a lot of support and that
channel will be opened up in Keshe Foundation Austria. ..
Any other question. Q: What about the Plasma Times will there be more issues? They
are already done I was talking with Ella, we have been so busy with so many other
things, it all needs to be done
Since I came back from China the Keshe Foundation is expanding very slow but very
solid. That we can handle everything.
Q: Can you ask of the Conservative or Labor would be more Keshe Foundation
friendly in England's general election today? (2:20). Oh, that's a very loaded question.
Let me explain what happened in 2015 the British Health Ministry called for a
meeting of the health ministries of European Universe in respect to the Keshe
Foundation. We are aware of it because I was informed of it. They made a tentative
decision that it was a cottage industry and when it goes up enough then the
governments will look at it. This was initiated by the British government. The
application of the new Technology will come through the health (side) of it, that's
what we show, especially the new Enhancement System or Unit (Enhancement Unit).
It's such a big elephant that nobody can ignore it. You have to understand what it
means. We are coming in the path of space Technology, it's to be developed for space
and this will go the same way. We need to extend and Keshe Foundation work is
known by all the European nations and most of the world governments. It has reached
the point of international recognition. You'll understand very soon what that is. We
setup the conference in Vienna and then in Brazil and into Malta. We saw a lady from
Italy who came to Austria, she wanted to show her magic but we didn't allow her.
(2:22). She went back and wrote a lot of rubbish out of being despised that she
couldn't show her magic. It had nothing to do with the plasma. We let this kind of
what we call, stupid behavior, but in general our work through these conferences are
becoming very positive. Governments are getting involved and the first MOUs have
been signed. MOU with the local business people has been signed and now we move
in better understanding with the governments. We see the benefit of what we started
in Vienna. ** very few diplomatic core who attended brought a lot in the background
in one or two cases we are working on. We have reached our target, no problem. Our
next meeting in Malta in January will bring another ** We are targeting diplomatic
connections that they hear but we are targeting governments and they see it. You'll
hear about the Keshe Foundation in the last 2 conferences and the one to come. We
expect a very positive results from Mexico, we are also going to Kenya to complete.
We have reached agreements with German government to most probably setup the
first factories in Bavaria for helping the country. We have been to the ministerial level
and we achieved that position. .. We are looking for a conference in Philippines.
(2:24). We have very strong Philippine groups to talk to the Keshe Foundation to
setup a conference that we can and be there to bring. We are looking for the Far
East to setup a structure and in the Persian Gulf. You'll see very soon structures setup
as a manufacturing in the Persian Gulf. These direct communications with
governments has given us a lot of opportunities for the new systems plus these
conferences. These conferences will prepare the nations for the next one, while we are
in then we go back. We were in Brazil 3 weeks ago for a conference and then when
we arrived we were asked to extend our stay, which we knew when we arrived that it
will be extended. We were allowed to stay with the BRICS groups and our talks and
negotiations with BRICS groups was very good. We see the next step, and we came
back to Brazil on a solid base and building up the connections to confirm and then
we'' see the results of it very soon. We are dealing with governments, Keshe
Foundation with what we call, individual basis by your work has been completed and
still developing. What we have done in these countries have given us opportunity to
negotiate with governments. One of the first things we do is to put everything on the
table in respect to the Belgium situation, (2:26). that they have to make a decision.
It's very positive and they understand. The government doesn't go to read because
they know how it is setup. As we call it, it is colonization through technology. Before
they used to raid the countries and colonize it. Now they try to control technologies so
they can control the others and this has to end. It has come to an end. The
governments have started to understand how the game is played, and we have a very
strong support in the European Court of Justice. Our appeal is directly to the
government of Belgium and not individuals. Because the structure of the government
destroyed documents and the judicial has falsified documents. So somebody inside
has to have such power and who is the one who covered it up. The government has
started seeing it. Don't forget we have pictures with the king intimidating with the
queen and it's published. When a king and queen sit down for an hour and a half and
** a scientist, governments can understand because we have pictures taken by one of
the supporters of the Keshe Foundation who was in the café when they ** us taking
place. We put the whole thing on the table, documents from the people who were
present in the court and have an affidavit. Our case in the European Court of Justice is
solid. We'll see a lot of changes and the governments are taking position in that
respect, they are ignoring all the things, but it shows the weaknesses in the structure
of colonization by Technology by killing scientist. (2:28). We are engaging
governments and the first thing we do is we put the facts, that we have been
committed to a false, what you call documents, all the documentation is there, they
can see it. What is interesting the same case number in the court in Belgium, the first
one says terrorist, and the only thing they changed when the Americans refused to
accept me as a terrorist, they said he was a scientist. They used the same court case
number and they changed it to fraud. This is the amazing thing what the stupid
Belgium's have done. They should have made a new case as a fraud or whatever.
They used the same case number and they changed the terrorist summons into fraud.
This had alerted the Americans very much in how it's done and you'll see it. They
played with everything. We have submitted these documents to the European Court of
Justice and it's amazing. They tried to drag it on for 2 or 3 years, the longer they drag
it the more it gives us the chance for other nations to see into the operations into the
collective between the Belgium's and Americans, how they have killed many
scientists using Canada as a point of arrest. It will be very interesting how it is
emerging and then you understand they ** ** in the same process. Rick: There is a
lot going on now in Canada specifically how to interact with China in that regard,
right now. Keshe: Well yes because that is why the king of Belgium has made a
recent trip to Canada they are looking for sanctuary. (2:30). They are looking for a
place to abdicate and because they did all the crimes between them and Canada and
the US. The Belgium monarchy is looking for sanctuary in Canada. If you look at the
report he was there very recently, out of nowhere because the hope.

Rick: There is talk of other monarchs that want to settle in Canada as well. royalty
refugees across the world. They're going to need their own refuge because the people
may not be happy where they happen to end up.

Keshe: You have to understand Canada has been a collaborator in assai nation of
scientists and stealing of Technology from scientists with Belgium and US. Rick: Yes,
absolutely. Now they think if they go to Canada they will have a sanctuary. They will
give them. The next step in the European Court once we go to it, we have enough
evidence for 7 other scientists that have been murdered through the same process.
That will take into the Human Rights Court of Justice in Dan Hag. There is no
government. There is enough evidence of the direct connection. They are trying to
preempt what might happen to them before hand. .. there has been no Belgium
monarchy visit to Canada for 38 years. (2:32). It's a bit dodgy when you make a trip
so fast. It's not just monarchies there are other presidents who are in the same
position. .. I was kept in Canada in the airport, jailed by the Canadian customs or the
police. The guy said, I get my instructions from Hillary Clinton, she'll decide on your
destiny not us. It was very interesting, I think the time I was there, there was a
conference, a gravitational something, they were all there and they panicked, there
was an Iranian nuclear physicist there. And Hillary Clinton has the say, and you saw
what happened with her, go and see what she made ?** for the same reason. She is in
a bad state of mind and mental condition today. She ** ** carry ** These things
happen and it's working together. It's good for humanity to reach a point of justice. I
can still ** in Canada. The point of it is how many other scientists have kept silent at
the point of intimidation and arrest and stealing Technology from. This can not be one
off, we were one of many and it happened over the airspace of Canada and that is why
when I came to Mexico I thought it was a safe transit through Canada. Now we don't
do that anymore. We take direct flights to South America. (2:34). I go so we don't
have to go through criminal states. My advice for everyone is to avoid the airspace of
Canada that's what they do. I have been a victim and Huawei is another one. **
Canada has become the point for stealing Technology and capturing scientists and
developers. It's part of the process of the human race maturing. Any other question.
You are rubbing your hands I think you are cold. Rick: no I was just relishing your
answer, I like that thank you. It is a little cold here but not bad.

Q: What will happen in April and what will come in 18 months?

We are trying to negotiate with the Iranian government to show the space Technology
in Iran the 19, 20, 21 April. The Technology for it is available and after January now
that I have finished with the medical side, it's going in the hands of a very capable
man in the Keshe Foundation to see it through. We'll concentrate on the environment
and the space Technology which ** worked, and the rest to be, our target is to show
the Enhancement Unit simultaneously in 4 places around the world, Arizona, China,
Brazil and Iran. (2:36). This is important for us that the Technology is shown
simultaneously across this planet. At the same time we go to the space Technology we
developed, it depends on how we tune the system. ?** illness or elevating the Soul of
the man, producing materials or becoming a spaceship, or ** energy. It's a universal
system, it says on it, it's not a name it's a functionality. In the Universe ** rotates ?/
creates energy, food, life and everything else. It's called, Universal System. Now we
understand more. In 18 months time I'll leave the Keshe Foundation as I am today and
I'll go back into research and choose a private life. In so many ways, Christ did the
same, he completed his mission. We are not here to claim a position of power we are
here to elevate the Soul of the man. I'll take ** towards research and development,
like many of you lead the life of it, and joy for it. ** new life. This is what our plan is.
?** that speed of development is so rapid, (2:38)that I think it's time let the man to
walk and see if he falls to ** get up. We are not ashamed, ** to stand up ** push it
and guide it 20th March ** my date to leave the Keshe Foundation.

(2:46)Because of the high temperature you pass the point of melting in a rapid heat, so
you "evaporize" it because a single atom of it is a vapor of it, in a gas state, and then
because of the immediate environmental coolness it goes back, but it can't take the
molecular structure, it stays in the ** then in the next process you spread the **
individual to singularity, on its own and not being spaced with other elements other
atoms. So Gans is an accepted Technology we don't call it, a lot of people call it a
plasma, because plasma is direction of the fields, but the Gans is the source of the
fields, it's a sun. It's understood by scientists very correctly and rapidly.

Q: Is there any influence by our "Twin Star" in us and in this creation?

Yes, continuously and scientifically a group of scientists lead by a well known

scientist very recently, in the past decade or so, has shown that the cycle of what we
see meteorite showers that effects the condition of this planet, spanning the whole of
the solar system, is when the "twin star" comes in too close of a proximity and puts
pressure on the plasma of this solar system and pushes materials towards the center.
Yes it does. ** Check the research papers and you'll find out. (2:48).
Q: And is that why we see a lot of elevation in the human knowledge, because of that?

No, this is a, not really. Because according to this research which fits and actually
shows the cycle of how often the twin star comes close to us. It goes back to the
position with the dinosaurs. It came through that cycle of closeness. It has a pattern
and every time they come close we get a higher shower of meteorites crossing back to
** It's just like a balloon, you pressurize it so everything moves to the center. the
closeness, when they come very close they get to this, but due to loss of a lot of their
fields, both stars to the galaxy and due to pull of the galaxy ** now this solar system
and its twin are closer in the center wing of the Milky Way, we call it, they'll be
pushed (together) and they'll merge and that will create a position of, what we call, 2
stars sitting each other, or becoming one. But that is in the future. It's inevitable, **
factors and environment and as you have seen higher level of meteorites moving
towards because of the pressure on the boundary of the solar system. We have noticed
a lot of bones, we call them dinosaur bones, (2:50)because that position changed, the
position of the planet.

(2:54)I know some of you couldn't get tickets to come here because of such short

Q: Tesla erected his towers on the same earth lines as the Giza Pyramids, is this like
the halo around the head, (2:56). where the universal fields entered the planet?
Keshe: What?
Keshe: Not really. ** decided where the ** going to be and they ** bought of him.

Q: Seven sages in the ancient Sumerian texts are holding a bag and a crystal pinecone,
is this the stronger giving to the weaker projecting the universal fields to elevate the
Soul like the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute Enhancer? I don't know. It
depends on how you want to interpret these things and we can't interpret just to be for
the benefit of the Keshe Foundation this and that. Rick: There are a lot of things in
that could be taken any way. Keshe: A lot of scientists have taken it according to
their understanding and a lot of people as scientists developed things they never
understood. (2:58). Q: Arthur from Attenborough. The blue light spaceship you saw,
and ask you if it was a field spaceship, did the Universal Council make it through
their Soul or is it a reactor type spaceship? We had it last night again. yes, I videoed it
and our head of Keshe Foundation in Brazil, we are all in the same place, he did the
same. Let me see if can send it, that's his recording. I'll try to foreword it to (3:00).
Rick. .. Q: was it with the (rainbow) rings? Keshe: It was exactly the same as
before He took one at 23:10 and 32 minutes past 12. It was there for several Q: I
think Brazil has many activities in that region? I don't know. Q: I think there and
Mexico they have a lot of them. (3:02). this should be with you on your chat
Rick. What happened we saw it last night, it's the second time we see it in Brazil. It
was there for about 2 or 3 hours, but this will become a norm and you'll see, it's very
hard to record on a camera. These are what we call field center systems. (3:04). This
will carry on with us in every nation we visit as part of our international conferences.
(Shares UFO video). You see it at the edge of the light. It's very faint because you
can't see the circle. No this is not a faint ring, it's a full spaceship, you see it.
(3:06). When we were in ** Sienya when the universal charter was getting written,
around 2 o'clock in the morning, we saw a full display. we were with two families of
Keshe Foundation and we both could see it. It was a beautiful display. 31

.. The original or the first flight system any race makes is a copy of the earth. If you
noticed we already done that with the Iranian space program, because the Iranian
reactor is that ** Some cultures 100 of years relied on 1 reactor. (3:12).


(3:24). Lyn is the head of the Keshe Foundation China. Q: How does the hot
plasma interact with the cold plasma, I think maybe he has a wrong understanding,
can you explain how plasma might interact to create hot or cold it could be more
easier to understand? The heat is a state of matter of the plasma. Plasma has no
temperature. When you call it hot and cold, it ** created (3:26). out of heat what we
understand as

Any other question. Rick: We need to let you know. We'll see you next week, we'll be
on another point on this planet.

Bye, bye.

307th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - December 19, 2019

(Keshe Foundation web shop opened with a lot of new products and low prices of
9.99 to 19.99 Euro and cheapest shipping, Ella goes over products, About those who
betrayed the foundation, Iranian officials asked directly if he is the Messiah and he
says yes we are all messiah of our own Soul, The Day of Judgment is everyday to Do
Good Think Good Act Good, Don't allow others to steal from you nor you from
others, The diseases of the world leaders, Tehran conference Knowledge Seekers will
stay with Iranians and not in hotels, The No War Treaty to be signed by every
country, The Ayatollah who brought Iran to focus on advancing science and
technology to make Iran the leader in new technology, The Vatican and Rothschild's
family financing wars around the world, Project list for new Keshe Foundation
research in the coming year, Saudi oil refinery bombing was the use of the technology
to return American missiles headed for Tehran nuclear facilities back to sender, , )

(:10). Keshe Foundation web shop is opening up today.

(Talks about Keshe Foundation products )
If you have an idea bring it in and we'll finance it.

(:18). .. We'll be a part of the products in a big way.

(:19). Ella takes over about the products.
.. Our products embed the Gans technology into the products. ..
(:20). I will explain one by one the products in the store. 9.99 to 19.99 Euros.
Ankle Gans Gel Pack. All the products are CE certified.
(:22). Gans Eye Mask.
Foot Gel Pack ..
Each of the products is 19.99 Euros each comes with a carry pouch ..
(:24). Head and tooth gel packs. Knee and elbow pack
(:26). face and eye masks . Migraine Ice pack. Multifunctional large and medium
pack, this replaces the pads that we used sell. The Technology changed and this one is
much more versatile.
(:28). Multipurpose pack 19.99. Knee pack. They can be heated or cooled according
to the need. Shoulder and neck pack. Re-stick-able packs .. (:30). They stick to the
body so you don't need straps. .. 20 new products added to the store.
.. the Universal Enhancement S Unit we need on the top. The USA Shop will close as
of today. It will cease to exist. We closed the Paypal account on it. (:32). It means that
all products will go through one store or to the Keshe Foundation Austria account.
The whole process of returning the Keshe Foundation, restructuring, every product
you see in Arizona USA Shop will be tranStar Formationerred to the Austrian
account. All under one shop. You still have access to all the products you wanted.
You'll still have the old Pain Pens etc.. will still be there. Now the product range has
increased. The new Technology-shirts will be launched next week.
(:34). .. the delivery stays at 30 to 90 days, all the goods will be shipped in January in
15 days because the stock is kept. We have purposed a large volume and held it in

(:36). .. Around the world looking for new products and the sales team will be backed
up once the Malta headquarters is set up
Are there any questions on this section before we go to the next one.
(:38). .. Ella has been working to 5 AM this morning. You have to understand that the
Keshe Foundation staff has become very small but very effective and we'll build it
back up to the way we want it. ..
We have given the distribution out of the Keshe Foundation hands into larger
international companies. We'll take the best option and best possible way that we can
ship. (:40). We have set up more or less the same structure as Amazon and Alibaba.
We'll delivery goods into international warehouses and it's there taken over. All these
holding and handling by Keshe Foundation is more or less will come to an end in a
short time. This is why we have become very efficient and have managed to slash the
delivery prices drastically. So sometimes you'll see the price of the delivery is the
same as the product. The only reason is we managed to reduce the delivery costs
from 30 to $40 per piece is gone, it's finished, We have brought it back to around
about 9 or 7 Euro .. This international organization set up has allowed us to work this
way. Ella as the head of the Keshe Foundation has been working relentlessly with all
the Keshe Foundation teams to bring these things in. Especially thanks to the Chinese
team. The head of the Keshe Foundation in China, Gaun Lynn has also been working
relentlessly to make sure everything is on the dot. Chow is traveling all over China
making the guarantee of the products and new products Keshe Foundation has
spread to special groups and teams. Now this way we control our initiative and the
products are done by the teams we set up. We'll produce catalogs that you can go
through very fast. (:42). As I said, when I come in, those who betrayed me will not
exist. I am by tradition a trader, set out, and I told you when I come in there will be no
one. Those who betrayed in Italy, there will be no job left. I'll go to 4.99 and I'll make
sure the salesmen go door to door in Italy and around the world ** Those distributors
who thought could go faster, we'll take it one by one. Why should people pay 120
euro for the same patch they can buy for 9.99 or 19.99. We'll not supply any
distributors unless they have made a new agreements with the Keshe Foundation. If
you have signed a contract. These distributor contracts should not operate anymore
because these agreements are with Keshe Foundation Austria and not Keshe
Foundation Italy, it has died. They killed it, but it was good for us. It opened our eyes
to a lot of things. these products now are in the hands of international distributors and
international warehouses .. The minute the stock reaches a certain level you'll see, "on
hold" (on web store). If the stock is not available it will not be sold. The pattern that it
was kept and then trading people, but it's not there, and then 2 or 3 months waiting for
you to get your goods, and then switching to another company is over. We'll make
sure the new distributors of the Keshe Foundation stay the way they came and not the
way it was set. The margins are very short but the reality is we will capture the
market. (:44). We'll go a different way that I brought in 30 years of international
clearing houses, manufacturing worldwide (experience). This is what I did for nearly
25 years when I left university to back the work and the research and unfortunately I
left it to the people to do, and they thought they took, and now you have seen what we
delivery. This has been my game for 25 years and you've seen it. I can go to 1.99 and
I still can make a profit. I am a ruthless businessman when it comes to business those
who betrayed me will beg for their life, bread on the table, because you betrayed the
Keshe Foundation. We'll go internationally across Italy promoting the Keshe
Foundation materials and ** retail shops. I come from that background. I dealt in
millions of items, not a few, and if they thought they went and told the others that,
we'll turn the Keshe Foundation over, Keshe is stupid, now we see how stupid you
played the game . I don't let any one betray the Keshe Foundation it's my
responsibility as head of the Keshe Foundation, that the Keshe Foundation goes okay.
Holding the stock and taking money in the name of the Keshe Foundation and then
switching to another company. Match the prices and delivery. I told you that when I
come back I'll come back heavy. The only thing is the suit of scientist is full time
since 2002, the suit of international business and stocking factories across the world,
it goes back to 1981. This is what you didn't know. Return your BMWs back to the
dealers you won't be able to pay your bills. (:46). Then we'll go internationally with

.. I am a man with a business background with a huge ethics, when you put my name
and didn't deliver the goods that the Keshe Foundation gets a bad name and you
promoted yourself. The only way left is one way, close the shop, clear what you did,
and how you betrayed the Keshe Foundation, then we go ahead. Now you see how
that patch, 9.99 to 19.99 delivery price brought in where we can control and we're an
international franchise, we subcontract and it's done. It's not our worries anymore. Try
to touch the Keshe Foundation once more like this you will see. This is what you
thought, he was a stupid businessman, no. I trusted the people who called themselves
Knowledge Seekers. (:50). And now you see, more products, 50 to 60, everything you
have on your websites, as those who betrayed me, I match, 10% to 15% of your price.
Go and check who I am, I run one of the biggest distribution houses for 15 years
across the world. This is what you didn't know, I supplied the biggest discount chains
around the world as a supplier and they promoted as a discount to their shops then you
know what I can buy. The game is over but at least it brings a dimension to the Keshe
Foundation. Thank you very much Ella, Guan Lynn, Chou, the rest of the Keshe
Foundation around the world, in Brazil who supported us , and Austria We'll come
back to what we do best, this is showing the Technology works. We have received
enough order for the UBESU that we still go back to half a million price as of January
and are more or less our books are full for the first couple of months and then we'll
have enough orders to cover for the next 12 months. In this way Keshe Foundation
enters in a very big way the whole of the clinical trials in every aspect. We'll try to
increase the clinical trials if we have received it to the cancer research then we'll let
you know if and how we get it done, it takes a few months to get the structure set.

.. In my teachings in Farsi in the presence of the Iranian officials of the government

background, there was one question that was asked directly which has caused a lot of
concerns and what we call, different emotions in Iran. As you know I announced that
I am "Meethi" or what you call, Messiah and I was asked directly by the presenters if
I can explain more. We are all messiahs of our own Soul, the Day of Judgment, the
final day of whatever it is, is everyday in our conduct and our products, as long as we
don't betray our own souls and physicality, then we don't betray the others of our
ethos. That's how it is, the day of judgment. So we are messiah of our own. We were
cheated up to now to say there was that day will come. Unfortunately the doing of the
man doesn't create a code of judgments for God to bring all the men and one day and
line them up and that will be it. The day of judgment for man will be the day,
everyday and it's with the Soul of the man. Now that we have the knowledge, the
answer to the religious Iranian leaders (:54). is very simple. I am the messiah as much
as you are for your souls. The conduct of the leader have to be within the Soul of the
man the correct way for himself and his nation, then the humanity. We are all
"Methis" for our own Soul and now that we know the position of the Soul of the man
is and in parallel with the Soul of the Creator, the answer is very simple. Go back to
where we came from and understand the ethos of "zadosh", do good, think good, and
act good. In that emotion, by doing it, you become the true man, and that lays the day
of judgment every day because you judge your own acts of every act, the thought, the
deed, and the action. You cannot betray yourself because that is where the biggest sin
comes when you allow the others to abuse you, and if you accept it, then that is a
betrayal. That is stealing from yourself by allowing the others to take. My answer to
the religious organizations, be it Moslems, Christians, or Jews or whatever is very
simple. I am the Messiah, I am the Meethi, but of my Soul. You are the Messiah and
Meethi of your Soul and if you can live as leaders or citizens with understanding this
and that you don't allow people to steal from me and you, yourself don't steal or do
wrong to the others, that is the day of judgment because you have already judged it,
before you become judged. (:56). If we learn this and if we do what we do the best
way we can, we have already reached the Day of Judgment. The fancy time of **
Mahesh, the Day of Judgment and Confession, is finished. Then we understand how
the condition and position of mankind will change. As you know we announced on
the 19, 20, 21, 22nd we will return to Iran for demonstration of the space Technology.
We'll develop it to the point that it is and we'll show what's developed up to that point,
and then we carry on. It's not that everything will be there, that for you, to start
something which you fancy. Sorry about that I still have a very bad cold. In that level
we go back to one point, we invite world leaders and what we call Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to Tehran. As you know Iranian tradition brings home hospitality.
We request from the Keshe Foundation supporters in Iran not to put the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers in hotels and hostels but invite them to your home.
(:58). Let them feel the knowledge and love Iranians. We break the sanctions through
love and care and sharing of the knowledge. We'll organize planes to fly to Tehran
with Knowledge Seekers, one or two thousand, it doesn't matter. We open the door of
knowledge in Iran, in our homes and in the Iranian tradition. Ambassadors and
officials will be invited and I have already asked the Iranian officials to organize a
one and half thousand auditorium and maybe more, for the Knowledge Seekers and
world leaders who come to Tehran. We'll be traveling with a plane with the
Knowledge Seekers, we go back to Iran to being a revolution of knowledge, the same
way as Ayatollah Khomeini did from Paris. (1:00). Knowledge Seekers and the
Keshe Foundation management team. We land in Iran to bring the revolution of
knowledge, not political change. We land in Iran to break sanctions as One Nation.
From the first of February we'll organize this, that those of you who are Knowledge
Seekers, we meet in Tehran. There are no hotel costs or charges the Iranian
Knowledge Seekers will be your home. All you need is a plane ticket and a visa from
the Iranian embassy to say you are going for the conference of the space Technology.
It is the responsibility of the Iranian government to make sure this conference takes
place, and to show the beauty of the Iranian Technology and science. We are not
afraid of showing our Technology, we are proud to show how advanced we are.
Knowledge Seekers and Iranian Knowledge Seekers who developed and worked in
different aspects will be given the platform to show their Technology. (1:02). The
Tehran conference is the point of change for humanity, where we share the love, care,
the knowledge. Let them sanction themselves. It's the responsibility of the Iranian
Keshe Foundation to organize this that it goes smoothly in conjunction with officials.
We are coming to Iran to bring a revolution in science and humanity and we leave the
governance of the nation with those who they trusted. Iran will become the center of
the new knowledge, as head of the Keshe Foundation that's my job. We invite the
American scientists to this conference as much as everybody else, we welcome. The
flag of Iran as well as every other nation will be next to each other, as equal shares of
knowledge and Technology. Then we build the new space center and the new
structure. Until that time we'll extend the Technology as much as we can and in
Tehran we'll show the Technology as we can. The Iranian scientists will work with all
of us to bring the change and the rest (1:04). and the rest is in the hands of what we
call, all the Knowledge Seekers in Iran and who handle the affairs of the Iranian
Keshe Foundation to organize this to go smoothly. We have to make that step to bring
the change, that we run this planet through knowledge and peace and sharing each
others love. We ask the Iranian Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers to take the
Knowledge Seekers to show them the love and how life is, not in hotels. The change
and the beginning of the change for all of us has to take shape and it has to take shape
by those who care and know. In understanding this we'll try to speed up the teaching
and in collaboration with the Iranians that in the Tehran conference we'll see new
dimensions in everything else. Those of you who are responsible for the Iranian
teachings and the rest to make sure all the farmers who are using the Technology, and
all the universities which have used, and the Iranian space Technology which has
developed by the Iranian government on the back of new technologies will be what
we call the center piece. (1:06). We don't hide the Technology, that we show it if they
attack us, we show the Technology that there is no need even to think to attack. We
show the beauty of the Technology that it is power, that it forces nations who have
been war mongering, will be ashamed to do. The Keshe Foundation with the Iranian
Keshe Foundation support team will change the course and this is our job. These war
mongers have had enough chance. Now it's time for peace. As I said there will be no
war but we have to show what is the new way. In our conference in Mexico we'll sow
more technologies. In our conference in Malta mainly we are there to set up the center
for the Keshe Foundation worldwide. In Kenya we'll do the same and in Tehran we'll
complete it as one unit. All the Knowledge Seekers across the world we invite you to
Tehran. In that process we need to understand, we'll show you what has been made to
be false sanctions will be the sanctions on those nations who created the sanctions to
enforce war. I will ask the Iranian government to facilitate for the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to be given a special visa. Freedom to see Tehran and freedom to
see Iran, (1:08). and at the same time, as I said to the Chinese when we were
discussing about the space Technology with the Americans, and they said no. We
said, but they are the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and are American and
they said, yes that is acceptable. We'll go the same way. We bury the flags and we
make one flag which is planet earth, One Nation. Those of you who are believers of
the path of Christ and you were waiting for a Christmas present next Wednesday on a
Christmas Day, you have received your present, the promise of peace. It's a gift that
no one could offer up to now, there is no more war, as we said, as we promised now
we have to show the alternative for peace in a very rapid way, otherwise, as you know
the men of Adam get bored and cause themselves many sins by eating the apple of the
wrong kind. We have to take charge to sow the way the peace will come and what are
the peace dividends. What rules and laws do we have to operate under for the new
Technology. We don’t engage in claiming and working for peace, (1:10). we create
the conditions for peace with the new science and Technology, with the collaboration
with the scientists irrespective of color, race, or religion, or position on this planet.
We take charge with the distribution of this new knowledge and Technology and
showing how this new Technology can change all our lives. The Iranian leadership
has cancer, ** leadership has Parkinson's, Chinese leadership suffers extensively from
Parkinson's, German leadership shakes publicly with the Parkinson's, all leaders and
their families all suffer from diseases, in which the new Technology can give them the
pleasure of peace of mind and body. It will be interesting to see if we can get the
German leader in Tehran to walk in the machine and come out without the shake
during the conference. It will be nice to see the Turkish leader with his cancer to walk
out without it. It would be nice to see if other world leaders and their families find
peace through the knowledge that it brings peace to the nation. (1:12). It will be good
to see the British Royal Family with all their diseases become normal human beings
through the use of the Technology. The peace conference Keshe Foundation Tehran is
a knowledge peace conference where the knowledge will be shared and displayed, but
the prerequisite is world peace and delivery of the world peace. If the Iranian
government officials try to block, I will play the game of Messiah. Then we
understand who carries the true claim. We'll open the borders as I said in the talk
before, we opened the Iranian nuclear transparency and it gave us peace. This time we
open the transparency of the knowledge with the ethos of the Keshe Foundation and
we'll achieve world peace through the knowledge in sharing the pieces of knowledge.
The launch of the UBESU was for creating a peaceful condition, not for others to
have a better life to live longer to rob and steal and abuse longer. We can gather as
much wealth but the wealth of the health is something no one has mastered. (1:14).
Now through what we call the enhancement of the Soul of the man, through the body,
through the Technology, we change the position. Registration for the Tehran
conference will open the first week in January. Names will be given to the Keshe
Foundation Tehran to facilitate who will stay where and who wants to show the
hospitality of the Iranians to the rest. We'll come from all nations, races, colors and
background and it is the responsibility of the Iranian Keshe Foundation supporters to
make sure that no one stays in any hotel, but in the hotel of life and the love of
Iranians for the people of the world. We take charge for the peace because we are the
only ones who can deliver it through the knowledge and Technology and as One
Nation. The responsibility of seeing this takes place falls on the responsibility of the
shoulders of the Universe Council. To make sure the peace conference in Tehran, the
peace of knowledge and stability is your responsibility. It means the Universe Council
has to make sure that everything goes smoothly that the knowledge becomes the
background of universal peace. We have entered a new phase and when you establish
peace you have to deliver it and protect it, (1:16). and see facilities that everything is
more or less can be done and is the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to see the finances of the war, which have been used, is correctly
tranStar Formationerred to be used for peace. We have to show that the finances that
were used for defense or whatever, now has no room. We need to get the signature of,
No War, at the United Nations or at the meeting of the Keshe Foundation leaders and
ambassadors in Tehran. We to get commitment that no nation enters war. You have 4
months to work. Today is the 19th of December, January, February, March, April. But
we have to give something to make sure that man doesn't have and will not go into
war and that will come from delivery of new technologies in the coming weeks and
months. It doesn't mean that when we get to that point everything will change. When
we get to that point it will be the beginning of the change. How we can show them to
increase the harvest, to give the clean water, clean environment, how the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers can show all the beauty of what they have created
and what they can create (1:18). The Tehran conference is set for the world leaders
to sign themselves into a No War condition. It's not a peace treaty, it's a No War
treaty. We commit our nations and ourselves to no war and to peace and the
expenditure that has been going on the war to go on the peace through application and
development of the cultures, the nations and in the direction of world peace and
opening of the Universe Community to humanity. We need commitment and it's the
job of the Universe Council in the coming days to draft up a no war commitment by
world leaders and their governments. World peace and no war, man has signed
himself to taking no actions that will lead to war. Then man will come to be at peace.
We need to understand this with the new Technology as we've seen today. We don't
need to fight we just have to find a solution, that those who steal if they want to fight
have no room to exist. The Tehran conference will be the beginning of the steps to
what we call governing. The Tehran conference for peace even if they ban me from
entering will go on. (1:20). It is the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation Iran and
the Universe Council members and the Earth Council responsible for Iran to start the
line of understanding on how to set up this conference for mankind to sign himself to
no war. I am sure the Iranian leadership will be one of the first ones to sign itself to it.
The No War treaty has to become the cornerstone that through it we achieve peace.
Nations signing themselves that they will not develop any war weapons, nor buy
anything which can lead to or cause or give an incite to war. The no war treaty has to
come from the Universe Council in conjunction with E Council. You have 30 days to
draw up the draft, and to deliver it to every leader and newspaper and making what I
call, the end of the UN. We don't need a UN when we are One Nation as we are
united. (1:22). In a meeting yesterday in Beijing one of the scientists has asked if we
can show the fields that we can detect. We will show a field that not only brings the
change, but we can detect. The roadmap for peace is set, now the roadmap for no war
has to be sent. Nations committing themselves to no war and to not make tools which
can lead to creation of war. We are not talking about disarmament, we are talking
about not making arms to be disarmed. Any questions. (1:24). Q; Is there a new
method or alternate methods to pay for products other then the wire tranStar
Formationer which many people find awkward to use? Now the Keshe Foundation
has a Paypal, you can pay through the Paypal in the Austrian system and we closed
the Paypal in the US accounts as now it feeds back into the account of Global. The
Global has no operation with the Keshe Foundation retail groups. If you try to find a
way to support the work ** we'll find a way to ** New ways of delivery will come
in. In china we'll use the "We Chat". In other operations we'll look for credit card
facilities and ** coming weeks will be set up through our operations. All these need
setting up and this is all part of the Keshe Foundation Austria, which will become the
headquarters of the Keshe Foundation worldwide. It has become and in that process
we'll try to expand it gradually and at the same time it's spread around the world, it's
just monitored and operated through Austria. Any other question. (1:26). Q: What
about the weapons manufacturers, the purveyors of death and destruction, will they be
required to sign? What? I think we'll come, you have to understand, look at the
other side of it. When the nations sign themselves to a No War Treaty, do we need the
manufacturers to sign as they'll have no customers. They are singed into it by it. You
have to realize that the majority of the wars, the conflicts around the world especially
Africa, now where it sits comes through the financing through Vatican, and Saudi
Arabia. All these radical groups was to understand, they all want, they will go and
disappear. All these people who will claim to be the leader of different factions and
attacking the Christians or Moslems or the Jews or doing the others will come to an
end, because the governments will sign the No War Treaty, will force them not to
supply them anymore. Our biggest problem sits with the Rothschild's family and the
Vatican. (1:28). The Rothschild's family finances war and that's what they have done
for centuries because they see it as domination and control and different factions of it
breaks up into different governments. We see the regular administration is run by one
cousin and the other cousin tries to better up and all sorts of games. This has to stop.
One of our biggest problems is with the Rothschild's family at the moment. The
Rothschild's group has financed wars through Vatican, they put the money in and
Vatican uses the name of the Soul to create wars. As we have taken the decision to
elevate the Soul of the world leaders and the Rothschild's family, it's for their Soul to
reach a point that they understand the time for change has come. Let's see if the
Rothschild's group attends Tehran conference and signs their family into peace and
not financing anymore arms. It's the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation Italy to
deliver the No War Treaty to Vatican. At the same time to Ayatollah Khomeini of
Iran. The same to the Saudi family which is responsible. The same to the two Rabbi's
running of what we call Jewish state. (1:30). The same with the temples, Buddhists
and the rest. The No War Treaty, not entering war because the cornerstone of them
not financing the war. The biggest war from now on will be with the Soul of the man
with his own, not with another man. The No War treaty has to be given to every world
leader and the member of the Universe Council can sign on their behalf, if ** The
wish of the Universal Council will be obeyed. Those who asked the question in
Tehran on Monday if I am the Messiah, if I am the Meethi, I think we have answered
you back in a very clear way. Any other question. (1:32). Q: What is the role of
neutral in a plasma device be it MaGrav or teleportation? Rick: I am not sure if he
meant Neutral or neutron ? What the other question. Q: Nikolai, If Knowledge
Seekers have already sent their payments to Keshe Foundation USA .. ? Everything is
okay, it's all in the same house in different ways. But the Keshe Foundation USA has
to inform us what they have received. That account closes as of today. The link to it
will be taken off so everything goes through Keshe Foundation Austria. A lot of
Knowledge Seekers still pay through the old account through Holland. So no problem.
All the Knowledge Seekers have to go to Holland and not to Austria, it's all the same.
It's all one family, it all gets used for the betterment of the Keshe Foundation work.
(1:34). As you see many people who used to around the Keshe Foundation and were
on the payroll are gone. We restructured the Keshe Foundation in a way that we work
through project or case by case management. This is a decision taken by the head of
the Keshe Foundation and she doesn't want to run it the way I used to do where we
paid for people to be around. She is working on a vision basis that we pay as we need
and when w need and we pay the best value we can get for our money for the Keshe
Foundation. I used to work on the trust of the Keshe Foundation and unfortunately,
Giuseppe (Italy) took all of it and behind it, Ben (Ghana), so from now on as Ella
works on the direct way of running the Keshe Foundation, that decision is there.
Everything goes on the project basis and we won't see long term people around the
Keshe Foundation. We project it out, that will be the way if will be. In that process a
lot of things will change and a lot of ways of the Keshe Foundation will become more
efficient. Nothing in the Keshe Foundation gets lost, it just gets consumed and used
for another purpose, project, target or what we call, advancement of the Keshe
Foundation. I stopped financing the Keshe Foundation because now it has to stand on
its own and it's standing good. It will expand in new products and new systems.
(1:36). It will develop more and more. New projects and new life have to come from
ever development. As we announced, Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute if you
signed and you paid your fee, you'll find out that out of nowhere you become a post-
graduate student. We have asked the Knowledge Seekers and Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute to line up projects that they want to participate in the next
semester. We have gone from teaching to research and development, which means
you to research and not just come here to learn Gans's, but what you want to develop
and find the like minded people in the Keshe Foundation to develop that project.
What I wanted to do today as part of the teachings is to ask the Knowledge Seekers
what topics would you like to research in the coming Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute new year. Each platform will have people to work together. We won't allow
any one person to take charge of the research, that they can hijack. It has to be
collective sharing and developing. Either way your work will be published or you'll
have to publish it or bring on to the discussion table every end of term. The panel is
open for you to suggest what you want to research. (1:38). New systems of space,
agriculture, .. and how you can research it and then make a dossier of it and tell how
you can develop it with a team that you put up (gather) to be with. Rick: In the
Knowledge Plasma reactor group we created a project list for 2020 and we've got
about a dozen potential projects Would you like to share it with us. . Because we
don't see, so you can put it on the screen so people can it and it stays recorded. These
are some of the suggestions, You decide what you want to research.
(1:40)Rick: reads Project List for 2020.
#1 - Understanding and replicating the first plasmatic Nano-coating interaction, the
Coke bottle.
#2 - Making the self-charging flashlight. Has there been a group that has seriously
looked at that to replicate Keshe: Where is the first flashlight that charges itself. .. It
was one of the first things I was to show in the demonstrations.
(1:42)There used to be a lot of discussion about the Coke bottle
If you need on these teams something to be done, we'll try to set up a structure that
they provide you facilities. Or these groups in Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute
can meet together once or twice a year to see the results
#3 is create matter from fields. .To actually create an iron plate from field
interactions. (1:44)This is part of the transmutation from fields into matter
Technology, creating just a simple matter from the fields .. Keshe: There is a
Brazilian group or people in a Brazilian Chat claim that they are part of the Keshe
Foundation and they know the secrets of how to make materials from energy or
something like that. Maybe they are a very good candidate if you can find these
people. They said they are part of the original Keshe Foundation ** in the Brazilian
Chat. There is something very funny. Red Circle ** somewhere claimed that he is
financing and working with the Keshe Foundation research. I would like to see that
finance which matches the claim. We have never done any research with Red Circle
and he never financed any research. It would be nice to see people who would like to
finance these researches themselves ..** okay I finance this project ** like other
commercial groups too. (1:46).
Rick: There is more.
#4 - Understanding magnets, can we change the magnetic field within a magnet?
Keshe: Yes, good one. Rick: even with basic magnets

.. can we use the knowledge of the Gans to change the magnet. Changing of the
magnet through Gans or the plasma, not with current, we already know that. In
Tagomax they use part of this Technology to accelerate Rick: I heard a discussion
of David Adair he talked about .. he said it should be a figure 8 like an infinity
symbol. Like in your drawings. He is very much into rocket Technology.. recently
invited to Iran to progress with this Technology, (1:50). and to help with their


Keshe: One of the biggest problem is that Iran has to take the leadership in the new
space Technology. Rick: I think this is exactly what is going to happen. (1:54). This
is what I suggested to the Iranians a long time ago. We have the knowledge and the
scientists, we have to take the lead. They took the lead of the wars and we have to
take the lead of the science. This has been my suggestion to the Iranian leadership for
a long time. One of the worst thing that ever happened is the way the system works
that you are guilty because we said so, as we saw in my case with the Belgium's. ..

.. The situation before Huawei, the daughter of the Huawei was in Canada. If you go
on the news a few days before that the top Chinese scientist who was awarded in
Europe a few weeks before, (1:56). again, he was drugged the same way as me, and
was thrown out of the window and was killed in US. Americans and the Canadians
and some of the European nations have taken that step to openly kill scientists. It's the
job of the Iranian government to give sanctuary to world scientists and through the
knowledge to create peace, this is what I have advocated with the Iranian government
for the past few weeks. Become the hope but do not use the Technology as a defense,
use it as peace that we share it with everybody else. This is the position we have to
change, the freedom of the scientists to travel, of scientists to come and go out of Iran,
for Technology to credited to them as they developed (it). This is what is needed as a
new leadership. This is what I said to officials, I take that position to bring scientists
to Iran. And openly release the Technology, the development, the way we are doing it
in the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. By creating fear they have created war.
By creating trust and showing the Technology we create peace. We create that this
machine, what it does, is not for the war. (1:58). These steps to take scientists to Iran
is something we have been asking for years from the Iranian government. But when
we go in the knowledge has to be open and not kept secret. As you know Iran has
advanced heavily in the past 30 years, be it in nuclear, in Nano or in any other aspects.
Ask yourself a single question, why. Many governments have changed. We saw
Ayatollah ** his idiotic behavior, we saw Ayatollah Rohani, we see the other
Ayatollah's who ordered, who became one by one Iranian leaders. But they are just
the front of it, the progress in the knowledge and Technology of Iran is n the hands of
one man. He's extremely knowledgeable and extremely advanced in science and
Technology. His Excellency Ayatollah ** . The Iranian leadership sits with Ayatollah
** and the Technology advancement of Iran, of nuclear processing ... comes from the
insights of a man who puts science first for Iran. And it's AK who has done this,
nobody else, governments have come and gone, but the pattern of development, of
Technology sits with one man. The way he has supported scientific groups in Iran
we'll see many more advancements. (2:00). My suggestion to the office of AK has
been very simple that to allow the world scientists, make Iran the center of knowledge
and we see it start. By creating fear and sanctions they want to stop this. With the
Tehran conference in April we break this. It's the beginning of setting up the space
Technology through new Technology that it brings other scientists to do it. The sits
only from the inside and the openness and understanding the effect of the new
Technology on the life of the citizens through the office of A Knowledge. He is one
of the most intelligent world leaders, we know of no other time ** He has used the
assets of the nation to bring the nation to a very high level through the team that
works with him. The special groups within the structure of his office has the
responsibility to bring the world scientists to Iran. It's not just putting sanctions on
different Ayatollahs or whatever, you have to see how the background leadership sits,
we have seen many presidents change but the development of the science and
Technology in Iran is amazingly a meteorite going up. (2:02) The Ayatollah
Knowledge of Iran is Russian back educated inside. This has given an intelligence of
the understanding of the totality of the knowledge. Through knowledge and
Technology you gain power and not through arms. This is what most people outside
and even inside Iran don't understand. It's not a random buying and making
something. The AK has set up a structure that fishes out the intelligence, the most
unique scientists out of Iran and nourishes them in a hidden way, then the
technologies come up. It's the responsibility of the Iranian government now to extend
that to the world scientists and they have started doing it. Iran in 1978 - 79 had 90%
oil dependency for its income. Today through the wisdom of the leadership it's 30 to
35%. Iran is one of the biggest exporters of Technology around the world. This is why
the sanctions don't work, because Trump lives in 1970s that they thought with the
sanctions on oil can paralyze Iran. Iran lives in the 21st century where income comes
from knowledge and Technology by chemicals and everything else. My advice has
always been to the people who speak to the Iranian (2:04). central office to show the
beauty of the Technology, not out of fear when we have to, but in advance that it
doesn't allow them to take hand. The April conference is to show the beauty of the
knowledge worldwide in Tehran then world leadership in science and Technology
will come. This is what is important. Today's Knowledge Seekers Workshop is
important and opening a lot of things and you understand what we are talking about.
People have to understand the true nature of Iran. It has and it will become the center
of knowledge. AK has taken that lead when he took the seat of leadership. Nobody
understood. If you look during his leadership we have seen all the latest Technology.
The Americans ran from the Straits of Hormuz of the Iranian Technology. It is not by
coincidence and it has been developing one after the other. It has to be this way. The
counter balance for war and war mongering sitting in Europe and America, is the
peaceful nation of Iran through the new technologies, to releasing and becoming a
home of science. Iran used to be this way until in 1972 the peanut man decided. We'll
see that many scientists will be attracted to Iran. (2:06). Iranian scientists will have
to compromise as much as the world scientists to bring back a counter balance, a
sanctions on the nations that create war, with sanctions on the development of new
Technology which can bring peace. The teachings of the Knowledge Seekers has been
and we have seen for months, is not anymore on making systems because I knew, I
planned this change in Knowledge Seekers. The Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute becomes a home for new technologies what you want to do, but the home of
the new science, the new space Technology will be Iran. We invite the world
scientists to come in. You know the top scientist in plasma invite them to the Tehran
conference. If they accept, let me know, I will organize it with the Iranian government
that all accommodations will be met that they'll be there. When we go to Tehran we'll
announce positions that Iranian Keshe Foundation scientists, Knowledge Seekers will
all go in full plane loads to Tehran. It's the responsibility of ** and other nations to
make sure the safe passage of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and world
scientists to Tehran. How many peace and environmental (2:08). conferences, even
the last one in Spain has faced failure, because they have not agreed to not make war
nor go in conflict. When you agree not to go in conflict you already have found a
solution for peace. We start with a No War Agreement. If you want to defend a land
in the name of a nation, defend it, but you cannot go to war for it. We commit nations
to peace because they have no wars to make. The same thing goes for the Chinese
leadership. President Xi has to change the position from increasing the difference to
increasing the knowledge for space, for Technology that we don't need to make war.
In China there is a huge problem. The Chinese leadership cannot see the true
developments in science because the leadership is surrounded by a bunch of scientists
who protect their own interests and not the national or international interests and they
are blocking the leadership to see new technologies which can be used for not creating
war, but creating new conditions for peace. They are blocking anything from reaching
CCP. All the heads of universities are there to block new technologies (2:10). that
they keep their position. All the professors and military leaders who are in scientific
development work in China in one way, not to show their stupidity ** ** but
preventing the leadership from seeing what changes ** brings. In Iran this is solved,
the leadership of AK controls the new Technology around the world to bring in and
they started doing it. This has to ** ** Putin has changed the position he takes a lot of
new Technology into Russia in conjunction with the Iranians. Rick: Iran is currently
ranked #4 in the world in Nano Technology articles right behind USA, China, and
India. Keshe: USA is stolen Technology. The American Nano Technology most
of it comes from stealing and killing scientists, we know that. If you cipher out the
Nano Technology in the US it's all stolen papers, knowledge and Technology. The US
has hardly any, very little. If you do the correct ** the US should be around about 25
to 30. The US steals Technology and accuses others not to see. (2;12). We see it with
the Huawei. One of the reasons they attacked Huawei is because they are too
advanced in G5 and G6. they kidnapped a woman (daughter of Huawei), throw their
scientists out of the window to stop so that they can catch up, which is opposite to
what Iran is doing. It's bringing in to go more advanced not to catch up for the others
to catch up with them. If you see the nuclear sanctions, the only reason the Iranian **
** five plus one is being enforced is because, put it this way, it takes one American
centrifuge to produce 1 kg, and 1 Megawatt, whereas the same thing in Iran produces
6 times more. This is the sanction to slow Iran down from advancement, but it hasn't
worked. Iran advanced more now that the nuclear problem, what you call
development for Iran is solved. All the finances now has gone to space and other
technologies. We achieve what we,, as I said ** in the FivePlusOne Iran gave nothing,
and in a way Trump is correct, Iran took everything and didn't give anything for it.
Why should we, we are in charge. We carry the knowledge, it is ours, why should we
give it away. We can perpetual limit that it is safe for us and we can do, we are
producing the isotopes which we are selling worldwide, we still are developing a new
kind of plasma nuclear Technology, (2:14) we can sell it and export it. We gave
nothing. Which was alright. The next step in the Technology has to be the same.
Homegrown new Technology in collaboration and conjunction with the world
scientists. Tehran will become the center of knowledge and peace. And the seed for it,
as we said, by the present Iranian leadership of AK, people don't understand the
influence of AK in the Iranian scientific world. Iran is the only nation that every year
celebrates and invites its top scientists to a conference in Tehran. Elite Iranian
scientists coming from universities or wherever are invited and meet with them
personally, every year. No nation does this. This is part of his work to encourage new
Technology. This is why the daily running is left in the hands of the president. What
we see, the chemical developments and the rest of it and everything else, comes
because Iran has the security of the knowledge and we have seen it. The Americans
bombed their way from what they learned in the Second World War, high level
bombing for the past 70 years, 0ne by one. We've seen it in Europe, they did the same
thing in Germany they bombed it from high. They did the same in Viet Nam. (2:16).
They haven't learned, when you are incompetent then you throw stones. When you are
competent you sit and talk logic and find peace. Americans find their way by high
level bombing. Have you seen them over Iran, because they can go high, but we go
higher then they do. They tried every trick in the book. It comes out of the knowledge
and scientific Technology which is homegrown and developed by the Iranian


As you know very recently they claimed that the Iranians bombed the Saudi
petroleum refinery. But did anybody say why did the Americans push so much. Go
back to my teachings. They claimed the Iranians bombed it. They used every trick,
they our armies at the disposal of the Saudis to do what they like with Iran. You heard
what the American senator said, she said, excuse me, I am a military, we gave our
commitment to the American nation not to be given to others. American military is
not for prostitution. Why they couldn't do it. What happened in the case of the
refinery? Has anybody asked or looked into it? Very strange. The rockets have
American numbers on the side, they had American details on them. Do you remember
what I said before, when a friend gives you a gift you don't need you send it back to
him because he might have another use for it. When the rockets were launched
towards Iran for the nuclear centers of Tehran, we have the Technology, we just
diverted it and sent it back. (2:18). We had no control over it. Do you remember the
old song, return to the sender, there is no such address. Did the Americans come out
and say what the Iranians have done to them. They blamed the Iranians for their own
rocket which the Iranians returned back. I told you this 2 years ago and I said to the
Israelis, all these claims saying that it has come from Iran and it has been shot or
launched by Iran, to the (Saudi oil) refinery. It came from Iran but it was a gift sent by
the Americans which we didn't need. We have enough knowledge, it was sent back.
But the Americans couldn't capture it. Is the world aware of the truth. Return to the
sender, and this has put fright into the backside of the American leadership. The
Saudis won't open and show. If it is Iranian then show the label on the side. It has
American codes on it. We don't need the gift of a bomb we sent it back to you. If you
have the technologies to launch it, then you also have the technologies to capture it.
It's very much like a game of cricket, you throw a ball and you hope it hits the bar, but
if you got a good batsman and you throw it back, it's the bowler who has to catch it
that he doesn't loose 6 marks, doesn't it. (2:20). If it hits the boundary he's done.
When the Americans launched these rockets to hit Iran, Iran had the technology, all
we did is switched over. The Americans don't have the technologies to capture what
they throw and then they blame others for it. If the Saudis come up. Why do you think
the Americans suddenly opened (gave new weapons), we give everything to the
Saudis because they knew they couldn't capture the ball they threw. Now they blame
the audience that they should have jumped in the circle and captured it for us and we
get the marks for it. Advancement in the technology has given us a condition of
peace. This is why we take the world central leadership to the Universe Council to
Malta and not anymore to New York and the UN. The slaughterhouses of UN will
shut very soon. The same with the World Bank and the IMF. The strength in the
knowledge has to become the strength in the peace, not the weakness and the lack of
understanding. I have said directly, show us the numbers on the side of these rockets
they claimed hit the oil refinery. You'll find American codes on them. They tried to
cover their face for shame of loosing the game. We have to bring the peace through
knowledge and what we call, no war policy.

(2:22)As I said, we have to close 3 or 4 loops and it will be done very soon, it is my
wish and it will be done. We try to control most of the Swiss accounts and lock some
other accounts, and Monaco accounts. Now we have to stop the hidden money,
finances, stolen money from nations and governments who supplied these kind of
things into United Arab Emirates. It has become a sanctuary for stolen goods, funds
and paramilitaries. This is one of the last loopholes. We closed the Bahamas and
everything else, at least we tried to make at ** possible ** The UAE has to open the
books that anybody who goes in, where does he belong to and why. In that process it
allows a lot of things to clarify and be clear what is happening in Iran, and how they
are trying to play games with Iran. When I was there a couple of weeks, they said
something very interesting, the Emirates expatriates to Dubai is 7 to 2, it means every
7 expats that leave 2 comes in. Dubai has gone on the decline. You could buy
property for a million, now you can pick it up for about 300,000, because it has been 3
years since I left. I took everything out of Dubai.

(2:24)Because its unjust and the same thing has to be understood that new
technologies have to take place in the world government. Do you remember that song
that says, imagine by John Lennon, now imagine all these funding for rockets and
everything else and killing is tranStar Formationerred for knowledge to capture the
space, to open space frontiers, to open communication line with the Universe
Community. Can you imagine what a wonderful world it will be. This is what's going
to come out of Tehran conference. We will not show the AK Iranian leadership as
those who are war mongers, we'll them as those who set the cornerstones for peace for
developing new Technology. This is why a lot has been hidden in public and why the
sanctions are not so effective. With oil they took one third of the Iranian finance not
the others. They tried to bring more sanctions against chemicals and every other
sanction but now we are cheap and effective that now Iran's GDP export, it doesn’t
matter oil is just part of it. most of the Iranian oil export comes back for the Iranians
(2:26). cars and refining. We hope in the coming time to use the Iranian education
centers and universities and Technology for world teaching. We'll talk about it in the
coming time. If you want to go to the center of excellence for space Technology see
you in a few months or years time, you can find a place in Tehran university. Do you
know internationally what they say MIT stands for? Master in theft of technologies,
not MIT scientists and the work that comes out of it, originated there, it was stolen
Technology. They sit on all the boards and sees what comes out, then it becomes from
MIT and they try for the patents. This is what happened to Keshe Foundation with
Ebola. They stole the Technology in the office of the president, 3 months later MIT,
the same person who was in the conference, has published a paper as an American
intelligent new Technology for Ebola. Find the scientist who published the paper and
check his passport, it says Sierra Leone, 3 months before, as part of the world health
authorization. Master in Theft, not MIT. (2:28). Carry on reading please.
#5 Simple Nano coated Cu scrubber as a water purifier. Keshe: We did that, Armand
and the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers we sent this with Ukoko to Japan. Is
Armand there?
(2:30). Knowledge_ you need to add a little bit to this one, it's not just Cu there are
those made of composites .
(2:32). Armand speaks a little. If you mix them with others you get a better result.
.. Can we put these on Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute so people can choose
which topic they want. .

.. #6 Create gold from Tritium Gans. Keshe: Please contact the Japanese embassy
they'll give it to you. It's already been given. Rick: You've talked about that before
If you like to start testing it.
#7 MaGrav windings adjusted ..
(2:36). In a meeting in Beijing we gave some materials to test
(2:38). ..

#9 is exercises for emotion and breath. (2:44). It all ties into a need for going to
space and control of our own spaceship our body and emotions.
Keshe: I have to leave in the next 7 minutes. So we'll come back to this in the next
Thursday teaching for people to start choosing what they would like to do. Would
you like to read the rest.

(2:48). Emotional dialysis machine. I thought that was a nice phrase. I think the
emotional dialysis machine will come through the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement
Unit). What I would like to invite a lot of Knowledge Seekers to design projects
around the Enhancement Unit. What do you want to see and what is the result when
you change things. You can launch research on different application and position or
whatever and in Arizona we are placing 10 units and 6 of these are for medical
application, the other 4 are part of the space research in which are inviting the
American and Iranian scientists to join us. We would like to see what happens if you
change some parameters. If you come up a set up and you want to see what is the
effect on the emotions, production, 4 of these units are specifically for research,
production of materials and all sorts of things like this. You can go to Arizona for 3 or
4 months to test. Rick: We had a little brain storm before today when you mentioned
some sounds that could be played when you get into the Enhancement Unit. That was
offline. One of our Iranian scientist is a musician and I asked him to look into it. ..
Use the Technology we have
(2:50). If you look all the 12 here are practical purposes.
Keshe: Knowledge Seekers in the Universe Council will do. and what ideas they
come with on the spiritual and Soul level and want to research and see or do
theoretical research. Rick: we need more input. Keshe: yeah, different topics. We
might have some news for you very soon regarding other aspects of the Keshe
Foundation Global operations, (2:52). and facilitating these things. Is there
anything else. I have to travel.

(2:54). Thank you very much. Rick: One comment, man says he used this
Technology with the African Swine Flu and it worked. Yes we know.
Thank you
308th Knowledge Seekers Workshop December 26, 2019
(** Adam as Creator, Eve as Daughter: (Best Soul Teaching - What went wrong on
planet Earth and how to prevent it from ever happening again)

The Iran Conference you'll be hosted by Iranian families, Americans launched most
advanced missiles at Tehran and they returned back and hit Saudi oil refinery shows
modern weapons obsolete, The peace has begun, Iran to take leadership in spreading
new technology, I have given you the best Christmas gift the Creator could give, the
chance of peace and the opening of the Universal Community, 2020 was year
promised for beginning of peace, Mankind has a ripple effect on the Universal
Community, The true story of Adam and Eve is that Eve is the daughter and caries the
creation further, Man first migrated out of Africa through Iran and now returns back,
When you rotate the Gans it creates a Soul of all Gans in the ball likewise the Tehran
conference will create a new Soul of peace for humanity, I'll retire March 2021, The
conversion of energy to feed the man without killing,

The Universal System is not just for man but all creatures in the universe will use this
same machine, We are part of the family of the Universal Community and they are
present here on earth, In your research try to understand the elevation of the Soul and
what the Soul level creates and in which dimension of the universe, If Iranian
gravitational blocks the conference we'll change it through enlightenment, Mankind is
ready for the change, Environmental pollution may be for some to go through
evolution of the Soul of the man and allergies occur when one doesn't accept it,
Rotating the Gans in a core you find the Soul of it and that brings the universe to you
if you match the field strength of the Soul of the moon then your love for the moon
will take you there, Gans is a portal to another dimension and can be used to
spiritually awaken, Feeding the man directly through satellites,

Soul Teaching: 1:54: Goes deeper into meaning of Adam is the Creator and Eve is the
daughter, The Creator of all shows his adoration and love for what he can create, his
daughter, When man thinks of Eve as his wife he interacts and binds himself with the
physicality, When you are just and correct in every sense you do not need a male and
a female to create, the balance of the field forces leads to creation of new dimensions
- called the daughter, When the daughter of the Creator appears the cycle of creation
will be complete, He came to understand why Adam created physicality, When man
falls in love with the souls of creatures of the universe they can only create Soul
children, The skin is the essence of the emotion and plant grafting, From singularity
and in balance with each other we create the birth not in the dimension of man's
thought, We need to become aware that we possess the physicality and not the Soul
and emotion, In the dimension of the Soul one sees the truth,
The world leaders go into the Enhancement Unit and come out knowing the truth,
People who see the flashing light at point of death where the Soul of the man and Soul
of the physicality fields interacting like daylight from the fields of the Sun and Earth,
Being able to retract the physicality back into the Soul and re-manifesting like at time
of sleep, When you die nobody goes to the Creator as such you become part of the
structure of the position of the Creator, Attachment can hold you to the physical
dimension for some time, You cannot die before the destined time because the other
souls have to make a position for it otherwise you would be stealing from them, What
is behind the fields of the Creator - read Book #8, The Tehran conference is the
beginning of the change of process as we have to reach billions of people and change
a lot of things at the same time,

We need the religious leaders to trigger it as they are the abusers they have to end it
by becoming enlightened to the truth, (2:29) Mr. Keshe tells his story of how he
matured and it took 3 times before he accepted his mission, "I decided not to allow
my Soul to be abused or my physicality to be lied to and cheated and the rest and
when I took that step everything has changed", Becoming a physical life to
understand how you can stop the processes in it (to fix what has gone wrong like on
Earth), The Creator took this physical life that we experience here on earth so that He
could discover what went wrong and to see that it never happens again in the physical
dimension, What went wrong? - the killing, The problem is with the creator of the
planet and the conditions it was created under, The mistakes of the past prophets like
Moses was they fell into the dimension of the physicality and justified the killing, Mr.
Keshe waited until he matured his Soul of physicality through life experience to
prevent any mistakes from happening this time, , )

(:06). Wish you all a Merry Christmas.

.. There are a couple of things to tell. Next weeks teaching will move to 12 clock
European time not the usual 9 O'clock. I will be traveling. ..

.. Every teachings more or less, different weeks, comes from (:08)different parts of
this planet. We are in a different place today and next week, after the week after again
different, .. then we have the Malta conference. And then the whole cycle starts. This
carries on until April in the beautiful city of Tehran. If you are aware we'll announce
next week, we'll open the booking for Tehran Conference. The Tehran conference as I
announced in the Iranian teaching, Chat rooms on Monday and we indicated it last
week will be a pivotal point in the world of the teaching of the Technology and the
world of Science, and for us most probably the beginning of a new cycle. The
conference is open to as many people as can travel to Tehran. We encourage the
Knowledge Seekers to attend the visa to attend the conference. The Iranian Keshe
Foundation has been discussing it and been debriefed about the conference. The
difference with the Tehran conference is we'll try to organize that you only need
a ticket to get to Tehran. the length of the conference, your stay in Tehran, will
be handed over as much as can be done to the Iranian Keshe Foundation team,
which means you will live amongst the Iranian families.

You'll understand the reality of what we call Iranian culture, (:10)of hosting and the
love of the Iranian nation. They have started the process. Hopefully, we can
accommodate as many people as can come and in this process of 4 days of conference
the total space Technology from the Iranian scientific point of view and the Keshe
Foundation will be shared. Which means in the conference the Iranian teams have
started organizing themselves to show the different aspects of the technologies they
have or are developing through the space Technology. We have already asked the
Iranian government to accommodate up to 2,000 representatives from the Keshe
Foundation, the Iranian Keshe Foundation, Iranian diplomatic and the political scene
of Iran. To the extent that the invitation goes to his Eminence Ayatollah Knowledge
of Iran.

As I explained we have reached the point of peace, as we see it with the new
development in Technology the war systems of the present time has become
obsolete as we have seen with the American Navy, Air force, and everything else
they could muster in the Persian Gulf in the last months, but they could not
utilize it because the damage done by their attack on Iran was so destructive to
themselves. We saw the end of wars and how the most sophisticated rockets
which were targeted to Tehran, (:12)were scientifically and technologically
returned back to the sender as I said in my teachings before and accidentally as I
said, do you remember, go back to the teaching, return to the sender, there is no such

As I said when a friend sends you a gift and you don't need it you give it back to him.
It depends if he has a use for it. When the rockets, the most advanced missiles were
targeted for Tehran it was returned and it landed in the Saudi Arabia refinery and they
could not find anybody else to blame except Iran because they, themselves launched
it. So they got their own gift back but they were so embarrassed to say such a thing
that as you saw they tried to get the Air Force to see if they can get more in, and they
gave it to the Saudis and they couldn't do anything with it. Because when the Saudis
examined the wreckage of the rocket it had all American data on it. This is one
thing the Americans could not tell to the public, the refinery and the fire we saw in
the Saudi Arabia, was a return of a gift. Unfortunately, the ball could not be caught by
those who sent it as a gift, and it caused such a mayhem. This shows the beauty of
the knowledge and the Technology that we do not need to attack, but we have the
Technology to make the present weapons Technology obsolete. This is the
beginning of the peace. In this process as I explained to the Iranian Keshe
Foundation team, this obsolete (redundancy) of the weapons of the present time of the
most advanced, has created the end of wars.
(:14)At the same time it has created a new dimension that someone has to take the
lead in the technological and knowledge of man in the advanced Technology. There is
no nation better then Iran who is the cradle of the knowledge of ** In Tehran we take
the leadership in science and Technology on the banner of humanity. This is where
the turning point comes. This is taking leadership by science and peace and not by
weapons and murder and mass murder as we have seen in the recent past and
hundreds of years by mankind. Therefore if any of you would like to come to the
conference in Tehran to see the first steps in science and Technology of the space and
change in the evolution of the science, the Tehran conference is the beginning of that
cycle. As I advised the Iranian government officials, it's time to take the leadership
the way Daruis and ** Kush did. On this way, please go to the Keshe Foundation
website and register yourself we'll pass your names to the Iranian officials for clearing
your passage to Tehran and secondly we'll pass your names to the Keshe Foundation
Iranian community to arrange and accommodate you on your arrival in Tehran. It
means they'll facilitate you and the Iranians will take you to their homes and most
probably pick you up in their cars and you'll be taken to the love of home.

(:16)We'll bring the change both scientifically and to the Soul of the man. We'll even
invite the world leaders and ambassadors to attend the conference. One of the best
ones will be the offer and invitation by the Iranian officials to president Trump.
Maybe that will be the only chance he'll get to attain the Noble Prize for peace and
maybe a path to the second election. Will it get, through a change of attitude. On this
platform it makes it something very easy, it's the responsibility of every Keshe
Foundation supporters and Knowledge Seekers to write and invite your diplomats,
politicians, and your head of states to Tehran for the original scientific conference
which will lead to a peace conference. How you go on the media, use the public
platforms on the Internet, spread this invitation around the world and the success of it
is in your hands and the direction set by the Universal Council and Earth Council.

The beauty of it is that we take the leadership as One Nation, One Planet, (:18)and as
one race we guide the rest of humanity to the new path of knowledge, strength
through the knowledge and Technology for peace. This is the message of Christmas
for the humanity. We all have worked to this target, to this call and we bring it to this
point. Every effort will be made that we can and do and the facilities to be made
available that humanity starts a new course. Showing you technologies, showing
salvation from the pains and problems of the past, gradually changing and financing
peace and new Technology, then for war. Caroline asked me yesterday, do we need to
go to Malta and build a center there, why don't we make it on a ship. I said, I thought
about it already, but at the present time one missile can create us a lot of problem, but
if we can push the world community towards the peace, maybe the most latest
advanced naval warships which have anchored 700 kilometers in the Indian Ocean by
the Americans, (:20)will change and become flag bearers of peace to go around the
world instead of delivering bombs and rockets, they'll deliver new education in
science and Technology. They'll become flag bearers of peace. It's very easy we don't
need to dismantle them, it is easy to change them into education centers, into health
centers and put them around the world to help to change and convert a lot. We'll make
men of peace from men of arms.

You have to understand that these people are highly educated most of the them, so in
a way they only change their clothes into teaching, and culture and changing. It
doesn’t take much, it just needs one man to open the eye of the man to the insight of
the peace. We see the Tehran conference to be the beginning of it. As our webmasters
open the registration for the Conference in Tehran the only thing you need is a ticket
of love. We saw John sitting in god knows how many hours of traveling from
Argentina to be in the conference in Brazil, and they turned him back, an old man in
his 70's more or less, but the journey was there to make, because it makes that
difference in the Soul. (Take) this journey and come to Tehran, and when you go to
the Embassy, write down we are going to the Conference of Keshe Foundation
(:22)from the 19th to the 22nd, in the beautiful city of Tehran. As I said to the Iranian
Keshe Foundation, if you invite, and one minister accepts to attend, the Iranian
minister has to accept his invitation of arrival, which means, if any of you have a
connection with a president of Prime Minister of your nation, or you can do what the
Italians did in the Italian parliament when the Keshe Foundation Key was released, to
invite and he requests that he wants to attend the conference, the Iranian leadership
has to accept and be present. This is the international law of engagement by the world
leaders. This engages many of us and this is the beginning of taking leadership in
science and Technology and peace. It comes to one point do we exclude nations or do
we invite all.

You have to understand on arrival in Tehran and on the availability of what we call
the Enhancement Systems (Enhancement Unit) would any of the world leaders dare to
take the step to step in. Would the voice of the man going in be different then the
voice when he comes out, man or a woman. Or would we get into what we call the
pleasure of the Iranian, (:24)master piece of work, what we call "tarruf", which
means, 'you go first please, no, no, you go first please.' Let's see which leaders will
take the first step into the new dimensions of peace by entering the Enhancement Unit
universal system. Would they walk in because of their illnesses or would they walk in
to enhance and elevate their souls, that by stepping out they'll reach a new level of
leadership. Maybe on the stepping out would reach the saying of Bahuala who said,
'the time will come that no man will take the crown of leadership as they see each
other as equal and in love with each other.' It's a very delicate point and in a very slow
way, I have guided the Keshe Foundation and humanity to this point. From now it's in
your hands, Keshe Foundation followers, supporters or Keshe Foundation or what we
call, "anti" or whatever, let's see how we can bring peace through the knowledge and

Just before we started I was explaining to Rick that I had a very beautiful but strange
experience. I was in an airport lounge, (:26)sitting next to me was an American
woman and on the other side of her was an American man. Very interesting, attention
seeking, enjoying the presence of children as I found out later on that they couldn't
have any children, so they enjoyed the presence of them. In my talk, he said he was
from Washington. I thought a Navy man or National Security guy, his haircut, his
manner of walking, very extrovert American as usual, but somebody connected to me
through the haircut of the American military goes with them until they go to the
grave. In talking he said, I am the first pilot who flew the F-17 and very proud of it. If
you know, the F-17 is one of the latest man-killing machines of the Americans. I said
to him in a simple way, with the new Technology all the present weapons Technology
is obsolete. We have war, if we manage to create new weapons out of the new plasma
Technology which has come up. He could not take it. He could not see what he
worked on and was so proud of, hit the dust. Maybe this is the way we have to go, we
have to lead.

We have to understand that the world leaders need to set the new line of
communication for humanity to explain the new advancement in peace and in equality
of man through knowledge and Technology. (:28)Now you understand why I put
Tehran conference at such a distance to build up for it. The Iranian Keshe Foundation
have already started the work and they said they have a crew of 30 and can start and
they have enough to be able to support such a position. You have to understand the
Iranian mentality, as soon as you say you have a guest, they all invite the guest, then if
you say he is a foreigner, oh, they are worshipped. When you get to Tehran, don't be
surprised if you get smothered with love, kisses, and cares and thought of often, the
best seats in the best restaurants and house in the city and are for you for the time you
are in Tehran. It doesn't matter if you are a layman or a president. This will create a
dilemma for the Iranian government to accept such a conference on such a short term
or to take the leadership in science and Technology and the evolutionary development
in the Space Technology.

In the coming days and weeks I will be in touch closely with the Iranian officials
trying to accommodate and for them to understand the position of the Iranian
scientists that leading in Nano Technology in what we call the present rocket, nuclear
and all the advanced technologies the Iranian scientists have homegrown, (:30)and
lead the world in many aspects. Now it is time to officially take the lead and lead
mankind to the progress of development of peace and Technology, and abandoning
wars and conflicts. I wonder if our Hebrew Universe Council can invite the Israeli
president to Tehran, or we can get the Rabbis to return to Tehran where most of them
were born and bread through their ancestors. Would we see the Italians to be strong
enough to see themselves to be in a position to invite the Vatican and the Italian
leadership. The Tehran conference is not just scientific but is a total science and
Technology to create the conditions of peace. We encourage all the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers, if you have achieved evolution in the Technology, let us know
and we can invite you to present it. I hope we don't get the lady from Italy who
wanted to show a game and then when we didn't let her show, she became everything
wrong with the Keshe Foundation. These conferences are a serious point for
scientists, politicians and diplomats to attend.

I have given you the best Christmas gift the Creator could give, the chance of
peace and the opening of the Universe Community. (:32)2020 is the time of
change and the time when most of the world leaders were promised, the
beginning of the world peace, the beginning of the beginning. As we say the best
mark you can get is 20, now the mankind has got 2 of them, 20 out of 20. It's time to
graduate towards them and it's the responsibility of all the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to work in this direction. It's not anymore somebody else might
do it, I invite him. I invite the world leaders. I ask and request the Iranian officials to
organize this function that we show the beauty of our Technology and the beauty of
world peace and world order. I wonder how much and how far we can meet, as I said,
by 2021, the beginning of the promise of the new life. The new Soul will manifest
which humanity and the Universe have been waiting for. This is what we said, and
what has been the promise of the beginning of the time. Then we will see, are we still
going to kill animals to consume. Are we going to destroy more, (:34)to get
advantage for ourselves for a short time and life span on this planet. Or we
understand more that these small changes that we have done on this planet,
whatever has had what we call rippling effect in the Universe Community.

Mankind has not seen as yet, as I explained once it's like a farmer who grows the fruit
and to him it's just a box of fruit that he sells to go to the big city that he can have an
income from that he can live, but that box of fruit lands in the palaces and on the
tables of the kings and queens and the leaders of the world without him knowing. Has
it been the ripple effect of the man on the Universe Community and is it time for
the farmer to understand where the fruit of his life work ends up. Has mankind
been blind that what he has done, even wrong or right has had a ripple effect on
the creation and the world of the Universe. And for the first time he comes to meet
and eat on the table of the kings. Are we going to sacrifice to cut the tree or are we
nourishing the farmers work to bring more the delicious fruit but not for the king and
queen, (:36)but for the whole nation that the tree becomes a tree of humanity. The
apple which the Adam promised but as we said the man has never understood the
true story of the apple and the Adam.

As I explained, in the present history of man you say, the man or the Adam took a rib
that it made and created the Eve. In truth there is more extension to this, the man who
created the Eve, the Eve is not the wife, but the daughter of the Adam, where he
could truly love and where his beauty could be passed down to the rest of his
own creation. Now we understand the beauty of the daughter of the Adam, not the
Eve. Mankind has always read the stories in half and maybe now you understand, why
when the truth was given to the Jewish leaders, they gave only half a story and they
said the blood of what we call, faith passes down in the woman, the blood of the
woman, the daughter, from the mother, and from the mother to the daughter. Now we
complete another mystery in the cycle of man. Now we understand the true Eve is
the daughter which is born to carry the beauty of the Creator, (:38)to be able to
replicate and carry both the love and the physicality of the Creator. That is the
time of the completion of the cycle of the truth. The apple was the love of the
man for the physical existence.

Now as we progress towards the Tehran conference we'll build to the next step, to the
direction of not being interested in how the cores go, or how this goes, but we look at
the total energy which this Technology will create in the humanity, a new blood line,
new blood life, a new cycle, a new era, a new continuity through the daughter of
Adam. This is the time of peace and the peace will come through Technology and no
other way. A correct peaceful Technology which meets all the needs of the man and
corrects all the path and the past. Many of us will come to understand this very soon
and it will grow on us in the next few weeks and coming months, that the new
promised beginning has started. We don't know any other nation or place then the
nation of Iran to carry this. (:40)Going by the historical past when the man crossed the
straight of Hormuz into the mainland from Africa, the spread of the human race
across the Asian and American continent started just above the straights of Hormuz
where the family spread. So the land of Iran is the point where the humanity
spread across this planet and so we go back to the motherland to where we
changed, we accepted the handover from the African Continent and the size and
time of the evolution started.

In so many ways we are all Aryans, it doesn't matter where we come from as if
you are a Chinese or a Russian or American or European, the change and the position
started just above the straights of Hormuz when the water was shallow and
mankind crossed into a new area. It spread across the coast line and spread further
up in the north ways. The Tehran conference is bringing back the whole of humanity
at the point where they divided and where they started. Maybe this time from this
point, again we start a new revolution which is dividing into space and we start the
process of, we stop expanding across the continents of this planet and we expand
through our knowledge and Technology across the Universe.

(:42)I am the Messiah. As I said to the Iranians I am the messiah of my Soul and
physicality and to me Tehran is where my Soul will find peace and knowing that
the new generation of souls which come from it will carry that wish and message. It
depends on you where your messiah takes you to. Do not forget when you put drops
of Gans's in the ball and it takes motion and becomes dynamic, it creates a
common Soul to become the Soul of all the Gans's in the ball. Would with this
motion we would bring man to that point, that the new Soul of peace will be
created in Tehran for all the world leaders and all the man at the same time. This
has been our wish and this is what we have planned. The truth is we have come to
that point, the point of maturity, and the knowledge and science of man has brought
us to this point, that we see no need for war as we have managed to match each other
in war. (:44)If you think of it, when 2 animals fight and when they get tired of it
because no one of them can win, they talk peace.

When one thinks he is stronger and starts a war and he thinks he can win, and he gets
stuck, at the end of it, he ends up at the table of peace negotiations. Mankind has been
through all of this. Mankind has managed to master this thing, master the reality of
the science of creation and we are a lucky few that are born and will be present to
witness this point of change. Billions of us born in the past were wishing for it that
they could see it, and billions of humans after this time will wish that could have been
present to be part of it. The Tehran conference is a revolution in science and a
revolution in bringing peace between nations and religions that they all agree that
there is oneness in all and there is no need to cover it with different colors and races
and flags and religions and god knows what all. As I said, we have just started.
(:46)Write to your world leaders and diplomats and to each other to arrange how
many of you will travel to Tehran. We have a hundred thousand (capacity) football
stadium in Tehran and we have a 10 room conference in Tehran too. You decide in
how the mankind will go, we'll make it, power to see, or will we become shy being
afraid of what we believe. Don't be afraid, if you can sponsor or you can make the
way to Tehran, apply and go. Arrange the plane craft for 200 or 300 people. Talk to
the tour office. The Iranian government and nation will welcome. The beauty of it is
that when you attend the country for the conference how can you put embargos
on the nation.

Now you understand. Mankind by killing many in one go at Hiroshima thought that
they had found the ultimate weapon of destruction, killing and power. But actually
that Hiroshima bomb was the starting point of peace that everybody targeted to kill as
many, but nobody dared to use. We saw it, (:48)70 or 80 years down the line, 2 of the
most powerful nuclear technology, one with science and one with weapons stood
face to face, and they have come to the truth between Iran and the US. One not
knowing what the other one has, and one being fully aware of what the other
possesses, but both lethal enough to deter from use. We have come to the point of
stalemate in the world of war and this has shown the world community that there is
time for peace. There is time that weapons can be put down. The only skirmishes we'll
see will be between the Christians and the Moslems in and around the plains of
Africa, and this soon will cease to exist. This is the war of religions, to see who banks
more, and this will come to an end by April and onwards.

When there is no more religion to fight for, but the unity of humanity and mankind.
Vatican has collected enough, to put back in to humanity. Saudi Arabia has collected
enough in Jeddah, to allow the humanity to enjoy a new cycle of life. The other world
leaders have learned that it is time to talk constructively to change, and it is time to do
a constructive work for their nations. (:50)You won't see any charges on Keshe
Foundation Tehran conference, registration, and as is tradition, especially with
this meeting, all your registration will be given to the Iranian national security to
be vetted by the Iranian security system, that we all know we are going there for
peace, and we all know that they know that we know it is time to talk peace. We don't
match on the street, we gather to explain the new Technology that it marches mankind
to peace. We encourage you to show us many applications and developments in the
scientific world in the next 4 months using the Technology and we have asked the
Iranian scientists to do so.

Now you understand why I said by March 2021 I'll retire because I will have
achieved what I came here for and the rest will be in the hands of the world leaders
and Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers, Universe Council, and Earth Council to
carry the wishes of peace from us. In a way we step down for you to start managing. I
hope that was the best Christmas gift we could ever bring mankind. (:52)I hope you
enjoy it and gather strength and unify the Keshe Foundation around the world to meet
and work with the Iranian Keshe Foundation to achieve the world peace plan. The
Webmasters will open a new Chat line for the Tehran conference world peace. All of
you can participate with it through "Telegram" it has the facility to translation
in different languages and you can choose the one you want and it will be
translated, then you all can communicate together around the world as
Knowledge Seekers. On this new platform which will be released, as we did with
Brazil, there will be no allowance for disrespect and humiliation, or the talks about the
politics and the world. The politics has failed, science and the wisdom of the man has
taken over. We want you to use this platform to communicate with all the Iranians,
Chinese and the rest as a common platform, as the Iran peace conference that it brings
us the unity that when we meet in Tehran we already know each other, in so many
ways. This is what we call the unifying platform.

Try to enjoy each other, and try to understand how and where you are going to meet,
and how things are going to be done. Invite ministers and politicians, layman on the
street and doctors from universities, (:54)and different governments. I feel sorry for
the Iranian government that it has to do such a thing in such a short time, but in so
many ways, by what they did a few weeks ago by diverting such a huge damage
that was planned for Tehran. Now they can use the time of peace to organize for
this conference. When a world leader dies, in a matter of a few days, the other
leaders find the time to cancel to attend his funeral and to travel to the destination of
the burial and celebration of the new leader. Now the world leaders have 4 months
to bury, the dead of the war, of man's wars for centuries in Tehran. And to
organize to be there to see the birth of the new life, new generation, place and
dimension. We are all going to the funeral of the end of wars and to celebrate the
beginning of peace and the entry of man to the Universe Community and in the
dimension of understanding the world of creation in a much better way without **
and prejudices of the past.

I know many of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers have already told me that
they are getting ready to be in Tehran. And strange enough, Tehran is ready for you.
We make this platform under the condition, the only condition that the Technology
will lead us to peace. (:56)The Technology lead us for the Americans, Iranians, and
Chinese to work on one platform, how to open the space in a way that we do not make
the mistakes of the past on this planet. I was watching a program about the Himalayas
and people going to Everest to conquer the Everest. In that process they are very
proud, and many die, and many don't make it to the top, but what they don't show is
how much rubbish, debris, and carnage they leave behind at the bottom of the
mountain. This time as we try to make the peak we should make that there is no
garbage left on this planet and in the Universe, in the brain and in the emotion of the
man, and in the direction of the unity of the mankind. Cleanup, that when you start
you start fresh. We invite the Jews back to Tehran, as we invite the Armenians as we
gave them home in Jaffa. Iran is the land of "Zatorsht". As it was said, The Three
Wise Men who came on Christmas, with the wisdom of, Do Good, Think Good,
and Act Good.

(:58)I will be releasing new technologies in the coming weeks in different Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers will be welcome to test to develop to be ready for the
Tehran conference. These new groups will consist of space, fuel, energy, health,
environment and materials. Your language should not be the barrier. We'll bring these
groups into Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute teachings on Mondays thru Fridays.
This is how the target for Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute Monday is set. Rick
started the process last week. Now what we want to do is to gather a platform of
Keshe Foundation experts in different sections on Keshe Foundation SSI to come
together on a daily basis to develop and to have these technologies ready to be
demonstrated in Tehran, irrespective of your color, race or religion. American
scientists are welcome as much as the Iranian and the Chinese. We'll work on the
platform of One Race, One Nation and One Planet. If you know experts in different
fields of what you want to do and the groups are set, invite them, it doesn’t matter who
they are or where they sit, invite them to the platform of communication and
development and they'll participate.

(1:00)The Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute was set to break the barriers of the
religion, race and knowledge and from this term it starts from next week. If you have
an idea that can be developed in the next 3 or 4 months and it's basic basis, you'll have
a platform in Keshe Foundation SSI and a number of Zoom channels will be setup for
this purpose. Whatever you can imagine, do you want to develop it, we'll show
you that it can be done inside the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) and
how you need to adapt it to use it. Even those of you who are of the path of belief
in Christ I will manifest the Soul of Christ in that machine. Even though you want
to see the presence of Mohammad you will hear him, if you decide to develop the
Technology in the level of the Soul of time and space of the time of the Presence.
I will bring Moses to declare what lies he did, that we understand what has happened
in true time. When they speak, mankind has nothing to do to divide himself. Those of
you who understand this will take the path of wisdom. Those of you who do not
understand will wither to nothingness.

(1:02)What ever you can imagine in the past time and you want to develop, will be
developed in what we call, the Universal Enhancement Unit, because it is the copy of
the work of the Universe. It's you who has to understand how the Universe
created that condition, the time, space, the Soul and the action of the man. Now
tell the Vatican to open the books and tell the Vatican to close the books, and bring
the truth what happened. So many people joined the Keshe Foundation on the
wrong track, and so many that came thought they will find the right track. You
all will find your own ways. We all find our own way according to what we
understand of the Technology and how we decide to direct it and divert it. I have no
fear in what is to come, it is a time to rejoice.

In so many ways a lot of people who came around the Keshe Foundation to see its
benefit and they got disappointed, ask yourself why and how and what was the reason,
(1:04)and why did your Soul bring you to this journey? Then you'll find the answer.
We came to gain a better financial position, or we came to gain another spread of the
knowledge under the cover of financial gain from the Keshe Foundation. Many of you
played that game and many of you walked away disappointed. But it's for you to
understand. Many of you have come and through this process will become leaders and
become pinnacle points, and pivotal points of the new generation of peace. As of next
week we'll teach more and more in the advanced levels of the system technologies,
not for you, or those who I call, common man to copy, but for those who are more
advance educated to be able to develop it, that by the Tehran conference we can
deliver that it becomes the cornerstones of the new knowledge.
Are there any questions?

Rick: Thank you Mr. Keshe .

(1:06) Q: What were the categories of the groups that will form, was it Space and

Keshe: You decide. It's just what we can deliver or bring. What as the Keshe
Foundation can develop. It's how we see it to be done. The medical side and the new
space Technology is headed by one of the most beautiful men we know in Keshe
Foundation, by Dr. Rodrigo, he has accepted to head the Keshe Foundation
medical section from the teaching and developing of the new machine that we
have developed. He will choose, he has a total free hand in bringing doctors and
those who can be trained for the new machines that are coming to operation gradually.
He is one of the most capable men who knows the Technology, he lives and loves the
Technology the way I do and understands it. We have another doctor in Iran who is
the same, and many other doctors, 3 doctors, these are men of medicine who
understand both sides of what is there. We put a team under the mastership of Dr.
Rodrigo to bring this together. (1:08)because what I think and believe and what I have
seen, he has 20 years. This Technology will go first through the health of the
man's fear of his own life and by seeing progress he will take new actions to
bring the other parts in. the experiments on the health side will be one of the most
extensive ones because everybody wants to know how they can get rid of their cancer
and this and that. On the other hand, what about the food that caused the cancer
and the emotions which causes these conditions. These are new researches we need
to do. What about the energy fields which cause, that it leads up to these points and
conditions. Many people don’t understand how amazingly we create so much of
our own problem through the energy supplies. How we create so much tranStar
Formationer of energy from our Soul through the use of energy. These all need
to be studied. These lead to concentration of and new diseases of conversion and
evolution. Are we going to extend the knowledge beyond the present what we call,
physical, pharmaceutical. Are we going to develop new ways to feed the man, new
ways of agriculture. In simplicity, if you look at it, if any of you want to do the food
and agriculture, what about understanding the totality of the need of the food,
(1:10)that the totality of the agriculture. What is agriculture? Or is it a Gans
culture because at the end of it you take the energy of the sun, you convert it to
protein or nano and you put it in the plant, then you take that plant, whatever it
might produce, the root, the fruit, the seed, you put it in the body of the man and
you convert it back to energy, that, that energy creates the body and enhances
and nourishes the Soul of the man. Now that we understand the knowledge in
totality, do we need to go through these processes, do I carry a spaceship of the cows
and the wheat with me, or do I carry the energy tranStar Formationer that you
Knowledge Seekers now understand and can do it in the universal system, conversion
of energy for the need of the man without killing, without building it to kill, to
feed. This is the problem in the process of this planet, this is what has not been
understood. We say we don't want to kill animals or destroy plants to eat. These are
a conversion system and now we have the knowledge do we need to go through
the processes of creation and destruction, or can we use directly the energy of the
Universe in the dimension of physicality and the Soul of the man. Can we take the
energy of the Universe through the plasma or Gans Technology and feed the Soul of
the man which has been the whole purpose of this killing. We have matured and we
have to look at the facts. (1:12)How many of you Knowledge Seekers would like to
start testing this in these machines. What level enhances to what level of the Soul of
the man. What do we need to enhance to use the Technology, enhancement, universal
enhancement, enhances the Universe not the physicality of the man. But I had to show
you, this is for cancer, this is for Parkinson's and you all are happy with it, because
you are so afraid of your own demise, but your demise was set to establish the Soul,
to free the Soul. What are you afraid of? Would Knowledge Seekers look into, what
Gans's do I need and in what condition to create to feed the Soul, that the
physicality is fed for centuries. Then Adam, an apple, and a creature of space is not
food for consumption of energy. Now you understand. Try to come with .. there are
still Gans's, Caroline says to me, you know you have to setup different classes for
different levels of understanding, those who still want to play with Gans's, and those
who still want to talk about the Gans's, and those who have developed and they want
to play with energy. I said to her, I already thought of it but there is only one way, this
is the way we are going to open that those who are researchers that they teach the
others then everybody comes .. don't be shy, I don't know how to make Gans's. You
never know, (1:14)until you ever need to make Gans's, if you learned the knowledge
of energy tranStar Formationer through the Universe. Maybe that's why you never
learned to make Gans's. So when you decide where on these courses, these platforms,
when you want to start in Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute, invite the world's
Knowledge seekers, and the world's leaders in science to come in. You will get a lot
of arrogance, especially if they have a PhD at the end of their name. And the ** is,
that the man with no name understands better then the man with HpD. Do you know
what is the difference between HpD and PhD? Hypocrisy. You can guess the rest of
it. If you understand that the Knowledge Seekers platform at Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute is for you now to setup the new structure for research and bring
other people as I said last week and in other talks to join you. Don't think that they are
not Knowledge Seekers, you see somebody in the field of knowledge, bring them in
and teach them and let them be, then you will see .. they'll defend the book they've
read and the title they put on their shoulder, but on the other hand as our Iranian and
Dr. Rodrigo both said the same word to me in the past couple of weeks, but in
different languages, this is not what you call new Technology in medicine, (1:16)this
completes and puts everything in order of what they have been taught in medicine. It
puts everything in a frame that you understand and can help. The beauty of it is,
especially in medical terms, doctors sign themselves to help the sick and the man in
poor health, but they never had the accessibility and they got fed up with the present
world of medicine because it can't solve the problem, but sometimes creates more
problems. With this Technology they have the freedom to test the grounds that they
can make the difference for their patients being it an animal, human, or a plant or
whatever else. What is interesting is in a very short time, shorter then mankind can
imagine, you'll find men of space in these machines. They comes and they ask for
healing from the problems of disasters they faced in the spans of the Universe.
The universal system we have brought is a common system across the Universe,
it's not the exclusivity to man. You might look at it as a strange machine, but
actually, as for the first time , as I said, we have brought the gift from the Universe
Community to mankind. As a man, a dog, a fish, and as a man from the space, will
use the same machine for every aspects that they need. I have brought you a gift
from the Creator. (1:18)It depends on your knowledge, understanding, and your
openness to accept that the new condition has come an it has started. Then you'll
understand there is no difference between the man and the "man of universe", we all
we will go through the same system and as they need to nourish, heal and repair, as
the man does, will go through the same system. Don't be puzzled that this is a new
system, this is a unifying system for the whole of creation in the Universe. But to
you it's new. It's not just for making energy, or healing Parkinson's, it's for man of
space to see the machine, he knows what it is and how to operate it. For the
mankind we had to put the control panel, but for the man of Universe, when they
sit through their emotion they control the panel themselves through the operation
of the system. Mankind will soon learn, because you missed one point, do you
remember, the strongest always give to the weakest to bring them to the balance.
When the man of Universe needs the balance and enters the system.

Now you understand. Slowly I'll open the beauty, (1:20)of the system I have given
you. Because it takes time to digest and it takes a few to understand for the
others to be enlightened. The universal Enhancement Unit says on it, belongs to the
Universe, and not to the body of the man. Man always looks to his own pocket, but
now your pocket has got a little bit bigger. Now it's for you to understand and to
utilize it. Do you develop and put research groups in Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute that you can understand the use of the system. Get groups who can work and
understand the system. You still need to do other fringe works but part of that leads to
this. Don't be shocked if you are in the system and you feel the presence of
something. That something could be someone who has come for repair but in the
dimension of physicality can't see them. They are among us and our openness of
accepting new friends and new family will be very harsh. This is why we don't want
the world leaders and religious leaders to start making this difference, to start milking
you again. I will end any religious leader who takes such a step. (1:22)We'll not
allow the conflict in race, religion, and anything else to go beyond the
atmosphere of this planet, enough is enough. You'll meet them with pleasure, you
create them with the love of the Creator, the way they have done to you. In the
last conference in Brazil, those who know, we invited one and she was present. I met
with her in the morning of the conference and she attended with the pleasure of

In the conference I said, we have one of them amongst us. I'll try to introduce the
Universe Community to the mankind in a very slow step. The understanding of it is
important, that we are one race, one nation, one universe. As we have chosen different
colors and shapes on this planet, we have done the same across the Universe, but we
all come from the same Father, the same Adam, and the love, (1:24)of His
creation through his daughter has lead to creation of the Universe. So if ** to
give to nourish has lead to creation of the Unicose. When you are a father and you
hold your daughter, you protect her and you nourish her because you know she is
there from your creation and she can replicate you to carry your love to your, what we
call our offspring's and this is what is the story of the Universe and we are one of
those offspring's, that from that offspring we have brothers and cousins and
sisters so the Universe Community is our cousins and brothers and whatever you
want to call it, through the diversion and conversion of the fields of the Universe and
the collection and operation of his existence we call the Soul of the ping.

Maybe we have opened a new door and now we have as the human race to research
the new Technology, to understand to unravel how and the way we'll become part of
what we left. We are not a lost tribe, we are just a tribe that was too busy playing and
forgot about the tribe, while they were still looking after us. Try to do your research
in understanding the elevation of the Soul and what Soul level creates, what kind
of creation and in which dimension of the Universe. (1:26)You were looking to
travel through the depth of the space through your Soul and see what you convert to in
the dimension of physicality. Now that I have explained a little bit more you have to
understand that you can do the same thing by elevating your Soul to the level of
the Soul of the destination that the physicality will take shape on this planet if it
accepts the presence.

As I said, this is the universal system. I wonder how many of you will sign up to be in
Tehran and how many will sign up to show a new understanding. In Tehran if the
time will be short, we'll extend it. If the Iranian government blocks us we'll change
the government. We don’t change the government through a revolution, we'll
change the Soul of the leaders of the government, that they will be enlightened.
What we call, ** stault Soul technology. It's the responsibility of the Iranian
leadership to accept, and to setup and take the leadership in world peace in knowledge
and Technology and become the facilitator of the mankind, (1:28)to join the Universe
Community through the understanding of the man taking what we call, the wings of
flight into the Universe. My wish is my command and the Iranian leaders will
follow the same. We have come to facilitate the peace and for those who understand
the meaning of the peace, those who have not crossed their borders for 300 years.
They defend it but they don't fight it, they have been they wear the same banner as
they did for the Jews and the Armenians a hundreds years ago, now they take it to the
point of other nations to enjoy the same freedom and liberty, be it the borders of Syria
or Palestine.

You have to understand why Iran stood so fast with these, it's because it's been the
same they stood so fast with other kings when we protected the Jews and the
Armenians and the rest. Now we defend mankind to become and take the path of
peace. This is part of our blood and our culture of understanding that we are all
the same family and we need to be treated equal and in the right way. We invite
the Saudi kingship to Tehran for the conference as much as we invite their new
friends in Jerusalem. (1:30)Those who sell them arms to create more war. Let them be
ashamed of their own conduct. The invitation has to go to the Iranians as much as to
the Palestinians and Americans and the rest to attend this conference. If they do not
allow the conference to take shape in the dimension of physicality, I will bring
the Soul of the man on the 19th to Tehran. Then there will be no leadership.

Try to understand today's teaching. This is the teaching to open the man the Universe.
It will not suit many those who, what I call, who thought they are at the top and sit
right at the top on the Keshe Foundation, and they dictate and they been done wrong.
They have not understood the purpose of the Keshe Foundation. Our purpose is very
simple, This is what is life. I love to be in the body of a man as a human to
enjoy the beauty of a woman, but at the same, I would love to be a woman to
enjoy the body of a man to be in existence. It doesn't matter which one of us sits
on which way. (1:32)the Soul counts and the emotion of the perfection counts
and what we create with it. It is the time for changing and mankind will change.
Mankind will change because we have brought something to you that you did not
understand, and that is, is the mankind ready for such an evolution, Yes, is the
mankind ready to go through such an evolution, the answer is yes. This child has been
kept in the womb of the mother for millions of years to mature, to give birth to a new
life and it has started.

Are there any other questions?

Q: John - Mehran if I may call you this way, thank you for the matter of old man but
certainly I don't see you falling into this category for the next 400 years thanks to the
Gans waters?

(1:34)Keshe: This is Mr. John who traveled from Argentina 10 or 20 hours on a bus to
be in the conference in Brazil. He doesn't like to be called an old man like me, we all
like to think we are teenagers at this age. We live and work that way. You chose the
wrong number 400 years, you need maybe to put another dot in front of it.

Q: I didn't want to exaggerate. ..

If we go by the pattern of our parents, we were born and nourished by, as we see the
extension of all our families related (living) to 90s and 100, at 60 we haven't even
reached the half a step, what they say is the new generations will live into 150 to 200
physical life plus, then we are still teenagers and you are right. None of my family,
very few lived less than 80 plus. With the health care and replacement of organs that
we have we'll all live to 120 to 150, so 60 years is not even there, and we only work
for 30 years or so, before they make us retire by law. We are not even there.
(1:36)Any other questions?

Q: To use the Gans succesStar Formationully is all that is required is to drink the
plasma water daily and spend time daily in a Gans energy field, such as the UBESU?

Keshe: If you can master all the energies that the Universe gives to the body of
the man for it to survive, yes. I was talking to Dr. Rodrigo and he said, you need so
many things, so many number of Gans's, he wants everything. I said to myself, Dr.
Rodrigo multiply by about a thousand and you are just about right, but that is a good
beginning. When you speak about conversion and living, we absorb not only from
the food we eat, as I said, it absorbs 80% of the energy of what we need from our
environment and some of these energies are so rare that they only can come in
the conditions and interactions of the cosmos. We are children of the Universe. We
are not children of the earth. Just because we see the light and that is all we are going
to receive, no way.

Q: Do I understand this correctly, Gans is a portal from this physical dimension

into another dimension where everyone is in harmony and part of the universal

(1:38)If you look, I was looking at a video, the Iranian Knowledge Seekers are
working so hard to be able to make that hole in the middle of the core. They are so
busy with it and they just managed to see a few bubbles in it. They were so excited, I
received a video yesterday. The truth is very simple, if you managed to put all the
energies of the Universe in that core as a Gans, then what we see as a bubble, or
whatever, you call it, a Soul of the core, will match the Soul of the man, and does
the man need it to be able to transport through it. Or does it bring the Universe to
the man to be in that bubble. In so many ways, in the future time man will understand
this process. As I said, you make the gravitational field of the moon and you'll travel
to the moon, it will attract you. Isn't it correct now that you understand more, I can tell
you that create the strength of the Soul of the moon and the love of you for the
moon will take you to it. And you decide in which layers of the moon you want to
manifest yourself in the dimension of physicality. (If) you create the heartbeat of
the moon in the heart of the man, then the man will become part of the moon. You
don't need to flight. (1:40) And that needs a lot of wisdom and understanding if you
understood what I said.
Any other questions?

Q: Is Gans a spiritual awakening system for all humanity in a few years,

something that before would take dedicated monks and nuns lifetimes of difficult
practices to achieve just for themselves?

Read the first sentence please.

Q: Is Gans a spiritual awakening system for all humanity in a few years?

Keshe: If you understood what I said just a few sentences before. Then you you'll
understand, I already answered you.

Q: When praying would aiming the MaGrav reactor be the direction of the target Soul
improve the elevating of their Soul?


(1:42)Rick: repeats.
As I said to you when you read that before, I said has this become rocket Technology,
you want to target it Do you know what they call in English, flashing.

Rick: flashing?

In English you know they flash they open their jackets and they show (themselves
without) clothes. So do you want to flash this way, I target you, you can have my love
and then I want you to change your mind. What you call weapons Technology is over
so there are no missiles business. Isn't it better to understand the totality that you
expand your wishes, the dimension of your wishes to encircle, to embrace the
other Soul, that if it needs it, it will get enlightened. Maybe it's your Soul which
needs to get enlightened by that Soul and you don't see it. When you think that
way, that I want to direct it. Why don't you expand that you might need direction.
That's the point of humbleness, of maturity. (1:44)Maybe I have answered you if
you understand it.
Any other question?

Q: .. my friend suffers form Volatile Organic Compounds, and AlO, is there a way to
protect your home to shield off or minimize those toxins through the use of Gans
plasma, what would be the best method?

Keshe: Yes it can do but you have to understand why and how and the way it's done.
The environmental pollution, it could be for the evolution of some, maybe not for
you, going through the evolution, and you have to accept it. When we get
allergies like this it means the body is not ready to go through the evolution of
expanding, understanding, and accepting new dimensions. Maybe that is needed
for the next cycle of evolution of the Soul of the man. This is why we have the
damages because we can't accept the new conditions. Many of us live in the same
environment and we accept it because then it becomes part of the evolution of us to
fit the new energy fields of this planet which creates a new condition for us, for
our survival in the future on this planet. (1:46) Allergies, if you want to call them, is
non-acceptance, or not wanting to accept the changes through the dimension of the
emotion. When it happens in the dimension of physicality, we call it cancer,
which is some energy that we cannot process.
Any other question?

Is the sound okay today, are you happy with it, Rick Crammon?
Rick: excellent, very good. We have got a new system, thanks to Stanley. ..

Q: How can we change the habit of owning, accumulation and hoarding things. Man
is so preoccupied with that, that he has little time to know himself? Keshe: Has this
not been the mystery for the mankind since the beginning. Even when we were
moles under the ground for dinosaurs, we used to accumulate and store. This is
not understanding the process of creation and the fear of demise. (1:48)As we
develop these new technologies and we see that we can have what we want, this
dimension will disappear from humanity. This is part of the cause of the problems of
wars. By giving comfort to **something everlasting ability will go. Many nations
enter into wars just to collect food to guarantee the survival and this will go.
Many animals eat on top of, or consume so much energy out of the fear. If we
understand some of the reptiles who eat one food a year or whatever or every few
months and only eat if it is there, and they can adapt until the get the next food, then
you understand that mankind has a long way to mature to get to their level. What
dictates, they live in a very small environment but their radar of the Soul sees the
totality and what is getting ready for them when they need it.

We look at the point and the position of the hunt, we don't look at the point and
condition of the creator of the Soul of the hunt, it is at the point of inception. To
change that chain is going to be very difficult for humanity and the creatures on this
planet. The Chinese are planning to launch hundreds and thousands of satellites
in the next 5 years. Would we use these satellites to feed, to use them to create the
conditions of the availability of the energies, (1:50)that the mankind needs that
not even the fish will kill. The biggest criminals of the eating of the lives, are the
plants, because if you look at it, they continuously consume protein directly once
it's created. Would we live in this dimension of the physicality once we change and
understand the change of the whole structure, which we will do. We don't consume
physical food. Is there any need for the whole of the digestive system. Do we need the
bladder and kidneys to clean it, and the lung to convert it. The reality comes, how
would our body evolve to that position so rapidly. Would we feed the Soul of the man
that in the process, it will confirm the existence of the need of the physicality, and
that's it, you don't consume anymore. You get internally fed for what you want to
show in the physical dimension.

Q: Caroline Keshe, (1:52).. she is only 10 meters from me, not on the other side of the

(SOUL Teaching: Adam Creator, Eve daughter )

Q: We were talking yesterday that maybe it's time for me to explain to humanity
Adam and Eve, but the real reason why it's Adam and why it's Eve, I don't know if
the time is right for you to explain it now?

I just explained it a few minutes ago. No you just explained part of it. Mankind is
not ready yet. (1:54)What I tell you in private mankind is not ready. Mankind is
not ready to understand the truth about the Adam. You see the Adam is the
Creator, the Adam is not the man. Through Adam what was brought to mankind,
the religious leaders converted it to suit them in the Bible and before, in the Old
Testament and then it was added and changed to suit the understanding and benefit of
the Church, Synagogue, Mosques, and everybody else. The true essence of the Adam
was explained to humanity a long time ago. The Adam is the God, the Creator, is
the creator of all and the Eve is that, who he could show his love and adoration
for, what he had to give, but he could replicate him, in the essence, what we call,
the daughter of Adam, the Eve, what we call, is not the Eve as you call it, as his
wife, but in truth was his daughter. Because not only could show the love of the
father, the love of the Creator, in what is created, but in it, he could see that he
could create another life.

(1:56)In essence when you are just and correct in every sense, you do not need a
male and a female to create. In essence of justice, as it is in Chinese Yin and Yang,
the balance of the field forces leads to creation of new dimensions, which is what
we call, the daughter. What can create from me, is (its) own existence, another. That's
what a woman does. Where a man does not. In essence, as I said for many years, on
the evolution of presence of the Soul of my daughter, the cycle of the creation
will complete, for me, for the essence of the Creator. Until that time the essence
of the creation is not complete. In so many ways, mankind has misunderstood what
was explained, but this was the only way he could (understand), and this is why when
it was originally explained, thousands of years ago, to the men of what we call, who
were supposed to be the Soul leaders, they twisted it in a way that mankind could
understand and put it in the shape of physicality of Adam and Eve and the Apple. The
apple when the female was created for life, for showing the love, not to be the
daughter but to be the partner to share with, was what we call, the creation of,
what we call, interaction of physical life that man got bonded and bound to the
physical life.

(1:58)This is why many times I said, we come to the dimension of physicality to

understand why Adam ever created the dimension of physicality. Was it the
confirmation of his own physical existence or the pleasures of the beauties of what he
can create. The completion of the life comes when the daughter of Adam is
created. Until that time, it is the time to be. The life of Adam or the Creator or what
you call, God, is the essence of creation of ** the origin. You call it the virgin birth.
Does the virgin birth, comes the interaction of the Soul of the man or does it come
from the creation of the Soul of the new life embedded in the body of the man. Many
of those who are the travelers of this planet, as we have opened these Enhancement
Unit, have been here. Physically it is impossible to interact to have children. The
interaction is by falling in love of the Soul of the two created, and they created
what we call, the child of the Soul.

(2:00)And then if the female is of the earth dimension she accepts to nourish that
Soul, to give it a dimension of physicality. And we see many of those on this planet. I
met one very recently, where the feature of the existence of the father we see in the
shape of the daughter, and all the daughters carry the same along the line. These are
the children of the Soul. In Christianity it has been changed into virgin birth. As I
wrote recently to a Knowledge Seeker, I have manifested in the Soul of Moses,
Mohammad, Jesus, and many others, but in essence I am the same Soul. This is
what we can tell, what will come, because we planned and we are the originator, we
are the origin of. The children of the Soul in the dimension of the physicality, we
shall see very soon again. Show to the mankind, can match. This is the new
dimension. This is what we have to understand that unravels the mysteries of the past,
(2:02)which have been shrouded by a lot of mysteries. Adam is the Creator, not Adam
as a man. In the passage of man through the Universe as man has always been so
physical, man of different, what we call, different strength of the physicality, will fall
in love with the passengers of the Universe, the same with the women.

As I said, physical interaction to create 99% of the time is impossible, as a frog

can't mate with a cat, and a dog can't mate with a fish. As simple as that, but a frog
can fall in love with a cat. In the dimension of physicality it's impossible, but in the
dimension of the strength of the Soul of the man or as we call the creation, that is a
reality. Mankind, now that he has opened up to the space will see it, as we fall in love
like a ton of bricks, with a woman on this planet, we'll fall in love like a ton of
bricks in the space with the Soul of the beauty of the Soul of the creatures of the

When we give, in giving and receiving, (2:04)it's like an egg and a sperm, it
creates a new dynamic situation condition that it leads to a life of its own, and
then who of the 2 are responsible, or accept the responsibility, or have the near
strength to nourish that new Soul. The future of the mankind in the space doesn't
come out of intercourse with the physical dimension, it comes through the dimension
of the Soul which is the creator of the physicality. Mankind will understand this very
soon. This is one of the reasons we came this time and presence, to complete
another cycle of the creation. It's not to be the reflection, it's to understand the
totality. If you look at it, in the agriculture we take the skin of one plant and we
put it on another plant and it changes the fruit and the flavor and the color. Do
we carry the essence of it, or do we carry the emotion of it, there's the skin of the
plant, as we know the skin is the essence of the emotion. Now maybe those of our
farmers understand the truth about it.

We will understand new dimensions in the new opening of the space. If I could
explain, (2:06)to mankind how much the universal Enhancement Unit would
change the course of humanity, you will all commit suicide to be in that
dimension, in the physical dimension not to be present. As in the Iranian teaching,
somebody asked the question, or they are saying in Iran that, now he is changing man
to souls and god knows what is going to happen with us all. If man's physicality
changes the Soul in the dimension of the universal system it means that physicality
has matured to join, what you call the world of dimension of the Universe. Isn't this
why we are all born? If the system creates that condition, it must have the energy
of the Creator that we can elevate the Soul of the man to be free from the
physical dimension and entanglement in it. Does it mean you are going to miss it? I
don't think so. Maybe the connection with the world of what we call the field
strength of the Soul will be much stronger than when it was a father in the
physical dimension.

Now we understand as I said many times, when we come, we bring the Soul which is
a lover with us, (2:08)because we have matched in the dimension of the Universe.
Allowing it to nourish a daughter, is a natural process of the souls of the
Universe, which means they follow the process of the Creator, but we give it the
dimension of physicality, then you call it the Adam and Eve. From singularity and
in balance with each other, we create the birth, not in the dimension of man's
thought. I told you slowly we'll mature you to the point of understanding. Not only
you don't need to eat what you see outside because it's beautiful, you don't jump on it
because you think it is your right.

Soon you'll understand. We on this planet possess physicality, but not the Soul and
the emotion. This is one of the biggest mistakes in man's mind and if once you
become aware of it, you have solved half of your problems. As I said once to an
Arab, Jewish and Moslem guy, you know you men always think that the girl has to be
a virgin that you are the first man to conquer, (2:10)you conquer the physicality but
you don't know where the emotion and the Soul sits, is it a virgin. Then mankind
understands that man needs to live through the Soul of the man and not the
dimension of physicality, because in the dimension of Soul you see the truth. A lot to
learn and a lot to get rid of in taboos and misunderstanding.

Any other questions?

I think 2 hours and 15 minutes. I think we hear Alzar. Last time we had a meeting
Alzar did everything to get in but she couldn't get in. We said she lost her wings and
her voice, now today she has got her voice back

Q: What happened after the Adam created the Eve, what happened between them?
Keshe: Eve as a daughter to the truth or Eve as a completion of man's understanding
of another?
Q: I want to know the real story?
Keshe: You are not mature enough yet.
Q: What do you mean I am not mature enough, you said, open .. (2:12)
Keshe: Mankind is not ready for it yet. In the future I'll open the book.
Q: So we need to have a private meeting then.
Keshe: No, no, no mankind is not ready yet. In due coarse in time we'll open up
Q: When you talk about man should see the world through the Soul because it sees the
truth, but how can we train them, the man to see the truth?

Keshe: It will happen in time, the whole of the Soul of humanity is getting ready
for it, as we see it. The maturity of accepting is a big part of it, maturity of
understanding of it is the reality of it. As I said to you, the guy I met a few days ago
claiming to be the first to fly the F17, and his nation is superior to understanding and
what he worked for and believes and talked about is now worth nothing. It was a huge
shake up, in emotional understanding. In that process he needs to go into his Soul, I
didn't get much chance to speak with him he had to leave.

We need to think, (2:14) what we gained from this process of life. What we need to
give from this process of life or interaction of the physicality with the Soul of the
man. Then do we find our true value and position in the world of creation. We'll try to
get quite a few of these systems into one place or maybe to Tehran conference. Ask a
number of world leaders to get there and go inside each machine. It will be
interesting if we have any world leaders when they come out. Would they come
out to the elevation of their Soul to understand or would they be shocked by
understanding the truth of seeing the light, as we say, which is the light of their
own souls in interaction with the souls of their physicality.

Many people at the point of death talk about a flashing light and entering a
peaceful condition. Isn't that the point when the dimension of the strength of the
Soul of the man interacts with the Soul of the physicality, that it ** super-passes
that the physical dimension of physicality in the Soul level, gets fed and satiStar
Formationied and finds peace. Isn't this the truth about the flashing light when the
2 souls meet, when the light and the field appear (2:16)from interaction of the
fields of the sun and the earth to make the daylight, isn't that the same point, when
the strength of the Soul of the man crosses the Soul of the strength of the Soul of the
physicality in the man. It creates that light, when it, encompasses it.

Are you ready for the truth. Then this is the truth. Then how many of you are ready to
do that? As you have the dimension of control in this strength of the Soul, would
you be able to retract it, to manifest yourself in the dimension of physicality.
Isn't this what we do in a very softer way when we choose the path of sleep. Isn't
that the time when we allow this to happen and we do it out of addiction, we need it,
and we call it a sleep to recharge. But our body continuously recharges. Therefore,
isn't it an addiction, of the addiction that we have to meet the Soul of the
physicality and the Soul of the man and we call it a sleep time. To meet and to
shake hands. or allow the Soul of the man to, in a soft way, under the way of the
physical dimension, to super impose the physicality and allow all the cells to take
what they need from the dimension of physicality (2:18)or the Soul of the man. I
told you that, if I tell you the truth, you'll all run, because the school of thoughts
you have been brought up in, is not the school of thoughts of the reality. Man has
lived in a fantasy world for too long.

Q: Do we all exit the same way, I hear that some souls, because of the desires they
have, stay earthbound, it means they don't go to the Creator, they stay here. What is
Nobody goes to the Creator as such, you become part of the structure of the
position of the Creator, but if you have attachment, in a way, to the physical
dimension, you can hold on for some time, until the energy balance is closed
balanced. Man has to understand the process of the separation of the physicality, and
the process of the creation of the physicality in the dimension of the existence of the
Soul, which I explained many times. If you, you are a dentist, you work on the
medical side, you have seen how people want to give everything in the dimension of
physicality, collective, and even their own part of physical body, cut it out, get rid of
it, amputate me, I want to live longer, because without amputation I have to leave. I
am paying you to let me suffer more on this planet. (2:20)That's all it is. Why do we
go into the hospitals and get amputations and get the cancer treatment and the
rest of it, to suffer more, we love to suffer, man is addicted to suffering. He sees
glory in it. The idiotic adventure in physicality. Making life comfortable, yes, but
trying to stop the conversion because you want to suffer more. It's something that
we'll never understand. If it was me I would say, take the whole lot as fast as you can,
let it go. I am gone. I am going to my destination of where my Soul has been created
to be.

Q: I have been thinking the same thing for a long time, for the past 20 years like.

I always say, if I get a cancer or anything, I don't need to treat it, it's a blessing, I just
go. But people think you are out of your mind, that you don't live life enough. Keshe:
It depends what mission you have and what your Soul decides. I always remember, I
have said it many times, you can bend and break the laws of the Universe, you can do
whatever you like, but if it isn't the destined time, because the others souls have
already made the position for it, you have to stay until the time is right.
(2:22)Because they need to be in their position, you cannot steal and give to
them. It's like the guy says, Mr. Keshe if you can make gold why don't you make it
if I make gold, then gold will have no value, then I am cutting my own throat. .. Then
will come a lot of people to be busy with it that they can change to understand it has
no value. It's a strange world being in the dimension of physicality, and it takes a
long time to understand it, long, long time.

Q: I asked this question 3 years ago but you didn't answer it. You answered it 3
teachings ago.
Keshe: that means you matured in 3 years, to have understood it.
Q: So the Creator came from the fields in Himself, He created Himself. But what
is behind those fields, who created those fields?
As I said, if you remember, as a good advertising man, read Book #8.
Q: When is it coming in?
Keshe: Oh, soon when I get a chance after 2021 and I am retired.
Q: We have to wait another year?
Keshe: I have to get the time to retired, when you are retired you do things. When I
can nourish a new dimensions in souls, and new souls, (2:24)and at the same time sit
down and be able to contemplate how to get the mankind to move in different ways.
The Tehran conference is the beginning of the change of process as we have to
reach billions of people and change a lot of things at the same time. It's not going to
be the flip of a finger. We need the religious leaders to trigger it, that we trigger
the Soul of the man. Why do you think we are coming to Tehran with the presence of
his eminence Ayatollah Knowledge and we invite the Pope. They have to really
push their station and the position to the dimension of the Creator.

Q: Why?

Keshe: Because then no one can take any souls to slavery. Then the Soul of the
man collectively will mature once he understands the truth. This is what gradually
you'll understand. The Soul of the present Pope has understood, he said, he'll be the
last Pope. The mouth speaks the word of the Soul. As we change the dimension of
dependence on physicality by allowing that he can feed you and everything else.
Now we take the dependence of man on the slavery of his Soul too. And that only
comes by the end of accepting what we call, religious leaders. They have to
relinquish because they matured to understand the time of end and they open the
path. (2:26)You see when you they wanted to start the revolution in Russia and break
up the communism, they brought a Polish priest, as he was inside and understood.
When we want to do the same thing, we'll do the same because then we put him in
that position.

If you want to change the structure of the abuse of the Soul of the man you have
to let those who did the abusing to bring it down, to end it themselves. Now that
we have reached the point of maturity of physicality. Now we'll bring those who
enslaved the Soul of the man to end it themselves. Because if we do it from outside
then we are enemies, but when it is done from inside it is accepted by totality. In my
time, the Pope will put his crown down. In my time the religious leaders, be it
whatever, will put their robes and ribbons to end the thrones on the table. In my time
the kings and rulers will do the same. This is not a promise, this is what is actually
taking shape now. Because we'll stop the abuse of physicality in controlling whatever,
as we have the systems and at the same time, they'll stop the abuse of the Soul of the

(2:28)In my time there will be no Mullahs, Ayatollahs, no Popes, no Rabbis, none

because we'll all become the same. This is the ultimate point, when the man chooses
the path of correctness, what we call the Day of Judgment of the Soul, ** and he is
happy. I allow the abuse to happen to me and when I don't allow it my Soul is at
peace, then it progresses the right way. I decided not to allow my Soul to be
abused or my physicality to be lied to and cheated and the rest, and when I took
that step everything has changed. I have been on both sides. I know the game and
how it should be. When I received the message to become the Messenger at age
19, I said, no way, no way, I fought with myself for months. I said, there is only
one way I can take it, until I am ready, and I went that way, and it worked. It
happened again when I was 29 or 30 it happened again, and I said, I know the
way, I know how to do it, but I am too young, I am too young, I don't have
enough experience of the physical world to be able to accept such a
responsibility. I play the game the same. The third time when I accepted the
position and to be what I carry, I knew that I have gathered enough that I can be
correct in everything, but when I allowed the abuse to happen, everything turned
upside down. And then it stopped when I brought the justice back in to it.

(2:30)Justice to myself, justice to be correct and to understand, because until you don't
taste it, you don't understand it. Until you haven't lived it, you don't understand how it
is done, the process. This is part of living, becoming a physical life to understand
how you can stop the processes in it. It's like an experiment, that you live to
know what is the correct way, so you get the right formula to work out every
time the same. But physical life is a very dangerous path, because it has too many
factors involved all the time. By creation of the Soul we commit ourselves to
progress, and that Soul has to be correct, and the Soul of the Eve doesn't come
from the fear of loneliness, it comes of the love of creation, and this is where a lot
of mankind has made a mistake. We are not here to play and run. We are here to
understand that the same mistakes can't be made in the future in the process of
the creation. In a way we took the punishment because we couldn't understand
what we created. Now we didn't take a punishment. Now we understand it,
(2:32)that it will not happen ever again. In English we say, 'the buck stops here.' At
the hand of the Creator and the boss. So we came to clean up the buck, to understand
the reason so it doesn't repeat again. And this is our responsibility to be there.

Q: What was the mistake?

Keshe: Killing, destruction. What a huge mistake.
Q: Did that killing start with Adam and Eve?

Keshe: No, it was the creator of the planet, the conditions. Adam and Eve you
have not understood, in every condition, the love of the Creator exists within it, be it
the moon, planet, stars or galaxies. It's the dimension of the interaction of the fields
and conditions which (are) created, that have to be correct. On this planet it went
wrong too fast.
(2:34) Any other question?

Or should we call it a day after the Christmas, you had your gift.
Please register for the Tehran conference as soon as you can, we'll greet you with the
love of the Iranian nation. Invite your leaders, religious leaders, the priests and rabbis
and mullahs and every sects of the path of ** and every man on this planet that it is
the time for change. And if it comes to it, I will enforce the change. The Iranian
Keshe Foundation is ready for having and embracing you, and the humanity is ready
to embrace peace and love and the condition of science and Technology and not fear
of talk and conferences. We'll bring the humanity to Iran to make Iran part of the
humanity to be all in one. That is the beginning of it, the end of borders, racism, and
the religions and the beginning of what we call a beautiful cycle, because we have the
knowledge, Technology, the power of delivering it and audacity to challenge the
world leaders to peace, because we have the tools to deliver it, and we have the
tenacity to be so soft to be able to do it.

(2:36) Q: Can you be more specific about that letter, please so that the whole
community that is working in that direction can understand of the purpose of the
content in the letter?

Write it with the letter of Soul not in the dimension of physicality and if you decide to
write it with the physicality, let your Soul write it, not to be dictated by us. Then you

Q: Do we make one letter for everybody or does everybody make a different letter?

That all depends of the Universe Council, you are supposed to be. Both of you are
members of the Universal Council and you have to decide as members of Universal
Council. When you come to it, it will come to you.

Q: .. I have a couple of people who really big changes in the world, and I can access
them ?** (I think she is talking about people she knows who are not from this planet)

Keshe: Why don't you reach them through their Soul, the letter will not be there,
they'll come and tell you.

Q: I already did but I want to send something as a physical part of it, through the
connection I have with them, so they can..

Keshe: You see, the beauty of life is for the opportunity we accept for what reasons,
and where we are taking for it. Do all the letters have to be the same, as our cultures
are different. (2:38)Why does it have to be a unified letter if the essence of unity sits
in the Soul of the Universal Council. We have chosen a seat for the Universal
Council in the past few days. We hope we succeed. We hope in time, what we think
shall be. The Keshe Foundation management has seen the sight and if we succeed in a
very short time the seat of the Universal Council will be set. We have to understand
that it doesn't come by the land or the sea, it comes through the Soul of the man. The
sooner we understand that for the Universal Council, you will understand that it
doesn't need to be written on the word and the paper. There are no paper, seats, or
pens in the Universe. As Rick said, would you like to torpedo it in the direction of
who you want.
Q: I had a dream that there was a time that you weren't here, you were gone and I was
traveling and going to airport but the planes weren't like this, and Youtube was
playing in the airport in every station I went, .. and the planes weren't like our planes
they were like the UBESU, and I went to it and laid down and was appearing
someplace else. I was going from place to place and your Youtube was playing
everywhere and I was thinking, (2:40)I wasn't dreaming, I was really in it. I was
saying to myself, in everyplace instead of where the usual TV is, Mr. Keshe is playing
there, how did that happen. Suddenly I woke up.

Keshe: I don't know. (silence) There is a very nice question here by Dan.

Q: Thank you for clarifying 2020, why just now it's the right time for peace and
knowledge. Where did Moses, Christ, and Mohammad go wrong in achieving this

Keshe: They took the dimension of physicality. They took the position of
physicality. Moses as he understood he could put it more. Mohammad meant, once he
understood his power can eliminate other things, but (also) brought him other things.
Christ went a different way of doing it. In our time we do everything in moderation
and correct way for our souls to be just, not the dimension of physicality.
Mankind will soon understand. The message was correct and the messenger was
correct, (2:42)but then the earthly possessions took over. Once they accepted the
imbalance of their souls, the rest took over.

The Keshe Foundation was going the same way, but we stopped it very recently in
the past couple of weeks, because we understood the problem, and the physical
changes necessary to be changed in that direction. I am not attached and don't possess
anything, and what ever we possess goes back to the Keshe Foundation and to the
humanity. It doesn’t matter if it is there or not there, and what happened was not there,
was for us to learn. And for the Keshe Foundation, in a way, for those people who
were supposed to be working for the Keshe Foundation understood that they were
here for a different ethos, even though they sacrificed a lot.

In examination and in testing ones Soul, one matures, not the physicality. There are a
few turning points in small part of the world, which then effects totality, the
whole mankind in the long term, and one of them was the misconduct of Moses
and the killing. And then with Mohammad with his killing. He went to destroy the
statues, but his followers ended up destroying life and that's where he went wrong.
We don't behead because one doesn't agree. You allow the change, not to kill, to
change. (2:44)And this is where the message in all cases went wrong. Typically,
Mohammad was fully aware of this, that his limitation was the statues, not the pen.
This is where it went wrong with Moses too.
I don't hold any physicality, I have no attachments, and I kept to that way. I hold
all the assets of the Keshe Foundation as a trustee, for the Keshe Foundation,
and on my passing the Universe Council and the Earth Council become the
trustees but not the owners. In the next few, coming time we'll change the mandate
of the Keshe Foundation, from the United Nations in US to house of Justice in Israel,
to the Universe Council and the Earth Council on a 50/50 basis. In the control and
running of it in the hands of the Keshe Foundation. This time there are no leaders to
abuse any ones Soul, and we saw the abuse of physicality by the behavior of Rui in
Portugal. It was unbelievable what we saw.

(2:46)That changes. As a member of the Universe Council you are there to shine, not
to dictate your agenda, or your national agendas, or your cultural agendas. Step down
as a member of the Universe Council if you are not participating in the new structure.
The Universe Council needs to mature, you need many members, to complete, to
be able to reach, to change the Soul of the humanity on this planet. As someone
asked me, would the fish have a member on the Universe Council? I said, do they
have their Soul and do they speak a language. Thank you very much for today and
a Merry Christmas for those of you who believe in the beautiful path of Christ. Move
and make this planet One Nation, One Race and then we become the race of the
Universe. That's the part of maturity that we all will be looking for, the maturity to
understand, (2:48)to comprehend.

Next week we'll start at 12 O'clock central European time. We'll see you next year
for the New Year. It's a year of luckiness if you are Chinese, when you have a
double of something, 2020 is very lucky because it makes 400 and it has a 4 and
double of the zero in it, which is another lucky thing. Let's see how we build it and
where we go. The 4 in Chinese is a sign of love as well, for those of you who might
understand something with it, and lucky because it's a time we can give. And it is
balancing all corners.

Rick: North, South East and West, it covers the whole planet that way. Don't forget
and please try to organize yourself for the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute
research that what you want to develop, and how fast we can develop if we want to
show it so we can show it in the Tehran conference. (2:50)We'll setup the "telegram"
for Iran or Farsi conference point that all those who want to participate can come in,
just give us a few hours and we'll set it up. We'll panel, by all the Iranians will be
there. Try to see how and where and the way you can find people to work and the
Iranians can participate, even for the research in the Knowledge Seekers what you
want to research with the Iranians. One thing I have to remind you, Iranian
participants, those who are in high level of research are usually not allowed by
government to participate on this level, even though many of them are there,
followers of the Keshe Foundation work in research and development. Thank you
very much and see you next week.

(2:54) Universal Body Enhancement Spaceship Unit and Testimonial..


309th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, January 2,

(** How matter is created from the fields in detail at 1:00 hours;

Update on Keshe Foundation progress, UBESU will go to 500K Euros, Headquarters

in Malta soon, Keshe Foundation Store now has devices for testing and feeling the
Gans, We want to move Knowledge Seekers to take the next step by testing the Gans
to understand the fields, Knowledge Seekers are to come up with new ideas to
research and develop also using the new Enhancement Units for testing new ideas,
Talks about upcoming Tehran conference, Stephen Hawkins blocked any new ideas in
physics and cosmology then he copied the Keshe Foundation knowledge, The Soul in
the physicality is like the sun in the solar system, Single planets existing between
galaxies on their own,

The next generation of the Enhancement Unit will be totally different and come from
your research, Exposes the fallacies of the science world, ** Explains how matter is
NOT created from the cooling down of the universe but by 2 magnetical and
gravitational fields from opposite directions interacting and thus creating gravity
which lead to the creation of the universe, If you start playing with the cores you will
see this and start creating matter, Anticlockwise motion of our universe shows we are
in the northern hemisphere of the Unicose, Our twin planet on the other side of the
Unicose, The fallacy of the iron core of the earth, By law of centrifuge and a plasma
in a vacuum the heavy materials go to the outside, The same process occurs with the
Soul and the body, If you create the condition of the gravity of the earth in respect to
your core you will see physicality manifestation, How we see the light of the Soul,
The 7 levels of the Soul and jumping to highest,

The Creator is in us and we in the Creator, How we see with the Soul and not the eye,
The difference between nymphomania and schizophrenia, Multiple souls in one body
or "Beautiful People," Virgin birth comes from the interaction of the Soul of the man
and the Soul of the physicality, Why schizophrenics kill their parents, Taking out the
Hollow Center in the reactor and reactors around the central reactor, Human's ripple
effect the Universal Community, When you steal from your Soul you have to put it
right, Analogy of chessboard with the Soul moving the physicality, Trouble with
schizophrenic when one Soul does something wrong the others pay for it, Pray for the
Soul of your system,

What happens after we die, Every Soul has a destiny and death is the freedom of the
Soul and it continues according to its strength, When things go wrong it's because
something has to be put right it is the Soul that decides, The conversion of voltage to
current and back again is the cornerstone of knowledge of the universe and the
creation of the Soul but mankind is not yet ready, Feeling the fields of the reactors
and creating motion and emotion together in the field transaction (next step for
Knowledge Seekers), The whole purpose of the teachings is to discover the fields that
come from the reactors and not the reactors themselves and how the fields interaction
with our Soul to create what we want )

(:06).. Happy New Year to many of you who celebrate this path of belief and
hopefully 2020 will be a very lucky year for many of us and we'll be able establish
new grounds and breakthroughs in many aspects of the science and Technology. We
wish and hope to be frontier and we'll be part of it to bring new dimensions and
understand of the new aspects of the Technology. We are all hard working in
launching new things in the path of the new Technology. As you have noticed the
Enhancement Unit has gone to the value of 500,000 Euros. We have fulfilled what we
were expecting in the promotion for the Knowledge Seekers to be able to be part of it.
Many have taken the opportunity to join in and some the steps to setup a series of new
centers, which will be announced once the agreements have been made and the
systems have been purchased. In some cases the Keshe Foundation has become
partner in these joint ventures as part of being the initiators of the Technology. In the
past few weeks we have promoted, (:08)this Technology in the way of understanding
by many governments and on the 17th and 18th we are in Malta. We expect a very
small meeting where we'll mainly concentrate on working with officials as Malta is
the key point for the Keshe Foundation as the headquarters of the Keshe Foundation
coming up in the near future. As we move to Malta we need to establish ** to be there
with the locals, government, and officials and this has taken place. Hopefully by
2020, if we are lucky and everything takes shape Malta will be where you'll see the
Headquarters and then it's the beginning of the work for the Universe Council and
Earth Council and we'll see how we can take the knowledge to the next level. The
place we have chosen is extremely beautiful and now we have to setup the
negotiations and setting up of the rest of it. As this is important for the Keshe
Foundation, the Universe Council will take a position of the United nations in
shareholding of the Keshe Foundation, and the E Council will be the other 50%
voting shares. Where the Keshe Foundation will manage by itself, but the 2
organizations ** will share ** voting. We are in Mexico in February in interaction
with the government in Mexico and then we'll pay a visit back into Brazil, (:10)where
we'll find a lot of things we started earlier on. Hopefully in our return we'll be in
Kenya where we'll interact with the government on a higher level, then we'll go for
Tehran in the April meetings. There is a lot of interest in the meeting in Tehran, many
Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers have asked if they can come. You can all
come, but only thing is to go on the website and register, it doesn't matter who you
are, you have to register for this meeting. The Keshe Foundation in Iran is taking
steps to organize we have 4 months to do. We have asked the Iranian Keshe
Foundation to invite the Iranian leadership, his eminence Ayatollah Knowledge and
Iranian officials to the meetings as we unravel new Technology and new
understandings. It is part of our work to engage governments in our work and engage
officials in understanding the Technology and in that process we are moving forward
in different aspects of the Technology slowly. In the next few weeks you'll see
another systems for agriculture that will be environmentally introduced as a unit
which will be, provided by the Keshe Foundation. (:12)We have decided to move you
Knowledge Seekers to the step, something that you thought was for different people
or things, and do things with it. We have brought in a dynamic system with a full
system that any of you can start testing your Gans's, ** single ?/ water and the rest has
been going on for some time. Some of them medical doctors through different ways to
Chuan Lynn were getting access to the dynamic systems, which we do tests with,
Originally Keshe Foundation provided the cores, from today we will supply. Chuan
Lynn has joined the Keshe Foundation in providing all the systems, which means all
of you can buy the motors and cores and test your different new Technology. This is
what we are trying to do, encourage you to move to the next level, not just drinking
Gans water, ** then the field of the Gans's. These are all for sale and will be delivered
around about 20th of March, we have ordered a substantial amounts that we can meet
the demands. This will go on sale from today. From now on all the products which
could be bought by people now you can do the testing of the dynamic systems
yourself. (:14)Then instead playing with Gans's in different ways, now you can feel
the fields of them and understand to see the motions of them. This is important for
many Knowledge Seekers for us to move you to the next step, out of the Gans making
into seeing the fields of the Gans that gradually many of you will start mastering the
Technology. We'll try to introduce the next step on the Plasma Technology in the
coming weeks. There are a lot of hidden Technology which you have never seen but
followed it up. We would like you to start understanding the fields. Because
through these fields we can do a lot of things through understand materials, our
emotions and the rest. The whole structure as of today is on the Keshe Foundation
website and you can go and order. In the next few weeks we'll launch a full range of,
what was supposed to come through Italy but got hijacked in cosmetic, a vast range of
it. Then on the back of it new products will come online. The clothing of the Keshe
Foundation and the rest will come back online in the next few weeks. In that process
we'll allow a lot of Knowledge Seekers to be able to produce their own systems.
(:16)These are very simple systems you can just bring in the bottles and test it
yourself and see what effect it has, having 2 or 3 systems. A new version of these will
come in after the 20th. We have offered 2 different sizes, 3 and a 4 cm, This is
what we want you to do to move on to the next step. To take you out of just making
Gans's , now if you want to find the strength of the fields of the strength of your Soul
and everything else, we have to get you moving to creating conditions to see if you
can create flights. You can sit between the systems and see how the interactions will
be (effected). and how you can test and make things. This is becoming one of the
parts that we are trying to get you to move into, the fields. We have played long
enough with Gans's. Now Keshe Foundation is taking over this site directly and we
have booked for a 1,000 of these to be available to rapidly strengthen the knowledge
of the Knowledge Seekers. In the coming time you'll see other systems that we'll
introduce and this is how we take the leadership, (:18)in bringing all the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers Technology into the frame of the Keshe
Foundation. If you have produced anything like what you have seen here, which
these all come from China, you can bring your technologies in. Then we have made
an agreement with Chuan Lynn that he gets paid a percentage of the same so you can
concentrate on developing. As he has become part of the full time Keshe Foundation
organization we bring you also in as full time that we can support you and ourselves,
to bring different aspects of the Technology. If you are in Brazil or China or anywhere
else and you have a product ** this is the beginning of what we promised you. We
support you in disseminating the Technology or aspects of it that you have developed.
This is the beginning of the start of what we said, you can buy the balls for it or the
full set, and this way we take everybody across the full aspects of the development of
the Technology by the Knowledge Seekers. We have seen in Brazil some Knowledge
Seekers have developed different kinds of (Pain) Pens and they want to promote it, we
have no problem. We have seen in China or Knowledge Seekers having different
products. (:20).
.. What we have separated the Keshe Foundation as a donation and as a
commercial side. The donations will hopefully go back on a separate line that it goes
back to the Keshe Foundation. Many of you who sent donations to Keshe Foundation
USA account, that account is not applicable. Don not donate to the Paypal there. The
same goes for the Keshe Foundation Italy account, it is suspended. If you have paid
any money in the past 2 or 3 months through Italy, you have to recuperate it back
because that account is suspended. In the next 6 to 8 weeks you'll receive a totally
new line of cosmetics that is targeted and was supposed to come out of Italy but it was
hijacked, now it will come back again on very low prices. (:22)We deliberately keep
the prices in a way that those of you who are interested to buy can afford it and it can
be done. As we structure it in a bigger way. .. the Keshe Foundation has taken full
control over the retail side. We don't trust nowhere for what happened to us to happen
again in Italy. We'll develop the Keshe Foundation product range to 3 to 5,000 in the
next 5 months. You'll see what I am talking about. When you come on the website it's
not just single items. It's on Alibaba and the Keshe Foundation, you'll find a massive
range of products. I'll go further into it in the coming months and you'll see all the
applications of the Technology in every aspect from the farming, the people who
produce Gans's. We'll start categorizing it as our webmaster in the background and
this time we'll take full control of everything else. There is one thing we'll show by
the first week of February, what we call, Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit). It
will nearly completed hopefully in structure by about 1st February then it goes into
its trials for certification for complete delivery in February. (:24).

(:26)commitments on what I have seen and negotiators are doing in the background.
We will reach between 500 to 1,000 units per month. We can deliver and our
contracts will be fulfilled. This process comes back to the Knowledge Seekers, in
structuring that the Knowledge Seekers who are looking for a different type of
application we'll see how it can be done and part of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute we'll start training and teaching. Don't forget this and next week are the last
time you can decide on what you want to study in research and we'll bring a lot of
work into this. There is a lot of communication in the background about the Iranian
conference and research and development between the IKeshe Foundation and Keshe
Foundation supporters. We'll take step to make the sure in Tehran that all the
technologies delivered by the Iranian scientists from the universities, groups and


(:30)Everything on the health application wise is in the totally hands of Dr.

Are there any other questions before we go into the teachings. No questions so
everybody understood that is good. How was it for moving the teachings today to
12 O'clock.

Q: For the projects will this be within the private teachings of Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute? Yes. How would these groups be formed and who will be leading
them, or is it someone who has interest will be the organizer? Yes, that's how we see
it. And we'll give you a platform on Thursday and Tuesday Universe Council meeting
and if there is a practicality you can join in with the, (:32)Rick's Thursday morning.
You'll get the full support for this part.

Q: Where would someone who is interested apply? Keshe Foundation Spaceship

Institute we'll open the teaching Do you know when they start. Monday the 13th.
No we are not starting on the 13th, forget about it. We'll start on the 14th. There are
no classes on the 13th. Rick: No 13th floor. No, we don't start pm the 13th, can you
change that on the 14th. So we'll start on the 14th and you can join in on 14th in the
classroom the first week to decide on topics. From there we'll start creating
different Zoom numbers for each group. It'll be on the Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute platform that students can join, then we'll start building it up in testing and
making the proto-types or different kinds of research .. (:34).

(:36). .. We canceled many of the teachings here and there. Anything that is not on
the research and development of Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute becomes a
fringe teaching and not part of the Keshe Foundation main teaching. The plasma
private The process for what use to be teachings like the Soul teachings or other
parts, these all become part of the fringe teachings of the Keshe Foundation. They are
just there, we give some platforms . They're not part of the Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute teaching but if people want to carry on with we have to control
a lot of things before it runs out of control. (:38)The process with the research, if part
of your research shows promising results and then we can bring it in for full
operational testing, it will be done in teams with it, then we'll bring people together to
be able to do the tests. Hopefully now with us setting these research centers it will
give us a lot of chances to do things slightly different then before, but you can come
in for 3 or 6 months .. we'll give you the accommodation in the research lab and you
can test it and then we'll see where we go. We'll develop this Technology in one way
or another, and governments will play in that game of developing the Technology by
the Keshe Foundation.

Any other question?

Q: When will the Huawei (Wah Way) implement the battery Technology?

We will release that in the appropriate way. Rick: It's probably something that can't
be talked about in public I imagine until it's actually implemented? We'll release that.
We'll see what comes up and how we'll gather what we call the total amount in it.
(:40)The photo has been updated, this is the actual system UBESU. The full
prototype by the time they paint it will be finished around the 18th of this month.

(:42)Any other question?

Q: Why is it so difficult to use the Soul capacity in the human condition?


It's not difficult, we have made it difficult. What we call the lack of trust in ours,
(:44)we allowed ourselves by not understanding it. I'll try to explain this in a different
way. We didn't know, we took our heart to be the center but we never understood that
everything needed a structure to be part of us, as an energy, we have made a lot of
miscalculation in the totality of the life. Those we considered scientists, but they
themselves not understanding the science of it have mislead us and those we trusted
that they bring new understanding and knowledge, by they themselves not
understanding have created more dilemmas for the scientists to do it again. We see a
clear indication of this in the past decades. Stephen Hawkins came up with this
ridiculous idea that black holes are eating machines and being, forcing himself into
becoming a false imminent scientist, stopped any new ideas to come in about the
black holes.

To me he was one of the biggest criminals in cosmology and his stupidity for 30 years
blocked any new ideas, (:46)any new concept to be listened to, until he read the
papers about black hole by us, and then he changed his mind and now suddenly the
whole world of cosmology has changed. Because of this ignorant and ridiculous
scientist, Stephen Hawkins blocked any new ideas, because he made himself,
forced himself to become an imminent scientist he blocked everything, and this is
part of our problem. This has been part of our problem, even when it comes to the
Soul, religious leaders have done the same to abuse man. We see another criminal
scientist called Einstein, he came up with the same thing, speed of light as the
ultimate speed, and people don't, and people come and say, Einstein has said it. A
bookkeeper, for god's sake, the guy has no understanding of physics, and now they
have given him the control. This peer review and the conditions they have created, has
created these problems for us.
对我来说,他是宇宙学中最大的罪犯之一,他的愚蠢 30 年来阻止了任何新的想

If you look from the time Stephen Hawkins read the paper about black hole, and he
understood all the mistakes he made, look at every single lecture he has done (since
that time), it's a copycat, copy of Keshe Foundation teaching. He changed his idea
about the creation of the Universe, and about the creation, because he understood his
total ignorance of science and he tried to make himself .. but it won't stick. It's part of
us not understanding how we were created, and things are created, we accepted what I
call a bunch of ignorant people who call themselves scientists. (:48)Because of their,
whatever, religious background, like in Einstein, he was nothing, we gave him that
position to abuse us scientifically. Now everything he talks about, leading scientists
are proving to be wrong. String .. everything to do with his string game and then his
ideas with everything else. He never understood, he wasn't a physicist, he was a made
up man, that he believed in himself, that he was made to believe (he believed what the
others thought he was). We learned a lot of false things from him. Now we see the
same thing with the Soul. the Soul of the man being the center of the creation.

Now we understand, if you don't have a Soul , we cannot be, if you don't have a
sun in the solar system how can you have a solar system. It's like this new idea,
which now we see, we understand it, but still we don't understand the totality of it, of
finding what we call single planets in the middle of galaxies, that are not connected to
any solar system. They can't explain it, but it's very simple if you understand the
totality of it. How can there be a single star or single planet, because it's dark and
it doesn't have any dimension to it, be it existing on its own, between the galaxies
or between the solar systems. This is normal, and now if you listen to scientists who
are trying to come up with ideas about what it could be, it is becoming ridiculous.
Cosmologists have become a bit more now that Stephen Hawkins curtain of stupidity
has gone, now we see a lot of people coming up with, not understanding of even the
creation of matter, or how the Universe was created.

(:50)If you understand how the Universe was created then you understand how
ourselves in the womb of the mother are created. A lot of mysteries and false
information will be solved with this Enhancement Unit, because it's a replication of
the Universe. It's not a half system, it's a universal system and a lot of this will be
resolved, because we give room, we put different units in Keshe Foundation research
centers, which Knowledge Seekers who signed for Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute can go in and test. What is the point of the elevation of the Soul? What
mixture do we need to have? What is the time span of it? When can we change the
Soul but into the physicality that we created? These all need to be done. We will not
have any more time to waste because the systems are there, we can replicate the
beginning ** time in each system.

This Enhancement Unit has not reached the point, this is just the beginning, now we
are going to the next step. The next generation of the Enhancement Unit will come out
of doing your research. You will see what I am talking about in the coming time. The
next generation of the Enhancement Unit will be totally different. It ** should be
out by end of next year. It doesn’t mean that these units go obsolete, it becomes a **
these units will become more powerful to show more. (:52)This is why I said for
Knowledge Seekers to come in and plan, I want to test. A number of these units are
placed especially in Arizona, 4 units are left for Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute
research. To go there and do research, water, energy, contamination, environmental,
enhancement of the Soul. Six units stays with Keshe Foundation to pay for the
expenses of it. Then this level of 6 will be increased to 20 to go into the operation of
the Keshe Foundation cooperation with the American and space units, for scientists.
Then it becomes international.
州,4 个留给 Keshe 基金会宇宙飞船研究所研究。去那里做研究,水,能源,污
染,环境,灵魂的提升。六个单位与 Keshe 基金会呆在一起支付它的费用。然
后,这个 6 级将增加到 20 级,进入 Keshe 基金会与美国和空间单位的合作,为

We have already seen the place in Arizona and John has hopefully made the first
moves for acquisition of it. The Keshe Foundation research for health has already
been purchased. This next step is the space center research and development, 10 units
will go in there, and it will become part of the Iranian and American space , most of
the American space Technology to move in there to start testing the space
Technology, the same as what we do in Tehran. In that process of the space
Technology we have to understand the Soul. It's not the physicality because now we
understand everything is made of fields. We had a discussion in the Iranian Keshe
Foundation that one of the Knowledge Seekers in Iran, we have to understand the
mentality in the Islamic world that what happens with a lot of things which has been
said in the Koran or in Torah, (:54)or in the New testament or whatever. One of the
discussions was the cutting off the hand as a punishment. Okay we cut the hand off by
the Islamic law, but now the Keshe Foundation Technology shows you can grow it
back. So the criminal continues to carry on with his criminal offenses. ** If he goes in
the system he can grow his hand back.
究基金会已经被收购。下一步是航天中心的研发,10 个单元将进入那里,它将
朗 Keshe 基金会进行了一次讨论,伊朗的一个求知者,我们必须理解伊斯兰世

We have to update the religion to ** understand. So now we understand that we need

to enhance the body of the man so he doesn't carry on with crime, they enhance the
Soul of the man. Understand why you create these conditions of crime. Now the game
has changed. Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers come and say we are doctors, we
want to see how we can grow a hand, foot, or leg in these systems. What are the
consequences, why now we understand a lot of religious ** writings don't make
sense. We start questioning the religions, because of what they put there. Now we
have a system and we can see it. We are not contradicting it, we are showing
what it is. You say, Moses saw the fire or the light or whatever, that's the interaction
of the Soul. Now we create, we allow your Soul to become strong enough, the
strength, then the brain cells can, (:56)** stop the strength and what we call,
superimposes the physicality, that ** it becomes a light. And if I speak to you, so you
become my god, as I see you as a light in the system. do you become a new prophet.
This is where I said many times, when we take man to space he'll become so
knowledgeable that nobody can claim to be any different.
罪条件。现在游戏变了。Keshe 基金会寻求知识的人来说,我们是医生,我们
In the teaching of today I have explained to you an old hypocrisy in the world of
science, of even this planet. We all accepted it. It's not acceptable, it's not there. I put
the seed of thoughts about it being wrong in the first book when I called it the
Caroline Core. It should have been understood because a lot of Knowledge Seekers
now are going into the development of these dynamic systems, especially I announced
today that it is getting, that you can buy. If you see that and understand the work of it,
and if you stood still for 1 second you can see the biggest fallacy in the world of
physics, to do with Astronomy and cosmology has been accepted and because what I
call, somebody came up with this, like the fossil fuel comes from the remnants of the
dinosaurs and whatever, now we have proved that it is all false because everyday
millions of tons of oil comes down, because you created it on top of your CO2 Gans
boxes and everything else. (:58)We see how rubbish it has turned out to be. Now we
have to understand how much we have accepted false information even about the
physics of this planet or the solar system.

Now if you understand the new or what we clarified in the book, but nobody has
understood. It has to be understood, because if you understand that then you
understand the position of your Soul. Then you move on to the next step of
understanding the totality of the creation. There are a lot of things that haven't been
understood and a lot of it just becomes fallacy on top of fallacy that we have accepted.
Let me explain something to you very interesting, I wrote this to... I want to share ..
Let me come back to something which is extremely misunderstood and now as
Knowledge Seekers you understand. What I am going to explain to you is going to
shock you, but it shouldn't shock you, and some of you have already understood it.
The present world of astronomy and geology, and the scientists in this world
have told us and we have accepted it, (1:00) which has been total nonsense, that
as the Universe cooled down we started seeing matter. What a rubbish. (Rather it's)
the matter strength of the fields of the plasma strength reduced, that we start
seeing matter (forming). Then there is another fallacy on top of this that by cooling
down matter appeared in the Universe. And then by creation of whatever we start
seeing stars, planets and the rest. No such a thing.

If you understood that in the motion of magnetical and gravitational fields, they all
don't go in one direction, and by loosing in interaction they turn back on each
other, you understand that the Universe even our solar system, even our
Universe was created out of the interaction of the fields in finding 2 different
poles, 2 different directional motion (facing each other) which created the
gravity, which lead to the creation of the Universe in the matter state as we see it.
This is a huge difference then what it is now in the cosmology, in the understanding
of the creation of the Universe. The creation of the first elements, first fields, first
plasmas came out of the interaction of the fields which in that interaction, those who
were moving in the opposite direction created the gravity. This is not in the books of
today. (1:02)Today they talk about every rubbish, except understanding that nothing
in the Universe can be created if there is no gravitational field force, so there is no
cooling. Now we understand it.

If you as Knowledge Seekers and the future Knowledge Seekers will create the
condition in the systems or in the dynamic cores which you start playing with,
you will see that you start creating matters inside the cores. If you know how to
play. The biggest fallacy of cosmology and that according to the Universe, of things,
of matters, the first matters appeared is all fallacy. The only reason the matters
appeared is because what we call the interaction of the fields, the first signs of gravity
appeared and that gravity according to its strength starting pulling other fields that in
interaction, some reached the matter state to the observation or point of view of the
man. At the moment the cosmologists tell us that the mass of the matter in the
Universe is very minute compared to what it (really) is. What a rubbish. The Universe
is full of mass, depending on what you are looking at. Nothing was happening in the
dark until we made the glasses that can in the dark (infrared glasses) and see life is
active and everything is moving. Our lack of knowledge and not understanding and
believing some of the fallacies of the other scientists, who they themselves have never
understood has brought a lot of problems.

Now for the first time you understand how the Universe is created. How in our
Universe the first matters appeared. (1:04)They appeared because the Universe is
totally and absolutely, what you call, a dynamic world of motion of fields and some of
these fields in reducing the speed by interacting, have lead to creation of the gravity,
which that gravity has in turn, turned to creation of pulling more fields and with it
creating the first element and then the first stars. So our Universe has been created out
of the interaction of the fields and in the dimension and the fields of it, but when we
look deeper and in understanding this, then there is another dilemma in which we all
get tangled with it. What we see is that all the elements in this Universe in a matter
condition (move in), what we call, anticlockwise movement. Then when we look at
the galaxies their arms appear to move in the same kind of direction. But what is
interesting is why do more, or why do most of the galaxies that we see rotate in this
direction. Why don't we see this direction (clockwise)? Does this give us a better and
bigger understanding of the position of our own Universe in the Unicose? If you
understood simply, that if you are in the northern hemisphere when you open the little
top (plug) on the bottom of the bath (tub), you get that rotation (anticlockwise) and in
the south you get this rotation (clockwise).

(1:06)Is the anticlockwise motion of our Universe an indication that we are in the
northern hemisphere of the Unicose? In that position do we now understand why
we see some opposite direction motion in part of it because of other universes,
and at the same time because of creation of the fields which are trying to balance
the mixture of the Universe. If that is what we see and the motion of our Universe is
anticlockwise, does that mean, a very fundamental point, is our Creator in the
center of the whole? If our Universe sits in this position, that is in the anticlockwise
motion, and there is another Universe in the clockwise motion as we see ( on the other
half of the Unicose). Don't forget what we see in the macro is in the micro and what is
in micro is in macro, so it can't much different. We believe and we see that we have
an earth which is rotating and we have a center. (1:08)Does it mean that the Unicose
itself has this shape? And does it mean what we call our Creator, where the original
fields came, that in interaction lead to creation of the universes, also lead to creation
of us.

Then it raises another question, as this process of change has taken place, as we have
seen the creation of the man in different part of the Universe, in our planet, is it the
same? Is there another dimension of the life which replicates man on the other
side of this Unicose? Or have we become the reflection of it (draws an infinity
loop around the 2). With understanding the truth about the interaction of the fields
and how they do, we find out we know nothing about the creation. If this creation is in
such a position, does it have a center and a Soul? Which interaction of the fields of it,
lead to the creation of physicality of it? Then the question of cosmology, the way our
little Universe has been thought to be created, stands corrected in every dimension of
the science. (1:10)Then there is more to answer by misunderstanding by our own
people in the past times, something which, one of the first questions I asked as a
teenager, and I asked scientists in the nuclear industry and cosmologists and they can't
answer because what we say is 100% correct, it was this.
边,有没有复制人类的另一个生命维度?或者我们已经成为它的反射(围绕 2 画
问了核工业科学家和宇宙学家,他们无法回答,因为我们所说的是 100%正确

In the present world of physics, with our geology they tell us that the heavy
material sent to the middle, the center and we have a solid iron core, and this has
created the rest of it. With the knowledge we have and this is what I understood
when I was maybe 10 years old was that this is a load of rubbish. The more we go
into the world of science we understand that we have accepted the biggest fallacy
in the world of cosmology, physics and everything else, and nobody has put it right.
I mentioned it in one of the reasons in the first books was, this is why I created the
core I called, Caroline. Because if you were similar to me as a child and you could see
what I could see, you would have realized, that I am correct.
识,这是我大概 10 岁时所理解的,这是一堆垃圾。我们越深入科学世界,就越
为 Caroline 的核心。因为如果你和我小时候一样,你能看到我所看到的,你就

Two things, the center of this has to be hollow? (1:12)First of all because we have
seen a copy of this in the dynamic cores, we always get that hollow center at a given
speed. But when you look at the structure of a planet or a star, galaxy, Universe, or
Unicose there is one fundamental point, if you understand the totality of the world of
physics, what they have been telling us that the center of earth is a solid core, or what
they call the outer core, or the inner core. We call it an outer core and then we have an
inner, inner core, or whatever you want to call it. It cannot be solid. It doesn't follow
the laws of the plasma or the laws of physics of the cosmology. If you understood
what I did as a young boy, it's very simple, by creation of the centrifuge, you push the
material to the edge and the heaviest goes outside. This is by the law of centrifuge,
which means the rotation. But by the law of the plasma in a vacuum condition
you don't need a centrifuge and you still get the heavy material to the outside.
The center in both cases, (1:14)is the lightest and empty. You rotated those balls and
you saw the center. Earth is a centrifuge 1,600 kilometer per hour and is in the
vacuum of the Universe.
的。你旋转这些球,你看到了中心。地球是一个每小时 1600 公里的离心机,处

Now go a step further and look at this, the body of the man and the Soul of the man. If
you understand this. If you understood what I understood at the very early stages of
my life, that how much things don't add up, what do you get. Go to our little ball. We
have a vacuum ball, then we have a liquid water to the fringe of it and then we see the
material. In a centrifuge we see the same, we push the water and then we collect
the solid on the edges of it. So is the body of the man, in this process of the body
you have the Soul, (1:16)then you have the brain and then what it has done is
create the physical dimension of the body of the man. But because of the
proximity to what we call, the Soul of the earth, it has taken the shape of the
body of the man.

If you go back, because we understood the wrong way, that the center of the earth is a
solid core, metal, because it has to be magnetic, a steel because that is the only time
you have a magnet. Do you see all these fallacies which have come out. We have not
understood the condition of the creation of a vacuum, or of our own Soul, which in
our case, this friction, we call it the brain. Slowing down in the strength to becoming
to the matter state. What we see on the surface of this planet, sticking to the wall
of your reactors, and what we see as the skin of the man. Then the interaction of
the fields inside with each other dictate different conditions, we see liquid, or
what we call magma, then we see the physical matter states, (1:18)and whatever
it is that it can create, here we see the brain and the interaction of the physical

If you understood this, and this is the reason we introduced these new reactors for
sale, is that if you can replicate the magnetical and gravitational field .. if you create
the condition of the gravity of the earth in respect to your core you will see
physicality manifestation. Isn't this what we are developing in the Enhancement
Unit. Isn't this what we have not understood before, and been lied to, and we accepted
it, that now we have a problem to understand our Soul. Then the whole riddle of the
creation changes. It's absolutely impossible, an impossibility, for any solid matter to
go to the center of the earth. If you understood even a little bit about the world of
physics, rotation of the matter, creation of condition of matter, and what we call,
everything else. The pressures will play a game, but the pressures do the rotation
and the creation of the fields confirm to us, (1:20)that the center of this planet is
hollow. The center of every planet is hollow, every star is hollow, because we have
the system and we can see it. If you change the speed, and the magnetical fields
vacuum condition you will start seeing different structures.

Then the question comes is there any difference between the Soul of the system you
built. Does it make any difference between the Soul of what we call, everything else
which we did. Does it come to the point of understanding the totality in how do we go
back in comprehending what we have done, what we understood. Then we understand
that we accepted a lot of fallacies. (1:22)Is the field of the plasma the creator of the
matter, or is the interaction of the fields of a plasma (Plasma) leads to the
creation of the matter? Depending on the strength of the fields of the observer at
which level does matter appear? This is why many times in the teaching I have said,
what is red to me is not red to you.
This is what we have to understand and now that we have come to the point of
comprehending more and more of the totality, does this mean, is there a Creator?
Or as the radiation from His fields we have become part of the Creator, because
through His strength we are connected, all of us, we are connected to this. We
have to understand where are we going to. Now that we start working with the
dynamic systems, (1:24) and now we have started understanding the creation of the
Plasma fields interaction, the game changes drastically. Because now we know we
need a field source and if we create enough conditions within the field source, will it
lead to the creation of different matters, and do any of these matters have different
meaning, or has a different value from the point of observation of the Creator, as they
are all, in all essence, connected to it. Is it man who has made the difference due to a
lack of his own understanding. There is no ambiguity about this knowledge anymore.
It is very clear. If this Soul is the Soul of the Creator, then I am connected to its
own strength field of interaction with me, it doesn’t matter which galaxy, which
Universe or which part of the Unicose I live. I carry its strength and knowledge,
and I carry His mighty (power).

(1:26)It's me who has to understand and has to comprehend and comprehend the
totality of where do I sit in the strength in respect to Him. But me being on the fringes
of a galaxy, and another one being in the center of the galaxy has made much
difference. Or being in the Unicose further from Him means you are different than
one who is closer, even though we still have the same strength. Does it mean, I made
man in the image of myself. It means I made man from my Soul. I became the Adam
and through the creation of my own fields and I confirm my own existence. Does it
mean that everything created in the Universe is the Eve? Create as part of the Adam.
We call it a rib. Or is this his rib, or the same? We haven't become ** coffer because
we understood the totality. We have become wise in understanding the truth.

There is a very important point that I raised for a rabbi. (1:28)I am still waiting for an
answer. That is, the light, the fire which the prophets claim to see, is that, what we
call, the interaction between the Soul of the physicality and the Soul of the man itself?
That in the eye of the physicality he sees the interaction of the light of his Soul as a
light of knowledge. Or enlightenment. If this is the answer, which is the answer, then
it means we all have the capability to stand from the Soul of the physicality to see the
interaction of the fields with our own Soul of the creation which we call, the
enlightenment, the light of knowledge. Then we all stand the same with all the
prophets of the past. We should not call ourselves a prophet because we have come to
understand the totality. But do we have to strengthen the Soul that in interaction with
the Soul of the physicality we'll see the light or do we have to enlighten the Soul of
the physicality to, with its interaction with the Soul of the man, to see the light.

In either way, whichever way we look at it, what we call the light, comes, and it can
only come from interaction with 2 fields from 2 different directions. You call it the
Sun and the Earth. (1:30)The interaction of the fields leads to the direction of what we
call creation of light. It cannot be any different in interaction of the light of the Soul of
the man and the light of the Soul of the physicality of the man. Then when you
become that light in super-passing what we call the Soul of the physicality in
interaction with the fields of the Universe, you become a light. Would we see that
light coming out of the universal box. This is the biggest fear for those of you who are
lacking the knowledge of understanding the totality. Many religious people, be it
Ayatollahs, Archbishops, Rabbis, will create this mayhem because they know they
have lost their position as the man has become knowledgeable to the source of his
own existence. Then the answer becomes very simple. In what strength does one
reach to be, to be strong enough to be as part of the Soul of the Creator?

The biggest dilemma for man is, at which level does the present Soul of the man sit. If
this (highest) is the Soul of the Creator. (1:32)Then it comes to man to ask himself a
question. If they say there are 7 levels in the level of the Soul, is the Soul of the man
in his position (lowest)? Where the ultimate goal of the 7 is the Soul of the Creator.
Or is the fingerprint, is the mirage of the man not understanding the totality. Now you
can see how fallacies have lead to acceptance, to become the truth (falsehood has
become truth). Our Universe was created out of cooling down, which now we know is
rubbish. It's created out of the interaction of the fields and the creation of gravity,
depending on the strength. Now that we know 'the center of the planet is solid,' is a
fallacy, then it comes the truth, to us, for us, and that is, is our Creator within us,
and are we within the Creator, or within the realm of totality of these fields (all
the 7 levels).
物主的灵魂。然后,人要问自己一个问题。如果他们说灵魂的层次有 7 个层
次,那人的灵魂在他的位置上(最低)吗?那里 7 的终极目标是造物主的灵魂。或
者在这些领域(所有 7 个层次)的总体领域里面吗。

(1:34)The biggest question is, with the teaching of today, with the teaching of the new
message, which we have brought, are we showing you to go to the next level and
there spend time to learn more, to become more, or can, through what we have taught
you, to be able to jump, and become at the strength as part of the Creator. The
answer to that is, yes you can. As you know the field of the Plasma rotates and the
stronger is in the center, and this is the position you take, but the fields are all coming
from the same source. Then a lot of the books of physics have to be rewritten, isn't it.
Now that we know that the center of the earth can't be metal, as they said, the heavy
one sinking. The law of centrifuge as the earth is rotating, and the law of magnetical
and gravitational field in a vacuum condition tells us that our planet is created exactly
like we said, the heavy material has come to the edge, what we call the surface of the
planet. The same system, the physicality of the man, and the same as you have seen in
the core, then if that is the case as it is, then it has a center, which as you can see in
dynamic reactors, has created a position that all the fields balance and share, like, has
to empty, so it is the same as the Soul of the man.

(1:36)As I said to you, this year we start teaching in a very different dimension, that
you can understand the totality. Then no one can tell you lies and no one can cheat,
but in a way the teachings of the past have brought us to where we are, to be able to
understand. But if we would have understood it correctly from the beginning,
wouldn't that have given us a chance to now, and not billions of years as man, you
would have been higher (on the 7 levels), to be closer to (the Creator). But what does
it mean to be closer to the source of the creation? That we become part of the Creator,
and in fact, we become it, to become radiant, to radiate.
会更高(在 7 个层次上),更接近(造物主)。但是更接近创作的源头意味着什么

When you put the fields together you come to one point, interaction of the fields of
the Gans's and the plasmas creates new dimensions of fields, which can in
interaction lead to new dimensions in every aspect of the creation. Where they
interact leads to creation of new conditions and new matters according to the point of
the eye of the observer, and according to the field strength. But are all these matters
the same from the point of view of the observer? Or you have to be of a different
strength, (1:38)and different observer to see what we see. And do we look at the
wrong side of the light. They are all looking at the light that comes to us. We are
not looking at the light that goes away from us, because that comes from our
Soul. That comes from our inner being and man has not understood this yet.
当你把场放在一起时,你来到一个点,Gans 的场和等离子体的相互作用创造了
Then if you understand this, does the man need the vision of the eyesight to see.
Because, In so many ways (in so many ways) what you see has 2 options, you see
with what your eye can radiate and in interaction with what is radiated, you
create yourself an object. Or you see with the light of the Soul and then do you
see the same object? Then you understand mankind doesn't need an eye to see in
the depth of the Universe, (1:40)where the interaction of the fields of his own Soul
gives the true dimension and true reality about what he comes to encounter. If the
fields of the other side by which the gravitational fields of the Soul of the man comes
to be, the field of what he can absorb, or observe, he says no to, then you'll understand
when I tell you, your Soul sees the Soul of the other before your physicality sees. If
you see that, you see how easily you can see what other people say and talk, in reality
to you.

As I said many times, 'darling I've got a headache. You can see through the Soul and
there is no pain there. This is what we'll see but the wisdom comes in silence, because
your Soul has already made the decision how to react. (1:42)Then when somebody
says, 'darling I love you,' then you understand if it is really love, or it's just a talk. Or
is it true love, or is it made up. Don't forget from the point of even love, love means
giving. I give you everything when I tell you, 'I love you.' My physicality has no
dimension because you receive it from my Soul. Then when you see that the one you
have given love to, has already given to someone else, and they pretend, then you'll
see it clearly. But it's your wisdom that you keep quiet. It's the same in the depth of
the space, when you come and see a new Soul, you decide, is it going to eat me, or tap
into my energy, or am I going to eat him and tap into his energy.
Then you understand in the Universe no one taps into anyone else's energy, as man
does [anything] to the others. This is why we created the term of MaGrav positioning,
at the point that everything is in balance and in correct condition. Nothing can disturb
the position because the fields from the center, (1:44)of the magnet and the Plasma,
have already decided, the physicality just shows the position. Now you have seen in
one teaching, in one morning how much we have thrown away by what we have
accepted. Now go back and try to rewrite all the books, that the heavy metals have
sunk in the middle and the center of the earth is an iron core. What a load of rubbish
we have accepted. Then goes the same with the Soul of the man, do we need others to
tell us about the position of our Soul and what is wrong and what is right, or do we
see through our own Soul. It doesn't matter what fabrication.
人的能量。这就是为什么我们创造了 MaGrav 定位这个术语,在这一点上,一

Any questions.

(1:46)Q: How do you get heavy metals out of your body?

Buy yourself a new centrifuge. Not by buying a centrifuge, but in a way by

understanding the motion your Soul and the motion of your physicality. If mankind
understands, if you can emotionally understand that what you interacted or
created leads to the cancer of the breast or creation of cancer of the prostate or any
other cancer which means a change of fields any way you look at it, then you can
change the same position to change metals in your body. Then you change the fields,
then would material or the fields of that matter you think, because in the body of the
man everything is in the Gans state, nothing is in the matter state. (1:48). Then will
you be able to change its fields that it won't be a poison to you or what we call as a
poison giving fields, disturbing or changing the operation inside the man. One day, if
ever mankind listens to the past 1.5 hours of teaching, and sit down and read, and if he
truly understands it, you are on the right path and then you understand how much
fallacy has lead to so much problem for humanity.

Q: Can I jump in? Be careful you don't jump in the deep end. .. I have 3 questions. ..
First isn't the creation what they call a nymphomaniac condition? Keshe: Pardon?

Q: the creation. Isn't that part of the nymphomaniac and schizophrenic condition?
(1:50). We already have it in our bodies? Keshe: You mean schizophrenic?
Q: .. I never can say it perfectly unless Dr. Rodrigo can say it for me. Nymphomaniac.
Keshe: Do you know the difference between the schizophrenic and

Q: Yes I was there in the teaching. Is it that the schizophrenia comes after the
nymphomania? Keshe: I think we have to get a definition by Rick in Wikipedia.

Q: I will ask another question. No you can't wait for this one. You raised the question
to me, in so many ways, they have nothing to do with each other, but it answers the
other. Okay what is nymphomania and what is schizophrenia?

(1:52)Q: I am going back to work and will ask later my questions.

Keshe: .. you raise the question and you run away.
Rick: We get hyper-sexuality and sexual maniac. Hyper-sexuality is extremely
frequent or suddenly increased libido The term nymphomania for women and
satyriasis for men.
Keshe: So what does it mean in reality? It means oversexed I presume.
Rick: Hyper sexuality may occur as a side effect of medication such as for Parkinson's

Keshe: Why does he ask the question if the two are the same? (1:54)It's called sexual
addiction. There is a fundamental difference or connection between the two, but one
can be or to show itself to be the other. If you understand what we call the beautiful
people which means there are more souls then one contained within the containment
of the physicality of one body, which now we understand is a reality. If you have 3
souls in 1 body and each one has his turn to do (sex), to confirm, so the blond one has
the pleasure of satiStar Formationaction in the morning with John, and then the black
haired one Jack wants the same satiStar Formationaction at lunch time, and then the
Sam in the afternoon would like the same pleasure. One body, three souls, all after the
same. Does that make that physical body a nymphomaniac? Or if you have Jill, June
and Fatima in the same body and each one takes pleasure in different physicality
of the man, (1:56)and wants to get the satiStar Formationaction of the
physicality, confirmation of existence, which is replication of ** Does that make
that body a nympho? Or does 2 of them want nothing to do, because they are
satiStar Formationied sexually but the third one has a different idea, and anyone will
do. We see this in schizophrenic, people with 2 or 3 souls, and one is not aware of the
other, but if they take turns, but they are aware of what the other one does, they try to
do what they like, but if you understand this does what we call, beautiful people, will
give the right to only one of them to have the pleasure, and the other chose their own.
This, what a single person can have that condition of repetitive satiStar
Formationaction. Because the biggest addiction in the life of the man is what was
given as a stimulation as sexual behavior. Why do we get addicted to drugs or
alcohol, because it gives a certain what we call, (1:58). physical, psychological or
chemical satiStar Formationaction or reaching to a level. Does this mean if we can
satiStar Formationy that level then we need more and more, or you don't need some of
it. I have seen all conditions in this structure, women with 3 characters and each one
likes a different type of man, or one only chooses when she wants to and the other
time doesn't. I have seen it with a married woman, and when you ask them they don't
remember because they haven't done it, because "it wasn't me". When they are with
their husband, let's say it's June, but when it comes to another man it's Cathy was
playing and it has nothing to do with June. She says I haven't done anything I am
innocent. In fact it was June who was playing. They target men directly, because it's
the type of man they like. You see nymphomaniacs, or people who get repetitive, to
satiStar Formationy their addiction of the creation, what we call to reproduce in that
position. We have to be clear which one we are dealing with. (2:00). I have seen all,
many of these cases, they deny, it's something you dream about, but in fact, Cathy
was playing without June knowing. It's very much as what we explained in
schizophrenic, you give them each one, and they are experts in the topic they are
interested in and at the same time, each one has a different sexual habit, or attraction,
one likes to go out with a blond and one with a black, and one with a bald. As it's the
term for each, you say it's a nymph, but in fact it's 3 people who are satiStar
Formationying themselves with pleasures of the birth, or human rights. This is what
we have to understand, they say, 'oh, I have been faithful to you, I have done nothing
wrong,' yes. June did, and Jacks term and he satiStar Formationied for June. This is
what we have seen in some beautiful people, as we have twins of the same sex, we
have twins of mixed sex. One likes to go out with a man, and likes to really go out
with a man. But one goes out with a man as a man friend, and one goes out as a sexual
partner, call it homosexuality. But the other one likes woman and ** with him. This
is the state of mind confirmation of position, that's why we see men who have certain
behavior and we call them whatever, or women who have and cut their hair to have
certain behavior. (2:02). Confirmation of position. SatiStar Formationaction in the
point of demand. Therefore, when you speak about nympho which one is it, and is this
the reason why Jalal raised this question? .. Is it common? Yes, in some cases, what
we call "beautiful people" with 3 characters, so with 3 of them each one likes his own
satiStar Formationaction, because it's the time when they have the position of
physicality. Do they become a nympho. They don't even remember what the other one
has done, or they remember and they deny to cover. I have seen that clearly. One has
done the act and the other one becomes aware of it, now the other has to deny it.
Q: Does that lead to the virgin birth? No, somebody was there with one of the three.
Virgin birth is totally different, if you think of it, comes from the interaction of
the Soul of the man and the Soul of the physicality of the man. If you understand it
and the cases are there. But when you speak about nymphomaniac you have to
understand which one it is. Then you understand yes, there are women who go that
way and even change the color of their eyes for each man. If I like to go out with a
blond, and the guy likes green eyes, my eyes turn green. This is something, (2:04).
that if you understand it, you let it be on its own. I have seen it, they change the color
of their eyes. They change even their behavior, it depends which Soul is in possession
or in operation, and then they deny the other 2 because they can't confirm the
existence of it. Because then it is them, they used the body to do whatever and they
deny it. But it is the same body. They can't fool their man or their husbands or
partners because it is very clear. Or in fact they're women. One of these (beautiful
persons) has been one of the advisors to the Whitehouse for a long time. One of the
characters is homosexual and one, I don't know if the guy is still alive, used to be one
of the worst womanizers ever seen. But when it comes especially to women, because
it's the same body they deny the other. 'It's nothing, you are just dreaming, it's your
imagination.' It's very common in schizophrenic conditions, men especially in a
young age one takes over and the other wants confirmation of the existence, and
that is why they kill their parents, or they attack their parents. (2:06). Because
the second one wants confirmation of existence, but if you become aware of your 3
parts or 3 souls in your body from a very young age, you can play it, I have seen it
and denying of the other, 'it has nothing to do with me, you stuck it on me.' But if you
go through the history of the souls then you see that is one of the souls who started
playing very early age. And then they deny and claim innocence, but they have done
what they have done. They go and they kill their father or mother, or they betray their
husband, 'it's go to nothing to do with me, I never done.' But in fact the other Soul has
been for a trip, but does he become a nympho or is it 2 different levels that we have to
understand. Man has to become very open about these things and understand it and
then they can live a life. You can comprehend what is going on, as long as they
understand that they can't lie, then it is just to leave them, it's just to leave it because
when you see that they are in this position, it's one of the souls claiming he has
nothing to do with it, but you know. Or you have fallen in love with one of the souls,
not with all 3 of them, and then deny and what you call, adultery comes in this
position, it's just respecting and walking away from it. (2:08). I saw this the first time
in 1980's and then continuously I have seen many more. What is your second
question. Q: In your drawing, if Rick can go back to it. I don't save the drawings. It's
amazing the colors of your drawings. It's beautiful .. This is the webmaster when he
knows what to get you The sound is so clear these days and we don't have any
problem. We don't get Mr. Rick Crammond saying, "I am finished with all this
nonsense .." Now we don't have that, we are keeping him. (2:10). What is your next
question. Q: If we have a reactor, ping pong ball and we manage to create an
empty space in the middle and this is the free plasma in it. If we take it out this
dot. If I take out what will happen? Keshe: You can't take it out, unless you are
the creator of the conditions. Q: Yes if I create the condition, can I manage to take
it out, so what will happen to the structure of it? Nothing, because if you can keep
outside, the same condition as inside. Yes. Otherwise you can't. Q: I can't pull it out.
Keshe: No you see this is something with a lot of people. I have seen the Iranian
Knowledge Seekers they're at it like crazy, and they can't get it. What the Iranians are
doing is they got this reactor and rotating it and they are trying to see this ball (hollow
center) in the middle and it's very hard. But if you have 3 or 4 reactors running
around or a huge amount of Gans's around, you'll see that it becomes very easy.
Because now this is the interaction of the fields around the system, interacting
too. Earth is not a earth on its own, it's within the fields of the Universe and that's
why it behaves this way. Do you understand? (2:12). When you are creating these
hollow centers that you are looking for, you have to understand that the (other) fields
you have created also count. (Somebody says, it looks like he has practiced (drawing)
a little more. No. ..
When we look at this, trying to create a hollow center, don't just look at your own
system, look at what you created around it. What other fields, other Gans's and then
you'll observe the position, the pictures and what you receive and what you see. (I
tried to get the pictures back but it doesn't work, they must have been deleted.) Q: I
didn't see will see later. What was the third question. Q: It was what was the new
system (electronic blackboard) you are using? Done by our webmaster. (2:14). ..
Any other question. .. You have to understand how much effort is put by Alzar and
Hassan in the conference in Iran and the Persian teachings in the background, thank
you very much. . Q: In the last 3 teachings you mentioned about the ripple effect in
the human behavior in your work, good or bad on the Universe (Community) Council,
.. what is the human work on the other dimension of the Soul, if you could elaborate
more on that? Keshe: What do you mean by that? Q: When you do good of bad, it
has an effect on the Universe Council, (not council but Community) Universe
Community, so what is that ripple effect? (2:16). We take from them, because
this is what I have said many times in the teachings, it's not any more who shoots the
bullet, it's who made the bullet, who done the other things, and it's the same when the
Soul is freed from its body, when you shoot the body or the physicality, or deprive it
of the physical condition, it has an effect on the other souls in totality, they have to
accommodate and position themselves according to it. We take from them or how
much we give them. The mankind has to realize that he is not alone, 'I do what I like,'
anymore. Not only in the dimension of the physicality but it's the same in the
dimension of the Soul, but in a larger and more effect scale. This is what we take from
people, what we are not allowed to take. You have to give the room, free to do what
he likes, this is his right, and when you realize this you create a peace for yourself.
When you reach that point to you understand that you can't steal from your Soul,
and the others try to steal, then what happens. When you put it right, everything
goes right. (2:18). Everything goes right for your Soul, for what you are there to
serve, so in effect, what happens to your immediate family, happens to your
immediate Soul family, where you are within (a part of). That Soul family is part of
the universal Soul family. .. It's like playing a game of chess, you know you have
different figures in chess, but the figures don't move on their own, there is a
hand which comes and moves them, positions them. The figures are there, you
might have a computerized one that can move itself, but somebody has thought about
this move somewhere, that he has given him that essence of what he has got to do.
The man is the pawn on the chessboard and the Soul of the man is the one who
moves it. But this has a functionality of itself. But if you sit here and you are the only
player, there is another player, which is emotion and is thinking and effects what the
pawn of his moves and yours. How you move this pawn is effected by this and if you
can understand how you can interact with it, then you can understand how to touch it,
to effectively dictate, (2:20). to it what it does. This is what we have to understand,
our physical life is that pawn, it has physicality of presentation, it's there, it's our Soul
that is effected by it's motion, by its behavior, what it stands for, and what is dictated
to the others who are themselves another pawn in the game. But in fact, there is one
who stands here and when you die or are taken out of the board, he has to understand
the position of it, because there is one less to have. This is what in reality we are part
of the bigger structure, and our physicality is just a pawn on the pages of the land of
the space of the planet or part of the Universe. But in that sense there is a Soul, there
is a controller that has no physical dimension, there is a play on the board but it
decides what are the consequences of that move on the board, and it has to pay for it,
or stand the loss of it. It's a very clear way that our physical life and the Soul of the
physicality is controlled and dictated, is conditioned through the condition of our
Soul, and the Soul, not having a dimension of physicality is part of the Universe
Community in which physicality is, again, in the same position as the man. Or they
know where to stand physically in respect to the Soul and physicality. (2:22). When
mankind finds harmony and balance between the Soul of the physicality and the Soul,
then you'll find a peaceful and a correct man. When one is doing or has done wrong to
his Soul, and the physicality stands (goes along with) it, you'll find everything goes
wrong. Because when you do something wrong in the physical dimension your Soul
has already made the move to make the position in respect to the other souls what you
have done. Then their reaction brings back to what you do, your physical condition,
through your Soul. When we just had Jalal talking about nympho and schizophrenic,
or what we call beautiful people, most of the consequences for which Soul in that
body, and which Soul finds its position in respect to the others because it deprives the
others of the position. As I said many times, I am not a fool, even though I pretend to
(be), that is the condition of the Soul of the man. Q: If say, I marry Suzy and Jack
and I am totally aware of all 3 souls, can I become one of them, I know who is doing
what, (2:24). and then take responsibility for it when I was asked. If I understand this
or no, it is not possible? What do you mean? Q: For example, I am Mary and I go
break a vase and then I become Jack and my mother asks me who broke this, then I
can say Mary did it, because I am jack right now? and I don't blame it on the other
one or create mayhem, and I can work with those 3 souls in the body simultaneously
and be benefited from understanding each Soul what their strength is, and what the
development of each Soul is and what they can do in that form? Keshe: You have to
work, or you've been working with, or understanding when you speak about the
beautiful people, their behavior, then it is totally different. They cover for each other
in the physical dimension and when they do something wrong and the one is always
present finds out they have done something wrong, they do everything to try to cover
it up or correct it. They become each others souls, what we call, balancer. (2:26). For
example, if one says I broke the glass, the other one says I didn't do it. But up to now
we (as humanity) were not aware of this condition, but now we are. We have to see
how the souls play in respect to each other. Many times when you have this condition
of let's say breaking a jar, or when it comes to what other people call adultery when it
comes to involvement in other people cases of dimension of physical emotion, as Jalal
was telling about nympho, 'it's got nothing to do with me, I have never done anything
wrong.' But they're aware that the other one has but they cover it. Then you'll find the
third one totally denies it. Or in the initial stages one tries to recover from it or tries
to cover it. In many cases when you go into the legal system with cases of
schizophrenic which get sentenced to long term prison sentences, the judges don't
understand. If I go for a case to stand in the court with a schizophrenic, you call it a
nice people, I (would) make a dilemma for the judge to decide why 2 more souls have
to spend time in incarceration when one of them has done it. Then that one who is
getting incarcerated because of his behavior. (2:28). Wasn't he trying to confirm his
own existence, then are the souls aware of it, and they put it right. The souls put
everything right, because when one does wrong and the other one tries to understand,
I didn't do anything wrong it is him, but I deny it, because Mary didn't do anything,
but Jim was at it. It creates a lot of problems inside for themselves and then they deny
everything, 'nothing happened, it's your imagination.' In the cases of murder, or
hurting and damaging, their parents or their mother or father, which they mostly do,
it's lack of understanding of the legal system and the scientific world of what it is.
Why, when you have triplets and one of them does a crime, do you put the other 2 in
prison. (But in the case of schizophrenics), because one did it, they are all together.
What is the condition of their souls? One Soul has stolen the freedom of the other 2.
Where do they stand in the totality of the judgment, they all balance of the fields. I
have seen cases like this, (2:30). both with men and women. You just walk away,
because either way at this moment in time there is not enough understanding both by
the body and the society of correct conduct. It's always somebody else's fault and
never mine because, ** .. because, 'I just didn't do it.' That's why when they become
aware of it, a high rate of schizophrenics commit suicide, because the one who didn't
do it, was not there to do it, but he is the one who is known to be the position of the
physicality. But you imprison 3 souls. Q: About death, in Islam, Christianity,
Judaism, Buddhism, each of them has their own story about what happens to us
after we die, and all of them are adamant about what happens, but none of them have
ever died and had those experiences, how is it possible they can talk about it so
clearly after we die, nobody has died and come back to tell us this is what happened?
Where do they get this information? Keshe: Who says that? Q: When we have our
Farsi teachings people send me information, Christians and Buddhist people about
exactly what happens in the death, what we should do, how long we are holding in
this place and then we go to the other place, (2:32). They have a very clear idea what
happens to us. But I want to know what happens to us when we die at the present
moment? Keshe: The thing is, this is how, what you understand about the reality of
the creation. Our physical body or our Soul is part of the cycle of transition.
That's why I always said, you have a Soul of the physicality and a Soul which is
the totality, and how many people have been to the other side and have come
back, but if you understand it, do you need to come back, or have they experienced
the death. But if you understand the position of the creation, and you have watched
the cycle, you understand very clearly what happens next and what happens to it on
the other side. Because from our point of view we see the Soul, from your point of
view you see the physicality. You see a cat dying, that's it, then what happened to it.
Will it come back, does it have a Soul, will it start walking, but that is all you can see,
you see the end of physical condition, you call it death. But when you sit in our
position where we see the Soul, we see the freedom, the motion, we see it moving
to its own position and destination. It has a destiny, that is why it was in that cat.
If you understand, this is one of the reasons, (2:34). I always from the very
beginning, any of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers ever came, started,
listened to, I said pray for the Soul of your system. It's not just switching it on and
off and doing whatever because you give life, you create the cycle of the collection
of fields, that they effect the others, just because you don't see it in that moment,
doesn't mean they can't. It means the energy has a spacing into other dimensions
and to other strengths. This is what mankind has to understand, we see the next step,
the freedom of the Soul, freedom of the package of energy that was the center of your
creation. Then is takes its own position in all the souls don't go through the same
cycle, because it depends on what the strength you have, are you a small magnet
or a big one, are you amongst the bigger magnets, are you amongst the smaller ones.
This is what I say in one of the introduction videos, 'do you want to become a dust in
the part of the others, when you can be the star yourself.' The physicality is a
transition of holding the beauty of the Soul and when the jar is broken the water is
gone, spilled. But that water still carries on existing. It doesn't disappear because the
jar is broken, does it. It becomes the water to the plant, water that the cat drinks,
(2:36). it becomes the water that you might drink some of, it still has life and carries
on, not just because the jar is broken. That jar is the physicality of the man. The
biggest problem for the human being is that they have made a lot of things out of
nothing because they never understood the reality of the existence. The rest is
fantasy, the world of making whatever you like. But now you understand that it's
you who is in position you, the Soul will, what we call, never loose its position of
its control, it's existence confirmation of its existence. Then you, even as a Soul,
when you come to a stronger Soul, it's like sugar in a hot cup of tea, you dissolve but
you are still there, but in a different strength of it. You are going to sip the tea with a
block of sugar in it, which is dissolved, is not only in one place, it's in every sip there
is the essence of that sweetness. So life never finishes. What happens if I sip from that
tea with sugar in it, and then my child and my wife does. How have we split that
sugar. How if I am diabetic and take that sugar, and my son is short of sugar, and my
wife is normal, what happened to that, what conditions do they create in my body and
in their body. (2:38). Life is continuous it's man who never understood it and he has a
ripple effect on everything else which is around it. Q: In your talk today you talked
about the Soul already made a decision, it seems there is a constant interaction
between the physical Soul and the Soul, depending on how you allow your Soul to?
(Keshe: Of course) my question, I had an experience and I want to be clear on this.
You see, in 2005 when I didn't have a clue about the reality of who we are and what
we are. I just wanted to start my own practice because I was fed up working for other
people and the fact that I had to do wrong things to people. Everything I did to
arrange opening and getting the space, and doing different things, constantly it
wouldn't go through. I had to get $300,000 loan and I had no money to put a down
payment, everywhere I went I was bumping into the wall. I was constantly praying,
god please let this happen, I just went with my whole strength and my physicality to
make it happen. Even for the first two years I sat there every single day, 7 days a
week, from 9AM to 8PM and with zero patients, I was just adamant that I have to
make it happen. The physical Soul was actually driving me to do it, not my Soul,
because I was meant to have, but still after 15 years it still hasn't gone. But when I
look at it, I was thinking about it, maybe my Soul didn't want to do it. And why I was
pushing so hard so .. Keshe: I will tell you something very interesting with what you
talked, coming with you. This happened to me just less them 3 hours ago. (2:40). I
was in a meeting and the lady said, sorry I can't do anything. And I laughed. She said,
sorry I can't do anything. I said, you don't need to apologize, it means it has a reason. I
don't look at it that it's a bad reason, but something needs to be adjusted. She said,
you're not upset. I said, no, but you think I am upset but I am not. because I look at it
that there is a reason for it. strange enough I tried to do this thing for the past 2 weeks
it wouldn't happen and on the way to go for it to happen today. So much, so much
opened up, and I said to myself now I understand why for the past 2 weeks I couldn't
get this done, because this gift of this knowledge was supposed to come to me now.
Then I could understand and it was such a joy. Hanging around for 2 or 3 weeks and
everything else was just a joyful thing and the woman thought I must be very angry. I
said, you don't understand how happy I am. She just went crazy and said, I don't
understand you. I said, I am not worried. She apologized. It meant I had to receive this
knowledge at this point and you were the angel of it and not the cause of it. It depends
on how we look at things. You want something so badly, if it doesn't come because
maybe it's not right, the Soul sees it's not right or you have to pass something
you did wrong, at the right time to understand what you have done wrong or
right. (2:42). The souls decide not you. Once man becomes aware of the existence
of his Soul, this is what I always say, I don't put my head down worrying about
anything that I do wrong, and I know when I do something, it's done through the souls
and what's the reason for it, and the way it was supposed to be done. It's very
interesting, you say you waited years and it never happened, the Soul knew it was not
there. They have a very good saying in Farsi, 'just don't think you know what is the
best thing for you, it could be a poison for you.' But you don't see the poison. Any
other question or should we call it a day. I think with what we see and what is to
come, especially with these Enhancement Unit and those of you who want to do these
kinds of research to understand more, to understand the strength of the Soul and
physicality and the different conditions and environments. We'll start taking control
and start understanding the knowledge our way, which is the reality. The systems are
there, so there is no need for imagination. (2:44). Q: Is it possible to compare the
strength of the fields from the dynamic reactors with the ones with the disk, that is
without physical movement, and only using the Plasma fields, and aren't the reactors
with engines outdated or obsolete? Aren't we to go further in our work with the fields,
as in the empty box of the Universe idea? That is the next step. At the moment we
have to walk before we can run. The creation of the fields without rotation (by
motors), that itself has created its own dynamic rotation of fields. This is how the
Universe is created. This is what I have explained to quite a few Knowledge Seekers
in the past times but nobody understands. This is what you change, the voltage to a
current as you call it. This secret man has still to learn. The minute mankind
understands the connection and interaction and conversion of the voltage to
current, then you have broken one of the cornerstones of the knowledge of the
Universe. (2:46). This is where the new Technology will come into play and
mankind is not ready for this knowledge of the conversion of the voltage to current
and current back to voltage. You measure it, but we multiple it, you call it a power,
but we don't understand it, and in the Universe continuously it’s a cornerstone of
creation of the Soul. Then if you understand how a hollow ball appears in the
center, then you understand, that you have understood the point of creation.
Then you are one level higher and then what is that other level of understanding of
being higher, then you go to the other one (next one) until you understand the totality,
which means if you understood the totality you have already become the Creator. This
is how the creation is. The dynamic cores with the motors is for you to understand
the field effects which a lot of Knowledge Seekers need to do, to move away from
patches and other things. You were happy with it, this is okay, you were happy with
other things, this is okay. But now we go into a different dimension. (2:48). We have
to. We say .. if you don't get there, somehow we'll get you there, but now slowly **
** Q: Do we feel the fields in a dynamic or static reactor and give to them
according .. or tuning to personal emotion? Yes. One of our Knowledge Seekers
had that dilemma and he hasn't understood and I sit and watch. It goes to 59 volts the
minute I touch. It is the condition of understanding how we create that motion
and emotion together in the field transaction. I said, transaction not transition.
Meaning it's in transit in acting between one to the other. Don't be shocked when
you see the power generators, which last a lifetime or many lifetimes, it's the same as
the Universe. Any other question. (2:50). Q: What is the best way of creating an
oasis system to protect our property and home from bush fires like what is
happening in Australia? There are a number of ways you can do it. You have to
create a dynamic field of CO2. If you can do that you have already created an
atmospheric condition where there is no oxygen in that position for the
interaction with the fire. The difference between the fire and the hurricane is the
speed of the motion of the field tranStar Formationer. With fire it's a matter level of
the matter, in the hurricane it's in the state of the Gans of the gas. This is one of the
things you have to understand fundamentally and then you can solve it. You can
increase it, and keep the fire (100 kilometers), 100 meters away from the house, as
you wish but you have to understand how and why. (2:52). But on the other you have
to realize that these bush fires are part of the cycle of life, and maybe when we
get in it, and maybe there is a reason for it. You have to create a condition that it
interfaces with the CO2 in a specific direction and position. Think about the
magnesium fire then you'll understand how the fires move. Understand the process of
the magnetical field of Mg, then you'll understand how bush fires so rapidly create a
black hole pull field. Q: what about the next time for next the Knowledge Seekers
Workshop? We'll go back to normal, (2:54). today was special because I was in
travel. It was impossible to hold a complete teaching. It was easier, I think it was a
very good time to do it at this time, huh? Only thing on the west coast it'll be a lot of
problem, it's what 3 Am? Yeah from 3 AM to 6 AM on the west coast, but it's actually
a better time for Flint, he commented the later the better. He likes the 3PM or 6PM
Central European time. Everybody has their preference. We'll set it up on the
European because I work around the European centers somewhere. I know the
Chinese have it difficult in the middle of the afternoon Somehow we have to
satiStar Formationy and meet with everything else. I go through this because I travel
around and the confusion is when you hit the 11 or 12 hours difference. Rick: I know,
we just have to slow down the rotation of the planet. Keshe: Then what happens,
we'll all die
If you really think of it, when you stop the rotation, you never really stop, Mr. Rick
Crammond. If you look at this core. (2:56). We have this physicality on the side of it.
The real truth about the whole work, are the fields that we wanted you to learn
about, not what happens inside. As you are physical you keep on looking at that
hole. If it's a hole here, or here, or here, what's the effect on the strength of the fields,
which field comes from which position. If this is for cancer, or this one for energy, or
this one is for material. This is what I am trying to, the whole of the teaching today
was, stop looking at this box (core), start looking at this guy here (fields). This is
what I have been saying before, some weeks ago, we want you to start looking at this
(fields) without the dimension of the physicality. It doesn't matter where it comes or
how it comes. This is the whole purpose of the teachings, because if you
understood this, then I'll tell you something, you'll find out, these all end up
(back in the center of the core), then this (center of core) if it's part of it, ends up
in the Creator. This is the whole purpose of the teachings, we are going this way.
It's just for you to .. I could not see any other way to take you away from the past, and
god knows this and Gans's. Q: Now you are talking goose chasing. (2:58). No, you
didn't chase any goose, it's just that in the future you'll understand why. Because you
like to have a machine to play with to confirm something. When I left you with your
Soul you all got lost, so when it's true these machine are for your Soul, "oh, that's
what it was." This is what I am saying, if you understand to work with this guy here
(the fields), then you'll understand how it interacts with your Soul and other souls.
And the life starts making sense of the Technology. But that's what I said, slowly,
slowly. Now you know about the Soul and the machine which can interact with your
Soul and then what are you going to make in between. Then what happens if
somebody appears in the blue, green or red line? Is it going to be a Christ,
Mohammad or Buddha or whatever. Or are you going to understand it's the totality,
the same source. And how it reacts with your Soul counts. It's just understanding
the truth about the interaction of the fields and the rest you can join it and see. This is
the whole thing I have been trying to bring you into, to think about fields, because
now I showed you this and explained to you about the earth, and bla, bla (3:00). It's
all to bring you to think about these guys here (the fields) , it's not that guy (the
reactor) who creates it. What can you make from it, it doesn't matter where it came
from and who has done what. Q: Now we understand, maybe it's because of this
new computer program you are using for drawing on the whiteboard. Keshe: Thank
you webmaster. No, because we had to understand about the Soul. The Soul
teaching brought a lot of people to understand that they can't be gimmicked or
lied to, and then, now you can play with anything. If both Knowledge Seekers ..
You see a lot of Knowledge Seekers in the beginning, when with these dynamic balls,
they never understood, they never looked at the fields of it, they just wanted to do the
rotation, to move something or fly with something. That was not the purpose of it, so
we keep on going on the same track and coming back until you mature. But if you
look at the essence, nothing has changed. We showed with the Star Formation and we
showed you everything else. Shall we call it a day it's 3 hours. Thank you very much
for today and please remember if you enrolling for Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute decide what you want to follow and develop. (3:02). What you want to bring
on the table or who you want to gather together to develop what you think or to
research what you think to do. You have 1 year to do it, and at the end you'll graduate
with no paper work. Your Soul knows you completed it. Then you have the
conferences coming up in Malta, Mexico, and Kenya and then in Iran. It's very bad
news for some people who thought it wasn't going to happen but it happened, and the
Enhancement Unit is now at 500,000 Euros and it depends on how you want to
develop it, and we'll show you in the next 4 or 5 weeks we'll see what is going to
happen to people and who will claim what and what can be done. I hope we
learned a little more and corrected some fundamental mistakes in the world of


310th Knowledge Seekers Workshop January 9th, 2020

(** The Peace has been achieved;
The Enhancement Unit is a copy of universe and will take mankind centuries to
understand its full potential, It shows the true essence of how the universe was created
and can replicate any point in universe without traveling there, Nuclear is finished,
Western nations killing scientists, New systems for environmental cleanup or CO2
capture systems will be released, Cleanup of Italian contaminated waters, New
agricultural system to cleanup antibiotics and chemicals will be released, Will release
transcript of last Monday Iranian Keshe Foundation teachings, This is the year of the
completion of all the teachings and start of commercialization, New CO2 systems will
take the pollution out of the air and the Gans created will be released in the oceans
along with what is needed to correct the damage done to the planet, Malta will be the
new headquarters of the Keshe Foundation and Universal Council, Depopulation from
earthlings as tourists in the universe one world government to decide how to control,
Italian government to open court case of Fabio as a murder will lead to Belgium
monarchy, Building homes and physical structures with plasma technology, Keshe
Foundation to start developing a plasma leisure industry so people have something to
do with their time, Feeding the animals in the same as the man so they enough energy
and don't kill, Gans technology to protect against bush fires without disturbing the
natural cycle, Controlling locus and pests by giving them energy and not killing,
Through the new systems we control the evolution and dictate how we want our
bodies to change, )

(:06). Whenever you listen to these knowledge seekers series. As usual we are back
on Thursday again. We try to learn an share knowledge and try to extend the
knowledge of understanding as a functionality of the Soul and what we call space
Technology, agriculture and everything else. It's interesting to see what we just saw,
the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit), this unit physically will be shown in the
next 2 or 3 weeks and it's primarily taking the knowledge into the next step. It's not
just an enhancement unit but it has many other functions as it's built and made in the
shape of the Universe. In the past we replicated a lot of things, we copied the birds
and now we have copied the Universe. It will take mankind centuries to
understand the totality of this knowledge in this system. Many ways and things
and many enjoyable times will come from this unit. In time when mankind
understands the totality of the design of this system, (:08). you can create the
condition of any position in the Universe inside this system. Slowly we'll open
what this system can do, we'll learn, everybody thought this was for healing, or for
enhancing the body ** everybody thought it's for whatever and whatever, producing
materials as we need in the space. This is a multipurpose unit. In the coming time
when the scientists and when mankind, now that he has reached the point of peace
will endeavor to create the condition of any point in the Universe, which means you
can create the real condition of any planet of any star of any position in the Universe
inside the system. In the extension of the knowledge we can come to understand one
point, that we can create the whole arena of the Universe. We can develop these
systems in a way that it gives us the images, the exact replication of the galaxies. The
whole understanding is that in time mankind will develop systems which in reality,
what we could not do before. We could not create the conditions of the dynamic
magnetical and gravitational fields around in the solar system, now this system allows
us to do it. We can position the sun in the center and the earth and moon, (:10). and
understand what is, what can be, and the other conditions what can be understood
from their positioning. This will be the first time mankind has a 3 dimensional
working universal system, working only with magnetical fields, nothing else. The way
we have designed this and the way it will be used by the scientists is very much,
'walking into the universe.' Choose the place, position, condition, the magnetical and
gravitational field strength and you'll see the life, the extension of life, the interaction
of the fields. If you think of it, it's a dynamic plasmatic system which super-passes
Tokomak. As a nuclear physicist I always thought Tokomak as being a half cooked
business, but this time the magnetical and gravitational field comes for the wind
within the structure. This passes the whole structure of CERN's advanced high speed
whatever, has become more or less to its edge of limit, because there is too much
limitation of magnetic field created through what we call matter state of fields, where
in this system, now we create magnetical fields in the structure of the plasma (Plasma)
as it is in the Universe. There are no magnets but the fields created by the dynamic
system will give us the parallel, the true essence of the work of the Universe, (:12).
within the system. In the coming time we'll go more and more in depth, and we'll
explain in a very detailed way how we can develop, increase and change everything.
What we see for the first time mankind has got hold of the true essence, the way
the Universe is created. One the reasons I started bringing this out, was one
reason, because we knew the world peace has been achieved. We knew mankind
will come to the point of what we call the turning point of changing science and
Technology from wars. Then walking away from it and allowing it to become the
most important thing mankind will do. As we were witness to it since last Thursday
teaching, the whole world went through what everyone thought was the brink of war,
but we knew there shall be no war. We saw by yesterday the whole thing turned
upside down on its head. The most powerful nation has submitted itself to not being
able to attain world peace and at the same time, (:14). world leaders have understood
clearly since last night's message from the American leadership that, 'we are
powerless.' It doesn't matter how you paint or word it, one thing that came out of the
past 7 days is, no nation is ready to go to war. We have reached the turning point. As I
was saying before the start of the teaching, just before we heard the words of
President Trump, I was writing to a couple of Knowledge Seekers in the background
who were worried. I said, nothing will happen. The Americans will become ** ,
because you have to understand that they have tried everyway to save their face. The
most advanced nation in the world has come to understand that it has no advancement
and somehow the world leaders have to understand. I'll put it in a joke way but it has a
lot of seriousness behind it. The reason the Americans always rely on the world, 'we'll
never let Iran possess nuclear (weapons)' is because they know that Iran has finished
with nuclear a long time ago. If the Americans were afraid of the Iran's nuclear
system they would have come up with different games. Simply put, the reality is, Iran
has finished with nuclear. (:16). Nuclear is for the backdated nations and is
something children play with. Nuclear as a weapon has no purpose or need, because
simply the plasma technology which super-passes nuclear is like what we used to
make, arrows and slingshots. Try to hide behind. 'we'll never allow Iran access to
nuclear,' because Iran has walked away from nuclear. Because we have a more
advanced Technology and as I have requested from his eminence Ayatollah of
Iran to be shown in March conference in Tehran. You have to understand that us
today, we are witnessing an evolution and revolution in the world of science. We had
the industrial revolution and it brought many things, now we are going through the
Plasma and Gans revolution that nations cannot close their eyes to. Yesterday I was
talking with some of the powerful people in the world of politics and they said it was
a humiliation that was accepted. It was a humiliation for the death of what we call the
nuclear industry. It was humiliation for, (:18). understanding the simplicity of the
truth. With this new Enhancement Unit a new cycle and revolution in the world of
science and Technology will emerge. We used the water and the steam to advance the
mankind through the industrial revolution, now we use the Plasma and the knowledge
of the creation of the Universe to change the course of humanity in a much better
way. It is in totality the beginning of the beginning. When a man in my position as a
nuclear and plasma physicist tells you that the age of nuclear is over, I have been
telling you for a few years and now we have seen it. We don't go (talking) about who
killed who, and who did what, the reality is all that nuclear weapons sitting in the
arsenals of both nations, Russia and America, Chinese and the French, the Pakistanis,
Indians, but nobody dares to touch because the consequences of it is too horrendous.
But everyone will play through the Plasma. The world leaders, the peasants on the
farms, the fishermen on the sea, and the spaceman in the depth of the space. (:20).
What I said and I keep on saying is that we have entered the phase of world peace and
there shall be no war. But the world leaders have to learn one thing from this, the past
7 days, showing power by killing is the job of the wild animals of the jungles.
Targeting and killing is what the wild dogs in the plains of Africa do. As I said, these
nations of the west or advanced Technology have no fear in killing scientists. Many
Iranians nuclear physicists who were killed because of their knowledge. Hitler
didn't do that. Many scientists in the highest caliber in chemistry, biology,
physics and astronomy have been killed, which is unbelievable, commissioned
and executed by Americans and European nations. The only nations in the world
who kill scientists and they call themselves civilized. The only nations who terrorize
people, and they call the rest terrorists. (:22). Now the true terrorists are one by one
stepping down. We have seen the biggest terrorist who killed more Iranians then
anybody else, Netanyahu, has been stripped of his positions and soon he'll see his own
fate. We see once you kill this way, you will be killed this way through your Soul.
In so many ways, the time of killing has come to an end. Now it's our responsibility
to elevate in totality, not only the Soul of those who we thought were our leaders but
the Soul of humanity. We have started releasing new Technology hopefully by
Mexico or Kenya we'll show you what we call, environmental cleanup. We have
submitted a direct report to the Italian government in respect to the contamination of
the waters, and they have until the end of January to respond. A 250 page document
has been submitted directly to the office of the President and Prime Minister of Italy
to respond in respect to the massive contamination in their country. I have informed
the Italian government, (:24). that the Keshe Foundation will release this document in
public and or, and if they do not respond to take steps to correct it. The next step for
us is the launch of the new CO2 capture systems which will be placed like solar
panels across the cities. These systems will be launched in the next 30 days. The
Keshe Foundation has put a value of 20,000 Euros per system. In fact what you do,
you cleanup the mess that you created. Before March we'll release a new farming
system which allows the farmers to cleanup their animals from antibiotics and
the chemicals that in return, by eating them, into our bodies. Our scientists in the
beautiful city of Masshad have started testing. Scientists in Italy have started testing
and we are very open. We have taken the leadership in cleaning up and delivering
new Technology and will pursue this pattern until we achieve the maximum effect.
The farming units which will be supplied directly to the farms especially in the
country of Holland, Italy, European northern countries and in America, as they keep
the animals encaged and captivated in cages, (:26). the amount of antibiotics and
chemicals given to them to keep them alive to be able to use them commercially for
their meat will come to an end. The new agricultural unit is the next target for Keshe
Foundation. Because what we eat effects and changes our health. At this moment in
time the reduction in the sperm count in cities like London and major cities due
to the factors we know, will be sorted out. We'll release systems to protect and
convert this. Every month I explained to you that we'll release advanced edge of
Technology in a very simple form that will be sold through the Keshe Foundation
operation. As we have seen the Enhancement Unit we met exactly as our expectation
for January. We will meet our targets in every shape and manner in the coming
months to change what we have done wrong to this planet, ourselves, to its animals
and by correcting it we return back to the position of peace. I wonder how many of
these naval ships we can borrow from Americans to put the Keshe Foundation
systems on them to cleanup the oceans from plastic. (:28). They have many warships.
Now the war is a cleaning war against what we have done wrong. We saw in the past
7 days, the beauty of the knowledge. I have asked the Iranian Keshe Foundation
team to release the teachings of the Keshe Foundation last Monday. In a 5 or 6
hours teaching we made it clear to the Iranian government and officials and
administration that Iran has taken and has to take the lead in knowledge and
Technology. We have set our scene and we have asked his eminence Ayatollah
Knowledge of Iran last Monday to allow the conference to take shape and place in
Tehran in April. Because there has to be a start, this year is the year of the
completion of all the teachings and now we commercialize. We do it in a way that
it can be used by everyone. The target of the Keshe Foundation in the next 12 months
is the commercialization of the Keshe Foundation Technology through the Keshe
Foundation operation and through understanding of the Technology. (:30). The
Iranian Keshe Foundation Farsi team has the responsibility to transcribe the last
Monday teaching into English and other languages. A copy of the teaching has been
given to the Iranian administration and diplomats directly and to the ambassadors
around the world. The way Iran took the lead for peace in the past 48 hours, it showed
the power and the beauty and humiliating a bully. We thank the Iranian government
for this. You can understand what would have been, and you can see what has come
out of the wisdom of not escalating the war but pushing for peace through the power
and Technology. As you listen to the transcripts of last Monday teaching, we'll
announce to the Iranian government that Keshe Foundation will draw a line and
explain what it sees and expects. We saw the end of wars in the past 24 hours. (:32).
We'll see the old interaction of all the American and European forces out of the
Middle East on a very short time. The reality is that we welcome throughout the
Middle east the European and American scientists and not as soldiers. Tehran will
become the cradle of science. By the 21st of 2021 I'll step down and in totality
from many of the Keshe Foundation activities to make sure that we take the lead
in the leading science and I'll return to the city of Tehran. Then we'll show the
power of the Technology. In the next few weeks you'll see systems for cleanup,
systems for agriculture, systems for many other things, and the Iranian systems for
flight is the responsibility of the Iranian government to show. They were gifted to
them 12 years ago. You have to come to the point that we will show the beauty of the
knowledge, we'll show the glory of understand the knowledge of the creation in the
Universe. If the Knowledge Seekers step up and move to the next level the world
leaders will follow. Most of you have got trapped in peddling in what I call,
underground base level of Gans's and Nano coating and the rest. The true race for
space will start from this week. We have understood the knowledge of the creation
and we have developed Technology to confirm it, so we have become knowledgeable
in the world of creation, the same as the Creator but in simpler ways. There are those
who would like to make gold, and this and that, you have to learn yourself. You have
to understand yourself. (:36). how these things are setup and how they can be done.
MaGrav systems are obsolete if we don't understand the Technology and you have to
understand the simplicity of the Technology and the knowledge of the Plasma, has
been overlooked by the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and that's why you are
in problem. This is why all or many of you are catching up, trying to catch up but you
don't understand where to start and where to finish. You have not understood the
totality of the knowledge and somehow it's easier to be what I call, 'overlooking it
then to do it.' As many of you are aware or not, Keshe Foundation has opened a new
channel for all the Knowledge Seekers to come in and share knowledge with each
other and to distribute and share the totality of the knowledge of the Keshe
Foundation worldwide. As I said, to the Iranian Keshe Foundation Knowledge
Seekers in a very simple way, (:38). as we knew the outcome of the attack last week,
it was very easy for us to start preparing everything for it. As I said, when they peace
comes there will be no borders. The Keshe Foundation Keshe family platform has
been created for the Knowledge Seekers that we took the borders away. The border of
knowledge, Keshe Foundation Brazil, Mexico, Spanish, all have been put under
one cover, One Nation platform and this was set up some 4 days ago and it's for all
the Keshe Foundation worldwide. Now we have made One Nation out of you. One
nation, one platform, you can all share knowledge and come in and learn. We gave
you a couple of days for everybody to come and say hello, and in the coming days
you'll start teaching each other. This is the platform for the starting of the Keshe
Foundation Spaceship Institute teachings for Master degrees, that groups of you,
it doesn't matter what language group you are in, get together and enhance the
knowledge of your own interests. When I set this up, it was to bring all the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers enthusiasts in to start research groups. (:40). We
have opened the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute in a bigger dimension with no
borders. American Knowledge Seekers scientists, as much as we welcomed all the
Iranians, the Brazilians rushed in as well, we saw the Spanish and every other nation.
It is just coming in. We'll build this structure to One Nation education center. At this
moment I see there are a lot of things, some talking about the Gans here or something
else there, but let this seed grow and you'll see what we have planned for it. In this
process the Keshe family will become One Planet family. You'll understand why I
setup One Nation, One Race, One Planet. This structure is the beginning of it. Talk to
each other. I have seen the Spanish and Brazilians are coming in, Iranians and we see
all nationalities are coming in to talk. Try to setup groups of your own interests. Move
into the Plasma Technology and not into the Gans and Nano Technology. In the
space you'll hardly change anything into the matter state. In the space, we see it
even in the Iranian Chats. (:42). because I have brought the Iranian team of all the
Keshe Foundation Iranian supporters in one group together. That was the process
because Iran will lead this knowledge and I brought them into the Keshe Foundation
family that the Iranian teams, highly educated people, highly structured in research
and development will take the lead with the whole structure of the space Technology.
Our aim is one thing, that our American friends, English, French, Brazilian, Africans,
Chinese, that you'll have no more names of nationalities, you have become one
family. I have asked the Chinese to post this link that the Chinese can join this group
that they can start educating and being part of one structure. Today I am in the
beautiful city of Beijing and it's the responsibility of you as Knowledge Seekers is to
make knowledge the only common denominator and the science and Technology for
the human race, because as you saw yesterday we agreed, the world leaders agreed,
we need peace. The interesting thing in the last 7 days we heard from Donald
Trump 2 times and both talks, (:44). both speeches refer to the teachings of Keshe
Foundation. As I said in the Iranian teachings after what he said, he killed a
man. He knows his Soul is in a big mess. Listen to the talk, he comes to it, and for
the first time an American president public opening for a second time confirms
the Soul. Listen to last week Friday's speech of him talking how he killed a man,
and in it how he clearly wants elevation of the Soul. So the Whitehouse is clearly
listening to our teaching, because now they know they have to answer to the Soul.
That's why yesterday we saw the end of wars, because for the second, he is repeating
it that, we start talking peace, we want peace. Because we have finished with the
guns, the only thing left is the peace. This is what we are teaching and promoting for
the past years. We have brought the world's, supposedly strongest nation, to
understand about the Soul and about the peace. It means we as the totality of the
human race, including the Chinese, Russians, Africans and the rest of us are ready to
go, because we have touched the Soul of the world leaders. In so many ways, we
have taken charge, as I said to you, we'll start governing. (:46). Governing through
knowledge and for man to understand he has to answer to something, he has to
break .. . the biggest mistake made, man by his own admission confirms he has
killed 2 men, and to do it he has attached it to any reason. We saw what happened to
Obama when he ordered a killing. We'll see what will happen to Trump, he took a
life. What I hear, they call the biggest terrorist, who has terrorized humanity for the
past century, Americans. Who made a terrorist out of me and then they changed it to a
fraud because they couldn't get it terrorized, because nobody believed in it, the
kingdom of Belgium. We'll see that mankind has moved to a fate that will not be
able to lie his way to do things. Let me tell you one simple fact. Ruling needs
wisdom of collective consciousness of peace from now on. This planet does not
need anymore rulers, (:48). because people will work through their own
structure. In the coming we'll learn more and more and be a part of it. I was passing a
building recently and I said, how are we going to describe this in the coming time to
our children and grandchildren. The Court of Justice. When we elevate the Soul of
the man and we put our prisoners into this machine and they understand that
they get elevated, then there is no where to go. What are we going to do with our
prisoners. Now that man starts conducting his own way to be correct, courts will
become museum places. They'll become one of the most strangest places, man will
laugh in the coming time, 'why did they need somebody to judge them if they could
judge themselves doing it the right way. It will come to this and the beauty of it is that
through the Technology which we'll release will create that condition. A true scientist,
a true man of peace has to make advantage and make best use of the worst conditions,
(:50). that it becomes a success for whatever his aim and target is. If you heard what I
said in the past few minutes, I explained to you that the Keshe Foundation in the next,
most probably 4 weeks, once we come out of the Chinese holidays, will offer you and
the world as a whole a completely new environmental cleanup system, it's not new but
we gave it a beautiful shape and we've done it in a beautiful way, the way I see it. The
Chinese Keshe Foundation meets tonight and tomorrow to complete this. It's a brain
child of China, the way the Enhancement Unit stayed with Austria, this is the brain
child of China and will come out of China, we already signed a factory position for it
yesterday. In this process we are making the best of what we have done wrong to this
planet to get everything back right, by capturing massive amounts of CO2 which
created so much mayhem as a Gans, and we'll feed these Gans's back to the
oceans and seas and to the environment as a clean energy that in the process of not
only creating CO2 absorption but we release with it what this planet was short of,
into the oceans and the land. The beauty of it is ** to cleanup and we use that ** of
the judgment, (:52). of the correct conduct to bring the whole thing back to process.
You have seen your CO2, you use it for your pain, or do this, or cleaning the water or
whatever. Now this new system allows massive extraction, thousands of liters a day
from the atmosphere. Most probably as I was saying, you see the solar cells on the
roofs in the cities, you will see Gans extraction units and the same way as we are
piping water in to the canals and we are infesting the world and we put chlorination
in, now we put energies to change. From 15th of February or hopefully let's say 13th
of February, the Chinese team with the new factory we signed in yesterday will
deliver as much and as many as we can to produce to clean up the cities. The
problems where I stand, today, now, I see the city of Beijing in the smoke with all the
dirt. If the Chinese authorities understand what is coming out of China and place
many of these on the roofs and on the ground floors and just feed them back into the
water systems, in the sewage systems and in everything else, not only we cleanup the
planet, we reenergize, we put back in, the damages we have done. We took it as oil
and we'll feed it back as, "Gans in." (:54). When you take the C out of the
atmospheric condition of the big cities there is nothing to attach itself wit, so we'll get
clean cities. A copy of a replication of this will be made in Iran, which will supply a
different direction of this. In the next week or two I have set out meetings with all the
Iranian Knowledge Seekers who are developing or have developed Technology that
we meet face to face, and that the Keshe Foundation will finance them to start
producing the new products in health and agriculture so we have started the
commercialization of this Technology in a way that all of us take a piece of it. In this
process the cleaning up has come to us, the repairing has come back to us, if you have
2 cars or a ** ** the what we call, "CO2 out" and what the Dutch people call the
green house and they sold many trees for it, but we don't know where these trees are.
the amount of trees sold for replacing C absorption, whatever it was, this planet
should be totally tree covered. But we haven't seen any trees. It was a very good
game. Now these units will be in front of you. It is made to work and to replace the
totality of what needs to be done. (:56). These new systems we don't patent but we
keep our rights to every single one of them and we tell you what is going to happen to
everything else of it. ** put new life back into this planet. I am sure we are going
to have a wonderful time with Keshe Foundation Chinese people together in the next
48 hours to complete. This is a gift from China. With this process we do not need to
open massive Gans production factories which was planned by the Keshe
Foundation. We'll go directly into industrialization of the Technology while we
absorb all the CO2 we need through the development and commercialization of this
unit through China. This will bring huge amounts of revenues from the Chinese
government and it's been set in the heart and place of the man who built it up.
He's been the rock with the Keshe Foundation and today we say thank you to
him. It has to be with him because he put his love and his Soul into it and
yesterday we signed a contract, initial, and we'll go for it that this factory will become
operational within the next 30 days and you'll see the products. We'll try to show you
in Mexico and the agriculture part of it we'll try to show in Africa in Kenya. The head
of Keshe Foundation sent me a message in the background, please tell people that the
booking for Mexico is open, all those form North America who want to be there
please book, then we'll move to Kenya, those who want to be in the Kenya conference
please book. The Iranian situation is register yourself as fast as you can because we
have to submit data and names by at least the next 45 days with the Iranian
government. Those people who are sorting and helping in the background from Iran,
they tell us the Iranian Intelligence and Security need at least a month before, at least
more than that because it's a very strange thing, Christmas in January, and we get
Chinese New Year in February and each one takes a month to or 2 weeks off or
whatever, and then the Iranian New Year is the 21st of March, so by the time we
come back we are very close to the April conference. Sign in as fast as you can for
those who want to come, the same with Kenya and Mexico. Our conference in Malta
next week is primarily for the Maltese government, (1:00). but as usual before we go
in everything gets cleaned up before we get in, we saw this with the day of the
conference in Vienna, the government was in election, because out of nowhere there
was a mess there and no one was in the government, they cleaned out. Then we saw
the same with Brazil, there was immediate announcement by the government that a
new group was setup by the ** and in Malta next week, they have a new government
because somebody killed a journalist and they found out it was governmental people
behind it. So as we go into the Maltese conference we are just there to meet with the
Maltese government in a very direct way because the headquarters of the Keshe
Foundation are moving to Malta. We have to know how to organize the new totality
and the new government will tell us in the conference of after the conference. We
have found a center for the Keshe Foundation and hopefully we'll be able to get it, one
way or another, and it's exactly the way I wanted it, where no one needs a visa to
enter the Keshe Foundation center for peace and whatever mankind might need, or
those who are not from here. The Malta is too small for massive developments but it
will become the center for administration of the Keshe Foundation worldwide
operations, the Universe Council, Earth Council, and those of us who will be alive
and will be what we call ?** around. Today's teaching is very simple, (1:02). we
are celebrating the beginning of the peace, a lot of people were waiting for disaster
yesterday and we knew it was not (going to happen). I was sitting in the airport and
just about an hour before president Trump was to speak, all the Iranian international
flights to Tehran were put on hold or deliberately delayed, all the flights over the
Middle east were diverted, and everybody was waiting for a big war. I saw many
Iranians sitting in lounges and waiting rooms because everything was delayed by 2
hours after the speech, that if man was going to war, nobody was going into Tehran. I
heard in the lounge from the Iranian old couple negotiating with the children, don't go
to Tehran, you're going to get killed and it's (going to be ) there, and the children
convinced the parents to forget about the tickets and go home. I wonder now if they
found out what a big mistake they made. Talking to the Iranian communities in the
airport, there was a joy. It was a joy of peace and as one said, now we can start living
because we won by knowledge, by strength, and we showed we don't need to fight,
for that reason I'll make one announcement. (1:04). This will go directly, we invite
president Trump to the conference in Tehran. He went all the way to North Korea to
get the Nobel Prize, Tehran is the best opportunity to actually getting it. In the coming
days the invitation to the president of the US will go, but as we asked the Iranian
officials, Ayatollah Knowledge, who is the only one who can allow this conference to
go through, and on the basis that as we are inviting world leaders they have to be met
by the Iranian leadership. We'll wait and see. It has become a very clean cut peace
talk. Keshe Foundation the demonstration of new Technology, Tehran with the power
of having the Technology. As I said we'll start governing but through peace and
knowledge. The Tehran conference is the Keshe Foundation showing the Technology
and that other scientists of what we call the plasma Technology, the Iranian
government and the rest of the nations as guests. The problem will be how the Iranian
leadership, and only his eminence the Ayatollah Knowledge of Iran ..and the Keshe
Foundation ** .. are negotiating in Tehran already with the Iranian administration. We
are not talking, because as we said, ** and our advisors and communications ** the
fore coming communications that we have had said, (1:06). 'It's no use going to the
president or the ministers if Ayatollah Knowledge says no, then it is no.' So we go to
him and we have laid down the ground very simple, Keshe Foundation Technology,
Iran shows its power of the understanding of the new knowledge, new Technology
and we celebrate that to start peace. There is no one, we haven't had any world leader
who has taken his nation literally by the neck and walked it through the most
advanced Technology of the present times development, except Ayatollah Knowledge
of Iran. We don't have any better candidate to lead the world towards peace the
application, implications and development of new technologies. He has done it for
Iran. We go by reference. Warmongering we have many, we see one American
president after another. When I was listening last week to what Trump was saying that
he killed one of the most bla, bla, bla, Turn it back a handful of years, didn't we hear
the same rhetoric from Obama when he did Bin Laden. Didn't we hear the same
rhetoric when they did Sadam Hussein and robbed his nation. Now it's finished. If we
go by the reference, we have no leaders who personally have taken the knowledge, the
nation, his nation to the most advanced technological development and he has to be
given that chance to do the same with the rest of the world. Don't look at what they
made (them out) to be, look at their CV (résumé) and what they have done with their
nation. (1:08). Iran through its isolation and its own internal self-sufficiency has
reached this position that it could stand and show the power of its might and
knowledge, that the biggest nation in the world had to wipe its face yesterday in front
of the international (community). 'We do not attack because no Americans were
killed.' Because the Iranians called you 2 hours before and told you to take everybody
out. If you do not know that the Iranian government called the officials of Iraq,
American, and European Community, 'take your people out, we want to show what
we are going to do with you, if you don't stop.' And they didn't kill 1 person .. break
up .. ** targeted tens of rockets to one area where the Europeans and Americans were
holding their equipment. That is why nobody was killed. The president Trump doesn’t
tell you that he was given warning, 'get your guys out or we are going to show you
what we are going to do with you, or keep them in there and you'll get thousands of
them killed. And like a mouse he collected them and got them out as fast as he could.
Because if one would have been killed, he would have had to start the war that he
knew he was going to loose anyway. And that came out of the wisdom of the
leadership, a man who understands how he can be push people to a corner for peace,
and he knows how to get the nations, the most advanced nations in the world. South
Africa when they were sanctioned they tried to make a few things but see what
happened to it. Nothing came out of it. But now you see the Iranian leadership under
AK has a hundred percent reference to lead the world nations in peace and
Technology. (1:10). And the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers we work one
way for peace and extension of the knowledge that we can open this planet to the rest
of its creatures and the creatures of the Universe. We have no option but to
commercialize that everyone can benefit by it and put the seeds of it, what comes
from it, back into the society as part of the Keshe Foundation work that the totality
benefits by it. I lead the Keshe Foundation by the love of the man and not by the fear
of what man might do to himself, because I know that mankind changes very quickly.
As you know there is a good opportunity, there is no one to lead the world by creating
such a mayhem. They have created a vacuum in the world leadership ** .. only will
come through those who will lead the mankind through science and Technology and
advancement of what we call the Soul of the man through space, through
understanding of his own space of the Soul of himself. Now we understand the next
step, that gap exists. As I said in the Iranian teaching, and that gap needs to be
fulfilled by a man with the references and the credibility who has delivered. The
Keshe Foundation delivers the Technology, the Iranian government with AK brings
the power of peace, (1:12). as a nation. That is the only reason we brought the Keshe
Technology to all of us. Two Iranians can sit next to each other and plan the humanity
for peace, prosperity and knowledge because we both know what to do. The message
to the Iranian administration is very clear, take the lead and leadership for peace and
knowledge and let the rest to be part of the same family. No more borders, colors,
races, no religion the way we set up the Keshe Foundation family worldwide
operation as of this week. There is no choice, this opportunity will never come to
mankind (** again), and it needs to be taken and to lead mankind in the direction of
the new way. As we said, if some of you don't know, and I saw another video recently
that reminded me again, the largest ever empire in the history of mankind has been the
Persian Empire. Over the 40% of the land mass was run by one just leadership of
Koross and Darius and the families. Now we extend that mass to 100 percent, for a
just peace and knowledge. It has to be understood that the opportunity has been there,
we guided it, we know what to do, (1:14). and now it's time to complete it. The
conference in Tehran will be what we call a watershed for peace and knowledge. In
the next few weeks as we show you the simplicity of the Technology as it is coming
out, and not out of the most advanced universities and research centers, but out of the
Knowledge Seekers and common man on the street. The last man standing. The whole
structure of the Keshe Foundation is to guarantee world security and peace and
knowledge and sharing of the knowledge so openly. Join the Knowledge family
platform and start sharing how and what you can achieve to show by April, 3 months
is a long time and a lot of you know what to do. Already 2 or 3 scientists have been
invited to present and the Iranian group in agriculture have been invited to show. The
understanding that we have invited 2 or 3 Chinese scientists to join us in the
conference and in that process we'll bring in 'man of space.' I have requested from the
Iranian government to show the obsolete nuclear Technology which the Americans
are so proud of. In my meetings with the Iranian teams we structured them that they
can show the most technological advancements in their city in the conference. (1:16).
I am prepared to meet any Knowledge Seekers who are and have developed and can
deliver a valid Technology, then we'll bring it out and support it. The beauty of it is
that we have done it together, and we can do it together to bring us to that point. One
of the most important parts of the knowledge .. and it has to be done by the
Knowledge Seekers themselves is, the structure of a physical home that we can
use the Technology to create what we call a home. It's not by bricks and mortar
or whatever, it's by using the magnetical and gravitational field systems to create
structures, to create divisions or what we call partitions. To create conditions
that you can lay the physicality or a place to enjoy. What we call the leisure side of
the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers is lagging behind a lot. It's this, (1:18).
which will bring what we call the knowledge home. Knowledge Seekers if you
understand it, start looking into the leisure industry of the Keshe Foundation,
because now that we have no more wars we have to do something to enjoy the
time. We have to change the structure of living the way we do and it has to come
from the people who understand it, understand the ethos of it. We need those who
can take this to public. Yesterday we had a meeting with what they call the
distributors of the Keshe Foundation who have been trying to sell things for years and
I explained to them exactly what we need. Keshe Foundation needs a very strong
sales team. If you are in that business, join us to promote the new Technology that
people can benefit by it. We have no choice with (out) the wars, the only thing left is
pleasure of enjoying the life. When you sit and watch how billions of us have slaved
ourselves to be in a place called, the box, to be there 9 to 5 to get something, to have a
holiday, to call it a New Year or whatever, and maybe a week to 10 days holiday for
what I have done. With 7 billion people if we divided it the right way, (1:20). If we
can get 10% of us working 10% of our time, the other 90% can enjoy the other 90%,
because the 10% can run everything. You don't need anymore hospitals, churches, and
don't need any courts, any this or that, and you can see where we are gong to end up.
A lot of leisure time as the Americans call it, and leisure time as it is called in English.
This part of the Technology needs to be brought out by the youth of the Keshe
Foundation. Imagine computer games, now imagine the next step of plasma games.
Those of you who work in the world of computer animation, bring it in the dimension
of using the Plasma. Develop your intellect into the Plasma Technology. This is the
biggest part because we have many people unemployed and I am not worried about
them because we have a machine that feeds and looks after their health, and they work
because they want to be busy to serve humanity, not to live so they have something to
put in their mouth so that they don't die. Fear of death has brought man to the slavery
of the others. At the same time the fear of hunger that they might die, has put the same
thing in the same position. With this Technology we have taken all those fears away.
You will understand in a very short time. (1:22). That the only fear we will have is
from natural disasters and with the new Technology we can look after them. They say
500,000 animals in the bush fires of Australia. I listened very recently to a beautiful
Iranian scientist when I was in Dubai, that how Iranian scientists are developing a
new fire fighting system and they want to integrate it with the Plasma Technology that
it can do. I said, I heard this before, 2 or 3 different guys tried, but the Iranian guys
have a different tone. I am meeting them very soon and in that process we'll bring a
new Gans Plasma Technology for fighting the fires. If you are in that fire business
and you want to stop the fires and fire fighting through Plasma join this team of
Iranians, they have already advanced a lot, they can do everything with it because
they have the machine developed in Tehran. But now we want to integrate with it
what we have now developed, what we call CO2 capture to be added in a different
way of CO2 capture that there is no oxygen available for the fire to get. How fast
can you stop the fires? In milliseconds, but mankind cannot get involved in stopping
the bush fires. If we stop the fires in America on a regular basis or in Australia our
ecological cycle will be disturbed, and then we'll have a bigger disaster on our hands.
We have to find a way that we can negotiate our way around it to save lives and
property, (1:24). but allow the nature of this world, this planet to go through its cycle.
Do you remember what we saw in the disaster in the Caribbean's, how it (the
property) was protected. The biggest side of this protection is done by Iran covering
itself. So it is possible. Now to create conditions to protect our own properties in a
perfect way, but we allow the nature to take its course, otherwise the nature will
revenge in a very worse way, because you can't stop the fields of the Plasma of this
planet and Universe, not to do their work. If you pressurize it somewhere else, then it
damages something somewhere else. How many times mankind has tried. So if you
are Knowledge Seekers these are areas where there is a gap. Not a gap. We haven't
had time to work with it. The leisure time, the section that is to do with what we call,
'the better existing of the man and his life amongst others.' There is another part which
has got to be addressed which is how we'll bring peace to the Soul of the animals
using the new Technology. As we become self-sufficient through the new
Technology that we don't kill. Because we elevate our souls, we have Technology
and we have to tranStar Formationer this back into the nature that we stop them
by receiving the energies they need through the same process as we do. I think the
animals will reach that level much faster than we do because the new CO2 systems
facilitate for that. (1:26). I'll explain to you when we go to commercialize it, the
leaflets and pamphlets will for it will be ready and you'll understand a very simple
point that we can through the same process, fortunately understanding the
Technology, bring peace to animals. Bring it to a position that the animals don't,
would not eat each other because through the energy received by them, they don't feel
hungry and by the order of conservation they'll control themselves, in their numbers
(population). I was watching a bunch of what we call crickets (locus) or what other
people call it, eating everything up. Then they said, Mr. Keshe we need help, he is
eating half of Iran's agriculture. Now I saw it somewhere else. I said, 'oh boys, you
haven't learned.' You don't need to do anything with them. Just put systems in that it
feeds them the energy they need. They will be there. That's all we need to do. We
don't need to do something to kill them, to control them. Let them be, they'll control
themselves but they are fed. If we can run the systems as the Russians did over the
American boat (battleship in Black Sea), paralyzed it using the Plasma Technology,
we can do the same thing with these animals. What did they say, 'it's in the holy
books,' that the plague of these animals came and whatever. Now let the plague come
and we'll create condition that they take energy from what they need, (1:28). they
won't eat (the crop), they're there to enjoy the scenery like you and me. These are the
changes that the Knowledge Seekers need to prepare for. We have everything. We
have the full understanding of the electronics, transmission, communication,
everything else, the flight system, everything is there it just needs to be put together
that it fits. This is what I keep on emphasizing, the Iranian leadership through the
Ayatollah Knowledge of Iran and the Keshe Foundation knowledge will bring this
together. We'll bring a lot of finances of the world governments to do what is best for
all of us. You heard very recently what the guy said, 'we have increased our debts,' by
call it the difference, by another 17 billion this year to 600 and something billion
dollars. Can you imagine what mankind can do with 600 billion dollars from one
nation put on defense, and use it for developing new Technology. I'll tell what, as I
explained to one of my children very recently. People will come and say it's unfair,
now they imprison us on earth. Because there will be so many of us wanting to go out
(into space) they'll ** worry about depopulation, the government of the one world
government will decide to put limits on it. You can't all go out or we'll die here, if you
all go, 'we need people here to run the planet.' How are we going to solve that? It is
the problems of the future governments governing this planet. (1:30). Would we go
through the process of (..break ..) As you know in the state of Israel, the Palestinians
are more then the Jews, but how they got it, is by reproducing like rabbits as many as
they could. And many Israelis left Israel, because they could not accept the unjust
ruling the way they were doing it. And half of them fled out of the fear of when it
happens (the reversal), then what is going to happen (to them). All this has to be part
of the past of the history of the man. One of the biggest problems by mid-century or
even long before that, is how we'll control our population, what we call, 'flocks out of
this planet and sightseers.' It's fantastic when you sit and travel as much as I do
between China and outside, it's amazing, planeloads, and the only person who
understood how cleverly he could benefit by it, is the Sheik Mohammad of Dubai. He
bought all these (planes) 380's, (they carry) 500 or 600 people, and they work one
route, Dubai to China and then into Europe. He collects all the fees. Nobody
transports more people out of China as tourists then the Dubai airlines, because they
bought all 380's. Millions of them (Chinese) they want to see what they haven't seen.
The beauty of it is, the Chinese are financing China by becoming tourists. (1:32).
Have you seen them, they all want to have a souvenir from Rome, Paris, London and
all these souvenirs, when you turn them over, it says, made in China. The Chinese are
running the whole world industry partially on their own back and the Europeans say,
we have Chinese tourists. Now we are going to have earth tourists, but how are we
going to control them. These are the problems for the world leaders to sort out, not
ours. Today is a beautiful day and those of you who know there is a figure (number) 9
in today's date, and it means the end and beginning of the new. From now on we step
up. If you listen to these teachings it has become very complicated teaching process,
to tell you some, to let you understand what the Soul does and see what the Soul has
brought, what commercialization brings you, what we need to do and everything else.
Because all the pieces of the Technology has been taught in the past 15 years, now ..
** is getting complete, we are putting it together that we start enjoying a full picture
and Knowledge Seekers you are a part of it. You are the people who instigated it.
(1:34). The way you have done it has puzzled many world leaders, how these
unknown bunch of groups of people have brought so much that everybody knows, but
nobody knows what to do, but in a good way. The best thing that happened to us (was
from the Belgium's), look at it was the vacuum which the Belgium's made for us, that
nobody wants the thing (the Technology), or people start looking at it or developing
it. Now it has taken shape. We are waiting for one message, for confirmation of it, and
this is important for the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers. We received a call
and as usual we are getting it confirmed if it is correct. The "Cabinarie" of the Italian
government has asked me to attend a court case in February, the case of Fabio has
been classed as a murder. If we get the confirmation of this to be true, because
Giovanni has spoken to the police, that they want to be. Fabio's death has now been
entered as a murder. If this is true it will open, in many ways to door for the Keshe
Foundation to end the Belgium monarchy because we have enough, all the details
for it. We hope the Italian government has taken that step and as Giovanni is speaking
to the "Cabinaries" and I have to attend, if it is through what has happened, then a
murder case has started. This was an attempt on my life, (1:36). and Fabio got
trapped in it. Sometime in February, we are waiting for it, and if it is correct we'll
announce it, that it is done They have confirmed that there is a summons and I
have to appear in court as a witness. Then the case of the murder is officially opened
up. We knew that the Italian government has spent a lot of time and money on this
case. We asked especially, bless his Soul, Sandor, to draw for me electronic pictures
of this. Me and Sandor went through every possible shape and form of the possible
accident, done by design patterns, cars which we drew everything out, and every
shape confirmed it was murder. The Italian police didn't let it go, they were doing
investigation of it a lot. Because it was attempted murder on my life which he got
caught in. If this is true, and if we go to court as a witness, from what we understand it
is, then what we told you from the beginning that Fabio's death was a murder planned
by the Belgium monarchy to murder me, and the poor chap got involved in it and we
saw with Naomi, if this is true then we understand, when I told you, the Belgium
monarchy is looking somewhere for refuge. Now we wait and as we go through this
process we have asked the family of Fabio to check with the court case in February.
You know Italian police don't go into these things if they don't have everything. We
have a direct connection, (1:38). between Red Circle and the man who planned the
murder. Our security has pictures, the companies, and all the setup, it's already been 3
copied and if anything happens to me the others will take it to court. Officially we'll
see if it's true. Giovanni is taking the rest of it and I have to go to Italy to accept the
courts summons to appear to be a witness. An official case is being opened by the
Italian police for the murder of Fabio. When we told you it was a murder, everybody
just said, 'he just talks.' This will ** it, we know through our own security, they did
everything (to check it out), they put helicopters (over the site), used 3 dimensional
images, and everything confirms it is a murder. Now the driver, the first time he was
brought to court, now he is being brought (back in) for a murder. We can connect him
to his boss and we have a direct connection to Red Circle. What we talk is black and
white and the boss has traveled to Antwerp and Albania on a frequent basis. To
Antwerp only. This is a bigger case and we wait for security reasons, we have spread
all the data and knowledge with 3 different groups that if anything happens it will be
released. The case is very clear. We thank the Italian police, it has been 3 years to
complete this case. (1:40). One does by missile precision, and one does by trucks. At
that end they are all terrorists and murders.
Any questions I have 20 minutes and I have a flight to catch.
Q: John in Arizona. About the Iranian conference. Keshe: You already booked and
paid for it John, it's too late to ask a question. Q: Do we need to get paperwork for
visa's? Americans are free to travel to Iran. .. You can come in with a missile if your
president sends you, we'll accept you, but have nothing in it, just an empty missile, it
says John as a passenger. Q: Don't wear a USA flag shirt? (1:42). No, because many
Americans go, I have requested in writing from Iranian officials to facilitate all those
who go to Tehran for the conference. I invited and asked the diplomatic officials to
facilitate the Iranian Knowledge Seekers to go to the Tehran conference. It doesn't
matter what color, race or religion you are it's a celebration of peace and knowledge.
Q: So do we need the paperwork? You have to get a visa, yes of course. Please when
you make application write that you are going to the Keshe Foundation conference
from 19 to 22nd, it's the job of our Keshe Foundation Iranian team to do this. The
negotiation is directly, because if you understand the power situation in Iran the
negotiation is between Ayatollah Knowledge and Keshe Foundation, there is no other
way. The Iranian governing structure doesn't allow, especially at this height of
inviting the world leaders. I am meeting with one of the world leaders next week for
diner. The same structure is that he has already accepted and is coming to Tehran.
We'll have a friendly diner in the Middle eat with him and his ambassador and he has
already accepted to come to Tehran. I have invited all those world leaders whom
Keshe Foundation has a direct contact with. I think the beauty of it will be, (1:44). if
the Saudi Crown Prince attends Tehran's meeting. We'll extend that to him. It's the
responsibility of the Saudi Keshe Foundation to make that invitation. For each Keshe
Foundation it's your responsibility to make the invitation to your leaders to attend the
conference in Tehran, because it is your conference, it doesn’t belong to any nation. If
you are American, go to the Whitehouse and invite Trump to the conference. As a
friend of mine said, you know what the problem is Mr. Keshe, the Americans know
how much they have done wrong to you they, every time we talk to them they don't
know how to react out of embarrassment. Whatever has happened it has all been
worth it. Go to the embassy and put the request directly. They might say they know
nothing about this conference, it's not legal. Tell them it has gone to Ayatollah
Knowledge it is his decision not yours. Your job is to just pass the information on.
This decision for this conference has to come from the personal decision of his
eminence AK of Iran. Nobody else can do this because nobody else has the power to
do such a thing except him. I know he can stop people going out or coming in if he
decides. He did it with me. When I was leaving Tehran they stopped me at the last
desk, which is the office of his eminence AK, I couldn't leave Tehran. (1:46). I
remember the head of the AK's office was saying, we are trying to negotiate so that
you can leave Mr. Keshe, we have been trying, but he took me back. He wouldn't let
me go. They kept me for 3 more days until they negotiated and I could leave. He is a
man of knowledge, he can do it. When you go don't be afraid, just say you are going
in for the Tehran conference and give them a copy (of the brochure). The invitation to
AK soon will be done. The documents were Iranian government, official brochures,
it's just done in Farsi. It's beautiful Go in, be proud of who and what you are, if
you believe in what you are here for as part of the Keshe Foundation. Even the
Iranians have a problem, how are we going to treat the people from other countries.
We open the channels so you can find somebody (ahead of time) and not go to the
airport hoping somebody will come. The Keshe family is a platform for you to say,
you come to Tehran you are my friend. find who you are going to house,
accommodating, hosting and I am sure, don't go to Iran for only the 3 days
conference. If you get to know the Iranians as I know them, it will take you a couple
of days to settle in, it will be a couple of days here, they'll take you a couple of days to
Sirran, and Istafn. (1:48). Plan it for 2 weeks and not 3 days because this is part of
the Iranian culture. We love guests and love to show how we can look after guests.
Don't plan for 3 days, it won't be that way if you are staying with Iranians at home,
this is what the Iranian officials don't really know how to handle it, that people are
taking people home, because how can these people be told this and that when they are
not, this and that. It's very interesting and we'll sit and watch the outcome of this. Just
go to the embassy and confirm what you are going for and tell them it's already been
announced and AK has to decide. You get your orders ** not from the office of his
eminence AK. He decides, I am sure, we'll see what happens. I promised you peace
and I got it. This is not that difficult. We are proud, a very proud nation. We are proud
that we have become the cause of peace. Any other questions. Q: This is Ted from
West Virginia. Keshe: What do you feel about your president humiliating you so
bad? Q: Ever since he came into office I have been trying to connect to him on a Soul
level to push him towards peace. (1:50). I do believe it's possible. Me and my sisters
and a lot of people I know have wanted peace. We wish for it in America on our
birthdays a lot. It's a common birthday wish, world peace. I am not ashamed, I am
very proud of the Iranian and American governments if we can stop fighting. Keshe:
I don't think there is a need for a fight, this is, you know, who shows who has
something I think it is more commercials pushing this more than anybody else, the
way it looks. Q: I have felt that way, I have been studying the wars since 2001 and
it's just that, is what it is. Keshe: I think it has come to an end. You can spend your
time now in peace, reading about the peace. Q: Thank you. You have said a lot that
we are here because, in a way, of what we are working on, that we are making this
condition to our self. I am wondering how the fear of death, you did mention that we
are enslaved by the others because of our fears and hunger, and it is hard for me to
understand how just a simple machine, like the dynamic system is able to show us so
much through that, how it's able to show us that condition and why the different
elements have such a different effect on the physicality, it's like I can't really
understand why? Keshe: Because our bodies are made of it. You have to understand
the history of creation, it's very simple, as, it doesn't matter if it's on this planet or
anywhere in the Universe, (1:52). as new elements have entered the body of the
man or of creatures, then the body has tried to find a way to see if it can use
them to its benefit, or to reject them, to save what it has organized and achieved.
The use of elements have been a part of the operation of our life. Now we are
making, or facilitating that directly ourselves. We don't wait of the cycle of
evolution, we create that condition of evolution directly ourselves. For the first
time we are dictating how we want to evolve, not by nature anymore. It happened
and our body changed. We came to see, we have changed, us as human beings have
changed a lot in the past 30 to 40 years because of the massive radiations. If you study
the nuclear industries you will understand very directly that how we have changed.
We see a lot of new things with the body of the man which we could not tolerate
before. If we didn't have the nuclear whatever, which we launched, whatever came out
in the last century, we would have had a huge dilemma with the amount of radiation
which came out of Fukoshima. Our body adapts and in adapting it takes its own cycle
of work. (1:54). It is part of us and we have to be aware of it and work and live
though it. Q: So could the dynamic systems be looked at as Keshe: It's like the
Universe. Q: Is that why the Star Formation is called the Star Formation because I
was thinking awful hard about how the Star Formation is like a pyramid, tetrahedron
looking sort of think and I was like, I type into Google, Star Formation and I saw this
image come up, a spiralization of the galaxy and how all the different rings started
feeding back on themselves to create this star, and I started thinking about your patent
a little bit and how there has to be, in your patent you mentioned, almost putting in
particles, like a dust in the Star Formation and how it is some kind of magic to happen
in there, am I close on that? Keshe: It's not that, because we understand, that's all it
is, because we understand the work of the Universe. That is all. There is no magic.
This is the cycle and now we have come to understand, this is why I keep on saying,
people and the government don't understand, we don't need nuclear. Nuclear is
finished. It was part of .. do we still look at the atomic bomb, because now we have
more powerful bombs. Do we still look at the steam engines. They served their
purpose for whatever reason they did. (1:56). We have now entered a world of
Plasma, of fields, we call it a plasma. Fields is the way the nature of the Universe is
done. Just because we educated ourselves doesn't mean there is something wrong with
the education, huh? Q: Well thank you for being a Plasma physics teacher it's very
exciting, I enjoy it. Keshe: Thank you very much. I made a lot housekeepers plasma
scientists. Rick: Yes indeed. Q: Can we build house and factory size Gans
harvesters and connect the output of the harvest to pipelines to the people? That's
what the new system is, watch the space in the next few weeks, next 2 or 3 weeks.
The system coming out of China with the CO2 extraction, that's what it is. You buy
and pay for the system and you put it back in. We cleanup what we messed up, but
this time you see it, you do it because we all know the effects of the system. This is
the beauty of it. The new system because of the rush going, because I am meting with
the Keshe Foundation China system. They built it for something else, but the
opportunity is there to change it to something else, so we saw it. (1:58). The new
factory was signed yesterday, we took over and we take over on first of February and
you'll see these systems, made in China, helping the world cleanup, and then we feed
it back, and it cleans up and it helps a lot of other things. It helps a lot of other things.
You have to understand that to reach where we are people like Guanlyn, Sharyin,
Chao and many others have brought this position out and now they have given, they
have taken the banner of changing the world by understanding the Technology and
being committed to it. In the next 2 days the structure of the future of Keshe
Foundation manufacturing in China will be drawn by the Chinese. I am just a witness
to it. This will change a lot of things, exactly what you said. There are a lot of good
things happening it's just that now we achieved what we came here for, which is
peace and this is an everlasting peace, this is the beauty of this peace. I said to
somebody it's just like going for a wrestling and you get tired, that's it, we did all the
rest of it, we fought it enough and now we got tired and now it's time to sit down and
have a rest and we are all ready for that rest. (2:00). But at least we have solutions
ready for it. I think the position set for mankind has been setup a long time ago and
now all of us, we are just, are actors to show the beautiful writing and how the play
was written. We are all here, not just accidentally, as you understand, now your
physicality has nothing much to do, it's your Soul which has brought you here. Mark
House, Rick, me, everybody else, and we all had to play our part for this to happen.
Humanity in totality had to be in it, otherwise it would have been dictatorship
more than what is now. We all want it and we all will get it. Actually we already
got it. From what I heard last night, it's like watching a football match in which you
knew you would win, because justice and peace was much bigger than everything
else. It's just watching it. It's amazing, I sat and I nearly missed my flight, but I sat in
the lounge and I listened to the most powerful man in the world licking his wounds,
but still trying to find a way (to cover it). 'We will not let Iran have a nuclear,' he said.
We don't want a nuclear, why are you telling us something we don't have. He reminds
me of my Mom, she used to make the same pudding, it was nice, and she fed you
again and again, but you realized it was not you, it was her satiStar Formationaction
of cooking something. (2:02). We tested the nuclear and everything else, and now
we'll test peace through knowledge and science. Thank you very much. Rick: We had
a request for you to put your microphone a little further from your mouth, actually it
was your wife. Keshe: Oh my wife, she is 10,000 kilometers away, she can say what
she likes. I am not home I am a free man No I just arrived in Beijing today. Next
week the teaching will come from the beautiful island of Malta, for a conference .
More or less teachings will come from one part of the world as we are negotiating and
developing positions with governments. It's not easy to be committed to peace needs
commitment for life. Q: Italy is Canada's intermediary between Canada and Iran.
Should Canada pursue a better arrangement or can we even do so. .. We don't have
an embassy in Iran we have to go to Italy. Like right now 70 Canadians died, (2:04).
in this plane crash in Iran and we don't have an embassy or connection. Keshe: What
were they doing there? Tourists. Rick: Yeah, they were on their way to Toronto, as
well as 80 Iranians dies, 170 people. Keshe: Oh, my god I didn't know that. Rick: It
just happened about 24 hours ago. Keshe: Yeah, I knew about the crash but I didn't
know there were so many Canadians. Rick: Yeah a third of them were Canadian and
well over half the flight was on their way to Toronto. They call Toronto, "Tehran-to"
because so many Iranians in Toronto. Q: Italy is the intermediary for Iran because
they have an Embassy there, should Canada pursue another arrangement or is it time
for a Canadian embassy in Iran? Keshe: I think everything will change from this
time. But the Canadians, Italians are Iranians, as I always said we bring them together.
Cutting Italy from Iran and Iran from Italy is impossible because we have too much
with each other for over 3,000 years. We are embedded in each others culture. But I
don't know what it will be, that's a political and dramatic situation. I am sure once
America moves back out, he says he wants peace because they have no room for war.
He tried everything, he gave his army to the Saudis and they wouldn't play, he poked
everybody up, (2:06). he was waiting for the others to come in, they didn't and he
can't deliver much. We'll see what happens. .. 10

.. I have to go my car is right there, we look forward to seeing you next week from
Malta. (2:08).

(2:10). Caroline - I would like to thank Mr. Keshe for the peace message and that
there will be no more war and we are establishing it through our wishes we are in it
together and shining like beautiful souls through everybody



Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries

(311 through 316 >> )

311th Knowledge Seekers Workshop January 16, 2020

(** Purpose of the Soul of the man is to create a perfect universe, World leaders and
religious leaders have to step down;


If the peace prevails the Universal Community will be made visible to humanity in
January 2021, Mr. Keshe will step down March 21, 2021 then we'll be in the hands of
the Universal Community, Prerequisites are end of kingship of one man over another
and end of kingship of the Soul of the man ending religious leaders, Man will be
taught to understand the station and the power of his Soul, The Enhancement Units
will be shown around the world on 19th April, New teachers will be appointed to
teach mankind the universal knowledge, The world banking and financial system will
change to financing of the Soul of the man, I'll start teaching in a compressed way
until next March when we'll say good-bye, We have access to the totality of the
knowledge of the universe, If mankind doesn't go through the phase this time he'll be
left to his own demise, How you travel using the Soul, When we teach it's for the
whole universe and we have already reached those you think don't know about the
foundation, Weapons makers will come to work in peace technology, He advised
China to do zero trade with America to handle tariffs, Iranian attack on American
base used plasma technology to block all communications demonstrating modern
weapons are obsolete, Erasing the memory of war from mankind, China shows it
doesn't need America, The present world economic order will collapse, He developed
the new Enhancement Unit to be able to treat bodies with artificial implants by
isolating the fields to specific areas, People trying to copy the new unit, Worries about

SOUL teachings:
Describes the process of the creation of the universe, the seed that becomes the pearl,
at separation from physicality the Soul of the man can become that seed to create a
universe, the earth is the nursery for the creation of perfect souls to create perfect
universes, man needs to understand the value of his Soul and that he is free and not to
be enslaved by others, the function of the tree of life, the Universal Council is
interested in the Soul of the man and you can't transport the physicality but the Soul
and that creates a new physicality at the point of destination, man will learn how to
perfect his Soul that it can create a universe, ("the Soul shall decide what position in
respect to his creator, (he) will shape and take according to the strength of the souls he
has gathered during his life on this planet." needs clarification -- how does man
gather "souls" ? Does he mean experiences themselves becomes "souls" ) , then
Enhancement Unit is so man can perfect his Soul before departure to new destination,

Tehran Conference will be streamed and what happens if they try to block it, , )

English Transcription:

(:06). We are traveling around the world in different cities and countries for the
expansion of knowledge and Technology. Last week we were with you from the city
of Beijing, this week we are in the beautiful country of Malta as we have a conference
tomorrow and we move on next week to one of the most beautiful cities in the Middle
east, Istanbul. as we expand the knowledge with governments and scientists and
Knowledge Seekers of the Keshe Foundation. As we were talking in the last weeks
about the process of peace and as we have seen peace has become, more or less
solidly based, as a structure, as we promised there shall be no more war and the world
nations are leading to that position. We heard what happened in the Middle east in the
last 2 weeks, unfortunately a lot of people.. but what has been brought home is that
nations will start talking and this time it is the Iranian and American leadership, some
time in the next few months or weeks will meet to start the first stages in the
negotiation on peace. This is what we promised. .. the meeting between the world
leaders take place in Tehran during the Tehran peace conference and Technology.
(:08). As is the habit, the defeated meets on the ground of the victorious and the same
shall be this time, but this time science and Technology wins over what we call the
animal behavior of man. The meeting shall be in Tehran. As we succeed to enter these
calls and event there is a lot of things to be prepared. We said the prerequisite for
opening up the Universal Community (Universal Council) to man was, man starting
and reaching to that point of peace. When the peace talks complete and are done,
when what we call the present time of Iran and the US there is going to be a massive
problem especially in the US and western Europe and in an immense way in Iran and
in nations like China. As we enter peace there is no need for the development of
weapons Technology, and we'll reach rapidly into the phase of how we'll tranStar
Formationer these huge structures, companies and employees, these nations have
brought together to create war, to be used in the peace time. This is going to be one of
the biggest hurdles for humanity. Millions and millions of people are involved in
making tools of war, and now that we reached this point, and we have reached this
point, we come to the step that how are we going to keep these people employed and
how these huge finances for war are going to be employed. (:10). You will see after
the completion of the peace talks between Iran and the US, the peace movement will
take a new rapid phase. We see on the back of this movement with the Russian
leadership Putin, a structure for peace negotiations will take shape by autumn. What
we'll see, what we promised once mankind reaches that point of peace, is that we will
respond accordingly. As we said, there shall be no war. As there shall be no war, we'll
respond accordingly. That response will be, as I informed the head of Keshe
Foundation in the past 24 hours in a very direct way. If the pattern of work between
the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and the world leaders goes the same way,
then in January of 2021 we'll make the arrangements and facilitate the interface
internationally with the Universal Council on the open spans across this planet.
This is what was the wish, and this is how it shall be responded to. If the world
leaders endeavor to carry on with what we wish and will be carried out through the
Tehran conference ** and we'll see the next step in the progressive halt in
development in the weapons Technology, now that it is not needed, and the world
leaders enter into the peace negotiations that there will be no war by some September
or October of this year, which is already in the cards. What we promised, that the
Universal Council will be visible to humanity. We'll make that available. (:12). It was
promised and it will be delivered. This is one of the main reasons I said by March 21,
2021, I will step down, as I have fulfilled my work and we have achieved what we
promised. Then the future of mankind will be in the hands of those we chose as world
leaders to be the interface in conjunction, most probably with the Universe Council
and the Earth Council. This is what was promised and as I said, we have seen the end
of war, now as we have reached that point and now the resources of man has no more
room to make weapons, man rapidly in less than 6 months will reach the ultimate goal
in using the Technology that has been released and collectively world peace will take
shape and in that sequence, as I said, January 2021 is the date and time appointed for
opening up the Universe Community to mankind, then you are in the hands of
the safest hands mankind could ever be and man will start a new cycle in the
depth of the Universe. There are some prerequisites to this completion, as I
promised you, it will be the end of kingship and as I told you a few weeks ago, the
kings and what we call, the kings of this planet who recall kings, we cannot have
anyone above another. So there should be no king. To this effect we have seen the
first step, a few weeks ago the Belgium king took the first steps to see how he can
take refuge in Canada. (:14). As I told you it will start in different ways and we saw
the first British Monarchy taking that step in the last few days. The process will
complete. At this moment the only safe place that in the future mankind will decide
what to do with the monarchs for what they have done wrong or what is there to be
done, all will be gathered and collected in the state of Canada. They have the luxuries
of the western world, until that time, then this planet will have no king, no emperor,
no Archbishops, and no Popes, and no leaders in the path of the religion and the faith
they wanted to control. It's not only the kingship of the man, but also the kingship of
the Soul of the man that has to get collectively closed, bringing all the religions to
one. We see the end of Vatican, the end of the leadership in the Islamic world as the
way we have seen as Imams, Ayatollahs, Rabbis, and every other shape or form of
priests. We can't enter and see the reality and still carry the myth of the past. Then
we'll see the beginning of the end of many what we call, false beliefs and so many
things in reality adding to the joining of the man to the Universal Council. One of the
first things which has been agreed that the man will be taught, is to understand
the station and the power of his Soul, and in that process of switching from
believing in the statues, and all sorts of things to understand the station of his
Soul. This is the responsibility of the team which are already working on these
levels across the Universe, (:16). and to do that with man is to teach the Soul of the
man and the physicality will follow. We will endeavor and will lead into the full
structure of unification of man through peace and then you'll understand why
mankind has come through the steps the past few years and as we promised and we
delivered so many new Technology. Everybody said to us from the beginning, 'we'll
believe it when we see it.' We taught for years and now this year until January, we'll
deliver so much Technology that you can not only believe, but you can eat and live it
and you'll understand how the Technology has come to change and then you'll
understand in what we say we'll deliver. Now it's the time of the harvesting the truth
about the creation of man. We'll have an exciting time to come, another 14 months,
it's not that I'll step down as the head of Keshe Foundation, I'll hand you over to the
Universal Council as I promised and then mankind will take a new course. It's the
responsibility of all Knowledge Seekers and as we bring the completion of the whole
process we'll see the transition time. The Universe Council and EC and the Core
Members will make the basic core platform for the transition. (:18). It's the time that
the world leaders will take their own steps according to what needs to be let (done).
As we see that there is no need for kings, and no need for Vatican, then mankind has
to understand and decide what they are going to do with all these relics, be it the
Churches, Mosques, be it whatever assets which over the years have been collected by
the hard work of the totality of human beings to build these establishments. Are we
going to as a race keep these to remind us or do we keep these because man in a
hidden way still believes in these somewhere in the background through his own
weakness. As we see in the structure of the Africa belief, they still believe in their
own local beliefs and their statues but they still are Christians and Moslems. This
cannot be because then we go back on the false path of the past. So in the first
steps of those who decide to lead, or are chosen, or choose to lead have to decide if
we are going to do what Mohammad did, destroy all the houses of temples and
statutes or we use these in an appropriate way that it becomes part of the life of the
man. In very much the way we saw how the British did by selling the churches to
become schools, homes, and offices, and in so many ways they have lost their value
of understanding. In this structure there is a fundamental work to be done in the
coming weeks and months. The, what we call, the Enhancement Units (Enhancement
Unit), which we'll bring, (:20). for the world leaders to understand, this will be
completed this Saturday. We'll have the first two, hopefully in shape, the first week of
February and all auxiliary equipments to be fitted and completed some time before the
end of February. We'll have pictures and these units will be released internationally.
Then they'll go through the phases of licensing and certifications by some time in
March they'll be released to the positions of the nations as they have ordered. In this
platform we'll show the first uses of it in the city of Tehran in the conference and
around the same time it will be shown in China and Arizona. So we'll try by 19th of
April to have units in key positions around the world, that simultaneously, the
same day will be operating and showing. Depending on what you expect from the
wishes you do (make) when you enter the system, your wishes will be fulfilled. If
you wish to join the Soul of the Creator, you shall be. It's not that the machine
(makes) you disappear, it means you choose the time of elevation. If you have other
wishes it will be the same. So you understand what you wish is what you shall
receive. If you wish to get rid of your cancer or your Parkinson's or whatever, these
machines, (:22). are the enhancers of the Soul of the man, and the physicality is
subordinate to the totality. I have laid down the work for mankind and my mission of
19 years has reached its completion. I'll try to guide as much as possible to reach the
final point, this year is the time of, 'seeing is believing.' We'll show you so much that
not only you'll believe, you'll give to be part of it. Then we'll understand how we
actually brought everything to be in that position. We'll see 2 ways of handling the
Keshe Foundation, massive sanctions, closing down of the different functions of
the Keshe Foundation, or elevation of the knowledge to the level that it comes
universally as part of the totality that we all move forward. Those who try to
bring closing, sanctions, and all sorts of games to stop (us), shall see the demise of
themselves, be it the world leaders, governments, be it what ever. The beauty and the
freedom of the totality of the human race and the creatures of this planet are more
then the wish of a few, what we call, imbeciles. This will carry on the same. We'll
carry on the teaching, but as I said, the last war was Syria and we shall not see another
war. The dream of the man to reach his Creator will be completed, (:24). by the
end of this year as the world leaders gradually take steps in the steps of what we call,
abolition of kingship. Equality, science, Technology and knowledge and one of the
first things the world leaders will agree on is that no race of the man shall never make
arms. This will be the prerequisite of the opening of the January opening of the
Universal Council to humanity. It will be very interesting to see how you and your
nations and your leaders will respond and behave towards this ** As we have
implanted everything that we want and we achieve what we want to achieve, it's
not very hard to get to what we want. We brought the condition of the world
peace and the sharing of the knowledge freely and doors are opening in every
aspect of our wish to the totality of the wish of the humanity. My teachings are
numbered and by 2021 if mankind really wishes to achieve the totality of peace
and wish to conquer the Universe, not to conquer, but to enter the Universal Council
and understand the work of the Universe, new teachers will be appointed who are
masters in their work. (:26). they are not prophets or gurus, they are those who
will teach man the new knowledge of the Universe and will take you step by step
in that direction. The prerequisite for the January delivery is the end of the kingship
of the man, from his Soul and his physicality. In this process we shall see many
hurdles but also many solutions. It's the job Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
and the Universe Council to make sure the path is done through the Soul of the man
and not the physicality and the offices of the buildings which the man has made. You
elevate the Soul of the leaders, not the true leaders will appear from this structure.
One of first groups of these leaders who lead mankind to the point of prosperity and
universal peace, we see in his Excellency President Xi of China. And to extend the
knowledge of the man to the level of his maturity we see in his Eminence Ayatollah
Knowledge of Iran. We learned through the Americans the humbleness, and not to be
arrogant, and in that process we bless those in the US who understand and bring
peace through the next administration. (:28) We shall see a woman at the head
of the American institutes. We foresee the totality of disarmament and completion
of cleaning up of what damages mankind has done to this planet, in a very large scale.
In that process we'll see the stepping down and closing of Vatican. It will be done
voluntarily and the Pope. In that process the stones of Vatican shall return to its
original place. In so many ways, it will be only a relic, that there was such a place and
coliseum will become the place where we celebrate life. In the coming weeks, a series
of new Technology on the basis of what you understand will be released, which
means it makes for Keshe Foundation supporters to move very rapidly. As I explained
to the Knowledge Seekers of Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute the starting of the
teaching of this year on Tuesday, you have to start research and development both in
the dimension of the plasma and the physicality on both tracks, that you'll understand
in the time to come when you use these systems. (:30). The Keshe Foundation
Chinese team is heavily involved in the structures of the new Technology for cleanup,
and the Iranian team is up to another part of it, and we'll see what comes from what is
to be set up in the western Europe. We'll look into the African nations to bring new
ways and thought to humanity through the old path and not through the western
colonization of ignoring everything possible. The financial affairs in the world
banking will change and already in a couple of teachings before I explained how.
The finances will become financing of the Soul of the man and not on the
dimension of physicality. In understanding this you'll understand that I'll start
teaching in a very compressed way, in small segments in the next time through
next March. Somewhere around the 21st of March we say good-bye! We
separate and depart from both. In the life of the Keshe Foundation all of these
teachings will stay accessible to the whole of humanity. As of that day I will take
position as a man and the totality of the ** of the Keshe Foundation structure as we
know it, as the structure of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute, as was said will
take shape of its own and those who lead the Keshe Foundation will take their own
direction and position. (:32). This time we'll not allow what happened 2 years ago to
take place as more people with capability to understand the final position of the Keshe
Foundation will take over and ** as we said.
Are there any questions or should we go into the teachings? (silence)

Keshe: I don't think they need warming up, I think they have had their shock. This
is what they wished and shall be given them. The only biggest problem is, (:34). that
most of the Knowledge Seekers around the world will have a big dilemma, 'what
am I going to do with what I believed up to now?' Be it a Christian, Moslem, Jew,
or whatever. What am I going to believe in to be able to stand what is to come, except
understanding that I believe in my Soul. This period of time, this transition time is
a very difficult time. What we have seen from experience from other conditions in
the past in the life of the Universe, many people, many creatures decide to
tranStar Formationer into the dimension of the Soul, which means the
understanding in the dimension of physicality is very hard and through our experience
in the Universe, many what we call, in this point of transition decide to take refuge
in the dimension of the Soul to become the light. As it's a reprocessing a bunch of
beliefs and a path of life will create a lot of uncertainty. How you come to the
position not to eat another animal. How you come to understand that you are, that
what you believed was for you to decide whatever name or shape you gave to it. How
I come to trust in me as a Soul in the span of the Universe and the knowledge which I
need. (:36). In the coming time when mankind reaches to the point of using and
understanding and comprehending the strength of his Soul. When you run into to
problems or you look for the solution, you don't read the books as there are no
books in the Universe, but you put the feeling of the emotion of understanding
that problem into what we call, pastures of the Universal Council and you shall
receive the answer. This is how it works in the present time in the Universal Council.
If we are what we call, understood, if we understood and are in line to understand the
totality, then you understand that you have access to the totality of the knowledge
of the Universe, and it is open to you at the point of demand ** linked. It's a
different way then what we are used to, we call it the open source, policy, Technology
or what ?** The Universe works on what we call, the open universal policy, on the
condition of understanding that all the fields of the Universe are connected and it
depends on which stream you tap the wire. The totality of the work comes to
understanding that we are not alone, that your Soul is part of, the same as you give
knowledge, you receive knowledge from those who need it at the time and position.
(:38). The understanding of totality is very hard. There is one point that is very
clear, if mankind doesn't go through the phase which we have set out, mankind
will be left in the doldrums for thousands of years to come. We set out the
structure to achieve and if this structure is not achieved in the time frame of
what has been set, this time we'll let mankind go to his own demise. In a way that
we don't see anymore progressive development in this race, on this planet for the rest
of this existing life. We showed that we will not reach that point. It's not going to
be the end, but the end will come in the hand of the man. This is the third time we
tried and we have never been so close and reached so many across the planet as this
time. We hope that mankind doesn’t let himself down this time to cross the threshold
with the Universal Council. You wanted to see the aliens, what you call, as you are
alien to them, from January 2021. It's in the hands of yours, and what will come and
how you will receive many new knowledge's that will change the course that
mankind, (:40). has done wrong to himself and this planet. Mankind with the new
friends, you have 3 months of honeymoon and interaction and by 21st of March a
marriage will take place and a separation will be altered. So now you can see why we
even launched a Universal Enhancement Unit in such a position. Twelve months is
more than enough. You have to understand that every facility and every knowledge is
in the hands of man sitting in different organizations that collectively the knowledge
will get out very rapidly.
Are there no more questions. .. Yes, can there be a world without Alzar asking a
Q: When you talk about this what are the situations or possibilities that mankind
doesn't go through this process? We have made it to zero as possible. The only
way which mankind might not or will not go through this are 2 things. (:42). The
stepping down of the religious leaders and the kings. We can't enter a world of
peace and equality if some people are making the false claims that they are the heads
and they're above and they understand more. We can't run 2 horses. We will achieve
it. You'll understand in the next 6 to 8 weeks how it will be achieved. Mankind likes
to see to believe, we'll make you to believe that you can see it.

Q: I think that we'll achieve it because I have seen it. (silence) No other questions?

Q: How long will it take to normalize the "frozen mass of mankind" by using the
conscious souls and the spaceship units?

(:44)The process doesn’t need time and it doesn't need the spaceship unit, Most of
the change will come through the changes in the world leadership. Any other
question. I think when you see the enlightenment of the first souls in these
processes of these machines, mankind will start thinking very rapidly. And you
know the bad habit of the Keshe Foundation, when we do things like this, we go live
on the Internet and you can watch. As I said to one of the leading professors in China,
in a Chinese Medicine university a few days ago, is you'll watch through the
window the change of the physicality to the light. Then would you call that light
the Creator or whatever or whoever. You'll understand that mankind has elevation
of the Soul to go through the transition of the birth, (:46). of the understanding of the
existence within the fields of the Universe in what we call the transition time or
matter state transition time. It's not that you die or something happens, the reality
is that the level of the Soul reaches the point and chooses the dimension of the
fields of the Universe and not in the dimension of the physicality of the Universe.
Rick: Q: Is that a permanent condition or does it have to reinitiated form time to
time? Keshe: What? Q: That connection with the Soul, that you just mentioned, that
Enhancement Unit will allow that connection to the Soul? The way it works you'll
see that, in a way, it's that the Soul by elevating its position it, circumvents the whole
of physicality. So you don't die, but it's **.. its physicality becomes the inner part
of the energy of the Soul, where up to now we see the physicality and Soul
entrapped inside it. It's the reversal but then mankind learns that this is how it's
done. In the dimension of physicality you manifest yourself in the physical
dimension (:48). and then when you want to travel, or whatever you want to do,
then you tranStar Formationer into the direction and the dimension of the
strength of the Soul it. It is very easy. Now you use the plane and train and the
bus, and (later) you'll use your Soul. It's the best transportation system, zero time
travel. (Stephania interrupts )
Any other questions?
Q: I dreamt about you this morning Mr. Keshe. Keshe: I know many people dream
about it, ** women dreaming about it. Q: I was dreaming I was making your bed. ha,
ha, Keshe: So I am ready to go, Q: And Caroline. (:50). We go through the process
of completion of the first phase. You'll start seeing, as is the habit of the man, in
elevation of the Soul through these systems, and though it, then you'll find out that
first step is, that souls have no kingship. The kings will step down. In a way as you
become the light, as a Soul of the man, you become in a way, if let's say, the Pope
needs the knowledge to see the light, when the Moses, or Jesus was what we call,
privileged. Then you'll understand they will all step down one by one. It doesn’t
matter how they shout, cry and howl. The beauty of it is that you still live a human
life, run a shop, or go to the university, but you know that if you need you can take
the dimension of the Soul. The whole process of mankind's life, and living will
change in the coming months. Q: But we don't do this now during the day we are in
the physical, then when we go to sleep we go into space and then come back again in
the morning. I think we do it already but we are not aware of it or we don't want to
recognize or ? Keshe: In a way we do but let me put it this way, (:52). we all will
become knowledgeable enough that we'll become aware of most of the life's
structure, we have only been aware of the physical structure of eating and
sleeping, day and night, we'll come to recognize our what I call, our
schizophrenic partner, which is our Soul and then we'll start living the cycle of the
life as it has to be. It will be very interesting to see how many of the world leaders
will volunteer to go into these machines and at what level they'll ask the machines to
interact with them. Q: Maybe they would love to go in because they would love to
change but they don't know how, maybe they think the machine would support them
on the changing. Keshe: Maybe they do, or maybe they need to go through and
experience to understand their own, what do you call it, pain and suffering to their
suffering. Mankind will understand the suffering of his (:54). physicality first before
anything, and then he'll decide, 'if I am going to carry on with this or I live in the
different dimension strength.' Are we going to stand the suffering, or are we going
to listen to the suffering or will we take the step to move away from it and do and
make a change. Now we decide the suffering of our physicality, nothing else,
ourselves, and nobody else. Q: The suffering is unnecessary? (exactly) Keshe: It
reminds me of you in China (with Swine Flu trials). How you were suffering with
the killing of animals every moment. Q: Yes, that was really powerful for me
because I really arrived at a point when I just wanted it to stop, it was enough,
this has to stop, it can't be .. it was very clear that point. Keshe: Any other question.
Q: but it gave me the strength when (:56). you asked us to on the last day to we
are supposed to fly and I remember when we practiced, that experience, I didn't want
to repeat again .. it made me focus more on the heartbeat on unconditionally love .. I
still remember very well. Keshe: Thank you .. Q: Why do some animals decide to
leave? What do you mean. Q: Because in this process you said some other existence,
that animals decide to become the Soul, leave the physicality? Do you think this
elevation, this position is only for man who just speaks? In most probably a
handful of weeks we'll release a new Technology, you'll all know, but in a very simple
but advanced way, that we'll start (:58). elevating the Soul of the whole planet and
all its creatures. You'll understand very soon. Then they have the choice as much as
the man. Q: .. For us in Keshe Foundation it's easy the notion of the Soul because
we are looking for this and have come a long way, but what about the majority that
are outside in the system, that have no notion of the Soul the way we think about it
and how to access the Soul, it's difficult to explain or be accepted. What about them
that are the majority? Keshe: This is again, you have not listened to the
teachings in the way which we taught and especially for example, last week or 2
weeks ago we heard an American president for the first time openly speaks about the
Soul. Rick can you find President Trump's section (1:00). where he refers to the
Soul. As is the habit of the man he thinks he is the only one and is always in the
physical dimension. As I always said, when we teach we teach for the Universe.
But you always thought that those who are the Knowledge Seekers and listen to the
teachings have received the elevation of the Soul. We have already reached the Soul
of those you think haven't heard about the Keshe Foundation and the work
about the elevation of their Soul. You listen with the ear of the man, they listen to
the ear of the Soul of the man. The whole humanity and the whole creation on this
planet has already heard that call. Q: So the religious leaders and kings will go
away like that. Do you think they'll leave their position if they are not forced to do
that? Keshe: Why do you need to force, why is the habit of the man to force. Q: They
have to decide that going is better than staying. Keshe: We shall see in the coming
time that many, most, or all of the religious leaders will put their turban down. they'll
understand the truth. Q: The problem is how the majority would face their Soul?
Keshe: That's not your job, the majority have nothing to worry about. How
would you face your Soul, that is what counts. The rest we'll reach that is our
problem, not yours. Q: Thank you very much I pray for that. (1:02). Q: Yeah, we are
one, that's why when you live a children's Soul we all get elevated at the same time.
Keshe: Good morning. I am a very good magician. You thought I was teaching you
about the MaGrav and energy unit, and in teaching we have elevated the totality of the
Soul of the man. Q: They used to burn the magicians, that's why I am afraid to be a
magician .. Keshe: the problem is that the Soul of many world leaders have already
been, has become aware of the ** change. We'll still go to work and run offices,
nothing will change but then we'll do it in a totally different way. As I said to a
friend of min, we have all been waiting for the revolution and then when the
revolution happens, this time with our Soul understanding of it, you say what, how
have you done, how long we have been waiting for this. We haven't asked you to go
on the streets and march ** the Christian, Moslems, and Jews and governments, we
elevate the Soul of the man that itself marches himself to that direction of elevation of
the ** It is extremely easy. (1:04). It looks complicated to man because he always
thinks that there should be something to be done. There has to be a reason and a cause
and an effect. But in the universal dimension there is no what do you call it, cause
to do something, you do it because it is to be done to benefit the others. Q: Yeah
that is the problem because we think materialistically, we say, how much effort to
change how much effect Keshe: Let me show you the way with all these systems,
very few systems will be keyed and set to convert the Soul of the man. Very few
systems and those systems, when we do it, we'll let you know. Then man decides.
It's very much like a Chinese or Indian or any restaurant, you choose what restaurant
to go to. These systems will be more or less the same, you choose, if I have a cancer
and want to get rid of it but I still want to suffer in the dimension of physicality on
this planet. Or you say I have no diseases but I want to be at a point of understanding
the work of the Universe and I want to be a part of it, then you go into the machine
and it elevates you to that level. Q: Thank you for showing a little bit of what is
waiting for us. (1:06). Keshe: It's already in China The Chinese Keshe Foundation
has been extremely working hard and are the backbone of this structure, .. especially
the Austria team and Canada in. ..
It's not one man there are many involved in the structure of this machine, in the
setting up the structure In China, everyday we achieved a higher level and more .. in
7 days ** leaps in the totality of the work of the Keshe Foundation. The first factory
was completed and contract signed and Shaunzin paid. .
The electrical side of the systems .. work of .. Keshe Foundation China. (1:08). All
this is set up by Gyaun Lynn who is coordinating this team ..
going into manufacturing of the products and large scale setting up of factories
We hope to complete in March, massive structure, 2 factories in China
.. on the yellow river with building of new research centers..
Chinese TCM university in the trials that have already started. ..

(1:10). In conjunction with a world leading university's As these things take shape
we'll see more collaborations in that structure. China will become the backbone of
many things for Keshe Foundation developments. .
.. Enhancement Unit in Arizona .. cooperation with space agencies..
We take shape in science and Technology in exchange for peace. And the next steps
in developments. These are very small duck compared to what we came to mankind
after the total peace treaty between America and Iran. ** and invite the president to
Iran. (1:12). We have no more guns to sell or rooms for producing defense
Technology, so what are we going to do with guys who are so talented sitting
there making war weapons. They'll start making peace weapons and then you'll
understand. We are reaching that point .. we'll see in the coming weeks once the
announcement has been released, you'll see the changes. Q: Thank you As you
talked about the private teachings the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute private
teaching is now structuring itself into research or what we call groups they'll come to
some sort of conclusion by tomorrow or next week. Then they'll start the process of
research into what they would like to do. Then the Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute will merge into the work with universities . This isn't something new, we
went it up this way
(1:14). inside the leading universities
.. There is a big problem with this, as you know China, Iran and Us are very
protective with their knowledge, Now that the Knowledge Seekers start sharing
knowledge with ?/ in America and China and every where else, the knowledge of
plasma. It's very hard for governments to go through this transition and trust needs to
be built that this is now universal knowledge it's not just something **
.. open up to share, or do we go to the next step of forcing the conditions. I don't like
fighting and that kind of thing, but at the same time you can make conditions that the
other side has no choice to accept the conditions in increase or decrease in the value
of their position
.. Someone came that wanted to know Mr. Keshe outlook on China's position with
regards to the outside. ..
(1:18). My advice to the Chinese government and to the administration that these
reports go to was, zero trade with US, which means we don't need to go through all
these tariff fights with the president We just don't create that condition, when
there is no trade there is no tariff, there is no discussion. The Chinese took this in
a very strange way, directly to zero trade and what they did, is sent out an order
that has to be carried out, that no Chinese governmental organization or those
connected to the government in one way or another, in 3 years from January of this
year should (not) have any computer or electronic system which made, controlled,
designed or has any control with the US. Zero trade, when we don't have it, we don't
buy it. This will hit badly the US and the computer industry. This is the cleverness of
the state to find solutions to what is. this means we don't need to tariff you when we
don't have any equipment to use or Technology. What we have seen in the
background is CPC has advised like Huawei to produce and replicate all American
products. Now we understand you can bring as much tariff, but you can't tariff when
that is nothing to be tariff on. (1:20). With what we have signed and setup with the
Chinese Keshe Foundation in the next 12 months with the leadership of the Keshe
Foundation in China, we'll see the development of the full productions in western
China then China won't need to import any goods that will lobbied on. This process I
part of the factory that we have taken over as of this month . We are going on the
same path with the Technology with the know how and solid science of it. We'll
explain this within the Chinese structure. In that process by making China to be one of
the leading nations to be independent of food and Technology from US, then nobody
can tariff.

we have seen Putin move in that direction with disarmament, or discussion with
arms . We see all these things taking place step by step very rapidly, you have to
realize that, this revolution, this what we started is going to be so radical that it will
not take the time of years but will effect us immediately in weeks. (1:22). When the
East and West opened up, it took a couple of years for western and eastern Europe to
start finding out we have no borders, we have no soldiers what are we going to do.
Cutting you down. With the evolution and revolution which will come in the next few
weeks, suddenly factories and organization that were geared up to the armament
factories and defense, have nothing to sell, they have the products but no buyers and
then what's going to happen, go bankrupt or find new products, new ways to do
things. This is the point where Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers have to be
standing by and aware of which companies run into this position and approach them
directly. Let's talk about the new Technology and talk about things in the new way.
Let's see what we can do with the knowledge we are holding for thousands of people
who are holding such a high talent. This is what your job is, headhunting to convert
the companies into a processing in our new peace processes. It happen 20 years ago in
1990, now it's a second revolution but this time it is all of us. What happened with all
the people who used to make arms in the eastern bloc, they're gone. What did they
do? Some people opened other factories and did other things. the same will happen in
the western world and this will be very rapid. (1:24). We are not talking that this will
happen to humanity, it has already started. Let me explain to you what happened
last week and why America totally submitted to the Iranian state of peace and
talk. Hours before Iran took the step of not damaging anything that it could
effect the zone with Iran. They chose a specific position. They blocked the total
radar with what we call a plasmatic dome. The Americans had no
communication with the people inside. The same thing that was repeated with
the drone, was repeated on the ground. The American defense had no knowledge,
they couldn't see inside what's happening to their base. It wasn't an electronic
blackout it was a visual blackout, very much like when you look into the sun. The
reality of what happened in those few 10 minutes showed the total incapability of
those most advanced nations in the world, even to stand supporting its own soldiers
on the ground. They had no access to it (their base). Initially Iran showed its power in
the capture of the drone. Then Russia showed it on the (Black) Sea. For the first time
this was shown on the ground. Blocking the state of Israel for 10 minutes and
wiping out electronically all their systems, (1:26). now is a reality. It's not that as I
said, not allowing Iran to have nuclear, it is our nuclear has no power so we have to
find an excuse. The power of the Technology delivered in Iraq has literally
decapitated the whole of the defense Technology as we know it today. You ask the
Americans to show us any pictures of the zone in Iraq where it was the scene, what
we call the screen of what was going on. Ask them, let's see if they can show us any
satellite film. they have drones and a (2 hour) notice can we see any drone pictures. Q:
It was in the Internet, the news the passengers and American soldiers were
frightened because all of a sudden there was no light, no movement, it was written
they were frightened by the cut of communication. Keshe: Don't forget we read the
passage of history to tell us about the casualties in that night. The casualties of fright,
of the most advanced Technology worth nothing. We will see the fallout of last week
in the coming weeks, (1:28). and months when the American defense Technology
cuts. Because we saw .. What it is, the American taxpayers and Senate have to ask
the producers of these Technology to Pentagon, the American Army and Navy,
where is and why did your system not respond. What have we bought from you,
that in the position of what it has to deliver, it has no functionality. This is the
question we have to ask. Now our militaries when they buy the latest gun or whatever,
have to ask, can it overcome the Iranian new plasma Technology. It's not that we buy
from them, it's, can it be or is it already obsolete. We have seen the beginning of the
end. Many governments have to ask about their purchased military positions, is
can it overcome what Iran has delivered. In the past we saw how much the
Saudis were jumped when their chemical plant was hit, how the Americans
blamed Iran for it, but in the end it was one of their own (missiles). Return to
sender. (1:30). If they could prove, show one piece of that rocket, that it was made in
Iran, haven't you seen how they played, before they sat down with Gaddafi and the
rest. They knew it was one of theirs. Now we see the latest defense Technology sold
to the nations has become obsolete. these are walls of castles that have crumbled.
What are these American defense Technology going to do? Collapse. Or do we see
the emergence of peace and we use these for the advancement of mankind into space
and the development of the new structures for humanity. This is the beauty of what is
to come, we have no choice. With what we have seen in the past days in the Middle
east, the 2 that has happened. First of all one of the highest ranking of the Iranian
army and secondly the death of the wars because of it. No one will go into war. If the
Iranian military, scientists use this Technology. Go back on the teaching, how many
mothers and fathers will not ever see there children (again) and how many children
will not see there fathers and mothers when they are buried in the depths of the ocean.
(1:32). We hear the Americans say they had no casualties in men, but the flight to
Israel speaks of other things. We have to take this opportunity for peace and we
have to push for delivery of the Technology for peace. It's the job of the Keshe
Foundation supporters in western Europe and in American and other parts of the
world to keep your eyes open for weapons Technology who were supposed to be
so advanced, that they start announcing the closures. Go in and offer them the
alternative Technology, that they keep the employment, that we do not touch
economical conditions and in the process start teaching classes in the most advanced
factories. But one thing you sign with us. When you went and you made all these
tools to kill, you became part of it. You sign the peace treaty before you start. This is
your job. You'll see this coming up. I have been through this position in the Eastern
Bloc and the rest in the past 30 years and I know how it will come up. You'll start
seeing major corporations in defense laying off people. You will see cancellation of
orders by people like Pentagon and other organizations as they cannot do. (1:34).
You have to the bridge. Q: All my blessings sir, thank you. You will see that the
release of this Enhancement Unit will force Tehran peace talks and conference. You
will see we have given it 2 months gap, beginning in March to middle end of April.
We'll create such a pressure on governments to walk into the peace talks. there is no
choice. You'll understand more and more when the systems come and people
paralyzed in wheelchairs and in coma, and in all sorts of health conditions ?** and not
what we call the power of the physicality we'll enhance, Then we'll see how the world
leaders and their families want to be in front of the queue. Then the conditions for it is
please sign the peace treaty. We will release the list of leaders, ministers and prime
ministers and royal families with the diseases which they waiting to die for and
with, then you see when we said there is no priority path (1:36). as we call it in
Turkish airlines, fast track for business and first class. then we'll understand. The
strange thing is all these people have families, brothers and sisters, children and the
alternative to use the system. Don't forget this is an Enhancement Unit and not a
medical unit. Any other question? There is a fundamental question that will stay in the
hand of those who will decide for future of mankind in using of these Technology,
(1:38). is that would mankind erase the memory or part of the memory of the new
generations and the present generation of wars. Would we see it as so
horrendous that with n the structure of these systems, that we take that from the
essence of the Soul of the man from mankind, and what we call the beginning of
time of the life of the Soul? These are the conditions that have to be decided by the
Universal Council. We will not modify, but we allow the Soul to make decision
that this part of the memory in the dimension of physicality of the man to be
erased. There is a specific point within the RNA and DNA which especially
carries this behavior and this message. Q: I remember when we were in the
Mozhan when I just couldn't think anything bad, (1:40). like if somehow we create a
condition and .. even in my dream I couldn't think anything bad by creating those
conditions for elevating the Soul it was impossible to think anything bad, so I was
thinking by using these machines or Gans that naturally there will be no more wars?
Keshe: We shall see. Q: You said before, why don't we do it, that it's very easy that
the Soul should go out of the cage it's very easy ?** if we want to be physical or not
physical, you can even go in the bathroom and disappear and go into space and come
back out of the toilet and just a few minutes are gone. So when you said to me, what
are going to do now, the only thing I .. sometimes I play a game and I say to myself I
can do this now looks like, (1:42). I am already doing it. thinking this way, another
thing you said, the moment we think it's not it, so it's all about feelings. Learning how
to record feelings and through them we can change the structure. I have been
practicing this. So I think I create conditions, that things happen like a switch you
see I am contradicting myself all the time because you said, you don't need to
practice, there is a switch, it's just a matter of one hundred percent trust. I remember
the last day when you asked us to fly. Things started to change for me, I remember the
heartbeat, and I remember thinking about the killing of the animal, it brought me to
the point where the suffering was enough, I declared it was horrendous and
unnecessary, then it happened the last day you asked us to fly and I remember
thinking that there was such a change in me as I brought back the feelings of (1:44).
there has been enough and it was not necessary to suffer and there was this feeling of
unconditional love, and I remember my heartbeat changing but then I remember I got
to the point where I had the fear, and that is where I went back to feeling everything
being normal again. When I think back about that experience I can never forget, that
for me taught me that trust is necessary, we have to have full trust and it's necessary to
the Universe and to our Soul and everything is going to be fine and you said, the
moment we are ready to loose everything, only then, we are going to have everything.
I think when I was in that moment and I felt all these changes happening and I was
lifting up and down and then rotating, you remember when I told you this story, no,
what happened between us, and everything stopped because of the fears I had of the
unknown, and that taught me .. we have to focus on our self and we go back where
when you ** yourself everything go ** because it's true what you said, it's very easy
to do this work from the Soul to the physical like you said. That is not the issue,
(1:46). the issue is, that when the moment comes we have to be ready to have the full
trust to make the jump, because it will happen as a switch, and you said to me, do I
believe it, you have to be prepared. It's all about to have full trust. And of course
unconditional love because it means you are ready to give up everything, and you
said, it's a bit like you have to be like people who want to kill themselves. Ironically
they are ready because that are ready to give up everything, even though they should
not of course kill themselves, because it's unnecessary. Keshe: Thank you very much.
Q: When Stephania talks about the switch is it 3 years ago I talked to you about the
vision I had. There was a switch. There was a noise, if you turn on the water, it ripples
and you can see them on the water. And this noise created the same ripple in the air,
and then, you said don’t be scared when you hear this noise, it wasn't a usual noise, it
was a very different noise, it created a whole effect in the air, I could feel that the air
moves like the water, and then you said don't be scared because we're am going to
switch you off, then we'll switch you back, it's going to be different. When I came to
the new planet it was so different, so beautiful and it was shocking to me, (1:48). then
you said to me, I'll tell you about another time. This was 3.5 years ago. Keshe: The
thing is we'll see women take a lot of positions in the Keshe Foundation because
they somehow interact with their, what I call, creative and creation skill. The
position for all of us will come according to our own understanding and what we said
and what we'll keep is that the creation of peace will come out of the position which
has been created and needs to be created. I see it, in what we said, just now regarding
the situation in China and the electronics and computers. A simple step in announcing
this, less than 10 days ago by China has forced the Americans to sign and close all
their economical dilemma and whatever they created with China for nearly a
year. Because in a very simple and wise move the Chinese showed the
Americans, we don't need you. Now what we saw signed yesterday is literally, just
give you a little bit more, until you do your thing, you don't need us but we need you
to keep peace inside (? America). Economical sanctions on America will bring huge
submission. (1:50). To America and the western world. The biggest problem for
humanity is, how rapidly mankind will repair the physical damages into what
they have done to each other, in past years, centuries and thousands of years, this
is the part which we watch and we'll see. It's not that now that we have the
knowledge everything will change and everybody will change to whatever.
Mankind has a very big weakness, amazing weakness, and this is what we call
love. We will see that mankind will chose to keep to this planet for the love he has for
his family and his loved ones. For this reason we'll not see huge changes as man will
imagine will happen with the opening (to space) ** will come in. In essence this
revolution in science and Technology will change a lot of things and expectations in
the behavior of the man. What will be interesting is how the European nations will
sort out the situation in what they have done wrong to the ** planet. One of the most
abused continents ** by man ** (1:52). then through man turning on himself in
different ways. Something which will be very interesting and we'll see it in the
coming months. It's when for example the Pope will confirm the end of the Vatican,
how the man is going to take this to the ** Africa of his Soul, so much to the Africans
and to the others. These are across the world. What happens when so many believers
in the Islamic world, and other paths of belief of the Soul of the man will one after
another, what we call, lay their paths down and accept to go back and join ** all **
and mankind will ** let and decide on his own Soul. What do we have to support
this. What are the capabilities which we have to support such a change. It's not
going to be easy, an easy job that the religious leaders will handle the kingship.
Because it's easy. Our biggest problem is how are we going to handle the religious
leaders to tell us that their term is over. This is one of the biggest dilemmas for the
(1:54). world leadership of the religious leaders. The biggest problem how individuals
are going to fill in this lengthening gap. The problems are not solved in one go. The
problems now have to be handled in a very specific way by the religious leaders
in how we going to tell people that now we have nothing to replace and it's us
that has to stand on its own legs. this is the beginning of an end, but it's the end
beginning of the beginning of the bigger problem. I can see this clearly coming up in
the coming time, when the religious leaders have, and they have literally abandoned
churches. We have seen this before, it's not the first time. We have seen religious
leaders just changing positions and abandoning their flock. The complication is huge.
(1:56). It will start when these religious leaders try to explain to humanity that the past
is wrong. These are part of the problems which will come to us. It's not that it's, I can
see the sequences and consequences of it and the reality will hit home very quickly
when most of these religious leaders themselves being sick enter these machines for
saving their own lives. Then they'll become wise to the reality and the facts, and then
what is going to happen. I always said mankind will take my Technology not out of
the love that it brings, but out of the fear of his demise. Q: Is there a way Plasma
Technology can change the brain structure in narcissist sociopaths and psychopaths
just like autism can be treated? (1:58). .. These machines will turn up to be
showing the alternatives to the present problems, but not necessarily will it come
to be the final answer. Primarily mankind will come to understand the
alternative and the possibility of the solution for themselves for what we call, per
case so. In time mankind once he is shown this new way, path will come to appreciate
it and develop new Technology around it. What I see, the process of development and
conversion, somewhere between middle of this year, to the end of the year, to
sometime in the beginning of the following year. It will be so rapid, that mankind,
what used ** to take 200 or 300 years to get, will achieve in months, very rapidly,
because you have to realize a huge number of people are highly educated in given
specific parts, (2:00). but it just needs this to be added to for it to be completed so
that it can be delivered, extremely beautiful structures and whatever mankind needs.
This is the beauty of it. The changes will come very rapidly. We have seen now the
end of the war between China and American economically, since China showed that
we don't need you. That's another submission. One thing puzzles me, I have
never seen a nation trying to glorify his losses as Americans do. They are very
good at it, every time they have lost they glorify it as a win and only themselves
believe in it and understand it. Outside nobody looks at it that way. This is what we
saw now, with the American situation with China, resolving again with China making
one move, and without a war. They just stop, zero trade. And within days we have
seen what's coming. We have seen the same situation now in respect, they thought
they were very proud to kill, but they shot themselves in the foot directly. that was our
wish. By attacking at what we call, the airport (drone attack). Interestingly their was
nobody ready to go to war. Interestingly is what is mankind going to do with its
own physical structure and the wars within himself. Can we use these machines
to elevate it. (2:02). The worst thing is, that as the kings will abandon the kingship,
we got used to it. We'll bring elections in and what we call democracy, we bribe and
do whatever we like to, we'll bring it in. What are we going to do with the gap in the
religious leadership and what resentments will come after it. What we see .. world
leaders and monarchies abandoning ship and asking for refuge in Canada. What
happened with this British Prince we already knew from internal security weeks ago.
Now we tell you it is the same. The Belgium monarchy will take refuge in Canada
due to the fact of many things which are coming in. We'll see the same thing with the
beginning of the end of the British monarchy the same. The Japanese Emperor will
move. In the structure we can handle this, but how are you going to tell people who
through their Soul have believed in Christ or Mohammad and now they are told, it's
up to your Soul because we are not their to do because we have discovered the truth.
The reality is (2:04). that when the religious leaders when they step down, because
they have seen and understand the truth, then now how are you going to do. What are
the implications of this change. Or do we build another system for people to go and
pray to, to go and elevate their souls, or will they understand they can do it
themselves, or there is a process of achievement. There is going to be a very rough
ride for the human race in the coming weeks. We have seen it step by step. Yesterday
you've seen it, Americans and Chinese finished what the Americans started, it was a
good thing because America lost their power in the domination of electronics, because
other nations will follow suit. Because now the Huawei and others are ** ** the
Chinese will supply to other countries. We'll see step by step the cleanup **. What
happened yesterday in America, with 3M and Dupont, have now come under a huge
structure of contamination creating cancer. Dupont and 3M will have a lot to answer
in the cancer process. What we saw with what the government of Michigan has done
with 3M yesterday (2:06). will bring a lot of these big companies to answer for what
they have done wrong and how they can put it right. The 3M legal on the back of
Dupont, cancer PFS will have a lot of implications. What is important is to tell the
people of Michigan how they done it and how 3M and Dupont have done this
contamination, who can repair it and how can they correct it and how many people
got cancer because of it. The same will come with the other things of ** Don't forget
we have 14 days left for the Italian government to decide what they are going to do
with the Keshe Foundation work Any other question. Q: Will the use of money
totally disappear? When you can feed yourself from the energies of the Universe
and when you can ** supply yourself from the energies of the Universe, what do you
need money for? The Porsche or the bicycle. We have to wait and see and understand
the next step. The world economical order will collapse. (2:08). this is without a
doubt, the way we know it. The world power system, collective running and
accepting will come to an end. These queues as immigrants and refugees that cost
them will become a laughing stock in a very short time. Q: My understanding is that
one of the jobs of the Universe Council is to focus on the vision of for example in
correlation of the army people that they are going to go on to jobs soon. And what we
can do with all these army or now is the time we have to focus on the vision to **
to good so how can these people be served, humanity in such a way to help the
transition, (2:10) now it's where we should focus on the vision of how we would like
to make this transition to go for the army, and schools and if my understanding is
correct? Keshe: We shall see. .. that's the job of the Soul of the Universe Council.
Why do you think we gave you the job? We made it easier for ourselves. Q: When the
east and west bloc collapsed and the arms factories collapsed because they stopped
working, but in recent years, at least I know in one country, in Bulgaria all those
factories they picked up and now they produce in mass ** arms (again). so what is
going to happen to them now? Keshe: They'll go back through the same phase
again. .. The world leaders have to find a solution that every man lives in comfort and
has what he needs, we are not going back to the communist times of equality, but
every man has the opportunity to elevate his Soul and if he wants to live in the
dimension of physicality to elevate his physical condition. that is the reality of the
time. This is what is up on us today. (2:12). Q: In the process of this elevation and
process time are we going to have any casualty of the man? Why are you worried
about the casualties, look at the beauty that it brings.
Q: I have an old car. I applied the Nano coated wire since the end of 2015, I put 2
wires to it and I notice about 6 months ago the shinny lacquer in the car started
coming out. Do you know this shinny lacquer which all the cars have. Yeah. It started
to come up from the car and stops all over the places. It's not normal. Keshe: It's very
normal. Q: I mean it is not normal for these cars. It can be in one or 2 places. (2:14).
But not the whole upper part of the cars. I don't have any rust on the car, even when
there are scratches, or rocks hitting making dents but no rust. So is my car ready to fly
now? Keshe: I don't know, are you ready to fly? Q: Always. Keshe: The flying car or
flying objects as we call it will be shown in the structure of the Enhancement Unit.
We'll show, what I asked is to show the 2 systems next to each other, one is for the
enhancement of the body of the man, the other for the enhancement of the
environment. When we show these 2 units we'll try to have them next to each
other. One you can produce materials and the condition of the space and one you
can produce the condition of the human body. These systems we'll have the, or part
of it, in the coming days, then as it is the Chinese New year we are stepping down for
a few days and then they'll go back and finish this part (the 2 systems). Then we'll see
and show the total operation. (2:16). Q: There is a teaching you taught regarding this
in 2016, yesterday I was watching it. Keshe: In respect to what? Q: To this, devices.
Keshe: These devices now, always exist, we will release technologies in the coming
weeks, totally, that will change the process and new characteristics. The number of
teams of scientists around the world which are working to complete this process in
March. They say, if we see we'll believe it, so now we are going to show you so
much that you don't even know what you've seen, you've believed it. Any other
question. Q: .. using the machine, I understand that if you have an artificial
component in the body, there are other methods you can use for treatment but is there
an eventuality that you will be able to enter the machine if (2:18). (you have an
artificial piece in the body) such as a hernia mesh are removed? Keshe: Can you
explain exactly? Q: I remember you saying that if you have something artificial in the
body that there would be a condition created in the machine that you wouldn't want to
use the Enhancement Unit at that time and you could target the body with other
Technology. But if I have a desire to use the machine, would I ever be able to if I
have artificial parts in my body? Keshe: We have foreseen this in the Universal
system (Enhancement Unit) yes. What you'll see as part of the Enhancement
Unit is, this is the dome and we have developed and actually you will see it, that if
this is the body, .. we have developed a Technology that we can isolate systems, part
of the body to the other condition there. With this new system it can be done yes. If
you have say, because I have this dilemma with this guy (Armand), who had a
heart operation and I couldn't help him because at that time we didn't have the
Technology, (2:20). but now in the design of the Enhancement Unit, yes. We
have developed a system which we sandwich the body and we can isolate certain
parts while we are processing, or target certain parts while we are processing. So
when you have let's say a cancer of prostate we can target directly the cancer of
prostate and the brain of it directly at the same time. Not to touch anywhere else. Yes,
this has to be done for Armand and I had to sort it. I designed this system to overcome
because Armand had pieces that we could not help. The Technology would have
created more problems but many people have others pieces of things in their body.
With this we can create a stable condition in the given positions while we are
sorting the problems somewhere else. We watched that to be, we have a problem ..
we are testing this now in China by doctors. We have a volunteer who was blinded
and he has a platinum plate. I designed a system for the doctors to bypass and not
effect this platinum plate and he was with me and the doctors last Saturday, and his
vision is coming back. He has improved his vision in less than 4 weeks and he is
coming back. He has tried the stem cells and everything else and this is part of it that
we could allow that we do not touch the environment of the (2:22) platinum plate in
the head. We look at it in a totally different way and this has been a ** You can go
in of you have had a bypass or a hip replacement, the machine should be able to
isolate it, to keep it at a perfect position as it is, while the rest of the body is getting
processed. Yes now it can be done. A few weeks ago it could not. As they say, need is
the mother of inventions. For years I tried to sort this out, and then Armand went
through this and I wanted to help him in every way but I could not see it happen, but
now, yes we can. Q: Can you give us a hint in how the fields are directed that
way. You have talked about it many times but I am thinking specifically with the
Enhancement Unit. We were discussing this in the Plasma group to determine . ?
Keshe: We call it a trade secret (ha, ha) Let us, .. we have a funny case, the
Spanish guy who has copied the MaGrav system, he has taken all my MaGrav
system which is blue and made a green one and put his own name on it. He has
made a copy of the plasma unit and he has asked to buy one of these Enhancement
Unit he wants to copy it. So we said, no you can't have it. (2:24). He takes
everything and changes it to his own name, what do you call it, the inventor of new
Technology. It's very amazing, he has taken a MaGrav Unit, a blue one and has made
a copy of it in green. .. So we try to keep these trade secrets and we monitor where
these machines go and how they are handle. That's why I said we'll keep a trade
secret. That's what a secret is, we have to bring it to test it and evaluate it and
understand it and then release, and then we will teach it. We don't teach it anymore,
you can buy a Enhancement Unit for half a million now or for a million in 8 weeks
time and then we'll see. .. Q: I am sure there will be people replicating and using the
Technology, in a way it's beneficial and in a way you have competition in the market
place as they say. Keshe: We don't have a competition. Whoever copies our
system they pay us a fee for it, according to what they do with it. You'll
understand how soon we'll operate these. Q: You said nobody can copy these
Enhancement Unit because you designed it in a way that only you can make sure
that it works in a proper way, so even if they pull it apart they can't copy it, that what
you said? Keshe: Very much so, you'll understand, you'll see it. As I said, it is not
magic but understanding the Technology the way it is set. If you work within the
ethos of the Keshe Foundation you'll learn and you'll gain. (2:26). We'll see. Q;
Why was the double ball reactor used? In reference to our Soul, our "universal unit"
that you have put in the Enhancement Unit of the egg, so it's like a double ball reactor.
In order to gain the confidence and Soul area of physicality** Rick: Is there a
relationship between the idea of the double ball reactor and the idea of our Soul
inside of the Enhancement Unit? Keshe: We'll see, it's just how we are going to do
it. Something which we will structure around it and we'll see, we'll wait and see
how things will take shape. Q: .. What is the difference between a Gans made in the
frig and one made with water at a temperature of 15 degrees above the ambient
temperature? Keshe:This was raised in the Knowledge family questions. (2:28). and
they are tagging it everywhere. I think they have to go and test it and come and tell us.
We already did this some years ago. Q: What is the difference in the strength of
fields involved with such as Gans made in summer at 35 Celsius and in winter
made at 4 Celsius? Keshe: No difference. Q: Does the interaction continue in the
water, the Nano coating of H and O together? Keshe: What do you mean? Q: The
birth of plasma between H and Nano H, does the interaction continue in the water,
Nano coating , you could consider water to be di-hydrogen oxide, an oxide of H
does that mean it is already .. ? Next question. Q: Some people are worried about
5G and they think it is programmed to kill all of the human race and so on, is
there any counter acting Technology in the Plasma Technology? (2:30). Keshe:
What they want to make it 6G. R: I think you once mentioned about 9G or 50G or
whatever of the Plasma Technology? Keshe: the process about 5G or the other modes
of communication is how much energy in such a short pulses can tranStar
Formationer rapidly. If you make these powers now instead of frequency into
plasmatic. What would the effects be and how it will change the position. Q: Who
will be the first leader to take the first step to announce Plasma Technology?
Ayatollah Knowledge will be the speaker in this Friday's prayers in years? (2:32).
Will he surprise the world? Rick: I think it is hard to make predictions sometimes.
Keshe: Don't forget we have requested for AK to give the first speech, the opening
speech in the conference in Tehran. You have to understand that the world leaders
have to satiStar Formationy certain internal consumption of what we call, rise of
nationality and on the other hand they have to satiStar Formationy international
demands. We will expect an announcement in the new direction and dimension, at
the same time you have to understand, that the gentleman who was "missiled", was
very close, close person to him. I think we will hear some rhetoric, other actions, and
some talk, but underneath of it Iran will offer an olive branch to the American
state but with authority and the power and not on the levels of submission. This
is what is expected from this and you have to listen between the lines with Iranian
talks. (2:34). You have to realize when Trump blocked all the assets of AK he didn't
respond because he is not financially attached but when he touched those who are
peacemakers and those who are influential in the strength of the Iranian knowledge
making he responded with a ** prudent wisdom and we expect a very deep
fundamental change in the Iranian attitude towards world leadership in science and
Technology, and advancement in this. We will hear as usual, some rhetoric's which is
normal with these situations. The consequence of it will stand on its own. You have to
understand Iran has lost some 190 people by mistake and they will respond to that.
But we expect a strong olive branch on the basis of peace and we'll see a new step a
new era but we'll have to separate the rhetoric's and knowledge information that
comes behind it. We hope there will be a word of wisdom in Iran taking the
leadership in science and showing us a science in a different way then what had to be
shown in the past 7 days. (2:36). He is a very wise man and knows how to handle it,
but he has a domestic audience which are extremely angry with the situation and it
has to be addressed. Any other question. Q: I found a teaching where you discussed
the diamond structure for Gans production, 8 sided that indicated 1 dimensional
opposite to each other, 8 sided, potentially alternating plates. Is there a teaching that
shows the effect that would have on Gans production, then can I tranStar Formationer
that to a 2 dimensional Gans production, where I put a plate on top and bottom as
well? Keshe: That can be done, this is part of it but you have to understand how
you create that condition, and what will it bring. I wrote to one of the Chat room,
the limitation of this knowledge is the imagination of the man. (2:38). Sometimes
you'll be surprised what you'll see.
Any other question.

