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4, DECEMBER 2013 277

Modeling and Control to Mitigate Resonant Load

in Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Drivetrain
Irving P. Girsang, Student Member, IEEE, Jaspreet S. Dhupia, Member, IEEE, Eduard Muljadi, Fellow, IEEE,
Mohit Singh, Member, IEEE, and Jason Jonkman

Abstract— Failure of the drivetrain components is currently

listed among the most problematic failures during the operational
lifetime of a wind turbine. Guaranteeing robust and reliable
drivetrain designs is important to minimize the wind turbine
downtime as well as to meet demand in both power quantity
and quality. While aeroelastic codes are often used in the design
of wind turbine controllers, the drivetrain model in such codes is
limited to a few (mostly two) degrees of freedom, resulting in a
restricted detail in describing its dynamic behavior and assessing
the effectiveness of controllers on attenuating the drivetrain load.
In the previous work, the capability of the well-known FAST
aeroelastic tool for wind turbine has been enhanced through
integration of a dynamic model of a drivetrain. The drivetrain
Fig. 1. Annual failure rates and corresponding downtime per failure for
model, built using the Simscape in the MATLAB/Simulink components of a wind turbine [6].
environment, is applied in this paper. The model is used to
develop a power-electronics-based controller to prevent excessive
drivetrain load. The controller temporarily shifts the closed- The steadily increasing size of wind turbines has led to
loop eigenfrequency of the drivetrain through the addition of larger transmitted forces and torques that bring up the influ-
virtual inertia, thus avoiding the resonance. Simulation results ence of the gearbox and other drivetrain flexibilities in the
demonstrating the fidelity of the expanded drivetrain model as overall turbine dynamic response [4], [5], often leading to fail-
well as the effectiveness of the virtual inertia controller are ure in the drivetrain components. Failure of the drivetrain com-
ponents is currently listed among the most problematic failures
Index Terms— Gears, resonance, torque control, variable speed during the operational lifetime of a wind turbine. Fig. 1 shows
drives, wind power generation. that the failures of gearbox, generator, and other drivetrain
I. I NTRODUCTION components contribute the longest downtime, thus becoming
sources of considerable costs [6]. In particular, gearbox-related
T HE wind energy industry has experienced substantial
growth in recent decades, which has been reflected in a
similar growth in the structural size and power rating of wind
failures are responsible for more than 20% of the downtime of
wind turbines. Although the expected lifetime of gearboxes is
turbines. The operating conditions of wind turbines are largely usually advertised as 20 years, in practice, gearboxes usually
determined by structural loadings such as wind turbulence and, need to be replaced every six to eight years [7].
in offshore wind turbines, sea wave excitations. Aeroelastic Further insights into wind turbine drivetrain dynamics are
tools such as FAST [1], GH Bladed [2], and HAWC2 [3] have necessary in understanding the global dynamic response of a
been developed to model and simulate the dynamics of wind wind turbine as well as in designing and preserving its internal
turbines in response to different wind fields and controllers. drivetrain components. However, in most of the aforemen-
These codes can simulate various operating conditions and tioned aeroelastic codes, the drivetrain model is reduced to
output time series of turbine operational load variations. a few (mostly two) degrees of freedom, resulting in restricted
detail for describing its complex dynamic behavior. Although
Manuscript received July 31, 2013; revised September 13, 2013; accepted researchers have developed dynamic models for wind turbine
September 15, 2013. Date of publication October 1, 2013; date of cur-
rent version October 29, 2013. This work was supported in part by the drivetrains with various levels of fidelity [8]–[18], these studies
U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC36-08-GO28308 with the are often isolated drivetrain models, which do not provide
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, in part by the Energy Innovation direct insights on the dynamic interactions with other compo-
Programme Office of the Singapore Economic Development Board, and in
part by the Energy Research Institute at Nanyang Technological University. nents of the wind turbine. The most recent study [18] takes a
Recommended for publication by Associate Editor Wenzhong Gao. decoupled approach in which the global turbine response was
I. P. Girsang and J. S. Dhupia are with the Nanyang Technological Univer- first simulated using an aeroelastic tool. Then, the resulting
sity, Singapore 639798 (e-mail:;
E. Muljadi, M. Singh, and J. Jonkman are with the National loads and motions of the rotor as well as the nacelle were
Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401 USA (e-mail: used as inputs to a high-fidelity drivetrain model to simulate;; its internal dynamic responses. Thus, this approach fails to
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at capture the influence of the drivetrain internal dynamics onto
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JESTPE.2013.2284096 the overall turbine response.
2168-6777 © 2013 IEEE

