A Deatailed Lesson Plan in Media and Infromation Literacy in Grade 11

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At the end of 1-hour discussion, Grade 11 students should be able to:

a. Determine the different source of information;

b. Explain where to find information source;
c. Recognize the importance of proper use of source of information source in making research/
assignments and activities.


Topic: Media and Information Sources

References: Media and Information Literacy in the 21st century.pp.37-46 by: Angeline P. Bautista Jr.
Jessica Mariz R. Ignacio.

Materials: Laptop, Cellphone, Headset, PowerPoint Presentation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine (One student lead the prayer)

“Let us pray first. Anyone who wants to lead their

Good morning class! Good morning Sir.

Checking of Attendance Yes Sir.

Is everybody’s present?

B. Motivation
This activity has a connection to the lesson that I am Answer’s vary
about to discuss you, class.
 9856721
So are you ready?  4545700118
First we have here two sets of numbers, so if you can
notice the one is a short one and the other one is
longer, then I would like you to try to memorize the
I’ll give you 10 seconds to do that, I know that it may
be quite challenging.
Ok time starts now.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1….

All right let’s find out if you can write the answer.
Who wants to volunteer to recite the numbers?
Student’s express their class
And what is your observation?
Who wants to share their observation? It’s about source of information sir.

Yes Bea, can you share your observation?

Information is acts provided or learned about
How about the others? something or someone.

C. Presentation
Now based on the activity, do you have any idea if
what lesson are we going to tackle today? Anyone?

Today’s lesson we are going to discuss the media and

information source.

Very good!

And what ideas comes in your mind, when you hear Student volunteer to answer:
the word information? Yes Bea? It is any resource that serves as a means of
communicating to a general, public audience.
Very good!

When we say information it is everywhere, it is a

powerful and essential element decision-making.
People rely on different information source in making
choices, crafting solutions to problems, and more.

And today’s lesson we will determine the different

sources of information, to find the information sources
and to determine the importance of proper use of
source of information.

And to start with, let us define first what is meant by

media and information source.

What do you mean by Media and Information source?

Anyone? A primary source is an original, uninterrupted, or
“First-hand” material of information, created by
Very good! the person directly involved in an activity or an
Information source are the procedure or givers of
information, and people who use it are the consumers.

The sources also serves as the means by which people

record information for future consumption. There are
a lot of information sources available today. Even
people are considered information sources with their
personal experiences, opinion, and stories.

Before dealing with media and information sources let

us discuss first the types of information sources.

In general, there are three types of resources or

sources of information: We have primary, secondary, Student’s volunteer to answer:
and tertiary. It is important to understand these types
and to know what type is appropriate for your Primary source also include:
coursework prior to searching for information.
 Speeches
So let’s us tackle the Primary Source  Autobiographies
 Personal Letters
Can you read Juliana?  Photos
 Diaries
 Manuscipts

Thank you Juliana

It provides researchers and students a closer look on

the original ideas and experiences of events based on
the first-hand experiences of the person(s) who
created it. This rawness makes primary sources more A secondary source provides information obtained
reliable and valid, while allowing the reader to through a number of primary sources, and has
interpret the information, rather than rely on the undergone editing and interpretions.
interpretation of other authors of writer.

Who can give an examples of Primary Source?


Very good!

So those are the example of Primary Sources:

Next we have the Secondary source

 Articles
Can you read Aloha?  Dictionaries
 Histories
 Magazines
 Newspapers
 Biographies

Thank you Aloha

Secondary source may offer interpretation of the

information gathered from primary sources, providing
a different perspective for the readers.

Its also created by someone who did not experience

first-hand or participate in the events or conditions
you’re researching. For a historical research project,
secondary sources are generally scholarly books and

Who can give the examples of secondary resources?

Anyone? A tertiary Source consist of summaries and
collections of both primary and secondary sources.
Very good!
Those/here are the examples of secondary sources.

In addition most research uses both primary and

secondary sources. They complement each other to  Indexes
help you build a convincing argument. Primary sources  Textbooks
are more credible as evidence, but secondary sources  Encyclopedia
show how your work relates to existing research.  Study guides
 Manuals
And the last one is Tertiary source can you read  Dictionary
Enriquez?  Database

Thank you Enriquez

Unlike the first two types of information sources,

tertiary sources are not always considered to be When we say print it is a printed in hard copies.
acceptable materials for academic researches as they When we say non-print, there are through soft
only provide overviews of the original references. copies.

Who can give the examples of tertiary sources?

Any idea?  Books
 Periodicals
 Newspaper
Very good!  Magazines
 Photographs
 Reports
 Journals
 Dictionaries
 Encyclopedia
 Government documents
 Records

Now that you are able to characterized the different

types of information sources, it is also vital to
acknowledge that they can be classified into two
formats, namely Print and None-print.  Audio
 Video
 Microform
Can you differentiate the Print and Non-print,  Digital documents
Yes Samanth?  Other materials in digital formals, usually
saved in computer, compact disk, DVD’s
Very good! and other storage devices.

And what are the examples of Print?

Library catalogs, article Database, Reference

Resources, Search Engines

Very good!