(Soul Teachings: )
In the process of the creation of the Universe if this screen, is a blank sheet, in the
motion of the fields of the Universe mankind has to reach a point that understands the
position of his Soul, it's due to the interaction of the different fields of their motion, it
doesn’t matter their direction. There needs to be a point where the seed is set, that this
seed becomes a position that the other fields of the Universe can attract and interact
and in the process lead to creation of the fields, that this seed of fields becomes the
seed and oyster, for the pearl. In the world of oysters the animal makes the shell and
when he takes the seed and he creates an environment inside it, to grow it into a pearl.
In the universal condition for this position, for the very rare amounts of energy
which moves, (2:40). creating so many trillions of stars and galaxies, to create
this seed, to start the star or a galaxy, it's very harsh. As man becomes aware of
his position in the universal condition, he will find out at the point of separation of
his physicality, using the creation of his Soul, the seed takes flight of fancy and in
that process where he finds balance will become that seed. Then in so many ways,
now you understand why the Soul of the man is so important in the dimension of the
creation. We nourish the baby in the womb of the mother for it to create the
existence of the Soul, that this Soul becomes the first seed in the creation of the
condition of the existence in the Universe, that the totality of the fields of the
Universe, in collective interaction will lead to creation of life and sustainability that
this life in turn will link in the strength to the Soul of the Creator, that in conjunction,
(2:42). with the interaction of the fields of this unit, in the coming time there shall be
a merger of the bigger which the totality will lead to, what we call, the creation of the
Creators condition of existence. I have explained this before but with what mankind is
about to come to reach in the coming months. Mankind will come to understand
how the Universe Community will feed mankind, as the Soul of the man is part
of the creation of the Soul of the Universe. Then we hope that once man realizes
his position, he will not become arrogant to lead to his demise in the Universe.
Then you'll understand why in many teachings ** we always told and said that the
mother is the most important factor in the structure of the life, that she creates
the right Soul, that in eventuality leads to the creation of a perfect existence in
the dimension of the Universe. In totality what we will see, (2:44). in the universal
condition and dimension is that the, what we call the nursery of the earth, the
perfection of the Soul is the ultimate goal to create the perfect star and system.
Mankind should not suddenly be taken for a fool when it comes to the condition of the
interaction and the life of the Universe Community. At the same time mankind
should realize that in the Universal Council he will not be used as an incubator
for the creation of the conditions, ?** for those who understood a little bit more
about the structure of the creation in the Universe. As I call, souls are the seeds to
create the conditions of life across the Universe should not be a blind spot for the
wisdom of the man. The travelers of the Universe are aware of this knowledge and I
always remember the words of Dr. Elya Kostova she used to say that the earth is a
very, what we call, an expensive commodity for its minerals, and has very high state
value. (2:46). But in fact it showed that, how man has still not understood the
value and the position of the man in the Universal Council is the strength of his
Soul in what he can give and create in the dimension of the Universal Council
that in the future those who have traveled and understood the process of creation
will not take man, the Soul of the man as a part of developing their own
structure in the depth of the Universe due to the lack of the knowledge of the
man. Mankind will soon understand this, as we take you to the Universe it's no use
you going in not knowing that you have one of the best fruits, and they tell you
nothing about it, and they sell it at a higher value in the market and they tell (told) you
it was rubbish. Mankind has to come to understand this, why the Universal
Council is interested in the Soul of the man, it's not they can take it and use it,
the Universal Council knows that this cannot be done, so we brought mankind to
the level of peace and understanding of what we call universal peace for him to
understand that there is a need for perfect souls, that from it becomes a perfect
creation of the new dimension of the Universe. (2:48). In the coming time mankind
will understand that new universes are continuously in creation very much like you
create new states that these universes need perfect souls for the structure to begin.
The Soul of the man is one of those gifted Soul and that is why the world leaders
those who take the seat of what we call leadership, have to understand that they
can't compromise in any shape or form in the future, and in the future
contractual agreements and understanding with the Universal Council. These
words will have a lot of meaning for you in the coming months as the structure is set.
The world leaders on this planet should understand this next step clearly, that
mankind doesn't become the nursery for the physicality of the man to create souls and
the human race has to be in total control and understanding of the position and
the freedom of his Soul in every dimension of the Universe. It's very much like
those seeds that you plant and you water it and watch it grow. The Soul of the man is
the seed of that plant and that tree. Now you understand the function of the tree of
life. The meaning of it. It starts with the life and the Soul of the man. Mankind
has always been so ignorant to the knowledge, to his knowledge of the Universe.
(2:50). He has taken the knowledge given to him by travelers of the Universe in
the physical condition and not in its true essence of its understanding and
creation. My hope and my deepest hope is, with what I taught you that I don't make
you slaves of your own Soul in understanding the creation of the new Universe and
the conditions in the Universe. In reality the expansion of the Universe needs new
seedlings to guarantee its survival and planet earth is one of those nurseries, nurseries
of the Soul. The only thing that we have not managed to understand is why these
citizens of these nurseries kill and destroy each other, where in the future they
themselves become the structure of the life and would you like to see your children
get killed, as you kill other people's and other entities children. It doesn't matter,
vegetation, animal, or human. In the process of why there is an interest in the
structure and the life of the man on this planet is not the physicality but the Soul
of the man, is because to take the physicality of the man to the other positions
and dimensions is too cumbersome, because then it can't be replicated, but when
you take the Soul of the man it adjusts itself to the dimension of physicality.
(2:52). When we take the physicality of the man to the depths of the ocean it can't
survive, but if we take the Soul of the man to the depths of the ocean it will decide on
its own creation in the dimension of the existence at a position in the sea or wherever
it is. Now as I said, I will not allow man to become a slave but on the other hand
mankind cannot become a ransom taker and selling of the Soul of the man. Our
job is not to allow the abuse on both sides and this is one of the reasons why we
have abolished the kingship that no one becomes the property of no man and
each Soul needs to make his own decision of his own freedom and free choice. In
the time to come man will learn the ways of perfection, of perfecting his Soul, of
the structure of his Soul and the knowledge it carries. The wisdom and the
understanding comes from the intelligence and not from ignorance. In the coming
time we need to explain, (2:54). to the world of humanity what is awaiting mankind
in the dimensions of the creation. As you have seen a queen looking after the eggs
in the nest of ants by creating ** ever this has been the job of the earth for the
Universal Council, but now the Universal Council has taken the step to make
sure it's perfection from the beginning, not going through, what mankind has been
over the life of his physicality. At the same time now we understand why the prophets
of the past have said, 'if I tell you how beautiful the other side is you'll all commit
suicide.' And that is, when you understand that your Soul becomes a 'Soul seed' of
another Universe if it reaches perfection, how many of you would like to be the
creator of a Universe. The totality of the knowledge has to be transparent to the
men of the planet, to the totality of the human race irrespective of color, race and
position, as there shall be no religion. (2:56). Man will nourish his Soul to
perfection, that at the point when he chooses the separation or amalgamation, he
creates the perfect light to lead to creation of the seed of the Universe. Would you
like to be the seed of a Universe or to be a part of what others have created, then you
become the slave to it. A slave in the way that you live according to their conditions.
This process of tranStar Formationormation has been hidden from mankind. In many
teachings I have referred to it and you are fully aware of it, but now we make it very
clear. Do we understand the position of the Soul of the man and the reason for
creation of the man and how so detailed the structure of the physicality of the man has
come to be. (2:58). The process of creation and positioning of the Soul is very
simple, this is the earth and this is the Soul of the man, and this is the Soul of the
Creator. If the strength of loving the Creator, mankind is strong. In the strength
of being loved by the Creator it has the dimension according to the position of
other universes within the Unicose. This position of the strength of the Soul of the
man decides the position that the Soul of the man will create his own Universe from.
Would you like to be the creator or to be a dust in the created environment for what it
is. Mankind has to understand more before the point of meeting. And mankind has to,
in a way, understand the totality of the knowledge, before the doors of the universal
knowledge has (will be) opened up to the man. The gift with this knowledge is that
the Soul shall decide what position in respect to his creator, (he) will shape and
take according to the strength of the souls he has gathered during his life on this
planet. (3:00). The physicality of the man is nothing but the position of the
interaction and absorption of the fields of the Universe through the Soul of the
man. Maybe now mankind understands the purpose of this creation. Many of
you have asked, 'why are we here for, and what is the purpose of life?' Now you
understand in full, that not only are you there to create a new cycle, but if mankind
serves the Universal Council as a whole, at that point of strength, mankind will
become and can choose to be part of, or to be the creator of. Then that shows, it
depends on the pride of the Soul and the physicality of the man during his life on
this planet. It's very much like when you are in the womb of the mother your physical
condition decides if you are going to have blue eyes, short or long, be born in a rich
family or be poor and suffer in the dimension of physicality. Now you understand in
one of the teachings what I said, if you care about your physical children, what would
you do, and how much do you care for the life of the souls, (3:02). which your life
will lead to the creation (of). If the religious leaders can explain this to us, it means
they would have already been enlightened, but they have kept the secret from
humanity to abuse the physical dimensions of the man. So it means none of the
world's religious leaders and leading scientists in the religion have ever understood.
And you'll understand why soon they'll all take what we call, the ** term of, and will
put the hat of the man on to accept, all the knowledge on to, than abusing the man
through the same power of the ** head (hat). Maybe and it's my wish, maybe, that by
the time I stop, mankind will have started the true journey through the spans of the
Universe. The reason we have introduced the Enhancement Unit is very simple,
we would like to reach the point of the perfection for the Soul of the man before
his departure to his new destination. It's very much like when we let our child go,
(3:04). we try to give the best education and best clothing before we let our child
marry into a new dimension of life. The purpose of the Enhancement Unit is this and
nothing else, the rest of it is according to the man's dimension of physicality and
understanding. There is a beautiful verse in Koran, -- Which means we have given all
of the ** gifts, all of the ** barricades of God to the Soul of the man, and it is for it, to
elevate itself. Now that we have seen that weakness in the structure of physicality,
we have given man a gift. In a way we gift you the knowledge that through that
gift you will create perfect souls for the new universes to be created in the
dimension of the creation. It goes back to the same, the fields of the Universal
Council from the Soul of the Creator are as ** brought, and then we put you there and
you create a condition that will lead to creation of new universes. And this, as it is
connected to the Universal Council, of man's field strength will lead and attract new
souls, which are common denominator to the strength of the field of the man from
earth. This field itself is needed that in interaction with the other souls created, (3:06).
and the stars and galaxies created by the strength, create that gap strength, or
condition of the confirmation of the existence of the Universe. Which means in fact, if
you think, the Soul of the man could be like that proton in the atomic structure of the
gold in the center. Where other protons, electrons, neutrons from other universes
collectively leads to creation of the galaxies and creation of universes and those who
become part of the Unicose as the creator in the center of the totality. Now it's the job
of those who call themselves the religious leaders to enlighten the flock of man to the
truth of the existence of the Soul. It means that opportunity before the closing of the
shop, as we say, to prepare mankind that the man will not suffer now with another
new loss of going to be where it is, that they start creating another god and false
statues to be the ** leader. The man in the dimension of physicality is looking for a
purpose and it's the job of the world leaders and those who abused man to show and
guide them to the right action, but this time there shall be no abuse. (3:08).

Q: Maybe a high level meeting of the religious leaders will bring unity between them
if we all wish and imagine and some of them will accept and a new uniting role
position in true humbleness? Keshe: The world religious leaders know their terms. It
is over. As we say, the bell rang months ago. Humanity did not listen, but the
religious leaders were waiting for that sign. That sign has been delivered. They know
exactly what it is. We shall see in our meetings with the heads of religion, what we
call, head covers in the robes of their shoulders and they'll become man of, common
man. In our time we shall see that there shall be no priests to abuse the Soul of the
man. And no one should claim that because I used to be this and that, guide your Soul
to become and get a better position. There are no agency workers, as I call it. As the
last Pope has said, he will be the last Pope because he knows what is to come. Don't
forget that these people read the true scriptures and they know what is inside it.
(3:10). Any other question. Rick: We have a technicla question from "the Breatharian
Institute" as it is called in live stream. Q: I utilize a 100% scientific accurate divining
system, do you know why the standard male formulas tend to be 70% CO2, 30%
ZnO, in the beginning and then working up to be 5 to 10% CH3 while decreasing
ZnO. and women tend to need 70% CO2 and 20% ZnO and 10 % CH3 . is anyone
discussing this at all is it possible that male scientists are missing this subtle
difference in constitutional needs? (3:12). Keshe: It's not too technical, it's his
understanding and it has to be valued. yeah, but then it becomes sacrosanct that is
what it is. It is his understanding. It might elevate and create a new condition for the
others to think and maybe understand the knowledge in different ways. Q:
Stephania . To me it's very important to have the vision because if we are the seeds
of the Universe it's very important to become a beautiful plant and to have self
responsibility to keep our vision clear the Universe will be the result of our vision
if we are seeds, is it correct? Keshe: Most probably, yes, it is according to your
understanding. Q: This give you a lot of self empowerment and self responsibility
because I remember you said, one man can change, (3;14). ** the whole earth, whole
Universe, galaxy and beyond, so there is so much we can do? Keshe: Man through
these teachings should gradually understand the position of his life in the Universe.
This is why we started this teaching and this process and in so many ways, many
people said, when we see it, we'll believe it, but when we show it and you believe it,
you will give your life for it, because then you'll see the light of the knowledge of the
Universe. Then you'll understand. Shall we call it a day Q: Can the MaGrav or Gans
make the Soul more powerful? Keshe: It depends. Thank you very much for being
here today and, (3:16). I hope we all got the full message of what is to come and why
we are here. Be ready for what mankind has been waiting for, for a long time and if
mankind does not come to become kind to man then kindly you have missed the boat.
Thank you very much and see you next week. Mexico City Conference February
7 - 9, 2020. ..

.. Q: Would it be possible to add streaming for the conference for those of us who are
limited in traveling with our physicality, so we could attend the conference Online?
(3:20). Keshe: The only conference that will be streamed out will be out of Tehran. Q:
How do we sign-up for the online? This will be done according to the permission by
the Iranian government and how it will be allowed to stream out. We have put a
notice on the Iranian channel that is for others who are aware of. The 300 Euro for the
Iranian conference. Those Iranians who take a guest to host are given a free entry to
the conference. If you have the financial means you can pay 2 one for yourself and
one for your host in Iran, or on the other hand, all the Iranian hosts will have a free
admission to the ** conference. In this process we try to bring about the condition of
understanding the totality of the work of the Keshe Foundation and in the next few
days I'll be meeting with Iranians .. (3:22). We are still waiting for answer from the
office of Ayatollah Knowledge if he allows the conference to go ahead. We don't see
any reason why not. You have to understand there is a very critical position for the
religious leaders and not the scientific leaders and that's why we put the position to
the Iranian leadership to take the leadership in the scientific world then the religious
side, that is once the world religions accept and see the power of the new Technology
in the coming weeks through the Enhancement Unit and other things which are
coming out, how can they resist the truth and how will they find their position in this
structure. Then you'll understand that there is no seat for what we call priests. Then
they'll resist it because they won't have a seat, but those who you have elevated, or
they have elevated their own Soul will put the turbans down and that will be the end.
But it doesn't mean the knowledge in different dimensions of the knowledge of the
man cannot be used for themselves and the others. The Tehran conference, if the
Iranian religious leaders oppose and block we will stream line and end the whole of
the religious structure worldwide through the teachings of those 4 days and I will
show you what is even if it means to bring the presence of the souls of the past
prophets. It's within my power and knowledge. (3:24). So there is o choice, it's a one
way track towards peace and knowledge, in exchange for peace and no religious
leaders or world governments or officials or leaders can block this process. You will
understand step by step. Look at the structure when we announced conferences in the
past 3 conferences. In Vienna there was an admission of the government to corruption
and took place during the time of the conference. We saw again in Brazil. Today in
Malta. Yesterday the new government cleaning up the corruption of the past and
completed they start anew, fresh. These are not coincidence, as we touch we clean.
Tehran in the seat of religion, the present, ** Nothing is coincidental in the way we
structured and take this. Tehran it will be streamed, inside Iran to outside Iran.
Thank you very much. (3:26).

312th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thurs, January 23, 2020

(*** Blueprint for Coronavirus:
Keshe Foundation is opening up all its resources to help the Chinese nation with the
Coronavirus, Estimated 10 to 20 million people are infected has 12 day incubation


** Detailed teachings about the 3 levels of knowledge and summary of what we have
been taught over the past 5 years; (gravitational+magnetical); I+
(gravitational+magnetical) ; (I = Inertia), Man has achieved Inertia level flight which
is basically levitation, gravitational+magnetical+I manifests as Gans, it's fields can
move cars, The 3rd type is the magnetical+gravitational field system of which the
Iranian flight system and planets are examples, In this type all 3 levels can exist
together like on planet earth or when we travel in the depth of space,

How the Iranians used the technology on the American base in Iraq creating a dome
shielding effect for 10 minutes no communications in or out, This technology can be
used to stop the shipment of arms across the planet, There will be massive
unemployment and a massive development of the new Technology in Arizona and use
of technology to feed the unemployed, Bringing all the Keshe Foundation Knowledge
Seekers around the world to help the Chinese nation, Viruses are the only thing that
will destroy the man in space so this is a good exercise,

Coronavirus Blueprint Day teachings:

Reads Keshe Foundation Plasma Times article about what the Coronavirus is,
Caged wild animals can create the virus through their emotion and crosses to humans,
The mechanism of virus in plasmatic terms starts at time 2:04, >>

The proper way to tranStar Formationer the energy out of a virus is to introduce
another plasma to it one that is in the Gans state like tranStar Formationerring the
energy of the orange to the water experiment, For this to work there has to be Amino
Acids in the Gans to make the connection with the virus for energy tranStar
Formationer, The Gans mixture has to be weaker than the virus for it to drain, The
mixture of Amino Acid, Zn, and Cu for the virus you can wet the face masks to breath
it in, wet your hair and hands with the mixture. We'll release documentation
confirming non-toxicity of the Gans,
When animals are mistreated viruses are created through their emotions and come
back on man himself but he doesn't know this is the cause, Gans is the only thing that
can deplete a virus through field tranStar Formationer, Single and double stranded
viruses, The Black Plague, If the Gans mixture is wrong it could have opposite effect
and strengthen the virus,
The Gans mixture recipe is Amino Acid, Zn, Cu, CO2, Have the people breath, wet
their mask, or wash their face and hands with it, It is that simple, Go to the hospitals
and let the doctors use it, The Chinese bureaucratic system is like India's caste system
and the knowledge is being blocked from reaching the top, Calls on President Xi to
change the Chinese governing structure to all people have access to the top,
Questions: To use dry Gans need to find a way to bring the Amino Acids in, Problems
with separating the amino acid in Gans production, For prevention you don't bring
immunity but you make a mass tranStar Formationer of energy, To determine the ratio
of Gans's we have to understand the totality of factors not what others tell us, Being in
balance is a decision of our Soul and physicality not something outside for immunity,
Expecting the Americans to release a second degree virus maybe this is part of it,
Modern colonization by Europe and America comes through science and technology
and killing scientists to steal their technology, When we overcome the virus then our
bodies can use those energies, )

SUMMARY: (partial)
(Starting at 2:02 with information about Coronavirus for Doctors )

Rick has read the whole Coronavirus Blueprint document from the Keshe Foundation
which goes over the virus origins and spreading in terms of both modern science and
plasma technology science.

Virus Created from the Emotions of Mistreated Animals:

Mr. Keshe said, If we read the entire document the most important part of this report
comes in the last 2 paragraphs. It explains what was happening in regards to the
treatment of animals and especially wild animals in the "South China Seafood City",
which is a large food market. The officials and scientists were talking about what
happens psychologically when animals are not treated properly and are put under
duress in very stresStar Formationul conditions. We have seen these viruses in man
when he tranStar Formationers what you call, psychosomatic diseases to himself.
When we understand the totality of the disease, then it can teach us a lot of things, and
this was put very simply in the last 2 paragraphs of that entire document that we just
read. To be able to handle viruses we need to make a conclusion and a summation
about the totality. This means that in the current forms and conditions and how we get
repetitive cancers and tranStar Formationer of what I call ** ** viruses, is very
simple. Scientifically, if we look at the solar system we have a sun in the center and
the planetary system around it. In the world of science of understanding the fields,
each of these units emits fields, and these fields connect with each other. (He draws a
plasma with field lines coming out of it and connecting to other plasmas). However,
they connect to each other through a matching field strength, and it doesn’t matter in
which direction they connect. So what this tells us very clearly is, that these are
energy packs which are created by emotions. So in terms of the virus, this tells us that
these energy packs were created by the emotions of animals or humans. Interestingly
enough, we tranStar Formationer these energies through our lung and breathing
system, which are also the emotional parts of the body of the man. We don't see these
viruses attaching to or attacking the muscle tissues or whatever else. In the plasmatic
system it is very easy to understand how these viruses can be handled and in a very
simple way we can deplete their energies.

Field Strength has to Match between Man and Virus to TranStar Formationer:
They say that this virus takes hold, and moves within the structure of a cell and it sits
on an Amino Acid (amino acid) within the cell and starts delivering energies that are
not needed, and energies which need to be consumed until the point of a specific
condition. This is very much in line with why some people catch this virus and other
people don't. It means that those who catch the virus, all have to have a specific
strength, common denominator energy level with it. So even if we come in touch with
the virus, if the amino acid in our nose or in our lungs are not of the matching strength
to the virus, then we don't catch it. This means that this condition creates a specific
matching strength that locks into our amino acid, and when the strength of the
emotion of the animal, matches the strength and the emotion of the man, the virus
tranStar Formationers. This will be an important vital position for man when he
travels into space. In space, when we become home sick, then viruses can attach to
our emotion of "missing home." In the space condition we'll need to understand all of
this, because all kinds of these energy packs will try to attach into our structure. We'll
have to do a lot of research in the future on this level. But for now, how can we
understand to help in this situation? If you have a lung which is infected by this
material, by this energy, it has to have come in through the nasal passage or the
mouth. People all over China now are wearing these face masks to try and block entry
to the virus. At the same time we see it manifesting with fever, sneezing, or with

Amino Acid is the Passage Way of the TranStar Formationer:

The proper way to handle this virus is to tranStar Formationer out its energy by
introducing another plasma to it, a Gans state plasma, because it is itself an energy
pack. Do you remember how we tranStar Formationerred the taste and emotion of an
orange or banana into a glass of water? We did it by placing Gans materials around
the glass and the energy was tranStar Formationerred into the water. We created a
condition of energy fields that it could be tranStar Formationerred. Many of you when
you made these glasses you said it didn’t have the taste, or "I don't taste or feel
anything." The reason was because there was one vital element missing, and that was,
the glass you were using was too clean. There were no amino acid's to create the
condition of the tranStar Formationer. From this we learned one of the most
fundamental points for the all the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers who want to
go out and eliminate this virus, and that is, the existence or presence of the amino acid
in the Gans that you use. When you create a condition of the amino acid, then you
have a field which finds passage, and connects to the virus for the tranStar
Formationer of its energy.

Depleting the Virus through the Gans Water:

When you use the Gans you'll find that the virus very rapidly depletes itself from its
energy in the cell, and then the fever, pneumonia, and lung infection will change. You
have to make sure that you have the amino acid in the Gans so it creates a link to the
virus. The other point is, because this is emotional related, there is a very clear zinc
(Zn) direction and it's connected to the amino acid. As it connects itself to the muscle
or what you call the environment of the muscle tissue of the lung, and can exist in the
nasal (** muscle tissue), then there is the presence and application of Cu. You have to
remember that the energy of the virus has to be stronger than the total energy effect of
your Gans and amino acid. In this way the virus will give to the weaker, and deplete
itself of its energy. But in a way, part of the energy of the virus, and of the virus in the
amino acid, are still in the cell, but none have the strength to carry on, and therefore,
we'll see a rapid reduction in temperature, fever, and clearing of the lung.

Wetting face Masks with Gans Water:

We suggest to our Chinese colleagues, as you use the these face masks to breath, wet
them with a mixture of amino acid of the Zn, plus Cu, and frequently spray them. It
depletes the virus from connecting to your amino acid. The wetted mask puts a barrier
between the carrier of the virus and your body. In some cases you can use the Gans
water of the CuO to reduce it, and as it is emotional, you can simply wet your hair and
hands and that will deplete its emotional strength. It goes back to the ethos of the
work of the Keshe Foundation, as this comes from the emotions of the animal it is
psychosomatic and it appears itself in the lung of the man and by wetting your head
and hair you create a condition. You can also use a small amount of CO2 for neural
connection and rapid depletion. You can even use it to spray your house to disinfect it
and at the same time make this water available right across the city. It should not take
too long to bring the energy of the virus under control, and gradually the sum
multiplication of all the Gans's, which you create will reduce the totality, and you will
find that the virus will be more or less eradicated.

Space Level Technology without Water:

This is how we are applying it today, in the dimension of the man, but in the future
we'll do it at the level of the space technology, because in the space we don't have
water. In the new space technology, which has been developed and will be coming
into operation in the next few months, we will only create the conditions for the
depletion of the virus. It's not like what we saw yesterday, with Chinese using
vehicles to spray the streets will all sorts of chemicals. What the Chinese officials
have to understand is that, if you can create the conditions of the amino acid in your
mixture, plus some Gans's, you'll see effective reduction in the virus. The Chinese
New Year is in the next day or two, so the Chinese Keshe Foundation can give this as
a gift to your nation. Produce as much Gans as you can and freely distribute in
containers for people to spray their masks and to wash their mouths, and even give it
to those who are contaminated. Everybody -- just you do it. The good news is that
we'll release documentation to confirm that these materials are non-poisonous and
safe. The documentation is for when the Keshe Foundation produces it, in our
factories and with our procedures. We are in possession of the non-toxicity reports of
this material and of other conditions done within the past few days in China. We have
paid a lot of money to confirm it and we can say from what we have, that it is a non-
toxic material. The materials that we have tested have shown to be non-poisonous and
can be used. At the same time, we have certification for production of Gans material
and will endeavor after the Chinese New Year to spread it across China in mass
production, so that we can support the Chinese nation. This is a gift from the Keshe
Foundation to the government of China, we have already informed the authorities that
we have the process.

Our Treatment of Animals and the Virus:

We have to educate ourselves to see how this virus developed and how we may have
caused it. What is our role behind it as humans. In a way, we are harvesting the fruit
of our own conduct. Maybe the fish brought it to us, or maybe it's the combination of
different animals in captivity, where the condition have been so horrendous that this
virus may have come from the collective energy of 2 or 3 animals together. What
have done wrong to them that it comes to us? We have to be very open minded with
this technology and understand the totality and not just be captivated by the simplicity
to justify our own suffering. We, as humanity have caused it, and we are paying for it.
Maybe it was the Americans who have brought it, or the dog has done it, or it comes
from the excrement of an animal, or is airborne. We have to consider all of these
things. We know it is emotion based, and in so many ways the solution is very simple,
but would it teach us something new? Maybe, every now and then, we jump from one
virus to another because we haven't learned how we harm others. The virus comes out
of the strength of their emotion of the animal, which is connected to the amino acid of
their lives, and through that they connect it to us. One day, if the scientific world
would look beyond just who has it, and start to look at the common denominator of
the emotion of who gets infected, I am sure they'll find that 99% of all the ones who
are infected or catch the disease have more or less the same emotional disease
strength as the animal. We saw in one part of the Coronavirus Blueprint Report that it
said, the food chain got it from the farmers. But did the emotion spread the same? Did
the animals suffer the same as the farmer, or in the hands of the farmer, that they got
it? It's the responsibility of the governments to make sure that animal care becomes a
pleasure and a comfort for the animal, so that in turn they don't become a menace to
man through their emotions. When we travel in the depth of space, we'll come across
these energy packs which effect only certain races, because the conditions of
emotions, fits to their energy level. These viruses are brought by the condition of the
Soul not being happy with the presence of its existence. The purpose of these
teachings is to enlighten the man about the harm he has done to himself and to those
with whom he lives.

The Energy of Emotion and Viruses:

We see these kind of viruses continuously coming out of East Asia where animal
husbandry is very rough and due to large populations, everyone is crammed and no
one is happy to be there. These viruses usually occur in winter time when the
pressure, emotion, and the motion bares the condition of what we call, cold. They are
usually single-stranded which means they are mainly connected to the emotion, and
that's why the Keshe Foundation Gans technology interacts rapidly. When you have a
double-strand, which means you have the totality of both the physicality and the
emotion. This is very much what we saw with the pigs virus, it had a higher strength
and came through higher temperatures and warmer places. When mutation of the
higher level strength occurs, if you bring them to a cold environment, they become
deadly. We have seen this with the African Swine Flu in northern Europe and now in
China. We understand the totality of the interaction of the fields. This is one of the
reasons why antibiotic do not work, because what we call a virus is connected to the
emotion. The medical and pharmaceutical worlds have no medicine or materials to
treat the energy of the emotion. The energy of the emotion is a dynamic field and the
Gans technology is the only answer. The only answer for viruses. We have broken
into the world of the science of the universe and can apply a simple technology. In
reality we do not need to go into the physical dimension, we only need to solve the
problem in the emotional dimension. Mankind is very lucky, that he has not yet had a
single strand virus, which goes directly to the emotion. If we make it double-stranded
in the background of the single-strand, we'll have what in Europe they called the
"Black Plague." Because it has the double strand in the background of the single
strand, it's extremely deadly. Maybe this is a warning to our farmers and our
governments to start thinking about the care of the animals in a humane way, so that
they are happy in their existence, then we won't see anymore viruses. Any virus,
SARS or what name you put on it, through the Keshe Foundation Gans technology is
resolvable, irrespective of its strength.

Only Gans Technology works for Viruses:

We have antibiotics for everything else, but now we have Gans technology for
viruses. This is why our doctors and pharmaceuticals always fail to overcome viruses,
because they never understood that viruses are energy packs which attach themselves
to the amino acid and create such a mayhem. But with the technology it is very easy
to use different Gans's to simply deplete part of the energy of the virus from the body
of the man or of the animal, and you'll find out that, as it is only half linked, the virus
will not have the effect, and we'll see virtually within minutes, the rapid reduction in
temperature and fever. We're not talking about hours or days here, these energy
tranStar Formationers are from one bucket to another, it's immediate. We need only
the connection of the amino acid, the emotion, and connection with the body of the
man, and the physical connection through CO2, and we'll bring wonders. But make
sure the centers are low, and that you don't use too much, so that the energy tranStar
Formationer comes to it. If you get the balance wrong you might even give some
energy to the amino acid, which in return would bring it back, and then it takes that
much longer to overcome the infection by tranStar Formationerring the energy.

As I said, it's the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers to very
rapidly spread this across China. You might have some success with the amino acid
and the Cu because in that process you might have tranStar Formationerred some
energies across, because in your amino acid when you were producing CuO you may
have accidentally made some Zn, and in the process you would have created some
CO2. But to be safe, the recipe is this amino acid, Zn, Cu, and CO2. We know that the
Knowledge Seekers in China have tons of this material amongst themselves. Go and
just wet the masks with the Gans water and let the people breath through the masks,
wash or wet their face with the water and you will see that they will recover. Go to the
hospitals and just let the doctors use it. We'll provide the certificate of non-toxicity on
the back of Keshe Foundation Austria. We have the certification that the material is
non-toxic and this gives us the security to do this.

In Brazil:
There are reports from the Keshe Foundation family that the virus has arrived in
Brazil. You have a competent team in Brazil and you can do the same as what we are
doing in China. You can take even a drop of the Gans water, you don't need a huge
amount, just a few drops per day on your tongue to keep yourself immune. You can
also wet your face mask and drink some of the water to keep yourself immune.

Field TranStar Formationer:

All it is, is just the tranStar Formationer of the energy. Go back and understand the
teachings, in the structure of the body you have a pipe going down to where your
stomach is, and in that process it passes in between the lungs where the infection is.
So when you drink the water, as it passes the lungs, it tranStar Formationers energy
across to it. It's that simple. It's psychosomatic, and as this is connected to the brain,
you do the same when you wet your hair, or when you breath in the Gans water. It
depletes as many cells as possible and that allows you to recuperate very fast.

No One in China should Die:

No one in China should die of this disease, if the Chinese Keshe Foundation
supporters are able to spread this material across China as fast as possible. You all
have made Gans's and those of you who haven't, for the sake of your nation do it and
give it freely across the nation. We have given you a gift of knowledge and we are
here to guide you. It's the responsibility of you as Knowledge Seekers, to take it out to
the streets and to the hospitals and let the doctors test it. Show them that it is just
water and let them use it, and see how fast the people recover. We can bring this
under control before the Chinese New Year. It all depends on you. We know there is a
Keshe Foundation team in the infected area and they already tested the water
yesterday. We will provide you with the certification for the waters to keep you safe
within the legal structure of the nation. We have informed the university in China who
is collaborating with us and they are trying to find the channels through the
government. The problem with the Chinese structure is that there are many
bureaucracies set within it.

Scientists are Blocking the Technology:

Everybody in China has bought a mask but it is an energy tranStar Formationer and
the masks don't have much use unless you can create a barrier. You can do this with
the Gans water which will absorb the energy of the virus. This is what needs to be
done and I have been openly consulting with the Chinese government, but one of the
biggest problems we have are the scientists who are sitting on the top of the Chinese
health structure. They are blocking everything, because they are what you call a
specialist, and they see themselves as not have found the cure, so it is better for them,
not to put it out because, it doesn’t give them any credibility. So it is up to you to take
the Gans to the hospitals and to the streets and give it to the people. The application of
the plasma technology is the only solution to the virus. Mankind has never had any
solution. We have already shown and delivered with Ebola and the African Pig Flu
and we have shown it in other cases as well. As One Nation, One Planet, the Chinese
nation is part of us. We love the Chinese, we live amongst them, and we feel the
pressure. As I wrote this morning to one of the leading people in the Chinese
structure, "we stand solid as friends with your nation, and all of the Chinese
government in these times of trouble." Deliver as much Gans as you have to the
Chinese authorities and make sure that it is free. The Keshe Foundation will cover the
costs. We have to respond to the call of the human race.
These flu's are so effective we caught one nearly 2 months ago on our visit to Brazil.
Everyone in our group suffered from it, and some are still suffering. We caught a
strange and very powerful strand of it with temperature, and even today I still suffer
with it.


(** There were some further discussion and Q and A, please see the transcription and
recording of 312 Knowledge Seekers Workshop).

This summary is the first part of a series of teachings on the Coronavirus by Mr.
Keshe. It continues forward through all the Knowledge Seekers Workshop, and the
One Nation One Planet teachings (102, 103, 106), Portuguese Teaching 2020 01 31,
and 2020 02 07. And more.


English Transcription:

(:06). ..
Today is a very special teaching. We have announced across the Chinese Keshe
Foundation, supporters, universities and the government that in this teaching today, in
about an hour and a half into the program will become for the Chinese a Blueprint
(teaching) which means we teach the Chinese people and authorities how fast they
can reverse this mayhem that has been created in China. As you know we have
handled the African Swine Flu which is a double-strand but this one is a single-
strand (virus) it is much easier to handle and the effects are immediate. I know
many Chinese Keshe Foundation are listening in the background. As has been the
tradition the Keshe Foundation will open all its assets to the Chinese nation which
means all the production and all the facilities of Keshe Foundation and
Knowledge Seekers will become assets of the Chinese nation. We'll go into this in
more detail, and we have reserves and can support 1 million sick people in China and
by the end of next week after the holidays we can increase our support to 10 million
Chinese, those who are infected and those who might be infected. This is a single-
strand virus and control of it is much easier, (:08). then the Africa Pig Flu and we
have seen some results in the past 24 - 48 hours. We will make sure that the
knowledge of the Keshe Foundation in China opens up to the public. Chinese
universities and authorities have been informed and many people will be aligned.
We'll start in about an hour and we'll go through this process. It's good for the rest of
the Keshe Foundation supporters around the world to be prepared that the flu has
appeared in Brazil, as they are reporting, and we know this is the season and time that
Chinese are traveling, it's their holidays, so they'll be carrying this virus right across
this planet. Everyone of us is vulnerable, especially if you fly through airports and we
can't ban the Chinese not to travel, we welcome them but we have to be prepared to
support the nation in time of need. This is the responsibility of Keshe Foundation
supporters worldwide. You have access to all the Gans's. This is a serious matter, it
is estimated that 10 to 20 million people can be infected already and it have 12
days incubation time and you can see how bad the situation can get. It has become
very serious in China. It has become a worrying condition for the Chinese authorities
and we are responding to the needs of the nation in respect to the Keshe Foundation
One Nation, One Planet, and One Race. On the other hand as usual, we go further into
the teaching until we get to that point, then we'll receive a message from our people in
China that everything is set up and ready to go. In that process we'll instruct and
inform the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers (:10). in how to handle and how to
apply and prevent and if you are infected to be looked after properly that you can
overcome the virus. On the other hand, as we are going ahead in the usual pattern we
work, the Keshe Foundation as you know we have become instrumental in many ways
in different applications and implications around the world. For this reason we ask a
lot of Knowledge Seekers to be prepared for the next step in the development and
as we said, in February we'll release the CO2 capture systems as a commercial
unit, then as an agricultural unit, and then as a water purification and for
animal care. This unit will be displayed hopefully, before the end of February and
will go on sale within the next 2 to 3 weeks, immediately, the week after the Chinese
New Year comes to an end. There is a part of the teaching which we conveyed the
message on the Iranian channel teachings, which I think should be shared worldwide.
It opens up a new dimension or brings out the totality of the knowledge in what we
have shared before, we share this knowledge because it is important to be understood.
Following the situation with Iran in Iraq, a new structure and understanding is needed
by the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers to understand how the totality of the
knowledge has to be understood and be shared. In the Iranian teaching I tried to go
into more depth with this and it's important for all of us to understand this now that
we have completed this conjunction, (:12). where we start understanding the totality
of the knowledge. In the past years we have taught about the gas reactors which were
developed in Iran and further developed in Europe, then we introduced you to the
Gans Technology, and then we came across other states of the plasma (Plasma) in
production of the materials and how things are created. In the knowledge and the
science of the Keshe Foundation we have covered 3 levels. One level into our
understanding is what we call gravity(gravitational) and magnetical field
(gravitational+magnetical), there is another one we call Inertia plus gravitational
plus magnetical (I+gravitational+magnetical), and one we call Inertia (I). This is
part of the teaching that has to be clarified, especially now that we are going into
the space level, understanding of the space Technology in a very simple way. What
does Inertia alone mean. Inertia flight system is very simple, it means we use the
matter state equipments or materials to achieve what we call levitation. It is not
possible, extremely difficult to be able to fly across through space to another
destination by Inertia. It is possible and some races have tested it, but extremely by
eating food by turning your hand down your head, as we call it. What does this mean?
Flight by Inertia is when you use matter states dynamic systems or understanding of it
to create flight. We have seen this one with the American military that tested it in
1975, where they managed to created a (:14). series of dynamic rotating magnets at a
high speed and in conjunction and position of different magnets, they managed to
create a flight in respect to solid state position of other magnets all rotating opposite
to each other. You achieved levitation in height but the energy put in to achieve is
beyond the energy, and what can be done outside. So we have seen this done by other
groups, where they achieved lift even to a few meters and then coming back to
position they can't reach to travel very high. This is what we call the dynamic motors.
In a way it's dynamic and the system can fly parallel to earth, more or less, within
a space gap. What does this mean, it means is that we can't go high, we can't
travel between what we call the planetary system, but we can work within the
structure of understanding the totality of our work in a way that we can extend the
work and the knowledge to the level that it can allow us to do simple things, simple
flight systems, simple understanding of the whole process. But then this creates a
condition for us that we have the limitation of the planet earth and the restriction to
move. Creating interaction at this level can lead to (:16). or maybe allow us to go a
little bit in a combination of Inertia and what we call, magnetical and gravitational
field forces. So Inertia and magnetical and gravitational forces are matter state
condition. On the other hand we need to be able to understand further more that this
is for objects, for moving cars, this is for understanding the totality of the system that
allows us to be able to operate within cities, cars maybe, as we have seen with
electronic connections and electronic powers to be able to run trains. The next step is
what we call magnetical and gravitational field system with Inertia is what we
know as Gans's. What does this mean, this means we use the combination of the
gravitational and Inertia and magnetical fields in understanding of the interaction of
the 2 parts together to give us what we see as a Gans. We have a system which has
gravitational and magnetical fields, as a condition of a Plasma, but in conjunction
with Inertia manifests itself as Gans. That's why for the first time you can see the
energy packages, but they have no, what we call, dimension and in so many ways
they are very much connected to life. (:18). The Inertia and magnetical and
gravitational fields is what we call the human body. In interaction with the energy of
the Inertia, that, becoming into the matter state gives an intermediary state what we
have known as Gans, energy packs in the condition of what we call interaction of
the fields of the Plasma with the Inertia, or matter state of a planet. In this
process a new understanding, a total comprehension of the science is needed by the
world of science to be able to share the totality of the knowledge between the Inertia
and what we call the small magnetical and gravitational field elements of the Plasma
of the matter that it manifests itself in the Gans state. These we have shown that we
can create and use the fields in the dynamic cores where what we call, 'we see we
create fields for body enhancement,' we create fields for agriculture, we water the
plants with the energy tranStar Formationer in the matter state in the Inertia, we use it
for all sorts of application which we have seen for past years. Then we have systems
which are entirely and totally are what we call, magnetical and gravitational
field systems, these are the flight systems, these are what we saw with the Iranian
flight system, creation of vast areas to cover, vast dimensions, and creation of a
single cell collective matter state movement. A planet is this. (:20). It creates
gravitational and magnetical fields and in that process of dynamic condition, it creates
and holds on, and it creates a field of protection for itself. The planetary system is one
of them. So if you understood the 3 different positions of creation and interaction
of the fields in the matter state, matter state and the plasma state, and the
plasma state itself, then man has entered a new dimension in the world of science
and the understanding of totality. The Americans and some scientists in the 90s, or
1970s and 1960s, managed to get there (I). You as Knowledge Seekers in the past 5
years have managed to get to here (I+gravitational+magnetical). The Iranian and the
Keshe Foundation space program has laid the claim unto this part
(gravitational+magnetical). But in that process if you understand the totality you can
amalgamate and create a condition that all 3 can exist within each other, very much as
we see on this planet, the human race, the animals, and the plants exists as a Inertia,
magnetical and gravitational field of the Plasma, as one unit, as a combination, or
when the fields are singularity, we see it on the stone, Fe, Cu and the rest, or when we
see the dimension of the interaction of dynamic system, the planetary system, the
flight system, we call it UFOs, you call it spaceships, you call Earth Moon, it is the
same. The comprehension of this is needed in the next phase as we enter the March
meeting in Iran in respect to the space Technology. When we travel (:22). in the
depth of the space. When we travel across this Universe, now we have to
understand the totality of this knowledge, which is which, and where we need
what, and how we can extend this knowledge, this ultimate goal of life in the
depth of the space, in the security of the magnetical and gravitational fields of
both gravity and shielding and at the same time to be able to create materials
that once (when) we need it, if, the dimension of Inertia and magnetical and
gravitational fields created by ** both. If I go to planet Zeus, but I would like to
have what we call the chair on planet Earth, because I have been there I had the
experience of it. But on planet Zeus I am 4 to 10 meters tall but on earth I am this so
on planet Zeus I have to make myself a giant chair that I can sit, so I don't need to sit
on the ground. So we carry the knowledge, we see how conditions are. It depends on
what we need to produce. When I get to the moon I know I can create water but I need
the matter of Inertia in the loose field of the gravity but the strength of the magnetical
to be liquid. Then you understand that the knowledge of the man has to enter a total
and full understanding of the knowledge of the Universe. Would humanity, mankind
enter an understanding of the totality of everything or would we in the process of
understanding create a new dimension for us to be able to share knowledge (:24). in
the depths of the Universe. What we have seen in the past 2 weeks, many people have
asked me one question, can you explain what happened on the ground in Iraq in
respect to the Iranian and American forces and what lead the America general to
stand in front of a group of journalists, observing their physical shaking in their skin
and we listened to the lie of a president in not telling his nation the total truth. What
happened in Iraq and with the Iranian and American forces that has lead us to peace,
making the old obsolete and bringing a new dimension in understanding the totality of
the field forces of the Universe, in understanding the implications and applications of
the totality of the knowledge. Let me explain to you in a simple way what happened
in Iraq 2 weeks ago. This is for the Iranian government officials to take further. This
is the American base with what we call the European part. We saw this work with the
(capture of the) drone, and with the Russians on the American ship (in the Black Sea).
What the Iranians did is very simple, they placed a system which created a dome
and isolated any communication in and out. As they created a barrier, (:26).
then the American Army was at the mercy of another force. The American
forces, drones, satellites, air force, and ground force could not penetrate. They
could not even see or communicate with the base to know what is the fate of the
people in this position. If you understand, this is the base, this is the dome .. how do
you want us to do. For 10 minutes the barrier was kept and everything possible was
raining upon that no man will fight again. We explained the same situation with the
drone, if you remember, some years ago. We explained the same thing what happened
with the ship in European waters. What Iran did was literally paralyze the
communications of the defense Technology of one of the most advanced nations
in the world. My objection to it, which I objected strongly was not to do what they
did in destroying the base. But in so many ways, the Iranian people ** .. made that
message that no one is immune. What we have seen in the international arena is very
simple. Many military contracts are on the table, questionable to be signed. If the
American forces could not protect their own what Technology are they selling us,
(:28). to protect ourselves. Has Iran brought a new dimension into defense and
peace Technology? As I said to the Iranian teachings which was broadcasted directly
in Tehran. It's a very simple position, we have no choice but to enter peace. Let me
explain the next step of what we see and what I advised the Iranian leaders to follow
and to be brought to the United Nations table very rapidly. As sanctions have been
on Iran for a long time for supplying arms or whatever to what they claim to be
different sectors in Syria or wherever. Now that we have this new Technology
Iran has to become the enforcer of peace that no nation can ship any arms across
the planet. The Technology is within the reach of Iran. It's developed by the
Iranian scientists, now needs to be ** by what we call the ?** ** conference. What
does this mean? How come Iran was under pressure that if they ship fuel, guns, or
tanks or food to Syria it was a criminal offense. From now on no nation can carry any
ships, or planes, or materials from any border which can endanger life or create war.
As we say in English, what is good for the goose and good for the gander, what is
good for the female duck is good for the male duck. What we see is a total ban and
enforced by the Iranian new Technology of movement of arms by any nations, be it
the US, Russia, Iran be it China. (:30). This has changed the position of the force and
has brought a new dilemma for the American administration. If you remember when
we entered the peace talks. When we got the Iranian peace negotiations, 5 +1 to
conclusions in the last weeks, I made a speech to the Senate, that I want to know
which member of Senate would object to the creation of 5 to 15 million jobs by
signing of the peace treaty and contract with Iran, which then it went to the Senate.
Now the reality comes home that as the American government's military operators
cannot export or sell as also the Iranian, Russians, and Chinese cannot move anymore
the tools of war across the borders what happens to billions of dollars of income from
the military and jobs in the US. This forces a new position for the American
government. We'll see rapid unemployment in all states especially state of
California. This brings us to one point, we bring a condition of peace through all
the nations through the development of new Technology, deployment of the
Keshe Foundation Plasma Technology on a gravitational + magnetical,
condition, and then we have to use the condition of Inertia and
gravitational+magnetical fields as Plasma field forces to be able to create food
and energy for the number of Americans which go unemployed and have no food
or money to feed their family and their nation .This is not a dream, this is a reality
that will hit the European and American nations in a very rapid way. An agreement is
reached between all the nations, (:32). how to divert these talents and companies
which make tools of war and can't ship, (and shift them) into a new application of
what we call new Technology. My suggestion is very easy, Keshe Foundation has
put position for a massive structure in the state of Arizona and we invite the
American advanced Technology to join us with the Iranian scientists at this site
to develop new Technology that secures the national food security for America,
as it doesn’t matter what amount of food you have, you cannot go any further with
all of these mass murders and killings, from the past trend. (I have to change
microphones) .. In this process what we advised to the American government is very
simple, speak to the Iranian government and Keshe Foundation US and start
organizing for the mass unemployment that will hit your nation. It is very simple. I
was talking to a couple of military leaders in the past week, and they said, Mr. Keshe
there is a big problem, we have no more defense if Iran militarizes this and applies it
to all the neighboring nations. We'll have nothing to defend. There is no option left
but to enter peace talks with (:34). our neighbors that we do not spend the money we
don't have to spend. This was the situation of 2 weeks ago and the implication of the
Technology literally has brought a new dimension to the world peace and the
conditions we have created and we are responsible to respond to. My advice to his
Excellency President Trump is one thing, we invite you to Tehran for the March
meeting and in that conference it is better for you to come with the end of sanctions
on your nation to come, and not on the rest of the world. Sanction on selling arms and
creating wars and a peace treaty that allows all the nations to enjoy the new
Technology. We do not expect much, but we know we can deliver much. In so many
ways, the American administration has one choice, enter world peace or shake like a
leaf as we saw with the generals in front of the world media. This doesn't come out of
the arrogance, this comes out of the delivery of the Technology which was setup in
Tehran some 12 years ago. My message to the WH is simple, no one surrenders, but
we surrender to peace. No one becomes the winner except the peace for humanity and
as a leading Iranian nuclear physicist, and a tool for peace we open our operations in
Arizona as we did in expanding further in allowing a direct joint collaboration
between (:36). Iranian scientists, Americans, and the rest of the world, that we set
out a new way, new law, a new peace condition. I request from the Iranian
government and officials in Tehran, extend this knowledge to beyond the borders of
Iran that no nation cannot sell any tools of war so that they can't kill any child or
fathers. The point of changing has come and has come through the Technology and
science and not through the arrogance of guns. We increase the pressure on all
nations to head for peace and in the coming weeks we'll release systems for mass
production of many tools like, for creation of blood, extraction of CO2, creation
of new systems at the household level to feed nations and peoples without relying
on grain and food. These will head us in one direction, we are preparing mankind for
the depth of the space. The classroom has started as we see Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute has entered its research groups, I have seen some 21 groups have
been setup in research. Join in these groups for development of new Technology that
in the coming weeks and months it becomes beneficial to the human race and teaches
us more to do. On the other hand the question for all of us is very simple, what do we
do with all the knowledge that we have gained and where do we expect our leaders to
lead us to? I have one message for the world leaders, (:38). the warmongering is over.
Invest in the new Technology for space development, and for feeding your nations,
and the Keshe Foundation will release so much Technology that feeding your
nationals becomes a pleasure to be a part of. We have shown the magnetical and
gravitational field system which belongs and is developed now by the Iranian nation,
by the Iranian scientists. It was developed in 2008 and we brought the knowledge of
the Inertia and magnetical and gravitational field, internationally to all of you as Gans.
So we need to put these together. On the other hand as we already know the
knowledge of the matter state (I), mankind is ready to be taken into the space with the
security of understanding the total structure of what we call, Universal (all 3 states
together). If you would like to understand it in a different way, this is the Principle
(gravitational+magnetical), this is the Transition (I+ (gravitational+magnetical)), and
this is the Matter state (I). We know this by the books and the articles which have
been released. Do we need to create more tools to become faster to reach the depth of
the space, that depends on the dialog of what we call our religious leaders, our
political leaders, and primarily by our Soul. In the coming weeks as we release the
new systems and as we expand in the knowledge then we will see the totality, then
we'll see the next step, (:40). in the creation of the knowledge and Technology which
will allow our nations and our governments to take the new step. As one of our
friends said in one of the teachings, 'show me.' The time of 'show me' is over. You
show us, how you can help us to go further, it's not for us to show you how we go,
how we advance for you to take the pleasure. In the coming weeks we'll increase the
pressure in such a way on the governments with showing a new and totally radical
space Technology (gravitational+magnetical) on the Keshe Foundation. This
Technology will make the present Iranian space Technology obsolete. This
Technology will bring all the balances of the horses together (all 3 states). We left the
knowledge of the shielding to the Iranians for years. We brought the knowledge of the
Gans to the Knowledge Seekers for years. And mankind on his own understood the
Inertia. The new system which will be developed and released by the Iranian
conference, will be very clear. It will be a unit built like the Universe, it will have
gravitational that will allow it to create life, and at the same time if the life
depends on the matter state will be so. It is a radical change. The world leaders have
2 choices, to lead us to peace or we will lead them to 'no office.' (:42). Which means
the world leaders have to, as you Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in so many
ways, a few years ago, went on attack that we gave the knowledge to the governments
and not to you. Now we gave the knowledge to you and not to the governments
because they didn't listen. Now you and the governments will bring a new life, one we
call, the new spaceship program in a very simple way. In the coming system in the
Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit), we will mix the magnetical and gravitational
field system (gravitational+magnetical), we will mix Inertia and magnetical and
gravitational field (I + (gravitational+magnetical)) system, and we'll bring in the
matter state (I), collective of what you need to live in the space. This knowledge of
the magnetical and gravitational field system will demonstrate a new flight system
which will be in what we call, developed, within the Enhancement Unit. The
Technology has been developed and in due course will be shown. We hope to be able
to demonstrate this in the Tehran conference. As I said, knowledge is free but it has to
be free in the hands of the man of peace. In that process the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers have reached that state that we can enforce peace through
knowledge and we have to understand that the new world structure has to be
based on understanding of the totality of the work of the Universe (:44). and not
just man's decision to do what he likes when he likes, and in that process we'll bring a
new order, a new condition.

We are waiting our Chinese team to be ready in Beijing and then we'll translate and
we'll convert to what we call the Flu System in China. We are waiting, the Chinese
teams are in the background waiting to start this process. The European and American
team have put the introduction to this virus and are ready to start once our team is
ready to go, then we'll go further with it. .. Ruti can you hear us. Gyuan Lynn. Yes
Mr. Keshe I am here. Can you start translation for the Chinese community. I am
already translating for about 20 minutes. We'll switch to what we call the blueprint of
the influenza for the Chinese nation. You'll understand further more in what process
we can go ahead. Rick would you like to enlighten us to what was done by Ella, the
head of Keshe Foundation in the background, that we understand this virus and what
the Chinese community and all of us now that the Chinese are traveling across this
planet, have brought us as a gift, but in a way this is very life what we (:46). saw in
the situation with Iran. It is a gift which unites us, even though it looks so bad. We
would like to start the Virus Blueprint Day. This is what is a headache and a
problem in China for the Chinese government and nation. They are spreading and
spraying all the Chinese cities effected with all sorts of chemicals to prevent and
control it. The Knowledge Seekers of the Keshe Foundation in China, it is your
responsibility with the knowledge that you carry to be able to be able to bring all
the materials you have freely at no charge and no cost to your nation. Any of the
Keshe Foundation who tries to make benefit at this point for selling the products
or the process which is being introduced, you have to deal with your Soul. It
doesn’t matter how you produced or what you produced, it's what we call the
production of the materials of the Keshe Foundation and our process in the factory is
at the disposal of the Chinese nation. This means that as much as the Keshe
Foundation team can produce will be given freely to the Chinese nation for them to
protect themselves. At the moment yesterday 17 people have died in China and many
more have been infected. This is the Chinese New year and this is a gift from the
Keshe Foundation to the Chinese nation. (:48). through its Knowledge Seekers. We
understand what we call the disease, then we understand how we handled a much
stronger disease in pigs and we understand how simple the eradication of this virus
will be. Everything comes together, the Iranian peace conference, understanding of
totality of Keshe Foundation throughout the world working together, and breaking all
the taboos about the knowledge and understanding of the totality of the knowledge to
help humanity. As the viruses are the only things that will destroy man in the
space this is a very good exercise. This is an amazing exercise for all of us to
understand and to bring a position of what we call peace. This is a test run for
humanity before we go to space. A real test run. If we are hit in the space with
massive viruses how are we going to handle it. This is it, now it has hit the nation of
China. How are we going to be if it hits one of our spaceships. How are we going to
protect ourselves that all of us in the spaceship (Spaceship) are protected. We are in
the Spaceship in the depth of the space and we get hit by a virus, energy attached
to the Amino Acid (amino acid). We are on a Spaceship called earth. (:50). and
we got attacked by it. We saw this virus in different form a few years ago, it killed
many and brought mayhem to the Chinese nation. Now there are some rumors in
China which has some support, that this virus was deliberately introduced by the
Chinese New Year to create mayhem and create political instability. It doesn’t
matter, the Keshe Foundation is there. We'll teach the Keshe Foundation Knowledge
Seekers to be able to support the Chinese community, your families and yourself. The
process is very simple, we do not claim a medical application. We claim
environmental cleanup that in the process of cleaning the environment the totality of
the process becomes inevitable for all of us to use. Rick would you like to start. ..
explain the science behind the virus. (:52). We have a document from Ella. ..
"Virus Blueprint Day -- Coronavirus" ..

(:54). Ella explains refer to article in Keshe Foundation Plasma Times. .. Rick
reads.. virus in deep space travel. .. current approach in the medical world,,,
diagrams how to understand viruses through Knowledge science and Technology.
Corona virus. (:56). Rick I think you had better read this because for a lot of
people who don't speak or read English it will be very hard for them.

(You can copy and paste from the original article ..)

Viruses: energy packages without physicality - the dangers of deep space..


(1:04) . The Current approach in the medical world. We maybe have a first ground
to expand on.
.. There is no solution through the current medicine for it.
.. How to understand viruses through the Knowledge Plasma Science And
Technology we understand viruses are packages of energy that leech themselves
into ..
(1:22). Coronavirus: Coronaviruses are species of virus belonging to the subfamily
Coronavirinae in the family Coronaviridae, int the order Nidovirales. Coronaviruses
are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and with a
nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. ..

.. Coronaviruses were first described in the 1960s from the nasal cavities of patients
with the common cold. These viruses are subsequently named human Coronavirus
229E and human Coronavirus OC43. and they have been involved in more serious
respiratory tract infections. As of January 2020, deaths from China have risen to 17
with more than 540 cases confirmed. It is suspected to originate from illegally-traded

Replication of Coronavirus begins with entry into the cell. Upon entry into the cell
the virus particle is uncoated, and the RNA genome is deposited into the cytoplasm.
.. Severe acute respiratory syndrome.
(1:32). Middle East respiratory syndrome.
Spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus in China

.. they are spread between animals and people.

(1:40). Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough,
shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases infections can
cause pneumonia, severe respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
Standard recommendations to prevent infections from spread include regular hand
washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing .. thoroughly cooking meat and
eggs. no restrictions on travel. ..

How to protect yourself from getting infected.
What do we know about the virus?
It originated in a seafood market in Wuhan that 'conducted illegal transactions of wild
animals', authorities said. The market has since been shut down. There is also
evidence of human to human transmission with the new virus spreading to family
members and healthcare workers.


(These are the last 2 paragraphs)

But CNN reported that the "South China Seafood City" market in Wuhan peddled
more than seafood, obtaining video that allegedly shows raccoon, dogs, and deer
housed here inside small cages.

But why might such conditions create a breeding ground for zoonotic diseases?

"When you bring small animals together in these unnatural situations, you have the
risk of human disease emerging," says Kevin Olival, a disease ecologist and
conservationist at the EcoHealth Alliance. "If the animals are housed in bad
conditions under a lot of stress, it might create a better opportunity for them to shed
virus and to be sick,"

The area where the virus can potentially spread first.

(2:02). Keshe: How much more do you have left

Keshe: If we read from the top to the bottom the most important part of this report
comes in the last 2 paragraphs. If you go to the page above. We see in the report
that it explains "South China Seafood City", and officials and scientists talking about
when animals are in this duress and not in, (2:04). what we call, psychological in
a way right condition. We have seen these viruses and man does himself the same
thing when you tranStar Formationer what you call, psychosomatic diseases. We
need to understand the totality of the disease and then it teaches us a lot of things very
simply in the last 2 paragraphs, then the rest of what we read about. To be able to
handle viruses we need to in a way, make a conclusion and summation about the
totality. What does this mean. It means that in the current form and conditions and
how we get ** cancer, what I call ** ** viruses, is very simple. I am going to share a
screen white board. In a scientific way when we look at a solar system and when
we have a sun and a planetary system, In the world of science in understanding
the fields, these fields connect to each other. They connect through the matching
strength to each other, it doesn’t matter in which way it could be. So what it tells
us is very clearly, these are energy packs which are created by emotion. These
are energy packs which comes from the emotions of animals (2:06). or humans,
interestingly enough we tranStar Formationer it through our lung system,
through our breathing which is the emotional part of the body of the man. We
don't see these viruses attach or attack muscle tissues or whatever else. In the present
system it is very easy to understand how these viruses can be handled and in a
very simple way we can deplete them from it. As they say this virus takes hold
and moves in and takes hold within the structure of a cell, which sits on an
Amino Acid (amino acid) becoming and delivering energies which are not needed
and energies which need to be consumed until the point of the specific condition.
This is very much in line with why some people catch this virus and some people
don't. It means that those who catch the virus all have to have a specific strength
common denominator energy level. We can come in touch with, if the amino acid
in our nose or in our lungs is not of the strength matching of the virus we don't
catch it. Which means it goes back to what we said, a specific strength matching
locks into our amino acid and this creates this condition and many people have
that strength and when the strength of the emotion of the animal matches the
strength and the emotion of the man, (2:08). the virus tranStar Formationers.
This is a vital important position for man when he travels into space. In space we'll
become home sick. We'll get viruses attached to our emotion of missing home. We'll
get all sorts of these kinds of energy packs into our structure and in the space
condition we'll need to understand more. This is where a lot of research in the future
will come, in this level of understanding. But how can we help, and how can we
understand to help? If you have a lung which is infected by this material, by this
energy, it has to go into the nasal passage or through the breathing of the mouth.
These are amino acid connected diseases or what we call energy packs. The most
fundamental point for people in China is what they are trying to do is to cover their
faces with what we see, it has become very common, these face masks. At the same
time we see it with fever or with sneezing, or with pneumonia. The proper source or
way to, tranStar Formationer the energy of a virus out of it, is to introduce
another plasma to it. A Gans state. Because it is an energy pack. Do you (2:10).
remember the glass of water with an orange or a banana, in a way, when we
created and put material around the cup we managed to tranStar Formationer
the energy of the orange or banana to the cup. We created an condition of energy
fields that it could be tranStar Formationerred. Many of you when you made these
cups you said it doesn’t have the taste, 'I don't taste or feel anything,' Because there is
one vital element (missing), because the glass or the cup you used was too clean.
There were no amino acid to create the condition of the tranStar Formationer. What
we learned from this is one of the most fundamental points for the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers who go out to eliminate this (the virus) is the existence or
presence of amino acid in the Gans that you use. You create a condition that the
amino acid, or the field which is connected to the virus, finds a passage of tranStar

(HOW TO USE the Gans for the virus: )

You'll find that very rapidly the virus will deplete itself, from its energy in the cell,
(then the) fever, pneumonia, and lung infection will change condition in the body of
the man. One of the fundamental things that you have is the use of the amino acid
on the Gans systems that you can create that link. The other point is, that as this
is emotional, it has given us a very clear (Zn) direction. (2:12). It's connected to
the amino acid, the Zn. As it connects itself to the muscle or what you call the
environment of the muscle tissue of the lung and can exist in the ** nasal, is the
presence and application of Cu. You have to remember that the energy of the
virus is more, so the total effect of your Gans and amino acid, has to be weaker
than the virus that it can deplete its energy into it, but in a way part of the energy
of the virus is still in the cell, part of the energy of the virus in the amino acid, but
none has the strength to carry on, and we see a rapid reduction in temperature, and
fever, and clearing of the lung. The way that we suggest to our Chinese colleagues is
very simple. You use these (face) masks to breath, make a mixture of amino acid
of the Zn, plus Cu, and frequently spray the mask. Either way as you breath it
creates a lung, and at the same time depletes if there is anymore virus in
connection to your amino acid. In a way you put a barrier between the one who
carries it and your body, if it is not immune to it, or has the same strength, (2:14). by
putting the masks you absorb either way you deplete it. Very simple and very
effective. In some cases you can use the Gans water of the CuO ** ** as to reduce, as
it is emotional you can simply wet your hair or your hands with it that it depletes the
emotional strength from it. It goes back to the ethos of the work of the Keshe
Foundation, as this is from the emotion of the animal, it is psychosomatic and it
appears itself in the lung of the man, for that. So you need to create a condition
that, in a way, by wetting your hair and wetting your head with the Gans of Zn
and CuO. You can use a small amount of CO2 for neural connection, and you'll
find a rapid depletion. You can even use it to spray the house, you can spray your
hands and make this as water available right across the city. It should not take too
long to in a way, bring the energy of it under control and gradually as the sum
multiplication in the Gans with which you create will reduce the totality, you will find
the virus will be more or less eradicated. This is how in the space Technology of the
future we will do this. But you have to understand that this is a man dimension
application as of today. In the space we don't have waters, (2:16). so new Technology
have been developed that will be coming to operation in the next few months where
we create the condition that, as we saw yesterday Chinese are putting vehicles in the
street and spraying all sorts of chemicals trying to protect. What the Chinese officials
have to do and understand, if you can create a condition of the amino acid in your
mixture, plus some Gans's you'll see effective reduction. The next day or 2 is the
Chinese New Year .. and the Chinese Keshe Foundation you can give this as a gift to
your nation. Produce as much as you can and freely in containers, give to the people
to spray their masks, to wash their mouth and even those who are contaminated, just
you can do it. We have a very good news for you, the Keshe Foundation has within
its arsenal and we'll release documentation to confirm that these materials are
non-poisonous and safe. This is when we at the Keshe Foundation produce it. We
are in possession of non-toxicity of this material and of other conditions done within
the past few days in China. This is the place, the factories, the productions we have.
We have paid a lot of money to confirm it and so we can say from what we have, that
it is non-toxic material. The materials that we have tested has shown to be non-
poisonous which can be used and at the same time we have certification for
production (2:18). of this Gans material for this purpose which will endeavor
after the Chinese New Year to spread across China in mass production of waters that
can give you the support of this material to support the Chinese nation. This is a gift
from the Keshe Foundation to the government of China, we have already informed the
authorities that we have the process.

Keshe Foundation Chinese production systems need to collaborate and to make these
available freely across China. Our production team is ready to deliver. There is a
restriction to transport liquids within this city which is damaged, or it's on the, what
we call the curfew of transportation. We have people who are within the city who
have some materials. It's your responsibility to share and deliver this to its citizens.
We will face these kind of viruses created by ourselves for our emotional
compensation in the depth of the Universe, and we'll attract these kind of viruses
from the emotion of those who are captured, be it animals or other structures in
the life of the Universe. The last 2 paragraphs of the report is the conclusion of the
reality of what man has done to other animals, that in return they pass their
emotion back to us, but the emotion is so high that we cannot handle it. Now you
can imagine what we have done to these creatures of God. (2:20). We have seen
this in Africa with the fish, and I am not surprised that they say it's in the fishing
ground, or in the fishing city by the sea, and they think it has gone through the fish
market. It could be correct, it depends on what the fishermen have done to their fish in
the, what we call, development. What have we done to the fish that its emotion has
tranStar Formationerred to the cell, the virus to man. It doesn't necessarily mean
that it comes from the birds or animals. The same with the Middle East one, what has
man done to the camels that he has tranStar Formationerred his emotion for
man to feel his pain. This is what we have to educate ourselves on, and not to see
how it came, but to see how we have caused it. What has been behind it, us as
humans. In a way we are harvesting the fruit of our own conduct. In so many
ways, maybe it was the fish that has brought it to us. Maybe it's the combination of
different animals in captivity and so horrendous conditions that this virus is a
collective energy of 2 or 3 animals together, what we have done wrong to them
that it comes to us. (2:22). With this Technology we have to be very open minded
and understand the totality and not to be captivated by simplicity just to justify our
own suffering. We have caused it and we are paying for it. Now maybe the
Americans have brought it, the dog has done it, or it comes from the whatever
excrement of the animal, or is airborne. It is the emotion based. In so many ways the
solution is so simple, but would it teach us something new, or every now and then
we jump from one virus to another because we harm others. That due to the
strength ** their emotion is connected to the amino acid of their lives, so they
connect it to us. If one day the scientific world doesn't just look at who has it, but
looks at the common denominator of the emotion of who got it, who has been
infected. I am sure, you'll find 99% of all the ones who are infected or catch the
disease have more or less the same emotional disease strength as the animal.
(2:24). We saw in one part of this report it said, the ** food chain got it from the
farmer, did the emotion spread the same? They suffer the same as the farmer or in the
hand of the farmer that they got it. This is what in overall is the responsibility of the
governments to make sure the animal care becomes a pleasure and comfort for
the animal that in turn they don't become a menace to man through their
emotion of what we call, ** man. In the depth of the space we'll come across these
energy packs which effect only these certain races, because the condition of emotion
fits to their energy level. The condition of the Soul with not being happy with the
presence of its existence will bring these to. The purpose of these teachings is to
enlighten the man for the harm he has done to himself and to those who live
within and around. We see these kind of viruses continuously out of East Asia
where animal husbandry is very rough, where due to large population everyone is
crammed and no one is happy there to be. (2:26). When we see these viruses usually
we see them in winter time when the pressure, emotion, and the motion bares the
condition of what we call cold. They are usually single-stranded which are mainly
connected to the emotion, that is why the Keshe Foundation Gans Technology
interacts rapidly. When you have a double-strand, which means the totality of
both the physicality and the emotion, very much what we saw with the pigs.
Those usually because of there strength come through higher temperature and
warmer places. Mutation of the higher level strength and then you bring them to
a cold environment, they become deadly as what we have seen with the African flu
in northern Europe and now in China. We understand the totality of the interaction of
the fields. This is one of the reasons no antibiotic works because what we call
virus is connected to the emotion. The medical and the world of pharmaceutical
has no material and no medicine for emotion, energy of the emotion. This is why
the energy of emotion is a dynamic field and the Gans Technology is the only
answer, the only answer to viruses. Now we understand we have broken into the
world of the science of the Universe, (2:28). and now we understand how we can
understand and apply simple Technology that in reality we do not need to go into the
physical dimension, we need to solve the problem in the emotional dimension.
Mankind is very lucky that he has not ** had the strand of viruses of single strand
directly to the emotion. If we make it double-stranded in the background of the
single-strand we'll have the plague we saw in Europe called the "Black Plague."
Because it has the double strand in the background of the single and it's so
deadly. Maybe this is a warning to our farmers, to our governments, to start
thinking about the care of the animals in a human way that they are happy in
their existence that we will not see anymore viruses. Any virus, SARS or what
name you put on it, through the Keshe Foundation Gans Technology is resolvable,
irrespective of its strength. We have antibiotics for everything else, now we have
Gans Technology for viruses. (3:00). This is why our doctors and pharmaceuticals
always fail to overcome viruses because they never understood that viruses are energy
packs which attach themselves to the amino acid and create such a mayhem. Now that
we understand that it is the simplicity of the Technology and the simplicity of
understanding the Technology to create conditions for this tranStar Formationer. If we
can and use different Gans's to just deplete part of the energy of the virus from
the body of the man or the animal, you'll find out, that as it is half linked, it will
not have the effect, and we'll see the reduction in temperature, fever, we'll see
rapid reduction, within virtually minutes. We're not talking about hours and days,
these energy tranStar Formationers are from one bucket to another, it's immediate. It's
very simple, we need connection of the amino acid, you need the connection of the
emotion, and you need the connection with the body of the man and in so many ways,
literate of physical connection through CO2, will bring wonders. But make sure the
centers are low that you don't use too much, that the energy tranStar
Formationer comes to it. If you get your balance wrong you might even give
some energy to the amino acid that in return it will bring it back, and it takes it
that much longer to overcome the infection or tranStar Formationer of energy.
(2:32). As I said, it's the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
to very rapidly to spread this across China. You might have some success with the
amino acid and the Cu because in that process you might have tranStar
Formationerred some energies across, because in your ** amino acid when you
are producing CuO you (accidentally) might have some Zn and in the process
you (would have) created some CO2. But to be safe the recipe is this (amino acid,
Zn, Cu, CO2). we know that Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in China hold
tons of this material amongst themselves. Go and Just wet the masks, take the
water and let the people breath, wash or wet their face mask with it and you will
see that they recover. Go to the hospital where the infected are and just let the
doctors use it. We'll provide the certificate of non-poisonous (non-toxicity) on the
back of Keshe Foundation Austria. We have the certification that the material is non-
toxic and this gives us the security to do. Guan Lynn would you like to explain the
non-poison certification that you have received. GL- Yes, we have done the MSDS
report and they did the CO2 test of the content test to show what is inside. (2:34).
And some tests for feeding the animals and skin tests for allergies is still ongoing. We
already have the water produced by Chinese pharmaceutical and food factory that is
our water is all qualified for feeding all regulations of the energy drinks. Keshe: In so
many ways, we can distribute these waters on the back of what we have to support the
Chinese Keshe Foundation to support your nation. We hear the reports from Brazil
that I have noticed in the Keshe Foundation family, saying that the virus has arrived in
Brazil, there is no difference, you have a competent team in Brazil who make these
things and they can support you this way. You can take a drop, you don't need a huge
amount of it, you can take a few drops per day on your tongue to keep yourself
immune. You can wet the mask with it to keep yourself immune, you can drink some
of the water which is produced by Keshe Foundation to do this thing. It's just the
tranStar Formationer of the energy. Go back to the teaching, understand the
teaching, when you have the infection of the lungs, in the structure of the body of
the man, a pipe goes down to where your stomach is, and in the process where
the infection, (2:36). or what we call the virus is in the lungs and you drink the
water, which is set for it, you tranStar Formationer the energy across to it. And
as this is connected to the brain, psychosomatic, you do the same when you wet
your hair, when you breath and you drink. It depletes as many cells as possible
that allows you to recuperate very fast. No one should die in China of this disease,
of this virus, if the Chinese Keshe Foundation supporters are able to spread this
material across China as fast as possible. You all have made Gans's. Those of you
who know the Technology but never did (make Gans's), for the sake of your nation do
it. Setup boxes and spread it across, give freely. It's you who has to save your nation.
We are there to guide. It's a gift we gave you as a knowledge. We'll open the factory
production of the Keshe Foundation in the Chinese nation as we did in Italy during
the earthquake. It's the responsibility of you as Knowledge Seekers to take out to the
streets, and take it out to the hospitals and let the doctors test it. Show them that it is
just water and let them do and see how they recover. We can bring this under control
before the Chinese New Year. It depends on you. We know there is a Keshe
Foundation team in an infected area and they already tested the water yesterday, we
have tried to, they have received some materials, (2:38). for that purpose a few days
ago, they can use that directly to the hospitals. We will provide you with the
certification for the waters to keep you safe within the structure of the legal
frame of the nation. We have informed the university in China who is collaborating
with us and they are trying to find the channels through the government. The problem
with the Chinese structure is many of these bureaucracies set within the structure of
the Chinese government. This has to be sorted within the structure of President Xi's
government. Having lived in China for long enough, we see huge, huge problem in
China, as the nation will come to these things it will suffer more. I compare the
structure of governing in China very much with the caste system of India. There
is no difference, it works exactly the same, just given different names. One
cannot go to the other unless you have it within yourself not to be in the other. In
India we see those who have no caste, have no place. This is one of the problems we
have in India for the conference. People who are without a caste and are
Knowledge Seekers of the Keshe Foundation will not be allowed in the hotel.
What a ridiculous thing for the Soul of the man. Who made this caste except
those who have abused the man, and we see the same thing in the structure of the
governing of China. If you are not connected to one group, one class you can't go
up and everything dies at your level. (2:40). One uses imaginary, and one uses
the fact to block. This is a problem for President Xi to sort out. As you know I
speak out, correct and up, and this is what we have seen. There is no difference
between India and China, it is just covered under a different name and different
process and ordinary people have no access to take their knowledge to the top. As
those who is does not suit them, blocks them because they don't have access. The
Chinese have to make a system, the structure of the government of president Xi has to
make a system that the totality through that system can have access to everything.
Keep your classes but make it possible that people can ** This is what we se now
with this and bigger a bigger problem in China will come the same way. The top will
never get to know anything because there is no access in the hierarchy of the structure
in the government in China. President Xi of China should have been explaining to
his nation the solution, we have it, look at it, it is there, and it is done. The case is
done. Instead, the whole nation instead of celebrating the New Year lives in the
fear of life. There is a problem in the administration of the Chinese government and it
has to be sorted at the level that the nation stays calm. As you understand, all the New
Years parties are canceled, and there isn't a single mask to be sold anywhere in China.
Everybody bought a mask but it is an energy tranStar Formationer and the
mask doesn't have much use, unless you can create the barrier through Gans's
that you can absorb the energy. (2:42). This is what needs to be done. I have been
openly consulting with the Chinese government and this is one of the biggest
problems we have. We see in China, I am not the only one, but many people who live
in China and work with China, see the structure of the level blockages of one of the
main causes, and problems in understanding other work and the ways, and it is piling
up to the point that sooner or later it has to be addressed. This disease is one of them.
The administration of the government of China should be easy to avoid this and
understand the Technology. The scientists sitting on the top of the structure of the
Chinese organization with health are blocking everything because they are what
they call, a specialist and they see themselves as not finding the cure, so I had
better not put it out because it doesn’t give me credibility. It's the responsibility, as
we said, if you remember with the keys, we gave the USB Stick to the governments
and they did nothing. When we gave it to you, we have seen in the past years you
have been developing different aspects. Now it's your responsibility to do the same.
Take the Gans's to the hospitals and the street and give it to the people. It will become
the responsibility of the office of president Xi to respond to your actions. Let the
nation reach prosperity and peace and happiness in the New Year. This is the
revolution in science and we have to be able to deliver it. All the Chinese Keshe
Foundation in Beijing, in Guan Xou and all parts of China make as much Gans as you
can and freely distribute it across China. (2:44). Those of you who keep it stockpiled,
it has to become free to your nation. The Keshe Foundation materials are available to
the nation. It's the responsibility of our teams to make sure that we distribute as much
as we can. The cost of transportation of liquid. The method of transporting liquid into
the infected areas has been blocked as I was told yesterday. Drive with cars, take it to
them and give it to them (yourself). Next week after the New Year a large factory
setup by the Keshe Foundation in China will open up. I allow the Chinese government
to have full access to this factory for all its production until they are happy that the
disease is over. The Keshe Foundation will cover the cost, for what we need, you can
use. Our team is already working on it and speeding it up and if we can get to the
fast production of the portable units, in the early month of February, we will
place these systems across China. The Keshe Foundation will cover the costs, that
people can just take the waters and disinfect themselves. We can produce structures
that can create the multiple mixtures of all the elements needed for this purpose.
We have the knowledge, the Technology, and the backing of the Keshe Foundation in
China. Those of you who want to help go directly and send the messages, if you need
help, go directly to our common line that you all know and have used. (2:46). It's Internationally if you need any help with this matter, as
you understand the Keshe Foundation operation has always had a response, and a
response criteria that would allow to contact us, to be able to send messages and we'll
try to help you through what we call our common line. If you are in Brazil or other
countries, or you are traveling to China, and you need help, or you have the materials
you want to spread to help the others, there are 2 channels of communication for
Keshe Foundation inside and outside China. ( or the
common line within China) If you have materials that you want to send we'll find
drivers that will take you. we can bring this together and I am sure the Keshe
Foundation China will respond to the best of their ability to support. We have
materials in different locations and places between different Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers which means that even if we have to buy from them to give it
freely to the nation, Keshe Foundation will take all the steps. (2:48). The application
of the Plasma Technology is the only solution to the virus. Mankind has never had
any solution. We have shown and delivered (the Technology). We have shown it with
Ebola and with African Pig Flu and we have shown it in other cases. Now there is a
suffering of a nation. As One Nation, the Chinese nation is part of us. We have to
respond to the call of a nation, the call of the human race, we see ** but we don't
understand what pressure the Chinese community, government, and country is under
today on the eve of the New Year. We love the Chinese, we live amongst them and
we feel the pressure. As I wrote this morning to one of the leading people in the
Chinese structure, very simple, this is a message from the Keshe Foundation to the
Chinese officials, we stand solid as friends with your nation, and all Chinese
government in these times of trouble. (2:50). Deliver as much Gans as you have to
the Chinese authorities and make sure that it is free. The Keshe Foundation will cover
the costs, if you want to make a living out of it, but understand that you will have to
be correct in conduct and ** materials please get in touch with the lines we have
given you. If you want material, if you are infected ** ** the Keshe Foundation
near you to drive to you. to deliver, to be able to support, the Keshe Foundation China
will be in that position to do so.
Please take this Blueprint and share it across Q Qs and the Keshe Foundation in China
and let those who can help the others and be proud to be part of Keshe Foundation
family worldwide. There are so many supporters in China. We need to respond
correctly to the Chinese nation. Put it this way, if somebody from this market has
flown on one of the airlines to the Middle East, or Europe for Chinese New Year and
if they are carrying it, soon we'll see it across Western Europe and the US. The time
of incubation is 12 days. (2:52). So it is for all of you to be with us across (the planet)
and we see this situation as very serious. It's extremely serious. I'll send a picture to
Rick to show you how this situation is taken in China. This is yesterday in China and
you'll understand the enormity of the pressure on the Chinese Central Government. As
Keshe Foundation supporters you need to understand how to, this nation is working
** .. Play the video and you can understand how serious the situation is in China
today . Now you understand why we have given a Blueprint Day for this and it is
right across on the eve of New Year in China.
(2:54). Rick plays video about China of trucks driving down the street spraying
chemicals to stop the virus ..

Any questions?
These flu's are so effective we caught one nearly 2 months ago in Brazil (2:56).
and all of us are still suffering from it. We caught a strange strand of it, with
temperature, even today I still suffer with it. But this strand is very powerful. Any
questions. Q: From Austria, it would be important to have transcriptions as fast as
possible so everyone can use it for translations and so on. We should we set up a team
to do it in the next days? (2:58). Keshe: Please share and we'll be giving the
documents for translation ..
We'll see a lot of these problems coming up through animals in the Universe. We
have seen the cancers which are working on these grounds. Are there any questions
from the Chinese community. (3:00). Q: If I want to send Gans's, as you know now a
days it is very difficult with liquids. If I send dry Gans's will it be the same effect?
Keshe: Yes, but the only problem is how you will bring the amino acid to the dry
Gans. This is a problem with it, but on the other hand it can be done. Dry Gans's
show more potency and power in certain cases. Liquid transportation at the present
moment is very difficult across borders, especially with transportation companies,
they'll refuse to transport liquids. One solution is dry Gans's but we see more effect
when there is amino acid or a lot of Knowledge Seekers they never take the amino
acid and separate it from their containers, and they mix it with the Gans's and they get
a good result. Some of the people who separate the Gans's they don't see such a
good result because they separate the amino acid. In a good way Knowledge
Seekers have to understand how and what they are using if they collect the amino
acid, that batch of Gans's will not be good for these kind of applications. We learn as
we go along and the process is very simple. (3:02). Q: What kind of amino acid
forms on the surface of a glass of water and what about one in saltwater? What does
that mean, if you are making Gans's. We are talking about the amino acid which is
made during the process of Gans production. Q: How do we maintain the fields of
amino acid and water? We usually collect it from the top, in operation, we see some
of them loosing that fatty operation because they tranStar Formationer their energies
to the environment but the effect of the strength of the amino acid stays within the
water, within the Gans's. We keep some of the Gans's with it, so a factor of it stays
within the ** structure. Rick: Is it best to keep them intact as compared to putting
them in a blender, is it a good idea to put them in a blender or not? Keshe: Why do
you put it in a blender, you tranStar Formationer all the energy to the metal in
the blender. Rick: yeah, but sometimes you said with other Gans's to mix them?
Keshe: For this reason when you use amino acid, if you use amino acid you have to
make sure you keep it within the structure. Rick: That makes sense .. (3:04). Q:
Can we do any prevention, like in an airport spraying of the Gans's? Keshe: You see
in the prevention you create that mass, the energy of the virus tranStar
Formationers to the material you made available. That's the prevention. You
cannot bring immunization, in a way, but when you spray or you put whatever
in the open environment you create that filtering effect. It's very much like
whenever you fly from any African nation into Europe, something funny happens.
You'll see just before takeoff when they close the doors, the airhostesses walk with 2
spray cans in their hands and they just walk from the back to the front of the plane.
That is one of the musts. The reason for it they say it kills any malaria mosquitoes or
whatever which have boarded on the plane. Do we have to go to that level that we
spray Gans's in the plane that any passenger carrying the disease, not only
breathing it, gets disinfected, but if there is anything in the cabin we deplete it,
that we do not tranStar Formationer energy across different planes and borders
and people. These are the options that the Keshe Foundation in the long term have to
put into procedures that. There are other ways to do it and apply it. (3:06). We have
to expand into that level, but if we do it in the airport, this is what is needed to be
done. Any other questions. It's a very beautiful short, sharp, effective blueprint,
because you are all Knowledge Seekers so it's very easy to share the knowledge very
rapidly. Any other question. Do we see anything on the Chinese channels? Rick:
there is a new study that suggests that snakes maybe the source of the Coronavirus
outbreak. Keshe: anything could be, if you put the snake under stress it will create it.
Rick: Because they were sold at the animal market at Wuhan apparently. (3:08). We
have seen these things with the fish in Africa where they put so many small fish
in the 5m x 5m x 5m tank in the rivers and as they grow they don't deplete the
numbers and they get tighter and tighter, and they'll create cancers of the eye
and they receive it in their tails, and their flesh opens up and they are not happy.
And then they sell these and we see diseases in the food chain. It's normal. We
create it, then we blame it, and then we don't know what to do with it. The Keshe
Foundation is the only structure in science and Technology that considers the emotion
on the physicality and the Soul of the animal and the Soul of the man and we need to
create a condition of what we call satiStar Formationying the big imbalance between
us and ** When the physicality is not happy in a dimension of the Soul of the
physicality the animal will show its harm to its physical dimension. Now we have
the process to do it, we have the knowledge to elevate the Soul and the emotion. We
have seen how it works in China or in Africa. (3:10). Q: Is there any proportion we
have to use in the Gans types or is it the normal 50:50 or 60:40? Repeat. The
proportions of the Gans's? Keshe: You see you have to learn the process of the uses
of the Gans's which is not observed or known or by many of our Knowledge
Seekers, is, you are trying to bring balance between the physicality and the
emotion, yeah. It means the emotional side which is the Zn and the physicality which
is, what connection line of CO2 have to have certain balances, this is how we decide
what balance we put in. Then you have a physical factor which is the Cu, CuO, then
you consider that in that proportion, then you consider the amino acid comparison to
what you want to connect with, very weak, because then the connection will be weak
that it can feed it. When we decide on the ratio of Gans's in any mixture, you
consider the totality. (3:12). Is it emotional or non-emotional based? Is it touching
the physical condition or not? All these things count when you decide. Then you don't
need anybody to tell you the ratios. How bad is the emotional damage that it shows
itself in a very bad physical condition. Does it mean that your ratio of Zn has to be
higher? That by satiStar Formationying the emotion you sort out the physicality. This
is understanding the science of the knowledge, and not in pieces, just numbers and
names. Comprehending the essence of the work.

Q: You know what I always talked about, this should be good for creating, it is your
own vaccine? What do you mean?

Q: ** therapy.
Keshe: That's your idea. We are all free to test and try. Being in balance is the
decision we make with our souls and physicality. It doesn’t matter which way you
choose and which way you use, as long as it doesn’t harm our Soul or our physicality
and neither the others. You see, (3:14). when you look at these viruses, and I heard a
lot the Americans have explained it as dreaded, done this. We see it as a certain
thing. We are expecting a second degree virus delivered, to be released very soon.
I am looking at this virus as one of them. But we are expecting this to be done. I am
a strong believer in what I have seen in the data, whatever, why the African Pig Flu
was brought to China, and as I said, we saw it very rapidly in the American supply of
pigs to China. It is not normal, the way this flu spread across China. It was what
we call a commercial, financial decision. This is controlled. As I said very recently,
and I'll keep on saying until people understand, the planet earth has certain space of
land, and in the past centuries those who thought they are more powerful they
colonized, the British, French, Portuguese, all the European colonization, because
they went through the industrialization and they created mass war weapons and
everything else and they thought they were more superior. They colonized African
nations and East Asia and whatever. Now there is no more mass land to colonize, but
still underneath, (like) the French they are making a lot of money out of their
colonization because they never freed the nations which they colonized. They are still
slaves to this nation. (3:16). Now that there is no more mass land and we haven't
managed to find new planets to enslave the people, the slavery and colonization
has come through the line of science and food and weapons. When you can get
hold of a new Technology and enslave others to it, it is a new form of
colonization. Killing scientists to take their Technology and using it to the advantage
of a nation has become part of the work of the European nations and the Americans,
slavery and colonization through science and Technology, and this has to stop. This is
why we spread the Keshe Foundation knowledge this way. The attempt by the
Belgium government on our Technology and the others that we have seen. To (about)
them we have seen Huawei in Canada, these are all part of trying to enslave nations
through Technology, because there is no more land mass, unless we enslave the fish,
the cat, the dog, and the birds. Colonization through science and Technology has
become the biggest work of the European nations. They are the smallest and they
don't have a land mass to feed their nation, so now they steal, the same as before.
They used to have what we call, pirates on the seas. Now they are pirates in the air,
the way they got me for 11 days in Canada. Now we see they got Huawei that way.
The reason Huawei is in the court is because they are too advanced so they
hijacked the child, we hijack it and then we force the company to give us what
they have. It's nothing but short of hijacking, terrorism in advanced (3:18).
companies in science. Then what happened to our emotion, we feed it back to our
nation. You wait and see what will become of a nation called, Dutch. You saw the
virus coming from the pigs or the snake. It comes from the Soul of the man who
brought so much. One will be ashamed to carry a passport from that nation, what we
call, that comes from there. You will understand soon. This is part of what we call the
process. This is how it works out. It is, we have to understand mankind can't do what
he has done, and we try to bring it to an end before we take mankind into space. Any
other question or shall we call it a day. We are running into our 3.5 hours now. Q: Has
the Wuhan case in the US been discussed? What do you mean? It was on the map in
Washington state in the US .. (3:20). Rick: I see from the Seattle Times, (Keshe:
What they have a case there?) a man from Washington state had Wuhan Coronavirus
and he had close contact with at least 16 people. Keshe: Where did he get it from,
China? Rick: he had been traveling solo in Wuhan since November and had been
feeling unwell, symptoms several days after returning to Washington state and is
being monitored and is in a special isolated.. Keshe: can somebody go there and give
the guy some Gans? Rick: He is in satiStar Formationactory condition according to
the doctor. Keshe: Yeah, a percentage of them catch this flu. Q: .. When our body
takes the virus and overcomes its power does it mean we are ever to use the virus
energy, so in future interaction we can use the virus energy? And even our Soul
creates the virus as a way to strengthen us? Keshe: We use the energy of the
virus definitely in our body, we already explained that before, but do we create a
level of energy we call it a virus to support us? In some cases we do. (3:22). But
then that energy applies to certain positions and certain cells which are of the strength
of it. I hope we brought a beautiful gift and less suffering of life to the Chinese
community. It is the responsibility of the Chinese community and those who hold the
stockpiles. It doesn't matter how much, try to talk to each other, what the other is short
of. Drive to each other and deliver it to the people who are infected, and make sure
your own homes are secure. Just spray the house with it and it will not come in. Spray
the passage of the buildings you are in, you will safe guard your neighbors. Very
simple acts can clear a lot of things and brings peace of mind. If there is nothing else
we'll end the day, one of the shortest and sweetish blueprint. Our best wishes to the
nation of China in the New Year and I am sure this will come as part of the history of
the nation. On the other hand we need to understand that we are all connected, be it
the animal or be it the man, and our emotions effect each other in the dimension of
physicality. Thank you very much. (3:24). I think the head of Keshe Foundation has
some announcements to make if she is still awake. The list of announcements she sent
me a list of it. One by one of them. First Keshe Foundation donation line has been
opened up again and directly to the cards of standard procedure of payments. Keshe
Foundation transcribers, we need more people to transcribe and translate into other
languages that we can share the new knowledge, especially on the 21 research groups
that are setup that others can join in, (3:26). ..
There is a note here to inform in 2 weeks time there is a conference in Mexico City if
anybody wants to register. Can anybody in Education talk about these research
groups that you have set up.
(3:28). they call themselves G1, G2, G3
.. each group will explain what they are doing

(3:30) .

313th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, January 30, 2020

(*****Coronavirus One Cup: Hidden Secrets: Salt, Soul, MaGrav;


In 2010 Mr. Keshe was captured and terrorized in Canada by orders of the Americans
and Hillary Clinton, He will not travel to Mexico conference, Call for the setting up of
"Sepah" a military force to protect the people and Universal and Earth Councils
during the time of transition, Coronavirus is spreading in China Keshe Foundation
made video "One Cup, One Life" to save yourself and family from this virus and
others in the future, 300 million downloads and increasing, Shows Video of One Cup,
When we open into space we'll encounter viruses like this, This is a test run, 5
possible cases which used the Gans and fever dropped, Central control of the Chinese
Government has stopped movement of people and will contain the virus but not so in
the west where movement is not controllable, This is a 2 part virus that was
deliberately introduced to China on New Years for maximum effect. The first part
came as African Pig Flu and those who ate infected meat received the first part into
their bodies, The second part the Coronavirus was expected and arrived now and
when it links with the first part it creates a deadly composite virus and people start
rapidly dying, The connection between the two viruses is from a plasmatic point of
view and not biological,

Many space travelers can't land here because the environment acts like a virus, Keshe
Foundation researchers have to understand what allows Amino Acids (amino acid) of
the Soul and RNA to connect to another's energy like a virus, and how every field that
comes out of stars and planets effect us, The respect for Ella as head of Keshe
Foundation has to remain sacrosanct "her presence is my presence", Knowledge
Seekers taking charge of Keshe Foundation has to be through correct conduct and out
of devotion for humanity, Will the Iranian government have the first Sepah to control
and support humanity towards peace, The king of Belgium had to give blood tests
which have now become part of the court evidence and is open to public, Tests can be
made to confirm if the man who wrote and Keshe Foundation patent and the one who
paid for the patent are both illegitimate sons of the king, There are 50 murder cases in
France and killing of scientists to be linked to the king, This will result in the end of
kingship, Brexit is because the UK didn't share the 140 billion in Libya's gold with
other European nations so they forced them out, Talks about Rothschild's dealings
with the Vatican and calling the debts in and how the gold was tranStar
Formationerred to Berlin by the German Pope and why he had to abdicate and the
relation to Spain, Portugal Ireland and Greece going broke, Every amino acid is
unique to the Cup which has made it depending on conditions salinity distance from
Nano plate etc.. In coming time we will not use Nano plates to make Gans we'll be
able create the conditions for it -- We'll even replicate the field strength of the Gans's
and of the matter state that the matter doesn’t need to be there, This will be shown in
the next version of the Enhancement Unit, Explains what the heartbeat is and how it
works and can change, The strength of your Gans, dictates the strength of your
heartbeat, Plants can control their heartbeat that's why they can live both summer and
winter life, "If I control the strength of my Soul will I have to eat?," Knowledge
Seekers says he doesn't eat of sleep for up to 48 hours, Trick add a little salt to your
coffee, Salt is part of your life, it's the channel of the solution and dilution of energy,
Problem sharing Keshe videos on Internet, Explains in detail how does the Gans
depletes the energy of the Virus in terms of magnetical and gravitational fields, The
virus links to the amino acid and then gets replicated, Using amino acid makes the
connection easy and very rapid, The Keshe Foundation has developed a new
technology that will control amino acid in all directions even directly to the Soul of
the man, Through the Enhancement Unit the Soul of the man will be elevated, Many
will come out of the Enhancement Unit as a Soul, Mr. Keshe comes from a line of
Jewish and Moslem prophets this is why they don't kill him, The number of amino
acid is countless, Describes how the cells of the body work, each single cell has a
specific salinity this information is kept by the brain and when damaged it is replaced
exactly with the same salinity, Arteries of the heart shake continuously but don't break
apart related to the salinity, He came here to enjoy the pleasures of the physical
dimension taste touch smell love, He came here to admire what he created and to see
what it can be given, Earth is like a lab, Shows some of the One Cup reactors, Instead
of a battery you can connect with wire, The color of the Gans like green or yellow is
due to the amount of energy in battery,

The SECRETS Hidden in One Cup -- Salt, Soul, MaGrav

Between the Nano coil and Cu coil and Zn plate you have created a spectrum of CuO2
and CO2 and the amino acid on top is also a spectrum of all these fields together, this
is why it is so effective, Furthermore you have created the Gans condition, from the
condition of the matter Cu with matter Zn, this is the connection between the brain of
the man and the physicality in the strength of the Mg. This is how most of the salts are
made, because these waters are in the condition of the plasma of the universe, they are
not just water, This is how salts are created in the universe, the Gravitational pull in
the matter state, which is what we call salt; The Second secret, the Cup has a Soul,
between the Nano coil and Cu coil and Zn plate you have created a dynamic field, one
is the sperm, the other the egg, and the whole environment is the womb, This is the
womb of the mother. In fact, if you look at it, I have given you a real Cup of Life,
where the real life starts. The third secret, turn the Cup 90 degrees and you get Cu
fields, Nano fields, and Zn fields, is this not the MaGrav system. The Soul is in the
center of it, you were looking for megawatts but I was looking to energize the Soul of
the man. If you come in with the wrong behavior you get nothing from your MaGrav
physicality. The MaGrav systems have the energy of the Soul,

Using crystals you can choose to follow specific individual fields, they create a
feedback loop that you tap into but it will be taught later when man is ready, The
Iranians are starting to open this up, Gave example of communicating with Soul of his
Mg Sulfate (Epsom Salt) was used instead of kitchen salt - Mg salt connects directly
to the Soul of the man, Discusses different salts and effects on the brain etc, The
importance of breathing, when you breath in, energy is tranStar Formationerred
through the breathing canals in the head and when you breath out the same thing
happens and these high energies are needed for the physicality and the Soul of the
man, CO2 is very important for the brain and is created in the lungs and is absorbed as
you breath out. "Breath it in, and then breath out very, very slow because the Soul
needs all what was created," Breathing techniques are on the level of physicality you
can get the same thing directly from the Soul,

The Soul Thinks:

Not just the brain thinks but the Soul also thinks, If the Soul is to manifest itself in the
depth of the space it must think that it can exist, How can we get the man to
understand the thinking of his Soul and not the thinking of his physicality and at the
same time to be able to distinguish whether it's the Soul thinking or is it the thinking
of the man? A lot of Knowledge Seekers have to go through the transition from the
physicality to the Soul of the Man, the new Enhancement Unit will help you to face it,
and to be able to think at the level of the Soul. Do we need to breath to be able to do
this, or do we need to go to sleep to open these boundaries softly. If you become
aware of your Soul then you can convert yourself into anything in the dimension of
the universe, In the past by rotating the Gans to generate the fields we could create
gold or silver, now the Gans is the Soul of the man so in what dimension strength do
you want to manifest yourself,

English Transcription:

(:06). It's nice to be back to share more knowledge. Try to reflect on last time I
explained the difference between the kinds of gravitational and magnetical fields
which creates different kinds of life in the space and motion and the matter. We'll try
to go into more depth later on. There are a number of important announcements to be
made, if you remember as Knowledge Seekers in 2010 on my trip to Mexico, I was
captured by the Canadians, literally took hostage, and terrorized, by terrorist
activities of the Canadian government. I was captured on transit going from one
plane to another. A gun was put to my head a few times and it was told, to my
sister on the other side of the glass that I would be killed if anybody publicly
knows that the Canadians have gotten hold of me. After 11 days of torture, or
what they call interrogation, from 9 AM in the morning to 1 AM in the morning.
They decided that I can go back to Belgium and if I would have said that this
happened to me, many of you would have said, that this was just a dream. But
typical, stupid, maybe a friend in the Keshe Foundation. but the Canadian security
service decided to leave private documents with names and everything which they
copied, and official papers of the Canadian government in my suitcase, (:08). that
when we arrived back in Belgium, it was very funny, as I was coming off the plane I
was handed over to the Belgium police and taken to the basement and I was told, 'you
are free, you can go.' And it was ** that time. Eleven days of being told you are
going to be executed, and one that you are going to be put in a prison ** if they decide
that way. It wasn't an easy emotion to go through. I think the last one who did this
was Saddam Hussein. The Canadians are not short, and their masters the Americans
are not short either, because in many interviews I was told Hillary Clinton decides
my fate. I think that I decided her fate, it matches perfectly her disease, by the wish of
the Soul, she received what she ** gave for many people, it is said that way. To this
effect we went to, and understood the position. The Mexican conference was to be
going that way, that I would attend the conference next week. We submitted the
application to the Mexican Embassy this week and our securities watched the
courses, and we were informed this morning, my travel to Mexico is absolutely
forbidden. This is according to Keshe Foundation international securities. The reason
is the same thing has been planned. My life ** and Carolinas life is not at the
disposal of some incompetent ** people in these offices. The Mexican securities have
informed the Americans, and the plan is, that if there will be a capture in Mexico or a
landing place in America. The president will issue an Executive Order to arrest. For
this reason I will not be attending the conference. (:10). My life is not worth much,
but it is not worth for the Americans to play with. We have seen they have done the
exact same thing with Huawei's daughter. And we saw what happened in Iraq 2 weeks
ago. For this reason Keshe will not be physically present in the Mexican conference
as we have unfolded another terrorist of duties, inside the government by officials. It
was repeating what was done 8 or 9 years ago. For this reason the Keshe Foundation
conference will go ahead as I am the figure head but the real head of the Keshe
Foundation is Ella. She and other members of the Keshe Foundation will be there and
I will be present in Zoom conference. Nothing changes, except that we value our lives
more than some idiots sitting in the Oval Office deciding on some peoples ** life,
which is worth nothing to them. We are very straight forward on this matter and our
securities have never been wrong. I had a warning last time, do not go to Mexico. You
have to understand the last trip that I was captured and terrorized was to Mexico City,
during the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. For this reason, I do apologize to the
Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers, nothing changes the conference, it will go
through as it is. The presentation will be the same as if I were there but on the screen
and our webmasters, and the head of Keshe Foundation, and other members of the
Keshe Foundation will be there, as in Philippines and Austria and in Brazil. We have
to understand, (:12). not much has changed in the world of the wild animals on this
planet. When my securities, the first time ever advised me, that I am forbidden to
travel. Forbidden means it is one hundred or 99% percent. When advised we listen,
but forbidden we take note and we act upon. For this reason I do apologize for those
of you who were hoping that we could meet. I am sure we can meet in other places
around this planet. As we have had the taste of the animals of the US and the
Canadian government, for 11 days, I don't think I would like to go through the same
torture, keeping you 24 hours a day awake, marching up and down your room making
sure you get no rest, solitary and the rest, you don't want to know. A kangaroo court,
exactly what happened to Hauwei, I have been through all that, in the Canadian
structure. I never asked for asylum, they put me in a kangaroo court and told me, that
if I say anything in the court, there is 1 bullet waiting for me behind the door. That's
what I can say, American and Canadian justice, for this reason I prefer for them to
keep the bullet in their gun then in my head. For the American administration. We
wish you a fantastic conference, we'll be there on Zoom. As this condition has arisen
and it brings a new work to the Keshe Foundation. As we have seen the most
powerful nation on this planet, claiming to be, have surrendered, to what we call, the
most powerful knowledge. (:14). Bullets, guns, and missiles and everything else
against plasma Technology has shown to have no match, and we see it. We'll deliver
this Technology ** done by the forces known as "Sapah." For those of you who don't
understand Iranian culture, you have to understand what sapah means, it means army,
and has been part of the Iranian culture for over 3,000 years. We have for this
moment, sapah ** , they were set to protect the life of the nation and the king,
during the Darush and Kurush time. This sapah was established by the Shah of
Iran, the last time, and in that process the name was changed to, sapar **, which
means there were 2,500 soldiers defending the nation with their lives, faithful only to
the king and nobody else. They are ?** In the Iranian revolution we saw the **joaw
be dan , which means putting their beautiful life on the line for the nation, was
changed to the word sapah, which means the guardians of the nation, that's the true
meaning of it, means people who protect the life of every citizen of the nation. It
means dedication to humanity and peace. It means those who prefer their life, not
worth much, when it comes to the national peace and security. With what we have
seen in the past few days and weeks, as part of the structure of the Universal Council
and the Earth Council, we'll establish one Sapah, what we call, the universal Sapah.
(:16). This is a military force which keeps peace on the banner of the Keshe
Foundation, no nation, no borders, looking after the territory for any ** names that
might be . ** the Sepah ** .. One Nation Army, which means they are there to protect
every citizen of this nation. What I foresee in the setting up of this force with the
Keshe Foundation will support World ** and will make of it, will be different then
the ** Blue Berries of the United Nations, as they sold everyone at any price as we
saw in Africa, where the Dutch soldiers were walking away because the pay was too
good, and allowed many to be executed and slaughtered. The new Sapah will be
made of every man of the nations on this planet and their responsibility is to
humanity and not to a government, nation, or a district. They'll be a permanent
force and they'll be used in many other positions and needs. The establishment of
one Sepah as part of One Nation, One Planet, One Race will give it security during
the transition from the animal behavior of the man in the past, to the new standards
the ** ** started. We need this so that we will not have what we have seen in the past
through the ** Blue Berries, incompetence and in so many ways, working on the line
of the political needs and not national, which is One Nation needs. One of the first
jobs of this group is to make sure that no arms crosses national borders from then on.
Which means no ships, planes, and no man with arms will cross any present borders,
(:18). of the nations. In that way we don’t to create sanctions, we create conditions
that boats will sink, the planes will land nowhere, and those who planned these
directions will never be able to deliver anything. Enforcement of peace through
blockage of arms deals, and of those who claim that arms are the protector of their
peace, will come to an end. The protector of the peace has to be no army, not those
who sell as much arms to create peace, the false promises which have been built up by
the American government to sell arms. The new universal Sepah will have one thing,
to make life pleasurable for every man on this planet, making sure that no harm comes
to man, it doesn't matter where you are, here or beyond. At the same time it is the
responsibility of the new Sepah to protect the life of the Universe Council and the
EC, we have not changed, we have created a protection for those who need to be
protected during the time of transition until full transition is complete. We come
to one of the most important things that have happened in the past few weeks and has
touched many of our Knowledge Seekers. The situation in China with the virus has
taken a heavy toll. We hear numbers are increasing. Keshe Foundation last week
called upon all the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers of China to be gathered that
we could share the new knowledge. (:20 ). In that process a new structure that every
man in China, and consequently and from it, everyone on this planet, has to be
protected to the "last man standing" by themselves. We released a new video made up
very rapidly just to be for the Chinese to understand the message that they can protect
themselves. The message was simple, "One Cup, One Life," it takes man a few
minutes to make it to save his life, his family and loved ones and his neighbors.
This video has been spread across China and around the world. It is simple and
very direct, some of you might have seen it, and as we were told, it has been
downloaded and watched by over 300 million in the past few days. The numbers
are increasing on a daily basis. Share it with the others and understand what it
means. This material will protect you from any virus from now on. Anytime you
hear that a virus has hit, or is about to come, or even a flu, you have to
understand the combination you make that you are protected. I developed this
Technology for deep space as the space is the point of the virus, as you hear in the
tape. I'll ask our team to share it with us, and if you have seen it bare with us, and if
you haven't seen it share it across the world. It has saved and it will save many lives.
And then we'll go back to it and discuss more. Would you like to play VIDEO of One
Cup, One Life. (:22).

(:41). 41:30; Keshe: Thank you very much. As I always say, it's the last man
standing and hopefully you are not the last man standing for China, or the last man
standing for humanity, from this disaster, which is not Chinese anymore. If according
to the statistics of what is coming out and the research done, if this virus takes hold,
(:42). the estimated loss of life is 60 million plus, not just in China, but US, South
America, Across Asia, and every corner of this planet. The problem with it is, us
as men we love to travel, to go to new places. This time by going to new places during
the Chinese New Year we have brought the gift to rest of humanity. It has to be
understood that this is not the first nor the last time, but in opening the
Universal Community (Universal Council) to man he will continuously bring
these kind of viruses into the atmosphere and the life of the man, be it on this
planet or be it ** wherever. Therefore we can see how and why we needed to show
this for the first time, then on the back of this a new Technology will be delivered to
the Chinese government in the coming days, that will support the Chinese nation in a
very effective way. Then we learn, this is a pre-run to what mankind will have in the
space. As I said, by 2021 we'll open the space and with this Technology and this virus
we are getting the first lessons and first tastes of massive virus tranStar Formationer to
the human body and in that process, how we can handle it. My advice to the Chinese
government is very simple, do not panic, we always see these things. (:44). Until we
find out that the virus is there, we always have fatalities, or some other effects that we
see. The Keshe Foundation stands solid behind the Chinese nation and government.
We respect the wishes of his Excellency President Xi and Keshe Foundation China is
at the disposal of the Chinese nation. Many Chinese Knowledge Seekers are now in
different places, making these and sharing knowledge and the process has already
started. We know of possible 5 cases which have used the Gans, even with a
temperature and it has disappeared and faded or reduced. We know this
Technology works and it's up to the Chinese government at this moment and in the
next few weeks up to the American government and the rest of it. You have to
understand something very important to all of you who live outside China. The
Chinese government has central control on movement and everything else, and
they will contain this, they had a pre-run some years ago. The have blocked cities
and the sections where there is a much higher rate of infection and they will
contain it. It will take another few weeks. They will contain it. The death toll might
reach a peak and then will stop because the person to person transmission will not be
there. But in the US you are free and will very soon (quickly) take it across (the
country) and the government can't confine you. (:46). The same with Europe. This is
the biggest problem, the main damage will come outside China. ** in China they
have done damage control by the central government. You have to understand, one of
the main things is, as I explained, in another teaching, we were expecting this virus.
This virus is closely in energy connected to the African Pig Flu on the energy
structure, and it combines with the second of the first strand, and with that
makes it guaranteed. What has happened and why we see such a rapid structure
development is we can connect this virus to the African Pig Flu, as I said, in an
earlier teaching from a plasmatic point of view, not biological. What we see is,
what has happened and it's deliberate accident, not accidentally accident. The
Pig Flu was delivered into China as part of the double combined virus, and now
the second has been release, this is why it has taken hold so rapidly, and it will go
very rapid. What has happened is that the infected pigs found an opening and
their way into the market and the people who have consumed them, they already
carry the first strand of the two strand's, common denominator, (:48). and with
this we see the second strand completed. This is a designer virus, that was
introduced deliberately. Last year I warned the Chinese authorities of this. I always
said, even to Guan Lyn, I am waiting to see where is the second one. This like a
composite group, one on its own doesn't have much effect, but when you mix the
two, it is deadly. What will be interesting to see, if, as we expect, this virus will not
take shape as such, but will attach itself to others in the Western Europe and America
and other parts of the world. But in China, it links itself primarily to Chinese, who had
the African Pig Flu. It is sad to see that some people chose this path to create this
mayhem. Everything was controlled and timed to create the maximum damage,
on the Chinese New year, it wasn't accidental. I was fully expecting this, my
expectation was that it would hit China on the New Year, and it hit China on the New
Year. This is why I announced the establishment of the universal Sepah. These
criminals who bring these things have to be brought into justice in a way that **
(:50). In a way what they deserve is to be given the same virus to them and their loved
ones, that's all. If they can stand it, they have worked it out themselves. If they have
been so much involved in making and controlling and whatever else, that is a decision
of themselves. This has to stop, these kind of atrocities have to stop. The biggest
problems will come for nations like the US. The Keshe Foundation will support
humanity, but Keshe Foundation can't be there to watch the abuse of humanity. I give
full support to the Chinese administration if called upon to travel to China, to do
and take part in controlling it. It will be done without hesitation. At the same time
the Keshe Foundation in China, has been producing as much as they can, we know
what we need to do. In the next few days, we'll hope to receive a positive call, by the
Chinese administration, calling the Keshe Foundation into support. If we get this call,
I will call upon all the Keshe Foundation worldwide to tranStar Formationer as much
material into the Chinese territory as we can support with new Technology. Then
we'll take shape in how we support the other nations. You have to understand that 3
doctors died last week in China helping others. Two were in touch, they were there
to help the first victims, the third sat in the same room and just had a drink
while talking to them. (:52). If you have found one person in the US who flew
from China, with 200 passengers, going through American immigration, all the
offices, and those 200 are now traveling in 200 different directions across this
nation. The third doctor. The situation is worse than can be imagined and it needs to
be looked at. The job as Knowledge Seekers as you are, is to prepare yourself already
at your homes. It doesn't matter in which part of the world you live in. We never
know if our next door neighbor was an passenger on the second flight from Los
Angeles to Seattle. And then another 200 passengers on the same plane, 12 days
incubation, 24 days strength, to the second incubation. In so many ways, it is your
responsibility, now that you know, to prepare everything for yourself, your family and
for your nation. This flu will take hold, and it will take hold drastically. We see
pictures coming out of China which are horrendous. We see pictures which are not
seen so much outside China, (:54). but maybe you have to see it, to understand what
we are faced with, what is there and how things are happening. One of the most
important things for you, what I call, European and American, is very simple, try to
understand this process will be extremely dangerous for all of you. What I am going
to show you is very simple, the Chinese can do things which our governments cannot
do, they have a central control that our governments don't have. We are in a worse
state than the Chinese, their government can secure their citizens. this is part of what
you have to understand, we are dealing with a lot of disasters which we have no
control over. I would like to share some of the things we get, and there are many in
the background we see. I shared a couple of videos and pictures with you last week. I
share with you what, as European and American citizens don't have, a nation and
leadership which cares for its people and a government structure (:56). that can
protect its people. We don't have this and in China they have and they'll control it.
The Europeans, Americans, and the rest of the world will envy the control which is
set and is done for and by the Chinese government for the people. This is what I see in
the Chinese community, these are pictures sent by Knowledge Seekers and share them
with on the Zoom This can't happen in the West, where they have these kind of
freedoms, but in China this power of government allows for the security of the nation,
and this we don't have in the West. They can isolate .. cities and communities and
people respect it. Unfortunately there are too many guns and no one will respect.
We'll see this to spread to US and other parts of the world, if this happens there
is no such control. The good thing with this structure is that when it is contained like
this, (:58). When we go in as Keshe Foundation we can in one go, clean up the whole
city. We can bring control back within weeks, where in the rest of the world we don't
have such a setup. Shows photos. This is China under control. You show me
Americans who will stand that. This is the eventuality of locking down cities and this
is now in China. As Knowledge Seekers you have to be able to be ready, it doesn't
matter if it comes or doesn't come. At the same time, teach as many. The link to the
Keshe Foundation is there, it's translated to other countries and cities. You have to
understand that if 6 were found in Brazil, the 6 came in 6 different planes. Just give it
time. The woman worker who washes the dishes coming off the plane, changes the
trash bin in the plane, is in the same danger as the guy who sat in the plane. This is a
reality. Now you understand why people in China are much better off, (1:00). then
people outside of China. That is why we made "One Cup, One Life", try to make
as much as you, as many as you can, in case it goes out of control, because we
don't know who was on which flight. This is part of the work and we'll face many
crisis's like this when our travelers of the space come back. If you look at the
Universal Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) this is where we travel back
into, and travel to, from, more or less a quarantine unit. If we could have a picture
of the Enhancement Unit you'll see it. It is made to contain life and energy and
balance the forces according to the environment, you land. When we go into space
it is not that we become again man of the earth, and become selfish, me and I. We
have to understand when we enter a new community of life in the space, what energy
we are carrying that it is not a virus to them. Man's respect for life has no limitation to
earth, but is limited to the Universe. (1:02). Then you'll understand why we took and
we take such action. You need to understand, that going through the transition, the
Enhancement Unit, when it closes it creates a condition of the womb, the condition of
the position of life. As every planet is a womb for a life, it creates itself for itself. It's
you who has to understand, in so many ways, as man opens the doors of the Universe,
we'll find that many travelers of the Universe can never land on this planet,
because the condition of this planet is (like) the virus which is killing man in
China. We meet in the open spans of the Universe, where we greet each other in the
spans of this galaxy, but we not be able to make a different home, as home can be a
death sentence to the friend. The same for us and this is a new way for mankind to
learn about what is to come, what is to be, and what it needs to be in that process. As
we explained the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute research teams have already
started, they have gathered themselves in forming and shaping this month and
hopefully by the beginning of February their real work starts. Part of the work of the
researchers in Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute has to be the understanding
of the field forces of plasma (Plasma) in the virus level. (1:04). The virus is to
understand how the cell allows itself to collect, what allows the man's, what we
call, Amino Acid (amino acid) of the Soul, and the DNA and RNA to connect
themselves with another energy. Is this a need, a shortage of, or a wish of? Many of
the Knowledge Seekers research time has to go into understanding the strength of
every field, which comes out of every star and planet, how it interacts and effects
us. As Knowledge Seekers, the peace dividend is a research dividend. Now that we
have more time and more finances will be available for nations to spend on research,
just as much as they spent on arms, then these kind of researches for space become
necessary. Those in Keshe Foundation will take the lead in the coming time, when
Keshe Foundation will be put in the universities to become lecturers and teachers in
these schools. In effect, what I am looking for in the Keshe Foundation Spaceship
Institute education platform of research are the scientists who can go to
universities after the completion of their researches, to teach to the others. And
then we can support. (1:06). We have seen one of the top Knowledge Seekers of
Brazil has managed to put some 20 doctors as Knowledge Seekers together in a
hospital, and I will give them 10 hours of private teaching directly to these doctors,
that they can bring these processes directly in the hospitals to their patients. This is
important for us not only on the medical side, but even on the agricultural side. We
have to be able to understand the totality of the knowledge and one of the reasons that
I am stepping down totally, is to be able to teach, one by one, most of the Knowledge
Seekers and in depth, the edge of Technology to the scientists. The administration and
running of the Keshe Foundation is not my job. In that effect what you will see for
example, accidentally or by whatever, the conference in Mexico will be run by Ella of
the Keshe Foundation, as she is taking more and more of the responsibilities off of my
shoulders. And she decides the running of the Keshe Foundation. The respect for her
has to stay sacrosanct, she has put all of her life into the Keshe Foundation. In so
many ways, it's there, her presence is my presence. We share the knowledge, not
the ** of the Keshe Foundation. As we are the cornerstone ** ** In the time to come,
as I spend less and less time, as Knowledge Seekers, you have to start running the
Keshe Foundation and understand how to set up courses and structures to make the
humanity ready in the coming months for interaction with the Universal Council.
(1:08). Understand how you will manage and structure it, how the Earth Council (EC)
and Universe Council take charge to guide humanity, over the ** at the Keshe
Foundation ** The job is not easy, you have seen how one small virus has brought
mayhem to nations. Now we can expect one more. You have to understand that
gradually as Knowledge Seekers you are taking charge of the Keshe Foundation
for centuries to come. It has to be correct and done on the basis of devotion to
humanity, not to the Keshe Foundation. In that way the Keshe Foundation
becomes humanity.
Are there any questions?

.. you have something on your screen, it says Mexico City, Kenya, Tehran. The Iran
conference is under a lot of pressure to be going through (happen). Those of you who
go to the Iranian embassies, (1:10). please hold on for another 2 weeks, until
everything is done inside Iran. This conference is a very important conference, it
brings the bearer of the peace and science and Technology and it has to be done
under the full control of the Iranian government. The Keshe Foundation team is
working on it, please wait until we tell you when you can go to the embassies to start
the applications and what is needed to do. We'll see if we can get any kind of clearing
for fast lines for the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers who enroll or have
already enrolled for the Tehran conference. The Iran situation is very delicate. Iran
has taken the leadership in science and Technology and at the same time become the
cradle of the new space Technology. It takes time to let and get the Iranian leadership
to understand the position on the table. We have received very good signs from, what
we call, the last weeks private talks with his Eminence Ayatollah Knowledge. Iran
will become the cradle of the new space Technology. With that space, and with that
understanding with his Eminence AK private prayer, Technology and science will
take the leadership in Iran and will lead the world, but we need, not just the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers but the support of governments to be, and to support.
Upon reaching an agreement with the Iranian government on the conference, we
expect an invitation of his Excellency President Trump to Tehran to be present.
Official invitations if the meeting is agreed, (1:12). will go directly to the
Whitehouse. We will not use any intermediaries. We put out the hand of peace in
Tehran, as we did with the Obama administration. At the same time the invitation will
go to all the world leaders, President Xi of China to President Putin. We'll make the
Tehran conference, the post for peace and knowledge in signing of, "enough
wars." We are waiting for clearance from Tehran. If the Iranian government and
administration is prepared to take the lead of peace, in having the first "Sepah"
ready to control and support humanity towards peace, of what we have seen. At
the same time we'll bring all the Knowledge Seekers of the world together in their
own nations under one roof of sharing knowledge. The Tehran conference is more
or less the turning point for a lot of things and it needs, it's the first time we
collaborate with the government for the conference. The other conferences were
done by and through the Keshe Foundation team. This time it is the collaboration of
the two. In that process I expect the Iranian administration to invite on the religious
level, the heads of the Jewish community in Tell Aviv, as well as the Vatican. When
we put the olive branch of peace, it has to be to everyone and not just to a selective
few, then you have not achieved peace, you have selected to create conditions for
more war in the future. The Tehran conference has to become a point that we see the
Moslems, Jews, (1:14). Christians and the rest. Don't sit to become one, accept that
humanity has moved to a new level and guide humanity to a new understanding
of the Soul of the man, then you'll understand why the Tehran conference has to be
agreed and released ** ** of his Eminence AK of Iran, otherwise it will be useless.
For that reason we hope that we will receive their approval in the office of his
holiness. It's the celebration of the peace and coming together as One Nation and the
celebration of sharing knowledge together at the same time. Before we go into this
session there is something important that will effect the work of the Keshe Foundation
in the coming weeks and months and might propel us into the front news for the
wrong reasons, but in a way it is the reason we are here. As you have heard in the
news, what we call, have to find a word for it, in a way, what we said, when the king
of Belgium asked me to give this beautiful Technology to them to control the
mankind, and I refused and we went on exile, and following all the things we went
through, part of the result of that is why we can't attend Mexican conference. The
shameful king of Belgium has accepted that he has an illegitimate daughter,
which she claimed on the year we left Belgium. (1:16). When I sat with the
Belgium's, I told them, when I leave your monarchy will go. I left in February, the
shameful man stepped down as a king, on the cases of being sick, but in fact, was at
the same time hit, with a petition from the court that he had an illegitimate daughter
(Delphine Boel). So stepping down was for the daughter, he was lying to the nation,
as he had lied all the time in his life. He lied to his nation that he was sick and he had
to abdicate and he became a normal citizen and at the same time in 2013, as he knew
the case is coming to the court, fake application and fake illness he refused to give
blood. He was forced last May to pay a heavy penalty, or to give blood, to confirm
that the girl is his. He lied to his nation for 50 years as everybody knew in having a
daughter, and now on 27th, 3 days ago, he has accepted the girl to be his
illegitimate child. It happens to many people, but the way as the head of a nation
he lied, and has kept on this ** lie to this day. This is beautiful for the Keshe
Foundation and is the reason I brought it up. We have a second man who has paid
for the patents of application, and he claims to be the 5th child of this family. As
the blood of this man is now part of the court evidence, it is open to public to be
tested. (1:18). We would like the man who has paid for the Keshe Foundation
patents, that you all received, with his generosity, he paid Mr. Red Circle by check,
because I have seen the check, that his blood to be tested to that of the king of
Belgium, ex-king of Belgium. To that effect, we want to show if he is, as we know he
is, according to his claim, and he looks like his family. If it is it shows that the royal
family of Belgium, is into criminal activities, a son hidden to carry out clandestine
activities of stealing Technology from scientist. We'll explain to you in more detail in
the future. This court case will become the cornerstone of our court case in the
European Court of Justice. A lying king can lie as much as he likes, now we know he
lied, he lied to his nation as a king. He lied to a daughter and he refused to accept until
the court said, that he can't say no. That witness is very clear. But this opens another
channel, there are 50 cases of murder of children under the age of 10 and 9,
sitting in the courts in France. At that time, the man claimed immunity being a
Prince. A common man. We have asked the Court of European Justice to open these
cases in France to confirm the DNA for sexual abuse and murder of children. As I
told you, when we finish, there shall be no king. Now you understand why the present
king paid a visit to Canada, (1:20). the way the present king of England paid a visit to
Canada. Don't forget together they have stolen so many technologies like mine, so
there investments are there, waiting to use it. We have to make sure that no one
benefits by their crime. We are waiting for the European Court to allocate the time
and date. Very soon we'll announce the date of Fabio in Italy for his murder. Now you
understand how the game of ** is played. It says on 20th of January 2020 it was
determined through DNA tests that King Albert II of Belgium is the father of
Delphine Boel, the girl. This is in Wikipedia.
.. by the same DNA test. The Keshe Foundation ..
.. the people who paid for the patents, and the one who wrote the patent, who is
their real father, who was their real Soul sold to. Then as part of our evidence we
can show collective killing of scientists, (1:22). organized by a state. It's very
interesting, what a simple DNA test, the saliva of a man, liquid of the mouth can show
of the man. The Keshe Foundation states very simple ** another man who has been
on the table ?** The bank account of the Red Circle has to be checked by the
authorities that he received a payment of $1,600 Euro, as a payment for writing the
patent, and he issued an invoice for it, and I have seen all of it, so we can connect the
whole structure together. This is a very happy news for a girl who had to fight to
confirm that a man is her father, and it is a shame on a nation that they accepted this
man as their king. A cheat liar and the rest. He lied to a man, a woman, to a nation,
and we don’t expect him to lie, to say ?** .
.. At least we can celebrate that we can bring the killers of Fabio to justice and
many other things. Maybe we can bring peace to 50 families what have been
waiting (1:24). for years, while he claimed immunity, His saliva is part of the court
evidence and can be used
You see a picture of a pedophile. ..
Any questions.
Rick: There are some questions from the video "One Cup, One Life". Some people
are a little confused that they may not have some of the knowledge that most
Knowledge Seekers have about the Gans's and so on. A lot of new people are
getting introduced through that video. In fact I noticed Mr. Keshe, that video now has
31,495 views on Youtube, plus many more on other channels. but that is one of the
best videos that the Keshe Foundation has ever put out for years. It's going more or
less viral at the moment so that is good. Keshe: The best we have had up to now is
about 3 million, which is from the Earthquake ** , (1:26). was 5 or 6 years ago in the
last weeks we were in Belgium. It was watched over 3 million times, and then we
don't know where it disappeared to. It's still there somewhere in the background. Any
questions? Q: in relation to the European Court of Justice, is that the real reason
behind, Brexit, England's exist from the European Union? No England's leaving
from the Enhancement Unit is, had it done, because of the, what we call, the **
game from an African nation. When they raided Libya, as I said before, they
expected 14 billion in loot shared with France, Germany, Italy and UK. They
always said, that Kaddafi had squandered everything and gave everything to his
family, whatever. But when they got to the central bank there was a 140 billion plus
in the bank in gold reserves. Then the British took all before anybody knew.
They went in and took everything to the Queen of England. They were ordered to
return (1:28) and share the loot because the thieves wanted to share. The British
monarchy said, the present president of Libya is theirs, so the past rules very rapidly
in the structure by their own man, who they put in there. And they kept the money and
would not share it, and that was the immediate response, you leave the European
Community. In a way, we loot, we steal, and we share together, or the one who
doesn't share it, gets kicked out. This is why, if you look, the whole root of Brexit
came from that point. (Before that) there was no sign or anything about it. France and
Germany wanted England out, that they will never do such a thing (again). You will
see the moment Brexit comes into operation, new ways of sanctions and control from
the European Union on England. You have to understand, the only way England can
get food is from the US if they put the pressure on. You'll understand the game that
was setup under Germany. The Germans are very punctual ** and 140 billion is a lot
of gold. We saw them paying back with taking the monarchy, understand, but this
time it's the punishment for that. All the public going and voting, is all gimmick. They
have no choice they closed the borders. You have to understand closing the border to
England especially from France and Holland is death to this nation. They will get all
of it back, but you know, what we call, "Rothschild's" plays centuries games.
They don't play, tomorrow's game. As you know, Vatican took all the controls of
the Church of England back, (1:30). to Vatican. The Queen is just a figure head.
They'll take everything back but it will be paid for by the British nation. These
things, the recovery of a lot of money which happened in the past 20 years in different
shapes for the Rothschild's family, when money was tranStar Formationerred to
the other families, and as they fight amongst each other, they play these games.
The same way as a lot of you never understood how come the Pope abdicated,
and usually the kill the Pope or he accidentally dies. The first ever, more or less,
we saw a Pope abdicate and he was a German, because up to that time the Pope had
the right to move all the gold, and he did, he moved it to Berlin under the control
of the Rothschild's family and by the time the Vatican found out that they had no
reserve, they had 2 choices, kill him or do something. The German's negotiated
for his life, they said, he'll live out a vow of silence, not to tell how much they did.
You have to understand why this gold was moved to Berlin for Rothschild's. If you go
back the root of it sits some 5 to 7 years before when the Enhancement Unit ran
into problems with Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece. If you remember they
were in crisis. The Vatican guaranteed these to the Enhancement Unit, because
they were Catholic governments and upheaval ** as they had an uprising in (1:32).
** ** the nations could not go. In a way the Vatican underwrote the European
governments for the security, and we saw how things changed. Now the Rothschild's
called in the debts and they took the gold. This is how the money from Vatican
ended up in Berlin, the guarantees to bring stability to the 5 nations as we know
if you go back in the news. They were in financial crisis and people were on the street
and Vatican cannot see to what they setup to rob all the European nations and then the
world. As a Enhancement Unit, was falling apart. They gave guarantees, they actually
signed papers, these are not just by talk, and the Rothschild's called in their debts,
when there was enough and they had their own Pope into position. They deliberately
took that Pope into position, the German Pope, to be able to do this, because they
knew the loophole that they could do it. They called the debts and literally tranStar
Formationerred all the gold of the Vatican to Central European or Berlin Bank to pay
for the guarantees to save these 5 nations in crisis. These are all connected, but if you
are not in it you don't work within the structure of the world security of finance, like
the way we do, then you don't see the pattern of the work. These are all connected to
each other. As you have seen the Pope had to take a vow of silence, naturally he
speaks a lot as he is traveling everywhere. (1:34). If you don't know why the vow of
silence came in, it's one of the first man ever to be put on the vow of silence. Because
in the Catholic Church the vow of silence came only for nuns when they were
pregnant by the priests and you couldn't have them walking in the church with a
belly sticking out, so they made this clumsy claim of vow of silence, not to show
that the birds and the bees have been busy in the name of the god. We see the first
man who was pregnant with a lot of gold, not with child.
Any other question?
Q: Can you explain the differences of different amino acid found in different Gans's?
And this amino acid has ** in connection with light and the creation of ** that was
shown in Iran. ** My mother ** saw the Soul ** light what you call UFO but the
other ** ** searches these ships (1:36). What does this mean can someone explain?

Keshe: Every amino acid is unique to the Cup which has made it. Only the amino
acid .. Every amino acid is not the same. .. the understanding of the amino acid which
you make in One Cup, One Life is totally different then the others, due to the
position and the distance between the nano coated materials and Non-Nano
coated, salinity, field energy in the environment where you made, positioning,
and many other factors. So each amino acid is unique. But what I don’t understand,
in the question it says, ' in connection with the flight and the creation of the ** that
was shown in Iran? ' It says, "my son made the flight with what you call the UFO"
Keshe: I don't understand what this means. (1:38).
Q: I know the amino acid is unique that is created on top of this One Cup, but last
time you were saying that every amino acid creates Gans on the bottom and fields on
the inside or outside, is unique, different strength ? Yes. .. Q: when you have nano
coating layer and the Cu, like Fe and Galvanized, you have the strength behind like Fe
and Zn, it's an interaction between the strength field ** nano and matter, Keshe: I
don't understand your question. Q: How is it different when you make one unique
amino acid (1:40). and when you change the plate in space, when you put in the
middle or behind the plate, .. you choose the ratio strength of 1 cm or in certain
way you choose the salinity in a certain way, .. .. is it right?
Keshe: The thing is in the coming time we won't use (Nano) plates anymore, as
we'll show production of the Gans's through energies. We don't have the salts
and the water in the Universe to be able to create conditions so we have to create
the strength of the salt and whatever .. for the fields of the Plasma. These will be
shown in the Enhancement Unit and the next generations of the Enhancement Unit
soon we'll be able to see, that there is nothing by Plasma. We don't see Gans's, we
don't see materials. We'll even replicate the field strength of the Gans's, and of the
matter state, that the matter doesn’t need to be there. As I said, (1:42). in the last
teaching, when I'll show the first 2 reactors, we were hoping to be able to do it next
week, but as you know China is shut down. The Keshe Foundation team had to shut
down, the factories can't be open. We hope they don't extend it beyond the 10th. We
would have shown you the new spaceship reactors and one for the materials, and one
for the enhancement of the body. In the coming time you will decide on the field
strength in how and what, as a matter energy is created. Do we need to go
through energy to create the Gans, to create the energy to use the Gans for
another energy? Or, as you will see, in a more advanced version of it in the
coming of the Enhancement Unit. We don't need that anymore. Because to create a
matter state you have to reach, what we call a heartbeat and balance of the two, upper
and lower level of the material. Now that we are gradually establishing the data, you
will see that none of these are needed. When you look at the .. (1:44) Q: Is the
purpose for creating the Gans, to learn how behaves the salt in the Universal
Council like a MaGrav for sharing, for giving, learning for giving .. ? Keshe: It
has different applications, it depends on how you can see it.

You see in the body of the man, we call it a heartbeat, and what is a heartbeat,
it's the 2 sequences of what I call life, in that sequence you have to understand
the true position of the field strength. If the field strength in the body of a man, is
this shape, it finds its balance and then it goes back up in this shape. the sign in the, as
I have explained before, you get a blip (upper peak), (1:46). when it comes to here, a
blip (lower peak). and this position of change, gives man the heartbeat. This
heartbeat creates the strength or the bandwidth, that, that Gans can work
within. This is what most of you Knowledge Seekers have not understood. The
strength of your Gans, dictates the strength of your heartbeat. In the matter state,
as we have always seen, but never understood, in the world of science, you have the
heartbeat like this. Where in physical life it is like this. In the state of what we call,
vegetation, the beat is like this (square), more or less. It usually goes like this. On this
side we see more or less, but usually these are the kind of shapes you see. This is a
solid state frequency, or you call it a bandwidth. This is a plasma life line, and this is
what we call plasma vegetation bandwidth. The beauty with vegetation, or with
trees, is they have this beautiful possibility that they can do this, they can change
this (the lower and upper widths) as they wish. That's why they can live a winter
and summer life. The humans cannot do. (1:48). But if we control the bandwidth
of this cycle of life through breathing we can change it, slightly to (something)
different. Or if we can change it in another way we can extend it. What we call the
heartbeat, the strength, in the coming time mankind will understand how to do it.
How even you can change some of these to the point of what we call, feeding and
in a way, a tranStar Formationer of energy. This is why when you add a field into
an area where the vegetations are, you change this, more or less if you look at it.
Where maybe originally it was this. With the variability of the field you harmonize
and make it constant, and the plant can live. It doesn't matter how it is connected to
the amino acid, which bandwidth. In human life you can't do this, (1:50). because
the way you live with one central beat, whereas the plants have been given the
freedom of motion to the central beat of the planet, so they tune to it, that helps
them with the work. They don't carry such a, what we call, secondary backup. Plants
tune to this, but we as a human we move around all the time, we change our position
to this, and this has created a new dilemma for our lives and our existence. Our lives
the way we live, in what we call, human life is very much dictated by the earth. In the
depth of the space this will change when we become regular visitors.
Any other question? Q: Why am I learning how to breath, to keeping down the
heartbeat to say 100, from 15 heartbeats to close to 200 beats, Why am I learning,
because change is double trick, because I hear when I breath and I hear my heartbeat
and it, (1:52). changes through my emotion?
Keshe: Because you still live in a human life and you haven't learned yet, you are still
trying to learn. Maybe I'll open a door for you somewhere, to have a look at
something else. If you understood this, with whatever. The passage of your breathing
through (the nasal passage), or with the food you take too (mouth). You want to
control this (the food), to elevate this (Soul of the man). What you have not learned,
which is normal with the humans, why don't you control this (Soul of the man) to
control this (breathing & food). If I control the strength of the fields of my Soul,
will I need to eat or to breath? But you are human and you think this is the way to
do it, so you use the hardest part as men usually do. If you understand and find a
position of your Soul in the dimension of the creation, your own physicality, why are
you going through the process of breathing control. (1:54). Why don't you work
through the process of the Soul to feed the physicality. Q: I have already done, in
certain ways, I don't sleep for 24 or 48 hours, I feed me only with the emotion, I stay
in this room day and night, I don't sleep, I don't eat in the physicality way. I found a
way to feed myself from the Soul level.
Keshe: So gradually more people will learn this. But the thing is to extend it to
100 days then 100 years. From 48 hours to something like 200 hours is normal.
You have not passed the barrier yet. 48 hours is normal, a lot of people can go 48
hours without food and sleep and be as good as normal. I showed a trick to the
Knowledge Seekers, in one of the classes on how you can stay awake for a longer
time and be more energetic by drinking a cup, if you add a little bit of salt to your
coffee you can go (bang), like a pack rat. Do you think sugar makes you hyper active
and keeps you awake, try salt and a cup (of coffee). Because salt is part of your life,
it's the channel of the solution and dilution of energy. Q: I have the trouble with
my wife because I am eating so much salt, in extreme, sweet and salt. (1:56). Keshe:
You must have a Chinese background somewhere, no sweet and salt is the Iranian
culture. We eat that quite a lot, it's part of the structure of the food, but the salt does
this. When I was a buy my mom used to tell me I used to eat a huge amount of sugar
and huge amount of cheese. Normally they say when you eat a lot of cheese it makes
you thick. But I don't think she realized that I knew the secret of the energy. If you
have a protein and salt available, if you add sugar with it. It's an everlasting
motors. And the thing is because it works, it goes directly to the brain, and you can
see the difference. Any other question?
Q: .. (1:58). It's off the topic. I am having problems sharing Keshe Foundation
videos on the internet, I am wondering if I am the only one? Keshe: This is part
of the control by the Rothschild's family and Fox and .. You have to understand
we promote peace and the way it goes in the past few weeks, you know where the
Facebook and the others sit, who owns them. They get instructions and they
work on instructions. The owners of these organizations are not very favorable
with what .. they see it as a damage to their interests. We had this and know it exists.
If you go to Wikipedia you can't find MT Keshe because if they decided if he doesn't
exist, then nobody will search for it. Unfortunately they searched more for it and they
found more about what ** ** things about him. So people are becoming aware of the
wonderful arrogance and control of these organizations. But it doesn’t really matter.
It's been put up 3 or 4 times in Wikipedia and it's been taken down, because if he
is not here, then he doesn't exist. That's what I call the Jewish mentality. You will
understand this very easily, they have decided if he doesn't exist on the Internet, on
Wikipedia, the public doesn’t understand. Facebook (FB) has lost its face value and
not we see very strange things are happening, I saw a beautiful article coming out
from a presentation, (2:00). of president Trump a couple of days ago with the
president of Israel. If you can find it on the internet. He said, the state of Palestine
will be accepted as an independent state when bla, bla, happens and he refers to,
if I am correct, like a, they have to show there is no fraud or what do you call,
there is a word he uses for it. The strangest thing is the man standing next to him
in the court of Israel he is standing for 2,000 cases of fraud and deception. It's
ironic, the guy says, the ** assets he wants for the Palestinians, are not involved, in
this, this and this, is exactly what the guy standing next to him as Prime Minister of
Israel. What is the word he used? If that is the condition on a nation, how come
the guy who is supposed to be from the nation, has 2,000 court cases by his own
parliament on him. ?** a couple of days ago he offered them 50 billion to ** peace
between them ** He's telling back what the guy is literally going to be convicted of
in his own country. This is the hypocrisy .. (2:02). it's part of the speech by Trump
on Middle Eastern peace talks. He is going to offer a new deal for the ** You have to
understand the American administration now after what happened in Iraq 2 or 3
weeks ago. He doesn't talk about war with Iran anymore, it's all wiped out of the
Internet. Everything else which was there, has disappeared. We see this is gone, don't
get upset. Many Keshe Foundation people have done that. if you go on the FB, there
are many Mehran Keshe's, they allow anything, fraud, any rubbish to be put in. The
owner of FB he knows, he actually encourages them, because don't forget, he has a
big problem. His space programs are on the way to obsolete. NASA used him as a
donkey, until NASA can develop their own processes that can carry, .. this is part
of what it is. Q: Mr. Keshe FB for a long time belongs to the CIA, they bought it.
Keshe: Don't worry about these things, that is their problem. (2:04). Everybody owns
everything at the moment, because if you own a share in the market, of it, you own it.
Any other question? Rick: people are coming up with questions about the
interaction of the virus energy and the depletion of the virus
Q: In what magnetical and gravitational way does the virus energy get depleted,
by giving its energy to either the lower energy of the body or of the Gans?
repeats .. (2:06). Q2: How come the Gans water is of the lower energy, then the body
Keshe: The body Gans is always a composite of many, and what you call the
energy Gans of .. when we talk about the Gans of the body, you have a composite
of many, Cu, Zn, and many elements (draws a cell). The virus links usually to
the amino acid, and in the dynamic life of the amino acid, this will use the
energy, and it gradually gives out (draws the amino acid replicating itself), like a flu
or whatever, until it comes down. In our case, we put the amino acid and we attach 2
little things, made with Zn and CO2 to it. Now you can see the difference (very large
cell and draws tiny Zn and CO2 Gans), it depletes, and through the line of connection,
this gives part of the energy. This doesn’t deplete completely (the cell shrinks but does
disappear). This becomes like this, it is still there, but as energy, where this (Zn Gans)
grew from this to this (Zn Gans becomes much bigger). It's what we call, "camel bird"
they carry now energies, which does not attached to anything. This is how it works.
(2:08). The reason we ask you to put an amino acid, because then it is easy, the
connection is very rapid.

The Keshe Foundation has developed a new Technology that will control amino
acid in all directions, even directly to the Soul of the man. This amino acid will
be used extensively in the new Enhancement Unit. That's why when I tell you,
when you go into these Enhancement Unit, we elevate the Soul of the man and
nobody can copy it. Because it's a combination of things, part in**, part in
Technology, and part connection to the cosmos , I have used to bring you .. I carry the
knowledge of the Universe, and it is very easy when you know how to play. This is
why I tell you, very soon you will see lights coming from these Enhancement Unit,
(which is) the strength of the Soul of the man. Very soon these will be very easily
explained in that process. This is what I said, when for example, we asked the Pope to
go into the machine and then we'll enhance his Soul and it will become a light. As he
comes, can he claim to be the Christ? (2:10). Because you'll find out, that the light of
the Pope will shine the same as Alan Sterling (convicted pedophile), they come from
the same behavior. This is what you will see. In so many ways, I know the
Technology and also the structure of the body of the man and you will see, that's why
I told you to buy as many machines as you can, if you get it. I salute you. Be careful
you don't come out as a pig, there is an African Flu for it. You will see, many will
come out of the machine as a Soul, then when they come out they have to decide
if they want to stay as a light, or will they take the dimension of physicality. You
have to remember a leader has to lead his nation and his people first. In the olden days
when we have the Roman Emperor, the king was always in front of his soldiers that's
how he gained respect. I wonder if the Pope would do the same? (2:12). Don't forget
he was the first Jesuit, he is a soldier of the Church. In the interview which last week
was made on Iranian television ** to be broadcast ** if they have taken permission to
do. The interviewer asked me, why are you like this? I said, it's a big problem, I
come from a line of Cohen in the Jewish religion, I come from a line of Saheeds
from the Moslem side, and these two (lines) cannot be killed. That is why the
Jewish state has a problem in killing Keshe, and so does the Islamic states. You
cannot touch the blood of the prophet. Let's see if we can bring peace to man it doesn't
matter what he wears. Any other question? (2:14).
Q: In your research are there any more than 20 amino acid? Keshe: Do you want
to know the number of Amino Acids .. 20000000 I don't have enough whiteboard,
sorry about that. Let me explain why .. This is the 3 layers of the skin of the man
and each one and in each position, different cells, each one exits and holds, it
doesn't matter what shape, a specific magnetical fields which leads to the
manifestation of what we call, the physical skin, a mirage, our skin is nothing but
a mirage. If you realize that number 1 has a different salt content than #2, or #3
or .. or whatever, each one holds a position according to the specific salinity and
a specific position, (2:16). So if each one has to have a specific salinity to be a
cell in that point, now tell me, do you have 20 souls (amino acid's)? But, then you
have to understand, this one carries the salinity of the salt of the cell ** layer , and this
carries the salt of the cell ** layer , and then the same. this (middle layer) always
carries (PKeshe FoundationS) Knowledge, Ca, Ph and sulphur salt, this one (1st layer)
carries it the other way (KPFS), this one (3rd Layer) is totally different (SPSK) by
order of magnitude of the strength, and then on top of it, there is salinity. The salt
combination of the body of the man is the backbone of the structure. In Homeopathy,
they believe in 12 salts and I know that some of our doctors work that way, but with
me, we work with, no condition, but understanding of the position, what it needs to
The mastership of the man will come, when for example, you can do the 4
chambers of the heart and the connection of the blood vessels. (2:18). What we
call the vessels which sit around on top of the blood, the arteries. Then you'll see how
a small salinity allows the connection. Change of salinity, and change, and then
what salinity allows the flexibility and allowing it to shake itself. If it was a car on
the road, and it shook as much as the heart shakes in the lifetime of its shakes. And
this thing never lifts apart (arteries never ripe from the heart), at the point of the pipe,
and the engine, because it continuously adjusts itself. The body of the man is a marvel
of engineering of the Plasma fields.
If one day mankind reaches the point that he can change one single cell, one single
cell, and be able to replicate it. He would be ** another brain, in the same position
that the order of the others don't change. Then man might have reached the point of
understanding, maybe 1/10th of 1/10th of 1 percent, (2:20). of knowledge of the
Q: Can we multiply amino acid like growing salt crystals? Keshe: Of course, God
does it, why can't you do it. Q: Can I multiply my 2 souls (Soul of the physicality &
Soul of the man)? Keshe: Why? Would you like a bigger head or bigger toe. Rick:
Does not the Creator create more creators? Maybe that is what he referring to. Keshe:
We always create, it's man who puts limitation on the limits of his own understanding.
In the knowledge of creation there is no limitation. I have said that many times. I
always said, man will understand this Technology according to his intelligence.
(2:22). And some of those intelligent leads and ends of with 3 words, PhD. That's it, I
want to live off it for the rest of my life. I have gotten myself, "donkeyed" with 3
words, I am very clever, just 3. Q: If we know how to stop eating why do we do it? I
am sure pleasure, for emotional satiStar Formationaction of that taste that tickles my
Keshe: A woman asked me that question years ago, she said, " why did you come
here if you have everything?" I said, there is a pleasure in the physical dimension
and we come here to enjoy the presence of it. The life of a man in the dimension
of physicality, is the pleasure of feeling that physicality, be it an animal, a
woman, a flower, and seeing it, you don't need to touch it. As I always say to
Caroline, she says what are you looking at, I said, I am admiring the beauty of what I
have created. That's why we come here, to admire what we have created, and
what it can be given. We come to the dimension of physicality to understand the
limitation. As I said once to a friend, do you know what is the difference between a
theory and the fact? Theory is that in the Universe we make a lot of assumptions. The
fact is we come here and we see what the human in the physical dimension has done
with it. (2:24). We write a lot of papers, that this is going to happen to this, and this,
and we go to the laboratory, in the Universe, we call it earth. We go there and see if
the theory works. Now you understand why we come to earth sometimes, we want
to see if what we assumed theoretically, works physically, for the ** of his
existence. I call it, the love of the Universe, and we have many of these labs, or
these creatures that are special. I never forget the first time Caroline says, why did
you come here then. I said, because the earth is a place of existence, it was the
pleasure of existence, touching, feeling, smelling, and loving. We wanted to see that
if what we did in theory works in reality and practicality. Q: I think it's not
difficult to see that in the practice here on earth. Keshe: Everything is possible. I had
a big discussion with Armand this morning. He said, you are not coming to Mexico. I
said, I am not coming because I don't want to be killed or be imprisoned with Carolina
and Rubin for months to come. He said .. It's very simple, I came here to share
knowledge and not to be imprisoned for the knowledge. (2:26). It depends what
we decide to do with these pleasures of life and the prison of physicality. It's very
much like you go and teach something and you build a theory, and later on you see
your invention in the shop, or in somebody's home somewhere, and you say, oh this is
what I invented. This is what we see with the Soul of the man in the span of the
Universe. We say, this is what was created on earth. Then we see a lot of
problems with everything which is exported out of earth. Like do you remember
20 years ago everything made in China was faulty, they didn't get it right, so it was
made on earth and we have come to fix it. The Chinese took time to fix their products,
it took man millions of years to fix his. So we come to fix. Shall we call it a day.
Rick: Do you want to see pictures of the One Cup, (2:28). Yeah, I have seen one
beautiful one. Why not we share knowledge, it's amazing. Since the MaGrav systems
that many Knowledge Seekers tried to make, this is the first time Knowledge
Seekers are at in again. It's like they were waiting for something to come from
Papa to see how we can do it. So let's see what it inspires or does it die again with
the MaGrav. There is one that is so gorgeous, it's so simple, I think you can find it. It's
a piece of wire, he has hung a Zn, Nano coated, he actually nano coated the wire itself
and then he has put the Cu here. There are wires coming out of the plastic and he has
connected to the battery. I think it is so simple and beautifully done. Actually you
can connect the 2 without the battery to one. The way it's done you can connect
the 2 to one end, and one to the center. (a wire where the battery was) (2:30).
The Potential Difference will be created, you don't need a battery, but the
simplicity of it is just, so sweet. ..
Shows the photos.

(2:32). even the choice of the color I think we are starting to get you Knowledge
Seekers moving again. In the coming weeks we'll launch new scientific technical
products. What you might use in nano production or the plasma for detection or
whatever.. (2:34). This is how easy it is to save a life. Q: Carolina, I have quite a
few questions in my private teachings where people keep asking about the MaGravs. I
said you all have been asking the technical questions to Mr. Keshe, but you never
asked him to reveal what the MaGrav system is actually a gift to humanity. I was
waiting all the time for this, because last Tuesday we encouraged them to put the
questions through to Rick to ask about the MaGrav but apparently nobody is daring to
ask you or to open that door. But so many people have made and bought the MaGrav
and they are working, but the finice of your understanding of what it is (2:36). I think
it might be time for you to open that door of beauty for all of us the same as you have
given the Cup. of Life. Would it not be time to open it for the MaGrav too? ..

(Secrets Hidden in One Cup: Salt, Soul, MaGrav)

Keshe: This shows the beauty of how simply you can make Gans's. A lot people
were expecting to see a green Gans, some see a yellow Gans due to the higher
energy they choose in their battery. If your battery is not so flat you'll see different
colors of it. But again, it's that level of the Gans in that strength of the Cu. Keep that
picture, Here you have seen something that you have never seen. You have a
condition here of what you think, CO2, sorry, here you have a condition of CuO2
(changes it), .. here condition of CuO2, here a condition of C, but what you have to
understand, all these pictures have a different strength. As you create the same here,
the set up a flat piece of Zn, (2:38). for a different strength of Cu, you create a
spectrum of the Cu and CO2. Because it is not only this and this. It's this with all of
it. the same with this and all of it. This is why the amino acid which you produce on
the top, here, has a spectrum of, and this is why this thing is so effective, it carries
its own amino acid spectrum, CO2 spectrum, Zn spectrum. But there is one thing
hidden you have never thought of, most probably, is now that you have created
the Gans condition, the condition of the matter Cu with matter Zn , this is the
connection between the brain of the man and the physicality, is in the strength of
the Mg more or less. This is how most of the salts are made, because these waters
are in the condition of the plasma of the Universe, they are not just water. (2:40).
This is how salts are created in the Universe. The gravitational pull in the matter
state, which is what we call salt. This is the secret in this Cup, and you were
looking for something else. This Cup when you produce it, has another secret, a
beautiful hidden secret. It's very simple, as it is a dynamic between here and here
(between the Nano and matter Cu and Zn), why this system touches the man, the
ill person, is, that this system has a Soul (dot in middle). Because in these 2, one is
a sperm, and one is an egg. And this is the womb of the mother. In fact, if you
look at it, I have given you a real Cup of Life, where the real life starts. (2:42).
Originally I taught this years ago, but nobody understood, maybe this time some of
you will understand. Then if you turn this 90 degrees you have the Cu fields, the
Nano fields, and the Zn fields, isn't this your MaGrav system. What did I tell you,
I always told you. It's very easy, why we do not need prophets, because I am another
magician in the dimension of the universal knowledge. If you understand it, you
would have seen what I set up. If you understood that, it answered the question that
just was asked, the beauty of the MaGrav system is the Soul in the center of it.
You were looking for megawatts, I am looking to energize the Soul of the man. If
you come in with the wrong behavior you get nothing from your MaGrav
physicality. The MaGrav systems have the energy of the Soul, and many of you
will never understand, because the man is so physically weak to understand the
knowledge of the Universe. How many times we said, if you put something on top of
a MaGrav, you will feel the fields. (2:44). Isn't that field, these fields. When you sit
on it, you get from it.

Q: Do you remember a lot of MaGrav systems have been made with the crystal in
the middle? Yeah. Can you explain more please? Keshe: This is very much, when
you have crystals you can unify singularity of the chosen fields. People who did,
maybe they understood or never understood. I explained that when you started
playing with crystals to understand what you make. Go to whiteboard.
You see when you have a planet, you have many fields, (2:46). coming in and
going out. We don't know which one is which. Does this one end up with the Soul
of the mother, and this one with the Soul of the cat, and this is the strength of the Soul
of the stone, or is this connected with the Soul of the Mars or Moon. When you put a
crystal in the system, and if you understood what a crystal was. As much as different
energies come in and the rest of it. Then if you understand, then in the future you
decide, I am going to go into this one (choose an individual field), or you decide
you want to connect to this one, the Soul of my dog. Or you decide, I want to be,
we call it mono field to the moon. We'll play games with crystals later on. Man
hasn't got the knowledge yet. Now you understand the knowledge of crystals. But
you have to understand, (2:48) where the homogeneity of the signal and the
strength comes from and goes to. In the future, the Knowledge Seekers who
expand into the space travel they will be able to do this. They'll close the circuit,
because you need the feedback of the same, to be able to become part of it. The
Iranian space Technology scientists have reached that space point. In the Tehran
conference, if his Eminence Ayatollah Knowledge allows, we will show technologies
which man could ever dream of, as I said, why are we ashamed of the knowledge we
have, when we have to be proud of it. Any other question. This is an answer in a very
direct way to Dr. Alzar. (2:50). If you understand something, it is very easy to
understand (draws a loop of the fields), but if you don't understand it, you can sit there
and scratch your head, did I connect to the Soul of the mother or did I do what
happened. This happened to me this morning, Carmen came down, our boss, (2:50).
Mr. Tipoli (dog), I usually feed him because he has everything he usually gets from
his little trick, or the treat, but he was going on and on. I said, Caroline I don't
understand what he is telling me. She said, he said that when you cam to the room you
closed the door, instead of letting me tell you, he doesn't like you to close the door,
because he couldn't be with you. When she explained that, he went quiet. Absolutely
quiet, no more barking, not even once. She understands the language of the dog, his
Soul. He wants to tell me, next time don't close the door, because he always
follows me in and he gets treated as the boss. It's what we understand and how
we are connected through the Soul. Any other question.
Or shall we call it quits. .. Q: Can I share one of the MaGrav with the crystal, the one
Klaus made in Austria? (2:52). Which Klaus. shows the photo. Q: This must be
Santa Claus. Keshe: Their Soul is on top of it, connected to it. Thank you very much.
Q: Libby, .. Yesterday when I started making the One Cup, I decided to use Mg
Sulfate (Epsom Salt) instead of kitchen salt is that a good thing? I am going to
make another one, I made a lot of mistakes? Keshe: Yeah, actually the Mg salt
connects directly to the Soul of the man, why not. Q: Excellent, because I felt like
I had an interaction with it when I was going to bed last night, I felt like I was
communicating with it. Keshe: You feel in love with it, is it? Q: I did. Keshe: Let's
go to bed with me (ha, ha). .. I was, 'is that reactor talking to me.' (2:54). I was really
amazed and I want to thank you again and again for what you have done for
humanity. Keshe: You're welcome. As long as it doesn't wet the bed it's good, be
careful how you keep it up. As I said, the limitation of this knowledge is the
limitation of man's understanding of his own limitations. We limit our
knowledge, there is no one right, and no one wrong, and this is what I said with
the new Technology, there is no fear in it. If it gives you a result you have to
understand why. Why do you feel it when you choose the salt of Mg. Because in the
brain of the man you have mainly this, Mg and Ca and very little P, you have a
Zn, and hardly any, zero Cu, very little. These (P + Cu) are very minute and are
used in very specific positions. You have a huge amount of what we call,
radioactive material Knowledge, (potassium), but we don't see this, because this is
the holder of the cells of the body, and in so many ways, we have very limited amount
of this (Na). (2:56). There is vast amounts of what I call, (P) Phosphor and Sulphur,
connected to the dimension of repair and multiplication of RNA. If you have chosen
any of these salts (Phosphorous, Sulphur, Na, Mg, Zn, Ca ) then you have to
understand where you are heading. If you notice, here (P + Cu) and here (P + S) each
one has a specific reason and position. Each salinity between these, by connection of
the CO2, ?** you have a CO2 in lungs, it's very simple. And you have CO2 in your
brain (draws lungs and brain). They feed each other. That's why they are placed above
or below each other. The line of connection is CO2 in them. That's why when we
breath, when we start our breathing channel the whole thing falls apart (** the virus).
(2:58). When we breath we don't pass energy, then the energy is outside the physical
boundary. This is what we see in the structure, so any of these salts you can choose,
this (Knowledge) has to do with the Soul of the man, if you use this one (Knowledge)
and understand this one (Mg), and the connection with this one (Phosphorus + Cu), or
connection with this one (P + S), especially, then you can reach the Soul of the man
and the Soul of the ancestors. But this needs a very deep understanding.

Q: is this the reason why you use 6 to 7% CO2 in our brain? Keshe: Without it
you don't have the connection with the lung. The field is created, controlled and
linked up through the lung. One of the reasons we released CO2 is to keep the
structure of the brain in order. .. Let me explain something please. You have to
understand that we create huge amounts of CO2, and we think we breath it out, but as
we said, when you breath, if you remember, draws mouth and nose, you get the
best and highest energy. You do the same when you breath out, you get the best
and highest energy, which is needed for interaction with the physicality and the
Soul of the man. (3:00). It's not that you just breath CO2 out. It's the same process,
the best of the highest energy for connection ** for the physical construction with the
body comes on the way back (out) too. This CO2, not only linking, but continuously
confirms its existence. We are always looking at what we take, and this is the biggest
problem with the human race. If you go back to the teaching in the past I explained to
you, that when you breath the Soul takes the best, the Soul is a clever chap. And when
you breath out he also takes the best of what is created and good for itself too. Maybe
for the first time man understands why he breaths CO2 out, and that is why when they
cut the throat hole, if you cut the breathing line, the brain stops because it doesn’t get
what it needs to match, to link up and create a dimension of the connection with the
Soul of the man. The breathing out is more important than breathing in because
the energy which it has made for itself, it consumes it. It needs it, otherwise it
cannot operate. If you allow people in Coma or in a deep shock state, to breath
through their nose and their lungs they'll recover very fast, because you energize with
what the body creates. It's literally the exhaust coming out, it is very much like
people who drink their urine and they say they put things back. Because the
body has made it, it is matching it. It is what it needs. (3:02). It's not the
conversion that you cross all the energy through the lung into the blood, that is
for the blood, but what comes out (through the exhale) is for the Soul of the man.
The very best that could be done because it's made by itself. This is the first time
I have released this knowledge, but if you understand it, go to my cups from 20
years ago this is the first thing I considered. Breath it in, and then breath out very,
very slow because the Soul needs all what was created, you are destroying
everything that is there.
Q: I do 2 kinds of breathing, She describes in detail, the method of Kriya Yoga ..

.. I do it for a half an hour and can feel the Soul is outside the physical Soul. It has a
big effect on the body, I try to do it 3 30 minute sessions per day. Keshe: I thought
you were a dentist and had a lot to do. (ha , ha). you don't even need coffee and tea,
and I never feel tired

Keshe: If you learn, not necessarily to breath you see, it says, "I made man in the
image of myself", I repeat this many times, but not many times do people understand
what I am talking about. It says, I made man in the image of myself. (3:06). (draws
the brain). If the man needs, or the man can think, so does the Soul. The man has to
learn to understand this (Soul) thinking, and not this thinking (brain). If the man
becomes a passenger of space. Because this (Soul), it is this which will manifest
itself in the depth of the space. And if it does, it must think that it can exist. The
problem and part of the teaching has been, and it has been one of the biggest
dilemmas for me, for weeks now, how can I explain, maybe this is the best
opportunity to do. How can we get the man to understand the thinking of his Soul
and not the thinking of his physicality? At the same time to be able to
distinguish, is it the Soul thinking or is it the thinking of the man? Because the
Soul as you are, is already thinking and communicating with the other souls,
what your physicality is thinking or communicating with physical life. Then it
comes, this or as you say breathing, do we by different understanding of the use of the
physical dimension, can we access this line (Soul) of communication? (3:08).
Because when you accept this line of thinking (Soul) then you become the light. If
you work this side (brain) of the thinking, then you stay in the physical matter. We
fall in love in the dimension of the physicality, if the physicality can fall in love, and
"I made you in the image of myself," so does the Soul of the man, falls in love. When
you fall in love with the Soul and it takes over the dimension of the life, you'll see
who lied to you in the dimension of physicality. This is where I am at, but my
silence is my virtue. If you do understand this, then it comes to the point, is it the
Soul of the man that we hear, or is it the physicality of the man which we hear, or do
we become so transparent to our physicality, that we know the difference between the
2 ** core poles, and when we get this balance (? imbalance) it's ** single ** ..
because that is what happens to you on the day when the 2 (souls) have to say good-
bye. A balanced book. (3:10). This is what a lot of Knowledge Seekers, they have to
go through the transition. With this new Enhancement Unit coming in, you will
face it, you have no choice, unfortunately. Then do I think on the level of my
Soul, or on the level of my physicality, because, "I made man in the image of
myself." If man can think, so it is, also, one of My own attributes in the dimension of
the Soul. Then if I think in the level of the Soul, which has ** no dimension, isn't it
supposed to be the dimension of the Creator. Then it brings a lot of understanding to a
lot of us. Do we need to breath, to be able to, or do we need to go to sleep to open
these boundaries softly. The man has to understand this, now that you are
becoming aware of the Soul, are you thinking with the dimension of the man,
about the thinking of the dimension of the Soul, or are you thinking in the
dimension of the solar strength the effects the dimension of the physicality. Then
if you achieve that point, you can convert yourself to anything in the dimension
of the Universe. (3:12). Anything. Then you become that Gans. Do you remember
you have a Gans, then you get gold, silver or whatever. So now this Gans is the Soul
of the man, in what dimension strength do you want to manifest yourself. Or is it
the one you love, that loves them, and you can create it in the dimension of the
diamond to see the beauty by the Soul of it, that understands, appreciates the non-
existence of physicality, in the dimension of physical observation, but seeing it as it
exists. I call these ones, the magic of the Soul. I can give you whatever is in your
imagination in the dimension of your physicality, that elevates your Soul, to
understand the power of my Soul, what I can give you as peace and satiStar
Formationaction, because your Soul is important, I love that Soul, I respect that
Soul. It's not much, what physicality stands for. When I stand and say, would you like
to see a shooting star, I do that for the love I have for the Soul and with that satiStar
Formationy to the eye of the man, to the dimension of physicality. It comes from my
love, for the love of that Soul and nothing else, because the dimension of satiStar
Formationaction, the dimension of physicality, is to satiStar Formationy the
Soul, then you can see as many shooting stars as you like. (3:14). In so many
ways, a shooting star is a confirmation of the life of the Creator, that is what the
Soul sees, that is what the Christ saw, Moses, and Mohammad saw. If you
understand this, you understand the totality of the love of the Creator. The life of man
is a shooting star, in the broad horizon in the life of the Creator in the dimension of
existence. But you have to ask, who does he please, with that shooting star? Then you
have to think, from now on, gradually, as Knowledge Seekers, and those who come to
be the seekers of the knowledge, am I thinking in the strength of the Soul, or am I
thinking in the strength of the physicality, as, I made man in the image of myself.
Then it comes to the fact, does this (the Soul) have a separate lover, then this (the
physicality), in the dimension of the physicality. But the beauty of it is, can this lover
(Soul), be changed in the dimension of physicality? For this (the physicality) it would
be a hard job, because you have to take the physicality too, into the Soul. Today's
teaching has brought many things on the table, (3:16). but this is part of it, for
the man to be able to enter the Universe Community. When you come to the
dimension of the Soul and you travel the spans of the Universe, for your Soul, how
do you know what is here, or over there, what is this (object in front of you)? If
the Soul could not think or understand, or do we put the dimension of the
understanding of the physicality within it. Then let this think for the Soul of the
man. Try to understand, that we understand the totality of the creation, what has taken
the creatures of the Universe billions and billions of years, and not many have
Any other question?
Q: You mentioned the name in Iranian, is that "Defah", our protection? You said,
Sepah? (3:18). Keshe: Sepah means army. "P" in the Middle Eastern languages is
exclusively in the Persian, in Arabic we don't have it. Q: you write it? Keshe: It's
written like this, what you call "P" and Sepah means collection of people, in so many
ways that safeguard the nation, under the king or the leaders. It was a forgotten name,
until the regime of the last Shah when he brought back in the Sepah, which was 2,500
soldiers sworn to protect the monarchy and the nation. When the Palestinians raided
Iran, this was the first lot they killed. I lost one of my dearest friends in this group.
Nearly 30 years ago. Q: .. Keshe:"SEPAH", this is how it is spelled. This means,
'army for the people', it's an old ancient name for army, army is a new name.
(3:20). In Iran we have 2, one is ** which is the present national army, sepah,
protection of the nation. They protect the Iranian nation with their lives, as we have
seen. these are part of the culture of Iran. We trust them with our lives because they
are there to protect us. It doesn't matter who puts the name and how it gets used, but
that is what the true meaning of it is. Q: In Arabic when you hear that, sebah, it
means mourning. Keshe:This actually means army. If you saw this

(3:22). It's part of the Iranian culture. Any other question? Thank you for today. I
do apologize for those who go to Mexico, I go with my Soul, I'll be present as much
as possible on the Zoom, teaching on the Zoom. On the other hand the head of the
Keshe Foundation and the backbone of the Keshe Foundation .. in a way it is a pre-
run of the time to come. It's a good start. Please remember when you are in these **
you are in the Soul of the Keshe Foundation, not individuals to, as we say, play
games. The knowledge the ** for peace and ** Technology for the governments to
understand it's sacrosanct. But today I opened a small gap into your knowledge in
respect to life of the man in the Universe (3:24). if you understood it. Thank you

(3:25). Keshe: You were explaining the different meetings. Something very important
Rick was just mentioning, we need, now that we are dealing with governments
(3:26). in a vaster way. We need the testimonials to be categorized in a way that we
can ** print the disease per case of tress, animals and everything else. Especially in
the Golden Age of Gans where people are putting these testimonials to bring a rapid
shortcut to what we call clinical trails, we need all the people who have done trials to
bring all these testimonials under one bracket. If I need to show cancer, 10, 20 or 100
of them, I just go to the cancer section, take the file and I can give it to a doctor. Now
that we start negotiating with governments these testimonials are becoming very
important, extremely important, we are realizing the importance of these testimonials
you are putting out. we need someone or a group of people who can categorize the
testimonials that now we are doing research or what we call, clinical trials in China.
They want to see all the trials that we have done and we'll present these as Keshe
Foundation trials around the world. When they see different countries it gives a lot of
strength to us. ..
especially agriculture and medical
I know a lot of Chinese doctors have done a lot of work but they are hiding it. It is
time to open up. and let us have the data you have worked on. this speeds up the work
now that we are in with your universities.


Video: One Cup, One Life;


314th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, February 6,

(** The next stage in the opening of the "jam jar" called earth to space, Bill Gates and
the spread of Coronavirus.

Zero-time communication, transportation, transmutation we are already doing it,
When one plasma moves all others adjust, Sun vibrates millions of kilometers,
Everything balances like acrobat on rope, Man is kept in balance through the
emotions, Keeping science in ignorance as way to control, Soul of the man works just
like magnet, 1 Cell is controller cell for entity, Peaceful nations will achieve flight
first, Incompetence in Chinese leadership is problem, Bill Gate's virus agenda, How
the Universal Council governs, How you change leaders through Soul, Changing
position causes other to vibrate and can collapse, Breathairean prophet, You open the
"Jam Jar", Freedom of choice of the fields, religious leaders against change because of
criminality, Belgium monarchy collapsing from within, The True Man helps his
enemy, What man has done to planet, Prophets all had the same Soul, Corona virus in
China, American vaccine is Trojan gift to kill more, Analysis of how the vaccine kills,
Iranians helping those who are causing them suffering with Nano masks, MIT has to
closed for planning biochemical mass murders, We can reach any Soul because we
are linked by dimension, Neutron nonexistence are the "glue" that holds protons and
electrons together like invisible people of society create the balance in the Soul of
humanity, Neutrons become the next protons, When sphere of magnetical and
gravitational fields cross each other create a vortex which can be heard in our ears,
Chinese Fire Dragon is the interaction with the Soul of the man, It's the same Fire
Moses saw, It's the same with the Cup of Life, How the 2 halves of the body repairs
itself in the sleep cycle of about 4 hours each, Iranians show plasma pulse for first
time it can be seen in the clouds, Compression of the fields makes an impenetrable
barrier no missile can penetrate, Lower speed missiles are turned to Nano coating,
Was demonstrated in Iraq 3 weeks ago, new weapons technology is obsolete and it
will enforce world peace, Details of how cell division occurs in the womb of the
mother to the development of the kidneys, The process of creation is the same
throughout the universe, You create a Soul with your own hands in the One Cup, One
Cup elevates your Soul and with that surplus of energy you overcome the virus,
Explains the plasma patterns in the Periodic Table, Important is the Fe at 56 and then
it comes to the isotope of Ca, The Ca bone structure just happened because of the
heartbeat of the planet and multiples of C6, Only a specific type of Ca can become
bone, With the new systems he can create a man because he knows the secrets of
creation, Details of how life was created through the right salinity, protein, field
strength vibration between Ca and the waters of the ocean and Fe, on this planet, The
creation of life is the same everywhere in universe according to the conditions, Can
recreate the man from the skull, Bone can be made from other materials it depends on
the heartbeat of the plasma of the planet, How to stop the killing by man and animals,
ZnO and CuO were introduced to elevate the Soul of totality, Add all the foods you
like and combine to CH3 and you don't need to eat, The Enhancement Unit will do
everything you can imagine - feed repair fly, You don't need matter state -use the
fields of the universe for salt- Zn- Cu to create a Soul, Two souls if they have the
same level of giving they can create a "Soul child", Physical life never started in the
dimension of intercourse, The Cup of Life is the same as the earth itself in that it has
everything to create life, Travelers of the universe bring the souls they love with them
to give a physical dimension to their love, The leadership and kingship is a bout to
come to the end as it is rotting from the inside, The color of the Gans from the Cup
varies from yellow, brown, blue, green, After some time it can change to green or
blue, The plan for Tehran conference is to bring all religious and political leaders in
one room to decide the future for mankind, The Messengers will be present to support
the change, Americans played the virus as their biggest card and it has been disarmed,
The virus was tested on Chinese gene and planned for Iran but sometimes
experiments turn back on their creators it may change to American blood, Wish to
form Sepah in Tehran to put an end arms crossing borders, Systems already created
for opposition from America, Do you want to be human or American, Time for
Americans to understand how the world sees them, Woman to lead them to peace. )


The next stage in our understanding is how zero-time communication and

transportation happens in creation and in plasma (Plasma) technology (Technology),
Everybody is afraid of this virus but what if it opens us up to deep space, Mankind has
been in a closed jam jar and now that jar is being opened up to both the freedom and
dangers of space, therefore he needs to understand the totality of the process of how
plasmas tranStar Formationer energies and communicates between one another be it
information, communication, transportation, viruses, or be it anything else, When we
understand that this process is the same throughout creation then we'll be able to
handle any situation that arises, viruses or anything, By accepting the ignorance of
Einstein it has made it more difficult for the true science to be understood.

When anything or any plasma move, then all the other plasmas in the Unicose have to
adjust themselves to that movement. This is done instantaneously and simultaneously.
In this simple fact, he explains how we are already using zero-time communication,
transportation and transmutation by our own existence in positioning ourselves
amongst the other field forces of our own existence without our knowing it. He uses
the example of how when the earth moves slightly, then instantaneously, all the other
field forces such as moons, planets, suns, galaxies also move to accommodate that

The Sun Vibrates to keep Balance like the Emotions:

Furthermore, the sun is vibrating continuously to accommodate these changes in field

forces, like a gymnast balancing on a tight rope, the sun is not stationary but has a
vibration bandwidth in millions of kilometers. He compares the sun's "dancing on the
rope" to us, and what keeps us in balance is our emotions. 'Emotions are built into the
body of the man to be able to keep it in balance without falling off the rope, when you
feel happy you go a little this way, when sad a little that way, but you still stay alive
and on the rope. If you fall off the rope you call it a dead body. Death is the collection
of the balance of the emotions of the man in tranStar Formationerring the energy of
the Soul of the Physicality (Soul of the physicality) to the Soul of the Man (Soul of
the man). Then we understand why infants at the point of birth, die, and why some of
us live hundreds of years and still survive and live.'

Balance through Emotions:

The universe is nothing but a bunch of acrobats, and their balancing comes through
the emotions. It comes through the understanding of how I want to live and how I
interact instantaneously and in that position, so too are the fields of the body and the
Soul of the man in respect to the souls of every other thing, and in respect to the Soul
of the planet, the universe and the rest of it. He draws a series of circles next to each
other in a line and says we are a bunch of acrobats on a bigger size scale of the field
strength, starting from man, going to the planet, stars, galaxy, universe and to the
Creator. Even He has to play acrobat to keep you in your position. If you understand
this, we are already in possession of zero-time communication and transportation with
every other structure in the process of the creation, even to the Creator. Then it is up
to the man if he wants to use these fields by first finding out which field comes from
the Soul of the man and connects to the thing he is interested in. We even have a
direct access to the Soul of our Creator, but first we have to find the fields of it, and
the strength of it. Then, without any systems or machines, we'll be able to create the
conditions to transport our emotion, our energy, or to communicate anywhere across
the world of creation. This brings us to another point of understanding, and that is,
that we have understood none of it.

One Cell is Controller for Entity:

Many people who could understand the science have been eliminated by those who
want to control man through science, but in the end, it is us who allows these
incompetent people to dictate and condition our understanding of the world of the
creation. There is no difference between the totality of the work of a magnet and that
of the Soul of the man. One is the dimension of magnetical fields in the matter state
and the other is in the Plasma condition of Inertia. He shows how the work of a
magnet, the Soul of the man, and the brain are the same. This is very important that
for every creature and everything that exists in the universe there is 1 Cell that is
responsible for its totality, and how this Cell responds to another Soul, will cause all
the other cells in its unit to adopt and adjust itself, (even to the feeding of the Creator),
{there was a break in connection ** pain and the Creator}, "In that respect, to
adjust to that pain, mankind has been gifted, a new message, and when the man
understands this, the humanity, the Soul of humanity will move, by moving one of
these cells to a new position will bring comfort and the opening of that jam jar.
(Question: are the Messengers trying to move that 1 Cell to move all the others?).

From now until the Tehran conference and the coming of the totality of the
knowledge to mankind, he has 2 choices, war or understanding the new knowledge of
the plasma of the creation of the Creator. In building the new flight systems those
nations on the path of peace will achieve flight because the Soul of the plasma of the
system understands their true purpose, while at the same time has access to the hidden
agendas of others. Fear is the weakness and reduction in strength of comprehension
and we see this in the human race especially in past few days. The development of the
plasma technology will not allow those who put their own self interests above the
totality. Man speaks different through the words of his mouth then the action of his
Soul. Man will not take into space nor enter into the Universal Community until the
totality of the souls of all beings on this planet agree on peace and collectively
working together. Man collectively put all his energy to create a nuclear bomb to kill
others, now he can do the same with the dividend of the peace and can achieve this in
no time. You started with the Gans's and the balls and progressed to the point where
now, but you have to understand which Gans and which field takes you where, and
the operation and strength of each Gans in the environment which it works. This
understanding allows you to reach to the Creator, or the sun, or create energy, or zero-
time understanding of another Soul in the dimension of physicality. (Instantaneous
education of the full knowledge of the universe in the position and the direction which
the man needs),.

Incompetence of Chinese Leadership:

In trying to control a simple virus the Chinese leadership has become a shambles,
with incompetence in management showing itself across the nation. If the leadership
would have understood what we have been telling them, they would have prevented
this mayhem instantaneously, but man is in the grip of pride and possession, and until
he discovers that he will continue that way,

Bill Gates' Agenda:

Mr. Gates has put a hundred million dollars to support the virus in China, where he
earns billions on spreading the same virus. By being aware of the Soul of the man we
cannot be lied to anymore. If you understand how to lock into the Soul and the line of
emotion, people like Gates, will not exist in the stage and the development of what
they have created for physicality. Maybe the man has a hidden agenda, but not his

How the Universal Council Governs:

The English spoken language member of the Universal Council is responsible for
Trump who is English speaking. If you have not reached him, it means you have not
understood. Other people can reach him by strengthening the Soul of that Universal
Council member, because as the points of the universe you are all connected. This is
how you'll change the world leaders in the future, not by elections, but by clarity and
understanding of the totality of the collective consciousness, because you are all part
of the same brain structure which has to work through one. Collectively it creates a
bigger mass of the fields which then has the power to remove. If I wished the removal
of president Trump it will be done by tonight, but we have to have him where we
want him and the way we want him to achieve world peace. In this way we worked
through the outside connection, but we'll leave the man himself, to learn how to work
through the inside connection. This is an example of the acrobat balancing on the
rope, you are like the earth when it moves a little, it causes the sun to move, for you to
be able to keep your position. In the same way we made a move from the outside,
causing him (Trump) to vibrate into the position we want him to be in.

The teaching of the Keshe Foundation is a collective teaching and it brings everything
together in all directions, step by step, then you understand that life is simple and it is
the man who has not understood the totality by not questioning himself. The missing
link is mankind, his own understanding of his own creation in all dimensions. It is up
to you where you would like to be, in line with your Creator, or the Universal
Council, or with your family. Then it comes to something very important, what is
your role, the role of your Soul in the structure of the creation. Do you need to clinch
on to the intermediaries of prophets, mullahs, priests and the rest, or have you
matured enough to find the line of distinction and the path of knowledge? We saw
another magician jump up (man from Breathairen Institute) in Tuesday's teaching
(103 One Nation OP), would we call him a new prophet, or has his prophecy became
profitable overnight. I promise you that what he learned in that teaching will become
part of his teaching, because now he thinks he has learned a little bit more, and he can
create more magic with it,

Some Questions:
It was asked if we have to take the "jam jar" top off ourselves, or will it be taken off
automatically? He said, do you still need to have a magician? Another question was if
I understand the plasma technology then I should be able to do the zero time
communication, transportation, and all that right now, yes? He replied, this is still in
the dimension of physicality and you want to see it to believe it, but shut your
physicality down and see what your Soul is up to. You are already doing it.
Q: Is everybody going to open up at the same time or are we all going to be on
different pages or strengths? Keshe: it's the freedom of the choice of the fields, you
choose according to what interests you and what is beneficial to your Soul. If there
wasn't such a choice, there wouldn't be any differentiation, it would have been only
one Creator on his own.

Q: In this process how can people who understand help others? Keshe: Each person
has to reach that point by his own Soul. As it says in the writings, 'independent
investigation of the truth', otherwise, because your father was a Moslem you become a
Moslem, and it continues on this way. If you are not allowed to do your own
investigation and to find your own understanding step by step, then what, does a man
stay Moslem for the rest of the life of this planet and the universe?

Religious leadership resisting:

He elaborates further, we put this idea to the world religious leaders, but according to
them, nothing can change, because if it changes then they have no power. But if they
accept that the time for the maturity of the man has come, then there will be no
religious leaders. At the same time, most of the people who are in these positions of
power, which controls the Soul of the man, have gotten their hands into so much
criminality and wrong doing, that by them stepping down, they'll be digging their own
grave. It's not out of the fear that the man won't succeed, that they deny the new
change, but it is to save their own neck from what can happen to them. The biggest
fear of the Vatican, now that they are saying that the Christ will never come back, is,
because 'we have done so much bad, that Christ help us, what are we going to do, if
he does comes back.' Or would the mankind forgive and at least start a new cycle.

Belgium Monarchy in Turmoil:

A lot of things are happening because we have raised the level in a different direction.
He goes into detail about the changes taking place in Belgium within the monarchy.
The king lied to his nation for so long that when the truth finally came out about his
illegitimate daughter, the queen had a heart attack. The Belgium monarchy is in
mayhem and turmoil beyond belief, and now the queen wants to kick the king out.
This is the reality for a lot of these people, they'll bring their own demise, then the
world leadership will come to that of the Soul of the man alone with no one to dictate
to it.

The True man:

When you are suffering and still you will help those who have created your suffering,
this is a true man, what I call, being to exist. We have seen none in the world
leadership, except one, and one day I'll tell you which nation, who, where and why.
(he explains this with drawings of fields forces) Don't look to the others for
answers, look inside yourself through your Soul.

If you understood today's teachings, then in every single page, I have shown you zero-
time communication, transportation, conversion, transmutation. This is a page of the
knowledge of the universe, for the first time opened to the man for him to look. The
question mark that I have drawn, is for the man himself, then you'll see the picture is

What Man has Done on this Planet:

We have not understood the work of our own Soul, nor the work of the Soul of this
planet, nor the Soul of the universe, and the rest of it. If we had, then we might
understand the work of the Soul of the Creator. We have damaged the Soul of our
own creator, which is the planet, and yet, we expect to move up. We have caused
suffering to the Soul of the children of this planet, which are other men and creatures,
and we still expect to go up. When is the "jam jar" going to open? Has the man made
the jam without infestation and bacteria, that when he opens it, it doesn't contaminate
the rest of the Universal Community? We want more and more, but we don't even
understand what we have less of. The greed of the man doesn't only go with his
physicality, he tries to get it into the dimension of his Soul, but it doesn’t work that
way. At the same time you have to look inside, what have you done, what has brought
you to this point. As I just said, the queen had a heart attack, but did she tell the king
that when he was busy playing out, that she was playing out too, then we'll see if the
king will also have a heart attack. The biggest heart attack will come when the second
and third hidden children come on the plate in the Keshe court cases, now before the
European court of Justice. These people are part of those, who have touched the
Keshe Foundation. I knew through my Soul that all the connections had to be made,
and that I had to take the time, to get everything correct for the right time, place, and
position. The queen has another child by another man called the king of Persia. The
king as a civilian has already given the DNA, and any document in a civilian court is
a public document. We can test these very easily now in the court. This man has
played with the Keshe Foundation, and now you can see the end of the kingship. Now
you understand what was hidden. It doesn't matter if they eliminate him, his
documents and saliva, and blood tests are in the public court, and we can all upon
them. Now you can see the end of kingship. Now you understand why the Belgium's
oppose the Iranians, because the king wants his brother at the throne in Iran. Now you
understand why the Keshe Foundation ever came to be in Belgium in the first place.
The plan has been to get rid of kingship in all dimensions. Man's king has to be his
own Soul and his correct conduct, and not be king by murder, rape, and abuse. This
goes for other world leaders as well. The Tehran conference is not just a peace
conference, it's the end of kingship, and the end of one man's priority over another in
Soul and in power of physicality.

All Prophets are of the Same Soul:

He brings back the previous drawings of the souls creating balance. We have already
made all the matter states, and the human souls are ready for the time. Each one has a
connection to every single Soul on this planet and the sufferings man has created in
the universe. Now you understand more. We took the man of the earth into space
before, and we saw him carrying on with the same criminalities in the distance, so we
came to cleanup the mess from the source. Six thousand years is nothing, but for man
it's a life history. Putting the same Soul in the name of Christ, Mohammad, and Moses
and the rest, is the game man likes to play and be happy with, but in essence it is the
same Soul. He said, quite simply, I'll see you in 622 years, and again in 1,200 years
in another name. Because he is the Father, that Soul could dictate where he is going to
be. In the essence of the True Messenger, that Soul can decide where it is going to be.
If he decides to appear in the dress of a clown in one, or in a business suit in another,
that is his problem, not yours. He has appointed the time and the place, and now it is
the time and the place to bypass all the mistakes of the past, because he has decided
and no one else. Seeing him as a fire, or lights or whatever, is his decision, how he
entertains at the time of the Presence.

Coronavirus in China:

For those of you who are following the situation in China and the spread of the virus,
the Keshe Foundation has developed the machinery to disinfect en mass, which means
there should be no worries for anyone. The machine has already been made and will
be released to the Chinese government sometime today. However, if the
incompetence in the Chinese leadership carries on the way it has been, and with so
many people suffering, the technology will go through the Iranian government to all
the nations around the world in conjunction with our manufacturing base in Austria.

This is a selected virus for the Chinese blood only, and it was sponsored and
developed by the Rothschild's family and the others, and they used MIT to assess its
potential damage. We have the only system which can overcome the genetic
modifications caused by this virus. This is a tailor made virus sponsored by the
Rothschild's, Rockefeller, and Gates Foundation. They developed it without knowing
that the Keshe Foundation had also developed a technology that can overcome

If you or your nation gets hit by this, advise your people to speak to the Keshe
Foundation or directly with the Iranian officials, which will operate through the Keshe
Foundation contacts and operations. Those who boycotted and caused suffering to the
nation of Iran, will beg for the life of their own nations to not be boycotted, as they
have done. It doesn’t matter how much suffering was brought by other nations in the
past years, the Iranian government will still open the door of knowledge and share the
technology to overcome this virus. At the moment we cannot help China, because the
Chinese leadership is in turmoil from those who are going to lead it into more
disasters. They have to sort that out themselves. The incompetence has lead to more
suffering, and that is their problem. In the next year, maybe sooner, the virus will
move out of China into Russia, Arab nations, and elsewhere.

We have seen that the American virus injection, actually gives life to the patients for 3
to 7 days and then the patients usually die with suffocation from 20% of oxygen in
their blood. After receiving the injection the fever goes down and the doctors release
them to go home. But when they die in their home after 3 to 7 days, the government
doesn't include them in their statistics as part of the Coronavirus. The count today, is
only of those who die in the hospital and not those who said they have been given an
injection and then die at home, due to lung failure and lack of oxygen. So at the
moment in China, the total death toll passes millions.

It's a Trojan gift given by the American administration, or what we call, Rothschild's,
Bill Gates organizations and the rest of it. If you look at it, they say, we gave a
hundred million to the Chinese for the virus, but that hundred million goes to buy the
American injections, which were designed to kill more, and that way they can make
more. The game is so dirty.

How the Vaccine Kills:

You see, with this injection that they give for the fever, it sorts out the fever, but this
disease sits in the lungs, so the lungs collapse and they die at home. It's very much the
trick they played with chemotherapy. The chemotherapy is succesStar Formationul,
but they don't tell you, that it kills you 5 years down the line with a small infection.
It's effective killing. Yes, these injections have paracitimal in them and a bunch of
other things mixed up together. We have requested the following from the World
Health Authority, which is run by a Rockefeller organization as their private game.
We want to know the amount of Mercury in this new vaccine. We want to know the
amount of Cu and of Zn. We want to know the combination of Phosphorus used to
effect genetic deformation. It is the responsibility of MIT to give us of this
information, because they are the ones who tailor designed this virus. There is also a
certain amount of lead, and mixture of Aluminum used in this vaccine. We have asked
the Chinese government, and we ask now, any organization in the world who can get
hold of one of these vaccines, please give us the Raman Spectroscopy of it. This will
give us indication on how they have tailor made it to kill. Don't forget that Mercury
was used in the 3 magnetical (3 in 1) vaccinations for children, that caused so many
problems for parents like autism. Now they have loaded up the vaccine and this is
how this virus is killing, and it is so bad. Because the Cu is connecting it to the muscle
tissue, the Zn to the lungs. You'll see when the analysis comes out for the virus and
the energy levels, that we are 100% correct. It creates rapid genetic defects in the
lungs, and that causes the death. I know how they made the virus and I know how
they are using the antidote to kill more. As I said in the teaching last night, MIT has to
be closed. It has become the center for planning mass murders through biochemical
and bioplasma technology by way of using viruses. I raised the red flag on MIT years
ago and it stands much stronger today with this virus. Because 3 years ago, it was
MIT that did the study on how many people will die by using this virus. According to
their open study, they forecasted that 60 million, and in uncontrollable studies, 600
million will die!

But we have the technology for overcoming this virus, and we taught you the Cup of
Life, now we have developed mass production systems to cleanup the environment,
hospitals, and ports. All you literally need to do, is to breath in as you are walking
through a tunnel.

Iranian Nation Helping those who Boycotted Them:

The only masks, more or less, which can, at least stop the size of the virus from
crossing through the masks, are made by Iranian scientists. They're called Nano
masks, and there are about 14 or 15 machines like these across the world. It's
developed by the Iranians, the Germans did the original ones, but now the mass
production for this size is done by the Iranians. In the news the Chinese Prime Minster
has called Iran and to thank them for their support with the virus, but mainly to make
sure that the Nano layer masks are shipped to directly China, because they can't meet
the demand. At the same time, this same nation that is now asking for support, has put
a ban on everything from Iran sold in China and outside. I said, knowledge against
peace, I wonder when the Iranians will become wise to it. No one, except the Iranian
nation, would help their own enemies. It's a shame to be a Chinese at that level of
administration. Now you understand, the Iranian culture stands by its word, "talk
good, do good, and think good," irrespective of what happens outside, because time
will change.

It was asked, how do we access the Soul of the man, is it enough to wish for it? He
told a story about Caroline with a veterinarian, who raises her hands in front of the
horses and says, 'I wish to help you and that you will heal', and they change. She was
able to strengthen the Soul of the animal through her own Soul.

We can reach any Soul, because in us, we have a link by dimension, to all the souls of
created things. How many times have you walked into a position and said, 'my god
why am I here?' and then you see the result. It was the Soul that organized for you to
be there, so that you could see or experience that thing. Then you think, 'I have done
it', no, partially, as I said, your Soul, guides you and your physicality rides you. And
"you," is something in-between existence and nonexistence.

The Real Function of Neutrons Nonexistence:

He draws a circle to represent the structure of a nucleus and says, 'this is the field
barrier, not a physicality, we don't have a physical position in a nucleus.' He draws
many protons inside the circle and an equal number of electrons outside it. 'That
which accommodates and holds these two together, and what the world of science has
never understood, are what we call neutrons.' It's the neutrons, with their
nonexistence, that creates the condition for the protons and electrons to stay
connected. Collectively without the neutrons connecting to the protons and electrons,
everything would fall apart, each proton would pull its own electron apart. The
neutrons are there to bring the balance, even though they look as, "nonexistence."

This is the same with those around us that we don't see, our neighbors, the man down
the street, the cleaner and the bus driver. It's the presence of these souls, that creates
the balance in the Soul of humanity. And this, mankind has not understood. Why do
we need billions of more souls? It's because in the future, these neutrons will become
the new cells. At the same time, at this very moment they are holding the gel of the
atomic nuclear structure together. Every creature on this planet exists for a purpose.
Maybe it doesn’t look that way in the dimension of physicality, but in reality, in the
dimension of Soul, those creatures are like the neutrons, they are the glue to keep
everything together. We need to have many glues to create a condition, to create a
leader to vote for. Or for example, to create Christianity, Islam, and the rest, you need
to have those who believe, they are the neutrons, the glue to keep it together. To
create a condition, you need many glues to hold it together. Then you understand why
we are created, why we are here, and why we suffer. It's not the physical existence,
it's the existence of that glue of the Soul. Even the glue of the ants, count in the
totality if the Soul of the planet. When mankind understands this, then he will have
matured to the truth about the world of the creation and of his own meager position,
let alone that of the Soul. Then you'll see that the Soul of this planet has the same
meager "glue" in the creation of the galaxies, universes and the rest. If you look at a
neutron, at that point, it is just a neutron, but when the energy of the proton gets used
up and consumed, then its electron moves to another dimension to become another
neutron, then the original neutron now becomes the queen. Then you understand the
purpose and why that Soul was put there. Then you understand why the history and
life of mankind has been set. Man is ignorant to the truth of his own creation and that
is the biggest problem. His being correct in conduct counts, and even more is, being
correct at time of need, because that is when the elevation of the Soul comes.

In today's teaching, I have shown you the secret of creation in the line of man's
physical need. Man has to understand that existence in physicality is a burden rather
than a pleasure. It is for him to understand the separation of the two and that he can
choose the time, space, and the place, to convert and go through the transition, if he
wishes to do so. But since mankind has the same dimension, he should be able to
return back into dimension of physicality, when he feels like it, but, in so many ways,
it is done for fun and not by obligation.

More Questions:
Q: When the spheres of magnetical and gravitational fields cross each other they
create a vortex, which become the sounds and images we see in our dreams, or the
sound we hear in our head.
We don't actually hear anything in our ear, but we go into that vibration, we go more
inside, but how about when the energy of the Soul comes out to the boundary, do we
hear these vibrations or more often voices?
Keshe: The Soul is always out, it's just at a weaker strength and we call it the aura. Or
it's just how much we reduce the dilution of the field strength of the cells of the brain.
We have shown this a few times in the history of man, but those who have been
witness to it could not understand it. "In the time and the place, we say the position of
the Soul of the man literally sits in your head, when you eat." In the mythical way,
the Chinese call it, "Fire Dragon", in which the fire comes out of the mouth. This can
be done by souls who have matured beyond the physicality and who speak through
the "Soul of correctness." Historically, in the Chinese language, dragon carries good
with it. There are still souls who can reach this point of, "the light of the Soul". It's a
condition when the brain creates too much filter and they show the light through the
mouth, what we call the fire. This is the same fire that Moses saw, but the Chinese
have changed it into their own language, which is a dragon. If you are enlightened
enough, you can see it in the physical dimension, in the world of the man, the beauty
of it is that fire, but it comes from the Soul of the man.

In Chinese theology they tranStar Formationerred it to the fire of the dragon, but it is
the fire of knowledge, the fire of existence, the knowledge of the Soul of the man, and
not fire in the physical sense. In essence, it's the interaction of the Soul of the man
with the dimension of the physicality. From the mythology you could have put it in a
candle, a dog, or even in a stone. When I listened to Chinese try to explain it, it was
clear they didn't understand it, because in the present time and culture all that has
disappeared. In the original mythology the fire symbol was used to give knowledge.
As I said earlier about the Father manifesting at different times, it is the same father
but it is he who decides where to be, how to manifest himself and in what clothes, but
the essence is the same. You can extend this idea to the Soul, it is already of a weaker
strength when it goes beyond the boundary of the physicality. It's like when you have
central heating in your apartment building, you put a blanket over the radiator so it
radiates less heat and keep more in. But if you take one of the blankets away, it gives
off more heat, but the heat inside is still the same, you just hold it. The brain is like
that blanket and it is controlled through the blood circulation.

"The Cup of Life is that copy, if you look at the 4 fields in the Cup, you'll see the
same circulation as the flow in the body with the blood."

Q: How about the hissing sound I developed? Keshe: It just depends on how close
you get to the dimension of the Soul that the physicality moves within the inner ear.
You're expanding it beyond the physicality. Now, many people are hearing this noise.
You are taking the blanket from inside, not from outside.
Q: It's more noticeable around 3 AM. Keshe: Yeah, around 3 or 4 o'clock in the
morning is when the position of physicality changes from the left side to the right. It's
a transition time and you become more vulnerable to it. It's the time when we dream,
or we remember our dreams, it's a very fixed pattern in dreaming, for man, the
condition depends on position of physical dimension and dimension of the Soul and
circulation of the blood.

Sleep and repair Cycle of the Body:

He describes in detail what happens during sleep when the body also repairs. When
you sleep the whole body doesn't go to sleep, instead half of the body starts repairing
itself. The repair cycle is between 4 to 5 hours, from one half of the body to the other.
He draws 2 halves of the brain and 2 halves of the body and how they coordinate the
repairs during sleep. The switch over time is around 3 AM. The side which is used
less during the day by habit, goes into repair during the second phase. When you go
through the switch over, is when the Soul of the man more open and you may hear the
noise in your "ear".

Iranian Advancement in Plasma Technology:

A video was shown on the Persian Chats of pulses of plasma visibly flowing through
the clouds. Iran has started showing the power of the technology in a very rapid way.
They stopped being ashamed of what they own, and start being proud of how
advanced they are, and I have been openly fighting with Iranian officials to allow
them to show it. We should show what we have. If you understand what we call,
quick plasma energy release, it is horrendous what our brains can do with ourselves,
you don't need a system, you can do it with the body of the man. This is the first time
we see waves in motion and they can be seen in a very beautiful way. It's the first time
we are actually able to see plasmatic field flows. This is what was used 3 weeks ago
in Iraq. If you are caught inside it you can't see anything, you become totally blind.
It’s a physical, field barrier. This is a plasmatic field, and you can create a pulse of it,
and it works. If you look outside of the cloud you don't see anything, but within the
cloud you see the compression of the fields in different stages and how it manifests
itself. This is what the Americans couldn't get through. You can rapidly send it to
cover a much bigger space. The cloud has circles in its cell structure and this allows
us to see it. In our work we have to start becoming more aware of the energy rather
than the matter state, and this will open up a new dimension in the world of our own
understanding of our own creation and many created things. For the first time you see
how the magnetical and gravitational fields of a plasma are used. What you see in the
video as lines, are plasmatic fields floating continuously from the central plasmatic
reactor. It can cover kilometers and there will be no communication because there are
layers of it. The reason you only see it in the clouds and not in the blue sky, is because
it shows the compression of it as a plasmatic field, the space gap between the lines
doesn’t allow anything to penetrate it. This is very much what we saw on the
Caribbean Island when the hurricane destroyed everything around the house and left
the house untouched. If you look at the space gap between them, they can change it
in a compression way of the plasma, so that nothing can penetrate. You can throw as
many missiles as you want, it just takes them out. And even if they come at a higher
speed, it does the same. At a lower speed it changes them to Nano coating. So it's an
impenetrable situation. This is one of the biggest achievements of the Iranian defense
technology. This will enforce world peace. Instead of keeping it as a continuous
dome, they created a pulse dome and they decide on the strength of the pulse. It
creates a total barrier and this is how I told you that we captured the American drones.
The new weapons technology is obsolete. As I said, now that we saw the Senate's
situation yesterday, he managed to get himself off the hook, because they have
nobody else. If they vote him out, who are they going to put as the president next time
around? He is the only one they have. He will become arrogant and start talking big
again, but the limitations will be decided very soon by the others, this, what I call the

The Process of Creation is the Same throughout the Universe:

Q: Before when you showed us about the black hole, you used 3 protons, which were
not balanced, and in not being balanced were, basically rotating. And there were 3
electrons outside that were trying to match with these protons, so they were creating 2
rotations, and also massive gravitational fields, and which is the same as the black
hole. But then the talk was about Deuterium, which has only 1N, 1P, and 1E. I can't
understand where the third proton came from?
Keshe: Yes, but this is what happens in the womb of the mother. You have an egg and
a sperm and they come together, the third energy comes from the interaction of these
This action has caused an imbalance, because this new cell wants to feed itself, so it
takes energy and divides into two more cells. This is how nature works. In other
words, when the original two cells try to come together, if they are of the same
strength, then they will create a common denominator shell of energy, this is the third
cell. But this shell is too weak to feed itself, because the original two cells are in a
strength that he cannot match. So he ends up taking the energy from the womb of the
mother to make the division. And now it becomes four cells. This is how the division
works. When these divisions go on to the point of multiplying by several billions, it
then decides that it has too much energy. It doesn't want to have so much, so what is it
going to do. Then one of the cells positions itself to get rid of the energy, because
that's the way he finds his position, and then it becomes a kidney. This is the natural
process of the physical body to create a disposable unit, storage unit, recycling unit,
and one central control unit. It's the same everywhere in the universe. If I take you to
Mars or to planet Zeus. it's the same as it is here on Earth.

You Create a Soul in One Cup

Q: Is it the same as what happens in the One Cup One Life?
Keshe: Exactly, for the first time man creates a Soul. You are used to having a baby in
your hands and calling it your creation. Now I gave you a Cup, and with it you
created a life, you created a Soul. You are used to seeing physical life within a womb
of the mother, but I gave you a life in a cup, and that's why it's called One Cup One
Life. And I said, it saves a life, and you haven't understood exactly what it means. I
tired to explain this in the teachings of the past few days. This Cup feeds your Soul,
because it has a surplus energy of continuously creating. That is why you can
overcome any disease or virus, because a virus is energy dependent. I have given you
the chance to see the creation of a Soul with your own hands. This Soul feeds and
elevates your own Soul, and through that elevation, allows you to overcome any other
energy which is attaching itself to you, whether you call it a virus, genetic, or
whatever else. The beauty of my knowledge is that I know so much, that I can make it
so simple, that even an infant can understand, and that infant is man himself.

Mr. Keshe says, "I never finish teaching, it is nice to share."

Plasma Patterns in the Periodic Table:

He explains the plasma patterns in the table, which was given early on in the
teachings. See the transcription. In the plasma state, you get to Fe which is 56, then
you come into the isotopes of Ca. In these points you see the interactions and
bindings, and the creation of Fe, and its connection with hemoglobin and the other

Why Ca Bones are formed to the Heartbeat of this Planet:

Keshe: Why does Ca become solid in the body of the man, and why does it stay
behind when we die? Why doesn't our muscles or heart get left behind? Man hasn't
solved this mystery yet. Go back to the teachings, C6 is a physical matter that we see.
But in a different dimension, it is a diamond, and in a different environmental
condition it becomes an odor. Now the strangest thing happens to Ca at a given
strength, it sits within the heartbeat of the earth, which has a frequency of about 7.5. If
you go by multiples of the C, which is 6 and times it by the frequency of the earth, 7.5
then comes to about 42 to 45. That is in the range of Fe, and then you see that Ca
becomes bone in the man. It's just happens to be that way. The structure of the
physicality to solidify, has to do with the heartbeat of the earth, which converts it. As
you saw those waves of plasmatic fields going through the clouds, earlier, that is
exactly the same as what it does in this case. It's the earth's frequency which dictates
the C and nearest to its combination, which is the Ca in the matter state, which also
confirms and converts into matter state, and it becomes bone. If you take away that
frequency, you'll have no bone structure. This is why astronauts loose weight in the
space, because that frequency is lower and weaker in strength. Man in deep space will
have no physicality, it would just become a gel, and that's why he has to rely on his
Soul. It's the heartbeat of the earth that dictates the Ca manifestation. But not all Ca
can become bone, this is a specific type of Ca which carries a specific field interaction
of the Fe, and it allows the Ca to be converted into the solid state. That is why in the
creation of every cell of Amino Acid you have 1 Ca as a seed, without it, you don't
have life. We even find the field strength of Ca in hemoglobin. Those of you who
create Gans's should have noticed that by now. There is a specific salt content
conversion, which leads to creation of hemoglobin and certain combinations of it
leads to the solid state of the physicality. The creation of man on this planet came
about all because of this. Certain combinations together with the frequency from the
earth lead to solidification in a plasmatic condition of Ca. It was very much
accidentally. At the same time, the same thing happened with the protein coming in
and they linked up with the hemoglobin, and that became the beginning of the
structure of life. A freak of accident of the creation.

The physicians will see in the new systems to come, that I can create man with bone,
a brain, and muscle, because we know the secret. In the majority of the time, when the
heartbeat of the man reaches a fraction of the multiplication of the heartbeat of the
planet, man dies. It releases the Soul.

The Creation of Life:

The creation of life is the same wherever you go in the universe, if you understand it.
If you have the right salinity, the right protein, the right condition of the field strength
vibration between the Ca and the waters of the ocean and the Fe, as it brings that field
strength through the hemoglobin, it is inevitable to create Ca bones. There is no other
choice, and then that structure tries to find out how he can build it at the level of the
body of the man, the fish, or whatever, and according to the salt and the position, it
manifests itself. The creation of life is so simple. I can make a man while you are
watching it, you don't need a test tube. It's just what Soul do you want to put in it. I
showed to Mark in Barletta when I started teaching how to create brain. If you
understand this, you give me a skull, and I'll give you the man. You give me the skull
of Christ, I'll give you the man as Christ, but go and find his real physicality. It's so
simple, it's done everyday in the oceans of this planet, it can't be that difficult, it's just
that we never understood it up to now. It's like making spaghetti with the Italians, the
length and the thickness goes with a specific sauce for a specific taste. If you change
the spaghetti size it won't match the sauce. It's the same here, you have to have
everything right in the oceans, and if you understand it, you can create life. I can
create you as many life's as you like, with or without bone, or use Mg or even C as
bone. When you go to any position in the universe, then according to the conditions
there, you create the life to fit those conditions. It comes from the heartbeat of the
center of the plasma of the planet, and nothing else. It's like a whip cream, you select
the speed and how thick you want it to get. It's very simple. Now maybe today you
understood the secret of your creation.

Q: Alzar asks yet another question about colors

Keshe: You see the problem with you Alzar is you are trying to confirm your own
existence continuously, but you don't enjoy the existence you have, because if you do,
you will reach your Soul. Chasing it to confirm it, has become the biggest problem for
you. You go anywhere to find it, but it is within you, but you don't realize it. Color,
noise, different temples, materials to take or swim in, or whatever. Look within you
will find the Soul. The brother says, I hope she listens.
Q: But there is a problem here, the connection of the Fe which made the blood and
caused man to start killing all the entities. Keshe: Yes, because we connected that
same life and its blood, with the hemoglobin, and we kill for that existence. We don't
eat the bone and leave the flesh, we go for the hemoglobin and its conversions which
are added to the Cu or Zn or whatever. If we understand this, man and animals will
stop killing. This is why we introduced the creation of ZnO and CuO, was to elevate
the Soul of the totality. You'll understand very soon, what we are playing at and with.
Q: I noticed you didn't mention CH3, because it takes care of the physicality and
emotion, of the connection of the Cu and Zn?
Keshe: Yes, but what is a CH3, it's 15 isn't it (C=12. H=1), if you put 4 of the CH3 in
a structure what do you get? Cu (?60). The CH3 is not only 15, sometimes it's a
higher energy of 16, of the C energy (Cu and Zn), and now you understand why man
uses CH3 as sugar, because it's a combination of feeder. My students, you are so
ignorant of your own creation, that is the problem.
Q: If you add one more thing to the CH3 then we don't need to eat, and I think I found
it? Keshe: No, no, that's not it. If you find a link to CH3, it's different, then adding.
Q: If you take all the food we crave for and like and we take the energy of them and
add that to the CH3, then the emotion and texture of the food and all these things are
solved too. Keshe: Good morning!
Now you understand what I mean when I say, when you go into the Enhancement
Unit (Enhancement Unit) it will feed you, repair you, and fly you, it does everything
you can imagine.

Q: I think we can also create the One Cup by using several individual Gans's, if it is
right can you give us the percentage of each of them. Personally I think I can do it
with my Soul, is that right?
Keshe: Maybe, if I can answer you. In the past there was a time when the knowledge
of the man had matured and reached to the stage we are trying to take you to now, but
this time we are doing it collectively.

Creation through the Fields:

In response to your question, you put together the Cu, Zn, water and the salt and you
created a Soul, now if you understood that and what we just discussed today, do you
need the Cup, salt, Cu, Zn, to create the Soul? Or you can use the salt and Cu and Zn
as a field of the universe and create that Soul in the palm of your hand for the man to
hold. If any of you can achieve this, then hasn't that become the Adam and Eve? And
if you go one step further, hasn't that become the Creator and the man? Do you need
the physicality to confirm the existence of the Soul, or can you create that Soul, in the
dimension of physicality. Then the truth comes, has there ever been a Virgin Birth?
Or does the virgin purity come from the purity of the Soul of the man, in
understanding the level of his own creation, not the physicality of the birth of the

It's like what I said about the Chinese Fire Dragon, or burning bush with Moses. You
have to understand the essence, not the myth put around it to cover it, so that you'll
never see or understand it. Then it comes, if I have created this Soul, do I want it to be
me, or an image of me, or did I create it that I can confirm that I can love, I can
nourish, and I can protect. Then it comes to the point of, when I have such a love, and
I want to give it to somebody else, to another Soul, then would that Soul have same
level of giving, so that between us we could create, by the interaction of our two
souls, a child of the Soul. This is how life started. The physical life never started in
the dimension of intercourse. The life in the universe started through the interaction of
the fields in the dimension of the plasma, and not through matter. Now you
understand the secret of creation. You need to have a salt. Look at this planet, salt
flows everywhere in the shape of a cloud, so this planet itself is like the Cup, and the
materials created in the upper atmosphere falls down to the earth, so there you have
the Zn and the Cu. You already live within that Cup, now all you need to do is to put
a Soul in it.

Travelers of the Universe bring Souls with them:

When we travel the universe we bring with us the souls we love from other
dimensions. It's like when you go from London to Turkey, what do you do, you call
your lover or your girlfriend, and say, come over it is nice here, we can be together,
and she comes over. Then what you do is so nice, an accident happens, you put too
much love in it, and then there comes another young Soul. It's the same for us
passengers of the universe, we carry a matching Soul with us. We have been in love,
long before we understood the love of man. Then what happens is, you bring your
lover home, you give it a physicality to love and to create new lives or offspring's. As
we say, 'hello my friend, we meet after a long time.' When you go to the airport and
you welcome your lover, what is it? It's the same love, but now you have brought it to
be with you. If she is a doctor or a princess it doesn't make any difference, when she
arrives she is a lover, and carries the knowledge which comes with the physicality of
the man in the dimension of the Soul. Man has got a lot to learn, and man
misunderstands it due to the lack of his own knowledge. I think today we opened a
new dimension for many of you to understand what is to come, and how the end of
kingship and leadership is about to come to an end. When you try to rot it from
outside, then somebody has done something, but when it rots from inside there is no
enemy. This time everything is rotting from inside, because the feelings of peace have
to fire.

Questions making One Cup:

Question is about changing the conditions in the Cup and he said, it's for you to
decide what you want to create, you are the creator of it.

The color of the Gans varies from yellow, brown, blue, some without blue or just a
shade of it. People are afraid that there isn't Cu in it, but they are all strengthened in
conjunction with the Cu you put in, so it depends on the strength which is added, or
what it is. Then if you leave it aside, after awhile they all go green or blue as they
have more plasmatic interaction between the fields of the Gans and the magnetical
field of the earth.
Some of the materials created in the combinations are Gans as an energy, and these
you can't even attain it in theoretical physics. I can. But as an energy they exist, then
as they give their energy to become balanced with the atmospheric condition they
become green.

Tehran Conference:
If we bring all the religious leaders together at the Tehran conference, we'll then have
all the physical and Soul leaders in one room to decide the future of mankind. And as
Messengers we are present there to support to bring the change.

The Americans played their biggest card with the virus, but now that has been
disarmed. They tested it on the Chinese and they have plans to use it on Iran. We have
again unfolded the terrorist activities of a nation. But in Iran we are ready, able, and
we'll face it. But the thing is, sometimes these experiments go wrong and turns back
on its creators, like the missile that went back to the sender. When the virus changes
to American blood, I hope they can take it. This is the biggest game they started and
they have already lost at the start. They became so desperate to win, that in that
desperation they shot themselves, literally in the brain.

International SEPAH:
One of my biggest wishes is that the International Sepah will be established in the
Tehran conference, and collectively the world leaders will put control on the arms and
prevent them from crossing any borders. We'll see extreme opposition from the
Americans, but we have systems to cover this point, as we have foreseen it. It's very
simple, do you want to be a human, or do you want to be an American. Do you want
to be a man or a murderer. The American nation has to decide how the humanity
looks at them, because they never stood still or try to understand how they're looked
at from outside by the rest of the world. Instead they believed all the fallacies that
they have been told.
We'll bring the Americans to understand about themselves, then their leaders have to
follow. It's time for a woman to lead the nation into peace. We support that motion

English Transcription:

(:06). We go into the dimensions of understanding the Technology more and more,
and what this new Technology is going to bring us as we enter 2020. As we head
towards the space Technology, there is part of the Technology which has to be
understood. And this brings back the work of the Keshe Foundation in the new
dimension. This dimension is very important and this understanding is very
important. And it brings us to the next stage of what we call, zero time
communication and transportation. We are going in this direction to be able to
understand more to be able to prepare the next steps in the space Technology. What is
not considered, and this Technology, if it is understood, can be used for many other
applications, is that, (:08). we have come to a stage that we have to understand the
process of the plasma (Plasma) technology (Technology), the process of
transportation in Plasma Technology, the process of locating and location in
Plasma Technology, the process of the creation of the conditions for
manifestation, or representation, or communication in the Plasma Technology. I
touched on this very softly in the past couple of weeks, and now we are going into
the steps of understanding in more depth and trying to understand what this means.
Just before we started, we had Dr. Alzar saying, they can make an App, and people
read it, and they'll recover from the virus. We see a lot of this running around at this
moment, because everybody is trying to do something. It is become a world panic,
according to how much the panic is hyped up. We are all afraid that we might get
this new virus. We all are moving, closing borders and countries, but what about, if
this virus opens the humanity to deep space? (:10). What about if, new viruses
which we don't know enters our cycle. As I said in a talk to a world leading
scientist very recently, mankind has been in a bottle, in a closed jam jar. When
you make a jam, if you made it good, nothing happens (it doesn't spoil), but if you
didn't look after it, contamination comes in, and it rots within, or it stays clean. This
has been the life of mankind on this planet, a closed jam jar. Now in fact, we are
opening this jam jar and we are taking man into space. We're entering a new
dimension of understanding, now (with the jar open), anything can come in. New
diseases which we don't even have words for in our vocabulary. New conditions
that can exchange our energy levels into a different dimension. New structures
which we have no control over, as our knowledge is so weak in the totality of the
construction of the Universe. (:12). Mankind has to move to the next step of
understanding the totality, what is within and what is outside. And understand the
process of tranStar Formationer, and communication between one plasma
(Plasma) to another, be it information, communication, transportation, viruses,
or be it anything. This is why now we see so many problems as we run from one
thing to another, and to another.. and from bacteria's to microbes, to food, to anything
else, and the viruses and anything else, and other worlds which we'll make in the
future. The reason is that we have not understood the principle. We have not
comprehended that the process is the same, and that it doesn’t matter where and
how it occurs. Part of the teaching today is this. And part of the work from now
on, is this, to understand the work of the Plasma, in a way we go back to Book
#3, which is the creation of the man, the Universe, the cell, and of the matter, it just
depends on what you put in the formula of writing of understanding the truth. (:14).
One of the most strangest for a lot of us will be, is, if in the time to come, I sit here as
a Soul, in this part of the Universe, and I place the Soul of your child in another,
and the Soul of your friend there, and a family member here, and each one of them is
in a different galaxy, maybe in a different part of the Universe, or maybe in a different
Unicose, how do you communicate? Are we going with the fantasy talk of
Einstein, "light-years"? Or are we going with the reality of the transportation,
transmutation of the fields in the real dimension of the Creator. Would you spend
a 100,000 light-years, to go from one galaxy to another to see your child, which Mr.
Einstein said, through his lack of understanding? Or are we going to stay to meet each
other, through the Soul of each other, through our great, great, great, grandchildren, in
what is said by the gravitational, gravitational, Great grandfather to his son. The
world of science has accepted many fantasies, and many dreams, and many
incompetent people like Einstein have made it more difficult for the true science
to be understood. If you understand and you can see, and if you can envision, and if
you can reach the point of maturity. (:16). If you look at say earth, every second,
millisecond, and every constant of the time of existence in the solar system,
continuously considers the position of every moon, planet, star in the galaxy in
respect to the position of itself, in (respect) to its sun. There is no more sitting in the
center of the earth with the central control, moon has moved a few millisecond, a
few millimeters and now we have to adjust. If you look in the structure of the
earth, in respect to its sun, and in respect to other planetary systems, continuous
strength fields, positioning, gives it where and how it can interact with whatever.
Simultaneously and instantaneously a new position for this planet is considered,
not by control systems but by transmutation and transportation of the elements,
in the strength of the field of the plasma. If you look, for example, during the
winter time on this planet, we have the production of different fruits. Different
conditions of environment because at this point, all the time, every year, and every
position, it doesn't matter if Mars moves to new position and Venus goes to another
one, (:18). it creates its own condition to create that material, according to the control
of itself in the balance of the fields of its own central magnetical and gravitational
field force. But we say, things have changed this year, last year there used to be more
snow and before we had everything else and bla, bla. In reality those are the
interactions of the other systems on it, but it is instantaneous. It's position
understanding, of its own field strength, in communication and in line with every
single element, instantaneously. If we look at the life on the spaceship we call
planet earth, we have already been living in an instantaneous zero time
communication. We don't need to look far to understand it. We live in instantaneous
zero time communication between planets. We live in instantaneous and simultaneous
time, zero time in energy tranStar Formationer, because the energy given by one of
these fields, dictates where the earth is going to be in respect to it, and the in
respect to the others, because my position, let's say, as Jupiter is for you Earth,
to move slightly that way so I can keep my path of work. (:20). The Earth
accommodates instantaneously, the Sun holds and vibrates. In the future when
mankind understands one thing, you'll see the sun is not steady. The sun moves
in different axis's in a massive volume. It's not that the sun is in a constant
position, it's dimensions of rotation is millions of kilometers. It vibrates, and if
you look at the solar system with the sun in the center, the sun moves quite a lot. It's
like what I have called in some the teachings, it's like the gymnast on the rope
balancing itself. The rope is a guideline, but the dancer on the rope vibrates to
keep its balance, and this is exactly how our sun behaves in the solar system, of its
own, in respect to the fields from galaxies and other stars and bigger forces. At the
same time, in respect, trying to keep the earth in its position, that it doesn't fall in.
Therefore, if we understand this, mankind comes to understand that he is already
part of the zero time communication, zero time energy, and zero time
transportation. (:22). because our own solar system itself, it has to accommodate
itself into the field forces of the galaxy and all the stars in it. Not only that, its
fields forces to exist, to confirm its existence, pushes the other solar systems to
accommodate it, even though they all work towards the direction of the central point
of the galaxy. Then we come to understand, we as the human race, as part of this
structure, on this little tiny things with our Soul, we are subject to the same thing. But
in the dimension of the man we consider it, as what we call, dancing on that rope, as
a balancer, gymnast we call it emotion. Our balances, is our emotion. Emotion is
built in the body of the man to be able to, without falling off the rope, balance it.
When you feel happy you go this way a little bit, sad a little bit that way but you
still stay alive on the rope. We don't fall off. If you fall off you call it a dead body.
Then we understand death is the collection of the balance of the emotion of the
man in tranStar Formationerring the energy of the Soul of the physicality to the
Soul of the man. Then we understand why infants at the point of birth, die, and
why some of us live hundreds of years and still survive and live. (:24). Then we
understand that we are nothing but a bunch of what I call acrobats. But the balance of
acrobats comes through the emotions. It comes through the understanding of
how I want to live and I interact instantaneous, and in that position, so are the
fields of the body, the Soul of the man in respect to the souls of every other
things, in respect to the Soul of the planet, the Universe and the rest of it. If you
look at it, it's very simple (draws a series of circles) we are a bunch of acrobats on a
bigger size scale of the field strength, starting from man, to the planet, stars, galaxy,
Universe and to the Creator. Even He has to play acrobat to keep you in the
position. If you understand this, it is very simple, we are already in possession of zero
time communication and transportation with every structure in the process of the
creation, even to the Creator. Then the knowledge of man comes to one reality, to
find which field, which comes from the Soul of the man, connects to which one.
(:26). So we will understand that we even have a direct access to the Soul of our
Creator, but we have to find the fields of it, and the strength of it. Then we'll
understand in so many ways, how we can create the conditions of, without any
systems or machines, to be able to transport our emotion, our energy, our
communication to anywhere across the world of creation. This brings us to
another point of understanding, and that is, that we have understood none of it. In
fact we have understood zero of it, zilch. With all of our cleverness we have dug
ourselves deeper in the sands of ignorance, than in the mountain of knowledge.

With these teachings from today onwards, with these teachings we have started
years ago, is to bring man to this point. To bring man to the understanding of the man
and the Soul of the man to this point. But as I said many times, in Farsi we have a
beautiful saying, (:28). it takes 14 intelligent men to take a stone out of the water
well, which one crazy, stupid man has dropped in. It has rocked (muddled) the water
for the rest to enjoy. We have many of these stupid people in the cycle of the
science of the man, like Einstein and Stephen Hawkins, these are the present
people who brought this. In the past in the US we have seen people very much like
Edison, he was another one. They brought a lot of things to satiStar Formationy their
ego, or bring other things into it. If you read the history of the man, this has been so
for many years. We have seen that many people who could understand the science
have been eliminated, by those who want to control man through science. Then
we understand it's us who allows these incompetent people to dictate to us, and
condition our understanding the world of the creation. The total world of creation
is not what we have been forced (to believe), but it is what we can feel. The best peer
reviewer, the best understanding of the knowledge of creation, is the Soul of the
man himself, because it is it, (the source) that dictates the conditions of man on
this dimension of physicality and beyond. So he has a lot of intelligence. We have
become the young child in the house of all doctors, and he wants to teach everyone
the medicine, (:30). with a zero understanding, of even the creation. The process of
the teaching in a very mild way, in respect to zero time communication, energy
tranStar Formationer, and transportation has to be learned from the structure of the
Soul of the man, the structure of the planet, sun, of the galaxies, and not by meager
understanding of ignorant people like Einstein. Because if we go by his say so, man
will never develop. Man can't even imagine beyond it.

If you look in the total understanding of the knowledge of your own Soul, and look at
your understanding, even of a small magnet, you'll understand that mankind should
have understood this principle, centuries ago. But through religious dogma and so
much jealousy of the others, that somebody understands then they do, we have
blocked many new understandings of the reality, to add up to our own strength, to our
own knowledge as a human race. If you look, if you understood, if you can see the
totality of the work of a magnet and the Soul of the man, (:32). there is no
difference. One is dimension of magnetical fields in the matter state, and one in
the Plasma condition of Inertia, one is magnetical and gravitational field strength,
and if I draw you the shape of the head of the man, you'll see the same. In the brain of
the man, the physical connection with the hands and arms and whatever, sits on the
fringes (of brain) to the matter state. The strength of the arm (at the outer edge) to the
center. When you have a stroke, these are the fingers, these are the upper and lower
hands and arms. So in the solar system or in a magnet, gives us a very good
indication, even in the Soul of the man. On the fringes of your Soul energy, you
deal with the weakest in the matter state, physicality of the Man. In a bigger
strength toward the center you deal with a position of the interaction of the Soul
of the man, with galaxies, with other souls, and then if you can find, (:34). the
strength of the Soul of the center, this is the line into the Creator. We say in every
man and in every Soul of created things, there is a line strength of the Creator, and
this is how it works. Then we understand that with the physicality of the man it's the
same. The media we use to tranStar Formationer energy to the strength of the
physicality, what we call the transition time, in the body, we have called the brain. In
the Soul of the man it's more or less completely the same too. At the interaction at the
fringes of physicality and the Plasma, man controls the physical dimension of his
existence we call the body. In time when the scientists develop the same system, they
will see the same in a magnet.
And for every creature, everything that exists in the Universe, there is 1 cell
responsible for it, that in totality, how this responds to another Soul, everybody
else adopts and adjusts, even to the feeding of the Creator. The pain (.. break
connection ..) by the Creator. In that respect, to adjust to that pain, (:36). mankind
has been gifted, a new message, and when the man understands this, the humanity, the
Soul of humanity will move, by moving one of these cells to a new position to bring
comfort, and opening of that jam jar, as I explained in the beginning. Now you

From now until the Tehran conference, from now until coming into the
understanding of the totality of the knowledge, mankind has 2 choices, (break )
we go on the track of war, or we take the lead to understand the new knowledge
of the magnet, the plasma of the Soul of the man, or be it, the plasma of the
creation of the Creator, then the new job to the world of science (:38). (break )
And then if the man can understand this, man has entered the dimension of realms of
men of universe. In the realms of understanding the creation and the conditions of

When mankind comes to build the new flight system, those nations who sit on the
path of peace will achieve flight, because the Soul of the plasma of the system
they create understands the purpose, not the hidden agenda which still has
access to it thoughts and understanding. It's to understand, is the position, to be
afraid is the weakness and reduction in strength of comprehension. If you
understand this, we come to it. We will see this in the human race, we have seen
this in the very past few days. We have seen in the behavior of the world leaders,
and we have seen in the man, in respect to the leaders. (:40). Because we feel and we
know their souls, but we allow them to be. We put our own self interests ahead of the
totality, and the space Technology and the development of the space development of
Plasma, will not allow this. Man will not take into space, into the Universal
Community (Universal Council) until the totality of the souls of all beings on this
planet agree on peace, and agree on collective working together. You will
understand this more and more. Nations which are truly peaceful will take into space
very rapidly from now on. Nations in which the Soul is to stop the suffering of
what has been forced on them will take up (the Technology) first, because they
know the value of peace and education and understanding the knowledge of the
creation. It's a gift, a man gives by his Soul, and by the Soul of the collective, not by
the word of the collective. As we know, man speaks different through the word of
his mouth, then the action of his Soul. (:42). Then what becomes important in the
new space research development is very simple, to develop Technology very rapidly
and to understand the strength and the Soul of the man to his center, the strength of
different dimensions in the work of the Universe, space and dimensions in the work of
the galaxies and understanding the transmutation of the fields, not to matter state, but
to the plasma of the energy states. Then if you understood this, we come back to one
point, give me time, you are in one galaxy in one part of the Universe, and your son is
in another, zero-time (communication), we meet for lunch with the cousin
somewhere, together in another point of the Universe. This is not a dream, this is now
for man to understand and to achieve. Man collectively put all his energy to create a
nuclear bomb to kill the others. Now, man can do the same with the dividend of
the peace of the collective consciousness can achieve this in no time. The teachings
from now on will be in that essence. I have brought you in the knowledge, that you
started with the Gans's and the balls. Now the ball is getting bigger. (:44). Now
you have to understand which Gans and which field takes you where. Now you
create the Gans's, now you have to understand the operation and strength of
each Gans in the environment which it works, that it allows you to reach to the
Creator, or the sun, or create energy, or zero-time understanding of another
Soul in the dimension of physicality. We take, we hype up, step up to the next level
of knowledge. We came from matter to energy and energy to matter, now we have to
understand which line of the energy leads us to each matter, lead us to what condition,
to where to understand more about every dimensions we need. Instantaneous
education of the full knowledge of the Universe in the position and the direction
which the man needs.

We have seen this, the mayhem that man gets himself into by himself in the past 2
weeks in the government of China. The Chinese leadership has become a shamble,
in trying to control a simple virus. Incompetence in management shows itself
across the nation, because the leadership, if it would have understood this, would
have prevented it instantaneously, but man is in the grip of pride, (:46). and
possession, and until that point, man will go. It's very interesting when you read in
the press, Mr. Gates has put a hundred million to support the virus in China,
where he earns billions on spreading the virus in China. This is being aware of
the Soul of the man. The reality is, nothing can be lied to us anymore, as man has
accepted too many lies, and if you understand how to lock into the Soul, to the
line of emotion, people like Gates, will not exist in the stage and the development
of what they create for physicality. Maybe the man has a hidden agenda, but not
his Soul. Many of you have come, understood, touched, and some of the Universe
Council members I see developing to that direction, and some of them, through the
false understanding and misguiding themselves. Some of you who have learned in the
dimension, (:48). of creation of the contact and Soul, be it, those who choose. In the
work of the Universe Council we'll say I wish, and I wish your wish, and I wish, wish,
wish, wash wish. But what, if you understood what was taught today is very simple,
Trump is a white man with English language, he is the responsibility of the
English spoken (language) of the Universe Council, when you support through
your Soul, the connection of the wish of the Universal Council member, to change the
Soul of the Trump. (If) you never reached, it means you have not understood. You
reach by strengthening the Soul of that member, because you understand as the
points of the Universe, you are connected. You took a commitment to be a
member, to support entire, and then you'll understand, if you understood this process,
the wish, if it is the true wish of the Universal Council member of the English
speaking language, will translate into the woman of the president. This is how you
change the world leaders in the future, not by elections, but by clarity and
understanding of the totality of the collective consciousness. This is why we
created the universal language as a Universal Council, because you are all part of that
brain structure, (:50). which has to work through one. Collectively, it creates a bigger
mass of the fields, that can remove. If I wished the removal of president Trump it
will be done by tonight. But he has a game to play and we need him in that point of
destination. Soon you will understand. We saw him by cheating or whatever, going
through the voting last night. But he had to be there, because we have to have him
where we want him, the way we want him, to achieve world peace. This is what
we worked through as outside connection, we'll leave the man to learn the inside
connection. You are that earth, which moves a little, the sun, to be able to keep
your position. We are the outside, which makes him vibrate to the position we
like. The teaching of the Keshe Foundation is a collective teaching and it brings
everything together in all directions, but we teach in bits, and in step by step. Then
you understand that life is simple. (:52). It's the man who has not understood the
totality by questioning himself. The missing link is mankind, his own
understanding of his own creation in all dimensions. Now those of you who have
understood this, it brings you back to one point, where would you like on this board to
be? In line with your Creator, or in line with your son and your cousin, or in line with
the Universe Council. And then something comes that is very important, what is your
role, what is the role of your Soul, in all the structure of the creation? Do you
need to clinch on to the intermediaries of prophets, mullahs, priests and the rest, or
have you matured enough to find the line of distinction, (:54). and the line and path
of knowledge. As we saw in the Tuesday teaching, another magician jumped up
(from Breathairen Institute, 103 One Nation). Would we call him the new
prophet or his prophecy became profitable overnight. I promise you, those of you
who can follow him, what he learned in that teaching will become part of his
teaching, because now he thinks he learned a little bit more, and he can create more
magic with ** it.
Any questions?

Q: This jam jar that you were talking about, do we have to take the top off
ourselves, or will it be taken off automatically? Keshe: Do you still needs a
magician. Q: You talked about a rope and moving like an acrobat, you said that is
why a child can die at early age and someone else can live for longer, you didn't
explain why and how? Keshe: I thought you understood that by now. Q: If I
understand the Plasma Technology then I should be able to do the zero time
communication, transportation, all that right now, there is no ..? (:56). Keshe: You
see. this is still in the dimension of physicality. You want to see it, to believe it,
but shut your physicality down and see what your Soul is up to, you are already
doing it. Q: I understand that I am already doing it, because I see the result, but with
everybody else, is it going to be all at the same time, or is everybody going to be on
a different page or strength? Keshe: Of course, it's not communism in the true
sense is it. It's the freedom of the choice of the fields. you choose according to
what interests you and what is beneficial to your Soul. If there wasn't such a
choice, then it would have been one Creator on his own. Q: In this process how
can we help others, people who understand, can help others? Keshe: That is
something that each man has to reach that point by his own Soul. It's in the
writing, 'independent investigation of the truth', otherwise, because your father
was a Moslem you become a Moslem, then your child becomes a Moslem. He is
not allowed to do, to investigate and understand, having moved a step up, that we
can go further. Or does a man stay Moslem for the rest of the life of this planet and
the Universe.

This is what we put to the world religious leaders, according to them, nothing
can change, because if it changes then they have no power. (:58). If they accept
that the time is for the maturity of the man, then there will be none. At the same
time most of those who are in the position of power in the religious sections,
which controls the Soul of the man, they've got their hands in so much
criminality and wrong doing, that by them stepping down, and it comes up they
know, they'll be dug in the ground. The denial of the new change is to save their own
neck from what can happen to them. It's not out of the fear of man to succeed. It
doesn't matter which path you call yourself, be it the political, religious, or any
other kind of leadership. The biggest fear of Vatican, now they are saying, the
Christ will never come back, because we have done so much bad, that Christ
help us, what are we going to do, if he comes back. Would it be the only solution,
as we saw with the Japanese Samurai's with a sword and a knife kneeling in front of
your own Soul, to submit. Or would the mankind forgive. Or at least start a new
cycle. As you hear, a lot of things are happening, because we have raised the level in
a different direction, you heard about the situation in Belgium. (1:00). A king
has lied to his nation for so long, but the worst lie that has come, that in
confirmation, has caused the heart attack of the queen. The queen very recently
had to be moved from where she was, back to Belgium, because of a heart attack,
accepting that the husband has never been there, now she has to accept a daughter she
had nothing to do with it. The mayhem and turmoil in the Belgium monarchy is
beyond belief, as we see it, we get reports of. A queen wants to kick the king out.
How many more you have (children), I don't know. Who else have you been busy
with. Read, very recently she was moved from Venice out, due to a heart attack.
They'll bring their own demise. This is what will turn, this is what sits in reality
with a lot of these people. The world leadership has to come with the leadership
of the Soul of the man alone, and no one to dictate to it. And not jumping into
whatever it brings you. I was talking to Caroline this morning, I spent most of my
business life in a very different way in the oil business, (1:02). and everyday as a
major oil buyer, we used to get offers, millions of barrels, we knew it doesn’t
exist, but everyone was in operating in it, because they knew you have facilities that
you can buy and sell, and refine, or whatever, and everybody was in the oil business.
Millions of barrels. And since the past couple of days, because of the situation in
China, and people knowing our contacts in China, now we are getting the same
millions, but now it has become face masks, not oil, because it doesn't matter how
much oil you have, you die, it is no good. Now they are dealing with fake, nonexistent
facemasks, 100 or 10 million, it's just like 100 or 1 million barrels of oil. Man just
changes because he doesn't want to face the reality of the totality. It was very
interesting to watch these offers coming to us, Mr. Keshe you have connections
with the Chinese government, we can give you 2 million, how much would you like
to pay for it? I said to Caroline, you see my old business, it's just the barrel has
changed to face masks, burning it to saving life, hopefully.

Very interesting is, the generosity and wisdom of a man and a nation, not abusing the
power, but still being in suffering, helping those who created your suffering. This is
the true man. (1:04). This is a true, what I call, being to exist. When you can help
those who created your suffering, to reduce their pain. Then you'll understand who
is the true man. We have seen none in the world leadership, except one. And own
day I'll tell you who, which nation and where and why. Now they have to live in the
world of the shame. Putting, serving, and that the serving is very simple, it's what I
told you. (draws circles and forces finding balance with each other) This is
comfortable for me, but this has caused pain for me. Shall I give enough to
elevate it, that his pain, and me helping, because for him to find a new balance in
respect to his Soul of himself, and in respect to me. Don't look for others, look
inside yourself through your Soul. Then, if even you understood the teaching of
today, (1:06). if you look at every single page of this screen, I have shown you
zero-time communication, transportation, conversion, and zero time
transmutation. This is a page of the knowledge of the Universe, for the first time
opened to the man, for him to see. As I said, the question mark is, the man himself,
then you see the picture is complete. We have not understood the work of our Soul,
or the work of the Soul of this planet, or the Soul of the Universe and the rest of
it, that with it, we might understand the work of the Soul of the Creator. We
have damaged the Soul of our own creator, which is the planet, and we expect to
move up. We have caused suffering for the Soul of the children of this planet,
which are other men and creatures, and we still expect to go up, when is the jam jar
top is going to open? Has the man made the jam without infestation and bacteria, that
when he opens it, it doesn't contaminate the rest (Universal Council), (1:08). let
alone. not getting into the jam jar. We want more and more, but we don't even
understand what we have less of, greed of the man doesn't only go with his
physicality, it tries to get it into the dimension of his Soul, but it doesn’t work.
But at the same time you have to look inside, what have you done, that has
brought you to that point. As I just said, the queen had a heart attack, a stroke, but
has she told the king she played out when he was busy playing out too. Then we'll see
if the king will have a heart attack. The biggest heart attack will come when the
second and third hidden children come on the plate, in Keshe court cases in
European court of Justice. Because these are part of those who touched the
Keshe Foundation. I knew through my Soul that I had to take the time, because
everything and all connections have to be made right, (1:10). for the time, place, and
position. As I told you last week, very simple, we know a lying king, who has lied to
his nation with a daughter, we know there is one more boy called, Mr. Di Grabba **
We know this touches the Soul of the queen, but the queen has another child by
another man, called the king of Persia. What heart attack he is going to have, when
he hears that he nourished another man's child, and called him a king. The thing is he
has already given the DNA as a civilian, and any document in a civilian court is a
public document. We can test these very easily now in the court, because this
man has played with the Keshe Foundation. Now you can see the end of the
kingship. Now you understand what was hidden. It doesn't matter if they eliminate
him, his documents and saliva, and blood tests are in the public court, as documents
and we can all upon it. And she is a civilian, (1:12). and we can do the same. Now
you understand why there is so much opposition from the Belgium's on the
Iranians and the rest, because this boy, the king wants his brother at the throne
in Iran. Now you understand why Keshe Foundation ever came to be in Belgium,
the plan to get rid of kingship, in all dimensions. Man's king has to be his Soul
and his correct conduct, and not be king by murder, rape, and abuse. I can draw
you more about other world leaders and you'll understand how we got a hold. The
Tehran conference is not just a peace conference, it's the end of kingship, and the
end of one man's priority, in Soul and power of physicality. You'll understand

Because now we go back to a very simple thing, which sits here (brings back the
previous screen with drawings of the souls creating balance). We have already made
all the matter states and the human souls ready for the time. (1:14). Because each
one has connection to every single Soul on this planet, and those sufferings, man
has created in the Universe. Now you understand more. We took the man of the
earth into space (before), and we saw them carrying on with the same
criminalities in the distance, so we came to cleanup the mess from the source. Six
thousand years is nothing, but for man it's a life history. Putting the same Soul in the
name of Christ, Mohammad, and Moses and the rest, is the game man likes to play
and be happy with, but in essence it is the same Soul. This is where he said, very
simply, I'll see you in 622 years, and I'll see you in 1,200 years, and I'll see you in
another name, in a thousand years, because it's the father, and that Soul has dictated
where he is going to be. Nobody needs to tell you, that I am going to see you in the
restaurant tonight, and I'll be another man, when I see my son in another restaurant
tomorrow at lunch time. It's just me in different positions because I have decided
where to be, and this has been the same with the Soul of what we call, in essence
the True Messenger. He has appointed the time and the day, where he is going to
be, and then you call it, the verses in Haddes and chapters (Islamic holy writings). If
he decides to appear in the dress of a clown in one, (1:16). and in a business suit in
another, that is his problem, not yours, he appointed the time and the place. Now it's
the time and the place to bypass all the mistakes of the past. Because he has
decided and no one else. Seeing him as a fire and lights or whatever, is his decision,
how he entertains at the time of the Presence.
Any other question?

For those of you who listened to the situation that is going on in China and the
spread of the virus, the Keshe Foundation has developed the machinery to
disinfect en mass, which means there should be no worries for anyone. The
machine has already been made, very simply done and will be released to the Chinese
government sometime today. If and what we see, the incompetence in the leadership
in China carries on the way it is, (1:18). and so many people suffer. This Technology
will go through the Iranian government to all the nations around the world and in
conjunction with our manufacturing base in Austria, we support the Technology. This
is to stop the infection from entering, or goes, as we see, this is a selected virus for
the Chinese blood only, and the only system which can overcome the
modification which was sponsored by Rothschild's family and the others to
develop this technology and to assess its damage through MIT, will be overcome.
This is a tailor made virus and we have to be on top of it, and it has to be, once they
change the tailor made, who is the next victim. The Rothschild's, Rockefeller, and
Gates Foundation sponsored this disease, with this virus, without knowing that
the Keshe Foundation has developed a Technology for viruses. It's a shame so
many funds have gone into it, but on the other hand it's a pleasure to see, that we can
be tested. If you or your nation gets hit by this, advise your people to speak to, if
they don't want to speak to Keshe Foundation, they can speak with the Iranian
officials which will operate through the Keshe Foundation contacts and operations.
Those who boycotted and caused suffering to the nation of Iran, will beg for the
life of their nations, (1:20). not to be boycotted by their own lives. As I said, it
takes one nation that will respond, and that will be the Iranian nation. It doesn’t
matter how much suffering was brought by other nations in the past years, still
the door of knowledge and Technology to overcome this position will be handed
out and given by the Iranian government to those who created the boycott, out of
fear of their own miStar Formationortune. ** At the moment we cannot help
China, because the Chinese leadership is in turmoil of who is going to lead more
disasters. They have to sort that out in themselves. The incompetence has lead to
more suffering, and that is their problem. But outside China, (the virus) because it is
tailor made with the Chinese gene, now will move next, out of China, in the next
year, maybe sooner, into Russia, into Arab nations, and every other thing. What
we have seen with the American virus injection, actually gives life to patients for 3
to 7 days and then the patients are dying with suffocation, with 20% oxygen in
their blood. What the government in China is doing, is they are saying, the
temperature is okay, go home, and the statistics of those who die after 3 to 7 days in
their homes, are not considered as ( part of the virus). The total death toll passes
millions at the moment in China. The count, today, is only of those who die in the
hospital and not those who said they have been given an injection and they die at
home, due to lung failure and lack of oxygen. (1:22). A Trojan gift by the
American administration, or what we call, Rothschild's, Bill Gates organizations
and the rest of it. If you look at it, we give a hundred million to the Chinese for the
virus, that hundred goes to buy the American injection which were made to kill more,
that we can make more. The game is so dirty. The Technology overcoming the virus,
we taught you the Cup of Life, now we have developed mass production systems to
cleanup the environment, hospitals, and ports. All you need to do, is to literally
walk through a tunnel. You breath. You see this injection they give for the fever, it
sorts out the fever, but this disease sits in the lungs. The lungs collapse, then they get
rid of the fever, but long term the lung is damaged and they die at home, but this part
is not considered. It's very much the trick they played with chemotherapy. The
chemotherapy is succesStar Formationul, but they don't tell you that it kills you with a
small infection 5 years down the line, because of, effective killing. And we see the
same things with these injections from, (1:24). America, because yes, it is a
paracitimal and a bunch of other things mixed up together. What we have requested
from the World Health Authority which is run by a Rockefeller organization, as
their private game, is very simple. We request the following, what is the amount
of Mercury in this new vaccine, the amount of Cu, and Zn in this vaccine. We
also, want to know the combination of Phosphorus used to effect genetic
deformation. This is the responsibility of MIT to give us of this information,
because they tailor designed this virus. There is a certain amount of lead, and
mixture of Aluminum, used in this vaccine, we want to know. Any organization in
the world who can get hold of one of these vaccines and give us the Raman
Spectroscopy of it, as we have asked the Chinese government, will give us
indication on how they have tailor made to kill. Don't forget that Mercury was part
of the 3 magnetical injections (3 in 1, vaccinations for children), that caused so much
problems for parents. Now they have added it in a way, and loaded it up to the virus.
This is how this virus is killing and it is so bad. Because this part (Cu) is
connecting to the muscle tissue, (1:26). this part (Zn) to the lungs. You'll see
when the analysis from the Americans comes out, and the virus and the energy levels,
we are 100% correct. They create rapid genetic defects in the lungs, and that
causes the death. I know how they made the virus and I know how they are using
the antidote to kill more. As I said in the teaching last night, MIT has to be
closed. It has become the center for planning mass murders in a biochemical and
bioplasma technology way of the virus. I raised the red flag on MIT years ago and it
stands much stronger with this virus, because even the study of how many people
will die by using it, was done by MIT 3 years ago. According to an open study,
they even forecasted that 60 million will die, and according to uncontrollable
studies, 600 million. I said to the Iranians it's a very nice time to play the game, isn't
it, but we don't play that game. (1:28). Do you want the Technology to look after
you, break off the sanctions, and then we'll sanction you for selling arms. Let me
explain to you, for those of you who don't know, I know that many Iranians know, the
only masks, more or less, which can, at least stop the size of the virus from
crossing through the masks, are made by the Iranian scientists. They're called
Nano masks, and there are about 14 or 15 machines like these across the world. It's
developed by the Iranians, the Germans did the original ones, but mass production
now in this size is by the Iranians. If you go to the news the Chinese Prime Minster
and foreign minister, has called the minister, Mr. Nassy, some 48 hours ago, to
guarantee and thank Iran for supporting China with the virus, and to make sure that
the Iran factory made Nano layer masks are shipped to directly China, because they
can't meet the demand. At the same time, the same nation that is asking for
support, has put a ban on everything from Iran in China now and outside. I said,
knowledge against peace, I wonder when the Iranians will become wise to it. There
are a number of these machines in Tehran and there are 6 in China as we know. As I
said, 'we boycott you and don't let you sell anything here, but can you help us to save
our people with what you make.' No one will do this except the Iranian nation, even
helping their own enemies. It's a shame to be a Chinese in that level, by the
administration. Now you understand, the Iranian culture sits by its word, (1:30).
talk good, do good, and think good, irrespective of what happens outside, time
will change.
Any other question.
Q: How do we access the Soul of the man, is it enough to wish for it? Keshe:
Caroline disappeared yesterday to meet a veterinarian and she came back she was so
excited is she on the line, I think that is the only way I can explain it. . (1:32). ..
As I said when the veterinarian raises her hand in front of the horse and says, 'I
wish you will heal and help', and they change. Caroline says to her because you have
found the strength of the Soul, and have strengthen the Soul of the animal and through
that he finds his own wellness. So you have actually understood the Soul of the horse,
you understand it to create that condition with it, through your Soul. .. you should
have seen how happy the veterinarian was, she was not aware of her own capabilities.
We saw this with another man in Belgium, he does that with the horse. (1:34).

Any other question?

We can reach any the Soul, because all the souls of created things, have a link by
dimension, with us. How many times have you walked into a position and said, my
god why am I here, what made me to be here, and then you see the result, because the
Soul organized for you to be there for you to see or experience that thing. Then you
think, 'I have done it', no partially as I said, your Soul, (1:36). guides you and your
physicality rides you. And you, is something in-between nonexistence and
existence, what is called, the man. I explained this in a very scientific way

If you look in the structure of a nucleus, this is the field barrier, not a physicality,
we don't have a physical position in it, in a nucleus. You'll find out, that there are
many protons, we have many equal numbers of electrons, but the accommodator
and holder of these two together, are those who, in the world of science have
never understood, and we call them neutrons. It's the neutrons, with their
nonexistence, which creates the condition for, in a way, for these connections to stay
(protons and electrons). Without them (neutrons), collectively, connecting to these,
everything falls apart. (1:38). Each one will pull its own electron apart. The neutrons
are there to balance it even though they look, nonexistence. This is the same with
those we don't see, your neighbors, the man down the street, the cleaner and the
bus driver. The presence of their Soul creates the balance in the Soul of
humanity. This is what mankind has not understood. Why do we needed more
billions, because we need these neutrons that in the future they become the new cells.
At the same time, at this moment they hold the gel of the atomic nuclear
structure together. No creature on this planet exists for no purpose. Maybe it
looks that way in the dimension of physicality, but in reality in the dimension of Soul,
he is that neutron, he is the glue to keep .. you need so many glues to have there, to
create a condition, to create a leader, to vote, to be what, to be Christian, to be, to
believe, to create Christianity, Islam and the rest of it. Then you understand, why we
say, why are we created here, why do we suffer, it's not the physical existence, it's the
existence of that glue of the Soul, of the existence. Even the ants "glue", counts in the
totality if the Soul of planet. When mankind understands this, then he will have
matured to the truth about the world of the creation of his own meager position, let
alone the Soul, (1:40). Then the Soul of this planet has the same meager "glue" in
the creation of the galaxies, universes and the rest. At that point, it is just a
neutron, but when the energy of this (proton) is used and consumed, and this
(electron) moves to another dimension to become another neutron, this (neutron)
becomes the queen. Then you understand what is the purpose. Then you
understand why that Soul was put there. Then you understand why mankind history
and life have been set. Man is ignorant to the truth of his own creation and that is the
biggest problem. His being correct (in conduct) counts, in being correct in time of
need counts, because that is when the elevation of the Soul comes. (1:42).
Any other question?

In today's teaching, I showed the secret of creation in the line of man's physical
need, but he has to understand that existence in physicality is a burden, than
actually a pleasure. But it is for man to understand the separation of the 2 and
chooses the time and the space, and the place, to convert and go through the transition
if he wishes so. But mankind has the same dimension, and should be able to
return back into dimension of physicality when he feels so, but, in so many ways,
it is done for fun, not by obligation.
Q: When the spheres of magnetical and gravitational cross each other, they
create a vortex, the sounds and images we see in our dream, or the sound we
hear in our head, these are basically these vortices, that we hear, the ones that cross.
(1:44). We don't hear anything in our ear. Also you mentioned here, that we go into
that vibration ?** so we go more in a way, we go inside to be more ** but how about
when the Soul comes out, the energy of the Soul comes out to the boundary, do we
hear these vibrations or these voices more often?
Keshe: It is always out, it's just at a weaker strength, we call it aura. It's always
out, it's just how much we reduce the dilution of the field strength of the cells of
the brain. If you go back into the history of man, a few times we have shown this, but
those who have been witness to it, could not understand it. In time and the place, if
you understood, when we say the position of the Soul of the man, which literally sits,
when you eat, in your head. In the mythical way, in the Chinese language we call it,
Fire Dragon, in which the fire comes out. This is for those souls who matured
beyond the physicality, that when they speak through the Soul of correctness,
because, dragons in the Chinese history language has a, carries good with it. So
you wait to see, the light of the Soul, and there are still some who can reach that
point. the condition, (1:46). this brain, creates too much filter, they show the light
through their mouth, what we call the fire. The same fire we saw with Moses, but
the Chinese have changed it into their language, into a dragon. If you are
enlightened enough that you can see, and you see the physical dimension, the world of
the man, the beauty of it, is that fire, if he understands it, that it comes from the Soul
of the man. In Chinese theology or whatever they believe in, they tranStar
Formationerred it to the fire of dragon. That's the fire of knowledge, the fire of
existence, of the knowledge of the Soul of the man, not the physicality fire of itself.
The Chinese changed it into a dragon, the Jews to a burning bush in the mountain. But
in essence, it's the interaction with the Soul of the man with the dimension of the
physicality. It's just a mythology, it depends, you can even put it in a candle, in a dog,
or in a stone. It's the fire of the Soul of the man, not the fire of physical burning in a
matter state. When I listen to Chinese try to explain what the dragon means, I say, my
god they don't even know the truth. What’s the difference. Because in original
mythology the fire used to give a lot of knowledge, (1:48). but at the present time and
culture all that has disappeared. As I said, the father is the same, and he decides where
to be and how to manifest himself and in what clothes, but the essence is the same.
You can extend the Soul to become beyond the boundary, but it is already of a
weaker strength, you see it's like when you have a central heating you put a
blanket on top of it to radiate less heat out, that you keep more in. But if you take
one of the blankets away, it gives off more heat, but the heat inside is still the same,
you just hold it, and the brain is that blanket, and it is controlled through the blood
circulation. The Cup of Life is that copy, if you look at the, 4 of the fields in the Cup
you'll see the same circulation as the flow in the body with the blood.

Q: How about the hissing sound, I developed .. Keshe: it's just you should
understand, it depends on how much you get closer, the closer you get to the wind
the ** knows ** This interaction, because many people have this position, now that
they hear this noise, they get so close to the dimension of the Soul, that the physicality
moves within the inner ear and the ear. You're expanding it beyond. (1:50). You are
taking the blanket from inside, not from outside. Q: In the morning around 3 AM
it's noticeable, but during the day, sometimes it fluxuates. Keshe: Yeah, around 3 or
4 o'clock in the morning is when the position of physicality changes from the left
side to the right. It's a transition time and you become more vulnerable to it. It's
the time when we dream, or we remember the dreams, it's a very fixed pattern in
dreaming, for man, the condition depends on position of physical dimension and
dimension of the Soul and circulation of the blood. Your cycle to repair is between 4
to 5 hours, from one half (of the body), to keep the other half. The whole body,
when you go to sleep, I explained this many times before, the body works this way. ..
Half of the body goes to sleep full, the other half doesn’t do, the brain works here, and
the body is here (draws 4 quarters of the body). The first half, depends in some cases,
even for left handed then right handed, we know more or less the same, when you go
to sleep, this one goes low (to the lower half of the body) to do the body repairs. It's
like when we go into emergency, and the repair crew comes in to clean and to do the
other things. Then, during this time (the other half of the body) works full, but to
support that, (1:52). goes on a lower dimension. Let's say, this side goes to works, you
go to sleep from about 10 PM to 2 or 3 AM. It depends if you go to sleep (later), it
shifts to 11 PM. That's why we follow a certain pattern because the body needs to go
into repairs. Then around about 3 AM the position changes. Now the other side goes
into repair, while the one that just finished is alert and takes on the operations
(of the body). And at that point you change, around about 3 AM until you wake
up, at around 7 or 8. Both sides have to repair. The side which is used less during
the day by habit, goes into repair during the second phase. And this point, when you
go through the switch, when in a way, the Soul of the man allows to be more
open. Then in that position, if you hear a noise you most probably here it in one ear, it
depends in which way the switch over is going, because now the Soul crosses.

The Syrians have shown these kinds of waves yesterday in a video. It's very
interesting when you look at it. It's part of the electronic, plasma warfare which is
running, in the Middle east, and Iranian scientists, behind it, they are testing a lot of
things. It's in one of the Persian Chats, it's posted, you see the cloud which is there,
and inside the cloud, (1:54). then high in the clouds you see waves coming in. It's
part of the plasma Technology control. They have managed to video it, it's very nice.
If I can send it to Rick you can see it, It's advancement in Technology. we know
it's part of the Plasma Technology defense. .. It shows the clouds and within it
plasmatic field forces. Iran has started showing the power of the Technology in a
very rapid way. They stopped being ashamed of what they own, and start being
proud of how advanced they are, and this has been me, openly fighting with Iranian
officials. We should show what we have. If you understand what we call, (1:56).
quick plasma energy release, it is horrendous what our brains can do with
ourselves, you don't need this, you can do it with the body of the man. It's the
first time we see waves in motion, and can be seen in a very beautiful way. Q: In
one of the teachings, you were talking about black holes, when you have 3 unbalanced
protons, and then you have the electrons, they are trying to basically balance
themselves and the electrons are trying to match with them, they are creating that
massive gravitational field in the center so we can create that black hole, this was talk
about the Deuterium, which has I neutron, 1 proton and 1 electron, where did the
proton came here, was it like from a H, (1:58). Send to Rick .. It's the first time
we can actually able to see plasmatic field flows. This is what I explained to you,
which was used 3 weeks ago in Iraq. If you are in it, you can't see, it becomes totally
blind, it’s a physical, fields barrier. This is a plasmatic field, and you can create a
pulse of it, and it works. If you look outside of the cloud, you don't see it, but
inside within the cloud, because it's in different stages, it shows the compression
and manifests itself. This is how if you see that shadow, (it's disappeared ) this is
what the Americans can't get through. It (creates) a blind. And you can rapidly send it
and cover a much bigger space, the cloud allows us to see it, (2:00). but we don't see
it in the open plasmatic, but if you look at it, the cloud has a circle in its cell structure.
.. we have to become more aware of the energy, than the matter, then this opens up a
new dimension in the world of our own understanding of our own creation and many
created things. Shows the video. If you look at this video, for the first time you see
how the magnetical and gravitational fields as a plasma are used, look at the clouds,
just look inside the cloud and you'll see it, there is goes, the plasmatic waves. What
you see as lines, these are plasmatic fields floating continuously from the central
plasmatic reactor. It can cover kilometers. No communication, because there are
layers of it. (2:02). If you go back in the teachings before. You don't see it the blue
but only in the cloud because it shows the compression of it as a plasmatic field, the
space gap between the lines doesn’t allow anything to penetrate. This is very
much what we saw in the Caribbean Island during the hurricane. If you look at
the space gap in them, they can change it in a compression way of the plasma
that nothing can penetrate. You can throw as many missiles as (you want), it just
takes them out. And even if it goes in the more, the higher speed, it does the same.
At the lower speed it changes it to, Nano coating. So it's an impenetrable situation.
This is one of the biggest achievements of the Iranian defense Technology. This will
enforce peace, you can see it as a shadow. This is a compression of the field, and it's
on different strengths, bandwidth of it that covers everything. This is why the
Americans could not communicate, and the ground force was literally annihilated.
This is how it is, instead of keeping it continuous dome, they created a pulse dome,
and it is there. They decide the strength of the pulse. You can see it very clearly
coming up (in video), you can see different shades of the cloud, (2:04). as it goes
through. It creates a total barrier, this is how I told you, we captured the American
drones. The new weapons Technology is obsolete. As I said, now that we saw the
Senate's situation yesterday, he managed to get himself off the hook, because they
have nobody else, if they vote him out, who are they going to put as the president next
time around? He is the only one they have. He will become arrogant in talking big
again, but the limitations will decide very soon by the others, then this, what I
call the barking. You'll see the rhetoric and all the games of the past months that he
reduced, because he was trying to keep the Senate members happy, 'don't bark until I
get through.' He did this before in his elections. Once he got through he said, I have
nothing to do with the party, I am on my own. But they had no choice because he was
already in. It's the behavior of the man. ..
Can you ask your other question please.
Q: When you were showing about the black hole and you were showing the 3
protons, which were not balanced, and in not being balanced were, basically
rotating. And there were 3 electrons outside that were trying to match with these
protons, so they were creating 2 rotations, and also massive gravitational fields,
and which is the same as the black hole. But then the talk was about Deuterium,
which has only 1N, 1P, and 1E. I can't understand where the third proton came
Keshe: What do you mean the third proton? Q: Because there were 3 protons in the
center, they were trying basically to balance each other. Keshe: Yes, but this is what
happens in the womb of the mother, if I understood you correctly. (2:06). In the
womb of the mother, you have an egg and a sperm, they come together, the third
energy comes from the interaction of the 2. And this now creates an imbalance
because it wants to feed itself, and takes energy and creates the other cells by its
division. This is how nature works. This 2 when they share, trying to come together,
and if they are of the same strength, they create this common denominator shell
of energy, but this shell is so weak that he tries to feed himself, but these 2 are in
a strength that cannot match, so he takes from the energy of the womb of the
mother. Now it becomes 4. The division comes this way, and it doesn’t matter how
you do it, when it comes to the point of multiplication in several billions, then it
decides that I have too much energy, which I don't want to do (have), what am I going
to do. One of the cells positions itself to get rid of the energy, because that's the
way he finds his position, and we call it a kidney. The natural process of the
physical body, is the same anywhere in the Universe. A disposable unit, and
storage unit, and whatever you call, recycling unit, and one central control. I'll take
you on the Mars it is the same, if I take you planet Zeus it's the same, to Earth it's the

Q: Is it the same as what happened to the One Cup One Life? Keshe: Exactly, I
have given you .. you create, for the first time man creates, if you understood the
teachings last week. You are used to having a baby in your hands and calling it a
creation of yours. I gave you a Cup, which has life, (2:08). that's what you
create, a Soul. You haven't even understood what I gave you. You are used to seeing
physical life within a womb of the mother. I gave you a life in a Cup, that is why it's
called One Cup One Life. And I said, it saves a life, and you haven't understood
exactly what it means. I tired to explain this in the teachings of the past few days. This
is the Cup you carry (draws Cup), and this is your man, and the Soul of the man
(draws a man with Soul), that Cup feeds your Soul (line from Cup to Soul of the
man). Because it has a surplus energy of continuously creating. That is why you
overcome any disease or virus, because a virus is energy dependent. You are used
to seeing your creation coming out of the womb of a mother, a woman. I have given
you the chance to see the creation of the Soul with your own hand, that it feeds your
Soul and elevates your Soul, and then that elevation allows you to overcome any other
energy, which you call it a virus, genetic, or whatever you want to call it. The beauty
of my knowledge is that I know so much that I can make it so simple that even an
infant can understand, and that infant is man himself.

Q: I have another question if you are finished here. Keshe: I never finish, teaching is
nice to share. (2:10). carry on. Q: We can use the salt in a way to lubricate, expand
or compress the fields, I was looking at the Periodic Table going form Ca to Fe, is
like adding to the atomic weight, I couldn't see a pattern how I can use the Periodic
table going through, is there a pattern that I can follow? Keshe: Yes, this is what I
explained may times .. The problem is the pattern of your understanding, nothing else.
What is Mg in the P Table? What is Knowledge, Ca.. anybody know? (2:12). Na is
22. Mg has 12 atomic number, Knowledge is 39, Ca 40, ** 24, and Na 22. .. if you go
with the Ca, Knowledge, Fe, >> Na = 22, Mg = 24, Knowledge = 39, Ca = 40, Fe =
56; (40 and 16) . the gap is 1 O, but if you understand the Zn, the next cycle here
sits around 72, then you see the relationship, but this is in a matter state. In
Plasma state, you go 56, the 10 or 20% up and down, (2:14). and when you come
to H it's up to 50% up and down, you get about 15, so if you take 56, at 20% you
can see that you come into the isotopes of Ca, because this (Ca) has the same 20%
up and down too. When you have these points is when you see interaction and
binding, and creation of Fe, and connection with hemoglobin and the other
things. I have explained this years ago. It's very clear, if you work not only with 56,
it's a guideline, but when you go with the Plasma, as I said, the Plasma vibrates so
you have a bandwidth, the same as I explained about the sun going up and down
by millions of kilometers, it depends where it is, here or here, it has a peak. Q: But
when you hit Ca it becomes bone, which is basically closer magnetical and
gravitational field together, tighter, and then when ..

Keshe: Yes, but, but, why does Ca become solid in the body of the man. Does
anybody know why we have Ca as the body of the man? And why does it stay when
we die? Man hasn't solved this mystery yet. Why doesn't our muscles or heart get left
behind? (2:16). But the bones stay behind. Q: Isn't it because we come from the
planet earth as part of the earth? No, nothing to do with that. Go back to the teaching,
in the understanding of Deuterium, C6, that C6 is a physical matter that we see. But
C6 in a different dimension is a diamond, and in a different environment
condition becomes odor. Now the strangest thing happens, that Ca at a given
strength, sits within the heartbeat of the earth, which is around about a
frequency of 7.5. If you go by multiples of the C (7.5 x 6), it's about 42 to 45. Then
you see where the Fe comes to that range, and Ca becomes bone of the man. It's just
happens to be. The structure of the physicality to solidify, has to do with the
heartbeat of the earth, which converts. You saw those waves going through (the
clouds), and you see them a certain what we call, plasmatic fields, that is exactly
what it does. It's the earth's frequency which dictates C, nearest to its
combination, which is the Ca in matter state, which confirms and converts into
matter state, (2:18). and it becomes bone. If you take (away) that frequency,
you'll have no structure. If you go further, higher, this is why astronauts loose
weight in the space, because that frequency is lower and weaker in the strength.
Man in deep space will have no physicality, that's why he has to rely on his Soul.
It's just a gel, (splat). The heartbeat of the earth dictates this bracket here, which is
what we call, the Ca manifestation. Not all Ca can become, this is a specific (type
of) Ca which carries a specific field interaction, of the Fe, allows Ca to be
converted into solid state. That is why in the creation of, in every cell, Amino
Acid (amino acid) you have 1 Ca as a seed, without it, you don't have life. We
even find the field strength of Ca in hemoglobin. Those of you who create Gans's
should have noticed that by now. There is a specific salt content conversion, which
leads to creation of hemoglobin and certain combinations of it leads to the solid
state of the physicality. If you go back to the creation of man on this planet, it
came all because of this. Certain combinations with the frequency from the earth
lead to solidification in a plasmatic condition, (2:20). of Ca, and very much
accidentally, at the same time, the same thing happens with the protein coming
in, and they linked up, the hemoglobin, and that became the beginning structure
of life. A freak of accident of the creation. And physicians will see in the systems to
come, I can create man with a bone, a brain, and muscle, because we know the
secret. In the majority of the time, when the heartbeat of the man reaches a
fraction of the multiplication of the heartbeat of the planet, man dies. It releases
the Soul. (Q: the ** in the container) You will understand. The creation of life is the
same wherever you go, if you understand it. You give me the right salinity, the
right protein, the right condition of the field strength vibration between the Ca
and the waters of the ocean and the Fe. (2:22). As it brings that field strength
through the hemoglobin, it is inevitable to create Ca bones. There is no other
choice, and then that structure tries to find out how he can build it at the level of
the body of the man, the fish, or whatever, according to the salt, the position,
manifests itself. The creation of life is so simple. I can make a man while you are
watching it, you don't need the test tube. It's just what Soul do you want to put in
it. This is what I showed to Mark in Barletta when I started teaching how to create
brain. If you understand this, you give me the skull, I'll give you the man. You give
me the skull of Christ, I'll give you the man as Christ, but go and find his real
physicality. It's so simple, it's done everyday in the oceans of this planet, it can't be
that difficult, it's just that we never understood it up to now. Have you ever tried to
make a spaghetti with a different length and thickness, and say it doesn’t taste
good or it's not the same. Because Italians measure the thickness, width, and the
length of the spaghetti for a specific sauce they create, to fit that. (2:24). When you
change the sauce for a different spaghetti it doesn’t match. It's the same, you have to
have everything right in the oceans, and if you understand it, you can create life.
I can create you as many life's as you like, with or without bone, or use Mg as a
bone, to become C as a bone. I tell you, that when you go to a position in the
Universe, then according to the condition of the position, you create the life to fit
that. It comes from the heartbeat of the center of the plasma of the planet,
nothing else. It's a whip cream, you put the speed you like on the whipper, how thick
you want it to get. It's very simple. Now maybe today you understood the secret of
your creation.

.. Q: Alzar back to the noise and the frequency in the head, what about the color?
Keshe: It all depends on what you rely on for confirmation of your own existence.
Color, noise, whatever, it's you..

You see the problem with you Alzar is you are trying to confirm your own
existence continuously, but you don't enjoy the existence you have, because if you
do you will reach your Soul. Chasing it to confirm it has become the biggest
problem for you. You go anywhere to find it, but it is within you, but you don't
realize it. Color, noise, different temples, materials to take or swim in, or
whatever. Look within you will find the Soul. (Brother says: I hope she listens.)
(2:26). Shall we take her passport away again. Alzar, you need travel to travel with
the dimension of the Soul, not with the flight of the airplane. This is what the secret of
creation is.
Q: But also there is a problem here, connection with the Fe which made the blood and
made man to start killing all the entities .. Keshe: Yes, because we connected that
same life of this blood, with the hemoglobin, with the existence that we kill for. We
don't eat the bone and leave the flesh away. We go for this, hemoglobin, and its
conversions which are added to the Cu or Zn or whatever. If we understand this, man
or animals will stop killing, this is why one of the main things we introduced was the
creation of the ZnO and CuO, is to elevate the Soul of the totality. You'll understand
very soon, what we are playing at and with.
Q: I noticed you didn't mention CH3, because it takes care of the physicality and
emotion, of the connection of the Cu and Zn. Keshe: Yes, but what is a CH3, it's 15
isn't it (C=12. H=1), if you put 4 of the CH3 in a structure what do you get? Cu. It
( the CH3) is not only 15, sometimes it's a higher energy of 16, of the (2:28). the C
energy (Cu and Zn), and now you understand why man uses CH3 as sugar, because
it's a combination of feeder. My students, you are so ignorant of your own creation,
that is the problem. .. Q: If you add one more thing to the CH3 then we don't need
to eat, and I think I found it? Keshe: No, no, that's not it. If you find a link to
CH3, it's different, then adding the link. . Q: If you take all the food we
crave for and we like and we take the energy of them and add that to the CH3,
then the emotion and texture of the food and all these things are solved too.
Keshe: Good morning. Q: I found it, thank you. Keshe: Now you understand when
I tell you, when you go into the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) it will
feed you, repair you, it flies you, it does everything you can imagine.
Q: Thank you. Keshe: I can feel the smile of the Soul, Hassan. (2:30). The joy of
knowledge is the most beautiful joy. Alzar you had better speak to your brother,
you might find a bridge. Alzar - I will. Any other question? Jalal, maybe the soup
Caroline fixed yesterday worked very good? Keshe: For who? Yesterday she fixed a
bone soup. Keshe: I don't know we already reached there. there is a story about this
bone, the richness of it, it depends on what it reaches. .. What Jalal is referring to is
that we had a marathon teaching or discussion, what we call a fireplace talk or chat.
sometimes on Weds, it went for nearly 8 hours and then everybody gave up. because
it was too long. (2:32). In these discussions we learned a lot. Sometimes we learn
more in an informal environment. .. I call it a grandmas and grandpas meeting. .
Any other questions?
Q: I think we can also create a One Cup OL by using several individual Gans's, if it
is right can you give us the percentage of each of them. Personally I think I can do it
with my Soul, is that right?
Keshe: Maybe if I can answer. At one point (in the past) when the maturity of the
knowledge of the man reached the stage we are trying to take you to, but this time we
are doing it collectively. In response to what you asked, (2:34). You put the Cu, Zn,
water and the salt and you created the Soul, now if you understood that, and if
you understood the discussion of today, do you need that Cup, salt, Cu, Zn, to
create that Soul? Or you can use the salt, as a field of the Universe, the Cu as a
field of the Universe, and create that Soul in the palm of the man to hold. Then if
you understood that, then if any of you can achieve, then hasn't that become the
Adam and Eve. If you go one step further, hasn't that become the Creator and the
man? Do you need the physicality to confirm the existence of the Soul, or can you
create that Soul, in the dimension of physicality. Then the truth comes, has there
ever been a Virgin Birth? Or does the virgin purity come from the purity of the
Soul of the man, in understanding the level of his own creation, not the
physicality of the birth of the virgin, but **. Man, as I said, is like the Chinese Fire
and Dragon, and the mountain fire or burning bush with Moses. You have to
understand the essence, not the myth put around it to cover it, (2:36). that you
never see or understand it. Then it comes, if I have created this Soul, do I want it
to be me, and an image of me, or did I create it that I can confirm that I can love,
I can nourish, and I can protect. Then it comes to the point of, when I have such a
love, and I want to give to somebody else, another Soul, would that Soul have same
giving (as me) to create another, that between us, we create the child of the Soul,
by interaction of the two. This is how life started. The physical life never started
in the dimension of intercourse. The life in the Universe started with the
interaction of the fields of no matter, but in the dimension of the plasma. Then
you understand the secret of creation. You need to have a salt. Look at this
planet, salt flows everywhere in the shape of a cloud, so this planet is like the
Cup. And the materials flow created in the upper atmosphere, fall down, you
have your Zn and your Cu, so you already live within that Cup, and you just
need to put the Soul in it. Then we bring the souls we are in love with from other
dimensions with when we travel. When you go from say, Turkey to London, what
do you do, you call your lover, your girlfriend, and say, come over it is nice here, we
can be together, and she comes over. Then what you do is so nice, an accident
happens you put too much love in it, and there comes another young Soul. (2:38). It's
the same, we passengers of the Universe carry a matching Soul with us. We have
been in love long before we understood the love of man. Then what do you do,
you bring your love home to give it the physicality to love, and to create
offspring's that you can create a new life. As we say, hello my friend, we meet
after a long time. When you go to the airport and you welcome the love, what is it?
It's the same love, but now you have brought it to be with you. If she is a doctor or a
princess it doesn't make any difference, when she arrives she is a lover, and carries the
knowledge which comes with the physicality of the man in the dimension of the Soul.
Man has got a lot to learn, and man misunderstands it due to the lack of his own

It's nearly 12 o'clock. I think today we opened a new dimension for many of you to
understand, and for many of you to understand what is to come. (2:40). And for
many of you to understand how the end of kingship and leadership, is about to
come to an end. When it rots from inside there is no enemy, when you try to rot it
from outside, somebody has done something. This time everything is rotting from
inside, because the feelings of peace have to fire.
Any other questions?

Q: By changing the current from the decreasing battery we modify, we widen that
spectrum of Plasma fields in the Cup, (2:42). I have a combination of a number of
coils, in the Cup I have a palate of different Gans how do I know how to use
only a certain strength? Keshe: You created it, you understand it. You are the
creator of it, you have to decide what you created. Some of the people are
harvesting yellow Gans, some brown, green, blue, some don't create any blue, or
just a shade of it. They are all afraid there is not Cu in it. But they are all
strengthened in conjunction with the Cu you put in, so it depends on the strength
which is added, or what is. Then if you leave it aside, after awhile they all go
green, as they have more reaction with the magnetical field of the earth. Don't
forget the color you see in the Gans, is the color which the interaction between
the plasmatic magnetical field of the earth and the (fields that the) Gans creates.
This planet creates blue, there it creates green, so it's understanding this that is
part of it. If it is slightly higher energy, then it doesn’t give its energy to the level
which is the core, center of its Cu, it will be different colors. But then it becomes
green or blue, and again it depends what O rate you .. are you creating Cu2O2 (2:44).
or are you creating CuO2, or CuO3, Cu3O2. Some of the materials created in the
combination, in Gans as an energy, you can't attain it in theoretical physics. I
can. But as an energy they exist, then as they give their energy to become
balanced with the atmospheric condition they become green. You should have
understood this by now. Rick: Some people are experimenting with different voltages
and amperages .. and .. Keshe: Have you seen the guy who is boiling it? He has put
so much current in it, that literally the plates are boiling, he is cooking it. .. Rick: I
asked them what was their intention with this particular Cup with your own
variations. .. Just to play with it to see what would happen Is that a pure enough
intention to begin with, to put into the experiment, (2:46). just to do it for fun?
Keshe: Do it for fun. God did that and see what He made, called man, you never seen
what might come out. Rick: This is what I wonder (laughs) . .. we don't want them to
hurt themselves, where is the discernment?
Keshe: I was talking to one of the world's leading heart surgeons ... he said to me,
how long does it take me to learn this? I said, give me 3 days and you'll become
better than me, because you know the work of the heart better. In 3 days I'll
teach you everything as a heart surgeon, he is one of the world's leading heart
surgeons. It was amazing to hear his voice, that with all he knows, he
understands that there is more to learn, and he is willing to learn because he can
help his patients. These are senor advisors to governments and then they understand,
when they are enlightened, there is more, and then they carry the government with
them, with the new Technology. It's like tomorrow, the Conference in Mexico, we are
not there physically, but I think over 12 Ambassadors and embassies, maybe up to 20
have announced will be present (2:48). The governments have become open to
understand that there is a need to go. This is what I told you, we started with a little in
Vienna and now when we get to Tehran Conference more or less every nation's
ambassador will be present. The amazing thing of it is, they will accept the condition,
and if Ayatollah Knowledge of Iran brings that transition of bringing the
religious leaders to Tehran at that time, we'll have the physical and Soul leaders
in one room to decide the future of the mankind. And as Messengers we are
present there to support to bring the change. We have invited many people to Iran,
to be ready on a stand-by, and those of you who want to see Naomi, hopefully we can
get Giovanni to do it, she has been invited as a guest to Tehran conference. And many
other Keshe Foundation supporters who have brought change will be present. We just
have to see how we can get the blonde there (? Trump), that is the biggest problem.
Peace will overrule the pride. The biggest card the Americans played was this card
of virus and now that will go through, and now even that, has been disarmed.
With that (the virus) they thought that they would overcome. They had plans to
use this on the Iranian nation. (2:50). And now we have unfolded that, the
terrorist activities of a nation, again. We saw that they tested it on the Chinese,
then that was to bring. But in Iran we are ready, able, and we'll face it. But the
thing is, sometimes these experiments go wrong, and turns back, like that missile,
and I hope they can take it, when the virus changes to American blood. This is
the biggest game they started and they have already lost, before they start. They
became so desperate to win, that in that desperation they shot themselves,
literally in the brain.
Any other question?
We wish the Conference in Mexico City all the best tomorrow through Sunday. We
are there to support the world ambassadors, and the scientific core of the humanity.
The head of the Keshe Foundation, Ella is there, which is the most important part as
she is taking over, one by one, the responsibility of running the Keshe Foundation.
(2:52). I wish her all the best, as I said in another teaching, it's time for the old guard
to step down and bring those of the younger age to take over and guide the next
generation in, as long as we are there to support and not to dictate. We'll see the
changes coming in, there was a lot of work put in to this, and as we see the old guard
still tries to hold on to their power. You have no power, ** But this shuffling of
power in the Keshe Foundation has to stop by one or two people, because the only
thing is to wipe it out. This should not be done this way, by those who set up to be
around the Keshe Foundation. We see it and we have to give support to the head of
the Keshe Foundation. She is one of the most capable people who runs and has
managed the Keshe Foundation for the past 3 years. Now we see the rest of the
structure of the Keshe Foundation coming in, and you'll see more presence on the
world media by the Keshe Foundation in the coming days as it is getting structured
and planned. We have brought in experts in doing what they know, and you'll see new
divisions and sections in the Keshe Foundation, new international sales team which is
set up together, taking global structure. .. by the end of this year we'll start
governing through understanding of the knowledge and Technology. (2:54). as what
we call, political governing has already died. We'll see what comes up it's a child
in growth and developing, and it needs its own understanding of the knowledge and
Technology and .. growth of the man .
Tehran conference ..

(2:56). One of my biggest wish is that the International Sepah will be established
in the Tehran conference, that the world leaders put control on the arms
collectively that no arms crosses borders. .. This will be one of the proposals in the
Tehran conference and other ones around the world. We'll see opposition, extremely
by the Americans, but we have systems to cover this point, we have foreseen it.
It's very simple, do you want to be a human, or do you want to be an American.
Do you want to be a man or a murderer, it's very simple. The American nation
has to decide, how the humanity looks at them, because they never stood to
understand how they're looked at from outside. they looked so much inside, that
they believed all the false, fallacy of ** We'll bring the Americans to understand
about themselves, then their leaders have to follow, the way it is. It's time for a
woman to lead the nation into peace. We support that motion head.
Any other question?

Shall we call it a day, There is a lot of knowledge in this teaching and I think this year
our anniversary 6 going to 7th. Try to understand the meaning of today's teaching, we
have set a new course .. (3:00). more in research , we had to put a seed down to
start to measure the individual strand of the fields

.. Thank you very much. I am sure a lot of you will have a fantastic time by next week
when we meet, it will be on the eve of Valentine and I hope mankind is prepared for it
to be a Valentine for humanity ..


315th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thurs, February 13, 2020

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The teaching starts with getting an update on what is happening in China concerning
the Coronavirus. China is part of the Keshe Foundation family and we have to know
what is going on there and we want to hear the story from Knowledge Seekers
(Knowledge Seekers). The head of Keshe Foundation in China tells what is happening
in China. After the New Year we were supposed to go back to work but the controls
are more tight now. In general the cases outside of Wuhan have deceased everyday
for 1 week, but the cases in Wuhan, are jumping to 15,000 that is because before there
was a lack of resources, before there were no hospitals. (They started using the newly
built 20,000 room hospital.) The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are being used
and having some good effects. But so far they don't have an effective medicine for the
virus, even though they say they have this American medicine, but that there are a lot
of, or some side effects from it, so we don't know yet. She was asked what is the
situation with promotion of the One Cup, One Life (OC or Cup of Life) on the
Internet. She said, an older Chinese older institution, a university allowed them to
publish the OC on their website, and also on the "We Chat" platform, but
unfortunately we are getting attacked by a lot of people that don't believe it. Then in
one of the big universities, a professor in the department of Chemistry wrote an article
saying that our technology is fake science and is just a primary chemistry experiment.
So then a lot of the news on the Internet starting saying that we are fake, etc. etc. We
met a lot of problems to promote the OC. She was asked what is the position with the
government and the military? She said, we have actively approached the government
and military side and have sent signed letters to the president and the prime minister.
When we delivered that documents they said they would pass them on to the health
organization for evaluation. The health officers tried very hard, but it is all being sent
for evaluation. We are waiting.
Mr. Keshe asked, what is happening with Shanghai hospital? GL- They said they are
going to accept it and maybe now start some cases. One of the TCM doctors is trying
to mix our Gans waters with TCM herbs and he feels it could be very good. He says
he has already managed to heal several light cases at the early stage of the disease.
Keshe: What is the position with the Knowledge Seekers? GL- All the Knowledge
Seekers are producing more and more Gans and teaching new comers to make their
own Gans. We have about 1,200 people in the group on how to make the One Cup.
Keshe: What is the position with Tencent News. GL- That is funny, right away the
One Cup video peaked and reached more than 10,000 views in a couple days, and
then the Tencent news said that the One Cup was the solution for the virus. But then
on the second day, after that University Chemistry professor said that it was a fake
science, it has dropped, and the news started saying that it is rumored to be a fake
Keshe: But did they take it off or is it still there. GL- Yes, it's still there, but the
rumor that we are a fake science is spreading more and more.




(: 06). I think we are more less entering our 7th year of teaching. It's nice to see a lot
of things are taking shape. I see Guan Lynn (GL) in the background is with us, she
is the head of the Keshe Foundation in the whole of China, and it would be nice
to know what is happening with the One Cup One Life (OC or Cup of Life), and
it would be nice to hear from our Chinese Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge
Seekers). Guan Lynn would you like to speak. GL- Hello Mr. Keshe it's nice to
meet you. Keshe: Nice to talk to you, at least you are still alive as I say. GL- Ha, ha, I
said the God always look after me. Keshe: No problem can you explain what is
happening in China now, what concerns the Keshe Foundation and the world,
how do we see it in China. What is the position. You'll have to translate on both
sides while you speak because they are waiting for you on the other side to translate
as well. GL- Okay I understand. (she translates to Chinese ) Do you want to know
about One Cup and the whole situation? Keshe: Yes, the whole situation, China
is part of the family so we have to know what is going on. (:08). GL- After the
New Year we were supposed to go back to work but the control is more tight. In
general the cases outside of Wuhan have deceased everyday for 1 week, but the
cases in Wuhan, it's jumping to 15,000 that is because before there was a lack of
resources, before there were no hospitals. using the TCM and having some good
.. So far they don't have an effective medicine for the virus. Even though they say
they have this American medicine, but that there are a lot or some side effects
from it, I don't know yet. (:10). TCM has taken more of a role in this, .. having
some effects
.. most of the factories are still not open
now my
now my community is locked down, one person in family can go out to buy food.
Only 1 supermarket is open .. (:12). .. With the One Cup we had some cases
reported that were succesStar Formationul. We managed to find one lady in
Wuhan city after we published One Cup, One Life, her mom now is recovering. At
that time she called the emergency car to take her mom to hospital but no hospital of 5
would accept, and she had to move back home. Almost in despair she heard we had
the solution and she wanted to try. We managed to get a volunteer to make some Gans
for her, and to deliver to her, she started to spray, fed and try the breathing a little bit.
But most of the time she just sprays the body, because she doesn't dare to drink much.
Also her mom's lungs were damaged so bad she needed oxygen machine to support
here breathing. She strengthening when she tried to change the filtered water with our
Gans water. She said, her mom still can't breath. (:14). so they stopped. But all the
family tried to drink something, but mainly just sprayed the face and mouth, lung and
back of body and all the furniture and the environment of the house. The second day
she managed to find a doctor to give her mom Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),
she managed to feed her mom TCM and now here mom is almost recovered, and she
is hungry, can get up, walk and go to toilet by herself. Good news she is recovering.
Keshe: What is the situation with promotion of the Internet with One Cup, One
Life. GL- We have help from a Chinese older institution with ** University they
helped us to publish OC on their website, and also We Chat platform, but
unfortunately we are getting attacked by a lot of people they don't believe. In one of
the big universities, ** Qing Hua University department of Chemistry, a professor
wrote an article to say that our Technology is fake science. (:16). He said, it's
just a primary chemistry experiment and then, the Internet has a lot of news to
say we are fake, and bla, bla, So we met a lot of problems to promote. Also a
Knowledge Seekers tried to spread the information in some groups and they get
kicked out or they get cursed with dirty words. And even the police warned them, not
to release this kind of information. Actually we feel a little bit frustrated. Although we
have the good heart to try to help the nation and the people, but since the Technology
is not being accepted by most of the population. Keshe: What is the position with
the government and the military. GL- We have actively approached the
government and military side -- we signed the letter to the president and the
prime minister, then when we delivered that document they passed it to the
health organization, and asked them to evaluate. We also approached the health
officers and they tried very hard and then they said they will send it to the experts to
evaluate the Technology. We are waiting.. (:18). Keshe: What is happening with
Shanghai hospital? GL- They said they are going to accept that, maybe now they're
going to start some cases. The newest information they don't want to try, but to mass
apply, in Shanghai hospital, for some not so serious cases. Because one of the TCM
doctors is trying to mix our Gans waters with his TCM, and he feels it could be
very good. He already managed to heal several cases from light cases at the early
stage. He is confident to move ahead with our Technology. We have 2 hospital is
going to try. .. Keshe: Don't mention names because you have to keep it out of the
way. What is the position with the Knowledge Seekers? GL- All the Knowledge
Seekers are producing more and more Gans and teaching new comers to make
their own Gans for the first time. we have about 1,200 people in that group
how to make the One Cup. Keshe: What is the position with Tencent News. GL-
That is funny, right away the peak of video One Cup reached more than 10,000,
in a couple days. Then the Tencent news said we have the One Cup solution for
the virus. Then because of this University Chemical professor said this is a fake
science, then the 2nd day, the Tencent news said this is a rumor it's a fake
science. We don't know what to say. Keshe: But did they take it off or is it still there.
GL- Yes, it's still there, (but) the rumor that we are a fake science spreads more and
more. That's a very pity. Keshe: How is the population taking it? (:22). GL- Some
believe, some not, but I think most of the Knowledge Seekers are coming back
because they apply this Technology for many years and know it works. We have a
program to collect signatures to show to the government that thousands of people
have already applied this Technology to help people. Why this Chemical professor
who knows nothing about Plasma Technology, and he said it's a fake, and all the
news accept it, that is a strange thing. Keshe: So one man has done that, because
he is a professor he has done that. GL- In China people believe in **, in the
professors and the University, that is normal. Keshe: Any other news? GL- No, some
are asking for the (simultaneous) translation. (:24). (:26). (:28). ..

checked to here >>

What is the position of the Knowledge Seekers in working with the government and
military? GL- We don't know yet .. some Knowledge Seekers, (:30). with an officer,
health official and an academic person to set up a company and want to mass produce
Gans, they want to reach 1 ton per day. We don't know how they are going to do.
They say they have some projects already in Wuhan city, to do the garbage collecting,
and they have the products to be applied. Since the have applied, and some tests were
made on Gans water by a Beijing testing organization, and they said, the Gans water
is very effective for killing the virus and bacteria, so they are shipping the disinfection
products there. Keshe: with the military, you mean? GL- They mentioned but
nobody knows who is who. Keshe: But have the Knowledge Seekers started
collaborating with them? GL- we don't know. Because we were told them, if you
want to do mass production the Keshe Foundation can help the government with it,
but since these guys think they can handle it, they refused..
Keshe: How is the population feeling? (:32). GL- I don't know how to say, in
different places they have different feelings. They'll changed the head in whole of
Wuhan provinces. They changed the head of health administration and disease control
center, because the central government sent a group there. Keshe: How are the people
feeling on the streets? GL- Nobody is on the street, the Chinese very much follow
what the government says, and they don't have an effective way to control the disease,
so the best way is nobody go out. Keshe: the whole nation is shut down? GL- actually
yeah,. Keshe: The factories? GL- they are not allowed to open, even I told you our
Keshe Foundation factory. ** .. the local government doesn't allow them to produce.
Keshe: Until when is this going to happen.? GL- if government thinks they have it
under control they'll start opening. Keshe: But when? (:34) GL- nobody knows, God
knows only. Keshe: So in each area you only have 1 supermarket open more or less?
GL- yeah or another one .. pharmaceuticals open . Keshe: What is the position of
government in respect to this? GL- there is more of a sign military will get involved
in that area. Keshe: Do we have any other Knowledge Seekers from China online.?
(:36). .. Asks in Chinese if any one has questions.
(:38). Q: Are you cooperating with the Chinese government? Keshe: to GL do you
want to answer.. do you want to disclose or not? GL- I think we are trying to do a lot
of different things on different levels. Keshe: You are very diplomatic. Q: Is the
Keshe Foundation have the idea to call volunteers to go to Wuhan for antivirus? GL-
I don't think you can do, that is army controlled. You can't move 1 step .. (:40). Q: **
adding chemicals to prevent from being solid, if that impacts the Gans? Keshe: it
depends what chemicals they are. ** (:42). Any other questions. Keshe: How do
the Knowledge Seekers feel in their own places? Chou how is the feeling in China
from your side? C- very serious situation and the Government is controlling
everything. now some professors want to have a try and do some tests by
themselves. If we approve that (:44). many people know that the present science
can't handle the virus, probably some will try the Gans Technology. Keshe: what is
your interaction? C- one professor was interested to test effect of Gans on viruses on
plants .. some other researchers form the traditional plasma Technology are getting
more interested. .. (:46).
.. people are locked inside .. Keshe: Do you se people on the street or they just go to
the shop and come back home? C- no people on the street. Keshe: Do you see an end
to this? (:48). C- I don’t know, you said the virus will be dependent on the
environment, in April the situation will be better. we might need more time. GL-
Most of the people say they have been locked at home for 3 weeks now. A lot are
asking more technical details about how to make the Gans. .. Q: Some say it's very
slow to make the Gans, 7 days, (:50).
Is the Potassium hexanofeirrite** to the salt. they think it is damaging the health.
Keshe: no what is the chemical binding of it, does anybody know. Rick can you find
out on Wikipedia . (:52). .. Potassium Ferricyanide .. (:54). Rick: reads
Wikipedia for Potassium Ferricyanide .. bright red salt Keshe: by looking at what
is in it, this material is actually, is compounded structure, field structure, It's a safe
structure and actually it's beneficial due to its Knowledge and Fe, if you use it as a
Gans compound it gives you, (:56). a very good a very good position, especially
psychological and emotionally. This is a potassium positive plus C with ion, which, in
the Gans state the Knowledge, is especially now in this situation where there is a lot
of psychological pressure. It has a double effect especially when it touches with the
NaCl salt, which gives you, it's effective both ways for, as a Gans of it, effecting the
body and enhancing it too. If you have such a compound in a Gans state it is highly
beneficial. Don't have any worries, because all the combinations of the materials you
have, the Knowledge, a high level of Knowledge which is highly effective in
emotional conditions, (:58). and a Cl in combination with Knowledge which is,
actually a bacteria killing agent, which is created by itself in releasing Na, for itself,
for its use. This as a Gans state, as you have in the salt, is actually a beneficial thing, it
brings a lot of emotional stability, and with it, it has a compound with amino acid, and
Cl. Don't worry about it, it's not a problem. If you have it in your Gans, it's beneficial
for the bacteria side of the infection. Can you hear me (1:00). repeats that this is a
beneficial compound especially in the Gans state.

Q: ( What is) the method to use One Cup to create life. Keshe: Yes if you can do, yes.
Q: I think they want to know the way. Keshe: I think China has enough population
and don't need to add another life to it.
Q: What is the way to make a big amount of amino acid? Keshe: The only way you
can make a huge amount of amino acid is to use a bigger pot, bigger surface, and
regularly clean the amino acid from the top. You have to look at your salinity that it
always stays constant. (1:02). I have taught this before, a lot of you Knowledge
Seekers, what you don't see is that When you make your boxes, and you collect
your CO2 at the bottom, in your water, when you have, with your amino acid on the
top, this CO2 which you collect at the bottom has a combination of the O2, you create
between your plates a condition of the C, which takes the O from the water, to create
with the CO2. It takes in some of the C and O from the atmosphere, (1:04). after a
while you might see at the bottom of your pot some white materials, like bone, Ca.
And you'll find the salinity, the taste of the water here (in box) will become sweet, it's
not salty anymore. When this salinity, through the change, through the production of
CO2 takes place, the amino acid production stops. It's the combination of the amino
acid and salinity, and the change in the O creates the CO2 , which does not sustain the
fields for the C to be pulled from the atmosphere, and you stop production of CO2
and amino acid from the atmosphere. (1:06).
Depending on the temperature of the room, and the C and the salinity, you see the
production of the amino acid changing. If you are not producing much CO2 you can't
produce much amino acid. If you produce CO2 in a closed room, your production of
amino acid is much less. If you live in a city you produce more amino acid, in a rural
area less amino acid and less CO2. If you have a circulation you produce more CO2
off what I call air flow. The air flow has to come from outside and not inside the
building. I mean atmospheric, not room area, you can't put a fan next to it to increase
it, the air has to come from outside. If you have a lot of plants in the house and many
people, you produce more CO2. If you hardly have any plants and it's just 1 person in
the house, you don't produce that much CO2 to be absorbing, (1:08). because the
field is in the container, so there is no C to absorb. In the environment when there are
many plants or trees you'll find that you'll produce a lot of CO2 after 4PM in the
afternoon until the early morning, and during the day you don't produce that much.
You need the flow of the CO2 to be able to absorb the amino acid fully.

Q: Can you talk about your point of view of this virus in China and what we can do as
Knowledge Seekers? Keshe: The point is, as you know from this academic
(Chemistry) professor, who is paid from outside to do these articles. You have to
understand, there is a clear pattern coming up, (1:10). and we have raised our concern
with the Chinese government. If we look at a very clear data, (Rick to put up this
data). We have a lot of concern and we'll explain to you what is going on, as you have
seen with this academic professor, coming up with this (article), we'll tell you, the
background behind it, and this situation has to be resolved very soon and we'll resolve
it very soon. We'll bring it to public especially, that's why I let GL to explain the
situation to you what has happened in China. I want to show you something, this is in
the hands of CPC, it's not something which is hidden, it's public knowledge but I want
to explain something, this is up to now the latest, I want to explain something
especially for Chinese. .. (1:12). What is interesting and I deliberately allowed GL to
explain what is happening and why this academic has put this out. A lot of the
academics are paid by the American organizations, many of them, to block anything
that comes in, except American medication. They are putting a lot of fake, because
they are academics and are being paid by the American accounts to put these things
out. To block any organization which comes with anything. In the future we'll check
and let you know what is their position. There is the biggest fear in CPC and the
Chinese .. There is a huge concern, that's why I said we are talking to the government
in the background, many, many academics are American trained and they have a
voice and they get paid in their American accounts privately, are blocking anything
that comes in, like Keshe Foundation, and to promote the American injections. What
we have seen in part of the American injections, are that some of the patients after
receiving the injections feel good, but a few days after they go home they die of lack
of oxygen, up to 20%, and we have seen a couple of cases like this which have come
up, but the rest they just die. GL can you explain the cases on this. (1:14). Can you
explain about the drivers who died of lack of oxygen. GL- which driver? Keshe: The
people in China who die with 20% oxygen level. GL- Yes, if you said that because
most of the patients die because of, less oxygen level. This graph on the screen is a
horrendous picture to look at, Keshe Foundation and some international organizations,
we are monitoring this. You have to understand that Keshe Foundation operates not
just in China but across the world, and we have close contact and operations with a lot
of scientists, which we never bring in public, Because of what we have seen done by
the hooligans in Belgium, they've killed, and they kill, so we protect the scientist. If
you look at these figures, they are all Chinese. One death in America is an American.
As far as we know, he has received the injection from the Americans, for the virus.
All more or less are Chinese, or have Chinese descendents in their line. This virus is
tailor made to race. (1:16). We have informed the Chinese government and many
fears have grown up. What we were afraid of, we see. Hitler tried to make a virus for
race, and now we see it. People who are infected that are non-Chinese recover, but
death occurs only in the Chinese race. The flu can take hold. One of our concerns
which has been raised with the Ch Government in the background, is that there is a
concern, as Chou said, that they are hoping it will go away by summer. I would **
guess. This is the pattern of the virus, usually when it gets warm it goes away. But
there is a problem, we could be hundred percent wrong, but we could be right, this
factor we can't ignore.

First of all, the Americans are paying a lot of Chinese Academics for their students to
do a PhD, for free, (1:18). in America, or PhD places for their scientists in America.
This scientist who has written a paper on Keshe Foundation, has that track record. So
we know how he came about. Secondly, the position is that Americans filled the
Chinese environment with (African) Swine (Pig) Flu over the past 2 years. There is a
very fine distinct separation between the Swine Flu and this flu. Why did the Swine
Flu hold, and cross Chinese during the summer time, is because it's a heat flu. There is
a difference between a heat flu and a cold flu. In China, spreading that heat flu (Swine
Flu), and now this cold flu, there is a fear, a concern, that these 2 flu's, might merge
some time in March or April, and we'll see that the death toll will carry on. The
infection in China will not stop. This concern has risen higher in the past 48 hours.
(1:20). We have now seen, flu in Christian communities, and not in Moslem
communities like in Indonesia. Pig consuming nations that have already been hit by
Pig Flu. When Gates released this to reduce population, in his calculation, he made a
fatal mistake, this flu now has come to protect the Moslems, because they don't touch
pigs. If what we see in the past 48 hours and what we see on this data, takes hold and
runs into summer, and if, there are 2 or 3 nations here, in which it might add in to,
Romania and Poland. Russia is already in it, then my fear grows bigger. These are the
Christian nations who have been infected by pig flu. We might see the continuation of
this flu into summer through the pig flu infection and carrying across Northern
Europe. This is one of the biggest concerns at the moment internationally, from this
move. We have to be very vigilant, so when we saw this article appearing by this
professor, we immediately put securities on it. He has been offered PhD's for his
students in the US, (1:22). to write the paper. Do you remember the professor who
wrote the paper and he supported Mohammadi for years, and in the background we
found out he was getting paid heavily, and now is in prison, because he was aware of
the dangers of it. This professor who has written this paper is an American based,
financed, and backed. I wonder how many of his students will pay for their lies. But if
this goes through, you'll see it will go very drastic. The biggest problem for our
concern, is if the 2 flu's link up. There is a possibility of linking, and this possibility
within the last 48 hours has increased drastically. What we see is what came out to
damage China, through the Pig Flu coming down, now will go back to the Christian
nations, which are a heavy consumer of pig products in the summer. This could not
happen, but what we saw in Indonesia in the past 48 hours tells us to be correct.
Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) across the world start preparing all your,
with what we call, Cup of Life. (1:24). In due course we'll handle this professor in the
right way. You don't sell your nation for a few PhD's. This is the same concern as I
have as we speak in the background to the Chinese leaders, they have been sold
internally by some American supporters of Chinese blood. The figures in China are
much bigger, but that is the responsibility of the Chinese government. We support the
Ch government, and I want to open a channel directly to his Excellency President Xi
of China.

One of the blockages of the Keshe Foundation by the Ch administration, has nothing
to do with the Keshe Foundation, except me as an Iranian scientist. Through, as I
explained early, through national and international security and meetings we have
with national Securities, in conjunction with International affairs of the Keshe
Foundation, is that some time in the recent past, President Xi has fallen out with
President Ayatollah Rohani of Iran. And Keshe Foundation has gotten trapped in it.
This situation is hundred percent, in favor of Chinese, we understand it. But on the
other hand we understand that politics have no mother and no father. Our concern in
Iranian national security, understanding in the Chinese, is, China stood by Iran at the
beginning of the revolution, as a friend, and President Xi feels he was betrayed by the
Rohanini administration, (1:26). in moving towards America, as he was American
educated. For that reason, China has put huge sanctions on Iran, much worse than the
rest of the 5 plus 1. This situation has nothing to do with us, and Keshe Foundation
has gotten trapped in it. This is why the Chinese government, even in CPC, and the
highest level of the administration, use the Gans waters. They are making the Cups,
but officially, their line is that the Chinese will not support any Technology which is
coming from Iran, due to the behavior of the Iranian president, for the change of line,
by the presidency of Iran, There are concerns in both the Iranian and Chinese national
securities, this is effecting their nation. Sooner or later we'll find a position and we'll
find a solution. This is what Keshe Foundation is trapped in, and this Academic
professor will be handled in due course once we open his book and the securities go
further with it. It's just one man, and 2 or 3 academics backing him and they are all
American educated, backed, and financed by PhD promises. He will be arrested for
murder in due course by CPC and the government will announce and you'll
understand, they'll track his life. The whole concept is not China, the Keshe
Foundation is One Nation, so if you live in Russia, Germany, Poland, (1:28).
Philippines, and everywhere else, and if you have heard that in your area, that there
has been a Pig Flu in the past 2 or 3 years, most probably you have consumed it. Just
keep a One Cup handy during the summer time. Having said that we hope you won't
need it. But that 10% and what we have tested on viruses is extremely strong. Viruses
link up, like the bacteria's do to the amino acid, they have a habit of finding the
common denominator of energy. What I fear is that the Pig Flu has managed to
connect to the amino acid of a pig. This flu (Coronavirus) has managed to connect to
the amino acid of a human. And we have linked the two, by eating the contaminated
the pig meat. There is one big problem, Moslems don't eat pig. Bill Gates,
Rothschild's and the rest, have sown the seed for annihilation of Christianity. This is
what was not taught. In many ways, my concern is this and sits here. (1:30). We'll
take a step further. But as Knowledge Seekers, I deliberately brought GL to talk to
you, for you to take a step further, to understand, that she never discussed what she
was going to say. We could see a true picture, and in the background we give you the
knowledge. You have to realize that many top scientists live a comfortable life due to
the money that is paid by organizations to promote. Many rich people think they can
play the game of money with their power. Gates believes the world is overpopulated
especially by Chinese. Inside his structure and in his brain there is a malfunction
somewhere, that he thinks he can control the population, and he has a vendetta against
Chinese because they copied most of his things and he couldn't become richer, and
this vendetta has gotten worse since the new richest man in the world has appeared,
and he lost his position. The Chinese have copied all of the work he did, and he sees
the ego trip of being the richest man is gone. Now is the revenge time. This will not
pay, but if you, as what you see here, what is amazing to me, is very interesting. Look
at all the names here (Coronavirus statistics), (1:32). take UAE out which has been a
high traffic Chinese, something like half a million plus Chinese go through UAE, due
to Emirates Airline 380, 400 to 500 passengers, China to Europe, half to 1 night stay.
All the infected ones are Chinese, except 1 Pilipino, who was an old Chinese, and
they are all Chinese. It's a horrendous figure you see. Singapore and Malaysia are a
mixed part of Chinese, the rest are Christian nations. Now you understand our
concern. Now you understand our concern, that Bill Gates has put a root in the wrong
place. My hope and wishes are, that the Technology of Keshe Foundation and the
systems we have delivered to the Chinese government, and hopefully within the next
few days, it will be announced by another nation, to support this internationally. Most
of the nations are Christians, and are already embedded (with the virus). And this is
one of my biggest fears, and this will create a mayhem. (1:34). Hong Kong,
Thailand . I think Gates has shot the Christianity in the foot, and in the head. Let's
see what happens, I have always been outspoken and most of the time, have proven to
be correct. This virus, if it switches .. it came down from the north, the Americans
spread it this way, in the summer. What we see now is, "Black Death", it will go this
way from south of china up into Europe. When it came down it killed the pigs, but
when it goes back up it will kill the man. All the Keshe Foundation Chinese and
Europeans, be prepared for if .. we have to see the interim. The biggest problem is
this, if this (pig flu to Coronavirus linking) is established we'll see the Black Plague in
Europe in the next 2 to 4 years. (1:36). The strangest thing is, in China we see some
indication of this (the linking of the two viruses), and I have asked my securities to
look into this. He draws a circle in the area of the North of China (#1) and one in the
south (#2). Number 1 is the highly Islamic part of the China, and on this side, #2 is
mainly in the south. What we are looking at, if the death toll of contaminated people,
are mainly Buddhist and Taoist, and what is the percentage of Moslems who are
infected and died in China. This is something that the central government of CP has to
provide. Then we have to understand what is the cross link. The results coming out in
the past 48 hours tells us that the Christians are embedded with it. What is interesting
is, of all the number here (on the statistics), are any of them Moslem? Hate and race,
(1:38). has gone to kill a religion. This is something our contacts in China have to
establish very rapidly through national security in China, we have to see this, because
if it stays that way, then the summer is not going to be so comfortable for many of
you in Western Europe in the next 2 to 3 years. The hotter is gets the more it kills.

As a leading scientist in these affairs we used to consult governments, but as One

Nation we consult all of you. Our concern cannot be ignored, there are too many data,
facts, and too much reality, too much, of too much, of too much. It indicates I
would like to know if there is one in Vatican. But there is a bigger problem with this,
they have managed to tailor make this to race, would by whole possibilities, this race
(Russia) will be the next one. And by high possibilities, would this race go in, to wipe
out one nation Germany? (1:40). I'll explain this to you in the future. This is what
as One Nation, One Planet, One Race we see all of it, as a family, and it has to be,
more or less looked into. Governments don't want to talk about it. But the Keshe
Foundation government talks about it. Because we have to prepare Islamic nations to
be ready for this, as we see that it is tailor made. We have to see and prepare for it,
especially in Russia and Germany. One of our biggest concern is, the head of these
organizations that ** went to spread it through the world, has to be confined in
solitary confinement, until we know exactly what they have done. The way we did it
with (Alan) Sterling. How they planned and what is in the background. In the
upcoming discussions with governments this will be on the cards. We have to
establish this in a detail, how many of the people who died in China are of a Moslem
descent, how many of them have used (pork), and how many are vegetarian and non-
vegetarian, and how many of them have been in a condition of, (1:42). the death toll
in the south. You have to realize as part of the Keshe Foundation structure, and our
Chinese colleagues can tell you. Something very strange happened during what we
call the Pig Flu. When the Pig Flu came into China, it was launched by the Americans
to come in this way (the north), there was a reason for it. It came in during the coldest
time, and that's why we are concerned. It's a hot flu, but it was running through the
cold time. What happened in China, is that the pig farm is here (north), both sold pigs,
and infected pigs, were shipped down to the south, to be sold, cheap, to make more
money. Most of the infected pigs, which were consumed, was here, in the south. This
is where we see the concentration of the virus. The Chinese government has lost track,
and are too busy to see these kinds of things. Now we the spread (upward). The
farmers (in the north) sold (the infected) pigs cheap, and they came into to the food
chain. But it was the business people brought them down (south), and sold them at a
higher rate. And all the infected pigs are in this area ( in the south), are exactly where
we see the high level of virus. And the Americans monitored this, that it could create
a confusion, but it's not confused anymore, it is very clear. (1:44). To our Chinese
officials in the background listening, my advise is to speak to GL and the Keshe
Foundation secure operations outside China. We need to get this sorted, because when
it goes back up north it will kill everyone across, right to Europe. Russia has a
concern, I love Russian structure, I worked there for many years and I hope they will
not get damaged. Russia has lost10% of its pig farms to this flu. So during the
summer time it will flow back. It needs one season to incubate and in the second
season it will cut. This is where we sit, those of you who live in France, Germany,
US, or anywhere you see these, look at 2 things, if you have Chinese descendents, or
if you have received injections from the Americans, Christian or Moslem, and then
add the name of the man who wants to depopulate. He will depopulate America and
Western Europe, where his main anger was with China. He bought the patent!!
(1:46). You know in olden days people bought artist's copyrights to be proud. This
man has bought the copyright of death, and he will receive it himself. This is genocide
planned out, and the rule of the UN is that the head of genocides have to appear in
certain courts. Now you understand my concern, if you are Christian, you eat pig, you
live in northern Europe, if you live in the Philippines, South Central Asia, we are one.
In Vietnam, Korea, Japan through connections with China has received it. Macao,
Taiwan, you are at risk, you are not Christians, but because, as part of the tradition
you consume pig and if you have had reports of the pig virus in your country, you are
vulnerable in the heat of the summer too. This was our biggest concern how this flu
will behave in the warm countries, and what has appeared in Philippines, Taiwan,
Singapore, has raised a lot of alarms. I look at it as one family and this family is in
distress. (1:48). I brought for you to hear the truth directly from the Keshe
Foundation Chinese. It was nice how GL put it, where the problem sits with the Keshe
Foundation, but in time these academics, and the financing of their accounts,
whatever, and their PhD's and the rest of whatever, their children being taught in
America, are paid to do, receiving free education for their family, all will be opened
up. This Academic professor is well paid and looked after by the Americans. It's the
job of the Keshe Foundation to open his hand and how he has betrayed his nation and
causing so much damage. This Academic has to come under questioning, very timely.
We have the documents and we can go a long way with it. I hope it was worth the

We come to another point in the Keshe Foundation, to the beginning of our 7th year.
In that process we enter another phase in Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and
have joined certain research groups. We'll allow you another week in the groups to
work (1:50). .. and then we'll lock the groups down. ..