Flexible drivetrain inherits eigenfrequencies in its dynamics. TABLE I

Harmonic excitations that match any of those eigenfrequencies M ODEL PARAMETERS OF GRC W IND T URBINE
(i.e., resonance) can be detrimental to the turbine reliabil-
ity. During resonance, the system experiences large torsional
vibrations and fluctuating loads get transmitted. This in turn
shortens the lifetime of the drivetrain components due to
fatigue. In a fixed-speed turbine, the drivetrain eigenfrequen-
cies can be designed not to interfere with the harmonics of
the drivetrain rotational frequency. However, within the wide
speed range of a variable-speed turbine, there are certain
rotational speeds that can excite some of the drivetrain eigen-
To attenuate the resonant loads, various control strategies
have been proposed for wind turbine applications. Active
damping of the drivetrain and tower resonant modes was first
proposed in [19] for full load operation (i.e., above the rated
wind speed), and subsequently addressed in [20] and [21].
It proposes the use of bandpass filters (BPFs), which can
be tuned around the tower and/or drivetrain eigenfrequencies.
The proposed controller regulates the generator torque to
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of DFIG.
dampen the dominant drivetrain and tower modes based on a
feedback control law using the generator speed measurement.
This approach was also adopted for full load operation in deliver the required electromagnetic torque. In all of the afore-
[22]. This time, it uses the band-pass filtered generator speed mentioned studies, the role of the controllers is to regulate the
measurement to manipulate the blade pitch angle, instead of generator torque to actively add damping into the drivetrain.
the generator torque, to dampen the drivetrain torsional mode. As illustrated in the later part of this paper, such controller
The filter was gain scheduled to consider the nonlinear aerody- does dampen the load at the drivetrain eigenfrequency, but
namics. The BPF-based approach was applied for partial load induces additional load at another frequency location. The
operation (i.e., below the rated wind speed) in [23]. Multiple proposed controller, however, injects additional inertia through
BPFs were used in to dampen all the drivetrain torsional the generator torque to temporarily shift the eigenfrequency of
modes. the drivetrain only when it passes through its inherent resonant
The generator torque can also be used to dampen the region. Beyond the resonance, no compensating torque is
transient drivetrain resonance in the event of grid fault in required and the maximum power capture controller runs
both fixed-speed [24] and variable-speed turbines [25]. For unchanged during normal operation. Simulations using the
such cases, the use of power system stabilizer to help dampen high-order drivetrain model verify the effectiveness of the
the drivetrain was proposed in [26]. The BPF-based method proposed virtual inertia controller (VIC) to mitigate resonant
for active torsional damping was adopted for wind turbine load.
generators (WTGs) with full-rated power converter in [27].
A model-based torsional vibration damper was proposed in II. W IND T URBINE D ESCRIPTION
[28] as an alternative for the BPF-based one. This model- Table I summarizes the important properties of the wind
based approach uses Kalman estimator to deal with parameter turbine used in the Gearbox Research Collaborative (GRC)
uncertainties, which can occur within the turbine system. [32] at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Reference [29] has shown that the inherent simple drive- (NREL). The GRC wind turbine originally employs two
train model of FAST yields inaccurate and incomplete pre- fixed-speed induction generators. To model the variable-speed
diction of the drivetrain eigenfrequencies. Thus, this paper operation, the WTG is modeled using a DFIG, shown in
investigates the response of a wind turbine drivetrain using Fig. 2. In this paper, an average model of the AC / DC / AC
the enhanced capability of FAST through integration of a converter is used, in which the power electronic devices
higher fidelity dynamic model of a drivetrain. The proposed are replaced by controlled current sources. The induction
drivetrain model is built using Simscape [30], [31], which is generator model is based on a commercial wind turbine of
a part of MATLAB/Simulink library specialized for modeling the same rating available in the market. Table II summarizes
physical systems. This model helps in design and verification the key parameters of the generator and the converter, which
of active control strategies to mitigate the drivetrain loads in are used to build the variable-speed WTG model in the
the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Simscape/SimPowerSystems environment [30]. The drivetrain
This paper aims to design a novel power-electronics-based of this GRC turbine is adopted in this paper to build a dynamic
controller, using a concept of virtual inertia to preserve the drivetrain model and to design the controller to mitigate the
life of the drivetrain components, especially the gearbox. resonant load.
The controller is implemented in this paper on a doubly fed Fig. 3 shows the steady-state speed and power character-
induction generator (DFIG) to regulate the rotor current to istics of this turbine using the DFIG. As shown from the


Fig. 4. Modular drivetrain configuration of wind turbine.

