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Worksheet answers
Worksheet 4.12: Reading for meaning
Pinmei often feels shy when other people are around her. Words seem to get stuck in
her throat. She only feels confident, relaxed and able to laugh and talk when she is alone
with Amah. She worries that Amah would prefer her to be braver, talk more, be less like a
mouse and do things like her friend Yishan.

Full stops, Commas and Capital letters should all be ticked.

Worksheet 4.21: Sequence a story

The Crow and the Pitcher

The summer had been long and hot and the countryside was as dry as a bone. After flying
for many days, a crow found she was terribly thirsty but even the streams had dried up.

Just when the crow was beginning to lose hope she spied a pitcher with a few inches of
water in the bottom.
When the crow tried to take a drink, her beak was too short and the pitcher was too
narrow. She could not get at the water.

The crow knew if she broke it or knocked the pitcher over, the water would spill and she
would have no water again. She thought and thought, sure that she would think of a
solution when at last she remembered something she had once seen.

She immediately started to gather pebbles that she dropped one by one into the pitcher.

With each pebble, the water level rose.

Cambridge Primary English 4 – Burt & Ridgard © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

Worksheet 4.22: Harry’s Mad – Predict an ending

Introduction Build-up Complication/climax Resolution/Ending

1 Mad escapes from the thief’s house but is Climax

lost in London.

2 Harry’s parents find out Mad’s secret. Build-up

3 Harry finds Mad in Trafalgar Square – his favourite Resolution

destination on the board game.

4 Mad is stolen by a thief. Complication

5 The family enjoy discovering the amazing things Build-up

Mad is able to do.

6 Harry inherits a parrot called Mad from Introduction

Great Uncle George and discovers it can talk
like a person.

Cambridge Primary English 4 – Burt & Ridgard © Cambridge University Press 2021 2

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