Now you understand why I made the Keshe Foundation research and no more
education. ..
.. The good news is we have found the Keshe Foundation headquarters for the
Universe Council, and Earth Council, and operational headquarters of the Keshe
Foundation. (1:56). It will take another 6 to 12 months to finish the whole job, but
what I wanted, I have found, which I think secures the future of the Keshe Foundation
internationally. Impressive site, it needs a lot of work, and we need to raise 100
million to build it, completed, and to be ready for the Council to take over. A hundred
million Euro is what it will cost us for those who want to participate with the Keshe
Foundation, to be a part of it. We'll open a special account for running this, and Keshe
Foundation commercial operations will cover part of the costs. It's an open channel
worldwide to contribute to the purchase of this center. It's on the coast, to the open
sea, anyone can come in and go, and no nation can block, no man to bring peace. It
can accommodate the whole of the Universe Council and it is absolutely prefect for
One Nation, One Race, and the headquarters to be run by the head of the Keshe
Foundation in the coming months. All the education and research centers will move in
around the area. I have seen it and this is what was my wish. We'll open an account
for those who want to support the building and completion of the center, the amount is
too heavy for the Keshe Foundation to support on its own and we need to reach a
capital investment to run it, and part, develop and run the accounts. (1:58). There is
another piece of news, the case of Fabio has reached Italian court and we'll submit
evidence to the court to show the murder and in that process we hope to bring the
Soul of Fabio to peace. The evidence in the hands of the Keshe Foundation is in black
and white and directly points to Red Circle. We waited some 3 or 4 years since his
death, and in the coming days we'll appear, I have been summons to the Italian court
to give evidence, and it will be submitted to international security, and the Italian
court, without a shadow of a doubt, murder planned and executed and paid for by Red
circle team. We'll show you, we don't make accusation. and in that process you'll see,
in the next few months a number of people around Europe will be arrested for murder,
attempted and organizing a murder. A lot of people in Belgium are shaking, they
thought they got away with it, but Italian security, court system and justice did not
accept the fake setup of a murder. I have disclosed this to the lawyers of the families
in the past 7 days and the Keshe Foundation, will take the documents and release it to
3 governments at the same time, that nothing can be blocked in Italian courts by
bribery or whatever. As I have told you I have a lot of patience, (2:00). we have
seen the situation in Belgium changing, a liar king, now he is there, now we'll bring
you into Court in Italy for the same purpose. The connection between Red Circle and
the people who murdered Fabio is so complete, black and white, on the Internet, that
they thought they would hide, and they ** I thank the Keshe Foundation security
network which has been with me since the 1980s and then moved with me to the
Keshe Foundation. They have been the cornerstone of my security and have been
since I was a businessman. I trust them with my life, as they advised me not to travel
to Mexico last week, because of the framework they could see in the American
administration. The national security of the Keshe Foundation now will submit
enough evidence to the Italian court for the immediate arrest of Red Circle, the
organizer and paymaster of the murder. We put this in advance because we want them
to make a certain move, and we are waiting for that move. As you know, I poke, and I
see and we get. Now we poked. Let them move, we are watching everything.
Whatever goes through your mouth, it gets recorded, ** around in your head. As the
Keshe Foundation, hopefully we'll let the Soul of Fabio rest in peace. We'll see in the
next few weeks, the people who thought they got away with many murders, now the
pattern of murders right across Europe will be opened up. (2:02). A number of
people, head of the Belgium government, and head of the nation, will be arrested for
murder. We'll announce to you exactly why and how. And we'll go for the head of the
European space agency at the same time. We have enough evidence to support, and
we do not make any allegation. I put evidence as you see, about the virus in front of
you, and now we have come. I waited 4 years to bring the murderers of Fabio to
justice. I know it has to be in the court of law, and not through the bribery of security
officers inside nations. He was our son, and was the son of the Keshe Foundation. He
devoted his life to us, and it's our responsibility to deliver peace to his Soul, and we
have the chance to do, and the evidence is so heavy, that I hope, that we do not get
any cover up, and if we do we'll go through another court, immediately, for the arrest
of Red Circle, as a paymaster for the murder. We don't talk, just to talk, we have the
evidence. I explained the evidence to the Italian lawyers in the past few days, and they
know, that I do not play games. Lying in a court is a criminal offense, and we have no
intention to commit a crime or to lie to the court. (2:04). Now I can rest in peace, and
complete my work and bring Technology and knowledge into the hands of the people
who understand the beauty of it. The drivers to kill Fabio were paid 10,000 Euros
each, that's what his life was worth, in cash. Red Circle, shake in your shoes, we're
coming for you very soon. Interpol will come, not the Belgium government officers,
who are your friends.
Any other question?

(2:06). Q: You say the African Swine Flu virus is linked with the Coronavirus, they
are asking if the Cup of Life still works to balance the energy of the virus? Keshe:
Yes, you go through 2 phases of fever, be very careful. GL can tell you, we monitored
this, it's actually in the report of the Swine Flu which was published Ella can you
release the document of the Pig Flu on the screen. We explained that the Pig Flu has a
connection with a bacteria, and a connection with a virus, it's a double strand. The
present (Coronavirus) flu is a single strand. If the flu connects back to the pig flu
which is already in your body if you consumed the pig, it will go back into the double
strand. In a way, if you think of it, what are you going to get is this, you have a flu
package (pigs flu), with double line (strand), and we have another flu (Coronavirus)
with a single line (strand). This one (pig flu) connects to the bacteria, this side ( the
second line of the pig flu) connects to energy, (2:08). and links up (to the
Coronavirus through the energy). In some humans they will link up (Coronavirus
directly to Pig Flu), and will create a new condition of a 3 stranded virus, that one
(strand) sits outside. We can deplete this one (Coronavirus), quite easily. But we can
also deplete the energy part of this (Pig Flu). So when you get infected you have one
high temperature with a lung damage. Your Cup of Life (Cup of Life) will wipe this
out in a very serious way. Then what you'll see is, this guy (pig flu) will come into
play, here. Then 2 to 3 days later you get a high fever bacteria infection. So you have
a bacteria flu, you take your waters and everything else, but now you sort this one out,
and you think you are better. But then days later you get hit with another temperature
fever, 3 days later, and then you carry on taking the water, or now you take
antibiotics. But CuO, (2:10). .. So what you see is that, you get a second high
temperature fever, when you see the second high temperature fever, you just take
antibiotics, or you carry on taking more of CuO loaded Gans water, and within 6 days
you'll come out of it. This is the process which we see, and have to promote around
the world in the coming time. We hope to receive support from one of the major
governments in the world in the coming days, if again, bribery and other things don't
go to it. (2:12). This is what, you are safe.

checked to here>>

If you look at the structure, even you Chinese were telling me about the materials you
have, if you look at the Cup teaching a couple of weeks ago, I told you, it produces
Mg, which is needed. You'll understand why because a lot of you, I know in the
background are reporting diarrhea, when you drink the water, which is one of the
signs of the virus. This Mg, supports your stomach and Mg and Knowledge, are next
to each other in line (in Periodic Table), and they have an energy tranStar Formationer
common denominator by the spectrum strength. So the Knowledge in your salt is a
savor for you, if you have that diarrhea due to the infection. It washes it out and it
holds the stomach. So that Knowledge in the system is a gift to you, don't worry about
it, that's why I said you can use it, because in the Cup of Life, you produce Mg. The
Knowledge has a magnetical field strength by 20% variation, which gives you both
Mg and Knowledge, via the Cup, so you Chinese are better off with what is in your

This is the pattern we see, and the pattern Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers have
to follow to safeguard yourself. We give you the knowledge, you have to trust and do
it yourself, (2:14). and the way you do it. A number of Knowledge Seekers go (have
gone) through it (recovering from the virua) The ones that we see who have a lot of
problems, are the ones who have a connection to the Pig Flu (ate contaminated pork).
We have already been monitoring it, and we know there are a few cases in China
where the connection of both viruses have been made. What has come in the
Philippines and Thailand in the past 48 hours, and in Indonesia, has raised the alarms
of the race and connection to the Pig Flu.

I would like to ask the Chinese National Security online, please check full data on the
background of this professor and the promises he has received for PhD's in the US,
for his students. And check his background education, then inform the nation that this
professor has been paid by the Americans to promote their vaccine, and kill more. I
think Chinese Knowledge Seekers have to go on the Internet and put his name and
credibility in question, then you'll understand, that you will change the position
drastically. It's your responsibility as Knowledge Seekers to expose these agents who
work against your nation. I know the past 2 weeks you took a lot of pain, but you have
to understand a beautiful Technology like this has many enemies, (2:16). who look at
their bank accounts. What is strange is that we were told by our securities monitoring
this, that this professor is using the Gans waters in his own lab. Very strange. This is
your job to inform national securities and give all the details to them, about all the
promises, bank accounts, and the PhD's he has been promised to support his
doctorates. Now you know what you have to do as Knowledge Seekers in China,
expose this man, and tell them the Cup of Life he made to confirm, is the one which
he is drinking himself. Any other question. It's strange, s few PhD's and a bank
account is worth the life of the a nation, to save. I know what they do with them in
China. It's up to the Keshe Foundation to expose this, very rapidly, with all the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers, their positions and the promises stick. And why is he
drinking from the Cup himself, when he says that nobody should touch it.

Any questions.
Q: Does adding an air bubbler with a pump to the Gans production, (2:18). yield
better results. Keshe: We do that in mass production, trying to do, but we don't do an
air bubble, we do CO2 exhaust. We make the availability of the C more, but the
Gans's will do the separation, it's not that the CO2 converts into a Gans, some of it
does immediately, it's effective. Actually, this is a well know procedure in farming, I
was explaining to our Knowledge Seekers in Iran in past couple of days, that in
northern European countries like Holland, where the grow tomatoes indoors, the
tomato greenhouses, are furnished with very big gas burners, which is unusual, but
then you see why there is such a huge gas burner in a greenhouse. They switch the
burners on a couple of times during the day, even in the summer, and especially at
night. Then they control the light, then they let the heat out, but they push the CO2
exhaust system into the building. This increases the harvest and the growth of the
plant. The greenhouses I have visited have very effective (high) production and use it
extensively. In the Gans production, (2:20). if you do a CO2 exhaust pipe, yes. If you
can connect a big balloon into the back of your exhaust on your stove, and pipe it into
you CO2 Gans production, you'll see a better (bigger) production of CO2. It's the
availability of CO2, in one of our labs they just put a small pump blowing air in from
outside the lab, and they doubled their production. As simple as just blowing air in.
It's the availability (of CO2) that counts. If you live in the cities and you make your
Gans on your balcony, you'll produce like a crazy amount per day. If you live in rural
area and do your CO2 in the room it's very little.

Don't forget that there is a huge understanding, that those of you who produced this
Cup of Life, you create an attraction point for viruses, because you are absorbing
whatever viruses are in the air, and you are trapping it. You don't attract these to your
body, but it becomes, and gradually you become immune to it. So if you live in China,
your Cup, 100% will absorb parts of the Coronavirus, but in a way it becomes non-
effective, because it becomes ineffective, and when you consume it, you become
immune to the thing, and that is why it works, on the other hand, very effectively for
these kind of things. When you have viruses like this, put a few of these Cups around
the house, it doesn't need to go into your body to absorb the virus and trap it. (2:22).
It's in the house, that's what we do when we spray (with Gans water) the house and
the furniture. Put these like mousetraps around the house, make a few of the.
Especially if you are around the house, and you travel on planes and these kind of
things, just spray the chairs. We had the head Keshe Foundation traveling, I said, just
spray the (airplane) seats, since you don't know who was there and what's in the air.
You disinfect and protect yourself. These droplets (of Gans water), and when they
touch, if there is a virus, if there is a virus, it always has to have a bit of the skin of the
man, or the sweat of the man, to which they attach themselves to it. You just disinfect
it, you trap it in its position. Effectively you disarm it, even for the rest of the plane
and the others who might come, and could get it in the future.
Any other question?
Chinese Knowledge Seekers please expose this academician, because he has put a lot
of people's lives in danger while he is using his own Cup in his own office.

Q: When we make the CO2 setup if we add Omega 3,6,and 9 for example to the
saltwater, will the CO2 Gans will get some percentage of the fields of the Omega
3,6,9? Rick: He means Omega fatty acid. (2:24). Keshe: You can add anything but
what is the purpose of it. What is the purpose of Omega 6. Rick can you put up Wiki
on Omega 6. Very interesting if you are a Knowledge Seekers, if you look at the
famous ladies of pleasure, you find them in Wikipedia, murders too. But scientists on
the edge of science, like me don't exist in Wikipedia. Because they have been paid by
their masters not to disclose that people learn more. So you learn that Wikipedia is not
independent it is by paymasters. Interestingly, if you put Keshe in Wikipedia it doesn't
exist, and 4 or 5 Knowledge Seekers have tried it, but if you put in the name of well
known prostitutes, you find them, so that is why Wikipedia deserves **
We want the chemical structure of it, the energy balance structure of it. Rick: There
are Omega 3, .. No we want Omega 6, these are all radioactive materials. (2:26).
Omega 6 is converted fat for emotionally trapped animals. So preferably don't
use Omega 6. Omega 3 is emotionally connected link of the fat to free animals. In
captivity, due to emotional structure, we produce different amino acid to be able to
handle part of the emotional imprisonment. In a free state of life, or what we call,
non-captivity, we produce different condition environment, because Omega 3, or 6, or
whatever you call it, is a condition of the life and the emotions connected, that why all
the Omega fatty acids have an effect. The Omega 3, extracted from captured
animals doesn’t have any effect as such, it's genetically made up. Let me explain
historically so you'll understand, our ancestors, especially I come from a Jewish
background, they cooked chicken for centuries, because we didn't have mass
production chickens, and it was a time in the body of the chicken there was Omega
3. (2:28). In boiling the chicken, for the Friday night Shabbat diner, a tradition
across the Jewish world, it has to be a chicken soup on Friday night. Traditionally,
because they should not touch the fire, they put the chicken to cook Friday at lunch,
and it stays, this is the hypocrisy with the religion, you are not supposed to touch the
fire, now everything is electronic, they walk in, they don't touch it, but it comes on,
they are very good Jewish guys. Centuries ago the same chicken was carried in a bag,
they put the fire Friday lunch, to be ready because after sunset on a Friday they can't
touch fire, which meant in reality that they should take a rest, but it needs a rest, you
can't work 7 days a week. They changed it a different way. This chicken cooks all
the way through Saturday. So at a constant high temperature to keep it going, so
then it's ready, because Saturday morning you have to have a chicken soup and at
Saturday lunch, until we come to the Sabbath, on a Saturday night when you can start
cooking and touch the fire. What this process did, was to bring the Omega 3 fatty
oil out of the chicken and it sat on top of the soup. If you talk to my
grandmother, she swears that you can use Omega 3 for anything. I couldn't
understand what my great grandmother was telling me, and she swore by. She was
correct, because at that time the chickens were free ranging chickens. Farmers had
chickens roaming around the gardens, what we now call free-range chickens. Not
being in captivity and roaming free they produced Omega 3, (2:30). because that
way they could handle their emotions.

Now with the Omega 6, which is the fatty acid of the captivity, to handle the
emotions, we don't get that effect. So you don't need to use Omega 6. The Omega
6 and 9, are literally a waste of time, because Omega 3 comes through the
emotion. These fatty acids are connected to our emotions, direction of the growth
of the understanding of the behavior of the body. When you put a free range
chicken with its fatty oil, which comes out, and traditionally we put an onion in.
Onion in the cooling time cycle of doing it, and this is why you fry the onion,
releases another oil, which penetrates the meat and makes it ready to receive the
amino acid, from the fatty acids. A combination of the onion and the free-range
Omega 3, gives the best emotional condition, so with this, you don't get the flu
and sort out a lot of problems. They couldn't understand (the science of) it, but
actually this is what it does. This is the behavior we see in most of the herbs. The
Indian herbs you see, if you cook with the Indian herbs, but don't let it to heat
up, so that it releases its oil, it has no effect. Those of you who do oriental or
south American cooking, you only get the effect of what (the herbs) you use when
you allow their oil to come out, so the oil can penetrate and interact, (2:32). with
its energy field inside the body. Now we understand the scientifically what is behind
it, and when the Omega 3 goes inside the structure of the body, then you see that this
adds up, and links up with a lot of things, a lot of parts of the body.

It's pure H and O, bonds, that's all it does, oxygenates, gives energy to be. Then the H
releases its (energy). Can we have the structural bonds, where it opens up with the 6
an d 12, then you'll see it in a much better way. In a way, the O extracts all the
poisons, and the H releases energy back into it. This is why fatty acids work. They
have a high level of O, which is gravitational inside the body in a vacuum field of the
energy, that's why you have a CO2 and the rest Then you have, you see this very
intensely. When you buy an Omega 3 bottle, it gives you 2 indications, EPA and
DHA. The EPA when it's higher, leads to hyperactivity in children, because it's for
emotion. (2:34). DHA is for activity. EPA is

Checked to HERRE >>

emotional kingship. DHA is activity, physical compensation. When you look at the
bonding of the H and O, then you understand why the structure of the EPA, has the
ability to calm, it gives emotional control, because it has an energy strength on the
level of Potassium (Knowledge). If you open again, the Omega 6 and 12, if you can
find the proper structure of it. I have done years of research on this to understand the
behavior of fatty acids. Why the fatty acids work, is literally, if you add the emotion
to it, or do you add physically to it. When you have a hyperactive child, they call it,
ADHD(Attention Deficiency Hyper activity. What is attention deficiency? It's
emotion, I want attention, I exist. You give it EPA which is the fatty acid in the
strength of the emotion, then you satiStar Formationy the emotion, the child comes
down. As I explained in other teachings, ADHD is attention deficiency, why do you
have attention deficiency, it's when you don't give me attention, I'll get it. But to get
your attention I'll do anything. no one else in the house doesn't exist, no human is any
barrier, I'll take over until I get my attention. (2:36). What is interesting is the
combination of this energy, is so much, that when I get attention I have to be active.
For me being active, they call me, ADHD. So if ** its in my emotion, I don't need to
be active, I am ** calm ** anything. When you feed me I don't need to go to the
restaurant do I. If you satiStar Formationy me outside, I don't play outside. If you
don't satiStar Formationy me at home, I'll go to the restaurant and ** I am not hungry.
This is the ADHD, and when we look at the EPA and DHA, you'll see very clearly
where they come. The present doctors don't understand this. The board of medicine
has never understood the position of this. Now all I need to do is sit down in front of
you and give all the attention you want, or I give you doses of EPA, and Omega 3
from non-captured animal which had a freedom, that he doesn't have the EPA itself,
the done. If you want to use an EPA, you look at it, is it from the wild animals or fish,
or from captivity animals and fish. You are ** preventing a problem and creating
another problem. This is why the whole food chain has to understood by those who
supply us with the fish. (2:38). We see it in pig flu, which is psychosomatic, the pig is
not happy. If you satiStar Formationy the emotion of it, then you'll satiStar
Formationy the illness, it won't exist. When you look for Omega 6, you are already
giving a captured disease to a captured body, why? Omega 9, heavy on EPA, but from
a free animal. They call them now-a-days open sea fish. Yes but do you want to come
with me to the open seas, yes it is, but a net and 10,000 fish in there, worse than what
I call, Auschwitz prison camps. Knowing you are going to die, and they got you here,
and now we do what we like with you. Then you have to understand how ** badly we
are controlled and we don't understand what is behind the other problems. Omega 3,
you use, you try to raise chickens in the garden yourself, second and third generation,
then yes you get Omega 3, then when you cook the bird for is meat, take the fat on the
top, then you'll have somewhere near kept it, (2:40). when you have your bird, touch
it and talk to him, that they love to live. Then you know what Omega 3 is. Caroline
and I went through this process to capture Omega 3, for this purpose. We spent a lot
of time understanding this, when you like at the binding of different sections of
Omega (O-3) 3, 6, 9, it goods you a very good indication, because you don't satiStar
Formationy the emotional side. There is a lot of H energy ** given off so the boy has
to spend his time .. If you understand with the Omega 3 and 6, you are actually
injecting your child with more energy, so it has to burn it. You put fuel in the tank, so
it is going to go. It makes it more and more. then you have to understand how O-3,6,9
works, and then sometimes you have to interact, like O-3 with B-12 or B-6 then get a
beautiful, extremely intelligent and calm children, but you have to know what to do,
and this is the job of the physicians to advise. (2:42). Any other question? are
these the right diagrams? Yes, you can see the H levels in them, what you guys do is
produce CH3 as a sugar, because the C links with the body and the energy of the H is
released. You can see the O bonding which pulls the excess energy. Rick: Here's
another diagram .. Keshe: put the diagrams of O-3, 6 and 9, next to each other. Here
is 3 and 6. Look at the difference. On O-3 you can see the connection bond and then
very easily, if you are wise enough and understand the difference between the
emotion. The emotion of captivity, and the emotion of freedom. You see the level of
O which connects with the C, (2:44). and H, to the amino acid of the body. When you
look at it here this is (C-O-H), you just need an end, so it can easily connect to an
amino acid, that's why we call it a fatty acid. Then you have a surplus O, which holds
this O on its own, is 16, 15 H . do you see, you have 2 H separate, then all of them
connected to this (O-3). to the body. C is the connector. You have a nano which
connects itself to it, then you have (counts 16 H) then you see this. At the end you
have one extra energy. this means 1 fatty acid connects itself to (7 cells + itself = 8).
But when you look at it the animal has changed this. (2:46). here. on this end is
connected to the C to the amino acid, on this end it's away from the C and amino acid.
One connects to emotion, and one to physicality. one to freedom, it's at the end (O-3),
it is free to float. And here (O-6), it is trapped (inside the molecular chain),
imprisonment. amino acid's in conjunction are part of the RNA. The world of science
has not understood the world of creation. And those people who thought they have
understood have sold their souls to America government to kill in the name of
academic professors. Now we learned a little bit more. .. these are all in the body, we
look at them as an energy pack and not as matter state. (2:48) Any other question?
You have never seen how the emotion of the man can be demonstrated so easily on a
piece of paper. Q: For those of us who have been consuming and interacting with
Gans for years, are we building an immunity to viruses? Keshe: According to some of
the information we are getting from Chinese, it seems that those who have MaGravs
in their homes have not reported anything yet. GL am I correct, are their Knowledge
Seekers who can tell us more? GL- yes I know a Knowledge Seekers in Wuhan city
and she said she sold 9 MaGravs to 9 families and none of them report any infection
and even one family was in the most infected area. We didn't of (2:50). any
Knowledge Seekers who frequently drink Gans water have gotten infected. Let me
ask them if they know they can tell me. (she translates) everybody said that
nobody got infected. Some Chinese are asking why when they drink Gans water there
are feeling cold? (2:52). Keshe: It's good, because keeping the body cold, it's very
good in this position, because you are using the energy to protect. What we advise if
you have a possibility to sit in the bath(tub) with a salt Gans. With the Gans of salt
and the Cup of Life. If you noticed your Cups, a lot of people do, take that salt and
keep it and when you drink the Gans water add a little bit to it, or if you produced a
lot of the salt put it in the bath and stay in it. It brings a lot of energy and balance.
Rick: Are you talking about the white stuff that collects on the central Nano coil?
Keshe: yes and maybe on the Cups. This is a natural Gans salt. Rick: It's not actually
Gans, it's not like ZnO Gans, correct? Keshe: No, you see the process is very
simple. (2:54). When you make the Gans's, if you listened to a few minutes ago
teaching, you make the plates and created the Gans in the middle, but you depleted
the salt from the waters. Now you have to remember, that this salt here (in the water)
is not salt anymore, because of this single Nano coil, it creates the Gans state. Now
you create the condition of NaCl, which is salt, but the slat in the atmospheric
condition because it's floating is already converted, is in the matter state. So now you
have created the gravitational field of the salt in there, but it's in the matter state, it
can't enter the Gans state, what you get, he draws salt accumulating on the top of coils
and jar. So the salt you see on your Cup is coming in, the same way as the C was
pulling in the amino acid, now the same thing, (2:56). you have created the condition
of the Gans in the Nano state in the atmosphere, so what are the salt level strength of
the amino acid of this container, so you get the Nano, what we call Gans state salt on
your Cups. These salts are absolutely perfect for, if you mix it with the amino acid for
a lot of purposes, but you collect them. These are, in a way, do you remember Peter,
he used to Cu and whatever between 3 rotating reactors, this is you converting the
energy of matters into matter state of the salt. Because you have to understand the
topology of the planet, which tells us very simply, the salt level in the atmosphere in
different areas, dictates the life of what is absorbed. Life is not just conversion of
the matter into a state of solid, it's salt dependent, that's why we have saltwater in our
body that becomes cells. In the atmosphere you have salts almost floating everywhere,
it's part of the air because when it gets evaporated it goes in, and partly from the
condition of the extraction of the fields of the planet. We continuously create salt, the
way we do with O and Nitrogen, so what you do, just because of your interaction with
the planet, magnetical and gravitational field and the Inertia, you are collecting salt, in
the same way that you are collecting CO2. This salt appearance is more because, if
you look at it, if you understood the Technology-- 1 plate (of Peter's 3 ball reactor =
Zn plate), 2nd plate (= Nano coil), 3rd plate (= Cu coil). (2:58). Here (between 3
reactors) you created the matter, and here (Cup) you create the condition of the salt.
And this salt is the most (best), and if you can .. some of you see a white stuff on top
of your amino acid, because your Cu has a Zn mixture, this white stuff mixed with the
amino acid, which is on the top, keep it. It is one of the best Gans's you'll ever
produce in your life, because it is connected to the emotion and the amino acid, at the
same time. For psychological depressions, this is one of the best. In the past I taught
you to do the Zn for emotional conditions or whatever, but now you know you can
use 3 plates and you can set the plates as Zn plate (in middle), Zn Nano coated plate
(on side), and a Cu plate (other side), now you produce, CO2 on one side (between Cu
and Zn plates), and then ZnO on the other side (between Zn Nano coated and Zn
plates), and by the condition of the field forces, you should get your Gans's up here at
the opposite end of Zn, and at the bottom you should get the Gans of CO2, and by
magnetical and gravitational field forces, the Zn goes up there (on top), you get your
Zn literally mixed up with the amino acid. This is one of the best solutions for brain
disease, depressions, emotional conditions. (3:00). And some of you who made Gans'
s in the past, that you saw your Zn Gans's good for whatever, because without out you
knowing it, you mixed this (amino acid ?) in it. Now you can do it on purpose. When
I taught you this 3 element condition, is not just for this (Cup of Life), if you use it
this way .. you can start tailor making, in the systems you can put 4 (plates), and then
you see what happens, but you have to understand why you put 4. But be careful, do
not use these so randomly. It has to be done by knowledgeable people, because you
enter into a different dimension. As long as you are happy, please make a Cup of Life
(Cup of Life). And leave these (the 4 plate reactors) to the experts. I do quite a lot of
these things. It's ** not a machine, it's life, it's the beauty of the knowledge and the
science. I know how to make a machine here that if any of you enter any room, not
like this (3 plate reactor) but a combination of these (Cup of Life and other multiple
reactors), then you'll fall in love. I have done it, and it is amazing how it works. GL-
Mr. Keshe? Keshe: Yes, do you want to fall in love? GL- Yes I do.

GL- I want to ask. It maybe normal for here in China to mix Al in with the Cu, is
there any difference, because some people are still worried about it? Keshe: Very
rarely, I have never heard of Aluminum being, (3:02). mixed with Cu. Maybe in
China they do it for conductive wires, it's possible, for weight reduction. In computer
systems sometimes they do, but it's very rare. If you buy wires for electronics, they
used, they still do, they used to mix Cu, Ni and other things to make brass. We do this
in Nuclear Technology because it has several advantages when you mix Al with Cu in
composite. It gives it a lighter wire and better conductivity, the percentage of Al you
use in the wire dictates the life of the component. This is one of the ways they can tell
you if the machine is going to last 2 or 3 years. They control it with Al, one of the
tricks of electronics, not many people know. This is why if you buy a machine that is
100% Cu, you have 5 years. The percentage of the Al added brings the life down. So
you need to replace, the factory sells you more. (3:04). Q: But can we see any
difference if the Cu is with Al, in the Gans? You have it only in electronics, if you
buy wires for electric they don't use it because it doesn't carry a standard for house
use. In computers they are looking for lightweight transmission, they do mix with it.
But in household high tension cables (wires) no they don't mix with Al.
If you plug in a wire and if it heat up very quickly it's has Al content in it, because it
(Al in wire) breaks down, and the wires start breaking up. Rick: I wonder if they may
be referring to silver plated Cu wire, which is sometimes used and multi-strand wire is
sometimes silver covered. Keshe: No they are actually Cu/Cu because I have seen the
picture they showed me early. if you use a stranded wire, that's a different thing
but they used it in a different way. (3:06). Maybe it's time to expose something else
for you in a scientific way. Maybe not. If you have managed, it's very specific, but
some of the Knowledge Seekers have played in that age, and a lot of you Knowledge
Seekers have been trying to make a lot of funny things. If you see different materials
and different ** dimensions start asking yourself why and how? Many Knowledge
Seekers keeps asking, in the Iranian channel, he wants to make gold. If you want to
make gold, understand the process how gold is made in the Universe. If you want to
make pure Cu, if you understand the Technology, you can make pure Cu at home
without contamination. Then what you do, you can convert, the Nano (nano) structure
of atomic Cu, into direct Gans of itself. Very powerful. (3:08). One thing as
Knowledge Seekers you have to clearly understand, if you want to be; in the space,
space + earth, or on the earth. Space is ** , this is life (s + earth), this is material state
(earth). But all of them are different strength of the same magnetical field, and none
of you are understanding this. I keep on saying move away from Gans's and move
into energies, move to energies. When you have the energy, you can make whatever
you like, but when you have matter you are conditioned to life, to physicality. But if
you learn to work with the energies you can create any conditions. When you use
matter state you are trapped in the physicality of the man. the sooner you understand
this, you'll understand why I am giving you these things now (multiple nano coils), I
start to open your eyes, into the work of the fields, which you ** never to do. (3:10).
I tried to teach you this, but I found out mankind is not ready. The original
Knowledge Seekers, I took them in too fast and they didn't understand. Draws
hexagram. And I left it for nearly 5 years, and I have brought you back to it to
understand. Do you remember the cups we saw from Hong Kong? We made the sides
to put different plates. Has it changed anything from this (cup with multiple nano
coils). Do I have to take you backwards because here is 3 plates, there I give you ** 3
plates, and one day you'll understand why we gave you this experience. Go on the
original Keshe Foundation websites, shops, and you'll see it. We made the samples of
it, the prototype of it. And we came up with, some people wanted to have a pocket to
hang it outside, and some inside. If you understand this, maybe you'll understand
something else. Draws a man. Here you had 3 elements, here (body) you have billions
of elements, (3:12). as the cells of the body. If you understand this in the future,
where this (Soul of the man) controls ** collaboration field strength, as the Soul of
the man. And this controls (Soul of the physicality in heart) the dimension of
physicality, then you'll understand why you have a blood and nervous system.
Couldn't I put the nervous and the blood in the same. Isn't this (nervous S) this (2 of
the elements in the Cup), and then isn't this how much salinity I put in and call it the
Lymph of the man. So I am ** creating ** cells. When you don't understand, you go
back 2 chapters until you understand the first chapter, and then come to the second
chapter. Five years it has taken, now because of your life you understand the three
plates, you'll learn. I always said, man will take my Technology, not of the beauty of
it, understand it, the creation, but out of fear of destruction of his own position of his
life. And we are getting to that point. You see I am not a magician, I am a scientist.
They call us the universal scientists. (3:14). We understand the creation of the
Universe, we created the Universe. ** to understand it. Knowledge is so simple to
explain, but it's so hard to understand the ** when you do not see the totality. We
have a doctor in Tehran, and he has managed to make beautiful tomatoes, now he has
become the doctor agriculture medicine man, because he can grow tomatoes, he
understood and did it in the winter when it snows, and he collects tomatoes. But he is
actually a medical doctor. Now can he use his tomatoes to feed the Soul of the man,
that's ** next. Any other question. Q: Why when some people drink water from the
One Cup (in China) they feel weak? Keshe: It means they have an infection. (3:16).
Don't drink the Gans, drink the water. When drink the water, try to put the straw to
take out the Gans out without touching the amino acid on top. Then you'll understand
why you are hungry, or you feel weak. There are different ways of emptying the Cup,
and each one has its own effects and results. If you mix the amino acid, first take it
out. Get the Gans out, wash it, and then you add the Amino Acid (amino acid), you
have food. In the case of emergency, you can feed yourself that way. When they lock
the doors and nobody can go out, that is the only way of feeding yourself. Those
Keshe Foundation supporters in XinXiang who went into the cup of fruits, and they
drank, actually the energy came from the amino acid, they scrapped on top of the Cup.
It's a pure protein, and the acid is connected to the H line. Any other question? (3:18).
Q: Some people ask if this One Cup Gans is effective for any virus? Yes, ** Don't
change it, Do not change the Cup of Life, carry it for the rest of your life. Anywhere,
Hopefully in China we'll mass produce so they become part of everyman's life.
Because it's like, what I call, a gate, one or two. ** they are meant ** hunger, now the
money doesn't satiStar Formationy. You have to understand, to get in the brain of
incompetent people like this, they came from nowhere, they got rich through stealing
from the others, and now they think they can steal life, and now it has gone to their
heads and they have become a king. They're a king of nothing. They tried very hard to
buy the Keshe Foundation out years ago, and we had the lucky card pulled for us,
called, Red Circle, the last time he came to the last meeting, the association,
everything broke up, I couldn't understand it ** I told Caroline, I don't know why
every time I take Red Circle, everything breaks up, now we understand it. ?** he was
working for his paymasters. The negotiations broke up and it was clear he wanted to
control, ?** His team and his lawyers, (3:20). a few times in Holland. The interesting
things was, they said, if you watch your Internet, this time ?** he will be on your
website. You understand we are ** And we saw Microsoft coming up. Just take 2 of
the Cups, and the structure of the Cups, and the way it is. Don't deviate, because you
won't get what you are looking for. But this is what the virus is, you have a 2 part
virus, stick to the 2 part virus. the CO2, and the CuO. One CO is your Inertia, your
physicality, and what you call ** CuO for the connection of the line to keep the
physicality in tack, in the process you have a Mg and you create, some ZnO on the top
would ?** Q: How to use the One Cup to feed our Soul? Keshe: Have you found the
Soul yet? (3:22). That's a question. You need the Soul combination. The physical
body of the man through the process, does that, then when it reaches the point of the
balance, it's the time, we call it, a point of death. Separation comes when the Soul of
the man reaches at a given point. This is where as you call, polarity changes, if you go
back into the teaching of the space Technology, I explained many times, when you
have a core, and you get a rotation, .. your reactor rotates anticlockwise, then it stops,
then it goes clockwise. The heartbeat, switch <> switch, according to, what we said, if
you remember, the sun and the earth. magnetical and gravitational field force space
dictates the position and if the fields are too strong, it becomes clockwise, (3:24). like
Venus. Because the field forces interact with the center directly, now dictates the
position field force, and the current flow of the field. When you understand this, then
you understand how the physical body and the Soul of the man work, and when they
are attached together, it's life, because they follow each other. When one feeds the
other one, then the energy changes, like here, in a positive way becomes negative,
flies off, separation of the two. If mankind in the future is able to understand this,
because you'll measure it, separation of the physicality, you an control yourself, or by
the process of the field change, position, separation point, ** the life goes. And you
start, that’s the beginning of the life. If you can manage in life to continuous feed this,
that gives constant, good morning, I'll see you in a thousand, thousand years, they'll
still be there, the connection of the two. As I said, how long do you want me to stay, if
you know your partner lives so much life, I have many lives, feed Mohammad ** but
will you remember your first child, a million years ago. This is what man has not
understood, the key to everlasting life is understanding this, and man has a long way
to go yet. (3:26). any other question? Knowledge Seekers from China, please expose
this scientist and his background and how he has come to discredit, because of his
PhD's and what he ?** has got for. And his private account outside. The Chinese
government has a huge concern about what we call, people inside who are blocking a
lot of things, and this scientist is extremely close, backed, promised different shape or
form by the Americans. Expose him and let the Technology free to save the nation.
His academic position has sold the nation out. A friend of our security said, would
you like to see his girlfriend. Expose him very rapidly, and go on the Internet and
open up his book. An academic who he has been paid to actually kill, is not an
academic. I think it is the job of the Keshe Foundation people to open that to the
national securities. We don't interfere we have, it's your job to protect your nation.
(3:28). Any other question. Q: Somebody after drinking the Gans water from One
Cup, says they feel it is hard to breath from the lungs, it's heavy, so what could be
that? Keshe: you have to drink small amounts, and secondly it means 100% that you
have the virus. So you have to breath, you are taking energy from the infected lung,
this virus attacks the lung. This virus is built to attack the breathing, it's an airborne
virus, you get it first in your lung and then in your body. So if you have such a
feeling, it means 100% without a shadow of a doubt you are exposed to the infection.
So breath regularly, and support your lung with the Gans water. We had another
Knowledge Seekers sending another infected person the Gans water from the Cup, in
an oil tank, what do you call it, oil ** GL- It's a facial oil, it's like Omega 3, for the
face, and they have a very bad smell and the patient cannot drink. When you help
others, make sure you use clean bottles. I know you are trying to help with whatever
you have, but understand that the other ** end has to use it as well. (3:30). If you feel
pain when you drink, it means 100% (you have the virus), because it (gravitational
Water) passes your lungs (as it goes down) and it is pulling the energy of the virus
through your body out. You had better inhale the Gans water (through the mask) at
least a half an hour per day. Don't forget to spray your body, face, nostrils, and mouth
with the Gans water. Whenever you go out continuously spray yourself, because you
never know when it will attach to you. Secondly, drink it and breath it through a
mask, at least 1 to 3 times per day for 10 minutes. If it has entered it releases the
energy through the Gans. If you drink it and have a pain in your stomach, or lungs, it
means 100% you are infected and it's pulling the energy of the virus, so make sure
you breath (the water) as much as possible. Most probably if you have this condition,
you have a diarrhea too, which means you have it in both channels. I think today was
a good day for learning a little bit more, and teaching a little more, and understanding
the emotion of part of our family in China. On the other hand, understanding how we
can help each other, and what we can look for in the coming time. Now you see the
time you spent learning the teachings over years is coming to flourish. At least I think
you have saved your life. It gives us a lot of freedom, at the same time, I would like to
thank all those who are helping us with the Iranian conference in the background. ..
and later on. (3:32). We thank the Iranian government officials in the background,
doctors, and scientists, and many other Knowledge Seekers who are working to make
sure this events goes through and takes place. Hopefully, we should be able to
conclude many things with the help of the Iranian Knowledge Seekers internationally
and nationally. I have a message for the Chinese leadership, president Xi, a man at the
height of his power has to understand and be courteous. Your behavior in respect to
Iranian president Rohani should not effect nations, the whole nation of Iran, and
through it damage your nation. To be in the position of power means to be in a
position of being a father without prejudice and understand the pitfalls of the son.
Your behavior in respect to the Iranian nation, because of one man, is effecting you
nation, and the health of your nation. The Iranian nation will survive, and has, I
wonder if this goes on, would the Chinese nation stay as one nation? The Keshe
Foundation has to be given the right to defend the Chinese nation and ** amongst its
Knowledge Seekers, not because, maybe a misunderstanding between 2 leaders.
(3:34). World leaders find the best for their nation, and compromises are always
made, but not by the nations, towards the leaders, the self-interest of the leaders
should not come into operation. Thank you very much and hopefully we'll see you
next week.


316th Knowledge Seekers Workshop February 20, 2020
( , )

English Transcription:

(:06). .. As some Knowledge Seekers said, I am putting you to sleep, I hope it is a

good dreams and becomes nice when you wake up, and reality is better. The Chinese
Flu is getting extended to more nations and unfortunately, yesterday, for the first time,
in Iran we lost 2 people to the flu. The extent of the disease is expanding is crossing
borders, mercilessly. We have offered support to many governments, and we shall
see, ** effects of ** on, how we can support some of these conditions. We hear from
the Chinese government that they think they have managed to tame the situation, and
as they said, from the 17th of March, one city should be opened for business and we
wish all the best for the Chinese government and nation, that they will achieve it. The
indications are totally different. I different parts of the world we'll see the drop as we
come into the next few weeks as we pass the cold part of the seasons, (:08). or the
year, but the reality is this virus will come back again. We have not found the solution
to eradicate it. We have found the solution to maybe in some cases, reverse. according
to the secret national reports, 10% of the people survive long term. The total infection
is 90% mortality. The governments at the moment try not to release data so it doesn't
bring national panic, but the reality in the background is much harsher, and the
biggest position for us as Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers is to get support
through the new Technology as much as we can, and to extend it to the way that we
can support other people. Up to this moment in time we have not heard of any of the
Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers having losses. We are still standing firm,
maybe one or two got infected but they have overcome it. In general this is part of the
Technology which we depend on. There are a lot of things we have to clarify as this
thing takes hold. it might disappear in the next 4 or 5 weeks due to the heat, but it has
the possibility to recur during the summer, and then be stronger back into winter. The
environments have not been disinfected, there is no Technology in this moment in
time that can do so. (:10). The ground for it that is hidden somewhere, can merge in
any shape or form. even if somebody freezes it, and defreeze it after the winter time.
In totality, we have to come to certain understanding as Keshe Foundation Knowledge
Seekers, one of the main things that Knowledge Seekers have to understand clearly is
the mask's that they are emphasizing for people to wear to stop breathing this airborne
disease. Most of the people who die of this disease don't die of fever. the fever always
drops, the majority of the cases are from the lung infections, from the destruction of
the layers of the lungs. When we get these (reports) that they say the people have
overcome the virus, it shows no virus in the blood, but the cells in the lungs are
deteriorating. According to the official reports and what we see from the doctors
facing the truth about this Technology, and the Technology of the virus to kill, is that
they die of flooded lungs. The doctors report jelly like material flooding the lungs,
even if you can empty it, it floods back again, and people literally die of suffocation.
Up to now the Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) or alternative medicine has
shown some sing of bringing the fever (down), and some sign of recovery, but in
general we do not see at all, (:12). direct clearing of the lungs. the major problem in
this disease is damage to the lungs, and not so much the fever. the fever can be
controlled and the blood cells will show a perfect thing, but down the line, those who
suffer form this infection, one way or another, very much like ** leukemia, will die of
the lung damage. Statistics are (only) being kept of those with none (fever), but if they
follow these, and we see it now after 25 days to 30 days, the lung will kill (them),
because it solidifies, they can't stop it, it becomes rigid, they can't stop. One of the
things I said with the situation with the masks, .. is that yes, you put the mask on to
attract, or to stop the virus to enter the lungs. This virus officially has 30 minutes life,
if it passes 30 minutes, according to the scientists who deal with it, it will not damage
that much. But when you take the mask off you have to go through a strict way that
you never allow the outside of the mask to touch the inside of it, when you put it away
for next time use, and you never touch the front of the mask, because you tranStar
Formationer (:14). what happens is when you turn the masks, or when you touch it,
or if the mask falls on its own inside out, then you carry the virus in. So in a way,
what the mask has stopped, then you infect yourself (accidentally) with it, by touching
it. The virus has different ways of taking hold, we have not yet seen the evolution of
the virus into muscle tissue. It only effects the lung tissue. If this virus gets into the
muscle tissue, we have no experience in that, we'll see ** dead cells, ** black skin
and all that. We have not seen it yet. What happens when you use the mask, make
sure you never touch the front of it, and always put it flat on the breathing side, not on
the (incoming) air side. Make sure it is not touched by the body or the nose when you
put it back on. There is a new mask that we have seen that has come out by the
Israelis, confirming that they can do and have done everything. There again, the
problem with this mask is it needs time to work, but going back to when take the
mask on or off, you still can pick it up. (:16). These masks need to be ** washed,
handled, never touch them. They say they can wash them and do whatever you like
with it. It has to be under very high temperature, especially if you have cooked, what I
call lobster, you need a boiling water like when you cook spaghetti, high boiling water
and you drop it in, and then it has to go through a sterilization. It doesn't mean that the
virus is dead, when it goes through the heat. The prevention comes when we can
sterilize the centers of the disease, like hospitals. Unfortunately, what we hear from
the Chinese authorities on the surface, and the data we have, over 5,000 front line
medical teams have been infected. These are the people who are supposed to help us,
putting their life at risk, are getting infected by us. We are giving them the disease
when we carry it. What is important to the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers,
who are using the mask, before, during and after using the mask, spray it with the
Gans water, then at least you try to kill as many viruses as possible. Keeping your
spray with your mask can help you to do it, when you touch it, and when you again
take the mask off, spray your hands with the Gans water. Spray your face with the
Gans water, don't take anything for granted. We have a major concern in Iran, which
by today or tomorrow will establish, why and how this cluster has appeared in the
center of (:18). Iran in the south of Tehran. There are certain reasons for it, we want
to eliminate it and then we'll look at the same pattern, if and why. The disease has
appeared in Iran at the center of religious organizations. It spread to where the
daughter of Mohammad has been buried. And is the center of culture of Islam. We are
looking into different aspects of it. But is it near the Tehran airport, somewhere near
there. We want to know if it has been cross contamination between the Chinese
traveling through Iran back to China. As you are aware most of the airlines have
stopped flights to China. Iran and Istanbul is one of the ways at the moment that the
Chinese have found to go back home. We would like to establish why 2 elderly
people in Iran died yesterday. the notice was short. Initially we had a notice of
infection 4 days ago, officially denied, and now we see it was a reality. An internal
memo was released and then denied, not to create panic until they could control it.
But in the announcement of yesterday of 2 deaths of elderly people who are non-
Chinese has raised alarm in international security. What we would like to see is if the
race game has been played, and if we find that, we have to respond accordingly. One
of main things for Knowledge Seekers is to keep filled, make sure you have enough,
that you can support yourself and your family and your neighbors. The governments
at this moment are playing deaf ears to anything. (:20). Because most of them are in
panic state. What we see in places of holiday zones, like Tenerife, Canary Islands,
Maltese, all of these become a center of danger, not only for the virus, but economical
damage, people will stop traveling. This will create a massive problem for most of
these nations. Be aware and very careful in where and how you travel, even in the
airplanes if you have to sterilize the seats, spray the Gans, and just there you are safe.
You don't know who has been in that chair or who has been in that cabin. It's your
responsibility to protect yourself. If we stay correct and follow the procedures of
protecting ourselves in using the Gans or any other Technology, that is all that
matters. We will see a drop in the next 4 weeks as the temperature goes up, and our
concern is to see if it will follow after the warmth, which means if it links up, or links
itself up, to other viruses. The problem for all of us is very simple, make sure you stay
safe and keep your immediate family and friends safe. (:22). In so many ways, you
become Samaritans, you come to understand that you are the "last man standing," and
in so many ways you are the last doctor or physician that can help, with everything
that you know regarding this virus. Try to understand what is the next step. We'll see
the drop most probably in the next 4 weeks, but we'll see an incubation time, and a
more vigorous one in the Autumn. A lot of things need to be in the summer by the
governments to be able to protect and to eradicate most of the seen and unforeseen
situations. Many of you have made Gans's and you get different colors or whatever,
it's no problem, because at the end of it, because you have the 2 Cu (coils) inside, you
always create a Gans which is at the Cu level, you always create a combination of
CO2, which has a strength connection of C, so don't panic if one is yellow, green or
blue, you have created a condition, but according to what you have created as an
energy passage you get different colors. I have seen some Knowledge Seekers use
galvanized Gans's, these Gans's at this moment cannot be used for this virus. This
virus is airborne and has to be handled through, C, O, and CO2. (:24). If we get
disease through muscle tissue and the blood, then we'll go a step, because when you
use galvanized sheets or whatever, you produce blood, hemoglobin, then you can use
it. This is important for you to understand, if you produced a red hemoglobin, when
you used by mistake galvanized paper, or sheets, or nails or whatever, you can move
into the next step, and we would like to start that ** Are there any questions about
this before we start to the next step? .. Q: If the Chinese know about this Technology
and are exposed to it, why don't they take it seriously? Keshe: They have taken it
seriously, there is a problem we addressed very early on, we have recorded
conversations confirming that the Chinese military have taken the Technology very
seriously, and Knowledge Seekers are working with them, and these are Knowledge
Seekers we know, (:26). to produce around a ton of Gans per day, to disinfect some
of the cities. They are using it and this is one of the ways they are controlling it. There
is a very big problem that the Chinese have a habit of stealing Technology, and this
has come to a head again this week. The Chinese do not want to confirm that the
Technology belongs to an Iranian and what the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
in China have told them, that Mr. Keshe is our teacher but we produce it ourselves. In
that way we see another betrayal by the Chinese government, because it is the habit
for them to glory to themselves, but if it saves lives, let it be. At the same time the
Chinese government is working differently to do it different ways, and (the
information) we have been given, the implication is, it is being done by Chinese
Knowledge Seekers in XinXian, they are working with the government closely and
actually producing the material. It is interesting in how they bend to the government
to say that the Technology is Chinese, and hopefully we'll see this coming back, as we
have a recording of it, of those who have been trying to recruit other Chinese Keshe
Foundation supporters to work for them to produce more for the Chinese military. The
reality of it is that the Chinese government is split into 2 sections and this is right at
the top of the CPC, which is the governing body of China. There are those in the
governing head that would like to reduce the population of China by another 400
million, and these do not want see any process, not only Keshe Foundation, but other (
possible solutions) to come into operation. (:28). You saw us last week with the
academic professor, or specialist who wrote about the Keshe Foundation, and we
exposed him, and 2 or 3 hours after the teaching, he went around and made a threat on
me, and this and that and a lot of rubbish, and we know, in informing who was where,
a number of leading scientists were arrested for collaboration with the Americans. We
exposed a lot of things, but you Knowledge Seekers just listen, but in a way, we give
a lot of coded messages to governments, they understand where to go and what to
look for. At the same time as we see it, it is stealing of Technology by Chinese has
taken a new shape this week, and this thing has to stop. This stealing of Technology,
this paying to have, to be more superior, has to stop if the human race is to become
one. What we are doing is absolutely opposite to what we are doing in other parts of
the life. We find an elite sportsman and we glorify them, and put them on a pedestal
and we allow in every shape or form they show themselves. But in the world of
science, we imprison our elite scientist, just because they work with another
government, and they shared knowledge with another government. Our sportsmen
cross the borders, change their passports, and run on the flag of another country, play
football for another country, and as we have seen, black sportsmen run in the arena,
(:30). for European races, but do not speak a single word of the national flag. They are
allowed and they become the ** the Olympic gold medalist for the rest of the nation.
But the human race has gone so low that it imprisons its scientists for sharing
knowledge, and forces the scientists to find a way to share knowledge, and then when
they find these people, they imprison them for life for sharing knowledge. This is the
beauty of the way I setup the Keshe Foundation, knowledge is free and nobody can be
imprisoned for it, and even when they want to steal it, they can steal it to their benefit
in the name of their nation. When a man steals a gift he is by nature a thief, that you
cannot change. This is the behavior of the Chinese leadership, the Chinese
government. When they steal a gift that was given freely to their nation, it shows the
leadership and the government is a thief. It doesn’t matter how you shape or name it.
It doesn't matter which country, the Americans do the same. And when a nation is by
nature a thief, becomes rich, because they have done nothing for it, they have stolen
Technology. This is what we see, I have made myself very clear to the Chinese and
other governments. Knowledge has to be an asset for mankind and not the property of
a nation and a demarcation on the lines of the lands, which God never creation. We
saw sadly another case this week, one of the leading scientists imprisoned for sharing
knowledge with Chinese, or Chinese trying, (:32). to steal, or collaborate on different
names and banners, from Howard University. If governments open the borders of
science, then no one will become a criminal. If the knowledge is used for peaceful
application and the extension of the knowledge for humanity, it has to be glorified,
understood, it has to be brought up to be applicable to all. We have seen a leading
scientist again this week imprisoned by the Americans, for selling Technology to the
Chinese. But do the Americans say how they stole Technology from China? This has
to stop. One of the main functions of the Keshe Foundation coming into operation,
has to be the freedom of sharing Technology, the way we do, and not imprisoning our
scientists, and not imprisoning those who become elite. Those who use their
knowledge to harm humanity have to be isolated. But those who share for whatever
reason, to extend it, cannot be imprisoned, killed, or threatened to be killed if you
don't give it to us. We have seen it with this case. .. When the governments teach their
scientists to be open, then scientists don't need to go under the table to work. This is
what we encourage, the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in China claim, he is
our teacher, (:34). so be it, he is, but it has to be with, and through it. Those who went
and worked with the Chinese military to now produce massive amounts of this, should
share it directly with the Keshe Foundation, with the government. The military has a
different agenda and the government has a different agenda. When we stop killing and
imprisoning our scientists is the time when the man matures to understand, that these
are Messengers of God in the name of humanity. They share more than many others,
** in the name of ** Do these scientists who put their lives on risk to share with
other nations and other people, criminals, and do we do to them, what we did with
Christ, crucify them. Why such a brilliant scientist has to be imprisoned, because he
shared knowledge with another human being, to extend it? And why did the Chinese
go this way? Why can't we openly travel and go across? If you look at it, we had it
last week (Mexico), and before, and coming up in Tehran. Your own Knowledge
Seekers you come in with different knowledge's about the Technology, and you just
put it in the teachings of the conferences that you are going to, and you teach there.
Why don't we imprison all of you? What has changed with the Keshe Foundation?
How come we share knowledge freely and they take it and put it in their name, it
doesn't matter. (:36). but at least it saves themselves. But when a nation does it, then
it becomes a criminal offense. Isn't better to have One Nation and all the scientist
under one cover? Why don't we give protection to our scientists internationally, why
do the scientists get victimized? Why do our assistants have to go into prison or get
killed. This guy has a sister and she is Chinese, it doesn’t matter if she is military or
whatever, she is there to support and tranStar Formationer knowledge to her nation
and should be free. Why was Fabio killed just because he was the assistant to me,
working in developing? We in Keshe Foundation have been through it. Why do we
glorify the sports people who live off the drugs and they show for a few minutes,
something and then they disappear, and those who share knowledge and put their life
into science, get imprisoned. As I said, until the Tehran conference, we'll bring a lot
of weaknesses which man has created for himself. Why I have to attend a court case
next Tuesday for the death of Fabio, and then when I want to attend, I get threatened,
that I will go to prison for 43 years if I go and talk in court. (:38). Just to show what
we know gives me a prison sentence? A king could not threaten me, let alone a
peasant man. It's our right in every shape and form, the truth about knowledge and
those people who work around us. Hijacking documents and computers of the
company, threatening, and everything else. Everything is in the hands of the legal
frame of the Interpol and the police. We are just looking into it more. How did Fabio
get killed. When we want to explain, it is a criminal offense, by those who want to
benefit by it in a different way. It will be in the hands of the court. I invite the Italians,
to invite the police on a private line Chat, in the next day or 2, we don't make any
allegations, we'll show and explain in detail, how Fabio was murdered, murdered! We
have been told that if we release then we'll become a criminal. Since when has
revealing a criminal act, become a crime? Except for those who want to benefit by it.
This man chaired in Howard, shared knowledge with the Chinese, he goes to prison.
You look at the conference in Mexico, Brazil, Vienna, we shared knowledge and
Knowledge Seekers came and taught what you have done, which one of you have
been put in prison? (:40). This is what is wrong with our society, letting criminals
run, and imprisoning the intelligent ones. To bring such a man, to such a knowledge
takes generations, and who looses? Humanity does. Why don't they put the pictures of
the pedophiles, the kings and those who have killed many, and put them in prison.
How come they are free, and men of science are imprisoned? If the governments
make the tranStar Formationer of Technology free, no one needs to lie. Put the love of
their knowledge and the sharing of their knowledge. And no government **
backhanders to create such a crime. Knowledge has to become the point of peace, as
we have seen in the past 4 or 5 weeks. Until you don't teach them a lesson the children
play and make noise, and destroy things. We taught a lesson to the Americans, since
that day we haven't heard a single thing about a war, or destruction and what is going
to happen to Iran. The new charter is that way. Science and Technology creates peace.
(:42). Advanced science and Technology creates peace. If the lesson was not taught to
the Americans in Iraq a few weeks ago, we would have everyday sword rattling, as
we have seen for months and years. What happened? Let me explain to the
Knowledge Seekers and the American and Chinese government officials who are
sitting in the background, and to my Iranian leadership who are also sitting in the
background listening from the Iranian government. I explained this to the Iranian
officials very clearly and you'll understand why we are going for the Tehran peace. In
talking to some of the military elite in the past 3 or 4 weeks, a joke has started, which
is, if the Americans could not save their base how come they selling us defense
Technology? How could the Americans and Europeans in the same base not protect
themselves, and now they want to sell advanced Technology which is worth nothing
for us, to take money from the mouths of our people and give it to them. Since the
situation the situation in Iraq, many military orders have been canceled. These are
piling up and we are making nations and governments more aware of it. If they have
it, then why did they get flattened, and they were the army of the most advanced
nation on this planet. (:44). The position for peace through Technology and science
has started taking shape, and as I said to the Iranian leadership, we have to take a step
that we become the leaders of peace and tranStar Formationer of Technology freely.
Knowledge has become the cornerstone of the present peace. Maybe this virus is the
next step for it. This virus can create 2 points, showing the having of no border, and
extending everywhere it brings nations to have no border, and we have seen it. We all
get it, the virus doesn't get a passport to get on a plane to go from Malaysia to Asia to
other places. Secondly, is who initiated these viruses, do we allow these people to run
free. Do we allow people who think that just because they became leaders in the
finances of the world, that now they have become ** collectors of reducing
population. in so many ways they are digging their own graves. Today's teaching is
very simple, what are we going to do with the knowledge which is going to be shared
unconditionally. And the knowledge which is shared unconditionally with the backing
of governments. What is president Xi going to tell his people, in one way or another
through Keshe Foundation Technology has come to be benefited somehow through it.
(:46). We stole the Technology? Isn't there one who was saying we are going to bomb
it out. If you remember we used every means to destroy, and they even put a map of
52 of the most historical sites in Iran that they were going to destroy with bombs.
These places are not defended, the other places are fully defended. Do we go as low
as Trump or do we get him trumped. The ethic of the knowledge becomes the player
of the knowledge. By international law evidence has to be correct in court. Why do
we imprison our scientists and why don't we imprison our athletes? .. If you are
Nigerian and but don't speak the language, you come and be an athlete for my nation,
they do the dealings behind under the tables and then suddenly they take a new
passport. How many athletes have we imprisoned for crossing borders? Sharing what
the nation built up. (:48). What is wrong with us as human beings and how come we
have become so low to do these things to ourselves? The problem you'll understand
very soon is that, you Knowledge Seekers now you all become the spies. Because you
are sharing freely. And you Knowledge Seekers in China who are working with the
military and you say, we'll not work with Mr. Keshe because we are getting paid to
become rich and the government has told us, don't say anything about the Keshe
Foundation. Have you lost your ethics and dignity? We'll expose your names, we have
recording of it, and then the Chinese government has to say, we stole Technology. We
gave a gift and you are stealing a gift, so by nature you are a thief, be it Knowledge
Seekers or your leadership in China or in any other country. (:50). Any other
question? Q: How do we overcome people's resistance to the Technology and the
Cup of Life? Keshe: Nothing, you just do your work. Resistance to it, is their lives to
loose, not yours. You see the resistance to the Technology is as long as Fox
existences, and the kingdom of Belgium, where pedophiles give children to the heads
of organizations to pleasure, and buy their silence. As simple as that, it is A, B, C. As
I said, when the Keshe Foundation is allowed to come out and do whatever we and
you are doing, then your worth it. People are like sheep and they follow, even on the
top. On the bottom, life we have seen with (Allen) Sterling, 127,000 plus people are
under investigation, and 7,000 have been arrested as pedophiles. We saw one of them
who was at the tip, he was killed in a prison, or they say he hanged himself. And we
saw the other judges accidentally got killed by it. So these people on the top have
taken the bribe of life, .. (:52). they never understood what we call the "free energy".
The free energy lobby were those who the life of children were free for them, and that
is where the phrase came. And it all sits at the real heads of the nations. Starting from
kings and the rest down. Any other question? Q: Can we use water fountains in cities
as a system for protection and health, if we put the Cup of Life (Cup of Life) in it and
Amino Acids (amino acid), and Gans in it to cover a big area, how much do we need
and what ratio? Keshe: I know a woman who did it as we traveled around the world,
she was forever in the fountains. I know a lot of Chinese did, and other Knowledge
Seekers did. You spread the energy, when you use fountains, you are better off to use
the Gans, then Gans water, because they have so much energy, they are like the sun,
and they deplete. It comes, if you go across ** fountains especially if you travel in
summer time, you'll change it, you give energy to the people inside. You don't know
how it changes them or how they are effected by it. But in so many ways, you share,
you put additional energy by it, they're not aware of but it is in the ** and the strength
of their physicality. Whenever we travel around the world Caroline does this
frequently ** (:54). She forever feeds it into the fountains and waterfalls. You see the
Chinese in XinXuan they forever throw water into the rivers. There is a structure,
hopefully, if we didn't have the problem in China, or ** would have come through, is
extraction of a large amount of CO2 from space, or what we call, atmosphere of cities
and to be fed into the channels of the city (water system) to ** and to sort out may
imbalances. At the moment Keshe Foundation team is talking to a couple of
governments for this ** It's one of the best ways to do it. I have a question, what
happens if you put Gans in the room of the house, is it good? Keshe: It's good but if
you have a sick person with a cancer, you cannot put for example, CH3 in that room.
CH3 is a level of the energy to itself. In that purpose you energize, you give energy to
all the cells, so you have to understand how, where and what you do. Many places use
this natural water for energy for extraction of minerals. It's part of the teaching which
you have to understand, it's something which I touched (:56). before but I want to
expand on it today a little so you understand some things in a broader way. If you
look at what we discussed before, the life of the man is made of 3 blocks on this
planet. You have air, water, solid, which is from this planet, each one of these brings
to the body of the man energy of a certain strength. In what we breath (Air part) we
don't only take O, we take Fl, Ca, Knowledge, in this (Water part) we do the same
thing, and the same thing in the Solid part. In our breathing we just don't take the air,
we take the energy of the elements, which fit into the structure of the air for he use of
the body. For example, in the air we take Knowledge of the strength 0.1 to 0.4, in the
water part we take of the Knowledge from 0.5 to 0.8, In the Solid part for the
Knowledge we take 0.8 to 2 , where 2 is the maximum. (:58). This is what our world
of science has not understood and it is time for us to understand. We just don't take
water or air, and what they said, oxygen. In every breath that we take we take a
combination of the elements which fits into our lungs. Our lungs do not give the
energy only to our blood, it's the conversion of the energy directly, and if you look at
its position, very simply, it's this. These are your lungs and this is your liver (to do
with Air). The lungs give the energy of Knowledge which is needed for certain
actions through field transactions through the liver, without ever going through the
body. If you look the position of the liver in this place (Water) is exactly the same. the
liver and the intestines around it. a different strength the liver. the liver doesn't take all
its energy, vitamins or whatever it needs on all the strengths .. they go through the
tranStar Formationer of fields through organs. They don't need to be absorbed, they
get ** .. At the same time when you drink and eat (Solid) , through your intestines,
again you are surrounded with the liver. So ** the strengths of the solids of the earth.
(1:00). are again absorbed to the liver ** the body. In each process every time we
breath, it's not just the O energy, it's a collection of the energies of the elements which
are within the air, and it is absorbed by the body, and in the process of even viruses,
some of the viruses come through the strength of the connection to these ( elements)
to the body. When we go to space and close our mouths, we don't need the lungs,
when we don't eat there is no need for water, then we become more and more
vulnerable ?** to tranStar Formationers ** tranStar Formationers in our body. In the
deep space when we receive energies, these energies can be as harmful and as needed
by different parts of the operation of the brain or the physicality of the man. One of
the most important parts of this tranStar Formationormation by not eating, by
absorbing energy, is the only structure which needs to keep the physicality, which is
what we call a bone structure. But our bone structure in due course will change to the
energy packages to keep our structure according to its environment. Now that you
become more advanced in your knowledge, now you can understand the next steps in
gaining the knowledge and what you can do. (1:02). When you go for inhaling, up to
now all of you use the ** CO2 and maybe something. But now you understand that
you have been feeding yourself a half cup, the other vitamins and minerals, all have
been ignored, at the strength of the air, not at the strength of the solid or the water.
When it comes to your physicality you have to understand this, the same when it
comes to the condition of your liquid and air you have to understand this. Especially
for our physicians and those who work around the medical application, they have to
understand this. Then you find out that you are more effective and your (health)
systems work better. The conditions of change become much more rapid. Then you
have to consider the structure of the Soul with these, and within these structures. Then
you'll understand that the Cup of Life is only to survive this virus at this moment. The
true Cup of Life has to cover every piece (all elements) in the structure.
Understanding these parts goes back to what I keep telling you to move away from
the Gans's and start understanding the energy tranStar Formationer, (1:04)., plasmatic
energy tranStar Formationer. A lot of teaching goes on in the Persian language by
Hassan. I wish we could translate these back into English and the other languages. He
explains knowledge in such a depth that a lot of you need to understand, maybe has
not come from my translation. My son was telling me, do you know why the Iranians
follow and understand your Technology better, because you speak English, Farsi, and
they understand it, to them it has a meaning, because they think English Farsi too.
That's why the Iranians are so succesStar Formationul with your Technology and the
others haven't been able to ** it. If you understand, the totality of the knowledge and
if you could get some of the teachings of Hassan to be translated into English, you
will understand a lot of new ways that could not, or have not been understood. I go in
his teachings and just sit sometimes, and it's amazing. I say, this is exactly what I say
but they don't understand me, but they understand him. (1:06). You have to go in
more detail, the Knowledge Seekers now especially ** going into a massive teaching,
share of knowledge, cannot be anymore of Gans's. What happens to this Cup, and
around it. Who gets effected on this side of the Cup and how, and who on the other
side and how. Hopefully, by next week the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit),
the first two should start coming out. Now that the Chinese factories are reopening
and they are allowing us back in. Then it becomes a new zone, a new environment for
everyone to enjoy. In this process we have to open our eyes and to the knowledge of
the plasma (Plasma), and not to the physicality of the Gans of Plasma. This was one
of my biggest fears, that the Knowledge Seekers would do this, and they have exactly
done that. They have gone back into the matter state of the Plasma. (1:08). Start
looking into the interaction of the fields, and combinations of the interaction of the
fields. Try to understand how the fields interact and create and create life with each
other. Try to extend the knowledge with the fields and not with the matter state, then
we'll see a new world. a new knowledge will open with all of us. Then is makes my
life much easier to teach. In the space Technology, in the dimension of the interaction
of the fields, in understanding the totality of the tranStar Formationerring of the fields,
some of you might for example say, where does this Knowledge come the air? We are
the bottom eaters of the air atmosphere. Interaction of the fields of the earth and the
sun, create a life in non-dimensional, physical ** tangibility, but in the dimension of
the field of life. And these lines here (in the upper atmosphere) have a life. In time
when the life ends, like in the way it happens in the oceans, as the fish die they go to
the bottom eaters. Mankind with all his glory is nothing but a bottom eater of the air
above. (1:10). They have already digested the Ca, and you think what you are
breathing is yours. I always said, this ** float has seen a ** woman going sick with
it. If you are a black man in Africa, and a white man or woman in Europe, or you're a
Chinese in China, we know one thing, you want to know the truth, you can't stand the
color of a black man, but you breath the air he breaths and you are happy with it. You
are breathing second hand air from him. We are each others integrated, our lives are
integrated with each other. We breath, inhale and exhale, and the white man next to us
does the same, what I breath, he breaths and thinks ** of me. Stands the same. When
mankind understands how stupid he has been, even by the air which gives him the
life, then mankind can never be prejudice or racist. Now with this virus we see it, a
Chinese man breaths and a European man gets it, and dies, how else can the virus
tranStar Formationer, unless you tranStar Formationer through the breath of my life.
(1:12). Through the same breath I spread the knowledge of love, and from the same
breath you take from me, I spread death, through the viruses and everything else. If
mankind understands we are totally as a whole race, breath each other, in and out,
man could have never been a racist in any shape or form. Then if you love the next air
that you breath, then you love me because I breath that air to you. As we are breathing
the air from the upper atmosphere and we are allowing it to enter our lungs, then we
breath it out, and we breath a mixture of the 2, and then it goes back, and when it
comes back to me, I am breathing what you and the others breathed out. So you are
part of me, and I am part of you. How can I be on top, in any shape or form, a king, or
leader, of ** because I am what you are and you are what I am. What energy level in
Ca you breath out, it could be that this is what I need for my structure. So I depend on
you breathing, as much as you depend on my breathing. When mankind understands
this, the prejudice and the lies and the stealing will go. But mankind has not yet
become wise to this. You don't need a** mouth to breath to give life. (1:14). By
breathing we give life to each other. We feed each other, we are messengers of energy
in different levels. How can one be superior to the others, when it eats from it to
survive by it. So it must inferior that it needs to be fed. Or do we all accept that we are
part of it. This is one of the maturities of man needed for him to enter into universal
knowledge and universal understanding of energies. .. Try to become open minded
and try to understand the knowledge in its true essence, not to what it fits. Try to be
aware and fully aware of everything. Don't be afraid of threats. Don't be afraid of
what they might do, because when they threat, they think they have won. We will
release documents to show scientifically how this life exists that, the reality, when we
die and we go in the depth of this .. and we go across in different shape or form,
(1:16). we again become part of another life, all of us, and now we exist in the bottom
of the oceans, as collective residue of the lives above. In the long term we become the
creator of this (** process), so what are we racist for. As one Knowledge Seekers
asked, where do all these souls go that are dying in this virus? The pleasure of the life
goes to the elevation of those, and the losses of their lives goes ** through again. If
these people understand what they are doing to their souls, they'll commit suicide, at
least to ** what they ** Rich in banknotes that are worth only 2 kilometers if you
can spend it, depending on how high the apartment and restaurants are from the
ground, and the rest is the ** completion of it own, the Soul of The Man (Soul of the
man). In what actual worth you have left ** worth you have more of because you
killed more. (1:18). If you have seen one of the recent videos on the internet, the
Chinese government has decided to burn the notes, they think is the way of tranStar
Formationerring the virus. I said, fantastic, now we really become WeChat ** The
interesting thing is the Chinese are throwing the money through the window, because
that money in their pocket could be the one that carries the virus. So they don't want
it. If you have seen some of the videos coming out of China, money is raining down,
because they just realized hat they could have been to the supermarket where there
was an infected guy who was picked up. But you can't buy life, knowledge does. We
see amazing things with this virus, it coming to the point of maturity, and getting
ready for the Tehran conference. In the Tehran conference ** the opening speech will
be one of the most eminent scientist, supporter of the Technology ** Ayatollah of
Iran. Knowledge needs to have the men who understand, nourish and support it, like ..
If we would have still have the Shah we would be slaves to the Americans. In have a
wise leadership in understanding that the science and Technology is the backbone of a
nation, we stand where we stand, proud and high, (1:20). not only for Iran but
allowing the knowledge of Iran to be spread across this planet through the Keshe
Foundation. Don't forget the first space systems were developed in S University in
Tehran, by invitation of the Iranian government, by the leadership of the Ayatollah
Knowledge of Iran. When we come to understand the facts, the reality of life, we all
understand that we are made of the same. We eat the same, we feel the same and we
share the same air, not just because we walk it, but physically we drink and breath
from each other. Maybe now you understand why we are One Nation, One Race. As I
announced to the Iranian government yesterday, I'll be back in Tehran to oversee the
virus position, to support the ** not to take leadership. to bring a new Technology and
(1:22). to be able to curtail pain for more people. And through that and ** the
Technology in Iran, we'll tranStar Formationer it across the planet, and bring the
shame and leadership of Chinese, those who want to hide, what they use. We have
announced our stand-by with our flight to Tehran with the call of the Iranian
leadership and we hope if they need it they'll make that move. There are various
Iranian Knowledge Seekers who are talented and can support and spread, and this
time the Iranian leadership will not go by race, color, or religion, but by the humanity
to be correct. Any other question? Q; Can the virus change or manipulate the RNA or
DNA, if yes does the One Cup Gans repair these defects? Keshe: The position is very
simple, you have to understand the depth of the knowledge. This virus enters the body
of the man (1:24). .. now, the virus enters the body, what does it do? it adds or takes
or changes something in the body, maybe this unbalances DNA or maybe RNA,
maybe genetically modifies, but what is interesting is that by drinking from the Cup
of Life, which is a reference point, this body was made from the Cu, Zn, C of
reference, so any thing will happen with the Cup, all the changes in RNA and DNA
will go back to the point of reference, genetically modified into what it was. Because
now we have, if you understand a point of reference. Your Gans's, when you use for
health application is reference point in respect to what changes might have occurred
from this to this. This reference point is strong, it doesn’t have anything to share with,
so this reference point (? in body) has to go through (Gans) and give you the purity.
(1:26). This is what you Knowledge Seekers have to understand, and it is you who
decides this (Gans) reference point, the way you make the Gans, how you mix it, are
you making it for breathing, drinking, or for eating. If we all understand this, your
Gans is correction of deviation, because this (Gans) cannot change, it came from the
lowest, which is the earth, which is what we are made of, the Zn, Cu, has a spectrum
of energies, yes, but our bodies are made within that spectrum. We give it a reference,
a point of balance, according exactly, that this (body) is made of Gans, this (body),
and this (Gans) is made of Gans, which is the Nano structure plasmatic fields which
leads to the creation of the human body, and the way we showed you, and the way
you all made the Gans, this Gans (Cup) has 3 dimensions into it. It has the amino acid,
the Soul, and physicality to exist within it. So you create the 3 dimensions for it, the
physicality which comes from the oil on the top, the Soul which comes from the
interaction of the fields of it, (1:28). the physicality which comes from actual Gans's
itself in the dimension of an exact copy structure of your own body. this Cup of Life
is life in a cup. And for that we have given it a fix, in science we always have a point
of reference. In life with Gans, this is our point of reference. So if you have slight
changes in DNA or RNA, correction too, because it has a Soul that interacts with
RNA, and as a dimension of Gans it interacts with DNA. I have given you a gift, if
you understand it, a gift of life. You call this Cup a man, I call this Cup life, what is
the difference. Holder of dynamic Gans's with emotion and Soul. If I put this in a fish
and I give you the fish, I tell you the fish of life. It doesn’t make any difference. Man
is so physical. (1:30). Q: Can a virus be the reason for mental diseases? Keshe: Of
course, if it is at the strength of the brain cells, yes. We'll see many of it in the space.
There is something man will understand much faster that the brain in its all beauty,
will go through tranStar Formationormation in the space, we'll not have, not see the
structure of brain in the space for the man, but due to interaction of the fields in the
Universe, due to the matter state, we shall see only the fields of the brain. The shape
of the control system will be called the brain, and it will take shape at the point of
destination when it confirms and converts to physicality, what that physicality might
be. You will learn more. (1:32). You will see the brain can and will be effected by
energies in the space, because if you are in the space where the Knowledge, Ca, Zn,
and CO2, in a given plasmatic condition converts to its gaseous or plasmatic field
energy condition, then you don't have a brain, but you have the fields of the brain, that
still operates in the same way. (the sections of the brain are still there) Consciousness
section, pain section, decision making, if you understand this, this is how I saved the
life of Naomi. I don’t rely on the structure, the fields, the structure is irrelevant, then
in the dimension of physicality the structure builds itself in the position of the fields.
That's how we repaired the brain of Naomi. And nobody understood. You look at the
physicality, and I look at the field tranStar Formationer, and I keep telling you to
understand the fields operation, not the physicality, because in the space, if I take you
a few kilometers up, according to the law of physics, gases change to da, da, or gases
change to di, di, di, what are you going to do, are you going to be the di, di, or da, da.
But if you understand the extension and the totality of the world of science and
interaction of the fields of the Universe, then you understand this is what it is. (1:34).
Would we in the dimension of the physicality, understanding that there is such a
change there (Knowledge, Ca, Zn ..), do you thing that you have a skull. Do you think
that your brain and bone structure will be there? All of it vanishes. We have to open
your eyes to understand deeper in a slower manner. We have to be able, the present
Knowledge Seekers in the future have to understand what sits with them. The
teaching of today, some of you have not understood, but you are still sitting here,
because you come to listen to the Messiah. But do you hear the words of the Messiah
through the Soul of the Messiah? Or do you hear ** two Messiah, ** of your own
Soul. You have to be clear and understand. (1:36). Then will mankind become kind
to his own physicality, or become kind to his own Soul, or become kind to the energy
which creates him? If you look the story of a life of a man on this planet is very
simple, in not understanding it man has made it complicated for himself. Any other
question? Q: can we use a plastic tub to make this Gans? Keshe: You can use
anything but we prefer ceramic. Rick: or a glass jar? Keshe: Yes anything. Would you
like your skin black or white? Q: Can we translate or copy fields or visions into
Gans's or Plasma fields through our Soul and hands? (1:38). repeats .. Keshe: Of
course you can they are all fields. We have a ** from Chinese in Wuhan, "blockade is
very serious, every household can't go out, so it is hard to send the medicine to people
who need them. .. the methods are hard to implement because they lack the materials
and confidence, it should be better when Wuhan is ** " Keshe: We understand you
Chen. In Wuhan they are literally bolting and welding the doors to the houses.
nobody can go out. This is to control, but on the other hand this is sentencing people
if you are sick, which means the family dies together. One gives to the other, because
you don't have the nourishment, you can't get the food and everything else. You
become weak, without immunity, and so many families have died together. In Wuhan
the death toll has passed seriously, 1 million people, but the Chinese nation has to be
honest with its people, and not the Keshe Foundation to show figures, and numbers,
with its citizens. (1:40). And I hope those who are true lovers of humanity will take,
not those who have been paid to reduce numbers. We are aware of it, I see secret,
what we call, information's, our intelligence is strong and powerful, and at the same
time we stay loyal to the Chinese nation, but when there is a problem it has to be
looked at and seen. Guan Lynn (GL)- Q: they have been applying TCM herbs
(1:42). Does the TCM play the same role as plasma? Keshe: We believe so, but it has
to be done in the correct way, Chinese Medicine is another version of Gans's, it's
made from the Gans's, but it has to be converted to it, not in its matter state. The
beauty with this knowledge is that we are a collection of the knowledge's, we are not
something elite that we are always right. But we have to understand and even operate,
I have a very big problem with Chinese Medicine as I explained to you, I know the
officials are always in the background reading whatever I put on, the opposition, or
what we call, discussion with the Chinese Medicine, is that the Chinese herbal
medicine is using the majority of it, what we call, poisons in it. And when you make a
Gans of poisons, or they want to mix the Keshe Foundation Technology with the
herbal medicine, we hear from the team which goes with Guan Zoe, which goes with
the military and the governments working, are mixing it, and boiling it, this has
become a lethal weapon, in the future to kill many more Chinese. (1:44). Because
Chinese herbs have such an in-depth of poisons in them, that now you bring it into the
food chain. This is why I object to those who think they are very clever in the Keshe
Foundation, and they are doing things, and I warned them before, if you want to, we
have an agreement with the Chinese universities, to do the trials, and I encouraged
them to do the trials, the Chinese have natural Gans's, but with the poisons they
become death traps. This is why the Chinese magnetical now-a-days isn't as effective
as in the olden days, because so many fertilizers and pesticides have been used that it
has changed their composition. Now when they enter the body they don't work, they
become poison and they create more injuries, in most of cases. That is why the
western medicine which is purified to one level looks better. As I said to the Chinese
professor when I was there a few weeks ago, where we started the clinical trials, is,
we can and should use all the natural herbs, not only Chinese herbs, but from Africa,
South America, and Europeans and Asians have their own herbs. If we go through the
cycle of growing herbs, third generation, which is the Gans Technology, which is
purifying that there are no pesticides coming from the ground or herbicides within the
structure of the plant, then yes, we are talking about the same. But at this moment,
Chinese medicine when they are unpurified and everything else, (1:46). then you are
injecting more poisons into the body, and they think oh, it's working now, yes, but
show me the body in 3 months time. New generation, then brain damage, and then
what will you say, oh we cured it, or something else. When a Knowledge Seekers
works with the knowledge of the Keshe Foundation, he has to be open to accept
everything, not just pushing the new Technology. We don't create new hypocrites.
The best, you have been with me many times GL in negotiations, I always say, the
Chinese herbs are another step for the Keshe Foundation, but first we have to purify.
At this stage 99.9% poisons, even Chinese Medicine doctors don't know. When we
started creating herbs like 200 years ago, where there were no fertilizers, pesticides or
poisons on these plants and they become pure, we can test it, then yes, it has to be, it
is made of us. It's us, we have seen it. China is the biggest producer of tea, but how
many of you have seen real Chinese tea in European markets. ** Why, because when
they test the tea the level of poisons and pesticides is so high it doesn’t pass
certification for entry into Europe and America. Here we go and we buy tea. In China
tea is given as a sign of love, respect, and care (1:48). as a gift. We give each other a
gift of poison. When we clean up and go back to the process of real bio-natural Gans
Technology or any other Technology, then yes, it has to be. But in the present time,
those who boil, what I hear in China, Gans with Chinese herbs and they say yes, it's
effective, yes the Gans is working but your poisoning, what you are boiling creates
more problems for the Chinese in 3 months , you have to pay for those souls, sir. You
become rich in the pocket, but your Soul becomes so poor that it can't find a place to
live. .. Never be prejudice I joined the Keshe Foundation, my son said, mom says I
have to study the Keshe Foundation teachings, but I want to go to university and do
this. I said, listen, knowledge is a step that we all have to go up in. The knowledge of
material, without is you can't live. This is another knowledge of the Plasma, you have
to learn to live with both, because you are made of both, and one is connected to the
other. Our knowledge as Knowledge Seekers we have to be very opened minded.
Never refuse another Technology, but build on it, unless it is fallacy. (1:50). If we get
this behavior, understanding, we'll always succeed because we are inclusive and not
exclusive. I cannot create the Gans of the Cu if the earth doesn't give me the material,
if the atmosphere of this planet doesn't create this Plasma. I can't produce CO2 if this
atmosphere doesn’t make it available to me, how can I make a CO2 without ** . Q:
Someone used only 1% salt and amino acid formed on the surface of the Gans, why?
Keshe: The salt goes back to the teaching of a couple of times before, that the salinity
dictates the creation of the matter state of the body. One salinity gives you the heart
muscle, one salinity gives you the lung tissue. So it should not be very hard to
(1:52). understand this, you change the salinity in respect to your environment, so yes
you have. Any other question? (1:54). .. . We are waiting for final instructions to
travel to Iran. Q: What is the process for getting a visa for American citizen to attend
the Tehran conference, you mentioned once possible special visa? Keshe: .. It has to
be approved by AK.. if we get the final approval in the coming days, there will be a
special arrangements made, as Trump will be invited as one of the members of the
conference. The Tehran C is a peace conference, we'll invite heads of state of Saudi
and Israel, it's a conference of peace in the understanding that, then there will be a
special arrangements between governments and to what limit we can allow people
(1:56). numbers are flying around at 10,000 attendees,
This is an international affair not the Keshe Foundation, when we invite heads of state
they have to be met by AK, this process is very extensive and needs a lot of
organization. The last time so many heads of state were in Iran it took the former
Shah nearly 5 years to organize it, and we are trying, because we have the power to
organize to get the world leaders in 2 months into Tehran. We have been told that if
President Trump attends, then President Xi will also. I have already put the US Keshe
Foundation on alert. ..
.. the world leaders have to decide how to unite. (1:58). All the religious leaders have
been invited, it has to be inclusivity and at the same time has to be the acceptance of
peace. When we share such a knowledge in such a platform.. when Knowledge
Seekers share what they have learned . .. then who is going to patent it. The Tehran
conference is not a KD conference, it's a conference of a change of attitude by all of
us. By it form world leaders to religious leaders to the point of understanding the
totality. .. with the ex-head of a government and he said to me, Mr. Keshe what do
you want from my nation, from you are telling that you have given and are giving to
us? I said, I want nothing, just make sure that no one dies of the virus. He said you
know these things don't exist anymore, (2:00). they exist in your head, but they exist
in the Keshe Foundation. He said, there is nothing I can tell you, we never had such a
gift so we don’t' know how to handle it. We are Americans, Chinese, we have to
safeguard Tehran, by showing the virus is eradicated in the next 2 weeks. I am
making the Tehran conference a virus free zone. Very soon we'll offer through the
Tehran office, hopefully once I get there, what we call virus tourism, we'll accept if
your nation doesn't accept. You know you have a virus ** we'll accept your plane,
your body and your Soul and we'll see you, meet you in Tehran and we'll send you
back home with no virus infection. When I called it a virus tourism one of the guys
was laughing at me. I said, they have no choice if someone gets this virus they have
no choice, they're sentenced to death. There are many rich people who will get this
virus. Their money can't buy their life. so we'll do it and we'll spend it on their nation
and on the people. Handling this virus is the way to unite humanity if you know how
to do it. Don't worry about a visa, get on a plane when your president flies in.
(2:02). .. I said, you know when the Iranian president went to New York to the UN
conference he was restricted to certain blocks, he could not go anywhere. He was
literally by law free, but by nation imprisoned, which is against the law of the UN, but
the Americans put it in their house. All the world leaders went to see him that he
didn't need to go anywhere. I said when Trump comes to Tehran we'll give him the
freedom and let him go where he wants to go, then he'll be ashamed of what he is
doing and what he has done. .. a lot of things are made to suit, and a lot of things we
make to suit. With the new Technology and sharing so freely we'll govern. Any other
question? Q: (2:04). (Krashmere has accepted the full time position of Keshe
Foundation global marketing ) once we go a few kilometers into the space and the
gas is tranStar Formationormed so our brains will have to tranStar Formationorm as
well, does that mean that the Plasma is so dependent on the conditions that for
example, that if we take the CO2 kit into space we would not be able to capture CO2,
so how would we be able to feed ourselves if we go into space and are not able to
capture the materials, and would it beneficial to find a way to create those conditions
on earth? Keshe: The thing is the magnetical fields always find a position where they
can position themselves. You don't come into the vacuum, you are positioned into
what you can receive. So that is not a worry. When you give a room to the Gans in a
different dimension, it will expand irrespective of its condition. the possibility is, this
is the favorite word of Rick, (2:06). energy or the expansion of an atom can fill a
Universe. So if you create a condition of the conversion of the field, 1 Gans can cover
the solar system. This is what the sun is. And that is why you find mercury as a liquid
in one planet and as a vapor in another. In a vacuum condition of magnetical field
they manifest themselves differently, but it is still mercury. Q: Do we have the same
elements on different planets or ..? Keshe: Of course, it's the energy of it, but it's just
that, if the Inertia is there to tranStar Formationorm them. Energy exists right across
all the levels of the Universe. It's the energy in what we call the Inertia level, in that
level which manifests the material in the state of liquid, gas, plasma or solid. Even
within mercury there is a ** even within the gold there is an O. In a plasmatic energy
field, because without it you can’t have the next level which is Na, you can't have the
energy of the link, for it to be there to become gold. It's a step up, but it depends on
the environment, (2:08). and the field strength of the environment, and then the
Inertia which is the matter state of it, which one ** manifests itself, it's like a light. Q:
Would that mean the physical manifestation of any element contains everything
below it ..? Keshe: below and above it. of course it doesn’t disappear, it's just that it is
not visible or useable to us. When you travel the field of the sun to the boundaries of
the solar system, at the boundary the field changes and we see ** at the more center
we see heavier elements. It's inside it, the full spectrum of it, it depends on how much
of the energy of it, that we use. It's like a banana, how much of it do you strip (peel).
As I said, many times before, if you think of a Plasma like an onion, the further you
go the bigger it gets, but in the body of it the taste is the same in every layer. If you
ever want to study the Plasma, cut 2 onions and put them end to end, and look at the
behavior, you'll see a real 2 or 3 dimensional Plasma. (2:10). Any other question? Q:
is it possible or good to put the Gans in ** for to spread the Cup of Life Gans to cover
bigger areas or is it not a good idea? repeat .. to put the Gans in the toilet to spread it
through the water system of the city, everyone can have some of these fields? (2:12).
Keshe: I presume you can, we have a friend in Argentina he puts it in the bottom of a
tank and everybody drinks from it. Q: how much do I have to produce to have a good
result? Keshe: You always have a good result, it depends on what you do. What is in a
Cup is effective in a cup, when put it into the water system through the toilet, now it's
bigger but it's the same amount of Gans. When you flush it, now it goes into a river of
it, so if everybody does it, then we see how you expand on it. A Gans, when you use it
long-term has to have a source. Many people just put a Gans in a bottle, it's there, it
has got .. it give energy out, okay, yeah it absorbs some, but if you want to have a
Gans which goes for a long time, you have to leave some of it in the bottom of the
cup. If you have a dynamic ball and just put water of the Gans in it, it will last maybe
a day or two, maybe a month, but it's energy is given and taken. It's not just that you
put it there, you wish it there. When you use something for the long term always leave
some of the physical Gans in it, then gradually you'll see it's not there, or it changes
color as it gives energy. Q: To multiply the Cup of Life Gans, (2:14). can I use the
health cup with the amino acid and do it like the orange that I tranStar Formationorm
into the water . ? the health cup with the 4 Gans, instead of the orange I would put
the Cup of Life there .. I wouldn't need to produce nano coated Cu and Zn and so I
could produce faster and a bigger amount of this Gans. instead of the orange I can put
the Gans of the Cup of Life there? Keshe: yes you can. (2:16). Q: I would to produce
more Gans and faster, Keshe: yes but you have to keep the Gans in there. Anything
else? Q: When I hand out the Gans water to family and friends, must this also be
inline with the desire to eliminate the virus, to have the intention? Keshe: With or
without the intention, it will do. Rick: Is that because your intention (Mr. Keshe) has
gone into the process? Keshe: Most probably. Q: John Argentina - How many grams
of salt into 1 liter to make One Cup? Keshe: We advise 15%, 150 grams per liter?
Keshe: roughly so, you can do it with more or less, but you get a different kind of
strength. If you are producing 2 or 3 Cup of Life then use different salinity, (2:18).
and then you'll have a collection of different Gans's. And mix them together. Make
sure you separately collect the amino acid on top. When you collect the amino acid
always carry some of the Gans at the bottom into the cup, then you keep the
environment correct. Q: It wasn't clear in the audio. Keshe: I have seen that
complaint. A doctor in Iran wants 1 hour of teaching directly for him and the Iranian
doctors. It doesn’t happen, I don't have that 1 hour. You have to educate yourselves, it
doesn't matter if you are the only doctor in Iran or many of you. I tried to teach as
much as possible. Wow, this is beautiful, I just received the final shape of the
Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) complete. Thank you very much Chinese
team. .. It has become absolute reality. .. (2:20). I am sure it will save many lives and
bring joy to many men in the space. As man said, we are ready to take off. The
Enhancement Unit structure is completed, I just received transmission now, and
outside it looks absolutely, what we promised. Q: I think we could recuperate
people who are very heavily effected by the Coronavirus, I imagine we could put
them in the Enhancement Unit and recuperate them? Keshe: You know ?** that's
what you're supposed to do. In space it will become your feeding station, your doctor,
material production. Once we show the Enhancement Unit in Tehran, you'll see 2
units in this shape (triangle), one is the enhancement for body and one for material.
(2:22). The two have to exist together, maybe we can produce the material that the
other one can take, ** the two go hand in hand. I was looking at the design of the new
Spaceship center in Arizona (Arizona) and it's gorgeous.. I'll ask John to show. The
centers are taking shape, he should show it, not me. They have designed how they
are going to position the 10 units in Arizona where the property has been bought.
They are working on it, Jamilla the head of ** is in the US seeing this through in
conjunction with John. .. they are waiting for the system to arrive. Maybe next weeks
teaching will come from the beautiful city of Tehran, where I'll be in conjunction with
Iranian scientists trying to divert this virus. We'll see how we can tame this unruly
animal. (2:24). Next question. If I have to go to Iran through the request of the
Iranian government to support, I will not be able to attend the court in Italy. Those of
the Italians who are here, please record this and pass it on to the Italian police force. I
was told that if I give this evidence in court I will become a criminal. I don't think
understanding the facts is criminal. There are certain facts missing which the police
could not put together and we can shape it up. Please, I know the Italian Universal
Council member and other Italians are here. This is for the Soul of Fabio, he has to be
freed from the injustice that was done to him. I'll explain this without accusation,
thoroughly, and exactly on the physical evidence. .. I was the last person to see Fabio
alive. As he got into the cars, our cars were parked next to each other, I got in on this
side, Fabio and Naomi got in on that side. At the point of accident the body of Fabio
is some meters away, estimated between 7 to 20 meters. (2:26). But the body of
Naomi has been found on the drivers side. There are a lot of discrepancies which have
to be considered by the Italian police. And it has baffled the Italian police. We got the
car and Fabio drove off, and me within minutes behind it. Fabio lives here and I live
around here, and we traveled on the same road, the distance is maybe 30 kilometers
(to Mr. Keshe's house), and then another about 30 kilometers to go to Fabio's house. I
come off at this junction, and F and nano travel on. The Knowledge Seekers always
helped us in our center in Barletta. You have to understand the topography there are a
few turn off's and 1 or 2 fuel stations somewhere in-between. The road construction in
this area of Italy is 2 track roads, which means both sides of the roads have 2 tracks (4
lane road). We usually drive on together until I get off here and they carry on. (2:28).
Fabio was found dead at this position (just before Knowledge turns off). The
discrepancies which the police couldn't understand is that at the point where the
junction is here. At the point of accident the car has been touched, by a truck, hitting
the barrier, whatever, rotating, stopping at this point, and the truck driver has carried
on and ** The witnesses have seen things slide out of the car, there is a very major
discrepancy in the whole package of this accident. Where Fabio was found on the
ground, understanding that the car has gone into a number of rotations after being hit
by a lorry. Fabio's body, because again I was the last one to see him, was into coffin.
We were allowed by the family to see Fabio, before the coffin was closed, to say the
last good-bye. The discrepancy that has baffled the police, (2:30). we have been told
the police have made a lot of, this accident they can't understand, is any speed, 30 to
50 KPH, whatever, that the body was thrown out of the car, there were no scratches
on the face or features of Fabio, except damage to the back of his head. .. if you throw
a body, an egg, or a tomato, potato, even if you throw a stone for 7 or 20 meters, in
the speed it doesn't land without any scratches of broken parts. This is what has
baffled the police, how can a body be thrown out of the car, thrown maybe 20 meters
and have no damage to body only to the back of the head. Strange enough is, when
you set the car and put the two passengers, the damage is only to the left side of
Naomi's head where she was ** blanked. We don't se the front screen (windshield)
smashed or a crack on it, and (2:32). and we find Naomi on this side when the police
arrive. Again what we see is only one damage to the side of the eye of Naomi, with a
hip broken. The puzzle is, how 2 bodies going through this crash, and being found at
such distances with no scratches or bruises on the body. It looks as if Fabio has fallen
on a point, he literally has collapsed. He is flown, stood up , and landed, just as
somebody who kneels down and died. There are central barriers here (road) and here.
So we presume that he has touched nothing and has flown all the way. And he landed,
which is against all the laws of physics. We are not accusing anybody of anything, but
as a physicist and somebody who understands the laws of physics, this is (accident) is
impossible, and this is what has baffled the Italian police and Interpol. We have seen
these kind of falls, when you are hit with a hammer in the back of the head, (2:34). or
you have been hit by the side of the head, the way we have seen with Naomi, with a
hammer. Which means Fabio was alive and he was attacked by a hammer in the back
of the head. And Naomi was alive, and attacked on the side of the head by the same
hammer. This hammer is what you have to ask the police and the authorities to check,
the size and the position. We need this as an evidence to be checked. Please send this
part to the Italian police. I tried to do it and I was told, everything possible, and my
evidence will give me 43 years of imprisonment. If evidence from a scientist is a
criminal offense to have, then there is something wrong with the law of Italy. If
Fabio's body carries no scars or any bruises, then flying 7 or 10 meters from the car,
and only bruised in the back, it means he has been attacked. Now we'll tell you how
he was attacked. this is because I am a witness and scientist, I can claim the right to
analyze the facts. As you know months before there was an attempt to kill me in
Barletta, where the police arrested a black man who came from Holland and
subsequently, he was released and he had to leave Italy. What has happened is,
(2:36). there is a story behind this. When we lived in the Insano and John as one of the
Knowledge Seekers who poisoned me. He told me something very strange , he said, I
explained to him, how when I was going from Antwerp , from gravitational ** to
Antwerp, going to Germany, a bomb under my car blew, and I could see the parts. I
pulled into the hard shoulder (of the road) but my engine was running so I knew I
better not stop, I came out of the first exit into the, coincidentally, the ** shoulder of
the Mercedes. What John told me is, "what we do," at that time I didn't know he was
an agent of Belgium, 'we make you to go on to the side (of the road) and when you
do, they attack you and kill you with a hammer or something.' Which was strange to
me, he said, when people, many scientists, when there are people we want this is how
it is done. He must have thought that I would never stay alive to remember this,
because he was poisoning me. So the plan was when my car was blown up, with my
sister and family in it, was to pull me to the side, and then do what he said. Strange
enough, we see the similarity (he puts Fabio's accident back on the screen). This
opens a number of things for Interpol, and international police, to look at the number
of people who submitted patents and new technologies, to the Belgium patent office,
and how many of them have been killed, (2:38). in roadside accidents. This opens up
a structure, ** was another, and killing scientists by accidents is another. And they all
have patents submitted to the Belgium patent office. This is part of the investigation,
we'll open in the European Court of Justice to show. Now understanding what
happened to us, it means that if they put a bomb in my car, we have all the invoices
from the Mercedes Benz of how they did it, because they blew up the electrical circuit
we had to fix. It shows a pattern of work. They had placed the bomb, that was the
only night we placed the car outside for Rubin not to wake up, as he was young, the
car was outside the secure yard, and they placed the bomb underneath. So it means
there is a tracker, two tracker cars, where they wait for you to get out of the car, and
then they hammer you. This is what we call into the court as a witness, and we have
recordings of this. If this is the case then it becomes like a road accident. But in the
case of Fabio, was a puzzle. It means the police have check, we two were tracked out
of the office, and Fabio with a faster car (2:40). passed me on going, the trap was set.
With this we'll release a very interesting information, because our analysis as a
physicist, it did not make sense because, we couldn't understand how in this position
the accident could happen, without anybody seeing. We always presumed that there
could be 2 trucks, but it still left the lane open for others to pass. We released an
interesting thing in 'facts about Derek', he picked it up, and he was writing, which we
have a copy of, he talks about 3 trucks, then the solution about the position is
resolved. two trucks blocked that nobody can see, the two cars, or the car that is
carrying the man with the hammer, on ** toll in-between. he pulls up, hits in between,
and goes. This is why the Italians could not find, because they were not aware of the
behavior of the Belgium's in killing scientists. I am not making accusations, because I
am the victim, and for this reason, we see other cars in videos, and the Italian police
have to see where our 2 trucks are, as Red Circle has told us, there were 3 trucks,
because how do you know if it was 3 trucks if you haven't paid for it. Now this has to
go to the police by the Italians as fast as possible, (2:42). that on a Tuesday trial on
the 25th, I will be in Iran, the Soul of Fabio can be defended. This is a preplanned
murder, I must have jumped in going out fast, and Fabio was trapped. It is for the
international police, for Interpol, and the Italian secret services, to decipher this,
knowing the new knowledge that this is how, an agent of Belgium government tells
me, in my face, how I would have been killed in that accident. We need to open up,
and see how many patents, and how many scientists in Europe have been killed this
way, road accidents, and see if they had submitted patents of a lot of value, which
ends up on the desk of the lover of the king of Belgium, who we know who he is. We
do not make accusations, we are very straight forward in what we put down. We stand
in the courts of law, and we'll show the invoices of the car damage, the position, and
Mr. John put on the system to cover. The position is very simple, please contact the
Italian police as I can't be in the court, as I have been told that I have been called by
the Iranian government to save and proceed with the enhancement for the virus, if I
get that call I have to go. (2:44). It's up to the Universal Council member .. and those
who love Fabio to make sure this knowledge, as part of the teachings, gets to the
Italian police as fast as possible. This is not a theory, these are the facts, and the only
thing the Italian police didn't know is that Fabio was working, supporting the Keshe
Foundation as a volunteer, and was working with a man who the Italian police have 3
times record of assassination planned for his life. Once in Rome, poisoning in the
Insano, shooting in Barletta, now we connect the whole lot through Fabio in this case.
You'll have to explain to the police how can a man fly, even you get an egg and throw
it a half a meter and what happens, let alone the softest and beautiful skin of Fabio,
and no scratches. When I stood at the top of the coffin before they closed it, I said to
myself, this is impossible. Caroline said, we both stood there, this is impossible how
could he be flying out of the car and no scratches or broken bones. Now we know
why. This is a planned assassination, just the wrong victim, because in the other car
was me and my son. (2:46). Please take this as fast as you can to the Italian police,
the case of Fabio. And I was told, there is a 3 years sentence if we simulate an
accident. We simulate in our head, understand the motion, it's simulated on a
computer to understand how we lost a friend. If that is a criminal offense then the
lawyer has to be imprisoned for making threats. When it comes, the biggest question,
if the Italian police can proceed with this, who has paid for all this? three trucks, 2
drivers, are they connected or is this an accident. Then we have more evidence to
connect Red Circle to Albania. This is not the place for it, but if I show you the
evidence which we'll give to the Italian police, it will be a shock to the whole system,
black and white evidence. We left Italy for this, because we were told there is another
plan of assassination, but I have the Belgium's on my life. (2:48). If you noticed, that
after the death of Fabio we moved to Africa, and there on to China, and now we
understand. A young boy should not have a hole in the back of his head, nor a young
girl a hole on the side of her head, but they could not find any blood inside the car.
My assumption is Fabio came running out of his car after the truck, because he loved
his car, and he got a hammer, and Naomi seeing him hit ran behind and she got hit on
the side, and put in the car. And all the simulations by the police confirms it is so. My
Italian friends we love your nation, but we don't like those who make threats against
us. I'm not stupid, I am extremely intelligent but we have to wait, until the court case
appears and we could give evidence in the court, and now we were told if we give
such evidence in the court, we'll get 43 years of imprisonment. And if evidence in
court gives imprisonment, explaining as a scientist what you see, then there is
something wrong with that nation, and there is nothing wrong with the nation of Italy,
we love you, and we have a beautiful life with and amongst you. And that was part of
the plan, to break up the family of the Keshe Foundation. (2:50). This is the truth
about the life of one of the most dearest friends of the Keshe Foundation. It took us
2.5 years to put all of this together, and we waited for the court case, but the wish of
God, the life of poor people, and the beautiful life of Fabio, has to be taken to the
Police immediately. This is a scientific analysis of an accident the way we analyze
Plasma Technology and everything else. There is no accusation but this is a statement
of fact, and the police will tell you, how and the shape and the size of the wounds are
the same and they look to come from the same hammer. That's all. I hope we bring to
justice, those who did injustice to us, as a family, taking such a beautiful boy out of
our lives. What made me to come out with it was the threat I received that I would go
to prison for 42 years if I bring this evidence to court. I am scientist and I can put, and
the police can confirm that I am correct. (2:52). We haven't made a simulation, we
understood the situation. Find who is responsible for Fabio's case and let them have
this imposition as fast as possible. We'll look after ourselves through international
governments. We do not make any accusations. This is a statement of facts, and now
police have to understand how the facts have taken place. What we understand,
possible, that they have been parked along somewhere (along the road) waiting for
instructions, they saw us leaving Barletta, to move in sequence, preplanned. And
possibly, the car that did the hit, there could be many people involved. Maybe not the
truck driver that was at the scene. But there is one thing, the connection we have with
Red Circle ends up with an Albanian. Now you see how everything is the
responsibility of the police of Italy to decipher. It was the fourth attempted murder on
me, but unfortunately, Fabio got caught. Or was it a plan to kill him, to teach me a
lesson to stop and give everything to the Belgium's. They didn't pass poisoning my 6
year old son. (2:54). The damages and losses for the lives of Fabio and Naomi, has to
be paid by the state of Belgium. I told that when I am finished with the European
Court of Justice, the kings of Belgium will cry for their lives. They told us that is was
all dreamed getting poisoned, a dream getting done, now it's the reality, that you come
in to. Why should somebody get hit in the head with a hammer, a young boy and girl.
the point came when we triggered, I told you many times we release information in a
coded way, we push to see what happens. We pushed, and we go the 3 trucks, they
made senses to us. The 2 trucks pretending to break speed, slowly passing each other,
they had created a scene, in which they could do whatever they wanted. These roads
are so narrow that when you put 2 trucks through you can't se anything through them.
Please pass this to the Italian police, to further our case, to the Secret Service, (2:56).
anywhere you know as Italians. It is your responsibility to put the Soul of Fabio at
rest. I have done kept it that it can be done in the courts, but I was told that if I release
it I'll get 43 years imprisonment if I go to court and give this evidence. And I said,
how come, in which country now, that stating facts brings criminality. Even if you fly
1 meter you get bruised, and even if you fall 1 step in front of you on your face, you
bruise on the top. What is horrible to me, is the man who hit, was holding him, and
they just let him down, that was their mistake. The same the man who hit Naomi, has
done it, and pushed her back in the car. And then they opened the traffic, and first **
** lied. I go to prison 42 years if I am wrong. Don't forget I am one of the leading
physicists in the world. (2:58). And one of the top, interaction plasma state, knowing
where everything goes and how it goes. Tell the police we want the x-rays and the
measurements of the holes, and what ** , and let's see. Red Circle, (2:58). the bells
have rung, the eleventh floor is not high for your crimes. We release the connection of
Red Circle to the Albanians, to the Italian police, and then we'll release it to you as
public. The cost of such operation, trucks to bring in, plans, at least half a million.
Who invests this kind of money to kill a man. A king who has stolen from his own
nation. He didn't have a daughter, he is a lair and a cheat. At least I don't need to go to
court to get 43, I'll wait until they come after me, and give me 45. The interesting
thing is the left side of Naomi's head where the injury is, that was supposed to be with
the glass, if she was on the passenger side, she would have been hitting Fabio, on this
side, but there is no mark or anything on the side of the face of Naomi. This is what
puzzled the police, was how come she had the injury on the side, she was put in the
passenger side, after she ran out of the car, with a broken hip, and put back in. (3:00).
Fabio your Soul is free. Please put this directly to the Italian police. thank you very
much. This is analyzing, and making no accusation about the murder. and my analysis
is 100% correct when the police come to it. The payment by the Belgium government
to Fabio's family and Giovanni has to be much more than an insurance policy. They
have suffered enough. Thank you for today and let us celebrate the most beautiful

Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries

(317 through 3 >> )
317th Knowledge Seekers Workshop for Thurs, February 27, 2020
( , )


SUMMARY 1: (time : :06 to :28 minutes)

In today's workshop we would like to raise a number of points in respect to the Keshe
Foundation (Keshe Foundation) work with the virus and go over them step by step.
It's important to explain in more detail for the Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge
Seekers) on how to protect themselves through the modes of prevention and
disinfection. The Keshe Foundation has developed systems that can be deployed and
used to cover a number of countries as they are getting produced. Tonight at 9 PM
will be an emergency meeting for the support groups and everything else that is being
built up in Iran to handle the recent outbreak. The virus has been carried from Iran to
Italy, and now Brazil has received their first infected person from Italy. We are
looking for the Italian community to come back to the Keshe Foundation so that we
can setup support systems to help handle the situation there. The stage of recovery is
already gone, so if you don't have the virus by now, it means you don't need to
recovery, but you need to learn how to prevent getting it.

Deliberate Spreading Among Iranian Leaders:

We have heard that a number of world leaders have been put away in safe and secure
positions, and will probably not be seen in public for a long time to come. In addition,
many ministers have been locked behind their offices and will run the government
from behind closed doors. The number of countries in this situation is increasing and
if they loose their ministers and head of armies, then the governments will run into
problems. The assistant health Minister in Iran has been taken ill in the past few days.
Because of the way the virus has been deliberately spread, many of the Iranian
ministers are being held in quarantine. Just before elections it is tradition for all the
Moslems of Shia background to visit a particular shrine. They deliberately sprayed the
shrine so that when the people touched it, they would carry the virus with them. It was
a deliberate act and in due course we'll tell you how, and by whom it was done. After
touching the shrine, then all these ministers met with each other last weekend for
political campaigning. So now the infection has spread throughout the highest
ministerial level of the parliament. The Keshe Foundation has reached out to help and
we expect the different Keshe Foundation organizations across the world to emerge in
Keshe Foundation Procedure in Iran:
The procedure that the Keshe Foundation Iran has created is to setup a central "all
leading group" which oversees Keshe Foundation leaders in every district in the
whole of Iran. All states in Iran will be covered. Iran has responded immediately with
hundreds and thousands of what we call, "Gans availability", or people who are ready
to deliver Gans to those in need. The channel runs 24 hours a day and people literally
come online and ask for help, and within hours, materials are delivered to them, and
then they are taught online how to make it for themselves. I was on call until about 4
AM this morning and we estimated that we saved many, many lives. Children who
know how to use the Internet came online to ask help for themselves, their families,
and other people who are infected.

The full reports are showing that use of the Gans water results in an immediate
reduction in the fever and the loss of the pain. We are gathering all of these people to
come and give their testimonials to the government in the next few days. By
tomorrow morning we expect a number of hospitals in Tehran to start using the
technology to prevent and to reverse the virus. It's the job of the Iranian government
and officials to announce this development. And hopefully if they do, we'll let you
know which hospitals and doctors are using the technology so that you can go there
and get immediate help. We expect the Keshe Foundation around the world to make
the same kind of setups in their own countries, what we call, the "immediate response
group." In Iran they are well setup and they have doctors and people responsible for
each district, able to respond the minute the calls start coming in. When they get a
request, they get in touch with the people in that district who are carrying the Gans
water, and they deliver it to the people in need. The procedure is very simple, all you
need to do is to setup a central headquarters of operation, and then in each area you
create another headquarters that reports back to the central one. This is done in each
state, and can be broken down to cities and major cities in that district.

The number of infected people worldwide is beyond the understanding of the present
time. The figures you see reported on the charts for the nations, is just for public
consumption. The reality is far worse and it can't be discussed because most of these
ministers and heads of state have never been trained to save their nations. They have
only been trained to spend their nations money in a way that they should not have,
and now there is nothing to support this crisis. Now the biggest problem we see is
coming from the doctors, the elites, and the stupid educated, what we call, specialists
who can't understand what we are presenting because it wasn't in the books when they
went to school 50 years ago. Their technology hasn't gone any further.

The reality now is that people are coming online, and I literally go online and teach
them step by step, what to do, what to expect, and how to set things up to protect
themselves. We have cases of children going online, the mother and father and family
have all been infected, and they start helping the whole family. Last night and this
morning, while I was helping online, it brought back to me beautiful memories, and is
what we call, dejavu, or the repetition of what we have seen in the past. For me it
went back to the 1970s and 80s when I was a student in Queen Mary's College, being
trained as a nuclear physicist. In many parts of my education, the knowledge was so
elite, that it was literally coming hot off the press. I used to sit across the table, one on
one with my professors. They were teaching me from their own books, research, and
even their own PhD research. There was no book for me to read, they were teaching
me form their own experience and knowledge and it was for me to carry it forward.
The teaching was specialized, how to, for example, control nuclear reactors, or what
to do if a nuclear bomb was running out of control, or what we have to do if one hits a
nuclear power station. The strange thing was that as I was helping this little girl
online, and I was having the same feeling as back then, there was just an age gap of
50 years. At that time I was in a position where I sat across from my professors and
was being taught the edge of science that nobody could imagine. At that time the
nuclear technology was so advanced, and now here I am teaching youngsters the new
science to save their own lives, one on one. You can see their gratitude and kindness,
and how they absorb and observe what we call the plasma technology. However, this
technology has a big problem, it is too advanced for humanity, because humanity was
kept in the dark for so long.

People Change when no Other Hope:

To all Keshe Foundation supporters, wherever you are, equip yourself with Gans
waters as much as you can to help yourself and others. People will call you back when
they realize they have no other hope. We had a case last night on the emergency
backup in Iran, a gentleman came in and made a lot of accusations that this is a money
making scheme and you have done this and that, and you are frauds and the rest of it.
He even insulted all the backup teams and went into the private Chats. About 2 or 3
hours later he called back, crying, that he wants help for his mother, apparently she
got infected. This is how people change, and this is the shape of the things to come.

This technology would have already been well used and have been spread across the
planet by now, if it hadn't been for a group of pedophiles who tried to steal the
technology, and for some heads of nations who were leading these pedophiles, with
what was called, the "free-energy" group, and if we hadn't stopped them they would
have killed many more children. But today, unfortunately or fortunately we are in this
position and we have to make the best of it.

Presently, our total loss from the virus in China runs beyond 5 million. We do not
exaggerate. I have been told that they have confirmed that China passed 1 million
some weeks ago, and now the losses are heading for the 5 million mark. The Chinese
government reports no contamination in some 20 plus provinces, but are still having
increases where it originally broke out. From our own figures we can see that the
situation is Iran is becoming crucial, and Italy is next in line. We estimate that Italy
will loose massive numbers in the coming weeks.
India Bypassed until Trump Goes Home:
From all the tracking and the data of this disease we can see that it is tailor made, and
you have to be prepared for such an eventuality. It's beyond deciding who gets
infected and who gets benefited by it. So what happened is, first China got hit, then
Iran, and now Italy. But strangely enough India which is in the direct pathway to Iran
but is untouched. Coincidently, the American President is supposed to be in India for
a big transaction to swipe off the wealth of that nation, and while he is in India, there
are no reported cases. India is fabricating figures and is being controlled until after the
President siphon's off their safes, and central banks through contacts in the name of
his own companies. It's clear that he wants to change the headquarters of his empire to
India. This will be disclosed later on. As I explained in part of the teachings very
recently, the US is going to get hit very bad. We see the same conditions taking hold
in America by all of those who flew in from Italy. Western Europe will be covered in
the next 2 weeks. The problem with the Keshe Foundation supporters is, that you
were, 'caught sleeping on duty'. Be prepared this virus is taking hold beyond
imagination. Back to what I said at the beginning of this teaching, the reality is, every
man is on his own. You are the last man standing.

Their Plan Backfires:

Originally their plan was only just to hit and disable, and then start a new kind of war
to take over. The infection in Iran was supposed to damage the Iranian structure so
that the American military could attack at the point of weakness. But the problem is
deeper and the one thing that these people didn't calculate, as I explained in the other
teachings, is that these two nations, Iran and Italy share the same flag, but in different
directions. They have tailor made the genes into this virus, but they didn't know that
the genome base in Iran and in Italy is very close, so the Italians picked it up.
Unfortunately the Italians took it from the Iranians, and now they have taken it across
the world. It's not the Chinese now who are spreading it, it's Italians and the Iranians
in the Middle east. Many Italians live in the Americas, and especially in North
America. We saw in the last few weeks, that every Chinese restaurant in the western
Europe and most of the world became empty because people were afraid. Now we'll
see the same with the Italian pizzerias. Then where do we go next. Shutting borders
and trying to hold it back has started. The problem now will be that the nations will
start isolating themselves. It was not calculated to be this way, but this is how it has
turned out. The biggest loser in this game will be the USA. You'll understand why in
the next 4 weeks if the events take place the way we see it.

Expect Massive Natural Disaster in China:

We expect a massive, a massive natural disaster in China. It will be followed with
floods and probably with droughts. The only problem is nobody will be there to help,
as everybody will be afraid to get the infection. The same can be said for Iran and it
will go that way right through to Europe. Now nobody will be prepared to send their
people to save the others. Again it has become one nation, all standing for themselves.
Brazil has to Prepare:
The state of Brazil has had its first report. Soon we'll make an announcement on the
Brazilian Chat lines regarding supporting Brazil. The Brazilian Keshe Foundation,
you have to setup the support system the way we have done it in Iran. You setup an
emergency team, and through that team you will find out those who are holding the
Gans's, in which state and how fast you can get to the Knowledge Seekers. The Keshe
Foundation Brazil has to become active, directly, with all the Brazilian supporters
who are there and a structure has to be setup that can carry this out. You need to find
out all of the doctors who are working with the technology and where they are

No Mortality expected Among Knowledge Seekers:

It is very important that all of the Knowledge Seekers follow the procedures we are
about to present in this workshop. The Keshe Foundation management team is
following it and if you follow you will also be safe. We don't expect any mortality
within the Keshe Foundation across the world for those who are familiar with and use
the Gans's and have made the Cup of Life.

To all Knowledge Seekers, make sure you have everything you need for yourself and
enough to give to the others. We'll open a channel to each country. It's important that
you do not open a separate channel in your country. Every channel must go through
the Keshe Foundation so that we can monitor it and make sure that the people are
getting the correct help. Now that people are in a panic we need to control it. We do
this because we have found that even the old Knowledge Seekers, and I do not know
how, but they cannot always give the correct support and right information. So we'll
try to give our support and put everything into a worldwide central organization, what
we call, the 'Central Committee Organization of the Keshe Foundation.' We want to
give the Italians a chance to come back in under what we call, "Italy support." As you
speak in Italian, this will allow the Italian public to know where to come for help.
We'll monitor it and come in when you need help. We'll set this up by today. Don't
setup anything which is not under Keshe Foundation control, because we need to be
able to support you. This will be announced internationally in the coming days, once
we start controlling and holding the conditions in Iran, which should be within the
next 7 days.

The Universal Sepah:

We are planning for the Iranian Sepah teams to distribute the technology across the
planet in groups of 30 to 50 officers. This means that the only people who will travel
into China during disaster, or into Italy, will be members of the Sepah, equipped with
the latest knowledge and technology to support the nations. As we said, Sepah is
universal, and we'll bring this beauty of Iran to all the nations. It is important for the
Iranian central government and the Iranian Sepah to be ready to deliver this within the
next 2 weeks. The Iranian Sepah will be part of the international rescue teams, and
most probably the only international rescue team, which will carry all the equipment
necessary to support hospitals, governments, and officials, until they can train the
officials in the right way. This is the only way we see, to use such an elite force,
which is dedicated to the safety of a nation, to also be used to safeguard the
international borders and governments.

These are not mercenaries, these are men of peace, trained to reverse the conditions of
what we call, Coronavirus, which was spread by the Americans. As usual, the Iranians
have to clean up the mess that these people create. We'll announce the collaboration
with the Iranian government and which of the groups of the Sepah of Iran. The
foreign offices will be contacted nation by nation, and the latest equipment will be
flown in to deliver the technology to safeguard the nations and then they'll do mass
teaching of the Keshe Foundation technology for the country's development.

One of the most important things for the Keshe Foundation members is, as such, do
not dismiss anything. Do not dismiss a single call, do not dismiss a sweat.

(First Summary Excerpt to here: How Keshe Foundation will Respond Worldwide )


SUMMARY 2: (time: :28 to 1:14 minutes)

How to use Cup of Life Gans for Virus, How Virus Mutates

I would like the Keshe Foundation team in the background to record this part from
now on, because this is important for all of you and your families. Your lives can
depend on it.

How the Virus Works and Mutation:

The first thing you have to know in detail is how this virus works, and from the
mental point of view you need to understand that this virus mutates. This is one thing
that the Gates Foundation did not calculate, they wanted to change the genetic code so
that it would reduce the population, but one thing that they did not consider was the
mutation of this virus. We'll explain the science of how it mutates later on. What we
have seen in the Chinese and Iranian structure is that when you solve the problem and
get rid of the virus, if there is even one virus cell leftover, then it mutates to a new
one, and if again there is one cell leftover, it mutates to yet another new one. And
every time it mutates it becomes stronger. By understanding the knowledge of the
Keshe Foundation, we know the reason why it mutates. We look at viruses as packs of
energy that encircles the cells of the body magnetically with their fields. The virus is
acting strange for other people, because they do not understand how it is being
transmitted from Iran to Italy.
If you go back to the knowledge, as you know magnetic (magnetical) fields travel,
and even if it is from another part of the universe, but it has the same field strength as
the earth, it will reach the earth. This is what we see in the depths of the stars, in the
deep sides of the universe. The reason why it jumped from Iran to Italy, as I explained
before and drew you a map, is because the Iranians and Italians are deep rooted in
each others blood for centuries. So it was obvious that the next step was from Iran
was Italy. As it had already jumped from China, and now it jumped further to Italy, it
has not only mutated, but has also become stronger. The spreaders of this virus
infected the environments in certain countries, but they never counted on the virus
itself, as being able to use plasma technology in a natural way. Now we see it rapidly
mutating into North America, as many Americans are of Italian descent. The problem
is that people of Italian descent heavily populate the Eastern part of the US, and the
Iranians the west side in Los Angeles, so the disaster will cover the whole of the
nation. We understood that this was the reason for it's rapid growth in Iran and Italy.
We also saw this very clearly in the change from China to Iran, and I was expecting
this to happen, and when I saw it spreading rapidly, I understood at once, that they
had seeded the spread of the virus. (** he said something about a particular group
having mixed blood over centuries, maybe a Chinese group). This is genetic
modification by the gene itself and it will circle the planet. We are in the age of man
destroying himself by the greed of Mr. Gates. When you buy a patent (of the virus) to
destroy, it destroys you. What is important for them to understand is that, just because
you started the virus doesn't mean you can stop it. Now you understand how it will

The Virus has Emotion and a Soul:

What happened is that the virus has made a link into the cell, through any of its
combinations of Amino Acid (amino acid). The strange thing is, and it is what you
and the world of medicine have not understood, is that this gene has emotions. When
they set this gene up, they never understood about the world of physics. The virus has
created its own Soul. This virus is shaped like a crown and it has a second circle
around it. The existence of the two circles leads to the creation of magnetic fields,
which gives it the life to mutate. This is why it is called Corona, which means the
"crown" virus, because it sits like a crown over the cell. This is exactly what we have
been explaining for the past 10 years. The shape of the "Crown" or Coronavirus is the
shape of two magnetic fields embedded and encircling each other. One of the plasmas
is of the amino acid, or the cell, and the other one is the energy of the virus. It has
created its own life, and this will take shape further and further as it mutates. It's like
when Man went from Africa to Asia, along the way he mutated his shape and color to
be able survive, and became the Indians and the Chinese. This virus will be with us
for a long time to come, because it envelops and encircles the whole cell.

Gates, Population Reduction, American Injection:

The logic behind the Gates Foundation's action was to reduce the population. My
message to the Gates Foundation is very simple, we are 7 billion happily living on this
planet, we have our own faults as big families do, but if this place is too small for you,
you don't need to eliminate 7 billion of us, just eliminate 7 members of your family,
then you don't need to suffer with us. We know that mercury, aluminum, and lead, are
playing some kind of role in this virus injection the Americans are giving. We also
saw this with the children's immunizations, so we could be heading for another
disaster from having so much poison in the body from these injections. We have
requested data from the Chinese government and very soon we'll release it. It is time
to tell, and time to see.

Emotions controlling the Virus, from Animals:

We see in this process how the virus is changing and mutating. It's an energy, which
has found the energy of the cell, and with it, it has created its own Soul, which means
it has a brain and will dictate where it wants to go. It has so many diversions, and it's
energy pack will go down the race channel to every nation. It's very simple how this
energy is being tranStar Formationerred. The cell as an energy pack needs an amino
acid or a protein, like your skin on the table, or your spit on the chair, or your sweat
somewhere else, and as your amino acid's are weak, the virus makes a connection to
feed them, because in essence, they came from the same amino acid structure field.
This virus is tranStar Formationerring itself to the leftover residues of the body of the
man. That's why when you touch the bottom of a lid, or touch an object which
somebody else has touched, you carry into the weaker structure and then it encircles
it. You invite it by touching it, which allows it to connect first to your cell, and then it
shows itself by manifesting symptoms. Interestingly, a few teachings before, I spoke
about the emotions of the animals, and that is where this disease came from. Now you
can understand that this virus has emotion, a very deep emotion. It means that it
copies the emotion of the man who gets it, this is why in some people initially the
disease goes away and they're fine, and then they catch it for a second time and they

It became very apparent that the emotions are in control of this cell, because the brain,
the skin, and the cells of the lungs are all part of the operations of the emotions in the
man. And the skin, brain, and the lungs are all from the same type of cell. When you
have an emotional problem and you get an asthma attack, you see what happens with
your breathing, or when you get distressed and can't speak and then you start to
cough. In the same way, when this virus enters your emotional system, which your
lungs represent, you start having respiratory problems. Or like when you get an
asthma attack and you spray yourself to kill it, it never fully goes away because you
didn't sort out the emotional problem. This time, the virus is like a very powerful

Soul of the man Communicates with the Soul of Virus:

We see from all the reports coming in from China and Iran that there is a very clear
pattern with this disease of, first an asthma attack, then followed by heart failure, but
officially they call it an infection of the lungs. In a way, it's like a very strong and
powerful asbestos, only that it is also alive and is able to make decisions. Let me
explain further to you, how you die. This is from the reports coming from the Chinese
health authorities and directly from doctors at the hospitals in Iran. The virus enters
through the two breathing channels of the nose and mouth. If you understand the
depth of the knowledge the way we do, as I told you, the virus is a living thing and he
has a Soul and he has created for himself an emotion. In passing through your
breathing channels it tranStar Formationers its emotion to the Soul of The Man (Soul
of the man). The Soul of the man understands, and then tell the virus where to go, in
this case to the lungs. "Because the Soul can't show the pain of the core feelings of
the virus, so they create. It's in your arm or leg .. then it tells the virus where it's
needed, and how it can show its sorrow and pain to the body itself. Now you
understand how you absorb it and how the brain and the Soul have decided, this is
where we create a condition for it to find a place."

In this process, according to the scientific data, as the virus takes position in the lungs,
they get flooded, because the virus is trying to create food for itself by changing the
conditions of the lungs, and this is how the virus lives. We know that each lung works
for 1 hour on and 1 hour off, and the operational exchange of the energy for the blood
is done on these sequences. When the virus enters the lungs, maybe it goes to the
inactive lung, which is at rest and not ready to defend itself, and this allows the virus
to set in and start to grow. Then, by the next set of breathings, and the change of
time, the second lung starts the transition of the virus. Then you have a more
advanced one working against the weaker one. The two lungs start exchanging energy
to build up and support each other, then we see the lungs getting flooded and a change
of condition.

The strange thing is, from the reports of the Iranians doctors, who have been witness
to many deaths, they say that these people are young, extremely healthy and athletic.
There was a guy who came in, that was a mountaineer, and out of nowhere had a
cardiac arrest and died after 5 hours. All the patients with this virus die of cardiac
arrest. Now we understand how and why, as I explained in the other teaching, in the
process of the exchange of the energy between the two lungs, after they use up all the
energy, they turn and lock into the energy of the heart, which brings in all the energy
from the rest of the body and they consume it. The heart cannot cope with serving the
body and the virus, and it goes into overrun, heart attack, and death. The process we
are dealing with is an energy tranStar Formationer, and emotionally it has the
capability to meet it.

With the traditional medicine we know a lot, but with the new plasma technology of
the Keshe Foundation we know the how. In the Cup of Life (Cup of Life), which I
gave you, I specifically designed it to accommodate this. I gave you a Cu, Nano
coated Cu, and a Zn. "Some of the Cu, are the element of the Zn." The Cup of Life
produces a certain amount of ZnO, CuO, and CO2. This is why the Gans water works
and if you don't have the Gans from a Cup of Life, then we insist that you use a
combination of 50% Cu, 30% CO2, and 20% Zn. Zn is the elevator of the Soul. By
drinking, breathing, and covering (patches or spraying), with the Gans water you keep
on strengthening the Soul, for it to strengthen the Soul of the virus, to give it satiStar
Formationaction of life. This is how most of this process of reversal comes. The CuO
is to take the energy from the virus, CO2 is to create the connection. Now you
understand why we set this process up.

How to Test for the Virus:

The following is how you can check to see if you have the virus. If you don't have
Gans then you can do the 10 second breathing test. Every morning when you wake up
or any time during the day, you can simply hold breath for 10 seconds by pinching
and closing both of your nostrils with your 2 fingers. If you don't cough or run out of
breath, then it is 90% sure that you are okay. But, if within these 10 seconds you are
forced to cough, or you feel an irritation in your throat to cough, or you see that you
can't hold your breath, then you have a 90% chance of having received a kind of
infection from the virus. It all depends on which stage you are in, but generally
sometime around 10 to 25 days from the first day that you test positive, you may
begin to show fever and the rest of the symptoms of the virus infection. The virus
takes root straight away in the lungs, and you may be carrying it without showing any
symptoms. This is what we call matter state testing.

Gans Test:
With plasma testing the process is different, you can use the Gans water from the Cup
of Life or the combination of Gans's stated above (Zn, Cu, CO2). Spray your head,
chest, and back, once a day (or twice a day if you are worried), and if you feel pain,
headache or pressure, it is 100% sure that you infected with the virus. Don't confuse
psychosomatic, placebo, or hypochondriac reactions for the real thing. Try to
understand if you are feeling a magnetic field pressure from energies tranStar
Formationerring inside you, and not the kind of headache you take aspirin for. If you
feel pressure on your head, it means the energy is tranStar Formationerring from the
Gans to the Soul and is taking place at a high level, and that energy tranStar
Formationer creates heat or what we call magnetic field pressure. Look for the same
reaction when you spray the Gans waters outside the lungs on the chest. People
sometimes say there is a pressure and they can't breath. In China people who have
been using the Gans water have reported experiencing these kind of pains. When the
doctors and hospitals start using the Gans technology, they will use this procedure to
test if the people have the virus or not. First through the physical test of holding the
breath, and then testing through spraying the Gans, if both are positive, then you have
it. To cover yourself for the long term, you can make yourself 3 or 4 different Cups of
Life, and even though they are all from the same material, they will create a slightly
different strength of the Gans, which will give you a spectrum to cover any mutations
in the virus.

If you Test Positive:

As soon as you test positive, immediately inform your family and the people with
whom you have had contact with. You can go back and bring them a Cup of Life and
a paper that tells them what to do. You need to tell them, 'I think I may have infected
you with the Coronavirus. You had better cover yourself.' You have to follow the
following procedure without failure. This disease effects the Soul and the lungs. In
that process, the Soul of the Physicality (Soul of the physicality), which is the heart of
the man sits between the lungs. The minute you are infected, the chain has been built.
The separation of the physicality from the Soul starts, because they are aware of what
is to come. You need to support both the Soul of the physicality and the Soul of the
man, the process has to be in this way.

PROCEDURE with Cup of Life Gans Water:

The first thing you do, within 5 minutes, is to spray both sides of your chest, wet your
chest with the Gans water from the Cup of Life every hour. This is on the condition
that you are infected, for prevention we have come too late.

The Gans water tranStar Formationers the energy of the virus, from your body into
the Gans and this will dissipate into the atmosphere or your clothing. You are
depleting the energy of the virus, this is all that you can do. Don't forget the heart is in
the center of the two lungs, if you think of your brain as a top reactor, in reality, you
have made your Star Formation, and in a way, it gives the chance for the Soul to take
its flight. Then, after you spray your body, immediately, you spray your face, or wet it
with the water of the Gans. Please do not try to wash your head with the water, just
spray around your head. Again by the same principle you are tranStar
Formationerring energy out of the virus, while at the same time you are tranStar
Formationerring energy in, to satiStar Formationy the Soul. When you spray the face,
you take the energy out of any cells that may have landed on it. Using Zn on your
head elevates the Soul. The third step is to immediately use the Gans water to wash
away any materials of contamination that could be present, and at the same time feed
the Soul.

Every 15 minutes to 1 hour, take one sip of about 50 mls of Gans water.

Next, put the Gans water in what we call a Hubble bubble, or a Shi Sha or whatever
you call it. If you don't have one you can easily make one with coca-cola bottle, put a
hole in the top with a straw or pipe that reaches to the bottom, and then a second straw
on the side above the water line. Fill it up with the Gans water and inhale for at least
10 minutes every hour. When you inhale, you take the energy inside the lungs, and by
having the other energy, which is weaker outside on the skin, you deplete the energy
of the virus. Your fever should drop within a short time, and if you have a high
temperature it should come down within one hour, three hours maximum. When the
fever goes away, don't get fooled. If you had a cough, depending on how bad the
lungs were damaged, it will repair itself over the days. You might also loose most of
the irritation very rapidly and the sweating will go.
You'll carry on with this process for two to three months. Somewhere you will stop.
The strangest thing is, that when the Soul is satiStar Formationied, it will inform the
arm to not give you any more water. We see this with all the plasma technologies.
When I used to help people they always asked me, 'when do I stop.' I used to tell
them, the day you say, 'oh I forgot to drink,' is the day that you have reached the steps
of completion. When you're not hungry, you don't eat, because the body doesn't need
it. It's the same with this, you'll find out that you forget doing it, because there's no
need for it.

To summarize again what you do to recover from testing positive for the virus.

You spray your body, your chest front and back every hour.
Spray the face and the whole head every hour.
Drink the Gans water every hour. Please DO NOT drink the Gans.
Inhale every hour for 10 minutes directly with the Gans water.
If you follow this process you stand a good chance of surviving the situation.

(** Do this for 3 days, then step down to prevention, that is you keep yourself safe, 2
to 3 times per day, then you drink water every hour. **)

Those of you who have not tested positive and feel you are okay and not infected, can
do the prevention stage.

Spray your face, head, and body every morning when you get up, and every evening
just before you go to bed.
During the day you need to drink at least 300 to 500 mls of the Gans water in stages.
Inhale at least 1 or 2 times per day, for 10 to 15 minutes.

You have to do this with all the members of your family, the cat and dog, and spray
the door handles, and everywhere else in your house. When you make your Gans, the
first wash is too salty, but don't throw it away, you can use it for the door handles and
disinfecting your house, including sheets and pillow cases. When you use public
transportation don't be afraid to spray your seats, so what if they call you a lunatic, it's
your life. If you wear a mask, always spray the mask, and wait 3 minutes before you
take it off, because the Gans will go inside and change the position.
One of the worst things people keep on telling you is that when you put a mask on,
not to touch it, because virus is sitting on the outside of it. But what if you are infected
yourself, without knowing it, now you are breathing the virus into the mask, and the
mask then can infect others. Make a container and fill it with either CuO or Cup of
Life Gans water, and then drop the masks into it, because that way you will deplete
the energy of the virus.
Never put Masks in Plastic Bags:
Never put the masks in a plastic bag, doing so comes from the lack of understanding
of the totality. As I explained before, the plasmatic connection between the amino
acid and the C-H bond of the plastic, becomes a breeding ground for holding to the
virus. Never, ever use a plastic bag to put your mask in, a paper bag is okay because
even if the virus is still alive you can control it, and can soak it in Gans water to
disinfect it. On the other hand, remember to wash and disinfect your hands with the
Gans water.

Knowledge Seekers have Yet No Fatalities:

When you get on the plane or bus, spray the plane or bus, because not only do you
disinfect for yourself, but also for the others. Be very, very calm, because by using the
technology you have most probably protected yourself well enough. What we have
seen up to today is that the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers have had no
fatalities. We get infected, but because we continuously use the Gans materials we
protect ourselves.

You have to be very careful when it comes to your environment, and how the
environmental energy pack gets tranStar Formationerred. Whatever you touch, your
fingerprint is the carrier, it carries an amino acid and with it the infection. Whatever
you breathe is the carrier, wherever you sit, sleep, touch, or kiss is the carrier.
Anything which has the amino acid combination, which is this C-O-H-nano, is a

Watching Plants and Mutations to the Skin:

We are not raising an alarm, but we are looking see if the combination from Fe would
ever change to Mg, if this happens we'll start seeing infections among plants. The
amino acid is the same and the only difference is between the Fe and the Mg. We
have had two reports up to now, of skin being agitated when sprayed with the Gans
water. At the moment, it doesn't show any rash yet, but there is skin irritation. We'll
continue watching this closely. In our school of thoughts, the brain, skin and lungs are
all the same. There is a possibility, but we have only seen two cases worldwide up to
now, that the virus through its mutations could move from the lungs to the skin. If this
happens, you will literally see, flesh disappearing and getting infected. We have not
seen this stage yet. Mutation to the strength of the skin of the man in the level of
emotion has not be seen. But we did receive two reports and I informed the Iranian
team to watch for this. It is crucial for the Knowledge Seekers to have a total
understanding of the situation and to do that, you have to understand the emotions of

There is a discussion started on whether or not we can use dynamic systems for this
virus. Possibly yes, possibly no, or possibly the dynamic systems become another
trap. We can extend the virus in, but we can, from the dynamic system to the body,
also spread it out. Can we use what we call, the new systems (Enhancement Unit),
that are being globally made? Yes, it can be done. The first system is getting built and
ready in Arizona by John. For the structure, we will wait for Iran and China. There is
one matter, and that is we will not complete the technology in China, as the Chinese
are very fast misleading the technology and even threatening. We'll deprive the nation
of China from stealing again. In a way we won't let them to commit a crime on our

End of 2nd Excerpt Summary from the 317 Knowledge Seekers Workshop.



(:06). .. There are a number of points which we would like to raise step by step. In
respect to Keshe Foundation work with the virus, for the Iranians who are listening if
you don't know up to now, that tonight at 9PM CET will be an emergency meeting for
the support group which has been built up in Iran, and then we'll carry on We know
Brazil has received their first infected person from Italy, and we are looking for the
Italian community to come back to the Keshe Foundation, if you need help in Italy
then we can set that up. The Keshe Foundation has developed systems that can be
deployed we can cover a number of countries as the production comes. It's important
to explain in more detail for the Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) how to
protect themselves and to go in the mode of prevention and disinfecting. The stage of
recovery is already gone, so if you don't have the virus up to now, you don't need to
recovery, it's just to preventing it to come. (:08). As we hear a number of world
leaders have been put in safe and secure positions away from public. A number of
world leaders will not be seen in public directly for a long time to come. Many
ministers have been locked behind their offices, they'll run and administer the
government form behind shut doors. The number of these countries are increasing,
because if governments loose their ministers and head of armies, the government runs
into problems. We have seen in the past few days, the 2nd in command of Iran's
health ministry has been taken ill. Many Iranian ministers are being held in quarantine
because of the way the virus was spread deliberately. It was put just before election
and at the place where all the Moslems of Shia background go. They sprayed the
shrine and people touch the shrine and they carried it. It was a deliberate act, we can
see it, and in due course we'll tell you how and by whom it was done. These ministers
during election time last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, met each other, they were in
what we call, political campaigning. So the infection at the highest level ministerial
members of the parliament is very high. The Keshe Foundation has reached out and
we have taken a position in which we expect to emerge across the world by different
Keshe Foundation organizations.

The procedure that the Keshe Foundation Iran has taken, they have setup what we
call, all leading group, which is all the Keshe Foundation, what we call leaders in each
district in Iran. (:10). And the Keshe Foundation leader in Iran, Shan ** has taken the
step and has covered all states of Iran, every state in Iran, today is covered with
hundreds and thousands of, what we call, Gans availability, for any immediate
response. The channel is run 24 hours a day and people literally come online and ask
for help, and within hours materials are delivered to them, and then they are taught
online how to make it for themselves. I was on call until about 4 AM this morning, we
estimate that we saved many, many lives. Children come online because they know
how to use the Internet for themselves, families, and people who are infected. Now
we expect as of tomorrow morning, a number of Iranian hospitals in Tehran will
respond into using the Technology to prevent and to reverse. This is the job of the
Iranian government and officials, hopefully to announce, and if this takes place we'll
let you know which hospitals that the Technology is being used and which doctors so
that you can get immediate help. We expect Keshe Foundation around the world to do
the same. What we call the immediate response group, is in the background in Iran
and it is setup well, and there are doctors and people responsible for each district, and
they respond the minute the calls come in. They're responsible, get in touch with the
people in the district who are carrying (Gans water), (they'll give) what they are
carrying, .. at least they'll give them enough Gans water.

And we have seen from the full report, immediate reduction in the fever and loss of
the pain. We are already gathering all of these people to come and give the
testimonials to the government in the next few days. The procedure is very simple,
you need to setup a headquarters operation, and in each area covering a certain
distance, (:12). and in each state, and then break it down to cities and major cities in
that district. The number of infected people is beyond the understanding of the present
time. What you see on the figures of the charts of the nations, is just for public
consumption. The reality is worse and it can't be discussed because most of these
ministers and heads of state have never been trained to save their nations. They have
been trained to spend the nations money in a way that they should not have, and now
there is nothing to support. The biggest problem that we see now are the doctors,
elites, stupid educated, what we call, specialists who because it wasn't in the book
when they went to school 50 years ago, their Technology hasn't gone any further. The
reality now is people come online, and I literally go online and teach them step by
step, what to do, what to expect, and how to set things up to protect. We have cases of
children going online, the mother and father and family have all been infected, and
they start helping the whole family.
While I was doing this last night and this morning, it brought me a beautiful memory,
and is what we call dejavu, repetition of what you have seen (in the past), this goes
back to the 1970s and 80s when I was a student in Queen Mary's College, being
trained as a nuclear physicist. In many parts of my education, the knowledge was so
elite, that it was literally coming off the press. I used to sit one to one with my
professors across the table. (:14). They were teaching me from their own books,
research, and their own PhD research, for me to carry on, there was no book, it was
for me to carry on, it was one to one, and specialized, how for example, to control
nuclear reactors, how the nuclear bomb was running out of control, or what we have
to do if it hits a nuclear power station. It was a strange thing as I was helping this little
girl, it was the same feeling, there was just a 50 year age gap. I was in a position
where I would sit across from the professor and being taught the edge of science, that
nobody could imagine. The nuclear Technology was so advanced, and now I am
teaching youngsters to save their lives, one to one. You see their gratitude, their
kindness, how they absorb and observe what we call the Technology. This
Technology has a big problem, it is too advanced and humanity and humanity was
kept in the dark. By the events we had, if it would have stayed in line with the group
of pedophiles, and heads of nations who are heads of these pedophiles, with what we
call, the "free-energy" group, they would have killed many children. (if they hadn't
stopped us) this Technology would have been across the planet (by now) and very
well used. But unfortunately or fortunately we are in this position, and we have to
make the best of it. Our total loss from the virus up to today, in China runs beyond 5
million. We do not exaggerate. They tell me they have confirmed that China passed 1
million some weeks ago. We are heading for the 5 million mark, what we call, losses.
The Iran situation is building up to be in crucial condition. It is not the figures which
are there (being shown). Italy is next in line. (:16). We estimate that Italy will loose
massive numbers in the coming weeks. The problem with this is very simple, but now
we see a tailor made disease. You have to be prepared for such an eventuality, it's
beyond deciding who gets infected and who gets benefited. It's like this, China got hit,
Iran, and now Italy got hit. Strange enough the American President is supposed to be
in India for a big transaction to swipe off the wealth of the nation, he is in India. No
reported cases. We see the same in America now taking hold, all by those who flew
from Italy or at the same time we see the conditions. Western Europe will be covered
in the next 2 weeks.

The problem with the Keshe Foundation supporters is, you are caught, what we call
sleeping on duty. Be prepared this is taking hold beyond (imagination). The Chinese
government reports no contamination in some 20 plus provinces. Increase in the
original position (Wuhan). India very few, holding back for the president to leave, and
siphon the money for his business expansion in India, as now it has become his center
point, he wants to change to India for the headquarters of his empire, and siphon
everything off. (:18). We see that very clearly. The problem is that the US is going to
get hit very bad. As I explained in part of the teachings very recently in the past few
days. What the plan was, was just hit, to disable, and start a new kind of war to take
over. But the problem is deeper, unfortunately the Italians took it from the Iranians,
and they have taken it across the world. Now it's not the Chinese who took it first
(spread it), now it's Italians and Iranians in the Middle east. Now isolation starts, and
this is the problem we have. The Keshe Foundation supporters, wherever you are,
equip yourself with Gans waters as much as you can. People will call you back when
they need as they know they have no hope. We had a case last night on the emergency
backup in Iran, a gentleman came in and made a lot of accusations that this is a money
making scheme, you have done this, . your are fraud and the rest of it, and insulting
all the backup system and even going into the private Chat. And 2 or 3 hours later he
calls back, crying, he wants help for his mother. Apparently she is infected. This is
how people change. This is the shape of the things to come. This virus is tailor made
and tailor controlled. China with such a massive infection, and not reporting anything
in India. With such a massive infection in Iran and we hear nothing in India. India is
fabricating figures and India is being controlled until the President siphon's their
safes, and central banks through contacts. contacts in the name of his own companies.
This will be disclosed later on. (:20). But the reality is, back to what I said at the
beginning of the teaching, every man is on his own. You are the last man standing.
They have tailor made the genes into the virus. That's why the Italians got hit, worse
by the Iranians and it will spread. The infection in Iran was supposed to damage the
Iranian structure so that the American military could attack at the point of weakness.
But one thing, as I explained in the other teachings, that these people didn't calculate,
these two nations (Iran and Italy) share a flag, but in different directions. The genome
base in Iran and in Italy is very close, so the Italians picked it up. Now the Italians live
in North America and the rest of the Americas. What we saw in the last few weeks,
every Chinese restaurant in the western Europe and most of the world became empty,
as people refused to go to Chinese restaurants. Now we see that the Italian pizza
places are getting empty. Then where do we go next. Shutting borders has started.
Trying to hold back has started. We expect a massive, a massive natural disaster in
China. It will be followed with floods and probably with droughts. The only problem
with the Chinese is, is very simple, nobody will be there to help. As they are infected
nobody wants to get infected with their infection. The same can be said for Iran, and
go right through Europe. (:22). Now nobody is prepared to send their people to save
the others. Again it has become one nation, all standing for themselves. This is how
this was not calculated to be. Now it has turned up to be that way. The biggest loser in
this game will be the USA, you'll understand in the next 4 weeks if the events take
place the way we see it. The state of Brazil has had its first report. Soon we'll make an
announcement on the Brazilian Chat line regarding supporting Brazil. The Brazilian
Keshe Foundation, you have to setup things the way we have done it in Iran, by
setting up an emergency team, and through it, you'll find out who is holding Gans's,
which state and how fast you can get to the Knowledge Seekers. The Keshe
Foundation Brazil has to become active directly with all the Brazilians that are there,
and a structure to be setup that it can carry on. All the doctors, who is carrying the
Technology and where. This is important for all of you as Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers, there is one thing for sure, the Keshe Foundation management
will have followed the procedure, and if you follow the procedure we put out today,
then you are safe. We don't expect any mortality within the Keshe Foundation across
the world who are familiar and use Gans's and have made the Cup of Life (Cup of

.. (:24). (someone is trying to being smart on the Keshe Foundation We Chat.. it's
been removed) We had that the whole night, and yesterday people posting .. Rick: I
put in a complaint and I think they acted on it. Keshe: We had this on the Iranian
channel all night, absolutely as we were trying to save people's lives. It's done by
the people from Germany, we tracked it, it's done by the Red Circle people. We'll
inform you further while we are explaining these things. The Italian police
investigation on the murder of Fabio officially has been passed on by the Keshe
Foundation supporters to the Italian police and they are following it up, and if that
procedure takes up, we'll take it up and we'll request for the arrest of Red Circle
immediately, because we have enough evidence. This is what they are doing. It all
comes through Germany and we are monitoring it. Because don't forget these people
have no scruples, but that is their problem. What had the 2 or 3 ties last night and I
have to delete them. (:26).

What is important for the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers, make sure you have
everything and enough to give to the others. We'll open a channel to each country.
You do not open a channel to support your people, we will control every channel
through the Keshe Foundation that people of that nation can come in, and that we can
monitor, because people are in a panic, and many people, even the old Knowledge
Seekers, I do not know how, they can't support it and give the right information. So
we'll try to put everything into a central organization, into what we call, Central
committee organization of the Keshe Foundation worldwide and we'll support.
Italians we'll give you a chance to come back in, on what we call, "Italy support", you
talk in Italian, we'll monitor and come in when you need help, and we'll allow the
Italian public to know to come in. This will be setup by today. Don't setup anything
which is not under control, because we need to be able to support you.

In the coming days, this announcement will come internationally once we start
holding and controlling the condition in Iran, within the next 7 days. The Iranian
Sepah teams will distribute the Technology across the planet in groups of 30 to 50
officers from the Sepah of Iran. This means that the only people who will travel into
China during disaster or into Italy will be members of the Sepah, equipped with the
latest knowledge and Technology to support nations. As we said, Sepah is universal,
and we'll bring this beauty of Iran to all the nations. This is important for the Iranian
central government and the Iranian Sepah to be ready to deliver this within the next 2
weeks. The Iranian Sepah will be part of the international rescue team, and most
probably the only international rescue team, (:28). which will carry all equipment
necessary to support hospitals, governments, and officials, until they train the officials
in the right way. This is the only way we see, that we can use such an elite force
dedicated to the safety of a nation to safeguard the international borders and the
governments. These are not mercenaries, these are men of peace, trained to reverse
the conditions of what we call, Coronavirus, which was spread by the Americans. As
usual, the Iranians have to clean up the mess these people create. In this way we'll
announce the collaboration with the Iranian government and the Sepah of Iran, which
groups of Sepah. The foreign offices will contact nation by nation, and fly in the latest
equipment to deliver the Technology to safeguard and then do mass teaching of the
Keshe Foundation to develop. One of the most important things for the Keshe
Foundation members is, as such, do not dismiss anything. Do not dismiss a single call,
do not dismiss a sweat.

Checked to here ..
(first Summary excerpt to here how nations should respond )

Second Summary excerpt how to use Gans for Virus>>>

I would like the Keshe Foundation team in the background to record this part from
now on, because this is important for all of you and your lives, your families, can
depend on it. The first thing you have to know, as I explained in the other teaching
and I explain again in detail how this virus works, and from the mental point to
understand is, (:30). this virus mutates. This is one thing that the Gates Foundation
did not calculate, they wanted to change the code, that it reduces the population, but
one thing they didn't consider is the mutation of this virus. How it mutates we'll come
to explain later on, but we have seen in the Chinese and Iranian structure is that you
get rid of, or you solve the problem with the virus, if one is left (over) it mutates to a
new one, (and again) if one is left it mutates to a new one. Every time it mutates it
becomes stronger. The reason it mutates, is, because now we understand the Keshe
Foundation, through our knowledge, is that viruses are packs of energy in which they
encircle magnetically, by their field, the cell in the body. What is strange for other
people is that they do not understand how this virus is transmitting, for example, from
Iran to Italy. Go back to the knowledge, as you know, magnetical fields travel, and if
you have of the same strength, and being from another part of the Universe, will reach
earth, that's what we see in the depth of the stars, in the deep sides of the Universe. As
you saw the map, as I explained, what is a clear indication of why it jumped from Iran
to Italy, is because the Iranians and Italians are deep rooted in blood for centuries,
(:32). and it was obvious that the next step from Iran was Italy. As it jumped, to jump
further, it has mutated to become stronger. These people infected the environment in
country, but they never counted on the plasma technology of the virus. Now we see
that it is rapidly mutating into North America, as many Americans are of Italian
descent. The problem is that the Italians have taken on corner of the US, and the
Iranians the other side in Los Angeles, and the disaster covers the whole of this
nation. This is what we see clearly, and that's why it is rapidly growing in Italy, and
why in Iran. The other point is that what we saw in the change from China to Iran,
was very clear. I was expecting this, and when it happened I understood, that once
they seeded it, it spreading very rapidly. Why, for centuries ** cercloid had mixed
blood. Now you can see. This genetic modification by the gene itself, will circle the
planet. We are in the ages of man destroying himself, by the greed of Mr. Gates.
When you buy a patent to destroy, it destroys you. Now you understand how it will
go. (:34). What is important for you to realize that you cannot stop (it), just because
you have gone (started it). What has happened is the virus has made a link into the
cell, through any of its combinations of Amino Acid (amino acid). What is strange,
and what you have not understood, and the world of medicine doesn't understand, is
that this gene has emotion. This gene, when they set it up, they never understood the
world of physics. It has created its own Soul. If you look at the crown, what we call
virus, it's like this (draws a crown shape), then it has a second circle. The existence of
the 2 leads to creation of magnetical fields, which gives it the life to mutate. This is
why it is called the "crown" virus, and that is why they call it Corona, because it sits
like a crown over the cell, exactly what we explained it does for the past 10 years,
how the virus works, how the virus is. The shape of the "Crown" or Coronavirus is the
shape of embedded, encircled 2 magnetical fields. One of the plasmas of the amino
acid or the cell, and one of the energy of the virus. (:36). It has created its own life,
and this will take shape further and further, and it mutates. Man went from Africa to
Asia, India and China, and he mutated by shape and colors, according to be able to
survive. This virus will be with us for a long time to come. It envelops and encircles
the whole cell.

The logic behind this, by the Gates Foundation was to reduce the population. My
message to the Gates Foundation is very simple, we are 7 billion happily living on this
planet, we have our own faults as a big family, if the place is too small for you, you
don't need to eliminate 7 billion, eliminate 7 members of your family, then you don't
need to suffer with us. What we see and what we have requested from the Chinese
government, and very soon we'll release the data, we are aware and we know, as I
have said before, mercury, aluminum, and lead, are playing something in this virus
injection. (:38). As we saw with the Children's immunizations, we could be heading
for another disaster with so much poison in the body, from the injection. It is time to
tell, and time to see.

In this process you can see how the virus is changing and mutating. It's an energy
which has found the energy of the cell, and with it, it has created its own Soul, which
means it has a brain and will dictate where it wants to go. And it has so many
diversions, it's energy pack, which will go down the race channel to every nation.
Now that you understand how this energy is tranStar Formationerring, it's very
simple, the cell as an energy pack, needs an amino acid, a protein, your skin on the
table, or your spit on the chair, or your sweat somewhere else, and as these (amino
acid's) are weak, now the virus makes a connection to feed them, because in essence,
they came from the same amino acid structure field. This virus, (:40). is tranStar
Formationerring itself to the left over residue of the body of the man. That's why
when you touch the bottom of the lid, or touch an object which somebody else has
touched, it has (gets) carried into the weaker structure, and then it encircles it. You
invite it by touching it, it connects first to your cell, and then it shows itself. What is
interesting, if you go back to a few teachings before, I spoke about the emotion of the
animals and that's why it came from the ** In this position, now you understand. This
virus has emotion. What is interesting, is, very simply, it has a deep emotion. It means
it copies the emotion of the man who gets it, this is why some people walk away with
it and initially it is good, and then they catch it for a second time and they die. The
sign of emotion of control of this cell became very apparent. The brain, the skin, and
the cell of the lungs, are part of, are main part of operators, of the emotion of the man.
As the skin, the brain, and the lungs are all of the same cell, (:42). So what happens,
is very strange, when you have an asthma, or an emotional problem, then you see
what happens with your breathing. When you can't speak, or you get distressed, then
you cough, so this shows the true nature of this virus. And once it enters into your
emotional cycles, or your emotional system, which your lungs represents to you. This
is why you get asthma attacks and you spray yourself to kill it, but you don't sort out
the emotion, this time it is a very powerful asthma. What we see from all the reports
in Iran and China, are a very clear pattern of asthma attack and then with a heart
failure, but they call it an infection of the lungs. In a way it's an asbestos, a very
strong, powerful, but alive and decision making. Let me explain to you how you die,
this is from the reports from the Chinese health authorities and directly from the
hospitals in Iran, from the doctors. That's your body (draws them out), these are your
lungs, (:44). this is your heart. The virus enters through 2 channels, breathing in
through your nose or in through your mouth. Go back to the teachings, this is the Soul
of the Man (Soul of the man), and if you understand the depth of the knowledge the
way we do, as I told you, the virus is a living thing and he has a Soul, and he has
created himself an emotion, in passing in your, breathing channels, it tranStar
Formationers its emotion to the Soul, and then the Soul understands and tells it where
to go (to the lungs). Because Soul can't show the pain of the core feeling of the virus,
so they create. It's in your arm or leg .. then it tells it where it's needed, and how it can
show its sorrow and pain, to the body itself. Now you understand how you absorb it.
How the brain and the Soul have decided, this is where we create a condition for it to
find a place. In this process, as it takes position, (:46). your lungs according to the
scientific data gets flooded, as it tries to create food for itself, it changes the condition
of the lung and then, it lives. What we know, as I explained to the doctors before,
what we know is that each lung works 1 hour on and 1 hour off. Even though they
work, operational exchange of the energy for the blood is done on these sequences.
Depending on when the virus enters the lung which is active, or maybe the lung which
is inactive, and at rest and not ready to defend itself, allows the virus to set in, so it
grows. By the next breathings, and the change of time, the second lung starts the
transition of the virus. So what you have, is a more advanced one working against the
weaker one. The 2 lungs start exchanging energy to build up and to support each
other, and we see the lungs getting flooded, and change of condition. And the strange
thing is, the Iranians doctors who have been witness to many deaths, they report, these
people are extremely healthy, they are young, and they are athletes. There is a guy
who came in who is a mountaineer, and out of nowhere they see cardiac arrest and in
the last 5 hours they die from cardiac arrest. All the patients with this virus die of
cardiac arrest. (:48). Now we understand how, as I explained in the other teaching, in
this process of the exchange of the energy, between the 2 lungs, as the get everything,
now they lock into the energy of the heart, and the heart brings energy from the rest of
the body and they consume it. And the heart cannot cope with serving the body and
the virus, and it goes to overrun, and heart attack, and death. Now we understand the
process we are dealing with an energy tranStar Formationer, and emotionally, with a
capability to meet it.

With the traditional medicine we know a lot, but with the new Plasma Technology of
Keshe Foundation we know how. In the Cup of Life (Cup of Life) which I gave you, I
specifically, what I did, I accommodate this. I gave you a Cu, Nano Cu, and a Zn.
Some of the Cu, are the element of the Zn, so you produce a ** certain amount of
ZnO, and the Cu creates your CuO, and the Cu and the Zn gives the CO2, now you
understand why this water works, and why we insist on, if you don't have the Cup, of
50% Cu, 30% CO2, and 20% Zn (Gans's). (:50). If you understand the teachings of
the Keshe Foundation over the years, Zn is the elevator of the Soul. In taking,
breathing, and covering, you keep on strengthening the Soul, for it to strengthen the
Soul of the virus, to give it satiStar Formationaction of life. This is how most of this
process of reversal comes. CuO is to take the energy from the virus, CO2 is to create
the connection, now you understand why we set this process.

Now I want to explain to you how you can check first to see if you have the virus. If
you don't have Gans's then you can test using what is known as the 10 second
breathing trial. Everyday in morning or during the day you hold your 2 nostrils, by
closing them with your 2 fingers and you hold your breath for 10 seconds. If you don't
cough or you don't run out of breath, then it is 90% sure that you are okay. But if
within this 10 seconds you are forced to cough, or you feel an irritation in your throat
to cough, or you see that you can't hold (your breath), you are 90% change of having
receive a kind of infection by the virus. (:52). It depends on which stage you are in.
Then you'll see sometimes, around 10 to 25 days from the first day that you test
(yourself) and you notice this (that you can't hold your breath), you will show fever
and the rest of the (symptoms) of the virus infection. The reason is that, this virus
takes its own root straight away in the lungs, so they are already carrying the virus,
but they don't see it. This is what we call matter state testing.

With plasma testing the process is different. If you have made yourself the Gans's of
Zn, Cu, and CO2, you can do 2 things, if you spray a combination of this (Zn, Cu,
CO2) Gans water, or if you spray the Gans water of the Cup of Life, on your head,
chest, and back, once a day, or twice a day if you are worried, and if you feel pain,
headache or pressure, you are 100% infected. Don't go for psychosomatic or placebo
(reactions) because you have done it, you have a headache, but try to understand if
there is a pressure, it's a magnetical field pressure. Is the pressure you feel, energies
tranStar Formationerring inside you. This is what we are looking for, not the headache
that I take aspirin for. If you feel on the head, it means the energy tranStar
Formationer from the Gans to, what we call, (:54). the Soul, is taking place at a high
level and that energy tranStar Formationer creates heat or what we call, magnetical
pressure. If it wasn't there, it cannot make it. The same is between your lungs and the
Gans waters you put outside (spray chest). We told you this before about the pressure.
People say there is a pressure and they can't breath. Even in China we have seen
people who report pain when they use the Gans. You can use, ** on certain ways, or
90% (holding breath 10 sec for 90% certainty), or you can check 100% (with plasma
test). This is the procedure that will be used in the hospitals by the doctors, when they
start using the Gans Technology to identify if people have the virus or not. First
through the physical (test) and then through the Gans, and if both are positive, then
you have it. You have to understand, if you can make for yourself, 3 or 4 different
Cup of Life, even though they are all from the same material, whatever, they create a
slightly different strength of Gans, and you need this to cover yourself for the long
term, to be covered for any mutation of the virus.

(Procedure Using Cup of Life for Virus)

At the same time, when you think that you have it, (:56). immediately, your
immediate family, the people to where you have been, you go back, you inform, you
give a Cup of Life, you give a paper that says this is what you have to do. 'I think I
have infected you, you had better cover yourself.' If you go and you are not aware, or
you have overlooked or whatever, we'll start the next process. He draws, this is your
head and body. You have to follow this procedure without failure. As you have
understood, this disease effects the Soul, and the lungs. In that process the Soul of the
Physicality (Soul of the physicality) which is the heart of the man, is in between (the
lungs). So what you understand, the minute you are infected, the chain has been built.
The separation of the physicality from the Soul starts, because they are aware of what
is to come. You need to support both, the process has to be in this way. (:58). The
first thing you do is to spray your chest, wet your chest with the Gans water from the
Cup of Life every hour. This is on the condition that you are infected. For prevention
we have come too late. Every hour, once you have touched it (you are infected) and
have a headache, and you felt the tightness of the chest (after spraying gravitational
water on chest), and you cough when you did the test. The next step to do within 5
minutes, you put Gans water on either side of your lungs, what this does, is to tranStar
Formationer the energy of the virus into the Gans, of what you put in, and this will
dissipate into the atmosphere or to your clothing. You are depleting the virus energy,
this is all you can do. Don't forget the heart is in the center of the two (lungs). If you
look at it, in reality, with your brain (as top reactor), you have made your Star
Formation, and in a way it gives the chance for the Soul to take its flight. Then what
you do, after you have covered the body, immediately, you cover your face with the
spray or the wet of the Gans. Then you spray Gans water around your head. Please do
not try to wash (your head). Again by the same principle you tranStar Formationer
energy out (of the virus), (1:00). and at the same time you tranStar Formationer
energy in, to satiStar Formationy the Soul. (Spraying) the face is to take the energy
from, if there are cells effected, or have landed on your face. The head is to elevate
the Soul, because of the Zn. The third step is to take immediately, Gans water to wash
any possibility of any materials of contamination to be present, and at the same time
feeding the Soul. Every 15 minutes to 1 hour you take one sip of about 50 mls of
GANS water. Now the next step for you is to put the GANS water in what we call
Hubble bubble, or a Shi Sha or whatever you call it, or make it coca-cola bottle with
two holes in it and put a stick in it or a pipe. Put a straw to the bottom, and a straw up,
and fill it up with the GANS water and you inhale for at least 10 minutes every hour,
and what this does by inhaling, you take the energy inside, and by having the other
energy which is weaker outside on the skin, you deplete the energy of the virus. You
will lose your temperature within the first while, if you have a high temperature,
(1:02). it should come down within one hour, three hours maximum. The fever goes
(away), but do not get fooled. If you had a cough, and depending on how bad the
lungs were damaged, it will repair itself over the days. You might loose most of the
irritation very rapidly too. The sweating will go. Once you've gone through this
process you'll carry on for two to three months. The strangest thing is you will stop
somewhere. This is when the Soul is satiStar Formationied and informs the arm to not
give me any more water. We see this with all the technologies. When I used to help
people I always told them, when I gave them the system, they said, when do I stop. I
said, .. The day you say, 'oh I forgot to drink,' is the day that you have reached the
steps of completion. You bring the system back. Because when you're not hungry you
don't eat when the body doesn't need it, you'll find out you forget doing it, because
there's no need for it.

This is for recovery, spray your body, your lungs (chest) and back every hour. If you
have seen the positive sign (when you do) the breathing and the Gans (Test), then
spray the face first, every hour, then spray the head every hour (1:04). You do this
for 3 days and after that you step down to prevention, that is you keep yourself safe, 2
to 3 times per day, then you drink water every hour. Then you inhale every hour for
10 minutes directly with the Gans water. Please do not drink from the Gans itself. If
you follow this process you stand a good chance of surviving the situation. Those of
you who don't have the 10 second problem, and the 90% with the Gans's, and you feel
it's okay I am not infected, your life doesn't stop that way.

For prevention spray your body every morning and evening, right when you get up
and just before you go to bed. Spray your face every morning and every evening,
spray your head the same. During the day you need to drink at least 300 to 500 mls of
the Gans water, (1:06). in stages, and you need to inhale at least 1 or 2 times per day,
for 10 to 15 minutes. This is the recipe for prevention of the virus. You have to do this
with all the members of your family, the cat and dog, and the door handle, you spray
the door handle, and everywhere in the house, ... When you make your Gans's, the
first Gans's that are salty, you don't throw the water away. You can use that saltwater
to spray in the house and the door handles, because that residue rubs off and keeps
some of the Gans holding energy, and it can disinfect, or gets the energy of the virus.
The sheets, pillows, the bus you get on, don't be afraid to spray, or to be called a
lunatic, it's my life. If you wear a mask, always spray the mask before you take it off,
and wait 3 minutes, then take it off, because the Gans will go inside, and change the
position of what we call, an equal ** . One of the worst things that people keep on
telling you, is that when you put a mask on your face, don't touch it, because if the
virus has come, it sits on it. But the biggest problem is the other way, you have
breathed into the mask, and if you have the infection, the mask is infecting the others.
(1:08). When you get the mask, make sure you drop it in a Gans water of CuO, or a
Cup of Life, make one box and put Gans water in it, and drop these masks in it,
because you have to deplete the energy of it. If you put it in a plastic bag, as I
explained, the plastic bags that they advise you to do, comes from the lack of
understanding of the totality because, if you remember and you see the connection,
COHN (amino acid) & C-H Bond, of the plastic, now has become a breeding ground,
for holding to the virus. Never, ever use a plastic bag to put your mask in, a paper bag
is okay because it is still alive (the virus), but you can control it, and you can soak it
and it goes. On the other hand, remember to wash, to disinfect your hands with the
Gans water. When you get on the plane or bus, spray the plane or bus (your seat),
because not only do you disinfect for yourself, but also for the others. Be very, very
calm, because this one thing, using the Technology, you have most probably protected
yourself well enough. The Keshe Foundation, as we see the Knowledge Seekers, they
have had no fatality up to today. We get infected, but because we continuously use the
materials we protect ourselves. As I said to a Knowledge Seekers a bottle of Gans
water in the frig, is like a ** bottle of pure drinking water in the frig, (1:10). when
you need it. Now it comes your environment, in the environmental energy pack you
have to be very careful, whatever you touch, your fingerprint is the carrier, it carries
an amino acid and with it the infection. Whatever you breathe is the carrier, wherever
you sit, sleep, touch, or kiss (is the carrier). Anything which has the amino acid
combination, which is this (COHN), is one (a carrier) .

We are looking, we are not raising an alarm. We are looking to see that the
combination from iron, if would ever change to magnesium, then we'll start seeing
infections among plants. The amino acid is the same, the only the difference between
the iron and what we call, Mg. We have had two reports up to now of skin being
agitated when they spray the GANS on it. It doesn't show any rashes at the moment,
but it's skin irritation. (1:12). We are watching closely, if you see when you spray the
Gans on your skin and you get an irritation. We are of the school of thoughts that, as I
said, the brain, skin and the lungs are all the same. There is a possibility, but we have
only seen two cases up to now, worldwide, of the reports we have, that the virus
through its mutations, is moving from the lungs to the skin, and if this happens we do
not know, but assuming we are right, you will see, literally flesh disappearing and
getting infected. We have not seen this stage yet. Mutation to the strength of the skin
of the man in the level of emotion has not be seen, but we received two reports and I
informed the Iranian team to watch for this.

This is a total understanding, you need to understand the totality of this. You have to
understand the emotion of it, and this is crucial for the Knowledge Seekers. There is a
discussion if we can use dynamic systems for this virus. Possibly yes, possibly no, or
possibly the dynamic systems become another trap. (1:14). We can extend the virus
in, but we can, from the dynamic system to the body, spread it. Can we use what we
call, the new systems, globally made? Yes, it can be done. The first system the first
what we call station is getting built and getting ready in Arizona by John. And the
structure will wait for Iran and China. There is one matter, and that is we will not
complete the technology in China, as Chinese are very fast misleading the technology
and then threatening. We deprive the nation of China from stealing again. In a way we
don't let them to commit a crime on our behalf.

(Summary 2, ends here )

(Proofed to here >>>

John is here and he can show you. As you know the building for the first
Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) Center has been bought, and he's getting it
designed and should be ready, hopefully by April, it will be ready for worldwide use.
Is John behind the screen somewhere can you see him? Yes I am here. (1:16). John
would you like to explain to us what is your a step at this Center and show us what
you are developing. J- Okay, so we are actively pursuing Keshe: We can see your
full table. Yeah we see all the pictures, you have to open it before you open it. You
have to open it. Yes but you have to open it as a folder screen you see all your
pictures. You gotta open what another time before you share it stop sharing open up
one bucket and stop sharing it open the screen the picture you want.

This is how most of centers around the world will be, more or less according to place
and the condition. Arizona carries 10 units, six units is for what we call enhancement
of the body, and four units will be used for development and testing of materials,
space conditions, environmental changes, and others. We're trying to share the
Arizona Center with American Space Agency and Iranian Space Agency, for deep
space trials. This is one of the beauties, the common man will use the center as a
scientist, watch and develop technologies for a space. (1:18). As we said, the Keshe
Foundation (Keshe Foundation), and the American Space Agency and the Iranian
Space Agency working together in one team, and then we share. In this part we will
not allow any Chinese interference or involvement, as the Chinese steal technologies.
They don't share. We need a clear indication from the Chinese that they'll stop this
behavior. We allow them to share, and we planned to share, but they shown the other
way. Would you like to take over please. Yes. John you can see the picture? J- So
this is a concept of how we're putting our facility together, we're getting some help in
interior design and layout by other knowledge seekers. We have a team of three
beautiful women helping us put this together. Including and Argentinean. Keshe:
Women again. J- A French woman, and a lady from the United States. So you can see
these, they're helping us dramatically in terms of coming up with a concept that we
feel is going to be beneficial for showing off the technology. (1:20). Let's see if I can
just go from one picture to another. Hit your left to right arrow keys in the keyboard.
What next one the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard miss recommend it I'm
sorry I'm gonna do it this way you see that it's still the same picture says my screen
sharing this pause did you pause me mercy resumed sure go out on come back in okay
now it's working okay no no

That's another picture the other side of the of the building. This is our front entrance
when you come into our building. We wanted to create a new environment before you
even came in, Welcome to a new era what we're doing is changing the dynamics of
the way we do the way that we do things. (1:22). We're very excited about what the
machines can bring for everybody. when you walk in the door and you see this
demonstrating new space technology to the world it's so it's more than more than just
the machines where we're setting. What we want to do is introduce this technology to
the governments of the world and part of the beneficial wellness technology that we're
bringing will open people's eyes to what it is that's coming forward and we hope to be
able to demonstrate some other features that will allow people to really take notice of
what these machines are all about. This is our conference room we set it up with what
I call the City of Hope. The City of Hope is the vision that I hold call it a wish for
creating a new community call it a light a light city of light with our thoughts and our
emotional energies. Anybody within the knowledge seeker community wants to add
their energies to the City of Hope please help support it. We believe it's going to be a
community where new technologies can come forward to help everybody. So that's
part of our dream so anybody that comes into our conference room, (1:24). They can
share and our dream and our wishes. So that's what we're doing in Arizona. We have a
large facility. You only see a piece of it with the other buildings but with the other
side of the facility we have a lot of office space or we hope to bring in doctors
technicians to help us start the document what the benefits of these machines will be
in the shear videos and in correspondence with the rest of the world community. So
that is what we are doing in Arizona. Any questions? Keshe: I have, somebody is
asking me can you show us the room again with the machines or do you have a top
view of it. We are going to put some recessed lighting and star lights. This again is the
dome, we're building a big dome over all of these machines. So you're gonna walk in
this room, you're actually gonna come in down here at the bottom of the of the screen.
You're gonna walk in and you're gonna see all of the machines, you up here in the
front is where the operators will be these things will slide apart you see this one's this
little part here and the patients will be in here. (1:26). You can actually have a little
seating area in the in the center area here, where people can also sit and get the benefit
of all following machines. Keshe: I'm playing with the thoughts to maybe show you
the real system. J- Ten elevated souls sitting in that 12 elevated souls, standing in. Did
you hear me John. Yes. I said I'm playing with the thought to show the real system
sure. It's been built and it's exactly as you have put it. We will wait for a few more
days, maybe a couple more weeks, and then you see the real machine, as you have
shown. The machines have been built and they're getting assembled, tested for
assembly, and everything else for what we call the units to be put in. It looks exactly
as you're showing. The Chinese team and the factory have been working trying to get
it Austrian team as well for ** during the holidays and everything else, (1:28). to get
everything ready. We have the unit's structurally built, because there's a lot of testing
to be done, to get everything smooth and perfect. It's exactly as you show it. I would
love to share the picture, but we'll wait until it's done properly, position wise, as now
it's going through its assembly section. It's amazing, what you show, and what I see
on the picture in front of me. It'll be hopefully completely completed, sometime in
mid-march when everything goes back to normality in China, and then we ship it out
for testing and assembly final in April. We can produce up to 500 units a month in
progressive months. This is beautiful, it was as a politician told me, he said, it's just
extends the imagination. But it brings us back to the womb of the mother, how much
it would imagine. It's very beautiful, they're gorgeous when you see it. When I saw
the first pictures of the assembled units, it's amazing, it's absolutely amazing. There
are three or four teams around the world, working around the clock to make sure these
are out. The first 20 units will be delivered in April. (1:30). We

First transcription to here

have everything set up for it and a completion of the chart with the 20 units in June.
We'll start the mass production 500 per month. It's literally program playing unit and
we're waiting for the head of the Keshe Foundation on the medical side to take his
position, and then we'll start playing. The thing is that the first pictures are the real
building, which is from now on within the Keshe Foundation structure. Now you see
how it's going to look. This price will bring the Soul of the man together and it's
beautiful. We will see the same thing in Tehran, hopefully once we tame the situation.
We are still carrying on with the Tehran conference as we are sure we'll secure Iran
from this disease within the next few days. Our forces are starting, and Iran will be the
first nation declaring (itself) free from all viruses and an open city. I have made every
effort and I'm sure the Iranian government's will do everything possible. We'll see
these kind of centers from now on across the planet, in Brazil, Austria, and hopefully
in a little Island in New Zealand where everybody is waiting for, and across other
places as we learn and develop and release. These machines will be part of the
learning curve and using curve, (1:32). which means we learn again and our scientists
will spend more time to teach us more. Thank you very much John. It's a lot of effort
work and relentless work of John, Jamila and the others. We will see the beauty of
this technology in the coming weeks, as I would love to show you the video of it, but
give us a chance we have to do it properly and then you will see it. It is strange with
this virus, a lot of things changing, we had a report yesterday that one of our teams
Keshe Foundation in Tehran went outside to give a Cup of Life (Cup of Life) to
somebody on the street and show them our papers of how to do it, something in that
order. He noticed a woman walking with four bottles under her arms, says this is a
GANS plasma water. She bought it from a shop. This is for Corona. As you
understand, the people in Iran listening and making the waters and selling it on the
counter, and people buy it. My hope is that they don't sell empty bottles. We'll carry a
certification, and you'll see this right across the planet, the plasma water. When you
see a logo with the Keshe Foundation plasma water, which is supported by the Keshe
Foundation, (1:34). the figures they can check to see if it is original, because we'll
produce labels for every system, which whoever carries the Keshe Foundation
certification, can put it in the market. Then you'll understand how far it has come.
Everyone walking down the street, accidentally carrying a plasma water for Corona.
She knew apparently, exactly what to do with it, the shopkeeper explained well about
what to do with it. The beauty of it is, exactly we are going through the same situation
as some five years. We gave the key (USB Stick) and the government hide it and did
nothing with it, then we taught you, and you ran around with a lot of things. We gave
the Technology for the governments to approve. They didn't listen, so the people have
taken it and are using it themselves. I said, how would I know that these waters are
really a good buy? I said very simple, two things, trust it and see if the alkalinity is
there, if you can, and secondly sprayed it on your body and wait and see if you feel
any difference, then you know, and you'll say if it is real or just a fake. In so many
ways, mankind has entered this space technology collectively as I wished. Again as I
said, the man would accept this technology, not out of it's beauty, but of the fear of his
own demise. But as I said, we all be ready, by this time very soon, we'll all understand
the plasma and the Gans technology, (1:36). is because now everybody needs to
know how to save, (themselves with) Gans plasma, and the Keshe Foundation will
become part of the world vocabulary in the in the coming days a weeks. This morning
we have received a request from a government to respond immediately. I passed it on
to our team, for documentation to be released for it. This week we have flown systems
across the world, a new technology systems, to be delivered to governments.
Yesterday, the Keshe Foundation in one of the nation's received a call from a
University, they want the hospital to use the technology. This afternoon we'll meet
with bunch of doctors, who want to implement the technology, as there is nothing (for
them to use), and their patients are dying. We see the reversal. There is a picture
which was shared on Thursday on the screen, and on Tuesday's One Nation, One
Race, One Planet. Rick would you like to show the picture please. What is interesting
is the difference. We see the Chinese using gases and what we call, the huge white
smoke, and then we see the new Gans technology implemented in China in recent
days. The Gans technology, the waters which have been supplied by Keshe
Foundation knowledge seekers in China. He's got Korean writing in the background
(of the picture). From gas to Gans technology. (1:38). You can see how casual they
are. The Keshe Foundation knowledge seekers through Chinese army or are
distributing over 1 ton of liquid today as they tell us. We have that conversation
recorded. Thank you very much Jack. On the other hand, if as we said, you can
interfere with no one's life and you can save your life, that's all it is. You are the last
man standing. This virus is a prelude to what mankind will come to understand. Many
of us traveling from China to Iran to Italy to South America have brought with us (this
virus). But it'll be very much the virus brought from Mars, Jupiter, or from Planet
Zeus, which is the energy pack that does not help humanity. This is a pre-run of what
are we going to face worldwide, once we open the Universal Community (Universal
Council) to the man. So in a way, my teaching you to use the Cup of Life, you'll carry
this cup of life and the knowledge of it, into the depths of space that when you need it,
you don't bring your extra energy back to us, to contaminate our environment. What
you saw just now from John with the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit), it'll
become the decontamination of virus unit, for those who become the travels of space.
(1:40). As you see, the technology is coming together very rapidly, in every shape or
form, the collapse of leadership, collapse of monarchy, collapse of what we call the
monetary system, and a pharmaceutical, controlling and dictating, with whatever they
would like to threaten the mankind with. Individual extension of the Soul of the man
by the man himself. Extension of the ability to support and understand the technology
to live on this planet and beyond by total understanding of the technology, of the
creation of Universe. If you read my book #3, the Original of the Universe, you'll
understand that what you are going through, was already written. It's for you to
decipher. Try to be the user, and understand the plasma out of your pleasure, not out
of the fear of it, when it comes, because don't forget, I told you something last time,
and maybe you'll understand more of it this time.

The body of the man has the Soul, so does the wives and interesting enough, so does
the Cup of Life. (He draws the Cup of Life between the Soul of the man and the
virus). (1:42). If you understand this, and you understood it, how long in our process
have we been through this. The intermediary takes and brings balance to both. (draws
an Infinity Loop). That's why your life is saved using the Technology. Today is the
Cup of Life, tomorrow in his space it's the enhancement unit. Viruses and energy
parks are part of our life, and now for the first time we learn to respect them and how
to live with them, as they all have a Soul, and you understand the totality. As I said, in
the coming weeks the Iranian SEPAH will go across this planet, not only to support
and reverse, but to teach to understand the technology by man as a whole. We know
no borders, no nationality, and no religion, and no color. (1:44). When you see the
Sepah of Iran in your land, it means the end of the suffering of the Coronavirus and
any other diseases. You have a friend at home, and you'll understand that we'll extend
the Sepah to every nation, that will become as part of One Nation. The American
nation wanted to make the Sepah the biggest enemy, but now they see they have to let
them in, because they see they are their closest friend to save their lives. In a way, if
you look at it the American government and its people shot themselves in the foot, in
a very short time twice. They killed the head of Sepah, and then they spread the virus
and now they have to be saved through Sepah. As I said, a fool shoots himself in a
foot and expects to win the marathon. We have seen the fool. Now we have seen the
end of the war, and now we see the end of pharmaceutical warfare, which was
supposed to make a lot of money. But there is one question stands, as I released my
patent, which I own, to humanity to spread to be open, those who used and abused the
patent they bought, have to stand the course of justice. In due course, whoever owns
the patent and bought the patent of this virus, and is ready to kill more, has to stand in
the human court of justice, for genocide. (1:46). We did the same with Saddam, as we
had to do with Bill Gates, and those who spread this. If you go back to the time in 60s,
women in Europe, England, and America fought for their right to choose, the right to
life. They fought to have the right to have an abortion or not. It has to be the same for
the rest of the mankind. It's our right to be, if we want to add to the foundation of
seven billion, and not for one crazy man deciding on humanity. We've seen what I call
the rise of the second Hitler and we seen what happened to him. This time there
should be no room for those who set this up. We need to set an example, that we don't
see this craziness from people thinking they have wealth, that they can dictate the
decision for 7 billion people. My suggestion is, they can have an injection in the
morning, at lunch, and in the evening as food, for them and their children, the way
they got the rest of the world injected with the same poisons. If it's good for all of us,
it is good for them. A man, a chef who cooks, tastes his own food first. (1:48).
Any questions?

While you're looking for the questions, can I raise a very important, very important
point about those of you who are making the Cup of Life. Some of you have seen the
picture we showed originally with the cup of life, and you saw some green materials,
anything and everything has to be green. Some of you are creating, some reddish,
orangish, or yellowish material. Some of you are creating, I cannot draw it, but I draw
it in blue, you see white only in your cup of life. Understand what you creating, (**
For the green color) The copper is a matter state strength, near enough to the plasma
of the copper, CuO. The orange (one) is the strength of the copper, in its own strength,
as a single atom copper. This one (green) is CuO, and this one (orange) is Cu. The one
you see as white, is a Cu in the strength of zinc (Zn). And what is interesting, for
many of you, in which you see white, you usually see it on two levels, (1:50).
because the bottom is CO2, and the top is Cu strength of Zn. If you leave your cups,
and straight away start using it, you will see after a few days, or a few hours, all
become green, because this is the atmospheric condition of CuO. If you add more
oxygen to this (orange one), you will get this to green as well. The best one you
make, which has the Zn and Cu, which is good for the Soul and the physicality is this
one (white one). Those of you who get a white GANS from your cup of life you have
one of the most powerful one. This is good, they're all copper based. They're all
effective what it is. The other point is please, when you get a Gans in your Cup, when
you create a Gans at the bottom of your Cup, do not empty the water. Get a syringe,
and go to the bottom and collect the Gans, then fill it up with some more fresh salt
water, so that the process carries on. You need is this, it will go on for years and
years, if we can control it, for months and months. When you get your GANS and you
put it in a bottle to wash it, the Gans you let go (settle) down, and the water you
collect on the top is salty. Keep this to a spray on your body, or your glasses, or front
door handle. (1:52). Do not get rid of your salt water, it is one of the most powerful
(Gans) you have, because it's the first cycle, so it carries a lot of good energy in it, and
you carry on again and again (rinsing) until you get a sweet water, which is good for
you to drink and for the ** The Gans does not lose it's power as long, as you can see
it in your bottle. What percentage of salt use is irrelevant, if you have a good
temperature you have a faster production. If you are sitting, living in the city centre,
are producing, because of the high level of CO2 you get a faster production. If you
living in a rural area you see a slower. Don't keep on asking, if I did this or I did that.
For those of you now, who are in Russia, or are in a hurry, and for the Chinese
system, we advise to connect the two wires into a battery. Those of you now, because
you are producing ** and you have time, what you have to do, is to get rid of the
battery. You don't need the battery. The battery was done for the Chinese community
to speed it up. What you do, you connect these two together (Cu coil, Zn plate), and
then you connect this one (Nano coated coil), and all you need to do is to get another
piece of wire, and connect it between here (Cu Zn) and here (Nano coil), that's all you
need you don't need a battery (the wire is in place of the battery). You just connect
these two together. You cannot connect these three together it's not going to work
properly. You need this piece of wire to connect these two together. The resistance of
the wire brings a balance and creates a beautiful, mainly green Gans, over days.
(1:54). If you're in a warmer area, you'll get more, and if you put on the balcony you'll
get more, if you keep it in the house you'll get less, if you got a good airflow you get
the more production. The battery was for emergency production, within hours in
China with the disaster. In Iran we still teach people to do, but if you have time and
you made the first GANS box Cup of Life, just do the rest just with a piece of wire,
and you'll get the same the wire is to create a potential difference, that the salt and the
environment of their GANS is created. So don't ask, do I have to clean the battery, or
do I have to do this, can I use this. It's a very straight forward. Those of you who are
very advanced in the knowledge, those of you who are advanced very much in the
knowledge, if you understood the weight difference between the zinc and the copper
(60 65), if you can create a mass ratio of the copper in respect to the zinc, then you
only need three copper wires, or three coppers, it's a very specialist way to do it. So
you don't need to look for the Zn, because you're Nano (nano) layer in between is in
saltwater, you have created a plasmatic condition, so matter condition does not apply.
(1:56). You can, even if you extend the knowledge, put two copper wires nano-coated
wires outside of your plastic container, there is no need for connections, even if you
want you can connect the 3 together, and then connect the two together, and then into
a third wire, connect the two together. You get a rapid production of Gans in a
massive way, but at this point in time we don't need, but these three have to be what I
call, nano-coated.
Mr. Keshe have a question from Achilles, he says. Q: I have a question about the one
cup one life set up I set up two cups of life and after four or five days I observed that
my copper coil inside the salt water became a shiny, whitish, yellow color, while the
tail of the coil outside the saltwater has been slowly nano coated from the connection
point towards the water surface, by my understanding the zinc plate is pushing plasma
energy to the nano coated coil in the middle, and the copper coil on the other side is
pulling from the middle. Could Mr. Keshe please confirm that my setup is correct?

okay can you repeat it again because I didn't hear it properly.

Q: okay and the question is from Achilles tha I have a question about the one cup one
life set up I set up two cups of life after four and a half days I observed that my copper
coil inside the salt water became a shiny whitish yellow color well the tail of the coil
outside the saltwater has been slowly nano-coated from the connection point towards
the water surface by my understanding the zinc plate is pushing plasma energy to the
nano coated coil in the middle and the copper coil on the other side is pulling from the
middle can Mr. Mr. Keshe please confirm that my setup is correct or wrong thank

Keshe: if you have followed our setup, then why you need to (have it) explained. You
explained it nice, follow it and have a look. Your setup is correct unless you want
attention. (2:00). If you follow the way we said, on how you should connect it, and
how and what you use, how the Cu is bent, how many right hand turns, call them
correct, left-hand turns is good. All this is just playing games. In one of the Iranian
videos we have seen something very, very especial and that, we see using two coils in
the middle, and one is on the zinc side and one is on the copper side, and we see
literally, CO2 shedding down, among coil towards. As long as you follow the
procedure of nano coating your coils, it doesn't matter how you put it, what a space
gap you did, is it ok 5 centimeters, can I use a left hand turn. I thought we passed
these Chinese questions. You created it, it is there, if you want to understand more
and explain more (that's okay). But this thing (these kind of attention seeking
questions) has to stop.
Next question.
Q: Thank You Mr. Keshe for all that you do. According to what I have understood,
we need a lot of GANS water to apply the process. So can we put the GANS in a
chemical test tube and put that into the water, to drink that, put it in several hours
before drinking the water? (2:02). Keshe: what can you repeat that.
okay well the basic idea is that put the GANS in a test tube and put the test tube into
the water for several hours before drinking the water instead of making the GANS
water and putting the GANS water in the water he wants a faster method against
watering them water? Keshe: Who puts Gans in the water? You put water on the
Gans, and you drink the water, you don't dilute it.
Keshe: You have the cup of life, you take the GANS and you put it in a bottle and
shake it, then let it settle, and you drink this water. That's it. Some people say what
about if I get this and put this in, and then put some water on it (take water from on
top of the Gans put it in another bottle and add more water). If you do that you dilute
it. You are diluting the strength. You have I don't call these questions. These are
attention-seeking questions, because by now a lot of people should have understood
this, unless we have new-comers and they don't understand it. There are a bunch of,
what I call incompetent deceiving people on internet, set up their thing with Corona,
and we are monitoring it, with specially join them for a reason. These are Chinese and
East Asian people and there are people who report, who has found to the organization
to eliminate new scientists, new technologies. (2:04). There are a number of Corona
groups which have been setup, especially by Chinese names, or Far East names, these
are well organized by the pharmaceuticals to attract fools, we're up on it, to eliminate
and stop. Be very careful with these, they seem to be doing a survey on the Corona,
but they're actually part of what I call the Gates group. When you create it, you use it,
you followed up the system of the thing, Your Gans can't e anything except what it is,
and then you put it in a cup, and the first couple of times it will be very salty, and then
you move it to what I call two or three times you put water on it (rinse it), you need to
change the water when it's fully settled down, and until the salty taste (is out).
Actually if you drink some of it with the salt, it has a much better effect, then when
you totally wash it out. It's just not advisable, because a lot of people don't like the salt
(taste). But it actually it's one of the powerful ones. And in so many way's, beautiful
sterilization comes with it as well, because you have NaCl in it, and you have the
plasma attached to in, in the plasma environment and it's much more effective, if you
can drink it, or if you can stand the irritation on your skin or your head, or be advised
not to be inhaling it, but even if inhaling it, because the Gans of salt brings a lot of
damage repair to the cells. (2:06).

You have to understand something very, very, very important for all of you if you are
affected by the Coronavirus you will go through the first fever and the coughing, and
then you go through the lung collapse and flooding, and then the heart procedure and
death. This is a procedure that we see. The most horrible time for the doctors is this
phase, when people go through heart seizures. What you have to remember is, that the
tranStar Formationer of the energy for your body, is the whole name of the game.
Here, on these virus, or of the virus in the space. You have to take the energy out,
which has come in. The worst thing is, if you get an energy which is below, and it
tries to catch up with yourself (? cells). With this Corona we see interaction,
connection feeding. With some of the space development, in deep space, you find a
matching weaker, which takes from yourself (?cells), and then what you don't see are
the cells disappearing very quickly. This will happen especially in muscle tissue
viruses, in what we call energy tranStar Formationer in the lungs, (2:08). These are
what you need to watch. When you bring the energy tranStar Formationer in of a
higher order, or of a lower order. With this virus we have a higher order and that's
why we can take it out with what you call, CuO, a weaker level. When you come to
the weaker viruses and they link into the body, and they try to grow, you go back the
opposite way, you feed, and in that kind of virus you don't use CuO. You have not
seen this, mankind has not yet seen this virus, but you're come across in the space. In
this situation, you need this (CH3) to feed to the body. We have not seen this virus
operating on this planet yet, but there is something very important for all of you to
understand, is that when this virus comes in and takes over, in the first stage, as I said
you see temperature and fever, because the others receive too much, or the other cells
get damaged very rapidly by it, because it's always when you see the fever, you're
already 10 days in it. So you see the damage in effect, to the cells. In the Iranian
system, we see have seen this within 12 hours, which is puzzling us, puzzled us at the
beginning. Now we understand how it's done and we can work with it. What happens
is this has been here 10 days, this cell has literally been damaged from the interaction
with the Corona energy. (2:10). Once you handle it with the Gans's and the virus
disappears, and you're safe, you will see from about 24 hours to around about 72
hours, suddenly another fever with high temperature. This high fever comes from the
damaged cells from the virus. If you get a high temperature, it means your body
affected by the virus. At this stage you can use CuO plus salt as a drinking water, and
inhaling. Because now you have entered the phase of physical bacterial condition
damage, and CuO and salt will give you that. The fever will go. You need at the
second stage fever, to add salt to your inhaling, and to add salt to the Gans water you
are drinking. Understand the process. At this stage, when you see the second cycle
stage of the fever, you ask your doctor for strong antibiotics, because now you are in
matter state. In three to four days your fever will drop, but the process of recuperation
by the cell and making of new cells, will take up to 30 days. So those of you who are
infected long term, like in China and now Iran, you'll have a first fever, then we help
you, and then you get a second fever. (2:12). The first fever is from the virus, and the
second one is bacterial, we call it. You have to understand, as we've seen in China,
they release people after they had no sign of fever and no sign of virus, they are
released, and 26 days later they have infected the whole area they've been released
into, because the Chinese authorities have not understood, this is a mutating virus.
The cover of this technology is the only way, that you can keep this under control.
unless you shoot your people on the street, mass execution, because it will come back.
As I said in my request to the Iranian government, it was very simple, my
responsibility is to defend the territory of Iran by covering its army, and its military,
they come first. To protect the nation, and not to kill the nation. We teach the
members of the Sepah, the members of the Iranian army, the members of police, how
to protect themselves on how to teach people to protect themselves, in mass media
teachings and progress, which is in development. (2:14). It should be with all of you
who live in any country unless, your leaders are making money out of the crisis,
unless your leaders have been paid by the Gates Foundation to accept injections to kill
more of you. I am very straight forward, bring all the Keshe Foundation websites
down. My responsibility is to be correct with all men, in all levels. Many Chinese are
becoming rich on buying masks for a penny and selling them for a pound, Stealing
technologies from Keshe Foundation and making millions. All of you and your family
knows the Soul, and you'll pay for it from the pain of the people. Daughters in Canada
with a star with starvation. You have to understand this virus has mutated to
humanity. It was tailor-made to kill, and now it has tailor-made itself to control. But,
as I said we'll make man ready for interaction with the Universal Community, and the
stupidity of the man has brought that interaction much easier for us. Now you
understand what it can entail when you contact and become in touch with, the "Man
of the Universe," who have energies of different levels than you, and what you can
give to them. According to your energy, it could be a virus to them. You have to
understand the totality. Don't panic if you get the fever a second time, (2:16).
Understand why explained to your doctor's wife. You educate them, not them
educating you, because their book finished 40 years ago, knowledge and science has
gone forward. A lot of doctors make ridicule of the technology, because they never
understood and if it's not in the book, it is not there. Let it be. They're the ones who
have died, 5,000 (of them) in China, and millions more behind it. Stealing and
ignoring and denying, does not put the truth away. You still die, because of your own
Any other questions?
Q: .. about would silver GANS or gold Gans, Dan's help they'd be beneficial? Keshe:
I think we passed this question. Q: if people have an organ transplant and are taking
immunosuppressant drugs, (2:18). could the cup of life GANS boost their immune
system, that might cause a risk of their immune system, by attacking their transplant?
Keshe: this we do not know, I had this question before, this we do not know. Because
you are dealing with two different dynamic systems, one of their body and one of the
organ. They can connect them, and what do you call it, bring them together
chemically. This we do not know. You create two dynamic situations, if you have a
heart transplant, or you a lung transplant, time will tell. You might not even need any
more medication, because you make one of both with the energy balance. Any other
question? Q: Mr. Keshe good morning this is Jeanette Orozco from the Spanish
group. I have a question for you, what happens in the case of people who have had
heart transplants, because they have had leukemia? Keshe: We do not know, it
depends on how it is, how the two organs reject or accept each other, and how is
being forced to accept. (2:20). Our biggest concern is for people with a lung and heart
transplant. We're looking at it. We, in a way we see a danger with it, in energy
tranStar Formationer between two different cells. In a way, we see that maybe there's
a benefit to it in balancing. You might not need any more medication. But that has to
come through the researchers in places like Arizona and the researches in Tehran, will
tell us the tale. As I told you, we have just touched, we haven't even come near it, we
are near to touch the beginning of this knowledge. Let us touch it and then it's a
skyscraper, we haven't even entered the building yet. You will understand that this
technology will bring mankind very rapidly into the space technology. The Gans and
plasma will become as common as salt and water in the coming weeks, as people start
using it, because they are trying to understand how to save their lives. As I told you,
one of our Knowledge Seekers saw a woman walking with four bottles, she didn't
know what it was, it was just that she believes in it. She just bought it, and it was
explained to her, it will save her life and that's all she needs to know. But all of these
needs certification. If we see anyone putting anything out in the market without
certification and authorization we'll report to the authorities. (2:22).
When there is something which I have to explain to you, we have found enough
criminal evidence to take action against Keshe Foundation ex-directors in how they
tranStar Formationerred everything from Keshe Foundation to another company. We
have received enough evidence in black and white and how they advised the
knowledge seekers and agents to put the order, as this company is the same as the
Keshe Foundation. And we have full and solid evidence. This company is defrauding
people and we'll take action against them very soon in Italian Courts. If you have
received emails from the Keshe Foundation group in Italy, at the time they're saying
they were tranStar Formationerring part of the order to another company, this is
deception and fraud. Please forward it to the Keshe Foundation headquarters, on their
website or webmasters at or webmaster at
We have seen number of emails, which has come to us, that during the time when
they ciphering the money and taking customers from Keshe Foundation into a
company in Italy. They had said to the other people, that this is the addition or
extension of part of the changing of the warehouse of the Keshe Foundation, and
using the logo. They were wondering why this was happening. We need more of these
emails, as they are sending it to us, to put in for execution of fraud, and deception, and
trying to bring the company to bankruptcy. But years of our background, we support it
and keep it. If your a knowledge seekers who received such emails, as the others have
supplied us, please this is helping us handle it, because we are handing it over to the
Italian police and federal police, (2:24). for deliberate planning, and even
premeditated planning and stealing from the company. The email reads very simple,
and comes in a form of reading, 'we are tranStar Formationerring things to a new
company in Keshe Foundation,' and you knowledge seekers thinking it was the Keshe
Foundation, have actually done it, and you switched over, and you even thought, it
could be a fraud, or something was wrong. Now we are in possession of these emails
from you, and the Keshe Foundation emails as a new company. Thank you very much
for letting us having these and we're getting more and more of it and we are building
the structure with the Italian police and in due time, those who did this masterminded
this transaction to defraud the foundation from two years of missing, ?** and the
others have to .. repay back for what they did. It was pre-meditated, setting up
another company to bankrupt the one you were managing and running. This matter
now is in the hand of Italian police, because the evidence is complete. There were
millions of dollars of investments of Keshe Foundation, has been taken out over two
years. I'll read it to you this is one of the units that came from there. It reads, ' does
KL managed board Keshe Foundation manufacturing Italy and the company. Why
doesn't the Keshe Foundation logo appear on the product supplied by a company as a
sign of collaboration with it. The conflicting information was given to us by GQ, and
another one. (2:26). Now can we order products to support the Keshe Foundation?

(from here skip over to )

in the last call Mr. data to us he told not to make any English for Keshe Foundation
products with distributed price because he would sell the same products while stock
last now we have a full proof of deception fraud by names we have these an email
hard copy and a Tonya creases on top of humanist errors we stole from the vanish and
deliberately names putting changing defrauding the foundation it is very very
interesting to the Italian police and immediately to the finance police because they
told us their uncle is a corner or in the Italian finance police even the Colin L have
will be interfered and I'm sure is going to lose his job in supporting a criminal activity
in taking funds and customers in the defrauded named and they left it on emails please
forward his emails to Keshe Foundation once you receive like this he says we have
been experimenting with technology for ten years for four years we have been
decimating technology with the free meaning meeting and in blah blah blah blah and
southern Keshe Foundation and they found out they received these emails from this
new company who says the Keshe Foundation is part of theirs and he says we
received from Keshe Foundation manufacturing Italy we will usually carry out orders
from Derrida will usually receive emotions of conflicting information he says Mr. so-
and-so initially mentioned to us only change of warehouse he later on informed us
that some products were available from kitchen Keshe Foundation while other
products will be supplied from this with the email given which is such a such a
company already disputing with them we initially approved the situation that was in
evolution stage thinking there was collaboration between Keshe Foundation and this
in a phone call we were told by Mr. did it Cape Italy would close down and that we
would find the same product from them so you see how they tranStar Formationerred
everything across the Italian police is very very interested in this fraud it is a mafia
job style and you'll be very interested now being getting more if you receive any
communication from the new company the names you know please send it to us and
then we you have helped the foundation millions of dollars have gone siphoned out
stocks have gone missing and the rest of it and now we have this information it's a
lien police what we are talking to them very interested this is a predetermined pre-
planned and bankrupting a company while you're ahead of it nowadays the criminal
offense and the worst thing is they have threatened to use their uncle as a corner in a
finance boys or this is the thing we would like the world the police it so it sells they
want to interview the uncle because it become part of the criminal unless he claims he
knows nothing about it we were interesting there to the computers of the
Commission's for answer does it take you to the corner but they use the computers we
never touch them so or everything to accounts the Quechua mission documents and
everything was been taken to ransom it's been we received back and Italian police is
very interested to see how these people have managed to do such a big fraud thank
you very much for those who are sending us and have already sent us this information
how they managed to diverge and they did the same thing with the supplies the
surprise in China and others have already are very interested because they don't want
to get involved in this fraud giving all the details to us in the background in different
ways using different organization to gather this information and what they tell us talk
to 25 years is a minimum prison sentence Mr. Keshe I'm told in the background here
that the email address that people can send emails to will be info at cache start
foundation yes ok sorry I have to inform you Keshe Foundation is becoming globally
one so as we called the dot foundation Keshe Foundation becomes our new
international communication line this has been in the pipeline before this about the
year two years ago as a foundation we could register so you can go at info at catch
that foundation so we are a foundation register foundation and you can use our email
directly for sending easy information you see more and more cashed at foundation
communication with all the operators of Edition worldwide we are a legitimate well
organized well devoted people to serve and when we become a prostitute we handle it
always to the legal bodies as I said before the situation with Fabio offices are in
making our understand and all the document has been sent with is getting followed by
our people in Italy thank you very much for all your support and maybe we are not
making any money hole accusation we are explaining what does not make sense on
how it becomes make sense Italian securities and police did not know that Fabio was
part of the Keshe Foundation I was trapped in a murder - now what they could not see
how he was so beautifully untouched for the hole in the back of the head now they
can see all the connections all the documents of their what we call their four attempts
murders before has been furnished to the police we are not going to court to make any
allegation we are giving evidence to the police will die now in this case we leave that
to you and then we'll tell you further on but we have enough evidence on the back of
it to show exactly how red cell phone has been evolving it and now that they what we
call the court cases activated we can stop me documents - it is any other question you
have a question from Renee yes can I just say something one second I said this at the
beginning of it can you please let us make a group for Italian rescue operation all
those Italians who got a spread because of after death of Fabio and the people who
were in what we call in Keshe Foundation in Bari the still obliviously the foundation
the way there could we need to bring you back together now we understand the reason
and how it was done we set up a system now that some cities in Italy are closed on
because of this virus we can make up and set up the what we called Rapid Response
the same as Iran that we can save lives we'll announce this through the universal
council member of the Italian language told the Italian groups how to join in and how
we can support all the Italians we have a very very large Italian condition supporting
this is the time they need us and we've said this emotion today hopefully or tomorrow
we'll call Keshe Foundation rescue italy and join us in it I'm setting it up as admin and
then we bring you our busyness to start running this that we can help as many times as

(2:35). yes carry on please.

Q: From Alaska Susan who says, the first GANS I created I saw a luminous aqua
glow down towards the bottom in a curved bottom container. I felt that the luminous
glowing plasma filled the room, and me. When I went to bed, I could still feel the
plasma presence within me, and without me, like a glowing cloud of love. Thanks
Keshe, she says?
Keshe: for the glow or for the love. .. (2:36). As a Knowledge Seekers said, Mr.
Keshe, you have reached the heart of many women. I said we are all women inside we
reach everybody at the same time. Q: Can you give me a hint on how to compress
plasmatic fields I did this on the resonant circuits and got a huge benefit from the
setup but I think that this must be possible in plasmatic too. Keshe: it can be done.
We do it, you actually can do it in a different way, and the only problem with it, is
that you get the explosion of plasma and you cannot control it. Thin it is horrendous.
We prefer you not to test. In a soft way, you do it in the MaGrav, if you understood
the MaGrav system technology. Voltage and current production from the self-
sustaining generator, in increasing the voltage to thousands and hundreds of thousands
of watts, is in the hands of the Keshe Foundation. We will use it in the Enhancement
Unit and then most probably, in the coming time, we'll release the promised
generator. For those who want it. (2:38). But the essentially the generator sits in the
MaGrav system, but none of you have managed to understand it. You will see the first
generating power units in the MaGrav units. When we told you that we have a
generator, it was just finding the time and a place to release it. This will come with a
with the new systems, and then we'll release the power generators in a massive way.
There is a very big thanks and I mean an enormous thanks to Mrs. Mohammadi the
head of the Iranian Keshe Foundation. She has done an enormous job to set up such a
beautiful structure, support and distribution team, and all the things she's done for the
foundation. Without her I'm sure the foundation and supporting the Iranians with this
position with the Corona, would have been impossible. She set this up to help Iran
with agriculture and health, and when the Corona came in, everything was already set
in, and all it was, was just to support it and extend it. Again I thank all those who
work in the background and in the front in supporting, the first group support, and
those who are in the face of it, sitting in front and trying to support an answer people's
questions as they come in. The numbers of the knowledge seekers is increasing
rapidly, (2:40). people joining it just trying to save their lives and their family. I
heard from one of the knowledge seekers who's been there, he said, 'I'm just even
speaking with my eyes shut because I haven't slept, I'm there to support, I have to,
I've saved so many lives tonight by helping them.' The beauty of it is the minute they
receive the call, they have access to the places where they keep the Gans, and within
hours it gets dispatched and the people receive it and they put other people in it. We
need to set up such a structure and at times it's hard work for months and months.
Miss Mohammadi in Iran and her team especially team in Mashhad, in the holy
beautiful city of my childhood, they have managed to do it. I can announce, we hope
we can announce it clearly, that the first airport, the second busiest airport in Iran, has
gone under the Gans protection as of yesterday. An explanation was given to their
authorities, and materials has been (given) in support. Any flow of people in and out
should become safe. We have taken the responsibility and the Keshe Foundation
knowledge seekers in Iran and they have trained the airport staff of the second major
airport in Iran, and it has gone under the cover of the Gans protection as of yesterday.
They need more and more training and we need to deliver equipment to safeguard
most of it. In the next week we announce, a second and a third nation, which will go
on the cover the Gans technology. We give 100% guarantee that there will be no
contamination, and if there is, then we give 100% guarantee to reverse back. I thank
again Mrs. Mohammadi, for her relentless work. (2:42). I was up until two or three
o'clock, and she was there at four o'clock and at 7 AM this morning she was there
again. We do our best, and this Iran central emergency system has to be set up right
across (the world), especially Italy, Germany, France, and the United States in coming
weeks will be worse hit than anybody else. China will let it go, because China
betrayed the foundation. The Chinese leadership should not have done that, because
we gave you our wish, and you will understand very soon. Stealing a gift does not
work with the foundation. We took the love of God from Judaism, and now we take
the love of God from the nation of China, that it will become an example for
humanity. You will understand soon. What is important, is that you have to be ready
to support yourself and your family, and understand that if you have the virus, just
think how many people you shook hands with as you stood in the bus with, and you
traveled with, and how many times you kissed your child, or your mother or father.
When you make a Cup of Life (Cup of Life), every living things are contaminated and
it's your job to support your dog, cat, your family, your city, and the staff working in
your office. The Keshe Foundation knowledge seekers even with Chinese
manufacturers who work with us, This is an instruction to them, to protect themselves.
They work freely, if they follow the procedure. We are here to support, (2:44). go to if you want to set up. Don't waste a lot of time, we don't have
much time, we're literally stretched to the limit in supporting these things, until we set
up the International organization. I very much hope, that Iran Sepah will become an
international force for rescue from the virus, and with it, it will bring the beauty of the
nation to all. They put sanction on us, and we bring love and care to them and see who
will be ashamed of what they've done. Try to understand, this virus will travel very
fast now in Europe through the bloodline. I repeat again, I go past a Chinese
restaurant for the past four or five weeks and nobody was in there, except the owner
sitting in the background. Now we see it, when people are avoiding Italians on the
street. Any Italian restaurants or other favorite places to be for pizza, now no pizza.
What will be next. The way we look at it, the man who gives you the food across the
counter, it could be the poison of life without him knowing it, and you do not know
when you arrived from Italy or China, or for that matter Iran. Very soon in Iran, we'll
accept what we call Coronavirus health tourism, you come in (with it), we save you,
and we send you back without it. If your nation doesn't listen, we'll accept, because
we know how. (2:46). We are hundred percent sure of what we are doing, and we are
a hundred percent safe to reverse. In a very short time, we will know maybe within
next week, that the health center in one of the European countries will open a Keshe
Foundation health center for this purpose, where people who are infected, by
governments can be sent in for reversal within seven days. This is a special center,
and a special process, which we don't disclose publicly, but it will reverse the whole
process. The government officials can check.
Any other question?
we are need a tutor book remember every day 3/4 moves from not just yourself ten-
second if you don't feel any coughing or you can breathe and you haven't got a
temperature of Bieber okay if you got against us just as Brady answers on your head
on your face and your front and the back if you feel a pain then you know your
position if you don't feel a pain then you know you're okay in any case every day do
this drink water and inhale begins here just to protect yourself but when you learn this
system and technology this is what you will create inspiration in depth of this space
and then in the coming weeks we'll teach you how to use the answers and against
material for food if this carries on and most of the roads and air and sea freights block
we got to understand in one of the European courts in past two or three days port
workers refused to touch container from Germany because it could have been and
they had contamination in Germany if the port workers stopped accepting goods from
ships on the countries they're coming delivery post refuses to send or accept post you
can see the direction we are setting out we are highly international dependent on food
and other materials on each other and this will bring a huge problem supermarkets
empty nothing on the shelves farmers cannot get their food to the market and the rest
of it this is something which we see has happened in past 48 hours in Europe and we
know a lot of governments have problem you see mean goods from China post our
orders postal systems do not accept any packages from China now Iran and now a
Tony then Jeremy France claims they have a process they cannot stop cure the people
but they haven't stopped the tranStar Formationer the beauty where the Keshe
Foundation technology is that he can be worse he can prevent and he can sterilize
know technology has offered it's not even the vaccine from Mr. gate I call it the
injection of death then you understand someone you know when mankind in United
State is be sentenced to that by injection mill foundation is doing that but on a very
large scale interruptive continuously cover yourself this is going to be four months but
we get used to it is with us immediately we can solve it is there anything wanted to
say about using GANS fir or feeding the question from Dan about that oh we prefer
not to do it for next couple of weeks but try to make as many against cup of life for
yourself and I teach you if need be to not touch them to nothing you can do a different
things with it just have it ready that you can cover there from the strength of the virus
it's the most important thing and then I will explain to you how I've given your life to
the cup of life try to make three or four cups at least each any other questions shall we
call it a day Rhea nearly three hours just one quick one about the couple people had
questions regarding could they instead of using the one cup the one cup approach
could they mix the GANS waters of the cuo the co2 and the zinc oxide in at the ratio
that you mentioned 53 yes you can well you don't carry the sort of mutation you have
to understand this there's a reason yes you can that's emerges okay and you explained
about that earlier as well so people can refer to the teaching on that but beauty of it is
this virus does not know nope King what a president or the Minister of Health and a
person on the road the worker in the office is befriending everyone I told you you will
not see what leaders this trip to India was to Keshe in as much as it could be for you
hide in your nest anything else so shall we call today Matheny agnostic foundation
today we have another information today that people need is what I call a blueprint
for life or we can call it a blueprint for coronavirus thank you very much and
hopefully we see you next week and in emergencies as we done with Iran we opened
the second what I call meeting of this week on emergency on Saturday then they are
the meeting on Monday as usual and today at nine o'clock what we call Tehran time
any one who wants to ask questions doctor's officials anybody wants to be online they
can ask questions and we can guide and we can protect then if we have emergency
animals we open this channel for five minutes ten minutes and now we explain
phonology is worldwide what is happening what it is there is a report we cannot
confirm the violence has reached Vatican and as you know what canister of all people
and this virus works havoc amongst all people we hope they are safe we hope that the
podrace a safe an esteem and at the same time once you understand the whole of Italy
has been wiped out with this thing it's not just one place under them and what we seen
in South America has come true Italian traveling and these people usually pay with it
- what ikan Italians and the others who come in so the holy city is on the roll of
pressure and contamination and we're the same thing as they give sermon they can do
as I said to one of our friends would there be a mess this is my body this is my blood
in the churches of Italy this weekend or would be scared not to go to churches that's
where they can get contaminated the house of God will have no one to worship
schools closed universities clothes the only thing they didn't cause last night I don't
personal against Napoli we don't know how many people got infected in that game
and on the other hand touches are close to people did not go to church in Austria to
the pizza parlor priests people do not go to church now in Italy due to virus kit so let's
see what happens and how this thing will develop in Italy and Germany the French
claim that they found is nothing there because they have a managed to contain all of it
and we have seen other countries we are monitoring all the countries around of
already spiders stay safe and spared the cop and against two other people and to
understand and teach if they love which that is their life they're laughing at not yours
and we should all you hear of knowledge seeker really listen to this teaching and you
have made yourself to gain cup of life you keep your life.
Thank you very much

very good thank you Mr. Keshe once again for yet another knowledge seekers
workshop here and we thank others that have helped produce the workshop today
Thank You Flint and other people working in the background to enable all this to
happen for everyone
Keshe: Can we have one of the intros we used to have before.

317 knowledge seekers workshop for Thursday February 27th 2020
318th Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 5, 2020


English Transcription:

(:15). .. In the past few weeks, since January, we got pulled into this Coronavirus in
China. We saw it becoming relentlessly powerful, taking many lives, and we thought
that was it, the Chinese got it, then the virus appeared in a number of countries, by
Chinese. Then we saw it in Iran, as we explained last week, then we saw it in Italy.
Now the Italians with their love of pizzas and spaghetti, have spread it to the rest of
the world, as now we see. This virus, they thought they could control it by mutation of
the genes, by race. But now it has shown that it can mutate itself to any race. But
when we spoke about mutation there was some concern, but now scientists have
proven that they have found the second generation of mutation that they can confirm.
This means that this virus will take hold. As I said in the past few teachings, we have
to see how and when this virus performs and if it is going to that way, for the
beginning of Spring, and we put our doubts on it, that this is self-mutating, (:18). and
self mutation, at the same time. So what it does, it destroys itself of what could, in a
way, have killed it, or have destroyed it, .. to a new way of energy balance. .. if you
understand plasma (Plasma) technology (Technology), we know how, with our
experience, that this virus has mutated in a very drastic way. The authorities, as usual,
they thought that it was going to away with the heat, but what we see, is that this virus
has appeared in Brazil, a warm country, 20 -25 degrees (Celsius), usually we don't see
flu at these kind of temperatures. Twenty degrees in northern Europe is summertime.
So this show that this virus will be with us right across the year, and it mutates very
rapidly. We have seen mortalities, death, and infections, we have seen the same in
Europe. Many Iranian leaders have died, or are entangled with this virus. We see now,
internationally Italy is under siege with it. We'll see in most of the western Europe
that the communications will hit. We see in London being hit. In Paris, (:20). France
they say they have come up with a solution, but we see the French are still getting hit.
The only French who have found a solution, is controlling the media and putting lies
out. Because if they had it, they would give it to the French and the rest. At the same
time to the Germans. We don't see any solution or any way (out). We see the
economical effect of it, will hit America in the next 14 days. We see a massive rise in
the death of the Iranian leadership, at the highest level in the next 7 days, because we
know when it was spread in Iran. The 14 days is up on Friday or Saturday. This
process has brought a lot of things to us as a human race. A very clear indication. We
have no world government to govern, in this case as it rises and it comes, it comes in
another virus to us. There is no leadership by the World Health Organization (WHO),
as they themselves are baffled by it. All the world presidents are canceling their
meetings, they refuse to handshake with each other. It has become a very strange
situation. They are locking up presidents in their palaces, and kings and world leaders
in rooms and in isolation. The military heads are hidden behind their desks and in so
many ways, a war on the human race, has been called in, by the greed of the human
race. (:22). In so any ways, we shall see the beginning of what we call, the
apocalypse, the total destruction of the whole society, shaking, and then by shaking,
destroying itself. We will see, as I have written to a couple of world leaders, a Biblical
destruction, commotion of things which will come. In so many ways, is it that bad. Iit
is worse then bad. Locking up people in their homes will not change it, as locking up
man will increase the spread and mutation of the virus. .. all of you are not sure what
is the position. There are a lot of claims on the how, and the way, and in so many
ways, the methods used has to be done the man himself, and nobody else. In a direct
relation to what is happening worldwide with this virus, this situation will not be
sustained, maybe for another 3 or 4 weeks. As we have seen people from the cold
environment of Italy, (:24). in the wintertime went to Rio de Janeiro for the festival
and they spread it right across the world some five or six million people. As I said, we
will see a massive rise in the loss of life in the gay community, who very highly
concentrated in Rio, in what we call, the festival. Many of these have been battling
with AIDS, and are vulnerable to this virus. This virus statistically kills more men
over the age of seventy, or sixty-five, seventy and it kills people with immune system
problems. So in the next two weeks, around the world we'll see a rise in death, again,
in homosexual community in a rapid way, if they've been contaminated in Rio de

At the same time it's the responsibility of a man to look after himself. Today's
teaching is a very direct teaching, and is a teaching to each individual of you, for
yourself. Many parts of it, are a repetition of last week, because maybe you did not
understand the gravity of what was taught last week. In Iran, we have set up a rescue
organization. In Iran, we have seen direct results of people who have had Corona
confirmed and reversed. The Chinese government blocked us from receiving data, but
in Iran we have put data on the Internet. (:26). Many of the Keshe foundation
knowledge seekers most probably, when this virus goes beyond control, will be very
few, who have stayed alive. If you followed the procedure the way it was set up, and
looked after yourself, your family, and your environment. In any case, as the virus
mutates, and you keep on using the Gans water once a day, and the rest, then you
allow the virus to be taken out. Let me explain to you something very clear, you were
not aware, and we were all under pressure in 2011, 2013 and 2014 with Fukushima.
As you all have the data, and the Fukoshima paper has been published, when we got
involved as a Keshe Foundation and we helped TEPCO with cleaning up the
Fukushima, we didn't hear any more about Fukushima. Because the knowledge
tranStar Formationerred to the Japanese government, and stolen by them, thinking
they were very clever, taught us a lot. The most powerful energy which enters the
body of the man is radioactive materials, and it has a concentration of the ray
destruction, and we've seen with gamma rays, and other radiation mixtures, many
people get cancer and they die. The test in Fukushima gave us a clear indication, that
GANS water has the capability to extract the radiation from the body of the man.
(:28). The Japanese and Americans stole the white gold, from conversion of tritium to
white gold, but they could not understand it. Their lack of understanding, and what I
call arrogance and stupidity, that the Keshe foundation was sitting to see the results of
the effect of extraction of the radiation and fields from the body of man. In this
process from Fukushima, we learned a lot. It showed we can extract radiation,
because the workers in TEPCO, who now use the technology everyday, by drinking
the water, washing their body with a GANS water, to extract the radiation from the
nuclear reactor centers. This allowed Fukushima to go back into clean-up operation in
an orderly manner. What this means, the workers of the Fukushima can touch any
radioactive material during the day, or come across (in contact with) contamination
materials, and at the end of the day, by drinking some GANS water, and getting
washed by Gans water, whatever they absorbed (during the day) is extracted out of
the body. In a simple way, Fukushima was a pre-run to this virus, for us, to
understand more. Therefore, when we come to a weaker version of radiation, in
interaction as a plasma, with the plasma of the body of the man, we'll see the same.
Those who everyday work in the Fukushima plant, with a normal life, will go through
the same process when the virus hits. When they drink the water from the Cup of Life
(Cup of Life). In so many ways, (:30). all of you are in the same position. The last
time the contamination was in Fukushima, but this contamination is planetary size.
The last time we gave the water to a nation of, the thieves of Japan, to steal, but in so
many ways, it helped us. This time we give the knowledge of the GANS to the free
man of this world, to help you, to help yourself. The same procedure, the Fukoshima
nuclear reactor, was an energy concentrated on the ray of photons. The Coronavirus is
an energy, in collection of a package, of a few different strength energies, the same as
Fukushima. In so many ways, is like putting Alpha, Beta, and Gamma rays into one
cup. We call it a virus, because now as the energy reduces, they interact with each
other, and they start dynamically live, to find a way, and we call it a virus. We helped
in Fukushima, now we help the world with Corona, but this process, is another
process, that we as a human race are getting ready to enter into space. Because in the
space we'll receive plasmas and rays, and as in Fukoshima, and as Corona. And with
this technology, understanding the process of the drinking of the water, the GANS
water, the Gans energy, we have understood how to extract it. In the Enhancement
Unit (Enhancement Unit), which is to be released next 2-3 weeks, hopefully, we don't
carry the water inside, you don't drink the water, but we have gone to the level of
tranStar Formationer of energy, from the body, in the level of the virus. (:32). So by
entering the enhancement unit, within seconds you have no virus. But at the same
time, we have to understand, that there is a lot that we can do for ourselves, until the
number of these Enhancement Unit are developed and delivered.

As a human race we are resilient, and as a human race, extremely intelligent. As a

human race, one has to understand what is the composition of his body. Collectively
over centuries we have gathered a lot of knowledge. In a direct message, to the
Iranian Corona group in Iran, yesterday in our meetings and today, we send a message
very clearly. The message is simple, it is as easy as ABC. Our message was as
follows, the situation in Iran is that the Iranian scientists have not understood at all,
what a virus is. (:34). Exactly how a virus works, and exactly what the body of the
man is made of, the lack of knowledge has been the cause of (not) understanding the
most advanced Technology. We have no choice, we have to understand more, if the
knowledge was understood more about the construction of the man, then man would
not have had such a problem. Let me explain to where the problem starts. In
homeopathy, there is a belief of the 12 salts in the body, some of the salts we don't
have, because some of the salts which are spoken about, and we don't understand, is a
combination of the mixture of the salts, essence of the energies and not the salt itself,
as that being described in the Keshe Foundation, as a plasma (Plasma) energy of the
Soul. When you have this, and you have emotion, and it has to change to the direction
of understanding of its own direction, it needs a Plasma of the mixture of the salts,
and not the physical salt. If one understands this, one will understand that through the
strength, (:36). of certain salts, magnetic (magnetical) field, man can replicate the
emotion of the man, not with the salt. Which means the human race has to go further
in the knowledge of understanding of its own creation and operation of its physicality.
The scientists look for the salt in a physical term, but have not understood, that even
the salt in the dimension of the energy pack, in interaction with the condition of the
matter energy pack, create and lead to the creation of emotion of the man, in
interaction with the field of the Soul of the man (Soul of the man). Where we go and
what we understand and should understand from now on, as an invisible energy
Plasma Gans, in the dimension of the Gans's of the Gans's. If you go back John in
Arizona tested this, but never understood. The Gans's of the Gans's in some of the
teachings of the past I referred to it. Now you understand what it means. The Gans's
of the Gans's, if understood using the energy of the Gans's, leads to understanding of
the energy of emotion of the man. In this way, there is one major, major
understanding that needs to be understood by men of earth. As I explained to Iranian
scientists at the highest level in the past few hours, (:38). if you look in the body,
different salts and strengths of salts, leads to creation of the tough tissues, of the soft
tissues, of the blood, and the rest. When you taste your blood, it has a salt in it,
because that salinity dictates the thickness of your blood, and the pressure of your
blood, and the direction and the strength of the emotion of the man in the dimension
of physicality. That salt tranStar Formationers the knowledge of the emotional of the
physical, to the emotion of the Soul of the man, and in that direction, reflects to the
emotion and behavior of the man. If the world of science understands this, handling
viruses in the Universe, for man, becomes a game, and a child's game. As I said
(AIS), depending on the strength of the salinity of the mixture of the salts, including
the salts of the emotion, the direction of the motion of the salts, opposite, or in the
direction of the Soul of the man, or the Soul of physicality (Soul of the physicality),
then man understands how even his physical condition is created on this planet. As I
explained in many teachings years ago, man has not understood the essence of his
own creation. (:40). The Gans's in respect to the concentration of the salinity, will
create matter cells. The Gans's as a Plasma, in different conditions, and variety, of
dimensions of salts, and essence of the Plasma of the salt, in a Gans state of energy,
will dictate the emotion in the creation. This is how through the emotion you get
cancer, the tranStar Formationer of psychological or emotion into physicality, by
changing the salt in the strength of the emotion in the direction of the physical part of
the body of the man. If mankind understands this, this virus, Corona, will become
nothing. This is one of the weakest viruses man has ever been tested on. How do you
want to live in the depth of the space, where the bigger and stronger fields are there to
consume everything man carries as a part of his Soul and physicality. In Keshe world
family and in Farsi I have posted 2 or 3 messages this morning. The messages you
hear were given to the leading Iranian scientists and the government operating at the
moment. So we share equal to all of you what the Iranian, Chinese, German, and
Russian leaders are listening to. (:42). As we make One Nation out of the human
race, through this virus. Now you are each, in intelligence, equal to the professors and
the world leaders who were educated 50 years ago. AIS many of our professors and
doctors who are battling this virus, in most of, or in all of the countries, are as good as
the old donkeys, with the bit on the back, carrying a stone or books. Nothing goes in
their head and they don't care what they are carrying. As long as the pride carries that
double word, "DR". One day I'll tell what the R is for, but at this moment we'll leave
it for them to explain. You have to understand that every part of your body has a
salinity, and that salinity dictates the energy, which is absorbed, retained, and
released. Now many of you with the Keshe Foundation in the past few years have
been through this process. If you remember, for some time we all played with the pH,
creating 10 and 12 pH, and 0 and 1 pH, (:44). and through the understanding of the
Plasma Technology, we understand that anything over 7 gives us more solidification
towards the body by absorption of the energy ** which is, anything going positive
above 7, is gravitational field force, and anything below 7, we call it, acidic, or energy
field force. Seven is the equator line, in a way, 7 is a zero point.

Now I'll teach you the secret of this virus, and it is for the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to spread this knowledge across this planet, and secondly,
remember that when you become "man of space," you need to know. At the moment
there is a huge problem with nations like Iran, China and the others, what they have
done, they have blocked, once they have identified the virus that somebody has and is
positive, to be cultured any further, to see if anything has effected it. Like a Gans
water, they can't do, because there is no certification for the laboratories to grow. At
this moment in time they don't know how to control. But all of you have been with us
and you understand this very easy. If you carry a normal blood without infection, test
the pH of your blood, and saliva, (:46). and test the pH of what might come from
your breath. At this moment you have no virus, make make these your zero reference
point. Do you remember last week I taught you a couple of tricks, this is another trick
or way to detect the virus, but in a scientific and direct physical way. The first time
we showed you how to do the 10 second test, in Iran it has become very effective for
Knowledge Seekers to test themselves and the ones who are helping. For 10 seconds,
hold your breath and see if you cough or run out of breath. If it's below 10 you are
vulnerable. We have seen in Iran that people can't even count to the first second, and
they cough. And after using the Gans water, 30 minutes later they can hold about 12
seconds. We have seen the breathing go from 12 to 36, and blood pressures go from
80 to 97 in less than a half an hour. All is getting documented for the Iranian
government, and relentless down by the Keshe Foundation of Iran, headed by Mrs.
Mohammadi, is breaking through in a beautiful way. What we learned is very simple,
if you can hold for 10 seconds without coughing you are just about safe, maybe. The
next test is, we understand that this virus has mutated, (:48). and has gone from the
lungs into the brain, when we said this, they said it was impossible, but now the
Chinese confirmed, that this virus mutates. So if your lungs are not done (infected), it
doesn't mean 100% that you don't have the virus, because now it has mutated to the
energy of the Soul and the brain of the man. Then you spray your head, your lungs,
and your back, with the Gans water from a Cup of Life (Cup of Life). If it doesn't
have any effect on you, no pressure in the brain or lungs, now you are 95% sure, yes
or no. If you get a headache with no pressure (in lungs or chest cavity), or pressure (in
the chest), with no head pressure (headache). It means you most probably, possibly
have a virus, of the Corona in your head -- possible. If you get both in the chest and
the lungs, you're 95 to 100% sure that you have got it. Don't panic, but keep on
spraying. Understand that it's not a water anymore, the Gans is extracting the energy
of the virus, and within 6 hours you should see some results. We have seen in Iran, the
wife of one of our people, and the powerful people themselves, using the Technology,
and after a few days start eating, when they haven't eaten for a long time. Strange
enough, all the reports we get from around the world, from those who have had the
virus confirmed, (:50). after the application of the Technology, they want to eat,
they're hungry. Do you remember, the first pig that had the Pig Flu, after we washed
it, it started eating like mad. He wanted more food, he used to knock on the door of
the farmer asking for more food. Mankind has followed the same, because the virus
has eaten into the energy of the body of the man, and the man is hungry and asks for
food. We hear that most of the people in Iran report that they are hungry and start to
eating again and well. The Chinese betrayed the Keshe Foundation by hiding
knowledge which was in their hands. In Iran, the Keshe Foundation has become a
parallel government in the health industry for the people of their nation, which means
we do not blame, they do not know, but we support delivering the Technology to the
population. In Iran today, you get yourself to the Keshe Foundation, you report where
you are, if you have signs of the virus. Hospitals are full, they don't accept patients.
The Keshe Foundation has become the alternative rescue center for people. Within
hours the Keshe Foundation Iran, delivers materials, and Gans water to the people and
gives them (instructions) how to make it that they can carry on making it themselves,
helping themselves. I have noticed that it is a problem to ship waters around Iran and
we know there is a problem shipping water anywhere, and the Gans is a water. The
Iranian team has come up with a brilliant idea. (:52). They are making ready-made
Cups and sending them to people, and transport companies have agreed to deliver
directly, for free, to help the nation. They receive a cup. The best they can do with the
boycotts of Iran by the Americans. This is what they receive, see photo. All the
connections are already made. All they have to do is add saltwater and start saving
lives. This has become the pattern of saving lives. As I was told just before this
meeting, 3,000 of these are ready and are going out, which means immediate
transportation and immediate use, and immediate help.

So now (let's say) you have (failed the test with) the 10 second (of holding the breath),
and you had the virus pain (after applying Gans Water), now it goes back to our
professors, doctors, scientists, ministers, and the presidents of the government, (who
say) we need a physical evidence. Let me educate you, the doctors, the scientists in
your governments, and countries as Knowledge Seekers. You tested the water and you
know its pH, and you have tested the Gans's over years and you know the pH. (:54).
Now we tell you to test the saliva and the blood, and the man who has the virus will
show a different pH. Then if the pH of your Gans water is below the pH of your
blood, which is infected by the virus, it means through the principle of the energy
tranStar Formationer, the virus gives its energy to the Gans water, and looses it power
as a virus to damage the man's life. You have to understand the higher pH is the
gravity (gravitational), and the lower is alkalinity, but always by the law of plasma
physics, the stronger gives to the weaker. You don't need to wait for your government
to tell you that you have the virus, and 'we have no cure for it, you have to suffer and
die with it.' You did the 10 second test, you sprayed the Gans water test, and you
tested your pH, and you have your Gans water to do (to use).

The last man standing is the last man surviving. Do you remember the story of the
Moses, and crossing the water, the Red Sea, this is that, what you were promised. We
have opened the ocean of life for man, and it is for man to cross. It is very simple,
what is in the Old Testament is delivered today. (:56). The plate, and in the Biblical
proportion disaster, and the solution, with the enemy behind. We have opened the
ocean of knowledge and it is for the man to cross. Those who deny and know, and
those who don't want to accept, will see the consequences of their own time, as this
virus evolves, and gradually over years will take those who are non-believers in the
peace, in understanding of the change of the condition for human race, and evolution
to One Nation. The message is very clear, you have everything in your hands to test.
The Knowledge Seekers in Italy, Iran, or in the US, you have been given the key, if
your Soul has chosen the path to cross the ocean. Once you cross this line, and once
you understand the totality of the knowledge, with what you have, then mankind is
ready to enter into the Universal Community (Universal Council), because then, he
can safeguard himself with the knowledge he has, with the test that has passed, and he
will survive all, or most of what is in the Universe to come. (:58).

In so many ways, as I said to the Iranians, we're on course to hold the April
conference in Tehran. Iran will be the only nation clean, for anyone who comes in,
and anyone who lives within its territory. In the coming time Iran will send the Sepah
out, as we said, to help the rest of the nations to develop and understand the
Technology to safeguard their nationals.

If you don't understand, we'll tell you something very simple, how bad the situation is.
The Keshe Foundation in the past few days has been requesting to receive a container
for shipping. We have been told that there are not enough containers to ship around as
everything is stuck in the ports in China, and is in the hands of the Chinese. That's
how the economical situation will become worse. In one of the European nations the
dockworkers refused to unload goods from Italy, in the past 7 days, as it is assumed to
be contaminated. They refused to unload goods from Germany, as it is contaminated.
They haven't accepted any loads from China since the disaster started. Are we going
to stop, and feed ourselves with the Gans waters in the process of survival, and would
we have to listen to the Thursday teachings in the next couple of weeks, on how to
feed ourselves with the development of new Technology of the Keshe Foundation to
have food to live to survive. Or is it heading, that we become One Nation, One Planet,
One Race, One government, (1:00). governing by the man himself through his own

It's very strange when you look and you understand. The strangest thing is that while
world leaders are canceling their meetings and hiding behind the doors, the Keshe
Foundation management is traveling into countries to deliver conferences, because we
are free. We know we are protected, and we carry the knowledge with us. As I was
just saying to one of our Knowledge Seekers in Iran, he is traveling from conferences
to meetings, and meeting directly on his way, to one infected person to another, and
he sits right in front of the most infected, double confirmed Coronavirus cases, and
wearing no mask or anything to portect himself, and then he goes to another infected
person. It's because he protects himself (with the Gans water). I laughed at him
yesterday, I said, do you know something, you are like a vacuum cleaner, you are
going everywhere, meeting all these people with the virus and nothing happens to
you, because you are protected. The Keshe Foundation teams, management, and
Knowledge Seekers travel with freedom of mind. You are well protected by your own
knowledge, not by the blessing of gods and imaginary lies. We will attend the Brazil
conference, and we are proud to attend. We will attend the Tehran conference,
because we are well protected, by our own knowledge and a simple water. (1:02). I
would like to ask, if president Trump would like to join us, at least it's somewhere he
is safe without the disease. I would love to know if president Xi of China, would leave
the prison world they have made around the leadership, to protect them from getting
infected. They close the doors on their kingdoms and presidential offices, while we
open the freedom of man to mankind across this planet and the Universe, through the
knowledge and understanding of the totality of the knowledge of the Universe.

Now I am the Messiah. I am the promised one for my Soul, and the messiah of my
Soul. And if all of you understand this, you understand simply, man rules through his
Soul to the dimension of the Universe. I have one regret, and I hope that Belgium will
be safe from Corona and nothing happens to this land, that nobody dies in that
country. We need that king alive, that he doesn't die in the hands of Corona, because
he is of old age, to bring these cronies to the justice. It's very simple, understand one
point, understand how you understand the knowledge. Understand how you control
the knowledge in every direction, (1:04). when it comes to energies, life, food, and
everything else around you. Understand the interaction of the fields, and if you
remember in the past months, I keep on saying that we need to move away from the
Gans's and understand the fields of Gans's. Understand what it means and how they
interact. Now you understand, why and how I have been asking you, because you are
dealing with an energy called, a virus. It has no physicality, it's a game that no
machine can see.

Yesterday in a trial in a hospital, when they used the Gans, they said, 'the structure is
the same.' I said, culture it. They sad, 'we cannot, we don't have a license, nobody can
culture it. I said to them, now use the pH. Use, understand. Listen to the Keshe
Foundation world family. I have posted everything you need to know, about how the
virus works, and how your knowledge as Knowledge Seekers works. Now you all
have become philosophers. Up to now we have PhD's and professors, and you had to
go to universities and schools to become one. There are no schools for philosophers
(in space). Now you are philosophers of the space, and you have given the degree to
yourself. You understand more then those who carry the books like a donkey on their
back. (1:06). Because you understand the essence of creation, and you can handle it.
So, when it comes to the virus, change the environment. Spray the Gans's in your
homes and offices. When it comes to your body, protect and shield it with Gans's, that
if it is in (virus), it (Gans) will take it out. And what is out and needed, can be tranStar
Formationerred in. So you wash your body with the Gans, and take the energy of the
virus, which is stronger out. Then you very simply drink the Gans (water). Watch if it
has mutated the muscle tissue of the man. You breath the Gans water, air, that it goes
into your lungs, that it converts its energy, and it takes energy out and you start
breathing. Within 3 hours, you should see the first results. If you are in a critical
condition, then within 3 days.

We had a case in Iran that a child of 9 years old, as written by the great aunt, they tell
us in the hospital, that they can hear his heart in the room, they don't need the machine
to listen. The next morning he was discharged (after given Gans water), I have the
discharge papers, that say there is no virus, that he was in perfect condition and can go
home. (1:08).
You asked if you understood, those of you who are physicians here, doctors, and you
have understood the new Technology. When you take the liquid from the lungs for
testing, test its pH. You don't need anymore, these sophisticated things and culturing.
You just test and see how high the pH is, then you introduce a lower pH as Gans, as
air and you extract the energy. If our friends have seen the pictures of the infected
lungs. I sent one to you Rick .. can you play it. .. . it an MRI of the chest of an
infected person. .. if you look at this MRI you see calcification, this is how you die.
Your lungs literally solidify, and they see it as white. I have pictures but no internet
(1:10). What I am going to show you is very simple. I am going to show you
some pictures on how you die, it's the most horrible way to die, but too many of us are
dying and governments are not responding. We have taken charge and let them do
whatever they like. I'll show you how you die. This is how your lungs will look,
(shows MRI). Calcification. (1:12). This will be the shape of your lungs in the last
hours of your life. This is a new MRI, less than 3 days old. This gentleman went
through, and the doctors couldn't believe he has changed so fast. They went in to
intervene and opened his body and he died. Well before he couldn’t even breath. This
is how your lungs look. I'll show you more. What I am going to show you, if you
are lucky, you get long before this. The situation is totally out of control with
governments, because they themselves are dying. World leaders are hiding for their
own lives, and how can they govern, when they have locked themselves away. Shows
a second MRI, this is a better condition, and this person in China has survived. He is
tested and cleared with no virus. You have to understand, that when you go through
the situation, you loose a lot of controls. (1:14). In so many ways, you see this lung, it
is worse than the other one. I can even show you the face of the woman. This
solidification or calcification of the lungs comes through the new salt condition,
which carries partially the emotion of the physicality together, and as every cell of the
man carries a Ca center in it. Then one understands how to see the change, as the
energy changes, it creates the energy of the Gans of the salt, of a higher order, and the
lungs gradually solidifies like a bone. The doctors call it calcification, if you look it
looks like a bone structure. And if you look much deeper, you see it as harder and
much whiter.

Now you understand, but the problem with this is, (1:16). once this virus enters your
lungs, you have to remember the other part of the Technology, which I have taught
you. If I take away your kidney, because it was there, and if I can create the right
condition, I can let your kidneys grow again in the same position, of where the cavity
of it is. Because the field of it has been in that space. So in your lungs the field of the
virus is always there. If you travel and come across another strength of the virus, it
connects up to you, because you already have a common denominator connection. So
you get hit a second (time), ** death. But if you keep on using the Gans water for the
time to come, as we do not yet know yet, how bad it is going to get in the summer, as
we have seen in South America. This virus lives in hot and cold, we have never had
(one) like this. He is a very clever one. With the Gans waters it doesn’t matter how it
mutates, you mutate with it, because you keep steady with it, with your Gans's, it is
completely there, and it is always weak and it (the virus) looses energy. In so many
strange ways, we understand the whole process. Now the knowledge I have given you
in the past hour or so, is not acceptable by the doctors because it wasn't in their PhD
thesis, nor was it taught in medical school. (1:18). Now you are more clever and
knowledgeable then your own doctors. We have seen people who have gone through
the first phase of the virus, and then when we take the virus away, we see the
damaged cells, going through infection, and a second temperature that some people go
through, it may be stronger or weaker, depending on the strength of the virus, which
has hit. You see them using a course of antibiotics, under the advice of the doctors,
and once the cells get repaired, they release the rest of the energy of the virus. You
carry on with the same Gans, and you'll walk away in about 6 hours. Try to remember
that, do not panic, at the same time remember that this virus can mutate without
dimension, and it even has the space to interact with the energy of the Soul of the man
as it does with the Soul of the physicality of the man. It's extremely intelligent, and it
hungers to survive. What we have seen for the first time, which is extremely
frightening, if you don't understand anything about it, but if you are knowledgeable
like us, (1:20). it brings a new dimension into the life of the man. As you see in this
lung, it (virus) is trying to give himself, itself a physical manifestation. If it reaches
that point, it will become like us, being pregnant with a virus, will live within us.

We have seen this in the space, and in the condition of what we call, parasites. These
are virus parasites, about which, man at this moment has no knowledge of. If you are
a lover of Indian food, you understand that every herb that Indians use in their food,
while it is tasty for you, but for them, it is a way of surviving the parasites in their
environment. They have found a way through herbs and roots to overcome it, be it
ginger, turmeric or whatever. When I see this picture and with the knowledge I carry,
it brings me huge concern, and that is, if this virus becomes a parasite virus, as we see
it is developing, then in the long term, would this parasite takes the body of the man,
with it. It has happened in the Universe. (1:22). This is not the first time that we see
it. Maybe in a few weeks, months or a few years you'll understand what I have said in
the past 5 - 10 minutes. If it has managed to create strength, at the emotion of the
field, to create the emotion of the Gans of the salt, to in a way, calcify the body of the
man, and now he can mutate to understand the strength of the calcification of the Ca,
it becomes like a child within the body of the man. But this child will not be given
birth by the body of the man, but this child will be the owner of the man. I have never
said to you anything, which has not happened, or will not happen. We have seen his
mutation, and his intelligence to mutate, if you remember when I gave you the Cup of
Life, and I told you the Cup has a Soul. Now you understand why. Because this virus,
as I told you, it has a Soul. He has created a Soul between the energy interaction of
itself, and the Soul of the cell, and he has triggered a known condition in the
Universe, which leads to creation of life, and if the salinity strength field of the
emotion is right, (1:24). it will give life to himself as a physical entity. Maybe (now)
you understand the creation of Adam and Eve. Maybe now you understand the
essence of the creation in a physical dimension in the Universe. Then, was this virus
deliberately, delivered to, or has he entered to take over all of the human race? Now
you understand why we say, that we have to prepare mankind for space. The parasites
of the viruses, are so much worst then parasites in the physical dimension of human
life. There are races in the space that have reached a compromise between these, and
their Soul, and both live in dimension, and we can see both. In time mankind will see
these creatures in the Universe. Remember, (1:26). the 10 second (holding breath)
test, the spray test, the pH test, and then understand the test of the strength of the Soul
of the man in this condition. This virus will mutate beyond, this virus can mutate
beyond, but the strange thing is, it has taken the shape of the body of the man, and it
can live in the cold and warm, and this is what we said with the African Swine Flu,
it's a warm temperature. But we see it, still ravishing across China in the winter.

There is an amazing picture of one of the women that I admire in the news. The
chancellor of Germany in a cabinet meeting, goes to shake hands with one of her
ministers, and he refuses, and he says, haven't you heard about the virus, I don't want
yours. Or will all of us become Japanese, and bow and never handshake again. Would
a kiss become the kiss of death from the husband to the wife. (1:28). Or do we start
thinking about everything we do. And here man knows he has become the source of
the tranStar Formationer of the virus. Would we have anymore value for the bank
notes? Or would we all pay with little cards with circles on it, that it is just by touch.
Then there comes a social structure, I do not work, I have no money, but I know
where to print a card that it says, that I have money. So I create my money that I can
feed myself, and he is respected, because he will stay alive. We have seen
unbelievable scenes in governments where the hungry people not being able to feed
themselves, take their lives in their hands, and they walk the streets, and then
somebody executes them, because they have no permit, and they have no food. Being
dead by the virus or the bullet is the same, end of suffering. Would we see this on the
streets of Washington, New York, and Los Angeles? ..99% give me time. We'll
celebrate "Narus" (Spring festival) in Iran with a clear nation (free) of the virus, and
unfortunately we have to see other nations to suffer. I have made one commitment to
the Iranian nation, we'll lead this virus out of the nation. (1:30). Then we have to see.
Would the world leaders come to Tehran, because it's a free virus zone, and not out of
peace? Or do we get them there and then, they force themselves into peace. We have
to watch. Iran's ambassador to Vatican, has died of the virus in the past few days.
Would we see the same in Vatican.

If the Roman's took the disease with them to the US and Rio, they're so religious that
they go to Vatican every Sunday. Would there be an empty building as there are no
more priests as they all have died of the virus? And would man judge his creation and
the Creator? As we hear the Pope has canceled last Sunday's Mass with himself. How
many infected people from different parts of Italy have been to Vatican and sprayed,
touched, kissed and cuddled, everyone (dipping) in the water as they enter (the
Church), and every thing that can be touched. (1:32). The "House of God" has
become the house of death. Didn't they do the same in Iran? Are we now taking our
belief in our Creator into our hearts, because we can't go to Mass. And that was one
less headache. The worst nightmare for the Liverpool Football team, was that after
years they were just about to win the British cup, and now by canceling the football
season, because of the virus, all dreams have gone. No schools, no football matches,
no interaction in the society. As a woman said to me in the Iranian Chat, 'you know
Mr. Keshe all of us 3 sisters with all of our grandchildren, we all met 10 days ago, and
it was such a beautiful time, and now all the grandchildren, daughters, sisters are
coming up with the virus. And the child is in the hospital, and the second one, another
.. Will it come to the point that we do not even meet each others family, out of the
fear. Or do we move to a new knowledge, that we took flowers, and now I bring you a
more beautiful way of producing Gans, the way now in Iran they are gifting to each
other (with Gans). The Iranian Keshe Foundation team is amazing. (1:34). They
reach the victims, they spray and cover themselves, and they give to them and teach
them how to do (make) it. Sometimes they are on the phone with me, even with the
sick person sitting next to them. I asked them if they were wearing a mask, they said,
'I have no mask.' In the past 48 hours the Iranian Knowledge Seekers with the Gans's,
have sat with the heads and leaders of the nation, and with those of the man of the
street, and they treat them the same. And at both times, I have been on the line,
because they want advice. Knowledge and life, no border, no seat and no power.

My only regret will be, that the ones that we save will abuse this power and this
position. As I said to one of the Knowledge Seekers in Iran, carry the World Peace
Treaty and get them to sign before they die. If you want the help, sign the World
Peace Treaty. You are the head of a nation or a minister, you sign and commit your
nation to peace. And then you'll see that you will keep (it). It's for your Soul. Then
you give them the paper and say, this is the promise you made to humanity and your
Soul, and this is the Cup of Life, keep the promise. (1:36).

But what I see, is the same again, as during the Roman times. The Roman's believed
in the god of Iran, what we call Mithra. Would we see the repetition again? Would we
follow the same. Would humanity follow the path of peace after this, or is it just
another crisis that we pass through? This time these crisis will stay with the man, and
becomes the control of the Soul of the man. This parasite is a parasite of the Soul of
the man. Soon you will understand. Now you have the full story and I'll give you

If the time comes that the nations get hit with the shortage of food and fuel do to the
closure of the gates, borders and roads two things will happen. All nations, we have
the (same) problem, we all cross this matter, and it gets mixed and mixed, and
different virus combinations will appear, or it becomes a total shutdown of the
borders, where even there is no soldier to guard, as he is dying of the virus. (1:38).
We'll enforce the end of the national borders through natural calamities, the process
that the man has done to himself. We have seen the abuse by some of the world
leaders of the position and time, and you'll understand soon. The interesting point is,
how the world leaders, even in the time of crisis, by the habit of stealing and robbing
nations cannot stop. They go to Switzerland to make sure their bank accounts are well
ready for the bribe they are about to receive in the next country they meet, signing
huge military contracts, on behalf of their nations. But the wisdom is, do we have any
soldiers to protect, and do we need these arms. You have to understand something
very simple, the Chinese government and nation in the past 30 years have become so
advanced, and people and the nation have become more clean and hygienic, but still,
with this, we have seen massive death and infection. You have to be very clever and
understand the truth, a government doesn’t close and shut the nation of 1.4 billion,
because of 2,000 deaths. The government shuts nations when there are 2 million
deaths, (1:40). 20 million deaths. At the same time if you have a nation that has
become so advance like China, and so clean, looses so much. Do you believe only one
thing, where a nation is clipped between two of the worst nations hit, China and Iran,
with the virus, and it has only 5 deaths, until the President (Trump) leaves and signs
the biggest military contracts he wants to sign, and if he manages to sign it. And the
state of India says, it only has 3 or 5 deaths. Is the news getting manipulated for the
benefit of some, that they can steal from the nations even in the time of trouble. Or
would we see bodies on the streets of Delhi, and whatever, because there is not even a
place to burn them. Or have the governors of India lied to their nation, and the
situation is far beyond. Don't forget India has a very healthy Chinese business
relationship. And it has a better business relationship with the Iranian government and
their works. And they only report 3 as of yesterday or two days before, because now
the thief has come and gone. (1:42).

Let me explain something of the gravity of what is going to hit you. .. Lisa is Earth
Council for Australia. .. Could you tell me what is the effect of the Chinese not
coming back to the city, the students and the rest. L- We have a very high student
population that comes from China because it's a way for the Chinese to learn English
and get the visas to be able to live here permanently, so they first become students. ..
Because the New Year starts in February, of course none of the students were coming
back to the new year of their classes, so there are peripheral problems with them not
coming back, property problems with rentals not being filled, jobs that now vacant.
because 60% of our toilet paper comes from China people are hoarding it. There are
very strange effects going on around. (1:44). and hitting us in ways that are not yet
apparent. Keshe: What are the effects on shops. L- a lot closing down, and going
Keshe: What do you se economically L -- it's economically depressed and tourism
has crashed. (1:46). Keshe: can Australia in the long term stand such a loss? L- in
the long term I don't think we can just about all of our components come from
(1:48) . ..
Keshe: What is interesting is now we see that governments are not in control
anymore. It's nationals who are not going to Chinese restaurants or buying Chinese
goods. Yesterday I went to 3 supermarkets to test something. All the tomatoes,
anything with the Italian name on it are not moving much on the shelves. What we
saw the Chinese restaurants empty last weeks, now we see that Italian restaurants are
empty. And when Americans get hit, how many will not go to McDonalds or
Kentucky Fried Chicken, and the others. When we draw a line, like no flights coming
out of China or Iran, we close each others borders for whatever. The nations will say
they have none, but they have a lot (of virus victims) and they don't want to report,
(1:50). because they don't know how to handle the crisis. Our ministers are the
ministers of incompetence, because they were ministers as long as it was humming
and they were getting loot. I called a minister wanting to speak to him, he said, it's my
time off and I don't speak about business during my time off. I was shocked, you are a
minister of health and you don't talk. We'll see people will take position, and we'll see
the change in the long term, by all of us, towards ourselves. We'll start taking self
responsibility and self endurance.

I was going to teach you something new last week, but I will wait until that time
comes, then there is a need for it, because at the moment there is nothing, no need for
it, but at that time you'll understand. At that time you'll come to understand it, because
you'll have to feed a child, or you'll have to steal, or die of hunger, or the virus. But
the reality is, are we getting tested. There is no way, under any circumstance, can this
virus be controlled. This virus is out of control in every nation. And how many of us
will go out of it, and then come back into it (relapse). The Chinese have shown
mutation, and that a large number of people, who came in for the first time and the
virus cleared out, now they have come with a second one, and they die. (1:52). In
some cases they come with a third one and then they die, because the virus is
mutating. The virus is continuously mutating. In so many ways, the human race has
made its match, you killed enough, now you get killed by yourself. You can't blame
no one, there is no war. We finished the wars on mankind, on each other, but mankind
did not finish the war with his own Soul and his own dimension.

One of the most important parts of the teaching in the coming weeks will be the
survival. I showed you how to protect, and work within, and around this virus. Now
I'll show you how to live with it. How to use it to feed and nourish you, and to use it
to protect you. The name of the game, is understanding the work of fields in the
Universe. As Lisa told us, the economical condition will change very drastically. Too
many containers are stuck in China, and too many, (1:54). are Chinese and nobody
will unload them. Most probably, the Chinese are telling us, that they'll start
supplying in March, but most probably, what is in the background, we don't care how
the people die, the nation has to go through. Now death will become as a natural
process, anything that dies by the virus, doesn’t count anymore. The way China is now
gathering statistics, there are no reported deaths. But unfortunately we see many
cremating machines appearing in the cities. If you don't have any deaths, why do you
need to burn them. Satellite reports shows different reality in different parts of China.
When you burn bodies it creates specific traces on the international satellites and spy
satellites, are telling us that the burning is beyond. Don't forget Keshe Foundation has
one of the strongest national security teams in the world, dedicated to perfect correct
information. The death toll in Iran, I don’t want to put fingers on it, but I can tell you,
you don't want to know. As I to a friend yesterday, I said, you know its very strange,
there is a national committee meeting, and we (usually) see many people around the
table, but yesterday in the picture there was only 3 and they're all sitting 5 meters
apart from each other. (1:56). But the interesting thing is, if this virus is mutating
through, whatever, its Soul, would it translate and tranStar Formationer through the
Soul of the man, or would it be able to get through the telephone lines, through the
voice of the man? There are a lot of things coming to me saying, that G5 ** is
responsible for it. Excuse me, we don't have G5 around here, in Iran, as far as we
know ?** after 30 days now, it's 100%. A certain strength of the virus. There is a
hypocrisy, that some doctors have come up with, as it goes more and more it becomes
weaker, but somehow it gathers energy, ** at that weak point, ** other say it becomes
stronger when it comes back. Let us understand the Plasma Technology. Let us
understand the state of the affairs internationally. In so many ways, we need to
understand how and the way to do it. There is the process and a way, and there is a
school of thought, that says, world leaders who become world leaders, stay world
leader, but how far more and how far less will it come? Summer or winter or
autumn. ?** We are in the cold ** season, Italy has shown us that it is living in the
cold. The problem is, (1:58). how far is mankind ready to evolve, vaccination.
Rick: we are having some interruptions .. Keshe: At least you haven't resigned yet
Rick, this time, that's good. Rick: That's way better thank you.
But you have to understand, we'll make direct attempt in Brazil conference to bring
some sanity to this situation, before the Tehran conference. The Keshe Foundation
team has made ready equipment, and we'll have equipment ready in the next few days
to cover the state of Italy, Austria, and Germany, with a rapid response. The systems
will be taught, and then it is for the nations to develop. We have to go through this
process, the governments have to feel the pain before they accept the solution. As an
Italian friend of mine said, I can't fly because the airport is closed in Italy in the
Northeast. I have to fly for my living for my living, where I want to go they have
canceled the flight.

proofede to here
(2:00). We see flights out of Italy still carrying on to other parts of the world,
spreading it like flies. You have to remember certain criteria. The UAE gave
vaccinations to all of its citizens by force. At the end it stays about 3 weeks ago. But
they have not managed to control the virus because they closed the schools as of this
week, for 4 weeks. I promise you that it will come to March and say it's another 4
weeks, and then they'll say it's summer holidays, we'll go through. We'll see the same
in many countries. The Chinese have gone on the Internet with teaching, so the
schools are not shut. The other nations will choose a different path. We'll become
nations of isolation, no one will talk to no one in case they get the virus, or you'll
carry a bottle with you, across. You put a sign, I carry a Gans with me. We have to
understand the situation is going to get critical, it is already critical in a number of
countries. But you know when you'll hear it, is when the Americans get hit in the next
2 weeks. All the ones from Rio, who what you call, partying, who have brought the
virus will land in Los Angles and in different parts of America. It will spread to other
parts of Brazil and right across North America, and then they'll start dropping like
flies. Most of these countries have no equipment for mass emergencies, (2:02).
except ** It takes months to build a hospital, they built one for those who are infected,
which are actually warehouses with beds to die in. Because when you send one person
from Italy to Rio, and you get so many infected, can you imagine what happens when
you put a thousand in one room? Who do you expect to come out alive. It's become a
prison of the man. In so many ways, there is an old saying in English, you send young
boys, who have done petty thief to prison, to come out 2 years later as graduates and
PhD's in all the criminal activities. They have nothing (else) to do, but they are with a
bunch of others who are expert in it, so they learn ** It's the same with the man who
has the virus, with a thousand of them in one room of the place. What do you think?
Would you send any of them out (alive). Isn't execution on the streets the best
solution, then suffering over the long term? As it is done by some nations today.
Many of you are asking, how can I make Gans's, what is this and what is that, how
can I do this and that? (2:04). Stop asking questions and just make it the way it is. I'll
show you a way to do and it passes as a way for many of you to do it. This is a simple
way shared last week, it comes from our Iranian friend. .. (For connecting 2 Cups
together at the same time). Make yourself 2 stars (wires) , one Cu, and one Nano
(nano) coated, and one Zn. Make another star the same way. As we taught you, get a
simple cup, another cup. Hang your nano coating, of the star, in the middle, put your
Cu, on the same side, in each cup, facing each other. .. Connect the 2 outside (Zn and
Cu) together, for both cups. Then connect the Cu and Zn in Cup #1 to the middle nano
wire in the Cup #2, and visa versa. That's all you need to do, then fill it up with
saltwater. You don't need a battery or wires or any confusion. the beauty with this is
very simple, each Cup has its own Soul, and now they can mutate with the virus. Mix
the waters from the 2 Cups, mix the Gans's, and wash them and make it. There is one
principle you have to understand. (2:08). When you extract the Gans's, there is
always ** salt. You have to put this in a water as many times as possible. .. And the
water you take from the top of the Gans has to be sweet, no salt. In that process,
(break ) (2:10). The totality is when you take this water, it has to be no salt. the water
you wash (rinse) until you get a sweet water, you can keep for sterilization of the
environment, house, room, door handle, lift (elevator), but you never use the saltwater
on the body. This salt has an advantage, because when it dries it has a little spot of
white, wherever it sat, because it has salt in it, and with it, it has trapped the energy of
the Gans. So when you put it in the room, it covers the whole room by energy tranStar
Formationerring across, you disinfect the whole environment with it. If you
understand the tranStar Formationer of energy with the Gans's. When you get the
water without salt, wash your breasts (chest) and the back. The chest area totally.
Wash your head the front and the back, and drink at least a 100 mls 3 or 4 times per
day. And you have to breath in (water on clothe or mask) at lest 1 time per day, 10 to
15 minutes. If you go to the critical condition, it's worse, you have to do it totally a
different way, and you have to increase it, washing of the head and breast to every
half hour until the temperature is gone. In Iran we have had 100% success. We'll
release data so when the world governments ask us, we'll show you people, we've
found very good actresses, as they said before. (2:12). Some of these people are
public figures in Iran, ** , and some are scientists themselves. This Technology
knows no mercy (difference), palaces on the street or cardboard boxes of the Vatican.
The strangest thing is would anyone dare anymore to overlook a lot of things with the
viruses now that they have become part of us. .. Do not get yourself in a position of no
return. We have seen people who had a temperature and fever and they used the Gans
water (once), and that was it, they forgot about it, and 2 or 3 days they said, it came
back worse. Make sure, once a day, twice a day, once a week, twice a week, and just
keep on spraying yourself, and if you see a sign of it, do the 10 second test every
morning and evening, and you'll know if you ** have it, you'll see. One point which
most of you must know, do not panic, even when you get it. (2:14). This virus is
emotionally controlled and we have seen deaths in Iran when people who show no
sign of the virus, no fever, temperature, or coughing, but we see in the body, what you
call, the virus, and they die of a heart attack or a brain hemorrhage. We see a lot of
brain hemorrhage deaths in Iran, because of the fear and the virus working through
the head, and the lungs. One thing which most of you will understand, is this, this is
the first time we are releasing this knowledge, and it's very important for you to
understand and you may share it with the others. What I explained before, about the
lungs and the heart and how the energy tranStar Formationers. What we see the
majority of the cases of people who are infected, the ** pain in the center of the chest,
known as the ** solar plexus. In this position you feel the energy, this is where the
virus is taking its energy from. When this solar (plexus) gets damaged or runs out of
energy, is when the line of communication, literally gets disappeared, and gets
dissolved. (2:16). Then you see death, because as its name goes, it's the star, or the
center. It's where the energy has come from. You'll find out that when the solar plexus
runs out of energy , the Soul runs out too, and the death occurs. If the Soul runs out of
energy it separates from the body too. A lot of people talk about the pain in the back
of their chest, and then a pressure on the heart or the solar plexus, before they die, or
at the beginning. And a lot of people talk about the pain in the back of the head,
somewhere inside but they can't say where. We have these, so don't panic, just wash
as many times as you can, frequently. Wrap yourself in it. Wet your Technology-shirt
and clothes. .. Spray your ** bras (for breasts) , you women are in a better position
then we are, because your cross brow has a pin point right on the solar plexus. (2:18).
Put a pad on the back of the bras under the straps, with the Gans, you're done, the
wash your bras , again in the CuO water, don't touch it, leave it in CuO for 5 minutes,
that way it drains its energy. If you see it coming back change the bras or use a
Technology-shirt. But you have to clean it to zero, that it takes its energy off. Those
of you who are faced with pain in the body, spray your body, it means the virus has
entered the body tissues, through the strength of its Soul. I have setup a Chat that is
only for rescue, and we put people to start answering this Chat in the coming time.
Because we are trying to sort this out with many people, that this can be handled by
competent people and those who understand. The line is called, Coronavirus
Emergency Center. Do not send to us, "I made the Gans, this is that color," you'll not
get any response. (2:20). The emergency team worldwide, and it has to be setup by
all the Universal Council (Universal Council) members, they have to handle this
themselves. They have to look after these in their languages. Try to setup centers with
the people in their country, to respond, the way it is done by the Iranian team. Which
means we have to organize people who are in position to be able to help to setup. ...
The teams in the background could explain to you how they are supporting and
running this. .. Mrs. Mohammadi (Mohammadi) .. she has done an amazing job in
Iran, she is head of Keshe Foundation Iran .. (2:22). Mohammadi speaks.. would
you like to tell what is happening in Iran. Keshe: Translates. She is sending all her
best regards to all the Knowledge Seekers. I am Mrs. Mohammadi. .. (2:24). Since
we started to find a way to negotiate with the Iranian officials from the government to
the Keshe Foundation. We are setting up and writing many letters with the officials
and get them to understand the virus in Iran. We have been working with all the
Knowledge Seekers across Iran for nearly 2 years. We decided in parallel to setup
knowing it take as lot of time with the officials. (2:26). They have established centers
in every district which they carry Gans's and they have the knowledge to teach people
how to make Gans's. Our target is to have one center in each city, that once they put
the city on quarantine we have access to support the people from inside. All the help
is done by Knowledge Seekers, and all the materials are given to the Keshe
Foundation freely to make this possible. (2:28). With what we setup we can see that
setting up a structure we can support the whole of the nation, until the government
wakes up to the reality. (I have to explain it's not in the translation, in Iran when it's
critical, they use red to indicate that the infection is high.) She said that if we manage
to cover these red cities, which are highly sensitive and with a lot of infection, then
we can cover the family. If we can cover this little town in the north of Iran that has
huge infection, then the world of mouth telling them that rate of death has dropped in
this city because the use of the Gans Technology, then the Technology will go mouth
to mouth by the people. (2:30). All the Iranian centers across Iran have started
producing the Cup of Life as you saw early, to send to this city that it gets covered
with the One Cup One Life, that we can cover the city and support it that it can walk
away from the disease. But she can't mention the city for security reasons. Next week
we'll announce the result and outcome of this from the city, that how we have
managed to cover this city with One Cup, because this city is a highly infectious area,
and we'll announce the result next week. She is thanking all the Keshe Foundation
supporters for their kind support. Keshe: Mohammadi how many lives do you think
you have saved up to today? Mohammadi- many I hope. (2:32). Keshe: How many
people have responded to the Keshe Foundation team? Mohammadi- They have
supported many and have kept a list of the people that they helped, and they have
setup a rapid respond team in Iran. If they can't get to them with the water, they send
them a Cup of Life and instruct them how to use it. I have to explain something in
the background.. They have setup centers in all the cities and districts, and all districts
are covered with materials, that they can respond immediately and the minute they get
the requests they respond to it within hours, and if they are not there, they dispatch to
some companies that they have come to an agreement with, who do the dispatching
free. Up to now they have saved many. On the support lines people come in and they
start making the Cup of Life. They get taught live and can go on the Internet and they
are teaching their families, and friends. What Keshe Foundation Iran has done is to
take the knowledge to the home of people. (2:34). It's manned 24 hours a day, I
sometimes stay online, we have teams of doctors, 2 or 3 in the background to advise
for anything else because some people see different conditions. the emergency team
in Iran is very rapid. within minutes, they ask for the address, home, telephone
number, they talk live online with the patients, with the person who has monitored.
We have 3 children looking after their father, I have videos where children actually
ask them, if they can do the count (to 10). Then they come back a hour later and say,
"Papa do the count." They send the video. They have mothers and grandmothers
making the Cup, and they all have become, one ** gel family. In emergencies, I and
the doctors try to come in to advise what to do for the next step. Mohammadi and her
team are in the city of ** have setup a structure, unbeatable even by the Iranian
regime. They work relentlessly, and every Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in
Iran who can manage, or they start learning. They start putting the names and
telephone numbers on the list, and you just find who is nearest to you, or you go to the
emergency line and they find somebody to get to you, something. Iran will be cleaned
in the next 2 weeks from the virus, because of the wisdom of Mohammadi and her
team. And one of Iran's airports have been taught in the past few days how to cover.
(2:36). We'll cover nationally. .

everything possible. They make Gans's, there are hundreds of thousands of liters of
Gans's in bottles. I wish I could share these pictures with you. They just send it in any
shape or form to people, and people receive it warm, because they call up and say, I'm
a mother, I have MS and I have got the condition and I have two young children. I
have isolated myself in the room, for my children not to get infected. Later we get a
message that they've delivered the material to her, and hours later she sends back, 'I
lost the symptoms, the fever is gone, the temperatures is gone, I feel energy,' and the
mother is back with the children. We, .. the work done in Iran, is unbelievable. The
foundation has taken over the job of the government to support. But we still sit in
conferences, and the doctors say, 'these are not acceptable, we have to have a clinical
trial, it has to be in journals.' By the time you get them in the journals, you're dead or
your family is. We see them, and we have structures set up to succeed, and I spend all
the time on the line, I'm there, I stay in the background to see what is going on.
There's a need to help, the first few days was a lot of answering questions, and now
it's become routine, the team has taken over, and they're working, and they're
supporting. You have to understand there's a lot of the skepticism about this, (2:38).
they're not happy, some people come in and they take it, and then they see the results,
and then they start to teach. There is a huge work going on. We saw yesterday, we are
handling it in a beautiful way through Mrs. Mohammadi, she is not only handing what
I called the Keshe foundation, with the rescue, she's heading there all the negotiations
everywhere. If anybody who doesn't move in the governments in the local areas, then
they inform her. So she's a central pivot point for the whole thing. I called her in one
of the talks, the "Mother Theresa" of Iran. She's working relentlessly, if you send a
message five o'clock in the morning she answers you, and if you send a message at
one o'clock in the morning, she also answers you. She had some trouble ?** .. and
this is the same with the whole of Iran. The Keshe foundation team has found the
strength to serve the nation, and doing it. One of the knowledge seekers says, I haven't
slept yet, I'm talking and advising with my eyes closed, because I've been up the
whole night, and I say okay, you go to sleep, I'll take over. And now there's more and
more of them (people helping). We need this in Iran , in Italy, in Brazil. It will come
to you. Try to learn from the Iranian emergency team that has been set up. We have
become the support, in the back of the government. We don't blame the government,
because government ministers only listen to the advisors, and advisors are more
interested in that piece of paper, and the title on the door, as long as they're alive. We
hear that many leading clergy have died in past few days. Many, many clergy, we
have seen their coffins. (2:40). We have seen many leading scientists and doctors
have died. We have seen diplomats, politicians, and members of parliament all have
got the infection. We get calls that members of Parliament's are infected and they
want emergency help from the Keshe Foundation, and it's been delivered, during the
day or the night. We get people, grandmothers, old people in the hospitals. They come
out of the hospitals and they learn how to use the Gans, because they don't let them
use it in the hospitals, so they go inside and they use it on their family, and they see
the change. We have seen 85 (percent) what you call it, oxygen, and within 10
minutes it goes to 97%. Then the one in the bed next door, asks, 'can I have it too.' So
they give it to the bed next door too, because they want to save everybody's life. They
come out of the emergency units, and we have cases where, the son has the father
infected in the same hospital, as he's a nurse and he takes it (Gans) for his father to
save the life. Now the nation has taken over the government, because the government
is in disarray. We have a started governing, literally helping the nation. And just one
second. (2:42). .. please sorry about that.
We see this process that is running, and we will see the taking over in this section, by
what we call, the Keshe Foundation team. We are there, we don't look that we are
there to do anything (** to interfere with the government). We are there to support the
nation in the time of trouble, it's very simple. We need to be there to support the
nation in the time of trouble. In so many ways, we have to be independent and stay
independent, because the system, the technology, the information of Technology, has
to help the humanity. (2:44). In so many ways, we have to understand, that we have
no choice. In a way, our own leaders are in trouble, that are infected, and it's our job
to support the nation.
If there anything you want to add Mrs. Mohammadi (Mohammadi) just carry on
please, I'll translate. Mohammadi speaks. Keshe: She is telling us, that in a way,
people have reached the point that they want to start telling themselves, as they see
nothing can be done by the government. In a way, they have taken charge over their
own lives and what is happening to them, and to their own lives. (2:46). It's maybe
for the first time they realize, that staying alive, and being alive, is in their own hands.
It's what we say in Keshe Foundation, "the last man standing," because there is
nobody else to help them. The decision has been made by the Keshe foundation in
Iran, that every member of the Keshe foundation team in Iran, is responsible to train
10 people every day, be it online or whatever, until they go through the process of
learning, that they can support their own environment and their own body, and what
we call, the surrounding people. So whatever we have, they support it. She says, it's a
compliment. Since it's a gift you gave us, and we are trying to give the same gift to
the people of Iran. (2:48). She thanks for being here, and we'll see. Caroline- Mr.
Keshe can I maybe ask a question? Q: Isn't it correct that a lot of people, who have
nothing to do with the foundation, like business people, and they start coming in to
support the knowledge seekers? Keshe: They have seen what the foundation is doing
and they are giving everything free, to support the knowledge seekers. Yes normal
people, because they know. You have to understand. Mohammadi can tell us. Mrs.
Mohammadi isn't it a lot of people who are not Knowledge Seekerseekers, but they
come to support the foundation in Iran, by giving things and doing things?
(Mohammadi- ) She says at the beginning we were not many, but now we see every
day, they are coming more and more to give, to support, and then the way that these
people are coming to give support. They are getting baffled, literally, (2:50). joining
the Keshe Foundation to help, because of the knowledge and what it brings puzzles
them, and now we see more and more people coming in to support that it can be done.
It is nice to hear you Caroline and we are looking forward, hopefully to see you in
Iran with open arms very soon. C- I appreciate it very much, we are there for you
around the clock, for every one, not only for Iran, but for the whole world, and we
thank you for what you are doing (big emotion). Mohammadi- thank you so much.
Q: How can we get in touch with Mohammadi, address or in Telegram.
R- Is there an address?
S- Keshe: For the address you go through the Keshe Foundation info and the usual
channel. (2:52). You have to understand, we see other things which are happening in
the background and we have to protect the Iranian Keshe Foundation. The terrorist
organization of Red Circle has become active, and they are ruthless, even in the time
of trouble they are trying to create damage, especially the German Red Circles. We
are protecting our people heavily. As you know Red Circle is now in court, and he'll
be arrested very soon for murder, and planning a murder. .. These people don't stop.
We protect the Iranian team very heavily and closely. If you have families in Iran and
are concerned you know the channels you can get through the info@keshefoundation,
and we'll if you are Iranian, we'll put you through. I am very adamant about this. I
have stopped a lot of things in the background to keep the Iranian team without these
things and pressures. If you are Iranian go through the channels of the Keshe
Foundation, and we'll put you in touch. We have already had requests from outside
Iran for their family in Iran, we honor and respect it and have supported them. The
Keshe Foundation security in the background are working relentlessly to make sure
that everything goes smooth, inside and outside and in connection with the Iranian
team. If you go you can find the Keshe Foundation web team. I give a warning to the
German team, "one more move and we'll wipe you out." (2:54). One more move, try
to create anymore mayhem or whatever, I will wipe you off the Internet. It's very
simple, you are playing with people's lives. ..

Keshe: I have to explain to you that the team in Iran has made preparation that even if
the Internet is cut off, or any problem with it, a special emergency system has been
setup in Iran, that a rapid response team will operate through it, from it. So any
interference by cutting off the Internet or causing any problem, (2:56). the system
will go into rapid response through the telephone communication. They'll support
anything. The Iranian team is highly motivated, and some of them very powerful
people with the Keshe Foundation. They have foreseen any eventuality, and we'll
gradually get ready in the next couple of weeks, ** gone to respond to emergency. To
forward to the other nations. Iran we had a good run. Thank you very much
Mohammadi for all of your efforts for what you are doing. You have to realize that
this work is relentless, and the way it was spread by the Americans in Iran, to do the
maximum damage, that then they could do the clandestine activities, after they had
lost in the Iraq situation. As I said, we stand solid behind the Iranian government and
Iranian defense Technology, and in the coming weeks, as I announced before, and I
put directly before the Iranian administration, the Iranian Sepah, military will travel
even to Washington to support, and even how to save themselves. This is the hand of
destiny, but in the coming weeks you'll see that the Iranians will be the only nation
that will go out to work, and literally overcome this problem. We'll announce very
soon Iran, as a free Gans nation, which means, a nation free of the virus. You get the
Gans free, and with it you make yourself free of the virus. This what has been setup
by Mohammadi (2:58). will extend to all the nations, and nation by nation we'll travel
to deliver. I will deliver a talk in Brazil, laying out the structure of how we are going
to do it, and how it has been done. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks we'll see a change in
the course, by not fighting and hiding knowledge, Technology, and information, but
by teaching the Technology that we can save ourselves. The beauty of it is, as the
governments are in disarray in many of these countries, they don't know what to do,
Iran is heading and leading the process. The beauty of it is, that everybody is coming
in and learning to do. They're also coming in to teach how to do. We support and
stand solid. There is something that has to be done by the nations, and how it is. The
center for rescue sits in Iran, they have set it up so perfectly. The only thing is, in the
west, you all wait until something hits the US, and then you run with it worse. It has
hit the US, and give me 14 days, the "Carnival" time (Rio) is over, and now the
carnival of life starts with all the people who traveled across and brought these
diseases around. The governments are not releasing the numbers out of the fear. This
is the biggest problem they have, and then the people travel and they spread it more.
And they have spread it more. The only solution is, (3:00). most probably what the
Chinese have done, which was to bring 80 cremation machines to a city and just burn.
The pictures released by satellite do not lie. Burning fingers leaves a specific
fingerprint. Burning bodies leaves a specific fingerprint. When you see more trees
with hundreds of bodies, when you see holding places for thousands of people, all
beds fully occupied, and they are all just waiting to die, because they is no room. The
containment has not sorted (it out), but has opened up the doors, but who is going to
contaminate who and where. In so many ways, one thing is very clear, this virus
knows no race, color, nationality, temperature, and no borders. Africa has reported,
and in so many ways Africans don't even know how to report. I was explaining in one
of the teachings this week, the city of Guanjo a southern city in China, is full of
Africans married into Chinese and speak fluent Chinese, (3:02). and they have been
trading back and forth with Africa, with themselves and their wives. They have
exported it, it's everywhere. If Italians have managed to get it around the world
through their travel, do you think the Iranians, Italians, and now the French, getting
everybody else and they transmitted it around the world, and now London. We see
that the masks don't work, and become a bigger problem then actually the whole
thing. The masks bring more infection, irritation and everything else. There is a need
to understand the Technology, to know how to use it, to explain to others how to use
it so that we stop this mayhem. As Mohammadi said many times, no one should sell
the Technology, the Gans water, or the materials to each other. It has to be free. It was
given to us free and we give it free. If anybody offers you a Gans water, or if you see
it in supermarkets, and some shops we have seen it in Iran. (3:04). It's very simple,
just test it for its alkalinity, then you'll see if it is only tap water. Any ph over 9, or 8.5
carries a Gans water. You cannot give a ph to water and hold it at that level, unless it's
Gans. In the coming time when you buy Gans water, if it says Gans water, put it in the
freezer and see if it has magnetical field flow in it. As you remember some time ago,
if this is a block of ice, you should see lines like this (vertical slightly curved) in it. If
you don't get that it is a normal water. We have to support until the nations get back
on their feet. We have to support it out of this mayhem. Thank you very much
Mohammadi, Iranian teams .. We don't speak about numbers, but setting up a
structure to be there to support and now it's supporting. (3:06). .. C- .. As you were
explaining the double Cup, it is amazing how fast it is producing amino acids (amino
acid) on the top, and the Gans at the bottom. It's correct that it just kick starts out of
nowhere, just exactly as you said, it's beautiful.
Any other question.
Lisa- I am trying to setup a network of people who know how to make Gans, people
in the Keshe Foundation Australia. ** .. Keshe: One of the first things you have to do
in Australia, you have to inform the Australian police regarding Richard, and the false
things he is selling. He's selling contaminated waters as Gans, and he is selling it to
Iranians. (3:08). Somehow it is the work of this guy pretending to be a doctor, and
selling Gans. Selling Gans's in Australia has to stop. You know who I am talking
about? L- yes. Somehow the government has to be informed that this guy is going
and bending backwards to defraud a lot of people, by selling Gans's and all sorts. I'll
tell you have you get a lot of support on how to make Gans's. A large percentage of
Iranians in Australia follow the Keshe Foundation work, and they all know how to
make it and work with it. You have a very large community yourself in your area.
You set it up and we'll try to support you. You tell us what you need. L- At least
mentioning it here, or Facebook (FB), they can start putting their hands up and saying
I am here or here, because Australia is such a humungous country that we need people
around the country in local area . I have already 15 people in a network, but that is
not very many to cover the size of the continent. .. (3:10). Keshe: they need to go to
Keshe Foundation Australia. .. Keshe: We are waiting for that critical mass to come
in, and that is about 2 weeks from now. I'll explain what that is. the critical mass will
come when the US literally shuts down, becomes near closure. Because the world
economy will come to a near halt. The Chinese economy tried to export goods but we
see a lot of companies refuse to handle good from China, because it could be
contaminated. Then when the American economy gets hit, the dollar looses its value.
We see that the metal has lost a to of its value in the last few days, (3:12). because
there is no demand for it, because major factories are (not) using, because they have
no (orders) because they can't ship anything. Give it another few short weeks,
meetings with the world leaders will come online, there are not to see each other.
Even if one of the W leaders dies tomorrow nobody will go for the funeral, which is
tradition and they usually go. The emergency kits, systems to back the governments
by Keshe Foundation is on the stand-by. We have made it. It has been made by our
team in Austria, and they are there, to support and increase it, and to see how we can
literally push it to the front to support the governments. The emergency kits which
you will see coming up from the Keshe Foundation is very simple, it's all boxed, well
marked and will arrive to governments, in destination. You'll see that is how we see it
and how it will be given out to officials. (3:14). It's for saving lives. I am sure most of
the materials will not come into the hands of the public. I have tried to establish
something. what you'll see, kit like this will become very .. able to deliver We
have set the structure to be able to deliver rapidly to the governments. at the same
time, we are ready, we foreseen this coming up, they're already shipped to location,
we can cover 2 or 3 nations. The first kits were made ready to go to Iran for rapid
response, and . (3:16). Shows photo of one of the "Emergency for Coronavirus",
emergency kits. We are prepared to respond to the governments. It's real, this is not
anymore happening to somebody else. We are all in it and it's the responsibility of the
Keshe Foundation to be ready to respond and we are there. All equipments ready to
respond in every shape or form. It's essential that the response teams, not only in Iran,
but the backups setup is there to deliver. We don't just talk, we are ready, it's the
peoples lives. We can see some of the things which are in these emergency kits. This
can support about 1 million people. Shows photo of kit. (3:18). We can cover most of
the western Europe in 3 to 5 days, upon request from the government. And using the
Keshe Foundation that is already in the country we can deliver very fast with
everything else. It's the reality which the Keshe Foundation has accepted a long time
ago. We are there, we just don't talk, we are there to support and to cover. The Keshe
Foundation team is not just in Iran, and Keshe Foundation outside is working
relentlessly, especially in Europe in Austria. We are not waiting for something to
come, we are there to deliver when it's there and has come. It has to be the same with
most of the Keshe Foundation teams in your own countries we have a vast network of
teams in your own country that we have setup. L- I just want to say that we are
covering New Zealand as well, we can support one another. .. (3:20). Keshe: Yes I
understand we are all the same, .. The situation is not anymore that's Iran or Canada.
We'll respond to betray of the Chinese government in a very radical way. The Chinese
government decided to go the wrong way, and in due course they'll learn from their
own mistake. All of the Keshe Foundation has to be ready to respond, it doesn't matter
where or how we are. I know the Keshe Foundation Chinese team are working like
crazy trying to get things out. Every means has to used and every way that we can
use, how we can help each other in these times. There is a way it is done which we
collectively have to understand how to do it, (3:22). the same or better, or working
together to change it for better. The reality is that the Keshe Foundation as a team as
One Nation, has to be there to respond. We can't separate, that someone is from
somewhere else, we have no borders. We don't see nationalities, so we are responding
very rapidly to a lot of governments, but we have to be aware what they are doing
with the knowledge and Technology we give them. Are they using it for the benefit of
the nation, or like what we have seen in one country, the minister decides to do for his
own benefit, and to what extent do we allow these things to happen. Are we allowing
the Keshe Foundation teams around the world to start dictating the conditions. (3:24).
Do we have to get to that point, do we have to see that we can do these things, and
literally start governing. Governing ourselves and not he government. Have we
become strong enough to understand that we stand for a very strong morality of
working and delivering. I will share with you some o f the things that we need to see
how people with the Keshe Foundation are working in the background. Because we
see it, it is absolutely real. What you see, (photos), the kits are ready to go, and you
see it, this is as far back as the 25th of February. This is at the airport. You see how
the Iranian team made Gans's ready, and delivered the Gans's at the bottom (photo),
they are ready to dispatch the minute the call comes. It's the first life support. (3:26).
hundreds of thousands of liters are all on the stand-by, the minute the call is given.
Here is the list of Iranian backup on the 26th of February, where they are, education,
what they have or hold, even small amounts, with their telephone numbers. These are
the backup systems. Anybody can call Tehran They cover the whole of Iran and is
accessible to anyone by telephone call. This is a rapid response, ready for one nation.
It says on them, emergency for Coronavirus. It's all made ready to go. We understand
our responsibility, but we have to understand, that we are first responsible to
ourselves and family first. (3:28). Keshe: this is old Iranian poetry, it says if one part
of the body of the man is in pain, it doesn’t leave for the other parts to be at peace
because one part is suffering, the whole body suffers. As a human race we are all the
same. When you read through the Iranian Farsi support team, it's very hard that, we
all suffer with this, and we all will suffer more with this, if we don't learn to work and
live together in a different way. There are pictures that we don't see. The doctors don't
understand, (3:30). they're baffled by this. How far can we help them. I see somebody
placing new pictures on the Internet. The people died, the whole. We change position,
we understand the position. How we can change it collectively, all of us, how far and
where can we set these things to. I think we are getting tested in a very good way,
how we'll become human, and how a lot of things will pass us. (3:32). Hopefully,
sooner or later, it's not the virus, that can't be solves, it's the virus with us, we have to
live with it and we learn from it, how to be correct with ourselves. Rick: We have an
echo. Keshe: If you want to see pictures I have to go on another phone and then we
have an echo. Is it better. Q: I have a 200 liter tank and I am preparing it for One Cup,
and this tank is already used before for chemicals. As you know I am working in
washing and all these things. If I want to clean it can I use the CuO water to it to
clean? Keshe: In a way, yes, but it depends if it is totally cleaned of the residue of
chemicals. Q: I washed it more then 10 times with a high pressure water, but as we
know everything stays there. Should a I use CuO or the same. .. Keshe: Get a new
tank. It's the easier way, (3:34). because we don't know what has been carries in these
tanks with the chemicals, or what chemical effects they create in the plastic. Q: I have
a hundred in my garden. Keshe: Yeah I know a friend of ours has a hundred big glass
jars, he obviously found a use for them. Learn as you need, but we try to keep clean
sheets for this, especially in the beginning. Especially in the beginning. .. GL- .. Our
Chinese website of Keshe Foundation is ready now, I want to announce here. ..
Keshe: You are doing a lot of good work with te Q Q spreading the work in China.
What is the update in China now? GL- We are getting some new people joining,
some government officials .. (3:36). .. Knowledge Seekers come in to teach ..
Keshe: Can you share with us what is it called, the website. GL- it's
www.keshefoundation.china, but that is Chinese character, Quong Gua. I have the
right to Rick. it's in the Zoom Chat. .. (3:38). .. Keshe: Is there anything else you
want to tell us? Is your factory up and running now to be able to produce enough of
Gans's. GL- yes the factory is running, and I am asking them to do agriculture because
this year the food will be a big problem. if he recovers he'll promote Keshe
Foundation. .. (3:40). Are then any other news, we love you China, and we'll leave
you if there is nothing else. Gl- I think the Technology is now in the hands of the
people, and we are gong to spread it throughout the world. Keshe: without telling too
much, how is the Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) up? GL- Actually we have
one technical issue to resolve .. Keshe: It doesn’t matter, you don't need to talk about
that, but is it on course, will we see it soon? GL- yes. Keshe: It's amazing how it
looks. GL- yeah it's beautiful a new womb of the Universe and it became a new baby
of Keshe Foundation. It's a beautiful team that GL is heading. highly devoted.
(3:42). They work day and night, they don't sleep .. Q: you mentioned it (virus) is
more acid, and our Gans's are more alkaline, so we can ** drain the energy. Some
people are asking, because normally if people are vegetarian their body is more
alkaline, then the people who eat a lot of meat, so they're asking if it's possible for
vegetarians, is it not easier to be infected by the virus? Keshe: It's a point of
reference, in which strength of the virus we catch. It's acidic in respect to the strength
of the Gans or the virus is alkaline, in respect to the Gans we give. It's not that
everything fits, if you have a higher strength of the virus. Because this virus is not a
single strand strength. It's multiple and it divides all the time. Now we see it with the
brain, then with the digestive system, so it doesn’t matter if you are vegetarian, meat
eater or you just live on the fresh air, (3:44). if you find the right strength of it, it will
catch you. That it doesn't happen to vegetarians, it's only for meat eaters, that doesn’t
exist. We see recently, cases of stomach virus, it has mutated.

Governments, by the time they say something we see so many cases, especially in
Iran. Iran has become a massive learning ground for me. The Chinese stole and hid,
they wouldn't even give us the report. GL have they managed to get that report from
the Shanghai hospital on the Gans use. Is that written yet. GL- I pushed but it has
been written yet, they said they write it. Keshe: The Technology has been tested in
Shanghai hospital in the city. GL- it's actually in Guang Dong. .. We see that they are
hiding knowledge, we don't get the report, they are writing the report. But in Iran we
are in the front, we get reports case by case how they feel, and they're trying to gather
the information from all the people who have used the Technology. We see a bigger
spectrum of knowledge and the Keshe Foundation sits on it. Mohammadi from Iran is
gathering this knowledge, (3:46). and it will become available internationally for all
of the scientists ** What I see on specific way the Iran Keshe Foundation, the
Coronavirus is set. There is a channel where people talk about the ground ** , there is
a channel where they talk discuss what they made, one for the rescue team to talk to
each other for rapid response and consulting with each other, then there is a response
now that is showing data, information of what is happening, and whatever, and is
getting gathered. This is giving us a good opportunity to see the whole process. As
Mohammadi and I sit in all the channels and a number of people sit on all the
channels, I observe the social psychological structure, there response and more or less
what we get at the end. We see from the time when the first call is made until the end,
where the data has been recorded what has been achieved.

So we see the changes, they say, oh today I have this and that, and the other day was
this. This process is very rapid we see reports within hours coming from, the time
they use the Gans, even though they've been (there), and we ask most a time to give
us a recording with a the video recording. (3:48). The understanding of it is, that
there is a solution for all of us, but in what solution, and how we and our governments
will allow us to go in with. But in a way, as I said, we have become a governing,
supporting a governing country, because there in disarray. We will see the same thing
in Italy, we (have) seen the same thing in China, because nobody has been prepared
for this. This is a prolonged battle, for years and years to come. Conversion of what
we call GANS of the energy, to the full energy is dangerous, extremely dangerous. I'll
try to show you something which just being posted in one of the Keshe foundation
systems, that you will see on the edge of technology what the doctor see. It's death,
there is no other name for it, and if we don't organize ourselves, sooner or later we'll
be defeated by it. (3:50).
Any other question?
Q: You showed this picture of the Cup of Life (Cup of Life) from Iran which they will
send to the different regions, because they cannot send water. Now just to clarify, on
this picture you have a cable which is fixed to the zinc to the middle coated one and to
the copper, but on the end of this there are three ends shouldn't they be connected?
They will do it, you just see the structure. .. .. I will eventually also do something like
this here in Switzerland, and it's just to be really sure that that the three cables will
have to be connected as soon as you put the saltwater in? Keshe: It is when you
connect it this way, you have to connect the two from the side plates (Cu and Zn)
together, and then use a (separate) wire to connect to the center (Nano Coated). Q: I
see, so these two are first connected one to the other, and then the two together, are
connected to the middle one? (3:52). Keshe: Yes, you have to connect through a
(separate) wire. You need tranStar Formationer resistance, as I call it, to achieve. I'm
going to send you something Rick, see if you can show it it's just coming the Iranian
channel it is from the doctors. I'll translate for you from the Farsi. Yes, you see the
connect the white and the red together, and then you need to put a (separate) wire in
between here. you connect these two to this and this one to this. You need this red
wire. Unless you set up a double Cup, which we showed how you do it (earlier). Rick
can you play this. It's coming from the medical news. Have we received it. Rick: Yes.
This actually shows how an MRI, you see Coronavirus lung. It is calcification, they
call it. (3:54). Then you'll see how real the whole thing is.
Plays the video. (3:56). Keshe: You how bad the lungs have calcified. In a way, there
is no room for oxygen to be absorbed. The text reads, it's a 59 year old woman.
Any other question?
Q: How to change the pH value of the plasma? Keshe: Oh we've been through this
three or four years ago. It's by plasma ratio, by volume ratio, in so many ways, of
different Gans's. You have to understand, if you create a plasma which is a higher pH
than the virus, then you feed the virus. If you create of plasma which is below 7 (pH),
with the power of feeding, (3:58). you feed the virus. This what we showed you, and
called it a Cup of Life is well calculated. I made science so easy for you lot, that you
don't even, you think it's just a game. It's the art of being a good teacher sometimes,
that you make it so easy, that you all jump into it. But there is more to it. Q: Can you
explain why, somebody who carries the virus, but doesn't show any symptoms, but
still spreads it and infects a lot of people. Keshe: This has happened in China quite a
lot, we know that. They find people without the virus, and then they release them
from the hospital, and then they go and infect many people in the community.
Because they say they don't have it, but then they show the virus. The reason being, is
what I explain all the time, is our scientific knowledge in the present world of
medicine is so limited, amazingly limited. In so many ways, once this is the body
of the man, (have you ever noticed how my drawings of men have changed, they are
not like this anymore, stick men), now we have to give them a shape. When you have
the lungs, (4:00). and I explained it later on, and this is your gorgeous little heart in
the middle there, when they test it and they show they have a virus, and then (later)
there is no virus, then they test their blood and it's not there. In fact, what the doctor
should do, they have to test the water of the lungs, what comes out of the lungs. So
they see no virus in the blood, and it's very .. they don't to a culture the virus. I was
even discussing this with the scientists yesterday, they need permission. They don't
they see the protein structure of it, and they say it is a virus. So they go in and they
say, they have no virus, but in fact, if you look at it, this is what they carry, the energy
of the virus. So they don't show it in their blood, but they carried it as energy in their
lungs. So the virus is an energy pack, it could be on the skin, or the sweat of the
fingerprint, or whatever. So now they walk around, and they see the guy on the street,
and he has the same strength amino acid (amino acid), they could be cousins by 10
generations, and what do you get? Energy tranStar Formationer. The viruses don't go
by mouth or by air, (4:02). viruses go by energy tranStar Formationer. And this is
what doctors haven't understood. So now the guy is walking around with a pack of
energy of virus, whoever is in his village, of the same cousins or whatever, it jumps
over. This is what I explained in a very rough way, to the Iranian medical team
handling the Coronavirus this morning. It's an embarrassment to address such a highly
educated people this way, but it's the only way you can get to these people. This virus
this is how it comes. Your lungs are the nest of it. Dr. Samet understood this, even
your brain, now we know, is the nest of it. The Magnetic field tranStar Formationers
through plasmatic field lines. This is part of what we see. Do you hear me coughing
all the time, for nearly two or three months now. It's since we went to Brazil, where a
lady doctor gave it to us, and none of us can get rid of it. It goes away for some time,
and then comes back. It's just a long suffering with just one virus from South
America. A gift from the Brazil, I call it a Brazilian nut. So you get the tranStar
Formationer, you don't need to be in touch, he can just pass you on the street and you
get it. He's made, in a way, (4:04). he is a beacon of plasma, and if he gets it hit by
another one, say of a different strand from this one, then he dies, because now he's
going through the same process again. If you use the system of protecting yourself
through the Gans environment, that is the skin, the breathing, and everything else, you
continuously deplete these (energy tranStar Formationers). So their continuously
taken out every day. This is what we're doing in Fukushima. You see the medical
doctors doesn't understand the experience of the Keshe Foundation, it has such a vast
amount of information sitting here and it is shared with all of you. You just have to
understand how it is connected. We have this knowledge of tranStar Formationer of
energy from Fukushima, we've seen it. We can relate it. So this is how its tranStar
Formationerred, and not by hand. You leave it here, and you leave it there, and with
it, if the energy of the cells has been tranStar Formationerred, this becomes tranStar
Formationerred. Then this has to have the same strength, by passing it, to collect it.
This is called, the virus, or energy tranStar Formationer, and our Soul, emotion, and
RNA works on this. Where we think, after this disaster is over, to see all the people
who are effected by it, how the RNA and DNA has changed. They will all be
changed, definitely. (4:06). And I can see maybe in three or five years, those who
used the injections, we'll see huge size-effects. We would estimate massive rise in
what we call, heart attacks, and we'll see a massive rise in brain hemorrhage, and in
suicides. It's a Trojan gift. You see the mentality, I explained that before somewhere.
Gates has given 500 million to the Chinese as a gift for, ** the vaccines from himself,
his own company. And they thanked him for his gift, for giving it to us, and that 500
if his $1 each, 500 million Chinese will die because of it. You'll understand. Or you'll
get the same as other injections, the side-effects of psychological depression,
Alzheimer's, and everything else, autistic behavior in the old people and the young
ones who have received it. Who's going to find Bill Gates in his grave. A legacy of
murder. This is how it is tranStar Formationerred and doctors don't understand.
(4:08). You tranStar Formationerred it when you walk around, you are a box of
energies that have grown, because it's in the air. They got rid of the liquid, the guy he
doesn't have it in his blood, but he is carrying it as an energy inside. Mortality rates
over 30 days is very high. You have heard me many times, especially in Keshe
Foundation I always advised. I did a lot of studies on nuclear weapons aftermath, and
what happens after we use the nuclear weapons and how the radiation would change
the patterns of the genes and DNA, and the rest of it. A I always him always advised,
it is written in many places that I have advised, if you see the glow and the nuclear
sound, walk into it, because the death of it, is less painful than the long-term
suffering. In so many ways, the Corona carries the same. If you are injected, you have
walked into the nuclear zone. A lot of you will soon understand. (4:10). Q:
Somebody is asking a question about, if with this plasma water, if we give a baby the
same amount or less? As far as we've seen, we haven't seen any side-effect, and it's
been used for years by people. People in Iran are reporting, because we always
warned for those who have pacemakers, and they've been using it, because of the fear
of the virus, and in the past few days they have been reporting, that there's been no
changes, no side-effects. We always are stay on the cautious side, but it's for them,
they made it, and they don't see any changes in the pacemaker, or (having) side-
effects. It doesn't mean it doesn't work, with others it's the same, or it works
differently. Q: Caroline says, Mr. Keshe .. can you go and look into Q&A. There is a
family which is calling for help from the United States, in China here in the Q&A on
the top there five there? Keshe: How come I don't see the Q&A. Q: I have a question
for Mr. Keshe or GL, I have met a young Chinese family here in the US that have
friends in China. (4:12). I have shared with them the One Cup video with Chinese
subtitles. They have shared with their friends in China via We Chat, but they are not
able to access it in China. What is the best way for those in China to view this video,
and or to get help. I would like to pass this along to the family that I know, and then it
stops. Then there is a second request? Keshe: Wait, wait. GL- I think I'm going to
send the QQ link, in the Chat and they can ask them to join the QQ group, because we
have the Knowledge Seekers there to answer all the questions.

(unclear )
yes only with here and they can be tranStar Formationerred this across the QQ to
this family let them contact me I sent them the QQ group truly I will send it reading
your Richards ok and the gentlemen can get in touch with me if you can shame
actually he just need the 2 Q link and join a group and we have everything there and
and we have the people answer the question online so he can do it great ok Tomas
whether is the requester Dan you have the second one (4:14). Do we have any
contact near Tanzania. We must reach Mr. Christopherson Winger. He's doing an
amazing work for many years, but he's having enormous difficulty

close your microphone please. Q: We have a confirmed case in UK who can't pass a
few seconds of the breathing test.

Keshe: We don't know the structure there. Just keep that. I'll contact them later on

Any other question we pass well our four hours?

Q: It's come up two or three times in our meetings with Universal Council
members. How can we position ourselves towards this virus, as it has become. or is
has materialized like a Soul, how can we position ourselves towards that field strength
as a Soul? (4:16). At the Soul level please?
Keshe: I think the Gans has taught us how, be humble enough to be able to receive
from his strength. This is the only way mankind will survive in the space. Or you
become stronger, that you feed it, that in time it will come to your strength. It depends
on the position and the strength of the thought and the strength of the Soul. Do you
want to take energy from it, or you want to strengthen it that it becomes the same
strength as you. It's you who decides, and the thinking doesn't come by the thinking of
the physicality of the man, it comes with the strength of the Soul of the man. This is
what we said, mankind has to learn to understand the conversion of the energy of the
Soul into the world of the language he understands. In the space technology as part of
it. When mankind goes through that step, it's very easy. In a spaceship system, we
create, as much as the barriers, (4:18). we create four different (kinds of) shielding.
Part of this shielding becomes a shield, which is used by many spaceships now a days,
it's a very common practice, that the minute you see a virus strength, you trap it, and
then in process, its energy is tranStar Formationerred. The reactor's built, release
multiple layers of fields, and then, you have a shield. Now we have a Magnetic
(magnetical) field for radio communication, and we create a shielding for viruses. The
easy way to do it is, in the time to come by research by mankind, we'll find out, that
what we call, DNA and RNA have a spectrum of strengths, one for the Soul, and one
for the physicality. What you do, because you understand that these are vulnerable at
this bandwidth of the strengths, you create the shields here (the second field inward),
that acts like a trap, but you build it inside the design of your reactors, that any field
strength coming through, which is the strength of the Soul and the physicality of the
man, cannot enter to interfere, or to ** interact with the passengers. You have to do
both, the Soul and the Soul of physicality, (4:20). then he covers the whole spectrum
of amino acids of the body and everything else. This is a part that we will enjoy
developing in a coming time. It comes by the mixture in your Gans's and if the
technologies are advanced enough by mankind, then you do this, otherwise everything
will just come in and it takes you. As long as you have the spectrum you are in,
nothing can enter that spectrum. Shall we call it a day, we are nearly four and a half
hours into this today.

yes forever thank you very much thank you very much thank you where was the
Iranian team the Chinese team Austrian team was relentlessly working to make a lot
of things happening they're what we call the suitcase renditions worldwide each one
of us.

My message to the Brazilians who are in panic at the moment, as China went (was in)
some weeks ago, is to stay calm. We'll bring, and hopefully by the time we get to you
in next two weeks for the Brazilian conference, you will see that the Keshe foundation
will come in with a free hand. We'll come with our systems, we'll share our systems
that we'll bring with us, to protect us in a very effective way. In so many ways, we'll
come to show that we can, and we will overcome this virus condition. It's another air
that we breathe but of a different strength, and we have to learn to live with it from
now on. (4:22). We have to learn that it has become part of us. My only hope for the
human race is, (that the virus) does not mutate to a living entity, because then the
human race, will be in a big heap of problems. If the energy of this virus, in contact
with the human race, as we seen in the lungs, if it manages to find the conversion of
the energy of the body of the man, to what we call, calcification of matter state seed,
and then if he gets through its field tranStar Formationer converted, then mankind is
in a huge problem, a huge problem. The problem with it is very simple, and this is for
governments and world leaders, you'll have nothing to govern. In the lungs, every cell
of the man, has a seed of calcium, and this virus has managed to change, that this
calcification becomes reality. In a way, if you understand it, it's making a bone
structure out of it. And if at one point, itself learns, how to give itself physical
structure, then mankind is doomed. (4:24). In a way, it's an RNA and if he finds out
how to mutate and creates his own DNA using the body of the man as a host, mankind
is over. You don't see what we see, and we hope that this darker version does not
come. You feel an entity living inside you, and you can't do anything about it. You
can't take it out, because it will replicate itself again, because it has created a field **
carrier cavity and I've told you how it tranStar Formationers. We see a lot of this at
the moment happening. If this process goes into mutation, what we call, in human
terms, parasite virus, you have no way to get out of it. But there is a technology that
can be done, but the problem is it will go to the fish, the cat, and the dog. It can even
tranStar Formationer to the trees and plants. The problem is that it can mutate outside
the Earth, (4:26). so in these positions, there is a specific way the Universal
Community has decided how to handle situation like this. It has happened before and
we know what to do. The Sun will not be far. Q: Jalal, Mr. Keshe don't say I hope I
am wrong, because you are never wrong. Keshe: We see things. We see things. We
see the calcification and the speed of it, and if he has a Soul and he finds the link
strength to calcium, which in every cell of the man, there is a calcium, and the ratio of
the salinity and other fields decides what it becomes. Even in the immune system,
there is not a single immune cell, that doesn't have a calcium. We come from it. It
makes us. It's not that only the calcium is our bone, and we see it, every cell has that
calcium seed as part of it, and that's why they position themselves according to the
structure, of the bone structure of the man. When you look at the bone structure of the
man, every position of every muscle depends on the calcium strength in position to
the main gravity center, and how the bone is shaped. Then the muscle dictates, you've
seen this one, we just had it. When a lot of you make Gans's you say, 'I have a white
Gans on top,' and I keep on telling you, the position, the gravity position, it's the same.
Why do bigger muscles come around the bigger tissues. Why when you have a
problem with your father, you as a son, you grow very big, unless there's an illness,
because the field strength pushes and positions it. Because it is to confirm their
emotion. You have a lot to learn. Q: But Mr. Keshe we heard that the first dog has
been diagnosed with having this virus in Hong Kong, and we heard that the wild pigs
in Hubei province (Wuhan is in this province) has been found to have the African
Swine Flu. Keshe: Yep, when the Americans flew it over, the virus doesn't know the
difference between the wild or non-wild (pig). This virus, and African Swine Flu is a
gift from United State to humanity, but it comes to bite them worse. Remember what I
said, if we don't need a gift, we send it back to the sender. This time it found itself, its
way to its center. (4:30).

Thank you very much and see you next week maybe we have a better good news for
you. I'm sure we'll have a good news for you, but we have to wait until next week and
the week after, and in the weeks to come. We have to start learning how to live with
these virus. Maybe true meaning of living, is living inside us. And then God help
Thank you too much and see you next week.

Rick: Very good thank you Mr. Keshe for another knowledge seekers workshop and
this has been the 318 knowledge seekers workshop for Thursday March 5th 2020.


319th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, March 12,

document 35 pages

(Originally I transcribed this from part 1 video of 24 minutes and part 2 of 9:20 , now
they combined the 2 into 1 video and all the times ore off)
Single video of 319 Knowledge Seekers Workshop is 9:40 hours

Iran Coronavirus Blueprint Day- We have managed to overcome the virus for good.


English Transcription:

(:20)In the past years we have covered many aspects of the technology (Technology),
and have entered a new dimensions of understanding, of the new science. In the past
weeks and months we've been busy with the Coronavirus in China, we got involved
with this as it developed in China, and we always thought that this will be a Chinese
problem. Sooner then we thought, it become a problem for Iran, and sooner for Italy,
and today Thursday morning, 12th of March, 2020, it has become a global problem,
We have seen initially all the Chinese borders closed, then slowly the Iranian borders
closed as governments and nations tried to protect themselves. And gradually we have
seen Italy close its borders, and today Germany, France, Austria and many borders.

(:22)No flights, by the order of president Trump this morning, can fly into US except
the UK for a limited time, the next 30 days. In this process we'll see South American
nations, Brazil, African nations, and we'll see many other countries, one by one are
getting involved in this, what I call, ruthless disease, virus. As a space development
organization, not just for this virus, the Keshe Foundation has always thought and
accepted, that in the depth of the space there are no bacteria's. because it means the
conditions of creating amino acids, (amino acid) which can match or interact. In the
space, with the new space Technology we consider it as a field play for magnetic
(magnetical) fields in shapes and forms. Therefore we consider space to be a
playground for viruses for the body of the man. As they take hold, and as they become
more and more active and interactive with our cells, the magnetical field of the cells
of our atoms, or molecules of our body, they will attach themselves to it. Some of
them find it a good feeding ground and some will feed the cells.

(:24)In the development of the space Technology the Keshe Foundation set out to
study the interaction of the fields with the body of the man. We developed many
systems, non-intrusive and the latest one, as we saw, the body Enhancement Unit. We
showed that diseases and illnesses of the body can be handled from outside, rather
than inside, and can be done in a much easier way then what we have shown and what
we carried out in the past centuries, and decades, recent times, ** and the rest. In the
world of science we have entered into a 4th dimension of science, what we call,
physics, which is more or less, Plasma, dynamic fields in motion in the essence of the
creation of life, creates all the conditions, so life, plants and everything else.