Fig. 5. Two-mass model of wind turbine drivetrain.


This paper focuses on a commonly used modular drivetrain
configuration in operating wind turbines [8]. Fig. 4 shows
the building blocks of the configuration. The GRC multistage
gearbox consists of a planetary gear stage and two parallel
gear stages, with two intermediate shafts.
Fig. 3. Speed and power characteristics of the NREL 750-kW GRC turbine. Fig. 5 shows the configuration of the two-mass model
commonly used to model the dynamics of drivetrains in wind
power curve, the output power of the variable-speed WTG turbine aeroelastic tools, such as FAST [1]. Inputs into this
is controlled to track the maximum power coefficient between model are the five parameters: Jrot , kd , cd , N, and Jgen . This
the wind speed of 3 and 11.7 m/s, while maintaining a constant simple model lumps the rotor (i.e., the hub and blades) into
pitch angle at its optimum (i.e., −3.5° for this turbine). Once an inertial body and the rest of the drivetrain as another one.
the wind speed increases above 11.7 m/s, the pitch controller Jrot and Jgen are, respectively, the inertia of the rotor and
(not shown in this paper) is activated to limit the rotor generator, θrot and θgen are, respectively, the angular position
rotational speed at its rated value. Power converters are used of the rotor and generator. kd and cd are, respectively, the
to control the output power of the WTG, whereas the pitch equivalent torsional stiffness and damping of the drivetrain,
controller regulates constant generator speed and keeps the and N is the overall gear ratio. Due to the low degrees
mechanical stresses on the wind turbine structure within the of freedom considered in this model, it is very limited in
design limits. The linear relationship between the rotor and describing various drivetrain configurations and its complex
wind speed of this turbine is shown in Fig. 3. In variable- dynamics. Previous study has also highlighted incomplete and
speed operation, the rotor speed ωrot is proportional to the inaccurate prediction of eigenfrequencies using the two-mass
wind speed Vw model [29]. Accurate prediction of the drivetrain eigenfrequen-
cies is imperative to design effective controllers that mitigate
λopt Vw
ωrot = (1) the resonant load.
Rrot Thus, a higher fidelity model based on lumped parameter
where λopt is the desired optimum tip-speed ratio and Rrot is approach is adopted in this paper to model the drivetrain.
the rotor radius. Despite not being apparent in the steady-state Lumped, or discrete, parameter approach models a mechanical
characteristic shown in Fig. 3, the wind turbine may experience system as concentrated masses, springs, dampers, and point
resonant excitations at certain operating rotor speeds. The forces or torques. Each mass is characterized by finite number
resonance causes undesired fluctuations in the transmitted of degrees of freedom. Only the torsional degree of freedom
torque, resulting in large fatigue loads. Controllers, such as the is considered in this paper. Thus, each shaft is modeled as
one presented in this paper, can be designed and implemented an ideal massless torsional spring and each gear is modeled
to mitigate or prevent the resonant loads and hence to preserve as an inertial body. Gear transmission error exists within
the design life of the drivetrain. the gearbox. This error is defined as the difference between

Fig. 6. (a) Parallel gear stage, (b) dynamic model representation, and
(c) model representation in Simscape/SimDriveline.

Fig. 8. Torsional model of planetary gear stage with M planet gears in



Fig. 7. Planetary gear set with three planet gears.

