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Why the belief in Tauheed is important for the Muslims in daily life? Explain in detail.

“This is God, your Lord, there is no God but Him, the Creator of all things, so
worship Him; He oversees everything. No vision can take Him in, but He takes
in all vision. He is the All Subtle, The All Aware”.

Surah 6:102-10

Islam, major world religion proclaimed by prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in the Arab in the
7th century. The Arab term Islam means “surrender or believer”. Believe in the oneness of Allah, salat,
zakat, fasting and hajj these are the five core believes and practice in Islam, the five pillars of Islam. The
prophet said.
The keys of unseen are five, and none knows then but Allah.
Tauheed believes in the oneness of Allah. That Allah is over ruler, there is no god apart
from him, the maker of all things. He is the one who looks after all things. Tauheed is the religions
central and the single most concept which form the basis of the Muslim religion. Chapter 112 of the
Quran, titled Al-'Ikhlas (The Sincerity) reads:

Say, ˹O Prophet, “He is Allah—One ˹and Indivisible˺; Allah—the Sustainer

˹needed by all˺. He has never had offspring, nor was He born. And there is none
comparable to Him.

Just like when we construct a building we first lay down, create, and design the base which is going to
decide how the shape of the building will look like, what will be its potential and what it is going to be
capable of. The same is the case with Tauheed when it comes to Islam. The entire system of this religion
depends and rests on it. Tauheed straightforwardly states that there is no God but one which initiates and
locks off other rules and jurisdictions in Islam manoeuvring every aspect of the believer's life. Let’s
suppose if someone does not believe in Tauheed but everything else in Islam that what makes him a false
believer. The condition to become a Muslim is the outright submission to Tauheed other things
afterwards. It signifies the importance of Tauheed. The content of Tauheed is mentioned to us the form
of a adhan (call to prayer) to ask the believers to come and portray before the only and one supreme
authority holding the universe. Not just this but believer’s everyday rituals and virtues for the sake of
reward in return relies in compliance of Tauheed. The fundamentality of Tauheed cannot be
compromised whatsoever. Tauheed also talks about the characteristics of Allah attributing to him as the
most generous and the wisest. Tauheed particularly works as something to hold on which saves the
believer to balance out in life. It makes the way smoother to carry out other sacred activities related to
the worshiping of Allah. Tawheed is the purpose of a Muslim ‘s life. Allah says in the Qur’an:
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.”

Soorat adh-Dhaariyat:56
The concept of Tawheed is so important that Allah sent many Messengers and Prophets, all of whom
came with the same message. Allah says:

“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], “Worship Allah
and avoid taaghoot.”

Soorat an-Nahl


Believe in the oneness of Allah has uncountable importance in over life. A complete devotion
to Allah helps human understand and accept the reality of life. Tauheed helps us to think of Allah as
the center of over life.


Tauheed reminds Muslims that it is a sin to compare anything with Allah, for example to ascribe
human attributes to Allah or to ascribe Divine attributes to something besides God. This is the most
serious sin called shirk. The word shirk means anything worshipped other than Allah. This could be
people, money, idols, stones, animals, trees, etc. Since the start of time human are known to fear or get
pleased to any thing which may harm them or heal them. The period in the Arabian history which
preceded the birth of Islam is known as the Times of Ignorance. Most of the Arabs were idolaters.
They worshipped numerous idols, and each tribe had its own idol or idols. Some where atheists: This
group was composed of the materialists and believed that the world was eternal. Some of them
worshiped stars and many more. It was Allah who guide this hopeless humanity. For this purpose, his
send his messengers who guided the believer to the right path. It help them develop qualities like self-
esteem and dignity. Tawhid reminds Muslims that Allah can not be understood by human
comprehension and human thoughts. That’s why there are no photos to represent him as well his
prophets as it can lead to worshipping idols and sculpture as humans did in the past. Tawhid is built
up in the Shahadah and helps Muslims continually to remember the unity of Allah.

“And indeed, we sent Nuh (Noah) to his people, and he said: “O my people!
Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Will you not then be
afraid (of Him, i.e., of His punishment)?”
[Al-Mu’min 23:23]

Faith in Tauheed explain Allah as our creator, it provides people motivation and supports a
conviction that science and religion can cooperate as science assists us with acquiring grasping about
God's creation. Science likewise upholds the possibility that there is a conceived first reason for the
universe. It likewise reminds Muslims that they ought to submit to Allah's will as He will pass
judgment on us on Day of judgement. Tawhid states that Allah is boundless and consequently assuming
we check out the issue of evil and suffering. Tawhid consoles Muslims that there is a reason for pain
and laughter. The unity of God is additionally reflected in the Ummah which advances equity and
equity for all Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said,

Allah has forbidden Hell for the person who testifies that there is nothing worthy
of worship except Allah seeking by this the wajh (face) of Allah.” “Indeed

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Tawheed is the difference between those who believe in Allah and those who disbelieve in
Him. If something is important in Islam, there will be many proofs to support it. Also, if it is important,
it will be very easy to understand. For this reason, the concept of Tawheed is so clear that the young,
the old, those who cannot write and those who cannot read understand it. Allah proves His oneness in
the Qur’an by mentioning that He has created everything. For this reason, Allah tells people not to
worship any other deity. Those who do will be punished.


The believers of Tauheed also develop qualities like simplicity and modesty along with dignity
and self-esteem. This is because they know that what he has and what he can do, all are blessings of
Allah Almighty. So, if he can give, he can also take it back. HAYA is an Arabic word that means
“natural, shyness and a sense of modesty”. Modesty in Islam is holistic and applies to both men and
women. It involves lowering the gaze, avoiding bad speech, close physical contact with unrelated
people, avoiding unnecessary attention. The goal is to please Allah and maintain a wholesome and
stable society. Hazrat Yusuf Ali said.

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard
their modesty”


Simplicity refers to living a simple life. Prophet Muhammad saw said that.

“Simplicity is part of faith.”

Prophet Muhammad saw was a simple man. He ate whatever was available, sat on the floor and was
not the one who chased after worldly wealth. Simplicity teaches economy, avoids waste, avoids clashes
created from human greed, and reduces pressure and a false sense of identity. Simplicity teaches us to
put others first with kindness without any expectation and conditions.

“Allah desires ease for us not hardship.”

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