In this process, we set out to find out what viruses are and how we can interact with
them, how we can drain them, or how we can nourish them. In that process, in early
2000 and 2005, I started developing interactive field systems, which means I can
interact with a cell, ** with a heartbeat of ** outside, not by radiation, but by
interaction of the fields. The way everything else in this Universe works. Interaction
of the fields, gravity (gravitational) and magnetical field of the earth, and the Sun,
(:26)creates life on this planet. The interaction of 4 fields creates oxygen (O),
hydrogen (H) and everything else. In a way, our atmosphere on the outer limits is a
grinding machine of energies that in interaction of the Inertia of the planet, becomes
matters. Once we understood this, creating life, blood cells, and cells of the body,
became a child's play, by creating dynamic fields which could be on their own, as a
cell, as a single atom, we could interact with the energy, with the magnetical field of
the cell of the brain or with the body, and create new cells. So we became, in a way,
the womb of the mother. The womb of the mother nourishes the first interaction of the
fields of the sperm and egg from outside, and with that energy within the womb,
allows the cells to grow, and then takes shape, and then creates interaction between

.. (break of Part 1 .. next file is 9 hours long ..).. .

(Part 2: 0:00)
Then from that point creates any element we like. So we can go from Cu to the energy
of Cu, and by interaction of the energies of the Cu, with each other, creates O, H, of
the cell of a man's brain, or heart, or energy of a banana. Once we start doing this, and
we start creating materials, the game became very easy. In the process of
understanding tranStar Formationer of energies, we came to understand that in a
simple way, we could interact with the energies of the man. When the brain cells were
missing, we interacted and we produced the brain cells. As many of you know about
our Coma patients and the rest. We understood in the process, that the weaker takes
from the stronger. In the Plasma Technology there is no destruction, it's always
balanced, and the stronger always gives to the weaker that, the weaker can grow to
become as stronger as the stronger, and in that process, in the world of cosmology, we
call it "Twinity". The earth has a twin star, and when we look in the depth of the sky,
you always see twin stars, one gives and one takes and the balance between the two
guarantees continuity of life. So understanding this we developed the Technology,
and understanding that the viruses will capture, live amongst ourselves, then we have
to understand 2 things, what and how viruses evolve on the body of the man. In the
present world of medicine, (:02)we always thing of killing, we kill viruses, we kill
germs, we kill and kill, we even kill each other. But in the game of Plasma, in the
game of creation, we give to the point that one can't take, or decides, I have had
enough. In a way we promote life, and that has been key to the world in the life of the

.. We announced it last week, the new Coronavirus has evolved again. It has mutated.
last or 2 weeks ago, and we have seen the outcome of it in the past 2 weeks, how this
Coronavirus has played havoc on China, and now Europe, Italy and the rest of the
world. Originally when we had the man, (:12)we saw the interaction between the
lungs, and we saw heart attacks. In this, because there are cells involved, we saw
fever, high temperature. Withstanding that the virus comes through the nose and
through the mouth into the lungs, the energy always given at the point of entry, not
just only to the lungs, now that we understand the virus's energy, it dissipated its
energy into the brain. We saw many people dying with no fever, but with brain
hemorrhage, or brain stroke. We saw many young people dying of heart attack,
because this virus has a nasty game to play, it comes in, it is weak, it uses the energy
of the body, then at the same time it connects with the other lung, then they become
the twin stars. The energies start moving to consume and create enough water to
absorb the energy which comes through the breathing, and then they tap into the
energy of the heart. The heart tries to compensate and the patient dies of heart stroke.
But if at the same time the energy fits faster to the brain, before the lung shows, your
patient dies of brain hemorrhage. In the last 7 days we have seen a new game, the
virus has moved into the intestines and organs.

(:14)You don't see any temperatures. Doctors start complaining that people talk about
a sore throat, suffocation and they die. Kidney and organ failure, and out of nowhere
huge pain of throat, actually suffocating without a pain. In this process, we see that
people have diarrhea and the stool changes (color) to red, which actually is
hemoglobin, or the stool has started changing, this virus has entered and damages the
pancreas and the liver. When of the new signs that you have to look for is the color of
the stool when you go to the toilet. So now we have brain, heart, and suffocation
through failure of organs. The new Technology and all the injections, and dosages,
have brought one big problem, the virus which is not understood by the scientists up
to now, doesn't come through the nose as such, it links to the energy of the body,
becomes ** the brain and it come to it. If you understood the Technology and the
Plasma, the energy tranStar Formationer of the virus is through its magnetical fields.

(:16)** you and like the way it tranStar Formationers weaker for stronger, it doesn't
matter where you are, somewhere its twin star are billions of kilometers from each
other, they still interact. If the virus finds a matching strength in the amino acid
(COHN) of the man, it will ling into. And that's it, this is how you mainly catch this
virus. The liquid in the nose, and then the process starts through the breathing system
through the lungs and everything else. And once this system sets in your body,
something strange will happen. The Chinese scientists never understood, and it
baffled the Chinese government, they see, they find a way to eradicate the flu or the
virus and the patient comes back, again, 14 days later, or 24 days later, and then they,
usually, because in the second stage weakness, they die. And they (doctors) say, it
was okay, but then it came back. Because they didn't understand the phenomenon of
the magnetical field tranStar Formationer of the virus. In the lungs, when you kill
bacteria's with antibiotics, or whatever you use, but the virus lives in a magnetical
field fingerprint, in a weaker state.

So as you walk down the street, the neighbor has it, (:18)there's a ** on the hand rail
of the bus, what do you do, you invite it in. Secondary .. it comes until it kills you. We
don't have any knowledge to stop this. ** ** where with the new Technology, to
understanding and using it, the new Technology, we call it a Gans we create a shield
(around the body). In a way, we wash the body (with the water) and clean the system
by drinking. We send energies to tranStar Formationer the energy of the bacteria, and
the energy of the virus, at the same time, out of the body. We have seen many claims,
people have come up with a new material, new injections, or whatever, but maybe it
can handle 1 strand of this material (virus). Now we see that it (the virus) has many
strands. It has locked into RNA, which is the magnetical field, and that's why it is
traveling so fast. This is why it's a virus. It's a virus on the RNA strength of the C and
most probably, due to its rapid interaction, it has turned to others, like O. If you
understand the work of the Plasma of the physics, of what we call, amino acid, now
you understand how the game is played, (draws Infinity Loop between C and O). O
being higher, trying to feed the C. to keep in touch, in conjunction with ** nitrogen
(nano), it creates a twin sister, where H in its spare time releases energy to keep the
system going, and that's how it creates life. Continuity of the tranStar Formationer of

And in this process, (:20)The only way the mankind will stand this mutation, is by
developing a system, which is diversified, and diverse as the virus itself, which is
nothing else we know, other than the Gans. GANS is, Gas in A Nano State, which is
developed by the Keshe Foundation, and we have seen across the world, the Chinese
government has used it, the Iranian Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) across
Iran are using it, it's on the table of the Iranian president, on the table of the Iranian
universities and Sepah, to take it up for the nation. But the nation is looking after itself
through this process. In our work with the Chinese government, the decision made by
CPC was very deceiving. In a way we gave all the knowledge, as they asked us every
time, can we have this, can we have evidence, Mr. Keshe can you give us this, and
they took it, and they didn't give any knowledge back to us. We tested it with the Pigs
(African Swine Flu) and they could see, and then they blocked it, they told, they stole
Technology. Then in the past 2 months and we gave them more and more, and then
they went behind our back to our Knowledge Seekers and saying, it doesn't work,
we'll take the Technology, he just ** wrote it in, and they took the Technology, and as
we have seen 2 days ago, his Excellency President Xi went to Wuhan city, it's cleaned
up with the waters made by the Gans's of the Keshe Foundation, Knowledge Seekers
cleaning the streets, for him to visit. They started using the Technology in hospitals in
China and they saw its benefit, and then as usual with Chinese, stealing the
Technology. It's the easiest way.

(:22) As long as it is credited through false Chinese scientists, very much like Britain,
with Stephen Hawkins and the rest. They steal the Technology and then put the name
of their own nationality. This nation of business, of China, has cost the world millions
of lives, and the Chinese nation themselves. But the game has changed, every time we
went to the national securities of China, to see the results, they blocked us. Every
excuse. And they have lost millions. The death toll in China, is in excess of millions,
not 5 or 10,000. Then when the death takes over, the government needs to lie. We are
known as an outspoken scientific organization, (you can go live). In this process, we
gave the Technology to China and we learned nothing from it, and the Chinese
developed different aspects of the Technology for themselves, without sharing it with
the Keshe Foundation, but they gave instructions to the Keshe Foundation Knowledge
Seekers that, to blank out Mr. Keshe, he just told you, we'll do it ourselves. I respect
that, stealing is the habit of the Chinese organizations. For 2 years I lived there and I
saw it everyday.

The virus came to Iran and we gave all our support to the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers, (:24)and in the past 2 weeks they have achieved enormous
amount of things. The way the Iranian Keshe Foundation started seeing the results and
they knew the Technology works. They entered into to helping every Iranian who
asked for help, by introducing the new Technology. And you remember, as I say, the
thief is a thief by nature, it doesn’t matter, even if you give him a gift, he will steal it.
We gave a gift of the "Cup of Life, as you see, to the Chinese nation, for their New
Year, and the Chinese stole Technology. I gave this as a gift, as a Cup of Life, to the
Chinese community, on the 24th of January. The Chinese government and security
took it and tested it immediately for themselves, and they found out it works. It does
what it says. Then as we said, another clandestine activity by the Chinese leadership
in trying to steal Technology. We have even heard in the past 24 hours that they are
trying to bring, and give this Technology to the Italians. This Technology belongs to
the Iranian nation and to the Iranian scientists.

We took the Technology to produce the materials, as we call the Gans, as we can see
this, it is a simple element of it, this is what saves your life. (:26)This material (shows
a bottle of Cup of Life Gans water). This Cup produces Gans, it's a gas in a Nano
state, and by using the ** the Chinese managed to wash the streets of Wuhan and
what we saw is very simple. We gave this Technology to the Keshe Foundation
Iranian Knowledge Seekers, and they went with the open arms, and the love of the
nation, and they took it to every channel, street, and hospitals, and offered it to the
doctors. They didn't take "no" for an answer, and people who were on the deathbed in
the hospitals, they sent them home because there was no accommodation and they
could not accommodate, because some of them couldn't understand. They started
using this material, the water of it, it is a natural water. And we saw changes. But this
time with the Iranian Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and the Iranians who
used this, and made and use it themselves at home, they understand this simple
process of a Cup of Life. They started feeding back a lot of knowledge to us. We
started with a team of doctors sitting with us, analyzing, understanding how this virus
is behaving, how it is modifying, how it is mutating, and what it does. In the past 2
weeks we learned a huge amount of knowledge, from the Iranian Knowledge Seekers
and the Iranian nation. For that reason today's workshop will run for hours, we have
no limitation, and we have blocked for tomorrow and the day after if need be to bring
you a good news.

(:28)I'll step down and become a translator, with the help of other Iranians who can
translate. As you saw today at the beginning, we call today's workshop, "The
Blueprint for Coronavirus from Iran." Iranian Knowledge Seekers, doctors, scientists,
have devoted their lives, and have proven that the virus can be overcome, as hundreds
and hundreds are using it. Thousands of Iranians are using it, individuals and in
groups. We are waiting for the office of his Excellency President Rohanni and
Ayatollah of Iran, to allow it to be used nationally by Iran, and at the same time, due
to its success, we have offered through the Sepah of Iran, to take this Technology
across the planet. The Chinese have stolen, they don't know the whole story, and
understanding of the Technology. The Iranian Keshe Foundation with the support of
the Sepah, in groups of 30 to 50, across this planet, one by one. We'll help every
nation across this planet to overcome this disease. We'll send Iranian Sepah teams to
Washington, to open, and to New York and the rest, which are now locked down. To
Germany, France, and Italy, to help these nations to help themselves to overcome this
virus. You closed the gates of Iran, you brought sanctions, we bring you love, and
care, and life. Many of you will die, if the Iranians do not teach the way I do, if the
Iranians do not share as I do. (:30)Knowledge is free, and as is the tradition, we
always love our enemies, and we give life ?** . we share this knowledge with the
Knowledge Seekers and the rest of humanity, through the Iranian nation, and the
governments, which we stand solidly by. The Iranians are standing by, they'll teach
you in Farsi, you should have learned the language, when you copied the religion of
Mithraism, and ** called it Catholicism. Now we'll teach you the knowledge of Iran
through the science and Technology of the Iranian nation, and the Keshe Foundation
supporters that all the Knowledge Seekers around the world learn the knowledge from
the Iranian scientists. So you are all Knowledge Seekers, so you are all Iranian. So we
are One Nation. The Iranian team is headed by the most beautiful woman, I call her
the, "Mother Theresa" of Iran, Mrs. Mohammadi, who has single handedly for the
past month, like a mother looking after a flock of men, how to distribute, to make
these, and to make sure the Iranian government officials stayed in touch with her. I
would like to introduce her, she spoke with us last week, we know her beautiful voice.
(:32)From this point on the table is in the hands of the Iranians, the way that we **
did before, when we gave it to the Chinese. Mohammadi before I introduce you, I
would like to show the flag of the Keshe Foundation as it stands, One Nation. Would
you like to start.
(Play video in Farsi with English subtitles ..)

(:34)45 -- This is for the first time I see the flag of the Keshe Foundation, it flies One
Nation. As Knowledge Seekers we all will suffer with this disease, we have to handle
it as one, as One Nation, and we have to bring the Technology to the point that it
works for all of us. Each one of us irrespective of race, color or religion, and creed.
We suffer the same with our own losses through the development of this virus through
our ** Mohammadi welcome to Keshe Foundation for a second time, are you
there? .. (:36) (:38).. welcome Mohammadi. .. I know you have a lot of good news,
and I know you have made a lot of breakthrough for the first time for the world to see.
and for the first time many of you will see Coronavirus survivors and they'll tell you
how they survived it, and what they used to survive it. I'll step down for you and your

Mohammadi speaks in Farsi, Keshe translates -- She is welcoming all the Knowledge
Seekers, the head of states and officials who are online, and the whole humanity to
listen. Mohammadi is the head of the Keshe Foundation in Iran. (:40)The Keshe
Foundation activities started 2 years ago in Iran. It started with Youtube and
Telegram, and with agricultural activities. In Iran last year exactly, .. the Iranian
scientists and Knowledge Seekers started contacting, they started asking to have it
taught in Farsi.

Keshe: All the teachings of the Keshe Foundation are done in English and it gets
translated into other languages, so everything is gradually getting translated into Farsi
and other languages. The teaching in Farsi started in Oct Nov of last year. (:42)The
brother and sister of Alzar and Hassan started the teaching in Farsi, every Monday at
about 6:30 PM. Many teaching have been done in Agriculture, like overcoming
fungus. The blueprint of this project is shown in Keshe Foundation literature, .. other
activities for greenhouses at the moment. Most of the activities have been in
agriculture, (:44)we started in agriculture .. people all over Iran got in touch with us
and started learning about the Technology.

From the beginning of the establishment of the Corona disease, we got in touch
with the authorities on how we could help. we established a lot of meetings with
government officials and doctors on how to use the Technology. (:46)We sent
standard Gans to different institutes for them to investigate, at the same time we
established a team of Keshe Foundation supporters across Iran to help with this
situation. We established volunteers in every city, town and village in a very rapid
way. The list of these volunteer have been published so that people can go to them for
help. In case of emergency people can get in touch with these people as fast as they
can. Every volunteer has to understand the Gans for Corona and to make it, (:48)and
be able to teach the others how to do it. Everyday this is expanding and people are
donating more materials to these teams that they can go out to give more. This support
comes in the form that it is needed, Cu, containers, and every shape and form, freely
form the nation. At the moment we are sending these packages all over Iran, and
especially the "Hot Spots". There are sections in Iran where suddenly you see rapid
increase in the numbers so they have identified them. We have a team of doctors,
Keshe: beautiful doctors because I work with them more or less 24 hours a day, Dr.
. (you have to excuse my English and Farsi I just think in Farsi) (:50).. I am learning
Farsi for a second time). All the data from the people who are using the Technology
has been gathered and today you'll see some of them. All the patients or the people
who have used these Gans Waters have recovered or are in the process of recovering.
Every volunteer has been taught fully how to make the Cup of Life and is responsible
to teach everyday to 10 other people until they learn fully how to make it. (:52)This
means that every volunteer, every week teaches 7 people, and you can imagine how
many volunteers (of those) are becoming volunteers. The Iranian volunteer team have
been online 24 hours a day and support people who call in and need help.

Keshe: let me explain, when we showed the Chinese the video for them to help
themselves rapidly to overcome the virus, it was made in a very rapid way at the
Keshe Foundation centers, and in the teachings we thought people would have
understood how simple it is. But since (working) on the line of the emergency Iranian
support team, it is amazing to know that people don't even know how to connect
wires. They don't know how to make or to do things, because they are not ready for it.
They have to learn it because they want to survive. There are a lot of repetitive
questions, and the team is there one by one, answering them. carry on Mohammadi.
(:54)All the volunteers and their immediate families, they have covered themselves
with the Gans Water, and no one .. we have no fatalities in China or in Iran, as of yet,
of any of our Knowledge Seekers. It's absolutely zero, which shows the Technology
works. Even the volunteers who work in the "Red Zone", which is the critical point,
(have not died). It's very hard there. Today those who have been helped and are being
helped to overcome the Corona disease, which they themselves had caught, and now
they have become volunteers to teach the others, and they are working relentlessly,
the team. Bringing things together has not been easy, but we have brought it together
and it is organized. The volunteers meet everyday, they go through the process of
what they have achieved and what they plan to do.

(:56) Keshe: Let me explain something, when you look at the volunteer list from Iran,
you see the elite of scientists, doctors and engineers on the list. These are highly
professional people who have stepped out form their work and have devoted their
lives, because they know what the ** truth of it is. When I look at the list of the
volunteers, it's doctors, and it's amazing when we show you the list. It tells you
where they are, the city, the telephone number, what and how much Gans they are
carrying that day. And what is their qualification, so that if you have a technical
problem they can support. It's amazing when you look at the chart of volunteers in
Iran. It started with a few and now it is massive. And people are just helping each
other and it's increasing. Carry on Mohammadi. -- The Iranian team has started a
campaign, which is this One Cup One Life, this is what they do, they offer a Cup for
one life, and the people do it themselves. We are hoping that not only the Iranians but
the rest of the world will join us to do this together. The campaign will be announced
and anybody who wants to join it, through their courses, and which they'll announce
it. (:58)The volunteer team is still on the line and they are there to support if you call.
The message from the Keshe Foundation volunteer team and workers is such, One
Cup One Life, we'll live a normal life amongst our friends and we'll live and work as
if nothing has happened, in a way. (I am not going to translate that one) but
Mohammadi said, the Technology is there to be able to do such a thing. We don't **
believe in the time of intelligence and Technology, but it depends on how we want to
behave and act.

Keshe:Thank you very much Mohammadi for all of your services. (1:00)I want to
share 2 pictures with you, these mean a lot to me, I have shared it with the officials
today and I'll share it with many more people, because it gives a lot of confidence and
pleasure, and trust. I want you to look at what has been happening in the last 48 hours.
We see the pictures that were published internationally, they are of President Xi of
China paying a visit to Wuhan City. We know and have released documents. you see
the most powerful man paying a visit in Wuhan city 2 days ago. Shows the pictures,
look at the space gap between them. (1:02)You see how they sit. This is a nation
under siege of the virus. If you look at how they stand, everything is measured. This
area has been cleaned off with the Gans Water supplied by the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers of China, to the Chinese military. Otherwise, the most powerful
man in the world would not be there. I'll show you another picture. Both nations are
under siege with the Corona.

You'll understand what this new Technology brings. Picture shows, Iranian
Knowledge Seekers without the fear (they are not wearing any masks like in the other
pictures). the Cup of Life is in the center. They are using and teaching it. In so many
ways, when you look we have brought freedom, through the knowledge, science and
Technology. .. The contrast can't be ignored, much more then what we see. A nation
under siege and its president, (shows picture of Chinese, and then the Iranian picture).
(1:04)A nation under siege, but with joy and with the virus. We have imprisoned the
virus in the nation of Iran. And the virus has imprisoned the nation of China. Even
though both nations use the same Technology. I know where I want to be. Men,
women, girls, boy, just open (zoom) in your picture and you see, exactly a Cup of
Life, exactly what you see on my table. Then you understand what is about to come.
It's not being afraid of, it's knowing that you are protected. We take this joy and
happiness back to the streets of Iran through the Sepah and Iranian nation, to teach
how to change. The Keshe Foundation in Italy and around the world are on the line.
Then we would like to bring the same joy to the rest of you, rather than being locked
down and locked up.

From now on, this freedom with the latest Technology, is in the hands of the Iranian
leadership, and the Sepah, not only to be spread in Iran, but to be spread across the
world. There is a big difference when the man on the street is free, and the most
powerful man is encaged and imprisoned (shows Chinese photo), (1:06)to the same
** . Knowledge makes a lot of difference. The one who steals and has no trust in, and
one develops and enjoys the time (back to Iranian photo). This is a beautiful picture of
you in Iran in the past 24 hours. In teaching each other we are bringing the joy of life.
There is a big problem with the Iranian people, they love to enjoy life, and poetry to
** Mohammadi continues. - We have developed many videos in Farsi for everyone to
understand. You'll see many of them, which we have lined up for you to see. There
are many people who do not need to come out, they can make these online, with
Youtube and the rest. (1:08)We expect the Iranian government and the head of
Sepah's organization, and the Iranian officials online today with us, to allow this to go
nationally on radio ad television, as we are discussing, that the whole nation learns in
one go.

The 21st of March is the Iranian New Year. As the virus imprisoned the Chinese on
their New Year, on the 25th of January, the Iranian nation will be free, if the Iranian
leadership and the Sepah allows, that this Technology is to be shown openly on
television and radio, that people can make it, and shake it. As they say now a days,
"don't even touch." And in the Iranian culture on Narus, we kiss and cuddle. If the
nation gives the support in the way we have been promised in the coming time, to go
on national television, and the rest of the world governments follow, in the next 2 to 3
weeks, all the borders will be opened. All the factories will go, and the economy of
the world will go back to normal. We have done that with our teams in China. The
companies that work with us, the Keshe Foundation team taught them how to make
the Gans's and to teach their staff. They were not afraid to work, even on the time
when they were not supposed to work, because they live on the premises. And there
was no fear to go to work.

So we come to my question to his Excellency President Rohanni, is online, and he is

** and Ayatollah Knowledge of Iran. (1:10)Allow these teachings that we see here
today to go on the nations television, and the same to tranStar Formationer this
Technology across the world, to the rest of humanity to the world. Our old friends of
2,000 years, the Romans, are in more problem then we are in Iran. We should
celebrate the way we used to, not to watch the death of our lovers and loved ones, in
so many ways. If you look at certain pictures the Vatican is empty, no one dares to go
to the house of God. The churches are empty because people are afraid of catching it.
Mosques are not the way they used to be, and are empty, the holy city of Mecca is
locked down. No one can go and see the place of God. And Jerusalem is in the worst
condition. People have taken God into their hearts, because the house of worship has
been taken from them by an unknown invader, but this brings back the first stage of
man to learn how to be in the space.

We will not be able to carry food and medicines, now that we know how to tranStar
Formationer energies through it, the same we'll carry God in our hearts, without
temples, Mosques, and Churches. We'll become correct men, because our Soul will
face our conduct in space. Man will come to enjoy my Technology, (1:12)not out of
its beauty, but out of the fear of this virus, and that fear has come, and its beauty is
getting shown. In so many ways, your Excellency office of Rohanni, .. online, we'll
give you a platform if you want to speak to your nation today. The same with other
world officials. We work as One Nation you'll see documents of our work with
Corona, which can come right across to all of us. It costs less than 1 cent to save a
life, if our governments decide to save them, the lives, not to be arrogant, to wait until
one day somebody writes a paper, that our ** and advisors keep their jobs. Sorry,
there was no Coronavirus when you graduated 50 years ago, out of the universities. **
has dried in ink, and so has your knowledge. We have to move in the new dimension
in respect to the viruses, even though we are learning more, We are at the beginning
of ** the knowledge of Plasma, not at the pivotal point. (1:14)Mohammadi would you
like to carry on. Can I invite you to a cup of Iranian tea. We have never lost our

Mohammadi-- The Iranian team is giving freely the Cup of Life to all, especially if
they can make it. This is a gift from the Keshe Foundation to the Iranian nation, that
you will keep it for the time to come. The beauty with this Cup is every time a virus
comes, pull it out, add water and salt, and it is there. It's a cup for life and today it's a
cup that gives life. (1:16)The Keshe Foundation volunteers will stay active until the
day the virus leaves Iran or we bring it under control. And we'll carry on teaching and
working with it. It will be better for Iran if the government will join us, to be able to
do this faster that we can help the nation.

Keshe: Let me explain as I have done in the teachings in the past. The Iranian
government is separate then the Sepah. The Sepah are the guardians of the nation,
they have been with us for centuries under different names. As they made them to be
terrorists and the rest, the way they made me to be. The Sepah's job is to protect the
nation. It was built to secure the borders of Iran, the nation, and it's nationals. It is not
loyal to any government it is there to protect the nation. They have done everything
possible over centuries to do this, under different names and titles, to protect the
Iranian nationals. Even though for some in the West, they have misinterpreted their
work. They're strong, have always been strong, and have always protected the nation,
and as I said in the teachings of before, we'll expand the power of Sepah beyond the
Iranian nation, to help all the nations of the this planet. At this moment in time we
have become One Nation, we have no borders, the virus has crossed all of it. Soon
there'll be no food, and transport. Soon there'll be no flights, (1:18)if you read the
newspapers, Boeing, the biggest manufacturer of airplanes has been hit with
Coronavirus. They are shutting factories. Soon no planes will fly, as the parts are not
there. Soon there'll be no (planes) for transport. It's better for the world leaders to
come to understand this very quick, because, as we know in Italy, there is no fresh
food in the shops.
People have looted shops in Florida, and everywhere else. Even in Australia, people
have bought all the toilet paper rolls, because they export from China and now they
can't get anymore toilet paper. So we are all in it as One Nation, and we have given
the gift to China and soon we'll see, that the gift has to be carried on by the Iranians
out to the world. The way we gave the platform to the Chinese 2 weeks ago, and we
have heard nothing but rubbish (back) especially by CPC, stealing Technology from
the Keshe Foundation and changing the name to Chinese. Interesting enough, it is still
saving lives. Let's see if the governments will open the doors. Mohammadi would you
like to show the first cases of Coronavirus that have been saved.

Mohammadi- I have asked the Iranian team to show us the first files of the
Coronavirus. We have Dr. ** in the background, is he available? Dr. ** can you
answer questions on these cases?
hello this is Dr. Assadi (DA), he is the most devoted person as a doctor, a typical
Iranian doctor. Can you explain to us what you see with the Coronavirus and the
present system.
DA- He says hello to all of you .. in essence he says, it's nice to see Knowledge
Seekers walking around the area with no masks and happy .. The people in the
villages, where the Knowledge Seekers walk in with no masks, they spray and share
the Gans Water and give to them. They rejoice and enjoy seeing such a change, and
they believe, because they see a man with no mask and protected by the Gans
Technology, and they believe it because they see it in front of them. Most of them
they prefer to use the process of the Keshe Foundation then going to the hospitals.
(1:24)We have an old man, named R, he is going everywhere in northeast of Tehran
and outside, actually giving people a Cup of Life, and teaching them, it's a joy to see
him because he works with DA and reports the cases to DA and how and what needs
to be done with the infected people. This man, now on his own, he has got so many
converted (people with him) has cleaned up a "Hot Spot" village, totally from the
virus. This old man in one village, helping people who couldn't speak, who couldn't
breath, after a few hours of using the Gans water he could speak and be happy.
(1:26)This person, the Keshe Foundation volunteer, stayed with him for 24 hours.

Keshe: This was the first case he was doing, I remember, he was in absolute panic. he
said, "How is this going to work," "how to make the Gans," and he was in a very
strange state, I remember that one. Carry on.
DA- After he was processed then they found out the whole village was infected.

Keshe: Let me explain to something, in Iran there is a huge problem, where in China
you don't have this problem. In China, when people die, by the same day or in the
afternoon they get cremated. In Iran, when somebody dies the whole village goes to
the funeral. Now we have instances that when someone dies of the virus and people
go to the funeral, then the whole village gets infected. In one case, 52 people in one
village were infected, by the mourners, the ones who lost their loved ones, shaking
hands with the people they infected everyone. The whole village, and 4 have died up
to now. .. in China they burn them the same day. In Iran they have to be buried by
Islamic tradition. When they go to the funeral it expands more. In the Chinese way,
President Xi and the CPC decided that if somebody has the Coronavirus, (1:28)they
lock the door with the whole family in, that they stay in and don't spread the virus.
When they open the houses in that city the whole family has died of the virus. Do not
lock, do not keep people inside. You sentence them to death. Tens of thousands in
licked up houses have died. China made huge mistakes, and from those mistakes we
have to learn. restrict the movement, but we can't repeat what happened in Chinese
cities by locking people in. When they opened the door there were no families to open
the door to. Carry on please.

DA- This man stayed amongst the people in the village who got infected for 2 or 3
days, and he taught them all how to make the Cup of Life, and they are all clean. they
don't have anymore the virus. (1:30)And now this man has gone to another village.
We know where he goes, we keep track of him, because he reports to us case by case.

DA- The gentleman is teaching everyone how to make a Cup of Life and everyone
goes to him now. They are hoping to clean up the district very soon with it.
Keshe: The beauty with this is that they see him walking with no mask or anything
else, and he is amongst them, and this changes the morale of the people. We see a lot
of changes right across Iran now.
DA- He gets 300 to 400 Chat lines, (1:32)because people can go to him directly on
the network, and most of the people are worried that they might catch it. And by the
time he finishes with them and they see that they can make a Cup of Life to live, and
there is nothing to worry about, they start telling him jokes. That is how happy they
are with a Cup of Life, they can live there lives.
Knowledge - DA I want you to explain the new discovery which was completed
yesterday by the Iranian scientists, Mr. Jafarry and his wife. if they are in the
background. I would like you to explain the paper I sent you last night .. (1:34)
(1:36) man on the Earth Council and his wife have done a lot of work around the
Keshe Foundation, and they have done a special test which confirms the data, and was
released this morning to the Iranian government and medical teams in Iran who
wanted it.

MJ- Wants to explain something first about the Nano (nano) Technology before he
goes to the paper.
Keshe: Tell us your background first. He's an electrical engineer and has 10 patents,
he is an inventor, (1:40)and he works with his wife, she is a dental medical person.
We call it nano material when one of its dimensions is less than 100 nanometers.
Every element has a certain characteristic, but when they become a nano material they
show specific characteristics, like magnetism, anti-bacterial, light, and other
properties when they become nano. If even one of the dimensions changes, then that
material is a nano, and will show its properties. (1:42)In a nano material, in what we
call 3-dimension, each side in a state of nano will show different properties, they'll all
show their own properties .. The collective energy of the 3-D gives us the energy of
the nano material, or the property of the nano material.

Test Confirms Gans is a Nano material, First Time:

He will explain the paper on the experiment that was done.

Keshe: You have to explain where the experiment was done, in which institute?
MJ- The test that you'll see today was done by the Institute ** which is recognized as
an international institute.
Keshe: the Institute, as you have heard Iran has lead the Nano Technology for the past
15 years. It is one of the leading nations on nano Technology, it's part of the heads of
this, (1:44)technical development in Iran, part of the nano world. ..

MJ- His explanation about a Gans or what we call a gas in a nano state, or when a
Gans becomes in its own nano state, which has never been done before. (1:46)When I
used to attend lectures and studies of the nano it was done with very expensive tools
and systems and not at the reach of many people, but now with this new Technology
it's at the reach of everyone. It has become so cheap that everyone can do it. After I
came to know about the Gans I decided to start making it and got involved with the
Institute that was doing this work. They use that machine (Field Emission ).
(1:48)We did a test to confirm that the Gans is in a n state using this machine,
which it confirmed it to be. Gans is a nanometer material, or has a nano
dimension ** The Gans's we tested 2 things were recognized or discovered. In
the tests we did using
we discovered 2 things, that the nano is in the shape of a sphere. That's the Gans.
They are in a 3-D shape. That they were mainly made of Carbon (C). (1:50)In the
second ones we saw, they were crystal structure nano, which were mainly Cu and
Zn. Shows a picture of the material. These are the very first pictures of the Gans's.
We zoomed in, expanded. .. In this picture we see single atoms and clusters of them,
where they are in a sphere shape, (1:52)as a single but at the same time in clusters.
Where on the picture we see the line, ** is 47.61 nanometers. There are many which
are even closer than nano size. This is the second page of the crystal structure, which
is mainly Zn and Cu. The head of the laboratory by seeing this was puzzled. In one of
them we see three , which is about 69 nanometers. What you notice, the size of it,
(1:54)is the Zn nano material, because there is a structure to the atomic weight and
mass, they measure it that way. Don't forget Zn this is about 65 . On the following
pages the confirmation from the lab is done, these are certifications from the lab
confirming the understanding and the discovery. There are 6 pages of these certified
results of the experiments. When you check on the Internet this Institute is one of the
leading in this kind of field. When they put their stamps on it, it stands for authority in
the field.
Keshe: I asked him, what does this new material tell him as a scientist? (1:56).. This
is a new discovery and this opens a new field in science as a new material. A new
science. By reducing the size of the nano, to a smaller size as we see here, that is what
he is referring to, we can tranStar Formationer energy at a specific frequency, receive
or send. This is a new Technology which many of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge
Seekers in research already know. I will explain later on how you know. Therefore we
see new properties at this lower dimensions, in a way which we never have before.
(1:58)With this new knowledge we can use it in health and medicine and create new
medicines, and new dimensions and technologies. He's asking, are there any questions
from the panel?

Keshe: You have to understand why we released this Blueprint today, this is a new, a
major development, confirmation of the Technology, first of all, confirming as we
said, it's a sphere which behaves like a sun. It radiates energy like a sun. On the other
hand, it opens a new dimension, which is at, what they call, the frequency of the cells
of the body of the man. This is what is the major breakthrough. Those who understand
this, understand this Technology, and understand why the Gans material is so
effective against viruses. As MJ told us, it's like a ball, and its energy. So what we
said at the beginning of the other part of the teaching, in a way, ** you have a very
small Plasma, and the virus, being a very big Plasma, in that way, the energy tranStar
Formationer reduces the energy of the virus. This is the confirmation of what the
Keshe Foundation has been saying for a long time, (2:00)that every nano, and every
Gans is spherical shaped, and if you see the crystallization and understand topology,
understand the world of medicine, a totally new world in health, food, and agriculture.
As part of being a nuclear physicist, metallurgy, and structure of elements, is part of
our education. If you see the honeycombed shapes and the crystallization, when you
understand in a gas state, you ** shape is like a sun, then you understand the creation
and conversion of the energy into matter, or energies of the matters, which opens a
totally new science in the world of Plasma and creation of matters. Are there any
questions for MJ from the panel? If you look at the dimensions and sizes
(2:02)Let me bring Dr. Azzar (DA) in because he'll give you an amazing insight. This
paper was released last night by MJ, I'll send it to DA, to a medical doctor, because I
know what it means in a Plasma tranStar Formationer structure. His reaction was
exactly what I thought. I thought if he knows medicine, and the way he works with
Gans Technology, that he would come with this reaction. Now let him explain what it
means in the world of medicine, this new discovery.

(2:04)DA- First I would like to thank MJ and his wife for providing such a unique and
valued knowledge to us with this paper. Knowledge Seekers always ask me, do you
know what is in this Gans, and we couldn't answer them because we didn't have a
valid paper. Now the Knowledge Seekers can see what it is and how it is structured,
then you don't need to ask questions. (2:06)The most important thing is where these
pictures are taken, this step has been done. It is the center of intelligence of Iran, the
most excellent center for Nano Technology. It's one of the leading institutes not only
in Iran but in the world, it's a benchmark for nano Technology around the world,
which is a center of excellence of Iran. This shows ** on the Cup of Life and it shows
what we were telling all the time, this shows what is in there and what it is. This is
amazing because it's such a cheap way to produce ** and this will revolutionize the
world of medicine. (2:08)in the coming time. I will speak in Farsi then translate
What is amazing in this picture and will revolutionize the world of medicine, is first
of all, we can produce a match, energy-wise to the structure of body of the man, and
this will revolutionize the world of medicine. We don't need to make anymore tablets.
Because when we eat the tablets, we take as medicine, it goes in our stomachs and
comes ** first into energy, what we can use to overcome or work within it. Now we
can match the energy without conversion. We don't need to even to digest it. It can be
in our environment, and we can interact with it.

DA- We are using tablets and injections that are not from our body, they are found
outside and they were putting a lot of pressure on us. (2:10)Now for the first time we
can go into the body and use the same structure as our body is made of, and it makes
life much easier to be able to work and change things. In fact, this is the true structure
of the body. Now we can understand this it is all made of energies, and now we can
use this new Technology to create new medicines that, we interact with the body in
the same way that it is made, and this changes everything. We can do much more
work with it. Now with not having to take medicines, and the changes we'll bring, no
matter what we call it. Now we don't need to, we can handle it the same way as it is
made. (2:12)Now that we use this one in the Enhancement Unit, it takes us back the
way we were born in the womb of the mother and it enhances the cells. This changes
a lot in the world of medicine. Now we can we can see, we can even go to pico
(picometer) Technology, one below (nano) and create a new Technology. This brings
a new dimension into the world of physics and science. In a way if you look at it, we
have gone beyond nano Technology, understanding, now we deal with energies.

(2:14)Now we see because it was explained by MJ, that now we see it as a 3-D
energy, now we can match the virus with a virus, and tame it, and work with it. In a
way, with this paper, we confirm a lot of things. This is probably one of the most
pivotal papers that has ever been published in the Plasma Technology, in health and
other things. First of all, it confirms that we are dealing with a ball of Plasma.
Secondly it confirms that we are dealing with energies. And thirdly, it confirms that a
new science has been developed. You Knowledge Seekers, being scientists, doctors,
farmers, shopkeepers, cooks, accountants, ambassadors, as many of you are. We
know who you are and that you are doing it (making plasma), have entered a
knowledge beyond the understanding of many doctors and professors. So we all have
gone to a new science, but we all move together to understand it. In a way, if you look
at this structure, what we are looking at (photo on the screen), and ask a pathologist to
bring a tissue of a man, heart or muscle tissue, and ask them to open up its structure.
For the first time you see the structure of the body of the man. Then you'll understand
that for the first time, if we start manipulating these energy packs, and crystals, we
can build any tissue. (2:16)within the body, without any side-effects, and without any

In the coming time we can dilute this and control it, and then create the tissue of a
heart, inside the heart without any operation. Change, if you understand this structure,
how these holes and cavities which you see (in the photo), had a lot of meaning in the
world of science, because these holes (draws yellow circles in them0 are not an empty
space, there are magnetical field gaps, that these materials have created in respect to
each other. These magnetical field gaps dictate the structure of a tissue, how close we
can bring it and how we have to space it. If you understand this, this is how we rebuilt
the brain of Naomi, after that accident. I saw this structure 40 years ago. I could see
clearly 20 years ago without ever having this magnetic field (image), because to me it
was a natural thing, and now it is beautiful to see it. Now we see the structure of the
human body, made from magnetical fields, because the scientists tell us, we need
documents, that it is all interaction of fields, there're balls of fields like a sun, and the
interactions create matter states. This is a major breakthrough for those who
understand this Technology of nano Technology, and below (below nanometers), and
the human structure of the body of the man. (2:18).. DA what else can you tell us

DA- This looks like the structure of the bone marrow, and the bone, where all the life
starts in the body of the man. It looks like that structure. That each one of these holes
vibrates at a certain frequency and (creates) a certain matter for the body, when you
look at it that way. (2:20)Now he understands how the Cup of Life is doing what it is
doing, and it can do more than what we can thing of. Now this is like a bone marrow
and it creates everything you want, and it can do a lot more then what we think it can.

Keshe: Now I'll speak in English first and then back in Farsi. Now you understand
why we dilute different amount of Gans's, to ** weigh these dimensions to fit bone
marrow, cancer, blood, brain cells, and the rest. This is why when you work with us in
the Plasma Technology, we say 30% of the Gans of this and 40% of that Gans,
because it changes these dimensions, which create different magnetical fields, and
leads to a lot of new knowledge. New ways, so we don't need to take tablets into
space, we just need to take the work of the Plasma in the space.

DA- This looks like a bone marrow, the center of the bone, and it can make anything
for the body, (2:22)and reject that which the body doesn't like and this gives us a new
dimension in the world of science. The way, in what he sees, understands from his **
freedom of work as a doctor, is what I can see here, is the same as the bone marrow.
Now I can understand how the Cup of Life can handle any illness, because it has the
same field structure. DA says, now I understand where you are going, you are going
below to picometers. We have gone even below pico, because a lot of things are still
waiting for ** , because I understand the Technology, I have gone into the field
interaction. (2:24).. What DA says, is that when they were taking the pictures in the
lab, they could see small dots which are much smaller than nano that we don't even
have the equipment for us to see it., and there are much, much smaller materials in
this matter image, like a galaxy. Now we can it, how the things are in there. MJ- he
has done a test with this and it shows no sing of poisoning, that this material could be
poisonous, because they can see it from the structure. Further, there are other tests are
getting done that (2:26)they are doing the tests to see if it becomes poison for the
cells. The results will be out in the next few days. MJ is involved in making medical
equipment, that is what his patents are in.

MJ- What we have developed is beyond the equipment we have to see. We have to
detect at the moment and this brings out the structure of the galaxies. ** of energies
and tranStar Formationer of energies.
Keshe: Thank you very MJ and your beautiful wife, (2:28)

DA- Now that we go .. to Picometers, now everything will be opened. Picometer is

below what we see here, and is the mother of nano Technology, so it's beyond and it
is created by .. it changes a lot of things. The new science is ** today. And now when
you see the viruses, you know which ball is in this mixture, that allows the tranStar
Formationer of energy to it, and all it does is expand to a bigger ball, and then it'll
become, (2:30)what we call, the absorber of the energy of the virus. It's amazing how
things will take shape from now on with this paper, and how in the world of science
we'll start looking at the new dimension in energy, transportation, space travel, and
many other aspects in agriculture. Now that we see this structure do we need to
produce massive amounts of foods, or do we use these ** systems to absorb energy in
the space ** to feed the man. Do we need to have hunger when this system can be
made to absorb any energy that you need, in a Cup of Life, and you can have
whatever you need without killing another one, without fighting for survival, and in
so many ways, this is how we'll live in the space.

Rick: I just ran across a picture from NASA of the Universe, or of 37,000 galaxies
that they have mapped out, I would like to show you .. put them next to each other

Keshe: Let me explain what is happening and why he brought this in. We wanted to
show the glory of this Technology out of Iran. This paper and what is here, and the
beauty of it is, that it's not the exclusivity of Iran, everyone of you can make a Cup of
Life. We'll change the course of medicine from today. The stock market will
understand that a new evolution and revolution, (2:32)is in the hands of every man in
there house, will collapse the pharmaceutical industry. In a way, it has already
collapsed, because that technology has not managed to save a single life, and the
Technology we have right now with pharmaceuticals, has been the cause of many,
many problems (side-effects) which we did not understand. This is the structure of
life, in the Cup of Life, the body of the man, or in the Universe. There is no more or
less difference. It's just about energy and how it's conditioned, how it is conditioned to
show itself. In a way, we have seen the replication of the Universe in the body of the
man, and in a Cup of Life. (2:34)Now we have entered a new phase of science and
of understanding how to handle our lives. As I have said many times, we go from
micro to macro, what we see in the structure of the electron or proton, we see in the
structure of the solar system. Now we see it, we see galaxies, we have gone further
down, now we see energy gaps. .. Dr. Pares is going to support the Keshe Foundation
support team with the virus.

DP- In what we see here, man should have the capability of curing himself using his
brain, and he doesn’t need anything because now we know how it works. We can see,
man can do a lot of things for himself.

Keshe:This goes back to the Keshe Foundation teachings, we say, we feed the Soul of
the man (Soul of the man) through the brain, that it feeds the man, we don't need to
do. This is what we have been teaching for some time now. A new knowledge has
been born today, by confirmation of what we have known for 20 years.

DA- Now we understand how the brain has positioned the bone to make what it
needs, and now it's the position of the emotion.

Keshe: In the Keshe Foundation we always said, that physicality works hand in hand
with emotion. Now we see and understand it. (2:40)This paper will change the world
of science, because now we have a physical dimension to it. We have gone below (the
nanometer), and we can see the physical conversion of energy to matter and how
energies allow the creation of crystals and everything else, that in the future we'll
become a new science. I hope the Iranian government and leadership will take steps to
make sure that they stay at the head of this new science. What it brings with the new
science that we can feed ourselves, and thereby control ourselves. We bring a (new)
dimension to humanity, do we need to fight to feed and do we need to suffer, where
we can find the source of the pain, (2:42)and through emotion, eradicate the pain from
the body of the man.

DA- There are many doctors in Iran who are understanding the Technology and they
are helping with the Corona in Iran. In a way it is a hidden medicine inside Iran, in
which, the doctors are using it for themselves, but they are scared to use it for their
patients. We like to thank all of them, there are many doctors who are working, but in
a way, they are doing it because they understand it.
(2:44).. We'll close this session and we'll take a 15 minute break and then come back
and show the first cases of Corona which have been handled by doctors in Iran. It is
the first time you will see physical evidence of people who survive the Corona. It will
be a gift to humanity and from there on we'll see where we go. The time is 12:30 we'll
come back at 1:00. Then we'll see evidence and testimonials of people who have
survived Corona in Iran, with just a glass of water. Thank you very much. .. Put one
of the teachings on in the background. (2:46)We have a section which explains and
teaches about the Coronavirus. While they are trying to come up with the documents
for the presentation, now we had to do this, to give you a scientific understanding of
what the Cup of Life Gans Water is, and what it does. Shows good photo of the Gans
in nanometer size. So the international community just doesn't look at it as a cup. It
can be shown as a dynamic Plasma, with small balls that interacts with the Plasma of
the virus. It is important to make these kind of papers available and these kinds of
sciences, that as we develop this Technology we understand how simple we ** are for
ourselves, and how the new science will change all of us. We are not here to break the
past, we are here to build on the past. Now with what we know in the physics,
medicine we can correct the mistakes and adjust it to fit the reality of what we see. As
DA said, now we found the creator of the nano and when you travel, ** in time to
come, how we can take you to see the creator of the beauty. (2:48)But then you have
to have the open eyes and understanding of the knowledge has no limitation, except
according to the intelligence of the man. Do we have anything ready?
Before we go for a break . The Keshe Foundation Iran has made a voice recording of
some of those who have risked their lives, and saved others, and survived the Corona.
It's their right, and they made a small piece for it (recording), that you hear what they
say, and how they feel. Go ahead Mohammadi.

Play the video. (2:50)

(2:52)Plays video in Farsi. It was the advertising for One Cup One Life in Farsi. It
was not what we were looking for.
Plays an excerpt from 317 Knowledge Seekers Workshop about Coronavirus, while
they go for a break.
"This virus mutates --

END of Video

(3:30).. Keshe: Time to go on now. We are back again. Now the doctors will show the
cases which have been handled by the team and we'll go in more depth on what has
happened. 56

starts video (restarts ) (3:32) VIDEO ..

This is a lady 26 years old, she has all the symptoms of cold, temperature, shaking,
coughing, feeling no strength, and pain in the head, which are all the symptoms of
Coronavirus. She started using the Cup of Life Gans and she reports her condition as
she goes along. She says she had many ** but she listen to the instructions of the
doctor. (3:34)The case was reported on the 11th of the 12th, 98, which is the date in
Iran. by the 19th of the 12th, 98, which is 4 days later she has reported complete
recovery. .. At the bottom of the report, in red ink, it says, complete recovery. They
have closed the case, but the patients stay in touch with the doctors. She sprayed the
Gans water on her head as she was instructed, and when she drank the water. She says
when she uses the water the temperature comes down, and the coughing reduces. She
sees the sign of loss of temperature as ** she had before. (3:36).. This is the patient
of this doctor, she says she never sprayed the first night, so the doctor told her to put
the water in a pot and sprinkle it on herself with her fingers on her body. .. she says
she didn't have anything else, she's going ahead. Carry on please. She says, her
breathing is much better. (can't hear Knowledge ) (3:38) Having heart trembling
with her heart, my toes are frozen but my body is warm. She says she managed to
sleep, the heart is better and she feels better. She doesn't get diarrhea. She says that
her coughing has reduced and (3:40)she doesn’t cough that much. .. She says she can
sleep better and doesn't have the symptoms of before, but she reported a pain in her
chest. (3:42)..
(3:46) What we heard from her, she is complaining about all the symptoms, then
(after using Gans Water), her pains are reducing everyday, and coughing disappeared,
and she reports of having yellow excrement, which is a sign of the virus entering the
lung, and what happens is the energy of the virus, dominates through its energy
structure, the pancreas, and these are the sings of the damaged pancreas and liver ** ,
and then it has come back to normal. This is the way you'll see the energy effects of
the virus. DP do you want to tell us more?

(3:48)DP- We saw her when she came in, (gave the Gans water) and after 2 hours, she
reported the change. These doctors monitor continuously their patients, and all their
movements and everything for the report today. It's completely covered, and the case
for them is closed but they keep it up, because we monitor it, the second phase, if they
have it, which is the lung damage, then they get the fever and temperature. It is
handled by antibiotics. It is continuous work with using the Gans water.

This is a second case, a 65 year old person, has the same things, signs of cold,
temperature, the breathing problems. They have all the signs of Coronavirus. They
came to them on 17th of 12. (plays the second case .. interruptions. Mr. Keshe is
reading the report while it gets played, very loud music). These are the reports
available. For the doctors who want they can play this in the background. Carry on
please. (3:50)A 52 year old lady, again the same cold, temperature, the lungs,
problem with breathing, suspected of the virus. The same process they're going
through, 3 hours, but once they apply the Gans water it has eradicated it. A new
patient. (3:52)

Keshe: This (video) is a series of people, it's all documented, it's not 1 or 2, as you
heard there are ** I wanted to translate, but literally the form tells all at the end. It
says, full recovery. Every single case they followed through to full recovery. Then
they followed the volunteers, who especially become **
Doctor Asserly (DA) do you want to tell us about these cases. ** he has a message
from the first girl because he helped her overcome this. Plays a audio recording. ..

.. This was saying that the first girl, now she has recovered and the whole family is
using the Gans water. The tradition now, instead of what the Chinese did, locking up
people (families), in the rooms (apartments) with the sick person. The Cup of Life,
everybody in the house uses it, because they have the fear of loosing one or many in
the family. This is the pattern we see. We can bring in many cases. Now there are
hundreds of cases in Iran. The Keshe Foundation team, now, sends out 300 Cup of
Life per day and all the materials are donated to them by people. Every Cup counts.
Usually it is the people who have taken up, (4:10)with the disease. There is a beautiful
picture I wish I could share. The Iranian Knowledge Seekers are very brave. One of
the Knowledge Seekers who works with us in the background, he didn't take anything
but he was very busy getting everywhere, he said, that he is making the Gans's. He
was called to meet one of the Iranian leaders in the hospital, with the Corona. He took
the Gans's with him that he could use it, and while he was with this gentlemen (the
leader) he gave his mobile to talk to him. After talking he took off to go home, and he
said that on the way home he felt sick. I have pictures of him calling ** and then, at 6
AM he was in a very bad shape. He actually caught this disease going to see this
gentleman to help him. Then he realized, that he needs to help himself. This is what
we said, everybody has to be protected before they go anywhere. Then within 3 or
4hours later, very few hours, by taking ,he was back on the road as if nothing
happened. As he said, ** he was a confirmed case of Corona. Iran is loosing many of
its elite scientists and doctors to this disease, and it's time for the government to make
a move. (4:12)We can keep on giving many cases and documents, ** All these
documents will be transcribed from Farsi to English that you can see. It's standard
procedure to translate everything to English at the Keshe Foundation. Now what we
hear, I can play you a tape from a doctor, he says, his hospital is full, with the whole
village, and he has lost a few of them, with the new version. Doctor A are you in the
background? .. There is a case we have here, recorded by a doctor from the hospital,
as I said, the whole village got sick, because one man was sick and he was shaking
hands with everyone, then everybody else got sick. (4:14)What is interesting, is what
we see in the background with all cases. This is full recovery. The total cost of saving
a life is less than a dollar from this disease. We especially asked the Iranian
government and Sepah to be in the background (listening) so they can make a
decision on what is going to happen with the Iranian nation. Are we going to loose
our educated and elite for one dollar? (4:16).. I made an appeal to the Iranian
government. ..

Keshe: Let me explain. One of our volunteers who works with us, his brother is the
head of the hospital for the Coronavirus of a town. And his brother the doctor, has
been blaming him that they are doing something wrong and the rest of it. And then 2
days ago he became a victim of the disease, because the only people who treat Corona
at the hospital usually end up catching it themselves, because one way or another they
are vulnerable, because they are there. He caught the Corona himself, and he came to
the house of the brother and asked, can you help me. And within 2 hours he changes
and feels the change, and the Corona leaving, then he goes back to the hospital, and
asks his brother if he could do the rest, and save the city. Because they know that they
can't do anything. Let me explain what is happening to Iran in the background, there
are not enough mortuaries, or even places to bury them, and the ones who do the
burying can catch it themselves. The officials in some cities are buying freezing units,
just to hold the bodies until one day they can bury them. They put the bodies in the
freezers. We saw the same thing in China, I can show you many pictures, and satellite
pictures, that the Chinese literally burn people, because there was nothing else to do.
They brought in crematoriums, which are furnaces for burning bodies. (4:20)In one
city 80 units have been reported. The satellite pictures from American intelligence
confirms, because when you burn a body it leaves specific traces. The numbers are
bigger then we think, and some doctors in hospitals pass it different ways. There is a
very interesting part, I'll tell you how doctors are covering it. As you heard, most of
these people initially died of heart attack and stroke because of the disease, and then
brain hemorrhage and stroke because of the disease, and now with internal organs and
failing kidneys. So what they are doing, is changing the documents of the patients to
heart attack, hemorrhage, kidney failure and the rest. What this means that in 5 or 10
years time, when we get the statistics of it, we'll see something else, like Corona
patients are 500, but heart attack, stroke, kidney failure will be hundred thousand. It's
very strange, but these figures will only go up in the period of the virus. A lot of
manipulation of the figures by the governments does not hide the truth. (4:22)We
have a patient who has been through this with the doctors, she is there online. (4:24)

Patient tells her story: (4:26)She is a pharmacist. (4:28) .. (4:32)

.. The lady is a natural herbal medicine therapist, and she caught the virus in one or
another, and she tried everything because that's her work, but nothing worked until
she was introduced to the Gans Water. She said, within 24 hours all the symptoms
were gone. She thinks this Technology can be used for the skin or ** , and maybe, she
thinks there is a link between the blood type and who catches the disease. I explained
to her that this is an intelligent virus and it literally works on a sequential basis,
(4:34)they are, as we call it, "hackers", they try every combination until they can
get into the computer. This virus changes, mutates so much until it finds the
right connection, and then it goes in. Somehow, very much like ** it mutates
itself to the other people in the same area or district. So, let's say, once it mutates
to the liver sequence, it finds other liver sequences of other people who are
passing (by on the street). This is what the world of science has to understand
with viruses, that it is not shaking hands, it is crossing magnetical field barriers,
plasma field barriers, to infect and to effect. What is interesting, where would you
like to go Mohammadi. (4:36)..
Are there any questions from anyone?

Q: You know in our body which is full o f bacteria's and other stuff, so will this
energy of Plasma hurt any of those useful bacteria's and other stuff in our body?

(4:38)Keshe: No, what we see is that the body has a general balance everywhere.
When we use it for the cancer cells, then only cancer cells, which are abnormal in
relation to the other cells in the body, we see the change. It knows what it needs and
what the body has as part of its organization. These energies are there when there are
abnormalities. We can explain it nowadays very clearly.
Mohammadi- says one of the Keshe Foundation volunteers are in an old folks home
and they would like to come live online.
Keshe: I don't think these people have used the Gans, but let's see if I am correct.
Ali is a volunteer at an old peoples home, they invited him in to protect these people
that they don't catch the virus. So we are not in a case of recovery, but a case of
prevention. A lot of people have started using this material as a prevention. (4:46)..
(4:48)..We are going to play a couple of clip from the Iranians, an interesting message
from the people who we try to work with in Iran. They wish us success in many ways.
We hope that .. (4:50).. These are the recording of how they are promoting Cup of
Life in Iran. And after this we'll take a trip to China. Keshe Foundation China is
online, hopefully we'll see some interesting information. Title: How corona kills and
how we can prevent it. (4:52)

Video 1 in Farsi

(5:00)Video 2 of One Cup Gans. HOW THEY ARE MAKING it. Using a amino acid
battery and checking to see that it is not attracted to a magnetic, therefore they assume
it is zinc.

(5:39) Video 3, about plasma fields.

(5:41) Video 4,
While we are waiting we want to se how China looks today. This is what it is going to
come down to in Europe, in the next few weeks. We are just about 8 weeks behind

(5:42)Video 4 of Enhancement Unit.

.. We'll move on to China and come back to Iran.
Are there any questions from the Iranian team?

(5:46) Q: Iranian lady; Can this Gans damage someone with laser ** hair reduction
treatment** ..
Q: I heard Gans is good for ** 6 months ** can we use it for more than 100 years, is it
Keshe: No, (5:48)The Gans water, standard legal, is that it can't be held more than 6
months. Any water has a legal lifecycle of 6 to 12 months. So we stick to this. We are
talking about the water of the Gans, and not the Gans. The Gans itself can last
centuries if it can hold it. ..
Q: Those who have migraines, when they spray it on their head, they feel headache,
what should they do?
Keshe: (only in Farsi.)
Q: Can the Gans water cure HIV too?
Keshe: No. The Technology can reverse HIV also, we have done it in Africa, it's fully
documented, yes. But it will not be a glass of water. It's a different characteristic.
(5:50)Any other question?

Q: Will it help Epilepsy?

Keshe: No.
Q: How about diabetics, how would it effect their insulin, so on and so forth?
Keshe: We put a note out last week and again this week, if you are diabetic, test your
insulin before you take the spray, and after you take the spray, because it can reduce
the use of your insulin, (5:52)but then if you overdose with the insulin it can cause
you, all sorts of sleepiness, drossiness ** , and going to sleep. Check your insulin
continuously, because it carries certain factors of Zn, which is part of the emotions. I
was just interrupted by the Iranian authorities, that they recommended me, not to take
Zn and it is bad for it. These people haven't understood, that the Zn in the plasma state
is the structure of the brain, and it's the only way you can stop the brain hemorrhage
or stroke from this virus.

Q: (connection problem )
(5:54) Knowledge - They are asking about the people with the pacemaker, or heart
condition transplant or whatever?

Do not use this system, you can spray your head, maybe, but spray the room,
spray the body that you can keep away the virus.
Any other question?

Q: .. (5:56)
Keshe: They are asking about the use of the Gans for ulcer? There is a very effective
way for it, but this (Cup of Life Gans) is not the Gans for it. There is a specific way to
overcome the ulcer, especially if it is a bacteria. There is a totally different way that
you have to use it **

(Videos of China Today).

Stanley you have a couple of nice videos to show us, and they're extremely interesting
for you to watch. This is what we'll see Europe will come to, maybe even Iran and the
US within 6 to 8 weeks. Just watch. It is interesting to know that China is ahead of us.
China was forced, but in Europe it will be done voluntarily. These videos are from the
past few days in China.
Plays video, the city highways are absolutely empty. (5:58)Don't forget this highways
are normally jammed packed with people. I ask a question, where are the 1.4 billion
people? (6:00).. What is interesting is that the Chinese New Year lanterns are still on
the streets, nobody has been working even a month later to bring the lanterns down.
(6:02) He freezes on 1 frame. Look at all the businesses and shops, and no people
there. One thing we are looking at is the psychological effect on this society. What is
interesting if you study the psychology of the Chinese population today, is a one child
family, and if the father and mother and child dies, there are no traces of anyone else
from that family. The "One Child" policy has brought a lot of harsh reality. And if any
of the people who own these offices, buildings, shops, have died, they will never open
up (again). A family based economy. In the Keshe Foundation we study the
psychological effect, as much as we are watching the energy and the other things. In
the deep space program we watch the psychological effect. When this is over, and if 3
members of the family have died, there is nothing left of that family, because of there
(is no) 2nd generation, maybe the uncles of the grandfathers. But most of the people
are the 2nd or 3rd generation. There are no traces of the whole family, expertise or
whatever. ** The economy of a nation has ground to a halt. And you'll (also) see this
in Europe.

(6:04)In China they can keep order, but Europe loosing, is another factor very soon.
People without a job, the governments can't support social security anymore. What is
the outcome of it. Nobody goes to the factory to produce, companies can't pay their
bills, they can't pay their staff. This thing speculating and escalating, for those who
want to do, what they want to do with it. But in reality, the Western economy in the
next 2 months will become a chaos. Companies can't sell or produce goods, and
people don't have the money to buy. What is the next step? Anarchy. This is why we
are trying to reach as many of the governments (as we can) before we get to that step,
with such a simple system. People can still go back. But in 2 weeks time it becomes
worse, in 4 weeks time it will be even worse. The reality with this Corona is crisis
unseen. The Western economy will collapse very fast, because it has no basis. The
Chinese economy has mental control, and will survive through this in one way or
another. But the Western economy will collapse in the next 2 to 4 weeks. In the
second month, most of the businesses are over-draft bank borrowing, (6:06)on the
threshold. No wages paid, we'll see what comes. My message to the European
governments or with Iran, is very simple. Take the easy option out, you can't get it
right. In America it will get worse, we'll see in New York how long they can last, **
kicks up. We'll see more and more deaths, and more collapses of economy. Many of it
will not recover. The American citizens will suffer more because now there is no arms
selling. Nobody is interested to buy arms, then you can't have an army. We are
heading for world peace in a very strange way, but we are heading into ** economy if
it goes this way. As we see how many people and how far will they come, just risk
their lives. No job, no money, ** I think it is about time the world leaders to
understand what is about to hit them in the next few weeks.

Don't forget, if any of you have had a birds eye view of the Vatican, we'll see how
that place looks today, as people are not going for the Mass. (6:08)Then I think
churches and Houses of God will become the first victims of the ** looters. But the
biggest problem is, even if you have looted, the loot. I sent a link where the Pope
makes a speech from the balcony, where he is coughing, that was last Sunday. As we
see, I promised to return the marbles of Vatican, back to the Coliseum. Would the
people do that? Or would the governments just open up. Who are the ** survivors,
who don't get it. Shows the video of Pope coughing. For those who believe in the
Vatican, this is the Pope on Sunday. Look how many people are in the queue, if
you have been to Vatican when the Mass is on. Plays it. (6:10)You can see how thin
the crowd is, and how many of them do you think are infected. They're the ** last
tourists in Europe. In the coming time, it could turn that way in Europe, and people
take it, or we keep the warm time and turn to the summer flu with this, then it is going
to be much worse.

Presentation from Keshe Foundation China

We'll go to China. Guan Lin (GL) are you there, what is happening with Keshe
Foundation and the Chinese government, and what we have done in China, please?

GL- Okay, hello I think it is good, as you can see our president has visited Wuhan,
so that means the government wants to show that we have control of the virus, and
soon the life will come back to normal. (6:12)I think we also need to thank those
Knowledge Seekers who have produced those Gans's with the Army to clean the city.
Anyway it's good to know that our knowledge was serving the Chinese government
and saving the nation, and saving the lives of Chinese people, so that is a good news.

Keshe: What do you have to tell us about what you are claiming.

GL- actually we have something interesting in my presentation and people can see
that. I remember the first time on the news when the government was saying the virus
was getting out of control, and you asked me to contact the government directly, and
you said we should start to send the letters to the Health Committee organization, and
to the government, the president and prime minister, directly. We hope to get
response. And at the same time you announced the One Cup One Life. Then we tried
to find Knowledge Seekers to support the people who got the virus, or who wanted to
do the prevention. So we have some cases. But the good thing is that the government
has a very tight control, in just like one or two weeks, (6:14)all the sick people are
being put into a hospital, or into segregation. Then it's not easy to find people who
have been diagnosed. People in Wuhan who have been working day and night
outside, they asked for some Gans Water to protect them. Some of them say they test
negative, but they have some symptoms like coughing, itching, or pain in the throat.
They all report that they have recovered. I think I have the presentation to show what
we have done their and it's good to ask Stanley to present the presentation. On
January 21, we wrote a letter to the National Chinese Health Committee to support the
government to get rid of the virus. (6:16)Reads presentation on screen. This is the first
letter to President Xi. We also told we had succesStar Formationul tests with
African Swine Fever. Explain the Technology on how we can overcome the virus
(6:18)At the same time we sent the same letter to Prime Minster Li Then
Knowledge taught One Cup on Jan 24th. We setup QQ group, 1,300 members.
January 30th sent second letter to President Xi and PM Li. Americans close border
and said we'll have a food shortage. (6:20)We can apply the Technology for lack of
food. .. These are the cases of One Cup One Life. Lady in Wuhan who had symptoms,
in 3 days she fully recovered. (6:22)We had some people who travel in Hubei
provinces, and in 3 days they recovered. Another case and he recovered in 3 days.
This is a confirmed case in Wuhan City, with scan of the lungs, and she was dying at
home, it was February 4, no room in the hospital, her daughter was so despaired in
despair they searched the Internet and we managed to find a volunteer to get the
Water to her. In 3 days better in 9 days test for virus became negative.

(6:24)Keshe: This is the case where the lungs are more or less calcified. .. We have
shown some of the pictures from this case. .. Her whole family living in the same
apartment and they use the Gans water to protect themselves, and nobody was getting
infected. But later on the government forced them to go back to hospital because they
had been diagnosed before. (6:26)This is the list of Wuhan people who had some
coughing, but they say that they had no contact with infected people, no lung
problems. This one drank the water for 3 days and the throat problem sorted out.
Another one said, he had chest pressure, and was very nervous, but no contact with
infected people, and after drinking Gans water, no pressure on the chest and everyday
his emotion is good. This is another man who just wants to do prevention.

(6:28)Continue with cases .

On Feb 2nd we have written to Chinese government or Army that we can provide the
full solution to disinfect the environment, and drink Gans water, and the breathing
system (of Gans water) to help people recover. This is the only solution, (6:30)that
can handle the environment and also the people's sickness. There is nothing like this
Technology (there has never been anything like this Technology before), we have
showed them ** applied the Technology and the data. .. You can see the report about
the Gans Water. .. Chinese Army setup a big factory with Knowledge Seekers to
produce 1 ton Gans per day. Play a recorded conversation, it's a little strange, to
produce 1 ton per day and to ask him to join his team.

(6:32)Play audio of conversation. (6:34) (6:36)

GL- This is a conversation between Knowledge Seekers. .. Actually when we sent the
letters to the government, they sent us back a letter saying, that this has to be handled
by the expertise of the Health Committee. And the Health Committee, maybe those
doctors are not familiar with out technology, so they think it has a lack of scientific
basis, so they, from the formal reply, they refused to use our technology. (6:38)But
actually, from the Army's side, they know about it and have tested it, because since
you taught us the One Cup One Life solution, a Knowledge Seekers has made the
Gans and delivered it to an organization to be tested. In their tests they said it was
very effective for killing bacteria's or something together. So then, directly they
wanted to start to build a factory to produce Gans to clean the city. ** but not directly
to apply to feeding people, but anyway. So, yes, it's good to hear that the Technology
can be applied by the Army, and can clean the city of China. So we thank the
Knowledge Seekers who have managed to bring this to the Army side, to help the
Chinese nation.

(In this explanation it was not clear why we were supposed to listen to it** Did they
make an agreement with each other to keep the Keshe Foundation out of it**)

At the same time we sent the Gans water to 2 hospitals, and they have given feedback
by word, and say it can show more effective then only with the Traditional Chinese
Medicine. But they didn't give us further result for that part. So we don't know the
result yet. Okay next page. This is just background information about Africa Swine
Fever, (6:40)experiments which we did in January 19, of 2019. They confirmed, that
the 819 pigs on the farm had been infected, and about by January 18th, 40 pigs had
already died. We started processing on January 20th. The pigs that had died were put
in the bags on the right, and on the left all the pens had dead pigs in them. Starting on
the 19th January we started checking the pig's temperature, and these are the numbers.
We also calculated how many pig died each day. In 7 days we managed to control the
fever of all the pigs in our test area. (6:42)Then we had another test area, and we
managed to join the fields together, just in 14 ** (audio lost.) Keshe: I'll carry on.
These are all Chinese scientists who helped us with African Swine Flu. We divided
the area into 4 control areas,

On the 14th day after starting, we walked out of the building with 725 pigs surviving.
This is another photo of our work in increasing the harvest in Mongolia. We are going
back into Mongolia now, negotiating, hopefully to increase the harvest and in this
area there is a huge area of "heavy soil", which is salt and kalk (chalk ?). This is a
major work for us, we managed to increase the harvest here. (6:44)On the back of
this, this year we are going into massive production of materials for agriculture in
China. The Keshe Foundation team today or 2 days ago, announced that they can
produce ** liter of Gans for agriculture, for just around 100 RNB, which is 12 Euro,
and this will allow the farmers to increase their products, and they will go very fast
with productivity and we'll an increase in the harvest. This shows again increase in
wheat harvest from 70 to 132, and the rice from 75 to 249. It's very interesting, that
now the Technology is to be adopted by the government in a large way for
agriculture. .. What happened when we increased the harvest so drastically, there was
a big concern by the Chinese government authorities, that we have modified the
(6:46)the genes. The first thing that was done to test, and it showed no GMO. It says
at the bottom of the report, foreign genes, none detected. No gene radiation, foreign
genes are not detected.

And then, "Indigenous plant gene detected", which means we actually took the seed
back to its origin. This was shocking to the Chinese Committee and agricultural
groups. This means we take the seeds back to their origins. These are tests by
independent test laboratories. And we showed rapid growth in 27 days, tripling the
harvest, which was a natural process. what we call, Gans production by tranStar
Formationerring energy to the seed directly. In the photo, the one on the left is
damaged with fungus, and that is why the harvest ** This is a test for different
products tested several million went under (cultivation), it's amazing how the results
increased. This year we'll go to quite a large amount of land (under cultivation),
(6:48)in weeks. In this one you can see the growth difference in 27 days. The one on
the right is natural (untreated), on the left is watered 27 days with Gans water. You
have seen most of these results. An increase in harvest. These (crops) are used for
alcohol and other things in China. You can see the difference. With this Technology
the Chinese government will walk out of food dependency to the US.

These reports show massive increases in the rice and wheat. When we changed the
composition of the Gans, we play a totally different game, and you can see up to
212% increase in rice. China needs only 40% in rice to become self-sufficient in rice.
So when China goes to 220%, they'll become a major rice supplier around the world,
replacing American rice production. This is again a very interesting point what you
in #1 and #2. (6:50)The seeds have been placed at the same time into the pots. #2 has
been treated with Gans, and #1 has not. It takes on average 21 days for #1 to get to #2.
This plant is known as a "tigernuts" for oil. China imports 70% of its oil from
outside, with this tigernut they are hoping to cover part of that market, so they don't
need to import. So we tested this 2 years ago. For #1 to get to the position of #2, it
take 21 to 25 days. To get from #2 to #3, that is the first time you see the split in the
seed, because underground, every shoot you see, it becomes one seed, one nut, it's like
a hazelnut, so the more it divides, the more harvest you have. To go from #1 to #3, to
split takes about 35 days. Using the Gans to go from #1 to #2, (normally 21 to 25
days) has been achieved in only 6 days. To go from #2 to #3, after 25 days needs 10
days, so in total about 35 days, (6:52)but with the Gans water has taken only 4 days.
In 10 days we have done what the plant would have done in 30 days, this and
increasing the harvest to up to 4 times, will walk China out of the need to import
cooking oil. This is now under observation, there are 50,000 mole, each mole is 660
meters squared. We have been told it is now under trail this year. Each product needs
its own, mixture of Gans, you can't use the same mixture for the same harvest. The
corn has shown a massive difference, and it's very unusual to see such a growth in
corn. This is from the Knowledge Seekers in Yunnan and the harvest is huge. It's the
same again, corn has a different application in China.

You can see the difference between the 2 corn harvests. It's huge. It's heavier, solid,
harvest comes in 2 to 3 weeks earlier, which allows 2 (3) seasons. In this area, they
harvest in 3 seasons because in comes in earlier. .. You can see the difference in
harvests of the same crop, it's about 30% increase from the same plants next to each
other in the same ground. (6:54)You can se 911 and 700, a 20% increase in harvest. ..
Again they tested for genetic modification, it never happened. This is a massive trial,
a 1 million square meter rice trail, last year. It has shown massive .. what the Chinese
discovered that on the side that they used the Gans, they didn't need to use any
pesticides or herbicides, and the harvest has increased by 207%. If I am correct. The
harvest comes at the same time, but the funny thing was that we saw a hurricane
destroying half of the rice, and then we found out that they played a game with the
rice, in which they did not tell us. What they did was they mixed Gans's in different
ratios, or different rice with Gans or without Gans. And then we found out, that by
doing this they created a hurricane over the field. These are magnetical fields that they
couldn't understand, but when we told them, they realized, because there was no
hurricane, there was a hurricane but no farm was damaged, but this farm in a certain
point when they mixed the mixture of Gans's, without the Gans, they thought is was
just like a water, ** You put a water, and you don't put a water, and it creates a huge
airflow and actually damaged the harvest. But still it showed more harvest then the
good side. (6:56)So we would have expected a much bigger harvest without the
hurricane created by themselves. We saw this one in the Caribbean's. So it gives us a
lot of insight into farming into the future will be. We can see a huge growth and
structural difference.
(7:00).. 10 cm higher harvest. Harvested earlier.

You see the Knowledge Seekers are proud, they have a sign that they are using the
Gans. It has shocked a lot of local authorities. It increases harvest by 25%. You see 13
bags more is a lot of money when you sell and that changes your position. (7:02)
.. over 100% increase. the one on the right is already getting black and they picked
them the same day. You see what happened with this farmers harvest, is that the beans
are so good that the neighbors stole half of it. He came one day to his farm and half of
it was not there. .. and they say it tastes so good. And it has a longer shelf life to sell
his goods.
We are involved in Ginseng production, they say 70% of the worlds Ginseng is made
in China and 80% in this area. (7:04)There was some interesting results and they
didn't want to tell us, we received little information from them. It's a very rich market
and farmers don't want anybody else to know what they are doing. Again, you see the
Gans bottles in-between the crop. .. The lady on the left is a leading Ginseng scientist.
.. It takes 5 years to harvest, and if it is controlled it takes 15 years in the ** In this
process we can reduce it by a year, maybe 1.5 years, but at the same times it gives
profitability. It's a very difficult things to grow. You have to dig it out and replant it,
and in summer time ** We are involved in this in China. .. this is White Ginseng.
This is interesting, we got a call that the plant has pests, they eat everything up and
the plant dies. We applied on 20th and one day later (it recovered). (7:06)Without
any pesticides. If you know how to mix the Gans's, the water, you can overcome. It
costs more or less zero. Now you understand why the Chinese love this Technology.
They are growing everything with it. We see that also in Iran, scientists are doing a lot
with it. It says Keshe Foundation China, the place where science meets the Soul of the
man. We are making inroads in China. We work right at the top. But the only problem
with the Chinese is they love to steal technologies and make it in their name, and they
have no scruples about it. Sometimes I say, I understand why Bill Gates went
ravaging on them this way, because they stole so much from Microsoft and his
technologies, and then they don't want his goods. So then he went for revenge as I call
it. This behavior in China has to change, if they want to succeed in a bigger scale of
operation. Respecting international scientists for their work, has to become part of the
Chinese structure. They are beautiful people to be with and work with, but stealing
Technology so openly amazes me. If you don't know, they were planning to sell the
Gans Technology back to Iran. We got to know by the insider CPC people and we
called them back. We said, this is the only thing you can't sell back to Iran, what came
from Iran. (7:08)Then we see what happened. Now they are selling the same thing
back to Italy. I am sure, we'll see
Any questions?

The main part of this presentation was how we gave everything to the Chinese
government to protect themselves from Coronavirus, and as you heard in the Chinese
audio recording, how the Chinese Army had decided to literally and bluntly, to go
behind. Not going behind, but going to the Knowledge Seekers and telling that we
don't want to deal with Mr. Keshe, that they want it to be Chinese. But there is one
secret that Knowledge Seekers have not realized, a Master never shows his full hand.
The mastership of a Technology, is understanding a Technology to use it. (7:10)The
Chinese Military and Government made a very big mistake. That mistake was very
simple, as I said, the Chinese Knowledge Seekers did not serve their nation correctly,
if you would have stayed with your master, you should have seen this (photo of
Chinese leaders wearing masks in fear), actually to be like this (Iranian Knowledge
Seekers without fear or masks around a One Cup). We take the "Love of God" from
the nation of China. You will understand soon what this means. This will never
happen, that space gap in that culture will stay. This is how it should be (Iranian
photo), a happy nation. **with, worth much stronger, what we call, virus then this
(Iran has a much stronger virus then china). Even they use our Technology, they still
forgot to do one thing. You have to understand this technology, as it was presented by
the Iranian team this morning in the teaching, has a Soul. And when you steal it has
no Soul, and it will stay that way.

We'll work Iran and the rest of the nations out of this position very soon. But I wonder
how the Knowledge Seekers who thought they will do what they like, will do, with
what will come to them. This behavior of "thy shall not steal," has to stay that way.
We gave as a gift to President Xi, and the military and the CPC decided to play a
game. (7:12)You can always run an empty city, and become a leader of a place where
no one lives. We saw the streets of Beijing, and we see the cities near Beijing, and of
different places. These are the cities of Iran, happy to be, and enjoy to be, then
mankind will learn a new process. It is ** Technology stolen, ** pleasures of its use,
the Soul ** I wonder how many people in China who have use (the Technology)
have a happy face. Not much. Can you imagine you can shape ** your lives, at a
distance because, ** you don't know if she has ** The quality has to be handled the
right way, with the right people. What we see, the news coming out of Iran, if the
Iranian government doesn't follow the same way (as the Chinese), the problems will
be very, very great, especially for the Iranian nation. But we have a good team, they
are not after the money, (7:14)the way the Chinese Keshe Foundation people were.
And we'll see other things. there is a message coming in from Iran. Let's see what
comes up. These are from the people in the field, helping people. They send us
messages, and this gentleman is helping the whole village, he sends, good news. The
beauty of the Iranian Chat room group, is that they report very rapidly with what they
have achieved. The gentleman says, now we have a new virus, a mutation of what we
call, Corona is the one which goes into the throat, and it literally suffocates you. This
we started seeing and they say, 2 people, 1 form last night an 1 this morning, they all
have changed within hours. Now we have tackled all 3 parts of this Corona business,
and we have to see to what extent we can go.

(7:16)I think we have given enough to make the change in Iran, and thanks to the
Iranian Keshe Foundation team. They ** mutated, when you look at it the Keshe
Foundation is so active, since 2 or 3 hours ago, there have been 2 to 3 thousands of
communications, ** 300 in past, 3 or 4 hours. They are literally teaching, working and
saving the nation. If I could take pictures from it you'll see them, they have nearly
5,500 participants in different channels. The Iranians have come up with a beautiful
system. They have 1 channel which teaches, 1 channel which always consults, and 1
channel which the team actually directs people to the groups where they have to go
and ** and just entirely for the sick people. Then they have a channel for the
volunteers in which they talk to each other. So if you ** go on the channel, if you got
sick or reported, you are handled by a different channel. These are groups, people
come in, and when you go on that 3rd channel, mainly doctors, consultants come in
and they take over and they advise. (7:18)Then you have ** channel which is just the
volunteers, they know what they want to do, and how they plan to do things. In the
Iranian scheme, if you can plan it out, in Europe, or it will allow us to come in with
the support of the Iranian Sepah, as a peacemakers, and the deliverers of peace and
technologies, we will help to eradicate from the whole of Europe in weeks. This
(virus) is so rapid, it touches everyone, that it has to be done. As I said to the Iranian
government, this Technology has to handled by the people, for the people, and with
the help of the people and the government. It cannot be anymore with the universities
and the professors ** In so many ways, if we leave it in the hands of governments
there will not be many people left to govern, even for the governors. This is the truth
about this Technology.

In China, some of the most leading, surgeons, professors, and scientists died in the
frontline. We have seen the same in Iran. We lost some of our ** best scientists and
doctors dedicated to serving the nation. And this, at this stage, should never have
happened. But the knowledge is here, and as I said with negotiations with Americans,
during Obama's time, we could of handled this out, we have got it. We put the hand of
knowledge out. If the European governments accept, within the next 2 to 3 weeks,
very rapidly, we'll prevent it. We will live with it, but without deaths. (7:20)Nobody
should die. No one should die. These numbers will escalate, and if the economies
collapse, it will be very hard to build back up. We still stand for the conference in
April in Tehran, that we'll bring the next step, which is the space Technology of this
knowledge, into operation, internationally as one group. This is very simple, let the
people who know, and have delivered to their nation, come and teach you and deliver
it to your nation.

Maybe the only boycotts we'll have, are on each other, not seeing each other, staying
home, empty homes, and then loosing one after another, members of the family,
because you left the **window open, and it matches, and you catch the flu. I put a lot
of time into these 2 governments, and we have seen, that the Chinese government now
is producing 1 ton per day of Gans's. But they don't understand, there is nothing in it.
And if you look at the cities, you can make ** sure in ** there. The way we saw in the
past 5 years, fake bombings, and assassinations in Europe and America, trying to
create tensions between different races. Now we see fake pictures coming out of
China. (7:22)As I said, we have a ** in Beijing, we asked for it, go and clear it,
because we cannot go back where it is. They tell us, you come in and stay in that
apartment for 14 days, and then go out. And that's in the capital. Then we believe the
pictures we see, just because it has been "washed" to show. And then the Chinese
Knowledge Seekers, as GL said, we are glad that the Knowledge Seekers at least learn
enough to change, but they didn't learn the whole trick, what to do to bring a happy

Are there any questions?

I would like to reset the Zoom and that would be part 1, 8 hours.
(7:24).. We have many people from Europe who are now in America. What do you
want to do and what is your position in the nations. Europe we have set up a structure
that we support all those who come to ask for help in the time you are contaminated
or you want to prevent it. Each one of you in Europe, you have your own Universal
Council (Universal Council) member, by language. It doesn't matter if you are a
German in Germany, in Austria, Belgium or in South America, as many Germans
took the loot after the Second World War. (7:26)You still have German speaking. If
you have a problem and you want help, go to your Universal Council member. The
Universal Council was called in yesterday, and they know their position. They have a
team of supporters some of them, as Universal Council support teams. They'll support
you, and then we'll the support and knowledge of the Iranian team, to support the
Universal Council members who need help. If you want to setup a structure, the way
it is done in Iran, as it is showing its effectiveness, get in touch with the Universal
Council members. This is why we setup the Universal Council, at the same time you
can ask for support from the Core Team or Earth Council (EC) which supports both
sides. 2700

.. Any questions?

(7:36) Mr. Keshe goes over the list of Universal Council member.
.. We cover about 60 to 70% of the world population by languages. (7:42)

.. We'll greet you. Even if you stand alone, somebody will take you home for at least
one diner and one night. Don't worry about that.

Q: So I could actually plan this trip on Saturday the 18th?

(7:48)Keshe: We don't know, at the moment nobody knows what is happening.
Nobody knows. We are planning, let's work on it. It's not in our hands anymore. The
biggest problem internationally, if Boeing closes one or two more factories due to
crisis with Coronavirus. Nothing will effect, still some airlines will go places. But if
Boeing cannot provide services to the airline, they'll shut everything down. We'll go
back to the Victorian times, you get a boat and cross the Atlantic or the Pacific. This
is a very peculiar situation. We are not ready for it.

Q: Of course I understand, I'll try to push this a far as possible. I still hope that Tehran
will be held and we can meet each other, that all these problems which are all around
now, will be solved in Iran, because that would be a very good example for the rest of
the world.

Keshe: We'll see. We have to see, how the 2 arms of the Iranian government responds
to the Keshe Foundation. We are working very closely. I respect the Iranian,
(7:50)political and economical system. I do not fully understand the culture, even
though I am Iranian I have been away for 45 years. But to me it has come to the point
I have met ?** many uncles, and distant uncle who are left in Iran. We tried to
support them. We have informed all of them who we knew. My family, I didn't know
until a few days ago, we already lost one member of my family to this virus, which
we didn't know. It is real. People say it is made up. My family has buried a dream, for
those who did not believe in reality ** It's real for all of us. It comes to the same point
for all of us. I am reading an interesting Chat going on between different sides of the
Keshe Foundation, the Sepah and Iranian Ministry of Health, and how they are talking
to each other. It's amazing, the Keshe Foundation has managed to bring the Iranian
Department of Health, and the Sepah, and Keshe Foundation doctors in one Chat. I
think it is beautiful, there is no position, there are guidelines, they tell us and we
follow. It's amazing how members of the Sepah are so careful to tell us, how we have
to be careful. (7:52)It's part of the nature of being part of this group. It doesn’t matter
wherever or which century, they are very protective, they see, we are their children
and they have to look after us. They give warnings, do this and that, this is what you
have to do, and I laugh at it, this is nice you still feel there are people who guide, but I
want to expand this beyond the borders of Iran, .. and the other nations. We are in a
very interesting situation, if I manage to get Sepah out of Iran in the next 2 weeks,
we'll achieve the cleaning up of the whole operation. On the other hand, the Universal
Council was set to do this job. (silence ).

Q: This is Universal Council support for Spanish, .. What would be the protocol for
the Gans for a 10 year old girl?

Keshe: You have to understand and I explain this again. The Gans is a natural
product, the same as your body, or your structure. If you eat one banana or 10
bananas, the body takes what it needs and rejects the rest. The Gans does the same
thing, it doesn't matter if you are 20 or 50, (7:54)or 500 years old, 10 years, 5 or 50
years old. When you apply the Gans, your body has a balance system, it takes from it
what it needs. So that that question doesn’t come into it. You spray, they breath from
the same Cup, for how many days, and usually about 1,500 mls is normal for
everybody, but it takes from it what it needs, if it doesn’t need it, it rejects it. One of
the things which you'll see, our doctors keep telling me, .. I keep looking at it. Do not
spray your stomach, or lower body parts with it. But now with this evolution, you
have to spray your lower body, because as we hear, the most important part that gets
effected are the kidneys. You need to clean up your kidneys. My advice in the past
few days, has been to take a bath, wash yourself with it, from head to toe, because you
need to protect yourself with it. We don't know if the next move for this, I said this in
the teaching in the past couple of weeks, if this virus moves now into inactive muscle
cells, like the shin. There are no organs in it, it is just what we call inactive, there is
nothing active in it, except itself, which works with itself. What happens when this
moves into the bone marrow? It's the reality of it. It is mutating. would we see sudden
loss of the immune system?
(7:56)Now the game is different. We are a leading organization in handling, and we
have been, you've seen it. The biggest army in the world has started making factories
to build (our Technology), they do not do these things if it doesn't work. The hospitals
are using it and they are giving it to everyone. The same in Iran, you have seen it, that
is why we are here. My advice is don't worry, it is a natural process. If you don't have
it (virus), you don't feel it. If you have the virus you'll feel a pain in your head, heart,
chest, or stomach, it means you are already infected. Or you have another disorder
which is sorting itself out in respect to the virus. That's all you need to do, don't ask
for ** just cover yourself, cover your home, cover up. Q: The protocols in the event
of a fever. I said it depends on the fever, was it from the Coronavirus or not. She
wanted explanation on both cases? Keshe: This is the procedure we set for the Iranian
government and the World Health Organization (WHO). The first step, do the 10
second breathing test (hold your breath if you cough within 10 seconds). (7:58)This
applies if you have a lung infection. Because we don't see fever anymore. The brain
and with the stomach. We don't see fever at all. The 10 second test will show if the
virus has entered the lungs. Then you have 5 to 10 days to live, and the last 5 minutes
you die of a heart attack. The other way is that the virus has gone to the brain. We see
calcification of the brain, the same as with the lungs. Minute calcification. So you
have no fever, you suffer from a headache, and then you die. Then you now have the
stomach, and it is coming into the kidneys and intestines. With the intestines I can
play you a conversation with a doctor, they just come in, they feel suffocation, huge,
they can't breath, no other sign, then they die. The doctor says that some die of panic
of suffocation because you panic as you are doing it, but if you can lower the pain, the
agitation, the energy tranStar Formationer the virus, no problem. So now the 10
breathing test is just to do with your lungs. Problem with the lungs, you know you got
it. No problem.

Now we have to devise a system, (8:00)that it shows the interaction of the fields. In
the world of science and of Plasma Technology we always taught, if you are
Knowledge Seekers you have been here long enough to know. You have the Sun and
the Earth, draws them, the magnetical field interaction of gravity, and magnetical field
of the Earth and the Sun, rubbing against creates the light and other materials. This is
your virus and this is your brain, the interaction between the fields of the two, creates
pain, the pressure pain, it's very simple, there is no difference. Now, you have your
head, neck, .. you use the Gans Water on the body. If you don't have any virus, there
is no interaction (of the fields). But if you have the virus inside you, so there is an
interaction, so you feel the pressure. Where do you feel the pressure? In the head, then
99% you are infected. If you put the water on your chest, (8:02)you see the
interaction of the water and the lungs, you feel pain in the cavity, then 99% you have
it. Now we see failure of the kidneys and the stomach area. If you spray there and
have a pain, then you have it. The others do not have the knowledge, this is why we
asked the governments to go public, to teach people. If you spray yourself in the
morning and at night, voila. If you don't have a pain then you are safe. It's the fastest
and cheapest way to know if you are infected or not. It's scientific. We haven't given
you a mistake, or something from somewhere else. We don't need 20,000 test kits
from China, when they stole the biggest Technology in the life of the man. We send it
back with them, to them, "return to sender, there is no such address." The Iranian **
doesn’t mean backwards and outdated Technology. So if you have it, you work with

If you don't have a pain, you are not infected.

If you don't have a pain, you are not infected.
If you don't have a pain, you are not infected.

But what is alarming us, is a very strange phenomena which I know is going to turn
very soon, and it usually happens when I say it, somehow, very, very soon. Generally,
people who are infected with this virus complain of weakness in arms and legs, and
tiredness. What does this mean? It means that this process (from the virus) is taking so
much energy from the body, (8:04)then very soon it will jump, (from the organs to
the arms and legs). I warned about this in last weeks teaching, and the week before.
So, you can't just be looking at covering your body with just the head and lungs, and
waiting for the pain. Everyday, cover the whole body, 2 or 3 times a day. It costs
nothing. Spray you clothing inside and outside and you are done. Caroline put a spray
bottle at the entrance door, when you go out you spray, and when you come back in
spray again. You are done. Wake up in the morning, spray, and you're done. And
again at night and you're done. We have to take this .. It's like we came into an alien
land, we thought it was our home, and we got invaded. We have to live with it. This
virus will be a livable virus, if you know what the virus is. That's all you need to do.
The minute the virus sets in, you have to cover ** (spray the body).

Don't forget, we did this in Fukoshima, that's why it is running now. They use this
Technology, all the workers in Fukoshima, in the morning and at night, drink just a
glass of Gans Water. If they get any radiation (exposure) during the day, they get a
wash and it is gone. The Fukoshima paper is there, see how it is done. It's not
something we imagined. We worked it in Fukoshima, you all have been there, most of
the Knowledge Seekers, they saw how we treated Fukoshima in 2013 and 2014.
(8:06)It's open. Do you hear anymore about Fukoshima? No. Thank you Keshe
Foundation, and thank you to one of our dearest friends, Yukoko, she went there. She
is Japanese and did the tests. If you don't understand it, then go into all the Fukoshima
paper, with all the papers. Stanley, can you put it up. Go to website of the Keshe
Foundation, there is no difference between the radiation. You have to realize the
Keshe Foundation team with Stanley, they haven't slept, they have been working, they
were up with me, then I woke them up too early .. we have been all up, the team is
actually exhausted.

Q: I heard that they opened some area in Fukoshima, recently.

Keshe: Of course, they are washing it like mad, they are cleaned up. Now you can buy
vegetables from Fukoshima. The land has been cleaned.
Q: I don't think they cleaned Chernobyl up?
They didn't have the money at that time (joking), they didn't pay us well enough. We
got paid very well with the Japanese. I'll tell you the story of Fukoshima, one day.
(8:08)Just read it, understand it, wash it, and it goes away. A friend of mine sent me,
what we call, a teaser. He said, you know what you have become Keshe, you've
become like the one, 'the nonbelievers shall die.' I said, that is the wrong way to put it.
He said, 'the way the people who believe in the Technology and they follow it, they'll
save themselves and they'll stay alive. The nonbelievers will pay for it by their own
ignorance.' But we have to inform first and then decide. The Fukoshima paper is on
the screen.. This is on the Keshe Foundation website. (8:10)There are 2 Fukoshima
documents. In one of the documents we show the shipping receipt to Japanese
TEPCO. It says, it was taken down in the Keshe Foundation USA Store, we'll bring it
back on Amazon this week. We went through .. this video, these pictures were taken
in Fukoshima city, in 2013 when Yukoko went there, and we used the government
equipment to confirm ** Then when they saw this (the results), they came back to us,
that now they wanted it in total. And then again, the American game of stealing
Technology. It says, Fukoshima contamination solution. If you remember we have
shipping documents and the papers from TEPCO, asking for this, they could not
resolve this one. All the materials were sent, but the strange thing was, the Americans
wanted it to go through Los Angeles, and they undid it, understood it, and they took it.
(8:12)** could not be solved, then it was sent to them, ** if they use the Gans
Technology the same, to sort out the ** I remember Armand making these nano
coated Cu scrubbers that Yukoko could take it with her. He pleaded with me, 'we have
to put these in.' You see all the tests were done. It's no difference between this virus
and Fukoshima. We did the same in recent days and weeks with the Italian
Any other question?

(8:14)Keshe: I read in the Iranian Chats, it says, the Gans has already been sent.
Immediately, they ask for something else, and they say yes. They give the name
telephone number, and call them to see that they received it. It's amazing what
Mohammadi has setup for Iran. I thank you for it, you are saving many lives. The
Whole of the Iranian Keshe Foundation, volunteers, every communication that comes
up on the Chat lines.
(8:16)Q: Mark from Golden Age of Gans,
Keshe: You know Mark you should put the procedures for Coronavirus on your
website. magnetical- I have put it up there. I created my 5th One Cup and I did with
the metals of Zn and Cu outside the jar. Is that okay to do that?
Keshe: No, please don't do. How do you expect to make Cu by putting the Cu
outside? you can do that ?**
Q: With the fields from the **
Keshe: Yeah, but it won't be that effective. With the Gans's like CH3, CO2 you can do
that, but essentially ?** How does it look, did you make much?
Q: It's pretty subtle, yeah, made some but it's pretty subtle. (8:18)I may let it go
Keshe: You make it on the CO2, maybe you'll get some CO2, CuO. I'll tell you how
one day.
Q: okay, sounds good.
Keshe: ?** space gap as well.
We have to make this announcement, and we insist on making it, no Keshe
Foundation supporters, act, or work, or buy from Richard in Australia. You play with
your own games and your own lives. We go back to the groups setup in Italy, false
certification, false documentation, it is part of their work, we found out. Do not work
in those places. Next question.
(8:20)You can see how easily you can make a breathing system. Shows one on screen.
A Coke bottle and straw is your breathing system. Cost is zero. There is a big problem
with the straws nowadays, they have all become paper, so if they stay in the water too
long, they open up.

Q: How do you use Coke bottle for breathing?

Keshe: put 2 straws in bottle, 1 straw all the way down in the liquid, and the other
straw goes down but above the water line (you suck the air through the water with this
Q: We breath out with one
Keshe: You are Iranian, a Shi Sha is in your blood. The only reason is you can’t see
fire on top of it. Don't blow into it, you'll put your infection into it. Suck out the
straw. You have to wash it every couple of days, and throw your Coke bottle away
and make a new one, because you don't want ** germs (or Gans **) in it.
(8:22)Q: Congratulations, I see your hard work day and night ?** mushroom in the
lungs (what?). .. which go in the lung of the asthmatics.
Keshe: You mean fungus infections for the lungs?
Q: Yes.
Keshe: Some or all of it can be done with Gans's. We see this in industrial
contamination, and there is always a solution for it.
(8:24)Q: Does this antivirus Corona work the same way?
Keshe: No, no, that is bacterial. this is virus.
Q: But it can be used anyway, like anybody else.
Keshe: No, because you have to use it a different way. You see this is the problem
with you Knowledge Seekers, just .. it's a shoe, but it doesn’t mean you can wear any
shoe to go for a diner. Do you understand ladies.
Q: yes.
Keshe: So just because it is called a shoe, you can't wear it and go everywhere with it.
It has to fit the place, that is why we produce extensive number of Gans's. You know
something, we don't even teach you most of the Gans's, because god knows what you
lot are going to do with it. The Americans played with this little thing of energy, can
you imagine what you'll do if we give you new things, how many new viruses we
would see everyday.
Any other question?

Q: Can we succeed with hypnotism in plasma, to dictate the Soul to remove the virus?
Keshe: I have seen a lot of these things, I know where your thought is coming from,
but you are looking at it, the long way.
(8:26)Rick: Can you expand on that a bit? Keshe: I prefer not to because it creates
more complication. Have you seen this guy who is selling a CD, and says there is a
noise and it clears out your, viruses, Coronaviruses. Rick: from sound you mean?
Keshe: Yeah, frequencies. Don't forget, Plasma has no frequencies, how are you
going to handle it?
Rick: Does the virus have an emotional frequency or does it adapt to our emotional
frequency, does it adapt to a certain range of human emotion?
Keshe: What do you mean?
Rick: Does the virus feed off of certain human emotions?
Keshe: It could do. We are looking, probably, that is what I explained in the last
teaching, and it frightened a lot of you. So I prefer to keep away from it. Many
Knowledge Seekers have nightmares with it. Rick: We don't want to make things too
complicated. Keshe: No, not at this time of the day.
(8:28)Q: Someone .. said the Covid 19 virus disintegrates at 47.7 degrees Fahrenheit,
and is a "Deep State" hoax. I see people linking 5G and the virus, is any of that true,
or could it be radiation sickness?
Keshe: I have seen pig flies. There is something people say about the Gans's
(8:30)We even spray our dog. A lot of people .. The position is that .. With this virus,
we do not know how he will rotate, will mutate, and this is one of the biggest
problems we have. Would it mutate with temperature as we have seen in China. You
see, this virus has been killing from the cold north to the warm south of China. To
what extent it will work, we do not know. We can guess anything about it. (8:32)It is
an active living virus which we never knew before. Would the temperature effect it, or
would it make itself resistant. In the past 3 weeks in Iran, we have seen mutation very
rapidly. What Chinese are seeing, that they are so frightened of it, in 6 to 8 weeks. ..

There is an Iranian gentleman who has been working with the Plasma and he wants to
speak. (8:34)
(8:36)Keshe: Let me explain what has happened, the Iranian Keshe Foundation has
made a list of questions, Q&A, frequently asked questions, and videos. Now when the
people come they just send them to there (to get answers). You can do this in any
language. Use your Chat Rooms and setup Chats, in your language, in Zoom, What's
Up, or in Telegram, and set these things up. The Universal Council members can help
them to put it up for other members. I explained this to Caroline. In the places where
we do not have Universal Council members, ** if you speak the language .. take what
we call, ** language and help the people. But it has to be correct, a lack of
knowledge, will cause problems in translation. It's very interesting, we were writing a
letter this morning, and in Farsi, we say, means with thanks. And when they put it in
Word, the PDF, the dot moved from under to over, we didn't know how it was done,
but it's part of the program, and it gave (translated) "I don't thank you." A little dot
above or below made a lot of difference. So if you are volunteering for the **
language, try at least to understand the totality of it ** If you Knowledge Seekers but
you don't want to be a Universal Council member, but you want to support your
language, come to the Keshe Foundation and we'll give you that access. (8:38)that
you can setup your supporting language, you don't need to become a Universal
Council member, but you can work on the capacity of helping your nation and we'll
support you.
Any other question?

Q: I am from Switzerland, and live in Thailand, I made the Cup of Life, I am totally
alone, I don't see anybody in Thailand working at the moment.
Keshe: In Thailand we have a lot of Knowledge Seekers.
Q: But I don't speak the Thai language. .. When I make the Cup of Life, when I don't
batteries that don't have some load, I get hardly nothing (Gans).
Keshe: You should see, what do you put in place of battery? (8:40).. You have to
replace the battery with a piece fo wire or another load. What do you put in there?
Q: I tried the Double Cup and don't get anything. When I put a battery I get a strong
reaction, it's not a low battery, it's a higher voltage battery.
Keshe: I understand. There is something with your Cu, most probably. But you don't
get anything at all?
Q: No, almost nothing. With a battery it makes two layers, on top, and beautiful Gans
white. Keshe: Maybe you have a Thai Cu or Zn.
Q: I buy in electric shop.
Keshe: I don't know, I don't understand.
Q: Maybe because there is a big jungle around, I don't have CO2.
Keshe: Oh, you should make a lot at night.
(8:42)Q: Children don't get it.
Keshe: Who said children don't get it? Children get the worst of it. There is a myth
that people say, children don't get the virus, 30% of the death is of children below 18
years. Do you want me to show you pictures of children in coffins, 2 or 3 of them.
Children are as vulnerable as adults. This virus knows no age, no religion, no color,
no race. Actually, children come to it very fast, very young children. They have a
little heart, they can't stand. Drug addicts usually die of brain hemorrhage, they get the
brain virus. We have seen quite a few numbers, (8:44)it's becoming, more less, very
characteristic, no temperature and no fever.
Any other question.

Spanish translators, how many people do you have on your Chat?

S- I have 18 participants. ..
(8:46)Keshe: Can I ask the Chinese Knowledge Seekers, how do they feel in how the
Knowledge Seekers have managed to help the Chinese Army to cleanup Wuhan city?
On what they heard? As usual the Chinese are afraid of speaking. Any reaction?
GL- Yes, one person said, to saying people is correct. ** Is the news correct, ?**
They say they should tell where the knowledge comes from.
Keshe: They told us, they told the Army.
(8:48)GL- yeah..
Keshe: but they said, it he is just our teacher, where they should come out and tell
people how they are helping. We gave the knowledge for you to save your nation, but
the behavior is wrong. GL translates. They say this is a good thing anyway. If people
have problem, that is there problem. Another said, it is correct to saving lives, but
they should cooperate with the Keshe Foundation, and some people say, the stealing
behavior is the shame of the Chinese people, and why do the people allow this kind of
activity. Or is it, like our president doesn't know that (what is going on). Some people
say their spirit is like, low or bad, and humans need a long time to grow. Thanks to
Mr. Keshe. And people say they should tell the public where the Technology comes
from. And they say, stealing the Technology is not correct but we should forgive them
for saving the lives of people. They say, it's like only for this infection and not healing
the disease, (8:50)and actually solve all the problem. Some say, they pick the ** flu,
this kind of behavior is like, is so bad.
Keshe: What questions do they have?
Q: Can the Gans damage the function of making a baby (reproductive ability)?
Keshe: No, no way.
Q: We have a doctor, he is TCM and combining the western medicine and eastern
medicine, and he has found a way to inject the ?** into 4 acupuncture points,
Keshe: in the neck, I have seen it.
Q: He wants to know the comments from you.
Keshe: No comments, I don’t know what he is doing. I have seen the video from the
Chinese securities. He actually does it on the streets. Have you seen it?
Q: Yeah, he does it on the street. He is the same, he can do prevention, he gives some
injection for prevention, he is working everywhere, even without mask, but he didn't
get infected. (8:52)On the news they said, one of the Chinese scientists, like to
promote him, give him a chance to be invited by Koreans to handle the virus there,
but then some people presented him to go, but if they let him go, then (if something
happens), it will be their mistake or fault. So they have to cover that.
Keshe: What?
GL- repeats ..
Keshe: Any other question?
Q: I have a stint in my heart, applied in 2017, can I use Gans or the Cup of Life? You
can use Gans, but don't apply it on your body. Apply it on your environment. ?**
(8:54).. Shall we call it a day, we said we'll stay 10 hours.
We would like to know how others will start moving for their nations.
Q: from Brazil. Can we do analogy between the monarchy and the Coronavirus?
Keshe: What.. no don't even go there. No.
Rick: There is one interesting analogy, where the crown has been given up by the
Prince Harry. He is no longer considered as part of the British Monarchy, and he is
moving to Canada. there was a good-bye ceremony.
(8:56)Keshe: Hasn't he followed the path of his mother. If you remember, when Diana
got divorced, the Queen took the title of monarch from her, and she refused even to
lower the flag of Buckingham Palace because she was in the monarch, in her funeral,
and Tony Blair went for this, "monarchy or democracy". And the Queen had to give
Rick: It seems the Queens kids are not so into maintaining the structure. In a way,
Corona, the crown, I think is an interesting analogy, but perhaps that is stretching
things a little too far. But there is are a lot of coincidences going on. ** what if
monarchies come down in the next few
Caroline- I just received a question about the salts, a lot of people are getting confused
and have difficulties when there is iodine in the salt ..
Keshe: It doesn't matter what is in the salt. It doesn’t matter. Don't worry about it.
(8:58)Keshe: it says, Trudeau is self-isolating after wife, Sophia fell of fever. Tested
for Coronavirus. Rick: Is that real or ..
Keshe: I don't know .. All they got to do is spray the Gans water on the head, if you
got a pain, darling, no problem. .. I told you how many of the world leaders will get it.

Q: A question from Rafael.

Keshe: Oh, hello. A lot of people here in Brazil make the Cup with the chicken
mesh ..
Keshe: You do NOT use chicken mesh. You do not use chicken mesh. .. Where does
this come from. Why don't you Brazilians listen. Nobody uses chicken mesh, do you
want to help your virus I don't know where it came from, only in Brazil, nobody
else touches chicken mesh. I have seen it in the Chats, I put a few notes, and just go.
(9:00)You know I think there are a lot of corrections need to be made in Brazil,
because people who were there originally have made so many mistakes and they are
building on that mistake. Never touch chicken mesh until we go through the crisis
with this virus. The reason being, Fe in the chicken mesh creates CH3, and it feeds the
energy of the virus. Very simple. What else Mr. Rafael?
Q: Caroline answered it already because here in Brazil all the salts have iodine in it.
Keshe: It doesn't matter, use it because you don't have a choice, then the body
decides. It means your body is matched to it. If you have been drinking it for years, so
you are part of it. It's part of your structure. Any other question?

Rick: The rumor about Canadian Prime Minister is true

Keshe: Can you ask her if she had a pizza in London?
Rick: A pizza?
Keshe: Yeah because all the Italians in London .. (9:02)We have some Knowledge
Seekers in London have the fever. Yeah, this pizza business is making a lot of .. it's
strange you walk around the shops, nobody buying pasta, tomato tins, they're all left.
The Indians are doing a very good business at the moment, nobody goes for pizza,
Chinese, only left is local and Indians. .. Do you know something, when you go for
Indian food and eat such a hot curry, even the temperature goes up, ** virus goes
up** Rick: Even the virus goes running. Keshe: The Chinese got empty, now the
Italians, when you see an Italian you run. We'll call it a day. I hope with today,
primarily with the paper published, I hope it puts a lot of things into motion for new
science and Technology. With cases we have seen in Iran, which anymore, which is
getting done with, we push the barriers of governments understanding that there is a
solution. I would like to thank all the Keshe Foundation supporters (9:04)This was
needed, something to wake up the government of Iran to bring to home, we have no
choice, but at the same time to show to the world, that Corona is not that deadly when
you have a friend in a Cup. The Cup of Life is one of the solutions, one of the ways,
but at least it is a live way, and it can mutate (with the virus). Thank you for today,
and we keep to our promise, if anything further develops we'll reach you next week.
Or we wait to see how the Knowledge Seekers gather together to change the
situations. (9:06).. Would you like to go out with the introduction video with the
flag of the Keshe Foundation.

Keshe Foundation Flag video


320th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, March 19,



English Transcription:

(:22). .. It's interesting what we have seen since last week's teaching. It has opened a
lot of peoples eyes into how they can save themselves. We have learned of a very big
structural difference. We were aware of it in China, but now we have seen it in Iran,
which is shocking. They tell us, that why common people don't know, and that we
can't get so deep with people. We had this, people form the Chinese team can tell us,
that the leadership CCP called other people who were in the Keshe Foundation, who
were making the Gans waters, can you give us some of that water please. It was to
protect themselves. And strange enough in the Iranian teaching on Monday I heard the
same thing, it was déjà vu, where the man at the highest level in the Iranian
government was not, but he can put the Technology through to be applied. We have
been negotiating with him for nearly 3 weeks or more. He is a heart surgeon, highly
positioned, he calls, 'can you bring the water privately to my house, I need it.' (:24).
This put me in a very uncomfortable position of literally, we gave to the leaders to
speak, to protect the nation, but they want it only for themselves, for whatever reason
they have. Even though the water was given to this gentleman to protect himself, he
would not want it for his nation. And this, as I explained to the Iranians, I gave him an
ultimatum, which runs out today, that I carried the Iranian passport for 45 years, since
I left Iran. If the Iranian nation doesn't respond the way ** most of the nation to be
helped, I will move my passport from Iranian national citizen. Because they are using
it, the Iranian Keshe Foundation support team, in one support team there are 17,000
people, and these are people who helped many others, and they come and go and
learn. At any time, we see at least one to two thousand people online at any one time.
At the moment there are 1,367 people online. They are helping each other, but as for
the officials, it is good for them, but not for helping their nation. In so many ways, it
indicates that the world needs a new leadership, a new government. These people do
not govern, but to their own satiStar Formationaction, their own structure to fulfill
their position. We'll wait for the completion of the time, and then we'll tell you what is
the next step for the Keshe Foundation. (:26). People in Italy are suffering as much as
in Germany, Austria, and England, and they are dying everywhere. We targeted
China, to go through China internationally, we saw president Xi of China getting the
environment cleaned up for himself, to go to Wuhan City to show he is there, and it is
overcome. But still we see them with masks and keeping a distance form each other.
They have to open the cities because people have literally no money, and the only
thing we know, the Chinese have discussed with the rest of the world, is that the virus
has mutated. Strange enough, they have released a document to show that they have
found calcification in the upper spinal cord and the brain. We showed that the virus
has mutated from the lungs to the brain. To this effect we'll soon see new mutation,
which in the Keshe Foundation we have seen and with the openness we have access to
people who get infected in Iran. We see new mutations, and pain in the kidneys, and
** solidification and tightness of the stomach. It's like you have eaten the wrong food
but the pressure stays constantly. This is the third strand of the virus. We see stomach
pain, again tightness of the stomach. The intestine area, not the stomach itself, but the
frontal part and pain in the back. We have seen a new version of it, (:28). especially
in an Iranian women. We don't have access to the Chinese. What we see, like a
menstruation pain in the ovaries, and in the womb, but you don't have a menstruation.
We have seen one case now, with the men having a prostate pain or pain in testicles.
This is the version. In extension to this we have seen in one woman, bone pain,
especially starting from the smaller toe. All these were told to and Iranian officials
were informed through groups setup between the Keshe Foundation, the Sepah team
for Corona, and the Ministry of Health Corona Team. They have taken no action. We
have seen now, more or less, 5 variations of the virus. the strangest thing is, that we
don't that many lung infections, as it was originally. With the new 4 strands (version)
we don't see any fever. We don't see any fever at all. When we advise the people to
take the new, what we call "protocol", then when the pain in the stomach, kidneys,
ovaries, and whatever, reduces, we see the infection. That what we call, temperature
and the pain which goes with it. Then as they carry on, (:30). 24 or 48 hours later,
when the fever goes, the tightness of the stomach goes, and there is no pain in the
kidney. In those who are infected by the kidneys, we see a very dark urine, or very
white urine, which was seen in one case, which means the body is releasing a lot of
Ca, which is part of this disease. Calcium is part of this disease, calcification. On the
other hand, we see a massive structure in and around the knee, a general weakness. If
you remember, most of the people who reported initial stages of lung disease of this
virus, always spoke about general tiredness and pain in arms and legs. This showed to
us at that time that the virus has moved into, but we had to see how it moves. Now we
have a confirmation of it. It has moved into the blood stream. It will be interesting to
see why suddenly the Chinese and Iranians choose the path of, "keeping numbers
down." Because in China, the mutation is so fast, that everybody dies from emerging,
heart attack, brain stroke, without a fever, but in fact, they carry the virus. The
Chinese government only puts official figures on those who they decide to call, "have
died of the virus of the lung infection." This is an old story, we have seen the same in
Iran. So in fact, we estimate the death toll in China to be over 10 million, (:32). and
we are increasing it to 20 million. In opening of the cities, we see no sign of death, but
the death piles up, due to changes in the virus. The virus doesn't infect the body, it
takes over, taking and sucking energy. We put the estimate of death in Iran, and in
general, around about 200,000. This is considering that most of these cities have
brought in freezer containers, to contain the dead bodies, as there is not enough .. In
some places, people refuse to go to funerals, because at the funeral, is where there is a
big problem. We have seen it in Iran. When you are sick, who is with you? Your
loved ones, wife, husband, and children. Then who do you see to say condolences, at
the funeral, the same person who looked after the sick person. Now, not only the sick
person who has died, the family carries it, the everybody who goes for condolences
picks it up. A handshake of death. In one case we have seen 52 people (infected), and
a large number have died, mainly of kidney and liver and other failures.

In general, in the next few days, I will release a paper on the whole understanding of
the Corona. I started the first part last night about 3 or 4 AM. Hopefully, as we are all
getting pinned down, and can't go anywhere, it's a good time for me to write. (:34). In
that process you have to understand a number approaches. First of all, when you
spray, do it from head to toe, at least twice a day. For breathing you can wet a cloth or
use a pipe, we call a Shi Sha (Hookah). Or put a clothe with Gans (water) on it and
put it in front of your nose and mouth and breath deeply. In drinking, you have to
increase it to about a half to one liter per day. Because now you have to go through
the intestine. You have to use the ** port. Only in the cases of emergency, we know a
number of people who are in that position, from the diaphragm below the lungs to the
toes. Again, only in the cases of emergency, from the diaphragm below the lungs to
the toes, and ** by the physicians, we advise the use of CuO, plus salt, plus amino
acid (amino acid). ** to the ** legs in the bid container, say if you have 20 or 30 mls
of Gans, in a Coke bottle of say, 300 mls, shake it well, and you put plastic or
whatever, for a space gap between the Gans and your skin, you spray and put the
Gans on your skin. On the kidneys if it is painful, also the liver, uterus, on everywhere
it is painful, on your toes and knee. That the Gans doesn't touch your body, but there
is a (plastic) film separation. (:36). Then make a patch of the CuO, salt, and amino
acid, and you put it covering front and back. These are very easy to make, just wet it
with a tissue, put it in a plastic bag and apply it.

The easiest way to stay immune from getting it, is to spray continuously for the next 3
to 6 months, at least once a day, drink at least 200 mls of Gans water. These are the
ones we are trying to prevent. We have seen that even some of the Knowledge
Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) who thought it was a joke, and they were going to
make the Gans, and spray every now and then, have picked up the virus. There is one
thing we can report, up to today, in the past 2 months, form January, February, and
now we are in the middle of the March, we have no losses from the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers or the people we have supported. We have not lost a single Soul.
We have no report, the ones who have followed the protocol exactly, and looked after
themselves the way it was done. It is important for you because it is your life. This is
what I told you all the time, you are the last man standing. You are responsible to
guard, direct, and allow your Soul to mature to its maturity, and you are the last man
standing protecting that Soul. Then you are responsible for the souls of your children,
and your family, and friends. (:38). As I advised, try not to make just one Cup, but
make many Cups. In 48 hours is the Iranian New Year, and shamefully the Iranian
government officials are sitting by and dying one by one, but they do not release the
Technology to the nationals. People are coming to the Keshe Foundation asking for
help. The Iranian support team is stretched to the limit. This has to become the job of
the governments, and we can carry on. The Knowledge Seekers are working hard in
Iran as they did in China. In China they stole the Technology by the order of the
government, and CPC, but stealing it was a gift. Unfortunately, unfortunately it is the
hand of the nation. We can't change it. They are habitually a thief, they even stole a
gift. But in Iran we see Iranians taking the flag and working close. We see a lot of
pain in Italy, but it is what happened in Italy, it was the way it was setup. Those who
lead the destruction of the Keshe Foundation in Italy, their souls have to pay for the
losses in Italy. You should have been there and supported the nation. Maybe this is
what has to come. The Keshe Foundation Italy supporters, we have setup a line for
you, get back together and save your nation. Your losses will become more than
China. We see what is happening. (:40). The Knowledge Seekers in Germany and
Austria, you have been given a free run to support your nation. Your Chancellor talks
about 60 million in contamination. It's the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to spread the teachings and to show people how to save their
lives. In France you'll suffer heavy if you do not ** , because it's the only way you
can protect yourselves. You have to understand that the totality of the teaching is for
every nation. We can see the US getting hit very hard. But the problem in the US is
there are too many guns. Shops are empty, there is not enough stock. They can only
stock as much as the supplies coming. But we see the problem is that the shop keepers
and supermarkets owners value their lives too. We'll see the collapse of the economy
in a very rapid way. In so many ways, we'll see the same thing in Brazil. There is one
good thing, those who come to destroy or hurt you, and say this is this, about Keshe
Foundation and the rest, do not worry, it is them who will come back to you as fast as
they can. (:42). We had a case in Brazil, that I am going to stop everything. We had a
case in Iran, the gentleman calls, and as I said in the Chat, every swear word in the
vocabulary of the Iranian, Persian language was given to the support team. A few
hours later he calls, begging for the life of his mother. You have to understand, those
who went against, supported us to become wiser and deeper, ** We see the same
thing all over the world. Now Africa is infected. At 2 or 3 AM I was talking to an
ambassador from Africa, he says, Mehran we have nothing, we can't even report, we
don't know who is dying of what. He said, officially we reported 1 yesterday, but
officially the whole city is done. He said, I called you to se how we can help Africa.
He is an old friend. We see the same thing running in South America. With the help
of our webmasters and the rest, something came up and we saw, and then we ran a
security check on it, which was not very clear. We found out something very strange,
the man who released the virus in China, the same man, (:44). owns a vaccine
company in England. Computers were not so profitable, enough greed, to become
again the richest man in the world, as he lost his position. Because he started a
"Micro", now he has gone to micro, micro in viruses, to become richer, to be
somebody else. The greed of the wealth has blinded the man of stupidity, and his
wife. Now we understand why there was resignation of Friday of a big ** well
company has been setup, to sell vaccines for the ones you infected. You rob a man
from his wealth, and then you lend him the money. With his own money. We'll see
what will come out of it, but now you understand, we wanted him, he understood, but
we understand more into it then he is actually trying to become ** richer, by
supplying the vaccines for the virus which he released, through a British company. It's
very interesting he advises all nations for vaccines, and gives (loans) them, to buy
more of it from his own company. What in fact, has to be told to the world leaders and
governments is that the virus has 5 strands and this vaccine only works on one of
them. (:46). Because of the stupidity of man it will take some time to find out,
because these are of different strands, and the vaccine doesn't work on all 5. One of
the things we could not understand, because the Chinese blocked a lot of information,
maybe they didn't understand themselves, is that people will drop dead
instantaneously. These are the ones who received calcification within the cell of the
blood. You have to understand that blood vessels run around the lungs to take oxygen
(O) to the heart, and every single cell in your body has a Ca center. As the lungs
themselves are calcifying, it carries the energy to calcify the blood cells within, which
pass (by), and then you'll understand how this is taking shape. Now it has entered the
circulation, and if enough cells are calcified, then the calcification in the blood
becomes like a blood clot, and then like a loose bullet. This is why the Chinese never
reported the people who died, who didn't show any sign of virus in the lungs. This is
how they played with the figures. We have warned the Iranian authorities, that this
game cannot be played. One of the main objects and work of the Keshe Foundation,
(:48). Knowledge Seekers is to keep an eye on the healthcare doctors and nurses on
the frontlines. They are your priority to educate these scientists, takes a long, long
time. To bring this level of wealth of knowledge takes even longer. You have to
understand we have to, as a whole, understand one fact, we are all in it, and these
doctors on the frontline are the only ones who are saving ** our lives. It's our
responsibility, what we call, us to protect them that we can guarantee, and we can stay
alive. In so many ways the pain is too much. We have to understand, that the saving
of our doctors and frontline is the responsibility of every single one of us, because
they are those who protect our children and us in the time of need. I posted across all
the channels, helps, and Knowledge Seekers and groups, for a list of the doctors only.
We have lost the ones we know in the past 4 weeks in Iran. The numbers are many
times more. Many, many times more. (:50). this video is for you as Knowledge
Seekers to see what we lost in 4 weeks in Iran alone, doctors and nurses. None of
these educated people are with us. The less of these people that we have, the more we
become at risk. After their deaths, their expertise are gone. These are the assets of
every nation. We hear that in Germany that doctors are hit worst then in Iran. In
every country you are responsible. The losses are heavy, and the frontline is paying
for it worse. In so many ways, it doesn’t matter if they refuse, it's your job to inform,
and strange enough at 2 AM this morning we received a message from a lady, she
categorically says she is a surgeon, doctor, and her husband is a cancer surgeon. 37
(:52). .. please play the video, these are all the doctors we have lost. ..
(:56). .. I would like for all of us to understand, as many say this is fake, it's made up.
This is the reality we face in Iran. The strangest thing is in one of the papers the lady
doctor writes, this is the last prescription she'll write before she dies and she stamps it
with her stamp. She says good-bye. Germany and Italy are paying worse. Do you see
the cat in the arms of the lady? The shape of Iran is the shape of a cat laying down.
We love that cat. We hope it is precious. Soon this cat will become a boot, and soon
this cat will become the whole of the space across this planet. I do not agree with the
Chinese government opening the country, because now they will not report the true
figures, (:58). and the virus will kill relentlessly in China. We do not see anymore
lung infections by calcifications. (Instead) we see calcification of kidneys, stomach,
wombs, and the rest. For ladies, please consult with the Keshe Foundation doctors in
Iran, they are giving specific protocol for womb and ovaries Corona infection. The
reality is we are loosing many, and the reality is, how many do we have to loose until
people start governing without governments. According to what we hear, a trip to
India is about to kill many of the world leaders, as the bribe was too lucrative not to
make the trip. But the trip is paid back, with many of the world leaders going to that
state and getting infected. The greed of money has brought them into that position, the
death of many families. The US will probably go through a time of many, many
deaths, not just by the virus, but by killing each other for hunger, food, and everything
else. (1:00). In the west and the east, we do not understand the animal behavior of the
Americans, where they carry a gun, and all have one at home. In Europe and in the eat
we shout and holler, these people go out and they'll kill more of each other soon, then
the virus. There are a number of big problems, as I said in one of my talks, soon we'll
see the end of the arms manufacturing, because as we said, the arms are not the only
wars out there are finished, and the nations do not have money to spend on arms, and
they are fighting another enemy, which they can't see. You will see the collapse of the
American economy, and especially the state of Belgium, because no arms can be sold.
The other nations have to be prepared to carry this through, as they will not be able to
sustain life. There will be no shipping or flights, or we all have it and see who drops
dead. If it becomes so common, then it will become an open state. Not a closed state,
and whoever dies, dies. There is a very clear understanding that when you go through
the process with the Keshe Foundation Technology, with spraying and helping and
supporting yourself, if you are recovering, it will take you 3 to 4 weeks, to fully
recover, because the virus has damaged many cells, so you will feel weak with not
much strength, but this is part of the recovery, and the body has to recovery itself
from. (1:02). One of the easiest ways to understand, is not to be afraid that you might
catch it, but that it has traveled so many places that it is around and in us. We have to
learn to live with this, we have no other option. In time when everything settles, the
Keshe Foundation will file for genocide of Mr. Gates. We'll explain to you more. The
way we got Alan Sterling, we'll get Gates too. We are gathering knowledge and
information, and we'll not talk until we deliver. At the same time this virus is what we
call, a double-edged sword, it is killing many of us and we are learning how to handle
it, but as we open the space to man and the Universal Community, many of us will
come back with viruses, and as I said before, this Corona will be a child's play. In a
way, we are learning worldwide how to live with viruses and how to overcome it. As I
said, it will be all in one go. When we open the space in the coming months, then
we'll all understand, that it is not talk, and it is not a joke. A lady in one of the cities
near Tehran wrote a very funny thing, she thought it was funny. (1:04). But we found
out she quoted herself. She wrote, "I am walking around the city and I don't see any
dead bodies, and in my house there are no sick people, and in my family there are no
sick people, and in my water ** there are no ** They are all made up." Then she got
made up. This is a reality that we have to understand, it will become part of us. We
have seen it in the digestive system to go through the food chain. Eat vegetables,
because they carry the protein, and if you consume so much of it, the ** energy you
release so much of it in the stomach, will calcify the stomach, and it will feel like your
stomach is going solid. Spray everything you bring (in your home), spray your
refrigerator on a regular basis. Don't think it is safe. It is the place where they grow
rapidly. Just open the frig, spray it and the freezer. Spray the cooling boxes you have,
just 2 or 3 sprays. If Corona can survive as an energy, so can the Gans. Understand
and put a spray bottle at the front door, spray when you open the door to greet people.
Just spray them, then you sit and talk and have peace of mind, and your love and care.
Spray in the ** , and spray your car, your office furniture, and in every shape or form.
(1:06). Try to spray, if you can, with the original Gans that you take off with the salt
(saltwater rinsed from the Gans). Because you'll see a mark of white form the salt on
everything, when you spray with salt. Because the Gans energy stays within that salt.
In a way you create a different salt, a different side of the room, field, in a way that
can handle the virus. The reality is we do not know where it is. It is holding
somewhere in the summer or winter cold and the heat of Africa and South America. It
is killing on both sides of the heat and the cold. The way this virus is connecting itself
is through one way, through what we understand as the hydrogen (H) channel. It's
connected to every C, O, and nano of the amino acid (amino acid). The problem with
it is so big that it will take mankind decades to fully analyze what happened in 2020.
Many books and papers, conspiracy theories, will be unraveled, but the reality is, as I
said to my son, you hear about the Second World War, you hear about the Black
Plague, now we are living that history. (1:08). In time, 2020 history will be written
about the Corona. But this time you are part of that history, learn, understand, and try
to comprehend what has been done, and what is here for me to learn from. The true
point with this is, the Chinese could hold, the west cannot hold. Hunger will bring
people out and we'll see they first blame the racism, to get rid of the Black, White,
Indian, British, and the Americans, they are the cause of it, and then everything else,
and then start eating from inside of each other. It's the responsibility of the Keshe
Foundation Universal Council (Universal Council) members to start operating to the
capacity of they have been administered to do by their Soul. You soon will
understand. In so many ways, we do not enter a condition that we don't know, we
enter a condition that we exactly know, what we have to do as members of the
Universal Council, and the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers. Do not make 1
Cup, make as many Cups and teach as many people, the biggest problem sits, two
ways, we are again weakened by this to reach 14 billion, the ** point to open the door
into space. On the other hand, we do not understand to what extent the losses will be.

.. we need to stay collectively calm and focused, (1:18). one point is, the new way to
handle it is very direct. Protocols are changes that the virus changes and you have to
follow, because it is very much like I said, the people who make the vaccination are
stuck with the old, and it takes them a long time to find out, and before they do, and
before they make ** a new vaccine. The protocol has changed since we have seen that
the virus has changed. We made a new protocol, and that is you make, many Cups,
and in one of the Cups you take the Zn out of the circulation, and you put only the
Nano (nano) coated material and the Cu, and you produce a pure CuO. With this you
collect all the amino acid on top all the time, and you keep on washing it. At the same
time, keep some of the saltwater separately, with some of the Gans of the Cu. with the
new evolution in the Corona, you need a Cu Gans for 2 reasons, from the lungs down,
everything is mainly muscles, even in your arms. There is not much muscle above
what we call, lung diaphragm, the top level. This part is mainly made of Cu
connection muscles. So it responses very rapidly, (1:20). to Cu. Secondly, Cu Gans
Water with a few drops of its salt in it, is one of the best antibiotics that you'll ever put
your hands on. It is many times more effective in killing germs then actually any
antibiotic we know. So we have evolved with this. The doctors and medical team are
giving specific advice on the ** channel, that you can use, again, patches of Cu with
CO2, on this ?** on kidneys, back and the front. There is no direct contact and you
can withdraw it, for womb, ovaries, for muscles, leg muscles, and feet. At the same
time you use the CuO direct, its Gans's water, the Gans's water, for this infection, very
powerful. But you have to allow some of the, very minute amount of the Gans of Cu
to be in that mixture, because it will stay behind to keep disinfected. The same with
the salt spray, you can add, a very small amount of the CuO in the saltwater where
you wash, where you are cleaning the Cu, and use as a disinfectant. This is one of the
most powerful disinfectants we can recommend at this moment to be used. When you
make the Cu Gans. (1:22). When you are washing it, keep the saltwater, and add a
very small amount of Cu into it, for disinfecting the rooms and the offices. Because
now we are dealing with a different strength virus and we have to change the protocol.
We have put a new protocol to the Iranian doctors, and this is exclusively and
explicitly for the doctors recommendation. As we see, that many of you go with no
signs when the virus is overcome, in your kidneys, liver, brain, or the lungs, through
the second infection. At the present medical protocol, as I was discussing with the **
of Iran this morning. He said, we don't understand, the international protocol says,
you do not use antibiotics with viruses, because it gives it more chance to grow
rapidly. Yes, this is correct with the old protocol, because they had no tools to
overcome the virus. Now with the Gans (virus) we deplete the energy and this leaves
a massive amount of damaged cells behind that we have to wait to accumulate to
become a fever.

The protocol to the doctors for their patients, from the Keshe Foundation is as
follows: From the minute you have the confirmation you prescribe to your patient,
the following. Use of the Gans of the Cup of Life (Cup of Life), spraying everyday, at
least 3 or 4 times per day. (1:24).

1) This is for those who are infected, and not for public (** prevention). Do not do
this. This is only for doctors, as we can't reach you ?**

2) Then spray the Gans of CuO from the abdomen down. In critical cases, use CuO
directly in a patch, on the skin, front and back, to overcome within 3 to 6 hours, then
you withdraw the patch, and you go on with spraying.

3) The use of CuO plus a small amount of salt, salt of the sea or direct to be
administered at 50 ml every 30 minutes, at the critical point, when the infection has
come, or is visible. This is used as an antibiotic. If there is no antibiotic available.
From the beginning when you see the signs. You administer antibiotics, like
Amoxicillin, from the time you start the process of spraying the body, that the body
goes through the reversal of the virus and the damaged cells together. This way you
get a rapid result, and the extent of the weakness afterwards are much shorter because
the 2 are handled together.

The international medical protocol is to not use antibiotics during the crisis. This is
correct. But the new Technology, as I repeat it again, we take the virus away, which is
unknown to the present world of medicine, (1:26). you administer antibiotic, or you
use CuO, 50 ml for the first 6 to 12 hours of the discovery of the infection. After that
we don't need to use anymore, the patches, and you reduce the use of the CuO as an
antibiotic, to 50 ml 3 times a day, for 7 days, and then stop. The new protocol has to
be used, using the Cu Gans saltwater, a small amount of Cu to disinfect the
environment to handle the new variation. You can add some of the Cup of Life water
into this infection. We have taken a new step with critical conditions in Iran, that is,
we take a Cup of Life water, or a Cup of Life Gans, we add 20 to 30% Cu Gans,
directly into it. We use that mixture for both spraying the body from the diaphragm
down, and .. nothing else. This is the only time you use this mixture. The breathing
(Gans Water on clothe or Hookah) has to carry on the same, infected people, at least
in the first 24 hours, for 10 to 20 minutes every 24 hours. And to drink of the Water,
(1:28). for those who are infected with the new version of the virus, it has to go to half
a liter every half an hour. At least 300 ml every half and hour, that it cleans, it takes
the energy, and it sorts out the problem with the kidneys and the intestines. We will
update the version next week as the variation changes. Don't forget the toe can be
effected as much as the brain, at this moment, but the toe will be through the bone
marrow, and the head will be through the brain. One is through the strength of the
physicality, and one through the strength of the Soul. the strangest thing is, that those
who get, and we have seen one case, and we saw exactly where it goes, when you get
your toe infected, and the brain, you can see that the larger is trying to feed the
smaller, and the toe, and it covers the whole of the body (in-between).

Some of you asked in the past, how can we feed ourselves? I think you have the
answer. By creating the condition on the toe, and the same on the head, then the Soul
of the man (Soul of the man) can feed the physicality in totality. This is the way you
feed yourself in the time of emergency. We see a shortage of food, and rationing of
food. And many people as we saw in China, they came on the streets, because they **
food, they had no more money left. (1:30). At the same time they had no food to eat.
It was to die of hunger, or to die of the virus. They came on the streets of Wuhan City
and they met the bullet. The Chinese government has a lot to answer for, in reality,
what happened in the last 4 weeks in Wuhan City and other cities which they locked
down. As many people choose the bullet, rather then the hunger and the virus. It
should not have been done this way and the leaders of China bares the responsibility
of this with their Soul. In the west and the rest of the rest of the world, remember the
law of plasma, the weakest gets fed from the strongest, by creating condition of
strength through the Soul, and then to the physical body, the weakest of the toe, the
body will feed itself from the universal energy, if you get it the right way. No one
with this Technology should die of hunger. This is the first time we release this
knowledge to man, to feed his physicality, without food. As it is a point of
emergency, I promised you that I would do that this week. You feel it, you taste the
food. Many of you will choose to eat, but the body essential will look after itself.
Many of you will develop methods and ways to taste a Pizza, or a Kebab or a hot pot.
(1:32). You will feel it, you will understand it, then what you think, what is in your
Soul, your body will be nourished with. Many people will die in the west, but nobody
should meet the bullet, as the Chinese served on their nationals. I told you that when
the leaders betray and steal, they deprive themselves of the knowledge, and they did.
Many, many people will die in China, several tons of millions, because the new virus
variation has not been understood, and they put it as, everything else.

This is a specific protocol for women, as we explained to the doctors in Iran, they are
to prescribe for their patients. In the case, and only in the case, of detecting pain in the
ovaries and in the womb. As we understand the energy level of the Coronavirus is at
the Ca level, which means, it creates a condition of the salt at the Ca strength, that it
has lead to calcification of the lung and brain cells, so in the case of lungs and the
kidneys, we have used the air and the water. As they pass through the womb of the
woman, it is the most precious part of the life of the mankind on this planet. (1:34). It
has no exits or entries, except one channel. When they cancer takes over it looks for a
seed. 12

Any questions? Q: Stephania, I want to thank you for saving my life. Keshe: You're
welcome. You are precious. Q: I just want to say to everyone listening, that if you
follow the instruction, (1:42). .. step by step. I will share my experience. Keshe: If
you want to disclose it. Let me explain. She is a member of the Universal Council and
took it kindly (softly), and not to follow, and not to make the Cup, until last week. She
is Italian in UK, she is involved with the Italians and everything else, and she picked
up the virus off the forth case, which is ovaries and the womb, and every other side
with it. She noticed it on Saturday, and immediately took action in trying to support.
We'll let her to discuss. We see it in the Knowledge Seekers, if they are around they
all take it as a joke. As you know the Italians have brought a lot fo virus into UK, and
actually, that is what happened. I'll let you speak. Q: I started to feel unwell on
Saturday night, and I don't have the words to describe how much it meant to me your
support, and told me exactly what to do. I recommend everyone to be calm, and go
step by step, and trust everything is going to be fine. (1:44). I noticed that the
symptoms change very fast, so it's very important that you are prepared with the 5
Cups, because when you start to have the symptoms, then you don't have time to do
the Cups, and follow the protocols. Mr. Keshe told me that my case was quite
advanced from what I explained to him. It's very important to have the 5 Cups, it
doesn't cost you anything to make them, and you just have them on the side. Even for
peace of mind. Because I luckily had the Gans already made, I could start the
protocol right away. When you start the protocol, it is quite intense, you have to
follow it up. But you see that the moment you start it, you have this relief inside you
and you know that it is good, and you have this improvement in you. So you can tell
that it is something really good for you .. You have to stick with it. In my case, I did it
for 16 hours, you have to make sure to keep the symptoms down, and continuous.
(1:46). This was the first day. Shall I say step by step how I did it? Keshe: Yes. I
would like you to say how you felt first, when you came to the point. How did it start.
What you felt. Q: .. When I sprayed (Gans Water) I started to have pain, like you said
during the Blueprint of the Iranian Paper. It was exactly as you said with the spray.
When you spray all your body, I was dong a prevention, but it wasn't really
prevention, because I was not doing it properly. But then lately every time I sprayed
from head to toe, I started to have pain, everywhere. It started from the stomach to the
liver, to the kidney, uterus, and pain in the head. It was difficult to breath and my
tongue changed color. You see that your body changes very quickly. There is no time,
so you have to prepare the Cup before, because your body changes quickly, it is out of
control, you can tell. Started to have pain on my lymph nodes and under my armpits,
on my uterus, everything was changing quite fast and you just want to have something
in your hand that you can keep your body, with less symptoms. (1:48). So I was
spraying myself and I started to feel this pain. It's a pain like you described, exactly
like 2 fields interacting with each other, then I started to feel cramps in my stomach,
like it was cement, in fact, really rigid, the pain on the ovaries and uterus, and cramps.
I used the spray to monitor myself, and as Mr. Keshe told me to do it every 30
minutes and that was really good, because through the spray you can monitor the pain
changing in different places. It will go around (the body). I started straight away with
the protocol, through the night, when you use a lot of Gans's you are not hungry
anymore and you are not tired anymore, so you can wake up early and go to bed late,
because that is how you feel. Then I started to take water, which was really important
as well. I stated to drink the water every 2 hours. Also as you drink the water it is the
same, you can tell the interaction of the fields as the water is going down, and that
helps you to monitor the things, using the Gans. And you can tell, (1:50). as the time
goes by, everything gets better. Then I used the breathing device. I noticed that if I
was not breathing constantly, it was ** .. The moment I stopped using the breathing
device, straight away I would have difficulty breathing. I was constantly on the
breathing device, as I was dong my Gans, Basically you are going to do this for 24
hours and have nothing else to think about, other then doing this. You just are on it. I
didn't have a bathtub, so I used cold towels to keep down the temperature. You start to
have ** coming up as well. It happens quite fast so it is important that you are on top.
I have a situation where I thought it was getting better, so I was more distracted by
other things, so the symptoms would come back again. It's much safer if you just stay
on it. The wet towels from plasma water from the Cup of Life, it really helped me to
keep the temperature down. It was really such a relief. ?** .. (1:52). it make you
understand, in the beginning a lot of pain on the chest and back, and on my organs,
but as I was applying it, you have to do it every 30 minutes, when I was doing that
you can tell the relief and the pain going away. It's a sensation you can't describe, you
just know that what you do is good. I knew that Mr. Keshe was saving my life, I was
so grateful, and it really marked me. Definitely, I will give support to others. If you
are up for it, definitely you can do it. It's not that difficult but you have to be ready.
Now I understand why Keshe Foundation stresses to get ready. Just in case, because
you have to be ready the protocol for emergency, where you have to mix the Gans
of One Cup One Life, because I didn't have a bathtub. In the beginning I had to wash
my whole body. It's like you are putting cold water onto a fire, such a relief. (1:54).
So you wash yourself, and you have this relief of .. then you have another type of
pain, the one with the fields, it's not a bad pain, it's a pain that you know is for
monitoring, it helps you to know that you are improving, it always becomes less and
less. You do this for one day, nonstop. This was for the virus. My womb was hot, I
really could feel this interaction of the fields. I could tell I was following the protocol
because more and more the pain and heat was reducing. As you are doing it you are so
happy because it feels good. Maybe it is the fields of the Zn, but definitely your
emotional level is high, so you have this happiness going through, and you know in
your heart that you are safe, and that you have found a solution for something that
many people seem to die for. Then you can understand that people die, just because of
a lack of knowledge, just because of that. If everyone had this knowledge, we
wouldn't have (all of these) deaths, because it just takes one day, and the next day I
felt very good. I started the protocol in the morning so I stopped around 2 or 3AM and
woke up around 5 AM to keep with the protocol. Because I couldn’t even sleep,
because when you sleep, you still feel this burning sensation, this pain like you want
to ** run. (1:56). In the morning I felt much better and I could see all of my
symptoms going, I was not reacting as fast (to the Gans application), as the day
before, and by the afternoon, I was starting to forget the protocol, like I wasn't doing it
as intense as in the morning or the day before. I felt, "oh, my god, I have come
through it." I couldn't believe it. started getting distracted and feeling good Then
the next day I started having fever again, pain and some symptoms, so I could tell it
was turning back. The strange thing is that the pain was not the same as the pain I had
on day number 1. Mr. Keshe told me if you have a fever for the second time, it is very
important to know ?** I think the second time, I didn't have a thermometer so I didn't
know, but the first time I was burning like a fire. You know when you have fever. So
this was the second time I had fever. He said, okay, now you are getting rid of the
virus, but now you are dealing with the bacterial infection. So I couldn't go to buy the
antibiotic to get rid of it, so I started with the CuO like he prescribed. I added to my
protocol the CuO, because I started to have a different type of pain. it was not over, so
I started to get on it. (1:58). I spent all day Tuesday, again 13 hours on it, nonstop.
And if you are alone you have to a lot of stuff. You can't do anything else. So again
you have to be prepared just in case. I started to feel a different type of pain. I started
to use the CuO like Mr. Keshe explained, with a little bit of Gans in a small bottle,
and I started to wash from the belly down. A big relief, even that one. I got addicted
to it, because you feel the benefit of it. You know that you are doing something good
for yourself and that you are gong to make it through. Then I started to drink a little
bit of the plasma water of CuO, and even that one gave relief when I drank it. This
was Tuesday, and on Wednesday I felt, again super good, like "oh my god I am
cured." 3 days you can go through. I felt like a new person, my tongue was
completely color ** , you see your (before) my tongue was completely yellow with
plague. .. Then yesterday (Wednesday) I felt like a brand new person. (2:00). In one
way, I could believe that it was that easy, because it's hard, but if you have everything
you need and you are at it. It's easier then you think. I thought it was crazy that people
were dying when they can just do this. Everyone would be fine. Yesterday, I had to do
something's to help someone else, so I was very distracted, but I felt completely
normal, okay. Now, today I am keeping with the protocol to make sure I go t rid of
everything, because you feel good, but the moment you stop, you might start to have
some heat and pain again. One thing for sure, I understood the importance of the
spray. I had to do the spray constantly, because you wake up cold. It's like a test, but
you can also use it as prevention. It doesn't cost you anything. You can also use it on
your body if you think you think you have it. You just spray yourself and you see the
interaction of the fields. I will continue this, I am busy but not as before. One
reason I wanted to say this, (2:02). is that you have to be prepared with everything all
ready to go. And if you have others around you, you have to prepare enough for
everyone. It doesn't matter if you are fine, just prepare it, like Mr. Keshe said, we are
stuck in the house, we don't do anything anyway. This is the best time to prepare the
Gans, PREPARE, then maybe nothing will happen, but you are happy anyway. Also
teach it to others, how to make this, and like Knowledge said, if each one teaches to
others, then you have a ripple effect, and it grows in a good way. If we each teach 10
people it will grow exponentially and we take off the overload from the hospitals.
What happened to me, I found people who maybe, are not interested. I just leave me
them now. We don't have time to convince anyone. But what I like now, is that you
have to learn not to worry, because this works, and it works very much easier then
you think but you have to be prepared and at it. That's why the preparation is so
important. Then you try to enjoy your life, don't panic, and think about nice things.
You have to understand, that you still have to get information, not that you pretend
that this is not happening, but you can have information without getting stressed. You
have a solution in your hands, so get prepared, (2:04). because people will call you, if
they are not ready at the time, and they want to follow their own path. I think it's
good, everyone should follow their own path, but it is nice to have something ready
just in case. I really thank Mr. Keshe from the bottom of my heart. .. and there are
so many people died unnecessarily because this is a very easy protocol to practice. At
the beginning you think, oh my god there are too many things to think about and do,
but after a half a day you have already done it over and over, then it becomes easy
because you got organized while doing it. I recommend to every Knowledge Seekers,
because this is the problem I had, I was not ** (prepared) and was doing it at the last
minute and this creates more confusion. where you are, just stay there and
prepare. I recommend to every nation to get organized in groups, who's got the
materials, the Gans, we have to help each other. Leave behind who doesn't believe
right now. (2:06). Anyway, they will call you and you have to be ready to support
them. Mr. Keshe you really saved my life, I owe you one. Keshe: Now you
understand why you were making the bed (in her dream) last time. (laughs). This is
interesting. Would you like to explain what you do for a living. She is around the
medical world, and this is the strangest thing, and that's why she can explain a lot
about the human body, because she works in the world of medicine in a different way,
and she is fully aware. Q: Yes, I work with the nervous system, and I work with the
body as well. I am a practitioner to help people recover from accidents, pain or any
problems. I help people recover from things. Keshe: Now you helped yourself
recover form Coronavirus. Q: Would you explain the question you would like me to
explain about myself? Keshe: No, just what you do for your work, in the world of
medicine. Q: I have been doing this for 20 years, but I realized in my work, (2:08).
that the present Technology doesn't resonate with me. I found that I couldn't find a
solution, because I always wanted to make people independent, yes, sorry. I **
thinking that the brain is the one who controls the body, so what is interesting is that
the guy who created this method was also a physicist, but I think he was teaching
something similar to what Mr. Keshe is teaching, at the Soul level. Now I understand
that it is very important to organize yourself to find the position, you have to position
yourself. That is rule number 1, you have to put yourself into position, when you are
clear where you are and what you do, then everything is .. is the key you have to
keep centered, this is the key. (2:10). From the moment I started to do the One Cup
many people called me, out of nowhere for help As I was going through this
protocol people I hadn't hear from for months or years, they called me. They were
feeling fear and didn't know what to do. I walked them through the One Cup. .. Don't
worry if some people won't believe you. I hoped I helped anybody listening to
understand what we are doing. I came across people who said, you are pessimistic, I
don’t want to have a bad energy, I want to have .. It is actually the contrary, because I
saw people who didn't want bad energy, but for them sometime they panic. So it is bet
to have something for support. because in this situation we are going to see
something we don't want to see. You have to be strong, and don't take it in, in a way
that will effect you. (2:12). You can handle the real situation of how things are
around you, it doesn’t matter if they are good or bad, then you have the present
Technology and it works. 3 days of work for peace of mind. You have to have
something in place, just in case. People say I just want to think about nice things. Yes
we are the creator, and it's true, we have to love, cheer up ourselves, it is important
that we are happy and spread this vibe of happiness. .. But you also have to
understand that we have never been in this situation before, so you very quickly go
from happy to become (sad). .. Why I think I got the symptoms, is because all of us,
all over the world have to make an important choice, because they are cutting the
train, plane and everything. So you have to decide, do I go back to my mom, she
asked me for help, or should I stay where I am, or should I go to another country I
saw many people now who have the same decision I had on Friday. This decision
comes from nowhere and are really intense, and under stress, (2:14). so you have to
center yourself and that can cause the symptoms to come up. And in that case the
Gans will support you. That is why you need to have the Gans at that moment or you
will not be able to cope, because no one has been in this situation before. This is my
advice, because now many of you will have to decide shall I stay here, or go to my
parents. My friend said to me, I would like to go and help my mom, she is 85 years
old, but I am worried that if I go now I'll give her something. this is why the Gans
are very useful and you'll be more in peace, you can do your meditation make nice
music, don't make the Gans with fear, but by doing the things you love. (2;16). ..
if we all make the Cup, then we raise the big vibration and make a big gird between
all of us, because if each one of us makes 5 Cup of Life (2:18). you use them, and get
used to the protocol for prevention. So if that problem arises with friends or family
you already know it by heart, you don't have to read anything just tell them It's
another feeling when you have done 5 Cups and you know it. That's why I felt safe
with Mr. Keshe because he has done it over and over for the last months. (2:20).
.. talks about what is going on in Italy

(2:22). Keshe: This has just come out. Minister of health were are loosing 3 people
every second, and getting infected
(2:24). (long pause .. )
Stephanie talks some more . ..


(2:32). Keshe: Thank you very much. In a way by, I let Stephanie to carry on,
because in the time when I stop teaching, members of the Universal Council like
Stephanie and the others become the teachers on this channel. So in a way it is a good
time to start learning how, these people who offered their life and Soul to serve
humanity, teach you from their heart and Soul. This is a prelude to what will come.
But the direction of the operation of the Keshe Foundation will run by the Universal
Council and their word is my word, when I leave. In so many ways, you heard the
sincerity and clarity, and maybe that was the reason for this situation, for the next step
of the evolution of the Keshe Foundation to come in. Thank you Stephanie, it was a
pleasure to have you on my lap for a couple of days on the phone, trying to help you.
She is very funny, she even takes the pain the sweetest way. You have to understand,
we have to look at the bright side. There is an end to this situation, without a doubt.
Without a doubt. (2:34). In-between words, not from me, that even in Italy, the
bodies are piling up, they can't burn (fast enough). Now you see the truth on how it is
seeping out. We are having a problem in the Islamic world, it's the most heinous thing
that can happen to the body of a man, is to get burned. Then you understand, why we
have freed the Soul of ** Cremation in the Islamic world is forbidden. We saw the
pictures in Wuhan City that they burned so many bodies that the satellites have picked
it the chemical chains across China, 57


Isolate 2 Cups to be producing CuO,
then we'll teach you more. Stay calm.
The priority is one thing, not to infect the others, even if it means at the cost of your
life. (2:50). Up to today, Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and those who we
supported in China and Iran, have not had a single Soul, of those who followed the
protocol. As Stephanie said, follow the protocol, stick to it, it is your life. The
following protocol for food, in case, it will be issued in a very direct way, that will
understand that you can balance feed the whole of your body and family and loved
ones. You don't need to shop, because the biggest fear is what we said, the people
who get the Corona, they die of fear of suffocation. Many of you will panic from the
fear of hunger. The procedure will be given to you in detail if we get to that stage. Is
to calm you down from the fear, I have received the energy, I don't need to eat.
Getting that confidence back. I don't feel hungry. The thing is every time you spray
yourself, you feed yourself. You create the condition of receiving energy, and that
energy balances with what the body needs. It's not just the virus energy coming out.
Some of that virus energy as it comes out, trying to kill you, it becomes a beautiful,
(2:52). fresh food energy to your body. this is why this Technology works so
effectively. It's a source if you know how to tap into it and that is why we use it this
way. It's not carrots or Vitamin C or D, as it is going through your body it is an open
spectrum of fields, and the body takes what it needs from it. That's why the recovery
is so fast. Actually the energy that was taking you to death, becomes the energy to
feed you. You have seen this in the Parkinson's, that gentleman in the wheelchair
started walking in 4 days. Because if you do physical therapy it takes months, but the
body decides and the cells respond. You have seen it before and now you understand
why. In a later stage, if we come to a critical point, in a total shortage nationally, then
there will be no food. The reserves will run out in 2 to 6 weeks internationally, in
most of the nations, if it carries on. The farmers are not farming. We were told
yesterday that the flower auctions in Holland, which is the biggest auction in the
world and are the biggest suppliers, are throwing the flowers in the bin because there
are no buyers. The farmers will not farm to send to be destroyed. The bank overdraft
and barrowing is too heavy. The farmers will not cultivate, (2:54). because there is no
one to take their harvest. the truck drivers are scared to carry the food because they
can get it while they cross the nation. The recrimination is far worse than what it. Be
prepared for everything. Do not worry that you don't have or you won't get water.
We'll release the Technology so you can, in a way, extract what moisture you need
from the environment into your body. The same for your children and your loved
ones. If you live in a block of flats (apartments), be prepared, you'll become the feeder
of the whole block. You'll become the center that the whole family and village
depends on. We had this in Iran, one man saves the whole village. We have Mrs.
Mohammadi (Mohammadi) in the background if she would like to talk .. Hello
Mohammadi, have you slept last night. (1:56). What is the position in Iran with your
Mohammadi The Iranian team which was active in Iran was aware of what was
happening in China. We decided to setup Telegram groups to be prepared if it comes
to Iran. (2:58). How are we going to handle it if it comes to Iran, to be ready for it.
Even though this Technology is very young, not many people were aware of it, about
the knowledge. We discussed all the positions in our meetings. The priority was to use
the One Cup One Life video to teach on all the channels, on "Instagram" which is
very popular in Iran .. (3:00). We made videos in Farsi on how to make One Cup, and
also for local dialects. We knew when the Persian people started listening to it, that
they would start contacting us. they educated the core teams to be able to foresee
everything. Through our administrative central office, we trained people who could
speak the local districts, who speak the languages, that they can reach their people
very rapidly. (3:02). We knew that after establishing the first teams .. we needed to
establish a second team that they could answer the requests for help, (3:02). how to
apply and the questions that would come up and they could answer. We trained the
team of support admin, and a core team, trained in how to handle the patients, and
how to handle (specific) infected conditions. The second team was trained to handle
directly when it comes. Keshe: Let me explain, in Iran they have 4 tiers of support
teams, as I explained last week, there is one that is teaching how to make things, one
is where people come and ask for support, and in how they can get help, if it is of the
conditions they have seen, then they have built a team behind, who advises them,
when the people come in with illnesses on site. Then that team has another team
behind it, which are called advisors, like the Central Committee, with doctors sitting
behind advising, all the cases. (In summary again), so they have a team which teaches
how to make things, and a team which actually comes in when they want to know
what happened with their Cups, or what conditions they have, like I told you last night
we have the doctor asking for help. And then they have a team of administration who
are trained people who can advise on making the Cups, and a team for medical
application, and this team is supported by the 4th team, which is the central, and
mainly doctors and they're what we call the core operations. (3:04). These teams
know that they have to follow the protocol which was setup by the Keshe Foundation,
and by the advice of the doctors and people who are in charge. So we established a
4th team which is made up of doctors and Mr. Keshe, and they advise how to use the
medical operation, how to use it to fit the medical protocol. So this thing
(organization) is all medical doctors and people trained in medical things. .. This way
we have established a link between the patients and doctors directly through the
support teams. (3:06). Until the moment that the patients don't report a full recovery,
we stay with them. Keshe: Let me explain. They teach them when they come in. In
each center, within 2 hours in Iran, more or less, they can respond to anything. Last
night we had it in the city of Massad, from the time she received the call from the
doctor, until she had the bottle in the hand, was less than 1 hours. Actually the reason
was that half of it, they left the bottle with the security, because they couldn’t go in the
hospital, because the security didn't know it was to be delivered. These people who
are responding very rapidly, they are continuously making the Cups, and having the
Gans's ready for this patch, and they manage it 24 hours a day. What they do is, rapid
response team, will get to the people and initially give them a glass of the Gans
Water, which they can use immediately, and they give them a Cup of Life, or a (ready
made) system which they can just put in a glass and add saltwater and start producing
it. And they leave them a leaflet explaining how to do it. They also teach the people
who come for support, online, how to make the Cup. They not only get the water until
their Gans's start producing, they get instructions for the Cup. Those who can't do it,
volunteers will go to their homes and give it to them and see how they are. It's very
extensive, the Keshe Foundation team is literally covering the whole of Iran. This is
thanks to Mohammadi and the Keshe Foundation team in Iran, this is what she is
trying to explain, how they set it up. It is well planned. (3:08). It is literally military
precision the way they work. I couldn't even, by the time they sent me a picture, they
said, this is a green jar, .. while they left the depot to go to the 2 doctors. They actually
received 2 bottle, an extra one was given to disinfect the environment. It is extremely
well organized. We have become an alternative health ministry as you call it in Iran.
They are helping in Iran. I stay in the background, operational and giving support.
And on the Chats. I put a note on the German language Chat, and Austria, and part of
the Belgium. Get in touch with Klaus at the Keshe Foundation Austria he will
organize you to be in touch with us. The whole of Austrian society is closed down, we
are supporting in every way we can. But you have to be organized the way
Mohammadi is explaining. It saves life. Carry on Mohammadi- When we realized that
we couldn't move fast with the Ministry of Health, and the government, half of
(them ) are sick, even the doctors are sick, there is nobody in the offices. Iran is hit
with a second problem, Saturday is the New Year, they usually take a holiday. (3:10).
So everything is in disarray, not only half are dead, half are on holiday and half are in
hospital, so you can see how Keshe Foundation has taken over the administration of
this situation in Iran. There is no other alternative, because even the ministers aren't
there. And as you have seen the head of all the top religious leaders have all died, and
the doctors have died, and are dying everyday. So you can understand how Keshe
Foundation with having no one to work with, because they are all "chickened out", in
a way, or are dead, or are sick. They have started taking over the whole situation in
Iran, which is actually to support direct. Mohammadi- Even we are facing with the 3
weeks of holiday, Keshe Foundation has taken the steps to cover the nation during the
holidays. As we know everyone is confined to their homes, everyone is afraid, no one
is traveling, we have decided, (3:12). to take the public information channels. As you
know this is not a medicine this is a method for people to help themselves, so we are
using the videos and voice recordings of people who have used the Technology, and
how they help themselves at home with it, and to send it to the media so that they can
see how it is used by themselves at home. Keshe: There is an international law that
says you can do anything you like at home, you can even take a poison, or alcohol, or
a pleasure, nobody can stop you. There is no legal frame of work that can stop you
from helping or taking alternative ways of life, inside your home. So the people are
making these things in their home and are reporting back what they have made and
are sending these videos to the media in Iran. Because there is no Ministry of Health
approving anything, because half of the Ministry's main doctors are dead or
contaminated, because they were not expecting this when they were doing the first
tests, without knowing. At the same time there is no ministry to approve anything in
Iran because it is all in disarray. (3:14). So they have found a way to show the
methods and how people are reporting. Mohammadi- We'll give you an example,
yesterday .. the volunteers went to an old people home to show the people in different
areas, how this works, and the management agreed for them to go in yesterday to
show. But when they went there, there was no management there, because they are all
infected. If I am correct, in that old people home 1 doctor and 1 nurse has died, and 3
old people have died of the virus, so none of the managers are going in. It has been
left in the hands of more or less, the cleaners to look after the Home because they are
all scared or infected themselves. When they went there yesterday to show them how
to do it, there was nobody, not even the cleaners. None of the members wanted to
accept the responsibility. So they were faced with a new challenge, and they made a
decision on how they are going to solve this matter. (3:16). What they did was when
they went into the infected building, they knew they were in an infected area, so they
kept on spraying themselves with the Gans Water so that they wouldn't pick up any
viruses. When the staff in the Home realized what they were doing, they asked them,
what are you do. They said they were disinfecting, because they weren't wearing any
masks or whatever (suits), and they wanted to know more, but by law they couldn't
use it in the building. So all the staff came outside the building, because outside they
can do whatever they like, and they started training them outside, how to use the
Gans's and protect themselves. They took all the Gans Water, now the staff took it
themselves into the building. Because they could see it. You have to understand that
all these people wear masks and everything else, but the Keshe Foundation team is
very open, they don't need (masks), because they carry the material with them, and
sometime they wear masks if they feel like it. (3:18). .. Mohammadi- We found a
way now, instead of going to the management, they go to the staff and they take it

.. They see in the hospitals that everybody who goes in comes out dead, and they see
this and know that the hospitals have no solution. So when they see the Keshe
Foundation come in they accept with open arms. (3:20). This is the way we have
found to get into hospital ..

Keshe: This is what we told you before, the Chinese government put many people in
beds and they died, they started cleaning up many of the centers that were closed
because they are using the Keshe Foundation Technology with their patients. This is
one of the reasons they say they have overcome and the Chinese are opening the
closed hospitals. Not only are they disinfecting, because as these patients go through
the process in 24 to 48 hours, those who haven't died, are literally cured by using this
Technology. You will see, as we have been promised by the leadership of the Chinese
Government, the Keshe Foundation will be thanked for service to the nation. You will
hear it very soon, they have already told us. But in Iran we don't have that position,
now we have to get over the bureaucracy of a Government that is half dead, in
hospital, scared, or on holiday. (3:22). What is interesting, .. the pattern of the
leadership follows the pattern of the people who work with them, and we have seen
the ministers lying to the people, the same as ** . And ministers do not, with contacts
in the Government and senior advisors killed, they refuse to take it up, but they want
it for their homes, wives, and own children. This is the problem you'll face in Italy
and every other country. Last night I explained to you that a doctor came in on the
channel and explained that her husband is a doctor and he is dying. He took the virus
sometime before. . they tried every protocol
this came to the emergency, I took this case myself (3:24). the material arrived
to the control room.
do you know which one is salty or sweet. she put her finger in one and put it in her
mouth, and started shouting, "wow .. this thing I just put in my mouth sent a shock
through my body to my brain. What is this thing?" I said Madame you are 100%
infected. After a few minutes, she said, "you know something, I feel fresh. Something
has gone out of my body." I said, you are infected. She believed in it as a doctor,
because the first time she put her finger in it and then in her mouth, because she got a
full whack, when she tasted and could feel it. She said, "this is going to save my
husbands life." Tell me what to do, and I went step by step with her, I spent 2 hours
on my phone, .. She sent me picture of the husband in the O, and later he was sitting
up. (3:26). .. I will bring her in, she is asleep at the moment. She will tell you. The
medical teams have no choice on the frontlines.
The strangest thing is he was infected for a week, and he saw many people in that
time, now you can se how many people are getting infected. Mohammadi job is now
to send a team to that village to cover the patients who got the disease from the doctor
who tried to save them. This is the problem with our medical team and why we have
to save them, because they are the frontline and they get infected and before they
know it, days go by and they infect everyone they come across. .. (3:28). We learn
from you that whenever there is a problem you use that problem to overcome the
problem and it works. This is the way it works
(3:30). One thing to notice that the Iranian New year is most important.. it's the
busiest time .. with this Corona is all shut .. we saw this as an advantage we can use
this .. Mohammadi comes from this background of media ..

(3:32). .. (media people) they understood and from yesterday they started producing
films and videos. Most of the famous actors and actresses of Iran will make these
videos about the supporters of the Keshe Foundation One Cup One Life, and how
people around the world .. can support themselves and teach the others. to inform
them of the One Cup of the Keshe Foundation

The film producers of Iran said, they thought they would be home resting .. but with
what I have seen my job. (3:34). has just started, we have to save the nation.
.. if you notice it is very usual to have 2000 people on the channel .. they are live
online. These people who come on the channels we teach them one by one and train
them to become the (3:36). next volunteers. ..

.. The lady Dr. who called us last night had actually been in the Chat as one of the
doctors for 2 weeks. but she didn't believe in it or carry on (3:38). anything with it.
She sat there and thought this happens to the others .. she tried all the traditions and
protocols form the hospital and it didn't work ..

Mohammadi life is a devoted life for humanity. .. (3:46). .. Mohammadi is directly in
touch with these doctors. .. once this is all finished she'll go to Sepah .. so it will go
nationally we are not asking you, first save your husband and family .. for souls to
wake up ..
(3:52) Keshe: About 3 or 4 days ago Mohammadi asked me to make a video
addressing the nation in regarding to the virus and what we can do. We brought in a
camera crew and made a 10 minutes .. the way I gave a gift to the Chinese on their
New Year, we have given a gift also to Iranians on their New year.
(3:54). .. it was put on and 18,000 people watched it within the first hour and it has
given a lot of hope to the Iranians. .. we don't take advantage of the situation to
support opposition, we work within the structure the government. ..
This was not done in China they stole a gift ..
Something changed drastically this past week. Last week in the teaching a lot f you
didn't realize, the voice of a Chinese telling another Chinese that he is working with
the military and part of the military, making the Gans of the nation, but they don't
want the Keshe Foundation to be mentioned because it has to be Chinese. And we
understood, (3:56). the Chinese leadership was sitting there, the CPC and the head of
state was listening to that broadcast. They realized they sent the head of the nation to
Wuhan City by stolen Technology, and this brought a huge shame to the Chinese
Administration. A lot of you just listen to the teaching, but we target our work for the
benefit of the nation. What you saw, president Xi going to Wuhan City, .. was done
by the use the Keshe Foundation Plasma Technology. the leaders were told this was
an Army development, which in a way, the voice recording of the officers and the
Keshe Foundation team, was a clear stealing of Technology and changing the name,
and it's an embarrassment to the Chinese nation. In a way, gave a lot of ** to the
voice of president Trump, that the Chinese do nothing but steal Technology. This way
they got caught red handed. President Xi has to respond back on how he attended a
meeting in public, saying they have overcome the virus, by stolen Technology, and
then they show it to their own people as theirs. This has brought a massive shame to
the Chinese nation and the Keshe Foundation supporters. Some of them said after it is
the right of the Chinese to take the Technology because you gave it to us. We gave
you a gift, you respect the gift, not steal the gift and change it. This is one of the
biggest problems, (3:58). My call goes to president Xi, change the

Last weeks teaching was listened to many world leaders,

.. In a way I understand why Bill Gates has such a huge hatred for the Chinese
because they stole ever thing he developed
Shows picture. The man on the right (without mask or protective gear) is in one of
the most secure hospitals in the district. You see a doctor in the background
(4:02). .. He is in the hospital disinfecting without a mask

.. It's amazing how this knowledge has helped

He puts everything on the Internet .. The head of the Corona for the district is using
the Gans inside the hospital. (4:04). I want to explain the difference between the
Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in Iran and ..
This is a picture of Iranian Knowledge Seekers

(4:06). Next to him are the military, they would have told him you don't need a
mask ..
.. a nation that accepted the Technology with open arms. What is important for us is
that the governments understand the Technology .. how easily they can safeguard a
nation when a gift is given (4:08).
waiting for video.. what you see is the protocol the doctors given to the people in
Iran. .. everyday we get a new protocol .. (4:10).
.. offered to America they said 600 video against him, facts on Keshe they refused the
(4:12). .. Shows picture of head of in Iran. video starts. You see the Gans water and
the brother taking the video. .. 3 days drinking from the Water. ..

(4:14). This is the man who was saved by his brother. and the truth is we are all
brothers. You can see, if it wasn't for his brother he would be dead. It takes years to
educate these ..

(4:16). Mohammadi - I always said that Iran will become the cradle of this new
then we can teach the others because we have been through it. Mohammadi has to
leave because she has an interview with Iranian Television We think within the
next 2 to 3 days to get it through (4:18).
.. plays another video ..

.. another video ..
.. I wonder if the west would except the Technology or change the name of it, like the
Chinese did, or like they accepted the Mithraism and changed the name to Christianity
and Vatican. Is it the second time the Iranians culture touches the Catholicism and the
west, but this time with Knowledge and the belief in the Creator. (4:24).
.. it's the job of the Iranian nation to look after its children .

.. I am ashamed of the Sepah and Ministry of health, for being short-sighted, they
always gave (the Technology) to their officers (4:26). I want to see the pictures in
the next few days when he goes home, then you'll understand. Man's body is made of
water and the only way you can save it is through the water. This is the water of

Stephanie: You always said in Mozhan training, that weaknesses can be turned into
strengths. I think this is the time, (4:28). we can learn from the Chinese and

.. I was far away from it. Now I start to be in the middle of it, and I have no material, I
am not organized. (4:30). It's double the job now. This can all be avoided. Those
people who are far away can learn from others mistakes and can get ready. .. You
always said in the Mozhan, that every weakness can become a point of strength. This
can be the best thing to happen if we learn from each other
Keshe: You know what I suggested to one of the doctors .. those of you who use the
Technology in all the nations, make a batch and put on it, Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute, I am free of the virus. You know in the time of the Holocaust the
Germans forced the Jews to wear a tag to show you was a Jew. Now we should use
the Keshe Foundation logo on the street with it, you know is safe. You can cuddle and
say thank you, and bring the nation back to security. When many people, (4:32). wear
these badges, the nation will move .. Just write Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute
and anybody sees that knows you are safe. We need to bring confidence back to the

The American, Chinese, Russian, etc administrations, you are all online, we see you
in the background we are waiting for you to move. Not to let your nation move, that
you will not be there to move, they'll move you from office, because you were
incompetent when there was a cure, and what you called yourself the vaccines did not
(4:34). .. the Whitehouse which is noting but black and red with the blood of people.
Do you remember what I said, an eye for eye, and tooth for a tooth. Did he take a life,
and he was so proud, now is he going to pay for the life he took. He took the man who
was loved by a nation because he kept his nation safe he shut down all the terrorist
groups. Would he pay an eye for an eye. Now we shall see. You take a life, you give a
life. According to what I heard in the past few hours, 20 world leaders have been
contaminated by him, in the meetings since he returned from India. and his daughter,
happy she took one ** in India. I think they'll make a golden statue, ** that's all it
was, the briberies . (4:36).
.. the banking system will collapse in the west if it goes 2 more weeks
.. many Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in the west are coming to us because
they have nothing to support their families, because every thing has been ** We'll
open the donation channels to support this. The Keshe Foundation Australia wanted
to charge for it We said no. .. Jim are you in background. Take over please. (4:38).
We need huge amount of financial support to be able to support feed units, and be
able to support humanity. We have received less than $250 in donations in the last 2

Jim. We have spent the last 2 years developing a training program for agriculture.
(4:40). .. We have developed a training program.
(4:42). Go to the Australian Keshe Foundation website
.. One Cup One Life Kit..

(4:50). .. Keshe: Thank you very much Jim

Going back to what I said at the beginning, because we have found the solution to
Coronavirus, is looking beyond, that is why you see these websites. For us
Coronavirus is resolved, it's just that your countries and governments come to accept
it and take it up. It has to go like in Iran, on national TV, and taught on a regular basis
until the nation can save itself. The launching of this and other things. (4:52). We
were involved in it, and have already spent 8 weeks on it. We have seen the beauty of
it in Iran, and the stealing of it in China. Now we are hoping we can help the rest
We launched a new product in agriculture. It's an agricultural unit that we can
adjust to what need .. It's a pallet size unit, self-assembly
with this you have everlasting fertilizers

It's very simple and can be used by individuals. ..

can clean atmosphere in the cities. ..
(4:56). To create a clean air in Iran in the next 12 months. The same system will be
delivered to any country. .. We'll buy back the Gans which it produces. ..
it's around $12,000
(4:58). It's more or less like solar cells and extracts CO2, and if need they can become
like power generators, we discuss that later on through the Keshe Foundation.
Any other question?
Stephanie: You asked what my job is
.. focus on the things you can do

(5:00). .. We need to focus on what we can do. If you have a pain in the back and you
focus on it and it becomes bigger and bigger. .. I'll stop talking
(5:02). .. she knows people on the frontline in Italy, many are dying and it is
Keshe: One of our main targets in the coming time, once we go through the Iranian
national TV, is to take the clips and show them to the national TV's (around the
world). At the moment we are helping thousands. Now that we show it on TV it will
help millions. .. We'll curve the Coronavirus in Iran, hopefully during the New Year.
If we can do this in the next 3 days, sending people home healthy. Keshe Foundation
you are right across the planet you have to unite to make One nation. You are the
seeds of that One Nation. (5:04). Governments will govern but will get inspiration
and support through the Universal Council members. You have to be there to learn to
advise your governments, support, and unite. One of the biggest worries for
governments will be, as I said before, they know that they will be no borders in
Europe, because they took them all down, so they brought in American Forces to
become a colonizer of the American or British government. Now this is how the
Rothschild's, through British Monarchy, through American forces, which they are
owned, will colonize the whole of western Europe. Now you understand on the other
side British supported with a company which Gates owned in England, which makes
the Corona vaccine, suddenly to take shape. We see the bigger picture, as you are
aware, Gates owns finances, majority shares, in the background, of the vaccination
company based in England. Now you understand, how the British never gave freedom
to the American ..

(5:06). .. Colonize through the Americans, ..

.. Someone went to his wife
Learn from the Iranians.
.. When the vaccine is given free by the government, you pay through your taxes .
(5:08). .. American troops to enforce the vaccinations ..
.. tried to buy the Keshe Foundation ..
They released the virus to become the leaders, and that virus will become their
demise. Ask people to release these videos
.. We release it very soon The rest of the world will know about the Corona
blocking it up won't stop .. .. You can vaccinate for the lung one, but not the brain,
heart, kidney's womb one
Are there any questions? Q: About healing reactions from using the Gans? Keshe:
We don't heal .. balance the energies ..
Q: Can a high rate of heart be one of the healing reactions ?
(5:14). If you have a higher rate of heart, if you had open heart surgeries you are
advised not to use the Gans's directly. Use the Gans's to create the environment ..

.. the virus is calcifying . if you use the Gans's and you have a reaction, it means the
Virus is Because you don't have the knowledge of the science of this Technology.
I explained that you make the ** Mg. Ca and Mg, (5:16). are of the same strength,
so this water of the Cup has the strength to match the salt strength of Mg or Ca, this is
why it is effective. We match birds with birds. ..
It will take millions of years for man to understand what I gave you in the Cups.
Those who use straight Zn or Cu, say the system doesn't answer so good, because I
designed specifically the spiral system. Each one covers a spectrum of the field
forces. The same on the other side. If you divert form what I have given you, that is
your decision, then in this process you create Mg. If you use flat everything, sorry (no
Mg), and then you say it doesn't work so good. Because you don't listen. (5:18).

.. because when I make things I calculate a lot of things you have no knowledge of ..
.. When I make a MaGrav I get 1 megawatt, when you make it ..
I keep on telling you, "I am the Messiah." You will soon understand. But in this
process you are messiah of your Soul, but I am ..

(5:20). and you will succeed. ..

.. Those who betrayed us in Italy are paying for it you are not worth spending time
on. Follow the procedure of the springs. As I taught you before, this covers the
variation between the two sides. This (flat Zn plate) connects you to the physicality,
this (Nano Coil) connects you to the air and water, and this (Cu Coil) connects you to
the water and the ** water. You will understand soon. (5:22). These are set in a
specific way. The Soul takes the position of the center, and ( ) the Soul of physicality,
has to take its own dimension. And the two will run a beautiful system. Understand
the Keshe Foundation team has made ..

(5:24). .. So you two have a problem understanding the English ..


Wikipedia has to be taken off the Internet, it is another form of controlling

(5:28). .. Are there any other questions. Q: Is it possible to use CuO2 in the dry
state? We advise you not to. Not in this case. Q: When I fill CuO2 with water it turns
blue after a while, is that normal? Keshe: what turns blue The Gans or the water?
It's because when you dry it the particles take part of the shape of the magnetical state.

.. we can't get a clean water so easily from it

.. This is a true picture of
.. I have seen these in the Universe, don't forget I am the traveler of it. .. (you didn't
take the video ) you know the video we took from the Universe, you didn't press the
button, it's not recorded. .. the video you took with the machine is not there This is
the exact shape of the Universe and the galaxies. Do you see these (a photo of many
raw eggs in an oval container), the shape of the container, (5:32). is like the Universe.
Do you see how the yolks have spaced each other, even it doesn't matter how we do it,
there are some under or over with the same space gap this is a copy of the Gans in
water, they space each other, you can't bring them any closer .
.. it doesn’t how many we put in, they still keep their space gap.

(5:34). .. it's a few seconds later but they still can't touch …
.. I'll show you how galaxies are made because I have the video (5:36). I'll send
you this video . This is how the Gans's do, the other video is the work of the
Universe when we get movement of the fields
.. my inspiration comes from the mixing, boiling and cooking ..
.. plays video (5:38).

.. When you stand outside the Universe and look at it this is what you see ..
(5:40). . This shows how Stephen Hawkins was so wrong
.. the center point in the Unicose is the Soul of the Creator, it is so simple. When you
decide to stop it all the universes come to an end ..

(5:42). .. The universes keep their space

Now you understand, nothing stops with Coronavirus, we are still proving this
Technology, it is built with ** and doing a lot of work in the background. Any other
question. Q: In Bulgaria Corona hit =us in the past week. We have many reactors ..
Can I make a dynamic reactor .. instead of the Nano coated coils? Keshe: No, you
cannot use at this moment, any dynamic cores, (5:44). if you think to do something
for Corona. We said, many times, this thing changes energy and you create more,
deviation into it. Q: Because I created Gans's with dynamic cores and plates ?**
Q: .. I want to know if you know someone involved in Senegal, all markets will be
sprayed on Sunday ? Keshe: Sprayed with what? there is nothing you can do.
(5:46). Q:
.. What is the temperature of Dacca or Conakry. Can anybody tell us? (5:48).
32 degrees. Now they have viruses on both side, the wisdom that when it gets warm
the virus goes, (5:50). doesn’t exist.
.. so this virus will stay in the summer in Europe. ..
(5:52). My biggest fear, as I said before

.. we see the behavior of double stranded, then it will be deadly connected to the O,

.. if it mutates, the mutation will come, most probably it will go from the strongest to
the weakest, now it will go from the strings of the O, will ** definitely jump to
nitrogen (nano), then as we have seen, some of the plants will start responding, and
the virus will go into plants. When you have a strength on the O side of the
hemoglobin on the dynamic side of the Plasma you connect to humans and the flesh,
or horizontal people, when it moves to the n side it goes to all the plantations, all the
greens, what we call vertical peope. That is the mutation .. we have seen the people
who have Corona in the stomach and everything has come through this channel ..
But when the nano and O lines link up it will take the Soul. And one of the reasons we
keep on advising is please use as much as you can, because then a different dimension
will appear, and mankind does not want to see it

Q: Jalal.

(5:58). Q: In the news it says, a nano tech Italian company, which developed a nano
tech material to sterilize the surfaces, and it will stay for 2 years without any
intervention. A guy is asking is that a Gans or something else? Keshe: We do not
know, we have to see what it is. If it is a surface. There are a lot of nano technologies,
and a lot of Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers have turned things into their name
and are trying to break into the countries to help. We welcome it, if it is part of our
work, and they are expanding. That's what we did to the Chinese. (6:00). ..
But they can't get a patent on it. the way Red Circle wrote the patent no one can get in
Q: They are now working in Milan. Keshe: They are all overt the place. The Germans
are doing it.

.. Some of the people in health organization, have taken a huge bribe from the
.. These vaccinations carry huge amounts of mercury ..
He jumped, but he can’t jump his Soul. I have him and I'll bring him to his knees





.. Now you understand why the Vatican have to go.

Two microchip companies are using the Nano Technology

(6:10). W brought the Technology for mankind, from the Creator

.. it's a double O ..
Any other question about Corona.
Please make sure you don't use any CH3, remove it from the house, or let it go down
the toilet. You can always make it again.

But a lot of you make the Gans's with the Cu and a Cu, and it goes yellow like a CH3,
this means that your Cup doesn't have enough O to link up with the Gans of Cu,
you're releasing from the plates, so it stays the color of the plate. When you add some
water or air into it, it will go green, or it is a high energy O it will go towards the Zn
strength ** If it ** CH3, if you have used Zn in your ** side, and not steel in your **
side you should get. Sometimes you do get Ch3, looks like .. but is actually Gans of
the .. it's a different color, it's more towards the yellow, CH3 yellowish color, that is
the Gans of CuO, at the strength of, (6:14).


Q: What about Deuterium and Tritium? Keshe: Deuterium you have no problem.
Tritium you had better move from the ** At the moment we don't want to make
available any energies to extend the life of the Gans (means> virus). You might need
it, (if you keep it away), when it comes to the healing part. If you get desperate for
food, we'll show you a way, that this will lead to the creation of energy. But at the
moment we are trying .. when you are safe from the virus, and you are hungry, I'll
show you a way to feed yourself. But keep your things, keep them away at this
moment in time, from the environment where you live.
(6;18). Can we call it a day. We are trying to extend the Coronavirus (teachings). I
would like to thank the Iran teams for taking the lead. ..

When we can release it internationally

I have asked the Sepah to be ready to travel to every corner of this planet to protect
One Nation ..


Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries

(321 through 323 )
321st Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 26, 2020





.. If it is like this for another 2 or 3 months, then we shall se a massive establishment

of the new order. (:18). We see the establishment of one nation government will be
forced by those who control the food line, to become the controllers, and have already
pushed a man, as a sacrificing goat, that if he goes wrong, into the front. In so many
ways, we see a "New World Order," to be seen as an opportunity for setting up. In so
many ways, we have no solution. In so many ways, then they will decide which
country will sacrifice how many people, to be given their lives, to reduce the
numbers. This is part of the bigger plan. If those who talk about reduction in
population will come. We give you 1 ton, and you decide who lives, and you reduce
your population by so many. Very much like when IMF moves in, now it's different,
now it's a food monitoring organization, which means these organizations will decide
who gets food and the rest die of hunger. They decide, that the American states will
carry the majority of the population and the elite, and those in Africa will become
minimal, just enough to grind the mines, and the things the West needs, (:20). and the
slavery costs.

.. essential foods for 6 months food are held in reserve by law. Every 29 states, (:28).
or the whole of Enhancement Unit states have to have 6 months supplies in reserve of
the 20 most essential food products, and has been kept to that by the governments. We
know how it is kept so perfectly and precisely under regulation. Europe will last 6
months with food, with rations. China will last through, maybe another 3 months, as
we go through April, May and June, the harvest will not be enough, then they have to
ration .. India will suffer heavily until May. The same will be right across the Arab
states and Africans will be the only nations, those who live inside will survive,
because they lived off the land and the trees. The UN will literally bring themselves to
the point of destruction by killing themselves and destroying everything they had.
Don't forget, the wall could not be built, and there are many Mexicans and hungry
ones across the border. In so many ways, the border officers will run away from those
who come to them, because they might infect them. (:30). In so many ways, even if
we go to the point of population reduction, they need to decide whom, an ..
Unfortunately, their leadership have been touched, they thought they would be
protected. We have seen that Prince Charles of the UK, next to the Throne has been
cleared to be infected. We see Prime Ministers, Canada, Spain, across Asia, and many
ministers and officials are all infected. Those who do not agree with the new
government will be infected. Now you can see the pattern. It is what I call, "Mussolini
Law." Mussolini agreed that, if Hitler would not bomb and destroy, he would hand
over the nation. This is the technique to do the same. (:32). In a way the central
government position has been structured that they decide who lives and who goes, and
you have to deliver. This is not hypothetical, this is a fact which we all have to face.
Italy is locked down. Officially, one thousand eight hundred died in the last day,
unofficially, there are no room in the mortuary and they are moving bodies from city
to city. As we have seen truck loads of bodies moving on the streets, the same in other
parts of the world. The extent of death and infected are unknown. The tape we played
is the celebration of the freedom of the man. Within the next days Keshe Foundation
will release in conjunction with those who work with us, a total package for saving
humanity, from testing, to prevention, reversal and cleaning up the environment on
the level as we gave to the Chinese Army, but in the next step, (:34). that can meet
the next stages of the problem. We will not wash the reality of the process under the
carpet. As you have seen, the flags of the nations on the Cups, they are from every
corner of this planet. We are the only organization that has established itself over the
past 15 years to ** in the society and those who believe in the ethos of the Keshe
Foundation. I wonder how many of you could ever imagine that you would be
given the chance to live by your Soul.

will be set in the future.

.. in the space I give you a gift of ..

(:36). We will hold the Tehran conference next month, if as we planned, things go
according to plan. The Iranian Keshe Foundation team is working relentlessly, and are
teaching people to help themselves. and the drop in mortality in Iran ,
is by
.. the death toll in Iran would have been much higher ..

.. is evidence that clinical trial by the masses, (:38). has been carried out. In so many
ways there is no solution, except the path which has been taken by the Iranian Keshe
Foundation. For you as Keshe Foundation people we setup more then, what we call,
Keshe Foundation national level, for you to go in and bring your people in and teach
them what to do. The biggest problem will be that how far, and to what extent, you as
Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) are there to help another
man, and not just make 10 Cups, I am ready to go. You make 10 Cups, I have given,
and they are ready to go. That's what it has to be, now I am ready, I have all the
Gans's. It's too late if they catch (the virus), but you have those Gans's in your homes,
those Cups in your homes are useless. You need to put a team and people together.
The Iranian Keshe Foundation people produced thousands of Cups per day, and by
call they deliver. We do not go for clinical trials. We go for critical trials, where we
change things that can critically change the situation in the nation. The pattern of the
work, which is carried by the Iranian Keshe Foundation needs to be followed, and in
that process we need all to work in that direction. (:40). In a simple way, you start
governing. In so many ways, the fact for the freedom of the man stands on the
shoulders of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers, we submit ourselves to the
dictatorship of how many of us will be eliminated, or we stand tall that we are not
there to be and we have what we need.

(Start "Cup of Man" extract here , proof the transcription )


To this effect I take the teaching to a new level in a very simple way, and the
Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) who understand will take it to its ultimate
goal in due days. You have to understand that the biggest problem with this planet has
been the lack, that it has depended man on eating others to gain energy. In fact, the
Soul of the man was not brought up to the level, to be independent on his own, that he
doesn't need the leech of the physicality. To that effect, some weeks ago I released a
base for all souls to be leveled, out that it doesn't need the extension, to be dependent
on the food on this planet. What I explained in a very simple way is such, go back to
all my teachings, "you are the last man standing," and this (situation now) is the last
man standing. It cannot be anymore truer then this. It's you. If you get the Corona,
(:42). (and then you go) in a hospital, maybe they can take you through the first one
(first Coronavirus infection), but soon you have to go home, and what you do at
home, is "the last man standing." But there is one other point with all those who are,
"last man standing," our spaceship is floating and no one knows, which man will
stand. The spaceship of Earth, at speeds beyond your imagination is traveling across
this galaxy, and solar system, with rotation around itself, but no one know in which
house, in which room, which Soul is allowing its physicality to suffer, due to not
understanding, in the coming days, a lack of energy as food.

There was a need to bring those who understand the knowledge, to a level of
understanding, of leveling of the souls. That means, you do not need to kill, and this
will put, what I call, the Knowledge Seekers a step ahead, of the planned mass murder
of people, by those who planned to create, controlled reduction in population. In one
move, not only have we changed the whole structure of leadership, the government,
the financial position, and food dependency, while we bring a new dimension to man.
As usual, I walked you through it, and as Corona pushed, we talked you through it.
Now I will explain, (:44). to you in a very simple way. Do you want to eat another
flesh, or do you want to feed the Soul of the man (Soul of the man) that it feeds the
physicality, and according to that it will adjust itself to every virus, as the Soul of the
Man's virus is very rare, and the Soul of the physicality (Soul of the physicality) needs
to be supported. Fortunately, many of you discussed, bought, sold, cajoled with

(Cup of Man teaching: )

I taught you 2 simple things, but you missed as usual, what I gave you (draws 2
Cups). I taught you how to put a Nano (nano) coated wire (coil in each Cup). This is
Cup 2 (on the left), and Cup 1 (right). In Cup 1, I told you to put a Zn plate (on left
side), and Cu plate (outer side). (:46). In Cup 2, I taught you to put 2 Cu plates. You
were told to connect in a specific way, your connections, and you were told in a
specific way to make connections. Now this, as I taught you, is the Soul of the man
(Cup #1), and this is the Soul of the physicality of the man (Cup #2). Then for those
who understood the knowledge, the 2 souls have to work within the dimension of the
physicality, then once you filled up with the water of the life, which is 90% of the
body of the man, with the salt, which you added, to keep the salinity, with the level of
the salinity of the man, not at 15%, but at an appropriate level, that you understand
how much to be. The connection is simple, you connect the souls (nano coils
together), and you connect the physicality's (the matter state Zn and Cu). (:48). And
then with one strike, you connect the two together (jumper wire nano to metals). This
is the body of the man.

In so many ways, we gave you the freedom, that the Soul of the man will interact with
the Soul of the physicality of the man. And the Soul of the man stays within the
embodiment of the operation (draws a ring around the Zn plate), that in total, in
connection with the two (draws a line connecting it to Cup 2 and a circle around both
Cups), will protect the man from all to come. This is the reason why we showed you
the twin (Double) Cups, now you understand the reason. We showed you the Cup of
physicality, to protect you from the viruses that touches the physical part of the
muscles tissues of the man, and in the original one we gave you the Cup of the Soul of
the man. Now you understand exactly where you sit.

If mankind becomes kind to himself, that he can understand this, you don't need to be
fed. Would it be the opportunity for the man to reside amongst the two (Cups)? (:50).
That in the process, his Soul elevation will become the salvation for his physicality.
Then you'll understand, no one can ever dictate. Depending on the ratio of drinking,
and consumption, in the right order, between Cup 1 and Cup 2, you can feed the Soul,
that it can feed the physicality, while the physicality feeds itself, controls. If you
understand this process, it means there are no free Calcium's, within the structure
feeding, that the virus can ever attach itself to the weakest point in the structure of the
physicality of the man. You need to feed the 2 souls, that (in) a balanced operation,
they can look after physicality without killing, without consumption, and this is how
you'll survive in the space. (:52).

The way you will establish this is very simple. You can put as much as you like,
(Cup) twos, on the toes, and you can put as much as you like, (Cup) ones, on the head.
If you understand, the Zn is higher than the Cu, and in trying to reach, it creates a
field, the nervous system, and the physicality of the man will be fed from the fields of
the universe. Man's Soul will elevate this way, that the animosity of the war and
killing will go out of the human's ** of thought and behavior. It is your
responsibility, then, to do the same, then in the dimension of the "creatures of God,"
be it vertical or horizontal. It is the responsibility of this, (:54). what we call,
Universal Council (Universal Council) members, and Earth Council (EC) members,
and especially the head of the Keshe Foundation, according to her new status, as she
knows, to make sure this planet stays within the structure of safe operation and life,
that no one needs to kill. The balance of the numbers (population) will come out of
the natural need of the environment, and not by killing, by the decision of some
maniacs. Accommodation of the souls, for the confirmation of the existence.

The technological development in the movement of the knowledge of the man will go
into fast speed of operation in the coming weeks. In so many ways, if as Knowledge
Seekers, you chose to be here, and your numbers are according to the international
traffics, around about 200 to 250 million, and as there are only 7 billion of you, it is
very easy, even if 100 million of you teach, then you each need to teach 70 people,
within the next 7 days, or 17 days, or 27 days, you choose, that no one shall kill.

This is the "Cup of Man," and this Cup, and this structure, as a whole is, and will
become expanded, by the knowledge of the Knowledge Seekers and humanity, to the
level that man will feed itself across the universe. You will not carry Cups of Life.
You will systems, which have been fully tested in China, that it will create the
condition of the fields that will feed the Soul of the man. As I said, we will not take
food into space, because in reality we only need to supply energy directly into the
Soul of the man, and in the Soul of the smallest part of the man, his smallest toe. The
law that you have to follow in the space, as you become part of the Universal
Community (Universal Council), is to feed the center, and in feeding the center with
energy, you dictate the extremities (draws a larger black dot and smaller red dot with
circle around them). (:58). Then the whole system will dictate its shape. If you look,
this is the shape of the operation of an atom. So you don't do anything, any different.
Now you understand why we go into the structure of the matter, and the creation of
the universe. The structure of the matter is the structure of the Soul of the man (Soul
of the man), and the structure of the universe, is the dimension of its physicality, how
it benefits the Soul. Now you'll see a new dimension into the 3 books you have read.
This (larger black dot) is the book #1 and this (smaller red dot) book #2 and 3. Where
here (line between black and red dot) we are sitting in book #2. Or if you understand
it the other way, this is book #1 (smaller red dot), and this is book #3 (larger black
dot), and this is book #2 (line between). Those who go this way (first description),
understand the world of physicality. Those who go this way (second description),
understand the process of the work of the Soul of the man. I told you, I would change
the course of humanity today. And for those who understood, I have elevated your
Soul and I have fed your physicality. (1:00). "Thy shall not kill." The knowledge is
simple, the field you create in this environment (inside the body), every cell, says
what it needs, and the universe shall supply, because this is one end, and the other end
shall be found in the universe. The same as these two Cups. We have to increase the
salinity in the waters, as you were independent. Now you have to understand, ** the
best production of the fields, and not the material, because what you'll be interested,
in reality is this (draws a spiral between Cup 1 and 2), and not what you gather as
waters in each, and of the Gans's. You become the one in the middle, where the Soul
has the energy, and the physicality has the need. In the combination of the operation
of the two, you go to sub-sub-atomic materials, (1:02). the man has no clue about.
The materials which are needed in the space dimension of operation, beyond the
imagination of the man, today. Part of these operate within your Soul and your
physicality, but you have never been aware of. Man can only confirm, exist,
according to what his knowledge extends to understand. If man did not know the
Plutonium or Uranium through his education, and development, understanding of the
atomic structure, and materials, man would have never found it in his **. You have to
realize that every element on every planet, has to exist, and become part of the
structure of his natural life, be it living, or be it part of the operation of his magnetical
and gravitational field, as gravity or Inertia. Therefore, you'll understand that there is
life on every corner of this universe, irrespective of visibility, feeling, touch,
observation of the existence of the field flow. There are no spaces in the span of the
Unicose that the life does not exist. It is the responsibility of the man to make sure he
doesn’t trample of any of it. Trampling on it, unknowingly, is not an excuse to do so,
but it means that you have to become aware. In a way, think before you move. Before
you take another step, (1:04). what am I stepping onto.

In so many ways, I have shown you the path. I have brought the Soul of the man to
balance, for what this planet could not bring to balance for millions of years. It means
all of you start with the same platform. It means that your souls have become equal,
and in no different then the other, in strength, and in the process of understanding the
truth. With the establishing of the Cup #1, as you call it, I gave you the platform to
become independent, though the work of your own, from the physical dimensions of
this planet. In that process, with the Cup #2, I supported the Soul of your physicality.
In so many ways, I have freed man from the shackles of this planet. And what was
wrong in the essential construction of its work, within the inner sanctums of its
operation. (1:06). Now the choice is yours. Do we stand and change the course of
humanity in a peaceful manner, or do we allow these wolves to carry out their acts.
But in so many ways, we had to come to this point, that all the structure of the past
would break up, that the new cycle of life starts on this planet.

In the coming days, every nation on this planet, every man and woman will start
making the "Cup of Man." In that process, it will take a huge pressure off the
shoulders of this planet. We don't need to harvest, and we don't need to die of hunger.
We don't need to suffer from incurable diseases, and cancer will be in the history
books of the man's life. In so many ways, as we said, the Enhancement Units
(Enhancement Unit) become the systems for the universe, and in that process we'll
teach you more. Don't forget one thing, I am the Messiah, (1:08). not only for my
Soul, but this time for humanity and the human race. I free you from the shame and
the shackles of what you brought to yourself, when you brought the humanity to the
stage of today. All your latest technologies are grounded, and the most advanced
technologies are worth nothing, as the nations cannot support. What was written in the
Old Testament, was not about that time, but about what is happening to humanity
today. That man will come to a new beginning. But you have to understand one point,
and that is, the condition that you receive the gift of life, from the Cup of Man, and
that is, man will never engage himself in killing another. If your Soul doesn't commit,
then you'll find out, that the Cup doesn't work, because within the hidden structure of
it, this is the "World Peace Treaty" signed by the Soul of the man, in accepting. Those
of you who will make the Cup and see no results, it means your Soul has questions to
ask itself. Those who make the Cups and see no results, would, or does that mean, that
the Soul has been always clear. That it does not need the matter, to confirm its
freedom. Don't look for the Gans at the bottom, look at the energy fields within the
Soul of the system. (1:10). This is what I have been telling you for weeks and weeks.
You look for the matter state, and I look for the fields. We'll still go to the banks,
make the factories, make the furniture, we still might get paid, but as we are happy,
we do it because it gives us a new dimension of pleasure.

In the next 12 months man will enter a rapid development in the space technologies to
open the space into mankind, in a deep space travel. In the next 12 months, we'll
change the course of humanity. As there are no more funds to run the war economy,
developing weapons and defense. We'll employ the same scientists to develop new
same space technologies, that bring comfort to man to enjoy the spans of universe.
For those who decide the physical path. Don't forget the lifespan on this planet, as of
today, has become limitless. If you understood the work of, the Cup of Man. (1:12).
Try to understand the knowledge of the Cup, and try not to copy the Cup, then you
don't need the Cup to survive in the span of the universe, as I can't get you water in
every corner of the universe.

The souls who elevate to the level of understanding the true knowledge, will need no
spaceship. That gift has been granted to one, and then to the second in the past few
days. Those souls are sacrosanct, and stay clear of all. It's our privilege to give such a
gift, and we have given it. For those who serve the Keshe Foundation, to serve
humanity. In time you'll know the 2, as they have already been told about their
position. As I said, when we established the Universal Council, the members of the
Council should be known by the brightness of their souls, and not by their emails, or
their titles. In the brightness, it means giving. In so many ways, the brighter the sun,
the bigger giver, the lover. (1:14). When I tell you, "I love you," it means I give you
everything I have. Let's see how many of you will love the humanity. Then the bigger
test will come when you love the Universal Community.

Try to understand, the simple way, gradually try to replace the energies of the Cup of
Man, in consumption of the food and killing. Gradually try to bring balance between
yourself and your environment, it doesn’t matter wherever you live. If the members of
the Universal Council, except 2 who have to leave, as their souls, doesn’t carry the
conduct of, what the Council is set for, this planet will shine in a different way in the
Universal Community. In a way, if humanity works in the direction we have set, the
Earth will become a shining star, even bigger than the Sun itself. (1:16). Understand a
simple language, and that is, understand the language of the Soul, not the voice, the
vision, and the others, which the man has occupied himself in the past times. Love
through the Soul, make children's amongst (from) the Soul of the man, that they can
last the span of the universe, as the physicality of the man is vulnerable to every
changes in every corner, as we have seen with the Corona. Corona means the crown,
and this was the "crown" virus man had to deal with, to find the crown of his own
freedom. We did not bring it, we knew that those souls in the background have been
waiting to do it, to create a condition of more war, and more animosity, and we had to
drain them from every finances. Don't forget I am the Master, I tested it, and it
worked. In the condition of Northern Ireland with the British Government, we drained
the assets of the IRA and the lawless, from the fuel they carried, to everything else
that they could get their hands on. When there was no financial strength, we got what
we wanted, and we managed to establish a 300 year war into peace, in the Northern
Ireland territory of the UK. (1:18). On my passing, documents will be released
showing the effectiveness, that we were involved in, the Northern Ireland peace.

The same system has been setup to deplete the assets of the Illuminati's, which is the
elite, richest, and politically influential families and people on this planet, without
them knowing, in the past months. The damage done to the Rothschild's family is
beyond their imagination. All their assets and investments in China was sold for
pennies, and in so many ways, they thought they might control China, but they lost it.
At the same time, the families that control the grain will find out that man doesn't
need to eat, and their grains will rot in the doldrums of their warehouses. We learned
one thing from the First World War, this time we shall not let it happen. Those of you
who don't know, I explained in a very close way to the Iranian team in the last
teaching. Go and search the books and you'll understand one thing, that during the
Second World War, not much happened to Iran, but in the First World War, Iran lost
nearly a third to half of its population, (1:20). through the hand of the British
Government. They wanted the oil rich states of the south, and they brought plagues
and they burned the fields, that over 15 million Iranians died of hunger. (That was) a
hundred years ago.

Their plan this time, was the same, by those who control the grain, and this is the
reason we released the Cup, then man doesn’t need grain. This time those of you who
use the line of food to control, now you'll bleed to death of your own physicality, in
the harm and the pain, which you have brought to humanity. Those who died in Italy
are your responsibility, as much as Gates. Those who died in France, China, Iran and
the rest of the world, with this planned disease to bring control, the same as 911, has
backfired on you, to bring the end of you. We watched and we took our time. We let
you burn yourself, then you have no one to blame. If we do it, we become the Sepah
and the enemies, but when you do it, it is your own stupidity and greed. (1:22).

I told you, today's teaching will be a turning point, and that turning point has come. I
promised when it comes to feeding man, that we'll setup the order to be done. Now
you have it. In so many ways, many of you who know and you learn and how to use
this Cup, and the combination of it, in the right order. (It's like) when you see those
men who can go in the freezing waters of Siberian lakes and swim with no problem,
as they are warm, and you see those who live in the heat of the desert like nomads for
centuries. The heat and the temperature will not be your concern. Understand the
science of the work of your Soul, and understand the fields, which it creates to keep
your physicality warm, at the temperature which is your pleasure. Do you need heat,
do you need to burn and destroy so much to warm the furniture, ceiling, and the walls
of your home, or is it good enough for you, that you stay nice and cozy within the
structure of your physicality, when you understand the position of your Soul, and the
operation of your physicality, in the dimension of the Soul of the physicality. (1:24).
Your energy crisis is solved. You don't need to cook, you don't need to, and if you
understand the dimension of the totality of what you call, the essence of the
dimension of vision of the Soul, then do you need the lights on the street. With this
Cup of Man (CM) I have elevated the Soul of the man, now play with it and enjoy the
new freedom. But learn, many of you will loose your life, as some of the habits of
man will come in the dimension of physicality, to play the game, in the dimension of
the Soul of the man, and that is the time you'll loose, you'll definitely loose, the
dimension of the physicality and the Soul. Then you become that food, from the
position of the virus, to the Gans, that it becomes food to the others, you are a free
energy. Don't think you do everything right, and it is your right to do, because now, as
we free the knowledge, it is your responsibility to be correct with your Soul. I am a
lover, but my love for the human race has extended to the point, that the physical
dimension of it, has more pleasure then the Soul of the man's, (1:26). dimension of ?
** loving you. Now I raise to the dimension of your physicality to the point, that only
you will decide the point of its demise. Lie to me .. I take it; cheat I take it; steal
I take it. Only one path is left. You give and you live through the right conduct. -- I,
as the Universe, and you as a man. --
This was the only way we could bring this mayhem of destruction and killing on this
planet, after thousands and thousands of years, to bring the man educated to
understand, and to destroy the structures he built, all of these, in the past, that brought
the man to this point. From now on, this planet will become a peaceful planet. From
now on there shall be no animosity and war. From now on, the promised heaven will
be on this planet, as we promised. As the man will create to please the other souls, to
accommodate the other souls to be in a better position then themselves, and this will
bring a position of comfort and pleasure to live. If you listened to one of the
recordings, I said, the "Day of Judgment" will come, not by time, (1:28). but by the
maturity of understanding, and that maturity of understanding, the time has come
today. Now you all play on the same level field. Now you all play from the same
strength of the Soul. You cannot blame your forefathers, no Christ, no Mohammad,
no Moses, and nobody else, because now you all are of the same, with a clean slate,
with a clean sheet for your souls.

Any questions?
Q: .. You know the diagram you drew on the top, about Book #1, red and black dot.
Can you make it bigger and explain it one more time, please?
Keshe: Nope, listen to it. (1:30). Then you draw it and see what you understand.
Q: The second question I have in regards the Cup.. Keshe: This is the second no, you
got from me in 24 hours. I never done that to a woman. ..
Q: The 2 Cups you created, you talked about, that some souls will not feel it, because
their Soul is not committed. The second one was, "the Soul is already free", am I
correct? Yes. You decide on its freedom. Q: .. you said some people didn't listen to
you and they made the plates straight and not spiral, but in this case (in your drawing),
you only made the nano coated Cu as spirals, and the rest have to be straight, am I
Keshe: You decide. ..

You see, the reason I did it this way is very simple. I stayed awake all last night on
how to teach. And I consulted with a free Soul, which I have gifted to one. If you
decide to make it a spiral (the Zn coil in Cup 1), (1:32). Or if you decide to make it a
spiral (nano coated Cu in center). If you decide to make this flat (Cu in Cup 1), or you
decide to make this spiral (Cu in Cup 2, facing Zn in Cup #1) and this flat (Cu on
outer side in Cup 2).

Or if you change the position to make this spiral (adds a second Cu spiral of different
color next to the Cu flat, that is already there, in Cup 2). and keep this the same spiral
(adds a second Cu spiral, Cup 2), and keep this flat (adds a second Cu flat, in Cup 1).
What do you think the condition will be?
Q: If you make it a spiral in the physical Cup, what's going to happen is, we'll be more
bound to the physicality.
Keshe: You are so hundred percent wrong.
Q: Can you explain please.
Keshe: You think why you are wrong. you are matured enough you don't need me to
answer you. Q: Because when you make it a spiral, you create all a spectrum, that it
Keshe: Which the Soul of the man needs to exist in the realm of the universe. You just
look at the Earth.

If you make this a spiral (adds a Cu spiral in front of the 2 flats, Cup 1), and take
away this (now he erases the 2 Cu flats, Cup 1, and the Cu flat in Cup 2; then all are
spirals now), man becomes the Soul of the universe, as there is no physicality, no
Don't test this, you'll pay heavily for it. Never test this!! Those who test it will see the
results of it, in a very horrible way, if you Soul is not ready for it. Do not test this as
long as you are the citizens of this planet. And do not test this, as the point, that you
are not committed to be citizens anywhere in the universe.

This gift has been given to 2 women in Keshe Foundation, they can exist in both
dimensions. Both in this and the same with that (draws a flat black line behind both
Cu spirals on the outer side of each Cup). Never try, ever, to commit yourself to this
(erases both Cu flat and spirals from the outer sides of both Cups). Always stay within
the law of the universe, within the dimension of physicality (draws back the Cu flats
on the outer sides of both Cups). This is your skull (Cu flat on outer side of Cup 1),
(1:36). and this is your Earth realm (Cu flat on outer side in Cup 2). You have to keep
it confined within the atmosphere of the planetary system you exist. This is a spiral
(adds a Cu spiral in front of the Cu flats, on the outer side of both Cups), it is the gift
to only 2 people on this planet, as they have to understand new dimensions.

This is why we gave the right to women, through the understanding of the Mithraism
and Judaism, and then it got lost. Because they are the creator, and in the process of
creation, they have to just and correct. These 2 women, in time, they can pass it on,
not to their own offspring, but to the one they choose to become their offspring, of the
Soul of theirs, when they hand over the responsibility and position. (1:38). They will
shine like bright stars, and in so many ways, they have a tint of the Creator. Those 2
blessed souls are amongst you, and you will never know them. It took me 10 years to
position them, and they have been positioned. Between them, they'll bring change to
humanity in correct conduct, and they'll cover the span of this universe, as the Earth is
limitless to the souls that have the dimension of the creation, and the Creator. And I
warned, if they do wrong they will loose their position. They are the true symbols and
the true samples and examples for all mankind in the universe.

The knowledge of man from today onwards will explode, beyond your imagination.
In so many ways, we needed to go through this, for the whole of humanity, in one go
to come to the point of balance. I shall return in the next few days to Iran, and I'll stay
there until we see the full achievement of mankind to the realm of understanding of
the totality of the knowledge of the human race. (1:40). On my return to Iran, the
knowledge on the universal level will be released to humanity in a very strong and
direct way, that will eliminate all the problems of the past and the present. In the
world of universe, there are no politics, no political parties, no leaders and no religion.
The religion is the conduct of the man on the basis of which we brought centuries ago
-- talk good, do good, and think good, the Three Wiseman given to Christianity, but
you never understood. We go back to our roots.

(Cup of Man Extract to here )

Proofed to here >>>

Any other question. (1:42).

Q: .. sometimes we need to recycle the cups that we made the One Cup with, how do
we treat the Soul that we created in the One Cup?
Keshe: If you never empty the Cup, the Soul will always stay within it. Secondly, it
doesn't need the water for it to stay. Very soon you'll find out, that water is the media
for the physicality of the man. Then do you want it with or without the water, or do
you want to feed the Soul that it feeds the body of the man, and the body of the man
creates what it needs, be it the water, O, or whatever. You see, when they said to us,
why don't you make gold, then you don't need to do anything. Now you understand
why, all the money in the world is worth nothing, when all the shops are closed. You
can't buy any cars, furniture, or even a pair of socks. The government has allowed
only 2 things, what they can feed you, so you don't riot and get rid of them, and what
cannot kill you, that you don't fill up the hospitals. (1:44). That's why they leave the
drugstores, or chemists, pharmacists, or food stores open. They are thinking of
themselves, but on the other hand they have no choice, because they are on the same
position as you are. So do you want to fill it up with the water of life of the Soul, or
would you like to fill it up with the water life of the physicality of the man on this
planet? When you go to space there is no water, what are you going to fill it up with?
There is a lot more for me to teach you. Be happy with what you know up to now that
in the future you'll understand more. Ask yourself a simple question, where are you
going to find the Cu in the depth of the Universe, in the balance level of the fields of
the environment is in the Cu level, and cannot, it will be as an energy? Then it goes to
understanding, the true understanding of what you understand, with the operation of
the Soul of the man. Rick would you like to play the same tape of the Cups of Life,
while you are watching this, remember one thing, (1:46). would you like to change
the Cup of Soul of yours, with somebody else's across this planet. Would you trust
them with your Soul, to give your Soul to them. Because this question will come to
you when you become the passengers of the Universal Systems, traveling the physical
dimensions in the spans of this universe. As I told you in the teachings years ago,
would you trust the captain, now you give your life to, to fly you. From now own on
you give your Soul to, to take you to the destination. Let's see what mankind does, or
would you give your physicality, as you always did when you became a lover. It's the
first time man has a gift to give his Soul. Are you that confident, that your Soul has
done no harm, that when it comes in touch with another physicality, will guarantee its
survival, and not harm another. Let's see how many of you will take that step. I
mature you in one session, more then is done in millions of years by humanity. We
close the books of all religions as of today. (1:48). as from now on we have one
religion, and that is to serve the others, and stay to the ethos of "sadosh" (talk good,
think good, do good), you'll survive the span of the Universe and you'll enjoy every
second of it, while you exist in it, as long as you decide. From today onwards, you
decide the point of departure, and the shape of presentation, and manifestation, and
intelligence according to the position that you decide, how intelligent and how you
shall be called. As I explained in the very recent past hours, you decide to be in Spain
for 30 years, your clothes has been there, and you learned everything to be Spanish.
You move and you start as a child in Brazil, and understand how do the Portuguese
think, maybe for 50, 60 or 100 years, and change the frock and become an African. If
you understood the work of these Cups, as I explained today, the physicality of the
man will change dimension, but the Soul of the man will never die, until the point he
decides to become a passenger of the Universe, or give to the others as he has had the
time of pleasure of existence. I am the Creator. Then I decide what to create with
what I have, with what I give. and how we'll create, (1:50). beautiful pasture for the
rest of the souls the Creator.

Please play the video of One Cup made around the world by flags.
Keshe: (speaks in background but hard to hear )** would you make those who
suffer or those who we allow These are all, Cup of souls, and you use it to save
your Soul. Are you ready to give it away, to which nationality to which ** (1:52). ..
Have you created it with a pure Soul, with clear Soul, that when you receive by the
other, it doesn't become a virus to its physicality
(1:56). (1:58). END of video.

We have seen no flags of Vatican, and we shall see no flags of Vatican with these
Cups, because we have terminated the terms of Christianity. The Saudis appear of the
nation, the same as the Iranians, and in that sense the terms have terminated. (2:00).
Just think, how many Cups you should make, you would like to make, and when you
make these Cups, do you remember what I said to you from day 1, pray for your
systems, give from your Soul. Now you understand the Cup you have made, has made
a Soul of itself. Let's see if you become the virus to it. or you become the feeder to it,
when you gift it to another.
Any other question.
Q: Do we combine the Gans together and then drink the waters after washing, or what
is the ratio of the waters, that we should mix from (the CuO), or the Cup of Man for
correct feeding. (not CuO, rather it was Cup of Man). So the question is what is the
ratio of the waters we should mix from the Cup of Man for correct feeding? (2:02).
Rick: or is that misunderstood, perhaps.
Keshe: I said, would you to be black/blue eyes, and half green face, and be partly
Martian and the other part to be from wherever. These questions should not be asked,
it means you have not understood. It means you're still physical.
Q: Can I ask a question? Keshe: Anybody can ask a question, it depends if Rick
wants to answer or not. Carry on.
Q; You have given the beauty to 2 women, to the feminine, is the masculine, the male,
not ready? Keshe: (silence) I will let you think a little bit about what you asked,
(2:04). then repeat yourself, and see what you think yourself, about what you asked.
Q: I think the male has been in position where they have been dominant .. Keshe:
Thinking they were dominant. Q: Thinking they were dominant, yeah. Keshe: They
have never been (dominant). Q: So we are not ready? Keshe: It's not you look at it
again from the physical dimension. From the Soul dimension, you still need of the
two, to be slightly different, that the interaction of the two creates the Soul of the
Universe. Two balanced things do not have anything to give, nothing to share. A
slight difference in each allows interaction, and that interaction leads to creation of
you. Now which one of the two do you want to call the female, or which one the
male. And or which part of the emotion, that the other one doesn't have will be needed
by the other, which triggers the interaction of the balance ** We created the "Mother
of the Universe" in these two souls. Soon you will understand. (2:06). There was a
need to breath or give a fresh breath of life to the whole of the Universe, not just to
the planet. And we choose the Earth. You will see the pattern change in the universal,
and many Cosmologists will tell you the change in the structure of the compass, in the
coming time. The whole Universe needed restructuring, from the beginning, and this
brought it. As I said, from the beginning time when we (started) talking, I said when
we teach and we do, it is not just for the humans, it's for the whole of the Universe.
Everyone in the Universe has been waiting for that change, for it to bring balance and
peace in every order. The name of the two will never be released, and no man will
ever know. But the 2 know each other, clearly. It was a gift we have and we ** The
teachings of today will be written for thousands of years across the Universe, (2:08).
** not for mankind. It's not anymore coming down from the mountain with what, "I
want to deliver." It came from the Universe, I gave the two. At the same time for all,
not just destroying what was not suited.
Any other question?
Q: How do you "do good, talk good, and act good," when being attacked by religions
itself? Keshe: They don't exist anymore, what is your ** Listen to what I said, in the
Farsi teaching in a very direct way and in other teachings, no religious leader will
accept the new change, because if they do it is the end of their own abuse, and
termination of their term. (2:10). So they all have to fight it, and deny it, but this time
we take the souls away from them. You have seen, how so easily, within 2 weeks we
shut all the Churches. And do you think that people will forget. in a way, I lost my
son, I could not even bring him to the Church to get a blessing to bury, or my father to
the Mosque. They are all shut, the house of what they call, the God, or what I call, the
temples of statue-less abuse. We can trust those who are there in the time of need, and
don't run away, .. closed the doors on humanity in the time of need, ** statue. Do you
remember people used to flock to the church, and they used to closed the doors of the
Church and Mosque, and they were safe. But this time they run away out of it,
because if you try to ** in there, if you got a virus in one, the whole lot are dead. You
don't even trust your own Soul. But you don't need to walk into a problem, stay away
from it, (2:12). don't bring it home. The religious leaders will object to everything
(we do), but ask one question, where were you, when the Corona came? I said in a
couple of teachings, across from where I stand now, I am looking at it now, there is a
very big church, with a big cross on it, and it used to be lit every night and day.
Strange enough it used to make noise every quarter of an hour. The cross is about 20
or 30 meters high. and it used to be lit, the past 2 weeks it has not been lit. The god
is gone and he has taken his light with him. In a way, they don't call so often, because
what do they call, because the doors are closed, .. I think they realized that, they are
not there to give, so we had better go. (2:14). When we moved into this place, I had a
huge problem with Caroline, she said, I don't want to live near a church, every half an
hour and hour, there is a noise. Now she got her wish, the church shuts itself because
there is no one to go. It still makes a few bits and bumps, but the every 15 minutes
ritual is gone. Why do I call you to meet when I am shutting all the doors. You'll find
out the same will be with militaries, they will shut down, because as I said, it's like
what can you do, the soldiers are not prepared to go out. In China, if they didn't go out
to kill people who came out (of their houses), it was very straight forward. You follow
the orders and you shoot those who come out to infect the others. It got to the point
that some soldiers thought for them to be shot, then shooting others. What we said in
Wuhan city, now there are hundreds of recordings of it. When they opened the city,
and the apartments and houses that they locked, how many do we see dead. The
whole family, and don't forget as I said before, a Chinese family nowadays is only 3,
and they took the whole family. (2:16). There is no sign of the culture, centuries of
knowledge, which was gathered and to be handed down from father to son. The
leaders wiped out the ** the beauty of it is. ?** The leaders of the world
abandoned their citizens, and so did the religious leaders. They all abandoned
everyone. The German Chancellor is house locked. By international law, when the
leader is incapable to do his duty and be available to his nation, he has to step down,
The problem is, we can't run elections when the leaders dies. We can't run election to
choose the leader, because we can't go anywhere to even to campaign, unless you do
it on the Internet, and then vote ** that's everything they done to us before. So as you
see the humanity is running itself into the ground with all the laws and systems made.
China will lie to its citizens, and they thought it is gone. Now we are going to loose
many Chinese with the new virus. The new version, mutation of Corona, and they will
not report it. As I said before, the only way you will know the real number, (2:18). of
people who have died through Corona, is when, and if, and how the election comes,
and then you count the number of people who are eligible to vote. Then you'll see,
because you can check the votes. They can't put the dead people on. They did that in
Iran a couple of elections, to cheat, and they have done that in America. But you'll
understand the true figure of how many were lost to Corona. Watch on the 7 digits
from the end Watch the last 7 digits. In, let's say, 10 or 15 years, if the mankind
doesn't mature to be able to create children of the Soul, and still carries on with
creation of children of physicality, we will see the figures will go to about 10 to 15
billion, may be more. Mankind now has a choice to create children of Soul, or
children of physicality. There are very few races that have that opportunity. But don't
forget, there is a lot to learn before you mature to that point. (2:20).
Any other questions?

As I said before, you thought you have been shocked by the teachings of the Keshe
Foundation in the past 15 years. I think you'll have your biggest shock .. and at the
same time you'll have your biggest education.

Mrs. Mohammadi (Mohammadi) asks question in Persian? Yes Mohammadi, the

savior of the Iranian nation from the Coronavirus. What she is asking Mohammadi
is a master in English, don't take it, she knows what she is talking about. (2:22). She
understands, in so many ways, she says, when we are in love with the Creator, and we
feel the Creator is in pain, what can we do to release Him from His pain? This is part
of the process of the creation. We suffer with our children and then we enjoy their
achievements, that is all that it is. This is the natural process in the Universe. Not
much can be done. As we say in Farsi be good children that is all the parents
expect. .. (2:24). Mohammadi literally works around the clock. She has gathered all
the Iranian team, and we haven't found out when she sleep, yet, or if she doesn't go,
and how she gets to be involved in everything. A lot of people don't like it. But she
has managed to change the course of 1,400 years of Iranian culture. As I said before,
in Iranian culture, women are supposed to be around the house, and she has become
the woman who is running Iran at the moment. She is doing more than the Ministry of
Health, she is saving more lives then anybody has done in Iran with her team, and if I
tell you what she has been up to in the past 24 hours. It will shock you. Mohammadi
how many breathing systems have you made to be delivered to the hospital today, in
the past 24 hours, yourself and your team. She literally sits with a team that makes a
150 breathing systems, as the Keshe Foundation has now been given a hospital with
full supervision of the Iranian government, to see how we changed the position of the
hospital without them, we deliver the breathing systems, (2:26). and the Cups,
syringes. When I sent her the message, she sent back, ha, ha, this is no problem it will
be ready, don't worry about it. I thought, oh, somebody is doing it, then I found out,
that she is actually with the whole team up all night to make sure all of it is ready.
Interestingly enough, they have achieved a lot. Everyday the Iranian team delivers,
even when they found out what has to be done, they don't tell us. They just make
Cups, and give Cups. Thousands and thousands of Iranians are receiving Cups to save
their lives, freely from, the man off the street. I have an emergency case 2 or 3 nights
ago, at 5 AM. Five families got hit, all, the grandmother, the children, the
grandchildren and all the uncles. It was literally one generation of the whole thing.
One of the boys was isolated and the wife was already infected. I called and said,
what time is it, Mohammadi, about 2 AM, European time 4:30 AM, I said to her, I
need 5 Cups to be reached, I received a request, and I want some Gans water until
they can make it themselves. And immediately, it was delivered by courier, and the
funny thing is, that as the help came from outside Iran, the numbers were back to
front, they managed to understand that it was translation conversion, and they
delivered. (2:28). We found out the man, the husband with 2 children was isolated in
the back room. The doctors said they could not do anything for him, he was fully
infected and the chest was already calcified. A child of 5 and a half, a young wife of
about 28, and he was waiting to die because they could see no solution. All the
brothers and uncles living with them above on the next floor, were all infected. The
minute the Cup got there, within seconds, I didn't need to call, it's just there, and I
called, "how did you know?" I said, I don't need to know, I live within your Soul, I
feel your pain. He said, it's here, I haven't even opened the package, we just ran **
above. I spent maybe 2 hours with the family. I said, we'll isolate the first one, and
let's see how we can save the life. I said, what to do with him, until lunch time, or
dinner time, when he can go through it. He said, I can breath now. I don't know what
is in this water, but I can breath. I said, to him, I want to ask you one question, I said,
if you have been in this condition for nearly 10 days, and they isolated you until you
die, breath there is nothing they can do, until they run out of breath, and oxygen, then
they take them to the hospital for the last day or 2. They give them oxygen until they
die. That is all they can do. (2:30). He said, my coughing has stopped, my
temperature is gone, now I can breath, and that's good, I can speak out again, I can
hold my children. He was so happy. If you are an Iranian father, you know how
precious your children are to you. It can't be explained, it is something in the Iranian
culture. They are your life, and when you don't touch them, you loose life. I said, I
want to ask you something, have felt any pain, anywhere else then your coughing. He
said, I have a pain. I said, have you had any pain in your testicles? He said, for the
past week, but I didn't want to say, I thought it was impolite. I said, you got ** white
all the way through. I got up to make Cup #2, immediately, it was made within a
couple of hours, I taught them how to speed it up, and we wrapped him for 3 hours
and then 6 hours in Cup of Life 2. When I called back, he said, you know something,
it is the first time in nearly 10 days that I have no pain in my kidneys. I said, what do
you mean? He said, my kidneys were killing me, and now I have no more pain. I live
without the pain. We went through the whole process, then I said, we want to
understand what is happening in the whole family, because we isolated you. Now we
know you are on the path (of recovery). They sprayed the wife, and they gave the
water from Cup of Life #1 to the whole family and they sprayed. (2:32). The wife
said, I have a pain in my chest, and my right ear and head, it's burning, and we knew,
that the family would have lost the father and the mother. We started the process and
hopefully by today .. One fast movement by Mohammadi working months before,
making things ready, they have 1 to 200 Cups ready that they can go out with, but
they never know, they made the breathing systems, they just give the Cups, but when
people have a problem with breathing they send a breathing system with it. We have
saved a family, most probably 2 children if they survive the Corona, instead of
memories of the mother and father, where now they have the actual father and mother
and grandmother. This is the difference, and this is where humanity comes in. If you
see, from where I sit, many times, I sit there, this is what I do, as a backup team, I
pickup a few here and there, when I see. Even the doctors are struggling, or they don't
go into the main Chat Room. They send me a private message, and they get picked
up. I do what is possible, what they are doing. We have saved many lives in Iran in
the past 2 weeks, and thanks to Mohammadi. We just advise, she delivers everything.
We had an opportunity in one hospital, which came through one of the key members
of the Keshe Foundation, (2:34). and we took it up. The doctor, he has tried the Gans
on an old lady, and the oxygen in the blood went up, and he said, I want to use it, I
can't so anything else. When I spoke to him, he said, you know Mr. Keshe, I am a
doctor to help, the only thing is, they can take my license away, at least I save a life. I
want to do it. That doctor and hospital now has become the center for the Iranian
nation for ** Corona. We are all in it. It is totally blocked, but the Keshe Foundation
can deliver, we are allowed to go in, and now we can see what happens. We have
cases improving, the government sees the work, they are monitoring it. The work of
Mohammadi and the diligence of the Knowledge Seekers in Iran trying to help, has
paid off to save a lot of lives. Because these 120 people in this hospital, it was very
strange, when I spoke with the doctor the very first time, he said, all my beds are full
with Corona, I have no room, and we have 100 people outside, because we can't allow
them in. We send them home, they can keep themselves in the house. When they
started it, we gave them the procedure to do it. We have videos of it. Yesterday, I
noticed that there where 3 or 4 beds empty, it means they have discharged all of the
patients. Now they are calling the outpatients, the ones who are dying at home more
or less, they call them in, (2:36). and give them part of the Gans that we gave to
them. Now they call them in and give them the Cup of Life and everything they need
to the whole family. Now we are not just saving one man, we are saving the whole
family. This is how the registry of Corona will be written in Iran. ** We have 2,
actually 3 women who are serving relentlessly. Now the Sepah, and Iran's central
government, and the office of the Ayatollah, the Military, the Health Ministry, are
focusing to see what is the result, because now they are controlling everything, and in
this environment in the next few days, and if succesStar Formationul, now it will
become a success city of defeating Corona, up to ** This is how we'll respond, the
whole of the Keshe Foundation doctors, the support team fought this way,
relentlessly. People start coming into the Chat recently, they send messages to all the
support team. All of you need to setup this up (in your countries). Unfortunately, the
Iranians don't speak French, German, Spanish, Pilipino, of South African. You have
to set this up the way we Iranians have done, or as suggested to the Iranian
government, we set up the Sepah, and we deliver full Technology, (2:38). into the
hands of the (nations). As I said, you put sanctions on us, and we give you our love
and care. We never closed our doors, it is not the tradition with the Iranians. We are
very hospitable people. We love and worship our guests. Now as I said before, as the
world and you are our guest, ** In so many ways, we'll deliver the solution, and with
the solution we'll find a new way of living, at least for the Iranian nation. Then it
depends, on how the ** others will follow.
Any other question?
Mohammadi speaks with Knowledge in Farsi .

.. We are talking about the culture of Iran. In Iran because the Keshe Foundation team
is so succesStar Formationul in delivering, the Israelis, British, and Americans have
now started the game, that the Keshe Foundation is only looking after the people in
Tehran and Farsi speaking. This is the way it is, because we opened the hand of the
people who created division, in the Iranian talk on Monday, and now they see that we
have become so succesStar Formationul, that they have started the rumors in Iran that
the Keshe Foundation, (2:44). doesn't help the Arabs, Kurds, and the rest. The worst
thing to this, actually is, with the request of the Keshe Foundation Arab speaking
Universal Council member, she has for every nation, Arab speaking, and Arabs, and
the Iraqis in Iraq, requested that a Kurdish language Keshe Foundation Corona team
be established. We are supporting in every language. We are requesting the
Knowledge Seekers ** to do. So these people, now seeing the success of the (Keshe
Foundation), actually seeing and exposed the way. Now they have come up with a
tactic to create a division. This is very typical in Iran, they start the rumors that these
are Bahai's, or supporters of this and that, when they see success, because they get
paid for it. So now, I told the Knowledge Seekers in Iran, to ask them to show us your
bank account in Tel Aviv, Washington, and London. Because you have to understand,
we are controlling the number of people who are (from getting) ill. We don't even
need to give them, they are making the Cups themselves. It is amazing how many
women are doing it in Iran. Because you have to understand the reason, in a way,
because in the Iranian present position, due to the defense of the territory of Iran,
every Iranian male has to go to the military to defend the territory. I wish this will
come off. During the Shah's regime we were safeguarded ** and spending on
developing and educating people, but now they have to stay in the Army for ** to
protect the border. (2:46).

The other side of the world, they brought the border to our border and say, they (we)
are trying to fight, but it is very interesting, there is the map of Iran, and there are so
many American bases around it, and they say that Iran has come to fight. You come
20,000 kilometers to put bases (around Iran), then who is wanting to fight. These
people, now that they have seen the success, are trying to split the Keshe Foundation,
that they are only looking after the Farsi speaking this and that, which is just another
way. Like the guy who went to the UN and said, "get rid of Israel and the rest of it,"
when in fact, he went and collected his check from the Israelis, for his bank account.
Nobody betrayed Iran as much as Ahmadinnejad. Now we exposed him in the talks in
the last few days in Iran. And now again the Israelis coming into operation to now
directly attack the Keshe Foundation for the help we are giving to the nation. In the
process of the laymen going to be under arms, the ** in Iran has had the opportunity
to educate women, because they can't bare arms, or go in the military. So men train in
(the army) and woman go to university. So 70% of the educated and graduated
doctors in Iran are females. They are all engineers, and now we see it, in the Chats.
All the people who are making the Cups, it is shocking, when you speak to them, **
they say I made the Cup. We are used to the men asking how to connect the Cups, the
Europeans, Chinese, but the Iranian women all being educated as engineers and
technicians, they are making it themselves ** everybody else. (2:48). And it is
gorgeous when you talk to them, they know everything scientifically what they are
doing, and they just ask, 'can I do this or that'. It's a pleasure to work with them.

Now they have come to split the Keshe Foundation. When some organizations try to
split (you up), it means you have become powerful. You have made a wave, you have
created a condition. As Mohammadi was telling us, they have started these rumors
that we are not helping the Kurds and Arabs. We are all Iranians within this planet
and just within the territory of Iran. As I said, recently we received a call from an
Iranian family in US, and immediately we responded. We are receiving calls from
Iranians in Europe and immediately we respond. they come to the Iranian Chat. Some
of them don't even read Farsi, they were taught by their grandma, in broken Farsi
alphabet, and you have to guess what they say. I have had 2 or 3 of them and I try to
read to them, but hey say, I don't write Farsi. Because the carry a Farsi name they are
Iranians, it doesn't matter where they are we cover them, Canada England, US. You
will see this, that what comes up in the next 2 or 3 days. Hopefully, the Iranian **
officials will release the Keshe Foundation technology as one of the alternative, not
the only one, then when we reach the world, we'll solve these problems for your

Because, once the Iranian officials announce that they have achieved this, (2:50). to
go through this condition (of Coronavirus), then the rest of the world will be informed
and it will spread rapidly. We have done so much, Mohammadi and the Iranian team
have done so much, now the Iranian government is to do "Due Diligence", in the next
5 days, most probably 7 days. They are doing the "due diligence", on all the cases that
we have submitted. Mrs. Mohammadi and the team, I think since last night they
haven't slept, because they are making the Cups and everything else. We are putting
all the files, we are asking all the Iranians who used it to send us their information to
give to the government. We are putting 30 to 40,000 cases, whatever we can, sending
them to the government. We already have the hospital. We are doing all the
groundwork for you across the world. We will bring the technology out. There is no
alternative. And the Iranian office of his Eminence Ayatollah Knowledge, the Iranian
leadership, and the Sepah, and the heads of the forces. Now at the moment, as of
yesterday, we have gone through what we call, "Due Diligence." They want to see
case by case what it is, and they'll call every single one to confirm it. Once the due
diligence is done, the Iranian government will announce, and then I will return to Iran,
and then we'll give it to the rest of the world.
The European nations are in turmoil, so are Africans, and leadership needs to be
taken. The Chinese have stepped down because it became an embarrassment to them
to say, that they stole the Technology, but the Chinese will back Iran, and Iran will
lead the Corona fight across the world. (2:52). We'll take it to the next step. The
Corona will be for us, as I said, the way to enter into deep space travel, and opening
of the new dimension in the new science and Technology, because there is no need for
war. We can't put 30 to 50 million elite educated scientists around the world, who
have been designers of arms and sophisticated communication systems, on the street.
We give them a job, that is, to take man into space. Change the direction, and then we
see rapid development. Space and spaceship development in the next 12 months, if we
go through this phase of due diligence with the Iranian government, in the next 3
days. The Iranian government has given the scientists and military until next Friday,
to clarify the position, and especially in regards the Keshe Foundation Technology.
We need to know. By next Friday, or maybe sooner. If the wish doesn't go
accordingly, due to the pull of the governments outside of Iran, which we think, some
of the leaders have already opened an American bank account. In the interests of the
Iranian nation, we will go national and then international. Then all these budgets of
warfare, will be used for peace. And all these scientists, can you imagine, all these
guys, who come up with all these rockets and now we tell them to measure the fields
of such and such a planet, and how we can there, and this and that. We have all the
systems, it has just been used for the wrong purpose, and with this, the end of the
wars, as we said, we'll change it to the right way. (2:54). Then we'll see, in the next 7
days, the decision by the Iranians Central Office of the decision of Ayatollah
Knowledge, will change the course of humanity. You will see it. You have no answer
in Italy, Germany or US. The only answer you found in America was to buy guns. I
wonder how many of you will melt them? I wonder how many of us will destroy our
war museums, because we don't our children and grandchildren to see what we have
done to ourselves. And the war museums were the place we took them to look at that,
the submarines, and the B-52. Would we close the war museums, which is the
shameful part of the life of the man. I think it is not very far. Just let us go through the
Due Diligence by the Iranian forces, and government, and then we'll see. Unless we
get blocked due to certain positions, we know we already have seen it, and
Mohammadi has told us that the Israelis have come into Iran and are spreading these
rumors, with American bank accounts, and it comes from 2 offices, because you have
to understand, these people have to answer, why a nation which is so loving, so
caring, a nation who brought the Jews and Christians to Iran and gave them a city of
their own, has to be the nation which Ahmadinnejad is going to destroy the nation we
built for them. It doesn't fit into the mentality of the Iranians, (2:56). unless you have
been paid to do so. If you remember, I said, Ahmadinnejad used to come on the
podium of the UN, all the members of the UN used to walk out, because it was
agreed, that this was a rehearsal program. Well rehearsed, I come and you go. The
bank account check should be on the table when I come out. Because the Arabs and
the Palestinians, some suffered, and the leaders in other nations bought arms. The
commission collected, was the arms sold to them. That's why they were paid. Some
people go and sell arms, and some people incite wars and get paid for it, and ** It's
very clear. Now you understand how you were made to hate the Iranians, because
they were paid to ** Iranians ** to do so, and the Americans. Now we open a new

Q: .. When you talk about making the 2 Cups we should not make the 2 last (end)
ones spiral because if we Keshe: No, no I did not say anything. You make it
yourself. This is .. Q: No you said, don't do it because if your Soul is not ready ?
Keshe: That is your decision, not mine. Q: Okay I want to know that's not my
question, Keshe: I am not going to answer and I told the team, what whole of you,
never answer anybody of you, (2:58). ask a question about a spiral, flat, whatever,
and whenever. From now on it depends on you.

Q:.. my question is not about this, can I explain? Keshe: Yes. Q: when you talk about
this. I was told to go to India for a program, and before I go I was told I have to
practice certain sadhana (spiritual practices), I have to do it for 3 hours a day in the
morning and 1 hour in the evening. Twice I was on 2 months with no meat or dairy,
they said if you don't ** contaminate your body it's a bad program, you actually can
destroy your physicality and your Soul can get damaged. It seems your body has to be
ready, physically aligned, and your Soul has to be aligned, that when you take that,
whatever you make, so that you can elevate. If you are not you can damage? Keshe:
It's not damaged, it's ** can you reach the maturity of your Soul. That's what it means,
it's no damage, it means, by doing so, would you reach, would you allow your Soul to
reach your maturity. It's not penalty, those times are gone. You have to decide, are
you ready, or would your Soul be able to accept the cycle. Q: Thank you, I got it.
Keshe: ** to explain things to Alzar. Iranian women are not easy to easy to satiStar
Formationy with the knowledge, but once they understand, they run with it. (3:00).

Any other question?


muscle tissue mutation

Keshe: Where are you from and where do you live? I am from Iran but I live in
Cyprus. Oh the beautiful island
speak in Farsi ..
info @keshefoundatoin
(3:16). Keshe: I'll just briefly to tell you what has happened.

Any other question
Q: Meridith Iran .. (she is locked down in Paris)
.. You said that in the Universe there were some travelers, which came and (3:20).
made ** hurt the race of people of the Earth, that the need of these people, that aid is
coming for us. I wanted to know is that ** quantity of time that they said this should
happen on the Earth, or the quality of ** that make the time being sooner or later
Keshe: I think that time has arrived. Q: How about the people who came and told
about the suffering of people ** prophets or scientists? Keshe: We, as Rick read the
paper about the station of scientists. The problem with the man is, he has 2
weaknesses. One is the physical weakness, and one is psychological weakness. The
physical weakness leads to his demise, and psychological or emotional weakness
leads him to any path of belief, to support, to confirm that he exists. We call it,
religion. Once man becomes strong in understanding the process of the 2 is the same,
man will become strong enough to be able to live across the Universe. Up to now
there was no way, we could separate man from the problems of his birthplace,




.. We received a threat from Mr. Gates in a very direct way, we have the recording.
That we are going to report you to Mr. Gates, we're going to shut you down. We are
going to stop all your activities in the country. Why, and organization like Keshe
Foundation, who is there to do. Because Gates has paid everybody, he has paid all the
bosses. And he is a senor banker. We'll release his name and details, and then you'll
understand. Gates is making threats to everyone, because he is positioning himself to
become a world leader. When we tell you things, it is not just to talk.

Stephanie do you want to talk. How are you feeling now? S- I am feeling much
better. Keshe: Do you still carry the pain? S-


S- I have a friend she is a nurse in hospital, they have a lot of deaths ..

.. The funny thing is the German law now, (3:42). not more than 2 people can be
together at a time. What happens when you want to go see the uncle, do you leave the
children at home?

S- They can't keep up with the burning of the body.
.. I think at the Soul level people are getting together, .. Keshe: I think this unity will,
(3:46). come internationally. .. Because the Chinese created a false sense of security
and it is going to bite them very heavily. They are trying to show it. But in the west
we can't hide it. I think in Europe they're saying 10% of the total. I think in Iran the
officials are saying 1.3 million Iranians will die. they estimate 800,000 to 1.3
million. We are working with some European nations that we are succesStar
Formationul, and we'll carry on the same collaboration with Iran through. Then we'll
take to Germany and France, Italy and the rest of it. Q: Caroline I have a question.
(3:48). There are so many people getting demised, so called cleared but that is a
false image isn't it. Keshe: Cleared by whom, what? Q: Cleared from the hospitals
that they have no more symptoms. Keshe: They did that in China. .. But in Iran when
they go home they do so with a bottle of Gans and a Cup of Life. This is the beauty
now we started in this trial in Iran. Because now you know that they'll never come
back. Q: But my point is that the people who are getting cleared

.. There is a very tricky point with this virus ..

you give it back to me in a worse way. (3:50). This is how the virus is mutating

You have to support the body with high energy .. not sugar ..
it goes the whole neural system ..
.. This virus is taking its toll
.. fry the date and add egg to it. That is one of the most

. When you take the CuO, you should not taste the salt, if you taste it, it irritates the
throat and you keep on coughing. It's just to be one or two drops inside (this is for
protocol and you add salt to the water only 1 or 2 drops), that you don't taste the salt.
If you haven't washed your Gans's thoroughly, that it has some salt in it, don't touch it,
the water has to be sweet. You put in, it has to be the water you drink. Then you'll
find many of you, because these Gans's are very strong, very strong, energy wise,
you'll feel the irritation in your throat, or in your lungs. Take cooling foods. In Iran we
have certain flower seeds they use. The Chinese do the same. You need something
cooling to reduce the pressure, and you'll see the whole thing gone, the coughing gone
and everything else goes. But you can't stop the process until the pains are gone, then
you follow the process for a few hours afterwards. Then you step down to once or
twice a day, and you keep on testing yourself. We see the Corona now, something like
4 to 5 weeks ahead of what you see, and the press covers, and the government covers,


(4:04). about vaccines

about history of flying car and etc..



Try to take as much Gans water as you can in small sips, so you body can absorb

Any other question. Let's call it a day. Thank you very much for today. Please if you
have had experiences with Corona record it and give to Iranians

(4:22). .. Q: I have known the Technology for the past 4 years, and started using it
with my son with hyperactivity.

.. My question is, (4:24). you have said not to use dynamic reactors. .

.. In the next step, if we do not see the changes


.. Follow to the rules of the law. .. I hope we have a better news for next week. If we
get approval we'll have an emergency meeting ..
Video of Cups and Keshe Foundation Flag ..


322nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, April 2, 2020

* Coronavirus solved by Iran,
Corona mutation leads to massive Cancer.
Elevation of Soul by Cup of Man worldwide.
Chinese curb Coronavirus with technology call their own, Iran cleans hospital and
city of virus and no new patients coming in, First government to recognize Keshe
Foundation, Iran will test data and expect national announcement in respect to Keshe
Foundation, Death toll reducing due to technology, Iran and Sepah to deliver
technology to world, Official paper to be published confirming technology, Iranian
nation used as a clinical trail, Iran offers to clean USS Roosevelt of virus, Iranian
Military with Keshe Foundation Austria offers help to Europe, Ayatollah Khamenei
allows technology to spread, If rejected go straight to governors, From Corona to
space technology collaboration among all nations, On this planet all cells contain
energy of Ca at their centers, Virus changes Ca energy into Ca matter state, Cup 1
prevents virus from converting Ca to solid state, New Protocols will be released to
handle calcification, Expect massive increase in cancers in organs from this
calcification, Depopulation will come from secondary cancers, Losses expected in
China 200 to 500 million, Corona causes cancers to develop over entire body at the
same time, Decalcification programs need to be run by governments, If we don't clean
up every time virus hits cancers come after, First series of cancers has already seen in
China, Viruses up to now were only energy packages this is first time it has managed
to bridge position around cell and creates its own physical body with DNA and
become "Virus Parasite," Virus can take over whole human body, Keshe Foundation
has experience with Lady's body calcifying itself, Strong Warning to Knowledge
Seekers not to overlook damage from Coronavirus, Corona doesn't go away when
pain gone, Six different mutations of Corona calcifying in whole body, Only place
with fever or temperature are the lungs, White marks on fingernails, Cup 1 for lungs
and brain, Cup 2 for rest of body, Massive pain in brain is from interaction of the 2
different souls, Gans increases oxygen level in blood never been done before, Repeat
New Protocol after a week, Virus is capable replicate and connect to all of the
different types of Ca in the body brain/ nails/ bone/ blood/ etc, It must be building a
storage bank of RNA conversions to DNA, The Cup of Life (Cup of Life)
continuously produces Gans, Throw the Water from Cup of Life on the streets cars
will pick it up and spread it and it will continuously disinfect the whole city and the
country, Need to spread the Water for at least a year, Knowledge Seekers have to
clean their cities and country, Bridges of peace through the thoughts of our enemies,
Keshe Foundation deeply embedded in Iranian lifestyle, Videos of Iranians
Knowledge Seekers cleaning streets themselves, Gans Water doesn't go away even
after drying continues to disinfect, The rains spread it more, If Governments don't
follow procedures hospital will fill with cancers, The only losers are the
Pharmaceuticals and Gates Foundation and planned vaccinations, We are waiting for
Iranian leaders to make the official announcement, You can spray everywhere with
small bottles, Forecasts for future, Massive losses in China unless they start teaching,
China thought they have eradicated it but seeped into the other organs, China has to
go back to openness about where the technology comes from, By stealing technology
they have taken a Trojan into their blood, Thieves can only show to other thieves,
China cleaned up with technology and are opening their cities, Iran proudly shows
and shares the technology, China secretly sharing the technology with Malaysia, Iran
announced that it has reached a new technology on national TV, It's up to you to
follow the Protocols, Adding Gans Water to City water circulation, White Gans Cu in
Cup Life aggression will go from the nations, Spreading Cups across planet will
create "Dome of Peace" like during Caribbean hurricane, Your MaGravs and sewage
system become the spreaders of the fields of Gans across the planet, What is done on
earth will effect rest of universe, Shameful behavior from White House threatening
attack on Iran, Still Iran offers to help American soldiers, Obama and "5 plus 1"
treaty, Let the soldiers decide if they want help, Guarantees to free USS Roosevelt
from Corona in 7 days, Corona opportunity to forget past and stand united across
planet, Explains design of Cup and how it interacts with Ca seed, Not all the polarities
of the Nano material in same direction, Using a breathing device with Cup of Life,
and adding 2 drops of salt in Gans Water for special conditions, Sucking the energy
out of the virus like piglets to a mother pig, Fibromyalgia teaching, How to test for it
with 18 pressure points, If positive on 11 of 18 means you have it, Signs of abuse
while standing on feet, Exhaustion and depression from everyday body using energy
for the pain, There is a specific process for Fibromyalgia, not this one, Fibromyalgia
before puberty, Clinical Fatigue after puberty, Conditions come out of abuse, I have
done 10 years of study and have mastered it, Have to strengthen the Soul and emotion
to heal, After treatment won't stand for abuse anymore, Knowledge Seekers agrees
that Mr. Keshe has been right on everything he said, Teaches how plasma evolves
from fields, to plasma, to physic, chemistry, biology, Soul of the physicality, Soul of
the man, to Soul of Creator, and back to fields again, Man has reached 2 Six's in His
Structure but only the Head of Keshe Foundation and one other have been enlightened
by 2 seven's, Cups #1 and #2 elevate the Soul of the man and the physicality so we
can make a perfect man in the physical dimension, Three schools of thought Chinese,
Middle East, West -- all have to work together, Chinese say, "It's our right to steal" -
Iranians helping enemies, The condition for help - singing peace treaty between
armies across planet, Persians signed such a treaty 2,500 years ago with Romans,
Requests that the Africans join the Chat rooms to share knowledge, The salinity for
CM is up to you if you get it wrong you might end up looking like a different race,
Why woman is so beautiful, but "stupid", Man creates a Soul connected to himself
with the Cup of Man, Two hidden souls - Schizophrenic, We finished with
Coronavirus with Cups 1 and 2, We let you create a child, If we create 7 billion souls,
Each person has to do the Cup of Man himself, Having the virus is like falling in love,
Understand the teachings through the Soul of the man not the physical language, The
Soul of the man is the only elevator of the Soul of the physicality through the Soul of
the Cup of Man, Creation in a fish tank like womb of the mother, Teaching Chinese
man how to do, Meat eater vs. vegetarian, Conference in Tehran - still possible,
Medical tourism in Iran come for curing Coronavirus, Will announce soon that Iran is
open for international travel, Old Testament Passover, "Sacrificial Blood" over the
door is the same as Gans from Cup of Life, If you're afraid of viruses do not leave
Earth's atmosphere space is full of viruses, Understand how to deal with viruses and
the interaction of the Soul of the man with the Soul of the physicality that it doesn't
create an absorption or interaction with the fields you don't need, We need to feed
ourselves with the energy of the viruses, We don't make ourselves immune to viruses,
This is why we recover so fast from virus with Gans, I carry the knowledge - I have
no wishes, When asked for spiritual advice prayer meditation - "Who am I praying or
meditating to," You have to understand about the real life not the physical life then
Space will become a comfortable place, Many of the Universal Community are
energy packs or viruses that you can even fall in love with, A Knowledge Seekers
already created a brain in fish tank in Italy, When you understand how creation works
you won't become a god or a magician, Particles were formed in clear water it was
energy being converted to matter, First time scientist goes below nanometer to Pico
meter breakthrough by Iran, Trump needs war to keep military industry alive,
American bases surrounding Iran warned not to attack, Offers to convert US war
industry to space development and make huge leap in science, Iran has taken
superiority in handling Corona and holds out hand of peace to world, If rejected the
offer goes directly to save soldiers on USS Roosevelt and US governors, Chinese
Taoist groups find confirmation of Taoism in Keshe Foundation technology, Mr.
Keshe met many true Taoists in China and they understand Cup of Life, Taoists
understood real meaning of Cup of Man, The weaknesses and strengths in the Cups
are like Yin and Yang interacting with each other and gravitational and magnetical to
create balance, This is what we have with the Soul of the man and Soul of the
physicality, Strange that the Chinese military took it the wrong way, The Protocol
does not make any difference for a pregnant woman,

SUMMARY: Coronavirus: Solved by Iran

Mr. Keshe started the workshop saying, hopefully, today, as with all the times that
have passed before, we'll add to our knowledge in a different way, as the times are
different. Today, we'll concentrate on what we call, 'the topic of today,' and the

science that is needed for that time and that age. At the moment, as we are gripped in
this Coronavirus situation, every effort is being made by all the nations and in every
direction, for the scientific world to achieve, or understand the breakthrough. In this
process we are not the only ones working to find a solution, but one of many, and we
are doing, what is called in African language, 'our level best', to be able to help, at
least our Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) and many others as well.

Chinese Military Brought Out Technology as Their Own:

As you all are aware, we worked heavily with the Chinese government and
authorities. We gave them the Cup of Life (Cup of Life), and we explained it to them,
but after they tested it and saw the results, they took the technology back into their
Military, and then brought it out in a different way. They have managed to curb the
situation using the technology. However, if the Chinese authorities would have been
more open with us, together, we could have prevented many more deaths.

Iran has Cleaned One City and One Hospital of Virus:

The situation in Iran was quite the opposite, through the openness of the Iranians
towards the Keshe Foundation, we have been able to help many, and maybe we can
stop the suffering of many more. In so many ways, we are a few weeks ahead of the
others. In Iran, we have managed to totally clean one city and one hospital of the
virus. This morning, most probably for the first time, we hope, there will be no more
Corona patients in this hospital. The emergency room carries 10 beds and it was full
when we got there, but now, there is only one person left, who will probably leave
today or tomorrow. As far as we can see, we have lost no doctors or nurses, and no
personnel in that section of the hospital that was effected. It has been through the
support of Mrs. Mohammadi (Mohammadi) and the Keshe Foundation supporters in
Iran, that we have taken the illness into the outpatient level. This means that when
people come in to the hospital, they are first diagnosed and confirmed to be with
Coronavirus, and then they are given a Cup of Life and a bottle of Gans Water. The
doctors will also diagnose if it is an upper or lower infection, and then if they have a
lower infection, they will also be given the Cup of Life #2. The beauty with the new
way, is that, now they go home to live. Before when a patient was told to go home, it
literally meant, he would go home to die, and even if he recovered, the rest of the
family would get it. We saw this in Wuhan City, when the authorities opened the
buildings that were locked up, they found all the family members inside, dead. This
hospital in Iran is using and spreading the Cup of Life and the Gans water. Before, it
had over 100 patients locked down in their homes, infecting their families, and now
the whole family is getting help. As such, there are no more new patients coming to
the hospital.

First Government to Recognize Keshe Foundation:

Yesterday, ministers or officials announced on national television that this city is
clean. What we are telling you has already been released and they have mentioned the
name of the hospital and the city. So for the first time, the Keshe Foundation work has
been recognized by a government. At the same time, many more hospitals are going
under this same cover. In the coming days, we expect a national announcement by
government officials in respect to the Keshe Foundation technology. There is a close
collaboration between the Keshe Foundation, Mrs. Mohammadi, the Keshe
Foundation Iranian team, and the Iranian officials at the highest level. They are
gathering the data to confirm the outcome. If they are happy with the whole structure,
then shortly they will announce it as one of the alternatives that the government will
use for the nation. The beauty with this is that, everyone can help themselves in their
own house and then we can take it to new procedures. In Iran, the Protocols have been
changed, we go for more effectiveness, through rapid discharge of the virus from the
Iranian Government and Sepah will Deliver Technology to World:
In Iran, there are videos of individuals taking into their own hands, the job of washing
the streets and towns with the Gans Water, and the Knowledge Seekers in Iran have
seen the results. One of the Keshe Foundation Internet links to the public has passed
29,000 participants. We closed it for awhile, because it was too large to handle, but
now it has been reopened and it is estimated that it is reaching 1 million Iranians
across the nation, and many more. It has been said, that one of the reasons the death
tolls in Iran has been reduced, is due to the Keshe Foundation volunteer teams across
Iran. In the past, if you got infected, you really didn't have a choice, and usually you
died. But now the people who know they are infected and are locked down, they come
to the Keshe Foundation. They help themselves with the Cup of Life, and then they
make many more for their families and relatives. In this cycle, through the new
technology, we have taken the edge off of the top of the death rate. At the same time
we are seeing a rapid drop in the death rate. The Iranian government has not managed
to curb the growth of the virus, but even with this growth, there are no more deaths, as
such, or very few, compared to what we see in France, Germany, Italy and the rest.
The Iranian government officials will open the technology to all the governments
across the planet and it will be delivered through the military and the Sepah on
official levels to all the nations. The aim and work of the Keshe Foundation is to curb
the whole process of the Corona, and we expect to reach this by the end of April

Official Paper to be Published Confirming Technology:

In the next days, an official scientific paper will be published in Iran. This is the first
time ever, that the Keshe Foundation will receive full understanding and support, as
well as being peer reviewed by the leading Iranian scientists. It will go through the
whole scientific process of being ratified and confirmed. This paper will officially put
the technology of the Keshe Foundation on the map and it will be a major
breakthrough in the world of science. The Keshe Foundation team and the scientific
team have been working relentlessly, contacting and calling people across the nation
who have used the technology, to confirm that the nation is being used as a clinical
trial and has shown success.

The Nation Itself, as a Clinical Trial:

Normally, when you do clinical trials you have to go out and find patients (and
usually pay them), but this time, due to the effectiveness of the technology, the whole
nation is coming to the Keshe Foundation on its own. Data is being collected and
given to the ministers and officials, so that they can directly call the patients and get
direct first-hand knowledge of who they are, what happened, how they were treated.
Forms are also being filled in to confirm the results. In a way, the Iranian government
has used the nation, who volunteered themselves, using the Keshe foundation
technology as a national clinical trial. This has never, ever happened before. At the
same time, many Iranians who are living outside of Iran, have used the technology
through Iranian channels and are included in the trial. Additionally, in the past few
days, non-Iranians were also given the forms to fill in and return it to the officials in
Iran, to show that the technology is being used across this planet. For this reason,
Iranian military officials will take the lead in spreading the technology across the
planet, but we'll wait for the official announcement. Yesterday, two of the highest-
ranking scientists and officials have confirmed that Iran has reached a major new
scientific breakthrough. As Knowledge Seekers, we all know this knowledge is
already in your hands, and many of you across the planet are using it.

Iran Offers to Clean USS Roosevelt of Corona:

At the same time, we are in communication with the White House through the
officials and military advisors to the American government. This morning in direct
communication with American officials and Embassies, we have offered to clean the
USS Roosevelt and help of the 200 Corona patients on board. The offer was made in a
very direct way, the Iranian military will attend with all of its own equipment's on
board the USS Roosevelt to help the American soldiers. This offer has been officially
ratified, and we'll extend it to the American military across the planet. We are not
enemies anymore, we are friends, arm and arm against Coronavirus. We expect a
positive answer from the American administration and office of President Trump.
Lieutenant General Michael Flint has been approached by the Keshe Foundation as a
personal advisor to President Trump, for a direct decision by the White House. We are
very open in this case, as the Iranian military personnel will attend, and be available
to extend their help across to their colleagues onboard the USS Roosevelt, as many of
them could die if we do not help. There are 5,000 soldiers are onboard with 200
confirmed Coronavirus cases, and it can spread throughout the whole ship. "Within
seven days we'll return the nuclear base, what we call ship, back into the hands of the
Americans, cleaned of all viruses, no infections, and no personal being affected by the
Corona. "Open play play again."

Iranian Military with Keshe Foundation Austria Offers Help to Europe:

We will take the same procedure with the other nations. We have already informed
the administration of the Austrian government, that this technology will be offered to
the European nations, by Austria, through the Keshe Foundation Austria. In the next
few hours full support will be offered to the Prime Minister of Austria for all the
European nations. The tranStar Formationer of the technology will be done through
direct dialogue between the Enhancement Unit and Iranian military officials. As we
said, we all played a game, and now is the time, to benefit by the game we played for
the past 10 years, that is, the sharing the knowledge freely across this planet.

Gratitude to Ayatollah Khamenei for Allowing to Happen:

I would like to thank the office of his Excellency, and his Eminence, the Ayatollah
Khamenei of Iran, for allowing this to happen in Iran so openly. He has made it
possible for us to help the rest of the Iranian public as well as those beyond the
borders of Iran.
If Rejected Go Straight to Governors:
In due course, if we receive rejection from the White House, this technology will be
directly delivered to the Governors of Arizona, Florida, California, and Washington,
and to New York City. The decision will be given to the governor's of each state, as
they have the power to override their president, if he makes the wrong decision
through his own personal vendetta or feeling. The Iranian military and the Keshe
Foundation will stand solid behind the American nation and I will tranStar
Formationer the technology across.

From Corona to Space Technology Collaboration Among All Nations:

After this, the next step will be the development of the space technology, which will
be a collaboration between the Iranian government officials, and most probably the
Americans and the rest of the world. We need to build trust and friendship, and we
need to build, through Corona, a new direction, a new change for humanity. We have
asked for a direct, face-to-face meeting with American officials. within the next 24
hours, to discuss, how, step-by-step, we can build back trust and the friendship, be it
through helping American soldiers on USS Roosevelt and many other affected ships.
The Technology will bring peace, but the peace has to be understood, that it does not
become another step, for another animosity between nations racing towards new
knowledge. In so many ways, we have to understand more about how to build on, and
how to extend the new knowledge.

Future Problems Developing from the Virus:

A scientific paper will be released for general publication by Iranian officials on
behalf of the Keshe Foundation within the next days. It will clearly state, what the
Keshe Foundation sees as the way to handle the Coronavirus and how to overcome it,
and the future problems we foresee developing from virus. In the past, viruses were
only viruses, they came, they gave the flu, or they damaged, or killed, and they were
gone. This technology has a new effective way of handling viruses, so that we should
not loose around 1 million people every winter to flu epidemics. This is a solution to
another cycle, for long term problems from viruses. At the same time we have to
learn, that this new virus, according to the scientific paper that is to be published in
Iran, will explain something very drastic. If the governments do not understand, and if
they overlook the long-term processes and damages from this virus, we will have
many more deaths in the coming months and years, then actually, from what this virus
is doing today.

Virus Changes Ca Energy into Ca Matter State:

This virus, as I explained before, has very specific characteristics, which we've never
seen before on earth. However, in the span of the universe, we know how to handle it,
but for mankind this is unknown. In finding a cell, the virus attaches itself to it and
creates an interface with material, and the illusion of atmosphere. As we all know, at
the center of all cells on this planet, there is a calcium in the form of energy, and not
in the form of a solid. We have seen that this virus, in interacting with this energy, as
well as many other parts inside the cell, and has managed to change the energy of Ca
into a Ca cell. Understand that this virus energy, interacts on all levels with the cell,
and the strength it carries is so specific, and that strength is the salt of calcium, which
means it can change energy into matter state.

Cup 1 Prevents Virus from Converting Ca to Solid State:

This is why, in the first Corona pictures that the doctors saw, showed calcification of
the cells of the lungs. There are number of problems with this, that humanity has to
face. With the new technology of the Gans, which we provide, we encircle a new
dimension. In a way, this encirclement comes from the Gans that we've produced, that
in field strength interaction, we deplete the energy of the virus. In this process, we see
such interactions. As our system, due to Cup 1 is set, we protect, and create a link
with the energy of the calcium. In this process, we do not allow the virus to change
the calcium energy to the solid state.

Changing Protocols:
For this reason, a new protocol has been issued by the Keshe Foundation to the
Iranian doctors and to all those who use the technology. We are changing the
Protocol, so that we can change this virus for good. As we have said, every cell of the
man carries the seed of calcium, and we'll manage in one way another, to shrink the
energy of the virus, so that those who use the technology will survive.

Expect Massive Increase in Cancers in Organs from This Calcification:

But what will happen to the millions of people in China, across Europe, and America,
who do not go through this process of using the Gans to deplete the energy of the
what we call, the Corona, from this calcium? We expect a massive rise in cancer
across this planet in next three months to two years, due to calcification inside the
body. Because if the process of decalcification is not done, this calcium energy, which
carries the strength of the salt of the calcium, will stay in the body and get converted
into a salt in the tissues of the man. We'll see this happen in the lungs, brain,
intestines, liver, kidneys, testicles, ovaries, the womb, and the prostate. And we'll see
a massive increase in bone and in blood cancer.

Depopulation will Come from Secondary Cancers, Whole Body At Once:

If the Coronavirus takes from us a million, we will lose 20 million to cancers. In
China, we estimate that about 20 to 30 million have been infected and died. The
totally affected numbers may run into 50 million. We expect a massive death rate in
China, anywhere in that region of 150, 200 to 500 million Chinese will die of this
cancer. In Europe, we expect the same. Depopulation will not come through the
Coronavirus, but through the secondary cancers, which will be very aggressive, as the
seed of the Corona has already been set in massive numbers. Usually cancers start
with one or two cells, but now Corona has made a very large number of these cells.
We'll see accumulative and collective cancers across the body of a single person, in
the brain, lungs, kidneys, lymph and everywhere else. Because when you say, that you
have a pain in your body, it means that every cell has already been calcified, which
has to do with your nervous system, somewhere.

Decalcification Programs Need to be Run by Governments:

I have given warning to the Chinese government. I have also given warning to the
Iranian government and administration, but in Iran we'll run, what we call anti-
calcium, or decalcification programs in a very rapid way, in public teachings across
Internet and television. People will be able to a 3-day course, or a 3 hour session
twice, every week or 2, to totally decalcify the body. In a way, the energy will stay,
but the calcification will be removed. This knowledge is unique, and is in the hands of
the Iranian government and nation, and it will be set out in a new scientific paper that
will be published soon. On behalf of the Iranian Keshe Foundation, I would like to
thank the Military, Sepah, and collectively the Ministry of Health, and all the officials
from the office of his Eminence Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for their support and hard
work to be able to achieve this, and support the Iranian nation in such a rapid way.

First Cancers Already Seen in China:

This is how it sits for all of us, and if we don't clean it up, then every time this virus
hits, the cancers will come after it. The first series of cancers has already shown its
face in China. Because such a large number of cells have been effected, the body can't
decalcify itself fast and it goes in a nosedive. One of the ways to handle this virus will
be explained through the Iranian officials. In the past 2 or 3 days, doctors of the Keshe
Foundation have been writing about the whole process, including the new Protocols,
which will be part of this scientific paper. We can see now, that the Corona can be
with us for a long time.

Virus Creates New Body Within Itself, Becomes "Virus Parasite":

It's the first time, where we have a virus, that has access and strength at the level of
the physical part of the body of the man. All the viruses up to now were energy
packages, but for the first time, this virus has managed to bridge a very important
position around the cell of the man. What I am about to explain, I have already
explained to the Iranian officials. This is not scaremongering, rather it's to explain
something very real. The virus has managed to make access at the strength, at the
level of the Ca within itself, with the cell of the body of the man to create the
calcification. The biggest fear we see, which could be imminent, but we cannot put a
time on it, is that, if this process of interaction in the fields, within the structure of the
virus, leads to creation of the Ca within the virus itself. This means it will be
entrapped within a new physical body, and for the first time, RNA will be making its
own DNA. If this happens, what will be the consequences of this growth outside the
cell, and would it be a parasite, which we'll never be able to get rid of within the
human body. Would we change our life to the new dimension of, in fact, a cell from
the virus. Then what will this do? Will it become a parasite, a "virus parasite" inside
the body of those who are infected? Would the mankind have the knowledge and
technology to overcome it? It will be the first time known to man, that a virus has
changed itself into a physical entity. If you have understood and read, even the Book
#1, and understood fully from the interaction of the fields, such a creation of energy
and gravity point is possible, and is at the strength of the Ca, creation and change of
the virus to a cell on its own, within the structure of the body of the man, is a

Virus can Take Over Whole Human Body:

The problem with Corona, is that, it can become the "crown" over the whole human
body, and not just on the cells. This is a reality which we have to consider, because it
is for the first time we have seen this.

Keshe Foundation Has Experience with Lady's Body Calcifying:

We understand this process of the conversion of the Ca fully, because some time ago,
by accident, or by fate, or by the "Will of God," the Keshe Foundation had the
opportunity and ample time to understand the calcification within the body of the
man. What we are talking about is the reality, because we have already handled it, and
have seen the conversion to Ca and calcification in the body. If you remember some
years ago, we showed you a number of pictures of the lady whose body was
converting all the cells into Ca. So if we get into that position we have the
understanding of the process. In this lady's case we were dealing with the calcification
of the bone through the blood. Her body was changing everything into Ca. Looking at
the photos, do you see the fingers, the tips of the fingers, and especially the ones
facing you, we could see the bone, because the blood vessels were calcified, and no
blood was coming in, and the body was wasting. We have many videos where you
can see all the bones. It took 3 months to reverse and change the calcification in the
blood, to no calcification. We know what this virus will do to mankind. It will strip
the flesh from your bones and you'll have to watch it. This calcification through the
energy tranStar Formationer, and what we have seen with this virus, is very real. You
can't overlook it, nor ignore it, because many of us will start going through this
process in the coming months and years. In the coming days, we'll release a new
Protocol, that the Keshe Foundation supporters and Knowledge Seekers, and people
across the world can follow, so that we keep on changing these calcifications into the
normal energy of the cells.

Strong Warning to Knowledge Seekers Not to Overlook Damage from Virus:

When the Iranian Government releases the official papers, then we'll start building on
the true knowledge of how to divert and change this condition. Many of you
Knowledge Seekers, will not be here in the next few years, due to the damage of the
Coronavirus, which you overlooked. But when it touches you, you'll understand.
There is a process to reverse this, if need be, and when the time comes we'll release
the technology. But until that time comes, it is your responsibility to look after
yourselves. We have pictures of the bones in the fingers, if you want to see, a bone
sticking out without any flesh. It's never been done before. We know what will come
with this, I have seen it. If you want to see the horror of it, no problem, we have
10,000 pictures from this lady, and videos. Fortunately or unfortunately, she is Iranian
and is still alive. This photo of her hand, was taken last year in October, 2019. She
attended my father's funeral, that's why she is wearing black. We helped her in 2005
and 2006. The hospital in Belgium has the full detailed report on her. You can go and
ask them to look at all the videos, MRI's, and the rest of it, and the amputation and the
growth of the toe, and the amputation of the toe.

Six Different Mutations of Corona Calcifying in Whole Body:

You have to understand, that the Corona is not going to finish when your pain goes
away, or you survive it. That is the beginning of the long term pain and suffering to
come, if you do not look after yourself properly and regularly until we can eradicate
it. This virus has mutated and now I'll explain how much it has changed. Originally
the Corona appeared in the lungs with fever. This is the old and original Corona. Then
it appeared in the brain, then the kidneys, next the liver, next the stomach, then in the
intestines, and then in reproduction cells of the body. In the past weeks, we have seen
Corona appearing in the arms and legs. The only place it comes with a temperature is
in the lungs, and sometimes in the liver. In the past few days, we have seen Corona
creating white marks on the toes and fingernails, as it interacts with the Ca of the nails
and deepens it. In the past week or two, we have seen Corona with the pain in the
joints, as these are the points where bone marrow comes out, and every new cell has a
calcium as a seed, and automatically, it immediately calcifies, creating blockage and
pain. So in fact, Corona has shown its face in six different ways. However, the doctors
today only talk about the lungs, due to the ignorance of their knowledge.

Massive Pain in Brain from Interaction of Souls:

At the moment, we are handling Corona in the lungs and brain with Cup #1, and all
the other places with Cup #2, in a totally different manner. In cases of the kidney and
liver, when it's eradicated from the body, we see pain, massive pain in the brain, as
this is connected and adjacent to the heart. This pain comes from inside, and is the
interaction between the Soul of the man (Soul of the man) and the Soul of the
physicality (Soul of the physicality). Where the physicality confirms to the Soul of the
man, "I have survived," and he has to adjust himself, to accept the other part, that it is
not leaving. We understand the process. The people who had the brain Corona in their
first phases, speak of a totally different type of pain, then when they have Corona of
the kidney and liver, just under the heart.

Gans Increases Oxygen Levels, New Protocol:

In Iran, we have had people with between 57% to 52% oxygen levels, and usually
they die. But now, without oxygenating them, they are at home with their oxygen
levels at 90% plus. This has never been achieved before. The first level means death
and is reported as just another statistic, a number, while the second level means a life
saved, and the procedure is carried on at home by oneself. We are informing all the
Iranians to carry on with the new Protocol, the whole body, from head to toe, during
the first week, until the Coronavirus is eradicated. Then seven days later, repeat the
process, to make sure any calcification of the cells has been totally reversed.

Virus Capable to Replicate and Connect to Different Types of Ca:

Today, the world of science speaks only about the lung infections, but in six months
to ten years, they will talk about the millions of people who died suddenly of cancers,
strokes, and brain hemorrhages, because of the calcification that came from Corona. If
those in Europe and America think they have walked away from the Corona with only
a temperature, then they have said, "yes," and "hello," to the cancer of Corona. We
see the way in which this virus has managed to mutate itself and go to calcification. In
further stages, but we cannot put a time limit to it, we'll use all of our understanding
of the different states of the calcium in the body of the man, to create a replication of
the virus of itself, in the shape of the operation of the human body. This virus has
such a capability, that it has managed to replicate and connect to all of the different
types of Ca in the body. The calcium's in the brain are different than those in the nails.
And the Ca of the heart cells are different than the ones in the bone and the blood. So
in total, it must, and it has to be building a storage bank of RNA conversions to DNA,
equal to the structures of the physicality of the man. The world of science has to
understand this within next six months, otherwise, there will not be enough land nor
men, in some nations, to bury their dead. People will die faster than they can bury
them, as we have seen in Italy, where churches have become mortuaries. And in Paris,
they tell us, that they're putting the Corona patients on the train on tracks outside
Paris, because there is not enough room in the hospitals to accommodate them.

Cup of Life Continuously Produces Gans:

I advise you to contact your governments and military, and ask them to talk directly
with the Iranian military and the Keshe Foundation in Iran. We'll support, teach and
bring the technology to your nations. We'll use the office of the Prime Minister of
Austria as a point of contact, to establish a link with the Iranian government, military,
and nationals. Wait another 72 hours maximum, by Saturday, and then start the
process with your governments for the tranStar Formationer of the technology from
the Iranian military to your own military. If your officials conduct the whole process
as we did in Iran, we should be able to bring normality, at least into the life, by the
end of this month. There is no way we can do this process in a military like precision
in Europe, in the way that it was done in Iran and China, but as you teach everyone to
use the Cup of Life it will spread throughout the whole country. The Cup of Life will
continuously produce Gans, and you can literally wash your buildings from inside and
outside, and also give it to your governments to do the same.

Throw Gans Water on Streets Continuously Disinfects Country:

Everyday, as you produce the Cup of Life Gans, you can throw the Water of it on the
streets of your towns, and the passing cars will pick it up and spread it continuously,
disinfecting the whole city and the country. This is the only way that we can spread it
so fast. The Cup of Life is not just for you and your own house, once it saves you and
you have made yourself immune, then you throw the Water on your neighborhood
and nation. As was the old tradition in many cultures, that you would throw water on
and clean the front of your house. Now throw the Gans Water on the buildings and the
streets, and let the cars and the people walking disinfect the whole city. We don't have
any other way. The Chinese, in their showmanship, released videos of themselves
cleaning their city stations, but the fact is, they will not reach the passageways,
alleyways, public toilets, and the rest of it, nor the libraries and universities. You need
to spread the Waters from the Cup of Life for at least a year, everyday, and
everywhere you walk, after all it is free to produce. This is the only way that we can
battle this virus. This is the only way that you can stop this process from developing.
We will change the whole of our environment away from this virus.

Knowledge Seekers Have to Clean Their Cities and Country:

In Iran, the people have started doing it. The Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
are now taking this process of cleaning the cities into their own hands. In so many
ways, they are doing in it. However, in the West they don’t tell you what is happening
in Iran, but it doesn't matter, this has become part of your job. This is what you have
to do, and this is how we will change the position. The governments are incapable, or
don't have the resources to do it, so it falls to you. This is what we said, "the last man
standing." You are the last man standing for your home, city, and nation, and as One

Bridges of Peace Through the thoughts of Our Enemies:

When I spoke to the American officials, and I said, that the Iranian Military and
Keshe Foundation supporters are ready to go into the USS Roosevelt, you could hear
the shake in their voice. They could not believe it. We told you, that we would make
bridges of peace, through the thoughts of our enemies, not through our actions of
friendship in sharing. You have become the same, so spray the buildings and the cities
as you pass by. This Cup of Life will not stop making Gans's.

Videos of Iranians Knowledge Seekers Cleaning their Streets Themselves:

Rick plays some videos of Iranians in a small village washing the streets and houses
of their neighborhoods, on their own without anybody asking them to. Mr. Keshe
explains the videos. "Now you understand how deep the Keshe Foundation is
embedded in the Iranian lifestyle. People are saying, "we build these in our empty
homes, empty places, and with this. we'll disinfect our cities, ourselves at night, when
everybody's asleep. Don't forget, the Gans Water does not go away, even after it dries,
it stays and continues to disinfect the area."
"We saw it in China as a showmanship, The president went to Wuhan City, but he
was scared of even taking his mask off. You see the Iranians with the pleasure of the
knowledge are spreading the Gans Water across the streets, even in small villages.
Now you can understand what other Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers are doing
and can do across Tehran and the other cities. This has become part of you, spreading
in the churches and the mosques and the streets and everywhere else, that people by
walking over it, will take it and spread it everywhere. This is just one of the
Knowledge Seeker, in a small village in Iran."

Plays video <Farsi Speaking> <Farsi Speaking> <Farsi Speaking>

If you remember, last week Mrs. Mohammadi was saying that the opposition to the
Keshe Foundation was saying, that this technology is only for the Iranians in Tehran.
This video is from a small village where, what we call, "a different culture of Iran
lives." You can see people in the villages have started using the Gans Water to wash,
we only use the water of it, and not the Gans itself. There's another video where you
can see that these people are spreading it everywhere. They've taken on themselves,
the job of securing their country, their lands, their cities and their own villages, and
this is a small village. It's not just their own homes that they are washing, but their
neighbors also. This is how it will be, and this is the only way we can overcome this
virus. The Gans Water ends up going everywhere, and you just walk on it, and when
it rains it'll spread it more. It's beautiful how people have taken things into their own
hands in Iran. The government has understood that this knowledge is totally free. This
is Space Technology in the hands of a man, on a farm, which understands, he's saving
life. And as we said, share it freely. He hasn't just disinfected his own house, "and I'm
happy and that's me." He's taking his knowledge everywhere. This is how you should
be as a Knowledge Seeker.

If Governments Don't Follow Procedure Hospital Will Fill with Cancers:

In so many ways, with the new announcements and teachings with the Iranian
government coming up, and if the European, American, and the rest of the
governments in the world follow the same path, we will overcome this virus within
the next month or two, and we'll go back to normality. But this normality will be
short-lived, and the hospitals will again be full of people with cancers, if the
government's do not follow the procedures to decontaminate the body of the man, and
the environment, from the total Gans, what we call, the plasma of the fields of this
virus. It's not anymore, "I made a Cup for myself, and I'm happy in my house." Now
since my keeps on producing, I can clean up the cities, railways, and train stations, by
throwing the Water from the Cup around. People will understand, and as we'll all be
doing it, it will become a Cup of Life for everybody else.

The Only Losers Pharmaceuticals and Gates Foundation, Planned Vaccinations:

The financial burden from this virus is so huge, that the governments cannot afford to
do the clean up. As one of the Iranian leaders in the meeting said: "We were told this
technology and knowledge is free, why do we have to say, no to it? They are not
asking for any money, they are giving it to us free and we see the results." It's neither
vaccines nor herbal medicines that we're selling, we are not selling anything, it's free.
It's a free water, and if people follow the protocol, it saves their lives. Maybe Corona
will become the Crown in the friendship and unification of the man. The only people
who will loose money from the man in video who is spraying water around, are the
Pharmaceuticals, and those who were planning to inject every man with vaccines to
control, and then to destroy them. This Water is washing the "Gates of Heaven," for
the mankind, and saving it, from those who were planning to introduce and force
vaccinations, for it to become the "Gates of Hell." All of their investments have gone
down the tube. This will make the Gates Foundation bankrupt. You'll understand soon
how. The lawsuits against the Foundation for spreading vaccines, which were
deliberate and not needed, will deplete the funds, very soon, from the most riches


Q: .. My love and gratitude for the Iranian people and their leaders for stepping
forward for the world.
Keshe: We are waiting for the Iranian leaders to make the official announcements of
what they have done and what they still have to do.

Q: Can we use just a small bottle to spray around instead of that big machine that was
in the video?
Keshe: This is the Iranians and the love they have for their neighbors, they won't just
go and do it in a small way. You can carry a spray bottle around with you and spray
everything. Someone said, 'they are spraying Cup 1 on their plants and they are
growing so fast, they must have had the virus too.' So you can spray it everywhere. I
was spraying in the lift (elevator) yesterday, and spraying it in the lift. In a way, if you
spray it on your own clothes, then when you are walking around, you are disinfecting
the environment. So spray your shoes and masks whenever you are outside the house.
I think washing with the Gans Water will become part of the tradition, because the
next cycle of the cancers are so horrible. I can show you some of the pictures of the
Corona cancer. We have already started to see it.

What Mr. Keshe Forecasts for Future:

Q: .. What do you forecast for the future of this virus, can humans and the world
overcome it?
Keshe: It depends on how we handle it. Very soon, how each nation by nation
behaves towards it will set out the outcome. It's not anymore just spraying, drinking,
and breathing, the Protocol has changed drastically, because we have seen the
progress and the change of the virus, and it's cleverness.

Massive Losses in China Unless they Start Teaching:

We foresee a massive increase in cancer, especially in China. I forecast 200 to 400
million losses in China, due to the cancer. What I call, "election counts" (how many
people are counted for voting) will tell. In China, they thought they have eradicated
the Coronavirus from the lungs, but it has seeped into the other 5 pillar, what we call
sections (organs), and they'll pay heavy for it. Unless the Chinese government goes
into a national teaching, and teaches the people, before the time gets too long, how to
deplete the energy of the virus.

China Has to go Back to Openness Where the Technology Comes From:

There is one problem with China, they have to go back to openness about where the
technology came from, and in that openness, they can share it freely with their nation.
As I said, the way the Chinese handled this, by taking the knowledge from the Keshe
Foundation, and then saying they don't want it to be known (about the Keshe
Foundation), and then changing it, and bringing it out officially through their Military.
In a way, they took a Trojan inside their own blood. Now the Corona will grow, and
they have nothing for it, and it will go into cancer.

Thieves can only Show to other Thieves:

I'll explain in a very easy way, when you steal a big diamond from the jewelry shop,
which everybody knows about, or from family, you cannot wear or show it in public,
because everybody knows you are wearing stolen goods. You can only wear it at
parties, when you are with a bunch of thieves like yourself, who are also wearing
goods stolen from others. So you know, you is sitting amongst a bunch of thieves. The
Chinese did the same, they stole a jewel, and now they cannot show it in the public.
But now they are announcing that they have cleaned up their places with the Gans
Water and everything is going to be opened.

Iranians Proudly Showed and Share the Technology:

The Iranians did it differently, they showed the jewel in public and they are proud of
it, and now they are going to openly sharing it with the rest of the world, whereas
China still has to hide it. And for that hiding, as you know, sometimes some of these
gems bring with themselves a bad omen, and China has got stuck in that bad omen. Or
will they go back to the nation, and tell them where this technology came from, and
that it's not Chinese, and it's not what they said (about the Corona), and that the nation
needs to protect themselves (from the coming cancers). Then if they follow the
Protocols, which are set by the Iranian military and the Keshe Foundation, as a joint
collaboration, they'll be saved along with Iran and the rest of the world.

China Secretly Sharing the Technology with Another Government:

We hear internally from one of the East Asian governments, that China is speaking
about a new nanotechnology they want to give to Malaysia, to help them with the
Corona. Doesn't that sound familiar, nanotechnology and the Gans technology? And
how come they did not announce it publicly, but are discussing it privately with
another government.

Iran Announces it has Reached a New Technology on National TV:

In Iran, we are proud, and we share it proudly, the way we have done with you for
years. They don't believe you about the technology, and when you call the press that
don't listen to you, or when you call the government, they put the phone down and
regard you as a bunch of idiots. Now, the government and military will announce the
technology as the jewel in the crown of Iran's science and technology, and deliver it,
and show the figures of the empty hospitals through its use. Then your governments
will embrace the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and ask them how fast they
can teach it to their nations. We'll talk next Thursday, and the Thursday after, if the
Iranian officials keep to their promise. It has been announced in past 24 hours on
national television, that Iran has reached a new technology, a major breakthrough.
Then our forecast goes two ways, massive cancers in China, and a healthy population
in the West.

Up to You to Follow the Protocols:

It's up to you to follow the Protocols. Public swimming pools filled with Gans Water
will become a place where you make sure that you are disinfected from the virus.
Taking a bath on regular basis in the Waters of a Cup of Life, will support you to get
rid of the virus and reduce it. Washing your cities and adding the Waters as part of the
city water circulation, and over a few months we'll overcome it. The beauty of this is,
that the burden does not go on the national governments, who are already bankrupt,
but goes to individuals, as they wash their cities and the streets and the rest. We
cannot and will not allow this virus to win, if we unite. And this will bring a lot of
benefit to all of us. I would like to share something with you, which I try to teach last
week, but many of you did not understand.

White Gans Cu in Cup Life Aggression will Go from the Nations:

In the Cup of Life, many of you, and even in the Cup of Life #2, have seen many
white Gans Cu in your Cup, which means it will affect the emotion of the man. You
will find yourselves as very calm people, and the cities will calms down. You will see
that the aggression will go from the nation's, because through the Cup of Life we have
raised the level of the Soul of the man away from aggression.

Spreading Cups Across Planet will Create "Dome of Peace":

In a way, we have done exactly what you did with the Cup when you were sick, but
now the nation's sick and it will change. The Water from these Cup of Life's that you
throw on the streets, or you wash into your basements, or into your pipelines, they
will come out in another way, somewhere else it will change and will bring a new
atmosphere. We'll bring a new condition to the planet, which is what we wanted, but
we did not hope for it in this way. If you remember a very simple thing, in the
Caribbean's, when the Gans was spread with just a few cups, we saw how it stopped a
hurricane. Now, you are throwing a Cup of Life in your buildings, towns and cities,
and you will see what will become of your cities. Gradually, you will make a
(plasmatic) dome, and this dome on its own, will have nothing to do with animosity,
and "what has been wrong with the breath point, what gave you life, of the planet." If
enough of you spread the Gans's in the coming months around this planet, we will
create a "Dome of Peace." I told you, I'll get what I want, it doesn't matter how you
play the game, we use every opportunity to create peace. Now you understand, when
you throw the Gans Water in Sydney, China, Iran, Europe, and America, you create
the dome. Do you remember the dome in the Caribbean's, there were only a few cups,
but now you're cycling tons of it. After this we'll see the change in human behavior,
because we have elevated the Soul of the man through the Cup #1 and Cup #2, and
with that, the human race will change to a new course. We will see peaceful nations,
as One Nation. We will see the embodiment of embracing the Universal Community,
where the humanity reaches a new understanding of his own beauty and his own

MaGravs and Sewer Systems are Spreader of Gans Across Planet:

Many of you built the MaGravs, now those MaGravs will become the beacons for all
of these fields to connect. As I said to you before, we look to make what is best for
the human race, that through that, we can make what is best for the rest of the
universe. If you understand what you've done, and how we have used you and your
body, and if we carry on, the way you are doing now, many of you drank the Gans,
and it went out of your bodies, still energized, and into the sewage systems and across
the nations. We have already started the process of change. The only difference this
time, will be that collectively the human race will accept the new condition.

Shameful Behavior from White House Threatening Attack on Iran:

We have seen a shameful behavior from the White House, and a more shameful
behavior in past few days in Iraq. We do not expect good news from General Michael
Flint, for him to accept the support and help from the Iranian army to overcome the
American problems in their Navy and other places. But the nation will override the
president, and the president will have no seat as a president. You have to understand,
in the time of trouble even the worst enemies step down. The shameful president and
his increased deceptions, again we see military moves in Iraq by the US, under the
banner of " making ready" because Iran is wanting to attack us, rather, they are
thinking that the Iranian army is weak because of Corona, and it's the time to strike.
What a shameless man. We'll defend the territory, but at the same time we will help
your soldiers. They'll be putting arms down, to the shame of their leaders, 'how can
we fight with those who saved our lives.' As I told you, we'll disgrace those who stand
in our way.

Corona Opportunity to Forget Past and Stand United Across Planet:

In the last negotiations when Obama administration approached us and said, that the
Senate will not ratify the "5 plus one" treaty, I gave an interview with Mike Harris
and I explained how many senators in the Senate, and in the House, would like to say
no, to 5 to 15 million jobs, which will come out of the peace process with Iran. In the
time of recession, would you want to tell your people that you are refusing millions of
jobs? The following Monday the opposition collapsed, and we got the ratification
through the Senate. Now, our call goes to the American Navy, Army, and Armed
Forces, your sons and your soldiers will die of Corona, would you like to fight, or
would you accept the hand of friendship from the Iranian army and military for its
eradication, using advanced Iranian technology, which is beyond nuclear. We'll give
you a guarantee, that within seven days the USS Roosevelt will be open to the public,
the same way we cleaned at the hospital in Iran. Let the soldiers decide, not the
incompetent leaders. We'll bombard the American military with a gift of life, and let's
see who has the strength to create more war. We'll stand shoulder to shoulder with the
world's military to deliver this to all the nations, because they can create order and
they can reach the people, whereas the governments are all incompetent to deliver,
except one. As we always said, armies are men of action and they can deliver. And
this time the Iranian army will deliver peace, and the solution for Corona. We are
proud to stand, shoulder to shoulder with Iranian soldiers to eradicate the Corona from
Iran and rest of the world. You asked me, what I see for the future, I see peace by
using the opportunity of Corona, to forget about the past. But the same time, we have
to take steps, that the virus will not take a toll on our lives, in the future months
through cancers and other things.

Explains Design - How Cup Interacts with Ca Seed:

Q: .. Can I use another plasma at the same time? Let me say it another way, can I
reach the virus with CO2 and Zn?
Keshe: The Cup of Life has a structure for Ca, and Mg, that's why it was developed
for this purpose. Do you understand, you have the Cu, Zn, and the Nano (nano) coated
coil. (The following are plasmatic field strength numbers). So Ca is 39 -40. You have
to understand the design of the Cup of Life. We look at the Ca spectrum from 35 - 49,
and take its average around 39 - 40. You have a Cu, which we calculate to be around
about 57 - 69, so an average it's about 60 to 63 to 64. As you know, when you have a
dynamic system which is created due to the nano material inside, not all the polarities
are in the same way, as we call it, some are in opposite way, this is something you
never understood in the work of the Gans of plasma.
In this water, we have a Na, around about 19 - 25, we average it at 20 - 23.
Understanding the dynamic motions in this Cup, if you take the Cu at 63, and minus
the Na at 23, you come to around 40 of the Ca. Then you understand, the magnetic
(magnetical) field of Mg, or possibly Ca, and Na and the Cu presence will give you
the field strength of the Ca, this is how we interact with the Ca seed, which the
Corona has touched.

Using Breathing Device with Cup of Life:

Q: I made a breathing device, which I made with the CO2 and Zn, can I use it at this
Keshe: For the time being, yes, you can do, it's emergency, because part of it has the
Zn. The best way to do it, is to add 1 or 2 drops of salt into it, to create this near
condition of the Ca. You can use the Gans saltwater, from your pot (saltwater in Cup
of Life before removing the Gans), not just the normal Gans, just add 1 or 2 drops of
the Gans saltwater.

Sucking the Energy out of the Virus like Piglets to a Mother Pig:
Keshe: Now you understand how we handle the Corona, and why we are so effective
at it, because we have matched it, match to match, and we have linked with it, link to
link, we have done everything possible to make it available. In a way, if you look at it,
Corona is like a big mother pig with so many tits, and we put a piglet on each tit,
sucking the energy out of the mother. In every possible way, we have linked into it.
It's a simple technology, you see, to me physics is fun, and it's beauty, because I see
how things go. When you enjoy science, then everything is easy to solve. I built this
technology and I know every brick of it and where it needs to be fit in.

Fibromyalgia Teaching:

Q: I think you misunderstood me, I made the Cup of Life and have the Gans of it, but
also I have another device, a breathing device I use with CO2 and Zn, for my, I have
Fibromyalgia, when I use these two methods together do I make any wrong thing?
Keshe: No, that is what I told you, just put a salt from the Cup of Life in your
breathing system, you do both, you help your Fibromyalgia and your Corona. Why
have you got Fibromyalgia?
Q: I don't know, life I just got it.
Keshe: What are the signs, what is the number of your Fibromyalgia?
Q: I consulted with a doctor, she sent me to another doctor, and he gave me this
breathing device. I have a pain, everyday, for 24 hours, some pain in my legs, I did all
the tests and the doctor said, you are okay, you don't have any problem. You have a
mental problem.
Keshe: Have you been tested for Fibromyalgia?
Q: I tested with other things, pineal glands, all of them are okay.

How to Test Specifically for Fibromyalgia, 18 Pressure Points, Abuse:

Keshe: No, Fibromyalgia doesn't show in any of these tests. It has a specific structure
of identification. You can ask your wife to help you with the test. I used to test people
who would come to me, and they said, "oh, you want to touch us." I said, you know
something, you can go and get lost in yourself for the rest of your life.

Fibromyalgia, has 18 pressure points in the body, and if you test positive on 11 of the
18 points, then you have Fibromyalgia. Some people are as high as 18, and they can
hardly work, and the doctors end up saying that it's just psychological. It's not
psychological. How old are you?
Q: 41 , from Iran.
Keshe: When did you leave Iran?
Q: 10 years ago.
Keshe: Okay, Fibromyalgia is very easy to diagnose by someone who stands next to
you. You need to put pressure on the points at 2.5 lbs/per sq inch, or 2 kg ** it's best
to press from the tip of the finger. The first point to check is at the back of your
ankles, where the tendons are. This is point 1 and 2. Have your wife to squeeze these
tendons between her 2 fingers. If they are painful, and you can't stand it, don't kick her
and don't push people around, it means you have been abused while standing on your
feet. That is the first sign of Fibromyalgia. So you have the first two points. The next
pressure points are:
3 & 4 : inside near your thighs
5 & 6 : on back of the shoulders, in your shoulder blades, you press those deep
7 & 8 : under your arms on the ribs
9 & 10: in front of your chest near the collar bone,
11 & 12: points by the neck and ear
13 & 14: on the back, in the spine just behind your hips
15 & 16: on your sinuses on either side of your nose
17 & 18: The final points. are very different and change the position. You press on the
side of the breast.
Count up the number of points that you felt pain on, and if they add up to 11 out of
18, then you have Fibromyalgia.

Depression, Exhaustion from Everyday Body using Energy for the Pain:
When you feel the pain you want to kick people or you say, "don't touch me, it hurts."
Fibromyalgia comes while you're exhausted, because to keep these pains under
control takes a lot of energy everyday. These are emotional damages and abuse that
were done to you by family or friends, and it happened before the age of puberty,
around 12 or 14 years old. Am I correct?
Q: Yes exactly.
Keshe: This creates a psychological depression in the brain, which leads to not
wanting to work, and being exhausted all the time, because to service each of these
pains, takes something like 10 to 20 calories a day. If you have a 20 calorie energy
loss, times that by 18 and that's nearly 400 calorie a day, which is wasted just on
servicing these pains. So if you take in 1,400 calories a day, then you're already short
by 400 calories, and you're already exhausted. If you are tired and you can't walk,
then somebody will tell you that you're incompetent and you cannot do anything.
Q; Sometimes I can barely walk.
Keshe: Yes, I understand. This is the structure with the Fibromyalgia, ask Dr. Mujar,
to put you in touch with me, I'll take you out of it within two to three weeks.
Q: Thank you so much.

There is a Specific Process for Fibromyalgia, not this one:

Keshe: The process (here) is not the way, Fibromyalgia has a specific process. I have
had people who for 17 years could not even go to work. They had to work two or
three hours a week, just to get paid by social services, and then they would spend the
whole week recovering, for those two or three hours, just to stay alive. In less than
three weeks, they were living a normal life, cooking, and doing everything else. You
have to understand Fibromyalgia is psychosomatic, caused by abuse done before
Fibromyalgia Before Puberty, Clinical Fatigue After Puberty:
When you cross puberty, points 17 and 18 change position to here, if these are your
breasts, and the nipples, and these are your last ribs, then you line you line them up, if
you are a woman, you lift your breast up, and you go directly in line to the rib, and
you pressurize these two points. These, then become 17 and 18. To make it easy we'll
call them, 19 and 20. If you have no pain on either 19 or 20, then you have
Fibromyalgia. But if you do have pain on 19 and 20, then you have what is known as
Clinical Fatigue (CF). Points 19 and 20 come after puberty, and it comes from being
subordinate. You have a boss who tells you that you're useless, and you accept it. Or
your wife tells you that you're incompetent, and everything else. You work in an
office, because now you have grown up, and they blame you for everything, and you
know it's not your fault, then you start getting a depression.

Conditions Come Out of Abuse:

Clinical Fatigue (CF) comes after puberty, and Fibromyalgia (FM) comes before
puberty, around ages 12 to 14. The CF can come at anytime from the age of 14, to the
end of life, whatever that life will be. You can get CF at anytime, because people need
to put the bread on the table they accept a lot of pressure at work, maybe the boss is
ruthless and he thinks he's the boss, and you get CF. Or you go into a marriage in
which the wife is abusive, but for the sake of children you stay in it, and you get CF.
Or you go into a marriage in which the wife betrays you, and you know it, but you
stay in it for the sake of the children, and you get CF and all the abuse that comes with
it. When you accept, "it is not my fault, but I have to accept everything for the sake
putting bread on table to live," then you get this pain on points 19 and 20. Test
yourself, because the front part of your body, your breast, is where you protect your
heart and your emotional (being), and that's where the pain comes.

Have to Strengthen the Soul and Emotion to Heal:

It took me 10 years to complete this study, and I've mastered it, and I'll walk you out
of it. You'll divorce the wife, and start a new life, because you won't stand for the
abusive behavior anymore. Most of the children who go through bullying, suffer from
long term FM. With FM and CF, you need to strengthen the Soul and the emotion.
When people with FM and CF walk into your office, their shoulders are bent forward
in a submissive posture. In three months, they stand tall, and they won't let anyone
abuse them. Your posture is like an animal in the fields of Africa, where the lion picks
out its prey by their posture, and so do men. This is why many women go from one
abusive relationship to another, because they see the posture, and because of their
own problems, so psychologically they bring a hidden FM into their lives. It's the
same with a lot of boys and men. This is not the first time we've told you this, that
we'll change the moral and the emotion of the man through Cup 1, because we
understand full and have tested it through actual cases of people over the past 20
years. Take a picture of yourself if you have FM, and then, go through the Keshe
Foundation process, what I call, "FM recovery," and then take another picture, and
you'll be at least 2 to 3 centimeters taller. No lion will pick you up, because he knows
that you kick. Your prospects, understanding, and your whole structure will change.
I've seen couples who have sat in front of me, and then they realize how abusive
they've been to each other, because both came from the abusive Fibromyalgia in their
background. After 3 months they couldn't live with each other, because they
understood how they carried the abusive behavior of their parents, into their partners.
Q: Thank you, Dr. Keshe, for your time. I'm really appreciative.
Keshe: Am I correct?
Q: Yeah, many of the things you said is exactly the same.
Keshe: Speak to Dr. Hassan and I'll sort you out. I'll help you to get out it.
Q: Thank you. I really appreciate that.
Keshe: You're welcome.

Q; .. about the Cup of Man (CM), how should I use the Water and Gans from the CM,
and also how can I bare, feel and interact with the fields from the Cups?
Keshe: The CM we'll open it in the next few weeks. Make a CM and keep it at home.
Q: I already made 2 of them.
Keshe: Good. Let me explain to you how things are in two different ways. We gave
you Cup #1 and Cup #2. He draws, Cup #1, Cup #2, then he draws Cup 1 connected
to Cup 2, we call it, the Cup of Man, parallel.

Plasma Evolution from Fields to Soul of the Creator and back to Fields:
(please follow the diagram in video)

The world of science starts with fields. You need 2 fields to interact, which gives you
a plasma. He calls the fields, magnetical (magnetic) field affect, (he labels each field
as a 1 or 2) and when they interact they become a plasma, which draws as a circle
(labels it as 2) and calls it, "plasma technology."

In the coming teachings, there'll be other combination of two's, when we put, let's say,
2a and 2b, the combination of two's, (2a + 2b), will give us, what we know in the
world of science, as Physics. Two plasmas, each created from the interaction of the
fields, gives you an atom, which is Physics, before that, they are just plasmas and
fields. In the interactions of the 2 two's, which you got from the Physics, and which
becomes #3.

Now if I put two Three's together, you get Chemistry, and becomes #4. If I put two
4's together, you get Biology, and becomes #5. If I put two five's together you get the
Soul of physicality (Soul of the physicality), and becomes #6. If I put two six's
together, you get the Soul of the man (Soul of the man), and becomes #7. If I put the
Soul of the man together, two seven's, I get the Soul of the Creator (8), as in Chinese
we call it, ** That's why the figure for infinity is a sideways 8. In the interaction of
this (two seven's) you go back to #1, the fields.

The Cup of Man to Make the Perfect Man in Dimension of Physicality:

Q: Are you going to give us 6 Cups that we **
Keshe: With 6 Cups, you come to this point, then the rest is understanding of the Soul
of the man. Man now has reached this point (two 6's), in your structure. But if you
understand, in Cup development, you are still here (Cups 1 and 2) with the Cup of
Man. Only the Head of Keshe Foundation, and one other person have been
enlightened, by this (two 7's). If you understand the operation of Cups #1 and #2, you
will just about to come to understand the interaction between the 2 parts of the body
of the man as separate fields. That it makes the plasma of the man. Then you'll
understand, then we give you the dimension of physicality and the rest. At the
moment, we have to go with the Cups #1 and #2, as the CM, because we have to
elevate the Soul of the man, and elevate the physicality of the man, that both are at the
same strength of the Soul of interaction, that we make a perfect man in the physical
dimension. We have brought your level of emotion, with your physicality. We first
increase the emotion side to support the lungs and the brain. In that process we saw
the weakness in physicality, which (is why) we brought the Cup of Man.

Three Schools of Thought Chinese, Middle East, West -- All Have to work Together:
The CM has brought a beautiful structure, we see the Chinese with their
understanding of Yin and Yang, are talking about the fields of it and how they
interact. The Iranians and Middle easterners, have come up with, 'okay, what is it
doing with my physical, I want to see this and that.' The Westerners and Europeans
are still in the dilemma of, "how many turns, is it left or right, what things it's going to
be." It's amazing when I listen to all three schools of thought, and I see the West is so
entangled in the world of physicality, it will take him a long time, even to come to
understand the ** body. And even the Middle easterners have a long way to go to get
to the culture of the Chinese, understanding of the balance of the creation. When you
look at the European Chats, they are still talking about the coils, and the Gans and this
and that. The Iranians are talking about, I made the Gans, what can I do with it, and
the rest of it. The Chinese don't even look at the structure of the Cups, in so many
ways, they go directly to what does the field effect have, and what is the Yin and
Yang. This is why mankind has to work collectively, and understand each other's
level of the Soul, that it, in a way, works this way (Infinity Loop from the top to the
bottom, combining all 3 together). When I see the European Chat rooms it makes me
laugh. We made nearly 30 Corona Chat rooms, and when I look at the Arabs, they
say, "we don't know what it is, but we'll try to be part of it," but some of them
understand a bit of it, but there is a Chat, so we have to talk and be a part of it. The
Iranians are at it, and it works, let's get on with it, so I can save my physicality, I don't
care whatever it is, what terms they call it, it has to do its job. Then you go into the
Chinese, they say, "what effect does it have on the Soul."

Chinese Say, "It's our right to steal" - Iranians Helping Enemies :

In the Chinese QQ translations, some of them say, "It is our right to steal. It is our
right to use the Keshe Foundation technology, they've given it to us." Yes, but we
gave it with respect, it has to be respected, not to be stolen. As the Iranian official
said, "He's giving it to us, a free gift for our people, how can we reject it?" Chinese
said "It's a gift, we steal it, he doesn't need to know its his." In 2 or 3 years down the
line, we'll see the survival rates in Iran and those of China, and in Europe. "And as is
our tradition in Iran, in the time of war we do not fight, we help our enemies. We have
even given a helping hand to the American Navy to get better, that maybe when they
come back, we can beat them nicer in the wars, if they decide to battle that too." We
don't help the Americans out of our weakness, we do it out of our love and respect for
humanity. But if they want another beating, it's very free. It will be done so easily.
But this time it'll be a beating with the love, not with arms, with sharing of the

The Condition for Help - Signing Peace Treaty between Armies Across Planet:
There is one condition, that the Iranian military forces will put, before supporting and
helping the other nations. We'll insist on the signing of the peace treaty between the
armies across the planet, when accepting the technology. The prerequisite is, that the
armies have to work together. Don't forget the Iranian army signed such a treaty with
the Romans 2,500 years ago, and nobody knew, which army was which. We are used
to it. We were running an empire, long before you could find a village (in Europe), to
call it home.

Africans Requested to Join Chat Rooms to Share Knowledge:

Q; Good morning, Mr. Keshe. This is Gatua. I have a question.
Keshe: Yes, Dr Gatua, before you say anything, I have to tell you something very
strange. How come you have so many supporters and so many students around you
and in Kenya and none of them are on African chat lines? Q: They don't have a
Keshe: Your classes are packed with people. They should be there to share
knowledge. Open a local Chat room so they can talk to each other there. Get them
talking to each other.
Q: I'll do that.

What is Appropriate Salinity for Cup of Man:

Q: What is the appropriate salinity for the Cup of Man?
Keshe: We are back into that same thing. You decide.
Q: I've already decided but I may be wrong.
Keshe: So then you'll turn up looking Chinese if you're wrong. If you get the salinity
right, and everything else right, you might look American white. So, what difference
does it make? You are still a human, you have a Soul.

Why Woman is so Beautiful, But "Stupid":

Keshe: How could you be wrong, did God made a mistake when He made the man.
But he still got some things right, huh? You know, Dr. Gatua, there is a very old and
beautiful joke in Farsi. A man said to the God, "Why have you made the woman so
beautiful?" God said, "Because I want you to enjoy the beauty." The man says to the
God, "Why did you make a woman so stupid?" He said, "Because then she can love
you." So we give the beauty, but it depends on how you want to appreciate it. You
have to change things according to what you understand. As he said, she's beautiful,
but she's stupid. And the God said, I made her stupid, so that she can love you. So let's
see. Do we love our Soul or do we stick to the physicality, to love what is physical?
As I said, it depends on the intelligence of the man. You can make any shape, any
color, any salinity, but what do you expect from it?

Man Creating a Soul Connected to Himself, Cup of Man - Schizophrenic:

The Cup of Man carries a Soul, did you bless it, or did you just push the wires in to
see what you can make? The purpose of making the CM, wasn't just to make a Cup.
The purpose was to teach man to have respect. This is the problem, when I gave you
the Cup of Life, I explained to you, that it has a Soul. In your lives, you give life, a
physical life to your children. I allowed you to do that, with the Cup of Man, with
your own eyes. You have created a Soul, and you are responsible for it. But you're so
physical, that you look at the Cup as just another thing, to save your life from the
Corona. We were finished with the Corona and the "Cronies" of it, with Cups 1 and 2.
I've brought you to a level, very much, very much ... one man making two Cups, and
one man making two "Cup of Man." One physicality giving life to two hidden souls.
In the life of the man you call it, "schizophrenic." You have to understand, the Cup of
Life, and the "Cup of Man." You're still looking for everything in it, except
understanding the truth. This is the Soul of emotion (Cup 1 on right) and this is the
Soul of its physicality (Cup 2 on left). It has life, it's your child (draws an Infinity
Loop connecting the two, and arrow down, creating a child). You have created it. And
in essence, its Soul is connected to your Soul. Do you want to play with it, you're
quite welcome. But be careful of what it can do to you, when you're dishonest with
yourself and the others. You will understand soon, where you have become the other
Cup (draws a circle around the other 2 Cups).

If We Create 7 Billion Souls:

We say in an old proverb, "Do to the others as you like to be done to you.".
Understand what a Cup of Life is. You need to understand the Cup of Life, and you
need to understand the Cup of Man. In the coming time, when we open the space to
you, this is what you will be facing with (draws a circle around the CM), and it's the
truth about yourself, who has got to be interacting with it. We'll start teaching the Cup
of Man, post Corona, and not because of Corona. To us, Corona is complete, it's
finished. But because you're so physical, it was easy to bring it in. In fact, if every
man makes one Cup of Man, we'll have 7 billion physical souls, and 7 billion souls of
the Man, who have trust, to interact with. Very interesting if you understand it.

Azar: Mr. Keshe, I have a question.

Keshe: You never stop asking questions.
Q: Can you help someone else with the Cup of Man or do they have to do it
Keshe: The Cup of Man has to be made by the man itself.
Q: But can you teach them, help them?
Keshe: Of course, we teach you. Don't you teach sex education to your children? So,
this is a Soul education.

Q: The last time in your teaching, when you were teaching Cup of Man you said, we
elevate the Soul of the man so that it's supporting the physicality? The Soul of
physicality, that... in which the virus of the Soul of the man is very rare. Does it mean,
once the Soul gets elevated to the point that physicality is supporting the physical
Soul, the virus can never affect us?
Keshe: Why are you afraid of the virus?
Q: I'm not afraid, I'm just asking.

Having the Virus is Like Falling in Love:

Keshe: Space is so full of it (viruses), that it's not going to affect you. Have you ever
been in love? Q; Yes. Keshe: How many times? Q; I don't know, Mr. Keshe.
Keshe: You are a woman. Women fall in love day in and day out. It depends on what
shoe they're wearing. But in reality, love is a virus. It has no physical dimension. It's
us who's has to handle it. One of the best viruses we know, is falling in love. How do
we manage it? How can we let it affect us that way. How can our Soul allow us to
share our heart, the physical part, with somebody else? So, if you understand the
totality of viruses, we are born with it, and because of it, we reproduce and we enjoy
the existence of the others. So what's your fear?

Q: I wrote down your last teaching, word by word, and I'm decoding all this because
the physicality...
Keshe: Yes, but in the physical language. Understand it in terms of the Soul of the
A- So I let my Soul understand it then .. ?
Keshe: I don't know, that's your problem. That's your understanding.

The Soul of the man is the Only Elevator of the Soul of the physicality, Cup of
Keshe: Yes, we have Mrs. Mohammadi from Tehran.
Q: Does the Soul of the man need the Soul of the physicality to elevate or not?
Keshe: The Soul of the man is the only elevator of the Soul of the physicality. There
is no other way to do it. And in the process the Cup of Man is set, to set the scene for
that, for the man, if the man understands. If you look at the Cup of Man as a Cup of
Man you will not understand anything, it's just another cup, another game to play. But
if you reach the Soul of the Cup of Man, with the Soul of the man, you will find the
mysteries of life.
Fish Tank - 2 Drops Water - Creation; like Womb of Mother:
Very soon, we will show you how easily the life and the Soul can be created in the
dimension of physicality. Where I will give you a drop of water, and a fish tank, and
when I drop the water into the fish tank, through the emotion of the Soul of the man,
you can have a fish, or you can have yourself a cow. Where for the fish, the tank
becomes a place where it lives, and for the cow, it becomes the womb of the mother,
as a cow. This knowledge is hidden to man. I'm training one Chinese man to be able
to do it, because the Chinese understand the essence of the Yin and Yang. If we give
it to the Westerner, he would like the fish to eat. If we give it to the Middle Easterner
he would like to see how fast it grows, so he can eat it. This gift will come from a
Chinese man. Where we add a drop, and from that drop we create a life. Do you
remember, I told you, I'll create a condition, so that you can see the fields, that others
from the universe will come. This will be your first training, that you can see it, so
that when you go into space you don't fall for magic. I was planning to show this in
the Tehran conference.

Meat Eater vs. Vegetarian:

Q: Mr. Keshe are you sure you want to teach this to a Chinese? Because Chinese eat
meat, but the Indians don't eat meat.
Keshe: Yeah, but they eat more vegetables, and more souls. I prefer a meat eater to a
vegetarian. One animal carries one Soul, but each grain, on each stem of rice has a
Soul. You need a thousand souls to fill in a bowl, to feed a man every time. It's your
misinterpretation and understanding of the life. I stay with the less criminals, and
sometimes it's better. But there is more criminality in meat eating too, which I don't
show you. Maybe you want a drop, that it becomes a grain of rice. In that drop I'll
give you the Soul, it's your thoughts, which gives it the physicality. That's the
difference between the man, and a Cup of Man.