the actual and ideal angular positions of the rotating gear,

which is primarily caused by the gear elastic deformation.
This phenomenon contributes to the definition of gear meshing
stiffness [33]–[37], which plays an important part in the
dynamics of the meshing gears.
In this paper, a purely torsional model of the gear- The rotational input enters from the carrier of the planetary
box with constant meshing stiffness is built in the Sim- gear stage, which provides rotational motion through the planet
scape/SimDriveline environment. The model development and gears, and finally to the sun gear. The ring gear is modeled to
analysis of both planetary and parallel gear stages are briefly have flexible coupling with the gear housing. Meshing stiffness
discussed in the following sections. The development and between each planet–ring gear pair and planet–sun gear pair
simulations of this drivetrain model are discussed in detail can be modeled similar to that of a parallel gear set using
in [31]. (2), in each of which the planetary gear is the driving gear.
Fig. 8 shows a torsional model of a planetary gear set built in
A. Parallel Gear Stage the Simscape/SimDriveline environment. This model can be
Fig. 6(a) shows a parallel gear set, which is a torque reducer, adapted for any M equally spaced planet gear set.
commonly employed in wind turbine drivetrains. Fig. 6(b) rep- Frequency response function analysis can be performed on
resents its flexible equivalent, in which the constant meshing the Simscape/SimDriveline drivetrain model to find out the
stiffness acts along the line of action of the meshing gears. eigenfrequencies of the drivetrain [31]. Table III summarizes
This stiffness kmesh , with respect to the driving (i.e., input) the eigenfrequencies of the GRC wind turbine drivetrain.
gear, can be represented as [6] Exciting any of these eigenfrequencies leads to load amplifica-
tion in the drivetrain. This paper takes the resonant excitation
kmesh = kgear (rb1 cos β)2 (2) around the first drivetrain eigenfrequency as a case study.
where the gear tooth stiffness kgear can be determined accord-
ing to international standards [38], [39]. C. Campbell Diagram
A source of harmonic excitation that can induce the drive-
B. Planetary Gear Stage train resonance is the blade passing frequency and its harmon-
Fig. 7 shows a planetary gear set with three planet gears, ics. This excitation occurs due to the aerodynamic interaction
which is the configuration installed in the GRC drivetrain. each time a blade passes in front of the tower (i.e., the tower

Fig. 10. Control diagram of the DFIG rotor side converter to regulate the
generator torque.
Fig. 9. Campbell diagram of the GRC drivetrain with respect to the blade
passing frequency and its harmonics.

shadow effect). The i th harmonic of blade passing frequency

is dependent on the rotor rotational frequency f rot as
f b,i = i m f rot , i = 1, 2, 3, ... (3)
where m is the number of blades (i.e., m = 3 for this turbine).
Fig. 11. Schematic implementation of the SDC.
Fig. 9 shows inclined lines, which are the variation of the
blade passing frequency and its harmonics as a function of
the current controller is implemented as controlled current
the rotor speed. The shaded region shows the operational
sources, which deliver the required currents. Different use
speed range of the turbine. The red dotted horizontal line at
of the two controllers in power converters to manipulate the
2.24 Hz shows the first drivetrain eigenfrequency. Intersection
compensating torque is discussed as follows.
between this horizontal line and any of the inclined lines shows
the occurrence of resonance at the corresponding rotor speed.
Point R highlights a resonance due to the second harmonics of A. Baseline SDC
the blade passing frequency at 22.4 revolutions/minute (r/m). The baseline SDC was first introduced in [19] and adopted
The higher drivetrain eigenfrequencies will only intersect by researchers in various aspects of wind turbine operations
with very high harmonics of the blade passing frequency, [20]–[27]. The controller manipulates the generator torque to
which have very small excitation energy. Therefore, only the provide additional damping at a certain frequency by feeding
first eigenfrequency is investigated in this paper. the generator (or rotor) speed measurement through a BPF of
a form
H (s) = G 2 (5)
The drivetrain can experience resonance at a particular s + 2ζ ωs + ω2
operating speed due to the excitation that matches its first where G is the feedback gain. In this paper, ζ = 0.25 (i.e.,
eigenfrequency. To prevent excessive loads due to such res- a narrow bandwidth) was chosen and ω is tuned to the first
onance, a novel control method, which is based on a virtual eigenfrequency of the drivetrain. Fig. 11 shows the schematic
inertia concept, is formulated in this section. Performance of implementation of the SDC. The ωrot,opt is the optimum
the proposed controller will be compared against a baseline rotor speed that ensures maximum aerodynamic power capture
stress damper controller (SDC), which is also formulated in according to (1).
this section. Both controllers aim to introduce a compensating
torque τcomp to mitigate the resonant load
B. Virtual Inertia Controller
τem = kopt ωrot + τcomp (4) The eigenfrequencies are dependent on the inertia of a
where τem is the electromagnetic torque from the genera- system. The equation of motion of drivetrain with respect
2 is for maximum
tor. The generator torque law of kopt ωrot to the turbine rotor side (i.e., the low-speed side) can be
aerodynamic power capture. Fig. 10 shows the control dia- expressed as
gram of the rotor side converter of the DFIG. The reference
ref using (4) can be achieved by Jtot ω̇rot = τaero − Nτem (6)
electromagnetic torque τem
regulating the rotor current through the current controller, where Jtot is the total effective inertia of the drivetrain and N
which takes measurements from both the rotor and stator is the overall gear ratio. By defining the generator electromag-
sides. As discussed in Section II about the DFIG model, netic torque τem as in (4) and setting the compensating torque

Fig. 12. Schematic implementation of the VIC.

