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Maximum Power Point Tracking of Variable Speed

Wind Turbines With Flexible Shaft
Kalyan Yenduri and Parthasarathi Sensarma, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Optimum torque (OT)-based maximum power point Climbing/ Perturb and Observe(PO) method [11]. TSR con-
tracking (MPPT) is widely used in high power turbines because of trol uses the wind speed sensor, rotational speed sensor and
its simplicity. Several recent improvements claim better response the optimal tip speed ratio value, determined offline, to set
speeds by augmenting the basic OT algorithm with a suitably
scaled inertial torque. However, the underlying dynamic model for the speed reference [8], [9]. OT control uses a lookup table,
all these improved methods is premised on a rigid shaft, which decided offline, mapping turbine speed to optimal torque, which
ignores all torsional behavior. This lacuna is addressed in this sets the online generator torque reference [2], [5], [10]. Both
paper, where a small-signal system description is developed con- these methods may fail to track exact MPP during param-
sidering a more accurate flexible shaft model. It is shown that the eter variations caused by changes in air density, aging and
improvements have three possible forms, the third being proposed
in this paper. Close-loop stability with each of these is analyti- blade surface contamination etc [12]. The PO algorithm dis-
cally investigated using this accurate small-signal model. It is also penses with all offline data and uses only rotational speed and
proved that one of the reported approaches causes system insta- generator active power measurements. Even though the PO
bility while attempting even moderate improvement over the OT method is generic, its slow response for high inertia turbines
method. The problems in realization of the other two forms are renders it suitable only for small scale systems. High power
highlighted and a realizable alternative proposed, which requires
no additional sensor. Design of the proposed approach is presented modern turbines generally use the OT approach because of its
in appropriate detail. It is analytically established that the pro- simplicity [11].
posed method ensures superior dynamic response. All analytical Of the reported improvements on the OT algorithm, Power
conclusions are validated by numerical simulations. signal feedback(PSF) method is essentially similar except that
Index Terms—Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), torque the feedback and reference are active power instead of torque
control, wind turbine. [6]. An improvement [13], proposing a sub-optimal gener-
ator torque reference, is shown to result in more captured
I. I NTRODUCTION power in real turbulent wind. However, energy gains for a
given sub-optimal value depends heavily on the level of turbu-

V ARIABLE speed wind turbine systems (VSWS) have

several advantages over traditional fixed speed wind tur-
bine systems (FSWS), viz. reduced mechanical loads, low
lence. Another novel approach involves quickening the turbine
speed transient response while approaching MPP. This is typi-
cally done [15] by an additional torque reference term, which
noise levels and, in particular, increased energy capture. Unlike acts only in transient condition, and its dynamic behavior is
FSWS, a VSWS captures maximum possible power for every explained in [16] by a small-signal model.
wind speed below rated value by changing the turbine rotational In [16], a lumped single-mass model is considered to design
speed to always track the incoming wind speed. Since wind the drive train dynamics, neglecting all torsional behavior.
turbine operates at below rated wind speed for a considerable However, modern high power turbine shafts have consider-
portion of its life time, significant additional energy is captured able torsional behavior and therefore any realistic model must
by VSWS. Due to these advantages, most new installations are include a two-mass, flexible-shaft representation [17], [18].
of variable speed type [1]–[2]. Dynamic effects of the OT based MPPT method on the close-
Reported maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algo- loop system, using flexible shaft model of the drive train, has
rithms [3]–[10] differ based on the required input data and not been addressed in existing literature. This paper, firstly,
the implied assumptions made while extracting the maximum presents a small-signal model for the realistic flexible-shaft
possible power of the incoming wind in partial-load regime drive train. This model is used for comparative evaluation of
[11]. Most of these methods in general fall into three major the reported variants of the OT based MPPT techniques, where
categories, namely, Tip Speed Ratio(TSR) control, Optimal one is shown to inevitably cause instability if any meaningful
Torque(OT)/ Power Signal Feedback(PSF) control and Hill improvement in speed dynamics is attempted. Secondly, two
alternative control laws are proposed which ensure stable opera-
Manuscript received March 05, 2015; revised July 21, 2015, July 31, 2015,
and October 12, 2015; accepted December 11, 2015. Paper no. TSTE-00154-
tion with improvement in speed dynamics, leading to significant
2015. increase in energy harvest. Though the first alternative needs
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian an additional sensor for its implementation, the second can be
Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India (e-mail: kalyan. retrofitted in the existing wind installations requiring only soft-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
ware changes. All dynamic analysis is clearly presented and
at validated by numerical simulation of the large-signal model of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2015.2510422 a 5 MW system.
1949-3029 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