Conference in Tehran - Still Possible:

Q: Mr. Keshe is it possible to do the Iran conference this year still, or no?
Keshe: We have to ask the Iranian government. We are ready if they're ready.
Q: We still have 17 days to go.

Medical Tourism in Iran - Cure Coronavirus:

Keshe: We can curb the Corona very easily That's what I said to some officials in
Iran, we have managed to curb the Corona, and anyone with Corona can come to Iran
for medical tourism.

We'll save your lives, just come to Iran, we'll cure you, and you can go back. Tehran
will become the only city in the world open for business with no Corona, and if you
have it, we'll accept you with the greatest of the pleasures. Health tourism for Corona
in Iran will bring the most powerful men in the world, trying to save their own lives
and their families. Tehran is open, and it'll be the only city, in the only country, which
welcomes anyone from around the world with Corona to come. Because we have
managed to crown it. We will announce it soon. Tehran will be open for international
travel for people who are sick with Corona. The richer you are, the more we welcome
you. We have to recuperate some of the money that we lost with the sanctions,
through your lives. At least we can give to our people, so they can start developing a
better technologies for the others to enjoy.

To Announce Iran is Open for International Travel:

In the next few days, we'll announce that Iran is open for international travel, because
we know how to handle the Coronavirus. There will be no quarantine, and you can
come and go the way you did before, just follow our procedures. Tehran airport will
be opened in the next few days, and we'll welcome anyone from anywhere around the
world. We'll sterilize you inside the plane, and give you a Cup to make sure you don't
catch it, and don't give it. And if you have it, we'll contain it. I told you, I'll bring Iran,
to be the crown jewel of Science and Technology. Now you need a jewel to find, and
then crown it, and not to find a jewel to crown, the crown with it. We'll announce very
soon, we are open and back to normal, right across Iran. Give us a few days to clean
up, and we'll see if we can keep the19th Keshe Foundation Tehran Conference open.
Instead of putting so many people on trains leading outside Paris, why not put them
on a plane with a $1000 or $10,000 each, to spend on holidays in Iran. We'll treat
them for you, and send them back healthy. If any Parisians want a ticket to Tehran,
you're quite welcome. We'll even accept people from the White House.

Q: Can I use the CM, if for example, my wish is to feed myself and elevate my Soul.
During sleep for example, can I put Cup 1 on the head side, and Cup 2 on the leg side,
of the bed?
(no answer ) Any other question ?

Q: .. Of course, I take all the precautions with this virus, but I do not have hate or fear
about it. I feel that if I am receptive, and I accept it as a part of the universe, and I'm
not aggressive towards it. I think it cannot attack me, if it has a Soul, and if this Soul,
is like me, receptive and welcoming, and no animosity towards it, maybe it would
pass by me, because I'm not reactive. That is my first question?

Old Testament Passover, "Sacrificial Blood" Over Door - Same as Gans:

Secondly, is that the historian of the Egyptians (this was the Jews in Old Testament),
when in the of plague or illness, they put the markings of the blood of sacrifice on
their doors, and the illness was pass their house.
Keshe: Why-why-why stop, why?
Q: Because of the spiritual force...
Keshe: Oh no, oh no, come on Mrs. magnetical., you should understand the
symbolism of it. If you understand the work of the Gans, and the body of the man,
having a Gans. What do you do now, when we tell you to spray your house with the
Gans's? Isn't that the cross of blood over your door?
Q: Yeah, probably yes but I'm talking about this...
Keshe: No, no because symbolism in knowledge has to be understood. Because the
blood is a Gans, it is at the level, that it absorbs, it interacts with the virus, with the
plague virus. You are doing exactly the same thing, when spray the Gans in your
home. This is why I tell you to throw the Water of the Gans on the streets, and wash
your buildings with it, why? You don't need to sacrifice an animal to do it.
Keshe: Now do you understand?
Q; Sacrifice is also giving food ..
Keshe: No, no, its not a sacrifice. We are talking scientifically, the blood is a Gans
state, and the virus needs a protein to attach itself to. So when it's got a free food
there, they're there, and then it devalues to the energy of, whatever is there, the
building or whatever, then it loses its power. That's what you do with your Gans's.
That's what you do with the Gans's on your body. It's not, what you call it it's
understanding what it means. What it does?
Q; What I mean is, how about the spirit of a person ..?

If Afraid of Viruses Do Not Leave Earth's Atmosphere - Space is Full of Viruses:

Keshe: First of all, let me tell you something, you said something which is very
alarming, but in a way, very important. You said, "we cannot be afraid of viruses, and
this and that," yeah? If you're afraid of viruses, please do not leave Earth's
atmosphere. Stay a human and chain yourself to this planet. Outside of this planet it is
all viruses. So to begin with, never become a "man of space." Then, if that's the case,
and you become "Man of Space," viruses are part of the environment. You have to
understand how you deal with the viruses, and with the interaction of the Soul of the
man with the Soul of the physicality of the Man, that it does not create an absorption
or interaction with the fields you don't need. But still, we need to feed ourselves from
these viruses or fields. Do you understand? So if you say, "I'm afraid of viruses." I've
never been afraid of viruses, because I know, that you cannot be a "Man of Space," if
you're afraid of viruses. They say, if you can't stand the heat, don't get in the kitchen
and don't start cooking. So if you're afraid of viruses, don't even try to get your Soul
out of this planet, because out there, there are nothing but viruses, which are energy

Feeding Ourselves with the Energy of the Viruses - Not Immunity:

Q: Can they be used for survival?
Keshe: Of course, you are doing it now. What do you do with the Gans Water we give
you? You wash your body with it, as you do, you take off the virus, in bits and bobs,
and you feed yourself with it. That's why I keep on telling you to keep drinking the
Gans Water. You take the energy of it in so many bits and bites, like eating bananas
and then strawberries. Do you taste, feel, or crave for something when you drink the
Gans Waters? Or do you feel satiStar Formationied and you're not hungry. I used to
eat a lot, but in the past few weeks, I am drinking so much Gans Water, that now I eat
very little, just in nibbles. I was thinking yesterday, 'my god, if I go on this way, I'll be
as thin as anything,' because I eat very little, whatever is on the plate. I try to have a
nibble, just to have that energy to carry on. Understand that you're using the energy of
the virus, to feed the rest of your body. You're not making it immune (to the virus).

This is Why We Recover so Fast from Virus:

Keshe: One of the reasons that we see such a fast recovery with this Gans
Technology, is because we use the energy of the virus, which is in parts, and because
it's already digested energy, as it goes through the stomach it feeds the body and
brings fast recovery. It's like if you have a huge stone that you cannot move, but when
you chop it into pieces, now you can build buildings with it. The building blocks of
the life of man.

I Carry the Knowledge - I Have No Wishes:

Q: I am present with your wishes.
Keshe: I carry the knowledge, I have no wishes.
Q: For humanity, for saving us.
Keshe: You are saving yourselves. You see, I didn't answer the gentleman from
Romania (about putting the CM at the head and feet during sleep), because then, there
is a lot of speculation about whatever. Use your intelligence, and do not try to
formalize or set a framework of what has to be. Many people are accepting, and doing
different things with the Cup of Man, but it needs a man, to understand the Cup, not
just doing something for it to become a gimmick. It's is a big difference.
Q: It's a new experience for man, not to be in a framework or whatever.
Keshe: It's a new toy.

When Asked for Spiritual Advice - Prayer, Meditation:

Q: Yeah, another thing, what about giving us some spiritual advice, some special
practices, or prayers, or meditations, that if they are sincerely applied ?
Keshe: You're talking to the wrong person about meditation and prayer, who am I
praying to? What am I giving? Or who am I meditating to? If you spend time with
Gaun Lin (GL), she spends hours meditating. I don't know how they are meditating,
but Chinese spend a lot of time meditating, and I don't understand what they are
meditating on. If the time and the place is right, even when they sit on the train, they
are meditating. But, what is the meditation? What is the understanding of prayer?
Who do we pray to? Who do we give to? We give to our own Soul, we elevate our
own Soul. If you understand the truth, now. Who are we giving to? Who are we
praying to? Unless we give to the souls who created us, or brought us joy? Or brought
us life?
Q: If I can express my feeling, it is a kind of getting inside myself, without the noises
of my physicality, and that opens me to a bigger, infinite space, and then I get things

Keshe: Let me, I'll bring you an expert in this, just wait one minute. GL are you there?
Just listen to this one. GL you spend hours meditating, every time I talk to her she
says, "oh, I was meditating." What does meditation mean for the Chinese? Or in your
GL- Okay, although I spend time on that, but maybe I'm not a good meditator,
because I...
Keshe: How long have you been practicing meditation?
GL- I just occasionally sometimes when I ..
Keshe: Everyday I think?
GL- Yeah, if I have time, I do. But the method for me it's just to relax and to feel my
body, to listen, like something pumping in my head, what is there. Just like an
observer of your thoughts, observer of your body, and then I calm down. But I know
I'm not really good at that. I know a lot of people who go through meditation and they
have a lot of achievement. They free their Soul. So actually, I'm just a just a very, like
a lower primary school or kindergarten for that.
Keshe: But you spend so much time on it?
GL- Oh, yeah that's because I'm the stupid, that's your idea for women, right?
Keshe: Is there anyone on the Chinese QQ, who can explain this?
GL-Yeah, I can translate and ask for somebody if they want to pumping up and to say
Keshe: Let me explain, when you call GL and there is no answer, it says she is busy
with something. You call back an hour later, and still no answer, and then 2 hours
later, she says, I was meditating. So you get used to it. The Chinese are forever
meditating. I have never known a nation with so much meditating. Is there any
response from the Chinese.
GL- Somebody said, this is a cultivation way in Taoism. It's also in Buddhism and
Confucianism, they all try to mediate, this is the way they try to communicate with
the Soul. When you are calmed down, then the Soul is going to pumping up.

Understand Real Life, Many of Universe Community are Energy Packs -Fall in
Keshe: A lot of Knowledge Seekers have to step up and understand more about the
real life, not the physical life. Space will become a very comfortable place. As long as
you are afraid of viruses, do not enter the Universal Community, because a lot of
them are energy packs, or what you call viruses, but they are lovely viruses. You can
even fall in love with the viruses. As somebody used to say, can you imagine that?
We already know that virus, we call it love.
Keshe: GL is anybody there, or are they shocked?
GL- Yeah, I think they are more shocked when you said, you are going to teach a
Chinese guy about how to create a creature, in the fish tank.

Already Created a Brain in Fish Tank- Don't Become a God or Magician:

Keshe: We did that already, when one of the Knowledge Seekers created a brain in
Barletta, Italy. Don't be shocked, look at it this way, you have a womb of the mother,
and 2 drops of water create the life, we call it a child. What is amazing, is that, it's is
not a shell, or a yolk, that you crack and then a sperm gets in it, and then something
else. It's the interaction of 2 liquids, where, in the liquid of the womb of the mother, it
takes shape. I give one part, and the tank gives the other part, and the interaction of
the two creates life. You see, through your lack of knowledge, I become God, and a
magician. But if you understand this, no one can be a magician in the universe, that is
why I explain it to you so simply. When you look at the operation of life, the egg is
already inside and part of the womb, in a way, it is made of it, and the sperm enters,
and the whole lot starts operating as one. When you give me a tank, I add that (**)
something to it, and the whole thing becomes a womb, and the (**) created.

Particles Formed in Clear Water - Energy Converted to Matter:

It's interesting how knowledge is coming up in different things and ways with the
Knowledge Seekers across the world. A Knowledge Seekers wrote to me recently, he
said, "Mr. Keshe there is a problem I have discovered." I said, it's not a problem. He
said, I know, but I want to do more realistic tests on it. He says, my water has turned
parts per million, particles, but when I put Gans Water in it, it becomes 44 or 40 parts
per (million) particles. He asked, 'how does this happen?' I said, very easily, you
converted the energy of what is available in the water, into matter. This is exactly like
what the virus does. Now they are going to do a scientific test and come up with a
result. In a way, we enter energy in a water, and other particles inside the water
convert, by energy to what it's exactly what Corona is doing. It's an Iranian
scientist, and we'll see what he comes up with.

First Time to go Below Nanometer to Pico Meter - Breakthrough by Iran:

We had a report from a scientist in Iran 2 or 3 weeks ago, stating that for the first time
they had gone below nanometer to Pico meter. Up to now, nanometer was our
achievement. Now it's been assigned to an institute to have it confirmed that we have
gone below Pico meter. We know that they are there, but we don't have machines to
go deep enough to see them. But now we saw below nanometer, and we'll go to Pico,
and then below Pico. In fact, is the clear water, still carrying Pico materials, which has
given an environment, and then becomes a particle? We are converting energy in
Pico, to matter state, in that by giving energy back to itself. I told you that if the
world switches to peace, and the finances that were put into arms, now goes towards
the peace work, mankind will not have enough time to explore every avenue of our
life and existence in the creation of God across the universe.

Convert Military to Peace, American Bases Surrounding Iran - Warned:

As I said very recently, and I'll repeat again to the American administration and
government, especially to the state of California. If you take the state of California,
out of the United States, on its own, it becomes the 8th largest economy in the world,
and the US's rank as a country, would fall below15, more or less. Because of a lot of
negative, and other positions which California creates for other states. Now that we
have reached a peace condition, many companies in California that were involved in
the development of weapons technology, arms, and everything under it that they call
defense, will be without a job. That's why, as Trump said, "we are getting ready,
because Iran is going to attack us," when actually, he has to find another war to keep
these companies in California and the rest, going. If you remember, as it was
beautifully said, a map of Iran was shown with all of these American flags, as bases,
surrounding it, and then the president says, "Iran is planning to attack the Americans."
Who is it that came 20,000 km to be caused to be attacked, and we still don't attack
you, because we are not animals. We are a mature nation. We have been told that
there is movement in Iraq by the US, so I spoke with our American guys yesterday in
the US, and they said, 'yes, our plan now, is moving, because, we think Iran might
attack us.' I said, no, we are not stupid. You think that because Iran, through Corona
has lost some of its military and there is a weak point for you to attack, but be careful
you don't get burnt. The situation in Iraq 6 or 8 weeks ago was just a taster, this time
don't play with the fire, but again it is the same situation.

Offers to Convert US War Industry into Space Development - Huge Leap:

We are looking for the maturity of the man. All the people in the Navy, on the ships
and planes, have to go home, and when they do, they'll carry the Corona with them.
We are prepared to help the Americans, to "de-Corona-tize" them before they go,
even the ones in Iraq. We'll open up so much, the hand of peace and love from Iran,
that we'll put the American military forces to shame. We do it because of our strength
in both science and weapons technology. I speak very openly to the members of the
White House, and extend the hand of peace. Let's save your soldiers and your ships,
not only in America. As I said, I'll enforce peace, even if it means by writing off
nations, not the people, but the rulers. Try to understand that what we call a peace
dividend for humanity, means that we'll use all of these scientists across this planet
who were involved in military and defense, or whatever names you give them, to
develop technologies for peace. Now that they can't threaten each other anymore, or
sell anymore weapons, they'll be used for space development and everything else.
Through this process, humanity will evolve more, in less than 2 years, than what took
more than 20 billion years in the life of this planet. Then Mrs. magnetical will not
have a fear of viruses when we go into space, because we'll understand and analyze
them, and know how to deal and live with them.

Iran has Taken Superiority in Handling Corona - Holds Out Hand of Peace:
The message today is very clear, Iran has taken superiority in dealing with the
Coronavirus, and we'll use the Iranian military forces to spread this knowledge across
Iran and beyond its borders for other nations to enjoy. We put out the hand of peace.
We do not need your generosity, we'll give to you so that you can stay in power as
governments, but at the same time, free your nationals from what is happening now.
And we'll share the technology freely. Iran is a peaceful nation and its technology
belongs to humanity. We'll spread this technology within the next few days, across
Iran with the support of the Iranian army, because it's the only way it can be done, so
that we can reach the whole nation and be able to secure all the cities.
If Rejected Offer goes Directly to Save Soldiers and US Governors:
In Iran we are used to using our military for the prosperity of the nation, and we'll
bring it to the other nations. We are not going to develop a condition that we all
suffer, rather that humanity becomes peaceful that we can enter the next step with the
technology. We expect a positive response from the White House or lieutenant
Colonel Michael directly, as you know he is the only advisor that president Trump
accepts, and we have put a message to him. If that doesn't happen, then we'll reach the
USS Roosevelt directly, and its chief, to secure its people. We have the means to do
so, with peaceful intention, and peaceful application. The same applies to the
Governor of Arizona, and California. We'll change the course directly. We'll break up
the animosity through friendship and safe conduct. There is only one answer, and that
is, that we work collectively with the armies to eradicate the Coronavirus, and to bring
a new condition of peace across the world. I stand shoulder to shoulder with all the
military forces of any color and race, as long as it serves the nation and humanity.

GL- Can I read some feedback from the Chinese? About the meditation, somebody
said, all of matter has the spirit, has the life. Another said, meditation is the practice to
link with your Soul, to have a call with your Soul. Somebody else said, my experience
with meditation, is a deep inside view when the brain calms down, and the release,
and became emptiness, and the inner awareness starting to expand. Another said, to
meditate is to expand the Soul, to become the same size as the universe, to unite as
oneness, then the universal energy becomes oneness status, and then you can
download it. To feel your emotions, .. do not react to it. .. I agree with somebody's
words, they said, Iran is the best nation to open this peace technology to the world. I
quite agree with that, although you tried a lot with China, but maybe Iran, as you said,
Iran has the key, the Iranian nation has to accept the key, and then open the door of
China. That is what my opinion is.

Keshe: Can you explain to us the discussions in QQ regarding the Cup of Man, how
they look at it. .. What do they talk on the QQ regarding the Soul of the system? You
had it on the QQ this past week, what has been talked about?
GL - They are trying to understand why some parts use the Nano wire and the salinity
of the different caps.
Keshe: No, I am talking about the energies, what do they talk about the energies, the
Yin and Yang in the Cups.
GL- Actually I didn't see much discussion of that, but I have some understanding
we also think that the Soul of the man and the Soul of the physicality, can create the
fields, yeah, as you said, it must to create a Soul, so we create a Soul of the same
strength as our Soul, so that we can communicate with it. And today you were talking
about the "Beautiful People", so that's what I understand, maybe you'll find that inside
you'll have 2 souls, and you can talk with the other Soul.
Keshe: Can you ask your QQ people how do they see the balance of their fields as a
Chinese? And in a Cup of Life, because other QQ's who are involved in the work of
the Soul and the Cup, have been having very deep discussions going on, on this
GL- From where?
Keshe: I'll give you the QQ to go to. You are not the only place I talk to.
GL- Ah, here there's not much people discussion about that.
Keshe: Go into the Taoism Chat lines.
GL- Taoism chat line? Where?
Keshe: Yes. You should find it. They are those people who've been around us, and
they are considering the Cup of Life with it.
GL- I didn't know about that... Interesting. You don't understand Chinese but you are
in a QQ groups which I don't know about...
Keshe: Because they explained to me how... you know with the Taoist groups we met
with a lot of them... and they have opened the Chat lines, and they still follow the
work of the Keshe Foundation, and they are discussing it, yeah.
GL- Can you invite me in?
Keshe: No, if they wanted to, they would have invited you in. They are looking at the
Keshe Foundation's work and Taoism. As you know they always said the two are very
similar. GL- Yeah, yeah, that is what I feel also, yeah.

Chinese Taoist Groups Find Confirmation of Taoism in Keshe Foundation

Keshe: Yeah, but Taoist people always looked at the Keshe Foundation as a
confirmation of Taoism.
GL- Yes, for them, they only had the older mystery theories, but not many things can
be like, you can see and show. I also, was learning a lot from other groups of Taoism.
It's very interesting the more I learn, the more I think it's the same. Just as you say, it's
the teaching from the custom, maybe 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and now you have
teaching in a new modern, scientific way of the old Taoist and more details.
Keshe: And the Taoist groups understand this. They think they have found an answer
to many of their long years of questions.
GL- Yes, actually that's why I introduced this to some people and they find it easier to
understand you, if they really know what you're talking about.
Keshe: Yeah, because Taoism believes in Yin and Yang, and a balance of the two. We
had many meetings with them, and they see the knowledge with the technology as an
answer or, what you call a Confirmation.
GL- For what they learned from the books, or from their masters. You are totally
different, like the new way to explain it so easily, that everybody can understand.
Because if you read the old books, for us, we think that's the book of the God.
Nobody understands because they, you know, for all of your theories (teachings), they
just use several words to describe all of it, the whole of plasma. They do it in just
maybe 20 words. They explain everything. But if you just read those words, they are
just words, they don't have any meaning. But if you hear yours, you are explaining
how plasma is working. We'll come back and say, exactly. That's this, in very simple
words. What if you planned the whole world, how to run.
Keshe: The Taoists in China, When they come in touch with the teaching of the
foundation is like, that they find the missing links.
GL- Yeah, that's what I always say. That your teaching is linked to the ancient and the
modernized, links the West and East, and links the Earth's civilization with the
Universal Community civilization.

Mr. Keshe Met Many True Taoists in China - They Understand Cup of Life:
Keshe: Thank you very much. So what do your people say? Let me explain to our
listeners. We had many encounters and many beautiful meetings, and we made many
friends with the Taoists in China, during my stay. .. The more we work with, and the
more contact we have with the Taoist leaders and key people, the more we understand
we are talking the same thing. In places where we have met the Taoist groups,
especially in Beijing, and in the other places, they are adamant, that the technology
has to be explained to the Chinese people, because they will understand it, as it's part
of their culture. The groups that work with the Keshe Foundation knowledge, have
gathered a lot in past 3 or 4 weeks, especially with the Cups. The Cup of Man was a
point of mystery for them, but now it has been unraveled. They understood a lot, and
it has affected them a lot. If you look, the 2 Cups are the Yin and Yang. One has a
weakness, which the other one covers. And one has the strength, which the other one
has to give to. But at the same time, both wear their weaknesses and their strengths,
that the interaction, between the four, in a way, what we call Yin and Yang, or gravity
and "magnetical" (magnetical), creates that condition of the balance between the
Cups, the Cup of Man. This is what we have with the physicality of the man and the
Soul of the man. The Soul of the man in the brain, has a very powerful strength,
which leads to the creation of the man. But it needs the Soul of the physicality with its
weaker Soul, to be able to expand itself, and to manifest the physicality. At the same
time, in its strength, it needs to receive, which uses the Soul of the physicality and the
actual physical body, to maintain that position of receiving the lowest, that it can give
more, of the highest. In our stay China, we came across many true Taoists, and I've
given talks to many Taoist groups and teams, and individuals. They understand the
culture of the Keshe Foundation and the teaching in a totally different manner. It's like
a fulfillment of what they could not understand. And strange enough, the Military,
took it the wrong way. But it's okay.

The Protocol Makes no Difference for a Pregnant Woman:

Q: How are pregnant women to behave in regards to Protocols 1 & 2?
Keshe: The Protocol does not make any difference for a pregnant woman. It's the
fields of interaction, if the Coronavirus is there, and has no... no what you call it...

(cut off by Rick, he's not hearing the program .. ) ..

Keshe: Okay no problem. I have to go into a call from Tehran. It's urgent. So I would
like to thank you for today and hopefully next week we'll have a better news. At the
same time I hope today we learned a lot and we'll see what will come and how will...
this thing will take shape. Thank you very much.

This has been the 322nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop for Thursday, April 2nd,


(:09). .. Hopefully, as all the times before, we'll add to our knowledge in a different
way and in different times, and concentrate on what we call the topic of today, the
science needed for that time and that age. At the moment as we have been gripped in
this Corona situation, every effort is being made in every direction, by all the nations,
by what we call, the scientific world to achieve, or understand the breakthrough. In
this process we are one of many, we are not the only ones. We are doing, what is
called in African language, our level best, to be able to help, at least our Knowledge
Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) and many others. As you are aware, we worked heavily
with the Chinese government and authorities, and once they were given the Cup of
Life (Cup of Life), and then (it was ) explained to them, and when they saw the
results, then they went and took the technology (Technology) back into the Military,
and they brought it out in a different way. They have managed to curb the situation
using the Technology, and in so many ways, if the Chinese authorities would have
been more open with us, we would have stopped many more deaths. But the openness
with the Keshe Foundation in Iran, has brought that situation. We are in so many
ways, a few weeks ahead of the others. (:12). Maybe we can stop the suffering of
many more. In the situation with Iran, we have managed to clean one city, one
hospital, in Iran, totally of the virus.

This morning, most probably, there will be no more Corona patients in this hospital,
for the first time, we hope. The emergency room in this hospital carries 10 beds and it
was full until we got in. Now, there could be only one person left, who could leave
most probably today or tomorrow. We have lost no doctors or nurses, as far as we can
see, no personnel in the section of the hospital, has been effected, and with the support
of Mrs. Mohammadi (Mohammadi) and the Keshe Foundation, supporting in Iran, we
have taken the illness into outpatient level. This means when the people come in, they
are diagnosed, and are confirmed, they are given a Cup of Life and a bottle of Gans
Water, and now the doctors diagnose if it is an upper or lower infection, then the
patient has the option to the second Cup (Cup #2). The beauty with the new way is
that, before the patient was told to go home, and literally they would die at home..
Because if they recovered or not, the rest of the family would get it, as we have seen
in Wuhan City, when they opened the buildings, which were locked up, and all the
members of the family are there. (:14). In Iran with the spreading of this Cup of Life,
with the Water, through the hospital, they had over 100 patients in their homes,
locked down, and they were infecting their families. With the Cup of Life now the
whole family is getting support. As such, there are no more new patients coming to
the hospital. The city is being announced to be clean. It was announced by the
Ministers, or officials in Iran yesterday, on the national television. What we are telling
has already been released, and they have mentioned the name of the hospital and the
city. So for the first time, the Keshe Foundation work has been recognized by a
government. At the same time many more hospitals are going under the same cover in
Iran. We expect a national announcement by the government officials in respect to the
Keshe Foundation Technology in the coming days. A close collaboration between the
Keshe Foundation, Mohammadi, and the Keshe Foundation team and the Iranian
officials at the highest level is gathering the data, confirming the outcome, and
shortly, if they are happy with the whole structure, it will be announced as one of the
alternatives that the government will take with the nation. The beauty with this is that,
everyone can help themselves in the house, in house, and we can take it to new

The Protocol, for effectiveness in Iran has changed, in a way that we go for rapid
discharge of the virus from the body. (:16). At the same time, you might have seen
videos, that in Iran, individuals have taken in their hands to wash the streets and
towns with the Gans Water. The Knowledge Seekers in Iran have seen the results. The
Keshe Foundation, one of their (Internet) links to public has passed 29,000. We closed
it for some time, to not increase the numbers, because the support team could not
handle it, and it has been opened in the past day or two, and total it is estimated that
we have reached 1 million Iranians, right across Iran, and many more. It has been
said, that one of the reasons that the death tolls in Iran has been reduced, is due to the
Keshe Foundation volunteer teams across Iran. In the past, if you had the disease, or
died, or got infected, you had no choice. Now, the people who are on the end choice,
who know they are infected, and are locked down, they come to the Keshe
Foundation. They help themselves, and then they make many more Cups for many of
their families and relatives. In this cycle we have taken the edge off the top of the
death rate, through the new Technology. At the same time we have seen a rapid drop
in the death rate. The Iranian government has not managed to curb the growth, but
even with the growth, we have no more death, as such, very few, compared to what
we see in France and Germany, Italy and the rest. The Iranian government officials
will open the Technology to all the government across the planet. The Iranian
officials, military and the Sepah, will deliver the Technology on the official levels,
(:18). to all the nations. In that process we expect to curb the whole process of the
Corona, by the end of April internationally, this is the aim and the work of the

In the next days, an official scientific paper will be published, the first time ever by
the Keshe Foundation with the support and full understanding, and peer reviewed by
the leading scientists in Iran. As a scientific paper, which is ratified and confirmed,
going through the whole process. This paper will officially put the technology of the
Keshe Foundation on the map, as a major breakthrough in the world of science. The
Keshe Foundation team have been relentlessly working, and the scientific team in
Iran, have been more or less calling many, people who have used (the technology) to
confirm, that the nation was used as a clinical trial, and has shown success. Usually
when you do clinical trials you have to find patients. This time, due to the
effectiveness of the technology, the whole nation of Iran was used, and the data
provided by the Keshe Foundation, that the ministers and the officials can call the
patients on their line (phone) and get that firsthand, direct knowledge, of who they
are, what happened, how they were treated, and the forms have been filled in to
confirm. So the Iranian government has used the Iranian nation, who volunteered
themselves, using the Keshe foundation technology as a national clinical trial. This
has never, ever happened before. At the same time, many Iranians, and outside Iran,
(:20). have used the technology, using the Iranian channels. To that effect, all those
who are non-Iranians, but who were given the form, in the past few days, to fill in and
return to the officials in Iran. To show that the technology is used across this planet,
and for this reason, the Iranian military officials will take the lead in spreading the
technology across the planet, but we wait for the official announcement. As yesterday,
two of the highest-ranking scientists and officials, have confirmed that Iran has
reached a new scientific breakthrough, a major scientific breakthrough, and we all
know as knowledge seekers, this knowledge is in your hand, has been in your hand
and many of you across the planet have used it.

At the same time, in communication with the White House, through the officials,
through what we call, the advisors, military advisors to the American government and
this morning to direct communication with American officials and embassies, we
have offered to clean and help USS Roosevelt of the 200 corona patients on board.
The offer has been made very direct. The Iranian military will attend with all the
equipment's on board USS Roosevelt to help the American soldiers. This has been
officially ratified, and we extend this to the American military across the planet. We
are not anymore enemies, we are friends in arm against Corona. We expect a positive
answer from the American administration and office of the President Trump.
Lieutenant General Michael Flint has been approached by the Keshe foundation as a
personal advisor to President Trump, (:22). for a direct decision by the White House.
We are very open in this case, as the Iranian military personnel's will attend, and will
be available to help their colleagues and across USS Roosevelt, as many of them will
die. 5,000 soldiers are on board with 200 confirmed, and it can spread. Within seven
days we'll return the nuclear base, what we call ship, back into the hands of the
Americans, cleaned of all viruses, no infection, no personal being affected by the
Corona. Open play play again.

We will take the same procedure (with other nations). We have already informed the
administration of the Austrian government, that this technology will be offered to the
European nations, by Austria, through the Keshe Foundation Austria. In the next few
hours, this offer, with a full support, will be offered to the Prime Minister of Austria
for the European nations. All through the direct dialogue between Enhancement Unit
and Iranian military officials, for tranStar Formationer of the technology. As we said,
we all played a game, and now is the time, to benefit by the game we played for the
past 10 years, sharing the knowledge freely across this planet. We needed the support
of a government to back the Keshe foundation and show the track. I would like to
thank the office of his Excellency, and his Eminence, the Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran
for allowing this to happen in Iran so openly, that we could help the rest of the public,
not only in Iran but beyond the borders of Iran. (:24).

This technology in due course, if we receive rejection from the White House, will be
directly delivered to the Governors of Arizona, Florida, California, and Washington,
and to New York City. It's the decision of the governor's to override their president, if
he makes the wrong decision, through his own personal vendetta or feeling. The
Iranian military and the Keshe Foundation, will stand solid behind the American
nation. I will tranStar Formationer the technology across. The next step after this, will
be the development of the space technology collaboration with the Iranian
government officials, and most probably the Americans, and the rest of the world. We
need to build trust, we need to build friendship, and we need to build, through Corona,
a new direction, a new change for humanity. We have asked for a direct face-to-face
meeting with American officials within the next 24 hours, to discuss, how in step-by-
step, we can build back trust and the friendship, be it helping American soldiers on
USS Roosevelt and many other ships, which the Americans are affected. Technology
will bring peace, but the peace has to be understood, that it does not become another
step, for another animosity between nations racing towards new knowledge. In so
many ways, we have to understand more, how to build, how to do and how to extend.

We have in a scientific paper to be released by the Iranian officials on behalf of the

Keshe foundation, in the general publication, within the next days. It will clearly state
what we see as the Keshe Foundation, the way to handle the Coronavirus, the way to
overcome it, and the way to foresee the future problems that this virus will bring. In
the past, viruses, where only, and only, viruses. They damaged, gave the flu, they
killed, and they were gone. With this technology, and with this new effective way, we
should not loose around 1 million people every winter to flu epidemics. This is a
solution to another cycle for long term problems with viruses. At the same time we
have to learn, that this new virus, according to the scientific paper to be published in
Iran, would explain something very drastic. If the governments do not understand, and
if the governments overlook the long-term processes and damages of this virus, we
will have more deaths in the coming months and years, from this virus, then actually,
the virus is doing today.
This virus, as I explained before, has very specific characteristics, which we've never
seen (before). (:28). In a span of the universe we know how to handle it, but for
mankind this is unknown. This virus, in finding a cell and attaching itself to it, it
creates an interface with material and the illusion of atmosphere. What we have seen
in this virus, as we all know, at the center of all cells on this planet there is a calcium
in the form of energy, not in the form of a solid. In interacting with this, as many
other parts inside the cell, this energy has managed to change this to a calcium cell.
Understand, that this virus energy interacts on all levels with the cell, but the strength
it carries, is so specific, that it carries the salt of calcium, (:30). which means it
changes the energy into matter state. This is why the doctors in the first Corona
pictures, show calcification of the cells of the lungs. There are number of problems
with this, that the humanity has to face. With the new technology of the Gans, which
we provide, we encircle a new dimension. In a way, this encirclement comes from the
Gans we've produced, that in field strength interaction, we deplete the energy of the
virus. In this process, we see such interaction. As our system, due to Cup 1 is set, we
protect, and create a link with the energy of the calcium. In this process, we do not
allow the virus to change the calcium to the solid state.

For this reason, a new protocol has been issued by the Keshe Foundation to the
Iranian doctors and to all those who use it, (:32). to change the protocol, that we
change this for good. But what happens when millions of people in China, and
millions of people across Europe and America, do not go through the process of using
the Gans to deplete the energy of the what we call, the Corona, from this calcium. As
you know, as we said, every cell of the man carries the seed of calcium. We manage
for those who survive in one way another, to shrink the energy of the virus and they
survive. But due to calcification, which is inside the body, we expect a massive rise in
cancer across this planet in next three months to two years. Because the process of
decalcification is not there, in a way, this calcium will stay, and it will become, as it
carries the strength of the salt of the calcium with it, that it is converted, it becomes a
salt in the tissues of the man lungs, brain, intestines, liver, kidneys, testicles,
ovaries, the womb, and the prostate. (:34). We will see a massive increase in bone
and in blood cancer. If Corona takes from us a million, we will lose 20 million to
cancers. In China, we estimate about 20 to 30 million have been infected and died, or
the totally affected numbers, runs into 50 million. We expect a massive death rate in
China, anywhere in that region of 150, 200 to 500 million Chinese will die of this
cancer. In Europe, we expect the same. Depopulation will not come through Corona,
but it will come in the secondary cancers, which will be very aggressive, as the seed
of the Corona has already been set in massive numbers. Usually cancers start with one
or two cells, but now Corona has made many of these cells. We can see the
accumulation and the collective cancers across the body of one person, the brain,
lungs, kidneys, lymph and everything else. Because when you say, that you had a pain
in your body, it means that every cell has been calcified. (:36). Which has got to do
with your nervous system, somewhere. I have given warning to the Chinese
government. And I have given a warning to the Iranian government and
administration, that we'll run, what we call anti-calcium, or decalcification in a very
rapid way in public teachings across Internet and television in Iran. So that people can
run a 3-day, or 3-hour session twice, in 1 or 2 weeks, to totally decalcify this. In a
way, the energy will stay, but the calcification will be removed.

This knowledge is unique, and it is in the hands of the Iranian national, and the
Iranian nation, Iranian government and it will be set out in the new scientific paper
which will be published. I would like on behalf to the Iranian Keshe Foundation, to
thank the military, Sepah, and collectively the Ministry of Health, and all the officials
from the office of His Eminence Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to support, and to work so
hard, to be able to achieve this, and to be able to support the Iranian nation in such a
rapid way. This is how it sits for all of us, and every time this virus hits us, if we don't
clean it up, this is what is going to hit us in the coming time. (:38). The first series of
cancers in China, has already shown its face, because it's so huge, such a large
number of cells have been effected, that the body can't decalcify, then it goes in a
nosedive. One of the ways to handle this will be explained through the Iranian
officials. The doctors of the Keshe Foundation have been writing the Protocols and
the whole process, in the past 2 or 3 days, to be part of this scientific paper. Now, we
can see that the Corona can be with us for a long time.

It's the first time we have a virus which has access or strength to the level of the
physical part of the body of the man. All the viruses up to now were energy packages,
but for the first time, this virus has managed to bridge a very important position
around the cell of the man. What I am about to explain, I have already explained to
the officials. This is not scaremongering, this it to explain, (:40). something very real.
As we have seen, the virus has managed to make access at the strength at the level of
the Ca within itself, with the cell of the body of the man to create the calcification.

The biggest fear, which we see, which could be imminent, but we cannot put a time
on it, is that, if this process of interaction in the fields, within the structure of the
virus, leads to creation of the Ca within the virus itself. It means it will be entrapped
within a new physical body, and for the first time, RNA will be making its own DNA.
If this happens, what will be the consequences of this growth outside the cell, and
would it be a parasite, which we'll never be able to get rid of within the human body.
Would we change our life to the new dimension of, in fact, a cell from the virus. Then
what this will do, this will become a parasite, a "virus parasite" inside the body of
those who are infected. (:42). Would the mankind have the knowledge and
Technology to overcome this? It will be the first time a virus has changed itself to a
physical entity, known to man. If you have understood and read, even the book #1,
and understood fully from the interaction of the fields, such a creation of energy and
gravity point is possible, and is at the strength of the Ca, creation and change the virus
to a cell on its own, within the structure of the body of the man, is a possibility. The
problem with Corona, is that, it can become the crown of the whole human body, and
not just on the cells. This is a reality which we have to consider, because it is for the
first time we have seen this. We understand this process fully, conversion of the Ca
fully, because by accident, or by fate, or by the "Will of God," the Keshe Foundation
had the opportunity and a full time to understand the calcification within the body of
the man, some time ago.

In so many ways, what we talk about, (:44). is the reality, which we have already
handled and have seen the conversion in calcification. If you remember some years
ago, we showed you a number of pictures of the lady who, her body was converting
all the, what we call, body cells into Ca. In changing her life and working so closely
with her, we managed to understand this process a long time ago. So if we get to that
point, and we understand this position, if you remember we tried to blank her face out,
but show you the face. We have dealt with calcification of the bone through the blood,
and then amputation and ** death, and everything else which went with it. If you
remember, some years ago we showed this, the lady who, her body was changing
everything into Ca. (shows the picture) Do you see the fingers, the tip of the fingers,
especially the ones facing you, we could see the bone, because the blood vessels were
calcified, (:46). and no blood was coming in, and the body was wasting. We have
many videos that you can see all the bones. It took 3 months to reverse, to change the
calcification in the blood, to no calcification. You can see it from the tip of the
fingers, very clearly, if you look here and here. We know what this virus will do to
mankind. It will strip the flesh from your bones and you'll have to watch it. This
calcification through the energy tranStar Formationer, and what we have seen with
this virus, is very real. You can't overlook it, nor ignore it, because many of us will
start this process in the coming months and years. We'll release a new protocol in the
coming days, that the Keshe Foundation supporters and Knowledge Seekers, and
people across the world who want to keep on changing these calcifications to normal
energy of the cells, (:48). can follow.

We are waiting for the official papers to be released by the Iranian Government, and
then we'll start building on the true knowledge in how to divert and change (this).
Many of you Knowledge Seekers, will not be here in the next few years, due to the
damage of the Corona, which you overlooked. And when it touches you, you'll
understand. There is a process to reverse this, if need be, and when the time comes
we'll release the Technology. But until that time, it is your responsibility to look after
yourselves. We have pictures of the bones in the fingers, if you want to see, a bone
sticking out without any flesh. It's never been done before. We know what will come
with this, I have seen it. (:50). If you want to see the horror of it, no problem, we
have 10,000 pictures from this lady, and videos. Fortunately or unfortunately, she is
Iranian and still alive. This photo of her hand, was taken last year, October. She
attended my father's funeral, that's why she is in black. We helped her in 2005 and
2006, and the hospital in ** Belgium have a full detail report of her. You can go and
ask them to look at the videos, MRI's, and the rest of it, and the amputation and the
growth of the toe, and the amputation of the toe.
You have to understand, (:52). that the Corona is not going to finish when your pain
goes, or you survive, it is the beginning of a long term pain and suffering to come, if
you do not look after yourself properly and regularly, until we eradicate it. This virus
has mutated. Let me explain to you as I have done before, how much it has changed.
The Corona now has developed in this way. (Draws on screen representing each
version of Corona). Then there is a Corona, (:54). I don't have any other colors, I can
show you like this. Originally the Corona appeared in the lungs with fever. This is the
old Corona, the original Corona. Then it appeared in the brain, then kidney, and liver,
and stomach. Then is appeared in intestines, and then in reproduction cells of the
body. In the past weeks, we see Corona in arms and legs. Except for the lungs, we do
not see temperature in any other (places), but sometimes in the liver. In the past few
days, we have seen Corona creating white marks on the toes and fingernails, as it
interacts with the Ca of the nails and deepens it. (:56). In the past week or two, we
have seen Corona with the pain in the joints. As these are the points where bone
marrow comes out, and every new cell has a calcium as a seed, and automatically, it
immediately calcifies, creating blockage and pain. So in fact, Corona has shown its
face in six different ways, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. And the doctors today only talk about
this (the lungs), due to the ignorance of their knowledge. We have seen, now that we
are handling the section here (lungs and brain), with Cup #1, and section here (the
other places) with Cup #2, in a totally different manner. In cases of the kidney and the
liver, when it's eradicated from the body, we'll see pain, massive pain in the brain. As
this is connected and is adjacent to the heart, this pain comes from inside, (:58). the
interaction between the Soul of the man and the Soul of the physicality. Where the
physicality confirms to the Soul of the man, "I have survived," and he has to adjust
itself, to accept the other part, that it is not leaving. We understand the process. The
people who had the brain Corona in their first phases, speak of a totally different type
of pain, then when they have a Corona of the kidney and liver, just under the heart.

In Iran, we have had people with 52% and 57% oxygen and usually they die. But now
they are home with 90 % plus oxygen level, without oxygenating them. It's never
been achieved. This is death (52 %) , reported as another number, and this is a life
(90%), which is carried on at home. We are informing all the Iranians to carry on with
the full Protocol, from top to toe, with the new Protocol. The first week, where the
Coronavirus is eradicated, and then seven days later a repetition, to make sure any
calcification of the cells has totally been reversed.

Today the world of science, speaks about this (lung infections). (1:00). The world of
science, in six months to in ten years, will talk about the millions of people who
suddenly died of cancers, strokes, and brain hemorrhage, because of the calcification
from Corona. If those in Europe and America think they have walked away with
(only) the temperature of the Corona, you have said yes, and hello, to the cancer of
Corona. What we understand and what we see, the way this virus has managed to
mutate itself and it goes to calcification. We will use in further stages, we cannot put a
time and limit to it, to use all the understanding of the different states of the calcium
in the body of the man, to create a replication of the virus of itself, in a shape of the
operation of the human body. It has such a capability, because the calcium's of the
brain, are different than the calcium of the nail. The calcium of the heart cell, is
different than the ones in the bone and the blood. And this virus has managed to
replicate and connect to all of it. (1:02). So in total, it must, and it has to be building a
storage bank, of RNA conversion to DNA, equal to the structures of the physicality of
the man. The world of science has to understand this within next six months,
otherwise there will not be enough land in some nations to bury their dead and there
will not be enough men to bury the dead. People will die faster than they can bury
them. As we have seen in Italy, churches have become mortuaries. As they tell us, in
Paris they're putting the Corona patients on the train, to outside Paris, because there is
not enough hospitals to accommodate.

I advise you to contact your governments and your military, and ask for a direct talk
with the Iranian military and the Keshe Foundation in Iran. We'll support, teach and
bring the technology to your nations. We'll use the office of the Prime Minister of
Austria as a point of contact and consequently the Iranian Nationals, governments and
military, use their own offices across this nations to establish the link. (1:04). Wait
another 72 hours maximum, by Saturday, and then start the process with your
governments, for the tranStar Formationer of the Technology from Iranian military, to
their military, then they can ** penalize, and deliver the Technology right across. If
your officials conduct the whole process as we did, in Iran, by the end of this month,
we should be able to bring normality at least, on the life, and into the life. There is no
way we can do the military precision as was done in Iran and China. But as you teach
everyone to use a Cup of Life, and this Cup of Life will continuously produce, you
can literally wash your buildings from inside and outside, or give it to your
governments to wash from the inside to outside. Everyday you produce a Cup of Life
Gans, and in the process, by throwing it (the Water) on the streets of your town, and
the cars passing will continuously disinfect the whole city and the country. This is the
only way that we can spread it so fast. The Cup of Life is not for you in the house, the
Cup of Life, once (it) saves you, and you have made yourself immune, you throw a
Cup, you give a Cup, or the products of it, to your nation, to your neighborhood. The
old tradition was, that they throw a water and clean the front of the house. Throw the
Waters on the buildings and on the streets, and let the cars disinfect, let the people as
they walk, they'll disinfect the whole city. We don't have any other way. (1:06). Even
the Chinese showmanship, of (cleaning) stations will not reach the passageways,
alleyways, and the public toilets, and the rest of it, nor in the libraries and universities.
Spread the Waters from the Cup of Life for at least a year, everyday, and everywhere
you walk, as it is produced ,it's free. This is the only way that will battle this thing. It
is the only way, that you can stop this process to develop, as we change the whole of
our environment away from this virus. In Iran, the people have started it. The Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers have gone through this process, and now they have
taken the cleaning of the cities in their own hands. In so many ways, they are doing in
it. In the West they don’t tell you, but in Iran, many Keshe Foundation supporters
have started the process. This becomes part of your job. This is what you have to do,
and this is how we will change the position. The governments are incapable, they
don't have, and they'll not be able to do this. This is as we said, "the last man
standing." You are the last man standing for your home, your city, and nation, and as
One Nation. (1:08).

When I spoke to the American officials, and I said the Iranian Military and Keshe
Foundation supporters, are ready to go into the USS Roosevelt, you could hear the
shake in their voice. They could not believe it. We told you, we would make bridges
of peace, through the thoughts of our enemies, not through our actions of friendship in
sharing. You have become the same, spray the buildings, spray the cities as you pass.
This Cup of Life will not stop making Gans's.

Rick I have sent you three videos. This is the Iranians in a small village, and now you
understand how deep the Keshe Foundation is embedded in the Iranian lifestyle.
Have you received them Rick? You can play them one by one. People are saying,
"we build these in our empty homes, empty places, and with this. we'll disinfect our
cities, ourselves at night, when everybody's asleep. Don't forget, it (Gans Water) does
not go away, it stays and (continues to) disinfect. We saw it in China as a
showmanship, in Wuhan City, and taking the president, who was scared of even
taking his mask off. You see the Iranians with the pleasure of the knowledge are
spreading the Gans across the street, even in small villages. If it's done in a village,
small village, (1:10). now you can understand what other Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers are doing and can do across Tehran and the other cities. This has
become part of you, spreading in the churches and the mosques and the streets and
everywhere else, that people by walking (over it) will take it and spread it. This is one
of the Knowledge Seekers in a small village in Iran. You can play, please.

Plays video <Farsi Speaking> <Farsi Speaking> <Farsi Speaking>

As you can see, last week when Mrs. Mohammadi was saying that, (the opposition
was saying), that this is only for the Iranians in Tehran. This (video is from ) the
Keshe Foundation in (?name?), a small village where, what we call, a different culture
of Iran lives. You can see people in villages have started this, using the Gans Water to
wash, and we only use the water of it, not the Gans itself. There's another video you
can see them, these people are spreading it everywhere. (1:12). They've taken on
themselves, the job of securing their country, their lands, their cities and their own
villages, and this is a small village. Very small village. <continues video> It's not
just their home. As you see it's not just their own home. And this is how it'll be, and
this is the only way we can overcome this virus. It ends up going everywhere, and you
just walk on it, and when it rains it'll spread it more. It's beautiful how people have
taken things, Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers, in their hands in Iran. And the
government understood that the knowledge is totally free.
(1:14). This is Space Technology in the hand of a man, in a farm, which understands,
he's saving life. And as we said, share it freely. He hasn't just disinfected his own
house, "and I'm happy and that's me." He's taking his knowledge everywhere. This is
how you should be as a Knowledge Seekers.

In so many ways, with the new announcement with the Iranian government and the
teachings coming up, and if the European governments follow the same path, and the
American governments and the rest of the world, we will overcome this virus within
the next month or two, and we'll go back to normality. But this normality will be
short-lived, and the hospitals will be full with people with cancers, if the government's
do not follow the procedures to decontaminate the body of the man, and the
environment from the total Gans, what we call, the plasma of the fields of this virus.
(1:16). It's not anymore just: "I made a Cup (for myself), I'm happy in the house. I
have a Cup which keeps on producing, and I clean up the cities, the railways, train
stations." Just throw the (Water from the) Cup, you carry a Cup. People will
understand, and as we all do it, it will become a Cup of Life for everybody else. And
in so many ways, the governments cannot afford to do, the financial burden on this is
huge. And as one of the Iranian leaders in the meeting said: "We were told this
technology and knowledge is free, why do we have to say, no to it? They are not
asking for any money, they are giving it to us free and we see the results. It's not
vaccines that we sell, and it's not herbal medicine that is sold. It's free." It's a free
water, and if it saves energy, and people follow the protocol and saves their lives,
maybe Corona becomes the crown in the friendship and unification of the man.
(1:18). The only people who loose money from this pipe and Water you see
(spraying), are the Pharmaceuticals, and those who were planning to inject every man
with vaccines to control and then destroy. This Water is washing the "Gates of
Heaven," where, for the mankind, from those who were planning to introduce and
force vaccinations, becomes the "Gates of Hell." All of their investments have gone
down the tube. This will make the Gates Foundation bankrupt. You'll understand soon
how. The lawsuit cases against the Foundation for spreading vaccines, which were not
needed, and deliberate will deplete the funds very soon from the most riches
Any questions? (1:20). Please do not put any telephone numbers on the Chats..

Q: .. My love and gratitude for the Iranian people and their leaders for stepping
forward for the world. (1:22). Keshe: We are waiting for the Iranian leaders to make
the official announcements of what they have done and what they still have to do.

Q: Do we need to have a giant amount of Gans Water and compressor or giant

machine with hose and spray that, or can we work with a smaller spray ? .. Keshe:
This is the Iranians and the love of their neighbors, they won't go and do it in a small
way. .. You can carry the spray and spray everything else. A Knowledge Seekers said,
I have been even giving the Cup 1 to my plants and they are growing so fast, they
must have had the virus too. So you can spray it everywhere, I was in the lift
yesterday, and spraying it in the lift. People who are not recipient to it, you can't do
anything, but those who understand it and they use it. In a way, if you spray it on
your own clothes and you are walking around you are disinfecting the environment. ..
Spray your shoes, masks, when you are outside the house. I think it will become part
of the tradition to wash (with the Gans Water) because the next cycle of the cancers
are so horrible. (1:24). I can show you some of the pictures of Corona cancer. We
have already started to see it.

Q: .. What do you forecast for the future of this virus, can humans and the world
overcome it? Keshe: It depends on how we handle it. Very soon, nation by nation and
behavior towards it, (1:26). will set out the outcome. It's not anymore just spray,
drinking, and breathing. The Protocol has changed drastically because we have seen
the progress and the change if it, and it's cleverness of it. We forecast and see a
massive increase in cancer especially in China. I forecast 200 to 400 million losses in
China, due to the cancer. What I call, "election counts" will tell. China in the way they
behaved, they thought they have eradicated the Corona from the lungs, but it has
seeped into the other 5 pillar, what we call sections (organs), and they'll pay heavy for
it. Or unless the Chinese government goes into a national teaching, and teaches
people, before it gets too long (time), how to deplete the energy of the virus. There is
one problem with China, they have to go back to openness, about from where the
Technology came from, and in that openness they can share it openly with their
nation. As I said, the way the Chinese handled this, and taking the knowledge from
the Keshe Foundation, (1:28). and then changing it and officially through their
Military, saying they don't want it to be known, in a way, they took a Trojan inside
their own blood. Now the Corona will grow, and they have nothing for it, to say, as
we have seen it in Iran, and it will go into cancer. I'll explain in a very easy way,
when you steal a big diamond from the jewelry shop, which everybody knows about,
or from family. You cannot wear it in public and you cannot show it in public,
because they know you are wearing stolen goods. You can only wear that, where
you're with a bunch of thieves like you, who what they bring to the party is also stolen
from the others, the same way. So you know you is sitting amongst, a bunch of
thieves. And the Chinese did the same, they stole a jewel, and they cannot show it in
the public, but they show washing their places with (Gans) Water. Now they are
announcing that they have cleaned up their places with the Water, and everything is
open. But the Iranians did it differently, they showed the jewel, and they are proud of
the jewel, and they're openly sharing it with the rest of the world, whereas China has
to hide it. And for that hiding, as you know, sometimes some of these gems bring with
themselves a bad omen, and China has got stuck in that bad omen. (1:30). Or they go
back to the nation and they tell them where this technology came from, and it's not
Chinese, and it's not what we said, and the nation needs to protect themselves. Then
they follow the Protocols, which are set by the Iranian military and the Keshe
foundation, as a joint collaboration, to save the Iranian nation and the rest of the
world. We hear in one of the governmental, internal in East Asia, China is speaking
about the new nanotechnology they want to give to Malaysia, to help them with the
Corona. Doesn't that sound familiar with nanotechnology and the Gans technology?
And how come they did not announce it publicly, and are discussing it privately with
a government.

In Iran we are proud, and we share it proudly, the way we have done with you for
years. They don't believe you, when you call the press that don't listen to you. When
you call the government, they put the phone down, and regard you as a bunch of
idiots. Now the military and the government will announce it, and deliver it, and show
the figures of the empty hospitals by use of the technology, as a jewel in the crown of
Iran's science and technology, and your governments will embrace the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers, to teach them how, and how fast can they do it. We'll
talk next Thursday, and the Thursday after, if the Iranian officials keep to their
promise. (1:32). As you've seen, it has been announced in past 24 hours on a national
television, that Iran has reached a new technology, a major breakthrough, then the
forecast is two ways, massive cancers in China, and a healthy population in the West.

You follow the protocol. In so many ways, as I said, public swimming pools (filled
with Gans Water) will become, where you make sure you are disinfected from the
virus. Taking a bath on regular basis for the Corona, in what I call, a Cup of Life, will
support you to get rid of and reduce it. Washing your cities, cleaning up the places, in
a way, making the Corona ** world as part of the water circulation, over a few
months we'll overcome it. The beauty of this is, the burden does not go on the national
governments, who are already bankrupt, but goes to the individuals, as they wash their
cities and the streets and the rest. Here you see the Iranian guy washing the city,
because they don't have enough Gans. But, can you imagine in the cities with say, a
hundred houses on it, with two or three apartments, and three hundred Cups, or let's
say even, the Water from a hundred Cups thrown on the street, on the buildings, and
the footpath, and as the cars that will cross that street, will take it across the nation.

We do not, we cannot, and we will not allow this to win, if we unite. This will bring a
lot of benefit. I would like to share something with you, which I try to teach last week,
but many of you did not understand. In Cup of Life, many of you, and even in a Cup
of Life #2, you have seen many white Gans Cu, which means it will affect the
emotion of the man. You will find yourself very calm people, you will find the city
calms down, you will see, that the aggression will go from the nation's, because
through the Cup of Life we have raised the level of the Soul of the man away from
aggression. In a way, we have done exactly what you did with a Cup when you were
sick, now the nation's sick and it will change. The Water from these Cup of Life's that
you throw on the streets, or you wash into your basement, or into your pipelines and
will come out in another way somewhere else, will change, will bring a new
atmosphere, will bring a new condition, which is what we wanted, but, we did not
hope it this way. If you remember, (1:36). a very simple thing, in the Caribbean's,
when the Gans was spread with a few cups, we saw how a hurricane was stopped.
Now, in your cities, and in your buildings, and your towns, you are throwing a Cup of
Life, and you will see what will come of your city. Gradually, you will make that
dome, and this dome on its own, will have nothing to do with animosity and what has
been wrong with the breath point, what gave you life, of the planet. And if enough of
you spread the Gans's in the coming months around this planet, we will create a
"Dome of Peace" on this planet. I told you, I'll get what I want, it doesn't matter how
you play the game, we use the opportunities to create peace. And now you
understand. You throw your Gans Water in Sydney, and you throw it in China, in
Iran, in Europe or America. (1:38). Do you remember the dome - there were a few
cups, but now you're cycling tons of it. After this, if you follow it, we'll see the change
in human behavior, because we have elevated the Soul of the man through the Cup #1
and Cup #2, and with that, the human race will change to a new course. We will see
peaceful nations, as One Nation. We will see the embodiment of embracing the
Universal Community, where the humanity reaches a new understanding of his own
beauty and his own values.

I told you, many of you built many MaGravs, now those MaGravs become the beacon
for all of this (the fields to connect). In so many ways, and I said to you before, we
look into make the best for the human, that through that, we can make the best for the
rest of the universe. If we carry on the way you are doing now, (1:40). and the way,
even if you understand what you've done, how we have used you and your body.
Many of you drank the Gans, and it went out of your body, still energized, into the
sewages and across the nations. We have already started the process of change. The
only difference this time will be, that collectively the human race will accept the new

We have seen a shameful behavior from the White House, and more shameful
behavior in past few days in Iraq, from the White House. But as we say, we do not
expect good news from General Michael Flint, to accept support and help from the
Iranian army to overcome the American problems in their Navy and other places. But
the nation will override the president, and the president will have no seat as a
president. You have to understand, in the time of trouble even the worst enemies step
down. (1:42). The shameless, the shameful president's increased deceptions, and
again we see military moves in Iraq, on the banner of Iran wanting to attack us, to
make ready, thinking the Iranian army is weak, and it's the time to strike. What a
shameless man. We'll defend the territory, but at the same time we help your soldiers.
They'll be putting arms down, to the shame of their leaders, how can we fight with
those who saved our lives. As I told you, we'll disgrace those who stand in our way.

As I said, in the last negotiations when Obama administration approached us, that the
Senate will not ratify the 5 plus one (treaty). I gave an interview to Mike Harris and I
explained how many senators in the Senate, and in the House, would like to say no, to
5 to 15 million jobs, which will come out of the peace process with Iran. In the time
of recession, you have to tell your people, that you are refusing millions of jobs. And
the following Monday the opposition collapsed, and we got the ratification through
the Senate. Now, our call goes to the American Navy, Army, and Armed Forces, your
sons and your soldiers will die of Corona, (1:44). would you like to fight, or would
you accept the hand of friendship, from the Iranian army and military for eradication,
using advanced Iranian technology, beyond nuclear. We'll give you a guarantee, that
within seven days the USS Roosevelt will be open for public, the way we cleaned at
the hospital in Iran. Let the soldiers decide, not the incompetent leaders. We'll
bombard the American military with a gift of life, and let's see who has the strength to
create more war. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the world military, to deliver this
to all the nations, because they have order, and they can reach, where the governments
are incompetent to deliver, except one. As we always said, armies are men of action
and they can deliver. And this time the Iranian army will deliver peace, and the
solution for Corona. We are proud to stand, shoulder to shoulder with Iranian soldiers
to eradicate the Corona from Iran and rest of the world. You asked me, what I see for
the future, I see the future of peace, using the opportunity of Corona to forget about
the past. (1:46). But the same time, we have to take steps, that it will not take a toll on
our lives in the future months through cancers and others.
Any other question?

Q: .. Can I use another Plasma at the same time? Let me say it another way, can I
reach the virus with CO2 and Zn?
Keshe: The Cup of Life has a structure for Ca, and Mg, that's why it was developed
for this purpose. Do you understand, you have the Cu, Zn, and the Nano (nano) coated
(coil). What is Ca, Rick? 39 -40. (1:48). You have to understand the design of it.
We look at the Ca spectrum from 35 - 49 (plasmatic field strength). We average
around 39 - 40. You have a Cu, which we calculate around about 57 - 69, around
about 60 to 63 to 64. As you know, when you have a dynamic system which is created
due to the nano material inside, not all the polarities are in the same way, as we call it,
some are in opposite way, this is something you never understood in the work of the
Gans of plasma (Plasma).
In this water we have a Na, around about 19 - 25, we average it at 20 - 23.
Understanding the dynamic motions in this Cup, if you take 63 minus 23, of the Cu,
you come to around about 40 of the Ca. Then you understand, the magnetic
(magnetical) field of Mg, or possibly Ca, (1:50). and Na and the Cu presence will
give you the field strength of the Ca, this is how we interact with the Ca seed, which
the Corona has touched.

Q: I have a breathing device, which I made with the CO2 and Zn, can I use it at this
moment .. Keshe: For the time being, yes, you can do, it's emergency, because part of
the Zn, and the best way to do it, is to add 1 or 2 drops of salt into it, to create, near
this condition (of the Ca), for yourself in this Cup, and use the Gans saltwater, from
your pot (saltwater in Cup of Life before removing the Gans), not just the normal
Gans, which in that process will give you that. Just add 1 or 2 drops of the Gans
saltwater. Q: Thank you very much. Keshe: Now you understand how we handle the
Corona, and why we are so effective on it. Because we have matched it, match to
match, we have linked with it, link to link, we have done everything possible to make
it available. In a way, if you look at it, Corona is like a big mother, a mother pig with
so many tits, and we put a piglet on each one, sucking the energy out of the mother.
Every possible way, (1:52). we have linked into it. It's a simple Technology, you see
to me, physics is fun, and it's beauty, because I see how things go. When you enjoy
science then everything is easy to solve. I built this Technology and I know every
brick of it and where it needs to be fit in.

(Fibromyalgia teaching)
Q: I think you misunderstood me, I made the Cup of Life and have the Gans of it, but
also I have another device, a breathing device I use with CO2 and Zn, for my, I have
Fibromyalgia, when I use these two methods (together) do I make any wrong thing?
Keshe: No, that is what I told you, just put a salt from the Cup of Life in your
breathing system, you do both, you help your Fibromyalgia and your Corona. Why
have you got a Fibromyalgia? Q: I don't know, life I just got it.
Keshe: What are the signs, what is the number, of your Fibromyalgia?
Q: I consulted with a doctor, she sent me to another doctor, and he gave me this
breathing device. I have a pain, everyday, for 24 hours. (1:54). some pain in my legs,
I did all the tests and the doctor said, you are okay, you don't have any problem. You
have a mental problem.
Keshe: Have you been tested for Fibromyalgia?
Q: I tested with other things, pineal glands, all of them are okay.
Keshe: No, Fibromyalgia doesn't show in any of these things, they are okay. It has a
specific structure of identification, and you can ask your wife to do it for you. I used
to test people who used to come, they said, oh, you want to touch us. I said, you know
something, you can go and get lost in ** yourself for the rest of your life.

Fibromyalgia, has 18 points in the body. If you pass 11 points as positive, then you
have Fibromyalgia. Some people are as high as 18, they can hardly work, and they
end up saying it's just psychological. It's not psychological. How old are you? Q: 41 ,
from Iran. Keshe: When did you leave Iran or were you born. Q: 10 years ago. Keshe:
Okay, Fibromyalgia is very easy to diagnose by someone who stands next to you. You
need to put pressure at 2.5 lbs/per sq inch. (1:56). or 2 kg ** it's best around at the tip
of the finger. The first thing you do, is take the back of you ankle, do you know where
the tendons are at the back of your foot. This is point 1 and 2. You get your wife to
squeeze these tendons, between her 2 fingers. If they are painful, and you can't stand
it, don't kick her and don't push people around, it means you have been abused while
standing on your feet. That is the first sign of Fibromyalgia. So you have the first two
(points). Then there are 2 points inside near your thighs, which goes near the "shy"
line, women think you want to touch them. These 2 pressure points are points number
3 and 4. Again if you push the point with a hard pressure and if you feel pain, so now,
you have 1 and 2, 3 and 4 (4 of 18 points). Then on the back of your shoulders you
have 2 points in your shoulder blades, you press those deep, and if you feel pain, that
is 5 and 6. Then under your arms there are 2 pressure point on the ribs, when you
press them, pain. (7 and 8). (1:58). Then there are 2 points in front of your chest near
the collar bone, number 9 and 10. You have 2 points by the neck and ear, number 11
and 12. There are 2 points on the back, in the spine just behind your hips, number 13
and 14. Then you have 2 points, which sits on your sinuses on either side of your
none, 15 and 16. Then you have the final points. These 2 points are very different and
change the position. You press on the side of the breast, if there is a pain, number 17
and 18.

If any of these numbers 18 ( in total), comes (adds up to ) 11, you have Fibromyalgia.
(2:00). You feel the pain, you kick people, you say, don't touch me, it hurts.
Fibromyalgia comes while you're exhausted, because to keep these pains under
control takes a lot of energy everyday. These are emotional damages, which were
done on you, the abuse by family or friends, before the age of puberty, that is run for
12 or 14 (years old). Am I correct?
Q: Yes exactly.
Keshe: Yeah, this creates a psychological depression in the brain, which leads to not
wanting to work, and being exhausted all the time, because you have to understand, to
service each pain, which is part of this, takes something like 10 to 20 calories a day. If
you have a 20 calorie energy loss, times it by 18 and that's nearly 400 calorie a day,
which is wasted just on servicing these pains. So if you take 1,400 calories a day,
what's it number, you're already short by 400, then you're already exhausted, you're
tired, and if you cannot walk, it means they have told you, that you're incompetent,
and you cannot do anything.
Q; Sometimes I can barely walk.
Keshe: Yes, I understand. So with the Fibromyalgia this is the structure, ask Dr.
Mujar, (2:02). to put you in touch with me, I'll take you out of it within two to three
Q: Thank you so much.

Keshe: The process is not this way. Fibromyalgia has a specific process, I have had
people who for 17 years could not even go to work. They had to work two or three
hours a week, just to get paid by social services, and then they would spend the whole
week recovering, for those two or three hours to stay alive. In less than three weeks,
they were cooking and everything else and living a normal life. You have to
understand Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic, by abuse done before puberty. Then if
you enter the workforce, or when not a workforce, but when you cross puberty,
number 17 and 18 changes position to, these are your tits, the tips of your breasts, and
these are your last ribs, you line up, if you are a woman, you lift your breast up, you
take your tits, and you go directly in line to the rib, and you pressurize these two
points. These become 18 and 17. If you have no pain, for ease, let's call them, 20 and
19. If you have no pain on either 20 or 19, then you have Fibromyalgia. (2:04). But
if you do have pain on 20 and 19, then you have what is known as Fatigue. Points 19
and 20 come after puberty, it comes from being subordinate. You have a boss who
tells you you're useless, and you accept it. Your wife tells you that you're
incompetent, and everything else. You work in an office, because now you are a
teenager, and you grow up, and they blame you for everything, and you know it's not
your fault, then you start getting a depression.

This is Clinical Fatigue, CF and FM (Fibromyalgia). CF comes after puberty, FM

comes before puberty, around 12 to 14, or up to 12 to 13 years old. This (CF) comes
from anytime, from age of 14, to the end of life, whatever that life will be. You can
get Fatigued (CF) at anytime, a lot of people accept a lot of pressure at work, because
they need the bread to put on the table, and the boss is ruthless, he thinks he's the
boss, and you get CF. You go into a marriage in which the wife is abusive, but for the
sake of children you stay in it, and you get CF. Or you go into a marriage in which the
wife betrays you, and you know it, but you stay in it for the sake of the children, you
get CF, and all the abuse that comes with it. (2:06). When you accept, that it is not
my fault, but everything I have to accept, just for the sake of having bread on table to
live, you get this (pain on 19 and 20). Then you have to test yourself, because your
front, your breast, is where you protect your heart and your emotional, and that's
where the pain comes.

It took me 10 years to complete this (study), and I've mastered it, and I'll walk you out
of it. You walk in and you divorce the wife, and you start a new life, because you
won't stand the abusive behavior. Most of the children who go through bullying will
suffer from FM, long time. With FM and CF, you need to strengthen the Soul and the
emotion. When you see the people with FM and CF, when they walk into your office,
the shoulders are here, bent forward, and submissive. In three months they stand tall,
and they won't let anyone abuse them. Your posture is like an animal in the fields of
Africa, where the lion picks the animal by the posture, and so do the men. This is why
many women go from one abusive relationship to another, because of the posture,
because of the problems, which psychologically brought in a hidden FM in their life.
(2:08). It's the same with a lot of boys and men. It's not the first time when we tell
you, that we'll change the moral, and the emotion of the man, through Cup 1, because
we understand and have tested fully in the cases of the others, in the past 20 years.
Take a picture of yourself if you have FM, and go through the process of the Keshe
Foundation, what I call "FM recovery," and then take another picture, you'll be at
least 2 to 3 centimeters taller. No lion will pick up, because he knows you kick. Your
prospects, your understanding, your whole structure will change. I've seen couples
who have sat in front of me, and then they realize how abusive they've been to each
other, because both came from the abusive Fibromyalgia in their background. After 3
months they couldn't live with each other, because they understood how they carried
the abusive behavior of their parents, into their partners.
Q: Thank you, Dr. Keshe, for your time. I'm really appreciative.
Keshe: Am I correct? Q: Yeah, many of the things you said is exactly the same.
Keshe: Speak to Dr. Hassan and I'll sort you out. I'll help you to get out it.
Q: Thank you. I really appreciate that. Keshe: You're welcome. (2:10).
Any other question.

Q; .. about the Cup of Man (CM), how should I use the Water and Gans from the CM,
and also how can I bare, feel and interact with the fields form the Cups?
Keshe: The CM we'll open it in the next few weeks. Make a CM and keep it at home.
Q: I already made 2 of them.
Keshe: Good. Let me explain to you how things are in 2 different ways. I was
explaining this in one of the teachings this week. We gave you Cup #1 and Cup #2.
The word CF ** is Clinical Fatigue. FM is Fibromyalgia, I can see the word popping
up. (2:12). He draws, Cup #1, Cup #2, then he draws Cup 1 connected to Cup 2, we
call it, the Cup of Man, parallel.

The world of science starts with fields. You need 2 fields to interact. You need 2
fields to interact to give you a plasma. This is the field to you, of magnetical field
effect. This is plasma Technology. The next step is, what we call, Cup #3, or system
#3. These are 1 and 1, or 2 and 2, and the interaction of the two, 1 and 2, has given us,
sorry, the point, #3, no 2, 3, I do apologize. (2:14). (He erases #3 and draws #2).
Which is this one (a plasma).

In the coming teaching, another combination of two's, when we put 2a and 2b, the
combination of two's,(2a + 2b), will give us what we know in the world of science as,
Physics. Two plasmas, each created from the interaction of the fields, gives you an
atom, which is Physics, before that they are just plasmas and fields. In the interactions
of the two's, two two's, which becomes the Physics, becomes #3. Now if I put two
Three's together, you get Chemistry. (becomes 4) (2:16). If I put two 4's together you
get Biology (becomes 5). If I put two 5's together you get the Soul of physicality
(Soul of the physicality). (becomes 6). If I put two 6's together you get the Soul of the
man (Soul of the man). (becomes 7). If I put the Soul of the man together, (two 7's), I
get the Soul of the Creator (8), as in Chinese we call it, ** That's why you have the
figure of infinity (sideways 8). That, in the interaction of this (the two 7's) you go
back to 1.

Q: Are you going to give us 6 Cups that we **

Keshe: With 6 Cups, you come to this point, that the rest is understanding the Soul of
the man. Man now has reached this point (two 6's), in your structure. (2:18). But if
you understand, in Cup development, you are still here (1 and 2) with the Cup of
Man. Only the Head of Keshe Foundation, and one other person have been
enlightened, by this (two 7's). If you understand the operation of Cup #1 and #2, you
will just about to come to understand the interaction between the 2 parts of the body
of the man as separate fields. That it makes the plasma of the man. Then you'll
understand, then we give you the dimension of physicality and the rest. (2:20). At the
moment we have to go with the Cup #1 and #2, as the CM, because we have to
elevate the Soul of the man, and the physicality of the man, that both are at the same
strength of the Soul of interaction, that we make a perfect man in the physical
dimension. We have brought your level of emotion, with your physicality. We first
increase the emotion side to support the lungs and the brain. In that process we saw
the weakness in physicality, which we brought the Cup of Man.

You have the CM, but it has brought a beautiful structure, The Chinese understand
Yin and Yang, and they are talking about the fields of it, how they interact. The
Iranians and Middle easterners, have come up with, okay, what is it doing with my
physical, I want to see this and that. We see in the Westerners and Europeans, they are
still in the dilemma of, "how many turns, is it left or right, what things it's going to
be." It's amazing when I listen to all three schools of thoughts, and I see the West is so
entangled in the world of physicality, it will take him a long time, even to come to
understand the ** second body. And even Middle easterners have a long way to go,
(2:22). to the culture of the Chinese, understanding of the balance of the creation.
When you look at the European Chats, they are still talking about the coils, and the
Gans and this and that. The Iranians are talking about, I made the Gans, what can I do
with it, and the rest of it. The Chinese don't even look at the structure of the Cups in
so many ways, they go directly to what does the field effect have, and what is the Yin
and Yang. This is why mankind has to work collectively, and understand each other's
level of the Soul, that it, in a way, works this way (Infinity Loop from the top to the
bottom). When I see the European Chat room it makes me laugh. We made nearly 30
Corona Chat rooms. When I look at the Arabs, it absolutely bring s to, "we don't
know what it is, but we'll try to be part of it," but some of them understand a bit of it,
but there is a Chat so we have to talk. But when you go the Iranians, they are at it, it
works, let's get on with it, I can save my physicality, I don't care whatever it is, terms,
it has to do its job. Then you go into the Chinese, "what effect does it have on the

As they said if you heard, if you hear the Chinese... the Chinese QQs translations,
some of them says "It is our right to steal. It is our right to use the Keshe Foundation
technology. (2:24). They've given it to us." Yes, but we gave it with respect, it has to
be respected, not to be stolen. As the Iranian official said, "He's giving it to us, a free
gift for our people. How can we reject it?" Chinese said "It's a gift, we steal it, he
doesn't need to know its his." And then in 2 years, 3 years down the line we'll see the
survival rates in Iran and we'll see the survival rates in China, and we'll see the
survival rates in Europe. And as is our tradition in Iran, in the time of war we do not
fight, we help our enemies. We have even given a helping hand to the American Navy
to get better, that maybe when they come back, we can beat them nicer in the wars, if
they decide to battle that too. We don't help the Americans out of our weakness, we
do it out of our love and respect for humanity. But if they want another beating, it's
very free. It will be done so easy. But this time it'll be a beating with the love, not
with arms, with sharing of the knowledge.

There is one condition, that the Iranian military forces will put ahead in supporting
and helping the other nations. We insist signing of the peace treaty between the
armies across the planet when accepting the technology. (2:26). The prerequisite is,
armies working together. Don't forget the Iranian army signed such a treaty with the
Romans 2500 years ago, and nobody knew which one is which. We are used to it. We
run an empire, long before you could find their village, to call it home. Any other

GM- Good morning, Mr. Keshe! This is Gatua. I have a question.

Keshe: Yes, Dr Gatua. You are the problem, I have a... sorry, before you say
anything, I have to tell you something very strange. How come you have so many
supporters and so many students in Kenya and around you, and none of them are on
African chat line?
GM- No, they are there. I have invited 2 so far. The others I have...
Keshe: Your classes are packed with people. They should be there to share
knowledge. GM- I know but they don't have a telephone.
Keshe: It's a free platform.
(GM) They don't have Telegram.
(MK) Open a chat room local They talk to each other there. It's everywhere. I open it,
in the WeChat, I open it anyway you like. Get them talking to each other.
(GM) I... I will do. I'll do that. To...
(MK) Thank you very much.

GM- So the question is What is the appropriate salinity of the Cup of Man?
Keshe: We are back into the same thing. (2:28). You decide. This is what I said last
time. Let's say, what you decide.
GM- I've already decided but I may be wrong, so I wanted to...
Keshe: So then you... you turn up to be Chinese looking if you're wrong, and if you
get the salinity right and everything else right, you might look American white. So,
what difference does it make? You are still a human, you have a Soul.
Azar- (interrupts) Keshe: No, no, no, wait! Wait, wait, wait, Dr. Azar, we have to
explain. (AB) Mr. Keshe, if he... it depends if he wants to become a salty man or a
sweet man.

Keshe: He is a sweet man. He's Dr. Gatua. Dr. Gatua, carry on.
gravitational- What I said is I already decided but I could be wrong... (MK) So? (GM)
So I didn't want it to be... right.

Keshe: How could you be... God made a mistake, made the man. But he still got some
things right, huh? You know, Dr. Gatua, there is a beautiful joke in Farsi It's a very
old joke, and I heard it again recently, in a Chat. ... A man said to the God, "Why have
you made the woman so beautiful?" God said, "Because I want you to enjoy the
beauty." The man says to the God, he says: "Why did you make a woman so stupid?"
He said, "Because then she can love you." Do you understand? (2:30). gravitational-
Yes. I do.
Keshe: So we give the beauty. It depends on how you want to appreciate it You have
to change things according to what you understand. As he said, she's beautiful, but
she's stupid. And the God said, I made her stupid, so that she can love you. So let's
see. Do we love our Soul or do we stick to the physicality to love what is physical? As
I said, it depends on the intelligence of the man. You can make any shape, any color,
any salinity, but what do you expect?

Then you have to understand the Cup of Man carries a Soul. Did you bless it, or you
just pushed in the bars to see what you make? Because the purpose of making the Cup
of Man, wasn't just to make a Cup. The purpose of the Cup of Man was to teach man
to respect. This is the problem when I gave you the Cup of Life, I explained to you, it
has a Soul. In your lives, you give life, a physical life to your children. (2:32). I
allowed you to do that with your own eyes, with the Cup of Man. You have created a
Soul, that you are responsible for. But you're so physical, that you look at the Cup as
another thing to save your life with Corona. Corona and the Cronies of it, we were
finished with it, with Cup 1 and 2. I've brought you to a level very much, very
much ... one man making two Cups, and one man making two "Cups of Man." One
physicality giving life to two hidden souls. In the life of the man you call it,
"schizophrenic." You have to understand the Cup of Life, and the "Cup of Man."
You're still looking for everything in it, except understanding the truth. This is the
Soul of emotion (Cup 1 on right) and this is the Soul of its physicality (Cup 2 on left).
It has life, (2:34). as your child (draws an Infinity Loop connecting the two). You
have created it. And in essence, its Soul is connected to your Soul. You want to play
with it, you're quite welcome. But be careful what it can do to you, when you're
dishonest with yourself and the others. You will understand soon, where you have
become the other Cup.

Keshe: We say in the old proverb "Do to the others as you like to be done to".
Understand what a Cup of Life. You need to understand the Cup of Life. And you
need to understand the Cup of Man. In the coming time, when we open the space to
you, this is what you will be facing with (draws a circle around the CM), and it's the
truth about yourself, who has got to be interacting with it. We'll start teaching the Cup
of Man, post Corona, and not because of Corona. (:2:36). To us Corona is complete,
it's finished. But because you're so physical, it was easy to bring it in. In fact, if you
look and every man makes one Cup of Man, we'll have 7 billion physical souls, and 7
billion souls of the Man who have trust to interact with. Very interesting if you
understand it.

(AB) Mr. Keshe, I have a question.

(MK) You never stop asking questions. Q: Can you.... can you help someone else
with the Cup of Man or do they have to do it themselves?
Keshe: The Cup of Man has to be made by the man itself. (AB) But can you teach
them, help them? (MK) Of course, we teach you. Don't you teach... don't you teach
sex education to your children? (AB )Yes. (MK) So, that's... this is a Soul education.
(AB) OK, the other question I have... last time in your teaching, when you were
teaching Cup of Man you said, we elevate the Soul of the man. So the Soul of the man
is supporting the physicality? The Soul of physicality, that... in which the virus of the
Soul of the man is very rare. Does it mean, once the Soul gets elevated to the point
that physicality is supporting the physical Soul, the virus can never affect us? (2:38).
Keshe: Why are you afraid of the virus?
(AB) I'm not afraid, I'm just asking.
Keshe: Space is so full of it of it that it's not going to affect you. Have you ever been
in love? (AB) Yes. (MK) How many times? (AB) I don't know, Mr. Keshe.
Keshe: You are a woman. Women fall in love day out, day in. It depends on what
shoe they wear. But in reality, love is a virus. It has no physical dimension. It's us
who's has to handle it. One of the best viruses we know, is falling in love. How do we
manage it? How can we let it affect us that way. How can our Soul allows to share our
heart, the physical part, with somebody else? So, if you understand the totality of
virus...viruses we are born with it and because of it we reproduce and we enjoy the
existence of the others. So what's your fear?

(AB) Mr. Keshe, you know I ask this question. I wrote down your last teaching, word
by word, and I'm decoding all this because the physicality...
Keshe: Yes, but in the physical language. Understand it in terms of the Soul of the
A- So I let my Soul understand it then .. ?
Keshe: I don't know, that's your problem. That's your understanding.

(2:40). Keshe: Yes, we have Mrs. Mohammadi (Mohammadi) from Tehran. Q: So

the Soul of the man needs the Soul of the physicality. Q: Does the Soul of the man
need the Soul of the physicality to elevate or not?
Keshe: The Soul of the man is the only elevator of the Soul of the physicality. There
is no other way to (do) it. And in the process the Cup of Man is set, to set the scene
for that, for the man, if the man understands. If you look at the Cup of Man as a Cup
of Man you will not understand anything, it's just another cup, another game to play.
But if you reach the Soul of the Cup of Man, with the Soul of the man, you will find
mysteries of life. Let me explain to you something which I explained, I don't know if
you been there ..some of you have, or not.

Very soon, as I explained to some of the Knowledge Seekers in the background, we

will show you how easily the life and the Soul, can be created in the dimension of
physicality. Where I will give you a drop of water, (2:42). and I'll give you a fish
tank. And when I drop the water into the fish tank, through the emotion of the Soul of
the man, you can have a fish, or you can have yourself a cow. Where for the fish, it
becomes where it lives, and for the cow, it becomes the womb of the mother, as a
cow. This knowledge is hidden to man. And I'm training one Chinese man to be able
to do it, because the Chinese understand the essence of the Yin and Yang. If we give
it to the Westerner, he would like the fish to eat. If we give it to the Middle Easterner
he would like to see how fast it grows, so he can eat it. This gift will come from a
Chinese man. Where we add a drop, and from that drop we create a life. Do you
remember I told you, I'll create a condition, so that you can see the fields that others
from the universe will come. Now, that will be your first training. That you can see it,
so that in the space, you don't fall for magic. I was planning to show this in the Tehran
conference. (2:44).

Q: Mr. Keshe are you sure you want to teach this to a Chinese? Because Chinese eat
meat, but the Indians don't eat meat. Keshe: Yeah, but they eat more vegetables, and
more souls. I prefer a meat eater to a vegetarian. One Soul carries one animal, and
each grain of rice on a stem of rice has a Soul. You need a thousand to fill in a bowl to
feed a man every time. It's your misinterpretation and understanding of the life. I stay
with the less criminals, and sometimes it's better. But there is more criminality in this
too (meat eating), which I don't show you. Maybe you want a drop, that it becomes a
grain of rice. In that drop I'll give you the Soul, it's your thoughts, which gives it the
physicality. That's the difference between the man, and a Cup of Man. (2:46).

Mrs. Mohammadi, have you finished your job, or are you still busy, while you're on
the line? Mohammadi- No we are busy.
Q: Mr. Keshe is it possible to do the Iran conference this year still, or no?
Keshe: We have to ask the Iranian government. We are ready if they're ready. Q: We
still have 17 days to go. Keshe: We can curb the Corona very easily That's what I
said to some officials in Iran, we have managed to curb the Corona, so anyone who's
got a Corona, we call, Iran, as what we call, medical tourism. You can come to Iran
we let you, we save your lives, we cure you, and you can go back. Tehran will
become the only city in the world open for business with no Corona, and if you have
it, we accept you with the greatest of the pleasures. Health tourism for Corona, for
Iran, will bring the most powerful men in the world, trying to save their lives with
their families. And Tehran is open. It'll be the only city, the only country, which
welcomes anyone from around the world with Corona. Because we have managed to
crown it. (2:48). We will announce it soon. Tehran will be open for international
travel for people who are sick with Corona. The richer you are, the more we welcome
you. We have to recuperate some of the money we lost with the sanctions through
your lives. At least we can give to our people, so they can start developing a better
technologies for the others to enjoy.

One of the best things with this will be within the next few days, we'll announce, that
Iran is open for international travel, because we know how to handle it. No
quarantine, you can come and go as the way you came and went before, just follow
our procedures. Tehran Knowledge airport will be opened in the next few days, and
we welcome anyone from anywhere around the world. We'll sterilize you inside the
plane, and we'll give you a Cup to make sure you don't catch it, and you don't give it.
And if you have it, we contain it. I told you, I'll bring Iran to be the crown jewel of
Science and Technology. Now you need a jewel to find, and then crown it, and not to
find a jewel to crown, the crown with it. We will announce very soon, we are open,
back to normal right across Iran. Give us a few days to clean up, (2:50). and then in
the meanwhile you can come in. And we'll see if we can keep the 19th Conference
open. You're afraid, because you have so many people in Paris, that you're putting
them on a train to another hospital outside. Put them on a plane and $1000 or $10,000
each to spend on holidays in Iran. We treat them for you, and send them back. Any
Parisians wants a ticket to Tehran, you're quite welcome. We'll even accept people
from the White House.
Any other question?

Q: I have one question about Cup of Man (CM). Can I use it for example, if my wish
is to feed myself and elevate my Soul. Can I use this setup, this CM, during sleep for
example doing the putting Cup 1 on the head side, and Cup 2 on the leg side, of the
(no answer )
Any other question ?
Q: Hello sir, its Mehnaz thank you and I'm present in all your wishes to help Iran,
(2:52). for the benefit of humanity becomes the jewel of science and give it with
hospitality to anybody. But I think we need more zinc plasma waters on the whole
world. And as far as, if you permit, as far as these specifically towards this virus I
have tried, I have said it before, I've tried with the flies, I accepted them and I opened
my house somehow. I responded with reception, and they didn't bother me anymore,
the flies in my house. So I have the same feeling with these virus, like I cannot of
course, I take care of all precautions, but I cannot have hate or fear about that. I feel
like, if I if I am receptive, and I accepted it as a part of the universe, and I'm not
aggressive towards it. I think it cannot attack me, if it has a Soul, and if this Soul, .. is
like me, it's receptive, and welcoming and no animosity towards it, maybe it would
pass by me, because I'm not reactive. That is my first question?

Secondly, is that the historian of the Egyptians (this was the Jews in Old Testament),
when they put on time of plague or the illness, they put the design of the blood or
sacrifice on their doors. The illness was passing their house. Keshe: why-why-why
stop, why? (2:54). Q: Because of the spiritual force...
Keshe: Oh no, oh no, come on Mrs. magnetical. You should understand the
symbolism of it. If you understand the work of the Gans, and the body of the man
having a Gans. What do you do now, when we tell you to spray your house with
Gans's? Isn't that the cross of blood over your door?
Q: Yeah. probably yes but I'm talking about this...
Keshe: No, no because symbolism in knowledge has to be understood. Because the
blood is a Gans, it is at the level that it absorbs, it interacts with the virus, with the
plague virus. If you take .. this is exactly what you're doing with the spraying of the
Gans in your home. This is why I tell you to throw it on the street, and wash your
buildings with it, why? You don't need to sacrifice an animal to do it, to put it. Q: I
Keshe: Now do you understand?
Q; Sacrifice is also giving food ..
Keshe: No, no, its not a sacrifice. We are talking scientifically, the blood is a Gans
state, and the virus needs a protein to attach itself to, so when it's got a free food there,
they're there, and then it devalues to the energy of, whatever is there, the building or
whatever, then it loses its power. That's what you do with your Gans's. That's what
you do with the Gans's on your body. It's not, what you call it, it's understanding what
it means. What it does? (2;56). Q; What I mean is, how about the spirit of a
person ..?

Keshe: First of all let me tell you something. In a couple of sentences you said
something, which is very alarming, but in a way, very important. You said, we cannot
be afraid of viruses, and this and that, yeah? If you're afraid of viruses, please do
not leave Earth's atmosphere. Stay a human, chain yourself to this planet. Outside
(this planet) it is all viruses. So to begin with, you never become a "man of space."
Then you have to understand, if that's the case, and you become "Man of Space,"
viruses are part of the environment. You have to understand how you deal with it,
with the interaction of the Soul of the man, with the Soul of the physicality of the
Man, that it does not create an absorption or interaction with the fields you don't need.
But we still need these viruses or fields to feed yourself from it. Do you understand?
So if you say, "I'm not afraid of viruses," I've never been afraid of viruses, because I
know, that you cannot be a "Man of Space," if you're afraid of viruses. They say, if
you can't stand the heat, don't get in the kitchen. Don't start cooking. So if you're
afraid of viruses, don't even try to get your Soul out of this planet, because out there,
there are nothing but viruses, which are an energy packs.
Q: Which can be used for survival? (2:58).
Keshe: Of course, you are doing it now. What do you do with the Gans water we give
you? You wash yourself, your body with it, you take off the virus, in bits and bobs,
and you feed yourself with it. What do you do? That's why I keep on telling you keep
on drinking water, the Gans water... You take the energy of it is in so many bits, the
banana ,the strawberry. Some of you try to understand, that when you drink these
Gans Waters, do you taste, feel, or crave for something. Or do you feel satiStar
Formationied, you're not hungry. I used to eat a lot, but in the past few weeks, I am
drinking so much Gans Water. Oh, now I eat very little, in nibbles. I was thinking
yesterday, my god, if I go this way, I'll be as thin as anything, because I eat a very
little on plate, very little, whatever is there. I try to have a nibble, just to have that
energy, that I an carry on. Because if you understand, you're using the energy of the
virus, to feed the rest of your body. You're not making it immune.

Q: So what about specific ..**

Keshe: This is one of the reasons, that I explained to some of the Iranian scientists,
that this is one of the reasons we see such a fast recovery with this Gans Technology,
because we use the energy of the virus, which is in parts, and while it goes through
the stomach to feed the body, and because it's already digested energy, it brings
recovery so fast. It's a huge stone, we cannot move, but when we chop it in pieces,
(3:00). we can build buildings with it. The building's blocks of the life of man.
Q: I am present with your wishes.
Keshe: I carry the knowledge, I have no wishes.
Q: For Humanity, for saving us.
Keshe: You are saving yourselves. You see, I didn't answer the gentleman from
Romania, because then, there is a lot of speculation of whatever. Use your
intelligence, and do not try to set, to formality, and a framework of what has to be.
Many people are accepting, and doing different things with the Cup of Man, but it
needs a man to understand the Cup, not just there, for them to become a gimmick.
This is a big difference.
Q: It's a new experience for man, not to be in a framework or whatever.
Keshe: It's a new toy.

Q: Yeah, another thing, what about some spiritual advice, some special practices, or
prayers, or meditations, that if they are sincerely applied, where some people ?
Keshe: You're talking to the wrong person about meditation and prayer, who am I
praying to? What am I giving? Or who am I meditating to? If you spend time with
Gaun Lin (GL), she spends hours meditating. I don't know how they are meditating,
but Chinese spend a lot of time meditating, and I don't understand what they meditate
(on). (3:02). They will sit on the train and are meditating, if the time and the place is
right. But, what is the meditation? What is the understanding of prayer? Who do we
pray to? Who do we give to? We give to our own Soul, we elevate our own Soul. If
you understand the truth, now. Who are we giving to? Who are we praying to? Unless
we give to the souls who created us, or brought us joy? Or brought us life?
Q: If I can express my feeling, it is a kind of getting inside myself, without the noises
of my physicality, and that opens me to a bigger, infinite space, and then I get things

Keshe: Let me, I'll bring you an expert in this, just wait one minute. GL are you
there? Just listen to this one. GL you spent hours meditating, every time I talk to
her she says, "oh I was meditating." What does meditation mean in Chinese? Or in
your way .. GL- Okay, although I spend time on that, but maybe I'm not a good
meditator, because I...
Keshe: How long have you been practicing meditation?
GL- I just occasionally sometimes when I ?**
Keshe: Everyday I think?
GL- Yeah, if I have time I do. But the method for me it's just to relax and to feel my
body, to listen, like something pumping in my head, (3:04). what is there. Just like
an observer of your thoughts, observer of your body, and yeah I calm down. But I
know I'm not really good at that. I know a lot of people who go through meditation
and they have a lot of achievement. They free their Soul. So actually, I'm just a just a
very, like a lower primary school or kindergarten for that.
Keshe: But you spend so much time on it? GL- oh, yeah that's because I'm the stupid,
that's your idea for women, right?
Keshe: Is there anyone on the Chinese QQ, who can explain this?

GL-Yeah,I think I can ask for somebody if they want to pumping up and to say
something and I can translate. GL- I just translated for you.
Keshe: Let me explain, when you call GL and there is no answer, it says she is busy
with something. You call back an hour later, still no answer, (3:06). you call back 2
hours later, she says, I was meditating. So you get used to it. The Chinese are forever
meditating. I have never known a nation with so much meditating. Is there any
response from the Chinese.
GL- Somebody said this is a cultivation way in Taoism. It's also in Buddhism and
Confucianism, they all try to mediate, this is the way they try to communicate with
the Soul. When you are calmed down, then the Soul is going to pumping up. ..

Keshe: Meanwhile when they are quietly playing the music of the Soul. A lot of
Knowledge Seekers have to step up and understand more about the real life, not the
physical life. Space will become a very comfortable place. As long as you are afraid
of viruses, do not enter the Universal Community (Universal Council), because a lot
of them are energy packs of what you call viruses, but they are lovely viruses. You
can even fall in love with the viruses. As somebody used to say, can you imagine that.
(3:08). We already know that virus, we call it love. .. Are there anybody? GL -
nobody want to pumping up.
Keshe: Or are they shocked.
GL- Yeah, I think they are more shocked when you said, you are going to teach a
Chinese guy about how to create a creature in the tank.

Keshe: We did that, one of the Knowledge Seekers created a brain in Barletta. Don't
be shocked, look at it this way. You have a womb of the mother, and 2 drops of water
create the life, we call it a child. What is amazing with it. It is not a shell, a yolk, a
shell, that you crack it and a sperm gets in it, and then something else. It's the
interaction of 2 liquids, where in the liquid of the womb of the mother, it takes shape.
I give one part, and the tank gives the other part, and the interaction of the two creates
life. You see, your lack of knowledge becomes your.. (3:10). I become God, and a
magician. But if you understand this, no one can be a magician in the universe, that is
why I explain it so simply. When you look at the operation of life, the egg is already
inside and part of the womb, in a way, it is made of it, and the sperm enters, and the
whole lot start operating as one. When you give me a tank, I add that ** something to
it, and the whole thing becomes a womb, and the ** created.

It's interesting how knowledge is coming up in different ways and different things
with the Knowledge Seekers across the world. A Knowledge Seekers wrote to me
very recently, he said, "Mr. Keshe there is a problem I have discovered." I said, it's
not a problem, I know that. He says, I want to do more realistic tests on it. He says,
my water has turned parts per million, particles, but when I put Gans Water in it, it
becomes 44 or 40 parts per (million) particles. He says, how does this happen? I said,
very easily, you convert exactly like the virus, energy into matter of what is available
in the water. Now they are going to do a scientific test, (3:12). and come up with a
result. In a way, we enter energy in a water, and other particles inside the water
convert, by energy to what it's exactly what Corona is doing. It's an Iranian
scientist, and we'll see what he comes up with it as. As we said, 2 or 3 weeks ago, we
had a report from a scientist in Iran, for the first time we have gone below Pico meter.
Nanometer was our achievement up to now. Now in Iran, it's assigned to an institute,
have confirmed, that we have gone below Pico meter. We know that they are there,
but we don't have machines to go deep enough to see them. But now we saw below
nanometer. We go to Pico, and then below Pico. In fact, is the clear water, still
carrying Pico materials, which has given an environment, which becomes a particle.
We are converting energy in Pico to matter state, in that by giving energy back to
itself. I told you that if the world switches to peace, and the finances that were put into
arms, now goes towards the peace work, oh, mankind will not have enough time to
explore every avenue of our life and existence in the creation of God across the

As I said very recently, and I'll repeat again to the American administration and
government, especially to the state of California. If you take the state of California,
out of the American (United) States, (3:14). it becomes the 8th largest economy in
the world, and America as a state, would fall below 15, more or less. Because of a lot
of negative, and other positions which California creates for other states. Now that we
have reached a peace condition, many companies in California were involved in
weapons, and development of weapons Technology and arms, and everything they
call it under the defense. Now these people are becoming without a job, that's why, as
the Trump said, we are getting ready because Iran is going to attack us. When actually
he has to find another war to keep these companies going in California and the rest. ..
As you remember, it was beautifully said, there was a map of Iran and there were all
American flags, as bases, all over (surrounding), then the president said, Iran is
planning to attack Americans. Who came 20,000 km to be caused to be attacked, and
we still don't attack you, because we are not animals. We are a mature nation. So now
we see movement in Iraq, as we have been told, and I spoke with our American guys
yesterday in the US, they said, yes, our plan now, is moving, because, we think Iran
might attack. I said, no we are not stupid. You think that Iran, through Corona has lost
some of its military and you think it's a weak point to attack, but be careful you
(don't ) get burnt. The Baghdad situation was just a taster. (3:16). The situation in
Iraq, 6 or 8 weeks ago, was just a taster, this time don't play with the fire. But again it
is the same situation. ..
We are looking for the maturity of the man. Now that all of these guys have gone into
worrying about Corona, with the Cronies, and they have to go home, and they have to
go in the Navy, and the ships, planes, and they carry the Corona with them. We are
prepared to help the Americans, to "de-Corona-tize" before they go. Even in Iraq. We
open so much, the hand of peace and love from Iran, that we put you to shame, the
American military forces. We don't show you .. it's just because of our strength that
we can do, both in science and in weapons Technology. I speak very openly to the
members of the White House, meeting they understand. It ** extend the hand of
peace, let's save your soldiers and your ships, not only in America.

As I said, I'll enforce peace, (even) if it means by writing off nations. Not the people,
but the ** rulers. Try to understand, if what we call, as a through and through peace
dividend for humanity, we use all these scientists across this planet, who were
involved in military and defense, and whatever names you gave them, to develop
technologies for .. (3:18). Now they can't sell anymore they can't threaten each other
anymore, into space development and into everything else. Can you consider that
humanity will evolve in less than 2 years, more than 20 billion years on this planet,
and then Mrs. magnetical will not have a fear of viruses to go to space. As we
understand them, we analyze them, and how to deal with them, and how to live with

The message today is very clear, Iran has taken superiority in Corona, and dealing
with Corona, and we'll use the Iranian military forces to spread the knowledge across
Iran and beyond its borders for other nations to enjoy. We put the hand of peace out.
We do not need your generosity, we give you, that you stay in power as governments,
but at the same time free your nationals from what is happening now. And we'll share
the Technology freely. Iran is a peaceful nation and its Technology belongs to
humanity. We'll spread this Technology within the next few days, across Iran with the
support of the Iranian army, because it's the only way it can be done, that we can
reach the whole of nationals, and be able to secure the cities. As we saw with the
Chinese, they brought to do the cities, the cleaning and the rest. But in Iran we are
used to using our military for the prosperity of the nation. (3:20). We'll bring that to
the other nations. We are not going into developing a condition that we all suffer, we
are going to develop a condition so that it becomes peaceful for humanity to enter the
next step to peace and Technology. If we do not get a positive response from Michael
Flint, or the White House directly. As you know, lieutenant Colonel Michael Flint is a
direct advisor to president Trump. He is the only adviser that he accepts. We have put
a message to him. We expect a positive response. If we do not get we'll reach the USS
Roosevelt directly, and its chief, to secure its people. We have the means to do so,
with peaceful intention, and peaceful application. The same will reach the Governor
of Arizona, and California, and we'll change the course directly. We'll break up the
animosity through friendship and safe conduct. There is one answer, we collectively
work, with the armies to eradicate the Corona, and to bring a new condition of peace
across the world. I stand shoulder to shoulder with all the military forces of any color
and race, as long as it serves the nation and humanity. (3:22).
Any other question or shall we call it a day?

GL- Can I read some feedback from the Chinese? About the meditation, somebody
said, all the matters has the spirit, has the life. Another said, meditation is the practice
to link with your Soul, to have a call with your Soul. Somebody else said, my
experience with meditation, is a deep inside view when the brain calms down, and the
release, and became emptiness, and the inner awareness starting to expand. Another
said, to meditate is to expand the Soul, to become the same size as the Universe, to
unite as oneness, then the Universe energy becomes oneness status, and then you can
download it. To feel your emotions, .. do not react to it. .. (3:24). I agree with
somebody's words, they said, Iran is the best nation to open this peace Technology to
the world. I quite agree with that, although you tried a lot with China, but maybe Iran,
as you said, Iran has the key, the Iranian nation has to accept the key, and then open
the door of China. That is what my opinion is.

Keshe: Can you explain to us the discussions in QQ regarding the Cup of Man, how
they look at it. .. What do they talk on the QQ regarding the Soul of the system? ..
You had it on the QQ this past week, what has been talked?
GL - They are trying to understand why some parts use the nano wire and the salinity
of the different caps.
Keshe: No, I am talking about the energies, what do they talk about the energies, the
Yin and Yang in the Cups.
GL- Actually I didn't see much discussion of that, but I have some understanding
we also think that the Soul of the man and the Soul of the physicality, (3:26). can
create the field, yeah, as you said, it must to create a Soul, so we create a Soul of the
same strength as our Soul, so that we can communicate with it. And today you were
talking about the "Beautiful People", so that's what I understand, maybe you'll find
that inside you'll have 2 souls, and you can talk with the other Soul. Keshe: Can you
ask your QQ people how do they see the balance of their fields as a Chinese? Q: A
balance of the fields, okay let me ask them. Keshe: In a Cup of Life, because other
QQ's who are involved in the work of the Soul and the Cup, have very deep
discussions going on, on this matter.
GL- From where?
Keshe: I'll give you the QQ to go to. You are not the only place I talk to. GL- Ah, here
there's not much people discussion about that. [Chinese]. (3:28).

Keshe: Go into the Taoism chat lines.

GL- Taoism chat line? Where?
Keshe: Yes. You should find it. They are those people who've been around us, and
they are considering the Cup of Life with it.
GL- I didn't have that... Interesting. You don't understand Chinese but you are in a QQ
group which I don't know...
Keshe: Because they explained to me how... you know with the Taoist groups we met
with a lot of them... and they have opened the Chat lines, and they still follow the
work of the foundation, and they are discussing it, yeah.
GL- Can you invite me in?
Keshe: No, we if they wanted, they would have invited you in. They are looking at the
Keshe Foundation work and Taoism. As you know they always said the two are very
similar. GL- Yeah, yeah, that is what I feel also, yeah.
Keshe: Yeah, but Taoism people always looked at the Keshe Foundation as a, what
you call, confirmation of Taoism.
GL- Yes, for them, they only had the older mystery theories, but not much things can
be like a really... really can... can see and show. So, that... I also, yeah. I was learning
a lot from... from other groups of Taoism also. It's very interesting the more I learn,
the more I think it's the same. Just as you say, it's the teaching from the custom maybe
5,000 to 6,000 years ago, (3:30). and now you have teaching in a new modern,
scientific way of the old Taoist and more details.
Keshe: And the Taoist groups understand this. They think they have found an answer
to many of their long years of questions.
GL- Yes, actually that's why I introduced this to some people and they find it easier to
understand you, if they really know what you're talking about.
Keshe: Yeah, because Taoism believes in Yin and Yang, and a balance of the two. We
had many meetings with them, and they see the knowledge with the technology as an
answer or, what you call it? How do they express it? They express it as a...
Keshe: Confirmation, yes.
GL- For what they learned from the books, or from their masters. You are totally
different, like the new way to explain it so easily, that everybody can understand.
Because if you read the old books, for us, we think that's the book of the God.
Nobody understands because they, you know, for all of your theories (teachings), they
just use several words to describe all of it, the whole of plasma. They do it in just
maybe 20 words. They explain everything. But if you just read those words, they are
just words, they don't have any meaning. But if you hear yours, you are explaining
how plasma is working. We'll come back and say, exactly. That's this, in very simple
words. What if you planned the whole world, how to run.

Keshe: The Taoists in China, When they come in touch with the teaching of the
foundation is like that they find the missing links. (3:32).
GL- Yeah, that's what I always say. That your teaching is linked to the ancient and the
modernized, links the West and East, and links the Earth's civilization with the
Universal Community civilization.

Keshe: Thank you very much. So what do your people say? Let me explain to our
listeners. We had many encounters and many beautiful meetings, and we made many
friends with the Taoists in China, during my stay. .. The more we work with, and the
more contact we have with the Taoist leaders and key people, the more we understand
we are talking the same. But now we understand more of the same. The Taoist groups,
especially in Beijing and in the other places, where we have met, are adamant, that the
technology has to become, to be explained to, and the Chinese will understand it,
because it's part of their culture. In the groups which work with the Keshe
Foundation, with our knowledge they have gathered a lot in past 3 or 4 weeks,
especially with the Cups. The Cup of Man. It was a point of mystery to them, which
now has been unraveled. They understood a lot, and it has affected them a lot. (3:34).
If you look at the 2 Cups, are the Yin and Yang. One has a weakness, which the other
one covers. And one has the strength, which the other one has to give. But at the same
time, both wear weaknesses and the strength, that the interaction, between the four, in
a way, what we call Yin and Yang, or gravity and "magnetical" (magnetical), creates
that condition of the balance between the Cups, the Cup of Man. This is what we have
with the physicality of the man, and the Soul of the man. The Soul of the man in the
brain, has a very powerful strength, which leads to the creation of the man. But it
needs the Soul of the physicality with its Soul weaker, to be able to expand itself to
manifest the physicality. At the same time, in its strength, it needs to receive, which
uses the Soul of the physicality and the actual physical body, to maintain that position
of receiving the lowest, that it can give more, of the highest. In our stay China, as I
said, we came across many true Taoists, and I've given talks to many Taoist groups
and teams, and individuals. They understand the culture of the Keshe Foundation and
the teaching in a totally different manner. It's like a fulfillment of what they could not
understand. And strange enough the militaries, (3:36). took it the wrong way. But it's

Any other question?

Q: I got the question from the Telegram group, and it's about the two Protocols. How
are pregnant women to behave in regards to Protocol 1 & 2.
Keshe: The Protocol has... does not make any difference on a pregnant woman. It's
the fields of interaction, if the Coronavirus is there, and has no... no what you call it...

(cut off by Rick, he's not hearing the program .. ) ..

Rick: There's Mrs. Mohammadi and Phillip also has hand up.
Keshe: Lets listen to Mrs. Mohammadi, what she has to say. Can we have
Mohammadi, is this the old talk or she still wants to speak? Mohammadi- Yes, for
just a minute we need you here (for an important meeting in Tehran, please.
Keshe: It's time to close down, yes. It's important for me to be in Tehran. .. Thank
you very much indeed for today and I hope we have good news for you.
No, Rick is gone (inaudible)... can't hear anything, He's talking to himself.

Keshe: Okay no problem. I have to go into a call from Tehran. It's urgent. So I would
like to thank you for today and hopefully next week we'll have a better news. At the
same time I hope today we learned a lot and we'll see what will come and how will...
this thing will take shape. Thank you very much.

Thank you indeed. Bye-bye.

This has been the 322nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop for Thursday, April 2nd,


323rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, April 9, 2020

* Birthday of Mahdi, Messiah
Coronavirus will become cancer
How the virus's calcification is converted back to Gans state



The workshop started: it seems that we are still getting more tied up and struggling
more with the Coronavirus situation, which is empowering the whole world in every
aspect. According to the statistics, over 3 billion people are locked down in their
houses, which means we can't move freely as before. In addition, the banking systems
have shut, hospitals are overflowing and overloaded with everything else possible,
and in so many ways, as we have seen in many videos and from information coming
out today and over the past week, there are dead bodies on the street that even the
police won't collect. As we've said, and as we have seen in China, in a different way,
and in Iran in the same way, and around Europe, and in South America, it is picking
up to the same. According to President Trump, as he said yesterday, that he admitted,
that he was shocked at seeing bodies being put into the bags and placed in freezer
containers in New York, that used to hold meat. This has become the value of the
man, and in so many ways, the old system is collapsing. But you have to understand,
many organizations who set this up to be able to enjoy the fruit of it, and to become
part of (the solution, so they can) run the whole (world), have themselves gotten
entangled in this position. We've seen nations covering up, nations lying, and nations
doing everything possible, but, in so many ways, there is a lot of hope and joy.

Today is the 9th of April, if you are behind what's happening in Iran and across the
world, the 9th day of the 12 day celebration is a holy day and a time of celebration.
And if you are a Shia Moslem, then in Iran you celebrate the birth of Mahdi, or the
Messiah, and if you believe in another path, then you are waiting for Easter to come
next week. In so many ways, we have chosen the path of so many beliefs, but we
never got to the truth. In so many ways, has the time come for Mahdi to come? Or
does matter in what name, shape, or form we call upon it. The crisis will become
worse, if mankind does not find a true solution, not for the physicality of the man, but
through the Soul of Man (Soul of the man). In so many ways, mankind has to learn a
new way, a new dimension. A new way to preserve his physicality by merging,
submerging, and elevating his Soul, that the Soul looks after the physicality, while the
situation for its dimension of life is out of control. Two or three years ago this was
hard for many (of you) to accept, but these past years of teaching has brought (many)
Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) to understand. In this process we
understand more and more that, "is this crisis for man to learn to look inwards, and
understand the source of his own creation?" Or do we need to elevate the Soul of the
man with the gains, of the Gans, and drinking and covering? When we spray you with
the Gans of Cup number 1, do we in reality extend the dimension of your souls? But
that you have never understood. The present knowledge and science cannot
understand, that we allow the Soul to take over, and that for the first time man has a
technology (Technology), which can support his souls, to protect his physicality, and
it's the Soul which decides, I want, I need, and I have the desire to live, to extend.

In the past weeks, we baffled the Chinese government, and we heard so many lies that
even the paper and the concrete cracked with the loads of these lies from the Chinese
officials, when they said they controlled (the virus), and that they had only two or
three or five thousand deaths. Where now we see in America, with even some extent
of openness, the president admits, "we will be happy with two or three hundred
thousand deaths," as he announced in the past 2 days. I cannot imagine that America
will run into 1 million deaths in next few weeks. In reality, if America, with all the
things they have under control, accept 1 million, then how is it, that the Chinese, with
just about five times more population, are announcing that they have had only a few
handful (of deaths)? And now, as we hear, the Wuhan hospitals are again full with
secondary Corona, (so much) that again, the people are being (sent) home to die. The
streets of China are empty, the same as New York, London, Paris, and Rome.

The only city we see wobbling, and (acting) as if nothing is happening, is Tehran.
People still rummaging around in the buses, and in so many ways, they are protected
with the "Soul of Mahdi". And we understand what is about to come? I've been in the
background with this crisis since the beginning, (helping) the Chinese and releasing
the One Cup One Life, and solidly supporting the Iranian nation through the Keshe
Foundation Farsi team of dedicated people. Soon the Iranian government has no
choice but to release the understanding of the new technology. Out of all this
harshness, nothing touches more, than in this video I am about to show you.




(:19). .. It seems that, we are still getting more tied up and more struggling with the
situation which is empowering the whole world in every aspects. According to the
statistics, over 3 billion are house down locked, which means we can't move freely as
before. The banking systems shut, hospitals overflowing and overloaded with
everything else possible. In so many ways, as we have seen in many videos, and
information coming today and in the past week, dead bodies on the street, that even
the police does not collect. According to President Trump, as we said, we've seen it in
China, in a different way, in Iran the same way, and around Europe, and in South
America, picking up to the same. President Trump yesterday said, he admitted, that he
was shocked seeing bodies put into the bags in New York, and put in freezers,
containers, where they used to hold meat. This has become the value of the man, and
in so many ways, the old system is collapsing. But you have to understand, many
organizations who set this up, to enjoy the fruit of it, to become part of, to run the
whole .. themselves have gotten entangled in this position. We've seen nations
covering up, nations lying, nations doing everything possible, but there is a lot of
hope and joy, in so many ways. (:22).

Today is the 9th of April, if you are behind in Iran, and across the world, it is the time
of celebration, it's the 9th day of the 12 day celebration, is a holy day. If you are a
Shia Moslem, in Iran you celebrate the birth of Mahdi (Messiah), and if you believe in
any other path you are waiting for Easter to come next week. In so many ways, we
have chosen the path of so many beliefs, but we never got to the truth. In so many
ways, has the time come for Mahdi to come? It does not matter in what name, shape
and form we call upon it. The crisis will become worse, if mankind does not find a
true solution, not for the physicality of the man, but through the Soul of Man (Soul of
the man). In so many ways, mankind has to learn a new way, a new dimension. A new
way to preserve his physicality by merging, submerging and elevating his Soul, that
the Soul looks after the physicality while the situation is out of control, for its
dimension of life. Two or three years ago this was hard for many to accept, but the
past 2-3 years of teaching has brought Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) to
understand. In this process we understand more and more that, "is this crisis for man
to learn to look inwards, (:24). and understand the source of his own creation?" Or do
we need to elevate the Soul of the man with the gains, of Gans and drinking and
covering? Do we in reality, when we spray you with Gans number Cup 1, we extend
the dimension of your souls, that you have never understood? That we allow the Soul
to take over, and the present knowledge and science cannot understand, that for the
first time man has a technology (Technology), which can support his souls, to protect
his physicality, and it's the Soul which decides, I want, I need, I have the desire, to
live, to extend.

In the past weeks, we baffled the Chinese government, and we heard so many lies
that, even the paper and the concrete cracked, with the loads of these lies from the
Chinese officials, that they controlled, that they had only two or three thousand or five
thousand deaths. Where we see in America, with even some extent of openness, the
president admits, we will be happy with two or three hundred thousand deaths, as he
announced in the past 2 days. We will not... I cannot imagine, that America will run
into 1 million deaths in next few weeks. In reality, if America, with all the things they
have under control, accept 1 million, the Chinese with just about five times more
population, (:26). they announced they only had a few handful? And now, as we hear
Wuhan hospitals are full with the secondary Corona, that the people have gone back
home again, to die. The streets of China are empty, the same as New York, London,
Paris, Rome.

The only city we see wobbling and no, as if nothing is happening, is Tehran. People
still rummage around in the buses, and in so many ways, they are protected with the
Soul of Mahdi. And we understand what is about to come? I've been in the
background with this crisis since the beginning, with Chinese, releasing the One Cup,
and supporting the Iranian nation through the Keshe Foundation Farsi solidly, with
the team of dedicated people. Soon the Iranian government has no choice but to
release the understanding of the new Technology. Out of all this harshness, nothing
touches more than, what I've asked, Rick, if you can show the video I just sent you.

Look at this video, and you'll see a young man, in his mid-30s, battling with Corona.
On Sunday night, when we were at the Keshe Foundation Team in Tehran, they said
the sister is here and she wants help. (:28). Can we give the protocol and tell her what
to do? Her brother is in critical condition, has been in the hospital for days, and he is
on all sorts of machines and everything else. Strange enough what we'll see here, even
the West, the American hospitals, the European and the Chinese hospitals have none
shown such a dedication and such a latest equipment in supporting a normal man's
life. He's not anything special. He is a normal man who happened to be in the
hospital, with the Corona and you see Iran is well equipped. Iranian hospitals with all
the sanctions put on them by Americans, looked inwards and built the latest
machinery in Mashhad with the support of the top people, top of Iranian scientists that
even the Iran emergency rooms are envy of the West. But what is important, is not
that these manmade machines support life, it's the story of the man in the bed. When I
spoke to the sister of this gentleman, on Sunday, with the Keshe Foundation team, he
was on the deathbed. He was on the last stages. We gave advice on how to use the
Gans water. He was connected (with machines) to the stomach and breathing system.
And, as we know, these are the stages when there is no return. (Rick dropped out from
Internet .. ) (:30).
What happened is the medical team in the hospital had no choice, they had never
tested the Gans technology. The sister being a nurse, tries to adopt, and she just
sprayed the body, not following the protocol, which she was given. Then, lunchtime, I
was told his situation has gotten worse. His breathing has gone up, his blood pressure
has gone up and it's dangerous. I asked a single question, "have you followed the
protocol?" "No, we just sprayed, it was just sprayed." I said, "no, it has to be followed
according to the protocol we set out." So, the doctors knowing the patient is dying,
they left it to the family and they said to whatever you like. The sister follows the
protocol. Hours later, the blood pressure drops, the breathing drops, (:32). and this
morning he is discharged from the hospital, totally discharged. In the video, which
will be played if Rick appears, he is asking, he is telling his sister, "I want to go in
the morning, I don't want to stay until afternoon tomorrow." He has got 2 children,
and in so many ways, according to the rest of the world, and the scientific world, he
should have been in the coffin by now. In that process, we saved this man's life. He
went through the trauma, knowing we have 2 or 3 videos from him everyday, from
the sister in the hospital. We can show you a number of videos from him.

The Keshe Foundation team in Iran has achieved miracles. The Iranian government is
holding on until everything is 100% correct, when we announce the technology
breakthrough. But as the Keshe Foundation is One Nation, (:34). we have broken
through. Why I show you this video, is very simple, unknown to us, unknown to the
Keshe Foundation Team, in the same hospital, in the same emergency unit, and the
same time as him, some 10-15 days ago, a woman of 30 year old with a six-month
child was admitted, and she was parallel with him, in the same conditions. Yesterday
in the afternoon, the hospital authorities were faced with one patient surviving and
wanting to go home, and the bed next to a girl, under the same condition, going into
heart failure. In resuscitating the body and knowing that they cannot do anything, they
say to the sister, the family of this guy, that, "now you can use your "magic water"
and see if it works, she's dead already, she's gone, her body doesn't work." The Keshe
Foundation Team rapidly deployed 4 of them, with a doctor to go to the hospital, but
by the time they arrived to the gate of the hospital, the mother was dead. What was
strange, was the doctors wanted to see if the Keshe Foundation technology really
works, and can save lives, and their egos and stupidity, led to the life of a child, not
having a mother for the rest of her life. (:36). Where they could have allowed the
same to be applied on her, and saved the life. The doctors wanted to prove that they
have 2 parallel cases that they can compare, a man of 35-36, and a woman of 30, one
with 2 children, and one with 1 child, and then, these doctors played "God's game."
How many more lives are we going to sacrifice? Or is the reason for this a bigger
picture, a bigger game?
Can you play the video? [Iranian]
By the time we put this teaching out, he should be home with his family. (:38). And
by the same time, another woman will be buried.

There is a huge question mark has risen internationally. Why Keshe Foundation
technology with such effective work is kept out? There is one reason only, the king of
Belgium. The lies, the fraud cases of their own fraud, has put the life of many, many
people, online, and dead. And now we understand why so many governments are
holding back, because of the lie and the cheat of the pedophile king of Belgium. And
we make it a clear line. There should be no king on this planet. There should be no
king, that they can play with these lives, in their stupidity, arrogance, and the greed
and abuse of man's life.

There is two courses running at a moment internationally, in the background. One is

that the Keshe Foundation should take over as a One Nation Organization, and the
other group which is the Illuminati's, Rothschild's, Gates, Rockefeller, other
Foundations to create what they call immunization control, and then control
international. But there is one thing clear, as of today, we launch a massive movement
on how to overcome all the pharmaceuticals, even using the pharmaceuticals
medication to overcome the man's illnesses. We don't destroy them, we use them, to
destroy themselves in a very simple way. (:40). Let me tell you the reason why. At
the moment, medication has become restricted. Many corners of this planet there is no
flight to deliver. We will see 1 million people dying of Corona, what we see millions
more dying from the lack of medication, which is not, cannot be supplied because the
pharmaceuticals producing these materials are closed. Secondly, most of the stock is
kept for emergencies. The whole problem is very simple. Those who are ill, which
was the bigger plan of the Gates Organization, is to get rid of the weak and the sick.
Many people will not die of Corona, but will die of a lack of presence and delivery of
medication. We have two choices, we take over this part and save many lives and run
as One Nation Organization, or we wait in the second part, more cancers, to kill more
of. Now you understand the bigger plan of the Gates Foundation. When the weak are
gone, when the sick are gone, we have a healthy nation. And the new world president,
as he sees himself, as "the Bill." Now you see the bigger plan. You don't need to do
much, (:42). you created the virus to kill the Chinese and the Iranians, running out by
the Italians right across the world, then, now a new strategy, we see it running, killing
as many weak as possible, no medication. Then everything is controlled under virus,
and what we call, Immunization Control. In fact, we estimate the total death, if it
carries into 6 - 8 weeks in the Western world, in the region of 100 to 200 million
across the Western world. The figures will not be Corona, the figures will be lack of
medication. Dialysis machines not supported. Heart systems, surgeries, heart system
failures, cancer, reduction in receiving chemotherapies, and so on and so on.

The Western governments are shouting, "The Chinese didn't tell us the truth how
many they lost because what we see in our figures does not show their figures, they
lied." It doesn't matter whether they lied or not. No one has the solution. In the last
weeks, I repeatedly increased the infection rate, from lung to brain, to intestine, to
sexual organs, to bone marrow, to nails and the skin. And when I discussed it with
one of the leading scientists, past 48 hours, (:44). he said, "the skin, never." And
amazingly, the French are reporting it, massive amounts of skin rashes with the
people who have Corona, and they don't understand what the rashes are. And we
announced it. It will come, because skin is part of the brain, and is the same as lung. It
had to come. The strangest thing is, in the first case we saw in Iran, in past 48 hours,
it's very easy to detect. When you spray, the body of a man with the Corona skin, it
goes through excruciating pain of skin. He cannot stand the pain, he cries, and it's
worse than being chopped off the fingers, or whatever they call it. And why the pain
is not there, until you spray the Gans Water on it? Gans number 1 immediately shows
it, and the only process, is to wrap the body with the Gans solution, and repeatedly for
about 3 to 6 hours, until the pain goes. Until you, in a way reduce the energy of the
Ca, which created that rash, that, what we call, redness and bleeding. It's the salt,
Calcium, which caused it. You call it cirrhosis, you call it any other name you like.
The pictures coming from the French organizations explicitly, clearly shows it, and
we understand it, that this is exactly what it has been said. You see. (:46). I'll send it
to you because now it's posted into Keshe Foundation Farsi language.

It is now physically visible. What was happening in your lungs, and what was
happening in your brain, now if it moves to your skin you see the Corona for the first
time. And this is what I taught you last week, that if it becomes, if it changes and
mutates to make the second of its own, then mankind is in a big problem. and you
see more and more. (:48). Now for the first time .. you saw it last week, we showed it
to you with a simple picture from the Keshe Foundation Universal Council (Universal
Council) from Italy. When she sent us the finger (photo), because she was affected.
She took it as, this is not going happen (to me), and guess what, she got hit by it. And
she can see it on her finger. She has it, and we managed, and we worked safe and
heavily with her till we managed to get it out. She says she is doing well. You could
see it last week in, (shows the picture of redness on finger and feet). This is what you
will see. This is the Corona, and in the future this will become skin cancer. In so many
ways, now we see, this game of Corona will not be ending. Rick, if you can take a
picture of this and put it next to the picture of what I just sent you, please. You got to
understand, (:50). many Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers), knowing and
being around (the technology), did not consider themselves to be in danger. Two of
the Universal Council members have been hit, and up to now, we have managed to
save their lives. Both of them critical.

The Corona does not know race, creed, nationality, or color, as the stupid leader of the
Western world says, 'there are more blacks dying.' Because now he can change
everything to blame. The "blame game", "race game," has started with the world
president. It does not have such a good look for rest of the world. You can see Corona
on the nail and you can see Corona on the body. The redness, the irritation comes
from calcification of the cell at that point. And it's like putting a salt on the wound,
that's what it looks like, and that's what it becomes. If it's here (on your nails), it's
(also) in your lung. If it's here, it's in your brain. These bodies have a limited life,
according to calcification and the cancer in next 12 months. (:52). Most probably we
will not see these bodies alive in next 3 years, even sooner, except the one on the left
with the finger.

The World Health authorities have failed to protect, and it has no authority, as
president Trump said. And as we've seen, the European Union is falling apart. On
office buildings, the Union flag of the European Union is being replaced with the
national flags, as the Enhancement Unit cannot do anything. We see hunger in Italy,
France. We see hunger and looting in the United States, as videos are emerging across
the Internet. One of the reasons there are rumors that they might cut some of the
Internet, is not so much traffic, it's so much, the truth we cannot get out, we have no
control. This is exactly what the Chinese did in Wuhan City, across China. In Wuhan
City, they brought 1,600 specialists from across China, to see that no one sends no
more videos, that it looks Wuhan City is clean. Wuhan city is dead. Some factories in
China are working, but there is no guarantee and assurance, (:54). that the workers
will be there in time to come.

We have offered the Iranian government a comprehensive technology, system,

procedure, protocol, and functioning systems. The Keshe Foundation Team in Army
Headquarters, have built and developed the technology, that the Iranian army can take
over, and with collaboration of Sepah, to clean up Tehran. Pictures has been on the
Internet. It's not something we hide. It's the time for the Iranian government to put
those officials, who have bank American accounts, to be put aside, that they are not
working in the favor of the nation, but in the favor of Gates Foundation. It's the
responsibility of Iranian leadership, to clean out the ministries, and those who carry a
double Passport, of Iranian and American passport, and waiting to cash in on Corona,
and "crony" themselves to the United States.

We gave the technology free to the Iranian nation, and many tens of thousands have
used, and are using it. You will understand, the tipping point will come, when one of
the world leaders dies and no one will go to the funeral. (:56). There are a number of
world leaders and their families, even have lost, but, there is a news blackout. Would
we see Boris Johnson in 10 Downing street? And if he comes back, would he be as
competent to carry the term, as the virus will be change into a cancer? The process
has to be comprehensive. The process has to be as One Nation, One Planet, One Race,
and comprehensive enough to save many lives.

What we want to do, is to want to bring all of the Keshe Foundation, all the reports, as
you showed the Cups you made, we need those who saved their lives, and used it, to
make videos, and in the next few days, everyday, we play this across the Keshe
Foundation Internet, and you'll pass it on to the world media. Short, 5 - 10 pictures,
people video what they use, and saved their lives. We take charge to go into masses,
and then we take control without governments, as they are not governments, they
cannot even govern. There are no armies, as the soldiers refused to go on the ground.
(:58). The only soldiers we saw on the ground was in China, they were ordered, and if
they did not carry the order, they were executed, exactly like Hitler.

In the West, armies have been told to take shelter at home, and they might employ,
and deploy a few, just for a show. We saw in America, as last week, as we supported
and offered the support of the Iranian army, to help with the USS Roosevelt, within
hours, the head of the ship, the captain, was dismissed, that he should not have done
that, that the world knows the Iranians are coming to help the Americans, and then a
few days later, the head of the whole army of that section resigned, because he knew
the truth. Very soon there will be no police, as they are afraid of catching it, there will
be no military, as they be afraid of catching it, they are no doctors, that most of them
have died in trying to help the others, and there's nobody to bury the dead, and the
virus will seep through.

There is a very, very, very weird and amazingly, if you understand it, shocking
picture. Rick, I have sent you the picture. Have a look at this picture, put it next to
this, if you can do it, (1:00). and then I tell you what is the biggest fear for mankind.
Have you received it? Put it somewhere in between. Can anybody tell us where is this
picture from? This is Italy, if I'm correct. This is a church, but the most shocking thing
with this is, the seats of praying God has become the seats for coffins. But this is not
the shocking wave. The shock with this is, the guys spraying and being afraid of even
the dead in the coffin, two of them. Then you listen to the words of the American
president, the bodies are put in the bags and into the freezer containers, and as we
hear, they are moving them in New York to Central Park. But does anyone, has
anyone guaranteed that the fuel will be there to run these freezer containers? And
what happened when they melt, when there is nowhere to bury them, and there is no
one to bury them? We are even afraid of our own dead bodies. How many times a day
do they spray these coffins? (1:02). Or, as we see the beauty of the color of the shine
of the coffin, it's only for those who could afford the box. As you can see in the far
corner, left, there is one coffin, the rest is to come to add, it's already space gapped.

Are there that many coffins in the Vatican? Or is Vatican hiding? I can show you the
pictures of the mortuaries in Iran's own hospitals, where the leading clergy's have
been coffined, with their name on it. How many of these are doctors, scientists, and
those who served the nation? The assets of the nation is boxed.

Is the policy to get rid of the educated at the same time, so that we can run and rule
illiterates? I can release a paper from the Chinese government officials written in
detail, (1:04). for us to understand, to develop a technology for Corona, for the
Chinese. In this information paper it says something for simple, very, very discreet -
survival rate, 10%. Survival rate, 10%. Then who are we kidding? Do we believe the
doctors who wrote the report while monitoring their patients, or do we believe the
politicians. What is the truth, the total death total, for this game, this time? (1:06).
The point comes, that, do we go out to serve our nations, or do we go out to serve
humanity. And what is interesting for us is the simple facts, what is the limitation in
this destruction, or do we all sit and wait till Corona comes to us. As it was in one of
the teachings, do we go in the old way of putting, "blood over the front of the door,"
that the virus doesn’t come, as now you can cover the front of the door with Gans's,
and the Corona will not come in.

As I said many times, "I am the Mahdi," and in that process, we have given you the
key to survive this, that in the process, you survive the rest, what to come. In so many
ways, you have to understand one simple, one understanding, one process, and that is,
how far are we going to allow this, (1:08). to take over us, and do we literally hide.
As we saw a couple of cases of some of richest people loosing their family to Corona,
they take their life by jumping off the towers and hotels. To what extent are we going
to extend this, and to what extent are we all going to hide and hope that it will not
come to us? Or is all going to be in those boxes? (1:10). We don't have an answer or
we have an answer, we do not know how to put it down, explain it. Or they have
made us so scared that protecting our lives is a criminal offense. We can't talk about
Keshe Foundation because FDA and the governments are going to come and get us,
or have we, in a simple word, if you understand the full meaning of it, FDA, have a **
** ourselves. Have we allowed a bunch of incompetent people to scare us, that even
the president has no say.

I am going to release something, (1:12). very, very interesting. This is observation and
comments from frontline doctors and written for us to understand how to tackle
Corona. And I cut, I have taken pictures, snapshots of the picture, and this is the
official Chinese government frontline. This is not from us, and what is important,
read, very, very simple, this is the Chinese government, this cut out, and I'll send it to
you, when we give you data, how correct our data is, from governmental report, and
not by those who just gather to understand. Rick, I have sent you the extract from this
report, I would like you to put it on. In so many ways, now you understand what the
Chinese government knew from the beginning of the crisis. If, as we say in English,
push comes to shove, we'll release the paper. The official paper written by the team of
Chinese scientists to inform Keshe Foundation, (1:14). how the situation is. In this
report we read details how they die. And read it, "if being admitted to the hospital
after serious illness, the hospital treatment and ventilators is not effective. No matter
if we use noninvasive or invasive ventilators, inhebations** did not help much to
eventually reversal of the disease, only 10% can be saved, as long as the .. and the rest
of it." Rate of survival, according to Chinese government official document is 10%.
Now you have everything together, and now Chinese cannot lie. Ten percent of you
will survive. This is written by the frontline doctors. (1:16). You got to understand,
they might let you go, but you come back soon with a secondary Corona. Were the
Americans waiting for the truth, the Chinese truth is on the table. It says, "if being
admitted to the hospital." Most of you are not admitted to the hospital, there is no
room. This is why the Chinese government built so fast, in days, hospitals they called
it, but is was actually what the official, Secret Service China, called it, "mobile

The biggest problem is that the US, the Russian, and the rest sit on my phone and
monitor every squeak. So in fact, CIA knew that 10% will survive, and they lied to
their president. (1:18). Is this how we are going to go, and do you want me to show
more confidential reports. You do not have time, and you don't have time to play. As I
said before, the Russian scientists in the past 7 days confirmed my word, that we will
see massive cancers in the coming months due to Corona. This report should have
been released 2 months ago when I received it. It's not confidential anymore. Then,
Wuhan City with 9 - 10 million, doctors give you 10% chance of survival. 50% of the
population, they say infected. It gives you around 2 million dead in one city. (1:20). I
was correct, China has lost 20 million to Corona, and will loose another 400 to 500
million in the next 3 years through Corona. But the story is worse in India, and it will
get worse in Europe.

Let me tell you what we have seen, the Internet systems will go to minimum. Most
probably the Keshe Foundation network will go down in next few weeks. You have to
understand, that corporations don't have the engineers to repair the mechanical side,
as the mechanical parts, making parts are frozen, not working. We'll go into
emergency communications only, the telephones lines will be worse, and most of your
mobile phones will not work. There are no engineers to support, to repair, unless we
take the attitude of northern European nations, and just go and do it, and we'll keep it
going, until it is, the last man drops. We'll find somebody else for it. Or we go viral
and we save lives.

You are all sitting home. Most of you can't even move. Most of you are homebound.
In the Iranian teaching on Monday night, out of nowhere, a lady wanted to speak. She
came online and she said who she was, she lives in Canada, with her husband, both
were infected, (1:22). she tells us that, they were infected because their future son-in-
law was visited by his father from Hawaii, professor so and so. He was infected and
he died sometime late last week, the third person to die in Hawaii of Corona, and in
the family meeting, he gave the infection to the Iranian couple. They had no choice,
and they go into the critical condition and knowing the Keshe Foundation work, they
got support and she's says, we are alive, thanks to Keshe Foundation and thanks to the
technology because, the father-in-law to be, has died, a leading professor in Hawaii.
They knew their destiny, but the 2 are alive. They managed to save their lives through
using the Gans technology.

It's our work to spread, or I can keep on teaching you new things to do, but with the 2
Cups, Cup 1 and Cup 2, I taught you how to look after your physicality. With the Cup
of Man (CM), I showed you how to elevate your Soul, that the 2 Cups are not needed.
When you make the CM do not look into the Gans of the Cup, look into the Soul of
the Cup. This is where you'll find your strength, (1:24). and this is where you become
a twin of a set. When I explained the Cup of Life and the CM, you all, always looked
at the physicality. In the Cup 1, I gave you the physical dimension of the white tissue.
In Cup 2, I gave you the Soul of the condition of the physical part of the muscle
tissue. In CM I gave you the interaction of the Soul of the physicality (Soul of the
physicality) and the Soul of the man (Soul of the man). In a way, you have, you built
yourself a twin system, where Cup 1 is stronger because it carries the Zn, and Cup 2 is
weaker, which carries the Cu. In a way, when the Soul of the man through the
emotion, gives to the physicality, you have now created what we know as a single
Soul. But this is the Cup of the Soul of the Man, we call it the man. Now I stand the
man, in front of his Cup, and I put the Soul of the man, (1:26). then, now you
understand the gift I gave you (Infinity Loop between the Soul of the man and Soul of
the Cup). If you understood, you should have made the Cup this way (vertical, Cup 1
above Cup 2), the Cup of the Soul, and the Cup of the Soul of the physicality. Then
when you stood man in front of it, you would have seen, both, and in so many ways,
you should have got your answer. In a very, very simple way. The CM is not the
Gans to drink, the CM is the Soul of the Creator, to give. (1:28). In so many ways, if
you made the CM, and made with absolute purity of heart, the man can be you, your
children, or any, that is the ethos of the Keshe Foundation. We are here to serve, and
this is the ethos of the Keshe Foundation with love, we give, loving is giving. In so
many ways, again, all of you, I left you for 2 weeks to think about it, could not
understand. You built it, you sat in it, made and connected wires, and this and that,
and the Knowledge Seekers are still wrapped in the rope of physicality and never
understood. They write, "it doesn't produce enough Gans's." I answered to myself,
what a stupid comment. Have you seen the strength of his Soul. As I said, at the
beginning, (1:30). with the new technology, to overcome this, you need a stronger
Soul to protect the physicality in the time of trouble. And physically, you are in
trouble. So extend the Soul.

Many of you, many of you, will run out of medicine, those of you who are critical.
There are a number of ways you can support yourself. Is your medication for
depression, for emotion? Try, and try, to make a sack, plastic bag, if it is liquid or
tablet, and place it in the Cup with the Zn. And see how you feel. If your medication
is for your physical, place your medicine in a bag in Cup 2. If you have a
psychosomatic conditions or cancers, (1:32). try to understand why, with both. Try to
be in the vicinity of your system, with your Soul, not with your physicality. At least
you can try, maybe you'll find, that you'll find an absolute solution for your illness
without any further need for medication. A guy wrote to me, "Mr. Keshe, I am a drug
addict, and with everything stopping, the prices are going so high, help me." Maybe
you should put that in Cup 1, in a combination of the CM.

We'll govern through the Soul, not through the physicality. We'll elevate the Soul of
the man, that the physicality does not count in the dominion, in the dimension of the
universe. Now, you still make the Gans's 1 and 2, and at the same time you support
the Soul of the man. (1:34). Let's see how many of you will survive the time. Let's
see, in so many ways, how many of you will tap into the Cup to take from it, for your
medicines, for your dimensions of need. If you understand this process and not just
become a copycat, you'll find out, on your table of food, that will feed you through
your Soul. You will stand the harshness of time, of no food, as you make your Soul,
to look after the physicality, through the energies of the universe. We feed, we look
after you, and we don't every govern you. In administration and what we call, the
executive, we do not carry no power, but the power of support, (1:36). teaching and
share of knowledge. The executive and the administration of the Keshe Foundation,
Universal Council, and the EC, stand on their own to support and never will rule. The
only point of reference for mankind, in total support, is the head of the Keshe
Foundation. And we appointed 2, one for China, and one for non-Chinese speaking,
as the Yin and Yang, and the balance will come through two women. You rule on
your own, you stay the king of your own Soul and physicality, and there is no one to
govern you, except your own conduct.

There is no king in the universe, except the Creator, and even He does not accept the
seat of kingship. If the word Mahdi, Messiah, Shaddai, whatever you call it, (1:38).
the name of the Creator, and if today, His birthday, what better gift, he could give on
his birthday. We have freed you from the shackle of everything which the man has
been shackled on to, and not only for this planet, but for the whole race of the creation
on the universe. Now play the game. You know the Cup 1 has saved many of you, and
you know Cup 2 has saved many of you, and now you understand, the Cup of Man is
for the life of the man to make him his own king. In a way, for him to make his own
destination and his own destiny. Today I have given you everything the man needs to
live in the span of Universe, in the spaceship, or in the space of his own Soul, or in a
ship called Earth, which is traveling the depth of the Universe in its own space.

We give the false kings of this planet a few more days and weeks, and we put the
crown they put on the Son of God, on their head. Today is the birth of Mahdi and he
has manifested himself in all dimensions to save humanity in every condition for his
Soul. From now on the physicality is irrelevant. Physicality is weak and feeble, and
the Soul of the Man stands a better chance to survive within the span of the Universe.
Then this Soul has to make its own decisions - who and how he interacts to guarantee
his survival and expansion and his nearness to his Creator. Once you leave this
physical body, or you allow the Soul of the Man to take over at the point of birth to
the new dimension; the race is not to live, the race is to reach the point of the Creator.
(1:42). Now you understand our mission and our work, and we have shown it step by
step. You can write whatever you like on these flimsy pages of buttons of Internet,
we'll... shall rule. Let's see how the game will be played. But one thing for sure, we
have never been wrong.

When you read the report from the Chinese doctors written confidentially for us to
understand the illness, it shows the fear of creation. It shows a lot of, what I call,
weakness, powerlessness with all the knowledge, to save a life. (1:44). So when you
see American government gives you 400 thousand infected, expect 40 thousand
survival. In fact, 400 million population of United State should look to be very
simple, 40 million. And most probably this number are those who have gone to their
Soul, that their physicality is not touched. We reckon Chinese population will dwindle
to less than 100 million, when Corona finishes. We reckon India will be about the
same. Iran, 70 million population, will linger round about 30 million - due to the use
and application of the Keshe Foundation technology, (1:46). as they already agreed
and announced. The Iranian protocol, procedure followed, as is written by Dr. Asar **
and Dr. Baraco **, will become the cornerstone of the man to survive. This is, if the
new technology is not followed, and this is when the new technology is followed. And
in any way, due to high level of highly educated people in Iran, we'll see that figure to
stay. Due to the high level of illiterate in US and India and China, the figures will go
to that level.

In Iran, the women have taken over, to oversee that the technology goes and they can
save their children and their family. There is a way to change this, and in reality it
stays, how fast the governments implement the understanding of the Corona in its true
essence. (1:48). A friend said, "Do you know something? Nobody will take the Oval
Office once the president dies, because it'll be contaminated." Then we know this
president is very touchy, he touches everything, moving, or dead, or furniture.

The responsibly of the doctors and scientist is, rapidly understanding this virus, the
way it is set out, the way it's been explained. And in so many ways, does the human
race wants to be here, or we take this path? We distributed Cup number one and Cup
number two, now you imagine you give Cup of Man, and tell people this will save
you. If they believe in the strength of the Soul, it will be done. Then the ethos of,
"doing good, acting good, and thinking good," will keep them in track. In a way, the
Cup becomes the measure of the Soul, and the man becomes a measure of physicality.

I have accomplished why I came here to accomplish. In a very strange way, mankind
will come to accept the knowledge of the universe out of his own demise. In so many
ways, in the Roman time, and olden days they told you to put a cross with the blood
of the animal, which was actually the Gans, which through its structure absorbed the
virus. This time we don't sacrifice, we give you the knowledge that you have the total
understanding, and you can elevate the Soul of the Man. This time we gave you the
knowledge in truth, and not by fallacy through your own stupidity and lack of
knowledge to understand. In so many ways, if you understand this operation, if you
understand the work of Cup of Man, you will understand how to survive in the
universe. What mankind will do, (1:52). in the coming time, will make the Cup of
Man, the Soul of the Creator. There is no need for physicality. Then you will
understand more in the new dimension of the creation, as he has created it in the
Unicose. Some of you will reach this point in no time, and some of you will take a
lifetime of the universe to get there.
Any questions?

(WL) Hello, Mr. Keshe?

(MK) Yes, Madame Wang Lin?
(WL) Yeah, I have a question from a Chinese Knowledge Seeker. Before the teaching
he sent me the message, and actually it's, it's quite fit with... with what you told, teach
us today. Just one moment. Let me read his paragraph. He said: (1:54). "Show my
best regards to Mr. Keshe. My name is (?), I come from China, she adds, I'm like, like
a "light ascension people." Since 2011, my body has already switched to a state,
doesn't need to consume any food and water to get energy to maintain my... my life.
Since I heard Mr. Keshe teach about, the live with light. From the science point of
view, explain this natural phenomena, the series of the natural phenomena. Let me
have more deep understanding for my situation. At the same time I want to teach
more and more people to achieve this capability through my personal experiment. To
achieve what Mr. Keshe's ** for change the humanity to get energy through kill and
rob. I mean the bad habit. To achieve a human peace and also want to promote this
technology to bring benefit for Chinese people. Personally I want to ask Mr. Keshe a
question. In my situation now how can I improve my Soul further more to really reach
the universal society. (1:56).

(MK) According to what he writes, he has become, but it still lives in both
dimensions, which we all do. In so many ways, to reach to the next state is the
acceptance of the separation. Or stay in both dimensions of life. Doesn't mean just
because you don't consume by killing or destroying, you don't and you cannot enjoy
the beauties of the physical life. This is the beauty when you are enlightened. As I
said, the very first time Caroline asked me, "Why do you come here like this, then?" I
said, we come here for the pleasures of the physicality, and not to be odd one, we live
exactly like the way you do. Its beautiful when you hold a woman, when you say to
her, you love her. When you hold the child, which is the creation of you, and admire
it. It's beautiful when you can touch a flower and see its beauty. It's beautiful when
you hold a fish and you can see that fish lives in the dimension of universe of his own.
In a dimension of the Soul, tangibility cannot be found so easily. With the
understanding of the knowledge, there is no reason not to live in both dimensions.
(1:58). Because you're not taking from it, most probably you become a converter of it
for the others to live from what you convert. So, maybe this is the best way to be. And
you can live this life for thousands ( sound drops out.. ). Now that we have the
knowledge we don't need to move on and do others. Now we have a choice to create
children, through the interaction of the Soul, or through the interaction of the
physicality. Would the love of the father will be any different from the physical, or
the Soul? In so many ways, it comes back to what we speak about schizophrenic.
Now we understand who we are. Do we want to be present when one is present in the
dimension of physicality, when the others live in the realm of the Soul? Or do we
want to be present at all time, to enforce we exist through dimension of physicality?
The anger, the insult, the dimension of life, which we do not even want to speak of.

In Judaism there is a golden rule. It says, if you understand the meaning of it, and I've
discussed this many times before, does not matter if you are in fight or whatever
between a couple, on the Sabbath, (2:00). the physicality has to bring the love of God
into the house. Jews have never understood the true meaning of Saturday or Friday
night, and they converted in total physicality. In so many ways, if you've been with
the Jews, they always have a little thing stuck on front at their door of the house, and
they touch it, and they kiss it or they kiss it and they touch it, depends on the structure
of the understanding of it, in their own Soul. All it says is, "I'll bring the love of God
into the house", nothing else. In a way, when you come into the house you come with
my Soul and not yours. It's become so habitual that the real essence of linking to
receive has gone. It's exactly the same as that blood over the door in the time of the

If you have reached that point, you can survive the universe. If you have reached the
point that you do not consume physical dimensions, you have reached the point that
you can take into space in the dimension of universe, but you need to learn. You need
a lot to learn, that like a first time pilot, (2:02). you don't crash when you take off.
Nothing else we can do if you reached. Many, many Chinese have reached this level.
You got to understand the manifestation of the Soul enlightens all the souls and it
depends on the what I call, the strength of it, what you receive, and when you evolve.
It's like a book you've read many times, but it doesn't have no meaning, and you read
it once and it touches you, and it brings so much different meaning to the whole
reading. How many times you have listened to a music over decades and then one
day, when you're in the right mood and the word comes, and it shakes you and brings
tears to your eyes? Because now it has a meaning. It has a value. It has a new
understanding and comprehension, and so many times you go and listen to it again
and again. Sometimes it gives you the same feeling and sometimes you search for that
feeling when it came, but it's not there this time. We touch many souls in our daily
lives, but in which Soul we give, or do we reach the point of maturity that we give to
all the souls, unconditional? (2:04). So the guy doesn't need to worry, if he really
understood, and at the same time understands, when he decides.
Any other question?
(SM) Hello, Mr. Keshe.
(MK) Yes, Ms. Mohammadi (SM) [Farsi]
(MK) [Farsi] Let me translate. Mrs. Mohammadi is saying that they have a special
program from the Iranian Keshe Foundation team. Yes. (SM) [Farsi] [Farsi] [Farsi]
(MK) This is part of the Universal Council job when what Mrs. Mohammadi
explaining is, any Iranian across the planet who lives anywhere, doesn't matter which
country, get in touch with the Keshe Foundation Farsi Corona team. They will teach
you. They'll train you that you start supporting the Iranians in your community and
the others. This is part of the advanced progressive work of the Keshe Foundation
Farsi language. We have many people across the world, (2:06). Iranians coming to
the chats, wanting help or they have problem in their countries, as we heard from
Canada. Now the Iranian Corona team is trying to teach those that they become a
center for the Iranians in their countries. Many Iranians have been hit by Corona. It's
not just the nationals, they are part of the nation and we see many of them emerging.
In Austria, a lady who had a Corona was put in a basement 2 or 3 weeks ago, till she
dies or whatever. The Knowledge Seekers in Austria, the Iranians managed to get
some GANS to her, and she started using it. She came out of it, they took her to the
hospital, and they said there is no Corona. They don't understand how it's disappeared,
and this is an Austria past week. Our team are in communication with the... Iranians
are well spread across the world and it's the beauty part, of the Iranian Revolution,
that maybe that was a reason for it. Now the Iranian centers and what we call our
points of reference to support the others, and the Keshe Foundation Corona in Farsi, is
asking for all the Iranians across the world to get in touch. Go through the Keshe
Foundation Farsi Corona team and they will teach you. What they've done in Iran,
now they're spreading it across the world. And this way the Iranians become the point
of tranStar Formationer of the knowledge to the locals, the way we have been
succesStar Formationul in Iran.

(MK)[Farsi] (SM) [Farsi] [Farsi] [Farsi] (2:08).

(MK) What she's asking is, to set up a Zoom for all the Iranians across the world, who
want to join and those of you who are part of it, that meet regularly on a daily basis to
expand a spread of the technology across your country, because now you become the
reference point and the success in Iran can be repeated across the world. What is the
idea behind it, is that the Keshe Foundation Farsi language becomes the center point
for the spreading technology and people to use. Let me... [Farsi] [Farsi] The important
point is that you're offering a technology and a knowledge. And it's people's decision
to use it. This is very important. You offer humanity a way to serve, and save
themselves from the situation there is now. Never offer a cure, or what we call, any
other thing. We are a scientific solution, and keep to that, because we see a number of
people who try to abuse the system. And try to explain to everyone, this is a free
knowledge. We don't charge for it. It's a knowledge there, you can test, and you can
try. This is very important. And especially, (2:10). offer it to your police, medical
hospitals, and gradually you will see what will happen. We'll let you know in a few
weeks time, in a couple of weeks time. [Farsi] [Farsi] (SM) [Farsi]

(MK) There is a problem I have to explain. We hear in the background there is going
to be problems with Zoom. Zoom operation could have some problems, we do not
know, but we hear. So we try to set a two-track system, one is Zoom, and one is the
Telegram. That (if) each one fails, the whole process doesn't fall. So, all the
Knowledge Seekers, Keshe Foundation supporters try to access both systems,
Telegram and Zoom. That if the system drops will go into Telegram. (2;12). You got
to understand the situation's critical around the world, and energies are needed more
for other things than running computers and servicing them, or not mechanically
possible in coming time. And people are at home, and the traffic is too high too. We
will announce this Persian common on-line. There is a Chinese guy who has taken up,
and there is bunch of Iranians who are reported, they've taken the case of the Belgium,
fraud or whatever, and they're splashing it everywhere. We will handle all of this with
the Iranian security in time, and we'll handle with these people in time to come for
what they've done. Just be aware there is a lot of money paid by Gates Foundation to
stop the Keshe Foundation, we see it coming up very, very drastically. And they are
using every trick in the book, the same, with what we see, the same problem with the
people who are the supporters in the background with other mass media. They see
their position in danger. We see attacks from the pharmaceuticals, but the reality is
pharmaceuticals are shut. They work nothing. The only valuation is those who talk
about having a vaccine, and...

In using the new plasma technology, you don't need a vaccine, and secondly, as you
will see we're getting a lot of reports around the world, people who had the flu, who
had the cold, who had other conditions, using the Cup of Life have seen the changes.
So in a way, the viruses gradually we see, will be uprooted. But remember one thing.
Keep on using the Gans for at least next 6 months. (2:14). Once a day spray your
body, consume some of the fields of it, that protects you, if it orientates. Make it as I
said, aftershave, perfume on your toiletry table, in your bathrooms on the shelf next to
the toothpaste. This time is not saving your tooth, it's saving your physicality. And
that's how crucial it is. I was talking to one of the Iranian scientists yesterday, and he
wanted to know how long. I said next 3 to 6 months. We don't know, if it evolves, we
evolve with it. It's the only technology which really what we don't need to go and get
a new vaccine, we just evolve with it. And those of you who understand the work of
the Cup of Man don't need to evolve with it, let it evolve with you. You soon will
understand. We are not giving you, "the Cup protects you." We're giving you, the
knowledge to elevate your Soul, that the Soul decides if the physicality needs the
protection. It's a very big difference. "The Day of Judgment." In Farsi we call it
[Farsi] and today is the birthday of Mahdi, and that day has come, for mankind to
mature to his own mentality. [Farsi] (2:16).
Any other question?
(RC) We have a couple of attendees with their hands up here. Alvaro, would you like
to go ahead? (AL) Can you hear me? (RC) Yes. (AL) Hi. Thanks, Rick. Thank you
very much Mr. Keshe. I just want to clarify please about the Cup of Man. So if I have
a depression or some problems in the emotion side, I will add the medicine that I take
to the cup with zinc, the Cup number 2, sorry the Cup number 1, but if the problem is
in the physical level I will put the medicine on the Cup number 2 is that correct, Sir?
(MK) Yes.
(AL) And how do I how do I use the medicine? I put straight in the water, should I put
the medicine straight in the water of the cups?
(MK) Do you know something? Rely on your Soul and see what it does.
(AL) Okay Sir. Thank you very much Mr. Keshe.
(MK) You're welcome.

You're the last man standing and it's you who has to carry this Soul and the
physicality. What was the cause of the emotion, (2:18). and what was the cause of the
illness? What does the illness bring the freedom from, and entraps it in another
dimension? This is the beauty of it. This is the beauty of the knowledge if you
understand it, you don't need to interpret it. You do it because it's right to do, and the
Soul will tell you where and what. When you're in love, do you wait till the lover tells
you "Love you," when you go out and buy a rose and you put it on the table, that by
seeing the beauty of the red rose, she or he will understand the message. Or do you
silently, in bed when she's asleep whispering in her ear, "I love you," that the Soul
hears, as the physicality's asleep. How many times you have walked to your children
in the middle of the night and you have kissed them, and you tell them, "I love you,"
and they are in deep sleep, they turn round and they smile and go back. It's the Soul
which smiles, not the physicality, if you ever understood. And it's that easy to reach
the Soul of the Man. We have just forgot it. (2:20). Because we love our children
with pure heart and Soul, now in a way, we have become the child of the Cup of Man.
In a way, it's a completion. If you look, an atom, you have an electron and a proton
and the two protect and exist. And is the Cup of Man has become and/or is the man
has become? Those who try to analyze the structure and the Cup and what to put
where, they're still stuck in their world of physicality and their Soul has never
elevated to understand the total knowledge.
Any question?

(RC) Stefania has her hand up. (SA) Si, hola. I wanted to do some question from the
Italian team. Hello...
(MK) How are you today to start with? (SA) I'm better, yeah, I'm better, yeah. I can
see that, (2:22). definitely for me, the GANS changed my life day by day, so really
One Cup, One Life means, it literally saved me, means One Cup, One Life, because
give me back my life. Because since I've been using the protocol... I could... a certain
way I felt that it was giving my life back... I start to... it's just something as you know,
as you us the... as you use the GANS and the protocol you... you... you know straight
away, that is something really good for you, and because you use do Gans's as well,
you also feel you got no fear, and you feel content. You know you're doing the right
thing, so you got this situation where you have all this pain, and you know that your
body's going a bit out of control, but as soon you start the protocol, ... you know that
is something good for you, you can feel it, and the fear disappears, and so for me it's
been the best gift ever having this. I mean you as well, because you were there for me
in my most difficult time, when I was on my own and had no one. So you and Mrs.
Caroline, were there for me in the most you know difficult time. I think if you were
not there I would not be here today. So, I told you many times, I owe you my life. In
one way, this experience, it just... I think it's been really good, I think it was a
blessing, you know. As you taught us in the "MOZHAN," (2:24). make a problem to
strength, I think this what happened. So the virus, initially it was a problem, because...
I, I, I went to heal very quickly, but, but thanks to this gift that you give to us... the
problem become a strength, because from that point I understood the miracle that this
GANS do, and also they understood the importance of what we're doing, understood
that this the only way to go forward and understood... I'm still learning, I'm still
learning... but... I really, for me this is the most beautiful experience that has ever
happened, and from that day it is like, I'm reborn. So I reborn into another way to see
life, and this to me is the only way, it's exactly what you said, we have to be united,
and together is not a problem. So, even though every day I feel much, much better,
and for the first time now, a few days ago, I feel like I had my body back, like I'm
starting to get strength back, and it's just a pleasure using the Gans. I really
recommend it to everyone, to start to have this relationship with it.

(MK) Let me... Let me... Let me explain to people who do not know. Stefania is a
MOZHAN, is a very handful of people who've been taught to become the leaders in
the new and the future space technology. There's about 6 or 7 of them. They spent
nearly, (2:26). some time with me in Africa and then in China, and they've been told
to go back to their souls, and they understand this process. But the biggest problem is
with Knowledge Seekers, is they never make things till it's needed. She didn't even
make the Cup of Life, and she came to us with the pains, which we knew will come
up. She was one of the very first who reported pain in her ovaries and the womb. The
extension was very deep and... she was more or less in the critical condition. But she
was there, she has the boldly spirit and we sat down with her, went through step by
step. And this time it needs a cool head and... She has that mentality, Italian mentality,
of seeing it through that it happened and that I carry on with it. And she's out of it.
She's one of the Universal Council members who's been hit heavy by the Corona. We
have another Universal Council member again was been hit by it very badly. And
they both are coming out of it. As she said she starts feeling better, now, after a couple
of weeks because the Corona destroys many cells and converts many cells and it takes
2-3 weeks to recover from these injuries. The body spends a lot of energy to do the
repair and building new cells. So you don't feel... jump out of it, I'm there. It takes 2-3
weeks to gradually the strength come back. With the... Now there is all the energy,
most of the repairs. And the more repairs are done, the more you go gradually back to
daily life. It's not gonna happen today and tomorrow you run. So, and she says,
(2:28). she's feeling more and more better because the damage was so extensive that
all these cells damaged needs to be repaired. Carry on, Stefania.
(SA) Yeah, it's exactly how you describe it. It's like if I now I have the energy back.
It's like the... if my body... even though I... I felt bet... better like last I felt a massive
change just after 15 hours. So from... from thinking I was dying and my body was out
of control, as soon you start the Gans, you got this friendship going on, where you can
tell the pain changing, diminish and getting better. But after... after... after one day I
knew straight away, I was already out of dangers. But it's exactly what you said, even
though you... now you're out of dangers and the virus is gone. It takes lots... it takes
quite a while to get the energy back. So I felt we've... we've like my energy was not
there. Even those... it's a... it's a paradox because I felt really good, mentally very,
very uplifted and I was very happy. But you're right, it takes time for your body to full
regenerating, and... And then you switch. Your body switch where you... you feels
slowly, slowly you got your strength back. So it's actually a lovely experience to
experience. That's why I really recommend everyone to use the GANS and use the
plasma technology because it's such a beautiful... you're going for a very beautiful
journey... and, and, and...
(MK) But did you wanted that, this journey?
(SA) I have to say looking back it's been the best thing that's ever happened Because
you... (2:30). you know, I've been with you with the MOZHAN and I, I been in the
Foundation for quite a bit and... maybe for me took this situation to truly understand
the power of what we're doing and you know when... the unfortunate is like you said,
through fear I, I... For example in my case, I learned the importance of what we were
doing. It's when you have a comfortable life and someone introduce you a gift, like
you did to us it's.... it's... it's beautiful and you... you make the best to understand it but
because you're such in comfortable situation, it's... it's... it's not the same when... when
you actually, you're fighting for your life and, and, and you have to take off all
distraction you, you have to have to kind of... How can I say this?... It's... It's... It's... I
remember when... When I had the virus and I was... in my mind there was nothing
else than plasma technology and use the GANS. There was just that. The 15 hours
when you were assisting me, very beautifully and I never forget that because you
were there for me and, and when you assist me all that love I received from you and
from the GANS and from the Nano-technology... It's... It's really... I don't know, it's
unforgettable like... In my mind there was only this and I understood the importance
at that point of what... yeah, what we were doing. So I don't think I would have
understood that well without... I don't think... We... I agree with you Mr. Keshe. We
don't need to suffer. I don't say that we need to go through this. (2:32). It's not... It's
unnecessary. In my case I, I, I, I could see the benefit of it. Why I went through that.
And... And the power of what we are doing. And I remember clearly from the
MOZHAN that our bodies are a Ferrari. So and, and things that happen in the
MOZHAN, it never happened, and we didn't use any... We use our body... our bodies
as... as a GANS device and the things that happened there, they were unforgettable
too. So now I compare the power of me using the GANS to cure myself, and also I
compare my experience in the MOZHAN with you. That was like life changing and I
can see that is the Ferrari. So now I'm trying to add everything up, like you said to us,
that is like a puzzle, the things come together, and I can see... Somehow, I've got
bigger picture and definitely your body is the Ferrari, so I understand your talk of
today. (MK) You're definitely an Italian. (
SA) Yes, red Ferrari.
(MK) I think... let me explain. We don't want to know about the engine. The... the
thing is Stefania lives in England and she got contaminated by the Italians who came
from Italy. This is the most probable way she got contaminated, very early group of
people who got contaminated, by the Italians coming from Italy. The way the virus
was spread. There is another member here, who has been trough this. Do you want to
speak about it? (2:34). Another Universal Council member who went through the
Corona. And I think she's still battling it somehow. Would you like to speak?

(JM) Hi, Mr. Keshe. Hi, all. (MK) Hi, Jamila. Jamila is the Universal Council
member for Arabic speaking languages around the world. Would you like to tell us
what happened with you?
(JM) Yeah, yes, yes, sure. So, I don't really remember how I got it, because it's
between maybe airport I was traveling back.
(MK) Let me just.... Can I explain? Jamila is the head of the Keshe Foundation in
setting up the Health Centers and Research Centers in Arizona. She was in Arizona,
setting up the center helping with John. And she just came back to France, just before
the curfew comes in for the flight bans. She has landed few hours or a day before that.
And that's where she thinks she could have caught it, anywhere. Carry on, please.
(JM) Yeah. So, I spent a long time in Mexico. I came from Mexico Airport, so maybe
at airport. Maybe my sister come back... come to airport to pick me up from the
airport So she was... (MK) In Paris? (JM) In Paris. Yeah. So, maybe my sister, maybe
airport. I don't know exactly. So, I spent maybe 5 days when I come back to Paris,
running everywhere to get my material, to set up my cups, and to set up Cups for my
family, my friends. And... So, I did not... I know that there is this virus, but I was not
afraid. I was doing what I have to do. 5 days after that, (2:36). I had fever. I said "Oh,
okay. So it's there." And I did not have... my feeling was... I was very calm, I was not
in feel... in fear. No fear, nothing bad in my feeling. I said "No problem, I have my
Gans's," because I did my Cup of Lives... of Life... all the set in Arizona. I bring that
with me. I brought all the kits to do the Cups for... for people here in Paris. So I was
feeling secured. I have all... I have all the material, I know the teaching. I have Mr.
Keshe, the foundation, all the Knowledge Seekers, so I am okay. And it went like that.
So I inform Mr. Keshe about the... the... the situation he give me a really fantastic
health instruction protocol, Caroline as well. So I was following all these protocols.
So I felt much better after 3 days doing this first Cup of protocol... Protocol of the first
Cup. But after four days, I got a very bad pain in stomach. I could not sleep, I had the
fever back. And I saw.... I was thinking about the description given by Mr. Keshe
about the virus, when he is in stomach. So I said "Oh, Mr. Keshe, I had another one."
He said okay, this the bad one in stomach, so he gave me the protocol. He gave me
instruction, he was following with me. (2:38). And I was following everything. So, if
you want to know the protocol, you go to Wikipedia (, you will see the
details. So, 3 days protocol, day and night, and I felt much better and I was... I never
had any panic or fear. So I was myself. I was thinking, "Oh, I am not afraid, I am
okay, I feel even good, so I have what's needed." So, I have my angel Mr. Keshe. I
have all the angels the Knowledge Seekers, Caroline, the Gans's. I feel very, very
secured and very, how I can say that... Feel security, you know? Then...
(MK) Would you like to Would you like us to release some of your videos, the way
you were wrapped?
(JM) Maybe I. (MK) You sent videos, this is how I'm wrapped, this is how I'm
following the protocol. And you can hear the voice, the very sick and this is... We
watch things, we watch, we monitor, when we get involved in every step. And it's
amazing how she recovered from the first and the second cycle. Carry on
(JM) I can... I can try to share that, it's in my phone. So let me just... I try, let me...
give me one... one... two seconds. (JM) I stop sharing or you need to click. (JM) I..
just to find... video. I'm sorry, I have my voice tired. I'm still... One second. (2:40).

(MK) What is the strangest, if you listen to president Trump's recording past few
days... He says, that he knows the hospital so well, he even knows the color of the
paint, because he used to live there. He knows the size of the windows. And he was
shocked seeing so many bodies in corridors. And with the Keshe Foundation
technology, if it's reached the right time, the right way, there is no body bags. And it's
for governments to make a decision.

You see, we say one lie can do a lot of damage. And you heard about the Shepherd
and the wolf. The king of Belgium cried wolf and made us. And now the wolf has
come. There is nobody to protect. Many people in the world have fallen for that
falseful cry of wolf by the king of Belgium, and the Belgium Kingdom. And they
listened to it, and now that their wolf has already come, is taking many lives, because
of one, one man, the present King of Belgium. You will understand soon. He has to
live with his greed, and his love affair and how many people have died because of it?
We took that to the Italians last week and the week before, they're responsible for the
deaths of so many Italians, (2:42). with what they did with the Keshe Foundation
Italy. Now, is for the Soul of this man and his understanding, how much he lied,
created the false lies. And they have to live with the lives lost. Red Circle, especially
Red Circle, now he has to answer to the souls lost, where it could be saved.
Especially... Especially Mr. Bracquene, Philippe, the father, the police officer
Delanoir. They have to answer and every life and their children's life have to answer,
for the false cries they created, and so many people's lost life. And this, we will
understand soon, the kings will put their own crowns down, because they know their
lies, and it caused so many deaths. If they have... if they have honesty within
themselves. Now we can see what damage that false court case has created. And now,
all these rubbish notes on the Internet, people trying to believe in it... And you can see
so many lives saved. Now they have to count for the lives they caused to loss. And I
hope they can live with their souls. Red Circle, you have more, so much blood on
your hands, it runs in millions. We'll see how your children pay for it and your blood.

Carry on, please. Have you found it, Jamila ? (JM) Yes, I switched to my computer.
(2:44). (MK) Make sure it's out, don't show us the screen. (JM) Yeah, one second
please. So after the bath... Can you see it? (MK) Yes. (shows video)
(JM) So after the bath, the... wet clothes, I am wearing here and all my stuff here,
yeah, I have the wet towel for ten minute I have to get it, to keep it... to keep it 10
minute per hour on my head, Then I have to... wet... the wet clothes with sleeves as
they told you, I prepared it. So I am wearing here all the clothes, wet under this up
here, because it's cold when you are wearing wet clothes. So in addition to that, I am
spraying all my face with the Cup number 1 GANS water. I am drinking the number
2. The GANS water from number 2 cup and GANS water from number 1 Cup, in
combination of all that. So the wet clothes, the wet towel, the spraying, the drinking
of the water. Every half hour I change that. I go to the bath, inside my bath. I sit in on
it, half an hour, 20 minute, half... an hour. Then I... I wear the wet clothes. Then I
sprayed, I drink and I wear that on the head for 10 minutes. (2:46). I do this protocol
each hour. I am changing it and I already feel... I'm already feeling much better. So,
thank you very much Mr. Keshe, for your instructions, for your protocol, for your
guidance, for your love and gratitude. Thank you so much. I am going to fight it. I
don't want it to stay on my body anymore. So I am going to succeed. Thank you so
(MK) You look as very good, what we call it, Arab woman. Well covered! (JM) In
this time we... I don't... I don't know. In which woman I look like, but... It was...
Thank you, thank you so much, thank you. (MK) It is good to hear your laughter
again. (JM) Yeah, so, as I told you, we have a lot of things to do, so I'm not willing to
give up. I am here, I will be here. And thank you all. (MK) Thank you very much.
(JM) You've welcome.

(MK) Thank you very much indeed. And the biggest problem is our Universal
Council members, and especially support system people. You have not reached the
way the Iranian team is working. They get infected and go back on it. It's just like
going into quarantine and coming out. And... It's very, very strange. Very, very
strange how I see it.

And in so many ways, maybe it's the right time to announce it. The Enhancement Unit
is completed and it will be shipped to Austria in the coming days. And, we will fulfill
the process as we said, (2:48). the distribution of the enhancement system. We see the
enhancement system now to be spread much, much more important, especially for the
cancers, which is forecasted by Keshe Foundation. Now the Russian scientists
confirmed, back us up with this, with a scientific paper. And the French scientists
announcement of the skin. Will be important, we have decided the Keshe Foundation,
we discussed yesterday. We drop the price of the Enhancement Unit back down from
1 million to 250,000 euro, it will become affordable for most of the nations and we
support them that way. As of today the Keshe Foundation units will come to 250 000,
because the cancer cases will become so cumbersome that there is no technology to
stop it. And I have already requested from the manufacturing base in China. to be
ready to produce 100 to 500 units. And directly in process. We most probably, show
you on the next couple of weeks the enhancement unit. Its beautiful. It works. And as
the head of the Keshe Foundation, said looking at the video of it, she says; I like the
name of... the voice of it. When it opens the gate it goes woshhh and when it closes it
was woshh. It looks exactly like what it was made to be. Now with the gap in China,
we have managed to complete it. And the enhancement units are ahead of time of
delivery, as some expecting in August, July-August. In May we will deliver the first
batches across the world to be ready for this process. And we have reduced the price
to 250 thousand for the time being, that we can support. As we see Corona will take
many lives. Many, many lives. (2:50). And we keep this for next couple of months to
see how we can support. And we extend the production capacities in China, as we go
to see how we can support, not to lose to cancer of the Corona, what we call, Corona.

It is our job. For the running of Keshe Foundation, as the head of the Foundation to
Ella, over past 3-4 years as most of you know. To make sure everything it runs, it
gives me the freedom to see everything gets done across the foundation organization
worldwide. It is good to have two very competent women, one in China and one in
Europe. And to see that the two structure of the Keshe foundation are there to support
and build a future for humanity. It's not any more Keshe Foundation one country, it's
Keshe One Planet, and in the hand of two very competent women, both in Soul and
physicality to see it through.

I know there's some questions from the Italians. If you would like to ask the
questions, please, Stephanie, are you there or has she dropped off? We don't have her,
I think she's dropped off. Ella would you like... (RC) She looks to be there, but I don't
know if... (MK) She's got her hands up (RC) Yeah. Stefania, can you hear us? (MK)
Oh, yeah, she's translating... (SA) [Italian] (2:52). (SA) No, no, I am here, yeah I'm
just now reading the question so... of the... One second, one second, because I got the
two things going at the same time. So I'm now looking the question of the... the...
yeah, okay so, Lara... she's from... She really helped me with the Italian team and she
makes this question to Mr. Keshe and he says... she said...
Q: she would like to know if it's possible, she... Okay, she want to ask, if it's possible,
to know how to increase the connection like Mr. Keshe do, to move her body, to
move... like you do Mr. Keshe apparently, to move your body to people that are far.
You know, in order to communicate. It's clear the question?
(MK) No, it's very alien.

(SA) Yeah. She ask... How she can increase this connection and she... she meant the
connection that she... she thinks that you do Mr. Keshe. You can move your body in
other places, to connect with people. She would like to know how can she improve
(MK) Become the Creator. That's the simplest way of it is.
(SA) Okay, Mr. Keshe... [Italian] [Italian] (2:54).

(MK) When... This has puzzled many, many, world leaders, now that you ask this
question. We are present in their meetings and we hear their... or we listen to what
they utter and what they plan, and then it has caused a huge problem in the White
House, and even in China. How do we know so much, what is discussed privately, in
private conversations, given, some places we don't want you to know. And this has
had a huge problem for especially Obama administration. And now with the Trump
administration with... the same with President Xi, and many of the world leaders.
When we want to know we don't go, and we don't have spies. We just ask the Soul,
and it's furnished. It's just like... We don't listen to recording, we understand the
motion taking. This is why we preempt so much, so many things in advance. When
we announced on the 11th... what you call, on the 3rd of November in 2011, or
December 2011, that we'll show the power of the technology, and the American drone
was captured the next day. When we announced what is the plan, for the American
disaster position with earthquake. And the same day after teaching on the Thursday,
President Obama announced a new team for earthquake disasters. They listen to us,
and at the same time we sit, within their Soul, and it cannot lie. When I give you
information it comes from the Source. (2:56). And this has baffled many world
leaders, how Keshe Foundation reaches so deep, precise information. Because we sit
within you. When the world leaders understand this, and when humanity understands
this, when you call my name, I'm there within your Soul.

And that's... that's what's the responsibility of the two heads of the Keshe Foundation
in the coming time. And to teach, to ** their students, to do the same. They are there
in physical dimension, but in Soul they are connected. The same as we established in
the Universal Council members. You heard Stefania and you heard Jamila. These are
connected to the Soul of the language, and understanding of the Soul of the language.
But in the universe, we have one language, so I don't need to learn Arabic or Italian.
We reach through the Soul of the Man. One day mankind will know who I am in the
dimension of the Soul of the Creator, not in the dimension of physicality. I don't need
to be. I don't need communication. We don't even have computers in the universe.
These are all man-made physical dimensions of comfort, of cheating and whatever
they do.

(SA) Lara, she's answer and she said "Thank you for the information you give me in
my dreams".
(MK) This is the problem I reach many women in their dreams and they write to me.
But I hope it's a good one and I hope it elevates your souls. (2:58). We concentrate in
this dispensation on women, because they are the essence of the creation, and because
it's them who brings up the next generation of the man to be just and correct. It is in
the writing of Baha'u'llah, bless his name, simple description. He says: "If you have
money to educate your children and you have one son and one daughter," in Islamic
world and the rest of the world they spend the money on the boy. In the path of the
belief of Baha'ullah, bless his name, he says; "Educate the woman, the girl, because
she will educate the children of the future of mankind." And this is the same process.

The 9th is the day of completion in all numbers in the universe, and today is the day
of completion. And in so many ways, the life of the man, the creation, the Creator, is
the womb of the universe, the same as given to the woman. We come from the
background of Zoroastrian Mithraism and it was based on those basis's. As I said
many time, "A woman in the Iranian family is a point of respect and honor, not a tool
for a man to abuse." And once the world understand, this you will understand what it
means, (3:00). and why we chose the life giver, then the support. Educate your
women to the best of your ability, and one of the successes you see Iran, in Iran, is
70% educated woman, who are carrying the nation. The men just bark, women build
the nation. It will be the same for human nation, as One Nation. When a mother is
educated well, she brings up educated people, correct people. When a man is educated
correct, never do wrong. Because he never gets himself to the point of desperation, to
do wrong. We know exactly what we talk about, and we know exactly how we
structure. Man lost track, now we brought it back on track. Respect your women,
because those are the ones who keep your culture, your language, your love and your

(SA) Lara, since she told me this, I said to her many times, okay, "Say hello to Keshe
for me." And she laughed and she said, "Keshe told me that she come, he talks to you,
but you never listen."
(MK) One of the most... One of the most... strangest women creatures you ever met is
Stefania. You will understand. I spent long enough, as with the team of MOZHANs,
with her in teaching. She is unique and is Stefania. (3:02). And she's the only woman
MOZHAN, in the whole team. But she's something unique.
(SA) Thank you so much, I hope in a good way.
(MK) I don't know the bad way. (SA) Yes, yeah. There's another things, when I was
in the MOZHAN, and it happened to me now, I cannot think about bad things. Like,
you know sometimes you're doing nightmares, or you're doing bad dreams? When we
were in the MOZHAN's, I couldn't do that, it's like, it's impossible. And the same
here, I think, I can, I can see that we have a bigger MOZHAN here, happening. And
we're creating condition for things... good to happen. I can see we're repeating a
bigger massive scale MOZHAN.
(MK) Doug McDonald has written something very funny, but very nice. It says: "In
the Scottish tradition the same, educate the woman, the man just bark, grow their
beard and rattle their swords." So we're Scottish.

(SA) I have a question from a second Italian. (MK) Yeah. (SA) He's a man. He said:
"I got a question. Why does criminals like Gates and the rest constantly torment this
planet. Why they don't die, and leave free this planet from their grief? This is what he
(MK) You see, until we don't have these, we don't appreciate the process of peace.
We have to see these people, (3:04). to understand, and with them they create the
conditions to be where we are, that we can elevate. These people serve humanity in
a... in a different way than they really want to do. The spread of virus. You see,
something very interesting is that, up to now, there was no nobody, does ** (care) that
the Chinese were dying, or the Iranians were dying. We saw the Americans increasing
sanctions on the Iranians in the time of trouble, and they got hit worse with it
themselves. Now they went and they found the professor who made the virus. Up to
now it doesn't matter, it was the others. What can you do? Tell the professor to put the
genie back in the bottle? Cannot be done. And in this process, they serve humanity,
because we could never do this, bring the banking to a halt, transportation to a halt.
The whole world economy has come to a halt, and it's going to get even worse in next
two weeks. And I... my team in Iran, were absolutely in a despair yesterday because
of something that happened. And I said to myself, "They don't see it. Because it's not
the time, they need another week." Because if we put the whole thing out in one go,
and the world governments find a way. We haven't got there, they go back to normal.
We have to go and reach a tipping point. As Jamilla said this, Stephanie said, many
others. "When they come out of this situation, life changes, has a different meaning."
And these people will start elevating their souls. You will understand, very, very
soon. (3:06).

And strange enough you gradually come off the food. I notice even in our own
household, our food consumption compared to 4 weeks ago, maybe 6 weeks ago, is a
quarter, is a third. Because we are continuously around the Gans and we, like you, we
protect ourselves, we spray ourselves. There is no need to eating. Gradually we are
coming off eating in... I said to Caroline: "We... have you noticed?" Even yesterday
we've discussing it. We're happy with very little. And it's, it's going through the
transition. And this is what it was supposed to be, huh. The, the world lives on equal
balance. At the moment, estimated three billions are lock down. Another 2 billion
locked down in next two weeks. China will come out with a huge damages, because
now we will see changes in China. Because they say there is, but I can show you
pictures in past couple of days from China. Motorways are empty. Motors are empty.
Doesn't matter what the government claims. What the government claims is
absolutely, utterly unbelievable.

This is, take it, if I can get my hands on it, this is taken from last Sunday. (3:08).
Around about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 4 million population, city. I want to show
you how much China lies to the world. Because China has to come clear, that way we
can move on. Because China has to come clear on how they used the technology, and
how they applied it, and how much they lied to us, as the what we call, the world
population. The lies told to the world population is unforgivable, they knew and even
today, they're lying. .. I want you to see this picture, because then you know. The
Chinese have come too far, and they have to change their attitude towards the world's
population, and coming clean, in how they have used the, I want you to see it. ..
we'll try to delete some of it, this is a 3 o'clock traffic in one of the Chinese major
cities. (3:10). And then you'll understand why we are calling on all nations to stop
lying to their people, and start acting. This is We are not talking about weeks ago,
we are talking about today in China, I'll try to reduce it for certain security reasons, as
it comes up to me on my other phones. How much, you are not going to go back to
normality. It started in December, we are in April, March gone, and the whole world
structure isn't working. China hasn't recovered, no way, by a long pole, as we say in
English, I try to save the images many of them and these same is literally,
(3:12). literally, governments have to stop lying to their citizens.

And if the Chinese government will choose the path of correct conduct, in a way, very
correct conduct, we stand by them, it doesn't matter how, the way they tried to
deviate. I especially take a big section out of it, that it can't be recognized for certain
security reasons. But I show you the highway, this is a very specific, this is one of the
major highways. in China, and the pictures are taken over seconds, that we, you see
the full span of the same motorway. And this is 4 months into Corona I send you the
pictures and you can see the truth. Rick, it's on your system. sent to you 2 pictures,
this is a major city, major motorway. 3 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon, understanding
(3:14). China has no Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, more or less they work around the
clock. You can count 1 car on the highway. Up to now we tried, today I showed you
communication from the Chinese securities and reports that 10% survive. ... Now you
see the truth, this is what is going to hit you. This is what is to come. I put 2 questions
to the Chinese authorities, in a direct way. Emptiness of these highways, is when you
are calling the whole nation is open, due to so many people dead, or is it that the
economy collapsed so bad, that nobody is on the street. The truth is somewhere
between the two. You have to understand, this is an artery, it's a main road, it's a
motorway. If you have been on cities, even on Chinese New Year, you'll see hundreds
of cars on the road, now you see, 1 on the other side, and 2 or 3 on this side. and that's
a few seconds later. China is totally dead. (3:16).

And this will happen in Los Angeles, London, New York, Washington, Paris, and
Rome. This is 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, is it the 4th, 3rd of April, 2020. I said to
one of the national securities in the past couple of days, show us the satellite images
of your cities, then we'll believe. Live, that we can pinpoint and choose and read the
number plate. You'll find out most of cars on the move are national security or police,
and not many real people. The situation is beyond control on China, 4 months into it.
My biggest fear is, that they are going to stay empty like this for years to come,
because there are no citizens. We'll loose more to Corona, and we'll loose more to the
cancer of the Corona, and then the economy which collapse on the old age and the
rest. Don't forget China has a huge, huge old peoples group. (3:18).

There is a message from one of the popular cities in the south of Iran, the mayor, and
it says, spread this, spread this, and in his word he said something very interesting. He
says, we want the policy from the president of Iran, is the policy to let 15 million
people die. Is the policy to reduce, or are we going to save the nation. It seems the
Iranian president sits with the 15 million payments from the American foundations.
This is not our word, this is the word of Iranian mayor of a major city in south. This
city was in the heat of the battles between Iran and Iraq, it is well respected, it's one of
the cornerstones of the Iranian economy in the south. He says, spread the knowledge,
spread this information, we want to know the clear direction, because these people sit
at the head, and they are open to all information, and he clearly asks the president in
name, clear my point, we have to know that we follow the policy.

The world leaders have a problem, and it depends on where their bank account sits.
Do we allow this to happen to us or do we protect ourselves with the new knowledge,
(3:20). or we find a way to save ourselves. Not necessarily with the Keshe
Foundation, we never say we are the only solution, we tell you we are one of the
solutions. .. This is from the mayor of .. he says who he is, it's in public domain, in
Iran, we are not showing anything secret, but it clearly sets out a national policy, or
clearance of a national policy, and the Iranian government has to make it clear, are we
paying bribes to the Americans to kill our nation. Or who is taking the bank account?
We don't play with games, they can bring the Keshe Foundation down, they can do
anything. They won't touch us. Please play the video tape I sent to you and it can be
translated by the Iranians. It's very powerful if you understand, when a man in his
position, as a mayor of a major city, puts a challenge to the president of the nation. Is
the seat for that president, and his cabinet, and the people he has put in position, or the
leadership has to pass on, to the Eminence Ayatollah Knowledge to decide for Iran, as
he has done for years. Please play it, I will translate for you slowly what it says..
(3:22). .. He says, he is the mayor ** , (speaks in Farsi ..)

(3:24). Keshe: He is the mayor of Musshad, a major city in the south and he says,
we have 2 choices, we help people, or we let a lot of people die, the sick, the people
who got AIDS, and the rest, and we'll loose 10 to 15 million people. He asks directly
to the president of Iran, "you lay the line, what you decide we'll follow." Or we pay
people and keep everybody at home for 1 month, and the sick people who come to the
hospital, sorry, they die or whatever, but the healthy one stays home, we can start, and
we can carry on. He says, we understand these 2 polices directly, so central
government has to make a decision, which way we are going. The Sepah and Military
are ready to execute either 2. To let 15 million people die in Iran, who are sick, who
got everything. Or we go out and we save as much as we can. The decision making
sits with the president, and he is asking directly to the president, make a clear
decision, that ... This is the same in the White ..( cut in audio) the same in New York,
London, and the rest. (3:26). His words, (Azar interrupts, he says) just wait .. can you
block (She continues) Keshe: Pardon.
Azar- He says there are 2 groups in the government, one of them wants to sit and
watch people die, and they are thinking, we get rid of the old and the weak, and that is
good for us. Or the other way, the other group says, look we can save everybody, and
if you put money, about 30 million, ** and give everybody about 2 million, ** and 2
million for 2 months, they can sit home for 1 month, in quarantine, and then what's
going to happen, he said everybody, but it is up to the president, to decide now, which
way you want to go, do you want to sit and let all these people 30 million people die,
or do you want to save everybody. Now you choose your position, which way you
want to go, because the Sepah and army are ready to execute this to help people, but if
you want to sit and let the weak and the ones who have diseases to die, that is your
choice. It means if you sit and you don't do this, it means you want people to die.

Keshe: Yes, but we heard the same thing, policy, pass in the British Parliament, by the
government this week, the past few days. That people with conditions, with
respiratory conditions, heart conditions, over a certain age, will not be resuscitated if
they go to the go to the hospital. The British government has already confirmed what
he is trying to say as the mayor Musshad ** It has become the policy in the UK, and
is a hidden policy in most of the nations in Western Europe. In countries like India
and Philippines it is the only policy, because there is nothing left. This is where we
sit, we in the Keshe Foundation are sitting in the same dilemma, (3:28). with the
government today. There are those who have taken bribes, and they want to enforce
their policies, those who sit with the pharmaceuticals who are trying to sell vaccines
to Iran, are letting many people die. It is the same with all the governments. Gates
Foundation has put all the money bribing, all the world leaders, governors, that, let us
do, you get the money, we get our vaccines and we get the control. This man, as a
mayor of a city in Iran, who is a policy maker, he is fed up of seeing people dying.
You can see he is wearing his mask around his head.

We have this problem, is not only in Iran. Gates Foundation has bribed all the world
leaders. I can show you letters of it. It will bring shame to Chinese administration.
They have taken nations to ransom. But we'll see, we'll survive. Human race will
survive. Maybe 100 million die, 200 million die, 1 billion die, but the rest will
survives will suffer in next few months. Exactly like Fukushima. In Fukushima
(Hiroshima), few thousand people died when the bomb came. Many, many more died
from the side effect of it. And they still die after nearly 70 to 80 years, (3:30).
because of it. The reduction in population through Corona is made to crown one
person. They wanted to bring it, to run, to rule. And there's one thing, I have a
message for all of them, "not in my time, not in my space." Not in my time, not in my
space. Today is my time, and my space.
Any other question?

(AB) Mr. Keshe, I just want to add something. In Iran, the people who are in that
election, who are choosing to let people die, they are the same people who are waiting
for the vaccines dose and make profit out of it, that's what it is.
(MK) Yes, we know that. And they all carry American passport, they were educated
in the Universe.S. Iranian cabinet, on the first election day, when it was announced,
had more American educated doctors on the cabinet, than in Trump's cabinet. They all
carry double passport. Trump in a private talk said, "I wish I had so many Iranian
educated people in his cabinet, than mine, then I knew how is, how I can handle it."
(AB) Mr. Keshe, I want to tell you a story.

(MK) Let me, let me, tell you something. Let me tell you something. When the
Iranian president went to Universe.S. to give a talk to United Nation as you
understand, he was confined to a square block, that he could not go anywhere. And in
an interview he said, very interesting, but people never understood. He said, 'we've
been through all this city during, when the time we were getting educated, we know
this New York like the back of our hand. We don't need to go out now.' They're all
American educated, and the vaccines are sold, through the damage.

But the reality is, what is the outcome for us as a human race? Or, what I see, due to
lack of leadership in Iran, there is no need for election. Except direct rule of Ayatollah
Khamenei on all matters from now on. Until a correct government is elected in Iran.
We don't deal. The... the whole understanding of the whole, the same is... the same in
Italy, in Holland, in Belgium, in Germany. Governors have to decide how to govern
collectively. What you'll find out, union will split apart, because did not deserve, did
not serve. You got to understand, the...

Why I stand so much behind the Iranian nation, is not only because I was born there,
I'm connected with my blood to it. It's just because I know how the nation has
suffered, (3:34). in the hand of all the boycotts, and it still stands so resilient. Hasn't
gone backwards, is has become more advanced in technology, because it had to look
inwards to develop what was needed. And this has created a special breed in Iran.
Highly intellectual, talented men and women. And soon... and soon you'll understand,
there'll be a need for it. Because, in so many ways, we shall see one thing, mankind
will mature through the Soul, and the Soul of... for those who matured first, will
become the light for the others to mature from. And if you go by tradition to the flag
of Iran, we carry the sun. Iran will shine, but not only for Iran, but for the humanity.
But what is interesting is, how world governments have failed to serve their nations.
You're all at home. There is no money coming in. There is no food on the table.
We've seen the looting in the state. People literally ransacking supermarkets. If you
haven't seen it, I can show you a few. In China people are, out of hunger came on the
streets, because it was Corona or hunger. And they... they were not dying of Corona
but they were dying of hunger. There was no money in the bank from the 4th week of
lock-down, 3rd week of lock-down. They came, you can kill us but at least we don't...
and they put people against the wall. (3:36).

In some cities more people got shot, than died of the Corona. Now you understand
why some of the cities are empty. Some factories work, some people tried to get
going, because they had to support and feed. I understand this, I've been through this,
I went through the Iranian revolution, and I went through the opening of the Eastern
Bloc. There were factories in Bulgaria and Rumania. I traveled across Europe, on a
daily basis, a weekly basis, looking at the factories that were there, but people had no
food to eat because nothing could be produced. We worked at it, we understood the
problem, we so hard, that trying to bring, what we call, job, food, back into the
situation. I have been there, I have done it before. I know what it is, when I tell you
how it is going to be, it's not going to be so easy. It took us 5 years to move Bulgaria
and Romania after the opening. And this is worse then the opening, there is nothing
left. There will be nothing left. This is the biggest problem, the biggest problem for
mankind, how are we going to recover from this disaster, (3:38). it won't be easy,
there is no money to start, shipping has blocked, and the situation is worse than many
of you can imagine. Banks will be the same as before, would they be backed by the
government to save the banks, or would the government instead of giving $2,000
checks, will write a total company check, that they can pay their wages, they can pay
their people, and they bring the economy, this time the right way. That will take at
least a year. Many companies have gone bankrupt. The solution is not and can't be
resolved overnight. Shutting down and restarting is not that easy. I have been through
it. I went through it with the Eastern bloc. Maybe that's why, was, that it brought me
the insight of what's going to happen. It's not an easy job, if you understand what it
means when the economy collapses. In another 2 weeks the US, you'll have no
economy. What's going to happen to us, how are we going to bring these jobs back?
How are we going to handle the looting, who is going to pay for it. How are you
going to feed yourself, (3:40). if you don't use the Cup of Life (Cup of Life), the Cup
of Man, at least to be able to carry the energy. The situation is not that good, but the
situation is worse than you think.

The biggest problem is, would the Africa survive, this better then Europe and
America. We see in South America, disaster is worse than what we thought, streets,
bodies not collected. People just putting their dead bodies on the street, because they
can't bury it, most can't afford to burying it. The reality is who are these people
hoping to lead. Or actually lead a nation, that exists to lead. (3:42). It's very easy to
be a leader of a mental institute, you got to be another one yourself. And it seems
Gates condition is heading that way. One imbecile trying to lead the others.
Any other question?

Q: (In Spanish ) (3:44). Does the proximity of 5G effect the production of Gans's
and Nano (nano) coverings?
Keshe: There is a discussion, and there is a big discussion in a number of Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers asking this question, and in so many ways, we, you
can't say a hundred percent, "no." But, in so many ways, we cannot dismiss it
anymore, but the problem with G5 is, has a resonance of 60 kHz, which matches the
oxygen (O) according to the scientists. This is the problem, that if we understand this,
we can blame a lot of things for it. We got to keep an open view to it, because it can
effect O, but what we don't see in the structure of Corona, is connected to Na, the salt
of Ca. (3:46). The salt of Ca is very far in frequency, or what we call, resonance away
from O. But in the combination of certain cells, they can be an interference, but it
can't be proven. I spoke to ** you, but it can't be, but it can be, there is a possibility
of it. But it just happened that the two have come together. So a lot of people are
trying to connect it. If you study the papers which are coming out on G5, it is
horrendous. As you know, some of the countries are burning these G5 lampposts. If
you see them, they are like a street light stand, and we have seen many effects on it,
on the plants, on the trees and many things. What is the problem, in Iran we don't
have a G5. We asked the questions from the authorities, is there a G5 operating in
Iran, because officially there isn't, and they say there isn't. And I know there is no
such G5, as such in India. So it doesn’t connect, it doesn't tally. In Africa we don't
have G5 as such. In South America we don't see G5 as such. (3:48). Even in US they
are trying to catch up with G5. So there is not such a solid collaboration between the
two. We say, no, but still there is a reserve point, that if it is, what it does, it's the way,
it's transmitted its energy packs, as a frequency, as information. peaks ?** 60, which
is around about O.

Maybe the G5 will damage cells, create diseases, without a shadow of doubt, it will
do. But it is not connected to or ** to Corona. We have to be very clear about these
things. We know, I have seen so much pictures, and documentaries, and people
literally on the street pictures, send you pictures and you can see it. But yes, it will
damage, without a doubt, it will do, because as I told you before, we have done tests
on masts, communication masts on top of the buildings, and we know it does effect
certain people, but it has its own damages, we don't see a connection to Corona. G5
definitely creates damages to cells, there is no doubt, hundred percent it does.
Scientific report supports it, everything else is supporting it, (3:50). and physical
evidence of it supports it. But it has it's own damages, it's not that, what do you call it,
deliberately will cause the, as some people are trying to connect it. It will definitely
create damage, we have seen it, the evidence is too heavy, not to.. and it's so clear, not
to, and how we'll handle it. We can’t connect it to Corona, and blame Corona for it, or
it brings Corona, it brings damages, like all the masts, and it will create conditions,
but we can't connect the two together at this moment. But, yes, I am a firm believer,
that G5 has damages beyond repair, because I see it, but I will not connect it to
Corona. Rick: If it makes, like a depletion of our immune system, as humans, say, 5G
being covered all over the earth basically, and if it gives a general depletion of that
immune system that, and leading to other diseases, and so on, would that be also
leading toward more Coronavirus, The Coronavirus seems to attack the weaker, like
older people and people with weaker immune systems, and so on?
Keshe: We can connect that to anything. (3:52).
Rick: Well this is the thing, and some doctors who are in the know, say there is only
one disease, and it's the environment which is , are the environment of the cells,
basically. And the environment with the 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, are all interfering with the
cellular process and making more problems? Keshe: Everything we do interferes with
the some.. Rick: This is the thing, and we got the air pollution, the food chain
disrupted, all of our industrial processes are coming back to bite us now, and making
us weaker, as a population. Keshe: You are the best what do you call, sample of oil
damage.. Rick: Yes, absolutely, oil damage. you want to have a poster of someone
damaged by oil, I have the history to prove it, but it's also, in a way I am thankful
because it has given me my, superpowers in a way to carry on with you Mr. Keshe,
and to keep going on with this technology because both of us, and all the Knowledge
Seekers know that is the way forward. This is the biggest opportunity in the history of
this planet right now, due to this funny little virus, which is effecting every single
country and every single military, and all of the institutions right down to the coffee
shops of the world, and all of the things people have been relying on for many years.
(3:54). But what a... What a beautiful opportunity to be able to showcase the plasma
technology. As you're introducing in Iran and well, all over the world as we have been
doing for years. All the seeds have been planted and now the fruits are... the plants
are... are sprouting and the blossoms are coming out, in many ways I think.
(SA) And also we never had... I mean the only difference now is, the, the... we've got
the plasma technology on our hand, and we understand the Soul teaching. So now, we
got new tools never seen before.
(RC) Yes, confidence. Confidence going forward with those tools, exactly.
(SA) These problems are not problems any more, because I really love the wish that
we make. When, we just wish that we elevate the souls not just in the Earth, in the
Universe, galaxies, in Unicose. That give us so much strength at the Soul level that all
this 5G and Corona virus or other problems that has been around up to now, are not
anymore a problem anymore. It's just matter of fact of start to develop this self
responsibility, that each one of us has the duty to understand it. Now... Now with this
new knowledge that Mr. Keshe presented to us. We got no excuse to feel like victims
of anything right now. And if we got united we understand the power of each one of
us has, (3:56). in their hands and we get self-responsible each one of us, of what we
can do, all these things just disappear in thin air. It's really not a problem anymore if
you focus on what we been learning up to now.
(RC) Exactly! Perfect. Yes we focus on the solution rather than the... than making it a
problem. That's the difference I think.
(AB) Stefania, actually the Keshe knowledge in Iran has become a virus.
(MK) But you have to realize...
(AB) Keshe knowledge in Iran has become a virus. And then I have news for people,
the Gates people, that you wanted people to... with this what you created, you made
Keshe Foundation go to every single home in Iran. In villages, people are listening to
Keshe knowledge. I mean this is a bad news for you. Because Iran has become what...
the center of the knowledge as Mr. Keshe says. Really, really bad for you guys. And
you know Mr. Keshe, you know... When you're talking about these people have both
passports, Iranian passports. It's absolutely true. Because I tell you a story; when I was
17 years old, and we just moved to Tehran, because, I wanted to go to university,
medical school. We bought the apartment in Tehran, in a new building. And then I
remember that time. It was beginning. It was beginning of the commotion in Qom.
And then, there were a couple just came from United States, they were educated here,
she had a PhD in nutrition, and then he had the PhD in economy. And I remember,
that time they even brought the whole furniture from United States, even the plates,
spoons everything. Because I used to go to their house, and they had a little girl. And
then I remember, after the revolution happened and everything finished. I mean this
woman was totally American, she had... she was wearing mini-skirt, that her... My
father wouldn't allow me to wear mini-skirts, and then, she was completely American.
(3:58). And then after the Revolution happened, I saw... It was finished and I saw...
One day I went to their house, because I was gonna... It was something, a plate,
something, my mother gave me to give it to them. I went and knock on the door,
ringing the bell, and then, she opened the door. I see she has this scarf, completely
covered the face, and this hijab that she would... like a... like a... like people in Qom
that are traditionalists. And I said, and I came up, and then I told my mother what
happened to these people, like she is covered from head to toe? And then, I realized
the husband... I found out the husband got the job as a minister, in one of the
ministries of Iran, in Tehran and the wife got some high position in the health
department or something. And then I saw how... and that time, I told my mother,
"How strange people, change position as if, you know, you wear mini-skirt one day,
the next day, you've covered from head to toe. What happened here?" So these are the
people who just change the position are going to what the environment is.

Keshe: You see, this is the same problem in Chinese government. The Chinese
government says many of the people at the top, carry American passport. **
specially with the Chinese, many times... the CPC level. There are rumors some of the
CPC members carry American passports, and they are working for the Americans.
Chinese army is standing solid, Chinese military and even there, they have some

I said to when in... a close friend of mine, very recently, that one of the passports will
be sought after, by many, very soon, it will be the Iranian passport. (4:00). Just to
come and get educated. To get a visa to be able to fit into universities. But in so many
ways, we should take this knowledge to every university across this planet, as One
Nation. And, in so many ways, if we move, if the Iranian government move fast
enough in next 2 weeks. I don't expect everything out of Iran overnight. Because,
they're doing some beautiful work, especially the people in Tehran Military
University. And the others. And fighting with, what we call, the American side of the
Iranian administration working group. That this, we need this time. My view is very
clear. The... The Keshe foundation group in Tehran are very, very... they wanted to go
out tomorrow, but I keep on pushing. Yes, get it done but I know we need another 2
weeks to 3 weeks. You will understand when in 2 or 3 weeks time, if the Keshe
Foundation is still up and running, if the Zoom is still operating, and if you as
foundation members will keep in touch with each other, on the roots level, and spread
knowledge. That the knowledge after this, will gives us one option, and that option is
Space. You will understand it, if we would've left it the way it is, we will not reach
anywhere. We will be like this. You heard one of the richest men in the world, gave 1
billion yesterday for one group for Corona. You give that 1 billion to Keshe
Foundation, we'll stop all the Corona ** But it shouldn't happen.
You got to realize something on the other side, (4:02). understanding the bigger
picture. The departure of so many souls at this time through Corona, and whatever, or
because of it, has multiple reasons. Once, is that brings men to the maturity of having
no respect for wealth and governance, because they govern themselves. Secondly is
the opening of the space to man. As we see no more wars, as we see no more things to
do, and the Corona has taken most of whatever it wants to take, many organizations,
seeing the work of the Foundation, understanding of it, will concentrate on developing
it. And we will see opening of the space. If we wanted to do the way we were, it
could've taken us another ten years. Now the governments will spend time and
money. And development at the new technologies as there is no more war. And
organizations like Keshe Foundation, be it from Arizona to China will take the lead,
because there will be many people will claim they've been with foundation. And they
are there, and they have been there years, because now it's prestigious to be. But you'll
find out these souls will fall out. And in so many ways, the ground is getting ready for
opening of the totality of human race, welcoming the Universal Council, Universal
Community. You will understand soon.

We just need to go that extra mile, as we say in English, to be able to have everything
ready. I know it's very harsh, we're losing so many people. But you've got to
understand, these souls came here to make, to path, to open the path for mankind.
(4:04). We've got to look at this in 2 different ways. Why so many, and why so many
in one go? What does these numbers bring? Our governments are cannot govern. The
kings and the queens are hidden in the palaces and they are not doing anything for
their nations. We expect the looting of the palaces in the coming short time, you
watch. People are hungry, gold will buy, and these palaces are furnished with gold.
Artworks does not feed the stomach of the people. It's a very interesting, very
interesting video on the Internet. I received it yesterday through the Chinese Channel.
(4:06). I sent it to Wang Lin, I said translate this for me, it's in Chinese. And the
interesting part is, as she said, this is in America, past few days. And there are people
ransacking a huge, huge supermarket. And you know what is the funny part, if you
watch that video. American marines are walking around with submachine guns, just
watching people, they can't do anything. You see them, with the machine guns, they're
just walking. People passing them, carrying every loot in the supermarket. Who are
they gonna shoot. If you want, I can send the video to be shown. Militaries, police are
incompetent. (4:06). They don't have the competence, and secondarily, these people
are hungry. They loot the supermarkets, they take a few glasses, they take all the food,
then the food shops, then the palaces and then the rich people's home.

This is what I said to many of the Keshe Foundation people, cash as much money as
you have in the banks at home. When the electronic system drops, computers fail, you
have nothing to live. Hold cash, hold something which you can exchange, if you need.
It's electronic, has no value when the bank system collapses. Then mankind is getting
ready for that change. We lost our trust. We've seen in the picture of churches used as
mortuaries. And the strangest thing is... Rick, can you put that picture of the church up
somewhere?... if you can reach it, put it on the screen. (4:08). Look at this picture and
try to understand one point, one interesting point. (RC) I'm not hearing you, Mr.
Keshe. I think the... Not sure it's my audio or yours that's cut out.. (MK) Yeah. (RC) I
hear you now
(MK) Yeah. Where is the priest? Where is the man of God, or there is no God? Or is
the church renting the spaces for the bodies? Caroline said something very interesting
the other day. She said do you know what's good about Corona? Less children go to
church to be abused by the priests at least. (RC) I was wondering who's going to pick
up those... all those Bibles that are sitting on the benches now? Nobody will want to.
(MK) Actually they are needed to burn these bodies, because we cannot bury these
bodies. (RC) That's it, the paper to burn the... to burn all coffins... (MK) Because the
lies in them has to bury with the bodies. The truth is, where is God? Where is the
Creator? Are the man in the coffin suffering the same as the man on the cross above
them? (4:10). This is... this is the whole... the absence of reality. (CR) Mr. Keshe,
good morning. (Mr. Keshe, can you hear me? (MK) Yes (CR) Just one second please,
Can you hear me now? (MK) We could hear you from the beginning.

(CR) Yeah, but I couldn't hear you, because I was on my loudspeaker. You mentioned
something which was taking place in Austria, and you explained that when they bring
these kind of infected bodies into a building, you can forget about the building, if you
don't decontaminate it from top to toe, you'd better burn it down. Because it's literally
is infecting the whole environment, this virus. Because the amino acids are sitting on
the woods, on the chairs, on the floors, on the walls, on the statues, everything that
humanity ever has or human has ever touched, the virus can survive on it. Is that
correct what I understood?
(MK) Yes. So, the house of God will be empty. Nobody will go in, out of the fear of
dying. This is one of the biggest problem in... especially we will see this... this will
create a massive problem. Saudi Arabia has gone into the dive with this now. (4:12).
We are watching the behavior of the Kingdom of Saudi and... I'll explain to you very,
very soon why. The... they are gonna enforce the restrictions. As usual with the other
places...the... The biggest problems will come in the folding of economies and not
finances available to bury or burn these bodies. There are people would look into
churches to pay for these burials, as the families have no money to pay. And would
the government accept, and be able to do this? Soldiers will not go near, because they
know they die. Many, many soldiers died in China, from the Corona. We... we had a
rough security estimate about 150-200 thousand soldiers have died in China already,
or are suffering and battling with the disease. They were put in the front line, and they
had to follow. But nobody followed what happened with that picture afterwards.

Countries like Austria, premature in trying to open, will put their nationals in a huge
danger. You will see what will happen in Austria very soon, because they are playing
a massive game. But we see the underlying pattern. And they say the numbers are
down because they are eliminating a lot of it. (4:14). The Corona with the stomach,
with the heart, with skin, are not considered as Corona. So, they... because they... the
virus has evolved now, away from the lung. Comes to the lung and then jumps across
to the others. We seen it. That finger you saw with the Corona virus... Have you got
that picture? This... the thumb. Rick? (RC) Alright, let me re-get that up here.
(MK)Put it next to this picture (RC) Okay
(MK) This is the Corona which stays and we monitored this for years to come, but
there's a way to solve it. You see the white. This finger, this here, the white, yes. Does
anybody want to say who this finger belongs to, this thumb? This is a Corona patient,
and it wasn't there before Corona. Anybody wants to claim the thumb?
(SD) It's... it's my thumb. (MK) That's Stefania's. Was it there before? (4:16). (SD)
No, no, not at all. And... and I have another picture. Because... It's... Yeah

(MK) It's calcification, it's the calcification of the bone. If that spot, that salt spot
appears in the womb, in the ovaries, in the stomach, 6 month time is a cancer. (SD)
Not with the GANS. (MK) Not with the GANS. We... we have brought in a new
protocol worldwide. We wait till the situation completes with the Iranian government,
that it's scientifically put in papers, that it is accepted by Gates and Fox's News cannot
block it. It will go through the appropriate channels. That... you will see... You have
to follow this procedure for months to come to make sure... As Caroline said, you go
to the church to pray, you pick up the new variation of it. These dead bodies in this
church will haunt mankind for centuries to come. (CR) Mr. Keshe... (MK) Yes?
(4:18). (CR) For people, maybe, who don't understand so easy why you're referring to
that it will become a cancer. Would it not be good to explain, when we went on the
MOZHANs, 3-days blueprint? It was explained with Dr. Rodrigo how the seed of the
cancer starts in the breast and why it becomes cancerous, and how it becomes
cancerous, and how cancer... (MK) Oh, all that education is in Keshe Foundation,
they have to go and search. (CR) Yes, but... (MK) We have done it. (CR) would
be very good for doctors to be referred to those information's, because they were

(MK) Listen, the doctors at the moment are only happy with their income. We had a
very interesting situation last night. One of our active Knowledge Seekers who goes
everywhere, he was called a week, 10 days ago, by the head of the hospital to speak
to. He went there few days ago, they said they're gonna... they... they give... they can
give him some patients, said he can test, because the head of the hospital has so many.
And the hospital, with the government, have come up with a very, very clever tactic
last night... Late last night, or yesterday last... yesterday afternoon... Can you close
your microphones, please? The head of the hospital... Can you close the microphone,
please? The head of the hospital has called this guy, he says, do you know something,
you want to see if it's effective and it works? From Saturday morning, the emergency
unit with, (4:20). God knows how many beds, it's a major hospital in the area, is
yours. And let's see how many of them you're gonna save. I spoke to our consultant
doctors in Tehran. I said, what's going on. He said: there's a problem, you know that?
I said: What's the problem? He said, all the ones in these wards are cancer patient,
dying. None of them got anything to do with the viruses. They want just to embarrass
us. I immediately said to... We only accept the virus cases and the ones which we
want in the board, not the cancer. And I said to our guy, if there is no cancer...
confirmed Corona cases, we are not handling it. We are not there to save cancers. And
they will die. These are the people who have a week, 10 days to die. They are on their
life support with cancer, they'll all die. This is the cleverness of the regime in Tehran.
But we are wise, we have advisors, we look around. It's not easy the way to overcome
these doctors and people who are well covered. We asked for the Corona patients,
they said, emergency, they are dying. You go and help, if you can we'll see. If you
save one, it's good. But they're all cancer patients, with Corona, some of them.
They're already dying. It's like giving you a bunch of rotten fish and say, see if you
can save any to eat. (4:22). But, do we have the knowledge to carry on?

(JM) Mr. Keshe? (MK) Yes? (JM) Can I say just something about some doctors
behavior (MK) Yeah. (JM) So, I think the... in North Africa some doctors, first when
they heard about virus, they are... put themselves in the sick leave, and they closed
their cabinet, and they are not active... They are not helping anymore. So they let
some, some doctors who are upset, and trying to call them back to hospitals. It puts
the situation very, very bad. (MK) We've seen that the same in Iran. The dentists have
been called off, there are only emergency dentists. It's the same in New York, I think,
the same in America, and all the dentists have nothing to do, because it's a close
contact. Many, many doctors took this position, they took leave. Many, many
government leaders took a leave, because they were infected, they didn't want to be
found out.

We see people recovering in the hospitals. We see their recovery. But, as the Chinese
data shows, they'll come back and they die. Or they die of damage to immune system,
(4:24). which then they say it's got nothing to do with Corona. We see damages in the
upper, what do you call, femur, where most of the immune system cells are coming
out of. They are getting blocked because of the Corona conversion, the same as on the
nail. We... we see a lot of things but you have to understand, they put so many
penalties on the doctors not to move, that soon the doctors have no patients not to
move. I was talking to the doctor in the hospital in Tehran, near Tehran, which has
been announced by the government. He says: "Oh, I just have 1 or 2 patients coming
in, we handle them and they go. The ward is more or less empty, I have no Corona
patients, because they all have their Cups, they are doing it, we're monitoring them at
home, they're all okay." No one in the 120 patients or 100 patients which have
received the Cups have died in past 10 days in Tehran, in this area. No one. No from
their families have come. Cup of Life means a Cup for Life for the whole family. I
wrote to the doctor yesterday, the day before, (4:26). I said to him, "Any news?" He
says: [Farsi]. He says... It's a response from the doctor, he says: "Hello, there is no
news." And it says, "We have 2 people in the hospital, but there is nothing important,
and they're all OK." This hospital, who has had 1 or 2 dead a day, and tomorrow we're
there 3 weeks. And the doctors, and the nurses which are dying in the hospital. This is
the safest hospital in Iran to... to work at the moment. You have no Corona and you
have no patients. The doctors are sitting there and are just watching, they cannot
leave, the city is lock down.

And many, many Iranian Knowledge Seekers ask "Where is this hospital?" You
cannot go to it, it's closed. It's a closed city, they won't let you in. But, the city is safe,
and again is thank to the work of Universal Council member Mrs. Azar. Her vigilance
and her family took us to this hospital. Universal Council members do amazing things
without them knowing, or their souls take them because that's how they operate, to
these positions. Her teaching, past 2 or 3 years to her family in Iran, then supporting
the many sick people in city of Qom, now they've seen it, it works. Giving a cup to
someone from another thing led to this hospital, and through them we got into this
hospital. Nobody has died in any of the 100 homes, (4:28). whereas, according to the
Chinese the statistics 90 coffins should have been taken out. And according to the
hospital itself 1 or 2 a day in 20 days we should have had at least, something around
20 to 40 people dead.

And still, the embarrassing President of Iran says we need data. Because the data
allows him to cash the funds in the American banks. There is a very clear policy in
Iran, when we'll get through it, but will come out very correct. We sit as the Keshe
Foundation directly, directly with Sepah and Iran military forces to protect the nation
because we have it, it's in our hand. And it's a clear decision, Ayatollah Khamenei has
to override the president who's incompetent, or the president leaves office and let it to
be done by the Sepah. There is no 2 other way. We have shown enough. Tens of
thousands of lives saved in Iran. The president's bank account is more important than
the nation's life. The position of the president in Iran is untenable. We have sent a
direct message to Ayatollah Khamenei to make a decision. Because once we start with
all the support from Iranian nation we can go cross the world with other nations
because they can see it. (4:30). Again we have one incompetent king who has cried
the lying sheep, the wolf. And we have a one incompetent president who sits on top of
the technology. And the "Crony's" which he has created the same as Belgium.

We need to start movement somewhere that we can stop these churches, to become,
not the church anymore to lie and abuse, but the buildings where the new technologies
are taught. The knowledge of the Soul of the Man, not the knowledge to rob the Soul
of the Man. How many people will kneel on these chairs and hold that book, knowing
it has been so close to a dead body with Corona? These books have to be burned,
because there is the fat of the hand of many people and Corona is a few millimeters
away. Does the guy spray on the book?

This brings back a memory and I tell you exactly what it is. When I got poisoned by
the Belgium's to kill, John who came from the Belgian government to kill me and the
poison, (4:32). he said to me something really strange. I should have understood it at
that time, it didn't click on me. Every time I taught around the table, Armen can tell
you, I used to sit and I used to take paper to write on for the Knowledge Seekers to
see. He laced the paper with poison, so every time I touched, every time I came from
the teaching room, I was getting poisoned. And he told me once, he was telling me
exactly how they're gonna kill me but I wasn't aware of that. He said, "Do you know
how many, many people in Vatican got killed? They laced the books when they were
praying. And every time they touched, they took the poison. The book of God became
poison to kill, by the Church. Now with these books, will be the same. Now you
understand why I said, these books have to be used to burn those bodies, because they
are already contaminated. I've been through it. And how many of you will go to the
church with your own book? And how many of you, do you have a Bible at home or
you go to the church with the Bible in your head and in your heart and won't accept
the lies?

I said to a priest from Vatican once. I said, do you know what the cross is, with the
Christ on it? Their cross is their Rome, and the man on the cross is its citizens. And
hasn't changed in 2,000 years. (4:34). Does anybody know what's the Vatican death
toll in Italy? Has any priest died yet? Or is it confidential? Or do the people need to
have a church or a mosque? Or do they carry it in their hearts? We've seen in this, in
the Islamic countries. People saying prayer loud across the streets and towns. They
don't need to go to the mosque anymore. They've taken the mosque into their hearts
and they live with it. There's many videos. The whole city goes into a song for the
prayer, they don't need the mosque anymore, because they get infected. They have
imprisoned us in our homes and have... but we have freed our Soul and that's the
beauty of it.

I taught you two things today. One was the true Cup of Man, and second was the
freedom of your Soul. And that was the promise of Mahdi, and we have completed it.
Today is the birthday of Mahdi and it was promised in 2020 we will come. The Sunis
expected him on his birthday in Mecca, but the city is too dirty. (4:36). It's tainted
with blood. No one will touch me, and no one will have the power to touch our
knowledge, except man, when he judges for his own to use it, to save his own life.
Those guys you see spraying, if they were so confident that the sprays kill the virus,
why are they wearing the mask? None of the Knowledge Seekers wear the mask when
they go to save lives, or they give the GANS. We saw it in a picture of the guy, with
his brother in the hospital. Or has it become the American green back, "We Trust in
God," but we don't know where the God is so we print it in the paper. Today wasn't to
preach. Today was to save mankind. But you have to see who and where and how you
stand. There could be no Internet next week, 2 weeks, (4:38). but we had to send a
landmark for you to start moving and teaching. And those who think, you got away
with it, know and understand the knowledge, and then you will see if you have got
away with it.

Thank you very much for today. And I hope we will see each other next week. And I
hope and there is still... There is still time to save... And many of man... Mankind is
very resilient. Mankind is extremely resilient race. Thank you very much for today
and see you next week, if we're still online.

(LI) Mr. Keshe? (MK) Yes? (LI) [Spanish] (MK) Somebody wants to translate? (JW)
Yes. Liliana is asking if she can ask a couple of questions. (MK) Yeah. (JW)
[Spanish] (LI) [Spanish] (4:40).

(JW) She wants to know if we could protect ourselves from the 5G antennas with the
infinity loop and how much time do we have to be between each spraying of the Cup
1 & 2?
(MK) Maybe you can save yourself with an infinity loop. Because we use it, if you
are with us, if you've been around Keshe Foundation team, we all carry infinity loops
on our own computer, telephone, mobiles. And it has shown it to be effective because
I've seen it through German security in the airports, they see it, it absorbs everything.
In respect to the Cup 1 and 2 what I suggested to the Iranian family, who were
infected by it and they stood out now is... try to do the Cup number 1 in the morning
and the Cup number 2 in the evening, that if you have picked up the virus, you will
hear... you feel it. But there is a hidden thing in this process, is that now with Cup
number 2 we still don't see pain, but suddenly we see the cancer. (4:42). The body
call it the virus.

What I... what we are looking at the new protocol is, at least once a week and I said
yesterday to the officials as well, for next 3 months, 6 months, you spray your body to
see if you have, but at least once a week cover yourself with GANS number 1 in the
upper body, the way you saw with it Jamila, and part... lower part with GANS number
2. Then you might see some pain, because we've seen this recently. So have to make it
a way of a habit, to do it or do what Caroline does. Fill up the bath with 2 or 3 liters of
number 1, 2 liters of number 2 and sit in it, for half an hour, an hour, every day. And
she's got our boy to do it. And it's the way to do it, you decontaminate the body. If
you don't have a bath and that kind of thing, cover yourself once a week at least,
spend 1 or 2 hours saving your own life from pain. Because, it comes in and it sits in,
you can... And secondly if there is any calcification this way, the energy's gone, the
calcification goes, and reduces the future cancer. Because this virus is everywhere, we
don't know where it comes, where it goes. When you speak to Stefania she will tell
you. When I spoke to many Iranian men who I speak to, they are very shy to speak
about the pain in their testicles. "Oh, I had it for past week." But women are more
open about it. (4:44). Stefania, can you explain to us the pain? We have to wait, she is
translating. (SD) Yeah, I'm here. (MK) What did you feel?

(SD) Yeah, the pain was very clear like you... you have like electric current. First of
all I had like electric shooting pain. And then you also feels like a... a little bit of
burning as well. I have to say you give me the instruction to... do you remember, you
give me instruction to make sure I was using Cup 1 and Cup 2, but also make sure
that the womb get also with the water of the GANS and so I copied the Caroline now.
I'm doing the bath. I'm doing the bath now everyday actually. And that one it really,
really, kind of helps with the pain and like I said before, very recently I do not have
the pain I used to have before, because it was going and coming little bit again. But
now, I brought it to a place where it's not there now. So, I'm very happy about it, but I
continuous the... the protocol (MK) Yeah, but... but where did you have the pain? In
your ovaries or in your womb? (SD) Yeah, I mean, sometimes it felt some... (MK)
How did it feel? (SD) Yes, it's definitely womb, and then sometimes was ovaries,
couldn't differentiate the two, if it was both, or if it was the uterus. And you remember
when I used to... do you remember the yellow things? Yeah so. (MK) Yes. (SD) Yeah
so, so... I think I... I don't know, it seems to me was like uterus, for sure, and then
sometime, (4:46). I don't know if it was ovaries or if it was the... (MK) But how does
it's feel? (SD) It's just feels like... It's very weird because exactly what you said, it
feels like something calcified. That is the feelings. And then you have this electric,
like currents little bit. And then... Now it feels good, now I'm fine, Now it's much,
much better. I'm talk about the past... (MK) Yeah, let me... yeah, but... let me explain
to the... especially women, we are very, very open about it... (SD) The feeling was
something there, yeah definitely. Like, like something that it's getting sometimes

(MK) The, the, the clear indication Stefania, just touched it and if you didn't hear it.
The first time, she put the GANSes on, two... She noticed a discharge of yellow, like a
Calcium, coming from the womb. It's a physical thing. (SD) Yeah, very clear, yeah
(MK) The body rejects Calcium, which is converted in the womb. It's not infection,
it's material. So, we know the calcification happens in the womb. You have to be very
vigilant. This can change into the womb cancer, ovarian cancer, and the rest. And
because, the cancer will come in such a multiple positions and organs, there is no
chance of survival. And one of the reasons, one of the things we're just pushing with
Enhancement Units to be spread so rapidly in the coming months, (4:48). to be ready
for this, that can change saturation of Calcium in the body. And I've just... asked the...
as I said, the Chinese team and the Keshe Foundation team, be ready for the mass
productions to come in, much earlier. To be ready, for these cancers to come, because
in the Enhancement Unit, we can change it, even if it comes in multiple cases,
because there won't be enough chemotherapies, they all die, it's as simple as that. It's
not metastasizes anymore, it comes all in one go, liver, kidney, breast, lung, or every
organ, because Corona has solidified Calcium. We just need one of them to trigger,
the rest will go. When we, give you, information it is as precise and exact as it is.
What's the second question? [Spanish] (JW) Why does the virus calcify?

Keshe: It has the energy. Virus is an energy pack, and in its structure has the energy
equal to the Calcium of, salt of Calcium. Which means, it's got a gravitational pull,
but it has at the Inertia level... Which means... You see in the world of technology of
the plasma, the knowledge is very clear away... (4:50).
(RC) You broke up there, Mr. Keshe. We couldn't hear the last sentence. (MK) White
board. I am trying to get my white board back. (RC) Okay, maybe if Flint stops the
sharing, it might help. Are you... able there Mr. Keshe (EC) Just wait one second,
Rick... Mr. Keshe dropped out. (RC) Yes, I see must have to restart there. Okay bear
with us a minute, while we do some reconnecting. I hear Flint has a song prepared for
these intermissions, are you going to sing for us, Flint? (FM) A... (AB) Actually Rick,
I can answer this question, as I... as much as I know it, until Mr. Keshe, comes. You
see, in the Universe if the field of everything exists, you can make from... If you
create the field of banana, you can create banana. If you create the field of gold, you
can make gold. So, in the center of our cell... (MK) Hello! (AB) In the center of our
cell, the energy of Calcium is there. So the field of it, the back... why... what the virus
does, virus to create that field change it to the solid Calcium. The inertia of the Earth,
create the Calcium. So the virus have become like an entity, who can make Calcium,
and it's... the fields are available, just like that. (MK) Yes, I'm back. (AB) Mr. Keshe,
I was explaining about the Calcium. (MK) Yes, I'm back. I'm trying to find... I got
dropped off from one system to another, and I lost everything. So, I'm trying to find
my code down the line, and... What were we talking about? What was the question?
Calcium creation in the cell, how it... does it become Calcium in the cell? (MK) Ah,
the... The... How Corona brings Calcium, Yeah, just a second. I have to find my... my
code somewhere else...

The calcification is very simple. (4:54). If this is planet Earth and... I'll put it this
way, if this is the fields of the earth, in the interaction with the fields from the Sun,
they create packages of energy. These packages of energy, internally have the
characteristics, because they came partially from the earth fields, connection to the
gravity and magnetic field of the earth, because they're created from it. It is inside, if
you understand the structure of the plasma. They stay... if this is lets say, the boundary
of 5 kilometers, they stay as still energy packs. Lets... this is 1000 kilometer in the
space. This energy field will pull them in. But don't forget, they had a fingerprint from
the interaction of it. Because the plasma works like this (draws a spiral). So
fingerprint of the gravitational field of the Earth is already embedded. And then, it has
a fingerprint of the gravitational field of the Sun embedded. But now, this is the total,
that's the seed, that's the principle. So when, this takes, gets pulled in, to go in... at this
point it still, stays as a pack of energy. Here on the surface of the Earth, we have
Inertia, which is the gravitational field of the matter of it, plus all the matters, which
are built inside it. Because the matter side is very, very small layer, compared to the
whole lot, but here is the liquid part and the rest of it. So, the way this... the field of
the Earth, (4:56). gravitational magnetical, goes beyond. The strength of the field of
the Inertia, which is an atomic mass ratio of the gravity of the matter state, is very,
very thin, runs maybe about few kilometers, 2 to 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, depends
on what we gather and the fields it goes up to 25 kilometers in cases.

So once this energy enters this zone, the Inertia of the earth converts it from energy to
matter state. Now, here was field strengths of the nitrogen, but when it gets to the
atmospheric condition, lingers on and changes, to matter, with the rain comes on, we
receive nitrogen. That's why we have the growth of the plants, as they say. So if you
are here, you created the magnetic field strength of the sand, of the desert, still stays
Inertia, but here, because the strength is the desert, here falls in, as the sand of the
desert. This is how the layers of the earth are created over billions of years. So earth
has an Inertia, which converts the energy to matter state.

The same is with Corona. The Corona enters the body, when it comes to the cell, the
center of the cell, has by inheritance, Inertia field strength of Calcium, because in the
bone were came out, carries it. So this virus now, sitting around it, having that energy,
converts this one to a Calcium. In a way, on earth the Inertia sits outside, with the
virus energy it sits inside, and it converts it to a Calcium. So simple. (4:58).

We do it on a daily basis on earth, every second, trillions of energies changes to

matters. It rains, you say, where do you think the rain comes from, most of it comes
from the ground? Most of it is created in the interaction of the fields. And some it
radiates back into the atmosphere of the solar system. And so, this thing, has a
property to encircle, and the field strength of it, is of the Calcium strength of the field.
But this is field. And now, what it does here, it does here in reverse, and calcifies, it
becomes matter. And that strength we know Calcium in conjunction with the salt of it,
becomes solidified, that's what we have in our bones. So, it has an energy.

This was very easy. the first pictures came out of Chinese to me, I knew exactly
where it was, how I had to design the system. But I had to design the system, that it
fits into the whole structure of nuclear atomic structure, and the plasma system at the
same time, because we're dealing in a matter converter, which becomes matter
condition. That's why when you die, your bones stay. And the rest disappear, because
it has the capability of Inertia in it. Calcium is the only thing which carries the Inertia
of the Calcium to matter state. And we understood, the minute I saw this with the
experiments, and the experiences we have from the past, I knew where the Corona is
going. And it was calcification, so... We saw it with the lady from Iran, 10 to 15 years
ago, how calcification happened, so it was very easy to... to understand it. And to be
able to track it and know where it goes and what it does.

When you understand the technology and the knowledge in full, you can relate it very
quickly. One of the reasons, (5:00). I explained this to our doctors last night, to our
senior doctors in Iran. One of the reasons, if you remember, I said in the Cup of Life
I've produced a condition of Magnesium. Do you know why? I explained to you,
Magnesium and Calcium. But why did I choose Magnesium? I knew the only way I
can isolate, this seed of the, what we call, Corona, when it's calcified, is to isolate it.
When you isolate it, it becomes a GANS on its own, the way you do. It's energy, I can
extract it.
The knowledge I've given you in this Cup, will take Man thousands of years to
understand. When you have a cancer, and the seed of the cancer sits and doesn't grow,
it means there is no attachment of, or very small attachment of the Magnesium.
Magnesium is a thread which connects things together in the body. And for me, if I
could expand this thread, I weaken it, I make it to a GANS. Here, the Calcium is... is a
matter state. When I add Magnesium to it, it's on its own, I get it a GANS and I can
move it. Doctors don't even understand. Scientists don't even understand this
knowledge. This is why you say, can I mix the CuO from one cup and ZnO from
another cup I get the same? No. Because this Cup, I specifically explained the
Magnesium. Because you know, your bones, cannot connect to your tissues, your
legs, your muscles. They need the ligaments. The ligaments is a tendon which keeps
these together. (5:02). This is a cancer, the bone is a cancer and body has developed
the technology for it, to hold it, float it, and it pulls Magnesium. I ** (Azar

(AB) Mr. Keshe, one of your teaching you said the... if the virus, Corona virus is high
pack energy, so what really kills it is the Cu GANS. But when we go to space, there, a
lower energy pack, with that case with use CH3... So what the Copper GANS... (MK)
No, no, we don't use ... Cu GANS. (AB) What the Cu GANS, what the Cu GANS acts
like here? I mean what is the purpose of Cu GANS here? What is mechanism of Cu

(MK) The Cu... the Cu is your cell, is your tissue. It has connection to your tissue.
This... this virus does not hang in there on its own. It has connected to a muscle tissue
to a cell, which has Cu in it. And in the lung (break in audio..) , .. you have... you see
if you understand it in a simple way, you have a Cu plate, you Nano-coated it... Yeah?
And then when you, Nano-coated it, you freed it, it became a GANS, yeah? Now we
can use its energy, Now you can play as an energy with it here, as a matter state.
Corona, makes it to matter state, I go through the same process. I Nano-coat it, I
isolate it, I make it into a GANS, and I can take it out. So simple. I go through the
process of GANS production in the cell of the body of the man, through different
apparatus, different parts of the water you produce. You don't understand this, so it's
no use to explain. I dismantle, that's why we keep on telling, you use it every half an
hour, because you dismantle, you take out, then there is no more energy for that, you
need to take out. (5:04). Millions of cells are converted, not 1 or 2.

Knowledge is very deep, but, you don't have the people 99,999 % of the Knowledge
Seekers, don't have, and secondly, there is no... these things needs to be taught over
centuries. We came with the knowledge of Creator; this is just a game to play. You go
and make the plates and make the GANS, but this GANS needs to play with another
GANS. But the Corona has made a matter out of it. Now I have to do the same
process of GANS making in the body of the man, so once I do that, I need to create an
environment that it is on its own. It's like a water floating. I have to create these
tentacles, with Magnesium, to let it float, to keep it there. And then, when it's there,
it's an energy. Then I can interact with GANSes I put on. It's very strong, it's a
Calcium salt. You carry CuO, ** carries Zn... The difference is very, very little. But
the Calcium salt in a specific condition, is heavier than your Zn. That's why most of
you, when you produce the first Cup it's a white Cu. Exactly like Calcium. You have
to understand the knowledge.

(AB) That's... that's beautiful Mr. Keshe, that's fantastic. (5:06).

(MK) I know I am beautiful, I know. (AB) Mr. Keshe this is so amazing, you see...
You see... You taught us to go from matter to the GANS, to the energy, plasma
energy, now here, we're using the same system here, you dissolve the matter to GANS
and energy and release it.
(MK) Of course. I'm master in my game
(AB) Mr. Keshe, this is amazing, it's just fantastic, right. (MK) You are a doctor, you

(RC) Let me throw in some other little factoid that I ran into recently that seems to tie
into this, which you might find interesting Azar, as a doctor, that only a couple of
years ago doctors and scientists have discovered the largest organ of the body. Now
we always used to think, we were told that the skin is the largest organ in the body.
But no, there's a larger organ of the body than the skin. And it's the, what's called the,
interstitial fluid. Which is the fluid in between all the organs, and that flows through
the whole body essentially. And it's very critical as to its pH, and is... as to its
functions. It's essentially the sewer system or the... the area around the cell that Mr.
Keshe shows here. And Mr. Keshe mentioned the removal of these of the toxins, or of
the what's left of the virus and so on. So, that would be part of that sewer system you
could say that would remove that, and be part of the getting rid of through the
kidneys, through the pores of the skin and so on,
(MK) Yeah, but this removal system is a recycling system too. If the...when they take
it out, and another part of the body already needs that energy, they know where it
goes. (RC) Exactly, that's... (MK) It's used and this is what... (RC) Mentioned... ...
(5:08). this is what we explaining to the Iranian senior scientists yesterday. And he
was baffled, they couldn't understand. I said, I take the energy from the virus, when I
take from it, and then I use it in the other places. That's why the recovery with this
technology is very rapid, because we don't waste. We work exactly the same as the
body in this technology. So...

(AB) Mr. Keshe, Mr. Keshe, on the same note, I can...I can ask you this question. You
remember when I asked you about the... about the viruses, like the Soul is not afraid,
you said, what are you afraid of? Think about love, do you feel the love? So, you
know, thinking about that and then there was something about... a story about blood
putting on the door and... at Roman time. So thinking about that, if we go to space and
there are tons of viruses, and viruses are just like, an entities. At the same time in
Universal Community, when we go there, whoever needs something, the stronger
gives to the weaker, there is give and take. Nobody takes more than what they need.
So when you see... when we see the viruses, the pack of energy, maybe we can give
them what they need, or they can give us what they (we) need. We live with them. So
maybe, we have to learn this here, how to interact with them. That's the beautiful
thing we can do.
(MK) You see, I... (AB) Because we can... we can look at it as love. I mean, you don't
see the love; I don't see the virus. So, I can interact with it, as just like love.

(MK) In a way I used the word 'love', because it's the easiest way for mankind to
understand. Because when we fall in love, we just give, we don't expect to do
anything. You know, we go and buy the chocolate. We go and buy... We don't sit in
the house, "Oh, I'm in love, come and love me," huh? We go and do things, we cook
for the lover, the... what we love. We give everything. (5:10). And when in the
terminology of the universe we talk about love, it's not sex and jumping in, and doing
what, or wanting something. It's a giving. Is unconditional giving. You take what you
need, even you are a virus, you need that, otherwise you won't come to me. And this
is what... that's what's many, many, many, many people around my work, have a
confusion with. I adore women. I adore... I love women. But in the essence of
knowledge I give, the love I give that, when you love a woman, especially in any
shape or form, is, you give to them that they give their knowledge to their offspring's,
and they can create that condition.

And we have it within our power, as Messengers, to do this. We enlighten the Soul of
the creation. You call it love, and whatever else you want to call it, and it has to be
given freely, not to be asked to be given. When you ask to be given, you never
receive, it's imaginary to you. When you are given freely, and it's accepted freely, it
brings the elevation of the Soul, and inward, can lead to the creation of the children of
the Soul, which man cannot understand. This is beyond your understanding at this
moment, but maybe if we don't lose the Internet in the coming time, I teach you.
Children of the Soul does not... physicality... does not need the physicality of the
action of the intercourse. They just keep... This is what the virgin birth was explained
to. And the maturity comes when they both give, and consent with, and the creation.
It's the same as the two Cups. You give two Cups with two Soul. What do you see in
there? (5:12). The child of that, the support of that Soul, that Cup, Cup of Man, is a
child, which is the Soul of the man, who created it, because he needs it, otherwise he
doesn't create it. In a way, you create a condition to save for yourself, "I made thee,
that thy might create children, that they may love me. That by loving they give to me,
that I can exist." It's the writing of the Baha'u'llah.

So, what do you expect, if you don't understand the theology and the reality? You
don't need to create. You can create children of, what we call Soul. And then, if the
two consent with the acceptance of the... like the Inertia, I explained, can give it the
dimension of physicality. It only can be done with the prophets of God, with the
Creator, and no other time. And this is what you got to understand. And people are
scared, "Teach us the thing, don't talk about theology". Because now you have come,
the creation is the Soul, is the theology, is what you are created of. And like before
you want to deny it? Deny it. It does not go under the carpet, it still carries on and
delivers what it's got to deliver. This is what I said years ago, "Hello friends, we meet
after so long." The understanding of the creation of the Soul, is to give. You are not
there to take. This is the worst thing for man, when he understood gravity. He thought
it's... he can grab everything. In one of my papers I explained gravity as 'grabity'.
Grabbing. Not pulling to come. You have to come as you like. (5:14). But man has
changed the world of 'gravity' and 'grabity' together. He grabs everything, kills
everything. And that's why he has no Soul.

It takes a long time, even for many I can explain, months about just this picture on
this table. Man is not ready for the knowledge of the universe. But a few will take a
pieces and then they claim they are, whatever. We've seen one in China, he's called
Fanzo, he's stolen everything from everywhere, "Now it's my knowledge and
everything." And soon, he'll be doomed with it. He'll go with it. And he's one of those,
who betrayed the Foundation. You will see what happens to all these people, one by
one, follow them. You have to understand many, many, many aspects of creation in
the dimension of the universe, then you understand the body of the man is a copy of
the it. That's what I keep on saying, we do 5 or 10% in health, or medical, or health
application, but through that percent we understand the work of the universe in 90%
of the work. When I have such a universe, and I see all the interaction of the universe,
because I understand, and I've seen it all, why should I go and travel the whole
universe? I've got this body here, does everything exactly like a universe, a galaxy,
and in essence creates the shape of the Creator through its Soul. So, what does man
understand? Not much yet, and claims to be the king of the creation.

(AB) Mr. Keshe, if... if the med..., if the western doctor understand this knowledge,
(5:16). I mean holding the position and the cars and homes, compared what they gain,
is million times more beautiful. They become magician of the universe. I mean, can
you... (MK) Aaa, this is why we are teaching you, that no one becomes a magician.
(AB) Because you become magician. I mean, I mean... If you remember, if you
remember there's a Ibn Sina, the old time? They thought he is a magician, because he
had the new knowledge. But this is the... you become magician. I mean, they don't
understand you become million times, you go to the kingdom of God, I mean, with
this knowledge. It is unbelievable.
(MK) No, the kingdom of God has come to man. Man doesn't understand. (AB) I
mean it's so stupid. (MK) It's life. Paperback.

There's something I forgot before I go. I have to check. Is somebody on the screen?
Yep, she's still there. Would you like to come and give them the gift, Ella? If she's
still awake with the Chinese eyes. (EC) Yes. I will give a glimpse of the gift, and then
the gift will come in a bundle. (MK) Yep. Go ahead. Take over. (EC) Yes. But first I
would like to just mention one thing. Today will be the second day, when we will
have a challenge, that we have created in the Keshe Foundation. This is called the
"100 lines" challenge. What does this mean? We are trying to get the words of you
Mr. Keshe, from these teachings, as soon as possible out for the people to read them,
to translate them. To help the communities to get the materials not only through voice,
but also through words written on paper. And so, we are organizing ourselves in a
team of Knowledge Seekers and everybody that is willing to contribute is welcomed.
It's quite an easy approach. We don't have much rules, let's call them. Everybody can
do this work on even their phone. Or they can do it on their computer, up to them.
And the challenge is like that. As soon as the workshop finishes, when we have the
auto-generated subtitles, we work in a team and we each pick a batch of 100 lines of
workshop. And we just correct the words, in those lines, that they are exactly as you
have spoken them. And add the pun.. punctuation, because of course this does not
exist in the auto-generated subtitles. So, basically last week, we managed to finalize
the initial subtitle by Saturday. Early morning Saturday. So, in about 30 hours we
managed to do that with 7 beautiful Souls. This week we estimate to have about 12
Souls participating, but if anyone wishes to join, we will just put the link of the
Telegram group, where we have this activity. And we are welcoming everybody that
wishes to... to participate in this challenge. So, that was just one of the fun things we
are trying to make.
(MK) In a way, transcribing using the already automatic translation. Just correcting it
to fit the words? (EC) Exactly. (MK) Okay. Where do they go? Where do they go,
people who want to help? (EC) Just one second. I will put the link on the group chat.
(AB) And Ella, why do you correct it? (EC) This is up to everybody's abilities and
capabilities and systems that they have. So, if you are on the phone, let's say for the
Android phone we suggest an application, where you just open the subtitle file, that
we drop. You go to the lines, that you said, "I will take, let's say, from 1 to 100."And
while you listen to the YouTube recording, you simply correct directly on the file...
the portions, that you see that they are not matching. If you are on the computer, you
have multiple options. You can do it with subtitle software, which we have links to
the proposal of the easiest ones but if you are not the computer savvy and you still
consider those very hard to comprehend you can do it in Notepad. So it's basically just
opening a text file and just reading while you are listening, and correcting where is
needed. Yeah. And in the group we do offer support from those that are already
experienced in doing it, support for those that do not know to do it yet and they are
willing to learn. So we help each other. Okay, I'm gonna post the link. Just one
second. There you go. And this... this group on Thursdays is doing this hundred class
challenge. And during the week if... if the persons have time then they also pick one
workshop by themselves and then they work at their own pace, on correcting the
subtitles... subtitles for that workshop. And then they simply send us back the SRT
file as soon as it is corrected. Once we have these files we do pass them to the more
experienced Knowledge Seekers, lets say. (5:22). Those that have been with us for
years and have a little bit more practice with the subtitles and then there is a final
review for the words, just in case that the words were not properly understood and
they were corrected in a different manner. In a hurry. But this doesn't stop us because
the subtitle we do today will be posted on the... on the YouTube so it will be
immediately available to the people. So this fine tuning for timing and for picky
words is done a little bit later. But it doesn't stop the process. Okay.

And another surprise is... I know that many of you are asking where is Keshe
Foundation Plasma Times? What is happening, what happened with the publication,
why don't we see the editions? And we want to apologize for keeping it for so long
and not having the time to deliver to you these beautiful magazines. Needless to say
we did have a shortage of resources to work on these materials, but... now we have
been receiving help from a beautiful team of Knowledge Seekers and we will show
you today the new design of the September edition of Keshe Foundation Plasma
Times, where we left off. And in the following weeks, probably we estimate, we have
good feeling that this month we will just release the whole bundle of the past Keshe
Foundation Plasma Times. So, I'm gonna show you the design...

(MK) Where are these people from? Who are helping you. (EC) These beautiful souls
are from Iran. It's a team of designers that would like to share the knowledge through
inspirational designs. (MK) The journal has taken a totally new image? (EC) Yes, it
has become, how we call it, way more professional. (MK) OK, let's go. (EC) OK, I'm
going to share the screen, and if I do everything right... OK, let me know if you see
screen. (SC) Yes (MK) We can see you. (EC) Yes, thank you (MK) This is a new
looking you, is it? (EC) Yes, this is the cover page and we did change a little bit the
way we represent also the cover page, the graphics of it. And like I said it is the
September edition. We... we did have the articles mostly prepared, it's just that we did
not have the time to review it and put it in the design. So this is the process that we
are going through right now. OK. So, this magazine the way we decided to make it
now it will also be ready for print. So in any case that we would like to share these
publications printable we can also do this and it will be in the proper formatting.
(MK) But there is one point, that from this month, April will be issued and one from
backlog. So, the every month will go ahead, but the backlog will be covered by four
or five months, am I correct? (E) Yes, but anyway we do expect that by the end of the
month we finish all of the backlog, so when we will release the new edition it will be
just on time. I hope (MK) Yeah. (EC) So I'm just gonna go very fast through, just
with the headlines and then when they would be published I will ask the team to
inform on all the channels, that people can go and read the full articles. Inside the
magazine we have a short introduction about who we are, the team that is working,
credits and attributions, and some explanation about why about what articles are...
contained inside with the table of contents as well. For those that do not know where
to find the back editions we have included also the section where people can go and
download all the previous editions that have been published from the Keshe
Foundation Plasma Times.

So like I said the last one was August 2019 and you can find the link where you can
go to download it. As articles we did keep our categories so you will see articles from
the Keshe News, which are mainly taken from the Knowledge Seekers Workshop.
And this is why I thank so much for the team of subtitlers that we put together,
because their transcript, their subtitling will help us in the gathering the... these
articles that we put in the Keshe News, Keshe Foundation News. So we have an
article about the announcement of conferences that happened in September because in
September we started with the Austrian Conference, the first conference of the series.
And... one article that was made regarding the origin... Origin of teaching where Mr.
Keshe has explained more in details the process of Creation in... in the Universe, to
expand on the knowledge. In the same magazine we also explain a little bit the
meaning of the logo of the SSI. As Mr. Keshe also explained it in one of the teachings
why it was designed in the way it was designed to represent the Spaceship Institute.
And in the section of Question and Answers, as we got used to up to now we are
having the questions which we are extracting from the Knowledge Seekers Workshop.
Questions that were put by Knowledge Seekers and their answers that were given by
Mr. Keshe. A section for Keshe Foundation SSI Education, in which the Keshe
Foundation Spaceship Institute Education team is sending their message regularly to
the students, but also to the souls that would like to join us as Knowledge Seekers and
as students in the classes. And as you know we did have the... the event conference in
Brazil and the event was announced online so we have a section in the magazine for it
as well. and in the Media Coverage, we quoted the articles that were published in
media about the activities which are happening around Keshe Foundation and other
legal entities connected with us. In the Language Community we did have an article
regarding certain activities that happen in the Portuguese community with the
occasion of the conference that was supposed to happen afterwards. And within the
Plasma Scientific Journal, we have 2nd from the series of "Plasma to the Rescue", for
the processing of thyroid nodules. And this was done by a Knowledge Seeker in
Poland. So we have explained the procedure and the results in this case. In the
Testimonials section we have a nice testimonial about the... the Pain Pen and its
effectiveness in the application. And in the Join Us page again we are welcoming
everyone to submit their plasma scientific articles. And with this occasion I would
like to say also for example in the last conference in Mexico conference we did have
the pleasure to see in the presentations from the Knowledge Seekers, from the
community a lot of work that was done in the Spanish community. So I would like to
remind all the participants that were at the conference, if they would like to submit
their work with us and have it published in the Keshe Foundation Plasma Times then
please do, because your work was really, really beautiful. And the back cover of the
magazine is presenting the electronic versions of Mr. Keshe's books. So if you haven't
read them yet, if you don't have them in your collection just follow the link and this is
where you will find the... the books with more information about the plasma science.
So basically these were just the headlines, the articles are inside and they will be
available for reading. And thank you very much for waiting for us.

(MK) Thank you very much Ella. And as we see a new shape, a new dimension, and
new groups have added to the foundation. It's become a big family, Chinese are
holding one side, Iranian the other, the Americans the other side, the Europeans and
collectively we are running a beautiful structure that we are sharing the knowledge
and we see how and the way, (5:32). the knowledge is shared; unconditionally and
freely. And I hope mankind will reach to this point of maturity. And I hope through it,
we'll find peace. And we'll see it and wait for the, what we call, the time to come and
that man reaches that point of maturity. Will it come through losses or will it come to
a strength or would it become through an uprising of the Soul of the Man. It was... I
promised one of the Knowledge Seekers last night, I show you how to... not to depend
on the medicine from the pharmaceuticals. And as you know, medicines are becoming
short and gradually will become twinkling. And our knowledge has to rise to replace
these. And most of the pharmaceuticals products are in a matter state, not
understanding the position of it. The way we combine these with the Soul of the Man
there should be no remedy mankind cannot make for itself as I always said, we build
on the knowledge of the past, we don't destroy the knowledge of the past. Many of
you depends on pharmaceutical things that is very advanced, decades of work has
been done for a specific condition. Where with putting these medicines in these Cups
of Life you tranStar Formationer them into the plasma condition of them and the
knowledge because of your GANS top layer, having the amino acid will convert it to
the energy which is needed; and if it's needed and what it needs to adjust within you.
(5:34). And then drink from the cup. And most probably if your Soul agrees with the
condition, you will see remedy. If the change does not come, means the condition is
already accepted by the Soul. You're trying to change the physicality and there is a
reason for it, which it will not happen. Very, very interesting time coming up.

Knowledge of the man is not all useless. It brings many facets to the Universal
Community. But man has to understand. Thank you very much for today. And we
congratulate those who manage to bring more for us to add to the knowledge. And
hopefully... Hopefully if we're still here in time to come, there's a lot in coming times,
that we'll share more. Thank you very much. Thank you very much the whole Keshe
Foundation team worldwide. And please understand, we are this time in it, all
together, without the race, religion, color, nationality, flags and colors of the flag.
Virus is touching all of us the same, taking life, dear ones to us, the dear ones to many
others. Just remember, try to reach the Soul of the Man, and maybe you don't even
need to make the Cup of Life.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Rick.

(RC) Thank you, Mr. Keshe, as always. (5:36). OK are there any other
announcements before we end today's workshop? We do have the testimonials
meeting coming up on Monday at... what time is it? I think it's at 8 pm. Central
European Summer Time. So we can look forward to that, so bring your testimonials
for that meeting. It's a public meeting of course. People can save their questions that
they have here, for the next workshop as well. And we do have the One Nation, One
Planet, One Race for World Peace also coming up on Tuesday next week. OK, well
thank you everyone for all your questions and participation today. And see you next
time around. This has been the 323rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop for Thursday,
April 9th, 2020.



Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries

(324 through 3 >> )

324th Knowledge Seekers Workshop April16, 2020

* New Cycle has started for mankind, New dimension of teaching
"Inter-atomic Fusion" Soul encircles physicality, Cup of Man vertical
Bloodline of Christ, daughter in France
End of secret rulers, "elites" of planet



(this was copied from computer transcripts rough edited )

(:06). (RC) Hello everyone! And welcome to the 324th Knowledge Seekers
Workshop for Thursday, April 16, 2020. This is a broadcast of the Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute Education Department. And part of the Public Teachings in
English. My name is Rick Crammond, I'll be one of the hosts today along with Flint
Muhlhausen. And of course we are joined with Mr. Mehran Keshe of the Keshe
Foundation. And I believe he's ready to speak in today's Workshop. Hello Mr. Keshe!

(MK) Yes... Good morning, good day to you, as usual, wherever and whenever you
listen to these series of Knowledge Seekers Workshops. We welcome the honorable
members of Universal Council and Earth Council as we take a new dimension in to
the Journey of Man in Space. There is a couple of things from the past which I would
like to clean out and then we start a new cycle of teaching. And I'll explain to you step
by steps where and how we will go. As you know there is a strong evolution of work
in Iran in respect to the Iranian Corona program. (:08). And the Iranian team has
made an offer to the world Knowledge Seekers (Knowledge Seekers) and those who
want to help with their people across the world or in Iran. I sent you a link, a picture,
Rick if you can put it up. The Keshe Foundation has appointed this organization in
Iran which is direct access to and delivers all the materials for One Cup One Life.
This is everything you just add water to the Cup and you start. What we done, is, this
is not sold, this is, you make a donation, how many lives you want to save. Very
simple, you decide, I want to save 10 lives, 100 lives, you make a donation, or you
make a payment to this company, and the company delivers, with a full history, who
received it, the family, the person, and you see the report, from the purchase of the
material, to the delivery, to the person. We took this up, because the process across
the world is taking shape in a very harsh way, and a lot of people don't have time.
You can literally donate a life. This company is independent of Keshe Foundation, but
has been supporting a lot of work in Iran and has covered many people. They have the
capability between 5 to 10,000 Cups a day, and they can meet the demand. So in a
way, this is not the same, if you want to save a life, how many lives, and it's their job.
They will do it. We have never done this, for this crucial time in Iran and across the
planet, there is a need for, the totality in the shape of as it is. (:10). This is part of the
work the Keshe Foundation in Iran has taken up, and this company has supported the
work of the F deeply, and in response, they have offered this directly, the material
comes from the mines of Iran, that's why .. and they are in the center of what we call
the industry in ** and they can support everything, even Nano coated plates, that can
help people to immediately jump up. So you decide how many lives you want to save
and you can pay for it, they deliver it to wherever you want, if it is outside Iran **
packaging has to be paid for, in Iran it's free. On the other hand we go back to the
teaching. If you want to remove this it will be okay, Rick.

The whole process of the teaching has come to a new dimension, and I said in the
couple of teachings since Monday, Keshe Foundation has laid out and set out, and is
going through the, what we call, preliminary stages of delivery into international
arena, for what this is, the physical matters of all these conditions, how they can
overcome. We announced weeks ago, we saw Corona in the head, in the brain, in the
organs and in the skin. And it took the world community to reach some weeks later
and confirm it. So, in a way, we are far ahead of the present time. And as we are far
ahead, in so many ways, to us, the situation with the Corona is over. (:12).

We are looking what Corona has brought and how we can develop to the next step.
Corona showed us our weaknesses. Corona showed where we have not managed to
cover ourselves. Corona brought us indication in the lack of education, the knowledge
of man, and what they called, "control of the emotion" and the "use of the emotion" to
the benefit of some, who wanted to take the nations for ransom. We saw the
misconduct of Gates in calling himself, pre-shooting himself, that he'll be the World
Leader and he will... uses the vaccination to control the world. We saw the first shout
on the bows of his presidency. In a way, as his Excellency President Trump sank his
boat. We knew there is a problem, as some 2 or 3 weeks ago the government of
United States canceled the 10 billion Microsoft contract. And, on the back of it, we
saw the indication of president Trump yesterday, ignoring Bill Gates and his threat,
that he'll release the vaccine in November, when he shows he'll become the president
on the back of another the president, a "leach life." Then, this comes to as we see legal
actions to strip the assets of Gates Foundation, for taking humanity to ransom. This is
to become. We will see this. We will not be short of, in 2-3 years time, seeing Bill
Gates imprisoned for life with his wife for crimes against humanity, and genocide.
This is actually bold, rolled, by what President Trump decided to do yesterday. (:14).
In a way the humanity has been taken to ransom by one criminal organization and
they thought they are head, and dictate. We'll shoot another arrow into this ship to
make sure that it sinks for good.

Teaching of today looks post-Corona and what this means, is we have given all the
knowledge to the governments. It's for them, how they use it, and how the Keshe
Foundations around the World will bring it to be used. We have seen the recurrence of
Corona in a different shape, "Coroning" millions more lives in China. The statistics
and security reports from United States confirms 20 million deaths in China, from
Corona. This is not anymore Keshe Foundation data release, but confirmed by the
National Intelligence securities of United States that they now confirm, China has and
could have lost in excess of 20 million in the first cycle. We expect the second cycle
in China to bring another 30 to 50 million deaths on the table. We have curtailed the
progress and the death in Iran. And we are supporting all the Iranian Nationals across
this planet through the Iranian setup. We have done this, and a number of you have
helped Iranians across this planet as they needed help in past few weeks, as the true
work of One Nation has taken shape.

On the other hand, what will take shape is very simple, we have to go beyond and
look where the pitfalls, (:16). were the mistakes, and where we have to be vigilance,
has to come from this incident. We are not looking on the political and geopolitics or
financial politics of it. We are looking it, as a human race. If you look and if you
understood the totality of the teaching in past few weeks, there is one clear indication,
and that indication is, we are all passengers of this ship called, Earth. And in so many
ways, as we are the passengers of this ship, our defenses were not strong enough to
stand an invasion of the virus called, Corona. This showed a lot of weaknesses in our
security structure of this planet. Security structure and apparatus how mankind will
protect itself from what we know as an outside external energy source, known, we
call, as a virus. In a way, the man's spaceship, the mother ship, has been taken to
ransom by an outside man-made or whatever, to ransom. This ship needs
decontamination, this ship needs clean up, this ship needs to understand how to
handle this virus for it to be able to survive. (:18). There is no difference between this
(spaceship) and this (earth) in the space of the universe. We don't look at how our
shields of protection, our bodies was opened to this. You are going through a post-
mortem to see how we can set systems, that by setting up these systems this will never
happen. As in time to come, these spaceship of the man return to the mother ship,
they'll bring many Coronas. We have to learn from this how to set up the conditions
that this will never happen again. Otherwise every time mankind in the coming
months and years sends a ship to outside, can bring many Coronas with it, back in.
We have to learn a new way of decontamination. We have to learn a new way of
protecting both ships, in space and the motherland. We got to look and where was our
weaknesses, what defense technology we can put in with understanding of the new
Plasma Technology, that this situation will never happen again. The war of the man
uses bullets and guns, the wars of the Space uses viruses and energy packs. This virus
showed the body of the man is too weak. (:20). Or man has not learned a way to
protect himself from this condition. Man has two choices. To go for a physical
protection, like GANSes and the rest. Or man learns the second choice, or the first to
us, the transition of the energies.

What does the transition of energy mean? At the moment we have given the
technology of the GANS to the man to make some preliminary protections by
drinking it and covering itself, but in the space we don't have that facility. In space we
do not have such opportunity. In space we have to understand the essence of the
creation to be able to stand such an insult on man. These kind of assaults will destroy
the humanity, if every time a ship takes into space. I raised this question years ago
with the NASA, years ago with the Russian Space Agency, and, in so many ways, has
never been understood fully.

We see a hidden rise of viruses since the man took to the Moon the first time. (:22).
The cycle of viruses were entered into the Planet through the first Space excursions.
Don't forget, man was looking for a dust on Apollo, but viruses were attached
independent of the time and space. Introduction of new viruses into the knowledge of
the man came with Apollo trips. Now with these new excursion in the deeper space
how many more will bring with us? As I said, we are passed, is a post-mortem of
Corona for Keshe Foundation, and we are showing you the weaknesses that you find
the solutions, that this will never happen. Maybe there was a coincidence, good for
man to have the Corona to understand the energies, which he cannot control, to find
new ways that makes him ready to become part of the Universal Community. You
have to understand, there is a hidden agenda for both side, if you take viruses back
into earth, what viruses man has that can damage the Universal Community, and
unknowingly man will take with him into space? When the white man went to
America many indigenous people died of the simple cold, which the white man
brought from Europe. (:24). They never had it, they never had immunity to it, and it
killed many. Now we have seen the game one way, what about energy levels that man
will take with him without knowing, and he puts in danger the life to the Universal

The post-mortem of Corona brings out many, many facts on the table for human race.
In one way, the human race has to make sure he is in total and absolute clean
condition, both on exit and entry. Both into mother land and onto the ship. We are not
going to travel the space of universe just sitting in a ship. We are going to travel the
space of universe by landing, seeing, tranStar Formationerring the Soul energy to
physicality, and return. And this process, we have to stay clean. Physical
transportation will be part of the process of the pleasures of physicality. But in time
man will choose in prime conditions and the prime process of the tranStar
Formationer of the Soul of the Man and tranStar Formationer of the Physicality of the
Man. The worse of the physical conditions will force man, (:26). to understand in
more depth, about how to protect himself in the physical and the Soul level, that on
the return, or entry of the virus onto the planet, mankind can protect itself in one go.

In so many ways, the post-mortem of Corona brings Keshe Foundation Knowledge

Seekers to one point. And that is, do we put the Soul of Man to be encaged by the
Physicality of the Man. Or the Mankind will understand the power of his Soul and
encircles the physicality through the power of the Soul of the Man? In this process the
physical life will not come to an end, as the strength of the Soul of the Man will
protect the physicality. As I've said in the recent past, I wrote the paper to explain this
years ago, it's called, "Inter-atomic Fusion." (:28). The inter-atomic fusion paper I
wrote was not about the energy, but was about the time to come when man will take
the physical condition of his body embedded within the circle and the strength of his
Soul, that nothing, no Coronas can ever touch. I wrote the paper years ago, for the
time when the man is ready to understand, and now you understand the essence of the
paper. That time mankind could not understand, but now you understand why.
Extending the strength of the proton, that it brings in the electron, in its boundary
through the energy tranStar Formationer, and protects it as an independent entity.
Inter-atomic fusion is in a way, expansion of the Soul of the Man to interact with his
atom, with his own confirmation of creation, the physicality of the man to bring him
within control. In other word, we call it a mother hug. When a child runs and is
scared, the mother opens the arms and protects the child, hugs him and holds him.
And in a way, the mother, the Soul of the Man, has to be able to do that with the child
which is confirmation of his existence of physicality, which is the body of the man.

The post-mortem Corona brings in a new knowledge. I set this out in a very slow
steps some 3-4 weeks ago. Initially, I brought it in as One Cup, One Life. And I
showed you this is the Soul of the Man. (:30). Then we brought you the second one
Cup of Life, which is to do with the physicality of the man. Because this is only way I
could bring you the knowledge, and in a very, very clever, easy way I introduce you
the 3rd cup, what we call, the Cup of Man, which brought in the embodiment of the 2,
as you thought. But in fact it brought in, the first and the direct evolution in the
knowledge of the science of man for evolution of the Soul of the Man. Many of you,
you needed a test run, to run your car to see how it runs, to see if it works good and if
it can respond. And I gave you the Cup of Man. Because it brought to you, according
to your intelligence, something which referred to your physicality and your pride,
MAN. So the teaching has become very simple, if you came across and you became
part of it. We teach you how to reach your Soul, and in the process, protect your
physicality. In a way, they can leach, or you can come across any, any, energy packs.
If is within the Soul of the Man's strength, the physicality will survive. But remember,
he said, "I made man in the image of Myself," which is that image within the center of
the Soul of the Man. And when the Soul acts, is an image and the strength of the
image of the Creator.

The process now comes how you, as the last man standing, can reach and trigger this.
I gave you a test run, and we call it a sandbag, to run, to test. Last week in a very
simple way I explained, and in the Iranian Teaching last Monday, and in the Universal
Council Teaching on Tuesday, I set the scene for this to come. In this process, we
showed you how to connect the physicality's, and how to connect the souls. In so
many ways, as I said, partially this... now you have to understand. And in so many
ways we have connected the Soul of the Physicality to the Soul of the Man. In so
many ways, the Cup of Man is a reference point, that if you can, in a full
understanding, connect to its totality or to its individuality, you will find a common
strength, which in total will give you what you need. In this process, now the physical
body of the man is weak and is vulnerable to forces, which in totality, vulnerable to...
very, what you call, abuse.

What do you do? You bring the physicality in the realm of the Soul. And you use the
Cup of Man as a reference point for the confirmation of physical life when you want
to return back to it. The gravitational-magnetic field of the Cup of Life is your
reference point for your physicality and the Soul. That once you trust your Soul to
take dimensions of the existence to overcome, (:38). what we call, the condition of
Corona for example, you move out and then by changing the strength of the fields,
understanding of the totality, you move back in, and you take a new physical
dimension in respect to the reference point you left behind. It takes less than a second
to overcome the Corona. And in fact, it takes less than a second to overcome any
viruses you might have picked up in the space. It's a washing machine, it's putting you
through a laser clean-up of your own Soul. In so many ways, you do the same for
yourself when you enter a new dimension in the universe that your Soul, your
physicality, does not become a poison to other races. It's your responsibility to protect
them, and it's not their responsibility to be afraid of you. At the same time, if you pick
up from them, it's your responsibility to clean your physicality in the condition of the
contact, from not bringing the Corona back to Earth, or to your spaceship. You can
put, we did with the Chinese, (:40). as you've seen, the sprays, and wash you with
But Man has to learn that he is responsible to use the strength of his Soul to cleanse
his physicality, from criminal activities to viruses. The "Day of Judgment" is with the
Soul of the Man, from now on. Every step to protect yourself and to judge what I do,
does not harm to my physicality, and to those who I'm responsible to, for the physical
and the Soul life. How do you do it? Go back to you Cup of Man and it stand in front
of it. And in so many ways, you cannot put the Cup of Man this way, and you stand in
front of it this way, or you lie down and put the Cup of Man this way. A man has to
be a man, to stand the Day of Judgment in front of himself. I explained in the
teachings in the past days, (:42). you set the Cup of the Man, in the structure the man.
The Soul of the Man and the Soul of the Physicality of the Man. And you stand the
man with his Soul, and a weak physical condition, and allow the tranStar

As I was explaining to my son, this is different way what you get, when you whip the
white of an egg, with a egg, or with the yolk, or without the yolk. And how you mix
it, with a fork or with the electric mixer. This is what you have to learn. Stand in front
of the Cup of Man, as a man not as a dead man, or try to understand what this means.
In so many ways, I gave you the secret to overcome Corona 3 weeks ago, and all I
heard was, "produces very, very little GANSes at the bottom, and have you seen the
circles around the bottom, have you seen, why it's not producing so much?" Because
in reality, (:44). if you look at the ratio of the GANS at the bottom of your water,
you'll see an amazing thing which you never understood. For you as human, the
amount of the GANS on the bottom it's the amount of physical existence in your
physical and the Soul body. This is the replication of you, but you have no
understanding of it. When you look at the shape and the pattern of the GANSes at the
bottom, you see the Soul structure, and the pride, and the stupidity of the man in
respect to himself. How you are self-centered, how you are a giver. And when I look
at the Cup of Man, a man makes, I know the man. You all complaining my Cup of
Life doesn't make much, then you look at the structure of your own body. How much
of your own physical structure carries any material to confirm his existence is
nothing but water, but liquid, but nothing else.

And then, in that process, understand in the totality of the existence, what you deal in
the Cup of Life as physical dimension, and the Soul of the Man. I am the Creator of
my own Soul. You made the Cup of Man, (:46). and it's in tune and balance with you.
Your behavior, your misconduct, and your own existence. You look in the GANS
production and look into the behavior of the Soul of the Man. In so many ways, if you
know about the magicians who read the coffee cups and tell you your fortune, by
looking at the structure of the GANSes in the bottom of your Cup of Man, I tell you
about the man. I come from a deep space and my knowledge is beyond your
understanding. I come from the Creator and I have created what is on the table in
front of you, and your own physical life.
Now, look at your Cups and see if in reality does the physicality wants to have the
Corona to get rid of the physical life, or is the Soul so generous, that is prepared to
give, to bring what you call inter-atomic fusion. And I said before, you cannot run a
fast boat vertically on the surface of the water. (:48). It needs to be on its own
dimension. And you all set the Cup of Life in a vertical death position of the man,
where the separation of the Soul and physicality has already taken place. (MK)
So you come to understand exactly where we sit and why and how we have
introduced the Cup of Life and the Cup of Man and the two cups of life's.

Now set your cups in the structure of your physicality. And, or, your Cup of Life,
(:50). in the structure your death. You decide which side. Many of the Knowledge
Seekers have started seeing the separation, seeing and understanding the separation of
the Soul of the Man by seeing their own body lying. Where they can see the life in a
different way watching down and looking down. And one stupid guy in IStar
Formationahan said to the other knowledge Seekers who reached the point of maturity
as a family, "Your third eye has opened, and the aliens come to get you." Don't forget,
this guy is part of the same group as works with Israelis.

So it comes to one understanding. Many of you will go to the next phase of the
understanding where you're aware of leaving your physical body, but in a very
generous and kind way. In a way, for the first time you see what happens to you in
realm of physicality when you go to sleep. Now that you have elevated the Soul of the
Man, and you have elevated the Soul of the Physicality through the use of the
GANSes, (:52). gradually the strength of this allows to you to reach the strength that
you will see your own Soul. You see in a way, your own physicality.

A number of Knowledge Seekers have reached this point in past few weeks.
Witnessing their own physical life. This is exactly what happens to you when you die,
but now you have the control of it. Now you're learning that I can be out of it, I can
fix it, get rid of Corona and go back into it. Because my energy, my power is more in
the dimension of the Soul of the Man. Those of you who go to the steps of the flight,
very few of you, will reach to the flight to the Creator. In that process you bear a child
of the Creator with you, to start a new cycle. And in the process of those of you who
see your physical life, you will take the next step. That you learn how to travel the
depth of the universe, and at the same time when the need is, to come in and live
within the Soul of the Physicality to protect the Soul. Or to stay out to protect the
physicality that no one can touch it. In a way, (:54). for the first time as a human race,
you can carry the body of the physicality within the structure of the Soul of the Man,
that you never see the end, or what you call the death of the man.

In so many ways, there has never been any death, and in so many ways, there is
always an end, end of a visit to a position, and to move on. The first time this was
explained to man was some 2,000 years ago, on the "crucification" of the Christ, but
the man did not understand. Last Sunday was his day of his "crucification." He was
put in the physical pain, you call it, the Corona, you learned in that process, to go to
his Soul and come off the cross and walk as another man, you call Resurrection.
Today, I teach you the resurrection. Today, you have been taught about resurrection.
It was hidden in the books that the man cannot understand, but now the knowledge of
the man after 2,000 years is so much, that he can understand, about the resurrection of
the Soul of the Man to the dimension of physicality.

In reality, as I said before, you took the matter, into a Nano, into a GANS, and then
you took that GANS in a composition of its structure, and you made the physicality of
the any matter which you wanted. There is no difference between this and the
resurrection. We took the body of the man, we put it through it's own structure of the
pain and energy dimensions, we call it the Corona, or we allow it through the pain to
mature, to understand separation of the Soul and conversion to any matter state as it
needs, according to the space and time.

The man called the Christ walked out at the cross, and became a normal man, and
traveled through the land, to the south of France and to Spain, and he lived a normal
life as a man. So, for the first time, man in this condition of Corona, has been put
through the pain of feeling it, the same as the Christ did, and he took to his Soul, and
then he manifests himself as a man, who was recognized in the same dimension of
physicality by Mary, and they took to the boats and land across the seas, to live a
normal life. Soon the daughter of Christ blood will be known to mankind, as he left
the same. The bloodline goes through the female. (:58). Now you understand.

The understanding of the Corona was to bring mankind such a process of pain, that he
understands the power of his Soul, and understand the position of the transition to the
matter state. Last Thursday was the birth of Mahdi, and last Sunday was
"crucification" of Christ, the day of resurrection, within 3 days. Understand the
knowledge, not the magic. Apply the knowledge and don't become a magician. If you
understood the Cup of Man, I gave you the Cross. If you understood. Not to crucify
the man, but show the position of strength of the man in respect to the operation of his
Soul in the point of departure. (drawing) (1:00). Where do you want to place it? And
how do you want to position it? Do you want to take it to the point of pain for the
tranStar Formationormation? Or do you want to go through the point of understanding
and elevation to achieve the same. The choice is mankind. And what we see today
mankind has chosen the cross, in respect to Corona. And interesting enough the Christ
was given a crown of thorn, and Corona means a crown.

If you mature to understand this and the way I've explained it, you mature to apply it.
Only those who have committed crime and genocide will be left in the dimension of
physicality and they have to answer to your... their own crime. And I know one
person who will sure, sure will be there, and the partner in crime (writes: BILL and
magnetical). I always call this heaven (writes Hell). One day I explain to you why.
She's actually hell, created life so. (1:02).
Now understand why I gave you the Cup of Life, and understand why I gave you the
Cup of Man. And understand what the interaction of the two is, understand when you
need to keep the two Cups separate, and when is the time and need to bring two Cups
to create the Soul of the Man.

Many of you will ask, can I make another cup for another person? Your limitation is
the creation of the two Cups, the connection is the decision of their Soul. And if you
make a Cup of Man for another Soul, you are responsible for it through the time of its
creation, and created by, in the span of the universe. I brought with me a twin Soul
when I came, and I declared it to Caroline at a very early stage. And that twin Soul
has been embedded in two, and they will shine like the stars in the cycle of humanity
to come. But you have to decide where you place the two, because you are
responsible for it, and you have to answer to it for the time to come. (1:04). If you
think, I make a Cup of Life and then a Cup of Man for my father who is sick, has he
given you the consent to do so? Can I make many cups for many people? Have you
had the consent to interact with their souls? The only ones you are responsible for,
and due to, and through the mother who can do, is your own children to the age of
their own maturity of their souls, has no age limits, and no physical dimension.

Now understand, and see how many of you are ready to take the journey of what I
call, inter-atomic fusion. To fuse your Soul of physicality in the trust of the Soul of
your own entity. Don't forget. Always never forget. This is what man have not
understood, that the two souls interact all the time. And in that process, there is a Soul
of totality. (1:06). And somewhere in between, somewhere in between the physical
body of the man in the neck and the structure of the heart, is the position of these field
strength. If you feel the love in the heart of the man, or we call the solar, you still
understand the measure of physicality. If you feel the love of the Creator or your own
Soul, you will feel in the center of the Soul of the Man. If you understand that the
inter fusion, the totality of the conversion and the balanced fields of the creation, we'll
feel in this point. Than you will understand the Cup of Man by its nature has created
such a point. And then you understand what would you like to interact and change and
cover. Then it comes to one very important point. Do I need to drink or to breathe or
to worry about Corona? If you understand this, you should not be worried about
anything, even feeding yourself, even warming the dimension of physicality, even
manifesting yourself, at any position, anywhere in the universe. (1:08).

If you understand it, it's like a very simple equation, which they have been teaching
you in the school. What was of you, who are mathematicians to understand inter-
atomic and conversion of the Soul in a point of reference. Where A is the Soul of the
Man, B is the Soul of the Physicality of the Man, C is the Soul of your Cup, D is the
Soul of your Physical Cup. Now you understand. Anyone suffers, you need to find a
balance in the others to bring balance to this side. At the moment, the Soul of the
Physicality of the man is suffering through its physical dimension. What do you need
to create on this side, that you can support this side? (1:10). Or what do you need to
add on this side, that you can keep this side of the equation balanced. When these
loses, this needs to give more. And for these to give more, it needs to receive more,
equal balance on both side. Or they give for you to keep balance.

If you understand what I've taught today, you have understood the secrets of life
anywhere in the universe, in any dimension. Then no one can raise the dead, and no
one can walk away from the Cross. What's in front of you is a knowledge of life for
man from now in the space. What you will learn from today's teaching is, no one, no
magician, no dictator, no Billy, can stop you anywhere in the universe to decide the
position, and the condition of your Soul. (1:12). In so many ways, the pain of the
suffering of the Christ on the cross has been felt by the total humanity, in losing of so
many in past few weeks. The pain of loss is not by one, but to be felt by the whole of
humanity, and you have responded. And in a way, you have reached the point, that the
total human Soul was to walk out of that cross and resurrect without any pain, without
any Corona. And this is the opportunity we give you. You have the chance to stay on
the cross and go to the total demise or collectively as a Knowledge Seekers walk the
man off the cross and resurrect.

Then no one anywhere in the universe, can dictate like Billy, or kill you like Corona.
The word Corona was chose by so many ways, to crown the death of the man the
end. The same thorn crown on the head of Christ. But this time landed on the empty
land with no head, and the only victims of it, those who planned out to put the man on
the cross. Now, you decide and you understand. I gave you the solution into every
problem of the man, from hunger to food, to protecting the physical life, and to every
other dimensions from travel in the depth of the universe, (1:14). and everything else
on one screenshot. But what is your intelligence, and how much of it do you
understand? Or do you need to have a PhD to be high enough, to be deluded in the
knowledge of non-existence? Understand what is on the table. Understand what is on
the screen, and if you understood you can meet with the Creator in one second. But
none of you will reach that level, very few, and it's gifted to two. Even them, they
have to decide, if they have matured enough to take the responsibility. Then you
understand the ethos of the Keshe Foundation, we are here to serve, and not to be
served. You serve from your Soul to your physicality, and do not expect to be served
back, because it is not there an intention of the man, is there by the will of the two

In so many ways, the past three weeks has brought the maturity of millions of years to
humanity. And in so many ways, what we gave you as a Cup of Man is a gift to
humanity to mature. In a way, as we say, you've done a good job, sit down and have a
cup of tea. (1:16). That tea is the Cross and the cup is the Cup of Life. You decide,
you want to come off the tea, or you want to stay with the Cross. Then, when you
send a Cup of Life 1 and 2, you send some extra wires and you explained to them,
"You decide". It's very simple, mankind does not need much more to understand the
elevation of his Soul. Mankind does not need much more to eradicate every illness
from the physical body of the man. Mankind does not need to understand the work of
the universe, if he understands the work of his own Soul, as his Soul is the universe.

In totality, and in 3 months, more or less in 3 months, we have brought the knowledge
of the Universe for man to understand. Because we prepared you for years through
teachings. Now the understanding is simple. All the ingredients for the cake was
brought in and mixed the right way, and everything else was done. (1:18). It was just
putting into the oven, and putting the right temperature for it to rise and ready to enjoy
the cake. And in so many ways, the temperature came and raised with Corona. Now
the cake is ready. Now you understand why we are post-Corona.

Post-Corona has brought mankind a gift. A gift to let the Soul of the Man to join the
Universal Community and travel the spans of universe like them. Or choose the path
of the hard way and travel through the spaceship. As I said once, mankind has been on
the same roller-coaster going around the sun, as he locked his physicality in the
dimension of the GANS to his existence on earth. Now you can take that GANS,
which is your Soul, and travel across the universe and you can literally come off this
roller-coaster of physical life on this planet. The roller-coaster will never stop. Is you
who has to decide when to get off it, and if you want to be on it, on this planet. The
game of running like a mouse around the same circle is over for mankind. It's you
who has to decide when to come off this roller-coaster, from now on. And when you
want to go back on it, because it had some pleasures when you were on it. The choice
of the freedom is given to the Soul of the Man with these teachings, not to the
physicality of the Man. (1:20). The physical man is tied up on the roller-coaster. The
Soul of the Man has the freedom of the roller-coaster choice, or can walk in this
garden of the pleasures of the universe till he decides, or she decides, or the Soul
decides, which roller-coaster he wants get back onto. And as you know, some roller-
coasters need some covers and equipments, and it needs some measures, to be able to
enjoy the ride. And that Man will learn, in the span of the universe when he travels.

In so many ways, if you understood the original teachings of the Keshe Foundation, as
I explained recently, into and for the Knowledge Seekers, this is your Soul, and you
remember the magnet? You put some dusts of iron and you saw the iron line. To you,
these were magnetic lines. To your Soul, these are connections to different strength, to
different souls and conditions. If you follow this, you most probably end up here. If
you follow this, you most ended in Mars. Or if you go to this, you end up to the Soul
of your mother. Now you understand, there is no difference between the magnetic
field flow what you see, but now you can connect the two ends. When the Soul of the
Man has the strength of the line of the travel to Mars, (1:22). man will be in Mars in
seconds, not in seven months. As you travel the same strength to your mother, to
dream, to talk and communicate. This is the new way of the transportation. If it can be
put so simply on the line for you, and if you choose the dimension of the spaceship,
you need to find out the strength of this, and find out, on which of these ends, is
connected to. With this you go to Mars, and with these you come back to Earth.
Instantaneous communication, instantaneous transportation. We have given you the
full knowledge. Now, next time when you play with a magnet and dust of iron, try to
measure the strength of these fields, and then you find out, they are very much
different, and each one is connected to somewhere, and each one is coming back from
the same place.

You have a full knowledge to live on, from now on. I'll be here for a short while to
guide you. 21st of March 2021 is the end of contract for me. I walk off the Cross.
(1:24). Till that time I can elevate you. (SD) We come with you. (MK) This is the
point of reference. This is what you have to understand. The choice is the mankind.
You want to choose the painful passage of taken, billions of years, and the current
suffering of past 3 months? Or choose the path of freedom of the Soul of the Man
from the shackles of physicality?

I don't need no Iranians, and no Chinese, and no Americans to prove who I am and
what I do. My job is to elevate the Soul of the Man, that does not live in a dimension
of physicality, if he chooses. (1:26). And in so many ways, the job is done.

There is one question left and one point to answer. What do we do with people like
Bill and his wife, and those who brought so much pain to man over centuries?
Revenge and destruction should not be part of the work of the man. The decision has
to be with the Soul of them. What does this mean? Man cannot kill, man cannot
commit suicide, man cannot end any cycle of life. As I said many times, if you kill, if
you separate the Soul of the Man from the Soul of Physicality, you have committed
the most heinous crime. Be it of your own, or another. But you can elevate the Soul of
the Man, that he realizes the crime he has committed through his own Soul of
Physicality, and will not stand to allow this to happen and ends life, separates the two.
And this (Soul of the man) will take a position in the lowest level of existence, as he
accepted the position and the condition of the failures of his physicality. Souls know
their own position, according to the behavior of the physicality. (1:28).

So, let's say this to be Billy, and this to be the Soul of you, or the Soul of mankind, the
only responsibility you have, as we have taught you, is to elevate the Soul (of Billy).
And you'll find out, the decision and point of separation will be made by the Soul.
You raise the level, to raise of your own understanding. And, as physicality has been
so abusive, taking, will decide the separation. Choose the name from Rothschild's, to
Illuminati's, to royal families, to the world leaders, and those who thought are elite of
the society. I've asked the Knowledge Seekers on Thursday, to bring with them the
pictures of the criminals of the world. And for you, is to raise their Soul. And in no
time, there shall be no more pain from those who have created so much war, and pain
on man in the past centuries. Through their bloodlines or through their own,
individual eager and ego. (1:30). Dedicate one day, each day, to one of those. Start
with Billy and his wife, and their children. And then go for every Rothschild (that)
exists, and then go for the royal families on this planet, and then go for those, who
thought their wealth dictates, that they can dictate the condition of the man. You will
find the peace will return on this planet. And you'll find out, by elevating their souls,
collectively mankind will solve the problem of war on this planet. And then, in that
process, mankind, through the Cup of Life given, uses a common ground strength to
create a new Soul for Man, that would not ever commit no crime, not on earth nor in

I have given you the key to freedom of the Soul of Man. From now on is your
intelligence, and how rapid you want to go through the tranStar Formationormation,
and you want to understand, that you want to accept the tranStar Formationormation,
and the intellect that is shared, not only by you, but you share by the others. (1:32).
The Day of Judgment comes by the elevation of the Soul, not by the execution of the
physicality. Let them separate. Don't separate. Now you understand, "how do I turn
and how many turns, am I gonna lose a flat plate?" You put the Cup the other way,
you understand every turn has a meaning, and every point has a power.

But there's one thing, you cannot abuse it. Mankind will never be able to abuse this
power, because it's a point of balance, it's a point of equality. (There it comes my tea.
Here please, so I can reach it. Thank you). I received my cup from the one I love so
much. I wonder if you can receive your cup, or you can give from your cup to the one
you love so much. (RC) Is right at the moment, that you mentioned the words
"balance of power". I thought that was appropriate. (MK) It is the balance of power.
No Man has more power than the other, if you understand, (1:34). the souls are equal
and they are from the same Creator. It's very simple, And it cannot be made more
simple than that.

Then you'll understand how we played the game with Billy, in the past 2-3 weeks and
how we made him ready to start his own physical demise. As I explained, and some of
you were present, his crown, and his joy and his power was to be. And where he
thought he had the power and he started the power. And he played the game, in the
live teaching within couple of hours, when we exposed his Soul to understand, he
resigned from board of directors of his point of power. And from that point, his
demise started, and from that point we'll see, one by one. In so many ways, do we
need to take him to the courts, or do we allow his Soul to pass sentence? But this is
what you will learn in the space. This is what you'll become good at. You don't judge,
you give for the Soul of the receiver, (1:36). to judge itself. You will soon
understand. And you will soon, will understand more, now that you start gaining the
knowledge of universe.

You, through this process will understand the universal language. The universal
language is the tranStar Formationer of the fields of the Soul of the Man, and when it
received, has its own meaning and no need for translation. Humanity, from this week
on, from today will enter a new phase, you will see elevation of many souls to see
their own position in respect to the Soul of their physicality. And their guidance, and
their support will come only through 2 souls we have appointed. And in time, these 2
souls themselves need to mature, to understand their positions. We have appointed the
channels of understanding through the Universal Council, and we have put the roller-
coaster for this planet in the hand of the Earth Council members. And in that position
we have structured the Universal Organization, not for interaction of the man on this
planet, but for understanding of totality within (audio broke ..).

Now you understand why we structured everything over past 2-3 years in a very
systematic way. (1:38). We planned, we executed, One Nation, One Race, One
Planet. Those of you who signed the Peace Treaty on behalf of your language some 2-
3 years ago, you signed mankind to peace. And those of you who signed the paper to
your own Soul, you committed your Soul to freedom of the universe. And now you
understand it, it's your choice to choose. Stay on this planet and enjoy the beauty of it,
and in that process, understanding the work of the, what we gave you as you are
human, physical, in a Cup of Life to get rid of the sufferings of the physicality, and
enjoy a lasting life upon this planet. Create as many things as you like and let it be
enjoyed. The beauty of it will come very soon, and the process of the structure we
have seen.

Many nations out of nowhere, in past few weeks, have issued checks for their citizens
to be able to live comfortable till the crisis is over. How many of these nations will
and follow signing these checks for centuries to come, that no man needs to become
slave to no one? (1:40). And in a way, the money has no value, but in this process
due and through Corona, it showed, that now we go to work, because we love to
work. We love to be part of the society, and with it come soon, that the level of
income will be set by the governments at that level that everybody lives a comfortable
life? And you, as a correct people, what you earn, you say I've earned that much of it,
I don't need any. But if I need to give a Cup of Life, I'll take from it. The man will not
cheat, and man will work and enjoy the work. He lives to work, and on opposite to
what has been going on for past centuries, he works to live. Would the governments
change? It's the decision that you have to enlighten through your souls through the

This crisis has shown mankind, we don't need to work. If you take the factor of
Corona away, and look at the governments like Canadians, and the Scandinavians,
and other countries, who draw checks for their citizens, shouldn't that be the pattern of
life, and not dependent on the Social Security to live on meager life? We've seen with
the Canadian government, as its done, providing food and check at least for the time,
till it feels secure for the nation. Should that not be the purpose and the work of every
nation? But you have to understand, (1:42). now with this knowledge that you have,
do you need to feed yourself, that you become the burden of the planet? Do you need
to consume energies, and burn and destroy? And do you need to be abusive on the
structure of the life of this planet? Life is easy anywhere in the universe. No one, no
one ever, anywhere in the Universe goes to work, except on this deemed and doomed
planet of Earth. Nowhere in the universe, anyone ever worked to live. Nobody in the
Universe, ever anyone killed to survive. What happened on this planet, we don't
understand. And now we have put it the right way, the correct way. And it's for the
human race to walk out of this by their own will, and in that process, have to
understand the strength of the independence of the Soul, they become... they become
members of the Universal Community. You were waiting for the spaceships to come
and take you and go open. You already are in the spaceship of the physicality of the
man on the physical spaceship of the Earth. You have to choose when you want to
walk out of it, and as they say, when you want to abandon ship. This ship is sank. This
ship is sinking. And this ship will sink further in the coming time. (1:44). The point
of maturity of the Soul of the Man will come through its citizens, of the souls, not the
citizens of its physicality.
Any questions?

(RC) Thank you so much, Mr. Keshe. Very, very good words. And it's absolutely true
about Canada now. They're even basically issuing checks to... well, they're trying to
cover virtually everybody at this point. And it's... it's amazing tranStar
Formationormation that seems to be going on that. People are baffled and people are
even complaining that they're... they've worked so hard and now that they... they don't
understand what they're working for anymore, sometimes, in some cases. But it's an
amazing tranStar Formationormation and it's just the way you were putting it there.
It's perfect. (MK) In a way you're receiving a pack of food with it too. Many
Canadians have received the first essential food packs. Plus the check. (RC) That
could be, yes, and there's differences in the way things are being given out. It's being
given out without any strings attached basically, that's the difference, compared to the
welfare system which is all about the strings and all about the middleman in between.
You know, getting paid 10 times more than the people they're giving the money to
and so on. Yeah, it's... it's... (1:46). The whole system has taken a major shaking and
it's going through a lot of tranStar Formationormations. So...

(MK) I've seen... Yes, change has come with the situation we've seen in past few
days, which the position of... Trump has taken with Bill Gates. It... It does not... if he
does not relent, or they do not bring him undercover, we will see the end of
Illuminati's. The whole of the banking system will collapse on them. They did not
count on this, they will not count on this. And if so many people tranStar Formationer
and understand and, the work of the Soul, the banking system which they based all
their work, and capturing, and imprisoning and enslaving man, through vaccination
and food has collapsed. You don't need to eat. You don't need to consume. You don't
need to use any banking system. In so many ways, are there any banks and food stores
and supermarkets in the space? No. But all the souls live in the dimension of
A very strange thing with a lot of you will understand is, you will come to see many
passengers of universe in your own shape and color and clothing, but they never
work. They are travelers, is like backpackers, when they come across your country
they don't work in your country, and they live a good life and travel and they go
through it. (1:48). These are the backpackers. They just use the environment of the...
your village, your city, your tables, your chairs... and they go through. They look like
you, they eat... seems to eat, and do whatever, and they move to the next destination.
Then you will understand very soon, especially if you manage to tranStar Formationer
to a strength of your Soul, you will see the Universal Community guys being part of
your community for a long, long time. A very, very long, long time. But then you'll be
baffled, why do they go to work? Why do they do this? Because they want to be here
to enjoy the pleasures of physicality, the way is pleasure to, what they want to

We have started a new cycle today, understand and start developing, and start freeing
your dimension of physicality from all these pains Corona, and the cronies which
comes with it. In a way, if you look at it, the Corona which is shape of a crown, it's
the true crown for the souls who have understood and elevated to understanding of the
work of the Universal Community. I told you, I take you man, equal, as the others that
never become a slave. And that equal-ness is the only way to release and to elevate,
(1:50). and for your Soul to interact, and not your physicality, because your
physicality becomes slave every magician and you accept every path of belief. But
now that we have elevated your understanding to understand the position of your
Soul, you're a free Soul. And in so many ways you carry within you, the knowledge of
the Universe, and the knowledge of interaction with the Universal Community. The
opening of the Universe for man to join the Universal Community was for him to
understand the station of his Soul, and no other. If you were waiting for signs, and
books, and instructions, and prophets, that is the feeble understanding of the man,
through understanding of a physical life, which has been abused so much. We give
you the freedom. You choose to be a slave, to what, of what reason, it's your decision.

I could not teach it so easily, so openly, and so beautifully, that I've done in past 3
years. I brought you for you to understand step by step. I brought you to understand
every facets of the knowledge. But from now on look inside you, and you'll find you,
which is your Soul. Need help? Look at the Universal Council. And if you need help
beyond, (1:52). shine your light on the 2 souls we have appointed. And they will
shine back on you, and you will find the path. Understand the work of your Soul, then
no one can enslave you for nothing. Not on this planet, not little Billy and not even
the blond.
Any other question?

(RC) I've need this stop... stop laughing first with the... the little Billy It's very nice,
Mr. Keshe, thank you.
(MK) He was put in to be the sacrificing sheep if it goes wrong, and he's sacrificed.
But he sacrificed his Soul out of his own stupidity and his wife. I explained in one of
the teachings, powerful people bring incompetent wives, trying to pretend to be
powerful. And this is a problem of succesStar Formationul men and women. We've
seen for example, the Queen of England and the little tall chap, playboy, Philip.
We've seen Billy with the incompetent wife, and we've seen the rest. But in so many
ways, always they come with, it's part of their package, it brings the balance. (1:54).
You see, he stole and he became rich and he thought, it is... what do you call it, it's
one of his facets to steal, and be good at it. He stole from the Apple, and created the
software. And as his wife said, everything with him is micro and soft, even his brain,
and god knows about the rest. And in that process, he saw himself as a god-given
right to steal, and he went for stealing the Soul and the physicality of the man, but he
started with the physicality and now, in so many ways, he never understood.

Those who saw him as a stupid guy, they supported him. They said, if he wins, we all
take, if he loses its him. And he lost. But this time, as I said, those who shoot the
bullet, and those who design the bullet, and those who paid for the bullet, all get the
same service. And that's why you have this. 30 million lives lost and to be added to
100 million through act of this group. And now we wipe them out through their own
elevation of the souls. You watch in the coming time, how many of these people,
how, and the way they will live, and disappear. There's one thing sure, Rothschild's
wealth will be spread to pay for all the damages they've done over centuries, as of
today. That's for 100% sure. Those Illuminati's who met with Rockefellers and the 3
families, and the others who planned this, (1:56). you all will be served up to your
grandchildren, which means no line of you will ever exist to do such a thing to
humanity. Or anywhere else in the Universe. Those who instigated this from outside,
who know... we know who they are... you'll be handled by Universal Community in a
very direct way, as of today.

Soon we will see they end of religions, and the leaderships. Soon we'll have a
collective consciousness of the souls, who, by their own actions, will create balance
for the human race. Try to understand and spread the knowledge, and don't be so
feeble, that just because you thought you had a few boys around you, and you can
fight, and stand in front of the power of the Foundation, you have finished yourself in
no time. We are men and we don't fight, we just love to play with women. And it's
them, in their weakness, will make the mistakes, where we do not cause the mistakes.
Strong women stay strong, and they bear strong children, and that's why we
appointed 2 to carry the human race through this cycle. (1:58).

Remember one point. Mankind from today will go through a new cycle of
understanding, maturity and development. This time, the maturity will come through
the maturity of the Soul and not the physicality. You have burned enough rockets and
it got you nowhere except a few inches up. Even... not even inches compared to the
dimension of the Universe. With the new understanding, man will be able to travel the
whole domain of the Unicose. And it needs to understand its own process of creation.
We came with love, we created the love in the heart of the man, and with it, we took
what we came here for, the children of the Universe. Soon you will understand.
Any other question?

(RC) Mr. Keshe, Stefania has her hand up. (SD) Yes, yeah. I have the hand up. I've
got questions from someone from the Italian community. Now I bring up, I lost the
question. I'm gonna bring it up, yeah... so, yeah, I have the question... (MK) The
question is, (2:00). is the Vatican going to survive? No. Would we have a... would we
have a pope? No, he's already popped.
(SD) The pope will pop.
(MK) He's already popped. (SD) The pope popped. (SD) I've never seen the pope
driving a Ferrari. (MK) You've never been inside the Vatican they do a lot of it.
(SD) ... we go convertible Ferrari and you teach us the driving lessons of the
convertible one. Which is our body... our Soul. I... I... I read the question. I'm gonna
read it in Italian first because I don't... I'm not know sure we got it translated, gonna
have to translated it okay
Okay. Now I translate. It's actually... it's not a question, it's something that want to...
they wanted to let you know and... Lara and Ivo. So, Lara and his husband Ivo, they
are... they are connected with the Federation Intergalactic....
(MK) Oh, forget about it. Forget about it. Read me a question. Forget about it.

(SD) Okay but they want to thank you, they want to... thanking you (MK) No
problem, forget about it. (SD) Okay, okay, they want to thank for your knowledge.
(2:02). That was actually the... the only... the only question because Lara, she said to
me that she see you in astral level and every time I said to her "Say Hello to Keshe for
me" (MK) No problem. (SD) So this was... They have another question, so from what
you just taught now, that means that... that's means... [Italian] There was this
question, no, sorry. So they...

so from what you explain today that means that we don't have to drink or... or... or
spray the Cup One and Cup Two? That we can do without spray and drink, the Cup
One and Cup Two?
(MK) Next question.
(SD) Okay, next question. Lets see. No.
(MK) Thank you very much. Any other question. (SD) Okay.

(RC) We have some questions from Liliana and I was thinking, perhaps, we can get
her to speak, rather... She's got like four questions in the Q&A. Lets see I'll have to
get her, up here and I think we'll need a translator, but... allow you to speak Liliana, if
you would like to ask your questions.
(MK) What are the questions?
(RC) They are... First yes, are the cups necessary to lift the Soul?
(MK) That's your decision. (2:04).
(RC) And then she asked... Are there other ways to raise the Soul?

(MK) I tell you, educate yourself. We don't tell you anymore what to do or how to do.
It's for you to find the path to your own salvation, in any way. There is nobody there.
If you understand the teaching. Listen to today's teaching, maybe 100 times, and
understand the meaning of it, not understand the preset mind you have. As you'll
notice today, I don't refer to anything, to the past. It's from now on. It's what you
elevate, what you bring, what you see through your Soul. We are not interested how
you make your physical body, 2 screws, 1 flat, blond, blue eyes, black hair, skin, or
whatever. The twist on your Cu side, or the twist on the turn on your Zinc side, will
decide your color of your skin, and the physicality, and the bone, and whatever. And
the way you made it, matches with what you have, your physical life. It's now for you
to understand the interaction of the fields. How you make attractive, that physical
body, or the physical Soul, that's your problem from now. We are not interested how
you make your Cups. We're interested to understand what you understand, from
interaction of the fields. And how you can elevate your Soul. Would I increase 2
twists, or would I turn 1 page, or shall I put it vertical, or horizontal, 90 degrees, 40
degrees, that's all on your intellect. (2:06).

Q; (FH) Okay well, my name is Falah from Australia and I'll just have really quick
question. Can we make 2 different setup for ourselves?
(MK) Are you a schizophrenic?
(FH) No. (MK) So?
(FH) And can we make the Cup of Man, and then we start getting... if you start
getting GANS a few times? (MK) Pardon? (FM) Can you hear me now? (MK) Can
you repeat the question? (FM) Yeah, sure. Can we make one... one set up as a Cup of
Man, and then we... we're getting the GANS and then take the GANS off and then
redo it again? Can we do it a few times? or can... we have to do it only one?
(MK) Did we ever tell you use GANS of Cup of Man?
(FH) No, but I was talking to Dr. Boujaran, and he was saying, you can spray
yourself, you can... you can drink from...
(MK) You can... listen. Anybody can interpret what they like. From now the
interpretation is your own understanding, you don't need no one to interpret with you.
(FH) Okay. And then I've got one more question. When I was listening to the lectures
last week, you was saying... if you're... if you got any of physical issues, you can get
the tablet, and then put it in the setup (Cup), so you can see, you know, later on you
don't need it. The question is, can we get some verse, you know, (2:08). some words
of Koran, and then put it in that water, in the spiritual side, would that help? Or is
nothing with this kind of stuff?
(MK) That is... you see, when you go this way, I answer one way. Haven't we
elevated your Soul beyond the present prophets?
(FH) What do you mean with this?
(MK) The knowledge released to you, is beyond the knowledge ever given to any
prophet of the past. Would you like to take yourself to that level and stay at that level?
Or become at the level to understand the totality.
(FH) Okay, so you're saying that the knowledge that we have at the moment, it's just
way more, than all the other prophets, that they had before?
(MK) The ones they revealed, of course.
(FH) So your words, were just really vague, could you repeat that again please?
(MK) Just, I said, more than they released, more than was revealed to them, and now
you understand the totality of it.
(FH) Okay, fair enough. So, I started putting in some verses, this last night, and I did
not get any reactions. But since I made the Cup, I started feeling the difference. I
started having different dreams, and I can see myself in the dream, and I can talk to
myself in the dreams. That happened about exactly, from the day that I made the setup
(Cup), and then, that continues every night. I can kind of tell myself where to go in
the dream, but last night, I was saying, I need to go to that place, and when I slept, I
literally went to that place. And I can see, you know, my spirit going. And sometimes
in my dream I'll wake up, and I see everything right in front of me, (2:10). what is
happening while I'm dreaming, but my eyes are opened, and I can see it. Would that
be related to these, this setup that I made, with the Cup of Man, or that has nothing to
do with these?
(MK) Did it happen before you make the Cup of Man?
(FH) No.
(MK) You got your answer.
Next question.

Q: (BM) Hi. Good evening or good morning, Mr. Keshe.

(MK) Where are you from? Well, I'm from Grass Valley California, my name is
Bryce, like Bryce Canton.
(MK) Are you still alive in that California, with all the things going on?
(BM) Luckily through about 3 weeks ago, my friend who had been playing with your
things for the last 5 years, was listening to a workshop and he called me over, and I
knew he was doing things with it. We're still here in Nevada County, we are in a
forest, so we're more protected than the city. Given the patterns, it seems to be and...
I... I've had a lot of things happen to me, since he introduced me to it right before the
day of a quarantine, when they called in to say, you got to stay home. And for 45
years of my life, I didn't understand why I was on the planet, and I was just grieving
the whole time doing, just inner... deep, inner work, if you want to call it that. And
then, I realized why I'm here. It's my sole purpose to support the Foundation, (2:12)
and I've spent a lot of time and energy just trying to gather, and get ready for this for
my county. And I've had many things happen and I'm... I... I... I'm not familiar with
the education. But I feel like I'm remembering, and I'm wanting to build a bridge from
my own process in the last 15 years, of so many things that have happened to me,
epiphanies, and big openings, and why I'm here. And I do have specific mundane
questions, but to build a bridge to everything you've said. I've just been focused on
realizing that, I'm not me and I'm not... I... "I am that I am." And I've just been one of
those souls, that my... my beliefs are what's in the way, and emotions that are stuck in
the body, are in the way, and I've had a great teacher to help me with that, in-cellular
memory release, and my life makes sense now, with all the things I've done, and
getting very real with the darkness inside my own Soul, and healing, and tranStar
Formationorming, the inner fragments. And seeing how, writing very deep in contrast,
as an addict, and things like that. So, I... I... I don't want to dump everything on you,
but at the same time, I feel like I have a lot of insights about the situation, and about
things, and I'm trying to build this bridge, of what has occurred to me. I called out to
you, one night when my friend, my friend I actually thought he was bailing on me. He
was gonna... not help me and I got scared and I had a new little puppy. And I was
calling out to you from my heart, and I felt guided. (2:14). And I started to make
things and... and then I suffered a tragedy with the little dog. I had spilled the lye on
the floor, and... and in that second, I was gonna clean it up, and my mind said no, go...
you can go... because I... I was being vigilant, trying to hurry, not understanding that I
didn't need to be in a hurry. And... I lost my little puppy very tragically, which was a
major shock of... of consciousness that really showed me, I'm not my mind. And I'm
just my heart, and... I'm wanting to serve my county. And... I started to spend a lot of
monopoly money, because I feel for some reason, I guess I have clairvoyance, if that
makes sense. I didn't understand it. But... I'd had events happen, where I saw my dad,
before he was gonna... before he fell in... He... he died. I actually saw the event 10
minutes prior. I've had a few of those things happen. And I've had someone tell me I
have a big pineal gland, and I didn't know. I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't know
what this was, but it's all starting to make sense to me. Somehow I have senses for
things, and you're teaching them, and you being a teacher is something that is really
important to me, right now. And I'm just wanting to do the best I can to... with no
fear, to... to embrace this work. And... and I didn't know what I was doing. And I
accidentally, inoculated myself with the virus, and so Rick was helping me a few days
ago, on Monday. You know, I said, well, I've got to get going, (2:16). I've got to
make everything. But I... it's almost like... I don't know why I did that. I just, it was an
accident, I put the salted water, that was absorbing the virus, actually in my body, and
I felt the radiation and heat throughout my body. And I feel the fields, I feel the
magnetic fields. I'm sensitive to the electric fields, so that's another big part... there's...
of my existence, that I wasn't aware of, for these years. and I've always been seeking
vitality. I've always... I've always asked, there's got to be a simple truth to how all of
life works. And it's really simple, and at all levels, I want to understand, all levels of
cellular consciousness. And... and so, I've arrived here. Anyway, there's a lot of stuff,
I would love to share with you, but I also have important questions. And... and I know
there's other people who have questions. And I'm just trying to find my place here. I
was trying to get in touch with you guys. And it was hard to donate money. The
website was having issues, but I am... I'm committed to the work and I just want to
thank you for being here for me. I don't even know what to say. I just really appreciate
everything. And at this point I'm making... I'm making the Cups, the 1st and 2nd Cup,
I haven't made the twin. I haven't made the Cup of Man, but I wanted to create like a
guidebook for my county. Like really simple. Because the information is wonderful.
But I... I... I really have had to pull from a lot of resources. And I wanted to be able to
create something simple to hand out to people, as I help them. (2:18). And I didn't
know if that was okay to do, or a good idea. I wasn't sure about safety or issues with
doing it, but I just wanted to do it. So it was okay. Could I ask several questions very
quickly? That are really...

(MK) Ask one at a time, and we'll try to answer you a couple.
(BM) Try to what?
(MK) I said, ask 1 or 2 questions and then we go to the others. They have questions.
(BM) Okay. Your wife or Carolina mentioned that there should be 1 to 2 centimeters
of GANS in a liter and I think a name, that George pointed out well, that it depends on
the size of the bottle, so I was wanting to get clarity on.
(MK) You see, we don't need to measure what. It just depends. Some of you...
(BM) I was... I was wondering if she was constraining to the size of the mason jar, to
the diameter of a mason jar.
(MK) No, it's just whatever it is. You know Caroline. Caroline can get hold of
anything and make GANSes in it. As long as can contain water and salt, and
something can hang in it. The...
(BM) How thick should be on the bottom, then for...
(MK) No, there is nothing. These are the questions which, we passed a long time ago.
We don't need... these things, are questions, it should not be. It's not there. I've had the
reminder from the Keshe Foundation China that please use to Keshe Foundation
Wiki, Keshe Foundation for any knowledge and the contacts you need, or any
questions you might have. And... it is, what we call, understanding of the process. If
you need any help, any questions it's been laid out very, very clearly. If you need to.
(BM) I've printed out everything off the Wiki. I've read through everything and I
listened to 111. So I... I... when I heard her say, that about the thickness of the layer
before you pour the water...
(MK) These things... This is what I said, this is till last week. From this week on we...
you... we concentrate and understand and work of the Soul, and the transition to a new
dimension. We've given you the tools to do it. And every other discussion which we
see in the background, how many twists, what color, what measure, what cup, this is
all irrelevant to where we are. We are looking at the... This is what I've been telling
for weeks to the Knowledge Seekers, look at the fields your systems make, and what
interaction you make with it. Many people I've seen they say, "Oh, we made the Cup
1 and it... it... worked for 2 days, or 2 weeks, and then it stopped, or the day I made
the second Cup, the first Cup stopped. You got to understand, these Cups are, and
within them, there is a cycle of life, there's a Soul.
(BM) Yes. I understand.

(MK) And... so the interaction with your Soul, (2:22). they decide you need it or not.
Is there a need for it or not. We had in the Iranian teaching, Dr. Asadi, last Monday,
explained something very beautifully. We... We have a well known, even known in
the West, in the Iranian culture, a scientist and he... he traveled all over, whatever, and
Dr. Asadi was telling us, whenever he entered a place and saw a rise in the... in the
disease, that were prevalent in that city, he looked for the herbs, which are growing in
that place and why they're growing so much of it. In a way, the earth was giving the
solution, giving the gift to the man, "this is what you need to use for your illnesses,
for your weaknesses." In a way, it was a GANS of life, and he used that material, in
that place, to... in a way, to cure the people. He understood the ecology of the Soul of
the planet giving to the Soul of the Man, in that position, which it created. There is
something which, that mankind has never understood. (Can you close your
microphone please?) There's something mankind has never understood, and that is
earth is a living thing, and it looks after its citizens. Is a caring mother, and it gives, it
feels every need of every life on it. It's not just man. If you have a dog, if you have a
cat, if you have a bird, they go... they're meat eaters. For example a dog, it goes for
certain herbs, (2:24). in the garden and he eats from it, at the certain point in his life,
of the year. How does that grows there, that the dog needs to know, that is there for
him to consume for what he needs?

In so many ways, in the Cup of Man, we have given you, that caring earth, that caring
life. In how, it's still, is the same earth, it's the same soil, but it allows the growth to
protect, to guide the man to the solution, to salvage or to save his life. It's for man to
find the herb, not for the herb to knock on the man, use me, and this is what you've
got to understand. The questions that, where do we put things? How do we put it? Do
I put a piece of Bible in it? Now or a Koran in, or God knows what in it. This shows
that the man still needs something to have, to share on to. We got rid of the statues,
but we kept the temple of statue in our heart.

(BM) Mr. Keshe, I go, I've gone out to the forest a lot and I've had alchemy, things
happen to me where, I just, my body moves into things and I would just grab things,
and put things, and I would do food formulations, like what you talk about just from
my heart, just because my body would be like a pendulum.
(MK) You have to be careful you don't pick up the wrong mushroom.
(BM) That's in a good book I read from a guy whose diet I learned, about all this, a lot
of stuff. But yes, no, I... I've trusted where I've... I've worked with things, (2:26). and
I didn't know why I was doing it, but I, my heart knew... So I... I... I understand what
you're saying with, with that.
(MK) Thank you very much. Can we give the microphone to some other people to ask
questions? Thank you very much for coming in. Thank you indeed.
(RC) Thank you, Bryce.
(BM) Thank you. (RC) We've got... let me see...

(WL) Hi, sorry, can I ask a question Mr. Keshe? (MK) Hi Wang Lin. (WL) Hi. Hi,
Mr. Keshe. Actually some Chinese has question, they asked, they want to know what
you're talking about March 21st 2021. He is asking, is that the day you're going to
leave, or... ? (MK) You will understand. soon
(WL) Okay. And, I have, myself have another question. It's like I visited my parents,
and I made a Cup of Man in front of my mom, and I have the intention that's, that's...
it's the Cup for her, and I, and of course, that's the first Cup of Man I made, and after I
finished, I asked my mom to give the best wish to the Cup. So it's... I don't know, is
that the Cup of a Man belong to me or belong to my mom.
(MK) You are the creator, so she can choose. But you have to understand, the Cup of
Man has to be upright, not flat. The Soul of the Man works vertical, and operates in a
vertical, physical condition, but a horizontal Soul condition. (2:28). So you have to
decide which, and how you want to tranStar Formationorm it. And when they choose,
especially when you set a Cup of Life, has to be positioned in a position, and a
distance according to the position of the "Soul of the Universe," not the Soul of the
Man. These will... you'll find very soon. Those who get the, what we call, the
measurement right, will see directly into the horizon of the universe. You... you, see
the... the religious people, they shake, as I explained this before, rock, to find
elevation of point interaction between the Soul of the Man and the Soul of

To get into the dimension of the Universal Community, universal dimension, the work
is different. There is no vibration. Understanding the position and understanding the
expansion of the fields. If you look at the size of a man, the position of the Soul, and
the position of the heart, you will see the characteristics of the generosity, or the
meanness of the man, the behavior. When I see a man, I don't look at the physicality.
In an automatic way, I assess the two positions, and I know what man I'm dealing
with. Because, if you think of it, in a very simple way, (2:30). If you think of it
and understand it the way I have, the shape of the finger, the shape of the toe, the
shape of an arm, gives every knowledge you need to know about a person. The height
of the neck, and everything else gives you every indication of, in fact, what kind of
person you are dealing with. Mankind, soon will understand this, because your
physicality is so important to you. When I see the fingers, the shape of them, the way
they do, the way they stand, gives me what person I have in front of me. When you
see the space gap between the Soul, and the way they bend and they move when they
are with you, gives you the intention. Caroline says, it's embarrassing with going out
with you anywhere, you know exactly what they think, and what they are, and what
they want to do, and you still stand it, and play fool with them.