τcomp as
τcomp = −J ω̇rot . (7)
The compensating torque τcomp now injects additional virtual
inertia −J ω̇rot into the drivetrain. This is to be done only
if the drivetrain passes through its inherent resonant region. Fig. 13. Proposed schematic diagram of integrating the Simscape drivetrain
model into the FAST aeroelastic tool.
In doing so, the controller temporarily shifts the closed-loop
eigenfrequency of the system and thus avoids the resonance.
Beyond the characteristic resonant region, there is no compen- torque as an output. However, as the rotor acceleration αrot =
sating torque τcomp is required. In other words, the maximum ω̇rot is an available FAST output, the aerodynamic torque
power capture, which is implemented as the τem = kopt ωrot 2 in
τaero can be reconstructed using (8) to be one of the inputs
the DFIG WTG, is kept intact during normal operation. to the external drivetrain model. In this process, the rotor
Fig. 12 shows the schematic implementation of the com- inertia Jrot is assumed constant and replicated in the external
pensating torque of VIC. The unity gain BPF of VIC is tuned SimDriveline model. The rotor inertia is connected to the
according to (5). It is important to note that herein the BPF is flexible low-speed shaft, the purely torsional gearbox model,
used to check whether there is any excitation at the frequency the high-speed shaft, and the generator inertia. For general
of interest (i.e., the first drivetrain eigenfrequency). Logic is application, the electrical machine and grid model will take
implemented to check the magnitude of the filter output and the generator speed and provide the generator electromagnetic
decide that the system is under resonant if the magnitude torque to the drivetrain. This electrical machine and grid model
exceeds certain threshold. In this paper, hysteresis logic is is built using the SimPowerSystems, based on the adopted
implemented to decide whether to add zero, medium, or high DFIG in Table II. In this paper, instead of taking the generator
virtual inertia J . The tuning of the SDC and VIC gains speed, the model takes other variables, as shown in Fig. 10.
(i.e., G and J , respectively) are discussed in the following The two controllers considered in this paper are incorporated
section. inside the SimPowerSystems model.
The rotor opposing torque τopp is required as an input to the
FAST drivetrain model as well as to calculate the aerodynamic
Fig. 13 shows the proposed strategy to integrate the torque τaero . In SimDriveline, this rotor opposing torque can
described drivetrain models with the FAST aeroelastic tool, be retrieved using the torque sensor element behind the rotor
instead of using its inherent two-mass model. Simulations inertia element. In general, torque, velocity, and angular-
using this integrated model were conducted in the Simulink position sensor elements can be placed flexibly within the
environment. The results are presented in the following SimDriveline model to monitor the response of the drivetrain
section. under various load conditions.
The structural properties of the GRC turbine as well as
the wind excitations are loaded into the FAST Simulink
block [1]. For simplicity, the flexible modes of the other
turbine components modeled inside FAST, such as those of the Simulations using this integrated model under different
blades and tower, are not depicted in the schematic diagram wind profiles were performed to verify the effectiveness of
shown in Fig. 13. In FAST, the two-mass drivetrain model the proposed VIC and to compare its performance with the
is reduced to a single-mass model, consisting solely of the baseline SDC.
rotor and a massless rigid shaft (as shown in the bottom part The simulation comprises of three tests. The first test aims
of Fig. 13). This is done by deactivating the flexibility of to investigate the performance of the controllers under a
the drivetrain (i.e., simulating rigid transmission) and setting wide frequency range as well as to tune both controllers
the gear ratio and the generator inertia to unity and zero, to facilitate the comparison between the two. In this first
respectively. The rotor equation of motion can be expressed as test, the simulation was performed using a hypothetical sinu-
soidal wind speed input with varying frequency. The wind
Jrot αrot = τaero − τopp . (8)
speed input has average wind speed of 9 m/s and ampli-
FAST internally calculates the input aerodynamic torque tude of 1 m/s. Initialization for 50 s with constant wind
τaero from the defined wind profile, but does not provide this speed input of 9 m/s was performed to allow the turbine

Fig. 14. Sinusoidal wind excitation at varying frequency.

