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Jennifer E.


Assessment Task 2-2

Benefits Explanation

Providing a foundation for worldwide Concerned not only to an individual

economic growth. country’s
economic growth, but “worldwide”. It helps
other countries with low rate of economic
growth to expand and explore other
options in
order for them to grow.

Encouraging competitiveness between Encourage one another to push the

countries in various markets. envelope and be inventive and imaginative
when it comes to creating or marketing

Raising productivity and efficiency across The production must be higher for larger
countries. markets. With a bigger market, exporting
goods to other nations is necessary, and
it's not enough to merely sell them to your
neighborhood stores. This advantage
pushes nations to increase their output in
order to supply markets and other nations.

Helping in the development of There are some nations that aren't as

underdeveloped countries by allowing lucky as the others because the economy
them to import capital goods (machinery is worldwide. However, as a result of the
and industrial raw materials) and export global economy, larger and smaller nations
primary goods (natural resources and have had the opportunity to support one
raw materials). another in order to grow.

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