If you understand this, and now get a Cup of Life, or a Cup of Man, remember the
height the position. (2:32). How you centralize it, is it off-center? How you made it,
will give every indication what your Soul needs to receive, to bring that balance into
it. I've given you a copy of yourself, to be built by yourself, with the basic structure of
the material of yourself. If you look at the bottom of, (somebody says, do we have
sound, yes, I hope so, I can hear myself on the other phone) When you have the Cup
of Life, as I said before look at the shape here, it tells you a lot, even if you look at it,
you know about the health of your Soul. But you're not knowledgeable. And it's "Oh,
look at the ring there, look at that, have your watched it centralizes to the top?" Isn't
that selfishness? Self's matter? Shouldn't that not to be there? It tells you, your
behavior. It tells you who you are. It tells you how you see your Soul (? self). And
you move this Cup a few millimeters up and down, and you see what happens to you.
When you make a Cup and you let them to bless it, to give their souls to it, it's theirs.
(2:34). I lived in China for 2 years, and I haven't seen this elusive mother yet, so I
don't know if she exists. But, if you look at it, you gotta see what she makes with that

When you see people, just... just those of you who've been with me and around me, I
always tell you to fist your finger, and then open up. And with one look at your hand,
I know what is your expectation of life and me. It's so simple, because it carries
everything which comes from the Soul. I know your emotions, I know your ...
everything which you want for me not to know, I see in the hand, and I see in the
Soul. And then it tells me how much you're honest with yourself, and how much you
are prepared to understand. If you look at hand of a person, you know everything
about the person. If... you know she's a lover, she loves to be loved, she's a betrayer,
she's a cheat, she's stealing, or she's giving, (2:36). or she's a mother who's good to
have children with. The same with a man, because you find the match in so many
ways, you understand it.

One of the first things people ever come to me, without them knowing, I look at their
hands, the way they stand, and the position of their fingers. I know the desire, walking
miles away; what they expect. Nothing is hidden, if you understand it. If you look at
the position of the man, the neck, the heart, the brain, the Soul of the Man, you
understand the man miles before they come in. But we always say, we know the
intention, but we do not interfere with the intention, because there's a purpose in that
intention. In the universe we don't follow with the shape, we follow with the Soul.
You can give any shape to the physicality, because within understanding of that, you
can change the shape to what you like. If your partner allows you to.

Mankind soon will fall in love with the souls of the Universe Community. It's the
same as what you do here in the physical life of the man. But you'll find out in the
Universe, you never lose, your twin love. Because he's made by the link in the
dimension of physical life of the man, (2:38). due to the food the man consumes, this
changes. In the universe, we are on a balanced fields, never die. You heard the
terminology, "diamonds forever?" That exists in the universe when you fall in love.
You can invite the love to any dimension you enter, then you have to accept it to
shape... take shape in that dimension, if it loves to. This is what we call, the Adam and
Eve and the apple. The apple is accepting the position of condition, of the physical
confirmation. You put physicality to it. When you take a bite of the apple, it means
the Soul accepts that condition in that position. Try to understand a lot of things,
which has been said in the man's life, and then you understand how much true
knowledge has been given to mankind over time by those who've been there travelers
of the universe, and they have changed it to things that the man can understand it. We
say in English, "Let me translate it for you." It means, I make it the way I like, for you
to understand it. Then, you become a prophet, because then, they come with the
emotion that you understood. (2:40). As the gentleman said, "Mr. (?) said this," so,
now you tranStar Formationer that knowledge. But if you understand the term of the
language, you don't need to.
Any other question?

So what happened to your mom, has she changed since you made the cup?
(WL) Ah, I don't know, but I feel she's more willing to call me, and I feel she's more
calm. I don't know.

(MTK) Yeah, because you've got to understand, people find the balance. You see, as I
explained before, it's a very simple thing. We... we had two choices with the human
race, and this choice was, in a way, to write off this planet, which was considered
many times, or find a solution. I spent here 40, 50 years to find that solution, before
we applied the final phase, because it's too much mess. And what we found out, over
past years is that, the planet is beautiful, it just doesn't have a right base mixture, in so
many ways. But this base mixture has interfered with the physical and the Soul of its
creatures together. We had to find a way to bring that balance, that we could keep the
beauty of the planet and its creatures. (2:42). And long time understanding came to,
quite simple, we bring a new reference point that everybody starts from. That is in
addition to the planetary system, but now, everything is peaceful. This is what we've
done. This is what mankind will understand out of my mission on this planet. I
brought a new understanding, a new level, that, in that process, you all start from a
peaceful being, and through it, you create a new dimension on this planet. In a way,
we've made the Corona for this planet, that the surface moves to a new dimension,
and that new dimension allows peaceful coexistence, and end of wars. We brought
this in very slow steps over the past 10 or 15 years, through many, many ways without
you knowing. And this Corona, brought us to release it, but in a way, when you look
at it, Corona was, maybe was part of, what would have happened, it was a Corona or
something else, to make it as a whole for humanity to start from that zero platform, no
crime, no need for money, nothing else as our friend said in Canada, and government
in Australia, suddenly found money to keep everybody calm. So we don't need that
money, we don't need that to calm us, we have to find a new way of trading, that
instead of paying people, we open the shops, people come and take what they like. I
enjoy to go in the shop and serve people, I don't want to steal, it's there for you to
take, if you need it, if you enjoyed, bring it back when you finished with that item.

So, we found out, this thing here, we had... we had to make a new platform, in a way,
(2:44). we have to find a new layer for this planet, that, from this layer, which did not
exist, a new existence starts in a peaceful manner. In a way, we had to find a bridge, a
gel, something that it gives us that new surface, that new level. It's like when you live
on the sea level, you will behave different, when you go to a higher level, in a, in a
forest you feel good, you feel totally different and you want to be there. So the fool,
what call, the "feel good" factor is the forest level let's say. So we have to find that
forest level, that is for every creature on this planet, and we have delivered that in the
Cup of 1, and the Cup of 2. So, all of you as human race start with equal platform in
solar strength. Once you understand this. From this week it will be spread across the
mosques and temples across the world, be it even the churches. By doing this we
bring the balance level to the whole of humanity. You will see GANS waters of the
Cup of Life, and Cup of Man will be washing the planet by fields, or by matter state.
So, we have raised this level. And when you reach this level with the sincerity of the
Soul of its citizens, then mankind starts a new cycle of peace, prosperity and becomes
part of the Universal Community. We took, with all the education we did, all of you
do, from Amazon to White House, to Beijing, to the palaces of Iran and the others, we
have brought mankind to one level, (2:46). and we took this animal-ness out of
human race.

You will see and you'll change as of today. It will take time, but it's taking shape and
it started. Now, because we have satiStar Formationied this, many of you enter the
dimension of the realm of understanding of your Soul. And that's why, I said to you,
the teaching from today is post-Corona, because we finished with Corona. We used
the Corona for you to understand the pain and the suffering of it, and the faster the
human race moves out of it, is their decision and their governments. And this is now,
where we see, there'll be no more war, because we raised the Soul level to that.

Now, we had to get rid of those who created the war, and you will see the end of
Rothschild's. Rothschild's family will be paying so heavy for what they've done. We
took the love of God from those who shook hand them, let alone them. No family has
done so much crime in this planet, then this lot. We'll make sure the name never exists
on the pages of the universe, let alone on this planet, and their cronies like Gates, like
Rockefellers, who came through the same path, like the kingdom of England and the
rest kings. You have wealth, your wealth has to become a tool to bring peace to the
others, not to control. The minute you crossed that line, you'll be served so heavily
from now on, that you wish you would, ever could ... never even think of it. We took
the punishment away from the physical life of the man, (2:48). and we brought it to
be prosperity and peace to the Soul of the Man. This is what all these teachings was
about, this is what we came here to do it.

We needed a some certain numbers, to create a certain amount of field that the
interaction will create the platform of equal, and the balance, and we achieved it,
sometimes, round about January of 2018. We knew we have reached the balance
point. The rest was just to strengthen and top it up, strengthen and top it up, that it
stands. In June 2019, we reached the point of plus. This is why in 2018 plus, I start
teaching about the Soul of the Man in a very radical way. Because now it was, the
ground was getting built up. The same in 2019, we started structuring the next step,
and with Corona we have reached, now we can bring that elevation of the man to live
through his Soul. You cannot do it overnight. You have to be able to keep a social
structure, a pleasure to live, a pleasure to be at home, and go out if you want to go out
and then go and help a little bit in the shop, I'll go and look after some sick people,
and I'll come back, not because I need the money, I'm well paid and looked after by
my nation. You go to the council, "you gave me all these gifts, (2:50). is there
anything you want me to do, I'm a teacher, I'm a doctor where do you want me to
serve, because you covered my needs." How many of you Canadians and Australians
have done that? How many of you say, "Oh, thank you, now I've got the money, I
live," picked up the phone and call your community, says, "you gifted me, your
government, what can I do? I'm a scientist, I'm a teacher, I'm a cleaner. Where do you
want me to work, where do you want me to give some of my time back to you?" This
is how the change of the cycle of life will come, you will see it. There won't be a list
of jobless, there will be list of jobs need to be lessened, and then you'll understand.
You'll be fighting to get a job to go to do, then fighting a job to get to live. It's the job
of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in Canada, especially in Canada and
Australia. Call your government, call the American government and ask them, tell
them, "you have given me the gift, now I have enough to live, you covered me, what
can I do? What do you want me to do? I have a knowledge with a GANS, if you want
I can help you, and help the others not to get it. But what, what does the government
want me to do?" How many of you have done that? Or you said, "oh, thank you, it
was a free gift." They have created a condition for you to live. And this will be the
new cycle that you'll see the opening up. What do you think the response from your
government will be, when many people come and say, "I want to clean. I'm not
looking for a job, but I have something else, I want to do, I have a free time, I can do
this. Give me a job. You look after me, (2:52). I want to put back in the society."

The changes have come. You have to be wise to see it. You have to be wise to bring it
up for the others to see it. How come out of nowhere, suddenly, so much money
appeared? Nothing. It has no value. It's just digits on the computer. And this is what
the Rothschild's and Gates did not understand. They thought, those has any value!
Anybody, any person who serves, and will serve, or has served under the Rothschild's
banner, in any of their companies, organizations, in any shape or form, or any of the
Illuminati's, kingdom of England and Belgium's, and other kingdoms. Those who
served through Bill Gates, through his clandestine activities. you all will find two
points. You start balancing your books, with yours, and your families, and the rest.
You created a war, and created loss of a child, look what the souls will set with your
child and you. Don't live out of the fear, put the wrongs right, but the right way, not
out of the fear. You will see many of the Rothschild's banking and operation will
come to an end. People will walk away from it because you elevate their Soul. They
don't want to be in the position that so much is lost, because they lose. You have to
understand. You Canadians, you Australians, call your governments, say, (2:54). "we
want to serve, what can we do? You're looking after me, I'm getting paid, I don't need
to sit at home. Even it's quarantine, I'm prepared to do it."
I was talking to Dr. Rodrigo, I mentioned that in last couple of days, a few days ago,
and Dr. Rodrigo says, "do you know Mr. Keshe, my city is clean we have no Corona
cases. I taught everybody in the village, in the town, and we are locked down, but we
are safe, we walk around, all happy." He served his community, and now, they see the
fruit of it, pleasure of being part of.

We see the same in Iran. We see the same in China, we see the same all over the
Keshe Foundation supporters, who literally went out to help out, have helped and set
up the seed for the next generation. They have created this platform we've been
looking for. If you look into the media of Iran the word 'plasma', in past three weeks,
has become like a water, liquid, everywhere comes out plasma. Why? Because the
government is ready to announce a breakthrough in the plasma technology, which has
been brought by the Keshe Foundation. It will elevate the Soul of the Iranians, and
elevates across the world as it spreads for the rest of the humanity. We are not looking
for a few supporters who run the aids, and the other lines in Iran. We are looking for
the souls, which have raised in their level, that raises the Soul of the nation, and then
the world. No one can take the foundation to ransom. No one. No woman, no man, no
child. Because, (2:56). we give it to the Soul of the nation, we gave it to the Soul of
humanity. And those who are feeble they think they sit in a position of power, they
will suffer heavily from theirs, exactly how they build it. But we don't do, we elevate
their Soul.

I close the Keshe Foundation Corona Farsi section very soon, because it has served its
purpose, doesn't need. The nation has gone on to recover. There is no Corona, so why
do we need to keep it? Step by step, as you conquer your nations, you serve your
nation, we close the Corona section off, all these Chats will disappear. Farsi Corona
will be the first one to be done, because now we have reached the point, with the help
of those souls who served the Foundation, not souls who came to dominate the
Foundation. You will understand.

The same in Italy, in France, in Germany, in America. To you, you're still in tangles
of the Corona, to us, the Corona is over, because through it, we have elevated you.
We have shown you how to go level up, the flood is on this step, we have told you to
stand there, it cannot touch you, We have shown you the elevation of your Soul,
(2:58). Soul of Physicality will not take a position to be in danger. We've served in a
very simple way, without you knowing. In a way, you served without you knowing.
All these GANS pots, all these GANS glasses, all these Cup of Life, you forgot this.
(Where is it? There.) Your Cup in New York, made of the same Cu and it's connected
to the one in Iran, and has the same link as the one in Beijing, and the rest. We have
connected you without you knowing, through the "displacion" ** of Cup of Life. We
made our ring. We made a full progress without you knowing. That's why we kept on
telling you, make the Cup of Life, make the Cups, make the GANSes. Was the
saturation of the fields of the planet, then, with the cups, which you made millions of
it, has become saturation of the Soul the Man.
Now we start fresh, we start with a peaceful planet. We start with a new cycle of life
on this planet. You see, (3:00). it took something very, very strange for very, very
strange people to understand the strange behavior of their government. Rick says, was
very strange, suddenly the government of Canadian government looking after
everyone, giving the people suddenly so much money to be comfortable. Why?
Because the leader of the nation felt the pain of loss, his wife went through it. Gates
team deliberately contaminated Prime Minister of Canada's family, to take him to
ransom. But it brought him out as a man. He felt the pain, he felt what's gonna
happen. You think when you put a prime minister of a country in a room with his
wife, not knowing if she survives, what he loves so much. It brings a lot of wisdom.
He's... understands the suffering. And you've seen the reaction to his nation. No one
should suffer. Now the Canadians understand why they received a gift, because the
man on the top understood the feeling of a loss, the pain. No position as a Prime
Minister and the wealth, could bring his wife back, and keep the mother of his
children. Then he understood and he brought that to his nation. (3:02). Now you
know why, suddenly, out of nowhere, Canada came to this position. The other world
leaders hid and ran. He had nowhere to run, boxed in the room, watching his wife
dying, and then he understood, then reflected that back in his nation. The same you
will see in other nations, as they go through this transition. But, at that point, you'll
understand more and more.

Something very strange will happen in Europe, main chain stores become the main
source of food, for governments to give food to people. Carrefour, Tesco ALDI,
LIDL, they'll become government organizations in the bank, to support feeding the
nation. Walmart. As Caroline was saying, now we understand why there had so many
coffins stored in Walmart warehouses. Gates planned everything immaculately to the
end, but, except he get kicked, the way he got kicked 2 days ago. If you go into the
archives, (3:04). look few months go, a year ago, people are reporting, why Walmart
is keeping so many coffins. Now we know. We saw the same thing before the war in
Iraq and 9/11. Long before. In England they start making coffins, body bags in

We saw the wars which the Vatican planned in 2013/14, placing the largest order for
gun production in the company known in Italy. Why a church pays for the gun? Why
does Vatican has to purchase so many guns, for what? Does God have an army? Or
Vatican is a financial organization, organizing wars to make money out of it, which is
acceptable and it's correct. Vatican, church of Vatican is not Church of God, is a
church of murder. How many wars they have incited? And why should the church
pays for arms? Who have they got to fight with? Army of God. Or their own lucrative
pedophile activities to be protected? Now you understand. In raising the Soul of the
Man to the new levels, (3:06)they will walk out with it, and you will hear a lot of
confessions from the priests.
John Paul protected the pedophile, the new Vatican will open the books of them. The
suffering of children from childhood in the hand of the priests has come to an end.
They close the churches. The same in every other path of belief. Because man is wise
now, will become peaceful, and in that peacefulness, in you, up to now, went to
church to pray for the Soul of the Christ, now give to the Soul of the priest when you
see him, and you'll find out very soon, he'll make the confession, not you. You'll
understand soon. You'll pray, the way you pray for Billy Soul, once you finish with
him, pray and give to the Soul of the priests, and Mullahs, and Ayatollahs and the rest.
Those who have served the nation will shine. Those who abused the nation and
mankind, you will see to their own confession. We don't need to harm no one. Try to
understand why we did, and how we did it and what is to come. It will come bright.
The future for human race from today is bright, for those who find the path to their
own Soul and nothing else. (3:08).

Any other question?

(AB) Good morning, Mr. Keshe.

(MK) Good afternoon, Dr. Azar.
(AB) Mr. Keshe, you mentioned that some entities from Universal Community were
helping the people involved, like the Rothschild, those... How did that happen? I
mean, aren't they supposed to be peaceful and then how did that happen?
(MK) You see, let me... it's very simple, extremely simple. Their support to mankind
has not come only in one way, or the other. Didn't come just by the prophets, didn't
come just by the scientists. Some of the friends from Universal Community saw the
work of the Rothschild's, for example, as a way to help the humanity. The way the
Mosses stole the Commandments on the way down the hill to benefit himself, so did
the Rothschild's, and people like him. And this happens all the time. We don't come
up with knowledge on the table on the streets, and then god knows, markets, we
facilitate to elevate. And these people we're done that way. The way Moses saw the
light, or the Muhammad, to guide the Soul of the Man, (3:10). and Moses stole some,
because he wanted different thing, Rothschild's went through the same process. They
received enlightenment, but they abused the enlightenment. So we serve... when we
say we take the love of God from a bloodline, or a person, means we give, we take
away from them, what we gave them, and they crumble.

In the recent past, in the history of the Keshe Foundation you've seen it. We brought
people, we gave them the Knowledge of Universe, for them to be the mouth of the
knowledge, and then they thought they are everything, and they've abused it, and we
took it away from them. Have you seen them around in past years? When people
come, the souls come to serve the humanity, and we give them the gift, and when they
abuse it, we take the gift away. Simple as that, so they go back to crumbles. Where is
Dr. Eliya Kostova? What happened to her? We gave the gift, gift was abused, it's
taken away. The same where you sit, that cafe where I sit with the king, the gift was
given to a woman there, she abused it, was taken away. And I've said to both
members, receiving the Soul, do not abuse it, understand it, and grow the love of man
within it. Mankind needs to be loved, which means to be given. (3:12). Rothschild's
were given a gift, the way we saw, like the Canadian government, to create the
wealth, to look after the others, to bring prosperity, and they saw it as a point of
power. So, we've taken away from them. And those who collaborated with them. You
will see. When there is no more war, Rothschild made their base on the war, so they
will go, and those who work within it.

It is to understand. Any of you, any human race, or anybody from anywhere in the
universe, when you receive so much, you give more. And that's where, what we call,
the elevation comes from. Few years ago, I mentioned this somewhere. Few years ago
the Iranian government noticed there is a mass movement in Tehran, one of the, what
we call, the dealers in the market, in Tehran, having a very small store, dealing in tea
and sugar died. Nobody ever knew him, he was a small store man, and by coincidence
and his name is Tavakoli. And they saw a lot of people are moving in black, they
thought there is a revolution, they followed them, what is going on? But they're
peaceful. Thousands of people went to the funeral of a tea man nobody knew. How?
What they found out, for national security report, (3:14). was very interesting. This
tea man took all his profit and gave to people, for their children to educate, for them
to start a business to move out of poverty, for them to have an operation they couldn't
afford. And when he helped people, he told them to shop from this one, because he
helped the butcher to start a butcher shop. Go to this doctor, because he helped a child
to become the doctor. And he built a massive thousands of people, what they call,
devotees. Nobody... ([Italian] Excuse me, Rick. These Italians are everywhere again.)
And this has become. This is how the man should live. Nobody knew about it, and
thousands went to the funeral of the true man. The, the, the funds to live, the thing to
live is there. How you use it to elevate the others, and why we come to the point that
there is not, because it means we have to learn something from it, there is a point of
elevation. Until we don't elevate, that point doesn't move.

Recently we saw a letter written by, what we call, Richard, the guy in Australia,
creating a very funny things, written in the name of me and Dr. Rodrigo, saying how
we've fallen apart, and this, and that, and all lies, to put out, to show, now that he's...
that we have exposed him, (3:16). that he's a crook, he is a deceptor, and he was
building this image to go out with. And I spoke with Dr. Rodrigo, I send him a copy, I
said, you see how Richard is in heap of it? He's deviousness, as a name of a fake
doctor has appeared, and people are realizing, should not touch him? And it's very
interesting when you read that letter he's written, and he's put another name to it, and
it's a name of me and Dr. Rodriguez, who he is devoted to helping humanity and
works with Foundation so closely. These souls don't have room to exist. And the
beauty of it he has addressed it to himself, Richard. That somebody is sent it to me
(him). And now we see, the whole of Australian group are cutting off from him, his
deviousness, especially in Brazil and in US has opened up, using the name of others
to harm people and stealing. And then, the funny thing is, he uses the name of Keshe
Foundation. What "closery" ** You don't even have the ethos of the foundation, let
alone the dust and the shoe of the workers in Iran. People like this attach themselves
to find, to rob other souls, and you have to be wise and elevate. The problem is not
with us, (3:18). the problem is finding a balance between the Soul and the
physicality, and those whose can't find it, they come up with all devious activities.

We seen it in past few days in the Iranian Keshe Foundation. Ego... Taking... Now
that the foundation has become succesStar Formationul in eradicating, by those who
the ego has become the more than their shoes. For us it's a push on the button, they
don't exist. Man should never be proud of his achievement. Man should be proud in
what he has facilitated for the others to achieve, and if mankind understand this,
mankind has become true man. Try to understand what Life is about, not for you to
exist, for what you create to allow other to exist to enjoy life.
Any other question? (3:20).

(RC) Some people with their hands up here. Alvaro, would you like to go ahead?
(AL) Hi Rick. Hi, Mr. Keshe. Here from Brazil, thank you very much! Mr. Keshe, I
would like to ask you about the evolution of this virus situation in the world,
especially here in Brazil, since the authorities here are not taking this virus seriously.
So I'd like if you can give us a general view of the virus situation, what you foresee in
the next couple of weeks if you can, sir? Thank you very much!
(MK) We are in post-Corona. You have to understand what your leaders are
expecting, yeah. And what they expect to deliver. Is not that the Brazilian government
does not do anything. The Brazilian government has no... I have to be very careful.
You see in Brazil your leadership knows about the work of the Foundation, knows
how they can do it, know how to apply the GANSes. We met with your ministers, we
met with what you call, the officials. (3:22). It's not the lack of knowledge, and we
have seen in a very recent past one of your Brazilians who is connected to your
structure inside was sick in America, they knew who to call and get support for his
Corona. Which was responded immediately by the American Team. So, what we see,
we are not concerned, we are more concerned about the post-Corona, which will
come in the next few weeks. Because what we've done across the planet will show up
itself in the next few days, few weeks that will solve that problem. We have take the
governing out of the hand of those who were elected, to the Soul of those who are
devoted, and this is what you have to understand. How many of you in Brazil are
making Cups? How many of you people are delivering it? How many of you are
going in the depth of understanding more of? We have a test, we have a beautiful test,
and I look at it as a fantastic test. What Belgians have put on the Internet about us,
gives those who have understanding of the bigger picture, and those who are a slave
to the humanity, and their pictures and documents. And we see those who understand
the serving of the humanity, what it does. Don't care what the smallest nation, the
smallest pedophile in the world has ever done. There is a very, very strong old saying
and use my language in a very specific way. These people, everything with them is
small, that's why they became pedophiles. To prove they are bigger, from the brain
and everything else. (3:24).

So it's with the leaders of the nations, everything with them is small, and some of
them could not even imagine they could be president one day. The office is big, but
the understanding of the man very little, stuck in the time when he was born. The new
generation of the world leaders will come from the young, from those who
understand, are proactive, and they bring the new condition like the prime minister of
Canada. The understanding will come from inside, not from the office. And in Brazil,
I've been in Brasilia a couple of times in past few months, and it's very, very clear,
isolated, what we call, capital, in the middle of nowhere, which has no interaction
with reality. And on top of it you put another person who already had no interaction
with reality, you make a dreamland come true, whatever you want to dream, nothing
exists beyond my door. Brasilia is out of touch with the rest of Brazil, with reality.
And those who run that city, and that country through that city are more far away
from the reality. Build up, made-up city in a made-up position, everything about it is
fake. The power should live within people, amongst people, not isolated and
insulated. (3:26).

In Brazil you have a huge problem, and the problem comes from the way you have
structured your capital. There is no point of reality. And then, it goes on the hand of
those who understand the reality and the points. And goes down to mainly the
Knowledge Seekers who are, so many of them, so many of them and so active. You
have one of the most beautiful foundation organizations in the world. With us coming
to Brazil it opened up itself and it's shining like a star. Two people took you to ransom
and shut it down for them to be, and do you see them, do you hear them anymore?
One thinking colonialism was their right, and 20 million can ride 220 million, and the
other one thinking, 'access to me, was the thing to put everybody else out.' Where are
these people? Have you hear from them anywhere? Brazil, you have a beautiful Keshe
Foundation Team, you have a beautiful structure.

Now our company is registered in Brazil, you will see the Keshe Foundation very,
very active in the coming weeks. The final stage is completed, and hopefully our team
in Brazil, we will return to Brazil once the airports open. Brazil is one of our
priorities. Then we'll work through the people. And till that time you, it's your
responsible to look after for your people. (3:28). Teach as much as you can, spread as
much as you can. Don't get entangled in color and the paints of the Cup or the GANS.
You have three things in there, and there can be nothing else, but what we put in
there. You have 2 Cu and 1 Zinc, or you have 3 Coppers, what else can you get out of
there? So the rest of what you get, it depends on your emotion and how you made it,
because it's a live system, and what materials and what conditions you created inside,
The sooner the Keshe Foundation Chat rooms walks away from showing Cups and
wires, and it start talking about the feelings and how the emotion of the Cups comes,
and how they can elevate the others, the sooner we move to the other level. We have a
very good say, we, we're still stuck in the bend of the street as you called it. [Iranian]
They're just, the turn is there, we haven't made the turn, so we can't see the roads,
what's ahead of us and the turning. In Brazil you don't need to look outside, look
inside. Expand the Keshe Foundation, expand the teachings to the, to the nation, the
way you've done in Amazon and the rest of it, and it'll grow on its own. Sao Paulo is
busy with the hospital, the, Dr. Adma is there, Dr. Adma and all of you. I see the
Brazilian chat Keshe Foundation, you are very busy. You're extremely busy. I look at
some 30 odd, maybe plus Keshe Foundation Corona Teams. Yours and Iran is like a
bullet. You're very active, you've brought all many people on. (3:30). You even,
some time passed the Iranians, because the Iranians have gone to the past Corona,
they helped a lot, there's a lot of people there, and in the coming weeks, by next
Friday, hopefully, you will see a new dimension in Iran. Not through the government,
but through the effort of the Keshe Foundation itself, without any support from the
Keshe Foundation team in Europe.

In Iran, we work in 4 or 5 new fronts now, and we don't let no one knows about the
other, because in case anything, we're still strengthening the arms. When it's
completed, when it need be, we bring everything together. The same as in Brazil. In
Brazil you are very active, you're extremely active, and keep it that way, you're doing
a beautiful job. Since we took your slave masters as Universal Council member away
from you, you start flourishing. You were still enslaved in Keshe Foundation, by
those sitting in, in Portugal, and we were told, "they have to listen to us, we own
them." And I thought, what? Who owns what? And then a long ride. We had to go to
Brazil, to free Brazil from the slavery, and the slave masters, who thought they are
slaves. The mentality is so strong, it puzzled me. The air-hostess thinks he runs Brazil
kingdom and it's his, and the Brazilians have no understanding, and everything has go
to his book. Then I found out the slavery hasn't finished. (3:32). You're doing a good
job in Brazil, just keep on teaching, keep on spreading, and keep on working.

Now we, I hope we finish the registration of the company, we start working heavily
with your teams and others and Dr. Adma and many, many Brazilians. And hopefully
we might get a chance to work with the Brazilian government, which once we get
there, it will be too late, because I'm sure the ethos of the Foundation with govern
very soon. (AL) Thank you, sir! I'm helping to translate your message to Dr. Adma
and she's doing a great job here in Brazil, a really great job. Keshe: I understand, she's
working for the nation, not like the others who work for their own pockets. If we
expose those who blocked the foundation in Brazil, and they were making thousands
and thousands, and using our name, you'll be puzzled what we found out. Dr. Adma
was working for the nation and she'll be, she has full support of us. Anywhere we can
do but at the moment we have to finish in one place, that we can support many, many
doctors across the world. We will issue within next few days certified documents
working through Keshe Foundation, will change a lot of things for you to actively get
engaged with your governments. And we're not relying on the Keshe Foundation Farsi
Group in Iran. We have started a different structure and we'll bring it through that
structure internationally out. (AL) Thank you very much, sir! (MK) You're welcome.

When we finish with the Corona, in Brazil we might change the Keshe Foundation
Corona Team in Brazil, (3:34). to the New Space Technology Program, where Brazil
has a deep understanding of the Space Program, and we start teaching that side of the
technology for the comfort of the nation. Some of the Keshe Foundation Corona links
will be converted into development of the new understanding of the Soul and
technologies and the rest of it. So we use that platform to build a new world structure
for teaching. And Brazil is one of them. (AL) I'm looking forward to that, sir. (MK)
Thank you very much. (RC) Okay, thank you! Mr. Keshe and Alvaro. We have a
couple of more people here with their hands up. Dirk? Perhaps you can go ahead? We
allow you to speak there... Hello? (DJ) Hello, Rick. (RC) Yes, hi.

(DJ) Yes. Hello. It's me, I'm Dirk from Germany. Hi Mr. Keshe. Sorry for my bad
English. (MK) Sorry about that, we don't speak German. Q: I've only known about
your technology for 8 weeks, yes, and I don't think I have enough time to study all
your information about your technology. It's... I love it and I want to know so much
more about your technology, about methods and the Soul, and, but I have CFS,
(3:36). chronic fatigue syndrome and Hodgkin's and other diseases, and because of it,
I don't have enough power to learn all the day, and... I meditate so much, because of
CFS and lay down, meditate. (MK) Where... Where do you live in Germany? (DJ) I
live in ** Greeland. (MK) Where? Where is Greeland? (DJ) Greeland. You know
Dortmund? (MK) Mhm. (DJ) Yes, 60 kilometers from Dortmund. (MK) Are you in
German group? (DJ) No, I try to come to the private study and make my account there
but when I want to upload my... my... my document, the pop-up window don't start
and always all the data's are away. (MK) There is something wrong there. Do you
know the Keshe Corona German Group. Are you in there? (DJ) Yes. (MTK) Okay.
Through there send me a private message, yeah? (DJ) Yes. (MK) Go to my private.
I'll help you come out of your CFS very fast. (Dirk) Oh, thanks... Thank you, thank
you... Thank you very much! (MK) You're welcome. Because we know the process,
we know how to help you. (3:38). We should be able to get you back on the road
with it. With Hodgkin's it's the backside of the same disease, and so we should be able
to help you, to live a more comfortable life. (DJ) Oh, very much... (MK) I'll show you
the way, I'll show you the way what you've got to do, and then you do the rest of it
yourself, but I have to understand a little bit more. Send me a private message on that
line and then I will respond to you. (DJ) Thank you, thank you very much, Mr. Keshe
(MTK) You're welcome. You're welcome.
Any other question?

(RC) We had an interesting question from Florin who maybe represents some other
people out there that are healers and so on. He says, "I am not a doctor, but I want to
help people to heal, heal people who do not understand your gifts right now, with
procedures you offer only to doctors. Can you accept applications from non doctors?"
(MK) No. Especially with Dr. Rodrigo heading the new medical team to Keshe
Foundation. Hopefully next couple of months we start, now that the Chinese opened
up. And we can get Austria opening up, and then when the teaching of the Keshe
Foundation will even be moved away from non-medical trained doctors. We open a
new channel and I was talking yesterday, a new headquarters for the center of control
for the, what we call, the Enhancement Unit will be set up in Iran, under the
leadership and instruction of Dr. Rodrigo. That we will only accept doctors. We start
training doctors in a very rapid way, as the Enhancement Units start distributing
around the world in May and June. (3:40). And in that process, no, because it's too,
too dangerous, and it can get abused. Not technology, it's not dangerous, it's the
people who will abuse it.

(RC) Okay, thank you. We have a couple of questions on the elevating of the Soul.
Liliana has a question. And I think she can maybe ask it in person, it'd be best. Go
ahead Liliana. Do you need a translator? (LI) [Spanish] (MK) Hola. Who do we have
here? John? (JW) Yes, I'm here... (MK) Could you translate to us, please? (JW) Yes,
I'm ready. (LI) [Spanish]

(JW) Her first question is, is elevating our Soul, is the same as elevating our
vibration? (MK) Souls work in the level of fields and there is no vibration, there is no
frequency to it. When you get a vibration, a frequency, is when you're tranStar
Formationerring your fields to a matter state, for manifestation of that field. And it
only exists in matter state. We see certain amount of what we call, not resonance but
field balancing when the 2 plasmas come together, (3:42). but doesn't work as a
resonance, it's just finding the field the strength of it, that they merge together. It's, it's
totally different concept and principle. In the matter state the fields tries to get through
a given like, so, a given gap, so you call it frequency, till you get itself cut off to go
through. In the world of the plasma, the fields juggle till they find their matching
couple, strength. So we don't see vibration, we don't see resonance, we see coupling.
It's totally different, totally different understanding. For that, there is no.

(RC) I gets right into Nikolai's question, which goes, in elevating the Soul of the
Man, does the resulting space gap, which has increased in size between the Soul of
the Physicality and the Soul of the Man, dictate the tranStar Formationormation of the
entity's behavior? (MK) Doesn't dictate, it brings a new insight. It's very strange, but it
does, it works. Let me see where I can pinch a page. I've said that, I was teaching this,
I think in the Farsi teaching very recently or in one of the teachings, or one of the
public teachings. When you have a man, like our friend with CFS, he will look like
this when you see him. The position of the Soul is somewhere here, and the position
of the Soul is somewhere there. And the man will stand very much like this. (3:44).
After you elevate the Soul, you understand, you teach the man. I always take a picture
from them when they come to see me, especially people with CFS and Fibromyalgia
and that. I'll ask the gentleman to do that for himself. When you elevate the Soul,
when they understand the position, when they bring confidence, that their position is
what it is, and how they change, the body changes this way, notice the height I put on,
yeah. Literally the man stands like this. In strengthening the Soul, you see the body
shape changes, the standing changes, and to create such a space gap, needs a strong
fields. It gives you strength, because the length of the neck has fixed the position.
When you bend it, when you bend the shoulders, you stretch everything down to this.
When you elevate it, they stand upward. Yes, it does. And you see so clearly with,
with people who you elevate. Just take picture of yourself and go through the process.
You stand taller, this way you're hunted. This way you're balanced and correct. The
only problem is, (3:46). once you get at this point, don't make somebody else to be
there, that you hunt. Then, you'll find out very soon you'll become, do what you were
before. You raise the others to stand, the same as you. You don't get hunted, you
change your friends, everything in your life. You change suddenly the color of the
furniture and everything else which goes with it. Especially with Fibromyalgia, CFS
and Parkinson. The posture changes. This is the posture of failure and sickness, this is
the posture of strength and health. When the Soul grows strong, looks after the body
too. We don't strengthen. We strengthen the Soul of the physicality, and we
strengthen the Soul of the Man. In strengthening, they find they have a big problem,
there is a little thing called the neck, which fixes it. So now, the only thing is pull up
the rest, that we can accommodate. And it's still not **.

When you look at the man, look at his neck, you know how he works with his Soul
and his heart. Deviousness comes always from the man, who are very short, or very
little neck, because the Soul is not strong enough. Look at the German Chancellors,
look at the American Presidents, very tall, with a strong will to power. (3:48). When
you look at Prince Charles of England, you know you have a biggest failure, if he
comes into power. God forbid he ever takes kingship, goodbye UK. He is one of the
most incompetent people, ever, will come into kingship. And I said many times,
kingship in England has to skip, if it stays, by one generation. If you look at the
Japanese emperor, and before emperors, shows the behavior of the nation, deception.
It's the way they walk, the emperor reflects the nation. You see, it is very easy. We
analyze the behavior not the name and, what we call, the, what they do. How they
behave how they understand, how they position themselves in different conditions. If
you look in the Chinese, President Xi tries to be in the press everyday, something is
shown of him somewhere in the press, everyday. The body cannot take so much. And
when you watch his pictures, (3:50). you understand how the man is, how he feels,
and how decisions are made in those days and whatever. There's a very beautiful
picture of President Xi marching in front of the army in a, what we call, in Tiananmen
square. It's amazing, how remote he is from the nation. And this is just, just after,
what we call, the massive problems for him. If you know the problem, then you see
the man on the back of the car, the way he is driven marching is, you see it, the man is
in problem When you see the President of Iran walking in a what we call, in a march
with the world leaders, or when they come to Iran, they have to welcome on them.
You understand the devotion to the nation, or lack of it. When you watch the
welcoming of the head of a state, by a head of a state, don't get absorbed by the
pictures and the sounds, look at the behavior, the standing, the gap between the
leaders, how and who carries what. It gives you a lot about the relationship, and about
the position of that person in that office. Women are better to disguise it than the man,
because their handbag takes a lot of shape, (3:52). and women always hide their
emotion in the handbag, as I call it. Where they put the handbag, how do they carry
the handbag. If you look at the queen of England carrying a handbag, is something, "I
own everything, why do I have to carry this?" Most probably, in it is the dog food for
the most favorite dog.

Watch, understand, then you see the reflection of the Soul. It's, now that you start
learning about the Soul understand how the Soul behaves in the dimension of
physicality. How does it make the physical life to manifest itself. These are what you
have to understand. Everyone who'd come across in Chinese Keshe Foundation or in
the European or world foundation with Wang Lin they all say, she's so happy, she's
always, she's always full of life. And then, you go to Keshe Foundation other groups,
you see nothing but troubling, short, misconduct in behavior, and everything else.
When you see the 2 ladies heading the foundation in China in worldwide, they are full
of life, both of them. And when they are together, It's just, what you call it, "let's give
to the world and change it," when you saw them in Malta, together, we see it. We
don't need to worry to take, we are there to give, (3:54). and they both have been
given unconditionally to the whole. I observe the behavior, and it's amazing what you

Observe the behavior of your leaders, and then you see where your nation is going.
Then you'll see, does it affect the Soul? Yes it does. But if you misconduct, you lose
it. It's the same with this, this, the world leaders have the same problem. Always
elevate the Soul of your leaders, doesn't matter in what shape or form, you'll find that
their conducts will bring a lot benefit in what you raise the Soul of, the whole of the
nation. Mankind has to learn, not to vote with the ballot box, but to elevate the Soul of
the leaders, through their Soul. You will understand very, very soon, ballot boxes will
become a thing of the past, once mankind understands the elevation of the Soul of the
Man. This is what I told you, the member of the Universal Council should never
explain or say who they are. People will see by the light they carry with them, they
see the Soul, because they're to solve, to say, to serve. When a person needs to say,
"I'm the Universal Council member," you better forget about it. When you're in a
meeting and you see the Universal Council members, (3:56). they should be like a
shine, shining star. People know where to go, where to be enlightened. When they
have to introduce themselves, it means they haven't reached the level of devotion, to
serve. You soon will understand. Now that we have entered the level of the Universal
Community understanding, you have to train you what to see.
You have the, what did a guy said, "Mr. Keshe you brought the gas chambers, and we
work with that, and then you suddenly brought this, and now you brought GANS,"
and the biggest evolution in the teaching in the life of the Keshe Foundation is today's
teaching, now we have introduced you directly to your own Soul. This is the
evolution, this is what all the teachings has been about, that we built up, and build up.
You can't go anywhere there. What GANS do you need, what GANS you need, to
elevate your Soul, because it came from it, that's why you needed to feed it. Now you
understand. From today, there is no GANSes, there is no, "it's a new energy." There is
a new system, there is new reactor, is called, your Soul. And you have to understand
it. You have no choice, otherwise you get entangled in Corona, and you loose it.

The dimension of you having no say, in how and where it will take place. Now you
have that knowledge and the freedom, and no fear, because as I said, like a mother
with the open arm, when the physicality runs into problem, "come in, darling, I
protect you, I'll clean you and send you outside again." When you go outside and you
play, and get dirty, what do you do, you go mama, she washes you, she cleans you,
takes all the scratches off, and puts the bandage on it, send you out to play. (3:58).
And now the body of the man is in that position, you played outside, the players were
rough, you got damaged by Corona, come back in the arm of the Soul, get repaired,
cleaned up, and put outside. It's not that you're not gonna play football again.

The Corona, or the cronies of the Corona, Billie's, are many Billie's around. You go
back in, because you let it in, the mother is you. We don't say, "once you use the
GANSses, you are not gonna get anything," it's a fallacy. We tell you, get it and go
out and play, you get hurt, there is a shower and a wash. We put you out again. The
best players, doesn't matter how many times they get injured, they repair them on the
floor, and put them there, because they're the most important players in the game.
You're the same, you are the most important player in the game. What I taught you
today is a new change, but I brought it so smoothly, that you're all waiting for, 'how
the GANSes go, how the things go.' You change your emotion, your change, become
honest with yourself, becomes truthful to yourself, and watch the Cup of Life, and
watch the Cup of Man, and see how they change. The change in them is a reflection in
your emotion and your Soul, nothing else. From today we are in a new game, and
from today you have all the tools and the knowledge to elevate you souls to free them
from your physicality. But how you do it, is your problem.

"Can I drink the GANS of this?" You are still in the dimension of physicality. "Can I
use the energy of this?" (4:00). You have entered the dimension of Universal
Community. And now it's in your hand. It's totally in your hand. Do you have
Parkinson? Why? Because the Soul does not accept something? Or the wife is a little
bit too old and you had to go to self-service? It's very, very simple, and then, you
understand, you cannot let your body be abused. You have to be correct with yourself.
And then, when you don't abuse your Soul, your physicality, nobody can abuse you.
Then you are ready to become, and leave, and come back, you choose. You don't need
to die, to separation of the Soul, you're now, you're in the seat of control, you never
die. But you know, there's accommodation to make. It's very much, from now on, for
the man has to be like going to the office. You travel in the dimension of the Soul, and
you come back to the office and the physicality, to be home with the children. The
work is done with the Soul of the Man, and the physical life will be enjoying the
existence. Can be done with the physical body of the man.

I have brought you a big change, for those who understand. And I brought you a
change for the rest of the life of humanity on this planet. We are finished with the
prophets, we have finished with gimmicks of what you could understand. Now you
have become in that level to understand, (4:02). and it's your responsibility. As I said,
in the Keshe Foundation Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute, we never gave a
certificate, because it depends when you mature to use the technology, and that time is
the point of maturity and your certification. How many of you have been in there, as a
Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute (Somebody's microphone is open.) for years,
and none of you made the GANSes. You're there, dabbling everything, and now, that
the Corona has come, like the Italian Universal Council, like the Arab Universal
Council, like many other of you, out of the fear and then the pain of the damage of the
Corona, you start learning the GANSes. Now why have you had to learn this, because,
if you're in Universal Council and you don't understand how things connect, you had
to learn.

Now, what's the next step, how are you gonna use your Soul to interact, where you
don't need the dimension of physicality? In a way, today's teaching is like the first
time we showed the small dynamic balls. Everybody said, "Mr. Keshe, is now?
You've changed it from GAS to GANS, we're gonna learn this." Now you know it's
dynamic. You know it's housing, is not a ball, but your brain. You know that you have
control in the speed of its work, through the heart and Soul of physicality, the motor
sits in your solar. And then, you understand, "If I shake there, I shake in my Soul, I
fall in love there, I fall in love with my Soul." And then, you understand, now, the
game has changed. (4:04).

You don't need from today, to die to walk away from Corona. You embrace it, and
extend the Soul beyond it, and it repairs, and it comes back. And it's a child, as I said,
they'll play, the physicality is so beautiful, you can go and get damaged, and you
comeback in. Instead of going to the hospital, just increase the Soul, do the repair,
back on the street, play the game of life. Otherwise, you're just born and sit in one
place till you die. Even if you become the travelers of the space, now that you
understand it, how much can you travel, 1,000 years, 5,000 years? And you get it, you
miss dimension of physicality's. And you would like to smell the roses, and you'd like
to be able to kiss a child, you want to hold a woman, or a man, to enjoy the pleasure
of physicality, you come back to Earth, or you'll find another planet like this. As we
say, it reminds me of back home. And then you had enough, you pack it up, you take
the Soul, you travel to the other part of universe. You become travelers of life, not the

Until you get to that point, man needs to mature and nourish the Soul. You can let it
happen, to come by natural death, or you can nourish it, and control it, and be a part of
it, during the life of the physicality of the man. Because every time you appear and
reappear on this planet, (4:06). through the Soul travel, you come with new
dimension and age, not the age you left. Sorry, you come back in 500 years, back in
the same room, same spot, it's been demolished, is an apartment block, and nobody
speaks English because they Chinese have moved in. You're lost, so you become a
Chinese, and you fit in, and you live on the 400th floor. Now we have to learn to live
with the new dimension, the dimension of the Soul of the Man. As of today this is
your new tool. We give you a transition point, a point to be able to do it, till you learn.
It's like you get a driver, to get a driving license, you're given a car, and then you go
and learn driving lessons. Now I've given you, your dummy car, as the Cup of Man,
till you learn how to do it, with your own Soul.

Simple, a new game, a new beginning, a new life for the mankind. You learn, you
want to extend the physicality, or you want to extend the Soul, or you want to pack up
the tents and move somewhere else. Up to now you did in your dreams, because you
didn't know how it happened, now, you do it in reality, with the full control. If you
become good at it, you'll be one second here, next second gone, or the next again, is
where you wanted to be, in the office. (4:08). Our Topoli has reached that point and
he plays, I see him. In the past few weeks, because now he's totally locked down with
us, massive amount of it, and he, at the level of the GANSes, where he walks, he has
reached that level. He appears in one place and goes somewhere else, and I enjoy it. I
was telling my son yesterday, he was here standing in front of me, and then he was
back outside, because he knew he was supposed to be outside, not inside, because
mama said he has to be outside, he shouldn't be inside. A few days ago he played
another game, does he do it intentionally, but he hasn't realized it? It's a different
thing. I said to my son, he was here right in front of me, inside, but he knew, he
couldn't be inside because mom wanted him to outside. Immediately, you could see
him outside, sitting, waiting for you. If a dog can do it, so can the human race.

You have access to all of it, I have taught you enough. Now you have to understand
yourself how to choose the time of your dream, to be where, and to leave. And be
open and transparent with it, because otherwise, "thy shall steal," and thy shall not

(4:10). Thank you very much for today. I have opened a new chapter for you, a
chapter which mankind has been waiting for thousands of years. And hid it under
different names, words, banners, everything else, mosques, and churches and
synagogues, and temples. Now you have the freedom of your own Soul. Try to
understand it, try to understand what suits you, and your Soul, not what others want
you to do, because if it's correct for them. As long as you ask the question, "is this
Cup right, is this color right," it means you have not matured. Sit there, understand
what this means to me, and what it brings me, and through what it brings me, elevates
me, to serve the others, then you are matured. As long as you see the questions, "my
color, my cup, my this," it means he's still in "the bend of the street," as we call it.
(AB) Mr. Keshe we're gonna have soon classes to teach people how to get the Soul
out, and travel? It's gonna to be easy.
(MK) Are you doing it? I'm not doing it.
(AB) No, I mean, in the future, we should be doing it. I mean, as we start doing it.
(MK) I still got till 21st of March next year to teach you a little bit more.
(AB) Yes. I mean, we're looking forward to that too.
(MK) Let's see. Thank you very much for today, and hopefully, hopefully, I have
started a new cycle for mankind, and I hope the man will be kind to his own Soul, to
see the kindness of the Universe and the Creator. Thank you very much.
(JG) Thank you, Mr. Keshe.


325th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, April 23, 2020

(:20). Pay tribute to Knowledge Seeker one of the first ones

Plays video .. This is a lot of understanding, needs a lot of comprehension, and in so
many ways, (:22). what could have been, what could have become, and where we
stand on what was foreseen.
Dirk Laureyssens ; 3/20/1950 to 04/05/2020. (** Red Circle)

(:24). .. This is the passing of De Laureyssens, we were informed of it last Sunday. In

so many ways, he wrote so much, and in so many ways, he took so much. What will
happen? We'll elevate his Soul, and pray for his elevation. (:26). On the 9th, when it
was his burial, during the teaching I came off the teaching and I said to Caroline, "I
feel a pain with Dirk, is something wrong?" She said, we don't know. And it was the
time when he was burial during the teaching on the 9th. Bless his Soul, hopefully he'll
find peace ** as well, ** his travel through the space of the creation.
Going back to the teaching, and in so many ways, bringing the teaching in line with
what is happening internationally. Would you like to take this off please. Is the reality
that many things which we said, to be happening with Corona has become reality and
in the past weeks we have seen more and more confirmation ** What we said at
Keshe Foundation, (:28). weeks ago of this disaster.


(:48). In so many ways, would those who we call black, tranStar Formationer to the
plasma of the Soul as they have no layers on them to loose. This is way more of them
die, because there have been no exchanges and evolution in their race. Now pieces of
the puzzle, and pieces of knowledge coming together.


(:56). in the physical structure, would they change in comprehension in the mental

(1:00). This is now for many of you, who did that genetic test, comes to bare, but his
is a ** which comes by the energy tranStar Formationer of plasma.

(1:02). many of the people around the world who survive this will become black. It
doesn't matter how many millions turned
,, what is breathed in the air. Every time you breath the chances of you becoming
black is strong. There is a very strange feeling, and many of you, must have felt it,
must have touched it, and felt it on skin, in your breathing, and everything else. When
you go to supermarkets, which is now the only place people can shop, you feel places
where you are hit by Corona. (1:04). you feel the change of the field of the shop, you
feel the change in the field of the environment you walk in. Then you feel the pain, or
the change into what they call, is a Corona condition. This is not anymore what we
hoped, that will stay as Corona that will go in my lung, now you feel it as a cloud, you
enter it, you feel it. So when a man with Corona walks in a supermarket, he can leave
patches of it, and as you walk in it, you feel it. I have felt this 3 or 4 times in the past

.. If you have a human blood you carry it. If you don't have a human blood like me,
you can survive some of it. I hope a lot of you know about, what I say, "my blood."
When I was poisoned by John to be killed, ..
.. the blood is highly radioactive and can't be absorbed by many things ..



(1:22). .. Posts the text of Farsi talk of Mr. Keshe, translated by Dr. Pares. ..
Rick reads.
(1:28) .. The original recording has been sent to the head of the Keshe Foundation. It
can be recorded that if in the future there is any modifications can
(1:34) In a way this is a very, what we call plain explanation we gave to the Iranian
doctors and Dr. Pares, has extracted the essence of it in translation to English. (1:36).
In so many ways, it goes back to our teaching of last week.

(1:50). If you are honest enough with your sel-oul, and see not only you imagine, but
you actually become. And walk into the dining room with your children there, and
you say hello, "mommy is here," and see how many of them will run out of the house.
Now you understand, and now you have to comprehend the totality in steps, and in
full understanding, this is why I have been telling you for weeks, look at the energies
and forget about the Gans's and the Cups. And see how you can graduate into the
school of the Universe. From now on it's you who decides and interacts and becomes
a passenger of the Universe, and no one else, and if you reach that state of clarity of
the Soul, you will take that journey, if, first of all, your Soul of the physicality is
happy, and all those around you allow the transition, because it is them who have to
adjust to. So in so many ways, education, (1:52). mass education the way we are
doing, become essential. Because we can't keep the man in the emergency room just
because he has changed his color, he is not ill.


.. cells, (1:58). in one condition of physicality they'll manifest themselves. They

might choose it for thousands of years, just to stay in that position. But you cannot
create children just to stay in that dimension, and their Soul become ** Soul of
universe in the direction of the what we call, love. And in so many ways it has to be
understood, where ** in time mankind will separate the two, and understand the
separation of physical love, physical interaction, children from the physical life, and
children from the interaction of the souls. As I said in the teaching last week, mothers
are responsible for the children they bring up in the dimension of the Soul. And in so
many ways mankind will go through this transition, even if it goes to the time that this
Corona, or any other virus will take the physical man from this planet, the whole of
the race. Those children of the Soul of the man will generate themselves in the future
time on earth or on the point of destination, as they desire, as they never had, they
never involved, the physical interaction, and physical life. In a way, when you go
from your Soul of the physicality to your Soul and then you choose the travel in the
space without physical Soul, but with the totality of the power of the Soul of the man
and then you manifest yourself at the point of desire and destination, (2:00). the
physical manifestation, if there need be, that's the gift that you give to the children of
the Soul as they never will have the dimension of physicality, unless they decide.
Mankind be wise to these words. In so many ways, humanity and the knowledge
which has been gathered over millions of years will not be lost, but will be added to
the knowledge of the universe. And by the dimension of the understanding of the
interaction of the fields, mankind will share this knowledge in the space by the total
and absolute ** all which has been created by the Creator, as each one has his own
strength fields, and anyone in the Universe Community can call upon when their field
strength, is called upon. Knowledge of the man stays within the boundary of the earth,
and limited open of the others, but when that knowledge becomes part of the
knowledge of the Soul, without the physicality, becomes the knowledge, and added,
to what we call the universal knowledge, and the Universal Community. Now you
understand how man, gradually is entering into the dimension of the Universal
Council by understanding his own participation in it for millions of years. ..

Any questions. (2:04).

WL- .. Which kind of changes will the Coronavirus bring to the animals, ?

.. The color change doesn't come in one go. (2:08). it takes days and weeks ..

they can make the journey back ..


It's written to Dr. Azar.


(2:14). .. in these times of trouble to feed the man, CM



(2:22). We'll go through your people, not through your administration.






(3:08). elevate your own Soul .



(3:22). Q: children ..


.. you don't understand that you don't understand him ..

.. is there some instructions for elevating Soul ..


.. pictures of world leaders ..


how to improve your Soul
sit down ,, be the humble enough ..

(3:52). .. Do you have a close relationship with your wife? Q: Yes. Keshe: Use her as
a Cup of Man. .. your partner is your Cup if you are clear enough

.. you don't listen, I think I can't get you one way or another. ..

(3:56). Keshe: I hope you raise your Soul.

E- I'll give you a presentation a month.
We actually introduced 3 ** products ..

.. E- continues with products
These pads etc are loaded for pain relief and elevation of Soul ..




(4:16). Italian police going for the criminals who stole from Keshe Foundation.

.. Cleaners in Iran allowed to use Keshe Foundation logo when cleaning mosques,


Thank you very much for today, we take the next step. Corona is very serious ..
We have rescheduled Iran for 19th of July

.. Would like to play the tribute to the man who could see the future but didn't want to
be a part of it, the money was too good. (4:22).

326th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, April 30, 2020,




.. one thing you will see, the emblem of Keshe Foundation, (1:00). and you'll see the
Keshe Foundation Iranian flag, and Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and
spaceship Institute as one organization.

. the new science and Technology which feed the man without killing. (1:04). This is
what we have to bring it. Rapid development of Technology which bring energy by its
conversion, at the same time, this conversion will create new dimensions, and in the
coming years new looking human beings. You got to realize, when you can feed
yourself without killing, when you do the digestion, breaking up outside the body of
the man, a lot of organs won't be needed


(1:12). .. Iran will be given satellite system for Corona to clean environment of Iran.


Any Questions.

(1:32). .. if Corona is exhausted into atmosphere of solar system. ..

Any other question.



(1:40). 90% of all illnesses eradicated ..

(2:08). ..
Any other questions.

(2:10). Spanish .. Q; Can you use Gans in other systems like ** organite It's a
system created from the little pieces of metal that are shaved, (2:12). and mixed with
resins ?**

(2:14). Keshe: This is very much what we call Nano Technology, because it absorbs

.. The knowledge of tranStar Formationer of energy was known to Mohammad ..

.. Orgone from Wikipedia ..
(2:18). Rick reads

(2:28). .. This is the first time we disclose this, the police officer Delanois is part of
the child trafficking in Belgium ..

(2:30). .. pranic feeding

(2:34). Azar tells about her Indian guru and method to feed from prana ..

.. This is the way it's done, by breathing the function of the whole thing, (2:38).
because you control the rhythm of the air you take in, Air is the free flow of energy .
mega tons of energy

get the breathing method here


(2:58). .. I taught you the secrets of the universe. ..


(3:04). importance of breathing ..

.. I haven't shown you anything about Cup of man yet, in reality it doesn't exist. In
truth the CM is the man himself. (3:06).


.. I had a gorgeous message from the Universal Council member, Jamilla.

(3:22). Q:


.. seeing people's Soul .. know about lying


.. When what you say and what you think the 2 souls meet, and maybe you understand
for the first time, what we call the true Soul mate, never lie, think the same, true love
giving ..

when you say I love you, everything is giving ..


(3:36). .. Q: Do I have to make the CM? Keshe: you are married you have a man. I
think I answered you in a very quick way. Should we call it a day.
Q: It's been bothering me for a long time. When I travel with the Soul to another place
in the Universe, what happens to my physical body, ? Keshe: Usually, I think you
haven't understood, usually when you get to that point when you travel your body
goes with you. If you want to, you don't need to leave it behind ..


(3:40). Thank you for today. .. if you like to order this new suit, virus suit, please do it
as fast as you can, we want to see how you .. maintain and control a lot of things
inside the body ..

.. Keshe: Have you lost all the black spots on your body? Yes ..

Keshe Foundation is active 5 days a week
We'll join the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute to a leading university in the
world. (3:50).


327th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, May 7, 2020





(:14). .. it has become airborne ..

(:17) Video about Keshe Foundation suit Gans ..


.. Video of CO2 Capture Unit



.. Shows, "Environmental Balancer"

.. Keshe Foundation Shop ..
.. The suit instead of using towels ..

(:38). .. especially lot of pain on ears and head ..



The process for us as Post-Corona, we have to open the eye of the man .. through the
eye of the Soul. We can't come in and tell you what to do ..


.. In coming weeks, we'll announce a Keshe Foundation University .. in Tehran ..


.. We have seen some women menstruation cycle changing to once every 2 weeks ..
then a massive rise in cancer ..

.. this cancer is an energy cancer.
the race is in danger so we need to reproduce .. (:56). .. the Soul has warned the race
could be in danger .. the red alert is on, the Soul has warned the physicality ..



.. or we have to take the burden of birth out of the women,

(1:02). .. what we call automatic birth will become part of the man, it occurs in many
places in the Universe.



(1:26). On my talk on Tuesday I brought this to you very hard .. go back and listen


(1:32). You have to understand the totality of the knowledge is in my hands I will
release it


(1:44). fast boats will come to save your soldiers ..


.. 21-3-21 is the deadline and I become the man. (1:56).


(2:02). Your governments will let you loose, because they can't pay for you to stay
home, and the computer numbers don't add on..
This virus is not seasonal, matter state
the goat and the mango had the virus . (2:04).

.. have a specific blood test .


(2:10). Mrs. Mohammadi, was there to damage the Keshe Foundation , from the

.. Those of you who have reached the point of



Any questions?
(2:32). Q: .. How do we tranStar Formationorm our bodies into clear light bodies?
Keshe: Enlightenment. .. Enlightenment doesn't come by ** words. Enlightenment
comes by understanding the light of the environment, when you are ** living, not in
the shape of light, but the fields of it. And what we have tuned to receive. Many times
in the teaching, I have always said, very simply, if you understand, how you can be
enlightened, it depends on the maturity of the Soul. 20%, of physical needs. of what
you consume comes from the food, by the killing, (2:34). 80% by environment
already, this 20% blocks you.

.. it only depends on you, and nobody else.
Any other question?

(2:40). Q: .. New Zealand. The yogis have the sate of Turiya, stay awake while
asleep.. **
Keshe: It depends, is that your ** key.
Q; When I was a little boy I had trouble going to sleep, the electron going around the
proton .. (2:42). .. sleep on side or on my back ..
Keshe: I don't know it depends on how your Soul is set with your physicality **

(2:44). .. how you mature totally depends on you.

Q: you said ** is like a mothers hug, in Italy the mother is more important than the
food, so I have a hope. If the emotion of fear, when you are hungry, and
sentimental is an obstacle, how can we .. (2:46). control or deal with them

(2:48). .. emotion has a strength ..


is it a virus or is it food,


.. you have to elevate the whole Soul of the man ..

(3:42). Ella presents Keshe Foundation Plasma Times, May 2020. Corona
Calcifications in the body, Cancer.
Iranian saved from deathbed, Corona Calcifications in the body, Cancer, Survival rate
10%, Cup 1 &2 Cup of Man, Understanding Ecology of the Soul, Post-Corona:
genetic modifications, takes us back in evolution, is our Soul changing in the process,
Questions and Answer from Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 5G and Coronavirus, ,
education .. (3:46) Keshe Gans Clothing, Enhancement Unit, Testimonials Jamilla
Stephanie, (3:48).

Also have October and November of 2019 editions.

Keshe: While Ella is moving,.. Keshe Foundation is officially a publisher .. becomes a
scientific journal.. carry ISBN number
(3:50). October 2019, Universal Body Enhancement Unit.
(4:00). Portuguese Teachings Re-Start, we have Rafael to thank for carrying on in
both English and Portuguese languages. Malta Conference.

(4:02). Can receive books on Amazon instantly

Keshe: There are 3 or 4 more left to catch up the next couple of months. We would
like to thank the team in Iran. I think we ran over. So we call it a day. I hope we
learned a little bit more to become. We (4:04). We try to bring new dimensions to
teaching next weeks, .. same pattern of trying to bring everything together, the work
of Keshe Foundation on several level I would like to thank his Eminence Ayatollah
Knowledge of Iran ..

that they understand
we have to know how we came ..

.. thanks for today



328th Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 14, 2020



(:09): .. As Rick said I have no choice I have to be here. In due course and time,
there will be others who will take the Thursday teaching, as we step down .


.. When we land in another place in Universe our Soul picks up that language

(:16). .. Earth is not the only place that doesn't have peace., but it is different, not


H and
(:18). Deuterium Helium ..


(:32). Enhancement Unit meeting about Nano technology

(:36). .. signed a contractual agreement ..

.. we can't analyze it, it's too advanced for our machines ..

(:42). We knew this now we had confirmation in physicality


(:48). in the intestine .. first part the body absorbs radiation ..

(1:00). (when die if no Soul becomes energy of the Universe )


(1:10). what is a ray of gamma and what is Gans .


.. We entered the world of Universal Council, this is the path we have set for now on.
We don't make Gans's now we teach you one thing, where on this do you want to be.
(1:34). that it is you who has to convert the fields of the rays of the Creator through
your body to be useful fields of your body and what you do not need you don't
.. don't need to carry storage, don't need to eat etc.. man's appearance will change. ..
don't need eye, ears, nose, mouth,
(1:36) . no need for lungs, digestion, kidney, liver

Soul of the man is female, Soul of the physicality is male ..


you need the interaction of physicality to create


(1:42). No religion in space, do good, act good, think good.


.. we are going Post-Corona

preparing you for Universal Community

(1:46). . As long as you are residents of this planet, you can carry on with your own
tribal behavior, as that brings evolution. But once you enter the dimension of the
Universal Council you have to be the same in understanding the strength of the Soul
of the Creator in all His combinations. So you behave differently in the office, and
when you go home you behave differently. ..


Video Creating Peace Dome , Brazil Iran. (2:05:40).

.. We have covered the 2 ends of the planet (Iran, Brazil) , it's up to you to fill in the

the whole Universal Council is elevating man and themselves. ..

.. Thank you very much for today ..
Any questions?

Q: Is there any relationship with Swiss Indo they

Keshe: I don't even understand what this is. (2:16).

.. These are different organizations .. we should not be
.. This Corona brought a lot of people to thinking. they couldn't be touched. ..

close quarters with the White House who have been infected will get better, (2:18).
follow them for the next 3 to 5 years, they will all die, most of them will die of
cancers, and abnormalities due to Corona.

Any other question?


(2:56) Dr. Aserdi, leading scientist in Iran, within the structure in Iran ..
has in-depth knowledge of both science of the man
it's very much the relationship I established with Dr. Elya Kostova,


Q: abut Cup ** Zn turned black

(3:08). .. Cup of Man ..


(3:12). Vegetarians eat more souls

so we got worse
Q: What can we do? Keshe: Nothing until we tap into energy of the universe .


.. One Nation Tuesday teaching start taking control of distribution of knowledge ..
.. we needed 30 days to be sure ..
we are releasing new Technology for virus, not for Corona ..

.. Will open airport, if you have a Corona take a flight to Iran ..




(3:48). (Aliens are on the physical level ..)

This has been given to 2 people on this planet ..
(3:50). .

Q: bad forces .. made by the religions. .

.. Because now don't forget when we are on TV, what CNN says must be true. All
souls will start elevating. As I said, by putting ban on Keshe Foundation ..



Q: . I met you in 2012 in Belgium ..

.. Draws Cup of Man ..(3:58).

.. you have created

salt inside the water collects salt from the air ..
you put salt in matter state inside ,

Thank you v much for today, as I said, the teaching becomes very intense, very direct.

there was a hiccup in Iran .. it's sorted ..

your governments will come to you ..
I give from my Soul to elevate those in the office of Ayatollah Knowledge. to
understand that we have to include all Iranians all

That complete 328 Knowledge Seekers Workshop May 14, 2020


329th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; May 21, 2020

** How life started on this planet, true story of the Cycle of Creation..
The real origins of Man.


(:07). .. As usual we start a new cycle a new way of teaching, since the last time and
the time before we started talking about after Corona, we have started explaining a lot
of things in the background, (:08). what we could understand more last time. But one
of the mysteries of mankind has been, "how did we get to this planet," where is the
real origin of the man? And we need to know this as we become "Man of Space," we
can explain it. We have to know our origin, are we delivered species on this planet, or
were we made by this planet, its conditions, by its position, by its love, by its strength,
by its beauty, and by its diversity? Is mankind ready to understand the truth about
himself. In the last couple of weeks teaching when we started explaining about our
origin, our way of thinking, our construction of body and Soul and how even Corona
managed to get in. What did our body not calculate when it was making itself to live
on this planet. Was it isolated and in that isolation looked at the physicality without
considering what we call the energy packs on this planet. And is it for this reason,
(:10). that mankind has become vulnerable to viruses.

And as we become travelers of the universe, taking steps to leave this planet, as the
others do, without all these fancy clothing, and training in swimming pools and
everything else, as the old fashioned way, people like NASA and Russian Space
Agency do. And we're face to face with the creatures of the universe, what do we tell
them, and not being able to handle the viruses through the strength of our physical
structure, would this be a vulnerability for us? In the space man cannot be weak, in
the space man cannot allow nothing to touch him, and the biggest weakness for man,
and we have seen in the past months is energy packs, what we call viruses. So if we
pass through unwanted fields of ** or something slightly different then our strength
we are doomed, or if a race in the space out of kindness, loving and kissing and
cuddling, cuddles us because our Soul of physicality, and tranStar Formationer their
energy, which is in the level of the virus, we are doomed, the kiss of death. So what is
important for mankind is to find out why (he) has become so attached to the
dimension of physicality, (:12). that the smallest energy pack has become his demise,
what we see here with even the Corona, is nothing compared to what mankind will
meet outside.

All the religious teaching, all the scientific data only connects man to his physicality,
not to his energy, not to understand that energy is built from that interaction of his
energy leads to manifestation of his physicality. When I tell you I adore you, I love
you, I kiss you, do I kiss the physicality, or do I adore the Soul, or the energy, or do I
hug which one. Any of these in the depth of universe, as we are men of this planet we
love to touch, and kiss, and cuddle, and put everything in our mouth, it will become a
doomsday, a space will become a scary place to be in, except we cover ourselves like
astronauts in clothing and cloth and everything else, which even in the dimension of
energy fields they'll vanish. Mankind has to learn what it means to be in the space.
Mankind has to learn a way to use his own immortality to become mortal not to
become mortal .. both is his choice. Mankind has to understand more, otherwise, as
they say, you are sick, stay home, you cannot come, and mankind will be forever sick
in the space. (:14).

But we have to go to the origin to find out how we became what we are, and not look
at the fallacies that we've accepted, "Adam and Eve," and the "Apple" and "ribs." And
one belongs to the fruit shop and the other ones to the butchers. As I said the time,
how we came to believe in this, because of the "dumbnation" of the man in
understanding his power in creating. But we need to go before that, much, much
before that, and then look at the different options, now that we understand the science
of the creation on this planet. How did we become to be created? Doesn't matter if
you say the first man was from central Africa, or in central Australia, or in central or
South America, if you put the Pangaea together you'll see they are all connected, and
life started on one equator line, just on a certain line. Now we speak about man, which
walked, we go far beyond. Rick could you please put the map of earth, or what you
call, all the land filled together, on the screen please.

If you look, we are wondering why and how. And if you understand, mankind will
come to understand, life started on one level, one line with a very narrow band on this
planet. (:16). That narrow band created life, if the structures were there to create. If
the structures were there, the materials were there, the positions were there, and
everything else that mankind wanted, could have been created anywhere in the
universe. But in that process we only became part of, we only created one thing, and
if you look at the original Pangaea we all created in one way or another from the same
structure, in the same area. And as we broke up, as early developed into breaking up,
we spread, we divided and we created exactly the same. So it had an origin, it had a
position, it had a diversity of life, and it had in so many ways, understanding of
totality. If you look you see, the creation was so simple. So we see life was one, but if
you look at the present map, if you look at the map even before this, this was all one
piece. So the life did not start life started on a band where the temperature and
composition of materials would allow it to live. (:18).

Then we go back further, even if you go back further before man, before the first life,
the conditions had to be created that man could live. Materials had to be created,
materials had to be there, materials for life to create the first cell had to be conditioned
to be available. What are these materials, and how we came to be as beings on this
planet? In the solar system we started as a speck of dust and rays, it take billions of
years for these specks to come together somewhere and build the first seed. And as
every drop of rain falls back to its life, to its origin, to the center of gravitational field
forces of it, as we understand in the world of the science of the plasma now,
everything which comes in has to go out. So the sun forever spills out to be able to
recycle itself. If you look at it, the sun is a recycling process for itself in the domain of
its own in the solar system. And as it spews energies and magnetic fields, as they
loose their energy they become into different stages of matter, and when they get to
the boundary and become matter, in the dynamic position, they collide, they come
together, it's like a crushing system, (:20). it pushes, it's like you put yourself of
something in a forge and you turn it, all has to merge, all has to become alloys. And
as it becomes alloys it becomes bigger and bigger, and in that position becomes the
first seed for structure, it's a solid state, but gradually as he absorbs more and more
energy from the sun it gets converted with the material with itself, builds itself, and
becomes huge, but at all times the journey does not stop, because the gravitational
pull of the "Mother" pulls in.

From this point as a dust, to this point, as a first, what we call, planet, which always is
giant as it collects more gases, takes billions of years. And then the journey starts, as a
fast motion, and the slow journey to reach the Mother starts, by rotation, and rotation,
and rotation, and rotation, and somewhere here, in the middle of the journey, this
planet decided, due to its composition of the material, which was created on the
outset, and due to the magnetic field forces of the planet, and its star, to create and
turn, and that turning, to position itself, magnetically and gravitationally, respectful to
the others in the solar system outside, tilted the earth. (:22). In that tilting, by a few
degrees created the present diversity, and in that diversity new materials were
absorbed, because now it wasn't mono-energetic facing the sun, it was continuously
diverting and creating more. What we know from this diversity and interaction of the
fields of the sun and the earth, in an angle, new materials in each level of degree and
interactions in different seasons, will started to be attracted. One of the first ones was
Na, then others as it became closer and the diversity became changing, we know other
materials start appearing.
In a way, now, because of what happened with the field interactions inside, heat
started, gravitation took hold, and in taking that gravitation, by reduction in the
strength of the gravitation, materials appeared. But don't forget, for materials to
appear, the energy of the sun has a say. So slowly what we saw was the creation of the
lighter elements in the different angles, which at the same time, because of the
diversity and the angle of the planet, heavy materials were produced on the one side,
while the lightest were absorbed on the other side. More materials were created as less
and less gravitational fields of different strengths were accepted. So this became a
combination planet.

This started creating diversity, (:24). hydrogen (H) from one end, while plutonium,
and magnesium and the others, and gold, and copper appeared in the other strength.
The beauty of this planet is what we call, inclination of the angle in respect to the sun.
It creates diversity of the fields, not mono-energetic as most of the planets do. And so
in that process, in that energy of diversity, Na, with, in so many ways, connecting
itself with H and O, and then by the creation of the C, and everything else created the
first cells.

So we have not been delivered from outside, we are the children of this planet in the
physical dimension, but in that process many, many things were changed, because as
different amount of materials were getting created by interaction of the fields of the
planet we saw diversity, and that diversity through balance of energies lead to the
creation of amino acid (amino acid). In the line of what I showed you on the Pangaea
this diversity met its match.

In so many ways, the amino acid became the first diverse energy made by the planet,
does not exist anywhere, but as it had the common denominator of everything, it
could link up. It linked up with Cu, it linked up with Fe, it linked up itself with
everything else, (:26). that it could make as energy, yes, matter, or whatever. It
needed a stability that it could progress, it needed a stability that it could make a
system that while this planet was falling back in to its Mother, somewhere in this
point the process was completed, and what we saw was the first life. Life meaning,
that the cell, the amino acid could sustain, and due to the energies within the
environment, replicate itself, which means now, Mr. COHN could make more of
itself. But it realized it cannot become like the sun to receive and give, it needs to
create a structure that continuously can receive and give, but in that process hold to
some, and than it become very easy. It needed a mechanism, it needed to create a
simple system, where as he absorbed energy, it could release energy in any shape or
form, but keep its structure on either end, and start attaching itself for the circulation,
blood. (:28). it needed to attach itself to blood, because Fe needed to match the
magnetic field of the planet to create circulation by different strength in energy of Fe,
in conjunction magnetic field of the earth, as Fe is magnetic, it creates the best motion
system for it, so cleverly it attached itself to Fe.
It has created intelligence, so intelligence was easy to do. Then it needed physicality,
because up to then it was just energy. If we look at it, amino acid in the space of no
gravity, is in reality a virus, but getting involved in living and conditioning to the
planet, a very weak one, extremely weak one. If I was amino acid, Mr. COHN, I
would have chosen slightly, one more material to add to myself, that I would have
withstood the viruses too, and this is where it did not happen. And this is why the man
on this planet is weak, it cannot behave as matter and energy, or what you call it, a
Soul. But it attached itself and found itself a way to do, to attach itself to energy
source by diversity of the interaction of the fields of its own, (:30). it created a new
energy pack, that it could stand better than it, and could support it, this is what we
call, the Soul of the Man (Soul of the man).

So the biggest mistake was made, instead of going all the way through physical
condition and attaching yourself, and itself to Cu and Zn and every other metal, it
ignored its own essence, and the center of its own creation, the energy pack we call
the Soul. If, if, amino acid at the point of the establishment of life on this planet would
have learned to work in a slightly different system way, amino acid would have
stayed as an energy pack that could have handled the viruses. So this is the flow in the
structure of the man. It should have interacted energy with energy, than energy with
matter condition. It went to the energy/matter and left everything in the dimension of
the domain of the Soul, or the energy center, which had singularity, but not dual
purpose. So it can only work, one in the energy level we call Soul, and one in the
matter Soul level, which we call the body of the man.

So if man wants to become a "Man of Space," to live in every dimension, he needs to

bring in, to understand, or in a way connect itself to its Soul. (:32). That has an
energy guardian, energy filtering system, energy condition to be able to survive the
span of universe. As man was moving more and more into the dimension of
physicality, it created a feeding system which it had to build on its own; circulation
with blood, storage the liver, digestive system to be able to use different materials of
this planet, lung for air, stomach and digestion system for the liquid and the solid,
then it had to create its own filtering system, the kidneys and what we call the large
intestine. Then it had to create a condition that only used the earth side as both,
cleaning up and absorbing. And then it needed to coordinate the working of all of this
in conjunction with sharing of the Soul, or the energy center, and it controlled, control
center called brain. So in reality the process of the creation of physical man on this
planet came out of the first interactions and then needing systems to guarantee
survival, because in the dimension of physicality everything had to be handled in
physical dimension, where in the dimension of the Soul, it had to be, (:34). only
energy or the ** sun and these two got entangled, and in the process man was born.

From the first interaction to the position of the delivery of the first moving cell with
the full coordination, took billions of years. And according to the environment, to the
availability of the materials, and in the condition of the position in respect to the angle
of the planet, new creatures, new animals, new plants, and new life started, because
this planet is rich in diversity of material. And diversity of material on this planet, if
you understood, comes from diversity of the energy through the angle of inclination in
respect to the sun. And in that process, all animals, those who could absorb more,
found easier way to absorb more, they became bigger, they became dominate, but at
the same time, even today as we speak this process has not stopped.

In the jungles of Amazon, in the jungles of South America, in the jungles of Africa,
everyday, due to change in the strength of the field of this planet, continuously new
lives are created. When the scientists tell you they found new species of this and that,
most of it doesn't go back billions of years. (:36). Due to the ignorance of
understanding the process, of continuous process of creation on this planet, many of
them took shape a few years ago. Or many of the new animals we discover in the
jungles or in the planet, are the created, new creation in the interaction with the new
field and all the poisoning and the pollution and everything else which we have done.
These are the children of us, our abuse of this planet. Life doesn't stop, and does not
stop billions of years ago, creation of diversity on this planet will last until the last
second when it enters the womb of his Mother. When it ** renews and joins back in
the life, of his life with his Mother.

When the rain falls back on earth, the sun returns and receives his own child as earth.
Life on this planet as we call it, billions of years is just a temporary trip, a very, very
temporary trip, has a window of a span of existence, and soon as we get pulled more
and more into it, life as we see it will not exist. The condition of this planet will not
allow. The new position is too close to the sun, and closer the hotter. So at this point
beyond, and this point within, is only a window of life, (:38). no more and no less.
And in this process where we are created, and this process where the whole structure
is created, is a flick of a second in the life of the universe. In a way, if you look at it,
it's a desert which gets rain and energy, and blossoms and you see life on it for a very
short time until the heat of the sun destroys the rest. This is what we are, a short span,
a very, very short span, and even in this short span of a few million, we choose a few
years of it.

In so many ways, is it worth it to live on this planet, or we use this window and we
become passengers of the universe. And even in that dimension, even in that
dimension, our lives will be a flick of a finger. And if we can use the step by steps, to
become closer to the origin of the light, as even our sun and the galaxies within it, will
move towards it, because they are in the same process as we were, as a dust on the
edge of the solar system. We all come from, and we all go back to the Creator. It does
not matter if you are a drop of rain, if you are a solar system, if you are a galaxy, or
even if you are a universe. Everything is dynamic. (:40). Everything will stand the
same course, and everything the same. And what we look at is literally this (goes back
to other drawing of Man's formation), what we call our lives, what we call the life on
this planet, is a small window of opportunity where the rain has come and the desert
has becomes green, and soon will go back to be a desert.

But in this process when we understand that the interaction between the physicality
and the dimension of the energy creates what we call, intelligence. It creates diversity
of energies, which in that process of life will go back to one point, we can, we have
the ability to become energy pack in all dominions to reach the Creator. And in so
many ways, it will be the vice versa, as was with the sun, we went out of and we came
back to, and in this process if you could understand the condition of what we call, the
energy of giving of the Creator, create its own condition to be able to become part of
the energy pack of the creation, then the man receives the gift of life, the gift of
intelligence on its own level.

A lion is intelligent, as much as a tree, they communicate and they understand, so

when we speak about the Soul of the man, the creation of the man, and the Soul,
(:42). which can be a line with the Creator, and us to our level of understanding, is
only for us, not the plants, not the animals. Man is so involved in his own hypocrisy,
that does not see the truth. And in this process we evolve, depending on position we
are created, and how long we last, we take different position and conditions, and we
dominate for certain time in that process. Mankind has lost the track of his own
existence. So in fact, what has happened in this diversity and interaction of the matter
and fields, we became man, or a mammal who could think, and it could use its
environment, at the same time to have interaction between his energy pack and his
physical pack, we created a dominion, we call it, the brain, we call it the conscious,
we call it emotion.

And when the mankind understood this, and when the first creator of the cycle
realized this, that it is in the control of its own destiny for the small environment he
lives in, it had the intelligence to effect the position and the dimension of the motion
of the physicality and his behavior in respect to other energy packs of physicality and
energy, man became conscious of correctness. (:44). Then those who understood the
dimension of correctness, they understood one thing, they understood this and they
understood this (the two drawing done earlier), and when they understood both, then
we became conscious, we became human conscious, and that consciousness created 2
things for us, if you understood correctly, we became to believe in what you call the
energy which created us, and if we found weakness ourselves, we found
intermediaries, statues, religion, and on the other hand the strength and the path of the
Soul of the man.

The further we became from religion, the more hypocrisy, the more we became to
understand the truth ** between our physicality and the energy, and the energy pack
which created us, we became faster to mature, and we did not exist with it. So the first
being who understood this, became Mitra, it means understanding the connection
between the energy and the physicality, (:46). and its connection with its creator. But
it had to come to that point, because she was a creator herself, she was a mother. The
true Mitra, is in reality, the first person who understood this, and saw the beauty in
what it creates. Then in the progress of the mankind, by whisper and talk, it became a
** method. It meant that we had to understand, and if we create a balance connection
between the energy, what we call the Soul, and the physicality which we call the body
of the man, and the Creator where everything comes from and goes back to, you live
in harmony. And from then others who understood this, and developed with the more
illiterate people created divisions.

So in fact, we are made of what we call the matters and the states of this planet. We
came from interaction of the fields of this planet, and in so many ways, we have a
very short time on this moving spaceship, we call planet. We have chosen different
ways, in so many ways to control the energy or the physicality, and those who created
the control of physicality, (:48). went for statues, and those who went creating and
controlling the Soul, brought what we call religion, both imprisoning, one the
physicality, and one the energy.

With this new technology we free man from both, because now you understand. And
then in reality, you see through your eyes, what we call the Mitra, the origin, the first
thought who understood the balance between the creation, the Creator, and the
environment, which has created it. And if you look at it, that's all what Mithraism is,
the Creator, the created, and the environmental condition, that it connects the creator
to the created. "Talk good, do good, and think good." And if you understood this, then
you can travel the span of universe and find a place anywhere, and any point in the

So now the human race has to decide in a simple process. If this is our solar system
and we are just about to reach and pass that window gap, do we want to stay there, or
do we want to jump in a bigger pool? (:50). and then even then, we jump into the
bigger pool, and then in jump in there, we join a pool which we become part of the
totality. Where this is the solar system, the galaxy and the universe, and the Unicose,
and the Creator. The journey to this will take forever. And now we are teaching for
the man to jump to this, and maybe in the very near future to this, and maybe in the
distance time to this, and maybe in a much longer time to this (Creator). And maybe,
maybe, if you're matured, to the Soul of Mitra, make the journey in one go. And in so
many ways, in all in what we call the galaxies, the stars, and all the galaxies, and the
universes, and the stars in them, and every other aspects, there are lives in every
dimension, because every little planet or star has a different animal to his creator. So
in fact they create life, but not visible to the eye of the man, (:52). because we don't
see that level, we don't see what we call, uniformity in energy, and then if you take
these leaps we have to understand the totality of it.

And what we teach is to give you a choice, physical flight in the space of the solar
system, physical flight in the galaxy, in the universe and the Unicose, or a
combination of both in the energy and physicality, or in the recent past teachings,
through the energy pack, because energy pack does not need so much tranStar
Formationormation. It needs to be stripped and become of the higher order strength to
reach further and further. It's easier to reach in the ** rain of the Creator with the
energy, than with the physicality. Physicality takes time, physicality needs the space
of physicality. The Soul and the energy needs none, but of the same strength, zero
time communication. As we said in the other teachings it depends what field you want
to travel in. Now you understand, you want the physicality of the man, or galaxy, or
the universe, or Unicose, or the Soul, or the energy of the Creator.

I come from this (Creator) and I'll go back to this, by my own choosing, as I come
from it. I have given this gift to 2 women in Keshe Foundation, they have to choose to
keep the path, to bring mankind to this dimension, (:54). as they are mothers, and
shall become mothers of the creation for the dimension of the amino acid of the
human race and with it the Unicose.

There is one thing that you will understand soon, we teach not for mankind, but we
teach for the Unicose, as they can diverse and travel the dimension, so their souls, and
the dimension of the strength of the souls will be heard by the totality. The love of
Creator does not shine on a ray, it shines in a spherical shape, equal and everlasting as
long as the Creator lives. In this process as we taught you before, I want to bring in,
what I call, enigma into your understanding. And this enigma, this what I call the
puzzle point is for you to sort, and will answer many questions when you ask many
times, "are they with us, are they part of us, have they been here, the men of this
Unicose and universes to visit us, and have they taken our shape and are we part of
them?" In my teachings I tried to explain in a very simple way, especially knowing
that we come to this day, that you have to understand. (:56). I brought Alex in a
couple of weeks ago to explain to you how he makes the food. There was a purpose
for this. I tell you what you understand. This is the salt and the water and the Gans's,
and this is the apple and the orange, and in so many ways, different fruits, as they
have Soul, they have tranStar Formationerred the energy, the taste, and the dominion
on the water that you drink. As you yourself are the mixture of Gans's and diversity of
the fields. Now you understand one thing more, if this is your planet, and this is its
surface and within it we have created so much water, and even the mixture, and even
your own body on it as a liquid Gans, and if I am the visitor of this planet, and you
was a Gans water, or the sea, what do you think? Haven't you received my Soul? In
reality, is there any difference between this and this, this being a fruit, and this being a
Soul of the visitor of this planet.

(:58). So mankind's knowledge comes from diversity of Universal Community and

itself. It comes with its energies and beauties, without interference. And if you
understand this, this planet soon becomes the Unicose, and soon as messengers of this
planet we become that Cup, and we become that orange and apple. This is why we
tried to put the physicality and the conduct of the man right, that when the Soul, when
it becomes the creators of others, it's perfection.

In this process, in this understanding, in this understanding of the totality, we come to

one point, and that is, we need to understand, and that it is, we need to be able to
comprehend the totality of the process, the totality of understanding, the truth about
ourselves and the reason of our creation, and those who have created us through the
dimension of the interaction of their fields. Mankind needs to know the truth, the truth
about itself, and in that process, why and how we became, (1:00). and what are we to
become. How far and to what extent would we change. How far and to what extent we
will become part of, and how far and to what extent we come to understand the reality
and the truth?

Maybe, maybe it's time for mankind to understand the whole process, and understand
every step, and then you understand in the process of the creation we are little souls,
that these souls in time will become, according to the position of their lives, the feeder
of information to the others. The feeder of new life, and if you pay a visit to another
planet and universe, what would you like this Cup, your Cup to give to that Soul you
meet, (1:02). war, anger, aggression, or peace, love and care? As I have said in
teachings before what would you like the child of your Soul to be? Because you
become that Soul, you become that food, you become that position of the tranStar
Formationer of your emotion.

And in so many ways, if you understand it, what we done with mankind is very
simple, the Universal Council has locked you down, for centuries and thousands of
years, because present behavior of man is not acceptable. Because if you understand,
you infect the universe. In so many ways, you have already infected many times that's
why we have brought everything under control. So, instead of you becoming small
problems, and a bigger problem in the future, we have come to solve the problem as it
roots, as its onset, where it starts. We know where the problem has come in the
creation of physicality, and we know where the mistake has happened in diversity of
the energies, (1:04). that the 2 needed to come into operation. So in reality, what we
are giving to the mankind is both, in both dimensions. Understanding the power of the
Soul of the Physicality (Soul of the physicality), and understanding the power of the
Soul of the man and the energy, that in the space the 2 together become that
formidable pair, that they can stand what we call the different field strength of the

It is very hard to break a atom of H, if you understand its work. And it's very easy to
create separation for an atom of H, if you know how to introduces new field to create
the what we call, "the ** distance," and if mankind understands this, if mankind
understands that it never can kill, it can never destroy, but if it needs be, it can puts its
emotion, and feeling in a Soul to create the closeness and separation, then mankind
will take off with this ethos in the universe that he is available to give, and is available
to receive, but does not have the power to destroy, to kill. (1:06).

But, and one big but is, this word, "Mitra", and what is this word "God", and where
the difference comes. And in fact, what does the 2 lead to creation of? In so many
ways, we can choose any name for this (Mitra), as we can for this (God). And the
combination of the 2 needs to be to create life, in order, and with respect, and peace.
Up to now, man has been deluded of this (God). And now we put the order back in.
Singularity has never worked, because it has to create compromises for it to exist
(1:08). Then, you come with anything you like, and anything you want, and any other
name in the universe, and then you create a polarity for your own satiStar
Formationaction in any shape or form, in any dimension in the universe, where there
is no control, and the mayhem like on earth creates. The perfection comes from when
you create balance in any name from the beginning, then this will not exist (erases
Adam - Eve, etc..), and man will be a man and, and the rest of the creatures will stay
the same and balance will be created.

This is the change in the new cycle, not just for man, but the entirety of the creation in
the dimension of the universe. In a way, we create a balance on the other end, if you
understand, that between the 2 we create the harmony. And mankind should have
understood something very simple, in the world of the creation of the Unicose (draws
an oval with 2 dots in middle), the earth and its galaxy and its universe sits
somewhere here. (1:10). where up to now we had this (draws an oval with only 1 dot
in middle). And this new balance, this new understanding will create a balanced field
amongst and across the Unicose (draws an Infinity Loop between the 2 dots). Now
you understand why such a position, time, and evolution in time of man, at this time,
is to move the whole thing into balanced position, and there is a reason for it, which
mankind at this moment is not open to understand, and that's what we say, from the
interaction of the two, we'll create a new Soul, that all becomes in balance in totality.

The problem doesn't sit only with the solar system of the earth for man, the balance up
to now sat right across the universe. A proton needs an electron to be able to keep its
existence, so now we see the same. Try to understand this phase, and it will be very
difficult for many, many human beings to go through this transition. When the same
time, the ability of this is, in this process mankind has created many souls who
become the stars of this galaxy and the universes and the Unicose.

Now that man is educated and the man will travel the span of universe, as for example
you go from England to another country on the continent and you see another
Englishman and you say, "oh, you are from England, let's go to the Pub and have a
drink." Now in the space you can say, "oh, you are a Soul from earth." Because the
fingerprint of the amino acid of the man and the planet is unique. And then you
understand this planet has been creating many.
And in so many ways, now that we put the totality in correct conduct, all those who've
been misbehaving in the system, shall be in the problem, through the dimension of the
interaction of the origin will correct themselves. We've had too many mischievous
souls in the dimension of creation, and with this move we put everything right. But
understand one thing, mankind amino acid energy sits in balance with both ends of
the Soul of the Creator and sub-matter, to man's sub-matter, so you have to be the
balance between the two, (1:14). and maybe that's why we choose the earth, and this
time, and this place, and this position. We choose the place and the time, and at the
same time, Mitra chooses her own.

The balance will come in a short time, but we don't have that much time, in so many
ways, to pass this line (when the earth will no longer sustain life). So we have to
complete in this window and man is getting very close to this line. Or the earth is
getting so close to this line. Once you pass a certain position the falls to this line
becomes faster. As I said before, the dinosaurs were created at this point, and the man
somewhere here. And even today in the new creation, and animals and plants are
created according to the level of the strength of the fields in every way.

If you understand it, if this is our solar system, (1:16). and this is the sun, we started
the life from here, and we are forever, every time, every year we are circling it. The
time of dinosaurs was there, and the time of the man is here, and line to cross for no
life as we know is here. This is why on this end we could see larger animals as the
pressure from the sun on earth was not that much, and now the larger, and as we go
further in we'll see smaller and smaller animals, even a giraffe will be a giant very
soon, as the dinosaurs used to be when we were here. It's the compression of the
magnetic fields and in interaction with the pressures from the rays and the fields of
the sun which creates this. And it follows the laws of magnetic fields, and plasmatic
fields. If you increase the gravitational, the magnetical will change too, because it has
to, because it dictates by the absorption of the fields from the center. (1:18).

Maybe today's teaching will open the eyes of many to the reality and to the facts, and
as one of the Knowledge Seekers said, "it's a shock to understand, everything is
different, and Adam wasn't the first thing," in fact Adam couldn't be, because he
couldn't create. Adam is a giver, creation of life comes from the one who can create
equality and balance that all the cells, as in the womb of the mother grow together in
harmony and divide at the same time to create life, and the body of the man, and the
man as the giver doesn’t have this ability to be correct, to be just. When you have the
cells in the womb of the mother she does not give one to one, and another to the other,
she gives equal, because she is the creator, she wants to create and this brings a
different mentality, different understanding, justice and correctness. And this is why
the behavior in the womb of the mother is the true Mitra, and comes with it, the
woman itself.
I warned for many years, and many years before, that the next prophet, the next cycle
of generation will be a "womem," and now you understand why, and there is a big
difference between these two (womem and womam). It needs a balance within itself
to be correct, otherwise it will become arrogant and singularity. It's the same when
you put with the God, or the Creator, it needs balance, otherwise it will be the mess
we have seen in singularity. It will be very hard for many people to accept, the
hypocrisy they have believed in. In so many ways, the situation is very simple, when
you enter a new environment, being a planet, being a galaxy, being a universe, look at
the interaction of its physical fields and look at the interaction of the energy fields,
and then somewhere in-between you'll find life, intelligence and interaction. (1:22).

On earth we have something very strange, in the universe that man enters, will come
across another dimension, and this dimension is very different then what we have
envisaged. Man will come to know and to live according to this. If you look, man's
life in the Periodic Table sits in sub-energy atomic periodic table, which the man does
not understand yet, and in what I call, "create a line of the energies" of which man is
not aware of, and physicality exists in all strengths in all levels. The physicality of the
man has chosen between the lowest part, and the interaction of the middle part, and
somewhere a higher part, between the H to Zn, plus any other bits to create the
balance. (1:24).

So this gives a very small window, but a diversity of life with intelligence on this
planet. In other creations in the universe, which you unfortunately are going to fall
into, you have this in one life. Or you have this in another life, which means life will
exist in the two extremities, or life exists above the field of the man, because their
environment creates this condition, and then you understand how you become a virus
to one or the other. You are part of their energy pack, but you are not in their
physicality, and this what I explained before, that mankind has to understand, not only
his physical positioning, but the energy which he has created, which we call the Soul
of the man. And this is bigger problem for you, when in part of the universe you get
hit by a life which lives in this domain, or in this domain. Or the most disaster for
them is, if they live in this domain, (1:26). and now you become a stronger energy
pack above, you become their Corona. Now you can understand, and the further you
go that way, the more you move towards the Unicose and the Creator. And the further
you go this way, it's the time of the re-cycling to go back. In fact, it's what we said,
you sit here, and now mankind is here. Then you understand why and how we have
introduced, without you knowing, a new dimension, that with this (2 amino acid
NOCH & HCON), you can live the span of both.

The Chinese philosophers understood, the philosophers of China, they called it Yin
and Yang, but they could never find a way from Yin to Yang and Yang to Yin, and
for the first time in understanding the construction of the life and existence, (1:28). it
should be easy for them to unravel and complete the cycle, that their Soul can live in
all dominions and structures. As they give one to the other, they become and they
move to this side (towards re-cycling) , and as they give one to the other, they move
to this side (towards the Creator).

I explained this in a hidden way, in the teachings for years, and now maybe, maybe
you understand. I said, we start from fields, and interaction of 2 fields gives us a
plasma, and interaction of 2 plasmas gives us physics, and interaction of 2 physics
gives us chemistry, and interaction of 2 chemistry's gives us biology, and interaction
of the 2 biology's gives us the Soul, and interaction of 2 souls, and then what you
understand this, becomes the Soul of the Universe, and then the Soul of the Universe,
(1:30). which is the level of the Creator, and there on to become the same of the two,
to become one, and in these there are still different levels. Now you see how it
accumulates, and in that process mankind can exist in all dimensions, if he chooses,
and chooses the matter state on this end, and the energy state on that end at its
maximum use, by one of the two components. Because in fact, what he can do, is the
ability to put two of these together (NOCH & HCON) in one package that it interacts.
And you know how, it is done in the womb of the mother. By interactions of packages
of two, you created the Soul, or the energy pack. So man is fully aware of how to
move across. And if you understood this, in the universe we can withstand any, any
energy of physical dimension.

(end of Creation Cycle teaching )

(proofed to here )

And as you'll see, as I was informed by the webmaster yesterday, today, (1:32). that
today is the 20th and next week during our teachings or sometime during that day,
we'll see the Americans launch back into space after a long time, they fly with exact
suits we have given you as Corona suits

(1:34). ..

.. As I said 2020 is the time of space (1:40). space program compare ..


.. We are moving in one direction, in reality it is to get off before we cross the line
(planet gets too close to sun for life). (1:52). That in time we can find somewhere else
in this Universe to find a home and establish
.. many cultures in Universe don't have homes, planets, they're not nomads, they're
highly educated .. you'll be lucky to even see them or communicate with them ..

now you understand where you came from

(1:54). Any questions?

Q: Ruthi. . I am Wang Lyn, I am the head of Keshe Foundation China. I think today
your teaching is so amazing. I don't know if the humans are lucky or so unlucky ..

Keshe: I turn the question around, your Soul is one of the two which ** the mankind,
which way you decide? The decision and the future of the Universe,

sits with your Soul and the Soul of Ella, it's a gift given, you have to decide. It sits in
parallel with the Soul of the Creator. So I think that's an answer you have to give, not

What do you envision for us ..

What is your vision, what does your Soul tell us?
Q: I believe it is time to lift humanity .. (2:00).

WL- I can feel there is a kind of exciting,


Keshe: What do you see, you have the Buddhists

(2:04). WL-

Keshe: So how are you going to take us into space with the Soul you carry? What is
the destiny of mankind? (2:08). As I was saying to some friends, I made a mess of
creating the Man, how are you going to cleanup the mess I made, between you two
women? Are you still going to go the path of physicality or do you choose the path of
the Soul?
WL- I think we'll go the path of the Soul. The only way is that.
Keshe: Where is our guideline, as I said you two souls need time to mature to be able
to do, and the beauty of it is the innocence and the clarity,

WL- I think all the souls that come to the earth are ready and are united as one to lift
us in one go.

Keshe: Where is Ella, is she asleep or awake? .. (2:10).

E- I am awake.
Keshe: What is your vision as the other half of this balance?
E- I can ** but I can only speak about a recent experience. And that is about when I
asked if you can teach about anger and how we can eliminate this from the human
behavior to begin with, and instead, the decision was to teach about the world of
creation and how we came to be, and actually the answer was in that, the answer to
my question was in that, because my ** old in steps, in human way, fist do this and
then ****

(2:12). I don't we can say, okay now we all believe in our souls and the physicality
will cease to exist, because in the end every Soul can choose to manifest in any point
in the Universe and still convert from ** and matter to energy, and to have this
playful and joyful growth in **
at least that is what I see at the moment.
Keshe: Will it be interesting for Knowledge Seekers to observe in the next few weeks
and months, how these two young souls will mature to run, and how the .. mature to
guide humanity and the rest to world peace ..

but as two souls

If I ask you a question
(2:14). what is your wish for mankind, because whatever you wish will be done

Keshe: What is your vision, where do you want to take us.

Mankind will change, mankind is a monkey and a sheep, and this should not be ..

WL- Yeah, my wish is humanity really put down arms, (2:16). and became united
and peace and then we bring them into the Universal Council and set them free, let
souls fly.
Keshe: What do you envision now, what is our future in the hand of you two?
E- At this point I can not say exactly, but until the next time .. just people think before

the wish has to also come within all the souls we are guiding ..
Keshe: In so many ways, the humanity will come to adore you, (2:18). for the souls
you carry, and I am sure in the Soul of the Universe will be with you too.
Mitra means a lot for those of you who don't understand, the creator of the creator.

Any questions from any of the ladies. Don't forget when I step down these 2 ladies
become the teachers.

(2:20). Does anybody have any questions, would like them to explain. .. Keshe: which
one has a question for the 2 ladies.
Q: Marinez, .. I have question for WL, ** live passionately, and I think that what
makes us different from others in Universe ..**
Keshe: Are we ready to give completely, is the human race ready to give completely?
Q: Why not. ?**
Keshe: In so many ways, it's an honor, ..
(2:24). today we hear more from their physicality then Soul ..

Keshe: I think that responsibility.


It's not singularity, which is there to dictate, not accommodate ..

(2:28). twin souls of them will complete the process .. in time you'll understand
Q: Has there been before in the history of man this kind of **
Keshe: No,
Q: We are copying the Universal Council?
Keshe: No we are learning to bring the balance in. Any other question.
Q: I have more of comment .. I love both of these ladies so much as I hear them
speak in the past 2 weeks. Form Lynn I get we are ready for the
From Ella I get she would like to see more change in physicality, more kindness.
I was wondering if that is correct?

Keshe: That's why they were chosen this way, one from the East and one from the

they have to speak through their Soul, not to write and think.
(2:32). Any other questions. Any comments form you Lyn or Ella. In the coming time
we'll leave the Thursday teachings gradually to one of the other lady, or the
combination of the two with me part of it, that we go through the transition time of the

Q; Stephanie (2:34). (Italian ) .. she wants to thank you for what you are teaching
right now , she finds her place in the ** When she came to this world she wanted to
understand why she is here, and she always felt herself she was different, by listening
to your teaching, you give her the tools to make the change. (2:36). .. (Italian ..) She
says that since she has been part of the Keshe Foundation she feels .. through all the
souls, and really felt unconditionally love for Italian community .. feels this expansion
for souls all over the world .. when we elevate the other, like the politicians she really
feel that this is happening. (2:38). .. every time she had a birthday she said she will
live more then a hundred years, now she has the tools
Keshe: Thank you .
Q: I think the whole point .. gather the knowledge ..
.. My question is if we use the plasma water will it be the same effect as the Gans?
Keshe: I don't understand. (2:40).

Keshe: What do you mean?

Keshe: I still don't understand what you are trying to get at?


Keshe: No I think you are confusing and mixing too many things, but once you have
the source and you take from the source, the source continuously supplies into the
fields, but once you take your water from the source, and you give it to the others, it
has no source to add to it, it looses its energy, and this we have answered before. You
cannot take without a source. This is why ..
changing the new Protocol .
Any other question.

Q: (Spanish ) (2:46). .. is the tranStar Formationormation in this new step

Keshe: As we always say, everything in the Universe even if you become wise
enough, even the fields of the Creator has a measurement ..

because if it didn't have measurement the Soul of the physicality would not have been
able to capture it, or to encage it. So if mankind understands this, mankind can create
a condition to free his Soul without anything, without death, because if you can create
a field around the
would have been free. It's amazing when I look (2:48).

our Soul would have been in the center ..

life like a jelly shape

Chinese have more of the emotion ..

(2:54). Ella comes from the matter state, logical, has to have a meaning in the physical
dimension, and if you look at it, we always that position of Soul of the physicality
and Soul of the man, and if you understand this




.. The game has changed if the mankind understands, but don't forget nobody jumps
into one end, it takes time, I .. to bring one step at a time. Those of you who mature to
this, you jump. I go in the Soul of the man, and I said many, many times, I had this
battle many times with Caroline. She said to me, I know what you are doing, don't do
that, don't go inside. (3:04). You see them as they are naked, but they don't see what
you see. Nothing is hidden to us, but I still play the game otherwise I have nothing left
to do. Because I create the condition of environment of your Soul, I am in it. I know
which president is lying and cheating, do you want me to open up the voice box. But
we have to let the coarse, I can't steal but I can witness .. When I sit in the emotion
of Ell or WL, I can elevate in 1 sec but that is not my job, because they have to go
through the process of giving and taking in the correct way to elevate the totality. I
don't need spies, I live within ..


.. it took me a long time to bring the Soul here…
you are gradually getting the tools for your Soul. ..

(3:14). .. I suffered long enough to bring this Soul here ..

I never thought we have such incompetent leader across this planet .

you depopulated yourself.
my job is done, you are not aware what I brought you .. just because there is no man
this planet will not continue its beauty ..

I never thought such a stupid leader in American .. you opened your door to mingle,
Let me explain what is going to happen. The biggest mistake your governments and
your leaders have made, and you thought you are free, is this. You know it's a (3:18).
typical what you call English school time. You go to school season in September, you
have brought all the diseases of where you went in the summer with your cousins and
everyone else you traveled around the world

then you hit Christmas 2 weeks, ..

the April ..
.. Now your leaders are making the same
now they are opening the borders for you to go out and go shopping
get a massive increase of Italian version, Spanish version then open internationally
worse thing your leaders did was to open up ..

We'll see a massive increase .. not in lung ,
.. will touch the plants and everything else we're going to get a virgin planet, do you
think 30 to 50 years will make much difference. ..

(3:24) . Now you understand what is to come. Your leaders are absolutely
incompetent, and on top of it they have a more incompetent person called Mr. Gates ..
.. You thought the "Boat of Noah," was a joke. You have to decide if you want to be
the passengers of it. Now the earth is reaching to that point. In the talk of the two you
get one message if you go deep enough.

Any other question?

Q: Ike .. We are learning to get to the balance on the onset we diverted from the Soul
and focused more on the physicality, to get to the balance

Keshe: What do you mean?

Q: I am not sure how to put it. (3:28).

Keshe: What do you mean by that?

Q; I want to know how to get to the Soul quicker .since we are used to physicality.

Keshe: Oh, you are like the others, you want a short-cut. No shortcut you should have
learned it billions of years while you were here. (3:30).
Q: So that is the shortcut?
Keshe: That's called the cheating, tell us show. A lot of people would like to know
that you had plenty of time to learn that
you abused your Soul with physicality ..

even these 2 souls have to learn to accommodate the other in peace and harmony
but mankind decided to cheat. physicality is a leech on the Soul of the man ..


(3:36). So how what we take form this planet dictates how we look even if we live in
the same place.

Very soon I will show you all how you can feed yourself without ever touching
another being. In a way, (3:38). the biggest problem for the man is to feed himself.
if we fill the oceans with Gans's Then what would be the ultimate if you are feed ..

would that elevate your Soul. in the coming time we'll show you how to do it,
You have to do it with the Gans's , we can't do it, because it's your planet
(3:42). Next question.
Q: .. In reference to a few weeks ago you mentioned the virgin birth , the role of the
men on this planet (3:44). ?
Keshe: You have to understand the difference between the virgin birth and physical
birth ..
.. you listen to the only part that suits you ..



.. Thank you very for today.

Soon you'll see they'll become mature voices,
I give from my Soul to both of them that mankind can elevate


329 Knowledge Seekers Workshop


330th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; May 28, 2020



(:10). Yes good morning to you, wherever and whenever you listen to these series of
Knowledge Seekers. In so many ways we are back in, 330th teachings. In so many
ways a good break Into the whole structure of the teachings. It will be interesting to
be made to 660 and 990, and who will be teaching in those times. The knowledge of
the cash Foundation, There's no limit and we have covered every aspect, From
knowledge in the space to health to, to agriculture to materials, we have covered in
depth, and set up, and have become to be a new science and technology also. All these
Technology all the breakthroughs has been taught by one man, which very unusual.
(:12). But when you carry the Soul of the Creator, it is easy as you know, knows all
and shares all.
In the past week And the week before we start sharing A lot of knowledge about the
history of man on this planet. Part of this teaching is embedded in book number 4,
The origin of the creation of the solar system . All solar systems create life in one way
or another. During their life during their existence they create, different ways of life,
different strengths different approach, What is mankind is not the only creatures, Or
the life on this planet is not the only.

In this process, man needs to understand more, and comprehend more, that in the
depths of space, everything he sees will be new, but he has to know his limitation.
Gastineau what he has and

In so many ways our universe is like Earth, (:14). it has travelers and it has residence,
and those who want to know more as we travel around this planet.

In the past year, with what Corona has done to us, it has brought us home we have a
weakness. The structure of knowledge, weakness in understanding the process of
creation Beyond what we know about physical entity we have a problem even to
understand it Comprehended Correct. In some discussions, as is going on we are.
Okay it does work if it does work okay all right

(:16). On planet earth we observe dots of light (UFO), some we see

we will travel in Mother ships.. with many races travel together ..
(:18). These ships stand for thousands of years before moving on.

(:20). If we become passengers of Universe on these ships,

how to extend our lives beyond 50 to 60, 100 years ..

(:22). with nationalism cannot become passengers of these ships..

(:28). .. no division of nationalism, this has to stop .. proud of being One Nation.
Sometimes around 21-3- 2021 to have the first interaction with the Universe
Community. It will you who will miss, not the rest of the Universe. It's a new
beginning, it's what we planned and what we'll deliver. (:30). If you understand what
I said before(3 3 3 = 9), it's the point of completion, and we start a new life. And in so
many ways, we have no choice.

(Soul Teaching about Cycle of Creation continued)

As I said last week, we have to understand how we were created, and then when we
go to the next step in this creation we have to understand, as we said last time, the
planet earth was made of Pangaea,
and original life was created on this band, because amino acid (amino acid), the
condition for materials, and if you go back to the teaching for he past 7, 8, 10 years
you'll understand
how even, we came to be split in the brain and the body. Then we go deeper, we
understand we created the man, man through accident came, was created, it created
his brain, and it created his arms and legs and all the materials in it, to be able to
sustain life on this planet.

But as we know, when you bring the diversity of the fields together to be able to
operate as a collective one unit, we need to have a central control. And we understand
that mankind has 2 central controls, 1 for the total operation in respect to man and the
outside, and 1 in respect to his own dimension of physicality. (:32). In that way, in
that sense, mankind has no choice but to understand how to operate in these 2, and in
the past as man did not know, and did not understand the center of operation of his
whole total entity, sits within the center of his brain, where his sun is, that's what we
call the Soul of the Man (Soul of the man), in so many ways, needs to be understood,
that how does this operate and interacts with this one. And the sooner we understand
then the sooner we can bring cooperation and collaboration between the 2 parts.

The biggest problem for mankind has been very simple, and those who understood
this as a problem for the man, they have abused it, because .. if you have created a
central control for the operation of the cells that all can communicate and work with,
you have to understand, you created another part, you created what we call interaction
between the physical part, and what we call the mobile part and which is and what
we call the body of the man. In so many ways, created, .. by different components,
and with it came in different sections, which we call the lungs, the heart, and the
operation of the 2 systems, (:34). to be able to collaborate with each other.

In a way the 2 fields have to interact that in interaction between the fields of the
physical dimension and the fields of energy, or central control, in where they meet,
they create what we call, emotion. And this emotion has been the biggest problem for
mankind. The brain of the man runs a physical operation with emotion, and the body
runs a system with no emotion, but as a system to get information and tranStar
Formationer back, as information to the Soul. So if we understood this, we understand
different strength, in different position, in different structure of the brain, gives us
different emotions. And one of the reasons man cannot free his Soul, is because he
has not understood how the emotion is created, and at what strength this emotion
works, and how he can remove it where it needs, or initiate it where he needs, to
create an interaction between the central point, what we call the Soul of the man, and
its physicality. You have to go back to the teachings where we explained how the
dimension and flow of the, what we call, blood, (:36). creates this magnetic field
control, and how it decides, how it penetrates, and what that penetration in the brain,
means different emotions. And if mankind starts understanding this, mankind will be
able to become travelers of the space, which means you have to understand your
emotion, through the strength of the Soul, and not the strength of the physicality.
Because when you become man of space, instead of your blood, you'll have another
entity which has a Soul, and the interaction of, between his Soul and your Soul, gives
that emotion, and then we have to understand this, then there is no difference between
the emotion of the interaction of the physicality of the man, and any other creature in
the Universe. If mankind understands this, mankind will become, and will be able to
travel the depth of the Universe, with no problem. Recognition of interaction is the
same in all dimensions. So when you become passengers of the Universe, there
should be no difference between the structure and the work of your Soul of the
physicality and the Soul of another entity. At the same time each strength will give an
indication to the Soul of what are the intentions, (:38). what is the availability, and
what is there to be changed and needs to be adjusted.

In so many ways, if mankind moves to understand the interaction of the two fields, of
two system, will create given emotion, mankind will start measuring, understanding
replicating, and teaching the Soul of the man for his dimension of physicality to
recognize different emotions in the universe, where this will become the Soul of the
man, and this become the Soul of entity. As on the earth we fix it, and as our systems
we can adjust it, we can adjust both systems to understand the color, the field, the
emotion, related to each interaction and strength, we can change, we can see how our
Soul reacts to different strengths, and in that process, what it means.

For this process we taught you the Cup of Man, that became, in so many ways, the
creator of that second Soul for you to understand, to interact with, and understand
what each emotion ** needs, what does it mean and what is the strength. In so many
ways, if you understood this, the next level of understanding as we did with the Soul
of the man, and with the entity of his physicality and his Soul of physicality, now the
scientists, (1:40). and those who want to become the man of space, need to go back to
one step. Make reactors dynamic as you've done before, one to be a Cup of Life one,
and one to be the Cup of Life two, and interaction between the two you can adjust,
and create, and start understanding the interaction of the motions of the fields, and to
start understanding the structure of the Soul of the man, in the interaction with those
of the universe.
As I said, we never seen a Cup Life anywhere in the universe. And the next step for
mankind will be in the research and development, the interaction of the Cup one in
dynamic form, with the interaction of Cup of two in the dynamic form, and in the
position of the two, the creation of the fields of the emotion, and with that mankind in
a rapid way, will start to understand interaction of the fields of emotion, how fields
from this, it means sorrow, what field from here, it means joy. And then in that
process mankind rapidly will become, a true man of space.

As I said, we have reached post Corona, Corona is for the leaders of the world to be
busy with it, where we take mankind into space and we cannot be busy way that. In so
many ways, if mankind understands the travel in the depth of the universe needs
training, (:42). training of the Soul, training of the understanding of the operation of
the Soul of the Universe, even going as far as to understand the strength of the Soul of
the Creator, in one way another it's all the same. It's on the strength and the "eye" of
the Soul of the beholder, to understand even the communication and the feeling of his

The process of unification will start from this point on. We start teaching you how to,
do not touch food, how do not touch what we call the wrong emotions. We teach you
how to protect yourself in the depth of the universe, and in time, at the destined time,
you will meet your, what we call, fellow passengers of the first spaceship, where you
will become one of those to travel the depth of the universe. Some of you will
graduate and reach the point of understanding the work of your Soul, and you would
not like to be a passenger. This has been gifted to the two souls, what we announced
as before, but the rest will have a long way to understand to reach this point. As they
were gifted by the Soul, in the level of the Creator.

In so many ways will expand and we develop, and in so many ways, we start teaching
you how to, first of all, understand the creation of the emotions, (:44). control of the
emotions, which has been a shackle on man not to allow his Soul to be free. And then
the interaction of what we call, the new systems of what we call, Universal Cup ones,
and Universal Cup two's, where you understand the control of your Soul and the Soul
of physicality, and how you can expand one to extend unto the others, or vice versa,
the same. This will give you a trust to be able to let your physical dimensions, to be
handed over to your Soul, and vice versa.

In the coming weeks sometime as we develop the technology of the space rapidly, in
conjunction with the Iranian scientists, we start releasing these kind of information's
for the others to follow. At the same time, when we reach to this point we will
understand huge problems. We will see massive, massive problems for humanity,
those who will take and run with the knowledge and enjoy its beauty, and those who
will have a problem stuck in the racism, nationalism and the rest. Soon you will
understand why we created the Universal Councils and Universal Council members.
And in so many ways, in so many beautiful ways, the Soul of the man is ready to take
into space.

As I said, if you go to the very first writings, we say we never see in the universe
these kind of shapes. How did you expect your Cup of 1 Man, and Cup of two man to
take you into space. Many of you should have realized, this is the destiny. But, (:46).
step by step, we have to take you across, and if you understand how to operate these,
in no time Corona will be a friend that we need to learn from, that in the depth of the
space, we come across many of these energy packs. How do we absorb them to
become food, energy, and at the same time, we can use it to feed the others.

In the next step in development of the Soul of the man, man has come, and has to
move into what we call dynamic systems, as we did before, that in the interaction of
it, he will understand all emotion of the Soul of the man, not the emotion of
physicality. And in that process he decides where, and how, and when to join and to
travel. In so many ways, you don't need a rocket or a spaceship to jump up into the
spaceship above, or the Motherships if you have elevated to understand the work of
the Soul of the man, in true dimension. So in simple way, we will go through the same
process, you can stay passengers of the spaceship called earth, as your forefathers did,
you can develop yourself to the system, to become co-exister in the spaceships we
shall travel the universe. Or on the other hand move a step up, move with the strength
of the Soul and you can choose the point, the place, anywhere in the universe, and the

In next few months will try to get you to this point. (:48). You will see new lights,
you will see new features, you will see new colors that you have never seen. The color
of the plasma is very different. If you look into the book number three where we
showed the Gans's for the first time, we have explained, that we will see unusual
colors of the Gans. In a way, the Gans's and their interaction, create a new dimension,
and new colors that are not visible to the eye of the man, but they are part of the
interaction, visualization, sensation, emotion of the Soul of the man. When you put
the Gans's together as you see, it's not the colors that your Soul sees, and observes,
and understands.

Knowledge of man has to move on very rapidly, as we cannot leave it to be taught

very, very gradual, as two reasons, the time of what we call, balancing the whole of
the Unicose, is approaching, and is very short. At the same time, if we teach this in a
long term, will create more problems. So in the coming weeks, in the coming days,
and many of you will need to, and will move on to, what we call, "the truth structure
of a dynamic Soul," both, one, to be the Soul of your physicality, and one to be the
Soul of the Operation. And in learning how to interact between these two, you can
change from one to another. In so many ways, mankind has no choice, mankind and
the rest of the creatures of the universe, (:50). are all on the same track. There is no
exam day to see who passes, is the day when everybody will pass, will understand,
and need to understand if they want to become the passengers of universe.

As we saw a little dinghy weather brought a halt, and resulted in abandoning of, what
was supposed to be one of the most advanced launches of present time, yesterday,
with the most advanced nation on earth, what we call the United States. They have to
abandon after loading, with a fear of even, the system might expose what they were
unloading. If we understand how backwards this technology is used, by the what we
call the present space technology scientists, it will be jumping lead, for the Keshe
foundation scientists who understand to move to this dimension.

In so many ways, if you go back into the structure of the Keshe foundation, when you
understood the star formation, and then you understand now the position of the
creation of the Gans's for the Soul of the man, then it should not be very hard for you,
to know how to translate this (Cup of man), into this (Star Formation). And in so
many ways, mankind has to become the controller of his own destiny through his own
essence. And if one understands the operation of what we call, the Soul of the man,
then the man understands that space is an oyster, (:52). for those who can enjoy
expanded extension of life.

So what you call emotion, is the interface between the two parties, that both
understand, exactly the same as happens in your brain. As the flow of the fields of the
emotion of the blood from physicality, in the interaction with the flow of the fields
from the essence of the creation of it, gives you what you call different emotions. If
you understand this, if mankind moves to the next level of understanding of the
interaction of the fields, mankind will rapidly develop new technologies and systems.
And it goes back to what I've been asking you for over a year, please do not look at
the physicality, but look at the fields. Now you understand why.

In so many ways, if mankind decides, he can combine many, many systems to travel
with the essence of the motion, to travel with the speeds beyond the imagination of
the man, and to be the passenger of the universe in any dimension. But mankind has
to understand one process, what is the Creator, and what is to be, what we call the
light of the Creator. If you understand that, (:54). then you understand simply one
thing, when you have the Sun, and you have the ray of the Sun, which one is the
creator, and which one is the essence. Rick, could I have the picture of the Sun I sent
you please.

In so many ways mankind will have to take a leaping step to understand the totality,
and at the same time, to understand how it's created, and how the creation comes from
the essence of the Creator. If you look, if we can explain it in a very simple way, this
is the Creator, and the lights, as you see expanding out, are the essence. It's these
which makes the life. It's these which leads to creation in the universe. In fact, the
Creator has two dimensions, one of His own, and one should releases to be created
out of, what we call, in so many ways, Mitras. As the Creator stands alone, but
through his essence, leads to creation.

In time, for those of you who progress in understanding the work of your Soul, (:56).
will understand how this works, because that's a key, in the ** circumstance and
knowledge of the creation. This is how, even though keeps the same, it gives to exist,
to be given to be the creator, to become the essence of creation in the universe. If you
look at it this way, if the Sun of this planet has taken, and is so small that it can lead to
the creation of man, then you've got to imagine what the Sun of the Creator size will
be, that my divisions of it, and subdivisions of it, from Unicoses to galaxies, and the
rest, leads to creation, which is from the remnants, of the remnants, of the remnants,
of the fields, which in so many ways, mankind has become a factor, of a factor, of
totality. But in essence, both comes for one to be created.

Maybe, maybe mankind will have a chance to survive in the depth of the universe,
condition upon, that mankind understands the work of the universe, (:58). and can
exist and coexist within the fields of it, understanding of the emotion of it, and in so
many ways, understanding of the totality of the interaction. In so many ways, if you
understand that you are the passenger of another system, all you need to do, is to tune
to the Soul of the planet, and the emotion will dictates and will tell you how, and the
way you can travel the space between the two in no time. The way you think, and it's
instantaneous. The way you work with your emotion, is instantaneous.

In so many ways, it's what the mankind has been looking for, as zero time and space,
where the emotion is zero time, and space, as it has no space, for the interaction of the
fields gives it the dimension of time and space. Once mankind understands this,
mankind does not need to fuel tanks, and wait for thousands of millions of light years
to reach. The existence of the universe is based on the interaction of the fields of the
universe, and all travel, zero time, and zero space. Time and a space comes into
operation when the matter state of existence appears, and when the lower strength
need to find dimension of the travel. Anything, any point below the level of Creator,
(1:00). has time and space. Where the Creator has no time and no space, according to
where these fields will manifest themselves, and only time and space exist at the point
of the observation, otherwise there is no time in space anywhere in dominion of the
Creator, as the whole is part of itself.

Philosophers of coming generations will try to analyze this, and try to explain, but it is
as simple as this, there is no time from the essence of the Creator to the point of
creation, only time exists when it's created, and become tangible. When it has
existence, confirmation of itself, and if the Knowledge Seekers understand this, you
can travel the depth of the universe in no time and space until you arrived at the point
of destination, then at that point, you create your time and space. As you look for
confirmation of existence.
In so many ways, if you understood this, is no different that what we taught you from
the beginning, the Principle, the Transition, and the Matter state. The teaching, the
understanding, is exactly the same, be it from the Creator to created, be it from the
Sun to the earth and manifestation of matter state, is all the same. And in so many
ways, (1:02). what you call Transition, we call the Mother, because when he arrives,
leads to the creation, and confirmation of existence, it creates, it holds, it nourishes.
So we understand why now, we have, we understand the position of the Creator, and
what we call Mitra, the essence of creation, the essence of life, and from now on, this
essence will be equal to all created things in the dimension of universe, where now
there is an order in this process, that all would be of the same, and all will be shine
equal in a matter of the Soul of the knowledge, and not the physicality. Even the
knowledge has a strength, which means, understanding of the work of the universe. I
think what you have heard in past 45 minutes will change the course of humanity
beyond understanding, and makes man a true traveler of the space.

And in so many ways, this is how, that what we call the Universal Enhancement
systems will work. In so many ways, mankind has no choice. Now you have the
whole knowledge of the creation, (1:04). it's you who has to decide which way you
will take steps, and which way you decide to enhance and to nourish your Soul, that
through Soul you can create any physicality.

You got to understand, when you have the Soul of the man, and what we call, the
brain of the man, and the motion of what we explained, the magnetic field, and the
interaction of the two fields, leads to emotion, now you need to read those dynamic
motors to measure, and to replicate, every emotion, as each one has a different
strength, and each one is different ** technique.

One thing which many of you will fail, is to understand in your initial steps, (1:06).
how to create the dynamic systems of the Soul, and Soul of physicality, that can
operate through the universal energy. And this will be one of the biggest puzzles for
mankind, how you tap into the universal energy that you can run a system that can
interact with the energy fields of the Soul, and you can feel it without the existence of
the brain, and you become to be the passengers of the universe, as soon this will be
the Soul, or the energy pack of the man, and the creatures of the universe, mankind
will soon meet.

Unfortunately you thought you know everything and what's the next step.
Unfortunately it's you who have to decide a simple fact, do I see, do I feel, through
the dimension of the physicality, or do I see, and do I feel in the dimension of the Soul
of the man, where this Soul is created by others, (1:08). and creates different line, but
both has to be understood. Man will lead as he has done, a twin life, one through his
physical understanding, and one through his Soul understanding, and both will give
the same emotion to the man. In the physicality we have condensed the interaction, in
the universal condition he have taken the physicality away, for man to be free.
In you're asleep you operate from this level. In the daytime when you're awake, you
operate on this level, but as in the waking time, or a sleep time, you still have that part
of the brain, what goes on between the two, due to the mass interaction of what is as a
brain, we remember some of these as dreams and memories. Dreams are interaction of
the fields with the Soul, (1:10). and what is reminisce left within the brain as they
slow down, and we remember. And as they touch on the way back, and every cell of
the man has understanding of his position, mankind will visualize, the mankind will
taste, and touch, and feel, as it touches different structure of their physicality, at
different strength. In a way what this means is that even the Soul has a memory, a full
interaction of the fields within itself gives its memory, and its emotion, as he has a
center, and has to move out, and the same interaction will take place within this field.

I hope I have not lost you in the maze of the knowledge of the universe, and if we
have, you need to listen to this teaching many, many times many, many times. (1:12).
Teaching the knowledge of the Creator is simple, understanding it depends on the ear,
knowledge, and audacity of the listener. It is not simple if you don't understand, and
it's simple if you understand. There is no other way we can teach you, and in so many
ways, if you understood, and understand the power within, in the interaction of your
Soul, you can create this, and through this, physicality, or vice versa. Then this is not
subject to amino acid, or protein, or a position of planet, but to the strength of the
fields of the point of manifestation. That's how man was created ?** In a way, you
decide their own physicality, (1:14). at the point of the Transition, or ** arrival both
from your Soul, or the Soul of the community. If you understood this, in so many
ways, and you can go back to the next step, as you've seen in the body of the man,
what comes as field of the emotion, and what comes as the fields of emotion of the
Soul in interaction with each other, creates the Sun and the physicality, at the point, at
a given point within the structure of the body of the man. So if you understood this,
and understand that if you can use the essence of the creation, and the dimension of
your own Soul, and direction of its interaction of the fields of it, you can manifest
yourself anywhere in the universe, in any shape or form that you might need to be
able to exist in that point, where in fact, this becomes this, and this becomes this, and
that point becomes the Mother point, the point of the creation and manifestation. With
this if you understand, man has no worries where to and how to manifest itself, at any
point, (1:16). be it in the depths of the ocean's surface, at the bottom, or be in the
highest, and hottest volcanic eruption the universe, or in the ** region of a man **

As I said in the recent teachings mankind has not lives, has not lived in the true space,
open space of the universe. And as an example in some of the recent teachings I
explained, mankind takes off he calls himself, a man of the space, travels to the moon
in the same suit, in the same capsule, in the same body, and comes back. Mankind has
not up to today and lived in the open span of the universe. We do not know how he'll
react if we leave man in space, would he survive, would he demise?
In so many ways, when we have the birth from the womb of the mother into the
atmospheric condition of the earth the child goes through a transition from the liquid
to gaseous state. Would there be any difference if the child is born in vacuum of the
energy of the universe and taps into the universal energy. In the near future, mankind
will do this test to see if its offspring need to be born in atmospheric condition, or can
be born in any condition, and the child will decide on his own destiny at the point of
arrival. In a way, mankind will start giving birth to his offspring according to the
position, and the place where he manifests himself, and one thing for sure, the child
will survive, and if it's ** tuned in the direct line how to use, and how to tap into the
universal energy at the point of their creation. ** All these are dilemmas, which from
now on, will face the mankind and all these needs huge assets and the investment by
the governments and the nations of the world, to achieve, to be able to catch up with
the rest of universal community, as the knowledge is given and mankind needs to
utilize it, to become the true passenger of the universe. When man came out of the
water to take air, he did not die, so shall he not die in the depth of the universe when
he gives birth to the new child. And in that process one point will come very clear for
mankind, that man can live in any dimension across this universe, and it's him who
has trapped himself in the dimension of the physicality on this planet. (1:20).
Any questions? We have no questions we can call it a day.

here >>

Q: (need Spanish translator ..) (1:22).

This questions remains from last week. Does this coincide with Chinese Medicine,
what you are teachings, Yin/Yang?
Keshe: No this has nothing to do with Chinese Medicine. We don't teach medicine
here, we teach the creation of the Soul.
Q: She says this because the Chinese mention they have 3 points of Heart Chakra,
Pineal gland Chakra, and 3rd one.
Keshe: Can we pass this question because it has no relevance to what we teach.
Q: When you mentioned the Soul has memory does this mean the Soul remembers
previous lives, (1:24). in any other place or on earth?
Keshe: I am going to put it in a very, very easy way. Your physicality remembers the
color of your hair from your grandma, your grandparents and everything else that has
made you. What you call, in your DNA and RNA, and your Soul is created by the
interaction of the physics of these fields. What do you think, can it be any different?
When you, I explain to you in a much easier way if you do not understand. When you
put the Gans's in the dynamic system, when you create the hollow center, which that
hollow center becomes, radiates out the higher order fields. This (hollow center) was
created from the interaction of the fields of this (Gans's dynamic), so if this (hollow
center) lead to the creation of physicality, so does your Soul, will do the same. So in
fact, within your Soul, (1:26). as you carry the DNA of your physicality, you carry
the memory of those who make the DNA, which means your Soul is aware of the
whole structure, and more, partially of the DNA and on the other hand, of its own
existence and memory, which man has no access to at this moment. So it records both
due to the physical condition its created, and secondly through the understanding and
interaction of the, with the other fields of the Universe, what we call, the Soul of the
Creator. So yes, your Soul will remember both the operation of the DNA, which is
your physical dimension, and operation of its own operation with the other souls in
the Universe. It has a huge memory bank. And it remembers everything because it is
made of both, and what will be interesting and you'll understand soon, that the
memory of the Soul of the, any creature carries the totality of the information of the
Universe, and not the line of what you call, DNA, because in the Universe, once a
decision is made it is available to all, and it depends what you want to use it for, and if
you want to access it. So the Soul of the man doesn't have only the memory of the
mankind, it has the memory of the totality, (1:28). from the beginning of the time.
Any other question.

Q: Can you ask Mr. Keshe to go into more detail on what the universal language is,
and understanding it, and speaking it?
Keshe: In time, in time.
WL- .. you mentioned the memory bank of the Universe, I think somebody could call
this the "Akash Records" like it's the same meaning of the data bank of the Universe,
so the whole Universe actually has one, so if you can tap into that it includes all the
creation of the Creator, the information was there, right? (1:30).
Keshe: You explain. .. let me explain for people to understand, WL is an expert in
Akash, and everything in her life ends up in Akash, she is a master and a teacher in
that, and she still is a student in so many ways. So you have to understand the
background she comes from, she spends a lot of time explaining even the Akasha of a
WL- So another question is about the Mother of the creation, because you mentioned,
Mitra is the essence of the Creator, so I want to know is that mother of the creation,
also come out from Creator. ..
Keshe: Of course, it's the light of the Creator.
Q: So that means the essence of the Creator is the light of the Creator, what you call
Mitra. .. Because I don't understand this word, I checked, it tells me, it's a god's name.
Keshe: It's the Goddess of Creation
WL- Ah, yeah, the Goddess of Creation, okay then I understand. Then that will be so
beautiful (1:32).

Keshe: It brings a lot of things together in order.



Keshe: .. Lyn is another part of the twin set with Ella, and she is Buddhist in essence
of learning from the monks in the temples, and she is a deep thinker in Akashic,
(1:38)many hours she spends around China to deepen the Soul of the man ..
( lost WL .. now back on ) (1:40).
Keshe: I think the Chinese government thinks you're giving too much information
about Akasha and Soul, that's why they cut you out.
WL- oh, no, no .. I want to go back to your first book, the structure of the Plasma, like
all of creation follows that structure, to understand more.
Keshe: Explain to us what you see, you read all the books, and what do you see. What
do you see through Akasha and the future of mankind in what you learned today and
WL- Actually for Akasha I am still a practitioner, so give some time .. give me some
amazing view, information .. I can see because .. my first time I joined the Akash
training, they are doing the same thing, they have no limitation everybody has that
same opportunity to be ** Chen, to access the Akasha recording, (1:42)to tap into the
universal memory bank.

Keshe: Where do you think mankind will go with the new knowledge

WL- I think that is why we are here, that is the change point, because as a Chinese
Knowledge Seekers has a question here, he is asking, "why, because if our Soul has
the full memory (of all creation), why when we created the physical body, and now
we loose that memory?

Keshe: Because you got a weak planet with its own weaknesses, that you created that
weaknesses with interaction with the Soul of the man. It's the fault of the planet and
its fields, not the Soul. You can only make with what you cut out as a statue. It doesn’t
change the essence of what the statue is made of. If you are an amateur you make it
with a lot of faults, if you are a master you make a statue without any faults. And that
comes from the essence of the interaction of the fields of the planets, and the
destination of the point of manifestation. If you could find anywhere in the Universe,
that in fields and strength, and in proportion, the same as the strength of the Creator,
you will create a perfect entity, the same as the Creator.

WL- Then I understand how important the Universal Enhancement Unit is,
(1:44)because it can create the universal field, and then it will bring back us to be
perfect, not being limited by the earths magnetic field again.

Keshe: Exactly. This is why with the second unit of the Enhancement unit we can
create any fields .. in the Universe, in the system. Anything else?

WL- Can you explain how we can communicate with the lovers or relatives who have
passed over? Some Chinese is asking this question.
Keshe: Does he or she want the lover, ex-lover, or people who died, there is a big
difference? the Soul of a live one . The access of the Soul in both dimensions,
(1:46)is that the line exists, is that the other has to accept it, you cannot force to open.
Before you were born at the point of inception, and when you was born, it doesn't
matter where in the Universe, you already have a line of connection, it's where we are
positioned, we accept the positioning of our souls

you can always communicate with them

I will teach you a trick, this is what I call a beautiful trick. If you can get.

(1:48)because it's him, you become the controller of the emotion and you can
establish a line, he can miss you, he wants you, you create that, he feels that, so
simple. If you created a clear point, even if there has been a problem in physicality,
you can establish that link through the Soul. And then he assesses if he wants to keep
it, or you used to be a naughty girl, he says, no way, I am not even letting you know to
establish this link.


(1:54)When you speak about intention and then you understand it, then you'll find out.
I'll tell you something, I was looking at it. I want you to see something. This touched
me very deep in the past 24 hours. And if you know this picture (Minneapolis police
officer killing black man). You see this is intention, this police officer wants to kill
the man, and he kills him at this point. If you see the video, that he deliberately goes
to kill, because the man is of a different color and race, and a watcher videos the
whole thing. Can this officer walk away in US just because he wears a white skin. His
intention was to kill from the beginning, and if you watch the video. Is president
Trump going to leave this man allowed as a president of this country, (1:56)or
execution has to be for him a path. Not the physical execution, but taking his Soul
form him. If you watch you this video it gives you a lot of things, why this nation
called United States should not exist. When this atrocities have passed on the street
and the president of the US does nothing for it. The intention from the minute
was it an emotion or was it intention. Sometimes when I watch more and more how
the pride of the white skin, shall we ban that until they learn, and count all of them the
same. This is horrendous video to watch, and he is so proud he can kill a man. I
wonder, I wonder, if anyone can watch this video ..
(1:58). .. And my intention is very simple, no American can leave their nation until
the Chip which is put by Mr. Gates
this is how we see them outside the US, as murders. ..

It shows mankind is not ready to join the Universal Council, .. it brings shame to be in
the body of the man. (2:00).
was this the American Dream, then you understand why we need to understand, and I
told you from the beginning, there should be no nationalism

Do you think his Soul will allow him to go into space. And strangely enough it's the
same behavior as Gates ..
Sometimes I wish I was never born to see these things on
.. When you go to African nations, black does that to black .
Why mankind is like this? And why are we spending so much time trying to get this
animal out of this ** (2:04).

Why do we do this on this planet. We do it to a chicken, to a lamb, to the fish ..

where do we elevate the Soul of the man to stop these things. It's amazing to see how
people see no value in another life. And how long will it take us to change this.
What emotion brings that intention to kill? You see the man after killing this man
walking so proud. Go and watch the video on the Internet. Is there a justice in the US.
I know what I would do with this man, the new way is very simple. Then why do you
expect to become the "man of space" when you are like this. It's 10 minutes video,
you watch until this man kills this man, and it's al been recorded. Now you understand
what's wrong with the whole structure of this planet, and sometimes I think we are
wasting time here, let it go, but faster. Who said the European color is the superior
color, except them by killing and murder for centuries ..

Why this planet does this as a way of surviving an demotion of satiStar

Formationaction? (2:12). I really didn't want to teach today, I thought mankind will
never go forward, when I saw this video

.. But why do we have to get to this point. (2:14). In the coming days we'll give this
picture to the ambassadors

What is interesting is this if you read it and understand it.

(2:16). the shackles of the emotion of the man, that the Soul of the man can be free.
What I would love to do with officer, put him in an Enhancement Unit to feel his
emotion .. he will suicide .. have to take his children with him so not to do to others.

What do you do if you are the son of the man in the skin of black

(2:20). This what you see in front of you has happened to us, but with 8 officers in
Belgium with Caroline, the same woman, that Blackman down there, is a white
woman, when I heard the noise and the cry on the other end of the phone. They are so
man that they waited for me to leave the house, to attack a woman, in a Belgium
police uniform. And it is the same uniform which appeared in the courts, same man.
You'll find out something very interesting in the uniforms like this ..

The only thing left is not to trust a man in a uniform, especially when it's blue, (2:22).
it's not to protect ..

(Shows picture of Belgium king), (2:24). no difference between that man in blue
and in pink trousers ..
Any other question?

Q: Are there entities that feed on our negative energy?

Keshe: Yes, our physicality. The only feeder is our physicality, and that's why you'll
understand when I tell you, when Paul, John the pope died, his Soul was literally
nothing, because he was aware of so much crimes by the priests around the world,
abusing children, child trafficking through Church, and every other thing you can
imagine. (2:28).
Q: If you don't have dynamic reactors can you put Cup 1 above head, and Cup 2
below feet, **

Keshe: You can do what you like .. everything helps

The perfect combination is 12, where with John it's 10, 9 and 1 in the middle.

The setup in Iran will be 12, it's a perfect combination ..

Q: .. you mentioned about emotions, you said don't come in touch with certain
emotions, also the control of the emotions, .. I have been thinking of to start learn
about this topic, get trained about how to control emotion .. .
Keshe: The problem is that, in the coming weeks we'll teach as part of the process of
reaching the ultimate goal, that how to understand, that emotions are created in a
different, in a fundamental way, how we create a bridge gap, a process to change the
emotions. A lot of emotion has a psychological pattern that we react according to.
And if man understands this then he can override it, control it, understand how it is
created inside the body of the man. Then in so many ways, (2:36). we can feed the
Soul of the man through control of emotion. And more or less it's the only way, you
can die and let the Soul free, or understand the behavior and control of the emotion to
create that dimension of freedom. There is a structure that if you really understand,
the Soul of the man is much more powerful than the Soul of the physicality, and .. the
physicality has created such a heavy blanket on it that it cannot escape, but to control
it, to hold it within the structure he has created, that is within the cells of the brain of
the man, which create the emotion, man ** control those push the barrier beyond ..
This is what you do .. reflect, changing to take over by emotion, from my Soul. it's
very easy, you can reduce the strength of your cage which is your blood circulation.


if you listen to teaching 2 or 3 months ago, and now you can see how they have
changed ..
when the Soul is at peace it delivers in the voice of the Creator much easier ..

There is a study about soldiers who have returned, even if they brag about it suffer ..

make the Soul a prisoner, and that is the time that there is no light.

There is a lot of work into

Any other question.

Q: .. I saw this terrible picture from the killing yesterday, and it was such a pain,
(crying) how is it possible that can do what this policeman did, that is my question,
what can I do, it pains me so much and then it takes over my whole body, (2:46). and
I start shaking, and I just don't know what to do, is there anything I can do to help
these people? I am sorry. (silence)
Keshe: In so many ways, I think I went through the same emotion as you did. You are
from Switzerland .. I have been through this, especially by a Swiss officer, but in a
different way. Swiss officer, I didn't know he was a Swiss officer, came to see me in
Italy, .. I didn't know who he was, he said he came for a specific reason that I could
help him with his health .. (2:48). I said, how do you know about me.

He said, your file is on my table .. we all know you have the knowledge to

.. don't come to Switzerland, Americans have positioned people to kill you if you
come to Switzerland for 5 plus 1,

(2:50). And it's very strange how we understand the value of

Why do we ever need to watch these things ..

what we see in this video is everyday happening ..

I get all sorts of reports like this on a daily basis. but what are we going to do with
this nation . this behavior is becoming ingrained in our children form games from this
nation .
he has to pay for it, if he only knew ..
what is going to be done by Trump on this chap ..
nothing we can do, but teach and
Sorry to create such emotion, .. but nothing can be done. I just want to see how his
children end up and what is the reason, (2:58). both sides have to suffer.

Martin Luther King went on the street because of these ..

the question is why mankind has this behavior, it's not just Am . all of mankind has
this behavior.
.. Are we going to vaccinate the lions, are we going to vaccines for every animal on
this planet. I said from the beginning, just push it in faster. You see if we hit it with a
meteorite and just split it, all this will split in the ** source, the best thing is to push it
in, melt it, and start with a new dough. Many times I considered, and it is so easy to
do. It takes me one reactor, smaller than a 3 cm to trap this planet out of its system,
and send it on its way. One, only one. (3:02). I have the knowledge. If you
understand the process of electron and a proton, understand the ratio of a 3 cm
diameter core, and the planet, you understand so easily you can just pull this in. The
Technology is part of the space travel Technology, but you can lock it, instead of a
UFO, you can lock into a planet, it's all the same way. Send it for a spin and melt it to
the core. I said to myself many times, why are fighting here to change this place.
Any other question.

Q: I have a few questions.

(3:04). Keshe: You got allowed only one
Q: I bought one of these USB you can put in your home and will protect against the
5G 4G, would that effect the reactors of the Gans ?
Keshe: I don't know I don't play with these things.
next question

Q: .. How do you tranStar Formationer that magnetic field into the gold ..

Keshe: .. I never answer these kind of questions ..

There is a big difference between magnetic field, and plasmatic magnetic field.

Go and read about the Inertia and magnetical gravitational field ..
(3:10). Q: How can we neutralize vaccines. The governments are bringing out laws
you have to inoculate your children, yourself, to do any official paper, be it ..?
Keshe: Hopefully within a very short time, Keshe Foundation in conjunction with
Iranian officials and government universities will put out a Technology that eradicates
nay use of any vaccines. In the process which is going through Technology developed
by the Keshe Foundation.

In Iran we will not vaccinate anybody ever again.

(3:14). .. The paper

You do not need any vaccine when you are in the space.



magnet on blood


Keshe: The Universe is in transition as long as there is life in the Universe.

Q: It's a new world, huh?
Keshe: I know my world, I created it. that the knowledge of the Universe is far,
even beyond plasma, but this is as much as man can understand today. It's very much
like last century if we would have told you about nuclear in 2020 , would have said,
uhh, in 2040 you managed to understand about the atom, and now, you are nuclear,
and now you understand about the plasma, and the Blondie wants to go to nuclear,
(3:40). like you want to go to magnet.


Keshe: I don't think so

Q: .. listening to today's teaching, (3:48). it's not all doom and gloom. You never fail.
Keshe: I don't fail ..

Q: Azar- I want to go back to twice in the past we got to this point and we
failed, everything was destroyed. It means third time (3:50)then to the development of
the creation .. when COHN was made, amino acid, if you had added one more thing ..
We had the chance to make the Soul the boss ..
If the Creator going through the 3rd time ..
Keshe: No, no, the Creator not make the 3rd time.
to become correct. It's a big, big difference.
Q: so this is the 3rd time to become human.

Keshe: I never been to school.


Keshe: So that is where the maturity comes.

Keshe: The only difference is we have a better communication system,


(3:54). Q: Were you here the last time.

Q: Repeats question 3 times ..

Keshe:Plants kill s well, plants are not as innocent .

(4:06). Q: .. The field strength of the earth being at the level of the Fe, but not in the
way we consider there is an Fe core,

Keshe: It's a combination of the 2, what is in



331st Knowledge Seekers Workshop; June 4, 2020



"Cycle of Creation" intro video

(:19).. Today's teaching will be amazing if your Soul's hear it

As we push forward with more teachings. .. We cannot bring everything only on
Thursdays as we push forward.
It's like when you prepare a cake .. then the final ..
We'll bring everything together stage by stage .. man understand about his own
creation .

(:22)it is easy to understand how you all have been created. Nobody dropped you on
this planet, you are the children of the Soul of this land, ..
The problem physicality of the man, is the emotion, is both ways. The Soul of the
man lies to the physicality, and Soul of the physicality lies to the Soul, but the Soul
sees. And this is one thing that the Soul of the physicality through emotion has not
realized continuously tries to put it right.
(:26) .. earth so beautiful the Creator wants to make it His home, to manifest
(:28) in matter state of the brain, then mankind might be able to enter the last stage ..
mankind has been kept away from his Soul. by keeping him away from his Soul the
Soul of the physicality could do what he liked, steal, rob, do anything they like, and
then put values for it, value in wealth, knowledge,
mankind needs to understand what needs to be perfected .. what needs to be changed
in the strength to become the beauty ..
(:32).. If you push alkaline to the limit it will become acid ..this planet will become
the heaven in the Universe. How do we tame it ..
allowing the Soul of the physicality to become one with Soul of the man they become
one walking as a light, every cell .... not rely on a machine, (:36)but that it
becomes part of the essence of his being, part of his Soul and physicality ..bypass
emotion and unify..
You can do 2 things, from within .. form outside ..(:38) The Soul of the physicality
needs to be elevated that is reach the Soul of the man that you don't see any
difference between the end and the beginning. .We cannot destroy the Soul of the
physicality just to have the Soul of the man, they are all needed.
Now that the Creator has chosen the earth.
(:40) We can give you as much as you like, but you have to accept or it will not
happen, we need to enlighten you from within.. In so may ways we have given up on
man to be able to do this, and in SMW we have brought the knowledge for man to be
able to achieve this. WE have given you everything. we have brought you the most
beautiful Soul in the Universe ..(:42)to show its beauty to be able to reach the Soul of
the man the Soul of the physicality can never reach the Soul of the man its strength
is too low, but it can shine through it..


if we give it to you it's another freebie, you don't put anything in ..
through the riots in America we'll bring you the Soul of the creator ..

(1:00)the absolute pinnacle. My wish is very simple, peace on earth and love of
mankind for the whole of creation and not only for man. What can we do, and how
can we reach this? How can we cross and in a way still be with emotion, and at the
same time let the Soul of the physicality sees and works with the Soul of the man.
(1:02)still keep the structure of physicality .

.. We have to make a structure that the Soul of the physicality becomes independent
of the emotion, that is the key. Where both the Soul of the man and the Soul of the
physicality aware of the need in the physical dimension but they do not allow the
emotion and the interaction of the fields of the fields to bring a misconduct in the
physical dimension. For this I gave you the Cup of Man, and for this I created the
partner, (1:04)and mankind misread the existence of the partner. So we have brought
you a dummy that you can test on. We have brought you a standard for you start the
game ..
.. you should have seen the light between the two Cups, so it means there is a
discrepancy between your two souls ..
if the 4 will align to see equal and perfect, you will see light up , all 4 will light,
(1:06)at the same time. ..

8 chairs around table, ball in middle of table

(1:12)ball went black, Belgium planning murder. it the Soul of the physicality the
Belgium ..

(1:14)Knowing its Soul is prefect to accept a new Soul to enlighten the whole of the
man, ,, The Soul of the man in the space has a tint of blue, that's how we know they
are from this planet ..
(1:16) The light of the Creator shines on totality. It's the strength of their light, not the
size of the creation which counts. This is why the Soul of the Creator can be within
the Soul of the stone. I have brought everything for the elevation of the man, and the
celebration of the Universe. It's mankind who has to accept and make the time for its
birth and celebration. There is one problem, you do not have that much time. What is
the problem, is that you have to undo what all of the planet, all of the races have done
in billions of years, you say, 4 to 5 billion in 5 months, and 5 months after that the
completion and the gift to mankind. We change your billions into months,
(1:18)that's how you understand as human beings.
you don't have much time, that is why you are back on 4 or 5 days a week continuous
teaching. More or less I teach 7 days a week, .. I have to prepare the two souls to be
ready for that point. I said to Caroline .. that is harder then all the teaching. (1:20)

As you set your Cups, it cannot change, the Soul of the man is set cannot change, only
the Soul of the physicality
(1:22) .. Look at the physical Cup (in CM) and try to change it in physicality, do not
look for physical change, but look what you need to change in the Soul of the
physicality .. you have a point of reference in 3 ways .
we have the power to change whatever we want, we don't have to ask .. we respect the
creation, (1:24).. All creatures take the same road.

Any questions?

Q: (Spanish) (1:26).. A young girl is retarded, she made a CM for this girl can it help
her with the evolution?

Keshe: The problem is the physical appearance doesn't reflect the strength of the Soul
of the man and its physicality. (1:28)

Q: She has to wait for the evolution of the souls of the creature?

Keshe: You don't need to wait for anything, you have to respect. This is the problem
with man, he wants everything to be beautiful and perfect to his eyes. And that is why
man has committed so much crime.

Rick: Okay was that question answered sufficiently?

Keshe: You can't answer that more better than that. (1:30).

J: I told her the creature, the little kid has to evolve according to her time, she can't
accelerate anything.
Keshe: The thing is the Soul is happy in where the position is. Don't look at the
physical suffering. You have to understand, what the two, she most probably is in a
better position than all of us.

Q: I have created the dynamic CM, immediately I noticed a change in the harmonics
in **, can you help me to understand ..

Keshe: I don't hear parts of it (1:32)Can you repeat the question.

Q: I have created the dynamic CM, it changed the interaction with my physicality.

Keshe: Can you explain to us what you call harmonics.

Q: ..
Keshe: You create different field effects, and those .. will decide and are in line with
your physicality .. with this knowledge you bring everything into perfection .. (1:34)
.. this is what we do with the Corona, we don't touch , we transmit .. bring in.
When you have a noise or a pain , there is a imbalance in that area ..

(1:38)Q: (needs Portuguese translation - Rafael) We are organizing here in Brazil to

spray around and create the (plasma) dome. We organize this in a Star Formation,
(1:40)so we would like to know about the strength of the fields we are creating, we
are doing in this structure, Star Formation we are doing here in our cities?

Keshe: Yes?

Q: He would like to know if the structure of the Star Formation can increase the fields
of the spray around in the cities here in Brazil .. they are finding a central point in
their city and create other point ..

Keshe: Yes, because you create a dynamic.

Q: We are organizing all the states of Brazil, everybody doing it at the same time
across Brazil.

Keshe: I hope we could organize it through our souls across this planet. But soon we'll
reach there. Thank you.
The Chinese started this a long time ago and it's going around the world,
(1:42)sooner or later we'll link up. The structure for this ** blowing wind .. and a new
cycle starts, and many of you will be part of it, and many of you will rejoice to be part
of it.

(1:44) Q: What is a dynamic CM?

Keshe: What does that mean?
Q: .. Define what that means?

Keshe: In a way to be able to elevate the Soul of the man, the Soul of the physicality.
That is in dimension of that position. That's all. It depends what is your expectation of
it. (1:46).

Q: In respect to the Cup, understands that you are creating souls

Keshe: What do they expect from the Cups, ** crate their own Soul, a shortcut to
cover their misconduct?
Q; Okay, next one, can you replicate your Soul, and is there an interaction.

Keshe: The reality is, is how much you, I am going to tell you something very simple,
this is you, all of you, what you have done, and you don't listen. (1:48) In recent
teaching I have explained in a very simple way, the difference between a man, and the
Soul, in the world of the man you run around just to do something, just to busy with.
In the dimension of the Soul there is enough time to do everything to perfection

you have no respect for life

falls in love with his own mistake because he is a mistake to begin with.



.. none of you have made the CM ..

(2:06)MaGrav most perfect ..

When we make Cup of Man in mass production we follow my rules, not yours.
(2:10)Do you know why I put this flat plate here, because that is your dimension of
physicality, you are too physical. And is your body made of only 1 Ca and 1 salt, 1 Na
and 1 salt ..



(2:30)I deal a lot in my teachings the love, the care, because this is the only thing that
the man is created to be. The rest of the emotions that you put in is connected with
your physicality, because you have to justify it's presence, level and strength. If you
put enough energy, that energy which you gave out, it comes to the point which is
gathers together, and becomes another energy which feeds you back. This is how the
Creator created ** put so much love in His creation that His creation lead to His own
balance, what you call the ** what we call the essence. And mankind never learned
this, so we come every few thousand years and teach you a little bit, and part of a little
bit, and then you change it then you change it the way it suits you, you make 10, 12,
72 ** out of it. And the rest of it. This time we are very precise, everything is on the
table for you that you can't mistake it, and we brought all the education this time, that
there are no Chinese Whisperers, priests and others, to whisper the way they like.
(2:32)If you don't even understand how perfectly we planned everything, for the
delivery of souls, not just the ones that are here, ** but for the rest fo the time to
come, and the ones who have been here, we even made the communications ready for
it. Do you think your telephones, Internet is just a coincidence of man, we gave it to
you. Go and read the first night, the first communication, the telephone call was made.

I give you a date, the first flight in Iran, 28th Shabban at 5:30 PM, in go and read the
significance of Shabban it's the elevation fo the Soul. I wasn't aware of the day, I
next day. It's the martyrdom of Bab, where the Soul of the creator **
You lot have no understanding how perfect..

(2:34)and in America, all carry a mobile phone, understand and no one can cheat.
This time we made sure no we wanted to take the middle man out.

Any other question? Liliana. Any other people with questions? (2:36)

Q: You have said that many of us have Corona antibodies, that would imply that we
have the Ca salts that would lead to cancer. If we are doing the daily preventative
protocols will we get the cancer?

Keshe: What is the intention of your Soul? Very simple. In the Tuesday teaching I
showed you what will be released in the scientific paper, and I showed you, if you
haven't seen it. I am going to show you if you missed the Tuesday teaching. it's
time to move on. (Shows photos of pairs of red spots on someone's skin). This is how
the cancer will show inside you. This is on the skin. Do you see doubles, this is the
Corona cancer. This is a Corona skin. (2:38)You know the science, have you
understood what it means. The twinity, everything is in twin, so this is a Corona case,
and then you see the space gap. And if you notice here you have a double, it changed
direction. When you are a woman, and you feel this inside, it means your womb is
ready to get cancer.
it's the seed of it, getting ready to get cancer

The doctors have no knowledge, they are ignorant. ..

(2:40)1.5 million Corona patients have the remnants left in them. And then there
are many, many more. regularly take the bath of Gans's, regularly wash yourself,
regularly drink it to get rid of these, not just because of the Corona, for years to come,
that's why we gave you the Cup, we didn't give you the water. Why we told the
women, if you have a white secretion coming from your vagina, like a caulk or cream
colored, .. all those cells will convert into Ca, and you discharge Ca.

Everything we do has a scientific reason, but you don't understand. You see wherever
there is a change of direction you have a space gap ** (2:42)

Corona will take mankind with no mercy. Why do you get pain in ears, or one side
more, the same, ** Why do you get pain in your kidneys, ** The same. Going back to
Corona and all that we have done ..
We would like to reach all your TV stations , wherever you can. We have started a
campaign (2:44)
Iranian scientists carries the logo of Keshe Foundation Iran.

(2:46) reach your government and within 14 days, eradicate Corona ..

These are the Cup of Life, prepacked, you need this for the months to come ..



Any question?

Q: Where can we buy CM box?

Keshe: It will come from Iran ..

(Shows photo of policeman killing Blackman in America, Ayatollah kissing hand of

Blackman in Iran).
(3:02) Keshe Foundation Enhancement Units will be shown, maximum 4 weeks .

(3:04)From 30 days from today, no one should die of Corona

.. Now the Canadians and Mexicans want the wall up to keep the Corona in US and
wars .. Now spread it across the world as fast as you can .
(3:06) .. you wanted to move now you have it. .


Q; .. I want to produce ** acid big scale, (3:16)so I have 3 questions about it? How
can we be sure we are not creating CuO in Corona Gans? How much does it ** use?

Keshe: We put it in a protocol which is getting released.

Q: How about temperature and light around the setup?
Keshe: This doesn't matter
Q: So we should wait for CuO?
Keshe: there is no CuO, I don't know where you get your CuO in what you
Q: Blue and green..

Keshe: Yes, you make CuO but this is a strength specifically for the cell. It has a
reason for it. We go that way till we find the totality of it

Q: .. What do you do when you feel down?
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: Feel down, all of a sudden you just feel down .
Keshe: I don't know it depends on what got you there.
Q: I had
.. Listen to the teaching today, how all of you didn't get it. You put half of the recipe,
you have to bring all the recipe.
Keshe: Listen to the teaching.
Q: How would the science
Keshe: The science is literally your state of mind .. it's another statue for you to


(3:32)genetic defects not easy after 20 30 years ..




talks about death rate of Corona, highest rate is Belgium.



Q: I want to know what is the vision for the next 3 years, or more, I don't know,
(4:16)I am new with this science from Iran.
Keshe: Our vision is very simple. It's laid out very clearly. We'll see world peace, we
already entered it, it's just a matter of punishing it, polishing it. Some nations will
cleanup their own house for what they have done wrong before, but that is their
internal war, between themselves, not us. As we see in the United States. Otherwise
it's cleanup time for themselves. Progressively we see the evolution in science and
technology, and a lot of things in the next 3 to 5 years will not be what we see, what
we know today. Mainly we will not see armies, we will see education of military
forces due to 2 or 3 factors. The knowledge brought out and we'll bring out will make
the present arms obsolete. Secondly, the present situation in the world does not allow
no nation to buy arms. They cannot afford it, unless they are corrupt nations who try
to, just put some money in the bank, it doesn’t matter what the nation does.

Then we'll see eradication of hunger in the next 3 to 5 years. I had this discussion in
the teaching last Tuesday, that we were talking about the satellites. In fact the Keshe
Foundation does not need to rely on satellites. You have the technology much better
then satellites. The system which you develop, will fly and supply the energy needed
for food. Satellites in reality have become obsolete, in that sense. (4:18)but at the
same time, we see the eradication of total and absolute eradication of use of fossil
fuel. Very soon, very rapidly, we'll see the end of use of fossil fuel, because once the
new technology on the magnetical and gravitational field released, people will take
the engines out of their cars. So simple. This is what we are going to do hopefully, in
a very short time in Iran, in the university. This is one of the first projects I want to be
in it, it's on the table of the work that the university wants to do, and I said, I am in it
with the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers. We want to do, we want to bring a
special system out, and I am in it for everything which is going to be. So we see,
many, many old tankers we see on the high seas, they'll stay there. They rot and they
pollute, and so we have to plan for them. It's the beauty of what we'll get back. We'll
see by reduction in the use of what we call, fossil fuel a lot of changes. We'll see new
illnesses due to change of atmosphere, because we go back to more clean atmosphere,
and we are not used to it.

We see the end of the drugs, and drug trafficking in the next 3 to 5 years. We will, do
not see anything in that line. What I see, is what we call, the end of the present
propulsion flights as we introduce more and more, new flight systems, because they'll
become obsolete by their nature. What is see, mankind will keep the space station as a
memory of "good old days." Very soon, because man will move beyond space, into
Mars and Moon, and beyond solar system in a matter of minutes. (4:20)

We see the end of kingship and leadership, it will become a collective human race to
support itself. I see the end of hungers through the process as I explained, and the
same (with) medicine. What I see is very simple, is the fact of what I know my
technology have, and in fact we see, the world governments will change to it because
of the Corona. Corona wasn't that bad, it brought a lot of good things. What we see is
more or less the crash in the property market. People will give you their houses to live
in it, because with the present knowledge and what is to come in the next 5 to 10
years, people do not need to live in crowded cities. There will be an option. What we
see, one of the first things, in the next, maybe 2 to 3 years, is part of the program
Keshe Foundation, we will be working in the background, is end to mining. That will
come very, very fast, and the beginning of it is already setup in Arizona testing
centers. Which means we do not go into the resources to deplete and destroy the
farms, the gardens, and the yards, the jungles and whatever. We will have respect for
the planet. The knowledge will come through tranStar Formationer of the fields. We
don't let the earth to do.

In so many ways, I see the end of slaughtering animals, that is one of the first things
mankind will stop. The nature will find its own balance, and this is due to be able to
deliver food, or what we call, energy for life, will eradicate the use of animals. This is
hundred percent sure will be on the card. On the other hand, (4:22)we'll see the end of
use of, and destruction of the planet. These all will come together, now especially that
we start with Corona, now that the technology comes, people have to accept it,
because of the Corona. And as it comes, we accepted that it works, we start building.
The research and development in the new technology of the plasma and understanding
of the work of the universe, will change that rapidly.

What I see is colonization. Man will start colonizing very, very fast. We go to New
York for the best restaurant, we go to Mars for a coffee and back. These are not
dreams, these are ones on the card. You will see it. We will make these places to fit
us, as living. As we have created the "dome of peace," we'll create a dome of life,
living on a different planet. In so many ways, we will see entrepreneurs will not open
beautiful restaurants and ** service stations, they'll build these centers across, and
different routes (** in space), that people can and watch the beauty of the creation.
Mankind way of working will change in the next 20 years. Will, none of us will work,
because we have to work to live. We will work with the pleasure of it. We'll all
become scientists and we'll all become devoted to serve. Because everybody else is
busy doing nothing, and everyone else will do what they like. I don't vision, I know
what is to come. We'll see a new life, a new cycle. I see a new birth, and that birth
will change everything which comes with it. Birth of a new cycle for man, and with it
will come a birth of new cycle for the whole of the universe. (4:24)We are the tiniest
dust but, we become the important dust.

I see a lot, end of religions, because every man becomes religious to the order of the
correct order. We believe through the Soul of ours, and we see what the prophets saw.
We'll live by their ethos, not by us talking about it. There is one thing for sure, and
that's for sure 100%, we'll see a lot of marriages, intermarriages between the mankind
and other races, who are here, too shy to show themselves, because now man has
quieted, man has matured, we will see that. They will not hide in the clothes of man,
they will be themselves. And this will bring a lot of shock to a lot of us, because we
don't eat them, we don't see them as food.

In so many ways, we have changed the course of humanity, and we'll see how human
race will respond to it. My vision is very simple, because I know what I brought, and I
know what I planned, and I know what I am delivering, and I know what I am going
to get for it. And there is one thing for sure, I will die in the most beautiful place in
the universe, in the physical dimension.
(end of vision )

Any other question? (4:26).

Q: You just made a man very happy right now, thank you very much for that. My
dream coming true.
Keshe: This is the reality for mankind, you had better get ready for it. Get in touch
with anyway, anywhere, small chat shows with a videos, radios. .. Radio shows
ignore. We have to undercut the power. And we have to see what iti is, we have the
most powerful scientific organizations in our hands. We have one of the most
powerful correct man in the world, in the world of developing Technology in the
world behind us. And we have millions of Keshe Foundation followers. If we can't
deliver it now, forget about it,
slaves to bring in. .. If our leaders and us go the correct way, the true land of mil and
honey have arrived. It's just how we are going to set it up. (4:28)The knowledge is

Q: What would you do if you were in our shoes, and you found the new science,
would you leave everything behind just to seek more into it, and find out more. Or do
we have time to set a balance.
Keshe: What does that mean?
Q: A balance between our future and what we just found out about?

Keshe: We can't bring a balance between the past and the future. Mankind has to close
his eyes to his past. We have done so much wrong, it is literally impossible to put all
of it right. As you say in English, let us start with a clean sheet, but still know there is
something underneath of it. You cannot do, we have done so much wrong. Mankind
has literally done everything in the books of the Creator wrong with it, done it. And I
always said, a father has to be forgiving and forgive and forget about the past. (4:30)
I don't think mankind should write nay history book with the war in it ..
.. The way the Persian Empire and Roman soldier became one ..


(4:36).. The burden is with the women ..


(4:40) Q: The 3 levels of the MaGrav represent the 3 levels we have in the body?

Keshe: This is exactly your Cup, but we have put in, this is your nano coating, Cu, we
have the 2 plates together This is how it sits, this is how it looks, that's how you
turn** And you tell me where does the Soul sit in this? (4:42) .. I have to show
something or they'll say I didn't ..

Any other question?

Bring your governments in ..

(4:44)We can use this opportunity to make .. change..

Thank you very much..



Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries

(332 through 3 >> )

332nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop; June 11, 2020




(1:28). They abused it they became Rothschild's and Rabbis.

The reason we read the vision was to tell you what to expect .. it's you who has to


There's a question here I don't like to answer but I will partially

Q: Could you talk a little about abortion?
Keshe:Concerning abortion, (1:32). is what is done with man, it does with man, we
never abort in space, we always find a **
unless there is a danger to the mother. The mothers life is sacrosanct. The only
abortion is when the mother psychologically and physically can't carry through.
Q: .. Two souls, how are they created?
When the Soul leaves the physicality ends ..

When we create souls we bring the best of the Universe,


(1:50). teach with you Soul ..


.. When you do wrong, expect wrong.

(1:58). .. learn how to tap into the tub of the energies of the universe, immersed in
energies .

(2:00). .. this is the Soul of the man and the Soul of the physicality ..

.. those who lie, cheat, betray, .. will find it very hard to get rid of brain .

Q: .. how to feed people without food?
Keshe: Partially you already know


(2:24). question about eating meat by aliens

(2:26). Soul of animal >>>


WL- Even in Tibet they eat everything in this way ..


Keshe: Have you ever had a guilty feeling that I am, made somebody to do wrong, or
to committed a crime?
WL- Actually if you go wrong, be limited in some religion teaching, and then they
said you'll be born as a guilty, you do this wrong, will do that, ** will be guilty for
that. Yeah, in the beginning I think I was entrapped in that kind of thing, but now I
was more jumping out form that. because if you thin kin another way, because as you
said, he need a needing ** of ** ears, to elevate the energy to became, in a more
higher order. If I take a best wish and I give it back, then you don't feel guilty because
you do things to help them, but one thing, is (2:32).

Keshe: I am going to teach you something interesting. If this is your Soul, and if this
is your brain, .. (2:34).

I met two, one Knowledge Seekers said he didn't eat for 10 years. Another one he
don't want to eat, but when he go out to diner, he eat a little ..

I am vegetarian for 6 years

Keshe: What would you do that, if your husband ..



(2:54). Q: .. is the Enhancement Unit a portal to travel form one Enhancement Unit to
another on this planet?
Portal has no meaning, it's made by man who has no understanding ..

.. the blindness is due to the conduct of the man as long as you're atteached you
cannot see the Soul .. you have a ship leaving the dock, full blast but it's going
nowhere, one of the anchor is still t

Q: Can you explain the concept of "purgatory" in the Universal Knowledge.
Keshe: It comes from the understanding of purging, cleaning, in a way, it's part of the
understanding of the Christianity and suffering, and they have created this condition,
in the true essence, (3:14). it's part of lament. But with the knowledge you have
today, do you think such a position exists. we elevate the Soul, there is no need of
purification , and going through the pain of it. Rick reads Wikipedia Purgatory.

Let's see what they think.

WL- .. it's Buddhists ..

.. all the karma is because the judgment ..
Keshe: Can I put it differently, because you are the mothers of the new generation .
How would you teach the children .. would you put the fear of God in them
Ella- .. you are living in purgatory ..

Keshe: Why do we still have to believe in the stealing

Keshe: How do you teach someone not to steal ..

How would you teach the new generation ..
what is your blank canvas to draw, where do you start? Waiting.
(3:26). WL - I think if you steal form your Soul, then

Keshe: .. We have to learn from the creatures of the Universe how they do ..

theology came because man never knew this part ..
(3:30). .. collectively we start teaching from the point of view of the mothers, the
creators. .
so man doesn’t go back to war ..

this is not open discussion tables, this is the way humanity is going to live.

we never do wrong to be punished ..


My wish for the elevation of the Soul of Ayatollah Knowledge of Iran
combine science and religion
Rick: wraps it up for 332 Knowledge Seekers Workshop

Maybe we can go out with not thinking of these as products . .. way of bringing the
My biggest wish is to end all wars, and as I said we'll see the merger of science and


333rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop; June 18, 2020




As usual we started a long path, road to be where we were supposed to be millions

of years ago, and maybe this time it will make it easier. It's 333 Knowledge Seekers
Workshop (:12). and its sum of 9, which itself could bring a lot, as usual, we don't
read off the script, there is nothing planned, and we see what those who decide the
future of humanity decide to deliver. As usual as you have seen, .. introduced new
products, as we bring new Technology in. .. show the effect of new Technology. If it
is not used it stays as theory on desk ..

(:16). . showed the manufacturing ..
to be shown by the request of the Iranian government for the first time operational, in
Iran. We respond positive to the Iranians ..

.. Kramere .. responsible for sales promotion, 8 9 years, 2 years a Universal Council

member. .. (:20). shows new products in Keshe Foundation Stores ..

Keshe: Thank you .. After betrayal by the Italian Keshe Foundation, we'll bring the
Keshe Foundation back in ..
(:38). the man who learns form the mistakes of trusting humans not to be afraid of
making mistakes ..

(:44). Keshe: We see a lot of changes

(:56). .. or do we have to go through the process of understanding? In the coming

weeks we start teaching you about .. 3 dimensional, non-tangible computers, line of
communication. The .. prerequisite for it has been set. We'll introduce this
Technology in a very soft way across the world. The present computers become
obsolete, the present system controls become obsolete. (:58). I disclosed this
Technology to Iranian Ministry of Defense University, in the past 48 hours. In
response to the positive response to the Office of his Eminence Ayatollah Knowledge
of Iran, in embracing the Technology, we release massive technologies, through 1
university as we see through the center of technologies dispenser. The Technology
remote transmutation and transportation has been disclosed to the Iranian university in
the past 48 hours. Non-tangible systems in a full control. It's for the universities and
the heads of Iran how to disperse this Technology, across the planet on equal terms,
but still stays open till all the Knowledge Seekers of the Keshe Foundation. Non-
tangible, 3 dimensional computer, working on what we promised has been setup ** I
said always, I receive, I give. .. knowledge at the edge of science will come in a very
soft way in total understanding. We have disclosed to the Iranian officials
transmutation of elements, and we have shown them. We have shown in a very
detailed way, (1:00). how the next generation of technologies will come out of Keshe
Foundation, and needs to be shared. Understanding the knowledge is no good,
comprehending and knowing what will bring will bring the change. Step by step I will
release the most advanced technologies never seen by man. Some you could not even
imagine it could exist. If UFOs were your dream, transmutation across the Universe
and planet, will become your nightmare. This Technology as I wished, and I was
assured that mankind will stay on track, has started ?** if you thought you were
entangling with Gans's now you have to understand what these Gans's mean, and how
they mean, and what they can do, and how they can be utilized, not only for peace,
but for communication, transportation, and most of all unification with Universe
Community and the rest of humanity. .. feeding

Do we find a position for physicians, when in fact your Soul becomes your physician
at the point of need. Don't forget I said, you are the last man standing, you are your
physician. we are going through a transition between the man's knowledge, (1:06).
and universal knowledge ..
I don't need a physical life .. we came to earth to enjoy the physical, but nothing but
suffering.. man enjoys suffering ..
I have hidden many knowledge's without the Knowledge Seekers even knowing in the
product's you see. In time I will explain how, step by step. When a product is offered
twice is because I see the bigger picture where it can be used. It's not that it is there
just as a product. When we put something, it is a bigger structure plan .. and with it
we elevate the Soul, step by step, (1:08).
understanding the true operation of the physical life ..

Maybe mankind is ready for the next shift, but it has to come through man, science
and through the ethos. .. change the position of the Soul of the man and teaching the
way we teach not how they taught ..
unification of all thoughts on the ethos of theology ..

Easier to get the Pope to teach the Technology under the ethos of One Nation, One
Race, .. the understanding of man will be much more rapid. (1:12). We know what
we do, and what is to come through already established systems which has taken
thousands of years.
Our Brazilian friends in asking a question, I felt the hammer, and I felt the nail, and I
felt the pain going through the hand on the cross. I know the pain of mankind and I
know we brought


conversion of energy to knowledge .. becomes the knowledge of the University,

I made man so that he can love me the human race can give back to the Creator ..
(1:16). Every field you add up .. leads to thoughts and betterment,, passed on to your
Soul .. the love ..
add to the knowledge of the Creator .


We bring the knowledge of the Creator for man to put together new ways .


The Creator has decided to take shape on this planet

that the rest of the Universe learns from its purpose, from its love and beauty. Maybe,
(1:32). today's teaching has brought you a bit closer to understand more. But you will
not get systems, not for the time being, new technologies, not for the time being. If
you remember we did a lot of theoretical teaching before we started showing how to
make the reactors. Now we start teaching you how to get ready, to meet, to live, and
work in the dimension of the universal strength and knowledge. And do not expect to
have a reactor in hand and something to rotate. Expect to work through your Soul,
understand it, understand the operation of it, and trust it, then a new knowledge will
appear. A knowledge of the Universe, and a knowledge of the souls. Maybe it will be
the time to show something special, and maybe time to create that special condition.
For sure, no time has been wasted every step

We put this dough in millions of years ago and now we open the oven to see how it
tastes .
(1:34). .. Christ said, this is my blood, this is my body, and that bread becomes the
body, and that blood becomes the love of man to give. That's why it is ** in the
dimension of physicality .. we hide knowledge in physicality ..

It's not all bad on this planet there is something good ..

(1:40). becomes a sanctuary for the Universe Community.

We have never broken a promise ..

(1:42). but not much left time. Because all the ..

Sometimes I think it was bet to hide man from the reality outside till he matures ..
One of the attributes of the Creator came from this planet, because He feel in love
with this planet thousands of years ago ..
If you ask yourself why you have so many visitors, they come here to convert, to
taste, to feel, to understand the essence of loving, while they know the Creator is here
too. Maybe, the creation of man was not such a bad thing in the end, even though it
was accidental. Now you know, and as I said, we start teaching you the knowledge of
the universe, as we start sharing this knowledge with the Iranian Defense University,
in small steps at a time. (1:46). Because you have to understand, they need to
understand to defend it from any abuse. It wasn't coincidental that we ended up at that
university, it was a purpose and a choice that they defend the knowledge, for the
humanity. As there are no more armies, that they defend it that it be used and shared
correctly with the rest of the humanity, and maybe the Universal Community. Maybe
it's time to contemplate, and move and understand, everything we do has a purpose
even thought it might not look, because the Master knows how hide the secrets. .


Any questions?

(1:50). Q; When do we know our Soul is speaking to elevate us? ..

Keshe: Why do you have to hear your Soul? Why do you have to have your Soul?
Why do you have to have your Soul hear with your ear? (1:52). Why do you always
have to hear something with your ears? Why don't you trust the emotion of the Soul?
Why do we have to always be in the dimension of physicality, I have to hear it, see it,
to believe it. Aren't you here, aren't you hearing, aren't you learning, we teach you
from inside out, but we made a voice to it that you believe it, now you have to find it.

Don't forget, with this dispensation of eternity, we have brought no prophet. We left it
to you, according to the maturity of your Soul, and your understanding to mature to
the point of understanding the totality. As I said, we leave no prophets behind,
because now you are the guide, you are the instructor of that physical dimension.
(1:54). This is the problem, you got to learn, if you are here at this point and time, the
central, what I call instruction, has already made his decision where you have to be,
and why you are there. And that is your Soul, you got to understand a very simple
process, and the sooner mankind understand this, the faster we can take this next step.

Lineage of the Soul (not reincarnation):

You have your physicality, and you have a Soul, and this Soul has an immediate souls
which have lived, and lived with. And this Soul at the same time, has the souls which
lead to its creation, which drew the line to its creation, because these souls have to
balance with all other souls. You have a short term responsibility and a long term
responsibility to your physicality, and when you are born you fulfill both. It's not just
your birth in this cycle, what your forefathers did has brought you here. Because what
he did wrong or right has positioned you here, in every shape or form. Partially you
are fulfilling the destiny of your physicality and the Soul, but partially you are
fulfilling the lineage, which comes to you to be in that position. (1:56). Even if you
are a cleaner of a street, or even if you are a king and leader of a nation. If you follow
the lineage, you might have been a king here, where your great grand children become
a cleaner here, but the Soul is the same. The dimension of the physicality has
changed. And when we created the prophets we followed the same rule, that is why
we know where, and who appears where. And in point, we give gifts for the others to
be elevated too. In our work there is no accidental, we see the position and decide that
both are served, the time and the place, and the lineage and the structure, the way we
set up. This is how we can say, in such a time will come such a prophet, because we
have already decided lineage. We allow no interference from outside, from where we
sit. At the same time we gift at points for others to be in the future, the creator lineage,
at other positions of the Universe, and they take their positions. As they have learned
and matured they take there positions. So the lineage and life on this planet through
the physicality, does not end with this planet. And this is why in other teachings I
have said, (1:58). you have to care for Soul, what it does and what it will bring. Then
you want to hear your Soul, or do you want to see your Soul?
Any other question?

Q: Lucas in past thousands and thousands of years, what you said about a few
minutes ago, about the ** we have in our planet. Why and what would be the purpose
for the Creator only use our planet, if it is about to choose the prophets, why (2:00). ..
How would it be possible to do in other planets in the whole Unicose, would the
prophets be sort of co-factor to the Creator, and that's why they always ** here, there
is some kind of interaction with the human kind .. ** if we be a prophet ** in a
mater of love, be able to elevate, and be able to empathy .. in all the Unicose, would
be that the .. I way to see.
.. Some members of your family were touched by the light of Bahaula, and now we
know that was you. So it's an honor to question you personally, thank you.

Keshe: Mankind needs time, and as I said in some other teachings, needs maturity
otherwise you mess it up, you destroy it. .. (2:02). Why are UFOs more or less
uniform, they don't all come from the same place. In a way, as the knowledge of the
life reaches the point of maturity in the Universe they gradually shape to come to
understand the best, the same as we done in the past years. But they have to gain an
ethos, and many races never killed, never destroyed because they tap into Universe
Community from the beginning, so it is easy share knowledge and bring them into
uniformity that everybody enjoys. The Universe has a rule, it has a rulebook, it has a
guidelines, and .. it's like .. European market, as you join in you all have to have the
same standard, the same lay of the same roads, the same health system, and at least
the same kind of protection. .. UFOs all use the same knowledge, the same
Technology, because as the community achieved peace and equal share of knowledge,
they each shared each race across this Universe has added something into it. It is not
all made by one. (2:04). This is what mankind has to understand.

Keshe: The problem is not a problem. It's a beauty. The problem is not for the
Creator, it's for the man.
Q: But in my way of thinking, the most precious thing the Universal Council is
looking for the link to the Creator , the link is the essence of love
Keshe: There is an old saying, you never see what you got because you are too busy
looking over the others, what they have. And mankind has been too busy doing that ..
Mankind has never looked inside to see what he's got ..


(2:26). video; moon lamp, Gans manufacture , (2:28). speaker lamp.

Keshe: .. when you se these it shows all the dreams of man, to be able to fly, reach
moon and have a clean planet. .. none of it is impossible. ** world gone in this
position ground itself into the ground, we take the ethos of keeping the planet clean
and cleaning up the mess we ** made up to thousands of years, and especially worse
in the past couple of hundred years. (2:30). Then we have access and ** knowledge
what we have passed on to the Iranian Defense University, to make that UFO for
humanity. To allow Iran to show the Technology they have, and maybe sooner than
we all land on the moon, the moon of our dreams, not necessarily the moon of the
earth. The Universe is full of moons, you choose. .. man's knowledge has reached to
that point to ask and receive, and he has reached that point to be able to understand
the totality. Maybe mankind in shorter time will reach ** but to what extent, and what
do we need to do to get to that point.
we have decided to bring that change and elevation
by converting such a rapid amount of energy to elevate the Soul of the man, the planet
Soul will change too. If you look at it in a simple way, you have the planet and the
body of the man. (2:32). You have a disease anywhere in the body, we make you a
patch and we let the fields go through to take that pain away, and to make ..
what have I given you, a change of physicality and a pain of the planet, to the patches,
to the MaGrav systems, to the Gans units, and gradually we are coming (like patches
around the planet), soon then you think, we will be there. But we needed the mankind
to need it from his Soul, not his physicality. His physicality for centuries, marched the
streets, change governments. no one has sorted it because no one ever elevated this
part (Soul of the man). (2:34). And with this understanding we elevate it
you need a lot more to change this one

you cannot take a horse to water and expecting it to drink ..

(2:36). So this is an opportunity for the man to elevate and .. satiStar Formationy that
thirst for knowledge and peace. One thing is the Creator is not going to wait that long
if there is no progress. Every man should know when to cut loose. And I don't think
the Creator will be any different. Mankind has to move on. I was asked, would you
move this planet to somewhere else with all its beauty? If we see the way it is, why
not, if we see the progress and the love, why not. We created it, we control it, we
maintain it.
Any other question?

Azar: When you explain about when the souls appear and each one has to ** position,
and we know (2:38). where the souls are according to the lineage. ** then also we
know when the Creator is going to bring a prophet. Say I change to this planet
according to my lineage and if I go back to the analogy of the car and a driver, say I
am supposed to go to this route, and I am supposed to exit 66, but then I don't go to 66
I go to 73, so my position changes, so does the position of everybody else changes,
and also the position of the prophet at the time he is coming?
Keshe: Depends on what is been agreed.
Q: So I went to a different exit, I messed up the whole plan, just like the, magnets 4 or
5 , change position .. I didn't fulfill my route, so it means I messed it up?
Keshe: You are part of a structure like everybody else, we are all part of the same
what I call package, .. so many that all needs to agree for that mess.
Q: So it means as the Soul level I am coming all the souls. and I go to a different exit ,
the other souls understand?
Keshe: The other souls are aware, they don't need to understand. (2:40). Awareness
does not become an answer.
Q: .. a lady came, said her grandson acts like he has 3 to 5 souls from the past, he is
so knowledgeable She was asking about reincarnation, if the Soul keeps coming
back. I said, I don't think we believe in that, Mr. Keshe says the same Soul doesn't
come back. Then perhaps the knowledge, because we know the lineage, the
knowledge is carried in the RNA, the child remembers that knowledge. Am I correct?
Keshe: Maybe. We cannot do, only the time and the place is decided.
E- Maybe I can try to answer Azar's question about taking different exits. It's
interesting the analogy you made about driving instructors. .. (2:42).
.. instead of turning I went straight .. it actually took me to the path the other student
driver had to take. And I knew that path, by going behind that ..
that mistake allowed me to do everything right to pass the examine. So in a way we
can have an instruction and we take a turn or we don't, and if we are meant to reach a
certain point we'll reach to that point. And maybe along the way if we don't listen to
that instruction we can end up in some side-effects. In this case if I take a wrong turn
something happens to the car, which means the Soul of the man given instruction to
the Soul of the physicality, and yet the Soul of the physicality took a wrong turn, and
damages the physicality. I believe that is what Mr. Keshe is trying to explain about
the mismatch in the emotion, (2:44). between the Soul of the man and the Soul of the
physicality that then reflects itself as a disease or a cancer inside the body of the man,
that is the emotional cancer. But along the way, because you do not
Right now we are very scared about what the Soul of the man is instructing, because
we can't hear it
Important is not to be afraid to take any turn, because in the end if one is to reach
home, ** or the other, that road will lead to home, it's just that it leads with a bit more
complications along the way.
Q: I have one question, I want to connect this to something else Mr. Keshe in the past.
(2:46). .. some men come to this planet, and when they leave .. they leave as a donkey,
because they became even worse. .. Say I came to cleanup whatever my lineage did
on this planet, yeah, and then I was supposed to go to a different path to cleanup, then
I don't even cleanup but make it worse and leave. It means another from my lineage
needs to come back and do the same, so that is my question, when you go in that
direction, you go into the wrong exit, you are going to make more things complicated.
Keshe: It's only more complicated for you. we also
"jan" means life, it means I give you my life. .



.. But when you make that mistake deliberately when you have the option, you pay for
it, by taking the time, by wasting the time, because there are people in the party
waiting for you to arrive, you keep everyone waiting, and that stealing from the others
is not allowed, when you are aware of it. If you are not aware of it, there is a reason
for it. But if you are aware of it, deliberately take your time, what I call the French
system. In France the later you go the more important you are, so they say diner is at 6
but in reality doesn't start until 9 o'clock because we know Mr. Franz doesn't turn up
at ..

(2:54). So the food and everything else has to wait because of one selfish person.

The loss is yours ..

If in life we fall in love with the Creator, that is the destiny of the Soul, no one can do
anything about it, but if we fall in love to create the mayhem deliberate, then there is a
punishment, in a way of spending the time on your own to learn to go around and
come back to the same road and see if you make the same mistake, and take the same
junction again to go out. Loving is an art, and mankind knows it by heart, because he
created it in that heart because he taught to the Soul to love. Souls give, but that is
what they do to be in position, but now you give to a Soul which is in love, god help
the Universe everything else vibrates. Humanity with the next steps of development,
(2:56). in science and technology will create that vibration throughout the Universe. ..
it's like they are going to bring a new car and advertising the whole of Universe is
waiting for it ..
In a way if we don't deliver on time the universe will start making a fake love, and
that wont' do. We give them all that the believe in true not the made up , and fake.
(2:58). Each one of plays a part in it
Mankind has to move ..
What a shame if we miss this bus. One thing, no promise has ever been broken we
keep the promise (3:00). Maybe you can her it in the background ..

or would they celebrate when the Pope says, the Messiah has come.

Any other question?

Q: .. I am thinking of a driver who has an instructor, but the instructor doesn’t take
over when the accident happens, and the car moves and kills a lot of people, (3:04).
every time it takes, it kills a lot of people as has been happening in the world, so in
that case, what's ** with the instructor, why doesn't the instructor intervene, ?/ in the
Keshe: Maybe there is a reason, maybe there is a purpose, maybe the Soul that is there
for the driver to learn something. Maybe there is a purpose to serve. I said that very
recently, it's not being ruthless, it's being realistic, and understanding totality. If you
look at the life we done, maybe we. I know there are a lot of hardships, a lot of deaths
going on real or fake, or made up, or whatever, but part of it and some of it, by the
souls who accepted the mission to be there, to move on, that with their presence we
can change the society. All deaths are not, especially on large scale as we have seen
with Corona and the rest of it, it was made up, it was done, some people have an
incentive to do it, but .. overall there is a plan for even those who made it up. .. it's not
a sacrifice, it means the souls have matured. (3:06). No souls leaves its physicality if
it has not matured its time. If accident, even that will mature the Soul in time. So .. all
the souls you see in different positions and times have a purpose.

A good example of one of these beautiful souls is Fabio. Fabio came to us in a

beautiful way, and we appreciated his life .. and in that process with his death and
with the accident, it changed the course of the Keshe Foundation for to be where it is
now. Even though we went to Middle east, Africa, China, and we came back and with
all the problems we had. If that accident wouldn't have happened, most probably we
wouldn't be in the position we are ..
(3:08). ..

Any other questions?

Keshe: Why we don't release the Keshe Foundation virus report in the Keshe
Foundation Journal, is because it's the first time we have been requested by the
Iranian official, the university, it's the first time, this will bring the credibility of the
rest of human race will listen.
Reading Farsi for me is an impossibility . (3:18). So when they wrote the paper they
translated it to English ..

The only thing I haven't forgotten about Iran is how to love, the way we do, it fulfills
to the point of demolishing ** your ** because sometimes we don't understand how
can a man love so much.
Q: (3:20). ** what do you mean by you are a temporary passenger, they put you
down and somebody else gets in, what do you mean by that, about the car and
Keshe: It's understanding about the time and position that you do not possess
anything. If you think you are always the owner of that car and the only one who
drives it, then it brings arrogance. So you always have to know, the Soul moves in
combination of the fields gives opportunity to other lives .
Q: You means the body is ** improving?
Keshe: It depends how you take it, it's according to your understanding.
Q: The whole thing is simple at the moment .. it changes .. In Koran it says if you are
not doing what you are supposed to do. (3:22). then we change you with another
people who loves God more then you do
God will change you and bring another people in your place
.. In Koran it says ..
Satan can deceive man until the Judgment Day .. only people he has no access to is
sincere people
Keshe: Thank you very much. One of the questions asked in the background, it is
really interesting. . .what it brings to understand is, would the mankind evolve to the
ultimate position of understanding his Soul, (3:26). or would the mankind become
aligned with the physical Soul, ** knowing that every cell has a Soul. And mankind
soon will learn that it is within his knowledge of the Soul and physicality to retract
everything that he has created with him, if he decides to. What this means is that in
fact, mankind will understand one point, and that is, physicality has a field dimension,
and if the mankind is so attached to it, he can take it with him. .. as we said before
when you ** make the Gans's and put back in for the Soul of the planet to elevate.
You do the same. You can take with you the essence of your life if that is your
ultimate goal. If that is what you want, if you are so attached to the physicality,
(3:28). take it with you. If that gives you the freedom to your Soul. Many times I
watched people telling me, doctor has given me so many days and months to live, I
want to live more, can you help me. In so many times I said, I don't want to stay here
and suffer. Me, I want to go because I know what is on the other side of the wall. And
what about what we know. I have changed many clothes over thousands of years, but
the Soul stays the same, the commitment is the same. And why doesn’t man learn
that? Why do humanity wants to stay more to suffer? Unless you understand the
elevation, put it together, elevate it, and let's have a party somewhere else, without
loosing it. In so many ways, when you get to that point you see there is no physicality,
you become light. Some people on this planet have learned this, they left no sign.
(3:30). But in so many ways, they took everything with them. If the man is so greedy
to have everything made with him, then we give him all the power to take all the gold
in the atoms, ** in the strength so when everything else. ?** have the strength to take
everything with him. But I wonder if that man will be able to take the love, the
emotion with him too? Or the desire of physicality is more then the emotion of
Any other question?

(3:32). Q: Spanish .. (3:34). .. He wants to know what is the objective of the

MaGrav and all the teachings of the years?
Keshe: You understand him to your understanding in Spanish, and explain to us,
you'll be our teacher. (3:36) . J- I have explained that all these teachings are to get
connection with our original Soul, superior .
Q: He would like to know if ** nine is the objective of the whole thing?
Keshe: would you like to answer .
J- .. (3:38). The idea is that all of us are a part of this change, each one of us has to
create a field .. to cover the whole of humanity .. we all have to be conscious that each
one of us is a part of it, and we have to grow together. (3:40).
J- He wants to know how does the Silicone work and has does it relate to C14 .. all
different energies of the original H .. (3:42).
Keshe: Can we go to another question, thank you very much.
Q: from Brazil. about the Bible and fulfillment of the prophecies. when the Bible talks
about return of the Messiah, is it about the Christ consciousness or about your call
here on this earth. Can you give me a clue?
Keshe: What was your question? \Q; You here on this earth doing your job. (3:44). to
the mankind, as we can take it as the fulfillment of the prophecy sin the Bible, Christ
will return. .. Creator return.?
Keshe: What was the purpose of it. What is the purpose of the Creator returning to the
earth every time it becomes your time of Day of Judgment? Or is the prophecy
hidden, in a way, when you mature in Soul. Is that the Day of Judgment, it means you
have matured to the level of understanding of the prophet. A lot of people got matured
in time by leaving the physicality, but in time if you mature to understand when you
speak about the resurrection or return, now we showed you and have given you the
knowledge. You can resurrect yourself, you can if you understand it, how to take over
the Soul, and it time need to return to physicality. We have shown Gans's and creation
of matter. So if you have a desire for someone to be the return of Christ, so you say it
is the time of maturity, okay yes I accept, but what happened now. Nothing happened
to my Soul, so he couldn't be. So the return and what you call maturity, comes to the
Soul of the man, not the collective understanding of one. (3:46). Otherwise we have
to bring billions of people, sitting, saying, oh it is time now, we sit and listen. How
many want to go back to physicality, and how many want to stay in the Soul. What
your Soul and physicality were aware of when you die by the old age and separation,
now is given to your hand to decide. ** everything correct to my Soul, for my Soul.
YO cannot steal from your Soul , and this is what everybody does, we sacrifice,
especially in Christianity. The more you sacrifice, the more you suffer the closer you
come to God. There is no word so much wrong then this ever brainwashed the man.
When you steal form yourself, how can you have to give. I do everything for Him, he
is whatever, the God, the Creator, and he dies, I don't want, I want to sacrifice.
Especially what is traditional in Brazil, the more you sacrifice the more you see, the
more you allow your Soul to physically suffer, the lower you go. Who told you these
things. How can you be richer when you steal from yourself. So is the time of the
return of the Christ, the maturity of the Soul of the man? And does not need to be the
** But if you want it, it satiStar Formationies you, and you think you can mature. Yes
I am. (3:48). If that satiStar Formationies you, and you have a reason to mature, then
my job is here to serve. I am. But what does it give you, with that word I tell you? As
you don't see any change, because you haven't matured your Soul to reality, it
becomes resentment and lie. If you understand it, the true meaning of what is said, it's
on you to educate yourself, to elevate your Soul to the point of maturity. And that day
will be the Day of Judgment , because you have judged yourself, and this beauty is
that we have given this gift to everyone. So what do you think? Am I the return of
Christ, do I fulfill all the prophecies of the past? Yes, I do, one by one. And if any are
left up to now, bring it and show it. But does it make me the Christ? Or does it make
me, for you to know, I know. But at the end, if you don't comprehend it, and you don't
know how to reach your Soul, (3:50). I cannot steal from the Soul of the physicality,
because it is not mature enough to see its Soul. Doesn't matter how much you want.
It's doesn't matter how much you love a car, you don't enough money to pay for it,
you still have some left to collect to come in to be able to buy. It's not by sacrifice, it's
by understanding the knowledge and the truth. Otherwise you'll be going to everyone
in the universe, have you seen God, how can I get to Him, can I pay you something,
** ** you give us your Soul, we'll give it to you, and even if they show it to you,
because you haven't learned it, it's no good. You bring all the Holy Books, I wrote
them, and see if I haven't fulfilled every single one of them by now. I have. Does it
make me God the Creator, or does it make me the passenger of Universe who have
time and wasted time to stay on this planet to see if he can change this race. But I still
live in a body of physicality, I still eat, fall in love, cry, and be ashamed to be a man,
because that is part of the process. Otherwise I'll manifest as a light, you want a color,
you want this, you want that, you can have it. You wouldn't learn anything from it.
(3:52). Mankind wouldn't learn anything from it.

Amazon chief dies of Covid-19. No world leader dies they pay ..

Any other question?

Q: When we learn to recognize our Soul here in physicality and get used to living by
it, will that experience of the Soul be the same when we leave this physicality behind?
Keshe: repeats. .. We have learned it, it's imprinted. And if you understand the
emotion of a then you mature to be part of Universe Community, because then you
live and speak by it. Many Knowledge Seekers have a big dilemma, they believe, they
have seen, they are searching for it, (3:56). and they say, when we believe it, accept
it, now we have new kind of believers, nonbelievers, and then we have seen the power
of Gans plasma saved us from Corona, but it doesn't take us to the Creator which is
our Soul, and beyond it. And we cannot do, we want to spend time in physicality, till
we see the Soul, till we understand the Soul, until our Soul tell us. How many times
do you want to fail, and by failing stay more, and bring more suffering, and loose
more. Or you understand you have to ** leave the physical life as much as the
emotional life and the Soul life. So why do you make it difficult, you prefer the
suffering, or at least make it easy for me. We cannot steal, and that emotion of
stealing has ** gimmick, and mankind has got used to stealing and find an excuse to
steal from his Soul, it doesn’t matter what it is. Because the taste of physicality is


Our emotion is the finger print to our Soul, this is why that fingerprint bring you
punishment ..
(4:00). Never refuse a gift, because you are stealing from your Soul, because there is
a purpose in that gift otherwise it will not be given.

When you receive a gift with emotion, it has a Soul ..

(4:02). there is a trick in that soap, a big trick, one say I explain.

Q: .. what is the meaning when we are all spraying the Gans water in the Cup of Life
at the same time across the entire planet?
Keshe: We extended this between what the Iranians started and the Brazilian, and
around the world. Every Sunday at 12 o'clock CET, it doesn’t matter what is yours
around the world. (4:04). Is to allow the fields of this planet to come back into
balance. Don't spray the Gans Water, just spray with the Gans that it lasts. And this
will start a change we see the change, we know the change ,and as it becomes more
and more, it will clean, it creates that dome of peace. Now we put fertilizers and
everything else on this planet, now we bring Gans's ..

Please send all the videos to the Brazilian.

Please don't use the faces of children .. there can be some abuse, there are sick people
in this world like the king of Belgium, and we have to protect him from doing a sin,
not for us. (4:06).
When you spray it you create that link. ..

Q: Thank you
Keshe: Thank you very much. Shall we call it a day, we passed your 4 hour limit.
Stay on the line 1 second. We have a gift for you, as you saw last week, we shared a
picture with you that. There is an old saying, which says, .. the eagle has landed .. we
would like to share with you .. what you have been waiting for .if we come to
agreement with the Iranian government. The Eagle has landed. The Enhancement
Unit is going through it's final process. It look beautiful and in essence carries the
Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute.. (4:10). This is the beauty we have been
waiting for, elevation f the Soul of the man we bring all the knowledge of the man
from the time of creation of man on this planet, gathering of all knowledge on this
planet. this unit will be seen for 100s 1000s of years to come

It's a Phoenix of the knowledge for the man (4:12).

Some of you will conceive in this system for the child of the future. ..

It's beautiful to see this and bring this into knowledge.

By the time this system is shown in Iran there will be no fear of Corona.

Keshe: Yes this is the actual system not a drawing anymore and you can walk in it
in a very short time. .. (4:16).

Keshe: Maybe this is a backdoor

333 rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop ..



334th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; June 25, 2020



(:12). as we develop new ways and things to do. One of the good news we have
today is the final report for Corona to be released by the Keshe Foundation in
conjunction with International Defense University of Iran, is completed. Accordingly
as you all know we invested a huge amount of money and time into Keshe Foundation
Global in US, stocks ?** , and by laws of stock market trading, on Monday or
Tuesday we'll announce internationally backing, and backed fully by the Iran Defense
university and the officials of Iran, confirming the ** in Corona disease, this ** out
by Tuesday, and published in Iran .. accepted internationally.
to curb Corona in the next 33 months
(:14). success rate of 95% .. national clinical trial .

for the first time we put the physicality and the Soul of the physicality, (:32). and the
Soul of the Creator (STC) with it, the Soul ** arrive is part of the STC, and in that
sense it needs to be to start the new cycle. .. dimension of physicality,** it will be
completed . Man will never take arms, or kill or take another life when he understands
the creation.
Man will fall in love with the creation and the Creator.



understand why we call it enlightenment


(1:14). As I said, enlightenment is through the Soul of the man not the physicality.

Any question?

Q; I wish Knowledge could talk to us detailed about detachment? (1:16). Rick:

You were talking about enlightenment and how does detachment work ( into the
screen .. ) ?
Keshe: Do you know the story abut the Rabbi and his flock. The rabbi on Saturday
said, give everything, be detached, you don't need anything, there are people who are
hungry. .. the wife goes homes, .. I didn't tell you to give to them. it is for them to
give to us to hold. ** Detachment , that is the beauty of it. The Rabbi wanted
everybody to give as long it is given to him this is the problem with mankind
(1:18). This wives saw the truth and in dimension of physicality. she elevated to give
Detachment is not to give every thing away. It's to do the best .. to share the richness
of it. The devotion and detachment comes by the understanding of the totality. not to
be hypocrite.


Any other question?

Q: If you are enlightened does the Gans light up?



(1:52). Q: .. guy doesn't know what to say

(1:58). Keshe: Come back after some time. Do we have Rafael to translate to
Hello darling how are you?
Rick: ** not so bad, thanks for asking.
Keshe: Rafael would you like to translate will you ask him his question? (2:00).
Q: He had an experience with the Cup.
Keshe: Can you speak louder please.
Q: When I woke up in the morning, I have a very intense dream, I had an
interaction between the Soul of the physicality and the Soul of the man, (2:02). and I
could remember color of the Cup for the Soul of the physicality it changed the
color to white. I was wondering if it was a illusion or it really changed?
Keshe: A lot of Knowledge Seekers will go through this phase gradually that they
want to distinguish is it their Soul or the Soul of the physicality what they see.
that's why we gave you the CM to practice and understand what you see and feel as
emotion. You will start feeling and seeing and for you to start comprehending the
difference. ..


Have to decontaminant the doctors because they carry the different mutations of it .
spray outside, inside, doctors, and then the patients.


Q: Can you expand on it a little you said that many souls were going to be re-visiting
this planet ? (2:42).
Keshe: When you feel them, see them, then they explain themselves. ..

(2:44). .. Q; What is a guarantee of the purity of the founder doesn't change after the
first generation let me explain, every religion changed ..?
Keshe: We are not a religion, we are not a movement. Science ** Christian, Moslem,
Jew, Buddhist, switched the light which Tesla created, they all got the same benefit.
The same with a car
(2:46). .. the knowledge of the MaGrav, helping with the viruses will stay, it's not
for mankind only, many races in the Universe.
My science comes from the Soul of the Creator, and goes back to Him when the man
reaches the maturity of the time and the space

.. That comes up from upbringing in Paris revolutionaries ..


(2:48). .. Q: How do guarantee they don't get into power , place of statue, keep that,
lie and cheat, and forget the ethos of the first ones.
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: Every time they give a power to the man, .. then they become into lying and
cheating with the power?
Keshe: That is the bandwidth in so many ways, will be automatically as part of the
structure of the elevation of the Soul, will diminish. (2:50). Power, the essence of
power is on the outer edges of the brain .. because that is what feeds the man, it is
even lower then the




Any other question?

Q: Create different nucleus with love, different interaction within the Cup ** (3:00).
.. depending on the alkalinity or acidity ..**
Keshe: I don't understand the question. .. you got to make it short and sweet .
Q: There are some brother in space, are there different categories among them, and
religious orders are there beings that help us ?
Keshe: Why does mankind need help. (3:02). Mankind has the knowledge.
.. I don't understand this questions ..
go to another question.
Azar: Emotion is the communicator of the Soul at the same time we are told we
should control it
Why the intensity of emotion can lead to enlightenment? (3:04). Keshe: Repeat. .
Keshe: Because you go to a different level of strength, Either one leads to a different
strength of emotion ..
Keshe: Anger is the physicality of the man I never seen in the Universe. ..

(3:06). when you don't see, when it is not part of you, you react to it ..
when you know your weakness you are strong with it. ..

Q; What about the intensity of love, if it becomes really high ?


(3:08). .. I have seen many these, mother's jealously of daughter for love of
husband ..

Q; When someone falls in love is the Soul of the physicality ** Soul of the man
Q: Can both fall in love?
Keshe: Yes
Q: How can you tell which one?
Keshe: You will know in time you see loving is giving, giving everything for not to
possess ..


If you fall in love with the Soul you never ask you just follow.

(3:12). Keshe: This is part of the biggest problems .. I have seen many cases in the
Keshe Foundation.

(3:16). .
the first thing they should teach in the school is teach emotion, love and
understanding, of human behavior. (3:18).

No more questions. Shall we call it a day. .. if we learn by the Soul of the man, ..
what is learned by physicality stays behind .
Next week will be a celebration for offering an alternative, not the only alternative,
for Corona to the world. We ask our team, Global to be prepared, ** international
support for the Iranian government.

(3:22). Thank you very much indeed for today.

Creating a Peace Dome. (3:24).


335th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; July 2, 2020






Are there any question?


Q: Guatua thank you so very much for bringing peace to the world..
(:30). and staying true to your words.

double blind testing ..

Gates stand for genocide

(1:02). Q: about suicide

Keshe: We have to understand, e have to realize we are more powerful with this
knowledge then before. What are we expecting form life, do we want to be a part


(1:10). president of Ghana Youtube video on plan of elites ..

Q: Gans's
Keshe: I am not in your stomach I don't know what you mixed ..



(1:20). .. One of the reasons we could handle Corona so directly is because of the
cases we have handled in the past.
photos of lady with Ca blocking the blood vessels
(1:24). .. I was decalcifying here, while setting another system here, I was producing
bone and flesh here. This was done in 2006.

(1:26). .. this hands belongs to the lady who we have grown a toe in, after
amputation, Iranian citizen. So if you have the knowledge, while you are taking Ca
off one place you put some other place where it's needed. These lady in 2006, 07 was
faced with imminent amputation ..

(1:28). This process was done in 2006 -07, that's 12 years ago. It's permanent. She
attended my father's funeral 2 years ago
Her brother died of the same disease , calcification around the heart ..
There are about 30 people around the world that carry this disease .
conversion of the Phosphor to Ca. ..
when squeeze muscles Ca come out instead of blood. (1:30).

Mr. Keshe fell off a horse..



(1:44). Ella:
if not by someone, we'll do it ourselves .. it's up to us ..
don't be afraid don't wait for others to do it, do it ourselves ..
Keshe: .. I would like to ask Wang Lyn

WL- She was being saving, by help from different volunteers .. (1:52). Tells about
woman got plasma water help in Wuhan..
(1:58). Keshe: Don't have a fear if our governments don't do anything. understand to
love and give from your Soul to .. presidents ..
When I read this article that this thing will create modification in the genes. Maybe
we need this modification, maybe in the long run this will become a blessing for us ..
see a modification we need .
(2:00). Post Corona for us in Keshe Foundation is space technology
Photo of a dossier which has been submitted to your leaders

the first page shocked the American officials when given ..

a gift from a nation to them .. The flag of Iran, it's not just a word, it's a gift by a
nation. "SuccesStar Formationul application of the newly discovered GANS plasma
and GANS water technology for detection, cure, prevention, and environmental
disinfection of the COVID family of viruses in trails in Iran in 2020 pandemic."
How can you kill when you have been given a gift of life. you will see this on the
first page. I am proud of the colors of my nation. We answer war with generosity.
Any questions?

Q: Mark of Golden Age of Gans, .. about the Ca, back in the 60s a man named Louis
Cuvr** he proposed transmutation occurred . (2:06).
.. (2:08). .. so Corona is teaching
Keshe: No, I know nothing about it, but many geniuses in the world.
Q: .. imagine how many other things will be discovered

(teachings here >>>> )

Keshe: As you say, the second virus that is coming. We have seen the one, two cases
in Iran, from the time of notification to the ambulance to the hospital the patient has
died the second part of the implications of this Technology becomes essential.,
we don't have time to detect ..

Corona took intelligence from the memory bank of our cells, from ** of ourselves.
and mutated intelligence of ourselves, to it. (2:12).
some places they are feeling its strength when they walk
did it lock into DNA to human DNA ..
every cell of man carries full genetic information .. .in calcified, it picked up in few
seconds ..
.. now it doesn't mutated it becomes us .. mutated created its own fields it's own
without dimensions ,, traveling as a Soul .. (2:14).

this little chap has visited all our organs and taken a copy .. (2:18). would it
somewhere down the line manifest itself as a human representation of energy?
Q: I remember you saying that even if someone has the panda virus and they recover
it they could get it again and again . mutation ?

Keshe: Yes, I think we need to. but it is something we are going to live with ..

according to WHO statistics 95% success (2:20).

95% with a natural product, because the Gans are a natural product, they are a copy of
our body, so they are one of us. (2:22).
Keshe: How would you like to deal with these souls.
Q: brought to

Keshe: We, I think people trying to create control, and structure of monarchy and the
rest of it, they developed this virus, and to all the knowledge and assumption they had,
they would control it, they will do it. and they will understand it, and they had a
control in every shape and form. (2:24). the only thing they didn't computate was that
a knowledge like this would appear, and this becoming a fear, becomes a bank of
knowledge for us.

we are disposable packs of energy ..


Q: I don't know if it is propaganda form other networks, but the numbers are inflated
coming out of Iran?
Keshe: we have a problem, this is the second cycle, not the first. ** coming out of the
office of the president of Iran, has brought this about. And we will soon correct it, in
the next few days. By next week this time, the key people who are blocking this
Technology and other Technology, to save people, will be opened up to Iranian
people .. the Ministry of Iran took the people to ransom .. stem cell answer was
zero, wouldn't even get 40% success
they thought they would make millions out of it.

.. now we can disclose more to you because we have everything in hand. The mayors
have themselves and families are using the Gans ..


Keshe: They want to control through the vaccinations. They are carrying out the plan
of the Illuminati's, it's not their agenda. So their pay masters. I have seen documents,
warrants, for many of the WHO arrests. Most of the WHO top guys are under
observation. They just waiting. You have to understand, when a chief of police, or
judge wants to issue the warrants, Bill Gates is there. How many billions do you want,
we have been through this.

Q: .. Dr. Faucci says there will be a second and third wave coming in December ?
Keshe: We already have it in Iran. We have already faced the second phase, we
already have the
we come up with a new mixture ..
.. Just be patient, maybe by Tuesday One Nation will release new information ..

Keshe: How does it look from you . Golden Age of Gans , what feedback do you get?
Q: We are getting mixed response, some are for the so called, leading experts, and
CDC, and WHO and to follow their vaccination ** (2:38). .. when we listen it to
being energy pack,
we have no authority, this document ..**
we are on a more faith understanding, love understanding, of the Golden Age of Gans,
we are reassure everyone

.. I spray the Dome of Peace. ..

.. makes a lot of people angry to think these experts are wrong, and we are right, ..
Keshe: I think most of the problem we had, as part of, the biggest fear ..

(2:44). And all it is, it sprayed Gans on people in meeting .. they pretended not to
feel pain,, later called to get the Gans ..

(2:46). . there was a report out, it says you need a certain level of virus before you
show the signs of it, and every time you sneeze you release 200,000 Coronavirus in
the environment, if you sneeze behind the mask, you still can infect me within 45
minutes of talk, if you are infected. .. if you are infected and you stand 2 meters from
me, I get virus pieces every minute, and I need to be there within a few minutes to be
saturation to catch. There is a saturation point, and it depends on the weakness of the
body of the man.
we released the key to 4 nations ..
.. the implication for Trump is, I knew and I didn't implement it. (2:48).
the Italian people wanted the Key and went on Parliament and demanded the Key.
All the European's received instruction form US, nobody accepts this Key. Italians
broke rank and accepted it.
At 10 PM Monday night it is in the White House. .. there is no way that Trump can
say I have not seen it ..

Q; If the world leaders are ready to do it ..
Keshe: If we do it in Iran in the coming days ..
I have requested public acknowledgement and release for the Iranian nation it will
not be refused ..

(2:52). when proven correct, it opens up the space ..

if we can exist in the space without food ..
Keshe: we grow cows and slaughter them, growing agriculture is the same. We grow
and cut them, dry them but do we need that anymore ..
culture of Gans that we do not need to kill.
in a very short time we don't even need Gans's ..
even a stone has a Soul. Then even an atom has a Soul ..

we don't allow a Soul to be created, we have the fields, then we don't commit a crime,
to take the Soul of an atom, the Soul of a stone. .. We can ask ..

Have we got the permission for the Soul of the copper .


I made a mistake in my education, I realized it was all false. The nuclear industry is
all made up. The only reason I am listened. ..
.. nuclear industry has no use anymore ..

(3:00). (my mother) last week, 2 weeks was her birthday. .. they send your degree in a
tube .. it was my degree,
I took my degree, and stuck under the toilet role that's all it is worth .. I can't do
anything with it .
if you can't use your knowledge to serve pack it up and go somewhere else .. first
serve yourself ..
Q: Peer review is in jeopardy ..
Keshe: The peer review has fallen down, we come to realize that those who peer
review have a big bank accounts ..

(3:04). The first peer review, "The Creation of Black Hole," the one Stephen
Hawkins stole.
Von Braun was one of the biggest murders

Stephen Hawkins followed Keshe Foundation step by step ..


If we look at Indian Airlines, it took less than 2 hours from the time he got it until he

(3:12). Q: A lot of questions can be raised about the use of the Gans ..?
Keshe: it has the natural property of the water ..

They did the analysis on Cup Number One. ..


(3:16). In the spaceship are we going to create a king

the knowledge was already carried by them by the gene ..

we don't need to eat, automatically

(3:18). born through the energy system, we don't need to kill ..

we are weeks away from it, not months .

(3:20). side door opening, so the effects will be immediate ..

the new system we'll develop, will be side door, the fields stay constant .. (3:22). I
made a deal with the Iranian regime, get the Corona through, and I'll show the
Enhancement Unit in Iran .

Thank you very much for all your work Golden age has arrived.
Q; I am from Iran. can you explain about negative Inertia .. (3:24).
Keshe: I never heard of negative mass .. negative Inertia ..

They call Anti-gravity ..

Rick: Perhaps you could define Inertia. ?

Keshe: The Inertia is the magnetical and gravitational field so the matter state. Gravity
and magnetical fields, is the interaction of the fields of the planetary system, from the
center. When the Inertia and gravitational fields interact, (3:26). lead to creation of
matter state. We see the sun, what we see on the surface of the sun, is when the matter
Inertia, magnetical and gravitational field of the H can accumulate and interact with
the magnetical field of the center of the sun, and those 2 interact fields, it's the same
as what we see as a light on Earth. That's why the stars shine, that's the only reason
they shine. The magnetical and gravitational from the center which is plasmatic,
which is total mass, which the Inertia .. if you understand the copy of it, what we call
the Soul of the physicality, Inertia is the Soul of the physicality of the planet. And
magnetical and gravitational field form the center of the planet is the Soul of it, the
interaction of the 2 create manifestation of the ** visualization of the entity. As
simple as that. When the fields are at the strength of manifestation at any dimension,
we call it Inertia.
Q: ..
Keshe: Two things do you see it in your eye, or does anybody else but you see it?
Does anybody else in the room confirms what you have seen. This is one question. If
you get 10 people and they all see the flashing light, that is a different thing, But if
you see the flashing lights, that's a different thing. Because if we see, this is the
property of some of the MaGrav Systems when they see interact with some of the Star
Formation, we have seen this a long time ago. You see we don't teach everything,
when you come to it, that's why I can answer you immediately, Because we have done
a lot of knowledge I don't disclose, you are not ready for it. But there are 2 things, do
you see this



(3:34). Keshe: Or put the photon papers, capture with ..

A new machine to measure the fields of the Plasma for the frit time..


(3:38). We have moved into a new state of science that motors won't work.
the motors are there as a backup .

each system has a Soul of the creation

total collective knowledge, 20 years of research sits in the Enhancement Unit, when
you enter it will touch your Soul , emotion .

(3:40). the people you hate, you'll become the loves ..

if I can unite a family, a nation, humanity, it's the way I set it up.
this unit carries the Soul of being, it's alive, created with life ..

Any other question?


.. how fast you could make this available for other viruses?
Knowledge - it depends how you interact with other viruses .
It's not that every virus is bad, we need energy packs ..
(3:44). your lymph is an energy pack ..

.. it has to be
If one nation go .. I'll make sure that nation doesn't go anywhere. Don't forget I
haven't shown all the cards in my pocket yet. You play games I'll lock you down ..
I'll make America a land lock nation that nobody can move in or out of it. .. just by
your emotion .. (3:46).
One of the Knowledge Seekers who received the suit, do we have the pictures.
Ella- We have some on the list ..
Shows photo of Gans suit ..

(3:50). This kind of clothing .. is for everyday use.. if you continuously use, you
balance the fields ..
Why these have no one to take a proper picture of it ..

.. the world leaders have become district managers of their state ..

many will look into the Keshe Foundation for solutions ..

(3:54) . not if, once our negotiation .. we'll release publications ..

we'll hold on to it for a little longer if everlasting peace will prevail ..

(3:55). Bye for now.


336th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; July 9, 2020





.. Any questions?
.. We have seen in some parts of the world where fathers are killing their sons, (:32).
and mothers their daughters, out of nowhere. And then we see the process of Corona.
We have seen a number of these in the past few weeks. If it goes in that way we have
to be open and understand it. We do not stop the teaching, we do not stop the
teaching, but as usual we have to give the warning as we did in advance with the
others. As we have seen. we have been correct. The WHO announced they see it as
environmental. As we said weeks ago that it is in the environment. What we see is the
development of new systems and how fast we can go through this development. .. .


Q: Using Gans in (swimming) pool ..


Keshe: if you remember I tried this 2 - 3 years ago in Nigeria, (:56). building pools,
and embedding different Gans's in the walls of the pools, in Nigeria. What will be
interesting is how it will effect people with diseases .
Q: ..

Keshe: Do you put any additives to keep this pool clean?



Keshe: . how behavior changes .. It's a large scale totality work. .. It will be
interesting, (1:08). . if there are environmental people around, ask them if they see
any difference, changes. Fishermen can better fish, or there is no fish.

Wan Lynn (WL); I found one of the plants I put in there to grow better. very fast
grow a lot of roots ..


Keshe: .. these are plants that have not received any water for nearly 5 months. It's
this plant, (shows picture), usually they die .. but they have not. This is Aloe Vera,
hasn't been watered for 5 months, but it actually has grown more.
but the environment is full of Gans.

In so many ways we see plants survive. What is interesting, if you look at the front
they have even given shoots without any water. This is what we se,
environmentally we can create a condition that plants survive..


Q: I didn't watch the temperature.

Keshe: It's not the temperature, it's the feel in the environment.
Q: I am not objective, the whole property is Gans. Gans everywhere can't tell the
difference. (1:18).
Keshe: When you come to the property from the outside?
Q: I just can't say. .. when I go in the pool I am completely balancing, restored ..
it's instant, right there.
Keshe: Thank you very much .. we learn from the expansion of the knowledge.. we
are always Knowledge Seekers.
Are there any other questions.

Q: .. you always say when you setup .. (1:20). negative to the Nano coat. **

Keshe: We ask them to change it. .. The reason we put the negative on Nano is that
we pull the energy from the environment to create the condition of circulation.
Q: Since I work with the Gans's .. the place I live I don't get much sun, can we create
a sun environment.?
Keshe: Sun what? (Sun environment). I was discussing this yesterday, maybe that is
why you are here. There is a part of the Technology which I do not teach, because the
knowledge is not there, and collectively. .. we have never had the reason to discuss it.
(1:22). That is the creation of the plasmatic rays, and .. it's a ray of the sun, creating
an interaction of the fields which is beneficial to the body , plants this Technology
at the moment is close to the man .. very direct way on the development of the Soul of
the man, what does this mean, .. is that the way we use laser beams, we have a
Technology which .. cannot be opened to mankind, primarily due to the behavior of
the man. in that process we create fields , convert the fields to rays, and convert rays
in conversions ? inertial state, rays or Gans, or matter state, on earth condition , not
through the plasma, we find the process of the rays of the sun, (1:24). when they
come to the inertia of the ** earth and matter state, they convert to the energy to
matter state. There is a process which we can do the fields of the plasma, this is one of
the ways that you can literally target viruses, if you want to do it that way, we target ..
that the Plasma receives overwhelming energy that it has no other option then to
divide its power. or in deep space you want to cut through fields. It's a knowledge
we don't see nay reason to share with mankind at this moment in time. Until mankind
moves from this behavior of killing, because this very powerful tool, extremely
powerful. If you use the correct way, you can elevate the souls. If it used the wrong
way, as it is plasmatic in strength, can open up the Soul, which means you become
fragments of fields. You create a condition that the fields of the Plasma from this
position, to this position, spacing of gap, different behavior, different structure.
(1:26). You can create condition of the fields to behave like the rays , but at the
spectrum, specifically at the planned need, or the persons needs. It's in construction
and its behavior .. like fields, but in more homogeneous of the same, not the spectrum
of the same. These rays are extensively used for certain purposes in the space. at this
moment in time part of the knowledge hidden form mankind.
Keshe: You can create fields of energies which the plant takes it as the sun rays, as the
Q: .. John showed us the plan .. without water plant made a new leaf.
Keshe: You can do it. you create an environment, (1:28). the plant tunes into it. There
is a trick in these plants which I showed .. when the plants where watered, all of them
sit in an extra pot. Most of them, .. because Gans water was put in the past and now
dried out, they have some residuals of Gans, that ** the plant continuously create that
condition that the moisture continuously comes in to the plant. .. plants sit in a double
cup, because now you have a double Gans system. create Gans water, this attracts
the amino acid from the space, this is how these plants were fed .. the secret is in
double layering, the soil is like dry rock. You cannot .. but as the Gans's have been put
in over time, they have ** sifted into layers of different strength , and as they create
an environment, and in a way, around them, between the cups, (1:30). they absorb
protein to the leaves. Those proteins according to what nature needs, uses. it's
impossibility to break these soils in these plants. It's so hard, but it has survived.
Orchids have gone through the full cycle of flowering, and a winter time ..
Q: If we use Star Formation , 4 balls, can it effect that way.?
Keshe: Yes, but I advise you, .. we went and took some pictures .. of the ** tree in
it's amazing what we see with these ** trees . (1:32).
was that we planted Star Formation, when we go .. at of 35 ** trees, we observed
only 3 ..

(1:34). planting the cores under the ground. .. embedding, and in standing 1 above ..
we can attract all the protein we need to the trees. Which means in desert areas we
don't need to cultivate water, we can just grow. By going underground through certain
steps .. we create a dome .. we can just grow vegetation.. we bring the strength below
level, not on the surface, this allows .. we can bring and introduce new condition
environment. we can enhance in areas that allows this to take shape.. to create that
dome. (1:36). in the process we can allow the rains to be there
this gives us a facility to be able to observe changes, to be collective as a greenhouse
effect. one of the reasons we see these green, the house is literally saturated with
Gans's. In totality everything is inside it, it takes what it needs. No doors have been
opened, ** closed. temperature has been kept at about 3 to 5 degrees. .. they can
survive like this for years the other 2 are very much water dependent. but the
beauty of it is the way they thrive. (1:38). We have those who are in single pots, they
have not survived, next to each other. 5 cm away .. single pots have not survived. ..
This brings a very beautiful idea, where we say, if you are traveling too much, don't
keep plants because they die. Now with this, it becomes a myth. Because you can
leave your plants they'll survive. ..
Q: Thank you sir, always an honor.
Keshe: Thank you . we are waiting for the pictures to be put up This is the picture
of the ** Kir tree you see. (1:40). .. These are the pots, and you can see how tall
it's grown. .. this tree
(1:42). .. of the 35 trees only 3 have picked up .. it means this environment is not for
this plant. .. this one grows 10 to 12 meters in Middle east

(1:44). Q: for some months we had Gans balls near the big Ki ** trees
Are there any other questions?

Q: .. back to the creatures, you said the virus is now going to take a manifestation of
physicality. Keshe: possibly, yeah. Q: that physicality has a very aware intelligence.
if that is so would that creature to go to the universe? Would it not just leave the
planet, take another dimension?
Keshe: Do you go somewhere is the land of plenty to starve? It, by error, by mistake,
by delivery, by whatever, has found the best place to survive and nourish.
Q: If it is Soul, (1:46). the ultimate goal of the Soul is to go back to the Creator, so
would, it's a creature of the Creator, so would it not be at some point go back?
Keshe: It depends like us, we stayed here a long time and we go in ** But the reality
is this entity can survive, much longer than mankind, because he has an energy
environment, he doesn't have a depletion of the physicality at the moment.
Q: So if that intelligence is going to be superior to mankind ..
Keshe: Not necessarily. It has the power to convert. Is it more intelligence, we don't
know until we see it. But physicality of this virus, because it's the first time we have
seen, ** plasmatic conversion is inevitable. Is inevitable.
Q: so that being wants to replicate, wants form, like all beings once they start
interacting with their environment it wants to multiple itself? (1:48). ..
Keshe: Yes, what we have seen, it can mutate, it can change and convert rapidly, it
has taken over this planet from Africa to Siberia, to Brazil Amazons .. in less than 6
months. and it is completely .. they said when the summer comes it will go. .. it has
gotten worse. So we have let it free, and if anybody tells there is a vaccination for it,
and immunization for it. Show me. .. the virus has intelligence. and he is rapidly
growing, how .. those who thought they brought it in, will have a field day, they can
control it. But it has run out of control in every dimension. (1:50). This breed of
Coronavirus has a long history in the universe, and we are aware of it. We know it. In
time if mankind becomes good enough at it, you can reclaim the earth back. But .. it
needs the whole of humanity to get together to be able to do it. .. we have requested
to go to this planet, ** to develop the space ** Soul, and what we call the opening of
the spans of universe to mankind. We have made an official offer to the Iranian
national defense university for full collaboration .. for the first phase of development
of space reactors, for deep space travel. This offer was made yesterday to the Iranian
officials, and with this we extend to all the nations. It's time has come to work in that
direction .. to the Americans .. (1:52).
in due coarse when they agree ..
We have entered in what we said to expand the horizon enter space.. we'll bring
scientists from all over the world elevation of the Soul, mankind will find his
salvation from this situation. This needs a lot of understanding, end of misconducts
by governments and
if you read the message that was put out today by Veterans.. read it, it is strategically

(1:54). .. Israelis have claimed they have damaged 2 advanced reactor sites
development, not anything else, in Iran in the past 2 weeks. We close our eyes to this
behavior, as we are much more generous, forgiving in Iran ..
We have extended specifically this peace.. the same offer to Israel ..
.. this comes out of the greatness of Iran .. to open the spans of the Universe in
I will traveling back to Iran to head this development. in the next 2 weeks we start the
development of this process
(1:56). ..
and a joint combination of travel and life in deep space, will be started in Iran. ..
.. we do not hit back, invite back their childish behavior.
in the deep space we don't need nuclear Technology. plasma Technology opens up
when the Enhancement Units are complete in the next few days, then we travel back
to Iran..
(1:58). We head Iran in the deep space travel beyond the imagination of man, we
invite all the nations.
As I said in the One planet .. on Tuesday, in the coming days we start the writing of
the Book number 9, which is the Soul, which will complete the Soul of the man, and
will follow with the 9 books which come to understanding the Soul of the universe,
understand of the work of the Soul in the universal dimension, and by Book 9 to lead
mankind in understanding of his Creator. And this is one of the reasons I step down in
** (2:00). ?/ Keshe Foundation. As for me opening of the space in both dimensions
of the Soul and the physicality. And then at the same time when the Soul of the man
enters the Universal Council its like an infant, it needs to be taught. the teaching of the
Soul, as we call the books of the universe, will be totally in a ** neutral way and
shape. We write it with the pen of the Soul. and we start that teaching. SO be ready,
hopefully for the next few months to start learning more about life in the deep space,
as we develop new Technology and tools for travel in the universities of Tehran, in
that process we invite all of you scientists to join us. Not necessarily to Iran, but
collectively to share knowledge without boundaries that we can move as one race, it
doesn't matter where we are. .. the time has come for mankind to move, and as I
promised , with 9 months left to achieve it, we start the whole process. Once the
Enhancement Unit is complete and we sign it over, we go into a rapid development, to
put all the scientists around the world in a beautiful city of Tehran. (2:02). And
eventually we'll see what comes, man to travel in deep space, disarmament, total
equality of all races, and as One Race. Mankind will have a new life to be busy with,
then being busy with .. killing. We have no choice as we see the beautiful flag of
Iran .. red . white peace growth greenery .. this is how the flag of Iran was set ..

(2:04). .. development of the new memory banks with response times millions of
times faster then present computers, is essential part of development to new
Technology.. w make sure this stays open to all nationalities. Many of you have been
waiting for the conference in Tehran, soon this conference will take place. As we go
through the final phases of Corona
we will deliver Technology never seen by man, we'll deliver Technology that
eradicates the need for food in the next few months with collaboration with Iran
scientist and the rest.. Iran the center of new knowledge.
Any questions?

Q: What exactly is the Soul, and what is an energy packet?

Keshe: Soul is a collection of fields which has order, exist, has a management, as you
call it. Energy packs are food that are available to be consumed if need be. Usually are
collection of the spectrums of the same. (2:08). .. it's a full, full explanatory. How
can you it explain it much simpler and easier.
Rick: In regards to the Coronavirus, it's an energy packet, so to some it would seem
like, it would be taking away their energy, but to others it's a means of food.
converted .it all depends how you look at it and process it.
Keshe: It's .. do we have a need for it. Is there a need for ** by our Soul. If we are
afraid to be eaten by the lions and the other animals, the beauty of it is, in the space
nobody eats our Soul and the freedom of passage. (2:10).
Q: What changes for mankind in such a short time, and what changes for visitors who
stay here forever, now?
Keshe: Not much changes, you got to adapt to a new Technology, the way we
adapted to cars, computers in the past centuries. This is another step but a higher order
of understanding.
Q: in light of all this, what are our options, list them. ?
Keshe: we don't have options, we deal with this before. but we are aware of

(2:12). Q; .. I think what you just showed about the plants that don't need any water, is
a good indicator with child born in Enhancement Unit


these machines become incubators .. when they come out have they learned enough to
eat from the Universe , not food for the Universe ..



Any questions?
There is a beautiful picture that has a lot of meaning for me. .. it is promised. ..
(2:50). we will bring it to that point. they say people of the same mind, which their
ideas flow at the same time. .. in understanding the totality of the knowledge, the way
we do, it brings me to a very interesting point. People of the similar mind, school of
thoughts always get together
(shows picture of Ayatollah Knowledge) and in Farsi says one thing .. "We'll make
Iran the bedrock of knowledge."
(2:52). .. Now you have to join us if you are of the same ethos
Any questions?

Q: What fields does Aloe Vera have to stop muscle spasms. ?

Keshe: Go and ask him, you know the Soul of plants .. The human body, plants, or
animal kingdom all are made of the same fields in different composition. And when
you find, (2:54). the one that matches. ** operation of the other, you can use it to
enhance what is the weakness, and that is all. Or in the process of tranStar
Formationer it changes to what the other needs. The ** lived, Aloe Vera by it for
centuries, from eating it, to wash with it, ..


(3:06). when you receive the vaccination, the Corona has changed , what is the
vaccination. I just sold you a dead duck.
.. Gates has to be arrested as fast as possible, and .. the organization has to be brought
to a halt, and all the finances they used in creating this, pedophiles and Microsoft to
create this mayhem, and once we take the head of the snake in our hand, we can
control the rest of the ** ... now maybe for the first time you understand why they
went for Keshe Foundation this way, to kill and try to discredit, because in the bigger
plan they knew it was the only Technology that could stop their plans. And
unfortunately it has backfired on the,

. we gave them 14 days which is what we said, the law of the universe. (3:08).

(3:10). .. now they are battling with the third cycle. The third cycle will come out with
mental diseases, and that will be very hard to put back into position. ** mental
conditions will become part ** ** will spend time to look after.
Any other question?
Q: What condition do we need to create to tranStar Formationorm this physical
experience to a plasmatic one, (3:12). similar to the resurrection body of Christ, or
Babaji, or ** please teach us?
Keshe: What do you want me to teach you? What is your expectation? (3:14).
Q: Guatua thank you ..
Q: Was P Trump's response in a letter, if so can we get a copy and use it in the press
in the coming USA election?
Keshe: No, he never puts things in ** I don't think he is educated to write. We have
been told to be prepared to move to Washington, ** advisors, to be prepared for
negotiations. We negotiate with opposition, as much as those who are in power. In the
next few hours, or days, if Trump keeps to this stand, Keshe Foundation will negotiate
with the opposition. **Truly the time for him is over, because incompetence in
protecting a nation. Asks for removal from office. Holding vital information that can
save thousands of lives daily, by the president, makes his position, unattainable.
(3:16). And now we have put it in public. Today it's 10 days since he received the
document without a response, makes his position already unattainable. Self-centered
interests overrides the national interests. If you are American, Canadian, or anywhere
in the world, release the link to Veteran's Now ** to show the incompetence of a
president. Self-interests above national the only thing Gates structure was not
expecting was such a breakthrough in knowledge and technology. As you read we are
inviting American doctors and scientists to come to Tehran. We have not said we
done it, we invite world scientists to come to Tehran. If you have access to your
presidents, PM, give them that and put them in touch with Keshe Foundation. If you
call the ambassadors it will be denied, because .. from now on we take possession of
delivery of the technology, and it's part of the work. (3:18). Call your ambassadors, ..
.. if you go through the Iranian ambassadors there will be no response. President
Rohanni is in the pocket of the Americans, and he has already been looked after well
by the Gates Foundation. If you are sick like president of Senegal, get in touch with
Keshe Foundation we'll put him through
We know there are people who tried to get in touch with the president of Brazil, he is
confirmed to have. We need to think what is going to happen this year to the opening
of the UN, nobody there to unite, they are all hiding in their offices. (3:20).
Any other question.

Q: How does parental separation effect the child's trust?

Keshe: Is it done by your government compulsory? Or is due to your failure. Children
should not be separated from their parents under no circumstances. What I think that
we will see in the long run, we will see, (3:22). growth in misconduct. if the children
are taken, and there is a certain concern in the background, many of these children
will not be returned back to their parents, and many of them will be abused in that
process. There is a huge concern on this international, that children should never be
separation from their parents.
Q; Dan is clarifying, it's the divorce of the parents, they get separated?
Keshe: It's the same, it's all the same. .. we have seen this in many, many occasions.
We've seen it.. even in divorced cases children should stay with at least 1 parent, and
they have to be monitored, all the time, it doesn't matter which parents hold. And
should not be, .. psychologically it is ** available , cannot repair these kind of
damages, especially when it is done directly by the parents themselves. (3:24).
Preconditioned separation by preplanned, by any parents, is a criminal act. It's not
justifiable. You cannot justify such a thing. It should not happen but it happens, in so
many ways, we see it, on a continuous basis, and unfortunately, every effort should be
made for it not to happen, but some parents do it, on prearranged organized for their
own benefit. Separation by the parents by pre-clandestine, (3:26). plans for the
benefit of one parent, we have seen a lot of it, we have seen a lot of it, and what I have
seen, is the biggest crime a mother can do to this child, or the father. Secondly, when
the other parties come into their lives **
Any other question? Have you received the links Rick (3:28).
Any other question.

Q: then the amino acid that form in the containers of the Cup 1 can be eaten?
Keshe: Why do you want to get fat. In a very ** last week, one of the Knowledge
Seekers have done. Some of the Knowledge Seekers do everything they use their own
body as a guinea pig, but that is their prerogative.
Rick: .. dipping your finger in the amino acid, (3:30). and touching it to your tongue.
I have actually tried that and it is quite amazing the response .. made me feel like I
had a large protein meal seemed to last for a day or two.. (too much potency there)
Keshe: There are a lot of things we don't teach.
Rick: ..
Keshe: Maybe one day. when we mature, we don't teach a lot of things because the
knowledge is so vast and once we get all the governments working together .then we
can release massive amounts of knowledge plus what the man adds to it. and it will
be beautiful to see it, (3:32). how we'll add to it.
any thing else.
Q: Are the Americans using advanced Technology to spread the Corona?
Keshe: I don't know, go and ask them.
the beauty with it at the moment, I think if we give this report to the American
opposition, they will slaughter the White House. And how many of you want to get
rid of the Trumpy, or you want to trump him out of the office. (3:34).
Rick: A comment came out from Elon Musk Space X , and Tesla. stock has
skyrocketed. ? more then Toyota he says the long term goal of my stock is to
help make life multi-planetary to ensure its continuance, and the massive capital
needs are in 10 to 20 years, by then Tesla's goal of accelerating sustainable energy
and autonomy will be mostly accomplished. I wondered what you thought of all
that? he is still sending rockets off.
Keshe: That's all he has, I think we have shown him ** what to do with it before. If he
does it right we support him. I think in the coming weeks, (3:36). when we unravel
the new generations of the power supplies .. of voltage which can be converted to
what it needs to be. will bring electrical cars into fronts very rapidly. We will see the
new evolution in technology.
Rick: That is the missing link Elon would need for outstanding success beyond the
batteries that are in the cars now.
Keshe: .. it should have been done a long time ago. And what is, we have to work
collectively as human race. in the end we need their cars, we need everything else. ..
we will we have to be on 2 ends of ?** side.
Any other question.
(3:38). .. shows document from Universe Council to eradicate Covid-19 to Western
Australia ...
response from Minister of Health. .. (3:40).

Keshe: I think we advised Doug to send a copy of what we sent to the American
government to his government, and if they appoint minister of directly to the
government. We will not give outside the government, we have a security reason
(3:42). if they assure that this paper doesn't go out, but stay within the government
we'll immediately give it
we invite them to come to Iran, The Iranians will pay for your officials to come to
Iran to test ..

(3:44). Organize your ministers, I am available 24 hours .. your team comes to Iran
for 3 to 5 days to see you have to come to the center of knowledge to see.
I advise Americans to get in touch with the opposition, they can send American
doctors to Iran
We pay for it, and help the nations ..
.. we would like to invite the Brazilian president to Iran and Senegal
Q: .. Keshe Foundation in Brazil is offering to clean a hospital, ** is there any
direction you would like to give to us Knowledge Seekers?
Keshe: In Brazil they have bought the basic system and arrived, we had an official
meeting with the hospital a couple of days ago, now they have to go and get some
clarification in the hospital, and the Knowledge Seekers have with the collectively
with Raphael are gathering Gans's in one station to give to the hospital, we have
given, are taking to the hospital that in 14 days we'll clean out the hospital, and we'll
start cleaning from outside, all viruses, and this is what we are waiting for them to
clarify, in the next few days. and we start, It's in a major city in the country. And it's a
charity organization, they do it freely, they have 90 patients in hospital, and 10 in
intensive, and hundreds outside. and we have gone outside, now the equipment is in
Brazil, arrived in Brasilia, or not in .. (3:48). I'll show you, we are not hiding
anything, our openness is our strength. The shipment to Brazil was done a couple of
weeks ago .. through customs .. (picture of what was shipped to Brazil ) system and
water system, you can buy it and donate to your government.
we have a good base support in Brazil, and the Brazilians have responded to this.
Because this group has 8 hospitals, once we start with the first one, the other 7 will
come into operation, as they told us from the beginning. .. it's beautiful to be there to
see it.. (3:50). As I said to the officials of the hospitals, I stay with them the first 2 - 3
days, the way I stayed with Iran, until they get going and can train the other doctors.
and then they can put the doctors to the other hospital. We can save thousands of lives
in Brazil the way we done in Europe. and then they can structure it across Brazil,, so
they all don't need to go to this hospital .. we need a big base first.
The biggest problem will come when the Europeans on the 15th try to open flights
and if they don't hide an duck like Indian Airlines, to show how many people die on
board the planes, then in Europe nobody will fly, and we are back into square 1.
worse then square 1.
the problem with this is when you have no protection, you mutate it. (3:52).
any other question?

.. we cannot stop, we always have rest, somewhere in the body stops.

Thank you very much for today.
We hopefully manage to succeed, and with this and in that process we'll be able to
enjoy the fruit of our work as the team of Keshe Foundation worldwide. I think it is a
time for it, to start. for us to benefit as a human race what we have done in
developing. (3:54).
when I see on CNN I believe it, and the other thing is, CNN is not the world.

It has been accepted by the head of security in US Embassy in Austria ..

I have done my part, now it is your part.
I hope when we meet next time there will be much better news then today.
(3:56). 336 Knowledge Seekers Workshop

337th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; July 16, 2020



(:06). Keshe: I hope we can learn more and in the process of learning more, we
share more, and maybe become a point, a breakthrough for someone, somewhere. In
one ..
we have been there to teach and serve, I said, that is all we can do because those
people who you thought were just nothing, they were there as Knowledge Seekers
now through their teaching, what you thought, they have saved many lives, through
Corona. It's not that we put money to the Keshe Foundation or back the F with
different things, all the teachings, all the little courses you do, or go around and teach
people, that is serving. We all serve in different ways. And mankind in this moment in
time needs more serving than actually he needs anything else. .. We see second round
of Corona, (:08) hitting much harder, and the lives taken by this virus, is become
more or less impossible to stop by the present world of medicine. We hear LA has
come in second lockdown. ..

.. it's so frightening it puts shivers on my back, even the knowledge I have, how to
control this, what we call, dragon. The new version .. what we call mutations of this
virus is extremely drastic, it cannot be kept out, and cannot be hidden .. as Keshe
Foundation has always warned in advance, we see the appropriate, until the
government decides to release the totality of the report. In this report I have stated
categorically, that we have seen through Corona, father's killing their daughters,
brothers, their sisters. People are committing crime in a state that the mind is not
ready. (:10). These people have to be excused, as it is not murder, but the course of
action of the illness, which no one has control. If we carry on ignoring this, many of
us will be imprisoned for what things we never had a clue about, as Corona has
created a condition of short-circuit in the emotion and physicality of the man. The
international law, and the governmental law, and .. the direction of criminality has to
be ready to put aside any crimes on the basis of Corona, as people have no control.
We have seen this in Iran and China and what I call, the law enforcement has to stand
firm in, "no crime is done." And if it can be proven that the crime is due to Corona,
not by default, by fact, there should be no crime. It's not that you are a state of not
knowing what to do, or you are doing, is in fact what it has shown, short-circuited in
the brain. We are not giving carte blanche for people to do crime, but man has to be
correct in conduct, and put everything correct in the beginning. We see other factors
which is coming forth through Corona, we are holding back until we discuss this with
international governments and away from criminal organizations like Gates. We have
seen new elevations, what we call, (:12). deviation, but with a side-effect which is
absolutely criminal. I ask for the arrest of Gates and his team, internationally. This
request will be put along with nations which we collaborate with, because this is a
genocide, what we see we cannot even talk about. People close to me, and the head of
the Keshe Foundation are aware of it, but it is painful even to think of it. Some of the
Keshe Foundation teams are working in the background to get results. It was
expected, but if what we see in the masses, are appearing, mankind is heading for
doomsday. The reality is, we are working on it, new procedures have been put in
position, doctors are adopting it, and going ahead with applying it. And when we see
the results we have to report back. I wish one thing, Gates would have never been
born. That blood has to be stopped. Not by anything else, but by elevation of the Soul.
The pain it will bring will last mankind, if mankind lasts that long. Generations to
come, if generations can be there to come. For this reason, as we were aware of
things happening in the background, we override a new fundamental system, to
override Corona, and match Corona, as we say, step by step. Today, (:14). I release a
new structure for a third Cup. This is a Cup of Soul, and its effect needs to be there, to
overcome, to be able to carry man through this time. To what effect you will be using
it, is very much in the hand of how you see, as those who are effected. The Cup of
Soul has a direction and dimension into operating in the Soul of the man through the
Soul of the physicality, to the physical body of the man. We had to introduce this as
we see no other way, we see no other what I call, option left to mankind, except
moving to the level that the Corona works. And in that process handle it with care. **
at the same time making sure man does not become insane. We elevate the Soul of the
man to become the defender of his own physicality. And in so many ways, many
sorrows will be created if we do not stop this. What is important to understand, is, it
interfered in our structure at the energy level, and it locked itself to our physicality,
we started with physicality, and we went for the structure of physicality. Now we
handle it with its own Soul, with its own energy, and this is the breakthrough through
the science, never been taught, and in so many ways, we have to teach it. I have no
option. (:16). As the Iranian community say, you have taken all the hopes from us,
but in fact, we gave you the chance and hope to survive. In so many ways, we open
the door to a new science, to something you knew, but you never thought. And it has
to be done in that way, and it has to be done in the dimension of the Soul of the man
to understand the elevation of his Soul, which can stand the elevation of the Soul of
the physicality, and the physicality of man in all dimensions of the existence, from
emotion to it's energy level. Many of you who have been around the F you are fully
aware the way I work. Simplicity of teaching is the key to understanding, and
simplicity of understanding is to, in fact, comprehend.

Cup of Soul Teaching:

The new Cup is from the comprehension of the structure of the man. ( there is a small
problem .. Knowledge has bad cold ) What I want you to do is listen very
carefully, This is Cup #3, the Cup of Soul. What you need to do, very simple. Two
Nano (nano) coated (:18). You have 3 nano coated wires (left side is flat, middle is
coiled, right side is coiled). All 3 of Zn, you connect all 3 together, with this you
connect {to the second Cup} -- or the first Cup, in all 3 cases, In the first Cup and
second Cup you have nano coated Cu (middle coil), then you have , and you have
the Zn, and you have your nano coated, and Cu rod. You connect all 3 nano lines
together, and as before you connect the others which are not nano coated together.
The Gans's produced in this part (Cup 3) will be at the energy level of the Soul of the
Man (Soul of the man). Now you connect with Cup 1, which carries the Soul of
Physicality (Soul of the physicality) to the Soul of the man, and with Cup 2 you
connect to the physicality of the man. Where I make it very clear that you all know
what it is. Zn nano (in Cup 3), Zn nano, Zn nano, this is Cu nano (Cup 1), this is your
Cu, and this is your Cu, and this is your Zn.

With this new Cup, the Cup of Soul, you match the energy levels of the Corona on the
strength of the emotion of the man, (:22). that does not allow the conversion (** of
the Corona to Ca matter state). In this process, we create energy at the strength of the
field of the physicality of the man. This ** light ** off and run the 3. ** around the
Cup of Man. ** can't take Gans's from it, but produce the 3 Cups ?** (Rick: Mr.
Keshe you are breaking up ..) whatever you make. Rick: . repeat that last sentence
In this process you always use Zn from what I call, Cup 3, what we call Cup 3, (:24).
whatever you collect from it. Do not look for matter state in Cup 3 as such. You are
used to seeing physicality, but if you get physical Gans, it is no problem. If you get,
what we call, "Energy Gans', you just take from the bottom. This area (bottom of Cup
3) you collect from. Do not forget, the process of connection is as before (** with Cup
1 and 2), you never change the process, which means to make it very clear for you.
This way, these 2 connect (Cup 3: flat nano Zn on left :connects to: coiled nano Zn on
right) this one come here. And a third line (jumper wire) connects the 2 (together).
But when you connect to the Cup #2, you connect as a totality, or to Cup 1.

So in that process, from now on, you always use Cup 3, at least 20% of your mixtures,
20 to 40%, and then the other 2. For this you rub on your head, on the body with your
hand. You make a mixture in a bottle, (or) in a ball, then you take it in your hands and
you wash your face, you wash your body, you wash your every organ. You have to
understand, the Soul of the man exists in every cell of the man. (:26). In so many
ways, you elevate the Soul, that the Soul looks after the physicality. And in that
process, then you add Cup 1 and Cup 2, depending on where is, where you connect
the Soul to the physical dimension of that position. There is no other way to battle this
things this way. You can put it in the sprays and spray it around, you can put it in the
balls and leave it around the house. But you have to be careful, you have to be careful,
elevation of the Soul, is cornerstones of the existence. And you have to understand
what that means, 2 spiral and 1 flat, if you have a piece of Zn, cut in 3 strips, twist 2,
and leave 1 flat, and spiral the 2. This is the new entry for you, there is a new way to
learn, and with this process we have, as I said we have no choice. (:28). All have to
be nano coated, all have to be understood the way it's processed. Try to stay your
salinity (NaCl), and round about 10 to 15%. Now we are not looking for the physical
Gans, we are looking for the energy of the Gans. In some of the cases, you might see
that one of the coils will vibrate, it oscillates, it's no problem. You might see new
colors of Gans's as the Soul manifests itself in the new dimension of physicality.
If you want to make the Soul of the physicality you follow the same. You take 3 nano
coated Cu (flat, coil, coil), with this the Soul of the physicality, you release a lot of
pain, suffering, but it will be in a local, in that dimension. With the Cup of Soul, it's
the Soul of the man which overloads the Soul of the physicality, and the physicality of
the man. Don't forget Zn is around 65, (:30). and Cu around 60 - 62. In these ways we
give the man a chance. A chance to be able to encapsulate Corona, by weakness in the
strength, forces the energies of Corona to interact direct, and as you have seen, we
will see the further development. In these Cups always, always look for energy, and
the energy, the right energy, is sitting somewhere, just under the center, somewhere
here (Cup of Soul, under middle nano coil). This will bring you a lot of new
understanding, you will feel the condition of the existence, and in so many ways,
becomes a magic. You can use it on your animals, you can use it on your loved ones,
you can use it on the trees and plants. Many of you will hear the noise, many of you
will hear the Soul. Many of you will understand the operation between the physicality
and the Soul. (:32). You will see rapid development, you will see eradication of many
diseases, you will see painless life, and you'll feel the love of the Creator.

We have taken man today to new understanding of the new levels in the height of
understanding the creation. We take man from the dimension of his physicality, to the
dimension of his Soul, its strength, its beauty and its effort. Last week I told you I
would teach you something new, and the head of Keshe Foundation reminded me this
time, don't forget you made a promise, you have to make it. I fulfill my promise.
From now on man will look into new dimension in elevation in the Soul of the man
directly by the man himself, if, if he is correct in conduct. And at the same time,
(:34). through the understanding this new process, maybe, maybe mankind will
elevate himself to new dimensions.

In so many ways, if you understand this, you come to a new point, and if you could
translate this to a new understanding, this is Book #9. And if you understood the
totality, ?** to the Book #1, in the universal order of the Soul, the creation of the
Soul in the dimensions of the universe. Because when you die, in the physicality, in
the dimension of Soul, leaves the dimension of physicality, enters this point. Now we
need to take you through this process to understand the Creator. In a way, we have
given you a hand up to move from the dimension of the Soul of the man to the
dimension of the Soul of the Universal Community. This is where the transition
comes, this is where the beauty comes, this is where we fulfill our promise. The Day
of Judgment, the ** of the Soul of the man to the understanding of the operation of his
own Soul.

I am the Creator, in the dimension of the physicality of the man.

In that process for the first time we welcome you to the Universal Community. We
close the door on the Soul of the man, (:36). and we open the door to the Soul of the
Universal Council where the physical existence is not an option. And through the
same process we'll take you to understand the Soul of your Creator, how He was
created, where He came from, and how he has become the creator of all. I promised
when the glory of the technology appears, one shall not be there. And in that process
mankind will understand in totality what it means to fulfill the promise of the past
thousands of years. The Day of Judgment is not the day where you stand, the Day of
Judgment is when can transmute and go through the tranStar Formationormation of
the Soul of the man to the Soul of the Universal Council, which creates the life of **
set to the Creator. And this is a gift, it's such a beautiful day, with a new love, a new
care, a new understanding of the creation. I always said, (:38). when I am fulfilled
with the love of the creation, I create. In so many ways, understand this because in the
coming time you will understand more about the process of the creation, and you need
this as the basis of understanding of the totality.

As we always said, we come to taste the beauty of this planet, to feel the love in the
dimension of physicality, that with it, we can elevate man to the dimension of the love
of the Creator. And as we have fulfilled in all dimensions, it's time to elevate the man.
In so many ways, in the coming days and weeks you will see the beginning of the new
changes. As we have elevated, and as you start using these technology, in a true
essence of its knowledge, and not the fear of the demise of the man. But as I always
said, understand the process of the creation. Understand the love of the Creator, and
you will find the path to Him. (:40). Try to understand the way mankind will proceed
from now on, will be one way, and one way only, through the Soul of the man. And
then if man would like to see life in the dimension of physicality, it's his choice, be it
at birth, be it at given life, be it in transition from one dimension to another. The
process of teaching in elevation of the Soul of the man, completes itself today. Now
the process is not to elevate the Soul to overcome the physicality for it to survive
longer, as with the teaching of today there shall be no death. The dimension of
physical death is in the hand of the man himself. This is the secret of life, everlasting
life. Many of you make it by the desire to have that, and many of you will fail, that
desire is not in truth to serve humanity, but for the ego of the man. The completion of
the closure of the past, was completed this morning. The early hours of this morning.
And with it came the release of the ** this morning. We close the door to the past,
and we open the door to the future, for the humanity to understand the elevation of his
Soul. (:42). Nothing in my cycle is coincidental. And nothing in this cycle will come
by chance. When mankind finds the true love, mankind has elevated to the dimension
of the Soul of the Creator. We came here to find, and we found, we came here to
elevate and we have elevated. Now it's for you, in to decide in what dimension you
want to exist. There should be no fear of Corona, if you have managed to crown your
head with the Soul of the man, the true existence, the true essence of creation. When I
am given love, I shower love back on humanity. And you are washed away today, if
you understand. There is a point while you understand this, while you start seeing the
results of this, while you start seeing changes that you could not imagine, then we
start the process. You got to understand, whatever is created, is below what we have
created. We know how to handle it, (:44). from cronies, to Corona, does not make
any difference.
Any questions?

Q: .. when you refer to 3/21/21 you talk as you are running against time. Is this a **
and why?
Keshe: 21 - 21 which is March 21, is the beginning of spring, the beginning of life. A
new life will start on that day as we promised. A new life for mankind, a new life for
understanding of totality, and In so many ways, in the next few months mankind will
mature so fast that, we pass everything mankind has known for millions of years to
gather to his knowledge. It will be the beginning of new understanding. As I said
before, around that time I move from the Keshe Foundation, (:46). and go back into
teaching and research direct, and development that releases pain and suffering on this
planet, and ** . As the new head of the Keshe Foundation she has been battling to get
it right, now she has to battle it to have it right.

one is responsible for Soul of the man, and one for the Soul of the physicality ..


you humans occupy the surface of this planet, this virus even touched those above,
innocent, we could not stand it anymore. With this new this new process we encircle
the whole planet, as life on this planet in every shape and form is dependent on the
amino acid. In this process and the new teaching, (:50). that is to come will take you
through the threshold in entering the Universal Council as a Soul of the planet. A Soul
of a child, that child is the human race. The next few months we rush you through as
much as possible.
we'll see the end of kingship, the end of what we call enforcer societies, we'll see
society transition, where what mayhem we saw in some nations will become part of
the structure of the change, permanent change for humanity.
we put out the hand of peace to the American administration today. Defy us, we'll
wipe you out through your Soul. Not a bullet, we enter into your creation. By the
request of the Iranian government, we put the hand of peace to all the nations as of
today. (:52). The instructions are clear .. through the teachings of today we start the
process of world peace we have the tools we showed the tools, and you will do it, not

In the corridors of powers there is a lot of discussion, what are we going to do, we lost
everything. My advice to the Rothschild's family, in direct contact with the Keshe
Foundation, .. for us to meet with the masters, the response is yes. We meet with you
on one condition, total disarmament of Rothschild's operation. Everything has to be
equal, and the highest priest of the Rothschild's family has one choice, abide and work
through us, those who brought you will not be able to operate anymore. Your grand
masters, have no grand** In your direct contact with the Keshe Foundation, and your
request to meet the Keshe Foundation management, (:54). will meet you in Austria or
Germany. Go through our channels and we will meet with you, on our ground, our
Any other question?

Q: .. )not clear ) is this next Protocol with the Zn, is it for when somebody gets the
Corona, or just do it for prevention. The 2nd question is we drink from the Cup 1, can
we drink from the Zn Cup, and 3rd, when we make the physicality Cup with Cu do
you connect it anywhere, or just connect it as one and connect it to a Cu. (:56).
Keshe: You can drink from 3 Cups, and you'll find out, that you don't look for the
dimension of physicality, Cup 1, 2 ,or 3 collected the same as in the processes of the
past, and the present which it adds. You have to understand the 3, or Cup #3, you get
1 line connected to the others, from all 3 when you have connected, from the central
common line. When you have the line from here and from here connected, then you
have a line from here to here, and you put a ** to connect, your line of connection
comes from here to your other Cup.
Q: . with the Zn Cup we need
Keshe: It's not a Zn Cup, it's a Cup of Soul.
Q: When you want to drink from it, because there is no Gans, ..
Keshe: You might produce some Gans. you are going to the dimension of physicality,
just do as we said, make it first, do it first, and then talk.
Q: .. there are a few cases in New York that I have seen, (:58). there are children 12 -
14 years old they have tested been tested, they have antibodies, but don't have any
symptoms, what is the future of these kids who go to this ** and show antibodies,
but no symptoms, does this mean they are immune to the Corona, and are safe in the
future, or they are going to develop cancer ?
Keshe: What we see, Corona is dividing itself to different sections, 0 to pre-birth . **
9 to 14 / 55 . teenagers to adults . adults to 55 years they all can get common
denominator one, but each one we see now, separate effected

(1:00) .


Q: the teenager in this group are immune >> ?

Keshe: They are not immune, you are using wrong terminology. They are going
through a process of transition, growth, and active cells, and that active cells choose
** energy of Corona.

we see this group will never produce children .. we see in several countries ..
(1:04). we see men who never produce sperm.
Rick: (interrupts) a new report in Canada, , under 40 years ..
Keshe: I am going to repeat so it is clearly understood. We see infertility with the
sperms, with no life, which means those who are infected will never reproduce. This
is a crime Gates has done. Now you understand. We request all the governments to do
a sperm test and egg test on all those who have been infected, between 3 to 6 months
after their infection. This is a birth control. We have seen it in 6 nations for the past 6
weeks. Lost of libido, and at the same time zero sperm count. We have never seen
this. Those who are effected, first was reported in Iran, (1:06). first was reported in
China, now we can report it ..
Birth control through the backdoor. I will take revenge on Gates and his ** plans. It's
the first time we disclose this, and it is becoming a pain in the whole structure of the
work. We reported multiple menstruation, Now we see infertility. ..
I didn't want to disclose this but
this is the prime reason I released Cup #3 today. (1:08). Most of men, who are
infected by Corona will never reproduce, the same with woman. We have given new
procedures to be adopted by a number of countries and doctors, and the only solution
we see is the use of Cup 3. The infertility is 100%, which means not even a single
sperm ..
Cup of Man, and Cup of Soul,
try to make love as much as you can that it can be defeated. If you have a partner stay
with him close, and take him through Cup #1 and #2, and then take him through Cup
of Soul. The Soul of the man or Soul of the physicality, this will bring a lot of
problems. for men or women who will think that their partners have lost interest in
them, and it will bring new social structure problem. It's not that your partner is not
interested in you, (1:10). it's not that your partner is having an affair, the truth is
Corona has killed everything, emotion and physicality. The direction for man is non-

stand with you partners ..

first this and then the cancer
take baths ..
do not let your partners down because you have let yourself down. In these teachings
we have to tell the truth ..


.. that the social structure does not get damaged. (1:14). This thing appeared about 8 -
9 months ago and then in Iran. ..
doctors started testing about 4 weeks ago. zero sperm count. .. calcification has
solidified the sperms ..
We are here together to change it ..
Q: . the physical Cup and ?**

Keshe: You decide.

Any other question?
Keshe: We to understand a lot more about this, we wanted to hold it back to the time
when we are ready, but as I teach, we get reports coming. .. (1:18).
we need to understand the totality of the process, this is crucial and this will bring a
massive social structure damage to humanity, if a large number of people get effected
by this, the population will drop quite drastically. When you see 3 million men in US
effected, there will be 3 million incompetent men. Those who cannot reproduce, are
all men, and this is what was one of our main concern,
we run a test in Ghana in a very effective way, when we heard this developing .. our
team in Ghana used the Technology to overcome this ..
for sure you will see this problem across the planet. The rise in this, especially in
teenage gap

(1:20). this will become a social problem when your partner is not there, you look
for satiStar Formationaction, you do a crime, you commit a sin, and that has to be
stopped. Our responsibility is that man cannot do wrong by choice of his own. This
will create a lot fo problems in the structure, especially in the young adults, who are
hoping to become fathers and mothers and it is not there. Partners who suddenly have
a husband but not a man. Men who have a wife, but just a cook in the kitchen and a
cleaner. And if you are lucky you already have 1 child. This is going to become a
huge problem more than the Corona for the human race. When we need to run into
this trap, out of this trap, (1:22). and get it sorted as soon as possible.

Q: .. .. the zinc plates available to us, especially here in Kenya is from the ** Zn
battery, when we cut that in 3 pieces, (do) we have enough, is that long enough to
make it into a spiral?
Keshe: You can, we have to live with what you have. ..
Q: How do I make a spiral? (1:24).
Keshe: Just twist it as much as you can. Q: many times, not just once?
Keshe: Just twist it.
Q: Can we use rainwater?
Keshe: You can use anything.
Q: Can you explain black Nitrogen into Phosphorus?
Keshe: What ..
Q: If w use a battery for the 3rd Cup , the negative should be connected to the Nano
wires, is this correct?
Keshe: Yes, always do.
Q: with Cup 3 do we make plasma water and use that?
Keshe: test it, you never tested it, see what you get first.
Q: Do we continue with the prevention protocol of Cup 1 and 2?
Keshe: Yes you cannot stop.
Q: Any hints for the coating process for the Cup 3 Zn? (1:26). only chemical pure
Keshe: It doesn't matter how .. pure NaOH, yeah ..
Whatever you choose, whatever you are comfortable with, as long as you create a
light coating.
Rick: Would a fire coating work on that?
Keshe: It depends how good you are at it. What do you want to set on fire ..
Rick: people can report their progress
Q: Can we use the Zn where it was coated, in the Cup 1 for example?
Keshe: I don't know, did you Nano coat it, or was it just because it changed color, you
thought it is coated?
Q: How far apart should the 3 Cups be?
Keshe: It depends, how far apart is your head from your heart?
Q: With the Cups can you reverse the infertility?
Keshe: The infertility at the moment is done through a different process. We **
check. ** have any of you who were hit by Corona have had that problem, and can be
open enough to tell us. .. (1:28).
Q: .. I have the Man's Cup .. 3 months, I feel something has changed inside me. It's
like the decisions are made by my part of the Soul, kind of with the physical part **
Keshe: I don't know .
Rick: they felt something changed inside them how decisions are made by the Soul ?
Keshe: Yes we have had this report with many people. Partners see the change,
understand and people who observe you, they see the change. (1:30).
Q: recently scientists by simulation of solar system have determined that a 9th planet
has to be outside the Spaceship for it to be stable, do you agree with that discovery?
Keshe: I put a pass on that.
Q: This last Cup must be separated some distance from the Cup of Man
Keshe: We just answered that one.
Q: Do only humans reproduce this way, or do other beings in the Universe multiply
by division?
Keshe: Enter your Soul in the dimension and you'll answer your question . (1:32).
Q: What do we do with Corona cancer patients with red spots or wounds, how can we
help them?
Keshe: The process is in the Protocol which has been released. You need to .. the
Corona, has created a calcification, usually in a twin set. When you put a Gans 1
and 2 mixture. because it has a Soul and whatever, you bring the new fields in, but
this has become solid .. that's why you see that wound, the redness you see, like
putting a salt on a wound. It has created a Ca in between the layers of the skin, and
this Ca is literally by moving damaging the cells around it, so what you see is the
redness. (1:34). So your main problem is this Ca, which has become a grain of salt in
between the 3 layers of the skin. Usually it is, to be correct, in the middle layer, so
you see the redness on the top. What you need to do is to open this, this needs to be
opened. To be taken out of the matter state. And for that reason you need to have Cup
1 plus Cup 2, if you want to add Cup of the Soul, Soul of Physicality, and Mg. You
can add it, as into a cream, and allow it to be over the wound. This will open up
the Ca, back to energy, and you'll have a few days you see the redness, because the
wound is already there, but you have taken the seed of the salt out of the layers of the
skin. The best thing is to use a cream, natural cream to keep it there, normal cream.
But the secret to it is the Mg. But you have lymph system, you need to use Cup 1,
because skin is part of your emotion, part of the brain. You need to have Cup 2
because this effect of the muscles underneath (the skin), (1:36). have the direct effect
on its creation, and at the same time you handle it through the Soul with both the
Cups. So you need to add the Mg to open it up, and the redness, it takes 2 or 3 days
and it will go away, and you will not have the cancer cells afterwards.
This is how you handle it.
We don't recommend using oil on the skin because it traps it in ..
just on the redness part you open it up. You see the change within the first 24 hours ..
we have many photos .. the faster you get rid of the red spots, the less possibility
you'll have cancer in the future. ?/ end of the cycle (1:38). 28 days then you'll have a
bigger problem in the second cycle ..

plays a video Keshe Foundation products .. (1:43: 40)

Keshe: .. we have to understand that new changes will bring a lot of positive moves.
(1:44). I am sure we will find solutions for these problems .. But we have to head for
the space Technology as fast as possible. That by achieving space travel through the
Soul or by the dimension of physicality, man in time will find a new dimension that
he can survive. Mankind has to find peace. close the door to animosities, otherwise he
will doom himself to non-existence.

It's very hard for people to put their past aside and see the bright future.
.. I voice my opinion.. there is a huge problem with our operation in Iran, and the
Iranian officials in the Ministry of Health. As we have received talks of, they want to
take major shareholding in Keshe Foundation , in Iran to control, now the Technology
has proven to be correct. Or we be threatened, or ransom has been requested. Keshe
Foundation under no circumstances will relent to these kind of pressures. We stay
loyal to the Iranian government and to the Iranian nation, and any pressure by any
minister, be it Minister of the Health, people, their front lines, (1:46). or as their
cronies, are ** Keshe Foundation is an international organization, not an Iranian
dominated position by those in the Ministry of Health who have kept the papers away
from signing, until they get a share in the Foundation. This is the responsibility of the
Iranian leadership to see through and correct very rapidly. People are dying in and
around Iran and outside due to a ransom we have received, or an attempt to take
ransom from us. Keshe Foundation has never paid, will never pay ransom. It is the
responsibility of Ayatollah Knowledge to see it through, to clarify it. We only deal
with the .. and the Defense University for the spread and development and
acknowledgement of the Technology. We will release the name of those in the
government who have pressurized or tried to pressurize, in partnership with Keshe
Foundation of Iran, that they will sign the paper ..
.. and if this carries on we'll go open international with their name.

.. with the White House, Trump has directly refused to negotiate with MT Keshe. **
my respond is very simple you will not be in that office much longer sir. I always ?**
We back Pamela Harris as the Vice President of the US, to be the first black woman
as president of US. (1:50). We hope the presidential candidates will choose her as we
put a lot of trust in her. Any other offer as mixed female is welcome by the Keshe
Foundation. We prepare the lady as VP to become the president to be Miss Harris,
and if accepted by the nomination we back . We deal directly with government



Any other question? (2:00).





(2:14). Any other questions?

Q: what happens by connecting Zn Nano and Cu Nano in a single Cup?
Keshe: Advised not to do. Not to do. .. This is the only way we can get you safe
Rick: safe home**
Keshe: Our home and our target is reaching the Soul of the Creator. There is one thing
you'll understand as we go through, is that life becomes eternal. There is no more,
"fountain of Youth." It's a fountain of life. Physical age can be changed in the snap of
a finger, but what will be its purpose. If I would have walked the earth in the physical
dimension, you would have seen, (2:16). shriveled skins ** on the ground as the age
is beyond the comprehension of the man. Mankind can change itself and physicality
to a dimension of the physical appearance, so what you have been looking for, for
eternal life, eternal youth, is in the hand of the man. But age brings maturity, not the
look. Try to understand what is on the table, and try to understand how everything can
be changed in a very simple way. Those of you who make these Cups and thinking
you'll cheat time, you'll find you see nothing in the Cup. As you have cheated yourself
out of it. Those of you who make these Cups to serve, you'll find out you achieve
more than you bargained for. So just understand, just understand that is all.
Any other question?

Q: What do .. Bill and Melinda Gates have in the light of the Creator?
(2:18). Keshe:
We don't have much to say to these people.
Rick: .. what do all kind of expressions that we humans consider evil .. what place
does that have in the big picture why do we need this. why does the creation need
Keshe: What do you mean?
Rick: we have the light of the love of the Creator .. well in that sense there is no
darkness what's the point of having darkness, is it just to show the light? (2:20). to
show the accent for it?
Keshe: You know I was thinking about this last night. and the night before. Driving
late in the forests and streets and , we don't see anything. we need the full beam to see
the road. And animals just walk around and see everything. I switched the light off. I
don't see much.. it brought me a beautifully understanding. who is really blind and
who is in darkness

Human race has misunderstood its own weakness, who is really living in the dark, is it
our Soul or physicality? Or have we chosen the Soul of the physicality to dictate to us
what to do , to expect ..

Any other question

(2:24). Q: In 254 Knowledge Seekers Workshop you talked about ** nano coating,
free plasma, skin of the sheep is outside the physicality, and then inside out is the Soul
of the man, when the s encapsulates the physicality, it can travel the span of the
universe. .. why this analogy, are you trying to say if I make my skin inside out, is the
Soul encapsulating physicality, is that **
Keshe: No. I don't explain anything if you haven't dealt with a sheepskin the way I
have, I look at it a different way. When you look at it, the wool on the skin of the
sheep, it looks like the rays of the Sun, each one radiates outward. That's what it
meant. One of my businesses was wool of sheep, and when you look at it, it brings a
lot of understanding of the reality. (2:26). .. when it's a skin it's all one, you don't see
anything, when you turn it the other way, you see a lot of rays. And at the same time,
do the fields come from inside out, and then become one. Because you can't say
which end, which part of the position of the skin, that's what it meant. I know you
have been asking this question, what is the sheep .. that's all it is, you look at each hair
as one ray. then you understand.
Q: So when our Soul encapsulates our physicality, it means, it goes, it has to open
from some place. Where does it open?
Keshe: From the Soul. You have to understand a simple thing, there is no difference
between the Soul of the man and Soul of the physicality of the man, and the
physicality. It is only strength dependent, it's the same ray. That's your problem. It's
like having a car with a full tank at the beginning of leaving a city, and you drive to
another town, and you check the oil it's half full and check the other one, and it's
totally full, sorry empty. At that end, at the time of the transition when you started
with a full tank, until you stop with an empty tank, that's the point where you actually
manifest yourself in the physical dimension. The rest of it is just a ray going through.
(2:28). And if you can understand this, then you can understand more about the
creation. It hasn't changed the car, it's just the energy in the tank has changed. You
have less fuel.
Q: .. ** third eye. ..
Keshe: I don't know these things, I don't know the Third Eye. that's your.
Q: So press on your forehead and press on the back of the neck.
Keshe: That's your dimension, not mine. How you create it.
Q: So what are the signs that you know you are on that direction?
Keshe: You will know it will come to you. You will see it, this is a question a lot of
Knowledge Seekers ask. How do I know, I haven't seen it, I cannot believe, it's not
mine. Where is my Soul, until I don't see something I don't believe in it. So that is
your problem, That shows 2 things, 1 is the lack of understanding of totality,
secondly, trusting one self's existence. And then if you do the 2 you walk. And this is
exactly .. where the clergy has used the man to their benefit. As I said, what is the
difference between the office worker and the clergy? One works in the office, and the
other one works on the brain. (2:30). In a way, your brain, your emotion is their
Any other question?

Q: Could I go back to your drawing, you showed the Zn and Cu Cup, you said
something Zn 65% and Cu 60.
Keshe: No, it's the atomic mass, or weight or what we call plasma field strength of it.
We use scientific terms because we say Cu is 60, to 63, Zn is 63 to 67 or 68. And then
for energy mass, for the lighter ones you take up to 50%, for heavier ones up to 20%.
Q: .. if I can't produce any Gans ? ..
Keshe: Can we see what you get and talk next week about it. You will understand.
(2:32). You got to realize, don't look into the Cup, look what the Cup can do, and
secondly the interaction of the fields of the Cup which counts with its atmospheric
condition, We have chosen 3 parallel plates but different positioning. And that
positioning will create a lot of new positioning, especially how big a distance between
the plates or each element. how ** is the liquid. There is a reason I taught this, and in
the future as you test and you come you come up with the answers, or what you see,
then we teach you.
This is the first time we are sending you away to create fields, but you have to
understand what those fields are, humble enough you receive, arrogant enough you
Any other question.
Q: Will the Cup 3 help those who are suffering from .. behavioral issues as you
described as the third phase?
Keshe: you let me know. (2:34).
Rick: I thought that was part of why you were releasing Cup 3?
Keshe: Yes, but we'll see. You see, you lot want everything chewed swallowed and
just get the energy. Now chew a little and swallow and see what you get from it.
Q: Do we also collect amino acid if produced by Cup of Soul (Cup of Life)?
Keshe: If you like, why not.
Q: Should we use Epsom salt to get more Mg.
Keshe: All that depends on you.
Q: Does Cup 3 create reversal of Corona.
Keshe: You'll see. Why do you look for reversal, why don't you look for inclusion.
You know you are all like a frightened chickens, you are looking for how to survive. I
have given you the secret of life. When you have the secret of life, wherever you are,
you know how to. When you don't every virus is deadly and dangerous. (2:36).
Any other question. I think today's teaching, for those who understood, will bring you
a massive change. And those of you who are still in entanglement of life, you will see
not much with it.
Q: Will the reproduction of animals be effected the way you spoke of before, and
Keshe: yes, yes, 100%.
Q: So we can expect to see that in the coming weeks and months?
Keshe: Yes, shortage of harvest, if it goes that way, and increase and decrease in
certain ** It's inevitable, there are certain things which come with this, we cannot
change it. Are we ** done, we are nearly 2. 5hours.
Rick: you need to get some rest. (2:38).
Keshe: No we are okay, it's just I think people are snookered with a lot of things and
we have to concentrate on what is ahead of us, and what is to come. The Enhancement
Unit will be shown on the 2nd of August, in one form or another. if we can do it, it is
our target. As the Corona doesn't allow a lot of people to travel around the world our
target is to show the Enhancement Unit if our team is ready to show it. .. we will
hope to have the Iranian ambassador present in this presentation and hopefully
we'll invite the American ambassador to be present. We try to use the presentation of
the 2 units, (2:40). will bring with it, the position for governments to understand the
change. and give us a chance to bring nations together, our debate is how fast we
can at the same time tranStar Formationer knowledge to other nations .. We see
big problems with nations getting hit back again with a second round. Will create
another massive unemployment.
if the old knowledge could have handled Corona, we should not be in this position as
we are. As we introduce new Technology, we should be able to guide and to bring the
process into close.
the medical mafia in Iran has blocked it.
(2:42). this is the whole process to change the greed of the man ..
I never ask for what I cannot have, because I access the whole thing .
why am I using the Cups. what am I prepared to give to elevate more. What we will as
changed will be very radical ..
guide it that we don't make the mistake of the past.
Man has to have to right to new Technology, (2:44). without working for it, without
sacrificing his youth and life for it. This will take a lot time to understand, this will
create a lot of mayhem. But we see 50 to 60 million Americans are home with no
jobs. The nation still runs, except one guy, Blondie in the office, he doesn't know
where to go, like a headless chicken. The rest of the people are sitting at home. Why
don't we see riots and breaking into shops, nowhere in the world except in the US.
Because the true animals have not tamed yet. And in that essence what does this
Technology can bring, bring forward? No need for light, heating, no need for anything
, because you can literally supply the whole thing out of a bucket.
The whole process . now with the introduction of these new Cups. if you all
understand this and if you all follow it, the way it has to work, none of you need to be
feed. I tell you 99% of you will not see it. None of you will ever age. (2:46). But you
have to know how to trigger it, and that is the problem. Try to understand what the
Cup does, then what is in the Cup. .. Those who say, why doesn't the Cup do this or
that .. please walk away from the Keshe Foundation, please switch the teaching off
and never come back. But if you go there to see what it gives you in the essence of
creation, you got ** Soul, stay around, because it means you are ready to elevate.
there to understand, it's not pen and pencil anymore.

Another question or shall we call it a day.

Keshe: Hi Jalal have you managed to help the people?

Q: This is why I ask (2:48). at least give the person who wants to get help
Keshe: you shocked someone.
Q: You know in Sweden everything is private, you cannot enter their private life. I
called the woman in the morning, she said she had no idea what I am talking about.
Keshe: Does she have Corona or not?
Q: .. ?** (2:50). she has little signs of it, it's not critical..

Keshe: What is the position of Corona in Sweden?

Q: .. they do not care about Corona, they do not act as there is a Corona. only the
government gives them the choice to act as they like. only 1.5 meter distance. ..
from numbers there are a lot of old people who have died .in that 6 months, there
are really a lot of them. They kept them in that house and didn't have any care to clean
everything. .. every one who is ill will stay there, he will not go to the hospital,
(2:52). he will stay there (in nursing home), because they know he will die.
Keshe: In the old people's home you mean?
Q; yes..
Keshe: We had a report up to 700 people a day. This is a huge. .. the way the
government is seeing
Q: People who come from other countries .. will suffer a lot from that.
Q: Azar .. I am sorry for what happened.
Keshe: This request came form Iranian support team
Keshe: For those of you who are setting up these channels of assistance, you go astray
.. waste time but as the request comes we respond ..
the total number of groups have exceeded 100,000 .. and we don't make a difference
between them. ..
we have 66 volunteers across Iran .
.. We do not look at borders .. at the moment 5,000 people are getting help ..

If in other countries you do this, make sure you do it properly, we don't just put it
under the carpet , takes a lot of energy. .. (2:58).

If we could set up in other countries like in Iran, in Brazil .

if we get this through in Iran .. change of ministers in health, and president

If we (3:00).
We need to get . we see in Brazil started with small interviews .
Americans are scared of going out, because of Keshe Foundation, and people have
listened to the thieves of Baghdad in Belgium, the king and his cronies ...

Just don't waste time for team in Iran ..

Any other questions? (3:02).

Keshe: Did you manage to get through to the people at the radio station.
there is a big problem in CA with internet. it was difficult to get in touch with Armand

Q; .. I have been having trouble trying (3:04). to convince other people. Is there a
way you can .. how did you convince people about plasma. **
Keshe: You see, let me explain something to you very easy. Till 2012, we had an
interview with a station this week and we start opening people's eyes to it. Until 2012
Keshe Foundation was well covered by .. media, magazines, articles were appearing
about the Keshe Foundation on a regular basis. We were gathering momentum is a
very good way. From summer of 2012 when the king of Belgium wanted the
Technology, we wouldn't give it to him, everything was taken off, even Wikipedia of
the Keshe Foundation, has been deleted. What their idea was, we've been told, we'll
wipe you off the Internet, you will not exist. That's the dream of a criminal king of
Belgium,. .


(3:14). Q: .. many people loosing jobs all around the world, sitting down with many
skills. I would that the Keshe Foundation has already offered jobs if the
government accepts. ..
Keshe: No, no, no, no, very wrong. . what you got to do, what you got to say, the
new technology will bring new jobs, because the

nations will go for new ways. (3:16). The problem is a lot of people have lost their
jobs, shopkeepers . we have no option, because the old has failed.
We are there to deliver more and more technologies.
Any other question?

Q: .. if we can bring the same situation in US and Europe. there is a huge difference
between the mentality of

Keshe: It's back you have no backing. .. the situation in Iran when it is repeated has to
be backed by the governments. When the situation in Iran is repeated it has to be
backed by the governments, with the support of the Keshe Foundation.
who you talk to doesn't count, we don't call and talk about who you know, invited
The whole thing is that we look at the breakthrough through the governments that it
becomes a national job. We are with governments they are ready to go, they are just
waiting for this report, to be established and published that they can have. In that
process we need to establish a link between the governments, individuals don't count.
Knowledge Seekers that understand the Technology are there to go on the national
TV and radio, and whatever and teach, and don't become, what I call the minute that
got exposure they think they are god. That's all that needs to be done. (3:20). For 3
weeks I have been battling with a bunch of thugs in Iran's Health Ministry. And it has
to be sorted. We hope that Ayatollah has managed to curb these, what I call terrorists,
Mafias in the Ministry of Health. .. individual responsible for these, because it's their
own hospitals which are using it. Deny access to proven technology by the Iranian
government is a criminal offense. The thing is, if it was not working why do they
want 50% of the shares, because they know it is working. They have offered $10.5
million bribe to our people. You don't offer a bribe if you don't have it in your hand.
We'll see how it will go, then it will become a national teaching

If I could release communications you would see how correct I am. I would like to
send a message to someone very direct (3:22). They see the new technology as a
danger into their life, the message comes from **dear Rothschild's, my Foundation
does not need to meet your Grand Master. In your message, I have your phone
number brother, so you could easily communicate with the Grand Master. Keshe
Foundation speaks to the Rothschild's family and Grand Master on one basis, this is
the third time you tried to establish link with us it, in a simple way, it's there,
Rothschild. We accept talking with you on the grounds that the present position you
have taken worldwide has to cease. And we meet on the ground that works for the
benefit of humanity, not on thugery and stealing from humanity. and if you are a
spokesman for your family, or empire of your family, and you live in California,
contact me direct, we can always talk face to face with your masters. And let's see
how we can sort out this mess you and your family has created. Thank you very
much. And let's see if we can talk on a direct basis with your Grand Master, (3:24).
and see how things will go. Unless a fake name and telephone number, and everything
else has been used, which is very unusual for people to play these games.

I would like to read you the text sent to us. It's very interesting I think. This is ** from
Phil. While many of our operations require anonymity to protect members, it is best
that we provide understanding between us and the people we are charged with
protecting. And they are recruiting members. And it is interesting, as I said to you,
that we are creating problems for those who think they can protect humanity. And in
his communication ** our team asked him, what level are you in this organization.
His answer is, an active member of the first order of the organization. We are an elite
and selected organization of people, (3:26). from all walks of life, including
politicians, artists, singers, etc. Our organization unites background people to live a
prosperous life by bringing people together, and working for, what they call, the path
of right mortality, the desire or ** deser. And this time, as the contact is so direct by
the Rothschild's family, we answer you direct. The only person who decides the
communication with the Keshe Foundation is speaking, then the Keshe Foundation
management team will talk to you. You can reach me directly, instead of going
through the back doors and Mr. Rothschild's might speak to us, we talk because we
can curb everything your descendants have built on, in a stroke of a pen. And if you
ask your, what you call, your Grand Masters, they know how grand I am in serving it

Thank you very much for today, and we have all the children, and all the world
leaders in one ** to celebrate the freedom of man from the possession of physicality.
Thank you very much Rick. (3:28).

This has been the 337 Knowledge Seekers Workshop 7/16/2020

Keshe: Stanley and Rick can we have a quick Zoom chat after this please.

338th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; July 23, 2020

Caroline no longer with the Keshe Foundation, satanic cult attack on Keshe




Caroline and Satanic Cult "Seven Sisters":

(:06). .. Keshe Foundation is a place of knowledge, education, and many other things.
Over the past more or less 7 years, has brought us from every corner of this
Technology, space, medical, energy, development, and launch of new products. As
you remember some 3 - 4 years ago plus, through the people who were abusing Keshe
Foundation, "sisters," we battled with Sterling, to stop pedophiles using and accessing
members of the Keshe Foundation. The reason I bring this one up is that we have
been hit by another system again. This has been brought in deliberately to damage
especially the ladies of the Keshe Foundation, that they destroy the Keshe Foundation
structure from the family side. Some of you might have received, (and allow it to be
shared please), .. something like this, (:08). some of you must have, or your wives
have received such a text email.
It says, " .. the times are difficult right now .. I am doing a sister check-in. Showing
support for one another .. I need SEVEN women to post, not share, this message to
show you are always there if someone needs to talk. I'm pretty sure I know who will.
Say done on my post! Love all of my Sisters."

This "sisters" is a group of satanic and they have used and brought a lot of damage to
Keshe Foundation. And now they are moving into the Keshe Foundation supporters
and they are families. They bring women into prostitution and the rest of it. Satanic
rituals, lights and stones and the rest of it. Be careful and be aware! Make sure if you
receive such a thing, you delete it, because it most probably comes with a Trojan, that
it will sit on your communications to find out your weaknesses, and your family, and
then they ruin your family. They are, they cal themselves sisters, there is no
sisterhood, these are a bunch of American, Philippinos, who use this Technology to
siphon your bank accounts, your life. And they are using connections of the Keshe
Foundation, because they have infiltrated right at the top of the Keshe Foundation.
And this "sister" business we heard at the end of the Dubai conference. And we were
watching it, it disappeared somewhere, and as you know Carolina De Roosa has left
the Keshe Foundation totally, and been divorced for misconduct. (:10). And to this
effect we are warning all of you. and if it comes under any name, any cover, delete it,
make sure it is not there. It's this group, which they call themselves sisters and it says,
"just post," which means they intrude into your computer system. You receive it
worldwide, inform, if you have sent it to somebody else, you thought it was coming
from somebody right at the top of Keshe Foundation. This is a setup for your divorce,
bank account, and ** and the rest of it. This is a highly organized satanic
organization. Do not worry if your wives end up with everything, could not imagine
your wives could do. There is no sisterhood. Sisterhood of damage and destruction.
They are using Keshe Foundation, highest level people that they think it is coming
through. We advise you strongly to keep away from this "Seven Sisters." Seven sister,
is what we know as a pyramid, built up, they take all the Keshe Foundation with
them. They are structured that way. And those who bring more people elevate right to
the top, and as you know who is doing it, under the name of the Keshe Foundation,
has reached the top of the pinnacle and they went to damage last week, effectively,
the Keshe Foundation we stopped the procedure, we blocked as much as we could.
We informed the Keshe Foundation different programs to watch, and if it comes from
Carolina, make sure this is a death sentence for your life, marriage, and everything
else which goes with it. These are worse than Sterling, you have nothing left, children
on the street, marriages broken. (:12). There is no sisterhood. They are only after one
thing, your lives to be destroyed and call themselves sisters.

It's the responsibility of me, as the founder of the Keshe Foundation, and I have
informed the head of the Keshe Foundation, about this. We have gone out as much as
we could to protect the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers worldwide, of this
atrocity. You get it, delete it, block it, make sure there is nothing left on your
computer, and anybody you brought a sister, you brought a sister of misery into their
lives. I lived with it for 4 years. It came to an end with the divorce of Carolina, she
accepted outright, without discussion last Monday. This group destroys your life.
Misconduct in every shape or form. It is my responsibility as I teach you about the
good things, as we saw with the Sterling, teach you about the bad things too. I heard
this sister business, when I could not attend the Dubai conference, and she landed in
my car, and calling people sisters. They talk about the stones, gems, and everything
else. But unfortunately, maybe fortunately for the Keshe Foundation, we have
managed to uproot it from the Keshe Foundation. Caroline De Roosa is not my wife
anymore, and has been divorced due to gross misconduct, and is to do with this
organization, and other things is set around this in a pattern of life. We knew the way
they set it up they were going to merge, this is the emergence of worse than another
Sterling structure. It is important for all of us to understand this, because to protect the
Keshe Foundation and humanity is my duty. (:14). It's why they came in, and
infiltrated right at the top. We watched them disappear, while actually they learned to
hide in different names and everything else. This is one of the reasons why Jackie as
head of the education Keshe Foundation immediately after Rome conference was
dismissed, due to the same process, the same organization, the same things. Protect
you families, wives, daughter, and anybody who calls themselves sisters. Sisters do
not wreck lives. On the other this is my job, I have fulfilled my job to inform you, it's
your job to go across Internet and fulfill this. Do not pass on to 7, this is the worse
pyramid ever made, into your bank account, into your lives, and they put your wife on
the street for anything they want. Talk about love, stones, and light. Be very careful,
extremely careful. Seven Sisters of misery.

Release of Report:

On the other hand Keshe Foundation due to its progressive developments, and as we
said we will publish the report on Keshe Foundation today. It will not be released on
Keshe Foundation website as most of the operators of the FB, Youtube, and the
others, anything to do with Corona, will delete, or do this, or something else to it. The
report which is in the form of Plasma Times Special Edition, will be released
sometime today on a specific link, which the webmaster will let you have. You can
read it. It is still getting added on. (:16). It's a live report, we add to as it is increased,
even since it is been released, 2 or 3 more new conditions has been seen.

New Mutations of Corona:

One of the worse ones we see, especially with women, is what we call, bladder
infection and bleeding. We reported this, it is written in the report, but we have seen
drastic cases of it in the past 24 - 48 hours. Be aware of it, you feel, even with men,
you want to go to toilet, you have a burning feeling, and you see blood. This is
important for all of you to protect yourself. We have seen the womb infection
increasing rapidly. We have seen men especially complaining of the hip muscle
tissues, and not being able to walk. These all need the Gans protocol which is coming
into operation and released today. We see massive increase in the brain stroke, that
what we call Corona in the brain, can lead to other problems, as we say, cancer. We
still keeping an eye. We have 3 cases around the world we are watching. One of the
most important points we have seen and will be added to the Keshe Foundation
protocols in the coming days, as we can add to, is men infertility, they have no libido,
the have no interest for sex, same with the women, then it starts creating a lot of
problem. We have found a solution for it, the initial test tells us we could be 100%
correct. We have had a recovery within 12 hours, and both the husband and wife are
very happy with what they received back. We are waiting for the test results on 100%,
(:18). 100% death rate of the sperm count in men. Tests are in progress, we report
accordingly through the Keshe Foundation for this reason. Those of you who have
been hit by this Corona, lack of interest in the partners, go to the Keshe Foundation
website in the next 48 hours, now we have the results, we can publish it, on how to
overcome it, and get your family back together again. It is part of our work, this is
part of what the Keshe Foundation stands for. As you know Keshe Foundation is
developing rapidly into the international structure of the Corona. What we are
interested in, is to know if the people who have lost 100% of the sperm, is it due to
injection, or is it due to Corona. We are asking a number of our teams around the
world to do random sperm tests, and those who have been hit in certain states, that
populations have been injected. To see if injection is the cause of 100% death (of
sperms) or is it the Corona. With this we'll release more information as it comes.

Ayatollah of Iran Supports Release of Technology:

On the same basis, as you know we have received solid support from his Eminence
Ayatollah Knowledge of Iran, in developing this Technology for humanity. In a
protocol which is to be released by the Keshe Foundation internationally. ..

(:22). I have offered to return to Iran for the development of the space program ..



What we try to do is to extend the understanding of the knowledge, extend the

understanding of the systems, understand the extent of the damages that can be done
by this system. We have 2 choices, as I said before, we go through the system of flight
or we go through the system of what we call, the Soul. As those of you who were
present in the past couple of days teaching, the Book of Soul, has started to be written.
The first chapters sections of it have been written on a joint Soul basis, and this will
bring new dimensions to humanity, staring from how to teach your children about the
Soul. In a way to let them to understand, and start the ethos of the work -- a life on the
correct manner, where man shall not commit any crime. This part of the book has
been written by the Soul which has been with us for a long time, and has accepted **
and place. And there is not anyone better than a woman who received a gift to write it.
The process has started the first chapters are written, and in that process while we
bring the new ethos. We write the new book, we teach the now way that the man does
not to rely on education of what we call, math and physics, but never understand his
own structure of life. On the completion of this book we bring about a new teaching, a
new dimension, a new way that whatever knowledge is in the Universe, as much as it
can be understood by the Soul, and the dimension of the Soul, can be shared.
Knowledge to be tranStar Formationerred in essence to the Soul of the man, that in
that process anyone can understand, any language, any ?/ to the correct conduct of the
Soul of the man, at the point of receiving it.

In this process we will write the Protocol, (:28). the way man has to develop his
children, from the time of birth, and even within the womb of the mother. Man to
nourish to reach the ultimate goal of reaching the Soul of the Creator. My work has a
very clear understanding, in English we call it a Soul, in English we call it a sun, the
Soul of the man is the Sun of the man, it's where the life starts. Where the man shines,
becomes one. I am sorry, I have a very bad cold for 2 - 3 weeks, and we try not to
intrude with it, to find out exactly how it comes and what it is.

You got understand, if you are going to create a new race, we have to write a new
book, a new way, a new understanding, a new comprehension of creation. And it
needs a woman to be able to, through her own instinct, through her own
understanding to write this part. The part of educating a Soul, is the responsibility of
man, and the point of inception, not 9 months or 10 years later. The understanding of
the totality of the knowledge of the Soul is key for man, (:30). to break into space. It's
the key for man to be able to travel the span of the Universe, zero time, zero space.
The understanding of the Soul of the man has to be the totality of the creation and the
Creator. And as I said, the Sun and the Soul is the same. And if we put limitation on
the ** lives of a star, of a Sun, then we can put limitation on the life of the Soul of the
man, which is a Sun itself. The difference between the Sun is the interaction with its
environment, in the galaxy it creates moons and planets. The Sun of the man, the Soul
of the man, in interaction with the environment of its fields, it creates the physicality
of the man. There is no difference. If mankind understands this, mankind has evolved
to the next step to understand the totality of the creation and the Creator.

In a way, if we can add to the fields of the Sun, in a different way the Sun will shine
much brighter. So shall be when we add energy and fields to the Soul of the man, that
it shines more and it breaks the barrier, (:32). to elevate the physicality. We show
you both ways, with the creation of the dimension of the new Soul, and the birth of
the new child in the dimension of the new understanding, man and the Universe will
learn to be able to live in both dimensions, as some races of the Creator have
achieved, very elite. Most of the time they spend their time in a physical condition or
in the dimension of the Soul. Now we get opportunity to understand, to be able to live
in both dimensions.

In so many ways, the new structure of the culture will change a lot of things, in the
past we believed in unity of one God, one Creator, and to be alone. How come the
man could love and have a partner, but the love of the Creator could not be shared.
This will bring a change, the total understanding of the teaching. In time we'll go into
more depth in understanding and the progress development of the Soul, and
understanding of the evolution in what was brought to man as a knowledge **
In so many ways, mankind and the whole of humanity, and whole of the Universe and
Unicose, moves to one level. As we try to create One Nation on this planet, we create
One Race across the Unicose. Which means does not matter where you've been in the
Universe, you are understood. There is no misunderstanding, and this was needed to
stop any wars and conflicts, in the coming time, in the process of the creation of the
new dimension. Mankind needs to evolve very rapidly, (:34). and we hope this
evolving will be reached in a very short time. One of the keys for holding this back
was the situation which I explained to you from the beginning, in this teaching. The
most important key which was stopping the releasing of knowledge, for the protection
of the man, has left the Foundation, and now the F is free to grow with love, with
care, with kindness, and with sharing knowledge. Not using the knowledge to damage
and harm, under the cover of a sisterhood. In so many ways, we unite, not only
mankind, we unite the Soul of the Planet, and in the teaching of today you'll
understand this very, very clearly. And then we unite the Unicose. This was the
purpose and the Creator ** could not find any place more beautiful than planet Earth,
to take home, to share, to lead to creation of new life, in the new cycle in the race of
the Unicose.

In so many ways, we have to understand, in any case we need to understand, in any

case we have no choice but to progress. We need to be at the realm of understanding
and not power. We share with the truth, and the dimensions of sharing the totality of
the knowledge. Those of you who are interested in physical travel because then there
is a purpose for you to exist, we have as we told you, given you the space program.
Where you can get on something and occupy your Soul for a time being, (:36). Have a
chat, have a view, on the rest of it, live in the dimension of the Soul of the man. For
those who are physical, as the old song says, "let's get physical" we go back into
understanding the totality of the combined system of flight and life. Not life in the
dimension of the man, but life in the dimension of the Universe and Unicose.

In this process we extend the knowledge, we bring the knowledge to its ultimate goal.
And In so many ways, we extend our love and kindness, and In so many ways, we
extend our knowledge to humanity. The space program which is part of the Iranian
national program now, as we have offered, with the close collaboration with Iran
National Defense University, will bring into operation the totality of the physical
flight. We gifted and developed this Technology in a way in 2008 in Iran, and now the
totality will be gifted to the nation of man on this planet, as One Nation, One Planet,
from the area of Iran, what we know the old Persia. We move from nationalism to
singlism to totality of human race, and as the ** grounds has always been the ** of
the promise. As all the religions of the world started with Mithraism and
Zoroasterism, we end the same place. (:38). I have requested from the Iranian
government to make all facilities for me to return and I have even requested where I
want to live. We'll make human race to shine.
Most of you who were with me during the development phase of the gas reactors,
which we did initially in the Insano, we will develop this Technology to its ultimate
goal, and then we'll understand why we achieved 129 Tesla. Then we understand how
we achieved that, and we use that for what we call, space travel. Many of the
Knowledge Seekers who were originally with the gas plasma Technology, you will
return, and the scientists from the Iranian universities and the rest of the world are
invited. In this process with the permission of the Iranian leadership, we invite from
NASA, Russian and Chinese Space agency, and ** what we ** and what we
announce CIRBU will establish in Iran within the next few weeks. Which is the
combination of the Iran, India, China, US, Brazil space program. CIRBU will be
launched in a massive way with the support and the knowledge of the Tehran and as
One Nation OPOR, the development of the Star Formation for sustaining life will be
extended, and in today's teaching, (:40). we'll extend on the understanding of the last
week as we open the structure of what we call, Cup of Soul. Many of you know about
the CS and the Iranian scientists of the Iranian team were very fast to develop it. And
what did we see?

In a CS as we showed you last week, you all brought in a new dimension , a new
understanding, a CM was taught much before that. And in that process what we saw
in the CM was the delivery and the development of what we call, a structure, and
understanding of the totality and the science. What we need to do is to go more in
depth about the Cup of Life (Cup of Life) and the Cup of Man (CM), and in
understanding more in how we can utilize the original Cup, which was made and
gifted to the Chinese nation as One Cup, One Life. (:42). In this process of teaching,
many of you have made Cup of Life 1 and 2, which is the backbone of saving tens of
thousands of lives in Iran, and now it has proven by one of the leading universities
and medical hospitals in Iran to be correct.

This process was and is and will be officially released for use across Iran, and then be
taken across the world, national governments. This process will not be easy, but
delivering the Cup of Life was one of the cornerstones of stopping Corona, as we see
in Iran. Now the same thing is happening across the planet, different nations are using
it. The Chinese government has extensively, is using it, for what they call, the control
of the Corona. We have offered the same to European and American government, and
they are waiting for confirmation of the Iranian universities and hospitals for
implication. Four million people in America are contaminated with Corona this week,
and as we have announced many, many times that if it gets (figures) released by
governments, are not real, much more. And we saw the Iranian president Ayatollah
Rohanni of Iran in past days announced, Iran has in excess of 25 million, (:44).
contaminated people with Corona, and will build up to 35 million in coming weeks.
The reason for this announcement is very simple, at the cellular level, contamination
is that, that's what we said, in Wuhan City, what is happening in China and in Iran.
But what they are trying to control is the statistic on the number of tests done. Over a
million Iranians have used the Keshe Foundation One Cup One Life and they never
went to the hospital to become part of the statistic. For this reason we see, as we
discussed with our team in Iran, the position of A Rohanni is very clear. Opening a
new door, and with it the announcement of the discovery of the Keshe Foundation
Technology, not only to return back, the nation back to itself, but be prepared for the
extension of the new evolution. What this means, Iran is fully contaminated, half of
the population carries Corona. Most probably the same as we announced with the
Chinese, and the same as we have seen with other countries. A lot of Corona cases is
covered under the heart attack, internal bleeding, and everything else. Because this
way they can stop the **

The teaching of today is divided, in 2 parts, around about 11:45 we'll stop teaching
and a discussion starts among the Knowledge Seekers. Around about 11 , 11:05,
(:46). we come back in and we start the teaching about the whole structure of the Cup
of Soul (CS). Why we taught you, and how, what we teach, what we explain in the
first part becomes crucial for us in the second part. What we see is the next step in the
damage limitation of the Corona. We have seen the shortage of electronics and
hardware across western world, due to lack of shipment and production in China. As I
said, the lack of products, is as many people have died in China. We know why, it
doesn't matter what governments try to cover, we are at the edge of it. Many of you
ordered the pads, .. have been waiting for the pads to arrive. We were supposed to
receive the pads you ordered about the 7th of February. .. we received the last bunch
last Friday, 6 months late. The company which produces for us, with number of 100
plus workers, had only 10 turn up for work. And in every means and shapes they are
trying to cover their orders. We see the same things across other section in Keshe
Foundation China. Therefore, China has been (hit) much harder then in public, as we
said. We see the lack of products. As the head of Keshe Foundation said, it's not just
that, shops are not importing, because there are no customers. And at the same time,
(:48). there are no much money.

(:50). I am pushing through rapidly. We have lost Spring and Summer seasons, most
of the nations no one was there to plow the land or field. We see this as part of those
who were sitting there October, November the shortages coming in, governments
trying to stay in power .. we control nations through food.
IMF has been replaced, World Bank has been replaced by ** and health protection. I
see the same hand over of power when we corner you. ..

Silently the British monarchy handed over to Vatican.
Nations to be handed over
When I walked through the shops, there will be a shortage of food.

.. For this reason I brought in CS. (:54). we bring to the teaching One Drop, One
Life. which means mankind will be gradually moved out of the shackles of food, and
energy control. We are leading the Technology into feeding nations. One Drop, One
Life, which means you have enough

(:56) . For the first time we set out the structure of the Soul of the Planet.
which means you will use the energies available to feed the Soul, or if need be
through physicality. The new knowledge which will be released today will cover the
totality of the structure. .. where mankind will start living independent of planet earth.
independent of what they were planning to bring into operation.
that what is planned to enslave human race will


.. For the first time you see an empty Cup. (1:06). Do you believe there is something
in the Cup ..

You have to know the totality of the knowledge of the Cups. (1:08).

How, when they want to control, you feed yourself through the dimension of Soul to
the physicality. The process has to be understood fully, not half. Do not start
deviation, like you did with the other Cups, cause mayhem. This we ask you to stick
to strictly close.

Don't add to what you don't understand.


The knowledge of what you tranStar Formationer by your emotion through the Cups ..
We saw Alex do this some years ago.

Those of you who make the correct ..
where you can understand the totality without going anywhere ..
CS and Cup of Universe can allow you to learn languages in a rapid way. You carry
emotion, and every emotion has a strength .. the way we set
Many of you walked away from Corona, and many of you will walk away from what
is planned, and this is the only way that we can change. This is the only way mankind
can put in hand the totality of the knowledge for himself, the planets, animal
kingdom, the life we have shown above us on this planet. (1:14).
discussion lead by Rick.
please follow very closely what is going to taught, don't deviate ..
Are there any questions?

Rick: .. could you please talk about the creation of the Soul? (1:16).
Keshe: Creation of the Soul is discussed and getting written in the book ..
this is the part which is getting written from the Soul which is accepted as a woman,
and in a very fine, step by step .. as I said before

you have been making Gans for over 10 years, how come the first time it's empty ..

we have to bring the teachings ahead by 2 years, because I saw the criminality written
all over when I walked into the shops. and I went from one shop to another. (1:20).
It's a big plan. If you listen to the President of Ghana's speech ..

(1:22). I am co-writing part of it, but most of my job has been taught in the past 2
years, and bless his Soul, Sandor has collected most of it. .. the other part will be
added . .

Q: Where can we get the physical book?

Keshe: most probably have to be produced outside ..


Any other question?

John: Arizona, give us another week to show what we have in Arizona

Keshe: Keshe Foundation Arizona will be a blueprint for all the Keshe Foundation
centers around the world .
J- The Gans of I know it contains a lot of isotopes, is that too strong for the human


Keshe: Stay there John, don't go away. you have done a lot of work over the years
explain to us


Keshe: How did you set up the reactors.


(1:36). Keshe: You did some tests a couple of years ago, where in discussion where
you understood the Soul. because you came very near to it, because you saw the I as
the energy of the Soul.

Keshe: I think when it came to . the second part I have to move to another location ..
(1:40). real structure of the CM, Cup of Life, CS, CE and CU. and with we cut out a
lot of problems for humanity to control .

we gave it to the governments for the past 14 days and they haven't done much.
you have to protect yourself and families .

Give me 15 minutes, we have to relocate .
(1:43). Videos (1:51).
Cycle of Creation video (2:09).

Keshe: .. as part of the teaching we started last week . (2:10). We go to a very in-
depth understanding of the Cups. I draw it in a way that has to be done. . try to explain
a lot of things. What will be interesting is how you follow. We started with Cup of
Live, ..
Then Cup #2, Cu, nano coated and non-nano coated .
Then we taught you Cup of Soul. (2:12). with Zn .. Then we showed you the Cup
of (Cu, nano, Cu, flat )
What we always said, is we connect the 2 outside, and the inside ..

The 5th Cup, the magnetical and gravitational field of this planet is based on Fe. So
we need Fe.

These have to be stacked up exactly as it is .
(5th Cup) Cu, Fe (middle), and you have the Zn,
Notice how the plates are positioned like the backbone, spine ..

(2:20). you will not produce the same Gans .. colors will changed ..
according to the love of man for the love of his Creator ..
Gravity > Inertia > Physicality > Soul of Physicality > Soul of the Man. A
replication of the totality of the life of the man.



Use this knowledge to overcome disease,


Maybe we have entered to new dimension of knowledge for the mankind ..

Man has to do 2 things, tranStar Formationer knowledge unconditional, without



Keshe: .. Let's look at what was taught last week. We came to the Cup of the Soul.. .



In the future man will computerize this things

J- going back to Cup 5, it was nano coated Zn, nano Cu, and another nano Cu or
chicken wire nano coated.
Keshe: No, no, no, Cu, Zn , and Fe, Fe sits in the center because on the magnetical
and gravitational field, (2:50). of this planet, Fe is the magnetical field ** nominator.
But the beauty of it, if you haven't understood, in the last Cup, is if you notice in
the last Cup, here, you have a combination of the matter of matter state, and the
combination of the liquid state, and the .. gaseous state, all 3 together, it's the closest
replication to the structure of the Soul of the Planet.
Q; Would nano coated chicken wire work?
Keshe: No, you already have a Zn, chicken , Cu on the other side. You already have a
Zn plate in there.
Q: When you talk about the drops, are you putting a drop of the material on your
Keshe: Yes, you can do, but prefer you to do the Gans of it, the Water of it. But you
have to understand what you are mixing, it's not you are going to get the food, it will
touch your emotion. It will effect your emotion in respect to many things, in a positive
way. Some of you will get high on it, because it is so much. You will be enlightened
to the new dimension of the knowledge and technologies which is within the **
bandwidth of the man's Soul of understanding. And it walks you, in talking the truth.
And in a way, putting yourself in a lot of problem. But this time good problems,
solving a lot of things. (2:52). Man with this will enlighten to a new knowledge and
Technology, for those who understand the totality. As I said, now you understand,
what I said, in the other part, where many of you will claim you are everything, which
you are not, and just because you received a little knowledge.
J- But last week you talked about using 20 to 40% CS in a mixture, are you now
mixing these together?
Keshe: Of course, why do you think I am teaching you this way John.
J- Do you have any idea what the mixture should be if the first one is 20 ..
Keshe: Would you like me to come and ** feed you **
J- **
Keshe: The beauty of the man is his curiosity and adventure to understand new

Any other question?