Fig. 16. Drivetrain responses under constant wind speed of 9 m/s: (a) turbine
rotor speed, (b) generator output power, and (c) drivetrain torsional load.

the drivetrain total effective inertia. These defined gains were

used for subsequent simulations.
Under the harmonic wind excitations, both controllers are
shown to be effective in mitigating the resonant loads at
2.2 Hz. However, the SDC is shown to induce additional load
at another frequency location of 1.8 Hz, which is the damped
natural frequency. This is a major drawback as the drivetrain
load at this condition becomes larger than that of without any
controller, as shown in Fig. 15(b). On the contrary, as shown
in Fig. 15(a), the proposed VIC specifically mitigates resonant
Fig. 15. Comparison of transmitted drivetrain load under sinusoidal wind load only around the eigenfrequency and does not amplify the
excitation: (a) without controller and with VIC, (b) without controller and response at other frequency locations.
with SDC, and (c) with SDC and VIC. The other two tests illustrate scenarios in which the exces-
sive load can happen under constant wind speed profiles.
to reach steady-state condition before the harmonic exci- Fig. 16 shows the simulation results under constant wind
tation was applied. The frequency of excitation increases speed of 9 m/s. The rotational speed of the wind turbine
step by step from 0.6 to 3 Hz with an increment of rotor was initialized to be 22.1 r/m. Fig. 16(a) shows the
0.2 Hz. Each harmonic excitation lasts for 40 s. Fig. 14 rotor speed response that increases to reach the optimum
shows the first 120 s of this sinusoidal wind excitation at rotor speed that ensures maximum capture of the aerodynamic
0.6 and 0.8 Hz. power. The plot lines from the three cases (i.e., without any
Fig. 15 shows the transmitted torque through the drivetrain controllers as well as with SDC and VIC) superimpose each
in term of the rotor opposing torque τopp. It is important to other that virtually only one line is visible. The maximum
note that the loads transmitted through other shafts within the power capture is verified in Fig. 16(b), which shows the same
drivetrain have similar profiles as the one shown in Fig. 15. average in the generator output power from the three cases.
As expected, a large fluctuation in the drivetrain load occurs However, according to the Campbell diagram in Fig. 9, the
at the sinusoidal wind excitation of 2.2 Hz (i.e., between 370 wind turbine drivetrain is predicted to undergo resonance due
and 410 s), which is close to the first drivetrain eigenfrequency to the second harmonic of the blade passing frequency at
in Table III. To facilitate a fair comparison, the gain G of the rotor speed of approximately 22.5 r/m. The prediction
SDC and the high J of VIC were tuned to achieve similar is verified as large fatigue loads are transmitted within the
performance in mitigating the loads during resonance, as drivetrain if no controller is being implemented, as shown
shown in Fig. 15(c). To enhance the performance of VIC in the in Fig. 16(c). Both SDC and VIC are shown to effectively
vicinity of resonance, a medium J, defined to be one-third reduce the fluctuations in the drivetrain load. Furthermore,
of the high J, is injected to the drivetrain. For this turbine, the controllers introduce slight improvement in the generator
the virtual inertia J takes values of 0.05% and 0.15% of output power variation.

power capture controller runs unchanged during normal opera-

tion. This is of importance as the baseline SDC has a drawback
of inducing additional load at another operating condition. The
simulation results show the effectiveness of the VIC, which
performs better under the range of tested wind speed and
frequency excitation.