MPP. However, recorded wind flow in actual wind-farms being

mostly turbulent [21], [22], the frequent wind speed changes
rarely allow the turbine-generator to operate steadily at the opti-
mum speed. Consequently, the energy captured is sub-optimal
and is especially true for a typical modern Megawatt scale wind
turbine, with large rotating mass, for which the speed transient
is very sluggish.
Fig. 1. The configuration of the system considered.

B. Improved Optimal Torque MPPT Method

From the previous discussion, it emerges that improving the
The system considered here consists of a direct drive wind
dynamic response of the generator speed ensures additional
turbine with an electrical generator as shown in fig. 1. The gen-
energy capture. A possible realization would require a cor-
erator output is connected to the grid through a full-scale back-
rection component to the reference generator torque which
to-back voltage source converter. Generally, permanent magnet
acts to improve the speed transients, thereby quickening the
synchronous generator (PMSG) have advantages of higher effi-
MPPT process. This is obtained by augmenting Tg∗ with the
ciency, power density and reliability. Also, a high pole-number
net accelerating torque, coupled with a suitable weight, a, as
facilitates low-speed operation, thus dispensing with the gear-
box which further improves drive train efficiency and power Tg∗ = Kωg2 − a(Tt − Tg ) (5)
density [19]–[20]. However, this paper is not premised on any where, Tg is the generator torque. This approach ensures that
particular generator technology. for the same Tt and ωg , the accelerating torque with the aug-
mented reference, Ta , is related to the accelerating torque
III. O PTIMAL T ORQUE MPPT A LGORITHM obtained with the OT method, Ta , as

A. Conventional Optimal Torque MPPT Method Ta(2) = (1 + a) Ta(1) . (6)

Mechanical power, Pt , generated by a wind turbine, as a With increasing a, this leads to decrease in the effective iner-
function of its aerodynamic efficiency Cp is expressed as tia offered by the wind turbine with consequent reduction in
the mechanical time-constant. For positive values of a, the
1 ωt R generator torque reference is reduced when the turbine is
Pt = ρAυ 3 Cp (λ, β); λ = (1) accelerating and vice-versa, thereby improving the dynamic
2 υ
response. However, realization of this improved control law (5)
where, υ is the wind velocity, ωt is the rotational speed of the requires real-time updates of the aerodynamic torque, Tt .
turbine, R the radius of the turbine blade and β the pitch angle In literature [3]–[10], the drive train of the turbine has been
of the turbine, all expressed in consistent units [1]–[2]. modeled predominantly by a single lumped mass (stiff-shaft
The basic power equation of the turbine (1) is modified to model), which is an aggregate inertia of all the moving parts.
obtain the aerodynamic torque in the following form. For example, the aerodynamic torque estimation premised on a
1 1 stiff-shaft model, formulates (5) effectively as
Tt = ρCp (λ)πR5 3 ωt2 . (2)
2 λ dωg
Tg∗ = Kωg2 − a(Jt + Jg ) (7)
For any wind velocity below rated value, the turbine torque
that corresponds to the maximum power lies on the trajectory where Jt and Jg are the turbine and generator inertia respec-
specified by, tively. Though this model is simple, the stiff-shaft model fails
to capture the complete mechanical dynamics since it totally
1 1 ignores all torsional dynamics due to flexibility of the shaft.
Tto = ρCpo πR5 3 ωt2 = Kωt2 . (3)
2 λo Validity of that model is therefore questionable, particularly so
when the focus is on large systems characterized by low-speed
Eq. (3) is the basis for optimal torque MPPT and is used to turbines with large torques and large inertias.
set the reference value, Tg∗ , for the electromagnetic (genera- A first consequence of the flexible-shaft model is that the
tor) torque. The control law of the conventional optimal torque rotational speeds of the shaft, measured at the generator (ωg )
MPPT is thus given by [3] and turbine (ωt ) ends, are not identically equal. Hence the net
accelerating torque is correctly defined as
Tg∗ = Kωg2 (4)
dωt dωg
+ Jg
Ta = Jt (8)
In steady state, under constant wind speed, the OT scheme dt dt
ensures that the generator torque becomes equal to the tur- which in effect is a linear combination of the acceleration at the
bine torque and the system reaches MPP. If a positive (neg- turbine and generator ends. In a large turbine, since Jg ≪ Jt ,
ative) wind perturbation is now applied, the generator speed the approximation of the accelerating torque used in (7) is not
increases (decreases) along the above trajectory and reaches accurate. This leads to the first alternative control law proposed
the new MPP. Hence the system has a tendency to reach in this paper.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 3. Two mass drive train model.

