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Cell notation and potential


For the following problems, if the concentration is not indicated, assume the system to be in standard state.
c = 1 mol/L, p = 101.3 kPa, T = 25 °C.

1. For each of the following cell notation, write the corresponding balanced redox equation. Also, calculate
the cell potential (E) assuming standard conditions. From the potential, tell if whether the reaction is
spontaneous or not.
a) Mn(s) | Mn2+(aq) , HCl(aq) | H2(g) | Pt
b) Cu(s) | Cu2+(aq), H2SO4(aq) || Cd2+, H2SO4(aq) | Cd
c) Pt(s) | H2(g) | H+(aq) , Сl− | AgCl(s) | Ag (s)

2. From each of the following redox reactions, write a suitable cell notation.
a) Volta: Zn(s) + 2H+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + H2(g) (hydrogen is produced on a copper electrode)
b) Daniell: Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s) (Cu2+ reacts with Zn therefore: 2 half-cells)
c) Nicholson / Carlisle: H2O(l) H2(g)+ O2(g) (water electrolysis with NaCl(aq) on Pt electrodes)
d) Grove cell: Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq) + 2HNO3(aq) ZnSO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) + 2NO2(g)
(NO2(g) is produced on Pt(s) in HNO3)

3. Consider the Beketov series: (+) Ca, Al, Mn, Cr, Zn, Cd, Fe, Pb, [H 2], Cu, Ag, Au (−)
Use this series to predict whether or not each of the following reaction is spontaneous.
a) Zn2+ + Pb4+ Zn + Pb2+
b) Al 3+
+ Cu +
Al + Cu2+
c) Cr + Cd2+ Cr2+ + Cd
d) H2 + Ag +
2H+ + Ag

4. Sketch a complete electrochemical cell based on the following cell notation

a) Cd(s) | Cd2+(aq, c = 0.15 M) || Ag+(aq, c = 0.20 M) | Ag(s)
b) Zn°(s) | Zn(NO3)2(aq), HCl(aq) | AgCl(s) | Ag°(s)

5. Write the cell notation corresponding to the following electrochemical cells.

a) Lithium battery for pacemaker b) Nickel-cadmium battery


1. a) Mn(s) Mn2+(aq) + 2e– E° = 1.18 V

2H (aq) + 2e
+ –
H2(g) E° = 0.00 V
2H (aq) + Mn(s)
Mn (aq) + H2(g)
E° = 1.18 V spontaneous

b) Cu(s) Cu2+(aq) + 2e– E° = -0.340 V

Cd (aq) + 2e
2+ –
Cd(s) E° = -0.403 V
Cu(s) + Cd (aq)
Cu (aq) + Cd(s)
E° = -0.743 V not spontaneous

c) H2(g) 2H+(aq) + 2e– E° = 0.00 V

2AgCl(s) + 2e –
2Ag(s) + 2Cl (aq)

E° = 0.2223 V
2AgCl(s) + H2(g) 2Ag(s) + 2Cl (aq) + 2H (aq) E° =
– +
0.2223 V spontaneous

2. a) Zn | Zn2+(aq, c = 1 mol/L) H+(aq, c = 1 mol/L) | H2(g) | Pt

b) Zn | ZnSO4(aq, c = 1 mol/L) || CuSO4(aq, c = 1 mol/L) | Cu
c) Pt | O2(g, p = 1 atm) | H2O(l), NaCl(aq, c = 1 mol/L) | H2(g, p = 1 atm) | Pt
d) Zn | ZnSO4(aq, c = 1 mol/L) || HNO3(aq, c = 1 mol/L) | NO2(g, p = 1 atm) | Pt

3. a) not-spontaneous b) not-spontaneous c) spontaneous d) spontaneous


a) b)

5. a) Li(s) | LiI(s) | I2(s) | Ti(s)

b) Cd(s) | CdO(s) | KOH(aq. sat) | NiOOH(s) | NiOH2(s) | Ni(s)

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