The authors would like to thank G. Mandic for providing
the FAST input files to model and simulate the GRC wind

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The capability of the FAST aeroelastic wind turbine code pp. 3098–3113, Nov. 2011.
has been enhanced through integration of a dynamic model of [14] Y. Guo, J. Keller, and R. Parker, “Dynamic analysis of wind turbine
planetary gears using an extended harmonic balance approach,” in Proc.
a drivetrain built using Simscape in the MATLAB/Simulink Conf. Noise Vibrat. Eng., Sep. 2012, pp. 1–18.
environment. In this paper, the model is used to accurately [15] Y. Guo and R. G. Parker, “Dynamic modeling and analysis of a
predict the possible resonant excitations that can induce large spur planetary gear involving tooth wedging and bearing clearance
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fatigue loads in a variable-speed turbine. To mitigate such Nov./Dec. 2010.
load, this paper proposes a use of novel controller in the [16] M. Todorov, I. Dovbrev, and F. Massouh, “Analysis of torsional oscil-
power converters to manipulate the eigenfrequency of the wind lation of the drivetrain in horizontal axis wind turbine,” in Proc. EPE
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turbine drivetrain by introducing additional virtual inertia in [17] Y. Xing and T. Moan, “Multi-body modelling and analysis of a planet
the compensating torque. The VIC shifts the eigenfrequency of carrier in a wind turbine gearbox,” Wind Energy, 2012.
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is no compensating torque required and traditional maximum turbines,” Wind Energy, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 149–163, 2000.

[20] E. A. Bossanyi, “Wind turbine control for load reduction,” Wind Energy, Jaspreet S. Dhupia (M’13) received the B.Tech.
vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 229–244, 2003. degree in mechanical engineering from the Indian
[21] E. A. Bossanyi, “Controller for 5MW reference turbine,” UpWind, Institute of Technology-Delhi, Delhi, India, in 2001,
Falmouth, Cornwall, Tech. Rep. 11539/BR/04, Jul. 2009. and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engi-
[22] A. Dixit and S. Suryanarayanan, “Towards pitch-scheduled drive train neering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
damping in variable-speed, horizontal-axis large wind turbines,” in Proc. MI, USA, in 2004 and 2007, respectively.
44th IEEE CDC-ECC, Dec. 2005, pp. 1295–1300. He has been an Assistant Professor with Nanyang
[23] G. Mandic, A. Nasiri, E. Muljadi, and F. Oyague, “Active torque Technological University, Singapore, since 2008,
control for gearbox load reduction in a variable-speed wind tur- where he is leading a research group engaged
bine,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 2424–2432, in modeling, monitoring, and controls of electro-
Nov./Dec. 2012. mechanical drivetrains. He is the author of more than
[24] Z. Xing, L. Liang, H. Guo, and W. Xiao-Dong, “Damping control study 25 peer-reviewed articles.
of the drive train of DFIG wind turbine,” in Proc. ICEET, vol. 1. Prof. Dhupia has been a member of ASME since 2006. He has served
Oct. 2009, pp. 576–579. in organizing committees from the IEEE/ASME International Conference
[25] M. Molinas, J. A. Suul, and T. Undeland, “Torque transient alleviation in on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics in 2013 and the American Control
fixed speed wind generators by indirect torque control with STATCOM,” Conference in 2014.
in Proc. 13th EPE-PEMC, Sep. 2008, pp. 2318–2324.
[26] F. Zhang, W. E. Leithead, and O. Anaya-Lara, “A combined controller
design of power system stabilizer and wind turbine drive-train damp-
ing filter,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Sustainable Power Generation Supply,
Sep. 2012, pp. 1–6.
[27] H. Geng, D. Xu, B. Wu, and G. Yang, “Active damping for torsional
vibrations in PMSG based WECS,” in Proc. IEEE 25th Annu. IEEE
APEC, Feb. 2010, pp. 2126–2131.
[28] J. Licari, C. E. Ugalde-Loo, J. B. Ekanayake, and N. Jenkins,
“Damping of torsional vibrations in a variable-speed wind tur-
bine,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 172–180,
Mar. 2013.
[29] I. Girsang, J. Dhupia, E. Muljadi, M. Singh, and L. Pao, “Gearbox and
drivetrain models to study dynamic effects of modern wind turbines,” Eduard Muljadi (M’82–SM’94–F’10) received the
in Proc. IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo, Sep. 2013, pp. 874–881. Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
[30] The MathWorks, Inc. (2012, Mar.). Simscape User’s University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, WI,
Guide, Natick, MA, USA [Online]. Available: http://www. USA. He was with California State University at Fresno,
[31] M. Singh, E. Muljadi, J. Jonkman, V. Gevorgian, I. Girsang, and Fresno, CA, USA, from 1988 to 1992. In 1992,
J. Dhupia, “Simulation for wind turbine generator—With FAST and
he joined the National Renewable Energy Labora-
MATLAB/simulink modules,” National Renewable Energy Lab., tory, Golden, CO, USA. He holds two patents in
Golden, CO, USA, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5500-59195, in press. power conversion for renewable energy. His current
[32] F. Oyague, “Gearbox reliability collaborative (GRC) description and research interests include electric machines, power
loading,” Nat. Renew. Energy Lab., Golden, CO, USA, Tech. Rep. electronics, and power systems in general with an
NREL/TP-5000-47773, Nov. 2011. emphasis on renewable energy applications.
[33] A. Kahraman, “Load sharing characteristics of planetary trans- Dr. Muljadi is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi, and an Editor
missions,” Mech. Mach. Theory, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1151–1165,
Nov. 1994. in the activities of the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS), the Power
[34] J. Lin and R. G. Parker, “Planetary gear parametric instability caused by Electronics Society, and the Power and Energy Society (PES). He is currently
mesh stiffness variation,” J. Sound Vibrat., vol. 249, no. 1, pp. 129–145, a member of various committees of the IAS, and a member of the Working
Jan. 2002.
Group on Renewable Technologies and the Task Force on Dynamic Perfor-
[35] M. T. Khabou, N. Bouchaala, F. Chaari, T. Fakhfakh, and mance of Wind Power Generation, PES.
M. Haddar, “Study of a spur gear dynamic behavior in transient
regime,” Mech. Syst. Signal Process., vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 3089–3101,
Nov. 2011.
[36] H. Liu, J. S. Dhupia, and S. Sheng, “An explanation of frequency fea-
tures enabling detection of faults in equally-spaced planetary gearbox,”
Mech. Mach. Theory, in press.
[37] H. Liu and J. S. Dhupia, “A time-domain fault detection method
based on electrical machine stator current for planetary gear-sets,”
in Proc. IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. Adv. Intell. Mechatron., Jul. 2013,
pp. 1631–1636.
[38] Calculation of Load Capacity of Cylindrical Gears, Standard DIN 3990,
[39] Calculation of Load Capacity of Spur and Helical Gears, Stan-
dard ISO 6336-1, 2007.

