CIIT FA23-BPY-111 ISB@islamiat

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Topic: Why the belief in Tauheed is important for the Muslims in daily

life? Explain in detail.

Course Title: Islamic Studies

Submitted to: Dr. Farhat Nisar

Submitted by: Sumaiyya Zainab

Enrollment No.: 111

Class: BS Psychology

Section: 1-B

Date: 4 October, 2023

To understand the importance of Tauheed, firstly we have to understand the meaning of
Tauheed. Tauheed means to believe in oneness of God. Importance of Tauheed in life cannot
be neglected.

Living a free life:

It is a common misconception that belief in Allah restricts a person to freely live his life but

the truth is that belief in Allah makes a person freely live his life. This is because when a

person believes in Allah, he does not enslaved by this world. He is not concerned with this

world. He only tries to please Allah. In this way, he lives a free life.

Accepting reality:

When a person believes in Allah, he knows that everything happens for a reason. There is

always betterment in doings of Allah. He starts accepting reality. Allah is the best of


“But perhaps you hate a thing, and it is good for you, and perhaps

you love a thing, and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while

you know not.”

Quran 2:216


When we believe in Tauheed, we know that Allah is the supreme power. Allah controls

everything in this universe. We don’t need to bow before anyone. Nobody can harm us

without Allah’s will. We only need to rely on Allah. This makes a person to be dignified.

“And there is no creature on Earth, but that upon Allah is its

provision, And He knows its place of dwelling and place of

storage. All is in a clear register.” Quran 11:6

Removal of arrogance and promotion of humility:

When we believe in Allah, we know the fact that we are nothing in this large universe. Belief

in tauheed makes a person humble and down to earth.

“And do not turn your cheek toward people and do not walk

through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like

everyone self-deluded and boastful.”



Belief in tauheed makes a person more tolerant. He knows that he is not superior to anyone

on the basis of cast, colour, creed, or race. He starts accepting things.

“Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the

most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and


Quran 49:13


Belief in Tauheed makes a person brave. He does not fear anyone except Allah. He totally

relies on Allah. He know the fact that no one can harm him without will of Allah.

Building of moral:

When we believe in Tauheed, we obey Allah. When we obey Allah, we stay away from evil
deeds. We do righteous deeds. We know that we can only achieve success by following his

commands. The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Piety is good manners, sin is that which created doubt, and you do not

like people to know of it.”

Sahih Muslim


Belief in Tauheed makes us a better human. By believing in Tauheed, we can serve humanity

better by knowing what is right and wrong. We can live peaceful life. We don’t fear anyone.

It also helps us to achieve success in life in this world and in life hereafter.

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