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1. A The question is essentially asking which of the answers cannot be a value of x. So

just try each answer one at a time by plugging the number into each of the two
inequalities in the question, and see which one doesn’t fit. If x = –6, is –6 + 6 > 0?
No, because zero is not greater than zero. So –6 is the exception.

2. D Whenever there are variables in the answers, you should always plug in. Let’s
say x = 20, which means there are 20 ounces of root beer in the pitcher. Next, let’s
make y = 3 and z = 4. That means Elsa pours 3 ounces into each of 4 glasses, so she
pours a total of 12 ounces. The question asks how much root beer remains in the
pitcher, so your target answer is 20 – 12, or 8. Go to the answer choices and plug
in x = 20, y = 3, and z = 4. In answer choice D, x – yz = 20 – (3)(4) = 20 – 12 = 8.

3. E Remember that the equation of a line is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is

the y-intercept. POE! The line in the graph has negative slope, so you can eliminate
A and B, and it has a positive y-intercept, so you can eliminate C and D.

4. E Start by writing out the pattern: Blue is the 1st light, orange is 2nd, green is 3, purple
is 4, red is 5, and yellow is 6. Then the pattern starts over again, so the 7th light is
blue, orange is 8, green is 9, purple is 10, red is 11, and yellow is 12. Notice that the
yellow lights go by multiples of 6? The 18th light will also be yellow, as will the 24th,
30th, and so on. We want to know the 53rd, so the closest light we know to 53 is the
54th light, which is yellow. If the 54th is yellow, then the light immediately before is
the 53rd, which must be red, answer E.

5. C Whenever there are variables in the answer choices, you should plug in. Because x =
y + 1 and y ≥ 1, you can make x = 5 and y = 4. In that case, x2 – y2 = 25 – 16 = 9, so
9 is your target answer. When you plug x = 5 and y = 4 into the answer choices, only
C gives you 9. Plugging In turns a hard question into a much easier question.

6. B The “Third Side Rule” states that any side must be less than the sum of the other
two sides, and greater than the difference between the other two sides. In other
words, if the sides are a, b, and c, |b – c| < a < b + c. Find the smallest possible value
of a. If a = 1, then b + c = 9. For example, b = 4 and c = 5. This is illegal, as |b – c|
= a. If a = 2, then b = 4 and c = 4, so 2 is okay. The largest a can be is 4, because
if a = 5, then a = b + c and you have violated the Third Side Rule. Thus, the
difference between the largest possible value of a and the smallest possible value
of a is 4 – 2 = 2.

7. C The Joe Bloggs answer is E because Joe simply chooses the greatest number. If you
draw three straight, intersecting lines through the center of the triangle, you get 6
regions, so you know that you can have at least 6. Therefore, you can eliminate A.
But that was too easy. That means the answer must be 7 or 8. If you don’t have
time, you can guess between C and D. Here’s how you can actually get 7 regions:
8. B To find out what numbers a could be divisible by, you need to try different values
of b. If b = 1, then a = 4(1) + 26 = 30. In this case, a is divisible by 2, 5, and 6, so you
can cross out A, C, and D. If b = 4, then a = 42, which is divisible by 7, so cross out E.
That leaves only B, which must be the answer.

9. 2
First, solve for x. Divide both sides of the equation by 3, and you get x = 4. Then
divide 8 by 4, which gives you 2.

10. 270
The trick here is that ETS is not asking for the value of a, b, or c. It just wants to
know what they add up to. ETS is testing only the Rule of 360. All the angles in the
figure make up a circle, so they all add up to 360. The right angle is 90 degrees, so
90 + a + b + c = 360. Therefore a + b + c = 270.

11. 7
It would definitely help to draw out this question:
XY = XZ, which means Y is the midpoint of . So XY = YZ, and therefore YZ =


If YZ = 4a + 6 and XZ = 68, then 4a + 6 = (68). Now just solve for a:

12. 3

You can solve this question using simultaneous equations because you have two
equations with two variables. First, you need to rearrange the equations a bit: 4x +

2y = 24 divided by 2 on both sides becomes 2x + y = 12. ,

multiplied by 2x on both sides, becomes 7y = 14x. This, divided by 7 on both sides,
becomes y = 2x, which can be manipulated into 2x – y = 0. Now you can add the


13. 9

Factor the numerator and the denominator into . The (x – 2) cancels

out of the top and bottom to leave . Multiply both sides by (x – 6) to

get x + 3 = 4x – 24. Subtract x from both sides: 3 = 3x – 24. Add 24 to both sides: 27
= 3x. Divide by 3 to get x = 9.

14. .4 or

You can solve this question by setting up a proportion. There are 8 liters in 20

bottles of juice, and you need to find out how many liters are in one bottle. Here’s
what the proportion looks like: . Solve for x, and your answer is or 0.4.

15. 120
There are a total of 6 women to choose from and the company needs 3, so you
would calculate 6 × 5 × 4 = 120. However, because order doesn’t matter, we need
to get rid of duplicates. Mathe-matically this is done by dividing your answer by the
factorial of the number of spaces you need to fill. Because we need 3, we divide by
3!, or 6, which leaves us with 20. Now, on to the men. There are 6 men to choose
and we need only 1. So there are 6 ways to choose that. Now we have to count our
women (20) and our men (6). Remember in probability that and means multiply. 20
× 6 = 120, which is the answer.

16. 288
We can’t figure out how many rabbits there were after 7 years until we know the
constant a. To find it, let’s use one of the data points that we’re given. We know
that after 3 years (t = 3) there were 192 rabbits (P(t) = 192). Plug both of those into
the equation and we get 192 = a(3) + 120, which we can solve to find a = 24. Now
plug that into our original equation, and we have P(t) = 24t + 120. To find out how
many rabbits there were after 7 years, plug in t = 7: P(t) = 24(7) + 120 = 288.

17. 18
To answer this question you have to set up an equation. If the radius of C is r, then
the radius of B is 2r and the radius of A is 4r. The formula for the area of a circle is
πr2. Because 84π is the sum of the areas of the circles, this is your equation:
If r = 2, then the radius of C is 2, the radius of B is 4, and the radius of A is 8.
consists of the radius of A, the diameter of B, and the radius of C, so AC = 8 + 4 + 4
+ 2 = 18.

18. 50

You don’t know how many cars are in the parking lot, so you can plug in a number.

Let’s say there are 40 cars in the parking lot. Now read through the question; if

of the cars are blue, there are 8 blue cars. If of the blue cars are convertibles,

there are 4 blue convertibles. If of all the convertibles are blue, and there are 4

blue convertibles, that means there are 16 convertibles all together. The question
asks what percent of the cars are neither blue nor convertibles. At this point, the

question becomes a group question, and you have a formula for solving such
questions: total = group 1 + group 2 – both + neither. In this question, the total is
40 cars, group 1 is the 8 blue cars, and group 2 is the 16 convertibles. You also know

that 4 cars are both blue and convertibles. Now just plug those values into the
formula: 40 = 16 + 8 – 4 + n. Then solve for n, which equals 20. So 20 out of the
total 40 cars are neither blue nor convertibles: .

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