In the coming teachings I'll teach you have to use the Soul to create flight. I'll teach
you how to use the Soul to create combination of freedom of the Soul of the man from
dimension of physicality, and return back to physicality. This is part of the teaching
which will come with the new life. To be able to be in both dimensions, but to be
aware of both, not hidden from the other, (2:54). as you go to sleep and travel with
the Soul, and when you are in physicality you don't see the Soul, and in the Soul you
don't see the physicality. The new process is to bring everything into order. This is not
just for the humanity, we are teaching the Unicose. The Soul of the knowledge is
shared, not the word of.

Q: .. it was before the break, john asked you about using the iodine in the matter state,
you said, you are using in the emotion level, and you can go to the Soul level. And
what you explained just now in the second picture, in the CS how to interact in the
Soul level because you are working with the fields. My question at that time was,
which one you ..
Keshe: we are giving you a drum call.
Q: which interaction gave you 62 and which interaction gave you 68, and I think
you just ** clear just now in the teaching.
Keshe: This is a combination, that's what I said, if the Knowledge Seekers understand
the Technology, numbers and things don't ** count, it's the essence you have to
understand. (2:56).
Q: I think this teaching is a gift.
Keshe: For those who understand, yes.
The process as you see in both pictures, comes in the new book in details. In a way, if
you understand what we did in this part, should answer you what we developed and
explained in book #8, where did the magnetical fields come from?
Q; .. is Mr. Keshe there?
Keshe: Yes, I am always there, call my name, think of my Soul , I will be there.
Q: When we use the waters, (2:58). it should be cleaned form the salt, all the time?
Keshe: There is very big question, How are you going to clean the Cup #1?

In the coming teachings, we'll teach you, now that we have to stage a new ** play a
little bit, is to show you how to tranStar Formationer your Soul. It's needed, because
those of you who take to the depth of the Universe, needs assurance that the Soul
arrives at the point of destination, so you'll be able to make a copy of your Soul, that
when you arrives, you can understand both dimensions. That will be the
breakthrough. That will be where for example, you sit in London and the uncle have a
party in New York, you can be there at the same time to enjoy both. Replication of the
Soul of the man will be the cornerstones of the travel of the future. You know when
you go for ultrasound for the child testing in the womb of the mother, we put the
ultrasound on with some gel and we see the heartbeat, and the leg and arm of the
baby. Now within the structure of the understanding, you should be able to see your
Soul. See how little it is, or how big it is, it doesn't matter what it sits on, under
pressure fields of ** its Universe, or what we call ?** (3:00).
Any other question.

Azar: .. I am a little bit confused .. if you look at the second and third Cup you only
connected the nano coated one to the main connection, not the other one.
Keshe: No, because the dimension of physicality, they are matter state.
A: So it doesn't have to be connected.. on Cup #5 we have Zn, Fe, Cu, and all of them
are nano coated, or just the Cu?
Keshe: nano coated.
Q: And Fe is the pure Fe ?**
Keshe: It doesn't matter your Soul will decide.
A: because I have pure Fe, and galvanized Fe.
Keshe: Never use galvanized .. (3:02).

you're a physical being what are you going to do with the time ..
a prerequisite to accept the World Peace Treaty through the Soul of the man not the
pen of physicality. If you still have that intention and thing, then you'll have a big,
big, .. problem, you'll not achieve it.
We in the next few minutes will release the front page of the report. (3:14). on
Corona trials in Iran. The full text will be on websites ..
this paper as of now becomes the property of the national, international Keshe
shows the page of Keshe Foundation Plasma Times, report (3:16). (3:17: 44)
What we will see is thanks to many works of Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
across Iran, leading scientists in Iran we have thanked all those who we know
(3:18). This is a report by a nation, not an organization
as we move from nationalism to One Nation.
in a very short time you'll receive another report . space development .

(3:20). we have a strange situation with several governments, they will loose their
position ..

This is a call for peace from the Ayatollah Knowledge of Iran to the American
nation . I have been asked by the Iranian nation, (3:22). and the Iranian leadership to
release this in public.
This is a message from the Iranian government, not A Rohanni, but the Iranian
leadership under the banner of the Ayatollah Knowledge. I asked it to be specifically

calling for peace, and releasing this Technology to every person in the world. ..

(3:24). Text of document on the screen .Rick reads

Keshe: This is a delivery of the message from the Iranian leadership to the world
leaders. In the coming days, the application of the Keshe Foundation Technology will
become the cornerstones of the Iranian ** apparatus. But we will see through this
Technology and disease, virus, mankind will find a peace dividend, mankind will find
solace. and maybe we create new conditions, not to live to work, but to work to live.
to enjoy the new developments. I salute the world leaders who take the banner of
peace, and hope the Iranian leadership will take this message in a direct way to every
ambassador ..

Washington sits silently on it. the American leadership will have to respond now that
this paper is released

Any other questions.

(3:34). Armand: Mr. Keshe .. the lines you connected, is it with nano coated wire,
we can connect without nano coated?
Keshe: You can connect . if you are connecting all the wires ** using nano coating
then you don't have conversion. and you'll find out, sooner or later they'll all be nano
coated by the plasma way.
Rick: People are asking whether to use the Zn wire or Cu?
A: No, Cu
Rick: Cu, it's always Cu for the connections.
Keshe: It's the first time we hear Armand after a long, long time. How are you
keeping up?
A; Very good now., why we have to put a flat plate?
Keshe: the flat plate has a reason, it creates a barrier field force, otherwise your
system will run out of control.
A: Okay.
Rick: It would be like a reflector of the fields.?
Keshe: No, it's the limitation of the fields. Don't forget when you put so many plates,
and so many coils, these plates in the total structure will behave as a coil anyway.
(3:36). because each one becomes like 1 turn. It's like, you'll be using a composite
material, not the single Cu, you have a material which has a Zn, Cu, and Fe in it.
Some alloy, but an alloy in the plasmatic field. In each of these Cups, there are
millions and millions of these combinations. In some of them you produce from H to
Cu, to Zn, and in some of them you produce Plutonium and Uranium fields.
A: There is no Fe wire exists, it's all galvanized.
Keshe: There is an Fe exists, what are you talking about, Armand. .. well buy a piece
of Fe, don't buy a steel. Look for old nails, go around America, the ones which are
about 200 years ago. Everywhere, there is Fe everywhere you can buy.
A; It doesn't have to be coiled, yes?
Keshe: It's preferred to be coiled, yes, it has to be coiled, especially the earth has to be
coiled, because that bring combination of fields, this is the reason we use coils.
A: Any suggestions we can clean up the galvanized mesh ..
Keshe: You don't use galvanized.
A- I know, anyway to clean it up.
Keshe: No, because when you use galvanized, there is still some other residue which
goes inside, or interferes with the field strength of the Fe. (3:38).
Keshe: It's the method which galvanization is done, actually they use ** current,
magnetic fields, so they create a condition of fields position.
A; thank you
Keshe: Give my regards to Sara and family, thank you for being there.

Any other question we are approaching the 4 hour limit.

I think today's teaching is a watershed in the world of science and Technology, in the
world of medicine, in the world of application of fields of the Universe , and as I said,
today is a wonderful day to be 20th of July, and this is a gift for someone very, very
special in my life. As I said, birthday today. (3:40).

Q: the Cup 3 and 4, is that all Cu?

Keshe: Cup #4 is total Cu, and they are all Cu, only Cup #2 carries the Zn.
Q: What is the idea behind physicality and Inertia? I'm still a little confused on this?
Keshe: If you go back on teachings .. Inertia is the matter state magnetical and
gravitational fields, and gravitational.. and magnetical fields, what we call MaGrav, is
attributable to the interaction of the fields of the elements with the center core of the
planet. .. One is the surface interaction, and one is the center interaction.

(3:42). We need a Portuguese translator.

Rafael translates.
Q: the setup, the Cup 2 and 3, you have the Cup of Man there, or is the Cup 1 and 2,
as you taught us?
Keshe: Repeat .
Q: .. because the CM has a difference, you have the flat metals there, and .. so in this
setup you put the flat or the coils, as you put in the drawings?
Keshe: Yes, there is a reason we do it that way. And we keep it that way. (3:44).
Q: So this means I need to make a new Cup now, not use the ones that I made already,
is that correct.?
Keshe: .. Yes, if it is made with the same Soul, why not.
Q: .. can he put it vertical or horizontal position?
Keshe: We just already answered that one.
Q; If he can use the CM to put inside there, or to use the Cup 1 or 2? (3:46).
Keshe: That's their own decision.

Spanish translator needed : (3:48).

Q: Does the Cup of Inertia goes n covered (coated)? (3:50).
Keshe: Yes, of course, anything to do with magnetic and not a matter state.
Q: .. you explained how to nano coat the nucleus of the Caroline Core, is this in any
way joins to the concept of the C of the position of the C, through the Al..
Keshe: What do you mean, I don't understand.
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: If he could create different interactions to the level of the nucleus? (3:52).
Keshe: I don't understand or what the question is.

make it clear for next time
come back next week with,, and we'll respond ..

Keshe: Thank you very much for today. As we have said, we have opened doors, your
eyes to new dimensions and as I have been responsible, and am responsible for all the
events within the Keshe Foundation, what happens, I advise Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers internationally please, not to run into problems with what has
been setup through Caroline. (3:56). I request you to block, total, because these
people are ruthless and they will go for everything. I advise the Golden Age of Gans
to block and delete. These are important because these groups, wherever they are on,
they operate, they are ruthless and relentless on all of us. Our love stays the same, but
protection of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers and their families are
paramount to us. This is what we'll see, through different ways, they'll come in, and
they'll use different opportunities to destroy families, to destroy life's. Sweet talks
saturated with poison. Sisterhood of death. It is important for me, as founder of the
Keshe Foundation, as the way I [protect and teach, protect all of you when it happens
within us. And I advise all the Knowledge Seekers, please protect yourselves from the
sweet talks, as what these sisters will bring as a poison to all of us, has brought to my
family. On the other hand, I hope you enjoy the new knowledge released today, and I
hope you understand the gravity of the science and Technology delivered today. For
the first time we brought the Soul of the man, the emotion of the man, and the
physicality of the man, as ** process that never been done before, and can save every
dimension, for the first time, whatever you decide, which ever, has both physicality,
emotion, and the Soul with it, (3:58). Never been disclosed, never been understood,
in a simple way, you all understand, use it to create peace, knowledge, condition for
understanding for humanity, and share these, especially the report from the Iranian
leadership across the world, plus the report. Now the newspaper is published, is
copyrighted Keshe Foundation which is all of us, released to share it, and let
governments do it. We are not asking for any funding, we are not asking any money
for research, we all have paid with our lives for this ** There is nothing higher then
the price of a life of a man, the freedom of his Soul. Thank you very much for
today .

Rick: 338 Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 23, 2020



339th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; July 30, 2020

Cup of Plants released,

Solution for Coronavirus Report read,
ISBN official scientific journal number,
Iran publishes Books - new technology is what was promised in Koran

ISBN number making Plasma Times an official scientific journal, Iran attempts to
bring highly influential people to takeover the Keshe Foundation -- will be headed by
Knowledge Seekers who devote their lives to the new Knowledge and keep the ethos,
Enhancement unit will be shown in Austria end of August/September, Mr. Keshe will
return to Iran, Iran publishes Books censors say new technology is what was promised
in Koran 20 references, Book 9 will be written by 3 people,
Warned officials we will start seeing the first cancers in less than 6 months, Mr.
Keshe has 3 years study in metallurgy,

Questions about the 5 Cups,

Cycle of Creation video,
Before the umbilical cord we were free and fed by the energies in the womb of the
mother, And then with the breast feeding we were made a sucker and taker of energy,
Soul of the man was created at inception,
Man can live in the environment of the Universe without ever killing, One Drop One
Teaching of Cup of Soul of the plants, breaking up Earth doesn't want to let the man
go, Repeating the teaching of CS of plants,
Don't need to kill the plants man stands between 5 Cups and Cup of Soul of Plants
and absorbs energy tranStar Formationerring, Have to learn how to receive, Need to
ask permission from the plants to receive,

Knowledge is now complete we don't need Mr. Keshe planned to takeover the Keshe

Some people say when I teach I insult them -you insult your self by not understanding
what was taught so you find my word as an excuse to cover your weakness, In
Universe don't wait 9 months to see the creation of the Soul happens instantaneous,
Q: Does the size of the containers matter for the realization of the 5 Cups?
Keshe: Um .. no, but the further distance you are there is more possibility of
producing more.
Wang Lyn talks about meditation,
Ella goes over the Report on Coronavirus with Protocols,
Data to International Standard, 95% Success Rate



Keshe Foundation has ISBN for Keshe Foundation Plasma Times journal .
without peer review.
Peer review by public..
We refused to accept people from outside into the structure, that they do anything, as
they do not understand the knowledge. We have the same situation in Iran, they tried
to bring highly influential people to head the Keshe Foundation, to break open in Iran.
And I explained very clearly to a number of people, that the Keshe Foundation has to
run by Knowledge Seekers, we devote our lives to bring what we believe in. Then we
don't need to bring somebody in from outside who has no understanding of the F, the
work, and the ethos.

Enhancement Unit Shown in Austria, Linz in August, (27th or First Thursday of Sept)


Arizona; 10 units in Far east on an Island; center in Linz; rest of applications in China
and Iran; (:18). A 10 unit center in Canada; 10 unite center in Brasilia,
try to keep that the knowledge stays open across this planet.
knowledge can't be replicated. you'll see part of power generators, Plasma
Enhancement for illnesses
We'll celebrate the new Technology among ourselves ..

(:20). This way we keep to our promise, we are behind because of the situation in
China. .. Talk that a 10 unit center in Holland.

Sometime in September after opening, I will return to Iran.

We have undertaken to show the first flight by latest next March. (:22).

The book is being published in Iran by 11 AM.

In Iran you have to have a permit to publish by the government.
This book has already been accepted by the government.

The people who check the book, who know the Koran inside and out, and they have
found a lot of parallels in this book and what has been promised in Koran. And they
requested that, this page be added to the book.
Man will take knowledge of the space

They will complete the others, in coming months he says there are 20 references in
Koran to your work, and there is more.
The language is written, is irrelevant, the essence of the knowledge which is tranStar
Formationerred is important. (:30).
correct to the, what we call, final time, final destination. As you know the Book #9
will be written by 3 people, as you are aware Ella, the head of the Keshe Foundation
worldwide, except China, has started writing the first part. My teachings over the past
year, and addition teachings will be added to this book, and the third which is the
society, what we call, collective understanding of society of the human race, part of
the Soul of the book will be written by the second half of what we call, total
Administration of the Keshe Foundation, Wang Lyn. Hopefully in the next 6 , 9
months will be released ..
and we'll close the book, to start the book of Universal knowledge
.. that started with the Book of Soul, what we call, the Cup of Soul, about 2 weeks


Last week we showed you the Cup, in a way, the creation essence of the man. In the
2nd part of teaching today we'll unravel a new knowledge, , and put an end to killing
animals and destroying vertical people. (:32). In a way we teach you a new
knowledge, you received last week with the 5 Cups. ..

will complete the 3 essential lines


(:44). Video of the Sepah, and Knowledge Seekers spraying disinfecting the
If you are planning to come to Austria, please book your place. You can't just show
up, you have to book. We have to keep room for scientists.

I would like to answer any question, second part we go into teaching.

Q: Which Gans's are they spraying in the hospital?
Keshe: These are soft Gans CO2, second Cup. As it is effective with Corona. The
results in the hospitals in Brazil has shown a massive drop in infections in the
hospitals where ** disinfectants by Gans has been done. So we have a track record
from Brazil.


(:54). Are there any questions.

Q: How to book for Austria?

Keshe: On Keshe Foundation website

(:58). ..
now they are asking 72 hours before flights, Corona free tests from valid, credible
laboratories. We know there no way to go to China, .. the rate of infection is so high.
We have unraveled new Corona problems. We have seen the first brain and breast
cancers of Corona. We have warned officials to be aware of what is happening. less
than 6 months we start seeing the first cancers. We know they are Corona cancers,
because they are like the ones we see in the arm, they are twins. It's very simple. We
see two similar tumors on two side, maybe two breasts, two in the womb, two in the
brain, ?** (1:00).
Any other question?

Q: Some Knowledge Seekers keep spreading the news that for Covid-19 there is a
cure called Hydroxy Chloriquine that the virus is mostly a hoax, and that president
Trump is some kind of savior against the Deep State, these information's are very
contradictory, can you share your thoughts on this ..?
Keshe: We are counting the body bags in Iran. Let the Americans lie.
Rick: That pretty much answers that.
Q: Can I use low carbon steel, it's very hard to find pure iron?
Keshe: You don't need pure iron, go around the block find the old rotten box with
nails in it. I don't understand why people are doing this.
Why the head of the Keshe Foundation is not in the panelist. (1:02).
Just use .. I have seen people buying 99% pure Fe and the rest of it. Ah .. just walk on
the street you'll find a nail. If it is rusted it's already nano coated.
Rick: So should it have a red rusty coating, or a black ?
Keshe: It doesn't make any difference on it. It depends on the carbon content, and the
firing and the heat.
Rick: So it would be good to use the fire process on this?
Keshe: If you can reach the temperature of pre-melting, yes, but it won't be easy for a
lot of people.
Rick: Can one use caustic in this?
Keshe: Yes, you can do, the secret in higher order metals is to add Knowledge to
increase the temperature. This is what I have done for years. When it comes to gold
and silver, you want to use nano coating using caustic you just add a slight amount of
Knowledge, which increases the heat, but because it is part of the salt it gives you a
very **of Knowledge salt in a way, if you understand how it works, it gives you a
very high temperature, and a perfect nano coating. Put it this way, I have done it for
years, it must be good, for higher metals you put a bit of caustic, bit of (1:04). metal
nail .. low caustic on top of it, use a very high temperature boiling water. I have nano
coated gold, and every other metal we have.

(1:08). I have 3 years in metallurgy.


(1:12). Keshe: you can wash the Gans's in any shape or form you like.
Rick: In the One Drop process you don't wash the Gans's, is that correct, it's a straight
one drop from the solution?
In a way, but you have to understand how to do it. .. How do you wash energy, have
you asked yourself that question.
Next question.
Keshe: Let me explain. the Cup of Soul you have created in that Cup .. we saw it done
by Iranian scientists, a beautiful cup Persian tea cup, should have given you a sign,
about what I was talking about, it's your emotion, which will carry in, not what is in
the Cup, you just take it, and that becomes part of it. As we are learning the
Enhancement Unit and as you know, one of the most peaceful women I know, and her
life and style is to create peace through the Technology is the head of the Keshe
Foundation. (1:14). And yesterday, I made 2 Cups, 2 systems, 2 jars of a specific
combination, and I asked her to hold one in the back of the heart, and one in the front
of the heart, to gather the essence of peace through the physicality of the man, the
imprint, and then one to the Soul, on the head, to tranStar Formationer the wish of
peace, and peacefulness in creating peace for humanity. And those who receive these,
what we call Plasma Units, you already receive the Soul, and the wish of peace by the
head of the F. The same will be done with the Chinese part, Wang Lyn, 2 women,
exactly the same in their wish for humanity. And so you will receive. . directly where
it comes from the F. We carry the Soul of the peace, we carry the essence of the
peace, and in all the systems which will be manufactured by the Keshe Foundation
worldwide, will carry that ethos of the Soul, by 2 women. You'll learn very soon, very
quick we give elevation to the Soul of women in this message, because they love
unconditionally, and they give unconditionally to the humanity, and the humanity
belong their child. In that process we change the course. (1:16). We have to
understand the totality of the knowledge, not fragmented the way we want to. We
have the Cup of Soul, ** cup underneath, it's to show you can't control it, you don't
collect anything. But mankind is waiting for something, so we gave you the Cup. In
essence what is in the middle of the Cup, is the essence of the totality of the Soul of
the man. You have created it, with what intention you made the Cup. Many of you,
make the units, and against the wall, in the cupboards, make cupboards, so you
already deviated to the side of what's behind the wall. Try to make the Cup of Man as
a free standing unit. Try to make this Cup of Soul, this Cup of Universe, as a free
standing then like the sun, like the Soul of the Creator, shines in all directions. You
got to learn.
Any other question?
Q: Is rusted iron nano coated?
Keshe: Oxidized, it's not (1:18). It's a oxidized, there is a difference between
oxidation and ** nano,
Rick: So you said to start with a rusty nail, but we would still do a nano process. **
end up with something different.
Keshe: Yes.
Rick: Don't just put the rusty nail into the Cup .. and expect it to work
Keshe: No, .. because the old nails are good, they are very good because they already
gone through the process of rusting. ?** the cells are already open.

Q: How do we clean the Cups?

Keshe: Why do we need to clean the Cup. ..

Rick: .. Cups are open to the atmosphere, what about all the dust, bacteria, things in
the atmosphere?
Keshe: Let them come in. They are part of the creation.
Rick: Some people have seen formations in Cups, I have never seen molds in my Cup.
Keshe: .. guy in Iran , Cup started making noise, he got frightened, and his wife puts
the Cup on, and the noise stops. When they opened the box, they start **
How come they are talking/
You are making magnetical and gravitational fields, it's like 2 galaxies rubbing
against each other. You will see new phenomena's, new understanding.
Q: Can we replace the nano coils with Gans, same type and shape, for a better field
for the Cups.
Keshe: What?

Keshe: If you replace it has to be in a dynamic solution .

Keshe: Sphere shape.

Q: The chemical composition of the Sun, is H 75% and He 25%, (1:22). and smaller
quantities of
Does the mean the
Keshe: Stars have different combination, but are essentially mono in the center.
Q: Can we use the CS in any dimension
Keshe: I don't know try and let us know.
Q: Can we use the nails that are galvanized .
Keshe: No.
Q: Can I reproduced missing limbs ..
Play the recording of the Soul, because the next teaching will be very appropriate.
Video : Process of Creation (1:42:50).

Keshe: We come the to the point that in the whole life of humanity has been
dependent from the second that the inception has taken place between the egg and the
sperm, life has a one track dimension, to gather as much energy as possible, to grow,
and to survive, be it from the environment, be it by attaching yourself to, be it by
taking energy from the others, as you are not strong enough to do. In the womb of the
mother we take the energy at the point of the inception from the liquids from the
environment of the Gans, which is available in the layers of the womb of the mother.
No attachment. At that point we have no connection, we are free, (1:44). but as we
grow, as the division takes place, as more energies are absorbed in the field, then we
attach ourselves to the body of the mother, a source of energy, "I cannot do it on my
own, so I attach myself to." And then we go through the point of the birth. When we
are born we go through the same process, I need to be given, I become a suckler, I
suckle on the mother's breast, that I have been given again, so on ** of the mother, we
start taking from the others, we eat animals, we eat plants, we eat anything, we eat and
we eat the creatures which are floating within the atmosphere, if there is a desert and
with one rain the fish appears in the pond, how many fish has man absorbed by
breathing in the cycle of his life and grown in different shape or form within his lung,
within his stomach. Then we come to one important point, what about if, what about
if, we go back to the first days, where we were taking the energies from the
environment of the womb of the mother without killing, without destroying, without
taking another life, without attaching ourselves to become the burden on the womb of
the mother. Then stand still and look what happens in the womb, (1:46). the division
of 2 to 4, and 6, doesn't come by accident, because when the 2 are created, they create
a weaker 3, and that weak pulls in from the environment of the womb of the mother,
and in pulling in, those 2 on either side, absorb and has a limitation, and divides. In
fact the Soul of the man is created at that point of the inception, but has no energy, it's
a weak, it's dependent, and in that essence if he can keep that in all structures of the
man, man in becoming humble to be small, in compared to the others, to be a giver, to
give of a higher, to receive, man becomes elevated. And man can live with the
environment of the Universe without ever killing. One Drop One Life. In the essence
when we are born to be able to live within the environment of the planet, we are born,
we've done many things, we do many things. Parents for the first time they put a piece
of another animal in our mouth, they call it meat, chicken, whatever. They pickup a
vegetation, an apple, a herb. We are told it is easier to take, then the ask for. When
you ask, you are given, (1:48). when you take you're committed. When you ask, "I
need this energy." When you ask, I need this for my existence, who is there to give
me? The whole Universe is there to give you. When you put your hand out to kill,
you are limited to amount, and you committed a crime. In the space, and the Universe
we cannot do this. There are no gardens, and there are no farms. Mankind has not
understood the difference between the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom. In the
teaching of the past, many times I have referred to it, as we call them, the Vertical
People. What is vertical people. what is the animal kingdom. In the teaching of last
months, with the Cups we introduced the animal kingdom, with a Soul and
physicality. Where the Soul of the man Cup sits on the top, and the Soul fo the Planet
sits at the bottom, and in-between sits the Inertia. And then what it comes, the
physicality of the man. And then the Soul of the physicality. Then man, to keep this
Soul moving and alive has to move and commit more crime. In the world of animal, it
has to be moved, (1:50). to keep the Soul fed. To keep the Soul in the dimension of
its existence. Today I show you the Soul of plants, the Soul of a tree, and if you
understand this, the Soul of the man in interaction with the Soul of the plant will
create a condition, that the plant gives what it needs by the Soul without ever Soul
taking its life. You need this, because of the national food security, which is planned
to destroy man, there will not be enough to eat, but a grain of rice can behave like a
sun to absorb the energies of the Universe to give to all mankind. You can feed man
from one grain, the whole of humanity. Not to eat it, but use is a source to absorb
energies, which the man needs, at the strength of the grain. I am the creator, and I
create the conditions for my existence, not by killing, but by creating conditions
within my Soul, that the whole Soul of the Universe feeds me, if I need, when I need.
In the structure of the Soul of the man, we saw that the Cup of Earth took its position
at the bottom. We saw the Cup of Inertia, in the matter ** state took its position.
(1:52). In the plant kingdom the Soul of the plants take position, on the Soul. then
with it, as with itself, the condition of the physical Soul, and then you have the
physicality. This sits across the 2 borders, the Soul of the Planet. and the ** if in the
physicality of the man, I cut your arms and legs, you do not die. So in the kingdom of
the plants, you can cut what you like, the creation sits within ** , then the plant dies.
You can create breaks .. that process , so ** .. to what it wants to take ** arms we
call the ** (1:54). this is the reality, in ** by sitting **
as now as you said, by plant, now you understand what is the difference, now you
understand mankind does not need to kill. many of you would like .. there is a
difference, .. in a Cup of Soul, and cup of physicality. Cup of Soul of the plant.. in the
present Cups which you use for the human body. you take a coil, another coil, and a
in the condition of the creation of the Soul of the plant, for fixed point the plate moves
to the center. and the coils take position. this is why the plants stay vertical, condition
to fixed environment, because they have fixed themselves. .. Earth gravitational field
point of view. and ** (1:56).
( breaking up .. can't hear clearly )

So when you make the Cups to do with the plants (draws a line from the center nano
plate to all 6 coils in the 2 Cups below) that you fix the strength of the ** **
it's fixed then you understand, the simple ** with man ** you put the limitation of
material, gives you different vegetation, herbs, and everything else .. and energy.
Rick: Can't hear you. it's breaking yup
Keshe: Now you understand what is the difference between

Keshe: It means God doesn't want you to hear.

Rick: God needs better bandwidth.


Keshe: It means God doesn't want you to hear any more. He wants to keep man a
slave to his plant. The planet earth does not want to give man the freedom. You got to
wait that I have to support different systems to be able to get to you . you have to
wait .. (2:00).

God doesn't want you to hear

(take a break (2:02). (2:07).
Keshe: We'll go very fast .. where did I loose you.
Rick: We didn't get a lot about the plants, when you started with the flat plate in the
Keshe: Okay, let's see. You see, this planet doesn't want to let the man go, it even
interferes with the teaching, it says, "I have kept them here for millions of billions of
years, why should I let them go." (2:08). So, we will see.

In a structure of the Soul of the man and physicality of the man , we always use the
plates on the side, because then it is always un-balanced, it can move, it can change it.
The plants, they gave a compromise. In a way, as I said, the compromise was, we stay
with you Earth, but you feed us. Earth condition was easy, you decide where I have in
one place, you can have one ** seed and no more. For that reason man, and the
animal, and the plants made a compromise. So in the plant kingdom, stay your plate in
the middle, and you allow the other conditions for what you want to create to be
dictated by the others. And in that process, when you came to the Soul of the
physicality and Soul of the plant, and the physicality of the plant, you had a choice of
flat plate, means I don't move, I stay, I fix myself in the center, and let the fields build
around me, that I can collect. (2:10). In the process of what is available, in totality, a
plant condition is primarily dictated by one element, Inertia. But what field at the
point of inception is available. Is Inertia of the position, matter state availability which
gives energy to the plant. This is why we are conditioned in (by) what soil we have,
and what can grow. The position of the physicality strength, then in respect to Inertia,
dictates what will grow above it. If the gravity is tight, you get herb. if gravity is loose
you get a tree. If you have a gravity which is a compromise between Inertia and the
magnetical and gravitational field of the plant, and magnetical and gravitational field
of the planet, you get what we call, seeds, and onions, and what you call grows in this
condition under the soil. Where the Soul splits, you have a growth to absorb energy
(above), and you have a growth to interact with the fields (below). This is the
difference between the physicality of the plant world, and the physicality of the
animal world. (2:12). Now that it is fixed, your life becomes very easy for man, now
you have the Soul of the Plant, and you have the Soul of the man. How do you want
to fix, and what you want to fix in the strength, to what. But in fact, you find a fixture
between the 2 surface, which in fact, gives you the band width, which energy can be
absorbed form this structure. When you get educated more in understanding it, you
can use different combination of the structures, to develop different strengths of the
materials. But in essence, the Soul of the man creation is in a floating condition above
the earth, but the Soul of the plant, is the Soul of the entity, within contact restriction
of the given boundary within the Soul, within the ** Soul part. But then you have
plants that grow on the trees without the soil, and everything else, which is a
compromise between the two. But then the tree becomes the zero point, where the
plant grows on the tree.

Why do ?/ some plants and trees do you take a piece from another one, and you put in
(grafting) and you create fruits of different. Because you change the magnetical field
of it. Singularity does not create, (2:14). but when you put the skin of another one
and you graft it, you create a field which ** the two which creates condition for fruit,
or whatever it grows. So If you understood this, you have the key not to kill. Not to
destroy, exploit, but you just feel the strength of the plant and you tune into it. And
depends what you need, if you don't need, "sorry the ** position is full." The rest of
chewing and the thing, is to feed the physicality. Now Knowledge Seekers run and
feed yourself. Do you want the herb, do you want an apple .. a date, all bear the same.
You have to decide what you are going to put on this side, for gravitational, for
Inertia, and everything else. But the beauty of it is, that the plants create a condition of
cover, so everything is conditioned. (2:16). to a Zn and to a metal condition, liquid,
which allows amino acid strength fields to come in, to create that amino acid strength
of your body, we can feed you. Or you can do it yourself. Directly in doing this job,
you can create a condition that you can absorb energy from the plants, on agreement
from the plants, not on your. In a way, you make a connection with your Soul, which
you never had, with the Soul of the plant, and the ?** Soul **
Rick: Loosing the voice again.
Keshe: .. And in this process you start understanding how you can take with your
Soul from interaction with the Soul of the plant, what the plant needs it takes from
you, what you need, you take from the plant. You don't need kill, you don't need to
destroy the plant. (2:18). This is how it is done. And once you get educated, once
you develop understanding of, you put yourself within the reach of, that you can take
the amino strength from the environment, and in that process, if you put yourself in
this environment you don't need to touch the plant, you take from the fields that are in
position of it, and pass through to it. In a way, if you make, as I said, a copy of the
plant's structure, and put it in the middle of the room, as the food is going, as the
energy is, the proteins are going to it, you're intermediary, you pick up what you need.
You don't need to kill it. You can let it live. So in fact, if you look at it, you need a
combination (draws a Cup with different coils and plates) that can give you anything
you need. In a very simple way. (2:20).
Any questions?

Rick: . what about the gas of Nitrogen, it seems to be important to plants, it's one of
the 3 important elements, the NPK and so on?
Keshe: No it's not, nano comes by the process of the absorption of the energies. It's a
Rick: So similar to the way nano is created in the atmosphere through the interaction
of the fields?
Keshe: Yeah, you come, the user of the tranStar Formationer.
Rick: So with the fields you are in effect creating a magnet for the fields of nano?
Keshe: No, the nano which comes is the byproduct of the amino acid, the nano
(2:22). You have to realize now with this knowledge you have a freedom not to kill.
You have the freedom to be able to understand what is needed, that you can be, you
can position yourself on the path of the fields which are on the way to the Cup. This is
what you did with "One Drop, One Life." I think if you understood this, as you
understand that different herbs can extract different fields, even the field of the protein
which the body needs, one does not need to kill anymore animals. One does not need
even to destroy a plant. The time of killing and destroying is over if you understood
this This is how we are going to feed you in the space. Let me explain to you how
you are going to be fed in the deep space. (2:24). This is Earth, you are here, and this
is the center, in putting the weaker strength of the Earth atmospheric condition ** in
front of us here, in establishing a line of tranStar Formationer for energy, we feed you
without you doing anything. You feed by positioning, the same as I said, One Drop
you put, by the energy trying to come to One Drop, the body takes what it needs. The
process of feeding man changes, it doesn't matter where you are, you receive what
you left behind.
Any other question?

Q; . .that Cup you had in a previous drawing, with 3 spirals and plates, I assume that it
is all nano coated? (2:26).
Keshe: I think you are all educated enough to know what you want to do. There are as
many combinations as plants on this planet.
Rick: There are quite a few questions and confusions about ..
Keshe: It's so easy to confuse the human race.
Rick: Well every time you introduce something new, there is a new variable in it,
multiplies the confusion. .. Q: We have at home 2 Cups of Man, should we fit them
into these 5 Cups. In my opinion I don't want to because they are alive and
functioning, what is the interaction in this configuration, if we keep the CM while
creating the 5 Cups?
Keshe: You are still producing another cycle of life, huh. The bad thing about these
pots they keep on going, you change house they don't touch the food for 10 months,
they ** still growing.
Rick: So would it be okay to create 2 or 3 of these structures of the 5 Cups, of does
that indicate the Schizophrenic tendency?
Keshe: We leave it on the people, let them grow, we need to have a time that people
start thinking. We have been spoon feeding too much. We spoon fed for millions of
years. (2:28). It's for humanity to make a stand, .. to structure itself to what it wants to
do. .. you decide you like apple, and the other one ** the other one likes a lotus fruit.
Now this way we give you the freedom, before you had a few animals, now the plant
kingdom is rich. What you decide for the Inertia, will dictate what is available in
dimension of physical matter, energy level.

Rick: Even John Bliven is saying, I am lost, do we create 3 new Cups and sit next to
them the 5 new Cups, and stand between?
Keshe: The thing is John, you still have 5 Cups, your Inertia and the gravitational
field of the Earth doesn't change, now you have the Soul of the Plants, which have
fixed themselves to the Inertia, then you have the Soul of the Plant in the physical
dimension because when you cut a tree, it still feels, it still shows reaction, and then
you got the physicality of the plant, which .. grows up. What strength that shows is
important, and would it become a tree, and would it become a shrub, (2:30). why the
height does, why do herbs have such a concentrated energy of one element, that you
can use it if you got a headache, that you can use it for whatever else, which means
the central plate is mono-energetic and is connected closely with the Inertia field in
that position. Then you understand why some plants don't grow in alkaline and some
plants grows on acidic, and all the games which is played. the Inertia of that point
dictates what to create in conjunction with the strength of the central magnetical and
gravitational of the Earth. But you have to understand, when it comes to the Inertia
and all the magnetical and gravitational fields, you always have to have a condition
where the CO2 is a factor. So you can never let go of your Zn and your plates of Cu.
All of you always nano coated the Cu and you put it in the middle, or opposite to, this
time you have to nano coat the Zn plate in the center. And in conjunction with
ordinary Cu you create an umbrella of fields. Now you spread it, because the stronger
one is in the middle, Cu is the weaker one. In the structure of the man we always put
the plate or whatever, on the side, because we hold on, we don't want to go, we don't
want to create any more condition for the Soul to run. With the plants, because now
your factor is dictated by the Inertia magnetical and gravitational fields, you can play
that game. (2:32). And your umbrella is much bigger than when you were the
humans. We will show you, we got machines, we will show you these things. What
happened if you put the structure you made last week, near the structure you make
this week.

And then what are you going to get next week, or the week after?

Now you have the freedom, but remember the principle of One Drop, One Life, do
you need a stacker, or can you create a One Drop, that you are connected to that it can
give you everything you need and you are fed, you are not hungry. As we say from
now on in the teachings, in English we say, we separate the wheat from the chaff. You
have to understand what is what. Understand exactly how it performs, what it is
supposed to do. And then you go to the next step of understanding, what this thing is
going to give me. And it will be very, very hard for some of you, (2:34). you go to go
** all of you, you put the seed of this year down, for next year, putting some Gans's
around it.

So in fact now you see, mankind can tune to a plant with all the energies he needs,
without actually committing any crime. And he can put himself on the path of where
energy is coming from, and it takes what it needs. Many plants have the amino acid
strength of the meat, or whatever. Then you understand we are in a new ballgame. We
are in a new beginning, now you don't need to go and get an orange, now you create
the essence of the orange from this, anywhere in the Universe, You can give it to a
man on planet Zeus and say this is what we call orange, and he tastes energy and **
all made by the emotion of the man, and the confirmation of existence of the fields.
Q: Is this what Alex did with the orange?
Rick: And it's a different process, is what you are saying
Keshe: It's a different process
Rick: reverse almost.
Keshe: It’s a point of creation, where that thing was created.

Q: Ram .. what about eating fruits, that is not killing trees, so is that considered ok, I
was thinking the fruit is the tree offering its interaction with the fields to us in a way?
Keshe: Did you ask the tree, can I eat you?
Rick: What if it drops its apples on the ground and we pick it up.
Keshe: Then we have to do what the other ** guy did, huh, write everything about it,
when the apple fell on his head.
Rick: Well from the trees point of view it is probably trying to spread its seeds, with
that fruit, it has its use of dropping fruit, and the birds and animals will take the seeds
and spread them around, (2:38). so perhaps as humans we use that fruit we should be
actually using the seeds and paying the tree back for its ..
Keshe: I think if mankind understood the teaching of today, up to now, the past 1
hour, we don't need to get together for about 100 years.
Any other point?

Q: I am having a hard time understanding this, it seems to me we are making a second

set of 5 Cups, but the top 3 Cups are of the structure of the plants
Keshe: Yes
Q: of gravitational and Inertia
Keshe: Yes, they are feeding, do you know they want to grow.
Q: .. I am trying understand how we receive the energies. I know we have to create
that point of weakness to absorb the fields we need, so do we take some of the Gans's
of this second structure ..
Keshe: You don't take any more Gans's .. you take the fields, it's a big difference.
Q: So we position ourselves?
Keshe: yes , More or less. (2:40). you can create the positioning by understanding
that the process of system, will adjust itself.
Q: Thank you, I need to grow a little bit.
Keshe: No you just got to understand, that systems work in different way. You have
to be very much, extend the knowledge, understanding of the knowledge, It's time for
us to move to new levels of understanding, much more open minded. This has created
a certain narrow mindedness because we are used to everything we like, to be there at
the fingertip. This is part of the problem of humanity, ready made, give me, give me,
now we have to wish it, we have to ask for it. (2:42). We have to make it part of our
structure, which is continuously evolving to gain, and to give. The problem now, sits
in fact, with us, with our behavior. Don't take, ask for. And if you are given, it's a
gift. We asked for my Soul, on this planet, is given to be looked after by the planet.
And then you can live anywhere in the Universe. And many times I keep on
emphasizing on this, because sooner or later, you'll find out that, it doesn't work for
you. The sooner you find out it works for you because you did it the right way, and
everything else gets fixed, it doesn't matter if you need vitamin A or B, or whatever.
There is no field strength names in the Universe, it's the need of the satiStar
Formationaction of the Soul. That's where the problem sits. My Soul to be satiStar
Formationied, what it needs by my physicality, then you'll receive it, be it the food, be
it the lover, be it the love of the Creator. Mankind has to become, and mankind has to
understand this, otherwise you'll run into problem as you have done for centuries,
millions of years. (2:44). Thy shall not steal, but you can please me. Give me what I
need, provide me with the pleasures of the existence.
you steal it, you pay for it.

Q: So it is seeming to me, that I need to feel in a way my position with some sense
that is closer to my Soul ?
Keshe: In a way , you have to understand your Soul, your creation with ** We have
to understand to become low enough, humble enough,
Q: Is that understanding accompanied with some sensation in our physicality?
Keshe: You see we have to go through the transition. We taught you the Cup of the
Universe, or the Earth, yesterday, because it is connected, last time. (2:46). And we
taught you the essence of creation of fields of the plants, vertical people. And that is
what it is, that's how it is. Now with this teaching we brought you to the first level of
humbleness, where you can filled, where you can be fed, receive. This is the step man
used to take. man did not eat meat first. We took the vegetable. you can be in the
process of need and receive, you don't need to kill,
The time of killing, if you understood,
even though the Earth interfered, it doesn't want to let you lot go. I hope you
understood most of it. It makes you independent of this planet. Governments can put
these on every square,, corner, (2:48).
.. put it on the satellite .. now you can create it.
Q; So our positioning is a state of bringing our minds in accordance with our Soul?
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: I am just trying to understand our positioning better, you said it is understanding
our humbleness, in where we need to bring ourselves to receive.

Keshe: You see, let me explain something to you to become very clear, and it will
become more clear. mankind has a huge problem, and that is, it has to go through
transition, not to be dependent on any physicality, and goes according to the maturity,
and how we receive it, how we perceive it. And this is in a way for you a bit strange,
because you remember the dome we saw in the Caribbean island, (2:50). that the
Soul of .. was the giver, and the source of it is the totality of the energy available. So
in fact, until we teach you the dome next time, the preservation of energy will come
into operation, you need to eat very little to exist. Man loses very little, because it is
like the womb of the mother, everything is held for you. You just tap into it. This
teachings, this coming up teachings, it shows you gradually how to make a cluster for
your Soul, that you feed the Soul, that the Soul feeds the physicality. But you have to
create a condition that the energies can be absorbed. You have to create a condition
and a position that you can receive. (2:52). The knowledge to come is beyond
comprehension of man. But we share that in time man will understand. This is what I
say, you can take the horse to water but can't make it to drink. We can bring the
knowledge but you don't have the background to it, to understand it. So in too many
ways, we build it up, we bring it in, and teach you more, and in a way, if you look at
it, between the two, if you understand, between last weeks teaching and this weeks
teaching, and the teaching too come. You have no need to take any energy from
outside, because the Soul already receives it, now you cocoon it, you show it, what
that thing could be from the earth to take, instead of eating it, you take the energy of
it. So you feed your Soul with it, to elevate the Soul to feed the physicality. In a way.
you plug yourself into the vegetation energy magnetical field, that can continuously
give what you want to run your physical dimension, it does not matter if the apple
next door, or in the next continent. If you want an apple, you tap into the energy of
what is available in the apple strength, you taste the apple, you feel the apple you
want. Then it comes to understand, you have to be so humble, the energy in you has to
be so low, that it still converts into lie, but it is such a giver, that it receives out of the
love of the Creator. (2:54).

We have a lot to learn, and as I said, one of the Knowledge Seekers said, the
knowledge is complete, there is no need for Mr. Keshe, we got all of it. Shows lack of
understanding of the creation, we have not even taught you anything, and the
arrogance becomes the cause of it, ** done. Be always humble, that the more you
understand, that you understand, you have not even understood the totality. Then you
are at a position humble enough to receive. As I said, we even, I explained to
scientists in Iran National Defense University, then we can go the speed of light.

Q: (2:56). .. The first question is I am not sure I understood how the Soul of the
man works, when we have the 5 Cups for the Soul of the man, you drew ?/ with
questions, and then you kind of summarized that in one Cup with 2 plates and 3
spirals ?
Keshe: You see, what we tried to do was to let you start maturing, we stopped this
spoon feed. You become **
Q: Could you explain again the final Cup with 2 plates and 3 spirals? And then the
second question, .. we argue that we have domesticated animals, plants etc. But at
some level for me, I think it's the reverse, that plants have domesticated us, or animals
have domesticated us, because we take care of them and feed them, and therefore,
make them supply. In return they give us fruits, milk, or honey. So when we stop
eating what is going to happen to their populations. For example cattle. are they going
to survive on their own. how about plants that we actually grow in order to eat their
fruits or their grains? (2:58).
Keshe: .. this I always say, abuser always finds an excuse for his abuse. Did they
domesticate us, or do we want to blame something else for. Or did we domesticate it,
because it suited it us? There is a big difference, a massive difference in total
understanding, why do we change it to suit us. Why do we change it to suit us? What
gives us the right to do this? Why do we make ourselves blind to it. And secondly, it's
us who wants to live, not the plant. We have to understand, we have to be in a
position that we give to unconditionally at the level that the plants need, (3:00). that if
it gives it will be the strength we need. It's a lot. Our body does most of this
automatically. Now we become aware of it. The reason is if you become aware of it,
and you can control it, you can become "Man of Space," otherwise you have a
problem. Mankind will have a huge problem in the space. You run out food, out of
energy, out of everything you imagine you have, because you haven't learned to take,
your step, and mature to the next position. You have to learn to be humble enough.

I live that way, and one day mankind understands how I live. I never take, and I
always ask and I emphasize on this more and more, because then you are given. I ask,
can I have the pleasure of. And it's there if it available to be given, ** it doesn't matter
if it is a water, .. a person, it doesn't matter if it is even mankind itself. Can I have the
pleasure of being part of this humanity. At that strength, I yearn for the past days, that
I could be with the Keshe Foundation team in the hospital, they don't need to .. they
go in there and get infected, they are still there but get infected more but they give so
much that they want, (3:02). to give, to be there to be part of that they can give to
make it better. When I look at the Knowledge Seekers in Iran in the hospitals. They
put themselves at risk everyday, they don't need to be there. They are there to serve
humanity. Those souls will elevate beyond imagination of mankind. The are there
that, "I take it," I put my Soul on the line. You go to get fed by the plants. they go
there to absorb, and be part of, that the others can survive. My life has no value, if I
can help the others. When you see the teams in the hospital, especially the teams of
the Keshe Foundation across the world what do you think they do? they put
themselves, that they can be that humble , that they absorb it, and at the same time
they can help. These are the souls which are matured. Always say, I relay on the greed
of the man, and it is so good. If you been around me, I always say, that I give you so
much rope, that if you stay on the straight line, you elevate, you start playing around
you hang yourself. Because have you seen the monkey jump up and down, in bungee
jump, it connect himself. We have seen that recently .. (3:04). We gave to give, but in
that position of freedom to give, they thought they have become above, and at that
point they cut themselves. Because you got to stay humble to receive. Every Thursday
I come here, I put myself lower than those who have no knowledge, as I can give, and
with it comes what I receive and what I share. You look for the plant to feed you, and
(I) look for the Creator to fed me, by humbleness, not arrogance of the knowledge
which has been shared. We have seen very recently, those who became arrogant, are
not there to be. And how many people have gone through the F in the past 15 years?
The minute they thought they had a position, they learned something, they claimed
they were everything. Where are they? When you claim the knowledge of Creator is
complete, God cuts. As I said to doctor Asid in past days, the knowledge which can
be tranStar Formationerred to man is, if you understand every star you look at, is a
specific way which exists, and has a specific way which creates life that exists in that
environment. When you understand the creation of every star in this Universe and the
others, we might claim, we just start understanding. And when a little knowledge
makes you arrogant, that you say the knowledge is complete, now I can take over,
(3:06). you took over nothing, except the arrogance and the downfall. It's the same,
it's not teaching you to take from a plant, it teaches you the way of living. And this is
what all these teachings are about. A way to learn to give.
Q: .. but I still have a question about the transition, let's say I accept all that and I want
to practice it. Taking from that Cup ?
Keshe: You don't need to practice, this is the whole thing Dr. Guatua. You have to
comprehend the essence, These are just a schematic to show.

(3:08). Very soon, in a short time you'll understand why these are there. And those
who did not deliver have gone. Why? Arrogance of not receiving. When I hear they
say, "knowledge is complete, now we have everything." I said, that's the end. I knew
the Soul has to depart. Knowledge is never complete. Even the Creator accepts His
knowledge is not complete, because He is still learning. Why is He here. Because he
saw the beauty of love on this planet, the beauty of the creation of what he never
thought could create. The beauty of a partner in the Soul of physicality. Couldn't you
stay long. So if the Creator Himself accepts, that there is no end to His knowledge,
what even himself is learning from, how one illiterate, confirm that the knowledge is
complete, now we can go for a takeover. Where are they, how many people we have
like this? When you confirm, when you understand that the knowledge I have, is not
even the beginning, you are ready to receive. And then it's the same, I don't have the
orange, but I like to taste an orange, if you wish it as a Soul, the orange trees are **
not a planet, you will receive. To please you, to elevate your Soul. That's why we say,
even a plant has a Soul, even a stone has a Soul. (3:10). If you strength of your
desire, to be happy with an orange. There is a tree, a plant, it has a Soul, it connects to
you. You got realize that mankind has to go through this process of humbleness. And
then be able to live with it. As some members of the Keshe Foundation said, you are
the most arrogant person we know. I said, yes, because my arrogance comes out of
my humbleness. Because I am so humble, that you see it as arrogance, because I give
unconditionally, it doesn't matter who it is, even to my enemies, even to those who
betrayed me. It is for them to find balance in their life. Many of you who have been 7
years haggling with me, all these things, which everything else which is happening
around the F. Have we given up? We taught more. have we stopped? We spend more
time teaching. There is a very big problem in the F, that has to be understood. We
have tranStar Formationerred the Soul of "Elevation of Giving," to female, but those
females who are here to serve, not those who are here to steal. (3:12). And those who
are here to steal in the name of giving, will see their demise. Because they are taking
what is not theirs. Mankind in essence of the Soul is one. Because if you look at the
bottom pot, it's the Soul of the planet, which feeds your Soul on top. You are part of
it, you are in it. And when you put a line in it, you cut it, nobody else does. You don't
need to wait 14 days, you already cut it form the first day. How planned coup de tas
we have seen around the F. How many planned elevations we have seen around the F.
Which one of them are still here? The time of all, the time for changing mankind has
come. And before time that day comes, all what I call, those who have taken from the
F deliberately, they will not be there to enjoy the time. Not in terms of physicality, but
by the Soul. "I was part of the Keshe Foundation, I betrayed the F, and I am just a
stand-by." Because I put myself above everybody else to be. This is one of the
problems that you have to learn. You've seen a lot of people, we allow very few
people to come near us, and when they come close they see the humbleness, and
think, oh, we can do this ourselves, the guy doesn't understand. But they don't
understand our humbleness comes out of our strength. You go nowhere with it.
(3:14). The same is with a plant, the same with a Soul of the man. But when that
happens, because the other souls are there, they bring you the gift, they bring you
there, that you don't suffer, it's what you need, we give you from us.

This education cycle, specially in the next few weeks will bring many of you to
understanding of the truth about yourself. I give freely, but are you there to receive it
freely, and give it freely. Not by words, but through the Soul. This is why I say, when
I teach, I teach the Universe, not just with the voice of the man, because the essence
of the Soul is given. You have to understand, these Cups or whatever, it's not there to
give you, oh I took, these, why is this brown? You missed the point. It's for you to
understand the essence of creation, essence of life, and you stick to a Cup, is this wire
connected that way. I sit and I laugh, I say, "my god, we are still trapped in the
physicality before we understand the essence of it." It's very, very difficult, (3:16).
for teachers like me, who have the patience to see the mankind making the mistake
again and again, and he leaves a gap for the others to come an abuse him. It's in the **
abuse, but the closest people to the F, and they left very quickly in the last few weeks.
The extent of the abuse is opening up left, right, and center. They were given freely
with the love of the Creator, and they stole. They went to steal from the Creator. As
the knowledge of the Creator is complete. And those who follow them will follow the
same demise. You watch. Thieves go together, and the givers go together. You've got
to understand, the whole essence of the teaching is a way of living in the Universe. It's
not the Cups too pink, yellow, 2 springs, or 2 flat plates, and the rest of it. You play
childish game, we teach you the childish way. You play the mature game in giving,
you receive knowledge we don't, can't even teach in a hundred years this way. Stop
looking at the Cups, go back to what I said in the past months. Look at the fields, the
fields is not where the fields goes, it's where I can give that the fields goes to save
someone, to elevate someone. The greed of man, "me, me," is too big in mankind.
Look at the essence of the teachings in the past 2 weeks, you elevate yourself to the
others. Look at the Cups and connections, you stay a man, (3:18). and you suffer a
life of ** We have one of our dearest Knowledge Seekers telling, now I learn how to
be detached like you. I had to wait a long time for her to reach that point. Long time.
But that time when you realize, you mature to the Soul of the Creator, to understand
it, for the knowledge to be received. Don't look at the Cups, we show you a way how
to tap into the energy of this planet, that through the strength of your Soul, you can
get that 20% and feed it when it's in the dimension of physicality, nothing else. I call
it, remote control energy tranStar Formationer, but apparently mankind wants to have
all of it. ** and I go back on it to learn, don't become arrogant. Just because we give
you room to grow, we give you room to teach the others and not control and be the
owner and claim it. And if it you learn that, you go to the next step. (3:20). And if
you can step away from it, you have reached a point of maturity, the I live my life,
you become that life. But ask if you need, and you'll be given, if it is sincere and you
need. "I would love to have the pleasure of an orange, if I could receive it." Because
you create that understanding at the strength of your need, for the pleasures of other
parts, which ?/ yours. You will receive it. You go and steal an orange from the tree,
you break your leg and you pay for it. We showed you ** one. The harsh way with
the broken leg, or go the other way. Don't take my teachings as a Cup, springs, and a
plate. Understand the essence of the fields of it, what does it do, it's there. When I
explain to you, this is the Inertia, have any of you stood still, "why is he talking about
Inertia." Oh, you put this one there to get something, we can see something in our
plate. You are just a bunch of teenagers who just learned what sex is, and get there as
fast as you can. For your own pleasure. Take your time, give pleasure. Take your time
enjoy the presence, then you always get there. You receive what you want. As long as
man behaves like a teenager, "Wang bang, thank you Madame," you won't get
anywhere. You never learned what is the essence of the creation. (3:22). You just
want Cups, "make it, do it, oh, I don't receive it." Because the Cup was just schematic
for you to understand the totality of the creation. You have to grow.
Some people say when I teach I insult them. You insult your self, by not
understanding what was taught, so you find my word as an excuse to cover your
weakness. I don't use the color, race, or nationality. I use it for you to understand, **
for those who listen, to understand the weakness in the man. If it bothers you, it
means that weakness is within you. You have to learn where your weakness is and
make a strength of it to become positive. We don't need no one to deliver to us. We
take what we want, when we want, because we ask for it to be given. You ** ask for
it, you don't steal. does not mean the restaurant guy has gone and brought the food,
you have to come and take. There are no "Fish and Chip" shops or pizzerias anywhere
in the Universe. And the whole of the Unicose exists, how come when it comes to
man, everything is physical and we have to have the best thing, that's it. Understand
the essence of the creation, and then learn how you convert it. (3:24). Go back to
Book 1, God is creator of all, and man converter of some. That conversion of some,
comes at the point of the need. "I am going through a harsh time, I need a love,
somebody to love me, that I can go through the harsh time. The Creator delivers it to
you that you don't suffer, be it a earthquake, be it a death, be it anything. You don't
make a Cup, put a Cup there and I don't feel the earthquake. No. You got to learn to
ask. You got to learn to ask from your own Soul, what can I give. Never ask what you
want to receive. Stop looking at the windings, and the plates, and the coils and
number of coils. This was to show you the essence of creation, how, what's the
difference between the position of the structure of the Soul of the man and the planet.
The Vertical People, the Horizontal People. The Vertical People and the Horizontal
People stand on 2 ends, opposite. If you put the Soul of the Plant on top of the branch
and somebody cuts the branch it's gone, dead. So the tree was clever he put it in the
ground, as long as it is there, I am sticking to it, I am there to live. Simple as that. The
earth, man, decided, "oh, I put it up there and I give it 2 legs to run if it comes to kill,
and 2 hands to protect it." And if you put between the plant and the man, somewhere
in the middle, (3:26). you have the Soul of the animal, and the kingdom of the
animals, and then you see how they behave. Why do animals, mono-feeders, specific,
because of the position of the structure of the ** understanding of their Soul. You put
a cow, donkey, horse, and a deer, in a field, none of them will die of hunger, because
they each one eat part of the same thing that guarantees their survival. And man
should not be that point, man to his Soul has to be the collection of the fields of the
Universe, that from it, as I said, when you become a star you can create. Now how
many Cups, how many springs, how many turns, 9 turns, 10 turns. When I hear this I
say, oh, we are back in teenager job. "get there as quick as you can." My teachings are
very deep if you understand it, and the way I live, I give total freedom until you hang
it. You hang yourself with it, or you become humble enough that you absorb, and
observe the changes. And from it you give to bring more changes in a positive way.
Any other question. (3:28).

Q: .. you didn't let us anything to speak about.

Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: Yes, all, even now if we speak in physicality this is a problem now. But you know
Mr. Keshe, we are teachers and we are teaching outside the Keshe Foundation, so the
people are still in the matter state, the physicality. So they want to see, feel, even take
the energy in the matter state. So that is why we are asking to understand, although
some of us really understand on the Soul level, but we need to connect it to the matter
Keshe: Ask your question.
Wait, are you going to go to every language, every broadcasting, every Television,
every radio to teach everybody, and someone is asleep and didn't learn it, they won't
learn it, and then you have to go and find them that are awake watching that TV
program that they learn. Or you teach through the Soul of the man that it doesn't
matter if you are awake or asleep, you're still here on earth.
Q: No I go to the second one.
Keshe: So, how and what is the way to the second one.
Q: What we are doing .. but this because we are short of living in physicality, (3:30).
we want to see it in physicality. ..
Keshe: Can you imagine how hard it is for a man to wait 9 months to see his own
creation. He must be suffering, huh. But we got used to it, oh we got to wait 9 months.
Why can't you create that Soul, that it is instantaneous and it decides to show itself in
physicality. You don't need to wait 9 months, nowhere in the Universe anybody waits
for the creation of the Soul. The children of the Soul of the universe are created that
instant, then they decide if they want to be part of physicality. But we still allow the
cycle of physicality to go because you have to show something. Somebody comes out
and says , hello mama, says hold on, where did this come from, was it me ?/
somewhere. Because we haven't learned about the Soul of creation of the Soul of
children. We still have to put you through the 9 months. ?/ comes out, goes in, and
then somebody comes out, go .. and that is your baby. Does the Soul in the Universe
carry 9 months, 10, 22 months. No way. So you like it, we give it to you the way you
enjoy it. But in the creation of the Soul. If I come to you today and say this is my son,
you never had a child, how is it possible? It was Soul born, from the Soul yesterday,
he decided to be there today. It doesn't make sense to you, but this is how creation is
in the Universe. (3:32). As I said, we come to earth to enjoy the physicality, but this
physicality is very ** awesome, and very.. physical. Carry on.
Q: .. draw on whiteboard . that 5 Cups normally should be 3, and 3 connection in
between. .. if I say there are 5 Cups.. !1, 3 and 5 . 5 should have partially nothing
from #1, but #4 which gives in between

(3:34). Q: If we want to work with the world of plants, we need only to change the 2
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: (3:36). Q: Draws 5 Cups

Q: 4 and 5 are the common denominator for all on the earth.
Keshe: No they are not. This is exactly where you are wrong. The only common
denominator is 5. The only Common denominator is 5. Nothing else.
Q: What is the Inertia then.
Keshe: Inertia is in different part of the planet according to the material. This covers
the same thing right across (from 5 upwards. this Inertia is from here (covers the top
3) , and that's it. If this Inertia changes you become a shorter man. So for you to exist
you have to become a shorter man here. This becomes the position of your Soul
(between 2 and 3), because the Inertia change. In the world of plants, the Inertia **
you can plant a herb and a tree next to each other. And the animal here always eat
what is available here, because the plant produces. Their wish is to have ** this
created, by the central interaction of the material. So your proposition has, (3:40).
needs a better understanding. We are not there to position us, we are there to enlighten
us, so the common denominator is only the gravitational field of the planet, even that
at different points are different. Common denominator of the gravitational of the
Earth, or MaGrav of the Earth, on this side could be here, and through the
composition of material, will be here. That's why we have mountains and valleys.
Because it depends what this (Cup 5) composition of material has kept for itself that it
absorbs the field. I tried to bring for you to look at the totality, not one line.

Q: .. all your Cups are like this .. triangle you are preparing a strong field as the Soul
of the Cup, here .
Keshe: No, I don't see that, we haven't made Cups like that, all our Cups are like this.
(3:42). Some fields above open them, and some below converge them .
Q: Yeah, due to the strength of what you are putting in.
Keshe: Yeah well it’s a choice.
Q: And if I want to go to the plants, and from our understanding that some of the
plants the Soul is down in earth, and they are here so in this way change the
position of Universal Councilp 1.
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: This is the physicality of the man.
Soul of plants should be in this Cup 3 because it's in opposite position ..
.. (3:44).
Q; Soul of the plant upside down from the man.
physicality would be on top here.
Keshe: of course that's what we said. It's like putting the man on his head, but
connecting it to the Inertia of the planet. You become a vertical, a herb.
Q: number 4 and 5 will not change.
Keshe: Yes they will change, No, no, this is what I keep on saying, number 4 is all
changeable, not number ** 1 or 2, change but longer period of time.
Q: Do the same system for man go also for the plants, in the meaning? if we see 1
and 3 in what you gave us in the 5 cups.
if I go to this 3 ..
Keshe: Yes you see you are still physicality, the fields go through. ..
The five Cups and five Cups .. it's the story of 2 Cup. The field flow with the man is
this way (outward down and inward up) , that's the direction because it gives energy
enough to the Soul. With the plant it still is this way, with the direction still goes that
way, but here the Soul of the plant sits here (4th Cup) to be a giver. This is why if you
eat a fruit or whatever, it adds to your energy. (3:48) and that energy is to be used for
whatever reason possible. This is what the scientists can't understand, and create
themselves. and what they do to understand, and we don't need to problem with it, a
lot of things with Knowledge Seekers. One takes from the plant, and it puts its
physicality at the height of the thing, and that's it. The other one puts its physicality
within the structure of the planet, and it is committed to it, it can't do anything with it.
In a way, when you look at it, a tree or plant talks when if grows up. But the man
doesn't. (3:50).
Keshe: It's the way life has become
Q; I have a small question. I have a small residual in the Soul Cup, in the first one. is
that because I am in physicality.
Keshe: too physical. yes. because it is Soul to Soul. I don't know where my cup is.
Q: All over the place.
Keshe: In so many ways, yeah.
We are getting ready to release the document, as promised. Please when you receive
it, share it with all the health authorities, and all the officials. And they can contact the
Keshe Foundation or wherever they like


Size of 5 Cups:

Q: Does the size of the containers matter for the realization of the 5 Cups?
Keshe: Um .. no, but the further distance you are there is more possibility of
producing more.

Is Meditation Helpful :

Q: Is meditation an important part of this great service, (3:56). and would a group
meditation to elevate our Soul as a group, creating a group consciousness, would that
be a good thing?
Keshe: I am going to bring somebody in. I think she is the one who tell you because
she is writing that part of the book. Wang Lyn, can you tell us, because you meditate a
WL- Yes, Mr. Keshe
Keshe: Answer the question please
WL- so the question is that meditation is important for elevate the consciousness. ..

the answer is yes, ..


(4:08). adding to it in a positive way, we progress.

if we become physical with it, then it becomes very painful. What we planned, what
we think, is not necessarily what it needs to be, unless the other souls have decided it
to be. In so many ways, when you make the Soul of plants, vertical people,

becoming part of the Soul of the Universe, is going to be a very difficult time for man.
Because you still look at the Cup, what color, why is it green , why is it blue. It will
take a long time for mankind to switch. If they take the path, as they ** have up to
now. (4:10). In the recent past we have seen a lot of people going through this **
A lot of people give promises, we don't give promises, we teach you. It's you who
has to elevate, and those who think, we have, we've done, we're doing this, there is
nothing there for them. and they attract the souls, for what they call there cycle, and
then those souls become in a lot of problems. Because what was promised was not
there. In this teaching we never made promises, we showed you how to make things,
that it is you who can promise your Soul. And I always say, it depends on what you
want, because it is your strength, it's your Soul who decides what it wants to take with
Q: I would like to translate your 9th Book of the Soul, I am so touched by your
teaching of the Soul.
Keshe: We come from the Soul of the Creator, nothing is a choice. (4:12). And we
teach for the elevation, gradual, of the humanity, not the totality in one go. And this
gradual, we put a term and condition on it. A lot of Knowledge Seekers were eager to
get, to do, but a lot of Knowledge Seekers were not aware of what we could see in the
Soul of the Foundation. And when there is misconduct we correct, we give it time,
until it corrects itself. And when there is the gain for the F we encourage it, that it
proceeds to the next level, fast. The teaching of the Soul, is a teaching of the conduct
of the man in the Universe, not the man on this planet, in a way, partially, this planet
and the Soul of the man is what we call the sandbox. If we understand the operation of
the Soul of the others, we have matured maybe enough to understand the operation of
our Soul. We never can learn from our Soul, as it is within us. We cannot look inward
to see the light. We see our conduct in the behavior of other souls. And this is one of
the biggest problems for humanity. Maybe in the future mankind elevates to reach the
Soul of the Creator, then maybe he can look within. (4:14).

Rick: Looks like the report is ready.

Keshe: I would like the head of the Keshe Foundation to read it.

(4:17). Ella, .. basically it's a lot of information we have approximately 187 pages. .

(4:22). various researches were we show the magnetical fields ..

History about the Gans and viruses ..
Construction of Cup #1, and Cup #2 ..
how to use them .. Gans suits ..
Protocols of different mixtures .
Detection .. (4:24).
Disinfection of environment
Protocol A white tissue
Protocol B red tissue.
Mutations .. (4:26).
Cancer ..
Environmental Corona infections.

lab tests ..

Keshe: Can you go back to the statistic page. What do you see, the most important
part of this report is this, where if you open up, you see as high as 94 - 95% success
and reduction for specific parts, lung, fever or whatever. And this is exactly what
WHO looks for. What we don't see is, (4:34). the effectiveness of ** and how fast it
is done, is within the guidelines of WHO, and 95% success, has not been reported
anywhere in the world, with the Technology. We had to work with 156 out of the total
numbers. And this part, this is actually what confirms the correctness of the
Technology. If we look in detail, there should be no need for no one to die of Corona,
even in the early or late stages, 95% reversal. It’s part of what has to be considered by
the WHO, and the Iranians ** and the offices of the sitting on this because, they see
no reason a water should be able to do such a thing.

Data to International Standard, 95% Success Rate:

The theoretical data, is to the standard international requirement. This is what all the
governments will be looking for. We have shown the Technology, we have shown the
things around it, but essentially this report is the compilation of a lot of knowledge to
show 95% success rate. (4:36). It stays an open report that we can update and change.
And we'll keep this report ongoing, until Corona is not a problem anymore. In a way,
a simple $1 cup can save one life. And we have seen man dying for $1, why? So,
what we, what you are interested in is the procedure. What to look for, and protocols.
Many of you get Corona but are not aware of it, and later on, you see the cancers of it,
and all other things of it. Read the Protocol, read what we call the cases. There are 23
to 26 identified ways that the Corona is effecting humanity. And of today, our
successes are of 95% doesn't matter which one has been hit.
Any questions?

Rick: I was wondering what is meant by saying 95% success, what does that mean,
(4:38). what happened to the other 5%, did they ..?
Keshe: We allow 5%, statistically it's about 97 people out of 100 survive.
Rick: So that would mean 97 out of 100 that are already in pretty serious condition in
the hospital?

Keshe: In any condition, yes. The people who did this. There is a list of the patients,
who they are, what they have been through. The 155 , the details have been given to
the statistician, and they have come up with the figure after analyzing.

As a Knowledge Seekers you have seen many parts of it, we had to put in this report
as people who don't know nothing, (starting) from zero, to the point of conversion of
the disease. The university wanted 2 halves, one to do with the Gans's and one to do
with the illnesses, but have one after the other to be published. This way we kept
everything together. You get a Corona, open the book, see what signs it is, we update
all the time, what you have to do. (4:40).

Any other question?

With this journal , with this publication everything how to do.

if in the future there is no one around to.
If there is no other question we'll close this session. Please send this around the world,
the way it has to be, governments, officials,
Rick: Wonderful thank you, and congratulations.
Keshe: You should thank the head of Keshe Foundation, she has been working day
and night to get this done.
Rick: Yes, congratulation to Ella, definitely. (4:42).
Keshe: We'll see where we can go with this ..
Your governments can ask questions directly to ..


Keshe: .. we have to go as fast as we can .. how many lives to save. .

339 Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 30, 2020

340th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; August 6, 2020
Teaching of the Soul of Solid Matter


Celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Universal Council, They present their vision for
future, Today we teach the Soul of the Matter, We need to carry animals and solid
matter like stones into space with us, My job is to complete transportation,
transmutation, and communication of human race into space by 21-3-21, The Soul of
solid state - it's an atom - an atom is a dynamic state it has to have a Soul,

Need to translate paper on Coronavirus that was published last week into all
languages, The peer review will be by people themselves who use it and confirm its
validity and the document will be alive and continue to grow as more knowledge and
experience is added, This means that no one can hijack the knowledge,

Universal Council makes their presentations, World Peace Treaty was signed on
August 2/3, 2017,
As we hoped overall One Nation One Planet is taking shape, In September I hope to
return to Iran and start the process of space flight - I have given the commitment to
the Iranian nation - as they say all roads end up in Rome; so all roads of knowledge
will end up in Iran,

There is one point we have to make very clear that is all this knowledge has to be used
to for the elevation of all of living things on this planet and beyond, Those who break
the code shall loose their Soul which means their fields will be scattered throughout
the Universe with no sing left of existence,
We'll bring in the ethos of universal marriage between man and other beings in the
Universe, In the coming time there shall be no kingship and no leadership, New
technology will make other visitors who were invisible to be visible - love them the
way you love me,

Responsibilities of the Universal Council:

Raise the Soul of the human race that it does not believe in anything but the Creator
with no messengers in-between; Abolish the financial system so that wealth comes
through knowledge; Be vigilant that no one can claim himself as anything but the
servitude to mankind we have finished the prophets and prophecy; To bring, tranStar
Formationer, and translate the new knowledge so that all of humanity can fulfill their
needs irrespective of culture, religious belief, or color, or nationality; Demolish
borders on this planet; Not only man but other beings on this planet will also travel
the Universe;
The future is bright and the time of transition will be short and sweet, I hope
collectively the Universal Council will become as one Soul that with it you make one
Soul of the human race - one Soul of this planet- and one Soul of the creation,

Cup #4 Inertia is variable according to the position or the material which you want to
produce, and only with the Fe nano Coated (in Cup 5) in the center in shape of a coil
is to be permanent and fixed,
By changing the fields in Cup 4 or Inertia Cup, you create the conditions to manifest
what you want,
Q: If I put higher strength material in that Inertia Cup, does that carry more fields, that
more is encompassed, so it's like an everything Cup?
Keshe: Depends, compared to where and what you put more of, because you are not
dealing with one Cup anymore, what you put in, in the Inertia Cup, will effect the
Soul in all levels.
The only common denominator is the Gravity Cup,

Q: What does Inertia mean?

Keshe: Read physics book, Inertia is a magnetical and gravitational field of the
matter, of the atoms, collective atomic structure of the matters in that area.
Keshe: In a way, you can build buildings with Soul, as we put the foundation, you put
the new Inertia.
Keshe: .. The teaching is so deep, that as we explain more and more, you will
understand what it means. It's not just to create the Inertia of the planet Earth, it's to
create the Inertia of any position in the Universe,

This Inertia plate is one of the cornerstones of the teaching. You can create Inertia in
the fields of the space,

You cannot get rid of Cup 4 and 5 - you are made of it,
Q: So you always have to have a gravitational field to interact with, and you always
have to have some Inertia in order to manifest.
Keshe: Of course, you create the environment, and a condition of the position.
What you imagine, you have to find the right field strengths of the fields

Teaching of the Cup of Soul of the Solid:

We have field forces which, their interaction dictates a new condition. We saw with
what we call the vertical people, fixing of the fields in the center (flat nano plate in
center). We saw with the horizontal people the creation of the field that it can create
motion (nano coil in center). But this time there is no creation and there is no motion,
(2:54). but the fields of the Universe have to gather in a form, that they can preserve
the fields, which are created. In this process the Soul has to sit in the center. And the
surface, what we call manifestation, become the state of the physical manifestation. In
fact, with the physical state of matter we stay solid on either end, but we create a
condition of the Soul, we create a condition of the Soul for the state of the solid, but
with the Soul. I am here, I sit where I am, I don't need to move. I don't need to grow
up, I stay fixed to my position. The Cup of Solid, the Cup of Soul of the Solid, as was
the Cup of the Vertical people and Horizontal people, will become the cornerstones of
the creation of the elements of the physicality of the man, (2:56). or being in the
Universe. Be it on Earth, be it on planet Zeus, or be it in the heart of the Creator.

Within the Enhancement Unit we have brought the 3 dimensions of horizontal,

vertical and solid, all together. Where we can dictate everything, and in so many
ways, we have repeated the process of creation,

Cup of Inertia is Like the Center of Sun >> Creates Planets:

Rick: So if the Inertia of this planet changes, will the same Soul manifest itself as a
different creature?
Keshe: If you look in the depths of the if you look at the mono-energetic, mono-
material systems like the stars, do they have creatures, do they create life? Does the
fields of their strength leads to creation of other things? In a way, you have to open
your eyes into something which is like this, we have the Inertia Cup and everything
else, and the byproduct was this, whatever it could be. Now you have the Sun, the
center of gravity, interacts with the matter state of its surface, and isn't its
manifestation the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn and the rest? (3:08). Are we the residue of
the Inertia, (of) the planet, or the star, and its gravitational field, and with it, in
transition, part of His souls depending on the point of manifestation
You see, change the Sun to the Center of the Universe, and look at the galaxies as the
Inertia point, and then you see the manifestation of the stars and whatever else.
(** so the gravitational Cup is a copy of the center of Sun and then you have the I
Cup and from it manifestation of physicality or planets and the rest, where does the
Soul and emotion fit in?)

Asking is the power of creation - not that it will it fall in your lap by asking you create
the knowledge of love and then it is a giving of your existence, , I want you to show
me your beauty, that with seeing your beauty it makes, and elevates my Soul to give
more. And if that request is pure, it shall be answered yes, as by receiving you
dedicate yourself to give more.

Careful What you Think -- Zoroaster

The Soul of the Universe will Elevate the Soul of the Man
Mankind will receive so much Love Knowledge from Universe - Enlightened
Let the game start, and see how much each individual will elevate his own Soul to
become part of the bigger but equal to the Soul and knowledge of the Universal
Community, The gates of heaven have opened - let's see who there is to cross and be



(:06). Today we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Universal Council (Universal
Council), and the member of the Universal Council will make their presentation, as
they are an independent part of the Keshe Foundation, and they are kept that way
deliberately, that they work as what we call, the logistic side of the F. Then this week
we know there was some break up in the teaching part, we try to answer some
questions in regards to the teaching of last week, if there was any misunderstanding.
And then in the 2nd part, we enter the third part of the teaching, which completes
what we call the Earth plasma field connections. We did the what you call the
horizontal people, which includes the humans and animals - couple of weeks before.
Last week we did the vertical people. And the 2 exist in conjunction with the matter
state. Today we teach the Soul of the Matter, it is part of the Book 1, the completion
of Book 1, and this allows us to move on, (:08). to carry the life of the humanity into
the third dimension of the space travel. Which means we can create conditions in the
spaceships, or for the Soul of the Man (Soul of the man), or in any shape of ** our
future transport, that we can not only carry the man, but the vegetation in the essence
of their fields, but the entities, the stone, be it the stones, be it solid Cu, be it anything
else. Because we need those, it does not matter where we land, we need to understand
the field energy of the state of matter. This is the completion to the back of the book
number 1.

In the future teachings we complete on the Book #2, the state of the transmission, and
transportation of the light, which means plasma at high speed. That will teach us the
upcoming speed of transportation, above the speed of light. We need to do that, and in
a way to bring it into the line, how we carry the plasma of the matter, the plasma of
the life, let's say human, and the plasma of the life of plants, then it allows us
transportation, and transmutation of elements. We need to learn this to be ready for
thousand times the speed of light. As the light is the structure of what we call the
plasma, in transportation, then hopefully, somewhere about October November we
reach the station ** arriving at the plasma in the Universe and on a star system and
the rest. As I said, (:10). my job is to complete transportation and transmutation, and
communication of human race into space by 21-3-21. The promised date, where,
hopefully, with the support of Iranian scientists and accumulation of other scientists,
Keshe Foundation and outside, we start the structure and travel into space.

The knowledge in the last 3 weeks has been knowledge of the universe, and the
creation. But it has been put in such a simple language that many can understand, that
with it, mankind can even elevate the Soul of the animals, and solid. If we go back to
the writings of the promised ones, even a stone has a Soul. Even a stone has a Soul.
So today we learn about the Soul of solid state. It's an atom, an atom is a dynamic
state, it has to have a Soul. And in this process, as I said, the new knowledge into deep
space travel, with life support with energy support, with dimensions of the
transportation, transmutation that man has not known up to now. We move on to
transmutation, and transportation. The speed of light by order of magnitude. So for
example, Earth to Moon will be seconds, milliseconds. This is needed if man is to **
souls of the man, in his creation on this planet, to introduce themselves, and they
bring in, (:12). the celebration of the 3rd year of the Universal Council, and hopefully
by the next time they report they'll truly report as a Universal Council as a Universe,
not on the level of human. We hope we can fulfill this, as you have seen, we have
brought the new knowledge in very rapidly.

This new knowledge is already getting used, in some cases, and at the same, as we
publish the paper on Corona last week, many of you would like to translate it.
Documents version of this, for those who we know and trust will be given for
translation to any languages. The Portuguese has been forwarded to Rafael, for the
Farsi language has gone to Iran, In Iran it will be published as a book, and becomes
part of the structure of the plasma Technology as a scientific approach to all viruses,
and especially Corona. On the other hand we have achieved many new results with
Corona, and it will be added to the Plasma Times as it is. The Plasma Times
Coronavirus, which was published last week in Iran, will stay as a dynamic journal,
which means everything discovered, added, noticed will be added to it. So it doesn't
stay the structure it is today. We will add to it. There are new discoveries in the past 7
days, new tests which has done and completed by different groups. (:14).

We add a peer review to this paper, which means those of you who have tested it will
put your testimonials at the end of it. .. so the scientists around the world who read it,
so they can see the peer reviewing by individual persons. Not in a way, peer review,
testing the validity of the text and confirming what they did, and how they achieved.
We'll put in the name, the address, the email, that their review can be complete. And
then you put your comments and then you might suggest a better way to do it, how
you did it slightly different, we don't expect copycat

the new style of non-peer review articles

means no one can hijack ..
write it in your own language, put your feeling and emotion in it.


(:20). We will announce next Thursday the presentation of the Enhancement Unit. ..
(:22). no one will be able to enter the Eu as they are active

.. We'll use the knowledge to bring peace to mankind .. The knowledge is free and
stays free at the point of delivery as long as I live, and Keshe Foundation operation
will stay the same. (:26). On the other hand it's time to let the Universal Council to
celebrate their birthday, and then after the interim break we'll go into the teaching
part, and maybe we can take some questions that we can move .. Thank you very
much and I hand everything to Universal Council .. to present their vision of what the
Keshe Foundation is and will be.
Universal Council makes presentation for 3 year Anniversary.

The World Peace Treaty was signed on August 2, 3, 2017, members signed on behalf
of countries ..
(:34). .. Now we know the peace and love was always in us and we can understand,
(:36). the Creator has created us all in His image. And we can see the form of that us
in the universal knowledge all is crystal clear and explainable
we are learning how to be as energy in the universal form In India we call this
energy as shakti, the power of all .. .


end of Universal Council presentation

(1:19). Mr. Keshe: Thank you for all your kind words and support Coincidentally
or whatever, my birthday falls on the date of the establishment of the Universal
Council. (1:20). And this will be every year as we celebrate the start of a new cycle
for man. What we seen today, is a point of maturity for the Universal Council, where
in the past 2 years what they have achieved, and this year they have started taking the
structure for governance. And as we have seen the first sections have been divided in
such a way to bring peace for mankind. When you read the 5 ethos's, or 5 texts, or
sections they have chosen to serve the humanity covers more or less the totality of the
need of the man. In that process you have entered a new process, a new era
We see as we hoped, overall One Nation taking shape.
(1:22). as we enter the second cycle, and as we see more youth with the ethos, join
the F. I hope by next year we'll see a different approach ..
In so many ways, I don't have a vision, I have a certainty. In so many ways, the
conclusion of one brings ** out of the other. We have seen massive change and
evolution, and compared to last, near at a conjunction, never any us could imagine

In September I hope to return to Iran and start the process of .. space flight. I have
given the commitment to the Iranian nation, (1:24). as we consider Iran as part of
One Nation, in that way it becomes your nation ... As they say, all roads end up in
Rome, all roads of knowledge will end up in Iran. We bring the new Technology in
line with all the scientists across this planet , and make Iran the center of science as it
was some 2 - 300 years ago, and it was for centuries. I hope mankind will not look for
wealth anymore, but look for peace and knowledge. As I said, ..
My vision for next year is far reaching you can ever imagine, as I know the
Technology and the knowledge which will be delivered will change the course of
mankind. The new Enhancement Unit we'll endeavor to show mankind things it is not
used to ..
(1:26). .. We set out to elevate the Soul of the man,

(1:30). or as collective scientists as their part of the world. Or in conjunction with the
others. Keshe Foundation as a whole has started a new cycle. The Keshe Foundation
as a structure will change very little, now the structure is set by the Universal Council,
on the ethos and work of the F, to create wealth and knowledge, create condition for
peace, and keeping mankind occupied with new knowledge so much that mankind
finds now superiority in anything, but gaining of the knowledge. From now on the
credibility will come out of knowledge and not out of wealth, as every man can make
everything, and as much gold as he needs. In the coming Enhancement Unit we have
setup to create gold as plenty as possible. We have setup to create silver, in beyond
the imagination of the man, at the point of teaching. We have setup to create wealth of
knowledge, if one sees that as one of the cornerstones of his creation.

Those who Break the Code will Loose Their Soul:

There is one point, and we have to clear one point, and that is all this knowledge has
to be used to for the elevation of all of living things on this planet, and beyond. Those
who break the code, shall loose their Soul. (1:32). Those who break the ethos of
peace shall loose their Soul. Those who break the Universal Peace, shall loose their
Soul. What does the loosing of the Soul mean? Means that all the fields of their Soul
will spread across the Universe, then there will be no sign of its existence. And it's a
shame that such a thing can happen, to a Soul which has taken so long to develop.
We'll bring in the ethos of universal marriage, which means it does not need no
Church, no Mosque, and no signing of the paper. We'll show you the way of the ethos
of the marriage be it by Soul or physicality, which has been the rule of Universe for
millions of years. As the men learns to engage himself in the understanding of the
creation and the creator. We bring in new systems which allows man to decide the
condition and position of his existence according to his satiStar Formationaction.

In the coming time there shall be no kingship and no leadership. In a way, the souls
** with the servitude of the physicality and the Soul, will dictate how much more they
can serve. and how much more they can service will elevate other souls. In a way,
those who serve become the sun, (1:34). that those serve and learn to serve, be
radiated and learn to elevate themselves to new positions. .. the teaching will carry on,
.. mankind has started learning the knowledge of the Universe. I congratulate the
Universal Council in stepping up to their position and fulfilling /..

The new Technology will bring those who have been invisible to the man, visible.
And those who have been in the shape of the man but not understood by the man ..
Greet them and love them the way you love me, then the Universe will be at peace.
Thank you very much for all your work, and through the real work of the Universal
Council begins as they learn how to handle the new ways .

Responsibilities of the Universal Council:

Raise the Soul of the human race that it does not believe in anything but the
Creator, with no messengers in-between. **his Soul hasn't been elevated to
understand the totality. It is the responsibility of the Universal Council to bring new
ways for man to change his knowledge, and effort, elevation of the Soul of physicality
of others, now that financial means which is operational today. This has to be
abolished from mankind. The monetary system has been one of the greatest demise of
the humanity. Wealth has to come through knowledge, not through structure of
materials. It is the responsibility of the Universal Council to be vigilant that no one
can claim himself as anything but the servitude to mankind. We have finished the
prophets and prophecy, there should never be any claim on this level on any part of
this planet and in the Universe. This is the responsibility of Universal Council that
those who know more about science of creation do not manifest themselves, (1:38).
as anything but member of the Universe Community and no more. It's the
responsibility of the Universal Council to bring, tranStar Formationer, and translate
the new knowledge, to bring all the humanity can fulfill the needs by the new
knowledge, irrespective of culture, religious belief, or color, or nationality. The
Universal Council has to demolish borders on this planet, this is your job, as part of
negotiation with the nations. The Universal Council has to see the end of what I call,
financial operation. The Universal Council has to see the opening of the space
unconditionally, and equally to all men, and the living creatures on this planet. Do not
understand that man will be the only one who will elevate to travel. As you raise the
Soul of the creation on this planet, expect others to be the travelers too. The future is
bright for humanity, and we have entered the final phase of unification of man and the
Universe Community, and we start taking man out of this village of Earth, I ** all
your souls, and I hope it will be a safe journey for all of you. Time of transition will
be sweet and short, (1:40). but at the same time mankind will reach a new level of
understanding, that this new level will bring the operation of the Soul, and not the
physicality. Thank you very much and I wish you all the best in the coming time, to
all the members of Universal Council
and I hope collectively you become as one Soul, that with it you make one Soul of the
human race, one Soul of this planet, and one Soul of the creation. Thank you.


Rick: Are we due for a commercial break, as they say,

Keshe: Shall we have a break. (1:42). Video of Keshe Foundation products. (1:49).

Keshe: All the products you see on this video will be available in Austria ..
(1:50). We are endeavoring .. that visitors can take with them . 7 years and the rest.
We'll try to make available, if possible, hard copies of what we call the Paper we
published last week.
We have limitation on people who can attend this .. If the
Going back to the teaching, we try to recap. Those who have the questions to ask first,
to cover ambiguities


J- In regards to the Universe Community, I consider myself a Universal Council

support member, (1:52). the work we are doing in Arizona is part of the F work, ..
time will be more and more a resource for people to support. .. I want to go back to
last weeks teaching. I was a little confused. I want to focus on Cup #4, 4 is what you
called, Inertia we have nano Cu in 3 different configurations within the Cup ..
Keshe: Cup #4 Inertia is variable according to the position or the material which
you want to produce, and only with the Fe nano Coated in the center in shape of
a coil, to be permanent and fixed. Inertia according to different position, and
according to central field forces of the matter state layer is dictated by the matter field.
And this is where the difference comes with the gravitational and magnetical field,
which you call Cup #5. So the Inertia, depending if you want to create a condition,
(1:54). for producing watermelon, or you want to produce a condition to create apple,
will change. It's the variable that exists, It's the same, when we showed the Inertia in
the animal kingdom Cups, where you want to create a condition for the fish, or for a
lion in Africa, you have to change the Inertia. The Inertia plate or Cup is the only part
which will be staying variable, more or less. So you have to decide what field gravity
you need. You cannot grow, let's say, a date tree, a palm, in the north pole, and you
cannot grow, whatever you grow in the highest points of the mountain, in the valleys.
This is what you got to consider and the field forces which create that Inertia. If you
want to produce a Dill or Coriander, you use a different Inertia then when you want to
produce a potato. And there is another point, which has to understood, we draw the
pictures for the simplicity, for the schematic. (1:56). When you have the condition of
let's say, combination field forces, if you look at (from) the top, your Fe stays the
same, you have a Zn and Cu, sorry your Cu stays the same, you have a Zn and Cu,
here you might have Mg, here you might put Ca. That it allows you, let's say, to grow
a cauliflower. If you want to grow an apple you remove this, and you put what is
needed to create an apple condition environment. So the teaching has to be understood
in its totality, not in its individual cases. Or the point of need.
Q: .. my question ..

(1:58). .. if I put higher strength material in that Inertia Cup, does that carry more
fields, that more is encompassed, so it's like an everything Cup?
Keshe: Depends, compared to where and what you put more of, because you are not
dealing with one Cup anymore, what you put in, in the Inertia Cup, will effect the
Soul in all levels. If you put your Inertia Cup in a position of a different
combination of Cups, according what you are expecting as a fruit, or are you
expecting a herb. At the same time when you put your Inertia Cup with an animal,
what are you expecting in the Soul of the cow, or the man? And what is your
expectation in respect to (2:00). Soul of the physicality and the physical life. The
game is not anymore one, because the field created will go through all. And as you
merge the man and the beast together, the interaction becomes more complicated. We
are out of looking at one Cup, we are now looking at the totality. In every essence
what does this give, together, does it give us an apple, or does it give us a herb. Does
this collection (** connection) give us an animal, or man, a fish, or a bird. In so many
ways, when we go deeper and we understand more, would this Soul, would this Soul,
will allow the field flow of manifestation of the creation and creator of, what we call,
different entities? (2:02). The only common denominator in all your work, is here
(gravity Cup). Because the gravitational field of the planet cannot change. But the rest
is dynamic by field flow, even from here to here, by passing the center one. And how
you want to see it. Do you see Inertia of a desert here, and you see Inertia of a North
Pole here. This Inertia, what does it create that your animals in nano Pole cannot
receive the emotion and Soul of it. And how many conditions have you considered in
this (gravity Cup)? And how simple have you made this (Cup of Inertia), don't forget
the magnetical and gravitational field of the Earth is a combination magnetical field,
that's why we have matters, different matter, as if it would have been mono, it still
would have been a different ball game.
J- thank you for that, it was helpful.
Keshe: I know, I know what you are looking for John. (2:04). After 4 or 5 years I
have got to know your way of thinking. Thank you very much.
Any other question? (2:06).

(question confused goes to 2:12) Q: in Cup Inertia we put the ocean .. the 5th **
Keshe: What, can you repeat .
Keshe: What do you mean? (2:08).
Q: in Cup 4 you have ocean water, you have all the fields of this planet .. 5th Cup ?**
Keshe: I don't understand what you are trying to tell us ..
Keshe: Cup 4 is Inertia, 5 is gravitational field.
Q: (2:10).
Q: what decides what I need
.. (2:12).
Any other question?

Q; Marinath the creation of beings .. change their evolution on this planet . (2:14).
what is the use of it. It doesn't pass the evolution time on this planet. like human
beings start as small being create by fields of Zn and Cu ?**
Keshe: I don't understand
Q: with the Cups we are creating, animals vegetables. ?**
Keshe: You see some of you with the Cups you make you create new conditions. You
create new conditions for new souls, new creatures, a new plant, a new vegetation.
Now if you change. As now a days, say we have a red and white rose, and we mix
them that we get a red and white, or genetically we change them that white sits in the
middle of red, or whatever. Now with this new knowledge man has the ability to
create, (2:16). New dimensions, even new beings, being plants, or an animal, even
with the new Technology we'll show later on today, you can create new materials,
give them shape, create application for them. Now once you understand this.
Q: I can see the result effect of the fields on me, materials, and things like that. but
creating a matter being I think I need something else ..** I think we have to have a
lot of ethics to control it, it might be another ** thing Are we ethical enough not to
pass the boundaries of, "good of everybody?" or do we become again, (2:18). who
think of what they want without respect of the whole thing? Maybe I understand later
Rick: You can look at the mandate of Universal Council it's quite clear, how to
proceed that way.

Q: What does Inertia mean? .. So we use 2 combination for the 5 Cups.

Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: (2:20). Q: What does Inertia means , is it a balance of a fields, and then you
draw, like you have different shades of Inertia. I am little bit confused about Inertia?
Keshe: Read physics book, Inertia is a magnetical and gravitational field of the
matter, of the atoms, collective atomic structure of the matters in that area.
Q: And the gravitational becomes like zero, or ?
Keshe: No, no, it's the combination of the both.
Q: .. and different combinations we will create different things. That means also if we
can do this with the Cups, we'll be able to do this with the Soul level. So it will come
to a point where we'll be able to do this, for example, visualize something, attract the
fields of it, and materialize them as well? (2:22). We are going to get to that point,
because as you showed in the past, what we can do with a Cup, we can then do
without a Cup, because the Cups are just crutches, so we will reach the point where
our knowledge will be, give us possibility to enter different dimensions where we will
start to do things imagine a building they never built before we'll enter into a
different way of how the world will look like. Like we are we going to have houses
that have never been seen before, because we'll be able to materialize them as we
need. We'll be able to visualize something and make it happen?
Keshe: In a way, you can build buildings with Soul, as we put the foundation, you
put the new Inertia. Yeah? So as you enter different areas, you can build using the
Inertia field of Inertia to create conditions that allows you, to create different, what I
call, in a way, now, (2:24). mankind has the ability, even by creating the Inertia
conditions, that you might understand now why, and how I explained that I create a
fish tank, that all creations according to what we want will manifest themselves for a
given environment that man might like. This Inertial plate is part of that space
Technology for manifestation, creating conditions, that entities of the other part of the
Universe can manifest themselves on this planet. The teaching is so deep, that as we
explain more and more, you will understand what it means. It's not just to create the
Inertia of the planet Earth, it's to create the Inertia of any position in the Universe.
That above it, you can create and see how man will react, how the creatures of other
planets will manifest themselves in the true color of themselves, not when they
manifested themselves in the shape of the man.

This Inertia plate is one of the cornerstones of the teaching. You can create Inertia
in the fields of the space, that you can see what creatures exist in the between
planetary systems, in-between galaxies. Nowhere in the Universe is devoid of life and
creation. If you believe in that, that ** race, as we say in Arabic, ____ , God forbid.
(2:26). Means you have limited the knowledge of the Creator. You have limited the
understanding of the fields of the creation. This Inertia plate gives you the source at
the point of manifestation. In the future we'll teach more, in the future we bring the
elevation of the understanding.
Q; Wow, so it goes as far as our knowledge is ?
Keshe: The man will take from these teachings according to his understanding and
intellect, and no more. The detachment will bring the freedom of knowledge, the
freedom of love, and the freedom of giving. (2:28).
Q: .. you've already answered part of it. Okay, I have the 5 Cups, once I link Soul to
Soul to the structure, what if I get rid of Cup 5 and 4, completely, just detach form
Keshe: You cannot, you cannot. You are made of it. Your creation depends on it, If
they don't exist, you don't exist.
Q: Even the gravity, I can't detach from the gravity of this planet ?
Keshe: It's a, you see this is a general teaching. You cannot escape, you can escape
from the gravity of this planet, but you are in the space, you still connected to the
gravitational field force of the center of Universe. .. It's a openness of understanding,
as I told you, you only see according to your, what I call, intelligence of the
Q: So you always have to have a gravitational field to interact with, and you
always have to have some Inertia in order to manifest.
Keshe: Of course, you create the environment, and a condition of the position.
Q: So by, I guess it's beyond my level to start changing Cup 4 and 5?
Keshe: Why? Who says? Why do you put limitations on your understanding.
Q: Just checking.
Keshe: No need to check. The only thing is to become confident. (2:30).
You see, we don't tell you understand this much of it, we teach so open, and in an
open manner, that your imagination will take you where your understanding takes
you, What you can imagine with this new Technology, you can comprehend. There is
no end to imagination, as there is no end to the creation of the Creator. What you
imagine, you have to find the right field strengths of the fields. The right
correction and you can manifest.

As I said, the head of the Keshe Foundation as she is writing the part about the
creation of life, the Soul in the Book #9, it's part of her teaching to explain this. How
original ** mean condition is created, how she envisages it. As I said, the writings of
the other beautiful Soul, Wang Lyn, is to do with the collectiveness of the souls.
(2:32). One begins and one structures, and in that process mankind will become
mature, then you see both extremes one the beginning, and one with collective
interaction, and then you understand the totality, somewhere in-between where it
applies to you.

Q: Is it possible to reverse aging through the plasma Technology to achieve

everlasting life? (2:34).
Keshe: Yes, but the beauty of existence is aging it, it shows its maturity. What you
feel inside counts. what you feel in the Soul. My biggest question is why man is afraid
of shape outside changing.
Rick: I suppose we'd be down to 2 cells ..
Keshe: ** age brings a sign of maturity.
Rick: (2:36).
Keshe: You have to understand, you have to start manipulating and testing. In the
coming time, as the new organization


Ella: the more you try the more you ** The more one is challenged to try and test ..
the fear stops us from moving forward (2:46).

Keshe: How do you see the creation of the Soul, now we understand the power of
Inertia and the gravity? How as you are writing the book, how do you see, how can
we explain this teaching in the book, how ?
E: At the moment I don't think I can explain .
E- I would not go into this right now.
Keshe: WL what do you see ?
WL- I think this is really beautiful .. you really open a Pandora's Box, for humans to
try to create .. (2:48).
Planet Earth was a child ..

Keshe: So we had a test run on Earth .. and now we go mass production in Universe.
WL- this is more interesting ..
The Creator is not alone, he has millions and billions now to create with Him ..

.. more like to expanding the creation. (2:50).

Keshe: But when do you think this expansion will end?
WL- No end, this work is no start, and no end. Because at the beginning the Creator,
if there is only one Creator, He is too lonely, He cannot know Himself, He cannot see
Himself, feel Himself. So He had to create 2, create the separation to, like ?** to
separate part of himself, to manifest as the humanity and use that humanity to know
who He is, and who , where and what He. And then during this creation He let ** all
understand that they come from the Creator. They are the Creator themselves, and that
** the Creator to succesStar Formationully repeat Himself, to create more Creators,
and now this Universe became more interesting to play.
Keshe: So we have entered the game of reproduction, do you think?
WL- The reproduction of the Creator, I think that is the most interesting part, from
what you teach and what I understand now. (2:52).
Keshe: We gradually hear the voices of the 2 heads of the Keshe Foundation, and the
2 souls which will be responsible for the elevation of the man, as they start learning
how to teach the new knowledge their way, and they add to it in their time.
Teaching of the Cup of Soul of the Solid:

If you go back to the teaching. As we seen, they interaction of the field forces of the
planet, in its inner sanctum, and the interaction of the fields of the layers of the planet,
and matter states of it, in the field strength. We have field forces which, their
interaction dictates a new condition. We saw with what we call the vertical people,
fixing of the fields in the center (flat nano plate in center). We saw with the horizontal
people the creation of the field that it can create motion (nano coil in center). But this
time there is no creation and there is no motion, (2:54). but the fields of the Universe
have to gather in a form, that they can preserve the fields, which are created. In this
process the Soul has to sit in the center. And the surface, what we call manifestation,
become the state of the physical manifestation. In fact, with the physical state of
matter we stay solid on either end, but we create a condition of the Soul, we create a
condition of the Soul for the state of the solid, but with the Soul. I am here, I sit where
I am, I don't need to move. I don't need to grow up, I stay fixed to my position. The
Cup of Solid, the Cup of Soul of the Solid, as was the Cup of the Vertical people and
the Horizontal people, will become the cornerstones of the creation of the elements of
the physicality of the man, (2:56). or being in the Universe, be it on Earth, be it on
planet Zeus, or be it in the heart of the Creator.

So simple. So simple is the life of the existence in the world of creation. When you
enter the universal systems Enhancement Unit, you will see this. With differences that
you do not understand for the time being. Now you understand how advanced the
science and Technology of the Enhancement Unit are. There is a lot to learn, there is
much, much more to learn. In time we teach you. (2:58). In time mankind will
understand that within the Enhancement Unit we have brought the 3 dimensions of
horizontal, vertical and solid, all together. Where we can dictate everything, and in so
many ways, we have repeated the process of creation, but as I said, a master never
shows all his hand.
Q; the plant Soul is below the earth's surface. must be more humble to be fed,, does
this give us a hint to what field strength our souls must be, (3:02) to create the Cup of
the Plant correctly, we have amino acid in the air above the ground let's say 43, so
what is the next value in the layer below the dirt?
Keshe: Dig it, analyze it and you will know.

Cup of Inertia is Like the Center of Sun >> Creates Planets>>

Q: Mr. Keshe just said that by changing the material inside the 4th Cup, the Inertia
Cup we can create different vegetables, or say, life. Does this mean that the Soul of all
the creatures on this planet are all the same, (3:06). if the Inertia of this planet
changes, the same Soul will manifest itself as a different Soul?
Rick: So if the Inertia of this planet changes, will the same Soul manifest itself as a
different creature?
Keshe: If you look in the depths of the if you look at the mono-energetic, mono-
material systems like the stars, do they have creatures, do they create life? Does the
fields of their strength leads to creation of other things? In a way, you have to open
your eyes into something which is like this, we have the Inertia Cup and everything
else, and the byproduct was this, whatever it could be. Now you have the Sun, the
center of gravity, interacts with the matter state of its surface, and isn't its
manifestation the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn and the rest? (3:08). Are we the residue of
the Inertia, of the planet, or the star, and its gravitational field, and with it, in
transition, part of his souls, depending on the point of manifestation.
(Silence )
You see, change the Sun to the Center of the Universe, and look at the galaxies as the
Inertia point, and then you see the manifestation of the stars and whatever else.
(** so the gravitational Cup is a copy of the center of Sun and then you have the I
Cup and from it manifestation of physicality or planets and the rest, where does the
Soul and emotion fit in?)

Asking is the Power of Creation:

This is why. (3:10). This is why when you understand, you don't need to remember.
This is why when you comprehend the knowledge, the wisdom of creation becomes
easy. The only criterion in the whole of this, is to ask. To ask for what you want, and
if the asking is pure you shall receive. Ask what you want to create. You want to
create the most beautiful flower. In understanding the process of creation, you'll be
given, because you'll be given the knowledge to create it. Not that it will it fall in your
lap. By asking you create the knowledge of love, then it is a giving of your existence.
If you go back to all the teachings I have done over the years, I always say, and I
repeat again, (3:12). you ask, I want you to show me your beauty, that with seeing
your beauty it makes, and elevates my Soul to give more. And if that request is pure,
it shall be answered yes, as by receiving you dedicate yourself to give more. That's
why when you ask in that manner, for my pleasure to be able to elevate, you'll be
given what you ask. Because the souls will decide in the process of creation of that
love, and that giving. When the Creator creates that condition, the interaction of the
fields of the Universe create that entity for Him to be able to give more. And that is
one of the reasons and cornerstones of the expansion of the Unicose. The love of
giving, to be able to give more. "I made you to have children, that they may love Me,"
is in the holy books. As I receive more from what you have created, that I can create
more with the love I receive. (3:14). The knowledge is beautiful when the man
understands its totality.
( silence ..) (3:16).

Now we understand, hopefully the totality of the ___ And now we understand how we
will elevate our own understanding, and in so many ways, we will understand the
totality of it. Maybe in the future mankind will come to understand the total process of
creation, of being created, and becoming part of the Creator in the process of creation.
(3:18). Maybe, maybe as the man's intelligence grows, and expands, mankind will
become aware of his total existence. It is very, very hard that mankind will become
mature in the process of understanding, to understand the creation, to understand the
love of the Creator, to understand life is sweet, if man understand the sweetness of his
existence. Life is part of the process of creation, and in process of creating mankind
will understand the love and the patience of the Creator. Mankind will come to be part
of, (3:20). in total understanding of what the Creator goes through, that in time when
the man becomes the creator, he becomes just, he becomes the point of love and point
of understanding, and maybe one day man will create as the Creator said, in the image
of himself, those who carry the ethos of Him, of the understanding of Him, the
process of creation of Him. And maybe then man understands one point, ( silence .. )
Any other question?

Careful What you Think -- Zoroaster:

Q: can we manifest by thought, we have to be careful what we think or not think at all
until it is necessary?
Keshe: Now we understand the teaching of Zoroaster, (3:24). think good, do good,
and act good, which means everything has to be perfect from the beginning. Intention,
emotion, and action have to be the same. This is what, if you go back to the beginning
of the teachings, I always said, if you stand in front of the man from the deep of
space, with the knowledge of reading your Soul, you are nickered.

The Soul of the Universe will Elevate the Soul of the Man:

(3:26). The position of the creation from the point of view of the man is unfortunately
is very simple. In time mankind. In time humanity will mature. In time mankind will
become so kind, that the kindness of man will bring the kindness from the Creator,
then mankind will understand what, and why he was born, to trigger the love of
Creator, to become the creation of the Creator. (3:28). In so many ways, mankind has
to mature to this point. Mankind has to become part of the structure of the creation
and the Creator, not in the term of physicality, but in the term of the Soul. Let's see
now with this knowledge where the mankind goes. And where does the Soul of the
Universe will come in to elevate the Soul of the man. At this moment in time the Soul
of the man is weak, as has been the tradition, by the work of the plasma, the strongest
which is the universal fields, from the Universal Community, will rapidly now that it
has found and targeted the Soul of the man will elevate the Soul of the mankind and
this planet, (3:30). for it to become equal to the Creator, and this is why I promised
when I take mankind to space, I'll take him as equal.

Mankind will receive so much Love Knowledge from Universe - Enlightened:

This is the process. This is the process of creation and the work of the plasma, You
brought the love of Creator to the Soul of the man, and now it has found a match with
the Universe Community. From now on the mankind will receive so much, that he
will not even recognize himself as a man, and he'll be swamped by the kindness of the
love of the Universe. As we said, birds fly with birds, and foxes with foxes, and deer
with deer. Now that we have set the seed, and cultivated the seed of the Universal
Community in knowledge in the Soul of the man, and the knowledge of the Soul of
his Physicality, we have created a dimension and direction for the Soul of the
Universe to enhance and reach the Soul of the man. It does not need to do much,
when you know how to work it ** We'll shower man with the knowledge from the
Universe Community, that man will forget his physical dimension. All I needed to do
was to sow the seed of the Universal Knowledge in the past weeks, in the Soul and
knowledge of the humanity. (3:32). Now the process starts enriching and fulfilling to
bring it into the balance with the rest of the Knowledge of the Universe. As I said, I
am the Creator, and I know how to create. I know how to bring the Soul of the
Universe to love the Soul of the man, and with it elevates his Soul and knowledge. As
we say, let the game start, and see how much each individual will elevate his own
Soul to become part of. The bigger but equal to the Soul and knowledge of the
Universal Community, the gates of heaven have opened, let's see who there is to cross
and be enlightened.
Thank you for teaching today.
I wish the Universal Council a good year. Bless the souls of the 2 heads of the Keshe
Foundation and the souls they will bring to us, and to all the Knowledge Seekers, that
through their teaching through their Soul (3:34).
Rick: Thank you for today's teaching


341st Knowledge Seekers Workshop; August 13, 2020

Introduction of Cup of Soul of Liquid and Gases

Horizontal plate technology

The Keshe Foundation will work together with Iranian Defense University on the
flight systems, Support for the Keshe Foundation Holland was original and largest
Keshe Foundation group, Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit) exhibition in Linz,
Austria September 3rd, In the Enhancement Unit we'll us the real MaGrav unit for
unlimited power supply, Introducing new flight systems which use plasma not electric
current, Zero-Time communication by releasing new 3 dimensional Gans technology
for computer systems, Space travel system control through the emotion, feeling, to the
Soul of the system, After September the price increases to 1 million Euro,

There are 3 basic systems - in horizontal people the Nano plate is to the side; in
vertical people it's in the middle, in solid state the Nano plates are on both sides.
There is a 4th state which is a state of liquid, as liquids convert to gases it is a
combination state of both,

Where is the Soul of the liquid? Where is the confirmation of existence of the fields of
the planet, which leads to creation of this liquid? We need bring the understanding of
the all 3 states together to be able to understand how to create the Soul - a field
conversion of the liquid and gases with no physical dimension - this brings a new
phenomenon into the work of understanding the systems,

The Soul of horizontal people is on top, vertical people at position of Cup 3, and the
Soul of the solid is at Cup 2.
The liquid and gaseous state have an Inertia effect, and they also carry a Soul effect,
because they can change for gas to liquid, and liquid to gas, and in some cases to the
state of matter in the same position. We need a new setup, new understanding for
Since the liquid state have no state of matter it becomes the play of dynamic Gans,
which can only be a mixture of CO2 and CH3. In this (5 Cup) system you still have
the property of the Inertia (Inertia Cup), and the magnetical and gravitational field
forces (Gravity Cup), the same as the other (5 Cup) systems.

In this system, it still has the Soul in Cup 1 in dynamic spherical shape, for conversion
of energy. You cannot use solid Nano materials inside it, as it has no manifestation of
system, but you can still dictate the conditions of creation, which is the Cu and Zn,
which gave you a Nano coated structure. You still follow the same process as with the
solid matter, but this time the center is filled with the liquid Gans of CH3 and CO2,
There is nothing in positions 2 and 3, the direction of flow of the system will create
field forces to be set back and this opens up a new structure for work, Now for the
first time we mix the Nano technology and the Gans technology together in
combination for creation of the new materials and new conditions,
In the exhibition center in Linz in September by the Keshe Foundation team - will
allow the tranStar Formationer of the fields within the structure through the body of
the man. And this will add to our knowledge in new ways,

In the coming time, we can replace the bottom (Cup), or what we call, magnetical and
gravitational field of the system, with a dynamic system, but a different mixture. This
mixture we'll let you have, exactly what should be, in the coming time, when we
introduce the communication line, and the structure of the communication between
the 2 points. The we will use this technology for zero-time communication across the

We'll join up with the upper atmosphere with matter state magnetical and
gravitational field sense of the center of planet and with this we cover the totality (of
the planet). We'll use this in the future for the elevation of the Soul of the human race,
feeding of the human race, understanding and nurturing the planet world, and plants,
and in so many ways, to feed those who work and live within the liquid state. In this
liquid state in the space, can be a fish, or can be animals, which do not feed, but use
the magnetical and gravitational field of the universe and planet,
This is rapid way to meet our commitments by March 21, 2021, so that we will all be
able to eat, to reach condition of what man needs, for the point of survival as a liquid,
as a human race uses water, all will be fulfilled.
If mankind understands this setup it will be the end of many things, there will be no
more droughts, fresh clean water will be available at the point of demand, in a
condition that man doesn’t need to drink, but only takes the magnetical and
gravitational fields of the system to replenish the liquids of water in his body. I will
change the course of humanity in one swing in the coming time, that man will never
be dependent on anything in the Universe except his own knowledge and
understanding of the totality of the knowledge of the creation.

Mr. Keshe clarified that all the systems are made of 5 Cups, but that in the new
liquid/gas system, Cups 2 and 3, can be left empty. It is up to you to decide how to get
the fields flowing.

This system is not just for Earth but is Universal, Fields that are liquid on Earth may
be gas in other parts of the Universe,

Keshe Foundation will not create its own Church, but if invited in by other Churches
can bring the Cup of Life to them,

Q: .. with CH3 it was previously not advised to use due to Corona, How do we do
CH3. special procedures or is it okay now?
Keshe: We introduce it this way in a Cup as, it will become part of the structure, and
it is not for consumption.
Was asked how to build the new system ..
Keshe: You have to remember that you have to connect these systems together, you
have to find a way that the Gans in the system are connected to the plates and the rest
of the system. Or you leave it to be done by itself. In a way you let the fields to
connect. You connect the 2 side plates and you allow the units, the bowls, themselves
to interact with the fields of the system. Or you decide to connect it directly in.

Keshe: You fill up the core (Cup) with it.

Q: So you make a CO2 and CH3 and add it (to the Cup)?
Keshe: yes, yeah

Q: .. on the screen, you say positions 2 and 3 you say are empty Cups, I didn't
understand what that meant?
Keshe: It doesn't need to be empty Cup, you leave an empty space. If you want to
produce Gans's you put #2, if you want to produce liquids, you put a Cup in place #3.
And then you decide what gases or what liquids is created by what materials, or which
materials, or by the condition of the Inertia, because in the liquid and gas state, the
condition of the interaction with the magnetical and gravitational field will dictate the
liquid, what it will be.

Horizontal Plate Technology:

There is a Technology, which we taught initially years ago and has been forgotten,
what we call the horizontal plates, the horizontal plates was taught years ago. With
most of the material you created you put the plates in this position (vertical). with the
gaseous plates you can position your plates this way (horizontal). This was taught
years ago. Where you decide by changing, how you change your position, with the
what you call the liquid condition, is about the same, but with a liquid condition you
have a 3 layer, and at this moment you can use those in these areas

The horizontal plate system, maybe if you haven't heard about it, is to be used for
gaseous and liquid state. If you look at the Chinese flight system, we created the
dynamic structure of this, very clearly, by dictating the Inertia, you can dictate the
gas, and the condition you want to achieve it, in the liquid gas, or in a solid gas, or in
a gas, what you call, non-dimension.

Production of water,

If you have, you make a space hole gap in your system, and then you see what
effects you get.
Q: Does this space hole gap allow certain energies to come in, where as the position
of your plates block from other directions.
Keshe: Yes, because when you have a position space gap, you have corrugated, what
do you call it? very much like corrugated paper, very much like the sheets with the
holes stamped on it. if you put that on the base, or the top, or you put that on the base,
if you can make it with a dynamic structure then you see, you create a flow of liquid.
If you put it on the top, you create a flow of gases.

Q: (1:28). .. on this planet, our home planet is the Earth, and we're linked to this
earth through the salts, and our body, the liquid planet and they connect us, so these
Cups they're produced in the physical matter state, could we, would we then travel by
using just taking the salts in physicality, a pinch of salt with us to connect us to the
planet to be able to move freely? Or would the Soul, do we have a signature as a Soul
based on this planet? ..
Keshe: One of the best ways to cover both, is the use of human blood, if you
understand it, it's both the liquid, it carries the salt, it's still partially amino acid, and
partially in gaseous state. .. The best state of this, is to use the system of producing
hemoglobin. Because human hemoglobin has a fingerprint of the Earth, because it's
created by the interaction of the field of the Earth

When the planet blows up what happens to the souls?

The fingerprint of Earth is unique and cannot be replicated in the Universe.

New computers controlled by thoughts, We showed Gans computers years ago, but
nobody understood so we put them away,

Keshe: Not really but we go as a energy field, not as a matter or a Gans field. .. in a
bigger dimension, the stars are this Nano points. If you look at it, these planets are
these Pico points. (2:00). In a way we are changing the knowledge into universal
knowledge. .. you will see the change, what you call Pico or Nano.. if you take the
cosmic dust, how far below do you go? Now maybe you can see a micro in Macro.
and how do the stars communicate. how do they interact

Q: It seems the Pico state was always present but we have no instruments to see it. As
we go finer and finer, is this process, although only a transition, still a valid way to
help us to the Soul, and ultimately to the Creator?
Keshe: We are not looking at a matter Pico, we are looking at a field interaction. Does
the fields of our Soul, reaches the fields of the Creator? That's the question. This is
why I keep on saying, look at the fields not the matter state, you are still looking at the
Gans, but where do the fields of the Gans go? Where do the fields of the Soul of the
man go?

Salts forming in Cups

Keshe: These Cups where you collect the salt, these salts are composition of all, the
what we call, the Gans's, So if you understand your salt is not mono salt, it's a Gans
salt of the all the materials you have. In the Cup of Man you have that position. When
you make a Cup of horizontal people and you get a salt, on the Soul level, now you
understand the strength of the matter state of the salt. There is a lot to learn.
The Keshe Foundation team is now embedded in one of the most important hospitals
in Iran, Corrupt leaders will get jail sentences,

Q; .. when we the CuO and CO2 Gans inside our laboratory we can't cultivate the
COVID virus, why?
Keshe: This was done in, by Ayatollah University research labs and they, the
existence of the fields showed, they never had such a clean lab of viruses. And this is
due to the effect of the strength of the Cu and CO2 and the dynamic flow of the fields.

And the authorities have taken steps, and most probably these people will receive long
prison sentences for coercion, and the death of many people by not allowing the
Technology to come out. And as you heard on the BBC in the last 48 hours, many of
these people, working with outside forces have been captured. And soon all these
blockages in Iran will be opened up.

Ribs are an example of horizontal plates in the human body,

What we call, the spine and horizontal ribs, create a condition where gases can be
handled, and the liquids of the heart can be handled.

Something about the Russian vaccine, it's not an answer, UAE of 100 men tested all
had no sperm count, or sterile.



.. Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute on the work of the Iranian Defense University
will come in and we collaborate with other governments to bring the flight system. ..
Back the Dutch Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers .. we support them.
Do we have the member of the Keshe Foundation Holland here to on us? (:10).

(:16). Dutch group (** website )

(:18). Keshe Foundation will hold the Enhancement Unit exhibition at Linz, in
Austria 3rd September (:20).
Exhibition in Linz, for Enhancement Unit (Enhancement Unit).

(:22). From this exhibition we move rapidly to Tehran for the space development.
the upcoming space development and space Technology of Keshe Foundation.
In so many ways, we show for the first time the power of Keshe Foundation space
Technology, up to space unit. In the Enhancement Unit we'll show the real MaGrav
Unit, unlimited power supply Technology. We have gone to the extent to use part of
the Technology in the Enhancement Unit, what has eluded you as a power supply
MaGrav unit. this Technology will be used intensely in this system, as a **
which means we open.

We open at the same time the energy of the Enhancement Unit, and introducing new
systems, flight systems which uses a plasma, (rather) then electric current. Heating
system which uses plasma then electric current plasma, what we call heaters, and the
rest of it. A total new Technology and foundation for a new cycle, what we call,
(:26). wireless systems will be brought in to the following exhibition ?/ initially the
power supply has been developed and used in this Enhancement Unit. .. we gave you
the MaGrav units, none of you could bring it to power, the way it was supposed to, for
the first time it used in this systems, and will be utilized as a plasma power unit, not as
a electric current unit, and there is way, we'll teach you in the future a way to convert,
some of you might already know, be able to convert plasma current of high voltages
to electric current, which doesn't take much, it costs a few cents.
.. we'll collaborate with all the national government to implement for Corona
China will take their own step to .. work .. for production of new materials, and new
There is one indication that the Keshe Foundation will move into in the coming
weeks, (:28). into Zero-Time communication needed for space travel, which means
upon my arrival in Iran in conjunction with Iranian scientists, we will release the
new .. 3 dimensional Gans technology for computer systems. Which enhances, what
we call, everything in present computers to peanuts. The power of Technology is
instantaneous and the storage is unlimited. We can replace all the Technology which
was developed in the past, and will be given as a gift to the Iranian nation, and
through the Iran National Defense University we'll bring it to public. This is needed
and has to be done as part of the space Technology development. We cannot travel
into space without this new computer system, or system control through what we call,
the emotion and the enhancement of the feeling, and the Soul of the system. As I said,
all facilities are getting setup for us to take this step. As it comes with the exhibition a
lot of new things

After September the price increases to 1 million Euro.

Keshe: Coming to the teachings, in the past days, past 3 - 4 weeks as we taught step
by step. Every aspects of the Technology in respect to the animal kingdom, the
vertical people, and the state of matters. Many of you are confused, many of you have
a problem in how to setup, .. in what goes where, as some was distorted during the
teaching, as some were put back in as part of the teaching, in so many ways, by
different Knowledge Seekers. What we need to do is understand the totality of the
Technology, in how things came in In the teaching of the past we spoke about he
vertical people, horizontal p, the solid state, or what we call, the matter state. In the
initial teaching, (:32). there were 3 clear points, and through the understanding of
the .. systems. if you take the vertical P, and Horizontal P and matter state. There is a
4th state which we have never discussed. In the matter state, we placed a solid on the
side. In the vegetation or vertical P we put it in the middle, in the solid state matter we
put on both sides. There is a 4th state which is a state of liquid, which is a state of the
gas and the liquid as a combination of the gases convert to liquid. Where is the Soul
of the liquid? (:34). Where is the confirmation of existence of the fields of the planet,
which leads to creation of this liquid?

In so many ways, we need bring the understanding of the all 3 states together to be
able to understand how to create the Soul, a field conversion of the liquid. .. and
gases. .. .no physical dimension, this brings a new phenomenon into the work of
understanding the systems. With the matter state we always worked in a very simple,
we put the.. We have to understand, the system have to work. In understanding of
totality of magnetical and gravitational fields of the planet, the understanding of ..
(:36). of the 3 GM fields, the Inertia, and the Soul of what we call, the system, be it
the vertical, be it horizontal, or be it as a solid. Some of you could not grasp the whole
concept of the setup, and many of you ran into problems.
In so many ways, you started working on, the structure of the vertical, the horizontal
people in a unusual way, which will not create what you were expecting, What this
means is we gave you, the magnetical and gravitational field of the planet, we gave
you what we call Inertia, we gave the understanding of the physical matter, we gave
the understanding of the Soul of the matter, then we gave you the Soul of the entity.

The Position of the Souls;

In the human or vertical people we put the system on a very, what we call, direct way,
we put the Soul of the horizontal people on the top. In Cup 1 if you count from top
to bottom. In the vertical people, we brought the Soul of the system, to the what
we call, Cup #3. In the solid state, we had to bring the Soul of the solid into the
what we call, Cup #2, And what are we going to do with the liquid? The liquid and
gaseous state, in so many ways, have an Inertia effect, but they carry a Soul effect,
because they can change for gas to liquid. (:40). and liquid to gas, and in some cases
in the state of matter in the same position. We need a new setup, new understanding
for liquid and ** , which has no state of matter, but it brings in a new game and play
in the Technology, which you have not known before. In so many ways, as gases have
no state of matter state in them as such, it becomes the play of dynamic Gans. Has to
be only gases level, and liquid level, which is only can be, CO2 and CH3 which you
have. So you need a mixture of CO2 and CH3. That this system, it still has the
property of the Inertia, and the magnetical and gravitational field forces, the
same as the others. In so many ways, your, the Soul, for conversion of energy,
sits in Cup #1, in dynamic spherical shape. You cannot use solid Nano materials
inside it, as it has no manifestation of system, (:42). but what you do, you can
dictate the condition of creation, which is the Cu, and ** Zn, which gave you a
Nano coated structure. You still follow the same process as the solid matter, but this
time the center is ** with the liquid Gans of CH3 and CO2. There is nothing in
position 2 and 3, the direction of flow of the system will create field forces to be set
back. And this opens a new structure for work, for, in so many ways, as you'll
understand in the future for deep space travel. and understanding of Technology. Now
for the first time we mix the Nano Technology, and the Gans Technology together in
combination of creation of the new materials and new conditions.

In the exhibition center in Linz in September by the Keshe Foundation team that,
(:44). will allow the tranStar Formationer of the fields within the structure through the
body of the man. And this will add to our knowledge in new ways, new
understanding, and In so many ways, in the coming time, coming understanding, and
as we develop the Technology further, we can replace the bottom, or what we call,
magnetical and gravitational field of the system, with a dynamic system, but a
different mixture. This mixture we'll let you have, exactly what should be, in the
coming time, when we introduce the communication line, and the structure of the
communication between the 2 points. The we will use this Technology for zero-time
communication across the planet, as this can be shown in the future, how it will be
developed, and how it will be implemented in space Technology of the coming time.
If you look and understand, we join up with the upper atmosphere with matter state
magnetical and gravitational field sense of the center of planet, and with this we cover
totality. We use this in the future, this understanding and Technology for many
applications. (:46). Elevation of the Soul of the human race, feeding of the human
race, understanding and nurturing the planet world, and plants, and in so many ways,
to feed those who work and live within the liquid state. In this liquid state in the
space, can be a fish, or can be animals, which do not feed, but use the magnetical and
gravitational field of the universe and planet. As I said, the new Technology, brings in
new understanding, and as we heard, for space development, in a rapid way to meet
our commitments by March 21, 21, that we all be able to eat, to reach condition of
what man needs, for the point of survival as a liquid, as a human race uses water, all
will be fulfilled.

In a way, if mankind understands this setup that will be the end of many things, that
will be no more droughts, there will be a point of the fresh clean water, at the point of
demand. In a condition that man doesn’t need to drink, but takes magnetical and
gravitational field of the system to replenish what he calls, liquid of water in his body.
I will change the course of humanity in 1 swing in the coming time, that man will
never be dependent on anything in the Universe except his own knowledge and
understanding of, (:48). the totality of the knowledge of the creation.

You got to remember, at this point, everything on the screen is considered to be of,
what we call, Nano plates, and nano material coated. If you understand this, in the
coming time, you'll understand how you can create systems that will feed the mankind
and all those of this planet, and beyond, and those who are our guests on this planet.
In understanding this new Technology we'll breakthrough and make everything ready
for March 21st. As I said, my return to Iran will be ** parallel to new space
Technology and understanding of the new era in human knowledge, science and
Technology, and systems. In the coming time, we will do with the state of mater, we
will do with solid food state and every man will be happy and satiStar Formationied
to their own need and own understanding. (:50).
Are there any questions that we can clarify today that in the future we don't have more


They are All 5 Cups -- clarification:

John: .. we hadn't seen this material before, the 3rd setup, are you recommending that
we attempt to start that process with a 3 Cup arrangement, and 4th setup also with a 3
Cup arrangement, so it would be 5 Cup, 5 Cup, 3 Cup, 3 Cup?
Keshe: No, everything is 5 Cup with the difference with the liquid, you leave the
empty space between, where the Cup 2 - 3 do not exist. Because the position 2 goes to
gases, and position 3 goes to liquid. And a conversion of liquid to gas has to be kept
in that state. In so many ways, (:52). you have a new, or different structure where
you have the new one (Cup 1), empty (C 2), empty (C 3), Inertia, (C 4), gravity (C 5).
Where the gases convert here (C 2), and the liquids convert here (C 3). and the same
process, the Soul of the physicality of the two, is reversible (double arrow between C2
and C3). This will give you the same thing. Where before, for example, for horizontal
people, we had this setup (5 Cup setup). Your position 2 and 3 is vacant. Where with
the Vertical and horizontal people you have the Soul here (C1), you have the Soul of
the physicality (C2), the physicality (C3), Inertia (C4), and then you have the MF
field (C5). Here (new Cup) it still stays the same. If you look at this section here () ,
you will understand why in some places you even convert the liquid into gases. In
some parts of the world what is liquid, or some parts of the Universe where it's liquid,
is liquid on earth is gases in other position, this is due to this part (Inertia and
Gravity). So this system is not just for Earth application, this system is universal
application. As I said, (:54). our teaching has entered universal teaching, it's not a
physical matter state, man condition.
Q: Thank you ..
Keshe: How is your center coming up
Q: It's coming along good, we are going ** to need systems quite.
Keshe: Would we see you in Linz?
Q: I would like to but the flight and arrangements are not compatible ..
Keshe: I think if Knowledge Seekers would have been fast by now we would have
had no limitation on travel.
Any other question?

Rick: not related.

Q: (:56). It can be placed near the CM
Q: in Cup of Plants, can be plants be planted near by.
Keshe: Yes, you can try this is why we teach this way to see how much you can add
form your knowledge, and everything else you add over years.

Q: (:58). .. we can create a church on paper .. to be protected by law.

Keshe: Keshe Foundation plasmology

No if that is that the way to go , we leave it. because we need to be in position to do
so. We prefer to stick
no Churches and no Temples and then we start the same process as the others.
If the Church invites you to do the Technology, this is what we do in Iran.

(1:00). If they invite you to do. of course you can ..

But we don't setup a church.

Q: .. CH3 was previous not advised due to Corona, How do we do CH3. special
procedures or is it okay now?
Keshe: We introduce it this way in a Cup as , it will become part of the structure, and
it is not for consumption. (1:02).
Q: on the last system presented does the Cup 2 and 3 have the plates but no salty
water, or no plates but water, or only empty Cups on their position?
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: .. how can we build the last system I don't know how to design #2 and 3,.. to
leave the Cup empty or have Cups as before without water or water without any
wire inside?
Keshe: You mean which Cup?
Q: the last Cup with the gases state? (1:04). The last system.
Keshe: You have to remember that you have to connect these systems together, you
have to find a way that the Gans in the system are connected to the plates and
the rest of the system. Or you leave it to be done by itself. In a way you let the
fields to connect. You connect the 2 side plates and you allow the units, the bowls,
themselves to interact with the fields of the system. Or you decide to connect it
directly in.
Q: Okay, thank you

Q: in your initial drawing you have a top Cup with CO2 and CH3 in the middle as a
non-physical presence, is that produced by the 2 plates you had drawn or are they
added and they end up forming, (1:06). because of the addition of them they create
produce that non-physical presence between the plates.
Keshe: You fill up the core with it.
Q: So you make a CO2 and CH3 and add it?
Keshe: yes, yeah

Q: .. on the screen, you say positions 2 and 3 you say are empty Cups, I didn't
understand what that meant?
Keshe: It doesn't need to be empty Cup, you leave an empty space. If you want to
produce Gans's you put #2, if you want to produce liquids, you put a Cup in place #3.
And then you decide what gases or what liquids is created by what materials, or which
materials, or by the condition of the Inertia, because in the liquid and gas state, the
condition of the interaction with the magnetical and gravitational field will dictate the
liquid, what it will be.

Horizontal Plate Technology:

There is a Technology, which we taught initially years ago and has been forgotten,
what we call the horizontal plates, the horizontal plates was taught years ago.
(1:08). .. with most of the material you created you put the plates in this position
(vertical). with the gaseous plates you can position your plates this way
(horizontal). This was taught years ago. Where you decide by changing, how you
change your position, with the what you call the liquid condition, is about the same,
but with a liquid condition you have a 3 layer, and at this moment you can use those
in these areas. If you take CO2 and use the horizontal plates, see what you get here
(between the horizontal plates), and what you create here. if you put Cu higher or Zn
lower or reverse. This we .. the field difference is very much, it's very, very different
then when you do the vertical plates. When you, (1:10). do vertical plates, Earth's
magnetical and gravitational fields interact. When you do horizontal plates, in totality
you are confined within the plates, because these fields are blocked by the Nano
plates. And it's only applicable in production of Gans's like gases like CO2 and CH3.
We use this quite openly in many of the tests. So your Cup 2 or 3 comes from here. It
depends you want a gaseous system or a liquid system. Because now you work on a
zero plane condition, not on Earth's magnetical and gravitational fields. The only
thing you have is the Inertia, because now the Inertia plate underneath will interact
with the matter sate of the plates and dictates the material. (1:12). The horizontal
plate system, maybe if you haven't heard about it, is to be used for gaseous and liquid
state. If you look at the Chinese flight system, we created the dynamic structure of
this, very clearly, by dictating the Inertia, you can dictate the gas, and the condition
you want to achieve it, in the liquid gas, or in a solid gas, or in a gas, what you call,
non-dimension. And you will see different characteristics when you, especially like
CO2, you will see a pressure on your plates, it depends on how you do your plates,
and the plates moves out of the water, usually. If you get it right the pressure of the
Gans of the plasma of the gas, lifts up the plate. And if you go further into like
production of the water, you will see water flowing out. You create a container which
continuously produces water. But you have to get energy thing precisely, the vertical
plates are easy to make, horizontal plates are very volatile, you have to get everything
precisely right, to be able to what we call, create the conditions, these are rivers of
life, these are plates where, what we call, body achieves new understanding. So in the
system if you look at it. You have this, then you don't want anything on the gaseous
side. (1:14). On the liquid you want to create a water, you have to know what you do
it. You have your Inertia, you have your MaGrav. And linking of these horizontal
plates is a tricky job. But you create. this is how liquids are created on this planet.
You block certain fields, and you open certain fields. And here (space between
horizontal plates), itself becomes an environment for itself. this one (C4) is empty, or
you decide that you want everything here (C3 & C4) to be empty, you don't put
anything in. Your understanding will change and .. you got understand the new ways
of interaction of the Soul. (1:16). Because all these carry a Soul with them, and in this
process you have to comprehend the totality. Then you'll see how your systems work,
how your interaction of the fields come in. This is why the new dynamic systems, and
new dynamic balls will create a conjunction with the Gans's and materials, a new
phenomenon which many of you are not familiar with. But again, if you go to the
Chinese reactors, it was clearly shown there. We load up the system, the reactors, for
the purpose of flight. We load up the system for specifically for producing certain
materials, if you saw it, it creates water around the reactor. That's how it is done. Go
back on the teachings and look at when we showed the Chinese reactors. How we
start collecting water, because we created a way that the dynamic Soul of the liquid
and the gas, interacts and sits somewhere in-between the two, and it's dynamic, it is
something you cannot change. (1:18). In so many ways, the understanding of the
Technology comes from the understanding of the totality of conversion of systems.
Q: We are working with materials Cu, Zn, Fe, in our decision on which materials to
use, I have a basic feeling of Cu nano coated to interact with the physicality, Zn nano
coated, at the Soul level, and Fe is in connected with the central forces Soul. How do
we use this to position, for instance the top Cup. (1:20). It comes from, you got to
know it by experience. You got to remember O itself, as O2, is magnetical and
gravitational magnet. So you have to realize when you create a liquid like water, or
CO2, you have 2, 2 magnetical and gravitational field system on top of each other. If
you look at it this way, you have this, and you have this, you have this plate. You
have the Inertia and Gravitational plate, now the ** gases, you are creating O, or
water, you dealing with another dynamic Soul system. in conjunction with the matter
state. The same with the CO2, you are dealing with a dynamic system plus a matter
state. The plates, or your vertical position, and horizontal position goes this way. You
change this with this. This is very, very clearly, to understood, by those who take the
next step. (1:22). and you can create a continuous flow of water. Or you can produce
continuous flow of CO2, or O. The use of horizontal plates, or horizontal
environments has many, many applications, we have tested the system years ago. And
that is, if we use corrugated plates, be it Cu, be it Zn, or whatever. You have a
combination of the Inertia and the gaseous condition magnetical field together. As I
said, now we enter the universal language of the Technology, still using the
understanding of the man of the Gans's. We cannot find Gans's in the Universe, we
cannot carry water with us in the Universe to make Gans's or whatever, we have to
create condition of the field flows, and you got system, which is what you call
dynamic, (1:24). you'll understand more how to operate it. If you have, you make
a space hole gap in your system, and then you see what effects you get.
Q: Does this space hole gap allow certain energies to come in, where as the position
of your plates block from other directions.
Keshe: Yes, because when you have a position space gap, you have corrugated, what
do you call it? very much like corrugated paper, very much like the sheets with the
holes stamped on it. if you put that on the base, or the top, or you put that on the base,
if you can make it with a dynamic structure then you see, you create a flow of liquid.
If you put it on the top, you create a flow of gases.
Q: When you say corrugated, do you mean perforated, with holes in it?
Rick: Cardboard ..
Keshe: Yeah, it's perforated as well. both can be used. Because when you use
perforated, the ** Carbon (cardboard) structure. .. (1:26). you have a field flow
interaction, and this field flow interaction between the 2 plates and the space gap, we
can do it perforated the same. But you have to understand how .. it works the same.
So you have a space gap, or you have a hole, you can do the perforated the same.

Travel with a Pinch Salt Connect to Earth - Blood better:

Q: (1:28). .. on this planet, our home planet is the Earth, and we're linked to this
earth through the salts, and our body, the liquid planet and they connect us, so these
Cups they're produced in the physical matter state, could we, would we then travel by
using just taking the salts in physicality, a pinch of salt with us to connect us to the
planet to be able to move freely? Or would the Soul, do we have a signature as a Soul
based on this planet? ..
Keshe: One of the best ways to cover both, is the use of human blood, if you
understand it, it's both the liquid, it carries the salt, it's still partially amino acid, and
partially in gaseous state. .. The best state of this, is to use the system of producing
hemoglobin. Because human hemoglobin has a fingerprint of the Earth, because it's
created by the interaction of the field of the Earth.
Q: So the blood links us to the planet, (1:30). does it hold us to this planet, the Soul,
does once the Soul is released, is there still a connection through the bloodline?

When the Planet Blows Up - What happens to Souls:

Keshe: Yes, but we don't call about your blood, we talk about the blood as a human
hemoglobin created by this planet. You got to consider what happens if, from when
this planet blows up, and disappears. So are all the souls disappearing as well, because
there is no more connection. Or are we in a way, in essence connected with different
fields of it.
Q: So that's like going back to the beginning, all the fields created through the field
forces of the sun and the earth come together, and the universal flow of those fields
came together, and basically gave us our physicality, our Soul, manifested as a
physicality. So that connection is just going back, that whole process starts again?
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: So if it occurs what you just described, where the planet blows up, is no longer
here in matter state, then the whole process for humanity would start again. Who
knows how we would look or be, in a different .. well no 2 things happen twice, we
would be completely different, consistency of our being?
Keshe: It will be more or less impossibility to replicate the life on this planet
anywhere in the Universe, an impossibility. (1:32). The fingerprint of life on this
planet is unique, and it stays unique because it has been produced from the interaction
of the fields of many, many conditions, over many, many millions of years.
Q: So obviously this is then so for all entities, whether they take this before or not,
they all have a fingerprint of wherever they come from in the Universe, or reside in
the Universe.
Keshe: That's what we said from the beginning.
Q: So interaction from the gaseous friends, community, and whichever form they
take, it goes back to the Soul level, where it is in a human understanding. on a fault, a
Soul tranStar Formationer?
Keshe: Yes, In so many ways, yes.
Keshe: The maturity of the man in the knowledge of the space and creation comes
when the man understands his own ** self creation. Not on the physical dimension,
but understanding of his own Soul.
Q: I think that understanding is gradually coming back, (1:34). to many people.
Through the teachings we are starting to understand the beauty of creation, and of the

Q: .. in the capturing .. to the Cup you use dynamic Gans's and can use different
methods. in one of these methods can I do , capture field in the Nano to produce this
effect, interaction between the plates?
Keshe: If you can use the captured fields, yes. .. The captured fields in place, is a
composition, where the field of the Gans in the bowl, (1:36). is mono. Or at least 2.
Q: But I can choose which plate to capture which fields? and in this way I'll make it
dynamic, or you need this interaction between the ball and the plates?
Keshe: The ball represents the Sun, how can you put it in a plastic. If you look at it,
it's in the upper layers, which is the interaction between the field of the Earth and the
solar system, and cosmos. That's why we put it in that, non-tangible or non-matter
state Nano, or matter state.
Q: Ok and there are 2 ways to have this field, we can use motors or use balls?
Keshe: ** now you can use whatever you like. It depends on you.
Q: Is the CO2 what we do, or is it what you do? It's the slight of difference in
Keshe: What do you mean my CO2 and your CO2?
Q: You use distilled water in producing CO2.
Keshe: How do you know I use distilled water, Nobody uses distilled water. ** Hot
water is good enough. I am not aware of where these things have come? (1:38).
Q: It's from you, ancient teaching. The way you do everything is a little different. It's
very effective. Just you the horizontal plates .to make Nitrogen?
Keshe: Of course we do, that is the whole purpose of it. That if you use, I mean, .. go
back to the Chinese system,. we used nano coated Cu underneath the old system, to
separate that we deal with our own field. Now we are on our own, when you put a
nano material on the bottom, you dictate a new condition, a new environment.
Q: Yes I understand now. It is always a distance gap you are working with, always?
Keshe: Of course, distance gap, how you treat that distance gap, what materials you
produce in that distance gap. You see if we use, perforated system. the field coming
here, is different then the field coming through the hole, but on the other side they
interact. (1:40). So now you are composite energies, you create the waters of the
Q; This is the first point in producing materials?
Keshe: We are talking about liquids and gases.
Q: Okay.
Keshe: There is a composition a school of thought, that you have the Inertia, the
MaGrav (Gravity), you have the combination, what about if you put a plate here
(bottom C3), and a plate here (top of C2)? One to be Nano (C2) and one to be matter
state (C3). That's what I said before, we haven't even start teaching you the essence of
creation. (1:42). And now you enter into a universal knowledge, these are what's on
your plate. What about the dictation of composite .. in interaction of the mixture of
plates and Gans's? In a way, if I put it to you this way, The field flow is in that
direction here. You got to realize the knowledge of Creation is limitless. It's the man
who puts limits according to his understanding.

In the Linz exhibition you'll see systems which will puzzle you. We introduce many
unknown knowledge's in the coming time. (1:44).
To be able to join the Universe Community the knowledge in the rough
understanding, we have to be able to go through the basic steps, step by step, chapter
by chapter. You all got excited you made the first 5 (Cups), and then you got another
5, and then another 5, and then another 5, and then the next steps, is the line of
communication of the fields. Line of interaction of the fields.

The New Computers - By Thoughts:

The present computers in the next few months will be obsolete. You spend on your
computers, it will go into the bin, because you remember, I was standing yesterday at
the cashier, 30 years ago the poor lady had to know all the numbers and prices. .. and
now you pass it through by beam. .. these machines will be obsolete. Two reasons,
one is it will be in your thoughts, what you bought, and it is in your thoughts what it is
worth, when you come to the cashiers, it's already paid. Do we need a cashier, or you
take what you like, (1:46). and it is deducted off your accounts by virtue of just
picking. This is now possible. .. when we release this knowledge in totality, you'll be
shocked. If we still stay with going to supermarkets to shop, whatever you take, you
don't need someone to add it up for you. It's a level of part of your Soul what I take,
and what is given, and then what is paid for. .. we'll have to introduce these systems
once we go into the flight system. There is a lot to come. And now we still have
introduce systems which can handle tens of thousands, millions of links and
connections, and never make a mistake between one and the other.

Q: Will the new computers interface with the old systems, or are they totally a new
way, that will replace such systems.
Keshe: It’s totally a new way, the present systems cannot be accommodated in it. .. no
room for it.
But what happens when the telephone is lost can we remember it ..
recovery memory is part of it, and we don't need to do much. The new .. Gans plasma
computers, is beyond imagination of man
We showed a Gans computer years ago, but nobody understood it so we put it away. I
showed the first plasmatic memory bank in Einhoven, I opened the box, and called it
an empty box of Universe. That was one of the first computers .. if you understand it
(1:50). .. you get the whole knowledge of the Universe in that box, but you wanted
something else

Any other question. Would you like to go to a commercial break as we call it.

Videos .. (1:52). .. (1:58).

Keshe: If there are any other questions that we can expand on.

Q: In the 319 Knowledge Seekers Workshop Dr. Assadi speaks of the Pico state, finer
than Nano, is this .. part of the no time computer and other application?
Keshe: Not really but we go as a energy field, not as a matter or a Gans field. .. in
a bigger dimension, the stars are this Nano points. If you look at it, these planets
are these Pico points. (2:00). In a way we are changing the knowledge into universal
knowledge. .. you will see the change, what you call Pico or Nano.. if you take the
cosmic dust, how far below do you go? Now maybe you can see a micro in Macro.
and how do the stars communicate. how do they interact .. do the follows the same
path with the stars and moons, and come back to the same point, isn't that part of the
memory system? Isn't that what we are aiming for? Now you understand where
everything sits. Maybe now we see a bigger scale. (2:02).

Pico State as Field Interactions - Do they reach the Creator:

Q: It seems the Pico state was always present but we have no instruments to see it. As
we go finer and finer, is this process, although only a transition, still a valid way to
help us to the Soul, and ultimately to the Creator?
Keshe: We are not looking at a matter Pico, we are looking at a field interaction. Does
the fields of our Soul, reaches the fields of the Creator? That's the question. This is
why I keep on saying, look at the fields not the matter state, you are still looking at the
Gans, but where do the fields of the Gans go? Where do the fields of the Soul of the
man go?
Q: How many souls fit on the head of a pin. How many nano souls .. or are they Pico
Keshe: We can go further if you look at the dust, of cosmic dust, some of the cosmic
dust are still in the field state, not a matter state. (2:04).

Q; You've confirmed how easy it is to confuse the man, like myself, is there a simpler
way to teach these understanding, or is this the most basic way to grasp the new
knowledge at our current level of comprehension. Or the teaching is already super
simplified for us, we just have to dare to build and test, and see how we do?
Keshe: What do you mean?
R:- .. he's apparently confused about these Cups ..
Keshe: We give the information, we don't wait for all the people to understand, we
teach that in due coarse people, some will understand part, and we develop. We can't
wait until everybody understands, I will be here on Earth several billion years. I have
a rendezvous to meet and to go. (2:06).

Salts Formed on Cups

Q: What to do with the salts that are formed on Cups 1 and 2. .. ?

Keshe: These Cups where you collect the salt, these salts are composition of all, the
what we call, the Gans's, So if you understand your salt is not mono salt, it's a Gans
salt of the all the materials you have. In the Cup of Man you have that position. When
you make a Cup of horizontal people and you get a salt, on the Soul level, now you
understand the strength of the matter state of the salt. There is a lot to learn. (2:08).

There are no more questions?

I think today we taught enough, and opened a new Pandora Box for you people,
especially if you are not aware of the horizontal plates and create of the gases and
liquids. And this will come to be part of, the most important part of upcoming
teaching, combination of the cores, and Nano materials, in the way you have seen, and
understanding of it. In the Linz exhibition we will show new dimensions in
Technology. Dynamic memory banks, holding and sharing, at the same time they hold
the knowledge.



Keshe: the Keshe Foundation team is now embedded in one of the most ** hospital in
Iran ..
.. they will see long term prison terms..

Q; .. when we the CuO and CO2 Gans inside our laboratory we can't cultivate the
COVID virus, why?
Keshe: This was done in, by Ayatollah University research labs and they, the
existence of the fields showed, they never had such a clean lab of viruses. And this is
due to the effect of the strength of the Cu and CO2 and the dynamic flow of the fields.
Rick: And that's just bringing it into the lab, and not necessarily spraying and doing
all that? and the whole Protocol.
Keshe: It's just that being in the lab has created this condition. We know this from a
major university in Iran. What has happened, we got to know yesterday by the
Ayatollah University and hospital, which is dependent on the Sepah, they received a
positive result on all of the tests. (2:14). And these people sit in, 3 of these people sit
in the ministry of Health. And they were told, what happened, as I said, the Ayatollah
is a leading hospital and university medical, the head of the Ministry was on the bribe
from the President, and Minister to block any, not just Keshe Foundation, block any
Covid solution. He was replaced on clearance of this, what we call, misconduct. And
now his protégés in the universities have blocked the Keshe Foundation because they
say, by you coming here and replacing the head, now they don't get their bribes, so
they block. Now we are dealing with a bunch of another thieves in a lower level,
which is the people who will certify. The Keshe Foundation Technology has proven
100% correct in a hospital, in a university, now on the back of the head of the
university being replaced, have taken position. This will be dealt with by the
authorities. We are in the process of getting the medical application and it goes
nationally. Because we are dealing with a corrupt government, one of the most
corrupt governments Iran has ever known. And this will in turn cost thousands of
lives. This will be answered, they have to be answered, especially by people in
Ayatollah University, those people who were sitting on the committee, and 3 of them
are taking bribes from the Ministers to block. This will be dealt with. I have been very
open about how the situation happened in Iran. We have passed the certification.
Blocked signature only by 3 people who get paid, (2:16). by masters. And the
authorities have taken steps, and most probably these people will receive long prison
sentences for coercion, and the death of many people by not allowing the Technology
to come out. And as you heard on the BBC in the last 48 hours, many of these people,
working with outside forces have been captured. And soon all these blockages in Iran
will be opened up. Blocking new Technology was paid by outside nations, to create
with these people. But, we are not going to prove the Technology, the Technology has
proven and passed the test. Clinical trials are completely positive, but 3 members of
the group, because the boss was sacked, ministers have been told to block. They
cannot block it, because now the legal authority instruction has come, they are
responsible for the death of many people. The
Corona 2 and 3 has made Iran hospitals full. And where the wards where Keshe
Foundation works is emptied. cleared out all the patients, without death. And this is
the process we shall see continued and we have been told in the next week, 10 days,
and even this opposition in Ayatollah will be handled by the other positions. As I
explained, in the Tuesday teaching, once the medical certification is issued, it will go
nationally in Iran, (2:18). and when we show a rapid drop in contamination, and
death, and numbers, the rest of the world will follow. 3 or 4 people have taken the
whole world to ransom and the authorities of the leadership will respond to the
president. The only reason he is sitting there is because he carries the title of
Ayatollah, and Ayatollah cannot be touched, and he is abusing his position. He has to
be stripped of his title then ** normal citizen, ** that is part of what the clergy in Iran
have to sort out. We are back in religious ..
with passport of American under his turban. and the rest of the world is paying for it.

Any other question?

Q: .. I am interested in forming foundation in Kalli Columbia, (2:20). with the

purpose of taking this Technology from Mr. Keshe to places where they do not have
access to the Internet, and where people are of limited resources, who suffer because
they do not have the necessary resources for medicine, food, energy, and they do not
even have drinking water. I want to know if I have the approval and support of the
Keshe Foundation, to carry out this project? .
Keshe: I presume you are Canadian, the Keshe Foundation Canada is strong enough
you don't need to setup another foundation.
Rick: I don't know if it is Canadian, it's in Columbia, not British Columbia
Keshe: in South America, w ho do we have in Columbia
You have to talk Keshe Foundation and setup in Columbia. ..


Ribs Example of Horizontal Plates to handle Gases:

Q: the holes in your diagrams remind me of the bones, is this why bones have holes?
Keshe: I think you have to go to the medical teachings. Actually, I think the structure
of the bones, and the tunnels, or the tubes in the bone is a very good example of the,
what you call, horizontal plates. If you look at your ribs, are in a horizontal position,
not vertical, where your bones are vertical, combination of the vertical, what we call,
the spine and horizontal ribs, create a condition where gases can be handled, and the
liquids of the heart can be handled. What we just taught today, you have a clear
indication in the body of the man. Where the gases are handled you have the ribs,
horizontal plates, where liquid of the heart and liquid of the .. lungs is handled, is on a
horizontal plate. (2:24). What we teach in teachings is replication of the creation on
this planet, nothing more, nothing less. That's why you can understand, the way you
can understand. . and you see clearly the structure of the body, the man is set to
handle gases, from the horizontal ribcage, and the separation you have in between
with the non-bone structure, separates the both left and right, that the fields of the 2
work are operated but separately. And as you breath with the bigger rings of the ribs,
bottom to the top, which is the shorter, smaller one, again dictates the composition of
the energies you can take from the sir you are breathing. Knowledge is so simple if
you understand it, and knowledge of the creation and Creator is much more simple, if
you decide not to make it complicated. (2:26)
Any other question? or shall we call it a day.

Keshe: Kasmer.. do you want to present the new products

Keshe Foundation Store .. 5 different products. (2:28) .
Environmental balancer. .. ultrasonic also repels insects and pests

(2:48). Keshe: .. As we said we'll try to increase the product range as we go on this

If there are no more question we can conclude today. I am sure many of you have
already started setting your boxes and everything else.

Q: Will the vaccines that is being made in other countries for the Corona, avoid
contagion, avoid the contagion, avoid the virus?
Keshe: We are not in that game, we don't know.
We know at the moment, Corona and people who have received the injections of the
virus, because we have a data, we have been talking about this directly from database,
has created a loss of libido, and total, 98% plus death of the sperm in men, and the
female side we are looking into. So vaccination or Corona, are responsible for this
situation, because the numbers are in hundreds, it's not coincidental, or has shown
itself since the vaccination. (2:52).
We know countries like UAE who went for a full vaccination of citizens might not
have no more citizens left if this carries on. As they have, could have created a
condition, that none of the male, or maybe in the female, can produce a living sperm
or an egg to create an offspring. This is a reality, because a 100 people have been
tested and all 100 are zero.
Rick: The Russians have just announced they have a vaccine.
Keshe: Yeah, Corona is not one way of Corona, now we have identified 20 other
ones. The vaccine might work on 1, what about the rest. This is a very questionable

Keshe: We will see through what .. generally speaking vaccine for the Corona is not a
solution. How they will produce it, what about the mutations of it. We have to find a
universal method to deal with all vaccines and ** (2:54). It's not antibiotic and rubber
Rick: People say there are no side-effects .
Q: .. with the use of the Cups we could learn several languages, could you share with
us how to do that?
Keshe: Yes in the future.
Q: how to use the Cups for the brain mutation ..
Keshe: That has to be taught. there is a specific way where 2 and 1, in the brain ..
you can do that yes, .. in the moment we don't teach it ..
they can create a lot of problem for us..
Q: Will 5 Cup be available on Keshe Foundation Store.
Keshe: Yes

Q: I have seen .
how much more do we have to see to understand?
Keshe: We keep on teaching until you become wise.
Rick: .. (2:58).
Keshe: Because you are all looking at the matter state, look at the fields ..
R: ..
Keshe: In Linz you will see a very typical system, I have asked the team to produce it.
the problem with the Keshe Foundation they just copy and not understand the
no maturity to take it a step further.

Keshe: We'll call it a day. (3:00).

Q; Will any of the programs in Linz be broadcasted ..

Keshe: .. many of the health centers

(3:02). Rick: 341 Knowledge Seekers Workshop


Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries
(341 through 3 >> )

342nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop; August 20, 2020 April16, 2020




(:06). we are going towards our ultimate goal, bringing in our position to take man
into space. As part of this program .. on the 3rd of September, 2 weeks from today, at
2 PM in afternoon in the presence of a number of ambassadors and dignitaries, we'll
show the first 2 Enhancement Units (Enhancement Unit) in Linz, Austria. (:08). As it
is considered a breakthrough in science, first day to be .. opened by the Iranian
ambassador ..
the 3 flags of the nations will be present Exhibition is booked from the 3rd of
September to the 30th of September. First day is totally for the ambassadors, and
On Tuesday we'll start letting the public in ..

Technology TranStar Formationerred to Iran for Space Development:

.. In this exhibition we will have all the technologies of the Keshe Foundation up to
present time displayed and will be shown. (:12). .. this Technology from there on
will be tranStar Formationerred to Iran for the space development, that we endeavor
with a university in Iran to phase into the space development, and space flights out of
Iran in a very short time. Next Thursday Keshe Foundation will make a
announcement in respect to our movement, when and how, and we will go to Iran as a
Keshe Foundation team for development of space Technology, and we take and will
become a permanent residence organization in Iran. The Keshe Foundation of Iran has
been registered under the banner of the support of the officials, and we take shape and
welcome the new company in Iran which is started. Many operations in Iran will take
shape, which will be made international cooperation and as the Iranian officials have
requested the "golden key,' in respect to Technology development, disposal, or
information tranStar Formationer, we have to abide by the golden key, which means
the Iranian officials will have the final say in any Technology and the limitation of it
that can be disclosed, which is developed by the Iranian scientists. We have not
achieved the final conclusion, we have such a golden key with another government,
which means 6 months they have all the advantage of other nations, in comparison in
achieving a breakthrough. Any development in the country will stay the property of
the Keshe Foundation, (:14). and just the limitation of what could be the 6 months
disclosed. This could be flight, deep space flight, and any other breakthrough
technologies which appear, but .. economical advantages in nations in how they
develop it, will be considered to be the priority for them. The 6 months advantage

As we have , we are going through this // development, which we have broken

through these universal systems which we have shown in past few weeks, and we get
a lot of inquires from people to tell us that they haven't understood part of it or
whatever. We open today for discussion about the systems we have tried to develop
with you in the past few weeks. So today is .. question and answer time. If you have
any questions in this respect

(:16). about the Cup of Man, the vertical and horizontal, and the solid state matter
systems. ..
Q: repeat in Cup ?** we can now use it for all the diseases, drink it, patches, the
Pen, and not need to use the 4 basic Gans's anymore.
Keshe: draws the 5 Cups. #4 is Cup of Inertia. or you mean Cup 2? (:18).
Q: Can you go over the 5 Cups again (:20).

The 5 Cups Systems Deliberately Left Open for Knowledge Seekers to Expand

Keshe: We have deliberately left these open for you to create different animals,
different plants condition, different solid state matters and different liquids. We gave
you a guideline. And so you have to decide, how you see it, not all the animals are the
same. How you want to structure it. We gave you rough guides of direction of the
Soul, direction of the basic position, or in the other Cup we gave you another position.
Or in another Cup we gave you different position in respect to material. And this is
how we ant you to develop this Technology, it's not anymore what you see, you do,
and you copy. It's for you to take it further and understand it. This is the whole
purpose of this new teaching. We taught you last week about the the horizontal
plates, the position of it, the ** way it > (:22). We try to get you to expand the
knowledge, where you decide to use a flat or a coil, or do you decide to use a spiral
coil, or .. a MaGrav unit coils. This is what we endeavor to show for you to start
expanding. Now you are talking about the, let's say mint, or you want to speak about
creating the energy of an apple. We have given the guideline what it should get, what
it should structure. If you change the plate from to Zn to ** (alloy), or you change
your middle core from one metal to another. The whole purpose of these teachings is
to stop copycat and just follow, but open the horizon of knowledge.
Q: Cup of the Soul of the physicality .. can we use that for all the diseases ..?
Keshe: No, it depends what you created that Cup with. (:24). And how you decide to
do it. Those of you who made Cup of ** whatever horizontal, or even the solid state
matter, you must have seen that you Soul Cups are mainly clear. But as I say, ?/
depends who has set it up. In the lab when you look at the Cup of souls of each
products, or which structures, we see a total clear, more or less Cups. Whatever you
put it, it works out. But what did you learn from setting these Cups. Or did you again
went to look what is the material at the end of it, at the bottom of it. And just use the
Gans's or did you look at what is the field effect on it. What happened when you stay
close to it. What happened when you moved it in certain position in the house, which
one and what effects you see. And this is part we want you to move on to. Extension
of the knowledge, no more spoon feeding. And come back and report what have you
made, how it is made, use the Keshe Foundation, (:26). channels to release what you
have found. What is the effect for example of putting a flat plate here or a coil, what
would you get, is there any difference, and is the field strength of the apple, or orange,
or a herb?

If Condition is Improved by Herb, then that is the Fields Strength Spectrum:

If you had a condition, and let's say every time you took mint for it, and the condition
improved, and you go into the system and you stand there and you get the same
improvement, so it means part of the spectrum of the energy is of the mint strength.
Then build a system for it. Teach it. This is not come and take and do anymore. The
whole structure of understanding is to apply, test, and bring what you learned into
public. What are the variations if you use a coil, or a flat plate, (:28). or a spiral. Look
at the Gans's. Why you get this a specific colors, now we have the whole setup we see
it. You want to use it and run. You do it and come and tell us what you have achieved
and done with it. Have any of you tried the horizontal plates yet, have any of you
gone to produce gases? How many of you have tired to produce materials in the
matter state?
Any other questions?

Best Way to Nano Coat Fe:

(:30). Q; What is the best way to Nano coat Fe?

Keshe: Fe can be nano coated in different ways. The way I do it, and have done it for
years is to take a mixture of caustic, I take a mixture of caustic, I take another
mixture of Knowledge (Potassium), high ratio of Knowledge and you put your metal
in the middle, and you put the rest of the caustic under. You have to add ** hot water
into it, in a very rapid way and keep it closed. This is one of the ways to do it. If you
know how to do a plasma tranStar Formationer, use it. Or try to do it with heat. You
can go into certain ways of using high temperature and you could achieve that way
too. (:32). ** for some look at the temperature chart, what is the melting point you
need to reach, that melting point, but at the same time depending where you are in a
water environment, loosing too much heat tranStar Formationer, you can roughly say
what you are going to get for **
Any other question?

(confused ..)
Q: about Phosphorus transition to dark matter
Keshe: Why do you

Q: When you were teaching about the plants, I know you were purposefully vague,
and my brain starts to really run around in circles
you said you also have to CO2 so do we still need Zn and Cu?
Keshe: In animal kingdom yes.
Q: back to vertical people, the greenies?
Keshe: Yes,
Q: If we look at the physical Cup on the top for the vertical people, and you are
would one be able to replace nano plates with, (:36). with pieces of the plant, as your
coil, .. can I use the leaves and connect them up or am I being a bit fanciful?
Keshe: ask your question again
Q: If we are looking at the physicality Cup at the top ..
Keshe: You just want to hang it in, what is the purpose.
Q: Did you hear my question or you're just not answering me?
Keshe: No. Ask your question again.
Q: If we are using the physicality of the plant at the top, . could we use leaves .

(:38). Keshe: You want to hang the leaves in. What is the purpose?
Q: I am wanting the physicality of that grapevine it is very specific, so I could do that
or have a plate, but then your nano, then add a leaf of the grape to give it a specific of
the grapevine .
Keshe: Yes you can do it goes back to the story of the orange, doesn't it.
Q: Yes ..
Keshe: But this time you try to repeat the Soul of, or the physicality of the plant
through it's Soul.
Q: Yes, are we looking at those elements in those Cups as well. to me it just doesn't
seem like Cu and Zn is always the right for the plants ..
Keshe: You know the Zn is there the Ca is there .. if you look at different vegetation,
they attract different energies from the environment and the land they're it. That's why
we get different combinations, so you can do the same. In the exhibition we'll show
systems and we show how the next step of the development of the Technology will
come. That would you need a food, water, apple and how you get it. (:40). In essence
we tranStar Formationer the energy to the Soul of the man. It's very much like when
you dream with your mother you're sitting and having .. your favorite food, it's not
just the visual, you taste it, you smell it through your Soul. You create the emotion of
enjoying eating with your mother. So now you have the chance now. This is a zero-
time communication in a very different way then what man is used to. But gradually
we have to take you through it, as I said a couple of weeks ago, we started teaching
you communication. to what extent you understand it, or you all become copycats and
just do, he says, this and that. Try to understand the Technology try to add to it.

In so many ways, I have opened a totally different way in understanding and I see
exactly the same dilemma, situation we had with the MaGrav Units. I have seen a
video form john, he has added some waters, what else can you add. What is the new
dimension into it. (:42). What are the possibilities ..
We try to move Knowledge Seekers away from copycat .
Somehow we can't stop this. You think of it, bring it, test it, show it. Now you
become a creator ..
Have you created the right Inertia that can give gold. Have we created the right
magnetical and gravitational field of the Earth at a given point of the Inertia to give
you the gold.
(:44). What is the extent of your real involvement in understanding the field flow.
Expand the knowledge and teach the knowledge. ..

There is no initiative to create a new dimension of knowledge ..

This is where I am trying to push .. look at the fields it creates ..

Can I use this,, then I don't need to fee myself. What does the Gans you produced at
the end do. The Gans releases energy, what energy does it release and what energy
does it take? (:46). Because it has to take from you something, that you can take from
it. What can you give that it can take? I do not see any new imitative, new ways,
something to add, this is where we are pushing you , to .. bring a new dimensions
how do these fields operate. it has become monkey see monkey does again. Then
they say, he takes all the Technology to Iranians. I said, no, I don't take all the
Technology to Chinese either. Because you are not making that leap, you don't add to
the knowledge. It takes very little for me to change the Enhancement Unit to a flight
system. I don't see anybody doing it. (:48). We are trying to get you into the
position of interactive knowledge .. or at least move to the next step.
What if you move the cat next to it ..
how would the plant grow.. or would your system learn form the plant to produce the
materials, then you don't need the plant anymore because the energy of it is there. you
don't need to use the Gans. We are trying to move you out of monkey see ..

When we start teaching about the Soul, showing how you can enhance your visible
systems. (:50). we have some objection in Iran they say you cannot speak about the
Soul because it is against the religion. Why can't we. Because where and how are you
going to feed yourself in the space. There is no religion in respect to how to feed
yourself in the space. Is it in any of the religious books, any of the prophets have
taught how to feed yourself in the space .
so we can't go any further because it is not in the books. if we go to the next step, we
have to find a new way to feed our body without killing animals in the space, or the
minute we see something, how it will feed me. Excuse me, space is not .. millions of
years ago on this planet testing the foods to see which one kills and which one gives
better results. Creatures in the Universe are not your herb plant pots, if it helps me
digesting this and that. And the only way we can do it is to give you the sandbox. If
you have a headache continuously and you build a system (:52). which is organized
slightly different then the ** and you sit near it, and it takes your headache away. or
feeds you .. then this system is god** it interacts with you or with your Soul , or with
the source of the energy which you take. that it generates the energy that you need. we
have to be open, we have to understand how we are moving into the next step .. we
are not looking for other things to feed us, we are looking how we can tap into the
Universe energy to get what we need. Dependence on plants and animals has come to
an end. Find a way, bring it to be as it has to. Bring it to a condition and explain and
teach the others. We want you to move into the direction that when we open the space
you are fully equipped to live in the space, within the space, within the time and
space. If you look at it, (:54). in 1960s Americans went to the Moon, .. to the space.
and even last week in 2020s, couple of weeks ago, and (compared to) 1969, we
haven't gone very far, have we. We still land like a monkey in the ocean to be picked
up, we still have not moved anywhere, even if you make this .. in 50 years the space
Technology stands still. It's stands still, zero progress. .. space Technology has come
to a halt .. Where is our next step? 50 years we broke in the space and still landing in
sea like a monkey waiting for someone to pick us. Unless we create a new knowledge,
.. a new understanding with the new plasma Technology, with a new understanding of
the magnetical fields and gravitational fields, (:56). and you as Knowledge Seekers
take a step, in 2029, in 2089 you are still in the same dilemma. Then you take off,
how are you going to feed yourself. bring the energies to yourself. The limit of space
Technology today is the air you can breath and the food you can have. We send the
latest rocket Technology, did you hear the speak to Mr. Nelson in NASA propulsion,
head of 2030 Mars mission. Ask him one question . you go 7 months stay a few
weeks, have you grown anything on Mars that we can bring back, or we bring the
rocket back, but 2 months before landing we run out of food, dead. You bring bodies
The progress of the space Technology which you will see come out of Iran in a short
time solves this problem. Man can stay in the space indefinitely. And the tools of it
have been taught to you in the past 4 - 5 weeks. What you have been taught in the
past 6 weeks, is beyond comprehension of the space people. (:58). I have brought
you forward hundreds of years and you are still battling with what Gans's you want.

Next week Keshe Foundation puts a system on for sale. You will see it. It will be for
about 10 or 20,000 Euro, why? We will show you how to see the Gans will be, inside
your body. Up to now you have seen the Gans's in the atmospheric condition of the
Earth. This unit will be an evolution in science, because your body is a vacuum, if you
can create the right Gans's it will pop up like a popcorn, otherwise you'll see nothing,
it's just another vacuum.

I am taking the space Technology ahead by hundreds of years, and if the Knowledge
Seekers would still like to play with whatever, you're quite welcome. There are people
still in Africa walk barefoot, and the same we see in New Orleans, worse then Africa.
The New Technology, has to be understood we progress not just by lifting up and
landing in the ocean, we in the spans of the Universe, the same as every galaxy does.
This is why I keep on telling you, forget about he Gans's, forget about whatever you
have, (1:00). the plates, see what the fields does. See how you can travel in the fields
of, how can you extract the fields of, to satiStar Formationy certain conditions. How
many of you have even tried to, instead of making gold and silver, create a condition
of love, care, in your systems?

In the Enhancement Units (Enhancement Unit), which will be displayed in 2 weeks

time, there is a very hidden characteristics in it. What have we done? We have
tranStar Formationerred in the emotion of the peace, and unifying humanity, into the
system. Any man enters the system will feel peaceful. Because none of you have gone
to that extent to understand what to do. If you can tranStar Formationer the emotion of
peace, we can tranStar Formationer the emotion of "no hunger, no war." (1:02). The
Enhancement Unit have been loaded, configuration, today. What would be the
outcome when the system runs? Since the early hours of this morning we have been
loading, making materials to be, because it's time to move .. into the real space
Technology, and when you come to the exhibition, we won't let you go inside, and we
know a lot of you would like. Because we don't know what you are short of, what is
the consequence of you going in there. It's not that I want to go in, I feel. No. What is
the expectation from your inner being in being in the system? It's a different ball
game. The time has come for you to achieve this, and extend the knowledge. I have
given you a universal system in past few weeks. And you are still playing with what
Gans's and what.

When I tell you, within a few weeks when I arrive in Iran, we'll launch the space
Technology beyond your imagination. And if the Americans have landed on the
Moon, we'll bring the shoes back to show if they did, really. (1:04). Is the whatever,
on Mars, we'll bring you face to face with it. All these guesses, did anybody go to the
Moon, in the next few months will be answered. I have given and taken to the nation
and governments of Ayatollah Khamenei not Rohanni, that I will take Iran into space
within the next few months. But not with rockets, not with launch pads, not with the
spacesuit. You have the tools, and everything I use is what I have taught to you. Try
to understand the field interaction, not how you make Gans's. What does these Gans's
teach you that is a sandbox for you to move in the direction of enhancing, using,
utilizing, interacting, the fields of the Universe in the atmospheric condition of this
planet for you to have a peaceful coexistence. Everything is on the table. (1:06).

Try to understand the field interaction. try to understand like what a tree does, or a
apple, is the purpose to make the silver, or is it to see the satiStar Formationaction of
the silver in the essence of the emotion of the man. The teaching is not anymore
cheating, you have done enough of it, it is time to move on. It's time to start
developing, understanding the Technology in its true form, and add to it. Try to
understand the interaction of the fields. Even if you put a tree leaf next to a Gans,
what fields does that tree give, that your Soul Cup or your Soul of the physicality
takes that, it enhances it, or it diminishes it. It's not just if you put a leaf there, what
does that leaf do? (1:08). What is its job, or .. what we call a piece of vegetable, and
does this vegetable have any effect on your Cup. What fields does it give, that your
Cup absorbs, and you can have it. And what does it take from the Cup, then if you
really look at it, it's this (draws 2 arrows going in opposite directions). In how we
interact, in how we produce, in how we take from the fields of the Universe, the tree
could be another planet, and the Cup another, and you are in-between the interaction
of the fields. If you have found the strength of the field for mint on earth, billions of it
is traveling right across the Universe today. Do you need to store the mint, or do you
need to find water, somewhere to tranStar Formationer it.

The whole essence of the new teaching is for you to become detached from the matter
state. (1:10). If you are on one planet, and there is another planet, there is a field
between these and billions of them floats the Universe, which is the strength of the
love, care, devotion. It's not just created on Earth. What are you looking for? These
Cups, if you look, I kept on telling you, look on the fields, and all you are interested,
is in what is on the bottom I can take, and then I have done something.

In so many ways, do you have your Cups, or are they planets? The fields still flow
between them, and the strength you need. What we are trying to teach, what we are
trying to take mankind into is, you are standing here, or you are standing here, or you
take the Gans from here and use it. It should be no difference. Move away from
physicality, and you become a free man of Universe. Shackle yourselves to Cups, and
leaves, and animals. you have not moved, like Americans for 50 years. Mankind has
not moved for billions of years. We have taught you the knowledge, which has not
been open to mankind, now you have to understand, if there is a field the
strength of this, (1:12). what happen to me if I do not know how to get it, I
starve of it. But if I can tune in, with my thoughts, with what is the creator of me,
in to the fields of the Universe, I can pick up and then I can break it down to my
physicality to be fed. Because the interaction of the new fields with my fields of
every cell, will feed it, because it is there to receive. You are still after Cups, tablets,
water and everything else.

Ask NASA, can we live on the Moon? Are there any rivers there? Or do we start
depleting the resources on this planet to be able to live on other places in the
Universe. Have we become another .. Las Vegas, can we repeat it on the Moon, but
where are we going to bring the water all the time. Where put the casinos. .. and no
gravitational field barrier that the Moon continuously gets hit by meteorites. the new
space Technology has to solve the totality of the problems. and the .. once the
Knowledge Seekers and those who are .. you have to work within the parameters of
the energies of the Universe. Their dynamic, their dynamism, their interaction to get
what you want from it. (1:14). How come on earth you get the soil, which is another
combination of fields, we make a brick you make a building. How are we going to
correct those fields which create the same condition but no physicality? How many
times we have seen Knowledge Seekers who walk away because they cannot
comprehend it. How many times we have to go back in. Now you understand why
keep on telling you, please do not get involved in the physicality.

Look at the fields, now you understand why, because the Cups are the planetary
systems, galaxies of the Universe, there is no difference between this one, and this
one. As long as you are looking to collect Gans's you are in a heap of problems, as
soon as you understand the field flow, you become the passengers of the Universe.
And somehow I cannot get Knowledge Seekers moving, unless we show it, and then
they say, oh he kept the knowledge until he goes to Iran. If you are incapable of
understanding the Technology, it's not my fault is it. Look at the fields and not the
physical conditions, (1:16). then we start talking, then you start gradually becoming
part of the Universe Community, part of understanding the strength of what you need
for whatever, will come to be part of what so ever. The Cups, the coils, and
everything else, it's just a gimmick.

At the moment when we speak to the leading scientists around the world, they say,
this cannot be, just putting 1 wire and creating CO2, this is all rubbish. Do you know
why, because they never understood Iran is leading in Nano Technology. This nano
material creates unknown effects of the magnetical fields of the Universe. The lack of
knowledge has created the ignorance. How many of you have managed to explain this
simple thing to anyone you teach, that once you have nano it's a different story. Now
you deal with magnetical fields, and when you have Gans's you deal with free
magnetical fields. So how many of that have you put in there, how much have we
taught you. You put this, you put there.
We have a team of scientists working in one of the leading hospitals in Iran, they have
been given a ward, they are there for a few weeks. What the guy says to me, Mr.
Keshe we don't have as much success as before, when we started. (1:18). I said, what
have you done? You keep on loading Gans's on your patients. What's the property of
the Technology of plasma? The stronger gives the to the weaker, till the weaker and
the stronger become the same. What have you done with your patients, you plastered
them with more Gans's, what has happened, now you created stronger fields, so they
are matching fields, of course it doesn't work. Go back to Gans water, where you had
a weaker and you depleted. What do you get? You are right Mr. Keshe, it start
working again. It is working you haven't understood, because you are looking by
Gans coverage, we are looking by field coverage.

Try to move in understanding tranStar Formationer of fields, not by rotating things,

and expecting things there is nothing wrong with Technology, except the lack of
understanding of field motions. Try to move in the dimension where you understand
fields only.
Do you remember when we were young, of course that was centuries, maybe
thousands of years ago. (1:20). You remember they used to blindfold you, and give
you an object to touch and say what it is? Now do the same, go for the essence of
emotion, see what fields you absorb, and what does it say? We don't sit and watch, we
watch not to sit, but through the Soul of the man, through the emotion of the fields.
It's the same with everything, we watch things, in essence, we watch what is going on,
and how it is, and how it feels, and it comes and what needs to be felt, because it is

This morning I was explaining to the head of Keshe Foundation, that how the next
generation of the children of the man have to brought up. No more the way you have
done up to now, it will not work. (1:22). If you are ** creating children of this planet,
yes, but if the children of the man, to go into the depth of space have to be taught a
new knowledge, a new way, a new life, a new language, a new way to feed
themselves, to communicate. Then the new generation become the generation of the
Universe Community. the present generation has not heard, cannot accept, and they
are too frightened to take the next step. But we can create children, we can develop
conditions for upcoming children that they can live in both dimensions of
physicality and the Soul. In a way, the choice has been given, and all of it has been
given in the teaching I have done in the past few weeks. You have to move on, and
understand the field interaction and the containment of physicality, otherwise we are
back in the same position for past billions of years. Till it shows somewhere, because
they have done it, now it is acceptable, now it can be done. and you have all the
knowledge the generation of the children of the man, have to be able to coexist in
both dimensions. (1:24). And this is the whole purpose of the new cycle, this is the
purpose of all these teachings. We come from the environment of the water, into air,
and we still carry on existing. Now we can do the 2 together and exist in both
dimensions. Because the knowledge has been given, it's up to you to use it. But you
cannot do one without the other. Otherwise, you'll be always limping, one short of the
other. The new generation of the children of the man, will have this capability to
choose the dimension of existence. And it's all been taught. You want to feed your
physicality through the mouth, in a physical dimension, or you want to feed it through
the Soul, which is the same ** you choose. Do you want to go with the rockets for the
past 50 years, like the man, like the monkey and land in the water, or go to the other
dimension of understanding of the souls, and travel with the energy which is within
the man. It's the creator of the man. Now you have both options, and not only options,
you have the facility to live in both dimensions. When you want to enjoy the
physicality of a love, you create yourself, and find a lover. (1:26). And when you
want to enjoy the physicality of the love in the essence of the Soul with no tangibility,
you choose that. Because the both strengths exists in the dimension of the creation.

This is what for months I have been telling you, you can look at the fields, consider
the fields, forget about the Cup, and the nano material and the Gans's. You don't do, I
still have to drag into it. You got to understand when you go into that dimension you
see a different style of living, this is different type of living, you still enjoy the
physicality, but you still play with the Soul. But you still have to play the game of the
physicality, because your partner is not mature to be at your level. In the future the
generation of man, when you make love to your partner, you do both with the Soul
and the physicality, and you tell me what the pleasure will be. Because your physical
part it still looks for satiStar Formationaction in physicality, where you are aware of
the pleasure the level of the Soul. When you hold your child and say to love her, do
you do it with a physical word, or you get response back through her Soul. (1:28).
The children of the new generation will have both. And our partners don't understand
why we don't get physically excited, because we already have the excitement in the
dimension of the Soul. Handicapped by physicality. Yeah, what do they say, "why
don't I feel it, I feel nothing," but you see the glow of the Soul. Still like all of you, "I
put the leaf there, but it doesn't show, where is the leaf." But the actual Cup has
already exchanged everything with the leaf. The leaf is very satiStar Formationied,
"leave me here I will exist forever."

I have tried for many, many months, to push you away from physicality and you still
bring the leaf. What about if you bring the love of that leaf? And you see who else can
feel it. (1:30). Or will they come as I said, mankind will go to a new dimension. Try
to move on. Try to understand what it means to be in a new dimension, a new
understanding. Do you need Gans's to enhance anything, or Gans's are just a reference
point for you to be able to be within the fields of them, that you can progress. But you
have to have both. You to understand that you need from now on, (1:32). to have
both, the physical satiStar Formationaction and the Soul satiStar Formationaction.
This is what we need to understand, where the mankind is , where we are taking the
Iranian space Technology into. Why, they say only in Iran? Because we tried every
other nation, we saw nothing. Because the maturity of the time has come with those
who have true, cycle of life, have matured. And you decide, do you want to receive
that energy from a solar system, a Gans, or fields, which collectively, partially, can
satiStar Formationy your need. Either way, the knowledge is in your hand. (1:34).

Humble Yourself to Receive the Fields - Don't Need to Destroy Plant:

If you want to satiStar Formationy your hunger, why don't you, why can't you, why
mankind has not even understood, a simple teaching, become humble, reduce the
fields of your inner strength, low enough, that the other fields of the Universe will
feed you. What is hard about it, you go and cut a, god knows, a herb or a plant to
satiStar Formationy it. Or you create that condition to receive the energy from that
plant and a herb. You do not need to eat it. You do not need to destroy it. Mankind
has to move to the next step. Or you are in for an absolutely rough time.
Not Much Time to Mature - Corona Closing In:

You see, humanity has to mature, (1:36). and do not have much time. Corona will get
your physicality, and the rest will go with the Soul. Or mankind can mature to the
point that can use the energies of Corona to extend his knowledge and understanding,
and use his energy for the enhancement of the humanity. At the moment man has
come and surrendered to it.
Any other question?

Q: .. if we manage to become humble enough and we reach the bandwidth of the

Inertia of the stone, and we manage to connect to the Soul of the stone, we will have
access to all the fields, and at the same time, (1:38). we increase or raise our own
bandwidth and we are able to reach more deeply the Universe Community, but the
humbleness cannot exist without the inner strength of the Soul which is love. Thank
you .. man still has to learn the strength. .. Does man have to be in total detachment to
achieve that?

Detachment and How it Saved the Foundation:

Keshe: In so many ways, yes, but whatever we detach ourselves, we get attached to
something else, as it is a part of confirmation of our existence. Or we choose to be
attached to something else that it brings us that point of understanding, we are still
attached to. To be detached needs a lot of strength and it needs a lot of determination,
and once you become the habit, you live through it. And then you reach different level
of understanding, and in a way you might mature to the point of understanding the
totality. And when you become detached, anything which might happen around you,
you do not need to be involved in it. The detachment keeps you detached, and keeps
you safe from it. You wanting it or not. It will come to you that way. (1:40). Does not
matter what everything else, or anybody else do, if your point of life is serving, it
doesn't matter what people do around you, the fields of the emotion, and the fields of
the Soul bring you to the point to be where you are at peace. You are given the gift to
live, or those who try to harm you, through the souls, find themselves harmed, or find
themselves not to be able to do harm. Listen to the teaching on, if it is released, by
Universal Council meeting, how Keshe Foundation was set to be destroyed, well
planned. Our purpose was serving, their purpose was to destroy. We didn't do, we
carried on working, and in time they turned themselves in, they turned their own
position back. They spent years planning to destroy the Foundation, 4 years, 5 years, 6
years step by step. Step by step. But we spent the past 4 or 5 years serving, teaching.
And none of you understand, you just come and go, but because we are in that state of
mind, we work to serve, we live. We don't live on what we call, hermits and poverty
life, we live a good life, (1:42). because the Foundation works to create that
condition, and those who betrayed or whatever they planned, they served themselves
their own way. Very soon I will disclose, the way I disclosed the Universe Council,
how the Foundation was set to be toppled over and be handed over to what I call,
satanic groups. Well planned within the structure, but our souls did not need to know.
They brought themselves to it. Because I don't spend time to damage, I spend time to
serve. I ask, if I am given, it's there to take. I asked, I receive if it is for me to receive.
And it's the holder who has to accept. This is part of what you have to understand in
all the teachings. I don't go and take, I ask. I ask to serve, and I have been given the
chance to serve. And the power of it is detachment. Because I knew the strength of
attachment. (1:44). When you are attached and don't detach, it pulls you back in
again. And because you let yourself to be detached, now you know you can be
attached, you become better at it, till the point when you become totally detached,
then the cycle starts. Detachment is not throwing everything out the window, as they
say, the baby with the bath. But understanding what is to be, what is needed to be, to
achieve that detachment. And then whatever comes to you is not attachment, it's a gift
to you, for being detached, in a way, it's an existence of confirmation, a confirmation
of existence in all dimensions. Very soon I will explain how detachment has saved the
Foundation. Those who thought they can takeover and control and destroy whatever
was built by all of you Knowledge Seekers, (1:46). because they got too attached to a
few things and promises of themselves. If you can become detached the way I am,
then you reach the point that you can be attached to one thing, and that's your Soul,
and the destiny which the Soul has set for you. As I was talking to head of Keshe
Foundation in China, Wang Lyn, as we always say, we are just actors in the set, but
the rest comes by the souls.
Any other question?

How Do We Feel the fields:

Q: How do we observe field motions, and .. (1:48). how do we sense, see, or feel the
Keshe: I had this thrown at me this morning, you are the second one. "I don't feel
anything. I don't understand," and then you say to them, did you have Corona? Did
you use the Gans's, did it help get rid of the pain? "Yes." So did you feel anything
with it. But how did the pain of the Gans (virus) go? You receive when you need,
according to what you need, and then you see the effect of it. If you are sitting there
and feeding something, become a hermit and join the temples in India. One day the
wind must blow. You are waiting to hear with a voice, where your Soul has already
heard the emotion, the fields of it.

Q: .. when you talk about emotion, are you saying intuition, is our intuition one and
the same as our emotion? (1:50).
Keshe: Not really, it's part of your emotion, it's part of the fields. Everything you
feel, .. sense, .. which is within dimension of understanding of the man, has a field
strength. Try to understand the interaction of the fields and if that field can help you
in the matter state with your pain, your Corona, and you loose your pain, then try to
understand the extension of that field in other parts of your life. Then you feel it, ..
understand it. When you are not thirsty, I can put jugs and glasses and tons of water in
front of you. You only take water when you are thirsty. (1:52).

Your Soul Protects You

You see when the souls are in motion, and they know that you might suffer from
something which is not to do with you, they bring something for you to be able to
bypass, to not to feel the pain which has been created to damage. These are gifts
which the mankind receives, and because he has no knowledge of it, he cannot
acknowledge it. They planned, they set out, immaculately planned months and years
before to harm. But the Soul is aware of it, and in that process the Soul as it knows
you are there, will bring a condition for you not to feel, not to be harmed by it. And if
mankind understands this, leaves his life in the hand, and through the work of his own
understanding and inner existence. And then we get what we have with the Iranian,
some of the Iranian team, speaking about, (1:54). "oh, he cannot speak about this." If
you are ignorant to the knowledge of creation it's not my fault. It's you trying to be,
ignorance of your own existence.
I think taking a break as is tradition with us.. (1:56).
Advertisement for Keshe Foundation Store.. 2:03

Rick: show photo you sent

Keshe: Do we have anyone from the Iranian team who can explain. (2:04).

Knowledge Seekers Working in Hospitals in Iran:

Photo of 3 Iranians in leading hospital in Iran.

They sleep in the hospital to save lives, they have put the life of themselves in a
highly contagious area, ahead of the others to serve them. And the uniform, clothes
has been made for them to be safe. This is where the Keshe Foundation operates,
within the structure of the hospitals in Iran. These are the Knowledge Seekers who
know the dangers of Corona and they trust in the Technology and they live in the
hospitals (2:06). and they are saving lives, day and night in the wards they have
been given, and even in the wards which they are not supposed to be in. The ward was
totally emptied last week and they have to give them new patients. This is what the
new Technology has brought, no masks, and you can see . their clothing was made by
the Knowledge Seekers of Iran, it was a gift, it was taken to the hospital and given to
the Knowledge Seekers. And they proudly wear the Keshe Foundation logo.

Iranian Media Has to Decide about Keshe Foundation

At this moment of time the Iranian media is entangled with what to do with the Keshe
Foundation, and in the next few days, maybe by Monday, Tuesday we'll see the
position where government and the Iranian nation have taken in respect to the Keshe
Foundation. And as you see, serving humanity comes in different shapes and forms.
(2:08). In so many ways, these 3 guys collectively with the others, how many
children, father are home that they can enjoy life. The Corona in Iran has taken a
strong hold in the second cycle and in this hospital, where they are, in the other wards,
which Keshe Foundation is not operating, still under the trial, between 8 to 10 people
a day, die from it, as we have been told. This is where what it call the science and
Technology meets the politic.

Media Makes Accusations Against One Cup - by Office of President:

And the Iranian media, about 3 days ago released on prime time, prime channel, of
Iran, the video of the production of One Cup One Life, with accusations. And now the
truth known by the broadcasting authorities, has brought a big question mark on the
credibility on the legitimacy and on the office of the president of Iran, Ayatollah
Rohanni of Iran, because this was done deliberately to damage, where the lives are
saved. as now it is in the hands of the media, putting the Keshe Foundation face to
face with the office of the president, (2:10). and the position of the president taking to
hide one of the technologies, which is saving thousands of lives in Iran. And you will
understand within the next few days how the position will be, as the offices of Sepah
and Iranians leadership, his Eminence Ayatollah of Iran offices, supporters have stood
behind the Keshe Foundation. We have become a critical ball in Iran, and in the next
few days we understand the position. There is one way, and one way only for Keshe
Foundation Iran, is to serve the nation. Then the nation has to decide what to do with
this president. We are not in the game of politic, we are in the game of supporting the
nation in the time of trouble, and the children of the nation are helping to save the
nation. Playing the One Cup OL on a prime new time, on a prime channel, trying to
sideline the efforts of the Keshe Foundation, and the Iranian leadership has backfired
for the president. We'll let you know next week, (2:12). how and where, and the way
this game will be played. You got to understand, the way Iranian media ha snow been
shown the video, and people can see how their lives, and they are reporting how their
lives have been saved. Take position and side, on the side of the Keshe Foundation,
resignation of Ayatollah Rohanni becomes imminent, because now it shows, knowing
a Technology, saving lives, he has failed to serve his nation. But the ** eyes is in the
hands of the Iranian authorities, we are not in the game of politic, we are in the game
of science, Technology, and saving the nation. But the implication of this, once the
media decides which way to go, if they go the way of the Keshe Foundation, the
Technology will come into nationally open to the rest. Many hospitals are defying the
health authorities, many authorities are defying health authorities, and using the
Gans's to save, and many people are doing it themselves. And we wait for the
outcome. In this hospital as you see Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers by
invitation of the head of the hospital, backing of one of the leading universities in Iran
will show what will come out next week. As we did not ask to be put on television.
President Rohanni decided to go for the Keshe Foundation. As I said many weeks
ago, (2:14) the position of the Iranian president A R is untenable, and this is a clear
indication and we stand by the Office of his Eminence Ayatollah of Iran in serving the
Any other question?

Q: need Spanish translator .. (2:16);

(this question and confusion goes on for quite awhile down to 2:26)
About the Protocols .. p 46. to reverse Calcification of the brain cells.

(2:18). p 46 of Scientific Paper on Corona.

Q: 30% Gans solution , use of Mg tablet
Keshe: the process is very simple. you need .9 % if you make the salt, that's the
saltwater you make yourself. (2:20). Unless you make ? in Cup 1 you can use it. It's
very straight forward
you have to make the water which is 0.9 % salt in it. which is salt in the human


(2:26). Rick: Maybe I can help, the qu .. the difference between these 2 statements,
50% Cup of Life Gans 1 of itself, and 50% Cup of Life Gans. what's the difference ..

Keshe: It's the Cup of Life Gans, we take 50% Gans, let's say if you have a 100ml you
add another 100ml to it of water, or Gans Water, of the Cup 1, and that mixture is
used for the next stage. Because the confusion comes as you are not, we work on the
ratio of the Gans to the water, this is how plasma Technology works. If you have
300ml Gans, (2:28). and 700ml water has a different strength than if you have 500ml
of Gans and 500ml water, the energy tranStar Formationer when you use it, is
different. this comes from a lock of .. information from the part of the reader. It goes
by order of magnitude by presence of Gans, which means, this understanding, if I
understand it correctly, is this. If you have a liter of water in both cases, and here you
have 300ml of Gans, and here you have the same water but you have 500ml of Gans,
this one (300ml) is weaker than this one (500ml). Because the energy tranStar
Formationer from this and this is different. This is why when we have a human body
we put the patches of 2:1 for example. This one is 200ml and this one 100ml, the
energy tranStar Formationer in presence of Gans by order of magnitude is bigger, so it
tried to do this (Infinity Loop between). This is why in these Cups we presume the
person who reads it already understood the principle of plasma Technology. And
somewhere in that paper it has been explained. (2:30). Spanish translation
(2:34). ..

Living in Space without Oxygen - tranStar Formationer Fields:

Q: I realize as I am speaking, many times I am not breathing as you just said, you
acquire energy. Is that true?
Keshe: In a way, gradually you could do. this is what we say, we have never given
birth in the space. Mankind is not aware of birth in the space. We have never had a
passenger for a man of space to be free in the space. We always have made
assumptions, or to be creating new generation of children that can live in both areas.
The way now we come from the womb of the mother and we live in air condition, our
body has adapted to that. would we, do we need an option to live in the space. Or fear
of unknown is keeping us in this clothing. In the time to come, would we feed of what
we need as O, but take the energies of O in the spaces of the Universe to live the life.
And the moment our lungs come into operation, and the heart, in the cause of small
valve, changes to breathing air. Would mankind, (2:36). when it becomes men of
space, switches the energy for the physicality taken by the Soul, that we do not die
from lack of O, but we still carry the same body, but the Soul receives the energy and
tranStar Formationers it across to our physicality to live. We are in a point of
unknown, we are at this point in the world of science, that we might loose people in
the space because they cannot breath. But those Knowledge Seekers who have
learned, or the new generation of children to be born of man, will be looked after in a
different way, to be able to live in both dimensions. As we are born from the womb of
the mother in the environment of liquid we come to environment of air, and switch in
the dimension of physicality, now that we are aware and we can move into the next
level of understanding our own creation, would our central energy point, which does
not depend on the physical receiving O, but works through the fields, will accept the
responsibility of keeping the physicality alive by giving it, its energy, in the level of
O, that the lungs or the body can operate, and the lung becomes a standby. All the
time we are in the womb of the mother, our lung is on a standby. Developing, being
ready, we move within the womb of the mother, (2:38). for 9 months and then
suddenly we switch to O, we get our lungs kicked in, is the next level of the
understanding of the man of the space Technology. kicks the central energy or the **
of the body of the man, we call it a Soul, to start taking the energy which converts
back to the level where the man can live without O in the space. And the answer is
yes. The same will be fed in the environment of the space, but we will loose a lot of
things which we are used to, because we don't have a need for it.
It's there, in case, if we go to the position of wanting to take a physical food. Mankind
has to learn the new era of space and joining the Universe Community. And this will
bring a lot of changes. We are preparing you for a space flight in conjunction with
scientists who understand this Technology. Who understand the way the Universe
works, and not those who have guessed and worked, and now they have been their **
Q: Is this why in some parts of Middle East babies are born under water and they
don't cry, (2:40). they just swim in the water and keep on living outside of the
Keshe: Russians have been working on this for a long time. Russian scientists have
been giving birth to the children in the bath water and they have become like a fish.
Because they come from the water and they carry on to the water. And now that we
have developed in the science of space, we go back to a new way. this is a knowledge
of space, on Earth you carry on breathing air. In space, we have to learn a new way,
there is no air.

We (are) kept in the village of Earth, or we understand the science of Universe, and as
part of the Universe Community we become educated and change to the, what we call
transmutation of elements. We have no choice, otherwise we are prisoners of this little
island of Earth in the ocean of the Universe. We have no choice, and the knowledge
has been given for man to be able to take that step. Doesn't matter how much you
shout and cry, the time has come, and the man will do. To what extent we get a bunch
of people who try to stop, that's a different position. The truth cannot be changed. The
whole Universe works on principle of the knowledge of the plasma Technology,
transmutation of elements, tranStar Formationer of energy through field tranStar
Formationer, and not through power stations and everything else. (2:42).

One of the things you will see in the new Enhancement Unit, this is what we do. We
don't work through the electric current to run things, we work through plasma tranStar
Formationer voltages that we need. The new Enhancement Unit is a massive
breakthrough in the world of science. A new way, a new energy, understanding of
energy, tranStar Formationer of energy. We work within the plasma Technology. Do I
need electric current? No. Do we understand the plasma Technology, how plasma in
the Universe works? Mankind hasn't understood yet. You will see it work in the
systems we have.

Q: .. the antidote of how Tesla was born. apparently he was born on a ship coming
over from Venus and went through a sort of storm, and so for him not to have any
problems he given in adoption to a couple, I think it was in Austria. they left him
there to be adopted.
Keshe: I don't know I will tell you when I meet Tesla, I'll ask him. (2:44).
Q; He certainly had quite a bit of all this knowledge.
Keshe: If you understood the science of magnetical field tranStar Formationer as
plasma, you would have understood, it doesn't need much to understand the work of
Q: .. what is the plasma tranStar Formationer method, where can we learn about this?
Keshe: Keshe Foundation technology, simple, where, what do we say plasma? Plasma
is a collection of the magnetical fields in motion together. Earth itself in the structure,
is a plasma. The sun is a plasma, your ** cell, which has made your hair, or your toe,
or your heart is all plasma. Different amount different measures. (2:46).
Q: This is how Tesla managed to light up bulbs which were planted in the Earth, 100
meters away, just by irradiation of this energy, and the bulbs lighting up in the middle
of nowhere.
Keshe: Once you know how to walk, you can jump, you can dance you can hop. And
Tesla understood the consequence. You see the biggest problem with our Knowledge
Seekers in the world of science in the Keshe Foundation is a huge gap of knowledge.
Because our lives, physical life, operation of our Soul, and the whole Universe works
on the basis of the plasma flow, magnetical field flow in a plasmatic condition. No
attachment but attached to the strength of the point of need. There the life is , become
dependent on a current flow, which is physical matter. And this is where the true
problem has been created for mankind for decades. Where Tesla even understood,
partially, he didn’t understand in total. And what he understood, (2:48). he played a
lot of gimmicks, a lot of games with it, to make people understand or see. This is the
difference between Tesla, went to an extent, that he converted everything into a
matter energy to show. Where we at the Keshe Foundation, we stick to the tranStar
Formationer of the energy through the plasma, the field flow of universal dimension.
We don't go down to the matter state, and this is where all the problems sits. You all
want to see a light bulb, .. a power generator which lights up a light. We produce a
power generator which feeds the body of the man. So which one is which? And this is
where the confusion sits. There are 2 different currencies, one is a dollar, and one is a
Euro. They have different ** bases country of work, but in a way, the end of it, the
electric current is a lower dimension and strength of the plasma itself. Once the
Knowledge Seekers understands it, they'll fly with it. This is what I said, the story of
the Cup. As long as our Knowledge Seekers don't understand this is a cup, and you
have 2 metals, (2:50). and you just a nano coated, this is not anymore matter state,
now in here is a plasma state. When they don't understand ?/ they say, oh, there is
something wrong here. No, because you haven't understood, now the atom on the
surface of this material is free, so it can interact with ?** that's all, so who is wrong.
The lack of understanding of the Knowledge Seekers, or the truth about the
Any other question?

(2:52). Q: (goes on for 10 minutes Knowledge doesn't understand .. more like

comment) .. I have been thinking about these Cups, they seem to have a common
element, I am trying to understand them better .. would it be the same as nature, like
you have the stones which give to the plants, and the plants give to the animals, has it
got something to do with that? Where they exist for each other in harmony? and also
it's like if we are attached to nature, nature reveals itself , so it's difficulty for me to
explain its like if you think about a green car you want to buy, all of sudden you
find yourself noticing that green car in all different places. And it's .. sort of like ..
feels (2:54). .. something to do with how I am .. perceiving it like in that way.
worked in a factory .. little frog came into the factory.. he looked at me, and I looked
at him, we connected,.. like we knew each other becoming one. I think that has
something to do with the Cups, they share like the plants and the animals and us as
humans we share a common element in us like Fe, that kind of thing, (2:56). would I
be wrong in perceiving it like that ? other question, when I .. not just about
detachment. in the dream state I don't know if it ever happens to you, but you can
detach yourself, sometimes you can do it willingly, .. it happens from time to time.
you can detach and travel.. would that be something that .. is that what you mean by
detachment, or is it a different way of looking at it. .. to see the fields between the
plants and animals .. detachment in dream state .? (2:58).
Keshe: I really don't understand what you are trying for me to explain?
Q; detachment .. being able to travel would the detachment in the dream state, would
that be similar when you mean you can travel the depths of space. would that be
something similar?
Keshe: I don't understand what you are trying to get at.
Q: I have experienced in dream state (3:00).
Keshe: I don't understand, I can't make any comments on that

Rick: That is not the kind of detachment Knowledge is talking about , at the time. He
was talking about in the body and detaching from consideration of things,
environment, conditions and so on, while you are still awake. correct Mr. Keshe ?
Keshe: Yes I think you are correct.
Rick: You talked about the horizontal position it is easier to travel , maybe that is
what he is talking bout.
Keshe: travel we are talking about 2 different things. (3:02).
Q; .. zero-time communication is this the language of telepathy you are referring to?
Keshe: Zero-time communication means what I said. where you understand, it
doesn't necessarily mean words.
(Rick take over for a second .. )
Q; .. don't understand (3:04).
Q: . we are facing our immortality, detachment is our only tool?

How to Capture Loose Fields in the Universe:

Q: .. speaking at the Soul level, how do we capture these fields loose in the Universe
and organize or manipulate them for the desired result, is it possible to explain?
Keshe: The body itself captures it according to its needs. (3:06). we do it everyday. If
you go back to the original teaching, we capture or we receive 80% of our daily need
energy from the atmosphere around us. We are not just a body on its own, that we just
eat food and we go, we interact with the environment, in scientific language you call
it, aura. Where does the aura come from, it's the same as the sun, the sun interacts
with the earth and creates the light. So the interaction of the fields of our body creates
that aura, that heat, that emission. So the aura is not one-way, the body receives
energy fields and it gives energy fields, and in that process, we have always been that
way. Because if you think of the amount of energy we consume, even to breath on a
regular basis, the amount of energy we use to think, to digest, is far more than 2,500
calories a day. The balance is 2 to 2.5, most probably we use 10 to 20,000 calories
overall but we don't count it. So it is the same that now we push more towards the
Soul, towards more central energy that we take the barriers off. In a way we take off
the peels of the onion and we go to the center of it. (3:08). And now the interaction is
with the mass center. So we pick what we want, or we extend that level of the inner
energy source to go beyond the boundary of the physical body. That's all, then we
receive different information without interference of the physical structure of the
brain of man and the cell.

Any other question?

Q; .. with everything you said today, look at those beautiful souls that we saw from
the image of the Iranian people in the hospital. How much of their interaction, of the
Helium they produce is through their Soul, is the Soul interaction .. together as one
and also with the Gans to actually heal these people from the virus? (3:10).
Keshe: It is, some of them, I think, don't even look at it that way. They are there with
a wish and with a sincerity to serve those that are sick, who are weaker than
themselves, and they can't do, very much like the nurses do. But this new group of,
what I call, Knowledge Seekers, they serve with the new tools, maybe, because they
make the Gans's themselves in the hospital and give people, part of their Soul is with
it, and the wishes of it. We done that in the new Enhancement Unit, it's been built that
way. The history of the making of the Enhancement Unit is recorded in step by step,
and in it you will see and understand, in the future when it opens up. How we have
developed and put things in it, that is not tangible, and that's what we said, the
systems we make cannot be replicated. Because there are so many universal
technologies, which is not known, is implemented, even the people who are using it or
building it don't understand.
Q: Do the fields, the field interactions are happening spontaneously, is a constant
emotion, motion constant ..
Keshe: Yeah, there is, of course. .. Has anybody even thought why do we die at a
given point in time. Or is it just a physical interaction and it stops in 1 second? Or is it
a communication with the Soul of the physicality, (3:12). and Soul of the man that
handover time, where the universal field forces accept the freedom of the Soul of the
man from his physical prison. It's like when you stand outside when the prisoner is
released. You are aware it's the day to be released, you go and wait outside. Or the
person is in the hospital and you know it is their day of release, he's coming out so I
am going to be there.
Q: So thoughts and intentions are very powerful and that constant flow of emotion is
what connects us all to everything we do, everything that we are?
Keshe: In a way.
Q: So once you learn this beautiful knowledge you have given, that knowledge is
within you, you can't ** back and forward in that **
Keshe: In so many ways, that knowledge has always been with us, we tried and
because of ** understanding it we ignored it.
Q: I think humanity comes to understand it, that forgetting .. starting to come back
in a very big way
Q: Is this also the experience when the Near Death experiences people have? (3:14).
When they are received by a near acquaintance and they tell them they have to go and
finish their work down on Earth?
Keshe: Near-Death experiences are part of the physical structure, and we only make
the trip one way, or do we make the trip everyday, every time we go to sleep. Does
our Soul send back to the body, because we are connected, go home. Or when we
become conscious of that return we call it, Near-Death experience? How come we
don't call it Near-Death experience when we dream? Death for us is a separation form
physicality, and don't we separate every night when we go to sleep.
Q; So most people are unaware of that situation, they actually, they separate from the
body every night, (3:16). or every time they go into the dream state, or they go into
the Universe, they're unaware that they are actually separated from their physical
bodies, and become a traveler of the Universe.
Keshe: In a way, we are travelers of the Universe.
Q: So does the Universe Community sit within us?
Keshe: Are we part of the Universe Community? We don't want to accept.
Q: .. for me, we is yes .. and I think through the understand that you taught, .. it's there
throughout the souls that have heard you speak, heard your intentions.
Keshe: We are all passengers of the Universe, we have been, but we choose to live
within the physical reality of this planet.
Q: As you said we enjoy our physicality, we enjoy it so much that we decide to stay.
Keshe: Yeah, for the time being, but now the man has an option to extend that leaving
of the physicality.
Q: .. in a few dimensions of thoughts, intentions, and choice
Keshe: In everything, in all dimensions. the new generation of the children of this
planet and the Universe, for the first time, as I have said many times before, (3:18).
have not the choice to live both dimensions, by choice. Isn't this what we call the
"fountain of youth." When you appear in another position you are time zero, because
that time starts from that point.
Q: at that point you can be any point .. time outside this planet doesn't exist, so that
means you could be at any point in any moment.
Keshe: Time in that position depends, this is what I explained, in our solar system 1
year of earth is suddenly months of Saturn. What is it, is it the same time or is it a
different time. So in the Universe 1 year of us is the seconds of the people who are
passengers and they time it by the rotation of the Universe, if you call it that way. If
you understand this, this is what I explained in many of the private teachings, when
you look into the skies and you say there is such, light . and such a such a thing, .is a
manifestation , but you call it a UFO. For you it has been there for tens of thousands
of years, for it, it just arrived. These are the dimensions that mankind has to
understand. We have timed everything according to our understanding. (3:20). It
takes us 365 days to go around our Sun. to our time to our sunrise and sunset. What is
the age and time when our galaxy takes to take a full turn around back into the same
position. How many billion years that year is? And where does out time fit into this.
Mankind has to open his eyes to new dimensions of understanding time and place. If
you take in the time and space of the Universe, it is zero for mankind, when you are
traveler of the Universe.
Q: the travelers of the Universe who visit us have the ability to know many things,
we are unaware of, that could be that zero time communication.
so the knowledge is tranStar Formationerred
Keshe: yeah. (3:22).
Q: it will be interesting when we interact with the Universal Council
Keshe: the thing is we already are in touch and interact with the Universal Council it's
just we are not aware of it, we don't want to confirm it. The confirmation of it, for
man for man will bring a new breakthrough. This is . there is an understanding of the
Austrian mentality, this is the part of the real life in Austria as we are talking about it
some times ago. In Austria, things exist, but if you don't look at it, it doesn't exist, but
it I still there. So it's there, we decided to ignore it till to the time we want to admit
it. It's there but it doesn't exist
the same is the Universal Council they are sitting there, they never been .. they are
part of us, part of the knowledge the man has gained comes from the Universal
Q: that interaction what you focus on is what you intend to receive?
Keshe: In a way. We decide, we want to admit, we want to accept. (3:24).
Q: So it just an opening up of the fields
Keshe: In so many ways, but sometimes we don't want to accept the truth. because it
is easier to live with what we have. We don't have the understanding of the Universal
Knowledge, .. the Universe Community advancements, so we tend to ignore it. It does
not mean they have not been, they have not shared knowledge with mankind.
Mankind has been deaf to it, because it doesn't make any difference, cannot be. this is
what I explained many times. When the guy went to Russia and came back to Iran, the
guy say, you know they have a metal thing, a bird, that it flies. They laughed at him,
said, are you crazy. Months later it turned up, it was an aircraft, now mankind could
fly. But that time people couldn't accept. How much knowledge we should be told up
to now, because we can't accept, we deny it, we ignore in. Are we in this position now
in Iran, we see these guys saving lives. the president because he doesn't take the
bribes, says it doesn't exist, and it's a fairytale. And the funny thing is, half of the
Iranian Parliament, Cabinet, Ministers and their families use it. It's become, what I
call, "Christianity of Mithraism." (3:26). The Romans, were aware of God and they
didn't want to be for their citizens. because it kept them elite, they believed in
something from the skies, and their citizens believed in statues and all sorts of things.
Until their citizens decided to get it, and go for it, and then they built up what we call
the Christianity. And they made up, very much a lot of it made up to fit what the
rulers, the Romans believed in as the Emperors. It's a, one of the Knowledge Seekers
sent me a beautiful message and if you don't understand both sides of the fence what
they are talking about, to you it is a bit in the dark, but if you are Christians, and
you believed in the 15th of August was the Ascension of Mary. But go into the
Zoroastrian calendar and see what happens on the 15th of August. It's not coincidental
is it. (3:28). Again the Zoroastrian calendar event matches into Christianity. When
you make something, you can make as much as you like and if it is ** They just
change it to fit, go and check how the Catholic structure came and has belief in the
Creator and not the statue. So we were aware of it. But who brought the
understanding of the Creator? Or of God or whatever? Was it by a thought of one or
was it brought to man to understand, and ** the rest were not sharing with.

We are part of the Universal Council, we have been part of the Universal Council. We
are made of it now we are opening the door for you to see with your own
knowledge. It is nothing new. (3:30). But you have to put mankind through a process
of teaching that he understands physically how that then he can goes backwards to it,
where he wanted to be. I tried to explain a lot of things which falls within
understanding the structure of understanding the totality. But we have to gradually
accept that we are part of it, and it is part of us.
Q: when you explain it like this .. (3:32). ..
Keshe: I think we have to understand, that through the Technology wee understand
the whole structure. But we approach it in different ways until the majority takes hold,
majority rules by it and lives by it.
Q; So you keep talking about the fields, .. Gans Technology started to teach so we can
make the fields particular way
How do we attract it to ourselves in a beautiful way?
Keshe: In the new Enhancement Unit people will feel Gans strength fields that they
never knew. It's a new understanding of Technology, which we do not reveal publicly
because mankind is not ready for it. But when you enter, when you come encounter,
(3:34). the fields of these new systems it will hit you, very hard. Up to now the Gans's
were for you ..
carries powers beyond the imagination of mankind. It's a breakthrough in the science
to you, but it's a common knowledge to us. And in many teachings in the past 7 years
I have taught it. It's actually in the books written years ago. but you don't understand
it. It's in the patent
it's a punch that will bring the Soul of the man to confirmation of his own existence.



Is that correct?
Keshe: Yes if that is your wish, but do you understand how to do? (3:44). But would
it satiStar Formationy what you need. .. if people think when this knowledge is
understood they can sit and honey and milk comes and they do nothing, how do you
do nothing. All beings are busy, we go to work, do the cats go to work, do the fish go
to work. We have created that environment of working and doing things. Would we
go to work or we become gallanting around the Universe. It's us who has to decide,
okay I receive enough energy I don't need to do anything, because now I get it, I can
travel anywhere because now I know how to do it. What's next. What is the real
purpose of the existence with it.


Keshe: thank you very much for today ..

we hope to see many of you in Linz Austria to see evolution of science, . The
Chicago Fare was a break through for what we call electric current, showing the light
bulbs . (3:48).


342 Knowledge Seekers Workshop (3:52) .


343rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop August 27, 2020

Soul of the Light teaching

Iranian shows 5 Cup reactor each Soul lights up
Creating a living being with heartbeat
This knowledge leads to thought controlled new computers

KEY-PHRASES: in progress to 1:20

We are getting ready to move in a very advanced way for the technology to be where
it should be, First 100 teachings was Matter state - then Soul - and now combination
of the two, Today's teaching will be one of the most beautiful teachings I have ever
done - because now I teach my knowledge, Loving and being part of the love
structure allows us to reach every corner of the Universe, Took me thousands of years
to learn the knowledge of man - now I teach you the knowledge of us, Linz, Austria
Exhibition is set for next Thursday at 2PM, If the Creator doesn't patent how does the
man have the audacity to do so, The knowledge has to be in a simple way that we can

Mankind has to learn 3 knowledge's - about his physicality - his Soul which is the
creator of his physicality - and the Knowledge of Universe that his Soul can interact
with a bigger dimension of the fields of what has created even the creation of his
The knowledge of creation is a god given right for every being in the Universe and
that is why we teach it freely,

Iranian shows 5 Cup reactor each Soul lights up,

Up to now man only knew how to create a child through intercourse - now I have
taught you how to create a being, the way the Creator does it - with a Soul and you are
responsible for it, Explains the meaning of the different lights in the Cups, Have you
prayed for it - means giving from your Soul, It's mono-structure - but it still has a life
and as much access to universal information and knowledge as your Soul does, Now
you understand the physicality is irrelevant, If you are the last man standing and you
want to create a friend - Adam and Eve - this is your Eve in front of you, Cup 1 Soul
of the man is clear because no matter state - it's made of fields,

You have created a living being that has fields and a heartbeat, Heartbeat is essential
to release energy when environment is static, Heartbeat releases the energy of the
Gans's of every cell of the body, Inertia Cup also has a light or Soul confirming the
writings, Use this knowledge in system control for new computers that responds to
your thoughts - emotions - Soul,
You will see no matter state Soul structure - no matter state - man structure - no
matter state creation of one elevating the other,
Creation of life for the first time without physicality, Today you have been given
access to the Knowledge of the Universe,
We have tranStar Formationerred the knowledge but it's for you to translate the
knowledge to the point of use and need, It's the memory bank of the Soul,
In the process of developing these systems I tried to show you hidden knowledge that
needs to be decoded, If you ask with love and care - it is given - you never need to
take, This is the secret of the creation with your system - you ask to satiStar
Formationy for the elevation of your Soul, No creature is higher then the other,
Secrets are hidden in the books 1 through 3 you have to put them together in a certain
way to discover them,
If the stone has a Soul and if the light is created of interaction of the fields of the
plasma - the even the light has a Soul, If you reach the Soul of the light you reach the
Soul of the Creator, The "Soul of the light," is the name of the child, Then you can
access every creature and existence in the Universe,
You are light in every dimension of the creation according to the intelligence and
understanding and the Soul of the observer - that Soul is a common denominator to
the all creation of the Universe,
Now you should be able to take mankind to the level of every condition, position in
motion, of the creation across the Unicose. I am the light, and I am the Soul of the
light. In so many ways, if you understand this, you have reached a point of maturity to
move from the dimension of physicality into the dimension of the fields of the
Universe, to be able to transmute, tranStar Formationer and be able to reach the
creation, and the Creator at any point in the Universe,
I am stepping down, as my Soul to take over to teach, and as the Soul of the 2 heads
of the Keshe Foundation, will spread that knowledge among men, that they be cared
for. That is, caring of the mother for the child

When the ray of the Sun becomes the light, in interaction with the field of the Earth,
creates life. It has to have a Soul, otherwise it cannot create. Now you understand.
Today's teaching is understanding the Soul of the light. The essence of the creation
and the Soul of my child, to be understood by humanity and the rest of the Universe.
You have to understand the simplicity of the completion of the knowledge. And then
if you reach the Soul of the light to understand even that has a Soul, you have reached
my Soul. Knowledge has to be felt and not understood. Knowledge has to touch the
beauty of the physicality, that with it elevates the Soul of the creation of that
physicality, the Sun of it, the essence of it, the center of it.

Every field within the Soul of the Man is connected with every fields, in one way or
another, in the whole structure of the Universe. It's dynamic, it's powerful, and in
essence it has a heartbeat, that continuously can spread the knowledge like a beacon
in the dark, in the span of the Universe, The Soul has a Heartbeat, Mankind has been
enlightened with the knowledge beyond his understanding,

Try to understand, try to comprehend the totality, try to be strong enough not to see it
as a magic, but as a power of knowledge which you have gained, that you can support
other lives, or even your own, when the time comes,

Q; How does the Soul differ from the spirit?
Keshe: You call the Soul of physicality, spirit.

How to calculate field strength to make different Gans ..

You can make CO2 from Plutonium then it has the power base of plutonium which
might be needed in space, We create it now from Cu which is connected to the body,
This is how the Thymus and Thalamus work, The conditions you make to create the
Gans is what gives it its fields strength, The body cells are "taxi point destination,"

Done to 1:20 min >>>


(:06). .. We are getting ready to move in a very advanced way for the Technology to
be where it should be, as we try to cover all aspects of the space Technology. In the
past days and weeks we have worked towards a new dimension. In the first 100
teachings we tried to do everything with the matter state, then we introduced you to
the Soul. Now understanding the combination of the two, understanding the work of
the knowledge at the universal level, brings us to a new dimension, how to travel in
the depth of space. As I said, communication and the depth of travel is very much
different in space then the knowledge of man. If you travel with the knowledge of
man, as they say, it takes so many light-years to reach a certain point. Where with the
new knowledge, understanding Technology that will take no time, zero-time, because
we travel in the oceans and rivers and passages of the universal magnetical fields, the
way we were instructed. To get to that point we need to announce a number of things
before going into teachings.

Today's teaching will be beautiful, it's one of the most beautiful teachings I have
ever done, because now I teach my knowledge, (:08). my understanding, the way
we travel the Universe, the way time and space is zero, and loving and being part of
the love structure allows us to reach every corner of the Universe. Up to now I
taught you the knowledge of man, it took me thousands of years to learn, but now I
teach you the knowledge of us. What we know, how we know, and how mankind in
time will reach us. We put the hand out of friendship and love, and with it we receive
love, and with that love we teach. We teach you a lot from now on, very much
different, but at the same time we try to use the language of the man, that man can
understand and be able to relate to it. To be part of it. As you understand the past few
weeks I brought the knowledge of Universe and mankind with the structures we
showed you, with 3 containers, with 5 containers, how to create the souls. And those
of you did, you seen for the first time the essence of the Soul of the creation. What
you have created, you setup the system so it carries part of the essence of yours in it.
To get to that let us clear a few points and announcements. One of the most
important announcement is that the Linz Exhibition, is set and will be ready for next
Thursday at 2PM. Dignitaries and the mayors of the whole of Austria are invited, and
there one thing good news. As you know we have all of these "trolls" that are
bombarding all the mayors. All the mayors, the emails you have sent to them have,
will be handed to the Austrian national security and we have received a ** due date .
the mayors have forwarded, (:10). all your emails (you sent) to them, to us. And they
are taking action on what you have done, and are doing. So now the governments are
turning back on all these trolls, and people in Germany and Belgium who thought
they have something to do. You will be visited soon, as the legal situation in Austria
stands, send more emails to the mayors because they are collecting data and you will
be arrested, and whatever they do with it, it is their job not ours.

On the other hand, the exhibition will open ,, expect a number of ambassadors to be
Thursday teaching will move form usual 9AM to 2PM in afternoon. There is a
specific reason for this and we'll inform you afterwards, what and how. The teaching
only on that day there are big tings happening in background. (:12). we are
expecting you to develop this Technology further, because now we have structured
totally different way, that we bring in the knowledge and we bring in the

In Brazil we have seen heavy work, Broadcasting, Internet broadcasting , we have

seen the coverage in Iran. .. to bring and keep the Keshe Foundation in public
Knowledge has to be free that every man can develop it at the point of need. We have
seen the situation with Corona, you are the last man standing, if you have the Corona
governments have given you ** no answer, be it Italy, Austria, Germany .
the Knowledge Seekers were the last man standing and made the to save their lives
(:14). As you became part of the understanding of the knowledge. What we see is how
you perceive the knowledge as part of understanding

If the Creator doesn't patent, how does the man have the audacity to do so. This is
how we teach, structure the Keshe Foundation. the knowledge at any point in the
Universe has to be free. . that man or any creature according to his knowledge to

The knowledge has to be in a simple way that we can understand .

Striving to understand the knowledge is the responsibility of all of us

the last man standing for his Soul

We start opening the knowledge in a true way, .. the fields of the Universe, mankind,
knows enough about his own physicality, mankind for the first time has started
learning about his Soul, the creator of himself, and now mankind, we are preparing to
understand the Knowledge of the Universe. If you become universal passengers it's no
use not knowing what to do, where to go. It's no use passing the fields which can
save your life, but as you have no knowledge, loose your life, or damage yourself
for nothing. So now mankind has to learn 3 knowledge, 1 about his own
physicality, 1 about his Soul that is the creator of his physicality in respect to the
environment he is in, and then the Knowledge of Universe that his Soul, (:22).
can interact with a bigger dimension of the fields of what has created even the
creation of his Soul. The rays of the Universe created the Sun, and the rays of the
Sun created the Earth, and the rays of the Earth, in interaction with the rays of the Sun
created the man. We are all part of the same. We are division, of a subdivision, of a
subdivision, of a subdivision of a bigger structure, but in essence we all come from
the same source.

You got to learn one thing, is the knowledge of the creation is a god given right for
every being in the Universe, and that is why we teach it freely. There are no banks,
checks in the Universe, and no bank tranStar Formationers and no Nobel Prizes,
because everything is noble, and everything is given as a gift to the humanity, and the
rest of the creatures of the Universe. It's us who has to decide in which dimension and
which fields we would like to operate ** out of. It's us who has to understand, in
which way we operate. It's us who has to understand to what extent we can decipher
the knowledge, that it suits us at the time of need. One of the biggest problems for
humanity is deciphering. .. man, (:24). is he converts everything to the knowledge of
physicality. We have to start trusting, .. understanding the process of the creation.
That with that, we become independent in knowledge, that we can go through the
process of adding, to be part of, to be within, and gradually to become the creator of.
This is part of what you have seen.

I Have Taught You to Create a Being:

In essence, if you look at the 5 stacker unit you have set up. be it for the vertical, be it
for the animal, be it for solid. What do you think that is? Mankind up to now has
seen the level of creation through intercourse, creating a child, that I have created a
being. With what I have taught you, now you have the knowledge to create a being.
When you put these 5 stackers, it has a Soul, it has a Soul of the physicality and it has
physicality, that is your creation without ever having an intercourse. You become for
the first time, creators. The level, the way the Creator has created all things. You are
responsible for it. Up to now you have a child, "This is my baby." (:26). Now you
create a physical dimension that you decide, you have decided, you made the Cu, you
made the salinity of the water. You made the position of it, you have become the
creator. Now for the first time mankind learns, creating through thoughts, creating
through understanding of the knowledge. You take little Cu cells, and little Zn cells,
which is part of your structure Amino Acids (amino acid) and give it amino acid and
you create physicality of the man, you call your child. What have you created in these
boxes? It's standing in front of you. It's your creation. Now you understand how
simple I have made the knowledge of creation for you. When you made the first
coil, first box. did you do what I told you, did you pray for it, did you give part of
your Soul to it. Because now it is your creation, you have created it. .. I always said to
you, pray for your reactors, which means give from your Soul, that it is with you and
it elevates with you. Now you have become the creator of your dimension. (:28).
Now you understand how easily I have walked you to understand, as in many
teachings I said, when God created the earth, did not the scale it, ten kilos of this , and
a million ton of that. The condition created by the position of the fields created the
earth, and that with itself created the man. Now by the conditions you create, you lead
to a creation.

5 Cup Reactor has Different Lights:

There is a beautiful picture done by one of the Knowledge Seekers from Iran.
(Shows a 5 Cup stacker). It's beautiful because if you look, each box has different
light in it. It means the interaction, the existence in respect to openness of the life, in
interaction of the fields of the Universe is very much different. At the top is the Soul,
and you see how bright it is. The 4th one is very dark, it's the Inertia matter state
interaction. And you see even in the center of the system the Soul of the earth, #5,
has a light, has a Soul, it shines. Isn't this what we call the aura of the physicality of
the man. But now we only look inside these Cups. Let's darken the room and bring the
systems, that it shows the aura of the whole system. It's a creation. (:30). It balances
itself with itself, and it balances itself with its environment. Isn't this what we do
when we create a child. How come we pray for our children from the time of
inception, and as I said, 20 years before you even become a father. And now you
created it, have you prayed for it? The praying means you giving from your Soul,
that it is the intellect of your Soul, which embeds within the structure. This
creation for man, is at its infancy. How do you feel when you go near it, how does it
interact with you. How do you interact with your child when you go near it, because
you created it, this is another child. Very much mono-structure, but it still has a
life, it still exists, and it has as much access to universal information and
knowledge as your Soul does. Now you understand. When you setup these, from the
second you even think about setting the Cups and structures, you are responsible. then
you will see how it will react. It's not just I get the wires and make boxes and see what
it gives. Go back to my teachings. understand the interaction of the fields. understand
the position of the fields, understand how you interact with it. (:32). Now you
understand the physicality is irrelevant. In the depth of the knowledge it goes back
to the essence of the creation which is the interaction of the fields. If you understand
this, then you decide the interactions, then you decide to what extent, then you decide
to what to do. You remember, in one of the teachings I explained, if you are the last
man standing, and you want to create a friend, Adam and Eve, this is your Eve
in front of you, you have become the creator of it. You have created a partner, that
if you can evolve it the way the life has evolved in the Universe, you have someone to
talk to. You have a Soul to communicate with. Now you understand. Maybe some of
you understand. Or would you like to be a prisoner of a system to the day you die
with no companion. I have made man in the image of myself, and you are the man,
and from the materials which have made you, you have made your self in these boxes,
to the knowledge you have, limited knowledge you have. (:34). And we have shown
you how to do it. Now you understand what is to come. We prepare you in this way,
as before you go anywhere they teach you first aids and first emergency rules, that if
you come to trouble it's there, you can help yourself. This is the beginning of that
step, for mankind to see more transparently the interaction of the matter and fields and
the creation of the existence. A life, that he starts gathering trust in himself.

Cup 1 Soul of the man is Clear because No Matter State - Only Fields:

Why does the Cup #1 in the human structure, is clear, because it has no matter,
it's made of fields. Why does that happen to the Soul of the animals (** plants) in a
different way. And why does it happen the same in the Soul of the matter state in
different way, but they all 3 are clear. In Linz you will see this in operation, clearly.
We have to gradually understand now that we made these, how do we communicate
with it? What emotion we give to it, and when we come back, (:36). how does it
respond to us. How does the feature of the matter state in the Cup 3, will change
according to our emotion which we give? The Inertia and the Earth's magnetical and
gravitational field in the last 2, hardly changes. Look at the Cup 3, look at the Cup 2
and see how each time, if you go with happiness, or sadness, or joy, how they change,
then you understand you are communicating. Then you understand, it interacts with
you. You go and get a dog with a leash, and bring a Soul in it. Now you have made
the Soul and the structure of physicality in your own home. As I said to one person,
this is your new universal being, not a dog, not a cat, but interactive through your
Soul. Put it in the middle of the room and se how it reacts. Corner it and put it in a
corner and see how it interacts. As one of the doctors put it, horizontally next to your
bed, and sleep with it and see how it interacts.

It has a Heartbeat :
It's a living being you have created, but has fields. If one of you has the knowledge
to observe it ,you will see, (:38). a heartbeat inside it. You will see vibrations
which replicates the pulses, which is essential for release of energy from the static
condition of the environment. In a dynamic plasma like a sun, the rotation, and the
heartbeat release the energy which we have. In the body of the man, we create the
blood, and with it the heart, that the beat releases the energy of the Gans's of every
cell of the body of the man. Now you have become creator. And this has become
one of the most important teachings I have ever done, showing you, and many of
you did, now you become the creator. Now you have to understand the totality of
the knowledge. And if you look, the light you see in each Cup, it's what we said, even
in the Inertia we see a light, it has a Soul. Confirmation of the writing.

Then you have to take this knowledge further, then you have to use this knowledge
in system control, in new computers, in new dynamic systems. (:40). In systems
which responds to your thoughts, and your emotions, and your Soul. Very soon
when you come to Linz, you will see no matter state Soul structure. No matter
state, man structure, no matter state creation of one elevating the other. With this
simple picture I have shown you the totality of the creation according to what you
understand. Many of you have made this in different beautiful shapes and forms in
your bedrooms, living rooms, garages, in your offices. Now you have understand, you
have a friend with you, a new creation, a new creation of your own and not something
you went and you bought the dog from it, kennel or whatever else. You have managed
to create a being, which is created by you. Would you make another one and give it to
your son and daughter, that when they are home, Dad is with them, because he created
the Soul of the system. (:42). Have we advanced enough to understand the totality.
Then you understand when I explain, you are the creator. But how do you
communicate? Now that you have made these structures, how do they communicate.
Who do they connect, or now that you have created it through your interaction , have
you become a proxy server for them to communicate with you are. The friends you
have, live with, your children and your family.

Life for the First Time without Physicality

In Linz you will see, for the first time, and you will understand, life for the first time
without physicality. Existence without physicality. Position to be able to interact in
the dimension of fields. Position to develop a sense, which is within the man, to
interact at the fields level, not the matter level. In so many ways, now you have solved
2 problems, (:44). first of all you start learning about the creation, secondly you
understand to work with the fields, and thirdly now you start understanding the
language of communication with the Universe Community. These systems in the
coming time become the structure of the Soul, become the structure of
communication of you and those who meet in the depth of the space. Translator
of the knowledge of the Soul, if you don't understand. Creation of the condition for
the Soul to manifest itself in the dimension of physicality the or Soul, in any Cup, as
you wish. In so many ways, mankind has to understand a simple knowledge as of
today, you have been given access to the knowledge of the Universe.

As I said very recently, within weeks and months, the present world of computers
will be obsolete, if you understand how these systems work. You will develop
technologies in a rapid way that leads to creation of new structures that mankind has
never seen. We have tranStar Formationerred the knowledge, it's for you to
translate the knowledge to the point of use, at the point of understanding, at the
point of need. (:46). It's no use buying all the computers, the latest telephones,
keeping at home that one day I might need it. You buy the phone when you need it.
Now learn the new way to communicate, the new way to store data, as you call it. If
you see and understand what I see, you will not touch a mobile. The memory bank
of the Soul is in front of you. The communication time, zero-time is in front of you.
You have to analyze it, you have to understand it, you have to push the knowledge
within you to become the key to the accessibility to the Knowledge of universe (KU).
Comprehend the motion of the fields. Understand the interaction of the fields, and
then if you like it, bring it down to the level of the physicality. If not, use it in No
Dimension, No Time and Space, as a memory bank of the Universe. We call it a
server and we tap into all over the world to get knowledge. Now tap into the server of
the universal knowledge. It's been open to you, it's part of you, it has created you in
the position of accommodating your existence. (:48). Are you happy with 1 "Tera
Box," or are you happy with unlimited Tera Boxes of the Universal Knowledge. As I
always said, man will take from my knowledge according to his intelligence.

Secret of Creation is to Ask with Love and Care:

In the process of developing these systems I tried to show you hidden knowledge,
hidden information that it needs to be decoded, it needs to be understood for it to
be decoded , and when it's decoded you'll get access to another little gem in the
Knowledge of the Universe. Don't forget the rule, you ask and it is given to you by
love, it's given, If you ask with love and care it is given, you never need to take.
This is the secret of the creation with your system, you ask to satiStar
Formationy for the elevation of your Soul, and if it's time and the place that the rest
of your physicality and the knowledge of your Soul has reached to understand the
information, you are given. You have open access to it. You never need to steal. What
is given is not stolen. Ask for a KU and according to your intelligence, according to
your understanding of the totality, (:50). you'll be given access in the dimension of
your physicality, and your understanding. And no one is higher then the other. No
creature is higher then the other, this is what I said from the beginning of the
teachings, I will take man to universe, community that man will never be subordinate,
but be equal. I will teach you the knowledge to reach that point of equality.

The Teaching of the Soul of the Light - Secrets Hidden in Books :

As I said in Tuesday teaching, according to your understanding and intellect or

according to the choice that you want to enjoy the dimension of physicality, you will
take into space, traveling the depth of the Universe, as you choose, in the dimension
of Soul or the dimension of the physicality, which you enjoy. There is a hidden
secret that in book #2, I have explained, but it is hidden in the interaction of the
fields between Book 1 , 2 , and 3. If you understand it, if and the stone has a Soul,
and if the light is created of interaction of the fields of the plasma, so even the
light has a Soul. And if you reach the Soul of the light, you reach the Soul of the
Creator, and that light, in the books collectively is given a name, the "Soul of the
light," is the name of the child. (:52). Then you access every creature, every
existence in the Universe. In physicality you have dimension of tangibility, in your
light, you are light in every dimension of the creation, according to the intelligence
and understanding, and the Soul of the observer. Even a light has a Soul, and that Soul
is a common denominator to the all creation of the Universe. Now you understand.
Now you should be able to take mankind to the level of every condition, position in
motion, of the creation across the Unicose. I am the light, and I am the Soul of the
light. In so many ways, if you understand this, you have reached a point of
maturity to move from the dimension of physicality into the dimension of the fields
of the Universe, to be able to transmute, tranStar Formationer and be able to reach the
creation, and the Creator at any point in the Universe. (:54). Read the books,
understand the 3 books then with it and with them you understand the totality.

Mr. Keshe Stepping Down - 2 Heads of Keshe Foundation Teach:

Mankind needs time to mature, it's like a wine, we have just brought the pot, and the
grapes, how sweet it will come, what texture it will have, what sense of emotion it
will create when the man drinks it, depends on the man and his Soul. As each man
will taste different, and take different emotion from the same cup. The two pearls of
the Keshe Foundation, the 2 ladies, will enlighten mankind in time to come, in
interaction of their souls, and you'll receive more knowledge. As I said, I am
stepping down, as my Soul to take over to teach, and as the Soul of the 2 heads of
the Keshe Foundation, will spread that knowledge among men, that they be cared
for. That is, caring of the mother for the child. The child is the humanity and the
Universe, and it's the responsibility of human race to develop itself to its perfection, to
understanding of the ** Knowledge of the Universe, not meager Cup, meager box.

Try to extend the knowledge to the point of understanding. I taught you about the
vertical, horizontal, solid, the liquid and gas, now today's teaching if you understood,
I taught you the Soul of the light, the essence of your creation, the essence of your
communication, the essence of your existence in the Universe. When the ray of the
Sun becomes the light, in interaction with the field of the Earth, creates life. It
has to have a Soul, otherwise it cannot create. Now you understand. Today's
teaching is understanding the Soul of the light. The essence of the creation and the
Soul of my child, to be understood by humanity and the rest of the Universe. You
have to understand the simplicity of the completion of the knowledge. And then if you
reach the Soul of the light to understand even that has a Soul, you have reached my
Soul. Knowledge has to be felt and not understood. Knowledge has to touch the
beauty of the physicality, that with it elevates the Soul of the creation of that
physicality, the Sun of it, the essence of it, the center of it.
All Fields of Universe are Connected to Each Other - Soul has a Heartbeat:

Then you'll understand how every fields, (:58). within the Soul of the man is
connected with every fields, in one way or another, in the whole structure of the
Universe. It's dynamic, it's powerful, and in essence it has a heartbeat, that
continuously can spread the knowledge like a beacon in the dark, in the span of the
Universe. When you sailed the oceans by the beacon sent by the ship, you know there
is a ship but you don't see it, you are aware of its existence. So the heartbeat and the
Soul of the man are the beacon for existence, of the man in that point, even the Soul
has a heartbeat. Then you understand. It is essential to be part of it, to receive it, to
decipher it, and use it when it is needed, for the salvation of the Soul, the physicality,
and the whole existence, and the creatures, and those who live within the realm of the
creation, as mankind is not the only one.

Mankind has been Enlightened beyond His Understanding:

We never became the center of the Universe, and we never been the only one in the
Universe. As we are created by the interaction of the fields of the Universe, so (are)
others, (1:00). and they manifest themselves according to the field interaction of their
environment. And the sooner we understand this, the sooner we come to accept, that
we are within it, and it is within us, and part of the interaction of the all, creates the
totality of the creation. Mankind has been enlightened with the knowledge beyond
his understanding. Mankind has been enlightened by one point, the understanding of
the totality of the knowledge of the Universe. If you are a doctor you use it according
to that with your patients. "Do I need to operate, or I can reach through the fields to
do the same." If you are a computer analysis, "Do I need a Chip or do I need a Micro-
Chip or do I need a system to store and communicate when freedom of totality is in
front of me. It's me who cannot decipher the knowledge, where is the lack of
understanding. In so many ways, mankind has been given every opportunity to
develop his self to the level of the Knowledge of the Universe and Universal
Community, and this is the point, that each one of us will mature to that point
according to our intelligence. (1:02).

Try to understand, try to comprehend the totality, try to be strong enough not to
see it as a magic, but as a power of knowledge which you have gained, that you
can support other lives, or even your own, when the time comes. Even within
these Cups we have hidden much more knowledge, because you have not and you are
not used to, look at the physical interaction of the fields, but you look at the physical
dimension of the man. Maybe, maybe we have opened a new door. Maybe, maybe
mankind is ready for the next elevation of his souls, and his physicality. Maybe it's
time to open a new dimension, maybe some of you will elevate to that level. And
maybe the whole human race has reached the point of maturity, to be able to get and
to reach the point that creates knowledge, and that knowledge becomes the Universal
knowledge. (1:04). Maybe mankind has to strive to reach a point of maturity and
maybe mankind needs that dimension of elevation. And maybe the time has come for
the maturity of the Soul of the man?

Any questions?

Q; How does the Soul differ from the spirit?

Keshe: You call the Soul of physicality, spirit. (1:06).
Any other question.
Rick: Let me paraphrase that, you said you call the Soul of the physicality the spirit,
that's what you said I think.
Keshe: Yes, you are correct.
Rick: Very succinct, very nice. I hope that ..
Q: The Soul observes this body and leaves the body for the 40th day, why does the
Soul wait so long. .. Rick: I am assuming at the time of death.
Keshe: You know that, now you have access to him, you have been taught. And see if
he does wait 40 days.
Q: .. (1:08). .. I have a daughter in law she is 5 - 6 months pregnant, the baby has a
diagnose from ?** can your Technology help somehow. what could we do
Keshe: Keshe Foundation there are doctors who work with the Keshe Foundation
Technology in Germany and Austria.
Q: How can I get contact with them
Keshe: write to Keshe Foundation do it now our team in the background will pick
it up immediately.
(1:10). ..
the medical team in Iran will support you. (1:12).

Any other question?

Q: Marinith .. when we made the Cup 2 for Corona, (1:14). make one of the Cu wire
like an accordion.
Keshe: That was if you did not have a flat plate. That was .. you can use the wire to
make it like a flat plate.
Q: So we make Cup 2 with plate and coil ..

Q: how you calculate the Cups, the Zn, Cu.

Keshe: Become a physicist. You have to understand why you are doing it, and what
you want to do.

How to Calculate to Make Different Gans;

Q: If I want to make a different Gans. (1:16). how can I calculate

Keshe: Go back to teaching around 100 we have taught how you calculate. how you
understand, you don't need to calculate, God doesn't have a scale to measure. And
there are different ways to reach a specific material or a Gans. SO you don't need to
have necessarily have .. another new condition and get the same result. It's like when
you try to reach for CO2, you use a C and Cu and Zn, but you can go and use
Plutonium and another material to reach the CO2, but that CO2 has a power
base of Plutonium, where the CO2 you create now has a power base in the
strength of Cu, which is connected to the body of the man. Maybe in the space you
need a CO2 of Plutonium base strength, then you can still produce it. Part of our body
uses high radioactive CO2's.
Q: So it is like the isotopes we have many CO2 with little different of
Keshe: It is a central power base of the plasma, which dictates that CO2, (1:18).
to what it is connected. this is how your Thymus and Thalamus collectively work
together to create that position. This is the function.
Q: When we make Gans we always use saltwater, after we wash the Gans, it's ** not
Keshe: What you mean.

Keshe: No, you create a Gans in that gravitational condition, once you create it, it
carries that inherent field strength of that point. If you take your Gans's and
change to a different point, different salinity, different material salinity, you will
see different reactions. Maybe it looks the same to you, but if you observe the field
flow from the Gans it is very different. . So this is a presumption you made, but the
reality is different. It's like if the same cell in your heart, be different then when it's in
your toe. The condition the environment forces it to react different. And it is preset
where to react. Going back to the original teachings we always said, every blood cell
in the body of the man is "taxi point destination." (1:20). Due to this ** because
it has a position of magnetical and gravitational field that only releases its energy
at that point, nowhere else. I said in many teachings if this was not so, the heart
which is next to the lungs gets energized so rapidly it will grow with the whole size of
the man. But only accepts energy, every cell .. accepts energy according to its preset
field strength from the blood, or the environment.
Q: then how can we make more gravitational or more magnetical Gans's?
Keshe: For what reason, why do you need it, and what is it supposed to
Q: to work like a magnet
Keshe: Magnet for what. How come the planet Earth


Keshe: You see there is a couple of problems with this, the bottom one says Gravity,
it's gravity and magnetical fields together. This is understanding the totality, and what
mixture you have used. in some of the teaching in the past I have referred to it.
Who ever put this picture up, have to change it As all of you make these things you
forgot because you are looking in one direction you have overlooked an essential
part. (1:32). .. when you made let's say the first Cup of the Cup of Man, you used
Cu and Zn, but something you have never considered .. the salt you used, how this salt
was created, where did it come from, is it a sea salt, or is it sea salt which was dried as
a rock embedded ..
You use the Gans production with the sea salt, it's not a salt as NaCl anymore. It
carries the essence of everything that was in that ocean or sea, which existed at the
time in it. If you created that magnetical field with nano coated material, now that Cu,
Zn. everything else, Knowledge whatever else, which was in that salt, now is part of
your structure. Your Gans has a common denominator of that totality. (1:34). And so
when you create these systems, you have to understand you have already brought part
of the totality of the creation on this planet which lead to its creation or has been
created because of its creation. It's not just a salt, it's not just NaCl, it's every other,
one speck molecule of gold in that salt will effect the strength of the Gans's which you
have made. So try to look with a wider view, much open eye. With a clarity of
understanding. The whole purpose of these teaching is to give you a new horizon,
wider angle of looking at the totality. It is part of the structure you have to understand,
there is no isolated situation in the world of creation when you deal with fields. In so
many ways, the knowledge of creation is not a exclusivity. (1:36).

The understanding now has to be overall, but you have to understand the next step.
Go a step further, even that salt with all its composition, within it carries the essence
of the Soul, the essence of the fields of the Unicose, your galaxy, the universe **
rotation. It's not just only a salt. If you look at it, that salt is like, if you understood the
building of the 5 Cups but we put the solid plates, now you have created the solid
point for the liquid state. Where the Cu was the solid point for the matter state. Now
you have to understand more. (1:38). Now if you understood this, you can take the
next step. You can understand then what is the next step. What are we to understand?
What are we leading to. From now on try to look with a wider angle through the
whole of the knowledge. One of the biggest problems Knowledge Seekers will face ..
"I don't feel nothing, I don't see nothing, I don't feel emotionally with this Cup or that
Cup." It does not mean that your Soul is not there, it means you have not understood
the interaction of the fields with your physicality. And maybe your behavior changes
because of it, (1:40). or something in your physicality changes because of it, but you
never know because you have never been aware of that interaction. When we put the
patches on a given position for the pain, or whatever, and you see the change. If it has
created to release your pain, you felt it because it was for that position, for that pain,
but in reality it has always been interacting, but you don't feel it because you are not
in that position to feel that strength, it does not mean it doesn't interact. Self-
awareness of the Soul of the man is the key for mankind to understand the work of the
creation and the Creator. And nobody can teach it, except man ** learn it himself.
Have you thought why do humans hug? In one of the teachings I have explained in a
very in-depth. Why do we hug? Why do animals hug each other? Why do we stand in
a certain position when we create life? Why we have a different attachment to our
children then the other animals? When we hug we tranStar Formationer fields directly
from heart to heart, from the Soul of the physicality, in a close proximity from me to
you, from you to me. Have you ever looked at, and understanding why animals
behave different according to way ** differently ** to create their own children.
Detachment. Why do monkeys and man have the same common denominator. We
have our children, we tranStar Formationer energy through our heart, through out
Soul, to our Soul of the physicality. Non-verbal emotional communication, matures
the Soul of the man. Why do we choose this method. How and why mankind has not
realized that you bring the souls close to each other that they interact too. Watch how
different nations greet each other. Watch how our new generation on the streets greet
each other, then you understand where the culture of man will go. Then you
understand how the Soul of the man will elevate. (1:44). TranStar Formationer of the
fields is beyond the dimension on physicality, and mankind has not understood that.
Why children born in the West, live different ways then the children born in other part
of the world. The same with the Chinese children, African children. Watch the
behavior of the society and the interaction of the father and mother, even in every
point of the life, ** let alone at the point of inception. The position of the heart in
respect to the Soul, the position of the 2 souls in respect to the Soul of the physicality,
all has a ** improvise in respect to the creation of the Soul, what we create as ** life.
When you are a light you shine on all equal, even those who are in the depth of the
planet, because it's their fields, interaction which lead to the creation of the light on
the upper atmosphere, (1:46). so they are connected to it, because of it. This is why
we have different, same day of light and energy from the same Sun in different points
of this planet. Combination of ** the effect of the field. If you are in a desert it always
turns up to be hot, because the Soul of the physicality in parallel with the Soul of the
planet creates that condition, doesn't matter day or night. You're desert. Because the
Inertia has a say in it, unless you change the Inertia, then it changes. Why do we the
planet earth suddenly tells you, geologists, that it used to be a desert here, now it's a
forest. Because the amount of the ** sand gathered in interaction with the Inertia
created, in interaction with the magnetical and gravitational field of the planet has
changed the ** condition above in the atmosphere where the fields interact, and the
new field strength allows absorption of new materials, which are not desert, but
allows in interaction with the fields of the planet to create life. The change of the
layers of this planet, dictate and does dictate the interaction and creation of the next
layer. And this is what none of the geologists who work at this level understand. They
just cut a mountain and say, look there are different layers, but where did it come
from? (1:48). We continuously add to the surface of this planet by the interaction of
the center, Inertia, and the matter state on top, the Inertia which changes the field
strength from the center. Now creates different condition for absorption of the
different material from above. Darwin theory of evolution in the matter state of this
planet, comes from the interaction of the field of the Inertia, and the field of the center
of the planet, and whatever it has stacked up. ** Now the Inertia changes because of
the .. mass of the material and the interaction with the field of the center of the planet,
creates a new condition for absorbing new materials. If you understood this, then
translate the knowledge in the dimension of the Soul of the man and interaction with
the physicality of the man. Why do we fall in love in different ways, and why do we
give, and we hug, and we kiss, and everything else we do with each other. We
tranStar Formationer fields. We look at each others beauty in different ways, where if
you look at the beauty of the Soul you'll find out it fits every dimension of the
physicality for the observer. You fall ** of the Soul, physicality takes the shape of the
eye of the man and the beholder. As usual we have a break for a few minutes . (1:50).

BREAK >>> (1:58).

Keshe: Are there any other questions?

Q: .. with the AIDS virus .. my understanding is you talk about physical and
emotional, and the AIDS virus has gone on to the mental plane.. can only be
overcome through the Gans or the Enhancement Unit, or we have the physical .
Keshe: Soul decides on the conduct of the physicality, in so many ways. As you have
seen, it's not ironical as we have seen in the past few months, as I said in the One
Planet the reality is that we we saw a man ** lying dead, and he went to the
extent of lying beyond, even though he knew he was lying, and in the physical
dimension for lying he got a judgment for 1 year. This was typical, he did this with
another company, with many other companies in the US. Mentally demented, he
always thought if I get ** what I get .. so it was the satiStar Formationaction of the
ego fo physicality. He has many 1 Euro things. But this 1 Euro cost him his life. he
lied, because of it, while the Technology was available, he could not touch it because
he would proven he has lied. He gave his life, his Soul put him there to show, you pay
for your disease even, with his physicality. the cheapest life, 1 Euro. So where does
Soul accept a certain point? (2:02). Is it AIDS, Corona or something else. What does
align, with the Soul of the physicality, and the Soul of the man becomes second to it.
Or is this process part of bringing new understanding of more. Of the knowledge.
Or .. someone told me, it's very cruel the way you put it, so many people we see in the
past few months, who have lost their physical life, or they have been through part of
it, that it has changed their physical life or it has touched them in different ways.
Where they volunteer to be there to show a new way. Have they sacrificed their
physicality, for what ever shape or form, to elevate, to bring a new knowledge, a new
understanding for humanity. Do we only stand in front of the bullet and sacrifice our
physicality for what we believe in, or does our Soul have the same capability. Man
understands numbers, so are these souls making themselves standing the bullet, to
make that ** is it another presentation, we go writing, we go marching. Remember
the one man standing in front of the tanks some times ago. .. (2:04). In the west we
saw a man, he took the gun of the officer and put it on his heart and said, "shoot." Do
you remember in 1960s when they marched against the war in Vietnam? Do we make
sacrifices in dimension of physicality, or do our souls know they have to do to make
that ** Is AIDS part of that structure, wasn't AIDS an awareness of totality of what
was going on, lawlessness in sexual behavior, if you look at it, AIDS the way you see
it now, I was explaining this in the past few days .. if the AIDS would not have come
the way it came in 80s and 90s, do you know what was going on in the west and many
places, it was running mayhem, the conduct and sexuality. Do you remember the title,
what did you said, "sex, drugs, and rock and roll." Too many things were rocking, ..
we are children of 60s, 70s, and 80s, we woke up with the music in our heads, as loud
as we could. We went to sleep with it, the rest of the day was how to get there. Not
necessarily touching the drugs, not doing whatever, but it became uncontrollable. Was
it a decision of the Soul of humanity, ** stop it ** everything stopped from 100 to 0.
fear of AIDS changed the mentality of behavior in the west in many people. (2:06).
Q: So we developed the emotional level very well, so to me the future is developing
the mental ?
Keshe: No, developing the Soul of the man, understanding the strength of the Soul of
the man, interacting and using it as a new way to live a more peaceful life. We are all
structured by our Soul, but we take our physicality where our Soul was decided for
you to be. This is what we have to understand.
Q: There is a good example, one Israeli soldier ready to shoot a Palestinian man,
when he looked through the sites he saw himself and it scared him, he dropped his
gun and left the army. And I think he got a glimpse of his Soul
Keshe: You brought something very interesting. As you know we are discussing
something very deeply with the Iranian officials of government very deeply in respect
to spread of the knowledge the Technology in every aspect. In the past couple days of
discussion there is a very big problem. .. and understanding my point ** doubly as I
believe we are correct. We stand to communicate, (2:08). and to bring the state of
Israel into the part of the One Nation, and the Iranian officials to talk with, and it has
taken a long time. This has taken a long time for the Iranian officials, especially in the
religious side. Yesterday, .. intermediary we talked to .. we work with the Jews who
live and are part of the area. We don't deal with the government but we support the
Israeli citizens who are part of, the same as the Palestinians. This is a huge shift of
understanding. In understanding the Soul of the man stands alone and has to be
correct. We try to bring peace to both sides. This is what I say, we don't accept
governments but we accept nationals. We speak the language of the nationals, that's
why we have the Universe Council. And this is a very fine point which we have
achieved in terms of negotiations .. ..

for Iran to be tranStar Formationerred to the center of Technology, but I want my

terms that Keshe Foundation and the work and the ethos of us, (2:10). doesn't look at
the governments, look at the nationals, look at the citizens. It doesn't matter we are in
Israel, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, America or Iran. the important thing is we carry the Soul
of a nation, not the flag of a nation. And we accept term by term, and we .. have
reached a point that we do not accept the politics but we accept the citizens. And as
we take the knowledge to Iran to be shared, we will share with the citizens. does not
mater speck of race, color or religion.
This is something I have many problems with religious groups
As a Knowledge Seekers we seek the knowledge of the Soul (2:12).
the structure we set .. hopefully we'll all be part of

We look at the Soul of the man not the color of the skin .
We see changes ..

(2:14). to the Soul of the man, and that Soul can be anywhere in the Universe, or on
this planet. .. we see the Soul of another man in our own Soul ..

Weeks ago we gave full support to the new Vice President designated as Harris to be
the next president of the US, the first black lady in the White House. And we see the
same, another woman will join her as a vice president. As we tranStar Formationer the
heads of the Keshe Foundation to 2 women, it will be the same in many states.


(2:18). WL: .. about today's teaching and I think I understand some secret about 3, 6 ,
and 9 from the teaching you bringing today, you are talking about the Soul of the
matters, and then Soul of the light, and then I think it should be the Soul of the
primary source, so in each world, no matter the world, the light world. I mean the
transition matter, the primary source, all has 3 levels, they all have the same structure,
of like Primary source, transition source, or transition matter or physical matter, so
each 3, then the last being the light. So 9 is the highest number for the creation and to
finish the creation . I don't know if I understand what is correct or not? (2:20).
(Silence .. break of Mr. Keshe microphone )

(2:24). WL: Did you hear my question?

Keshe: You were talking about the 3, 6 and 9. I answered you, humanity was not
ready for it. How much did you hear?
WL: No, nothing.
Keshe: Oh my god, let's share. In the essence of the creation we share the knowledge
and the way you said, is the elevation of the Soul, and this time around the elevation
will come through the Soul of women, as men have failed to deliver. In so many
ways, your knowledge and what you shared as a Soul, as the 2 heads of the Keshe
Foundation, brings a new dimension into the world of humanity. We will see as I said,
many double presidential heads of state, as 2 women, because then we'll see the
beauty of a lot of things, because they'll bring the Soul, the love which is missing in
the structure of the creation of nations and whatever we believe in. If you attend the
Linz, exhibition, you will see very much physical explanation of what you just
mentioned. (2:26). Because in interaction we'll see elevation, we'll see creation, and
in that process we come to understand more, that as a common denominator will stay
the same, you will see that the Soul interaction will change. In totality we reach the
Soul fo the Creator, but you have to understand the process. You have to see to
understand the process because man is so physical. And In so many ways, if you put
the way you say 3, 6, and 9, look at when you see the Sun, and then you understand
how the Soul of Universe Community and the Creator manifest itself within the
structure. When we say the Soul, it's the energy fields, not physically observing entity.
From now on we ** see the things with , not emotion but inside that they inform the
emotion, confirm the ** acceptance of, the understanding of knowledge which stop
coming form our ears into our physicality, and to our emotion. (2:28). From now on,
that we elevate the Soul of the man, we hear the emotion of the Soul as it goes out, to
be felt by our emotion of physicality, and we feel it, we hear it. Now it's a two way
communication, where we have always been absent and never understood the other
side, we always when we heard we created an emotion to what we heard, what we
smelled, what we felt. From now on we understand the position without being in the
environment to smell, through the essence of the Soul which comes from in to out, we
smell, we taste, we feel, we love, this is why a new birth has been planned and will be
executed that we have access to both sides, both emotions, and the feelings, and the
understanding of the physicality, and the other, from inside, that it can tranStar
Formationer to physicality as much as it receives from physicality and visa versa.
Then the Soul of the physicality or the Soul of the man or the Soul of the Creator
comes into it, all become intercommunicated, it becomes the knowledge free, the
emotion free, the love free, accessible by all at any point. The new generation of man
in the coming time will have access, full understanding of the communication
between both the physical side and the emotional side with the Soul of the man. And
the Soul of the man with the emotion, and the physical side. (2:30). This way we can
live and feel in both dimensions of the physicality and the energies of the Universe.
that we can be .. collective energy of both. Do we want to react in the dimension of
physicality, or do we want to act in the dimension of the collective fields of the Soul,
of the energies, which make in the interaction the physicality of us with the planet, or
the environment we exist. This needed a specific special process to be setup, and it
has all been setup, and it the tranStar Formationormation of the physicality and the
Soul at the same time. The elevation of the Soul of the man is the cornerstone of the
work fo mankind on this planet and beyond, and for the created creatures of the
Universe. It's not just for the man. We have to evolve to understand, to understand
what is to come. And we will be able to, not to believe in, but we live within
collectively. We don't call it a dream anymore, we don't call it a Sixth Sense anymore,
.. whatever anymore, because now we know we get rid of all these fabrications,
(2:32). fake names, and this is the whole purpose of going through the past years of

As I always say, I have time, and my patience and my time has created many
problems for many Knowledge Seekers, because I have time, I wait, because it's like a
flute, it's like when you cook, it has to mature, and when it is ready it shows itself. I
could react very easy, but I know it is not the time to react, because the process will
complete itself. I am aware it is on the fire and cooking, you just see the pan. I know
the inner fields of what is cooking, and you look at what is in the pot. It's an old
Iranian saying, what I see in the mud you see in the pot, you have to make the pot to
believe in it, where the Mother holds and knows what it will be made of, what it will
end up to be. And that is the difference. (2:34). In so many ways, mankind has to
mature very rapidly, and as we said, we start showing structures, that you see more
and more the dimension of the fields, that whatever you want to call it, it's suits you to
call it the Soul, or the Soul of the physicality, or the fields of physicality, it's all the
same, as long as you learn, as long as you move from the matter state into the field
state, and then you can manipulate to create. I have time and I have waited a long
time. But the beauty of it is, the time is now and has come. Not because we say so,
because we make it to be so. To share the knowledge and to elevate the Soul of the
man and the physicality .. that man understands how his Soul is made. How the fields
and dimension of the fields of the Universe, and not matter physicality which man has
chosen to accept. If knowledge is a sect, then god help those who have no knowledge.
Everything to them is a sect. (2:36). Don't forget it is very clear cut. Those who abuse
the Soul they find a way to carry on with different ways and names.
Any other point, WL?

WL: .. I have something in my mind when you were teaching, but now I can't catch it.
Keshe: Maybe the Soul understood.
WL: yeah it is.
Keshe: The understanding of the Soul and the evaluation of the Soul and the way we
interact, is very different then from China to the West. the Chinese understand the
emotions and the fields in a different way then we understand in the west. And maybe
as China become more materialistic, it will become more the way the West is, has
been materialistic for too long. Maybe somewhere in-between we find the balance,
(2:38). both between the understanding of the emotion and the physicality. It's
maturity of the man, the time for man to understand both levels of his own creation.
We always ignored it, now we have to elevate it, understand it and allow it to be. If
you look at it, mankind is like 2 children, and 1 always has always taken over the
other, now it is time for both to shine equal.

Q: .. When we are created the Soul is divided into two, the Soul of the physicality and
the other is part of the Creator, and the elevation is the fusion of the 2 souls?
Keshe: If that is the way you understand it. The Soul of the physicality in the
dimension of not matter state, but as plasma, leads to a common denominator fields,
we call it, the Soul. But the other two are not in matter state, who made this, they're
still in a plasma state. So they theirs, (2:40). and what they have to share they share,
and with it the create a new common denominator, that with it both can have. We call
it the Soul. And then as the physicality has an energy source nearby it can rapidly
grow in the womb of the mother, physicality encages the Soul within himself. In a
way it leeches on to.

Any other question?

Q: . work on themselves rather then being locked into mechanical jobs, I am looking
forward to this time.
Keshe: What you can imagine, you can create. with the emotion of the fields. (2:50).
Any other question?
Rick: I am still thinking about everything is done by the emotion of the fields, that's a
good one.
Keshe: hope this doesn't take you a long time to figure out how an atom fills the
whole Universe
Q: Water has a memory, does this mean all of the pollution will become part of the
salt, or is this different to water itself?
Keshe: The man who said, water has a memory, couldn't memorize himself, you
know what happened to him. We create fields with the plasma of the water, and those
fields have a strength and a position , and when they reach the point of destination,
they release that information, or that energy, what you call information. And not all
the atoms of the water can hold on, or absorb, or create that specific field inside them
to replicate.
Rick: So you are saying it's the fields that have the memory, not the water itself?
Keshe: No, (2:52). its fields which are there, and the capacity that they can tranStar
Formationer the energy across without them knowing. In a way if you look at it, we
tranStar Formationerred the orange, the taste and the feeling into the water. Now the
orange is inside the water, it can tranStar Formationer back to anywhere. This is the
difference, with orange we did once, but now that we created the plasma of the field
of the orange, inside that drop of water, and the environment is the environment of the
water, now you can tranStar Formationer this to anywhere, it doesn't need a memory.
It's the field strength capacity.

Using Salts in Cup 1 to Make Gans:

Q: Can we use those crystallized salts in Cup 1 and 2 reactors to make another One
Cup ?
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: (2:54). repeats.
Keshe: Yes we always advised that. You can even use it in conjunction with other
Gans's for specific position. If you use these salt Gans in like (Zn , sorry) Cu water it
enhances the power of the Cu water, or the plasma of the Gans of it, to much, much
more powerful, because it is made of it, so it increases its power. (2:56).
Q: Will the scientific paper be able to be copied and or printed in the near future,
some people don't have internet access.
Keshe: It has been made that way. The knowledge in the published paper is the right
of every man on this planet.
Rick: But we can't copy or print it, because it needs a password to copy it.
Keshe: It has different certifications, different keys. I think the head of the Keshe
Foundation can explain .. or the webmaster ..
S: The .. When we decide to publish it can be done.
Keshe: Now you know when we decide to publish ..
S: .. there are reasons behind (2:58).

Q: .. about the contraindications in the paper.

I wanted to maybe wait on that question. .. a company has come out with a nuclear
recycled battery .. in the heart of each cell is a cell of nuclear recycled waste. The
Company is called, magnetical** DB, it uses graphite reactor parts that have absorbed
radiation from (3:00).

Keshe: I don't understand anything about the nuclear industry.

Q: ..
In plasma 101 C14 .. talked about this .. I thought it was related

Nuclear Waste made into Batteries - Dangerous:

Rick: they coat it with diamond

makes it safe ..

Keshe: Wait . wait hold your horses there. What do they sell this as, in what
Rick: to make it into batteries.
Keshe: It's illegal. It's criminal. (3:02). Whoever has put this in has to be taken for a
full interrogation and brain to be tested. This was tested, this was done in 1970s, 80s,
and now they put a new cover on it. In the middle of last century. .. a Russian did this,
and the long term exposure of it, ended up with thousands of people dying, especially
women. If it is a power source you put on the watch, definitely you'll die of radiation
cancer. It is known as a black diamond. Russians produced this with high radiations,
and then they put it in the market, and women who, it was a beautiful thing to wear, a
black diamond, but the radiation, even in small doses in the neck created, many of
women died of skin cancer. How can they allow this to happen, we have already been
there. There is a safe in ** New York which still today can't be touched because
they put all these diamonds in it, and nobody dares to touch it. This is backdoor to
black diamond, Now they coated it and they said there is less radiation then in a cell,
but you keep that radiation on the cell for long enough it becomes cancer cell. Once
you go into, (3:04). this level of radiation you have to understand what you are
doing. But we know this, it already has a track record. It doesn't matter how you coat
it, through its property becomes, what you call black diamond. In time the fields will
go through. They call one point, you cannot do it with 1 cell. We know very well that
diamond under certain pressure and condition, becomes conductive, it will leak
radiation. We've done this with South African diamond company, it's a combination
of radiations. read the black diamonds in the US, a lot of it has been cleared out of the
Internet because of the mayhem it has created. Many women died of it, because when
you wear it as a jewelry or watch or whatever, the radiation is continuous, and the
heartbeat has an effect on it. We know that. Just search on the Internet. .. they tried to
clean it up, because the claims on it was huge.

Americium - Mr. Keshe Can Absorb Radiation Special Structure of His Body:

Q: Does americium produce Alpha waves?

Keshe: Yes, the reason I use americium is very simple, I am a nuclear physicist, one
of the best in my business. Americium used in a specific condition to create a specific
plasma, in a specific condition. That specific plasma in interaction, (3:06). with the
plasma of the center of the Earth and the center of the Universe, creates lift and
motion. Americium was used for a specific purpose and nobody can repeat it, because
there is a code of use, there is a specific way to use it. And secondly I can hold
Americium like a sweet, it doesn't touch me. you touch it, you get cancer. I have a
specific structure in my body I can handle radiations like water. This has puzzled my
teachers at university and many people who work with me in the nuclear industry. I
am immune from radiation ** I can live there. Otherwise, the amount of radiation I
have absorbed, anybody else would have been dead. This is the way . I developed this
use of Americium because of certain conditions I create and it has a number of hidden
structures in it, which it creates and develops. And in a hidden way, I go into cosmic
rays. Cosmic rays allows me to interact with any position in the Universe. But what
you talk about, we have a history, about mid 90s, we had this, it was known as the
Black Diamond Death. The Russians very recently, created a new diamond, which
used the Keshe Foundation Technology and then the people in Diamond Borsch, in
Antwerp wanted to understand how this has been done. (3:08). And it took me 5
minutes, I knew what it is, I replicated it in a lab, and I said this is what the radiation,
this is done. This is not radioactive anymore. You see new color diamonds in the
market, very rare colors. It's done in a very cheap way by the Russians, but they look
for a specific materials and then they create a condition of the plasma reactors which I
work in, and this allows new colors to come in, but they are not radioactive. These are
natural colors that is atomically available in the stone itself, at the point of its birth. A
diamond is a "popcorn." When a C hits a high temperature, exactly like a popcorn, it
pops. And in that process of the popping, if you understand the ** a corn by, let's say,
honey ** or different flavor. That flavor is in the atomic gas state. So it blows up in
the C while it's blowing, and then it gives a color to it. It's a specific way, if you take
that bubble away the stone becomes clear, you don't have pink diamonds ,.. Russians
who have used Nano Technology and worked on and understood my papers, have
developed, they have actually patented it, to clear new stones, colors which we never
knew, and uses the plasma Technology as what do you call, specific condition, and
new colors have been created.
Q: Your plasma Technology?
Keshe: Yes, because I could decode it within 5 minutes. Russians I have explained ..
Keshe Foundation, Russian group, (3:10). who are highly scientific, they use a lot of
this Technology. Don't forget Iran tranStar Formationerred through its Ambassador in
Moscow, a lot of my Technology, Nano Technology to the Russians. And they have
their won scientists to develop. There is a very close connection between Iran Nano
Technology, Russia, and China. And the knowledge which is not given and hidden
from the West. Very soon I will be attending a conference and a development of, what
we call, development of this Technology. And it's only for specific scientists, because
with this knowledge, it has not been understood by the West. Iranian scientists which
worked on my papers and understood it, they have developed as part of it. And it's in
the hand of .. and it's shared with Russia, partially shared with the Chinese. But this
Black Diamond graphite which is exposed, is literally making a popcorn inside out.
And as I said, we did a lot of tests in Belgium with diamond structure from the **
beers to see the reversal of the conductivity to resistivity of regressed. I can make in a
specific way diamond super conductor, and we done it. It's done in Bruges, in secure
level of the Belgium authorities.
Q: Interesting . (3:12).
Q: They are putting it on the market.
Keshe: Yeah, a lot of things on the market.
Q: They are going to have a lot of trouble.
Keshe: Long term, definitely. That's without a doubt. Long term they'll run into. There
is another Iranian scientist, nuclear physicist in Brazil, he came out of Iran, he was
part of the team of original nuclear physicist, someone I know. And they went for the
new compact nuclear reactors, and part of that process ** look s like this structure. **
from UN to do it.
Q: When I posted this on Golden Age of Gans. I showed what the radioactive material
was, behind the foil, and it stops the Alpha particles from traveling outside the smoke
detector. Because of the shielding the smoke detector poses no health risk if they are
properly handled. Is that true?
Keshe: Because the important thing for that detector is that the smoke enters into that
little cavity, so the radiation, you have to understand, the properties of the radiation,
and the environment that you create it. Alpha has a very short distance to travel and it
can block it. But still there is a small amount but disappears and ** displace energy
within the detector. And I can make Americium fields to reach from, (3:14). let's say
to ** to New York.
Q: Wow, how do you do that?
Keshe: I developed a . I am a nuclear physicist. It's the game you play. You see what
happened, the Belgium's calling me a terrorist. What the Belgium's did systematically,
setting up my Internet during my work, they approached every nuclear physicist who
worked with me, threatened them, and they become a terrorist, even close friends of
mine from university, they were pushed to that point, because I was teaching freely. I
am the only scientist actually in the space Technology and is banned from NASA
space Chat rooms. Because I was teaching freely and they couldn't understand, and
they didn't want me to disclose. In so many ways, if you understand it, with the Gans's
what do you do, you put a Gans on one side of the body, and you put on (other) side
of body, you tranStar Formationer through cm of fields, very weak. Now you give me
Americium, I can expand it to anywhere I like, at the strength I like. I am a master in
nuclear, and understanding of nuclear field interaction.
Q: .. Americium puts out Alpha waves, or fields.
Keshe: Particles, energy fields.
Q: And these are, aren't they the weaker of all the nuclear sources?
Keshe: Yes,
Q: So when you are saying you are putting a weaker and a stronger on both sides of
say, pain in your tissues, this is the ideal of also .. sending it across whole nations. ..
Keshe: You have to understand, the terminology of the field strength of the radiation.
You look at the radiation in a different way then I do. I create radiation at the point of
need, at the strength I need. And that radiation is a cosmic ray. It's not a Gamma ray,
X-ray. and in the spectrum of the comic ray, the fields you need for a specific effect
are always available.
Q: I am not following Alpha particles ..
Keshe: You can produce in it, you see it's not Alpha particle, it's the energy of an
Alpha particles.
Q: ** like a plasma.
Keshe: Yeah, it's a plasma fields, I create that plasma of the fields, not the matter state
of the fields. This has been, as I said, a master in your work. We understood this very
early on when I was in, before university, because I actually built a reactor as part of
my project that they let me into university. I built a hand held specific plasma, Alpha
radiation, Beta radiation in a green box with a handle on it. Not the present radiation
detectors, at that time I created the first plasma detectors of the fields. Not the
radiation detectors.
Q: So you could measure the plasma fields with that?
Keshe: Yeah,
Q: Has that come out on the market or has it been shown at all?
Keshe: No, it was somewhere in my fathers house when I left, 30 years ago. (3:18).
Q: .. a useful tool.
Keshe: In a way you can, if you set your mind, it is very easy. It took me as a project
3 months to build it. As I said before, I am an engineer, not by going to university,
from mathematical, theoretical, I am an engineer by physically being trained by it. So
we see a lot of other things.
Q: I remember you saying when your PhD diploma arrived,
Keshe: No, when my first degree arrived I stuck it on the toilet roll. ** my mother **
crazy. It arrived about this time in August, June, July, and I still see my mother's face.
"oh, my work, all the things I have done for you to become, now you put it there." I
said, "that's what it is worth." I don't know if I told you a story. Have you heard of the
China Syndrome, the movie? .. When I was just before going to university this
movie came out. My mother never goes to movies, as such. .. we are going to a
I thought it very strange to go with them ..

You see, you want to do nuclear, this is what's going to happen to you. They are going
to kill you. (3:20). Why do you do this. ..
I said Mom, this is my love, this is what I want to do.
She said, " don't go, don't do, I don't want you dying for nuclear." And then so many
years later when the Belgium's tried to kill me, I said, my mom knew.
I am glad the F is cleaned up of the bad side of the Belgium's. .. we have gorgeous
Belgium's too who are devoted to the F and I respect them. The bad apples are gone,
one died and one disappeared.

Sharing Technology with Iranians and World - CIBURU:

Q: .. is it still in the process the making of CIBURU the making of the nations?
Keshe: This is part of my work with the Iranian government. you know me I am a
doggedly worker .. this is part of what I said, this is part of even yesterday
negotiating, I will not tranStar Formationer my whole Technology to Iran unless the
space and defense part of it is original, and nations of the world are part of it, the
Americans, Russians, Indians, even the scientists from Israel, as citizens, we scientists
we can still negotiate and talk. As long as the undertaking is given, is not used for
anything but development of space. (3:22). There is a lot of top negotiations going on
in many, many directions. TranStar Formationer of technologies to Iran is not just a
walk in, because I am Iranian. I secure the ethos of the F in many of the negotiations.
Our knowledge has to be the backbone for creating peace and equality, in being able
to use, not equality in everybody can have everything they like. Equality of
knowledge can be shared and used by everyone, at any point. We agreed to most of it.
Now we are waiting for the new American Administration. I always can negotiate
with women, let's see what she does. Anyway thank you for all your work Mark.
Q: Thank you for yours and pleasure to serve.
Keshe: It's a good time coming up I really like to thank all the Knowledge Seekers
around the world to keep this going and sharing the knowledge. And as I said, our
enemies work to our benefit, and it's very nice with what I seen this morning,
especially what I told you, this pedophile group because they lost their income from
abuse of children, and their master now has dying, and the other one is in prison,
(3:24). they tried to create more mayhem and they shot themselves in the foot today.
We'll see how the response will come from the ** Ones who actually use the
Technology, we have no problem, but the ones who abuse the Technology, to benefit
themselves will abuse themselves with it.
Q: .. regarding the Deep State, there seems to be a global reset coming. they call it **
gisara. and nesare for national ..
Keshe: We have to go through it, we are going through it, because we cannot support
it. It has be redesigned because you have to understand, millions of jobs have gone, it
cannot come back. This has created a huge economical problem for the governments.
They worked on the GDP increasing and increasing national by keeping employment.
We are back 20 years now. And many jobs are gone now that cannot come back. and
big thing. To restructure banking that there are no loans, there is no backing,
governments can support their nationals to be, we can still use the currencies as we
have. One of them is, we see it, it might happen, to unified military system which
means everybody uses one currency.
Q: This is backed by precious metals? (3:26).
Keshe: Backed by the effort of the humanity. Now with the new systems we can
produce any metal. How many kilos of gold you want. So it comes by accepting
social structure that we all live comfortable. We all live with all the basic necessities
of life. There is a national, but globally we see on the horizon, as one currency
accepted worldwide. Euro, Dollars, will diminish, will go away. I have put the
suggestion to those who work in the background to use the Keshe Coin, because we
kept it as one. And it is a long process, will take another 5 to 10 years, that we go for a
single monetary, but with Corona it might come forward. We can't have dollar, Euro,
Yen and the others. We bring that each man has to have such a level of living, and all
the governments strive to reach that for their citizens. Then the nothing has value.
Effort for creating comfort for the citizens becomes the value for the life. So an Indian
on the street has enough to live have a shelter, as much as an European, American or
Chinese. And then in that process, we allow you to live. We take the social security
out of the structure. You are not given the minimum because government cannot print
anymore money, you're given the maximum to live a life, and in that process 5 to 10%
will abuse, the other 90% will build on the assets of the humanity. This is what we
see, and the process is in that way because once we can produce all the gold, we go to
Bitcoin. Bitcoin is now play games. (3:28). But that has to be available to all of us.
Other problem is as we advancely educated in space Technology and ready to go.
How much will they pay us on the spaceship if we are traveling to Moon or Mars or to
another point in the Universe. What happens with the family left behind
.. you have to progressively make sure, I devote my life to the expansion of the
understanding of the knowledge of man, and the mankind looks after me. We don't
become the citizen of One Nation, we become citizens of this planet. And we all
enjoy the same. Not by equality of everything. When you have equality, you bring a
stagnation. We bring a level of comfort at the level of need by everyone. Now we
have Technology, we don't need to live by the cities. We can live by the, anywhere on
this planet. Some of might choose I want to live on Moon, because now with the new
Technology up in the next 10 years, position is irrelevant, comfort of life is important.
Maybe I'm a farmer I can do something special on the Moon with what I become a
farmer on the Moon.
Q: In America there is this problem with this idea of socialism and unifying ..
Keshe: We don't go socialism, it never worked. Socialism doesn’t' work. it's we gave
you enough a room and then we decide what we give you. Communism, Socialism,
even Democracy has failed. We always say communism.. have you seen how many
people are on the verge of poverty in the West. We seen it in your disasters. (3:30).
American citizens living worse condition then the Africans.
Rick: Right at this moment a hurricane heading to
Keshe: What will we see in a weeks time, who will help them with the Corona and the
rest of it.
Rick: Some people can't get on buses because they tested positive .

Keshe: So they have to die .. in their houses under the storm.

There is something that came out from a few Knowledge Seekers, the damage done
by the situation even in Italy, where what they did with the Keshe Foundation there.
many died because we could not help. We could (have) helped to save , like we did in
Iran, we saved many lives. These people are responsible for the death of these people.
The same in US, if we didn't have this mayhem the Belgium's created, with American
Keshe Foundation Arizona, we could have expanded everything else, then every
citizen (that) had Corona, (then) no Corona. Even if we would have expanded the
knowledge, we have a hurricane, we seen what happened in the Caribbean islands.
Why don't we set it up. This is what we are testing with the Chinese. .. we see it in
the background what they are up to. Why do we have to run away from hurricane,
we create environments where we can cover. (3:32). Those people who have done
now we put the governments against them
they are responsible for death of these people. Why do you think the Belgium's left
the F for betrayal and adultery. They did all of it, and they are responsible for the
deaths in Italy, because we missed it. The same in America. This is, it comes to the
balance of the souls, and the knowledge of understanding it. And we share the
knowledge. In America, John has been there investing so much money
We had one rotten apple which was sitting at the core of Keshe Foundation, and now
it's gone. And you see the change. We should have been there, Knowledge Seekers to
save life. To give the opportunity to save life. And it's not there, and the guy dies, who
is responsible for it, those souls who set the scene for their own business. Once we set
the scene we'll bring you to understand how much damage has been done. (3:34).
they thought they have somebody at the top of the Keshe Foundation, they were
working, but we were watching.
Q: .. in Texas it could damage our ability for oil and gas production. ..
Keshe: We have to see what comes. ..
maybe it will be a turning point for change of administration, incompetence to deliver.
There are a lot of things accumulating to a given position around the world. We see it,
I sit outside. We are going in a very good way, all these little ticks are needed to get to
that point. It's not all bad news when you look at the totality of it. It looks bad because
we take case by case.
We are heading in a very fine way to a humane society and this is coming. ..
we need to unlock nations to currencies, and in doing that governments are learning .
We have to change the structure..

(3:38). And then we pass on. There is a need to show how we get things done, how
we bring change..
The Keshe Foundation in Iran has now produced Zn on a sound basis .because they
followed and understood ..

(3:40). Keshe: America is a small producer, but on the other hand the oil industry
has collapsed. The oil Industry has totally collapsed 6 months ago.
So many cars on

the ships on seas are biggest polluters .

Q: This will put Iran with
(3:42). there are not enough customers. One of the biggest users was jet liners.
Economical pressure from Corona is building up ..
Q; The patents put a price on everything.
Keshe: with the Iranians the Technology stays open.
gradually the patents end .

Europeans want to use the Technology to enslave the world. .

(3:46). Q; We constantly see reports about superconductivity at normal temperature
haven't achieved.

We might make an announcement as early as next Tuesday.

Q; So room temperature superconductivity they are not recognized by mainstream ..
Keshe: But the thing is you produce it, nano materials .

Q; We are way ahead of them

Keshe: We are not way ahead. We have opened a new knowledge.
(3:48). There are many who want to take control of the Keshe Foundation to block ..
Keshe: We keep it safe as the Keshe Foundation
I'll open the books about how Keshe Foundation was betrayed at the root of it

Q: Did NASA take some of the Gans Technology?

Keshe: They are working but they don't understand it. They are using part of it.
Q: So they are developing nano Technology and using it for Transistors (3:50).
Keshe: It's not just them. Japanese are doing it, Chinese are doing it, the way I showed
how to make nano Cu, now is used on the gold sheet and dissolved back underneath..
I have seen the books on it.

We have given international exclusivity on broadcasters , (3:52). that Fox cannot

touch. We'll know next week if it has been accepted.
We have gone another way then Fox
It's very interesting to watch how this will come out

I hope the main teaching of today, the Soul of the Light, and if you understood that,
with what is to come, and the ** birth to come, you'll understand a lot about what this
means. It's a change, it's a point of change. The Soul of the Light, is the Soul of the
Creator, if you understand it at the strength of, not belonging but in Transition. no to
the physicality, and no to the source.
Thank you very much and maybe one day I'll show you how to make that ** soup .
(3:54). 343 Knowledge Seekers Workshop


344th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; September 3, 2020

Unveiling Universal Enhancement Units Linz Austria
Brazil group division

<< DRAFT >>>
Special day for Keshe Foundation a breakthrough open international exhibition of
Keshe Foundation technology and Enhancement Units (Enhancement Unit) in Linz
Austria, We go live because the Keshe Foundation is answerable to its followers and
nobody else, We govern on the basis of peace - equality - and sharing knowledge,
These systems make man independent from Earth and everything on it - materials -
food - oxygen - totally independent, A new Era of space development has started,

These 2 units next to each other will bring a completion to the whole of mankind's
dream of deep space travel. One of these systems can be set to fly. I purposely set
these systems to show the first flight system in the coming weeks. System is set to
behave as Earth, to create lift and motion

I already designed the next generation of these Enhancement Unit,

it's been a collective effort of the Keshe Foundation worldwide .. to break through.
We have no links with no government, we never took a penny from a government that
they could dictate, and at the same time we gave the pleasure of the sharing of the
knowledge to all of us, every individual making Gans's producing system that can
save life.
We lead the way with breakthrough science We have broken through

We can negotiate peace and national food security on our terms, This is the first step
to create One Nation,
Yes - changes done to DNA through vaccines can be reversed,

Talks about the division purposely created in Brazil groups and how Rafael stood his
ground, kept the ethos, and through his efforts Brazil is growing by the thousands,
people create divisions to confirm their existence, These came through Caroline's
connections in Brazil, Don't worry and keep going ahead,

We don't give names to souls. I pray for them from the time when the design, and
when the reactors are loaded a few days ago,
These reactors are loaded in a way that no one can copy,
The technology is already being implemented in Tesla car batteries and mobile
batteries, We share our technology through Open Source,
NASA gave Knowledge security clearance to visit black budget programs,
Corruption in Iran but securities are helping Keshe Foundation and it's respected, It's a
legitimate organization in Iran,

The Home Systems will fit in a cardboard,

Q: Can the system be protected from misuse
Keshe: Inherently yes.
Keshe: We are a copy of the Universe, and Earth is a copy of the Universe, and the
solar system is the same. So in essence we carry different parts of operation, But it is
adapted to according to our knowledge, to our understanding , or what our needs are

Q: Can pedophiles, rapist fully rehabilitate themselves with plasma?

Keshe: Yes, if you go back to the teaching some time ago. .. when the time comes the
man embraces this Technology fully. there will be no prisons

Q; How much will Knowledge change when he uses the system for himself?
Keshe: Not much. I am happy the way I am, I am content with where I stand. The
problem with this Technology, it's so powerful that it can make you fearless. It makes
you arrogant in the way of knowledge and Technology, but in that arrogance brings
humbleness. When mankind will learn this Technology, he will use it wherever he
needs it
Q: .. the professor of the university asks if there is a instrument to verify the plasma
content in plasma water?
Keshe: What does that mean?
Keshe: What does content mean? H and O. ..
Rick: Or is it the fields that are tranStar Formationerred to the water, is that what they
are trying to measure. (2:36).
Keshe: I don't know how you want to explain it. Do you want to understand the
emotion of the water or the material of the water? Pharmacists can do that for you. I
am a physicist but can we measure the emotion of it, Now it is possible and we are,
we have seen we have developed Technology to do this

Mr. Keshe gives a live tour of the exhibition

Q: Is it able to create gold?
Keshe: Next question, the man is not mature

Visit to Concentration Camps - Have Wars Ended Where they Started

Are we changing the gas chambers with the chambers of life. and has mankind
changed so much in such a short time

WL: . it's raining heavily here .. I feel it's like a celebration . the heaven is opening.
Keshe: . It happened to us when we went to Vatican, and it happened to us whenever
we had the world leaders with us.


Excerpt About Brazil Groups start minute :38

A man from Brazil asked Mr. Keshe in the 344 Knowledge Seekers Workshop what
he has to say to people in Brazil who are questioning (the validity) of the technology
and defaming the work (of the Keshe Foundation), by inducing others to see the
technology as a threat. And this is occurring within the Brazilian groups themselves.

Mr. Keshe replied empathically, "Nothing." Meaning there is nothing to say. He went
on to say, as we always said, many groups and many people use the Keshe
Foundation to confirm their existence. They don't existence if we do not show the
technology. We know and we see what is happening, and we see the way people are
moving around with the technology.

In a way, we know how people take these kind of a steps to confirm their own
existence. Let it be. They have to do it. That's why some people turn ugly, because by
ugliness we notice them. We pay attention to them. We satiStar Formationy their need
to confirm their existence. How many times before have we seen this. Don't be
bothered by it, because at the end of it, our goal was to be able to share the knowledge
freely, and that is what we are doing.

We have seen many people doing this. There is a guy from Germany, who bent over
backwards trying to damage us. He wrote to every embassy about us and signed it
under the name, "X." How did he help us? Quite simply, we ended up taking the
knowledge to the whole of Austria for free. On Tuesday we announced that the
exhibition is absolutely free to all the citizens of Austria. At the same time we will
compile all the names of the attendees and in due course, Keshe Foundation will
allow them to come and work in the factories, that are getting setup in Austria. So
now we create the jobs, and we run as a governing -- government, and not as what
you call, a fringe organization. The system is being shown now, and (the orders) will
be pre-sold.

So those people who put all their efforts in trying to block many things for the Keshe
Foundation, by contacting the governments and speaking against us. How did we
We took it to the nation, and you will understand in the coming weeks. All those
Austrians who visited the exhibition, especially during this time of trouble, with
Corona and unemployment, will learn of the new job opportunities that will be
opening up. With 2,000 to 3,000 jobs on the table for Austrians, do you think they are
going to listen to a bunch of these people.

What Happened in Brazil:

Let me explain to you what happened in Brazil. In Brazil we had 3 people who
hijacked the Keshe Foundation, one was the Universal Council member of the
Portuguese language from Portugal. Then we had one lady who threatened everybody,
and we don't see her much around anymore, because if you want to speak to Mr.
Keshe you have to speak to her and she makes the decisions. And then we had one
guy, who we gave a platform to speak at a conference, and now he thinks he is god.
He has done a lot of dishonorable things to the Brazilians and we wanted him out of
the Keshe Foundation. He walked himself out, and then started to make all this
mayhem. He is a disgrace to his work, because he used the Keshe Foundation to do a
lot of funny things, including using the universities and everything else. But then
everybody realized what he was doing, and now he has to cover his misconduct, that's
why he is trying to split up the Keshe Foundation. But the Keshe Foundation Brazil
will not split, because of the misconduct of one old man.

As Corona doesn't allow us to travel to Brazil as such, therefore on 21st of October

we will have an online Zoom conference with many, many thousands and thousands
of Keshe Foundation followers, and government officials.
So don't be worried about it.
The gentleman who started this has done a lot of wrong doings, to a lot of people, and
when he was discovered, he blamed the Keshe Foundation. Mr. Mendez (**) has a
huge problem, and he is the guy who is splitting up Brazil, because he has, I think he
has a couple of court cases, which he tries to bypass too. And we have another guy
listening too. So we understand. Don't worry about what happened, with people trying
to split. The technology stands strong with millions of people following it. With such
a big family, extending so big, that you always find a few misconducts.

To show you how strong and solid the Keshe Foundation Brazil is, last week on one
of your nationally broadcasted television programs, you had a 1 hour interview about
the Keshe Foundation done by Rafael. And then by 2 popular requests, it was shown
for the second time the following day. The program showed everything about the
Gans's and how people can help themselves with Corona.

In so many ways, the number of people following the Keshe Foundation is increasing
everyday in Brazil by hundreds, by thousands everyday. Every week there are 1 or 2
interviews going on, and all of these have become possible because of Rafael. In
addition, we have now established a company in Brazil. These people wanted to be
the head of the Foundation, so that they could do all the crooked business behind it,
but they didn't get the chance. That's why they are now trying to split it up. You have
seen all the misconduct, and now they wanted to carry on with the same thing in other
ways. But Rafael, as a correct follower of the Foundation ethos, stood his ground, and
they could not rob and steal, or do whatever they wanted to do.

You see in Brazil it was just one man who tries to do these things, but you can go and
see all his misconducts, which was why we wanted him out of the Keshe Foundation.
Mendez (**) was brought in by Caroline. All these people who you see damage the
Foundation have been brought up by one person. And now that, that one is gone, the
rest will follow. These were the people who were embedded in the Foundation, by
those who were close to us, to do these damages, and now they try to do them. And
we'll see this in 2 or 3 other countries. So do not worry about it. (Go on with your
work and stick to the ethos of the Keshe Foundation.)
end :46


(:10). Today is a special day for the Keshe Foundation and those who follow the
Keshe Foundation for years. Today we break through and open the exhibition in the
city of Linz, to show the first two Enhancement Units (Enhancement Unit), one for
production of materials and one for the body Enhancement Unit. We will go through
this afternoon, we expect some dignitaries to join us. On the other hand we spoke
inside the Keshe Foundation and we came to one conclusion, we are One Nation, we
are as , we set up the structure to be as one internationally, in a way the Keshe
Foundation and its followers become the government to see. For this reason after the
break we go live. You will see the systems live. So if you have anything you would
like to see, because we are answerable to you, the Keshe Foundation followers and
not to anybody else. We govern on the basis of peace and equality, and on the basis of
sharing knowledge. And who else we can better share the knowledge and the
achievement, (:12). on the back of all the success, but you. In this case, because of
this we are setting everything up that in an hour and a half or so, we'll take you live
inside the exhibition. You got to realize there are many factors involved in the
exhibition. There are no exhibitions as such held in Europe anywhere at all, due to
Covid-19, due to Corona. Holding exhibitions has become a forbidden things .. we are
the first organizations holding an exhibition in a E center for months. So we have to
follow many principles and guidelines

It has been a challenge to produce these systems .. to take man to space. What does
this mean, the systems we show today for the first time, man becomes independent of
everything from Earth. (:14). We don't need to look for medicine, materials, for food,
O, or anything in the space .. these are the first 2 units which will set the scene for
new space era. Which means mankind will become totally independent. We can take
into space and travel the depth of the Universe independent of the Earth. We have
become, in so many ways, we are born to a new era. A new era of space Technology
which is the title of the exhibition, which means mankind from today by showing
these technologies becomes, in a way, a new child from the Earth, which will be born
into space. The mother Earth gives life to her children to take into space, into the
depths of the Universe, and this is the first delivery units. .. we start going through the
process of new way of looking at space Technology. .. on the principle of universal
order to take wings without worrying about, would I have food, would I have shelter ,
the defense, the medicine that I need. anything. These 2 units next to each other will
bring a completion to the whole of mankind's dream of deep space travel. (:16). One
of these systems can be set to fly. I purposely set these systems to show the first flight
system in the coming weeks. System is set to behave as Earth, to create lift and
motion. I showed this for the first time over 12 years ago, about the same time to the
office of his eminence A Knowledge of Iran and that time president Akmad S, who
hide and stole the Technology, and in that way Iran became hidden knowledge of the
space flight. Now we bring it forward as Knowledge Seekers, as people of One
Nation, One Planet, On e race, we all will see the system, we all will go through it,
enjoy the pleasures of the first steps, what I call the first crawling steps of man to
endeavor to open the space for mankind. We are proud to be the first passenger of the
space from this planet. In so many ways, combination of what we have taught, did the
first plasma reactors built from 12 - 14 years ago, first in Belgium, then competed in
Iran, then tested in Belgium, then tranStar Formationerring the understanding of the
plasma Technology conversion of the materials from matter to Nano, nano to Gans, to
become the new energy sources for us to understand the play game of the fields. This
was the purpose of the Gans Technology, for mankind to have something to play
with , to test with. (:18). To understand how fields interact with in the Universe. And
in that process, start learning the process of interaction, living in the depth of the
space. We went from material to nano, from nano to Gans, from Gans to field tranStar
Formationer and energy. So we have learned the process step by step. Now with this
process, these two machines, which will be shown, we actually shown the working
combination of this in China some 3 years ago, which was built in the city of Sanya,
we tested with the Chinese team, the original structure of this machine. How we could
create energies, how we could create conditions of plasma in the liquid depth of the
Universe. We replicated it, we learned a lot, and thanks to David in China, we brought
the knowledge forward by decades. In so many ways, .. allowed us to take the next
step in being able to build systems that we can walk in to take energy, food, to create
conditions for enhancing the body of the man, from the energies which absorbs from
the depth of the space.

By the knowledge and its principle, as we have shown man takes 80% of his energy
from his environment, not by food, but by absorption of fields. Now we'll release
systems, with combination of both systems, not only we can produce food the way the
man needs, and materials, we can produce at the same time food, (:20). You feel like a
banana, mankind should be able to create not only the taste, texture, emotion, but the
energy of the banana. In so many ways, we have broken through to a new era in the
space Technology.

I am sure by the time the rest of the units, gets delivered into Arizona, Canada,
Thailand, Germany, Austria, and hopefully in Brazil, in the next 2 to 3 months, that
now we learned and developed and we fine tune many aspects and Technology of
these machines, then we endeavor to use this Technology to bring peace to mankind.
In a way the next generation of the new systems is on the way. this is one job done
the next one is on the way. You'll see the generation of the systems which will be
developed for individuals at home where you can do everything you need at home.
We endeavor to produce systems where people can walk in at point of disaster, that
they can be fed, injured, they can be repaired. They are hungry they can overcome the
hunger, but in a process we can do mass feeding. ..

I already have designed the next generation, and once these complete in the next
couple of months, we start delivering, (:22). large amount of orders which have
come in, and singed agreements for many, many. we'll start developing the next step.
Single flight system. single systems that can fly the depth of the Universe, or we can
travel on this planet with no problem. Now that we have put these 2 systems on the
ground and can be seen, there is no more dreaming. The reality is with us, and the
beauty of the Technology is with us, In so many ways, once we open the videos for
you, after 10:30 the world can the leap in the knowledge of the science of the space
Today is a glorious day for all the Keshe Foundation followers who have been around
us for a long time. They were hoping, their wish, and now you can see the collective
fruits of all our works, every single one of us in one way or another have contributed
to the development and the spread of the knowledge. And now that we have reached
this stage, we will see more of, we will see many ..much more, many of you will join
us in the space Technology development. We'll see the extension to the knowledge
The beauty of the new Technology, (:24). is the simplicity of it, which means any one
of us can reach the point of knowledge. It's not exclusive, it doesn't belong to no
government and sharing the knowledge so freely .. we'll see the beginning of a new
space race by many governments now that we show this ..
Jet propulsion and all their fancy work, has been a step for us that we can live in the
space. Now we show the reality, how it is done. how completely we have achieved the
knowledge. In so many ways, what we were afraid of, we have achieved it's a big
leap ..

(:26). to people who have been waiting for mankind to take this step. .. this is one of
the biggest changes in space Technology, and in coming time our children and grand
we make Earth habitable for others who could not be part of us, to join us, and the
same time let's us become part of them, for we could not join them due to our lack of
knowledge. The structure of the man is very weak, extremely weak, so with this
Technology we give you that support, that extension to be able to live and survive in
the depth of space.

My congratulations goes to China , WL

(:28). On the other hand the thanks for this achievement goes to all of you in keeping
the F and the work of the F internationally live. .. it's been a collective effort of the
Keshe Foundation worldwide .. to break through. We have no links with no
government, we never took a penny from a government that they could dictate, and at
the same time we gave the pleasure of the sharing of the knowledge to all of us, every
individual making Gans's producing system that can save life.
We lead the way with breakthrough science We have broken through.

Most important thing today is to show the Technology, not to the world leaders, but
to the Keshe Foundation followers as One Nation, we build it as One Nation we
completed it.
We will show the flight system. .. One of the most important criteria of this
Technology is, (:30).
The most important part is that we stayed independent, independent of any
government. We took nothing from no government, and we stayed independent. And
this independency has given us a lot of power. We can negotiate peace on our
terms. We can negotiate national food security on our terms. We don't need to wait
for harvests. ..
We see

(:32). This is the first step to create One Nation

We have one problem down the line,, how the world leaders will stand for this. How
would they commit themselves to peace.
Are there any questions? (:34).

Q: Are there ways to reverse the DNA changes due to vaccinations?

Keshe: The position with what we call vaccination, change of (due to) vaccination, is
something that has to be developed, can be done, in the coming time. Yes, it can be
done. Everything from now on is possible. It depends on the knowledge of man, and
how much mankind wants to take that step. There is no limitation anymore unless we
put the limitation on ourselves. What I call genetic modification of human gene, to
correct itself to original state is possible. It's not a dream anymore. And how our
leaders in science and Technology

The world of Chemistry, Physics all has changed with this situation. (:36). Now we
have the possibility to explore new ways in science

You see how beautifully versatile they are ..

they can produce a combination of emotions, material, effects.

(:38). It is part of us, it is part of what we want to achieve

It's possible to change any dimension to what I call, gene, or any gene damages.

Divisions Purposely Being Setup in Brazil Groups:

Q: .. From Brazil, my question is because people here in Brazil question technology

and defame their work by inducing others to see it as a threat, this occurs within the
groups themselves. What does Mr. Keshe have to say to these people?
Keshe: Nothing, what happened, .. as we always said, many, many groups, many
people use the Keshe Foundation to confirm their existence. They don't existence if
we do not show the technology. And we know what is happening, we see what is
happening. We see the way people are moving around with the technology. It’s in a
way, we know how people take that kind of a steps to confirm their existence. Let it
be. they have to, why some people turn ugly, because by ugliness we notice them. We
pay attention to them. We satiStar Formationy their need to confirm their existence.
We have seen this how many times. Don't be bothered because at the end of it, (:40).
the technology has come to a position of sharing knowledge and with it we share
knowledge freely. We have seen many people, we've seen the guy from Germany,
who went backwards, he wrote to every embassy, and signed under "X," what did he
do for us? very simply we took the knowledge to the Austrians free. As we announced
on Tuesday, we announce it again, the exhibition is absolutely free to the citizens of
Austria. At the same time we compile all the names and whoever they are, and in due
course, Keshe Foundation will allow them to become and work with the factory which
is getting setup in Austria. Now that the system is shown, these are pre-sold, advanced
sold. So now we create the jobs, we run as a governing, government, we don't run as
what we call, a fringe organization. So those people, they put the effort trying to block
many things. Trying to what do call, bring "all sorts of things" to the Foundation to
the other governments. What do we do? We took it to the nation, now you will
understand in the coming weeks, all those who visit, Austrians, in this time of trouble,
are what we call, Corona and so many jobs lost, (:42). There are 2 to 3,000 jobs plus
on the card, on the table for Austrians. Do you think they are going to listen to a
bunch of these people.

We have seen in Brazil, the reason .. Let me explain to you what happened in Brazil.
In Brazil we had 3 people who hijacked the Keshe Foundation, one was the Universal
Council member of the Portuguese language from Portugal. Then we had one lady
who threatened everybody, and we don't see her much around, because if you want to
speak to Mr. Keshe you have to speak to her and she makes decisions. And then we
had one guy who we gave a platform to speak at a conference, and now he thinks he is
god, and he has done a lot of dishonorable things to the Brazilians and we wanted him
out of the Keshe Foundation. And he walked out himself, he started all the mayhem.
He is a disgrace to his work, because he used the Keshe Foundation to do a lot of
funny things using the universities and everything else, and everybody realized what
he is doing, now to cover his misconduct, he is splitting the Keshe Foundation, but the
Keshe Foundation Brazil will not split, because of one misconduct old man. On 21st
of October we have an online Zoom conference with many, many thousands and
thousands of Keshe Foundation followers and the government officials in Brazil, as
Corona doesn't allow us to travel as such. And so don't be worried about it. In Brazil
the gentleman who started this, he did a lot of wrong doing to a lot of people and
when he was discovered he blamed the Keshe Foundation. Mr. Mendez (**) has a
huge problem, and he is the guy who is splitting, because he has, I think he has a
couple of court cases which he tries to bypass too. (:44). We have another guy
listening. So we understand. Don't worry about what happened, with people trying to
split. The technology stands, millions of people follow it. It's such a big family,
extending so big, you always find a few misconducts.

Keshe Foundation Brazil is solid, and last week, you had 1 hour in your national
television broadcast about the Keshe Foundation, which was done by Rafael. And
then 2 popular requests was shown for the second time the following day, which
shows everything with the Gans's and how people can help themselves with Corona.
In so many ways, the number of the number of the Keshe Foundation following the
knowledge is increasing everyday in Brazil by hundreds, by thousands everyday.
There is every week 1 or 2 interviews and all these have become, because of Rafael.
We have established a company in Brazil. And these people wanted to be the head of
the Foundation, and do all the crooked business behind it, and they didn't get a
chance. That's how they tried to split, because as you have seen the misconduct, they
wanted now to carry on with the same thing in other ways. And Rafael as a correct
follower of the Foundation ethos, stood his ground, and they could not rob and steal,
and do whatever they did, and do whatever they wanted to do. That's why in Brazil it
is just one man, and he tries to do, because go and see his misconducts, which we
wanted him out of the Keshe Foundation. Mendez (**) was brought in by Caroline.
All these people who you see damage the Foundation have been brought up by one
person. And now one is gone the rest will follow. (:46). These were the people who
were embedded in the Foundation, by those who were close to us to do these
damages. And now they try to do. We'll see this in 2 or 3 other countries. Do not
worry about it.

France and Germany we support solidly, I have asked the Dutch team which is the
home base of the Keshe Foundation, to organize for me to give small lectures, 40, 50,
to 100 people, 2 - 3 of them in the next couple of months. I'll go back to Holland, it's
the home of the Foundation, and this is where we found the strength, and now we go
back to Holland, where one of the first places, what we call the "fireside" teachings
took place originally. And the Dutch team has supported us solidly, the same with the
Belgium team. In respond I have asked them to setup a small conference, not a
conferences, the way we used to do, fireside, 10, 20, 50, 100 people, we used to
discuss, we used to teach. We go back to our roots. And this is where I feel at home


.. Don't worry about it, Brazil is growing very fast. Just go and see what happened on
one interview on a main television channel in Brazil with Rafael. These people who
create division, these are the people who wanted to be on that seat and in a way, no
one deserves that seat more than Rafael, the way he has conducted, the way he is
running the teaching, and the way Brazilian team is growing by ** strength, day by
day. Stay solid and do not look at what a few does, and what they do, look at why
they do it. Then you see if it goes with our work, if it sits with our work. Those
divisions in Brazil came because Rafael stood solid, the way it had to be done the
correct way, in constant contact with us. (:50). And they didn't want to do it. They
were setting up different ways of doing things and he stopped it. And now they are
leaving, we wanted them to leave as usual, we don't ask unless they really do
something totally wrong, ** tolerate that they grow. And the left. We thank Mr. **
Munis) left the Foundation. Because of massive misconducts. And they came on the
back of an introduction of a Belgian.
Q: .. I am hearing your answer and I know who each of them are.
Q: Is it correct to say the creatures of Earth have until now been in the womb of our
mother, and that now we are born into the Universe to live independently, beyond the
atmosphere, if we wish to do so?
Keshe: .. yes, the answer is yes. Of course yes, now this is the first steps. These are
the first steps we are taking to reach that point.
Q: A very happy birthday indeed.
Keshe: Happy birthday to many of us, this is the birth point of knowledge and
Technology and we all knew and we have been waiting for it. We all understood it,
and we have been waiting for it. (:52).
Q: .. the Soul of each one, they have a name, how is it assigned?
Keshe: You mean the systems? We don't give names to souls. I pray for them from
the time when the design, and when the reactors are loaded a few days ago.
These reactors are loaded in a way that no one can copy. And they work so
effectively that no one can copy. They are not usual. Many people will try to do it.
These systems work on what we call, the heartbeat. They work on the principle and
ethos of the Earth, the Sun, the way our life was create, the way we will see the next
steps of the development of the human body in deep space. In so many ways, we need
to understand how, and to what extent we understand the whole progress of the
knowledge. (:54).

Q: Is there any special word to communicate from the Soul with the Soul of the
Keshe: I love you.

The Technology is Already Being Implemented Car and Phone Batteries:

Q: .. Is the Technology being implemented in the motor car battery for recharging
Keshe: The battery operation is already partially used in Tesla cars. The Nano
Technology, the concept of nano Technology and plasma Technology is already used
in many mobile phones you use. As I said if you listened to some of the teachings
before, we didn't now this. .. I met a Chinese woman who wanted to meet us as a
Knowledge Seekers, (:56). and in trying to thank, in us trying to help, her knowledge
helping her mother, she used the Gans Technology, she told us, she is part of the
Erickson research, and this is how they developed many of the new batteries, and this
is how she knew about the Keshe Foundation work, because it is used in Eriksson
batteries, 10 years ago. A lot of the knowledge used, because we use open source,
scientists from different organizations are taking it up and using it. This is the beauty
of it. Many parts of the Technology is used by different organization because we went
at open sourcing. You will see many things, many people will come up with new
products as a spin-off of this knowledge as they add their knowledge to it. And in the
new generation of what we call batteries and power generation, you will see many,
many additions to energy production. Yes it is used, the space Technology. NASA is
working heavily to ** decipher the lift and motion. We know that because, as you
know I am the only Iranian nuclear physicist who has received clearance by organized
security, (:58). and by NASA lawyers to enter NASA "black budget." They will not
do that to you if they did not have and they were not studying the Technology. You
will see many implications.

Corruption in Iran and Securities Help Keshe Foundation:

Today I was watching an Iranian physicist, he is a bio-physicist, he has used our

Technology of the plasma has made an air filter system, which in Iran again office of
Ayatollah refused to grant him a license. He has taken it to Turkey, and started the
same Technology in Turkey, and welcomed by the Turkish government and they start
mass production. We have a huge crisis in Iran, the bribery and everything which goes
with it, in the offices of the Ministry of Health. We are not the only group which is
blocked, we've seen radical changes in Iran, if you were in the Iranian listeners on
Monday. A lot has been cleared in Iran, there was a group which was trying to hijack
the Technology under the cover of the leadership. But now that we exposed as by the
request of the Iran security people who came live online on Monday and confirmed
the logo of Keshe Foundation ?** is a legitimate organization in Iran, Where they
were telling us this is not and other things. They were trying to abuse their position to
steal Technology and then legal action by the government in respect to these people
has taken place and they follow. A lot of people will go through this phase,
misconduct of their own. They'll go that way. And the .. 2 people in Iran security
apparatus, (1:00). they asked to be live online and explain to the Iranian Knowledge
Seekers that the Keshe Foundation is a legitimate organization in Iran and respected.
And were are taking the Technology back to Iran. Governments who understand what
we do for them they stand by us. I stay loyal to my nation, and to the Iranian
leadership, and to the Sepah, on the development of the Technology for space, and
supporting the Iranian sick and needy. The same will stand for the rest of the nations.
I do and I support the whole 190 odd democracies on this planet. To me it's One
Nation, just different parts, different mentalities. something a lot of you have to
realize, being born in Iran, living in England, in Italy, Belgium, Africa, in China, to
me it's all one family with different beauties and this is how we look at it, and take it,
I cannot be biased and to one nation or the other. Some are a bit crooked, some are a
bit straight, some of them try to do crooked jobs, but at the end it's a big family. 7
billion with 7 billion ** and we got to embrace all of them. (1:02).
Any other questions?

Q: How big are the home systems. .

Keshe: It will fit in a cardboard

(1:04). Q:

(1:14). We don't extract, we give the condition for position.
Q: .. I want to help humanity through the Keshe Foundation, this is a dream I want
to fulfill.
repeats ..
Keshe: The help will come in a very simple way, (1:16). just teach. Open sourcing
and teaching will bring what you are looking for. And that is all we can do. We don’t
expect anymore. We got to carry on the way we done, teaching .. thousands and
thousands of people join the F, understanding the Technology everyday. and very few
will go with different ways with it. We have to understand how we teach and what
they take from it is their own structure. Our job is to teach freely. In time they will
use, and we don't know how, and the way it will be done. You cannot dictate. this is a
child which we nourish as knowledge and we let it loose to take span in the Soul and
brain of the man. And this is the way I always looked at it. (1:18). Is to sow the seed
of knowledge..
Just teach the way we do today. Today is a special day

We don't show the dignitaries who come to see. Because we don't go to show. We
have never been here to show. The team of buyers coming .. they go through the same

Never choose what to teach. teach then they choose themselves.
Any other question?

Q: how to decalcify the Pineal gland with plasma?

Keshe: Speak to the doctors of the Keshe Foundation they will be taught.
Q: So soon we'll see international flying cars.
Keshe: Yes, if there are not crooked people in your structure to stop it. Yes.

(1:22). In Belgium, the agents of the devil. they said, do you have a flying license .

The car was there, available 9 years ago.

Q: Can the system be protected from misuse

Keshe: Inherently yes.

yes, because it works on the beauty of humanity. and it is there for man to see.
Q: Will there be any patients today. sit in unit (1:24).
Keshe: No, nobody will go in the systems

These systems are enhancement unit not to be used for anything else.

Any other question?

Keshe: Your welcome (1:26).
Q: Does our body represents our solar systems .

Keshe: We are a copy of the Universe, and Earth is a copy of the Universe, and the
solar system is the same. So in essence we carry different parts of operation,
But it is adapted to according to our knowledge, to our understanding , or what our
needs are.

Q: What is the difference between the animal stacker and the vertical people stacker,
is it the same middle plate but Soul at the top, and plate at eh side and Soul at the 3rd
Keshe: It is how you want it to be, and how you set it up, and what is the wish for.
(1:28). you create for the Soul of the man, or you create for the Soul of your dog

Q; Is there a point on Earth where there is dark matter, anti-matter, and matter,
where the spaceship can devour? .. like eat, Spaceship can rejuvenate?
Keshe: In the cell of the body of the man, every cell of you has that power. If you
understood the Technology that's what it is, (1:30). part of the Technology. The
systems we have developed is part of the understanding of this.
We are going through the phases of completion in the next 30 to 40 minutes we'll go
live on the platform of the exhibition. That's one of the things happen last minute as
usual and then you'll see the system. We facilitate everything possible ..
Keshe: After the break there are a few pieces .. (1:32). The whole thing is planned
for the 2 o'clock opening,.. last touches most important. (1:34).
Any other question?
Q: how does plasma react or correspond to different surfaces, such as granite ..
mirrors and rubber?
Keshe: It's a matter state, and reacts exactly like every other things, it reacts like our
Repeats .. (1:36).
Keshe: The same as it attracts with everything else. . .
Keshe: is the threshold of the field tranStar Formationer. What does this mean, above
that will pass through, below it we can contain it.

