SWOT Analysis

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Company: Rolling Pin

Registered Brand: Brave Brand Co LTD

Strength (Mayuri):
- Loyal customer base -earn points for rewards
- Online platform, social media presence
- New market, not much competitor

Before we go to the SWOT analysis, I will briefly introduce you to our company, the
Rolling Pin. The Rolling Pinn is a vegan bakery originated in Thailand, the owner started
from a small online business and now there are several stores available around which is
under brave brand.. They sell a variety of goods but they are well known for cookies and

Starting with strength, Rolling Pinn has a loyal customer base. One of the reasons is that
with every purchase, customers can collect points to earn rewards. Having a loyal customer
base is considered a strength because it improves the brand's reputation, customers are
likely to repurchase. In addition, Rolling Pinn is an online based business so having a loyal
customer can increase word of mouth.
High custom retention

Another strength would be that they have a high social media presence such as on
Instagram and Facebook. It reaches a large group of audience which could lead to new
customers and also it is less costly to advertise online. As they receive orders online, they
can save costs such as rent fee, employee's wages and training costs.
-high creativity
Weakness (Puwit):
Now let’s move on to Rolling Pinn’s weakness. Rolling Pinn was established in 2018
meaning that they just entered the market 4 years ago. Entering the market late could
provide Rolling Pinn with significant disadvantages over their competitor since their
competitors are allowed to build their loyal customer base before Rolling Pinn making it
harder for Rolling Pinn to penetrate the market. Well, the bakery market is also a very
saturated market meaning that they have a lot of competitors making it even harder for
rolling pinn to penetrate the market. For this reason, Rolling Pinn have to adopt a distinct
position and strategies to be able to compete with their competitor.
The next weakness Rolling Pinn have is also tie with being new to the market. Since
they just recently opened, they also don’t really have enough cash flow to hire a lot of staff.
Low numbers of staff mean they are very vulnerable to staff being sick or staff leaving.
Another weakness for Rolling Pinn is they have a specific target market(show site,
target woman) which means their staff will need a specific set of skills to operate. This
further adds significance to their personnel and makes it even more devastating when they
lose their employee. They might have to motivate their staff with perks(perhaps) and train
them to keep their skill up-to-date with their new product idea to reduce their staff turnover
Opportunites (Moly):
Holiday events, Valentines, St patricks
Events imply potential customers celebrating together
Veganism trending
Grab delivery promos
Increasing disposable income
New malls opening-up
Developed preference for sweetness
An increased amount of vegans in bangkok
Seasonal ingredients
Their main order form comes from online ( through instagram social media and LINE)
quarantine or lockdown could potentially be a good oppor

Threats (Sea):
- Changes of consumers preference (Healthier),
- Economic recession
Now we can have a look at rolling pin’s threats. One of the threats to the company's
sales is the healthier eating trends. From the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, sugary
foods and drinks are heavily consumed in Thailand, and the health conditions which derive
from bad eating habits are becoming more concerning. From the data, Thai’s sugar intake is
25 teaspoons per day while the amount recommended by the World Health Organization is
only 6 teaspoons per day. There has been multiple researches stated that sugar is
significantly contributing to Non Communicable diseases (NCDs) which account for 74%
deaths in Thailand, or 400,000 people per year. Since the health problems become much
clearer and more concerning, people might change their eating habits toward healthier ones,
eating less sweets for instance. The government is also trying to promote healthier eating
habits, one of the methods is to impose tax on the use of sugar in foods and beverages.
Another threat is the economic recession. When we are experiencing an economic
recession, our wealth becomes lower and we have to decide how to allocate our money
carefully. When people have limited money and decrease their spending, it will have a
significant impact on the sales of bakery shops. Especially for Rolling pin which is
considered to be a luxury and niche bakery, and the wealth and purchasing power of the
middle income class becoming even lower, economic recession is going to have a significant
impact on Rolling pin’s sales. Economic recession will affect the production side too. Every
manufacturer has a problem with the increase of the production cost during the economic
recession because of the factors of production becoming more expensive due to inflation.
Unemployment is also going to be high during the economic recession, so it will be even
harder to find an employee to work for the company.
As a conclusion of our research, Rolling Pinn have a loyal consumer base with strong social
media presence allowing them to capitalize on online delivery, veganism preference, and
seasonal ingredient. However, being new to the market and having a low number of staff will
hold them back from being able to capitalize on a seasonal holiday event and make Rolling
Pinn suffer greatly from economic recession.

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