Irving P. Girsang (S’12) received the B.E. degree Mohit Singh (M’11) received the M.S. and Ph.D.
in mechanical engineering from Nanyang Techno- degrees in electrical engineering from the University
logical University (NTU), Singapore, in 2011. He of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, in 2007 and
is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the 2011, respectively.
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering He is a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the National
and Energy Research Institute, NTU. His study is Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA,
funded by the National Research Foundation (Clean on transmission and grid integration of renewable
Energy) Scholarship, administered by the Energy energy. His research is focused on dynamic model-
Innovation Programme Office Singapore. ing of wind turbine generators. His current research
He was a Visiting Student Researcher with the interests include modeling and testing various appli-
National Wind Technology Center, Boulder, CO, cations of wind turbine generators and other renew-
USA, from 2012 to 2012. His current research interests include modeling able energy resources.
and control for load mitigation of wind turbine drivetrain. Dr. Singh is involved in the activities of the IEEE Power and Energy Society.

Jason Jonkman received the Ph.D. degree in validate the simulation software, has published many papers on wind turbine
aerospace engineering sciences from the University dynamics, and assisted in the certification of wind turbine design loads. He is
of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, the M.S. degree in currently leading the wind turbine dynamics model development activities at
mechanical engineering from Colorado State Univer- NREL. Prior to joining NREL, he was a Researcher with the DOE’s Industrial
sity, Fort Collins, CO, USA, and the B.S.E. degree in Assessment Center, Colorado State University, and a Tool Design Engineer
mechanical engineering from Dordt College, Sioux with the Commercial Airplane Division of Boeing.
Center, IA, USA. Dr. Jonkman is a Co-Chair of an IEA research annex on developing
He joined the National Renewable Energy Lab- and verifying simulation models for fixed bottom and floating offshore wind
oratory (NREL), Golden, CO, USA, in 2000, and energy concepts. He is the Principle Investigator for a Department of Energy-
is the Lead Developer of the FAST and FAST-to- funded project to improve the modeling of offshore floating wind turbine
ADAMS preprocessor computer simulation software system dynamics and is providing guidance to several projects aimed at
for modeling the dynamic response of land- and offshore-based wind turbines. validating these models. He is the U.S. representative on the IEC working
He provides technical support to designers, consultants, and researchers group to develop an international standard for the design of offshore floating
throughout the wind energy industry. He has performed studies to verify and wind turbines.

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