by a flexible shaft. The state model of the drive train is

given by
Fig. 2. Torque control scheme of PMSG. ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤⎡ ⎤
ω̇t 0 0 −K Jt
ωt Jt 0 0 Tt
⎢ ω̇ ⎥ ⎢ Ksh ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ −1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
C. Proposed Control Law - I =
⎣ g ⎦ ⎣0 0 ω
Jg ⎦ ⎣ g ⎦
+ ⎣ 0 Jg 0 T
⎦ ⎣ g ⎦ (11)
Assuming the turbine end speed, ωt , is measurable, an θ̇sh 1 −1 0 θsh 0 0 0 0
alternative realization of (5) is proposed as
where Ksh is the shaft stiffness constant, Tg is the generator
dωt torque, and θsh represents the torsional displacement of the
Tg∗ = Kωg2 − a(Jt + Jg ) (9) shaft. The turbine torque Tt is given by (2). Since the response
of the generator torque loop, whose bandwidth is designed to
which retains the simplicity of (7). But is expected to result in be 100 rad/s in this paper, is much faster compared to that of
a different dynamic behavior when evaluated using the more the mechanical states, Tg can be approximated with Tg∗ for
accurate flexible shaft model. This exercise is systematically investigation of mechanical phenomena. The OT control law (4)
carried out in the next section. makes the system non-linear and hence a small signal model
about an equilibrium operating point is derived in subsequent
sections to asses system dynamics.
D. PMSG Torque Control
The generator torque control system, depicted by (fig. 2),
B. Small-Signal Model Analysis
is responsible for tracking the reference torque given by the
MPPT control law. This control system is implemented in the Starting from an initial equilibrium condition, defined by
rotor reference frame. The angle, θg , between the magnetic
axes of the rotor and A-phase coil, is used to convert machine Tt = Tg = Tt0
currents into rotor reference frame. This results in identify- ωt = ωg = ωg0 = (λopt ν0 )/R (12)
ing the torque and flux producing components of the machine
currents iq and id respectively. The electromagnetic torque is a small perturbation to the turbine torque (δTt ), leads to con-
given by sequent perturbations in the turbine (δωt ) and generator (δωg )
speeds. By linearizing (4) about the equilibrium point given
3 by (12),
Tg = P ψiq = Kt iq . (10)
δTg∗ (s) = 2Kωg0 δωg (s) ≈ δTg (s) (13)
The constant torque angle control strategy [23] is used, where
reference for id is zero and iq reference is proportional to From the state space model (11), the following equations can
required generator torque based on (10). The machine side be written.
converter ensures these currents follow their reference values. 
Jg s2