How about the examples of non-print?


A library is a building or room that contains a

collection of books, periodicals, and/or audio-visual

Very good! Your answer are all correct, so those are

the example of print and non-print.

If we do research of do some homework the question

is where can we find sources of information? Any

Very good!

There are a number of places to go as information

sources, the most common of which is the library. The internet is a global network of computer that
allows computer users around the world to share
So what is meant by library information for various purpose (shelly and
Anyone? campbell 2012)

It also provides easy access to reliable and essentials

resources for research. most schools have libraries of
their own; some city government have too. In the
Philippines National Library of the Philippines serves as
the premier library which house the most number of
printed materials in the country.

Next we have the INTERNET, what do you meant by


Yes Manuel?

Right, In This new age, most people especially the The Folklore, folk music and dances, and other
younger generation, prefer the internet as a go-to indigenous art are considered as indigenous media.
place in search of information. Compared to a library,
the internet is more accessible and more convenient
to use. In split-second, a researcher can obtain
answers to his/her query in search engines’ search

And the last one Indigenous Media.

Indigenous media refers to a form of media

conceptualized, produced, and circulated by
Indigenous people as vehicles for communication,
especially for cultural preservation, cultural and
artistic expression, political-self determination and
cultural sovereignty (Wilson, et AL 2015).

So what are those examples? Do you have idea what

are those? Yes Perez?
Evaluating information encourages you to think
critically about the reliability, validity, accuracy,
authority, timeless, point of view or bias of
information source. Just because a book, article, or
website matches your search criteria does not
mean that it is necessarily a reliable source of
Very Good! inform

These are the examples of Indigenous media.

In this previous segment, It was said that the materials

in library can be considered as more reliable sources
of information than the internet, however, this cannot
always be true.

It is important that one should be able to discern

meticulously the facts from the bogus, the logical from
Fallible, and the valid from the valid.
Why evaluating sources of information is important?
Yes Pallaga?

Very good!

There are two different types of information:

Truths and Untruths.

In evaluating info text information-Whether text,

image, audio, or multimedia-one must remember to
ask the following questions.
1. What/Who is the source of information?
It is necessary that before you believe an
information, you must first know or who is its
information source can be bibliography.

These are the examples of citations and

Second question is:

2. What is the medium used?

 The medium used in presenting the
information is also crucial in
evaluating information.
3. What is its purpose?

 Information sources have reasons why

they present information:
- To form
-To persuade
- To entertain
- To advertise
Generally, educational media such as researchers,
dissertations, journal, program, and like are
created to inform. Primary source are original materials on which
other research is based, including: original written
4. How is the information made? works – poems, diaries, court records, interviews,
The answers to this question will vary upon surveys, and original research/fieldwork, and
the type of information being evaluated. Text, research published in scholarship/academic
visual, audio, and multimedia all have different journals.
styles and guidelines in production. Secondary sources are those that described or
analyze primary sources, including: encyclopedia,
textbooks, and books and articles that interpret ,
To further assist you if we truly understood review, or synthesize original research/fieldwork.
our topic for today let’s have application. Tertiary sources are those used to organize and
locate secondary and primary sources.
D. Generalization
What are the different types of information

Libraries collect and provide access to published

materials in order to keep people informed,
promote scholarship and provide entertainment.
Archives collect and provide access to unpublished
materials in order to ensure government
accountability and to preserve institutional and
cultural memory

Very good!
Enumerate some example of indigenous Information can come from virtually anywhere –
sources in the country. social media, blogs, personal experiences, books,
journal and magazines article, expert opinion,
newspaper, and websites – and the type of
information you need will change depending on
the question you are trying to answer.

Very good!
What is/are the difference (s) between an Media sources are important because the medium
archive and a library? in which we receive a message shapes the
message. Print media were developed first and
include books, newspaper, newsletter and
magazines. At first, public officials didn’t have to
worry about media coverage since political parties
ran the newspapers.

Very good!
Where else can you find information sources
aside from the library, internet, and
indigenous media?

Very good!
What is the relevance of the studying the
various types of media and information
sources? FALSE




Good job class! Your answers are all correct!

It seems that you truly understood our topic

today, for the last time for me to further
assess your knowledge about sources of
information let’s have another activity.

E. Application
Which of the following do you believe are
true, and which are false? TRUE OR FALSE
1. Library is the most reliable source of
2. Indigenous sources of information are no
longer relevant today.
3. Secondary sources are more dependable
that primary sources.
4. People should avoid using the internet for
sourcing information.

Good job class!


Find the answers to the following questions using both library and internet. Indicate your specific sources in the
table below, alongside your answers.

1. When was the Internet LIBRARY INTERNET

Created? Answer: Answer:

Source: Source:

2.Who Developed the Answer: Answer:


Source: Source:

3.What is the first Answer: Answer:

library in the

Source: Source:


Collect information about any of the following topics.

1. Current president of the Philippines.

2. Current vice president of the Philippines.
3. Current mayor in your city/municipality.
Make sure retrieve information from the following media:
 Newspaper
 Television/radio
 Internet
Remember to include the newspaper title/program title/website from which you have retrieved your

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