Even a metal has the same property, it's the order of the magnitude. (1:38). If it is
stronger then the existing one it can hold it, contain it.
Rick: nano coating good to contain the plasma

Any other question? (1:40).

Q: Can pedophiles, rapist fully rehabilitate themselves with plasma?
Keshe: Yes, if you go back to the teaching some time ago. .. when the time comes the
man embraces this Technology fully. there will be no prisons ..

Q: I built a dynamic reactor health ..

Keshe: I don't know I am not there so I cannot explain. So a lot of people see things
and they want it to be explained,

(1:48). Any other questions?

Q: Can the system be used on animals?


(1:50). Any other questions/

The new space era, as we call it, is a Technology which will become a part of the life
of every man, (1:52). and we will live this life. We will enjoy this life immensely,
because we have chosen a new life, we have chosen to be part of totality of the
structure of the Universe. Mankind is taking a known leap, not an unknown leap
it's part of what we are born with, what we live with, it is part of us. We are so used to
it, we do not see it, we are so much apart of it we don't appreciate it, we are not aware
of it, we chose not to be aware of it. (1:54). We live through its operation , we
breath through its operate , love, live one way or another we have to come to
understand the totality of it.


Keshe: The question I want to ask you is in a different way. How do you see the new
Technology will change your life and the life of your children? What is the difference
now that you know so much more. You are the cornerstone of this Technology, you
are the developers of it. In one way or another you have developed so many parts of
it. (2:14). .. parts of our society that you want to encourage. Is this part of the
Technology you want to enhance? Is this where you want the humanity to go.
Because from now on, the way we have structured this Technology, and the
understanding of it is an open source. Whatever you develop will become part of what
the future mankind might use. How do you see your emergence, your game play in
this new game. From now on, it not anymore Keshe Foundation, it's you individuals
who develop this. In so many ways, now it's a collective effort of all of us, in what we
decide society to do with ** this. Because .. once we collaborate with leading nations,
who will be here this afternoon, they will decide the future of the destiny of mankind
in the space development. We have ambassadors, attachés from the leading nations in
the world with us, this afternoon. They are the power in the space development, they
are the decision makers where man will take the next steps. (2:16). they decide.
And what will they decide with what they see. Plus they already know the

This exhibition is to change the course of humanity and with it will come new rules,
regulations, new parameters, new understanding, new work for many of our leaders,
who didn't know how to lead up to now. In so many ways, the beauty of the
Technology is in its application of bringing peace and .. for us to be part of it. We are
the generation which will say, we were there, we were part of it, we made the first
Gans's. We did the first thing with the Corona.
One of our main aims, targets, (2:18). is one point, and one point only to let the
world decision makers know, the game of space, of how they behave towards their
citizens, behave towards their the rest of humanity, has changed. We need to show the
Technology in it beauty, and the Technology has taken a new course. They lead us to
this, many scientists, and now we lead the world to a new dimension. I remember
when the Berlin Wall came down we wanted to be there. And what we see, world
scientists want to be part of this. it doesn't have to be in one place. They take the
knowledge from the Internet, from every one do us and they develop it. In so many
ways, the Corona and gap in the knowledge was needed, that we all step into an Era
of science and Technology. The mankind when it comes down to the Corona will start
looking for new ways. (2:20).

Q: .. you previously indicated that man's self-awareness of his Soul is the key for
solving many dilemmas of the man, but it can't be taught. repeats .. so how will
the billions discover more, what will trigger their search. In what way does the Covid
play a role, I am sure it does , can you take us to deeper understanding?
Keshe: I think we will all mature in different ways, gradually to it. We all don't
become space scientists tomorrow. We decide we decide in what to take from the
knowledge, and we establish a new order. Man will let the Soul of the man decide.
The knowledge will become so free that all of us will have access to it. We have
shown in .. the free patent world, in the dimension of (2:22). free access to
knowledge and Technology, how you all have shared it, how we all brought it in. Is
the knowledge of the man part of its transition. Now we evolved as much to
understand the physical world, now we go through the scientific revolution. We went
through it in the 50s and 60s in electronics. Now it's the world of plasma, Gans
Technology, understanding the uniqueness of knowledge. Then we take the next step
and see where we go. I think today's presentation to some of the worlds ambassadors
and dignitaries of the different governments when they turn up. They'll be shocked to
death in how the whole evolution in science has to be taken up, that it is with
everyone, it's not one nation anymore of Russia, China, or whatever, but it's One
Nation of humanity. (2:24).
I sit here today and look at this exhibition and I look at more or less 50 years of
work. Over half a century of dedication. Dedication to peace, to science, to
change the course of humanity, and whatever you do, with such a work you
always feel good, it feels satiStar Formationied to be able to deliver. And you are
always given a gift at the end of it. And that gift has been peace for humanity, what
could not be achieved in thousands of years. And there are other gifts which comes
with it, we enjoy the pleasure of science, Technology, and gradually we open up to
understanding more. (2:26).
Any other question?

Q; How much will Knowledge change when he uses the system for himself?
Keshe: Not much. I am happy the way I am, I am content with where I stand.
The problem with this Technology, it's so powerful that it can make you fearless. It
makes you arrogant in the way of knowledge and Technology, but in that arrogance
brings humbleness. When mankind will learn this Technology, he will use it wherever
he needs it. It's not there that it's there. You want breakfast you are hungry, you use it.
You find something gone wrong you use it. It's not that it is there all the time.
(2:28). You use it when you want to have the pleasures of it, and the science is that
Rolls Royce, you park it, and whenever you need be it for health, loving, whatever
you take it out of the garage of your Soul and use, it. In so many ways, we have
become accustom to so much abuse the pleasures have been forgotten. We go to work
9 to 5, we are abused to have something to eat, to have a shelter. I don't ** eat, we
have seen it with Corona, life will go on. We go for a break, when we come back we
open the video channels, and with it we open a new era for science

(2:30). We have the Brazilian team with us, US, Nigeria we have moved the
factory into Alex. It has to be known that Benjamin in Ghana was brought in by
Belgium, and now you understand. Now we open ** the Belgium has already left the
Foundation for a few weeks. That atrocity of what I call, beauty of the knowledge has
come , and come through its application. and it will be relentless, from now on we
deal with the governments to change your conditions. We are proud who we are proud
where we come form, but there will be no atrocities, no killing, and no abuse by man.
Because we make everything free, at the point of inception. At the point of hunger,
you can have it free. You have illness, you have it free. You want to fly in any corner
of this planet you'll have it free. Monetary system will be something in the back of the
mind of the man, as something happened in the history books. (2:32). I'll answer the
last question .
.. we'll try to make a feeling that you are part of us, you are with us, you are within
the structure of the exhibition. Make your way to be part of this beautiful creation

Q: .. the professor of the university asks if there is a instrument to verify the

plasma content in plasma water? repeats .. (2:34). repeats again
Keshe: What does that mean?
Q: .. repeats again ..
Keshe: What does content mean? H and O. ..
Rick: Or is it the fields that are tranStar Formationerred to the water, is that what they
are trying to measure. (2:36).
Keshe: I don't know how you want to explain it. Do you want to understand the
emotion of the water or the material of the water? Pharmacists can do that for you. I
am a physicist but can we measure the emotion of it, Now it is possible and we are,
we have seen we have developed Technology to do this.
Rick: If you hold that water in your hands could you sense it enough to say this is
effective plasma water what would you do Mr. Keshe would you sense right
Keshe: If you hold a Gans cup in your hands ( 1 sec please) . (2:38). When I hold
Gans water in my hand, with experience, most of the time, we can tell what the Gans
is, by the energy absorbed in the palm of the hand. You taste it, you receive the
energy which is ** taste of the metal, or material. Yes you feel, I do that quite often.
Last week .. when we were loading the Enhancement Unit, I was showing the
Knowledge Seekers, my finger, my hand, my nerve changed. The structure of the
skins changes. You should be able to do that. Many of us should be able to do this, by
holding the Gans we should be able to say what energies we absorb from it. What
Gans's for what purpose, (2:40). to what extent everything is adding up to what we
hold. .. if you ever held energy stones like the gems, you should be able to see this.
feel this. The same thing with the Gans. We should be able to feel it, .. see even the
motions when we hold the Gans's in your hands, how they start changing, rotating.
You interact with the Gans's it's not just something different. it's energy system.
Rick: .. (2:42).

Okay, we go onto promotions and then we go onto

(2:43). videos >> (2:49).

Go live to Linz. (2:50). As you can see we are in exhibition. We have limitations,
some of it can be shown and some cannot be shown. ..

Most famous reactor, first reactor built in Iran. the babies built forward.
then the Gans systems. then we go into what you have never seen. There are many
Gans's here which you have never seen. This is part of the package of Gans's we
show. (2:52). The stock of Gans's in head office is huge ..

we produce cosmic rays for a given condition, we produce organs. on the table some
24 combinations ..
some of these are the most rarest materials man can get hold of.
These are the 5 reactors, you all are making.
And for the first time the Body Enhancement Unit.
It covers energy thing man will need to survive in the space..
The second unit, creates every element man needs in the space.
There is a similarity between the two ..
inside is a sun. we have replicated the solar system.


(2:58). A lot of things from today changes, because up to now it was a theory,
could be done, we've shown it in small pieces. Now it is a reality. Now it's what we
possess. It's possessed as a knowledge. as equipment, as data on material which has
been shown. And the world of science will change it, will build what it needs. Will
China have a hold on the rare earth materials anymore, that now you can produce
even more rare earth than rare earth materials of the cosmos level in these machines. I
promise one thing, .. we change the course of humanity. we bring it change it, with it
we bring new dimension, now understanding, now you have seen what you have been
waiting for. .. that mankind can feed his physicality and create his life. And we have
completed it. As we walk out of the arena we will come to one point. The other things
you've seen the agriculture unit will change everything for us. (3:00). even if we
want to feed the physicality. We have seen different materials in different
combination. at home ,, whatever you need
This is again handmade of the Chinese. one of the most beautiful groups in the Keshe
you can cleanup the planet we can choose what we absorb.
The MaGrav Units

The 2 Units will become space .. will be able to fly on the wish of the Soul of the

Are there any questions?

Rick: Congratulations ..
Keshe: We are in the international center of the city of Linz. (3:04). From now on
our work carries on with the governments for the space development. One of the first
dignitaries this afternoon is the top 2 nations in space development. They requested to
be here. and called to confirm this morning, and they expect to see the systems. You
don't need to guess much who the other one is. The world of space development
changes because they see it in physicality.

Any other question?

Q: Is it able to create gold?

Keshe: Next question, the man is not mature.
Q: (3:06). can you send fields of support along the Danube river
Rick: We actually did that for awhile in the Plasma reactor group How can we send
Keshe: Your thoughts are support. The elevation of the Soul comes through sending,
giving, and sharing.
Keshe: We would like to thank
From here it goes across the world .

Visit to Concentration Camps - Have Wars Ended Where they Started:

(3:08). .. see one of the camps from the Second World War .. a few kilometers from
the exhibition . the furnaces. . the man went to kill so extreme, the same city comes
life. Was that destiny where one finishes a new start, maybe. Are we changing the
gas chambers with the chambers of life. and has mankind changed so much in
such a short time. When you touch the walls of the gas chamber gives you pain.
when you touch the walls of the Enhancement Unit joy .. (3:10).
Have the wars of mankind finished in where they actually started.

Would with these units create peaceful leaders, not only on this planet but beyond, the
answer is yes. Such a big contrast within the same city, one become exclusive and one
become inclusive, has mankind matured to this point.
Any other question.

(3:12). WL: Thank you so much ..

Keshe: remember we saw the units in the airport while we were going to the factory,
and it was like an egg. Now it has a reality.
WL: . it's raining heavily here .. I feel it's like a celebration . the heaven is
Keshe: . It happened to us when we went to Vatican, and it happened to us
whenever we had the world leaders with us. Every time there is a time of the
change, there is a storm . So it is usual. I would love to thank you for all your work..
it's a child of your work
Q: .. is this Enhancement Unit also helpful for beings in other dimensions when it
Keshe: This system is a universal system, so it belongs to the Universe but it
enhances. .. Yes. . if it good for humanity it's good for the Universal Council. These
are universal system they belong to all of us. Not just one race. to the totality of
humanity and the (3:16). In essence yes.
Any other question?

Q: What does a country have to do to receive these Enhancement Unit and how long
would it take to receive and start operating them?
Keshe: Enhancement Unit can be bought by the nations, and the ** Keshe Foundation
invests in different ways in the process. We've seen a guy in Germany who is very
disruptive and has gone into putting all sorts of things out, we have setup a structure
within the Keshe Foundation. We support those who like to be supported, and with it
we bring a lot of new Technology with it. and in that process it's usually .. a number
of groups we are meeting in next few days, (3:18). they are investing in a number of
nations in one go. There investment is not just one, but as a national organization
across. This is the difference in the problem

From today the price goes to 1 million, which was originally

.. we match one to one, if they buy 2 units we add a third one to it. (3:20). Yes, we
have a structure with investors.
Rick: What would be the ideal configuration?
Keshe: 12 they are a perfect combination. the middle brings a central field tranStar
Formationer. You need to have a field configuration that allows tranStar Formationer
of energies, extraction of energies, allows a lot of configuration.
Rick: What would be the configuration of 12 , just 12 in circle with the center empty.
Keshe: Yes
Rick: all the heads of the people if they were lying down would be together. (3:22).
Keshe: yes
Rick: Alex was considering a configuration of 10 with 3 groups of 3,.. 120 degrees
apart in a triangle with a single in the center.
Keshe: No, that's not .. a 10 configuration, the 12 configuration. and .. creating a ..
field flow which can be accessible by many energies.
Rick: .. group of 3 120 degree angle.
Keshe: Groups of 3 creates a different environment. different strength.
any ways
Rick: if it was a lesser
Keshe: Our advice is 3 as a minimum. You always have to have a material unit as part
of the 3. (3:24).
Rick: Would they always be in a circle.
Keshe: You have to look at the structure of the materials .

Keshe: .. what is it used for.

The system has to viable to financially run. The charitable organizations which
finance millions of dollars into this , we advise them to run the system and be free to
the users, is to add a material unit into it, while you produce what is needed that it can
be sold that it can provide financial support to be able to deliver the systems free. ..
but at the same time the materials unit allows the extraction of the fields which are not
needed in the combination system in the reactors. There are many reasons why we
advise it this way. So you create a condition where the fields flow will bring in what
you need. the way you need. And at the same time financially support the projects.
Q; It's more beautiful then an arms exhibition, peace is more beautiful then war.
Keshe: In so many ways, we need to do it, .. we cannot stop. As I told you, we'll
change the factories from arms to peace ..
Keshe: The world leaders have to decide on this. and those who finance it. and how it
can be understood, How mankind decides to go , which way.
Rick: would countries give these units to enemies to help establish peace in those

Keshe: We'll see how philanthropists react..

To what extent do we want to produce these things ..
I have seen how people have changed ..


Man has come to 2 things, arrows, rockets aircraft. with the new Technology those are
all sorted. Secondly we can't do because we can't get the armies together.
On Sunday we are going on national TV ..

(3:32). We can enforce the Soul of the man, and then see what is the next step. We are
we have to move to become a peaceful creatures we have no choice.
Q: Can you send healing to a remote person from these Enhancement Unit ?
Keshe: Yes. Why not.
Rick: Perhaps with a sample of DNA amino acid would that be useful.?
Keshe: Possible. It depends what are we expecting of it. What is our ultimate goal of
it. (3:34). What do we want to do what? can we do harm with this, can we do good
with this?
Any other points or we call it a day?

Q: Can we achieve the same result of entering these all by ourselves . .. I am a

replication of the Universe?
Keshe: So let him try.
(3:36). Thank you very much for today. I think 3rd September, 2020 will be
remembered in some parts as where the world comes to see the reality of the new
space and new knowledge of man. And the beauty of it is it is shared so simply and so
openly. I wonder if I put one of the world leaders who is so eager to start war, to sow
he is powerful, how would he come out of this chair. Would we get back a true man
of peace, or would we get a man without a Soul. As the Soul decides to leave the
physicality, as it is do shameful? Thank you for today. This is a culmination of years
of work and ** man's in to space. Maybe in the next exhibition in Tehran will bring
you to fly with us. join us in the flight .> bring a new dimension in the life of man.
344 Knowledge Seekers Workshop

345th Knowledge Seekers Workshop September 10th, 2020

52 min




(:14). As you have seen it has taken a long time to reach where we are in the space
Technology. Mankind has moved so far, copying the work of the birds, as you could
see, could touch. And the knowledge of the man has reached a point that he can fly,
** his place, his medicine, his food in the depth of the Universe. Which means with
this basic Technology we have shown in Linz, we have made man independent of this
planet. In the process of development we have learned a lot, we learned how to fly,
create energy , fields which are necessary for different applications, but now man has
become totally independent of the planet. Of course you have to remember this is only
the beginning of the journey, we see everything as we want, (:16). we work to attain
new knowledge and with it we learn to be able to share, to share knowledge, wisdom,
emotion . The beauty of these new Technology for the first time mankind has the
ability to share emotion, to enhance emotion. To bring the physicality and emotion to
be unified, that mankind can move further, find new dimensions. The units showing in
Linz and the ones showing in different parts of the world, will bring a new dimension
to all of us. Today we see them as 2 units, and in the coming time they'll become as
common as we go to take a picture in the picture boxes in a train station, in hospitals.
What we see is a new bright future for mankind. When you go into the unit you don't
need to go through the illness, that you find the full development of the cancer. The
body, the emotion which will lead to the cancer is already within the first hours
processed, handled, and the life changes. (:18). Mankind will never see cancer
anymore .. or illnesses the way we are used to anymore. Because for an illness to
show itself take years, where you have handled it at the beginning, at the outset.
Mankind will write the history of medicine as part of the progress of his own
understanding of his own structure, and no more. We will learn to be correct that we
don't even lead to that position to create in an onset. The development of these
machines as we see today, is and will be a breakthrough for humanity.

The beauty of it is, that we will strengthen this Technology further, a new system
will be released in the coming weeks and months. This new system will be individual
system, which means you can keep at home. It will be a totally different Technology
then what is used in these machines. At the same time, the new Technology
breakthrough which is to come out and be released, will bring a new dimension to
human life. The most important part we'll start training man to live and be as in the
space, never ending life. (:20). What this means at the moment as a human race, we
rest 8 hours a day, because the body needs to repair itself. The body needs to
replenish, extract and give new energies, in a faster way. With the new Technology
man is replenished at the point of need, and you'll find out slowly sleep becomes
eradicated for the life of the man. It's like the Sun, it shines all the time, it does not
have an 8 hours break. This process is what most of the Universe Community lives
through, lives with, and now mankind has to learn. There is no end, it is one
continuous joy, not to miss a thing, and to be a part of all. Resting time is the habit of
the man, and with these new Technology as they emerge, people will find out there is
no need to rest, the body continuously will add to itself. The new versions and further
development will make that very clear. In that process man will learn not to become
aggressive, .. be peaceful. Man will learn that the life is one continuation to be part of,
and be the creator of that part. .. Man always strived to have materials. Now man can
have materials at any point.

In the future systems, (:22). which we'll release in coming months, as you understand
the merger of the 2 units together, what you imagine you can make in ** Today 3-D
systems will become a reality in the dimension of the thought of the man. You think
of a cup, in the other system you make the cup, the shape, color, and everything else
you can imagine. The development of these Technology opens a new horizon and the
moment you put your thoughts in a computer program and you tranStar Formationer
it, to be 3-D printed. With the new Technology you don't need the 3-D printer, as the
combination of the work of the system, as you think and the reactors on the other side
will do as you wish. These are not far reaching, we'll see it in the next 2 years .. to be
in the reach of the man. Because once the society takes hold of the knowledge, it
becomes unlimited. Do you need to go to the shop to buy a curtain, a furniture, the
way you want it, the color you want, and the shape you want it. In the coming time
life will change, .. man starts doing the same in the Universe, we make things as we
think. And value it because it is a value of our thoughts, and expression of our Soul.
In the coming weeks and months, Keshe Foundation Austria will release a number of
new Technology. (:24). We were waiting for the exhibition to open, and in
negotiation and the ways we do, we try to spread the manufacturing of the goods
across the planet.

The exhibition center in Liz most probably become a permanent place for
demonstration of the new Technology of the Keshe Foundation. We'll reside in this
place as we can, as long as possible to show new Technology, people from all over
the world will come to Linz to see the latest developments. The Keshe Foundation
Austria will release your elusive generator which you have been waiting for, for so
long. The structure of it, the new version of it will be displayed in the center, and with
it we create new fields within the structure. In the past few days, many times we
looked at how this exhibition can be added to the Keshe Foundation permanent place
that the world can come and see. As you are aware we were showing the system and
with it we watched and monitored how the structure will take place, (:26). and how it
will be added to the knowledge of the man. we are allowing limited numbers of
people in allows us to be in control of who, what and how we want to disseminate
the knowledge the first time. As we open the doors this week to public those
interested in the purchase of the reactors .. Keshe Foundation Linz has become a
reality that world Technology and science has to accept. The new knowledge now has
a home (:28). is the work of the F. In the coming time we allow schools to come
in. Universities around the world to touch, feel, be a part of .

The beauty fo these 2 system is that can tranStar Formationer mankind's, and
understanding of his knowledge so freely and openly. If you understand the
combination of the work of the 2 systems, you'll understand in interaction of the two,
mankind can establish all of his needs. This is why we setup 2 units, one for materials
and one for the body of the man. If you read the book #1, and go to book #2 and 3,
there is one space gap which is missing. And in that >> position it is important for all
of us to comprehend the totality of the knowledge. What is interesting when you stand
in-between the 2, you understand the one reality, and that a new science, Technology,
understanding of totality has appeared. With Technology we bring peace, and with
peace we bring friendship, (:30). irrespective of color, race, religion. .. if the
governments don't support their own peace, governments need to understand the new
understanding. If you stand in-between the 2 systems, you come to understand
something very interesting, on the right you see material, on the left you see the
human. Has the time come that we understand what happens between the two. How
do we go from one to another. How do we change the matter state of the man, to
transition to energy, and creation fo the man on the other end, in the plasma or Gans
state. Or can we develop this Technology to extend new understanding of science
allows us transportation, transmutation of 2 at the same time, from one point to
another. Mankind has reached a new destiny, and with it we need to understand more.
Has the time of space .. only to the eye of the beholder, or does it exist in the
dimension of totality? (:32). Do we all choose the time, place, and space to be, that
we are visible to each other, or do we take a chance and transmute and travel at the
same time. Do we choose to manifest ourselves to eye of beholder, of who we want to
see us. Present to some and not to others.

Today's teaching is about transportation and transmutation of elements. The game of

mankind, but the process needs to be understood. Not only by the physicality of the
man but by the Soul of the man too. As one can leave the other behind, transportation
and transmutation (Technology&Technology) is the combination of understanding the
physicality and the Soul of the element. In so many ways, if we understand this, man
has gone 1 step further to develop Technology and systems not only physical systems,
but within the structure of the Soul of the physicality of the man to move from one to
another, and open a new passage between the two. To open the channel that the man
can Technology&Technology and travel and at the same time be able to exist in both
dimensions needs a new understanding, a new knowledge, (:34). needs a new
that man can transmute between the two. and travel at the same time between the two
at any dimension and where the physicality or the dimension of fields of itself, to
manifest itself at the point of manifestation.

In so many ways, what has been lacking in the knowledge is the key which can open
the door that both can exist, but both can be aware and inside of each other. At this
moment in time the body of the man uses the space of brain and the materials and
combination of Gans's, which is used to make this, for this ** game, for this
understanding. Now with the presence and understanding of the new Technology,
mankind has a choice, to travel as a light or to travel as matter. Or be able to travel
through as a light, but at the same time be the matter in the Soul of the light. This has
been one of the biggest dilemmas for the world of science, where in the world of
physics sometimes we see particles and sometimes we see rays. With the man's
knowledge we'll extend that, (:36). it becomes particle, that within it, within the
center has a Soul, that tranStar Formationers the Soul of the man to any position in the
Universe and then as a particle it appears it interacts with its environment and
manifests itself at a point of manifestation in the structure of the physicality in the
point of manifestation. I am the light. But do I travel as a light to enlighten, or do I
travel as a matter state to manifest. Mankind has to understand the difference between
the two. The man in the shape of the light, enlightened becomes the messengers of the
God, the essence of the creation, and the Creator. The man who chooses the light in
the state of particles stays in the dimension of physicality, covered with the essence
and motion , speed of the Creator. How can this be ** changed , how mankind can
endeavor to reach the speed of the light at the highest strength of the fields of the
Universe, to become maybe, nearest to the speed of the knowledge, and tranStar
Formationer of it, in the level of the Creator.

The further lights from the source, the further knowledge from the understanding of
the creation. Mankind is at the edge and not at the center. By developing new
Technology that man can see in physicality, and then it can help mankind to tranStar
Formationer itself as a matter to the light, (:38). as a light to a life on the other point.
It's the travel between the matter unit enhancements, and the man Enhancement Unit.
This is part of the knowledge that has been hidden from mankind, and today we try to
start a new cycle. And over the next few weeks we gradually build on to it. As I said,
by 5 months before the end of the term, we start the teaching of the Universe
Knowledge to be completed, in the next 5 months, man has time to understand to
develop and be ready for the time of inception.

In so many ways, mankind has no choice, as now he is taught, he has to catch up with
the knowledge. We took more time to teach, but now we teach you to travel with the
speeds beyond the speed of light, by order of magnitude in thousands of times. We
think mankind has matured to this point new knowledge has been released, and this
knowledge will be tranStar Formationerred to systems, that many people will
understand, and wonder why have not been understood much earlier. In the new
process we teach you have to change the voltage to current, (:40). and current to
voltage. .. when you change from voltage to current, you tranStar Formationer from
transmutation to transportation, and transportation to transmute to the element on the
other end. This is where the humanity .. in the knowledge of physics has lacked and
never understood how to tranStar Formationer directly the plasma from its voltage, or
its potential difference to a fast speed current. This process has been taught to the
people of Keshe Foundation manufacturing, and you'll see systems which operate on
this, to transmutation of voltage to current, or in a way, transmutation of matter to
light, and the light to matter at point of need.

In the coming weeks we'll show you simple system for the conversion, and with this it
solves all the dilemmas of the man's energy needs on this planet. Beautiful Tesla
strived to have it, but he could not understand. Now in a simple systems we'll show
you, the transmutation from physicality, or what you call potential difference, to the
motion at the speed of light, to the strength or near the strength of the Creator. In time
as the knowledge expands, mankind will travel the spans of Universe in seconds, time
of man on this planet. (:42). You don't need to choose, if you want to live in New
York, or you live in the desert and go to office in New York. In the coming time man
choose planets and stars to enjoy to be at the point he needs to be in seconds.

In a way, man becomes part of the ether, what has been the dream of the man, but as
part of the ether of the Universe and not this planet. It needs a depth of understanding
in gravitational fields, and depth of understanding in magnetical fields of the
Universe. In so many ways, the Soul of the man within the structure of it, carries the
knowledge, but man has never understood this knowledge as physicality has taken
hold, and denied access to the knowledge of the inner sanctums of his own structure,
what we call the Soul.

You have to remember one principle and one understanding, and as long as you keep
that in sight you become master of the work. Go back to the basic .. work of plasma.
understanding the truth about the transportation and transmutation of the elements in
the essence of the fields and not matter. The principle of the knowledge of the plasma
in universal condition is that the strongest gives, (:44). and the weakest receives, this
is the reason why we see the stars, .. why we see the light shining across the
Universe. The cell in the eye of the man, is so weak but made of the same elements of
the star in the depth of the Universe, and in feeding it, manifests the star in the eye of
the man. If mankind understands this, he has broken through the knowledge of the
transportation and transmutation of the elements. Where a light billions of km away
manifests instantaneously in the eye of the man, and manifests on the surface of the
sun. On that place or planet. In reality what we see is not from millions of years,
speed of light, it's instantaneous, as we see it through the emotion and the heartbeat of
the man and the star. When mankind learns to work with different dimension of
strength, man will not only see stars in this Universe, but mankind will see the
Unicose, and each Universe shall become one star.

Mankind is weak in understanding of his own creation and in that process he has
missed a lot. (:46). When you can transmute and travel at different speed of the
strength of the cell of the what we call Gans of the matter of the man, then mankind
can use different strength within that, that allows him to see the totality of the
Unicose. In a way we choose a strength to see a star within its galaxy, to see a star in
another galaxy, or to see a star in another Universe. In reality, the total what we call
the total spectrum of the fields of the Universe, is the same across the whole of the
Unicose. It's us who has to choose what we want to see. The curtain which has kept us
blind from seeing the other Universes, is our own lack of understanding of the
operation of the strength within the fields of the body of the man in its Gans's state.
Once you understand this and you have established a link between the citation and
you, that's you path, that is your strength, that is the way you travel. Which means
there is no need for a spaceship, and there is no need for configuration of the system
to get you to, as where and what you have seen, has sent you the message, "I am
here," and on the return of you confirming to it, that "I see you," you can return back
to the same point.

In fact mankind has to learn the new transmutation of elements to light, and
understanding and configuring within his own what we call comprehension, (:48). the
speed he likes to travel. As the light from the star from the depth of the Universe, as it
reached to our eye, we have already confirmed its location, and we have sent the
information back to it. We have fed to it. We have become the other twin star of the
star we look at, because we confirm the existence. and in that process, we can travel
as a light, as a ray to reach and at the point of manifestation to confirm into matter
state, or what we call particles in the world of physics of today.

This knowledge has been open to me for decades, but I could not explain, as mankind
was not ready for this. Now the mankind has come ready, and is ready to understand
the transportation and transmutation. The new Enhancement Unit will give mankind
this process. I did not bring the universal Enhancement Unit for body of the man, for
diseases, and for enlightenment of the Soul. I developed this for mankind to have
access to be able, within these systems to travel the depths of the Universe and
manifest itself at any point it needs and he loves to be. We create the condition of the
fields within the structure of the brain of the man, and with it we make it,
instantaneous travel across the Universe. Transportation within the structure,
transmutation of the man's own fields, is the most safest way for man to travel as a
ray. (:50). In so many ways, these new Enhancement Unit will allow mankind not
only to perfect his own body, the future versions will allow man to travel the depth of
the Universe. Do you like to travel as the light, or would you like to travel in a
spaceship. The choice is yours. The Soul of the man has chosen the spaceship of the
Earth to manifest itself at this point in time. With the new knowledge would the body
be happy to manifest itself in this position. And again it depends on the knowledge of
the man, .. according to his comprehension and the strength of his knowledge to
understand. Now you understand how easy it has been, and how hard to keep the
knowledge away from the man until man matures step by step in the knowledge.

As you try to travel as a matter in one unit to the other, manifest as the man, what
happens in that position, what happens in that space, is where the knowledge and the
gap is within the knowledge of the man. And this is how, that we will fulfill the
promise in the coming weeks. In so many ways, (:52). we allow the mankind to travel
beyond the speed of light, by thousands and millions of times, order of magnitude.
Try to go back to the basic of the teachings and understanding of the flow of the
plasma. Its inherent conditions of motion, its inherent conditions of existence, its
inherent condition of interaction. Then mankind will understand one point, as you
travel and you have frictions within the structure of the physical dimension, then the
light will have the same condition and friction with other fields. So mankind has to
learn to use wisely that does not run out of energy at a given point of the wrong
strength. These are all, be taught, and in a way, when we release first true MaGrav
energy system, we start that process for the conversion, for man to understand. We
have opened the Pandora Box, and it's for man to understand if you would like to be
the Pandora, or would like to be the box, encage itself or travel the depth of the

The present physical structure of the body of the man, and its interaction and structure
within the brain doesn't allow such openness. For this we need to create a new
structure that within the physicality of the man, (:54). both carry the same. For this
reason there is a need for a new generation of life, a new generation of being that have
access to both. That the present physical body lacks this knowledge, lacks this
connection, due to even its structure of the physical material of the brain.. In the new
life to be born this will be solved and simultaneously will be tranStar Formationerred
across the new birth, across the Universe. With this we allow the transmutation and
transportation to all the beings across the Universe, and not only the man. The test of
time will confirm the existence and the dimension, As man over millions of years
have created different organs for functionality on this planet, now the structure of the
brain will change, to create and allow the new development that mankind can
transmute and transport at the same time to be both in the dimension of the plasma or
the physicality.

For the first time this gift has been given to man, and will become and will be visible
to many, as it takes shape and dimension. It will come with the new birth. New birth
for mankind to enjoy and with it to understand the birth of the new knowledge, the
birth of the new cycle of being, that will become a pattern across the Universe and the
Unicose. The time has come to mature for mankind and Universe Community to reach
this level in unisons, (:56). that there is no race behind. And any new development,
any new creation will bear the same knowledge at the point of inception. It is no use
letting so much harshness happen to mankind over billions of years to reach this
point. Mankind has to understand the new structure of the physicality of the man
comes through the existence of the new plasmatic field, which is being released by
mankind, and through the development of these new technologies.

In time the atmosphere of this planet will change, which will accept and enforce the
new structure. As we created the birds, now we create the freedoms, Soul of the man
in the dimension of his own physicality, that there will be no nation but one, as man
will exist in dimensions as he wishes, and where to live, and where to exist. Illnesses
and food will not be part of the new structure, only the love and care. As was
beautifully put, be calm, be kind. Be calm to understand, and be kind to share, be kind
to be able to give unconditionally the new knowledge and receive it. Those of
mankind's who reach the point of maturity will benefit from the new Soul, and new
life to be created, through the strength of the knowledge and peace. (:58).

In so many ways, in the coming weeks as we open the dimension of transportation

beyond the speed of light, in the dimension of the physical matter state, this will
change many things, and many operations on this planet. The present computers
become useless. The present structure of transportation becomes a donkey work. The
present cycle of feeding the man, becomes nonexistent, as the man will be feed
through the strength of his own inner sanctum of energies.

In so many ways, a new mixture of Gans's will be released to create that condition of
the totality and satiStar Formationaction. I have asked the Keshe Foundation team in
Austria to start the production of these Gans's, which in totality will bring the new
level. Our target was to show the two units, now we show the dimension of the two,
how when we put them together, the amalgamation will bring new understanding, and
new totality to the science of the man.

As I said, very soon, the dome of the exhibition center in Linz will be lit, that it can be
seen from all corners of this planet. The light from it will extend beyond the building,
and when you ask, you ask for the building with the light ** on and everyone will
indicate you, where to. You will understand the totality of the knowledge in the
essence of the creation. Once you enter the dimension of the fields, (1:00). you will
enter the openness of the knowledge of the Universe.

We do not make a temple, but we make a temple of knowledge. Not the temple to
pray to. You come in to enhance the Technology through your own understanding,
and you come to enhance the knowledge of the Universe, within the structure of the
physicality of the man. The process to start the "dome of light" has been explained to
the team. In the coming time, will come into operation.

You have to understand where you did not understand the teaching and go back to it,
and if you come to that point, you will enhance, understand how you can travel the
span of the Universe and Unicose, both as rays or as matter state, the choice is yours.
You choose the speed of travel and then convert to enjoy the sceneries that you travel
to. It’s very much, how much mankind will understand that he can go further within
depth of the strength of his own fields to become closer to his Creator to see Its light.
It does not matter, in any position in the Universe. (1:02). When you see the figure
sitting on the chair in the system, we don't target the physicality, we target the energy
which created that physicality. The beauty of the physicality, comes from the essence
of the energy center, what we call the Soul of the man. When you see that beautiful
body sitting on the chair, you admire the creation of the Creator. How He has tranStar
Formationerred the light into life. That's all it is. We come as light from the Sun, and
we become life as man. And now we teach the knowledge for man to become the light
and manifest itself as a man anywhere in the Universe. Up to now we stuck to the
Book #1, and now we start teaching with the Book #2, the structure of the light. The
understanding of the totality of the creation, light is the transmutation and
transportation of the elements in essence, the true essence of the creation, and nothing
more. then mankind has to decide, it tranStar Formationers as a light, or as particle. or
both at the same time. Now you understand. (1:04).

Are there any questions?

Q: Can the unit that generate matter, generate at a distance in case someone needs
something sent to it. ?
Keshe: What do you mean?
R: .. could you send some emergency materials to someone in an earthquake from the
matter Enhancement Unit.
Keshe: If you are still in the dimension of physicality, yes, but if you work in the
dimension of the energy, what we call the Soul, the person can do it himself. (1:06).
R: .. we'll have units that will generate what we need at the point of need. .. wouldn't
have to tranStar Formationer that stuff ..?
Keshe: What do you mean?
R: if someone needs food we'll be able to manifest that we'll be able to think
something and have it manifest
Keshe: That's what we just said.
R: so if we could have it manifest in the unit, (1:08). could we have it manifest at a
distance somewhere. Or are the conditions in the unit, that's the important part. its, its
own enclosed space for a specific purpose.
Keshe: In so many ways, we decide everything, and In so many ways, the Soul of the
person decides at the point of the need. How do you know, what you are trying to
give, is what they need to receive? You want to give, but maybe they do not want to
receive, at the level of their souls because they are comfortable in what they were and
how they were. (1:10). Any other question?

Understanding the Soul's Reason for Genetic Diseases:

Q: in the health unit can genetic deformations in womb such as Rett syndrome be
Keshe: You have to understand why that syndrome was created and what is the reason
for it. And what was expected of the Soul to confirm itself in the present physical
form. (1:12). We got to understand why we work this way and why we decided, or
why our Soul decided to manifest itself in this condition. And how would it matter or
how would it change the physicality? Would it bring a new dimension and would it
bring a new understanding for the Soul that accepted this condition? What our
physicality shows is what the Soul has accepted. And the Soul accepts as a totality, of
all the structures and settings of the past. What feelings, what emotions will bring to
the other souls, this deformity, or this change. Or is a point of what we call evolution,
that mankind needs to learn in that path. Many changes, as we see diseases today, are
partially, and in principle, (1:14) part of the structure of the total understanding of the
work of the Soul in respect to its environment, physical, or in respect to the other
souls. This is one thing that mankind has never understood and has to be understood.
That when a Soul creates a physicality, everything in the dimension of those who lead
to creation of this Soul, the parents, grandparents, the past structure of who lead to
creation of this Soul, all have a say, it's not just, that's it, I am here as energy and I
decide. This is why we get the color of the eye of our grandfather, and the behavior of
the grandmother. This is what needs to be understood. This is what has to come, that
at the same time the Soul of this planet, the Soul of the structure of other entities on
this planet, have a say in this structure. Why do we suddenly get the same kind of
defects all over the world in one go, without anything. What is the planet trying to tell
us. What is the process of evolution it is going through that it needs this in the future
life for physicality to be alive. Not all what you call genetic defects, are defects, these
are part of the correction that the body of the man will need in the future generations.
Mankind is so physical, that he will not see, and he will not understand, and he will
not comprehend the totality of the work. (1:16). We are not present at all times to see
why and how a Soul is created in the shape manifestation in physicality, manifests
itself. If our wish is so, it shall be so. But the rest has to be part of. Everything has to
be considered, every point when the souls create the Soul of the man, that individual,
what you call physical deformation, or what you call genetic deformation, and what
might lead to termination of life at a given point, by that Soul, all has a reason. What
is to bring to the man, to the mother, to the father, or to the child, or grandfather or
whatever. That mutation at a given point in time. Don't forget the life of a man is like
a car, it's lifespan, it's decided before, you are the only one to possess, fuel, and drive
it. But at the end, it is written that so many hundred thousand km to come to a halt,
you cannot drive anymore. You are only a passenger who can move it around, and
you fuel it, exactly like you feed the man. And your physicality which takes the car
around, (1:18). but the lifespan of the car is pre-written at the point of manufacture,
and by the decision of what materials and to use. there is no difference in the
dimension of physicality, only when you reach the state of the transmutation of the
Soul, then the time become timeless and limitless, zero time and zero dimension. The
mankind has to understand it, needs to understand it. The mankind has to grow to
understand this. Why do you want to change a defect. What would that essence, the
time of the separation of the physicality, even due to that defect has, supposed to
bring to the Soul, of those who are around. How would they be, and how and what
would they learn from it. In the future the body of the man will be perfect. In the
future there shall be no illnesses, or no defects, because even when you carry the Soul
within the womb of the mother, in entering systems like the Enhancement Unit, brings
the perfection too. Every child shall be perfect, in Soul and physicality, and all will
shine. And each one decides on its own dimension of physical existence, (1:20). and
the way it wants to manifest itself. Nowadays when you talk about a defect, is it in
fact a correction, not only for the physicality but for the future, but for the Soul of
those who look after this Soul. What wisdom does it bring. And what clarity of
understanding of the knowledge of Creator. Go back to the Chinese old saying, "pain
makes man wise, and wisdom makes man rich." Not in the dimension of the
physicality, it's the same in the dimension of the Soul. You want to correct
syndromes, genetic defects, correction of physicality after March 21st, you'll become
part of the life of the new life. Before that mankind has to live in the dimension **
why. When we create the perfect child in the essence of the Soul of the physicality
then the life of the man will start to live in the Universe, the same. Do you remember
the orange and the cup. Now there will be many cups across the Universe, and one
orange. (1:22). This is how the future of the creation shall be. Then at that point you
have to ask the physicality, why have you chosen this. What do you expect, what do
you want to reach, what do you want to get. Attention, love, care, or the beauty. If it's
the way you see yourself, beautiful and you are happy within your existence , that
shall be, but you cannot steal.
Any other question?

WL: how humanity can know his goal of the Soul?

Keshe: The goal of the Soul is known by the Soul. In the future the physical
manifestation will bring that for the Soul. In a way we carry the Soul around to get
what it wants, and to do what it needs. (1:24). This is what we'll learn more when we
open the new dimensions and man learns the news ways to interact between the two.
In gradual steps, mankind in the physical dimension will be enlightened to the
dimension of the physicality of his Soul. The construction and development of these
systems ** is that space gap. In the past man used to get in elevators to go from floor
1 to floor 10, get higher then, now mankind has learned and has to learn the new way.
To enter into the dimension that he can elevate his souls form 1 to 10. These
Enhancement Unit are part of the process for man to understand more in a free space,
the dimension of his existence. Now is not only the physicality which you take from 1
to 10, so we can do the same with the Soul of the man, but this time we don't take
man to level 10, we show the man the level 10 within the structure of his own Soul.
The comprehension of the totality. This is the difference, this is what is called,
(1:26). the new era in the world of science and space Technology. It's not just running
machines to fly, it's running souls to fly. The teaching is on 2 levels, one is on the
level of the creation of the physicality, and 1 in the dimension of the physicality. The
choice is your, according to the comprehension of understanding of the knowledge.
There is no time tunnel. There is no "back to the future," as you want it, because the
future does not exist, and you cannot go back to it. You are the creator of the future,
and simultaneously the whole of the Unicose. But collectively, by collection of the
fields of the Universe, if man matures to that point, you can see the past. Always
remember, the friction and the dimension of the light when the fields interact,
especially in the matter state. You have all been to school, you have seen when they
put the light in the prism, and the prism splits the light into different lights, now which
one of the lights is the true carrier of all information, or each one of them carries all
the information. (1:28). And then how many interactions these lights have, and then
new prisms, then what happens then. Isn't the first light, the light of the Creator? And
isn't the prism, the prism, the prism. ** you have still the true knowledge and light of
it, but in different dimension and strength, color, and race.
Any other question?

Q: How far back in the teachings do we need to go back, there are people like myself
who are new to the Keshe Foundation teaching?
Q: Will the public teachings be enough, (1:30). to make everything that is taught. Or
will I need the private teachings.
Keshe: The head of the Keshe Foundation has decided to expand the Keshe
Foundation Spaceship Institute and the Knowledge Seekers teaching in a different
way. As coming weeks and months. IT section of Keshe Foundation will be set out
to do this. .. What I envisage it will be, you think of a subject you want, and Keshe
FoundationWiki and Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute will have separated
everything that you can go directly to. The Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute
Knowledge Seekers section is weak and from this month it will be strengthened
heavily, which means you don't need learn every point, you can choose a point and go
to that part you are interested in. It won't happen overnight, it takes years of work and
investments. But gradually this will be part of the IT section . This is how the H of
Keshe Foundation wants and she is getting financed for it to be done ..

.. production of materials will be live and video recorded and shared.

There is a German group that is putting everywhere that this is fake, and this is all
rubbish. You have to understand the German group is, (1:40). the facts about Keshe,
or whatever, these are the remnants of Alan Sterling, pedophile groups which they
lost their income. They are all pedophiles. Facts about Keshe is setup by a bunch of
pedophiles who used to do child trafficking, and the only way they see can take
revenge is putting these up. So when the Germans, Austrians .. these are all
pedophiles, especially in universities, taking young boys for clandestine activities.
And we hit their pocket and now they are going everywhere, writing facts about

In that process all the systems will be shown in a working condition. (1:42). We have
to do certain things to optimize and bring it up. In some sessions Knowledge Seekers
can be present when they see systems and running.
The systems are in running condition. We have not switched them on in the arena.
They will be switched on sometime in the coming weeks, next week or two, and will
be operational. we developed new ways to optimize the system.
Part of this system carries the illusive MaGrav system, generators, you have been
waiting for. It's a hybrid of the plasma Technology and AC, but we are taking all that
out gradually because we have to do some other things in the background that we
could see the elevation of the energy and the way we wanted it. Yes you will see a
fully operational system.
This is becoming a new home for Keshe Foundation Technology, in the next few
months we'll take over the whole building, this is my plan. The exhibition in Linz
(1:44). then we retract back to the platform we have. For example, the flying cars will
most probably be shown downstairs. We are about 6 months to a year to show this. ..
to get these 2 unit off the ground has been a big challenge .. opening a new factory in
Austria. ..
will produce new systems. We do plug and play. ..

There are a number of wealthy Knowledge Seekers to purchase these in their home
not to share. You are welcome. but later open to the Keshe Foundation and public
(1:46). The whole knowledge sharing and its ethos has to be kept across the whole
Keshe Foundation.
. The new power generators which you could not get going for a long time, you will
see in operation. We organize to have 4 or 5 within the field dome.
totally new plasma systems, no motors .. you become part of the planetary system,
This knowledge has been shared with the Keshe Foundationm in Austria. we strive to
build it in the next few weeks. I designed it about 6 years ago.

If you look at it, we have the Sun which gives its rays and creates the earth, now
within the structure of the Earth we create another planet, which will be part of these
systems. The knowledge is there, now we start teaching universal technologies, these
units can be seen. .. all Enhancement Unit will bear miniature of these units within
their structure. (1:48). .. But you will see a tabletop material productions unit, which
the F will release the new Technology. There is a lot to come, and with it comes the
readiness to create new conditions for the creation of the new child. It will be
explained, in so many ways, in the coming time. The child of knowledge has to be
within the structure of the Soul of every man. That's why we're striving for. You will
see systems running heavily and producing materials. the factory unit .. is expected to
produce up to 1 ton of materials per day. But has a different structure we are
producing systems for commercial level, which is the main target for Keshe
Foundation to stop the depletion of resources on this planet. The material system ..
will change into a field mine, which out of the system will come materials on a
continuous basis according to the need and .. creation of alloys and specific materials

we will expand on this knowledge .. (1:50).

(1:54). That you have to ask the Universal Council from Spanish, they are responsible
for coordinating and organizing these teachings. All the Universal Council members
of the languages they responsible .. and it should be, now we see Spanish and

Brazilian Friday Teaching Well Planned:

The Portuguese has taken a beautiful shape in its structure, because it's well planned
out for Friday nights. When you turn to Brazilian teaching, not only it's translated into
Brazilian instantaneously or concurrently together they do it. But every presentation is
well planned, it's a lot of time spent by Rafael and the Portuguese team, to make sure
the 4 hours of presentation is absolutely solid. We've seen the same kind of thing with
the American teachings on Sundays. They Chinese need to pickup their teaching in
always what they do. But the Farsi teaching needs a little bit of strength because it's
only translation of the teaching on Thursdays, they need to allow the new people to
come and show, what they have learned, or what they want to show. These are the
things that has to change slightly in each group. But overall everything is more or less
done. One part of the problem has been to understand, (1:56). each culture and how
we can fit into it.

Dr. Assadi Accuse Mr. Keshe of being an Israeli Spy:

Something very strange came up in the Iranian group. Part of the people who wanted
to cash out on the Technology, now that it became very well known in Iran, they have
gone to the government and said, Mr. Keshe is an agent of Israel, and he is a spy. I
responded to the Iranian officials in a very simple way, if I was an agent of Israel, I
would give the Technology to Israel. And with the knowledge I gave to Iran that they
wiped out the American base in Iraq months ago, the Israelis would wipe out Iran in
no time. I stay loyal to my nation and humanity. And these people are actually the
agent of Israel who put these things out to defuse and decoy, or confuse in a way. If I
was an agent and working for the Israeli government, with the Technology I have, I
don't need to come to Iran. The knowledge I would tranStar Formationer to the state
of Israel will wipe out the state of Iran. And this will never happen. I stay loyal to
both, to my nation, to citizens of Iran, and the planet. There shall be no war, and this
is why we took the Technology to Iran. A peaceful nation. Now you can understand
how the same process carries on. People like Dr. Assadi and the rest, people in the
university tried to create this mayhem within the structure now that their hand has
been opened. There is a very simple message, if we are supposed to be, as you say.
We don't need to, we take the knowledge across, there will be nothing left. So you are
the agents and you are working for your own benefit, because you have no status.
(1:58). You found name, and you got crowed, and you got blinded by a few people
calling you, "sir." We stay loyal to the nation and government of Iran, to the
leadership of Iran and all the governments around the world, irrespective of color,
religion and race. I had to make this very clear because Dr. Assadi and the rest of his
gang, what we call, agents themselves, have written the Iranian government. And my
answer to officials online today is very simple. The knowledge belongs to Iran, and
stays Iran and will come out of Iran the way it is coming out today. My voice is the
voice of Iran, and the knowledge comes on those basis to the whole of humanity.
Those who sold themselves to the Belgium's came out with another set in Iran, this
way. We got rid of one bunch and a new bunch appeared, because they sold
themselves. We are humble Knowledge Seekers and educators. You got to realize the
Keshe Foundation has become a part of Iran national, what we call, Civil Defense. A
group of people who go out unconditionally to help with all the, whatever, be the
struggle, and what we call the problems.

Now we start teaching medical teachings to many Iranian scientists and doctors.
(2:00). And with it, we translate it to all languages and it can be picked up by all the
doctors, that the medical teachings become a strength in that way. There is a lot of
things happening, in the background, the same with China, same with other places.
And hopefully next week the ed team will tell us which 3 will receive the 1,000
Euros research
We thank the offices of the leadership and the Sepah who protect us, and the
intelligent services of Iran.

John: Arizona. .. shows photos of Arizona center ..

(2:02). (2:04). photos .. (2:06). (2:08). video of inside center dome ..
Keshe: The way the Arizona is set, (2:10). more or less become the blueprint for most
of the centers we open around the world. With the progress and delivery of the new
can go to 12 units inside. .
I think that center will be well known for miles to come. Putting 10 -12 units in that
building.. many people will sleep around the building without going inside to get, to
receive. I wonder if the echo will be there when we install the system, or would the
system absorb the voice and echo? (2:12).
J: . the energy of the dome itself will self create a bubble effect of the units. all of
them will sit in the dome, the dome is made with 5 inch drywall so it's a solid dome.
Keshe: Yeah, this is what we say to people who come in purchase the systems, we
prefer it to be one floor off the ground so it is up, that the Earth's magnetical and
gravitational field is not so interfering with the system. Those of you who are
interested in purchasing
(2:14). Anything else to share ..
Any other questions?

(Break advertising ) (2: 23).

Let see the questions, bring the teaching. (2:24).

Q: shows a video outside his window, sings song .. (2:26). (2:28). (2:30).
Jalal: .. you taught us hoe the life began on Earth, step by step, and the boxes what we
are doing we are capturing the amino acid .. (2:32). .. the Soul is decided, so how can
I understand, are we making the conditions for the Soul to manifest itself, or the Soul
makes the conditions to manifest itself?
Keshe: The Soul. but we have not. .. the physicality of the man is a leech attached, an
din a way controls the strength of the Soul. It has given it very little room inside of the
physicality, and this does not give such a good position for many, many of us to be
able to share its beauty. In so many ways, we have to learn that mankind needs to
learn to share both the physical and the souls dimensions and energies. How do we do
it, if you look at this picture, it has a lot of meaning. (2:34). this picture I shows
picture of Sun, open hands upwards, "Pray for the healing of the sick". What does it
mean. We take the hand of physicality, and through it reflect the Soul of the man as a
light, to give to another Soul. To share the fields, the energies, the understanding of ,
and and in that process we use the fields which are within our grasp, within our
structure to elevate another Soul. Why do we do this, why do we extend our
knowledge to share, to be able to say you are a human. (2:36). that we understand
more, we can share more and in the process what do we expect, what do we need.
maybe in time mankind come wise to these things. And maybe mankind in time
become to understand his own Soul, his own beauty, and to what extent we want to
share these things. Do we rely on, simplicity, do we rely on the lack of understanding
of the knowledge of the physicality, to the Soul of the man. We need to extend our
understanding of our own Soul, and with it share that Soul , the energies of it, with
another Soul. And we'll all become light within the structure of a bigger light. In a
the bigger light is the Creator and we are all receiving from the same, it does not
matter if you are in the back of a planet, towards it, (2:38). or in front of it, because
the strength of the love of the Creator surpasses any physical dimension. The ones
that are on the dark side of the sun at night, not necessarily receive any less than the
ones in the front of the light, knowledge and love of the Creator. It's very much like
what I call as neutrinos, goes through irrespective of the matter content. This is what
we have to become. we have to become that light, and in the process balancing many
things. We show our love, our anger, our care, our distress, but does that reflect on
our Soul, the behavior of our Soul's totality. Then you understand. When you love,
does it direct to one person, or does the one you don't like, and love, still receives it,
but doesn't recognize it, or still gets energized by it, and maybe it touches it and it
loves you back. Humanity has to learn this what we ** mean and how far can we
capture this Soul and encage it, and with the new understanding we give man the
freedom of that knowledge. .. we welcome you to the knowledge of the Universe.
(2:40). and as we see on the screen, the love of God has no form, no alphabets,
dimensions and strengths of measurement. In so many ways, understanding this
brings the message of peace. And one of the things we all need to learn and to
understand, that the message is simple, if you ask the Soul you want to give to, and it
accepts to, that's when the Soul elevates, when you make it available and it takes it, is
when it wants to accept it. And it could be there, doesn't matter how much you give,
the dam is closed, you are just storing behind the dam, till the Soul is ready to open
the dam and receive it. Will it open it in small measures, or open and receive it in one
go. This is the way the love of the Creator is, all of it sits behind a dam, and mankind
and other creatures has to be able to open up, and how much he opens it, and to what
receive from it, be it the love or the knowledge. This is what I always say, if you ask,
you don't need to make a dam. And if it is given, (2:42). there is no dam is made, so
you receive and you give all of it. And it does not matter how you interpret it, how it
looks to you if somebody else receives the what we call, the knowledge or the love,
whatever. It's you who creates that dam, because it is not for you, and this comes all
the way through the knowledge down the ** creation. We have encaged the Soul, and
we create with that barrier of the dam, we call it the brain of the man and his emotion
for it to receive. For the first time you open that dam, you open the layers of the brain
of the man to become independent of the emotion, but live in the emotion of the Soul.
The emotion of the physicality is the biggest barrier for mankind to evolve. And that
is one of the reasons we have not understood and cannot understand the evolution of
the Soul of the man as much as the evolution of the physicality of the man. The souls
evolve, go through the same process as the physicality, in the process of their own
level. They are not created as one and stay the same. As the physicality goes through
the evolution so does the Soul of the man, or any creature. How much can you
receive, be able to share. I always say ** I repeat it until people understand it. (2:44).
When you are asked, and given, no one can stop. And once you are given, the totality
is given, not part to suit. Then it's the beholder whose openness decides how much he
can take, or her understanding and emotion of his Soul. We create that condition in a
very clear way, the Soul of the man has left himself an exit, and an exit through the
separation of the fields of the physicality. If you look the dome of the brain over the
Soul has left an escape route from the bottle, which is the physicality of the Earth, pull
of the magnetical and gravitational field of the Earth. Because if you could have
escaped, you'd escape through the brain a long time ago. It waits for it to weaken and
uses the back passage to escape, to open up into the dimension of the physicality. In a
way, the love of separation is released by the love of the planet, or the being in respect
to his position. As we always said, if you look at the lightening, as I was explaining
recently, and we all know, the lightening doesn't come from the sky, it comes from
the Earth, to discharge the balance of pulling the energy starts the first spark on the
Earth, (2:46). up into the cloud, not form the cloud down. We only see the

Q: With the Universe Community if a thought, intention is made at the point of
need, would another Soul be able to interact with that thought and create on top of
that thought to enhance it to make it more beautiful?
Keshe: Why not. If you allow it, if you are asked for it, ** or you ask for, yes, why
not. You see, you ask to give, or you ask to be given. If you don't accept, you cannot
receive and you cannot give. (3:22). It's very simple.
Q: Why would you not accept? is that on a Soul level or physicality, or both?
Keshe: How come when you don't like your food you close your mouth. Or if you are
full with Chinese food, you can't take a bit of kabob, because you are full. That's the
Q; So that's a feeling, an instinct you have, sometimes you don't realize
Keshe: I made man in the image of myself. so applies in both dimensions.
R: It seems the DNA has to have something to do, be some preferences built into it.
Keshe: It all depends how we look at it, how we want to interpret it.
R: So in a way, souls have preferences built into them?
Keshe: Of course, that's why they take their position. Or they would be on top of each
other wouldn't they.
R: They would all be together on one single point
Keshe: Isn't that why we call it the Creator.
R: Too much information, I don't think we would want to be on that position. So that's
very interesting, (3:24). so the position is according to our preferences, or .. the
magnetical and gravitational fields we feel around us.
Keshe: yeah, in so many ways, yes.
Q: .. when you make a reactor with the Technology you have given and you connect
your Soul with it, like you have with the Enhancement Unit throughout the Universe
that is felt, and they are aware of the reactor and your connection to the Source and to
Keshe: What do you mean?
Q: when you connect on a Soul level and physicality that then once you give the
thoughts and intentions .. connects you
Keshe: In a way of development, (3:26). understanding the Soul , it's very much we
go back to the beginning of all the teaching. Even when you make a Gans Box, you
pray for it, you give from your Soul that it gives that connection and you can elevate
it. In so many ways, it's part of you, because it is created out of the emotion of you, of
the physical emotion, how you twisted the wires, did it pinch you, did you feel Gans's,
did you feel the energy tranStar Formationer of it. All counts. All is part of the
structure and it counts, but it is limited to the emotion of the physicality. Do you want
to receive it in the dimension of the Soul, Soul does not have a physical dimension to
feel the touch, the physical dimension, that's why it has built the brain, that in there so
many information's can be translated.
Q: .. Soul
Keshe: You as a human being, is English language, its polarity, is singularity. ..

We have to see it and then we understand it. In the body of the man we have neural
system, and then we connect to it. (3:32). In the dimension of the Soul we don't have
such a think, it's the fields, and these fields are connected to somewhere. Where do
they connect, to who's magnetical and gravitational fields connect. These are what we
have to comprehend. I tried to pick a picture we can clearly see. If we look at this
picture, that's the brain of the man let's say, there is no neural system, but there are
millions of fields going to this brain. Where are these lines connected to, to whom, to
where, to what molecule, to which Soul. And then you understand how the structure
works. How do your Soul's neural system communicates? And in reality if you look at
it, and try to understand it, try to be aware of it, is this the nerve which goes to the
papa, or this goes to another creature in another Universe. This is a very small
presentation of the energy fields of plasma of the Soul of the man with the rest of the
Universe. In the system of the body of the man you can count the nerves, but if you
look, even this one here is connect to some where, because its interaction with it
creates this little dot. (3:34).

(3:40). repeats..
All these fields end up somewhere (sides of ice). All these fields (bottom) end up
with the fields of the frig and gravitational of Earth, because these two, the frig and
water in the container have to interact directly. We see the traffic, every single cell of
the tray has a direct connection with every single cell of the water, and we see these
fields coming down. In a way if you manage to count the whole number of these
fields at the bottom we can see how many cells are involved with each other from
each side. We can count the molecules, each molecule has created a parallel with the
other one. The other ones which are there mean they have ** connected. so some of
the molecules of the tray, the box, the gravitational of the Earth we can see. But this
part, if you look at, they don't bend down. they are upwards, they are straight, which
means they are connected to somewhere else. It's the same with the man, this is your
neural system, your nerves, and this is the way of the dimension of the souls, (3:42).
to be free to interact, uncles, cousins ** space. For this (bottom part) we have made
the neural system in our physicality. For this (sides) we are free to go, how many of
these are because of the box of the container when we make the ice. Then we see the
interaction, then we understand the totality. It's very simple, or I think is simple. Then
which one is the emotion, the one at the bottom, the emotion of your own child, your
wife, and you feel it, and you have every attraction interaction or is the part on the top
with all the others you are interact with, or have interaction with.
Q: Where you put your intention is where you can interact with ..
Keshe: yes.
Q: That comes to condition with environment . (3:44).

Keshe: Most probably, but then you have to learn from now on, 2 emotions 1 emotion
of the physicality, and 1 emotion of the Soul. Or the new lives in the future will be
aware of both. And how will allow one to interact with the other, and what to
overflow with that. In the new cycle of life, when you fall in love, you won't feel it in
the heart. We'll feel it in general, the whole entity of physicality and the Soul. Falling
in love in the new generation as we prepare for it. It will come in a way of totality.
When we were young we fall in love, we could hear the heartbeat changing, and the
breath cannot be taken and the rest of it. In the new generation, and falling in love, as
we change the Soul of the man to become aware of the Universal Soul and creation of
** Universe, we make falling in love as a totality, because now you fall in love with
the Soul. You don't feel it in the heart as such. The need to be comes from the
emotion within, not emotion with the heart, with the physical dimension. It's a total
commitment, is what we call totality, it's not breath taking, it's just wanting to be with.
It's wanting to be part of, because it's what you call, interacts, interlocks. Physicality
is within the Soul, so Soul takes priority in loving. Don't know why, but I want to be
all the time in the physical dimension present. But in fact, the Soul has taken the love,
and interpretation of love by giving, is part of the structure of the life of the man to
learn, and this will become part of the new cycle of life. (3:46). We feel love in a
different way then we are used to in the physical dimension. Because this is one fo the
reasons for the new cycle of life. Because this was not open to the Soul, now souls
can fall in love, in a different way, then being twins and being connected. In the
coming time even the structure of the skies will change, as the new way will be taught
even to the planets and the stars. and universes. the structure of the skies will change
in a very different way. The skies will shine in a different way and the stars the same.
That mono singularity become colorful sky to look at. And the Soul fo the new life
will shine on all, and all will take the same. In so many ways, there is a new horizon,
and that comes from polarity, not singularity. Mankind or the future of the race of
mankind will have a very good contrast to put next to each other. how the skies
looked shined and will shine in the future. When we bring the balance in the new
dimension even the stones will be touched. let alone the heart and Soul of the man

345 Knowledge Seekers Workshop


346th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; September 17, 2020




(:10). Live in Linz with Knowledge Seekers

The systems are loaded for flight

The systems will be seen outside as a light. This week we had a test .. 1 system was
turned on in material state UFO system ..

this means we have managed to interfere with the magnetical fields of the Earth.
The spaceship for man is on course .
flight systems one in relation to the other, one takes flight.
You have the reference inside the spaceship when you travel ..

(:18). We create the magnetical field within the environment of the system. .. This is
like the Earth and absorbs all the fields inside, brings stability One unit was turned
on,, which effected the UFO magnetical fields in the building, the structure of the
building, part of it was interfered with.
(:20). This system was originally shown to the Belgium authorities on Nov 25, 2011,
they confiscated the materials, not to be shown
interfere with the central core of the Earth.
This is without any nuclear materials
we have interfered with 2 magnets in this building
Once we can interfere with the magnetical field of the Fe, we can interfere with the
gravitational field of this planet direct. So the flight in imminent. We switched on
only 1 reactor, there are ten's of reactors in this system.
The system cannot be controlled by ** , it can only be controlled by thoughts, and
there is one ** (:22). The 2 people who can interfere with these systems, the people
whose essence is embedded in the systems. One is the lady here (Ella) and one is me.
We have embedded our thoughts and our emotions into the system ** . This is what
we said ..

?** Goes back to all the teaching since the beginning. ?** (can't hear muffled ..)

(:24). When you sit here as a captain, you control everything. At the moment we have
trained 6 Mozhans around the world. ?** to take responsibility.
Very soon the 6 Mozhans will be called in, they were trained .

The Keshe Foundation space program is something like 200 years ahead of any space
agency and we ** We start showing production of materials in coming weeks. .
The whole subject in principle is to do with magnetical fields. ..
The knowledge is in the Book of Soul. It is not with man, with the pen. (:26). All of
us ** have this in our inner being, has this knowledge, it's embedded in our genes for
thousands of years. Now we need it reach it, if you understand .. the book of Soul,
any of us can take it into flight. Now we ** start the process. the process of teaching
** and the machines are the basis, ** test basis for us to be able to understand this
knowledge, and with it use the ?** humanity. We all carry it, it's like the DNA we
carry. But we never knew how to tap into this knowledge and with the new and
present Technology coming up, any of us can take into space. We can decide, it's just
teaching it. And the process of teaching, as I said, we start that by 21st March 2021
we see the first ** flight. The building of the structures are in a very simple way. **
one direction into space. And any of us, individually or in a group, can decide how we
take into space. We use the dimensions of the oceans of the fields fo the Universe, or
we stick to the matter state. ** with one simple operation we have shown ?** with the
matter state fields in this ** building. Then the rest is very easy. (:28). The rest is
understanding the totality of the knowledge in the essence of what is within us. And
then the biggest question for most of us will be, do we choose this or this. we choose
the span of the Universe without ** hesitation. We need to be trained, taught how to
control, how to be part of the whole knowledge of the creation , you look at this as
the Sun, but in fact, this is your Soul, there is no difference . ** take the knowledge
to the next step. This is one of the reasons we are here. .. hopefully this exhibition
center becomes a permanent place for Keshe Foundation exhibition, and in that
process we allow a number of Knowledge Seekers to come in and see the ** the
flight system, producing materials. At all times controlling what materials we can
produce. The capability of the matter producing system is about 1 ton a day. This .. ..
commercial unit of it, I know, I have already tested it and I know how it ** is. This
will change the biggest industrial revolution, this brings power to Africa, ** because
now ** (:30). ** mining. In exchange we give more back to Africa to cover **
Everything has to be correct for every citizen of this planet. We have to compensate. ?
.. We see 50 to 60 million unemployment in US. not only mining, but defense ....
We have a massive number of educated people unemployed and we see the same for
Western Europe. Because we can fly with these systems anywhere on this planet and
there is no control
flight time is minutes ..

(muffled )
put a Corona positive person in machine, then test again ..

Space cosmic ray viruses is something man has never known, it can release so much
energy into the Soul, that it literally opens up like sugar in hot water. We know this
we have seen this many times in the space.
(:36). You need to create a magnetical shield to protect you form all the rays ..

Klaus will tell how he felt because the system

Klaus: The first time we started the system here, we just tested one of the reactors
inside . (:38). .. and I ran one of these reactors just 3 or 4 seconds, there was an
immediate reaction to one of these loud speakers here ** it just jumped on the table.
I felt like being in an onion, I went through different phases, I could not hear my
colleague at a certain distance from the reactor, and then another distance I could near
him again .. I switched off the reactor again, because I was so frightened, it did not
stop, it just stayed like it is for a certain time. I didn't expect this.
Keshe: How long did you run the tests.?
Kl: after 4 or 5 seconds.

As I have done many times, we'll most probably pass out of this building in a plasma
state, which means we'll pass through the walls, glass dome, without any touch. we
travel at the strength above the matter state.

With these systems we can tranStar Formationorm matter into light .. we can change
light into anything as a matter. .. we can create a energy field on the left and tranStar
Formationer it on the right and create a light. Exactly what happens in the womb of
the mother. In the womb the womb provides the energy, here the systems provide the
energy. The left is a matter state, and the right is Book #3, and in between what
happens in transition from one to another is Book 2. I deliberately chose the setting up
of these systems primarily, because I taught the knowledge .. years ago. And the
system has to be understood fully by those who decide where the knowledge of the
man will go. If you put the knowledge fo the 3 books together, (:50). you mix it in a
right way, you have all the knowledge to go into space. Everything is written, inside
the book. It's how you interpret is the physical knowledge. .. now I show you the
.. use your imagination what do you think we'll see in 10 years time. Any input.

Knowledge . we travel in the depth of the space.

I'll show you how you'll travel in the depth of space by wish ..
This is a star. in your vision you see the magnetical field of it.. it's taking magnetical
field back from you .

(:54). you travel on the fields of what the star sent you, and you travel on the strength
of its own structure, which is zero time. You see a star, you wish to be on it, you can
travel in the strength of the fields, to that position, and when you arrive the field
strength of the planet ?** because you have to survive it and **/

(:56) .
man will not be subordinate to anyone in Universe.
I made you a promise some weeks ago in the very near future, .. we'll bring a tank
of water, and I bring 1 drop .. we all watch the lives it creates. Conversion of the
fields of Universe according to the magnetical and gravitational field of Earth while
we watch the system will create that life. (:58).
I elevate the Soul of the man with one drop .. this is what Christ did, that's how he
raised the man, the dead, he elevated the Soul, physicality responded. ..
we will demonstrate that in this room. Because the knowledge has to be taught so
rapidly, that we leave no ambiguity outside.
It's time to show a solid science that changes the position of the governments to a
peaceful position. . we live through science and Technology which can effectively
change ..
(1:00). We have to lead in the front with the Technology, not in what we done up to
now, in the back. This will be shown here. When I entered the building the first time I
knew Keshe Foundation has found a permanent home, for the demonstration of the
new Technology ..

An this is part of the teaching which we will extend heavily in the coming time. Open
platform teaching, (1:02). and for many of us to understand, the next step in progress
in Technology. .. at the same time it is your wish to be on this planet, but don't forget
when you are star gazing, there are many stars, it is you who chose to be on this one.
Zero time transportation, and at the same time transmutation of the light to life, is
become the light of every Soul. In so many ways, a lot of things have come, and a lot
of conditions will create a new dimension in the human life. As I said, we are all
Austrians we all know what Linz is, .. it's the home of the Second World War start,
and it will be nice to see it become the birth of new knowledge, where ?** now the
mankind has the knowledge breakfast at one planet, lunch at another (1:04).
come home to Earth for sleep. We heard from Klaus how we interfered with the
Earth's magnetical fields within seconds ..

(1:06). Industrial version of this system will produce ..

continuous production ..
Table top version ..
I have until 21st of October to complete one phase, because the final phase starts ?/
21st of March 2021. In next few weeks we break open new Technology in this room ..
the proof of the pudding is in eating it. (1:08). I bring the knowledge so forward that I
force the nations to peace ..

In next few weeks Linz will shine at night.. you will se the light of the exhibition.
Once we get to that position we cannot switch it off.
translucent silver light ..

(1:10). That's why we came here with Klaus at 9 PM to see if we see the light. .. don't
forget we already know this ..

Armand: Everyday we were wondering why when we switched off the lights they
came on again Plasma fields ..

Main radio station near exhibition ..

(1:16). Those who have intention of war will be paralyzed ..

Hundreds of years ahead of Russians.

Your wish to carry peace .. will be given .. (1:18).
We can even turn the system on to show you.. Klaus said no ..

Until 21 October, then we shut . tranStar Formationer to Tehran .. next weeks I will
traveling to China. .. that we don't give to only 1 nation .. (1:20). 2 ladies in the White
House . 2 ladies in Keshe Foundation
I will see that we get it ..

Their choice of materials to load the reactors proven 100% correct .

Any questions? (1:22).

Q: So once the world switches to Plasma will we be able to switch lights off,, because
the Plasma field is always their.?
Keshe: .. we always said in future will be how to switch the light off.. use curtain ..

I have entrusted the captain of these 2 system to Ella, the 2 in China to KL.
It's the Soul of the doctors will work , not the pen .. (1:24).
In the future you will never get sick ..

I never worked to live .. no one in the Universe works ..

You have to ask for it to be given .. you have to be accepted by the Soul of another

by 21st of March by ** new life, man will go to the new dimension
Next question?

Q: .. When you interact with Soul of light. If you make a wish to be with the Soul of
light, would that take you back to a certain position?
Keshe: It depends on what light and what position. It's very much dependent. When
you reach the Soul of the light, I have to explain in a very ** deep way to the Iranian
** ** is that you are free to travel the span of the Universe, on the position that, that
light has taken, not what is your wish, you become a passenger, that light is destined
for somewhere. (1:28). As we explained with the Iranians in a beautiful way, **
pleasure to be able to teach in Farsi. I didn't know my Farsi was so good, but
somehow they understand it. When you have an object and wants to travel from
one to the other. You chose the physical dimension or you can choose, as you said,
the light, or you want to travel in the Soul of it.

Light Forms and Travel through the Light Photon Particle :

In the present physics we have light in 2 forms, we have a light, as what we call a
photon, without any tangibility, or we have it as a tangible matter state. We see light it
effects 2 ways. It's just a field or its as a matter, we call it a particle. This is the beauty
of the light. sometimes we detect it as a photon, sometimes we detect it as a, what we
call matter state, and we couldn't understand why. Now we understand that a light as a
photon, or light as a particle (1:30). (draws 2 lines) where the Soul of it is there
(between 2 lines). The rays which are created out of the interaction of the plasmas
appear as light, as particles, like the gravitational field of the Earth, or the magnetical
field of the Earth, as interact with the fields of the Sun, now they create a new plasma,
so the plasma immediately behaves as particle as due to, what we call, weaker
strength, it gets pulled to the magnetical and gravitational field of the Earth as a light.
But when it enters it, it converts due to Inertia to a particle, ** .. You switch on the
light and the electric vibration because it has ** (no) a plasmatic condition it appears
as a photon. but at the same time the what I call, particles due to interaction with their
environment they can create what we call, photons. So you have to understand if you
are working with the rays, or you are working with the plasmatic field of particles.
This is part of the Technology, science of the light which was never understood, and
for the first time we put book 2 ** out this way. How what it is. But now we can go,
extend it further.

In so many ways, is this ** light ** (1:32). that ** you jumped in ** on the Soul **
(regarding Q about traveling on light) You have no say because you are just ** a
passenger. It's very much as if you were standing here , and you saw a star, and
traveled to it through magnetical fields ** to it. Because what the light sent you, is
more or less a very powerful photon, but at the same time particles. Because it has
created out of the interaction of the field ** gravitational field of ** it, so you can
become the passenger of the Soul of that light returning. Zero time. And next time
when you look into the depth of the Universe, but if you have opened your heart ** to
the gravity ? ? to learn this process of thinking , this process of understanding of the
Soul. But you have to ask, this is ** same condition you have to ask , and if it is
accepted it is yours. this is the rule of the Universe, just because I asked I don't get,
and that's why you cannot commit a crime. Because if you ask and are given You **
out of you. This is how many people in the time of ** pain ** travel outside the **
they wish for their Soul not to be present to see these things the suffering of the
physicality (1:34). Or the pleasure is so much that they want to be part of it, and
they bring the Soul ** Mankind knows these feelings very well, but the never
understood. The nature of existence, at the point of what we call inception. if you put
a Soul in it, you reach it. This is what the 21st March ** ** ? combination of the
physicality and the Soul ** is the process of transmutation and transportation. when
you transport the Soul's fields through emotion and delivery you by transmutation of
elements. This is how every single wish of the Creator at the point of creation has
reached this point, and beyond. The wish of it.
Any other question?

Rick: we missed the words (1:36). (1:38).

Use of Cheese, CO2, and Zn for Cavity tooth Repair:

Q: What conditions need to be created for cavity repair, or for tooth regeneration?
Keshe: ** use CO2 and Zn. There is a scientific, why cheese, cheese carries a lot of
Ca, and when you take with a combination of CO2 and Zn, it connects line with the
neural system of the tooth and the Ca, and CO2, from the cheese creates the cells of
the tooth. That's all you're doing, if you understood it, we have a lot of people who
have tried it. Even in Iran it's very expensive to go sometime to dentist or they can't
find one, especially during the crisis, they tested it. After 2 or 3 days, there is no
dentist. The business is very bad for Keshe Foundation with the dentist. That's all, it's
not just because we say so, understand the knowledge, the Technology. We know, I
always ** go like the orange, when you mix cheese which is high in Ca, which has
made your tooth ** then you put a Zn in it, you connect directly to the neural system,
and then if you do it the right way and get the right cheese, then you tranStar
Formationer the Ca atomic, plasmatic structure to where it's needed. (1:40). where
there is imbalance. because the cavity and imbalance in the tooth, it just doesn't
create on its own, it has to have an emotional effect from the nerve system, because
the nerve allows it to happen. Now you satiStar Formationy the nerve, the emotion of
the tooth, then you do the CO2, which brings the delivery of connection to it. And in
tranStar Formationerring from the Ca, with the cheese in your mouth, with the nerve,
you tranStar Formationer the energy of it, and you fill it up. The business is very bad
for the dentist with the Keshe Foundation. But you have to try it. and if you get it right
people like Dr. Azar are without jobs.
Next question?

Keshe: Universe Council members have meeting tomorrow .. (1:42). We have seen a
very direct attack on the Universal Council to try to disorient the Universal Council
members, what they couldn't do with the Keshe Foundation. It's the same organization
with a lot of lies
now they have targeted the Universal Council members to destroy ..

Q: How has been the response to the exhibition?
Keshe: Very bad. We didn't want more than 100 people in the month ..
a lot of explanation
5 to 10 people per day is the maximum here is to taste and experience the knowledge.
they take time to explain.. knowledge is tranStar Formationerred first hand.

this is the way I wanted the knowledge to be shared ..

Any other question?
Q; What are the reasons we are not accepted by other stars when we ask for it. Is the
Universe only allowed for peaceful souls. why are we not able to achieve it now. is it
because we are not peaceful?
Keshe: We try to make the human race peaceful with Zn and a lot of other things
which is put in, plus new Technology
Now the rapid expansion we still got the cats. dogs, lions to make peaceful too.
Keshe: We produce Nano layers according to the need .. plasmatic nano coating is

How to Enter Another Star in Universe - No Visa:

Q; .. when we travel on earth we have to have a passport and visa //

Keshe: Excuse me, on the planets we have no Foreign Office and no visa and airports.
Q: .. but somehow who can enter another star or come near ..?
Keshe: Once you have tuned to the environment of that planet, you have accepted all
the conditions so there is no problem.
Q: I have accepted the conditions of that planet
Keshe: That you can reach, . It's the Soul of the planet which accepts you. ..
Another angle, if we travel as peaceful Soul, then that planet has to accept you.
(1:54). Now can you imagine why all the murders and everything appear on this
planet. What's the Soul of this planet accepts? Why do we create life which is
wrongdoing, is it the Soul of this planet, which is totally wrong setup. So in a way it
says, all of you come here, this is a good place if you want to do the wrong. criminal
Q: Free will planet.
Keshe: It's not free. it has wills but they are not free.
Any other question.

Q: .. Are you the Creator of this Universe?

Keshe: I am a human being in this body.
Next question.

Q: flying car

We don't have to die to go in both dimensions .
Any other question.

Q: So these flight systems are controlled by our Soul , thoughts ?

Keshe: More or less .

I'll step down and the 2 heads will do it.



Portals don't exist

(2:22). (2:24).
(Break (3:05).

Second Soul Teaching of Workshop:

Keshe: Welcome back, and what is to understand about the Technology is its
We have made the Technology so simple anyone can understand it ..
(3:06) Anyone can understand the knowledge .. because the Soul of the man at the
end doesn't know any universities . .. The knowledge of the Soul, the knowledge of
understanding of the creation, is within the structure of the body of the man.

In recent past we have tried to explain the totality of the knowledge in a very simple
way, where ?** within the ** brain we have embedded the Soul of the man, and **
now we have embedded Soul of the physicality. If we understand this position, then,
in so many ways, when mankind becomes aware of his totality, mankind will find out
why the Soul always dominates the physicality, because it's the Mother, it's the
Principle. In so many ways, what we see it dictates the blood circulation, as the two
** motions, stay trapped within one, but in interaction with each other. The
knowledge it becomes very important in the coming time, (3:08). for those who
educate in this knowledge, that in due time, as I explained before, you don't breath,
you don't need anything to breath because ** The Soul of the man and Soul of the
physicality, ?** because we don't need to. We don't have the lung and heart
operation, we become in the strength that both work together, This is what is to come
in the very near future, then man in the physical dimension can manifest itself in any
physical condition anywhere in the Universe.

The process which we teach in the coming time is literally this ( ) . Where the Soul of
the man and the physicality of the man operate more or less from the same source,
depending on the environment which one decides to be, ** the Soul or you want the
physicality to be. When you change position, you take the shape of the position. ** on
earth 2 legs ** be it on another planet 4 legs whatever. (3:10). but the dimension of
the Soul, always stays the same if and when they come to work together. This is what
we tell you on earth. This year, this is where the teaching will come. You want to be
in the dimension of physicality or you want to operate in the dimension of the Soul.
Which literally, if you look at it, the Soul takes, the Soul of the physicality. This is
what we called in the paper called "inter-atomic fusion." In a way, bringing the
smaller one, which is the physical heart ** (its) and Soul, which is the smaller one,
into the Soul of the man. It is where most of the teaching in the coming months will
concentrate on. Where the knowledge needs to be gained very rapidly by man, to be
able to become the passenger of the Universe, and survive ** To be in a physical
world, or to be in the world of the Soul, but having access to both at the same time.
Then the Soul of the man will never die anywhere in the Universe, because the choice
of physicality is his choice.

Wherever in the Universe Community we have seen the Soul of the physicality has
taken charge, (3:12). we have seen demise, we see death ** . For the first time we
show this, cannot be, and we try to bring understanding that in reality these two live
together. Immortal life, because you decide the point and time of the departure, but
you depart from one and you go inside the other, and you travel the span of Universe,
and you reverse. It's like a reversible jacket, but this time all the time the Soul has
equal balance saying, as does the Soul of the physicality.

Many people in the past have managed to reach this, but they never understood, they
could not teach this, and now we start the process of understanding of the life in both
dimensions. Understanding that in the physical dimension we travel at a much lower
speed, in different style, we are dependent on source. Where with traveling with the
Soul we carry with he master, and we don't need any because it absorbs energy from
the spectrum of the life. The future teaching will lead and be part of teaching how the
Soul of the man is created. (3:14). The creation of the Soul is part of the teaching, **
which mainly will go on after March 21, 2021. because it is time. it will take time for
a lot of people to understand, and then gradually, the understanding how the Soul
operates becomes, in a way, how we know the physical body of the man ** of it.

It is important if you ** travel the depth of the Universe, because it says, I made man
in the image of Myself. So if physicality has a hard time understanding ** motion, so
the Soul ** operating. If it is made ** of the man the same. The teaching after March
is the teaching understanding of the ** structure ** of the Soul. And that on its own
creates a new cycle of teachings we did years ago. That part of the teaching which
comes the operation of the Soul, has been gifted to the new life. It will be taught by
the 2 ladies of the Keshe Foundation in time when it comes. I'll bring you to that
point, and the new cycle starts from that point on. Then you understand life in the
span of the Universe. The true life, the way mankind will exist, without any
dimension of physicality. Transmutation ** between the Soul and the physical
dimension, at any point, (3:16). choice of the physical life. Understanding of the total
structure of the existence.
When this teaching starts it will be a time that man will be gifted with the knowledge
of the Creator. Where you can, in a way, live in both dimensions. It's a different style
of teaching, a different style of knowledge, it's a knowledge man has never known,
because at the other end of it there is a gift. There is a meaning for it, which is on the
other end, there is a closeness to the Creator. The understanding of the total
knowledge of the creation of the Universe and the Unicose.

So until man understands, ** the energy from this (Soul of the physicality) has to
interact with the energy from this (Soul of the man), and become a twin, where they
can feed from each other, but within each other, and outside each other, and inside
each other, then the process ** speeds. Many of you know this position. This process
is not unknown to man. You know this process very well, but you never understood.
(3:18). how these two literally work with each other, and when they cannot accept
each others changes. If you look at it in a simple way, you have a hard time, you
cannot accept the conditions of physical life. What do you do? You release a lot of
emotional energy into the Soul, the Soul not accepting it, releases the energy, in a
way, in a bouncing bag, into the brain, you call it a brain hemorrhage, you call it a
stroke. Not accepting, not being able to accept the energy with the emotions of
physical life, on the physical Soul of the man wants to accept. Physicality doesn't
accept. because it says, it gives it to the one which is bigger than itself. And when this
(Soul of the man) does not accept, because it already agreed, the problems with the
physical life, the physical Soul, and then the energy released, because it's a physical
energy from the physical dimension of the physical Soul, it is of the strength of fields
of the body, destroys many cells, you end up with a stroke. In a way, you shoot
yourself in the foot, because what do we do when we can't carry the emotion in the
heart in the physical dimension with the Soul of the physicality, it all releases, to the
one which is already in contact and is established before, as we saw ** before. And
this is how you literally get your brain hemorrhages, your strokes.

Now we see the Soul of the man, (3:20). and the Soul of the physicality always been
in ** always have operated together, but we never understood the process. Now we
try in the coming time to teach how the physical ** motion circulation in respect to
the Soul of the physicality can be balanced in a way that by weakening or
strengthening the other, you manage to bring the 2 to be one. There is a technique in
moving the Soul of the physicality into the Soul of the man. This is what to come, the
new life after March, that will be taught ** differently. It's the knowledge I have
gifted to that new birth. It's the knowledge which must come from a woman, that we
can show the equality of both, where the life becomes one. Where is no separation of
the 2, in your blood there is a structure which allows the Soul to move, and allows the
Soul of the physicality to move to become ** one.

You never need to die. You are born with it. In so many ways, when you are born
there is a little dot hole in the wall of your heart, by closing it, it stops this process.
(3:22). In the world of medicine, the first breath you take, they say the cry of the pain
of the child, is the closing of that gate, in the joint of the two ** halves. But now this
process is to be shown, we teach in the coming time, that how you can bring as much
this pressure ** as this releases, you can bring the two together. This is how you
travel instantaneously, by the ** wish of physicality, to the dimension of the speed of
light of the Universe. The knowledge is unknown, as I said, before, we bring a
knowledge to the man, that you never knew existed, and this is part of it. This is
what's to come. And if mankind reaches to understanding this level, because we have
already seen the stroke, brain hemorrhages, it knows how to work with this, you
literally and instantaneously you can embed the Soul of the physicality inside the Soul
of the man. "I protect you, I give you from me to be structured, to be protected." But
this itself, needs a special knowledge, there is a specific way, which the Soul of the
man and the Soul of the physicality. (3:24). Where the Soul of the man and Soul of
the physicality are both, in a way, if you look at it, are one half of it, that they, in a
way make a very specific structure of themselves. then you decide I want to change.
We have seen this with the animals, they change the color instantaneously. It has to
become that way. You instantaneous change from one to the other and this knowledge
has always been hidden from the man. Because mankind will use it in a reverse way,
then ** what we ** Conversion from one to another. We chose the weaker one, which
is the physical death, because from the time when we captured the Soul of the man,
we were not just and correct with it. If we were the two would have worked in a very
harmonious way, together in the structure of the both the physicality and the Soul.
Now you understand what is to come, because when you create this, when you
understand this, you have to understand a lot about the creation of the Universe, the
creation of the life of the Universe, and the creation of the Creator. (3:26).

A question was asked, "are you the Creator?" Yes, but in the body of the man, and
that knowledge will be shared ** to what's to come, and the totality. Then life in the
space has no dimension, it ** all depends to gain knowledge to go from one Universe
to another. You can travel the span of the Unicose and appear, manifest at the point of
the destination as you want, as you will. This is the knowledge which we have never
seen appropriate to be shared, but by extending the knowledge, now we teach. You
have to see, you have to get into these systems and see how you change. The way you
change, the way you come to understand the totality of the creation. It is part of the
coming Technology to be taught, and it is part of the reality of the Technology to be

Mass and Weight : Soul and Physicality:

In a way, I set the structure for the teaching that in the coming time when we teach,
man understands the totality of the work of the Soul, that doesn't need to understand
the work of physicality, (3:28). because it's like mass and weight. The mass is the
Soul, and in interaction with the physical dimension becomes the weight. In a very
simple way. The mass never changes, the totality of the reality of the knowledge
never changes, but when it interacts with its environment, we call it the weight. Then
we show the interaction between the two. Now you understand the change, the reality
about what you call the physical term and the dimension of the existence. The truth is,
it doesn't matter where you take the substance, it always has that mass, now when you
interact it with the physical dimension of the Earth, the ?** :** ** if you go to
another planet and you carry it and the dimension is the ** condition, it most probably
won't need anything. ** it can be a **

These are the teaching which are missing and in time will be taught. Up to now I
brought you, tried to bring you, just nursery school, then we'll start teaching the real
understanding of the work of the Universe, and in time, in essence being the same, we
teach the rest of it. It's very hard for a lot of people to understand, but they will be
educated enough to understand all of it, in the time to come. The life of physicality
becomes immortal, the life of the Soul is connected to the Soul of the Creator, and in
reality once created, never dies, (3:30). because it compromises all the time, it takes
and gives, in a physical life, you cannot compromise. When you put a magnet next to
each other, they find a position, but they both still stays the magnet. It's the same as
with the Soul of the man. You compromise with the Soul, find position, then you
choose the destination. This is how we'll travel the depth of the Universe. This is how
we'll travel the Unicose. And those who get enlightened, to the full value of it, they
become part of the totality of the creation and the Creator. In so many ways, from
now on, we each in the dimension of oneness, while understanding within that
oneness, it stays, the Soul, physicality, Soul of the man where ** moment, the Soul of
the man is ** operation of the Soul of the physicality through the chain of ** what
we call ** blood.

If mankind did not have a blood circulation the position of the Soul and Soul of the
physicality would have been totally different. The body on this planet has chosen the
blood as a way of controlling the Soul. This is what I always said, the physicality is a
leech on the Soul of the man. And I said, why I started the teaching this way today is
very simple, you can go back.. (3:32). The Soul of the physicality has had the support
of the massive energy of this planet, to encage the Soul of the man. Now that we
manage with the new Technology to able to feed any cell in the body of the man,
directly from the system, is there a need for the blood? Is there a need for a heart? Or
would the physicality of the man change it, because we carry the emotion, we have
now a system which carry both the emotion and physicality energy, then we have a
system which can literally feed the Soul of the cell too. And do we need anything as a
Soul of physicality. Because with these systems we feed both the physicality and the
Soul. And we know the Soul is always done it. So now that we have the knowledge
and the time from we ** gained, We feed the Soul of the cell, not the cell, then do we
need existence for anything but ones Soul to do, for ** the physicality, manifestation
of interaction. Mass and weight.
Now you are coming to my expertise, what I enjoy to teach. (3:34). For past 10 years
I wasted my time, not wasted **, take time to teach about the physicality and
connection to the Soul. From now on I teach you where is my beauty, where I
understand and where I take mankind to. It does ** not ** any dimension you exist.
Up to now it was physicality and energy of the ** Soul, from now on we teach, about
the Creator, interaction of the Soul, the existence, the essence of the creation, because
at this point, the other part we ** become literally , the Soul of the Creator. If you can
educate yourself in that way, then you'll understand where you came, and why you are
here, and why you need the dimension of the physicality.

As I always said, we come to Earth to enjoy the pleasures of the physicality, as it has
a different understanding for working totally with the dimension of the Soul. In the
world of Soul we talk about loving, in the creation of man, we live to love. It's totally
different. And in this process I teach you how literally to live a life, ** only through
the life of the Soul, but where you understand that if you like you can allow the Soul
of the physicality, (3:36). sometimes to show itself. You choose the time and the
place. Man understanding this will never die. Not only man, any creature reaches to
the understanding of the operation of the Soul and totality of ** the part, of the
creation, he never, ever dies. Death is a condition of physicality. Now ** you can
choose, you can go with a donkey, you can go with at jumbo jet, with UFO, or travel
with the Soul, or come to understand the knowledge of the creation, travel in the
ocean of love and the fields of the Creator which have no dimension, then you
become ** and total as itself, as the Creator. In fact, you see nothing, but you carry
everything within. There is no tangibility, there is no dimension, but what you think
becomes what you desire, what you want and this clearly, this process was set in the
operation of the Enhancement Unit. But wish what you have, no tangibility, but you
have the strength of the field, that it delivers what you wish. What was the desire. And
the Soul of the man is so powerful, that we only work with the shimmers of it, not
with itself. (3:38).

I think I opened a very big Pandora's Box for you today. but if you understand it you
become wise to the world of the creation. if you don't understand it, it's just a noise
and a voice. .. it's according to the level of understanding and the intelligence of the
man . understanding how the system works that you can become part of it. You don't
need to have a PhD , you don't need to be a street cleaner, if your Soul is enlightened,
there are no sweeper in the Universe and no doctors. It's simple , the level of the Soul
of the man has no dimension. and no limitations. Now I dug you a very big hole try to
get out of this one.
Any questions .

I am talking about the Soul and somebody asks, how do you make Gans's. (3:40).
Keshe: Ask the question louder, let them hear.
Ella: I think they heard.
R: No we couldn't hear.
E: I understand the theory, but the question is, how? Yes we understand the theory,
but how do you do it?
Keshe: You have got to elevate the Soul of the physicality to become humble enough
to have access to the Soul of the man. So now you have to understand how.
E: Again the theory is understood.
Keshe: We brought these machines for this purpose, to show the way, how to be done.
It's just that when , it's like writing, when you write, when you learn a language you
know how to do it. It's like when you learn the way from here to Vienna, you can
always go. With this Technology, with these systems partially the work is to show
man how to access his Soul, and then you practice.
E: And when the machines are not accessible?
Keshe: You should be able to make that yourself.
E: How?
Keshe: Exactly what I said, you have to bring the level of the Soul of the physicality
to such a level that it become in touch with the Soul of the man.
E: But you said something in particular, there is a technique.
Keshe: Yes, the technique will be shown in the coming time. Mankind is not ready
yet. After 21st March next year, the new Soul will teach.
Any other question. (3:42).

Q: Azar:
(3:44). .. If I want to travel can I take other people with me?
Which one of you is humble enough to become the weakest.

Any other question. (3:50).
These 3 people tried very hard to be here in Austria, but embassy is closed in Iran.
Q: Maraninad .. (confusion )
(3:52). open channels and go to paradise ..
Keshe: I don't understand what you are talking about. Q:
(3:54). .. it's in the Farsi language.. be careful we are not doctors ..
(3:56). it should be cleaned up before it creates problems .
Keshe: This is not the place to talk about it, that has nothing to do with the structure
outside which is to do with one or two chat rooms ..
Q; azar chat rooms I am the creator I can make anything ..
Keshe: No I think you are mixing a lot of things together. This is a situation which
was created deliberately by those who infiltrated the Keshe Foundation Persian
originally. All this talks not understanding, or deliberately bringing. This is some of
the problems we have with the authorities in Iran, how these people have put so much
rubbish in the market. ..
Any other question.

Thank you for today .. (3:58).

I hope today we opened a new dimension .. it's a breakthrough from what we have
been taught.
you want to see and make something


347th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; September 24, 2020

Live Broadcast in Linz Canceled

Permanent Exhibition Accepted
Carolina Ransoms Son 40 Million Euros - Barrage of Emails Against Keshe
3rd Enhancement Unit to be Added - Most Advanced Technology in Universe


Live Broadcast in Linz Canceled - Permanent Exhibition Accepted

Carolina Ransoms Son 40 Million Euros - Barrage of Emails Against Keshe



Live Broadcast in Linz Canceled - Permanent Exhibition Accepted:

(:10). .. We apologize today we had to move the teaching some hours ..

We were told yesterday afternoon there are examinations for medical doctors in the
building, and nobody can be in the building as they are examination. So we had to
change everything, as it is now, and hopefully next week we might have a live
presentation from the center. As we said, we had the offer that the exhibition center in
Linz become a permanent exhibition for the next 12 months, accepted by the
authorities who own the building, to be a permanent feature in Linz for . Which
means the Technology has been accepted to run, to gradually come in and see and
understand. (:12). This is a privilege for us that we start showing the Technology in a
massive way. We thank all of you who are writing so many nice emails, and
communications to the center, claiming everything you can, and as the head of the
center and the officials of the local government says, the Technology is as
breakthrough and now they understand how much people are trying to stop this
Technology to reach the population. And they do not listen to these ** .

Carolina Ransoms Son 40 Million Euros - Barrage of Emails Against Keshe


There is another point that on (Tuesday) One Nation .. we opened the hand of one of
the Knowledge Seekers who was setting up to takeover the Keshe Foundation as the
Queen of the Keshe Foundation, and they did not know that we knew. And in that
process we explained how it was supposed to be told, I am mentally demented for her
to takeover, and then hand it over to the satanic groups she is working with. And once
they realized that we knew, and they walked into their own setup, we have seen a
flurry of texts which she has been sending out all over the world to everyone. We
have kept this evidences and it has been handed over to the lawyers for criminal
investigation, and criminal offense, possible prison sentence. The extent of the
allegations are so deep, that it damages not only me, but the Foundation. And we have
taken action on behalf of the F **. One of the reason you have to understand why she
is taking this action is they realized they could not get hold of the Keshe Foundation,
and she made a claim for 40 million Euro from the F for her private services to the
number of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers. We have put this into the court.
And she is claiming that all of the work we have done is hers, (:14). as usual, she
done before, and she is expecting 40 million Euro from Keshe Foundation to be paid
to her, for her personal services. And this has to be, and is on the table, received by
our lawyers. And now you understand why she is angry, sending all this. All the work
we did as Knowledge Seekers is hers, and she wants to be paid 40 million for. So
collectively all us Knowledge Seekers have to collect round about $.25 to .50 cents to
pay for personal services of her. That is more or less, as we said, the claim on private
services is on the Knowledge Seekers to understand. So now you understand why you
start to receiving such a massive amount of things, is all lies, cheats, deception, and
now a claim for 40 million from all of us that she can have. So they say, professionals,
prostitutes, and priests know exactly where to go for the money. And one covers all of
it. In this essence we thank you all for sending all the communications you are
receiving to us, and these are all adding to the criminal case which is building up
within what we call the structure. And please understand that whatever you read is
exactly what someone was planning to be the HKeshe Foundation after putting me,
and some other members of the Keshe Foundation in a mental institute, to be handed
over to those who were planning to shut the Keshe Foundation down. Now you
understand the extent of how much we were infiltrated directly. In so many ways, I
thank you for contacting us and sending all these lies and deceptions which have been
put on the Internet. And in due course as we have started a criminal case against,
(:16). to be heard in the courts. This is the way I run my life, everything on the table
the way it is, and the way we understand. I share my knowledge, I share my life with
the F, and the reason we have to hold back is because, the threat of 40 million is on
the life of my son. My son has not been seen for 3 months, hidden, and if I don't pay
the 40 million for Keshe Foundation, I might never see my son. And now you
understand, ransom, by those who are professionals. In so many ways, with different
excuses, we all pay for what we believed in and what we served. I do not go any
further, but it's exactly 3 months, I don't know where my son is. I don't know if he is
alive, or through her profession been passed on somewhere else. And I hope you all
understand, and we keep this matter away from public till the courts in the land decide
and then we let you know.
I pray for the Soul of my son. .. it's not easy .. this is what the Belgium's are, the
priests, the professionals, prostitutes, and the rest, and you've seen how exactly the
same method as what was used by Derek, has been used ** (:18). the same lies, the
same way. And I hope my wish that as Knowledge Seekers we stay solid, loyal to
what we are doing to change the course of humanity.

The teaching of today are very deep and it goes and touches many ways, in the
deepest space travel. I would like to thank Jalal and the group which came from
London, and others who came to be in the live presentation today, and in due course
hopefully we hold a session and that all the Knowledge Seekers can be present.

3rd Enhancement Unit to be Added - Most Advanced Technology in Universe:

In so many ways, the knowledge has reached its pinnacle. In the coming days as we
announced in Tuesday is that the Keshe Foundation as of this week, has placed on
order for the 3rd Enhancement Unit to be added to the 2 you have seen. The new
Enhancement Unit we'll most probably be able to demonstrate or show, the structure
before the end of the teaching. It's the new flight system. That's what you most
probably call the UFO's. This unit will be added to the collection on the platform of
the Enhancement Unit, in the coming months, and it's being made to be a 5 passenger
flight system. In a way, (:20). it has the capability to fly and position itself. It carries
all the things necessary, as in other two, for feeding and creation. I will be a new
transportation system. We estimate as we said, the flight from Vienna to cities like
New York, and let's say Beijing in less than 10 minutes. This Technology will be
demonstrated in public and as we added the 2 Enhancement Unit this unit will take its
place in the center of the two. This will be an evolution in the space Technology and
transportation. You can adapt it to be used as a taxi, bus, as transportation between
different part of this planet as we become One Nation. I have asked our
manufacturing team in China to deliver to us before end of today, as we did with you
originally with the Enhancement Unit, the schematics and then we show the final
versions in Linz of the new flight system.

Delivery of Technology Across Planet by March 21, 2020:

The new flight system takes us into a new dimension, to the point that mankind will
be able to reach any point on this planet, irrespective of time and position and place.
And at the same time we'll see that this Technology will be delivered in total to the
whole of humanity in one go. In a way, as I said, we are getting ready for the what we
call, 21st October life , that we switch over to what we call delivery of Technology
(:22). in a rapid way across this planet. Preparing everything for the final date 21st
March 2021.

In so many ways, as we have said, we have prepared everything for us, to be able to
be there to deliver the Technology in a comprehensive way that pushes mankind to
new frontiers. New frontiers of peace, love, and being there to be able to live a
peaceful life, not only on this planet but across the Universe. In so many ways, I am
fulfilling what I promised, and in the timeframe which I promised. It is the
responsibility of the Knowledge Seekers to disperse the knowledge and the
Technology across the world. What we showed the 2 Enhancement Unit have create a
vibrant positive move across the scientific world, because by looking at it, even when
you look at the Enhancement Unit on its own, for the first time man sees the
opportunity to be able to share the knowledge in a comprehensive way. In so many
ways, we have learned how to conduct, how to be able to reach a position. In so many
ways, we need to extend our knowledge to extend our work in understanding the
totality. .. When you look at, it's the first time in front of us. (:24) we see the
totality of the knowledge..

(:26). that allows us to understand the fields we'll encounter in the Universe.

.. Material Enhancement Unit, in a way it materializes the work of the Universe, not
the matter state we look for to produce something. In so many ways, in the coming
days we'll show the power of the Technology. .. the understanding and intellect of this
we take each organ as 1 system .. (:28).
all will benefit by it, what they need ..

These system have a CE certification and can be turned on anywhere in the world. In
so many ways, we have created the replication of the Universe and the body of the
man. .. we can test it anywhere. I made a promise, in the coming days, while we test,
and we come upon anything, we go live. Keep an eye on your Zoom, if you get
notification it means we have moved in new territory. or we seen something that we
want to share ..
6 fluorescence tubes around the reactor.. Don't forget this is the way Tesla showed us
tranStar Formationormation of energy through plasma. Both systems have been **

When you come to the Exhibition

Do not bring gifts to us, give them to others. By the nature we are in we do not accept
gifts for security reasons. I saw many people bringing gifts, from dates, to MaGrav
systems to others. I thank you for it. But you have to understand for security reasons
we cannot accept. Bring your love, knowledge, and share your Soul. (:32).

.. we demonstrate a Technology which is certified and used across this world in

different shapes and forms by Knowledge Seekers and Keshe Foundation.
Has brought peace to us ..
In so many ways, we do not know where mankind will go with this

These are the same fields as from the Sun. No side effects.
Those of you who are scaremongering, you have not understood the Technology.
Plasma Technology is the way our body is built. Gans Technology is the way our
body is made.

Problems in my liver only happened when I was given poison by Derek, not by the

Be aware as we start opening the Technology this way, pharmaceuticals, financial

organizations, mining organizations, computer . all see themselves in danger. it's not
endangering anything, but it pushes you to develop new Technology, new
understanding. (:38).

Soul Teaching - "Line of Connection" Soul of the man to Soul of the

physicality :

In the process of the teaching of today I would love to teach you something what we
call in Universal Council as a "line of connection." For man to create that line of
connection, has taken thousands of millions years, but you have not managed to reach
it. What does that mean. You need that line of connection to connect the fields of
your Soul to the Soul of the physicality. You do not know how to reach it. You
need to understand the connection between the fields of the plasma, and not with
the interaction of the matter of the plasma. You have to move, as I always said,
look at the fields and not the matter.

You Live Interact within these Fields - Travel the Universe:

In this process it's vital for those who follow this path to understand that if you can
interact and live within these fields, you can travel the span of Universe through
the structure of the fields of the Universe. No need for burning fuel, no need for
doing anything, but taught, if you can connect the dimension of your thoughts through
your Soul to this reactor in the middle, and your wish is Cu, so much in this shape, It
will be produced. You know this knowledge, we call it the knowledge of love. We
know this, because it is one of the only ways which the Soul of the physicality and
Soul of the man have connection. (:40). You feel your love, you reach your love.
You feel its pain, you feel its need, you feel its whatever is. and instantaneously
you know. You love your son, you think about him and he calls. You think about
your lover, and the mention in the Soul, brings the touch of the screen in physicality.
This is where we try to connect, this is where mankind has to be.

This is MaGrav:

If you understood in so many languages, from the beginning of the teaching, we have
called it MaGrav, magnetical and gravitational. If you understand the field strength,
you give it in the direction of what you need, you will receive it in the other way back.
In so many ways, the knowledge is complete, you have to filter it. You have to
understand it, that how it applies to all of you. You have to be clear about how things
go to be. You have to be able to link up with the emotion of the Soul that reaches
the emotion of physicality, that in a physical dimension it manifests itself, or visa

In so many ways, (:42). mankind has to learn to listen, to feel the vibrations of the
fields of Soul of the man of his own. Many people say, "I have no connection with my
Soul, I don't see, it's just you are the only one who sees." Because by doing this I start
to acknowledge the existence of my Soul. In so many ways, "I choose the material,
the matter state."

The Soul Manifests in the Emotion - Mankind Needs to Strengthen his Field:

The Soul of the man has no tangible physicality, but manifests itself in the
emotion of the man. This is where mankind needs to strengthen his field, and this
is where, gradually as I have taught many, many times over years, be able through
the Soul of the man to manifest whatever he needs in the palm of the man. Soul
of the man and the Soul of the physicality in a wish and emotion can create what the
man needs at any position, frock on the shoulder, metal in the hand, and the shoes on
the foot. When you travel the depth of the space and if you have a physical dimension
of the foot, and you travel and walk in the acid dimension there is no shoes to go back
to on Earth to buy to bring it. The emotion of the Soul and the emotion of the
physicality create that what you call shoes, it creates that gold in your hand. The
love of giving by both, leads to creation of what it is. Mankind has to learn in a
simple way, in a very simple way, (:44). the love of a man and a woman leads to
creation of a child.

The LOVE between Soul of the man and Soul of the physicality = Creation:
The love of the Soul of the man and Soul of the physicality lead to what man
wants to be created. This is where the knowledge of the man is not completed. Man
does not need computer and a car, in a wish of understanding of totality, he can have
both, with the full support of Soul and physicality. This is what in the coming time,
especially with the Enhancement Unit I will be teaching. In so many ways, mankind
has to learn to communicate between different part of his existence, that he can
support life anywhere in the Universe, both in the dimension of physicality or energy
pattern, or condition, what we call the Soul.

Purpose of Enhancement Unit is Enlightenment of Soul of the man;

In so many ways, if you look, this ball in the screen (sphere in the Enhancement Unit)
is the Soul of the man, and all these balls, systems around in a specific way set, create
the emotion of the creation and perfection .. through these technologies. We are not
here to demonstrate flight or creation of material, (:46). we are here to enlighten the
Soul of the man to know how his physical condition can collaborate to work to lead to
the creation of what he needs. Does not mean that all men will understand this, does
not mean that everyone who sees this Technology as it is, will grasp the idea of it. But
those who get enlightened will reach the new condition of living independently
anywhere in the Universe.

Enhancement Unit to Teach the Connection between Soul of the man and Soul of
the physicality:

In so many ways, we all know there is a car and it needs a driver, and we all go to the
school to learn how to drive. The prime purpose of Body Enhancement Unit is to
teach you how to drive. How to control and how to bring the physicality of the
body of the man, through the emotion and the Soul of the man to his destination,
to the point of his pleasure and joy in living. In a way, the production of the new
Enhancement Unit is for the man to see the connection between the Soul and the Soul
of the physicality. In so many ways, mankind has to mature to understand, to
comprehend. In so many ways, mankind needs to understand. We put you in the car
and we let you to drive, and in a way drive from the Soul into the dimension of
physicality, and gradually learn how to connect with you Soul, how to be able to
make the systems within the structure of your own being that you can survive the span
of Universe. All these teachings are for man to be able to survive in the space.

Will Man allow the Technology to become Part of his Existence:

Keshe Foundation is a space organization. We are not here to do other things, but at
the same time we are right, we have the right to have some fun, by learning, teaching,
by sharing knowledge the way we do. Would we in the coming time, be able to
mature man to the point of understanding the connection between the Soul of the
physicality of the man, while we live in the dimension of the man, is a different story.
Is what I call, the fire of love for the man so deep, that he will allow the
Technology to become part of his existence. We need to be able to do what we want
to do, to share the knowledge. But at the same time we have to be flexible to accept
the new understanding. Mainly is acceptance, is within the structure of man, and no
one else.

The Soul to Take Over the Physicality and Protect It:

The time of change comes through the understanding of the change, to be able to live
and understand how the fields interact with us, We are in the center of what we call
the light of the Universe, the fields of the Universe and the knowledge is
understanding how to utilize it. (:50). Be it from the Soul of the man, be it from
different dimensions of understanding of the motion of the fields. What do we
understand from these interaction, and what to expect from these interactions? Do we
still need systems to travel or can we travel within the depth of the Universe, through
the dimension of the fields of the body of the Man. Do we allow the Soul of the man
to be encaged within the physicality of the man, or do we allow the Soul to take
over the physicality and protect it. Rick would you please show the video which we
have from our friends in Brazil, which you showed on Tuesday. .. It's important for all
of us to realize and to visually see what the knowledge is coming. Now step by step,
gradually Knowledge Seekers can visualize, can understand, can see. The Knowledge
Seekers are gradually trying and they are visualizing what should be. It's interesting,
the Knowledge Seekers gradually move to the dimension of understanding the
totality. (:52). And it's for us to be able to see it, that we can visualize it, then we
can make connection with it. .. (Video of Soul over brain)

Visualize the Soul Encaging the Physicality and Protecting It:

This is the brain of the man. Just have a look, now we know where the Soul is, we
have envisioned and understood. Now we understand, it's within us, it's within our
existence, where we never knew. Now with the new Technology that we can
elevate it. The brain is still there, but now become part of the physicality and
receives the protection. This is what man has been afraid of, to loose the physicality,
but in fact, it is more protected then before. No disease, no viruses, nothing can reach
it. We encage it, now we are learning how to use it to protect us. Limitless time and
life. The biggest fear of the man has been, what happen if I let the Soul goes,
(:54). and would it lead to my demise, because when it leaves it's the end. It's time
to understand how we can create the fields within the body of the man, and through it
to enhance the power of the Soul of the man that he can protect.

By Loving our Soul We Can Bring the Two Together:

We do that with loving someone, now we need to do the same by loving our Soul. We
share it, we understand it, and we comprehensively need to work towards
amalgamating the two. And part of these teachings are this. Most of the teachings
are this, that how we can bring the 2 to live inside each other, and depending on the
position and the time, and the wish of either one, to manifest themselves as a Soul, or
as a physicality.

Man Becomes the Soul:

We have seen the physicality has many weaknesses, and in so many ways, we
cannot stop, but would the presence of the Soul of the man, will give the man that
edge. That is a beautiful demonstration of what man shall see to become the
light, to become the source of life. (:56). In so many ways, once we understand this,
mankind will move to a new dimension. The fear of demise will not be there. The
fear of would I be able to create myself will not exist, mankind will become in the
position of his own life and his existence. Man becomes the Soul. And if we
understand this, would it lead to a new dimension? Would we go to understanding the
totality of it, and would we take our future in our hand. Then we decide where we
manifest ourselves in the galaxies, and the stars. This is the new knowledge, for man
to hold his destiny not on this planet, but in the Universe. But with the hand of the
Soul and when need be with the hand of the physicality. The teaching in depth, is to
understand the future of mankind, is in the palm of his hand. (:58). We need to
understand, we need to be able to become the satellites of the Universe,
independent of time and position. In so many ways, we become the Sun. In so
many ways, we are teaching you how to take charge and become ** sentient lights in
the Universe. You choose, you travel by the Soul or through the dimension of the
light, as UFO's ** **

You Become A Star in Sky - Option with Physicality:

In so many ways, we have made everything possible for you to grasp, to

understand you are one of these lights in the Universe. You can decide the
position of it by termination of the physicality, or you can decide to elevate your
Soul to have the physicality within you, to manifest in any other position in the
Universe. As I said, when you look into the depth of the Universe it's nothing but
covered with shining lights, which is from the Soul of the creation of the planet, or the
Soul of those who have become the seeds of the new cycle. The understanding of the
Technology, (1:00). has to be in totality, and to understand the effect of rays.

You become the Messengers of Peace and Friendship:

In so many ways, to be part of it, to understand the interaction of it, and with it to be
the, what we call, one thing, wherever you are in the Universe, you become the
messengers of peace and friendship. Be it in the dimension of the physicality, or be
it in the dimension of the Soul. The bird is the physicality and the light is the Soul,
both carry the same message, and until mankind does not reach that level, mankind
will not leave this planet.

The Knowledge has to be Shared Freely:

In so many ways, we have to learn one thing, how to share the knowledge and the rest
will come by itself, the rest will appear in the new dimensions and the new ways. In
so many ways, would we become part of it by choice, ** thus another path. What we
share is understanding, (1:02). that the knowledge has to be shared freely.

We Teach You to Tap into Universal Knowledge:

Now that we have built the new systems and we can show you , you can follow, you
can understand, you can enhance your knowledge though the knowledge of the
Universe. In the coming months as we reach to our goal of 21st of March 21, we'll
start teaching you how to tap into the universal knowledge using your Soul,
using your understanding and understanding that in the presence of time
mankind needs to be evolving in one direction and that becomes free from,
detaching itself, from attachment to many things. Even in detachment we get
attached, and this is where most of the problem with humanity has set, and that's
where the abuse has been. In so many ways, when you look at different lights and
rays, that should give you the full indication of how we understand the totality.

(SILENCE .. >> (1:04). (1:06). (1:08). (1:10).

Keshe: thank you very much. As a family we stand a lot, but as a family we take a lot.
Unfortunately we see what I call, those who were among us pretending to be who
really are, and how we see them and it's okay. Sooner or later we'll achieve what we
are targeting for, we'll be. Rick would you like to take a commercial break >> (1:12).

Take a commercial break .. Cycle of creation Video .. (1:37).

Continue Soul Teaching:

Keshe: What we do in the process of teaching, is what we share knowledge and

understanding. In so many ways, we share knowledge freely to be able to evolve man
to a new understanding, new dimension , new process of elevating the Soul of the
man and at the same time the physicality of the man. One of the biggest problems in
the coming time is when the Soul of the man has to protect the physicality. In that
process would the physicality be able to stand what it has done to the Soul of the man.
In so many ways, the transition between the 2 will bring a new dimensions (1:38).
between the both. What will happen in the coming time as we go through this process,
is that as the Soul tranStar Formationers and expands beyond the physicality, in a
way, it feeds the physicality, it gives it all it needs, in all dimensions. And would this
be a way to feed the man directly. In a way by retraction and expansion of the Soul,
on a regular basis, maybe every day, every time that it is needed, man will repair
himself, man will clear what has been exposed to, which is not good for him, or what
is needed to be done. One of the next steps in development of the Technology is this,
this is what we are about to teach. In a way, in the space we can't carry much, no
medicine, no food, no material, we cannot keep on carrying machineries that can
provide or systems that can provide such a things.

(1:40). man has to learn how to tap into universal fields


In the coming time we'll teach how to become a ball of light in the depth of the
Universe. To become intangible, but to be seen to be tangible. In time mankind will
take the steps and we'll teach you through the Enhancement Unit, (1:44). how
humanity needs to understand the work of the Soul. We take new steps and with it we
reach new dimensions.
How we can heal the sick body of the man. ..

Rays Particle Photons :

.. We take the Soul of the man within the light. In so many ways, when this system
adopted in the shape
where a man can be carried within the Soul of the light.
If you could fully understand what is explained .. we bring the latest technologies
available to man, to travel with a shape like this (sphere or triangle), takes a lot of
energy. To travel with a shape like this (cigar) as you have your Enhancement Unit, is
a massive development in the space Technology. Where the new system can travel
with the speed of light, but be a particle of the light. This is what I explained in the
teachings, now in the Book 1, we understood the structure, in Book 2 is the structure
of the light, is the way the man will travel from now on. (1:48). Even this (triangle &
sphere) in the history of the science of the space Technology is obsolete. In a way,
when a man travels in this dimension he becomes the light, and he becomes the Soul
of the light. In so many ways, the new Enhancement Unit for space Technology, will
carry the Soul of the man within its structure, within its parameters, and then man can
travel in the speed of light according to the understanding of the Soul. The Soul of
what we call the captain. In so many ways, we will see new structures, if you look
what we have as Enhancement Unit is a flying object, which the man who sits in it
becomes the Soul of it, becomes the particle light, instead of a photon light. This is
what I explained, we go from book 2 to book 3. And now the systems to be delivered,
and even system, the Enhancement Unit, the body Enhancement Unit has been set for
that purpose to become the particle of light, but this time the light, the speed of light,
it depends on the strength of the Soul of the captain. He or she decides. What it sees
on the horizon of the light of its Soul, (1:50). .. we look into space to see the sun, to
see the rays, and In so many ways, when you are the Sun yourself, you sit within and
you become as is, not as part of. In so many ways, today's teaching as when I started,
is understanding that in the center, is the particle, the system, the way we will travel in
the Universe, as I mentioned in the teaching of the past, we bring the Technology
that not even existed in the Universe, and is a new breakthrough for the
Universal Community. In so many ways, the new Enhancement Unit as a flight
system is a massive breakthrough in the world of the science of space. If you look at
the structure, it's very much like the structure of before, but it developed in the
structure that, if you look, that the old what we call, the UFOs you'll see the bracket of
the light, and the balance of the controls. In the new Enhancement Unit this has been
converted totally in a way that suppresses it into 2 lines internally. When I designed
the .. Enhancement Unit as a spaceship, the whole thing was taken in, instead of being
out. This is a massive development, (1:52). in the space Technology, beyond
imagination. But if man understands its power, in a way we have turned this, into this,
internally. We don't look outwards, we look inwards and this gives us a massive
strength and at the same time in connection with the Soul of the operator it becomes
the motion and notion of what he or she wants to do.

The new Enhancement Unit flight system will breakthrough new Technology. We
bring you in the totality of the understanding of all aspects of the creation, even to the
level of the Soul of the Creator. As the Creator travels in both dimensions, both as a
photon, and as a particle. The new Enhancement Unit which has been developed, and
you have one on the table in the arena of exhibition , is one of the most advance flight
system ever known in the Universe. We always worked with the interaction of the
fields of other position in the Universe. Now for the first time we work within the
structure of the Soul of the units. In a way, we took the ship and turned it inside out.
(1:54). and it is much more efficient. It's much more reliable, and it can reach across
different universes, much better, safer, and in totality. When we designed the
Enhancement Unit was a way to cover the eye of the man from his total creation, until
he could be unraveled, and revealed, and today we have shown you. And if there were
no examines in Linz today, you would have witnessed one of the most advanced flight
systems in the Universe. The 2 units are ready for, not only demonstration, but
delivery of the Technology and the change for the course of humanity. It's the time
when we take position of the peace. This is the time when we take, to force mankind
to peace. Maybe tomorrow, and maybe Monday we'll open the Zoom if the system
allows and we demonstrate live. Nothing has stopped me to show Technology even if
it fails. .. but gradually the way we did before in the Inzano when you used to be with
us. Keshe Foundation is so confident in its Technology it
We'll turn on both systems tomorrow morning and come with us, (1:56). celebrate
with us, a new breakthrough. We try and we keep the control system out of sight, but
we let you see what the effects might be. But in true the Body Enhancement Unit, is
one of the most advanced flight systems ever known in the Universe. The UFOs
you've seen are obsolete by thousands of years. The system not only elevates the Soul
of the man but uses that elevation to control the destiny. In so many ways, it's a
creation of new cycle of technologies which unknown. But at the same time it's new
to the whole of creation. Unknown but effective to bring any change in the Universe.
As we test we all share see that we all shall learn. At the same time we wait for the
return of the HKeshe Foundation to be able to operate in full, as she carries the Soul
of the system within. .. we develop New Technology and release.. In so many ways,
we are ready to take man into space. (1:58). But the biggest question is, is man ready
to become part of the space? The change in Technology with the simple structure of
the new system will bring change in every aspect.
It was asked what do we do with all the pollution.
How do we build a new society that uses the new Technology and not the old, the new
ethos and not the old ..

My wish is my command. The new Enhancement Unit will carry man into space..
man will live everlasting life, as he lives through the dimension of the light, but there
is still a pleasure in the dimension of physicality, wherever he decides. The

There will be some shaking and shuttling but at the end, man will takeoff. All systems
produce fields at the level of the creation ..

The new photon, and particle system..

(2:02). .. we have built the systems now we are gong to test the systems. As a
Knowledge Seekers writes we are not such a bad race we can love and care for
everyone in the Unicose
if the totality of the human race accepts the new conditions .

Are there any questions?

Rick: Comments. Thank you for bearing your Soul during these difficult times and
sharing your burdens with us, I feel many feel your pain and sorrow like I do, we lift
up your Soul for protection and safe return my you find comfort with the love all of us
are giving

Keshe: thank you very much. (2:06). Are there any questions.
Q: How is the Famino acid going to react to the Keshe flying unit?
Keshe: What they cannot see they don't have any certification for. In a way, we
become a way to set the new standard.
does not stop the progress of man. The beauty of the Technology is that it can be done
by the simplest man in the world. ..
Never be afraid of what is behind the wall. Always look


Any other question





In so many ways, from outside look inside, it's what did they do that they deserve this
elevation, and such a knowledge. So I prefer to be with the humans then the ET's
because now the humans are more advanced then the ET's. And that was my wish
with the beauty I was given, (2:34). I delivered.
Any other question?

Q: In the past you have described our using the magnetical fields in the Universe, like
a sailboat uses the wind to ride to its destination. Today you described the
Enhancement Unit as being internally focused rather then outward. Is this a change in
the way we will interact with the fields of the Universe.
Keshe: When you structure like this, you pull from all fields of the Universe. Where
before you had to send that you will receive. You become the center, and who wants
to be in that position in respect to the center? It's a different structure, it's a different
ballgame, and in the same way you produce fields that makes it easier for you to be
where you want to be, not that you look, to be ending up where you want to be. It's a
big difference. With the Technology you can travel beyond speeds man could ever
imagine, or Universe could imagine. You reach very near to the speed of the Soul of
the Creator. (2:36).

And as I said, we gifted that Soul to one, and you shall see, a new generation, a new
cycle will start with the same knowledge as we give the Soul. Time, we just need
time, a few more months. And in the course of coming time we'll teach more. Today's
teaching again is an evolution in the science of the Universe. I have to complete this
in the next 20 odd days of human race. I have a boat to catch.
Any other question.
Q: .. in the balance between the Soul of the man and Soul of the physicality can we
somehow see the rule of 3, 6, 9, and in that position 9 as being access to the Universe
to a new cycle, a new creation? Is the knowledge of numbers important for the
construction of the totality, also for the different parts of the totality. Or is it only
through love, comprehension, and healing of the fields? (2:38). Are numbers in a way
only an illusion about the reality of the matter state?
Keshe: Numbers are a collective of what we see of how many. It depends what we
attach to it and how we expect it. and then we set our mind to be what we expect,
what we said ** Even in the health centers we measure in different ways, but it
doesn't go by numbers. but it goes by the strength. If you go to one of the patents. In
so many ways, the structure of this spacecraft was explained. Actually the full detail
of this craft has been explained in the patent. But as I said, you have to read it to
unravel it. You have to understand it to unravel it, you have to feel the essence of the
knowledge, not by what is written. Numbers don't count. What interaction of the
fields create by interaction of the numbers count. (2:40). What you expect to get from
Any other question.

Q; Have you been succesStar Formationul in contacting Sharon Stone?

Keshe: No, she is illusive. She was somebody I would have loved to see her when I
was young, but now would love to be able to help her, if she hasn't lost her **

Q: Some people would like to help locate your son, they want to know his name and
birth date ?
Keshe: It's in the hands of the police. The police authorities are fully aware of it, and
she has lied to the police, so believe it. We know a lot, but we try to keep it out, but
you have to understand you are dealing with professionals. These people work on a **
treatment, and show to ** We have every knowledge to know, (2:42). but on the
other hand it's 40 million Euro ransom for a child is ** But when the mother does it,
shows crime, what we call inclination and destination and what they want to do. Don't
forget she is working with a pedophile. That's my biggest fear. The man she has got
involved in, is well known, That's my biggest fear. We'll sort it out, sooner or later
we'll sort it out. But that is the destiny we have to see. What we are there to learn from
it. The only thing we can do is pray for her Soul, that's all. This is one thing the pros
never learned, they can take part of physicality of the man, but they cannot take the
Soul of the man. We can elevate it.
Any other question. (2:44).

Q: .. I am ** I helped a man in Turkey, ..

he was feeling better .. 5 hours before he sent me a negative test.
Keshe: We had many of our. we had one of our well known Knowledge Seekers
tested positive a few weeks ago, and the Knowledge Seekers helped him and it
became negative. And we have seen this to be done, and it is something that happens.
We deplete the energy of the virus. And it's nice to see. We make the difference.

R: Seems to be more reports of people being able to tranStar Formationer that

emotional energy .. through Zoom , without giving someone the actual substances,
but tranStar Formationerring that emotional energy for a healing condition
Jalal was showing us live in the actual exhibition hall (2:48).
R: he was not supposed to take pictures..
Jalal put his hand on screen, I put my hand on my computer screen, it overlapped .. as
if our hands were connected. I could feel the connection, he was feeling the fields of
the Gans, the ideal was for me to feel the Gans through his hand.
Keshe: Is that a beam me up Scotty job.
R: yes, actually one of the phrases we were discussing at the time. Very interesting
how the tranStar Formationer occurs
.. when I feel his essence .. (2:50).

Keshe: We should be able to do that with our Soul, that's the new ** ability we have.
We have to learn it, and we can do it. Once we start using these Enhancement Unit
and we gain more and more trust, we come to understand about ourselves, our
capabilities, our new friend within us. And that's what is important.
Any other question?

Q: when jalal was holding his hands over the Gans I tried to visualize the
exhibition .. it really touched my head. .. this was the tranStar Formationer from jalal.
Keshe: In so many ways, we shall let Jalal in any more, we got to stop him, but he is
there. He is such a pure Soul, it's understanding the knowledge when it touches your
Soul, then you don't need to go through electric, or whatever, communication line.
You just need a point of reference for you to physically confirm that you received it.
Q: It was a beautiful feeling .
Keshe: We left 2 children playing in the exhibition center ..
we need to develop more trust to ourselves, that you don't need a screen, but if you
ask it will be there to take you.
Q: tells his dream (2:54). .

Keshe: .. Next time we have to keep Jalal away from these things. I didn't know they
were in the lab, and I heard it, some whispers, but I didn't know. You see we have
opened some space that any Knowledge Seekers can come and learn, that's the beauty
of it. We have a very big problem at the moment. .. we can't get our stuff back into
the lab to carry on with the further research. (2:56). They are enjoying him so much
on the floor that we can't get him back. .. on the other hand to get the stuff back in is
very hard. because its .. the beauty of sharing knowledge, it becomes so powerful
when you are on that floor. The compulsion to share knowledge is so fresh

(3:00). Jalal .. I am sharing my dream with all of you..
Keshe: We are open tomorrow. We have a large number of people. Collectively they
raised money to buy a Enhancement Unit, a bus load ..

We have a full 100% press lockdown. This is how the Technology has to come out,
through the people.
Tomorrow we start loading and testing
These units have Certification and can be tested .
Any other question or call it a day?

Q: How do we create our own honey Gans?

Keshe: Honey Gans is very difficult. We got many Gans's that are not in public, and
will never come in public. It's part of research .. We strive to make Gans's that are
vital to life, and honey is one of them.
Q: for me the honey Gans had a lot of special fields (3:06).
The experience of being in the exhibition ..

Q: .. a long time ago it was mentioned. A personal flying belt. going to be released?
Keshe: time
(3:08). .. now that we have built the system and we can collectively enjoy it. .. hands
on .. you never know what might happen in testing and developing. But there is one
thing for sure, man has entered a new dimension

It's a surprise when it's switched on. ..

This time the systems are made in a specific way ..
(3:10). the system which is the body Enhancement Unit is ready to fly ..
does not mean necessarily flying in the physical dimension
It's a very interesting time.

R: 347 Knowledge Seekers Workshop (3:12).


348th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; October 1, 2020

New 3 Dimensional computers




Teaching and Release of technology is Accelerated:

(:10). We welcome you back to another session of Knowledge Seekers. We try to

open and expand the knowledge. As we said in the coming time we will change the
process and we teach more. As we thought (taught) in the One Planet ONOR and in
the Iranian teaching, and in the Brazilian teaching in the past few days, the teaching
has started ** accelerating, as we breakthrough new Technology every session, we are
not limiting the teaching to Thursday morning anymore, because there is so much to
teach and at the same time so much to enlighten. As we said, in the teaching on
Tuesday we are aiming to reach space level Technology in a rapid way. What this
means we could have extended this teaching over years and months, as we did with
what we called, the Gans's and the rest. Now in the next 6 - 7 months we make a fast
track. A lot of you might get disappointed, a lot of you might catch up, a lot of you it's
been what you have been waiting for. But overall we have opened a very fast track
into the knowledge of the Universe.

New 3 dimensional Computers - Information and Emotion:

As we said, .. we start developing the non-tangible what we call 3 dimensional

reactors as computers of the space development. What this means, (:12). the
Technology of today's computer has become obsolete, what this means is you can
carry the knowledge and information, the same as the brain of the man in the palm of
your hand, in a reactor, in a system which carries all dimensions of thinking, emotion,
and at the same time, for the first time, our computers will carry our emotion with
them, they know how we recorded the sound, they know why we recorded the sound.
We know with them how they felt when we recorded it, because they tranStar
Formationerred that emotion to the person who receives it. It's not just I love you, it's
with all the emotion of it. It's not just I cry because I lost something, I feel the loss.
This is a breakaway, this is what we never had. In the coming weeks in conjunction
with the IT section of the Keshe Foundation, and our experts we will develop and
deliver this Technology within coming weeks. We have speeded up. .. we have
requested from the exhibition center an extension to the premises we have for the
January to deliver the first flying machine to be shown in public.
New Power Generators 10 Kilowatts:

At the same time new Technology, energy power systems will be delivered. Those of
you who have been waiting some time, you will get it at the price which you paid for
it. The new price for the new generator is 10,000 Euro. Once we add the ** type and
we release. This is not 1 or 2 kw, it's 2 per demand, up to 10 kilowatt, and then we
build it up.

Constructing Buildings with Plasma Technology:

So what we see the way of the new computers, system control and the understanding
of the new Technology in creating new dimensions for buildings. What we deliver, at
the moment we are used to bricks and mortar. (:14). We are used to concrete, for
centuries. We release a Technology where we can build houses using what we call a
plasma reactors. We do this in the construction of what you call UFO's, but now we
deliver it. You can move your wall with the flick of a finger, You can change the wall
with the emotion of your thought, "I like the color to be red," and I change it to a
color I never had, I change to orange and the stripes. These are the new technologies
which we prepare mankind to get ready to take into space, because when you land on
Moon we are not bringing concretes ** we are not producing you aluminums,
concrete from the Enhancement Unit. We give you a system, you build your dream
house using the new Technology. Don't forget the basis for this was shown in a very
soft way, in Caribbean's, in creating a dome, now we show you how to build that
dome, how to build your constructions. In the space there is no room for factories to
build concretes and we cannot take water and everything else. We have to learn how
mountains are built, how we build the valleys and the oceans, and we can replicate it.
We create the dome and with it we build a future for mankind in the depth of the
space. As I said the evolution in science will come so rapid that it will touch every
man on this planet within the next few months.

Iran will Deliver the Technology to the World:

We are committed to peace, and peace comes with Technology and delivery of the
Technology. I am committed to peace, and with it I deliver the tools of it, with my
knowledge and what I have to be able to change the course of mankind. (:16). And
one word or another, you have seen nothing yet. It will come to the point where we
can see and transport as much as we like in the dimension of the Soul of the man, or
in the dimension of physicality. We can develop knowledge and Technology will
bring the conditions that bring fair and justice across this planet, be it on food, energy,
on delivering a new leadership. We are here to change. We change on a small nation
of Iran, we'll bring new understanding into Iran. And we use the Iran political system
to create a new condition for world peace. As I said to the Iranian teaching on
Monday, very clearly, science and religion in Iran will go hand and hand, we don't
challenge the government, we give a hand to the government to bring a just and
correct scientific based Technology, that from Iran we spread out. I have accepted this
position and lead with it, directly into the heart of Iran, new space Technology , new
development. We'll tranStar Formationer this Technology directly to Arizona station
through Iran. We tranStar Formationer the Technology through China, through our
headquarters in Guango, and to Russia, We make sure through Iran, we take
leadership not only in space but in the space with peace. We create a condition, as I
have given a commitment, knowledge with fairness, with correct conduct will become
part of the work of the Keshe Foundation. With delivering Technology so rapidly we
take the lead and leadership to deliver peace, and nothing else. We don't take any
hostages, we free man from the hostage taking of his own physicality, and Soul,
(:18), and governments, and nations will equal. We become as part of delivering the
Technology, we will not hide it. We deliberately, clearly deliver it to every single
Knowledge Seekers to be able to do.

Poor People Will have Access to Enhancement Unit Free:

In the coming days, and especially next Thursday, we have an announcement ,

acceptance of the HFK that will bring a new way that more people can use the
Enhancement Unit, we'll bring a condition and a new way that we'll give to the poor,
those who cannot pay to be able to reach, to use the Enhancement Unit freely. This is
part of what we take. We take on the road in the next few days from nation to nation.
Which means the rich, those who can afford to pay the Enhancement Unit for their
health, for their wellbeing, for whatever reason they need it. And those who don't
have will receive it absolutely free. This was our promise, and with the instruction of
the HKeshe Foundation becomes and has taken shape to be part of it. This is what we
agreed and we deliver. In that system we deliver new ways and systems of machines,
that in every land, in every city there'll be a machine as long as there is a doctor. We'll
explain the whole position next Thursday as the structure around it will be delivered.

Center Extended 1 Year - Show Flying Car January:

So what we come and where we go, is a new way , a new understanding. the center
where we are we have extended to 1 year, and they have accepted it, extension of it 3
months quarterly, and in January we have booked the hall to how you (:20). the first
flying system, .. we do our best to be ready by this time, and as you know with Keshe
Foundation it can be a few days back and fourth, but every step will be taken to
deliver this Technology ** you. Don't forget on the 26th of November, 2011 was
supposed to be shown in Einhooven, but by the interference of those who shared with
us, they blocked us. At the time we thought this was coincident, but coincident
became too many coincidences, we had a spy in the bed, and we seen how much
damage we took.
But now we understand, the Technology belongs to all of us. We see and we
understand the Technology is part of us. We see and we understand the Technology of
the Keshe Foundation belongs to every single one of us. What I am going to do today
is to start a new session, we allow today no one in the auditorium .. we made today to
ask questions. We take you, if you want to see, but we don't show the inside if the
machines. We can take you across the Exhibition center.
We start teaching the development of the new systems for computers, flight, for
construction, building, life, and environment.

Cleanup Has to be Slow - Changes Are in DNA:

In so many ways, mankind has 2 choices, we spend more time to cleanup the mess we
made over centuries, or we run 2 parallel ways, we cleanup while we developing new
life without any damage to the planet, without any waste. In time the 2 will catch up.
(:22). .. it's taken us hundreds of years to change this planet, with what we have done,
and we have created a lot of mutations, and a lot of changes, and these changes have
been accepted by our own DNA. If we carry the rapid changes that mankind will look
for, we'll create more damages on the reversal. What I suggest is very simple, is we
bring out the new Technology, we build our homes, we create our conditions with the
new Technology with the magnetical fields, we create the conditions to live a clean
life with the new Technology, and at the same time slowly, we cleanup the mess we
have created over centuries. Cleaning up the rivers, the oceans, the air and everything
else, has to be done an gradual small steps, while we create a condition that we do not
create any more damage. For this reason we need to understand the operation of the
Keshe Foundation, we take lead in leading the world into one direction, peace
prosperity, and at the same time to be empowered to dictate our own future, not only
on this planet but beyond in the space.

Carry new Computer in Pocket - Emotion fit Memory Bank of Universe:

One of the cornerstones of this new evolution will be the new computers, what I call,
ball of life that you carry with you, and it is everything you want, everything you
could imagine that it will ** you , it becomes connected to your Soul, to your
emotion, and to your physicality. And then from there we build the next steps. In a
very simple way, what we see .. we see changes that the new computers have to
bring a new balance. (:24). a new way of thinking. In so many ways, in doing so we
need to understand the future of mankind in the space. In so many ways, what you see
in the Keshe Foundation sign is what you'll be carrying in your pocket, and every
line you see through the field direction and dimensions will connect to something
which is connected to you or something which is you want to connect the two. In
a way, your emotion will fit in the memory bank of the Universe. You can tap
into to. It's not anymore whose server, server sits to become the Universe. In a
way the position we have taken as the human race will change. The knowledge of the
Universe on top of emotion, becomes the knowledge of man. We don't need to
explore, those who have explored the Universe share their knowledge with us, this is
how it is going to be. this is how we plan the future to be a part of. We plan the future
to be part of us to understand the totality of it, how we can change it . ..
We understand once we learn this process, life is going to easier and better for all of
us. .. we spread our souls. .. we become part understanding this process and with it the
whole lot. .. What we see is not what we want .. (:26).
We make a new planet, we make the Universe the oyster for mankind, but mankind
has to be ready for it to accept. .. mankind has to be there to deliver the promises of
peace, prosperity for all its citizens, through a unique collaboration of the leaders of
the world. .

The changes is my job, try to give the Technology and understanding at the same time

On my return to Iran we'll take steps to make sure Iran takes the leadership in science
and Technology .

(:30). It has to be a sharp delivery otherwise it will be interfered with in so many

ways. We have to understand in what way we can help each other to develop this
Technology in a rapid way. Our work from 21st October this year will be offered
directly to all the space agencies collectively with one agency, one representative with
Keshe Foundation, that we share knowledge simultaneously with the Iranians,
Russians, Chinese, Brazilians, Americans, and European Community as long as long
as one nation is not allowed to take part in any shape or form in it, that it creates that
division. Then we go to India and South Africa. We share ob board with all the
scientists which are in the space Technology. We invite the scientists from the state of
Israel to join the Iranians ** shoulder to shoulder, not on basis of religion, but a race
to become superior to delivering peace to all of us. We'll tackle the virus in a different
way that mankind has chosen to do. There is one position , we work as One Nation
and its citizens, not as hundred and ninety odd states, islands, (:32). and different
nations. This is what we set up to do, and now we have the Technology to deliver.
try me and I will show. I'll show the Technology that it will bring to stand still
everything except the man who is a man of peace. As we have seen today, many
aircrafts, trillions of dollars sitting on the runways, go nowhere. The only way to
change, is that we become active citizens is by introduction of the new Technology in
a rapid way, that we change the course of what has happened. Maybe, as I said before,
Corona has not come to encage us in our homes, it's encaging the old Technology like
the aircraft industry is obsolete when you know how to fly with the new system. Do
we need to commission back all these aircrafts which pollute the air, do we need to
bring them back on the roads and let them fly to do more damage. Your worries was
chem trails now there will be none. So it is the responsibility of all the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers to use this opportunity to bring that point that these
metal birds will never take into skies. The same goes with the cars. When we
introduce the flying cars there is no need for engines to pollute. t the same time a new
way of marathons . of bringing boats, ships, and tankers will become part of the
history of the man. Where we can deliver door to door, from Shanghai to the
warehouse in New York, or Tehran within minutes without damaging atmosphere.
(:34). .. I need the system to fly this week, I need it to be able to show because we
have it. It's getting technologically developed rapidly that we can show. This is
needed, as I said, I have a deadline, I have given an undertaking of 21st of October,
and within the next 6 months, I have to make everything ready that the new life starts
in a clean environment. The new life starts in the 21st March in an environment, that
we all are safe in it, and we can guarantee to the next generation. No ** talks, but
delivery of Technology is paramount to us, and we have the capability to do. The
Enhancement Unit are here, .. we start working from inside out, everything to be
correct, to be 100% in active position that with it, every part and aspects of
Technology can be delivered. We take leadership in science and Technology and that
will be the only leadership which man will be proud to part of, or be as of. That from
now on we don't need politicians, because when you live on Moon, and we all travel
there to Mars, it does not matter who is the leader of where, because we have
collectively have accepted the expansion of the Universe, does not know any
boundaries in science and Technology, save shall be the borders of universal man to
live in. I am very sharp today, because I know what is to come and what is to be
delivered, and I now I don't have much time, we push. (:36). to the limits. We push
to the limitations of changing humanity, and as we shared how to make Gans's we
will share in time how to make computers in your hand, how to organize it, how to
have it, how to bring it to be as part of. There is one thing for sure, we as Knowledge
Seekers and as human race will achieve it within the next 7 months. We will deliver
it, and in depth, no one can interfere with our work, and no one can sit back and
change it as they wish. Governments are in disarray, and gradually, as with Corona,
we seen Argentina shut down, Eastern Europe today shutdown. Different countries
and cities one by one, shutdown. We have imprisoned ourselves to the lack of
knowledge to handle a virus. We have become prisoners, .. capturers to unknown
which we know, we have every process to overcome it, but our leaders to their
incompetence cannot agree how to do it. So if a little virus has literally brought the
planet to, large open prison. Now it is time for the new Technology to open the
shackles of this prison for humanity. Many of you saved yours and many other lives
with Gans's. Now we teach you to go to the next step, development of the new space
Technology through Keshe Foundation and Knowledge Seekers. (:38). For this
reason today, I allow no one in the auditorium, we are live here ..

Be ready for surprises ..

You have to realize the knowledge is well spread across the planet .


Now the teaching is on your shoulder.

(:42). Now you have to learn how to
that illusive connection with the Universe. It's much simpler if you love to understand
and share it.
Are there any questions relevant to our work that allows us to develop further

John of Arizona: hello

Keshe: Do you know what John means in Farsi. .. it means life, something you
love, .. we always call Armanjan, it means what I love , life ..

J: .. At one time you told us that the atmosphere of our planet, Universe, cosmos .
related to C H O, (:44). later you talked about C14 .. trying to connect to the higher
field strengths. Could you talk about specifically those 3 field strengths?
Keshe: C14 is the backbone of what we call solid features of the Universe. It does not
matter where you are. C14 has the characteristic of the conductivity, resistively and
what we call superconductor, and the best resistors. Depends what edge of it energy
we touch. But if you look C14 in the presence of the .. plasma of the H, in a specific
category configuration , like in the structure of the body of the man, can lead to
dimension extension, or dimension retraction of his fields.

O on one end and a C12 on the other end, and a C14, specific configuration behaves
as nano, because nano is in a way, an energy pack of 14. You don't look at the
characteristics of the C in atomic structure of electrons and protons, you look at it as a
Gans energy tranStar Formationer, and that is why in so many parts, C14 behaves
very much, in behavior as your favorite, Fe. (:46). 4 times dimension connection.
And at the same time if you understand C14 behavior, you see we have a parallel with
it in the dimension of the work of this planet, which is Deuterium. A complete atom,
the first complete atom we know. But in an energy pack Deuterium in conjunction
and configuration of the 6, behaves as 7. Because in compromise it becomes itself,
C14. So as you see it is very easy to add 2 energies of D with a C14 behavior, or
create back to back gravitational fields of D, and create a C as life, and in that process
in the presence of D, and connection in the fields of the energy, you can create very
similar to human life with amino acid if need be. In so many ways, in some parts of
the Universe, you'll find amino acid structure of the man's body has been replicated
through the same process. As I said, mankind is not alone and mankind is not the only
one who has intellect. If like me you understand the work of the Universe, you
understand the work of the interaction of the fields, it's absolutely easy to understand
we are not alone, we are part of the creation of the Creator, and there are many like
us, they have intellect, and In so many ways, they choose the direction of the
understanding of the mixture of the fields. (:48). As I said, now that we are going in
this process, in a very short time we'll present in this exhibition hall, you'll give me
one tank of water, and with one drop I will show you creation of life, a fish, a man,
within that water tank. All of you know now to do it, but you have not chosen to
dictate the condition. One drop, one life is in the container which we'll bring here, and
in seconds I'll show you a fish in a tank where there was no fish. I'll show you life
where there was no life. My knowledge is limitless, because I know how life is
created in the depth of the Universe. Within that drop I embed the whole history of
the Universe, and in that drop you'll see creatures from different parts of the Universe,
because we create the condition of it in that water tank. Then it is very simple, if I can
do that on this planet. Is life limited to this planet. And so you understand very rapidly
C14, in essence is the H in the shape of D as a full atom, and being in a plasma
condition has no physical dimension, as an atom has in a matter state. So in that
process you asked me how. Now you understand. And in a time, as I promised in the
very near future, we'll bring life, and then we are not magician, then because we all
understand the science of it. As the mankind is using now, in the fight with Corona,
One Drop One Life, (:50). we actually will create life out of one drop. And you'll be
witness to it. Don't forget one drop create life in the womb of the mother, as a child.
Now we show the Technology and science behind. I hope you answered you.
J: When we build our 5 Cup system, we share the energy of our Soul with the 5 Cup.
In that sharing are we creating a new Soul, like an aspect of our Soul by doing that?
Keshe: What do you mean?
J: Like with your fish, are you able to create a Soul from your Soul, that is now that
fish in the tank?
Keshe: That fish will carry the essence of my Soul because I am the creator of it, of
course. It's like your child.
J: So it is an aspect of your Soul.
Keshe: It's an aspect of understanding the world of creation, with the essence of it,
yes. Don't forget, I created the Universe. So one fish is nothing compared to what has
been created. I made man in the image of Myself.
J: So one Soul can create many more souls, is that true? (:52).
Keshe: How many children so you have?
J: One.
Keshe: You got to ask that guy in Saudi Arabia, he's got 86 of them.
J: For example, with these balls that you are creating, you are creating them with the
energy of your Soul. Is that true?
Keshe: yes.
J: So is that an aspect of your Soul, for example?
Keshe: What do you see on your screen?
J: I see a dangling ball
Keshe: How much do you want this ball to dangle?
J; So is that another aspect of your Soul?
Keshe: How many do you see?
J: 2
Keshe: In the very near future, this ball will work and deliver more than all the
computers on this planet. ever could.
J: It has an aspect of your Soul in there. and when I
Keshe: Computers, computers for the first time will have a Soul, have
understanding, will have the creation to be able to be.
In a way, nowadays we carry a mobile phone, in the very near future we will carry a
small size of these in our pockets, it's our mobile phone, it's a creation of our emotion,
it's a creation of tranStar Formationer and building of our homes.
J: Will that be attached to the owner of it, for example, so if I had that ball it would be
me, and me only?
Keshe: Yes, don't forget we done that in the Enhancement Unit, one Enhancement
Unit carries the Soul of the HKeshe Foundation, it is embedded in it. (:54). She is
peaceful, and with it, we built into it. That's why we are so confident that the time of
the change has come to do. In so many ways, mankind, when you enter these systems,
which is in the exhibition, you will carry an ethos, the ethos of the HKeshe
Foundation, it balances, it embeds, and it becomes part of, with it you will understand
more. As I said, when we build these 2 units, they'll never be repeated. They carry the
Soul of the Creator. From now on all the systems which will be built will be done by
computers and automatic systems. These 2 were built by hand, loaded by hand, every
single elements in it, calculated, and at the same time was done, in a way, whatever
systems mankind will build in the time to come, in the Universe, will be part of this
knowledge, which sits in this. In a way, in the future time, mankind will use these 2 as
a reference point to achieve everything man needs in the space. And it is not only for
the mankind, people, creatures, and creatures from other part of the Universe, will
come to be, to see this creation. This is not just a machine, it's more then mankind can
In so many ways, we have made it so simple that to the intelligence of the man, it's
nothing. (:56). And that is exactly how we wanted it to be. It's the replication of the
creation in all dimensions.
Q: Thank you for that answer
Keshe: Hopefully your place will be the first place where we'll see peace and
Technology will come hand in hand, as has been your wish.
Any other question

Q: .. the Deuterium .. D Technology H in there interaction create different kinds of **

neutrons, as I understand from previous teaching ..
Keshe: No, your teaching is wrong. It's not my teaching. Because if you put D
Technology H together you get bunch of Deuterium's, because the surplus energy
from the plasmatic forms from the Technology will be tranStar Formationerred to
what we call H, and then we have a balance field of 3. (:58).
Q: My question is the 3 different kinds of neutrons. ** not mixed together but
separate, and having interaction ..
Keshe: You see, have you decided are you the chicken or are you the bird, or are you
the camel. Are you talking in the world of plasma, or world of matter, or are you
mixing the 2 together and then you don't understand what you are talking about.
Q: I would like to stay in the plasma state.
Keshe: So in the plasma state it doesn't exist that you tranStar Formationer a neutron.
the energy balance of the system does not allow this, because you are tranStar
Formationerring energy fields, not matter state. If you understand it. So you cannot ,
unless you specifically have created the Deuterium and H to Technology from 3
different states, under 3 different conditions, under 3 different dimensions, then even
they interact they'll be separated. they even interact, they'll be H but of different
values, but if you have produced H, D, Technology in the same environment, from the
same materials then the answer is no. understand because all the H, all the D, all the
Technology, if it is not created from the same conditions, same materials , even that
would have different characteristics. So extend your knowledge, what you want to
know. (1:00).

Keshe: Yes you can, you can change the D H Technology, according to the plasmatic
field of its strength, but you have to find the fields. the right connection of fields that
it fits . magnetical and gravitational field forces of it .. which field in gravitational
matches the one in magnetical.
(1:02). And if they do, you'll find many H don't match with each other, and you can't
put them in a pot, they don't fit. Just because you think they are H, the Gans's you
I use this knowledge a lot in the space Technology. As I was saying the difference
between my work and your work, you just do because you think it can be done. I do
because I know how to get it done, and this is the difference. That's why I create
results in a different way, and you try and you do, and randomly you might achieve it.
Q: That was very clear, it cleared up many things.
Keshe: Did I talk to the Soul and the Soul brought the knowledge to physicality.
Q: In due course I will realize.

About the 5 Cup, ..

put a glass sphere in Cups 5, 4 3, after awhile I take them out they should be
functional, wouldn't they? (1:04).
Keshe: I don't know, what kind of function do you want to get from it?
Q: .. that I can carry balls fully function .. can I connect to it as it is another 5 Cup
because they contain all the fields.
Keshe: What have you put in the ball, and when you made the ball what was the
purpose of it? What did you envisage to get?
Q: I would like to have the fields of the Cup in those balls ..
Keshe: Yes, but you have to remember one point. What is in that ball, what is it?
Because now, if you took energy from the water of the Cup to go in that glass, it's
minus the filtering ability of the ball itself. The containment has created a filtering, to
be able to cross it. This is what I explained many time.. this is why we go into this
directly. A lot of you are playing with this Inertia water, and gravity water, and you
don't even understand what you are doing, you are just thinking what happen. Of
course, this is part of research to do. but why do you need the water of gravity, why
do you touch the Inertia, what does that give you. What is it used for, implication of
it. Why have we shown you this part of the Technology, (1:06). And many of you
don't understand. And you just pick up
Why have we introduce such a simple way to the gravitational fields of this
planet? Why are you putting the ball inside?
Q: I put an empty glass ball ..
Keshe: Yeah, but an empty glass ball still have dimension of matter. It's not empty, it
carries O, H, it has air in it.
Q: But can I create a field containment in that ball?
Keshe: It is a field containment minus the filtering of the plastic.
Q: If it is glass, isn't it transparent, 2 times C14? .
Keshe: No, just because you want to think about it. No.
In the future teaching I explain why I have given you these two. Maybe ** tell you,
now you don't understand, it's bits you hear. The reason we created this condition of,
(1:08). the gravitational (Cup) and Inertia (Cup) is the fingerprint in the future space
Technology, that it can bring you back to Earth. That's the only time you'll use it. You
take the fingerprint from the gravitational, Inertia (Cups), and the gravitational
which you have created, and from the Inertia Cup lands you precisely in the
place where you created it. Do you remember the ET. "ET go Home." This is the
message, this is the Technology, that's why I showed you how to create gravitational
fields in these boxes. These are fingerprints in the space Technology of the future to
bring you back, man to a these are the reason, and then the gravitational fields is
continuously the same for the whole planet, so your destiny (destination) is Earth, but
you don't want to land in the ocean. You create the Inertia of desert, create the Inertia
of the beautiful city of Tehran, and you land in Tehran. This what I gave you is the
understanding fo the Technology, as I take you into space Technology you already
have, you've seen it, you understand it. That's why these Cups are here, it's nothing to
you, at the moment, why do you put it there. You are Earth you are in the same
position what do you want to do. In the coming time, in the next few weeks when we
travel from let's say Vienna to Tehran, my destiny point is the Inertia field which is
created in Tehran, will land me in Tehran, I don't need to navigate. I built the basis for
the future space Technology, in the proper base that man can understand, but I put it
right in front of you. (1:10). And you don't understand it. Now you understand why
there is the Inertia and the gravity (Cups). .. but why are you doing it, why are you
using it.
Q: Now the question would be, can I use these balls if I put them there, as the
Keshe: For what, you are already on Earth, .. where do you want to go. You want to
jump in.
Q: Let's say I am in Linz, and I want to come back to where I am, and I have these 2
balls ..
Keshe: That's what I told you, No you don't need the gravitational part, you just need
the Inertia part. But make sure you made the right Inertia, you might land in, where
you from Bangladesh , in Delhi, It's the universal GPS using the structure of the
Universe. Now we make computers to do it, I have given you simple
You are on planet Zeus, now you want to go to Earth. (1:12). This is how we
developed the GPS in the Universe, not the way you do with electronics. I told you
man's knowledge of electronics, compared to the knowledge of the Universe, is
obsolete by millions of years, but mankind is going through the process of knowledge
development, so we have to give you a hand. All of you, now 6 to 10 weeks are
making these Cups, and you are making everything else. Now slowly we open the
knowledge of it, we open why they are there. And many of you might have learned
something for the future. Let me tell you, extend your imagination .. you buy an
orange in the state of California,

This is the first time man can add, change the

If you extend it further, go back to the teaching, even the stone has a Soul. You step
on a stone on your way to somewhere. You can feel the emotion of the stone you are
standing on. Does he like it, or am I abusing? (1:16). Do I need to walk this planet
and create more pain for its citizens and its objects. Mankind has become so narrow-
minded and now we are becoming more narrow-minded. We are becoming vegetarian
not to kill the big animals, while we chew millions of them. But now the conscious of
man, what about the stone you walk on. If you understood the teaching of Bahaula,
even a stone has a Soul. Read the verses in Koran, it gives you the same, in Torah
read, read the true ** not the way it has been changed, the New testament. All the
messages are the same but mankind has not, did not, do not want to understand. This
time science and religion explains both, now the man has to decide the future of itself.
When I kiss the land you walk on, it's not the land, it's the souls you leave behind and
mark, with your walk. The dog scents the footpath to find a person, so if you can scent
it, you have left the Soul, impression of your Soul on it. When I kiss the land, it's
kissing the Soul which you walked, you created. Mankind has to understand the truth
in the step by step. Now you were worried you were killing a cow, a pig, you want to
become a vegetarian, (1:18). now you realized you are killing many seeds, because
each one has a Soul, you kill more by eating it, a spoonful of rice, and now imagine
the stone you walk on, what about its Soul? Do you want to be in the dimension of
physicality, or do you want to stay in the dimension of the Soul that you don't touch
none, and you accommodate the position and the time and the place? Do you still
want to be a human. Now you understand what sometimes I say I ashamed to be in the
body of a man, because every move you make you take from something, which you
are not allowed. Unless you have decided I take, it doesn't matter. You ask, and if you
are given, it means you are accommodated and shared.
Any other question.
You see now that we go more into the depth of the true knowledge of creation,
theology goes through the window, because the essence of the knowledge creates that
condition, that does not leave any room for theology. (1:20).
Any other question

Arizona Center is Paid by Partners:

R: How people can support and contribute specifically to the Arizona situation. I
suggested they contact John.
Keshe: In which way? they want to. Arizona center is fully paid in between the
partners for everything. There is no financially, we have no outstanding bits, except
what is getting developed. .. So what do they want to help?
Q: How can those in the US support the Arizona project?
R: Promote it when the time is appropriate .. nothing they can do to speed it along.

Collaboration of Iranian, NASA, Lockheed Martin:

Keshe: We have to wait to deliver the machinery in the next 2 - 3 months. (1:22).
Then when John's wisdom, collaboration though Iranian space agency, NASA, and
we see a place for Lockheed Martin to come in, we devote and put part of it at the
disposal of the 2 nations, for their scientists to deliver and develop more. We do the
same in China, we bring the collaboration between the China and Iranian space
agency on the same term, and the same with Russia. Keshe Foundation knowledge
will be pivot common denominator between all the space agencies. Then at the same
time developed. You got to understand humanity has different intellect and looks at
things a different way. And sometimes keeping it separate and sometimes bringing it
together shows its beauty. This process will take shape ..

It has to become a center of excellence, especially Arizona.

We look forward to the new administration in the US to a close collaboration between
all side of the Technology in Arizona. (1:24). We are working on it heavily. Unless,
as we see in the present, past 48 hours the thugs will take over again.
We see the 2 ladies of HKeshe Foundation to be the common ground between the
world leaders
that's there job. It's the job of the Universal Council to facilitate. ..

Two Ladies Travel the Planet Delivering the Technology for Peace:

We see the 2 ladies as the HKeshe Foundation will take place the position of the
common ground between the world leaders to bring the position of the peace across
nations. That's their job, and it's the job of the Universal Council to facilitate as you
already work across different nations together, the wishes and the processes of the
nations to be done by the language. In a very short time this process will take shape
for the 2 heads of the F will travel to different governments to deliver knowledge
against peace and Technology. That's their job as head of. Not to build and create, but
to bring to them to understand the position. These 2 ladies will become the
messengers of the peace to carry out the wishes of the Universal Council, at the same
time to deliver to the nations. And this is what is set .. it doesn't matter how long it
takes, my wish and my way.
(1:26). Keshe Foundation Technology against peace for the nation. We deliver the
Technology that it will be in their hand, to be able to negotiate with.
Any other question

Q: .. (1:28). .. when you start talking, any of the teachings it makes me smile
from inside. .. if we do misconduct, basically the creations of our Soul, they are
starting off on the wrong foot. They are lacking of energy,.. . Now the earth which is
our mother, is not creating us in a complete way, if I understood this correctly. That
means we are lacking 20% of energy and in that way we are dong a lot of misconduct
to get these 20%.
Keshe: And the pleasures of getting it. (1:30).
Q: .. it's always 2 sides .. my question in general that because the Earth is created by
the Sun, and the Earth is our Mother, Sun is our grandmother maybe we can say that
way the Soul .. .has been doing something, therefore we are not complete. or is that
the wrong understanding?
Keshe: It’s a combination of, but there is one point to understand. In due course the
earth will move on towards the center of the solar system, and we will see a new
cycle, a new entity, be it Mars, or another planet, Jupiter whatever, will move into this
position of distance from the Sun. The question is would create life the same way.
And would the citizens of this planet behave the same way. As the man did on Earth.
In so many ways, it's asking a simple question. Would Jupiter and Sun create a life
like man ..
and would the citizens of this planet misconduct, become better or worse than the
human at this moment which are in this gap. (1:32). We are in a transition point in the
solar system. We are part of a dynamic structure. Is it that what the atmosphere. ..
creates this shortfall

Would the Soul of the man become a star that it can take any position in the Universe
and still gives and will have no misconduct. Will our souls when it leaves this planet,
as it has done up to now, (1:34). will carry that misconduct and lead to creation of
more wrongs. In the new creation they become the ** son of. If you look the Soul of
the man creates and leads to creation of many souls. Or is it the way we want it to be
now, to elevate the Soul of the man to become perfect that when it leaves the
physicality to become a Sun in the Universe, in the Unicose, will create perfect
children. And being open to understand the totality is amazing. Today a number of the
Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers in China are in Tibet. They have gone to see
the temples, to understand the emotion and understanding of the Buddhist life, and in
a way, to extend their knowledge in understanding of the Keshe Foundation. There
are a few of them are old ladies, and they have gone to Tibet to experience, and see in
a ** long way most probably how they can connect the two together. And with it to
come out with a better understanding. And why do we o this? On the other hand the
other Knowledge Seekers travel the breath and length of the planet to share that
knowledge with each other. Now a days, (1:36). we do it with Zoom ..
With the new computers that are coming in, I call them computers, the universal
computers are the opening of the man to the Unicose. It's no use me taking you to
space when you don't know where to go, how to talk , when you don't know where
you are. As we have seen, I brought you so softly and gently into the knowledge of
the Unicose.
I have been teaching for billions of years .
Any other questions.

(1:38). As I said, many Knowledge Seekers are making their way here to experience
the knowledge, what knowledge is about to bring. The Linz center, as we said to the
people who run it, and they are giving more and more room for the Technology to be
shown. We'll become a center where the new Technology will take root, and in that
process the whole knowledge, the whole package of it, belongs to the Keshe
Foundation Austria. Keshe Foundation manufacturing Austria, carries the totality of
everything which is developed across the world, and owned across the world in my
name. The F is just a point of reference. Just my name, it has no value, except sharing
knowledge by those who volunteer to share. I knew one day the F will be attacked this
way, and we set it up that it cannot be touched. It will never be touched for those who
claim they own 50% of it. You own nothing but shameful conduct as it has no assets
but he assets of the Soul of the volunteers and the Knowledge Seekers. (1:40).
Knowledge Seekers have to understand this, because my time has a physical lapse, the
day I die, all the assets of the Keshe Foundation is in my personal name, and with that
as my Will is given to the Foundation, if the Foundation is of the correct conduct, and
run correctly. The F has no value financially, and we deliberately made that, that if
one day it is attacked, as it was done today, stays with no assets and no responsibility
as my wish has been to make the assets of the F to be owned by every citizen of this
planet. No volunteer owns anything of it, and it has been done deliberately that way.
Volunteer work does not get paid, it has no value because you volunteered to work, to
share. Those of you asked the question, the F is absolutely solid in its commitment to
serve humanity. But it has no assets, except you as volunteers who build it, and to be,
and to be shared.
Any other questions. (1:42).

Q: .. from pictures I see in the Enhancement Unit balls with Gans's and rotating
Keshe: That's your assumption, we don’t say yes or no ..
There is so many hidden Technology in this system.
Q: But in the balls there are Gans or other things?
Keshe: It could be anything in, what we use we don't explain, we don't need to,
because you have to test and see what you understand. Because I realized Knowledge
Seekers are just a bunch of monkeys, and monkey sees, monkey does. We don't add to
it. We have deliberately made so many things for you lot to think that to be. we
have changed the dimensions of it. Don't forget what you see, is not necessarily
what it is and what it does. Having Gans's, not having Gans's , and the next generation
having empty balls, and the generation after using the fields of the Universe. is all
part of the development and understanding. (1:44).
Q: about the antibodies of the Corona, because a lot of people think they are safe if
they have antibodies of the in the paper I don't read anywhere about the antibodies.
Keshe: Where which paper?
Q; the paper
Keshe: Antibody is the dream of the man, antigravity, dark matter, these are what you
are looking for, because then you have something to compare it with. What do you
need antibody?
Q: Because lot of people think
Q: when you have the Corona you have antibodies ..

Keshe: You've got to remember 2 fields of education .. doctors and lawyers are the
only ones sworn to the ethos of what the society is, and .. when they sign that paper,
(1:46). it means whatever lies I have been told I have to repeat and protect. This is the
present conduct of the health around the world. You sign your self into, and the same
with the lawyers

But many doctors are breaking rank. your job is to explain and to bless their Soul. Let
it be part of that Soul.

Q: Can I speak in private with you about what is going on in Bulgaria.

Keshe: Yes, but go through the channels ..

One of the staunch enemies of the F sits in Bulgaria. She has taken over after the
Derek's death, because she was the webmaster there, and she is working now, as we
hear, with the other part, in divulging a lot of lies. So we have to be very careful in
how and who we talk to in Bulgaria. .. the infiltration is deep .
Q: because we try to develop and spread the knowledge


Keshe: Keshe Foundation there are many, scattered now .

Q: But not so many working everyday.
Keshe: Yes, there are a lot of them do, We don't see, the same with Turkey and
Russia. .

Do you want to take a BREAK >>> (1:52). (1:59:30)

Poor People Free Access to Enhancement Units:

Q: Guatua .. today's teaching very profound .. (2:00). .. Thank you for giving free
access to poor to the Enhancement Unit. How do poor people like in countries like
Kenya, have access to these Enhancement Unit, are they going to arriving soon?
Keshe: No, listen to what is going to be discussed next week in the teaching. We have
put a legal framework into it. This allows us to spread the systems around the

A number of charities are prepared to back this project which will be announced,
(2:02). which means .. a number of organizations will be able to work with the Keshe
Foundation ..
first pilot plan in Switzerland, a number of people came together to facilitate the
purchase ..
We'll explain how this will work with doctors ..

We estimate we can open approximately a thousand centers around the world per
year, from January onwards. We have the capabilities to meet such a demand.
Our production facility can match this .


10,000 Centers to Open Around World:

To give the facilities the next 5 years, some 10,000 centers to be built up around the
world. For the people, be the people, (2:08). amongst the people .

New Computers Will Have Souls:

Q: the new computers, the balls in your hands, even stones have souls. those balls
have souls. Do they carry the Soul of the man or the Soul of the Universe?
Keshe: The filling of these balls are done in a specific way. As I said, we have built a
special patent in production, (2:10). of the units, even the brain cells. It has to have a
Soul, a feeling, a dimension very much , not the human, human brain is a simple
version of the universal system. We need to deliver in a structure, which is in a way,
used in the Universe that the system can match universal work. And that is what we
aiming at, we are not looking, .. we are delivering a fully integrated, in a way, a Soul
of the man inside, a Soul of entity inside, which we can control, we can hold its
physicality, and with it we can communicate that we can connect to the rest of,
because we haven't learned how to do it with our Soul yet, our physicality, so this is
an interim. A ball of light, where in communication with you, with your Soul will be
enlightened, you know it's in line with you, is communicating with you, as the 2 fields
Q: Thank you . ..

Keshe: It is the jobs of the HKeshe Foundation, and Universal Council to make sure
the message of the new Technology, and delivery of it to every nation is done the
correct way. I am a servant to humanity, and I have done my service, and now it's the
job of humans themselves, (2:12). to serve their race, very simple. We deliver the
Technology, and it's for mankind to choose the path of peace and Technology to
rapidly change things and put things correctly.

Shameful President -- End of Leaders, Collective Leadership:

But you will have, as we have seen in the present time, especially in the past 48 hours,
the ugly side of human race, very ugly side. But need be, we'll interfere directly. What
I heard in past 48 hours is a shame on being a world leader, a nation, a leader who
calls his people to be ready to destroy other people in the same nation, and we have to
wait and see. Threatening, if I don't become, I ruin my nation. Better that nation not to
exist, to be ruined by itself. I told you self-destruction cannot be blamed. In so many
ways, what we heard in the past 24 hours, coming from American election, by the
present president of US brings to us a need for the change of society in a very direct
way. Calling a nation to anarchy if I don't get elected by the white, white
supremacists, is what was the biggest fear of the American nation. A president taking
his nation to ransom, should not be the behavior of the man, and that is why we don't
need any presidents and heads of state, (2:14). as the power dilutes them from the
reality of their position. The Keshe Foundation and its Technology stands behind the,
what we call, the new administration to come into operation in the US. We support
peace and sharing of the knowledge, but what we seen as a thugery, ** by a head of
state, has to come an end. Nations do not need a head. The nation needs someone who
can explain what that country can do, or that part of the world can do, unfold within
the laws of Universal Council as One Nation, OPOR. As we see we are getting to that
point. This nation has killed many, and now it's time for itself, it gives to itself, to
destroy itself, and it is done by the heads. We have seen these number of people, some
10,000 on the back streets of Washington when people were claiming for the black
man who was killed. They were kept in the back to start anarchy, and now they have
been called to do on the nation. It's 2 things, do we need to elevate the Soul of this
nation to bring peace on humanity, or do we let it go to doldrums of nonexistence? It's
with the greatest sadness to hear the head of state splitting his own nation, if it is not
done. We seen the same in Belarus in the past few days. It shows that the time has
come, (2:16). that the world sits against leadership, as one collective leadership, and
the basis for it has shown it more and more.

Remove Heads Of Keshe Foundation Universal Council EC if Become Big

Headed - Immediately:
And I hope, my biggest wish is that this behavior will not go to the 2 HKeshe
Foundation, the present and the future, and the members of the Universal Council and
their ** , and their position is to serve and not to be the head, and to be listened to,
and be pride in the position they have taken. The job of the EC, Universal Council and
the 2 HKeshe Foundation for now and the future, is if you see such a conduct remove,
do not wait, remove from position, and structure has been set for the removal of every
member of the seat. You see big-headedness, and destruction, and division, within the
Keshe Foundation, from the 2 HKeshe Foundation remove them, immediately, don't
wait for the time it might change. The same with the EC and Universal Council
members. The work that is setup is to create peaceful condition through Technology,
delivery of the Technology, and what it comes as a benefit of the new Technology,
that everyone has what they need, according to the time, the place, and the position.
No one is above the Soul of the man, and the man collectively is of the planet. And I
said that to the HKeshe Foundation never be deluded with the power you are given.
It's skin of onion thick, as long as you serve correctly, collectively and correctly, that's
all your purpose is. (2:18). And we see it with 2 or 3 heads of nations, now it's
coming. We expect more problems, people against their leaders, and leaders trying to
stick on to it. Today the European C is meeting, what to do with Belarus, with the
president wants to stand. I wonder how many of them look into themselves and what
they stand in the position in their own nations. How they got into power. As I said
long time ago, in the new structure of universal order there is no room for kingship,
and president. Man has to live collectively in peace, anywhere on this planet and

Connect All MaGravs Together To Bring World Peace:

Q: how do we get rid of the thugs in the USA peacefully?

Keshe: You don't get rid of them, you know them, go the new way, go your way,
elevate their souls, connect all the MaGrav systems you have across your nation,
connect all the dynamic systems you built across your nation. That will bring the
dome of peace on your nation. You got to understand every facility is there. .. I have
made a structure that we can reach every nation through Knowledge Seekers. You are
not aware how we have established what we call, Earth Group, as part of the
Knowledge Seekers, and with the same ethos, that collectively, gradually we change
our nation, our planet, in the wish we are. That's what I told you when I let the
MaGrav units go, (2:20). I teach you how to connect to each other. Knowledge
Seekers in US you have built all these MaGravs, there are tens of thousands of these
MaGravs in your homes, you have given to friends. You have made the 2 Cups, link
them up. As you all made with the wish, to benefit yourselves, mostly and partially to
work on the ethos of the Keshe Foundation, you will see how you change your nation,
in coming days. It's the job of Keshe Foundation US and Canada to bring these
people, these systems together. John knows how to do it. There are many people, Alex
in Canada knows how to do it. Bring, connect your systems and exactly like
Caribbean, your wish is peace, you'll see how the things will change in the next days
to come. The power of the knowledge and the power of the peace is within the Soul of
the Knowledge Seekers, link up. When you want to learn, link up, link up your
systems, link up your souls, and call for the peace, and you'll receive. We see how
we'll receive world peace. Very simple. Link up and change your nation, with it will
bring peace to the others.

We Support Kamala Harris To Bring World Peace:

You got to understand what happened to US. The president called for the army to
come in, they refused, called for everything else, now he has gone to thugs. Your job
is to elevate the Soul of those thugs, (2:22). and maybe, maybe the president. Keshe
Foundation and its Technology, and through negotiation stand solid behind peace and
prosperity of every nation, including US, and as we said before, we stand solid
behind, what we call, nominated Vice President to be as we see her the correct
conduct person, to carry the US into peaceful condition. Kamala Harris is the key to
peace in the US and the rest of the planet, and she has 100% solid support of us and
our Technology. We don't get into politic, we get into politic of peace and by
delivering it we create a new condition of new employment, new jobs, new prosperity
for American nation through correct conduct. The same message was sent to the
Iranian leaders on Monday. There is no difference.
Any other question.

Q: there will be people who will resist these changes to come, what will happen to
these souls if they don't accept the changes, free will comes to mind ?
Keshe: It's not a matter of accepting the changes, the changes are here . (2:24). It's the
wisdom of the Knowledge Seekers, which has to rule. We have seen the last division
in the Keshe Foundation launched, there will be no more. And the reason for it ..
bunch of thugs wanted to take over the Keshe Foundation, because all the work is
done, now the harvest, the fruit of all of us. A peaceful application and nations. And
they will come, we were waiting for these moves and we have protected the F from
these moves. Coming in the clothes of a sheep but being a wolf inside. The world
leaders have to lead through knowledge, Technology and peace, and when they get to
the tools of what we see, it's time for the replacement through their Soul. Execution,
prison taking, and prisoners will not work anymore. Because you've got to learn,
many of you if you have leaders who are peaceful and correct leaders, and are
imprisoned, you have the knowledge with you to move their souls and get their
physicality from their imprisonment. The knowledge has been given to you. And
let them be the people of peace and freedom, but would they stay that, (2:26). or are
they for a time, in opposition. The point is do we need heads of states. or do we need
states, that they can head themselves with groups, and committees will run, and to
serve them and humanity. And all of you have that power and the system, which is
given you, to stand the Technology. Use it wisely and you achieve it.
Q: Can we integrate our souls energy in an integrative way with the Linz Exhibit?
Keshe: Yes, ..

You can link to it, because it is made from the body and the mind, carries the structure
of the Cu and Zn, which is constituent of our emotion and physicality.
R: People comment about the peace they feel when they come (2:28). into the
exhibit. ..

Keshe: It is sense of achievement, when you are here, it is talk or whatever, the sense
of achievement gives you confirmation of the correctness, in what I believe in is here
to be done, and that's what effects people, mainly confirmation that what I stood for is
here and shows in totality. In so many ways, .. once we show and deliver the
Technology, (2:30). in a different ways, all these thugs we see in the background
these 3 - 4 weeks, across the people who thought they had the right to do, will shut
down. Then people stand. If you were here 3 - 3 weeks ago, you saw the systems they
way they were. Now we extend the parameters, we put many simple things to open
the tests we do
There is a lot of fear mongering, that these systems are not tested , these are this and
that. these are the people who are the enemies of the Keshe Foundation, they have
been enemies within. And now as they have been pushed out, they are using the fear
technique, out of their weakness, and selling their souls to their masters. We have
seen it especially in the past few days. . when everything else has started. They know
they lost, humanity has won, We won in delivering Technology. .. you see new
stands. We have put new ways of detection. (2:32). The way Tesla showed
magnetical fields, when the fields build up these tubes around the system will light up.
These are the first signs, if we don't jump power magnetical fields. they will light up.
Secondly as we saw with UFO a number of magnets have been hanging
around ..fields will make them move, and we know the fields have reached the matter
state too.

If any of these come together means we have reached the lift condition. We have
overcome the gravity.

(2:34). This is how we did the same kind of tests in Iran when we achieved lift.
Simple matters, but understanding allows us to do. .. more radios will come in , then
by silencing the different radios we see the field expansion of the system. These
systems are certified ..
The fear mongering by those who have betrayed the F over years, just close your ears.
keep man slave to their masters on this planet. I have opened your hands to the
Universe, I took a lot. has given you the freedom of the Universe.

They have sold their souls to the master of evils and we have seen it. Don't stand fear
mongering. (2:36).
This knowledge has to be appreciated . Anyone who creates condition of fear
How many of you have saved your lives from Corona using it ..

As they are made of a natural material can only bring balance ..


It costs you very little if you take a shock absorber, you throw it in the bin, as you saw
in the flying car, take engine and throw it in (bin). You actually can take any car with
a good body and you have a car. You have a system that it can move you and take you
places. How fast do you think people will take, what is it, 1/10th of income of every
family spends on fuel car and everything else.
with these systems you buy another car, take out shock absorber and put it in its
position. With the electric cars we created more damage then we actually did with the
petrol cars, because now we hide it, and we use more energy to create, we burn more
fuel to create the same energy (2:42). It's to understand the reality to what this
Technology will bring.

I'll show you the first flying car which was supposed to be shown in Einhooven .. how
it will look.

(2:44). (posts photos)

(2:50). Any other question

Downs Syndrome Daughter Changes with the Gans's:

Q: .. as I watch my Down's Syndrome daughter ever expanding her horizon, as this

week has started teaching herself Spanish, and a noticeable difference in her being,
from the Gans's and how she uses them when she feels she needs them ...
Keshe: This is what we see when the souls are elevated, the physicality follows. When
you get to the people at this level, it's not that we see them just change. We see them
that we elevate their souls, with what we make available to them, and the souls bring
the change. Man has to understand the truth and what sits behind it. It's not a
medicine, it's conditions like this comes through the interaction to the Soul of the
man, and now when you allow them, the Soul needs, and the physicality provides.
And this is the truth, this is what you have to learn. (2:52). The Gans's create that
environment the Soul elevates., with the elevation of the Soul, needs a new condition
for the physicality. We have seen that with the number of children in the test trial in
the orphanage.


Any other question.

WL in Tibet, Snow Mountain ..

WL: (2:56).

Keshe: WL is of the 2 HKeshe Foundation , it's an autumn national holiday.


Any other question

Arman: .. Azerbaijan started war in Armenia , how can we help?

Keshe: Pray for the Soul of the leaders. The thing is, according to the security and
statistics not many people have died. This is a lot of banging .
The exaggeration in numbers creates fear ..
we are going to see the same thing if Ukraine pushes further. (3:14). but there is no
backing for this .. has not got any support .
A: Turkish people provoked it .
Keshe: It has no international backing
it's just one leader trying to assert his position, this is what we say, leaders have not to
be there. This is not a war, a local skirmish
Back to this .. the state of Israel has pushed in support of that, because part of this
section carries a number of ex-USSR military bases, which is used by Israeli secret
services and Americans to create mayhem training, in Iran, China, and Middle East.
There is more to this is not a war. This is something that needs to be cleared out
because the Israelis wanted this cleared that they can do their work, without anybody
knowing what's going on.
A: They are providing with all the arms.
Keshe: The arms have been there for months. We have a security report of over 3
years ago, . (3:16). We were expecting, this is not a war, this is just trying to
This is left from USSR time, training Chinese, Mongolians, some Turkish Iranians to
infiltrate Iran and China to create a lot of work. This area, that's why I tell you this, it's
nothing, .. not even considered a war. They received the backing of the Turkey in
exchange for Syrian backing. I watched this move, Keshe Foundation has people on
the ground we know exactly what is going on. This is part of Israeli training program,
they want to clear because they train a lot of Chinese, they go back to what we see in
Hong Kong, China, what we see now training Iranian Turks to start problems, not
Iranian Turks, Turks speaking Farsi, to start problem in Iran. This is part of that
program. It has been going on
to destabilize, especially Kazakhstan at the moment. We are very aware of this work
It's the responsibility of Chinese Iran to end the use of these airbases
Don't forget Keshe Foundation has support at the highest level, they have the ethos .
we share with national securities

Financial support by Saudi Arabia ..

Plan by Israel and British government to destabilize the Silk Road which is becoming
a power force .


Chinese have developed an amazing delivery system, on the Silk Road. Now if you
want to deliver these Enhancement Unit to Europe it takes 6 to 8 weeks, to port and
everything. .. they do it in 14 days. It's the economical route they want to disturb


Wherever the Chinese went they brought prosperity,

with the backing of the Chinese National Bank .

Because they built the China maximum ..

This center was built 4 years ..

We learned from it, when the British with 20 Italians started a coup detat in Libya.

(3:28). I worked in Kazakhstan since 1991 - 92. .. I entered with support of British
structure, and I built an empire there. Same as I did in Africa .. I went to understand
what could be done, so in the future it could be supported. .. how deep my
connections are, 30 years .
Keshe: I wish you all the best.
Any other question.

Q: .. can we expand on the Linz, Tehran, Arizona plan?

Keshe: Tehran is in the hand of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers (3:30).
with the universities and officials .. Originally we were supposed to do this in Tehran.
These Enhancement Unit were to be shipped to Tehran, then we saw a bunch of things
happen., again by the back of spies by the Belgium's in Iran trying to d
now we go back to Iran Sharif University , where I did the original research and
development, to show the beauty of the Technology. And our team in Iran are
working on it. .. hopefully the units will be lifted to Tehran for 2 weeks . ..

Then in Arizona we don't need to take these, because already 12 units are allocated in
the position. We just show the power of the Technology. Listen to Keshe Foundation
next week .

Q: Can anyone use the Gans's in the Exhibition (3:34).
Keshe: What do you want to do with them?
Q: (confusion )
Keshe: the ones we have in the center is made through the processes made in our
factory. It is put as it is. Some of them you never seen before, some are usual to have.
About 6 or 7 we decided is good to be in public, and be there to be done. And people
are buying it according to what they want. Some of it, people are buying it because of
the gorgeous color of it. (3:36). If you understand why you buying it for, it is there to
serve that purpose. we have Deuterium, Cup of Life 1, Folic Acid, Cobalt,
Selenium, Mg, Ca., ZnO, CO2. Strange enough Folic Acid is depleting very
rapidly, because it is feeding by its nature.
Q: That was his question about he Folic Acid. It's okay if someone purchases
It's a colorful tray.
Q: You say two similar or near similar plasmas can connect?
Knowledge Yes
Q: So whatever we have in our environment it comes from the same plasma?
Keshe: Plasma of the Sun, yes.
Q: Can we see a different culture of plasma interact with each other?
Keshe: What do you mean.
Q: Can another Plasma which have different creation interact with another Plasma
(3:38). or it must be similar or near similar?

Physical Love only Lasts 5 Years - Field Dependent:

Keshe: Of course, if they have a similar strength field they always interact. You have
to have .. if you have a small window of time that they can interact, that they can
understand or make a connection, then they do. And you can change the dimensions
of it. this is we scientifically we explained, you fall in love, maximum for 5 years,
unless you renew it. Because in those 5 years it takes the oldest part of the body
of the man is 9 years old, because it gets renewed. The emotion part of the man,
within the structure of the cell of the physicality is about 5 years. And then if you
don't renew it, if you don't extend it, don't confirm to it, it vanishes. that's why a lot of
people fall out of love. Because it, that's the way it is, emotion has a time lapse.
Because it's field dependent, and then it has a peak of interaction, and then it
gives the peak of balance, then the ** is still there. It's the same even with pain.
Q: So when we have amino acid, for example, it's all dependent in the strength of the
same plasma.
Keshe: Same strength could be different plasmas
Q: So is the amino acid different plasmas? (3:40).
Keshe: yes, different Carbons, different strength Nitrogen's, different everything. Of
course it is.
Q: It's not necessarily coming from the same ?**
Keshe: It doesn't need to
.. we are testing different things ..
When we go into full tests we close the systems, so we hold the fields inside. We
know roughly what to expect, what to see, and gradually build up to it.
Do you want to send us a car to fit it
Rick: Jay from England has a Delorien setup .. (3:42).
Rick: You'd have to get a hold of Jay, I ban him some time ago. I would have to
reinitiate him and so on.
Keshe: If he's still got it, it will be easy to see if we can fly it.
Rick: Maybe Dean can contact him ..
Keshe: the month of January is allocated .Keshe Foundation might do it before or
Organizers have already earmarked, and excited, .. it brings a lot of people back into
exhibition. 20 people have called the E center to try to get this done. They said, the
more they call, the more we know how good you are, how correct you are.

They believe now the Technology has to be here, to bring a new dimension. Keshe
Foundation Austria is investing in manufacturing here, we become part of the
structure of the employment. We bring wealth to the nation and the city, and no one
listens to a bunch of rogues and bewitches. (3:44).
We expect to employ 100s of people in coming months across Linz

Q: How do the cars provide heat and cooling ?

Keshe: Hairdryer
Keshe: Keshe Foundation in coming weeks months will start working on it. We'll
deliver a package, like paints, this creates heat or other atmospheric conditions. We
have a company which has taken the banner to deliver across Europe. you buy a
sachet which you add to your paint. it's not Gans's, it's a material which you produce,
and then you add to the paint, and that will give you a lot of things in the house. It will
be marketed by this company ..
Q: As an organic farmer will this be adaptable to my tractor and still be strong enough
to pull tow.
Keshe: I don't know, how many cows do you have to push it. But it works, yeah,
should do.
Q: How can we recycle the parts of the car.

Technology Will Come Very Rapidly Now - No Choice:

(3:48). It has to come, we have no choice, we had a choice to piece meal this , or .. I
taught for 5 years. Now the delivery of the Technology, we put 2 Enhancement Unit,
it will come very rapidly, one after another. In a way, we punch drunk the world with
the new Technology, that there is no time to do other things, space, energy,
construction, computers, one after another will be released. And you all have seen it,
now you know how to make it.
Rick: What about the leftover, stuff, computers ..
Keshe: What did we do with the steam engines ..
Now that we have, that we are bringing these machines in, do we need anymore
bridges. Is there a need for a bridge. .

Keshe: .. in coming time maybe 5 - 10 years, do we have any need for refineries. They
are heavily invested billions of dollars (3:50). Do we need airports, or Boeing,
European Aircraft manufacturing. I have decided to release massive amount of
Technology in a very compact time. And the knowledge is ours we can do. And I
have a gorgeous team with me, we can do it. We have everything in position we can
do, to deliver.

Q: flying cars .. who will produce and distribute these ?

Keshe: We'll come to an arrangement, we have started a franchise structure in Keshe
Foundation. We give our knowledge on condition of franchise that Keshe Foundation
Austria will get the benefit of it all, because I own 100% of it, on behalf of the
worldwide population. Keshe Foundation Austria as now become the backbone
of the Keshe Foundation worldwide, and it has been set that way to protect all the
interests of the Keshe Foundation in all the nations. And the government of Austria is
fully aware of our operation. We tried to do this in Italy, we got betrayed, by those
who went and deliberately, using their physicality to disturb others, and they sold the
F too, with their body, and physicality, and now we brought everything solid, in
nation of Austria. (3:52). We are solid where we are and we tranStar Formationerred
all the rights into working with one company Keshe Foundation Austria
manufacturing, which is holding all interests around the world . it will be kept as
the assets of the worldwide population.
Just a name to bring us together
I was aware that this position might arise, and my advisors and lawyers and
accountants, years ago, foresaw this happening years ago, and we set it up that it
cannot happen. My assets through a tight agreements, stays mine, what we call to all
the nation. (3:54).
Keshe Foundation is a name on the Internet ..

Been financed primarily by me over years. We thought this might take place ..
and we are well protected.
Any other question.

Summary of Today's Teaching:

Keshe: I would like to end in a summary of today's teaching. Keshe Foundation has
moved into a new space universal system development, and sharing, and you will see
new computers coming out from the Keshe Foundation, and then it will be followed
worldwide. You will see flying cars, (3:56). which we call it gravitational MaGrav
systems which will be, we booked for January to be shown. .. 9 years we had to wait,
more or less to the date, if we can do it, if I can get it up and running by 26th of
November, we'll have a celebration day. In a way, a smack in the mouth of the
Belgium's authorities who blocked it that day. 9 years later we bring to show it. And
in that process we don't need any flight certificate. It has immensely bothered my for
9 years, the Technology could save this planet, because of a bunch of thugs, .. of one
nation. I have taken human race to what we call ransom. And we have seen the last
ransom from them. and in that process we'll change, especially the automotive and the
oil industry, and the Technology is already in the hand of the Keshe Foundation
people who know, that if anything happens to me, it will be shown and delivered. At
the same time my prime position is to bring what we call the Universal
Communication, and computer system that we can find our way around the Universe.
And then we'll where we go. .. I have a position to be able to get these systems across
to every city. 1 city 1 system, ..
those who cannot afford will be looked after by the F. (3:58).

Let's see how much we can add.

Hopefully we reach the Soul of all of you to bring the change.
Q: my vision -- I saw the nation of America putting down all their guns.

348 Knowledge Seekers Workshop

349th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; October 8, 2020





(:12). And that is we announce today, the establishment of "One City, One System,"
to start from today. What does this mean, every city on this planet will receive one
system. We start with 100 cities. There are certain criteria to receive the system.
There are a number of philanthropists who are backing this. Me as an individual, as
HKeshe Foundation, as creator and developer of the Technology have committed 1
billion Euro of my own private assets to this development. This means in the coming
year I release 1 billion Euro of my added assets through years, gradually into the
Keshe Foundation to see One Planet, One City. I am not a philanthropist, I am a
scientist who backs his own development. ..


(:16). we do not give free to any city, because then it has no value, they expect it
We'll see a massive development by the Knowledge Seekers across the world.


Keshe: What was the last you heard

(:22). Knowledge I back the . with my own private finance
if developments go the way I want I will back another 5 billion of my own private
finance. Austria manufacturing

In the next 5 years I'll back 1 billion per year. ..

not the Foundation side. The F has to come through public, through the spread of
From now on it is the responsibility of the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers,
(:24). to bring the Technology home. Bring it home in a way, opening centers, health
centers .. for the Keshe Foundation knowledge to become a public assets..


Nothing will be given free, you have to make the effort for it and the funds will be



I thank you all for bringing it to where it is .


Teaching Starts :

Tell it so They Understand - 5 Cups :

Going back into the teaching, there are a lot of ambiguity, and there are a lot of points
need to be clarified. The HKeshe Foundation was telling me a couple days ago. You
know what's the problem, people don't understand, you have to explain more that they
understand. So we go into that depth, to explain, to explain where the knowledge
comes and at the same time to bring the new Technology with new explanation. One
of the main cornerstone of this Technology is the space development. .. it has to be
understood in essence by the way it works, by the way it is, we look at the flight with
the aircraft, with the spaceship, but the original flights, the original movement of any
structure comes from the flight and movement of the magnetical fields. If we
understand the movements of the magnetical fields then we can understand how the
rest, how the rest come to exist, how everything else become, to creation, life, solid
matter, plasmatic condition of intelligence as we'll see in the space and the rest of it.

In this process, especially in the past couple of months, and past week, there has been
a lot of concentration on the 5 Cups. The Cup of humanity, or what we call the animal
kingdom, Cup of vegetation, Cup of Solid state matters, the Cup for gaseous and
liquids. This has brought a lot of anxieties and questions, (:40). and some of the
people who are scaremongering have used it to create a scare across the Keshe
Foundation, that "throw your Cups away and do every other thing," because don't
forget, we have seen this scaremongering before, every time we were correct they
started a scaremongering, because it served a purpose. Enemies of the Keshe
Foundation sat within the Keshe Foundation, and in that process we become wise.
They showed us with their way of trying to create scaremongering, where Knowledge
Seekers have not understood, so we have to explain, for them to understand, unknown
scares, you, known is a knowledge, which adds and strengthens your, what we call,
trust in what you do.

What I want to do today, is very simple, I start for you in a basic condition that you
understand. As we know, (:42). .. As we said, the whole structure of the world
creation comes from movement of what we call, magnetical fields. magnetical
fields only travel with, one way, and that is if the field strength from the point of
stronger, it creates a gradient, that the stronger field trying to reach the weaker
point, it creates its movement. In so many ways, in the history of the science of man,
no one ever understood why and how magnetical fields flow, how and why
magnetical fields travel in the direction, in a certain speeds, and how this speed is
seen by detection system, but not by the eye of the man.

The Secret within the magnetical Fields - Invisible :

In so many ways, there has been a secret, which is actually within the secrets of the
creation of the magnetical fields themselves. Mankind or any creatures of the
Universe, depending on the strength of the creation of their own fields, only can see
what is visible to them. Only can see what is, or has physical manifestation, but
mankind and the totality (:44). of the Knowledge of the Universe sits and lies in
what the mankind cannot see. What is not and has not been visible to him. In a way,
the work in the background, which humanity and the rest of the creatures of the
Universe do not see, creates the puzzle of the motion of the magnetical fields. In the
Universe in the condition of creation of magnetical fields, magnetical fields and
creation of the motion in them, has and possesses an invisible, what we call field
dimension, what you call atmosphere, what we call, magnetosphere. What does this
mean? Is that even though the field looked to us as it is moving in a direction, but
itself due to inherited characteristics of what we brought into the discussion last time,
the wave of photons and particles, the particle itself creates a massive, massive
atmospheric condition around itself, which in that atmospheric condition, higher order
fields travel in the depth of it, much faster then the light we see. So in fact, we are
puzzled why a light moves in a certain direction, where is the gradient from. The
gradient is created by its own internal magnetic magnetosphere condition, which pulls
it in that direction. (:46). If you look at it, the rays of the Sun expand beyond and
create Jupiter and Saturn and seeds for the future generation of the planet. What the
world of science has not understood is that the light as what you call particle, creates a
massive magnetosphere, which is far beyond the vision, sight of the man and other
creatures. So it has by inherent conditions of its creation, has created a magnetical
field forces within itself, that allows the light to travel within that magnetosphere. So
if you look at it, it sends a hidden fields ahead of itself, and then by inherent, coherent
condition and interaction of the fields within the structure of the, what we call,
particle, tries to feed it. In a way if you understand it, it's like you shooting an arrow
and then running to catch it. As simple as that.

The creation of the motion and the expansion of the Universe is done on these basis.
And to the point where the field can keep interaction magnetical and gravitational
field force with its origin, then the fields become in motion. magnetical fields become
in motion, then the structure finds movement. This is how the Universe expands, this
is how everything else moves within the Universe. (:48). In this process now we
understand how the light is created. In a way, the plasma of the Soul is trying to reach
the field, which has created by high order, magnetical and gravitational field of itself,
creates the condition of the motion of the fields in a particle. If this is understood,
everything else about the world of creation becomes much easier. In a way, it's a
magic show that now we have opened its secret.

The Whole Creation Started with One Field Interaction - The Creator :

In a way, what happened, the whole creation started with one field, interaction of one
existence, the Creator, and in spreading the fields itself, in the dimension of the higher
order traveling faster then the physical dimension of the matter states, or plasma
states, made the light, or the fields to manifest and show its direction, trying to catch
up to the arrow. For the first time in the world of science, we understand the principle
of the motion of the light. If this is very hard for you to understand, always find a
copy, always find a replication that it makes it easier. In interaction of the fields in
upper atmosphere plasmas are created, some as photons and some as particles, some
as waves, and in that process, in being pulled by a weaker arrow, (:50). which has
already arrived, in the center of the planet, the photon travels to it. In that process, not
only releases what we call photons, but it releases the condition for creation of the
materials, in the motion of its own plasma, leading to creation of matter state. Once
we understand this, once we grab the science behind it, intellectually analyze it, we'll
find that mankind has opened the door to new ways of transportation. I throw the
arrow, it's part of me, try to catch it, I arrive. But you have to understand, this process
of transportation needs massive amounts of understanding. Some of the travelers of
the Universe have already achieved it. And it's for mankind to reach to that point. In a
way, chasing your own tail in the new dimension, but this time the tail moves faster,
because of the higher strength, and as it looses strength it becomes a point of
reference for you to arrive at. In so many ways, mankind needs to look in the direction
and the position, and that direction and position becomes his destination and the speed
of travel into it, and arrive at the zero-time and space.

In so many ways, those of you who are in understanding of the space Technology and
space travel should have seen this coming to you very easily. (:52). In this process,
once you arrive, what is the surplus of the position of the fields, you left behind in the
magnetical and gravitational fields you have created, become the matter states and
creation of matter around you. So now at the point of reference you become the
center, and if you need, want, you'll collect what you have left behind as they arrive to
you as different strengths, as Cu, Zn, water and the rest. In a way, by the release and
approach to the point of destination, you have created all matters that is in the strength
of your own consumption and use. Now you understand the process of the creation.
Now you understand how planetary systems are created. You understand how every
other structure in the Universe is created. Start with one and in be able to send higher
order fields, which is not visible to us, in loosing the strength in interaction with other
fields, and particles, and waves, and photons, and fields in the Universe, in the
slowing down, now they have a gravitational and magnetical connection with you,
and you trying to arrive to it, you become the center of it. You become the totality of
what we call the principle section of it. (:54).

This process brings a lot of new conditions and new understandings, so in a way, as
the field comes at a given strength, the field as a particle has already forwarded
This is the photon, or particle I should say, which is moving, but with it, in advance of
it, higher order has been sent ahead. In a way, this particle is chasing to reach this
point, (:56). because if this (the particle) has a order magnitude of 10, this (higher
order ahead) has a magnitude of 100 or 1000 so it moves faster ahead, because comes
from stronger inner sanctum, In the world of cosmology, we call them cosmic rays.
We call them neutrinos. And then as the particle tries to catch up, in its
environment. .. In a way, I shoot the arrow of a higher order, and as it looses
strength to one, now I try to catch up, and I create the direction of the fields of the
motion. This is how we see magnetical fields move, because in that process, how the
original motion started. (:58). Now the Universe is full of fields, and in that process
we don't see this operation so visible. But in a way, we see it in macro, and micro,
both the same in the motion of the creation of the light at the upper atmosphere, and
its attraction due to its strength to fulfill the need of the center of the planet as light.
And then in that process particle themselves, according to change of the strength in
trying to reach the center of planet, in interaction with a different field strength of the
fields of, inside of the planet, leads to the creation of matter, and then as matter has
both gravitational and magnetical field forces, it becomes matter and Inertia of the
matter. Now we understand the process, now we are aware of the reality of the
creation, which maybe up to now was not understood.

In that process, now we come to one thing, this light, this particle, now by slowing
down in the point of arrival creates his own plasma. And if we create enough
magnetical fields by pulling from different dimensions and directions of the same
strength, which mostly exists across the Universe, (1:00). we create the seed of a
planet. This is what we call the Principle Matter, this is what we call the Center Core,
this is what we call the, where the field interaction, brings the gravitational and
magnetical fields. Now this is your first point, first point of reference, what we call,
MaGrav. You created the magnetical and gravitational field of it. Now in the rest of
the Universe, and interaction with the fields of the Sun, which continuously feed into
it. And other sources of cosmos, which continuously feed it, the center core can ..
Now the fields in slowing down will create matter state, and this matter state expands,
and the size of the planet expands by the interaction of the fields of the Sun and the
Earth. Now these themselves, carry, as had their fields, in converting to the matter
state, create the transition of Inertia. So now you have not only MaGrav, you have
Inertia too. Then the rest of the interaction of the Inertia with the magnetical and
gravitational fields, (1:02). and the fields around the planet, in a way, now you have 2
fields (MaGrav + Inertia) plus now the environment which they have created, leads to
creation of matter state. So now this matter state has a condition, in the solid, liquid,
whatever, depending on the interaction of the Inertia and MaGrav of the system. Then
in that process, depending on where matter state sits and its center, it leads to the
creation of the Soul of its own physicality. And in the total interaction of the fields, in
different mixtures, leads to the totality of what we call, Soul of Physicality (Star
Formation) in respect to interaction of totality of the matter state and the fields.

Now we understand why we have the 5 Cups. So if you understood this and you
understand the theology, at the point of the creation becomes very easy to understand.
How you create which one, gives you what you need. If you create the strength of the
magnetical and gravitational field of the Earth anywhere in the Universe, you connect
to Earth. (1:04). If you create magnetical and gravitational field of the Inertia of a
given location of the Earth, you go to that point. It's the universal GPS system, not
only for the position but for exact condition and the strength that you land on. The
reason we put the 5 Cups out, was what we call the stepping stones for you to
understand the start of the creation of life anywhere in the Universe. You want to go
to planet Mars, you have to create a condition of MaGrav of the Mars in your system.
Now the same as the light as you saw, matching with the light of his past, you travel
to that position, to that destination.

In that reference we saw how everything moved to reach to this point. Now this point
for you is this (magnetical and gravitational). What the interaction of the environment
of the fields gives you this one (Inertia). You want to land in Tehran, you create not
only GPS position you call it a MaGrav, gravitational of the Earth. you create the
Inertia, where the total field of the matter state of the Tehran was made of. So not
only you come to Earth but you end in the position of Tehran. Be it New York.
(1:06). Be it Beijing, it's all the same, Because the Inertia is different, that's why we
have the different matter states and everything else. Then you want to appear or
produce in that position in the dimension of the physicality of the man, the Soul of the
man has a spectrum range. So you come from planet whatever, you had a different
structure. You create the Soul of the man in the strength of the planet. You take the
feature of the man, then you decide in what Soul and physicality you manifest
yourself. This is the beauty of the creation if you understand it.

Those who tell you to throw the 5 Cups away, means throw the knowledge of the
creation away. Of course we have seen this from the enemies of the F because they
know you are reaching to the point of maturity, and by slaving you as they have done
for centuries and thousands of years, they can still rule you. The knowledge of
creation is simple. The knowledge of creation is so beautiful that now we have the
plasma Technology that we can create different strength of MaGrav, different strength
of Inertia, different strength of the matter state, we can produce anything, any position
and travel to any destination in the Universe. Throw the Cups out, your nation will
suffer to absolute poverty, as the ones who understand will rule you, and this is the
whole, those who say that. They slaved you for centuries, now they see the key of
freedom, (1:08). given by the F, they have come up with a new tricks. If you are a
simple man like me, simple to understand. Now you understand how in the coming
time you will travel the depth of the Universe. Now by understanding the Soul of the
cancer, the Soul of whatever disease you have, you can create its field strength of its
matter state and its Soul, (in) seconds done. As the HKeshe Foundation said, explain
to them that they understand. When they don't understand they are open to abuse.

Now you understand and if you look at it, if you really understand and go back to the
origin of the teaching, it's simple. Principle Matter (MaGrav) , Transition (Inertia +
Soul of the physicality), and the matter state (Soul of the physicality + Soul &
Matter), if you want to think in either way. There is no change in the knowledge
which we tranStar Formationerred. Now you have to decide. When you are on Earth
you have what you call fixed magnetical and gravitational fields. When you are on
Earth and you want to go from New York to Washington, or from New York to
Tehran or another point, you create only the Inertial part fields. (1:10). And you'll be
within Earth and you'll arrive at that point. And if you are on the Earth and you have
the same magnetical and gravitational field and Inertia, that in let's say in New York,
you want to create the fish which is the same taste as the fish you had in Tehran, now
you create the condition of Inertia, which applies and implies in Tehran, and then you
get the same fish. With the new understanding of the Technology there is no genetic
modification, it is the truth, in a way you create the condition and the Soul will fit into
it to fulfill it. There is no talk of genetically changing , it's to giving the Inertial value
to it, that it can grow within it. Now you see why when we apply the Technology in a
Gans we right off all the GMO, we have seen this in China, and other parts of the
world where we go back to the origin of the seed.

Covid-19 Vaccination - Nothing

Many of you have a fear what this vaccination with Covid-19 will do to you. Nothing,
because if you go back to the systems and understand the use of the Technology, they
can give you kilos, tons of injections, because your body has set to be on the original
dimension, as you created the amino acid of, does not effect you. (1:12). But you
have to understand what you do. You have to understand the creation of the
magnetical fields in the dimension of the plasma in the strength of the virus, will
handle it, but the injection of the new material will be converted. The control of the
man, has to be in the hand of the man with the knowledge he carries, not by the fear
which is created in him, not to see what he has.
As I said to the Iranian teaching on Monday, as one of the, what I call most illiterate
people in the Iranian community told the F supporters to throw the Cups away
because they saw the truth, and they could not save the man. And we see again by
another person who we kicked out of the F, saying to throw the Cups. throw the Cups
away. Now you understand this. This is the Cup 1 exactly what you have, .. if you
don't see it, I explain to you. This is your Cup 1 (Star Formation), this is your Cup 2
(S ), this is your Cup 3 (magnetical) , this is your Cup 4 (Inertia) , and this is your Cup
5 (magnetical and gravitational). You throw the Cups away, you throw your nation to
absolute poverty by those who will control, and those who tell you to do are the
agents of the nation, (1:14). which you have seen, how to keep nations in absolute
poverty. Now you understand the principle, the totality of the creation. I put it to you
in a simple version, in the manner of Cups that the layman on the street could
understand, that when he explains and understands the totality, not only him, but his
children will not be taken to slavery by those who understood, and they block the
knowledge. This is the European tactic, which has been used for centuries. Create
fear, create scaremongering, and control. There is no need to have a fear because you
have the knowledge. In the systems you have created, if you understand how to use
the fields of Cup #5, and you can tranStar Formationer it in a position of dynamic,
you can travel from Moon to Earth within seconds. The same as this field (original
drawing) moved in following a weaker (field), created by themselves. You create Cup
#4, understand the work of it. The fields of it, you can create any position, even on
Moon, the condition of the Earth, greenhouse to grow your cabbage, potatoes or
whatever you like. (1:16). You should have seen this in a true essence, what we saw
in the Caribbean videos from our friends a couple of years ago. From now, not only
the Knowledge Seekers but those who work in the space Technology and understand
this, can change the position of a space travel, zero-time travel, communications,
where you use faster fields ahead, in a mono ** micro and then you send your
information behind it. You send a fast target and you try to catch it with a speed.

These Technology need to be developed, now that we are at this point the
understanding, this is why I am backing it in every shape and form, and I call upon all
you to do the same. Understand the Technology, understand the principle behind the
motion, even the motion of the Soul of the Creator. The only difference is, what we
call the magnetosphere of the Soul of the Creator covers the whole of its creation, and
we are those rays, and photons, (1:18). and particles which has come from it, and
travel within it, which carries attributes, because He was the origin. He has created
that atmospheric condition and the rest of us live within it. The example of the Earth,
Earth was created, this Earth seed, and we see magnetical and gravitational, and then
it has created the dimension of Inertia, which is what we see as its matter state, and
then its magnetosphere, which everything else lives within it. That magnetical and
gravitational in the center is my God, is the Creator. And the rest of us in different
shapes and forms, live within that cosmos of what we call Unicose. In a way we are
created from Its own fields and tranStar Formationormation and transportation of its
own fields. Now you understand with one pen, with one stroke you understood from
A to Z of the creation.

You don't need no one to tell you what to throw away, because they slave you. They
slaved the F for 20 years. No more. We are all free, teach free, learn free and invest in
our future of planet, and beyond freely. The 5 Cups, understanding the principle
behind it, (1:20). is the key for man to span of the Universe, to travel and to span it,
to grow food and energy on this planet and beyond, and the freedom of the man from
slavery of the time, position, space and distance. Those who tell you to throw away, is
to throw the freedom, throw away your sanity, and you are slave to their slavery as
they have done for centuries. I give you the key of freedom, the knowledge. It's for
you to develop it, to understand it, and to manipulate it and to see to what you get.
Change it slightly on the S of the matter state you get the Cu and the Zn.
Transmutation of the fields is the strength of the understanding of the man, not the
field itself. What you understand you can transmute. The process of the knowledge,
the process of understanding, the process of being creative to create new conditions,
new materials, is the strength of the Knowledge Seekers trust in their own knowledge.

In a way, what you see on the screen is the history of the creation of the Creator to
this position with man, and it applies to every dimension and every position in the
Universe. We come from the fields, and interaction of the fields creates the plasma,
and the creation of that plasma, (1:22). creates magnetosphere, which the interaction
of that magnetosphere with the rest of its environment, which is within, creates its
matter states, and that matter states within itself creates entities, which can live within
it, operate within it, which becomes you, me, the plants, the stone, and each one has a
Soul. Because again it has a center which lead to its creation. This applies from your
kidney, to your liver structure to your body, to the structure of this planet, to structure
of this Universe, the Unicose and the Creator. There is no difference there is only one
principle, interaction of the fields, the amount of it and how, and how fast you can
throw to catch up, and with it create condition of manifestation of the atmosphere.
Now you tell me, would you throw your 5 Cups away to become a slave to those who
abused the whole humanity, and infiltrated the Soul of the man to keep him a slave, or
do you free yourself from slavery of everything on this planet and beyond. This is
what I said, when you understand the knowledge there will be no magicians in the
Universe, and no one who can tell you what to do.

Mass and Weight Explained:

Do you remember how for centuries man did not understand why there was a
difference between the mass and the weight. (1:24). The mass is that magnetical and
gravitational, the weight is the interaction of it, with its field environment with its
creation. There is no difference. And how that weight changes you manifest yourself
in different strength, 100 kilo on Earth, 80 kilo on the Moon, 60 kilos on the belts, but
in essence, your mass, the creation of magnetical field of your Soul stays the same.
Now the science of creation becomes absolutely child's play. I told you by 21st of
October we complete everything which is there.

British Deceived Iran Before to Get Oil - Same as Today :

And at the request of the HKeshe Foundation, explain to them that nobody can abuse
them. And I think this is the best, perfect explanation, and we all understand, and no
one can abuse us. As I said to the Iranian community on Monday, throw the Cups
according to the joint, what we call the work of the devils, one from outside and one
from inside Iran, and bring the nation of Iran to absolute slavery, where it started the
knowledge with. We have seen this before, as I explained .. we have seen this last
century when the oil fields of the Persian Gulf become known, British did a very
clever move. They didn't want the Iranians to enter the oil zones, they sent a guy, a
British to live amongst the tribes near the oil fields. (1:26). For 7 years he did not
talk, he listened to them. Then after 7 years he started talking, he said whatever he
said, and they looked at it (as) magic. He used to wear magnetic shoes and they used
to stick together, the people never seen the magnets, the shoes stuck together, so to
the people he became a magician. .. he told the Iranians not to go near the fields, these
things are dangerous. They were dangerous because the British were siphoning oil out
of the Persian Gulf and territory of Iran. And now we see the same, the same betrayal
by those who came in, pretended to be, and now started telling, don't touch, because
now the knowledge is dangerous, they loose control. Now they appeared themselves
as everything else, except as the savior of humanity.

Everyone Can Understand the Creation - Don't Need PhD:

You got to understand yourself why this knowledge is so beautiful, because every
man can understand, every man can support it, and every man can carry the
knowledge. You don't need a PhD in stupidity, and you don't need PhD in Physics or
Chemistry, if you understand it, you are intelligent enough to apply it to the measure
which applies to you, and what brings you the satiStar Formationaction of existence,
irrespective of the position and title you might carry. Now in a simple way, in a
simple word, in a simple understanding, the whole point of the creation is in front of
you on the screen. (1:28).

Awareness of Soul Protects Physicality - Even from Covid Injections :

You made the Gans's, you understood the transition of the fields. You understood the
transmutation of fields through your body that you overcome Covid-19. The beauty of
the plasma Technology in essence, is that it matches the dimension of the need of the
Soul. And the Soul is aware of what has been injected to it, or given to it which is not
good for its physicality, be it the injections by Covid19, or any other thing. Awareness
of the Soul protects the dimension of the physicality, and this is where we are heading
for in the coming time. In the coming weeks we should show how to do that, that you
become the travelers of the space as Mozhans. The time has started and we deliver
more. Because now you understand it. All I need to do is to show you where the Soul
sits, and what strength it has and where that Soul in such a given position of
magnetical and gravitational field, will manifest itself in what shape of physicality.
Any questions. (1:30).

Keshe: I think Mr. Rick Crammond you have a lot to do in your workshops.
R: I kind of laid it succinctly Mr. Keshe
Keshe: There is no doubt in the knowledge, now every man can follow.

Q: so the Sun is the fast target and the planets are trying to catch it?
Keshe: No, the Sun is what it throws away, the rays of it, at higher order, and when
they slow down to given fields, then the other fields from it, as particle try to arrive to
it. And in that process of transition they create light when they interact with physical
conditions and magnetosphere of the fields which created the Earth.
R: Okay, but what about the Sun itself (1:32). in relation to the galaxy ..
Keshe: The galaxies have created the same
R: The Sun is following a path that has been already made for it by the magnetical
fields, correct? The fields came first and the Sun is following that? So are the planets
following the sun ..
Keshe: The same position
R: I think that is what he was trying to say. the planets are playing catch up to the
Sun. The Sun is playing catch up to the center of the galaxy. .. center of Universe
Keshe: yeah it's not only to catch up, but to be connected, to be the target. But its that
target and its position is amalgamation of all the fields within that galaxy and
Universe, which gives it the position. The same with the Earth, the rays of the Sun,
lead to the creation of the center of the Earth, what we call creation of its MaGrav, but
once that MaGrav is created the position of the Earth, is not only dictated by the Sun,
but it's created by the other entities within the structure of the solar system, and by
certain measures by the fields of the galaxy, and by another certain measure by the
fields of the Unicose.
Q: So thought is ray, and is stronger, (1:34). sent by the mind creates position, and
we imagine, and call it, directed by mind, and then the body gets pulled into it and
manifests according to the environment. So we are all gods.
Keshe: We are part of it. We are created by its fields, and we manifest ourselves
according to the position, place, and the field of the strength accordingly. I made man
in the image of Myself, because I made man from the fields of Myself. It's not that
there is something called God, separated, and then other things came in it. The reality
is it is not 2 things, the Creator and us. It's us created from the fields of the Creator.
Q: You always say that only fields of the same or similar strength will interact with
one another, yet it is the difference of strength which creates the gradient that
produces the motion of the field. Can you more clearly explain that?
Keshe: You see when we send a field ahead, because we sent it, it carries part of the
strength of the connection of the fields with us. (1:36). It means because it came
from us, it has that field strength connection. So it is not something abnormal, it
comes from us, so it has a connection fields from us to start with, but of a higher order
then we carry. And because it is created by us, it carries part of us, it has a connection
with us, it's the same thing with the Creator. We come from the fields of it, so we
have connection to it. And this process is the same.

Q: .. (1:38). I have been working on a MaGrav coil flight system, ..

Keshe: Can you explain to us what the system does.
Q; whenever we want to flight we have to connect to a certain field strength of the
point of destination and I try to do this with my system, but I think it is to weak to
achieve this task so I try to create a base reference point where the system can pushes
away from it.
Keshe: Instead of going by gravitational, you choose the path of magnetical, this we
understand. This you need when you are taking off from a planet. So you are
approaching it from the reverse, instead of getting pulled to, you push your self away.
we see this, you are not wrong. we see this with the flight system of UFO over
Jerusalem, over Christmas, if you understand it. .. you are not on the wrong path.
we saw it over Jerusalem the UFO, it suddenly takes a flashing vertical takeoff. .. is
not by changing gravitational, (1:40). is using the magnetical field of the Earth in a
reverse condition to push you away. This has been explained in a number of papers.
In a way, .. but you have to understand it. We have 2 ways of flight, we can reduce
gravitational fields of us, let's say in a flight system , in respect to Earth, or let's say
we connect to the gravitational of the Moon and it pulls us to it. the other way we
match the magnetosphere of the planet. And the push of it throws us out. This is an
extremely dangerous way of .. it's like going on top of the Eiffel Tower and jumping
off without a parachute and hoping to survive. It has to be done
the danger is that your magnetical shield is very thin. so if there is an aircraft above
you hit it, or you literally decimate it. So what you talk about increasing the
magnetical, is the correct way of taking off. (1:42).

Why Knowledge Seekers systems cannot Fly

Q; Do I need to create opposite rotation fields to be in the same direction , same

line of movement.
Keshe: I go back into what they call enlighten, or give you some information. If you
look we don't see flying objects coming in the same direction or flying the same way,
moving up or moving down. they don't always come from north to west or west to
north or whatever. So the direction of flow is not that important if you understand the
strength of the flow, and the Inertia of the flow. The reason you cannot fly is that you
have not created the field Inertia. Or you have created a Field Inertia, but you haven't
created a field magnetical and gravitational. This is one of the reasons most of the
people who work with the Keshe Foundation Technology never succeed because they
haven't understood this. (1:44). A flight system of the plasmatic condition is a
combination of magnetical and gravitational, I, strength of the physical structure and
the Soul. And you have to create a system that encompasses all 5, that's why we gave
you this Cup of 5, for you to start practicing. Try to see if you can match, try to see if
you can replicate. So when you try to achieve lift and flight and you don't, you have to
see which part you have achieved.

1975 Serral Flight rotating solid magnets

If you go back to 1975, and Serral flight system where the motion of the magnetical
and gravitational field of the number of solid magnets to the speed and rotation has
created lift of the vehicle, they have created the Inertia strength. And because it's a
huge number of magnets circulating the high speed within each other, they create a
spectrum of the fields of the matter state of the Earth. If they could create the
magnetical and gravitational, magnetical and gravitational field of the Earth then they
can fly easily. But then you have the problem of what is the object inside it, would it
survive? SO you have to create multiple conditions and systems, you cannot do.

Chinese Flight System had 5 Cups

I think if you look at the Chinese system of the flight for the space travel, is that
system. We have created the magnetical and gravitational, the I, the S, the magnetical,
and the ** ** (1:46). When you speak to those who were present in the trials in
Sanya, we could hear not the sound of the motors, but the interaction of the 2 fields
with each other, it was like talking with each other. We could hear space noise.

Soul of the man through Fields is how we Talk

This is how we talk, we create the motion in the direction of the Soul, and the Soul of
the physicality and then interaction with the matter states which we have put in as
vocal voice becomes the sound we create. Why do we talk our emotion, how do we
explain, you have seen, you have seen we explain our emotion, so rapidly with words,
with physicality, we tranStar Formationer the fields of our Soul, in the strength of
understanding the emotion between the physicality and the Soul, and that field in
touching the vocal box, which is of different strength becomes the voice. We don't
have a nerve system to communicate, send the information, such a thing has to vibrate
to make this. The Soul of the man in interaction of its fields with the strength of the
fields of what we call, another fields of tissues, made that tissues, vibrate, creates that
noise, becomes our voice. This is why we can speak so fast, because our emotion, in
interaction with the fields of the other entity, which is flexible to move, in interaction
becomes noise, becomes our voice, becomes the voice of our Soul, becomes the voice
of our emotion. Mankind has not even understood this, we just got a voice box,
(1:48). How come we loose our voice, but we still think, we still have emotion,
because In so many ways, this vibration in tissues, need to be continuously charged
that they can respond to the fields of the emotion of the Soul of the man and the
physicality Soul within the brain of the man. That's why we can explain our emotion
so easy with our voice, with our face, with our eyes. If it is of a certain strength it
becomes tear, or laughter. Now maybe you understand, how when you think you talk,
because the strength of the man has created his vocal box in a way, of the strength of
his emotion, and then the 2 when they vibrate in connection with the Soul of the
physicality becomes, noise, emotion, laughter. That's why messages are not sent one
by one, messages are sent by the strength of the emotion and it is like a **sunray of
the Sun, when it hits the vocal cords becomes noise. I can make you talk without the
voice, without a vocal box. Test something, I used to do this a lot with my children,
put your head against your child's head, ear to ear, and start making small noises, and
then listen to what they respond. (1:50). And then do the same, do it with your Soul
and see how they respond. Children are easy to do. Men when you do it with your
wife or whatever you have a preset, children are there to hear the noise of their Soul.
This is one of the ways you enhance peace in the Soul of your children. Just put your
ear to their ear and hum, and see what they hear, because at the point of the ear is
somewhere where the 2 energies of the 2 souls meet. We create a temporary condition
of interaction. You create a different bond with your child when you do this. We do
this when we make love to our partners, when you are face to face, the 2 heart come.
The 2 Soul of the physicality create a magic point in-between. We know this, but we
never understood this. Then you can do some simple things, you think to your child
and say, now we go separate, don't talk, you see he moves his head away. Man has
forgotten half part of creation, when you have a child, when your wife is pregnant or
in that position, when you talk to your child, put your head on the ear, (1:52). on the
womb of the wife or the mother, and you communicate with the Soul of your child.
You give the information which it translates inside to what you have said, because it
carries the knowledge of the Soul, the emotion of your Soul, "my child I love you,
Papa is waiting for you." Men talk to their children, touch, and tranStar Formationer.
This is how you elevate the Soul of your child, how you guide it through the path.
Understand the reality about the creation and then you can create guidelines, paths for
everything to be the way it should be. The problem with the present knowledge is that
we just create the child, and it is for it to grow. It is the responsibility of the father
more than the mother, as she is the carrier of the one part to tranStar Formationer that
energy, and create the condition of evolution and the emotion of the Soul of the child
at the point of inception. The responsibility of the father is not just to give an dot
make the first seed and that's it. You enhance the body of the woman. (1:54). You
enhance the womb, the condition of the physicality for the elevation of the Soul of the
child. Being a father is not just as they say, shake and go. You have to take
responsibility and position with it, and a lot of parents don't know, don't understand.
It's not bonding, it's elevating, it's totally different concept, it’s a totally different
understanding and it's the way the Universe works. The Creator did not create us and
left us on our own. Forever He sent us messengers to elevate our Soul. He sent us the
condition and different way for many people to understand. In so many ways, through
His own Soul elevates our souls to reach the new condition.
Any other question
J: .. with the Gans material, say CO2 Gans when we make it, we put our intention and
our love, (1:56). into the process when we make it. If we have an elevated Soul and
we put an aspect of our Soul into that Gans material, is it strengthened by orders of
magnitude more? whereas before is maybe carry a field strength of 5 feet, when we do
it with elevated Soul it carries a strength much bigger, can we get the Gans material to
light up if our Soul is strong enough?
Keshe: You can, you got to go back to understanding the property of C. C has a
specific condition and it's very much like Deuterium, it's the construction of the D in
the open span of the Universe. And it's line of communication , connection with all
other fields, because the C or D in so many ways, orientation becomes the diverter
and reflector of the fields, of the magnetical fields of the Plasma. In the physical
matter we use prism to change or deflect the light to see different colors. In the
Universe the only thing which deflects, and reflects the magnetical field and motion
which man never understood, many tests have been done, (1:58). to show the light
can bend or the fields can bend is the position interaction with the sphere of the what
we call C, magnetosphere. We see that clearly within the structure of the neural
system of the man. the switching of a C creates a diamond structure or
superconductor. And it reflects and deflects it. So the C, only C, when you speak
about CO2, or when you use D you create that point of reflection and deflection of the
rays of magnetical field. You cannot destroy it, you spread it. Break it up and you link
it to another point. In a way, if you put a reflective mirror in the ray of the Sun you
can reflect it to where you want

separating the C from the O. ..


Do you understand?
J: I will try some new experiments. (2:04).
Keshe: We keep you busy. You see to do it.


We do not reach the people come in, they come on their own accord.

In Iran the Keshe Foundation has been registered as a company, and they have started
delivering.. .
Keshe Foundation Iran has started distributing One Cup One Life freely to the
Saving life has to be free at the point of demand for those who cannot afford it. This
week the Iranian Keshe Foundation, put all 3 out (2:14).

Any other question.

Q: from Jenia (2:16). .. (about the 5 Cup teaching) if the magnetical and gravitational
interchanges act as lens's, and the I + magnetical + FS act as lens's also, in rythmic
manner with each other thus changing the space properties.
R: I am not sure if you got that question.. allow you to talk.
Q: I am from Jerusalem (2:18). .. UFO video .. I am familiar with your foundation
for only about 2 weeks. I was excited about it because I was interested in the field of
metaphysics for some years. To sum it up the knowledge which you tried to deliver it,
it was like the missing puzzle for me. When I saw a video of Nicholas that's what
hooked me up. So from my understanding of plasma and all the fields, was, it's like a
divided condition, of balanced condition which makes motion, and motion is like ..
the initial particle, that you call it. That makes the MaGrav fields, which are just the
same fields, which goes to in opposite directions, and interacts with each other. So I
am trying understand, this topic helps me to see as lens, (2:20). like every condition,
every environment are like different condition of lens's, which interact with each
other. So I try to understand the Cup concept, which I am not familiar yet. I am trying
to figure it out, because I was watching what you were showing about a half hour ago
on the board. My question is how to, from my point of view I see those Cups as
optical, like they make optical conditions with each other, that with interaction with
each other make different conditions that allow some fields to pass through, and some
fields to not. It's hard to describe pictures in our minds sometimes in words. So I try to
put this question online and see if Mr. Keshe might interpret in a certain way to see
your reaction. In a topic of optics, to see the fields in an optics manner.
Keshe: thank you very much. In so many ways, you are not far wrong. (2:22). The
Cups are set not as optics, but as a field interaction system in respect to each other.
Starting from weakest in what we call gravitational strength, but strongest in
gravitational attraction, and visa versa in magnetical. And as they create that field
expansion, they interact with the Inertia, which we have created by the matter state of
the fields MaGrav system, and in what those 2 interact, and what we have put up as a
Soul, then it creates the dimension of the physicality of what to be. In a way, you call
it optics, we call it, interaction of fields, what is created from the bottom, in
interaction .. that's the essence of the creation, or Cup #5 - the magnetical and
gravitational, in essence is all the same in all the plasmas in the Universe. What that
field in a given position and condition, in interaction with its source which created it,
creates that Inertia, which creates its matter condition. Which in that process, the
interaction, what fields, the Inertia and the source create, leads to the creation of the
** Soul strength. and then interaction of the Soul strength, with the 2 which have
created it, (2:24). gives it the physicality and the Soul of the physicality. In a way, if
you put it this way, the MaGrav, the Cup #5 becomes the source. Cup #4 is created
from the interaction of the source and what created it, which is the Sun, which creates
that Inertia self, by itself, back to its position. And then the Inertia and the magnetical
and gravitational field of the two leads to creation of the Soul. And then the Soul in
interaction with the two, leads to physicality. This is why when we get to the certain
points, or the mountain, we see a tree line, no tree grows beyond that line, because the
Inertia in that position, in respect to the MaGrav of the planet, does not support Soul
of a plant, that in interaction leads to the creation of the plant. Now we understand the
process in its true meaning. This is why we see certain creatures cannot live or exist in
certain positions, because the interaction of the fields fo the Inertia and the magnetical
and gravitational of the planet, does not support the Soul of creature, creation. This is
why we have .. you see this, especially in Middle east, in Jerusalem most probably
been there for thousands of years. (2:26). Some water wells have fish in it, some
water wells don't, it depends on the depth and interaction with the planet, and the
mixture of the water which runs through it. You have waters which run for centuries
with no life in them, or certain minute life. But some water lines run and they create
life, fish , because it is according to, if the interaction of the Inertia field strength of
the matter state in that environment with the magnetical and gravitational allows the
creation of the Soul of what can be living in that water which crosses, and leads to the
creation, manifest itself as a fish. Now we understand the process of creation on this
planet and everywhere else. A running field like a water, creates a running structure
like a fish. Then how the fish wants to grab, to stand, or to walk, or to hold on to, or
whatever, leads to creation of other entities as we know. You call it optics, we call it a
field tranStar Formationormation. I hope we answered you?
Q: Yeah, you sort of answered me, because we all have our own definitions so it's
something I have to meditate and think about, (2:28). before I react to it, so thank you
Mr. Keshe.
Keshe: I left you to meditate by picture.

Q: .. Dutch
Keshe: Dutch Holland is our home. many good people.
Q: So when you were talking about Inertia, life in the deep sea versus, you also talk
like there are intelligent beings in the sky right? So
Keshe: Intelligence is everywhere. (2:30).
Q: So if they were to make the Cups they would have the same magnetical and
gravitational Cups but they would have different Inertia Cups as you go up and down
the ** sky
Keshe: Yeah, if it is within the boundary of the planet Earth, yes.
Q: back to the magnetical and gravitational Cup, if I want to go to the Moon, am I
separating my Nano coated spiral Zn away from each other, or pushing them together
to change the gap. or ** introducing another material ..
Keshe: No you have to introduce the magnetical and gravitational of the Moon.
Q: How do I figure out what the magnetical and gravitational of the Moon is?
Keshe: We have the facilities to measure certain amounts of the Universe at the
moment. Partially the matter state or the Inertia state of the surface of the Moon gives
us a partially a clear indication in respect to MaGrav of the Moon as well. You have
to realize that any entity within the solar system has a common denominator MaGrav
strength. So you have to find the ** solar MaGrav strength, and then the position
strength of the Moon, and the strength of its Inertia will give you the ** surface of it.
Then you can choose where on the Moon you want to land, the surface you see. And
then there are options when you approach, you change to matter state, physical state
matter of the surface, (2:32). that you can position yourself anywhere. In the liquid,
in the different depth of the planet ** the surface or above it.
Q: ?**
Keshe: In a way, .. (back on the board ) you have to extend the knowledge. wait .
If you look we had the magnetical and gravitational of the Earth, and that magnetical
and gravitational, then we had the Inertia of the Earth, but this in totality has another
magnetical and gravitational of the Sun. So when we want to travel anywhere in the
solar system, we have to tune to be within this range of the magnetical and
gravitational of the Sun. Then we stay within the boundary of the solar system. So our
common denominator is this (magnetical and gravitational of Sun), then the common
denominator of the magnetical and gravitational of the Moon., and then position of
what we call Inertia. The Inertia could be liquid, gas, or solid. You want to be on the
surface, or in the depth of the liquid, or you want to be in the gaseous above, or on the
land. So our MaGrav system has to include magnetical and gravitational. We want to
travel outside the solar system we have to consider our galaxies position. (If) we want
to go to sub-matter we have to understand the sub-matter condition. . Now the
knowledge makes sense. You want to travel into the center of the Universe then you
have to understand the Universe field and what strength is that, and then you do the
same in which Universe in the Unicose or the dimension of the Creator. Nothing
changes, it's just how we adopt, what strength we use.
Q: So in reference to our body, you are coming up with the cures, in the Body
Enhancement Unit and uses some Gans's to cure yourself. So we use. So do we look
at our body the same way, Does our body have an magnetical and gravitational too.
(3:36). Or we have an Inertia for certain organs, and .. I know we have an over
physicality in reference to the magnetical and gravitational of the Earth, but
Keshe: Yes, you have to do the same. You have to do the same with the Soul. yes.
Then you do the same with the Soul of the Cu or the Zn. This is why, one of the
reasons, we embedded as part of the structure we have been explaining for some time,
the Soul of the HKeshe Foundation in the system. That's a point of reference for
humanity. The Soul of the humanity, and a peaceful Soul of the humanity. Now
maybe you understand why.
Q: That's how you were able to figure out how to cure people of different diseases,
because you have a reference like you have set up here, for any entity, right?
Keshe: Yes.
Q: I have been trying to get my head around this for like 7 years now.
Keshe: Now you got around it, or it has got around you?
Q: I don't know. .. it starting to look like good morning. .
Keshe: I hope it is a very good morning. (2:38).
You see we do a lot of things, we talk about it. but people don't understand at the
time. And I have been told many times, "don't say this, they don't comprehend they
need to work a little bit at it." In that process a lot fo things put in the structure of the
systems and everything else is explained but never understood. There are a lot of
things ahead of time in all the systems. You want to travel to a dimension fo position
in the Universe, you have to understand the strength of the Soul of existence in that
Universe. That you can match, you can interact, you can elevate your Soul with but
still keep the Soul of humanity or human race on it, in it, within it.
Q: Thank you

Do you want to go on commercial Break ..>> (2:47).

Any other questions.

Q: we are a particle of the Sun that is the maximum creator and our souls create our
physicality. if so why does it do it, for what? If it must, evolution evolve to reach the
Soul? (2:48).
repeats ..
Keshe: It's part of natural progress of life. Nothing we can do with it. It's a natural
process. Nothing else.

Q: You said we are going to have an Enhancement Unit in each city ..

Keshe: We'll start with one unit and see how it develops.
Q: maximum 12 (2:50).
Keshe: We prefer them to be at one center .. about 1000 sq meter.
Keshe: Because of the Earth gravitational fields is too strong, so we separate it.
about 3 or 4 meters off the ground.
The Knowledge Seekers of the country have to back it
Bret: Hello
Keshe: Hello stranger.
B: I am not a stranger, you know I am in the background.
You have to be 20 feet off the ground to get away from the fields of the Earth.
Keshe: what has to be you can be 100 feet it is still at it.
We have facilitated a system inside, that within 3 or 4 meters we are pretty safe.
B: I am saying in general ..
Keshe: would like to introduce yourself.
B: My name is Bret ** Baggart, I have been around the Keshe Foundation from
almost the beginning. I am part of the Core Team,
Keshe: Bret is one of the 12 Core team of the Keshe Foundation US citizen.
Any other questions

Q: So we envision the location and we are drawn to it?

Keshe: If you elevate your Soul to reach that position, yes you can. (2:54).
Understanding the process, just not to vision it, visualize it. To understand the reason
why and how.
Any other question.


Q: What plasmatic fields forms between a nano Fe coil and normal one in saltwater?
Keshe: There are all different conditions, they create different magnetical field
strengths, that's all. (2:56). Q:

Keshe: It's all the definition of the field strengths ..

Everything you add or you put you create a new dimension.

R: How would they find out what plasma field forms between these items.
Keshe: It's just measuring the strength of it. It's like we know the Zn and Cu create a
near enough C field. It comes by experience till the coming time measuring tools can
tell you exact size.
R: in the mean time is that part of feeling the fields?
Keshe: understanding the strength difference and how and why. You see Fe and nano
Fe are 2 different field strengths, even they are on top of each other. That's why they
are separated. The top layer Fe has totally different strength then the nano ones
strength. Each layer creates its own fields, its own condition. (2:58).
Any other questions.

Q: different intensities of light.. they were flickering ..

Keshe: can we see it. ..

Keshe: We see that with most of the video nowadays .
R: .. we should do a little more research .
Keshe: We see these quite a lot .

Q: I wish to join with doctors




Keshe: the systems will be bought by the company setup in that city ..
Q: we're just doing a Corona system for person in Germany .
When it comes to Knowledge Seekers who collectively get together
Keshe: Yes of course, when many Knowledge Seekers gets involved the better it is.

The Universal Council decides

Every 10,000 of it is 1% share of the company. So if people want that share it will be
allocated. That's what has been done in Iran

From now on we try to spread the knowledge rapidly. ..

Q: Maraneds ..
Keshe: Medical doctors ..

Q: How long does it take for the medical doctor to be trained?

Keshe: It will take 1 week, all the teaching will be recorded after the first week..

(3:12). And then it goes through.. gradually the doctors decide how they want to
handle the patients.

Q: Is there a guarantee if something happens to the machine, it doesn't work , it would

be mended .. ?
Keshe: What do you mean.
Keshe: No the machine works for every reason, the only thing is if the field is set for
the case given. It's not the machine doesn't work. the machines always works. It's just
that. .. we have had cases of people they benefited by and then they said it didn't do
anything, and can we have our money back. and we done that and we seen what
happened to them. the system is set for the enhancing the tissue or whatever it is set
for ..

Q: When can we order one?

Keshe: Today.

Q; Even in Europe it is set.

Keshe: Yes .
Q: Is there any other Universe exist which use the same law adversely .
is there any other Universe which doesn't follow this magnetical and gravitational
Keshe: No it cannot be created.
At the moment we are trying to conquer the Earth to understand it.

Q: Even the Soul of the stone .. elevate ?

Keshe: the state of the Soul is understanding of the state of ones self.
Q: The stones I said. (3:16).
Keshe: Put it this way, you don't expect the stones. You reach mutation. You know in
Farsi say, it is how you elevate the Soul to reach to what extent
Even the stones have a Soul.
Q: I have heard that souls that are not good they might become part of stones for long
time. before they get >>
Keshe: We can hear anything we like.

Q: Because the people who do bad, nobody punishes them, they go where?
Keshe: We are not aware of their punishment, but in so many ways, they find their
own positioning.
Q: .. that correct, So you say a stone by waiting a long, long time and they might
Keshe: It depends, if you believe in the transmutation of element you change a
whatever to gold, which has a higher order, which means higher strength, which
means even the Fe can receive fields, that in the strength of its fields can behave as a
gold in respect to its environment. And there is no limitation in the field strength of
the any entity. (3:18).
Shall we call it a day.

As we seen today we have started a new process for the Keshe Foundation as the
knowledge and the Technology will come directly ** to you. This is the time to start
and we support it, and the Keshe Foundation Austria as a source of the Technology
will develop and deliver. And now it is in the hands of the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to move. You wanted a system to be in your city, now we
facilitate it, we back it, and we develop it. And then maybe these centers become the
centers of excellence over time. But my advice to Universal Council, EC members,
and .. Enhancement Unit is try to be correct, try to introduce equally across the whole
planet, and all the nations. In so many ways, be impartial to place of birth and
language you come from. Look at the benefit to the totality ..

(3:20). we deliver more to be done .. we have literally put the whole backing to the

from today we understand the principle structure of creation, what I call inception to
its final limitation as a body, be it the planet, be it plant, human body, or a stone,
water, or gas. Now we understand more, the way the life is created in Universe.
Thank you
As we head to 21st of October, from there on we start teaching knowledge which is
never been known by man. Opening of the space Technology which adds to the
enhancement of the knowledge and the Soul of humanity.

R: 349 Knowledge Seekers Workshop (3:22).



Knowledge Seekers Workshop Summaries

(350 through >> )

350th Knowledge Seekers Workshop; October 15, 2020

Keshe Foundation wants to have an Enhancement Unit in every city on the planet
5 Month Phase of Deep Space Teachings
I will introduce physical systems, that mankind can go through the transmutation
We are the Messengers of the Universe
We teach you to be able to go through the transmutations of the energies of the
World leaders to negotiate the path through the full interaction and interface between
humanity and the Universal Council
Physical Structure of Man is Like Galaxy of Stars
Mankind's Beauty - Industrialization in the Universe
Every Material in Universe will be Available to Man
Details about Carolina Attacks on Keshe Foundation and Her Behavior, and last time
to discuss it we have to move on
Soul of the physicality Falls in Love with Married Woman - Level only of
Physicality not Soul
Tells what Satan and satanic mean
Teaching on how to calculate Inertia, has to do with magma
Enhancement Unit has nothing to do with Med-beds




Keshe Foundation wants to have an Enhancement Unit in every city on the planet, 5
Month Phase of Deep Space Teachings, Our presence can be a joy and adding to, or
our presence, with the field we carry, with the amino acid strength we carry can be a
poison to the citizens of the position,

We taught you the 5 Cups so you can become aware of the interaction of the fields,
and materials of the environment, the strength of your own existence, material and the
fields which you are created of.

Your Soul is the solar system of your existence, your physicality is that Earth, Moon,
that Saturn within that structure, For the next 5 months will bring mankind ready to be
able, not only takeoff from this planet, not only go to the Moon, Mars, to beyond
other stars and galaxies, but to be able to walk on there, be able, (:16). not only be
trapped in the spacesuit or spaceship, but learn how to change the characteristics,
mutations of his own Soul strength, that it can exist and operate to that environment

Mankind will learn how to use the energy of the Universe for his own existence, for
interaction of the fields, for confirmation of his presence of his Soul

Take Soul of the physicality without Physical Dimension - Fit into Any Dimension in
Mankind has to learn two fundamental points, as he is aware, but he needs to
understand, one is how to create interaction in the Soul of his physicality, with the
Soul of itself, that in interaction of the two, and the interaction of the third, creates the
condition of the existence in the presence of the dimension of the fields, which means
if mankind learns to take the Soul of the physicality without the dimension of his
physical dimension, then in interaction with his Soul, and as a solar system
interaction, with the Soul of the environment, man will fit into any dimension in the

In the back end of the 5 months I will introduce physical systems, that mankind can
go through the transmutation.

We are the messengers of the Universe, we carry the knowledge of the creation from
the beginning to the end. We manifest ourselves in the physicality of the man and
speak the language of the man, but in essence we are not. We are the Soul from the
Soul of the Creator, we teach for the races how to learn to exist within the span of the
My work, to complete the work of the past messengers is completed, and now my true
essence and the reason we came, will be taught in the coming months. How to take
man and humanity from the village of the Earth and to teach it how to become a
citizen of the Universe
We teach you, and guide you to be able to go through the transmutations of the
energies of the Universe

We'll bring the world leaders to negotiate the path through the full interaction, and
interface between humanity and the Universal Council in the coming months

We will manifest in some of the Enhancement Unit, the presence of those who you
call aliens, that we can see them, we trust them, and in the process, within the
structure of the Enhancement Unit we create the condition that the Soul of the man
meets with the Soul of the presence of the "men of space," within these systems,

The Enhancement Unit which you place in different parts of this planet is the way that
we elevate the Soul of this planet that the man and the totality can come in the
interface with the reality of his own existence and the Universal Council

If the world leaders decide to put (aside) all divisions and make One Nation of this
planet, they will be taught the knowledge that brings prosperity and peace, and wealth
of the wisdom of the knowledge to every citizen of this planet

Financial structure man has created will have no meaning, and the cities you have
built will become a place of history, where the man lives where his Soul is happy.
Where the man is in love with giving and taking from the creation and the Creator.

I made the Man in the image of Myself," and this image has to live both in the
dimension of physicality and the Soul. And mankind will be taught how to be able to
use his physical dimension for existence of his Soul in many dimensions. Loving
becomes part of the life, living is to love, and this means giving unconditionally not
only for the human race, but beyond.

Our Soul becomes another star in the totality of the creation, but in essence it might
keep the image of its origin, where man stays, in total transparency of the fields,
without the dimension of physical existence

Physical Structure of Man is Like Galaxy of Stars -- If we take the physical structure
of the man, the way we see it, and keep these points, center points, the stars, the Soul
of the kidney, the liver, the heart, and the rest. What we'll see, we see nothing but a
galaxy, galaxy of stars, different strength, but in fact in totality, very much the shape
of a man
Many of you, in my lifetime, will embrace many of those who you call, aliens, with
love and care, the way we do with your lovers, children, and your parents

Mankind's Beauty - Industrialization in the Universe

The application of the new knowledge for the benefit of the others. This is one of the
beauties of the mankind, that he can convert the knowledge to an existing formation
of the things that he can enjoy, that can be used by the others to enjoy. Small tools to
the most advanced systems in the Universe

Every Material in Universe will be Available to Man, We teach you how to use the
positions in the Universe to tap into the energies and materials and the beauties of that
point without ever traveling to that point. In a way, you don't deplete, but you make
the replication of that position at the point of the presence of the Soul of the man,
which means every material in the dimension of the creation will be available to man,
In the past few weeks the number of Knowledge Seekers who have been enlightened,
have tested and confirmed ** with the support of the Keshe Foundation to reaching
these mutation points of energy.

It's for You to Tap into Knowledge through your Soul, Many of you will be lost in
the maze of the knowledge to come, (;54). but if you listen to this knowledge through
the Soul of your existence you will receive the knowledge and translate it into the
dimension of the Soul of the physicality

Become Aware of Soul through Devotion and Detachment,

As a Knowledge Seekers said, I don't even know where is my Soul, let alone trying to
work with it. You become aware of your Soul when you mature to the point of
understanding of devotion and detachment. We will introduce technologies that
allows you to coexist with your Soul and physicality in the dimension of the fields
and not in the dimension of matter state, that you gradually come to understand and
operate within the two, and convert as needed.
One of the Knowledge Seekers in the purity of heart has already achieved it. Many
other Knowledge Seekers have touched it, the strength of it has frightened them.


You cannot lie in the Enhancement Unit, courts, prisons, hospitals will be of the past
Do they trust the Soul of the Universal Council (to do) what is best for humanity
We are not creating another Vatican

Details about Carolina Attacks on Keshe Foundation and Her Behavior, and last time
to discuss it we have to move on
When we come as the messengers of the Universal Messengers, we come in different
shapes and forms, and we come in the structure of enlightening the Soul of the man.
Some souls become aware of our presence long before the others, and they inform

But the MaGrav is one of the most advanced Technology in the Universe. It's access
to universal energy if you understand what to do with it, and most of you because of
lack of knowledge of the cosmic rays, understanding the physical matter of electronic,
you're all lost in it.

Teachings on Love

Soul of the physicality and Soul of the man have Different Agendas - both Came to
The Soul comes and the physicality is the servant to taste, to give it the taste of what it
is. (2:10) .
Soul of the man Decision Maker for Universe - Soul of the physicality for Earth

Soul of the physicality Falls in Love with Married Woman - Level only of
Physicality not Soul
It's the Soul of the physicality, you fall in love. because mankind has not learned to
fall in love with the Soul yet. We have taught one or two, but mankind has not learned
to fall in love with the Soul of the physicality and Soul of the man together
You see physical love comes from interaction from physical matter state of the body
of the man
You are becoming part of the Universal Council, is you find matching magnetical
field strength on certain points with other creatures of the Universe. As we come **
the man's ** And in that process you find out, your physical body's amino acid, and
his or her physical body is got no, cannot or you will destroy or you will feel the
strength will change the Soul or the physicality of what you have fallen in love with,
then you keep the love in the dimension of the Soul, because physicality is
impossibility. Her blood is an acid to your DNA composition

Q: Does it mean Jalal can love his wife and the other woman at the same time?
Keshe: No, it's understanding the love exists, but is, if the other position the love
exists, then it can be respected.
Q: So you just respect it,
Keshe: You have to respect it. The creation .. And then you find out the souls will find
an accommodation for it, and they'll accommodate it, if it is done the correct way. We
are loved by mother and father, brothers and sisters, and by friends. And we respect
each one accordingly. It's respecting that love and accommodating for it to nourish.
(2:16). And if it is there to nourish it doesn't mean that you have to do this or that

Let me explain what I teach is what is there. You have to understand allowing a love
to nourish, if you can be part of it, or accommodate it, is part of the responsibility of
the existence. But it doesn't mean that you can ** kill it, because then you stand as we
call it a punishment of it
We have to allow the elevation of the Soul. And that's the true method

When we have such a position with what we call Hitler and the others, they find, that
Soul finds its position in a way that no one gives, in a way, no one receives, and so it
becomes remote. It's like a star it explodes and the one which is part of it, ** **
characteristic ** It's not a punishment, but it's what I call separation by strength of
the field

Q: .. You say a third of our population of mankind are visitors

Keshe: Most of the ones, now that we open the knowledge we'll be able to understand
the separation, they are here in the existence of the Soul. Which means they exist
through the Soul but they take physicality dimension to live. And many of them are
here for hundreds and thousands of years. they haven't gone, there are people that ..
move from one relation to another. that move from one city to another every time,
then they start a new life

Q: Is satanic or Satan a kind of plasmatic field energy or an entity?

Keshe: They come in both ship. And they both strength , ** not shape. What we call
satanic are those who take energy from us, and they us that energy which we give for
misconduct. And that's as simple as that. Misconduct at the level of the Soul of the
physicality, they never reach the Soul of the man, it's a much higher order

Q: When we listen to your teachings, do we receive it fully in our Soul, even though
our physical understanding is not coherent?
Keshe: Yes, yes of course you do. this what we say, we teach the Soul of the man of
space, you're part of that solar structure

Teaching on how to calculate Inertia, has to do with magma

Q: Who is the one who manifests himself and talks when I remember my dreams of
flying, it's my wish or a message of my Soul?
Keshe: The existence of the Soul in strength brings dimension of the emotion in the
reality of the existence
, it's the interaction of the fields of the physicality, which gives the information which
is coming through the Soul. The continuously receives information or energy from all
dimensions of Universe. Like man it filters what is applicable to it at this moment of
time here

Q: What happens to those who don't go in the Enhancement Unit, if the majority
evolve, what becomes of those who remain unchanged?
Keshe: We have done a rough calculation
Q: Med-bed, when the US government talks about Med-beds is it using the same
Technology as yours?
Keshe: No, no, Med-beds is medical beds a

Q: The strange thing as you speak your words are like my words, instantaneous
thoughts, as you speak it is coming from my Soul, instant recognition. How can my
Soul know what you are about to say,
Keshe: The voice comes from the information which is ** from the Soul of the
man, and if you are of the same understanding and strength in certain condition, as
there is no time, zero-time and position, you hear the voice, and your Soul translates it
into the knowledge for the voice box



Enhancement Unit in Every City

(:07). As we announced last week Keshe Foundation is launching that every city
will have 1 system of Enhancement Unit and this will be part of our work from
now on, to make sure that every citizen on this planet has the right to receive the
benefit of this Technology. Many of you have been trying to raise the funds to meet
the minimum demand of the work of the F. In that process you are trying to find other
people (:08). To make this easier for all the Knowledge Seekers, we advise to do as
we done with the others, to just go the Keshe Foundation website, where
Enhancement Unit is and put what you want to put for Enhancement Unit for the
country you want participate. As people from different part of the world, different
cities of the same area, would like to participate in that, we add it up and we tell you
what it is. Keshe Foundation will make a platform, how much is received from each
country and then can put in that country

5 Month Phase of Deep Space Teachings

The work of the F carries on the same .. past teaching Keshe Foundation as we
said from 21st, next week, we'll go into a 5 month phase as a deep space teaching. ..
the teaching will change. this means the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers will
be able to be taught and we think we have reached that level of understanding for all
of us. The way to survive in the space. (:10). It is easy to fly, and to takeoff and
go somewhere, but what is the outcome of going somewhere? What would you see,
how do you survive, how do you interact with the environment, what is the purpose of
this travel, what is going to happen to your body, what is going to happen to the
environment (where) you arrive? The way we care what we do on this planet, when
we arrive at the destination, our presence can be a joy and adding to, or our
presence, with the field we carry, with the amino acid strength we carry can be a
poison to the citizens of the position. We do not get there to learn, we have to
learn before we get there. And this is the purpose of the teaching in the next 5
months. .. what happens to your body, your amino acid has a H and nano
combination, and in a given destination, nano is in the form of liquid, nano cannot
exist, the magnetical field of the nano is something which the position does not create.
Does your life end, you don't enter, or you enter a position that it brings demise of
your life, or other condition.

5 Cups - How the Fields Interact

This is the purpose of the teaching from now on. In preparing mankind to be able to
survive in the span of the Universe. (:12). This is why we taught the making of the 5
Cups, for you to become aware of the interaction of the fields, and materials of the
environment, the strength of your own existence, material and the fields which you
are created of. Now you understand where the extension and merger of the teaching
comes together. Many of it for many of you, will be theoretical teaching, because you
cannot see it. But in entering the Enhancement Unit in traveling in system which are
equipped with Enhancement Unit makes life, understanding of life, understanding of
the living in the depth of the space, essential. You got to realize that mankind has
become in the past years traveler of his own space by aircraft, by going to the Moon,
and now travelers of the space by being able to go beyond the boundary with the
gaining of the new knowledge. We lay down the foundation for this work, and for
man to be able to travel in the depth of space, and this is the reason we brought you
the understanding of gravitational, magnetical fields, Inertia, the physicality of
yourself, whatever energies hold your physicality together in communication
with each other, which you call the Soul of the physicality, and the total field
interaction of your physicality, what we call the Soul of the man with its
environment. (:14).

Your Soul is the Solar System of your Existence

You've got to realize, which many of you have not understood, your Soul is the solar
system of your existence. Your physicality is that Earth, Moon, that Saturn within
that structure. And now that man becomes a partner in the depth of the space with the
Universal Council to explore every corner of this Unicose, man needs to know what is
there for it to be ready to see, to fulfill, to protect, and to be as one with the rest of the
creation of the Creator. You will see that the development of the new Technology,
makes it essential for all those who take steps to leave this planet, to understand that
they need a next step, a next structure, next development in protecting the Soul of the
man and the environment which the Soul can exist, in the new environment man
arrives in. We don't put you in a spacesuit, you make yourselves an environment that
your souls can exist , protected, but the same time being able to survive, collaborate
and enjoy different conditions of the Universe. The development of the new deep
space Technology, from now on, for the next 5 months will bring mankind ready to be
able, not only takeoff from this planet, not only go to the Moon, Mars, to beyond
other stars and galaxies, but to be able to walk on there, be able, (:16). not only be
trapped in the spacesuit or spaceship, but learn how to change the characteristics,
mutations of his own Soul strength, that it can exist and operate to that environment.
All these knowledge takes man centuries to understand, but in the teaching of today
and in the coming time we'll lay the foundation for it.

Given Energies for Physicality - Trans-mutate to the Environment you Land In

As I explained when you go to the space, and you are fed, and you are given the
energies that you keep the dimension of your physicality, would you need a blood
circulation, the eyesight to see, .. the ear to hear, do you need the stomach, liver and
kidney, when you have no blood to ** operate it is there a need for the heart of the
man, then where does the Soul of the physicality goes? Those we see that travel the
depths of the Universe, and land on the shores of this planet, have been through it. In
so many ways, they adapt, they transmute into the shape of the man, then they land
on this planet, not to change when they arrive. In so many ways, when you want to be
a marathon runner you train how to do, work, (;18). what to stop, and what to take
care of. Those who travel the shores of this planet and we see them in the form of,
mainly human shape, or those near to human shape, they have gone through the
transmutation of their souls, prior to landing on this planet. Mankind needs to
learn that, .. needs to learn to use the strength of his Soul, to the strength of the
environment of the position, to conversion of the shape of the man, to the dimension
of the physicality of the ** position. Which means you'll exist in the environment,
prepared for it, as you wear a spacesuit to go to space, you change the conversion of
the strength of the Soul to fit the environment of the Earth when you land. With that
enforces by itself, 2 legs, 2 arms, an eye ** look, but in a way you live through the
eye of the Soul of the presence . Mankind has not moved in the first step to
understand his Soul, let alone to be able to use mutation of the strength of his Soul
to convert to itself to the existence of the position and the place. These are the
teaching which will come in the coming months, many of it, very radical, many of it
you have never heard of, but you have to, and you have to be prepared if you see the
future of the man in the deep space.

How to Use the Energy of Universe for his Own Existence

There is no end to the resources of the creation. In the coming time, we'll show how
you can produce any elements as we have shown before. We will show how you can
overcome any diseases, (:20). which is amino acid based, and any change in the
strength of the fields as viruses. And then in this process mankind learns how to use
the energy of the Universe for his own existence. For interaction of the fields, for
confirmation of his presence of his Soul.

Take Soul of the physicality without Physical Dimension - Fit into Any
Dimension in Universe

Mankind has to learn two fundamental points, as he is aware, but he needs to

understand, one is how to create interaction in the Soul of his physicality, with the
Soul of itself, that in interaction of the two, and the interaction of the third,
creates the condition of the existence in the presence of the dimension of the fields,
which means if mankind learns to take the Soul of the physicality without the
dimension of his physical dimension, then in interaction with his Soul, and as a solar
system interaction, with the Soul of the environment, man will fit into any dimension
in the Universe.

I will Introduce Physical System for Mankind to go through Transmutation

In the back end of the 5 months I will introduce physical systems, that mankind
can go through the transmutation. In the later part of the development you'll be
introduced to systems you have never seen, but will become part of the norm of the
space travel.

Many will Not understand the Coming Teachings - for Later

The teaching in the coming weeks, (:22). will be so advanced that many of you will
not be able to follow, and it will take many of you months, years, and centuries of
understanding through your development, the consciousness of the existence of your
Soul, and your children and your offspring's. The teaching for coming months is not
for instantaneous absorption and understanding, but is the guideline and
message for the travelers of the future, on Earth and beyond.

We Are Messengers of the Universe

As I said, to the Iranian Knowledge Seekers, we are the messengers of the Universe,
not the Methi or Messiah. If that what you see, we taught, it's the shortcoming of your
own understanding, as we are, as we said from the beginning, we are the messengers
of the Universe, we carry the knowledge of the creation from the beginning to the
end. We manifest ourselves in the physicality of the man and speak the language
of the man, but in essence we are not. We are the Soul from the Soul of the
Creator, and we teach ** the knowledge of the space time, is the language of the
place, messiahs, be it Christ, Mohammad, Moses or whatever you call it. But in
essence we are the messengers of the Universe, which means we teach for the races
how to learn to exist within the span of the Universe. Each planet, each solar
system is like a little village with their own tradition, and their own ways. As
messengers of the Universe, (:24). we bring all to understand one common language,
and to speak and behave in that dimension. My work, to complete the work of the
past messengers is completed, and now my true essence and the reason we came,
will be taught in the coming months. How to take man and humanity from the
village of the Earth and to teach it how to become a citizen of the Universe. Up to
now we completed, what Moses, Mohammad, Christ and other scientists on this
planet did not complete, that we bring you to the platform, zero platform of the
knowledge of the Universe. Teaching from next week on will be very much in the
depth of the understanding of the motion of the oceans of the fields of the
Universe. How would you like to come out, as a mermaid, as a fish, or as a man?
You choose, from own on, if you learn that dimension, living on this planet will
become easier, because your understanding of the higher order, becomes the norm.
You played with Gans's, with everything else, but ask yourself why did we teach
these? Why did we bring you this way?

Why have we introduced the Enhancement Unit, why have we introduced new
understanding of the new physics, chemistry, biology as a collective one size. (:26).
It's mankind who has pigeonholed his level of understanding, single interactions - I
become the physicist, double interactions - I become chemist, triple interactions I
become biologists. But in essence they're all one. As I said .. you keep your Methi
and Messiahs, that's your job, but understand what is to come, and evolve that you can
survive the span of the Universe ** as your Soul, or interaction of the Soul of the
physicality and the Soul of the man, as one being across the span of the Universe.

Mankind has not managed to overcome what we call zero gravity, a few kilometers
away from itself, in what they call the Spacelab. Mankind has not managed to walk on
the surface of the Moon without equipment. Mankind has not managed even to reach
Moon in the instantaneous existence of both the dimension of the Earth and the Moon.
And he still needs days and days to travel to reach even to the closest object to this
planet. Now teaching the man to be able to travel the span of the Universe, in a snap
of a finger, is very far fetching. But in time to come, those who elevate in the
knowledge of the Universe, will show the others the true job of now taking mankind
to the Universal Council starts in the coming weeks. As we promised, and the
knowledge will be very sweet, very short, but in depth, (:28). that it needs the true
understanding in unraveling, the what we call the essence of the creation in the
dimension of the interaction of the fields of the Universe. And those who elevate to
understand this order ** meets their Creator in essence of the their Soul. Now in the
coming weeks, months, we make you to understand, and comprehend. We teach you,
and guide you to be able to go through the transmutations of the energies of the
Universe. We'll show you through enhancement centers how you'll interact, how you
will come in touch with the men of the Universe, with the creatures of the Creator.

Some of the Enhancement Unit in the specific collaboration of the governments will
be made as a point of interaction between the governments and the systems of the
Universe. .. . we'll bring the world leaders to negotiate the path through the full
interaction, and interface between humanity and the Universal Council in the
coming months. .. the interim course, and interim people who we trust, who will see
these transactions through will be the members of the Universal Council, EC, and the
Mozhans, who have been elevated to that level. The true work of the, what we call,
"very few," (:30). becomes apparent in the coming time. We will manifest in some
of the Enhancement Unit, the presence of those who you call aliens, that we can
see them, we trust them, and in the process, within the structure of the
Enhancement Unit we create the condition that the Soul of the man meets with
the Soul of the presence of the "men of space," within these systems, we make the
Enhancement Unit a point of interaction, where we create the condition for existence
of both lives, of the man, and men of Universe, in the true essence of their creation to
negotiate, to understand and make the path easy for the rest of the humanity to go
through the process of, what we call, unification of the Soul of the man with the rest
of the Universe. We'll appoint a number of world leaders we trust to head these
negotiations through the Universal Council members. As I said, many world leaders
will go into these Units and become the negotiators between the man and the
Universal Council. If you understand, we announce the 5 Seat systems, that's not for
the flight of the man to positions on this planet, but it's there as a point for the leaders
of this planet to meet with the leaders of the Universal Council, appointed delegations
to negotiate the path, to teach the man the way to change the behavior of the animals
on this planet, to change the condition that the Earth becomes a peaceful planet
without the need for abuse. (:32). A planet without the leadership, a planet where
every man leads their own lives. The Enhancement Unit which you place in different
parts of this planet is the way that we elevate the Soul of this planet that the man and
the totality can come in the interface with the reality of his own existence and the
Universal Council. If the world leaders decide to put (aside) all divisions and
make One Nation of this planet, they will be taught the knowledge that brings
prosperity and peace, and wealth of the wisdom of the knowledge to every citizen of
this planet. Not only man, but those who live here amongst us, as different names we
have chosen for them, as the lion ** and the lamb.

The teachings and the demonstration of the use of the Enhancement Unit for point of
meeting by the world leaders and the Universal Council, will be extended to the point
that most of the citizens of this planet will become part of, because their Soul creates
part of the Soul of the creation of this planet. In so many ways, as I said, in other
teachings, mankind will move in totally different direction in the coming weeks
and months. (:34). Where financial structure man has created will have no
meaning, and the cities you have built will become a place of history, where the
man lives where his Soul is happy. Where the man is in love with giving and
taking from the creation and the Creator. In so many ways, we'll turn on the speed
up, as we find ** to teach mankind the first alphabet of the life in the Universe, needs
a lot of understanding, devotion to peace, devotion to unity, and devotion to be able to
accept what comes from the beauty of the joining such a vast ocean of knowledge,
which has been kept away from man, by the man's misconduct himself. What would
be the outcome of all these works, depends primarily on Knowledge Seekers who
have been ** in the format, those who have taken steps to make sure the knowledge,
not only through the term of physicality, but through the Soul of the man has **
respect in equal earnest and justice.

What we have taught you is in fact the structure of your own existence in the
Universe. (:36). Do not forget, "I made the Man in the image of Myself," and this
image has to live both in the dimension of physicality and the Soul. And mankind
will be taught how to be able to use his physical dimension for existence of his
Soul in many dimensions. Loving becomes part of the life, living is to love, and
this means giving unconditionally not only for the human race, but beyond. As I
have said many times, I have no fear of leaving the physical dimension the body of
the man, but the responsibility is there to teach, to complete the mission that one can
leave in peace, and in the coming weeks and months we'll teach that way. We will
shake the cornerstones of the creation of the life on this planet, the structure you have
set as citizens. Your banking system, your social structures, your health, where no
man will get sick anymore, as on the primary energy tranStar Formationers will bring
the balance to the Soul and the physicality. This is what man has never learned, ** in
the fear of his existence. He has made temples and statues and worshipped different
lights, to safeguard from it. But he never understood he could use his own Soul as the
light of the existence to overcome. (:38). We have taught you many things in a very
simple way, that as many people could learn. We have shown you many things. From
now on, those who are there for you to complete to understand your own structure,
your own working, now you learn ** the working of ** Where the ** lines of
existence, what you call the Soul of the man is the cornerstone of every ** peace in
every dimension. Mankind will learn to exist in different dimensions.
.. ( Rick can you allow ) (:40).
In so many ways, mankind has to understand the next step in the evolution, in
evolution of the Soul of the man and with it to understand the position of the Soul of
the man, and in that process mankind has to become evolved in knowledge, in the
new knowledge, in new Technology which is unknown. But in that process we try to
teach both. In so many ways, the Soul of the man becomes ** which is of the
physicality of the man but not the physical ** ..
Our Soul becomes another star in the totality of the creation, but in essence it
might keep the image of its origin, where man stays, in total transparency of the
fields, without the dimension of physical existence. (:42).

Physical Structure of Man is Like Galaxy of Stars

If we look in the depths of the oceans of the life, and the physicality of the man, every
organ of the man has a center point, which creates the condition for itself. And in that
process it creates to be like a star. If we take the physical structure of the man, the
way we see it, and keep these points, center points, the stars, the Soul of the kidney,
the liver, the heart, and the rest. What we'll see, we see nothing but a galaxy, galaxy
of stars, different strength, but in fact in totality, very much the shape of a man.
(:44). In essence, humanity or mankind will see themselves his physicality as another
galaxy, a collection of ** the stars. And by feeding from Soul to each cell, to each star
can change the condition, then mankind will find that the life becomes indefinite, life
becomes ** more, but man to live that life he needs to understand the work of the
fields of the Universe.

Interesting time ahead for man and mankind to open new universities, new institutes
to learn about energy fields of his life and his existence in the Universe. And spend
time and contemplate on how these energies can be used, not only for the burden of
mankind, but the citizens of the Universe. In the coming time many of you, in my
lifetime, will embrace many of those who you call, aliens, with love and care, the
way we do with your lovers, children, and your parents, as you realize you are all
made of the same and you all participate in one dimension and the other. (:46). for
everlasting confirmation of the existence of the Creator. Nothing else.

Mankind's Beauty - Industrialization in the Universe

In the coming weeks we will show new materials, .. materials which belong to the
deep space, and never seen on this planet, for man to learn new ways. To bring the
beauty of the man, what you call industrialization. The application of the new
knowledge for the benefit of the others. This is one of the beauties of the
mankind, that he can convert the knowledge to an existing formation of the
things that he can enjoy, that can be used by the others to enjoy. Small tools to
the most advanced systems in the Universe. In a way, mankind beauty and ability to
be able to change and convert the knowledge of the Universe, into systems and
equipments that others can be enjoyed, is the cornerstone and beauty of this race, not
only loving, but being able to translate, and conform and confirm different ways of
enjoying the beauty of what has been created. Industrial revolution in the level of the
Universe will create so much joy, (:48). and bring so many to this planet, that the
Earth will become the cornerstones of what we call, "Industrialization of the
Universe," for them to see and confirm the beauty of the existence of the Creator and
nothing else. Mankind does not only have the ability to love, but the ability to convert
the knowledge into physical things, as you call it the car and the others. But in the
Universe this is a rarity. It's a very rare thing to find races who do these things. The
majority of the races use the energy fields to translate. Mankind has the beauty of
translating and tranStar Formationerring materials into physical tangible beauty. This
is why many travelers of the Universe come to this planet. To love and learn what you
call, "industrialization," what we call the conversion of the ** and fields of the
Creator into beautiful objects that can be enjoyed across the Universe. where it can be
shown. Interpretation of the change of the fields to physical dimension of anything is
one of the beauties of the man's race. And one way or another, this race is ** growing
much faster in that direction in the dimension of understanding of the conversion and
creation then any other race in the Universe. Maybe this race is blessed for the
presence of the Creator, in the ** past ** (:50). Mankind will show his beauty not
only in loving, but in the new dimension we teach. Everything is not bad on this
planet, even though it looks that way to its citizens. We have come to bring peace and
prosperity to the race of the man, in that process we have seen many ** wrongs, but
forgive, but not forget.

Every Material in Universe will be Available to Man

We teach you how to use the positions in the Universe to tap into the energies and
materials and the beauties of that point without ever traveling to that point. In a
way, you don't deplete, but you make the replication of that position at the point
of the presence of the Soul of the man, which means every material in the
dimension of the creation will be available to man, every field will be available to
man at the point of the need. The way you tap into and get your Cu from Africa into
Europe to make your Cups, now you do the same, but through the transmutation of
the fields from far distance stars. You don't mine, but you tranStar Formationer
energies to create that condition. (:52). We use the position as the reference and
create conditions within the structure of your own ** to replicate that fields, that on
Earth will show itself in a new condition. We will teach you how the materials you
see in the other parts of the Universe to be manufactured and to be used on this planet
by creating in a field dimension transparent, that you can manipulate the material **
they still ** exist within their own environments but within the environment of the
presence of this planet. What does this mean, it's literally being able to produce the
material in the spacesuit where you can put your hand in it , but both exist, the
environment ** of the material for its dimension to confirm, and for you to be able to
manipulate to show its beauty. In the past few weeks the number of Knowledge
Seekers who have been enlightened, have tested and confirmed ** with the
support of the Keshe Foundation to reaching these mutation points of energy.

It's for You to Tap into Knowledge through your Soul

Many of you will be lost in the maze of the knowledge to come, (;54). but if you
listen to this knowledge through the Soul of your existence you will receive the
knowledge and translate it into the dimension of the Soul of the physicality. In a
way we'll ** leave it, according to the knowledge and the teaching within your souls.
And it is for you to be able to tap on to it.
Become Aware of Soul through Devotion and Detachment

As a Knowledge Seekers said, I don't even know where is my Soul, let alone trying
to work with it. You become aware of your Soul when you mature to the point of
understanding of devotion and detachment. We will introduce technologies that
allows you to coexist with your Soul and physicality in the dimension of the fields
and not in the dimension of matter state, that you gradually come to understand
and operate within the two, and convert as needed. Initially we'll show these in the
Enhancement Unit, and then as you learn how to do it, as I said before, it's like going
to driving lessons, learning how to drive a car, we will teach you in these
Enhancement Unit under specific construction of them, to be able to see, to embrace
your Soul. I made a promise to one Knowledge Seekers, you should be able to
embrace the Soul of your loved ones, (:56). to find peace, to find a new dimension of
existence. Many of you have been waiting to see the Soul of your son, wife, parents ?
** in the coming time we are setting up in the Enhancement Unit, this becomes
possible. One of the Knowledge Seekers in the purity of heart has already achieved it.
Many other Knowledge Seekers have touched it, the strength of it has frightened
them. Now this become a known, as you understand the life is not in the dimension of
physicality, but is in the dimension of the Soul of the existence in any position in the
Universe. As I said, we start laying out what is to come, before 21st March 2021 ?**

Are there any question?

Q; If you can use the Enhancement Unit to interact with the Universal Council, can
you also use it to find people who have been kidnapped and find the perpetrator?
Keshe: Yes, this is part of the beauty of this Technology. Many world leaders and
criminal organizations around the world will fight for these systems not to be shown.
As their conduct will be opened up. This is what we said, we bring in the justice by
true operation of the Soul. These sharing of the knowledge and Technology will be
done. (1:00). We'll bring it into the court of justice that no man can lie. .. I cannot lie
you see my Soul.
Rick: What would happen if a bad guy wanted to use the Enhancement Unit to find
someone to kidnap?
Keshe: That's impossible.. you'll understand the wrong intentions will not be possible,
because working through the Soul ..
.. very soon courts, prisons, hospitals, will be left in the doldrums of the history of the
mankind. (1:02).
Q: The Soul is central to the teaching, can you tell us the levels of Soul awareness that
one can attain?
Keshe: All of it, it depends on your acknowledgement of ** existence, it's you who
puts limitation. We choose the level of peacefulness, love and care, how much
knowledge we want to have.
Q: application of Enhancement Unit from Keshe Foundation, (1:04).

Keshe: Keshe Foundation is prepared to participate up to 95% in special cases. we

will not meet all

Any other question
Living correct conduct and the others need it more than me
Leaving it to the Universal Council
Do they trust the Soul of the Universal Council what is best for humanity.
this is the purpose of the Keshe Foundation, detachment from the physicality. Have
the Knowledge Seekers matured to that point .
We are not creating another Vatican

Any other question. (1:12).

Details about Carolina Attacks on Keshe Foundation and Her Behavior

Q; Why is it being said the 5 Cups alter our DNA, those people talking to disassemble
the Cups, are they afraid of being exposed?
Keshe: Let him speak. I made a promise I would ** speak ** but I speak the correct
way **

Q: (1:14). more about the 5 Cups .. are these people afraid of the Technology
coming forth. can you speak more about this.
Keshe: Yes, I have been told to be correct as we usually are. The only person who has
brought this and is using scaremongering, is my ex-wife. She's been pushing this
through to create a secondary foundation to break it up. This is to the Keshe
Foundation is so vast. This lady has become part of a satanic group, (1:16). and they
are using ** to frighten people, for development of the Technology that they can use
it to damage the F. She has no knowledge, she has only sold her body and her life.
And now she is trying to use Soul of the man to frighten him. This comes from a
person with no knowledge, and now in the structure of the development of the
Technology, out of the range of the knowledge, have picked on this on, because of
seeing how they can break up the Keshe Foundation.
The fields of 5 Cups, if it dangerous for you, you have 7 Cups you call 7 Chakras.
(1:18). Does you 7 Chakras change your DNA. You have 2 additional Chakras which
is always creator of your Chakras, which is your gravitational and magnetical field,
and Inertia of this planet. In essence when people are ignorant of knowledge you can
frighten them. This lady has no education, has never been to school, and now being,
using the education structure of the Keshe Foundation with her ex-lover, who
infiltrated the education part of the Keshe Foundation, want to bring this in, to bring
man to literal illiteracy that they can abuse, We try to keep away from this in the F, as
you bring this up, do not be afraid. If you are afraid of anything, walk away from the
F, that's what they want you to do, that way they can keep on abusing you. (1:20).
We advise you if you received anything like this send it to us. We said it in One
Nation send it to the Keshe Foundation any communication you receive, these are
going through the process of damaging the F. It is done by one lady we deliberately
allowed to come in to find out what is the position to damage the F. She infiltrated
with her lover and group, from Dubai Conference, and we have all evidence, they
want to see the humanity to be paralyzed that they can keep on abusing. The Keshe
Foundation management for over 3 years, since Dubai Conference, 4 years has been
monitoring the behavior of this lady, the adulterous life, and how she has become,
using stone and lights to control people. It's all in black and white, we are not making
accusations. So now that they see the F developing to the next phase they try to stop.
That's why she was immediately put out of the Keshe Foundation as we saw the final
move. She was missing for 2 days and it is in the court, with another man, she has
confirmed it herself, with the same lover. (1:22). We open for you to understand that
you are dealing with an indecent behavior person, and she ahs done this all her life.
You have to understand how they used the position of the Keshe Foundation to now
fight a new, to cover their misconducts ** F **
They even used the earring as a wedding gift, the stones of it to change things. We
will open these things, you have to understand she is involved in satanic work, by
using stones and other things they use, this is all part of the court, we are not talking
out of line. And her confirmation that these stones are used. She is a manipulator with
a group she has gotten involved with, and we are very open about it, because if we
don't do, when it comes out, you'll find out, how they infiltrated, (1:24). the F. And
it's our own confirmation that, she is involved in these things, not us, and it is in black
and white, before she deleted these things, it's all been scanned, screen (shots), and it's
in the hands of the courts. This is not my private marriage, this is the way they used
my marriage to harm one fo the largest F in the **
We will show how hard the Keshe Foundation management has worked in the past 4
or 5 years to protect us from her conduct. (1:26). And we always believed in
betterment of man, man will change, will improve. But we did not do anything until
they started attacking private teachings, then we knew we had to take action.

There is much more she has written, we have seen, and there is much more she has
put on the Internet will in the court. And we have asked for a custodial sentence for
her, because the damage is beyond the marriage, it's to other aspects of the life as
well. It has been my private marriage but I lived a very open life, in so many ways,
we all are part of this family. Now they try to take the F for ransom, the ** is the first,
the sister is another, then other things, adultery become a known, and our children
become open to abuse, we monitored this, we protected for a long time , but we made
sure no one in the F will be harmed. We did not bring this to public, when it was
brought to public, we reacted immediately. (1:28). If you go missing 1 hour in your
marriage, it is questionable. If you go missing for 2 days the marriage is over. This is
exactly where the has been for the past 3 years. Planning how to destroy the F, and
this is the last time I would like this to be discussed, as it is in the court. And she
called it a kangaroo court. It's no kangaroo court. Evidence is direct, we have brought
the case to the courts for adultery and prostitution with the full evidence. We have got
her own writing in satanic work, (1:30). and believing the stone will appear with the
beauty fo it will be shown. This is not a normal human behavior, unless you believe in
certain ways. In so many ways, this matter has to come to rest and I ask you please, if
** delete ** anything from this woman, unless you believe in adulterous life,
prostitution, unless you believe these kind of things keep the lines open, but send us a
link, because she is deleting everything, everywhere because she knows she has
actually put herself in a worse condition then before, by writing so much. She is
deleting everywhere. If you ?/ let us know. It's part of the structure, they try to
destroy, ** exploit it, and divide the F. And then come up as Knowledge Seekers in
kangaroo court. There is no kangaroo court, we should have done this to her 3 years
ago, where she went missing for 2 days after the Rome conference with another man.
As she was found with a sister and the man in the hotel, in Rome. We go into details,
this was not made up and members of the management of the Italian police force was
fully aware of this. WE tried to keep calm and protect the F, now that she put so much
on the Internet, we are responding to you, because you are the ones receiving it.

If you receive something from a scientist of the Keshe Foundation, Jalal, Arman, Dr.
Guatua, Rick, to advise you to do these things, we listen. But this is all started as scare
mongering, dividing the F. She has divided my family, I have not seen my son for 5
months. (1:34). ** in the hands of a bunch of pedophiles. What do I believe my
child, or following the F. We have been very patient in protecting the F ..
My marriage was over 3 years ago when she came in and said, can we start fresh. I
said, what have you done that you need to start 25 years fresh? You decide as a man,
would you keep a woman like this, you have a husband or a wife? (1:36). who does
this? Then you believe the woman what she says to you. While I was in Amman
meeting members, officials of the government, she drove 100 kilometers to see the
lover thinking she cannot be found. Meeting the EC, member of Universal Council,
the Italian police to find, she was hiding in a hotel with the lover. Now you
understand how much, what kind of man I am. My marriage was over from the Italian
conference. And now you can understand, if you can lie to the husband, you can lie to
the rest of the Keshe Foundation to destroy the F. (1:38). I did not bring this in
public, she forced it, she published hundreds of messages to thousands of the Keshe
Foundation Knowledge Seekers using our channels. Now you have to know the truth.
And this is not the first time she is an adulterous in our marriage, ** weakness of the
man ** And these people are prepared to come to the court to give evidence. So you
decide what is given to you as a most important piece of knowledge. My marriage
was over 3 years ago when she went out openly with another man. I would like to stop
this because the F is part of my life, it's all of my life. As she has put it in public now
you understand the reason why. (1:40). I went to China for 2 years because I
couldn't handle it. I would like to close this subject, and if you decide this is the way
you would like to live, with the stones and the adultery and prostitution, take her side.
If you want to live the life I live, and you live ** this is a scientific development
organization stay with us. At the time the whole Keshe Foundation Italy, the security
apparatus of the Keshe Foundation went to override to find her, and she was hiding in
a hotel with a lover. So it is not made up, in that week there were over 10 members of
the Keshe Foundation securities looking for her while she was hiding. (1:42). And we
found her through the husband of the sister of the lover. He told us where they were
hiding. I would like to close this case and I leave it to the Keshe Foundation
Knowledge Seekers to do the same.
Any other question.

Q; He saying that's it you clarify a lot.

Keshe: .. We know she infiltrated Keshe Foundation Brazil to break it up. .. and
the Iranian Keshe Foundation to break it up. And this was becoming intolerable.
Everyday we received hundreds of messages of what she is doing. And we decided to
go open with it, the copy of what I tell you is part of the court, and we go in with full
evidence in her own writing of adulterous behavior. (1:44).
Any other question.

Q: the so called the miracle phenomenon around the world

in preparation of the New Age
will change mankind's development?
Keshe: When we come as the messengers of the Universal Messengers, we come
in different shapes and forms, and we come in the structure of enlightening the
Soul of the man. Some souls become aware of our presence long before the
others, and they inform. In a way, we come to take mankind to a new level of
understanding. (1:46). We come to the point where collectively we tranStar
Formationer knowledge not only to the Soul of the man but to the universal
Community. In so many ways, one by one, the souls, after they get enlightened they
inform people around them. Like you Knowledge Seekers, you learned about the
Gans, you see the beauty of and you teach it to your neighbors and some of the
Knowledge Seekers of the Soul which have been with us as the students of man, long
before we came into the public domain, they do their work. You got to realize, as I
said to the Iranian officials, when I wrote the first papers, first patents about Nano
batteries, materials the Iranian scientists and took it and ran with it, and the Iran
became one of the leading Nano technologists in the world. Initially through that
paper alone. The same process goes, and some people hear the voice, and they know
of our presence. You got to realize we are born in the physicality of the man, we
are trained to understand the work of the man. (1:48). at a given point, the Soul of the
Creator opens up, which lead to the creation of the physicality to start. I cannot teach
about energy in others if I did not have a degree in nuclear, and in that respect you
could trust a scientist, not somebody who just talks. This time we came to what man
believes at the edge of the knowledge and Technology, where in essence we carry 2
souls, the essence of the Soul of the Creator, and the essence of the Soul of the man,
and two exist as one. This is my life, and you have to understand, the teaching is done
by 2 dimensions of the Creator, the knowledge is everlasting and is in both
dimensions. We have to understand the culture of the man, .. the pitfall of the
existence of the man, and with it we bring the knowledge of the Creator, that man will
evolve. And this is the process. As I said, this cycle and the prophet of the Soul, and
the science come together in one, that they can both be explained at the same time. I
wrote this years before I opened the Technology, this way with the Soul. It is not
something new. The knowledge is the knowledge of creation. (1:50). I ** have put
any topics in about 20 years from agriculture, medicine, .. anything you have put. As
you have not seen some you don't understand, some don't make sense to you because
you don't have the knowledge. We introduced you the MaGrav, but how many of you
have succeeded. But the MaGrav is one of the most advanced Technology in the
Universe. It's access to universal energy if you understand what to do with it,
and most of you because of lack of knowledge of the cosmic rays, understanding
the physical matter of electronic, you're all lost in it. And as my tradition, I do not
do, I show it, it is for you to achieve it. The same, the most powerful system given to
you is the 5 Cups. Because you have to understand, it's like an alphabet ..
(1:52). .

(1:54). You relied on burning we showed you the way the Universe works on the
magnetical field interaction. That's all. you weren't aware of the facts. You couldn't
see how the big works, we gave you the Gans. You wanted to see how connected **
we gave you the ball, the ** MaGravs in the fields of open space, we gave you the 5
Cups. There is so much knowledge, but as I said, .. you keep on looking the cup, the
Gans's in there, but you don't look at what the Gans's the field make in that cup, and
what conditions it creates. .. in our essence is enlighten the Soul of the man and with it
to bring peace. So you see like the way you teach .. those who have received the
message of the higher order they announce of the peace to come for man and the rest
of it. But in essence the life comes from the same origin, depends which souls are
enlightened. They are enlightened to the knowledge of the Gans, .. to the knowledge
of peace. (1:56). You got to realize with the knowledge we have and attachment of
man to financial dimensions we could have created palaces and lived like the **
leaders of this planet and become like others you have seen who by wealth trying to
control man by vaccines and the rest. I never took that path, because the true god is
the knowledge of the Soul of the Creator ** and I live a simple life as a man. It's
much harder to live my life, then choose the palaces and temples and go the path
mankind has gone in the past. I live amongst you, and I teach amongst you. When you
know you can have more, and you choose less, you understand how we are, and how
we live. I can make tons of gold, and live luxury life, and do magic's, and make places
like none you have seen. but we don't choose. this time we live amongst the people
to elevate the man ** I have made my home in your ** souls, that's where you **
Any other question. (1:58).

(very long question by Azar )

Q: .. from a past teaching the Soul of the physicality in heart, and then you have
the Soul of the man in the brain. You said the connecting of them and the opening of
the Soul of the man, the man has always been doing it. you made an example of ..
high emotions
you send that emotion to the Soul .. you get a stroke .. trying to connect the 2. how
to create the energy field of Soul of the physicality to Soul of the man so we can open
the Soul of the man
children is connected by umbilical cord

if we want to get the field from the heart to open the Soul, .. are we able to open this ..
can we go back to it or no.

Keshe: The reality is .. in the womb of the mother you are connected to the mother
through the umbilical cord. you have a reserve tank of parallel Soul as the center. But
in fact, you live in the world of liquid. In one instance, (2:02). you are born in an
environment free energy balance of the liquid you call air, and you automatically
change your filter form water to air. This is what I put to the Knowledge Seekers as
we start opening the discussion of man in the space in the past few weeks. Maybe we
can bring ** form next week to this week that we can start deeper next week. The
biggest fear of the man is if we let you in the space without a spacesuit you die. But if
you have managed to change from a water world to a less open magnetical field we
call it a gaseous world here. If I take you into space between the Earth and the Moon,
the way the Russians do, give birth in a water tank. If now that your Soul is aware,
that you can exist anywhere in the Universe. and the mother you give birth to a child,
not in the atmospheric condition of the man, but the atmospheric condition of the
Universe between the E and magnetical, would that child survive? Or because there is
no air would that child die? My teaching, my understanding, my life in the depth of
the space, it says the child will survive. Because within the structure of the Soul of the
man and Soul of the physicality (2:04). will elevate to the position of the
environment. But man needs that time of evolution that he can get to that point, that
he can give birth in any position in the Universe, not just from a water to a gas,
because they are all different density of magnetical field strength. The man will
evolve according to the space and time. No man who understands the work of his Soul
will ever die anywhere in the Universe from the lack of O, because there is no O. O as
we say, energy mixture of the gases of this planet, has come to be absorbed the lung
for the conversion of his existence. Now in the space we convert to the new standard
to the new strength. So if you can go one way, you should be able to go back, or do
we put the mother in the space on the gas mask, and leave the body outside in the
space .. like the Russians, the mother is outside breathing air, the child is born in the
warm liquid

(2:06). If I give birth at that planet, my child is going to get adapted to planet Zeus?
Keshe: Of course, that is what it should be, because you got to realize, each
environment has a given strength magnetical and gravitational field. There is a need
for our physical existence to adjust to that point. If you remember, this is something
which a lot of you have a problem with, (draws a plasma spiral ) and this is why
a lot of you have got stuck with this. This is always shown by the magnetical field of
the plasma. So you have life at this level ** earth, so your cells have adapted this
level, but you are part of the total spring, but at this level you still can live and exist,
because you use the same strength. This is the imagination of the man that he will die.
No. Man will never die in any dimension in the Universe, it just depends which
strength you take. And at that point you can manifest yourself out of the strength of
the fields of your body. And it depends if you tune into it. (2:08). Or you still stay
independent of it, but create a connection and relation, you absorb the energy of the
environment, and according to that energy you react, your Soul to manifests itself in
that level. Here is 1G, on planet Zeus is 10G so your plasmatic field at the strength of
10G will manifest itself, to keep the integrity of the existence of the Soul. And then in
that point it will manifest itself in physical dimension of what that position ** gives

Soul of the physicality and Soul of the man have Different Agendas - Came to

Q: .. Soul came here to experience things on this planet . . I didn't understand was it
the Soul of the physicality or the Soul of the man wants to experience?
Keshe: Both, want to experience.
Q: So they both have different agendas,
Keshe: Yes, otherwise they have different agendas, but they both in one brain **
so I have come here to enjoy, ** I make the table for you, and ?** , The Soul
comes and the physicality is the servant to taste, to give it the taste of what it is.
(2:10) .
Soul of the man Decision Maker for Universe - Soul of the physicality for Earth

Q: So which one is the decision maker, the Soul of the man or Soul of the physicality?
Keshe: The Soul of the man is the decision maker for the interaction with the
Universe. The Soul of the physicality is responsible for what the physicality does on
this Earth. And the two interaction manifest themselves as the emotion of the
physicality of the man, both in the Soul and the physical dimension.

Soul of the physicality Falls in Love with Married Woman - Level only of
Physicality not Soul
Q: ..
Example, Jalal just got married and 2 kids, he suddenly falls in love with another
woman. .. was that the Soul of the man or Soul of the physicality?
Keshe: The Soul of the physicality, you fall in love. because mankind has not
learned to fall in love with the Soul yet. We have taught one or two, but mankind
has not learned to fall in love with the Soul of the physicality and Soul of the man
together. And if you fall in love in that level which is normal in the Universe. The
condition doesn't come you fall in love with the next door neighbor or with a dog or
whatever. (2:12). It's acceptance of the totality to accommodate the love.
Q: .. when Jalal saw that woman it wasn't his intention to fall in love, so how could it
** be from physicality.?
Keshe: You see physical love comes from interaction from physical matter state
of the body of the man. This I have explained in many, many teachings.
R: Isn't that why they call it "falling" in love

Keshe: Yes, you fall with your head on your .. and you break your leg.
One of the things mankind will soon learn in the span of the Universe, it's not that ..
you are becoming part of the Universal Council, is you find matching magnetical
field strength on certain points with other creatures of the Universe. As we come
** the man's ** And in that process you find out, your physical body's amino acid,
and his or her physical body is got no, cannot or you will destroy or you will feel the
strength will change the Soul or the physicality of what you have fallen in love with,
then you keep the love in the dimension of the Soul, because physicality is
impossibility. Her blood is an acid to your DNA composition. I have explained this in
many private teachings.
Q: When this happens you are kind of being tested for your strength and conduct?
Keshe: It doesn't need a strength. It needs understanding.
Q: understanding of your conduct
Keshe: ** understanding of the position.
Q: So when you understand it you can overcome it.
Keshe: Why do you need to overcome?
There is a big, big problem in speaking the ** world. Do you stop loving your child
because the second one is born. Or do you love and respect and you know the position
of each child.
Q: Does it mean Jalal can love his wife and the other woman at the same time?
Keshe: No, it's understanding the love exists, but is, if the other position the love
exists, then it can be respected.
Q: So you just respect it,
Keshe: You have to respect it. The creation .. And then you find out the souls will
find an accommodation for it, and they'll accommodate it, if it is done the correct
way. We are loved by mother and father, brothers and sisters, and by friends. And we
respect each one accordingly. It's respecting that love and accommodating for it to
nourish. (2:16). And if it is there to nourish it doesn't mean that you have to do this
or that. It's accommodating ** for it to nourish to its full maturity.
Q: The way talk about it is so beautiful ..
Keshe: It is beautiful, it's nothing more than to give love, stays, and nourishes, it does
not matter within, or with others.
Q: .. when I see compare the behavior, the way we understand everything is the field.
** the human in matter state. we always look at things in black and white ..
Keshe: Let me explain what I teach is what is there. You have to understand
allowing a love to nourish, if you can be part of it, or accommodate it, is part of
the responsibility of the existence. But it doesn't mean that you can ** kill it,
because then you stand as we call it a punishment of it. If we accommodate
creation of love. You see, the problem is especially with the Islamic nation that you
come from, where in Iran .. one woman is changed with the other one, new version, as
long as you can have 4 cars in garage -- you understand what I am talking about?
You'll find out in a traditional Iranian ethos, we respected as a woman, as a sacrosanct
entity, the mother, the creator. (2:18). When you change it to the numbers of, you can
have 4 of them, and you can change it with the latest model, as long as you kept 4
garages, you can't keep one garage outside. then you come to this problem, where you
sit. We have to understand, what does, what is best for the evolution of the Soul, it
doesn't matter how, and who, and where we are. And that's the key, and that is what
mankind has not understood. We don't sacrifice, we give to elevate with the pleasure
of existence. We give our daughters to other men for them to love and be loved. Does
that mix with our loving for them, or is it with that love we see the elevation of their
love, their Soul in the new dimension. And if you understand this in essence, you have
no problem understanding in the process of life, does not matter where, and which
planet. This is why in the discussion we had a few minutes ago, I allowed, because if
there is elevation of Soul let it be, but when it becomes abuse of the Soul it has to **
stop. We cannot imprison the physicality because we think we own it. (2:20). We
have to allow the elevation of the Soul. And that's the true method.
Q: .. that was very good.
Keshe: It's not very good. It's the truth, the way it is.

Q: Iranian Knowledge Seekers came to Linz .. Mr. Keshe god bless you.
Keshe: Bless you ..
Q: It's always a pleasure hearing you, your teaching. Why does the Soul get
punished for things physicality does.
Keshe: Stop. The Soul does not get punished. Soul gets positioned. Punishment is the
characteristic of physicality. Positioning is characteristic of the Soul of the man.
Q: .. when you mentioned people who do all these bad things, killing .. so the Soul
somehow gets broken down and becomes as small as a virus. So why would these
souls become viruses ..
Keshe: You see the Soul find a position that they do not receive. It's the structure of
the Soul of the man in elevation, is how close you can be, you can exchange higher
strength, and receive higher strength. And this is what is the final destination of any
Soul. How much can you ** receive that the higher strength you become the creator
of. in cosmology. when I see it or hear the scientists speak about it, it makes me
laugh. You have this explosion of huge stars, that they explode and they create many
new stars. And there is a regeneration of new life. In the physical life, we give life to a
child, when it reaches point of maturity you become an adult, you can have a child. In
the cosmology, star formation, and galaxies, when the energy within becomes so
much, it's become mature that it can spread. (2:24). and create new life from one, and
with it new galaxies and new conditions, it's like having new children. And
cosmologists don't understand this. In that process it's the same as your Soul. Now
one big Soul, with whatever is done, and it explodes into smaller structures, but in
essence the all carry the attributes of the big one. And those who are weaker might
take its distance further, or they take a distance closer depending on what they receive
or what they give. When we have such a position with what we call Hitler and the
others, they find, that Soul finds its position in a way that no one gives, in a way,
no one receives, and so it becomes remote. It's like a star it explodes and the one
which is part of it, ** ** characteristic ** It's not a punishment, but it's what I
call separation by strength of the field.
Q: In a sense they get rejected more or less, isolated
Keshe: they don't get rejected, they distance themselves that they cannot hold.
Q: .. You say a third of our population of mankind are visitors. Why would
they .. come here .. as a Soul they already know what this planet has to offer, why
would they put themselves.. their Soul could become sinful through their physicality
(2:26). and maybe jeopardize their beautiful Soul as an alien. .. and now they got
themselves positioned where their Soul would be marred and tarnished?
Keshe: Most of the ones, now that we open the knowledge we'll be able to
understand the separation, they are here in the existence of the Soul. Which
means they exist through the Soul but they take physicality dimension to live.
And many of them are here for hundreds and thousands of years. they haven't
gone, there are people that .. move from one relation to another. that move from
one city to another every time, then they start a new life. an old man or whatever.
Because there is nothing else to do in the Universe. It's just to be occupied, I live on
Earth just to do something. So you are here not to suffer or part of it looks to, but you
are here as the passengers of the Universe. If you don't come to Earth, where are you
going to go. How many satellites and stars have you traveled and seen. Part of coming
and becoming part of the population of the planets like Earth, is literally killing time,
as we call it. What is to you a thousand years is one second to them in the life of the
space and the dimension they come from. There are some places on this planet, not
only here that have a physical dimension like this, that you know you go to a camp for
2 weeks or month. (2:28). They come to Earth for that camping experience. We'll
become part of these in the coming time. Now that the knowledge is developed to be
spread, we become part of this.
Q: .. God Bless you..
Keshe: God bless you and your family. We learn as a human race that we travel to go
see Niagara Falls and to see Rome. In the coming time we'll travel the space of the
Universe to see what happens in such a planet and such a Universe. To many
Knowledge Seekers who are after the wealth of the F, I said the biggest money will
come in the tourism of this Technology. Now you see planeloads ..
In the coming time the tourist agencies will take your Soul to the most beautiful place
in the Universe to visit ..
What we call Aliens among us, now with the teachings and understanding of the
transmutations, and transportations of the energies. (2:30). mankind becomes aliens
to many others in the coming time. What we have seen, now we become of.

Shall we take a break >>> (2:32). (2:38)

Q; so even a terrorist in the act of harming can be frozen in his position anywhere on
this planet? R I think that was in reference to the Enhancement Unit uses of it ..
Keshe: What does that mean? The beauty of mankind in the future, is that this word
will not exist. What you call terrorist. What it means, to bring other souls to have a
fear of. Like all the emails you received with the 5 Cups and the rest. It is the Soul
will get to a point that it will be satiStar Formationied. At a point, that it will never
reach this point to terrorize or to bring fear to another being. (2:40). The word
terrorist and what we see the present bombing and what we are used to, the very first
one was done by the British in Jerusalem in the ** mother history. the first bomb, we
know in the present cycle and the word of the present terrorist, was developed by the
British, when was about the building of the state of Israel.

The other word is revolution, we don't need to revolt if we get the other souls to
understand, or
the needs of your Soul. These are the things we'll see wiped out of the vocabulary of
the mankind. It will become taboo no own will even talk about it ..
It's like cancer, (2:42). when you receive enough fields and understand the working
of the systems, even with your own Soul, put balance on a regular basis.
You'll give the same energy all the time to the same cells that you'll not need to get
old to rejuvenate.
If you want to be seen as an old man or young man it will be that way ..
Once man learns the working of his own Soul ..

Any other question

Q: If I go into Enhancement Unit and ask to understand all languages ..

Keshe: Do you remember the cup and the orange, now you become the cup ..

(2:46). You go and read the alphabet to learn a language

But first man has to find himself.

Satan and Satanic

Q: Is satanic or Satan a kind of plasmatic field energy or an entity?
Keshe: They come in both ship. And they both strength , ** not shape. What we call
satanic are those who take energy from us, and they us that energy which we give for
misconduct. And that's as simple as that. Misconduct at the level of the Soul of the
physicality, they never reach the Soul of the man, it's a much higher order.
R: does it matter if that taking of energy is voluntary or involuntary in a way.
Keshe: If you take voluntary you position yourself, (2:48). if you are given, it's no
problem, but if you take from someone, it's the same as putting your hand in
someone's pocket and taking his money or wallet. If they allow you to do it's different,
and then you find the position and use of the energy in the right way.

Q: .. (unclear )
Keshe: You add to it .you don't loose .. (2:50).
Q: So when people drown is it that their mind cannot accept the tranStar
Formationormation to live in the liquid environment?
Keshe: We have already gone through the tranStar Formationormation, we can't
reverse. Unless you teach it. It's like if you
The cycle of understanding the work of the Soul, is understanding how your Soul
interacts with other fields and energy sources in the Universe and within the vicinity
this is the notch mankind has to learn. You can sell anything you like in respect to it,
but if doesn't work, if it is not of the strength of you, it does not work. and this is what
all of us have to understand. (2:52).

Q: When we listen to your teachings, do we receive it fully in our Soul, even

though our physical understanding is not coherent?
Keshe: Yes, yes of course you do. this what we say, we teach the Soul of the man
of space, you're part of that solar structure.
R: So if we have to hear it several times, it is for the physicality to catch on?
Keshe: The Soul has already been taught. This is the beauty of teaching this way, . for
understanding the knowledge this way, we touch the physicality and the Soul at the
same time.

Q: Is Earth a matrix for us to learn and play .. that way we can change what we
want ? Or is it predestined like talks of end time prophecies? (2:54).
Keshe: It depends, this wishful thinking mom, what games she plays with the children
and the console , isn't it.
R; it seems we have the choice of perceiving either way.
Keshe: Some of the mom's nowadays ** the children are playing games. Because they
played the first series when they came out, they didn't know how to use the console,
use the joystick, they learned on the children. A bit rusty, but some mom's are **
better that way.
Q: Will there be a Keshe app on the phone
Keshe: Yes, what do you want to apply for
beam me up Scotty, app.
(2:56). The point is in the Universe there are no schools and universities, the
knowledge is tranStar Formationerred to the dimension of the strength of the Soul
according to the position, time and desire. And this is where the university of the
Universe sits. The name of it goes with the sound of it, university, where the Universe
is, a collection of knowledge whatever exists in the Universe, and the Soul of the man
is a university on its own and it has access to all knowledge of the creation. It's just
that according to the time, space, manifestation given knowledge is present, unless
you can tap into it. You always can tap to a higher order knowledge if the physicality
is happy with the present ** position.
Q: So the Universal Council is the same as the Soul of the man and EC is the same as
the physicality in our Earthly existence.?
Keshe: Collectively yes. Now maybe you start to understand a little bit more. (2:58).

How to Calculate Inertia

Q: Inertia you said to find out the Inertia do I take earth beneath me to make Gans
to know the specific intensity of that place? How do I differentiate the Cup of Inertia
from where I am with the Inertia in Tehran. Is mass the difference between
gravitational and magnetical plasma mass or mass of matter, ** 75 kilos ?
Keshe: The Inertia is collective energy of the matter state, including magma. The
thickness of magma has a direct effect on the Inertia and then the matter state of it.
(3:00). In so many planetary systems the Inertia is calculated on the liquid for mass,
not the matter state mass, as a solid. This is how you land in the liquid planetary
system, how you correct it. Then you find out that the thickness of magma, the speed
of rotation, the elevation in respect to magnetical and gravitational field will create
that condition. So when you want Tehran, partially not only you calculate the Inertia,
but you calculate the field strength of the magma mass underneath, the low rate of
flow, because more or less, partially the field comes from the flow of the magma in
that point and position. And all the magmas don't have the same thickness and
strength of the flow across this planet. They move into channels and the friction by
the other magmas direction of ** flow give them the different field strength or what
we call Inertia. So Inertia of Tehran, more or less can be calculated, we have
technologies, we know exactly what it is, even which position in Tehran, we can go to
that ** length. It's the same in the Universe. You measure the strength of the field on
the point of manifestation, they call it Inertia. Sometimes you create the Inertia for
yourself to manifest yourself. (3:02).
Next question.

Q: Who is the one who manifests himself and talks when I remember my dreams
of flying, it's my wish or a message of my Soul?
Keshe: The existence of the Soul in strength brings dimension of the emotion in
the reality of the existence. In a way, when we feel, we have an emotion in our brain,
or we manifest it in our physicality, it's the interaction of the fields of the
physicality, which gives the information which is coming through the Soul. The
continuously receives information or energy from all dimensions of Universe.
Like man it filters what is applicable to it at this moment of time here. It's no use
for me to know what is happening in Europe when I am living in London, because
rain, shine whatever there, (3:04). has nothing to do with what I am living here in
Europe. So it is the same with the Soul, we choose the time, place, and manifestation
of it. And to what purpose is this going to be used, and to what it is going to bring,
and in that process the fields energies of the strengths dictates what we will see,
chase, follow, what we will allow to be part of us. And which part of it you want to
take, what suits us.

Q: What happens to those who don't go in the Enhancement Unit, if the majority
evolve, what becomes of those who remain unchanged?
Keshe: We have done a rough calculation, (3:06). the Enhancement Unit, if you
make 1 million of them and 50 to 100 people a year can go in it, that 100 million.
Now you try to get 7 billion in it. Or you try to make it efficient that let's say 10,000
people a year can go in, and then you have 1 million, you have 10 million. So in
essence, mankind has to learn to operate within the Soul , then operating in the
Enhancement Unit, overall in the long run. As we show and as we teach, use these
systems, gradually more and more will come to understand how to elevate their own
Soul. How to elevate their own structure, and then we go into the next steps. Then the
position of the elevation of the Soul becomes part of the structure. You don't need to
go into the Enhancement Unit once you learn, and maybe some people learn and they
teach the others. (3:08).

Q: So in other words the most evolved community on Earth would be the right place
to have the first public Enhancement Unit? repeat ..
Keshe: Not really, this is what we discussed before, it has to be elevation of both.
When we put the system in Africa, we put one in Europe. Don't forget you put the
supposition that the European's are very clever, are very rich. Even the Europe we put
these in the most crowded areas, where they are lower than the most backward parts
of Africa. Not having physical value, what call it, things does not mean you are not
intelligent people. Or South Americans, and you find out some of the Europeans are
more backwards then the backwards Africans. So it doesn't go that way. (3:10). But
we try to bring that elevation of the Soul through the Enhancement Unit become the
totality of the whole human race, and not exclusive one race or the other.

Q: What does it mean when we begin to experience more and more events in our
physical life that are exactly how they happen in our dream?
Keshe: Don't we call these back to future movie, Rick? .. Some times our dream are
to foretold what is to come in our physical life. And when it happens we call it a
dejavou, and souls are aware of the changes to come and they inform the physicality.
And we see it, and observe it. (3:12).
Q: Med-bed, when the US government talks about Med-beds is it using the same
Technology as yours?
Keshe: No, no, Med-beds is medical beds and these are all to do with. .. First of all
we don't have a beds, we have a chair. And secondly, it's an Enhancement Unit for
elevation of the Soul and physicality and understanding of the processes in the
Universe. I had this Med-bed. This is an Enhancement Unit the world of science
hasn't got a word for this, that's why we call it Enhancement Unit, universally
enhances all the cells of the body of the man and then in the processes to come, it
enhances the knowledge of the man at the level of the Universe, that you can
transmute the energies of yourself to understand the existences in other dimensions.
The name of it is ** with, enhances you to the universal level if you wish to receive
R: I watched a 2 hour video on Med-Bed (3:14).
Keshe: Part of this Technology is what we understand and we develop. In so many
ways, we create ourselves. But even when go into the Enhancement Unit there are
equipments to support, auxiliary for specific conditions, not it's all the same. And
even these Enhancement Unit we'll tune for cancers, mental diseases, enhancement of
that can be specialized for given condition enhancement, Which will reach the
maximum performance.
R: No laser and scalpel .
Keshe: We don't have laser in plasma Technology, yes. (3:16). maybe in the future
but not for this job.
Q: .. Is the same Gans from the winter and summer period how different are these in
Keshe: Not much. the dimension of the position of the Earth does not really make
much difference. ** mental condition, very little effect. You are still in the same
position, so you are impacted by the magnetical and gravitational field and Inertia of
the same position. There is very little changes in temperature.

Q: The strange thing as you speak your words are like my words, instantaneous
thoughts, as you speak it is coming from my Soul, instant recognition. How can
my Soul know what you are about to say, and if this is so then the dark forces
would be aware of any new developments, (3:18). or any new thought, and if this is
so, then silence may be the only way to defeat those who wish to hold us back?
Keshe: the process is as I explained before. The voice comes from the information
which is ** from the Soul of the man, and if you are of the same understanding
and strength in certain condition, as there is no time, zero-time and position, you
hear the voice, and your Soul translates it into the knowledge for the voice box.
The voice has to go through the conversion of physicality, but the Soul receives it and
understands it in the dimension of the fields of the plasma fields, and that's what I said
many times. We speaks in the words of the man, but our knowledge is spread across
the Universe to the Soul of the ** speak. We teach the Universal Council. And
maybe some humans gradually reach to that point.
Any other question or shall we cal it a day. (3:20).

R: Night at the Roundtable . Knowledge will be a guest

Thursday the 29th teaching is at 2PM CET and not 9AM ..
Keshe: Those of you who are contemplating or donating to the different structures of
the Keshe Foundation, please find out which country you are in, and how you can
help with the donation or support with the Enhancement Unit or whatever. As we see
the structure coming up .. Iranian, Brazilian Keshe Foundation a bank account their.
(3:22). Same with Chinese.

Any other question.

Keshe: Next week we start teaching you how to live in the dimension beyond the
solar system. How you interact and how you have to change your position and
everything else in that respect.

I do apologize, but part of my private life has become, without us wanting, part
of the Keshe Foundation life as it has been, as we have seen before, and now we
see the same people ** doing the same thing. And somehow we try not to go back
to this, and keep away from this, but keep your life safe, and there is more to this
movement by this lady, (3:24). then catches the eye. keep your children, wives and
husbands, safe, under whatever names they come to you. Even they use the names of
Knowledge Seekers, we have seen in some communications. Knowledge Seekers are
those who seek the knowledge of the Keshe Foundation and not those who destroy the
Keshe Foundation, and learn more as now we are a lot more be done in the
background, and we go through the process of the teaching of the deep space travel,
introduction of mankind to Universal Council, and the new knowledge and science
that will bring new changes to all of us. This is a universal revolution, not an
industrial revolution, or scientific revolution, we are bringing the universal knowledge
to mankind, and with it will bring many changes which are unknown to man. the
Universal Revolution is the fundamental change in every culture when we get directly
involved. We raise the level of the Soul to what we call the highest level, as we see
the race deserves to be elevated. And we see the human race in that position. to
elevate the Soul of the man, and the inhabitants of this planet together.
Thank you very much.

R: 350 Knowledge Seekers Workshop (3:26).


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