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JOKER (2019)

Students: Javiera Sepúlveda, Sebastián Inostroza,

Yehison Gonzalez, Franchesca Sotomayor

Joker is a film belonging to the Psychological thriller
genre based on the story of the DC character "The
Joker" from the Batman comic, which is given an
alternative origin story.
Played by Joaquín Phoenix and accompanied by actors
such as Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz and Frances Conroy
in the cast of actors.

Arthur Fleck is a clown with a strange mental illness.
He dreams of his own stand up comedy show. But the
situation is not favorable., because make him a
frequent target of aggressions. Fleck is attacked, but
this time he decides to be the victimizer. As chaos
ensues, the underappreciated Arthur has gained
popularity, his life takes a radical turn.

Arthur Fleck is the main actor of the movie. Arthur is a
unsuccessful clown and comedian disregarded by
society, who lives with his old mother, who is mentally
and physically ill.
Murray Franklin is a talk show host who plays a role in
Arthur's downfall.
Sophie Dumond is a single mother, who Arthur's fall

- Social criticism about the lack of empathy for mental
- Addressing and criticizing social and governmental
- Interesting production and plot development capable
of captivating.
- Extreme characterization of the main actor

The movie have a interesting Plot.
Putting them in his point of view and understanding
why he becomes a villain.
Generate reflection on the public.

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