JgJt s3

Since id is zero, machine current magnitudes are proportional δTg (s) = 1 + δTt (s) − (Jg +Jt)s + δωt (s)
Ksh Ksh
to the torque generated by the machine [24]–[25]. Machine
parameters are listed in Appendix B. Bandwidth of the current F1 (s) F2 (s)
control loop is designed to be 100 rad/s. (14a)
−s Jt s
δωg (s) = δTt (s) + 1 + δωt (s). (14b)
Ksh Ksh
F3 (s) F4 (s)
In this section, the state equations of the drive-train are first
presented, which are non-linear in input. Therefore, the small- The small signal transfer function between Tt and ωt , is
signal transfer functions are subsequently derived to analyze its obtained from (13) and (14) as
dynamic behaviour.
Jg 2 K
δωt (s) Ksh s + 2 Ksh ωg0 s + 1
= Jt Jg 3 2Kωg0 Jt 2
δTt (s)
Ksh s + Ksh s + (Jt + Jg )s
+ 2Kωg0
A. Drive Train Model (15)
Fig. 3 depicts the two-mass model of the shaft, considering In a similar manner, the reference torque, Tg∗ , for reported con-
separate lumped inertias of turbine and generator, connected trol laws [15], [16], and for the proposed law -I (9), can be
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



TABLE II However, in method 2, system stability requires


Jg ∆
a< = â(2) . (18)
(Jg + Jt )

Since the inertia of the turbine (Jt ) is usually about an order

greater than the generator inertia (Jg ) [26], â(2) ≪ 1. Since sta-
bility considerations restrict a to such low values, the inertia
of the system can not be appreciably compensated. If the
linearized and substituted in (14) to obtain corresponding small drive train is indeed a single mass, the last three control laws
signal transfer functions. In general, the small signal reference are essentially same and result in identical dynamic response.
torque for any method can be expressed as However, by subjecting these laws to the more accurate two-
mass single-spring representation, this paper establishes that the
δTg∗ (s) ≈ δTg (s) consequent transfer functions, hence corresponding dynamic
responses, have significant differences. For a detailed quanti-
= F5 (s)δωg (s) + F6 (s)δωt (s) + F7 (s)δTt (s) (16)
tative analysis, each of these transfer functions are evaluated
at an equilibrium speed, equal to its rated value, using turbine
where F5 (s),F6 (s) and F7 (s) depend on the method and are
parameters listed in Table II [26]. Since the dominant poles
given in Appendix B. Then the small signal transfer function
of the corresponding transfer functions decide the settling time
between Tt and ωt for any method is given by
of speed transients, these provide a basis for quantitative eval-
δωt (s) F1 (s) − F7 (s) − F3 (s)F5 (s) uation of different control laws. Fig. 4 shows the pole-zero
= . (17) locations for each of the three modified methods, along with
δTt (s) F4 (s)F5 (s) + F6 (s) − F2 (s)
the baseline OT approach, as the parameter a is varied in the
The final transfer functions are listed in Table I. Results for the range [0.2, 0.8]. Analytical conclusions regarding instability
OT method are included as baseline. of method 2 is borne out by the presence of a right-half pole.
Therefore this method is not of much practical use. For meth-
ods 1 and 3, augmentation with accelerating torque information
V. C OMPARATIVE E VALUATION OF R EPORTED M ETHODS generally shifts the dominant pole further left in the complex
In method 1 [16], the correction term is synthesized using plane, as evident from Table III. Thus in the whole range of
estimation and measurements of the turbine (aerodynamic) and a, their dynamic response is faster than the baseline. Method
generator (electromagnetic) torque signals. Methods 2 [15] and 1 requires the information of the instantaneous aerodynamic
3 (proposed -I) are based on estimation of the accelerating torque, Tt , direct measurement of which is not possible. In
torque, derived from the stiff-shaft model. This estimation is method 3, speed measurement at the turbine side of the shaft
based on speed measurement at different ends of the turbine is required for realization of the control law. Though this addi-
shaft. In all the methods, the parameter a can be varied from 0 tional sensor does not greatly increase cost, however, it reduces
to 1, though values closer to 1 are better avoided since it causes the system reliability, given that [27] sensor defects account for
severe torsional stress on the shaft. about 11% of wind turbine failures. Hence, an alternate method
As expected, all the transfer functions listed in Table I are is proposed in the next section which synthesizes the correc-
third order. For the denominator polynomial of these transfer tion torque using only the measurements involved in the OT
functions to be Hurwitz, all the coefficients must be positive. approach. This is an improved realization of (5) and considers
The baseline method, as well as methods 1 and 3, satisfy this the realistic two-mass model of the shaft, which includes its
necessary condition for every value of a in the range (0, 1). torsional behavior.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. The Pole-Zero plots of small signal transfer function of the system using a) OT control law b) method 1 c) method 2 d) Proposed method I as a varies
from 0.2 to 0.8.



