Vtac Personal Statement

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After starting a career in the medical field, I found that I am not passionate in this area. Since Year 10,
I have had a burning passion to pursue a career in Finance and Economics, which I did not originally
pursue due to a multitude of factors. I greatly enjoyed studying economics in high school and
achieved top marks in Economics at the completion of Year 12. This is why I am looking to switch
my area of study, applying to study a degree in this field, with aspirations to work in the finance and
banking sector in Melbourne.


Due to my full-time previous studies, I do not have any work or community experience that are
relevant to my course preferences.


After graduating high school in 2019, however, due to a multitude of factors, I chose to pursue a
career in medicine and was accepted into the Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine at
Bond University as a school leaver.

After being enrolled in this course for the past 3 years, I have not enjoyed this field of study and have
realised that I do not carry much passion for a career in medicine. This has resulted in less than
adequate preparation for my exams throughout university. In some assessments where I had put in
extra efforts, I had performed well. However, this was not the case for most assessment. I was under-
prepared for my exams as I did not enjoy the taught content, feeling disinterested to study my lectures
or workshops and lacking any intrinsic motivation to understand the content in-depth. Due to this, I do
not believe my GPA from my prior studies reflects my ability; I am confident that I can perform
extremely well in a field that I carry an innate passion.


Regarding other languages to English, I have great proficiency in Bangla, being able to speak and
understand fluently. However, I cannot read or write in Bangla.
1. Bachelor of Commerce, University of Melbourne
The Bachelor of Commerce at Melbourne is a course that I strongly considered undertaking at the
completion of Year 12. Now that I am looking to switch my studies to finance, this is my first
preference course to commence at the start of 2024.
My inherent love and interest of economics and finance has been carried throughout these last 3 years.

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