From fig. 3, the accelerating torque of the turbine can be
expressed as Fig. 5. Magnitude plots of the transfer functions G′1 (s),G2 (s) and G′p (s).

dωt dωg ∆
Tt − T g = J t + Jg = Ta (19) A. Relative Influence on Ta
dt dt
In a normalized representation with respect to the rated speed
By using the second and third rows of the state space model (ωb ) and rated torque (Tb ), the corresponding variables
(11), the above equation can be written as
 ω̄g = ωg /ωb and T̄g = Tg /Tb (24)
d J g d2 ωg 1 dTg dωg
Ta = J t ωg + + + Jg . (20) are expected to acquire values with similar orders of magnitude.
dt Ksh dt2 Ksh dt dt
Using these normalized variables, (23) is expressed as
Considering zero initial conditions in (20), frequency domain 
Ta ωb
description of the shaft dynamics is expressed as T̄a = = G1 (s) ω̄g (s) + G2 (s)T̄g (s). (25)
Tb Tb
Jt Jg 2 Jt s 2 G′1
Ta = s (Jt + Jg ) + s ωg (s) + Tg (s). (21)
Ksh Ksh
G1 G2
Relative contributions of each of the input variables (T̄g , ω̄g )
on T̄a are evaluated from the magnitude (Bode) plots of G′1
Obviously G1 has an anti-resonance at Ωg , with an extremely and G2 , shown in fig. 5. Since |G2 | ≪ |G′1 | in general, Tg
low minimum arising out of the negligible mechanical damp- has marginal effect on the estimated value of Ta . Hence G2
ing, where is excluded from the estimation law, which is now sought to be
solely determined by G′1 .
Jt Jg Since G′1 is not proper, a realizable estimation law is pro-
Ωg = (22)
(Jt + Jg )Ksh posed as

is the natural frequency of the turbine-generator shaft. ˆ G′1 (s) ∆ G1 (s) ωb
From a foregoing discussion on the relative time-scales of the T̄a (s) = ω̄g (s) = ω̄g (s) (26)
H(s) H(s) Tb
shaft speed and generator torque dynamics, (21) is expressed as
Gp (s)
Ta = G1 (s)ωg (s) + G2 (s)Tg (s). (23)
Direct inclusion of (23) in (5) does not offer a realizable def- H(s) = 1 + b1 s + b2 s2 + b3 s3 . (27)
inition of Tg∗ , since the coupling transfer functions in (23) are
improper. This aspect is separately investigated to arrive at a Roots of the general third degree polynomial in (27) can
feasible estimation law. either be all real or one real and a complex conjugate pair.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 6. (a) stability trajectories at different ζ values and equilibrium speeds (b) Maximum possible normalized bandwidth at different ζ values. (c) The real part
of the dominant pole(s) at different equilibrium speeds for all control methods.

Therefore, it is factorized and written in another general choice of (a1 , a2 , ζ) decide the estimator bandwidth, ωb ,
form as defined as
s s s2 ωb = sup{(ω/Ωg ) : 0.9 ≤ |1/H(jω)|≤ 1.1}. (33)
H(s) = 1 + 1+ζ + 2 2 . (28)
a2 Ωg a1 Ωg a1 Ωg
Bandwidth of the quadratic term in the √ denominator of
The first term in (28) ensures a band-limited differentia- (32) increases monotonically with ζ(ζ ≤ 2). Also, for
tor component in Gp , while the second introduces a complex | log(a2 /a1 )| ≫ 0, either the linear factor minimally affects
or real pole-pair, based on the damping coefficient, ζ. An bandwidth or ωb is drastically reduced. Thus an exhaustive
undamped resonator (ζ = 0) is not considered to avoid inter- numerical search for the maximum bandwidth is carried√ out
nal instability. Substituting (26) and (28) in (5), the proposed within the localized parameter space 0.4 ≤ ζ ≤ 2, 0.5 ≤
control law for the reference generator torque is obtained as (a2 /a1 ) ≤ 2, following the steps detailed below. The parameter
space is discretized using
Tg∗ = Kωg2 − aGp (s)ωg (s). (29)
ζ[i] − ζ[i − 1] = 0.01; (a2 /a1 )[n] − (a2 /a1 )[n − 1] = 0.01
Transfer function between Tt and ωt is derived from the small-
signal model of (29) and state space model (11), linearized to allow numerical computation.
about the equilibrium point (12). Thus, Step 1: Over the parameter space, record the normalized
 5   6  bandwidth (ωb′ ), defined in (33), of
δωt (s) 

k 1 1
= cm s dk s (30) = (34)
δTt (s) H(jω ′ ) jω ′
m=0 k=0 1+ a2 /a1 1 − ω ′ 2 + jζω ′
where the coefficients cm , m ∈ [0, 5] and dk , k ∈ [0, 6]
where, ω ′ = ω/(a1 Ωg ). The results are arranged in an ordered
are detailed in Appendix A. Design of the parameter set
array {ω ′ [i, n], ζ[i], (a2 /a1 )[n]}.
(a, ζ, a1 , a2 ) is based on stability as well as dynamic perfor-
Step 2: For a given equilibrium speed, overall system stability
mance criteria and is detailed subsequently.
boundary in the (a2 /a1 − a1 ) plane is determined by apply-
ing Routh-Hurwitz criterion on the denominator polynomial of
B. Design of Estimator Parameters (30). This results in a second array {a1 [i, n], ζ[i], (a2 /a1 )[n]},
During a wind-gust, the torsional shock load on the shaft corresponding to a particular equilibrium speed. A family of
increases with a. Hence its choice is subject to the condition such boundaries are obtained for different equilibrium speeds,
   ranging from cut-in to rated. A few representative results are
a≤ ξ T̂sh T̂t − 1 (31) plotted in fig. 6a, where feasible solutions are in the region to
the left of these curves. As the equilibrium speed is seen to have
where, T̂t is the maximum allowable aerodynamic torque on minimal effect on the stability boundary, it is sufficient to con-
the given turbine, T̂sh is the torsional yield limit and ξ a factor sider the specific small-signal model at cut-in speed for optimal
of safety. These are design inputs and a detailed discussion is estimator design.
beyond the scope of this paper. The value of a (=0.6) is chosen Step 3: For every ζ[io ], io ∈ {i}, the local maximum band-
in this paper. width, evaluated at cut-in speed, is obtained as
Investigating the transfer function
ω̂b [io ] = max{ωb′ [io , n] × a1 [io , n]} (35)
Gp (s) 1 1
= =   , (32) and the result is plotted in fig. 6(b). The global maximum band-
G1 (s)
′ H(s) 1+ s
1 + ζ a1sΩg + s2
a2 Ω g a21 Ω2g width is seen to occur at ζ[î] = 0.59, which corresponds to
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


ensure that Cp attains its maximum value (0.449) in steady-

state. With the proposed method, ωg settles within 9 s, which
agrees with the corresponding real part of the dominant pole,
plotted in fig. 6c. Settling time with the OT method is about
18 s, implying delay in reaching MPP, and is therefore capable
of lesser energy capture than the proposed method. Similar
results are also observed for the negative step.
The correction term in the generator reference torque is
responsible for this improved turbine dynamics by introduc-
ing the under/over-shoots in the generator torque as evident
from fig. 7d. If left unregulated, these torque overshoots could
possibly exceed the rated torque of the generator, along with
a corresponding violation its current limits. To avoid this, the
generator torque reference is magnitude limited to its rated
value on the higher side. Similarly, to avoid large undershoots
causing the generator torque to become negative and power
Fig. 7. Step response for OT and proposed method II: (a) wind speed, (b) ωg ,
being drawn from the grid, the machine torque reference is
(c) Cp , and (d) Tg . magnitude limited to zero on the lower side. However, these
also increase the shaft torsional stress. Hence, the value of a
is a critical parameter and an optimal choice implies the best
a2 /a1 [n̂] = 0.629. This is indicated by the point A(xA , yA ) in
trade-off between equipment reliability and energy harvest.
fig. 6a, where
B. Turbulent Wind Speed
xA = (a2 /a1 )[n̂], yA = a1 [î, n̂].
To test the performance of these algorithms under realistic
Step 4: However since A is on the stability boundary, the turbulent conditions, a wind profile with stochastic variations
final solution to ensure positive stability margin is a designer’s around an average wind velocity of 6 m/s is generated. A
choice. In this paper this is indicated by the point B(xB , yB ) white noise having unitary variance is passed through a ratio-
where nal shaping filter to generate the turbulent component of the
wind speed [22]. Energy distribution of the horizontal wind
xB = xA , yB = 0.9yA . speed [28] shows that the total energy content is distributed
among two main frequency clusters. Of these, the low fre-
The optimal parameter set is thus {yB , xB yB , ζ[î]}.
quency content can be properly tracked by the OT method,
For verification, the magnitude plot of Gp is added in fig. 5.
while the high frequency content cannot be accurately tracked
For comparison, real part of the dominant pole/pole-pair is plot-
due to the high mechanical inertia. However, this frequency
ted in fig. 6(c) for the other methods. It is observed that the
band in the wind profile can be tracked by the proposed faster
proposed method-II ensures superior dynamics compared to the
control law. Simulation results for the turbulent wind speed are
all other methods.
shown in Fig. 8. Owing to the correction torque, enabling rapid
acceleration (deceleration) of the turbine, the generator torque
VII. S IMULATION R ESULTS is somewhat more than that of the OT method as shown in
Numerical simulations using the large-signal, non-linear sys- Fig. 8(d). By restricting the reactive power component of the
tem model, including the proposed non-linear control law, are machine current to zero, amplitude of the machine currents is
carried out in MATLAB platform to verify system performance. minimized. This also minimizes the losses in the machine wind-
To avoid over-current in the converter switches, the Tg∗ com- ings and converter switches. Fig. 8(e) shows the consequent rms
mand is magnitude limited. Turbine data used are listed in currents in the machine. The differential torque, i.e. the differ-
Table II. Simulation results are presented in two subsections and ence between the turbine and generator torques, is shown in
compared with the baseline. The first deals with step change in the Fig. 8(f). As expressed in (31), this torque is crucial for the
wind speed and is included for validation of the small-signal selection of the parameter a.
dynamic analysis. In the second, a realistic wind profile is con- Because of the stochastic nature of wind speed, comparative
sidered and results of real interest, viz. energy capture, are evaluation of OT and proposed method-II is made by plotting
presented. a histogram of Cp , as shown in fig. 8(g), which distributes Cp
values into 25 bins between 0 to Cp,max . The height of each
A. Step Wind Speed Change bin represents the normalized dwell time in each bin. So, if Cp
remains in the k−th bin for a total duration of tk , its height has
A positive step in the wind speed from 9 m/s to 10 m/s is a value
applied at 30 s and the reverse step applied at 70 s. The corre-
sponding simulation results are shown in fig. 7. Reported results
depict the wind speed profile (fig. 7a), Cp profile (fig. 7b), hk = tk /Tsim (36)
turbine speed (fig. 7c) and generator torque (fig. 7d) for both where, Tsim is the total simulation run-time. Ideally Cp is
methods. Before and after the wind speed steps, both algorithms desired to always remain in the last bin (Cp,max ) but because of
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 8. (a) Wind speed (m/s) vs time (s); (b) Cp vs time (s); (c) generator speed (rad/s) vs time (s); (d) generator torque (N-m) vs time (s); (e) generator rms
current (A) vs time (s); (f) shaft torque (N-m) vs time (s); (g) Cp histogram; (h) λ histogram; (i) month-wise incremental energy (as % of baseline).


This paper focuses on the hitherto neglected aspect of shaft
flexibility in large wind turbines, in the context of MPP tracking
performance. Dynamic modeling of the shaft is presented for
a two-mass, single-spring equivalent and is used for compara-
tive evaluation of existing MPPT approaches. It is shown that
that one of the existing methods leads to unstable operation if
wind turbulence and high inertia, this is not achievable. A good it is designed for any meaningful improvement in MPP track-
metric for quantitative evaluation appears to be the variance, ing, a fact not detectable with a stiff-shaft model. Subsequently,
computed for the histogram data of each of the methods, using two control laws for generator torque reference are proposed.
the following equation. The first requires measurement of shaft speed at both turbine
and generator ends for computation of net accelerating torque,
 while the second includes a realizable estimation algorithm
σ2 = hk {(k − kopt ) wbin } (37) which obviates turbine speed measurement and can be retro-
k=1 fitted to an existing installation. Structured derivation of the
estimation algorithm is presented. Using the metric of real part
where kopt (= 25) is the bin corresponding to Cp,max = 0.45
of stable dominant poles, it is shown that both the proposed
and wbin is the bin width. The results are summarized in
methods ensure superior performance. Analytical results are
Table IV for the two proposed methods along with the base-
validated through numerical simulation of the large-signal, non-
line. Variance in Cp reduces by 54% and 50% of the baseline
linear system. A realistic situation of stochastic wind velocity
with proposed methods I and II, respectively, which indicates
profile was considered and the proposed method is shown to
a significant improvement in dynamic response. This is further
ensure greater energy capture.
confirmed by the histogram of the tip speed ratio (λ), presented
in Fig. 8(h) for the baseline and proposed methods. Variance
in λ is also computed using (37), for which kopt (= 8) is the
bin corresponding to optimal tip speed ratio (λopt = 7), and is
again seen to reduce by 56% and 51% of the baseline. Fig. 8(i)
shows the month-wise increment in captured energy, as a per-
centage of baseline. The average wind velocity for each month
at Iliamna airport, Alaska [29] is used for the simulation study c5 = CJg ; c4 = 2Kωg0 C + BJg − a(Jt + Jg )/Ω2g ;
of energy capture. At each mean wind velocity, the simulation
run time is 3600s for this study. Aggregated annually, this c3 = Ksh C + 2Kωg0 B + AJg ;
increment is around 7.04% over baseline. c2 = Ksh B + 2Kωg0 A + Jg − a(Jt + Jg );
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Parthasarathi Sensarma (M’00) received the B.E.E.

degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India,
the M.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of
Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, and the
Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India, all in electrical engineering, in
1990, 1992, and 2001, respectively. He had held
positions in Bharat Bijlee Ltd., Thane, India, CESC
Ltd., India, and ABB Corporate Research, Baden-
Daettwil, Switzerland, where he was a Staff Scientist
with the Power Electronics Department. Since 2002,
he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur,
India, where he is currently a Professor of Power Electronics and Electrical
Engineering. His research interests include power quality, FACTS devices,
power converters, and renewable energy integration.

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